The Sevan Podcast - Arielle Loewen & Shelby Neal | 2023 CrossFit Games Prep

Episode Date: July 23, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Sick of the cottage chaos? Beach? It's time for a reality check. An all-inclusive beach break with Sunwing Vacations can actually be cheaper than a staycation. Let's be real. Cottages sound good until you realize you're the cook, cleaner,
Starting point is 00:00:46 and kids entertainer. Say no to inferior, more expensive vacays and yes to kids clubs and all-you-can-everything. Book with your local travel agent or... Can you rotate?
Starting point is 00:01:01 Is it possible to rotate your phone to the side? For content? No, he is not the guy. That's what you're talking about. You tried to use him. You tried to use Bam. We're live.
Starting point is 00:01:09 You tried to use him to help you make content. Yeah, and he's really good. But I know what I want. So I'll be like, no, that's not good. Let's do it again. That's not good. Let's do it again. But he comes through.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Like that coffee video I had to do. He was awesome. We had to do quite a few takes for it. Is that on your Instagram, your coffee video yeah it is it's i just posted it for paper street i have like spoiler alert i have like a huge coffee mug that i like walk out with um you know what i was really uh happy for slash jealous was your mug oh that one no that one i actually blakely took believe it or not so i'm training her up to earn her keep yeah yeah yours is you're talking about an actual video it's a video yeah i'll be in like a black top and a blue bottoms go down go down oh there it is right there
Starting point is 00:02:08 games right around the corner i'm trying to limit my caffeine intake so i'm gonna only have one cup of coffee per day so i probably had the games right like 20 different takes of me saying that whatever little spiel at the beginning because he would like put the big coffee pot in it accidentally. And I'm like, no, that's too big of a spoiler. But he's been really good with helping me make a living. Hey, will you tap that mic on your – I'm curious if that's really your mic on your – just tap it. I don't think that mic's on. This?
Starting point is 00:02:50 Yeah. Is it working? No, I don't think so. I think it's your computer. Can you go to your settings and see if you can choose the mic? Is there a mic? I'm on my phone. Do you want me to just take off the headphones?
Starting point is 00:03:04 I don't know. It's crazy um like hollow sounding that's it's not bad but it just makes me think that those aren't actually doing anything yeah let me take it off can you hear me talking through that headset yeah oh okay then maybe you're right maybe it is working did you hear her when she was tapping on it suza did you hear it no Like if you tap on the mic. Oh, much better. Okay. I just had to flip them around.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Oh, shit. Flip what around? The phone around? No. So I have good AirPods, but Dylan takes mine every time. So these are just the old school. For some reason, he won't take the ones with the wire. So I just had to flip around the connection.
Starting point is 00:03:46 What do you mean flip it around? Oh, just like it's plugged in your oh in your phone just take it out no shit okay well look at you i would have ever thought that's like some old school shit yeah yeah now it's working oh much better so yeah look even this guy knows duly better thanks duly uh i'd like your Paper Street coffee mug because I don't ever drink out of a mug that's shaped like this. Why not? Because I prefer this kind. Okay. That was my dilemma because I have your CEO mug. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:17 And I literally sent Dylan a picture and I was like, do you like this mug or the CEO mug? And he's like, I think I like it better without the handle. Yeah, no handle. And then I can't take this in my car either. Oh, okay, cool. You help. No, that makes me feel better. Cause I had the choice between the two. You made the right choice. Thank you. Yeah. You definitely made the right choice. Yeah. I have a graphic designer friend in town and he actually, designer friend in town and he actually that lion on the wall is actually a lion we have in our house like artwork and this year when he was designing my stuff for the games he's like send me a picture of that lion and so he literally took the lion and incorporated my name in there
Starting point is 00:04:57 so he's a genius plagiarized yeah basically but like changed a few things so it's okay so you don't get the cease and desist yeah so it's not the exact same paper you know change a few things i um people would hate to drink coffee the way i drink coffee basically what i do is i put a shot of espresso in here and then fill the rest up with hot water but that way i can just milk it all day. Do you know what that's called, Savan? What? An Americano. I know, but I think I put too much water. Look how big this cup is.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Oh, that is huge. You know what I mean? It should probably be like three shots or four shots of – look, Trish already knows it's disgusting. Yeah, it's basically just water at that point. But does it stay hot all day or do you end up with a cold brew no i no it does not stay hot all day but i can milk it so if i'm going like if i'm driving the boys an hour somewhere and then an hour back i can just sip on my coffee the whole way you mean your water
Starting point is 00:05:56 correct thank you your bean water my my honesty look at this guy brendan Lecoq, Brendan Lecoq. Uh, I love seeing athletes so down to earth and then turn into monsters on the competition floor. Let's go Ariel. Thank you. The goal is to turn into a monster on the floor. I feel like usually I'm just kind of like having fun, good vibe, but I want to get hungry this year and I want to see good things. So thanks, Brandon. Brandon Lecoq, if you go to this guy's Instagram account and you drop into his DMs and tell him why you would like a pair of free tickets, he has a pair of free tickets to the CrossFit Games this year. We will be giving away tonight.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Wow. Vaughn, I heard a rumor you are going. Is that correct? Wow. Vaughn, I heard a rumor you are going. Is that correct? I'm having not delusions of grandeur, but I'm seriously thinking about it. I laid out all my camera gear on my dining room table.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Love it. I also heard another rumor. I sent a proposition to do the behind the scenes to dave i sent a i've never told anyone that yet what what what does a proposition look like or something like that like type up a page and saying uh dear dave um as the creator of more crossfit content than anyone who walks planet earth today and the creator of the behind the scenes which had the most views in the history of any content in the history of, I would like to propose that I come to the CrossFit Games and do the behind the scenes again. Would you be ready in a week and a half? I got my tickets to Chicago.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Wow. So you're low key. You're ready for it. I'm ready. And how long did they take to respond to something like that? Uh, did Dave never, they'll never respond the day before. Um, Hey, but the cool thing is that, and that's one of the reasons why I'm so excited to like talk to everyone. So we sent out invitations to all the games, athletes, all 80, uh, and a bunch of coaches so that when I go there, people, the athletes, if I do film there, the athletes that want to film with me will already feel comfortable.
Starting point is 00:08:15 That's great. And the cool thing about the behind the scenes is it can be anybody. It doesn't even matter. It doesn't matter who they are. You don't need the champs you just need uh any athletes will give you access and intimacy you know with with their process and it's gold well that's why yours are so great i mean we we watched the documentary which was great but it was everything we already knew yeah i want to watch a documentary and find out stuff i had no idea happened yeah we
Starting point is 00:08:42 want to see ariel and dylan duking it out in the back. That's right. You want to see whenever they release something, Dylan's the first one to try it backstage. You want to see his first try and then everybody else's first try. Yes. Hey, what do you mean? He's the first one to try it.
Starting point is 00:08:58 If they, what do you mean? Oh, uh, we're just me and Dylan. Part of how I relax during competition is I'm just goofy. So let's say there's like double under crossovers like there were last year. He'll be like, oh, let me try.
Starting point is 00:09:10 And then he'll try and do it. And then once it's time for me to actually warm up and prepare, I'll get up from sitting down watching and try it. So he's like the guinea pig. Does he get your coach's pass? Hey, so this is my, this is our conspiracy. Me and Dylan were talking about this yesterday we think you asked 80 athletes to come on secretly it's so you can get one of
Starting point is 00:09:34 our coaches pass confirm or deny dude totally totally fair i do so we did say if you rock, paper, scissors Dylan and win, he said which you can have him on, he said you can have the coaches pass. I will say that one that's very nice of him. I'm just kidding. I will say that one of the
Starting point is 00:09:59 things in the proposal was that I get to get into Dave's car every morning at 5 a.m is that what dave does yeah or earlier and so in the years past with every morning i would start filming the behind the scenes i would meet him in the parking lot at the edgewater hotel and i would jump in the car and every morning the behind the scenes would start like that so why why dave's car and why not boz's car uh if boz was going to be the guy i could be boz's car that's a great that's a great point yeah um i i called boz the other day to make sure me and him
Starting point is 00:10:35 are still uh simpatico is that right simpatico nice that we're still nice that we're good did he answer did he pick up yeah yeah yeah he's. He said we're good. He slapped me around a little bit, but he said we're good. We're good. So you're getting on everybody's good side. I like it. I'm trying. Yep. I'm trying.
Starting point is 00:10:54 And I have a top secret meeting today at 2 o'clock. Did I tell you that, Sousa? I did tell you that, right? No. I have a top secret meeting today, too. Maybe I'll tell you guys about it tomorrow what a spoiler allegra what a tease uh bring bring behind the scenes back no better content i remember watching them in 2011 and 12 that's what got me hooked on crossfit
Starting point is 00:11:16 yeah we watched it not too long ago their first behind the scenes every second counts probably six months ago it's a classic it is a classic right a paper street coffee meet you at 4 45 a.m with a coffee and an aerial mug throw that in there yeah hey um will you be going to the uh will you have time to go to the paper street coffee booth or is even thinking about that stuff too stressful is it like okay i plan to if it's easy i'd say i would i would plan to if it's easy i do love paper street so i'd make an effort to go but i if that's something easily i would say hey dylan can you go grab me a coffee from paper street and he right right i just meant because they were your sponsor like i know
Starting point is 00:12:02 yeah i know he's a he's um uh gabe's easy to work with so he would be like hey if you can come by come by if you don't don't but other other sponsors might be like hey you have an obligation to come by for 30 minutes at this time yeah they haven't and i know i would get too overwhelmed so i haven't even entertained the thought at all but you know paper street is awesome yeah look at gabe's already like no need no need i know if i don't even want to throw this out there no i won't even throw that out there but if paper street wants me to come by i absolutely will yeah they they do want you he's just not going to say it because he doesn't want to pressure you no at the end of the day everyone wants to see the athletes do the best they can right right so you want everything to be fun for them and easy for
Starting point is 00:12:43 them yeah and this is the one weekend that i like i'm actually extremely selfish as far as they can. Right. Right. So you want everything to be fun for them and easy for them. Yeah. And this is the one weekend that I like, I'm actually extremely selfish as far as my time. If I need food, Hey Dylan, go get me food, please go get me water. And I have like four days of the year, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Yeah. That I can just solely focus on myself and I eat it up. When you say that, um, you, you would like to turn into a monster on the floor, you'd like to get after it. What do you mean exactly? Do you think in the past you haven't been aggressive enough? Oh yeah. So look at semifinals. I don't know if you watched it all in California. I did. Going into the last event, I was comfortably with a game ticket first place by like a couple points and I didn't fight to hold on to first
Starting point is 00:13:29 place and be on top of the podium I was just like I'm going to the games let's just get through this last event have fun hurrah and then coming off the floor I was like I just lost first place because I didn't really fight for it I didn't really care in the moment. So I don't want any events like that at the games. I want to give my best and give my all and just see what the outcome is. You went into that event in first place? Yeah, I did with a couple points, maybe like five point buffer over Katrin. And then I went from first to third in that last event. So that one stung a little bit yeah and it says here you took 11th place um where do you think you could have um where do you where do you think you could have improved like where do you think you could have you think did you get off on the toes to bar or
Starting point is 00:14:17 do you think where do you think you could have gone harder um my brain oh it was one of those just like okay you're holding 80 on the bike cool that's great instead of like okay be hungry for more try and hold 82 try and hold 83 just i didn't like mentally i was too complacent in that workout yeah interesting does what does dylan say to you or what do you what yeah who do you have a coach ariel do you have a coach you don't have a coach, Ariel? Do you have a coach? You don't have a coach. You do have a coach? Just Dylan. He's like my – I call him like my mental support coach. He's there if I need water, if I need this, if I need anything.
Starting point is 00:14:53 But I don't have anybody coaching me strategically, breaking down the workouts with me. So maybe he could have said something to you before you went out there too. I wouldn't have listened, unfortunately. It has to, one thing I've noticed is it has to come from between my ears. Otherwise, I'm not going to push hard and listen. So I have to work. So what I've been working on leading up to the games saying that is getting to the point where you're dying.
Starting point is 00:15:22 And then I have to be the one in between my ears because that's who's on the floor with me saying, okay, you feel good, go faster. Okay, you feel good, go faster. And I've learned that's the only voice I'll listen to. You can scream at me from the sidelines, but it doesn't mean I'm going to listen to you. Interesting. You're dying and then you tell yourself you feel good, go faster. Yeah. And that's the only voice. Yeah. And that's worked before. Yeah. God, I love it. Yeah. Who taught you that? I don't think anybody necessarily taught me that. I just had to self-reflect a lot when coaches in the past or people in the past were cheering me on and it would almost
Starting point is 00:16:06 tick me off in the moment. So I had to sit back and self-reflect after the workout was done and say, why am I mad right now? They're cheering me on. Why did it trigger a negative emotion and not a positive encouraging? And so I just had to put the pieces together and realize they might be screaming at me to go faster, but they don't understand the pain in my legs, the pain in my arms, the pain in my lungs, but like I do personally. So if I can self-assess and tell myself your legs hurt, but guess what? You can be done in three minutes, go a little bit faster. I'll be like, you're right. Okay. I will listen to you. I will go faster. I've just had to have like a helicopter moment and it works for me.
Starting point is 00:16:48 There's that, there's that book. I'm born to run. And in it, there's a guy running like the hardest ultra marathon in the world, a famous ultra marathon runner. I think he's running it, I think in the Mojave desert in California. And, um, he passes out or something like basically he faints and crashes on the side of the road and he tells himself he has like these delusions of grandeur and he convinces himself that he hasn't been running and that it's the start of the race again and he gets up and starts running again and i think he ends up winning the race but he tells himself that he tricks himself that it's like there has been no race yet even though he already pushed himself to exhaustion and passed out. Isn't that ridiculous?
Starting point is 00:17:30 Ridiculous. Yeah. If you can get your mind on that level and it's internal, like you can convince yourself or lie to yourself enough that you'll listen to yourself. one of the things Ariel that's so special and unique about women is their ability to grow babies inside of them I was wondering where you're going with that I thought you're gonna I thought you're gonna be like now that I identify as a woman let me tell you I'm a black man I'm identify as a woman, let me tell you. It has to be like no saffron. I'm a black man. I'm definitely not a woman.
Starting point is 00:18:23 The vagina is a wonderful place that is the entryway for all human beings into the world, their physical body at least. Anyway, and you have one of those, and you grew a baby inside you that i presume that's it to the um left of you there yep and there will be another uh one of those uh creatures that is you a female that can grow babies in uh that has grown a baby in the competition is it just one i i believe so. Just Annie, right? Yeah. Yeah. And last year, were you – did you – I'm not the – I see this comment coming up.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Yeah. I'm not the world's fittest mom. You're the second fittest mom? I'm fittest American mom. American mom. Fittest mom in America.ica god wouldn't it be nice to be fitter than annie this year that would be wild that'd be wild hey that's so much i i think that that's cooler than spirit of the game is the word the game should do that they should have an
Starting point is 00:19:18 award that they that they give either you or annie this year for fittest mom on planet earth that'd be cool. You know what would be crazy? That would be controversial, I bet. Probably. That would be controversial as all get out. Would they have to do fittest dad then? I hope not.
Starting point is 00:19:41 I don't think the dad title is as heavy as the mom title though. No. No, no, no no no um no it's um god that's are you bringing your um uh offspring to the games no we did last year and it's not for kids we learned that real quick yeah so she'll be with grandma and we'll have a week long vacation in Madison, Wisconsin. Hey, when you bring her last year and you realize right away that it was a mistake, that's another obstacle you have to overcome too, right? You just have to accept it. You have to be like, okay, I fucked this up.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Yeah. And we realized it day one after I won Elevated Elizabeth, going home in the car, you know, sleeping situation. And we're just like, okay, we messed up. But we'll know again for next year. And then I don't even remember what all bad happened. It wasn't necessarily bad. It was just not ideal.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Recovery wasn't ideal. Every day I'd wake up and I'd be hit with, okay, mom, are you done yet? Can we go play? And I'm like, no, we play every day. I just need four days to just do nothing. So just, it kept me in reality a little bit of, Hey, there's a bigger person purpose, but also this is kind of important. You don't understand what's about to go down these next three days. The thing is too, is I'm probably, for me, it's like this.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Anytime they ask for something, you want to do it yeah and then i go yeah go ahead no no you go ahead then i had a little bit of mom guilt and i'm like here i am pursuing my dream this is amazing i want her here selfishly to watch me be awesome all that selfish stuff and then at the end of the day it was a reality check like she does not care if i won an event the night before or if i get top 10 or not. She's like, I just want you to hang out with me and play with me quality time. It was a good reality check, but also gave me a little, a little reality check to myself of, Hey, selfishly, you wanted to bring her for her to see you. She didn't like it. Spoiler alert. Kids don't love big sporting events. So we learned this year that
Starting point is 00:21:46 she will have fun doing kids stuff. There's a big water park in Dallas, which is about a few hours away. She's going to go to a water park with my mom and just do kids stuff. Yeah, that's awesome. When I do the evening podcasts and my kids are like, like now they're asleep, so they don't say anything. But if I do a podcast at night, they're like, oh man, we thought we were going to get to work out with you or go in the front yard and ride bikes. And the truth is, is like, I'd rather do that. Yeah, exactly. But I want to do this too. But it's like, um, if I think if you're a good parent and your kid asked for something, you feel compelled to do it. And yeah, I agree. That's not a place for a three-year-old to be tugging on the heartstrings
Starting point is 00:22:23 of, of their mom. No, no. And it's hot. It's uncomfortable. You sit all day. We should have known better, but now we do, so we will not make that mistake again. Jedediah Snelson, CrossFit athlete. I appreciate the self-reflection.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Most athletes rely on someone else to recognize who they are than try to embrace it. It goes much further to self-assess. Yeah. And I think that's part of the reason why I'm self-coached is I am able to self-reflect. And as bad as it hurts, I'm okay if Dylan were to tell me like, hey, you suck at the sandbag. You need to get better. I'm like, okay, you're right. I will work on that.
Starting point is 00:23:04 God, I love this comment. Man. Fittest dad in my house and much fitter than my ex-wife's new husband. I say prove it. Just go knock on the door at six in the morning and race him to a mile. Hey. Exactly. Me and you.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Hey, speaking of working out, Siobhan, you can still do a legless rope climb yeah crazy i couldn't even believe it you want to know the most surprising part about that video for me though what was that you wear leggings no they're long johns they're long johns they're old man long johns they're long johns is that i don't know his leggings i don't know the difference i'll be honest long johns have a little flap so you can pull your penis out of and pee you wear them under your ski outfit they're uh you know what i mean long i don't even know leggings are like what girls wear yeah okay i thought they were leggings like you pull them up the the truth is they might look like leggings because they might be my wife's long johns i thought you were going for the roman look, Roman Krennikoff.
Starting point is 00:24:06 I like to be – when I work out, I like to be really warm. I like to already have like a little bead of sweat on me before I start. So I like to wear long johns, a sweatshirt. I like to pile on as much clothes as I can. I do not want to be cold at all. Not cold. I don't want to be not hot. What's the temperature in your garage when you're working out? Good. I do not want to be cold at all. Not cold. I don't want to be not hot.
Starting point is 00:24:27 What's the temperature in your garage when you're working out? Good. It's 70 or 80 degrees. It's good. But I don't want that fan blowing on me on the bike. Look, I've already been on the assault bike for 20 minutes. I'm sweaty as all get out. Yeah, you're already sweaty. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Those are 100% leggings by the way. Shit. I don't think that's true. You don't think those have a little flap in the front that your cock falls out of? You think your wife would have that if they were her legs? No, maybe they are. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:24:56 You still got the rope climb. And look it, I planted a guava tree right under the rope and I don't have the fucking balls to cut down that guava tree. Wow. We just planted some trees in our front yard too. What'd you plant? We planted a mesquite tree, which is very Texas and then a cedar elm and they are gorgeous. I have this issue with, um, uh, not, um, of planting anything that doesn't bear fruit. Really? Yeah. It just doesn't seem practical to me.
Starting point is 00:25:28 So what kind of trees do you have? I'm very dogmatic, like cherry, apple, plum, apricot, peach, grape vines, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lemon, lime, pluot, loquat. We are so opposite, Savantvant we are going for a desert landscape so we have our desert literally desert trees and our flower beds are you ready for this cactus and the like spiky thorn they're really tall and beautiful but there's like four branches and they're just like green with thorns on them is there a picture on your instagram of your landscape no i try not to
Starting point is 00:26:11 put pictures of the front of my house on social media i'll do the inside but not the front but i i can send you a picture of the landscape dylan actually did it and he did an awesome job um that's so that you don't get stalkers just to be safe i mean have you heard of the of course you probably have the sound of freedom movie like i don't really want people knowing where i live where my daughter lives what's your family you know someone sent me yesterday a link of why you shouldn't put your kids on social media but but every reason on there was just bullshit but but it was a really scary um it was a really scary uh it was basically all around ai that people are going to take your kid's image your kid's voice and they're going to do all this crazy shit around
Starting point is 00:26:59 ai but but they're going to do that anyway right some some ignorance is bliss but some things if i can control it yeah a little bit i'll try to like bumper stickers i'm not gonna put bumper sticker my daughter's name where she goes to gymnastics like you're just gonna see my car that's it yeah i'm not a bumper sticker fan either plus i don't want to upset anyone with some of my ideas on my car and then they fucking throw a rock at me or cut me off. You have bold ideas, so I'll never. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:35 If I go to the games this year, those ideas, I will keep them all inside of me. Well, actually, I can't promise that. Never mind. No, that's the good stuff. Semi the good stuff. Is there a goal, Ariel, going to the games? I have three different goals. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Three different goals. One of them is very tangible. I think 90% of the athletes have the same goal, be top 10. Okay. Boring, vanilla, basic. But for me, it's like, of the athletes have the same goal, be top 10. Boring, vanilla, basic. But for me, it's like, okay, last year I got 11th, top 10. I don't feel like that's out of the question. I'm hopefully moving up one place.
Starting point is 00:28:18 But it's so much deeper than that. So top 10, that'd be great. That's a way that I can tangibly see that I improved this year based on the leaderboard, the competition, et cetera. I really want to come out of the games healthy and me and Dylan don't take that many vacations. So this will be a week of just us in Madison. So I really want just like quality time with my husband, have fun meet some cool people and then lastly I really want I want to be different like I want people if they run into me in the street or backstage wherever I want to like genuinely be nice to them genuinely show love to them and just I'm there for more than CrossFit and I want that to show um I want
Starting point is 00:29:07 to go up to this uh let's go through these real quick uh one by one um uh meaning when you say the top 10 thing what I'm hearing you say is it's just to get your head wrapped around something but really you want to win the games honestly so this is okay okay two parts yeah i sometimes i have crazy dreams i had a dream two weeks ago that i tied for fifth place i'm not going to tell you who with because it'll discredit the dream wow they wow wow so i me was it me no it was mal o'Brien. And she's not even there. That was easy. You cracked like a... You cracked easy.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Okay. It's just a funny dream. Gabby Magala won the games in my dream. By the way, anyone who knows people like you who has real dreams knows that like some shit can be like wiggly. Yeah, exactly. Like you may... In your dream, it looked like Mal, but it was really Alex Kazan.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Like everyone who... Yeah. So I'm with you. But there were a few things I remember. Gabby was in first. Gabby Magala. In your dream, it looked like Mal, but it was really Alex Kazan. Like everyone who – Yeah, so I'm with you. But there were a few things I remember. Gabby was in first. Gabby Magala, end of the weekend, won the games. I was tied for fifth place. Laura Horvath got sixth.
Starting point is 00:30:15 That's all I remember. And I remember I actually won the last event at the games. Yeah. And then tied for fifth. Take it with a grain of salt. I don't – sometimes i dream that like i'm i'm tangled by a snake but i've never been tangled by a snake so i don't take it too much to heart but if it happens god gave me a dream and that happened i can see you winning the last event too i just saw it in my mind's eye really yeah i can see you crossing the finish line last event winning
Starting point is 00:30:42 cool i hope i hope i cross the finish line i love it. Cool. I hope, I hope I cross the finish line. I love it. And then also I, I always like every morning I wake up, read my Bible and I'll just pick a section I want to read. So right now I'm in first Chronicles and second Chronicles and it's all about Kings and they were against all odds. Like they had a thousand troops against a million. And every time, magically, God helped them overcome. So if by any chance I end up on the podium, I know it's, it's not me,
Starting point is 00:31:13 it's God saying like, hey, you overcame all odds, and you can do great things through me. So if I get third, it's literally that happened. But I think top 10 is a realistic goal that doesn't scare me. Top three seems a little bit too far out of reach in my own human might. But with God's help, I can do anything. Jessica Valenzuela, dude, you are so nice. I loved meeting you. Plus Blakely liked my shoes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Love it. And then healthy. By that, you mean you don't want to get injured exactly or emotionally healthy when you're done or i don't i'm not that emotional i would like to say i'd say healthy as far as like i want to be able to walk out of the games and pick up my daughter no problem yeah were you injured last year coming out of the games nothing bad i twisted my ankle but that's not a big deal okay so so healthy that's that's fair i guess i guess health is um it's always that's one of those things you don't really think about until it's gone and then you're like fuck it's the most important thing to me exactly like last wednesday i don't know if i got sick got food poisoning but trained that evening everything in my system i just threw
Starting point is 00:32:30 up and it's like man i take for granted eating drinking water when you take a sip of water you have to throw it up i just don't want to exactly like you said you take it for granted once it's gone okay and also when we come back from the games we're gonna start like actually planting grass in our front yard so i would like to do some yard work do some hoeing outside you know i like to do some hoeing outside too yeah that's why i can't let people know where i live i'm hoeing outside in the front yard all day do you have do you have a pretty um do you have some scandalous gardening clothes no i made the mistake um on my deload week a few weeks ago i was like i want to get a tan for the game so i'm gonna go sports bra and shorts i was out in
Starting point is 00:33:18 the sun for an hour and i just read like a lobster so I've learned put on sunscreen or just wear a long sleeve shirt. You look tan now. Just running outside. Running and swimming. Slater, you pitched that right up for Seve. I know. She's a good dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:36 She knows the demographic of the show. We're here for the fans. And then three, you want to be Ariel. Mm-hmm. Exactly. um and then and then three b you want to be aerial exactly oh yeah is there a um like a protocol to get into that headspace like a mantra or a um aren't you a little nervous or unsettled by do you have anxiety about going there and people like talking to you and and hugging you and like recognizing you? Like, are you anxious about even like, I'm anxious if I were to go to even go to the airport. I don't want to, I don't want to talk to anyone. You're not anxious. I don't even want
Starting point is 00:34:12 the TSA person to talk to me. Honestly, for people to know my name when I've been doing CrossFit since 2012, didn't really have much success for people to know my name now. Still makes me feel like giddy inside like a little girl. Oh, okay. Well, that's good. Yeah. Because it's I mean, for anybody to know my name when I'm from this small town in West Texas, to me is pretty remarkable. So I try not to take that for granted at all. And you like people. I do. I get overwhelmed if like there's too many people yeah and too many people talking to me but the games are nice because it can be in small doses like we'll compete at an event and we might walk through from north park to go to the coliseum you're going to see people for maybe 10 minutes and then you're isolated in the back so it's nice
Starting point is 00:35:02 to have it in small doses because i do get overwhelmed yeah how many people are in your town live in your town oh man maybe 300 000 if you combine midland and odessa okay so you have head you have stoplights and shit though oh yeah we have stoplights we have an atb we have movie theaters all that stuff um do you know where you're staying is that all set up i assume that's all set up yeah we'll be athlete hotel at the edgewater oh which is beautiful yeah that's a great hotel why why don't you stay across um from the venue because honestly like 10 of this trip is a little bit vacation and the edge water is beautiful and every night every night at the games me dylan and my friends that come with we always go to this one restaurant and even after the games we eat at this restaurant together as like a group so it's just right on
Starting point is 00:35:58 the water you can forget about the games and just enjoy your friend's company that's there my husband's we actually have we have a good little group going it should be fun hey it's the restaurant in the edgewater that's the one you go to no we go to a place called the boat house it's right next to the you're more than welcome to join us for dinner we would love to have you that's very sweet thank you any night after the games yeah that's a great place to stay I just thought that if I if I were competing I'd want to just be able to just walk like right across the street
Starting point is 00:36:29 no it's not worth it no I want I want to escape from the games in the evening and then show back up and do some work because it's a lot at the games all day go relax go relax I need a little bit of mental space between the two
Starting point is 00:36:45 what's this thing on your hand it's pretty can you see this oh yeah um i got a cut here and then i'm all scraped up like on my hip and leg wow did did you see the pictures? It actually happened Wednesday night. It's on your Instagram? No, this is a Savan exclusive. I sent it to whenever you texted me to come on the podcast. Yeah. So games is coming up. Oh, I do see it.
Starting point is 00:37:19 I do see it. Yeah. So because I need to get used to the volume, me and Dylan work out in the evening. Wednesday night, me and Dylan finish this awesome hard piece. And our favorite thing to do, because we kind of live in the country, is to ride the golf cart. So we jump on our golf cart and just cool down, drive the neighborhood. It's beautiful. Tuesday night, Dylan taught Blakely how to drive the golf cart.
Starting point is 00:37:42 So Wednesday, we work out. And Blakely's like, come on, mom. Let me show you how I can drive. So we're driving and she's got the biggest smile on her face. So proud. And we're like, how are you doing this? Pushing the pedal, driving. And we're driving past our neighbors.
Starting point is 00:37:57 So, of course, I'm nice. I'm neighborly. I'm waving to our neighbors. And me and Dylan both in our heads were thinking, okay, we're going straight to the mailbox, which is about a half a mile from our house. But Blakely thought we were turning full speed in a different direction. So it's Blakely, Dylan, and me driving straight. I'm waving to the neighbors. She just decides to turn on this random dirt road. And I just wave into the neighbors.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Next thing I know, I'm falling out of the golf cart. I just wave it to the neighbors. Next thing I know, I'm falling out of the golf cart. And I just eat it and roll on the asphalt, the turf, scrape up my arms, scrape up my shoulders, scrape up my hip. It was so bad. Like nothing hurts other than it's just a flesh wound. Isn't that what the Monte Cristo?
Starting point is 00:38:41 It's just a flesh wound. It's nothing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Monty Python. Yeah, Monty Python. Yeah, she's a flesh wound. Hey, were you pissed? Did she she cry she must have cried her eyes out oh savon well dylan said when i fell out he thought like a puppy had fallen out because i yelped when i hit the floor like yeah so something was wrong she just starts bawling like hysterical yeah she lost her mom she almost killed her mom yeah so in So in the moment, you kind
Starting point is 00:39:06 of have to step back, self-reflect. I'm like, I'm fine. Nothing hurts. She's bawling. So I just go up to her and I'm like, I'm fine. It's okay. It was an accident. No mad, nothing harsh because I know she didn't do it on purpose. And she's just like, I hurt mom. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I never want to drive again. And so we just took it as like show grace, show forgiveness. It was an accident. This is a learning lesson. And I'm fine. Thank goodness I didn't roll my ankle, dislocate anything.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Can you imagine? I can't believe you're still going to the games to be honest. I can't believe you took it. You got thrown from a golf cart onto pavement. Going like 20, 25 miles an hour. So I told this to my training partner yesterday, which was the next day. And he was like, wait, you let a four-year-old drive? And I was like, stop.
Starting point is 00:39:57 No. So it's my own fault. Did your neighbor who you were waving to see it? You know what after i got up you know consolidated blakely and went back they had walked inside so they either saw it and was like holy crap let's get out of here or they didn't see it and just went inside i have no idea but oh my it's really a shame that that's not on video somewhere can you imagine like on the ring doorbell you just meet hey was any part of you like pissed no so this is the bad part this is dylan and blakely's like
Starting point is 00:40:38 bonding time in the evening sometimes they'll go drive the golf cart he had told me tuesday night this happened wednesday night he told me tuesday, she drove by herself and she's awesome. She just takes her turns really fast. So we're working on that. So he had foreshadowed like, this is what we're working on. We just had no idea that she was about to turn. I wasn't mad because I still have time to heal before the games. I'll be fine. If I would have rolled an ankle dislocated a shoulder it might be a different story i um a couple nights ago i got a need in the face wrestling with the kids like a pretty good need of the the face and then when i when i covered up my face the my son knew my six-year-old son knew he done it. And when he came over to hug me,
Starting point is 00:41:25 he gouged me in both my eyes. On purpose? No, just jackass six year old. No, none of it was on purpose. So you can't be mad. Oh, I was seeing red for a second. I just I just stay covered up. I'm ready to like, how did you respond to that situation? I just take deep breaths. And hopefully he doesn't hopefully I mean, I think he knows that I'm fucking like, like I want to bite him. Yeah. Like a lion. But like, yeah. Jake Chapman says boys are different.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Maybe. Yeah. But that's the best thing you can do as a parent. If you can be the bigger person, your kids are not screwed. I feel like. mean like like don't beat them if they do shit like that yeah if it's yeah if it's on purpose you know it's okay to spank but if it's an accident they didn't mean to like you've got to show grace you've got to show forgiveness one of my kids kicks kicks to the kneecaps like like if we start fighting he'll
Starting point is 00:42:24 try to kick me in the kneecap i'm like dude do they do jujitsu what do they do they do all that okay and jujitsu striking kicking every day yeah you're paying for them to beat you up yeah basically yeah my kids have told me um my kids tell me seriously at least once a week one of them will be like hey we just want you to know that when you're old we're not gonna like beat you up and stuff even if you do bad stuff to us now we're not like we're not gonna hurt you when you're old like they say that now where's my money i'm yelling at him in the car he goes don't worry we're not gonna beat you when you're older and give me like the death we'll just we'll just put you in the retirement home if you keep
Starting point is 00:43:05 acting like that that's what they're gonna say yeah janelle winston when my kids physically hurt me i get so mad i have to seriously keep the lid on till i get hold of myself yeah that's how i feel yeah but now with my kid with blakely absolutely if dylan instantly triggered like he knows like if he threw a frisbee and it bounced off your head when you weren't looking, you'd go over there and be like, you asshole. Couldn't you see I wasn't looking? No, it's worse. Oh. He thinks it's so funny.
Starting point is 00:43:32 I think every husband does to just like smack your butt. So sometimes he'll smack it. I smack a lot of ass every day. Yeah. Yeah. You don't tell your wife that, but sometimes he'll smack it so hard. No, it's her ass that I'm smacking. It's her. Okay i'm smacking it's her
Starting point is 00:43:45 okay okay good instantly it'll tick me off and i'm triggered and i'm mad and he knows and he's just like oh that was a good one and he'll just giggle and walk away it's weird that you guys don't know that's what your ass is for i know you'd think at this point you'd know, but it still gets me. Ariel, my favorite ass story with my wife is we'd just been doing CrossFit for like, I don't know, a year. And she was trying on clothes and she came out of the dressing room and I'm like, yeah, I don't really like those pants. They make your ass look small. And the lady there who worked at the at the store was like yeah your butt looks great in those and my wife goes no no we do crossfit i don't want my the point isn't to make your you know butt look small and and it's like yeah we're we're we're a different breed the butts
Starting point is 00:44:37 are meant to be smacked and they're meant to be big exactly i think we did that. I think CrossFit owns that before the Kardashians. Well, it's authentic. Authentic big butt. Yeah, exactly. I mean, when I see a big butt on someone, I just think they're strong. Like man or woman. If I see a big old ass, I mean, proportion to their body, obviously. I'm like, yep, that's a strong human being. That person can do some core to extremity damage. I will tell you the first time we flew into California for semifinals at the airport, that's the first time in person physically,
Starting point is 00:45:09 I've seen the like fake Kim Kardashian booty. Cause it was like maybe weighed a hundred pounds and waist was like this big. Yeah. But then the butt was just ridiculous. And I was like, do you like that? How? Like, it just didn't make sense. It doesn't make sense to me either. No.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Don't get me started. I'm trying to. Yeah. I'd rather. Yeah. We're talking about CrossFit working hard. But if you want to come on a live call and show and talk about plastic surgery, I'd love to have you on. Me or someone else? No. Ohin show and talk about plastic surgery. I'd love to have you on. Me or someone else?
Starting point is 00:45:47 No. Oh, I know nothing about plastic surgery. You're not going to move. But you have thoughts about it. You think it's weird. It would be weird to make your butt bigger than it really is with plastic surgery. Like non-functional, like growing your body for non-functional purposes seems completely insane to me. But I'm also very, I'm granola-esque to where like i don't
Starting point is 00:46:07 believe in botox i don't believe in yeah lash extensions all that because i'm like your body's supposed to age it's okay if you have wrinkles yeah your eyelashes are supposed to be like how they are so i i might be the wrong person because no no you're perfect and you don't want you don't want to i don't think you want to attract people who who are attracted to that either i don't think that's a healthy person hey yeah do you do crazy stuff too like um uh like if your kids are sick you'll slice onions and leave them on a plate in their room no we just let the sickness pass you just pray over them you do hands on them we actually don't that should be our first reaction though yeah but usually it's just like here's some over-the-counter i have this theory that
Starting point is 00:46:50 all christians think the earth is flat do you think the earth is flat oh no i think dylan is slowly becoming a flat earther he listened to who you had on the other day the flat earther yeah yeah like some thoughts i know not even to entertain so i'm just like yeah yes honey yeah yes but i wish i would to be honest with you i wish i would have never had that guy on or watch the documentary but i'm probably gonna have more flat earthers on because of it just it's just great whenever it's every six months it's good it really rattles the nest it really are you are you a flat earther i'm not yeah i'm not i'm not a um but i'm not really i don't know what i am i could be but i don't think so you could you could be
Starting point is 00:47:33 anything savannah it's 2023 yeah at this point no i am not a flat earther um well thank you uh we touched on a broad uh vast broad broad landscape of subjects. I appreciate you sharing your daughter with us. And hopefully I see you soon. Yeah, I'll see you at the games. All right. Thank you. And I don't expect you to give me your coach's pass. I expect to see Dylan back there. Good. We expect to see you back there somehow. All right. Peace and love.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Thanks for having me on oh great here we go do you believe in gravity oh what is this uh oh oh those are those fine fine i wonder i'm not a black woman heidi says someone's actually a black woman i i am a black man but i am not a black woman i love how you just dropped the flat earth just to trigger people i mean it's just it's amazing i just think i i think that that's you believe in god and that the earth is uh what's it called non--transitioning? No station. No station. Miss Shelby Neal. Hi. Hi. How are you? Good. How are you? I love this forest. Oh yeah. That's my backyard. I was gonna say, you're not at my house. Are you? That looks like my backyard too. Crazy. Yeah. It's beautiful here. Interesting conversation I just jumped into.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Ariel's great. She'll talk about anything. We transitioned from synthetic ass implants to a flat earth. It was quite – yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. What state are you in? I'm in north carolina hey when i looked at your food um uh your your pictures on your instagram of your food like you like you're one of those people um who i can't actually tell what you're eating yeah i mean like normally normally people like post food and it's like here's some carrots and here's a piece of steak and here's rice.
Starting point is 00:49:45 Your food looks like what I eat. I only eat in a bowl. I don't like the plate. Put everything in a bowl. I don't need anything separated out or anything. Just put it in a bowl. It's an absolute mess. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:58 It's animal food. Yeah. I didn't actually even think about it till now but i was like when i was looking at i'm like are there some crawfish in there i started thinking you were like from louisiana or something i'm trying to think of what meal you're thinking of right now suza do you see any pictures of her food um let me see if i could find them no i'm searching through the whole thing and i'm like what are you talking about i whole thing, and I'm like, what are you talking about? I text my stories, and I'm like pretty deep. Different redheaded person.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Different Shelby Neal? Different redhead? Some dope army pictures, though. That's for sure. Hold on. Hold on. Give me one second. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:36 There you are, bench pressing. Oh, you work out a lot. I got a food pic. Yeah, you kind of got to go back a little bit. Yeah, we just got to go back an easy 222 weeks. Yeah, yeah. but got to go back a little bit yeah we just gotta go back an easy 222 weeks yeah yeah you got to go back super recent four years ago she used to eat mush let me see oh no that one we got oh that one's pretty uh oh but lots of seafood those are scallops right yeah love seafood uh i was born in massachusetts so i'm definitely a seafood gal oh okay look at the one below that that one's a little more chaotic I was born in Massachusetts, so I'm definitely a seafood gal.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Okay, look at the one below that. That one's a little more chaotic. It looks like she eats day-old Chinese food. I absolutely do. Absolutely. It's better that way. It truly is. Because by then, all the seasoning and tastes have come out right it's like my mom used to make hummus and she'd put garlic in it and the first day she made it it
Starting point is 00:51:33 wasn't very good and three days later there's the whole thing was so potent and strong it was crazy soaks it up definitely yeah yeah hey this looks like you used to live behind a chinese food place and just eat out of the dumpster. Look at this one. Look at the one with the – look at the – even the tins are there. Look at the tins. Yeah, look at – even Clydesdale knows. I love the tinfoil bowls. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Oh, gosh. Michelle Shanks, thanks, Sevan, Matt, and Caleb for introducing us to all these great athletes. We'll make it fun to watch them all in Madison. I agree. Hey, are you a Marine? No. So I was planning on joining the Marine Corps, but then things changed for me personally. So I decided against that last year.
Starting point is 00:52:21 So, yeah, it was kind of a weird time last year going through that. Yeah, this is me. I went through like all of OCS and all of the training and then just decided not to accept my commission. So I'd say it worked out pretty well for me. Made it to the games the following year. So. Shelby, how old are you? I'm 23. And what's OCS? Officer Candidate School. Basically, it's like boot camp, but the officer side. And they have like different versions of it for every single, oh boy, every single branch. So there's one for the Marines, one for the Army, Navy, etc. And where do you do that?
Starting point is 00:53:02 Is that through a school or? It was in Quantico virginia so yeah it's it's literally it it's basically like rotc except you're not in rotc and you do all the training over the summer um does it cost money you get paid for it actually so so so walk me through that i'm really curious no details too small you're just kicking it at home with your longtime boyfriend who you're absolutely in love with and you're like uh shit like how does it start how do you know someone who did it yeah like how do you like i'm 51 i don't even know what officer candidate school is like how do you know about any of that
Starting point is 00:53:41 how do you know you want to go to the mar? What kind of person wants to go to the Marines? Crazy people pretty much. And, um, so basically I knew some people who were in the program and my boyfriend was also looking into the military as an option. And I started getting more exposure to, I guess, people in that profession and it started to interest me. Um, and so I started kind of looking into it more and, you know, kind of going from like, oh, these people are crazy to, oh, I want to be, I want to kind of go through that. And I think also maybe I was getting a little burnt out of CrossFit and getting a little worried about, you know, graduating and what I was going to do after college and thought maybe like I didn't want to do the typical path.
Starting point is 00:54:23 And so I ended up kind of finding myself there. And then later, I think after a couple years realizing that maybe that wasn't the route for me. And so not continuing with it, but I still think it was great training. And I learned a lot from it. Like my running got a lot better just just from doing it. My like mental strength got a lot better because how hard it was. So definitely an experience. It's just like boot camp. You're literally in a barracks with 60 girls and bunk beds or racks or whatever you want to call them and just kicking it all summer. Were they all girls? There's girls and guys. But you're in close quarters with the girls, not the guys.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Okay. And so you go on a website somewhere, I'm guessing, and you sign up and then they say show up on this day and you basically hand over all your shit and they give you all new clothes and underwear and hat and shirt and they're like, you're going to be here for three months. six weeks so it was two different sets of six weeks so like 12 weeks total of that but you're basically like you're on their clock and it was very like it's a very humbling experience somebody like me who's like super fit was still struggling um just because you know it's it's like wake up every day at 4 30 and go to bed every single day at like 10 p.m then you get woken up for an hour in the middle of the night and you get like five hours of sleep and you're walking all day and you're running all day and you're studying all day. And it's just a full day.
Starting point is 00:55:52 So I think anyone would struggle going through it. It's just really taxing on the body no matter how much you prepare. And when you sign up for it, you don't have to commit to beyond those six weeks. It's just like, yeah, so that's the difference with boot camp. With boot camp, you basically sign your, you know, sign your life away from the start and you're kind of stuck. But with officers, you basically like you have to get your degree, which is kind of like why ROTC exists. You have to have a degree to be an officer and you go through the whole program and then you finish ocs and then you kind of like swear in after that um and and like choose to be an officer and you have to like make that actual decision after training that you want to want
Starting point is 00:56:36 to go that route so so so um you you already had your you'd already graduated from college when you went there i so the first time i went i was 17 like it was like the year after high school or like i graduated high school and went to ocs for six weeks very shocking for a 17 year old and then um did it again last summer after graduating and finished the second half so so ocs is kind of for people who didn't do ROTC in college but want to go the officer route exactly yeah you don't have to do it like if you if you already have your degree and you want to join the military you still can essentially or you can kind of do it in conjunction and I like I liked it because like ROTC just didn't seem like it was for me and I didn't want to kind of I wanted to be like a normal college student and i was in engineering it was too much i thought to do both so i did um i just thought it'd be better to do it like completely
Starting point is 00:57:29 separate and only do it during the summer i'm for some reason i'm so i'm so impressed that you did that what was shocking at 17 to do that well the way people acted the way they talked being what was when you were 17 what was the oldest woman in there? Were there any like old people like me in there? Was there any 40-year-old people? No, they don't let people of your kind even join. Is it like over 35, you're toast? You could have a penis, but you can't be over 35. be over 35 yeah you're absolutely toast like you just can't even join like there's no waiver that can get you in so right i think it's like 27 or maybe 30 i think it's a little older depends what program what what branch what yeah i think like maybe seals you know it's like a little more stringent but i think for marines i think it was like 30 or something but yeah there were women who were you know like 25 27 28 you
Starting point is 00:58:26 know like they're adults they have kids and I'm like 17 probably one of the youngest people there graduated high school and literally went off to OCS like the next day so it was a very different experience for for everybody um was it different the second time way different yeah I was 22 the second time so I was a little more you know I know who I am I know I know what's going on oh there we go oh god the space force is desperate
Starting point is 00:58:56 oh so is the navy Jesus Christ they will do anything oh my dogs came out so the second time was different like um different and what from your perspective or they had changed the program uh so every year it really kind of just depends on the commanding officer of ocs and like what how they see it but i think it was mostly me changing and like once you go the first time you're like okay you know let's do this different let's do this different let's let's
Starting point is 00:59:30 prepare a little bit because the first time they were like oh you know show your fit you're you're gonna be like one of the fittest girls there like you have nothing to worry about don't prepare at all just show up you'll be fine and I that's just not how I do things so not my personality to be so underprepared and I uh I thought it'd be better the second time around to do a little bit more studying, get a little bit more sleep at night and have to study less in the middle of the night. What do you have to study for? What do you have to study for? It's a lot of like history. That's that was the hardest part for me because I'm I'm a STEM major. I don't memorize things very well. And then there's like, you know, like your general orders, other officer training stuff.
Starting point is 01:00:13 It's very simple. It's mostly memorization, which I had terrible memory. You said you're a STEM major? What's that? Science, technology, engineering, math. It's like, you know, your engineering, your science, your bio majors. Yeah. I feel like we just learn differently.
Starting point is 01:00:31 And I didn't learn. Like, that stuff was hard for me to learn. And then so this – when did you get out this last time from the OCS? I got out right before the games last year. Okay, okay. So you went to semifinals last year and then after that you went in. Yeah. What if you made it to the games? Would you have still gone in? That was the conundrum. So I actually made it to the last chance qualifier and, and chose not to do that because, because I just was like, I, I didn't make it. I want to make it the right way. And, and like making it online didn't seem like the way I didn't make it. I want to make it the right way. And, and like making it online,
Starting point is 01:01:05 didn't seem like the way I wanted to make it. And so I just decided, you know, we're going to give this OCS thing a try. And like, I had a little bit of doubts and reservations beforehand. And I thought, you know, like the only way to clear that up is to go, uh, you know, see how it is and see, see what I want to do from there. It's the most informed decision. So. Hey, what, what happened last year? I'm trying to remember your story.
Starting point is 01:01:28 You were in the semifinals and you were going and then there was some workout where you shit the bed like you did a rope climb. I mean, you were fucking murdering it, weren't you? I was. I was so good. I remember watching you being like, oh, fuck, this little girl's going to the games. Do I look little?
Starting point is 01:01:43 Yeah, you're a little girl how old you're a little girl you're fucking 22 you're how tall are you five two yeah you're fucking little girl yeah you're i'm like i'm average weight though i'm average weight i mean don't get me wrong you look strong and fit and all that stuff but you look like i mean you look like i look like a pipsqueak i'm literally you just look like like maybe you don't have your driver's license yet or something. You know what I mean? You still go to the dentist with your mom and dad, shit like that.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Well, I do. See? I need adult supervision for that kind of stuff because I don't know how to answer all these questions. So what happened? Tell me last year's semifinals. Refresh us on what happened. You were kicking ass. Yeah, I was doing great and like i would say last year my you know my plan was kind of was cross it was kind of
Starting point is 01:02:31 like a side thing i would say i was i was in hawaii literally the week before and i i had made this trip at the start of the year and i had said like i'm not canceling this trip i i really want to go i was invited and i wanted to see my friend. And, you know, if I make it to the semi, if I get invited to the semifinal, that is this weekend, I will go, I will compete and I'll give it my all. But if I go any other weekend, like it wasn't going to work for me just because I had like finals and I had other stuff going on. So I really, you know, I really surprised myself when I showed up and ended up getting like top five in every event but one. i don't see where you shit the bed where did you shit the bed
Starting point is 01:03:10 it's that one that was the rope that was the rope climb workout yeah oh for some reason i thought that was the last workout it depended on the semi-final they said the order was different for all of them okay dude. Dude, you did incredible. Fifth, third, fifth, fourth, fifth, just the 30th. Yeah, just one movement, actually. But when I look on your Instagram, you're good at rope climbs. Well, now I am. It only took a year of hammering.
Starting point is 01:03:43 So what was that workout? Do you remember? It was 10 rope climbs for time, legless. Oh, yes. And there was a shuttle, really insignificant shuttle. You could have walked it, and I probably should have, knowing my rope climb ability. I should have just walked it
Starting point is 01:03:59 and just got all 10 rope climbs in and finished under the cap, you know, but got a little in the heat of the moment. Did you know going into that that it was going to be an issue for you? Or were you surprised? I would say, yeah, I was in Hawaii. Oh, this is awesome.
Starting point is 01:04:20 Is this since that event? This was right the week before the event. Oh, well, you're fucking murdering this. That can't be easy. That rope's really hard. That rope's crazy hard. Yeah, it's super bouncy. And your body can't touch it or you'll get chafed.
Starting point is 01:04:37 I mean, you've got to be real careful. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's one of my best lives in Hawaii the week before. Did you know going into that event that it could be an issue i knew it could be an issue but i also didn't expect it to go that bad i feel like i'm definitely the type of competitor that that shows up on competition day um despite how training may go and so i think i i remember you know being next to everybody and like starting with my first three rope climbs a little fast and thinking like wow it feels great and then like every time I had practiced the workout it was always rope climb like five to seven where it's
Starting point is 01:05:15 like oh my god I you know I can't this is not going so well like it's immediately going downhill so yeah I I knew I think in retrospect at the the ability level that I had I should have just overpaced and then ended hot versus starting hot and falling apart where I had a couple no reps I had a couple slides down the rope like full full full tilt drops to the floor so yeah it was it was tough road climbs are hard to go to war with too because there is that piece of dying right or like landing on your head yeah I almost did I mean I literally had like two falls that were that I could have like twisted an ankle or something been out for the year so did you say you're 22 23 23 and and you've had the same boyfriend since you're 16
Starting point is 01:06:08 yeah how did you meet him i've been in crossfit across the gym we started roughly at the same time he's not 37 is he no okay just checking 26 23 yeah oh perfect oh wow yeah wow fuck weird nothing inappropriate going on there um how did you how did you how so um yay yeah let me i want to know how you met him how did you meet him how did you 16 year olds meet in a crossfit gym um we i think i mean we just kind of started working out together we were training buddies and we were friends for about a year before we finally same high school or let's go on a date no we went to different high schools we just every single day we would train together after after school so yeah um it's it's it's a pretty intimate place to meet someone like there's all like there's all like those non like i don't know what they are like pheromones and shit but there's all that
Starting point is 01:07:11 shit that's just coming off of you right because you're like working out and then it's a lot of body movement and it's a lot of like you can stare at people all the fucking you want in there right it's like everyone's kind of like just breathing heavy and just looking around at shit um it's it's an intense intimate place regardless right i mean it's a yeah i got to watch his like his glow up like he went from you know like a 16 year old kid or 15 year old kid now he's like super buff and like i got him early snagged him was he a little pinner when you met him i mean just like smaller now he's just like super jacks wow he's just like super lean yeah and when so when you met him he was kind of like a little boy and then you and then you you trained him into a man at the gym next year we've both kind of we've both grown i've grown a little bit more i'm a little heavier now you did
Starting point is 01:08:04 not grow you did not grow don't get i'm a little heavier now you did not grow you did not grow don't get it all twisted he definitely grew you did not grow yeah i think i'm the same like i'm the weight i weigh now what he weighed when i met him so i don't know if you know this i spoke to your parents you were born in uh five two um you just came out like that and a full head of hair absolutely red long um i i love your hair by the way thank you yeah people who people who appreciate red hair just it's it's you're the shit you're awesome looking god you're so fucking cool looking every time i see it in pictures i'm like whoa that's bright i forget like i don't i don't register like i see myself as like a brown brown haired and then i like see pictures i'm like jesus that's so distracting
Starting point is 01:08:50 do you have siblings i do yeah we don't we don't exactly look alike but oh how old are they uh my youngest or sorry i have one sister she's two years younger than me. So she's 20 right now. Twenty twenty turning 21 soon. And she doesn't have red hair. No, she's. So my my dad's actually African. So he's from Liberia. So he's black. And you're real dads. Wait, you come from African sperm. Yeah, I know. Are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 01:09:23 Is that true? Are you adopted? No, my sister's on the far left. Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your
Starting point is 01:09:39 travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4pm late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever We'll be right back. of life is prepaid in advance. It becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help
Starting point is 01:10:16 you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Your dad is black? Yeah, I'm also black, but half black. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:10:35 But I kind of trick everybody. That's amazing. Is that really true? I didn't even know. That's fucking amazing. Funny. Genetics are so funny. Yeah, that's crazy. What's your mom funny yeah that's crazy what's your mom
Starting point is 01:10:46 my mom's just like regular white she's like polish and a little bit irish i think so when your dad's sperm look at look at eric wise look at yeah his head exploded too your dad's like can i see a picture of your dad so when your dad's sperm met your mom's egg it's like oh fuck fuck we'll just make this a redhead we don't know what to do just spit out one of these i have even something crazier for you my dad's mom has red hair so she's an african with red hair and that's how i happened like the tan though like yeah well it's weird as soon as you said you're black i start thinking you're black it's like crazy i start looking at you're black i start thinking you're black it's
Starting point is 01:11:25 like crazy i start looking at you like like maya maybe she is a little darker maybe um i see it yeah i see yeah exactly that's your sister yeah that's her which we're like kind of we have the similar face but you know the opposite she's mexican i'm don't tell her but she's mexican for sure hey um god that's that's that's amazing where where's like where's your so canelo the only person i can think like canelo's uh mexican and he got crazy red hair you know who that is no who's that he's just he's the world's greatest boxer he's the amazing amazing um uh head of red hair so what is your dad liberian yeah liberian and what are they he looks like maybe he looks a little black and arabic is liberia northern africa where is it it's uh western so like under the the little hook on the far
Starting point is 01:12:20 west side i feel like i need a map to point it out. But definitely not on the other side of. Does he have an accent? When he's around his family, he does. What's his native tongue? English. They speak English in Liberia. Like the Queen's English? Does he have like an English accent?
Starting point is 01:12:43 Is it all fancy? Yeah, it's yeah it's a little fancy yeah it's got like you know the african twang to it i guess like i don't really know i i don't other countries in africa i'm not really sure what their accents sound like i only know what my my family sounds like so how did they meet did they meet in the military no my my family's not not involved in military at all but my my dad moved to America when he was in college and met my mom at work in Massachusetts. Yeah, there it is. Yeah, wow. Have you been there?
Starting point is 01:13:17 I have not, but I really want to go soon. I'm kind of thinking about this year and the next year. I'm kind of thinking about this year and the next year. You should go and you should get a one-way ticket. Africa's dope. I mean, if you can find a good spot in Africa, Africa's dope. I spent a bunch of time over there. It's awesome. I've never been. I really, and he says it's absolutely beautiful.
Starting point is 01:13:35 So I'm like, well, that's even more reason to just go visit. It's beautiful and it's so crazy laid back in some ways that if you're an American, you can't even kind of get your head wrapped around it. Yeah, that's awesome. Look at that. Yeah. Yeah, and, I mean, it'd be really cool to bring some of my, like, bring all my family and meet them there.
Starting point is 01:13:53 So, yeah. Hey, has anyone your entire life been like, oh, yeah, that's your dad? No. No. When I see families that are, you know, somewhat look alike, I'm like, yeah, weird. You guys are weirdly similar. Hey, I look the other day. I have this weird haircut right now. And the other day I walked in front of this mirror. I had shaved. Sarah Sigmund's daughter was coming on. And like I was like, maybe I shouldn't look like a 51 year old man when I'm talking to her and so I tried to shave off my beard and like look a little younger and when I walked by the mirror I saw a tranny I'm like because I have a ponytail I'm like oh you look like a fucking Armenian woman and then someone in the comments
Starting point is 01:14:38 said that hey dude you look like an Armenian woman I was like fuck I really do I'm growing the beard back yeah but I look just like my mom and my sister is my point exactly yeah yeah yeah i'm like an ugly version of my mom and my sister it's fucked up that's tough that's really tough oh that's it that's a that's a good question uh norma wants to know if you've ever done a 23 and me. They don't believe me. Prove it. Yeah, prove it. Hey, did you ever go – I went through a phase like that. I wonder if I'm – I went through two phases.
Starting point is 01:15:15 I wonder if I'm retarded and I wonder if I'm adopted. Did you ever think either of those? Like you're seven and you're like – Either. You meet your first person with Down syndrome. You're like, how would I know? How would I know? Maybe I am. I might be autistic. I'm not sure. Who knows? I know maybe I am I might be autistic I'm not sure who knows I mean
Starting point is 01:15:27 I don't know I think I've definitely felt that adopted adoptedness because I you know people you have to have the redhead gene on both sides and like even though my mom is Irish there is no one on her side with red hair like not her grandparents not her you know cousins or siblings it's like it doesn't really science science i'm like i must i must have mutated like there's no other way that this could have happened hey god what a trip hey i'm your dad i think your dad also would be so proud to take you back to uh yeah if i was your dad i'd be like look to take you back to – Yeah. If I was your dad, I'd be like, look, I got a redheaded one. Yeah. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:16:08 That is – what a great picture. Yeah. I feel like – yeah, I'm also kind of – it's kind of weird because, like, my family is all, you know, darker skinned, and I'm, like, the only one. So I kind of feel like I don't always fit in or I'm, like, not a real – You don't get to go on the boating trips. I'm not a real you don't get to go on the boating trips I'm not a real like African descent I don't have the tan or like anything that makes me look you know like them so I'm like I'm sorry dude it is it is true I I'm trying to rattle my brain I I don't know any I've never seen
Starting point is 01:16:38 come across anything like this yeah and I kind of look at this stuff too I'm really interested in like people's like uh makeup and what happens to people and how they look that's great that's amazing that's the thing i like blast on social media it's kind of weird just to talk about but oh my god look how cute you are holy shit what happened hey this is the good old days if this was a hundred years ago they would have either sacrificed you in a at the top of the temple and killed you or you would have been to become the queen of the village it would have been like a crapshoot you'd have been like you'd either been the chosen one or you'd have been like the devil yeah yeah this is definitely new um what's up what's up with all the medals
Starting point is 01:17:20 yeah early age dad got you into gymnastics yeah yeah i. I actually don't know if it was my mom or my dad, but that's what I did when I was younger. It stuck. I was looking for an event or any type of sport that I could wear, like a pretty leotard. Figure skating did not work, so gymnastics ended up staying. And that's what I did until I was 14, until CrossFit. That mobility right there, do you still have that? Can you still do that?
Starting point is 01:17:45 Yeah, I can still do splits. Not an oversplit, but I can still do splits. And what about that thing where you look back behind you in the floor and then you put your hands down and you kind of go backwards? Can you do that?
Starting point is 01:17:57 Yeah, a bridge, yeah. You can do it without blanding on your head? Yeah, yeah. I haven't done it in a while because my back, there's no reason to put it on the line, but. Sure. If you held the gun to my head, I could do it. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:18:15 It's a walkover. Is it called a walkover? Yeah, there's a back walkover. I mean, like a backbend if you don't want to do the kickover part. So you think you can do that? Yeah, definitely. I mean, I could do like back handsprings and back flips and different tumbling passes still. If I go to a gymnastics gym, I still got some tricks.
Starting point is 01:18:35 Nice. And were you climbing a rope a lot in your gymnastics training? Yeah, yep. And I think that tricked me a little bit last season because I was like, oh, I've been doing this since I was like five years old You know, I'm good at rope climbs Which I'm great at a very strict, like an L-sit rope climb That's what we did in gymnastics Not so much when I can kip and use my legs
Starting point is 01:18:57 I tend to struggle a little bit more Shelby, do you think that the strictness and form in gymnastics Has sort of, you have to train that out of yourself to kind of tap into a little bit more of the aggressiveness needed in CrossFit? I would say, yeah, a little bit. I think that's probably most gymnasts' issues, I'd say, related to that. I've heard of other athletes having similar issues on rope climbs as well. Like you need to learn to become more efficient and less perfect exactly yeah and and that's kind of like i think at least when i watch myself and my perception of
Starting point is 01:19:33 myself is that my technique is very usually very good like i'm very proud of that of like how well my technique is in place with my olympic lifts all that. But sometimes like in a workout that's fast, you know, you really can't make it pretty. You have to do it, you know, as fast as possible. And there's no reason to do all that. Yeah. Look, look, you couldn't even break the habit. You saw it there at the end. You can't even, like you should have already transitioned to the thrusters right there. You're like, thank you. Thanks. Having a great time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:04 Um, are you, Oh, that's a a good question are you near the thumb or jr are you near taylor self or jr how yeah yeah you are super close to the crossfit crash right yeah yeah that's where jr is yeah what state are you in again north carolina north carolina yeah that's where he is oh no he's south carolina right you're going to, this is weird, but for me, like, everything between, like, Georgia and Mississippi is all the same place. Alabama. Where are you? All the Carolinas. I'm in California.
Starting point is 01:20:33 Florida. It's all Georgia. It's all kind of meshed into one. Marissa Hanojo. Marissa Hanojo. She's so cute. Yeah, she's awesome. Thanks, Marissa.
Starting point is 01:20:51 Who is your coach? Yeah, I have a little, I feel like kind of an unconventional coaching situation. I'm not with any big coaching or big, what do you call it, programming group it? Programming group. I train at a 12 state CrossFit, which is in Raleigh, North Carolina. And my coach is the head coach of my gym. And her name is Whitney Glynn. And she went to the games as an individual three times. And as a master recently, I think two years ago and won 35, 39 division. so she's very experienced and very I would say devoted to me as an athlete um like I'm her only athlete besides you know coaching the members of our gym um and she makes it work for me so uh she went to she went to the Whitney um oh I found her Whitney
Starting point is 01:21:40 Galin I want to see uh oh yeah yeah yeah I recognize her yeah Whitney Galen. Mm-hmm. I want to see. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I recognize her. Yeah. She went three times as an individual? Yeah. Dang. Yeah, so she's super experienced. And, like, I don't know if you can tell, but she's built a lot different than I am and has a lot of different strengths than I do.
Starting point is 01:22:01 Yeah, she's a brick shithouse, right? She looks tall, too. Yeah. Yep, she's tall. She was a larger athlete at the time, and I would still consider her larger for this current bell curve we've got. Wait. Yeah, there she is.
Starting point is 01:22:13 So she's super invested in me. You know who she reminds me of? She reminds me of a mix between Becca Voigt and who's the girl, the games athlete who lives in florida now she had twins how the fuck can i remember her name twins i'm not good at this stuff yeah yeah she kind of reminds me of telena and becca voight mixed into one human being yeah well um and so is that your how did you find her it sounds like you're really fortunate you found her yeah yeah i basically uh i mean was living in Wake Forest, which is 30 minutes from Raleigh.
Starting point is 01:22:48 And then I went to college in Raleigh. And I moved to 12th State. And that was where she had been coaching for a year or two. And now she's been there for a while. But yeah, I just basically kind of found, came under her wing. And I was lucky enough to train with her when she was training for the games for, for a little bit. And then when she transitioned away from that, she's been kind of focusing on family life for a little bit. She's kind of
Starting point is 01:23:13 moved into a different role of like less, less as an athlete and more as like a coach to me. So we don't train together as much, like, like work out next to each other as much more. So she's like, they are watching me work out observing like taking notes and you know keeping track of me and i have other people that will do the workouts with me will she come to the games with you oh yeah she's my she's my coach and so if you went to if you started crossfit when you were 16 when did you start having games in you're 22 now six years when did you start having games? You're 22 now, six years. When did you start having games aspirations? Oh, you're 23.
Starting point is 01:23:48 You're 23. 23, sorry. When did you start having games aspirations? So, I mean, immediately. Once I saw the documentary, I was like, that's what I want to do. It felt a little far-fetched at the time, but thankfully for the teen division, I went to the games in 2016 and 2017 as a 16 17 year old and then when I aged out I immediately started the climb as an individual
Starting point is 01:24:14 and went to regionals in 2018 before they got rid of regionals which was cool experience to go through that and then I've been trying ever since. So it's been a while. Do you have a day job? I do. Yeah. What's that? I'm an engineer. You are?
Starting point is 01:24:35 Yeah. You ended up getting an engineering degree? Yeah, I did. Holy shit. So you're smarty pants. Sure. I have to say that legally so i can keep my job i i think maybe i didn't ask him but i think the dude i had on yesterday
Starting point is 01:24:52 who i think maybe had red hair oh jelly hosta i think he's an i think that dude might be an engineer in um belgium or or Denmark or wherever he was from. That's cool. Yeah. I'd love to live abroad. I'm ready for something new. Is your boyfriend an engineer too? Yeah, he is.
Starting point is 01:25:15 He's mechanical. Oh, shit. He's mechanical. I was chemical, but now I'm doing more of a biomedical type job. So I do orthopedics orthopedic devices are you um uh what what happens to your um job demands as uh you get closer to games time are they cool is your employer cool yeah they they're so they're all very fit and I love my company like they're super um like young and fit and like I would say more up to date I guess with like a flexible work schedule
Starting point is 01:25:47 which is super helpful and they're like all kind of a little bit familiar with CrossFit but I think I'm like their introduction into competitive CrossFit so they're very much into it and like they watch semifinals and like I was sending them you know the links when I was competing and stuff so they were very involved and excited and um yeah they're they're very much like i'm on the way kind of like down like i'm kind of bringing my workload down a little bit um before i leave next week but other than that i mean i have unlimited time off so i just kind of give them a heads up and do my best to work around stuff and meet whatever you know needs they they need me to do so
Starting point is 01:26:25 you have this unreal uh like uh casualness to you but i'm assuming it's not uh well what do you think about the game is it a lot of pressure like from i'm getting from a lot of okay because when a lot of people i interview i get this thing like it's like the defining moment of their life is on the horizon and with you i feel like oh yeah i'm going to fucking just bang it out this weekend and yeah i gotta hit this real quick and then i'll yeah and then i'll be and then i'll be back then i'm going to liberia for you know a little and i'll be back yeah i think i yeah for a long time i you know i kind of thought like full-time games athlete was like
Starting point is 01:27:05 what I wanted to be. And like, slowly as I got older, I was like, I don't know if that's for me. I don't know if having my whole life be CrossFit and like, you know, even just like to train all day and then coach CrossFit all day, like your whole life is still CrossFit and that's all you have. And it's hard to escape. It's hard to, you know, have any other release from that and, and like, feel like maybe you're making an impact, you know, in other ways. And, and so for me, I like having something else. And I think it keeps me from getting like too down on myself when like training is just sucks. Like I can totally forget. Cause I'll be at work and it's not, not related.
Starting point is 01:27:43 And the games, do you feel the pressure from the games already? I mean, now it's like now you can just anytime you look at a calendar, you can see it. Oh, shit. Yeah. I mean, it's two weeks from yesterday, right? Two weeks from yesterday. Yeah, day one. I mean, yeah, I definitely feel I have like I definitely have some like competition anxiety
Starting point is 01:28:00 when and I feel it more so when I'm there versus at home. But I also think like when you're a rookie and it's your first year it's a lot easier to relax and so I'm kind of I'm trying to ride that wave of like I don't need to you know overstress and you know bring my bring my performance down from the stress I need to just like have a great time have fun and like enjoy this year because I'll never get I'll never get the rookie year back so what's your boyfriend's name frank frank um is how's frank doing is he holding it together or is he tripping balls i mean it is pretty crazy like he's been with me since the start you know and it's crazy we're like watching sarah sigman's daughter and catcher and all these
Starting point is 01:28:44 people and sam briggs like all these amazing women. And like now that's, you know, that's me. It's like I get to be those. And he's like, I'm dating that person. It's pretty cool. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you turn yourself into a rocket ship.
Starting point is 01:29:00 Yeah. Yeah. With a shit ton of hard work. So so so he is holding it together together is he going to the games i assume he's going yeah yeah he's gonna be my like personal assistant yeah like water boy and shit like that right food boy and shit yeah he's like unfortunately speaking of holding it together jesus crime hold together girl jesus christ who Who is that? I have more pictures like this
Starting point is 01:29:27 than I do of me snatching, overhead, rope climbing. There's more of me crying. Hey, I want to ask you about your family going to the games, but Susan brought up I do want to ask you about a video. Susan, there's a video link I put.
Starting point is 01:29:44 It says you're pumped. I want to show you this video if you can see it from your phone of you crossing the finish line. It's in the final event. Sure. One thing that's interesting is look at your hands don't even make it around the bag, which makes that event significantly harder for you. Yeah, I'm small. Remember? Yeah, you're a little bite
Starting point is 01:30:05 hey i wonder if you are the smallest uh uh human who's ever made it to the crossfit games no i think i think rebecca's smaller than me you think she's shorter than you i think there's girls who've been five five foot i'm five two i'm i'm really i'm actually you're a braggart I didn't see that coming what a brag I'm actually huge okay play this because I want us to watch her as she crosses the finish line I mean you're watch this look how ferocious you get I totally knew like I totally knew I had made it which was cool did you know that that's inside of you? That person that's like, I wish I could do something in my life that would bring that out of me. Look at this. That's some Josh Bridges shit. That's the Marine in you, right?
Starting point is 01:30:58 Right, right. Yeah, it was a really cool moment. Because I was talking to some people, like my support crew, obviously, they're telling me, you got this. This is your jam. You're going to crush this. You're going to qualify. I talked to them after. It's not your jam.
Starting point is 01:31:15 They lied to you. We were actually really worried. We were really worried because of the echo bike and the sandbag. I've been working on sandbag. It wasn't that important in that workout. I'm great at toes, the bar. And they were like,
Starting point is 01:31:27 we don't know if this is an echo bike workout or toes, the bar workout. It really depends on which, which movement is gonna, you know, is the determining factor. And, um,
Starting point is 01:31:37 and I don't think it mattered. I think I did the toes, the bar unbroken. And then the echo bike was, was something I'd been hammering this year and it went really well. look at the difference in you guys carrying i don't know who that is next to you but look where she has the bag where you have i mean you i'd like where you have it better i like it too yeah up up up high like that when it drops down low like that that's when you're about to give birth to it you don't you don't sliding yeah i'm looking at the um leaderboard
Starting point is 01:32:03 to uh shelby neal uh 425 you took seventh place in that workout which is yeah it's i don't think that workout is made for you yeah i mean it's definitely like you know people probably see me as like a smaller athlete but i am average weight so i'm like very dense i think despite my what do you mean how much do you weigh what's average weight how much do you weigh 150 you really weigh 150 yes i told you i'm huge yeah that's that's impressive wow good on you yeah i've gained a lot of weight i'm i've gained a lot of weight because i bet because i think foosley is like 135 or something she's a crumb maybe less exactly she she's actually small and i've i can no longer call myself small because
Starting point is 01:32:42 i've i've grown. Hey, is it hard holding that weight? Are you just constantly eating? I struggle with food a lot, so I don't eat as much as I should. But I haven't been losing weight significantly. I feel like a little bit recently I'm, like, maybe pushing 145 now, 150. But I think I stay within 145, 150 pretty easily once I started taking creatine that that weight stuck on a little bit better and when you say you struggle with food what do you mean like you don't want to eat or or yeah especially since semifinals I've been like avoiding food like the
Starting point is 01:33:19 plague and I have to have people be like you need to eat you need to eat you need to eat like between workouts I'm like I don't need I don't need food i don't need water i'm fine and then i'll like completely crash um and it won't it won't be good for me so i'm definitely something like i need to work on is is fueling properly and and eating enough and eating more um is there is there someone do you have a nutritionist i do not right now i mean with with working full time and and training like i literally from 8 a.m to to 9 p.m i'm like working or training all day or driving to work or training so it's definitely like i have a full schedule and tracking food isn't something i i really want to do right now. God, that sounds horrible.
Starting point is 01:34:08 Yeah, I just it's like one more stress on top of stuff. Like I'm already struggling to stay on top of work and stay on top of training. And like, I just want to focus on that. So, God, I love this. I love this girl's name. Fiddler. Fiddler. I changed it to a D.
Starting point is 01:34:24 Diddler. Anna Diddler. Anna Fiddler.iddler i changed it to a d diddler and a diddler and a fiddler i hardly know you uh 5-1-1-50 all right so i can be bigger then that's what she's saying yeah you could put seven seven pounds per inch you could be 157 157 oh yeah i could ask i could ask shelby this shelby could you say get to the chopper with why i don't know great good question good question why what yeah why i must sound i have a weird voice apparently no they these knuckleheads these knuckle this guys they want everyone to say get to the chopper get to the chopper yeah nice you weren't even born when that movie came out uh yeah no i wasn't hey i think um i had a um artur semenov on the russian dude i think he should totally
Starting point is 01:35:18 lean into all the russian shit wouldn't people at the games go crazy if like he just grabbed the mic and said funny russian shit like from rocky i must break you or just people would go nuts right he'd be a superstar overnight what say it again if he said things in russian like oh my god other accents or other you know languages it's like just googly eyes i'm like staring at them. Um, uh, yeah, I, I, I really want him to just to like, right before he's in an event with Justin Medeiros,
Starting point is 01:35:50 I must break you. Oh, that'd be great. That'd be a great story. And you should wear a shirt. I'm going to, I'm stepping over my bounds, but you should wear a shirt at the games.
Starting point is 01:36:04 If like at the games. Like at the opening ceremonies that says, I am black. Yeah. It's funny. It's so funny. I'm sorry. I just can't resist. I'm naughty.
Starting point is 01:36:18 Okay, good. I've had this experience my whole life. I'll know people for a year. And then they'll be like, you know, we'll talk randomly, talk about ethnicity or something or race. And I'm like, yeah, I'm, I'm black.
Starting point is 01:36:30 And they're like, you know, they don't know how to act. Like everyone changes how they act all of a sudden. Like, especially black people. They're like, let's go.
Starting point is 01:36:41 And then like, some of them will like, even like call me the N word. I'm like, okay, that's, that's too much. Chill, chill, chill. Or call me the n-word i'm like okay that's that's too much chill chill chill or chill all of a sudden i'm like it took a year like come on god no good reason what a fun life you have it's a good surprise has life been fun for you
Starting point is 01:36:58 absolutely yeah yeah you seem like you know how like um like old people like they say like if you smile a lot like you'll have smile wrinkles and shit whatever like you know how like um like old people like they say like if you smile a lot like you'll have smile wrinkles and shit whatever like you you give off a vibe like you've had it like you have a good life like you're fun to hang out with like people people like you yeah i i like to think that i mean i'm definitely a little introverted and i think it takes the right right group of people to like bring me out of my comfort zone or bring me like bring out my personality sometimes um but yeah I mean I feel like I have a good balance between like serious stuff I get like in work and training
Starting point is 01:37:31 and and then there's also a good like blend with fun of training and I'm always wanting to travel and always staying busy and like there's more to life than just CrossFit and there's more to life than just work and there's more to life than just travel. And there's more to life than just travel. And I want to do like all three of those as much as I can. What about kids? I know you're still a kid yourself. But like you think like in the next 20 years maybe you'd have a kid? I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:37:55 Frank wants kids. I'm very like – I don't know. It's hard for me to see it right now. But we'll see. I've definitely been more convinced as of recently. If it makes you feel any better, I didn't want – me and my wife didn't want kids now we got three ton of kids yeah yeah and we didn't and we waited forever so i didn't you're almost too young to even ask the question to you don't feel any pressure who gives a shit when do you have kids by like 35 or
Starting point is 01:38:18 something like my wife my we pulled the goalie when my wife was 39 and I was 43 you're a crossfitter you can have kids as late as you want oh my hormones are all ruined I feel like we like struggling with our periods always I don't know I'm definitely not not interested or like a little worried about that like it could be really hard with like keep eating keep eating yeah I remember like gymnastics and crossfit my period's always been like very affected. So as of recently, it's been a lot better though, which is nice.
Starting point is 01:38:50 Yeah. Congratulations. It's important to get that shit fixed out. And do you take anything? Do you take any, like any hormones or anything like that for pregnancy? No. No.
Starting point is 01:38:59 Good. Yeah. Stay away from all that shit. I would say so last year I stopped taking birth control and I think that, I think that it helped, helped my, you know, athletic shit. I would say so. Last year I stopped taking birth control, and I think that it helped my athletic ability. I mean it has to have. It's been a year I've been off of it. And then I qualify for the games the next year. It's really –
Starting point is 01:39:15 Hey, Google that shit. Google that shit because I had Stacey Tovar on many, many years ago, and she said that when she got off, her athletic performance increased. And all the girls that she was at the games with, when she shared that with them, were like, yeah, don't take that shit. Yeah, we've known this. Yeah, we've known this, yeah. Yeah, it's like, damn it. Yeah, it's important to get that shit out.
Starting point is 01:39:38 Yeah, I mean, I had a talk with Frank, and we were basically like, you know, we both were like we really would prefer not you know you not taking this like we don't know how what effect this is having on you and like i had been on it since i was like 16 so yeah we're like let's let's see how our relationship is affected by you know not not having this and how how was that how did it affect your relationship did it change your emotions i think it did did. But we've been together so long that we got through it. And like there was no like big issues or anything like that. But I definitely like I think it just changed how I like saw the world and like how I perceive things. And I found myself reacting differently to things than I normally would. Like it was like a new me a little bit.
Starting point is 01:40:22 Just like. Wow. Yeah. Weird. Yeah. That's Wow. Yeah. Weird. Yeah, that's fun. Yeah. Congratulations on discovering that and having the balls to do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:32 Now I just got to not get pregnant. Just stay. My friend Andrew Hillard knows a thing or two about testosterone. He says female contraception blunts your testosterone levels. Hey, he knows about testosterone. Yeah. Do you ever watch any of Andrew's videos? I have before, yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:51 I think he did some stuff with Crash too, but I didn't go last year, so I missed meeting him. Have you met JR or Taylor before? Yeah, I've met Taylor and JR. Yeah, I thought Taylor had a really good shot of making it, but then his knee kind of got in the way, I think. I think it's his knee, right? Yeah, was he nice? I've never met him in person.
Starting point is 01:41:13 Oh yeah, he's awesome. He's super awesome. Super, super fun. I feel like we'd get along really well as training buddies. What about JR? Is he weird? JR seems a little weird. No, I don't think so. was cool he's very social i like i like oh he is easy to talk to yeah oh shit okay yeah he's very nice um i'm i'm i'm pumped i met you uh you're you're i was really i've been excited
Starting point is 01:41:43 all week to meet you um yeah and i'm i can't even fucking believe that you're I was really I've been excited all week to meet you. Yeah. And I can't even fucking believe that you're cooler than I thought you could only let me down. But you're dude, I can't wait to have you on again. I hope like you'll reflect on this and be like, oh, that was easy. And yeah, I'd love to have you on like regularly. You're so fucking cool. You make me so at ease. OK.
Starting point is 01:42:02 Yeah, that's good. make me so at ease okay yeah that's good um tell uh uh um tell uh wait a second your dad's last name is neil and he's from liberia yes okay he's uh his first name is cowie so it's a little liberian cowie neil well tell mr neil i said uh congratulations on having uh and mrs neil a fantastic daughter what a they raised an incredible human. And tell Frank I look forward to meeting him also. Yeah, I look forward to meeting you in Madison. Yeah, hopefully I'll make it there. Oh, you're not sure if you're coming?
Starting point is 01:42:36 Yeah, I'm on the fence. Well, you have to come. Yeah, I know. Just to say hi to me at least. Well, I'm definitely 1% closer to coming now that I met you okay 1% that's big maybe I can come to California and just meet you there
Starting point is 01:42:51 that'd be awesome have you ever been to California I've been to Carson for the games and I have some family there as well so yeah a little bit that's where you competed as a teen yeah I went to 2016 in Carson and 2017 in Madisonison so i got to experience both which is cool yeah all right dear um uh see you soon yeah bye have a good okay bye
Starting point is 01:43:14 take care of yourself bye shelby neil that was cool she's yeah i didn't want to get off with her i could talk to her all day but i want to do some other shit with my day yeah she's good that was oh well dear dear just being nice to old people shit
Starting point is 01:43:37 dear I tried just I was going to say dear to someone else too and I caught myself the other day and I didn't catch myself there dear would you like to split a grapefruit with me yes dear I was going to say deer to someone else too, and I caught myself the other day, and I didn't catch myself there. Very fatherly of you. Deer, would you like to split a grapefruit with me? Yes, deer. Old people eat grapefruit, right?
Starting point is 01:43:51 You think old people eat cantaloupe? The skate instructor yesterday told my kids that I bet your dad likes cantaloupe. And I'm like, I love cantaloupe. They're like, yeah, it's old people food. I'm like, no, grapefruit's old people food. Maybe because it's easy to eat. Cantaloupe yeah like you mean like soft like mushroom like mush grapefruit is gross i agree hey rosie what's up girl i'm gonna see you soon
Starting point is 01:44:23 be in the media pit together is that so I love cantaloupe and I'm only 33 great oh look at this all that hard if you need a bodyguard at the games I'm 6'6 and 225 hmm
Starting point is 01:44:41 is type 1 lifting like type 1 diabetic lifting that's a good guess hmm is type 1 lifting like type 1 diabetic lifting it's a good guess i would assume yes uh judy i love grapefruit uh but i'm old i mean you cut it in half and do it with the spoon like that and like scrape it's it's like just like i should go to the games dress undercover what do you you mean? Like dress like Michael Jackson or Prince? Like shave your beard. So they think you're a woman. Mr.
Starting point is 01:45:12 Hartle, Jay Hartle. I love, uh, I like big melons. Yeah. The large melons are good. Cool.
Starting point is 01:45:23 Yeah. Total pain in the ass. Grapefruit is ridiculous it's it tastes like it tastes like ass it's hard to get out of the shell it's it's a mess no i'm not feeling it do you know what you know what i'm feeling i actually it's so i i don't take a compliment well at all yesterday suza calls me and he's like it's late at night that's nine he's like hey dude you've taken the the interview shit to the next level i'm like i know i'm fucking amazing aren't i i can't just be like thank you no i'm i'm tickled by the fact that i i have i I mean, I still have anxiety before the show starts, but it's like, I actually say that. Yeah. But I'm actually feeling a little bit of excitement now to meet these people.
Starting point is 01:46:13 It got enough of them under your belt where you're like, okay, I guess it's either practice or it's because the fact that I actually think I'm going to meet them in person. So like, I'm really loving them now like i feel like i can like go and really get invested in them it's gonna be real yeah like like like yeah like i'm treating them like they're all going to come to my house for dinner like i would love for shelby and frank to come to my house for dinner and hang even though like i probably wouldn't like it but like i've committed myself eric wise great show this morning both women are powerhouses in and out of cf yet dude that dude frank scored that chick is shelby neal is cool as shit yeah she's really cool yeah dylan got a lady who's hot and fit and makes babies for him. Pool boy.
Starting point is 01:47:08 Here we go back to the subject at hand. Asevi, you ever stick a grapefruit? Uh-oh. Okay. You ever stick a grapefruit? No. In a microwave? No.
Starting point is 01:47:20 And then put your wang in it? I can't even read more i don't want to know stuff like that oh boy i don't i don't i don't want to know stuff like that why would i why would i want to um that shit is just weird i'm not uh i'm i'm chill that's disgusting Come home to see it in slices? Yeah, I don't... For the family to eat after you defiled it? Yeah, I don't want to... I don't want to know stuff like that. Put your penis in a microwave...
Starting point is 01:47:54 in a grapefruit. That's just fucking ridiculous. That's one step away from serial killer. Yeah, that's just completely absurd. Put your penis in a microwave. It's usually me. Why would you even say something like that? Hello, you've reached
Starting point is 01:48:13 Haley. Leave a message. Thanks. You're weird. At the tone, please record your message. When you have finished recording, you may hang up or press one for more options. Hey, babe. I'm going to wrap this show up here in five minutes.
Starting point is 01:48:28 Do you want to go to Best Buy and get a microwave? All right. I love you. Bye. No reason in particular. Yeah. We're doing that great blue, right? Oh, that escalated fast.
Starting point is 01:48:44 Tyler, Praley. Wow, look how much weight tyler lost does he put wait uh oh no no i thought he was pulling his shorts out like that uh tyler praley great fruity see it's a um it's a fair attempt the the safeway is right next to the Best Buy so I'll get a dozen here we go hi
Starting point is 01:49:15 hey when I call you why don't you answer my phone is on silent listen I'm your husband I probably do i always turn it back on when you're done with your podcast just kidding what do you think about um uh if we bought a microwave um no okay all right i don't think about it okay can i get one well i i don't think about it do you want one? I don't want to influence your decision I already told you my decision
Starting point is 01:49:52 okay fine no microwave who's playing the piano? okay wait Ari anything you want to say to the listeners of the show? Matt Sousa is here also. Hi, Haley. Okay, Matt, what's up?
Starting point is 01:50:09 Not much. Don't you want to say to me what you say to me every morning? Good morning. Good morning, I love you. Not that, but I have a yoga class or a Pilates class. I want to take it at 11. Is that cool? Go ahead. Let them know what my life is.
Starting point is 01:50:25 Go ahead. I'm going to work out and I'm going to make use of our garage and work out here. Oh, are you training people today? Nope, just myself. Okay.
Starting point is 01:50:34 Do you have any workout ideas? I'll ask the chat. Do you have any workout ideas for me? Okay, they'll put it in there. I love that. I'm sure they will. I'll be in to put it in there too. Okay. I love you. Okay.
Starting point is 01:50:47 Love you. Bye. Elise Carr-Ridau, you're a goddess for dealing with Sevan. You don't even know. Oh, did you hear that? I like Backpaw pretty good. I want to hear that though. I like cracking stuff. See one of those
Starting point is 01:51:05 do you like listen to it on Instagram and stuff okay Dick Butter I have ideas for partner workout with Seve great involves a grapefruit I think tonight's a big show I'm not even prepared for tonight's show tonight's show is uh
Starting point is 01:51:27 you know i'll tell you a funny story about tonight's show so originally i invited um i invited taylor self to be on tonight's show with uh john young and tyler watkins been tyler watkins was on the first one i don't think he's been on one since so wanted to have him back on check in with them and then i realized that i should invite pedro the guy uh coffee uh the coffee pods and wads dude and so i invited pedro and then he has to get up like at 2 30 in the morning to do the show so he said fuck it i'll do it i'll get up early and i'm like oh that's really cool you so then i text taylor and i said hey you can't come on the show this weekend and he said fuck you I'm coming on I never had anyone
Starting point is 01:52:09 do that before so I'm like no dude there's five people's too many and he's like nope it's not I'll tell you I'm coming on and then Sousa texted me he's like I kind of like that I'm like, all right.
Starting point is 01:52:25 So there's five of us today. It's going to be a mess. The show's not good. It's Taylor's fault. Oh, Taylor's better than all those clowns. Holy shit. Philip Kelly. Wow.
Starting point is 01:52:36 Aggressive, but okay. So big show tonight. And then let's see who's on tomorrow oh and we're giving away the free tickets if you go to Brandon Lecoq B-R-A-N-D-O-N Lecoq his Instagram and drop into his DMs
Starting point is 01:52:55 and tell him why you want free tickets to the games you can get free tickets to the games let me see who's on tomorrow oh tomorrow morning is Greg Glassman 7am then Sunday fuck man dude Sunday's busy Let me see who's on tomorrow. Oh, tomorrow morning is Greg Glassman. 7 a.m. Then Sunday. Fuck, man, dude.
Starting point is 01:53:09 Sunday's busy. Oh, could we move Fisa Goffey up to 745? No, she requested specifically that time. That's why it's there. I tried for that and it was no go. She said that it's going to be pushing her to get there at 8 after training as it is. Dude. This is the Instagram, by the way, folks. Fucking Shelby Neal is a black girl.
Starting point is 01:53:35 That's so cool. I just love life. Emily DeRue, Rui, and then Fisa Goffey on Sunday. Yep. And then Sunday night is going to be a crazy show too that's just me and jr i'm scared a little bit and then monday is uh mikhail wlosky does that need a translator that dude i don't think so no and then jake douglas the fucking man the myth the legend from australia oh my god and monday night page powers i love page powers i had so much fun last time she was on i'm not don't the only person i'm kind of nervous about is emily rolf i've never interviewed her
Starting point is 01:54:22 The only person I'm kind of nervous about is Emily Rolfe. I've never interviewed her. When does she... She's Tuesday. Oh, yeah, in the evening. Yeah. But you got someone coming after her. Who? You have somebody coming in after her.
Starting point is 01:54:38 Emily Rolfe? Yeah. Oh, Jay Crouch. Yeah. Holy shit, that's a late night. Yeah. Holy shit, that's a late night. Yeah. Wednesday's good, too. Luke Parker, Paige Smenza, James Sprague.
Starting point is 01:54:56 Someone wrote, she's stiff. I don't know. Dump Truck Hottie. You know... Emily, he's talking about that. In my exchange with her, she wasn't very stiff. She was pretty wily. She was pretty fiery.
Starting point is 01:55:13 So, that made me happy. Oh, great. Stuntman Mike. Emily's Canadian. Make sure to ask her about Trudeau's socialism and COVID. I'm going to try to avoid all of those. Yeah, probably. Probably leave that for another show.
Starting point is 01:55:25 Yeah. Hey, someone sent me an email. I want to read this email to you. I actually haven't read the whole email yet. I was so excited by it that I didn't even... Oh, that's cool. It says,
Starting point is 01:55:41 random question. Is Jeff Adler Jewish? If you don't know would you feel comfortable contacting him to find out yeah fuck i ask him right jeff are you a jew very comfortable i've often wondered who's the fittest jew on earth i assumed it's him based on his last name but i'd love to get confirmation if possible many thanks and keep up the great work. My wife and I love your content. Oh, I love your wife. How would you, can you just look up the last name? Is Adler Jewish? Adler Jew.
Starting point is 01:56:16 No, I mean, even if that is true, that doesn't necessarily specifically mean him. I think Adler Jew and just a ton of jewelry popped up. Oh, Adler's. Oh, jewelry. Not jewelry. Jew. Say that again. You're saying even if Google says it's a Jewish last name.
Starting point is 01:56:37 Yeah, we got to go straight to him and ask, yeah. He doesn't even know. He doesn't know. Adler is a surname of German origin, meaning eagle. Is Adler a Jewish name? There you go. Adler is a German Jewish surname that is beginning to be used occasionally as a first and is among the stylish new German names for boys.
Starting point is 01:57:07 Adler. Adler. Adler as a last name or Freud College Alfred Adler, actress and influential acting teacher Stella Adler. Guns N' Roses drummer Steve Adler. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:57:27 Is the surname Adler always of Jewish origin? Ah, here we go. No, it's not. Yeah, well, Sue's already told me that, so fuck you. Yeah, yeah, now I Google. There are many Germans named Adler who are not Jewish. The same goes for Rosenberg. Fuck you.
Starting point is 01:57:42 There's no non-Jew Rosenberg. Please, please. That last one was-Jew Rosenbergs. Please. Please. That last one was made up. Oh, please. I should have read too far. That's funny. In an hour, I have the whole entire Hayward SWAT team coming to work out at my gym. No shit?
Starting point is 01:57:58 Yeah. Are other people allowed or just them? It's closed the gym for them? I guess if somebody else wanted to, but we're normally closed between 10 and noon anyways. Like our last class is at 9 a.m. in the morning and then there's a two-hour break. I mean, we're open.
Starting point is 01:58:12 There's like personal training and some stuff going on. So if somebody showed up during that time and wanted to work out with them, they definitely could. They're doing a Hero WOD, Hero WOD scooter for somebody in there that was a gentleman, a sergeant in their SWAT team that um passed away during the line of duty died got killed during in the line of duty is um is that a real hero wad scooter yeah are you bringing up on my insight
Starting point is 01:58:34 uh yeah uh scooter oh yeah here we go oh so someone on the Hayward SWAT team passed away? Yeah, this was a couple years back. Did he die in the line of duty? Yeah. Oh, shit. Yeah. It was a shooting, I think, during a traffic stop.
Starting point is 01:58:58 There was a gunfight, and he died in the line of duty. This guy? Oh, it's actually for him. Scooter is the Hayward cop. Correct. Oh, I didn't even realize that. Holy shit. Yeah, man. These are the guys that worked with them. Served with them.
Starting point is 01:59:18 On 35 minute clock with a partner, complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes. You're like a real affiliate right you have SWAT team coming in doing the hero wad this is like it doesn't get any more affiliate than that I always forget that you're just not I always just think that you're just my guy yeah and also too guys it's not like the whole entire Hayward cops are there dummies it's just the people that are part of this event. They still have plenty of people on staff,
Starting point is 01:59:46 and the SWAT team isn't called out. No, every cop within 1,000 miles is there. The purge will begin at 10 a.m. Yeah, go, guys, go now. And by the way, for the SWAT, it's very particular in things that they're called out to, and having got to met some of these guys, it's funny because they're like,
Starting point is 02:00:02 yeah, sometimes you get the call, and you just got to go. you don't ever know what it is so oh fuck he was only 48 redhead yeah fuck that's cool hey what happens um uh someone from the hayward SWAT team is one of your members or who calls you and yeah and they're like hey can i bring the SWAT team over to do the workout and you're like yeah sure yeah pretty much that's pretty much how this is their like uh third year doing it there um yeah we got some footage of it last year but i don't know what ended up happening with that uh okay here we go this is very aggressive who cares who cares if he's a jew isish? He is still a male. That's probably true.
Starting point is 02:00:49 We don't have 100% confirmation on that, but 99%. I'm the fittest 54, 6.0. What's a 6.0? I'm the fittest 54, 6.0, raised in a logging town with a population of 1,229 people with one McDonald's on earth. Oh, I like that. Yeah, it doesn't even – yeah, that's a good – I like that category. That's good. That's good. That's good.
Starting point is 02:01:27 The fittest man alive With a 10 inch dong With an elephant trunk swinging between his legs Yes he is The fittest Alright Oh look it we got a name for our group Hmm oh look it we got a name for our group hmm which group there's like 50 of them oh shit what is this
Starting point is 02:01:57 hmm this is this year there will be more opportunity for outside press and media to cover the games. Athletes should be prepared for this, and we ask that you be respectful and courteous to the media should you see them around. No one needs to be respectful and courteous to me, by the way, at all. In return, the media will be asked to be respectful and courteous so as not to interfere with the competition. I will be beyond respectful and courteous.
Starting point is 02:02:26 No athlete needs to do anything concerning me. If you just want to be like, hey, fuck off, get away, I'm like, I'm good. Thank you for the clear. I'm reading something from that. Someone just sent me from some release that the athletes are getting from CrossFit. I mean, I like it.
Starting point is 02:02:53 The CrossFit saying that, but I just want all the athletes. No, I'm, I'm good coaches. Just, I completely ego list there. Think of me as like just a little chubby Buddha with a camera.
Starting point is 02:03:10 I want to chat about anything. I'm there for you. To glorify you. To just make you look like you're amazing. To show the world you are amazing. I have a meeting at 2 o'clock. Officially? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:29 Okay, cool. Cool. About? Meeting like this, you'll be forward-facing, yeah? It's a Zoom meeting with something having to do with media. You're so fucking corporate now, dude. I don't know. I have a Zoom meeting with something having to do with media. You're so fucking corporate now, dude. I have a Zoom link. I got an email.
Starting point is 02:03:52 It's on my calendar. Okay, guys, we'll just give another five minutes before we start here. Does anybody want to share any news from the office while we wait for Dan to arrive? I will yell across the arena, Seve, fuck you seve okay i'm totally down with it thank you eric why is unbuyable my ass
Starting point is 02:04:18 you shall see my friend You shall see, my friend. I need just a giant dildo in here that says corporate on it. Occasionally, I just put it in my mouth. Okay, guys. Well, that was a great huddle. I think we got some real legs on the project here um if someone just wants to send over the meeting minutes we'll have those uh deliverables laid out for you any departing news before we end here i got another zoom in five
Starting point is 02:04:56 oh i could use that line if this meeting goes long yes i'm not gonna say anything in the entire meeting though are you gonna sit there i'm just gonna be quiet yeah are you gonna sit there no i'm not gonna sit here you're gonna go to the other spot i think it's disrespectful to the podcast to sit here in zoom meetings okay do you know what I mean? Yeah. This is like holy ground. If you're not like – I view the podcast as like how Mormons view the tabernacle. Yeah, yeah. Pull up a dick, but I have a hard stop at that. What if I start the meeting like that? Did you just mute your mic?
Starting point is 02:05:42 I'm low, man, on the totem pole in this meeting. Struggling. My wife just texted me and said, Avi said I don't seem like myself when I'm on the podcast. Like he called her out for being fake. Oh, that's funny. That's good shit. Team, I'm excited.
Starting point is 02:06:14 Oh, shit. Look at Sean. team i'm excited oh shit look at sean look at sean hey that's good feet no way sevan won't interrupt someone in the meeting that's great feedback i'm gonna do my i'm gonna fucking try so i might superglue i might epoxy my lips together I just wish I could be there. Oh, what is this? The Merton shirts are amazing. Where are those? I would assume on Travis's website. Let's see hey you know um this photographer oh travis doing coffee wads and pod shirts now too what a hoe how come my shit's not right how come my shit's not on the landing page but hillers is
Starting point is 02:07:04 how come my shit's not right how come my shit's not on the landing page but hillers is your shit's balled up and in the corner bro but burn the boats raise the tides whose is that that's coffee wine that's pedros oh that's cool i don't like those colors but that's fucking a great tagline oh you don't like the colors i like the colors it's because you're more masculine than me. That's like the colors of his podcast. Oh, and I do like his logo for his podcast. They sell shorts on Vindicate now? Where are we at here? Let's poke around. Partner apparel?
Starting point is 02:07:36 I don't see any Colton Merton. Maybe he's not doing it. I don't know. I'm just plugging Vindicate at this point. Yeah, I don't like any Miami't miami stuff is stupid to me i got the unbroken one and the pig one uh oh those are dope these camo ones yeah those are actually cool i do like those you have a pair of these? No. What the fuck?
Starting point is 02:08:08 But those should be the official CEO shorts. Where's Colton's shit, though? I kind of want to buy Colton's shit. Hey, Travis, if you're making Colton's shit, you should send one to Dave Castro, because he'll wear it or bring one and throw it to him. He'll wear that shit. Yeah. Yeah, if you want to know a secret,
Starting point is 02:08:24 if you're an affiliate owner, bring that shit and throw it to Boz or Dave or someone you want to wear it. They'll honor that shit probably. In years past, they have. So he might not like it. If Dave gets 20 shirts, he'll start cycling through them.
Starting point is 02:08:40 Every hour, start changing his shirt. Yeah, I remember he always used to do that. It was cool. Yeah, to pay homage to the affiliates or to to whatever i'm sure i bet you adrian does the same thing i was the only selling shorts for 35 bucks that's a steal oh here he is here's travis here we go uh hold on travis i i um i gotta get the phone hooked up again. The phone is such a mess. I'm almost there, buddy. I like it kind of here.
Starting point is 02:09:16 Okay, you're connected. So are you doing the Colton Merton shirts? And why isn't the CEO on your homepage? Hey. Hey, I mean, hi, how are you? Nice to have you figured out i can hear i can hear that hey i uh so colton's stuff was on pre-order and i'm bringing the extras to the games oh so it's done you can't order colton shit anymore uh we there's some sizing issues with the blank shirts it only comes in extra extra extra extra small triple a couple fucking couple weeks okay because because the shirt manufacturers are
Starting point is 02:09:59 fucking up um but i will have the extras with me at the games. So we'll make sure Dave gets one. Okay, bitchin'. Yeah, Dave would throw... Or if I'm there, you can give me one and I'll get it. Make sure you get it for today. Yes. God, look at all these cool people you work with. If you're not there.
Starting point is 02:10:18 You work with Hiller, me, Paper Street, Barbell Spin, Coffee Wads, and Paws. Who's this one that looks like a video game devil with hearts in its eyes? Who's that? Oh, that's Roderick. That's a meme for time. Oh, okay. So remember during Wadapalooza,
Starting point is 02:10:36 the guy you called a ding-dong? With the air? Yeah. He was working with spin. Yeah, that's Roderick. Yeah, I like that guy. Yeah, he's cool. That's Roderick. Yeah, I like that guy. Yeah, he's cool. Why did I call him a ding-dong? Because when he was
Starting point is 02:10:50 trying to get in the way, it looked like he was blocking the view. But that was by him and I. And it was part of a bit. Yeah, it was a bit. Yes. Yeah, Roderick's a good dude. I will have all of your extra shirts, the set on gang shirts.
Starting point is 02:11:07 I will have those at the games also. Oh, awesome. The Harley ones. Not Harley. Are you going to sell those at the Paper Street Coffee booth? Can you do that? No. So I didn't get a booth at the games.
Starting point is 02:11:22 I am part of Toastfacers tailgate event on Friday, so I'll have a booth there from 10 to 2. They're doing a pop-up event at Delta Beer Lab, which is walking distance from Alliance. Okay.
Starting point is 02:11:40 You made some... Watkins says you made some shirts for him too is that for his uh his fantasy app yes sir dude his fantasy app's killing it i was uh i saw on the text thread this morning that um he's got over a thousand people signed up it's so good it's so easy to use like if if people haven't signed up for it don't do it. What is it called again? No obligation. You go to Heat One. Do they have a website? I don't think he has a website yet.
Starting point is 02:12:12 Heat One. You can just go into the app store or go on Tyler's Stories. I think he has links to it also. Heat One Fantasy app. It's very cool. Write away something from – what did you say? Go where? It's very cool.
Starting point is 02:12:23 Right away, something from... What did you say? Go where? If you go in Tyler's stories on Instagram, I think he has a link to it. He did. Yeah, it's very cool. His Instagram is text or something, right? Yeah, I'm bringing it up. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:40 It should not be this hard. I should be able to have it in his body. Hey, I think we're having him... Tyler's on the podcast tonight but i think we're doing a specific podcast around his app where we'll focus on his app the following week yeah that'll be next friday and here's the um instagram you guys want to go check that out and you could download it right there there's a link in the bio it's heat one for those of you listening the number one dot app app so heat one dot app app uh instagram that's the handle to search and in case you're wondering i interviewed all those athletes i've interviewed andrew hiller emily rolf lazar jukic jelly donut and colton
Starting point is 02:13:18 mertens and all the ones you could also see on here. Maybe not the same at court. I saw in the chat, somebody asked, what's the status of the catcher in the interview? Have you heard anything? No, but I think she's just really busy, but I think everything is... We're in communication with the camp. Yeah. Sure sure I think everything I think everything is good
Starting point is 02:13:51 between God I would really like to have some sort of contact with Laura Horvath before the games did you hear back from Danny the ender no I didn't hear back from Danny? The ender? No, I didn't hear back from Danny Spiegel.
Starting point is 02:14:09 Surprise. But she won't be – I just want to make it – I don't know if you heard that thing, Travis, that I was reading. I just want the athletes to know that if I do cross paths with them at the games, that everything's cool. No one should feel any obligation or audit. I don't want to interfere with anyone's ability to perform at their highest level. No, not at all.
Starting point is 02:14:33 With the way Katja looked at semifinals, she's focused as hell. I want people to be able to utilize me and use me for whatever work I would be doing there if they want to. like there's no obligation but if you'd like to um be a part of something that could possibly end up as the largest media project coming out of the 2022 crossfit games then i'm available hypothetically hypothetically yeah allegedly yeah allegedly yeah we don't need to get in trouble i'm i'm more than open dude all i know is when you start that zoom meeting today i
Starting point is 02:15:11 want you to be very blunt with you know as the top media producer in crossfit yeah in the history because yes yeah yeah i'm not gonna say nothing i really am not going to say anything. I'm going to be so quiet. Oh, that's the shirt. Wow, that's as good as pink can look. Holy shit, that's gangster. That pig is nasty looking. That is a good shirt. You designed that, Travis?
Starting point is 02:15:41 Yes, sir. Yeah, unbroken or die. I'll get you one. I'll get you some shorts too did you listen to the shelby neal podcast uh i think so which one when was it you had so many fucking shows she's the black girl i had on oh yeah this morning's amazing. God, she's amazing. How about shit? When she said she's black, how about she needs a shirt? Oh yeah. How does she not have a shirt? See, that's what, like, I don't understand why athletes aren't reaching out. I mean, I do cause they're busy, but like you're bringing forward,
Starting point is 02:16:22 forward all these names that they're just kind of, they're busy but like you're bringing forward forward all these names that they're just kind of they're out there but nobody really knows who they are these shows have been freaking amazing yeah thanks thanks that's the point of them too by the way it's not it's not so that i can get rich having some obscure fucking athlete on who fucking trains in north carolina yeah the whole fucking point i heard the show like that and i'm cheering Yeah. The whole fucking point. I heard the show like that and I'm cheering for her. Yeah. The whole fucking point is for that.
Starting point is 02:16:49 Yeah, exactly. Thank you. It's cool. Yeah. I'm having a blast too. Hey, it's going to make the game so much more interesting for me personally now that I know so many of them. Yeah. Look at, she wrote back already.
Starting point is 02:17:00 Thanks for having me on. I don't normally read people's text messages, but like what a class act that means like that means she had good good mom and dad someone raised you right yeah dude that's i'm right or back dude you are the bomb that old man thing to say you are the bomb yeah that's good you are all right uh travis thanks for uh thanks for your cake go eat your cantaloupe now yeah okay i am i gotta be at the skate park in 16 minutes all right um enjoy talk to you later everyone thank you uh suza uh thank you for what you're doing it's your affiliate i really mean that fucking awesome that you're doing a hero wad there today uh crossfit livermore will be honoring a scooter doing a hero wad and uh i'll be at the skate park and then maybe we can talk uh more the rest of you i'll see you at uh 6 30 p.m pacific standard time
Starting point is 02:17:58 for the greatest uh crossfit game show uh on the internet or anywhere on the world crossfit games update show big show today lots of good guests uh come say hi to john young and we'll talk to you CrossFit Games show on the internet or anywhere on the world. CrossFit Games Update show. Big show today. Lots of good guests. Come say hi to John Young, and we'll talk to you later. Bye-bye.

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