The Sevan Podcast - Bill Leahy | Better Than We Thought?

Episode Date: July 6, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 that's good what did you do last night what did i do last night um trying to remember not a whole lot of anything dude i was actually on the phone one of my friends just got married and he moved to uh texas so we talked for a little bit because he's been living there for about two or three days so just catching up on how things are going and that sort of stuff um you didn't do fireworks you didn't go see fireworks no not really honestly my uh younger brother normally gets after fireworks every year but he was uh he was out of town visiting his girlfriend so there really wasn't a whole lot of fireworks that happened here were you awake were you outside at all did you see any did you go outside and watch anything
Starting point is 00:00:42 yeah i saw i saw a few yeah um and there's neighbors or people around us that are shot in fireworks but for the most part i was honestly just elevating my foot oh no right it's like that still huh yeah um it's it's honestly doing pretty good i'm two about four weeks out of surgery yeah uh bill lahey wow uh it's it's wild how um because i just kind of live in my little circle and then all of a sudden and i talk to andrew regularly and he's like hey there's this dude bill hey dude there's this dude hey dude there's this dude bill and it was fun to see him and he really enjoyed he not did he really enjoys the relationship that he built with you and that you built with him and that you let him build. Kind of a crazy detour, right?
Starting point is 00:01:32 I was just watching this video, this hype video this morning that he made of you, which is crazy. I had seen it before, but I forgot how just absolutely insanely athletic you are. And that's a cool video. Jumping Hank from the rims recent, right? Yeah. Yeah. That was like a month or two ago,
Starting point is 00:01:54 probably like two months ago, like right before seven minutes. I mean, how alley ooping fuck. Yeah. The alley ooping is crazy. I was back in the day. Did you, and even that the little one legged, just like, yeah. The alley oopings crazy. I was back in the day. Did you, and even that the little one-legged just like pop over the box.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Um, did you think you were going to play, um, was as a kid, did you have goals to play professional basketball aspiration? Absolutely. No doubt. Yeah. Um, I can give you a little background, but I, I started gymnastics and I was like I want to say like two to three years old so super super young um and I did it pretty heavily till about eight years old and I say heavily like five days a week and I was competing regionally so like Alabama Texas kind of around that spot Arkansas Mississippi Georgia like around that area. I went to like competitions. And what's that look like? What's that look like?
Starting point is 00:02:48 Gymnastics at a young age, because, you know, a lot of like if I take my kids here to Santa Cruz Gymnastics, it feels like it's like more like there's some gymnastics, but it also feels like daycare. Yeah, no. So I was on like a team. There might have been maybe like anywhere from like six to ten guys that kind of rolled around there but we like trained every day so it was like five days a week kind of thing um and we all had like you have different events whether it's like the floor pommel horse high bar
Starting point is 00:03:15 rings whatever and so you had routines that and then you went to meet and then like you would do your routine at the meet be judged get a score out of 16, and then you'd have an overall winner kind of thing. You weren't sitting around eating goldfish, doing arts and crafts for two hours, and then training for 30 minutes. Yeah, no. Something you'll find out was that anything I do in life is pretty hard and a lot of. So, yeah, there's no, I guess, fun times in that. I mean, it was fun, but it was taken seriously. I was trying to be good.
Starting point is 00:03:44 To the point that I was five or six years old, and i was like i want to be an olympian like that's why i was gymnastics yeah it was like very clear um and a good program your parents found a good program oh i think it's great i'm gonna put my kids in it when i have kids like i think it's still around it's still around yeah gym that place that i went to is still around but gymnastics in general i think it's awesome like i think it creates a great base for any kid to go into any sport afterward because it just teaches them body awareness so it's like i think that was a tremendous part that helped me in my life whether it's running track playing basketball doing crossfit like all of it i think that was great but i did that until i was about eight years old and my dad was like hey
Starting point is 00:04:23 you need to um take a break and try sports so i was like okay do you have any injuries in in your early gymnastics years like you remember no no no you don't ever remember hurting yourself twisting your ankle sitting out for a week or a month or nothing yeah no no um but so i was like around eight ish nine years old but i was like you need to try sports so we went to like the local rec kind of thing i played basketball baseball and i actually wasn't gonna play football that year but they um this is funny too because i was i was i was eight at the time making nine and i had missed the cutoff for the seven and eights football team by like eight days or something it was like there's a bill sorry is there a fan on in your room yeah hold on thanks
Starting point is 00:05:04 because what it's doing is it's kind of messing up that your audio it's turning your audio way down okay give me two seconds because i have to interrupt oh yeah shit okay we'll enjoy that yeah damn yeah look at that what is that in the back is that a window is he in an addict addict bill leahy uh uh andrew made a full feature on this guy if anyone wants to see it go over to hillarfit you can watch the entire feature andrew was with him before semi-finals watching him train that should be a little better oh yeah much better much better awesome yeah thank you i know you're i know you're in an attic and it's probably going to get hot up there so i appreciate it or it looks like you're in an attic no i'm good to go okay but um yeah so i remember where it was oh yeah so i played basketball play baseball and then i was gonna
Starting point is 00:05:53 play football like three major sports kind of thing but they ended up not having a team in the seven and eight year olds i'm sorry in the nine and tens but i was eight days too old to play in seven and eight so I did end up playing football and it's funny but I never played football in my whole life and I think if I would have been a few days younger I would have played football and I think being as athletic as I was in like my building all that sort of stuff I may have had a different trajectory in life if I ended up playing football at that young of an age but once I did that I fell in love with basketball so then I started playing basketball
Starting point is 00:06:25 pretty hard honestly i ran cross country a little bit when i was younger and did track in high school but i was homeschooled actually through eighth grade um oh that would explain why you're so weird okay that explains it okay i got homeschooled kids too they they're weirdos that's funny yeah you're a nice man you are you come across as such a nice man and and the homeschooled kids are so nice but um yeah so I was homeschooled through eighth grade playing basketball for a homeschool team that my parents actually created but what happened was I was playing on the varsity team and then a lot of people ended up graduating and so I was kind of left alone going to be a freshman and everybody else was like graduated so at that point I ended up going to a local high school like the one that I found around
Starting point is 00:07:10 here to play basketball and that's why you went that's why you went why did your parents homeschool you are you like are you is your family deeply religious or why did they homeschool you um it's honestly a question you probably have to ask them i'm unsure i think uh i really don't know exactly how it started but we started like in kindergarten kind of thing i my sister went to school maybe through like first grade or something i have an older sister she's about two years older than me um but after that we were all homeschooled so i don't really know because it was kind of just a thing that happened are you are you is your family really religious did you do church every Sunday?
Starting point is 00:07:45 Yeah, I would say, yeah, we're religious. We're believers. Yeah. And what about vaccines? Did they give you vaccines as a kid? Did they give me vaccines as a kid? Like, do you remember getting your vaccines? Because usually those are the two big reasons because schools will require vaccines or they'll be teaching the kids stuff that the parents are like, hey, I don't think my kids should be learning that.
Starting point is 00:08:09 I do vaguely remember getting some, but not a honestly i wouldn't gotcha okay but um it was yeah it was more of an environment thing too yeah because i guess in life i didn't really always follow the common path of being schools and stuff like that so yeah that probably played a factor in i'm not sure if the vaccine thing was like a huge factor honestly um i don't know how much schools around here i live really require vaccines and where and where do you live south louisiana okay okay yeah yeah yeah okay you guys live uh you guys beat to a different drummer than us in california yeah yeah so it might be a little different with vaccines too but um so yeah i went to school in ninth grade. I played – Did you acclimate well? How was that?
Starting point is 00:08:48 Yeah, it honestly wasn't too bad. If you want me to be totally truthful with you, that video that Savan posted, it was when I was dunking when I was 15 or 14, something like that. Oh, Hiller, that Hiller posted. Yeah, Hiller. I'm sorry, not you. Yeah, that video that Hiller posted was like two weeks into the beginning of my uh freshman year at that school and it was during field day and so what happened was the school probably has like a
Starting point is 00:09:13 thousand it was an all boys school that i went to um and it was like they had the best basketball around here and driving distance um and it was during field day and they had roughly about a thousand people in the gymnasium and it was word was getting around that there were some like small white kid who could dunk that was a freshman and then it started like as field day was going on all of a sudden if you heard in the video they had a chant let's go build the entire school was chanting that so like i crawled from the top bleachers down and one of the seniors on the team threw me a lob like an alley and and so that like broke it open for me because then everyone in the school knew who I was.
Starting point is 00:09:49 So acclimation after that was very, very simple. Hey, isn't that interesting? That's kind of the same thing that happened with Andrew, right? There's this guy, Bill Leahy, just that you were really good at basketball. there's this guy, Bill Leahy, just, just that you were really good at basketball. And then all of a sudden you were just thrust into the limelight from just being kind of in your home and no one knows who you are. And the same thing with a CrossFit you're, you're, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:15 there's guys who are at, at your, um, that have had your success. A lot of people don't know their names. And then Andrew just pushed you out onto the court and is like, Hey, look at this guy. Yeah, no, honestly honestly it's kind of happened that way too yeah yeah interesting and were you self-motivated up to that point or were your parents you know in basketball you were yeah parents didn't have to ride you or yell at you there were no fights at home bill get out there and practice it was totally understood so basically the kind of thing in my household growing up was you kind of need to be involved in something it doesn't necessarily matter what
Starting point is 00:10:49 it was if i told my dad hey like i want to go play the piano tomorrow he'd be like okay but we're doing the piano five days a week like you're working like it was always taught to have a work ethic and do something it didn't matter what it was so if i would have said any at any point i don't want to play basketball anymore i want to do x it was fine I mean that's that's how basketball stopped and CrossFit began like same thing and that was just a big thing in our household was just always be involved and be doing something and learn how to work hard okay so so so at 15 you get thrust out there and and how's your high school basketball season it was good that year I made the freshman team and played um sorry I'm sorry I made this uh varsity team started some games so it was all good we had a pretty good
Starting point is 00:11:31 year that year the following year my sophomore year um we went to the state championship game for the first time as at school and we ended up losing but I started sophomore year like the whole season um so I mean it was all pretty good and then that was when colleges started talking to me was my sophomore year and when I started going on visits and stuff like that so that was about when everything started coming to and then junior year came and that was kind of when the realization came that what I wanted to do in this sport might not occur at best I was going to like walk on to a division one school kind of thing and then maybe play a year and try to work my way into a scholarship after that it was like d2s d3s and nais is where I had offers and there were some really cool schools some very smart schools that um giving me offers and stuff stuff like that but in general about halfway through my junior year
Starting point is 00:12:22 towards the end of it I kind of realized that I always had a desire in my life to be the best at something and like basketball wasn't going to be it it was like I was five or six I wanted to be an Olympian and then at once I started playing sports it was like I want to be in the NBA kind of thing and then going into senior year was kind of around my aunt owns a box probably about 15 minutes from my house so I had heard about CrossFit but didn't look too much into it um but once my senior year of basketball ended that was in 2020 and that was when COVID started and the whole shutdown and it was March of 2020 so I didn't get to run track that year which I was looking forward to doing um and then that was kind of over like we were on
Starting point is 00:12:58 lockdown and then my aunt was like hey we have this thing called Murph at the end of May and I was like okay that's cool that'll give me something to do kind of thing stay in shape whatever and I was still contemplating the whole play college basketball or not but then when I started like diving into CrossFit during that time period and training hard and like looking at all what it was I actually my parents where I'm at my parents house right now because of my foot but they have a barn in their backyard and me and my best friend, Colin,
Starting point is 00:13:26 which you've seen him before. He was a guy on the tree cutting video with shaved head. Okay. Yeah. We built like framed in the inside of my parents barn and like made our own home gym essentially. And then that kind of like, this was around may about four years ago.
Starting point is 00:13:41 And that was when I started, I did Murph and I was like, I want to do this CrossFit thing. Like I'd watched all the documentaries, whole nine yards of stuff. So I was like, I think I can do this. And I think I can make this professionally. Like I can make the NBA of CrossFit, which is the games. Right. And so I was like, I want to do this. And it was one specific day. I had a treadmill in my room. Yeah. I had a treadmill in my room since I was like a freshman in high school or something for running with basketball and my dad was actually running on it and I was sitting on the bed and we were talking through it and he's like what do you want to do I was like I want to I want to be the
Starting point is 00:14:12 fittest man in the world like that's that's what I've always wanted to do and I think like I think God's finally pointing me to the thing that he made me for like everything makes sense it lines up like this is what I was made for this is what I want to do and he's like all right if you want to do it then we're going to do it and I was like what like, this is what I was made for. This is what I want to do. And he's like, all right, if you want to do it, then we're going to do it. And I was like, what do you mean? Because originally I was thinking I would just go to college and train on the side. And he's like, no, if you want to be the best in the world, you want to do it. Like we're going to do it. We're going to go all in. This is the only point in your life where you don't have a mortgage. You don't have a wife. You don't have kids. You're free. You're youthful. He's like, we're going to go for it. And what's the worst that for it and what's the worst that happens college will always be there getting married will always be there buying a
Starting point is 00:14:49 house will always be there but you being young in this free won't and I was like all right he said it's gonna be risky and you could walk away in four or five years and not make it but it's worth the risk and nothing great will be done without a risk and I was like right like I want to do this and then it was kind of around that time I'd say May or June-ish and I signed up for a gym and I went all in um what did you run in track I ran the open 400 so okay one lap I was actually pretty good at that to give you an idea I probably was better than I was at basketball um the sole reason I ran it was better than I was at basketball um the sole reason I ran it was because at my school they had um the school record for the open 400 was like 30 years old or something so like I was like I think I could beat that kind of thing so I went out there and my junior year I ran like
Starting point is 00:15:37 because we started late because basketball went into the track season but i ran like a total of four races maybe or three races i think i ran a total of three 400s my third 400 i broke the record and then my fourth one was the district meet and i actually dq'd because i follow started and then that was it because i didn't get to qualify for regionals so it was like it was like that short of a span but it was totally run just to break the record at the school which i did and the name's still up there today so that was pretty cool but i definitely could have ran at a pretty big college for track honestly did you enjoy running did you enjoy the 400 yeah i did a lot it was super cool honestly it's very comparable to crossfit as crazy as it sounds it's like a
Starting point is 00:16:19 minute and you hurt for about 10 or 15 minutes after so um when you're the the 400 is just one lap just one lap um and and when you set the school record did you know did that feel special like was that were you like holy were you at some point like turning one of the turns being like wow i'm like flying um in the race i i was like so far had everybody else in my heat that i was kind of running alone and and you like see the clock but you always don't know what your laser time is going to be and that sort of stuff so i mean i was just like running as hard as i could all the way through the line and then when i broke the record yeah it was a good feeling because it was something that i set out for and like as soon as basketball ended i had like a month and a half before track
Starting point is 00:17:01 was over so i was like i have to train as hard as i possibly can in this month and a half if i want to be able to be conditioned enough to break the record. And so I went pretty hard and it was a goal that was achieved. So that was pretty cool. And it was disappointing because my senior year, which I guess I can explain this too, but I transferred schools. So ninth through 11th grade, I went to that high school basketball for St. Paul's. And then my senior year, I transferred to another school, probably about i don't know 15 or 20 minutes away so it wasn't too far but i
Starting point is 00:17:31 was looking forward to running at that school because i wanted to try to break their four meter record too to have like two records at two different schools but covet hit so then we didn't end up running track why Why did you transfer schools? Basically put, it was kind of like. You got a girl pregnant at the first school. There was all boys, so I'm not sure about that one. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:17:55 All right. No, basically speaking, it was more of like an environment. I was starting to realize that there was more to life than just like playing sports and basketball. I never went to prom, homecoming, none of that sort of stuff. I didn't hang out with people. The kids at that school didn't really do a whole lot of what I did. I guess I can say I walked a more straight and narrow path. The other school that I transferred to was a little bit better of a school.
Starting point is 00:18:17 I'm thankful I did because my girlfriend that I still am dating today was at that school. I met her. Then one of my best friends who just got married and moved to Texas, I met him too. So like I made friends from that school that I wouldn't have made at the previous school. So ended up being a really good senior year of high school for me. Cause I started kind of enjoying it a little more. Um, when you, when you run the 400 in your setting the school record, do you feel free on the track? Does it feel effortless? Yeah, it felt really good. It was, it it was a natural thing like it didn't take very long for me to be pretty good at it and it was it was definitely a natural thing and it was something i happily
Starting point is 00:18:53 enjoyed like there's no point of it that's like a slog like murph it's just like i mean all it is it just comes down to pacing on the 200 running the third turn and then giving everything you have on the straightaway so yeah it was a cool thing and when when someone's running fast and you say they're giving it everything what does that mean is that leaning as far forward as you can does that mean like the biggest mean it means holding technique when your body feels like it's failing so for that last 400 like the last 100 meters of the 400 meter run, you feel like your lactic acid is building up. You can't turn over anymore. So it's like extra emphasis on pumping those arms, keeping up right chest, like that sort of stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:33 So it's like your body's failing, but you're trying to hold it together, which is similar to think maybe if you were to sprint the echo bike for a minute, those last like 20 seconds of what the echo bike feels like to where you're giving it everything you have and your body's failing that's what a 400 feels like and then the next like 10 minutes after you have pins and needles in your butt and it hurts really bad um could you tell me what the again i don't even know what i'm saying here but what what the points of performance are for running a 400 like you said pumping arms what other stuff is there points of performance for running a 400 meter. Or just running, sprinting. What are the points of performance? Like what should someone remember?
Starting point is 00:20:11 What should they be cuing themselves? I would say keeping your arms pumping could be a point of performance because a lot of times people have dead arms when they're running, and you want to have an emphasis on that. Staying on your toes. Like track shoes are interesting. I don't know if you've ever seen sprinting shoes, but the entire front of it is a pair of spikes, And you want to have an emphasis on that staying on your toes, like track shoes are like interesting. I don't know if you've ever seen like sprinting shoes,
Starting point is 00:20:29 but the entire front of it is a pair of spikes. And then the back of it is like, you know, is a heel that has nothing because like you only run on the balls of your feet. So it's like when you're walking on the track, it feels weird because you're like walking on your heels. But when you run, it was the craziest thing because I'd never worn those before. And they were like, these are what they look like. I'm like, no way these things work.
Starting point is 00:20:45 It felt so weird. Yeah. But like once you run, it makes sense and it feels so normal. As soon as you go to walk, it's like awful. But that was pretty cool. I think I still have those shoes actually. I kept those. In those years, you know, from gymnastics as, you know, a toddler to your senior year,
Starting point is 00:21:03 did you ever have any significant injuries? No. I mean, there's like the occasional like ankle twist or jam your thumb, but there's no significant injuries that I can't remember. There's, I never hurt myself at any point. No. And, and when you're, when you're, when you're chasing your basketball dreams and then you realize that, is there anything you could have done? What's the limiting factor to when you're at the highest level of your potential, but you want to go pro and you don't think it's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Is there anything you think you could have done any kind of difference in training, spend more time in the yard, shooting free throws? Like what, is there anything that you weren't doing? I think generally speaking, you always like look back on whatever you did in life and think like in hindsight with 2020 vision yeah I could have done a little more of this or that but overall I mean I worked as hard as I could I believe God led me in that path to put me where I am today it grew me first man and molded me into the person that he wanted me to be now um and I and i play basketball as hard as i could every day and the amount of experiences i gained places i went uncomfortable situations adversity like all of it i think was very beneficial to help me out and where i'm at today so no i wouldn't change anything
Starting point is 00:22:15 with it honestly um uh bill do you remember i'm going to um uh meets and crying like do you remember that and yeah do you remember the last time you cried at at an event like because i take my kids to events and there's crying right and their events are there they don't cry tennis but jujitsu they cry there's a lot of crying there's i mean you see kids crying everywhere do you remember crying so i can give you a story about it there's this guy jr chow was his name um he actually is doing i don't know if he's still at stanford right now for gymnastics or not but he was he's trying to go to the olympics but when we were training together being younger it was kind of more or less me and him always like we would butt heads it was like i was a consistent second and i could beat
Starting point is 00:23:01 him every once in a while and he would win most of the time um and then it was everybody else and we were at a state meet um was he also at your academy or was he at a different academy no he was same one so we like we did gymnastics together every day and we were good friends growing up slept over at each other's houses and that sort of stuff his dad was a gymnast too so it was like pretty serious of him doing gymnastics and more so my parents just put me in it but um I guess the last time I cried and it wasn't more of being upset I like it was it was upsetting too but um it was a state meet I think my I want to say it was like one of my last meets so we were seven or eight years old parallel bars was the event which they have in CrossFit so people are traverses um and to finish the event
Starting point is 00:23:41 we had to go from like an L-sit to a handstand and you could get a bonus. And there was something, we were like seven. So like, we didn't really do that very often. And it was only trained to get like a bonus on your routine. And I remember I was like thinking in my head, if I want to try to beat JR here, like I have to go for this. Because it was basically me and him at the state meet. And it was like, we were competing against each other. And I remember being like, if I want to beat him, I have to go for this um and i remember going into the handstand and falling over the top so like i fell on my back on the p bars and then rolled off and i remember crying really hard um my coach came over like i had a salute to finish my uh routine and i remember like being upset it hurt and scared me but i was more upset because I was like I went for it and I
Starting point is 00:24:25 failed because I was like I knew I needed this to have points on the p-bar event to try to beat JR but that was a good lesson because it was like I went for it and I failed and that's okay but I never would have had a shot at beating him if I didn't but that's a specific time when I remember crying but yeah I'm sure times like that happened all the time and um how would your dad react to that um i remember him just like helping me out afterwards just making sure i wasn't hurt or anything but he was more like he was proud it was because because he knew that i went for it like i was trying to beat him i wasn't playing it safe um we're getting a little ahead of ourselves uh matt burns did bill want to dick slap Hiller after the quarterfinal workout?
Starting point is 00:25:07 I put none of that on Hiller. All he was there was to help me. His total intentions through all of it was to assist me and help me, and that's what he did. I have no remorse for that. Everything he did was helpful. It was totally my fault. I don't believe he had any doing in that.
Starting point is 00:25:22 I know him pretty well. I spend a lot of time with him. And I'd never have seen him like that. Yeah, he was pretty messed up. He was really fucked up. Yeah. And not for what other people were saying about him. He could give two shits. He felt like he really let you down. I don't want to misstate it, but I think – I feel even bad saying this, but I'm pretty sure he told me I knew that they weren't perfect, and I didn't say anything to him because he felt the pressure of being there.
Starting point is 00:25:56 He's like, dude, I fucking basically failed. I fucked up. I could have done something, and I didn't. Yeah, no, I felt really bad. I remember texting him. I was sitting in the living room actually with my parents. This was like, I don't know, maybe Saturday evening or something. For people who don't know, just real quick, the quarterfinal workouts were some workouts that happened. And a lot of people got penalties on the box step up, a lot of people. And that's what we're referencing that you were doing. You took a significant penalty there. Yeah, major penalty, correct.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Yeah. I don't remember. It was like a few days after the due date or whatever when they started throwing out the penalties and i got an email and it said major penalty and my heart sunk because i was like what could it possibly be because this is before i knew like the whole shebang on the step ups so um i saw it and my heart sank so then i hurry up and did math because the leaderboard hadn't even updated yet i got the email saying I received a major penalty but I was still in like sixth or seventh so I hurry up and math it out and I was like I'm being like 36th like I'm still in the top 40 it's okay um but then I text Hiller about it and he was he said he was hanging out with friends or something but then he saw it and we had a phone call yeah and I could I could hear he was upset and I was upset too it
Starting point is 00:27:04 was like I almost felt bad for him because I knew all the repercussions he was gonna have to face obviously with his followings and like his who he is and I knew he just cared like everything he did when he was here he was just trying to help me and it was a mistake so I honestly felt bad because I felt like I let him down like I knew that was gonna be a lot of hurt from him and I didn't want that yeah he sound when I talked to him on the phone he sounded like he was gonna throw up he sounded Like I knew that was going to be a lot of hurt from him. And I didn't, I didn't want that. Yeah. He sounded, when I talked to him on the phone, he sounded like he was going to throw up. He sounded like someone who I was talking to someone who was physically ill.
Starting point is 00:27:31 He was not, he was not in a good place. It was, it was really weird to seem like that. And like I said, he never mentioned to me giving a fuck about what anyone else thought. Yeah. He was just like,
Starting point is 00:27:42 fuck dude. Like he felt so, he felt like he let you down. It was weird. I mean, he really, I mean, he was just like fuck dude like he felt so he felt like he let you down it was weird i mean he really i mean he was it was a trip no and i think that's a testimony to who he is as a person i know a lot of people will have a lot of opinions about him but and i mean i did too when he made the first two videos about me i never got to talk to him but i knew in the grand scheme of things i was like i just want to talk to this guy I want him to meet me I want to meet him truly find out who he is as a person and then vice versa and and once you do that you'll understand there's a lot more behind that camera did you feel um like he when he showed up at his house right away could you tell that he really cared yeah definitely I
Starting point is 00:28:19 mean I could tell he cared when we had the interview at crash and he wanted to just ask me about it all and figure it all out and he was nice and he didn't want to interrupt any of my events he's like look dude this is gonna mess your head up like we don't have to do this like let me know a time like he was very very helpful with all that sort of stuff and that showed me that i was like okay he's cared he's not just in this to get a video out right and um you know like you you see like he worked with hayley adams and it's one of the biggest videos and most impactful videos you know in the last five years that anywhere in the crossfit space and so for him to put that time into you who doesn't have the name who wasn't going to
Starting point is 00:28:58 garner that attention was very was very interesting so it like i mean and i know because i know him that he was so excited at what you were showing the world he was like seriously dude i'm not joking this guy can win i'm not like this isn't a joke i think it's really really cool to have people of that stature believe in you i think that's a super super cool thing you didn't mind the pressure it comes with it and everything you did and it was pressure that i had in basketball and i'm not going to say i didn't let it get to me a few times but at the same boat like would you rather not be known and not have pressure um uh i had a friend who was bugging me all the time and i was
Starting point is 00:29:34 complaining to another friend about this friend who was bugging me all the time like demanding too much of my time and then he basically said hey you have to ask yourself the question would you rather have it the other way and not have this person be in your life at all and i was like oh fuck like you think of it like that and it's like yeah yeah and i'm all in way more than just pressure and aspects in your life yeah it's like looking at the other person's grass and just looking at the one part that's green and saying you wish you want that as opposed to looking at their general picture and being like no i don't want that and that. What did your dad do for a living? My dad owns an insurance company.
Starting point is 00:30:09 And was he a big sports guy? Are you saying like did he play sports growing up? Yeah, or was he just obsessed with sports and physical activity and training? Does he train a lot? No, he doesn't train a ton. I would say his training, honestly, is funny. It's kind of similar to yours. It's very much the same thing every day.
Starting point is 00:30:30 He has two different workouts that he does, and he just alternates between those. One of them is like triangle machines that he does, and then the other one is like some push-ups, sit-ups, air squats, curls, and dead hangs, and stuff like that. He just pretty much does the same thing every day. Let's be honest. I have three workouts. I'm 33% more diverse than you. Yeah, that's funny.
Starting point is 00:30:55 And as you're doing this, do you remember the first time you went into a weight room? So you're a gymnast, and we all know gymnasts get really strong without the weight room. When was your first introduction to the weight room so your gym your gymnast and we all know gymnasts get really strong without the weight room when was your first introduction to the weight room um i would say probably i guess through high school for basketball but it wasn't it wasn't like really weight room stuff if that makes sense like we didn't spend a lot of time benching squatting deadlifting power cleaning i didn't snatch and none of that sort of stuff it was more like do some box jumps do some dead hangs we'll do incline bench press some ply of work stuff like that and i did that growing up through um 9th 10th 11th and 12th grade dead hangs meaning you would just go hang on you for time you would hang from a pull-up bar yeah my uh coach always thought that was really good
Starting point is 00:31:43 for your shoulders and all playing basketball so we actually did those a pretty bit and what do you think about those do you subscribe to that oh i think it's great i do them all the time i've been doing them a ton with my foot too i think they're great and underused tool nobody does it enough and when you say dead hang do you have any engagement no just hanging it's more emphasis on your grip but i feel like it makes my shoulders feel really good too. Oh, interesting. Okay. I used to do a lot of that with my kids, a lot of that. Greg – I think Greg told me one time he had this theory that you could not have a pull-up and just do dead hangs and just work on dead hangs, dead hangs, dead hangs, and then one day you would just have a pull-up. Yeah. Basically, it transfers like that. He suspected it transferred like that.
Starting point is 00:32:25 That's a reliable theory, I think. So when you, in 2020, you said your aunt owned a CrossFit gym? Yeah, CrossFit Mandeville, correct. Is that your dad's sister? My dad's sister, yep. And what's her story? Why did she open a CrossFit gym? Was she a…
Starting point is 00:32:43 She, dang, her and my uncle started CrossFit 20 – it's kind of a guess, but roughly around 2012, I want to say. Were you close with your aunt? Was it someone you saw more than once a year? Yeah, yeah, because we all lived together, so we'd see more than that. But she probably started in – maybe even before that because I know they went to the 2014 games uh riches last year in california um because my uncle talks about double grace all the time so i know that i want to say they were like 2011 or 12 and then they bought the box that they worked out at like probably 2017 ish 16 somewhere around there so. She's been in the CrossFit space and doing it for a while now. When you say
Starting point is 00:33:28 they lived with you, what do you mean? They actually lived in the same house as you? Same area. I was like, man, you guys really are weird. Not that weird. Would she try to get you into it, Bill? No.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Even back then, no. No, not really. Even like then? No. No, it was more of like I played basketball. So it was just they supported me in doing that. Yeah. Like I said, I wouldn't say I really knew even like the term CrossFit until probably in my high school years. And then I really didn't dive a whole lot into it until senior year of high school, like right around that time period. And did you know something was up with your aunt that she was weird like would you look at her body and be like what the fuck's going on here what my aunt looks my aunt and uncle look yoke compared to other people
Starting point is 00:34:11 yeah no no i just think it's good i feel like yeah she looks really healthy i know she works out it was like always work out i guess it wasn't crossfit it was like she worked out a lot so yeah i thought that was pretty cool and um so in um in 2020, you find out about Murph, and you weren't like, hey, this is stupid. Like, who does 100 pull-ups? No, because I did pull-ups and push-ups. I guess I did those too in high school because I just felt like it was good body weight stuff. Growing up, I did that, I guess, high school, so ninth grade on. And I thought it was, like, really cool like really cool I was like into doing hard stuff like there's a few like crazy things I did like
Starting point is 00:34:51 when I was like 14 I ran a marathon and then I continued that day for as long as I could and got like 40 miles or something wow so when you say you ran a marathon you didn't enter a marathon you're just like hey today I'm gonna run 26 by myself. I had a friend of mine who was like a few years older than me. I was 14 at the time, you know, I've been like 17 or something. And we were like, dude, we need to like run a marathon and then see how far we can get in a day. So my mom dropped us off at like a little path at like 4am and it was me and him and we had backpacks full of food and water and we just started running and and we ran we ran the marathon and then he was like dying like right after probably around mile 30 he was like trashed and i was like i can't stop i have to keep going
Starting point is 00:35:35 and so i went around 40 miles and then it started to rain really hard and we got picked up but there's like been a few things like that that i've done in my life so doing murph i was like this is a really cool thing um you know you know uh devin lorette the professional arm wrestler i had on uh here he's like one of the best arm wrestlers who's ever lived his youth is full of weird stories like that too like really yeah he i mean like run 20 miles to a girl's house wow and then run 20 miles home like just on the regular just weird shit just like yeah i don't know no fear i was wired a little different but yeah there was some crazy stuff that i did like that that i was always doing um and no significant injuries uh do you remember your first significant injury my first significant injury yeah i, I remember very well. It was like four weeks ago. So that's it?
Starting point is 00:36:26 Yeah. You've had a pretty healthy – You've had the pretty like twist your ankle, jam your thumb. I had like tendonitis in my knees from playing jumper's knee, from playing basketball growing up. But no injury that I can think of off the top of my head where I was like I hurt myself. I had like – like even doing CrossFit, I had like –
Starting point is 00:36:43 I remember I got a little tendonitis in my right shoulder, tendon on my low back it's like 90 tendonitis from doing too much kind of thing but it's like that's what everyone gets who competes at a high level typically but no this is by far my clear first injury what's the cure for uh tendonitis rest that is you have to rest yeah yeah definitely it's rest and then ease your way back into it a lot of people with tendonitis will rest until the pain goes away and then kind of go back into it and they'll be like why does my elbow hurt again it didn't hurt yesterday and it's like you got to ease your way back into it um have you ever had plantar fasciitis um no not that i can remember ever have any problems with your feet at all? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Yeah, that's amazing. Do you know the longest you've ever gone without working out? Longest I've ever gone without working out? Well, I mean, once I started – I can say once I started CrossFit. So from starting CrossFit to this point, I've gone probably three weeks. You've gone three weeks without training? Like I know I took a three-week break after my first semi-final. So the Mac in 2022, I took three weeks off and then it took about two weeks to get back into it.
Starting point is 00:37:51 And I say, get back into it. I just like went to my gym and did like the class workout. Cause that was fun. Got to see the people and that's more stuff. And then training began again. And why, why did you take three weeks off?
Starting point is 00:38:01 And was that hard? Um, no, it wasn't too hard. Cause I was generally satisfied with how I did. So it was like I felt like I deserved the rest. So it wasn't the hardest thing to do. But I knew that I needed rest.
Starting point is 00:38:15 When I first started CrossFit, I did it pretty hard and often and more took like the Josh Bridges mentality. I'd say the first year, so about three years ago, where it was like, when your body says you need rest, take rest. And after about a year doing that, my back got a little inflamed and annoyed because I was squatting a ton. I was trying to get strong. And that was kind of when my eyes were open to like, hey, you need to rest even if you don't feel like you need to rest. And you need to have a set rest time. And you need to sleep more and all that sort of stuff. And I was like, okay, this all makes sense.
Starting point is 00:38:44 And then because that was about my first year at crossfit i did pretty well in the open like 500 and something and then i was like thinking i was really good and then quarterfinals came around the first year quarterfinals i got waxed i took like 700 and something in north america and i was like i'm terrible at crossfit like i need to figure this out kind of thing and then i figured it out trained a lot better trained a lot smarter recovered a lot better the following year i don't remember what i took in the open like 100 and something maybe like 40th and quarterfinals so i qualified for semis and went to the mac and then i took 10th and they took the top five and so that was when i was like okay i really put this together kind of thing and i was excited for the following year and then i was going to end up
Starting point is 00:39:21 getting covid right before the um competition started how old did you say you are bill i just made 23 oh man you're young hey did um has any part of you um what are your what are your thoughts on drug use in the sport meaning has any part of you in your like so that would be when that could creep in you take 500 it's in the open and then um and then quarter finals don't go the way you want like or not they don't go the way you want you see how good everyone is do you ever be like hey someone must be used you ever use that as an excuse someone must be using drugs and i and i and i'm not going to do drugs so i'm i can't do this i have to bow out no honestly i was like young too like 1920 and i was so naive because like i trained by myself
Starting point is 00:40:04 i programmed for myself. Like the only people I knew was at my box and my box has like five people who make quarterfinals every year. So it's like, it's like me. And then, and it's funny the difference between me and then everyone else at my box. It's, it's, it's, it's what a CrossFit gym honestly is meant to be. There's a hundred or so 150 people who are all healthy members of a demographic, typically like 40 to 50 years old that people are just looking for one hour a day of functional fitness and that's really good
Starting point is 00:40:30 and i'm a huge advocate for that um but it allowed me to be naive i guess you'd say and i was like no i never even crossed my mind it was more like i need to work hard like i sucked the gc sit-ups so i did 400 ghd sit-ups a week ever for 52 weeks after that quarterfinals till the following years quarterfinals it was you never felt that as an excuse pop in it was more of i need to work harder i need to dial more in that sort of stuff and um and what about uh nutrition have you have you know a lot of athletes at 23 won't even have started fucking with nutrition yet have you started um i'm actually looking into getting a nutritionist coach coach now because that's something i haven't done before
Starting point is 00:41:09 but generally speaking i kind of just follow the crossfit diet i guess you'd say not the zone diet but in terms of like what to eat i try to stay out of the middle aisles of a grocery store eat the outsides don't eat stuff with expiration dates in boxes all whole and real foods like that's and i've kind of, as time is going on, experimented, like what's enough and what, what makes my body feel good and what body weight's a good body weight to train at and that sort of stuff. So I've done that, but I'm actually looking at getting a nutritionist this year. That's something that I kind of want to look into because I think it's just something else I can dial in that'll help me out. Is there anything
Starting point is 00:41:42 that, um, that you've just completely given up that you're like hey now that i'm a crossfitter i just i'll never eat that again um no generally speaking when i grew up a lot it was always like a big deal like i was never a big sweet eater like i remember every year for my birthday as a kid my mom would make me eat my birthday cake and i never wanted to so she was like you can't have a birthday and not eat your birthday cake so it was just something i never really did and i never i never drank or anything like that so it wasn't like i had to cut drinking out or drugs or that sort of stuff um andrew when andrew was there he was like hey man this guy's just obsessed and i go what do you mean i'm like this is like really all he does i'm like well give me an example he's like well his girlfriend only comes over one day a week he goes he's either training either training or resting. And I go, what's that look like?
Starting point is 00:42:25 He goes, dude, he even has a chair. He has the, there's the workplace you work out, and then there's the chair you rest in, and then you eat, and then you just keep repeating that. Is that how you are all the time, or was that the buildup to semifinals? No, I would say, I mean, I would be lying if I say that's not how I am all the time. It's just, I enjoy it so much. I have such a passion for it. Like, I know God made me for this. And it's just like, it's I'm all in because
Starting point is 00:42:48 it's like, I love every second of it. And if I do this for free for the next 10 years and do for free, like it's like, I love the journey of it. And I think that's just the part of it that keeps me going. So even now, as you're healing, you have some very strict, I guess what some people would say mundane protocols. Like you're in a very tight loop of what you're doing. Yeah, generally speaking. Yeah, for the most part. I'm trying to hang out with my girlfriend a little more now. I have free time, so that's a good thing.
Starting point is 00:43:17 She's been great and super supportive through it all, so she deserves that. But it's been good. I mean, I can't complain. There's a lot worse things that happen um what is the healing can you can you can can that can your injury heal in time for next season yeah i can walk you through it um so went this past wednesday made four weeks after my surgery so the first two weeks because it's like a incision so let's go back a little further let's just let's even go let's start at the beginning you had never had a it's the achilles tendon
Starting point is 00:43:49 actually snapped that wire that i can feel right now on the back of my ankle yes correct so when that thing snapped you felt back there and there wasn't one back there anymore yeah i could tell you the story how it happened or like how it would have played out in the events so um i was in event three of semifinals i was doing pretty decent um and i remember finishing my last legless rope climb and running to the box and i had just watched ricky and bailey martin do they like raced in that workout nociano i don't know however many hours are they are ahead of us and i remember they set an event record like 9 10 or something like that and i was running to the box at like 8 15 8 20 i was like i can set an event record of like 910 or something like that. And I was running to the box at like 815 820. I was like, I can set an event record right here. I can do these 10 box overs way before the time expires. And so running to the box, like everything was good. I did 1234. So I was on the same side that I started. And I went to jump over for my fifth
Starting point is 00:44:41 one. And the only sensation I got was i thought i kicked my judge like i thought the back of my heel kicked him so then when i landed and turned i saw him my peripheral on the side and i was like playing basketball my whole life you always hear about people tearing their achilles and you're always like here that they say they thought they kicked someone and then they look behind them and nobody's there yeah or they got hit by it like i've heard this one a lot too you run to second base and you think the ball hits you yeah yeah for the ball and you don't see it and and that's what happened and as soon as that happened i knew i was like i just tore my achilles there's no way and it's like one of those moments that seem to last an eternity everything went
Starting point is 00:45:21 through your head whether it was like, this is over. There's no way I did this. Will I be able to recover? Am I going to continue? It's just like everything. And so I put my hands on the box to step off in disbelief. And my judge was like, no rep. So I was still at four. And I was like, I don't care what happens in the future. I don't care that if I withdraw after this, I don't care if I have a torn Achilles or not I'm going to finish the event and so I jumped over again to do my fifth box over landed and the only thing the only sensation I had my back and my uh foot was like it felt like all of a sudden my heel just elevated a little bit like it felt like I had like a heel insert in that was it and so I jumped to my fifth one and I might have done my sixth one and like lost balance so I put my hand he was like another no rep and then i finished the next four and wobbled to the finish
Starting point is 00:46:08 line and i was sitting on like the stereo and everybody else was finishing the events i signed off my card the medical team came they're like what's wrong i was like i tore my achilles they're like i don't know if you did like i don't think you would have been able to finish the 30 inch box jumps if you did and i was like maybe you're right maybe i didn't like that that wouldn't be a little hope a little hope yeah exactly you look at like kobe bryant towards achilles he like wiped out on the floor they helped him to the free throw line he shot two free throws and they carved him off like it was a huge deal because he stood there and shot free throws so i was thinking in my head there's absolutely no way i did eight box jumps to 30
Starting point is 00:46:43 inches with a torn achilles there's no way and so as time was on they were just like i don't think you tore it and i'm still sitting there and i'm thinking in my head like i know deep down like i tore this thing and then it was like a motion and by tore means snapped yeah so like it's connected like this and all of a sudden snap just like that where does it snap from does it snap from the bottom of the heel or somewhere in the middle? It snaps from what I understood all the way from right next to your calf to the bottom of your heel. So it's under your calf.
Starting point is 00:47:13 I'm sorry. Yeah, the origin is under your calf and it inserts under your heel. So some people have had it pop off the bottom of their heel and take part of the bone, and then other people have had it pop at any point up until the calf. And mine was like an inch and a half above my heel maybe is where it tore but that's a thick spot yeah and so they were like uh they said like do you want to be wheelchared off the floor and I was like at that point I knew I had torn it but you still hold out hope and I was like I think if I walk like I don't want this to be the end I knew this
Starting point is 00:47:41 wasn't going to be the end of my career I knew I couldn't fall over and just say it's done I was like I need to walk and so like emotionally I was crying and all because I knew that the semifinals was over it wasn't because I was in pain I had no pain and I walked off the floor and I was like I just wanted everyone there to see that like I'm not going to quit like I'm going to rehab as hard as I can like I knew if I accepted the wheelchair right then it was like accepting defeat and I was like this is going happen, but it won't be the end. And so I walked off the floor was sitting in the tunnel for a while. They brought me to back room and they did the test,
Starting point is 00:48:10 the old squeeze your calf test. So if you squeeze your calf, it'll pull on your Achilles, which means your foot will flex down if your Achilles is attached. So if you squeeze your calf, you'll see your foot flex down. And it means your Achilles is attached. When they squeeze my calf, no foot movement. And they're like, ah means your achilles is attached when they squeeze my calf no foot movement and they're like ah your achilles is done and i'm like heart sank and then it was like try to find crutches get a splint they didn't have a splint on site so they made me a splint which actually i know it looked weird in that cardboard box from the hiller video but it was very good and the
Starting point is 00:48:38 medical team was great they helped me out a ton and at that point it was like we need to get mri to confirm this because i know there was like a physical hand test but we need to get an MRI to confirm this. Cause I know there was like a physical hand test, but we need to get an MRI to confirm this. Um, so we flew home the following day, which was Sunday, the last day of competition, like my crew and everybody else that was up there. And do they wheelchair you around the airport at that point? No, I crushed. I was like, I still had the mindset of like, I don't want to, I don't want to just fall over. Like, I don't want to be in a wheelchair.
Starting point is 00:49:03 I don't want that stuff to happen. Like, soutched through LAX, which was a far crutch. But I was like, hey, I do functional fitness. Why not use it? So I crutched to the airport. We got home. That night, we drove straight from the airport to urgent care. And they had an MRI machine there. So we were there late that night.
Starting point is 00:49:19 But I got an MRI and x-ray. And it was confirmed my Achilles was torn. And this was Sunday. So thankfully, I was able to get an MRI like the following day because you need to go to your surgeon with an MRI so then they can review it say it's torn and then schedule surgery so like I was like I need to get MRI stat so I got it that day we flew home like drove straight from the airport to the urgent care why do you need it so fast because you don't want it to get used to being stretched out well it's two things yes so over time it will your your muscle will just tighten up from being inflamed and it'll pull them apart
Starting point is 00:49:49 a and then b you just want to have a surgery so you can be in the rehab process because every day you spend before surgery inflammation is going away but your tendons aren't going to just grow back together like you have to have them sewed together and then they grow so i was like okay we got the MRI that Sunday. I met with the surgeon Monday. It was somebody I had known. I actually played basketball with his son. So it was just a person we had known around here.
Starting point is 00:50:13 He's a very good surgeon. He's been a surgeon for like 30, 35 years, something like that. So I met with him Monday, and he does surgeries every Tuesday. So he got me in the following Tuesday. So it was like nine days or so after I tore it, or eight days maybe, something like that. I was in surgery. So it was a pretty quick term. And what's the conventional wisdom on that?
Starting point is 00:50:31 How fast do you want it? Like, should it have been faster? Like, is there a window? It's as fast as you can get it. Okay. Just for a lot of people, it's like, so typically you'd be like, get home, have to schedule your MRI, which could be a week out. Then have to schedule your surgeon, which could be another week out then your surgery's a week so like it could last all the way up to a month okay I got the MRI that day I knew the surgeon so he was able
Starting point is 00:50:53 to get me in and then get me literally on the next days he did surgery to have surgery done so it happened really fast I think I haven't heard of anybody to pop in and have a surgery faster than I did so far I mean I've only spoken to five or six people kind of thing but um so that happened pretty good and then so they do the whole surgery process and basically they just took the tendons pulled them back together and then sewed it so then now the tendons are attached and sewed together and then as the time goes they'll grow back together and kind of calcify on top of each other and then there was a few other things like he had taken a part of a cadaver's tendon and put that on there like a bio something forget the name of it that helps it heal prps where he'll pull blood out spin it around for the platelets
Starting point is 00:51:35 and put it back in my heel so there's been stuff like that that's been done i've been doing red laser or red light therapy so that's been good too but i got my real i always call bullshit on red light therapy do you know if it's good or not or are you honest i got my real i always call bullshit on red light therapy do you know if it's good or not or are you honest i'm doing it i sat in the same boat that you did um i've probably done it i don't know close to 10 times since my surgery um i kind of thought the same thing you did but i've talked to probably a handful of different physical therapists and surgeons kind of and they've all been huge advocates for it. So I'm going to trust their word over my, uh, yeah, right. Just, yeah. And I guess it can't hurt. You don't own a machine that you can just stick on there and leave on there all the time. No, I don't own a red,
Starting point is 00:52:14 a red light thing now. Oh, okay. Okay. Um, but I mean, cause I haven't had anything like this before, but so surgery happens for the first two weeks, you're in a temporary cast, which is basically a huge bandage wrapping. And you can't move your foot at all. And you can't sweat because they don't want any sort of sweating to happen on the stitches because they don't want an infection to occur. So that was a rough two weeks because it was like everything I did was like pull ups, dead hangs, dips. I sat with a fan right next to my foot because I sweat. So that two weeks happened, which was two weeks ago. And I was at the doctor's appointment and I didn't know this. Yeah, that's, that was,
Starting point is 00:52:51 that was the first day I actually got out of my boot. I mean, my cast and got in the boot. But when I went to the doctor's appointment, the surgeon was like, Hey, like 80% of people, we hard cast for the next four weeks. Cause it has to have a six week period of no weight bearing and no movement. And he's like, we hard cast 80%, 80 to 90% of people. He said, I just want to let you know that before we cut your cast open and look at it. So my heart sunk. I was like, no way I'm being a cast. I thought it was getting in a boot. And he said, look, we have to check how the incision is healing, what the swelling's like, and if you have any movement. And he said, nine out of 10 people aren't good enough in those three tests,
Starting point is 00:53:26 so they have to go on a hard cast. So my heart sunk. But once he cut me open, he's like, wow, incision looks great. Like, it had healed so much so that they had to, like, dig my stitches out, essentially. Like, they could have come out, like, seven to ten days after. It was like we almost waited too long to keep my stitches in. So it healed great. Swelling was very minimal minimal and i had movement
Starting point is 00:53:45 like i could move my foot and so he's like wow you're doing really good like you can go in a boot and i was like great so i've been in this boot as you can see in the video with crutches for the last two weeks um and it's been really good my incision is like totally healed up now now it's just a scar so there's no more scabbing or anything or bruising. And are you outside the window of infection? Yeah, yeah, totally outside the window of infection. Did you have to take antibiotics, Bill? They did give me them, but I didn't take them. Throughout this whole process, I think I've only taken –
Starting point is 00:54:19 he gave me baby aspirin for blood clots just because you're not moving it. And then I took Tylenol the first few days after, but that was it so i didn't take any pain meds like none of the oxycontin or stuff they gave me like that and then no antibiotics nothing occurred so and did they get upset that you didn't take the antibiotics no i don't think so no maybe i'm trying to think maybe i actually did take a few the first like few days i think but i didn't take any as a result of an infection um but as far as pain goes, it was very minimal. I was honestly shocked because everyone that had been talking to you get a nerve block when you get the surgery, which they went, they put a nerve block in my knee.
Starting point is 00:54:54 So like right after I got home from surgery, I couldn't feel my toes. I couldn't move them. It was like paralyzed essentially. And they said the nerve block lasts 36 to 48 hours. So I was thinking in my head, I'm like, okay, so for like two days, I'm not gonna be able to feel my foot I went to bed that night I got my surgery around like 12 p.m in the day I went to bed that night I woke up at like 1 a.m I crushed out of my room and I was like mom like I can feel my foot I can move my toes like the nerve block is gone and I was like oh because my heart sank because everyone was like you've got to get on your pain
Starting point is 00:55:20 meds early like it's gonna hurt bad when the nerve block wears off so I was like I need to take i didn't want to get the pain meds i was like give me some tylenol so i took it for like two days and it hurt a little bit and i was like i'm waiting for this to get bad and it just never got bad and the pain being uh where the tear is like actually at the local point of yeah yeah it's like there or you'll get some pain in your calf or ankle kind of thing just because it was an evasive surgery so but it was it ended up being really good and so far everything's been great like i have a pretty good bit of movement honestly in it right now so do you do this stuff a lot are you doing like yeah so what i'm doing is the doctor said you can have easy movement because that promotes so what i've had is three
Starting point is 00:55:58 times a day i've had someone like move my foot flex it 50 times, extend it 50 times, and then move each digit of my toes. And I've done that three times a day for the last two weeks. And that's given me a tremendous amount of motor mechanics back in my foot. I can move it pretty good now because of that, pain-free. It's all been great. So that's been really good. And when does the boot come off? Boot comes off in two weeks.
Starting point is 00:56:24 So it's a four week period so the first two weeks you have the temporary cast with the stitches then you'll either get permanent casted or booted and thankfully i got booted for four weeks so that's a six week period because when they sew the tendons together they don't want you to pull on them at all until they calcify and grow back which it needs to be six weeks so i have that's fast the human body's crazy in six weeks it'll be it's insane so at six weeks my boot will come off and i'll basically just take pt as fast as i can do it which i'll just start pt because i mean like it's very weak i haven't used it like i'm not going to be able to walk very well like no way i'm gonna do anything honestly on it besides
Starting point is 00:57:01 like stand so i'll have to like regain motion like all of my range of motion strengthen it up and get it back ready to do everything so should be good do you have a protocol to do um i don't this is gonna i don't know how to exactly say this but let me use this as an example uh do you have a protocol to do like more pistols so that you can actually get both legs up to speed? Are you going to do more one-leg stuff as opposed to two-leg stuff that you would have normally done just so that you can get both of them on the same page? Believe it or not, I kind of have a different viewpoint with this. But a lot of times, from what I've heard, when people rehab an injured limb or whatever it occurs to be, they're like, yeah, my rehabbed whatever is better than my other one my other one and it's because think about it you spend four or five months rehabbing your left knee your left shoulder and your right just does the functional movements of like open the fridge
Starting point is 00:57:54 close the fridge open the door and before you know it you've done too much to the left side so my philosophy through this whole thing is i'm gonna do whatever i do my left side on my right side okay i don't want it to be in four or five months. I've spent so much time on my Achilles that like my left leg is so much better than my right leg because I didn't do anything with it. So I'm going to keep it like that, and I think they'll kind of begin to be back to even and normal. And will you have the discipline to take crazy baby steps? Yeah, yeah, 100%.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Because, I mean, think about it it this way it's like this blimp could be up to up to six months it's like what if i continue to do crossfit for the next like eight nine years it's like this such a small period in the next eight or nine years so for me to try to rush it and be one month faster for the next eight or nine years to have issues, it's like that it'd be dumb. So is there, so do you have like a hierarchy? Are you like, okay, movement and range of motion over strength is paramount? Or do you have like some sort of like? No, not really. Honestly, I kind of just want to get everything back.
Starting point is 00:59:00 And I'm assuming what will occur first is we'll begin to strengthen it because like right now it is zero strength. So we'll strengthen it. And then once it's strengthened enough to be able to hold my body weight up and walk, then you'll probably push range of motion. But it's like, so for me, six months could be, would be like beginning of December ish. So it's, it doesn't affect next year at any way you look at it. If it's eight months, it's still like beginning of February. Like it's not going to affect anywhere last year. So it's eight months it's still like beginning of february like it's not gonna affect anywhere last year so it's like if i recover myself by october november and push it really hard or like september start doing stuff hard it's like what am i what am i benefiting for like i'm still gonna be completely fine come next year and even well before that um what what causes
Starting point is 00:59:41 um uh the snapping like under nourishment or what causes it honestly i mean i've thought a lot about this i couldn't tell you i think it's just one of those things that like happen i'm sure maybe my like maybe doing a lot of running leading up to semifinals running the day before doing double unders the day the day of like it probably could have weakened it and then it's just at one point it's just one really hard contraction and then it just pops um a lot of people think it was like from landing and i think that's a misconception is from what i've heard mostly is people who tear their achilles is from a hard contraction so it's a jumping like you'll i don't really hear very many people tearing it landing on something people thought i tore it landing from the rope it was like
Starting point is 01:00:23 when i stepped off the box with my left leg and went to jump was when it popped. It was like a really hard contraction. Like if you go to sprint and you pull your hamstring, it's from a hard contraction that the muscle or tendon wasn't like ready for. And then it just snaps or strains or whatever. Hey, that's interesting. Let's say that that's true. Yeah, I think it was like. So that means that the step-downs are pointless.
Starting point is 01:00:49 The argument that the step-downs are safer are pointless if the majority of... I think also when you rebound, the pressure that's put from landing and jumping immediately after I think is definitely a whole lot worse on your Achilles than if you step and jump. You understand what I'm saying? Yeah. You do, even though you step down, you take a little jump. And what's interesting in tennis, like any time when someone serves,
Starting point is 01:01:20 when someone serves, you're supposed to do a little jump, like in tennis. Yes. And they hit the ball to you. And I showed JR this and he goes that's exactly how i do it he goes even when i do step downs i do them exactly like bill i said look at like you get a little you still activate yeah you get a little doing jump yeah yeah yeah no totally and so i wonder if everyone does that i don't know what do you think about the step down like do you think of it as a safety thing or just a different way? Do you think it's pointless?
Starting point is 01:01:51 Like, hey, just let them go? No, I think it is a safety thing. I think we would have way more injuries if we were hopping. You do? Yeah. I have no doubt in my mind that we would have way more injuries if people were rebounding. Definitely. So I do think it is a safety thing.
Starting point is 01:02:06 And this is kind of the question we just talked about. Jeremy, does Bill feel this was caused by poor preparation or just freak accident? I mean, if it was caused by poor preparation, I kind of wouldn't know in any way what to change, if that makes sense. I don't feel like in way there was no like signs beforehand it just kind of happened it's just one of those things that is like a freak accident um i can't pinpoint anything leading up to semis that i was like hey i didn't do that like i don't even run that often um like it's not something i don't run or do a lot of jumping because i'm decent at jumping so it's like not even something i train a ton I train it like once a week but it's
Starting point is 01:02:45 not like hey I'm I'm a bad runner I'm running three times a week leading up to semis kind of thing so I wouldn't think about that but yeah the years of basketball also yeah I had that thought too because I was a left foot jumper in basketball like I jumped either left right or off of my left leg so there's probably definitely a lot more wear and tear off that left leg and then like I said it's just fatigue like I'd done two whatever was two and a half miles of running 500 dubs and 60 box jump overs before that or 64 before that one so um it could have been a lot of fatigue and then just one hard contraction and it just happened i think it's part of the sport like it's a game you play like it's not only being fit it's being healthy too across fat the rebound and
Starting point is 01:03:23 exaggerated range of motion combined with forces in opposing directions are likely the factor. The tendon may have been fatigued from the climbs and weekend lower extremity volume. Yeah, it totally could have been it, and that's how it happened. This is what it is kind of thing. This is the cards you were dealt. You can pout about it and cry, or you can make a comeback.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Is this true? Your Achilles starts to fray like a rope over time is that true no idea that sounds interesting but i don't know i mean maybe that guy knows uh jed and i snelt some more stretching prior to the workout might have helped has anyone told you that that it could be um no not really but i mean he's not wrong i guess i don't know so i mean i'm not worried about it happening again kind of thing. So it's like, it's not like I'm like, oh, this is going to happen again. When I talk to the surgeon, he's like, hey, like the likelihoods of you doing this again are very low because we've almost like idiot proofed it, if that makes sense, to sewing
Starting point is 01:04:18 the tendons back together. That not only will you have yourself, like your body will grow the tendons together and be calcified. Additionally, they'll be like sewed together. So it's like the chances of it happening again are a whole lot less likely. What happened to Kobe? When did it happen in Kobe's career? I didn't, I forgot that it happened.
Starting point is 01:04:33 I don't even, I didn't even know what happened in Kobe's career. Yeah. I can't remember what year. Towards the end of his career. Like I remember on a few pairs of shoes, Nike did like a cool like scar thing on the back of his shoe that symbolizesizes him tearing his Achilles. But I know it was towards the latter point of his career. Hiller cursed Bill posting him on crutches before semi.
Starting point is 01:04:55 Hiller cursed Bill. That's funny. Don't tell Hiller that. He's not going to be happy. If he sees that, he'll probably be upset. I don't even understand it. Hiller cursed Bill. When he was with me for quarterfinals i think my one of my friends or just person the gym had a surgery on his knee
Starting point is 01:05:13 um and he had crutches and so like i was coaching the class and he was like sitting on the side talking and i was just holding his crutches and hillar posted a picture of me and the crutches and everybody was like what happened kind of oh shit that's what he's referring to oh shit yeah a little foreshadowing yeah no don't tell that he'll probably be all upset he he said something he he's uh travis nailed it yeah that's funny nah i think it's good i good. I don't really believe in superstitions like that, kind of. So is the goal to do the Open and to make another serious run next year, or do you need to get – does it take – you'll get better, you'll heal another year, and we'll probably see you in 2026,
Starting point is 01:06:04 or do you actually – no. i have full intentions of coming back because also it's like at the four to six month mark it's kind of around when i'll be healed that means like i'm pretty much totally free so times before that like i'll begin rowing before then i'll begin biking before then deadlifting squatting that sort of stuff so it's not like nothing occurs and then in december i basically lay dormant till then and then start like it'll be a build-up to that point so it won't even be like i'm at ground zero at the four to six month kind of thing and i've already been able to do a pretty good decent like a decent bit of stuff now i have this like peg leg almost thing i don't know if you've seen it before um but it uh if you go to go to if you go
Starting point is 01:06:48 to my instagram on the highlights i have like an injury highlight i think if you click through that you could see me i don't know if you can do that on here but it's like a peg leg that i wear so it's great for skiing where is it at do you know which one can you go to the i didn't post it i should but yeah yeah the highlights the the injury fitness. Oh, okay. Okay. Click like a, it might be like maybe the next post after the first one. But there's this like leg thing I wear. Go to the next one if you can.
Starting point is 01:07:16 Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah. Oh, that's cool. I know. It's super cool. So it's been great. I've been able to ski like really hard which has been huge because like something everyone was always telling me yeah i'm skiing there too a bunch of people but
Starting point is 01:07:29 something everyone was telling me was like hey like one-legged rowing one-legged biking like do all that sort of stuff and it's like you really can't row that hard or bike that hard with one leg to like actually condition yourself and get out of breath it's more of like a zone two kind of thing so i was like once i found out this peg leg somebody had sent it to me um and then i bought it and i was like this is awesome this is great because i can ski as hard as i can it's not it's like a little weird to ski on one leg but like i can definitely get out of zone two on the skier and ski pretty hard so that's been good i'll probably be be sick of skiing or skiing by the time I come back, but I've been able to keep my conditioning up. And then I've been doing a ton of upper body stuff as shown.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Hey, have you mentally, um, are you let, do you leverage this? Like, are you like, okay,
Starting point is 01:08:18 listen, fuck not. Uh, you can't do this. So you would need to really hurt here today. Like, don't be a pussy like are you have these talks with yourself like are you playing with your head like
Starting point is 01:08:29 i haven't been able to do anything for two two to three weeks so it's like i just want it so bad like they're just like i want to do it like i want to hurt again i want to sweat like all that sort of stuff so that's more of a driving factor right now and this is i mean this injury was a lot kind of thing and i think honestly like the bigger picture of it all is like knowing your worth and knowing like that CrossFit is just a worldly thing. Like, don't get me wrong. You put a bunch of time, energy and effort, but you can attest to this. There's a lot more things in life that occur.
Starting point is 01:08:58 And like, I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. And as long as I have my eyes on that, whether CrossFit ends tomorrow or I have 10 years from it, my worth isn't in it. And as long as I keep my head wrapped around that, things like this and this magnitude can happen and I can stay level-headed through it and keep working.
Starting point is 01:09:18 Do you think that the training expedites the healing? Do you think that when you train, your body releases, you train your body like releases i don't know what it is special i think it's been tendon repair juices that make it heal faster i think for the two-week period that i wasn't able to sweat i did some pull-ups and dead hangs and dips like i think that like even just blood flow as opposed to laying oh blood like i think that helped tremendously and i think that has helped tremendously like all the working
Starting point is 01:09:45 out I've been doing it's been obviously very safe and strapped down but like still I'm breathing I'm working my upper body like I'm doing hanging me to chest like all the whole nine yards of stuff that I can figure out I think there's been tremendous in helping my healing there's like obviously other things that have helped whether it's been the red light therapy being young healthy having a good diet sleeping a a lot, like all of it, drinking collagen, drinking gelatin, like the whole nine yards of stuff. I think that's been very beneficial, but I think also just not laying on the couch has helped me out a lot. So basically pushing fresh blood, fresh oxygen to all the, I don't know what they are, capillaries
Starting point is 01:10:19 or the smallest arteries and veins. Every, when you exercise and sweat, you think that that's bringing more nutrients or whatever, whatever healing properties are needed for that area it's red blood cells that are going there which is inflammation and that's like the whole healing process so i think that's been very beneficial and i think a lot of people will just struggle because they just don't do anything or if i would have been hard casted for this four week period i wouldn't have been moving it three times a day so So my range of motion would be awful when I get out of that cast, as opposed to right now, it's great for the four weeks. Hey, what about anything else? Have you added anything while you're doing this? Like, have you picked up anything else? Like you're like, okay, I'm going to learn how to juggle
Starting point is 01:10:57 since I'm going to be sitting or I'm going to journal more. Or is there anything else? Like, hey, I'm going to, I'm going to learn how to spin a pen in my hand. Is there any, anything you've added? The only thing that I've read a lot more than i have before um but i wanted to like do some boxing like i got a speed bag that i want to hang up and i want to just mess around with that because i can stand there like i don't have to walk or anything i've always thought this being pretty cool like i've always like wanted to box at some point so that'd be something that i've thought about too which has been neat but bigger so i've been just hanging out with family and doing the stuff that i typically haven't been able to do whether it's going to family functions or hanging out with my girlfriend or stuff like
Starting point is 01:11:32 that like stuff that always gets put to the wayside and sacrificed throughout the whole year well what did um are the doctor what did the doctor say about your healing do they say you're going fast i know that you said earlier they were really impressed in the first week but in general have you do you keep getting that are they like holy shit bill yeah crazy yeah every time i go for that red light therapy they're always like you can't get over your inflammation oh wow the incision looks great that sort of stuff so it's been really good and um i'll check up again with my surgeon in two weeks so he'll be able to look at it and that sort of stuff and then i'll be released and begin p. Will they do another MRI to actually take a look at it? No, because it's one of those surgeries that once it happens, you're good to go.
Starting point is 01:12:12 You just have to let it heal. I think the only way I could screw this up is at this point, it's getting pretty healed. I don't know if I can even do this, but it would have to have been very early that I had an accident and fell and caused a great bit of flexion or extension and then re-tore it, slightly tore it or popped it. Outside of that, no. It's been pretty good.
Starting point is 01:12:31 Has anyone else in the CrossFit space had this injury that you've talked to? I want to say Akinwale had it years ago, Elizabeth Akinwale. I might be making that up. I don't think I've talked to very many competitive people that had the exact Achilles injury I've talked to a lot of competitive athletes who've just had injury and they've had encouraging words and that sort of stuff which has been very good and helpful honestly but more so it's just been the general population and community like just the amount of people who have reached out with positive words has been huge like it's helped me out a lot and people who've had lower body injuries have given me
Starting point is 01:13:04 great ideas like that uh crutch that I have yeah it's called like somebody sent me that so it's just stuff like that i never would have thought of it's been huge there's been a lot of people that have yeah have helped me out boy that's something i never thought of that whole adaptive community could be used just as a as a research tool yeah i've definitely dove into that a little bit uh another guy his name is dan i don't know how to say his last name but it's like tai or something i think he's kind of towards england he was on a team like a year or two ago he actually towards achilles and me and him have been in contact and he's been incredibly helpful with everything he's toward his like three or four years ago so he's been super helpful but then there's been incredibly helpful with everything. He's tore his like three or four years ago. So he's been super helpful.
Starting point is 01:13:46 But then there's been everybody else under the sun who's either tore their Achilles or had a lower body injury. And they've just either given me an encouraging word or given me like, hey, use this harmless crutch or keep it elevated or take gelatin and collagen because it will help the tendon to heal. Just like stuff like that. It's been great. Hey, when you and Hiller started working together, you know, and by work together, I mean just started communicating on the internet or when he was making – it originally started, right, that he watched one of your videos, and he did a whole expose on it being like, look at this fucking guy. He's so great, and he does not fucking follow the rules, right? Is that how it started? Yeah, this was I guess two quarterfinalsals ago so maybe like a year and a few
Starting point is 01:14:25 months now um it was during a rowing v up ghd workout and i guess if you're in the crossfit space you've probably heard about it but yeah i made some dumb rookie mistakes like just not reading standards stupid things um not watching my videos back and i got a major penalty and he made his first video on me um at that point and it was frustrating because i felt like he was like saying like i was cheating kind of thing and i was like look it looks awful and i did everything wrong but like my intention wasn't to cheat to get a better score it was just like i just i just being an idiot like i didn't read the rules didn't read the standards didn't watch my video back so it was like all my fault but like it wasn't it didn't come from the place of trying to cheat if that makes sense like right right right wrong but like i wasn't like thinking
Starting point is 01:15:09 beforehand like let me get off the road early because it'll give me an advantage even though i know you can't it was just stupid stuff so that happened and then what year was that 2023 i guess yeah so you know what's crazy about this at that point, you've only done CrossFit for three years. Yeah, sure. So like the year before I made semifinals was like, I went to semis, like right at my second year anniversary of CrossFit kind of thing. Like it was in May issue, whatever, when I went to semifinals and that was like around my second year of CrossFit. Um, and then the following year I did pretty good in quarterfinals actually, or I say good before the penalty i was like maybe sixth in the world or something but then i got the penalty and fell obviously way
Starting point is 01:15:49 back so like i really didn't do that good but um he made that first video and then i went to semis that year and that's what last year were you tripping were you like what the fuck i'm a nobody i'm out here in the middle of nowhere minding my own business how the fuck did this guy find my shit yeah i did think that because i was like i was like i i i'm like i've made semifinals once i was like yeah like i'm a nobody i still want nobody honestly in my opinion but i was like i don't know how this dude found this video of mine that's kind of crazy um and it was it was upsetting because i was like dang that sucked like that it painted me in a bad light um which was mostly deserving honestly like it was i i was totally wrong through it but i went to semis that year and got sick and then i did the road ignorance but complete
Starting point is 01:16:30 ignorance on your part yeah yeah like is he saying this shit you're like oh fuck you weren't like hey wait you weren't like there was not even one bit of you that was like wait till you see what i'm gonna get away with not even a tiny bit you're just completely more of like, wow, I didn't realize it was that bad. Yeah. Okay. Like, I can't believe I did that kind of thing. Um, and so I went to, I went to semi's got sick and then went to rogue and did the road qualifier cause I got tried to qualify for rogue. And, um, I did pretty well on that, uh, qualifier. I've never been in like second or third so I was gonna qualify for rogue but one of my snatches in a snatch handstand push-up workout it was like a ladder that went from 135 to 245 with a bunch of wall facing handstand push-ups one of my 135 snatches it was
Starting point is 01:17:15 a set of 10 I did nine and turned to walk to the wall my judge was like hey you have one more so I walked and just basically just like picked the bar up and put it over my head but I didn't align my feet and so I got a penalty on that from rogue but the way rogue does it is that it went you get it when you get a no rep your workout ends right there it's not like you take time off of your workout so my workout was over capped at nine snazzy 135 so obviously it was a terrible score so then i got kicked out because of that he found a few more things that i ended up not getting penalties for. He said something about maybe my clusters or something like that.
Starting point is 01:17:48 At that point, I was like, dang, I need to talk to this guy. A second video? He made a second video on you, ass pounding you. Jesus. This was a few months before Crash. I was like, dude, I need to talk to this guy. How did he pop on your radar? Why you? I don't know. You probably have to ask him.
Starting point is 01:18:04 I really don't know because honestly in my you gotta stop wearing yellow shirts yeah there's a million other people who are more significant than i am so i don't know but i i would have thought his time would have been better placed elsewhere but so that happened um and then crash came and he was at crash so crash was like a few months after this i can't exactly remember later last you know he was gonna be there um no i didn't know he was gonna be there but then he reached out to me like a day or two into the competition maybe the second day in the competition he reached out over instagram was like dude i want to meet like interview all this sort of stuff and he was super nice he was like look that this is gonna mess with your head or if you don't have time like just let me know like i don't
Starting point is 01:18:41 want to force this and i don't want to screw you up from competing and when he was telling me all that sort of stuff i was like yeah i think there's a lot more to this picture than what's been painted there's a lot more behind the camera for the kind of person he is and i was like also i just need to tell him like i deserved everything that i got but i just want to let you know like it was just stupid rookie mistakes like it wasn't intentionally trying to cheat but like so we got that interview the third day of crash wait before that so you're you you're like okay i'm gonna go to this competition at crash you and your homies load up the honda civic and roll out there and fucking you look across the room and you're like oh fuck
Starting point is 01:19:14 fuck nuts is here yeah i guess i mean it was more of like no way hillary's here kind of thing and then it was just like that and it was like i gotta compete like stay focused because there's a lot and it didn't mess with you at all no not really because i was like it's like what is he gonna do to you he's not gonna hurt you physically in any way no but he's gonna be like me he's gonna have his camera on me he's gonna be looking to make another video on me to show me that my shoelaces are untied and show the whole internet yeah it gets bad but when you break it down and think like there's way worse stuff that could happen in life like right right okay and then and at least you're getting some camera time and i was about to say talked about would you rather him not know who you are at all right so so we had that interview
Starting point is 01:19:54 the third day and i think that opened a lot of things up because people were just able to hear me talk and then also he talked to me and then after that he was like i was like dude you need to come down one day and just see what i do kind of thing he was like yeah sure so then he came in like january and i think that was when he made the day in the life video how did you do it crash i want to say i took like fifth or fifth or sixth something like that i can't exactly remember i uh colton hatfield and jack rosemore were there colton hatfield jack rosemore sprague, and Jack Rosen were there. Colton, Hatfield, Jack Rosen, Sprague, and James Sprague were there. And those were the guys you came behind?
Starting point is 01:20:30 I think so. I can't 100% remember. What a crazy group of dudes. Yeah, that was a super cool comp. JR does a great job. It was very professionally run to be done out of an affiliate. That was super cool. Look how good,
Starting point is 01:20:45 look how good those dudes, everyone did at semifinals. I mean, Colton didn't make it, but he's still fucking crushed. Yeah, true. But he still was a fucking stud there.
Starting point is 01:20:53 And then Rosamund Hatfield animals. And then of course, James, Jesus criminy. Yeah. They all got after it and that was really good, but that was, that was a cool comp to be a part of.
Starting point is 01:21:03 JR let me in that one. So that was very good. And I enjoyed that. and then it also got me hooked up with hillar which has been good um and then so you guys hung out there and did you guys did you guys actually do you think you connected there like yeah intellectually emotionally you're like okay i'm cool with this dude yeah i i knew that like i don't know i'm pretty good about like dealing with people and kind of seeing who people are. And I knew that I was like, there's way more behind that camera than just what everyone sees. And so I just got to talk to him and just him being respectful and being like, hey, I don't want to screw you up.
Starting point is 01:21:34 He's crazy respectful. He's such a respectful human being. Yeah. He wasn't going after me to be like, I want to put another video out. He's like, look, I don't want to screw you up, like all this sort of stuff. And like once he when that stuff was getting said, I was like, yeah, he's like look i don't want to screw you up like all this sort of stuff and like once he when that stuff was getting said i was like yeah he's a good dude um so we got to talk then and then he came to my house and did the day in the life video which has been good for him because he's done it on way more significant people than me like hayley adams has been great so i'm glad he did that um and then he came down for quarterfinals too and then i saw him again after that actually yeah um the uh so so he comes down there and and does that and then do you guys think you actually
Starting point is 01:22:07 become friends at that point like when he's he stayed for a week at your house right like he slept in like someone's bed or your bed or something right yeah the day in the life he stayed for like three or four days and then quarter finals a week but yeah after the day in the life yeah we're friends i call him a friend of mine because we've we've been together a few times after that honestly yeah that's that's wild and then he came for a week did you enjoy that was he was he um because he stayed at my house for a week and like you never even hardly see the dude yeah no the most low maintenance guest i've ever had i mean i was like fuck you can come over anytime yeah no i totally agree and we did i mean he hung
Starting point is 01:22:43 out the whole time did some fun stuff there's another guy that or guy that i live with um him and hillary did all the quarterfinal workouts together and they were like pretty close in fitness so they were racing each other cut some trees down we did some fun stuff rode in some four-wheelers and side by sides at my parents house that he had never ridden in before so he went to a crawfish boil for the first time which i don't know if you've ever crawfish before before. I have. I have. In Louisiana, yeah. I made a movie, and they just lay out a – they put the pile on the table with the mat, the tablecloth, and everyone just gathers around. Yeah, that shit's crazy.
Starting point is 01:23:16 I know. It is cool. But yeah, he got a crawfish boil for the first time. So we did some fun stuff, like stuff that friends would do. So it was cool. Yeah, and I think people truly don't he's the epitome of low low maintenance that's all i remember like literally i didn't have to worry about him at all like i just kept just raising my kids some days i would see him some days he'd just stay in the room all day editing like i didn't have to i didn't have to do shit there'd even he even brought lots of food to the house went to costco and filled my fridge yeah no he was very good yeah he was
Starting point is 01:23:45 it was very low maintenance and fun to have it was cool um and then and then the quarterfinals happened and did that did that put any damage to your relationship at all no no because like i knew his intentions behind it like he wasn't trying to he was only there to help like he was only a helpful person and all he wanted was the best for me so stuff like that happens and it's part of it and i take the entire blame for it and i'm still trying to get better with it so no no part of that was his fault um crash will be in uh october i think that sounds right yeah if it's around any chance you would just go there and just go 50 percent, but just to kind of like. Just feel what it's like. No, it's not worth it. Yeah. Could you even do that if you wanted to? Could you go there and just be like, OK, I'm going to sign up, but I'm really just going to go through the motions and I'm not going to compete.
Starting point is 01:24:43 Could you even do that? No, it wouldn't be smart kind of thing. And then also it's like everything you do, you should do it as hard and to the best of your ability. So you don't want to do it for 50%. And then also I wouldn't do that. That wouldn't be worth it. I don't want to be totally recovered by then kind of thing. We'll take it one day at a time. Have you written out any – do you write out your goals like are you like
Starting point is 01:25:07 yeah yeah yeah you do there's like micro goals that happen whether it's like getting better at this one workout getting a little fitter here and then there's bigger goals that are whether it's monthly and there's obviously really big goals that you have too yeah and i think i'm very goal-oriented person i always like to be chasing something um do you have siblings bill younger brother older sister okay and have they have either of them ever had an injury like this my brother dislocated his shoulder playing football but no nothing on the lower half no my sister played basketball growing up too played some college basketball so she was pretty good
Starting point is 01:25:48 um so no not really i can't really even think made by my family that's had a lower body injury like an achilles that i can think of well dude i really appreciate you coming on and giving us the whole breakdown you're cool shit and i also appreciate when I saw you at West Coast Classic, you were super cool. Like, you know, some athletes, you went out of your way. You said hi. You were easy to, you know, chat with. And I just appreciate you, man. You're a good dude.
Starting point is 01:26:16 I'm glad you're in the space. I look forward to you coming back and getting more. Yeah. No, it was an honor to be on this podcast. You don't watch it all the time. So it's pretty cool. Awesome. Yeah, definitely. Awesome. Good. Well, I hope to honor to be on this podcast. You know, I watch it all the time, so it's pretty cool. Oh, awesome. Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 01:26:26 Awesome, good. Well, I hope to raise my boys. Tell your dad I hope to raise my boys as well as he raised you. It sounds like you have a great mom and dad, so congratulations. They are very great. I agree with that. All right, dude. Have a good one, and I'll talk to you soon.
Starting point is 01:26:40 Thank you so much. One more thing. Are you going to the games, do you think? Yeah, the plan is to. I mean, I'm going to kind of see how my foot's doing. I don't want to do anything that's going to the game you think yeah the plan is to i mean i'm gonna kind of see how my foot's doing i don't want to do anything that's like gonna put it in any jeopardy but the plan is to like tickets are had and um hotels booked so me and two other friends will go that's the plan right now we'll kind of take it day by day and see all right sweet Yep. Ciao. Billy.
Starting point is 01:27:11 William. Damn, I didn't get to call him. I wanted to call him William at least once. Darn it. Wow. Uh. Uh. I suspected he was going to be good just because my little interaction I had with him at the West Coast. He was cool. Like, If he would see me walking towards me, he'd make eye contact or he'd say hi or he made it easy. There's nothing weird around him.
Starting point is 01:27:32 But I didn't know he was going to be this good. What a great guest. Someone should he might be good to get interviews with at the games to get assessment to get his perspective he's 23 i know nuts right uh olivia very impressed by him yeah impressive kid right another homeschooled weirdo uh when did the uh behind the scenes for semis become free? I think it started happening already. David Weed.
Starting point is 01:28:09 I really want to hate him, but he's super cool and sharp. Yeah. Yeah. It's fun to hate people, but Bill's the wrong guy. You're right. Well said, David. You need to get Bruno on. That's so...
Starting point is 01:28:24 Because of his interview with Dave, I keep hearing that. I heard he's awesome. Does that dude speak english? Where is that dude? What's that guy's name? I'll invite him now Yeah, that's so I heard that's that's all the rave, huh? That's dave's best interview so far How about gazan wearing the ceo shirt like i didn't love her enough already shit um bruno uh what's going on here uh b-r-u-n-o is it bruno hulk no no that's uh what's his last name bruno miranda what's his last name? Bruno Miranda?
Starting point is 01:29:06 What's his last name? Someone gonna tell me? Let me see. You need to get Bruno on. Bruno Mars? No, not that one. Bruno... Bruno... Mano Salvas? Which Bruno is it?
Starting point is 01:29:24 Frank Bruno? No, not that Bruno Bruno is it? Frank Bruno? No, not that Bruno. No, not Frank Bruno. God damn it, you guys are useless. CrossFit Games leaderboard. No, not Bruno. Sam Martino. No, I really appreciate your help, Mr. DeLapp. Douche nozzle.
Starting point is 01:29:49 Okay, men. open leaderboard no open uh games let's see well we should invite a few people now we should get a little work in enough of this fun interviewing people uh jack rose and my oh oh bruno marins i think someone actually wrote that thank you marins oh now you tell me now now okay uh bruno uh marins marins got it okay uh bruno Got it. Okay. Bruno, I'd love to have you on my podcast. I should do a show today on Chad, huh? A live calling show just on chat Oh, you know who else I'm gonna invite right now. What I should invite Sam Sam. Well, Sam with corn way He's awesome. Oh
Starting point is 01:31:01 Shit, oh wait, I gotta invite Sam I got distracted Samuel Oh shit. Oh wait, I gotta invite Sam. I got distracted Samuel I don't have Samuel in my phone So I don't have Sam Cornwallis phone number What the fuck how could I not have his number Samuel oh that's so weird uh uh Sousa do we have Samuel Cornvilles Samuel corn by a number can we invite him I better invite some girls to have I not been inviting girls Oh Dallin pepper Oh a Saxon Luke oh Oh my god. There's so many. Oh Ricky I should invite Ricky to You know what I should have been doing every time Dave invited someone I should have invited them to
Starting point is 01:32:21 So that way I would make sure I get through them all. Ricky, can we get you on the podcast? Oh, shit, and Paige Semenza. I'm going to do her now, too. Paige. Paige Semenza. Oh, no, that's Paige Powers. Son of a bitch. How weird that Paige...
Starting point is 01:32:45 Paige... Can we get you back on the podcast? Okay. Okay. I appreciate you guys doing this with me. Gazan is more comfortable talking to you, Seve. She didn't seem her normal laid-back self with Dave. Well, I think... It's funny you say that that cuz I think most people have been more comfortable with Dave
Starting point is 01:33:07 I don't know more comfortable but more animated Maybe it's also because they're short I think Dave's killing it Everyone drop everything Hiller has a new video. Oh, oh before I see that new video. I just saw I saw Colton mertens um i saw colton mertens had a new post that was making fun of uh taylor god i love that oh shit this is gonna be good i love trump memes this going to be awesome What is this? I need water
Starting point is 01:33:48 Help me, I need water Help I need water Help me, I need water Help Oh shit My weekly Taylor self post My nemesis, this land dweller is evolving
Starting point is 01:34:04 And ready to settle a score of, one, as it stands. My win coming at the grant to a thousand 21 tailors from water Palooza, 2022. Uh, this time it's for the crown, the title, who's this have on podcast fittest. It will be decided in September at the Northern. Oh yeah. NorCal classic. That's right. I'm coming with a few surprises.
Starting point is 01:34:23 Damn. Can you repost from no not from computer damn that's good God we're like holy. Colton's about to break 100,000 followers. Crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. Andrew Hiller, what's... Oh, Chad. Oh, Chad 1000 first announced workout. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:35:01 Here we go. Let's see what he... I want to do a Chad. I want to do a Chad live call-in show. They call me incompetent. That's exactly what they said about me when I scored this interview. People are jealous of a man like you and me. It's as though they despise us because they are not us listen that is that is so dangerous what he's doing by the way nobody do that that is so dangerous what andrew's doing i'm gonna call him and tell him not to do that again especially yeah does anyone know why that's dangerous no not the shoes does anyone know why that's dangerous because dude every every step after 500 when you're fatigued that box could come over
Starting point is 01:35:58 shit gets wonky yeah the box thank you that box a joke. He might as well be doing these on a fucking slack line. People are jealous of a man like you and me. It says though they decision apart from being super boring event for the athletes in the excellent workout for an affiliate
Starting point is 01:36:21 but not a great event for the games. This will be like the marathon row. It. This will be like the marathon row. It's going to be like the marathon row. It makes sense considering the games are sponsored by GORUCK this year. Keeping it real. As a spectator, everybody can go and do just like I did. I set that up in literally four seconds. That box is sitting there still.
Starting point is 01:36:42 See the clock? It says 12 minutes and 30 seconds. Maybe you can't see that, but that's what it says 12 minutes and 30 seconds maybe you can't see that but that's what it says because look look did you see that step up he did it is like it is like just like i did i set that up in literally four seconds that box is sitting there still there's no way there's no way he did every rep like that because i made the oh he knows the box is a joke. He's doing it to be fun.
Starting point is 01:37:07 Okay. It'll be interesting to see what side of the Chad workout Andrew falls on. That should be interesting. I have said from the beginning that I thought Chad was the absolutely dumbest workout in the history of CrossFit. I think it's absolutely stupid, especially for a 52-year-old man. No one should ever do a thousandth of anything. But, boy, what a genius Dave's completely taken over the space like it's yesterday was all anyone talked about it was it was it was equivalent to um if if biden's goal was to get the most
Starting point is 01:37:56 attention possible on him he did it with that debate that's what dave did he got all the attention and all the talking to be about CrossFit. Yeah, I agree. Daniel, if they use the same judges that penalize the quarterfinals, I'm all for it. Yeah, me too. It's crazy. I actually sent Dave a text yesterday and asked him if he'd come on the show.
Starting point is 01:38:23 He said when. So let's see if he comes on. But he's not stupid. This is definitely like fuck you to everybody. Why do you think Dave is doing so much media? Boy, big picture, I don't know why. I mean, there's tons of little reasons right uh miss gannon like tons of reasons i can like hey it needed to be done hey he wanted to get to know the athletes better hey he wanted to get out of his comfort zone um but but the real big i don't know i don't know what the um it adds to the community.
Starting point is 01:39:05 It helps build his YouTube station. Allows us to see the athletes in a way we've never seen them before. Because they have a small team and he knows he needs to pick up more duties. I mean, shit. But definitely the thousand wasn't... I mean, this is... When he thought to do this for the games, he's not dumb. He wasn't like, oh, this is like when he thought to do this for the games, like he,
Starting point is 01:39:26 he's not dumb. He wasn't like, Oh, this one's going to go over really well. Like how everyone is reacting is exactly how he must have expected everyone to react. And so he's get whatever he wanted. He's getting it.
Starting point is 01:39:40 And I know that it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it,
Starting point is 01:39:42 it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it,
Starting point is 01:39:42 it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it,
Starting point is 01:39:42 it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it,
Starting point is 01:39:43 it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it,
Starting point is 01:39:44 it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, and I know that paramount to him is the success of the games. And so somehow he thinks that this is going to be the most successful way to help the games, and fuck, man, he's got everyone talking about it. Who is doing what Dave would normally do with that time? Who is doing what Dave would normally do with that time uh what i heard so
Starting point is 01:40:13 normally dave pees uh four times a day and katie i heard now he's just peeing twice a day and with those um two uh less peens he's able to get in one interview. So that's how he gets one a day, and then he's reducing a few other things. Instead of shooting 12 squirrels a day, he's only killing six. He's just made some cuts to the mundane, to urinating and squirrel killing, if I understood your question right. So he's just reallocated some of his time. Wild Zombie.
Starting point is 01:40:57 Dave is for the good media. The people above him won't improve it, so he's doing it himself. The people above him. I mean, he's always been like i mean uh less year and brilliant thank you yeah i mean i i don't i shouldn't i shouldn't say thank you i'm only sharing the genius that is dave castro uh i think someone told me he's done 27 already uh daniel i'm reading that now and i'm miserable ortega did you
Starting point is 01:41:35 see someone ask him who's buying crossfit next oh uh maybe uh dave will narrate the book of Job as they're doing the step ups. You know, it's funny during I have these toe spacers that just sit on my desk, Mary, and I do this. I do this thing. I stack them on top of each other and I do this thing where I push on them during the show. It's weird. And then I have my I have my my. I have my rock mat I don't even know how you're supposed to use the rock mat but you know what I do I try to push in the nodules with my big toe like to break it I'm unsuccessful but that's what I try to do but that's what I try to do fidget toy yeah like I take the spots where like you're not where it's not malleable and I try to push it in
Starting point is 01:42:43 Oh, I do that with my testicles. Oh. Uh. His content output right now reminds me of Sevan Podcast Circus, Wadapalooza 2021 when Sousa snuck into the bayfront to livestream during the tsunami. Oh, that was cool. Yeah, that was fun.
Starting point is 01:43:03 You know what? I think that was maybe our biggest live show ever when he did that. That was cool. Yeah, that was fun. I think that was you know, I think that was maybe our biggest live show ever When he did that that was wild You're supposed to put that on your chair and align the nodules with your cheerios have on not on the floor. Oh. Who is your favorite of Dave's interviews so far? You know, I haven't. I'm going to actually. Is today Thursday? No, it's today, Friday.
Starting point is 01:43:40 What the fuck is today? Oh, today's Friday. I have to watch like 10 of them today to prepare for the CrossFit Games Update show tonight so I don't know I was gonna do that yesterday and I was in the garage watching videos and then my kids came in and wanted to go for a bike ride so I was like alright fuck it so we rode bikes for two hours instead of watch day videos all right uh tomorrow morning 8 a.m pacific standard time kill taylor that's always fun how lucky the best show the best show on the internet is on my station tomorrow at 8 a.m fucking awesome you know how proud i am of that
Starting point is 01:44:30 oh shit uh let's just let's just let's just see what taylor's doing really quick is doing really quick. Do you know what I have to do, guys? I have to call Laura. I have to call Laura. I have to fucking call Laura. I have to. I have to call
Starting point is 01:44:56 Laura Horvat. Hey, I'm about to teach class. Okay, did you see Colton's meme? Yeah, he's an idiot. Can you tell us one of the movements for tomorrow's workout colton can't do either of them i can tell you that all right buddy have a good coaching session bye all right all right there you go uh god i have to call laura let's come i'll call her if we can come i'll call her right now before i get off the air There you go. God, I have to call Laura.
Starting point is 01:45:26 Let's come on. I'll call her if we can come. I'll call her right now before I get off the air. I mean, but we got to come up with five questions. What are we going to ask her? Every time I ask her questions, she tells me my questions are stupid. Yeah, Miss Lena Richter. How do you think I feel? how do you think i feel how do you think i feel the laura horvat thinks my questions are stupid i can't get any validation from her oh yes yes yes yes yes yes that's a great question Mary. What did she mean by her comment on Chad? Yes, that's the one. That's the question. That one's great.
Starting point is 01:46:11 Miss Horvat, I noticed that that's a little ambiguous. Oh, that's so good. Okay. Let me see. I need to make sure I have the quote right. make sure I have the quote right. That's on the chat announcement. Laura Hovec, respectfully, what the fuck? Okay, I think that's good enough. I can go with that. Okay, here we go. Let's handle our business.
Starting point is 01:46:42 Let's just do it uh fuck here we go I don't even know how to do the plus button you just hold the pound sign down no star sign how do you get the plus on the iPhone because I have to like plus I have to plus oh hold zero down okay here we go here we go
Starting point is 01:47:09 I want oh man here we go don't worry it's just a bit I called her ahead of time she knows to answer It's just a bit don't be no one be nervous Oh Fuck It's I've never seen that before it says User busy God damn it I think that means That she hung up she saw it was me and
Starting point is 01:47:48 hung up have you ever seen that before where it says user busy start sweating uh she dumped you david that's the gayest thing i've ever done on the show Start sweating She dumped you David that's the gayest thing I've ever done on the show fan myself with my hand. Come on. Where are you buddy? Call again God uh that happened last time no I think last time I called her she handed the phone to Kristoff
Starting point is 01:48:32 oh thank you the hand fanning yeah that was gay thank you uh Jake Chapman that's not the gayest thing you've ever done on the show fine put it in the put it in the put in the top 10 of how we know Savon loves cock oh please Patrick don't be a quitter she deserves at least one more call. What if she really did hang up? I know occasionally I'll see a post talking about what a narcissistic arrogant douchebag I am
Starting point is 01:49:25 and I always think that's completely ridiculous. I'm the least narcissistic arrogant douchebag. I know until it's times like this because the story in my head is the And maybe this may so this is always makes me think maybe people are right and I just don't understand myself Because it's times like this. I'm always like I know she wants to talk to me I know she does like like I have no doubt same with like Tia and Danielle and like these people that act like they don't in my mind it's like no they're like they're just telling themselves that like to work around some sort of fear or discomfort but I know they want to talk to me i'm so wonderful and then i think oh maybe i am
Starting point is 01:50:06 a narcissistic arrogant uh d-bag i was telling my dad and i were arguing the other day and i was like uh uh he told me that he feels like he he did a bad job parenting because um i'm i'm not a libtard and i'm thinking i told him i said dude i'm the nicest most generous person you know you should be so proud of yourself they but i think laura and danny really do i think like uh i think they really do want to like want to talk to me Think of this Think of how Going to speak about What's the girl's name?
Starting point is 01:50:51 The Toastbaster girl? The Rad girl? Danielle Think about Danielle for a second Like she wants to be free And just do whatever the fuck she wants and like fuck yeah and like i didn't take the vax and just all that shit and flip off the crowd and like we're cut from the same cloth like our two little pieces of our of on the on the on the aids quilt our two pieces are sewed right next to each other and now she has to the struggle for her is real
Starting point is 01:51:26 to try not to look that way and not come on i feel i feel bad for her but everyone has to go through their own maturation process and i'm not gonna lie it's kind of um uh sebon cut your pinky nail i'm not going to lie. It's kind of, um, uh, Savon cut your pinky nail. I'm not going to lie. It is kind of, um, it is kind of nice. My fingernails might be a little dirty right now. Cause I was playing with chicken manure yesterday. It is kind of nice when people won't come on the show or that they won't talk to me. Cause I feel like a burden off my back. I don't know if that makes sense. It's kind of like,
Starting point is 01:52:10 I was kind of like a little tiny piece of me, like 51% of me was hoping that like is excited to get banned from the CrossFit game so that I don't have to go to Texas, but just a small piece, just like 51%. CrossFit games so that I don't have to go to Texas. But just a small piece, just like 51%. And then 48% just really doesn't want to go and then 1% wants to go. Yeah, but you talk shit about her rad family. You don't talk about the family.
Starting point is 01:52:44 La familia. La familia. La familia. Hey, listen, but here's the thing. Here's the thing, Jonathan. Here's the crazy part. I'm more of her family than rad. That's the part. And she knows that deep down inside. She's like, like, like, rad's not on the AIDS quilt. You know what I mean? They're not sewed on there. They're just in her ecosystem here today, gone tomorrow. I'm on the quilt with her. I'm on the quilt with all these people. I'm on the quilt with Danny and Laura. I'm the true family. Oh, Laura, are you going to be to you this year? Yeah, that'll go over.
Starting point is 01:53:19 Well, Jesus, Laura, should I shave my head? Laura, are you a double espresso or a cold brew? Oh, Laura posted on her I.G. 12 seconds ago. Oh, maybe that's why she didn't answer. Maybe she really does want to talk to me. She did. And she didn't answer because i interrupt her uh um uh her posting how do you know she posted 12 seconds ago i see a day ago oh stories i don't ever look at anyone's stories oh they're oh they're at the pool that's why she didn't answer they're at the pool.
Starting point is 01:54:07 That's why she didn't answer. They're at the pool. God, she... Listen, for those of you who don't know, like, Laura's from, like, this... The country she's from is a trip. But this says everything. This is how they eat there. This is, like, how I... Minus the berries. The berries and the banana on there. from is a trip but this this says everything this is how they eat there this is like how i
Starting point is 01:54:25 minus the berries the berries and the banana on there that but everything else look at those potatoes and the way that chicken's like is and those pickles and those uh cherry tomatoes and cucumbers and those lentils that's all like like me and her cut from the same cloth hungarian bulgarian armenian god that's such a fucking oh and she even has the american flag look at her can i can i like that bam there we go does she have a boyfriend yeah poverty food yeah i guess that's one way to say it um call her back pussyhole no dude i'm not i'm not a um i can't i can't do it again i'll call someone else
Starting point is 01:55:30 oh i need to um i need to invite get velner on too the country oh wait uh um oh okay uh carol uh carol h what the fuck are you wearing on your back uh the country she's from is such a trip what country is it again i'm thinking about i haven't shaved with a straight razor in forever I'm thinking about doing it in the next day or two just as a test run who's Bob on the 15th oh on the calendar who is Bob on the 15th oh oh oh good question. We have someone scheduled on the 15th named Bob and no one knows who it is.
Starting point is 01:56:53 Last night I went to a 4th of July party at a family friend's horse ranch. And then at nine o'clock, we all went down to the beach and it was crazy. It was like a dreamscape down there. It was so foggy. And then there were, as far as the eye could see in like every 30 feet apart, there was a campfire and there were people just lighting fireworks. I was like, Oh, this is what it must be like in Ohio. I didn't even know they had shit like that in Santa Cruz. And I turned to someone I was with, I'm like, is this legal? And they're like, fuck no. And we're just on a beach and there's hundreds of people lighting fireworks, just crazy fireworks. I'm like, where do people get these? And they go,
Starting point is 01:57:32 you have to drive out of state to get them to drive out of state from here as far. I mean, it's probably, I don't know, five, six hours is the fastest you could get out of state from where I live. And there's just explosions everywhere. And now it's like 10 o'clock at night. And my kids say. Hey we want to go home. And then they even start saying. We wish we wouldn't have come. So we leave.
Starting point is 01:57:54 And it's quite a trek back up to the car. It's probably like a half a mile through the dark. Through brush that's so tall on each side. You can't see over it. And we have mountain lions and shit where I live. So we're walking through this brush. A half half mile and it's just like walls of brush. And I'm holding my kid's hand and it's pitch black outside. All you're seeing is flashes of fireworks everywhere.
Starting point is 01:58:13 And then this morning I wake up and I get this text from the people you were we were with. You were lucky you left when you did some idiot high school or threw a bunch of mortars and there were these things like there were these pipes all over that people were lighting that would fucking make these huge explosions and i guess that's what they mean by mortars uh there were these high schoolers who threw a bunch of mortars in the fire and a bunch of people got hit with fireworks including our group i think it would have been traumatizing. For your kids. You think. These people that we hang with.
Starting point is 01:59:01 They're. They're Asian. But they're like. Asian but they live on a horse ranch they're like asian what someone called them asian rednecks they're the fucking coolest people i wonder what they are i don't even know what i don't even know what ethnicity they are maybe they're i don't even know now that i think about it i hang out with a lot of asians i didn't even think of it know that until just now and and and and and i would you know you guys are gonna fucking love this yeah asian equestrians kind of no but they're like cowboy boots and cowboy
Starting point is 01:59:36 hats and guns like lots of guns around and shit um they're not so much like they're not prim and proper like and there's dogs running around everywhere and um uh So i'm sitting at the table yesterday Everyone's playing in the backyard at the pool running around. I don't know where my kids are There's dudes riding motorcycles on the motorcycle track and just it's just just shit that i'm not a city slicker like me He's not comfortable. So i'm just sitting inside in the kitchen. I got a uh Tequila and soda water and I have this big steak and I have a piece of chicken and I'm just sitting
Starting point is 02:00:09 there. And all I'm doing is basically like telling myself, like, all I want to do is get on my phone and fool around on Instagram and like, and like look for stuff for Friday show. But instead I, I don't, I sit there for two hours and I just breathe. I'm chilling. And this couple sits across from me at the table older than me, right? Like 10 years older than me. So to me, they seem old as shit. And we start talking and and they're well traveled and they're telling me about all the places they've been. And we agree that Iceland is the least cool place you could basically ever visit. Like you think you're going to go to Iceland and have fun. Iceland's one of the few places you go and you're like fuck i could never live here like i'd rather live in phoenix or hawaii or anywhere besides there not because it's bad but it's just like it's like it's like the moon like in five minutes you're like okay i get it i'm done and um uh yeah it's it's where it's it's like england like England and Ireland are fun compared to Iceland. And so, um, uh, so we're talking and then I'm like, Hey, have you guys been to quarter lane? And they're like, yeah. And I'm like, can you believe how fucking amazing it is? I go people
Starting point is 02:01:17 from California trip when they go there. Cause nothing's locked up and it's free and you can, everyone's nice and polite and it's clean and they're like yeah it's so awesome and we go off for like 10 minutes about how nice it is especially compared to california in the bay area where you'd like you go into a cvs and if you want to buy deodorant you need to fucking like to talk to three staff members so they can get it out from behind lock and key right i mean it is bizarre it's probably easier to get shit in prison in commissary than it is to fucking buy but buy a tube of lube uh at uh at uh cvs in california anyway we go through all that and i'm like fuck it's awesome and then the lady goes but it's a little too conservative for me i mean and it's
Starting point is 02:01:58 like i know she's a libtard right because everyone around me is and i go what do you mean by that she goes it's just a little too conservative i go but it's safe and affordable and clean with nice people good food like all those things we discussed but it's too conservative i'm like i don't understand and she couldn't explain it of course because they can't fucking explain anything i'm on the greatest place on earth I can't believe how safe my kids are here. I can't believe how affordable everything is. I can't believe how nice everyone is. But they voted for Trump so I don't like them. You fucking moron.
Starting point is 02:02:35 And that's what it's like living here. Like they can't explain anything. They're never like well. Well. They run stop signs there and kill a lot of cats. Like that would be something something i'd be like okay hungary is better than iceland by far or hungary or whatever they call their spot.
Starting point is 02:03:11 In my place is like a million times better than both of them. Even with just how fucked up everyone is. Like if you ever came here, you'd be like, oh shit, I'm staying. I'm not just saying that Patrick Clark so about this phone call to Laura I think you stalled long enough no I already I already did it once So on to appease the teams diehards try and get car Saunders on She's cool she cut you know what she's she's she's she competing this year? Oh, yeah. I would love to get Kara on.
Starting point is 02:04:07 Kara or Kara? I'd love to get her on. I'll text her now, too. Let's see. Kara. Kara. She's great. We had a little tiff on Instagram.
Starting point is 02:04:19 I forget what it was about. But I love her. Yo. We'd love to have you on the podcast. Oh, my God, but she's a team athlete. Gross. Just kidding. Kid Oh, my God. But she's a team athlete. Gross. Just kidding. Kidding.
Starting point is 02:04:46 Not kidding. Oh, really? Oh, that would be fun. I could talk to car about it. She made a Lena Richter post like she's not getting the love she wants. She's cool shit, though. Like, you can actually like she'll fight like I could have it out with her. She's fun.
Starting point is 02:05:04 I like her. God, her body hot damn straight males watch out a car saunters is actually hotter now than before she had her kid look at this fucking picture in the middle don't mind if I do Oh I love the expression on her face Oh shit That song fucked me god damn it uh where's the uh um it's absolute schmoozel in here but once again i have ever not once have i ever regretted turning our garage gym
Starting point is 02:06:03 garage into a gym so i can train at home with my babies. What are you talking about? Is she feeling sorry for herself? She's not getting enough attention as a team athlete? What are you talking about? Look at her caboose here. Look at her butt in this one. What are you talking about? cara is awesome get her on
Starting point is 02:06:27 oh well savon uh just got a copyright strike i know thank you shit um wait car saunders works out in a garage suza said if you talk over the music then it's okay team diehards that's a niche audience listen teams is just a community event I cracked the code on teams it's just a community event that's all it is no one cares except your little tiny community which is fine it's not bad oh matt already invited samuel cornway on awesome okay thank you i like these post-interview shows where you guys do work with me it's like being at work but you guys are with me oh i guess i could do this right now, too. God, this taking the glasses off thing is getting ridiculous.
Starting point is 02:07:41 Taylor, the hat is hat number style number 256 made in Bangladesh. And the name of the company that makes it is Richardson Outdoor Taylor wanted to know I think he wants to make these hats this is the one I got from the Sherpa dude give Sevan a hat and he'll be your friend for life oh speaking of which I don't know if you guys saw um i got a new jacket from vindicate
Starting point is 02:08:15 that says ceo across the chest if you're a diehard fan you should dm travis and try to get one of those they cannot be easy to make and i wash it all the time and the letters don't come off it. It's crazy. But I told him I wanted CEO across the zipper and he said it's too hard. Now I've gotten two. I gave one away at the West Coast Classic. I am not giving mine away at the games this year. You should not.
Starting point is 02:08:42 Yeah, no, you should. Charge $150 for that jacket. That jacket is sick. You should not ask him. You should ask him You should not ask him. You should ask him. You should not ask him. You should ask him. I'll show you guys the jacket It's crazy It's so nice I like I like uh, it fits me good. But um, I also like jackets that are like too big, a little too big. Make me feel like I could eat more food in them. Savon.
Starting point is 02:09:12 What's my Instagram? There it is. These aren't for sale, but if you like this. And the hood is nice. The hood is crazy nice. it's one of those you can it's crazy nice the hood's crazy nice yeah it's not zip up weather it wasn't it's not zip up weather here either but i just wear it because i'm old I can only imagine your search history You guys didn't see my search history did you
Starting point is 02:09:56 Hate it when that happens Alright Friday So we have Crossfit games update show today i don't know i know john young will be on it for sure uh oh and samwell already got back to us next week shit okay good times if i get out of balance and i don't have enough girls on over boys, tell me, cause I get scared of girls, but,
Starting point is 02:10:29 um, but also, um, yeah, just tell me, uh, seven sporting. One of those CEO starter jackets is what I want to see.
Starting point is 02:10:47 Oh, CEO wristbands are back in stock. Oh, that's awesome. Okay, good. Someone was just asking about those. Where am I? I don't see mine. All right. See you guys tonight at 6.30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time
Starting point is 02:11:02 and then tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. for Kill Taylor. Love you guys. Talk to you guys soon. Bye-bye.

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