The Sevan Podcast - Assemblyman Bill Essayli | CrossFit Appreciation day

Episode Date: May 21, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Travel better with Air Canada. You can enjoy free beer, wine, and premium snacks in economy class. Now extended to flights within Canada and the U.S. Cheers to taking off this summer. More details at Bam, we're live. Good morning, guys. This morning, we're going to have Bill Assele on. His last name is Assele. I was trying to understand exactly what a California
Starting point is 00:01:03 State Assemblyman is the california state assembly is the lower house of the california state legislature the upper house being the california state senate so is this an assemblyman the same as a state congressman or i guess that's what it is. I guess how it works is if they want to raise your fees for DMV, the state assembly brings it up, they vote on it. If it passes, then it goes to the state senate.
Starting point is 00:01:35 And then if the senate votes on it and it passes there, then it passes. It's the same as the way our congress and senate work in the United States. Anyway, that'll be the first part of business. We'll try to figure out exactly how that works or I'll figure it out. I know all you smarty pants are like, of course, that's how it works, Sevan. Are you idiot?
Starting point is 00:01:54 That's not how it works. What's up? Good morning, Audrey. Christine, good morning. Slater, yo. Matt Burns, good morning. Ernie Garza Good morning Rosie hi
Starting point is 00:02:09 Good morning everyone hey what's up nice shirt I approve I hope Bill shows up it was weird I saw This show on the schedule 8 15 First I saw it at 7 then I saw it at 8 then I saw it At 8 15 then I saw it back at 8 So15. First I saw it at 7, then I saw it at 8, then I saw it at 8.15, then I saw it back at 8.
Starting point is 00:02:27 So I'm not sure what's happening. I'll text his assistant. Are we on for 8 a.m. today? This dude popped on my radar because... He went to... Look at this.
Starting point is 00:02:56 John Lavelle, Dave Castro, and Matt Souza. John Lavelle, I think, owns CrossFit Overload. I think he was on the show before. John Lavelle I think owns CrossFit Overload I think he was on the show before and I want to say he's on the school board of Marietta or maybe he's the mayor of Marietta California I'm not sure
Starting point is 00:03:13 I can't remember and this guy in the middle this young looking cat Bill Assele he had a day announced his CrossFit day assembly members Bill Assele, he had a day announced as CrossFit Day. Assembly members, Assele welcomes John Lavelle, Dave Castro, Dr. Jordan Eldridge, and Matt Sousa to the assembly floor, March 18, 2024.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Did anyone here see the Kelsey Keeley Kelsey Kiel interview I did yesterday? Man, I was I was like halfway through it. I was crashing. I felt horrible. I was fasting yesterday. I did three podcasts. I'd stayed up all night one of the nights before I was a mess. I'm too old for that shit. I got to choose my poisons. I can't be doing three or four podcasts a day and be staying up all night and fasting. I feel like I didn't bring my A game for it. It was pretty good. I didn't realize. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:04:13 That makes me feel better. Feeling pretty insecure about it this morning. Later on today, also, we'll have the dave castro weekend review i just bugged um tyler and hillar to see if they'll do it with me i'd like to get it done early i need to pack today i need to get ready for carson i'm headed over to carson um on a pack be all packed up then tuesday get my rental car and then drive down to la on tuesday getting our uh airbnb getting the airbnb early set up a big fat podcast studio uh and then get ready for um and then get ready for kill taylor which we're gonna move kaylor taylor we're gonna move taylor to
Starting point is 00:05:02 thursday the kill taylor show to thursday why fasting i i used to fast um for three years i fasted every uh i stopped eating every saturday and then didn't start eating again monday and i did that for three years i don't know why pick your pick i don't know I could give you like 10 reasons. I don't know what the real reason is though. I need to do some soul searching. But basically the other day, that day I stayed up all night to watch the European semifinals. I felt like shit the next day.
Starting point is 00:05:41 And my stomach didn't feel right. It was weird. And my stomach always feels normal. I'm like a great white shark. I could eat a fucking license plate. And so I was just like, okay, I need to fast soon. Just to get my whole digestive tract. Just a fucking break. I feel like when I was up all night.
Starting point is 00:05:54 I didn't snack when I was watching the European semifinals. But I just... Something happened. So I was just like, alright. I'm going to take a day off. And then yesterday, I had three podcasts, and then I took my kids to surf camp, and then we went out for dinner. And I told my wife, okay, I'm going to break my fast. I'm just going to order a plate of chicken wings and a margarita.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Is that what it is? Pineapple margargarita and then she talked me out of it she said suck it up buttercup so i made it i still haven't eaten i think i think i just crossed over the uh 36 hour mark but this morning when i woke up the house smelled so good. The slow cooker was just full of short ribs. She went to the butcher. Wow. Thank you, Pat. Wow. Wow. I wonder if Andrew Hiller caught that.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Pat Lang says, great Jaws reference. Thank you. Holy shit. Wow. That's exactly what it was. No one's supposed to get that. Crazy. That was supposed to be just for me damn does anyone else get that reference pat lang old as dirt like myself jesus
Starting point is 00:07:14 i put uh i've been putting the cephalopolis lotion whatever that's called so the the the lotion that starts with the c i ordered a huge uh pump pump container of it and every time i get out of the shower i put it on and then in the middle of the day i put a a squirt on my head and i've been wiping it on my face my skin's getting so soft it's crazy but i did i've been doing that and i've been telling my boys to do it because i read on the internet that's like the third leading way to keep lice off of you. Cause I guess they can't hold onto the hair. I guess they need to hold onto the hair and they can't hold onto the hair if your hair is greasy. Oh yeah. That stuff set up. Oh, it's not set. Set a fill. Yeah. I don't know why I struggle with that word.
Starting point is 00:08:01 why I struggle with that word. Favorite movie as a kid? Are you kidding me? Holy shit, I hated that movie. I probably watched it like five times and every time hated it. It scared the shit out of me. Cetaphils for eczema. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I use it as lice medication. So this guy is going to come on, Bill Assele. I got a whole list of questions for him. First, I want to figure out what exactly how it works, how the government works. And then once we figure that out, we'll understand that he's a Republican in a state that's just all Democrats. The videos on his Instagram account are wild. I want to ask him what it's like, like working with crazy people who just don't do logic. That, that must be so frustrating. What a, what a wild, uh, situation he's in. And then, uh, and then I want to ask him about his i guess what what do they call his what do they
Starting point is 00:09:07 call your landmass your region whoever he represents there's 80 of him in california each of them represents like 500 000 people i guess ask him how he got elected what region is that is that the good place to live because that's where all the republicans are and then i know a lot of you and a lot of people like to say like it doesn't matter that the whole thing is fucking rigged and that um it's just the same same the republicans and democrats are the same and we'll get his take on that like is it rigged we'll ask him about the sorrow stuff just all the questions all the um i don't know which i don't want to use the word conspiracy but all the all the i don't know is it dark web the dark web comments i don't know what you call those that but you know that that whole thought that's like
Starting point is 00:10:01 even even suze's talked about it before like it just doesn't matter republicans democrats it's the same fucking thing i i don't buy into that yet i i haven't gone i haven't gone there yet and uh of course he's done some really cool shit um he's trying one of his his big topics is to uh is to get um boys out of girls sports in California. And he has a lot of pushback on that. He's trying to make it so that California, even though it's a sanctuary state, there was a guy from Columbia that raped a little girl. And I guess he didn't do any time in jail and didn't get deported back to Mexico
Starting point is 00:10:43 because we're a sanctuary state. And he pushed back on that and the Democrats voted that down. So we'll talk to a guy who's kind of fighting the good, not kind of, a guy who's fighting the good fight, but a crazy uphill battle. There was another story of a cop who someone put a gun in her face and took her gun from her, pulled the trigger. The gun malfunctioned while the gun was pointed at her face, and that guy got off. All sorts of crazy shit. California's trying to change Prop 209. Prop 209 prevents discrimination or preferential treatment on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin.
Starting point is 00:11:29 It pertains to employment, education, and contracting. And California is trying to change that. They're trying to make it so you can choose people, I guess, based on their genitalia and that stuff. Bill, what's up, dude? Hey, can you guys hear me okay? Yeah. Bill Asseili. How are you?
Starting point is 00:11:46 Yeah. For some reason, your last name is one of those names that when I look at it, I want to say something else. So I've been practicing it. Asseili. Am I saying it right? Asseili. Yeah, you got it. Italian name?
Starting point is 00:11:59 What is that? It's Lebanese. Oh. Are your parents from Lebanon? Yeah. No shit. My dad's from Lebanon. I'm Armenian. Oh, are your parents from Lebanon? Yeah. No shit. My dad's from Lebanon.
Starting point is 00:12:07 I'm Armenian. Oh, no way. And the Armenians were taken to Lebanon during the genocide, and they lived in that. Have you been there? I have been. Wow. Wow. Your mom and dad were both born there?
Starting point is 00:12:20 Yes. They came here in the 80s. Yeah. Me and my sisters were born here. I had you completely stereotyped as an Ecuadorian. All the cool people I know, all the cool conservative people that look like you that I know are Ecuadorian. Holy cow. I've never been to Ecuador. Damn, I had you completely miscategorized and misjudged.
Starting point is 00:12:45 No problem. Well, we're here. We made it. Sorry I'm late. No, not a problem. Hey, that was really cool. I was just showing the group, the audience, the picture of you and Sousa and Lavelle and the California CrossFit Day. Thank you so much. much. Yeah, no, that was, that was actually a lot of fun, um, to get them all down there. And, uh, and I thought it was a, uh, important thing to do. I mean, CrossFit has been such a big deal in my life and I attribute it for, um, you know, a lot of where I am. And so the least we could do is just recognize the organization and some of the key leaders. And I would like to say we were well-received, but we were mostly well-received. How about that? Did you guys, did they get booed?
Starting point is 00:13:35 You know what? Yeah, they did boo us a little bit. That being more about me than CrossFit, to be honest. But afterwards, some of the Democrats went up to the press and said, oh, why is the assembly member propping up a for-profit organization? We don't do that here, which is total bull. I mean, they honor all kinds of groups and organizations and businesses, and they do it all the time but anytime we want to do something there's always like you know they come up with all these imaginary rules that they've never had before but uh but it didn't stop us we still did it and uh and uh and you know what it's
Starting point is 00:14:16 not really about them it's about the public and and getting the message out so um that that's how I look at things up there. You know, I mean this and I know I have bias, so maybe it falls on deaf ears, but every community that has a CrossFit gym is so lucky. It does so many things. It employs people. It's a small business, but it's a it's a center of congregation for people who believe in personal responsibility, personal accountability. I think that those are the people that tax the system the least. They use the fewest resources in the health sector. They are the most, I don't know what the word is, helpful people. I bet you that there's, you know, anecdotally, I bet you there's a disproportionate amount of CrossFitters who are the ones that let old ladies in the door first, that help people with their, you know, luggage at the airport. It's just good people. And every community, everyone who leaves there probably leaves better every single time, better than when they walked in. They're sort of a positive force with the, you know, the endorphins and hormones and rushes they get when they leave there.
Starting point is 00:15:24 the you know the endorphins and hormones and rushes they get when they leave there they're just great places it's a shame that anyone has anything negative to say about a cross-regime or doesn't appreciate it or doesn't facilitate having one in their community they truly are really amazing places well if you understand what the democrat party is about you'd understand why they don't like prospect the democrat party is about forming dependence on the government. That is their guarantee of employment. If people need them to survive, to live, for rent, for food, they'll never be voted out of office. And so when you talk about CrossFit or personal accountability or responsibility or self-sufficiency, that's everything they stand against. And so I know I agree with you. I mean, it reminds me of JFK's quote when he said, you know, ask not what your country can do for you.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Ask what you can do for your country. And now we have today a bunch of government leaders and and people in politics who think the government is there to be your daddy and to take care of you from cradle to grave. That is not the purpose of government is not to take care of you. the purpose of government, is not to take care of you. It's to provide a system that does basic things, basic things like protect the national defense or provide for roads and police and schools. It's not to take care of all the social stuff. I mean, it never ends in Sacramento. The only thing really holding back the total taking over of government is the lack of money. I mean, they only have so much money they can spend. And this year we're in a $70 billion deficit. So they're just out of money or else they would try to do more.
Starting point is 00:16:51 But yeah, I mean, if you understand what the Dems are about, you wouldn't be surprised that they're against people being fit, being able to take care of themselves and provide for their families. Were you ever a Democrat? What's that? Were you ever a Democrat? What's that? Were you ever a Democrat? God forbid, no. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:11 I was a decline to state, I think, when I first signed up. You were what? Say that. What's that word you used? Decline to state. So in California, you don't have to choose a party when you register to vote. Were your parents Democrats? No, my parents were never really political.
Starting point is 00:17:30 And growing up, I think they were most of, I would say the Middle Eastern community is their business owners, their entrepreneurs, you know. And so a lot of them, I think, lean conservative. I will say there was sort of a switch under Bush and the Iraq war and that whole narrative of going to war against Middle Eastern people. And I think that caused a lot of people, a lot of Middle Eastern people to sort of switch to the Dem Party. California had a couple Republican governors, I think. Duke Majan was Republican, right? And was Arnold Schwarzenegger Republican? On paper? Yes. Okay. It was at the beginning. He's sort of, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:12 he moderated out at the end, but yes, no, he's definitely Republican. Pete Wilson was a Republican. Oh, that's right. Republican governors up until the late nineties. And you had Greg Davis. And then we had Arnold and then we had Jerry Brown and now good old Gavin. Man, I cannot believe I cannot believe Gavin was not recalled. I cannot. We'll get there in a second. I want to go back to what you just said about. They want do you think that they know that because I used to be a Democrat, and the story is this, that we want to be nice. That's our story. We're trying to be nice.
Starting point is 00:18:51 We're the people – we know you're at the beach, and you're trying to sunbathe, and you're there with your family, and you've worked hard all week. But we're still going to feed the seagulls while you're at the beach, and they're going to shit on everyone. But we don't care because we're being nice to the seagulls, and we're feeding them, and that's the metaphor I use for what happened in San Francisco. They think they're being nice, doing the needle exchange program, and basically what they've done now, they're seagull shitting all over the city, right? The city's completely destroyed because they thought they were being nice, and now we have just, I don't know if you know about the program in San Francisco where they give away free alcohol now. No, I haven't heard this one. I know they're giving out needles now that you're not alcohol. Yeah, so they just passed this $5 million program in San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:19:31 You can come there, and they have nurses there that will give you – they have wine, beer, hard liquor, and they give it to you in medicinal doses to make sure that you don't suffer any discomfort. Do you think that they know? Do you think the Democrats know? Because I was told we were just being nice. Do you think that they think that too or that they know that they're trying to keep their jobs by making people dependent? And do they also not know, this two-part question, that there's no happiness there, that happiness only comes when you start taking personal accountability and personal responsibility so i think it's two parts number one you have to differentiate the elected officials from really the the uh the people behind the policies the people you see who get elected to office they're not smart people they're not intelligent people
Starting point is 00:20:23 they're really just puppets and uh they they're they're a face and so they they're not smart people they're not intelligent people they're really just puppets and uh they they're they're a face and so they they're staffers they're activists they're people who all they care about is is being in office and they'll do what it takes to stay there and so that's the public people that you see out there uh they don't know they really do think i think they believe the crap they're theywing. They do believe it. They do believe it. Yeah. They do believe it.
Starting point is 00:20:48 But they live in a very detached world. They live in Sacramento. They live in this bubble. They live in their gated communities. Whatever. They're not having to rough it in these bad areas. But the people behind the scenes, the ones who are actually thinking about the policies, writing the policies, they have an agenda. And these are the true – when I say Marxists, I mean Marxists.
Starting point is 00:21:09 They want a total revolution of our system of government. And the only way you could get that is to destroy our existing society and culture so they can replace it with what they want. Those guys know exactly what they're doing. Who are those guys? There's a lot of NGOs. There's a lot of nongogovernmental organizations that are writing bills look at when you see bills going through the legislator look at who the sponsor of the bill is and all the organizations behind it there's a lot of these like george soros taught groups and and uh and they all have like very
Starting point is 00:21:41 lofty names and uh you know but even groups like ACLU and these guys, they're writing laws. They're writing laws. They're saying, oh, you know what? Police are an occupying force on schools. So now like their new thing is we have to get school resource officers off school campuses. So it doesn't matter that it makes the school less safe. Doesn't matter that it's causing more fights and kids to get hurt. They just don't want an, you know, it's just agenda to destroy the police at all costs causing more fights and kids to get hurt. They just don't want an occupant. You know, it's this agenda to destroy the police at all costs, even if it means people get hurt. So it's a two-part question, but two-part answer.
Starting point is 00:22:14 The idiots you see on TV and in public pushing it out, they don't fully understand. They're not really smart enough to understand. And they're being used. They're useful tools. And they don't even read the bill. They just get talking points. This is what your bill does. And they, and they believe that. Um, and then the ones who are pulling the strings, they get it. And the thing about it is
Starting point is 00:22:33 in politics, those elected officials are easily replaceable. Uh, they're fungible because they know they have a very deep blue district. If this person doesn't get with the program, they'll switch them out and get someone else in that. That's not really the power brokers. So it reminds me of the relationships with doctors and pharma that basically doctors are just brainwashed. They're give, they're say, Hey, if you prescribe this many, this many pills, you get this many vaccines and people will give you this much money. They're just basically hired drug dealers. And so basically it's the exact same thing. There are these pharma executives. There are these people who are pushing this agenda and the doctors, not all of them, of
Starting point is 00:23:10 course, but unfortunately, I think the majority of them are just pushing the agenda of pharma rather than whatever that they originally went to medical school for. Yep. The other thing you can look at is who's giving these people money. So if you look at their fundraising, you'll see what entities are writing the big checks. And there's often a lot of correlation there. So I'll give you an example. Right now in California, they're getting ready to raise everyone's electricity prices by an extra $24 a month. It doesn't matter how much electricity you use. And this is because, believe it or not, the electric companies have said there are too many people with solar energy, solar power, who are not paying into or not giving us money.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Right. So all these people have solar power. Now they're making their own energy and we're losing money as an energy company. So they've totally convinced the legislature that they need this extra money to keep up the infrastructure and the grid. need this extra money to keep up the infrastructure and the grid. So now everyone's going to pay an extra $24, which is a total bait and switch because people were told invest in solar, invest in renewable energy, invest in this, and you're going to save money. Now they're coming for your money. So we had a bill to reverse it and it looked like it was going to pass and all of a sudden it died. Why? The public, the electric companies, Edison, PG, almost, they're one of the largest political contributors in Sacramento.
Starting point is 00:24:27 They give a lot of money to both parties and they have, and then when they need it, they just yank the chain and they, they kill anything they don't want. I mean, that's an example of how politics works. I also, I don't know the details of this one exactly, but I also heard, you know, we, we have that law in California about some laws about plastic bags. And it was supposed to reduce some laws about plastic bags and it was supposed to reduce the amount of plastic bags and i heard they made thinner bags and they started charging for bags and bag usage has never been higher even even though the goal was to reduce plastic bags you can't social engineer people are gonna behave the way people you know i like the free market that's why i said, like, if you
Starting point is 00:25:05 want people to have electric cars, you want solar, let the free market handle it. Let them make a product that people want and like, but this whole thing of trying to force people to, to not do things or to do things, it just, it doesn't work. They, you know, uh, did Daniel, uh, at a certain level of alcohol addiction, you can die from going cold turkey detox needs detox needs to be done with medical supervision and tapering hey i bet you that's less than one percent daniel yeah in that case maybe you should be like in a hospital or something if you're at that level not not in some um a rundown hotel in the 10 line getting taking shots of vodka you know what this reminds me of it's like when a kid's throwing a tantrum you know it's like just give him what he wants just give him what he wants
Starting point is 00:25:49 shut him up just you know we don't want to be embarrassed we don't want to see him give him what he wants it's like okay well maybe that fixes the problem for that five minute window there but it long term you're destroying that kid right so this is exactly what it reminds me of there was a 48 hour period uh last month where the mayor of los angeles's home got broken into the mayor of san jose was accosted on the street uh doing a live interview and uh shift's car got broken into in a parking lot in San Francisco. It was 48 hours, three high-profile – LA's got to be top 10 biggest city in the United States, San Jose's top 11 biggest city in the United States, and then we all know Schiff.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Do any of these people wake up eventually? Aren't they like, holy shit, this is bizarre. Three crimes in California against three high profile politicians. Like when like because I woke up. Right. Is there. When do they wake up? They're in too deep with the cause and the agenda and the criminal justice reform that if they admit that they were wrong, it really is. The whole house of cards falls down. And we see this in Sacramento. Anytime we try to, like, fix something really bad, they change Prop 47 or there's that.
Starting point is 00:27:09 No, no, we can't because Prop 47 is the most important thing we've ever done. And these criminal justice reforms, we cannot go backwards. And so they're so committed to this ideology and belief they're in too deep. They'll never admit that they're wrong or at fault. They'll just come up with some other reason. And so like now with the shoplifting in California, they're blaming the police. They say, well, the police aren't arresting. The police aren't enforcing the laws like they should. The police don't want to do the work.
Starting point is 00:27:35 It's like, well, if you arrest them, they have nowhere to go. What do you want the police to do? But they just will find some other thing to blame or to shift it on. And now this thing about like, oh, it's organized retail crime. It's not organized retail crime. It's a bunch of people who know they're not going to get in trouble and they're just individually stealing. There's no massive organized crime. That's not the overwhelming majority of what's going on, but they just, again, they double speak, they shift, they distort. I really say the Democrat party is the party of deception. That is all they're about. They're all about deception and fooling the voters to get the vote.
Starting point is 00:28:08 And then they go and do the agenda they want. They never actually campaign on what they're going to do in office. They always campaign on some lofty, emotional, feel good issue like abortion or something. But abortion is not an issue. Anyone who wants an abortion in California can get one. But they campaign on this because they can't really campaign on their on their policies or their record. Same thing with Newsom. He doesn't campaign about how great California is, how well he's been as a governor. He goes out and he beats up on Trump and the red states. It's deflection, distortion. That's what these people do. I'm sorry, I got to get to the airport to get up to Sacramento. But I would love to do this
Starting point is 00:28:46 again if yeah i would love to have you on i'd like to pick your brain for like two hours well let's let's let's find a time where i've got a bigger window and i don't have to go to the airport and we'll we'll talk for as long as you want okay let me let me ask you one more question bill just super quick you mentioned soros and group influencing the democrats do the republicans have someone like that too who's who's doing some nefarious shit behind the scenes i would say it's just more like business interests like okay i mean so and that's the thing about big big companies big business their interests aren't always aligned with the people's interest i mean you look at the issue of like illegal immigration for example at least at the national level is a good example.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Illegal immigration is good for big business because it means cheap labor. OK, so. So, yeah, I would say there are definitely similar financial interests on the right that then govern and moderate moderate the voting record. And you can see this with all the budget stuff in D.C., how they say we cannot shut the government down. Well, why not? Well, there's a lot of what I call crony capitalists out there that depend on the funding revenue from government to keep going. And so they don't want to destroy their great gravy train. So, yeah, absolutely. It's not, you know, it may not be as nefarious, but it's still as corrosive. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Hey, dude, I'm going to have Sousa reach out to you, and I would love to have you back on and just talk for two hours and get educated. Let's do it. Thank you. Thank you. On a one to ten, how pissed do you guys think I am right now? I prepared more for this than I prepared longer than the interview went like what the
Starting point is 00:30:32 fuck thank you 11 out of 10 yeah god damn it god damn it Damn it. I'm not going to. I can't. Audrey, it's okay. I can't because he's like one of eight Republicans and I think he might be really a cool dude, but I'm like fucking pissed. I need help. Fucking A. Jesus Christ. Sorry. Sorry about the Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:31:20 I apologize. Do I apologize to you or do I apologize to Jesus? I hope he's going to the state to kick someone's ass today. I hope he's got something really state to kick someone's ass today. I hope he's got something really important. Something really important to do. Is my mic loud enough? I just turned it up.
Starting point is 00:31:57 I lowered it the other day because someone said I was too loud. Now I just raised it again. Hey. Hey, can you hear me? Hey Yeah, hold on I'm trying to put you on the phone Are you there? This might take a second Hello Hello Hold on Sousa. Hold on Sousa. I'm going to try to connect you one more time. Sorry if you're in the middle of teaching a class.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Thank you for answering. Hello? Hello? Hello? Hey. Hey, dude. Dude, what the fuck? Dude.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Oh, my God, bro. I'm fucking sorry. I had no idea he had 10 fucking minutes. We were on a fucking roll, dude. We were fucking just chatting. I was so excited for you to chat with him. We were steamrolling. We were cruising.
Starting point is 00:32:55 I know. I know. And the ironic thing is, is we shifted this like twice because of like his time window. And then apparently he still had no time oh fuck oh i just saw your text i had no idea he only had 10 minutes yeah yeah yeah usually anytime anybody tells us they always tell us i have a window and then i usually convey it to you always but i had no idea this dude had a window hey i saw on the schedule that it went from like uh seven to eight to 8 15 back to eight did
Starting point is 00:33:31 he try to switch it to 8 15 too it was moving yeah it was a moving target a little bit and i think the 8 to 8 15 was left over from the last time i had shifted him because there was probably like three shifts in his time in schedule I know what's gonna happen too is like he's gonna come back We're gonna have to start all over i'm gonna have to redo. I stayed up for like two hours later than I wanted to last night Look at jump ship what a positive dude. Hey, i'll take what i can get that was a good combo yeah so he's good for the positive spin when he said that he had to go to the airport i was listening to it i was like oh shit i couldn't see your face but i bet steam's coming out of your ears oh man that was the only thing i thought and then when you got off and you were like how
Starting point is 00:34:22 bad am i i was like oh shit i was definitely right like well uh all right hey we could we could we could maybe um maybe pivot this slightly i don't think it's gonna do much for you but maybe for the uh audience here because we have the dave castro video that rios and i made um behind for members only oh yeah cool okay but we have a uh a shortened version of it that we could release publicly oh okay cool all right let's do that so and then what sucks is i probably the schedule's so crushed too we probably can't have them on for fucking another month okay will you will you check with marina and see what's up i'll um yeah i'll get back on that so we could start to hammer that down but uh here's a condolence prize it looks like we got those guys from uh road to redemption scheduled at the end of june from the prison oh
Starting point is 00:35:16 awesome the guys who we interviewed once who had life in prison they're they're coming on again yeah yeah they were one of the first like dozen episodes we did or something like that, I think, back in the day. OK. And hopefully we can do it not on Zoom. Hopefully we can do it on StreamYard. We have to do it on StreamYard. Oh, yeah, that's right. There's a yeah, we'll see what we can get squared away with them. OK, at least. So that's cool. OK. All right. Thanks, dude. All right, man. I'll talk to you later. Give me a call. Okay. Thanks. Bye. I feel better.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Whenever I talk to Sousa, I feel better. I feel better. Just focus on how fun this weekend's going to be. Wad Zombie. So we're going to switch Kill Taylor, I think, to Thursday this week. Fuck. Alrighty. Alrighty. I should just go. I should just go eat short ribs. I should just go. I should just go eat short ribs. In California, kindergarten recess tactics are now legally actionable.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law the no hate hotline where citizens can tattle on each other for any actions or expressions that can be perceived as hate crimes. That's right. They don't need to actually violate any laws. If someone does something that isn't nice, you can call. Things like derogatory name calling, bullying, hate mail, basically anything that happens in middle school. The hotline is accessible in over 200 languages and cost California taxpayers $110 million. $110 million for a hate hotline? I mean, isn't that what we have TikTok for? California's new hate hotline. Because nothing says freedom like government-sponsored tattletales in 200 languages. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:37:18 How is that real? How the fuck is that real? Who would use that uh um hotline who the fuck would use that hotline it's when um god i i heard something today one of my acquaintances in the CrossFit space I don't I don't know if I can how much I can tell you this and make it worth listening to I'll try one of my acquaintances in the CrossFit space was complaining about something that was just so not worth complaining about.
Starting point is 00:38:11 It's like this. I'll give you an example that's not accurate at all. There's so many of us doing shows now, right? Live shows. So you got Scott Schweitzer does live shows. Brian does live shows. Lone Ranger podcast does live shows. Coffee Pods and Witzer does live shows um brian does live shows lone ranger podcast does live shows coffee pods and wads does live shows get with the programming does live shows um
Starting point is 00:38:34 uh barbell spin does live shows everyone and their mom's doing live shows right and yet there's still some people getting offended. This is not the example. This is just because I can't tell you the real example because it'll out someone. But there's people who are still getting upset when we overlap with each other. Like there's people in the space where it's like, I can't believe you did that. You went live when I did. It's like, fuck you. It's like, fuck you. It matters so little. I remember Rich was on here, and I guess they premiered a show at the same time Rich was on this show. And it was like, hey, if we don't care, how the fuck could anyone care? It's the same as that hotline it's like just such baby shit like who I'm embarrassed for the people who complain about that I am
Starting point is 00:39:33 truly embarrassed for them Bill Assele had an out in case the date was going bad he had a friend call with an emergency and he bounced. I wondered that for a split second. I wondered that for a split second. Andrew Hiller, if you care, your stuff is probably trash. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:40:12 What happened to your hair well uh my kids do jujitsu and there was a lice infestation for the last two months and then my wife got lice and one of my kids got lice and so like the second i heard that i just got out the number one razor and shaved my head and the boy's head. I think I'm going to keep, uh, so that's what happened to it. A razor went over the top of it and made it short with a number one. That's like the story and what happened to it. I mean, it got cut obviously. Right. Um, I, yeah, I didn't
Starting point is 00:40:46 I actually don't think I had lice I don't wash my hair and I guess lice can't live in greasy hair but I don't know no she didn't shave her head she went to someone like you can pay 200 bucks and some lady will stand over your head and pick them all out. My wife has crazy hair too. She got like redheaded Jew fro hair like it's not really a fro but just crazy thick as like rust red hair.
Starting point is 00:41:26 uh pat lang there's a similar hotline out here in boston where people call in with ridiculous complaints however every single one of them is public information you can hear them wow i think the lice shampoo is like 20 bucks in california you can't even get like the good lice shampoo i tried to order like the poison and it says they won't amazon won't ship it to california so it's like called ick or something oh man i'm listening to my voice right now and i'm like i sound so irritated i guess it's no surprise. I guess this is no surprise. I don't know how old this is. I think Eminem is the same age I am.
Starting point is 00:42:13 I think he's probably 50 or 52. Start talking about Trump. I get too flustered in my head. And the shit that I want to say, there's too many things i want to say at once so sometimes i start talking and i don't i'm not able to convey the message the right way because i just get flustered and frustrated victim excuse number one who would have thought that eminem was a victim victim excuse number one When I talk about him I get so flustered I'm the world's
Starting point is 00:42:49 Greatest rapper but When Trump enters my head I get flustered Watching him play to his base That Watching him play to his base Cause Eminem never plays to his base right Thinks that he cares about them and it's actually listen he thinks oh god he's saying that the base is duke because they think trump cares
Starting point is 00:43:21 about them listen for any of you fucking morons out there, that's such a fucking libtard thing to say. No one cares whether a politician cares about you or doesn't care about you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. Prime Day is here.
Starting point is 00:44:06 With epic deals exclusively for Prime members, you'll feel like you just won an award. Oh, wow. I didn't even prepare a speech. I'd like to thank my family for always needing stuff. Also, Sam, my delivery guy, for bringing all my awesome deals so fast. You're the man, Sam! Shop deals on electronics, home, and more this Prime Day, July 16th and 17th.
Starting point is 00:44:37 I don't care. I don't care if Joe Biden cares about me or doesn't care about me. What I don't want is the normalization of pedophilia, men and women's sports, men and women's bathrooms. I'm tired of all the fucking social programs. I'm done with the racism, the blatant racism. I'm done with the hatred towards women. I'm done with taking away individual rights Yeah
Starting point is 00:45:06 Eminem is a weak character He's so fucking weak It's incredible Completely brainwashed by his fucking posse The people that he cares about The fucking least If you're talking about his core being You know a majority
Starting point is 00:45:22 White middle class What I don't understand is how in the fuck do you feel like you relate to a billionaire who has never known struggle his entire fucking life how though how would he know that donald trump has never faced struggle do you do you think that some kid in the ghetto right now is facing more struggle than fucking donald trump is facing right now how narrow how narrow of a picture of struggle do you think uh eminem actually knows marshall mathers how narrow is his understanding of struggle he has all the money in the world
Starting point is 00:46:05 and look at him he still looks fucking miserable man what a fucking douche this guy is what a fucking victim he is I will say this look at Hunter Biden he had all the money in the world no one thinks he's struggling
Starting point is 00:46:23 how shitty is Hunter's life He had all the money in the world. No one thinks he's struggling. How shitty is Hunter's life? Going from four seasons to four seasons fucking addicted to drugs. Yeah, maybe I don't want my politician to struggle. And he wants to villainize him because he's a billionaire. He wants to villainize him because he's a billionaire he wants to villainize him because he's white now you know why george floyd's their hero now you know why george floyd is uh eminem's hero because god forbid you fucking look up to anyone who's successful god forbid you want anyone who's successful. God forbid you want anyone who's successful as your role model. I want someone who struggled
Starting point is 00:47:09 and who failed and who's violent. I mean, that's Eminem's whole... What's Eminem's fucking perspective? He grew up in the fucking rap game? Talk's a good one. And nobody taught now it's he but he talks a good one now it's that he talks a good one so so don't believe anything he says he just talks a good one but you can't relate to him because he's rich and white and successful
Starting point is 00:47:44 a good one but you can't relate to him because he's rich and white and successful you're in his base you're a core let's say you're going to the rallies or whatever you watch him on tv you hear him talking this shit there's part of me that understands like all right he's somehow still got them because he's brainwashing them into thinking that something great is going to happen. Now, now, now Eminem's not, now Eminem's not, uh, he's completely lost his way. Now he's completely lost the way. Now he's just like fucking, he's drowning. He's being interviewed and he's drowning. And now it's just turned to name calling. They brainwashed them and think they're going to get something. Hey, dude, have you ever thought of the fact that things are so fucking bad that they can't get any fucking worse as everyone's rights are being taken away,
Starting point is 00:48:34 police are being vilified, kids are being fucking molested, and it's trying to be normalized? That they're trying to fucking, we didn't get to it with Bill Assele, but they're trying to flip the racism laws in California to make it okay to be racist. Eminem is a fucking complete fucking clown. Nothing's happening. Nothing is happening. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:48:56 I get really – Because we want a leader who's positive and wants to make things better. And that's his whole shtick. We've been brainwashed. Flustered when I talk about it. When I start talking about Trump. Eminem shares his true thoughts on former U.S. President Donald Trump. His true thoughts. His fucking scrambled egg mind.
Starting point is 00:49:25 This dude is from Detroit. He hasn't learned his lesson about Democrats yet. Black guy. How should I relate to a millionaire rapper trying to tell me about politicians? Listen to this. Eminem is 100% here. The MAGA supports a billionaire who takes away their healthcare,
Starting point is 00:49:47 solid education, and makes the hate grow. He gives his rich friends tax cuts. Eminem, like Springsteen, can't stand the lies. Holy shit. unfucking real i don't know if i should go through those one by one and unfuck that bitch well it's because you're a triggered liberal baby that is blind to the far left ideology dude you're brainwashed don't listen to the noise look at the results trump administration was growth peace prosperity results that's all that matters marshall this guy who got famous and made millions from his homophobic lyrics is catering to
Starting point is 00:50:37 the left so they don't cancel him remember this clown went to Epstein Island. Is that true? The only one brainwashed is you, sir. That's exactly how everyone who hates Trump feels because they have nothing to back up their hatred. It's brainwashed, induced hatred. Look at Eminem over Trump button. 16 likes uh jesus do you think eminem sits around and watches the view uh trump is the worst candidate for president except all the others. Daniel Wynn.
Starting point is 00:51:27 I don't even know what that means. Douche canoe. Poor Eminem. douche canoe poor m&m we talked yesterday about the democrats making fun of uh i would have loved to have brought that up with bill assaili about how they were making fun of uh marjorie taylor green for being a having a body like a butch you know I I looked into that a little bit more yesterday and before the fight broke out before she made fun of that lady's eyelashes saying that that lady something Crockett couldn't read because her eyelashes were blocking her view and then she called Marjorie taylor greene a butch a butch with a bulky body bulky butch body basically just demeaning all lesbians
Starting point is 00:52:44 yeah where's all the people where's all the people speaking out about that? But anyway, before she did that, I guess the judge who's presiding over the court case in New York City for Trump, I guess his daughter works for a company that raises money for Democrat candidates. And I guess that company has raised over 100 million dollars for democrats and so there's some concern that there's a conflict of interest since the judge's daughter is a full-blown you know in complete bed with the democrats and that somehow i i don't i don't remember the details but somehow the judge is also involved in making it so that he put a gag order on Trump, and yet his daughter can freely raise money for people who are hating on Trump. And right before she made that comment about the eyelashes, Marjorie Taylor Greene asked all of the congressmen and women who were sitting there. congressmen and women who were sitting there she said hey does this judge's daughter and he marjorie taylor used her name let's say her name is marcia do does marcia work for any of you
Starting point is 00:53:52 has marcia raised money for any of you here and i guess that pissed off a lot of people and in fact she did she does at least one of the people there is somehow in bed with the judge's uh daughter metaphorically speaking and so that's that's the context is everything so So. This one you guys are going to absolutely love. This is this is this is the best one I've seen. Welcome to the Gaza graduation game show. This is the best one I've seen yet in this genre. Here we go. The graduation. Let's see how much students actually know what they stand for.
Starting point is 00:54:41 You get them right. You win a hundred dollars. First question. Have you guys chanted from the river to the sea? Yes. Okay, which river, which sea? The sea of... So you don't know? No. The answer was the Mediterranean and the Jordan. What does Hamas say their number one goal is according to their charter? They just want a free Palestine. To murder all Jews around the world. How many did israel occupy gaza late 1800s the entire time since 48 is actually under egyptian control for the first 20 or so years and then these are actually left gaza in 2006. i'm shocked wait they left what is the definition of zionist doesn't that mean you like hate palestinians right jewish people who think that judaism is the highest race zionism actually just means that you think Jews are entitled to having their own homeland to protect themselves from another Holocaust. You don't even have to be Jewish.
Starting point is 00:55:30 That makes you a Zionist. Okay. What does Antifa revolution mean? I don't know what that means. But you've chanted it? Yeah. It's like a global call to murder Jews. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Did you know you said that? Nope. Would you say it again? Probably not. How much have our foreign adversaries donated to American universities in the last decade? No idea. I couldn't give you a number on that. The answer was over $6 billion.
Starting point is 00:55:51 How many Gazan refugees have the Arab neighboring countries let in in the last few months? 35,000. The answer was zero. Look, you asked an education major about... Students don't seem to know what they stand for. So wouldn't it be great if these expensive colleges actually taught them something welcome to gaza graduation let's see how much insane uh college education meets high school education college education meets preschool education.
Starting point is 00:56:28 That butts up nicely with Eminem saying that people are brainwashed, right? Fucking wild. I wonder when they wake up from that. I wonder how you wake up from that. But there's more, ladies and gentlemen. We're not done today. 55 minutes in? Jeez. We're not done today.
Starting point is 00:56:54 We're not done. Duke Tamer, the man who Donald Trump granted clemency for a double life sentence for a first-time nonviolentviolent drug offense calls on Americans to stand behind Trump. I was Charles Duketown and I was sentenced to a double life sentence for my first arrest for a nonviolent drug offense in 2004. I lost all my pills and I was denied clemency by the Obama administration. It took 16 plus years before President Trump granted my clemency and allowed me to go home in 2020. I was a part of broken and unjust system.
Starting point is 00:57:31 And now it hurts me to the core to see the same system going after a former president. This is what blacks been going through since day one. If we allow this to happen to the former president, we can only imagine what's going to happen to the rest of the country please stand up now if you have a voice and let's fight against this god bless you all thank you my name is charles dutana and i would say this to a double life i wonder if that dude's actually gonna vote you think that dude will get up and vote vote double fucking life sentence for a nonviolent drug offense spent 16 years
Starting point is 00:58:10 trump let him go i don't know how i feel about that there's so much good shit on here wouldn't you just love to sit in a room full of democrats and just watch all this are basically alike in terms of personality in terms of leadership i'm interested in people being able to have different choices and having equality of outcome men and women are broadly similar with regards to aggression although men tilt a little bit more towards aggression. So that if you picked a random person out of the population, male and female, and you guessed that the male was more aggressive, you'd be right 60% of the time. But if you take the one in a hundred most aggressive people, they're all male.
Starting point is 00:58:57 And that's why the overwhelming proportion of people who are in prisons are male. Now, do you want to equalize that? Just out of curiosity? What about bricklayers? They're 99% male. Three quarters of the population now in universities, in humanities and social sciences are female. Are we going to equalize that? Men work longer hours. They work more dangerous jobs. They're more likely to move. They're more likely to work outside. They make more money for those reasons. And that's all hidden under the idea that the reason that men and women make different amounts of money is because of their gender. Men and women are basically alike in terms of personality.
Starting point is 00:59:29 So good when he just fucking eviscerates people like that. I thought the left's policy was not to put drug dealers in jail. Definitely not drug users. Definitely not drug users. Definitely not drug users. Seve, have you watched Sean Ryan's interview? No. A former U.S. Army intel NCO. No, I don't even know what NCO is. It's a must see. Biden is sending more than40 million of our money to Taliban every week. Jesus. Rambler, why do you need a passport? Why would you need a passport?
Starting point is 01:00:34 I saw something great on weather modification yesterday. There's still people who don't even fucking believe in, they think cloud seeding is a conspiracy theory. Explain to Californians how we moved from a $100 billion surplus to FEMA and the IRS moving in a direction where we couldn't collect our taxes until I believe November 16th. That climate change has impacts well beyond those that are often promoted. I would consider our financial delays as just another example of why we need to tackle them. Another reason I'm looking forward to conversations that we'll be having next week. Can we explain to Californians how we move?
Starting point is 01:01:37 Holy fuck. He's blaming California's deficit on the fact that there's climate change because the IRS couldn't collect money until November 16th. What the fuck? Jethro Cardona, is this pod getting shadow banned? No notification. Showed, but yet we are live. What the fuck? I don't know. Probably. Who knows?
Starting point is 01:02:16 Yeah, Keith, I saw that too. The floods in Dubai recently was because they manipulated the weather and they couldn't control what they caused. You know, if you guys want to see an amazing video on that remember that guy I had on the show His name is Lewis Lewis Brackpool Louis Brackpool. Is that let me see if I can find his YouTube Louis Brackpool. Oh here it is this video is fascinating and What's great is he takes from tons and tons of liberal media news sources. This is so good.
Starting point is 01:02:51 The website is Louis Brackpool. I had this guy on the show. I should have him back. He's even provided visual representations of solar radiation management methods, such as space-based methods. Another 200 ground cloud seeding machines to be put in before next season. Ginger, this is such a cool concept. This is ABC News reporting on 200 cloud seeding machines. This is, I think, just in California or something.
Starting point is 01:03:23 But is it too good to be true? I mean, how do we know that the chemicals that they're spraying from the air aren't bad for us or the planet? The good news is we've been doing this since the night. And then Dubai got destroyed and they were doing some crazy weather modification shit. Anyway, this is a great video. This guy kills it. This guy's awesome. video. This guy kills it. This guy's awesome. At a small scale. I mean, it's pathetic really,
Starting point is 01:03:57 isn't it? It's crucial to recognize that in order to gather data for computer simulated research, field reports and real world experimentation are essential. Without these these the validity of the sim yeah this thing's so good and he gets he gives all these reports from different organizations that basically if you don't believe in cloud seeding at that point i don't know what to say to you there it's it's not like all from far right uh i was 10 years old with alex jones oh when he started saying that stuff. No, I remember back in the day, um, they talked about weather manipulation on Joe Rogan. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:04:31 No, wait, we can manipulate weather. Fuck. I don't know. I don't even know the answer to that, but, but it's the,
Starting point is 01:04:39 the fact that they're trying is not a, uh, not a conspiracy. So there's that. is not a not a conspiracy so there's that I mentioned to I mentioned to Bill Asseli when he was on here
Starting point is 01:04:58 San Francisco's alcohol program here it is has been governor for five years alcohol program. Here it is. He's been governor for five years. He spent $24 billion on the homeless, added 30,000 homeless, and can't tell us where the money went.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Finally, he was confronted. Watch. Is your administration doing enough to determine whether the money that's being plowed into homelessness is being well spent? One of the vaccine issues that was highlighted in the audit was local and each city and county has different strategies and approaches. We're trying to level set that. I'm sorry, governor. I didn't hear responses to either of those questions. Do you acknowledge whether the money that the- This reporter you can tell was born in LA. I'm sorry, governor. I didn't hear any answers to those questions. She's still got a little valley girl in her but that the state isn't doing
Starting point is 01:05:49 enough to ensure that the money is being well spent the audit did not surprise me um this state has advanced unprecedented investments you're, and unprecedented interventions demanding more accountability with state money at the local level. Where'd the $24 billion go? Don't look at me. I'm just the governor, but I knew we were going to lose it. But don't worry, they have a new plan. San Francisco is going to give the homeless shots of vodka. Here's the goal. Keep alcoholics drunk, but not too drunk. The city's running a managed alcohol program for homeless addicts for five million bucks a year. Basically a speakeasy that they're running out of an old hotel in the Tenderloin where it's happy hour all day. Nurses come around like cocktail waitresses
Starting point is 01:06:37 with beer, wine or liquor to, quote, meet their addiction needs, but keeping someone at a safe level of intoxication gavin's been governor for five years he's spent 24 fucking nuts free booze subsidized alcohol for uh thieves and addicts you can't even fucking believe this shit. San Francisco under fire for program giving booze to homeless alcoholics. Where's the recovery in all of this? A $5 million pilot program bringing
Starting point is 01:07:14 free beer, wine, and vodka shots to San Francisco's homeless alcoholics aims to relieve the city's emergency services. But one addict turned recovery advocate says the effort misses the mark and only delays recovery for those who need it. It's not a good idea, not when you consider the fact that over the last four years, San Francisco spent $20 million to basically service a total of a couple hundred people by giving them free vodka and beer. For that amount of money, we could have funded 60 drug treatment beds instead.
Starting point is 01:07:48 cities manage alcohol programs operated by its department of public health and focuses on administrating limited quantities of alcohol to prevent serious side effects of withdrawal Mike McCaskey San Francisco's voters enable this I have no compassion for their misery some cities can't even provide their citizens with clean water. San Francisco is providing booze. Lots and lots of booze. All right.
Starting point is 01:08:44 Anything else? alright anything else anything else you guys want to hear about Todd what's this guy's name Todd Medley the guy got fired from Noble or whatever. What do you guys want to hear about?
Starting point is 01:09:18 I'm toast. I can't believe Laura Horvath is Adidas. Oh, you want to hear about Diddy? God, Dan Guerrero is such a douchebag. I just lumped fucking you in there too david um uh even though you didn't say anything just because kill two birds with one stone what did he say the other day i saw a comment somewhere i don't know if it was on social media or on youtube but he was like oh seven not do you still think did he still innocent i don't think he's innocent or guilty but if everyone's going around saying he fucking buttfucked uh um uh justin bieber and usher and made them take the cock in the ass in order to get a record deal i need more proof than just
Starting point is 01:10:20 fucking some crazy chick on instagram who makes a living talking shit about Diddy. What's that crazy chick's name? There's some crazy chick on Instagram who's just everywhere talking shit about him. And it's like, hey, like, I need more than that. Now, the video of him fucking beating his chick, yeah. But beating your chick is way different than forcing a guy or raping Justin Bieber when he's 14 years old. I don't think that there's any connection there. And I want to know this.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Why did that video take so long to come out? Why? That's obviously a hotel security cam footage someone told me that he probably when that footage came out he probably paid some amount of money to keep it hidden and then those people then didn't destroy it and then resold it but who knows but there's a there's a difference between butt-fucking kids and fucking hitting a woman. And by no means do I think that he's innocent of hitting that woman.
Starting point is 01:11:34 50k, that's how much that footage cost? Only 50k? Damn. uh ken walters i believe a crazy guy on podcast about everything crossfit thank you oh 50k for the video is that really how much they paid or you're just guessing hotel employees should be charged why for not like running I mean, I doubt they saw it live I doubt they had someone there watching the security cam footage if you're insinuating that they saw the beating And they didn't go up there and do anything Will he be charged for that that's the question
Starting point is 01:12:23 Yeah, I I find it interesting what do you think happened with uh will he be charged for that? That's the question. Yeah, I find it interesting. What do you think happened with Rad? Do you think they signed Danielle and Laura to sell their shoes? They got Danielle because she's the big dick in the United States, and they got Laura because she's the big dick in Europe. And then, now they're sending shoes to everyone and their mother. Did you see that? They've gone full mush. I saw this today. This is so funny. Oh my God. This is so funny. Look at this. Uh, do you remember when Dave Lipson used to be a CrossFitter? Look at this. This is awesome. This is so so funny someone sent me this today i've never worn these shoes i have no idea if these shoes are nice shoes or not so so let's start there do i think that
Starting point is 01:13:18 they're ugly like i think they're beyond ugly i think they're i i i don't like it i i am and that's just my aesthetic but i don't like like a shoe where it looks like everyone's wearing high heels. I don't like it where it looks like the soul, like whatever that thing is that wraps around the bottom of a shoe. I don't like that thing to be big. So that's my bias. And I have a wide foot. But people love this shoe. People love this shoe. But check this out. This is Dave Lipson. And he says, companies send us stuff all the time.
Starting point is 01:13:51 We tell them if we like it, then we will let people know. I'm a crazy fan of these shoes. They sent these over, and I'm stoked. I'm definitely going to wear them for my duathlon this coming month. For those guys that know me, you might be surprised. They actually like to, they actually like to run. However, it has been,
Starting point is 01:14:10 what the fuck does it say? Definitely going to wear them for my duathlon this coming month. For those guys that know me, you might be surprised. They actually like to run. However, it has to be with the right shoes. Otherwise it's absolutely miserable for me. I'm very picky.
Starting point is 01:14:21 They need to look good. They need to look good and feel good. And most importantly, bring the thunder. I don't believe any of that shit. You guys got to check out these new rad are what? Yeah, I just don't think that that's an attractive shoe at all. Shoes. They're fucking awesome, man. I'm so happy that they uh sent me these i'm really grateful uh i love them for a couple reasons one they look great they feel awesome most importantly for a guy like me a little bit bigger like running terrible hate it my feet hurt my shins a bigger guy like me, he hates running.
Starting point is 01:15:08 I cannot wear those little minimalist shoes. These are just like my hokas. Look how clean that shoe is. I want you to look how clean that shoe is. I want you to look at the heel. Look at the heel. Look how absolutely perfectly clean those shoes are. Do you think that those shoes have ever been worn? Oh, Rambler.
Starting point is 01:15:28 I have wide feet and rads are perfect for it. Okay. Fair enough. Rads are too narrow. Oh. Interesting. Yeah, never worn. These shoes have never been worn right
Starting point is 01:15:46 Mike B Dave's biggest accomplishment Is that he nails Camille Okay here we go Freaking love that Wait did you see the bottom of the shoe there Fuck They're super cushy I've been on a couple runs already with them
Starting point is 01:16:04 I've been on a couple runs with them already There's no fucking way that shoe has been run in There's no fucking way Where did he run? Awesome I've been in the gym pumping iron Yeah the bottom of that shoe has not been touched The bottom of that shoe has not seen the ground
Starting point is 01:16:23 Run on treadmill? Maybe. Okay. Fair enough. Fair enough. They look great. They feel great. You gotta check them out. They're really, really cool. I saw the bottom again. Great job. Oh, look. Oh, I do see a little dirt
Starting point is 01:16:40 on it right there. See that? I do see a little dirt right there. See it on the bottom? I see a little smoo it right there see that I do see a little dirt right there see it on the bottom I see a little smooch but those have not no one's gone on a run on those maybe a treadmill and God dude look at the really you have wide feet
Starting point is 01:17:01 Sevan's been hanging out with Hiller too much and you have what do you Sevan's been hanging out with Hiller too much. And you have, do you think those are wide toes? I don't know, man. I don't know. And so it looks like Rad's on like the full mush campaign. They're basically just sending shoes out to everyone. And then, I mean, not me, but they just sending shoes out to everyone uh and then i mean not me but they're sending shoes out to everyone and uh
Starting point is 01:17:31 there we go you think that tennis court's at his house God if I had a tennis court at my house I'd always be on it you get a house with a tennis court everyone donated dollars so I can buy a house with a tennis court I bet you that is his house. Let me see if I can see the tennis court again. Shit. That's dope. Unless he... Is that his house? Does anyone know?
Starting point is 01:18:24 I've donated enough for a tennis court. Okay, thank you. Who follows him? Is that his house? Where do you got to move to get a tennis court? Hmm. All right. Remember Dave asking Stefan why he was asking him stupid questions instead of filming his hot girlfriend? No, I don't remember that. Was that in a behind the scenes? I don't remember that. Was that in a behind the scenes? I don't remember that. He lives in Clearwater. Oh, is that are they Jethro? Thank you. Thank you. One dollar closer is Clearwater. Is that where the spaceship is for the Scientologist?
Starting point is 01:19:22 the spaceship is for the Scientologist? Clearwater... Are they Scientologists? I could see him being a Scientologist. Clearwater Scientology. Flag building. Oh yeah, it's their fucking... Why are Scientologists in Clearwater? To establish a program at its headquarters
Starting point is 01:19:38 at School of Theology, so to speak, in the old Fort Harrison Hotel to take control of the city. That's cool wow that's it that's an incredible building that they have there it looks like the one in um los angeles they got a fucking massive building in los angeles too that's a nice hotel. The flag building, also referred to as the superpower building, is the largest building in Clearwater, Florida. It's owned by the Church of Scientology and was built principally to deliver the superpower rundown,
Starting point is 01:20:24 a high-level Scientology training course intended to train Scientologists to use the Scientology described as all of their 57 percepts, perceptics, or senses. The interior of the building contains training suites, course rooms, theaters, and various devices intended to test, perceptics, perceptics or senses. The interior of the building contains training suites, course rooms, theaters, and various devices intend to test these perceptics, including a time machine, an anti-gravity simulator, and an infinite pit and a pain station.
Starting point is 01:20:35 Wow. Pain station. The complex occupies the city block 215 South Fort Harrison Avenue. It includes 15 story tower top with Brian's side, sign top bronze scientology cross construction began in 1998 was halted in 2003 and was ultimately resumed to reach substantial completion during 2011. the long delaying construction led to the substantial fines being levied by the city city's authorities that building is only worth 80 million The building is only worth $80 million?
Starting point is 01:21:10 The building was opened to the public on October 6, 2013. It would attract approximately 10,000 Scientologists. However, a month later, it emerged that the church had canceled the ceremony and postponed the opening of the building. Perceptix the Church of Scientology in house magazine source has promoted the program as being aimed to shift the creation of a new civilization into overdrive
Starting point is 01:21:31 oh shit Perceptix are the 57 Perceptix are time, sight, taste, color, depth, solidity relative sizes, sounds, pitch, tone, volume rhythm, smell, taste, color, depth, solidity, relative sizes, sounds, pitch, tone, volume, rhythm, smell, touch. Wow. Oh, shit. Artist rendering of a training equipment to be used for delivering superpower rundowns.
Starting point is 01:21:57 Wow, they got machines that, like, work on your, help you develop your superpowers. It's 127,000 square feet. Hmm. What a trip. All right. Well, good luck. I hope they. Dave Lipson looks like a caricature drawing of Dave Lipson.
Starting point is 01:22:37 Pool boy so high on Raphael Sanson. Four days until my boy makes a statement. Sanson. I'm so pumped to be at the West Coast Classic. I'm fired up already. I wonder if Scientologists are like, if they're like in general, if they're like a happy people. Do you move there like is that like a dead giveaway if you move there that you're a scientologist is that just that's just what it is is that just what it is i want to get this guy on the show i hope he gives me more than 15 minutes.
Starting point is 01:23:27 54% of electric vehicles made globally. You don't know? I don't know about that number. The answer is China. Where is the critical... Hold on a minute. Where is 73% of cobalt refining? Where does it take place globally? Overseas.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Where specifically? Probably China. Yeah, China. Where is most cobalt mining performed? Who owns most of the cobalt mines in the world? Probably most of that sourcing is in Africa. China has the majority. 77% of electric vehicle cathodes are made in China.
Starting point is 01:24:03 92% of anodes are made in China. 92% of anodes are made in China. 66% of battery cells are assembled in China. The New York Times recently did a report on this. The New York Times is not a notably right-wing publication. They said, can the world make an electric car battery without China? Their conclusion, the only winner so far is China. My question is, why would we want to make our auto industry dependent on supply chains in China? Why is that a good idea? We don't. Then why are you doing it? The entire point of this
Starting point is 01:24:34 conversation, the entire point of this hearing is to domesticate and make more reliable the sourcing of the materials. Then why are you shutting down critical mining in the United States? We're not. You are. Why did you close the twin metals mine in this country earlier this year? 225,000 acres in Minnesota, where are 54% of electric vehicles made globally? And that's a crazy story about them shutting down that mine. I looked into that, too. It's fucking bizarre.
Starting point is 01:25:06 It is almost like there's people in our government who are trying to help China overthrow the fucking United States. It's bizarre. Alright, thanks for hanging in there, guys. I'll be back at some point today. Let's see, has Dave done
Starting point is 01:25:22 the Dave Castro Week in Review? Week in Review, Dave Castro. How the fuck do you get to this? How do you get to this? Nope, hasn't done it yet. Or I don't see it. Videos?
Starting point is 01:25:48 Yeah, the last one he put up is six days ago on the 13th. So I assume he'll put one up today. We'll get that reviewed. Then on tomorrow morning, tomorrow's Tuesday. Tomorrow morning, normally I don't do a show, but I'm going to have Elle on. That is Danielle Brandon's coach and Kelsey Keels. Coach will be on tomorrow. And then Sousa has a show.
Starting point is 01:26:16 And then I go get my rental car. And then I wake up Wednesday morning. I don't know what's going to happen Wednesday morning. I don't think that there's a show Wednesday morning. Wednesday morning, I'll drive down to Los Angeles I'll set up the podcast studio there at the at the palatial network uh house some like eight bedrooms or some crazy shit 13 beds all the boys will run in one by one hopefully I'll have the podcast studio set up well i'll jump on hang out with you guys and then thursday i'm going to i don't know if i'm doing a podcast
Starting point is 01:26:52 thursday morning either i haven't figured out what's going to happen but then thursday um we'll do kill taylor and then i'm going to go over to carson to the stub hub center or whatever it's called now i'll meet meet with Kenzie over there. That's my point of contact over there. She'll give me a walkthrough of the facility. I'll have all the boys with me, boys and girls. And then I think that there's an orientation. And at that orientation, I'll start to film the behind the scenes,
Starting point is 01:27:18 which I'm so excited about. We got a couple new pieces of equipment to hopefully bring a new feel. We got a cool 360 cam and we got lots of new portable mics. Hopefully this will be feel more like Wadapalooza than the games in terms of the fact that we'll have all sorts of live audio from the field of competition. All right. Talk to you guys soon. Bye bye.

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