The Sevan Podcast - Bench Press World Record w/ Jennifer Thompson #932

Episode Date: June 2, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:25 Well, not Andrew. And Andrew, Andrew is a, we're both, we both cover a lot of CrossFit stuff in the CrossFit space. And Andrew is a, was out in California this weekend, uh, listening to Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit's doing a talk out here. And while he was out here, he's at my house for the week. And so, and I do a podcast live podcast every morning. So like how discovery
Starting point is 00:01:45 channel would have shark week i figured okay i'll have andrew in studio he's across from me and this will be andrew hiller week um yeah shark week is there uh any relevance to that no no no just i just thought it was like my ninth favorite animal. Oh, okay, good. I didn't know that. Top ten. What's number one? What is number one, Andrew? This show has no superficial talk like that, but let's do it.
Starting point is 00:02:12 I like gorillas. Oh. I like it. Now you know. Jen, there is a young lady, 21-year-old lady named Alex Gazan. Maybe I could show you her. You're on a phone? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:28 This might be a little bit small. I'll show you. I'll pull up a video of her. That's funny. When I put in her name into my computer, her husband pops up. Jake? There she is, Ms. Alex Gazan.
Starting point is 00:02:44 A young lady. She's been on the show before she stumbled upon crossfit and then uh and then started getting serious about it um in the last couple years and a few days ago she's an outlier in the bench press and i'm trying to find the i'm trying to find the video but a few days ago she benched 270 pounds. Nice. And she got so much shit. Obviously, this isn't going to be any surprise to you. Big arch. That she's using drugs, right?
Starting point is 00:03:17 And, of course, those of us in the space and who have been watching her are like, hey, you're out of your mind. She's not on anything. I thought you were going to tell me she had a giant rainbow arch. Oh, no. That's actually the opposite. I think she's got way more of the take. That's usually the number one.
Starting point is 00:03:30 If she found out a little bit of technique on that, I think she could add 10%. Let me see. I'd like to hear your opinion on that too. Yeah, of course. God, there's so much to talk to you about. She doesn't do it like that. So here she is.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Oh, this is a last set at 225. Where is her 270? I apologize. I thought it was going to be easier to find. Let me see. That's all right. How far back did you roll? Do you think it's pretty far back?
Starting point is 00:03:59 No, it's more recent. Tell me. Is that Granite Games, dude? Go to the top. Are you crazy or is that the top and she pinned him yeah i think she pinned him here she is at the semifinals with the dumbbells with the 60s um so she does 270 oh here it is here it is i apologize here it is so she does 270 there we go look at this right and she's 21 and in our whole community we're kind of like a cult this this whole crossfit thing in our
Starting point is 00:04:32 whole community you know the majority of the community is like oh my god this is incredible and a couple people um were like hey she's on something and And so then I started thinking, who is the strongest woman? Bench press, natural. And quickly, the Internet's littered with your name. And I say this, what a refreshing human being you are to see in this space. Oh, thanks. Yeah, you are – man great it was great seeing you um correct me if i'm wrong some of the feats i think i saw on your instagram was a 325 pound bench um my best is 297 and a half in comfort oh but i'm but but at home anywhere at home i've done 330 at home yeah crazy yeah to me that's what matters i did the
Starting point is 00:05:25 car and that's with a pause just throwing that in there and what is that what is that what tell me what's a pause so for competition we have to hold it on your chest to where it becomes like motionless okay go so you basically you can't touch and go it you got to hold it and then go okay is that where that 30 pound difference comes from 30 pound uh your best out of competition was 330 i think she said she paused at home too too yeah it was all pause all i do is pause because that's what i have to do in competition it doesn't really make sense to get out of groove and start getting bad habits could you bounce um could you bounce three 35 then off your chest? You think? Oh, easy. Yeah, I think so. I'll give it a try. Yes. Yes. Monday's my bench day. I'll give it a try on
Starting point is 00:06:13 Monday. Although I'm at the very beginning of a training cycle, so I'm probably not there yet. And what's your best back squat? I'm not worried about comp just ever. What's your best back squat? I'm not worried about comp just ever. 362. And your best deadlift? 457. Yeah, crazy.
Starting point is 00:06:32 My squat's clearly the weakness, but. Jen, before we get into too much fun stuff, I want to go back, back, back. Did you ever show her Suzanne's bench or are you saving that for later? I did. Oh, I didn't even show it. You showed it. I saw it. He played it? Oh, good, good. Thank you saved that for later. I did. Oh, I didn't even show it. You showed it. I saw it. He played it?
Starting point is 00:06:46 Oh, good. Good. Thank you. It was good. She just needs to widen her arms a little bit. A little more arch would be better. But she's real close. Like, you know, real close grip.
Starting point is 00:06:58 If she started moving that grip out a little bit, she'd get even stronger. Any take on her wearing sandals? Well, sometimes I do slippers, so. But you wouldn't say that that's going to make a huge detriment or improvements, would you? Well, because she's so far up on her toes, no. Okay. Like if she was flat-footed, for sure. Coming from the record-holding bench presser, thank you.
Starting point is 00:07:25 What about it was driving me insane. That's the only thing. I mean, I'm sure it depends on how much leg drive you throw at it. It doesn't do anything. Well, if you're up on your toes, really, you're just trying to hold your position. You get a little bit of leg drive in there, but it's trying to hold your position, you know, Before I go further,
Starting point is 00:07:41 I want you to know that anyone can go in. I'm sure a lot of you are going to want to do this by the time the show is over because you have a wealth of knowledge there's a website called hold on hold on 132 pounds of power correct well my my yeah my youtube has like tons of stuff on it's 132 pounds of power and i did um I just finished a whole quick bench tips series of just like tiny little things like they're like for three to four minute videos. And there I think I just finished like 14 of them just breaking the bench press down into micro pieces. So if you want to work on your grip, you want to work on your take down your foot placement, your arch, anything,
Starting point is 00:08:22 it's got a little video. So you get to it really quick. One of the things I hate about YouTube is, like, they're 20 minutes long, and you're searching for the one piece of information that you really want to know. So I made tons of little quick ones. But people can hear. You can contact Jen. She can come out to your gym and do a seminar, or you could subscribe to her app, and you can get on one of her training programs oh yeah yeah i would think i have a bench i have a bench program like i have like 11 programs and one of them's just about making your bench better yeah i would
Starting point is 00:08:54 think that uh every uh every crossfit coach in the uh ecosystem uh would want to uh take one of your programs and just plagiarize. Like, hey, here it is. Come get it. Come get it from the champ. I mean, yeah, you are a wealth of knowledge. Or you can go to YouTube and get it for free. Sure. Make everyone better benchers. Where were you born?
Starting point is 00:09:20 I was born outside of Detroit in Southfield, Michigan. And you trained with your dad from a young age? No. No, you didn't. I thought you were a long-distance runner, and you did some of that with your dad. Oh, yeah. I did running with my dad. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Okay. Yeah, I did cross-country in high school, and then I ran with my dad road races till I got to college and then I found weights and that was it when you um do you remember your earliest uh endeavors in in physical activity were you an outside kid did you run did you play any sports um I think well I always well I mean I mean I I was born in 73 we didn't have the intranet or uh cable tv so everybody went outside and played right there's three channels right there's three channels you didn't most the news was on one of them so x went out all the way so yeah yeah we were always outside playing games in the neighborhood things like that um and then i got into um you know, fitness and stuff when I got into high school because I didn't have a lot of friends.
Starting point is 00:10:28 And that's how you made friends was joining things. So that's what I did. And did you ever have any thoughts as a child? Like, boy, I'm pretty strong. I'm stronger than the other kids. Like you would be doing arm wrestling or you could do a pull up or anything. No, I wasn't strong. I was a skinny little girl.
Starting point is 00:10:48 We actually had this class I took. One of our gym teachers when I was a freshman said, you have to take this class. It's called Marine Fitness. I almost think it was kind of like an early CrossFit kind of deal. I don't know if you've heard of it before, but I took it every semester in high school after freshman PE. And it was all around the Marine fitness test. So you had to like, do like 100 sit ups in two minutes, you had to do I think, 60 pull ups, 100 push ups,
Starting point is 00:11:16 all this different stuff. But we did rope climbs, we did stadium runs, we'd all these different jumping exercises, box jumps and stuff like that. So that's where I started gaining strength was just being in that class. Why did you take that class? Were there other ladies in the class? There's just two of us. The rest was boys and a lot of them were intending on going into the Marines. So that's why they were in it in the first place. But I took it just because my gym teacher was like, you'd be really great at that. And I was like, one of those quiet and secure kids that tried to hide. And the fact that he paid attention to me and thought I would
Starting point is 00:11:53 be good at something was like, Oh, my God, I stepped out of my shell. And I signed up for this class. I was scared shitless. But I did it anyway. And they were just very all like all the guys were super welcoming. It was a great community cheered you on. And they were just very all like all the guys were super welcoming. It was a great community cheered you on and you're always trying to outdo yourself from you know, your last last session, I ended up just loving it. And I think that's kind of where I got a lot of my upper body strength. And what's made me kind of good at the bench press was I had these three years of doing upper body exercises that most girls don't do. Freshman, sophomore, and junior year.
Starting point is 00:12:26 I did a sophomore, junior, and senior year. Freshman year, we had to take PE and we had in Michigan, you had to take swimming and pass swimming before you could graduate high school. Yeah. Go figure. They should still have that. Jen. So that teacher tells you that, so that means he saw something. Yeah. Like, and i was like i just no one ever really i would just like i said i just blended into the crowd um i didn't want to
Starting point is 00:12:50 be noticed no one i don't know i just wasn't used to anyone giving me any attention so the fact that he picked me out was like oh my gosh do you have siblings um yeah yeah i have a younger sister and i have two i have brother and, but I'm the oldest. Did either of them or any of them go to take the similar route as you? Did they do that marine fitness class or show any signs of athletic talent? Boston, but my, my youngest sister played field hockey and she was excellent. She played for a university in New Hampshire field hockey for, and got a scholarship for a few years. So my dad always wanted his boy to be like the athlete. And I always think it's hilarious because his girls and the thing is athletes. You, um, so you go into that, that, that, uh, Marine class marine class do you remember could you even do one pull up when you went in there uh i might have been able to do one or two and it was i was so little
Starting point is 00:13:53 like it was just scrawny i didn't weigh a whole lot i weighed like 100 pounds but by the end i could get into the 20s i never quite got to 30 which I think was the max out, but I can do it now. What was your 30 pull-ups now? Yeah. I think my, we went to the Arnold, you know, if you guys ever been to the Arnold classic, I know what it is, but I've not been. They usually have like a military setup where they encourage the crowd to come up, do pull-ups with the Marines.
Starting point is 00:14:21 And then you'll earn a prize based on how many that you do and they'll have like a record board i think i did um 35 when we were there and like our when we did pull-ups we did them very wide and your chin had to touch over the bar and you couldn't swing your legs so he's always done very strict you know pull-ups how tall are you jen five five and and how what do you what's your walking around weight uh right now it's 144 and is that your fighting weight too uh no um our weight classes just changed oh so now i either don't you hate when they do that pisses me they've changed so many times in my career So now I either have to go down to 132 or eat up to 148.8. So I'm going to eat up.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Andrew, sorry, Jen, to just objectify. Well, I'm not sorry. She has like this is you have like the most perfect physique and expression of a woman that that or you look fucking amazing. I show you this, Andrew, because this is this is what you know 30 pull-ups this is 30 pull-ups looks right right that looks right yeah this looks like what god intended us to look like i cannot believe how normal and here's the thing i see pictures of this and i and i can't just believe how normal um you look because when i think of the powerlifting community i don't think of uh normal people but you just look like a normal careful that's offensive if you say that
Starting point is 00:15:49 sometimes normal i know she just like how dare you say she looks normal i mean she just really is normal though well by normal i mean your body is expressing itself in no way to me that looks out of um uh i don't know balance you don't look like a specialist to me you you look like a very uh uh healthy expression of of of what we're supposed to look like like like like a like a strong um sunflower plant in the front yard you're like yep this one's gonna make it through the year it's not gonna blow over just a real so jen when you were in high school you said you were scrawny and i'm not believing it i'm not believing it i'm not believing so that's what you look like present day right yeah have you looked like that for i don't know five years
Starting point is 00:16:35 ten years when did that all change uh in college like when i started lifting i started that was one of the reasons i kept going because I started well I was um super skinny and I had like no shape at all it was just you know it's like a stick so it was exciting to get shoulders and pecs and muscles and like look less like a stick so I guess I really kind of did it for aesthetic reasons honestly in the beginning I just oh Andrew knows he does everything for aesthetics he knows I love aesthetics yeah. Yeah. I had no boobs and they told me if I started lifting, I'd get boobs and it was cheaper than an implant. Oh, heck yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So it's like, I don't know. Sometimes it goes the opposite direction,
Starting point is 00:17:17 but would that be maybe the let go or conditioning that you were doing when, when women do a whole bunch of conditioning sometimes they say that they lose their boobs well i didn't have any so anything you had none none okay it was all gains it finds that medium ground if you have none you get some if you have too much right well yeah i mean it's the boobs are fat right so did you ever go through one of those stages where you were trying to throw down as many calories as possible to throw on the additional mass no no I was always too worried about getting too big isn't that a weird balancing act I mean especially considering you wanted to throw on the muscle mass you're you got the bench press world record and you've been doing this for
Starting point is 00:17:59 so long most people I know went through a stage where they're throwing down weight gainer shakes and they're eating everything in sight. Are those all men? No. No, I know women that do that too. I guess I probably have a slight case of body dysmorphia. We all do, dude. I think we all do. I just like to look a certain way.
Starting point is 00:18:21 I like the way I look. I work hard to look that way. Dude, you look amazing. I'm telling telling you it's crazy it's crazy yeah so i i am careful i mean i'm really right now i'm carefully trying to put on a lot more protein to try to gain mass to get up a little bit higher in this weight class and not you know put on fat so we'll see how you loaded that dumbbell to yourself let me let me let me clear something up here really quick the main reason why i asked jen to come on is two reasons one because of the bench press and the relationship to gazan you guys and two because she's natural andrew do you
Starting point is 00:18:56 have any doubt that she's natural uh that's why i asked the question about how long she's looked that way because well actually my fiance alexis was incredibly scrawny and what was it maybe 2015 she put she was probably 120 soaking wet she's about 5 6 and she's gotten all the way up to 160 and it's just been crossfit training and she would be considered one of the stronger women in our circle and i've actually seen a lot of women go through just the, it's pretty cool when a woman in their thirties gets introduced to sport or weight training for the first time and they completely change and throw on what would be considered an unnatural amount of muscle. She put on 40 pounds, Andrew, in five years, she put on 120 to 160, 2015 through 2021.
Starting point is 00:19:42 She put on 120 to 160. 2015 through 2021. And she will be very, she called herself the fat gorilla mom when she was in the 60s because she put on, her diet needed to be cleaned up, but she kind of walks around at about 148 to 153 present day. Okay. Yeah. I definitely like gradually put on weight over time, um i did put a lot of weight on in the very beginning you know you got the newbie gains you know and you're putting on all that muscle
Starting point is 00:20:09 mass and then how much would you say that was from where you were a rail to where you're kind of fighting weight is right now yeah i was i was probably went from like 114 um and then after i put was in you know competing for a couple years or just in competing for a couple years or just even training for a couple years, I got up to about 130. And then I've just been gradually from 130 up to where I am at 144. But I eat pretty well to stay at the 144. Dude, look at her.
Starting point is 00:20:40 She's the same age as me. Look at her fucking skin. She has no weird veins. She doesn't look she doesn't look like a saltwater fish veins veins are cool dude she looks i know but i don't see i don't see jen what do you think about veins i've got a lot of them in my legs you know what i mean you know what i mean she doesn't have the giant vein down the forehead she doesn't have this crazy snakes i mean do you see i she looks as natural as it can be to me
Starting point is 00:21:04 crazy snakes i mean do you see i she looks as natural as it can be to me you're not buying it you're not buying it no she's gonna like this compliment come on come on dude your girl is not natural talk about alexis oh oh oh oh oh you're a girl oh my girl oh my girl thank you david hey david is but do you think jen is is natural yeah look at sean says she's natural for sure yeah and jen how do you how do you think Jen is natural? Yeah, look, Sean says she's natural for sure. Yeah. And Jen, how do you feel about those comments? I'm sure you've seen them roll in. People have to be accusatory. It used to bother me at first, you know, but you just get thick skinned about it and just realize that people have to say things like that to explain maybe your extraordinary strength or how hard you've worked because they can't themselves do it or aren't dedicated enough to do it. So, you know, it's an explain away, right? So if anything, it's a explain away.
Starting point is 00:21:54 She just flexed her pec. Did you see that? She has the habit. Look, she has the same habit. I just posted something like that on my last Instagram post. We were in Miami and there was a bodybuilder there and we were at this party and we were doing a pec dance off. Did you win? Did you win? I don't know. She was pretty good. And she had way more chest than I had.
Starting point is 00:22:16 She was a big lady. Let me see if I can. I felt like I held my own. You definitely held your own. Here it is. Oh, cool. That's the exact same shirt I put on. My boys only wear that white tank top that you're wearing.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Well, it was funny because it was the Battle Axe Gym, and they were having their 11th year anniversary, and we had just flown in, and they're like, we're having a party tonight, and it's a Wolverine-themed party, so you have to wear something wolverine like and i had i just happened to pack you know the white tank tops and jeans i'm like okay i'm good to go i'm ready to wolverine out anytime i love wolverine listen listen to this guys here's another reason do not let this resource j Jen Thompson, fall out of your reach, anyone. Do not forget her.
Starting point is 00:23:07 When she started, I mean, she was already strong when she started, which is kind of unfair. She started with a back squat of 185, a bench of 215, and a deadlift of 300. That was in basically 1999. Yeah, it was my very first one. In 25 years, she has lost – she's only made, basically, and she's never lost, not had gains, except for the couple times she's been injured. And at 50, she's extremely healthy and never had shoulder issues. Is that fair? Yeah, it's nuts.
Starting point is 00:23:39 No shoulder issues is crazy. You don't hear that very often from bench pressing. shoulder issues is crazy you don't hear that very often from i get that yeah everyone always asks me that but i do think it's just um a lot of technique and um listening to yourself while you're training you know not going too crazy sometimes when you're not feeling it you go a little overboard sometimes but i just think we've always had a really great training program and the way we do things and it's um served me over many years. Do you ever get any body work done? Do you have like a chiropractor or a PT that works on you regularly or ever? No.
Starting point is 00:24:11 No? That's awesome. I've only gone to PT when I've had an injury and then I just, that's it. I do some okay. Where are those injuries? Well, I had to have hip surgery. I'm a sumo deadlifter and um over years of sumo i like uh wore like a divot in my femur which made like a calcification that like shredded my labrum tendon so i had to go in and have them um fix that just laparoscopically, but that was a little bit of a comeback.
Starting point is 00:24:51 And then I tore my obturator muscle squatting. And then that was a little bit of a rehab. What did you call it? Abturator? Abturator. So it's the muscle, like if you were to take your foot and you were to turn it to the side, it's the muscle that turns your foot out. I spelled it wrong, but I think I found it. I think I found it. I think I said that right. Oh, here we go. This is a good comment. That does not look like a sumo chi.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Hold on before we get to that. I just want to see her facial reaction to this comment. It goes one of two ways. She's like either, oh, no, it's not. No, it's not. Give me one second. Give me one second. So you tore this muscle here? it's not. Or, no, it's not. Give me one second. Give me one second.
Starting point is 00:25:26 So you tore this muscle here? I think so. Oh, sorry. You're on the phone. It's way deep in the glute. It's way deep in the glute. And you have to have surgery for that? I didn't.
Starting point is 00:25:42 It was like a, they call it a grade three tear, which I guess is fairly significant, but not often. That's the worst of them. That means it's done for. But it's not, but yours healed. Still going. Yes. As long as I keep up with, uh, certain exercises, it's, it's pretty good. If I fall off, then I start feeling it tug again, but I've worked with squat university, um, on it. And I feel like that guy's a genius and a miracle worker. And, um, on it. And I feel like that guy's a genius and a miracle worker. And, um, uh, one of the things is your big proponent and anyone who subscribes to your, um, training, we'll see your big proponent of sets of five, right. But with squat,
Starting point is 00:26:15 um, you've reduced it to two or three, but mostly for mental issues, right? That and just like my, my hip can't handle the volume anymore like it used to a volume of heavy weights so i've had to kind of monkey around with that a little bit because after i'll do a few then i'll start feeling that muscle start tugging a little bit like okay we're good so a lot of it's like training like listening to what your body's saying and when it's done it's done why are these guys saying you do a fake deadlift i mean besides the fact that they're meatheads because it's done, it's done. Why are these guys saying you do a fake deadlift? I mean, besides the fact that they're meatheads. Because it's sumo. People think sumo is fake.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Oh, really? And why is that? You're still, you're still, because your legs are just wide and you're bending down. It's a little bit of a shorter pull for some people. Like I did a post on it a long time ago. The difference between my conventional and my sumo pull was like three inch difference. But people that say sumo is not a real deadlift or people that can't sumo. So they say it's not real because they're bad at it.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Well, especially when you're in the CrossFit community, there's never been a heavy sumo deadlift, which would be actually awesome if they pulled that out at some point. It just depends on the person. Like some people like your game is conventional. Like I can't pull a conventional for shit. Your skeleton just doesn on the person. Some people, your game is conventional. I can't pull a conventional for shit. Your skeleton just doesn't fit it. Conventionals, your hands are on the outside.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Is that what you're saying? What we're used to. Your feet are together. Your feet are shoulder width apart. Yeah, and your hands are on the outside. It's almost 100 pounds difference between my conventional and my sumo. My sumo is great, but then we have people in our gym that can conventional like a shit ton but barely pull sumo they just can't do it so it's just the way you're made up right i
Starting point is 00:27:51 think it's just the way you're made up the way your muscles work god it'd be cool to have that at the crossfit games this year they pull i think so too i think so too i think some people will take it crazy kind of like with the bench arch you know some people real short people take their feet all the way to the end to the plates, and then they're pulling it a couple inches, you know. I approve. Same thing with bench. You know, some people get those rainbow arches and move the bar an inch.
Starting point is 00:28:15 So people, you know, they go a little crazy about it. So sumo gets a bad rap. What about implants? What about implants? Women who have implants, is that? Does that help? So wouldn't that be cheating? Oh, I don't know. What about implants? What about implants? Women who have implants. Is that – That would help. So wouldn't that be cheating? Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Dude, holy moly. I would get the biggest implants if that was my game. My husband has made that argument with me a few times. Or – Does he have an agenda? He might. He might. Or you know what else you could do
Starting point is 00:28:46 is crass is that you could also wear a bra that pushes them closer together to make them stand taller. I'm surprised there isn't that kind of cheating. Well, you still have to have the control to be able to bring that heavy weight down to that level and bring it back so you're kind of doing a partial rep
Starting point is 00:29:04 anyway. But yeah, I don't know. There's not that much money in this sport heavy weight down to that of course yes bring it back so you're kind of doing a partial rep anyway but yeah i don't know i mean there's not that much money in this sport so i don't know why you would completely change your body for you know a little more pounds on the bench press jen so uh so you so you get you're in that marine fitness program uh sophomore junior senior year in in high school um does your dad say anything to you does anyone notice that your body's changing do you notice that your mindset changes does it change like what you want to do with the future of your life at that point are you thinking you're going to go to college and become a math teacher uh no i i mean it didn't
Starting point is 00:29:42 really i mean i was just kind of skinny with some muscle now. You know, that huge, huge of a change. I knew I wanted to go to college. Everyone in my town went to college. We were kind of like the poor kids that lived in a really rich town. So everybody went to college. So I knew I needed to go, but I knew I had to work to get there. So I mean, I was more just focused on getting out of there and being successful. Did you, in that Marine class, did you ever touch any, any weights or bars or was it all calisthenics? Was it all pushups, pullups? Our high school didn't even have a weight room. We had like,
Starting point is 00:30:18 do you remember the old universal machines? Yeah. Yeah. That's all. We had one universal machine and that was it. There was no like weights or even for our football team nothing there was just it wasn't it just wasn't a thing back then where we were anyway did you consider going into the um into the military after three years of hanging with those dudes yes and uh my current husband talked me out of it. Was he in that class? No, he's seven years older than I am actually, but he was in that class when he was in school. He was actually our high school wrestling teacher or coach.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Wow. Freshman or senior in high school. We were not dating then, but I knew him. Like he was- Important distinction. Yeah. We didn't date until later in life, but he was actually – I dated a wrestler, and he was his coach. This is all sounding bad, but it really isn't.
Starting point is 00:31:14 No, no. It's fine. It's Detroit. You can do whatever you want. Right. So – Oh, wait. We lost audio on you.
Starting point is 00:31:24 I'm so clustered. Someone just brought up a good point. Someone said are your labels savon where i don't know where the labels are i don't know where um how come our instagram do you see that uh andrew let me click around for a minute you go are you in brands okay sponsor overlay is that it no i got it oh thank you okay and i'll fix it too um let me see i'm gonna fix jen's instagram but thank you in the comments sorry and for anyone who wants to know why i don't have one it's because it's a separate camera on sevens this is not a camera link to this computer let me see if i can fix uh it's at it's at uh jen thompson 132 there you go okay there it is do you manage your own instagram i do i wish i had enough money for someone to do it for me but i don't oh good job well it's good
Starting point is 00:32:17 it's really good i try my best with it do you enjoy it do you enjoy that creative part of kind of like i know you come from the same you know as I did. We didn't have that kind of stuff. And then now it's kind of like a, I think it was a fun creative outlet. I do. I think it is fun. I enjoy trying to, I enjoy learning new things. I love trying to create interesting content. And I like that it's not my job to do this. And I'm not like making, you know, I have, I'm a teacher, so I don't rely on this as my income. So like when I get tired I have, I'm a teacher, so I don't rely on this as my income. So like when I get tired of it, I can just not do it for a while. I can pick it up later. Like I'm not under pressure to create certain things or post by a certain time or do, do
Starting point is 00:32:56 different things. Like I can, if I get busy, I get busy and I don't post for a few days and that's the way it is. So you, you, you, do you remember the very first time you bench pressed? Yeah, well, yes. And I was, so I ended up in college. I ended up moving out of my house and I lived in a rental house with my current husband, Donovan. And three-
Starting point is 00:33:21 Were you dating or did you meet? No, I just needed, I just housemates. I needed someone to stay. And so he learned how to wait train in the army. And back then, like our town, we didn't have like public gyms. There was just like rec centers. And so he and his buddies had bought free weights. They pulled their money. And then one of his buddies worked at Detroit tool and die. And he made some of the weights for us. And so we actually in our little rental house had like a home gym downstairs.
Starting point is 00:33:49 And so that's how I kind of started working out was it was, it was in the basement of our rental house for college. So you just, the boys were down there working out in the first, and did you just, do you remember just getting on the bench the first time and they're like, okay, you're just going to press this. And it's just, I'm guessing you just did the bar. Was the bar 45 pounds back then? Yeah, I actually did dumbbells first. Cause I was a little bit worried about the barbell. So I actually started with dumbbells.
Starting point is 00:34:13 And what weight dumbbells did you start with? I think I started with like twenties or 25. So those were pretty easy and then I moved up and they're like, oh, you can do the barbell. So that was able to do the barbell. So I did that for a little while. And I just, that just started adding weights slowly over time. I added a two and a five. And I was really excited when I had tens because they kind of look like a bigger weight than the baby weights.
Starting point is 00:34:34 And then I got to the 25s. I was like, oh, what if I ever got to that 45? That would be amazing. And then just kept going way past my expectations. That sounds like my bench career. I remember. I mean, the 45s are the dream, right? Yeah. The big wheels. I was like, oh, my God, I am somebody now. I don't have to mess with it. And so you graduated from high school in 91. Yeah. And and so then during that time then you go to college so during that
Starting point is 00:35:07 four or five years from 91 to let's say 96 you're you're fooling around in the basement uh with the housemates yeah and at that time are you dead lifting and squatting also no we didn't do that all we worried about was how much you could bench yeah makes sense like legs were like an afterthought we had like a hip sled i didn't even know what a deadlift was. Honestly, I learned how to deadlift the night before that, my very first competition. In 99, in 99. Yeah, yeah, I had no idea what it was. Well, I mean, you have to think back then there wasn't the internet and things like that.
Starting point is 00:35:37 I didn't even know powerlifting existed until we went on our honeymoon. And I remember what year that was. It was like 94, 94 maybe something like that um so i didn't i all we saw was muscle and fitness magazines you looked at that for workouts right right and uh and then um just like you know what the gym bros knew and what donovan learned and he learned a lot of his training from the military. His roommate was a football player from Ohio that got hurt and ended up going in the military. So he learned all his weight training from him. So we were just, I mean, we used to do the crazy stuff. We'd do like a two day, two day workout. We do all upper body one day, all upper lower
Starting point is 00:36:18 body the next day, take one day rest and then try to do it again. And it was, it would take us hours to do it. It was stupid, but fun, stupid, but fun. We could never like make it again and it was it would take us hours to do it it was stupid but fun stupid but fun we could never like make it very long because it was just impassable but we always got the bench in we always made sure we got the bench in and you got and you got along with working out with what's your husband's name brendan donovan donovan sorry and you got along with donovan always working out some couples don't work so good together. Well, when I started competing, we had to have like a little coming to Jesus. Oh.
Starting point is 00:36:54 About how things were going to work the best. Because he was a high school wrestling coach for 10 years or something like that. And those guys are pretty aggressive, right? Yeah. I'm like, I'm not one of your boys. I'm a girl. You yelling at me is not helpful. It makes me want to hate you and walk away. Right. So we had a, we had to talk about how the best way to motivate me and train me would be, it was a lot different than what he was used to. And is he still your primary coach today? Yeah. Yeah. We just kind of coach each other. We have, we have about five people that come work out with us every day and we all help each other out.
Starting point is 00:37:29 So, you know, we all kind of look, look out for each other and help each other out. And we're always kind of talking about how we can change things, improve things, make them a little bit better, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:37:39 it's just always been us. Is he crazy proud of you? Oh yeah. Like a little over the top awesome what is his best bench press um i think his best raw bench press is 375 um he was a great lifter for a long time um so what lifter say that word again oh okay that's like with the with the really tight shirts yeah to make you walk around like this? Yeah, yeah. When we first started, that's all there was.
Starting point is 00:38:10 There was no raw lifting until I think 2008 or 2009. Everything was equipped. And you lifted against those people without the equipment? You didn't put those shirts on? Oh, no. I had it on. You did? No, I had it on. But you didn't like it? I hated it.
Starting point is 00:38:22 And I was never very good at it, honestly. My best equip bench, bench i think is 331 which is you know what i can do now raw and um i think my best squat was maybe 405 um with the knee wraps and the suits and then my best deadlift was maybe 405 also so that went away that's gone yeah it's gone um i was so i was ready just to drop it anyway. It's just because it's, it was difficult to use. It hurts when you use it. Like, it's hard to explain something. I benched 330, but I don't really bench 330. Yeah, yeah, dude. I hate those things. Yeah. And they hurt. It was, they hurt. Is that why you hated it? Is it hurts? I hated it because it hurt it. It hurt my joints.
Starting point is 00:39:05 It hurt my skin. I went to like a doctor's appointment one time after a squat workout and had these angry lined bruises, like around my hips and then around my armpits. And the doctor handed me like a domestic abuse pamphlet. Oh, wow. She wanted me to call somebody and I'm like no I did this to myself it's just crazy so yeah I didn't enjoy it that much and it was just I knew that everyone else was getting way out of more other equipment than I was and I found that frustrating but I didn't
Starting point is 00:39:37 like it enough to really practice in it and be good at it this is nuts this is is a five 45. What do you call this? We call them a heavy hold or a walkout. We do these on bench and deadlift. So it's like an isometric hold or a static hold. So you basically take a giant weight and you walk it out and you, you just push against it for 15 seconds. Do you do this? I've done it in the past yeah you like it oh it's awesome it really boosts your strength up big time there's a lot of studies out there and i can't quote them but um i think squat university uh tagged them in this post um just about isometrics and how much they improve
Starting point is 00:40:17 your constructive strength but um a lot of it is like um it helps with your stability muscles with the ability to walk out really heavy weight or hold really heavy weight or on racket. And then it just makes everything else feel so much lighter after you do it. Anecdotally, do you feel the neurological stimulation? Like when you do a heavy deadlift hold, do you feel like, okay, you know what I mean? How you kind of lose those fine motor skills if you try to write your name after your deadlift. It doesn't work so well. Do you feel that just from – do you know what I'm referencing?
Starting point is 00:40:48 We don't do it on deadlift. Oh, I thought you would put the wagon wheels on. I thought I saw in a video somewhere you would put the wagon wheels on and just – That was like a partial lift. That's like a rack pull almost. So you're just working the top end of the deadlift. Okay. So it's overloading also.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Yeah, it's a form of overloading. I don't know. I've never tried to write my name after deadlift okay it's overloading also yeah it's a form of overloading um i don't know i've never tried to write my name after ah have you ever tried that have you ever tried that i have not yeah i tried i have a hard time just writing my name now because you barely write anymore everything's you know online so i wouldn't have to write something i have to really concentrate on those letters um so you're training in the dungeon. Are people, is it people thinking you're weird then? Was it weird? You're a weirdo. You lift weights.
Starting point is 00:41:30 You do it with your husband. You do it with other boys. It's in the basement. All the equipment's homemade. It was more like at that time, people thought women with muscles was weird and strange. So like if I wore a tank top or something, you would get not nice comments sometimes from different people.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Is that your son back there? Yes, he snuck in here. He's all buff too? Yeah. How old is he? He's 19. What's his best bench press? Tuck, what's your best bench press?
Starting point is 00:42:07 315. Hey, buddy. Nice job. Cool. 300 paused, he said. That's at 160 pounds. Oh, cool. That's a double body weight bench.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Yeah. Last year, he was in high school nationals. Took third. I was real proud of him. And then he played baseball in college this year. They don't let you guys bench press usually. Maybe, is he not a pitcher? He is a pitcher, actually.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Really? His coaches let him. They pretty much were like, you're strong as shit, dude. Just keep doing what you're doing. When you get strong enough, you can tell the coaches what to do. Jen, what year did you, is he your oldest he's my oldest um one i think one of the reasons i let him keep um lifting is because like his flexibility is crazy good like they put him through all these mobility tests and he can do crazy stuff with his arms and his legs and whatever he has no like uh restrictions mobility
Starting point is 00:43:02 wise even though he lifts like crazy. So, you know, so they were, they were good with it. I probably, not all programs would be, but they were. Did you see the way she looked at her Hiller? She's like so proud. Look, that's how moms look at their pride and joy, their legacy. Jen, what year did you have? What's his name? Tucker. Tucker. What year did you have Tucker? Well, we adopted Tucker from Russia. So he's got some strong Russian genetics.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Oh my goodness. And what year was that? That was 2004. And you have another child also? Yeah. I had him. What year was that? What year did you have another child also? Yeah, I had him. What year was that? What year did you have him? Okay, so I'm looking at this. You have the Bench Press National Championship first place in 2005.
Starting point is 00:43:56 2004 is the only year you don't have a world or national title. Did you not participate because you were at home taking care of Tucker? Yeah, when I was pregnant too oh oh okay okay with getting big with the baby so it was was not advised to keep keep lifting then not scientifically speaking but just on what you think i don't i don't care if it's truth. I just want to hear your thoughts on what happens to a woman during that time in terms of restraint. Do you, did you experience some lows and plateaus because we do see these women in the CrossFit community and their third trimester getting really strong. I didn't lift heavy. I lifted but like uh my uh doctor was like um you can only lift
Starting point is 00:44:49 with as much weight that you could have a conversation with while you're doing it okay yeah honestly it was two something um so yeah so and then like no squats, no deadlifts. So I, I just did enough to really keep in shape, you know, and I, and of course, you know, like weight training is part of your everyday life. So it's not something you want to just give up. So, I mean, I continued with all my workouts. They were just, you know, a lot higher reps, lower weights. So you did. So you, so you kind of, you didn't listen. You, you heard him, but you're like, okay, I, like, okay, I squat over 300 pounds.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Like, I'm still going to squat. Would you do air squats or would you actually weighted squats? I didn't do any squats at all. No squatting? No, I only did like leg press and leg extension, stuff like that. In hindsight, are you glad you listened to him? Or in hindsight, would you think you are glad? Well, I just think, you know, it's probably controversial, but I mean, you can lift weights while you're pregnant.
Starting point is 00:45:51 But to me, it wasn't worth any sort of risk. I was all into not putting myself in any, I mean, how bad would you feel like if something happened because of, you know, you chose to do something. So anyway, I just, I didn't, I didn't do anything. I felt like they told me not to squat, so I didn't squat. How was your comeback from that? It was hard. And I think it was just more hard. The fact that you have two small children at home than anything.
Starting point is 00:46:21 You're just stressed, busy, tired. I think like my, I believe my numbers, like were fairly plateaued for a few years. Like I was making not huge gains. I don't think I was losing too much, but they had plateaued up until the pregnancy. No, just after, after, after. Yeah. Three years later in 2008, you won the raw powerlifting championship so that means that's your total for bench squat and deadlift yeah that was i think one of our very first raw
Starting point is 00:46:52 events in powerlifting for usa powerlifting and yeah it was all clipped up to them and and right at that time is when CrossFit started really taking off. How did that affect your community? Was that exciting for your community? Yes. I think CrossFit really gave powerlifting a huge jump. We've got tons of female athletes that came over from CrossFit to powerlifting because some of our events, you are in the crossfit and so um they i think for for a lot of for some people like crossfit's pretty tough to stay up and in that kind of shape for
Starting point is 00:47:32 that long and then power lifting you don't have to be so i think sometimes it's a little bit easier but we did get a lot of crossover especially on the women's side in particular we got a big boost in our female power lifting population i do do believe, because of CrossFit. And do you still see it to this day? Not so much. I think we'll get a few that head over, but I think it's just hard to tell. Our female side of powerlifting is huge now. I think we're about 60-40 men to women, huge now i think we're about 60 40 men women as far as our membership goes um nationally and internationally so um a lot of people you do well there is a lot of people have done cross there and then they do power lifting or they go back and forth and this is um this is a seminar this is a
Starting point is 00:48:18 crossfit candle um is this a seminar you put on there? Yeah, I did it with a few other people. We did it just this last weekend in Miami. I did it with Daniela Mello and Jen Ratzinger and then a woman that owns Sisters of Iron Strength Apparel and then the owner of the Battle Axe Gym. He's, he does powerlifting, but they do a lot of strongman kind of stuff. And so we just had a really awesome, fun weekend. CrossFit Kendall was really sweet and opened the gym to us. And then we gave all the money to the House of Valencia, which helps kids that exit out of the foster
Starting point is 00:48:57 system, helps them kind of get into life. Oh, wow. Yeah. Why did you adopt a child? What was the... I just never wanted to have one. I just figured there was... I'm a teacher, so you see all these kids that need homes and parents, and I always thought it would be really cool to let somebody else have the kid, and then I can raise them because they didn't want it or couldn't have it or whatever, you know, so I just thought, I just never had this big burning desire to have, quote unquote, my own kid, biologically anyways. And then I was so into powerlifting and really, all that sort of stuff. I never really wanted to take the time to do it. I think I've always sort of lived on this, like, you don't know how long
Starting point is 00:49:45 this ride's going to last. Like how long can you be good at this? Um, and I just didn't, I was afraid if I took time to do that, I would never get back. So I just didn't want to do it. And my husband and his brothers and sisters are adopted. So I always thought that was super cool. And then, um, and then, so was then so was your next baby an accident? Well, I hate saying that word. Okay. Maybe unplanned but pleasantly surprised. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Nice. I got two of those. She goes, Mom, you told everybody that I was an accident. I'm like, no, no. That's okay. I'm like, no, no. That's okay. Okay. And in hindsight, are you really glad you had – this is – I didn't see the conversation going here.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Toed on this one, did you? As being a woman, right, do you think that that was important? In hindsight, are you like wow that I'm glad I got pregnant that was an important evolution for what for my body to go through and I use the word no you don't you think you think you would have been fine without it you're not like holy shit I made a mistake I'm so glad that happened that would have been a mistake if I didn't have a kid because I didn't want to have kids and I think that now in hindsight I'm like oh that would have been a mistake if I didn't have them I don't think so like I I'm sort of I'm grateful I got to experience it like I was
Starting point is 00:51:09 nice I guess um to go through it but I would have been fine not okay okay because I would have just kept adopting kids so you know okay like I was choosing not to have a family. But it just wasn't important to me to make something that had dotted in my genetics together. I just feel like our families, whatever we create it to be and whoever we decide to include, I don't think genetics is super important in that. I mean, I wasn't regretful. I was not regretful at all that it happened and then i got to do it because i was able to bounce back great and everything's worked out wonderfully but i don't think i would have been like i mean the day after i had brody i had my tube time
Starting point is 00:51:57 like we are never doing this again let me push let me push one more time and i'm and i'm not trying to be rude i just want i just want to feel this out let me push one more time you don't think that maybe as a um woman that your body if it that it needs to have a child in order to complete its um its journey it's like no you don't like almost like a caterpillar. If it doesn't become a butterfly, it didn't do its thing. No, no. Okay. Okay. Interesting. Okay. It's I I'm, I'm pushing that in my head in my life, but, but I, but it's my, but I mean, I'm my own fabrication. So I, I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:52:41 I did not want to have one, but, but now that I have, I didn't have one. I hear anything is possible these days, dude. That's what I'm saying. No, I don't. Thank you. You win. I quit. What I really wanted was, one thing to me was creating a family.
Starting point is 00:52:58 I really wanted a family that I didn't have. So for me, it was more about creating the family I always wished I had. And that doesn't necessarily mean that I need to have my children. So I have the family I always wish I had. So to me, the having the baby part is insignificant. The clock, let me push one more time. I can't help myself. I feel things. Anita Dick and me, Sevan on no validation for you today great thing okay thanks uh greg glassman no validation for you today so fine okay i lose i know i know don't put your uh fabrications on other stuff okay okay okay okay everyone be easy i'm i'm
Starting point is 00:53:37 i'm not done with this i'm like i'm like the bad guy in the cartoons. I'm just running back to my cave. I will build something stronger. Say how it is. Judy Reed, so many stories of families who adopt overseas, come back with babies within a few months, find out they are pregnant. Oh, interesting. It is a little bit strange. And you do see, actually, that happens a lot.
Starting point is 00:54:01 I don't know, really. They say, like, once you have the first kid, then you're not so stressed about having the kid. So a lot of i don't know really they say like once you have the first kid then you're not so stressed about having the kids so a lot of people get pregnant after that you know because they want children and if they can and then there's a lot of stress and and getting pregnant and then once you adopt the kid you have a baby and you're like okay i have a baby then you're not stressed out and you easily get pregnant after that that's the theory anyway interesting um all right um they they they love it when i um get beat up oh yeah they love it i'm such a dog i'm such a dogmatic asshole um jen um are are women in is training different for women and men in bench press? Is there anything different about how they should work out?
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Starting point is 00:55:18 Please play responsibly. What was that? Did your ear just fall off? Yeah, I did. Sorry. No, no, that no no that's fine i just make sure it wasn't a body part okay no body parts falling off here um i think like for women in the beginning like even though the bench press doesn't use a ton of shoulders it uses some shoulders and women in general don't have strong shoulders so i feel like working the shoulders is super important to build up that strength right there. But other than that, not a whole lot different. And the only thing I really find with women is usually men are teaching them how to bench press. And so they're trying to, you know, for women, like our shoulders aren't as big, they're not as wide. And so we don't have to like, tuck our elbows and get the bar down to our bellies because of our
Starting point is 00:56:06 size and so I think a lot of times like the form is a little off when men train women to bench press or they just do it the way you know someone told them to do it so they just keep passing on the same thing over and over that one way doesn't work for everyone so usually when I have like women in our bench press seminars I'm changing their grip around a little bit, widening a little bit, and then telling them not to tuck their elbows and aim down to their belly to kind of get their elbows out a little bit and hit a little higher on their chest is usually what I'm doing. Gotcha. Okay. So there are nuances. A little bit.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Cool dogs. Can we go through a list of just like stuff you do besides bench for bench? So right there you were doing push-ups on a balance board. I saw you doing dips. I saw you doing incline. Yeah, incline, decline. We do overloading. We'll do like pin presses board presses floor presses things like that um what what about this thing what's this thing called again hillary the skull
Starting point is 00:57:10 do you do a skull skull crushers and tricep extensions yeah yeah we do those like uh we have like a what we call an accessory day so we do those on our accessory do like close grip bench sometimes we do decline close grip bench we'll do the overloading with the triceps things shoulder log presses i like to keep things log presses too log presses like like the strongman thing where you gotta yeah i love to do different stuff all the time so i'm always throwing in different exercises and doing different things because i get bored easy um how narrow will you bring your grip in will you come in all the way? For close grip? Yeah
Starting point is 00:57:46 I mean will you do the whole Will you do the whole gambit of the bar From wide to No No Now close grip usually you just do about shoulder width Like where your armpits are I think she judged me there right?
Starting point is 00:57:58 Did you see that? There's a little bit of judgment there It's okay You ever bench press? Hey someone just got a bench. I just saw it delivered by Amazon the other day. He got his first bench press. That's for the bench for the patio.
Starting point is 00:58:13 Do you know what bench I have, Jen? I have the kid's squat rack from Rogue, and that's what I bench on. And it's a kid, and the bar is so long on it that I have to be careful. I can't start with the 45s on there because the bar, it will teeter over. So I'm not even in your, um, not even in your world. Uh, but I try to be, I'm always surprised by non CrossFit shows. Jen, you're awesome. Don't get to watch a lot of them, uh, these live in Australia. So this is also, uh, for all the semi-shows. Well, thank you, Wayne.
Starting point is 00:58:47 This is kind of a CrossFit show. Kind of a CrossFit show. How do you figure? Because this is one aspect. She just does CrossFit but slow. Interesting. What do you do? I'm late. Did Sebi show her the Gazan gazan 270 yeah that was my inspiration for finding um jen and then like i said i'm just so pleasantly
Starting point is 00:59:11 surprised because i have this belief of the powerlifting community of the way they act and the way they look and she doesn't fit into any of those fucking molds so i'm i'm so i mean most people aren't like that in the mold that i'm thinking like i think of these people who are just so they don't even look human anymore i mean blood coming out of their nose right oh that's the crazy stuff okay yeah the majority of the people are are not very cool one of the reasons i've stayed in it so long is because the community is so amazing you're like a really attractive version of martha stewart i've gotten that so many not the attractive part but lots of people told me i look like the younger martha stewart
Starting point is 00:59:53 yeah that's the how they say it without being as i don't know potentially i i want uh what is Sevan's Bench Press? I one time got up to, I'm little, I'm 5'5", 160 pound man. And sometime in my 20s, I wanted to bench 225 and I got up to 182 pounds. I was taking as much creatine as I could, eating everything I could. And I never did it. I never got to, I did 220 once. That was the most I ever did.
Starting point is 01:00:26 You've never gotten 225? No. Is it too late for me, Jen? No. I'm 51. It's not too late. Tell him it's in his brain. It's in your brain.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Maybe I should do that. That's with no pause. When I say 220, I'm like bouncing it off my chest. Like what would he need to do to get his bench press to two 25? Jen, what do you think? Just expose himself to it, right? Yeah. I mean, it's just all about, well, you have to start with good form, you know, and then it's just doing it consistently, honestly, like working yourself up every workout, increasing the weight, getting the required sets. And I've never done sets of five. My whole life I've done sets of ten.
Starting point is 01:01:17 I feel like they're the perfect, they're like the utopia. Five? Yeah, because the first three are fairly easy, and then the last two you really have to work hard to get them if you're doing the right way it's like in between like a lot and a little you never put up weight on your skeleton dude 10 you'll never get there doing 10 you'll look pretty decent doing 10 oh yeah now you're jumping on our bandwagon beat me up while jen's here you could have told me this yesterday. You didn't ask. Jen, what about in swimming? You're not supposed to go swimming by yourself, right? Like you have a pool in the backyard.
Starting point is 01:01:51 You're not supposed to swim by yourself, even if you're an Olympic level swimmer. Do you bench by yourself? Not usually, but we have safeties. So if I have to, I will, but I make sure the safety box is up. Not very often. It's like a very every once in a blue moon. Do you have any good bench stories where you got trapped under a bar, you're by yourself at home?
Starting point is 01:02:14 No, I've dropped it though before. Like slipped off? Slipped out of my thumbs and bounced off the chest. Yeah, that didn't feel good. But other than that not really boring david weed uh nipple piercings no that's not one of the subjects um but probably not not good to be have nipple piercings um yeah i'm sure there are people that do though that sounds like it could be injurious so where was that um where was that uh oh here we go i just turned 57 and i benched 330 pounds i'm assuming this is a
Starting point is 01:02:55 boy um but but we kind of need to know how much this dude weighs right like if he's 430 pounds it's a little profile picture tells me he's about 275 because it's a sloth i got nothing i like how you guys thought about it though because it's just um uh imagine being in elementary school telling your friend that's my mom can outbench your dad hey uh yesterday i went to a friend's house and my eight-year-old there's a workout called murph are you familiar with this thing that we do on memorial day in the crossfit community i know were you gonna say murphy yeah murph yeah i know i know what one of those is all right and so my um my eight-year-old was telling the other kids there about watching uh his mom do Murph yeah and that that made me so proud what what do you do for conditioning is there any supplemental do you do any
Starting point is 01:03:57 nope no running no burpees no no I just feel like i live an active life right like we live on a lake here so i like to paddleboard um we'd love to go to the mountains and do some hiking um that's about it though like i don't i'd walk my dogs does that count yeah that counts yeah okay what would be the longest would you walk five miles yeah well i don't but i could yeah i probably don't hike five miles? Yeah. Well, I don't, but I could. I probably wouldn't hike five miles than I would walk because that's just boring. What does your diet look like? Do you pay attention to that closely? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:34 I'm sure you do. I mean, I look at you. I mean, I'm sure you do. I'm just curious. Protein grams do you hit? Do you have something that you follow? I'm kind of a habitual eater and I like to eat a lot of the same stuff. So I kind of know that, you know, kind of round what I'm hitting every once in a while, put some, I'll put it in a macro counter just to see exactly where I'm at. But I try, I'm trying,
Starting point is 01:04:57 I usually get about 130 protein, I'm trying really hard to get 145 so I can kind of increase my weight just a little bit. I try to keep my carbs a little over 100 just because now that I'm 50, like the carbs don't come off like they used to. So I had to decrease the carbs. So I don't worry too much about that. So that's kind of around the same, maybe anywhere from 60 to 150 grams a day or is it towards the lower end um no it's probably around 75 or 80 i like to eat lots of nuts i love eggs things like things that are high in fat like the avocados do you have any isms to your your dieting for i mean for example i don't really like eating before noon and i don't know why i just feel as if i operate better that way is there anything like that with you?
Starting point is 01:05:47 No, I just, I pretty much eat like at the same time all day long. Like I have my breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks. Like I eat pretty much every two hours and it's pretty much like clockwork. It's crazy. It's crazy. Do all, all, all people who have a physique like yours, Hiller or hers are habitual eaters. Right. I mean that you have to be right. She can't have, she can't be, you have to be right. Are you always a little hungry, Jen? Only when I'm getting close to two hour mark.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Right. Right. Also you eat every two hours. That's an ism. That would have worked. That's an ism. Yeah. Yeah. So it's pretty much like that. It's a genism. I always make sure I have food with me.
Starting point is 01:06:32 Like I have this fear of hunger. So I go anywhere. I got stuff with me just in case. Like yesterday we had our staff end of year lunch. So I was super hungry and um the line to get to this the food was like i mean literally it was over an hour to get food wow this is at your height you teach at a high school an hour yeah yeah so we had this little lunch thing out at this vineyard for like our end of year lunch and so I was like well fuck that I just ate my lunch that I dropped because it was like I'm not waiting an hour to get and it was
Starting point is 01:07:11 like it was just like cheese and crackers and oh man I'm like this is not lunch by the way so you eat every two hours and you pay attention to your macros like to a degree when did that happen and did you see that help out your performance i'm sure you did yeah i didn't yeah probably um mid 30s okay um pretty much my late 20s early 30s you know we were childless and um we like to have fun yeah so that was my next question is do you drink um now just occasionally and more it's before just because it's empty calories you know it's not um so it feels if it puts you back if you were to have a drink no i don't think so for me it's more and i i've always been like a huge
Starting point is 01:07:59 lightweight like i can have two glasses of wine and i'm shit faced. So by empty calories, you mean, you mean it's pointless. Like you have to, you're putting on the weight, but it's not helping you get with your goals, right? There's nothing in there other than just really calories. We were like, I did when I did that tech, tech twerking video, like Susie had made me a, I don't know, like a tequila sunrise or something. I was feeling really good. I don't know if I would have done that otherwise.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Good question. I was just reading that. Yeah, we'll get back to the food thing in a second. Ask Jen what her views are with the thumb. Should you wrap around the bar or whether it's an advantage not to wrap around the bar? Well, we have to. So I always have.
Starting point is 01:08:48 I think if you value your face, you should. They'll call it a suicide grip for nothing. Right. Right. I don't know that you really get an advantage by wrapping your thumb, not wrapping your thumb under. Sean M.
Starting point is 01:09:02 I am a terrible drinker. Heidi Krum. I'm also too drunks., I am a terrible drinker. Heidi Krum, I am also too drunk to get naked. Alright. Suicide grip. I don't wrap my thumb, but I don't lift anything heavy. That doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:09:19 You can still dump it. You just get out of the grip a little bit and it's going down. Right. You wrap your thumb, Hiller? You don't wrap your thumb i do oh you do oh yeah uh magnus holmgren uh i need 12 beers to get tipsy wow you need to dry out a little bit magnus and then come back at it rambler wine tastes like poo all right i love red wine there's something about it that just relaxes you and makes you feel all tingly all over. Is there any rule about not eating past a certain time?
Starting point is 01:09:51 No. No, I think, I mean, I eat like a really good, probably like a normal like dinner. Usually it's like grilled chicken or steak or something with veggies. And then I'll have like a yogurt or something before i go to bed if i'm hungry but i don't really think um as long as you're not like eating a hot budge brownie sundae before you go to bed i don't really think it matters i mean you're a habitual eater too right hillary i mean you're pretty you're you're pretty you're clockwork right you eat the same shit all the time oh i just have an okay from my wrestling days, it feels as if I've kind of gathered. I eat this, I eat this, I eat this.
Starting point is 01:10:29 At the end of the day, like Jen, it's about, for me, 200 grams of protein, this many carbs, this much fat, depending on energy expenditure. And you don't eat a lot either. I've been with you now for three or four days. You're not a big eater. And Alexis hates it. That's my significant other, Jen. And you really – the only time I ever see you eat anything significant,
Starting point is 01:10:49 but you ate out of the same size bowls my kids ate out of, and it was just at night. You ate just a bowl of meat. I ate a lot of food at night and then barely anything during the day. Yeah, and it still wasn't that much, I would say. No? Do you think you eat – I eat more at night just because I think – I don't know.
Starting point is 01:11:04 I'm just not as hungry in the morning hours, and I you're more i don't know if you work you're more busy in the morning hours so i think it's i definitely eat more in the afternoon what what has changed um uh for you as at 50 any any anything's changed for you like in terms of your workout regimen your heel i heard you say I heard you say in one interview that you're always sore and that you like it. I kind of like to always be sore too, somewhere. Pretty much go ballast the walls almost every workout. Yeah, yeah. And I just like that.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Yeah. So I know that people will tell you like, you know, the RPE thing. I don't know if you do that in CrossFit, but that stuff drives me nuts. I just don't understand. you do that in crossfit but that stuff drives me nuts i just don't understand what thing say it rpe uh rate of perceived exertion oh yeah i just heard that term for the first time the other day i don't even i don't even understand that thing right now and it's like you know if you were to do a set and finish it and felt like you know you had three more reps left in you you would say that was an rpe of seven um oh that's how they do it over there interesting i'd try to do it all internally
Starting point is 01:12:11 yeah i would never it's that's all subjective shit that that's all subjective i don't know and i well i feel like your rps7 might be different than mine you know like i'm like it has to be right and then what i think is silly is people will post like this their training and they'll post their set and they're barely getting the last one and they're like yeah rpe6 baby you know yes meaning what jen they had four more they're claiming they have four more left four more yeah right i view that as like 60 effort i'm like oh yeah i don't know like i just it just doesn't make up i mean i i sort of see how it would help like from a coaching standpoint like if we could communicate and you want to say like how hard was that rep and i would
Starting point is 01:13:05 say well i felt like that was an rpe of seven like i might have had three more i can see how that might be somewhat of a helpful tool but even then and then on the other end jen there's this one laughing at what some people think a 10 is like i couldn't have done another one it goes what that was no dude rewire that that's a six that's a five you got three more more i do find like people that do my programming after like this is really hard like i didn't know this was going to be so hard and i'm always like well it's because you're just not used to working hard you can work a lot harder than you're doing you't know it right so so any difference is going back to that question any difference in in in in i don't know what you can and can't do any limitations that
Starting point is 01:13:52 you're feeling age creeping you're like no i work out pretty much the same i'm still making like gains not huge ones but it's going up so i figure figured that's good. That's crazy. I heard you say that in another interview too. That's basically been 25 years of just incremental gradual. It's just been gradual gains. And the only thing different probably is the food is, you know, I can't eat the way I used to. Otherwise I do put on weight. And then I'm just way better at sleeping about getting in sleep and naps. So, Oh, tell me about napping. You're a napper. Me too. I'm a napper.
Starting point is 01:14:27 Tell me about napping. If you do hashtag let the champ sleep, you will see hundreds of pictures that my husband takes of me napping in various places. I'm like, Oh my God. I just, I just love it like um i just i've napped for 20 minutes and like i am so recharged and i can take on the rest of the day but as i'm getting towards nap time i'm like okay i need to know look at this i typed in just in google search let the champ sleep and right there
Starting point is 01:14:59 your husband's instagram pops up yeah nice yeah he owns that that's awesome yeah it's like usually like in a car wait a minute it's his name at jen thompson's husband yes i love it oh yeah and you click on it and there you are just completely zed out zonked out i made him take down the ones like my mouth is hanging open and the drool is coming out oh man it's usually in the car in between baseball games how long how long um how long is it is a nap for you oh like 20 30 minutes okay me too i like 20 minutes yeah yeah i usually just like it's on count for a little bit then i'm up and i I'm like, all right, let's go. Do you, do you sleep throughout the night? Without waking up?
Starting point is 01:15:49 I wake up quite a bit. I test and like, I spin around all night long. I get uncomfortable. Like I lay on my back and then my butt gets numb. I go to the side, my shoulder gets numb. And so I basically just spin all night long. Okay, good. That makes me feel better i would misery loves company this is very interesting you you don't know who this is but this is a uh uh this guy's in the comments a lot and it's very rare he says anything um this is he's going out on a limb here jen is a real one wow michael myers god i i would retire if he said one nice thing about me. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:16:26 Yeah, that's crazy. We talked about wrapping the thumb. There was one other thing I wanted to mention along that safety line. Oh, etiquette. Etiquette. Did you want to say something, Hiller? I won't forget. I'm going to write it down. I'm reading Jay Chapman saying anyone who can nap and not feel awful is a psychopath.
Starting point is 01:16:46 I'm not really sure. Oh, we'll get back to napping. What's the etiquette on on? Let's talk about some of the etiquette with bench pressing. When you're bench pressing and you're stuck in all the videos I see, it's always your husband seems to grab the weight and then pull it off you. What about just like in high school, how they used to do it where they just like tap their fingers?
Starting point is 01:17:04 It's all you. Yeah fingers it's all you yeah it's all you and then you've got no more left to do any sort of workout after that you're done that brings up an amazing point i saw you in a video go let's see if i can find this ah oh i don't have the link but it says you failed 335 and then you tried it again and you got it yeah and i was tripping i was like wow that's crazy um how often does that happen where you get something on your second try? Because when I think of bench, I think of it as one of those things, when it's gone, it's gone. It's technique. That was a technique faux pas on the first one,
Starting point is 01:17:55 and then I fixed it on the second. Usually, it's a slow takedown that gets me. Like I just get a little freaked out about by the weight, and I take it down a little slower than i normally do and i can't turn around fast enough so i do a redo and then i get it so let me ask you this um uh let me try to catch you here um has that changed with you getting older because i've noticed that's changed with me getting older now that i am older when i'm benching i am way more conscientious when i'm lowering it like i'm not as cavalier about lowering it fast. Um, it's something we call that take the takedown speed, how quickly
Starting point is 01:18:29 you take it down from the top to your chest. And that's something we're always working on because I've found over time, the quicker I can take it down with control, the easier I can turn it around and press it out. So that's, um, it's something I've always worked on. Um, and that's usually the one that I'll screw up if I'm mentally worried about what I'm doing. So, you know, it's all a big mental game. Pickleball? You're doing pickleball? All the old people are doing pickleball.
Starting point is 01:18:58 And drunk young people. I've played it. You have played it? I don't do it on the regular. Any other sports uh kite flying um dancing square dancing um kite flying seems like a pretty low impact sport kite flying um no not not really i mean i just do a lot of water sports because we live on the lake here so i'll do some water skiing some slow and skiing some weight skating uh paddleboard stuff like that um other than that it's just sort of hiking um i'm not for everything though like i like trying new things so if someone invites me to
Starting point is 01:19:36 go do something i'll go i'll go give it a go we did strongman last weekend that was fun i did the um tossing the bag over the pole that's really high that was pretty cool and then i did the tossing the bag over the pole that's really high. That was pretty cool. And then I did the yoke walk. That was fun also. I was going to ask about that in relation to your overloading the back squat. I was wondering if you do a yoke or if you use the bamboo bar. Have you ever used one of those accessory work?
Starting point is 01:20:01 I've used it before. I don't have one. We do a lot of band work instead of the bamboo bar um to for instance to work on your stability um for um on on all exercises we do bands and then on um and we also have these things they don't make them anymore but go for sports made this thing called their suites swing weights oh and so they kind of they move like this you know so we kind of do that um the bamboo bar i've tried before but i mean there's so much give on that thing it's a little you don't like it i don't like it yeah i don't like it i like it yeah i don't like it either
Starting point is 01:20:45 are you taking it do you take any supplements are you taking do you take creatine every day yeah i do creatine every day and then um i do a pre a post and uh maintain for an ssp nutrition so it's like you know all the good stuff it's got some caffeine and some amino acids in it and stuff like that do you have a milligrams a day that you are aware of caffeine wise no just whatever i'm pretty caffeine sensitive so i'll do two cups of coffee in the morning and that's it and then i'll have the pre-workout and that's it what time do you have the pre-workout three o'clock oh okay that's that's kind of late in the day it is but it doesn't seem to bother me too much i don't think it's a i have to look at it now that we're talking about it i don't think it's a ton
Starting point is 01:21:34 um you every day at 3 p.m that's the time you work out we work out at 3 30 so i drink it at three you're supposed to drink it like a little bit before you get started right after school how old are the kids what grade do you teach math um i'm teaching actually this year i am moving down to middle school to teach science oh uh is that cool are you excited yeah and i i i wanted to do that yeah i'm really excited so i'm really kind of into environmental sciences so it kind of of gets me going. I get real excited about composting and aquaponics and hydroponics and all that kind of stuff that helped make the planet a little bit better. So I'm excited. Do you grow hydroponics?
Starting point is 01:22:18 Do you grow hydroponics? Well, we're going to next year. Yeah. I used to – We're actually going to do aquaponics with the fish. You have fish. It's like hydroponics, but with fish. Yeah, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:22:31 In a former life, I used to grow hydroponics. I lived in California. I grew shitload of weed. That's what most people are using it for. Yeah, but then I switched. I wanted to grow the world's largest watermelon. You were bench pressing i would i would want to grow did you do it did you know no i fucking did it i was an idiot i was an idiot but hydroponics is really it's it's fascinating because the roots aren't made to really just survive in water so they develop differently
Starting point is 01:23:03 than roots that go into the soil and i thought it was so crazy and you could tinker with you know the nutrients and the ph and it was fun i really enjoyed it i did it and with marijuana i mean i didn't smoke a lot of marijuana and i haven't smoked in years but with marijuana it's even it's crazy rewarding because that plant grows so fast and so you can tinker with stuff in the morning and see it like hours later oh they're doing uh um shipping containers and they're putting like curtain rods in them and doing hydroponics yeah yeah shipping containers to grow lettuce or whatever yeah there was a ton of that with weed in california as i was, like shitloads of shipping containers. I'm looking through her, Heidi Kroom, a pic of Jen's garden, please.
Starting point is 01:23:51 I'm looking through her Instagram. I don't see any of her garden. I posted them in my story and stuff like that. I tend not to post too much on my Instagram with my school because it's just a little, I don't know. Right. Do your kids follow you? We sign a social media. Yeah, they do.
Starting point is 01:24:09 My kids follow me. My kids' friends follow me. So I'm always fairly careful about what I'm posting. I've got a buddy who's in the education system and is always getting in trouble for posting stuff on the internet. Oh, really? Oh, man. We have to sign something at the beginning of the year about like the ethics policy and all this sort of stuff so i don't even really want to mess with it too much
Starting point is 01:24:29 eric wise um uh can jen move to california to be my kids teacher those are some lucky kids that she teaches oh thanks uh sebi she's talking about vegetables and you go straight to weed it's just just all plants it's just it's okay plants. Drugs are bad for you. Don't do them. Don't burn anything and smoke anything. Do you smoke weed? Me? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:51 No. Oh, good. No. My family members do. Yeah. We're drug tested. We can't smoke weed. I show up on a drug test
Starting point is 01:25:03 and then your career is down the shitter. So really, is it like even for marijuana? Oh yeah. Well, how often are you drug tested? Um, probably six or seven times a year.
Starting point is 01:25:17 Holy shit. Hear that CrossFit. That's how you, that's how you, uh, you do it. You know, the organization that does it
Starting point is 01:25:25 um well it's usa powerlifting okay um i don't know which lab we use it was rex labs i'm not sure but they'll show up at my door crossfitters they'll get like one or two drug tests a year and it's like we're like no guys uh-uh hey um canada just had that guy um canada had the guy fooling around and uh i'm assuming it was satire where he jumped into the women's competition and set the world record do you know that guy yeah i know actually pretty well i've been a few teams with him and uh yeah we just uh i've done some of the writing for his um his blog and his website it's uh powerlifting something i can't remember right now but anyway yeah i know pretty well is it is it a sensitive issue in that community boys competing in women's sports do you have do you have a position on it
Starting point is 01:26:21 men competing against men who want to compete against the women? For USA Powerlifting, we said they cannot. We made a gender X category for any male to female athletes. I don't like that. Gender X.
Starting point is 01:26:39 We wanted to be all-inclusive. We like to say we're an all-inclusive community. There's distinct advantages of a male to female transition um well why even have if you're gonna have if you're gonna let men compete with the women just get rid of the classes then right just fucking well we left the international powerlifting federation. We used to be with them and, and they they're allowing it. So, you know, that's why I'd be so very big went in because they're Candace Perl, the international powerlifting federation.
Starting point is 01:27:13 And so he went because there was a trans that went and took the women's world record. And so he went in and took it from the trans. Yeah. I don't, here's the thing outside of all of the politics or whatever anyone thinks you have to have rules in sports it's like you just have to have you have to have like a boundary that the football player can't run out right he can't be like running around the stadium you can't you can't the women can never have had a penis you can't yeah you can't have a chair yeah you can't have a chair your friend can't throw a chair out onto the basketball court and then you jump on it and dunk i just i
Starting point is 01:27:49 don't get the um uh look at look at yeah i got my favorite subject then yeah is it okay i'll back off is it an uncomfortable subject um not really um it just it it's hard because um i haven't really spoken much about it because you can get crucified for it either way. Right, right, right. Understood. I love that USA Policy made a space for everything. So I think that's pretty great. I like gender X.
Starting point is 01:28:18 That's interesting. How deep is the field? I think it's a little disingenuous. I think they should just have a class that it should be just called anything. Anything. That's what it is, X. If you were doing a math problem, solve for X. It's anything you want it to be.
Starting point is 01:28:34 Like, do they have, do you ever see women go into the men's competition? No. You don't see that? That would be a huge disadvantage. This is probably why I like it. The X-Men. Sebon should smoke a joint with Hiller and then they should go live. I would lose my mind if I smoked weed.
Starting point is 01:28:55 I'm fragile. I'm a fragile little man. The bag's right there. It's right there. It's staring at me. It's the biggest bag ever. weed in crossfit no you may not oh you can't really there's a good comment in here no you can't if I mean depends if you do it there's a if you do it regularly you've got like a month to get it out of your system if you do it once I believe it's about a week and a half until it's out of your system it's just the more you do it the more
Starting point is 01:29:29 the less likely it is to be clear by the time you take that test and also there's a comment i think it was melissa who said it jen stated she gets tested six days seven eight times a year and in crossfit there are people who have stood on the podium who said that they've never gotten tested until that time, which they've stood on the podium that one time. So you're pretty much aware of when it will be one time in your career. So it's just good to know there's a huge difference. Do you walk around? Go ahead. I probably get tested a little bit more than most because you get tested, you know, every time you break a world record.
Starting point is 01:30:03 So that's a guaranteed one, you know. And you have more than 70 world records yeah something like that yeah yeah so i mean the average power lifter probably doesn't get tested as much as i do but the elite power lifters do you walk around barefoot a lot are you are you are you no i don't like that i don't like the way that feels on my feet. She's not perfect, Sevan. She's not perfect. I thought you were a perfect woman for a second, but you're not perfect. I need the arch support. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:30:34 Great. Perfect woman does not exist. It makes your feet like, then they get all cracked and dirty. I don't like that. Well, that is true. My feet are cracked and dirty. My feet are dirty, well that is true my feet are cracked and dirty my feet i've dirty but i know i don't wear shadowing shoes um hey it was a pleasure uh meeting you you are an invaluable resource to the crossfit community for everyone um look up go to her instagram check
Starting point is 01:31:01 her out follow her she has programs available if you're a CrossFit coach, I mean, 10,000 people should sign up for this immediately. I bet you that there's a lot of crossover and other movements that you could apply what she's going to teach to you. The website is I like it. And also she's on YouTube. What's crazy is with that name, you'd think she'd be hard to find. She is not hard to find. Super easy.
Starting point is 01:31:27 Jen Thompson, Jennifer Thompson. And then also just type in Benchpress and Google loves her to death. Yeah. You are a breath of fresh air. You are a fantastic human being. Yeah. Thank you. I really enjoyed this.
Starting point is 01:31:41 This was a lot of fun. Thanks. Cool. Thanks, Jen. Thanks for sharing your son with us, letting us get to see him too. And, uh, tell your husband, thanks for letting us borrow you for the morning. Really appreciate it. Don't fall asleep on us. Oh, I won't. It's not quite nap time yet. I've got about another hour. Then I'll be, then I'll be out. One final thing. When's your next competition? Um, I have a bench bench nationals is in phoenix uh first weekend of august and then we have our
Starting point is 01:32:07 raw nationals in memphis i think it's the second week in september and do they do they stream that yeah okay cool all right thank you so much thanks for coming on thank you bye-bye have a great day well i can't want to ask you if like she's naturally be like of course she's natural because you can never be certain isn't that you think oh you don't even know if i'm on using stuff that's true told me that you're like you're not certain yeah even if i saw you put the needle in your butt i wouldn't know the stuff you're using is what you say it is very true see come on so it's like i don't listen it's 8 31 and i've had a huge dose of humble pie today everybody actually i don't listen sevies flintstone feet dude that is totally legit
Starting point is 01:32:51 yeah they are that's totally legit hey um i saw uh i saw a uh video on toe spacers and it says that when you wear them, you're supposed to wear them, start for five minutes and work your way up. I started just straight with two hours. I remember you doing those three hour shows. Yeah. I would,
Starting point is 01:33:13 these are, are you noticing anything? How's it going? I mean, now I notice it right when I take them off, I notice it like crazy. My toes are like significantly further apart, but as the day goes on, they kind of move back in.
Starting point is 01:33:26 But it feels so good. Do you wear those with shoes on? I don't know if you can, but in the video, it says some people work out with them. I personally would not do that. So when I sent you a DM about Hannah Black, she would come on the podcast. Oh, awesome.
Starting point is 01:33:41 Okay, I DM'd her. My DMs are so fucked up why i can't keep up well i'm toast i'm i fell behind and then it's like this perpetual and then you know what happens so there's people that i usually always read their dms but since i stopped reading their dms now there's a number by them nine plus yeah and i see that and i panic i'm like i cannot open this i cannot open it yeah it's a bad feeling no no one's getting muted or ignored trust me i am like i'm gonna go to sunnyvale right now to the skate park with my kids and i'm gonna sit down and i'm gonna just i'm gonna try to go through a shitload of dms jay chapman you are wrong i will not clear no this motherfucker doesn't he has no stress like that he's not
Starting point is 01:34:28 obsessive compulsive and around his dms i have i have 130 000 unread emails or something like that hey dude hillar has there's something yeah that's crazy there's something you need to know i'll tell you a couple things about hillar one i told you I told you he's extremely sober to he has no problem shutting off from the outside world like at all. Like he doesn't need his phone. He doesn't like he'll turn everything off and go away. Like he's not he's not like a lot of ding dongs out there. And three is he has no itch. He is committed. There's no. Like he's been at my house, and I've never once been worried about him. A little bit last night I wanted to make sure that he got food because I wasn't around, but you don't have to babysit him at all.
Starting point is 01:35:12 And when I came home, he doesn't even come out of his room, and I go knock on the door, and my kid's going there, and he just works. And I said, hey, I'm going to work out. You want to hang out later? And he says, yeah. And then like two hours later I go in his room, and he's still working. Like he's always working. Yeah, man working yeah man that video to get done it's doing well i'm so impressed by you dude thanks i'm so fun you're the easiest guest i've ever had
Starting point is 01:35:33 it's my opinion that the only reason you go to college is to prove to people that you can hit time stamps and i knew the european semi-final was going on soon i'm like i gotta get this out before the next weekend semi-final start yeah awesome good point but thank you all right um i know we don't have a lot of stuff scheduled um right now on the youtube station but we will we're gonna get a shitload of stuff scheduled in the next uh little bit i i don't know how we're gonna tackle a european um oh hillary should coach mal i could totally help her out with some stuff. Totally. And he would make a natty or not on her saying she's natty. Just like,
Starting point is 01:36:14 like just this. Just like, just like I just did. Right. You can never be too certain or uncertain. Do you think she's natural? Jen Thompson, Jen.
Starting point is 01:36:22 Yeah. If I had to go on a sliding scale it would probably be 70 30 wow but just because her numbers are so crazy do you see anything in her face i don't see anything i was like i was the whole time i actually think she looks like my wife's body she looks like i mean yeah right right so stuff like that like yeah haley's kind of a crazy physique yeah she's built it's awesome and uh there was ups and my wife does yoga and hot pilates her son walked in yeah like he was a 315 bench at 19 i go oh it's in their genetics and i was about to say it then there's
Starting point is 01:36:56 like she he's adopted and i was like oh no so it's like oh my god 90 chance she's natural it was adopted doom back down to 70 it was kind of a roller coaster i was on over here i just see her face and i'm like she looks so fucking healthy yeah she does that's about as attractive you could be at 51 years old or whatever she is i'm telling you too yeah that's i thought i think she doesn't eat enough oh actually i can't really say that though because she's the best of what she does so that's always the ultimate like kick in the butt her physique is crazy
Starting point is 01:37:27 Dylan Dykes do a natty or not on Matt Fraser can I say something here I think it's actually been done for a long time it's just not released I haven't seen it but from conversations I've had with Hiller over the last I don't know 18 months that we've been friends, I suspect it's done.
Starting point is 01:37:51 Is my wife turns 35 in six weeks, Seve? Any tips? Lots of doggy style? I don't know. What do you mean? Yeah, I don't know. What? My wife has a crazy body, though. It looks just like that lady's body. Agreed. Yeah. How old is Haley? 40. 40.
Starting point is 01:38:14 I'm 51. She's three years younger than me. 48, maybe. 48? Yeah. She looks good for sure. And then, did you tell everyone she did on Murph? Eddie, or no?
Starting point is 01:38:24 I don't know. Were you going to do that? I don't know. She did well on Murph you tell everyone she did on murph eddie or no are you going to do that i don't know she did well on murph yeah she did the boys were all about it yeah they were talking about it last night to the other kids 35 is young yeah 35 is young my but my wife does a lot of um my wife just basically works out every day but like she considers hot pilates working out and it sounds hard as shit she does yoga probably almost every day and then she does she teaches crossfit in our garage so all right yeah she's natty my wife's like a granola i have a girl i have a hippie granola chick i was walking around with these little packets of flavoring for water and i had to hide them. So I'm like, I don't want to contaminate this house.
Starting point is 01:39:06 No, it's fine. I can't contaminate everybody. It's fine. I get, we got, we got a liquor cabinet and there's always like a bang or two sitting in the fridge.
Starting point is 01:39:14 It may sit in there for months, but there's all, we always keep some smutty shit around. All right, guys. Great show. Thank you. Hello for doing Hiller week.
Starting point is 01:39:22 And I'm not sure Hiller and I might come on tonight. I'm not sure what's going on now we might do another impromptu okay i'm really jealous hillar told me right before we went on that bethany shadburn was on the spins podcast fucking hate spin now so jealous bethany her big head yeah fuck she's hot let's go let's let's go see if he really did do it where is he did it. It's great. Check out Bethany's big old head. What did I look at? What's his barbell spin? Barbell spin.
Starting point is 01:39:54 I remember, so other than that, what you just said, she's got a big head. I remember from Bethany Shadburn that she's got a history of doing a lot of accessory work. Yeah, that's how I think of her too. Accessory queen. The Arm & Hammer think of her too. And accessory queen. The Arm and hammer guy always used to call her fit Beth. That was just like,
Starting point is 01:40:11 what do you would refer to her as? And I am not really sure. Oh my God. They got her. Yeah, man. An hour and 42 minutes. Of Bethany Shadburn.
Starting point is 01:40:23 Yeah. Oh yeah. Fuck youburn. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Fuck you guys. Other than that, I don't know. I'm always... I'm game for anything. Oh, you come on the Sevan podcast? Did you hear that? I'm game for anything.
Starting point is 01:40:37 I love not knowing the workouts. Dude, she looks just like... Dude, she is so cool looking. God, Bethany Shadman is so cool looking. Doesn't she? She looks like freaking Wonder Woman. However, she is a way better physique than Wonder Woman. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:54 We need to bring Mark Zuckerberg. We need to bring on Mark and talk about his Murph time. Okay, I'll get Mark. Clydesdale Media, Bethany's the best. When people think Wonder Woman. Not sporty, Beth. Crazy physique. Bethany Shadman. When people think Wonder Woman. Not sporty, Beth. Crazy physique. Bethany Shadman.
Starting point is 01:41:06 Yeah, yeah. Drives me freaking crazy. I mean, she's in great shape for sure, but. And John Young, hubba hubba. Yeah, dude, he was killing it. He's very fluid and the thoughts coming out were great. Fuck John. Content in relation to what he knew about Bethany was good.
Starting point is 01:41:21 Fuck Spin. Bethany, why are you slumming it over there? Spin threw a plant in the background. I was thinking. about bethany was good fuck spin bethany bethany why are you slumming it over there spin through a plant in the background i was thinking weren't you telling me i needed a plant no no no no i i don't think so not a plant for you but i knew that spin needed something because every time john doesn't have anything going into you uh seven she wouldn't come on no no i'm just i'm projecting because i'm probably a little scared of her i like her so much i think she's so cool but i i've never i we had her scheduled to come on and
Starting point is 01:41:51 it kept getting postponed for some reason i can't remember i think it was i think it was leading up to the games the year that she got the 49ers and um yeah did uh john's face looks like John looks like he's on ecstasy. Dude, they got Bethany Shadburn. Yeah, I kind of want to watch it, but I know I'm just going to be just like so jealous. I think 20 minutes in. I hate eyelash extensions, dude. Dude, I'm perfectly okay with them. The story of myself and Alexis is she walked into the affiliate and I was
Starting point is 01:42:29 obsessed with her. All right. That was in 2015 and she'd go away to college every year and do weightlifting. And then she'd come back and do CrossFit at the affiliate. And that was for a couple of years. And one time she came back with these eyelash extensions and I, she walked up to me, I go, what did you do? She goes you do she goes what i go your eyes what did you do to your eyes she brings that up every here and there remember that one time i came back after in 2017 you're like what's wrong with your face
Starting point is 01:42:57 anyway yeah i'm not a big fan of my only concern concern is that they put on the eyelash – my wife is yelling at me to get in the car. My only concern about the eyelash extensions is that once you put them on that they damage your existing eyelashes. Clydesdale Media, she went radio silent during her rehab. Yeah, I think I kind of remember that too. Okay, I got to go. Bye, everyone. Hopefully, Hiller and I will do something tonight. Maybe we can have Bethany pop on and
Starting point is 01:43:26 bless us on the podcast. Send her a link and flex on the boys. Good job, Mr. Spin and Young. Even though I don't mean it. They flexed on us, though. Love you, guys. Bye-bye.

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