The Sevan Podcast - Athena Perez | Working with Larger Bodies Seminar

Episode Date: September 13, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later. Because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Bam! We're live. Oh shit, bad internet connection already how am i am i good volume's good everything's good hey good morning deadly good morning athena hey see you in a minute buster ron
Starting point is 00:01:15 augustus buster uh geez louise what's up dude jake i saw your video. Very cute. Good morning, Ken. Lots of, lots of, lots of, lots of thoughtful comments from Ken. Always love having you around, dude. You're a good dude. You're a good dude with a good moral compass. I appreciate you. Handlin from Born Primitive, the CEO, the guy who went to Yale, he was a SEAL, etc. That guy, someone asked if we had a discount code for the show. And I sent him a text. And he wrote back and he said, Okay, we'll give you guys a discount code. I do not know how long it's going to last. I think he said 10 days. And that was like four days ago. And I forgot to give it to you guys. I put it in my Instagram and the code is SAVAGE, S-A-V-A-G-E, launch, all one word, L-A-U-N-C-H, SAVAGE, launch, and you get 10% off, which is if it's $130 pair of shoes, that's 13 bucks. So anyway, I thought that was crazy, crazy, crazy cool of him. Who wants to give a discount for a new product that's going to sell great anyway?
Starting point is 00:02:30 So the discount code is SAVAGE LAUNCH. How's my, Corbin, how's my internet? Is it good? It says I have two bars. I mean, I'm hardwired in, but it still concerns me that it says that. Am I choppy at all? Am I clear to everyone? Well, I thought you'd never ask, Carlos.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Who's on this morning? There she is. What an easy week for me. What an easy week. What's up, girl? Hi. Thanks for doing this. Well, thanks for having me.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Always. Did you paint the wall behind you? No. Oh, you didn't? No. Oh. I know you have great attention to detail, and I just like it how it's a white wall and then a molding and then a red wall,
Starting point is 00:03:25 and I was just like, okay. I'm still debating changing out that red color I keep threatening to paint it blue but and that wooden thing um down on the bottom that stick is that a uh a plunger or an axe shit that is please tell me it's a plunger I would love it if it was a plunger oh my no it's a butter churn oh I have no idea what that is we don't have it's a plunger i would love it if it was a plunger oh no it's a butter churn oh i have no idea what that is we don't have it's a butter churn we don't have those in california i never made my own butter but i liked it yeah you like the way it looked yeah yeah it is cool damn i was so hoping that was a plunger uh there must be a joke here that i don't get athena is brian shaw's uh pt does he use a butter
Starting point is 00:04:09 churn for part of his physical therapy there's brian shaw's the strongest man in the world athena is brian shaw's pt i don't even know what that means like physical therapist it might he he must have made a video where he's so big he's the strongest man in the world it must have been like they must have been using something like to like loosen his calf or i'm guessing or get to his psoas or something a butter churn i have no idea what a churn is for i have no idea well how what is it do you know what it is do you know what it's for like what the process is is it for making butter or cream or what? I think so. I don't know how to use it. I have no idea. Never tried.
Starting point is 00:04:55 I'm going to see you on September 30th. I know. I'm excited. I'm really excited. How many of these seminars have you done? I'm really excited. How many of these seminars have you done? That's a good question. I think this is going to be number 10 or 11. Fucking amazing. September 30th, Craig Howard's Gym, Diablo CrossFit, Pleasanton, California. You can fly into San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, Sacramento.
Starting point is 00:05:27 You can fly into any of those airports. Is there room still available? There's a couple spots, yeah. And they would go to the website Is that right? That's right. And the website's been around for a few years. A while. Yeah. It started off with, you know, just having the information on the box.
Starting point is 00:06:05 And then interesting thing about that, though, we had just a landing page for a really long time. And, you know, we opened up Scaled Nation CrossFit and, you know, we were full in the first two weeks. And it was like that ever since. So it's just been this constant waiting list because I just couldn't take any more people. Our seminar not only covers how to physically train and progress athletes through movements commonly seen in crossfit and other types of functional fitness training but also how to educate and empower trainers and gym owners to make their gyms a welcoming and compatible environment for larger bodies yeah and the l and the b are capitalized lba large bodies yeah what's what's the a stand for athletes athletes oh i like it okay yeah uh i met you originally you came on to the crossfit podcast and then um you wrote a book called weightless is that right lifting the weight that was the first one the one that you
Starting point is 00:07:03 shared last night that's the second one coming out, which thank you, by the way. Oh, that one hasn't come out yet. Oh, I can't wait. Is that going to be an audio form too? Yes. Okay. Great book, Lifting the Weight. I got it through the Apple bookstore and listened to the audio book.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Great book. Thank you. Great, great, great book. I'm not just saying it because you're here. What a cool book. Thanks. My mom liked liked the book my mom's a fucking tough critic yeah it was it was hard i was the first time i'd ever learned how to do the you know the audio and i had no idea just how much went into it just how much goes into doing a book and doing audio and you should consider
Starting point is 00:07:45 reading other people's books. People should consider hiring you to read their books. Great book. No way. Yeah. But thank you. But no way. Cha-ching.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Cha-ching. There it is. Do you have an agent? No. But Greg Amundsen was my publisher on this one. Oh, okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Yeah. Great guy. Yeah. one. Oh, okay. Great guy. Very well connected man. Clydesdale Media. Athena is an amazing woman and is doing great things. I totally agree. Thank you, Scott. And then
Starting point is 00:08:17 Lindsay Heidel. The book is so good. Thank you. You can even drop that second O and put an L in there. The book is so good. Thank you. You can even drop that second O and put an L in there. The book is gold. That's the way I saw it at first, yes. Read the book. Had you back on the show.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Great conversation. Lots of fun. We are also friends outside of the show. We text. We laugh. We are. You know, that's interesting. outside of the show uh we text we laugh we are you know that's interesting that i i don't think people understand that we do we do talk right we are friends and i don't have a i'm not trying to
Starting point is 00:08:55 um well fine i'm trying to put myself on a pedestal here but i don't have a lot of room for friends either because i'm just constantly going and going and some people are require in their friendships more than i can give and you're such an easy friend that's why i said when i saw when i saw that you were on the show i was like yes this i just have such an easy week these are all just people i can just talk to it's gonna be chill and it's gonna be cool um and you have a you have a very uh you have a crazy, wild, fun life with tons of stimulus. Not only do you have this website and the seminar, but you're involved in a lot of other things. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:33 In wild things. Like, for instance, I remember last time you said you went to – oh, and I'll be at this seminar. Let me finish up with the seminar. September 30th, Scaled Nation Seminar. Go to the website, And on the 30th, I will also be at that seminar and I'll be filming, which I'm really, really, really excited about for a bunch of reasons. New cameras, new people. And this is something that I used to do for CrossFit. I would film their seminars and I felt like it was where I did my best work. best work are you excited to be there what yeah what are you hoping to what is your what is your i mean other than filming like what is your motivation for being there um on the on the self-interest part um i'm there i'm interested there to show off like like i want to be like hey athena look what i did you know what i mean like i want to like be like, Hey, Athena, look what I did. You know what I mean? Like, I want to like, be like, look how good I got your audio. Look at I interviewed your, the participants there. Look at all these powerful stories I got. Look at I, then I can show off to my kids. And I can be like, yeah, 10 extra people went to the seminar over the next year because of these videos I made. And then they introduced it to 100 other people. And those people got healthy. Like, that's my self-interest part is to just like flex my muscle and be like, look what I can do.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I can, I can participate and get people, uh, information in front of them, you know? And then the, and then the service part is obviously like, and it's so, it's so mixed with the self-interest part for me, but you're my friend, and I'm so excited. I'm so excited for all the people in my ecosystem that work hard, and I have a lot of people who work hard in my group. And we're all pretty low-maintenance, just hardworking people. And I'm just – I know that I'm putting my – I'm giving my energy to the right person. I'm tipping the guy at Starbucks who smiled to me, said hi to my kids, and then told me that, oh, I saw your mom in here yesterday. Like hit all those notes that – and I know I'm doing that with you too. I know I'm servicing someone who's going to take my efforts and run with them. So that's my whole thing.
Starting point is 00:11:50 I feel like it's going to be a perfect Saturday of my life. It's awesome. I have hopes. Well, I know. This is going to be the best course that we've done. It's taken a while just to get it where it's at right now. So it's evolved. We were kind of a shit show when we started, but it's getting better.
Starting point is 00:12:10 I remember going to the early seminar. Even when I went to the seminar in 2006, the CrossFit Games seminar, early 2007, it was a complete shit show. There were 60 participants. Greg did all the lectures, and there were 40 staff who worked it, people who had been to the seminar before. Complete chaos. But fuck, still, you left there just being like wow that
Starting point is 00:12:29 was awesome and so you can leave with a wow that's awesome and it still be just chaos you know what i mean it's still that's true that's true um oh wait there was something from miss burns mrs burns uh raw unpasteurized butter is full of intact fat soluble fats adek it also has a ton of active enzymes that aid in digestion and absorption absorption of nutrients just to name a few healthy benefits okay oh yeah what was that previous one show it oh uh cave dastro ken walters you were probably eating it with a large number of refined carbohydrates when eating closer to the CrossFit prescription butter in moderation can be absolutely part
Starting point is 00:13:08 of it. They're talking about, but I can't see the live chat. Oh, yeah, probably good you can't. It's just a giant distraction. A sebon is a paid in flu
Starting point is 00:13:24 answer. I don't get it, but I like it. Whatever. God, I can't stand that word. That's one of my trigger words. Can you imagine wanting to be an influencer? No. That being your desire? Hey, props to those who want to do it.
Starting point is 00:13:41 It's a big responsibility. Heidi, is she single are you single yes yeah um heidi heidi has to ask get the low down on everyone um so so what i want to ask you about is this there was there was a um probably didn't think i'm gonna go here there was a i never know where you're gonna go first of all so i'm just like where's he gonna go okay you you were invited to um dc uh district of columbia to testify about voter fraud you saw right did you work in a and i can't remember the exact story. Did you work in a balloting booth or a balloting office or? Yes, but I think these are two separate things
Starting point is 00:14:33 getting mixed together. So there was the voter anomalies in Minnesota. Wow, that's very nice of you. It happens. There was about, there was a group of about 15 or 20 of us that, that, uh, experienced some pretty janky stuff. Um, but honestly, I think like every election season, there's, this has been going on from the beginning of time. Okay. So, uh, we reported it, they did an investigation. We were asked to give our statements. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:06 You know, obviously with the hope that they'll be able to fix these things, they'll do the investigations and hopefully it won't happen again. D.C. was during election week. Like January 6th. That's election week, right? No, no. Okay. What's election? Oh, no. Election week's in November. November. Okay. November. Right. The reason I went, the umbrella that I went, I was doing a book signing and it just so happened that a lot. We're doing a big book sighting in District of Columbia in November of election week. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:50 In the country's capital. Okay. Yes, because one of the groups, I was part of like this women's Christian reading book, or like a club, and they were all going to DC to do all kinds of like prayer things and marches and things like that. So they were all going to be there. And I actually met this group, you know, by, by doing CrossFit. And so there was like 20 or 30 ladies
Starting point is 00:16:17 that were going to be heading out there. And they're like, Athena, we want you to come. Can you do this? We're going to be there. We'll do a prayer. And I was like, that's awesome. Yes. Can you do this? We're going to be there. We'll do a prayer. And I was like, that's awesome. Yes. So that's why I was there. Not in January. Not to be confused with January. It was in November. And so you're there and some crazy shit went down during that November, right? Or just just normal. I mean, not crazy compared to like the BLM riots, but just there were a lot of people there protesting in the streets, right? I mean, it was actually, so I walk out of the hotel that day and I had no idea how many things were going on that day. My walk out of the hotel, we get done, we walk up the hill, we go up to the, I forgot what that little area is called. Everybody goes we walk up the hill, we go up to the, I forgot what that
Starting point is 00:17:05 little area is called. Everybody goes up there for prayer. So we go up there, we do a prayer and then everybody kind of disperses. And I walked down and I was amazed because I had never seen that many people in one place at one time. I was in awe, but it wasn't. Yes, a Trump rally was happening that day, but there was lots of rallies happening that day. There was every color under the rainbow out there. There was black. There was red. There's blue. But you weren't there for any of those rallies.
Starting point is 00:17:39 You were there for your book. I guess you could say I was present during what was happening yes but yeah but you bought a ticket to go out there because of a book signing and some shit you were doing with christian reading group yeah and and then and then you were then um but then you were then accused right wasn't there something in the new york times or somewhere where didn't like somehow CrossFit get involved in CrossFit? Like someone contacted CrossFit and was like, hey, you have a bad person in your ranks, like a FBI agent, Athena Perez, a double agent. Yes. Yes. Can you remind me what happened there?
Starting point is 00:18:21 How do I how do I break this down? how do I, how do I break this down? I just like it. I like this story because you're just there in DC and you just get drugged. Like just for someone's fantasy, you get drug into it. Um, well, I definitely got drug into the drama cause there was literally no drama at the time. So anyway, so, okay, so let's, we'll tell the story. So I walk outside, I see everything going on. I'm in awe. I'm like, well, in my mind, I was like, well, this is what our, this is what our system's all about. If somebody wants to go protest for any reason, doesn't matter what side they're on. We have a country that allows us to do that. And I'm like, awesome. like awesome did it feel safe it was just like people walking around i didn't feel unsafe at all okay everybody was very nice i didn't run into anybody that was like yelling or screaming or i know some shit went down that night but when i was there during the day everything was was beautiful and fine and peaceful um so anyway so i walk outside my mom um my mom's like i want to see there was a big trump rally going on. She wanted to see what
Starting point is 00:19:26 was going on. So I was like, all right. So I grabbed my phone. I take a picture or I take a video. It was like 15 seconds. And I was like here. So I posted it on my Facebook and all I said, all I said was, wow. And my mom got to see it and she was excited and i'm excited i'm like look at this this is cool and i never thought anything about it again and um and then we went through the election we went through january we all know what happened there We get into the first part of the year where we all don't know what happened there. Well, well, there you go. Right. And, um, we get through the chaos and, um, the council has officially formed and what council, what council, The DEI council. At CrossFit Inc.? Yes. Okay. And there was a reporter.
Starting point is 00:20:30 I keep wanting to say TMZ, but it's not TMZ. It's another outlet. It was doing a story on Marjorie Taylor Greene. And I'm not sure what the tie-in was to the council, but she's doing this article on TMZ. she and she's a crossfitter she worked she worked out at travis mayor's gym i think or maybe she used to own it and travis bought it from her or something like that there's some tie there yeah i knew there was a tie and and she's she's definitely you know vocal controversial i guess i love her i like her so uh so they were doing this article. They sent me questions and I said, I don't have a problem interviewing for the article. I'm not
Starting point is 00:21:11 sure what it has to do with me, but yeah. So they were asking me questions about, um, about the, about the election. Do you feel this? Do you feel that? Uh, and they're like, um, do you feel like there was voter fraud, blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, if people want to say or how they feel, I respect how whatever they want to say or whatever they want to do, if they want to be out there protesting, fine. Again, I was talking about what happened in November. Anyway, so I answered her questions. I sent it back to her in writing because I wanted to make sure that she didn't take anything I said out of context she's a reporter for which paper the times no uh what it doesn't matter okay but a newspaper reporter it's very tmz-ish there's another
Starting point is 00:21:58 i forgot what the other one is just anyway. So I sent the I sent the questions back to her. And of course, it got taken out of context. Wasn't what I sent her. But I'm like, whatever. Didn't think much of it. And then it was about a week or two later, I get a call from CrossFit saying, Hey, Athena, you know, there's this reporter that reached out. There's some concerns, but don't worry. We'll protect you. Like protect me from what exactly? And of i'm nervous i'm like what happened i don't even know what i said what did i do and um i i don't know what the big deal was other than the article was tying trying to tie the this you know formation of the council together with this
Starting point is 00:23:02 marjorie taylor green article. To this day, I don't really know what the deal was. But anyway, so I guess there was some controversy, at least in the beginning, that I was conservative leaning. And now all of a sudden, I'm on this DEI council. And that would be inappropriate that those two wouldn't go together. The diversity equity inclusion program should not have anyone with conservative values. That was sort of the I was the implication. I think it might have been. And then and what are are there what would you consider like off the top of your head? If I said, Hey, what are, what are three conservative values? What would you say that they are?
Starting point is 00:23:50 God, country, family. Yeah. Crazy. How could you be, how could anyone be against that? I guess. How could anyone be? I don't, I don't know. I, I. At least, at least, at least two of them, at least two of them. I could understand. I could understand if maybe you want to push back
Starting point is 00:24:14 on the God thing, but country and family, my goodness. Yeah. So my interest in the council was, I didn't know that there was unspoken rules, that there was unspoken rules. I was not aware, totally unaware, blissfully unaware. What unspoken rules? What are the unspoken rules? I think that there was some assumptions by definitely a few members of the council that we all had the same belief system. members of the council that we all had the same belief system. And even though we did not, that doesn't mean that, you know, that it couldn't have been a wonderful council. Right. So it's, it's the, it's the thing. Um, it's the same thing that basically what Joe Biden said to that dude, Charlemagne, uh, if you don't vote for me, you're not black. Basically it was like that.
Starting point is 00:25:04 They looked at you. They saw that you wanted to be on the DEI council, and they made the assumption that you would be about whatever that they agreed upon as the things. I'm not sure what those would have been. Well, those things are – I'll tell you what those things are. Those things are to hire people based on the color of their skin, their genitalia, whose genitalia that they want in their mouth. So those are two important distinctions, not only the kind of genitalia you have but whose genitalia you want to fondle relative to your own. It's a very bizarre group of people. But that's true.
Starting point is 00:25:41 That's a foundational element of DEI. That's a cornerstone it really is i'm not saying it to be crass or to be shocking that is that i'm serious that is a foundational element whose genitalia you're attracted to relative to your own for people that want to be on the council just any anyone who's steeped in that diversity equity inclusion movement you don't think that that's true i don't okay i think color do you think color of skin is i i firmly believe that i met some amazing people i'm not saying that they're not amazing okay go on wonderful wonderful you know like
Starting point is 00:26:18 crossfit is hiring people based on the color of their skin. I don't know. Okay, I do. I don't know. I'm saying, I'm making this up. I don't know who they're hiring. Okay, okay. Well, they are. And they never did that when I was there. Never.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Not once. Yeah. And we probably had a more diverse staff. And they're hiring people based on their... Anyway, go on. Sorry. I don't know. Let me ask you this question one more time.
Starting point is 00:26:44 What's that? Just in general, in the world today, I think diversity and equity inclusion councils in general hire people based on their genitalia and the genitalia that they're attracted to that they want to be intimate and shower with. I think that that's a foundational component of DEI councils throughout the world. You disagree with that? I don't know that I can agree. Okay, okay, okay. Maybe. I don't know. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:17 I know I went to the – I wanted to join the council just because I definitely wanted to represent my little slice of the inclusion pie and make sure that. Which is what, what, what part is that? What part is your part? I mean, I wanted to represent larger bodied athletes in CrossFit. I wanted to make things more accessible. There was lots of things that I was interested in. I was interested in making sure like the closed captions got seen through. I was interested in these, you know, the, the cost difference between like any, any of the countries south of the border,
Starting point is 00:27:51 it's hard getting equipment. I mean, these are all the things that I was super fascinated with. And then obviously I did have an interest in just making sure that, that there was balance. Can you give me an example example the closed caption thing makes sense right yeah you can't hear and so you need uh you want to try to make things more accessible for people who can't hear so you're looking for writing on the screen um yeah but let's be clear that initiative started long before the council long before the council right right and and and um but what would be some of the things that would be inclusive for larger body athletes like what would be like something like um
Starting point is 00:28:30 um i wanted to get the shirts okay so so clothing that was one of them yeah sure and um and in any anything else that specifically that comes to mind um like was there any language that upset you that crossfit used in their level one upsets too strong any language you wanted adjusted anything like that that that you can remember jumps out at you i saw nothing i saw nothing wrong with the level one whatsoever. Yeah. My issue wasn't with CrossFit training materials at all. Well, there was one, there was one.
Starting point is 00:29:18 But that was, that was after the formation of the council. There was one thing that I, I made a big deal about, regrettably. I shouldn't have, but I did. Somebody had sent me at one point this new section in the level two that they had just created, and it was this new nutrition section. had just created. And it was this new nutrition section. And, you know, I shared it out with, you know, my audience. And I was like, what do you, what do you guys think about this? I read through it and I was like, there was a lot of words that wasn't sitting right. And I'm like, I don't like how this sounds. It sounds terrible. But I was like, maybe, maybe I'm, maybe I'm just
Starting point is 00:30:03 getting too emotionally involved in it. So I sent it out and the comments that came back were exactly the same now where i where i think that i made a big mistake was i didn't filter those that feedback and i took it to the writer and i did not filter it. And I should have, what does that mean? Filter? What did it say? Can you tell us?
Starting point is 00:30:30 No, no, the feedback was not, it was not constructive feedback. It was, it was tearing it up. And so you got, you got angry and said something like more aggressive than in hindsight,
Starting point is 00:30:43 you're like, I should have been less aggressive in my future. Oh, I hope I don't cry. I felt awful. I felt really, really terrible that I did that. God, I'm so glad to hear this story because I think of you as so perfect in that domain. The way I see you handle shit is always so – I didn't like –
Starting point is 00:30:58 You're so classy. I wasn't raising my voice or anything like that. raising my voice or anything like that. It was just, I should have, I should have filtered that feedback because I know just now that I have my own course. It would have, I'm trying to figure out how do I say this? It didn't have to, I could have taken that feedback and delivered it a different way. But what I did was I taken that feedback and delivered it a different way. But what I did was I took the feedback and I said, this is what everybody's saying. And I probably could have omitted some of that because I didn't necessarily agree with it, but I looked at myself kind of at the time as like the delivery person. And that's probably
Starting point is 00:31:41 not how it came across. It probably came across as Athena believes this and I'm raking them over the coals. And it just, it was not one of my finer days. Did that heal with that person? Oh man. I, when it happened, I, I, uh, I was crying because I knew immediately after I got off the phone that I, that I hurt his feelings and that like, I, I strongly dislike doing that. It would never be my intent to, to hurt someone or hurt somebody's feelings, but attack their work. And he, he said on the phone, he was like, well, you know, Athena, this is a starting place. We have to start somewhere. We have to get more nutrition education. And I was an idiot because he was right. We should.
Starting point is 00:32:30 And I should have I should have been more supportive. Well, hey, did it heal with you and that person? Yes, I I got I requested a meeting and I I got on a Zoom call with him. And I'm like, I'm sorry. Hey, that's cool. Good on you. The reason why it's important for you to, for that to heal is because you have a lot of work to do and, and there, and so the more,
Starting point is 00:32:57 the healthier your relationships are with people who can also help you get your work done or vital. And so that's, that's why I say like, it sounds like you went to higher ground. Yeah. I mean, it's all the importance of like, I had to, I had to check myself, you know, you don't, whether it was intended or not, I certainly don't intend to attack anyone ever, but I'm sure it came across like that. And you don't attack the people that are supposed to be on your same team. You know, like I need to, I need to define better ways to do that. Clydesdale media, Athena talked to me from Columbus to my hometown the day my father passed.
Starting point is 00:33:34 I will never forget that. And she will always hold a special place in my heart. You knew that his father passed, so you called him? Yeah. That's nice of you. I remember that day too. Thank you um i'd be more concerned i'd be more concerned that you might be an fbi agent than a conservative mr watson oh i got my james spade card
Starting point is 00:33:58 i'm i got my james spade card and you have that he's at brute strength I wonder if that's true we shall find out I'm going to say something crazy to you what? did you go to the games this year? I did not ok good
Starting point is 00:34:20 I'm like fuck did I see you at the games and I can't remember ok good that makes me happy Okay, good. I'm like, fuck, did I see you at the games and I can't remember? Okay, good. That makes me happy. I had a lot of people that were writing and they're like, why weren't you here? I don't get it. Why weren't you here?
Starting point is 00:34:41 And I needed to work on myself. That's why I stayed home like uh like some heavy shit um i think sometimes when we i think sometimes when we we experience setbacks i think it's really easy to you know to to become that i mean you just start living in it. And, um, that's, that's kind of what was happening. I was kind of on a downward slide and my nutrition was messed up. My, my gym schedule felt non-existent. I was just, uh, I was not in a very good place. I was just, I had too much on my plate and I don't regret all the work that I was doing, but I, you know, I was forgetting to take care of myself. And so I, you know, made the decision to stay home to just get my brain back.
Starting point is 00:35:37 So anything bad, I'm trying to figure out, are you referencing something bad or just life? Like you just, you were just on the hamster wheel. No, no. And just too much shit. And it was like, right now, my life's kind of like that. I have people visiting. I have too much good shit going on, and my life's kind of falling apart. I mean, it'll get back together. But you know, like you have too many fucking irons in the, like pizzas are burning because you have so many pizzas in the oven.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Sometimes. Yeah. Sometimes, yeah. Sometimes, yeah. Sometimes. Yeah. Sometimes. Yeah. Sometimes. Yeah. Something that happened during that two weeks is, is it's taken like a lot of time, you know, over the last couple of years to not internalize. It's a constant thing that I have to work on. You know, don't internalize everything that you hear. Don't internalize everything you hear. If I internalize everything you hear if i hear some you know bad word or whatever and that was like one of the missions that two weeks was just talk
Starting point is 00:36:31 to god and learn how to you know not internalize things so that i don't react in an attack way you know it's work uh brooke brooke warren you know yes it's work. Uh, Brooke, Brooke Ward. Yes, yes, yes. Go ahead. Oh yeah. Bring that back up in just a second. Uh, no, when I'm talking about like just the, just the, just the basic shit that happens, you know, I had this, um, I had this surgery in December, you know, when they found that tumor on my pancreas and it took a while to recover. So I'm down, you know, I'm not working out. My nutrition is kind of all over the board because they're trying to figure out like, you know, how's the body going to respond, whatever. And then in April, just right when I get to that point where I'm feeling like, okay,
Starting point is 00:37:20 I'm feeling strong. Let me get everything back on track. Then I had RSV in April. It was horrible. Couldn't breathe. And it was just like, it's been like one thing after another. Yeah. Okay. So got that in April and then I was down again and I just, I got down this time and I'm like, I just sometimes feel like I can't win. And I i'm like but you start saying stuff like that and then you know then that becomes your mindset i can't win i can't win so i needed to check myself did it work did you have a good yeah you weren't like the whole time being like fuck i should have gone to the games i fucked up no no it no it was a good decision this year i needed to i needed to to get my brain back for sure uh going back to the surgery all good tumors gone all good yeah tumors gone congrats that's awesome that shit can be scary thank you
Starting point is 00:38:21 just so uh just so i don't think's going to understand what we're talking about. So they found that I had an insulinoma. So it's basically like, youre that attaches to your pancreas and it causes your pancreas to pump out all this extra insulin that your body doesn't need. So they had to go in and take it out. Yeah, awesome. And did you noticeably feel different with it gone?
Starting point is 00:38:59 Were you like, oh, shit, thank you? Right away. Right away. God, that's rad. Yeah, the blood sugar is disabled right away, yeah. Good doctors. Brooke Ward, Athena
Starting point is 00:39:15 wanted people who take their level one to have a CrossFit shirt that fit after the seminar. Seems fair. Isn't the goal to get larger bodies into CrossFit and notice health what's the problem with having shirts oh that must be in response to something audrey said no no it's it listen go ahead go ahead you have anything you want to say to that sure i can go uh
Starting point is 00:39:37 you're gonna go um shirts that's a whole nother topic right right? We could, we could totally dive into that because I think that the whole shirt thing was misunderstood, partly my fault. But we wanted two things. We wanted to make sure that everybody that took the level one got their damn shirt. When you say we, who do you mean? You mean you, you mean you, we, the LBA community. I just happened to be, I guess the voice, you know, everybody that goes and takes a level one should be able to get a shirt. And I didn't see the issue with having some extended sizes in the level one shirts. These are walking, talking billboards. I don't understand why it would have been a big deal.
Starting point is 00:40:20 That's the whole point of getting people into CrossFit. So yeah, that was one. And then we wanted a shirt. Can somebody go buy a shirt with CrossFit on it again for the same purpose? And I, you know, I got the shit smacked out of me at first when this first got off the ground, because they're like, well, you know, what's the big deal? What's the big deal? Well, it is a big deal. It's a big deal for everybody in the CrossFit community. CrossFit just did a video the other day. Tell us your shirt story. You mean to tell me it's not a big deal? Of course it is. What's a big deal for everybody? So we wanted a shirt, one. Pick a color, black, white, red. I didn't care what color it was, just as long as it said CrossFit and somebody could go and buy it.
Starting point is 00:41:05 We wanted one. Here's the part I don't get. What? Why, even if you had to be like, okay, guys, anyone who has these shirts that are in the outlier sizes that we don't print a lot on. I've taken my kids to 10 jiu-jitsu tournaments and every and so that's uh 30 shirts we've gotten uh every because every time we go we get three shirts because i have three kids they've never given us a shirt that fits ever because my kids are so small even though fucking they make a shitload of money off of
Starting point is 00:41:38 little kids but i get it whatever it is what it is but but crossfit is is trying to draw people in why wouldn't you just have a portal that has really small shirts and really big shirts just outlier shirts right maybe shirts that were printed wrong that were cheaper just like what place where you just put shirt and just be like hey if you're a quadruple x you got to go over here and order from over here i just don't get the why wouldn't you want people in shirts? I just can't see there being any pushback there. There was. It seems – I know.
Starting point is 00:42:09 I don't understand it. It's financially so insignificant, the tradeoff. And if you think for every – let's say for every 10 shirts that you sell, someone is going to see those who's larger bodied also and go into an affiliate. I just don't see the down. I don't see the down anywhere. I don't see the argument. Like, I don't, I don't know. I just don't understand how they're going to push back anywhere. What is the big argument? What is the argument? I, I'm not a hundred percent sure how I could tell you something that I saw a lot. Yeah, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Because it also came up with Born Primitive. Okay. I saw you made a post. They actually did bring in larger bodied clothing, no? They did. Born Primitive is wonderful, and I'd love to give them a shout out. No, they did. Born Primitive is wonderful. And I'd love to give them a shout out. But. Something that I heard a lot at the time when this was such a big issue was that.
Starting point is 00:43:15 It was promoting obesity. If someone was obese and they wore a large shirt, it promoted obesity. Correct. beast and they wore a large shirt it promoted obesity correct that's that's fucking wild it was promoting obesity so one of the person who said that oh this was not one person that said that this was a massive mob saying this This was a massive mob saying this. Here's what happened. Let me give you an example. I'm struggling to make the connection.
Starting point is 00:44:06 They're saying that if someone larger body wore a shirt that said CrossFit, then it would be CrossFit endorsing that body so that basically if you don't have a perfect body, you shouldn't be allowed to wear a CrossFit shirt because wearing the clothes endorses that body? I think that's the logic, yeah. That's the logic I was trying to fight, yeah. It was nonsense. Nonsense. Dude, I see what they're saying, except the problem is that every human being on planet Earth wears shirts. It's ubiquitous.
Starting point is 00:44:27 And so you can't, you can't, you can't you i understand if you give someone a driver's license you're endorsing them to be a a driver on the road shirts aren't like that well well um shirts are are just a standard a piece of equipment of equipment we're all rocking. It starts mattering when it comes to the brand. Okay, so here's an example. Unfucking real. I'm going to tell you I'm struggling to believe this. I'm struggling to get my head wrapped around this. I couldn't make this shit up. So when we put the request out, this started on the We Belong page.
Starting point is 00:45:07 This was a couple years ago. Wait, one more thing. Sorry, one more thing. Let's say CrossFit was a clothing brand. Okay. Let's say you're Abercrombie and Fitch, and you want to appeal to kids who have eating disorders and who are extremely attractive and like this this certain look this vampire look right okay your clothing brand it's your prerogative it's
Starting point is 00:45:31 it's not even a fucking clothing it's a fucking lifestyle methodology brand i'm tripping i'm tripping i i can't i can't even stretch i can't even stretch it well good i mean at least you know now why I struggled with it so much. Why the pushback? Why are you fighting this? I understand the mob saying, did anyone actually in authority tell you that? Did anyone actually at HQ who was on the payroll tell you that? Yes.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Holy shit. Yes. Holy shit. Yes. Holy shit. Unreal. So there's a story there too. But I think that this is all relevant to the course actually, and I'll tell you why.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Were you on the DEI council when that happened? Yes. Oh my God. Oh my God. You must have been tripping. Oh, yeah. Tripping is a good word. I was like, we can't. How are we going to say these things and then push back on something so simple? recognize and we realize that this is an underserved demographic within CrossFit and we need to do better, yet we're going to push back on the simplest thing that we can do to help people feel like they're part of the club from day one. It doesn't make any sense to me. And was that the primary reason that they didn't want larger body people wearing something that said CrossFit on it because they thought it was bad for the brand? Well, let's not say they. It was only one person
Starting point is 00:47:03 that I heard it from, so I don't want to put everybody in the same bucket okay okay but but unfortunately this person was a person of authority so yes it was 10 times more disappointing because this is this is a leadership role so um but she you know anyway so um is she still at crossfit no oh she was terminated that's good it is good um born primitive was one of the um the brands that that uh bravely stepped forward and said, Yeah, we're gonna do this. We'll do a small extended size line for larger bodies within the CrossFit space. And I was like, Holy shit, this is awesome. And so we put together this group. And, you know, we got to create the size charts. And we got to create the measurement charts and we got to create the measurement charts. And we did so much work and got all the testers together.
Starting point is 00:48:10 And then, you know, Born Primitive was doing their thing. And then we got to we got to launch this little line. And I could not have been more excited the day that the article came out on Morning Chalk Up. And I'm like like it's finally here it was a two year in the in the making kind of thing and i know that born primitive put their heart and soul into it and you're working with one of the co-founders right mallory i saw mallory yeah she was great and it's just a good solid company. And I was mortified that day when the article came out. And they were, I mean, they were going to town on Born Primitive.
Starting point is 00:48:57 How could you do this? How could you do this? You're promoting obesity. I mean, I saw and heard everything under the sun. You mean in the comments it said that? Yeah. It was brutal. It was brutal. What do they want people – what clothes are larger body people supposed to wear if no one makes them? what they're thinking. They, you can't scream, Hey, come get healthy and then make the basic things that people need to come get healthy. Impossible. You know, active wear, a lot of
Starting point is 00:49:35 people don't know this, but active wear for larger bodies wasn't even a thing until 2015. We're not talking 30 years ago. We're talking 2015. Meaning you couldn't go into a Dixie. So if you wanted to work out at a CrossFit gym in 2010 and you were larger body, you'd have to just be wearing anything that you could find to fit. You weren't going to be going down to Dixie and getting sweats and a shirt. That's right. Hey, did Born Primitive find it
Starting point is 00:50:05 any, did it sell well? You know? I don't know. I wish that I had seen more on it. Right. But I didn't. I didn't see it in a newsletter or anything like that. But I mean, I would
Starting point is 00:50:22 hope that it did. I think in order to sell well, people have to know about it. Jacqueline Robertson, sorry I won't be able to catch the live, but I love you, Athena, and I love the course. So informative and well done. Oh, she took the course. She did. Oh, that's awesome. She did.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Caroline Morris, Athena simply is clarifying and removing barriers to entry for a a crossfitter for a crossfit for crossfit i mean honestly that's how i think that's how that's how i that's well said that's how i think sort of your mission to remove barriers on both sides on the people um who are uh greeting people at the door you're trying to remove it for the walmart greeters and for the people who want to shop at walmart you're removing the barrier for both. Correct. You know, there's, there's a different message I think to the athletes, and then there's a different message to the coaches. And I think the whole purpose for the course is how can we, yes, I hear you over here, athlete. And I understand everything you're saying. I know why there's fear. I know why there's intrepidation. I know all of this because
Starting point is 00:51:21 I'm there too. And then on the coach's side, it's like you can't be upset at people that don't know what they don't know. If they don't understand some of these things because they haven't had exposure, that doesn't mean it's their fault. What we want to do is say, hey, did you know all this stuff? Do you have exposure to all this stuff? And how can we bring the two together? Removing barriers on both sides, right? Extra sloppy. This is the kind of girl power i can really get behind i know me too because it's because because it's not girl power it's just a girl with power yeah i 100 agree um mad marv uh adherence
Starting point is 00:51:57 to the 49ers um trumps me being an immigrant uh meaning that if since marv doesn't take drugs um he doesn't get the benefits of being an immigrant. He's been turned down for 99 percent of the jobs in the last three years because he doesn't take do drugs. The only thing bigger is gender expression. Marv, you are spot on. I have a friend who works at one of the largest universities in the world in the accounting department and he told me that it's written down that all contracts that that school takes on before you hire anyone you have to go to someone who fits it in at least two um of these um uh marginalized communities so it's not enough just to go to a woman you have to go to a gay woman it's not enough to go to a woman woman. You have to go to a gay woman.
Starting point is 00:52:49 It's not enough to go to a woman. You have to go to like a Mexican woman. Like you can't just even have one. You can't just be black. You would have to be black and gay and all contracts. You have to fall into two of those marginalized buckets and try to give the contracts to them first before you gave it to. So let me me be very clear what that does is that discriminates against people who look like me you can't help someone with limited resources i can't give someone something based on the color of their skin without um being racist towards someone else it's fucking nuts and so what you're saying is is your gender because you don't take drugs and because um i don't know i'm assuming because you like girls and you're a boy uh you're fucked yeah dude it's everywhere it's fucking
Starting point is 00:53:32 so bad fuck absolutely nuts uh sorry no mean to hijack the uh the scale nation uh do shirts asking for myself yon clark oh great question we do yeah did you take matters into your own hand i'm trying to get some more um oh well i'm on your i'm on your i don't see a shop on your um yeah there is i need to get some more on there but um at one point at one point i highly considered point, I highly considered it. I'm like, you know what? I got tired of fighting with a brand that I won't mention. Tired, tired, tired of fighting it.
Starting point is 00:54:13 And I'm like, I'll just do my own. But the problem is, is that this isn't my first time in the apparel rodeo. And it was like, do I want to go back there? It was an amazing experience. I loved it. I thought it was awesome amazing experience I loved it I thought it was awesome but that wasn't where my heart was my heart was in CrossFit and doing an apparel brand is
Starting point is 00:54:32 that's a full time gig all by itself so I didn't want to go there so you do have shirts yeah and sweatshirts yes hey is it it can't be hard it can't why is it so hard is there anyone is why is it difficult
Starting point is 00:54:53 why is it so hard you would think you would think if there's i think we're talking about two different things of and i'm glad that we're talking about this because i think we're talking about two different things from a manufacturing perspective. And I and I hear it a lot and I appreciate I don't know what's running in the live chat right now, but they say, well, it's more expensive. That's more material, larger machines to make that's a complete fabrication. That is that's not true. No, no, it's not true. When you're doing volume, if you've got a member on your team that can do half the that you're paying them to do as a person within the vendor operations, any person with mild acumen can negotiate a contract that says,
Starting point is 00:55:42 we can do up to these sizes. And because we're ordering volume, we're not going to get charged anymore for these sizes. We did it ourselves. It is possible. It happens every day. It doesn't mean – So you're saying a pair of pants with a 23-inch waist and a pair of pants with a 46-inch waist could be like – Potentially. The cost of them is negligible. yes okay okay now we're not talking
Starting point is 00:56:09 about jeans we're talking about t-shirts okay okay we're talking about t-shirts and most of the time from what my experience why not just charge more for them then who gives a fuck okay our 4xl is 35 bucks well here's the thing why don't you just price on the high end and have everybody pay the same it doesn't you can. Well, you can do that too. Yeah, yeah. You can do that too. Do that too, yes. I don't think that that was the issue.
Starting point is 00:56:29 I like that that way, actually. I don't think that that was the issue. There's nobody that could convince me that that was the issue. It's just not true. Coffee pods and wads. Obese people shouldn't be allowed to wear clothes. Hey, girl. It's almost what a fucking what do you
Starting point is 00:56:46 imagine what would happen if i walked in the gym naked maybe that's better um tell me when you whose idea was it to put together um the seminar oh um i think mine i think mine. I think mine. But it evolved. And so do you remember exactly where you were? Like were you on an – did something piss you off? Do you remember the – or did something make you happy? Or did – do you remember the exact moment the spark came, where you were, what year it was? Yes. I'd love to hear that story.
Starting point is 00:57:23 We're talking about the seminar that's going down September 30th it's the maybe the 10th seminar now Scaled Nation seminar will be at a CrossFit Diablo in Pleasanton, California in 17 days I'll be in attendance, Athena will be teaching it Susan will be there, Craig Howard will be there
Starting point is 00:57:40 Amy West will be there okay, go on, sorry yeah so it kind of evolved. So it started with the, we belong page, that page that you hated and that started because, you know, I'd had a lot of people coming to me within the space for a really long time. And honestly, that page just started
Starting point is 00:58:06 because it, everything that I was being told, all the messages that got sent, it just needed a home. You know, like I, I couldn't internalize that stuff anymore. And that's what I do. I just carry it around and I didn't internalize it all day long and it got hard. You became a hub for people sending emails. Hey, I'm struggling at my CrossFit gym. No one likes me or, Hey, I love my gym and people are so nice to me or, Hey, I'm scared to go into a gym. You became this hub of, for people who in the community who wanted in, or were having experiences as being larger body. Right. So you built a place to, to drop that stuff. Yeah. So I built a place just to drop it. Yeah. And so I didn't have to do that
Starting point is 00:58:46 anymore. And one of the interesting things that was coming from that page is that a lot of the stories that people would send in, they started becoming the same. Oh, here's another one just like that. We just did a post on that. Oh, here's another one that looks just like this. And so, you know, six months in, you have this page and we keep getting these stories. And I'm like, we've already said this, we've already said that. And then it was just like a pattern, like, holy shit, these are where some of the biggest gaps are. Is there enough to build some kind of course to figure out how we can fix these things. So that's how the seminar came to be. It was just a one day I'm looking at the page and I'm like, we need a class. We need some kind of class.
Starting point is 00:59:37 And as you put it together, did you ever get concerned that there wasn't enough material to make it a class? Hell no. If anything, I was worried that it's such a big topic, pardon any puns, that our trouble was not content. Our trouble was not content at all. It was how do we narrow this down so that we can include everything that we need to talk about on this day
Starting point is 01:00:05 and give people enough of all of these buckets and not have them come out overwhelmed or not have them come out of their feeling like, you know. Sorry, someone called. Oh. I apologize. Hold on one second. Must be a regular. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:25 What you need? Hello? Hello, I'm looking for Kevin Petit. Do you know him? No, sorry. We don't know him. Sorry. Okay, thank you. Okay, bye.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Bye-bye. You don't know Kevin Petit? bye bye you don't know kevin patit no i don't all right isn't it it's weird i don't get more spam calls on this phone do you have the live caller number on today no i don't but this is like a fucking family this is these i think 150 these people have it in their phone they just call it yeah they just call they just call it whenever the fuck they want i told john and uh i told john that he needs to call in today who's john and uh john clark yon clark and oh yon and yon and jake chapman oh oh yeah they. They should call him today. Oh, they're helping you put together one of these seminars? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:28 In the UK. Yeah, that's crazy. They're so cool. So you start to put it together. And from the time that you had the idea to put it together to your first seminar, how long was that? A year. A year. And let me tell you why.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Dude, that seems fast to me. a year and let me tell you why dude that seems fast to me this episode is brought to you by disney's young woman nsc streaming on disney plus this friday i've decided to swim the english channel a woman i believe she'll die in that water from producer jerry bruckheimer and director yokum roning comes the must-see true story daisy ridley i go go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. So what's it like to buy your first cryptocurrency on Kraken? Well, let's say I'm at a food truck I've never tried before. Am I going to go all in on the loaded taco? No, sir. I'm keeping it simple, starting small. That's trading on Kraken. Pick from over 190 assets and start with the 10 bucks in your pocket. Easy. Go to and see what crypto can be. Not investment advice. Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See slash legal slash CA dash PRU dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's Wait, hold on. It was just shy of two years. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:02:55 I had a total brain fart. It was almost two years. Because remember, when the CrossFit L1 was done, Greg had been doing that seminar for free in his gym, not as a seminar, for fucking years. So he was – like he rehearsed every day unbeknownst that he was rehearsing. And then finally, when someone came with a big fat check, he got it. And basically he had written journal articles. But you're just going straight from cold
Starting point is 01:03:25 cold turkey yeah it's crazy you're like it's like it's like a play you're just presenting it one day i was scared shitless i had no idea what i was doing i didn't i mean i've been to other crossfit seminars but i always knew that this one was going to be different on every level. It's different content. We're talking about topics in the course that get a little, they can be very sensitive. Yeah. No, but it took two years because we, you know, basically sent it out to the community.
Starting point is 01:04:05 We had feedback from some of the best CrossFit doctors in the space. You know, this wasn't like the Athena show. You know, we got over 800 larger bodied athletes that were part of this course, feedback. And yeah, we put a lot of time. Yeah. Hey, and it's sensitive because, and feel free to edit my words. There's a lot of political correctness around the subject right yes uh being larger body being gay well just the term i mean just just the term we have right right this right section in the course that explains why we use that term yeah you're not
Starting point is 01:04:41 calling it hey this is a seminar for how to coach fat people correct yeah and and so there's a sensitivity around it there's sensitivities around it well there has to be yeah and yet and yet it has to be addressed fucking full head on this is this is not um uh um being larger bodied is real being insecure about your skin color being insecure about how tall you are not real between your ears say that one more time being larger bodied is fucking real yes like like it's real how you get into your car how you lift weights how you put on clothes it's like tangible there's no it's tangible uh being insecure about the color of your skin or your how tall you are or how big your nose is this is all in your head this is all in your head and so you though you can play with them they can come and go this larger body thing is like
Starting point is 01:05:36 you can't get the the the thing i like to say is you can't give anyone a hundred burpees. Like it is – being larger bodied is just a full personal responsibility, accountability thing. Well, anybody – having a body is personal accountability and personal responsibility thing. You're not giving that away, right? No. No. No, I don't take – You're like, okay, don't worry.
Starting point is 01:06:04 We're letting all short people in today. There's no one. There's no one. If you're you just you just said something that we need to go back and correct. OK, not correct. That's the wrong word. I need to expand. I need to.
Starting point is 01:06:18 We need to expand on that. Sorry, because I don't want to leave it here. It's sensitivities. Making sure you said we don't want to leave it there. Look at your sensitivities. Making sure I don't get offensive. So you said, we don't, the course's goal is not to take away personal responsibility. I heard a very interesting, somebody sent me a video that you and Matt, and I think Caleb was on the show about two weeks ago, and you're talking about Ozempic, right? And you're talking about Ozempic, hey, California hormone cells, Ozempic, blah, blah, blah. And then the end of that was talking about this disease from a disease aspect.
Starting point is 01:06:53 I don't know why we call it a disease. Not that it's not personal responsibility, blah, blah, blah. I don't think I refer to it as a disease, but anyway, go on, go on. it as a disease but anyway go on go on well the point in all of that was it doesn't take away personal responsibility personal there's somebody owns a part in all of it yes however the factors that contribute to it are way more complex than what you're saying. There's, there's a lot of reasons. There's a lot of factors that influence somebody's nutritional choices. Right. And those are the things that we talk about. This is not like obesity is more complex than I think people give credit to. It's complex. But by this, I mean this. If you get on an airplane and you don't fit into the seat, it's real.
Starting point is 01:07:53 That's real, yeah. Like there's something that they're tweaking something that's not real. Like that person either needs to get smaller or that seat needs to be made bigger. I don't know. I would be careful there because it's real for them. Exactly. It's real for them. But what I'm saying is when you make things real for people that aren't real, what you're doing is in my I believe I know that you're being a codependent to their insanity. Whereas being too big to be in the seat is fucking real. You have to be insane to say it's not real.
Starting point is 01:08:39 You have to you can see, OK, that butt doesn't fit in between those armchairs. Or do you know what I'm saying? By that, I mean it's like you have someone who it's their first day of CrossFit. It's real that they can't do a burpee, that you need to have them lean against the wall. But if I say I can change it at any time, I can be like I'm only hiring black people. I'm only hiring white people. That shit is just – it's just thoughts. It's just bullshit. I'm not saying that it's not thoughts that would lead to people making poor food choices or life experiences that led to someone getting to that spot. there is no there is no save there's no one coming there's no one there's nothing anyone can do besides dealing with it for start dealing with it for themselves in order to change their body is what i'm saying i would agree with that yeah there's no there's not going to be like um
Starting point is 01:09:42 someone's not going to be like okay all of a sudden we're going to change it to blue means go and we all agree on it. It's fucking real, and I appreciate that – the efforts there way more than I do in places like imaginary places like pronouns or like boogeyman shit. I'm not interested in working on boogeyman shit. What is that? I don't know what that means. Like boogeyman shit. I'm not interested in working on boogeyman shit. You know? What is that? I don't know what that means. I'm not interested in being a codependent to make stuff real for people that's just between their ears. Like, you know?
Starting point is 01:10:16 Like, I don't want a whole – let's say I wanted the whole world to feel sorry for me that I had a big nose and that I'm short. Like, what kind of sick world would accommodate sorry for me that I had a big nose and, um, and that I'm short, like what kind of sick world would accommodate that for me? Fuck that. I, that's never, that's never going to go away. Okay. I, here's what I think that we can agree on here. Okay. You're losing me.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Okay. Sorry. okay because you're losing me okay sorry but but uh i don't i don't think we have to be i don't think we have to be cruel i just don't think that has to be an element you're right you're right you're right i'm like i know that i know that you struggle with some of this. Yeah. But it's very real for them. And it can be. I'm not saying, even me, that I understand it all. I don't.
Starting point is 01:11:17 Honestly, that was one of the reasons that I joined the council. I wanted to know. I wanted exposure there. I needed exposure there because I didn't have it. I only know, you know, what I know as a larger body that, you know what I mean? Like that was my little bubble. I don't know what it means to be black. I don't know what it means to be transgender. I have no idea what those challenges are. I can only imagine. I don't know. Right. Does that make sense? Yeah. Yeah. I get it. And I, and I understand why you struggle with it. I just, I just don't think that there has to be an element of cruelty. That's all. Uh, SEMA globes, uh, when over 50% of the population has fat mass above a healthy level
Starting point is 01:11:58 that impacts their daily life, it should be front and center. Your nose is only 10%. Yeah. And, and the thing is this. So the only way around my nose is then finally one day you accept it. The only way around, I never cared about my height, but that's just a joke. But my nose was like, I was like, I remember going to my mom at 16 and being like, Hey, can I get no surgery? And then she's like, yeah, when your nose is done growing, like in your twenties, by the time I was fucking 22, I was completely over it. It was just a, it was a a it was a it was i would net i would fucking hate myself right now if i would have ever got a nose job
Starting point is 01:12:30 but i hated myself oh my god uh uh because there was there wasn't going to be any happiness there across it was the only organization graciano rubio i met him he's kind of normal sized i picture i mean he's big man yeah i pictured him to be massive because of how strong he is i love what um graciano just said you know when we're talking about like environmental factors there are a lot of them and it's it's something can i read this real quick let me read this awesome uh cross it was the only organization willing to fight against the environmental factors that contribute to obesity CrossFit was the only organization willing to fight against the environmental factors that contribute to obesity. The battle against Coke wasn't just about the NSCA and trainer's licenses. Yeah, he's right. It wasn't.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Okay, go on. No, I'm just totally agreeing. These are like, again, that was just some of the things that we talk about. It's not factors aren't to be confused with excuses. It's just you start piling all of these up one on top of another understanding why people make the decisions that they do you know it's important it's behavior driven it's not it's not as much about food as i think what people think it's all behavior driven for some it might be sure uh what what uh you mean the in like this one for example like environmental factors
Starting point is 01:13:48 you know you want you want like an example of like an environmental factor yeah yeah um a friend of mine lives in i want to say it's like South Bronx, and there's no grocery stores. Like, I don't think I saw one grocery store the entire time I was there. And so we found a clip, actually, that we use in the course. You know, this guy, he walks out, he's looking around, and people buy, people are, you know, what they buy is going to be influenced by what is around them. So he walks outside and there's like, there's a Dunkin' Donuts. There's a fried chicken place.
Starting point is 01:14:31 There's a Subway over here. Subway's not terrible, but it's all fast food. The closest grocery store was like 15 miles, 10 miles. And, you know, you live in an area like that. A lot of people don't have cars. They're riding mass transit because that's the easiest way to get around. And he's like, I don't have time to go way out here before work to a Costco. You got to travel 30 miles to get there.
Starting point is 01:14:54 Come back. How am I going to get all this stuff home? It's just those little tiny things just add up. And so we're influenced. You know, people are going to buy what's available near where they live. That's an environmental factor. Yon, Tank Reeves, we have two members at our gym that have lost over 100 pounds. So awesome. But it took their willingness. That's not on me. It's on them. Hey, what do you think about Ozempic? I – Or there's this other one called Teratide or something.
Starting point is 01:15:34 Statins. Statins. One of their parents got on it, lost the weight, built habits of eating because I guess it reduces the amount you eat and then got off of it and was able to maintain the weight loss because they built those new habits. Yeah. Here's what I'm going to say about anything. And I kind of like I kind of like that, although the thought of taking that drug scares the shit out of me. It does me, too. For me personally, it was the same thing that happened with bariatric surgery. Right. Was it a decision that I could make for me? No. But do I recognize that that may have to be what somebody chooses? Yeah. I think I would do, I would do a Zempik before I let someone put a knife to me. I, I say, let, allow people to use whatever tools that is going to resonate with their mind, their body. And it's going to be different for all of us.
Starting point is 01:16:26 For me, it's CrossFit and nutrition and just good nutrition, but for other people may need something else, and it's okay. It's okay. The whole point is to get healthy. Go ahead. Yeah. Well, I was listening to – do you know who Dave Portnoy is? He's the barstool sports guy.
Starting point is 01:16:49 He has a – I think he's a gambling guy. I've heard of him. Yeah. Okay. And he does – he has a show where he reviews pizza places. And he's a skinny guy. And he was being interviewed, and Tucker Carlsonlson said hey how do you review pizza places and you're so skinny and he says i'm i'm on adderall oh wow so basically he's on meth okay
Starting point is 01:17:12 and so he right it's it's like some sort of it's sort of sort of methamphetamine and so he takes that and then he says you can only have like one or two bites of the pizza and then he's like, fool. Wow. Yeah. Crazy, right? It is crazy. I don't know if I could do that job. I couldn't do that job. He's just pizza review. I ate a whole pizza last night. I hate to say it. Trish, just to make sure you tell Athena, I said, good morning and I love you.
Starting point is 01:17:40 Morning. Love you right back. People really like you. Oh, that's sweet. Are there people who don't like you uh i'm gonna be honest with you it has taken some time to win over some of the cobras nests down there but i'm doing it one at a time you mean some of the people in this chat yeah oh interesting i think um no i seriously this is a serious thing. I have been taking time to reach out to them and be like, hey, let's chat. if you're even trying to help someone, someone could be like, hey, like you're trying to help people. You're trying to add value to people's lives. Yeah. And you're doing it in a time when there's this really polarizing thoughts like,
Starting point is 01:18:41 hey, stop playing the victim. Yeah. but some people truly need help a lot of people truly need help and or or or steps put in by help i mean small steps put in front of them so that they can start climbing and is that is that where you get some of you is that the fine line you're working because you're working on this kind of this this demarcation zone these were these two communities but up against each other yes where it's like i'm trying to help these people i'm there for myself not just as like a a creator you're not just the hair club president you're you're a member i'm a member yeah and it's this no this is this is this is such a fascinating question and i hope I can answer it.
Starting point is 01:19:28 You're on a tight, you're on a tight rope. Yes, I am. Yeah. Yes, I am. Because there are even within, even within, you know, call it whatever you want, the obesity community, there are two, I think there are, there's a lot of different sides here. There are two, I think there are, there's a lot of different sides here. And when we built the course to some degree, yeah, we kind of had to, how do I take all of this, which I know to be true because I've lived it and all these people that have sent in their feedback, we know this is our truth. We know that this stuff happens.
Starting point is 01:20:04 How do we take that in and say, I don't want to talk about it from the perspective that I want to play the victim card. I'm, I'm asking, like, these are people that are asking for help in often cases, they're begging for help. And then how do I take this other side where, um, I, we can still honor and value everything that we know and hold true in CrossFit. This is our pyramid. We start here. I mean, personally, I would add mental health to the bottom of that pyramid. But we have nutrition.
Starting point is 01:20:37 We have this, this, this. We agree in moving the continuum. How can we blend these two together to make it we're honoring both? And we can talk about both without it being so, I don't like the word triggering. How can we do it to make it so, how can we lessen the volatility? Is that a good, how can we lessen the volatility and allow coaches to be in a place where like we can talk about this and nobody has to be embarrassed there's nothing that these coaches could say to me or a question or a word that's going to upset me up there we have to talk about it if we're going to change
Starting point is 01:21:18 anything there are things about me that i accept that i don't like. And there's, and I have friends like that too. I have friends that I accept, but there, but they have aspects of them that I don't like. Right. That, that I stronger. I do things that I dislike.
Starting point is 01:21:35 Stronger than I don't like. True. I would say that's true with me and you. Yeah. Well, I don't have anything I dislike about you. There's a lot of words that you, you said,
Starting point is 01:21:43 I do not like that you dislike i dislike and um yeah it's it's a um it's a trip it's it's unfair yeah okay let me take two i like that word by the way dmz the DMZs. That's exactly what it is. There is recently and I don't want to get into the details of it, but recently you were accused of my words. I'm going to paraphrase. I'm sure other people have done that, too, of being friends with me when I don't align with maybe what your goals are. And you clearly do know that I align with what your goals are, but like this other person doesn't like my, the way you align with this person is you guys don't like my verbiage, my tactics, but you do see the value and you do see that I want to contribute to this space that I'm, um, that I'm not just, that I'm not throwing, not just
Starting point is 01:22:42 throwing stones that I'm not throwing stones, or maybe that I can be educated, and you were accused of aligning with me just for clout or for attention. And it's so unfair that someone would do that to you. I should use a better word than unfair. It's so violent. Because we do, in a very very important place i think we do align i i i do i do i don't um i i feel like i i accept people i feel like i think good i was disappointed that that happened i was very disappointed that that happened. I was very disappointed that that happened.
Starting point is 01:23:28 I would not consider us to be on the same team. Maybe we're in the same division. Me and you? No. Oh, right, right, right, right. The situation that you're talking about. I don't know that we're on the same team, but I would like to say maybe we're in the same division. about. I don't know that we're on the same team, but I would like to say maybe we're in the same division. I definitely feel like there's pillars over here that I align with for sure. But I think that our approaches are very different and I'm okay with having a different approach. It's not
Starting point is 01:24:00 good or bad. It's just different. Now, when it comes to you, um, I'm trying, I'm trying not to get like, um, I've struggled with, um, I've struggled with things that you have said for sure, but it doesn't mean that I don't love you any less. You know, like I knew this guy that I met five years ago and we sat down on that pier and we just talked, we just talked. And I remember us talking, like, it felt like the whole day. And I got to know your mama and your kids and your wife. And it was one of the best days of my life. It was wonderful. And then we evolve as people, you know, like you left CrossFit. It was such a, when you left CrossFit, well, you didn't leave.
Starting point is 01:25:06 Okay. So I know what happened. Right, right. It's fine. Right, right. So I believe to some degree it, it changed you, but why wouldn't it? That's, that's a hell of an experience. Everything that we go through changes us as people.
Starting point is 01:25:30 And yes, there's been an evolution, but I firmly believe that the reason that me and you get along the way that we do is because I can disagree with you without attacking you, and we can talk about it. It doesn't mean that I'm aligning with everything that you're saying or that I support words that you use. I cringe sometimes. I'm like, I wish he wouldn't use that word. I wish he wouldn't use that. And you tell me,
Starting point is 01:25:48 and you tell me too. And I do. Yeah. You text me and you're very, you're very tactful about it. And I have fucking so appreciate it. I so appreciate it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:57 Well, thank you. Yeah. I really appreciate it. I believe with respect to. It's very motherly of you. You speak to me like my mom speaks to me you know I do yeah my mom will be my mom I know my mom can be not tactful too but my mom will my mom and my sister the women in my life have um guide me through uh the world of thorns yeah
Starting point is 01:26:22 they're like hey dude be careful like hey hey you need to think about this. Like, yeah, you're, you're a crazy valuable asset to me in that way. The men in my life are like, yeah, get them. And the women in my life are like, Hey dude, like, you know, you're, you're hurt as you run through this Rose field, you're hurting yourself. And that's, I feel like that's how you are to me. Like, you're like, Hey, that's not, you're, you're hurting things. And I, and you know that I don't want to do that. I'm not interested in hurting things. I don't believe that you are.
Starting point is 01:26:48 No. Yeah. Again, very different approaches, but anyway, this particular situation that you're talking about, um, for anybody, I think to say, Athena, you shouldn't have someone at your seminar because he doesn't believe what you believe. That's not, I mean, we could argue that all day long. I don't think I agree with that, but the message was, if somebody doesn't agree with you, they're not welcome. The whole problem is like, if we as a seminar can't get out there in front of people that don't agree with us, how are we going to change anything? I would invite every single one of my biggest critics to come. And you may leave and still disagree with me, but at least you took the time to meet me. I want to be able to meet people where they're at.
Starting point is 01:27:43 And they may not always agree you could come to the course and walk out of them be like hey Athena that first hour I don't believe it okay well you don't have to but at least you were there and at least you gave me the respect to listen and I'd respect you way more for that this is what I expect when when I leave the seminar. I have expectations and maybe they'll be broken, but I have expectations. Like when I walk outside, I expect the world to be there. I just have expectations. I expect to be like, yep, I see why I like this girl.
Starting point is 01:28:16 What she's trying to do is she's offered a program that makes people better. And when the people are better, they're happier. And when people are happier, my sons live in a better world. That's like the fucking one million foot view. And then some of the nuances are is that if you follow what you learn in this seminar, you'll be greater service to the planet and you'll add days to your life. Things like that. Those are like Those are like my real big picture expectations that it'll be a better place for my kids to grow up in.
Starting point is 01:28:49 And I'm so excited about it. Carolyn Morris, do you know this girl? I don't, but she's cool. Oh God, she's crazy cool. I almost feel like she's not real. Like she's just a self-help book. No one can be pissed at obesity. We have just crested to the other side, understanding nutrition and the negative impact of processed food. We were all bamboozled by mass food industry of 50s to the current.
Starting point is 01:29:23 that obesity. I want to tell you something that happened to me. I wish I could believe that. I don't know if that's true. When was this? It was about a year and a half ago. We were coming out of COVID, right? Let me give you an example. We're coming out of COVID and it was at the very tail end. People were still wearing their masks. Everything was kind of getting back to normal. And I had just woken up that day, went and went to the gym to work out. I still had my workout clothes on and I needed to run over to Walmart. I get over to Walmart, I go inside and I'm standing at the, you know, like where they have the candles, you have those little candle waxes, you know, so I'm sitting there and i'm smelling the waxes and god that's so something i would do i would just stand around and smell candles too that's
Starting point is 01:30:10 what i was doing i was enjoying myself and i love those damn wax tarts you know and i heard this voice behind me and it was like hey i didn't think it was for me so i didn't turn around and i'm smelling and then all of a sudden i felt this tap on my shoulder and he's like Hey, I didn't think it was for me. So I didn't turn around. I'm smelling. And then all of a sudden I felt this tap on my shoulder and he's like, Hey, I'm like, Oh my gosh. You know, I turn around and he's, you know, he's, he's got his mask on. He pulls it down and he's like, you're the fucking reason that we're here. You are the fucking reason that all of us are in this situation is because you can't, I mean, it was explicit. It was explicit. It was explicit. It was you,
Starting point is 01:30:52 you're this, you're this, you're this. And I'm standing there and people are walking by. They're like putting their head down. People saw it happen. I didn't know this guy. I didn't know. He didn't know anything about me. Like Savant shit happens. When was this? When was this? It was like maybe about a year ago. And you know, that was one of the times that, that, that I come home and you know, that's the first thing I think about is i just i'm trying to like soak up that you know what did i do you know what did i do that would make people say these things or do these things and and what what can give me tell me what can you give me one thing that he said so i don't have to read into it he, you're the fucking reason that we're all in lockdown.
Starting point is 01:31:47 It's because people like you, you're fat and you can't control yourself and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Did you say anything back to him? I did not. I just let him talk. But, you know, here I am. You know, I'm internalizing it again and I drive home and what do I do? Yeah, yeah. you know here i am you know i'm internalizing it again and i drive home and what do i do yeah yeah i go in the house and i'm like sticking my spoon into a thing of peanut butter you know yeah hey how how many people do you think have you ever heard anyone else tell that story i i don't know oh like getting attacked during covet yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:32:22 what are you thinking about during COVID? Yeah. Yeah. What are you thinking about? I don't know how to process it. It won't go. I'm watching your eyeballs. It's like, I feel like a snake and I ate something too big. I can't, I can't, I can't, I want to not believe it. I mean, I know it's true. Do you know what I mean? I want to be like,. I mean, I know it's true. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:32:46 I want to be like, oh, it's just an isolated incident. Oh, that didn't happen. Oh, it was a crazy person. I'm trying to run away from it. I don't know. I think it happened a lot. It was something that got sent in a lot to the We Belong page. I never posted those stories. Maybe one. It was hard. with with my parents with my dad and my stepmom specifically i remember during the heat of it i was like you know they're 80 right or 79 and i'm like hey i'm like why should the rest of the
Starting point is 01:33:34 planet be put in in this crazy stressful situation when i'm just making this up when no one under 30 has died and everyone dying is over 50. Why the fuck should the whole planet be stressed out about this? This is fucking bullshit. And my parents did not like that. Not my mom didn't say anything. She listens to my shit all the time. But my dad was like, well, you won't be saying that when you're 79. And then I snapped back at him.
Starting point is 01:34:03 Hey, when I'm fucking 79, I won't fucking be i hope i'm wise enough not to do stuff to hurt little kids like i won't put that pressure on society to shut down so that that's the closest i can think he, and that guy, that guy probably really believes that that guy who said that to you, no doubt about it, that he believes that because I mean, honestly, at the time, that's all you ever really heard. I mean, you didn't hear about the healthy people dying and I knew a lot of them just come. It was all com ever really heard. I mean, you didn't hear about the healthy people dying. And I knew a lot of them. It was all comorbidity talk. Correct.
Starting point is 01:34:49 Yeah. So, I mean, if that's all you see, it's not hard to understand why that would happen. You knew some healthy people that died from COVID? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I knew a marathon runner that died. Oh, my goodness. You know, and it's so interesting because I had COVID twice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:08 And here I am. Yeah. So. Did you ever have it bad? Did you ever have to go to the hospital? Yes. No, no, I wasn't on a breathing machine or anything. I got pneumonia.
Starting point is 01:35:20 I got pneumonia. Yeah. Did you have to stay the night? I did stay the night. Were you scared? No. I don't know that I was. It was more of a pain in the ass than anything.
Starting point is 01:35:37 I just, I don't like being sick. It was hard though. Did you get one of those things? Did you get one of those things that reads your... Did you get an oximeter? No. No? Oh, so you really weren't scared. Mm-mm.
Starting point is 01:35:51 That's impressive. Because I was around a lot of people who were like, fuck you, COVID's nothing. And then when they got it, they were scared. Like, the media had still penetrated their brain. You know what I mean? Yeah. But when they got it, they're like, uh got they're like uh and like they gave themselves
Starting point is 01:36:07 like anxiety like panic attack type shit i'm sure they did well i mean why yeah uh i didn't really have it i i had it worse the second time than the first um you know like even just me and my parents i was i was scared shitless when my parents got it because they're older. Yeah. And we all had it together. And we all lost taste and smell. And the outcomes of what happened was very different. And my parents, when they stopped being able to smell and taste things, they just stopped eating stuff.
Starting point is 01:36:44 My mom lost a shit ton of weight. She lost over 50 pounds. Wow. Yeah. She, she looks, she looks really good. It was just a, as she would say it, she said, it's a happy consequence of tell your mom. I said, hi, I really like her. I will. But me, you know, like I couldn't smell and taste and it like something triggered in my brain completely different. I would be going into the kitchen, grabbing little tastes and things, you know, is my taste back yet? Is my taste back yet? And I think I was eating way more than I should have just because I was waiting for it to come back. Yeah, it was very different for both of us for sure. My wife lost her taste, too. And that's what she said, too.
Starting point is 01:37:23 When she lost her taste, she lost her desire to eat. That would be kind of weird to lose your taste. That did not happen to me. And my wife didn't ever really fully. I should ask her, but even after like a year, she'd be like, it's never come back like it used to be. There's still little things that we can't eat that just don't taste right anymore. Onions. Susie. Susie, tell read. Oh, yeah. I think my wife said onions, too. That's interesting. Yeah. Susie, tell read Athena's book, Lifting the Weight. It's her story about faith, fitness and perfect timing.
Starting point is 01:37:59 Athena's brave, strong, beautiful young lady. Keep inspiring, Athena. Beautiful soul. Yeah. You'll like the book. Everyone will like the book. It's a good adventure. It's like you don't even have to be. It's well written. I would get the audio book. Her voice is wonderful to listen to.
Starting point is 01:38:16 And you'll be glad. It's very kind. Thank you. You'll be glad. Oh, look at this. Look who's here. Dale King. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:23 Graciano Rubio, quad's rival, Clydesdale's legs. I've seen him, trust me. He had jeans on when I saw him, but he just looked like a normal buff guy. I pictured him to be more like a giant, but he's really just kind of normal. I mean, big and strong, but normal, big and strong.
Starting point is 01:38:43 Let me see. What do you think I'll get from the seminar on the 30th do you have any thoughts on that you don't even know if you think it's a dumb question no i don't think it's a dumb question although i don't know i don't know um there's definitely things that i hope you take away um like sensitivities okay which is one of those things that we talk about but um we do this thing called the tree and i'm i'm i'm really really interested to hear your thoughts on the tree okay it's it took us a long time to try and figure out like, how do you illustrate this? How do you articulate how complex this is and give people a visual so that they can start
Starting point is 01:39:34 making those connections on their own? How intricate and how it's, it's not just, it's not just food. Is food a big role? Without a doubt. But you're not going to fix nutrition. We put it up on the tree, you know. You're not going to fix this unless you fix all of this. It has to be in tandem or you're never going to get anywhere.
Starting point is 01:40:03 I appreciate you coming on. That blew by in 98 minutes. You're always welcome to get anywhere. I appreciate you coming on. That blew by in 98 minutes. You're always welcome. All right. When does the new book come out? I don't know. And here's why I don't know. Will it have an audio?
Starting point is 01:40:17 Will it have an audio? Yes. Okay. The book is pretty much done. I think, excuse me, one of the reasons that you have to be in the right place. You have to be in the right place, I think, anytime that you release a book. And no matter, you could tell a book about your life and it's all about your life. You're reflecting and somebody will still come and give it a one.
Starting point is 01:40:42 You know, and the first time that i got that one i was devastated you know like it like bam it took me down and so knowing that going into it this time it's like okay now i know what i'm up against it's like it's like when you get bad comments on anything you know what i mean you just have to be like just being in the right place i i like to make your mama jokes back at those people your mama just yeah like um i'm like you gave my life a one that's bullshit some oh yeah someone someone recently in a post what they say to me something um what they say they said something like in the comments you bounce that i can't believe the stupid questions you bounced off of sarah sigman's daughter and then i just write back i can't believe
Starting point is 01:41:36 how good your mom bounces off my dick i like that's what i wrote that's what i write back right back i know i know it's totally inappropriate but i just i just always like to just throw a mom joke in there like if someone says something i just have to like say something about their mom that was that was really creative thank you yeah i like that yeah athena your person is uh janelle winston thank you happily married janelle Winston, who loves her husband greatly. Athenia Person is a five-star all day long. Thank you. Have you ever met Janelle? Janelle Winston.
Starting point is 01:42:17 I don't know. Oh, look, Carolyn Moore says you should start using that tactic. Yeah. Which one? Oh, I can't. I can't do that. No. Hey, hey, can we can can we look at Yon Clark?
Starting point is 01:42:35 This is the kind of shit Athena says she cringes at. No, no, it's not that. It's other stuff. Go ahead. There he is. I just wanted to make sure like there, there are some, there's some, there's some cool peeps down there. And, uh, it's been a pleasure getting to know a lot of them.
Starting point is 01:42:57 I got a chance to, to have a conversation with Dick Butter and, um, there's a lot of them down there that I've been chatting to. And you get to know people. It just, it just blows me away. Not not what i would have suspected so it's kind of a learning lesson for me too my mom's like i really like the creative names in the comments they're interesting like what she goes like dick butter i'm like oh mom my mom doesn't even know what she's saying what the fuck is wrong with you uh audrey i'd punch a baby for athena's hair you want this that is not appropriate that is not appropriate all right hey thanks for coming on i'll talk to you soon um and uh and uh keep us posted on the book and and and after the seminar
Starting point is 01:43:44 i'm excited to see you at the seminar and then talk again after the seminar. Same. Let's meet up. Oh, uh, and then, uh, sounds like vindicate. Travis wants to get in touch with Athena. Who does your apparel? Well, you can, there you go. I would love it if you did.
Starting point is 01:43:59 Bingo. All right. Thank you everyone. Uh, miss Athena. Talk to you soon. Love you, man. Love you too. alright thank you everyone Miss Athena talk to you soon love you man love you too love you too Athena
Starting point is 01:44:11 alright I'm running late 8.41am let me see if 8.41 a.m. Let me see if I need to see what's going on here. I'm sorry, but the person called has a voicemail that has not been sent yet. Wow. That was a crazy recording. That was like in slow motion.
Starting point is 01:44:50 That was bizarre. I'm sorry, the person. Yeah. Goodbye. The promo code didn't... Hey, Ken Walters. Hey, Seve tried to order some Wolverine stuff and the promo code Sevan didn't work.
Starting point is 01:45:12 I can ask... I can... Want me to call Alex right now? I didn't even know if we had a promo code. Do we have one? Let me see. I'll find out. Let me see. Thank you for telling me that oh shit I don't see her number in my phone why wouldn't I have her phone number her
Starting point is 01:45:34 name is Alex best right a li X maybe I put a le X shit maybe I should type in swolverines oh I have this other girl's number shit I really want to call her how do I do that I'll call Susan and ask him what's Susan's number damn that sucks
Starting point is 01:46:03 why wouldn't I have her number? Oh, let me see. Let me see in my text messages. Alex. Hey, oh, there it is. Oh, it's because I don't have her. Oh, shit. Okay, let's see. What do I say? Alex, I don't mean to put you on the spot, but... Your call has been forwarded to an automated... All right alright we'll find out what's going on oh I can call Sousa and I'll just complain to Sousa how's that and then he can contact them while I'm at the skate park
Starting point is 01:46:56 doing the lord's work did you kind of I was kind of scared. I wanted to ask Athena, like, what do I say that makes you cringe? But I was kind of scared. I think Susan answers more when I call from this phone number than he does my own personal number.
Starting point is 01:47:27 I don't think the new iPhones ships until the 22nd. Thank you for all the money today. I love seeing all the money. You reached Matt. Love the money. Simaglobes, you're good at accepting feedback. You should have. Turn it up.
Starting point is 01:47:56 Oh, I had turned the phone down. How's my mic? Is my mic too loud? Oh. my mic too loud? I call, um, call one more person here. I'm gonna call Greg's wife. See Let's see what's going on. Thank you, Bernie. Thank you. I don't say anything that makes anyone cringe. Audio check.
Starting point is 01:48:33 1-2, 1-2. 1-2. Is my mic too loud? Is it? 1-2. Mic sour. Hey, I saw you tried to set me up with a Google Doc. Oh, yeah, what happened to Jason Hopper?
Starting point is 01:48:51 Should we call Jason real quick? Yeah, let's do that. That'll be a fun way to end the show, right? Let's see, Hopper. I'll call him on the company phone. Let's see. You think he just answers random numbers Jason Hopper does I'm not calm thank you though for the suggestion
Starting point is 01:49:31 I only call people on the phone because I'm not worried that if he gets angry and he never comes on it'll be okay douche come on dude Come on, dude. Answer. Hey, this is Jason. I couldn't pick up the phone right now. Please leave your name, number, and I will try to give you a call back.
Starting point is 01:49:58 Thank you. The mailbox is full and cannot accept any messages. It is really quiet okay here now it's full blast turn that phone down turn the phone down someone else turn the phone down someone else says it's too quiet it's really quiet audio balancing is great here oh a friend just texted me my friend said part of growing up as a boy is learning the full craft of the mom jokes and it shouldn't end with age yeah thank you i appreciate it i love i try to work someone's mom into everything uh i think the roadcaster does tell you about levels. I just don't look at any of that shit.
Starting point is 01:51:05 Oh, yeah. It's got all sorts of shit like that. Let's see. That's me full blast. And then this is me lower, lower, lower, lower, lower, higher, higher, higher, higher, higher. I don't know. But I don't know how to read any of this stuff. I only get buttons like that.
Starting point is 01:51:35 Oh, shit. Hello? Goodbye. This one's called Large Robot. Large Robot. Even when it does an audio, like, um, effect, I also try to affect my voice. I don't know. I should just type normal and let it do it, right? And I'm like, I am a robot.
Starting point is 01:52:00 Huh. I know there's something I want to share with you guys. Give me one second. I don't know what it is yet, but I do like sharing. Oh, we have a CrossFit Games update show on Friday. Tomorrow we have Hayley Adams. Very excited about that. Very excited about that.
Starting point is 01:52:19 All I'm going to say to her is like, Hey, can you just tell me what the fuck is going on with your life? This is what I wanted to share with you guys. Can you imagine running the social media at I wonder who's doing that. I thought about this after we had Greg on. Imagine that there's a guy who's just an absolutely fucking genius. And on top of that, maybe one of the greatest wordsmiths walking the planet today. And your job is to represent what he created on social media, but you've never met him or don't know anything about him.
Starting point is 01:53:09 I've been tripping lately on the CrossFit Games and Instagram accounts. I'm like, what? It's nuts those are those got to be two of the most forward-facing pieces uh properties that crossfit has i mean they've they've been underutilized for years i mean we were guilty of underutilizing them from 2018 on you think keith's in charge of those you think keith runs those keith you run those keith knapp Keith runs those? Keith, do you run those? Keith Knapp, he runs those? I don't mean this to be a dick, but they seem like they're being run by 18-year-old girls. Take that how you want.
Starting point is 01:54:00 We can get into the more details later. But, dude, I wonder if those people who run those accounts like if i ran those accounts like part of my job would be to listen to one hour or read one hour of greg greg glassman content every single day i mean you're just put at such a massive disadvantage or they just don't care maybe no one over there media cares i don't even know what the i mean that i don't know what the fuck's going on i'm making a lot of presuppositions that like someone cares and that they see those as um uh forward-facing properties that would add to the growth of the company and what the fuck do i know yeah i don't think um keith knapp director of marketing across it i don't think Keith Knapp, director of marketing of CrossFit, I don't think he's running those.
Starting point is 01:54:51 I don't know. I should ask him. Patrick Clark you know exactly who you know who exactly runs it Sevan and no Patrick Clark continues it's not Keith he is marketing and partnerships you know what I really appreciate you guys as listeners is that you guys never is marketing and partnerships.
Starting point is 01:55:27 You know what I really appreciate you guys as listeners is that you guys never criticize me for adjusting what people write. You just go with it. That's nice of you. Sleeky. It's not Keith who is running social media at HQ. I'm not necessarily saying that anything good about it I'm not necessarily saying anything bad about it
Starting point is 01:55:51 I'm just after having Greg on the other day I was just tripping I was like Tupac, Hemingway, Einstein Seinfeld all mashed into one person and now you're the voice of what he spent 15 years creating the buttery bros could actually do a good job up with it probably Andrew
Starting point is 01:56:28 Hiller maybe Keith should run it it's such an underutilized tool oh my goodness oh my goodness all right i'm gonna i'm not done talking about this subject that's for sure i'm not even gonna erase that in my notes That's for sure. I'm not even going to erase that in my notes. Oh, do you want to hear something crazy, though, about the Alex girl, the Swolverine girl? Wait till I tell you guys this.
Starting point is 01:57:17 Hold on a minute. Hold on a minute. Remember that video where we pulled it up and we were ogling her back right here. This one. So I, I ran into her in North. See this member. I was like, I cannot believe those lats, how crazy they are? I ran into her at NorCal at that competition that Blair Morrison and Ben Alderman were throwing.
Starting point is 01:57:58 Hiller was there. And I ran into her. And I said, hey, you have incredible lats and she turned her back to me and she flexed them and she goes go ahead you can touch them and remember the whole thing I was saying is what a waste it was that um what a waste it was that no one no one's touching those knows most creepy man in talks in talks fit and talks fit most most toxic man in crossfit most creepy man in crossfit i'm so jealous yeah she just turned around and goes go ahead yeah back porn she just turned around isn't ogling a word isn't ogling like when you're just like let me see what ogling means anyway Anyway, I got to touch those.
Starting point is 01:58:46 I didn't even... I didn't ask. But I got to touch those. It was crazy. It was crazy. Ogling, to look amorously, flirtatiously. Amorously? What does that mean?
Starting point is 01:59:00 With loving eyes? Amor? That's Latin, right? Amor? Amor? To look at... To look at... Oh, it's one G. Ogling. Stare. Oh, shit. Isn't that crazy? There's two different definitions. One is to stare in a lecherous manner. That doesn't sound good.
Starting point is 01:59:18 I prefer this definition. To look at amorously. Yeah, with loving. Yeah, it wasn't nothing lecherous lecherous means like you want you're trying to take something from it right morris in a way that shows sexual desire or love towards someone yeah it's probably more like that to be honest uh hold on back to uh the definition of ogling where was the fuck was it anyway i fucking lost it uh uh fuck where's ogling uh flirtatious or impert impertently i don't know what that word means either impertently to stare at yes to stare at is it ogle or ogle two g's or one g to i it means to i why does everything have to have negative connotation
Starting point is 02:00:06 fuck it doesn't but but in in america it does in a rude way impertinent in a rude way that shows no respect for someone who's older oh shit well she's definitely not older i didn't mean it as rude it's such a fun word to say okay remember, remember the time we were admiring Miss Alec Best's, uh, lat, lat, laterous, should I use the scientific word for her lats,
Starting point is 02:00:29 her laterous dorsimus, oh yes, what a fantastic, uh, development of muscle, through her, uh, exquisite symmetry in her pull-ups,
Starting point is 02:00:36 it was just fascinating, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, no, motherfucker,
Starting point is 02:00:41 those things need to be held, thank you, lots of nuance, uh, lats are greater than booties. I don't know, but her lats are crazy. I didn't hold both of them at the same time. I thought that would be weird, just so you know. I have some discretion.
Starting point is 02:00:57 I just put my hand out and just kind of held it. I think I did a double. I think I touched it, and then I touched it again. And it was nuts. Is that the sleep stuff? No, I was. I don't anymore. I can't do.
Starting point is 02:01:14 I wasn't. Something was weird. Every time I take sweet sleep stuff, when I wake up in the morning, I feel a little hungover for like 30 seconds. It's weird. It's really weird. I want to watch Alex in 4K, like the Planet series. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:31 She's an impressive human being, and she has a pretty wild presence. So is her business partner. That motherfucker's stout, that dude. Anyway. I didn't hold it for 30 seconds. Probably like... Oh, Latimus dorsimus yes i i was examining her latimus dorsi dorsi or dors thank you latimus dorsi um probably like one two seconds i felt i was not comfortable doing it, but I'm not really comfortable doing anything. Uncomfortable.
Starting point is 02:02:12 Uncomfortable person. Okay, sorry. We need that discount code enough to talk about ogling the chicks. Oh, we don't care about the discount. We just want a valid code. Yeah. oh we don't care about the discount we just want a valid code um yeah and then i think i should maybe showed her my lats she didn't touch him uh jake chapman uh 100 said it's only when people decide to sexualize things that they
Starting point is 02:02:43 become sexualized some people sexualize people. I think everyone else will too. Untrue. I grabbed it. I held it like this. I held it like how you would hold, like how, do you ever pat watermelons or pumpkins or cantaloupes?
Starting point is 02:03:00 You know, like you ever pat them? I pat them. I just fucking, you know, like, you ever pat them? I pat them. I just fucking, I just fucking, like, like, I just held it like that, like, it was all, it was nice, it just fit in there, in my little hands, my little grubby hands. She said, you want to see, touch them?
Starting point is 02:03:17 I was like, fuck. I didn't grope. I was very, definitely didn't grope. Not that I didn't want to grope, I would have definitely had to do two hands. I didn't, I didn't grope. I was very... Definitely didn't grope. Not that I didn't want to grope. I would have definitely had to do two hands. I didn't... Once my hand touched her lat, I didn't... There was none of that.
Starting point is 02:03:35 It was just like a... You know, like a... Like you'd pat a watermelon. You know what I mean? Or how you slap a butt. It was like a... But I held it. i didn't tap it like i got on it i didn't let my fingers like crest onto her boob either like don't anyone get crazy you know what i mean like i i had my fingers didn't wherever what was that thing called jeffrey the latimus dorsus dory dorsi i didn't like i didn't
Starting point is 02:04:03 get into i didn't you know what i mean like i could i could have i guess i could have could have been like oops and like reached around and checked checked her pectorals but i didn't so anyway but it was really nice of her to offer i'm a huge i'm a huge i'm just it's always cool touching people's like hey let me tell you i when i hug graciano too like i'm assessing people's bodies i could get i could get both my hands around him he's lucky i didn't just fucking pick him up and throw him on the ground or something he got a hot wife he got a hot wife. He got a really cool looking wife, by the way. Really cool looking wife.
Starting point is 02:04:50 Man, she's ethnic as a mofo. She was cool looking. And he got beautiful kids. You know who I saw who has the most beautiful kids ever? I saw Blade there. I didn't even know it was him. He's huge. That's a big dude.
Starting point is 02:05:04 That's a lot of man. Very nice. Just like you'd imagine from being on the show. What's weird, though, is I didn't recognize him. But his kids look like they fell out of the TV or out of a magazine. He got beautiful kids. Very unique looking kids. Very unique. He got a one-year-old baby that... It's weird.
Starting point is 02:05:25 Yeah, Blade is... Yeah. But small waist still. Like... Yeah, over 5'5". Yep. Yeah, he's a lot of men. He could wear any shirt he wants.
Starting point is 02:05:39 He's built like that. Like, nice like that. Like, he probably got a... If he wasn like that. He probably got it. If he wasn't married, he probably at some point in his life had a girl problem. It just probably rained girls on him, rained vagina on him. Graciano is ethnic as a mofo too. He's Italian or Mexican? What is he?
Starting point is 02:06:00 I asked him what he was. I forget. I asked his wife what she was too i thought for sure she was greek i forget what she said she was maybe she's italian yeah i only touch my family too and now alex best is part of my family no he's he's uh uh blade is tall blades i think taller than chandler smith blades like a uh he's like matthew mcconaughey with 20 pounds more of muscle you know what i mean like he's he looks he's he's like a sex symbol more like he's like he's more than just like he doesn't look like just like
Starting point is 02:06:46 I think of those guys as just having too much muscle almost he's like a juiced up version of Lance Armstrong alright that's good alright that's good alright I'm late I'm supposed to be somewhere at 930
Starting point is 02:07:10 across town love you guys trash came today that's good talk to you guys soon Hayley Adams tomorrow big show and we have a special guest after Hayley Adams special special guest buh bye

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