The Sevan Podcast - Barn Burner | Live Call In

Episode Date: July 29, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothian"...: 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I think that was my best show ever with the Dave Castro. I really do. Oh, good morning. Yeah, that was a good one. It was a great day yesterday. I love that. Two easy shows. Kill Taylor in the morning.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Dave Castro in the morning. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. Yeah, that was a good one. It was great day yesterday. I love that too easy shows kill Taylor in the morning Dave Castro in the afternoon three o'clock too. So I still got done in time to watch the UFC got to work out a little bit Kenneth what's up? Good morning curious. Good morning Saber good morning
Starting point is 00:00:46 Christine young good morning Gus's good morning. Christine Young, good morning. Augustus, good morning. Good to see you guys. Sunday, Sunday? Sunday, Saturday, Sunday, Sunday. How about the guys' balls hanging out at the Olympics? So you can watch Super Bowl with your kids and you can have Rihanna diddle or twat, you know, she was rubbing her pussy and then she smelt her fingers.
Starting point is 00:01:12 And then you can watch the Olympics and watch a tranny with his balls hanging out. Some really good wholesome TV for the kids these days. It's really cool. Rihanna diddling the puss. Rihanna taking her fingers and rubbing her vagina and smelling her fingers. I'll never forget where I was. I was at Greg's house in Arizona. Huge Super Bowl party, pool party,, whatever I'd say like Maybe they were I don't know making this up. Maybe there were let's say 40 people there and 10 of us now, maybe 50 people there and 15 of us were watching the Super Bowl and the other 35 people were you know didn't could give two shits
Starting point is 00:02:01 There were probably 20 kids in and out of the pool. And the halftime show Rihanna comes out and I knew right away I was like, ooh these are some pretty strong lyrics. And then she rubs her pussy and smells her finger. I and I and I really I thought it was like a you know like when Rich Froning would adjust his balls or like the other, yesterday at UFC, some guy got kicked in the balls and he reached into his pants.
Starting point is 00:02:30 I just, at first, I didn't even wanna believe what I saw so I kinda like made up a story around it. Like it was an accident. I somehow, it's like, it was somehow an accident she rubbed her pussy and smelled it. Johnny, if I had a choice, uh, I'm looking at Rihanna over the balls. Fair. Fair enough. Fair enough. What if you had to make a choice for what you wanted your kids to see?
Starting point is 00:02:59 Cause you were trying to enjoy the Superbowl with your kids or you're trying to enjoy the Olympics with your kids. I, I mean, I don't even think my kids know what the Olympics are. I don't think I've ever talked to them about the Olympics. I stopped watching the Olympics when they split it up and they did the Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics on alternating whatever the fuck they do now.
Starting point is 00:03:17 I don't even know when that was. Maybe that was 20 years ago. I was like, all right, I'm done. And then when they started adding sports, even when they added basketball, I thought it was dumb. I was like, this is dumb. Oh, she was pregnant too. Yeah. My mom rubs her pussy and smells her fingers on TV. It's crazy. I don't know. Part of me, I'm a little embarrassed to even say it because I feel like it's like so saying that I'm old, but like I don't see the world.
Starting point is 00:03:51 I don't see the world where I mean, that's the kind of shit you would see on MTV at 11 o'clock at night and you'd be like holy fuck I can't believe we're seeing this shit and then you know the generation before that you know like my mom's generation I guess it was a big deal when the camera pulled out and they showed Elvis swinging his hips around I guess that was risque back then. Now, the pelvic thrust that emulates fucking is just standard. Like moving your hips in public or on a video
Starting point is 00:04:35 where like you're making the motion of being balls deep in a girl is just normal. It's just, I guess that's where we're going. I'm trying to think if I've ever seen anyone smell their pussy though. I've seen lots of dudes adjust their cock and balls. I'm trying to think if I've ever seen anyone's balls hanging out of their shorts besides at the Olympics. It's a trip. But this morning show is hardcore.
Starting point is 00:05:18 If you're not ready to go hardcore, then fuck it. This ain't one for you. You ever seen anyone, you ever seen anyone in public smell their pussy like you ever seen anyone like Your wife or your girlfriend or your sister your mom smell their pussy do the do the diddle thing and smell there I've never even seen that Trying to I'm trying to remember I've ever seen Not that it doesn't happen I'm not saying like if you want to give yourself a little fucking smell check, but I don't think I've ever witnessed it.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Let alone half time at the Super Bowl as part of your performance. Just think about it. I never I never saw it until I saw Rihanna do it on TV. Yeah. Oh, you think she tasted it? I've never seen anyone taste it either. I mean, I've seen someone taste it, but not like that. I've never seen someone taste their own pussy. Same, not that she actually tasted it, but do this, the gesture for it. Oh, it's wild.
Starting point is 00:06:38 I'm just trying to imagine watching that like with my mom and my kids in the room. Very joins me now. Senator. great to see you again. What? Yeah, it's absolutely insane. They get it's insane. Uh, former president Trump, who's running for office again, a few days ago was shot in the head. He survived the shooting. He survived the shooting. He for for it appears he was shot by a 20 year old tranny. At a rally. From 150 yards away, I guess that's not far.
Starting point is 00:07:27 I guess there's guns that have no problem shooting that far and it should have never happened. It's a consensus, believe it or not. It's a fucking consensus. It's a consensus with everyone. Not one person has said, no, that was a fucking miracle shot and that building shouldn't have been covered. No one's saying that. Not one person has said no that that was a fucking miracle shot and that building shouldn't have been covered No one's saying that not one person not Not a Democrat not a conservative not a non politician not a politician
Starting point is 00:07:55 Everyone is like, holy shit. How the fuck did somebody get that close to the fucking president? 20 year old I don't know why they I don't know why they keep saying how did a 20 year old kid listen you fucking idiots a 20 year old boy is one of the most capable things on planet Earth today a 20 year old boy not a 20 year old girl not a not a 20 year old dog not a 20 year old rabbit not a 20 year old boy is the most capable creature on planet earth today in on on on many metrics and everyone agrees that it though that they got to stop saying that a 20 year old boy had a 20 year old boy do it if anyone was going to do it it was going to be a 20 year old boy he's in the perfect fucking retarded 20 year old boys are retarded for the most part. I don't mean that in a derogatory way. It's cool being retarded when you're 20 year old boy.
Starting point is 00:08:51 It's fun. So it's an awesome age. That's why those creatures need direction because they'll do stupid shit. But they're completely capable of fucking anything you train them to do, tell them to do. A 20 year old boy is like a two year old Labrador. You ever seen a Labrador at the beach? For those of you who live by the beach, it could do anything. You can throw a tennis ball out, it can fucking surf a 20 foot wave, dodge three great white sharks and bring the ball back to you. And
Starting point is 00:09:22 it can do it 600 times in a row. Your arm gives out before the dog gives out. That's what a 20 year old boy is. 20 year old boy is completely fucking go machine. A go machine. And ejaculating, running, throwing. Best eyesight it's gonna have in its lifetime. It's peak performance shit. It's super malleable. It can be told to do anything. It can be convinced of anything. And this 20-year-old guy got up on a roof that everyone agrees he shouldn't have been on. Everybody agrees. And he fucking shot the President of the United States in the fucking head. everybody agrees, and he fucking shot the president of the United States in the fucking head.
Starting point is 00:10:04 And here's what the whistleblowers, the latest whistleblowers, we've had a number of them come forward to my office. Here's what the latest said just yesterday that in fact, law enforcement had designated at least one individual, maybe more, but at least one, whose job it was to be on the roof, not in the vicinity, not around, on the roof. And this person, I don't know if it was a he or a she, but this person, according to the whistleblower, decided, oh, it's awfully hot that day.
Starting point is 00:10:35 And so they abandoned their posts, never went back to the roof. And that is why the roof was left wide open. It wasn't because of the slope, contrary to what the former Secret Service director said no It was because this law enforcement individual just didn't want to be on there, but Megan there's more Whistleblowers also tell me that law enforcement were supposed to be patrolling the perimeter of that same building I've been there Megan. I've seen it myself
Starting point is 00:10:59 I went last week It took my own team because I don't trust any of these people to give us the truth I went last week. It took my own team because I don't trust any of these people to give us the truth. It's American Glass Research Building number six. Megan, it's a low roof. You've seen it. We've all seen it now in pictures. It's a low slung building.
Starting point is 00:11:13 There was supposed to be law enforcement patrolling the perimeter. They weren't doing it either. Instead, because of the heat, again, whistleblowers tell me that law enforcement went inside the building now. Listen, you know what you could have done so easily you could have gathered another 20 year old you could have got another 20 year old kid a boy A card carrying boy with a fucking cock and you could have said hey under no circumstances this is what you could have said to him this is how capable they are you could have said
Starting point is 00:11:52 to him hey under no circumstances is anyone to climb on this roof and any fucking retarded 20 year old boy we've established that's the baseline for being a 20 year old man Could have taken those orders and executed them at the highest level better than any human being retarded non retarded Man-woman anything than anyone else but yet the cops couldn't do it like you could have taken me at 20 years old and been like Hey savant, here's a fucking gun and under no circumstances Is anyone to get on that roof and there's no way anyone would have got on that roof There's no there's no fucking way Give me a gun and a bottle of water There I would have never there's no way I
Starting point is 00:12:34 Wouldn't have been it's too hot. I wouldn't have been nothing If I was on that roof and the roof got too hot for my feet or something. I would start dancing like a lizard. I Would have squatted down. I would have pulled my shirt up over my head. There's no way, and yet for some reason now the story is that it was too hot up there. And so a 20 year old boy The dumbest and most capable creature on planet Earth It's not how did a 20 year old boy it's like yeah, of course it was a 20 year old boy who did it I
Starting point is 00:13:24 Did 20 year old tell me the other day, a kid from Texas, hey, me and 12 of my friends could have protected Trump better than those people did. And I like, I believe it. This kid was strapped at five. It's nuts. It's nuts. It was too hot. So you got the roof abandoned, you got law enforcement inside the building in the air conditioning and you have the building essentially open.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Megan, you can, it's sometimes it's hard to see from the pictures, but I can tell you, having been there, there are air conditioning units, really large air conditioning units on either side of that building. It's easy to get on that roof. I mean, oh yeah, there's no roof a 20 year old boy can't get on it doesn't even matter air conditioner Not air conditioner the shit the spider-man does all boys can do when they're 20 We can climb anything. There's nothing that can stop us Remember that kid I that 20 year old kid I had on that just climbed up the side of buildings
Starting point is 00:14:24 Remember that kid I that 20 year old kid I had on that just climbed up the side of buildings It's not a 20 year old girl doing it. It's not a 40 year old man. It's not a six year old man It's a 20 year old boy. They can do fucking anything They can do anything but be smart a 20 year old Kenneth D'Lab a 20 year old boy driven purely by hormones and instinct yeah it's just it's nuts everyone keeps saying that but he was only 20 how did a 20 year old like dude listen you could just ask any 20 year old boy you could be like like, hey, you want to do something fun? Here's, here's a bottle of Jack Daniels.
Starting point is 00:15:10 And all I want you to do is take this gun and climb on the roof. And and then when the guy is over there talking, shoot him 20 year old boy back. You sure that's a good idea? Oh, dude, everyone be cool. You get tons of Instagram followers. Done. cool you get tons of Instagram followers done idiot world how about uh how about those people there's There's also this story going around, maybe you guys know it better than I do, where people were, I guess in Vegas or wherever, they were betting that Trump was going to lose the election
Starting point is 00:15:56 and the bets went skyrocketed right before the shooting. Or something in the stock market, were shorting something That shit again Same thing that happened in 9-eleven Anytime I talked shit about Canada by the way you can just Assume I'm also talking shit about oh They shorted DJT stock they shorted DJT in stock market Donald J. Trump Crazy oh Thank you chase one caveat
Starting point is 00:16:44 Not if that 20 year old had blue hair and thought he was a she. Yeah, those ones. Well, that's the thing. That's how capable 20-year-old boys are. They could even change themselves into a girl. But once they go there, they're probably not. Well, they still could be a good issue. Oh, Truth Social. The Truth Social stock, Donald Trump's social media company, they shorted the stock right before he got shot in the head. Wild. Wild, wild, wild. Anything I ever tell you about Canada, you can also just assume California is identical. It's the same. It's where the Canadian experiment is happening
Starting point is 00:17:27 in the United States. Here we go. When I was a kid, it was illegal to kill yourself. Yeah, you're not allowed to do that. It's against the law.'re not allowed to do that. It's against the law. Do one stat to prove my point. Just one.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Go ahead. But you can kill babies. You can pay someone to reach up, if you're a girl, you can pay someone to reach up into your uterus with a baby in there and with forceps and grab the baby and yank out parts of it. You can have it grab the head and rip the head off or the arms. You could have the baby dismembered inside of you and killed.
Starting point is 00:18:15 You've been allowed to do that for a long time in California. You can have other people killed legally, but you couldn't kill yourself. It was Black Rock shorting 12 million shares and then we all know why that's weird because that kid with the shooter that 21 year 20 year old capable young man mr. crooks was in a BlackRock video a couple of years prior, promotional video. Coincidence. Coincidence.
Starting point is 00:18:50 It just, it takes one. This is how ridiculous this is. Okay. Ready? In 2016, Canada legalized medical assistance in dying. So did California. California has the same population as the entire country of Canada. Okay. In that timeframe, California has
Starting point is 00:19:06 only mated, meaning assisted suicide, 893 people. Cool. How many do you think Canada has? I'm going to assume it's ridiculously high. Give me a number. Come on, play with me here. 12,652. Over 50,000. 50,000 people have killed themselves in Canada since 2016. So you're 47 years old, you're in a shitload of pain, you're dying of something and they let you kill yourself. You're a drug addict and it's too hard to quit. So you kill yourself. They even let kids kill themselves. Did you know that?
Starting point is 00:19:57 They even let kids kill themselves. Oh, smokes. Canada is a predatory behavior include. Oh, smokes. Canada is a predatory behavior include they're trying to include children down to the age of 12 mentally ill homeless and addicts instead of giving them palliative care. I'm going to give you one. Is a fucking nuts. But Saban people should have the right to kill themselves. Okay I'm open to that.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Here's the deal. You start letting people kill themselves, you start making it okay to kill babies. The whole perception and value around life just fucking dwindles. Caller. Hi. Hey, good morning. Hey, good morning. Hey, question. Yeah. The whole Trump shooting thing. Yes. Like, so I am, I am a Trump supporter. Um, but like when I was watching that whole thing play out, it just, it really looked fake to me.
Starting point is 00:21:06 No, regardless of what people say, it just, none of it makes sense that all that could happen. And say you're Donald Trump, are you going to trust the Secret Service? You're a billionaire. You don't think he has his own security go over stuff and plant things out. I mean, it's just nothing positive comes from that. And all it does is just divide us. The whole thing just played out,
Starting point is 00:21:30 just none of it makes sense. Give me your theory, give me your theory. You have a theory, like just a rough theory. I won't hold you to it. I'm just curious. Yeah, my theory is both parties are controlled by the same person. We're all puppets.
Starting point is 00:21:42 All they do is divide us instead of us come together. The sad part is it's just the left is just so batshit crazy with the kids and shit. It's hard to get along with any of them. But the fact that when Trump was president, they stole the election from him. Nobody voted for Biden. I mean, Trump had boat parades the size of seats and he wasn't able to stop voter fraud while he was president, right? Like, okay, he stole it from him.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Now he's not president. What makes him think that he can do absolutely anything again that they're gonna steal it from him again? What's the point of running? And then all this, I just feel like it's just divide us up to get us into this crazy. It's like a comedy skit. It's almost like we're watching SNL on TV. I agree with that. Let me ask you this. Do you think he's in on it? You know what's sad? In the beginning, I didn't think so. I don't think he is. If you look like at his history, right? We're like, I've seen he had no part with him.
Starting point is 00:22:48 And like certain celebrities, he's a non drinker this effort, but he's a billionaire. You know what I mean? It's like, do you think he's in on it? I, I didn't think so in the beginning. Or maybe, or maybe he did set this one up himself, just so we can get more people to support him or maybe change the way people Have their perspective on them. I just don't know. I just feel like we're in a comedy skit And then you look at the people in Congress It's just the laws and the things they do and people don't care. It's so crazy What what they can do and break the Constitution and all this stuff
Starting point is 00:23:27 and nobody cares. So I honestly just feel like it's a show and we're living in the matrix. I really can't believe any of this shit is really happening or going on and people are just they believe anything man. It's wild to me. Let me propose this to you so yesterday I had Dave Castor on director of the CrossFit Games and when I asked you guys okay and when you talk to him about like the spear of the games award or the rookie of the year or any of those things my takeaway is that he's not involved in that at all he takes responsibility for it at the end of the day,
Starting point is 00:24:06 but really it's like, hey man, like that's, I'm almost embarrassed to ask him about it because it seems so far out of his view and rightfully so, because he should be delegating that to his teams, right? And my thought is, is that I have to assume that if you're someone like Trump, you don't fall into the minutia of anything your security's doing that really, you just hope you can delegate that and move forward and focus on what
Starting point is 00:24:33 you're doing, which is kissing babies and saying the right things that come out of your mouth. That being said, so, so if that's the narrative, I see what you're saying. If that's the narrative, I just can't expect them to be involved in that at all zero. But if, are you on the side of the freeway? Did your car break down? No, I'm going for a bike ride. I got an iron man coming up. I called you. I think I did a FaceTime you a year ago. I was running a marathon. Oh, yeah. The CEO shirt on. God, you don't sound like a guy who does iron mans or if I was running a marathon. Oh yeah that was cool. God you don't sound like a
Starting point is 00:25:06 guy who does Ironmans or if I was judging you just by your voice with my extreme discrimination. No I used to own a CrossFit gym for a while, did CrossFit for 10 years, went to search, love it, swear by it. You sound like you own an auto body shop. Your voice sounds like you own an auto body shop. No I'm an elevator mechanic. I'm an elevator mechanic. Have you ever checked? Yeah, your voice sounds like you held a wrench or two. Every day. Okay. But you're a Renaissance man. You also do triathlons and marathons.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Crazy. You got to stay moving, right? Yeah. I had two, I had three shoulder surgeries from mountain biking. I fell mountain biking and my arm is just not there anymore. But so you got to stay doing something right? Yeah. I had two, I had three shoulder surgeries from mountain biking. I fell mountain biking and my arm is just not there anymore. But so you got to stay doing something. Can't be fat.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Isn't it weird how prejudice and discrimination works so well? I was like at the 50 yard mile. Oh, tell that guy to get off that Harley. Harleys are bad. I know. Sorry. I'm on the corner. I just had a cool winter pull in.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Yeah. I don't know. I don't, I don't know what's going on. I don't think you I don't think you sound crazy. That's for sure I mean, it's truly I mean the kids in the video this 20 year old kid the ladders there where the ladder come from I mean, they don't scope out the scene that has their check in it I mean and he's a billionaire, you know what I mean? He has top notch his own security. It's like, I'm sure he has a secret service, but I'm also sure he has his own personal guys.
Starting point is 00:26:31 You know what I mean? Hey dude, how long before is how long before, how long before the one of the mechanics sabotages that giant plane is, you know, you think about that too. And that's why I'm like, we're in the matrix, man. You like, you think about that too. And that's why I'm like, we're in the matrix, man. You're like, you think about all this stuff, you think about the plane, Boeing, all this stuff. It's like they were preparing us for a plane crash, you know, with all the Boeing parts falling off the plane.
Starting point is 00:26:55 And now all of a sudden, you haven't heard nothing about a plane falling apart in the last couple of months. You know, it's just even 9-11. I'm from New York, right? Born and raised in New York, even 9-11. All my firemen, friends, firemen, fathers, nobody ever seen a plane hit those buildings. You know, and then building seven, three blocks away, 40 stories. Nobody believes shit.
Starting point is 00:27:15 And if they're willing to be able to do that, they can do whatever the fuck they want. And people just don't care. You know what I mean? People talking about the Trump shooting, they should be talking about 9-11 still because clearly, you know, no guys who live in a fucking dirt village, wipe their hands with their ass are going to fucking do something like that. What is it? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:35 You suspect that maybe even the footage of the planes hitting the building is fake? Nobody. Nobody in New York City, no New York has ever seen a plane. Not one New Yorker. On TV you did, on that bullshit screen. But in real life, you took a fireman, anybody, nobody's seen a plane. And then even the original footage of 9-11,
Starting point is 00:27:54 of the news cameras down there, everybody was just screaming about explosions, explosions. Nobody ever talked about a plane. You've seen a plane crash. There's parts, wreckage, debris. You can identify that was a plane. There was nothing. And what they said, they found the hijackers ID the first five minutes after the fucking building's collapse. You know, the office building, 110 stories. Not one chair, not one phone, not one filing cabinet was found.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Pieces of paper, nothing. But yet they find the pilots hijacked his ID. None of it man and building seven is three blocks away a 40 story still structured. Didn't get hit by a plane but collapsed in 30 seconds. That's the true story you gotta look at. If you don't want to look at the two buildings but what about building seven? Well how about the fact that's the one the part how about this thing too? How about the fact there's no footage of a plane hitting the pent in the Pentagon that zero there's a little that's three windows yeah dude three burnt windows they showed right the most secure building and hey and even in Pennsylvania the plane we shot down they showed a burnt burnt patch of fucking grass you see more debris on the side of
Starting point is 00:28:59 California highways and you see one of Mary way supposedly shot a plane down but you know if the government can do that, they can do whatever they want. Look, hey, man, they just force people to get a shot in their arm. A private entity made billions of dollars off that you need the shot to go to work. Keep your job. They get all these illegals coming. They don't need the shot. We give them money and they keep and they get health insurance. But we're going to take that away from you if you don't get this shot. The taxpayers and people said okay
Starting point is 00:29:27 And then they signed their kids up for it, too They listen to a guy on TV who can't even read or write Telling you what to put into your kid and these people lined their fucking kids up for it The world is sick man. You can't you can't fix that shit. I Saw some girls being interviewed yesterday and this guy proposed to them Would you rather have the right to if you could only keep one the right to vote or the right to have an abortion? To kill a baby inside of you, which would you choose and the girls choose their right for abortion? I was like, oh man, we're we're in it. You know, I
Starting point is 00:29:59 Tired right where I have the same kind of point of view like what abortion but it's not my position to tell a woman what to do with their body. I do think that maybe certain if you get raped or this or that, maybe it should be OK, but the way we celebrate killing babies, they cheer for it. Like it's such a good fucking thing when life is so precious and important. It's a sin. And that's why it's so hard to connect with that shit. It's like these people cheer about killing babies. Yes, we need, and it's sad.
Starting point is 00:30:30 It's so sad the way we look at life. But hey man, I'm just gonna get going. You guys rock, man. Okay, cool. You guys are awesome, man. Appreciate you guys. Thank you, bye. Be good, Sevan.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Cheers, bye brother. you guys thank you bye be good seven cheers bye bye brother Patrick Lang nobody celebrated killing babies nobody that I mean that's just fucking blatantly blatantly false you can go on Instagram right now and find people celebrating killing babies whether it's Palestinians celebrating the death of Jew babies or Iranians celebrating the death of American babies or whether it's fucking young women celebrating the death of
Starting point is 00:31:18 How happy they are to have an abortion? And you could say they're faking it. I'm down with that. Because I can't fathom it either. I was watching Charlie Kirk video the other day and he was saying that people are inherently bad and the problem with the left is that they think people are inherently good. And maybe that's my problem too. And he went on to say that like his reasoning for why he said people are inherently bad is he made the presupposition that the people who were killing the Jews in Germany didn't care. And I think that that's absolutely not true at all. I think that's
Starting point is 00:32:02 absolutely not true at all. In that book, book that won the pool surprise that the guy wrote It's a two-volume Graphic novel. It's like a comic book. The guy wrote about his grandfather's experience in Nazi Germany, dude It got so bad that it was even Jews against Jews I mean that was that that's like the whole for me that was the entire takeaway of the book That basically the killing was so bad and the rounding up with people was so bad that anyone would do anything. It's like drowning.
Starting point is 00:32:27 I just imagine it being in a pool and they throw you in a pool, 40 people into a pool and none of them can swim and you know only 10 are gonna survive and those are the ones who can fight their way to the top and stand on the dead bodies. That's what it was like. I don't think, and I met a guy
Starting point is 00:32:46 one time, a physicist who had a building named after him at UC Berkeley, one of the schools there, and he was in Hitler's Navy. And I said, why would you do that? And he said, dude, it was kill or be I don't think there's that Netflix documentary that there's a Netflix documentary out there about China's one baby policy. And it's a fascinating documentary. It's a fascinating kind of fascinating for a bunch of reasons. But basically what they were doing, because there was a one baby policy, is people were either throwing the girls away,
Starting point is 00:33:30 killing the girl babies, or they would just leave the babies outside at night. And then it started a huge black market for babies, because there were all these extra babies that no one wanted, female Chinese babies. And so you would leave them out at night, and they interviewed a guy who would just cruise around the streets
Starting point is 00:33:46 Like you know at four or five in the morning and collect all the babies and sell them on the black market but there they interviewed this one lady who Did like 50,000 abortions. It was something crazy like that one doctor alone And she she's it's not that she's evil it's that I didn't see she was evil but it's that she's Completely like broken inside I don't think we are inherently bad When I'm standing next to a fisherman and he pulls a fish out of the water, and it's like I remember as a kid and it's like flopping around at the side, like I feel my tear ducts turn on.
Starting point is 00:34:39 I'm not, I'm not, I spoke to a guy who was a tracker in Utah a cowboy guy named Kevin Bungard many people argued he was the best tracker for mountain lions in the United States of America and I asked him if he felt bad and he said yeah actually I do. I don't know that doesn't sound like we're inherently bad that sounds like we're inherently good. So you won't be going hunting anytime soon with Rich. I'm actually going hunting today right after the show. I'm leaving a little early from the show today to go hunting with the boys. They're going to shoot a squirrel and eat it. I'm very curious how one of my boys is going to react.
Starting point is 00:35:36 I don't even kill spiders or flies. You know, I shouldn't say I don't. I try not to even kill spiders or flies in my house. I try to pin flies up against the window and throw them out the door You know what I mean like they're buzzing around the window and I try to fucking grab them like that and then walk them to The door and throw them outside Yeah, they're gonna eat a squirrel yeah They are eat a squirrel? Yeah, they are. There will be crying, I know. I think my boy Joseph is not meant to kill shit, that's for sure.
Starting point is 00:36:17 So, should be interesting. But they really want to do it. Saber and Kelly, not on topic but three weeks ago someone mentioned a scene on But they really want to do it. Saber and Kelly, not on topic, but three weeks ago someone mentioned a scene on The Boys where a tiny superhero crawled up a guy's anus. Watch it last night. I don't think it was that particular body part. Yeah, someone told me yesterday that he crawled up the penis. I guess I don't know the difference. Yeah, you're right. I had that all. Yeah all this shit right? I kill flies but other insect spiders I do and I always save bees and wasps from the pool. Yeah, same thing with the pool right? You put your hand underneath them and you fling them out. You don't fucking slap the water and fucking kill them.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Uh oh. Uh oh. Aren't squirrels rodents? What's that mean? That sounds racist. A wad zombie definitely crawled inside the penis. All right. Oh, what does that mean? Aren't they rodents? What does that mean What does that mean I
Starting point is 00:37:42 Knew you did that. I knew you did that to yourself by the way. Yeah, I see you do that to yourself all the time. I Suspect careful about the fuck you up. Okay, here we go. But doesn't it insult you that somebody is only in a position that they end because they're black and they're a woman and they need the vote. They could give a dang about anything else. That she's intelligent. That she's smart. That she's a great speaker, she's a joke.
Starting point is 00:38:07 She make black women look like a joke. She make us look like we goofy. Yeah, you know what's wrong she say? She repeat the same sentence 10 different times. Imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been, you know, what can be unburdened by what has been what can be unburdened by what has been? What can be unburdened by what has been? What can be unburdened by what has been? What can be unburdened by what has been?
Starting point is 00:38:37 What we can see, what we believe can be unburdened by what has been? What can be unburdened by what has been? What can be unburdened by what has been. You don't know what she's saying, probably because she's nervous. But guess what? When she was in there putting them niggas in jail, she wasn't nervous being a prosecutor. She knew exactly what to say. She knew exactly what to do.
Starting point is 00:38:56 She ain't that innocent. She ain't that innocent. Sorry. Do a little bit more research. Be a little bit more competent in this season. Don't be a dummy. Don't follow the sheet. Do better. Do not. But doesn't it insult sh- a vegetarian word salad. And then as we mentioned at the beginning of the show, at the Olympics, nice wholesome event to watch with your kids. God, Europe is such a shithole Homeboys balls look at look at this dude
Starting point is 00:39:56 His balls are hanging out This is fucking wild. This is at the Olympics, the opening ceremonies. Balls you can see is balls hanging out on all central TVs from North Korea to Cuba brought to you by Macron. One performer suffered an embarrassing x-rated wardrobe malfunction. Not wardrobe malfunction. Listen, your balls would never do that on accident. As a I'm an expert regarding the balls. The balls.
Starting point is 00:40:51 The balls. Un-fucking-believable. So we go from Rihanna rubbing her pussy and smelling it. Super Bowl halftime show to the Olympics where a tranny has his balls out. I Did see something yesterday that is Probably one of my favorite clips in the entire history of the internet this I Wonder if the elevator mechanic thinks this is staged. This is fucking unreal. I Want to title this the protected class this this video is so fucking unreal
Starting point is 00:41:49 transgender man Claims transphobia after a woman accidentally walked into him outside the chicken shop a chicken shop Racist because the woman's black. This is fucking if you haven't seen this just enjoy This is fucking, if you haven't seen this, just enjoy. Pull your bowl of cereal close to you, take a big scoop, shove it in your mouth and just enjoy this. This is absolutely fucking amazing. Ran into me because you're a transphobe and you're having a bad life. I have trans friends.
Starting point is 00:42:20 So why did you walk into me like that? You're looking for problems and you're purposely antagonizing me. Am I? Am I? So I'm going to give you a minute and then I'm going to call the cops. I have trans friends. So why did you walk into me like that? You're looking for problems and you're purposely antagonizing me. Am I? So I'm going to give you a minute and then I'm going to call the cops. Because you're, you was going in that direction and now you're following me to this location.
Starting point is 00:42:36 And I'm going to stand here for one minute. You antagonize me. Okay. What's your name? You're a black woman calling the cops on a trans woman. You're a black woman calling the cops on a trans woman. You're a black woman calling the cops on a trans woman. Dude, this is a this is a fight between the protected class. This is this is how I imagine it being in the military, like when you don't salute,
Starting point is 00:42:57 like you fuck up the rankings. Now, trans people are, a component that's part and parcel with them is they're fucking crazy mentally ill, right? Like they're fucked up in their head, something's wrong with them, the elevator don't go to the top. That is not true with black women. And so, just based on just the rough thing that we know of the protected class, we have one person who's crazy now fighting with another person who somehow got sucked into the protected
Starting point is 00:43:37 class. You know what I was tripping on yesterday? There'll be more of that in a second. Hold on. We'll get back of that in a second. Hold on though. We'll get back to that in a second Before before george floyd a couple of years before george floyd. I remember seeing black live signs like in portland and in berkeley And I always thought when I saw those I always thought oh, this is kind of cool Because I thought it was uh internal dialogue for the black community Because I thought it was internal dialogue for the black community Like I didn't think like like I like why the fuck would I need to know the black lives matter? Like I didn't think it had anything. I thought it was like something like I don't know the n double a cp or
Starting point is 00:44:15 the united negro college fund was doing or I thought it was just some like You know, I thought it was like something internal To to some organization a black organization. I had no idea. It just didn't make sense to me to be any other way. I just like, I wholeheartedly just believe that. I was like, oh, this is cool. They're doing, it's somewhere like between 48 and 55% of all murders in the United States are done by black people. And of those like 96% of them are against other black people and I knew that stat so I was like oh shit this is fucking way cool that
Starting point is 00:44:50 they're doing this. Yeah like like the Bloods and Crips like I thought it was for them because that's the way it was when I was a kid that's the way it was like the the news cameras would go into Richmond or Oakland and there'd be like some fat lady with like a stroller and she'd be like we gotta stop killing each other we gotta we gots to stop killing each other and it was like that or there would be some preacher you know some black preacher and he'd be saying that to the news cameras. So I wholeheartedly believed it was that. It's crazy that it's like for anyone else. It's wild. Okay here we go. You ran into me. You ran into me. So first of all the whole affect is fake, right? So it's just a fake person.
Starting point is 00:45:48 It's like a performance. And you're having a bad life. I have trans friends. So why did you walk into me like that? I have trans friends. I swear they sound like they're from California. You're looking for problems and you're purposely antagonizing me. Am I? Am I? So I'm going to give you a minute and then I'm going to call the cops. You're looking for problems and you're purposely antagonizing me.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Am I? So I'm going to give you a minute and then I'm going to call the cops. Because you're, you was going in that direction and now you're following me to this. Do you think this is fake? Do you think that they, do you think that maybe this thing is whole set up? Every time I watch it, I think it's fake. See how she reaches in front of the camera so we can see her arm is black. You think that it's just the whole thing is fake?
Starting point is 00:46:23 Location? And I'm going to stand here for one minute? You're antagonizing me. Okay. we can see her arm is black. You think that it's just the whole thing is fake? Location? And I'm gonna stand here for one minute? You antagonize me. Okay, what's your name? You're a black woman calling a cop and a trans woman. What's your name? You're a black woman calling the cops on a trans woman.
Starting point is 00:46:34 First part of the racist, like probably one of the most racist things already. Like somehow there's some sort of rules that black people have to live by. Right there. By the way, that's oppression 101. That that black people have to live by. Right there. That by the way, that's oppression 101. That's it. That's the left.
Starting point is 00:46:49 That's the left stuff. That's the left stuff. But you're black. You can't do that. But you're black. You can't do that. And I just want you to think about that. I want you to think about the fact that you're black and you're breaking the rules.
Starting point is 00:47:02 You're off the plantation. Sorry, Massa. You're a black woman calling a cop on a trans woman. Go ahead. Continue to go. Again, more racism. You're a black woman calling the cops on a tranny. On a trans woman.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Shut the fuck up. And I want you to think about that. We're at 37 seconds. And I'm going to pray for you. I'm going to stop recording at one minute and I'm going to call the cops if you're still in my area. I have an offense. I have an offense. I have an offense. I have an offense.'re at 30 seconds. I'm going to pray for you. I'm going to hang. I'm going to stop recording at one minute and I'm going to call the cops if you're still in my area. I haven't offended you in any way. You hit me on the sidewalk with your body. You hit me. It's not honey anymore, bitch. It's not honey. It's not honey, bitch. We're just going to patiently wait for the cops. Yes, we are. This is getting... You're a
Starting point is 00:47:45 hypocrite. You're a liberal hypocrite. You're a liberal hypocrite. Because that's also one of the rules, by the way, the racist rules of Democrats, they keep black people in a box so fucking tight. people have to have to behave a certain way For liberals they have to Right here bitch. Yeah, I am a grass on PTSD bitch. Oh PTSD bitch I you fuck with the wrong tranny The wig things a trip right How does someone wear a wig?
Starting point is 00:48:31 I would be so uncomfortable wearing a wig. I can't believe they come off that easy. Wouldn't- if something- if it came off that easy, wouldn't you be afraid it's always gonna fall off? My hat- I- when I wear a hat, it stays on better than that. I'd be so fucking i couldn't do that i would feel so vulnerable knowing my hair could come off at any second apologize i'm sorry that's what you should be doing you said now now the wig pulled off got the fucking uh black lady fucking freaked out so now she's
Starting point is 00:49:01 retreating a little bit too i'm sorry he's a lady that fucking video I will not because I feel I have a lawyer I have two and three lawyers honey I will sue your pants off I'm not gonna speak anymore I will sue your pants off I'm not speaking anymore so I know what you're all thinking you're not allowed to talk to black people like that but listen you forgot the protect the the hierarchy of the protected class now it is a white man but it's gay you have to you can presume that go ahead and presume that and it's a woman and it's black. But it really doesn't talk with the black affect, we only heard like a use. And so she's not probably like, she probably, I'm going to say that this guy is higher on the victim hierarchy because of the genitalia he likes in his mouth and the uh, clothing it wears.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Now watch this dude's hair transform. It's fucking crazy. Watch this. Good! I risk my life every day getting ready in the morning and you have the the temerity that hit me with your butt. I don't know if you guys notice what my hands are shaking because I it risks its life every morning getting dressed. There's something about that that's wild to me. That means God, there's some sort of like... Yeah, why would you do that? Why would you do that?
Starting point is 00:50:56 I have anxiety currently because of this individual is not You need therapy. And you know what, you'd be better off in the hood because the hood people, they know how to act. to it because the hood people, they know how to act. She'd be better off in the hood. It's close. I wouldn't, I'm not going to give it more racism, but it's close. But clearly already we're at races because black women aren't allowed to call the cops on trannies.
Starting point is 00:51:14 That's keeping black people in the box. That I'm pretty sure that's racism, keeping people in boxes based on their skin color. But telling her she should go back to the hood, not quite. But you could assume that she's saying that because she is black which then would get us back to racism okay they know how we treat each other you went to to Bard, you have a master, you have an MBA. Now, now here we go. So she's not really black. The insinuation there is that she's not really black because she's educated. Like she's a, she's not a full black, she un-blacked herself.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Like for some reason there's something bad about going to school if you're black. I am currently starting to shake more because this individual would not leave me alone. Fuck you! I have PTSD from being assaulted by people like you. Now look at its hair. It's gone to- its hair is all adjusted and shit. Now it's a boy. It's fucking wild. And by that I mean insecure assholes. I'm not a racist in case that's where you're gonna- oh racist trans woman attacks me. Racist trans woman attacks me, I'm not racist.
Starting point is 00:52:40 No, you're fucking bat shit crazy and you're a man. You assaulted me on the sidewalk and then you call the cops on me. That thing would make an amazing power lifter. It went the wrong way. It should have gone into power lifting. Look at those traps and back and arms. Taking so long. I looked better than you and you couldn't handle it because you have internalized misogyny.
Starting point is 00:53:12 I looked better than you and you couldn't handle it because you have internalized misogyny. Internalized femmophobia, internalized homophobia, you're an angry young lady, You're an angry young woman. I really wish we could be friends. I really wish we could be friends. You're an angry young lady who's a misogynist. Something called fenphobia and something called homophobia.
Starting point is 00:53:38 I don't even know what those are. What the fuck is homophobia? I don't even know what that is. I know what Islamophobia is. It's that you watch tv and you see that these people cut people's heads off they don't like so when you see them you freak out a little bit. It's like arachnophobia, right? You see a spider and it's fucking- you see its fucking fangs in the front and you're freaked out by it. That does not give you the right to hit me on the sidewalk. Which is what you did.
Starting point is 00:54:15 You assaulted me, man. What is someone who have- like if you're homophobic, like you're afraid like some- and you're a dude, you're afraid some dude's gonna butt fuck you? afraid like some in your dude you're afraid some dude's gonna butt fuck you or you're afraid like if a dude hits on you you might accidentally suck his dick I what the fuck is homophobia what city do you think that is New York Ph? Philly? Oh, oh it's New York. It says NYPD on the back there. That's the only part of the video that seems remotely real to me. The police roll up and then they walk over to the police. You don't get to see the police interaction. But other than that, boy, talk about skits. Gay people
Starting point is 00:55:10 aren't even scary. No, I agree. They're nothing like spiders. That's why that's why that LGB, the LGB people got to drop the rest of the letters. Those aren't your fucking people, man. Those aren't your fucking people. And the poor, poor, poor black people, they even got like a black stripe on the flag now that represents them. Like somehow they got sucked up into the... Into the shit. This one's gonna be too much for some of you. So if you have stuff to do, this is where you want to go.
Starting point is 00:55:50 This one. This one's too much. You guys seriously. I want to see the viewer count drop a little bit. Nope, not go up. Wrong way. This is too much. What I'm about to tell most of you are not going to be able to handle this.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Please, I'm warning you. I'm warning you, especially if you're from Canada or California, I'm warning you. Now's the time to go do some other shit. Thank you. Okay, there we go. I saw one person leave. Thank you. Okay, you ready? Thank you. Okay. There we go. I saw one person leave. Thank you. Okay. You ready? It's undeniable violent male criminals are taking advantage of self-identification laws. This story comes out of Canada people. This one you are this one this
Starting point is 00:56:41 is why you can't vote for Democrats. This is it. This is like this shit never happens This never had this is never happening on the right Adam lebacon Canada's youngest violent sex offender criminally convicted at just 17 years old after raping a three-month old He's been allowed to move to a female prison with a mother and baby unit. But you guys, the story hasn't even started yet. I haven't even told you the crazy part yet. He's 17 years old and he raped a three month old. By the way, the three month old was brutally raped and almost died and had to have all
Starting point is 00:57:18 sorts of reconstructive surgery. Yeah, Dan, 1999. Yeah, this isn't, I'm telling you, this one, this one, this is only for Democrats. If you're, if you're, if you're on the right, you already know all this, you probably should like go take a shit or something and come back. This is only for people, like if you're confused, this is, and I know what you want to say if you're a Democrat, you want to say it's not all of us. It doesn't matter that this is this is being pushed and accepted and normalized by your
Starting point is 00:57:49 party. But Sevan the Christian Church has been raping boys forever. I know but no one's trying to normalize it. No one's trying to normalize it. 12 daily doses will defend them. I know it's crazy. I sometimes get concerned for 12 daily doses because I think, hey dude, maybe there's some things you should tiptoe away from. Men playing transgender card are making a mockery of the law and the women's sex-based rights and
Starting point is 00:58:23 protection to access like women's sports, women's services, and women's spaces in unprecedented numbers and this is just another disgusting example of how the left is leaning. A violent Canadian pedophile who brutally raped a three-month-old infant while a teenager was moved to a mother and baby ward after transitioning to a woman in prison. Adam LeBacon, who in 1999 became Canada's youngest convicted criminal violence sex offender at just 17 years old, began identifying as a woman, Tara Dussau, and boasted of receiving transgender surgery around 2018. This thing got a huge 720cc double D titties and a vagina that the taxpayers in Canada
Starting point is 00:59:02 paid for while it was in jail. But dude, it gets so much worse. Sometime after the transition, the government paid for that to have these things fucking turned into a woman and then moved it to a mother baby unit. You know, that's where like mothers and babies are in jail together. Sometime after the transition, this thing was granted permission to move to a woman's ward at the Fraser Valley Institution, where he was housed in a cell bordering a unit where incarcerated mothers are allowed to live with their children up to seven years old.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Inmates have reported that this thing frequently menaces the mothers by making suggestive comments and staring at their children, and has even showed up to prison events where children were present, according to some journal. This thing's crime was considered so violent and his ensuing behavior while incarcerated so unpredictable, he was handed a rare prison sentence with no determinant length. Now, you ready for this?
Starting point is 01:00:00 During its trial, he also confessed to drowning a three-year-old boy when he was 11. So this thing drowned a three-year-old boy when it was 11 years old and then when this thing was 17 years old, it raped a baby so bad, a three-month-old baby so bad that it almost killed it and needed reconstructive surgery. And then while it was in jail in Canada it was transitioned into a woman like a porn star with giant tits and a vagina that the taxpayers in Canada paid for. While in prison he flung another inmate by her hair and kicked her in the face. I'm a transgender woman and I was born a man, but now after surgery I am a full woman. I have a vagina, not a penis, and I also have 720cc double-D gel implants.
Starting point is 01:00:58 This thing also exhibited violence, inn, and sexual deviance in jail. The parole board noted he had been found serving as a prostitute to other inmates, taking drugs, was caught with a homemade knife, stabbed a fellow inmate and threatened to murder a female prison guard. Canada. Canada. Hey, same thing in California is happening. Identical.
Starting point is 01:01:20 You could find the same thing in California is happening. Identical. You could find the same story in California if you searched around for a few minutes. It's even, it's really bad. In California, they're moving dudes to women's prisons and they're letting them keep their penises and they're raping women and getting them pregnant. That's not true, Sevan. Oh yeah, it is. Look it up. Look it up. Gavin Newsom. Fucking wild, right? That's Canada, dude. That's where they're at. That's WF. That's World Economic Forum. That's equity, by the way. That's equity. So when you hear DEI, that's all of it. That's equity, by the way. That's equity. So when you hear DEI, that's all of it. That's diversity, equity and inclusion. That all wraps up into that. That's why there is that. That's all the HR departments, people departments, all those people. That's them.
Starting point is 01:02:17 That's what they're pushing for. That's what they're defending. That's what they're, they're allowed. Anything goes. Everyone should be happy. Everyone should be allowed to express themselves however they want fuck civilization Yeah Mike mccaskie we need a seven boys club shirt when when Dave said something about the boys club What he meant was, holy fuck, even though I make fucking, so much fucking money, and I'm so rich from working at fucking CrossFit, I'm fucking deeply jealous of how fucking free you guys are.
Starting point is 01:02:59 I understand. I know. I live a charmed life. I know. I live a charmed life. I know. I know exactly what that means. I know exactly what that means. Xavier DeRoso, former member of CrossFit Livermore, was a guest on this podcast. I think at least once. Isn't it kind of crazy how after all these years, Black Lives Matter has never once mentioned that over 50 percent of the murders that happen in this country are by the hands of young black men
Starting point is 01:03:35 who more often than not are killing other black men? Did their lives matter? Isn't it kind of crazy how... Men, men. 20 year old men. Who grew up to be abortion doctors. Fucking nuts. Man, man. They should just get rid of men.
Starting point is 01:04:03 I wonder when that happens, I guess they've already started. Joel Patrick! Here we go. Chris from Mr. Beast is stepping down now because he's been exposed because he likes minors and everybody's like, oh, we didn't see this coming. We didn't see this coming. You didn't see it coming. Stevie Wonder could have seen it coming. You had a man who's obviously a man who's so confused and thinks that they're a woman, leave their family
Starting point is 01:04:38 and go on the internet and pretend to be something that they're not. And then you're like, shocker, they also happen to have serious mental issues and they like children Wow, it's like it's it's the red Porsche If you're surprised that the guy in the red Porsche has more speeding tickets than the guy and fucking sues is Honda Civic Then sorry you're retarded Susan Sousa's Honda Civic, then sorry, you're retarded. That's a very astute observation. Maybe just maybe, maybe we should stop encouraging people to be mentally ill publicly and telling
Starting point is 01:05:17 them that they're okay and that you're an evil bigot if you don't acknowledge their lunacy. Maybe we should start being evil bigots. Hey, so that other story you just read, he just described it. Instead of like seeing, hey, this fucking person is really fucked up. They already raped a three month old baby and now it wants to transition. Instead of, instead of being codependence and enabling that behavior with our tax money, with our hard-earned money, maybe we should tell the truth.
Starting point is 01:05:47 But you can't tell the truth because you're afraid someone like 12 Daily Doses will call you a bigot. Because it seems that we're the only ones that care about protecting children. Matt Wallace called this out a year ago, by the way. He knew that this was going to happen. But everyone, of course, you know, know the right conservatives you guys are just evil you don't love people you know I went back and watched that video Matt Walsh actually did call it out a year ago he knew he knew that thing that Chris thing
Starting point is 01:06:18 that was mr. beast right-hand man was gonna fucking headed towards this exact problem don't let people be how they want to be. Maybe because how they want to be as well. Do you ever think of that? Anyway, I feel bad for Mr. Beast. He doesn't deserve this seems to be a good guy who has his head on straight. What? But yeah, that's the news. So Chris, I don't know about that. I don't know how you have your head on straight. I don't know how he didn't know that was happening.
Starting point is 01:06:54 I mean, you can't you can't let a pedophile into the fucking Mr. Beast Kingdom is the fucking kid's video making empire of the world. This one, I did not vet this one. I tell you ahead of time. I do not know. Uh, you guys chime in on this one. I don't, I have, this one's fucking way, way, way, way out there. Uh, this is fucking nuts.
Starting point is 01:07:23 What I'm about to show you. The images of this are gruesome. Alright, here we go. Watch the curse that hit Celine Dion after she did this. She's walking into a nursery with newborn babies with normal genders. So she blows demon dust on them and and all of a sudden, they're gender neutral. So she's running from the cops, but she looks into the camera with an evil grin.
Starting point is 01:07:51 Yep, it's a commercial for her gender neutral clothing line with satanic imagery. And let's put them on children? So protect your kids, grandkids, your nieces, nephews from these curses. Now, see what happens. Today she suffered from the incurable disease. Ironically she has lost her singing voice. Is this coincidence? In Deuteronomy 28 God says he sends
Starting point is 01:08:15 incurable diseases to the disobedient, those who lead children astray. Don't mock God or else this could happen. So pray for Celine Dion's healing that she sees the truth and repents. If you agree, type Amen and subscribe for more Jesus videos. Watch the curse that hit Celine Dion after she did. Oh what a fucking real holy shit. Holy shit. I don't usually like words like satanic or demon or evil I think that they're just I don't like the word God. I think that they're they Are tools of manipulation to invoke an emotional response?
Starting point is 01:09:01 But I don't know, maybe those did those. I mean, if you had to categorize those images, those I think satanic would work. For those of you who don't know, I don't ever I don't I don't know if I've ever talked about it on the show or if I have I haven't talked about it in forever. But I'll tell you about it right now. Seven. on what's the number one piece of equipment in your garage You would recommend for kids. Whoa I do have I made 50 videos and I put them on sugar wad And if you want to see I can't remember how old my kids were when I made them
Starting point is 01:09:38 But they're all workouts that I did with my kids and I tried to do the workouts without equipment And I spend a shitload of time with my kids like every day, like we do something. And so if you ask what the number one piece of equipment is, it's something I got from a tumble track. And it's basically like a gymnastic set. It was not cheap. I think it's called the Tumble Track. I don't know why they spell Tumble Track the way they do.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Tumble Track five in one. This thing is still in my garage. And, oh, I just saw that it was 1,700 bucks. Let me see if I can find the Junior Bar Pro. Yeah, this is exactly what I have. the Junior Bar Pro. Yeah, this is exactly what I have. And this is a, so you could buy that programming if you need ideas.
Starting point is 01:10:43 But basically I have this and that matte underneath it, that red matte, I have two of them that are half the thick. That looks like an eight inch matte. I think I have like two four inch or two three inch mats. And like that thing is used like every single day. And you can raise and lower those bars. You can change the distance between them All that all that shit so my kids do pull-ups on them we do a shitload of
Starting point is 01:11:14 Jumping bar muscle ups like a shitload That's when you have the bar here and you jump up and push to here and then you keep raising the bar my kids do Hundreds thousands of those and then also at top, when they're at the top, I have them use false grip and lower themselves into an L-sit. We do tons of those too, shitloads of those. And you can put them next to each other and the kids can practice handstands on them. And it's like, uh, and it's big.
Starting point is 01:11:39 Um, I've seen people who have it in their living room, but like, my kids live on that. So like when I come, when I'm in the the uh, when I come into the garage and I work out But my kids will just come in there and play on that and watch me until until i'm done and then i'll fuck with them You know, then i'll put them through a workout or something, but they're always hanging on it. They walk on it They stand on it. They do pull-ups on it They swing from it. They can do everything on it. That's like, uh, I wish I could tell you it was something cheaper. And then, and then the next, if you're
Starting point is 01:12:11 really going to spend a lot of time with your kids, like, oh, and I have them do jump overs on it, I lower the bar as low as I can, they put both hands on it and they jump over it back and forth. But the craziest tool, in their early years, the most common tool I used was extra flooring I got from Rogue. Rogue sells this two inch flooring. It's not cheap either. It's like $30 just for a two by two foot piece of rubber. And then shipping they're heavy they weigh 27 pounds each and I would just do endless progressions with my kids. So what does that look like in the most simplest way is I would put this two by two foot rubber mat that weighed 27 pounds and was two inches thick or inch and a half thick sorry inch and a half thick and I put it on the ground and I would have my kids jump onto it 10 times then I would put a second mat have them jump onto it 10 times then a third mat and I would have my kids jump onto it 10 times. Then I would put a second mat and have them jump onto it 10 times.
Starting point is 01:13:05 Then a third mat. And I just thought of just endless versions of progressions where you could start from an inch and a half and move all the way. I think I have 15 of them, so I can move up to like 22 and a half inches. And they do one-legged jumps, they jump onto it, they put their hands onto it and vault over it.
Starting point is 01:13:24 I mean, just they jump over it, it just everything just shit loads of progressions And we would just do that all the time and they loved it because it's like where it you are working out But it's so fucking scaled and I would always get them to do stuff that they had Neither I or them thought they could do because we would always increase it an inch and a half increments so Our pomegranate tree is unruly my sister trimmed it while I was out of town and I'm horrified will they survive Oh, I Know that feeling yeah, I think it will It's amazing how resilient pomegranate trees are.
Starting point is 01:14:06 I've had like four for five years and I've never seen crops on them like this year. This year is crazy. I've been thinking about taking pictures of my fruits and vegetables. My harvest right now is crazy. Even when Dave was here yesterday and I walked him around the yard, you know, he's been coming to my house for years and I've never walked him around the yard and he was like, holy shit dude, you do all this? I'm like, yeah
Starting point is 01:14:32 I do. Yeah, this year's crop is nuts My we had uh Uh guests yesterday at the house with their kids and my butthole has been just stinking so bad because I'm eating so many plums. It was kind of embarrassing So there's that I need to take a video of my garden and send it to JR He said his wife wanted to see my garden, but I didn't want to show it to her in the winter All right were in the winter. All right, I don't know. Anything more? Kamala? God, Kamala is such a douche cano. Okay, let's finish with Michael Schellenberg, a devout liberal ran for governor of California as a Democrat. Good guy.
Starting point is 01:15:36 We'll just finish with this. Hey, everybody. It's Mike Schellenberger for Public. Over the last week, Republicans have repeatedly accused Vice President Kamala Harris of failing in her job to control the border, calling her Biden's border czar. In response, Time Magazine yesterday published an article headlined that Kamala Harris was never Biden's border czar. PolitiFact called the claim mostly false and Axios this morning agreed, writing that
Starting point is 01:16:06 the Trump campaign and Republicans have tagged Harris repeatedly with the Borders are title, which she never actually had. But Axios itself referred to Harris as Borders are in 2021, and there was widespread media coverage of communist responsibility for migration issues that year. To be fair, the person officially in charge of the border was and is Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. In June 2021 when Harris visited El Paso with him, Mayorkas said it is my responsibility as the Secretary of Homeland Security to address the security and management of our border.
Starting point is 01:16:41 And as Axios noted in 2021, Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar, said she would be looking at root causes of migration. As Time Magazine noted yesterday, Harris's mandate was much narrower. Her job was to focus on examining and improving the underlying conditions causing the migration crisis. But in examining and improving the underlying conditions of migration, that's not a narrower mandate. It's a wider one. According to Democrats, including Kamala Harris, we can't understand the crisis of the border as simply a border security problem. The root causes are war, oppression, and poverty. Just listen to Harris herself in a 2020 Democratic primary debate. mother do that. I will tell you because she has decided for that child to remain where they are
Starting point is 01:17:46 is worse." And the media in 2021 didn't just claim that Harris was in charge of the root causes. The media also treated Harris as in charge of the border itself. In fact, in a now famous clip, Harris tells NBC's Lester Holt that she had visited the border. Do you have any plans to visit the border? At some point, you know, we are going to the border. We've been to the border. So this whole thing about the border, we've been to the border. We've been to the border.
Starting point is 01:18:18 You haven't been to the border. And I haven't been to Europe. And I don't understand the point that you're making. I'm not discounting the importance of the border. The media is thus doing now exactly what Harris did then, which is to gaslight the American people about what was really going on in 2021. Biden tasked Harris with a larger and more important role
Starting point is 01:18:40 in dealing with migration than the mere border. Dealing with root causes is a core value for Democrats, who have long opposed what they view as an overemphasis on law enforcement, whether in cities or on the border, and an underemphasis on poverty and oppression. Despite Harris's demand for considering root causes, by all accounts, she did little to nothing of significance on this issue.
Starting point is 01:19:04 A progressive immigration expert cited by PolitiFact said that Harris's engagement on this issue has been sporadic. She has not traveled very often to the region or otherwise sought to make root causes in Central America a central theme of her vice presidency. And as the Holt interview showed, the media and Harris herself all accepted and recognized the importance of the border to dealing with the migration crisis. As Harris said, I'm not discounting the importance of the border. It could be that Harris decided that dealing with either the root causes or the border wasn't important. After all, it was always unrealistic to imagine that the U.S. could raise the standards of living high enough in places like Guatemala that people wouldn't still want to come to
Starting point is 01:19:47 the United States. But Harris never took responsibility for the issue. She never walked back her comments about root causes. She never demanded stronger border enforcement or if she did behind the scenes to Mayorkas, for example, it obviously didn't work. All she did was give a speech in Guatemala telling people, Do not come. Do not come. I believe if you come to our border, you will be turned back. The latter obviously wasn't true. Now, after voters elected Donald Trump president in 2016, the news media described America as having entered a post-truth era where facts no longer mattered. The media described itself in heroic terms, exposing the lies spread by Trump. Now the media is working with Harris and the Democratic Party to deny basic facts, including
Starting point is 01:20:36 ones established by the very same media outlets back in 2021. Why is that? Don't the media know that they will be caught and lose credibility as they are today? I'll describe why I think this is below Please consider subscribing to public now for our award-winning Journalism to read the rest of this article and to watch the rest of this video here guys a fucking national treasure He's our he's America's Douglas Murray Michael Schellenberg He's fucking amazing
Starting point is 01:21:06 Complete libtard so fucking cool. Love the guy. Alright guys. Love you guys. I don't think we have any more shows today Let me see what's going on tomorrow manana Lexi Neely She also just works out in an affiliate and takes classes area alone V2 Lexi Neely tomorrow 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Getting close to show time. Oh, a big show on the second.
Starting point is 01:21:31 Tanner Shuck has been a guest on the show, a great guest on the show, and Taylor Self got into a nasty, nasty exchange on Instagram. They will both be on the show, I think, on August 2nd, just prior to me leaving for the CrossFit Games. And they'll duke it out. All right guys oh oh Kenneth the Lap, Glinting Things Tonight 5 30 uh Eastern Time with Yawn, Jake and Pool Boy and Sevan. No not me me. That should be wild.
Starting point is 01:22:05 Alright. I'll probably pop in the comments there. Talk to you guys soon. Buh-bye.

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