The Sevan Podcast - BEHIND THE SCENES Episode 1A | The Post Show

Episode Date: January 2, 2024

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Starting point is 00:01:05 47 minutes late from our usual 7 a.m. time. Kenneth DeLapp just finished watching the behind-the-scenes episode 1A. Cole Sager's segment was Chef's Kiss. I think these first two segments are prior to any individual events, right? That's why it's 1A and 1B, and then we get into the games. Mm-hmm. Bam. Fire. Shit. Mario, what's up, dude?
Starting point is 00:01:32 Hey, thanks for all the people who are joining up. Now all I have to do is behave and not rock the boat, and maybe they'll let me come to Dickie's. No spoilers. Haven't seen it yet. All right. Well, this, basically how this unfolded so well
Starting point is 00:01:51 is thanks to CA Peptides, who you guys, I talk about all the time. So make sure you, if you're going to, if you're going to fuck around with peptides, go over there first. And Two Brain Business, if you're gonna do if you're gonna fuck around peptides go over there first and uh two brain business crazy crazy chris cooper and the gang mike workington the the posse over
Starting point is 00:02:13 there have always been so crazy supportive uh asking just little to nothing of me i can't i can't even think of anything i want to say. And then was nice enough to launch the industry report on the podcast in November and always give tons of free advice, answers questions whenever he comes on the show. Just a great asset to the affiliates. obviously to film uh mariah caleb suza rios bella hiller branstetter i'm sure and there were a ton of people who just like offered to help and were just there all the time like gabe of course uh jeremy world people who were just like yeah fuck it i'll help jonathan yeah jonathan ortega yeah i'm going to give you a list of uh hey guys what's up well what's up i'm going to give a um a list these are the people i saw in there who had like a larger than just passing role in it these are the people i saw uh nicole christiansen dave castro bill henniger katie henniger mike ray bethany flores that coach, the Asian girl coach
Starting point is 00:03:26 From Training Think Tank, what's her name? Puri? Perrin Shit, sorry Perrin Close What's the guy's name who's the Patrick Flanagan, what's the guy's name Who's the liaison between HQ and And like
Starting point is 00:03:42 Us media guys Like he hung out with us. Chris? Oh, Chris Flanagan. Mulligan? Mulligan. Chris. Is that right, guys?
Starting point is 00:03:51 Madigan. Chris Madigan. Chris Madigan. Thank you. Cool dude. Cool dude. I don't even like those kind of people, and he was cool as shit. I don't like the liaison people, but he was awesome.
Starting point is 00:04:03 He actually was great. He was always there for us. Don Fall, Michelle Bassanere, Abigail Domet, Emily Rolfe, I don't like the liaison people, but he was awesome. He actually was great. He was always there for us. Don Fall, Michelle Bassanet, Abigail Domet, Emily Rolfe, Paige Semenza, Bailey Rail, Alex Vigneault, Luke Parker, Lazar Jukic, Lillian Fuentes, who works for HQ, but she was like my homie back in the days, my filming homie. I loved working with her, but you get to see her interview someone. I can't remember who.
Starting point is 00:04:27 You get to see the Masters event begins. You get to see a bunch of Masters athletes, including some interviews with Brian Wilson. He's a 60-plus Masters athlete. And a good interview with David Hippenstiel. Greg Hammond from Concept2 is in it. Yellow Hostie. Hosta. David Cherunk.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Patrick Vellner. Justin Medeiros. Just a little bit of Justin. Noah, great. Man man fucking what a stud No, no, it would be a great camera guy. He's just there to make people feel good Dallin pepper James Sprague Jason Hopper Sam quant Jake Douglas Bjorgman Carl Goodman sin Cole Sager Annie Thor's daughter Colton Merton Spencer Pan chick Roman and Rosa Brent Fikowski. Brent was great.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Uh, Johnny Mac and Nick Matthew, just to name a few of the people who had like notable, like you got to hear them talk and shit and hang out. Yeah. We worked our ass off there. Holy shit. Hey,
Starting point is 00:05:22 how much of all the footage that you had will not including b-roll how much didn't make it in i don't know in those first episodes but honestly not a ton there was well every interview a lot of the interviews made it in but a lot of times it was just a chunk of it so the first time we went through all the footage we'd mark out what chunk of the interview we wanted to use so we looked through all the footage first made the marks and then went back in the timelines and started dropping in those segments in and then cut from there uh seve do you cut off half their head because you're short just a shitty cameraman just a shitty camera guy he's letting me know he's engaged just the fucking
Starting point is 00:06:07 ride just obsessed with chests you know it's funny it's so cool you say that though because in the early years people would be like hey dude that's so disrespectful the way you focus on chicks tits i'm like shut the fuck up like i'm not even like i don't even know what i'm doing i'm like talking to people i'm like trying to fucking hold the camera back the fuck off so i appreciate you heidi saying recognizing it's because i suck and not because i'm like talking to people i'm like trying to fucking hold the camera back the fuck off so i appreciate you heidi saying recognizing it's because i suck and not because i'm like i'm never like looking at anyone's tits while i'm filming it's fucking insane what are you talking about but thank you heidi i appreciate you yeah it's just shitty camera work it's just i think
Starting point is 00:06:39 will said in the comments the other day he's all man he's all we got a lot of chests in here he's just letting you know who's tall yeah it's like damn you probably you probably focus better on uh shrunk and yellow holster than anybody else which is actually kind of hilarious the irony that they're the two tallest guys hey is rio's coming in yeah um when we when we will when we film this originally we didn't have a plan to edit right that came along like you and rios came along like we knew we were going to get the footage and come home that's what was kind of funny right people were like hey when is this going to be done and i was thinking to myself holy shit uh maybe it's never going to be done like who knows like who knows look oh there he is. There's Rios. Patrick. What's up, dude?
Starting point is 00:07:26 What's up? Hey, Rios, when did you know that you and Will were going to be doing the edit? Was that, that was after we came back, right? Yeah, just when I realized that I needed help. But, no, but I mean, even before, like, when we were at the games, did you, had you already been planning, had we already talked and you were going to edit? Yeah. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:07:45 I just asked who was doing it. You said, I don't know yet. I said, can I do it? Yeah. And we had that conversation at the games? Yeah. Okay, good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:54 I felt like it was very, everything just came together between Two Brain Business helping and CA Peptides helping and CrossFit giving us the access. And then all of a sudden we got there. We're like, we need someone to edit. And then Patrick offered up to edit and Mariah was going to offer it, offer it up to edit too, but she got crazy busy. And then, um, at some point, Patrick, didn't you say, Hey, can I get Will to help me? Yeah, for sure. And then, and then Will came in. That's probably halfway through maybe yeah october maybe yeah and will is this the first is it will is this the first thing you've ever like
Starting point is 00:08:33 project you is this like you're just all self-taught and the first thing you've ever done uh i've done all this self-made training youtube stuff that i filmed and stuff but it's the first thing i've ever worked on that i didn't do it every single piece of everything i've ever done i filmed i edited i colored i did everything at any point where either you guys overwhelmed i mean 15 episodes is a lot yeah i think there's a lot to learn from a collaboration perspective that makes the process really hard whenever you're trying to because we're both working on projects at the same time having to share tons of files back and forth like all in the first episode you see all the instagram pictures and stuff i'm the one that's
Starting point is 00:09:16 publishing and exporting the video so patrick has to transfer every single instagram screenshot to me so then i can link the project file to my version of all those images every file every lower third graphic all the intro l1 open video so we we definitely had a lot to learn on the collaboration of how how does that work on the team projects because I think most of what Patrick and I've done is mainly we have shot and edited our own stuff and and then so it'll get next time if we get another shot at this next time it'll be faster yeah would you guys do it again would you guys want to do it again 100 100 yeah yeah hey go like this up and down like this patrick yeah when you do that it sounds like someone's like scratching
Starting point is 00:10:04 something out i like it it's a nice sound effect no no it's good no it's good i like the sound it's it's good diona holloway i have her book one of the only uh hair colored people that i that i like oh the exception to the rule safe space judgment freeze that is a nice color. It's subtle. She's cool as shit. She's a texting buddy. Why the EV at the boobs? That's nice. Good find. Quickly.
Starting point is 00:10:35 She's cool as shit. She got a book out. I bought her a book. It's not an audio though, so I haven't read it. Why the EV at the boobs? What's EV? I don't know. Rambler's going to talk down to us i didn't i didn't even what's crazy is when i'm watching it i'm i'm not i didn't even see any boobs or chest i just see i didn't see i didn't rambler asked about the uh s log three and that might be an interesting point is that in the first couple days yeah if you want to lose viewers and listeners.
Starting point is 00:11:05 This is a quick shout out to Mariah. Mariah colored the footage. And in the first couple of days, there was probably four different color profiles going on to mix all together, to make it look like there was one. So shout out Mariah on that. We will never be doing that again.
Starting point is 00:11:20 We're just using shooting and whatever Sony says is there. Hey, the picture did did look tremendous the footage looks crazy the fx3 the fx3 is just nuts well actually what's crazy is that's the a7s3 right we haven't even seen the fx3 yet and what's crazy is that the original footage i mean mariah did a really good job coloring it because there was a lot of exposure and stuff issues that she fixed which is oh yeah i was i was all because you know what happened i was shooting flat and i didn't even know what the i was looking at good job mariah that's what i was rios and i were talking like as soon as mariah gets to the fx3 footage it's going to be way easier because the s3 and all the color
Starting point is 00:11:57 profiles were crazy i had apologized to mariah a couple times for having to with so many different color profiles because we were all shooting in different ones for whatever reason. And she said she was used to your shooting style, Sivan, which she quoted as overexposed and out of focus. In just a chest.
Starting point is 00:12:18 She can bring heads in. I get it. In focus and in exposure. That's good. All right. That's awesome. And I guess on this I get it in focus and in exposure. That's good. All right. That's awesome. Got it. And I guess on this episode, Mariah's not even there yet. Oh. Something to note.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Right. Oh, yeah. She didn't get in until Thursday or something. Yeah. So you guys will see the progress of when the team shows up. Vittorio, color profiles, very inclusive, Seve. Yeah, see? This conversation transcends.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Black, white, red, yellow. Yeah. Hey, anything not make it? Anything you guys were editing, you're like, oh, shit. If people heard Sevan say that or Dave say that or Don say that, that shit's their toast. Cancel DOLA. Any, did it pull anything out yet?
Starting point is 00:13:03 I think we, there's definitely one section that is going to be interesting to see whenever dave gets to that episode of what he approves what is dave approved up to now we're up to five he's approved up to five yeah i think so so and he has and you you sent me six and seven so i sent him six and seven too but those two aren't approved he's he's approved up to part five which is six episodes and because the one the first one we split in half but he approved the full thing i like how we did that that's gonna make it really confusing when people talk about it people are gonna be like did you see episode three and then be like well do you mean episode four or two or like which one it's cool i like how one has an a and b it makes us seem like we're
Starting point is 00:13:42 sophisticated it's provocative yeah Yeah, it is. It actually worked out really nice. And Arios, I don't know if you planned this, but part 1A has a big focus on Dave. And the one that's coming Wednesday has a lot of interviews with Boz. So you can look forward to that. But it actually worked out really cool because you don't see Boz at all in this first one,
Starting point is 00:14:03 I don't think. And then the second one is what Boz was doing on the same day. So it's actually really cool because you don't see boz at all in this first one i don't think and then the second one is what boz was doing on the same day so it's actually really cool i i watched um all the episodes on a 80 or 85 inch tv and it played so fucking well i don't know how it plays on a phone or on a small screen but it played so good big it played so good it plays great on a phone i watched i reviewed it for maybe the seventh time last night after i did the final export again at 1 a.m and i watched it on my phone before bed to make sure it was good uh event eventually the shows start to get some montages in them too right there ends up being some some you start seeing some of the actually athletic performances like in between the interviews we'll see the guys like moving
Starting point is 00:14:48 in slow motion with like cheap uh royalty-free music and shit i've watched every single behind the scenes from past years wow there's never been this much b-roll coverage oh awesome okay three minute montages of the events but then I'd say all but maybe two interviews per episode have B-roll layered over the interviews. Slow-mo, 120. Oh, that's going to be awesome. Even the B-roll you had of just the Masters women pulling on the rower was pretty cool. Just that slow--mo shot just a static slow-mo of them pulling on the rower is cool to see um at that bike event was where um for those of you over the years have watched my relationship with katrin i had been even before i knew i was going to do behind the scenes i wanted to bury the hatchet with katrin so i'd reached out to um matt o'keefe and i said hey do you think maybe she could come on the podcast for 10 or 15 minutes
Starting point is 00:15:48 i'll keep it super chill i'll keep it very superficial tell her congratulations for making the games whatever i just didn't want the negativity in my life and he said absolutely and he talked to her and he said yeah she'll do it blah blah and then as the behind the scenes came i reached out to him again and i was like hey dude looks like i'm gonna do the behind the scenes i want to make sure that like i'm going to do the behind the scenes. I want to make sure that like I'm not in no way fucking with her, like being there. So if she has some sort of boundaries or rules she wants me to follow, let me know because I don't want to fuck with her performance. He's like, nope, all good. She says she's going to come on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Her and I had started texting back and forth a little bit and we didn't ever schedule a time with Sousa. But right there at that bike event was the first time i saw her and i had to make a decision to pull her aside and talk to her or leave her alone but but but kind of like step into the awkward space and see if like everything's cool like if moving forward and so i waited until she was was with Annie so that there would be two of them together. So kind of we had a witness and then her best friend was there. So maybe she would feel even safer, you know, so that I would be like the in the lesser position. And as they walked away from that biking event, I approached them and I didn't have the camera on. I wasn't sure I couldn't remember if I had the camera on or not. We had a good talk there. That was like the first time I talked to her. i talked to her for probably a good 10 minutes there and just you know it was good it was just right away like uh we we were
Starting point is 00:17:09 both present for the conversation um and um it was good what was your approach like when you came up to her did she like embrace you right away or did she give you like the half turn and make you make the first move or was there i know she was good it was like it was like we docked you know what i mean like two ships came and docked together we locked in there was no um she showed no fear she showed no apprehensiveness she was like hey let's get at it and we just got at it maybe we even hugged you know what i mean but we just like it was just like two humans and we just got at it. And someone, someone still, wait, what's this? Nice, someone, but you still owe us an apology. What'd I do to you?
Starting point is 00:17:53 I don't, I don't really apologize. Selective reading. Yeah. Wait a minute. What'd I miss? I don't know, but apparently you owe Judy an apology. No, no, Judy, I'll apologize. Jody, I'll apologize to you.
Starting point is 00:18:08 I'll send you some toothpaste when it comes out. Jody, I'm so sorry. Whatever he did to you, I apologize. We just want to take this time to make sure we apologize. Is this Patrick guy high? He was in Colorado. Slinky always, Mike. Yes. Yes, all right It was in Colorado. Slinky, always Mike. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Yes, all right. There you go. Sevan, how early on in this first day, or when did you feel like you were back on the saddle, comfortable? It was quick. To be honest with you, so I never watched the podcast back, and the whole time that I watched the behind the scenes, I can't stand myself
Starting point is 00:18:45 like i don't like i feel when i'm watching listening to myself ask questions the whole time i think i'm just bugging the athletes like when i'm there i'm having a blast and i don't think i'm bothering them at all and i feel no insecurity and i'm just high as a kite i'm just so happy but when i'm watching it in hindsight i'm like dude go sit down you know what i mean i'm just like uh i don't know that it's i'm not i'm not comfortable i'm not i'm not i have not i have not gotten comfortable watching myself at all but when i'm there it happened really quick i knew it was bizarre i didn't expect i didn't expect for it to happen really quick i was like oh this happened really quick. I knew it was bizarre. I didn't expect for it to happen really quick. I was like, oh, this is going to be tough.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Because it was always tough. Even before, when I was a regular doing the behind the scenes, the first few days were always tough. I interviewed, and I almost, I really was uncomfortable interviewing the females. They were more difficult for me to engage. And I didn't feel any of that this year. This year, the boys and the girls were the same to me the men and women were the same it was cool and how much do you think the athlete interviews leading up to that helped with that or made it worse a ton a ton i i didn't even
Starting point is 00:19:56 think about that until you just said that a ton how many did we interview 50 athletes before the games yeah and it was funny because a couple of the athletes that i don't think you would have had any interaction with like yellow host day and like some of those guys that were coming over normally you wouldn't have ever had talked to him but it there's already like a warm embrace because you've already spent about an hour 45 minutes with each of them on the podcast there's some that i'm like just crazy fond of too that like um like i really like page simenza when she was on the show i'm like really fond of her a shelby neal i'm like i'll just like when i see them i'm just i'm just immediately comforted by their
Starting point is 00:20:31 presence you know who else was kind of weird who i'm comforted by their presence this is gonna fucking so weird he's never been on the show and it is awkward between us but fikowski whenever he was so cool whenever i was in his presence he was he's so fucking chill he got great uh all those he got great great chill there's a moment in one of the later episodes where he pulls you over yeah walk to you like him and a bunch of other big dudes are all hanging out shirtless watching the event he's like hey do you want to learn about sled pulls or something or sled push and did i walk away talking oh no you walked up oh good it's probably like a 20 minute clip that i had to cut down but he just chatted about everything he knew about sled pushes when i was on the last day he was by himself and i was under the i was under the uh Coliseum and he saw me
Starting point is 00:21:25 and he did this really nice gesture like, hey, it's okay to enter my space. He was by himself. It was after the games. It's shit's tense. And at the same time, I had to go somewhere else and I was so fucking bummed.
Starting point is 00:21:39 I kept second guessing myself that I made the wrong decision not to hang out with him then. Not only to get the footage with him, but to sort of build a relationship with him. So like me and him could sort of understand each other better how how we're both like. Yeah, I fucked that up, but that's good. OK, good. So so you saw us getting along under there. You saw us getting along on the show.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Yeah, for sure. And then a lot of the newer people you can eat. I guess you can't yet if you haven't seen it, but you can feel them become more comfortable with you over the weekend. Yeah, that's cool. They hang out and they chat for longer. They are more excited when you walk up, for sure. Daniel Arnson, so you broke my heart for making me wait so long, but good for you for charging the art. You charging for. you but am i high but good for you for charging for the art you create yeah i mean here's the thing this is uh um this is just an attempt this is just an experiment like hey let's see if we can get 5 000 subscribers and make 100 grand a month
Starting point is 00:22:41 and make tons of content and build it uh and invest in real estate and get rich stop doing this shit my houses wait uh noah was great you guys saw uh entry with him was fantastic that's how he's always been to me. I really wish he would come on the show more. Great guy. Oh, I want this Instagram thing. Are we going to start putting out clips for – like I was thinking about giving Instagram clips to these people in the audience too, like we did last time. Send them a Google Drive. Are we going to do that? Or are we giving clips to, to CrossFit? I mean, I don't know if they want to promote it. I don't, I don't care if, I mean, I would like them to promote it,
Starting point is 00:23:32 but if no pressure to them, but are we giving them a Google drive? Or what are we doing with other people to let other people help us promote this if they want? Yeah, we're going to, I've been, I've been chugging the cock of CrossFit for the last three weeks. You've called me out every time. We better get noticed a little. I noticed a little.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Yeah. Well, hopefully we get the same treatment as the, the buttery dudes, deeters and the other man bun, because that would be awesome. Cause I do believe they all got emails sent out to everybody saying that their behind the scenes was up.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Didn't they? Oh, that's cool. Hey, yeah. i think part yeah and i think too uh we'll build for sure throughout this and then make sure we're building up promotional content for when it goes public as well yeah crossfit can also wait to promote it until it's free right yeah so so vindicate they might do that that would be my guess but
Starting point is 00:24:24 what about umiffsNow? Are we going to start on Wednesday? Maybe during this show, will we have an IG reel we can share with people that they can be the first to post? For sure. Yeah. What are you laughing at, Will?
Starting point is 00:24:41 I was just waiting to see if Rios was going to respond. Giving Rios some air time there was the I pretty much as I'm watching all of that I remember everything but there was one thing that happened in there that I cannot fucking remember for the life of me and when I gave Nick Matthew that bar I do not remember
Starting point is 00:25:07 doing that at all i cut some of that out you did cut some of that out yeah he said he said he was hungry and he didn't have anything on him so you gave him one of those quest bars and then he turns to you and he's like i'm surprised you even have this you said something along the lines of like quick in a pinch yeah yeah he kept throwing it back at you like he couldn't believe that you would even touch that i would eat one of those plastic bars they're so good it's like my favorite thing about going to events like that is taking shitty bar food and these listerine strips um so so i don't i don't remember giving that to him but i it's something when i was watching that
Starting point is 00:25:46 i was thinking i wonder if that's um like you know you're not supposed to feed the seagulls at the beach i wonder if that's like you're not supposed to feed the athletes like three more athletes come up after that and you're like oh shit get away guys yeah or or if there was something like unethical like it was like cheating i gave one like it has steroids in it i wasn't even thinking i wasn't edible but just like i gave one of those bars to um ben smith also is that why he hurt his knee no he hurt his knee and they were taking him away in a cart and i was like oh dude are you hungry and or something he goes actually i am so i so i gave one yeah and then and then you gave him a ci peptides business card i should have this could fix your knee hey so when you're walking up to these people
Starting point is 00:26:33 how does that work do you do you have the camera already rolling do you come up to them and first ask hey could i ask you a couple questions like like as you're walking up into the scene not once you're there and the camera's already rolling. I can answer that for you. The camera's rolling the entire day. Oh, Rios has some pent up aggression. He wants to get out lifting up people. If everyone's going to ask why it took so long to get it out, this is probably part of the reason. Every single clip starts not horizontal but vertical
Starting point is 00:27:07 because the camera was hit record while it's dangling on the ground there's like 30 seconds to a minute of just the ground and then it pulls up to their face we went we we hit the punched in numbers to the rotate setting uh lots of times to rotate it from vertical to horizontal hey so that's something we need to learn right next year we need to or next i guess if we go to carson here in a couple months we got to lock it off so it's always um horizontal horizontal yeah there's got to be a way to do that every clip starts like this yeah and and ends with thank you fist bump it was it was just the ones in the savant folder for whatever reason hey that could be a good montage just a shitload of fist bumps
Starting point is 00:27:59 i am my my memory of it is that like i'm'm really cool. And I just walk up to people and talk to people. But when I watch it, it's just this dude with an awkward laugh. Who's like, trying to like, um, uh, wherever you're going, you better believe American express will be right there with you heading for adventure. We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy a room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together.
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Starting point is 00:29:22 Get conversation going with people who don't want to have conversation right i i think that they're in the same here's what i think about the athletes and maybe i'm totally wrong and like i'm i know i'm totally wrong about people like josh bridges or people like that who are just really want to engage but i feel like they're in the same position i'm in they don't want to do it but they know this has to be done. And so they do it. And, but after you get over that initial, those two thoughts, you can actually get into a flow with people and it becomes fun, but they're focused on what they're doing. Right. So they don't really want to talk. And then your job is, is like to get them to talk, but you don't want to interrupt them from what they're focused. And yet both of you are going to do it anyway. and yet both of you are going to do it anyway. But sometimes you can start over – as the days go on, you can build a relationship with people,
Starting point is 00:30:09 so then they start to learn how to use you, right? By use you, I mean use you to help themselves calm down. Like they start to feel more and more comfortable around you. So – and I got that with a lot of the athletes. And then other athletes I didn't get that with. Like Justin Medeiros, I didn't get that with him at all. I don't even know if I spoke to him at all i think it's i did speak to him yeah it was an interesting dynamic because i think a lot of the athletes felt like there was an abundance of media there right yeah everyone wanted interviews especially with the buddy bros and
Starting point is 00:30:39 craig and us it was like they would come off the floor and immediately three cameras would be on there probably asking the same questions and there's one interview that you did with justin it might be the only one where he was finishing and he's walking off the floor and he's like you asked him what do you think about all the media that's around and he said it's a lot and he goes i just wish people would ask better questions because it gets kind of boring to say the same thing over and over again. And then I said, how big is your junk?
Starting point is 00:31:10 Exactly. Yeah. Hey, here's the thing. Here's the, would Justin something really weird happened before the games? I think he was on, um,
Starting point is 00:31:18 uh, Pedro's podcast, but he was on a podcast and someone said, Hey, um, what if Savon approaches you at the games? And he said, basically like, if he asks me something weird weird i'll knock him out or something and i think he was kind of like
Starting point is 00:31:29 joking not joking and at that point i was like well at the games i'm pretty fucking respectful and chill and i keep everything uh light and kind of let them dictate but at that point i realized this guy doesn't really want to be interviewed by me But at that point, I realized this guy doesn't really want to be interviewed by me. Justin Medeiros, Justin Medeiros. Before the games, Justin Medeiros did an interview, and someone asked him a question about me approaching him. And he – I got the vibe from him from watching that interview that he didn't want to fuck with me at the games. So I just gave him his space.
Starting point is 00:32:04 And he was really intense at the games. He was really, really, really, really intense intense and i think a lot of people saw that so um i i am not going after anyone for the sake of their name i'm going out i'm only i choose the people i know you guys know this i've told you a million times i choose the people that look like they're going to be easy to interview and that want to be interviewed. So it doesn't matter to me if it's fucking someone who skirted in in 40th place, you know, or a last minute, you know, if it's a shrunk or Aunt Haynes or if it's Daniel Brandon. I'm just trying to find people who want to. But then occasionally you do have to talk to someone who just does not want to be talked to. You have to talk to someone who just does not want to be talked to. And,
Starting point is 00:32:43 and, and, and you, and those have to be really calculated. Like when Daniel Brandon shit the bed or was crying out on the floor, um, from the snatch, I knew, oops,
Starting point is 00:32:54 I'm going to have to go talk to her. This sucks. But how do you, how do you break that ice? Like, you don't sort of come in and be like how to go out there. That's like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:33:01 yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You say something stupid yeah that is what i said she no one wants to talk to her she's you know when someone's walking they're giving off this vibe no one get close to me no remember my answer was sarah that's yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:33:15 everyone leaves her alone and i just walked up to her and she has her back to me and i go hey what's up how was that out there? And it, and it just, it never got off the ground until her ex-boyfriend Matt Torres waved me off. He's like, ah, did I get that? Did we get that on film? Him waving me off. Oh yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:38 The wave off. You see him kind of in the background subtly. Yeah. But it's cool. Cause he, you follow up on it with her on another episode later on. Oh, I do? You're like, hey, remember when I came up to you yesterday? And she's like, yeah, I do. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:33:56 It's great. That's the fun part. There are all these little storylines interlined in between the episodes. I feel like if you're an avid listener of the show, the behind the scenes is like 10 X for you because there's so much nuance to it. There's so many characters that like have developed over these last couple of years.
Starting point is 00:34:15 So many storylines, so many interactions with the past present and, and people that, you know, you've had time with in the past and everything else, which is really cool. If you don't watch the show it's still awesome but um uh seven were you nervous talking to emily emily rolf probably it's like talking a fucking wonder woman she's she's easy though man she's easy and her and her um and her dude's easy.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Are there any other Emilys? Emily was great. I think that's the other time out. Speaking of nuance, there's another nuance. Whenever Bethany Flores, Bethany Shadburn is getting on her helmet and you go, what size helmet do you wear? She goes, small. And you go, small?
Starting point is 00:35:06 I call bullshit on that. If you listen to the show, you know why someone's asking. Yep, exactly. That's what I'm talking about. You hear someone's quote. She got a massive head on her. There's no way her. In the back of your head.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Yeah, there's no way. That was a great moment. Small? Yeah. That and your conversation with the Concept2 guy. You're like, what machine do you buy and he's like the skier and you're like I fucking hate the skier I think that's the question I asked him right
Starting point is 00:35:33 Caleb on the when he came on too yeah Craig Paisley Brian friend and Patrick Clark's recent interview with Ant Haynes and his brother is really good. It discusses and shows the struggles CrossFit athletes face in other countries. They're Hong Kong, right?
Starting point is 00:35:54 Mm-hmm. Are the weights heavier there? What struggles? They're just really far away. From CrossFit. From CrossFit. They're disconnected from the live source of hq someone someone send me a uh skier for fuck's sake let me let me own one of those dear bill and katie yeah send me
Starting point is 00:36:17 sent dear greg hammond please send a stairmaster and a skier so these shows can't have it's a shame these shows can't have a live chat so when when we when we release these um every day building up to the open one a day will those be set as premieres and have live chats if we wanted to we can do that yeah yeah do you think that i think that's the way i think we should i'd be curious to see people's comments as it unfolds yeah yeah that's a shame that you can't so what is it so this members thing isn't really too well developed for um youtube yeah it's not fully it doesn't seem like everything all the features are there and then you couldn't even schedule this either right basically what happened was is you have to be standing by your computer and flip it on yeah you can only schedule it to
Starting point is 00:37:08 go from members only to public public yeah i'll let that up to him but you can't schedule to go from unlisted to members only so at 659 pacific standard time you're you're in the back end of youtube and you turn it on yeah i was just on my phone in the car and hit members only CEO level. Jesus Christ. Sousa, in his car, on his phone? I was parked. Oh, okay. I watched it.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Boy, I feel better. I was sitting here and I was like, oh, there it is, members only. If everyone treats the chat or the comment section as the chat then the engagement will just be through the roof yeah which is perfect it's kind of what they're doing right now as it was going they were just commenting in the comments it was great yeah i didn't even check that back i'm gonna go look at that now oh and and the oh yeah 26 comments already that's big
Starting point is 00:38:02 for this show hey and so the, someone said I fell asleep. Jesus Christ. Already? Someone said Cole put me to sleep. Jesus, come on, man. He was inspirational. That was a 25-minute interview with Cole for reference.
Starting point is 00:38:21 And you cut it down to five. Two and a half. The funniest thing is when uh when um james had that banana sitting there like this and then you're like what do you think about that guy over there that cole just takes it to like this oh that's the new generation of athlete like totally missed the fucking wait he did because i didn't even see that what i didn't even see that i mean maybe i saw it at the time i saw it on his face yeah yeah it was as he was like staring it's pretty funny this is during the cole interview yeah i'll see i'm scrolling through it now um yeah it's at uh uh, like the 30, 25 mark. I'm at 30, 11.
Starting point is 00:39:06 After he talks about the, yeah, it's at the, uh, 31, 40, go to 31, 40. All right. Are you doing it, Caleb? Yeah. Oh, we want to show it. I want to see the banana. If he's holding the bananas dig. Now that you say that, I kind of remember him doing it.
Starting point is 00:39:21 You got to be a member to see that shit. Go sign up for the CEO level right now. James and his dirty banana oh my god he is oh yeah let's see let me see let me pull it up yeah give him a little taste let's see james break also if you're watching and you want to access i put up a video this morning that shows you oh shit there it is and he's making eye contact with me while he does that. Hard eye contact. There's a slow punching on his face. I thought you noticed him holding that banana because you asked Cole. You say, hey, well, what do you think about this guy with it?
Starting point is 00:39:55 At the time, I probably saw it. Maybe not. Jesus Christ. So that's a post-production zoom into his face right there? Yes Man James, tuck up or down? Good question I think Will will agree with this
Starting point is 00:40:17 There's a handful of athletes That did a lot for themselves In the behind the scenes That I think are going to come away pretty stoked with the audience. Like who, like James Dallin, James Dallin, Alexis Raptus,
Starting point is 00:40:33 Raptus. I think every Raptus interviews. Fantastic. Katrin. She kills your stuff with hers. Great. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Yeah. She's amazing. She's good. Good, she's fucking amazing. Ariel, for sure. Oh, good, good. And Dylan. Honestly, Dylan. Yeah. Gained the most Instagram followers.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Wow. That's awesome. We got him in the pipeline. We should time that up. I wonder what episode he's heavy in. Maybe we could. All of them, really. hey just just just so people know too that this this this so this putting these their instagram handles in every shot is a lot of fucking work it's insane and we did that on purpose because
Starting point is 00:41:14 we're trying to get all the stuff there's so much stuff in here that's basically trying to give back like that we that didn't need to be done that's all us just going out of our way. No one's paying us for that. You, you, if you're an athlete, you can thank all the members for coughing up some change so that these guys can, uh,
Starting point is 00:41:32 work 40 hours a week on this shit. All that. I love that part that we're giving back to them on that. Oh, Oh, Oh, what's this? Oh,
Starting point is 00:41:42 Oh, Oh shit. Here we Oh. Oh, shit. Here we go. Look at this. It's just in. I was watching the show the other day, and I have YouTube Premium so I can swipe off the video, and there was just a 30-second period where someone was looking at his text,
Starting point is 00:42:01 and I was like, I really wonder what people's perception is of the show if they listen on audio platforms from James Sprague but it's unrelated to this oh maybe come on I's let's maybe come on. I'm going to tell him to come on the show for a minute. Uh, Hey, uh, Hey, can you come on the show for a minute? So basically what I did is I reached out to, I don't know, a hundred people and asked them to just make a little promo.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Hey, will you take your level one? And so those videos at the beginning of every show, are those going to change slightly every show, every show. So new character in every show, you show, new athletes, new star power. Yes, sir. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Okay. Ask him if he's up or down. Penis up or penis down? Oh, he appears, yes. Sheathed or unsheathed? Peeled or unpeeled? So he, oh, those are great questions. No problem. He'd look like a penis up guy. guy yeah for sure yeah he looks like a waistbander let's not um let's find out hey yo what's up james oh what's
Starting point is 00:43:16 up boys how are you james james we want to show you um uh are you are you going hunting today no bro i'm just wearing this thing I got in Tennessee, man. Camo's in, bro. Camo is in. All right. Hey, I want to show you this scene from the behind the scenes that just premiered a second ago. Oh, let's go. When you're getting fitted for the bikes and you seem to be a penis up guy.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Oh, let's see it, bro. Here we go. This is you with Cole Sager. Notice your placement. You're keeping the banana. OK, go ahead. Action. Look at that. Oh, no. Are you looking directly into my eyes while you're doing that? I think so. I think it was the intimidation factor. I think so. I think it was the intimidation factor. Oh my goodness. Look at you. And James, I,
Starting point is 00:44:12 I get harassed because I'm a penis up guy. Like I'll reach in my pants periodically throughout the day and pull my penis up. Are you penis up or penis down guy? You know, I think it depends on the day brother. Obviously this day I was pretty excited as you can tell so uh you know I don't know what Cole was even saying it looked like a pretty serious conversation so I just kind of wanted to interrupt yeah fantastic and how was it back there with the behind the scenes is it um with all the cameras is it nerve-wracking or is it kind of like a stress relief like how do you use it oh man I so. So this is really shameful to admit,
Starting point is 00:44:45 but I hadn't really watched any of the behind the scenes before, until after this year's game. So I didn't really know what the whole thing was around it. And now I'm like, why did I, why was I not introduced to this beforehand? But I think it's so freaking cool what you guys are doing with it. And I thought it was just a fun way to showcase
Starting point is 00:45:05 athletes more than just what their performance is like what they're actually going through is i think it's way cooler than watching the actual games in my opinion i just thought it was so dope to see like how they're they're doing the warms the cooldowns the conversations going into it so i'm like man it was cool to be a part of it look at look at well look at uh um a sleaky i want to hang out with james hi sleaky that's a very sus profile picture who doesn't want to hang out with james um james where are you now uh i'm in spokane washington i am oh it's the. Wow. I went to bed really early last night and just ice tubbed and I'm getting ready for my final week of waterpalooza training prep and then heading over there next
Starting point is 00:45:51 week. Awesome. All right. Uh, you the man, thank you. Um, the, the boys here, um, we just premiered episode one. I'll send you a link. And the boys said that, uh, in the 15 episodes that you come out looking really really really good that you did yourself a huge favor so thank you for participating thank you for making my job easy back there bro thank you for for doing all this for us and uh thanks for the text i'll come on anytime bro just shoot me a text anytime all right brother okay talk soon bye boys see you james james ray well shit always brings the energy. Good deal. Isn't Spokane?
Starting point is 00:46:27 I think so. Did I see Jason from CF Media in here? Oh, yeah. Yeah. This show's big time. I wonder what people think who are audio only. Oh, that's what you guys were saying. Yeah. I think people, right?
Starting point is 00:46:40 That people look at their phones and they're like, is the show over? What happened? Literally like my drive to the fire station. I think i'm getting a phone call or my service cut out and then i look and just you chilling back like this hey hillar actually in this video you can he um asks a question there's an interview a short interview with him interviewing someone is does he make it? Is he in every episode? His interview? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:19 But he was honestly invaluable with his B-roll footage was super helpful, especially whenever I'm thinking 24 montages for the events. Each of them is, you know, a minute, 45 to two and a half minutes. That's a lot of footage that we need. And we put commentary behind it all. So a lot of them are trying to tell the story of who's being interviewed or what's going on. And so having a plethora of B-roll is vital to carrying the story throughout the events. So big shout out, Hiller. Andrew Hiller, thank you. Hey, so the next show will be um wednesday do we have a time for it
Starting point is 00:47:47 i think we're going towards the evening unless we want to make an adjustment there and i think it'll probably release i can't remember how long episode two is i think it's another like 40 minute i think it's only 25 okay so we'll probably release that at six then jump on here at 6 30 okay sounds good so we're going to release at six then jump on here at 6 30 okay sounds good so we're going to release at different times we're not going to release at the same time every well if we want to do the live show afterwards it'll conflict with some of the stuff that's already down on the schedule a little bit but i think wednesday we already have greg and i don't really want to move them you think that's bad though will hunt to be moving it around yeah i was thinking
Starting point is 00:48:21 we can do whatever but i was just thinking we released at the same time if we need to do the live show eight seven hours after it's not a big deal gives more people gives people time to get it watched that's oh wait oh like so it just releases at seven but our live show moves according to the schedule okay okay you're good with that um then we'll be competing with ourselves if we release it at 7 and I'm also on with Greg at 7 yeah maybe we could even release it earlier
Starting point is 00:48:56 we could release it at 6.30 yeah we could release it early because I'm three hours ahead so releasing early is not hard for me I'm not waking up at 6 releasing early is not hard for me. I'm not waking up at 6am. I've heard that about you. Really?
Starting point is 00:49:11 I've heard that about you actually. No, no, I've heard you can't. That's what my wife does to me. I rip on her and she's like, I know that's what you did. Shout out Haley.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Shut up. No, you shut up. What? I can't do that. I mean, what? I asked you first. All right.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Um, thank you everyone. Uh, short show today. Anyone want to chime in anything, anything, anyone got something to add? I'm going to run stairs now with my kids.
Starting point is 00:49:36 If you want to join, there's a link in the description. You can just hit the join link and it'll take you immediately there. Even if you're on a phone, it's easy way or an Instagram bio, or you can go watch the video i put out on the main channel publicly that walks through every way to join as a ceo member and if you are a media director member and you're trying to upgrade to ceo which i think is a lot of people you got to go to the membership tab click see perks i believe i haven't done this myself this is just based on membership tab, click see perks. I believe I haven't done this myself.
Starting point is 00:50:06 This is just based on my research. Research. Click see perks and you should be able to go to CEO and click upgrade. Everything's harder on an iPhone for some reason, but I'm taking it to the support at YouTube. Trying to figure this out for you guys. How can we get a join button on the iPhone? Will's going to write an email. I'm going to write an email to management hr email strongly worded strongly worded if if it also looks like i'll
Starting point is 00:50:36 add this and more details to come it looks like uh uh we are going to be having some presence even more presence at uh wadapalooza. Uh, you guys know already, um, shut up and scribble will be there doing live podcasts. You know, someone just threw an egg on the, on the fryer. Uh, uh, we'll we'll be there, but it also is starting to look like maybe Patrick Rios is going to be there. And we're going to have a special live cam on a Colton Mertens. Um, we're just, we're just,
Starting point is 00:51:04 we think we found some sponsorship and we think it's going to work. We're just trying to shore up a schedule with Rios and Dylan and over at Guadalupalooza. And then that will also be a test run for what we really hope to do,
Starting point is 00:51:16 which is another big behind the scenes that will have a fast turnaround time out of Carson. That is going to be a huge semifinal to shitload of big names there, but it'll be a much shorter competition. Half as long a one third, the amount of days. And it looks like from what I can tell myself,
Starting point is 00:51:37 Rios Branstetter will be there filming and we'll be, we'll have a quick turnaround on that and you guys will love that. So just more shit for members, more money in my bank account. If you're in Miami at water, please come to our live shows before shut up and scribble. It's not going to be just programming base. It's going to be the classic like pre game day,
Starting point is 00:51:57 hopefully interaction. We've been playing some different games and segments to do. Barbell spin is going to come on for the first segment every day and do like a top storylines from the previous day or top storylines going into the event. Tyler Watkins is going to come on to do picks for winners for each event of the day, kind of like they do the pick them on college game day.
Starting point is 00:52:18 So all good stuff like that. Fun games that we've been planning. So if you're in Miamiami come hang out with us live and you guys will be at the podcast stage on campus right yeah we'll be at the podcast stage we'll be streaming live we should have we're going to try to have multiple cameras set up for people watching on youtube so you can see the stage see the live audience get the full experience trying to go full out so it should be fun yeah all right guys see you tomorrow morning tomorrow morning we have a very good exciting guest on tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. we have Jennifer say
Starting point is 00:52:52 on she is the former president of Levi Strauss she left there when it had a six billion dollar valuation and she basically she basically got canceled her books incredible. She was a former USA National champion gymnast. She's been on like every fucking big show in the world extremely well-spoken she is going to Set the record straight on why kids should have never been asked to participate in any of the pandemic bullshit and how they took a huge brunt of the pain and setbacks. Which is going to probably affect the world for fucking who knows. The next thousand years.
Starting point is 00:53:35 So and she lost her super crazy high paying job. I think she's making nearly three million a year when she worked there. And she basically left because of the stuff she was posting on social social media regarding the fact that kids should not be wearing masks and schools should not be closed all right i'm excited to have her on 7 a.m tomorrow and then uh wednesday the day after that we have uh greg glassman on and then um and then the release of 1b all right guys uh talk to you soon thanks everyone for coming on caleb thank you will rios suza bye

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