The Sevan Podcast - Arielle Loewen and Tyson Bagent | Fittest in America - plus all the drama

Episode Date: March 15, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Ooh, I'm fired up. Boy, am I fired up. Shouldn't Matuthian be capitalized?
Starting point is 00:00:40 Should Matuthian be capitalized? I'm going to send – I should send – I should send – oh, look, there's Andrew. Hi. Call me. Hey, should Matuthian be capitalized? Yes. Talk to my people. I have people.
Starting point is 00:01:03 That's how big the show is. I have people. You saw some of my people this weekend yeah when you say some some you saw you saw some of my people i got to keep him on the down low i can't be saying patrick rios's out loud. Someone will try to poach him. Who would do that? I don't care. Poach.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Poach away. Someone should try to take Andrew away from me. My boyfriend, Andrew. No one wants me. Oh, they want you. They want you. They want me. Well, she's good at sharing you with me she's great at it does she ever get mad at you for like me calling you 24 hours a day i think i told you the one
Starting point is 00:01:53 time it was like i always have the podcast on from like the day before or i'm catching up and she goes the first thing i hear every day is seven's voice when you're in the shower i'm always catching up yeah i feel yeah i'm always catching up to the show oh good and uh like later that day she goes you know it's kind of weird first thing i hear every day like she had she like kind of sat on it all day but it was cool she didn't really care maybe i should start the shows in the morning with alexis i love you and then that's the first thing she'll hear. That'd be great. But she usually comes in unhinged to rant time. She's always catching the end of the show.
Starting point is 00:02:33 What are the three parts of the show? There's three parts. Guest. Unhinged. Rant. P-break. Oh, P-break. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Right. Look at Caleb knows the guest. He dressed a guest appropriate of the red ceo orange the fuck was that i burped i know uh where's ariel man we time times times of the essence let me see uh are we gonna go into this debacle at all? Yeah. Here's what I think we should do. I got a new show.
Starting point is 00:03:11 I think we should do this show with Ariel and Tyson. And then I think we should drop off and then come right back on. Okay. Because I got some other news bits. Sweet. And then probably I could take a p break oh do you have dylan's number caleb no but i have on the pms if you want me to all um oh there it is bam we're live uh okay bam we're live guest interview unhuge rants i gotta be okay uh not dylan vowel
Starting point is 00:03:39 um yeah don't know and shit i can't i don't know how to send him a i'm gonna send him at the invite too hey dude i'm convinced that it's like the biggest mess up in the history of crossfit i know i like it i love it i mean i hate it but it's great for you and i and caleb and you're just saying because there's implications but so far they won't okay we can't get into it I we can't get into it right now okay my toothy and has to be capitalized yeah Caleb okay are you in charge of that account who's in
Starting point is 00:04:14 charge of that account is that Patrick real oh shit it's already capitalized it's already capitalized look at that someone's listening priming you look at that shit I'm telling you I have people telling you look I have people. I'm telling you. Look at it.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Oh, wait. Oh. The title. Name itself. Fuck, I don't have people. Can you do that? Can you have a capital letter in the... Oh, yeah. I'm pretty sure mine is. I didn't think it mattered. See how it says up top it's lowercase?
Starting point is 00:04:46 Oh, it matters. Hiller's 50% is all lowercase. Mine's all lowercase. Mine is all lowercase. CB underscore settlement. I thought I was an influencer. I've had this up now for two minutes, and I haven't picked up a single follower. Oh, three followers. Okay, good. Okay. Did you ask? up a single follower. Oh, three followers.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Okay, good. Okay. Did you ask? You have to ask. Oh, yeah. Follow. Please follow. You're going to give away a bottle of the toothy into one of the first 500 followers once you hit it.
Starting point is 00:05:18 John Young yelling. Seve and Brian back together. You guys, we're never – I don't know how I – no. We're not together. I don't know how to answer that because the implication is that we're broken up. But you never were. No. We were never broken up.
Starting point is 00:05:42 I heard some clips of the shows today from Coffee Pod pods and wads. I had one earpiece in I was playing tennis with the boys So I listened to some of it and then I and then people are sending me clips and then I Saw the I listened to the When I was with the boys in the van I tried to listen to the training think tank version of the show. It was fascinating. They did. They do a version of coffee pods and wads. It's kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Yeah. They, they, they do coffee pods and wads show, but with their guys, they use Pedro's questions, but they do the show his exact questions yeah oh yeah they just do his show but a training thing oh it's so good
Starting point is 00:06:35 cool yeah it's crazy and they do like a little portion of it's like probably 15 20 minutes of the of an hour show yeah they just talk they ask similar questions the same questions yeah but they talk about other stuff too but this is just they have a different person every time sometimes they start a timer sometimes they don't uh renee pape seven you should be present with your kiddos playing tennis no more listening and playing at the same time to oh, shut it. Listen. Just shut it. I'm present for both.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I'm going to go ahead and say that's not possible. I'm present for both. I like it. I like it. I'm present for both. Listen, I do whatever I want to do. Hey! Shut the fuck up. Don't serve.
Starting point is 00:07:18 That doesn't count. I'm listening to someone say dumb shit. I'm listening to... If somebody who's been on the other side of the line, he'll just stop talking to you for extended period. I'm listening to Jamie Simmons' girlfriend say some dumb shit Somebody who's been on the other side of the line He'll just stop talking to you for extended period I'm listening to Jamie Simmons Girlfriend say some dumb shit Shut the fuck up
Starting point is 00:07:30 My kid's like yes sir Hold on a sec Hey don't serve yet I didn't know Travis Mayer was a pussy I want to hear this Oh my god he really is a pussy. Wow. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Wow. Oh my God. Quiet, don't serve. I didn't know Max Elhaj had a brand. He has a brand? Oh my goodness. Hey, that point doesn't count. I was listening to Max El. Hodge tell me about brands Fucking douche
Starting point is 00:08:11 Like what were you brand somebody With a hot stick I just No more frisbee shows I know Who did the frisbee shows I There's nothing worse than the Frisbee shows. I say, I, I, I told you worse than the Frisbee shows.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I, sorry. No, you're on the show to interject and say stuff too. You're not just, I had to get that out there. And I think that a lot of people will agree. God,
Starting point is 00:08:37 I would not catch up on those. I actively, those were a podcast diminishing podcasts. I was, the last of those Frisbee shows. Those were podcast diminishing podcasts. Go ahead. Of those Frisbee shows. So I would be prepared and I wanted to... Brand diminishing podcast. Is Seve losing it?
Starting point is 00:08:57 No, I'm just showing you how I raise my kids. Rosie agrees. She's agreeing with me. Thank you Rosie Oh Oh no Thank you Okay. Oh wow Wow What even
Starting point is 00:09:21 ESC sounds and like them Yes, he sounds likes everything oh barry mccockner five dollars this goes to hillar for agreeing with me oh hey i'm not sending that to hillar thank you i mean yeah of course i am anyone who wants to send money to hillar pass it through No. No. You may see me driving in my Toyota Sienna. And you might think, hey, he's driving a Toyota Sienna. And that's what you see. That's not what it is to me. You may see a minivan. That's not what it is to me.
Starting point is 00:10:07 To me, it's a safe vehicle to transport my kids around. Um, so I can do things with them that I want to do with them and enjoy life. Like, like for some of you, I know like a car is like, and I'm not poo pooing this at all, but you want a special kind of car to do to, to look good and this and that. And, you know, I used to, I used to have to look good and this and that and you know i used to i used to have a toyota truck and i wanted wheels and i kept them clean and i armor all my tires and i did all that shit but but this show is not that this show is not like a show about my brand this show is not a show about crossfit this show is not it's just the crossfit's like the vehicle like when those you see it as a crossfit show, I get it. I respect that.
Starting point is 00:10:47 It can be that for you. You can see the Toyota Sienna van. It's not that for me. I said it in the early days. It's supposed to be a funny show, and at the end of the day, it's supposed to tell you to have inklings and hints of where you were before you were born and where you go after you die. The Toyota Sa does that? No.
Starting point is 00:11:08 No, no. The show is really about Sebon. Okay, fine. Whatever. Okay. But I just, no one was evaluating the show. They were evaluating what they wanted the show to be. And I get it.
Starting point is 00:11:26 I get it. I saw a parent the other day project onto a child. I saw a nanny the other day when a kid was supposed to do 30 burpees project onto the kid that it was abusive and stop the kid from doing them. The jiu-jitsu instructor told the kid to do 30 burpees and the nanny's like, no, 20 is fine. And I get it. This show scares you because you're hiding and protecting things. I fucking get it. I was there too at one point. But I know you're projecting and those of us who are free know you're projecting too. So when they ask you, hey, is Sevan good for the space? Just be like, hey, I'm too much of a pussy to answer that don't like fucking flop around and say dumb shit that's it about that i think i don't know pretty you talked about that on great this
Starting point is 00:12:14 morning yeah i talked about that on great but it was it was just crazy it was crazy to see people trying to answer that question and the shit that they were projecting onto it jamie simmons husband's like hey i dm'd him and he didn't answer like okay you entitled douche he probably dm'd the podcast accounts did he dm'd me once because she was doing her sandbag burpees over the sandbag wrong and he goes how dare you talk about her and i'm like well practice how you play dude he didn't like that. But then I think we kind of ended up level. But then after listening to the show earlier, it doesn't seem like he's still level. I'm level.
Starting point is 00:12:54 All those people, well, not all those people. Most of those people, like, I really, really like. I mean, I know them to varying degrees. CPT, Elhaj, Travis elliot brian um hold on uh keifer most of the like most of those people i i i i like but it was just a trip to me like hey like i don't need i don't need you like I don't need you uh it was like when it was like when Joe Rogan got called out uh for uh using racial slurs and Jocko defends him by saying stupid shit like well I'm concerned about his drinking and his mushroom use it's like fuck you I don't need friends like you like
Starting point is 00:13:39 I don't need it like how about just shut the fuck up Just answer the fucking question and that's it to the best of your ability if you can't then just don't It just makes me realize you're a fucking pussy and a coward Uh keever went to bat for uh seven on props Like like seriously, you know what I thought when after everyone answered those questions I thought wow sporty beth is braver than half of these people. Because she looks at me and she sees Godzilla and she says it. Oh, it's Godzilla. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Yeah. She didn't hide behind any abstractions. Like she fucking like, here it is. This is why I think he's a piece of shit. What was the question again i don't remember is seven good for crossfit what a ridiculous question pedro what the fuck hey uh who did the behind the scenes who uh made all the documentaries who made every second counts who uh haven't you done on the show? Who made all the documentaries? Who made every second counts?
Starting point is 00:14:52 Haven't you done on the show countless times spoken about the fact that Greg was constantly trying to shut things down and you would just do it anyway? Yeah, none of those documentaries would have made it through if I wasn't there. Like if there was someone else there, it wouldn't happen. I promise. Who is any single one of these people who are good for the sport if it isn't for the person who projected the sport to everyone who's talking about it? You freaking idiots. Right. I wonder if Ariel has the time wrong. She's probably redoing an open workout.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Judging Dylan on another one. Oh, Bernie. I wasn't talking crap about pedro don't get me wrong he he did set everybody up for failure though if they said anything other than yes and why they said yes that's that's probably the fairest way i can put it and i and i and i'm trying to think of i'm trying to think i i'm sure i have done clickbait but i can't think of one time where i've intentionally done clickbait like i'm never like okay what can i do to get more views i'm not i'm not i'm not much i have i have yeah but i don't that's your job right and right yeah thanks i don't hey uh i'm not i'm not like okay i did the frisbee shows for fuck's sake i don't i don't care i'm just staying true to my fucking values I don't have a fucking brand
Starting point is 00:16:09 matuthean it is zero out of ten doctors recommend matuthean can we do one sorry one hey well if somebody could say no how would they say no saigon is not good for crossfit uh how oh um i'm assuming there's a way they could go about doing that hey uh he he alienates people and he's divisive because he can he conflates the sport with his own values and ideas and nobody said that anything close to that? What's the difference between what they said? Kind of. I think that's what Travis was trying to say. But hey, I don't even think he truly believes that.
Starting point is 00:16:57 I don't think anyone who likes me truly believes that. Hey, did you see that thing I just pulled up? Hey, it's the greatest value that i bring to earth what the fact that i conflate the two oh Yeah, what was that? Is that me crying? No, this is Elliot. Oh. From the movie Bedazzled.
Starting point is 00:17:30 He's singing a song about dolphin safe tuna. I know. I need to get Devin Lorette on. Is Devin Lorette coming on before his big match? I know. I need to do that. I need to reach out to him. You know what?
Starting point is 00:17:39 I almost feel bad reaching out to him because I don't want to bug him. He's got big forearms. You two should make up and give each other dutch rudders who who who should make up who should make up you know it's bad when that's in my search history dutch rudders yeah just automatically gave me like a you've searched this before have Have you ever tried that out? Not the actual thing. What the... Oh, no. A Dutch rudder? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:12 No. Just to see what it would be like without... Oh, with your own? I want to tell you guys a story real quick. You ready? Oh, Dutch rudder. Having someone complete the act of masturbation by pulling up and down on the forearm. While the male holds on the forearm. Oh
Starting point is 00:18:28 All the male holds his own penis. Oh So it's not gay. Oh There's a barrier there's a barrier I suppose if it were it also be okay we spend but but if you're not into that It's also not yeah, it could be a chick Yeah, your lady do it. Wait, I pictured them holding your penis and you hold their arm. No, I hold and you control my arm. Oh, I'd do that. Yeah. Totally fine.
Starting point is 00:18:59 So someone said to me, Hey, why don't you invite Jason Kalipa and Josh Bridges on for the Taylor Self vs. the World? And I said, hey, that's a fucking great idea. And they said, yeah, they have shitloads of followers. All the shows you do with them are really big. You should do that. I'm like, that's awesome. Sounds great.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Five minutes later, I'm like, I'm putting my energy into my guys. I'm putting – like I'm surrounded by fucking go-getters. I love Josh and Jason. I have no issues with them. They'd be great on – They would be great on the show. But I'm not interested in – that's not a priority for me to fucking – to get that. You see the fucking kind of guests I have.
Starting point is 00:19:51 I have people with no legs and no arms on the show. Actually. Yeah, actually. I have adaptive athletes on the show. I have fucking master's athletes on the show. fucking um uh masters athletes on the show so i'm gonna choose the guy john young who's been there always for me and has gone from fucking being torched to the fucking the best senior analyst and um i mean he's a fucking straight needle mover now any show he's on fucking takes off and maybe he can't get as much big numbers as j and Josh, but that's not what I'm fucking going for.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Colton Mertens. I like Colton because I like Colton. You know who I like? I like Daniel Kutz. I like Daniel Kutz too. Yeah. Yeah. I like that guy.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Yeah. I had Dylan Lowen on on he's fucking not even an athlete he's just banging one well that's kind of cool i like him too hey you know i'd probably much rather have a lot of the athletes banging the athletes rather than the athletes themselves i mean how many times can you hear they do the exact same thing as all the other athletes it gets kind of boring yeah i i want to support i want to support whoever i want to fucking support i'm and those people have just those people who are analyzing me or talking about it um they are projecting on to me what they want to do and yet they'll a lot of those people will
Starting point is 00:21:19 never get out of the rut that they're in because they're too scared let me just say that you're worried about your fucking brand it's not sustainable you end up like fucking noble or rad you guys have to have your affiliate turn on you to understand what it's like to not be scared of stuff did your affiliate turn on you during the pandemic we want mass we don't want mass oh you're not oh you're gonna do it oh yeah all of a sudden and then you're like whoa yeah i can't make everybody happy i might as well just do whatever the hell i want to do yeah doesn't matter which way i turn half of them are gonna be pissed and and and then brian was fucking reading numbers from the show and i'm just like what the fuck are you doing?
Starting point is 00:22:06 Instagram, right? I don't know what the fuck he was. Like I said, I had one ear in and one ear playing with the game. You know the game? Then I text you guys, the group, and I was like, did he just say the numbers are lower this year than last year? You're shaking your head like, no, don't talk about this, Caleb. No, no. The game. The game is a rapper, right?
Starting point is 00:22:30 Oh, no. I was just going to say everybody lost the game if you know what the game is. I do like the game. You know him? I do, yeah. I really like him a lot. He hasn't done anything in a long time, right? I really like him. I like his music.
Starting point is 00:22:45 You said you were playing with the game, and I'm like, oh, damn. 44 years old. 44 years old. Oh, here. What was this? What was this? Imagine having the entire CF org turning on you. Yeah. Or you. Yeah. Org?
Starting point is 00:23:06 Yeah. Oh, my neighbor's like revving his car. What the fuck's going on? Can you guys hear that? Someone texted me the other day, prominent in the community. Prominent in the community And they said They're like oh yeah Too short's dope I love too short
Starting point is 00:23:32 And they're Someone texted the other day and they're like hey dude it's fucking Incredible you went from just fucking Like completely out Or as Tommy Marquez says, Tonto says, persona non grato. Persona non grato. Yeah, and I went from persona non grato to fucking just banging out fucking shows every morning.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Hey, dude, this sign says it all. CEO's havequiao? Yeah, persona non grato, unacceptable or unwelcome person, yeah. And this sign says it all because this was purchased by the people in the chat. That's it. That's all I fucking – yeah, eat a dick, everyone else. If you think I'm trash or that I'm not good for the brand, you're just projecting onto me like like i'm not for you fine good leave hey what's a word hey go ahead what's a word no no keep going you're on a roll i i just don't know i don't want to accidentally
Starting point is 00:24:40 cough a choke on my dick so hard that i fucking gag hi too late yeah come on in i have a question for you hey oh that's the generator running oh only stefan wouldn't know the difference between a jet. What? And a diesel. What? Oh, is there power in the house? Yeah. Oh, you guys got to do the show for a minute.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Okay. Okay, I'll be right. I got a topic. Hey, Caleb. Hey. First of all, has Jeannie gotten a Rubik's Cube? No, but we found one at Target that was unsolved, and I had to pry her away from it.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Oh, she was trying to figure it out? It was just like somebody had just left one on a shelf somewhere in the Home Goods section. I had to pry her off of it because she wanted to solve it so bad persona non non grotto i can't even say it persona non grotta persona non grotta you think there's words in your head that you might be able to just spew out and everyone's gonna look at that word and go wow you pompous douchebag yes because this is this is something where like when you say you say it seriously you know what it means you know that it's back there and either you're one of those people who have like a word of the day app and you're really trying to use your word of the day or this is
Starting point is 00:26:14 just in there i'm like god i can't believe you used that word yeah you just you think about it you're like yeah i want to use this word someday and then the the the time is not exactly perfect that it comes up and you're just like well you know what fuck it i'm gonna use it even though it's not in the right context or it's it's maybe it's a little too severe maybe it's not severe enough i don't know i think it's a wait a minute is this true craig richie just released a video commenting on the emily claw situation whoa really oh and he's agreeing with me come on are you going are you going to that yeah i can't believe it stefan said he wanted to talk about that after but it's kind of the big topic on my head and i don't think i can help myself
Starting point is 00:26:57 have you seen that stuff yeah it's pretty wild it's unbelievable how crossFit's going to do this Oh you guys are talking about that See no we didn't get into it We didn't get into it Most of the recent buzz New people in the space stem from you constantly Banging out content is what it is Yeah most of the recent but yeah This is a good statement
Starting point is 00:27:20 Hiller single-handedly destroyed the word humble yeah that's true sorry i didn't mean to pull down your five no no thank you lady lady lady lady two seven four two is that how you would say it lady uh larry david young i think that's the the the there was a there was something in there at one point where Brian said something about the numbers, and it's like – I'm so proud of the size of the show right now. It's massive. We just had our biggest month by like fucking twofold, and I don't fuck where the fuck he gets his numbers at or what he's looking at and every week has been a fucking record week and it's like i just want i just
Starting point is 00:28:10 like you don't need to say any of that like you just need to say yeah he's fucking amazing there's fucking no one like him he fucking kills it he's there every morning at fucking 7 a.m if anyone can come on his show he's giving everyone fucking opportunity if you don't like him fine well to be fair or go the opposite way or go the opposite way what say that again i use numbers to kind of tell people why they're not doing so hot like why did he say why did he say i offered why did he even offer say i offered him to be on the show i offered to be on the show well that's messed up because like does he want to open that does he want to open that door when i heard that i'm like well now everyone knows what's he doing yeah you offered to be on the show yeah the only thing that
Starting point is 00:29:00 could happen is he's not there which means you you said no. Yeah. Like, hey, dude, I'm leaving you alone. You had more. You were had the door was wide open for you for fucking two years. Anything you fucking wanted. And now and now and now and now and now you like like like there's just be smart. FaceTime Ariel. Like, just don't open doors like that. Like, do you want me to respond to that?
Starting point is 00:29:30 Hey, do you talk to him? Do you have an open line of communication with Brian? I text. We just friendly text back and forth. Hi, how are you? Good show. I feel like every time I go check my text with Brian, I've missed a couple. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:43 And, like, imagine missing a couple of text messages and then hearing about the fact that you haven't answered your text on a show you either like genuinely have missed them or it kind of puts you into this shit like hey dude check your phone i've been trying to talk like shut the fuck up either i'm not answering you for a reason or i'm freaking busy dude i don't need i don't need to be broadcast out there. It's not cool. Yeah. I didn't think that was cool. And maybe not that it's not cool. You didn't think what was cool?
Starting point is 00:30:10 That he said that to you? No, no, no. That he basically put you on blast. Yeah. I said I'd be on his show. Yeah. Here I move, Savon. Here I move.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Yeah, I know. I just want to be like, dude. I sat there. I'm like. I'm totally happy for you. I'm totally happy for you i'm totally happy for you you got a station it's awesome you're traveling the world you're doing what you love like do it leave like leave like don't i'm gonna text rich froding every day and he's never gonna answer and then on my youtube i'm gonna go hey i texted i texted rich uh he just won't get back to me it's what elliot did yeah yeah it's like what the fuck yeah yeah extra sloppy
Starting point is 00:30:47 he doesn't check my messages in months just like i only answer three people i try to i try to answer um i try to answer everything i just can't uh seven on the brat pack is great for crossfit ecosystem nothing but brand builders yeah i mean dude it's such a fucking dedicated group in the fucking locker room. It's so crazy. There's not one fucking lazy person who's not just working as hard as they can.
Starting point is 00:31:17 I talk to Sevan all the time. Every morning. Anyway, those just it just um it just it just really fired me up those those two shows just the stuff i was hearing i'm can i pull something up real quick i just would have just maybe i felt like i should call sporty bethany like hey just thanks for having a set of balls i'm so orange because of this oh milano tan milanoan to cf peptides use code
Starting point is 00:31:47 hiller at checkout that's really why you look like that well i also have this orange screen in front of me so it makes me appear a little bit more orange but i remember after i finished that open workout i think uh greg's son walks up to me and goes, why are you so purple? I'm just going. You didn't, I thought you looked, I didn't think you looked orange at all when I saw you this week. Was I darker than normal or no? I just thought you looked good. You just look like a fucking buff dude.
Starting point is 00:32:16 You look like a Chippendale. Thanks. Yeah. Gabe Epsey, Sevan hasn't wrote me back in months. I send letters from him from prison daily what the fuck you douche canoe fair i'll look for it sorry i like the that the douche canoe we talked about the other day that's like a hard hitting comment yeah hey what's what's going on no this is just no so ariel's window closed what are we going to
Starting point is 00:32:42 do if ariel shows up and tysonajan shows up at the same time? Now it's the Tyson Bajan show that's supposed to start at 6.30. Where is he at? And here's the crazy thing. Some moron is going to write in the comment that this was clickbait. Like people used to write when Daniel Brandon wouldn't show up, they used to write, it's clickbait. By the way, did you see Danielon's greatest video footage of all time um patrick rio's got it do we want to do we want to observe it oh yeah god they could watch that shit all day oh i thought you're gonna bring up the it's so deep comment no that's a great one too
Starting point is 00:33:21 that's a good one too wait oh no but there's nothing smart about it's so deep it's so deep oh my god i'm panicking you can't even tell It's so deep. Oh my God, I'm panicking. You can't even tell. It's so deep. You can see how deep it is. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:33:56 27,000 people liked this. Dude, I had a million views. I had 40 likes on a post the other day. 40? 40. It's dope. This did about 10,000 times that, homie. Good work.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Why do you think so many people liked it? Because of her tits and her body. Look at her legs. Look at her hair. She's so fucking hot. It's ridiculous. Did anybody notice that she's wearing nobles in this video? Fine. I love her shoes. I love everything about her God She's so fucking hot
Starting point is 00:34:30 Maybe she'll come back Looks there's oh, oh look at that. Look at that. You don't own a brush boy Look at that. Look at that. You don't own a brush, boy. It's gross. I haven't washed it in eight months, so the brush doesn't work anymore. Booyah, Kasha.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Did you try the toothpaste, tooth powder? I don't know. It wasn't there before I left, so I'll have to check when I get back. Son of a... Son of a... Somebody, Sarah told me, I didn't know what it was called. Sarah told me what it was called. I like that. Matuthian.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Yeah. Inspired by NFL quarterback Tyson Bajan. I should mean something about fluoride. I love it. Hey, what are you doing in L.A.? What are you doing down there? I'm training with a quarterback organization called 3DQB. I'm training with a quarterback organization called 3DQB.
Starting point is 00:35:31 So the general manager, Ryan Poles, kind of talked about them in my exit interview with them, said that they do a pretty good job at what they do. And for the price of one, they let young Ezra join the ride. So we're out here having fun. You're training with the Heisman winner? Yeah, he was there. He was there today. Oh, is that the dude you played against this year?
Starting point is 00:35:53 Yeah, Bryce Young. Did you remind him? Yeah, he's a nice guy. Yeah, you guys had a nice exchange after the game. Yeah, super nice guy. Hey, so explain this to me. So you pull up to this place, and it's a big – walk me through this. I want to hear the deals.
Starting point is 00:36:12 You pull up to this place. It's a big warehouse. You park your car, and you and Ezra get out and walk in. No, it's a park, but they use the facilities of a junior college. Golden something is the name of the junior college uh golden golden something um is the name of the the junior college and it's really just a field in the middle of kind of right 10 minutes out of huntington beach uh kind of um i guess on the way to orange county and it's just on this field there's just for whatever reason every superstar you could possibly imagine i can't even uh it's it's unbelievable all three days i've gone there i've seen um there's been multiple uh nfl
Starting point is 00:36:52 starting quarterbacks there each day and what do you guys do there like to tell me are you already dressed are you already dressed when you get there and yeah get a little brown bag with a sandwich in it or something yeah i got the bag with my cleats in it okay and then um get there and get a little brown bag with a sandwich in it or something? I got the bag with my cleats in it. Okay. And then get there, warm up, put the cleats on, and then they're really just trying to find any inefficiencies in the quarterback's throwing motion just so they can get the most out of every throw,
Starting point is 00:37:22 always be balanced, and just have good form and fundamentals um is essentially what's going on balanced and what's that look like so you you go out on the field and take snaps or yeah so day one is on you or what yeah so day one we just warmed up and then uh his name is adam dado that's the guy that's been working with me and ezra and he said hey day one i just want to i'm'm going to, you know, we're going to throw, we're going to warm up, we're going to throw. Today's more so about me just watching and seeing what you're about, what I think you're lacking in, what I think you're doing good at,
Starting point is 00:37:57 all that stuff. Day two, show up. We go through his warmup and throwing routine with these weighted balls that are supposed to help the accelerators and decelerators in your shoulder, just so you can have better control over the ball. And then we throw. And then yesterday he began coaching just where he thinks I can do better, where he thinks Ezra can do better.
Starting point is 00:38:20 And then it was more of the same today with just continuing to, because most of the stuff we need to get better at we've never been told before so it's weird when you've been throwing for so long and you try to add a little intricate movement or you're thinking about something that you haven't really ever thought about before uh so it's a process um but i was smoother today than i was yesterday and smoother yesterday than I was two days ago. So I'm liking what he's saying, and it's been really good so far. Tyson, what's a weighted ball? It's a football that's heavier than a traditional football? Yeah, so a football is one pound, essentially, like around one pound.
Starting point is 00:38:57 So there's a two-pound ball that he uses, a one-pound ball that he uses. And these are just like – they're not footballs. They're like the size of baseballs. There's two pound baseball a one pound baseball like shot puts like little shot puts exactly and and a little and an actual baseball two pound for strength one pound for skill because it's like the same as a football and then the baseball for speed arm speed um so those are those are the three different weights we're using with those with those weighted balls and what and you warm up like crazy yeah like are you you're sweating like yeah and shoulders are just blown out uh you're just doing weird shit that you don't
Starting point is 00:39:38 normally do if you go or that i haven't been doing, I guess, essentially, just because, I mean, I've just been really looking shit up on the internet up until this point. So having somebody else put me through a warm-up that is going to help me, it's given me a good – it's given me a better blueprint kind of when I go back and I'm just training on my own until we go back to Chicago. What does – sorry, go ahead, Caleb. Sorry. Is now a good time for you to just be fucking with your throw? Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:40:11 I was thinking about that and I just think if anybody can handle a change in something, it's me. So I kind of, and I'm also taking it with a grain of salt. If he's teaching to me, he's coaching, he's trying to hammer it in my brain and it's me um so i kind of and i'm also taking it with a grain of salt if he's teaching to me he's coaching and trying to hammer it in my brain and it's not working or i don't i just
Starting point is 00:40:31 can't find that that movement pattern then i obviously i mean just kind of ezra's been not struggling but ezra's not been in this world before um and ezra's got tight hips and a lot of throwing is dealing with your hips so they're constantly uh critiquing ezra and he was getting frustrated and i kind of just told him like hey it's all good i threw for 20 000 fucking yards before i did any of this shit so everything everything's gonna be okay um but just try to get better so that's what more or less we're just here doing just trying to to be a sponge to anything that works. And so far there have been a handful of things that I've never thought about that I started doing these past couple of days that I think have helped me out
Starting point is 00:41:13 a lot. Ezra just graduated from high school. Ezra just got done. Ezra is in the middle of his first year in college. Okay. And has the football in his football season, did he do a football season already in college yeah and he redshirted so he redshirted um and then so this
Starting point is 00:41:30 will be his redshirt freshman year so they just started spring practices and he's in the competition to see who will be the who will be the starting quarterback were there any other dudes like him there at this camp um like any kids there like him young guys like i haven't no i haven't seen any uh well yeah not yeah there is there is they've got they've got a bunch of college quarterbacks and a bunch of pro quarterbacks crazy and when you're on the field you're just it's just you and ezra one on one with this dude no or one on two like all right so the first day it was i mean really every day it's it's different you got different sections of people that are kind of uh um that are training at the same time at different parts of the field so today there was um a college group on one end that ezra was in and then there
Starting point is 00:42:18 was a pro group that i was in on the other side of the field. And there's about four or five trainers that are, that train for this 3DQB spot. And in just different days, you know, they just pick a different group to train that day. But so far it's been, it's been the guy I mentioned before, Adam Dato, who's been working predominantly with me and Ezra, but there were some college guys there today. So Ezra went to the college group and then there was me and a couple other
Starting point is 00:42:46 pros on the other side of the field. Do you take your phone out there? I leave it. I put it in my bag. Like that same bag that I put my cleats in. And do you check your phone at all when you're out there? No. No. That's a good question. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Can Ezra beat Tyson in crossfit workouts? Hiller can barely beat me in a crossfit workout. Ezra's got no fucking chance. Hey, man. I never got a word on how you did on 24.2. I don't mean to take you off. I got to know. The place where my rower resides,
Starting point is 00:43:28 I couldn't get the key in time before I left. So I got to do it when I get back. You didn't do it. I'm not signed up for an open. I'm not signed up for an open. I can do the open workouts whenever I want. Sure. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:39 What did you get? Nine plus some on the rower. Oh, so you and Hley were pretty close right i think she actually beat me by a little bit but just on that same on that same row though right right right right that's also what i told you you should get yeah i know yeah i know like nine plus rounds i'm like i think you're capable of that you got a crazy 2k time well i thought you were crazy when you said that initially and And now hearing that that was you and Haley Adams time, I think you're even more crazy. So I guess we'll just have to see. Maybe I'll just
Starting point is 00:44:12 lose my mind for 20 minutes. She told you that before she told me that. You're like, did you hear what she got? Oh, I know. That was point one, right? I think it was the row workout. Nah, that was point one. That was point one. That was point one. That too. That's when we were in Columbus. Maybe I told you, but I don't know. The Ghost of Judah Tribe, you're my QB1 man.
Starting point is 00:44:33 I believe in you. Bear down. Hey, what is your status? Do you go back to Chicago? Is that still like the plan? Yeah, late April. Okay, so you haven't gotten any email saying, hey, you're going to Canadaada or you're going to the rams or hey you're going back to shepherdstown uh no not yet that's good that's good oh yeah knock on wood hey and um uh do they pay for this
Starting point is 00:44:57 do the bears pay for this for you hell no this shit's expensive too like crazy expensive right yeah yeah wow crazy expensive and um whose idea was it to go there it is the bears idea though they tell you they give you the general manager um ryan poles he works i guess he was in uh some way or another is connected to this to this group of guys through somebody i think you might have played college with one of these people or something like that. I'm not entirely sure. But it's also good. It's expensive, but it's good to be around other guys that are kind of doing it,
Starting point is 00:45:35 other professionals, other guys that are doing the same thing you're doing. Because, I mean, just like in any competitive realm, it just brings the competition out of you. It usually makes for a better throwing session and get more out of it. Are the days long? How long are the days? Like two hour workouts. And that's it. And then you go home, then you go back to like the, the condo or wherever you go to the beach is what I've been,
Starting point is 00:45:59 what I've been doing. So it's been pretty unreal week for me. And, and, and the other football players the other players there do you get to do you talk to them at all do you is there time to make friends yeah yeah everybody's been super uh super nice super cool exchange phone numbers uh the whole social media thing so everybody's been uh everybody's been really cool so far damn um how how how old are you again tyson 23 23 are you feeling better now at 20 now than you were last year this time like do you still feel like you're growing are you like wow i'm getting better 100 yeah 100 dudes built who tyson yeah and like are you chomping are you chomping at the bit now to get back on the field like you're you're you're gonna be six months older six months more into your maturity
Starting point is 00:46:51 or eight months are you like fuck i can't wait to get back i can't wait to show like i'm more man now than i was eight months ago i can't wait yeah i just have such i just have a grasp on what to expect with the different times of the year and in different sections of the year we're in with the team. I just know what to expect. I feel a lot more comfortable. It's very similar to every year I played in college where I was always going into the next year like, oh, I can't wait to show the world how I've improved
Starting point is 00:47:23 and show myself and my family how I've improved. And it's very similar feeling, uh, even more so now just cause I really don't have anything else to do. So, um, I just been fully taken advantage of that. What happens next after this training camp? What do you do next? What's next? When does the season start? When do you have to report? You said April. Uh, I go from lateil to like the beginning of june for otas um and then for the season season i go back uh late july like the end of july okay so april to june is kind of like tryouts again everyone shows up there april to june april to june is just like organized team activities from honestly, like whatever draft picks you got and whatever new guys you've traded to get
Starting point is 00:48:12 just really getting the team together for what you think will be the team heading into the season. And then obviously it starts getting really competitive when you go back in late the end of July. starts getting really competitive when you go back in late the end of July. That, that the, the plays from last year, are those all thrown out the window and you got to learn all the whole new playbooks again, the all the, all the shit's new. Yeah. Holy fuck. Nah, it's all good. It's all good. Everybody else has got to do it too.
Starting point is 00:48:42 So that's way better than learning it while everybody else knows it. From what I understand, you're pretty good at soaking all that stuff in, right? I'm pretty good at suffering. I'm pretty good at suffering throughout the week and ingraining it in my head and making my week miserable in order to do it. That's all it is. I wouldn't say I necessarily retain it better than the next person maybe i do but i also just like i'm cool with locking myself in a room and not
Starting point is 00:49:10 coming out until i know how to say everything and do everything hold on there's got a new offensive coordinator is that why it's a new playbook well they got a whole new offensive staff right so really really all the that's? The whole offensive staff, yeah. Except, I mean, our head coach is still there, but as far as our offensive staff, most of them were replaced. So you've got to meet all new people and trust all new people again and figure all that out and build relationships again. I'm guessing that shit's really important, the trust. Yeah, I mean, kind of.
Starting point is 00:49:44 I mean, everybody's got the same uh the same goals and that's just to win so you kind of you know no matter who it is you understand that at least you guys are on the same wavelength in that sense where you just want to win so everybody's just kind of doing whatever they can in order to make that happen how many how many people is that when you say they were they changed the whole offensive team um we let go of our offensive coordinator our quarterback coach our running back coach our tight end coach um and we kept our offensive line coach so i guess we got we have like i and we got rid of some assistant coaches too. So I guess probably like six or seven in totality on the offensive side. So when you were at Shepherdstown, did that ever happen?
Starting point is 00:50:34 Yeah, I had three different offensive coordinators in college. No shit. Yeah. And you knew your offensive coordinator going to the Bears, right? He was at the Senior Bowl, so I had met him previously at the Senior Bowl. So wait a second. In college, your team was so successful. Why would they replace the offensive coordinator?
Starting point is 00:50:56 Well, so my first offensive coordinator was there for my freshman and sophomore year. And then we were so good that he got a job offer for more money at another school oh i hope he gave you 10 percent no he didn't he didn't but yeah so then uh then we had then we had uh coach corral my dad one of my dad's really good buddies from when my dad was like a game day manager at shepherd for a handful of years. He was my coach for a year, but he had, he kind of was, he kind of became miserable with the whole coaching life and not being able to see his little girls all the time. So that,
Starting point is 00:51:37 and shepherd doesn't pay enough money. They don't have enough money to pay their staff. So that didn't, that ended up not, it was, that was the year i won that award um the harlan trophy so it was a really good year yeah but uh it didn't work out for him and then the next year got another offensive coordinator who then got another better job after we were so successful again damn yeah damn you helped a lot of people's careers dude i know i started i started to think about that uh kind of like when i was when i was doing this podcast like what you're doing in this podcast yeah they were all good people though so it all it all it's all good
Starting point is 00:52:19 i hope i hope i did help them out hey Hey, what about Aaron Rodgers? Does Aaron Rodgers still play football? Yeah. Did you hear that he might be the vice presidential running mate of Robert Kennedy? I did hear that. That's crazy. That would be crazy. He plays in the NFL and he's the vice president.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Yeah, that would be crazy. I don't know. I'm so okay with that. I think he can do both. He's a pretty capable human being physically and he speaks well. It seems like
Starting point is 00:52:55 he might be a little further along than a lot of people in politics today maybe. Was he at the training camp? No. Any old dudes like that uh not as old as him but i don't think i think he's the oldest i think he's the oldest he's the oldest quarterback oh and then i fell right now tom brady's 39 or something right i don't know how i don't know how old he is but i know he is the oldest 40. Yeah, I think he was the oldest player maybe in the NFL this past year.
Starting point is 00:53:29 Maybe I saw that. Did you by any chance meet with Jen Schroed? Did you guys ever hook up? No, not yet. That was the one you texted me about the other day, right? Yeah, the softball lady. Yeah, no, I haven't met her yet. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:44 All right right just curious all right dude well i'm fucking pumped for you thanks for coming on yeah i love hearing about all the intricacies of your training and what you're doing and it's awesome that you bring uh ezra and you like having him around or your dad make you do that no i like having him around i feel like i can get to him in a way a lot of other people can't when he's being a young kid. So it's all good. Yeah, it's really good.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Is he playing video games? Also, you want to talk about my training regimen right now? Please, please. Jim Klotman. I'm all on the Jim Klotman train right now. Really? You should have seen. He put a spell on Hiller when Hiller –
Starting point is 00:54:23 I got some stuff. Let's see if I can do this real quick. I heard him and Hiller had a little friction, a little friction. Come on. What are you talking about? Jim Clowman, Jim Clowman, that is a man. He's set in his ways, and he's unwavering. I think if Jim found out he was wrong, he would still say he's right.
Starting point is 00:54:45 He would still say he's right. Oh, here we go. The oldest player in the league, not quarterback, is a guy named Jason Peters. Seahawks is the oldest player in the league, 41. Probably a kicker. It doesn't count. All right.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Maybe. Hey, any other – is that just a quarterback camp? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, how come you and Hiller – you and Hiller, have you guys played catch yet? You guys have hung out a few times. You ever just played catch with Hiller?
Starting point is 00:55:12 You and Hiller throw the ball around? That's what you're talking about. Yeah. You and Andrew need to actually go against each other because y'all definitely – neither of y'all is going against me or Derek. No? No. We were talking about that workout.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Dude! Yeah, so Jim Jim he put, alright, so you see that slack bow, right? Yep. He put attachments on both sides of
Starting point is 00:55:43 the end that makes it go higher so that you have higher levels. Okay. Yeah. To put the slack in. Yep. And yeah, so he came one more time. He came like two weeks ago and he put those attachments on. And yeah, that like just little shit like that.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Just trying to do that at like a higher that at the highest level I possibly can. I feel like it's helping. I don't know. It could be placebo 100%, but it all makes sense. You're crazy at this stuff. It's kind of nuts. He's good? He's got good balance?
Starting point is 00:56:18 Oh, my God. It's crazy how good he is at this. I couldn't stay on that thing for, I don't know, maybe 10 seconds was my best, and he was doing it for minutes at a time. What does this one look like? Him and Ezra are bouncing this ball back and forth. See how he's on that balance board down there?
Starting point is 00:56:32 Yeah. They're just shucking this ball back and forth while they're on this little balance board. Yeah, that shit's easy. I could do that shit all day. The slack line is the one that's hard. I don't think you could do this all day, dude. Trust. I'm going to make a video right after this.
Starting point is 00:56:45 No, I guarantee. Savant can definitely probably do that because that one, it's scary, but then as soon as you get it, you can do it all day with that one. The slack bow, like the slack line, whatever you want to call it. That's hard.
Starting point is 00:56:58 That's the one that my dad, yeah, because whenever Jim leaves and then my dad is just putting me and Ezra through whatever the balance regimen is, it's always the first section is on the slack bow. I could be involved in a Dutch rudder. You guys are doing planks on this thing? That was the hardest thing I've ever done.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Have you tried that? No, that sucks. I know that sucks. Yeah, if you do it all – yeah, as soon as you go to one foot, I couldn't. It was like I was helpless. Yeah, I was in trouble. It was stinky. I was watching you guys do this, and I'm like, oh, that can't be that hard. Then I went to go do it, and it was really hard.
Starting point is 00:57:39 So, Tyson, the theory – the premise behind Klotman's methodology – he's going to hate it that I'm summing it up like this probably though, is that basically you can only swing a bat as hard as you can stay balanced. So the more balanced you have, the harder you can swing a bat, right? Is that the premise? So, I mean, from like him speaking and then reading his book that he's got, it's like literally just one sentence that sticks out to me when I think about why I even bother to even do this shit. And it's because he obviously talking about balance throughout the whole book. But he opens up in one of the early chapters of just saying that your body, your body is only able move uh at the speed in which your balance allows so if you're on like if you're ever unbalanced you're not gonna your body's gonna immediately try to stop itself but if you're always balanced it's just the more balanced you are the faster you're able to move and whatever what i'm doing i feel like i need to be moving pretty fast and
Starting point is 00:58:43 be as balanced as possible. So that, that's how I just, that's how I think about it. And I thought I heard you say somewhere, maybe it was on the show or something, or maybe your dad told me that basically you, one of the things that you find it's helped you is evading getting tackled. Yeah, that's pretty much the, that's like one of the times where I could potentially be the most unbalanced. It's like somebody's chasing me. I'm trying to be twitchy and move at a high speed, and being able to be balanced will just allow me to do that, I feel, at a better – at a higher rate and a higher level. Listen, guys.
Starting point is 00:59:21 You guys have to understand, if you haven't seen tyson on here before you have to understand uh the uh i don't ask tyson about pussy or teammates i just don't i don't want to put him in that situation maybe he's got those sound like sensitive issues to me that i'm not interested in exploiting like how much push you get i'm not gonna ask him that and uh uh who did the bear sign today ask tyson i'm i i i don't know why let the sports shows do that this isn't a sports show this is uh i don't know what kind of show this is can we pull hillary did you get hillary did you get any pussy today awesome what were you gonna say caleb? Can we pull up what Rogue posted today? Does it got Tyson in it?
Starting point is 01:00:08 Yeah. Oh, yeah. Let's see it. Oh, awesome. Damn. That's at their headquarters? You look like the Jaguars quarterback here. Oh, here you go. Welcome, Tyson Bajan to the Rogue Athlete team. Isn't the Jaguars quarterback black?
Starting point is 01:00:28 No. Trevor Lawrence? You got a little Trevor Lawrence in you in this picture. He got a little black guy in him too. What are you talking about? I mean, I don't see it. What do you mean? Listen to him talk. Close your eyes. Whenever Tyson talks,
Starting point is 01:00:43 close your eyes. Uh-oh. I knew she'd be around look at sunny day you you asked this question earlier and i knew she'd pop her head yeah so so okay so sorry one more thing before i let you go so so you finish up in la and then you'll roll you'll you'll go back home and get your matuthian and then and then what happens between now and late april what month i'm going to go we are in march yeah so i'm gonna go home i'm gonna take a quick trip uh well i'm gonna go home for a couple weeks train really hard keep getting better go to uh fort lauderdale for five days to throw with a couple teammates and work out. Come back home, wait until late April, go back to Chicago. Wait a second.
Starting point is 01:01:34 So when you go to Fort Lauderdale, the teammates, so some wide receivers, tight ends, like dudes who catch the ball, and you'll go out to a field, and you guys will just – who will draw that up? Who will lead that? We will. And that's just like you're on a text those are dudes who are on the bears who were on the bears last year yeah no shit i wonder if any of those dudes will fuck it up by bringing their little brother along hey dude ezra is cool i I like Ezra. I know. I know. He's a little baller. He's cool.
Starting point is 01:02:07 He is cool. Okay, one more thing. One of my friends went out to dinner with you the other night, and she said, holy shit, I cannot believe these dudes are 19 and 23. They make, like, great eye contact. They're conversationalists. I just can't believe how mature they are. Is that a West Virginia thing, or why do you think it's like that um i mean you must meet a lot of knuckleheads who are 23 like
Starting point is 01:02:30 if you talk to girls who are 23 years old you must be like what the fuck yeah and i have on the show i'm like what's going on here yeah i don't know i don't know i just feel like i i act in a way that i would want other people to act i would would want other people to look at me and talk to me when they and look at me when they talk to me. And she would I was thinking the same thing about her, like, oh, wow, this lady is on top of her game. Sharp as a nail. Kids are awesome. You could tell she doesn't play with the way that she raises. She's raised the kids. And just a lot of similarities because just two dogs,
Starting point is 01:03:08 just two dogs going at life, I feel like. At least I like to think of myself in that way. For 100% fact, she 100% is an animal just from obviously looking at her and then being able to talk to her for a couple hours. She was really cool. But yeah, I just want to ask how i want people to act better around me dude you are a dog when i when i called jen schro and told her i said hey my buddy's in town you want to take him out to dinner
Starting point is 01:03:37 and she said yeah i'd love to and i was telling her about you i feel like i'm lying that's what that's how fucking savage you are it sounds like just a bunch of shit yeah i mean your resume just like well it's the truth your resume your resume sounds like just a lie all right dude love you to death thanks for coming on tell us i said what's up tell him when he makes to the nfl he can come on i will hey dude he asked you we're at that burger place and ezra goes hey dude get me on the hey, dude, get me on the pod. Oh, I'll get Income on the pod. He's not well enough spoken yet. He needs about two more years of school before he can come on this podcast.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Can he hear you right now? I think he's in his room sleeping. The sun lit his ass up the other day. Awesome. Yeah. All right, sweet. Y'all have a good night. All right, buddy.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Thank you. Later. See you. Dang, we're lucky. That's a word for word. that awesome yeah but all right sweet y'all have a good night all right buddy thank you later see you dang we're lucky that's a word for word he goes hey man you'll get me on the pod that was what ezra said just like that one of the highlights of my life is when uh i remember if tyson or travis the dad told me that hey uh ezra thinks you're funny the The fact that a 19-year-old kid thinks I'm funny is tits. You talk about cock and balls all day, dude. God, I like it so much. Okay. Still at dinner,
Starting point is 01:04:54 leaving hotel at 10. Ariel? Ariel? Yeah, okay. Wanna still come on? You didn't ask him about the signing. What's wrong with you?
Starting point is 01:05:11 What signing? You know, the fourth quarterback. I'm not asking him that stuff. Oh, good. Thank you. Hey, there was a dude in here, though, who looked like he's from the outside. We have an outsider. Do you see him?
Starting point is 01:05:26 I just saw that a couple people, said like especially like if you talk to me like a missed like someone said it's a missed opportunity if you don't ask about lemon pie johnson or something you should ask someone about a key lime pie yeah someone said yeah uh hey ask him about lemon pie johnson and i'm like i'm not asking about lemon pie johnson what what's that but but it was but it's just the way the person worded it like it's a missed opportunity like dude you can every time i'm around your mom and she doesn't blow me it's a missed opportunity like what do you like what do you what do you mean like i didn't don't you know what they said gretzky you you uh miss all the shots you don't take just just be like dude they just write what you really want to say i'm not i'm not like don't
Starting point is 01:06:10 manipulate me just be like dude they lemon they sign lemon johnson pie to the team and now they have four quarterbacks um ask him what he thinks about that or something and then i can be i can decide but the second you're like it's a like you're telling me what's a missed opportunity I get your own fucking podcast tell me what's a missed opportunity like how you word that shit what's your tone you know what I mean like the manipulation shit
Starting point is 01:06:37 gaslighting watch your tone you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Yeah, that's Gretzky, right? And I can't really talk shit to Ken, so I just pass on that. Ken's cool. Terrell, Tori, Tori K.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Sorry I didn't word things perfectly for your approval. It's fine. Quick apology. That's nice. I'm very sensitive today. I'm wound up. I apology. That's nice. I'm very sensitive today. I'm wound up. I'm like brought to the edge.
Starting point is 01:07:11 I'm like right where my Godhead and my ego like touch, and I'm just like fucking hanging out on the precipice of it, waiting to fall off into the ego side today. Hey, dude, I'm tripping on this potential Craig Ritchie thing. What thing? Apparently, he's infringing on my territory. What, he's banging Alexis? Yeah, what the frick, Craig?
Starting point is 01:07:31 He's in Nashville? I thought Alexis was here. A key lime pie is not good. Dude, it's so good. Really? A key lime pie is good, but it can't be green. It's got to be clear, or like white. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:07:42 We had a key lime pie at Greg's house. And did you like it? It was great pie and did you like it it was great it was at greg's house it was i think it was the night you before you left or you left they never have desserts there it always makes sense because you know no sugar they had so many desserts at greg's house it was nuts oh dude they had they had two birthday parties two nights in a row dude there was a cake I couldn't even believe Did you see the red cake Caleb? Massive
Starting point is 01:08:08 It was like a huge fucking confetti red party cake This is Sunday evening? It was nuts Oh yeah 10 gallons of Tillamook ice cream And A huge freaking key lime pie A bunch of fucking medium rare steak 300 coke zeros in
Starting point is 01:08:27 the fridge monster energy drinks everywhere it was a fucking rager dude hey they the um so all no one wanted like there were there were 10 of us there right like of my posse and so we're all there and we're all in the garage and we're working out and we work out and then we have a deadlift competition which was cool i would have won that yeah probably you know when he went no no you know why you couldn't win it because the bar didn't couldn't hold enough weights i would have had you sit on one side and then like rio sit on the other side okay fair enough oh yeah she's still coming on. I'll still come on. Okay. All right. Great. Great. I love that. Hey, dude, I'm like over. I don't know how many days I've been at Greg's. It was like this weekend and then once before. And there's never been a dessert in sight. And I've always just thought there's slimy, there's cheese and there's steak. Fitness in 100 words. This makes a lot of sense. And you're telling me i missed out on everything in one night yeah and dude so so then everyone's like hey we're leaving we don't want to impose on greg and it's
Starting point is 01:09:30 like eight o'clock at night or whatever and fucking maggie the wife comes in and she's like no one's leaving i just ordered sushi and we have 10 000 steaks on the grill and everyone came inside and we just if we just ate for two hours We just ate steaks and sushi for two hours And then finished off with It was nuts Do you know that steak cooker he's got? It's like the instant steak cooker And I didn't know a lot of those
Starting point is 01:09:54 Listen, here's the Maybe you could work up the courage to ask Ariel There it is again, you douche canoe New guy. New guy. It's good. When David's not here, I need someone to vent on. Thank you, Tori, for providing some trigger release. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:10:18 It's the best pie. I'm telling you, dude. You're like one million that doesn't like Keyline Pie. Keyline Pie is like Sherbert. It's pointless. No. You think Keyline Pie is better than cheesecake? Ooh. Depends.
Starting point is 01:10:34 Usually not. No. Usually no. From a nostalgia standpoint, I'd always pick Keyline Pie. It's a cop-out answer. They're doing Ariel wrong on this announcement what do you mean yeah come on let's oh 20 minutes holy shit you guys want to take a you guys want to like go and come back you guys gonna be around we're gonna dissect this
Starting point is 01:10:53 craig richie video okay let's do it yeah yeah all right let's go you guys want to party you guys by the way it's long by the way today's great show with g Greg Glassman was the best show ever that I've done with Greg. I thought it was fucking amazing. He said a couple things in there that were crazy. He said something about divorce, like cheating on women, that was fucking gnarly. Garrett sent me the quote. I was like, holy shit. I mean, I knew it was powerful when he said it.
Starting point is 01:11:24 I hope Dusty, our clip guy, makes into a clip. You can't break mom's heart without destroying the quote. I was like, holy shit. I mean, I knew it was powerful when he said it. I hope Dusty, our clip guy, makes him do a clip. You can't break mom's heart without destroying the children. Like, that's for all the dads out there, right? Can't break mom's heart without destroying the children. Meaning, like, if Haley comes home and I'm banging some chick on all four in the
Starting point is 01:11:40 living room, it's just the kids who get fucked. Well, and Haley, and you, just the kids who get fucked well and hayley and you but the kids totally they're like i'm definitely getting fucked if i'm fine well you're in the process of but yeah but the kids get destroyed yeah yeah yeah like like it's okay it's okay to like if like if you don't have kids and you get caught cheating on your girlfriend it it's tough. Fucking fucks up the relationship a little bit. You got to work through that shit or don't or whatever. But once you got kids,
Starting point is 01:12:10 Jessica Valenzuela, kids are the ones to suffer more. Let's face it. Hey, I don't know why we're going to do a new show when you got 400 plus live right now. Let's just rock and roll okay let's rage while okay okay okay go ahead i'll do both i'm okay both but okay uh
Starting point is 01:12:33 i got something i got something i want to bring up do you want to go first you go first with craig richie and then i got something that's that i i need to i haven't even processed i can't even figure it out jaylen are you rocking with the craig richie clip i actually i haven't even processed. I can't even figure it out. Caleb, are you rocking with the Craig Ritchie clip? I actually haven't seen this. I don't know what he's going to pull up. Usually it's a whole bunch of nothing, but it's only four minutes long. Wait, so why are we watching it? Because people have been pointing at us the whole show.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Oh. I don't want to just hammer Craig Ritchie. Do we know what we're supposed to be looking at that's bad? No, I don't want to hammer Craig Ritchie either. Not at the moment. Not unless there's a reason. Yeah, let's watch it first. He does say, I don't understand his decision. He's got that email sent up. I think that everybody in the
Starting point is 01:13:13 media space got the email stating the decision. Caleb, do you have that? I have it. I can pull it up. Yeah, pull that up. Hey, so just so you guys know, the only information I have on this is because I watched the Brian Spinn podcast today with John Young and Tyler Watkins. And basically what it sounds like is a couple people were penalized for their scores. Got it.
Starting point is 01:13:35 One person was penalized. Just Tudor Magda was penalized. That's it. This is nuts. That thing you just said is crazy. Is that really true? How could you just penalize one guy? It's worse when they don't.
Starting point is 01:13:51 Emily Claw, who won the women's side, was like, oh, we're not going to give you any money. But we're going to keep your name on the leaderboard. And she gets rewarded for not having a video, and Tudor gets punished 200 reps. It's complete garbage. Isn't there some clause? I guess there isn't a clause in there that says,
Starting point is 01:14:08 hey, I'm sure there's a clause in there. Hey, if you want to win the money, you need a video. Right? But there should also be a clause. I thought that was the whole point. But you have to be able to allow, you can't make everyone film because you want people to be,
Starting point is 01:14:24 that's the whole coaches thing. It would be ridiculous for everyone. But there should be some sort of thing like, hey, we recommend. I have it. I have it. Okay. Okay. You can throw a baseball into a bucket from 60 feet on your first shot, right?
Starting point is 01:14:38 Yeah. You want to prove it, right? Not into the bucket. The other guy did that. Cave Dastard did that. The gist of it is correct though right yeah yeah you and you want to prove it that it's your first shot you put the camera down you start recording yeah if you have the freaking potential to win a crossfit open workout you know you're
Starting point is 01:14:55 gonna throw that ball in the bucket or at least you're gonna try because you think you can do it and if you don't do it or you don't think you can do it you're not going to record it who gets money who gets the money the person who took second it's the money oh they don't give it to second place no i was talking to that chick earlier she's not going to get the money she's pissed well here let me ask you this the second place chick is pissed she's pissed she's from sweden as well i guess she knows this emilyek too. And does she have a video? She does. And have you watched it? I haven't. Okay, let me ask you this.
Starting point is 01:15:31 That's a good sign that she's going to send me the video. I don't know how to think about this correctly, but let me ask you this. If Tudor won and then they penalized him 20% so that knocks him down the leaderboard, don't they need to watch everyone's
Starting point is 01:15:46 video between Tudor and first place in order to get some 100% and I could understand if Krabs is like well we don't care because we take 25% but I don't know something's not sitting with me well I feel
Starting point is 01:16:00 I put up the video 30 athletes aren't doing the same thing they claimed Huger wasn't doing which is extending the hip so okay let me ask you this so what we now know about CrossFit it's fair to say is they don't they only care
Starting point is 01:16:17 about the first place winner and the last place the person and the last person who goes to quarterfinals. But they actually don't care about the ranking of them. Do you know what I mean? So let's say there's a big crowd of people waiting for you to open up your store.
Starting point is 01:16:36 All you care about is the first person who's in and the last person who's in. That's basically what they're saying. Because they're not checking any of the videos. They don't really care about the ranking except for the last place spot so they can close the door and the first place spot so they can give away the money they don't give a fuck about anyone in the middle imagine we're going to a bears game there's 65 000 people in there and they run the first one and the last one through the metal detector to see if they have weapons and everyone else is just free to go right well yeah sure we trust you guys don't have weapons but listen there there's
Starting point is 01:17:04 consequences here there are there any consequences about doing that we trust you guys don't have weapons but listen there there's consequences here there are there any consequences about doing that other than you just don't really know where you rank are there any count like does it go to the strength of butthole score whatever that thing is or strength of butthole interesting the strength of field score the strength of something score i was gonna let you finish that what what the 25 thing is going to be the ultimate cop out here because all they care about as davis said multiple times in the past i don't think i'm putting words in his mouth here they care about the fittest individual on earth and this is a funnel for that and okay top are going to make it to the quarters are going to make it
Starting point is 01:17:40 to the semis and then are going to inevitably win the CrossFit games. Okay. Tudor, from what I understand is 3000th. And that should be within 25% of the men's field. So although he got boned, he's still in contention to be the fittest on earth. And that's what are the implications? What's the fallout of them not checking and penalizing everyone that just year, everyone knows it's free game
Starting point is 01:18:05 you're so you're just right so but it just means your ranking doesn't matter it's just another doesn't matter we already knew it didn't matter but now it really doesn't matter yeah it's wow hey remember when people were giving you a hard time for like not putting your score in or for like the submission being bits and pieces. You put in more of a video than the freaking winner of the event did. Wow. Can you believe that? Your, your 30 seconds snippet where you're like just barely rowing.
Starting point is 01:18:37 Let's pretend, let's pretend what should CrossFit say? Let's say they like this outcome, right? Let's say this is the, you think they do, but I'm just saying, no, I don't think they do actually, but Let's say they like this outcome. Right? Let's say this is the outcome. You think they do? I'm just saying no. I don't think they do, actually.
Starting point is 01:18:48 But let's say they do. What do they need? What would they say? Hey, guys, just so you know, we roughly want the top 25%. It's going to get a little fuzzy at the bottom. What we are very curious about, though, is if you're the winner and you want to win, we're going to need a video to give you the money. But other than that, don't worry so much about your placement as long as you're close enough in in that 25 percent
Starting point is 01:19:09 range you will be going to quarterfinals like you know how like someone in our you know like will brandstetter will be like hey i'm 19 000th in the world or you'll be like hey i'm 22 000th in the world or whatever like those numbers don't really matter those aren't those aren't those are just rough those are like those aren't even close to precise now now we know that because not everyone's playing by the same rules based upon my video when i grabbed 30 videos i looked i only looked at 40 75 of them had something wrong with it now just stretch that number which is rough but let's just say half the videos have something wrong with them it's incredibly inaccurate but what could they say that would cover their ass is what i'm saying because then that will give us a description of
Starting point is 01:19:54 what's what we're looking at like what could they say to what i did in the nopen last year you get a team i had 40 a team of 40 judges for the nopen yeah i gave them i think it was like 200 bucks each or something like that. They helped me out in my three-week competition. And at the end of it, every score was valid. And I had 800 plus competitors. I understand that, but what could they say to justify what they've done? Like, let's say they're like, yep, we fucked up, but don't worry.
Starting point is 01:20:22 Like, we fucked up. The actual fact, fact like there's got to be i don't think there's anything they can say at this point do you i mean it's something they would have already done they already made the announcement they sent the email out to everybody do you think there's anything they can say i mean like like i would just come like if someone said um if someone said hey you said you were going to give away paper street coffee two hundred dollars and you forgot and you didn't i would i i would be like yep i didn't and then if they were like so you're going to give
Starting point is 01:20:54 away two next week and i would be like no and they'd be like that's fucked up and i'd be like i agree that is fucked up but we're just not doing it they can do that like do you know what i mean like what like i mean no one's going to like it. But at least there's transparency. You know what I mean? It's like, hey, we fucked up. We should have asked for videos. Or maybe they did. I haven't even read the rulebook.
Starting point is 01:21:17 Elton just posted something saying they've been doing it since 2019. Doing what? Asking for videos. Okay. Yeah, okay. Maybe that's it. There is a clause that you need a video to win money that happened to the same thing okay thank you mike okay all right no there's precedent i suppose yeah so i don't have a problem with that chick not
Starting point is 01:21:37 winning the money and i don't really care whether she did the rounds or not what i think you and i i haven't talked to you about this but i think you and i probably know exactly what happened her fucking judge counted too many rounds like exactly what i think yeah and so if that happens okay and you didn't film like i ain't hating on her like whatever girl and good job on trying it again i get it like cool but but the tutor thing i'm the two thing is really strong But why Because it just means Everyone from him and above now Because he has 800 reps But the implications are
Starting point is 01:22:11 Not that someone doesn't make it to quarterfinals But just that their ranking is not right I'm just trying to think of like how would I tell Like if someone told me hey I'm 112th In the world I'd be like yeah plus or minus 10% Since they really don't check the Like You know what I mean? Sounds really shitty.
Starting point is 01:22:30 I agree. I agree. But it's just like if someone gets a job and they're Native American, you can be like, hey, did you get the job as a Native American? I see right here that they hire you first. I mean, it's like, it's shitty, but it is what it is. it's shitty, but it is what it is. Like CrossFit should just, should they like,
Starting point is 01:22:47 maybe they should put out t-shirts and make fun of themselves and be like, you're two thousandths and fiftieths muscle manels. That's what I mean. Like, how are they, how do they like, okay, so you fucked up. Now what?
Starting point is 01:23:01 There you go. What motivation does this give anyone to ever film? It doesn't. That's the point. Oh, that's, that's a great point that's the thing you're if you're not when you're well everyone should film but don't ever submit you know last year how i would and there's a little video icon i click on it and it goes this video is unplayable this video is unplayable which should remove you from the leaderboard. But what we were finding out right now is it never mattered in the first place. Right. Hey, that is true.
Starting point is 01:23:31 That part is true. The most messed up thing I'm hearing that the person that is listed as the judge for that workout didn't even judge Klaue on that workout. It's Mia Hesketh is the one the one who listed judge who judged her on that monday not on that friday who judged her on the friday the world record one an unknown judge but not not mia i just put myself as my own judge i wrote my own name in there you take the judges course no how the hell would you do that i just wrote it in there it says who's your judge i wrote savamatosian okay i use either adrian bosman or dave eubanks oh that's awesome i should start doing that damn so it doesn't matter just matters who approves it they don't even need they don't
Starting point is 01:24:18 even know they don't even need i mean i submitted a video hey i told alexis about this earlier and she goes god i was really looking forward to doing the open next year and now it just seems like it's such a joke and then i'm thinking i'm like i don't know if it matters to people like us or to me it doesn't matter to me you see the other thing helping put up on unknown and knowable had something to do with the turnover rate there was like 48 yeah that's a little scary. Yeah. Like no one who did it last year did it this year. Half of the people didn't re-sign up.
Starting point is 01:24:50 And then I went to the M2 and bought signups. Dude, Susan and I came up with a great plan for next year's open. You ready for this? Hmm. We're going to, we're going to have a PDF on the Sebon podcast website. It's like,
Starting point is 01:25:03 what? The printable thing for the affiliates. yeah i heard about that and you're going to be able to print out a poster and there's going to be a qr code for registration for the open and the poster will be like you know you know what i mean it'll be like maybe we'll use you hiller just to make it funny yes it'll be you i was gonna say like some athlete but let's let's make it you it'll be you okay and and you'll be you. I was going to say like some athlete, but let's, let's make it you. It'll be you. Okay. And, and you'll be doing like butterflies or something, or one of those crazy muscle ups where like you're, you can just tell everyone in your gym, hey, you put your phone there and you register for the Open and then there'll be another QR code so you can register your score.
Starting point is 01:25:52 Done. That'd be cool. Yeah, we're going to do one of those things first. We're going to kill next year and we can write, hey, the Open might not be, we can even make fun of it. Your scores will be correct within 10 or 20%. Más o menos.%. Mas o menos. Mas o menos.
Starting point is 01:26:08 Mas o menos. Mas o menos. This isn't true either, Ortega. Oh, what did he say? Quarterfinals are what matter. Just do the open and move on. But this is the weakest take of all time. The open and move on is God.
Starting point is 01:26:23 I mean, the coolest thing for me doing the open is seeing how shitty I am that I'm in the bottom 5% of 50-year-olds. Dude, here's the thing. I really like that Chase calls it a fun run. I do. No, he calls it a checkup. Doesn't he call it a checkup? He calls it that too, but maybe he didn't call it a fun run. I think he did.
Starting point is 01:26:40 Chase, I see you're in the comments. Tell me if I'm wrong. The checkup is correct and if you go and run the chicago marathon you know where you finish in order oh i finished 10 400 second in the freaking chicago marathon it's not mas o menos 10 like you paid your money you signed up you ran the race you know where you finished you you finished. You have a chip timer. It's a fun run. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. And I like that.
Starting point is 01:27:11 It's cool, but you still know where you stood, and it is the test of fitness for a whole bunch of people. Very complicated, Andrew. This is very complicated. No, no, no. It's simple. When I ran the affiliate, I would have people sign up every year. And I did this on my show at the end of the other day. I had my member. His name is Mark Capulon.
Starting point is 01:27:22 And I go, look, you finished 50,000, then 35, then 34,000. And now you're at like the 20,000th mark and you're getting fitter every year relative to your peers that it shows that you're doing the right thing. Okay. Let me ask you this. How many people need to have their, um,
Starting point is 01:27:35 uh, videos looked at? Well, I would say probably 500 to a thousand, the top 500 to a thousand. Okay. On both sides. So 500 to a thousand. Okay. On both sides. So 2000 videos.
Starting point is 01:27:47 Yeah. Okay. So 2000 videos need to be looked at and, and the workout was 20 minutes, but let's say you can figure out most people's penalty in five minutes. So let's say 2000 times. Oh, let me get a calculator out.
Starting point is 01:27:58 Uh, 2000 times, uh, uh, five minutes is a, what? 10,000 minutes. Is that right?
Starting point is 01:28:05 2000. So it's a 10,000 minutes? Is that right? So it's 10,000 minutes. One, two, three. Divided by 60. So that's 166 hours. And so we can get 10 people to spend 16 hours on that. God, that's it?
Starting point is 01:28:23 Yeah. Yeah. Did I do that right? Anyone? I mean, it sounds it? Yeah. Did I do that right? Anyone? I mean, it sounds good to me. Okay. So 10 people can do this in, let's say they work five-hour days on it. So 10 people could do it in three days.
Starting point is 01:28:42 So what you're saying is that CrossFit should go through the videos and be like, hey, sorry, we're not going to be able to do everyone, but we are going to try to get the top 1,000 in order, and we're going to go through and assess penalties. And they have a flat rate. You don't need that transparency. You absolutely don't need that transparency. Okay, so they don't even say that.
Starting point is 01:29:01 But they know they're doing 1,000. Well, then how do we know they haven't done it? Maybe we're just talking shit for no reason Maybe they are doing it What's today? Wednesday? They have until midnight tonight? Well, obviously they're not doing it Because they released a press release
Starting point is 01:29:14 It is weird to put out a press release And just slam Tudor It's messed up, man They haven't done it in years past They didn't do it on week one Zero scores were altered. Not zero. That's an absolute, but a lot of scores have altered.
Starting point is 01:29:30 What do you think of this? This is why you don't tell them. Because what ends up happening is people know that they're checking scores. And by all freaking means, it could be the top 1,000 set in stone and then randomized people. Just check them and pluck them out. Cause then what happens is people are aware that, that they're plucking people off the leaderboard.
Starting point is 01:29:49 Oh, you chose me. It's like a random drug test, but it's the easiest, cheapest random drug test ever. You think this chick's hot? Laura. Got a kid.
Starting point is 01:30:02 What you can see from here. She's hot as fuck. Uh, Laura, Laura, obviously not laura what i had to like zoom in i like to open this year it has allowed me to invite friends to do it with me who are not into crossfit and now they're interested in knowing more about it yeah the workouts were genius i just don't know where they finished the workouts were great yeah they
Starting point is 01:30:21 yeah that's true um uh asymmetric ears uh the, the Dave Castro is going to have a tough one next week. Maybe he will just take questions about Doug and guns. What do you think about this? Oh, Lord. Yeah, what do you think about this? What is this? There's this product called X Endurance. Yeah, it's the horse pills, right?
Starting point is 01:30:46 I don't know what it is. But they have Trista Smith. Oh, that's Trista Smith? I think it is. Yes, it is. They haven't tagged her, which is weird. Is she still in high school? Yes.
Starting point is 01:31:01 Yeah, this is fucking weird, dude. Maybe I'm just old. What's weird? Yes. Yeah, this is fucking weird, dude. Call me. Maybe I'm just old. What's weird? It's a girl who's in high school sitting there with tape on her mouth. It's number one rule. I don't know. I just think it's weird. I don't even know how to process it.
Starting point is 01:31:18 I thought maybe this was one of those with your mouth taped shut commercials, but it's not. No, it's for creatine. Is endurance creatine? The, it's for creatine. Zendurance is creatine? The rule number tells creatine. No, we're calling it Zendurance. Like a xylophone. Yeah, Zendurance. Number one rule of extreme endurance,
Starting point is 01:31:36 we don't talk about extreme endurance. I don't even understand. I know you're reading. That's a Fight Club quote. It doesn't even make sense. Someone says, what's your at? Jeez. Oh oh this only has how many this one hey you want to know what's nuts and mad is that hey what is it that you were talking about today with people not liking to the give you the time of day and making claims about you or not like giving you that they weren't talking about you but they were talking about you like you know they don't want to be associated with you that sort of yeah
Starting point is 01:32:07 yeah but but it's but also there are companies out there that's what travis mayor was doing i like him but like if i go on his show it could get well you know and then max ohaj is like hey you're trying to give a pretty political correct answer i'm like dude all right whatever you want to say you mean that about this company now? What about it? What do you think he thinks about this company? Who? Travis Mayer. That's relative to...
Starting point is 01:32:34 I don't think you've done it. If they don't pay him, he probably doesn't think much of them. I don't know this product. Second row in the middle? Is that Rachel? Here's the thing. If I'm Trista's agent, I don't let this go. I don't like this.
Starting point is 01:32:55 I don't let this go. Homie, that agent set that up. Yeah, I don't... Oh, they're liked by Trista Smith. I just don't let this go. If I'm her dad, I don't... Oh, they're liked by Trista Smith. I just don't let this go. If I'm her dad, I don't let this go. That's Hannah Black, Hiller. Oh, that's Hannah Black?
Starting point is 01:33:13 Hannah Blatt. This chick? That looks like the pickleball chick that I work with. This chick also plays pickleball. Oh. No way. How come they don't tag the athletes in it? It's weird.
Starting point is 01:33:27 It probably shows their tag. Oh. Oh. Keep that on there for a minute. Now tell me that chick doesn't look eerily similar to this chick. Yep. Same.
Starting point is 01:33:43 Come on. It's crazy crazy they both Play pickleball All right they must have a type Oh is this Travis Mayer does he Represent oh oh that's Josh Bridges Jesus that's a horrible picture Of Josh my fucking god Hold up Wow
Starting point is 01:34:03 Well you know what if we're being honest Josh looks like he let himself go for a little Fucking God. Hold up. Wow. Jeez. Well, you know what? If we're being honest, Josh looks like he let himself go for a little while. He looks better now. Much better now. Still can't stand up his deadlifts now, but looks way better. Well, I wasn't suggesting that he looks fat or anything. It's just a horrible picture.
Starting point is 01:34:20 Oh, he looks chunky here. I don't like the way his butt looks in that. It looks like he's wearing a diaper. That needs to be going into his crack a little bit. That's just a horrible picture. I guess these people don't care about the people they're repping. They don't want them. Oh, Fisa Goff, he looks great.
Starting point is 01:34:36 Okay, I like that. He looks adorable. There we go. Didn't Travis Mayer finish that first workout over seven minutes yeah he was like 1100th in the world I got it I got to get by tomorrow I got to be completely back in love with Travis Mayer again oh that's just again oh shit all right yeah I'll fall back in love with him tonight I'll I'll fall back in love with him hey this company i just don't understand it is endurance i'm pissed that there's a picture of danielle and i click on it and it's not danielle oh so she's oh she got tagged god her position is wild our footage of her is it like amazing you think
Starting point is 01:35:23 yeah her overhead yeah fantastic yeah is wild. Is it amazing, you think? Yeah. Fantastic, yeah. More pickleball. This is not creatine. From what I remember, they're just giant pills. No, they have creatine. They have creatine JB. What is that?
Starting point is 01:35:42 Oh, these are those people? Yeah. Yeah. All right. My boy, Josh. Oh, these are those people? Yeah. Alright. My boy, Josh. Anyway, I saw that and I was like, that just doesn't... I wish I could say more. I don't know how to process it,
Starting point is 01:35:55 but I don't think it's good for Trista. I just don't like it. You wouldn't do it if you were her agent. No, slow roll. Be cool. Just slow roll. She got fucking five or ten years like do that when she's 28 like whatever that picture was like just chill just show her hanging out with some friends driving a fucking pickup truck like it's cool hey like if you want to do your new show just take her like a sponge and just start just like you know what i mean like
Starting point is 01:36:24 don't rinse every last bit out of her already. Be patient. Don't rinse every last bit out of her. Hey, guys. We can't be on here if Hiller's on here. I understand. I'm hurt. I'm hurt.
Starting point is 01:36:41 I understand. I got my first Hiller video. Oh, no. Bring Hiller back. I did that to myself. All right. If that's the worst thing he can say about me, it's a good thing. Oh, yeah, yeah. You got no rep to fuck. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:36:55 Hey, dude, but you were of the people I was looking at. At least you cleaned it up right away. Me? You. No, Dylan. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I'm on top of it. to be fair i didn't even know about the head rule crossfit doesn't know about the head rule dude yeah yeah crossfit doesn't know
Starting point is 01:37:15 hey we just came from dinner with crossfit so hey tell us so tell us describe the scene to me where are you guys at that is that your husband? This is my husband, Dylan. Okay. What are you guys doing? Where are you? What's going on? So today we had athlete check-in and I had interviews, did a little workout at Proven, had lunch with DB, and then we had an athlete dinner.
Starting point is 01:37:39 Well, not really even an athlete dinner. Wait, Daniel Brandon's there? Daniel Brandon's here. Yeah, she said keep bugging her and she might come back on. Oh, awesome. Did she really say that? Are you making that up to make me feel good? I'm making that up.
Starting point is 01:37:53 What did that say about Tudor? That he now knows about the head rule. He's the only one who knows. My arm is tired. Hey, I wonder why they didn't ask her to do it. I wonder if it's because she talks shit about the the week about the workouts being shitty i wonder if that's why when i found out what i found out the first thing i said was can we do db and then i called db and was like tell your manager whoever do it with me yeah but we don't get to choose so i tried to fight for db but it
Starting point is 01:38:23 didn't happen so you get a call saying uh hey, Tia can't, her wrist isn't healed? This is what happens. Let me set the scene. Dylan's done 24.2 three times. He's in the middle of 24.2 fourth attempt. Okay. And literally as he's doing double unders, I look at my phone and I'm getting a phone call from Tia Toomey. as he's doing double unders,
Starting point is 01:38:45 I look at my phone and I'm getting a phone call from Tia to me and I don't answer it because me counting Dylan's double unders of 24.2. It's important. I needed her. I can't count my own dubs. So long story short, he finishes the workout. I call her back and she is a, she basically just is super,
Starting point is 01:38:59 super respectful and apologizes that. How sweet did she called you? How sweet. Isn't that nice? so the first time i found out was from her a direct phone call which is very respectful and she just said like i'm gutted but like i'm not going to compete against you i'm not going to be i'm not going to do it if i'm not my best so like hopefully we'll have another chance hey i respect that too because the debacle on week one was just stupid. Watching them just work out like regular people work out too.
Starting point is 01:39:26 And, and it wouldn't, you wouldn't have had fun and no one would have had fun watching her like limp through it. Yeah, exactly. Did she get her golden barbell? Does she just win it now?
Starting point is 01:39:35 I hope so, but I don't think so. If she can see it, does she get the golden barbell to you? No, I wish, but I think. So what day is that? tells you that she tells me that
Starting point is 01:39:47 on monday okay and so they're they're giving the courtesy of tell the athletes first and let you guys talk and like everyone just be cool yeah so monday i found out and then monday i knew what thursday was gonna look like so they resolved it pretty quickly so you knew that you were gonna go against sydney wells right away? Yes, by Monday night. Originally, I was just going to be Roman. Oh. I'm in it. I'm in it.
Starting point is 01:40:11 I'm in it. I'm in it. I'm in it. I'm in it. I'm in it. I'm in it. Yeah. So now it's a group of four.
Starting point is 01:40:17 Okay. So we're going to make it fun tomorrow. And so Danielle lives near there? Yeah. She's probably, what, 10 minutes away from Proven near there? Yeah. She's probably, what, 10 minutes away from Proven's facility? Yeah, she lives close. So was she invited there, or did she crash the party?
Starting point is 01:40:34 Tonight? She was invited. She was invited by somebody, but I'm not going to say who. But she was invited. All right. All right. Yeah. But we did. We worked out in her garage last night.
Starting point is 01:40:47 Did you tell Bryce you know she only works out in garages hey so so you're so sorry real quick so far yeah yeah athlete media they asked me a bunch of random questions today and they're like what's one thing people don't know about you but but you want them to. And I was like, well, a lot of people don't know. I work out of my bed. Everyone knows that. It was funny. And then I laughed. I don't know if they understood it,
Starting point is 01:41:13 but they probably didn't get it. I understood it. Everybody knows what you were talking about. It was funny. Hey, how about your training partner? Uh, Joe,
Starting point is 01:41:23 Joel. Yeah. He's going to be here tomorrow. Oh my God. That's so cool. So I got him. Hey, how about your training partner, Joel? Yeah, he's going to be here tomorrow. Oh, my God. That's so cool. So I got him. Hopefully he can get in. I put his name on the list of people who can get in.
Starting point is 01:41:32 Yeah, Dylan will make sure he gets in. So, okay, so now you – did you guys do a rehearsal? They're like, hey, you're going to stand here. So-and-so is going to announce this. This dude is going to do this. And then you walk through the whole – That's tomorrow. So tomorrow we're there at 9 a. So-and-so is going to announce this. This dude's going to do this. And then you walk through the hall. That's tomorrow. So tomorrow we're there at 9 a.m.
Starting point is 01:41:47 And we rehearse. But we don't know the workout till 2 p.m. So we have a lot of rehearsal tomorrow. And that's 2 p.m. Are you in Eastern Standard Time? We're in Central Time. Central Time. Okay, so that's noon for us.
Starting point is 01:41:59 Oh, it doesn't go till noon tomorrow? Yeah. Actually, I think the community workout goes first, right? So they'll release it. A community group, I believe, will go, and then we'll go. God, I hope they don't make us watch that. Oh, they will. You have to.
Starting point is 01:42:13 No. Dylan's partaking in it, dude. Are you partaking in it, Dylan? Ariel tried to get me into it against Shane, but I was too scared. Yeah, smart. Homie. Nah, I'm not angry. You're not wrong.
Starting point is 01:42:31 I was like, we gotta do this four more times and then I'll beat him. We're gonna take an average of all the scores, and that's the score. Will the community people do 24.3? They will. They're gonna do the workout first, so I guess I think they'll announce it. They'll do the workout first, and then the elites will go.
Starting point is 01:42:49 Okay. Do you guys all four go at the same time, or do you just go against Sydney by yourself? I'm assuming we all go at the same time, but those type of specifics, they haven't told us anything. And it's at the Proven Gym. Yeah, it's beautiful. That's a nice facility. Did you see Gabeabe paper street coffee no when we got there they went i didn't even get a paper street coffee this morning they weren't there yet oh tomorrow is the coffee shop set up yet that's not set up either oh interesting okay so the gym's still under construction a little bit i would say the only thing they're lacking is the paper street coffee okay big big lacking um ariel when you get the call who calls
Starting point is 01:43:33 you how do you how do you get the invite to do um the open how's that go down have you ever done one before no and it's been a huge bucket list thing. So I actually got an email maybe the night before we left for Wadapalooza and I was freaking out. I was like, don't look at this email, but I was supposed to be in week one. It was supposed to be me. There's supposed to be six of us. And then basically that didn't something didn't happen.
Starting point is 01:43:59 And then they call me a random Wednesday and was like, hey, this fell through. Would you be open to doing it against Tia in the final week? And they're like, you don't have to say yes. We know that's a big deal. And it's intimidating. And I was like, oh, absolutely. Final week.
Starting point is 01:44:13 Wait, wait. Wait, wait. They say that? Yeah. They're like, you don't have to say yes right now. Listen. It is intimidating. It's amazing.
Starting point is 01:44:22 Like the opportunity itself is amazing You just triggered him He's triggered He stays triggered We've lost Sevan He's stupid Come on bro you're talking about this Six time fittest woman on earth
Starting point is 01:44:39 Listen it's not anyone's job To project anything onto Ariel Except she's fucking the greatest. Listen. No. She's the fittest woman in America. You fucking invited her. You're not like, hey, listen.
Starting point is 01:44:53 You want to do the open? Got some bad news for you. You're going against T. You're going against the shipping. Like, shut the fuck up. I don't take it that way. That's the bad news for you. Well, you're better than me because that's just horrible.
Starting point is 01:45:04 That's just, that's just, that's like, hey, I was at some lady's bedside one time when she was giving birth. She was at the hospital, and we took her to the hospital, and we're there. No, it wasn't my wife. And this doctor walks in, okay, and he says this to her. He goes, oh, my God. He goes, I've been here two months, and I haven't seen a live birth yet. Just cesareans. I hope we get a live birth today.
Starting point is 01:45:26 I'm like, are you out of your fucking mind? Jinxed it. And that's how I just, like, dude, you're a fucking professional athlete. Like, can you imagine, like, saying that to a UFC fighter? I don't know. Listen, you beat Tia in a workout At the fucking games I beat her once Out of 33 different workouts
Starting point is 01:45:49 And the first two open workouts Okay well you're more humble than me Second try come on bro We're a family Four or five tries You don't have to be mad because I wasn't offended So you don't have to be offended And I don't mean to talk you into being offended good you're a bigger person than me i just i if i'm if i'm if i'm
Starting point is 01:46:08 i i just would glorify both of you oh that's how i do it no i got it go ahead if i'm gonna fight a gorilla i don't want to know beforehand they're like hey hillary we're gonna give you a million dollars to fight this thing and there's a giant wall and i'm like yeah i'll do it million dollars they drop the wall and it's a gorilla like you weren't gonna tell me it's a gorilla and the crowd's cheering you are fucked i'm like oh okay yeah i would have liked to have known so i mean at least hey you think they told sydney wells you think they're like hey listen you have no business being here ariel's about to kick the shit out of you.
Starting point is 01:46:46 They probably did. I mean, I'm super excited for Sydney, but, like, hey, like – I'm not going to conjure that. I mean, all of a sudden it went from you being maybe worried about Tia to, like, holy shit, Sydney Wells is, like – I mean, what Sydney's done is fucking remarkable, how fast she's made it to the games and all that shit. But she got to go up against the fittest woman in the world? I mean, fittest woman in America?
Starting point is 01:47:04 It's like, oh, shit. I have mean that's feeling though it's all of us so the thing that sucks is i'm competing against the guys as well for the golden barbell and in my opinion guys are fitter like if you look relative open scores the guys are always going to be a little bit better. In my opinion. Except for Tia. That's right. Let's be honest. My goal is to come home with the golden barbell. I don't care who I beat. That thing is just sweet.
Starting point is 01:47:34 I thought you were going to say come home with Dylan. He's coming home regardless. Yeah, regardless. That's already in the bag. She takes you for granted, buddy. Joel Soto. Joel Soto. What's up, baby? That's the Ariel's training partner.
Starting point is 01:47:49 Thank you. Thank you. Paper Street Coffee, Gabe. We're set up now. Good. Sweet. Ready for some coffee. I know. I'm excited. We're addicted. Okay, so what about Tia's wrist?
Starting point is 01:48:08 We've known it's been hurt for a while she's been very clear about it she's wearing that little wrist brace did you get a chance to talk to her about it like how is she doing she bombed she's really bummed actually she said she was like really gutted whenever i don't she even said it wasn't her decision basically she was like hey these movements hurt it and dave was like you're not doing it decision. Basically, she was like, hey, these movements hurt it, and Dave was like, you're not doing it, supposedly. So she said she was really, really sad because she wanted to do one. And, I mean, it's at her facility.
Starting point is 01:48:34 Home field. Like, of course she wanted to promote her thing. What if she can't pull her shit together for the games? I don't know. He's gonna pull her out of the games, too. What? You He's going to pull her out of the games, too. What? You think he's going to pull her out of the games? No.
Starting point is 01:48:50 They'll shoot it up with some drugs or something and numb it, and she's got to go. What? What did you say? They'll shoot it up with some drugs and make it numb so she can go. You can't do that, homie. You can't? You can't? What about a cortisone shot? so she can go. You can't do that, homie. You can't? No.
Starting point is 01:49:07 What about a cortisone shot? Can you do that? I got to check. I think you actually can do that. I don't know. TTEF. The medical exemption, right? Therapy of use. T-U-F.
Starting point is 01:49:23 You can only do the California. Peptides, hormones. Yeah, right. Thank you. Peptides approved by CrossFit. Hey, Siobhan, are you excited for tomorrow? For what? The show?
Starting point is 01:49:36 Oh, no, Friday. Yours is Friday. Oh, I'm so excited. You've been getting a lot of people talking about it. Yeah, it's been awesome. We've enjoyed both of those super last week when hopper was on the road for five seconds before epic oh the shoes oh you know who sent me my first born primitive gear ever ariel lowen ariel lowen hey look ariel i'm wearing i'm wearing the born permanent pants you sent me
Starting point is 01:50:06 they're beautiful yeah killer right i'm glad they're not the leggings i see you do workouts and leggings those are just long underwear those are just amazon yeah those are i approve of the joggers hey we watched you do a 24.1 or i watched watched you do 24.1. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, you crushed it. I hope that was painful for you. You just came out a little too hot. You should have opened up those dumbbells a little sooner. He literally said he did 12, and then he stopped, and he did one rep, and then he stopped again. If you would have done it three more times, you would have probably got a better score.
Starting point is 01:50:42 You're right. You always do. Trust me. I know. Ariel, are you ready for tomorrow? Where are you in your training? Is this like when you see it's the open and you're going to do it live in front of the world, do you tighten up some shit?
Starting point is 01:50:56 Or are you like, okay, I should change my diet a little bit or I should take a little more rest here before? Do you prep for it a little different like it's game day shit? No. This week is actually my deload week so i'm not doing any lifting this week um i i'm going into it wanting to do my best tomorrow of course but as of right now i'm 100 redoing it on sunday and i don't even know the workout so like i'm definitely going into it with like let's make this fun, make the best of it. But in all honesty, I'm trying to be top five in the open. So I'm going to do what I need to by the end of the weekend to hopefully be there.
Starting point is 01:51:34 Why do you want to be top five in the open? So last year I was fourth and made a good amount of money and bought a golf cart for the family. So honestly, if I can work out a little bit and bring in some money to pay the mortgage. That way we get two golf carts. Yeah, we might need another golf cart for Blake. Two golf carts.
Starting point is 01:51:53 No, it's- Two golf carts. That's when you've made it in life when you have two golf carts. Are you currently sitting in fourth? Yeah, and second place is two spots away. I think the points are super close. $10,000 for second. Let me see the points. How does this work?
Starting point is 01:52:10 Oh, my goodness. Yeah, it's really close. You're warring right now for second place. Kristen Bishop's got nothing. I don't know if she's done really good. The scores say she's really good. She's done well. 23, 24, 25.
Starting point is 01:52:27 Wow. She's as good. But here's the other thing also. Grace Walton could shit the bed, and you could easily jump up. Anything can happen, right? I know. And then to win an Open forever, you look up at the Open leaderboard of 2024. Yeah. Am I memes there? Yeah. Yeah. Third place at the open leaderboard of 2024 yeah my name's there yeah yeah third place
Starting point is 01:52:47 at the games doesn't mean shit i'm one in the world baby yeah it's also fun because i do program for myself so the open is a good time to see like okay i'm not really dialed in but am i on the right track of where i need to be? And I am. So you have a program and you're not deviating from it and the open just kind of, you just slip the open right into it. No, I, I program every Sunday. So I'll program a hard Monday through Wednesday, Thursday, I'll do something chill and then do the open Friday. So I do tweak my programming a bit for it oh what time do you program same time every sunday just whenever we get home from lunch so probably three years you
Starting point is 01:53:32 guys eat out lunch every sunday yeah yeah usually that's kind of like our deal after church we go eat um we go fancy mcdonald's maybe do you go with other church families um my sister yeah sometimes uh my brother-in-law and her sister give ariel the golden barbell joel soto thank you joel i guess look he has his own special way of uh spelling your name ariel he's hispanic you gotta say with an accent at the end oh does he have an accent he does yeah he's from mexico city bro yeah how did you meet that dude you know that guy yeah that's that's ariel's training partner yeah that's my training partner you haven't seen this dude yeah hey dude he's the most unique training partner anyone has any games athlete has he's awesome well how did you meet him church no i was at an affiliate i was
Starting point is 01:54:26 at a gym and he was at a gym and we worked out at first he came up to me and he's like hey you've made it to the games can i just see your programming so i can do it in the corner by myself and i was like no i'm always looking for people to jump in like come work out with me and then we just started working out together. And then I built the home gym and loved it. So then one day he was like, are you going to come back to the gym? And I was like, no, you want to come work out in the home gym with me. And then it's been that way ever since.
Starting point is 01:54:57 Shows up every day. He's Hispanic? He's Hispanic, and he's what I call fat. Free, available, and teachable. Oh. F-A-T. Franco Dubac, he was her gardener. Seems very... Yeah, he cuts the grass when we're gone.
Starting point is 01:55:13 You can't bucket all the Hispanics, and they're all gardeners. No, but he's the type, like if we're running 400s, he'll rest, do what he needs to so we can run 400s together and keep the same pace. He's very much like, I just want to be healthy and I'll do whatever I have to do to push you. God, how fun. How cool for him.
Starting point is 01:55:37 The dream, though, is to one day I become so successful, Dylan can get rid of his business, then i have joelle and dylan as my training partners yeah wow and then i push ariel to be number one in the world dylan would you have that in you you think you'd be a good training partner for your wife at the girl wakes for sure no but i just mean like like like i don't mean like in terms of your your abilities but just like would you you have the right demeanor, the right mood, the right tone. Tone's very important, as we found out in CrossFit. Come on. Yeah, I don't know. Ariel says she really enjoys when I hop and work out with her.
Starting point is 01:56:12 She says it's special. Aww. The only thing I don't like... Oh, clip that. That was good, Caleb. You sound like you're taking a fat dump, bro. Aww. Aww.
Starting point is 01:56:29 The only thing you don't like is oh my goodness the hell is that if you show up to work out with me and you complain or you want to change the workout like sorry i'm doing what i'm doing oh yeah dylan would never do that i don't know we fought over workouts yeah i think that answered seven's question yeah he's out he's all right hey uh thanks for coming on i know it was late thanks for being flexible oh no no thank you sebon for being flexible uh you should have uh you should have just turned the phone on while you were at dinner what What's wrong with you? Oh, that would have been awesome.
Starting point is 01:57:07 Oh, you have a podcast. Oh, hey, guys. Dylan, ask Danielle tomorrow if she'll come on. Here's what we learned. Sorry, Sevan. We talked about this today. We are friends with people who hate other people that we're friends with.
Starting point is 01:57:24 So if we were to turn on your podcast, some people in the room would not like it. I don't believe that for a second. Listen, I think Danielle wants me to like to, I think I fulfilled the dad role for Danielle. We're just having a little, we're just having a little fight right now. You know what I mean? Like she came home late and like, I'm upset at her.
Starting point is 01:57:43 She said if you apologize publicly, she'll think about coming back on apologize for what for dishing on rad those are her homies oh that's fine that's no no no no that's fine i would know it's dishing on did you tell daniel that uh it's actually just a giant promotional piece for red and she misunderstood yeah yeah yeah she doesn't understand how marketing works the number one marketing guy in the history of the universe come on come on savannah say it right now and i'll show her this clip tomorrow and then y'all make up uh dear danielle i apologize that a company that's built around a brand instead of a product has picked you up and stolen your soul nope Nope, that's not going to work, Siobhan. Not going to work. That did not sound sincere.
Starting point is 01:58:29 Daniel, come home to daddy. Listen, I put clean sheets on the bed. There's some porridge on the stove. Your brother's coming home tonight. We can play some Atari on the TV, just like the good old days. It'll be fine. People don't eat porridge anymore. Oh.
Starting point is 01:58:43 How old are you? I'm 51. When's your birthday? I didn't say anything mean to her. That's why I would apologize, but I didn't say anything mean about her. I love her. She's great. You don't have to apologize. She's great, yeah. I didn't say anything mean about Rad either. It's just
Starting point is 01:58:58 what it is what it is. Do you have a shoe sponsor? Oh, yeah. Are you still a born primitive athlete? For clothes, yes. And then for shoes tier oh okay good on you all right what is it you said about building buildings the other day you'd rather build the world's tallest building and then be known for it rather than having a goal to be known and then deciding to build a building yeah yeah wow that was a lot good job i did not i did not follow that one bit here was the only thing i was i was poking fun of rad for for playing the victim was, I was poking fun of rad for, for playing the victim.
Starting point is 01:59:26 And then I was poking fun of rad because they were a brand before they were shoe company. And I find that really bizarre. It's like, Hey, let's start a nonprofit. Well, what do you want to support?
Starting point is 01:59:33 I don't know. I just want to do a nonprofit. It doesn't make sense to me. Like I see myself as like, I wasn't like, Hey, I want a brand. What should I do?
Starting point is 01:59:39 Oh, I'll make tooth powder. It was like, Oh, I'm interested in tooth powder. Like I'm not the thing where the brand comes before the product is just weird to me. So I was just talking about that. And I don't think that's mean.
Starting point is 01:59:49 Noble did the same thing. And I just think it's bizarre. It just shows that maybe all you want is the money. You're not interested in excellence of the product. And I find that funny. How's your toothpaste business? Fucking murdering. Hold up, hold up. It's not a that's. I just don't. I find that funny. How's your toothpaste business? Fucking murdering. Hold up.
Starting point is 02:00:08 Hold up. It's not a page. Hold me. I want to see. I want to send you some. I want to send you some. Yeah. We recently got some organic toothpaste and we got to see if this is better.
Starting point is 02:00:19 Oh, you will never leave. If you use my tooth powder, you'll never use toothpaste again. Ever. How do you use it? I don't understand the powder bit. You have the jar. Beautiful jar, right? You open it up.
Starting point is 02:00:32 Beautiful jar. You wet your toothbrush, and then you bang your toothbrush out on the side of the sink in the excess water, and then you dip it in there, and then you brush your teeth with it. Are you looking for a spot? Show those teeth. Are you looking for a spot? Show those teeth. Are you looking for a spot? Look at those. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:47 Oh, your teeth. Yeah, yeah. You have beautiful teeth. Yeah. Yeah, very beautiful. My God. Look at those choppers. Those are fake, right?
Starting point is 02:00:54 No, they're real. Those are incredible. Thank you. I brushed my teeth. She brushed her teeth like four. Show them your teeth. No. Dylan, this can be your before and after project.
Starting point is 02:01:02 Show them your teeth. Wow, Dylan. God, Dylan, I can do crazy stuff with you, buddy. Change my life. I could change your life. You could change my life. Okay, I'm going to say, I'll for sure send you some. Dylan, will you send me her address?
Starting point is 02:01:17 I will. Here's the thing. Do you guys think you would share a jar? That's the thing. It was on your Christmas card. You sent me christmas card it's gonna be an easter card pretty soon don't worry yeah that was the only card she was excited about sending out listen today i had my heart broken by travis mayor and because he just he
Starting point is 02:01:40 didn't he had a chance to profess his love for me and he didn't. I'm discombobulated. Is that a word? Yeah. I'm discombobulated. Christmas was months ago. That doesn't really work. My memory's not working.
Starting point is 02:01:57 I've been crying all afternoon. I'm a mess. Thank you. I apologize. My brain's not functioning well. I called him earlier and he was like, he's a mess. Sounds about right. That makes sense.
Starting point is 02:02:09 He's getting senile. But here's the thing. Here's the weird thing about the toothpick powder though. So my whole family shares the same jar. Some people might not be, some people might not be cool with that because your toothbrush, you know, you get toothbrush wet and then you bang it out.
Starting point is 02:02:24 I'll probably share the same toothbrush too. We do actually. So there, that's fine. Fuck. people might not be cool with that because you get your toothbrush wet and then you bang it out. Y'all probably share the same toothbrush too. We do, actually. So there, that's fine. Caleb, don't judge. Don't judge. I used to share a toothbrush with Travis Mayer. We've come
Starting point is 02:02:40 a long way from there. No, you didn't. Y'all just smell it back and forth to each other? Yes, all that. Yeah, we didn't even take two. No, you didn't. Y'all just mouthed back and forth to each other. Yes, all that. Yeah, we didn't even take two. Yeah. Two brushes each. All right. Thank you guys for coming on. Good luck tomorrow. We're going to be cheering you on. It sounds like this show
Starting point is 02:02:57 starts at 11 and then the big guns, Ariel Lohan, Fittest Woman in America goes at noon. That's right. Yeah, we'll be watching you Friday night. All right. Thank you, Dylan. Thank you. You were a good wingman for your –
Starting point is 02:03:14 He was. Dude, tonight at dinner, he sparked up so many conversations. Yeah, dude. I got to know Balls pretty well. He's a cool guy. Did you ever get caught staring at Danielle's boobs? No, we're homies so you don't stare at homies boobs no i only got i only stare at these boobs
Starting point is 02:03:29 smart you're a good dude yeah all right love you guys later guys y'all have a good one bye bye guys so when he said that i didn't know if he meant like he's allowed to stare at homies' boobs. Meaning you asked if he got caught, and he goes, no. And if I did, like, she's a homie. I like the way he looked at his wife's boobs. Just like the way he looks at her.
Starting point is 02:03:56 Yeah. I like how he started showing off her teeth. Her teeth are nice. I know. Yeah, these are great. Alexis has great teeth great that would be if I sponsored her which sounds ridiculous but it would be like
Starting point is 02:04:13 HWPO getting Mal O'Brien like I couldn't take any credit for it you know what I mean I'd just be like no it's just like hey like we brought in a fucking superstar and it's gonna win the games I can't be like hey look at what I mean? I'd just be like, no, it's just like, hey, like we brought in a fucking superstar. And it's going to win the games. I can't be like, I can't be like, hey, look what I did. I heard teeth look amazing now. I mean, I'm just.
Starting point is 02:04:37 You have to imagine that, right? Or like, how do people think about that? I mean, with the tooth thing, it's a little less obvious than the Mel O'Brien thing, if you ask me. But I could do something like, Ariel Lowen has amazing teeth, and although she would only trust the finest of tooth powders, she only trusts the finest of things to put in that mouth. Matuthia. That would work, to be honest.
Starting point is 02:05:00 Okay. I don't think I don't think that there's she was suggesting there were people there that didn't like the show was Elliot Simmons there is Jamie Green there I promise you tomorrow
Starting point is 02:05:18 I'll be over this I'll never talk about it again oh no it's good you'll bring her back next week I don't even know if she was talking about this dinner tonight say that again i don't even know if she was talking about the dinner that she was at yeah she was saying if she would have played the show at the dinner or something people would have been pissed or something i heard that a little differently oh okay but you're probably right um are we done with the show I want to share something with you.
Starting point is 02:05:47 Done. We got the people on. We talked about some stuff. Yeah. Okay. Look at this. This is a, I'm really into science now after this weekend.
Starting point is 02:06:00 From a science post. It is a science post. It's all real shit. You're going to learn a lot here, so listen up. Do you know this? Do you know this guy? I love this. This is so good.
Starting point is 02:06:12 Okay, here we go. The evolution of thumbs. Okay, here we go. A thousand years ago, before humans had thumbs, men were expected to go out and hunt. And when they brought back food, the women would reward them with sex. But what if there was no woman? What if you were just some ugly dude with no game? You have to blow off steam somehow, right?
Starting point is 02:06:33 You can't jerk off like this. That doesn't work. So over time, through evolution, men developed thumbs so that they could grip their shaft. Women didn't need thumbs. They could just do this. Wicker, wicker, wicker.
Starting point is 02:06:51 Well, I'm a woman and I have thumbs. So why did we develop them? Hand jobs. I don't even know if he needed to say that this is not a this is what happened this is not a CrossFit show happy early birthday Sevan thank you I appreciate it
Starting point is 02:07:18 I just I just oh wait where did Caleb go shit what am I doing here it's just so controversial to talk about those things. Divisive. I have three hours and 55 more minutes to talk about this before I'm over it. You want to know what's so dumb about that? If that's controversial, it's something that every dude,
Starting point is 02:07:39 I think every dude that's gone through a stage in life or that talked about it quite a bit. And who can't listen to that? I mean, we clicked a tab on this that says that this show isn't for kids. And everyone's talked about it at some point. Everyone thought it was funny. So how is that controversial? How is that even like? It's just that people want to tune in and just hear just like CrossFit.
Starting point is 02:08:00 So, Ariel, what's your favorite brand of weights? And blah, blah, blah. It's like, dude, that's not this show. That's not this show. It's a surefire way to get a – This is a science show. Surefire way to get 100 views on a show. Right, but I'm not doing –
Starting point is 02:08:17 But I'm also not – I'm also not doing that because I want views. I saw that, and I thought it was funny, and I was like, oh, this will be funny to talk about. I'm not calling the show, girls don't need thumbs to masturbate. It's the same thing you're talking about with reds. It's not like you're bringing that up to sell reds.
Starting point is 02:08:33 It's like, oh, we have a brand, now we're going to get a shoe. Right. And then you bring it up. And I'm not even trying to bash them. It's just a bit. Here's the real part. You ready for this this half the people listening to the show half the men listening to the show right now don't know what wiki wiki wiki is yeah dude dude you think half the men don't know what that is they think they know they think maybe they know they know it's like
Starting point is 02:09:09 but they don't know they haven't seen it come on it's more like two-thirds two-thirds don't know yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm telling you i'm telling you they don't never seen it. They don't know. Ooh, a pole. Here's the thing. Some of them think they know, but they really don't know. They've never seen the wicked wicked. They've never seen the DJ work in the records. Spinning the records. Yeah, that is interesting.
Starting point is 02:09:38 I think it's an educational piece. I think it's cool. I think it's funny, but it's funny but it's also important like you need to know your other needs to know how to wiki wiki wiki they just need to know Bernie Gannon looks like Tony Stark I'm sorry
Starting point is 02:09:56 I have no idea what someone's talking about I know I love Bernie Bernie's one of my favorite oh look at Sleeky I'd say it's like 90% yeah but now you know now you can be like what was that about the wiki wiki wiki thing why don't girls need thumbs what's this thing this is seven no he worked in the porn industry just for two days that was you talked about that the other day that was funny
Starting point is 02:10:20 and so and so what i want to yeah how pissed that guy was i thought about that a little bit more that dude who wanted you to edit his porn and you gave him like a movie and he's like no dude what the hell what if i had to post i should i should dig it out and post it to your youtube tonight oh my god that would be awesome that'd be so cool that wouldn't be funny people like what the hell is this and at the end it, it's just your name produced and edited by Salvatore. RB, does your Instagram story have to do with today's comments? Yes. Isn't that fascinating?
Starting point is 02:10:54 I made that video last week. That's a very astute observation. I made that video last week. And then when I, when I, yeah, I made this video last week, and then when I – This video? Yeah, I made this video last week, and when I saw it after I was done playing tennis and listening to shows, multitasking. Week, week, week, week. I was like, hey, I'm posting this video. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 02:11:22 Action. I was like, hey, I'm posting this video. Okay, here we go. Action. All of us as humans have this remarkable power to believe in other people. Choose those people you believe in wisely and give them all the energy you can. There's nothing more rewarding in life than believing in those around you and watching them run with it. All of us as humans. Yeah, so I just thought I have this group of people.
Starting point is 02:12:01 I realized I didn't I realized afterwards I have this group of people. I mean, I have people around me who crazy believe in me and I realized, Oh wow. I've called to her. The people around me are people that like who use me the best. If you're not like just crazy using me, then I'm not, I'm not,
Starting point is 02:12:18 I'm at my best when, when people are just crazy using me, just utilize, maybe utilizing is better. And I, and I i love i love that so um and i've cold to herd like if for some reason if i don't know i guess i guess there's a paradox there an oxymoron because on one hand i want to be used but but i need to see the person really getting the most out of it and running with it so yeah we just thought about that today i was like man and when i don't see someone doing that
Starting point is 02:12:54 i sort of start to gravitate away from them i start to move away from them i just like it's not i don't want to put energy i don't want to put energy into that when you don't see people using you yeah like if like like everything i give to colton he gives me back let's use him as an example everything i give to colton he gives me back everything i give to tyson he gives me back like there's just people around me everything i give to caleb he gives me back everything i give to you you give me back like i like there's this um uh and you don't give it back to me necessarily directly i see you take what you got it look at taylor's the perfect example let's just say this it i just come up with this harebrained idea taylor self versus the world. Look what Taylor's done with it.
Starting point is 02:13:46 Did he get sponsored by Born Primitive? I don't know, but he's – everyone knows now. There's this – like you suspected there's this monster Taylor Self, but now everyone's seen it. And anyone who was like, man, he's a loud mouth braggadocious douche is like nope nope that that that's just you know i mean the like he ran with it he took that opportunity to show the fucking like he had the stage we didn't know what he was going to do with it or not and he fucking showing up every week all right so that's an example. Savage. Yeah. Do we have an example of maybe someone who didn't use it? Or like use you?
Starting point is 02:14:28 Because you're saying Taylor kind of used you here, right? Are you maybe Daniel? Maybe Daniel doesn't use you? No, no, no. That's no, no. I don't know. No, no, no. No, no.
Starting point is 02:14:42 It's people like that I have. It's people. I can just use examples. So, so, um, my, my wife and my mom really believe in me and they never do anything to like slow me down and my sister, like they don't, and they totally could, you know what I mean? They could say things, they could put demands on me. They could ask me things. They could be, they, they, they could be, but they don't add any friction to my life they're just their support like every my wife's never like really you're doing another podcast never in three years three like today at the last minute i'm like hey dude i have two podcasts tonight and uh i'm like can you take the
Starting point is 02:15:16 boys and she's like no problem like so and then i take so since they give to me i run with it i make sure i do the show i I do it the best I can. I stay on longer for Ariel. I ask Andrew and Caleb's here. You know what I mean? Like I do the best with it. I run with it. I make the best show because I know someone else is believing in me.
Starting point is 02:15:34 It's like that. You know what I mean? Here's another thing I learned from being homeless. Never ask people for shit. No one wants to be around anyone who's taxing the system never yeah don't ask people for no no one want and and you of course there's exceptions i get it but like when you're a homeless guy and you go to someone's you're partying at someone's house you don't ask like hey can you feed me or where's this or where's the toilet paper or can i sleep on the
Starting point is 02:16:05 couch or you can't no one wants to be can i have one of your cigarettes no one wants to be around someone who's taxing the system it's either yes and you actually wanted to and you would have offered it in the first place yeah and you're only doing that because someone you were put into an awkward position if you said no you're a dick or it's no and you're a dick that because someone you were put into an awkward position if you said no you're a dick or it's no and you're a dick yeah and then you might feel bad about it or you might not but do you remember when frazier would say he would do you remember when frazier would go said told the story about how he would pick catrin up and she would be late oh yeah she was she was taxing the system so so i'll give you an example another example tyler watkins is like hey can we do a heat
Starting point is 02:16:45 one show i'm like awesome i'd love to do that with him because he's part of the system and then he says i'm gonna get the underdogs athlete athletes videos and he got his fucking ricky garard's video so he's he's not he's not taxing the system he's like a homeless dude who brought you like a like a gourmet meal yeah it's exactly like i would dumpster dive fucking rotisserie chickens. And you're sleeping in your house. It's like, well, I brought,
Starting point is 02:17:09 I bought 10 pizzas. Yeah, I brought, yeah, exactly. You bring three rotisserie chickens and you clean all the dishes in the sink. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:16 And so, um, and for all, you know, he already had them coming. Right. Uh, uh,
Starting point is 02:17:23 right, right, right. I had no idea. idea hey here's another example i invited you and caleb to come to greg's event you guys didn't sit down fucking once you worked the whole fucking time i didn't tell you you were gonna work there you came there and you worked the whole time both of you worked your ass off it's's like, yeah, you just add people who add value. I did leave early. My plane was leaving. That's Haley's fault.
Starting point is 02:17:53 She booked your tickets wrong. You know what I mean. I was like, oh, my God, I'm going to miss my flight, but he's not talking. We just know there's high maintenance people and there's people who have initiative who bring shitload to the table. You know? And it's like... Hey, I did sit down once because it stabilized the camera.
Starting point is 02:18:13 Dude, that was genius when you got the fucking tripod. I was so happy for you. Oh, no, that was... What's-his-face's idea, not Jay. Rios? No, the other guy. Maciel? All Latin dudes. Yes dudes yes yes we had a we had a disproportionate we had a disproportionate amount of latin dudes on our crew to the chair black university for sure say that again hillary i turned the chair around and i like propped it
Starting point is 02:18:38 up on the back of the chair and i would move the chair around i was so i was next time we do that we got to get like five tripods. No, we need monopod. I needed a monopod. That would have been sweet. I know. And you know what? I had one at my house.
Starting point is 02:18:50 Am I like what you would call it? Oh, be quiet, Judy. Airbnb. OK, I want to show you. I want to show you one more thing before we go. Can we go to Dave Castro's Instagram and look at his stories? I heard Dave visited. Someone said he visited seven affiliates today. I heard Dave visited, someone said he visited
Starting point is 02:19:06 seven affiliates today. I heard eight affiliates, but one was closed. And they're in his stories. I want to see that. I haven't looked at it yet. Ah, yes. The TDC mercantile. Two new flavors. Oh, jeez.
Starting point is 02:19:24 One. Oh, Street Horner.. Oh, Street Horner. You did see Street Horner? Really? I tagged him. Oh, he tagged him. Oh, shit. Okay. There. Beautiful man right there.
Starting point is 02:19:39 Even as a blur. Sure. Sure. So that's Tia's gym right there? CrossFit Nashville? No. That's the old gym. Training at.
Starting point is 02:19:50 Close though. Close. Close. Okay. One more. This is the next one. CrossFit Rising Sun. Okay.
Starting point is 02:19:59 That's a nice gym too. Beautiful. Yeah. Tia got hurt, huh? That's a cool name. Memes. Oh, that's Rob Forte's gym? Probably not.
Starting point is 02:20:24 No seal flag, so he must be disappointed. They like female rappers. Let me know if you see a no rep flag anywhere. CrossFit Music City? Hey, I know this place. I don't know how I know it. No pressure. Thanks.
Starting point is 02:20:48 He was never going to miss that. Is that David Woods? Is that David Woods? No pressure. Oh, Trivium. No, Mito. Mito something. Thanks.
Starting point is 02:21:06 I hope that was a power. Do you think Dave can deadlift that? How much is that? In 90 seconds maybe. On the line. Good work. Looks like 265 maybe. Yeah. Dave's deadlift is crazy strong.
Starting point is 02:21:17 Not like yours. Hold on. I'm going to try to get it. I'm going to try to get it. I'm going to try to get it. I'm going to try to get it. I'm going to try to get it. I'm going to try to get it. I'm going to try to get it. I'm going to try to get it. I'm going to try to get it. I'm going to try to get it. 65 maybe? Yeah. Dave's deadlift's crazy strong.
Starting point is 02:21:26 Cross the Trivian. Not like yours. Hold on. Cross the Trivian. Nipper's Corner. Do you work out at all of them, you think? Oh, Nipper's Corner. Racist. Did you see that? Nipper's Corner. What? Oh, nippers corner? Racist, did you see that? Nippers corner
Starting point is 02:21:45 What? Nippers corner? Yeah Wow That's a derogatory term for Asians That's where all the Asians have to work out in that corner No, dude, I think it's another branch across the tribune Listen
Starting point is 02:22:04 I know what a nipper is, and that's Nipper's Corner. Urban Dictionary. Just telling you. Hey, listen, what if that said, like, I don't know, pick any other racial epithet. Epithet? Earlier today, Greg said the word kike. Ah, yes. What if that said kike's corner?
Starting point is 02:22:28 That'd be sweet. The Jews over here and the... So did he go to seven affiliates? Is that what he found out? Yep. Looks like it. If you see me lean over like this, I'm farting. I'm like letting it out.
Starting point is 02:22:41 I've never heard of nipper. In the military It's like non-secure network Oh is it Yeah It's a dumb fact for you There you go Is kike a bad word
Starting point is 02:22:56 Kike's a bad word too Is nipper a bad word Nipper's a bad word I mean Really yeah nipper It's what you call it. It's like if you said, hey, that kite didn't give me my change. That means the Jew didn't give you
Starting point is 02:23:11 his money back. Or if you say that nipper cut me off, that means an Asian person cut you off. You like how I'm working in the... You like how I'm working in the... It's totally uncool. Hey, careful. Mikey Swoosh is going to clip those and get you in trouble.
Starting point is 02:23:27 That's fine. I don't care. I'm not worried about my brand. It's going to get you sent. Yeah. I'm not worried about my brand. We should pull up a giant list of those. I'm not making that up.
Starting point is 02:23:42 That's not the – fuck it. Urban Dictionary. Here we go. Nipper. I know Caleb's seen that 70s show. Nip. A sharp pinch or squeeze. Oh, shit. Slang. Oh, it's anti-Japanese
Starting point is 02:23:57 sentiment. It's a slur dating back to the height of anti-Japanese sentiment, especially after World War II. Yeah, oh, because Nippon. Short for Nippon. Yeah, and Nipper is just conjugated. They had a...
Starting point is 02:24:15 Moralizing racial slur used to put down people of Japanese background. Equal to calling an Asian person a chink or a black person. Hey, what's an Armenian? One of those. They're supposedly Armo is let me see if the Armo, that Armo cut me off.
Starting point is 02:24:32 Yeah. That Armo sold me a shitty rug. I had an Armo. I had an Armo Uber driver. Let me see. Armo. It says slang term. It says slang term for is Armo an ethnic slur?
Starting point is 02:24:51 No. I guess maybe there isn't. What's one for Caleb? It's whitey. Oh. I'm mixed. He doesn't recognize mexicans as a race
Starting point is 02:25:05 are you mexican yeah i'm pretty sure i've actually been here yeah way too tall to be mixed uh should would the word armo be considered offensive there's a fucking reddit thread on that oh dude i love reddit oh wikipedia list of a list of ethnic slurs. Oh, shit. Are you going to pull that up? No. No. I shouldn't even learn any more of these. I have enough. It's probably just in the show.
Starting point is 02:25:35 It's such a racist piece of shit. I pulled it up on my own screen. Oh, I guess it's a derogatory term for our means living in Los Angeles, Armo. You guys can call me that all you want. I don't give a fuck. I think it's a derogatory term for Armin's living in Los Angeles. Armo. You guys can call me that all you want. I don't give a fuck. I think it's endearing. I've never heard of any of these. Oh, listen.
Starting point is 02:25:51 Anne is a white woman acting like a black woman. Oh, I read that at the same time. A-N-N-E? No, just A-N-N. Anne. Wow. Apple? Is that like a Karen?
Starting point is 02:26:02 Dude, there's so many. Yeah, look at a banana. That's a black people from Africa. It's got things on here like bimbo. Oh, a banana. That's derogatory. It means it's yellow on the outside and white on the inside. It's East Asian people.
Starting point is 02:26:21 Who comes up with these? Charlie. Beaner. God, beaner is such a nice word. That's Mexicans, right? Cabbage eater. I'm a cabbage eater. I'm German.
Starting point is 02:26:32 Oh, really? Is that derogatory? Yeah. Wow. That one for me. You're a kraut too. Oh, okay. I don't like that one very much.
Starting point is 02:26:42 Don't call me that. I live there. Listen, Charlie's a white man. That's the Karen. It's the oppressor man. It's called Charlie. I'm all the way down to Z. But there aren't any.
Starting point is 02:26:58 Oh, there are. Oh, Charlie. Okay, yeah, I get it. Charlie don't surf. Military term? Like a Vietnam War reference. Hey, I get it. Charlie don't surf. Military term? Like a Vietnam War reference. Hey, there you go. Nip. Someone of Japanese descent. You said that already.
Starting point is 02:27:12 Yeah. Okay. Oh, a chonky. A chonky is like an Asian person but who has white characteristics. Holy shit. What a great word. Anyway, if you want to learn a bunch of racial slurs pretty much you just shouldn't talk i mean the list is so long this is a long word yeah
Starting point is 02:27:34 anyway long list of words yeah uh what's up armo jay hardell's armenian banana refers to an asian person but doesn't speak J-Hardle's Armenian. Banana refers to an Asian person but doesn't speak, writes, and or understand his or her native language. Okay, look. So tomorrow morning... Oh, tomorrow morning I have... Is tomorrow Friday?
Starting point is 02:28:00 No, Thursday. Oh, so I don't have shit tomorrow. Yeah, you do. No, Thursday. I don't have shit tomorrow. Yeah, you do. No, no. Just a live calling show. I thought Lindsay Canty was coming on tomorrow morning. She comes in Friday.
Starting point is 02:28:16 Okay. Thank you, Caleb. You scared the shit out of me. So listen, tomorrow it's wide open. Are you here tomorrow, Caleb? Yes. Okay, so tomorrow will be an hour and a half of me just complaining about Travis Mayer and the gang some more. Oh, sweet. I thought it was going to be done tonight, but let's give it some time.
Starting point is 02:28:33 I told you guys. Tomorrow will be critical of Travis, Brian, and Mr. Simmons. Does anyone else need a Kiefer with school? Kiefer probably wishes you to said some negative shit so we can get some time on the show. Oh, maybe I should invite Kiefer on in the morning. He can help me. Like we can discuss the pressures. He can help you suck your own dick.
Starting point is 02:28:59 Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. He could give me a Dutch rudder. There it is. Perfect. thank you thank you he could give me a dutch rudder there it is perfect and then listen tomorrow's gonna be wild because then when they right is the right i think right before they do the open announcement i'll be jumping on here with a bunch of the gang i think i'm gonna try to get jr on here of course and john young and then some other people and then and then and then
Starting point is 02:29:22 we'll have the bryson del monte show right bryson will hit it you found another racial slur you like no i looked up what a wizard sleeve was i don't even know what it is should i look like there it is wizard sleeve uh as in holy cow, wizard sleeve on that broad to describe a hanging or dangling labia. Wow. Wow, that's fucking crazy. I've used wizard sleeve so much
Starting point is 02:29:53 because that's what they call when you don't button your sleeves in the military. I can't even use the word. There you go. I had to look it up. Wow. Okay. Wow. Yeah, I didn't know that one.
Starting point is 02:30:04 up wow okay wow yeah i didn't know that will how the fuck would you know what a wizard sleeve is do you know what this is will and then he says shocking what do you mean what's shocking about the fact that i don't know what a wizard sleeve is it's shocking you know what a wizard sleeve is and then third and then thursday evening um uh we'll be hype we'll be we'll be talking about oh it's our crossfit games update show and we'll be talking about the competition on friday and then friday morning we'll have lindsey canto on from birth fit uh she just had a kid so we'll hear her birth story that's gonna be a great show by the way and then um uh right after that but but not for everyone you don't like real talk travis it makes a little uncomfortable max el haj uh mr simmons if you guys are gonna
Starting point is 02:30:54 whatever like talk about birth could get a little real and weird sons of bitches i don't like birth. I'm going to tune out on that one. Hiller won't be watching it. If anyone wants to work out with Travis, if you want to come and work out with Hiller, he'll be free. I will be. It's kind of like disc golf.
Starting point is 02:31:20 I just won't be there. Birth and disc golf. I'm not into those'll be i'll be here for the unhinged rant though and then and then colton mertens versus taylor self that's what we'll finish with it's gonna be fucking crazy i'll be here for that yeah oh i might talk about birth there just to watch hillary's reaction we watched that video in like third grade and i'm like wow hey so even if they even if a chick has like wizard sleeves, when they give birth, that whole shit like gets used up and the whole thing turns flat. The whole pussy turns into like a bowling ball with an opening. That's how smooth it gets.
Starting point is 02:31:56 It gets like a smooth bowling ball. All that whole sharp pay, that whole mess down there just gets perfectly smooth. It's crazy. Like an ice rink. And then the baby falls out. Then the crack opens up and baby falls. I'm pretty sure the first time I ever saw a vagina, it was on like the birth video we watched in school.
Starting point is 02:32:12 And I was looking at it like that. What? Yeah. I don't even know if I got to the part where he's talking about the smooth part. It was just like, it looked like an alien. The smooth part is so crazy.
Starting point is 02:32:24 Cause it's kind of like, it's like a magic trick. You're like, where'd the vagina go? like oh god the smooth part's so crazy because it's kind of like it's like a magic trick you're like where'd the vagina go like you can't even believe that that's it's gone that whole fucking see what i call it a sharpay mcintyre name next time he's on here you know how he got those crazy names yeah call him wizard sleep the vagina the vagina just looks like someone threw their shirt on the ground. You know what I mean? The first time I saw it, I'm like, there's a hole in that mess? There's something. You know what I mean? It's just like a crumpled up piece of toilet paper.
Starting point is 02:32:55 Just like, what? What is that thing? A wizard's sleeve would be a crumpled up paper towel. Two shirts. It's two shirts. Two shirts. Sh shirts. Two shirts. Shirts with collars. Isn't it just a,
Starting point is 02:33:07 didn't it say it's a dangling labia? Yeah. Yeah. If you've got a giant labia. Giant. All right. All right, guys. Well,
Starting point is 02:33:20 the science show is over. Thank you everyone for coming on. Hiller, thank you. Caleb, thanks for staying up late. Bye-bye. the science show is over thank you everyone for coming on hello thank you Caleb thanks for staying up late bye bye

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