The Sevan Podcast - BEHIND THE SCENES Episode 1B | The Post Show w/ Adrian Bozman

Episode Date: January 5, 2024

he 2023 CrossFit Games Behind the Scenes would not have been made without... CA Peptides: Two-Brain Business: Paper St. Coffee: Camera: Sevan Matossian, Mariah Moore Edited by: Patrick Rios, Will Branstetter Footage from: Sevan Matossian, Mariah Moore, Patrick Rios, Will Branstetter, Andrew Hiller, Isabella Rios, Jonathan Ortega Executive Producers: Matt Souza, Caleb Beaver Special thanks to: Dave Castro & Don Faul Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply damn we're live something what i was gonna ask you something i have i've got my dogs in the garage and they're a little restless so if i'm let me see hold on a second uh i'm trying to dog friendly environment um yes for dogs over 30 pounds how much does your dog weigh well i've got three so i got one who's 35 pounds. Limit two dogs per guest.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Sorry, Adrian. The big dog, he's 60 plus. I weighed him last night. He was 62 pounds. And he's six months old. So he's going to be big. Hey, how'd you end up with three dogs? Last time we were friends, you only had one dog.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Yeah, no, we had two. Oh, you did? Yeah. We had... So this... In O-Town, you had you had two dogs yeah so that's tuxedo he we got him in 2015 at the regionals actually we got him from the shelter in uh encinitas when we were at del mar was that the trade-off the wife's like hey i'll go with you but we have to stop at the shelter and get a dog no her godmother lives down there and her godmother was looking for a new dog and kim went with her and that was the huge mistake you know because all of a sudden it's like okay we're both getting dogs yeah yeah yeah yeah um anyway hold on
Starting point is 00:02:16 one second i uh after after my my last i had three great danes after my last one died i started going to the shelter once a week or maybe it was once a month i can't remember but probably once a month and i did that for 12 months in a row and hayley would always wait in the car she wouldn't go in and then finally on the 12th month she went in the car and guess what i'm sure she didn't wait in the car we went inside we got a dog he died yeah that's he died a couple months ago that's kind of how we got the third one too you just walked in together and you guys and you guys couldn't leave without getting one no it was the other way around um my wife was looking at the uh instagram page of a foster place in town oh shit and next thing you know it's like oh look at this guy and then hey you should go look at this guy. And then I guess he's coming home.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Influenced. You were influenced by an influencer, a dog or dog influencer. Correct. Judy, you're brave, Sebi. I'd end up adopting a dog each trip. The thing is, as much as I claim I wear the pants in the family, I do not think I could bring a dog home without. I don't think I could weather that storm.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Wait, do you guys still have that Borble? We do. Yeah, Parmesh died a couple months ago. Oh, I'm sorry, man. I didn't know that. Yeah, and Haley's aren't. We were driving. We were on a road trip from L.A.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Oh, not a taxidermy, $1.99. Adrian, I enjoyed your very not. I enjoy your very not random show with Pat. Thank you. Back to dying dogs. Hey, man, I'm sorry about Meshi. But he had to have been doing something, right? That dog, what, he's like 27?
Starting point is 00:03:56 Yeah, it seemed like it. We were driving up from LA. He was in Haley's hands. We knew he was... I thought... I can't believe he lasted as long as he did. And 30 minutes into a seven-hour drive, he died in her arms. Oh, man. did. 30 minutes into a seven-hour drive, he died in her arms.
Starting point is 00:04:07 That was a weird seven-hour drive. I wanted to toss him off on the side of the road. The kids were having nothing to do. Oh my God. Nothing. I'm like, as soon as we're 100% sure he's dead four hours into the trip, let's put him outside.
Starting point is 00:04:20 They're like, no. I'm going to pull over and take a pee. We're going to drop the dog here. You ever buried a dog adrian um no we put our other dog down um and we did it like in home uh that was 2021 no gather around and hold the dog and cry and someone injects it with poison kind of, yeah. Yeah, I've done that a couple times. But we didn't bury it.
Starting point is 00:04:49 They took it and I think cremated her. Well, this one we got home and we just had a dead, like, it had gone through all the stages of death. It was in rigor mortis. Yeah. So I jump out. The last thing I want to do is fucking dig a hole. I've been in the car for seven hours. I pretty much didn't.
Starting point is 00:05:07 I barely cried the whole drive. I was mostly laughing and cracking jokes. Then I started digging the hole and I started crying so hard that I was sobbing and I couldn't like snot. I was like, damn, Bailey's not coming out my nose. My eyes swelled shut. I was like, what the fuck is going on here? Kids are like screaming. This can't be real.
Starting point is 00:05:24 I'm like, dude, you're seven shut up you know what i mean like yeah then i put him in what exactly is real when you're seven you know yeah i put him in i dug this deep ass he's a 14 pound dog and i dig this deep ass hole but because he's in rigor mortis and he has to go in like this it's like not deep enough like his paw is still gonna like stick out i'm like fuck so i have to fold his rigor mortis shit down and then i and then i filled it in with dirt and i put like a stepping stone on him on top of the dirt so like one of the other dogs wouldn't dig him out yeah what was that well sorry to hear about that man that. That's too bad. But like I said, I mean, I feel like Paramash was around as long as I've known you. And I met you in what, in 2006?
Starting point is 00:06:12 Something like that? Yeah, yeah. We've always had it. And that dog slept in the bed every night. So my wife still has phantom dog experiences. You know what I'm talking about? Like she thinks the dog's in bed. I'm like, no, he's dead.
Starting point is 00:06:23 you know that you know i'm talking like she thinks the dog's in bed i'm like no he's dead we i did the behind the scenes for the first time and i think it's since 2017 yeah so i didn't do it in 18 19 20 21 22 and then i so i didn't do it for five years 20 20 the whole the whole competition was behind the scenes. Yes. God, you know, someone sent me a clip of a behind the scenes where Matt Chan was there. And he had just hurt himself and almost died. I think it was after his bike accident. Yep.
Starting point is 00:07:03 And I asked him uh hey so are you healthy enough to bone i'm like what was i thinking asking that question i'm totally not like you at all i was gonna say that's completely inappropriate see how much he's grown i felt so uncomfortable like what was i thinking a wiser more mature it made me think that what people got this i didn't ask anyone if they boned this year makes me think that maybe people aren't going to get what they want you don't remember episode seven oh have have a little faith in your audience man if that's the only thing bringing them in then you know uh how was how so you you did a um there's a line in there that's pretty
Starting point is 00:07:46 damn funny and i say to you how long have you been at the games wait oh oh okay uh yeah i i i saw i watched well first of all let me let me back up a little bit i watched the two videos that you sent me they're great um i gotta say i really appreciate how you got so many people at the outset talking about the level one. I think that's so cool and really cool of you to do. So that's great, man. And I also wanted to ask you is like, dude, signing up for the open. Is that time? I am going to be on.
Starting point is 00:08:21 I will be doing them illegally. Oh, you're not going to pay the 20 bucks? No, I'm going to be on. I will be doing them illegally. Oh, you're not going to pay the 20 bucks. No, I'm going to pay the 20 bucks. But I will. I probably would not fit under the drug policy. I will be taking. I just ordered a supply of C.A. Peptides.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Got it. I will be on peptides. And as of 2022, you saw that. So no one should fucking think about comparing their numbers to me. We're going to be like a hawk, dude. It would be totally unfair to you. I'm going to get Curtis to send a drug testing squad to your house
Starting point is 00:08:52 right now. I will be. Oh, my God, I would be so fucking flattered if that happened. I would pay for that. Could I pay for that? They should be like, if you want to be drug tested. No, no but for real don't duck the question is it is it i'm doing it i know no i know you're doing it how many times have you signed up and
Starting point is 00:09:11 you i guess i could look it up but like how many times have you been on the leaderboard i can't ever i once twice i don't even know i don't even know i don't even know. I don't even know. I don't even know. I got a freaking dog fight happening right behind me. I like it. I like it. Okay. Well, that's cool. I asked. I asked.
Starting point is 00:09:33 I think I probably sent out 100, by the way, text messages to people. Said, hey, will you tell me about the level one? Tell me if you think it's good or not. Tell me if people should take it or not. And I'd say 80 people responded. Man, that's awesome and every show will be a little bit different and the reason why i did that it's okay you can tell you can't test for peptides oh shit all right there you go i think the road is making a weird noise too oh
Starting point is 00:09:57 mine okay here yeah um sorry i'm almost certain my no no i thought it was but you muted yourself and i still heard it and i was like okay the dogs don't even matter at all adrian this is this is such an oh i like it even we could it could even be i saw some teeth nice we're gonna get their savages they're they're just death match right now spca is gonna come to adrian's house he lives in tennessee dog fighting is okay people bring. Bring back my thing. Yeah, cock fighting and dog fighting are still legal. We're in one of them free states, you know? Yes. No, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Oh, boy. And so many people have responded that every single one of those is going to be different. And the reason why I did that, one, you know, I i've always believed in that and that's been my big push but also um i want to i want to provide um i wanted to do something that was uh true to what i believed in but i wanted to provide more than what i said i was going to provide and i said i was going to provide the content that's going to be the most viewed best content of of 2023 anywhere in the crossfit space i really do believe that but then on top of that i I'm like, okay, I'm not only that I'm going to fucking use that to promote the open,
Starting point is 00:11:08 the level one so that people at HQ will be like, oh, we made a good decision. I always want people to think, oh, we got more from him than he got from us. And I get no fucking, I'm telling you,
Starting point is 00:11:17 this thing is murdering dude right now. That's great. And so I want to make sure that CrossFit feels like, oh shit, we're get, this is like, so I wanted to put on a little bit of a media clinic and and i feel like i'm doing it i'm like i'm high as a kite yeah very cool man well i think both those things are awesome so so hey man props
Starting point is 00:11:35 if people still say that yeah they do um getting back to your question or a comment about the line in there about me giving dave just a little dig yeah, that's a real fun thing to point out to Dave. He loves it every time I bring it up that we are now tied as far as how many games we've worked. And what's even more fun to bring up with him is that I've got the streak. He's got a bit of a gap now. Yeah, yeah. Hey, it would have been. I got a streak. He he's starting over he's on year one if you start to count over again yeah what's the guy's name cj i think i think cj has a 17 and i don't know if nicole carroll has 17 cj martin yeah yeah i believe that for sure and i don't know if nicole carroll has 17, but then for sure you would be 16 consecutive.
Starting point is 00:12:26 It would be you and just a handful of people like you were saying, maybe like who'd you say in there? Jenny or Johnny Mac for sure. Jenny Moore for sure. There's a group of us. We took a picture at the end that I can go back and look. But yeah, it's a small, small number at this point. Yeah, that's crazy. Did you what was that like for you um it's kind it's kind
Starting point is 00:12:50 of cool historically and i think it's gonna because now i'm going back and looking at some old behind the scenes footage that i keep seeing pop up on instagram or little clips on youtube and i'm like wow i'm even more happy than i've ever been that i made these behind the scenes because it's such a cool historical kind of yearbook record but what was it like for you to um get a huge huge heyday uh with Dave you know 2018 then all then then every year then there was some difference I don't want to say it's bad but 19 was different 20 was different 21 was different 22 is different and now back to 23 is like kind of like dipping back to 2018 tell me why you're enjoying put a good spin on it for me
Starting point is 00:13:35 even if you have to lie to like wow this is really exciting i look forward to waking up every morning because i have no fucking idea i'm not gonna lie to you i'm not at least at least not consciously you know what i mean was it was it part of me was like fuck adrian must be like on one hand you're like fuck we were just getting settled in it was me and berg but then another party must be like oh cool my buddy's back dave it's like at the lunchroom and we start food fights together so this is kind of cool that he's back too yeah you know the hardest thing about it was the timing you know i mean dude dave and i've worked together forever i consider hey sorry um i consider dave a friend you know we've always worked well together uh we can clash heads well we can agree well we can yeah we can
Starting point is 00:14:18 run the full gamut you know what i mean like that's nothing new um honestly the hardest thing about this year with dave coming back was the timing because it happened so i think it was five weeks before the games so yep trying to bring him up to speed on everything that we had planned and then also receiving his input and then trying to adjust based on that input where we could where it made sense that was a challenge just because there was like no time you know but as far as like like Dave's back in the mix, dude, I mean, yes, uh, of course I am excited about that. Um, and was excited about that. It's always nice to, uh, to have that, uh, as far as like the last five years, dude, I mean, I don't think anybody, um, no matter how close you are to this kind of internal landscape,
Starting point is 00:15:05 or if you're just somebody who's a fan or an observer, I mean, dude, it's no secret. The last five years have been a rollercoaster to say the least, I think for everybody. And so like, to me, I think it really just comes down to, I still believe in the thing and yeah, the, the, the entity that is, it has the name CrossFit on it has gone through a lot of changes but i think the thing itself is still pretty true to what it has been there's some window dressing around it and there's some loud voices that you know want to tell you how different it
Starting point is 00:15:35 is but um at the end of the day specifically you're talking about um crossfit inc as a whole or the games or the methodology what when you say yeah yeah all three of those things well no no i would say the methodology i think is still the same as it's always been you know it's it's it's more visible now and so there's people that kind of take it in some directions that you're like okay cool i guess maybe you're missing the the uh the central ideas here a little bit but like fine that's what happens when things become more mainstream you know that's just part of the deal um you know the game there know the group of us that are getting older i gotta throw this in there as much as people make fun of it it's a joke but like intensity is not my friend anymore or i have like i have to be right yeah i have to be very careful
Starting point is 00:16:14 because i can push so hard that i hurt myself every workout when when i was younger i couldn't do that i could push as hard as i wanted and i would the machine would break and then it would get back up now it breaks and it's like so so, so we're also, there's an, there's an evolution in some of us. There's an evolution in it, just a positive evolution because just some, many of us who started in our 20s or 30s are now 50 and 60. Oh, I completely agree. And, and I think like on a personal level, man, I mean, I think I've got like two genuinely hard efforts annually at this point. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:49 I really uncorked it and I really went for it. It's like I got like two of those. And the rest of the time, it's like you just have to kind of let it find you. You don't have to go looking for it. Pat Burns got it. Yeah. Yeah, relative. But relative used to mean also be different then than
Starting point is 00:17:07 it is now i like what sleek he's saying 100 someone i still love crossfit but my body doesn't love to do it the way i used to do it no nine yeah for sure but i still want to be a crossfitter and i still want to get included um i don't want andrew hiller telling me because i didn't do it for time that i'm out but But I also understand his sentiment. He's like ignorant as to his point of view. He just said the three things, kind of similar to some things that Davis said, like, hey, CrossFit, you have to make yourself vulnerable.
Starting point is 00:17:35 There has to be a clock. And there was like one other component. And it's like, yes, sometimes I don't do it with the clock, but I understand your sentiment that it needs a clock. But like, I'm scared. Yeah, cool. I don't know. I find a lot of conversations around this to be... a clock but i understand your sentiment that it needs a clock but like i'm scared yeah cool i don't know i find a lot of conversations around this to be uh it's like most philosophy discussion you know it's just kind of masturbatory at best i mean what's that chubbed up a little i chubbed up across the police they're gonna come to my garage i mean until they're knocking on my garage door
Starting point is 00:18:03 and telling me hey we're to take that card away. I'm not too worried about it. I mean this with 100% sincerity. This is with zero excuse. If you have me do some movements and I can't do them, let's say some dance movements, right? And I'm failing at them. Let's say you're like, hey, I'm going to teach you how to moonwalk and I'm failing. That means I'm learning. If I'm not failing, I'm learning i remember hearing serena williams go off on this like you have to be failing in practice those five years that you
Starting point is 00:18:33 did that the last five years have to be great for you because there were so many challenges that you overcame that you had to have only have gotten better i'm not not even trying to like fluff it, but it had to have been great. Looking back, you're like, fuck yeah, we did the one with COVID. Fuck yeah, we did the one without Dave. Fuck yeah, we did the one with a transition of CEOs. It's like, we did it. We do it. Yeah, I lose sight of that, if I'm honest, because it's just always like, all right,
Starting point is 00:19:01 well, what's the next thing? And your head's down kind of working towards that. And I don't know that that's necessarily positive. It's positive that like, yeah, we well, what's the next thing? And your head's down kind of working towards that. And I don't know that that's necessarily positive. It's positive that like, yeah, we're always, okay, we're looking forward. But on a personal level, yeah, I think it would be good for me mentally to give myself the win. I'm pretty self-critical and I'm pretty like not one to be proud of things. And it would probably be in my best interest to acknowledge that a little bit more so i do appreciate you saying that and like you know i can look back
Starting point is 00:19:29 on it intellectually and say yeah like we did overcome a lot uh but dude yeah there were three people um uh basically running the games you dave justinberg my opinion you you don't have to agree with tony back in the day but i mean but but I mean, like rolling out of, let's say, 2018. OK, sure. Yeah. And those those were the three. And I'm not discrediting. Jay Mac needs a shout in there, too.
Starting point is 00:19:55 He's he's truly unsung. I mean, there's so many unsung heroes behind the scenes, but but he's definitely one, I think, that needs. And I apologize. I know that I'm sure that there's people i'm leaving but just from from my my perspective those were the faces of it and then dave gets uh fired and then it's you and justin berg and then justin berg takes some hits and he goes down and it's like holy fuck like whether you wanted to or not the outside world was like hey this shit's riding on the riding on the boss and i guess so yeah and you got thrust into it man let me tell you something not thrust
Starting point is 00:20:34 you were already there but then you were exposed like the foreskin was pulled back and there was adrian yeah uh a couple things that you kind of make my thinking head towards um you know you're talking about how it's got to be like a growth five years just due to the challenge associated with it. Maybe that's true. But I do remember in 2020, actually, I remember having a lot of conversations with you when everything was kind of getting wild. of the things that I did during that time specifically when like everything was going crazy was I sat down and started just thinking about like okay what have I like I tried to actually reflect on my involvement and what I've done via CrossFit over the years and that's the first time that I'd really done that and then I tried to take that and think about it like okay how can I how can I kind of summarize that and what I came to the conclusion of that I think has
Starting point is 00:21:25 helped a lot in the last couple of years was that, um, like, you know, I, I have had a hand in this subculture, um, in a lot of ways, like, I'm not going to toot my own horn and say that I was so pivotal that it wouldn't have happened without me or whatever, but like, yeah, like I've been at the center of a lot of really cool stuff. Um, and so regardless of what that looks like in the future, like, okay, if I get fired tomorrow or if I get promoted tomorrow or whatever, people love me on the internet or hate me on the internet. Regardless of any of that, I have to believe that there's a place within this subculture for me to do the things that I'm going to do. And so that I think
Starting point is 00:22:01 is something that I try to come back to when shit's getting hairy or just weird or like I'm not quite sure what the navigation is. And I'm like, well, at the end of the day, maybe it doesn't matter because like I'm pretty confident that I've had an impact. And regardless of what happens next, like there will be a place for me within this culture. Do you know what I mean? It's funny you say that. I do know what you mean because I just spent three years chipping out a little spot for myself. I climbed up on a perch and chipped off a little piece of a cliff for myself that I can now sleep on. I got a good spot.
Starting point is 00:22:38 So excited. Yeah, the nest seems to be more and more padded every time, which is good. Dude, it's plush. Yeah. I have cold and hot drinks now. the nest seems to be more and more padded every time, which is good. Dude. It's plush. Yeah. And it's like, I've, I've like cold and hot drinks now. Yeah. It's got snacks and shit.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Yeah. I got snacks on my perch. It's like, it's like, you know, when your kid like builds a Ford out of blankets and next thing you know, he wants you to build one in a tree somewhere that has like electricity. You're like easy kid.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Go back to the living room with your blanket and your pillows one step at a time um adrian there was a point uh that i remember i don't remember the exact year but i'm going to say it was 2017 and i had heard it many times but where i would hear greg say to dave or to a bunch of people i do not want the games making money i'm going to be so angry if i ever hear that the games is making money i do not want the games making money i'm going to be so angry if i ever hear that the games is making money i do not want it to be a money-making operation and then at some point i think i wasn't aware of that yeah and i knew that it wasn't expected to be but to be explicit that yeah it was very it was very clear not to turn into a money-making operation and then at some point um uh when the new ceo came in the guy between Greg and Dave came in, it just flipped overnight.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Like just all of a sudden – literally like on one second it was like don't make money, and then the next second it was like, hey, this thing better make money. And now you're in – now it is – Don's very candid on these podcasts he goes into about the importance of it being fiscally, a fiscally responsible event. But when I was at the event, I didn't see anything different. Like when I was at the 2023 games, it seemed like as energized as if like, as I never left. Sousa's like,
Starting point is 00:24:17 holy fuck. I can't believe how good I feel. It was like, we were, it was like, we went like those people go to Sedona to sit under a rock to feel like that. We went to the CrossFit game. You can definitely feel the energy. Yeah. Like we were Clint, was like we went, like those people go to Sedona to sit under a rock to feel like that. We went to the CrossFit game.
Starting point is 00:24:25 You can definitely feel the energy. Like we were cleansed. You're cleansed. You get a spiritual enema. I can't, I can't really explain it. And we, and you leave there just kind of, yeah, you, you, you, all your faith is back. I mean, that's a huge compliment and I'm so glad that that's the case. I sort of feel that way. Mostly I just feel exhausted at the end of that week. But I understand what you're saying. And I guess that's kind of the point I was trying to make earlier is that, you know, financials aside, and I think a lot of those, you know, the business side of things, a lot of it goes unseen either way, because there's tons of of operational costs that are crazy that people just if they don't have experience with big events they're
Starting point is 00:25:10 just not going to be privy to it um and you know they're just not going to recognize how expensive certain things are and then on the other side it's like you know sometimes i think we've been caught in the trap where we've done things a certain way for a while and then the expectation is we keep doing it that way right and then you step away from that thing, whatever it happens to be, and maybe it saves you X amount of money and nobody really noticed anyway. And you're like, oh, okay, well maybe that would have been a smarter business move six years ago. You know what I mean? So I think there's a lot more evaluation on that. And like I get it, I think Don's very fair when it comes to that
Starting point is 00:25:46 sort of thing about like, yeah, dude, it can't be like this big anchor that's just pulling tons of funds and all of that. Like, yeah, it's got to make money. It's got to be responsible. Sure. I think that makes sense. And it's not bugging you. You guys aren't like, well, fuck you. We were bratty and got to do whatever the fuck we wanted.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Now it's not. Well, I never got to be in that position where I got to do whatever I wanted. Oh, okay. Well, it was great. All right. Well, it was great. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Sorry I brought that up. It's all good. I mean, I got a lot of latitude, but it was never quite on that level. All right. Projecting. I was projecting. I was a spoiled little baby. Boz, will we ever see a three – we were talking adult shit.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Now you've got to bring this kiddie shit in here. It's that time, man. All questions about the Open all the time. Boz, will we ever see something a three rep max, a bench press, and the CrossFit Games Open for the big lift? I would say never say never, but for the the open that's unlikely not when you're alive probably well i mean maybe all right hey man i threw bench in the quarterfinals a couple times but tell me how was it used in the quarterfinals? Refresh me. There was, we did the other total one year,
Starting point is 00:27:06 which is the overhead squat, clean, and bench press. So it was a one rep max. So that was cool. And then we did it, I can't remember if it was last year, there was a rope climb, bench press, shuttle run, famously called the most boring workout by Mr. Rich Froning. Oh, yeah, that's right hey if you could be number one in something number one hey whatever it's just it's just funny those types of like uh internet sound bites but
Starting point is 00:27:37 um and then uh i feel like there's been one or two in online comp that we've done bench recently. Maybe for one of the master stages. I can't remember off the cuff. You still get sore when you do bench? Me? Yeah. I mean, right now, man, I get sore when I do pretty much everything. All I've been doing lately is like jujitsu.
Starting point is 00:27:59 I don't know. I have not been very disciplined on the CrossFit front. How much have you been doing? More than twice a week? Yeah, I try to go very disciplined on the CrossFit front. How much have you been doing? More than twice a week? Yeah, I try to go Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. And then if I can, there's an open mat on Saturday, but I haven't been very good about making that lately. How long have you been consistent with that? You got six months under your belt, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday?
Starting point is 00:28:21 Jiu-jitsu? Yeah. You mean like when did I start or like no like just this consistency three days a week how long you've been doing that like oh uh before the games i was doing really well so like the beginning of this year i was running that schedule pretty consistently i fell off in the summer months and then i picked it up again probably trying to look at the calendar probably around september since then i've been pretty good about that. Damn, you see any body composition change from that? No.
Starting point is 00:28:48 No. I see a lot of my other aspects of fitness declining. Oh, interesting. Because I don't do as much CrossFit. But that's what I'm trying to be better about this year, is to get back on a little bit more more of a routine with crossfit so to speak um magnus uh homegrown uh sevan uh boz agreed to join to talk about the behind the scenes not being interrogated oh oh i don't mind i don't he knew dude this is come on for sevan this is like
Starting point is 00:29:20 pretty damn yeah i was surprised i saw the the gi behind you and the practice dummy back there, and I was like, man, he must be – either that's been sitting there collecting dust or he's been active. Yeah. JR Howell, I think this is regarding the bench. Mr. Bosman, good morning from JR Howell. Still never been at the games, Bosman. Good morning, JR.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Oh, that's a great point. JR is not aggressive or a dick, but I'm going to read this like he's a dick. Adrian, but it's never been at the games, dude. Twice at regionals, semis, Linda variations, but never at the games, bro. Yeah, the 2018 Linda was still one of my favorite regionals. That was the year that we really saw. Dude, the last Linda was awesome, too, dude. I liked that, too.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Yeah, it was pretty cool. Fuck, that was awesome. And that heat of 20 where you got to see so many people, I thought was cool. And the coverage too, dude. I like that too. Yeah, it was pretty cool. Fuck, that was awesome. And that heat of 20 where you got to see so many people, I thought was cool. And the coverage murder, dude. That was when they brought in the podcast cams and they had Conway and Chase and Kalipa doing it. It was fucking nuts, dude. Kalipa was losing his mind. It was so good.
Starting point is 00:30:23 He's a very enthusiastic guy. It's good to have him on the mic for that reason was so good he's very enthusiastic guy yeah it's good it's good to have him on and colton made that workout look like it's never i didn't even know glinda could look like that dude yeah that was fucking nuts they redefine the workouts in their yeah almost like they go from like that's a strength workout but not for colton it's a uh a metcon i mean it was fucking nuts yeah the 2018 year that we did that i think that was krennikov's real breakout year because he crushed the regionals that year but then he couldn't make it to the united states but i think that was like the first like real time that he was like in the limelight and then he kind of had to take a backstage for a while until he could get over here let's talk about colton and in yellow hosty
Starting point is 00:31:13 for a second yeah oh man oh what are or are those uh freak shows being let's let's talk like no one's actually listening let's just like me like we're in your garage and we're you poured us a whiskey we are we are in my garage okay yeah like like what like what is this phenomenon that is colt merton is he is he different than um dan bailey and josh bridges or is this just another short guy he's heavier than fucking those guys yeah but he's also shorter than both of them right i would imagine yeah so i mean objectively no he's not the same athlete right but is he would you say he's a game staple now or is it like every year like oh shit is he gonna make it through the semi-finals oh i don't know man i think he's pretty established at this point
Starting point is 00:32:11 don't you think like yeah i do i just for i just it's he's just weird it's just weird yeah for sure what the fuck is going on you guys wrong sport guys uh you go over and ride horses you jockey colton the jockey and yellow you should do i don't know basketball yeah something and you're i mean hey i i hear you and i do think it's true that like every sport uh eventually given a certain rule set is going to attract a certain body type that's kind of optimized for that sure but that doesn't mean that there can't be other people that can defy that and and crush it you know um so no i mean i think at this point yellow i think is still a bit of an unknown he had a rough season uh in 20 was it 22 he was one of the people that um he missed some issues with his video or something right he's a score submission thing and so he his
Starting point is 00:33:02 season got got uh ended pretty pretty early i think it was at quarterfinals i think um which is a real shame you know what i mean but great to see him back and kicking butt um anyway what point is it i think he's a little like newer in that context hasn't made it to the games as many times but i think yeah dude i mean colton's as established as anybody at this point here's the thing with yellow too that he's doing that's weird he's not he's gonna be pissed that i said this he i don't think of him as a cross as a crossfit athlete i mean now i do but i think of him as a crossover athlete like you would think that the sport's so evolved that we wouldn't just
Starting point is 00:33:40 see some dude swerve over into our lane and do as well as him yeah maybe but i mean he's a judo guy but world class like best in the world kind of guy but but he's a judo guy yeah but i mean a freak athlete is going to be able to make moves you know what i mean like if you're a super high level high percentage athlete in in any domain i think that you're going to have the built-in discipline, the work ethic, a lot of the natural tools, maybe not as expansively as you need to be successful in CrossFit, but there's a lot that you've already got that I think makes that
Starting point is 00:34:14 transition possible for some people. And you've got to want it. You've got to be interested in that kind of training. It's not something you just fall into, but clearly it's possible they're they're showing it um so one thing i'll say about merton stew oh yeah go ahead no no no you go ahead no say it say it no no bring that back up because i'm about to kiss his ass too
Starting point is 00:34:34 yeah someone loves to kiss colton's ass that's for sure i love to kiss all the athletes asses any athlete that will let me kiss their ass i'll kiss it what what i see and you know easy kiss for me easy kiss i follow a lot of like what's going on in athletes training on a pretty cursory level like i don't have a ton of insight but like every once in a while i'll come across stuff or whatever and the one thing that does strike me about colton that i think is really cool to see is that he at least on the surface level he really seems to do what you're supposed to do, which is like attack your weaknesses head on. Like you see that dude rowing and doing wall balls and like doing all the stuff that is not a shorter athletes, strong suit over and over and over again.
Starting point is 00:35:15 And he doesn't, at least from what I can see, like lean into the fact that, yeah, dude, if he wanted to be just like the absolute barbell whiz he could be and that could be like his thing and he could just kind of be that and make that his brand so to speak but that's not his game you know what i mean his game is like okay i have these things that are not as good for me i'm gonna lean in hard to these weaknesses and really pursue that and i'm like dude i've heard that before somewhere you know talking about the level. You're saying that he could go the Graciano route, the Wall Street weightlifter route. For sure.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Yeah. Right? Don't you think? Yeah. I mean, yeah. And that's not a dig at Graciano either. Graciano's got other shit going on. Family, job, gym.
Starting point is 00:35:58 No, man. That guy's the man. He's great. Yeah. Colton's raised his fucking wiener, the smallest dog in the world, and pigs. He ain't got shit going on. And we do see some athletes that do that, that find their lane, know that they can make it to the game with that one strength.
Starting point is 00:36:11 They just exploit that one strength, get them as far as they could go. But I think Colton wants more. I think he wants to win it. Yeah, I mean, I don't know. It's so fun to see. I think that's what makes sports so fun, right, and so compelling, is that you have this mold of you're like, well, I expect a champ to be X, Y, and Z, and then somebody else comes in and takes a shot at that, and you're like, oh, wow, that defied my expectations. Awesome. That's fun to watch, you know?
Starting point is 00:36:37 Yeah. People pleasers. Oh, sorry. Go ahead. No, no, you go ahead. Go ahead. I just say that it's a crowd pleaser because everybody sees themselves in that a little bit. It's like when you see somebody come from like almost an impossible space to make it. Now he's been at the games three times, continuing to improving it better and better. Like you root for those people because it's not just the 5'7 to 5'9 athlete at 195 pounds. That's, you know, all around wins every year in a row.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Yeah, it's cool to see those guys come up. Rich had the ideal body. Fraser had the ideal skill fraser had the ideal skill set that's interesting i like the way it sounds profound i like i love the way it sounds um uh sean lennerman colton really can do it all people act like his workout dependent and he goes out and slaps the workouts he's bad at it's the running thing man it's still the running thing, man. It's still the running. Planning for a summer road trip? Check. Luggage?
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Starting point is 00:37:45 or at participating Circle K stores. like trainers, fitness pros, spotters to back me up? That's Crypto on Kraken. Powerful crypto tools backed by 24-7 support and multi-layered security. Go to and see what crypto can be. Non-investment advice. Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See slash legal slash ca dash pru dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. Oh, but I mean, he's, how old is he?
Starting point is 00:38:22 He's young, right? He's... Yeah. Adrian, you ever had beaver fever no you mean like in college or what i don't even know what beaver fever is beaver's like you got some bad fever and you got a fever from it or beaver fever is like you're just obsessed with beaver like there's two ways to look at that i think it is a legitimate illness, Savon. I don't think I am taller than Colton.
Starting point is 00:38:50 We went back to back. It's beaver fever, horniness. No, you can't look this. Dude, that's the urban dictionary. Come on, look it up. Greg is spelled with two G's for crying out loud in there. What the fuck is that? Yeah, what does greg get no yeah
Starting point is 00:39:05 um when i went to the um enough about colton let's go back to me when um when i went to the games this year i knew that it was vital that i had access to make the behind the scenes the way it was before and i knew that it was vital that i didn't bring my my insecurities to the table with with just being away for five years so i needed these two things to coincide and and um no one there made it hard on me you and the team and dave and becky i can uh not becky uh heather heather made that shit so fucking easy for me. Everyone greeted me with open arms. I pushed down all my insecurities and all my noise, and I had just five days of just unfettered access.
Starting point is 00:39:54 More stuff with Bill and Katie than I'd ever gotten. I couldn't believe how much great stuff I got with Don, obviously with you and Dave and the athletes. But it was crazy it was it was it was it was crazy special to me i it couldn't have gone any fucking better like zero that's great i mean i'm glad i uh i don't know what would have been anybody's what would have been in anybody's best interest to like be frictive about that process you know what i mean so like on that end of things like i'm glad that you what's that mean what's that mean frictive like like purposely trying to yeah yeah yeah purposely trying to i don't know be combative or whatever like
Starting point is 00:40:33 that just makes it well just trust it's all it's all trust everything's trust right and so like i'm doing these things on the out frictive uh denoting a type of consonant made by the friction of breath in a narrow opening. There you go. I guess I misused that one. No, it works perfect. Oh, that's fric-a-tive. Well, that one works too. I like it. Like obstructing the airflow.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Look at Caleb's over there being like, what the fuck? Maybe you said it wrong, Adrian. Maybe you said it wrong. Well, Adrian only goes by facts. Oh shit, here we go. Urban Diction go urban dictionary no no no this was this was uh adrian this is an official beaver oh it's an intestinal and bowel illness yeah with a parasite that sounds like another kind of beaver fever that's a beaver fever that's like if you got bit by a beaver like one of the ones that builds dams i think it's if you drink the beaver water
Starting point is 00:41:25 you get parasites interesting oh the things you learn because because of my relationship because of my relationship with the community or with the people at hq i could it was just a trust issue and so there were obviously enough people there vouching for me who were like, OK, don't worry. Don't worry. It's going to be fine. And it could have just been weird or it could have been like, hey, he can't go here because we don't let anyone else go there. And I just I really appreciated it. And I. I know I didn't. These things just kind of came together, but maybe I'm just making this up. Maybe that's why I feel even more impassioned to like share the knowledge of the L1 or to be a team player and push the open or go above and beyond.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Because I received above and beyond there from HQ, like way above and beyond. I mean, you guys, I was allowed in all the, in the war room with the camera flying, interrupting people just like I had never left. So anyway. Yeah, I appreciate it. That's great. Yeah, you were great to me. Yeah. Well, I'm very, yeah, there we go.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Okay. Frictive. Any increase in a substantive increase in friction or fiction? Oh, let me use that in a sentence here real quick. Hold on. Let me use that in a sentence. Can you go back to that?
Starting point is 00:42:48 There was a, there was a nice, I don't know if it applies to people. I maybe I used it. No, no, it was great. A stone saw is not a saw at all.
Starting point is 00:42:56 It's merely a piece of soft sheet iron with a blunt. Oh, nevermind. Oh, a calculation stipulate the frictive or delaying force that hampers the motion of the projectile. Thomas Richards. You know, like maybe you got grit in the barrel of your rifle, you know? And you used it like, hey, I don't know what would be any value of someone being a frictive component in your processes at the games.
Starting point is 00:43:19 I like it. It works. Okay. Thank you. Dodged a bullet on that one. I thought maybe. Sloppy beaver what is that picture about my is that is that referring to my use of the word frictive sloppy is this sloppy beaver it lacks frictive needs more frictive i had something else in there i was gonna say but i can't remember eduardo montero everybody
Starting point is 00:43:44 likes you. Oh, good. Okay. I don't know if that's true. Wad Zombie said something really funny earlier. I wish I could remember what it was. That's why you always pee after sex. No grit in the barrel.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Oh, is that true? Yeah, that's medical fact right there. Are you supposed to do that? Is a health is there or is that just like don't swim when your stomach's full like just made up bullshit yeah gentle suggestion sounds like one of those things that just happens and then people try to find a reason there's this lady stephanie price she's the director of the teen teen competition and she has a pot she has a podcast. I think her podcast, it's called The Prodigies Podcast.
Starting point is 00:44:28 And it might be on Clydesdale Media. Yeah, I think so. Stephanie Rules, by the way. She is an awesome human being. Oh, good. I was about to say a bunch of really bad shit about her. No, no, I wasn't. I was going to say good shit about her, too.
Starting point is 00:44:43 I watched her podcast for the first time yesterday she's incredible i was gonna ask you she incredible she is she presents on the podcast she seemed cool yeah well i mean and i don't know her that well you know like i've i've run into her a few different places a few different times and and we had the the real privilege to go out to the pit uh teen throwdown in at the end of this summer and man i'm telling you both as like old schoolers and a fan of that kind of uh spirit they've got it like it is so the right thing oh man it's awesome you know it's like the right amount of kind of grittiness but professionalism um the right messaging for like the athletes at that age where they're like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:45:25 it's a competition, but at the same time, it's like, Hey man, the experience and the growth that you're going to be, uh, exposed to by, um, putting yourself through this experience. Like that's where the real good stuff is. Like, it's just, it's just the right mix of so many things for particularly athletes at that age, in my opinion. It's awesome. And Stephanie is a huge part of that competition. And yeah, dude, they have such a good thing going. So shout out to Brock and his whole team at Pitt. It's the coolest. So what is her role?
Starting point is 00:45:55 She's the director? I'm not sure. Okay, I think that's what she said in this interview that I saw that she did with Bella Martin. Or maybe I looked it up on her Instagram, Stephanie Price. She's heavily involved with the pit, though, for sure. And this is what I really locked in on, two things. She said that working with HQ is awesome.
Starting point is 00:46:15 She said the relationship is great. She's getting everything she needs. She said the communication is super high level. But she also said that she's seen the outfits for the 2024 CrossFit games. Have you seen them? I mean, I've seen some mock-ups. You have. How are they? Oh, great.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Who's the sponsor? Can you tell us? I heard it's going to be announced today. Yeah, it is. It's the fourth today, right? Yeah. It'll be public today. I can't.
Starting point is 00:46:42 It's not my place to float it here. Spoiler alert. I know. Do I know the president today, right? Yeah, it'll be public today. I can't. It's not my place to float it here. Spoiler alert. I know. Do I know the president of the company? I heard I do. I believe you do. I did it. I spoiled it.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Sorry, everybody. Hey, Taylor. We talked about this. I said absolutely not. I couldn't hold it in. I needed my moment. I needed my moment. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:05 But yeah, It's exciting. I got to run here, guys. I have a friend who had a heart procedure recently. He's back at home. I've been trying to keep him as active as he can be and help out with that. I'm going to go on a little walk with him while he's recovering. Do I know him? No.
Starting point is 00:47:24 He's a friend of mine here in town is he a camera guy does he is he a camera nerd no okay i you don't know him i i i would be shocked if he knew him he's he's a he's a friend of mine as as like nothing to do with my crossfit life you know is he friends with kariana no No, not to my knowledge. I had this guy on the show back in the day of the CrossFit podcast, and he had one of his valves in his heart changed to a pig valve. Oh, wow. Yeah. Did your buddy get a pig valve?
Starting point is 00:47:55 I don't think so. Okay. All right. Yeah. Adrian, thanks for coming on, dude. You the man. My pleasure, man. I appreciate you guys having me,
Starting point is 00:48:02 and I'm excited to see the rest of the behind the scenes. scenes thanks for letting me take a peek yep we'll be sending you links before they come out thank you all right see you guys thank you bye no one else asked for that either don't be like oh you have them to send to adrian send me one fuck you hey someone's like someone's like um someone's like uh this seems a little this seems a little steep. For pre-release, two things, and I say this with really as much kindness as I can. Don't buy it then. And then two, how could it be steep if you don't know how much it costs? You don't know about the eight people that had to fly out there the hotels
Starting point is 00:48:50 Equipment months of editing like you have you have no idea All this in it cave dastro incoming bitching from seven triggered triggered There was a movie a TV show called lost in space And the robot would go danger will Robinsoninson danger danger i need that audio you need the button yeah it's a twenty dollars which breaks down to like two two something an episode like is it even no is it even no it's less than that probably less than that yeah yeah yeah we don't fuck with broke folk so listen february when the break i'm so appreciative i'm so appreciative of all the people subscribing but but the minimum the behind the scenes product i'll i'll i need to put it together but minimum was 40 000 i bet you it's closer to
Starting point is 00:49:39 70 000 and like no one made money off it yet so like no one should be like i mean it's awesome what you guys are doing by giving the uh the money you're just making it like okay it's gonna oh it will be 40 because you're spreading it over two months or or you could or you could wait another week and then not spread it over two months oh and just get it for one month binge it all at once and then yeah and also too or you could come over to my house and give me a handy. I'll give you a free link. Standing, standing,
Starting point is 00:50:08 standing. And here's the deal. Someone was offering to give, sell it for sex and we can't have him come back and do it next year. Cause he was prostituting himself. Someone's going to clip this and send it to HQ. He's prostituting himself for fucking views. I see an email coming.
Starting point is 00:50:27 I was going to say, too, this is like crowdsourced part. We're investing into this so we can continue to do it. So not only are we trying to recoup some of the cost that it did just to get us out there to make it happen, but we're also hoping to do enough of it so then that way we can continue
Starting point is 00:50:44 on into semifinals and hopefully into the games next year. Yeah. If the overlords give us their blessing and you guys continue to hold that membership, we'll be able to do more and more and more. Well said, look at,
Starting point is 00:50:58 look at this already. Look at it. Oh, see shit like this wouldn't happen. If you guys got forced, the road caster would work. His this wouldn't happen if you guys got it for us the roadcaster would work his mic wouldn't fall off so Hiller just sent me this audio file
Starting point is 00:51:16 so now can I copy that onto my roadcaster yeah you should be able to right without doing it janky and pointing the mic at it that might involve it i think i think the other way to do it is using a whatever those fucking hard drives are and you just plug it into the broadcaster and you can upload it that way
Starting point is 00:51:37 oh oh oh i don't have a hard drive so i can't do it. But that's what I was trying to figure out how to do it. That's how you would do it otherwise. You would need an external hard drive? Right. Oh, I'll send you one of those. Will you send me your address? Do you get mail at the Shattuck Inn? I do.
Starting point is 00:51:54 I'll send you my address. I'll just send it right now. Hey, so I'm going to call Dallin Pepper right now. Yeah, did you see the text taxi put back to us? Yeah I'm really curious if He'll let us follow him at waterpalooza dude, that would be fucking crazy We don't need all of their Consent we just need his right. Do you know who he I don't even know of their, um, uh, consent.
Starting point is 00:52:25 We just need his, right. Do you know who he, I don't even know if he's, I better not reveal who he's going to be on the team with unless it's not public. Let's see. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:31 If we don't know, we shouldn't say, but yeah, the rest of them are, uh, collateral damage. If they don't say, you'll just accidentally get in the shot.
Starting point is 00:52:41 We want to try something new. Um, we're following Colton the first two days, and then we need a team to cover. It's revealed. Oh, okay. Will said too. Hello? Hello?
Starting point is 00:52:56 Hey, Dallin. Hey, what's up? It's 7-1. Oh, what's up? I didn't have your number. I don't know why I didn't have this number. Oh, because it's the podcast phone number. Oh, am's up? I don't have your number. I don't know why I don't have this number. Oh, because it's the podcast phone number. Oh, am I live? Yeah, kind of.
Starting point is 00:53:09 I haven't put you on the main mic yet. They could barely hear you. Can I put you on the show real quick? Yeah, do it. All right, let's do it. Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Let's see.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Are you there? Let's see. Dallin? Hello? Dusty? I'll try again. Hold on. Hold on, Dallin. on down hold tight hold tight this is the rookie hour here might have sounded better before yeah
Starting point is 00:53:32 hello hello god damn it why do I suck so bad hello hello oh there you are yes only 30 seconds to connect. Hi. Who's on here?
Starting point is 00:53:48 Just me and Sousa and Caleb and 410 listeners. What's up, everybody? Dallin Pepper, future CrossFit Games champion and future CrossFit Games champion. I want to put you on the spot with something, buddy. Oh, dear. All right. It's a really good risk. Is it public, your plans for Wadapalooza? Yeah, I think they posted it yesterday.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Okay. So you're going to Wadapalooza and you're competing teams. I am. And you will be with, is it okay if I say the gentleman's name you're going with? Yeah. You're going with HWPO, Wonder Kid, Jason Hopper with a Y. That's stupid. You should change that.
Starting point is 00:54:36 And Ricky Mack. Yes, sir. So we're going to have two people there following Colton for the first two days of Individual, and then he's not going team. Gotcha. And we would really like to crawl up your ass for the next two days. Dude, do it. Okay. I'm fine with that.
Starting point is 00:54:58 You are cool with it? I'm going to start a text thread then with you and the two filmmakers. They're two of the people. They're so cool. It's a husband and wife. Cool as shit. You're going to start a text thread then with you and the two filmmakers. They're two of the people. They're so cool. It's a husband and wife. Cool as shit. You're going to love them. Bella and Patrick Rios.
Starting point is 00:55:10 And they worked with us on Behind the Scenes of the Games too. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'd be cool with that. You don't feel any pressure just because I'm asking you in front of 400 people? Like I'm putting you on the spot? I forgot 400 people were listening i thought we were just having a nice conversation awesome just me you and the man upstairs exactly all right dude i'm really really pumped sorry for the late night i know i was texting you like at crazy
Starting point is 00:55:37 hours late last night but it just hit me i was like oh shit we should do i bet you dallin's doing team and then this morning when you told me it was Ricky Mack and Jason with you, I was even more excited. I had no idea, by the way. I picked you without knowing that those two other fucking guys were going to be there. That means a lot. That's a big deal, you know? And lucky for you, I'm actually, I think Jason and I are staying in the same Airbnb,
Starting point is 00:56:00 so you can be all up his ass too. Wow. Oh, nice. All right, dude. After the show, I'm going to start a thread with you and the filmmakers and Sousa
Starting point is 00:56:08 and we'll stay in touch with you and I think this is going to be wonderful. I really appreciate you giving the fans access. Yeah, that'll be sick. Appreciate you guys. All right, brother. You training today?
Starting point is 00:56:19 I just got done swimming. I'm just going to chill, do some sauna, plunge, hang out. All right, dude. Thanks for answering. Good talking to you and I'll talk to you soon later later down the pepper shit and that'll be for members only so you guys better
Starting point is 00:56:36 from this point forward yeah all right genuinely true but yeah you should think like that it's not true i think it's for everybody by the way once again once again you have to know this the only reason why we're able to send two filmmakers to wadapalooza is because of ca peptides that is the only reason look at rios's pump there he is patrick rios dude how stoked are jason if you haven't met patrick rios and his wife bella they are cool as shit they are like fun people and how stoked are dallin and jason and ricky mac that they're gonna get to hang with them? Yeah. They're going to be like, there's probably some apprehension like, oh, what if we got some fucking douchebag? But then they end up getting like someone like CPT from training think tank.
Starting point is 00:57:32 You know what I mean? It's just cool as shit. Yeah. Yeah. That's going to be cool. Yeah. You think you're going to, you think you're going to like, you get there and you get fucking Gary Roberts. You're like, fuck the dude six, three and doesn't shut the fuck up like you know what i mean but instead you get like rios
Starting point is 00:57:49 and his wife and you're like hell yeah yeah yeah oh god i'll never live that i see it i see it hey the only thing worse than this than that was one that nobody will ever see unless Caleb has it on his phone and decides that. So when I got like pinched to that position to interview her again, run away. If you guys were to ever see that, you wish she would have ran away. That was the fucking worst thing. I'm so flattered that a down's going to let us do this.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Dude, it's going to be so cool. And what a cool team to follow like jason him and ricky mack like yeah fuck that's gonna be cool uh suza trying to interview sarah is what we were talking about poor suza sarah sarah got injured at wadapalooza and uh suza uh walked up to sarah sigman's daughter and she panicked and ran away and it was awkward it wasn't bad it was just awkward cory leonard I need an official members only jacket as part of my membership. I really, we were talking, I really want a CEO jacket where the CEO goes across the zipper, but I guess it's really expensive, excuse me, and hard to do. Jake Cook, what's the deal with the peptides in
Starting point is 00:59:00 the US? Are they being made illegal to buy soon? I hope not I just subscribed for a year just dropped a gram I want to show you how this is probably the nicest thing that's happened in 24 hours to me if you go over to my Instagram Jake Gazan sent this to me last night it made me blush
Starting point is 00:59:27 it's a candid moment in the kitchen um between jake and alex gazan crazy impressive uh creature that alex gazan and so this is his living room this is a seven second clip and he sat down to watch uh the behind the scenes and he sent me this clip and i think it feels pretty candid to me here we go alex get your ass over here alex get your ass over here Jake, I'm starving I just love her Look how quickly she realizes the jokes on her God, he's stoked, isn't he? What a fucking cool chick she is
Starting point is 01:00:12 I just love it too that she's gotta eat I gotta eat I'm starving Judy Rita, that was funny, Alex is the best Oh, she's so Don't you just want to go over And give her a hug after she does that she's so Funny too I'm starving And you know she really is she probably like
Starting point is 01:00:34 You know what I mean she just fucking burnt 4000 Calories doing something she's got to like Pulling into the gas Station the engine engine sputtering All right Pulling into the gas station, the engine sputtering. All right. Sorry that we moved the show, guys, last night. I was in a – I had overcommitted to too many things.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Oh, we have Kyra Milligan on tonight. That's cool. It's 6.30. Yep. I don't think I've ever spoken to her. I don't think I've ever met her. You'll like her. is she the one who did she do the thing with the cross-dressing um crossfitters in australia like uh uh those were very the titan games what's it called what was it did she do gladiators there
Starting point is 01:01:19 where they dress the men up as girls oh uh is that her no no oh she's american oh she is oh who am i confusing her with i don't know there was some there was some um um oh fuck paul's here does paul always show up at eight shows up about the same time every day. How old is Paul? Does anyone even know who Toucan Sam is? Gee, Sev, why do you look like Toucan Sam with this? Was this a personal choice? Do you know who Toucan Sam is?
Starting point is 01:01:57 Do you guys know who he is? Yeah, of course. Oh, you guys do? Okay, I thought that was just my generation. I don't know. I think I do. Yeah, I do. It's follow your nose. Oh, thank goodness.
Starting point is 01:02:11 I don't think that bottom left one is him. No, that's like... Imposter. It's like a Chinese Toucan Sam. It's a knockoff. I wonder if the LGBTZs have stolen Toucan Sam. They got a Butt butt slammer Sam.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Butt slammer Sam. Kellogg's redesigns Fruit Loops mascot. Oh, please. Go fuck yourself. That's a psychedelic Sam. I wasn't offended, Paul, until I saw that he got a
Starting point is 01:02:44 they got LSD fucking Sam fuck that you guys know why calyx cereal was invented um so dude stop jerking it is that true though is that really true yeah dude's a huge proponent of uh anything that would stop masturbation including that that's the he was the doctor that pushed circumcision. Well, you know, did you watch that video that somebody sent in the chat this morning? Apparently we need to be cupping each other's balls and staring at each other's balls.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Oh, that's an incredible video. That's an incredible video. That's hilarious. Pull it up. That is hilarious. Hey, you know what? I made a joke to Kyra at the uh waterpalooza last year like i was hurrying to get to our our locate like my location up in the warm-up area was she on the
Starting point is 01:03:31 demo team or she an athlete no no not the games waterpalooza she was oh she was a competing individual and as we came in through the side where like athletes and media get to go in they didn't have a bag check there before but then they did as it got you know busier and she puts her bag up there and i turned to the security and i go hey you need to really check her bag but i said it all seriously because i thought we were kind of homies like i had time with her in vegas and stuff and she turns and she's like no and she's like do you know who he works for you need to check his bag she has a dildo in there that's really a gun. I was like, oh man, maybe we weren't on that level.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Very good point, Jedediah. Jedediah says that soccer was invented to stop masturbation too. That's why soccer was invented. Yeah, all right. That and the new CrossFit Games logo. That and the new CrossFit Games logo. Seve, have you ever had a parrot on your left shoulder? Have you ever had a parakeet on your right shoulder? Stick out your tongue.
Starting point is 01:04:37 Bet you've had a cockatoo. I bet you've had a cock or two. It's like a UK joke we don't get here in America. All right, I get it. At the end of that, somehow there's a dick in my mouth. I understand the sentiment. I'm not sure how it got there. Not even drinking this morning. Like Caleb said, you need to have the accent for that one
Starting point is 01:04:53 to hit. Let's see this fucking video you were going to pull up. This video is crazy. The reason why they make us cover our private parts and even call them our private parts, they're actually called our sacred parts, according to my friend Lion, and I 100% agree. When a man sees the well-developed manhood of another dude, his testosterone naturally rises, especially if that man is stroking his hummus cannon, and the guy watching is also doing the same without releasing the semen.
Starting point is 01:05:30 That's why they shame it so much a society full of big strong men with high testosterone being bonded in a state of camaraderie dropping competition dropping comparison feeling a sense of camaraderie and communion through the testiculum is a threat to the matrix can we pause here one second okay so he's saying that we wear clothes because that if we saw each other naked there would be staring at each other's hummus cannons i'm assuming that hummus is a is a simile for ejaculate uh he's saying that i'm following right that we should have them out up until this point i'm pretty uh agnostic on the whole thing i'm like okay you got my attention like i'm flowing with them okay and i'm okay because fucking i'd love to have my hummus cannon out but here it gets a little squirrely here in a second okay so far so good here we go
Starting point is 01:06:21 a little squirrely here in a second. Okay, so far, so good. Here we go. So get those dicks out, boys. Show them to your bestest bros consensually. Cup each other's nuts. Sniff each other's taints. Yeah, what? How did we go from my nose? How did it go from me just fucking wagging my fucking hummus cannon around
Starting point is 01:06:40 to now I gotta cup someone's nuts and sniff their taint? It's about communion. You guys haven't tried this before? Do you want high testosterone or not? Start cupping some nuts, buddy. You want a 225 bench or not, Sevan?
Starting point is 01:06:58 Oh, shit. Did you write that? The mini dog thing? No. Oh, that's Rios. We gotta get on the that's Rios. I know you typed that. That's Rios. We got to get on the call with Rios. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:10 Hey, because we need to send him stuff. Mm-hmm. Me and you might need to go to the post office today. Mm-hmm. Okay, we should call Rios after this show. Do you have time? Oh, people, let's chat on my way to Hayward. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:22 Hey, Stack. All right. All right. Oh, shit. I just lost the screen. Can you guys see me? Mm-hmm. I'm back.ward. Okay. Haystack. All right. All right. Oh, shit. I just lost the screen. Can you guys see me? I'm back. Yep. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:29 When I lose the screen, you guys don't lose me. All right. Okay, guys. That's it for the show today. Just a little quickie. Ins and outsie. We'll see you tonight.
Starting point is 01:07:43 6.30? Yeah. Sorry, Paul. You maxed out your jokes for the day. Thank you, though. Oh, private message in here. Oh. Episode 3.
Starting point is 01:08:03 No, episode 2. Can you believe we're only on episode two episode two for behind the scenes is coming out monday is it monday maybe we'll let it out sunday oh maybe we'll just be like fuck you guys yeah well who needs a fucking schedule this is about constantly varied okay look there's nothing scheduled on the seventh i don't see anything on my calendar nothing yeah maybe we just hey maybe we just let it out Sunday morning. Let's do it. And then do a show right after or what?
Starting point is 01:08:31 Yeah, maybe we do that. Will's going to freak out. Will rolls with the punches. Yeah, because Monday we have OPT, James Fitzgerald, the first CrossFit Games champion, and then Miranda Alcarez in the evening. What a busy day Monday. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:46 Good thing we left the week open for Wadapalooza. Oh, but that's it. Then we're done. Was that sarcastic? Yeah. Yeah, now you're eating out of words a little bit as you look at the rest of it? Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:58 Okay. And our Thursday's going to switch, too, so we're good. We're good. Susan didn't like that. He's like hey listen i'm in charge of the schedule shut the fuck up drake drake siemens thank you okay cool maybe we'll do maybe maybe maybe sunday's better let's discuss that in our meeting we have after this too cool dude wadapalooza mini documentaries on colton
Starting point is 01:09:29 mini documentaries on colton dallin ricky mack and jason hopper all behind the paywall for an extra two weeks to keep members shh don't say that yeah uh free at some point for everybody well opt should be interesting i just want to i want to heal my opt got squirrely interesting. I just want to heal my – OPT got squirrely last time. I just want to heal it up. Oh, man, I'm calling. There we go. Last word of the day. Mr. Birchfield, hey, what's up, buddy?
Starting point is 01:09:58 So you posted on my – Last word of the day. Mr. Birchfield. Yeah, I regret it. I regret it. I wish I could take it back. I'm going to go erase it right now. What?
Starting point is 01:10:12 Doing 300. Are you going to do 300? You're going to do 300 air squats for time? Yeah, I'll do them today. Okay, I'll do mine too today. Hey, my wife can do it in 10 minutes. I've done it a few times. I've never broken 10 minutes. I minutes i'll tell you that all right so that's our goal time 10 minutes 10 minutes yeah so wherever you are 10 minutes maybe look at to see how many you're at i think
Starting point is 01:10:34 one time i was at like 240 at 10 minutes one time i was like at 270 and i never stopped my wife takes breaks and she still gets 310 minutes i don don't know. She's just faster than me. So do you want to partition it or do you want to straight going? I ain't telling you my technique. All right, brother. I just want to call in and ask you about that. All right, cool. Today, me and Jeffrey Birchfield, 300 air squats per time.
Starting point is 01:11:02 Actually, you know, that was inspired by Andrew Hiller. Andrew Hiller actually gave that workout to my wife. He actually gave – Caleb, please don't. He gave that workout to my wife. Max air squats in 10 minutes. I think I remember that. And she's kind of switched it to 300. Just do 300 air squats as fast as you can.
Starting point is 01:11:26 All right. Sound like you can. All right. Sound like a party. All right, brother. I'll talk to you soon. Thanks for calling. All right. Later. Bye.
Starting point is 01:11:33 All right, guys. See you later. Bye-bye.

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