The Sevan Podcast - Blade Resisting Arrest | Live Call In #966

Episode Date: July 11, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply the strict muscle up in years i just started my progressions again. Bam, we're live. Blade, I want to do like – I was – Hiller had this thing where – when I first met him a couple years ago where he had – he wrote something on the board in his garage that was kind of like a fantasy workout, right? Like a workout that he wanted to do but didn't know he could do.
Starting point is 00:01:22 I forget what he called it. And then he eventually did it, and so I wanted to do a workout like that too like just batman that was it again oh is that what it was called batman okay so i was thinking oh i should do something like that too and i thought oh mate what if i could do 10 um uh 20 snatches with 100 pound dumbbell like right hand left, one muscle up 10 rounds. Oh, you know what I mean? Just like, I mean, it's, it's just a party trick kind of, but for me it would be crazy. And so I was working my way up training to do a hundred pound dumbbell snatch. And then I was lowering the 70 slow ones and something happened in the bicep. So it kind of derailed me like six months ago but i think i might i've been taking those peptides
Starting point is 00:02:05 and then i had a massage from andrew hillary came over to the house and gave me a shirtless massage and shit that'll do it everything seems to be back on track that'll do it good to see you how are things man well good to see you too and man things are great bro to be honest you're safe everything's safe it's a good life yes yes things are safe everything's safe and then like i like you know already i'm very easily entertained and so i just find light in the little things like for example i don't know if you remember the exact layout but this used to be a heavy bag now it's a folding one of those folding racks oh the heavy bag was taking up a little bit too much space and then it also allowed room for a skier oh yeah so it's the little thing so now now i'm really now i can really tear it up
Starting point is 00:03:01 in the in the blade academy that's what my neighbor named so my neighbor named the gym uh for those of you who um uh don't know this is the third time i think a third time blade's been on the show uh blade is uh northern california california is a state on the uh north american continent on the West side facing the Pacific ocean. And a blade is a police officer in that state in the, in the, in the Northern area. I guess you could say within a hundred miles of me. And we met through, we've just met through the podcast, right? Yeah. Yeah. And you're a CrossFitter. I'm is yeah. For since i started for in 2000 2009 wow that was
Starting point is 00:03:52 mainly crossfit football it was just for off-season training but then after my senior season didn't make it to the league and then 2010 you know started crossfitting with uh do you know you remember gaberi? I do. Yeah. I do. He was my first coach. Him and Garrett Fisher were like my – there was a cat named Vince Carter, my first training partners.
Starting point is 00:04:18 And Gabe told me – Gabe and Vince, they ran CrossFit 209 Sport. They told me you could either pay and come in like with regular people or you could come train with us at 10 and at two for free and i was like all right let's run it if you don't know who gabe subri is everyone in uh everyone who owns the gym in california knows who uh gabe subri is he has a 50 000 foot, probably the largest CrossFit gym in the world by far. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe it's even bigger than 50,000 square feet. It is massive. It is a beautiful facility with a indoor outdoor turf, a massive, massive clientele and easily
Starting point is 00:04:59 in his day, a top 50 fist man walking around on, on planet earth. Oh yeah yeah there's the gym yeah i think 200 track inside that gym yeah so that is yeah so it has like a i think it's 60 yards there's like 60 yard turf surrounded by a 200 meter indoor track and that's just like this part and then this part has basketball no not vince carter the basketball player just uh uh he runs a youth sports program called elevate it's just pretty cool but um and then on this part you have that like till that bottom right picture you have like the pull-up a big old pull up rig and open floor.
Starting point is 00:05:47 And then in between what you're looking at and the track is this like big kind of auxiliary area with a basketball hoop and storage. And then further over, you have their big ass muscle up rig and specialty area with like bench and chains and another pull-up bar and this area to do stuff it's it's it's pretty crazy and uh it's quite the eclectic crowd there uh everyone obviously you see blade worked out there uh and then uh other people like the diaz brothers and the diaz academy uh famous ufc fighters amongst shitloads of other people like the Diaz brothers and the Diaz Academy, uh, uh, famous UFC fighters amongst shitloads of other people who take their fitness very seriously. And those who don't have worked out there.
Starting point is 00:06:32 I think I went there for his 10th anniversary with Greg. I think we, uh, we visited and Gabe's a beautiful man with a beautiful wife. Yeah. And, uh, very,
Starting point is 00:06:45 he looks like Jason Statham. Yes. Yes. Yes. And they run a beautiful community over there. Hey, did you. How far was that commute to go there? Oh, I live on the same street.
Starting point is 00:06:58 It's on something called Eight Mile Road. No, it's a long ass road. OK, I didn't know you were from there. OK, OK. We were at the same party. Didn't even know. Oh, okay. I didn't know you were from there. Okay. Okay. We were at the same party. Didn't even know. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Okay. All right. Yeah, because I met Glassman. He's cool. I met Glassman. And being that you were at that party, it wasn't the same damn party. Yeah, it wasn't the same party. The place is so huge, it would be so easy to miss you.
Starting point is 00:07:22 The place is huge. You stood on the left wing the whole time and and then uh and then what year did you become uh refresh me what year did you become a police officer 2015 that was when i that was when i joined the academy i hit the streets early 2016 like in march so you're nine years in damn there yeah yeah yeah coming this yeah okay that's just sound weird like i almost said i almost said nah pause for a minute there he's like hey um uh blade um i um uh i had julie gentry on the show years ago, CrossFit Games champion from 2007. She's got 20 years in down in, I don't know, like Fremont area.
Starting point is 00:08:15 She was a cop and then she did SWAT. And then I think now she got like promoted to like a desk job. But she was telling me it takes three years in a position as a police officer to like really settle in and know the ropes. What do you think about that? Yeah, that sounds about right. Like I've heard three to five is like that ballpark. Because, you know, when you start the first six months to a year, you're just chasing your tail like shit's happening then you're processing it then you're fucking up on your report and then then it starts to go okay shit's
Starting point is 00:08:54 happening and i'm processing it but then you're still fucking up on your report and then when things finally come together then some shit happens that you ain't never seen before. And then you don't know what the fuck to do. Then you learn how to deal with that kind of situation. And then you learn how to delegate because you have to, yeah, there's a lot of undoing from when you were on training, when you're on training, it's, they need you to learn how to do this. And so it's a lot of people just, okay, what you gonna do, right? But then after that, after you get the ropes a little bit,
Starting point is 00:09:28 then teamwork is a little bit more encouraged. They don't let you drown. You know, like their goal is to keep you from getting sued or keep you from getting killed. As long as they don't break one of those thresholds, it's like, all right, time to learn. Kind of like when your kid's doing something that you know is dumb, but it's just going to kind of hurt them a little bit.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Like, hey, they might have to learn this on their own. Being a cop reminds me of being a doctor, a lawyer, or a CrossFit gym owner. People are always like, hey, a two-day course isn't – hey, good morning, Sousa. Sorry. Good morning, Matt. Did you just come from right there? Yeah, I just saw you. People say, hey, it's not enough training.
Starting point is 00:10:08 It's not enough training. The point is with being a cop or a doctor and a lawyer or a CrossFit gym instructor, you just have to have experience. No one's graduating from law school even after four years. They have no fucking idea what they're doing. No one's leaving the academy knowing what they're doing. No one's, no one's finishing med school knowing what they're doing. It's like, Hey dude, we it's, it's part of the, um, it's a part of the, uh, it's just the way life works. People need experience. People need on the job training. Yeah. Another one of my friends, and I guess you're lucky here by the way you were raised. Another one of my friends and i guess you're lucky here by the way you were raised another one
Starting point is 00:10:45 of my friends who's a cop is like hey dude it's so weird being a cop is really just about talking to people oh really and he goes yeah dude it's all personal skills and he goes and he goes i think that's one of the biggest problems we have i said why he goes because we have the least naturally qualified people in the history of mankind at talking to people and and it does seem like that. I see a lot of young sheriff in my area. I'm in Santa Cruz who almost seem adverse to talking to people. It's, it's a lot, a lot of talking to people. Like you want to be prepared to protect yourself and do things like that. But there's a lot of times where just a good mouthpiece, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:30 good talking skills, just whether you need to be smooth, whether you need to be stern, finding the difference, reading the room kind of could fix a lot of things. You know what I mean? Oh yeah. Yeah. First. First contact is huge. I mean, first contact is – I used to go to school at UC Santa Barbara, and I would see some cops. The second they entered an area, it would escalate. The kids would get agitated. And then there were other cops who entered the area, and they could disarm people.
Starting point is 00:12:01 It was amazing. It was an amazing um skill i i don't mean to uh um i don't mean to put this on women but what i would notice with women cops is they would be a little more standoffish or try to use like a man voice or like try to like and that while trying to overcompensate for maybe being a woman they would always like set the kids off then like they the people would see it as kind of like a challenge i just remembered these two cops because they were those were beat cops in isla vista or into school everyone was on feet on foot and they would walk around and it was a really densely populated area and it's like and then the old man cop he was just chill like hey what are
Starting point is 00:12:39 you kids doing and it would just you know what i mean like he had learned yeah you know what i mean and they just saw grandpa oh there's definitely a lot of things you learn when it comes to you know talking with finesse yeah or having to be having to be a hard ass you know and some people like when it comes to like when you said overcompensating what do they call that they call that a little man syndrome now i guess it could be little person syndrome. Careful, careful. I guess it could be little person syndrome. I'm not even sure what the term is these days. You got to keep up.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Short man's complex, I think. Short man complex? Let's not ever talk about that again. Short kings? Short kings? Come on, guys. No offense. Short kings and queens.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Whatever it may be, guys. No offense. Sure, kings and queens. Whatever it may be, though. I think we talked about this a couple times ago, but it goes into overcorrecting. You know, like rather than overcorrecting, just maybe bump it up a little bit. But everything's dynamic because talking to people is very important no matter what you do. If you're a teacher, you need to learn how to people is very important. No matter what you do, if you, if you're a teacher, you need to learn how to relate to your students. It's dynamic every year, every class, whatever mood they're in, whatever's going on at home.
Starting point is 00:13:54 But it's just unfortunate because when you're out on the streets, the stakes are a little higher and a little more dynamic and more dangerous, you know? Caleb. Hi, I just saw you back there too. What's up, dude? Damn. You got any notes? Hey,
Starting point is 00:14:16 I don't have any notes. Hey, Blade, who should become a cop? Oh, good question. Who? Who? Like the type of personality yeah like like okay let's let's say the meaning and like let's say the meaning in life is to give yourself purpose right let's say like you wake up in the morning and you and you just you you want to have you want to have purpose because that kind of makes it so is glassman told me one time if you have purpose you can't you don't get sick right and um yeah purpose and give you you're
Starting point is 00:14:51 excited to wake up in the morning what kind of person can find purpose in being a police officer right and so um well in today's climate it could be one of those be the change you want to see in the world type people you know because that's like almost a religious man or spiritual man a man of high values person of high values that's a great one because integrity is pretty much all you got like if if you get caught lying on a police report or something or even just lying around the department that could be that could be curtains for you because then man i'll tell you what lawyers boy them boys light your ass up in court or not even for that reason how will you live with yourself you don't want to be in a job like i tell my kids i was playing tennis with my
Starting point is 00:15:42 kid the other day and i i hit a ball and it went in and he called it out and i walked up to the net and he goes i go hey dude that looked like that was in and he goes hey it's my call and i go i know it's your call but i'm afraid that if you're not telling the truth the rest of the game that's going to be fucking in your mind he's six right i'm like that's going to be in your fucking mind and you're going to have to be guarding that lie instead of like trying to beat me he's like it was in i said you're smart yeah you don't want to have to guard it you don't have to go to work every day or finish the game protecting a lie right you don't want to be in it i tell them all the time i said if you anywhere you lie then when you're in jujitsu and you're in a fight with another kid instead of being able to give
Starting point is 00:16:20 beat that kid up you're going to be like protecting lie. Don't waste any energy protecting lies. It's stupid. It gets hard. If you lie, then you have to put a little dirt over that, and then you got to put more dirt over that pile, then sweep that under the fridge, and then you get
Starting point is 00:16:39 caught up. Then you're stuck. Did they teach you that in the academy? About, oh. Like on a deep level. I mean I'm sure they say, hey, you can't lie. Or does anyone go on a deeper level with it? Like, gentlemen, you have to have integrity.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Gentlemen, this will set you free. Gentlemen, this will leak over into the rest of your life. Gentlemen, here are some practices to work on your integrity. I just – is it deeper than just a rule you know what i mean because these are things people don't tell you people like don't lie it's wrong it's like no there's some real practical reasons to fucking not lying right i haven't gotten talked to about the how it could eat you from the inside yeah like on a spiritual level or anything like that but there was a some brass talked to me about it just before i even went into the academy just on how
Starting point is 00:17:29 you know the snowball effect of it on on how it could just eat you alive and lead to another thing or just think about like not or whether lying stealing they're very close to each other you know we deal with a lot of drugs we deal with a lot of drugs. We deal with a lot of money. And so, oh, man, $100 ain't bad. This dope dealer got how much cash? Well, this money won't be missed. It's just going to go here anyway, booked in the evidence held here. Or, man, he's going to post bail and have somebody get this money back for him anyway. $100 won't hurt.
Starting point is 00:18:06 $1,000 won't hurt, whatever it may be, until it does. That's kind of my rebuttal answer is until it does or until you don't. And that kind of keeps me in the loop, keeps me in the game. Matt Burns, would Sevan make a good cop we know he likes to call him isn't Matt Burns the one whose wife we're going to promote her products smart move Matt
Starting point is 00:18:31 keep fucking with me no I'm just joking hey Matt I do want to get in contact with your wife by the way I am very excited about we'll help promote her stuff by the way um no problem you're you're a great listener speaking of calling the cops i do call the cops a lot i called the cops last week i walked into the bathroom at the skate park in uh aptos california and there was a crack
Starting point is 00:18:57 pipe in there and i could have easily just picked the crap pipe up and threw it away but i called the cops because i wanted the cops to know that that shit's going on there. And the guy came and he was cool as shit and we talked. Right or wrong, you think these guys in the comments just want to call me a pussy all the time. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:19:18 There was a time in my life where I hated cops and that was one of my vows is to never call the cops. Handle everything on my own. But I'm not like that anymore. I see a cop, I walk up and I had it like that was one of my vows is to never call the cops, handle everything on my own. But I'm not like that anymore. I see a cop. I walk up and I'm like, hey, thank you for I have three boys and it's you guys wandering the streets make me feel safe. Did I do the right thing?
Starting point is 00:19:34 I saw a crack pipe in the bathroom and call the cops. I'd say you did the right thing. Oh, shit. You're just saying that because you're on my show. I don't believe you. You're like, fuck, I got to deal with this? What are you trying to throw it away, man? Don't you guys want to know?
Starting point is 00:19:51 Don't you want to know that there was a crack pipe in your area so that you could be like, okay, and then you mark it somewhere, the 18th crack pipe found in this bathroom this week or some shit? Yeah, so your reason for calling is what kind of saved you because like you've you've dealt with and seen a lot of things my friends used to have crack pipes i used to smoke weed out of a crack pipe never smoked crack at it but i used to smoke well my damn motion sensor let me grab a little here it's fine yeah i'm gonna grab this and just do this every once
Starting point is 00:20:29 in a while do you have kids grab my daughter's little wad toy oh shit you do have kids okay i got i got three three of them wow yeah but all right but anyway so initially i was like like depending on who it is. Hold on one second. Look, I want to look at how Kenzie, no, seven would not make a good cop with peace and love. It's a no dog. All right. Hey, so let me let me attack her before. OK, so you would be I think you'd be surprisingly with just with your life experience, you'd be surprisingly relatable. Now, there's more than just that that goes into being a cop.
Starting point is 00:21:07 But I think you'd manage better than a lot of people think off top. But then when it came to the things you have to do, I'm not sure how you deal. You seem to be a good volunteer cop, like a good junior cop. Yes. I'm not sure. He's a good volunteer cop, like a good junior cop. Oh, I'm going to get you back for that blade. I got something for you. I always come armed to these shows.
Starting point is 00:21:36 I got something for you. So wait a second. Let's go back to that. Did I not? Did I not? Should I not have called about the crack pipe? Should I just picked it up and thrown it away myself? No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:21:50 It's actually a good idea to call because if you didn't document it, it didn't happen. Yeah. The fact that somebody could have responded, that's cool because it's worse when you call and then you expect us to be there in 12 seconds not knowing what else is going on in the city or what may be going on period i didn't even expect them to show up and they did show up like within minutes but i didn't even expect them to show up and so so just for the fact that you the reason you called is cool because you know you want documented and who knows five years down the road like look if we pull up these how many drug related calls do we have at a skate
Starting point is 00:22:26 park is this skate park supposed to be this and no we're not talking your innocent weed type stuff we're talking look we have 76 fentanyl fentanyl related incidences 22 of those were overdoses and we have eight-year-old kids coming here. I could have saved some kid's life is what you're saying. Yeah. Yeah, down the road possibly. You never know where these ripples lead to. Okay, let me tell you about these other cops. Okay, so that was two weeks
Starting point is 00:22:56 ago. Let me tell you last week when I called the cops. A little different. I'm destroying my reputation here. Matt Burns, I'm right here there with you, Sebi. I had a disdain for cops while in college when I was arrested many times. Yeah, I was arrested a shitload of times. I was held fucking a hundred times in my life.
Starting point is 00:23:13 I had to sit on a curb somewhere. So I was at this other skate park in Santa Cruz, different skate park. And I got there early in the morning. Not that early, 930. It's a tough skate park. But if you go in the morning not that early 9 30 it's a tough skate park but if you go in the morning there's no none of the tough guys are there so i take my kids there in the morning and i fucking pull up and there's a dude fucking cleaning needles in the fucking drinking fountain oh lord and i gotta fucking walk by him with my kids right oh so so i don't call the cops but five minutes later i see there's a canal road that runs alongside the uh the the the skate park mike fox skate park and there's uh
Starting point is 00:23:54 three patrol cars on the on the canal trail coming by slowly and the guys are looking for something so i run over there against the chain link fence i go hey dudes they're like hey what's up man i said hey i just saw a dude cleaning uh needles in the drinking fountain over here and then they came down and around and of course i had a picture of him because i snapped a picture of the dude and i showed him to him and they said yeah no problem we'll keep our eyes open for him thank you what about that was that okay listen people you assholes don't judge me i'm making myself vulnerable vulnerable So vulnerable. Vulnerable. What do you think about that one? But, yeah. Especially since you're just like, oh, yeah, just a heads up.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Yeah, just a heads up. Like, hey, what's up? And I just thanked them for what they do. Just a heads up, yeah. Yeah, not the end of the world. The part that sucks is like. About these guys judging me for fucking being friends with the cops? That part sucks.
Starting point is 00:24:50 I know they are. I'm even feeling a little bit of it. From you, Blade, you're like, he's a snitch. You're just projecting someone. It's all good. Okay. All right. Thank you, Cesar.
Starting point is 00:25:01 All right. I see Caleb even there kind of pushing his way from the chair. I didn't know I was with a snitch two years ago. That's enough, sir. All right. Thank you, Cesar. All right. I see Caleb even there kind of pushing his way from the chair. I didn't know I was with a snitch two years ago. Community leader. So I like that. I need a shirt, Travis. It's just so when you, when you're out there, we do and see so many things that the normal person shouldn't see. And so some of it we forget is like a big deal to people.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Now, to you, it's not the biggest deal. You're just trying to love and know. You're trying to keep things safe. But you forget that, oh, man, Susie's never seen a crack fight before. Like this might have jarred her whole world. Oh, my God. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:25:50 Sometimes it's easy to forget that. And quite frankly, unfortunately, a needle in and of itself, not a crime. A glass pipe in and of itself, not a crime. It's glass pipe in and of itself not a crime now it's the it's the stacking
Starting point is 00:26:08 of these things of these coincidences like oh you just have to have a glass pipe with that substance in it with burn marks things with this certain smell things like that that make it a crime and so a lot of times people oh hey just so you know there's a there's a guy sitting behind there with his sleeping bag it's like okay and then they expect hey and for all i know that guy was just a fucking type 2 diabetic right right and so and so sometimes it's like all right well cool thank you for letting us know and then we got to keep it moving from there because especially in the current state we're in um let me think about how you just have to tread carefully on a situation.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Cause a lot of times if things happen, even if you, even if you're doing your best just to keep people safe and something just gets through, uh, something gets thrown in your lap, a soup sandwich gets thrown in your lap, then you might be holding an L more than just, Oh, I got put on paid leave or I got put on days on the beach you know that's unpaid leave you know it might be a situation where you're getting where your family's situation your ability to put food on the table your ability to not be in jail are affected you know like things
Starting point is 00:27:39 things are changing it's um witch hunt might be aggressive so i'm not saying it's like kind of a witch hunt because sometimes you know these wrongs need to be righted on a serious level but to say that a target that it doesn't feel like a target's on our backs a little bit bigger than ever before i think i'm speaking for myself that that seems accurate oh i forgot this podcast is i do not represent all police officers all everywhere all swat or anything like that you just represent yourself correct um uh there's a shortage of police officers right yeah so it used to be like like, when I got in, it was hard to see who was hiring.
Starting point is 00:28:29 It was hard to find places hiring. It was like, God dang, or then you would put in places and you would go to test, and then you'd be in a full-on cafeteria with a bunch of seats, you know, almost elbow-to-elbow taking tests. Now, I haven't been in any of those, but it's been a long streak of people hiring people or people moving, things like that. People lateraling out depending on the city. Now I'm fortunate enough to work in a city where our community appreciates us and we kind of reflect each other well. Now, just like every city, there's some L's.
Starting point is 00:29:06 You know, we hold some L's, things like that. But I work in a place where the community to officer engagement is pretty, pretty solid. But there's there's other places where it's not like that. And like I said, now, if you if you mess up, it could be not just you getting in trouble, getting slapped on the wrist at work. It could be some serious stuff. And so when you weigh that risk and reward and it doesn't quite line up, then people are like, shut up, man. Yeah, well, the thing is, you want society to is you're putting your, you, you, you want society to have your back because you're putting so much at risk.
Starting point is 00:29:49 So you put yourself in life and death situations and you'd like a, I would like, I'm not, I shouldn't speak for you. I would like society to give cops way more room and, and patience and compassion since they, since they're putting themselves in so many high pressure situations day in and day out from the second they wake up from the second they put their fucking gun on their on their hip just like you said um uh uh you know suzy joe might see a crack pipe and she's never seen one before that's like 90 of people but i 95 of the population you could pull out your revolver and touch them with the butt of it and they would faint.
Starting point is 00:30:28 That's how scared they are of guns. And yet they want, we need you to strap that thing fucking to you and be responsible for it while you walk around on the streets. It's crazy. It's a, it's a, it's a slippery slope because I almost feel like there is necessary for there to be a respectful level of fear not just like a not a bully level of fear like from an intimidation standpoint but just like hey this person's locked in this person squared away um i should listen to this person because in the greater they're really looking out for my best interest in an overall standpoint. I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:31:08 I agree with you 100%. Gain some perspective. But it feels like that respective fear is fading into the abyss a little bit. Not completely. I think it's coming back, though. I think it's coming back. That's what I said. More often than not, people are locked in and squared away
Starting point is 00:31:25 it's just social media highlights a lot of the ftp culture you know what i mean oh uh i don't you know what that's what we see well my my algorithm shows the need for cops more than ever and we'll get to that in a second my algorithm it just shows me so much fucking crazy shit like i see shit on my instagram every day that i know you're not gonna like this but um that person just needs to be just shot like like like i said i sent you a video of someone holding a roman candle firing it at a police car i say shoot that person down right and like you gotta think like that's that's a deadly weapon yeah what you were talking about that that thing looked like a whole ass bazooka yeah yeah i don't know if it's because i'm a square or or or i was too busy playing sports
Starting point is 00:32:21 or whatever it may be but i ain't never seen no shit like that in my life yeah yeah i don't um that thing was this damn big yeah that was crazy people so but then so then something happens right and what do you expect that's that would be kind of my that's kind of the answer like yeah say play stupid games win stupid prizes yes yes yeah it's not that simple anymore you know what i mean that you feel like it should be okay this led to this good eight one plus one equals two but somehow we're like what a whole but what's in between the ones you know what i mean and so then oh but you shouldn't have been there in the first play well yes i should have and oh man it's it's well yeah this this is right here, right? Yeah. Show it. What the fuck? Yeah, I don't have any tolerance for that.
Starting point is 00:33:33 I don't have any tolerance for that. Zero. Zero tolerance for that. And so. What if one of the, I don't know how cars work, but what if something happened and that caused that car to ignite? Hey, there's another viral video going around. I don't know if you've seen it where they're lighting fireworks in the front yard and one goes underneath the gas tank of a fucking car. And all the people are sitting on the fucking.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Yeah, the family sitting on the lawn and a lady grabs a fucking baby and has to run with it. And I'm like, dude. Yeah. And. Stopping things before they happen ain't cool anymore you know what i mean what did you say stopping things before they happen yeah aren't cool because they didn't happen yet and so therefore you're there for no reason you're you're doing this like it so for example that's that same little firework party so so many Sydney ordinances. I can't say all, but so many Sydney ordinances have it in writing that fireworks are illegal or subject to fine or whatever.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Right. So let's say Joe Copco's riding by that same family situation. For those who haven't seen it, it's a family sitting in a front yard. Yeah. Just having a good old jolly old time. Not even lighting like the illegal fireworks going crazy one just the ones the boxes on the ground and shit so they light something but it malfunctioned that they it's a puke and landed under like the bed of a truck in a driveway
Starting point is 00:34:57 yeah now why they let it so close i'm not sure i'm a middle of the street kind of guy. But I digress. It goes under, and exactly what you think would happen kind of in Hollywood happens. Like this phone. This thing caught some kind of fluid under the truck, and a big old explosion came. And luckily, people got out of Dodge before it got real. But I just wanted to paint that picture. So then Joe Copp comes by. God damn.
Starting point is 00:35:33 What do I have to do with my wave? I like it. I like it how you keep disappearing like that. I like it. Just so you know, every time you see that, you've wasted 10 minutes of your life watching this podcast. I was doing a good job remembering to do this for a minute but then i got i got caught up but uh anyways so the joe cop goes by just trying to be by the book guy you know and that there's a balance of cops you got by the book guy then you got the oh that's not that big a deal guy and then then you got a bunch of people in between and And so no cop comes by and wants to stop them
Starting point is 00:36:06 and the parents are like, oh no. Then all of a sudden he's the worst cop in the whole world. Or one dad wants to have a dick measuring contest and somehow, I don't know how it would happen, but somehow the cop gets in a use of force with the dad because he didn't want to comply and now it's painted cop whoops dad's ass in front of four-year-old.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Yeah. Kids are screaming on the video video and then all you see the only part you see is the cop in the fight with the band with the with the real wrestler or the cop gets his ass whooping now there's three more cops there it could you see how just easily it snowballs yeah all because the cop was trying to stop the truck from blowing up and possibly messing up a four-year-old yeah trying to be proactive doesn't pay right uh seven do you brag to your friends that you have a black friend who's a cop i would i would i would i would brag about black friends and cop friends and gay friends.
Starting point is 00:37:07 I'm that guy. So I got these three black guys who are my friends. Yeah, I'm totally that guy. I got these three gay friends. I know these two dykes. They love me. I would tell all that shit. I love my eclectic group of people.
Starting point is 00:37:20 I got this Indian dude who owns a liquor store. Fucking he's the coolest dude ever. He always gives my kids the old bottles so my kids can roll them in their rock tumbler. I love ethnicity and race. I love all that shit. I don't like how it's been weaponized, but I love all that. Me too.
Starting point is 00:37:36 I love Greek women with big old noses and fucking huge heads and fucking broad skinny shoulders. Fucking love all that. So I was going to lean into it. i love black people with their big lips i do i do i love that too i love all that too i love a black woman with a huge butt what this i love every woman with a huge butt no i i think i think that range is it's cool it's good to have that range and it's good to acknowledge it because then you just got some bland ass people bland ass regulars no you hey dude a zebra and the horse is the same
Starting point is 00:38:09 fucking animal and i have fucking love a zebra i love a zebra and so it's like it's okay to like it's okay to admire people for their different ethnicities and make everyone loves a fucking skinny somali guy who's seven foot one. The head looks like a shovel. Like everyone's like Manute Bull. You remember that, dude? Oh, yeah. Everyone loves him. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:38:32 I ever tell you about in college when a girl was digging in, she was digging her heels into I Don't See Color. Uh-huh. Oh, this is good. I like this. And me and my friend were her partner in like this group project, and he's darker than me. And we're like, oh, we'll call her Elle without saying the name. Well, Elle, no, I get that you don't care that we happen to be black and you're going to treat us like equals, but you see color.
Starting point is 00:39:01 No, I don't know what color you guys are. I was like, Elle. I was like, all right, so here's the deal, L. We're going to play a game. I just, me, I just punched you in the face and ran away. You don't know me. I'm a stranger. I just came, punched you in the face, and ran away.
Starting point is 00:39:17 And the police came and asked for my description. What you about to tell them? We're on a college campus with a bunch of college and i hang out with college athletes with similar bills so so even my height weight aren't gonna help too much yeah but what so whether you're a running back or linebacker or something right and so that that was when we finally got her in there and she didn't even acknowledge that she would have to say black or dark skin because even when you say black now people think it's funny but one of my first questions somebody say a black male i go well
Starting point is 00:39:49 we're talking me black or steph curry black right because that could change the whole dynamic of your search yeah and so that's another one even within the uniqueness there's uniqueness it's so just over corrected on this wholeed on this whole I don't see it. It's a little aggressive. A little bit aggressive. Here we go. Here we go. This. Look at this. Is this white?
Starting point is 00:40:16 We're talking about... Is this white? We're talking about skin color. I don't care. Is this white? We're talking about skin color. I don't care. Tell me your question. Is it white? No, it's not your question is white noise night Object we're talking about the same color white What color are you a peach
Starting point is 00:40:47 Yeah, peach I'm peach, bro. Yep. She's peach. She's peach. My daughter. She's fucking peach. I remember being four years old. I am not black. Just like old girl. I am brown. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Probably about that age, actually. Because you care what words mean. Okay, you ready? I'm going to give you a fucked up scenario. You ready for this one, Blake? Here we go. Pedophilia is illegal, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Today. I saw the CDC is now calling breastfeeding chest feeding. Have you seen this? Oh, Lord. Just released a couple days ago. And now they're actually getting behind medications that would allow men to lactate so they could breastfeed. And you started the show by saying things have changed right like the the landscape is changing yeah what do you do what do you do if you're a cop
Starting point is 00:41:51 and you get called and they're like hey that guy's a pedophile and you're like what did he do and you're like he's pushing that by making that baby suck his tits like like like like this shit's unfolding in real time these aren't even isolated cases now they're just popping up on instagram now for me shit loads of them right like well here's a good question kenneth uh what does the center of disease control have to do with breastfeeding? The fucking great question. I have no fucking idea, but what the fuck is blade supposed to do now? So now you walk up there and you're like,
Starting point is 00:42:33 sir, you can't, you can't force a child to suck on your tits. And he's like, it's ma'am. And yeah, you're like, like what, what are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:42:49 Yeah. Hey, dude, you're in California. You're about to see one of those this afternoon. Hey, dude, I want to tell you something. And please, I'm totally open to being wrong. But I don't care whether you're gay straight lesbian everyone wants tits in their mouth every everyone loves titties gay guys love titties straight guys love titties lesbian everyone loves boobs boobs are just awesome i don't think anyone i don't think anyone wants to be breastfed by a man i definitely don't i don't think anyone
Starting point is 00:43:27 i don't think anyone does i don't look at audrey look at look at our first look i love titties yeah there you go there's a straight woman sorry i didn't even include straight women in my story and so like what are you gonna do how do you there are that can't be the only thing that's come up in your world like that right now it Now it's like, what do you do? Let me give you a little easier question. A man, you arrest a man, but he says he's a woman. What do you do with him? Where do you take him?
Starting point is 00:43:58 Like, let's say he's breaking into a, let's say he's taking change off of a parking meter. You see he's hitting a parking meter with a sledgehammer and you and you arrest him and it's clearly a dude right yeah but he says he's a woman what do you do with him well luckily for me yeah that's a jail and intake thing i arrest the person oh okay what about frisking them what if they're like hey i want a woman to frisk frisk me yeah that that and that's an unfortunate situation for some women officers they might have to drive their ass smooth across the city even though he's got a penis he can still ask for a woman it's mainly it's mainly if if feasible because like one one cool part is we got but i was a chick and some dude demanded me to frisk him,
Starting point is 00:44:46 I would fucking squeeze his balls so hard he'd never ask for a woman again. It's fucking nuts, dude. It's completely inappropriate. No, but there's times where like if I'm in a situation where I got to search somebody, and more often than not, it's a timely thing. You know, a lot of times it doesn't make sense to wait because if you're searching somebody, it might be for weapons. And if you're just sitting there and they have a suspected weapon, it might come back and get you. You mean regardless if it's man or woman,
Starting point is 00:45:18 if you thought a woman had a knife, you would search her anyway. Yeah. Yeah. Frigging six-year-old with a weapon could hurt me if i'm not ready right you know what i mean right and so and so that's where our body cameras come into come into play a lot because then it highlights how legit you were actually being versus any false allegations that there may be there's a situation where I made sure like my partner was searching searching a woman and I just happened to be standing um facing both of them you know and that's how it should be but a lot of times you know you might be watching your own back what looking around so your camera's doing this because it's it's on our chest your camera's doing this but I just happened to be fixed on them watching him search her and then and then you know getting around like this and later on it came out that there was a complaint on him that he sexually harassed her
Starting point is 00:46:09 but it was it went nowhere because my camera clearly showed that it was good to go like 100 why do you think she did that oh just just taking a shot oh do you think you do you think she did that? Oh, just taking a shot. Do you think that she really thought she was sexually harassed? No. No. That's me, not in her head. But ain't no way. Don't flatter yourself.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Imagine ruining someone's life for that. Imagine ruining someone's life for that. Imagine ruining someone's life for that. Like, I'm not trying to sexually harass you. You know what I mean? Like, no. I'm sorry. You're not my type, sweetheart. That's great.
Starting point is 00:47:02 That's a tough one. I default. Maybe, I don't know. I always default to the woman's telling the truth and that and that's that's not a bad starting point because because you don't want a world where you just poo-pooing whatever they say right and then bad things and that's you and i i appreciate you saying that because you got three boys no i mean i got three daughters so i'm definitely oh what where are you yet yeah but then at the same time you have to have pause because you've seen you know or not you but i've seen and learned that there's also a lot of false
Starting point is 00:47:44 allegations out there and those could ruin somebody's life will ruin someone's life people don't care about not a lot of times the fact that the allegations were false don't even come to light it's all about the allegations on the front end and then you are crucified for however long until the evidence comes out that you didn't do anything. Right. And by then, you've lost. Oh, it doesn't even matter. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:48:18 Yeah, dude. I mean, that was the thing with the little New York Times section about me. Anyone could have gone and watched the podcast with Stacey Tovar that they fucking painted me as a fucking creep and an asshole. Anyone could have gone and watched it. And the thing, too, Blade, is that when they accused me of shit in the paper, I didn't even go back and watch it because I was afraid they were right. It wasn't until years later that Andrew Hill hiller made a video and was like this is what he got in trouble for and i was like holy fuck that was i'm actually really fucking cool and nice it's crazy it's crazy and that's why i'm a black man
Starting point is 00:48:55 because i feel guilty even when i'm not right that's one of the... Thank you. Audrey, we had our first transgender at Gold's. Audrey works at Gold's Gym. We don't have a family bathroom. He gets to go into the women's just waiting for the southern women to burn it down. Mmm. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:49:24 So... Stay ready, Blade. Blade oh that's some good look at Audrey she's on fire in the comments today yeah you can you can you can opt for the opposite sex to frisk you that's basically you can
Starting point is 00:49:37 and that's ridiculous yeah it's an actual thing but I'm not I'm also so just for just for transparency, I'm also not going to paint us as these good old Eagle Scouts. Because I guess I was naive. Because when I hear about some of the things that cops get hung up for and, like, actually doing, not just accused for, but actually doing not just accused for but actually doing what hold on what you know what i mean and then i'm like am i naive or is this for real well they're just people they're just people right they're just people i'm talking people
Starting point is 00:50:18 with authority i can't like there was an officer who i forgot what kind of call he responded to, but he's in a house. He's in a house or an apartment. He just starts beating his meat. There's miners in there and everything. Start beating it. I'm like, what? In my head. What city was that?
Starting point is 00:50:40 I think it was San Jose. Oh, motherfucker. city was that i think it was san jose if you oh motherfucker hey do you remember the guy's name by any chance not that i want you to say but do you remember i don't know i don't 100 i don't do you think that cop was a black cop a white cop or a mexican cop white black black yeah i can say too my black teeth don't do that. No hesitation. Do you know if he was a black cop, a white cop, or a Mexican cop? No, he wasn't a brother. He wasn't a brother.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Yeah, brothers don't do that so much. But yeah, I don't know. That was a light switch. Are you talking about me? Oh, thank you. Oh, look, it takes a woman to be like, know you could just turn on in here you know there's a switch over here oh look there he is mexican dominguez oh i thought it was my dude matthew dominguez hey only accused not not found guilty all right so i told myself i told myself i was about to stay out the comments
Starting point is 00:51:47 but i just opened it this damn poor boy this stupid ass poor boy said like tenderizing a steak or pulling out his penis aggressive maybe he just itched maybe he just did oh lord but all right never i I digress. Let me refocus. God, how aggressive was it? Hey, do you know Pool Boy? Have you guys trained together? Do you know him? No, but it's one of those six degrees of separation kind of things.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Like, I know somebody who was a homeboy with him. I know of him. Strong dudes know strong dudes. Exactly. Like, if he was CrossFitting hard, then you run into people. Yeah, okay. He's cracking from what I know. He's fun, that's for sure.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Hey, what's the status? Let's talk about fitness for the police officers. Can you get so fat that you lose your job? Can you get so out of shape that they fire you? If you can. Have you ever heard of that? Yeah, I was going to say, if you can, I haven't seen it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:59 You know, like, maybe get so out of shape that you should. Is it different? Is's a different realm. At some point, you're a carbohydrate addict, right? Just like – so if you were addicted to methamphetamines, you can't be – if they found out you were addicted to methamphetamines as a cop. That's a bad day. Yeah. But if you're addicted to carbohydrates and you put on 300 pounds and you could barely – hey, is there any weird shit? Have you seen – you know how like you get onto a plane and they have extra seatbelts for fat people?
Starting point is 00:53:32 Is there any shit like – or like now wheelchairs are like crazy wide or like the x-ray machines at the hospital, they got like huge ones now that you can like stuff the 400-pounders in? Do you – have you seen any stuff like that in your field like uh for for cops like obese cops so it's only for in writing i think it's for um it's for your your gun belt but there's a seat belt extender but i i don't like it i don't like it So, like, it's probably like this long right here. And you put, yeah, you know, you click it into your seatbelt and it makes it so your seatbelt click goes out here. And, you know, I guess there's practicality to it. But me and a lot of other in-shape officers don't like it.
Starting point is 00:54:20 I don't know an officer who happens to be in decent shape that does like it. And so that's but that'd be the only accommodation specifically for size that I see. But even that, it's not for size. It's more so for – because if you're right-handed, you don't want your seatbelt to clip onto your gun. But to our credit, I haven't really seen much over like over the top accommodations just for the sake of being hella big do you see any fat cops i don't i'm sean here is saying if i needed to get away from cops in my town i would 100 turn into a foot race probably average 45 to 60 body fat on our
Starting point is 00:55:00 officers i i don't have fat officers in my town in santa so funny that you say that because a few years ago my entire team would um join me for a workout before shift and they you know we have four day work weeks at a time and it was probably 75 75 attendance rate wow and uh i happen to be first on scene for one of the few calls that warrants a foot race or a foot chase and so i'm i'm running and then a couple of my the other boys come they park and then we're in like a we're like three deep in a foot chase and we got them and uh i remember thinking oh he chose the wrong shift all the time all the time he tried to dip he chose the wrong chose the wrong one and he chose the wrong group
Starting point is 00:55:52 i there was a video uh i don't know it's 10 years ago of a cop who's in a foot race in a field and he catches the guy and um he stands over him he goes i crossfit dude you ever see that footage? I did, but – It was in a big field like behind a high school. He just in the wide open chases a dude down. I said that, so I yelled that to some probably like 13-year-olds
Starting point is 00:56:17 who were starting to run. I said, I'm in shape. I got all day. And they started, but they uh they stopped hey what happens when they stop like that are you cool with them like like do you give them a little bit of like is there a little bit of love there like that they stop like yeah so like i'm a i'm a person you know i'm saying that's what i remind people. Like, if you stab me, that shit going to hurt. I'm not RoboCop, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:56:49 And depending on, like, the level of what we're dealing with, we can pull things back. You know, if I can, I will. You know, because you might, it's like equity. It's karma you know and so if you if you're you might be somebody's first encounter with with with a police officer and then if you go about it come incorrect or come sideways that could be that could ruin stuck a domino into so many things now but there's a balance because if you get got then you look like a sucker and then you need to That could ruin, suck a domino into so many things.
Starting point is 00:57:28 But there's a balance because if you get got, then you look like a sucker and then you need to learn to find that balance down the road. I learned that as a rookie. But, yeah, I catch these kids. You know, you catch up to them. What the hell is wrong with you? You knew you watched too much TV. Running from the cops ain't cool. What if you jumped into the wrong backyard and got eaten up by a pit bull?
Starting point is 00:57:47 You know, very little things like that. So you just have these little conversations with them. Try to avoid going into too far into lecture mode just so you don't lose them. And then keep it moving. Get to the point where they learn something. And then sometimes you do got to bring the hammer down because you kind of read the room and know this is a this is a POS or this ain't this person's first rodeo or they're not even trying to meet with me and level with me right here. Or they're not taking any accountability. It's every situation is different, which kind of segues into, you know, like foot chases and things like that. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Tell them about the kids after the AA. Close the door. What do you mean? She's advising you. Tell her to leave the door open. What are you talking about? She's helping you out. She's helping you out. What the fuck? Wow. He just kicked out his partner.
Starting point is 00:58:44 I'm going to hit that right now i'm gonna hit that i'll hit that right now but um that's after the show you can hit that after the show no i'm gonna hit it right after this yeah yeah you said what kind of people should be cops or whatever i remember in my oral interview i said uh dang i just tossed it out of you to the comment section talking about oral and hitting that i was you you were taking hitting that differently than i was i thought you should hit it after the show oral interview i remember like one of the questions was something along the lines of why you know why you want to be a police officer or whatever and growing up i view i view cops firefighters all them i view them as
Starting point is 00:59:21 protectors you know i'm saying yeah and and so that those are also the types of people that need to become or not need to but that i think would be good the ones that still legitimately feel that they are protecting you know feel that they are they're serving a purpose to protect this group from this group because right here you have somebody with bad intentions and right here you have somebody unsuspecting possibly never been in a fight in their life and the only thing stopping that from happening is the middle ground or even the only thing to stop it continuing from happening because a lot of times we're responding to things and the only thing that stops it continuing from happening, because a lot of times we're responding to things.
Starting point is 01:00:06 And the only thing that stops it from continuing to happen is that middle ground. Or like you would call it, the social contract. I never heard of a social contract before. I knew what one was, but I never heard anybody talk about the social contract before you mentioned that. Like what we do do like you don't like you don't park your car in front of your mailbox you put your trash cans out facing the right way a police officer turns the sirens on everyone pulls over to the right exactly don't be a fucking idiot and block the fire the fire driveway you know just like some simple shit
Starting point is 01:00:41 and so i'm um and that's why some people are better than other people, by the way. They say no one's better than anyone. Like, don't walk around thinking that you're better than anyone. But if you see someone doing dumb shit, you're better than them. Like, if you see someone break a bottle on public land, you're better than that. Like, on a sidewalk somewhere, you're better than that person. That person's a douchebag.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Yeah. Like, I see what you mean. somewhere you're better than that person that person's a douchebag yeah like i i see i see what you mean like it it's a it's a flow chart of choices yeah yeah exactly yes littering littering is fucking crazy like we all live here like what are you doing throwing shit out your car window i'll get to that story in a second but old girl said i'm better than people who don't put their weights away and that makes me laugh because i i look at that as secret training so if i'm in a class i try to put my stuff away and try to put other people's rep stuff away because think of how many i'm like jokes on you guys i'm making games like
Starting point is 01:01:39 when people make dumbbells out right i just throw your farmer's gear. You know what I'm saying? So it's a two-sided. I actually have a workout partner at work who we rush to put our weights away so we can try to put the other dude's weights away, take each other's gains. Public service announcement. Put your weights away while you're still warm. Don't, like, don't fuck around. Don wait 10 minutes because you i've been hurt doing that i've literally been hurt doing that but uh she wanted me to tell a story about um so i'm driving i'm driving home i'm off duty i'm driving home and uh i see a shadowy figure in into the abyss going like this and i think to myself
Starting point is 01:02:29 this motherfucker better not have it right before i can even finish with the right on my car and i don't know what these kids thought was gonna happen or if they thought they were in a dark secluded area because it wasn't what kind of car were you in you weren't in your cop car no no no oh hell i was in my 2011 honda okay oh it's just your car to suze's car it's so it's so i pulled to the side i leave the car on and everything my car could have gotten i was very short i was not thinking ahead of time but open my door and i go and they start splitting and i go and i kind of yelled a similar thing i'm like hey i'm gandino you better stop running i'm in shape talking shit while you're chasing him now yep and they split and so then i can't he's a boy Couldn't be but 11 years old. And I stop him.
Starting point is 01:03:25 And I go, all right. I go, you really going to leave your boy here like that? I go, hey, whoever's with you is a sucker. See? Sucker. And lo and behold, it was his older sister. And she was scared out of her mind and came back. Now, look, I'm 6'1", about 230.
Starting point is 01:03:41 I'd be scared, too. Yeah, they don't know you're a cop, do they? No, they don't. You get your feet too yeah they don't know you're a cop do they no they don't and so they brought up and so she comes back i go sit down i got all right here's the deal i'm trying to get home but we're about to go back to this car and find out what happened we're gonna find out if it's actually any paint damage. I ain't trying to call no police or anything like that. We're just going to call you folks. However, we're going to give this phone number one try. You better hope to God that whoever we call either A, answers,
Starting point is 01:04:16 or B, is actually your parent who could come get you because the next one is just going to be the police because I don't got time to be playing with John. And it worked out. And the egg just washed off. And we were good. Did you call their parents? Hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:32 And did the parents come down? Yeah. Oh, that's awesome. You know, and a lot, like, for example, like. Were the parents cool? Yeah, parents were cool. And it's that same situation. The same situation I told you where you kind of read the room yeah because some parents would just roll their eyes and then you know that it's a lost
Starting point is 01:04:56 cause yeah you know what i mean but you know like i dealt with kids on the streets where i know like their eyes are this big and so i get them to that to that threshold and then bring it back yeah and then go from there but it's a great situation when you catch one of them and then they're all their friends dip you go you see that look at them running just leaving you here out to dry suckers i want you to keep this in mind when y'all about to do some stupid shit you know i mean and you think it's a good idea, and these dudes got your back. You guys are ride or die. Look where they're at right now. Son of a bitch.
Starting point is 01:05:28 Damn, such a power. Get your ass. Come over here. Come sit in the car real quick, and then you go from there. Blade, all this stuff that I'm seeing in the Bay Area, is it real? All these Walgreens and CVS is closing down, and people going in there with just shopping bags and just loading shit up. And you just see like, you know, all the Asian employees just standing around filming it.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Is that is that real? Is that really is that is that a reality in the Bay Area? I mean, I'm looking here. It looks like CVS and Walgreens are just leaving San Francisco. Like you just can't stay in business there because we're rampant we're not to that level but the way so many people are so happy and corporations got so much bread just to shut people up without causing a stir or whatever it may be employees are advised not to act you know what i mean because then it's a double-edged sword. They even get fired. Did you see a Lululemon that employees got fired
Starting point is 01:06:28 for trying to stop a criminal? Or I've dealt with thefts where the employee didn't want to deal with, I guess it's life's kind of. They don't do it for me. Hey, it was cool. It was cool. It gave us more leeway. Where employees didn't want to press charges for robbery because they tried to stop the theft.
Starting point is 01:06:55 And they just wanted it to go away. It turned the employee in their mind into a suspect. Like, oh, I shouldn't have stopped them. And so a lot of times oh shit i didn't even think about anything yeah they're told not to do do anything and then if they do something there yeah they're in trouble or if somebody gets there's somebody at the same time there's some loss prevention officers full-on terry tate office linebacker boom over some damn over a damn Hurley t-shirt yeah yeah I agree they like oh I've been waiting my I've been waiting my whole life for this moment
Starting point is 01:07:35 they did they didn't get to play you know they made they made the team but didn't get to play in high school and they've been waiting seven years for this is um is a crime is um crime in stores at all-time high uh what's it called um what is that called like commercial crime or uh theft oh yeah yeah like uh retail it looks like retail that it looks like in the bay area you can just do whatever you want well because I don't even know how many times it's not called on you know what I mean and so
Starting point is 01:08:14 from just what I see you know it happens quite often just from what I see I need to get up on these comments from what I see somebody asked need to get up on these comments. From what I see, somebody asked if this was your dad's bar. I know. There are assholes in there. Don't read it.
Starting point is 01:08:32 You're never safe. You're never safe. Just the things that I see, there's a lot. I don't even know what doesn't get called on because it was higher than nine years ago? Or only that
Starting point is 01:08:46 yeah yeah and more brazen yeah yeah like yeah just like more just more like um all right because they my girl always jokes with me because she tells me i would have a blast if i was homeless and quite frankly it's true. Like, I'm not going to tell you my documentary idea, just in case I ever need to do it. I don't want somebody else to steal it from me. Yeah. But with how easily entertained I am and how enabling we have become, I feel like I would be shredded without a care in the world every day that I woke up if I was
Starting point is 01:09:27 homeless. Who knows? I could be completely wrong, but that's my thought. There's a risk-reward balance at scale. Like Thanos said, we need to be balanced. On one side you have risk, one side you have reward. And if it's too far skewed in either direction, then there's a problem. You know what I mean? So if you steal a box of Tic Tacs, you shouldn't be executed.
Starting point is 01:09:57 You know, we shouldn't be this way. But on this way, you absolutely have no fear of repercussions of robbing somebody or stealing or tuning somebody up then that's that's a bad day too you know i'm saying so it's just it's important for that risk reward balance to restore itself now are we ever going to be at a perfect level probably not perfection that's unreasonable to ask but we need that thing to stay within here, and I just get afraid that it starts, and then we need to pendulum back. Homeless, what do you think about this statement? Homeless people are addicts, and addicts, their job is stealing. Well, generally speaking, a lot of times it happens, because I've met, you know, there's some homeless people that just be just be homeless.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Just just because, you know, like they got tired of A, B, C and D. Don't do don't do any drugs. Just keep it moving. Work, you know, under the door, work a little contractor jobs, things like that. But then when like, yeah, when you said addicts, a lot of times homeless people and addicts get flushed in the same thing and addicts definitely yeah that's their job stealing shit it's their job to steal to support their habit yeah that's that's their purpose in life every day all of us who live in areas where there's homeless people meaning addicts everyone you drive by those are all criminals those are career criminals those are career criminals those
Starting point is 01:11:25 are like i need to get high i'm going to climb into this backyard i'm going to take this bike i'm going to sell for a rock and then i'm gonna chill i'm gonna take right and then if i get caught what you're gonna do throw me in jail i'll be out whatever yeah that's where the risk reward needs to line up because yeah if you need to do this if you need to do this, this, and this, and you know all three of them are wrong, but on the other end, there's no reason not to, why not? You know, they're like, oh, what you going to do? Give me a shelter and a meal?
Starting point is 01:11:59 Oh. You know what I mean? I'm homeless anyway. Stephen Flores, this is a weird one, but I don't disapprove. I love me with the scenario being correct. I love me some homeless folks.
Starting point is 01:12:14 I stop and talk to them all the time. You know, like when I'm out on the street and I see somebody walking, I view them differently than how a common person might. Right. You know what I'm saying? They avoid them like the plague like well one time i was leaving my daughter's gymnastics class and you you probably know the
Starting point is 01:12:33 smell of meth like i remember walking out and just i was like for real and then i walk over a few burning plastic burning plastic and like right right towards the front somebody's up in their kind of smells like semen right it smells like semen a little bit, burning plastic, basically. And like right towards the front, somebody's up in their car. It kind of smells like semen, right? It smells like semen a little bit and burning plastic. Weird. That's actually not a bad analogy. I wouldn't have been able to explain that to nobody. I would have been like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Just go smell it. That's not bad. And so I remember I went and I was like, hey. A lot of times kind of like um hillar's video where a lot of times if you just come at somebody the right way and you're not afraid you're good to go and so i was like hey man this this is a gymnastics studio right here can we keep him well you don't even have to leave the lot just go in that back corner for your boy please good kept Good. Kept him moving.
Starting point is 01:13:26 What did you think about that video? You're talking about Hiller in the hallway. That was pretty good, right? In the hallway. That was pretty good, right? Yeah. He could be a cop. Hiller could be a cop.
Starting point is 01:13:37 Maybe. Yeah. He's built more like how I'd like to see somebody. Because you got to think. You can't be juiced up, up though and be a cop, right? Yeah, probably not. Really? Ain't it crazy?
Starting point is 01:13:53 You know what? I'm not going down that slippery slope. Yeah, you can be underqualified, but you can't be TRT. I might be getting now, hopefully not, but there may be a day where I'm getting my ass whooped one day,
Starting point is 01:14:09 and the first person I see coming around that corner, I need them to un-whoop my ass. You know what I mean? Not just get their ass whooped with me or be useless or just have a taser just trying to aim it you know there's like two little freaking lasers that you gotta aim up no we need to make it happen like that foot chase i told you in i told you i was in everybody that came up that caught up we were good to go we're like all right cool it allows you to settle down you know what i mean because oh speaking of crossfit when you go when you're in a crossfit workout and you and you're in your
Starting point is 01:14:52 first six months and you finally got all the movements and you go full send way too early on the first round of the assault bike and it's a four round workout and you finish your first round and then that panic hits like, oh, Lord, it was at this moment. He knew. Then all of a sudden, you know, you forget how to function and things like that. But then as you continue, like if you've never felt that feeling of you lose function, you forget how you forget training, things like that. forget training things like that and so that's where fitness in in law enforcement is more important than just um than just being jacked yeah look at like having tight sleeves it's cool you know i mean looking good in uniform is cool but if you've never felt what it's like to get punched in the face and i'm not even talking literally i'm talking that your central nervous system has been punched in the face before and you having to get some
Starting point is 01:15:46 shit done real quick that's very important you don't want your first time to be when somebody's trying to hurt you back mm-hmm you know I mean you'd rather your first time be on some mats right you know what I mean you rather your first time be against a barbell you'd rather you for you'd rather your first time feeling that feeling having a function under freaking crazy fatigue anywhere but on the gravel with somebody who wants to hurt you or somebody who's getting hurt that you care about is right there you can't do anything about it in like a controlled environment when you see a cop that is um maybe not as as fit or whatever does it diminish your trust in them like if you
Starting point is 01:16:26 go and you got somebody who's coming up and you're like i know you haven't worked out in years you're like why did you put me on duty with this dude they're not gonna be able to get my back yeah so this situation you know it okay so more often than not when i'm dealing with a person there's more than one of us and so there's sometimes where you're like, okay. He moves out of state. But one of my best buds in the department, he was like 5'9", 250, and just a brick. Strong, worked out with me. Could get some shit done.
Starting point is 01:16:59 He's one of those dudes built like he's dangerous within a two-minute window. Don't let him get out of the two-minute window but he's dangerous and when we were somewhere i told my wife that's what i tell my wife i'm dangerous in that two-minute window but uh when we were within but when i'm somewhere with him and we're talking one it's it's cool because we physically were probably some of the most imposing people. We were the most imposing people within the department. But we were cool. Like we were the least likely to have to tear somebody up because we were just we were just cool. We were calm, collected, and we knew if it went away, we each were ready.
Starting point is 01:17:45 You know what I'm saying? But on the flip side, there's sometimes where you're like, all right, if something happens here, I might be on my own. There have been situations like that, unfortunately, where if something happens here, might somebody be able to help a little bit? Maybe. But this might be a bad day you know or so or they lose your composure because when you're in shape it gives you a level of confidence as well you know just
Starting point is 01:18:16 whether it's the way you stand and talk to people that could stop I don't know how many fights my demeanor and stature have not gotten me in. Does that make sense? For sure. I don't know if I've not gotten in 50 extra fights just because the way I talk and the way I look and carry myself. Hell, I know I've not gotten in one foot pursuit because the way I look. I got out the car and after I took the dude to jail, he said, could I say something without sounding racist? I said, what? He's like, when you got out the car, I was going to run. If your partner was there first, I saw your partner. If your partner was there first, I probably would have ran.
Starting point is 01:18:55 But then I saw you and I was like, damn, he black and in shape. No, I don't see color. I don't see color i don't see color i swear to god and i started laughing i'm like hey that ain't no dave racist that's a compliment you know i appreciate it so we just kept it moving but but a lot of times yeah you're you're a stature how well you take care of yourself just think think of the difference if you're getting whooped on then depending on the situation you know you don't know what happened we're talking the way circumstances line up a high level of force needs to be used and like let's say let's go to the extreme deadly force needed to be used and if that deadly force could have been eliminated by either a your command presence to begin with or b you dealt with the situation swiftly and quickly then then that's better that
Starting point is 01:19:58 that's a that's a w right there for yourself for the department for whoever that was who might have just been having a bad day you know they might not even be a piece of they were just having a bad day and then they happen to roll up on you you know but i it's it's unfortunate because we're too we're too far into the where we are right now to just tomorrow okay physical standards every year like as an operator like like SWAT team some some um you have to do their entry test every year some you have to do it every quarter some you have to do it every six months and I don't like I don't know how we would implement it without losing a lot of cops just take take take the swat standards and take
Starting point is 01:20:47 75 of every movement so let's say let's say you have to be able to run to be a swat operator let's say you have to be able to run a mile in full uniform in 12 minutes right right? Then for standard, take 80% of that and, hell, even lose the uniform. Just be able to do it. Or you have to be able to do get over this wall, you know, six-foot wall. I think that's the academy height. You know, annually, just make sure you're touching up on your game. You know what I mean? Buy annually, annually, whatever it may be.
Starting point is 01:21:25 It's crazy. It doesn't exist. You know what I mean? Biannually, annually, whatever it may be. It's crazy. It doesn't exist. You know what I mean? Like, Suze's gym, like, I heard there's a police. Suze, ain't there a cop that goes in here, Jim, and will just hit a set of pull-ups every now and again? Yep, full uniform. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:21:40 Things like that. That's something I try. My goal, I want to be able to do, I'd always be able to do 20 strict pull-ups anytime i want no warm-up full uniform that's wow the goal is 35 but you're a good dude but 20 20 every time you know i mean and and that's that's on that's on the top end everybody doesn't need to do that and i understand that but why can't you what could you adjust people their pay on their fitness could you do that that would be that would be a way to do it i would say you'd have a hard time um docking docking somebody's pay or how about giving bonuses
Starting point is 01:22:29 that's where it would be a bonus if you if you can do this this and this now i don't think it would it would bring everybody to the light but I do think it would definitely change some things. And you could even have it. You could make it really fair. You could do it by age. Yeah. Well, no. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:22:58 No. You don't want to get in that because Joe Criminal don't care if you're 47. All right. Fine. Fuck age. Joe Criminal don't care if you're 47. All right, fine. Fuck age. Joe Criminal don't care if you're 53. Yeah, all right. Yeah, all right.
Starting point is 01:23:10 You know what I mean? What would you think would be a good test, running? I would think that a mile is a little excessive because what you look like chasing somebody for a mile, that's just inefficient. Get in your damn car with your sirens in. Right. But a 400 meter, maybe a six, maybe a 600 meter in whatever time.
Starting point is 01:23:34 Nothing's in stone here. It's just me and you and Sousa talking. But what's a good 400 meter time? Let me throw something out there so you guys can laugh at me. A minute and five? A minute and five? A minute and five. Too minute and five? A minute and five. Too slow.
Starting point is 01:23:47 Too slow for you. 400 meters in a minute and five seconds? Yeah. 65 seconds. That's fast. Bruh. That's cooking. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:55 That'd be probably 145. Under two minutes would probably be. And one of the other things I've done with the bike. For a 400? Okay. That's on pace for 420 miles evy i know but it's 400 yeah but i could do it but that's not but okay okay we need some cops okay okay okay and i think more talking about for the bonus i'm talking oh i like this too mike i'm talking about this i like
Starting point is 01:24:19 this too the beep test you're talking for a bonus not just entry level you fired yeah yeah i'm talking about for the bonus okay okay well i'd still say a minute because you could because you're 15 you don't want to break the band you remember you know the term breaking the band like you figure fuck it ain't no way i'm getting there right right right right right because because the point of what we're saying right now is to get people to want to do it so a minute five that would just take the seven people that could already do it and we would be there and then maybe one person was close and they would do it we want to make it we want to dangle that carrot close enough to where a mass group of people are like oh okay i could i could i could do that you know what i mean and so I would say I would like a 600 meter. What's your 50 burpee time, Blade?
Starting point is 01:25:11 Do you know? Do you have 50 burpees in two minutes? I do 50 burpees in two minutes. Which is pretty crazy for a big guy. I almost went Andrew Hiller on you right now. I was like, hey, let's see. I almost went Andrew Hiller on you right now. I was like, hey, let's see.
Starting point is 01:25:30 More importantly than a one-time test is actually, and I use this for the fire department, it's I would rather have them run a 400 meter, a one-to-one work-to-rest ratio. So if it takes you one minute to run it, you have one minute to rest. And then I'm more curious about your second 400 meter. Because that's going to be indicative of how well you've kept up on your fitness. Not if you could blow your load or one shot but can you do it at a really high output recover and then do it again and what are those two differences in time because that to me is going to show more indicative of your recovery in your overall fitness than just one 400 meter run Caleb I don't know I don't know if you can show what I just sent you a Gabe just sent us something
Starting point is 01:26:03 I don't know if it's um if we're allowed you. Gabe just sent us something. I don't know if we're allowed to. Gabe, are we allowed to pull that up? Gabe from Paper Street Coffee. Are we allowed to show that, what you just sent us? It's a 2016 DEA, Drug Enforcement Agency, Physical Task Assessment Rating Scale. Oh, okay. And they have a 300-meter sprint time on here oh they have the 300 meter
Starting point is 01:26:28 sprint um which also not bad like just whatever you have or make make it um a lot of times we take our test as a group and we go to the next station as a group and make it just one sweeping obstacle course your run into the wall into this into this into this and then your time at the end of the course you know there's a i i love all the programming shows that you have and i love get with the programming i i'm i love that stuff look i got my i i got my little board right there that i do i don't know if you can see it oh yeah yeah yeah got my little board on the door i love that stuff and so i could go hours and just thinking like a great test but just something that's that's the common denominator of this i don't know how many people in the comments are
Starting point is 01:27:15 talking have their suggestions or how many different people no fuck their suggestions you know what i mean but the common denominator is something you know what I mean I'm looking at some of these times they got the 300 meter sprint time for men it basically starts at 41 seconds as the
Starting point is 01:27:38 fastest and then if you're over 55 seconds you shit the bed yeah so if you're over 55 seconds, you shit the bed. Yeah. So interesting. Yeah. Gabe said, I guess his sister just took this test and ended, uh,
Starting point is 01:27:55 was top of her class. See, and that's correct. And, and, Oh, listen to you. Golf,
Starting point is 01:28:04 golfy, foxy, trotty Yankee yankee i with fast burpees i really uh want to see what the person's hip extension looks like shut it how much do you weigh again how much do you weigh me i'm about 235 right now god dude i would get back to me on that let me see those 50 burpees in two minutes that is that is that's incredible and how old are you you're 39 35 33 hey i wouldn't get honestly i wouldn't guess like 28 or something until you said you had three kids i always forget about that i'm like oh he's old as fuck he's tired he's tired no but uh oh let's see oh yeah no well homeboy had a valid point though because when you
Starting point is 01:28:52 when you're moving fast that that's valid you know i mean because well hiller hiller makes his bread and butter off people who short their hips on burpees and short their reps yeah but that would be another thing people passing the test and their reps look like ass you know push-ups that we had a dude because in the academy i think it's max push-ups in two minutes now he was more than capable of doing everything he needed to do but he got like an ungodly number but but they ain't them lockouts though they ain't have lockouts i don't know if y'all ever seen a db in football drop a pick and they do them loads just as a joke like i dropped that pick that's all me but rfk recently did you see robert kennedy's he's all juiced up running for president and he's doing push-ups you see that this you see him you
Starting point is 01:29:44 know i'm talking about in his push-up for sure i'm but i'm okay with it like i'm not i'm not sure one thing so let's say i post a video and i'm doing bench and i'm doing like these kind of reps three quarter reps yeah don't forget those are still hard yeah yeah yeah i want to i want to shore up the culture of, so let's look at this video. I would go half one, half two, half three. Okay. You know, don't say zero, zero, zero. Because now in a competition, yeah, those don't count. Zero, zero, zero.
Starting point is 01:30:18 But if you got 315 and you're hitting reps like this and you do 20, people be like, not one rep was done i can't even unrack it so let's keep perspective here quit over correcting i'll give that guy credit for the way he got on the ground at 70 that was crazy you feel me yeah that's overlooked yeah i mean just like like turkish get-ups like that would be that would be something that if if i was like training older people for function i would that would be a goal i wouldn't tell them and show them a turkish get-up off rip but i'd be training them for a turkish get-up or a while because if you could do a turkish get-up you you're set for life almost
Starting point is 01:31:03 you know what i mean do they measure body fat percentage, skeletal muscle mass, anything like that? All we have from a medical thing – well, actually, so my department, it's cool because you know how they say shit rolls downhill? Well, with us, I don't know what the saying would be, but gold rolls downhill because a lot of our brass, they lift. gold rolls downhill because a lot of our brass, they lift. I went into
Starting point is 01:31:26 one of our captains. Which one's higher, blue belt or brown belt? Brown. I think he's a brown in jiu-jitsu. He's cold. Yeah, that's a hard belt to get to. He got like 20-inch biceps and he don't even lift.
Starting point is 01:31:43 Dude's just a tank of a human. TRT, TRT. And we get, we get an hour of, we get, we get an hour of paid workout time during our shift. And so you go into our room and it reflects that our brass lifts, it's rogue rigs, good bars, plenty of weights weights um one of our one of our sergeants when he got promoted to lieutenant i told people i was like hey now we're gonna get rings watch sure enough i helped them install rings like two months later you know what i mean things like that
Starting point is 01:32:19 so our brass lifts in it and it shows within our within our uh our department i can't speak for everybody though uh gentlemen uh uh i'm going i'm going to uh tennis oh shit that was a fast 90 minutes 90 minutes with the blade this morning oh snap damn you're a good dude thanks for doing this man i know i know getting 90 minutes from someone who's working full-time, got a wife, three kids, I know it's a lot. And I really appreciate you coming on. I can't thank you enough. It's fun hanging with you. It's good for people to get to know you. You're a good
Starting point is 01:32:54 dude, man. I'm glad I live close to you. The love is mutual, my boy. Mr. Sousa, Caleb, Blade, I will see you guys all very shortly. Everyone have a great weekend. Don't forget to watch the UFC fights tonight.
Starting point is 01:33:11 Holy shit. It's going to be wild. All right, everyone. Y'all be good, man. All right. Bye-bye. Peace.

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