The Sevan Podcast - Ant Haynes & Jamie Simmonds | 2023 CrossFit Games Prep

Episode Date: July 30, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply good life yeah i'm trying my mornings are crazy My mornings are crazy. My mornings are crazy. Bam. We're here. Look at your look at your tear support. It's good, isn't it? Yeah. So I signed. I mean, obviously, I so I signed a short term contract at the end of the day, but I'm still waiting on my gear. So I'm just here representing right now. Dude, that is legit. That is legit. right now dude that is legit that is legit um am i pronouncing your name right aunt yeah and haynes yeah and it is anthony but yeah oh okay okay look at me i can't figure that stuff out um who shortened it to aunt i did oh okay did your friends just start calling you aunt you don't have
Starting point is 00:01:44 to have your shirt on you're no that's done okay we'll get it back on we'll get it back on let's just here you got your uh 42 seconds um yeah i don't know really uh and is just it's not not just a normal abbreviation of the name anthony i don't know i don't know and i know. I'm trying to think if I know any Anthony's. Maybe, I think maybe Justin Medeiros' dad's name is Anthony, but they call him Tony, I think. Yeah. So I'm half English, half Chinese. So if I'm in the UK, in England, Tony is like a very normal way to abbreviate Anthony. I don't know. when i'm in because i'm in hong kong obviously there's chinese people everywhere it's quite hard to introduce yourself as ant
Starting point is 00:02:30 to someone doesn't speak english so i'll actually introduce myself a lot of time as anthony or anthony i don't even know which one it is i got an h in there so it's a n t h yeah oh and y but uh it's normally anthony and uh thenH-O-N-Y. But it's normally Anthony. And then the second time I meet them, it will be Ant. And then that's it. So you will pronounce your name Anthony or Anthony? Like you just roll. The latter.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Yeah. Well, whichever one's easier. I don't know. Got it. Ant's easiest. Which parent is Chinese and which is English english my mom's uh my mom's from hong kong and my dad's from the uk and get me up to speed a little bit when you say your mom's um hong kong she was she was born in hong kong yeah so um so obviously hong kong is now a part of china um it used to be under British rule up until 1997.
Starting point is 00:03:27 But my mum was born and raised in Hong Kong. She's lived there her entire life. My dad was born in the UK. He went across to Hong Kong, I think like 30, almost probably about 40 years now he's been in Hong Kong. And he hasn't looked back he obviously had yellow fever met my mom and that's it he stayed over there so yeah that's it i've i was born in hong kong me and my brother uh we have a half sister for my mom's first marriage um but
Starting point is 00:03:59 we're all three of us born in hong kong and brought up in hong kong all three of us born in Hong Kong and brought up in Hong Kong. All three of us went to university in the UK and have since returned back to Hong Kong to live and to start up our business and do life over there. Very thorough. Thank you, by the way. Hey, what are your are your siblings older or younger? So my half sister is the eldest. She is in her forties. My brother is a year and a half older than me. And then I'm the youngest. I just recently just turned 34,
Starting point is 00:04:34 which I won't say I feel old if I'm talking to you on this podcast. I'm not saying you're old either, but I feel old for what I'm about to take on next weekend. Dude, crazy. It's so awesome that you came out it's what a last minute we'll get to that but what a last minute crazy uh adventure and are you an affiliate owner and yes yes uh myself and my brother uh own an affiliate called crossfit cstl um our actual just our gym name is called Coastal. So we abbreviated it to CSTL.
Starting point is 00:05:07 And we've been an affiliate for over 10 years, I believe. CSTL, CrossFit. CSTL, yeah. Okay, TSTL. What's that stand for? Sorry, it's CSTL. CSTL, what's that stand for? Yeah, it's just a shortened version of Coastal. Oh, okay-T-L. What's that? Yeah. It's just a shortened version of coastal.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Oh, okay. You said that. Sorry. Sorry. Bear with me here. Okay. It's early in the morning. Well, I also learned that yesterday I had Uldis Upanix on.
Starting point is 00:05:38 And like the literacy rate in Latvia where he's from is 99%. It's like one of the highest in the world in the country i'm from the united states it's 79 and i actually feel it i feel like when i have people on from over the pond or far away places like hong kong or latvia i'm like yep you're smarter you you feel sharper i only use 17 letters in the alphabet. And so you want to – I don't want to be rude. My mom taught me to be polite, so I want to say, is your rent crazy expensive? Because when I think of Hong Kong, I think of like this would be the size of someone's apartment, and you have to – you go in there, and you just stand.
Starting point is 00:06:24 You're not far from the truth. And dollars a month oh man like uh property over there is it's like it's insane so you know obviously so i've spent some time in atlanta with the guys at train think tank i'm pretty close with those guys um our company and uh the guys max el haj travis mayer carl ruth those guys out there training think tank we've got a pretty good relationship just because uh my brother used to be coached by carl ruth who's one of the coaches out there and uh so i talk to people like travis mayer max elhaj about rent in the gym space so let me tell you in u.s dollars how much we pay for a roof over our head in our gym is your gym on the ground or is it in the air uh it's on the ground floor yeah it's on the ground
Starting point is 00:07:14 floor and is there a lot of foot traffic where you're at nope it's not in like this not no not in the middle of the city or anything um it's actually it's actually down like almost an industrial style area okay of the place we're in but i i believe we pay so we pay a quarter of a million hong kong dollars a month a month a month yeah a quarter million is 250 000,000. Yeah, so that's about $31,000 a month. Oh, my God. That's before we've paid a member of staff. That's before we've paid an electricity or water bill. Yeah, I mean, it's relative.
Starting point is 00:07:58 It's definitely relative. I hear you. I hear you. I hear you. But it's still – and what's a membership at your gym? So I also, so it's funny a couple of years ago, I think just before COVID, some CrossFit magazine, I think it's called like box rocks or something like that.
Starting point is 00:08:14 They did a survey of the most expensive gym memberships in the world for a CrossFit gym memberships in the world for like an unlimited membership. I want to guess how much it is before you tell me, keep going. And, uh, the, out of the top five, uh, four of them were gyms from Hong Kong. I'm going to guess that your membership is it's $500 US dollars a month. Let's have a look. It's just, just, just, just under. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, how can it not be? Yeah. Yeah. I'm dude. I mean, it's, it's, it's hard. Yeah. I mean, how can it not be? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Yeah, dude. I mean, it's hard. Like, you know, we love doing what we do and we're super grateful that we get to do it. But, you know, just to see your spreadsheet be in the green at the end of the month is like it's a rarity sometimes. Most of the time, actually. Dude, the stress to have that nut like you just like you pay it and then like you're like ah and then just the next morning you wake up and it's 29 days away from like oh shit dude tell me it's uh it's it's i mean look it
Starting point is 00:09:22 wasn't easy for anyone during covid like right that shit sucked um our part of the world hong kong was in a pretty much a lockdown for three years wow like you know the mask mandate only just went uh how long ago did the mask mandate go down yeah last year like the beginning of beginning of this year the mask mandate went so like you know it's still very normal and most people in hong kong are still wearing masks um most people most people yeah a lot of people are still wearing masks yeah wow it's a very much a um it's almost like a the fear has been put into people for that hey i used to travel a lot like and i used to go all over the world i went to all the continents and this is 20 years ago but when i would travel i would see
Starting point is 00:10:13 asian people i don't know of what descent i don't know if they were chinese or japanese or korean or what they were but it was if i ever saw anyone wearing a mask on a plane and i would see it periodically it was always asian people it was I would see it periodically, it was always Asian people. And I never knew what it was for. Neither do I. But it was somehow, I don't know, part of the culture. I should have figured that out before now everyone's wearing it, before it became trendy. Yeah, I mean, masks were definitely quite trendy at some point
Starting point is 00:10:46 in hong kong um but yeah i don't know why yeah i agree you know there's a lot of thinking back now before covid there's definitely times that you see um asian people wearing masks and i guess they just feel safer with it i can't think of a reason we had weird stuff here in the states um uh and you could go to some states and you would not see one person wearing a mask during the peak of it and then other states you wouldn't see one person not wearing a mask and if you took yours off people would yell at you but it was in the same country it was so it was such a man it was such a weird time strange i mean we couldn't even we couldn, we couldn't even, we could barely leave our, we could barely leave Hong Kong.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Like the, there were basically no flights going in and out of Hong Kong. And if there was a flight coming back in, you'd have to quarantine for three weeks, sit in a hotel for three weeks, which is like huge expensive to do that anyway, because no hotels are even participating in, you know, putting out someone who would potentially have COVID into their hotel. And then who the fuck wants to sit in a hotel room for three weeks?
Starting point is 00:11:49 There's nothing to do. It's lonely. It's boring. It's not good for your mental health or your physical health. So everyone just ended up staying put in Hong Kong. Or a lot of people just, you know, so in terms of our, you know, when you think about how hard COVID was for the gym, we lost a third of our membership.
Starting point is 00:12:06 They just basically took their whole families and went back to wherever they were from. You know, we have a lot of, the main bulk of our membership is definitely expatriate, so foreigner based. But the local market's growing as well. But, you know, a lot of those people just said, you know, that's enough. You can't deal with this anymore. Kids aren't going to school. They're not learning. They're not playing sports.
Starting point is 00:12:29 No one's taking care of their health. No one gives a shit over here. So they all went back to UK, America, Canada, Australia, wherever they were from originally. And yeah, pretty sad. A lot of friends of mine have left. A lot of our clients have left as well. Was there a big population decline in hong kong during after that like is there like a metric on it like hong kong lost 10 of its people
Starting point is 00:12:52 or yeah i think lee what was the metric that hong kong lost like 10 of foreigners was it during covid oh yeah at least at least yeah there was like 10 percent wow expatriates left hong kong it was yeah saying yeah wow crazy you know we had we had um movement populations like that too like um schools um we have uh like 50 million 51 million kids who were attending the public school system before and then after um i don't i don't even know what to call it, but after that fiasco, only like 49 million returned. And so like 2 million kids just decided to be homeschooled. Schools in my area, lots of schools closed down because they just didn't have enough kids, which kind of is a benefit. I guess it's not a benefit to lose people 10% of your population, especially if it's the minority. Are the expats the minority in Hong Kong?
Starting point is 00:13:49 Yes. Yeah, you don't want to lose that because that creates a lot of trade, right? You want foreigners because that brings money back and forth, right? Yeah, they're generally in some sort of job which requires their expertise hey how come um uh every country every asian country i've been to uh japan um thailand um i've been to china a handful of times um it's a half dozen more um i would you know you get there and you're jet lagged so you get up at some crackpot hour And you start walking the streets at 4am right Looking for something that's open And the Asian people are always Every one of these countries in the morning
Starting point is 00:14:32 There's a group of people who's out on the street Corners like at 6am doing some sort of Movement or you walk by a park and it's Packed With people doing movements And it's crazy Right this? This, this, these group of people and it's, and it crossed all boundaries of all the different Asian descents. And yet it doesn't seem CrossFit takes off in those countries, which you would think, I mean, you never see what, what I saw in China and the United States. I never walked by a park in the United States at 6am and there's 400 elderly people doing Tai Chi or whatever they're doing. I'm making up i don't know what they're doing but it looks like that no yeah it's a it's tight a lot of it's tai chi or like a wushu where they have like um it looks like they have like swords or they have like the fans the fan open in front of them yeah um yeah i i mean it's it's awesome like it's really cool that
Starting point is 00:15:19 like the population do that and like yeah there's actually like like you said it kind of spans across all uh all races ages and sizes of people which is awesome um but yeah i i think the reason why crossfit especially in a country like hong kong um maybe not so much i think like korea it's really taken off like this crossfit okay somewhere like korea right um but somewhere like hong kong like things that are physically challenging it doesn't really resonate with hong kong local people very much things that like uh can hurt you bruise the body like you know a sport like american football rugby football soccer whatever you want to call it you know that sort of stuff where you're not necessarily protected by the rules of the game and the referee like it's it it's popular but they never excel like hong kong has never been good at those sports really um within the local
Starting point is 00:16:15 population uh they much prefer games like a badminton a table tennis a basketball where like contact isn't really um a massive point in the sport so something like crossfit where you know you're potentially ripping hands you got barbells slamming onto you shit hurts when you're doing it it doesn't really fly um also hong kong um in terms of the way that the hong kong people are brought up everything is academic based um you know even even the way that my so my my half people are brought up everything is academic based um you know even even the way that my so my my half sister she's fully cantonese so the way that she was brought up was in a local schooling it's like don't worry about your sports don't worry about that stuff
Starting point is 00:16:55 just like nail your grades nail school get through that and then do what you want afterwards uh so as you're brought up like there's nothing like you guys got here in the states like even driving around madison the other day seeing the university campus of all the crazy facilities that these universities got out here it's just like i think it's i think it's sick i think it looks awesome like you go to hong kong you don't see any of that shit you take one basketball court that's about it um so yeah it's just not uh sport and hard work in like the physical side of things isn't really kind of drilled into you in in hong kong and you know i can't really speak for the rest of asia because obviously i grew up in hong kong but that's how i see it um having said that though since covid again there's definitely been a shift towards people investing more in health and
Starting point is 00:17:43 fitness yeah absolutely and the local people as well, which is definitely cool. Yeah. So they see it, they understand the value of it to, to build the immune system, you know, be strong. Hey, are there, I live in one of the fittest towns in the United States and yet, and yet if I go to the burrito store here in town, one mile away from one of the most beautiful oceans in the world, there will be – at lunchtime, there will be 65 people there. And I'll look around, and I'll realize that there's not one person who's not obese. And by obese, I mean 40-pound – someone will be be 40 pounds overweight and they'll be the skinniest person there.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Yeah. And I'll just be like, wow. Like I can't. I'm used to it. Or I'll go into Home Depot and I'll be like, wow, let's play a game and see if we can just find one person who's not obese. Like I don't even think people realize what obese is anymore because we've recalibrated. Absolutely. I know I'm about to fly to Madison. I'm going to get on the airplane.
Starting point is 00:18:46 I'm not even going to believe what I see. Do you have that in Hong Kong? Are there any obese people? No. How is that? Of course there is. It is very much an anomaly to see someone ...
Starting point is 00:19:01 I'm just saying this because I'm in Americaica right now but when i like step off the plane and i see people at the airport i'm like holy shit like it's different right not normal to be like that that you know of course you get people who are overweight and whatnot in hong kong and you know that that's i guess a part of life but like the size that i've seen people over here is it blows my mind okay that's and it's not unnormal to see it right right um when I was a when the first time I went to I went to Texas like 30 years ago I did I had a job chasing tornadoes and I remember not in any negative way with no judgment I just
Starting point is 00:19:41 remembered that there were a lot of places that were all you can eat and I would go in there and I'd never see I had never coming from california and i was a well traveled person through california but i had never seen like if i saw someone who's 300 pounds back then it was like wow and then but i went to texas and they were everywhere and then now in california it's like that but not like that in hong kong it's still an anomaly yeah i mean hong kong people are generally quite small quite petite people anyway yeah um so to get that size would be like a real eye-opener if you got that size in hong kong you would stick out like a sore thumb big time yeah yeah so so it's so interesting and yet academics are the primary thing for kids yeah absolutely still are now yeah uh behind the scenes fun watch since 2013 it got me hooked
Starting point is 00:20:27 back then thank you oh yeah behind the scenes what are you doing with that are you gonna you're back so pumped i'm so pumped i'm so excited yeah i'm so excited i'm excited to see it to put the camera in aunt haynes okay are you uh allegra shaker fun for your swolverine intro i'm not i'm not a good enough athlete to have a shaker i still use a spoon instead not shaking uh harley a jew writer oh i like that harley jew writer uh a jewish man on a harley i'm an armenian man on a harley with three jewish kids i jumped on to finally catch a live one loving these athlete interviews behind the scenes fun you're gonna kill it thanks dude i appreciate it let's see if there's anyone else who uh needs needs a hug
Starting point is 00:21:16 holy cow dude you are popular i cannot believe how many comments are already a deja intendu i was in china and the gatherings of old people just dancing at the end of the day i know it's nuts right it's community and health incarnate great part of the culture yeah i love deja intend to uh profile image that's good that's crazy hey did you bring a computer with you i did yeah you did a laptop yes sir yeah good on you an apple or you're a pc guy or it's a it's an apple oh nice and does hong kong have a sweet apple store it has multiple sweet apple stores yeah yeah god not like not not not like china where they're fake out there you've had have you ever seen a fake apple store oh Oh, yeah. There's plenty in China.
Starting point is 00:22:06 God, that would be so... Part of me thinks that... Imagine how ambitious that is. I'm going to knock that off. I know, right? But, I mean, no one knows any different. Like, if the Chinese people out there, the mainland Chinese people,
Starting point is 00:22:21 you wouldn't know any different. It's literally like I was saying, everyone's walking around in their blue or red shirts and it's got the little apple tag on it the products are all in there it looks it looks exactly the same dude that's awesome and it's it's not it's it's legal or it's not legal i mean it's illegal but to start with no one knew the difference right so it just ran like a regular business even tim cook walked in there he's like having a great story i didn't know uh oh let me see this uh sema globes uh thanks someone is thanks someone is actually right 11th lowest in california and 65th in the nation oh my city yeah it's crazy fit dude and yet and, it's not.
Starting point is 00:23:06 I mean, this is the home of CrossFit. There's a gazillion CrossFit gyms here. Oh, yeah. There's so many, yeah. Ant, you, I guess, you look like Superman, don't you? The camera on the Apple. You look like Superman, don't you? The camera on the Apple.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Was there a Superman that was half Asian and half white? I don't know. Clark Kent sometimes looks a bit Eurasian like me, so I'll take that if that's the case. That's what you're called, Eurasian? Yeah, we're a special breed. Eurasian. You never heard that term before?
Starting point is 00:23:48 I have, but I've never thought of it. I would spell it with a Y. Y-O-U-R. Wait, Y-O-U-R-E. Asian. You're Asian. Hey, you're Asian. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:00 There was a Clark Kent. It was the TV one. Yes, I know which one you're talking about. Yeah, yeah. Man, dude, you are a special looking human being. You are really, is that, are there a lot of people who look like you that are mixed, that are Eurasian? Yeah, there's quite a lot.
Starting point is 00:24:14 I mean, when I grew up at school, there was quite a few Eurasians at school. It's not uncommon to see that. But do they look like you? I mean, you look like Asia bartow and josh bridges had a kid i mean you are something you're something else i'll take it yeah i mean it's amazing uh yeah i don't know i think um like are there a lot of buff dudes who look like you with their head like kind of like the samurai hair pulled back and they have the features of of eurasian like like you look around you're like oh yeah they do kind of or no that's
Starting point is 00:24:49 not how they don't all turn out like you no so you can you recognize eurasian pretty quickly but eurasians go one of two ways uh generally speaking you get i guess ones who uh look look more like me uh without like a maybe maybe a slightly darker skin or the ability to get a suntan. Yeah. And then you see the other forms of the Eurasian who are like jet black hair, like jet black features and super white pale skin.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Because Chinese people tan, but those Brits don't tan so good. Yeah, exactly. You get the pasty skin from the European side. That would suck. Yes, you didn't luck out in the draw if that's the case. Michael Banyan, great job, Sebi. Thank you, dude.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Good luck, Ant. Thank you, Michael. Ant, does it rain a lot in Hong Kong? It's a tropical country. It's pretty much on the equator. So you get a lot of typhoons, which is equivalent to the hurricane over here. That hit the city?
Starting point is 00:25:55 Oh, all the time, yeah. So actually, a couple of days before I flew out, there's a Typhoon 8. So it goes Typhoon 1, Typhoon 3, Typhoon 8, Typhoon 10 so it goes um typhoon one typhoon three typhoon eight typhoon ten is like the category system ranking system um t8 is you probably get like one a year one every one to two every year um so one of them just hit um a few days before myself and leaf flew out to the us there is currently one in hong kong right now is just a T one. So it's like a pretty weak, it just means like the wind speed is down and it's quite far off offshore right now.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Um, but yeah, I mean, it's, it's, we, we haven't come through every year. A T eight, you can't even, don't even use an umbrella. Just, we'll just rip your umbrella just to just turn it inside out. Absolutely. Yeah. So, so if you go out, you just get wet. just turn it inside out absolutely yeah so if you go out you just get wet yeah big time and like so t8 and t10 like uh you go home work's canceled you don't go to work ferries close down transport closes down um i think i've only i must have only lived through maybe three t10s three or four t10s does someone die in t10s always like there's someone who goes outside and get yeah always yeah a couple people get swept away. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:06 And like, generally speaking, these typhoons, they'll generally develop and like get real powerful around the Philippines. And then it comes and hits Hong Kong afterwards. But Hong Kong is like, it's a built up city. Like it doesn't,
Starting point is 00:27:21 although it's on like the coast on the peninsula, it doesn't really get affected. Whereas like you can imagine it hitting, you know, somewhere likeilippines where there's like tin roofs and stuff like that like it just decimates those countries and it's crazy like the effect that it has on those places hong kong we're very lucky that it's definitely a bit more built up the infrastructure is a bit more solid um so you know it's just a pretty windy rainy week for most of it um trees and stuff get blown down some trees get uprooted but generally speaking no touchwood we don't see too many casualties in hong kong but you know across asia they can be absolutely devastating it's a great line touchwood uh a sloppy slop weather's looking pretty nice for next week oh good hey did you see any smoke
Starting point is 00:28:08 in the air there was some concern a couple weeks ago because yeah you did smoke in the air in yeah when we landed here so we landed early monday morning like 1 a.m in the morning so on monday when we got up it was real hazy like uh couldn't see there's no blue in the sky couldn't really see we went for like a bike ride around lake monona could barely see the other side of it it was like quite bad oh i saw your vlog by the way yeah and it was white over the entire lake by the way your vlog is cool good job dude thank you i don't i don't really know what i'm doing to be honest i just thought i'd put some stuff up if I could. Oh, it's great. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:28:47 And I'm glad you won the bike ride against Lee. You really put yourself on the line there. Fucking crushed it. You did crush it. I like it how she's wanting a head start. You're like, no. Yeah, no. Fuck that. You don't lose.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Hey, she looks pretty damn fit, dude. It's crazy. I always say the same thing. What a specimen specimen 55 category and she stands out there on the floor versus the other nine ladies and this is taking nothing away from the other nine ladies who are out there as well but like right she looks like fucking gladiator out there she does look like a gladiator what is she what what is she she's not your asian uh she is not no she's uh she's english she's fully english but she's been based out in Hong Kong for a good while now.
Starting point is 00:29:26 How many years in Hong Kong? 16 years in Hong Kong. Wow. Yeah, so she's representing the UK there. I guess a lot of people do that. They come there and they just don't leave. Yeah, a lot of people do, like my dad being one of them. But a lot of people also do the other side of it, which Hong Kong is a super transient city,
Starting point is 00:29:53 But a lot of people also do the other side of it, which Hong Kong is a super transient city, especially if you are in the main reason that Westerns will come over to Hong Kong is generally for finance, some sort of financial job. And they'll generally move between like New York, London, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and they'll just keep kind of doing that loop. So it would be like anywhere between one to 10 years, move one to 10 years, move on to 10 years, move. And they just keep moving around like that. So it can be quite sad. You know, you build up relationships with people and you develop some good connections and then it kind of just, it's, it's normal. You almost expect it to happen, which is, it sucks sometimes, but yeah, it's just part of life in Hong Kong.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Jake Chapman ant looks like a vampire from Buffy I could see yeah he got like a tan he's a tan vampire he would need to really whiten up I haven't heard that for a while you did used to get that yeah I used to get a Sarah Michelle Gill I remember oh yeah that show wow oh you are old
Starting point is 00:30:40 34 Ant what happened how did you end up here what a typical story they didn't let the Iranian guy in You are old, 34. My goodness. Ant, what happened? How did you end up here? What a typical story. They didn't let the Iranian guy in? Yeah, so – Racist, racist. I didn't say it.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Poor Iranian guy. That guy is close to – he might even be Armenian. I feel horrible for him. Yeah, I feel terrible for – so Morteza is the guy who – Did you meet him at the semifinal? Yeah, we actually had a good chat for three hours, and we were both sitting there waiting for our drug testing to go through. But yeah, he's a super nice guy.
Starting point is 00:31:14 I met him a couple of times. I met him last year at the Far East Throwdown as well. He's a super good dude. It was an awesome battle trying to get that second spot. And, you know, he picked me by 13 points. So I was, of course, disappointed, but stoked for him to go anyway. And it's weird. So I had a feeling.
Starting point is 00:31:36 You know, you just, you know, obviously disappointing that I missed out. When you say you had a feeling, you looked at him and you're like, motherfucker, you were juiced to the gills. You ain't going. Or there's no way those fucking racist Americans are letting an Iranian in. Like, which one? Yeah, let's go with the latter, yeah. Okay, okay, fine, fine.
Starting point is 00:31:56 But something, something. You thought, oh, you know, there's a good chance one of these guys might not make it. Who was the other guy who made it? Arthur Seminoff. Oh, right, right, right, right. Yeah, he was on your podcast the other day. Yeah, he's cool. His translator stole the show.
Starting point is 00:32:10 She's great. Yeah, you can take her eyes off her. Yeah, that too. Hello, yeah. That's right. Whatever you say. Yeah, so, shit. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:20 I just had a feeling in my gut for a while that I should just keep keep you know normally take a bit of an off season you give yourself a break um i didn't feel like these semi-finals was like a body breaking style regionals from back in the day when you did like the 50s and 100 style chippers and like you come back from regionals and like a hospital bed um so i actually felt i actually felt okay um so i was like you know what screw it i'll keep training uh take it easy for a few weeks and then but i'll just keep training keep doing my double sessions and keep doing what i do i stay on track with my food and do my sleep stuff do my recovery stuff as best i can um just part of my habitual routine anyway but it kind of so like oh let me rewind a bit this coming weekend the games weekend, one of my best mates is supposed to be getting,
Starting point is 00:33:08 well, he's getting married in Scotland. So when he told me that he booked his wedding for the games weekend, I was like, you selfish prick is if you do that. No, but he is like, look, at the end of the day, if you qualify, you qualify as totally fine. If you don't qualify, you're coming to my wedding. And then I had a huge dilemma as Lee's coach as well. I was like, well, shit, if she qualifies for the games, then like I can't just leave her high and dry. So, you know, I went through, I know it sounds like a small first world problem, but there was a lot of anxiety from my end with that.
Starting point is 00:33:44 How close is your friend? Even if I would look for any excuse to get out of any wedding you really wanted to go to it you really wanted yeah yeah i used to i used to live i used to live with him he's one of my one of my best mates all right all right if you say so i i want i wanted to go but he's not watching this he's not watching this you can set yourself free tell the truth i told him you better be fucking streaming the games at his wedding yeah um so you know i had to had a conversation with lee like i was very open about it i said like i need to think about this and um you know we obviously had a very successful 2022 with lee she came second in her division um with you know i managed to be a part of that journey very grateful to be a part
Starting point is 00:34:25 of that journey with her but you know she totally crushed it and when you do so well one year you're like well why the fuck would i change it for the next year if i can go one better so i didn't want to take that away from her either um but of course i was the one to go to my friend's wedding um obviously you know once in a lifetime sort of thing as well um it basically ended up deciding that um someone else from our gym would come along and help lee out in my absence because i was going to go to my friend's wedding and then it so happened that the schedule was different this year compared to last year so the masters are going on a tuesday wednesday thursday whereas last year it wasn't like that it was like everyone just goes at one time and the masters kind of get you know pushed around the schedule wherever the individuals want to go so i was like
Starting point is 00:35:13 oh shit so i i actually could probably make it so i was then gonna i booked my flights from hong kong to chicago would drive down to madison woodley she would compete on the tuesday wednesday thursday i would then fly out late at like 11 p.m on the thursday night um fly to iceland stop over in iceland fly to glasgow landing to glasgow on friday do like the pre-wedding drinks on friday evening wedding yeah and sunday and then fly out on monday so i basically booked that whole thing and i was like okay sick i i can do both we're good dude you're crazy fuck and like it i just i you know i put the money down and nothing was cheap doing it but i think it's worth it this is what i want to do book the final flight on a wednesday night i can woke up thursday morning and got an email from crossfit saying hey one of the guys in your region didn't quite manage to get a visa.
Starting point is 00:36:08 We know you're going to be in Madison cause you're going to be coaching Lee. Do you fancy competing? Oh, they did know that they did know that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. So, uh, I was like, I was like, all right, well fuck, I better go, better go and start canceling some flights and rebooking some others and finding out if I can get a hotel. So, yeah, it was a bit of a whirlwind week, to be honest. How cool of CrossFit to do that?
Starting point is 00:36:32 I mean, it would have been – because that's late in the game. Oh, big time. I actually think that if I – so I hold a passport, which can get a visa pretty easily over in the States. And I've never been rejected. I've been here plenty of times before. And they knew that I'd come last year as well and that I was coming this year. I wonder if maybe I was, if I held an Iranian passport or a Russian passport or something,
Starting point is 00:37:00 a passport that maybe wouldn't be so easy to get a visa. I wonder if they would have offered me the spot or just left it empty right um but yeah it was a very uh it was funny it was quite an informal email just like well you're gonna be here you may as well compete and i was like fuck okay sure and they're like tell us as soon as you can because then we'll try to get you some gear ready so and then when you said yes that's when this email showed up yeah i did they said yes and then the next thing was that email through and um yeah now i'm here hey when you get this email and like you're bringing your arrow down here to accept and decline are you like real careful yeah actually the first time the first time i clicked it uh they sent me an email i clicked
Starting point is 00:37:42 it the first time and they actually said registration is closed. I was like, motherfuckers, someone's going to do it. I was sitting like fucking Morteza and Arthur Seminoff sitting on the other side of the computer being like, fuck you. So then what do you do? You just send them an email, and they're like, don't worry, we'll get you registered? Yeah, yeah, they're actually super helpful about it all.
Starting point is 00:38:00 So, yeah, as soon as I paid for my entry, then obviously it's got LinkedIn to all the athlete emails and all that sort of stuff. And it kind of, yeah, like I said, just became reality. Told all my colleagues and friends back in Hong Kong. I was like, I'm leaving next week. So we've got to get shit covered. I got to sort stuff out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:21 So it's just myself and Lee here. So normally my brother is actually my coach yeah um but he's he'll be going to the wedding of my mate as well so um he unfortunately wasn't able to make it across so it's just myself and lee here um so yeah that's the story is pretty crazy one to be honest but so super grateful to be here and to have the opportunity. Will she be your coach then? Fuck no. You won't give Lee your coach's pass?
Starting point is 00:38:53 Well, so again, she was supposed to be leaving on Thursday, basically after she competed. She's got a family in the US. Yeah. They normally go to, is it Utah? Utah. They normally go to Utah and see the side of the family that they saw last year.
Starting point is 00:39:07 So who's going to be your coach? Who's going to be making sure you're hydrated and fed? I'll find someone. I'll bribe someone. You want to do it for me? I'm busy. I'd love to. God, that would be awesome.
Starting point is 00:39:20 I would love to. Yeah. So I've actually spoken to, like I said, I mentioned before, I'm quite close to the guys that are training think tank. Yeah. I know, I know Max will be here cause he will be coaching Noah and also an age group. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Travis, although he obviously didn't compete this year with his, his hand issue that he had. And I don't know. Oh, I just text Travis yesterday and I was like, dude, please tell me you have a coach's pass. He's like, no, like no i'm like dude you need one so i can like film with you and
Starting point is 00:39:48 behind the scenes yeah well so i was gonna give him my coach's pass oh yeah get travis but then he said because he's got to do some stuff with victory grips at the uh the booth i know right what do they pay you twelve dollars travis stop going around. Yeah, exactly. So Travis turned it down. So, so I'll probably give it to Max. Who's a Travis's coach as well. Yeah. Um,
Starting point is 00:40:10 Max already got probably one, right. Doesn't he? He, Max gave his coaches past to, uh, to, um,
Starting point is 00:40:17 Noah's wife. Crazy. What's wrong with these people? I need Max back there too. So I can harvest some good content from him. Yeah. You can be there you know it's more it's more of someone like of course like max hasn't coached me so i don't expect like pearls of wisdom to be dropping out of his mouth like every 10 seconds but it's more just like someone to keep your company shoot the shit with when you're maybe feeling a bit down or just got some time to kill and uh and a team to huddle with
Starting point is 00:40:44 someone to get your water someone to make sure you're eating someone like someone who's yeah so yeah yeah again like grateful for those guys to come down as well you know it sucks that my brother's not going to be here because he was here in 2019 with me and um it is what it is just gonna do it do what i can look at this i'll be your coach um i'll be your coach and side piece oh come on rb i'll be your bitch look at this look he's even looking back he was going somewhere and he's like yeah uh look here's the buddy you get a cop give me your pass dog yep yeah we should do a lucky draw or something so um uh i'll be your coach i can stir a mean pre-workout oh look at they're coming out oh my goodness i love it uh and um so when are you going back now now that
Starting point is 00:41:42 you're here on on sunday when it's all over, what will you do? I'll basically drive back to Chicago late on Monday night, and I'll get a flight out on Tuesday morning. It's like flights a few and far between, so it's like a 19-hour journey back. So I fly from Chicago to Taiwan and then Taiwan to Hong Kong. But yeah, it is what it is. Wow. Yeah. fly, fly from Chicago to Taiwan and then Taiwan to Hong Kong. Um, but yeah, yeah. It is what it is. Wow. Uh, wow. That's great. That's great. And then, and then,
Starting point is 00:42:14 and then work Wednesday or Thursday. Yeah. I'll be back in work on Wednesday. Yeah. Coaching it up. Yes, sir. Oh my goodness. Uh, any expectations of yourself, uh, at this, um, that the premier event where the fittest people in the world will be trying to take your lunch money uh you know what i think uh in this situation i'm in there's no expectations anyway um but having said that i think you know i always control what i can um so that's my attitude and my effort towards each event. Generally speaking, I like the games more than the semifinals,
Starting point is 00:42:52 more than the quarterfinals, more than the Open, just because of the, I guess, the unknown and unknowable elements of it. I'm probably better at doing things like running, I don't know, like flipping pigs and that sort of shit um versus power cleans and thrusters um just that's more probably my background which is rugby so i think that lends itself to game style programming um but honestly i'm just looking forward to it uh i'm looking forward to having a blast out there seeing old friends meeting new people,
Starting point is 00:43:26 and if I can have a crack, leave it all out on the floor and see what happens. Yeah. Does this resonate with you, that you're going to take more risks than normal? Why not? Yeah. Yeah. I may as well throw the kitchen sink at it and see what happens.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Yeah. Hey, dude, great meeting you. I'm excited to see you i watched your vlog last night i watched some of your interviews you're a cool dude you're easy you what um it's amazing these people who make it to the games in general are pretty cool you're you're top of the food chain cool dude thank you i appreciate it and thanks for having me on here yeah and and um congratulations with lee thank you um she's gonna crush it so i'm sure she will yeah you're a great coach and uh and congratulations on the affiliate you're just a great member of the And congratulations with Lee. Thank you. She's going to crush it. I'm sure she will.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Yeah, you're a great coach. And congratulations on the affiliate. You're just a great member of the community. I hope our paths continue to cross. Absolutely. I'll see you when you get here in Madison. All right, brother. Ciao.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Take care. Aunt Haynes. There's something I want to show you guys really quick. I showed you guys this last night. Hi, Jamie. I see you. I want to show you guys this really quick before I bring Jamie on. This is the Swolverine website. And up here, really small, it says get 25% off.
Starting point is 00:44:40 And I told you guys this last night. I don't know if they've left this on here on accident or what. But there's the code. And I don't know how long've left this on here on accident or what, but there's the code. And I don't know long, how long it will be up there. Anyway, there you go. There's your free to shopping tidbit from the seven podcast. Get your cheapest supplements.
Starting point is 00:45:00 We can. Hi. Hello. What's up? Good morning. Good morning. How are you? I'm great. I'm fantastic. I'm pumped. Cool. Jamie, I don't think I've ever met you. Yeah, I think maybe years ago, like 2017 or 2018 games. Okay. So at the games and briefly. Yeah. Yeah. Probably briefly. You're probably talking to a lot of people. games and briefly yeah yeah probably briefly briefly you're probably talking to a lot of people and um you were uh you were okay so now now that you say that i think i do you were you pretty
Starting point is 00:45:32 more reserved then than you are now um i don't know maybe i was just a bit more shy i was quite new to it all um yeah but yeah i think i was in you know the first time at the games as an individual and you know it's all pretty scary and and you sort of just taking it all in. So maybe, maybe that was the case. The first time I laid eyes on you, I remember thinking now that it's all coming back to me. I remember thinking this. This is truly a professional athlete who has stumbled onto a, I don't know what the right word, a fledgling sport that's exploding. And you just seemed you had a more professional air.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Maybe it wasn't that you were shy. Maybe it was that I was intimidated by you, but you carried yourself already. You and, do you remember Anna Tunnicliffe? Yes. She's Anna Tobias. The two of you had an air about yourself that was like very poised. Well, that's good.
Starting point is 00:46:27 That's good to know. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think I thought I came across like that. I was probably just like a bit stunned by it all. Oh, okay. Okay. Well, you pulled it off.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Yeah. You didn't come. What did you come from? What sport did you come from? Rugby and gymnastics. But yeah, I played rugby for like a good 15 years maybe are are you um wow 15 years i i don't really know that sport to me it's it's um i when i kind of think about it i just put it as um football but without pads american football but without pads i sort of and
Starting point is 00:47:00 you guys have some different rules about what the ball can do. But I think of those people as big and then it always surprises me. You're not big. Some are big. Like you've got your different positions, obviously, like football as well. Some are big, some are small. But, yeah, I think that's almost why in the end that I was like my body just couldn't handle it anymore. All those big hits.
Starting point is 00:47:20 With CrossFit as well, it was too much for me. So, yeah, ended up just back at CrossFit and it all worked out. In Australia is home for you. New Zealand, New Zealand. I apologize. It's okay. I'll let you know this time.
Starting point is 00:47:35 So you're from the city of New Zealand, which is in Australia, the biggest city in Australia. No, don't even say that. Cause some people think things like that. I know. And I'm capable.
Starting point is 00:47:45 I'm capable of saying something stupid like that. Um, E S C sounds. Let's go, Jamie. There we go. Let's go, Jamie. Um, what games is this for you? This is number. Uh, six.
Starting point is 00:48:04 And, um, let me think of some other things I know about you off the top of my head you used to be jamie green yes yeah and dubai was home for you yes abu dhabi is home again now oh it is okay it's recently yeah and is abu dhabi the capital of dubai abu dhabi is the capital of the uae uae another emirate and dubai's so the seven emirates and dubai and abu dhabi are two of them okay okay good thank you i'm learning some geography and i know uh if i my some of my jamie green um knowledge as i dig in now it's really flooding forward you met your husband there he was a trainer there also yes yeah so elliot also that's some gossipy shit that i would hear through the grapevine yeah yeah like that and obviously he competes as well not this year but yeah what's his name elliot elliot simmons he said uh yeah
Starting point is 00:49:01 he likes to say a lot more controversial things than me and there's a lot more opinions on things so oh good i need to have him on yeah if you ever wanted him on i don't know if it'd be a good thing for me but those ones is um is uh is he um uh did he win dubai one year um no so he's competed in dubai i can't remember where he's got there he's competed at the games twice as an individual yeah yeah so we did team in 2016 and he competed 2018 2019 individual wow yeah so but now he's been injured the last year um deja intendu for jamie glad you're back and good luck. Thank you. Good to be back. Savon's dog, Jamie, are you allowed to take a dog to the games?
Starting point is 00:49:52 You can always try. That's a little forward. Please. That's a little. I see what you're doing there, Savon's dog. I apologize. My dog is inappropriate sometimes. Could have been a little more subtle. How old are you, Jamie? I am 32. my dog is inappropriate sometimes could have been a little more subtle. Uh,
Starting point is 00:50:06 how old are you, Jamie? I am 32. Just turned 32 last two weeks ago. Someone was doing the average. Um, I had at least three, three ladies on now that said that they're 34,
Starting point is 00:50:17 I think. And they were doing the average and they said the average was, I think Patrick Clark shared in the comments, the average was um i think patrick clark shared in the comments the average was 26.7 but you have to think it's skewed because you have like some kids there yeah i know right like gerstetter i mean she's 17 yeah it's got to skew the numbers down yeah but um but no i believe that because a lot of the girls as well around what 22 to 25 as well so yeah crazy do the women have a um a longer um lifespan than the boys uh in the sport i don't know i guess it kind of depends on like your
Starting point is 00:50:56 background and i guess how you take care of yourself um there seems to be a lot of young girls so you know they've got a lot more time to carry on through but then also yeah i don't know i think it like what do they say females then your endurance almost gets better as you get older still waiting for that it it would be trippy if they did have a longer lifespan because the conventional wisdom is that you guys mature quicker so you're able to make the leap faster right from the teen division to the pro division. And then if you had, so that gives you more time on this end. And then if you have more time on the out, on the, on the outer end,
Starting point is 00:51:34 I mean, look at Annie. Yeah. Yeah. She even grew, she grew a baby in her. Yeah. She's a specimen, but that's just so impressive. Yeah. Say that word again. Specimen. She's a specimen, but that's just so impressive. Yeah. Say that word again, specimen? She's a specimen, yeah. Yeah. Very, very impressive, yeah. So I know there's some of these girls out there you just can't, you know. It's almost like someone says something and they take it to that next level
Starting point is 00:51:58 and try the extra bit on top. But, yeah, every year someone, you know, never ceases to amaze you. It really is like that. That's a good point point i never thought that every year there's someone that you're just like what yeah it's cool though like you know you don't see you see it and i feel like crossfit really uh accentuates it um tell me the first year you went to the games again to 2017 for individual yeah in 2016 i went on team with um crossfit yes and that was my first year and then and then 2018 you went to the games also yeah and uh 2019 yeah and 2020 yeah in the last two years and a bit of a hiatus god you are something else and and and what happened the
Starting point is 00:52:47 last two years what happened after the 2020 games uh so 20 after 2020 games i felt great we actually so me and elliot decided at the end of 2020 to move to the uk and sort of you know take on the full-time athlete role um so we left our job in abu di and went to the UK. And I think within, it was like a month or six weeks of being there, I dislocated my shoulder. And I was like, so during the 2021 open. And you tell me about that, how that happened. Oh, like ridiculous. I was doing a dumbbell pullover with seven kilos. What's that? 15 pounds and my shoulder dislocated. What's it, what's a dumbbell pullover with seven kilos. What's that? 15 pounds and my shoulders dislocated. What's a dumbbell pullover?
Starting point is 00:53:27 A snatch? No, like literally you lie on the bench. You hold the dumbbell. Oh, oh. Holding it like this, which is probably obviously not right. Yeah. And then it just clunked out. And it was out for maybe like a couple of hours.
Starting point is 00:53:41 And then obviously went to A&E, got put back in, tried to rehab it for three months and then it did it again so it was yeah i um it's i want to say it's called a skull crusher like in bodybuilding is that what you heard that term it's like a skull crusher but you know a skull crusher you're like this oh yeah i'm gonna pull over it's literally like you're here okay look at me trying to tell you what to what it is yeah obviously i didn't know what it was very well no you do you're a trainer and i'm just like trying i'm posturing on you i'm doing something wrong though but yeah so literally just my shoulder popped out of its socket
Starting point is 00:54:13 and now whenever i see anyone ever doing them i'm like i can't even watch and and you were probably enjoying it too right like i like doing stuff like that because I like the stretch right so you were probably even doing like enjoying like okay tug on me a little bit yeah a little bit like it was like I'm one of those ones I like doing like CrossFit I just want to do CrossFit I want to do the gymnastics and CrossFit I don't want to do this bodybuilding accessory shit and then obviously my coach and Elliot and stuff like no you need to do this to get stronger do your bodybuilding so I was obviously not really paying attention. I was just getting it done and out it went. And it was, yeah, it was horrific few hours. I have to say.
Starting point is 00:54:54 You knew, so you knew it was out. Yeah. It was like, I was in a t-shirt luckily, so I couldn't really see it, but literally my, obviously like head of my shoulder was like in my armpit. So, and obviously and you get to a and e and you're like can someone just put it back in and obviously they're got a um x-ray and check everything and then put it and it took like two people yanking on me just to get it back in so it was yeah it was a horrific experience. And after that, I was like, just keep that shoulder in.
Starting point is 00:55:28 A&E, the hospital system or something over there? Yeah, like, what was that, accident and emergency. Okay. And now you see, like, I watch the UFC and you see a guy dislocates his shoulder and someone in the corner just will just put it back in. I wish I like, I'm pretty sure Andy, my coach and Elliot were like, when I was screaming, like looking up on their phone, how to do it. And they were just,
Starting point is 00:55:55 I think as well, it depends where it comes out. Like up here, they had to like lift my arm up and like yank on it here to like click it back in. But apparently you can put it back in um but apparently you can put it back in wrong and you know like nerves and stuff get fucked up with it yeah twisted yeah so they x-ray it and then they have a special way of putting it back in and yeah it was grim but yeah the ufc a lot i guess if the quick you put it back in the the less you feel. I don't know. And then it happened again three months later? Yeah, doing a snatch. So obviously I rehabbed.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Oh, man. Yeah, I rehabbed it and everything. And I could do muscle-ups. I could do handstand walk. I could do everything. And then I think it was like a 70-kilo snatch and just here. And then it just sort of like dropped out again. Same thing all over again. I kind of knew it a bit more this time so I knew the system get in wait get your x-ray
Starting point is 00:56:52 get it put back in they had to x-ray it again you couldn't just be like hey this happened before it's this kind of no apparently you got x-rayed every time okay and then so that was then from there it ends up being 18 months of basic rehab because you missed the games twice, right? Yeah. Well, no. So I had surgery about this time, two years ago, and then it's like a year. Well, I did it a little bit faster than a year recovery. And then competed that next season. And I just, I didn't qualify out of Torrey and I got fifth. So yeah. So it was like like i was back competing but i obviously just wasn't up to par and yeah i didn't make it 2022 and then yeah and now this year comes
Starting point is 00:57:35 around and got in there um when they do the surgery what do they do um So I had ladder jet surgery. It's like, it's very common in rugby to be fair. They like, so you've got your, is that your corticoid process that connects your bicep tendon connects to that bone. So they cut the bone, they take the bone out of the bone and then drill it into your scapula. So then when you lift your arm up,
Starting point is 00:58:04 it's kind of like, instead of it coming out, it will hit that bone. Yeah. Bicep tendon is like a sling. Oh. Like blocked. So it's like a bone block, basically. So, yeah, it took a while to get that right. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Hey, did you lose range of motion? Yeah. So they were quite worried about, like, gymnastics and stuff. But I found the gymnastics fine to come back to but i did take me a long still taking me a while to get back like overhead position snatches and jerks and things but it's more just it's just like the confidence of it yeah yeah yeah and it's never popped out since no touch wood yeah yeah oh touch wood that's two two people in a row touched wood on this. Yeah. Oh, touch wood. That's two, two, two people in a row touched wood on this show.
Starting point is 00:58:47 And Haynes touched some wood on this show. Yeah. I've never, I've never, that's been nothing that's ever happened on the show. No wood touching Tommy pain. My dad used to snap my knees back in place when I was a kid. That's horrific.
Starting point is 00:58:59 I feel like knees would be even worse. My knee. Yeah. Look at the toughest guy. this is the toughest guy in the audience even he's sweating he don't like it oh my goodness it's grim oh my goodness yeah oh here we go here we go scott schweitzer i dislocated my pinky scott oh scott your pinky scott yeah but sound like me what a sissy you sound like me and almost passed out i love scott you can even put that one back in yourself
Starting point is 00:59:30 uh and um did you think did you think you would come back and ever make it to the games again after this two years of struggle a few people have asked me that lately it's it's funny because it's something that never really crossed my mind i think i'm one of those people who just i don't really look too far ahead um and i sort of just i don't know i just i've had shoulder surgery before i've had other achilles i've had a few surgeries before and i just sort of like you just want to get back to training. Like that's all that I wanted at first, get back to training. So build up that way. And then you get back to training. You're like, okay, I want to try get closer to what I used to lift. I want to, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:14 compete in this. I want to, and it was sort of step-by-step. I never really thought, Oh, this is like the end of my career. I just kept going. And then obviously, you know, it's always been my goal to get back to the CrossFit games. And I't know it never really slipped my mind to be like oh no this is me done i think i still feel i still feel young even though i might not be um i'm trying i'm trying to relate to it and i and i like it um it's kind of like i used to hurt my back and i didn't, I didn't really care. I'd be like, okay,
Starting point is 01:00:45 so I'll just take Vicodin and drink wine and sit on the couch for a week. Double V. Yeah. Just be just whacked out of my brain. And then once I had kids and I would hurt my back and I never thought I, and I, I just, once I had kids, I was like, Hey, I can't be hurt like this. And so like I would then I, instead of trying do our X weights, I would do take the literally take the women's weight and then cut it in half. I'm like, dude, I don't care.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Yeah, I don't. I just need to be able to just be with my kids. Yeah. I don't want to like work out. I did want to. Yeah. But I didn't care. Then also, I didn't care what my deadlift was.
Starting point is 01:01:21 I didn't care how much like I didn't care. It just was like, I just need, I just need to, I just need to be healthy. And so basically you were put in a situation where you're, I'm guessing you lost your arm and you're just like, hey, I need my arm back. Yeah. Yeah. And then once you got your arm back, you're like, okay, I need my mobility back. But once you got your mobility back and you just started piling back up and then it was
Starting point is 01:01:40 kind of weird for the first time in five years, this is going to sound like a joke to you, but I deadlifted 295 just on accident a couple of months ago after, you know, after not deadlifting over 200 pounds for years. Yeah. Everyone says that it's like, you don't put an emphasis on it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:53 But I didn't care. Yeah. I'm just like, whatever. Yeah. Yeah. That's really cool. And it's just like,
Starting point is 01:01:59 yeah, sometimes you overthink things and overdo things that it almost inhibits yourself. But when you bring that step back and you almost appreciate like the smaller things you can do or you know your priorities change then different things happen you realize their health is the most important thing you have oh yeah it's crazy did you go through that you're like shit i just need to be able to move yeah i think it's happened to me multiple times just like every injury you're just
Starting point is 01:02:23 like oh now i appreciate that I can do this. Or even like I've had a few shoulder surgeries and even being able to tie your hair up. Like I get so sick of Elliot trying to wash my hair, trying to do this. Wow. Just like little things like that. Wow. Yeah. I just want to go back to normal life.
Starting point is 01:02:39 So I think, yeah, it sort of brings you back down to earth. Bruce Wayne. Hi, Jamie. For Behind the Scenes Burger Fund. Wow. Thanks, Bruce Wayne. Tank Reeves from Canada. How do you feel about young people like Olivia competing in the big leagues? Do you think given Mal and Hayley emotional state, it's a good idea? Do you think that there's an age that's not appropriate to compete at the highest level?
Starting point is 01:03:08 Well, I don't think so. Like these girls, like they're young, but as well, they're performing up to it. So why not? I think as long as they're sort of guided the right way and as well, it's like they're such good athletes that it is hard not to put pressure on yourself when you are that good. I think almost like if they just sort of like, again, take a step like they don't, a lot of them don't sort of have the same injuries, but like take a step back and just enjoy what they're doing and not having that. It's easier said than done, not having the pressure on them, then they're going to last a lot longer. And as well, like who's to say that it was just crossfit that brought that upon people like it could be you know pressures of
Starting point is 01:03:52 social like you know social media but that could come even not with crossfit like that could just be being in the spotlight i think um yeah i think if you're around the right people um they sort of build you up and as well keep you down to earth at the same time, then that, you know, you can build through like anyone else. It doesn't matter the age. What about just regular soul searching that I think a healthy 20 year old goes through and that's really all that they're doing?
Starting point is 01:04:24 I think a healthy 20 year old goes through and that's really all that they're doing. Like, I mean, I got rid of everything I owned and made myself homeless in my twenties because I wanted to, yeah. And I, and I, cause I wanted to find the answer. I wanted to find like, God, I wanted to find like where we come from. Where was I before I was born? Where am I going after I'm dead? Is the earth a magical place? What kind of strangers can I meet? I mean, isn't that normal? Isn't that normal isn't that yeah aren't you supposed to have some sort of breakdown in your 20s where you're like oh my god what i think i've been in school since i've been five isn't it smart like what i've been basically told what to do since i was who the fuck am i isn't there supposed to like i see mal and hayley
Starting point is 01:04:58 and i'm like yeah that's not it seems pretty normal to me yeah yeah and like as well like they could have their breakdown now and next year come back better than they've ever been or i think as well yeah it's a great time did you have one jamie did you have a did you have a like in your 20s you're like what am i doing with my life did you ever have a like i feel i feel like i like when i actually started crossfit my mom actually bought it for me because she was like, you're literally just playing rugby, going out on the piss and not really going to university. What's that mean, going out on the piss, like to drink? Yeah, like going out drinking.
Starting point is 01:05:34 And I was probably, what, 20? And I think maybe from when I was like 18 to 2022 was just like, I'll just do what I want. I'm at uni. You can study a bit. I would just play rugby, want you know I'm at uni you can study a bit but I would just you know play rugby go out party whatever and I had always been so into sport as well and I don't know maybe my rugby was not going so well either um but my mum sort of came across me and was like well why don't you try you know like she's seen me do gymnastics all through my life athletics
Starting point is 01:06:02 um or like basketball lots of sports so she was like why don't you try this and then yeah that sort of like got me a bit more on the straight and narrow um and it ended up leading me to Abu Dhabi and carried on through like that so I think yeah mine might have been spread out a bit longer through high school and uh uni but then yeah you sort of have those moments and then you appreciate you know getting your life back on track and where it where it leads you and for and for when well i guess for anyone also i mean there's going to be stuff like that as you get older too like are you going to have kids um where are you going to retire yeah i mean i don't think you're there yet but you're
Starting point is 01:06:44 probably five or ten years away. There's a point in your life where you're like, ooh, I'm a little tired. Yeah. I think as well it's hard for Elliot and myself because we're from different places. We met like – Where's he from? Where's he from? He's from England.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Okay, okay. From the UK. And so we're like been a little bit of nomads the last few years. One day, obviously, I want to end up in New Zealand. And it's, I don't know when, but I definitely want to end up back there. And obviously, that's taking him away from his home. And, you know, you're all like, we've been nomads. And for the last few years, we've been a little bit like, so what are we doing with our life?
Starting point is 01:07:21 But as well, again, you do want to have a little bit of a plan. But as well, you've got to you do want to have a little bit of a plan but as well you've got to see what turns up you know yeah like we've had this opportunity to come to virginia train with um all the guys at krypton and like you we wouldn't be able to do that if we were just back you know working our full-time job in the middle east and doing that but we've been able to come over here and five six weeks training with some of the best in the world and you know you don't always get that so it's pretty cool it's good to have a plan but not a full plan yeah hey um just to put that in perspective too at 32 i don't know what i was doing but i didn't find crossfit till i was 34 and i think i was and i think i was living at home
Starting point is 01:08:01 with my mom yeah yeah so it's like yeah my role was there it's like do as you please yeah um uh how long have you and Ellie been together um nine years yeah three and a half and um did you have to give um anything up in your athletic career to get married or did that um help it more like it was kind of like a a relief like you could close down a whole uh i don't know like you just you know when you're finally committed to just one person you can kind of close this section of the world off i don't want to say you close it off but you don't have to to call it just flirting with the other sex is too simple but was that nice like you got married and then you what i thought about
Starting point is 01:08:53 it like that i think like you're free or like you're free because you have or or some people if they're not ready and they get married it could be a burden say it again i said or not free it might be the opposite right right i mean for me it was free it was freedom yeah i think i like i've been with elliot since you know since i first moved to the middle east and yeah it's always just been like he's especially with prosper and just life in general he's yeah he's just so good at motivating you to sort of be better um especially for me like sometimes I can be a bit, you know, useless, but lazy sometimes, but he's very like rigid, knows what he wants.
Starting point is 01:09:31 And it's really nice to have someone like that in your life to keep you pursuing, you know, your best self as such. And yeah. And I think like when we got married, it was just, life just sort of went on the same. I think we sort of had that like connection and just knowing it's sort of been like that since you know early on in our relationship even though we were young and he was even younger he likes to let everyone know i like the way you described him like that yeah you're you're a uh a powerful human being but you uh who can handle um themselves in the world and yet you found this
Starting point is 01:10:07 man who has um his he's driven he knows what he wants yeah and you can still get done with what you want to get done in life while being with him yeah 100 and yeah like and he will never try try be someone he's not and i think that yeah it's really nice being around someone like that what does that mean try like give me an example like you know say the crowd want to do something prime example sometimes in crossfit um if that's not again like if that's against his morals he will not like someone like me i might just be like oh yeah whatever you do what you please like he will let people know his opinion especially if he's got a very strong opinion on something and i think that's nice because he needs a podcast he needs a podcast he does honestly i'm like yeah especially because we're quite opposite like that
Starting point is 01:10:54 which is nice because you know i get to see that side of the world whereas i'm a lot more laid back and just like you know people do what they want out. You don't have to, you know, always tell everyone everything, but it's nice as well. You know, people appreciate it. I like him. It might be a very long podcast if you were on there with him. When your mom, you're in New Zealand, and what year is it that your your mom and you're in the uni
Starting point is 01:11:26 mom buys you a crossfit membership that's what she she did did she buy you like a punch card or like what's your six week pass sort of thing and what year was that that was in 2013 and so you're you're like becoming a woman at that time. You're like 18. 2013, I was probably about 20. 21, I think I started when I was like 21, 22. And were you living at home and doing uni? No, no, I was in a flat. Same city as your mom? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:00 And can you tell me like the details of how she – I know, isn't it crazy? Yeah. Michael Banyan, $20 twenty dollars again thank you such a classy person yeah you do exude class thank you yeah you look like maybe like you own a chain of jewelry stores or something you're very classy um um i want to hear the details of like how, like how she presents that to you. Oh no, she literally just gave it to me as a Christmas present. Like it's in an envelope and you open it up and you're like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:12:31 this sucks. This isn't even money. Yeah. Merry Christmas. Yeah. Go to CrossFit. Oh yeah. I'll try that in a few months.
Starting point is 01:12:37 Maybe. And so there's like a certificate in there that says like six weeks on ramp course or some shit. Yeah. Yeah. It was actually like a six weeks ladies camp, I think. And then I went to the class and the guy was like, you can just do the normal classes if you want. Wow.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Because he saw your capability so quickly? Yeah. It was like, conveniently, I went to a class that was like all gymnastic stuff. I was like, oh yeah, this is fine. And had you heard about CrossFit before then yeah because I well I was studying PE at uni um so you'd think I'd be a bit more active but um I so obviously like there's personal training there's sports coaching there's sports management all involved in that and obviously you learn about lots of different
Starting point is 01:13:21 sports and yeah I think like and you're kind of doing crossfit i was training at another gym and i was personal training people as well and you kind of did crossfit sort of stuff um so then when i went there loved it you did love it were you you weren't judging the coaches you're like okay they're doing that wrong oh that kipping pull-up is so stupid what are they doing you didn't do any of that no i was never i'm not a very judgy person i think i just uh yeah i remember doing my like first time trying to do an overhead squat though just wasn't happening i'm gonna tell you i'm gonna tell you something just there when you said um i'm not a very judgy person like any like the three percent of the people in the audience
Starting point is 01:14:05 who weren't sure whether to like you or not just fell in love with you. You just did it. That was a home. I'm not a very judgy person. She needs like pearls. I could see it. And a Titanic ticket.
Starting point is 01:14:16 I totally see it. Yes. All right. You have a timeless element about you. I see it. Yes. Say it again. Maybe it's just the accent. A very romantic character. I see it. Yes. Say it again. Maybe it's just the accent.
Starting point is 01:14:27 A very romantic character. No, it's more. There's more. There's more than just an accent there. And, oh, look at Dan Guerrero. His wife bought him a CrossFit membership and said, happy anniversary. Stop being weak. I love it. just a subtle hint uh drew p drew p balls that's the first time i've seen you in the comments droopy balls very nice of you to join us jamie don't laugh don't laugh pretend like you don't notice and uh so she gives it to you you go there and um are you
Starting point is 01:15:11 are you just addicted uh not straight away i think um one of my good friends from well he became good friends and now he works at yes um he trained there as well so i started training with him more and i think that's what i sort of grew my love from CrossFit from there sort of training you know with friends with the classes and then as I got better at it that's when I started liking it more I think but yeah again it was just like the people that I met along the way really made me fall in love with it a lot more crazy community working out with those people funny that and and you're you're an athlete a a lady from a team sport rugby yeah and you loved the community and the friendship and like right yeah rugby is awesome for that and I think the thing is as well I do miss that like I enjoy it when I do team and crossfit and that but I think it's
Starting point is 01:16:05 really nice in team sports you know sort of not just relying on yourself but also pushing through not just for yourself but for your team and I think that's I do really enjoy team crossfit as well because of that background I think you know it's not like it's not you just suffering in the trenches it's you and you're doing it for the people around you so you've got to really like your team as well and then you also did gymnastics which is just a bunch of contemptuous bitches you had a nice bat you had a nice balance oh great job great job on the high bars i hope you fucking i don't know next time where i'm from where i'm from they're not too bad like that they're okay okay yeah yeah you're a good dude i'm gonna write down here she doesn't notice when she's around bitches it's actually probably true story though
Starting point is 01:16:52 um uh okay and uh so so you start doing it and when does the um at some point are you like this lifestyle of uh of partying isn't gonna to work with this CrossFit thing. I want to be better at this CrossFit thing because nutrition is at the bottom of the pyramid. Do you remember when you discovered that, when you're like, oh, what is this nutrition thing? Yeah, I think I was pretty good with my nutrition when I – well, pretty good. I got better, but I would still try fit in the partying, definitely, and that also didn't help. Right. I just drink on Fridays and Saturdays.
Starting point is 01:17:24 Yeah, Yeah. Still try to balance it out. But, yeah, when I started sort of – I think it was when I moved to the Middle East. I moved to Abu Dhabi and around like Elliot and Anthony, who's my coach now. He was one of the first coaches at YES. When I was around those guys and just seeing like, you know in day out training eating well um you know just coaching not going out in the weekends that's sort of when you know you see the progress and you see yourself actually getting better and you're like oh okay if i you know keep it this and don't sort
Starting point is 01:17:56 of sway off every weekend then you see the improvement a lot quicker so i think it was that transition from being at home in New Zealand over to working and sort of living that life uh get the get it get the pat by the way you just called um someone Antony and I didn't understand now I understand why they call aunt aunt because you're not so slow in the United States it's Anthony yeah well it depends it's both yeah it is both there yeah so it depends if your name is anthony or anthony because one's with an h1 is without yeah anthony anthony would be anthony would be just like just um more like how you like you wouldn't say that in the united states unless like you were from the hood or something oh okay let me ask anthony something you know what i mean but but
Starting point is 01:18:45 so i just didn't know how they got ant but now i get it and i just heard you the way you said it and it's like okay because we would call him like tony or oh okay you know what i mean or we would have but i'd never met an ant before but now i get it because i heard you refer to an ant but you guys also have anthony's these are my friends, Anthony and Anthony. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. That's some complicated shit.
Starting point is 01:19:10 All right. It is. Okay. So 2013, you go to the CrossFit gym. And then how do you in 2017 – or, yeah, how do you in 2016 make it to the teams? Are you already in Abu Dhabi at that point or Dubai? We're in Abu Dhabi, yeah. So we actually competed team in 2015, and then we got disqualified.
Starting point is 01:19:45 So we – CrossFit, yes, we qualified second at the, was it the Europe region that year? And then we got disqualified because one of the girls came on the 7th of January, apparently had, like, moved to Abu Dhabi on the 7th of January and apparently had to be there on the 1st. Didn't know that rule. I don't think even we were going to go team at that point, but we found that out after or someone told crossfit
Starting point is 01:20:05 about that or whatever um so we got disqualified and i or i'd like obviously i was gutted you know we were going to go to the games and we didn't get to um and i would have you know young new crossfitter really wanted to go to the games especially elliot he was like so upset about that but then so we made it you know i think the next year like if if we'd gone to the games I probably would have gone individual in 2016 but we didn't make it like since we got disqualified I was like we definitely have to try that again so um 2016 we did team again and uh went to the games and then we got third well and how did you guys end up going from New Zealand to uh how did you end up going from New zealand to abu dhabi oh i got a job as like a home personal trainer how did you find that just online no one of the
Starting point is 01:20:50 girls that i used to do gymnastics with years ago at home she um was manager of a company there and she was like do you want to come work as a pt or a personal trainer over in abu dhabi didn't know where it was so yeah sure because i would i I went to America first to do like a summer camp, worked on a summer camp, and then, yeah, and then just moved to Abu Dhabi after that. Jamie, did you ever have Olympic aspirations? No. No, okay.
Starting point is 01:21:17 Because I never really did like gymnastics. I was way off that. New Zealand, we're not really quite up there with the rest of the world and some of the gymnastics stuff um rugby to be fair actually when sevens got into the olympics i was like oh maybe i could pursue this but then when who did when who did the rugby sevens oh oh oh because i played sevens for a little bit which is the same as normal rugby, but with only seven people and they hit, um, seven minute halves. So they have that the Olympics now. Um, but, um, I'd started CrossFit then and yeah,
Starting point is 01:21:52 but that would have been pretty cool. And so at some point you just knew you were good at CrossFit like somewhere between 2013, 2014, 2015 and what you're, and then you got the job there and when you went there where did you was one of the first things you did look up uh is there are there crossfit gyms and yeah well actually the girl who hired me was training at crossfit yes and she took me there and yeah oh wow yeah yeah what a trippy journey you've been on yeah and i used to just like sneak in basically i used to walk in walk in and start training and Fraser, one of the guys who he works with pliability now. Yeah. He used to, he'd be on front desk,
Starting point is 01:22:32 but he'd be too nervous to say anything to me. So I think I got away with it for like two or three weeks, just walking into the gym and just training. And then the boys hired me after that anyway. And why was he too nervous to say anything to you? He was just shy. I don't know. Probably just because he was like, well, he was young he was young he was he's like five years four or five years younger than me and he was like oh i can't say anything i'll just just let it go in crazy and then and and what happened to that job with the uh what did you say you did when i'll put personal training at um yeah what happened to that job you just kept doing that
Starting point is 01:23:06 so i did that for like six weeks and then it was a lot of travel around abu dhabi so i was like trying to train at yes and then travel people's houses train them back and like what kind of people like women who didn't want to train in public yeah and just anyone who had gyms at their house like it's like it's quite a big demand over there like they've got busy lives and if you've got a gym at your house why not get a trainer to come to your house so yeah I had quite a few clients there but then yes needed a female coach because I only had the two boys and now and um yeah so then I just started working there and it made life a lot easier I could work train work train we worked a lot back in those days and then and then and then you started qualifying for the games
Starting point is 01:23:46 yeah yeah is elliot your coach uh so anthony's my coach he programs and stuff um and then elliot has been my coach at the games but they're like so al and antler's and al's best friend so it's pretty good for me because they talk all the time and I've got, and his coach and Elliot is husband slash coach. Man. What, what, what a cool journey you're on. It's kind of like you left. Yeah. You're, you're on a cool journey. It's a, part of it's got like this. Okay. I'm going out into the world with my backpack or my stick with that, like red thing on it. It was legit like that. And you're still out there doing it.
Starting point is 01:24:27 Yeah, yeah. It's like, it's so cool just seeing, it's the people you meet and then the opportunities you get because of these different people. Yeah, it's pretty cool. It's hard as well because like I find it really hard
Starting point is 01:24:39 being away from home for so long all the time, especially over COVID. That was like three years um and I miss home so much because I love New Zealand but as well you know I can always go back there and at the moment I want to meet all these people and you know you learn so much about yourself and about the rest of the world just being out in it um that one day I can take that back to New Zealand and build something there yeah crazy and it god and it sounds like you're having a blast like you yeah you're free there's a there's a freedom to it yeah well you know you know what it's like in crossfit as well like
Starting point is 01:25:15 you've got this similar sort of you know everyone's into sort of the same thing but then everyone's from such different backgrounds like even the difference between like Americans and the Brits like it's just such different culture and it's nice learning about where people come from and like especially coming over here to the US like where CrossFit started it um yeah it's just so cool seeing like the roots of it like we've been obviously saying with um Alec and that and Ben's parents and just seeing like we were saying like the you know the cul-de-sac where Ben used to do his workouts or whatever like yeah you know you see that that's like crossfit essence so it's very cool you would you want to train a games athlete in 10 years uh Jamie Simmons would have a um like as a coach yeah I don't know I'd like to help out I don't think I
Starting point is 01:26:06 I think I could help with some things but I think that's more like Elliot's side he's very he's a very very very good coach but he's not like he wants to keep competing so I think one day when he's finished competing he will pursue the whole coaching coaching thing because he's very he's very good at not just like the whole coaching, coaching thing. Cause he's very, he's very good at not just like the physical part, but like the mental side of it as well. I've found. And do you have plans for the games this year? Do you have like, is there a, you look,
Starting point is 01:26:36 you look out over Thursday to Sunday and you have an agenda? I don't know. It's funny. Like I feel, cause the last time I was actually at the games of 2019 and that seemed so long ago so for me i just want to sort of like and it always feels like it goes so fast um and you forget things so i think this time now that it's been so long i just want to go and like sort of enjoy each day and like not think about the rest of the weekend just like which to be fair i'm actually better at like going all out and one workout and struggling for the rest, but that's all right.
Starting point is 01:27:08 So sort of just go into each workout as if like, you know, this is it. Just put your mind all in that and enjoy that. Man, there's some incredible pictures of you on this Instagram. Here we go. Look at this. Oh my goodness. The photographers photographers here they're really good that's at krypton yeah yeah it's been so cool training here um so is there more to do are you done i mean in this picture like when you look at this picture are you done or is this like
Starting point is 01:27:39 you're in the middle of the war yeah i think i'm in the middle of it oh my goodness you're throwing that bag back and forth over that thing yeah over the yoke with some burpees and a few jump overs oh my goodness oh my goodness look at you that's the fun stuff though isn't it better than machines and things what a beast are you when you go over that are you clearing that bar are you touching it on the way over uh i think i did a bit of both in the beginning you're just flying over yeah and in the end i'm hanging over it yeah these are cool these are all photos that someone's taking these at krypton and giving them to you yeah yeah there's a guy glenn who takes photos there oh look at this thing okay so can you smell who is that elliot yeah oh does he smell good it always always always yeah
Starting point is 01:28:33 it's one of those always smells good there's some definitely some performance enhancing smells coming off of him right there he's like giving you like some some some male scents that are taking you to the next level yeah oh that thing you're holding is miserable i hate even the thought of that thing with rubber bands on it that's been so good though for my shoulder it has yeah i would say that to anyone who's got bad shoulders you just do static holds with that static holds or walking or presses or um even bench press and bench press holds yeah god i hate that that sensation of that thing like wiggling out there good on you that's the yeah that's not like the fun stuff oh is this a sister yeah holy cow you guys look alike yeah so she's uh she's actually in the uk
Starting point is 01:29:28 at the moment trying to qualify for worlds for uh running oh wow so it's a family full of athletes yeah she's a very good runner yeah so she um runs 1500s like track oh okay yeah okay so she is she a beanpole no they're still got there she is yeah so she's taller skinnier yeah what a trip to see your genetics um express themselves in two different ways right like like hey this is if you go this way this is if you go this way yeah definitely it's um yeah it's very interesting so she's so hopefully yeah if she qualifies then she'll be traveling around somewhere else to watch her. But I think she's going to come over and watch the games anyway. Oh, you think?
Starting point is 01:30:12 Well, she's not sure yet because she depends where she needs to travel for running. I need to tell you something that you may not know. The game's starting one, two, three, four, five, six days. I know. Yeah, she's a very – she's a bit like me. I'm the last minute planner. Hey, I appreciate you coming on. I'd love to talk to you for like three hours sometime and just hear your whole story.
Starting point is 01:30:38 Man, what a cool journey you've been on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, you have some great stories of being trapped in airports and not knowing where you're going to stay and falling in love and you you have some you have some great great stories i'd love to hear i never i wouldn't wouldn't ever change it for the world awesome all right i'll see you in seven days yeah see you soon yeah thank you very much for coming on safe travels and we'll see you soon all right thank you jamie uh say hi wait say hi to ben for me please i will say hi to ben smith thank you all right good the whole squad okay see you ciao jamie simmons wow she's cool uh droopy balls six days until jamie's the hottest woman on the floor in Madison.
Starting point is 01:31:28 That's a cool chick. Man, she exudes some confidence. Oh, poor Jason Smith. Did he really pop? Please tell me. Please tell me it's not true. That sucks. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:31:43 Jason Smith failed drug test and will not compete at the CrossFit Games. Oh, that sucks, no. Jason Smith failed drug test and will not compete at the CrossFit Games. Oh, that sucks, dude. Oh, damn. How does that... No. Greg Glassman, can I have my chair back? No. That sucks. That sucks.
Starting point is 01:32:08 That sucks. Do you know what though? I feel bad for him. That sucks. I guess... I'm texting with a friend fuck oh my goodness
Starting point is 01:32:56 um uh I you know why I feel bad for him I just automatically when they say someone popped I think what would I I pretend like I'm him. Like, that's just all I think. Yeah, I, that, but I don't, I don't look at him as an old man who's cheating. at everyone like oh shit what if that was me um i so i feel bad for him why i feel bad if he took it because i just picture myself being him and like being called out like i picture all of it so i go from him being called out to getting caught and like how like that probably bums him out and then
Starting point is 01:33:40 i think about probably how bummed he was that he even started taking them. Right. He probably feels like maybe he wishes he wouldn't have taken them because now he has to guard a secret his whole life. I don't know. I just keep thinking I don't ever go. I don't I mean, not ever, but it takes me a while before I'm like, OK, he took someone else's place. I don't I don't go there first. I just think of how someone else must feel. Can we sort the yellow situation on the California peptide sign, please? I know. Can someone – Sousa does a million things. He coaches people.
Starting point is 01:34:16 He makes graphics. I mean, he's just learning on the fly. So he made that, and I thought it was cool. What don't you like?, what don't you like what don't you like about it oh my my i'm feeling good right now um i'm sorry i'm texting and driving.
Starting point is 01:34:54 My friend is fucking with me so hard right now. I don't like it. Patrick Clark this could ruin him he's a big deal in South Africa makes a living on fitness there yeah I don't want it to do that I don't want it to do that I'm not doing so much weight vest training to I I'm to be honest with you. You want to hear something crazy, Kenneth? I put both my cameras on for like just 10 minutes walking around the house and I was filming my kids holding it. And I felt this pain in my, in the middle of my back that I haven't felt since the last time I filmed. And I forgot about that pain. Um, and, uh, it's going to be interesting. It's,
Starting point is 01:35:47 it's, it's like a, it's a, um, and I've been texting with other camera guys, uh, who've just been reaching so many, so many people. It's crazy. So many people have been reaching out to me. People who were like just bonafide haters are reaching out to me and saying, congratulations. Can't wait to see you. I'm being cool as shit too i'm like yeah thank you very much i appreciate it that bygones be bygones i don't say that part i just play stupid i and i do appreciate it i'm a sucker for love or perceived love no i'm not gonna pop viking in but but um yeah i do need a um But, yeah, I do need to – no one blew my back out. It's just that I forgot.
Starting point is 01:36:31 There's this weird tension you get in your back. It just comes with the game. It just comes with the game. Elise Bowen – God, I love people who have profile pictures like this because it just makes me smile. I feel it. Sevan, are there any other ways to contribute to the behind the scenes? It's my understanding YouTube takes a significant cut if we donate through the platform. You know, to be honest, even if I did need help, I wouldn't ask for it. honest even if i did need help i wouldn't ask for it um um let let me uh that's um that's interesting you know what's gonna happen i'll tell you what i think's gonna happen so the
Starting point is 01:37:19 way the behind the scenes works is you don't have much of a plan you go there and we're gonna try to follow some narratives right so let's say i'll to, aunt Haynes looks like he'd be great. Right. And I don't mean to like diss him or nothing, but what a great journey. He may only make it six workouts and get cut. And there's a great story there. So you get 10 of those. And then, and then they're all, I'll try to interview all the athletes who want to play, but there'll be these threads that keep going through, right. Or there'll be some situation where, you know, where some equipment doesn't show up from rogue and you see Dave trying to deal with that, or there'll be all these narrative threads that going in the behind the scenes that kind of take you through
Starting point is 01:37:52 to the end, right? Maybe lots of shots of Medeiros' crew in the audience and interviews with his parents as a thread and just different pieces. And then we'll get home at the end and someone will have to edit that. And I will not be able to edit that. I will not. I do not. I don't have two seconds in my life that make me want to do that. And so that's an expensive process. Some really cool people have reached out to me. Sarah Cox at has taken on a huge burden. And to be honest, I haven't talked about this much. Two Brain, Chris Cooper, that guy I've had on a few times from Canada. He's like, hey, dude, I think one of the best things, if not the best thing people can do for affiliates is make really cool content. I mean, he's big, he's like, he's old school shit. He believes media, media, media, media, media. And so he has, uh, but he
Starting point is 01:38:51 has, I don't want to get carried away, but he's, um, committed some pretty insane resources to help get this thing across the finish line. And there's some other people who've helped too um uh that have been very generous also toe spacers uh swolverine um recently has been talking with suza there's people who just want to help get this thing across the finish line so um yeah um so there's so there's that Lori Roken $9.99 you look like you're in the Baltic Sea where
Starting point is 01:39:32 who did we interview yesterday Uldis hey dude I gotta have Uldis back on and crack the code on that dude I really wanna do that Patrick Clark so you're not bringing any editors who will put out some content during the games we do have people like that that i i just have to be super duper careful right now because of the this is just ridiculous to say this,
Starting point is 01:40:06 but the sensitive nature of my participation. So I want to make sure, which is just completely ridiculous. I just want to make sure that the content that I put out will make Don and Dave and Heather Lawrence. And we'll make Don and Dave and Heather Lawrence. She's the director of operations for the CrossFit Games. And Adrian Bosman. I just want people to be proud of it.
Starting point is 01:40:38 I don't want to cause any – so I'm not eager to rush anything out. I know. Thank you. I appreciate you saying that. You don't have to explain. I want to explain. I love you guys. guys this is dope you guys are my posse hey listen the truth is is there's absolutely no fucking pressure on me like zero and I was telling my wife this because of you guys the posse that hangs out with me every morning here like like at after the whole games are over i get to
Starting point is 01:41:06 crawl back to my studio the three plane brothers empire palatial estate and i get to wake up every morning and be like hey rambler what's up you're first you know what i mean it's like dude you guys have you guys have helped me roll deep and uh i'm i'm i have And I don't want to say confidence isn't the right word, but I feel very relaxed, exceedingly relaxed and proud. I don't know. I always get confused about being proud. Are you not supposed to be proud? But I'm proud. It's not supposed to be proud? But I'm proud.
Starting point is 01:41:46 It's not humility, that's for sure. Oh, yes. Yes, please. Yes. Text me. Hey, there's this lady we're having on in an hour and 18 minutes. Her name is Noelle Henderson. There's not a lot of information on her. I couldn't find a lot of information. She has something called cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy. It's some muscular mishap. I'll ask her all about it. The way I kind of have it understood in my simple brain from something Kayla pulled up the other day is like your wiring got all crossed in the making of your body. And so you have some misfiring and it jacks your muscles up so your shit don't
Starting point is 01:42:45 work like perfect like i guess you can't tell all your toes or feet or hands or different people have it to different degrees and um so you can't make your shit work right um but um you can you my my wife in the early years she had found a girl at the high school over the hill who had cerebral palsy who had to wear a helmet because her muscles were misfiring so bad that she was like falling down and bumping into shit she had to stay in a wheelchair and this group my wife did a video on this girl at the high school high school girl who started doing crossfit and she got through crossfit she got control over shit and then she didn't need her helmet or the wheelchair anymore oh yeah the're Jedediah you know her yeah I'm stoked yeah she's cool pretty girl too really pretty I guess most of the I think most of the CrossFitters
Starting point is 01:43:32 funny right you work out and eat right and you get pretty um anyway she oh and Jedediah will be on the show tonight by the way we will all get to uh see Jedediah Snelson on the CrossFit Games update show that show is going to be wild tonight because the crew's getting cantankerous wild people everyone's getting excited um but so this this this girl trains at CrossFit Crash with J.R. Howell and she is the number one contender in what they call the multiple extremity class meaning we'll ask her but I think that just means like you're not just like missing a hand or something but you got something like with the whole system like i guess systemically is like um not like like how the what the rest of us take for granted like you got to work through some shit i guess we'll find out we'll ask her but i'm excited to
Starting point is 01:44:22 have her on she'll be competing at the games i I'm wondering how stressed out Jr is because Jr is going to be coaching her. There's some cool videos of her and Jr together. There's a lot. If you just type in, uh, Noel, um, Noel, uh, Henderson, N O E L L E. And then Henderson, hold on a second. Hey dude, I'm doing a podcast. I just wanted to ask you, how does it feel to know that you support the dirtiest sports? Oh, shut it.
Starting point is 01:44:52 Oh, shut it. Oh, shut it. Jeez Louise. Hunter McIntyre. My goodness. He's busting my balls because of Jason Smith. Inappropriate. I feel bad for Jason.
Starting point is 01:45:04 I feel bad for Jason. I feel bad for Jason. My goodness. Yeah, Crash family loves Noelle. There's a great video of her giving people high fives on the bench as they run by her. Yeah, people should be proud of her. Miss Burns, you can be proud. We are awesome.
Starting point is 01:45:22 Yeah, you guys are awesome. It's posse here droopy balls I mean JR's missing a tooth shouldn't he be qualified as adaptive just ugly just fugly no one's ever called no one's ever called
Starting point is 01:45:41 JR fugly anyway so she's coming on at 10 No one's ever called J.R. Fugley. Anyway, so she's coming on at 10. We are trying to actively get some people from – someone from CrossFit on to talk. Oh, oh, oh, oh. If you are going to the CrossFit Games, we'll talk about this more. If you are going to the CrossFit Games, make sure that you sign up for the 5k run it sounds like um uh heber and mars and craig ritchie might run it there's a uh a group like five run they asked me if i want to run it like i can't run that shit i'm going to be working which isn't really much of an excuse because
Starting point is 01:46:21 you know craig and heber and mars will be working, but they're going to run it. There's a 5K run. Trying to find the email. And you can sign up for it. You've got to sign up for it on the CrossFit Games app. And it's for everyone. It's for everyone at the CrossFit Games. It would be cool if a ton of people did it. And if you're going to the CrossFit Games,
Starting point is 01:46:40 make sure you watch that video that Rory just put out on Mayhem. It sounds like the RV park is going to be going off. Oh, you got Heber and Marge on your show today? Okay, awesome. Okay, so if you want to hear more what Hebrew and Mars are doing, go over to Get With The Programming. They'll be on there today.
Starting point is 01:47:15 That's what they do. Their content is working out and filming. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness, Patrick. Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick. Patrick Clark, Poirier or Gaethje I will tell you this on Saturday tonight my wife's ordering five pounds of brisket and tomorrow after I do my morning podcast with Greg Glassman and my 330 podcast which is the CrossFit Games
Starting point is 01:47:42 update show with Tyler Watkins Jedediah Snelson, and the gang. Snelson. What kind of name is Snelson? Snelson. Mr. Snelson. Jedediah Snelson. I'm going to eat brisket all day. That's all I'm eating tomorrow, brisket.
Starting point is 01:48:04 I asked my wife if she could get it from the local barbecue shop tonight so I could just eat it all day tomorrow. That's all I'm going to eat tomorrow, brisket. And then when I'm done, I'll take a picture for you guys and post it on my Instagram. I have all my camera gear laid out in my living room right now. It's been laid out there for a week. It's crazy. Not all, but so much that it's just covered the living room. I have a big living room
Starting point is 01:48:25 and um i'm while i watch ufc and drink kombuchas and eat as much brisket as i can i'm gonna finish packing my all my camera gear it's gonna be crazy and watch five hours of ufc oh so excited yeah five pounds cooked yeah it's gonna be it's all i'm eating tomorrow and normally i invite people over on saturdays to watch ufc not this week yeah tech porn it really is like tech porn in my at my house right now so cool what do you guys want to talk i don't really want to talk uh odd and macau did we talk we talk about Justin Smith failing his test? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:49:12 I feel bad for him. Savonista is gathering Thursday after final event at the Great Dane. Oh, I'm walking by. I'm going. Hey, you know, i even feel bad there's this um crossfit did an instagram post which is really cool you guys should have you guys seen it you guys should go over if you haven't seen it go over and comment on it it's cool i'm going to show it to you right now crossfit games instagram and go over here and you and uh and you go to it and you roll down here and there's a post here celebrating the behind the scenes.
Starting point is 01:49:49 Although I don't really understand the – I don't understand the video at all. But – oh, look it. Wiki posted. But there's – I went through this morning and there's a hundred and – there were 140 posts, 141 posts, 142 posts. I can't remember. And one or two are negative. And I actually feel bad about the ones that are negative. Here's the one that's negative.
Starting point is 01:50:19 And it's like, dude, like I feel bad that you think this about me for you, not about, I don't feel bad for me. I feel bad for you. Like, dude, that's not even, none of that stuff you're saying is even true. And like, you have hate in your heart. Anyway. is even true and like you have hate in your heart anyway Alex Gazan look at her Katrin David's daughter Laura Horvat
Starting point is 01:51:08 for the first time in six years, a new fittest woman on earth will be named. Jamie Simmons. Man. It's going to be loud in there. That girl, by the way, if you go to Aunt Haynes' Instagram account, I'll do it. Fine. Watch this. Aunt Haynes. Instagram account I'll do it fine watch this
Starting point is 01:51:45 Aunt Haines Aunt Haines and then you come on down here and you go to this this girl is a freak dude this is
Starting point is 01:52:04 this is his athlete. She's a savage. This is a 50 to 54-year-old. Lee something. Man, she gets at it. can she gets at it what a cool community we belong to 50 year old women climbing ropes with no hands Pool Boy. Yo, Sebi. What's up, dude?
Starting point is 01:52:49 My dad officially retired yesterday. Oh, that's cool. He's a big fan of the show. I think he'd love a shout out. Yeah, what's up, Mr. Pool Boy? Mr. Olivas. I like how you gave me his name, too, so I could shout him back. Yeah, she's got a great back, huh, Lee? She got a crazy back. Yeah, she's got a great back, huh, Lee?
Starting point is 01:53:08 She got a crazy back. Oh, here we go. Here's another gathering. God, I'm going to miss on so many of these. Chase Ingram, OG gathering Friday night, 6pm RV park park spot 42 like you're going to be able to miss it
Starting point is 01:53:28 where is the Great Dane what is the Great Dane is that a bar Heidi Sevan's show on the CrossFit games podcast is the highest viewed and most engagement of any live show we've ever done and it's not even close that's cool i want to say it's it's 99 positive too i don't expect i i i say this with peace and love and all humility. I don't expect anyone as great as me to traverse any landscape without, um,
Starting point is 01:54:09 there being some sort of controversy. I'm either going to be too tall or too short. I'm going to have the wrong accent. I'm going to offend someone. I'm going to hurt someone. I could, I could, I could be feeding a homeless man and someone's going to yell at me because
Starting point is 01:54:20 I'm stepping on a bug. It's just who, it's just the way it's just the way shit. I'm not trying to justify any negative shit that I do or bug. It's just the way shit. I'm not trying to justify any negative shit that I do or anything. It's just the way it's going to be. But at the end, there's going to be a net positive. I'm going to leave the world a better place than when I got here. Sevan, are you going to the seven east's meetup um i i can't i can't i can't even know that i can't even know that if for some reason let's say the meetup's
Starting point is 01:54:56 thursday night at six and at that point um dave and chuck and heather lawrence are meeting up about some adjust new adjustments they're making to a rig or there's some like judges meeting or something. And there, and I have opportunity to film it. I got, I'll be there filming it for the behind the scenes. Or if, um, you know, uh, Jason Smith invites me back to his room to talk about him popping. Um, I'll, I'll go with him. You know what I mean? It's like, so I just don't know. I don't know why you wrote Teddy Williams' name, but I love him. Good dude.
Starting point is 01:55:37 Tanya Bauer is curious, how do the Savannistas communicate when the podcast isn't rolling? What are we going to do for that week? Oy, oy, oy. Adam Blasey. You always leave things better until it comes to carts. I did a survey of all the boys and girls
Starting point is 01:55:57 who collect carts for a living on the planet. All of them. Every single one. I left no stone unturned. And you will be surprised to know. That it was 97% of all cart gatherers. Would prefer you leave your carts out there. So that when they go out and get carts.
Starting point is 01:56:20 That their employment is found valuable. And that so they could spend more time outdoors. And so that they could actually have a job and be employed and that they could also help people so that other people don't have to worry about those things it's 97 percent and and and yet under the guise of kindness i don't lie i don't lie. I don't lie. That's not a lie. Cave Dastro, you sound like a modern scientist, a study that won't replicate. Damn, you guys are good. Shut it.
Starting point is 01:56:54 I'm not done here. And yet, under the guise of your pseudo-woke kindness, you think. You guys are all wokesters at heart putting your carts away here we go sir trolls a lot I go grocery shopping with the cooler because it's hot I look for a rogue cart so I could park next to it
Starting point is 01:57:17 seven I was a Kmart gatherer as a young teen lies oh please you didn't like going to get cards i gathered cards for uh the company called drug barn and um ck kevin trust me i ain't no wokester um i'm just i love you guys uh i i loved it i liked it when i I mean, this was before carts would lock up, you know? And so people would take their carts, like we'd get a call that there's a cart like a mile away. And dude, that's an hour. That would take me an hour to go over there and get that, find it. I'd love that shit. Yeah, here we go. Kenneth DeLapp
Starting point is 01:58:08 I know it breaks his heart to say this but he's giving some honest feedback I used to work at a grocery store Kenneth says in a strong masculine voice going to round up carts was a nice break Kenneth exhales it was a chance break. Kenneth exhales.
Starting point is 01:58:28 It was a chance to get some air. Barry McOchner, great showing this morning. I will see you guys in one hour and one minute. Noel Henderson, love you guys. Bye-bye.

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