The Sevan Podcast - Answering Dave Castro’s WIR Questions | Will The CrossFit Games Survive?

Episode Date: April 3, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of americam express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply what's up guys thanks for hanging tight for a second i don't know what the hell happened i like turned on my my computer and stuff and then um like none of my plugins worked random at first i thought it was just the roadcaster as you guys know we always have issues with the roadcaster but uh i don't know something with the plugins all i think are you guys watching?
Starting point is 00:01:25 Do you guys have up on the other screen? You got the Brian friend and Matt Frazier going down right now? I had it up prior. We listened to it. Where can we help out? Where can we be a benefit? But yeah, we do a bunch of stuff like that. Not all that gets posted.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Sure. Anyhow, you go check that out. I saw at the same time, I was like, great. Now I got to compete with Frazier. That ain't going to happen. Anyhow, thank you for joining me on the show. We got a couple of things I'm going to talk about today. Number one, we'll go into, I thought it'd be fun.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I was looking at some of the questions from the Dave Weekend Review Show that we did last night. And I was like, that might be fun just to go and answer the questions as if I was doing the Dave Weekend Review Show. So we'll play with some of those questions. And then I have some interesting stuff here for you guys. I kind of made up these, made up some of these numbers here, made up some of this information here as our hypothetical scenario, maybe made up or maybe took from 2018. I don't know. We'll see. Maybe they're false.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Maybe they're real information. I'll give you guys. You could be the judge of that when we go through. The topic of will the CrossFit Games survive? Will the CrossFit games survive? I had this on here too. I thought this comment. Get an interaction for this show.
Starting point is 00:02:53 This comment's crazy. Centennial programming. Bryson, Centennial is a CrossFit program. Matt wouldn't like it. Fucking dig. That's a dig for sure. Okay, enough of that. So, whatever.
Starting point is 00:03:13 I'll listen to the rest of that afterwards. All right. So how's everybody doing? Thanks for it. Chris, I'm here for you. Thank you, sir. I appreciate it. I guess this what's up. Howdy, Judy. Judy Reed, back of napkin math. Yes. Manny, I qualified for quarterfinals. Nice job, dude. Way to go. That's cool. You know, I know people, a lot of people had opinions on, uh, the 25% coming in and was like, you know, they experimented. It's a lot. And like, it's too easy now or whatever, but I actually thought, um, the same, Oh shit, my bad. And then once, um, once I saw people, the members of the gym interacted with like the fact that they got to make quarterfinals and we have a bunch more people going through it and stuff this year, I was like, okay, I see it now. That's cool. People
Starting point is 00:03:54 were stoked to make it stoked. More people made it. That's cool. CEO Fondle here for me. Thank you, Steven Flores. What's up, man? How you doing? I saw somebody put something up here. Barclay Dale. Suzy, I DMD for Taylor versus the world. Awesome, dude. I'll check that out. I coached four classes in a row this morning.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Damn, it was a long morning. Had 5.30 a.m. class. Great group. Had my firefighter academy afterwards. And then I coached the eight and the nine. Jammed here. Had some breakfast. Panicked because none of my shit was turning on. And now I'm here with you fine folks. So thank you for joining me this afternoon.
Starting point is 00:04:35 So we'll jump right into the questions of Dave. This is Dave Castro, Week in Review. You guys remember when it used to actually be a Week in Review? Like when he would tell you what was going on and what he was doing, and then it just solely turned into addressing questions. I wonder, do you think that's because there's not like a lot going on right now? Or do you guys think that, or do you guys just think that he's just more into the questions?
Starting point is 00:04:56 Or is there something secretive? Everything in CrossFit competition is a secret. I'm kind of over the secretive stuff. I don't know why. As an affiliate owner, I'm definitely over it. You're sitting here and you're like, oh, I wonder how we're going to plan for and deal with quarterfinals. And it's like, well, you're not going to know
Starting point is 00:05:14 until you have to actually plan and deal with it. And then they say like, oh, we made it nicer for you. So it fits in with the affiliate. You could run it as a class program and everything, which is really cool. I like the fact that they took that into consideration this year. Obviously, we still don't have any information to plan around it, but at least they're taking the affiliates
Starting point is 00:05:33 and how the logistics have to go and everything else would take place because that's always the hard part as an affiliate owner. Some of these affiliates, too, because they did the 25% and they have hella people going through them. Hella, because I'm from the Bay area. Hella. I got made fun of quite a bit for saying that, especially when I was at the games last year. Christian, love those days. Get it, Susie. Yeah, it is. It is fun. I do. Like when I get into a group of having to coach multiple classes in a row like that, it's, it's fun. Um, Augustus,
Starting point is 00:06:03 are you as good as a coach for the fourth class as you are for the first class? I would like to think so, but for me personally, I stay away from, um, having any of my coaches do more than three classes in a row, because I do know that your energy level drops. It's hard to hold the enthusiasm. So we have a rule at the gym that, um, unless it's an absolute necessity, like, you know, someone's on vacation or we're short coverage that day, then it's three classes in a row at max. Ideally, you do two classes back to back because you always like improve in that second one, right? Because like you kind of get your feeling and the flow down in the first one, you're like,
Starting point is 00:06:37 okay, I could do better on the second one. And then usually we'll have like a break or two throughout the day, or you won't coach the next class and then you'll come in and close coach the third one because it's all about preserving your energy level your attentiveness your enthusiasm like when you're the coach and you're in front of that class that whole entire class and the energy on it of it and everything else solely depends on you like imagine if you started a class or even this show and I was like, hey, this is my like fifth class in a row today. I'm dying. Go ahead, guys.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Oh, here's the workout. Go ahead and grab your barbell. Like, no, fuck that. Like, you got to come in hot. What? Come to my class. It's like a five-minute comedy show nobody asked for. Or a TED Talk.
Starting point is 00:07:22 I always make the joke. Sometimes I'll rant in something in front of the class and then they're all staring at me like, dude, it's not a podcast. What are you doing? And I'm like, thank you for coming to my Ted talk. Um, Steven for Sousa, when during the day do you do your fitness? So that just depends. Typically I'll do it in the middle of the day, one to three, when the gyms close, I'll work out with grace. I'll work out with Albert. Like we'll kind of, uh, get into the, we'll just do the class workout. Maybe they do some extra stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:47 I typically never do extra stuff anymore. I just do my programming at the class. Lately, I've been coming into the afternoon and working out with my classes. So I'll work out with a 3.30 class. Yesterday, I worked out with 4.30 class. Today, I'll work out with 4.30 class. And I've really been enjoying working out with the classes. And that's pretty much what I've done for the last eight years.
Starting point is 00:08:08 There's maybe a period of time when I would do extra outside programming because I wanted to be competitive. And then we'll also maybe work out with the class with the Metcon or whatever. But yeah, I work out with my class. Yeah, I do the class programming. Bailey Walker. I think he only just wants to do it for a certain amount of time and the questions are taking too much time.
Starting point is 00:08:32 You're probably right. He probably wants to keep it to like 30 minutes or so. I guess Chris Cooper talks to us about needing a break after X hours depending on the individual. Yeah, 100%. Yep, yep, yep. I agree completely um austin hartman my second class is always my best class totally right like you get your flow down like
Starting point is 00:08:52 you got it together you've made adjustments in the warm-up to maybe like logistically make it work better or make it like logistically like move a little smoother or something like that but yeah our coaches do mostly three, usually two. That's about the right number. That's about the right number. On average, how many times on average a day do you have to say, stop complaining and work harder? To myself, a lot. Because as you know, I have a lot of things going on, and sometimes I could easily kind of get a little poopy pants attitude about it. I saw another one of these questions up here that I wanted to answer. Susie, you should come out to the Two Brain Summit in June.
Starting point is 00:09:37 You could do behind the scenes to promote Two Brain. Interesting you mentioned that, Christian. Interesting you mentioned that. Not saying I am, not saying I'm not. Just saying interesting you mentioned that Christian interesting. You mentioned that not saying I am not saying I'm not just saying interesting. You mentioned that a clang and bang thoughts on all coaches needing to be taking classes weekly. I do fall into that camp. I think that if you're the affiliate owner, if you're a coach, you do need to be doing, you know, the programming, you do need to be taking your own classes.
Starting point is 00:10:08 You have to, if you have other personal goals outside of that, that's fine, but find a way at least once a week to get in there with a class and work out alongside your people. There is like, if we get in a stretch or I get in a stretch of working out during the middle of the day, because that's just what the time allows for me. I know that when I come into a class, a ton of people will mention and be like, Oh, it's cool that you're in class with me. Oh, cool. You're working out with me. So like sometimes as coaches or as a affiliate owners,
Starting point is 00:10:34 we forget how important it is to sweat alongside the members or sweat alongside the people that we coach every day. I do think that that is a, that is an important thing to do. Yeah. I mean, and I'm, I get it. You have your own goals. Maybe you have competitive goals or you're working on something. That's fine, but still find a way to get in there and sweat next to your people. I do think that that is important. It's not the only thing you have to do all the time, but it is important. Christian, if you come come i'll buy you dinner with the standee well shit who could pass that up kidding me count me in uh jake felton hey susan any talks of getting crossfit down to indie for fdic crossfit down to indie for fdic shit dude you're gonna have to help me out i probably know
Starting point is 00:11:23 exactly what you're talking about but i can't't decipher it from that acronym. Hold on. Is this actually true? Is this, this is going to, okay. So Matt Frazier on Be Friendly has 151 people watching and I have 123. That's fucking incredible. I'm so pumped about that stupid, silly, corny sound effect because of that. about that stupid, silly, corny sound effect because of that. I'll take it. I'll take it. Took the words out of my mouth with the weekend review being a Q&A basically now. Yeah, it definitely is. It used to kind of give you this whole like, oh, so I started out with this. I was over here traveling and doing this, working with this person. Now there's none of that. Now it's just directly into questions. But Bailey made a good observation and said that maybe he just tries to get through a bunch of them. FDIC is a firefighter conference. Oh, cool. Oh, big firefighter conference. Shit,
Starting point is 00:12:16 I don't even know about that. God, I should go down there for that. I'll look into that. I need to get some more details. That's cool. Firefighter or fire department instructors conference. Damn. Yeah. How do I get involved with that? I don't get the ball with that. Um, do not set the bar that low. Susie, compare yourself to BF. No, no. I was comparing myself to Matt Frazier, comparing myself to Matt, to Matt Frazier. comparing myself to Matt, to Matt Frazier. And that was stupid anyways. Oh, you guys, this is a trip. Okay. So, um, a year or so ago, I started this book and then for whatever reason, I like sat it, I like set it down and then got distracted with other shit and then picked it back up, uh, uh, like a month ago and finished it off. I'm not, I'm not recommending you read this unless you're into like Apple or whatever, but the line at the beginning,
Starting point is 00:13:04 how Apple became a trillion dollardollar company and lost its soul, and the differences between the company going from Steve Jobs to Tim Cook, who's now the CEO, the parallels between Greg Glassman being that Steve Jobs-like figure and then leaving the company. We know Steve Jobs passed away. But that transition from the founder, the innovator, the disruptor, leaving and then the business man, for lack of a better word,
Starting point is 00:13:32 stepping into it and how it's changed the company Apple versus what's happening across right now. It's crazy some of the parallels between that. But like I said, I'm not recommending you read that unless you're into like Apple and learning about companies because otherwise you will get so bored.
Starting point is 00:13:51 You will get so bored. Now Get With The Programming is live too. You guys doing it to us? No, I mean, I don't know. They have their times. Everybody has their times and we just kind of do our thing. It is what it is. It would be hard to like schedule all of them across and i feel like in within that crowd within the get with the programming the hiller shows um the uh coffee pods and wads like all that like i'm i'm kind of low guy on the totem pole just gonna start here so they all get precedence of the timing over me and unfortunately this is the only time that i have so here we are all right let's get into some of these comments. Dave's Week in Review for the upcoming week, 4-1.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Can you guys see those okay? I mean, obviously, I'm going to read them, but okay. So let's find the first one that's actually a comment. These are all just basically kissing Dave's ass. Hi, Dave. Love how you do those drop-ins to support local affiliates have you ever considered doing this internationally say in asia or australia also would be great to bring back the crossfit invitationals to me that was the highlight of the season back in the thing when it was back back when it was a thing yeah so i would would imagine Dave stops into all the CrossFit gyms
Starting point is 00:15:05 when he's traveling, but to travel specifically to Asia and Australia, especially like in the season where we are with the games and stuff right now, I don't see him doing that specifically to drop into those gyms. But I do know that I would say out of everybody that's worked at CrossFit HQ,
Starting point is 00:15:21 Dave's probably dropped into the most CrossFit gyms. That would be an interesting stat. But I feel like, yeah, I feel like he's probably been the most. Turntables. Apple hasn't had an innovative product since Steve passed away. Yeah. And that's all in the book. And it talks about it.
Starting point is 00:15:43 But now it's like a $4 trillion company. It's insane. But yeah, no innovation in a long time. Find another question here. Not a lot of questions. People just kind of like comment about it, huh? Hey, Dave, big fan. Any info on the service cup?
Starting point is 00:16:01 I saw an article about the prior to the open, but I haven't seen anything since. Should I answer it as if I'm Dave? Thank you, tbone548. We're looking into that. The team is in discussions about the service cup, and I'll get back to you. Hey, Dave, you talked before about, should i start with the name dan taylor
Starting point is 00:16:28 one eight nine six hi dave you've talked uh before about one hours of training not being effective for strength work in metcons as it's too much to cram in do you think lifting slash strength work should be done separate into two sessions for most effectiveness. Example, an hour 30 lifting slash strength training in the a.m. and in the p.m. 30 to 45 minutes Metcon cardio work or mix both together over two hours. Your last question was thoughts on high rocks athlete and athletes moving over such as Mal O'Brien and Christy O'Connell. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:17:07 Did I screw that up or was that question weird? Dave will probably mostly respond in the terms of an affiliate. And here's the deal. If you put in a lot of strength stuff ahead of time and then you put in a Metcon and your total working time there is like 40 minutes or something like that, you basically leave yourself no time
Starting point is 00:17:24 to actually coach any members. Because if you're going to go through and give some points of performance and watch some people's movement and give some feedback and stuff like that, if you have like a 40 minute total working time or worse, a 45 minute total working time, because you have this like strength portion and all this stuff, and then you have a longer Metcon, you're basically just herding cats and like logistically moving them through the steps of the class. That's why in programming, we've always just seen just the strength and just the Metcon. Now, with that being said, that's really hard to sell as a business because people want to come in and they want to get strong
Starting point is 00:17:59 and people want to come in and they want to sweat before they leave. So you have to find a balance there. Typically, what we do at the gym is like three out of the three, maybe four days out of the six days that we are open at the gym, we'll do some sort of strength before, but we'll have some continuity between the strength that you're doing and the lifts that we're doing and the lifts that are happening in the Metcon. So typically, if we're doing some sort of front squat or something like that for our strength,
Starting point is 00:18:24 you'll have some sort of front squat in the workout. Um, if we're doing like a squat clean in the, in the strength, um, then we'll have squat cleans in the Metcon. And then that way, it's a little bit easier. You could teach the movement, you get some time for people to get heavy, practice lifting it, what have you. And then, um, you, you know, adjust the weight accordingly and then you start the Metcon and that makes it easy to get in a little strength and also to allow the people to get through a Metcon and sweat without sacrificing coaching. Rick Ellis, 6'8". Hey, Dave, do you think there will be guest programming for main site workouts again? Yeah, that was interesting. They did that for a little bit, and then they kind of stopped, right? don't what did you guys like the guest
Starting point is 00:19:06 programming i thought it was kind of gimmicky i mean it was cool a little bit in theory where they brought people but all they were trying to do is drive a bunch of more like traffic and attention to the um to crossfit main site workouts nothing wrong with that but i wasn't like it didn't do much for me. So-and-so's programming, oh, you know what would fucking blow it up out of the water? If they really wanted to draw a bunch of attention to sites or to the workouts, if they had Hiller guest programming, that would be crazy because everybody would be like,
Starting point is 00:19:42 what? It's Hiller? It would freak out and that would draw a ton of attention to it. So look through some of those questions. A guy says, we have 36 minutes worth of working time tomorrow. It's all going to be time management rushed. Yeah. And sometimes that's okay. Every once in a while, that's okay. It's the
Starting point is 00:20:06 problem is it's like, that's the meat and potatoes of your programming every single time. Then yeah, you want to reduce that. So you could give your time, you give your coaches some time to actually coach the movements, um, and go through it and give some feedback and get people moving better. Uh, so yeah, I don't know about the guest programming stuff but that might have just been might have been a flop might have been a flop uh you see see you in lion in may question mark okay i don't know what that is. Plot player player five, nine, eight, three. Hi Dave. Do you have an ideal CrossFit athlete in mind? For instance, are you trying to steer the direction of people programming to heavier emphasis on conditioning or perhaps higher skill in volume
Starting point is 00:21:06 gymnastics. The community has put so much emphasis on weightlifting throughout the years. It makes me wonder if you see a deficiency in other areas. That's a good question. I wonder if... That's a good question. I think that they would probably look at the programming in total and start to fill in holes. We've seen it go really high, heavy weight, weightlifting. And then we've also seen it swing the other way and go like more emphasis on high skill. So I think as long as it's balanced and when you look, when I say balance, you look over the totality of like the games test and the whole season. And then you look at the totality of maybe the last few years as well. the totality of maybe the last few years as well that um i'm sure dave is paying attention close attention to that and is making adjustments necessary to make sure that there's not too much of an emphasis placed on one or the other and if there is usually it'll swing the other way and it'll balance it out over time uh dan gall 81 hey dave is there a reason we've never seen any kettlebell movements in the open in the quarterfinals yeah dude think about it how are you gonna judge that if you're gonna say like a straight arm and like over the
Starting point is 00:22:08 head like you do have to cover the ear do you see the ear come through the other way i mean you guys seen the people that do the kettlebell swings and they like their arms stay bent the whole time and they're like duck underneath it or some weird shit i think in terms of movements for quarterfinals and open or matter of fact any movements that you're doing, we're doing it in an online setting. It has to be super cut and dry, meaning like I started on this side of the box. I touched the top of the box. I ended on the opposite side of the box. Rep was clear. That's why you never really see pull-ups in the open or anything either, because you have to go from hanging low to your chest hits the bar, right? Clear contact points, clear, easy things
Starting point is 00:22:46 to look for. That's why you'll probably never really see like in the open for, for that matter, like running or road climbs or certain movements like triple unders or something like that, like where there's too much of a gray area in terms of judging it. That's, it just gets tough. And it's already hard with clear and cut dry standards let alone mixing movements in there where you could easily blur the lines so i would say we probably i would say we won't see it and then watch it show up in quarterfinals this year but yeah anytime there's a lot of gray area um hey dave can you provide your review on Matuthian powder? Fuck yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Fall Dawn. Look at this. Got mine today, boy. Look at that. I'm excited to try it. I hyped it up yesterday. If you guys listen to the show and I was like, I'm going to go live and try it like super early in the morning, but I realized I left it at the gym. I ship everything to the gym.
Starting point is 00:23:39 It's easier. Makes it gets it there. It doesn't, this apartment complex sometimes gets, uh, packages disappear, but not at the gym, but then I gets it there it doesn't this apartment complex sometimes gets uh packages disappear but not at the gym but then i left it there so i got up this morning and wasn't able to rock and roll with my metuthion but we'll give it a try tomorrow oh that is clever chris that is that is clever um yeah maybe again oh i think we already read the mountain lion thing and we're joking because we're like 12 daily doses was super nice to that um okay uh baby sandys can you say after reading the questions if it comes from someone from the u.s or other continents. I have a feeling that from most of the topics and how it asks, it becomes obvious if it is a US or non-US question. Thank you for your reviews.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Well, that's a non-US question. Because again, that was fucking jumbled on fall. Hi, Dave. Have you had the opportunity to catch a weekly season show on this? Oh, you guys are great. You guys are great. I'd be willing to bet everybody one jar of Matuthian. He completely ignores all the comments that have my name in it. Houston, Texas, 94. Dave, question about constantly pushing to an affiliate. I live in a small town that has one CrossFit affiliate. Great gym. I used to be a member and it cost $150
Starting point is 00:25:14 for a family package with no childcare. A must when you have a nine-month-old. We got our YMCA, which got $65 a month for a family. Where the fuck are you where it's $150 for your family? Like two people? Is that what that means? And you're paying $150 each or together. It costs $65 a month at the YMCA for a family with childcare. And they have a class that all the coaches are L1s and follow mayhem programming and they push the open. What is that about? Call the lawyers, y'all. Call the lawyers. You better make them affiliate. And they push the open. When there are gyms that could provide a near identical product community result for a fraction of the
Starting point is 00:26:05 cost can you give me a reason why you believe an affiliate is still justifiable besides that it helps crossfit go grow which i completely understand dude you found your solution what do you mean no he's gonna say go to some other places that are stealing the methodology not even taking it from uh mayhem and doing it in their gym when they're not even uh licensed affiliate like what do you guys get this question i'm not i'm not with this question chase hi hey i heard you guys have a show what's happening We got to coordinate. Bernie, what's up, dude? Finally, a question the review crew can get behind.
Starting point is 00:26:52 A rando who gets it and is not a tard. I immediately judge gyms that don't do their own programming. We might have similar thoughts in that question. We might have similar thoughts in that. Okay. So back to this. Yeah. Did you guys get that question? I don't understand. He's basically saying like, why are you pushing people to CrossFit? Because he works for fucking CrossFit, dude. And the CrossFit affiliateship is their bread and butter revenue. And if CrossFit affiliate starts to dive too much, meaning a decline in people affiliating,
Starting point is 00:27:22 they don't want to pay the $4,500. They decide that it's not worth it because they're going to go to some YMCA thing, which is extremely well funded. And they could support bottom dollar costs like $65 a month for your childcare or whatever you need. If that happens, the CrossFit Games are gone. If affiliates start losing money, and you've already seen a decline in the L1 training. Those seminars are not as full as they used to be by all means anymore, which in my opinion is a fault of the media and us highlighting it,
Starting point is 00:27:54 not the fault of the actual certain in and of itself. But if you're like, come on, dude, he works for the company. Of course he's going to do it. No, no, go to some other place that's taking everything we do and not paying for it. I don't... Did you guys get that? I don't get that question. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Carlos, Inesor, Inesor, Inesor, fuck, I can't talk. Are we going to know the quarterfinal workouts released tomorrow? Yes. I'll be doing them here live on my show.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Yes. Yes. I'll be giving you guys all the quarterfinal workouts. We'll bring in JR to do those. Iron Kid 5. Any advice to ensure a CrossFit box programs correctly? Oh, kind of on the topic that you guys are on in the comments here. Can members report it to HQ?
Starting point is 00:28:46 Damn, out here snitching, dog. What are you going to say? How does that... Hold on. Ernesto. Thank you, Carlos. I don't know why I couldn't get that out. I had a Joe Biden moment.
Starting point is 00:29:02 GJP. Any advice to ensure a CrossFit box programs correctly? Can members report it to HQ? My current gym has horrible workouts. It seems like over the last 24 months, multiple members have had shoulder and back injuries. Oh, shit. Workouts are never shorter than 25 minutes. Okay. Red flag. Skills are taught during the workout. Like in real time? Hmm.
Starting point is 00:29:34 I've come across some old members and they say CrossFit caused the injuries, which is not right if the head coach lacks the knowledge. Very true. What's the reply here? 25 minutes is too long for matcons consistently um coach is a smooth brain that's a nice that's like a nice insult right a smooth a smooth brain um yeah that sucks no i don't like i the reported to hq part is like you have to remember it's a licensing model so even if somebody called CrossFit headquarters and somebody actually like,
Starting point is 00:30:08 who would that be? Jada Coons or something picked up and he's like, hello. And they're like, Hey, these, this program sucks. Like,
Starting point is 00:30:15 I don't think there's much that they could do other than just suggest maybe you look for another gym. Um, but if the workouts are never shorter than 25 minutes, that's already a huge red flag. Obviously everything should be constantly varied. Your time includes with that. You should have seven minute, five minute workouts. You should have 30 minute workouts and everything in between. And you could easily analyze a gym's programming. Like if it's public, like ours is public, like you could just go find
Starting point is 00:30:42 it and you could just start looking through all my workouts and you could easily see if it's balanced. What do the time domains look like? Are they going short, medium, long? What's the range of different movements that are in there? How many days are you below parallel? How many days are you pulling? How many days are you pushing? It's pretty easy to look at a program and determine like, hey, does this person actually know kind of what's going on here?
Starting point is 00:31:08 person actually know kind of what's going on here or um do they have their own biased or do they have or do they just lack the knowledge of the methodology that could be very true too there's been lots of times where i've talked with coaches that have been doing it for a while and they'll talk about some workout that they're either programming or that they're going to put in the gym and when i afterwards i hear them say they're yeah, this one will be good. Cause it's just, this one's going to be hard. This one will screw them up. And you're like, what? That's your intention that there's zero intention. Every workout's hard. You could just sprint back and forth a bunch of times and it would become hard. Like there should be some sort of intent. There should be some sort of like something in your program, in that workout that day, that is the emphasis. You should know the
Starting point is 00:31:45 stimulus. You should decide like, Hey, this is going to be, you know, low heart rate, but super like muscular fatigue. We're going to work some dumbbells. People are going to get super sweaty. This one's going to be really high heart rate. It's going to have your, you know, uh, out of breath super quick. It, the reps are fast and light. So it keeps you moving. Like if you can't intelligently explain what the intention of your workout is to anybody who asked the question, then you're, you're not really programming. You're just kind of randomly putting workouts up there. And, uh, I've had, it's funny. I've had conversations cause I, I love to nerd out about it. I don't talk a lot of programming
Starting point is 00:32:21 here publicly with you guys or anything like that. Um, just for, there's lots of other shows that do that. There's lots of other people, Taylor, JR, Chase, Bill. I mean, these guys are fricking great at it, so I just don't need another guy talking about it. But, um, you could tell right away if you ask somebody about their workout and they don't have any intention behind it and they can intelligently explain what they're doing, why they're doing it, how it relates to the other workouts on the mix like run especially if you want to get involved with any first responder stuff you have to be able to justify your workouts as to it relates to their job tasks and if you can't then you'll get tore up you'll lose trust super quick so yeah uh iron kid go go shop around. Find another gym.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Plug a 9DP. Hi, Dave. You are adamant on the you should go to affiliate statement. Hi, Dave. Are you adamant? Sorry. Are you adamant on the you should go to affiliate statement? I'm an L3 trainer and plan on doing my L4.
Starting point is 00:33:28 I've been coaching CrossFit and doing CrossFit for 10 years. I own a small box and where I stand, I no longer feel aligned with CrossFit HQ and I don't feel comfortable giving my money to private equity. Damn. On the other hand, I have visited many affiliates where classes and coaching are shit. And even some affiliates where coaches say the l1 guide is nonsense i believe i'm a great ambassador to the crossfit ethos everything i do i do it because
Starting point is 00:33:54 that's how the l1 guide told me to i'm in charge of a thriving and happy community of 80 plus members congrats but because i'm not affiliated would you just blindly discard the work I've been doing while blindly supporting affiliates who do a shit job and are actually driving people away from CrossFit? That's going to be interesting how he answers that, right? Because at first, I was like, okay, we're just going to throw this dude's thing. But then when you read the rest of it, you're kind of like, oh, shit. But here's the answer he's going to give. Hi, I work for CrossFit to become a CrossFit affiliate. You know, you're asking him kind of to answer an impossible question, especially in a public setting there. But that is interesting.
Starting point is 00:34:38 That is interesting. But yeah, of course, you should stay within the CrossFit affiliates and is what Dave will say. And, you know, the ones that aren't up to par, you would just say that the free market would take care of that. Like if your gym shit and your programming isn't bad or your program is bad and, you know, you're not really doing the right things for the right reasons for your people inside there, like eventually they'll leave and find something else, you know, either way. And the fact that it's all kind of lumped into like, it's driving people away from
Starting point is 00:35:09 CrossFit, dude, here's the deal. There's the Starbucks right up the street from my house that sucks. There's a Starbucks 10 minutes up the street from the house that's better. There's one in Dublin that I passed by that's excellent, So like, of course, even within that much of control with a franchise where, I mean, everything is done to a spec the same way across every Starbucks across the world, you're still going to have ones that do well, and you're still going to have ones that do shitty. So this whole control type thing, or like the last comment said, like call HQ to report it or something like that. It's just a fantasy of the fact if we all did the same thing the same way, they would all be great and they would all be an equal product. And just unfortunately, that's just not the case. Even if
Starting point is 00:35:53 you try to set it up that way, it's not the case. But yeah, so I think he's still going to say go to a CrossFit affiliate. Okay. That's just a comment. But I'm just, so just, I just scanned this. And all I saw, the thing was like, best on your Bible journey. I will say one thing. I feel like Dave has talked about his journey with the Bible quite a bit. More than I've ever heard him talk about any other book. And in the way that it relates to like how he's feeling and how he's acting and how he's perceiving things, which I find that very interesting. And it's funny because when he had
Starting point is 00:36:33 said that a while back, I think on one of the shows with Sevan, I was like, hey, I'm going to try to find, you know, one of the audible things for the Bible that gives you like X amount of verses in a day. So you could get it done within a year or something like that. Right. I got brutally corrected by you Bible thumpers in the comments that you can't do it in a year. I get it. But it's funny because I don't really like I,
Starting point is 00:36:56 that thought was kind of swirling in my head. Mostly because you guys in the comments say it all the time. So like, it's been pretty prevalent for me too. I've never read, read the Bible. And then when Dave did, I was like, Oh, maybe we'll all just like listen to it or something. And it's funny how monkeys see monkeys do, right? Especially for people that we look up to and respect. Oh, you know, I wonder if I'll get in trouble for this. I wonder... Let me think about it. I want to show
Starting point is 00:37:22 you guys part of the video that I made for Dave, which nobody else has seen yet, but I'm wondering if I, if I'll get in trouble for that or not. Should we fucking, should we do it anyways? I don't know. We'll see what you guys think.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Okay. Um, more of just this person just commented strict pull-ups. LOL. Any top athletes who do strict pull-ups more than you can. Thanks for commenting on the novel of Autumn Hunter. Yeah, just strict pull-ups and four people commented on it. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:37:55 I could still do more strict pull-ups than you, says this commenter. Imagine getting in an argument. Who could do more of them than you can on the internet. Climate change. LOL. Stay in Cali. No doubt. Okay,
Starting point is 00:38:15 cool. Cool. Oh, that's the end of it. Days. They, uh, uh,
Starting point is 00:38:19 D whistle 77. Does Dave not believe in climate change with the two eyes? Oh yeah. Because if he doesn't, we could could we could judge him and we could label him something oh yeah believe what we believe or or we hate you okay anyways okay so that was dave's week in review um now we'll watch it to see how many um now we'll watch it to see how many questions he answers that i answered i love that doug always joins in only reason i watch yeah exactly you guys know you guys know hey it's augustus i like the response to the guy doing CrossFit not an affiliate thanks Dave I like that response too like that that was funny that was funny okay well there you go 48 comments as of Tuesday I wonder how many more there will be and we'll see which ones uh he answers that I
Starting point is 00:39:19 answer cool okay hi Dan Captain Rogers what's up dude uh rosie view photography you could definitely do it in a year thank you thank you rosie appreciate that chris it's just us recency bias you could read the bible in a year thanks sean thanks for believing me tyler do it only 118 of us promise we won't say anything okay deal okay deal. Okay, deal, deal. Hey, I just got a comment notification that someone liked my comment. Real time, dude. Here, liking comments in real time. Bernie Gannon. I always like Bernie's. Bernie, I always respect the thoughtfulness you put into your comments. Sometimes I'll just see you out there in the CrossFit ecosystem on other random shows
Starting point is 00:40:05 or different things I'm checking out. I see your comments and they're always thoughtful. That's good. Dave speaks in code and parables. Yesterday's affiliate question answer was about the one true church. The mountain lion answer was really about BLM. Bernie reading between the lines there. Bernie reading between the lines there.ernie reading between the lines there i understand cashrow's answers could be skewed towards him supporting the brand of course he works for them that's who that's who cuts his that's who cuts his checks um but i also believe hq could support coaches just not affiliates completely agree alejandro completely agree i've had like um i've had like so many uh that's me and me. And I forgot to live that. I, um,
Starting point is 00:40:48 uh, and I forgot to, forgot to add that I live in Mexico city. Yeah. Um, going back to your comment here about like, uh, HQ should support coaches, not just affiliates. I dude, I completely agree with that. I think that like, I think CrossFit's biggest asset is education is the L ones to the L fours. You guys have heard me rant on this, but I think that like, I think CrossFit's biggest asset is education is the L ones to the L fours. You guys have heard me rant on this, but I think they could even spill over into, I think there's multiple different places that they could go with, uh, um, with that education. I think they should be the hub of like exercise science and nutrition and everything else. And I think that that should be where all their attention and time goes. Because the upsell from that,
Starting point is 00:41:26 like you take the cert, I'm all pumped. I got all this education. I want to do something. The upsell from that is the affiliateship. And the affiliateship is their long-term product. Because once you become an affiliate owner, you might be around for 10 years. You hope, right? And so if you really invest heavily into education and continue to expand it, continue to put a ton of media behind it. I know I'm preaching to the choir here because you guys have heard Sevan and I talk about how you need cameras inside these L1s so they can highlight all the awesome stuff. Like 100%, that should be where they go. 100%. Chris, DBDoc has like over 300 K did well.
Starting point is 00:42:08 I noticed that the other day too. Yeah, that's doing well. Good for her. That's cool. I still haven't seen, I've watched the, like a first portion of whatever,
Starting point is 00:42:18 but I just haven't, I haven't sat down to, to listen to it or to watch it. And typically like I'll end up listening to some sort of podcast or something. Did you guys watch the Lex Friedman podcast? He had two good ones, Dana White and Mark Cuban for different reasons. And typically, I don't listen to a lot of Lex podcasts anymore. He kind of got boring to me a little bit, but depending on the guests, like when he had Jeff Bezos on, uh, Dana White was a really good one. Yeah. Dan Garrow, Dana White was good. That was a good one. Um, and, uh, yeah, he, um, uh, depends on the guests
Starting point is 00:42:56 he has on, but he's got some really cool people lately. So I recommend you, you do it. Um, uh, Carlos Ernesto got a right buddy. The one with Mark Cuban is amazing. Yeah, it's good. You see the way that he navigated the DEI question? I thought about doing a whole show on that this time, just how he navigated that question. It was really interesting. Mark Cuban is very well media trained. I've always thought, Tyler Watkins, I've always thought CrossFit should be the authority in fitness, but that's a scary weight to pick up. It takes balls. And we had it, dude. We had it with the NSCA case. That was it. They would have gotten buried if they just didn't settle it and seal it up so nobody knows what the hell happens. That should have been the... We should be the authority. CrossFit should be the authority. It has been really, but it could be more publicly the authority. Lupe, my opinion, Dave is talking so much about
Starting point is 00:43:53 the Bible because it came up once and now people ask questions out of curiosity. He doesn't really bring it up unless prompted just an observation. Good observation. You're probably right. Uh, discipline equals freedom. Thanks for always leaving the comments after the live show. He's always like throwing one in there for the algorithm. I appreciate that a lot. Lex is too technical for me. I did watch the Dana White episode. Yeah, that's how I feel too. He gets like, it gets a little technical. I listen to Lex, but he could be so low energy. Also, the all about love schtick is annoyingly naive.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Agreed. Agreed. Okay, we're going to end with this here. Will the CrossFit Games survive? Can the CrossFit Games survive? Put some notes down. Put some notes down for this.
Starting point is 00:44:47 CrossFit has two lines of revenue. And I just talked about it. They got the L1, they got certifications, they got courses. It could be summed up in either educate. I think they call it education now, summed up in education or training. And then we got affiliate fees. Those are the two revenue lines for CrossFit. So then if you would ask yourself, who is CrossFit's customer? Who does CrossFit serve? It should be two things. It should be the affiliate owners first, because that's going to be their long-term revenue. If I could keep my affiliate owners happy, I could keep them in business, help them keep them in business. Then I'm going to be able to have a really robust long-term revenue stream off my affiliates. How do I get them to become
Starting point is 00:45:31 affiliates? I certify them first through education. I have them go through the L1. Now within a year, you have to go through your L2. That's not a bad thing either. I really enjoyed the L1-L2 combo is killer for coaches. If you're a coach and you've been doing it for about six months, maybe a year, go get your L2. I think it's a great combination. And then after I got all my certs and training, I'd become an affiliate owner and boom, those are your two lines of revenue.
Starting point is 00:45:59 And then your certification is now reoccurring revenue every five years or whatever it is. So you can get re-certed because it does expire. So when revenue is offset by costs and an allocated percentage of total company expenses, only affiliation realizes profit. Because if you think about that, the certs cost money to set up and send people out and rent the space and provide all of that. So you have an ongoing overhead expense. But affiliateship, other than supporting the affiliates in terms of a customer service role,
Starting point is 00:46:37 there's really not a lot of overhead on that. You could have a small team kind of run affiliate support and make sure that they're processing new affiliates and applications and all that due diligence that happens there. And then once you get them going, it's like, good, just make sure, try to make sure they're happy if you could do that, right? Or try to support them in some way. So a lot less overhead there. Now it doesn't matter that you would take some of the money from affiliateship to invest that into training. So for easy math, let's just say affiliates make $100 a year. I could take $25 of that, or I could take even $50 of that revenue, and I could reinvest it into training, whether that's media, advertisement, whatever. I could invest that
Starting point is 00:47:25 money into training, newer courses, upgrading courses, whatever the case may be. And that's going to be considered an investment because we now know that the path to affiliateship is through training. So any money taken from affiliates into training is a positive investment into the futures of affiliates. Let me catch up with the rest of my notes here. Now, and again, this is old. I found it on a AI generator. So let's say that you take all your money from affiliates, and instead of invest that into training,
Starting point is 00:48:11 you invest most of it into the CrossFit Games. Now, if you invest that into the CrossFit Games, don't fall. Breathe, Matt. Yeah, you know where I'm going with this, don't you? You know where I'm going with this. In't you know where I'm going with this in the games expense line item bleeds. Exactly. So if you were to take the money from affiliates, if you were to take the, let's say there is a, um, let's say there is a profit margin from training as well too. And I were to take both of, and then I would invest it into the CrossFit Games, you would have to find some sort of way to know that investing into the CrossFit Games
Starting point is 00:48:50 is going to push people into where? Training. Now, if you make the argument that, well, people see the CrossFit Games and then it fills the affiliates, right? So I saw it on ESPN when they would play it at 11 o'clock in November in between sports. And then I'm like, oh, I'm inspired. I see these people doing these amazing things. Now I'm going to go into my CrossFit affiliate. That's great. There's no way to track that. There's no metric that you could tie that. You're just hoping that that marketing works and brings people into the affiliates. But here's the problem with that. That might be good for affiliates and you could make that argument.
Starting point is 00:49:27 But is that good for CrossFit the company? Now, we've seen CrossFit toggle back and forth between the amount of affiliates. We've seen 15,000 touted for a long time. Now we've seen 13,000. We've seen 11,000. We've seen 12,000. We've seen 12,500, right? seen 11,000, we've seen 12,000, we've seen 12,500. So the truth probably lies somewhere in between. Meaning there's probably somewhere between 12,500 affiliates
Starting point is 00:49:52 and 11,500 affiliates. Let's just say that. So if that's in decline, meaning less and less people are opening affiliates, less and less people are signing up for affiliates, you're going to have less and less revenue from that to plug into the games. Which again, we're saying the games is a marketing tool for the affiliates, right? Okay. But if the games are a marketing tool for the affiliates,
Starting point is 00:50:20 and affiliateship is in decline, and I would just go out on a limb. I don't know this for a fact. I don't have the numbers. I would say certifications arehip is in decline. And I would just go out on a limb. I don't know this for a fact. I don't have the numbers. I would say certifications are also in a decline. Now, I could just say this because the L2 I took a couple months back, it was a lot less people in there than it was the first time I took it. And there's a lot less more open available L1s. Back in the day, you would scroll it and for the next three or four months, it would just be sold out, sold out, sold out. And there was a lot more options to take them at different gyms. So seeing that
Starting point is 00:50:48 contraction, just from the information I have on the website, I would imagine that certification of the L1 and L2 is also in decline. So if those two things are in decline, but those two things, we take the revenue from that and we fund it into the CrossFit Games. And then our hope is that people get inspired from what they see from the crossfit games and then they go into affiliates that might be good for affiliates even if you could track it but then how is that good for crossfit the company and the reason why i bring up this point is if we were all on an airplane together the whole crossfit ecosystem hopefully not a boeing so if we're all in this, uh, if we're all in this, uh,
Starting point is 00:51:27 CrossFit airplane together and we're flying and all of a sudden the plane runs out of food. So everybody in there is hungry and starving. The question would be, if you found a meal or a little bit of food, who gets the food? You got kids, you got babies, you got mothers on there. Who gets to eat inside the plane that's flying over the Atlantic with the whole entire CrossFit ecosystem? And the answer is the pilots. The pilots have to have the meal that they found. Everybody's starving. Some people, yeah, Bernie cannibalism. Nope, nope, nope, nope. Not in this hypothetical. They all have to eat. They can't just eat. Matt Fraser, turntable. Great question. Great, great, great, great idea. No, it's the pilots of the airplane. Because if the
Starting point is 00:52:18 pilots die because they don't have the food, then for sure everybody dies, right? The plane goes down. But if the pilots are fed, if everybody else inside the plane is still dealing with their issues and are, you know, maybe turning to cannibalism or whatever, that's okay because the plane's still going to get to ultimately where it needs to go and it's going to stay in there and it's going to keep flying. So I use that analogy there because if you think about the CrossFit Games, money being taken from the training, money being taken from affiliate revenue and then pumped into the games, then we're not feeding the pilots. And if the affiliates are in decline and training is in decline and those revenue lines subsidize the CrossFit games and they don't reinvest back into affiliates
Starting point is 00:53:07 and they don't reinvest back into training. That's essentially giving the food in that airplane to a couple of the people in the first class seats and not to the pilots. And so what happens if affiliate revenue still declines and training revenue still declines? Well, then how are they going to continue to subsidize the CrossFit Games? And if the CrossFit Games don't fuel affiliate or training, then at some point, the whole thing kind of falls off a cliff, right? So think about that.
Starting point is 00:53:42 ET, with new members, then the base of the pyramid grows. If the pyramid is at the top, it grows. If the pyramid is at the top affiliates, middle certifications and trainers and bottom members. Nope. You got it flipped. You got to flip that, dude. The bottom of that pyramid in this example would be trainers, training, certifications. And I'm talking about CrossFit, the company's business model here.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Not talking about affiliates. Talking about CrossFit, the company's business model. That at the bottom, it actually at the bottom should be media because that's how they could expose everything that they're doing, right? That's how you could control your nerve. That's how you could push a bunch of information out there and get people excited about it. The bottom should be media. The next line would be certifications. The next line after that would be affiliates. And it would move in that order. I would see it.
Starting point is 00:54:38 I'd get inspired. I'd go get my cert. I would then open an affiliate. And then at the top, assert, I would then open an affiliate. And then at the top, you could say that then is members. But you also have to remember that CrossFit doesn't have control over how these affiliates operate. So if you were to put new members at the bottom of the base of that pyramid, which to your point, ET, it kind of looks like they are, you better hope that all those affiliates are doing the proper things to actually make sure that they're holding on to those members. Otherwise, it could be more harmful than it could be good. It could be more harmful than it could be good. Continued on from this. Oh, wait. No, that was last thing I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:55:23 I'm saying if the number at the bottom grows in the upper grows, no, not for the company. I think the company for the, I think for the company of CrossFit, that certification has to grow because for them, that's the meat and potatoes of their revenue. Like, I don't think that the cross, like, even if the CrossFit games are profitable, I would then ask the question by how much, how much are they profitable by? And I would ask the question of, sorry, I just got a text and I completely lost my, my thought. Oh. And I would ask the question, how much of that profit comes from sponsors? Because that's a shaky thing too, right? But that's a shaky thing too.
Starting point is 00:56:07 But you need new fish to take the certs. Completely agree. Completely agree. And I think that those new fish would all be being exposed to education through media that CrossFit would be cutting out. Because you could inspire multiple other people if CrossFit was the authority on fitness. You
Starting point is 00:56:27 would start pulling people in that maybe didn't even know CrossFit was for them. But because we're so vocal about the methodology, not the sport, but the methodology and what that could do for you and your health, that you start attracting more people from other different spots of the fitness to come in to take the certs, which again, then immediately makes revenue for CrossFit. And then after they are gung-ho about it and they're like, oh man, I love this. I want to even do my own thing. Or you feed them into other affiliates that are existing, which is great because as you guys know, the biggest thing that I need is qualified, great coaches. So that's good for the affiliates. You're feeding them coaches, you're feeding them L1s. But then at the same time for the CrossFit, the company, as these people go
Starting point is 00:57:08 through the certification of the L1, then you start to feed your new affiliate owners, your next generation of new affiliate owners. And clearly they haven't been feeding them as much if certifications and affiliates are in decline. And then if those are in decline, and those are your two lifelines, that is your two lifeline of revenue, those two entities, affiliates and certification, if that starts to go away, then it doesn't matter how many people are inside of each CrossFit gym. Because CrossFit, the company, it would just start losing money. And they would have to figure out a way to build that revenue back up.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Adam, please, Matt, meat and sweet potatoes. Absolutely, you're right. Adam, please, my sincerest apologies. The meat and sweet potatoes of their revenue. So you think direct certifications before being members is better? It's getting a little conflated here. It's getting a little conflated. I think CrossFit's job should not be pushing members into affiliates. I think CrossFit's job should be pushing people to their certifications and training and education. And I think that in turn would help the affiliates. So that's what I think. I hope that answers the question there. Ian, can you wiggle your fingers around like that again for like 30 more seconds? I don't know what I did. What did I do? You guys are weird. Bernie Gannon, CrossFit Games is a big
Starting point is 00:58:38 part of the brand. It's a cool factor. It's the difference between promoting a Lamborghini and a Prius, but we'll get you from A to B, but there is a difference. Again, I agree with that. I do think that there is a cool factor to the CrossFit Games. I enjoyed watching the CrossFit Games a lot. I know that there's a certain percentage of people that will come into the affiliates because they saw the CrossFit Games. But if it's the cool factor then maybe you don't need this really big drawn out season maybe you just need the ability to qualify into the games perhaps from other local competitions um and then just have one one thing that crossfit puts on and i would argue that if that one thing was like this fitness festival that also had a bunch of cool stuff like for the affiliates, like they're doing at the games now, then that would help that a little bit. then you're just stripping revenue away where they should be reinvesting, in my opinion,
Starting point is 00:59:45 that revenue back into its education and back into its media to highlight what's going on. Okay. Anyone thinks the game actually turned people away from affiliates? People seem to see that and think that's what's happening inside. Judy, that's a great point. That's a great point. And again, that's what I was saying. It's hard's hard to have an actual metric on that, right? Like, how do you know, like you can make the argument to Judy's point right here. Like you can make the argument that the CrossFit games is a wash, like because of how many people it turns away versus how many people it turns on towards CrossFit. Like, you know, how many people see some of the videos of like what Frazier and what T are doing on there and think, holy shit, there's no way I could do that. That's what they do at that gym up the street from me. No way. But imagine if that media or their first exposure to it was an educational piece and the professionalization of a coach.
Starting point is 01:00:46 CrossFit said, here's what all these other things do. Here's what we do. Here's how we professionalize our trainers. Here's what we put into our certifications. Here's what we put into our education. Here's the standard that we expect and that we hold in the L1. And we hope that that transmits to all the affiliates. Imagine if everybody in the public saw that first. Do you think that that would have more of a play of bringing people also into affiliates than just seeing the very tip of the spear top of the sport at the CrossFit Games? And people would know more about the education, which would hopefully push more people to do the certifications, which again, as I said, is going to be the meat and sweet potatoes of CrossFit's revenue.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Judy, I enjoyed watching the games and all the media stuff for years before I stepped foot into an affiliate because I was scared. Yeah, exactly. And by the way, too, you guys know this, and this is why it was huge that we really pushed to get the behind the scenes back in there is because you're also mostly connecting with the personalities and the people that are the athletes, right? Not just like what they can do, but who they are. Because for me, like once you, once you know them as a person and once, once you know, like who they are, it's so much more fun to like get behind them, right. And to like watch them and watch them succeed and get super involved in all the drama. I mean, look what this story did for Daniel Brandon. I bet she's got so many more fans now. She introduced us to
Starting point is 01:02:09 her mom, her closest people around her, told her story, right? And again, imagine if that investment from CrossFit came from people that are taking the L1s and people that are inside the affiliates, rather than spending the money on having an independent documentary made of the crossfit games that nobody has seen yet hmm wonder what happened with that wonder what happened with that et will crossfit ever advertise on regular tv or youtube on non crossfit related uh content not an ad for the games but for certifications and affiliates i hope so i hope so. I hope so. Because again, that's where I would be investing. I would be finding different ways to invest in it. Seth page, Seth, what's up, dude? Um, goes both ways agreed. It's a wash.
Starting point is 01:02:56 I think, yeah, I think you could probably argue it's more of a wash than it is like a loss or a gain. I'm super curious how they, if they even have the ability to try to find a metric to like track that. Um, Augustus, I think the games attract a bit more of the younger demograph that is closer to the competitive sport. Yeah. Agreed. And my roommate told me CrossFit was gay in college. So naturally I tried it and naturally I fell in love with it. How could we turn that into a nationwide, a nationwide marketing piece? me CrossFit was gay in college. So naturally, I tried it and naturally, I fell in love with it. How could we turn that into a nationwide marketing piece? Tongue in cheek there, but that's kind of funny. CrossFit. I don't know how CrossFit delivers infomercials like that across broadcast media. It would feel like those fake news shows that
Starting point is 01:03:42 are trying to sell me a reverse mortgage. No, you don't. The point would be is that how many... Okay, so here's a good example. How many L1 trainers and Flowmasters do you guys know that you've watched on TV? Not TV, but on YouTube or whatever. How many of those L1 staff or Flowmasters that have been teaching for forever, right? How many of them do you know their stories? How many of them do you know their background, how they got into CrossFit, how they found it, how they became an L1 staff seminar? Like we don't know any of that. They're not highlighted. They're not, they don't like put them up on a pedestal, right? And on top of that, what about the stories of the people that are inside those L1s that are taking the course? Like I think Seban put a little bit of his stuff that he had from the past that he filmed right before they fired him, where he was inside there and he was
Starting point is 01:04:29 just finding random people inside there and being like, hey, what are you doing here? What are you hoping to gain out of it? Right? So if you started to hear those stories of those people who were inspired to come and take the L1 course, like why they're there, I think that that would be the way that I would advertisement. I would just tell stories. And then I would just give away a ton of free information on education. So that way, you're like, hey, you could basically... And that's what they do with L1. It's all for free. Greg had done that right from the get-go. So you could go find all that information and read it, study it, get fired up, and then come in and get certified to take that next step. So that's what I would do in terms of my media.
Starting point is 01:05:06 It would be all about the stories of my L1s. I'd make them all superstars, especially the Flow Masters. I've been doing it for a long time. I would be highlighting them in my media. And then I'd be highlighting some really cool stories of the people that are taking the certifications. And then I would apply that same exact content strategy to the affiliates. For me, I remember watching David, I think it was his last name, Orsorio at CrossFit South Brooklyn. And he's just up there talking through a whiteboard as if I came in and was like, Hey, tell me about how you run your gym. To me in the early affiliate days when I was doing that, I was so starved for that information. Not because I needed a path to follow, but I wanted to know what all the other affiliates were doing out there. I wanted to see, you know, what does their
Starting point is 01:05:47 classroom look like? How do they set stuff up? How do they even hang their bands on the wall? Like what standard do they hold? So if you started making a ton of media behind, um, gyms, all sizes to you, like, I don't think you have to go to some like 15 year affiliate that has 700 members. In fact, that might not even be a good place to start. You might want to start with like your hundred or 80 member gym. Um, that's only been around for, you know, maybe the last five years or six years or something. But if you just had a nice, like array of media that was telling the stories inside the affiliates of the owners of side, the members, and you did the same thing in the L one, uh, I think that that would be a very strong
Starting point is 01:06:22 advertisement and it would continue to elevate CrossFit as the authority on exercise science, which should definitely be the route that they're, they're going after. They should just, like if it was, if I was in charge today, I would be like, here's what we're doing. And I would send all the media stuff out and I would start positioning ourselves as the authority on nutrition on the authority on exercise science. And I wouldn't worry so much about exposing a ton of the corruption, although there'd be elements of that in there for sure, because it's like, it's sexy and people like it. And we all love a good like, oh, conspiracy type theory stuff. But I would mostly just be doubling down on all the stories.
Starting point is 01:07:04 But I would mostly just be doubling down on all the stories. Yeah. Oh, hi, Heidi. Brian's show must be over. Welcome. Okay, what did Seth say? Seth usually has great stuff to say, but I scrolled past the comment. Doubt it.
Starting point is 01:07:24 I believe most broadcasts of the games were time paid to be on ESPN, then CrossFit has a certain amount of ads they could sell for themselves. Oh, in terms of broadcast stuff. Vindicate, Matt, there was an agreement with the podcast in CrossFit for a delayed release of behind the scenes. They took forever to promote it. How do I answer that and navigate this correctly? It took a while to promote, but we're very thankful for any promotions that they did. Thank you, CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:07:55 That's how we'll navigate that. Okay. Okay. Matt, I like when you have a guest. She's trolling me again. It's these backhanded compliments that stare at my insecurities. CrossFit, I think a call to action to members to angivalize for CrossFit would help a lot i think i've coached 10 members that heard about it via a friend via someone who saw the games in this era yeah i agree get your that's how most people come in word of mouth they get a friend do you technically need an l1 to coach at an affiliate if the owner
Starting point is 01:08:39 of the the gym is in the wire coaching asking for a friend. Are you the friend, Brandon? I think insurance purpose-wise, I do think that if there's an L1 in the building, you could have somebody else coaching it and then that covers you. I remember that being something in the past. So yeah, I think that's how that goes. I think that's how that goes. Dan Guerrero, there's so many Flow master that it'd be much more interesting to hear from than the games athletes. Yeah. And dude,
Starting point is 01:09:10 there's been so many that have been around for a while that speaks so well. So intelligently, they articulate stuff so good that I think it'd be awesome to hear their stories and everything else. Careful, Matt. Heidi, that was mean. What'd she say? Oh, that she likes it when I have guests on.
Starting point is 01:09:29 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What's mean about that? Him interviewing Greg Glassman was great. Thank you. I appreciate that. Heidi, why would you not want to have your L1 in coach? Good point. Usually, CrossFit, usually insurance requires someone in the building. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, CPT what's up dude. Uh, I'd like a 10
Starting point is 01:09:55 part series with Chuck Carswell. Seriously. Right. Seriously. That's what I'm talking about. Um, that's what I'm talking about. Um, Alejandro, not the main authority on exercise science, but in producing elite fitness, even Greg said it, we're not in the business of advancing. We're in the business of advancing human performance.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Sure. Sure. But I think like in today and today's, uh, day and age where everything's based off the appeal to authority, that you want to have the credibility and you want to have the authority. And then that will help push everything along in terms of mainstream popularity. Matt, do you think the Flowmasters should also be or have been affiliate owners?
Starting point is 01:10:41 No, I don't. I know a lot of them either were or had been at some point, but if they're just teaching the material of the L1, I don't think so. But I see your point. I see your point. I have to put a little bit more thought to that. But initially I'm thinking like, no, but I don't know. That's a good question. Because ideally, you're just teaching the material that's in the L1, right? But when you go to the L2, you are teaching classroom logistics and seeing and correcting movement and all that type of stuff. So you would think that they would have some experience in that outside of just teaching
Starting point is 01:11:18 it in a controlled environment of the certification. Because teaching in a controlled environment of a certification, where everybody's paid a lot of money to be there for the weekend to learn and get information is a different experience than when you're like trying to herd cats at your 8am class with a bunch of chatty members so interesting question um what i say they were t saying to do nothing with they were saying to coach? I don't get it. Without it, it gives me the same vibe as a professor with no practical knowledge, only academic.
Starting point is 01:12:00 Great point. And that's why I kind of like stopped myself from just like answering straight up like, yeah, um, or no rather, but you're right. I do think there's a little bit of like the academic theory stuff there versus like the practice. But I would say that's an interesting question. I wonder how many of the flow masters and stuff like that are actually, uh, did own or currently own, um, CrossFit gyms. I know the few of them that... So when I went to my L2,
Starting point is 01:12:27 I had Austin Bingham and I had Zach Pine. Both of them were... Flowmaster has been working for a long time and both... Austin is a current affiliate owner and has been for like 15 years. And Zach Pine owned CrossFit Aptos
Starting point is 01:12:43 for many years before he sold it. And then the other guy, fuck, I forget his name, but he was also an affiliate owner as well too. So all three of them, two of them were current affiliate owners and the other one had run an affiliate for like eight years, nine years. And all of them had been L1 staff seminar for like 15 plus years. So in my experience with them, they were affiliate owners. I miss when, Ian, I miss when CrossFit would put out videos of games athletes doing the WOD. I remember watching the video of Dan Bailey doing a running workout, maybe double unders and pull-ups around HQ.
Starting point is 01:13:18 I remember that video too. Yes, you're right. That was also really important. It was important too because they used to visit gyms for the WOD demos back in the day. I was talking about this when I was on Seth's show, which you guys should all go check that out, by the way. The show is really cool that he does on YouTube and it needs like way more traction. So if you guys haven't, I'll bring it up here.
Starting point is 01:13:40 Not that. Jumped ship. If you guys haven't, go check out his... Let me pick it up. Sorry. Here it is here. If you guys haven't, go check this out. You guys will like it. Seth goes through a lot of these old videos here
Starting point is 01:14:02 and breaks them down. And one of the things that I said when I was on the show with him was like, dude, I love those WOD demos because you got to see how the affiliate like ran its classes. I would always be like looking in the background for like different stuff to pick up to bring back to my affiliate. And it was definitely cool when they did with games athletes, but it was really cool for me just to watch it with just the normal run of the mill members, just that like random gyms that they would go visit and be like, here's the workout of the day.
Starting point is 01:14:29 And here's this CrossFit gym doing it. That stuff was cool. Uh, Bernie Gannon says show is excellent. Enjoyed his interview with you. Yeah. It kind of, it was weird.
Starting point is 01:14:40 It didn't turn into an, it kind of like turned into an interview and I'll take responsibility for that. There was no talk of like any him interviewing me at all or vice versa. We just were going to break down and watch one of the old videos. And I started taking him all over the place and totally derailed the show. Sorry about that, Seth. So yeah, go check that out. But I talked a little bit about that on that.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Okay, I'm going to end. Matt hijacked the show. I'm sorry, Sethh i totally did fuck i felt bad afterwards and i was thinking about it i was like not only did i just start like taking it in all these different directions and i was like watching some of it back which i normally never do like i i never watch these shows back because i just get crazy like secondhand embarrassment by it but i was like watching some of that back and um i would just totally derail the left field and stuff would just kind of like be like, that's a good point. And I'm like,
Starting point is 01:15:29 fuck, we're supposed to be here to watch the video. And here I go on some rant. Anyhow, thanks for having me on, dude. Everybody go over there, subscribe to it, watch this stuff. It's really cool. Okay, I won't leave you guys hanging. We're going to end with this. By the way, I had some notes on like the crossfit versus affiliate and training and how that if we pulled the revenue away from that would crossfit be able to stand on its own and the crossfit games be able to stand on its own and survive and be profitable and um everything else and uh i i think i beat that one down pretty good with the bat here i put some more like hypothetical figures and stuff down but we won't go through um all of them now and uh
Starting point is 01:16:06 yeah i gotta get permission if i could share some of the other cool stuff with you guys first i gotta check with the overlords you know what i mean um this i will leave you guys with though this is just a a very small sneak peek i think this video will be coming out soon. Okay. Here we go. This is a teaser. And if you guys told anybody that I showed you this, I'm going to deny it. One year, this news actually ended all of us. Undelivered all of the episodes of the month. And the Mad House does not have any. The Mad House does not have any.
Starting point is 01:16:57 The Mad House does not have any. The Mad House does not have any. The State Capitol of California. We're getting a resolution. Anyhow, lots of cool conversations with Dave. That's Bill Saley. He's the assemblyman that pushed the bill through. This is us talking about other politicians here let's see
Starting point is 01:17:33 see there's a cool part here I just like that shot of Dave. Farming legislation. Farmer. Farming lobbyist. Hello. Oh, yeah. Nice to see you. I'm getting recognized at Starbucks. I'm originally from LA.
Starting point is 01:17:54 Moved to Sacramento for a day. Anyhow, all right. That's all I could show you guys. I don't want to get in trouble. Oh, that's going to be a hype video. Can't wait. Thanks, Susie. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Got to film that one myself. Matt, whatever happened to your entertaining mattress commercials? Yeah, Sleep 8. That was a temporary one. Those commercials too, by the way, are done for the audio version of the podcast. It's funny. I don't know. audio version of the podcast. It's funny. I don't know. Susan, will this show always be on your channel now too? Yep. It streams here. It streams to my Twitter or X or whatever. And I keep them all archived also on my personal channel. There's not really much on there. So don't worry about it. Seth Page, can't wait for that video. It's pretty cool. Uh, Heidi Krum, uh, love watching Dave flirt with various women. It was funny because the, there was a, there was a handful of people that came up that recognized them that got a photo, especially after we got like announced by the assemblymen where like we stood up and like everybody plotted,
Starting point is 01:19:00 like people came right up to where we were sitting there and like got photos with them. and everybody plotted. People came right up to where we were sitting there and got photos with them. All women. All women. It was pretty funny. Susan, we need another hour. Thanks, Heidi.
Starting point is 01:19:11 And I always appreciate your troll comments. Nobody take it too serious. I never get mad at her. It's all right. Okay, guys. I got to run. I got a 1230 meeting. That is it. That is all. That is all I will. Uh, I will see you guys next Tuesday. If I don't see you before that, as always super appreciate all you
Starting point is 01:19:35 guys that come in here and hang out with me at 11 on Tuesday. Um, super cool that you guys do that, especially with, uh, all the other show options and everything else. Um, that you guys do that, especially with all the other show options and everything else. Thank you so much. Appreciate you guys. Love you guys. Be good to each other out there. That's all we got. That's all we got is each other. Be good. Be safe. Bye.

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