The Sevan Podcast - Blair Morrison Owns 5 Gyms | CrossFit Anywhere | Affiliate Series

Episode Date: September 23, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you bam we're live good morning where's the mouse how's everyone doing 7 a.m friday friday friday friday chris beasterfield rambler you're slacking, bro. Wow, yeah, not first today, huh? Slater, what's up? Good morning, dude. Saber and Kelly, good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Sabir, Sabir. Good morning. Marissa. Honohosa. Happy Friday. It is Friday. That's killer, right? I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Usually I'm not that excited by the day of the week, but for some reason I'm excited today. It's Friday. Playing tennis today after the show with the boys. I know they're going to protest, but I'm going to drag them up there anyway. Matt Burns. Good morning. Matt Burns, the husband to Mrs. Burns.
Starting point is 00:01:38 The founder of Sabbath Essentials. There it is. There's the website. There's the website. There it is. Sabbath Essentials. Pure natural, small batch, bio-appropriate beauty care products
Starting point is 00:01:59 created with love to give you the Sabbath your soul needs. Too bad I don't know what sabbath means can you guys hear me okay is my mic good it's a nice website good morning divesh maharaj good morning the hammer augustus good morning y'all missed the last two days due to work travel so excited to be back Good morning. The Hammer. Augustus. Good morning, y'all.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Missed the last two days due to work, travel. So excited to be back. Can't you just put it on your iPhone? You know what I mean? I mean, even when you're working, can't you just tag it along? Paulina. Hey, good morning. Paulina.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Someone wanted to meet you. Who wanted to meet you? I forget. Someone wanted to meet you. If I remember, I'll tell you. Halpin, good morning. CrossFit Games update show today with special guest Tyson Bajent, quarterback for the Chicago Bears.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Kind of excited. Haven't had him on in a bit. He's busy. He'll only be on for 15 minutes. Don't miss that 15 minutes. It'll be Halpin, Young, and Mr. Howell. And it's a fun mix of characters. It's a fun mix of characters.
Starting point is 00:03:30 We have our own little drama behind the scenes. The Games Boys were such idiots, but in a good way. Dorks would be better. Dorks. It's going to be a fun show today. I like it. I think it was Halpin on last week or two weeks ago? Two weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:03:54 I think John Young is now. It should be called the CrossFit Games Update. John Young's CrossFit Games Update show. It's basically his show. Talking a bunch tonight. Yeah, you jr will be having a word spoke competition uh blair morrison coming on uh owner of five crossfit gyms i can't even believe it i don't even know if i heard that right don't quote me on that what i think is um oh speaking of travis bagent before i go off about blair morrison blair morrison will be
Starting point is 00:04:24 here a little late because he's teaching a class today. That's why we haven't seen him. This is the CEO shirt over at Vindicate. I don't know if I have one of these yet. If I did, I'd be wearing it all the time. But I think those are the Chicago Bears colors, right? That's cool. A new CEO colorway, he says. Colorway.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Colorway is like fancy talk for people in the industry. This is, but this is what I really like right here. This is so cool. Nope, not that. You sent me that. What am I supposed to do with that? Colton Mertens, what is that? I have that. Colton Mertens, this, this. This is what I like.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Right here. Look at that ding on my nose. The fuck is that? I remember I used to think what kind of idiot would have a shirt with his picture on it well there you go this kind of idiot and I have this shirt of course this is my favorite shirt even I look buff in this I really really do. It's kind of cool. CEO jersey. Oh, that white one's nice. I have this one.
Starting point is 00:05:56 V-N-D-K-8. Clothes are fun. I used to think clothes were stupid when I was a kid. Now I like clothes. I'm a little more sophisticated. Mrs. Burns, it's my favorite shirt so far. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Good Harry Potter reference. Oh, yes, of course. I have no idea what you're talking about. Okay, back to Blair Morrison. Blair Morrison's coming on. Owns five CrossFit gyms. I have no idea what you're talking about. Okay, back to Blair Morrison. Blair Morrison's coming on, owns five CrossFit gyms. I knew Blair, I knew of Blair back in the day. I think I saw him at the 2008 and 2009 games, if I'm not mistaken. We'll find out.
Starting point is 00:06:36 And I remember he was good. And back then, not everyone looked like a piece of steel. He always looked like a piece of steel. He always looked like a piece of steel. He always looked amazing. And he was kind of a staple. I want to say maybe for, I'm going to guess he's been to five CrossFit games. And then he, I don't know, started a family. It looks like he has three kids, five CrossFit gyms.
Starting point is 00:07:07 He has this program that's called the Anywhere Fit, and they travel all over the world working out. It looks pretty cool. Jake Chapman Seve, if upon ejaculation, you blew powder like a flower, do you think it would put you off doing it more? No. Nope.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Nope. Maybe even I would do it more because it would be less messy. How about that? Huh? You think of that? How about that? Great way to start the show. Thanks for just putting me straight into the gutter.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Appreciate it. Rambler, clothes suck now. I gained 70 pounds in two years. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's not fun. Got to get that off. What are you going to do to get that off?
Starting point is 00:08:03 What are you going to do? I like... to get that off what are you gonna do i like um um i i even one of the days i'm fasting when i'm just losing water weight and losing inflammation i feel i can't tell you how much better i feel i my clothes i just love clothes that fit it's crazy nice uh mrs burns uh this chat is literally going to get us killed. Matt cannot resist chiming in while driving. Oh, shit. That would be weird. Project Mythology.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Blair used to compete with him and Svenborn on their online challenges in 2010. Oh, you used to. Justin Zimbo. Oh, I saw Justin again. That was cool. Doesn't Justin look like, from this side profile picture, like Jason Ackerman, kind of? Justin's a big dude. He's not little like Jason or myself at all.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Justin is a big man. But he looks like a little Jason Ackerman, a little buff dude right there. Blair's a good dude. First time at the NCC Northern California Championship this year, and we loved it. Yeah, that was a nice setup they got there right on the water. Justin owns Salty Hive CrossFit in Salt Lake City. And we've talked about the importance for a name change.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Wad Zombie. My gym used a program through CrossFit to accept FSA and HSA, which can be huge at cutting the cost for members. FSA. I don't know what that is, FSA. Let me see. can be huge at cutting the cost for members. FSA. I don't know what that is, FSA. Let me see. But I like where you're going.
Starting point is 00:09:54 FSA is Federal Student Aid. And HSA is Health Savings Account. Oh, that's interesting. I have a runny nose this morning. Hey, Janelle, what's up? How are you? Good morning. Asymmetric ears. Dear Sevan,
Starting point is 00:10:23 due to all the crazy shit that's going on, have you thought about making more of a push to really begin the migration to Rumble? YouTube is terrifying what they're doing. Tell me what that means to make the push towards Rumble. All of our content is on Rumble. We're streaming right now live on Rumble, believe it or not. Want to see? And I'll show you. i'll pull it up and then um we uh we're streaming we're streaming
Starting point is 00:10:50 live on twitter and facebook just no one goes over there that's that's the issue let me see if i can let me see if i can show you our rumumble account. I know it is kind of crazy. How about the UK Parliament asking Rumble and YouTube to pull down Russell Brand even though there's no charges against him? That shit is fucking crazy. The Sevan Podcast. The thing with... Oh, look, I just typed in the Sevan Podcast. I'll show you guys.
Starting point is 00:11:24 And it doesn't even say that I'm live over there. That's the problem over there. There's shit just not together yet. Let's see. Most recent. Most recent, it says six days ago, which isn't even true because we are live there right now.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Video date today. No videos found. Relevance. Yeah, it's weird. I don't know. I don't know what to say. But we are. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Search again, the 7 on podcast some there was some stuff there from six days I mean yeah here it all is we got 64 views fluffy duck nine views with Chris master John there's even a show over here that we Pastor John. There's even a show over here that we don't have. That show with Jay Cooey. Oh, look, Matt Torres, Katie Henniger, 17 views.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Josh Bridges, 72 views, two comments even. Oh, look at this one. What is this? This is. Oh, this one has 333 views uh blade police breakdown this is with officer blade oh wow isn't that interesting hit police breakdown gets a ton of views over there maybe i should do wow interesting we have that clip station too i was just talking about with the guy this morning who runs our clip station i was like hey we got to get that over on rumble too
Starting point is 00:13:09 yeah it's it's it's fucking it's a trip what's going on uh you should be on the 100 plus on youtube what about bite the bullet now and abandon youtube completely um the the options over there for a live like i can't even pull up live chat i wouldn't abandon YouTube completely. The options over there for live, like, I can't even pull up live chat. I wouldn't be able to interact with the audience anymore. And that kind of sucks. I enjoy that part.
Starting point is 00:13:37 I wouldn't even be able to be talking to you right now. That part, so that part sucks. Yo! Hey, Seven. What's up's up dude how's it going man good you got a haircut yeah fresh so fresh and so clean yeah you'll be here one day i'm like i i actually cut my hair for the first time at 51 years old i thought it was like a rite of passage i was like how could i call myself a man if i've never cut my own hair you cut your what did you do to your hair do you use scissors no i you um this friend of mine um this lesbian friend of mine she has this cut she calls it the viking dike cut where you just shave the sides oh yeah that's pretty popular i could see that and she told me, you know, like Dave Driscoll has that, the Bally dude.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Yeah. Yeah. You really have to have a nice body to kind of do this. I don't really have the body quite yet. You know, like if you're going to go with the Asia Bartow, Dave Driscoll, like you're going to do fancy shit with your hair. And you're going to wear it up. You better have a body that – Or you just have to be be you have to be an artist
Starting point is 00:14:47 yeah well thank you yeah maybe maybe i could slip into that realm it's like those girls who have the wear their pants like pulled up like urkel like so high but and you're like the only reason why you get away with that is because you have this insane body but but like you're dressing to be ugly but you still have the most incredible yeah i don't get i don't get fashion when they're deliberately trying to look like they're like how ugly can i make it and still be attractive yes but it's a thing you know yes so i guess uh david we david you're almost 60. Cut the stupid hair. That's not true.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Hey, Blair, were you at the 2008 games? I was not. No, my first year was 2009. Okay, so I did see you at the ranch. Yeah, I was at the ranch that year. I was living in D.C. at that time, so I actually came out of the mid-Atlantic. Yeah, coming back across country was pretty cool because it was like an excuse for me to come home and see friends and family. Yeah, I was not there in 2008.
Starting point is 00:15:54 I heard about it in 2008. And where were you born? I was born in Sacramento. Okay, so you're back home. Yeah, I'm back home. And what were you doing on the East Coast back then? What were you doing? Did you say D.C.?
Starting point is 00:16:10 Yeah, I was in D.C. So I went to school at Princeton. I played football at Princeton from 2000 to 2004. And one of my best friends from Princeton was doing a med school post-bac program in D.C. at George Washington. And after I graduated, I didn't have like a career, a clear career path. So I was like, screw it. I'll come, I'll go to DC, you know? So, uh, I lived there for three years. I was like personal training kind of bumping around. And one of the places that I ended up at had a, um, had a CrossFit affiliate that rented space
Starting point is 00:16:44 two or three nights a week. And I would see these and I had, I had had exposure to CrossFit affiliate that rented space two or three nights a week. And I had had exposure to CrossFit from when I was in football. I would come back to Sacramento, and one of the first affiliates out here, I would do some off-season conditioning there. So I knew some of the named workouts, and I knew how to Olympic lift. So I saw these guys coming into this gym, and they were all just tearing their shirts off and falling on the ground and making a huge scene, you know, like, like real original, uh, CrossFit. And, uh, I was like, man, this is lame.
Starting point is 00:17:16 These guys total, total D bags. Um, but they started talking about the CrossFit games and a bunch of them were going out to watch in 2008. And so I ended up, uh, like catching up with them when they got back. Like, man, that sounds pretty cool. This is something I used to do. And so then I went and tried to, uh, qualify that next year when they had it out in, um, some Virginia beach and, uh, Jeff Tischer ran it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:44 So we, uh, I went out there and I was with Ben Smith and we qualified out of that regional. It was like me and Ben and Pat Sherwood and, you know, Tonya Wagner and much of, much of OG people. And yeah, so that's what I was doing out there.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Just kind of like happened to bump into this CrossFit affiliate. And then I got to go to the game so it's cool you had more of a um athlete air to you than most of the guys i mean it was it was a it was more of a motley crew back then i feel like there was a more variety in the bodies right um there was the guy who was the giant fireman from california jeff something or another and then there was another fireman from up north and then there was you i guess who used to play collegiate football and then there was sherwood who was a military guy it was kind of it was kind of like the early days of the ufc where it's like the sumo wrestler fights the boxer kind of shit
Starting point is 00:18:39 right i mean it was this yeah yeah for sure that sure. That was Jeff Leonard was the firefighter you're talking about. Yeah. Yeah. And then Mo Kelsey was the guy from Washington. Yes. Yeah. And he took third that year, which was, I mean, that was, that was, I mean, so you, you look at that, that those early games and it was like the, it was like the early
Starting point is 00:19:00 definition of CrossFit, right? You would see these, these different specialists and who could be decent at everything, but nobody was great at anything. Right. Whereas nowadays you see guys that are legitimately great at multiple disciplines. Right. Yeah. And it was kind of cool. You're like, Hey, what's the ideal body type for CrossFit? Like people didn't really know yet. And so you would see these different, like you had the podium that year
Starting point is 00:19:25 was miko salo tommy hackenbrook and mo kelsey you know and yeah and like mo mo was like soccer player the football player and the firefighter right yeah it was just like totally different athletes that you get this really broad test you know and and that's who ended up on top because there wasn't years of training to kind of hone the skills at that point. So it was pretty raw, but it was also kind of cool. You know, you got to see it was more like a pure. It was the pure test, like, OK, well, everybody works out differently at this point. Who's working out whose method is working the best?
Starting point is 00:20:03 You know, so that was pretty cool. Yeah, and Kevin brings up a good point. You can't forget Rob Orlando coming from Strongman. That was a fucking bizarre entry, but man, wasn't that fun to see him in the mix, watching him in the mix. Yeah, Rob was great. And you had Josh Everett, you had Chris Spieler.
Starting point is 00:20:23 You had these guys that were kind of, and he had OPT who was like the, the, almost like the definition of a CrossFitter at that time. Right. And his brother, his brother didn't, was almost too tall and, and, you know, didn't fit the mold. saw these different guys from you know different training backgrounds that were trying to just see how their training methodology you know measured up to each other and i mean that year everybody was just blown away by miko like the insane ability for him to like win the run or come in second to spieler by like a step in the run that's 7k run which was grueling and then go ahead and clear the deadlift ladder at 515 like be able to do those two things like to us at that time was like mind-blowing like how could you be that good on endurance and that great on pure strength so within minutes of each other within minutes of each other yeah i mean kalip, Kalipa was back getting an IV after that trail run.
Starting point is 00:21:27 He was so destroyed, you know. And Miko just like, he just came in like it was nothing. And then also not to forget people like Dutch Lowy, who is very small also, but then Matt Merski, who had walked off the football field, and then even john well wellborn and kudos to him for throwing his hat in yeah that was awesome that was ridiculous how big he was right yeah i mean leonard won the snatch that year he was i think he got 240 that was the winning snatch at the snatch event and i mean he was he probably weighed 240 so it's like
Starting point is 00:22:02 it's come a long way. Hey, did Jeff Leonard, he also won fittest firefighter in the world or something like that that year, right? I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised. I mean, that guy was a tank. Yeah. And super cool. That was the other thing, too.
Starting point is 00:22:18 I shared that when I was with that CrossFit affiliate in D.C., I was not that impressed with all the theatrics of it. Um, but when I got to the games, that's when I was really sold on like the community of CrossFit because all these, these people that were talking about it and the, and the female athletes as well were like really intelligent and really thoughtful about, um, how they competed, how they were training and everybody had their own like ideology or opinion, but everybody was very, very cool. There were, there were no villains,
Starting point is 00:22:54 you know I feel like that's kind of been the story of CrossFit as a sport. I probably could use a couple more villains to be honest, to like for the storytelling side, but most of the people are in this sport are good people dude the events are um that that's the thing i kind of trip on i don't know if you've ever been to the mr universe or the arnold classic but they have a completely different vibe than the crossfit games or or the norcal event that you just threw or water palooza or any of these events,
Starting point is 00:23:33 they're kind of like, they're almost like, I wouldn't take my kid to the Mr. Universe or the Arnold. Really? No, no, no, no. It's more like a freak show. I kind of wouldn't want them to be around those people. It's kind of how far people can push things in every fucking direction by any means necessary you know i mean there's there's like every i would say 50 of the people there don't even look human right they've sort of taken fitness into sort of like the pathology space right it's fun to go to but it's more like a circus whereas like your event was a bona fide i mean everywhere you look there were little kids playing in the water there were dads sitting on tree stumps with their kids eating sandwiches you know what i mean there it was just a if you lost your kid
Starting point is 00:24:08 at your event you wouldn't have to worry at all right but you know what i mean and it's um and your event didn't look like a uh a retail outlet you know what i mean whereas strictly the the mr universe and arnold that's what they are they're they're um and i'm not saying that they're bad they're just they don't have that community piece. Like, like at the CrossFit games, there would, I can't imagine there ever being a fight. Right. It's like both people at the same time. Can't say sorry fast enough. Yeah, no, you're right. You're right. I mean, and some of that is, I mean, some of that I think is just the, the discipline of everybody there is a CrossFitter, right?
Starting point is 00:24:50 You don't get a lot of like random people walking into the CrossFit games or to NorCal classic or water pools or any of these places. Like they're all there because they do CrossFit and they relate to the athletes. And that gives them a little bit of humility, probably with each other or kindred humility probably, um, with each other or Kendrick or maybe kinship with each other where you're not really going to want to fight as much your brother. There's like not as much tribalism within CrossFit. And I mean, I'll be honest. I think as a spectator sport, it probably, it probably needs a little more of that. There's no Team Rich versus whoever.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Team Josh Bridges. Everybody's like, yeah, maybe I prefer one guy or the other. Or I'm really rooting for Annie to have her come back after being a mother. But nobody hates anybody. The closest thing to someone being hated was probably Neil Maddox. Right? Right. Right. I mean,
Starting point is 00:25:47 he was, and everyone still loved Neil and everyone still loved him. He's not, he's not a bad guy, but like that was the closest thing that I remember to anybody, like people rooting against somebody. And I mean, and that went away.
Starting point is 00:26:01 So I don't know. I mean, we got a little fun thing going between roman and adler we got uh um you know i don't know if you heard but there was some pushing and shoving during the run uh roman uh adler was uh you know i'm exaggerating a little bit but he was bragging about his tactics of getting in roman's hair and in his head talking to him and then roman posted back saying like fuck you you didn't get in my head. And then we, and then, and you know, and so they got a little back and forth going. And then even Roman said,
Starting point is 00:26:28 he goes, you know, I, um, I thought me and Adler were friends. I'm like basically me and Medeiros, you know, me and him haven't said a word to each other in two years. And so maybe there's a little bit of, you know, uh, hopefully there'll be a little bit of tension and posturing and this, this rogue thing is kind of fun too because you got laura who won the games right right and now you got uh miss uh a new mama tia coming out of you know right retirement but but you're right it's not it's not um it's not like look over and hey fuck you i hope
Starting point is 00:26:59 you choke i mean if we could capture that some audio audio of that, that would be fucking amazing. Right. Yeah. No, that's cool. I didn't know all that about Roman and Adler. That's some good drama. That could build into something. I mean, it's allowing the fans to pick a side, right?
Starting point is 00:27:16 It's allowing them to be like, hey, Adler, talk too much shit or Roman, quit being a pussy. And it's good. It's allowing people to pick sides. I guess you had a little bit of that with Ricky too, coming back from his suspension, you know, some people were against him because, because he got popped and some people were for him. Cause it's like a redemption story, you know? Yeah. That's what I like. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Ricky's such a good dude. I don't know him at all. Yeah. I've never heard of him. It's hard to, um, uh, yeah to – yeah, he's a horrible villain. He's too nice. He's so laid back. Yeah. Yeah, he's a shitty villain. Hey, when I saw you at the NorCal Classic, right?
Starting point is 00:27:56 Right. I keep wanting to call it NorCal Championships, NorCal Classic. How many years have you been doing that? So we started that event in 2019, right when Greg went away from the regionals. Yeah. So we started it in Sacramento. The whole purpose was to bring an event to the West Coast that we could all go to. Waterpalooza was already huge.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Granite Games was huge. And most of the athletes that didn't get to go to regionals or we're going to regionals, we're having to travel to these other venues, which was fine because regionals was still a thing. But as soon as regionals was not a thing, uh, Ben and I, uh, decided we're like, dude, somebody is going to put something out here and, you know, we, we should do it because we, we know what it, what it going to put something out here. And, you know, we should do it because we know what it ought to be. We wanted to have an event that was high profile,
Starting point is 00:28:50 that had, you know, big athletes that wanted to come to it so the spectators could get a chance to see those people in person. But also we wanted to kind of have a vintage event, an event that was more like the ranch, like we were talking about, where people were very open to each other other accessible you know like very ranch it was ranch on steroids it was such it had you you're killing the the vibe the vibe with the lake and the dirt paths and in the tents and dude it's dope yeah that's what we wanted so it's a festival i think it's's what Greg wanted for the games.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Right. Okay, so there you go. That means we're kind of getting there. But, yeah, I mean, we missed that. So when you go to these big events, when you go to the games now, you don't ever get to see the athletes. You're not brushing shoulders with the athletes. You can't walk by the Invictus tent and see their team.
Starting point is 00:29:44 But that's where it is at our event so although I did see Dave Castro get kicked out of the athlete area I really at your event I really enjoyed that that's so great I love that I mean because that girl she didn't know him from anybody and he's like trying to
Starting point is 00:30:00 talk to her and she's like no no and like just like putting a hand on him and shoving him back. He was a good sport about it though. Yeah, totally. But I've never seen, I was even surprised he even tried to talk to her. Usually when that happens, he would just walk away, but he's like, no, no, I just want to watch. And she's like, no.
Starting point is 00:30:18 All the athletes and all of us were dying laughing. Sir, you're not an athlete. You don't have the athlete wristband. You cannot be in here. No, that um okay sorry i interrupted so so you you you want an event to fulfill regionals you wanted to have the festive uh ranch feel yep yeah so that was the athletes yeah the first two points was like okay we're gonna bring bring this original style crossfit event back we want it to be high profile and give our athletes that are competing a chance to do something big without having to travel. And the last thing was we wanted to bring an event with real prize money because looking around the landscape, it just felt like people, I mean, some events are doing a good job of that, but for the most part,
Starting point is 00:31:01 they're just not, I don't know why it's not happening but the athletes just aren't getting as much money as i think they ought to be um at least to progress the sport forward towards where some of these people could actually be truly professionals so those were the three things we wanted to have that and uh it's taken us a while to get there but i really think i think we found a home that venue is beautiful and it really fits the vibe. Like you said, we got some, some good athletes there this year. I mean, Sean Sweeney, Tim Paulson, Brittany Weiss, Lauren Fisher. I mean, these were our top, top two on each side in the elite division,
Starting point is 00:31:37 which is great. And we have prize money. I mean, they won, they won 25 grand for taking place as an individual. And they walked out with a check that day. That's become important. Yeah. Crazy, but. I'm going to set you up.
Starting point is 00:31:54 I'm going to ask you some loaded questions. I apologize. But I'm going to answer the question why there's not more events for athletes so that they can make a living. events for athletes so that they can make a living. Um, could you, um, throw four of those events a year and still, and make $300,000 a year to support you personally to support your three beautiful children and your wife? If I could, I do four of those a year and make that my only job. Yeah. And make $300,000 a year. yeah and make three hundred thousand dollars a year not in year one but by year five oh okay well good fuck yeah and i want to commend you on how
Starting point is 00:32:31 fast you've grown it since you started in 2019 and i'm sure you had two fucking years that don't count because that's basically dude when i looked at your event i'm thinking myself how does blair morrison have five crossfit affiliates and in him and ben ben alderman also owns a gym right yeah he's got he's got a gym and he's got really two gyms yeah so it looks like that one event looks like it took a year to figure out to put on i mean your event was massive and all the equipment there and all the shit and probably having to deal with all the red tape to get it by that lake i mean um so um, so my thought is, is that there's just, so you're saying that someone could do it. Um, someone could do it. There, there is a,
Starting point is 00:33:12 there is a business model out there for someone to run those events. Um, I mean, I think it's going to be better if people run one event rather than multiple events, because obviously you're going to dilute your attention and your, the amount of creativity that you can put into it. And there, at some, at some level you can't recreate that, those things that way. I mean, loud and live is trying to do it. They own a couple of different event properties and they do a great job bringing in all of the attention and the athletes.
Starting point is 00:33:45 But I think there's a way to do it. I mean, it's kind of like the PGA Tour, right? The PGA, as a governing body, puts on like a couple events a year. That's like CrossFit. CrossFit puts on the CrossFit Games. But all these other events that generate money for the athletes are independent entities that are running their own individual businesses with the permission of the PGA Tour. And I think that's the most efficient way to do it. But where I think some event organizers go wrong is they count on sponsorship dollars and they count on spectator dollars to fund
Starting point is 00:34:28 the prize purse when none of that money is guaranteed. So where do they get, where would they get the money from? They need to build their budget off of the registration of the athletes. Okay. So if you, and this is tough because when you're starting off an event, you don't know how much traction you're going to get. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:46 So don't go out there and promise $5,000 first place prize on a first year event. If you don't know how many athletes you're going to get, because then you're going to get to the end and you're going to be hoping and praying that you get some sponsors to come in and make up the shortfall. What you do is you say, you wait to announce the prizes until you know how many athletes you're going to have registered. And you base your costs
Starting point is 00:35:12 and your budget and everything on that. And then any additional money you get from sponsors, spectators, parking, beer garden, merch, all of that, that's your profit. That's what you get to keep or that's what you get to redistribute. That's what you get to bump up the prize purse on. Or guarantee the event next year.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Exactly. So if you made an extra $5,000 you didn't expect, now you have prize money to start the event with next year that's guaranteed. Right. So how do we have $112,000 in cash prizes for our event this year that's what it was yeah wow yeah we gave away 112 000 in cash the day that the athletes on sunday they all left with it what dude won sean sweeney oh oh dude he needed the money that That's what he said, yeah. Wow. Yeah, so he won $25,000 that day. And which lady won?
Starting point is 00:36:09 Brittany Weiss. Oh, wow. Oh, yeah, okay. I saw that in Hiller's video too. Wow. Yeah. Good. And then she made $25,000 at the games.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Yep. Oh, shit. Okay. Okay, sorry. Go on. So the prize money. Yeah, so the way you do that is, I mean, you just, you have that money set aside and you don't touch it. Right. So you,
Starting point is 00:36:28 you know that we knew that we were going to have based on our qualifier, we had, you know, 1400 people on the qualifier. We had, you know, whatever many 700 people registered for the event. So we knew that we could afford to give away that money. And then the rest of the event, we just budgeted based on what was left over. And then any money that came in from sponsors and spectators, that was, that was gravy, right? That was, that was extra coverage. Um, so if you go to an event and they have this big, beautiful arena, right. Or a venue that, you know, that costs them
Starting point is 00:37:02 whatever, $20,000 to, to have for the weekends and there's nobody there, you know, that costs them whatever, $20,000 to have for the weekend and there's nobody there, you know, that's a problem because there's no way they're going to be able to offset that cost of that arena without the spectators. So, I mean, I think, I think a lot of events are trying to copy the games. They're trying to make it as games like as they can, but there's nobody that's going to come, come to the event. Like they come to the game. they're trying to make it as games like as they can but there's nobody
Starting point is 00:37:25 that's going to come come to the event like they come to the game so you have to i think you got to reshape your again they got to reshape the model a little bit so that there's less money going out and more money going to the athletes i mean look at look at rogue world-class event on on some metrics i'm sure you could argue that it's better than games and yet you're right. They don't have the attendance. Right. Yeah, the games are its own. You have to ignore basically what's happening at the games. You can't let that influence you. Yeah, and I heard a couple people talking about the programming at our event as well. And all events. And programming is obviously a subjective
Starting point is 00:38:03 thing. But the games is like the ultimate test, right? You have 80 athletes for the elites that you have to put through these tests over four days. And you have like unlimited resources, unlimited time to do it. And so the test can be very thorough. And you can hit all the different time domains. You can hit all the different time domains you can hit all the the modal domains um but if you try to recreate that in an event that doesn't have the the weight and momentum that the games does to and the money that the games does you're gonna
Starting point is 00:38:38 it's gonna be really difficult to to create a measured test like that and to create the spectator attendance that you need to make it feasible to pay the athletes. So I think people are learning that, right? I mean, we, our event was our goal is to create a festival vibe that people want to come to. They can brush shoulders with the athletes and make it as close to a great test as we can with the, you know, with the time that we have allotted. So I think we did that.
Starting point is 00:39:05 And the fact that we had that many people show up this year made me really proud. Crazy cast of characters too, between Hiller, Dave Castro, Tim Paulson, Nistler. I mean, it was quite the eclectic. Becca Boyd was there. Did you know Becca was there? Yeah, I saw.
Starting point is 00:39:23 I got a chance to say hi to Becca, do an Instagram post on her. uh, uh, was there. Do you know what Becca was there? Yeah. I saw, I saw, I got a chance to say hi to Becca. Um, tag do Instagram posts on her. Yeah. It was, what a crazy, um, other games athletes.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Also, um, the guy from Mexico was there. Yeah. It was, it was, it was a crazy cast of, um,
Starting point is 00:39:37 uh, characters. Graciano was there. Andrew Hiller says, hi Blair. Oh, what up Miller? Daniel.
Starting point is 00:39:44 He's paying attention to you. Yeah. A little bit. We hang out a says, hi, Blair. Oh, what up, Hiller? Daniel Arnson. He's paying attention to you. Yeah, a little bit. We hang out a little. Daniel Arnson, for Sevan's plane ticket to Charlotte Classic in November. All right, fine. I'll be there. See you there.
Starting point is 00:39:55 $4.99. Perfect. That's exactly what I needed. First class upgrade. That was exactly $4.99 short. I appreciate it. Sean Scott, the guy from Mexico. You know, the guy without the neck.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Luis? Luis Oscar Moya. Luis Oscar Moya. Yeah, he's a stud, man. Yeah. Freak. Poor guy. His leg is locked up on the sandbag, too. I felt bad for him. Would he have won if that didn't happen? It's pretty impressive that Kevin Sweeney won. That guy's no joke and Tim Paulson's no joke.
Starting point is 00:40:23 I don't think Luis... No, he wouldn't have won. Sean had it locked up, but I think Luis would have got on the podium if he would have made it up to the top there without – if he had won that workout. So, Sean's still in game shape? I mean, he would say no. He said he's not in game shape,
Starting point is 00:40:40 but he obviously is in very, very good shape. He said he's been running a lot, not lifting as much. In our event, we had a max snatch. We had a Fran weight of 115, so we didn't do a lot of heavy barbell stuff. But, man, he won that sandbag event, and that's a 160-pound sandbag. So maybe he won't admit to it but yeah he's in he's pretty close to it i don't think these other events also have an obligation to do broad time and modal domains like i i'm okay if i go to the norcal classic and it's the 2008 games and
Starting point is 00:41:20 everything's under the 10 minute time domain like fuck you fuck you. I don't like, like the spectator. I'm more, maybe the athletes wouldn't like it, but I'm, I'm more than happy to watch a hill sprint, Fran, uh, burpee deadlift. I'm I'm that we're in, I can crowd around it and yell at you and throw popcorn at you. I'm stoked. Yeah. I mean, there's a couple, there's a couple of things there. So, I mean the athletes are winning, they're competing for $25,000. So we want to make it as, to an even test, you know, a broad test as we can. But there's more to broad testing than just the time domains, right?
Starting point is 00:41:55 I mean, and in that event, the elites, we had them do an adventure race that was 45 minutes. They had to do a 5K kayak that was 45 minutes. So they did the long stuff, you know, and they did the 600-meter sprint that was short. They did the snatch that was 45 minutes so they did the long stuff you know and they did the the 600 meter sprint that was short they did the snatch that was short they did the broad jump that was short and then there was like two eight minute efforts in there too there was where there was nothing was that that like 12 to 20 minute like traditional chipper style high repetition volume that's something that you would see in the open. Like we didn't do that.
Starting point is 00:42:27 And I know we didn't do that because you can't, you can't run 700 people through a workout like that. It's just, you don't have time. You could do that. How many athletes there were, there were 700 athletes at your event. Yeah. So is that, is that the biggest event? Is that the biggest, the NorCal classic has been?
Starting point is 00:42:45 Yes. That was the biggest it's been. Oh, congratulations. Yeah. What's the next step for it? I was supposed to ask. I want to ask you about your affiliates, but this is so interesting about events. What's the next step for the NorCal Classic? The next step.
Starting point is 00:43:02 I mean, so we've talked about this. The next step, I mean, so we've talked about this. We don't want to make it like a 3,000-athlete thing the way Guadalupalooza is. I think that's a little too big for what we want, for that vibe that we want. So we're going to probably push it right up to around 900 or 1,000. That'll be the cap of athletes.'ll the way we'll do that is we'll kind of open other divisions so we want to have an adaptive division at some point um we want
Starting point is 00:43:33 to have you know we want to expand the the offerings for the masters for the age group athletes which i think you should have short stature by the way oh yeah i don't know that was a thing yeah i just had tim murray on the fittest dwarf on the planet okay yeah i'd be down short stature yeah not just the people who are missing body parts they get all the attention right short stature anyway i'm just throwing that in there okay we digress sorry um so yeah that's the way we're going to grow it. And then I think at that point, what we want to try to do is, is focus on the, the spectator experience. Like what else can they get out of it for coming to the event? So our, our vendor village was,
Starting point is 00:44:19 was great this year, but it was pretty small. I think we had 20, 20 vendors there in person. I'd like to see that double. We can have a much bigger vendor area. We have the footprint to do it. Not only that, you had the people to buy shit. There's so many people just milling around, just wanting, I mean, so many fucking people. Yeah, I know, I know.
Starting point is 00:44:42 I mean, part of that is just the region, right? We have a lot of old crossfit here yeah gyms that have been that are 12 15 years old and so those members they remember you know the 2008 games they remember you know these these people like they remember castro and becca boyd and like they want to see these people and they're not that far away everything is very dense right you can get the bay It's only an hour and a half from Sacramento. You got Santa Cruz. You got the Central Valley.
Starting point is 00:45:09 You got Redding. So not to mention all of Reno and the Nevada area. So, yeah, we want to try to make it better for the spectators, which I think we can. We're not going to overpopulate the vendor village. we're not going to over populate the vendor village we i think we talked to a bunch of them in our in our in our uh kind of debrief and everybody agreed that like four or five uh companies per category works well for them they can all still make money and we don't charge them an arm and a leg to be there you know to be a vendor for three days it costs a thousand bucks at our event if you want to be a higher level partner and have like, you know, branding rights on different
Starting point is 00:45:48 things and exclusivity, it costs more, but you know, we try to make it affordable for the vendors because we know that that's what the spectators want. Like they want to watch the athletes, but they also want to shop, you know, and they want to have access to these big brands or even some of the local brands, you know, that are trying to make it. So that's probably where the focus is going to be. And then if we can get the prize money to continue to increase so that the athletes are valued, and not just the elite athletes,
Starting point is 00:46:14 but the Masters athletes. I mean, next year we're going to pay the Masters athletes $2,500 for first place. You already know that? Yeah. We've already done the budget for next year. Wow. Hey, was anyone selling D-balls there? No.
Starting point is 00:46:30 So at the 2008 CrossFit Games, 2009 CrossFit Games prior to the games, I had started really getting into D-balls. Do you remember the companies around? It's called D-ball by Mondo. Do you remember that company? Yeah, all the yellow ones, right? Yep, and I told that old guy who owns the place i'm like hey dude bring a shitload of d balls they'll you sell them and he's like no do you know how hard it is to bring them there and people don't people don't want to buy them i'm like dude you could sell a fucking rock to a
Starting point is 00:46:59 crossfitter crossfitters will buy anything that you can pick up anything just bring a rock and write 37 pounds on it and someone will fucking buy it and tell them it's a training tool so he's all nope nope i'm not doing that i'm just bringing like 10 balls dude that he got on friday he sold all his fucking balls at the 2009 crossfit games he only brought fucking 10 he had to ask people not to take them so other people could see them throughout the rest of the weekend. And he said he could have sold like 100 balls. And I always trip on that. Like, I think, I know this is falling to the weeds.
Starting point is 00:47:32 I think if you want to fucking make money, bring D-balls to the NorCal Classic next year, get a fucking booth and sell fucking D-balls, and you will sell so fucking many. I promise. Yeah, I mean, you can ask D ask how many sandbags they sold yeah did they sell a lot yeah yeah yeah and i'm telling you d-balls way yummier than it as no offense go rock love go rock love love jimmy letchford love go rock but dude a d-ball so yummy bring the
Starting point is 00:47:57 little ones for the kids the four pound the the five it's crazy yeah i have so many d-balls for my kids we live on those things throwing them carrying them every everything we do everything with them yeah i mean your point about crossfitters buying anything is is valid everybody out there is like they're inspired by what they're seeing right or they're an athlete who's like just living their best life you know being out there and they want to shop they want to to buy stuff. So, I mean, we have, we've gotten such great feedback from all the vendors because they make money, but they,
Starting point is 00:48:31 they're selling their products because all the people there are, I mean, they're, I don't know what you want to call them. They're more than warm leads. Obviously they're, they're low hanging fruit. Everybody there is like, they want to have something that's got the event logo on it or they want to have something that's at a discount right all the equipment is like hayley was our uh our equipment provider and they're selling all their barbells it's amazing equipment um and it's all at like 20 off because it's in person right so there's a benefit to being there because you have access to these cool um community companies that are like there
Starting point is 00:49:09 for the same reason you are so they're going to work with you i wonder how a um iv drip company would do an event like that you know we had one we had an iv drip company like you know what i mean like you're selling them like you're like you have like 20 beds and you're just giving people drips. My wife did one of those during COVID. She got, she got sick when we were on vacation and we paid someone, they came to the house and nurse stuck a needle in her and dude, it like brought her back to life. I don't know what was in their meth or what, but, but it, but it brought her back to life. IV meth.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Yeah. I think you're on something there seven but they came to 3 000 and what a uh super hot day in sacramento and someone's selling bags of vitamin c that they can pump right into your blood i don't know i would think crossfitters would eat that shit up yeah we had one a couple years ago and i think they did pretty well the problem with them is the price point is super high. So I think it costs like $100 for a drip. So sometimes people are walking around. They're not trying to spend that money on something like that.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Something they can't even take home. Right, exactly. It's like, oh, I'm going to get either a smoothie or I could get 10 smoothies. I mean, get a smoothie, lunch, and some drinks afterwards. Right. Or a drip. How did you – so was there any leap like, hey, I went to Princeton. I played sports at probably some of the highest levels in the country,
Starting point is 00:50:39 and I'm going to instead run a CrossFit gym when you first parlayed all of that experience into one gym. One mom and pop small gym. What do you mean, leap? Just that you would think like, okay, this guy invested $150,000 into his education, played sports at this crazy high level. level and now he's going to settle down running a gym that's um uh you know 600 square feet in uh some small suburbian town out in the middle of california as a corporate job and you know what i mean or try to work with some professional team or you know what i mean or or sell pharmaceuticals you would be amazing at selling pharmaceuticals look at you you can be fucking i know meth meth and an iv drip i got my amazing adderall salesman um yeah so there was a little bit of a leap there i guess because
Starting point is 00:51:33 so i like i said before i had personal trained for three years in dc so i had kind of this this skill set of coaching individuals that were not athletes that I had developed. And then I went abroad for a year. That year after 2009, I went to Europe and I did a master's. You're going to love this. I did a master's degree in European history. Wow. So my thought at that moment was I'm going to be a teacher. I'm going to be like Indiana Jones. That's really what I wanted to be. I wanted to be an amazing Indiana Jones. I going to be a teacher. I'm going to be like Indiana Jones. That's really what I want it to be. I want it. Oh, dude, you would be an amazing Indiana Jones. I see. I wanted to be a professor, but then travel. And then like, I thought that I could do like personal training, you know, on the side as like, you know, additional income. Here's the greatest
Starting point is 00:52:20 compliment ever. Sorry, Blair. Uh, Blair Morrison could sellzempic to an anorexic yeah i'm telling you look at him what ozempic is that's the cave gastro what a great name okay so indiana jones so yeah i thought i would that's what i thought at that time and i got over there and i was in this this awesome you know master's program where i got to travel around and i wrote this blog called anywhere fit which is what I named my gym, where I was working out kind of on the outskirts without a gym, you know, hanging ropes and climbing stuff and just making it work, right? Training for the games in 2010 with nothing. I remember that. I remember the Anywhere Fit when you were starting that. Yeah. Yeah. So it was awesome. It was the best year of my life. I had so much fun. I loved the freedom.
Starting point is 00:53:06 I loved the learning. But what I discovered was that professors' lives kind of suck. They don't actually get to teach very much. They research all the time, and they have to publish. And so during that year is when I started to consider doing something different. Sorry about that. That's okay. That's when I started to consider opening a gym because I knew that I loved this thing, this fitness thing.
Starting point is 00:53:38 I loved the games. I loved the people I met at the games and I had this, um, this experience working out without a gym that I thought maybe I could bring a little bit to other people. Um, so the leap was obviously financially, it doesn't look as good as selling Ozempic to anorexics or, um, yeah, but the flip side was, you know, I could just be, I didn't have to like, uh, create a professional identity. I could just be who I was and, and do this thing. And I had the games as a little bit of momentum. My name in the sport was, was good at that time.
Starting point is 00:54:20 And so I thought that that was a good, a good enough reason to start the business. Um, so I did, I moved home good enough reason to start the business. So I did. I moved home after that year, after the games in 2010. And I picked the location based on proximity to the lake. So we're right next to Folsom Lake, our first location. And we would do trail runs to the lake. We would carry rocks.
Starting point is 00:54:43 We would do all sorts of outdoorsy stuff. Um, and that kind of became our brand. The CrossFit Anywhere brand was, yeah, we're going to train functional movements at high intensity, you know, across broad time and modal domains. But we're, in addition to the methodology, we're going to try to create an experience that people, uh, resonate with. That's, that's not just the gym. It's about what you can do with that fitness outside of the gym. And so that, I mean, that was, that was the idea.
Starting point is 00:55:16 That was the brand identity and the, that was the leap. And luckily, you know, I started early enough in 2011 that there wasn't a saturation of the market yet. And we were able to get our foot in and build from there. And that was your first gym, 2011, 2011. That's right. And you've made, and you, every year you still do something right. Where you take a group of people to some far off land, like to Iceland or to Europe or something where, and you guys, and that's, and that's also part of anywhere fit. Right. I see that.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Like I think your next trip is to Bali. Yeah. We're going to Bali next June. So yeah, those trips are a big piece of, I mean, keeping, keeping me really happy because like I said before, that year that I got to travel and train was my favorite year. I love that. Everything about that experience was, was so like fulfilling. Um, and so I wanted to be able to keep doing that, but I knew that I wasn't going to be making
Starting point is 00:56:11 enough money to be able to go do that by myself. It's like, Hey, well maybe there's some other people that want to do it. So I did the first trip in 2011. It was like the same, the same year we opened the gym. And, uh, I did it with my buddy Sven. You might remember Iceland Sven from 2009. Yeah. So we met that year. Are you still friends with him? Yeah, he's like one of my best friends.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Wow. That was the guy that came with Annie. Yeah. And yeah, we met that year. Yeah, I like that guy. He's a super cool guy. We met that year. And then when I was abroad, I went over to Iceland, visited him, and we just kind of built this friendship.
Starting point is 00:56:49 And I told him about this idea, and he's like, oh, you have to do this in Iceland. First year, Iceland. And Sven is, if you ever get to meet Sven or talk to Sven, he has like boundless energy. He's like just adult AD add in the best way possible um so he helped me plan the first trip in iceland we had 32 people that mostly followed my blog and they were from like 12 different countries and it was awesome we all met in iceland and we had you know we had a videographer to kind of like document it and we just went all over it and the idea was that i remember the video now.
Starting point is 00:57:26 It's coming back to me. Yeah, that's right. I remember thinking, wow, this is crazy. This guy's doing it. Do you know Ross Coughlin? Do you remember Ross? Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:34 He was the videographer for that first year. Yes, he's still killing it. Crazy. So, yeah, we've been doing that ever since. Me and Sven, we plan a trip, usually one, sometimes two per year. And we just put it out on social media for whoever wants to go. And then it's 10 days of workouts. We usually visit a couple gyms along the way.
Starting point is 00:57:56 But for the most part, it is outdoors. We swim, we run, we hike, we carry each other up volcanoes. And whatever looks cool and awesome and will be a great memory. That's what we try to do. And the idea is that you'll remember that trip and that place more because you did a workout there than if you just took a picture there. Right. And have you ever done Bali before? No, never been to Bali.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Wow, this is crazy. Are you friends with Dave Driscoll? That's where his gym is, right? Yeah. I'm not friends with Dave. I'm going to try to connect with him so we can go see his wanderlust is obviously on everybody's bucket list when they go to Bali.
Starting point is 00:58:35 So yeah, hopefully we can make that happen. I know Lauren Fisher just went there or she's there right now. So he's definitely open to the idea of having people come in and, you know, see it and share it but no we've never been to bali we've been to thailand we've been to peru we did machu picchu one year we've been to iceland multiple times italy sardinia been all over how did machu picchu go did anyone get sick everyone i know who goes there in big groups at least one or two people
Starting point is 00:59:03 fucking have a blowout. You mean like altitude sickness? No, just like they ate something wrong. Oh. No, it was mostly the altitude. So we got off the plane in Cusco and it's like 13,000 feet and everybody's got a headache right away. Wow. It's way up there. Does it go
Starting point is 00:59:20 away? Yeah. And Machu Picchu is actually lower than that. So Machu Picchu is actually lower than that so machu picchu is only like 7 7500 i think so when you go down there you feel you feel fine that's a hard-ass country man people that live there are so tough everything is a mountain and a hill like i have so much respect for people that just like they like carry their groceries two miles and it's like the hardest two miles you've ever done.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Straight up flight of stairs. I mean, stairs and like Hills. And like you said, the altitude is crazy. And these people are doing it like practically barefoot. I mean, it's unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:59:58 Olivia CrossFit anywhere has a great location in Folsom. I used to live in Folsom. Yeah, that's the one that's the original one. So we're right by the lake there on the bike path and dude, in the summertime we do lake swims once a week. Clock. When I first went up to the sack area, I thought Folsom would be low rent. It's the home of Folsom prison.
Starting point is 01:00:18 After all it's the opposite. Such a nice area. Yeah, it's true. Folsom is really nice. Susie tell a Blair, would love to see you at our gym CrossFit avalanche in North Lake Tahoe. Oh, Susie, guess what? I'm going to be there today. We're coming to four o'clock class. Serious. Yeah. So we're doing a, I'm taking our coaching staff up to Tahoe this weekend for a coach's retreat to kind of do like some movement clinic and like just some bonding. And we're gonna go see miles uh i've been avalanche today so we'll be there today crazy crazy yeah uh magnus holmgren um i live on uh at 8 500 feet he's in mexico i wonder where he's at uh it's all about getting used to it
Starting point is 01:00:58 yeah i mean i guess you can get used to anything i I mean, I live down here in Santa Cruz, and whenever I go to Tahoe, it's like that day you get there and you're carrying your luggage up just like the eight stairs in the lobby in the hotel. It's like you're fucking winded, and that's like at 4,500 feet. Yeah, that's true, though. I mean, I feel like every time I go to Tahoe, I'm winded the first day. Yeah. But once I do a workout and get through that first workout,
Starting point is 01:01:26 I don't feel winded anymore. Like it unclogs you or something? Yeah, or like something happens in the blood. I know that they say it takes two weeks to fully acclimate somewhere, and that's why people go train in the mountains. But I feel like once you've done it a couple times, I feel like your body has a memory there, and so you will adjust quicker um
Starting point is 01:01:45 once you go to try to do it again did you own five gyms during the shutdown no i owned three gyms during the shutdown and did you shut them down yeah so our what we did we shut them down from what was it middle of march right until may 1 did, we shut them down from, what was it, middle of March, right, until May 1st. So we shut down for six weeks. Oh, my God. And then we opened on May 1st. Was there a fuck you element when you opened up? Or did they tell you you could open up?
Starting point is 01:02:19 Or was it like, okay. Oh, no. No, they did not tell us we could open up. I mean, there were so many gray areas. I mean, I was just remembering this the other day. Blair, do you remember when there was talk like, hey, they might start reading our text messages? Do you remember when that was being proposed to see who's breaking guidelines? Do you remember hearing any of that?
Starting point is 01:02:35 I was thinking about that today. I was looking for articles on that. The U.S. government was going to start reading our text messages to see, like, what the fuck is going on? Okay, sorry. So they didn't tell you could open but after six weeks you just knew you kind of had to yeah we knew we had to so i mean we what we did our gyms we we suspended everybody's memberships so nobody had to pay for for the month of april um and then if anybody wanted to pay the gym to like help they could but we we suspended everybody's
Starting point is 01:03:07 memberships and then we restarted on may 1st for anybody who wanted to come back and we we started doing 30-minute classes with like you know uh taped out squares on the ground uh five people per class and then by june 1st it was up to 10 people per class. And by July 1st, there was no more tape on the ground. And my thought was gyms are a habit-based business. And if people are out of the habit of coming too long, even if they want to, and everybody has the best intentions of coming back, if you get them too far out of the habit, they're not coming back. They will replace that with some other habit that takes up their time and their money. Um, so we, we lost 35% of our membership on that May 1st that we're not ready to come back.
Starting point is 01:03:57 And most of them never came back just like we predicted, but because we got the clock started in May and, and we're able to kind of like nimble our way around, uh, everything without too much, uh, restrictions from the government. We, we were able to get back to our full membership by March 1st,
Starting point is 01:04:19 the next year. So, so basically it took us a year to get back to what we lost in that, in that six weeks. Did the state, did anyone ever come to your gyms and try to shut you down? Like the authorities? Yes. We had a citizen in, in the full, at the Folsom gym, he was a cyclist and he would park in our parking lot to get on the bike trail. And he would, he was calling the mayor of Folsom and he was like calling the city council and emailing them and saying that, you know, we were whatever we were, you know, the devil or something. And did you have at that time you had three gyms and how many kids?
Starting point is 01:04:56 I had three kids. You had three. How old's your youngest kid? Sutter. Our youngest son is five. Oh, OK. So you had all your kids before then? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Yeah. He was, he was like one during COVID. So, I mean, that guy, whatever we, we,
Starting point is 01:05:12 what we did is I spent 5,000 bucks and frosted all the windows so that you couldn't see, couldn't see inside. And that's all the, that was, what was cool about that time was police. The police would come out to our, our location because they had to
Starting point is 01:05:25 and and they were they were cool they were like hey happy to hear that yeah they were like we're not trying to ruin your business we're not we know you guys are trying to make people healthy and that's a good thing when there's a pandemic and like you know people aren't standing next to each other for 45 minutes on a treadmill breathing each other's air. I mean, CrossFit is inherently separate. You're going to be moving around to different spaces. So they were all cool about it. And as soon as we frosted the windows, they didn't bug us. You know what's crazy, too, though, is that I guess it's going to be like that no matter what with their humans. But I'm starting to realize more and more like how many people have power or make judgments in places that they shouldn't even have that power or make those judgments.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Like I went to get passports at the post office the other day for my kids. And the guy is explaining to me that he needs to make sure that my kids are – this is a guy who works at the post office. He needs to make sure my – one of the things they have to do is make sure that the kids are okay because they don't issue passports to people unless their kids are okay. And he's like, so do you have good parents? And I'm like, what the fuck? What if my, what if my kid was like, no, my dad slapped me yesterday. Talk to my fucking kid. Dude, that's crazy.
Starting point is 01:06:37 I know, dude. He's a post office slash social worker. Child protective services at the post office. Are your kids in school, Blair? Yeah. You get worried about them being in school? We sent them to a Waldorf school. It's a charter school.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Okay. It's a public charter. So we got pretty lucky with that. It's free. It's funded by the state. Yeah. Wow. Free Waldorf school.
Starting point is 01:07:03 That is lucky. Good job. So, yeah, that's been great. I mean, their philosophy is much more about teaching them to be good people first before a lot of the academic stuff. But I mean, there's also some misnomers about it. All my kids read, they do math,
Starting point is 01:07:20 they know how to do all those things. It's not like they're coming out like a bunch of idiots. Oh, Waldorf's a great program. Waldorf's a great program. Anyone who thinks the opposite, they're nuts. I just keep hearing more and more stories of like, yo, so-and-so said that that kid did that, and then Child Protective Services is at the house,
Starting point is 01:07:39 and all of a sudden the state's putting their nose in your business. I'm like, what the fuck is going on? Maybe it's always been like that, and I've just become aware of it because i have three kids also what are their ages again what are your ages our kids are eight six and five oh okay so you're where i'm at yeah i have two sixes and an eight yeah yeah it's fun man it's good ages i'm having a blast yeah what do you what what what sports do you play with them i do a ton of tennis with them ton i don't even play tennis we have not done tennis yet um but we we have like my wife was a level 10 gymnast at one point in her life yep so we have um a couple of requirements
Starting point is 01:08:23 for our kids athletically that we say that you have to do swimming and you have to do gymnastics until you're 10. And then everything else is optional. So we play soccer. We play baseball. My daughter dances and does theater. But swimming and gymnastics are the ones that are required. Gymnastics I fully get. And I wish I would have done swimming but
Starting point is 01:08:47 why swimming i wish my kids swam better a couple reasons so number one swimming is one of those like life-saving skills that you always wish you were better at um so for our kids we want them to be super, super good in the water. Inoculated from two thirds of the earth is covered in two thirds water. They're great swimmers and now they have, they're inoculated from drowning. Right. And they're not going to have fear of the water and, you know, they're going to have confidence and then they can, they can surf, they can, they can do all sorts of fun stuff if they're confident in the water.
Starting point is 01:09:21 Uh, but the second thing is I think that swimming develops your aerobic capacity better than any other sport. You have to hold your breath, learn how to use oxygen. It's the only sport that's like that. So they're going to get this foundation of aerobic capacity that only swimmers get, and then they can parlay that into any other sport that they want. I remember as a kid swimming, coming out of swim team and going to soccer practice and just like dusting people on all the wind sprints because it just wasn't hard. It wasn't hard compared to swimming. So, um, that's another reason. And then the last great foundational shit. Yeah. It's foundational shit. And there's like a, there's this
Starting point is 01:09:59 swimming, some practices suck, but they're like the discipline it takes to go there at eight in the morning when it's cold there at 8 in the morning when it's cold outside and get in the water and do what the coach says. It's just not fun at that level. And then there's times when it's super fun. Like swim meets are like super fun time for the kids. They're not that fun for the parents, but they're really fun for the kids because they're just hanging out, playing cards with their friends
Starting point is 01:10:23 in sleeping bags, and they go up and they do like a 20-second kids because they're just hanging out, playing cards with their friends in sleeping bags, and they go up and they do like a 20-second race and they're back. So it's like this good balance between you put in this disciplined effort for this reward, and they're just not – they don't get that a lot. I mean, most practices – like I go to soccer practice, and they're just playing. You know, it's fun. Baseball practice is fun. Swimming practice is hard.
Starting point is 01:10:47 So it's cool to have them experience that and then get the payoff of, you know, of game day the way it's going to be later on. So that's the reason. I love it. Um, uh, maybe, I think maybe you've influenced me. Uh, a front tail, uh, tell me you're gay without telling me you're gay. I play tennis. Fine. i'm gay i know tennis is awesome we haven't done tennis yet because it's that's a hard thing to teach a kid dude uh my kids my kids don't go to school so all my kids do is skateboard fight and tennis all all day every day so it's like basically seven days a week they're just martial artists they play tennis and then and they skateboard and it's just this constant fucking grind but i but i think because
Starting point is 01:11:29 we live right by the ocean i probably should do something where i'm like hey guys for six months we're giving up one day of tennis one day of jujitsu and striking and one day of skateboarding and we're just gonna swim so we're gonna do three days of swimming for the next and probably change their world like as you were saying that i'm like okay i need to do that yeah even just a six month crash course where you take them to uh swim every single day for uh six months yeah you'd be surprised if you get if you go to like a like a good team or a club or whatever yeah you'll be surprised how fast they learn yeah okay yeah yeah and and they're not going to be good swimmers and they're not made for swimming they're just they're it's all right i'm slightly taller than what's a legal dwarf i mean i i'm
Starting point is 01:12:17 yeah it's not but but yeah it's totally okay i agree you never know maybe they can just swim underwater well and but this is what um my kids could be world-class uh surfers my i could have the next kelly slater but i will never know it if they're too afraid to be in the ocean right that's it yeah and i don't want to hear anyone say they're not the next kelly slater fuck off kelly slater didn't know he was the next kelly slater um right you're not supposed to have more than one gym and you have five tell me tell me this um how you went from one to two to three to four to five why are you why are you being so naughty are you hoarding all the gyms in your area so okay that's a good
Starting point is 01:12:56 question so i i started with our first gym in 2011 and i opened a second gym that eventually closed like a year later and then i opened the third gym which eventually closed a year later. Then I opened a third gym. Did that scar you? Something bad that scarred you? You're like, oh, that was stupid. I bit off more than I could chew. It actually is surprisingly easier than I think most people allow themselves to think.
Starting point is 01:13:22 You fail at something. You learn from it and that so long as you didn't like over invest a ton of money that you know like breaks your family you move on you just move on to the next thing and that's okay um but i learned from that i learned it was like not the right location like the the area was affluent like folsom, but it didn't have enough population to support, you know, multiple CrossFit gyms. And there was multiple CrossFit gyms. So that was a failed experiment. Um, we opened our second, our second one or a third one, but we became our second one in 2013. Um, and then that was the last time I opened a new gym 2013 because at that time
Starting point is 01:14:08 sacramento was full i mean we had 50 affiliates wow 50 5 0 yeah okay so we had a lot of affiliates and like the market wasn't supporting the ones that we had, let alone new ones. And that's kind of what I try to advise people that want to open a CrossFit gym now is if you're in a place that already has CrossFit and it's established and the market is kind of dictating what the demand is, listen to that. Don't just think that you're going to do it better
Starting point is 01:14:44 and you're going to flip things on its head. It's just think that you're, you're going to do it better and you're going to, um, flip things on its head. It's just not the way it works. Instead, what we did is we, we absorbed existing communities. So in 2018, we absorbed a gym that was in downtown Sacramento called CrossFit Analog. The owner just wanted to move on and so we took over rebranded it and just kind of just basically kept a roof over the existing community's head and tried to improve it um that was our third gym and then after covid you had a lot of this coming in happening where people got cleaved right like half their gym is gone and they're not coming back and the owners are like dude this is my second gig i don't have the energy to rebuild this thing the way it needs to be done. You know, does anybody, does anybody want to buy it?
Starting point is 01:15:43 We took over CrossFit Centurion, which is in Rancho Cordova. And that's Ian and Allison ran that gym for 14 years. One of the first affiliates in our area. Who were they? Ian Carver, Ian and Allison Carver. Okay. And, you know, they're great coaches, Sacramento Sheriff. And so we just kind of came in, absorbed the community into our, our broader, our broader community and, you know, just continued it. Right.
Starting point is 01:16:08 Just let kind of built on what they had and that Jim's doing great. It's thriving. It's amazing. And then the fifth one was a similar situation, not really a COVID issue, but like the owner is CrossFit Echelon out in the Lincoln area. And Adam wants to move. He wanted to move to Montana. You know, he wanted to take his family out of California, move to Montana. He had an opportunity.
Starting point is 01:16:31 Can't blame him for that. Yeah. So he reached out. I was like, yeah, dude, we'll take it. And what year was that? That was this year. That was in March. Dude, you are a busy man.
Starting point is 01:16:41 Is your wife full time working on the gyms too? No. She has a job, a your wife full-time working on the gyms too no she has a she has a job a job no she i mean she has a job but it's her she's she personal trains and does nutrition so she has she has like i don't know probably 10 or 15 clients that she does you know whenever whenever she wants at the gyms or at home. So you do the gyms. I do the gyms. Yeah. Oh my goodness. And,
Starting point is 01:17:09 and you have, do you own a home also? Yeah. Holy shit, dude. You are busy, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:17 We're busy, but I mean, it works. I mean, I coach obviously, I mean, five gyms is a lot. It's a lot.
Starting point is 01:17:23 There's, and I think this is probably this the way we the way i do it now there's no way i could do any more because i i open one of the gyms every day of the week so i think five gyms five days i i'm the first coach there at one of the gyms each of the five days um but in general how old are you, Blair? Uh, how old do you think I am? Uh, 38, 41. Oh, okay. You don't look 38, but I just knew that you had to be older just cause you've been around
Starting point is 01:17:52 so long. Do people sometimes confuse you with Kelly Slater? No, that's a very nice compliment. It's a handsome man. Kelly Slater. He's got bluer eyes than me. I think, I mean, you look better than him. I mean, he looks good, but I think you look better than him. I wonder if he's older than you. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Sorry. So maxed out at five. Sorry. I took you, I took us off course, uh, maxed out at five. You taught the class today. Yeah. So I, I feel like that's five days of the week, five gyms. I can, I can have a presence and that's kind of the way I like to do it. I coach about 20 hours a week between the five gyms, which I mean, it's not a lot. That's totally manageable. I'm still, I'm still at home. Like it's not a lot of hours, but it's giving a lot. I mean, it's, you're giving of yourself for 20 hours. That's a lot. Yeah. And then, and then there's, I mean, there's other stuff, you know, I mean, with kids, that's like so much, so much time and giving, but I mean, one thing I'll ask you this question. How do you, how do you know if you have a hard
Starting point is 01:19:00 life or an easy life? One litmus test is when I wake up, I don't want to go to bed at night. And when I wake up, I'm so fucking like I told my wife yesterday, I'm not a happy person. I'm a stimulated person. I'm so I'm so excited when I wake up. I can't wait. I'm like fly out of bed. Right. That's great.
Starting point is 01:19:23 Yeah. Yeah. So I think, I think the way, you know, if you have a hard life or an easy life or what it determines, what determines whether you have a hard life or an easy life or a good life or a bad life, what determines that is what you tell yourself.
Starting point is 01:19:36 And that's it. It's hard and easy. It's subjective. You know, I look at the people that live in Peru and I'm like, Oh my God, that life is rough. And I asked them and they're like, this is no big deal, right? It's all relative to what they think about their life or what I think about my life. So I have five gyms and I coach 20 hours. You know, I could tell myself all day long that,
Starting point is 01:20:01 oh my God, I'm like, I'm grinding. This is hard. Like, I don't want to get up early. It's too much. And I'm going to believe that eventually I will believe that whatever I tell myself, I will believe it because otherwise, you know, you're going to, you're going to have like a, you know, a psychotic episode where you're, you're like a split person. So you're going to convince yourself of whatever you want it is to convince. So just, You're like a split person. So you're going to convince yourself of whatever you want it is to convince. So just, I don't tell myself that it's that hard.
Starting point is 01:20:33 I tell myself that I get more people to interact with and I'm an extrovert. I love that. I get energy from people. So the fact that I have five gyms and I have to be up at 415 or 435 days a week, that's not a hardship. That's just, you know, who else gets to do that i don't know anybody that has five gyms so i don't know i don't know anyone either this is a great question uh um pool boy hey blair do you sometimes show up at the wrong gym at 5 5 a.m and go oh fuck i was supposed to be here tomorrow not today did that happen, I never get all the way to the wrong gym,
Starting point is 01:21:06 but I do start driving to the wrong gym. Yeah. I have to like quick, like flip around. So yeah, that happens. The tennis place and the skateboard place are in the same park that my kids go to, but it's a mile and a half drive all the way around through a couple of different stoplights to get to tennis versus skateboarding.
Starting point is 01:21:27 And so many fucking times I'm just on autopilot going to the wrong one. And the kids will be like, dude, and I'm like, fuck. Yeah. The kids know too. The kids know.
Starting point is 01:21:37 Yeah. Yeah. Uh, uh, Brad, Patty, Hey, I want to go back and talk about that story thing.
Starting point is 01:21:43 Cause I need to ask you a favor. Braddy, Patty, Sevan Blair single-handedly got me started doing CrossFit in 2007. I watched every video blog he posted on his Anywhere Fit blog for two years. Oh, that's cool. That's way cool. Thanks, Brad. Hey, did you even know I had a podcast before I invited you on?
Starting point is 01:22:09 Yes. Oh, you did? Okay. Did you know it was like this, like people talking and just all over the place and people chiming in? Yeah, I mean, I haven't listened to it a ton. I don't listen to a lot of podcasts because I'm usually – i should i should actually because i drive it a fair amount getting to the gyms but um i have i have seen you trying to think of which episodes that i've seen did you know it was live did you know it was live no okay kind of cool right yeah i was gonna say i could see i could see that you're i i um i'm starting to become
Starting point is 01:22:42 in tune to guests who are like stimulated by the live and kind of like excited by it. And I just saw you kind of get excited by it. And I like that. I like surprising people like, oh, this is fun. Better than I thought, right? Better than you thought. Your voice is richer than I thought.
Starting point is 01:22:57 Oh, thank you. Okay. I have this friend. How do stop losses work on Kraken? Let's say I have a birthday party on Wednesday night, but an important meeting Thursday morning. So sensible me pre-books a taxi for 10 p.m. with alerts. Voila.
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Starting point is 01:24:14 I didn't realize that until you just explained it to me. How am I going to say that to him? Like I wouldn't. All the stories I tell myself about my kids are like positive. What a fucking stud. look at that smile I can't believe how nice his quads look oh my god he has beautiful eyes oh look at that stroke oh he's so funny like I just got all my stories like oh my god look at him sleeping he looks like a little chipmunk I mean I'm just like I'm so I can't wait till the podcast is over um uh i can't wait till fucking i get rid of blair so i can go hang out with my kids okay so he pushed that one away yeah what am i how am i gonna tell my friend he's got some
Starting point is 01:24:55 negative stories about one of his kids like he's uh resenting him or it's just not it's just not even a real story they're just it's it's i hear a lot of parents do this they say oh god kids are so much trouble right and it's like dude i i i cannot let that out of my mouth um and and and his story about one of his kids is so at the time i'm just like hey i'm glad i'm there and you can talk to me about it but now that i'm hearing you say it i need to be like it was it was a little much i need to be like hey dude you need to flip the script like it's now it's been going on for like a couple months yeah and and and his kid is a fucking uh a phenom like the kid is a very special, special child, like an amazing child, but, but a handful,
Starting point is 01:25:47 but a fucking handful. Right. I mean, I think, I mean, his, his feelings are valid. And so you don't want to like discount what he's, what he's trying to vent to you, but, and, but, but he's got to do is also realize that humans are extremely perceptive, right? It's not just what you say to us. It's how you say it. And the kid's going to pick up on his energy and that's going to become the kid's reality because more than anything, what children do is they, they model their parents and they become the avatar that their parents see them as. So if he continues to focus on the difficulty that the kid causes him the kid's going to start
Starting point is 01:26:28 to see himself as difficult right whether he's saying it to him or not that's a hard thing to do because you have to be first of all be conscious of it right and second of all be like intentional about you like you said changing the story or flipping the script because he, I mean, it's like training. You can, you can train yourself to believe anything, like literally anything. And so he can, by telling him stuff, focusing on the fact that his kid's a phenom or that the fact that his kid is difficult is actually a blessing, right? It's going to make this kid that much
Starting point is 01:27:05 better at whatever he does because you supported him through these things. Like it will get easier. It will get easier to believe that story as opposed to the cop-out, which is my life's hard. Woe is me. Nobody has it hard like I do, which is such bullshit. I mean, I hate it. One of the, one of the most common things you hear from people is that God, everything's busy. I'm like, do, which is such bullshit. I mean, I hate it. One of the, one of the most common things you hear from people is that God, everything's busy. I'm like, yeah, no shit.
Starting point is 01:27:29 Everybody's got the same 24 hours. Everybody fills them up. Everybody feels busy. That, that, that statement literally means nothing. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 01:27:37 everybody's busy. Don't tell me you're busy. Tell me your life's awesome. I like to say it when my shit gets crazy I'd be like fuck I have too many good choices life's like a buffet it's like holy shit I'm never going to be able to try everything here
Starting point is 01:27:54 I got some serious good problems or if you're going to say you're busy say life's busy but it's great I'm busy but it's awesome and it's great I don't even like but and it's great so don't even like but yeah and it's great um so maybe what i heard you say let me see if i heard you correctly um uh don't tell your friend tell your wife to tell your friend i just think because i he's gonna take it like i'm
Starting point is 01:28:23 talking about him when i don't really care about him i'm more i'm not i'm not trying to hurt his ego i'm trying to talk i'm trying to do what's best for for his kid why don't you not talk about him just talk about his kid just like yeah go inception style right you just talk about how great his kid is how how great is i do talk about how great his kid is okay okay yeah and then he he makes the connection that he needs to think about it that way and I don't want him to convince me that his kid's anything other than great either and and he'll start doing that if he keeps if he keeps this up I'm going to start thinking the same thing he thinks about his kid and I don't want to think that no I agree because I've known I know his kids a crazy gifted human being I'm, I'm still going to ask my wife to do it.
Starting point is 01:29:07 That's all right. Instead of me. That's all right. She'll be way better at talking to him. She's a good communicator? She's just like, she won't bring any ego to it. Right.
Starting point is 01:29:20 Yeah. You know what I mean? And I probably will. Part of me will be like, here, let me tell you something. And if he sniffs that out on me, I'm fucked. No, that's true. I mean, being a parent is really hard.
Starting point is 01:29:32 And everybody knows that it's hard. And it's easy to get defensive about it. So that's probably smart. Are all five of your gyms affiliated, Blair? Almost. So that's something that's actually been a nice change recently so you remember back in the day it was like one brick and mortar facility one affiliate right you had one one owner you can only own one you had to get your your wife or your dad or you know
Starting point is 01:29:59 your head coach to be the owner or the uh the licensee of record yeah and i've been fighting that forever because i don't i didn't like we had we had three gyms forever and one was affiliated and two weren't you know we had to scrub crossfit from the website you know we couldn't have the word crossfit anywhere on our website at all because not all of them were affiliated because i mean just to be honest it didn't make sense to do it you know we're in the same market it's one gym with multiple locations like having the additional name didn't benefit us it's like just it's money you're throwing away and at that time you know greg's model was very laissez-faire it was cream rises
Starting point is 01:30:42 to the top we're not gonna we're not gonna put any additional resources into pr or anything like that um so all you were getting was the name recently though with um the changes that have been made there they've softened on that and so now we are allowed to have the same licensee of record on multiple gyms which is cool do you have to pay more like for two gyms you have to pay double and three gyms triple yeah you have to pay more like for two gyms you have to pay double and three gyms triple yeah you have to pay for every one of them so so why do that why not just have one affiliated i'm betting on i'm betting on crossfit right now i think i think i like what i heard from from don fall and you met him you did you go somewhere where he was? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:26 I went to our West coast affiliate gathering. He was there. I met him again at a, at the games this last year. And I believe him. I think he says he wants to grow CrossFit to 30 million participants. And I think, I think that's what he wants. I've actually talked to the chief marketing officer about this. Cause I have a couple of ideas how we can do this locally. Who's that? Who's the chief marketing officer about this because I have a couple ideas how we can do this locally. Who's that? Who's the chief marketing officer? Oh, gosh. I was hoping you weren't going to ask me. I just met him one time over Zoom. Is it a boy or a girl? It's a man. Yeah. Is he new?
Starting point is 01:31:56 Yes. Oh, okay. Yes. Okay. So sorry. So you met him. So what happened in your conversation with him? You liked what you saw? Yeah. I feel like they're going to start putting resources towards growing the brand so that having the name CrossFit will be beneficial. Whereas in the past, it's been hit or miss. Sometimes it's a benefit. You get the diehards. But then you're also scaring a lot of people away by calling it a CrossFit gym. So I think I'm betting on it. I think it's going to grow in the next five years. And so I think it's worth it to be, to have each gym affiliated. And like, dude, like that's the thing is all these gyms that de-affiliate,
Starting point is 01:32:38 people always think, oh my God, they're like turning their back on CrossFit. And like, that's not my experience. I feel like these, these owners that are doing this are – I mean, sometimes with the stuff that – sometimes it is that, but mostly they're just trying to save their business. You know what I mean? They're trying to save their business, and they're thinking that, hey, that $3,000 I have to pay is not generating me $3,000 worth of clients.
Starting point is 01:33:05 If I can get more people in by simple math, simple math, no, no moral decision, no like, fuck you. No, like, I love this. Just like, Hey, what am I getting from it? Right. And most of the, most of them, everybody still does CrossFit. That's the thing. The methodology is so good.
Starting point is 01:33:20 It's like almost undeniable. So they don't stop doing CrossFit as it's defined, you know, like the movements that we know and the time domains that we know, they just are trying to find a way to get more people in their doors. So if they have to trick them into doing CrossFit, they'll trick them because what's more important than loyalty to a brand name is feeding your family and keeping your business open. All that stuff that I know you've had, that might be the interview that I saw. You had a CrossFit book. What's her name?
Starting point is 01:33:50 Chris Cooper. Oh, Emily. Emily. Yeah, you had Emily on here. And she's a sharp one, that's for sure. Super smart. But when all that stuff went down with Greg and all the Floyd 19 stuff, Floyd 19 stuff. Right.
Starting point is 01:34:05 Which is so cool that she's coming in here and like showing what he was actually trying to say. I love that. All the gyms that, um, D affiliated. I guarantee you that 90% of them didn't do it because they thought Greg was a racist.
Starting point is 01:34:22 They did it because all their gym members would have quit if they didn't. Right. Right. Well, I know that's true for a lot of the gym owners also who felt like they had to make a statement because their, their members made them feel like they had to. Yeah. I mean, we, we, we, we posted on our, our affiliate screen, we posted a blacked out screen to show support for, for our black members and everybody in the community that felt that what he said was, was wrong. We didn't, we didn't de-affiliate, you know?
Starting point is 01:34:51 I mean, luckily the way the affiliation works is you have a year to like make that decision and that, you know, and we never did, but I don't, I don't fault the people that did that because if they have, they lost their business, that's a worse scenario. You know what I mean? It was – so you're saying it was – the majority of yours think it was a financial decision, crazy pressure. You got kids at home.
Starting point is 01:35:16 You're just trying to figure out a way to keep the lights on and be able to keep shopping. I mean everybody was fighting just to keep the lights on anyways at that time. Remember? Right. I mean, everybody was fighting just to keep the lights on anyways at that time. Remember? I remember, dude. I remember that time being like every week it felt like somebody was trying to close my business. Every week. It was like either- Some ding dong in the parking lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:36 It was some ding dong in the parking lot. It was a new thing from the governor from Newsom about how you got to close trails and gyms are the enemy. some about how you got to close trails and like gyms are the are the enemy and then you know greg comes out and has this this this faux pas and now everybody hates crossfit i'm like dude like give me a break like this is hard enough as it is when like the economy's good and we got to convince people that crossfit isn't going to like tear their shoulder off or get grow big traps on all the women it's like i gotta deal with this too like it was that was a rough rough stretch man and then we had in california we had wildfires like crazy it was like you couldn't even go outside right that was that was terrible time man
Starting point is 01:36:17 so yeah i i i cut those those people that did that a lot of slack and i think what crossfit is doing now is they're trying to recapture all those people and be like hey nobody's holding the grudge we know you're still doing crossfit you know you believe in the brand like let's work together work with us let's get back so that we can spread this you know this this methodology and this community to the most people possible. And we can't do that if all of you guys are staying unaffiliated, you know what I mean? So I'm, I'm with that. So I'm, I'm, I've gotten, I think we've gotten four out of the five affiliated. We're trying to do it like spaced out, but yeah, we're going to have all five of them
Starting point is 01:37:02 as official CrossFit affiliates. And it's not cheap. No, it's not as official crossfit affiliates and it's not cheap no it's not cheap but it's not it's not crazy expensive either is it three thousand yeah you went to the west coast event in portland no it was in um pleasanton it was back in it was back in like february okay and they've had another one since then that was up in Portland, right? The one that was in Pleasanton was kind of unofficial, right? Was Dave there for that one? Yeah, Dave was there.
Starting point is 01:37:36 It was before he was officially brought back on, but he was... Was that at CrossFit Livermore? It was at CrossFit Pleasanton. Oh, at Craig Howard's gym? Diablo? No, it wasn't at Diablo. No, it was at Zoltan Heights gym. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:37:51 I don't know who that is. But Craig was there. Kalipa was there. Okay. Because Kalipa, he re-affiliated. Yeah. I mean, everybody was there. It was cool.
Starting point is 01:38:00 It was a big gathering. It was the first one. So I think, I don't know if it was unofficial. No, I got a t-shirt. It was cool. It was a big gathering. It was the first one. So I think, I don't know if it was unofficial. No, I got a t-shirt. It was official. I'm excited. That's always weird when a guy named Eaton Beaver is excited. I like excited.
Starting point is 01:38:17 Do you, do you have a, did you ever have a mentor? Did you ever use anyone like two brain or any, any like business services? No, no, no. I mean,
Starting point is 01:38:32 we learned from other people in business and I'm part of a, I have a group that I'm a part of in Sacramento, but it's a bunch of different industries. And it's like, you know, 12, 10 to 12 people, but it's like a, a CEO group group and so i learned from them and um but no never any any subscription service to like to lay out the roadmap just kind
Starting point is 01:38:56 of figured it out local dudes yeah local dudes um and this um do you have any other irons in the in the fire uh three kids uh an event that's growing every year and then um shit uh five gyms the affiliates and then also the the travel uh anywhere fit you know once a year travel thing do you have any other irons in the fire um we're gonna do another event in hawaii we're gonna partner with hele the equipment company we're gonna try to bring an event like ours to hawaii so that'll be in we're gonna probably do that in february of this year yeah it'll be smaller scale It's not going to be like what you came to, but the goal is to grow it so that Hawaii has something like we have for their athletes to go to and then hopefully bring in the higher-profile athletes. Why Hawaii?
Starting point is 01:39:58 Why not go Reno or San Diego? Like, Reno would be cheap, cheaper, significantly cheaper. Yeah, but Reno can come to Sacramento. Right. All right. Fair. All right. That's Baltimore. And you're in, are you doing that with, um, um, Alderman? Yeah. Ben too. Wow. Yeah. Are you guys, are you guys partners on that? The, the NorCal classic? Yep. You known him a long time? Yeah. We've known each other. Yeah. About gosh, 11, 12 years. He's also, he's, he's one of my best friends as well.
Starting point is 01:40:33 So I partnered with him for this and my partner for the Sven for the other thing. And, um, you know, it's almost like they're businesses and we run them like businesses. They're their own entities that we pay taxes on and everything. But, um, I wouldn't want to do it by myself. I really liked the opportunity to like share that with people that I love and care about. So it makes it better. Nothing in my life ever changed. When I used to go to school, I only went to school for my friends. So I loved going to school to see my friends ever changed when i used to go to school i only went to school for my friends so i loved going to school to see my friends and when i worked at crossfit nothing ever changed
Starting point is 01:41:08 there either i really liked going to work because my friends were there i just like going to work to hang out with my friends and so that's kind of what you've done but you're you're yeah you're working with your friends you want to go and like and see your friends. Which island, Blair? It's going to be on Oahu. Oh, that's cool. Shit, that's really cool. Rambler, look, already someone's going. Yeah, there we go. Yeah, I heard it here first.
Starting point is 01:41:37 It's Yvonne's podcast. Asymmetric ears, this guy did. Do you have asymmetrical ears? I don't know. I don't know either. I may have missed it. I may be out of the joke for that one. They're big, but I don't think they're asymmetrical. Uh, you, you're, has your, when, um, i was looking at going through your instagram and your body you've you're a lot leaner than you used to be
Starting point is 01:42:08 have you stopped all the heavy shit are you not competing with the have you reduced that i mean you look i mean look great don't get me wrong you look fucking amazing but you but you used to be thicker right what's how much do you weigh now i weigh 190 and what did you weigh in your heyday as a games athlete 190 oh okay all right yeah so i think um i'd have a little bit less i think i have less like shoulder girth than i used to yeah because that was a little bit closer to when i was playing football and you just have you do more pressing and stuff like that yeah but overall my body has not changed much um but people say that
Starting point is 01:42:48 and i always remind them that all those pictures of me at the games is like mid-workout when you're all like pumped up and looking big yeah and obviously people look a lot bigger on uh on camera yeah look at this let me show you this let me show you this look at this uh where is it uh let me show you this picture are you on a computer screen or a phone computer okay yeah wait till you see this look at look at this i'm a tiny little man. Now look at me with a tank top on. Look at me. Yeah. Yeah, right?
Starting point is 01:43:29 See? Yeah. Just last week. It's all angles. Yeah. Just a quick snap with the tank top on. I've been flexing six minutes straight. I see.
Starting point is 01:43:40 I see you. You rock that hairstyle. That looks good on you. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. The chat now hates you. Everyone used to love you good on you. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. The chat now hates you. Everyone used to love you in the chat.
Starting point is 01:43:48 Now they hate you. They fucking hate my hair. I wish I could do it. Any advice to anyone who's going to dip their toe and open an affiliate now? I'm 21 years old. I fucking love CrossFit. I've been doing it for three years i had games aspirations now i'm kind of like thinking i want to open a gym
Starting point is 01:44:11 i have my l1 i've watched every video uh i don't i don't i don't have a family. Like an idiot, I got a dog. Yeah, so my advice would be, like I said before, look at the market as it stands already. If there's already 10 gyms in a metropolitan area of whatever, a million people, it's not a huge place. It's probably not a good idea or what you should do is try to buy one of the existing ones rather than start from scratch
Starting point is 01:44:49 it's always easier to find a location and fill it with bodies that are already converted than it is to like build them one at a time so that's my first thing is i if if it were me, I wouldn't, I wouldn't start from scratch. I would try to buy an existing affiliate and then improve it. Or sometimes you can get an affiliate that is like fractured. Right. And they, maybe it's not doing well. And what it needs is to like divide into two gyms.
Starting point is 01:45:23 Maybe you can do it that way. But if you are going to start from scratch, just make sure you have a radius around you that has enough bodies, enough people that make enough money, that want to support fitness. And yeah, man, honestly, like I feel like branding, people get really wrapped up in the branding of like what their logo is going to look like and what their color scheme is going to be and
Starting point is 01:45:50 everybody's in this like pinterest world where it all has to look really really good and clean there's nothing wrong with that except that it can't it's not going to it's not going to outpace a good product so if you if you're not a good coach and you don't have a personality that will invite people in across like a wide range of ability levels, you're not going to be successful. So you got to like look at yourself in the mirror and be like, am I that person? Cause that's who they're going to come see.
Starting point is 01:46:18 It's going to be you. Don't go into it as like an absentee owner. Like, Hey, this is my pet project. I just want to have a gym to work out in, and I'm going to offload the head coaching duties to somebody else. That person should be the owner, right, at least in the beginning. And then once you've been there for a bunch of years and you've earned people's trust, and then you can come in,
Starting point is 01:46:42 you know, like I do, I try to coach everybody once a week i can still see them and i already have this really so so you have a floating schedule no i have the same schedule every week but i oh you you try to coach everyone at all five gyms though at least once every week i try to see them at least once a week wow okay you coached all five gyms yeah oh shit sorry if i wasn't listening well that's amazing holy shit yeah so like every monday i open downtown tuesday i open rancho wednesday i open fulsome thursday i open whitney and friday i open rockland so i get that first class of the day and then the rest of the day in the evenings i will do the same thing i'll try to rotate to the different locations.
Starting point is 01:47:26 Wow. But I, I am not the face they see the most anymore, but like I've earned that. Right. I've earned that, that I can just come in and like hit the flywheel and keep, keep the momentum going in the beginning when you're starting, like they need to see you. You're the one that they're committing to. And so you have to make them believe that this is worth their time, their money, and their effort. So that's my advice. Don't be an absentee owner.
Starting point is 01:47:59 Commit to it all the way. Don't go into an area that's already saturated. Buy an affiliate if you can instead and just build off that community uh vanessa sway fit uh blair morrison you are a badass blair i want to show you this um i've been having greg on the show on tuesdays and um and he one of the things he said when he came on the show and i and i used to he used to do this when i was with him is he would try to get – he would talk to people. So if we were in the mall somewhere and there was someone who was 350 pounds in line next to us, he'd be like, hey, why aren't you going to the gym? He would just open with that.
Starting point is 01:48:37 And they'd be like, well, I haven't been to the gym in 20 years. And he'd be like, well, there's a local CrossFit gym here. What if I get you a membership or what if I call the owner right now and get you well there's a local crossfit gym here what if i get you a membership or what if i you know call the owner right now and get you in there and he would just start talking where he'd see someone drinking a coke and he'd be like hey that's going to give you diabetes and they'd be like i already got diabetes and greg's like you want me to help you get off of it i know a gym yeah oh dude i would hear that one regularly it's crazy so this dude took that idea he's like and greg would be like hey dude if you're not if you're if you're not walking around being a coach and like seeing like broke if you're like a mechanic you see broken down cars you should be walking over to people and
Starting point is 01:49:12 being like hey i could fix your shit right um so this guy hurt this guy joe nels of crossfit kenosha heard greg say that and then he also heard on the other hand don fall say he wants to grow this thing by 30 million CrossFitters so this dude has started this project yesterday where he's gonna videotape make these two minute videos where he where he tries to get
Starting point is 01:49:36 a new gym member every day really so here he is and it's fucking amazing dude this thing could be this thing this series could be crazy so he has someone film it and he's just in the grocery store my name is joe and he sees this dude and he just goes yeah there's actually a gym just on the road yeah what do you know about it yeah yeah so so so basically that's just his first one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:05 But he's going to start publishing these every day where he's going to just suck it up and go up and talk to people and try to bring people into the gym. That's awesome. Yeah. That dope, right? Yeah. That's pretty cool,
Starting point is 01:50:17 man. I like that. And you know, what's funny is if people see the camera there, they're more likely to say yes. Oh, that's interesting. You know, he's actually probably got a pretty good chance of bringing people in
Starting point is 01:50:29 because they're going to, you know, there's peer pressure of the camera. That's interesting. And then he shows, so he got two people that day, and then the show ends with at 530 in the morning. It shows one of the guys walking in. And what's cool is, is that this this it kind of has this reality show tiktok instagram feel but instead of like i got you or making fun of someone or someone getting beat up or they're shit robbed um right it's like it's speaking directly to our community anyway i just
Starting point is 01:51:00 i just loved this um i think this is going to be an inspiration for a lot of CrossFit gym owners. It's pretty cool. It's a cool idea. It's ballsy. You have to be out there, and people don't like to talk to strangers. Right. If you're the face of the business, you're the one that's got to do it. That's pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:51:19 Someone like you, like you were saying, you're an extrovert. You could do that in line when you're at Safeway, the dude in front of you, and be like, hey. Or even someone has kids and be like hey we got a crossfit kids class you should bring your kids oh yeah i mean you should hear me talk about it at pickup at school like everybody knows i'm wearing my crossfit stuff every day they're like oh fuck here comes blair god put away the put away the rapper do you do you have a CrossFit kids class at your gym? Yeah. Yeah. And how's it doing?
Starting point is 01:51:49 We do it mostly for homeschool kids, actually. So like, oh, like my kids. Yeah, they get credit for PE for coming in. So yeah, during the school year, that's really who it is. In the summertime, we open it up to more of the members' kids because they're out of school and they have more time. But it does pretty well. I mean, it's like eight to ten kids and we also have this one man actually you'll like this so we have one at our rockland gym we partner with the police
Starting point is 01:52:12 department for their pal program their police activities league and so then for their pal on tuesday thursday nights the kids come in and do crossfit for free are they are they like kids who've been in trouble like got caught like guns and stealing no no no no it. Are they like kids who've been in trouble, like got caught like guns and stealing? No. No, no, no, no. It's more just like kids that are in the community. So they're like teenagers. It's like junior high and high school.
Starting point is 01:52:36 And so then we have like, we had them in last night. There's like 25 kids in here. So it's pretty cool. My buddy, Travis Bajent, you probably remember him from the crossfit games he did the commentating there and now his son his son is now uh quarterback for the chicago bears and he told me that if you cannot give a kid a cell phone till they're 15 and you and you and you also have a kid doing crossfit his whole life as a little kid he'll be 95 better than all the
Starting point is 01:53:00 other kids at everything i mean the cell phone thing i 100 believe super anti-cell phone that's the crossfit gym owner i fucking love that yeah but i really like that and then take what jeremy kinnick said uh if you can keep your kid outside 80 of the time there's really nothing else you have to do and and i and i believe that too i mean i'm paraphrasing what he's saying, but like my kids flourish outside. Flourish. Flourish. Outside kids. Outside kids. No, I mean, it's true.
Starting point is 01:53:30 I mean, there's a connection to nature that everybody's losing. Boys are crazy inside. Boys will fuck shit up inside. Right. Outside, they're just like just normal people. It's like bring a bat into your house. Have you ever been in a room and a bat flies in there and there's like six of you with a bong and you're like,
Starting point is 01:53:49 what the fuck? Yeah, that's not a good situation. That's what it's like being in a room. Bats do not belong inside. Have you ever been in a room with a bat? Yeah, up at our cabin in Lake Elmendorf, a bat came in where everybody's like freaking out, trying to like...
Starting point is 01:54:03 It's crazy, right? It's just a blur. Yeah. It's like that scene from uh the great outdoors with john candy it was just like swinging tennis rackets yeah hey uh i appreciate you coming on um you're always welcome to come on i promise i won't always keep you two hours if you ever uh want to talk about your anywhere fit for 10 or 15 minutes or your pro your events you're doing in hawaii uh you or or you could send uh the um if you're mr fantastic i think of ben alderman is the thing from the fantastic four you can always send uh ben on the show i love uh ben uh you guys are always welcome on the show. Please use this podcast as a resource to push any of your good ideas, dude.
Starting point is 01:54:49 100%. You're going to come out next year for the live stream? I would love to. So we're about – so I don't want to overpromise, but we did a live stream at Zealous Games, and we actually pulled it off. But the image was – the actual – I want to give us we got a two out of ten on it but that's better than i even thought we were going to do the the the visuals look like atari pixelation but we're going to do it now again and but we had a ton of people watching
Starting point is 01:55:17 we had over a thousand people watching it was fucking rad and so we're going to do the crash crucible this year that's the jr howells event uh next month okay and we've and we've been practicing um some uh some some different stuff some different streaming of how we think we can utilize the internet to get better images to get great ted any ted any uh images like you and i are seeing right now and if we can crack the code on that then fuck yeah i would love yeah i then fuck. Yeah. I would love. Yeah. I would love to do that.
Starting point is 01:55:47 I would love to just help people stream all their events and it can be done on the cheap. As long as we have a strong internet connection. Okay. Well, I will check in with you then. Cause I definitely want to have you out there. All right,
Starting point is 01:55:56 brother. Thank you very much for your time today. I appreciate you sharing all your knowledge with the community. All right, Siobhan. Thank you. All right. Ciao.
Starting point is 01:56:03 Bye. Bye. Bye. Blair Morrison. Thank you. All right. Ciao. Bye. Bye. Blair Morrison, old school, old, old school. Probably have mom for another hour. Talk about the, how to have a successful relationship with three kids. He could, damn, we hit a little bit about everything uh pool boy uh great podcast mr morrison can't wait to be back at norcal event next year uh anita dick in me sebi we needed uh hillar update show
Starting point is 01:56:42 wait we do before What do you mean? Well, he was just on yesterday. You'd send him a link. I don't got much time. I ain't fucking with you guys today. I'm going. I'm going. Actually, I don't know if I should send Hiller a link.
Starting point is 01:57:01 I'm going to. I'm going to I'm going to play tennis actually today my wife actually I'll send Hiller a let's see what happens you know you I don't even have to send
Starting point is 01:57:19 Hiller you know Hiller and Taylor have are two people that have access to this show at any time like they can just pop on I think Hiller has done that once I think one time he just came on on his own David they're not reading my no one's reading my text messages how dare you
Starting point is 01:57:52 hmm hmm hmm can Walter Seve did you get my dick pics on IG of agent Facebook card jackpot I hit cracking open a case of 2023 score Facebook if he becomes great these will be good
Starting point is 01:58:08 uh sorry about my reading fucking messages no i haven't seen that yet ken i got i got this one though brandon waddell sent me two of these get another one back there dude and you know what's happening? You know what Wadzombie's doing? Every time he sends me a card now, he sends me like three of these. So I'm slowly throwing away my old stands
Starting point is 01:58:32 and using these new ones. I thought we were going to have Alexis Raptus on. I wonder what happened. Oh, should I call? Let me call Susan. Let me just see how the phone's working. I like calling. I feel like it's...
Starting point is 01:58:49 When I call people, I feel like I'm kind of like showing off a little bit. Like, hey, look what I can do for my studio. He's a 925 number. Should I call Laura Horvath? I'm due for a laura call what do you think about that cartoon on my ig that was crazy right oh andrew is andrew is actually going to come on that's crazy all right let's see um
Starting point is 01:59:19 let's call susan find out susan said the show is like fucking booked until Crash crucible with people already I Supposed to have Joe Nels on either today or tomorrow. That's not gonna happen. I don't think I Guess I could have mom for like 10 minutes tomorrow morning or something I Watched the cartoon like 20 times. Hey. Yo. Oh, it didn't even ring. Lightning
Starting point is 01:59:52 cast. Oh, shit. The phone's working without, it's not popping. Oh, that's good. This is the newest Rodecaster, right? Yeah, it was popping last night and it's been on all night. The problem is I always thought it was when it was on too long. It started that popping that popping sound interesting you don't turn it off every night no i don't turn anything off okay i didn't know just leave i turn the lights off i turn but i
Starting point is 02:00:19 don't i don't even turn the sign off the sign just stays on hey you should just let it stream the whole time just like mute it should just let it stream the whole time just like mute it and then let it stream and see how many people just like stay on and stay at the background just have this on their tv the background just yeah hey hey are we did we i know we had alexis wrap this on and then there was a holiday that made it so the gym was going to close early so she had to go train and cancel our show. Are we getting her back? I, as soon as she gets back from vacation, she's in Bali right now.
Starting point is 02:00:48 We, we sent her a couple of dates for later in October. Oh, okay. So when she gets back in Texas back, um, or we'll just check in with her when we know she's back, then we'll get her scheduled.
Starting point is 02:01:01 But yeah, she's on the, she's on the hook. Okay. And then, um, uh, David weed is asking about hopper and catch and i don't even know how do you schedule hoppers the the text messages are so weird um did you see the text i sent him yesterday it's just all of our it's just our text like trying to get him scheduled and then it just slowly disappears. He just stopped dancing. I need to be... Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:28 It's weird. I get in different moods where I want to invite different people on. Makes sense. Did Hiller come on? He's doing his eyebrow dance right now listening to you. Hello, what's up, dude?
Starting point is 02:01:43 Yo, what up? His hair's long, Sousa. Are you growing it out? No. I don't got time to get a haircut. It just grows. You don't cut it? No. I tried that once. It looks terrible.
Starting point is 02:01:59 I think Alexis actually cut it and it looked terrible. Makes sense. Do you seem like a guy that would cut his own hair? I've shaved it. I think I said that yesterday. Which is basically what I do. I just shave it.
Starting point is 02:02:15 Fine. I did not like that. Why do people say I sound terrible? Someone just said you sound too loud. I lowered your mic. Oh, solid. Okay. i feel like i'm talking at a normal volume here yeah it's probably i lowered it let's see all right hey thank you i'll bug you later show's killing it thank you sponsor's killing it it's all good hey do you think we're gonna get kicked do you think we're gonna get kicked off when you see this shit happen with russell brand and just shit like that i know we're just a fucking drop
Starting point is 02:02:48 in the bucket but do you think that there's an inevitability to us getting tossed off of youtube i mean i'm gonna be way more uh feel fearful when we have um 10x 100x the subscribers we do now right um but i think we need to be strategic and i think we need to be smart okay you know like let's not um let's not rattle the cage if we don't need to the thing is is if someone wants to go after us they can just start digging into our archives yeah i mean so what are you talking about like youtube censorship or like a coordinated like i've said some crazy shit on here like um if you eat fruits and vegetables nuts and seeds um you know some fruit uh no sugar uh you could be protected from 99 of all disease
Starting point is 02:03:37 and now and i don't believe that anymore i know that um pfizer is the only way yes thank you yes i just i actually just received my dollar you're a good dude i don't want to be i don't want to be held responsible for the dumb shit i used to say before i don't think before i was rich i don't think any of that matters from the past uh more so from a coordinated tax standpoint it does but not yeah that's what i mean like 20 people go back and find a spot where like i don't care about if they find out that any of the other shit i say you're getting this as well aren't you getting kicked off instagram this is the dylan danis treatment oh yeah yeah dude everyone's been getting that one every yesterday so many fucking people got that.
Starting point is 02:04:27 Something weird's happening over there. It's not just you. Yeah. They had a break. I don't think that's... Yeah, something's happening over there. They're doubling down on the censorship. Well.
Starting point is 02:04:40 Hey. Oh, that's true Hey, we do need to Did you see the text I sent to our clip guy? Yes, yes, yes And I spent 15 minutes on Rumble this morning Trying to look for login information for him I can't find my login information
Starting point is 02:05:04 I guess I can just Google how to find login information on Rumble. Yeah, and I'm sure I probably have it saved somewhere. All the shows are still duplicating over though, right? Yeah, but what's interesting is we are live on there right now, and I couldn't find it. Hiller, see if you can find the Savant Podcast live on Rumble now. See what you find. We were having issue with it going live simultaneously but i remember that
Starting point is 02:05:27 it was uploading everything yeah i saw something from six days ago so that must be automatically uploading yeah that's the way it was set up it's just uh i think we have to do this the stream keeping each time to have it go live at the same time we're actually live you're on live rumble i got it oh it's the first thing that pops up oh shit okay good it'll show ever nope yeah there we go watch what i do um uh oh that's nice hillary watch what i do hillary i'll go to look at if i go to rumble and um look i'm gonna share screen with you and i go um the sebon podcast search i don't i don't i don't look it's not even there and then i click here oh there it is okay so if i go to the channel i can see it
Starting point is 02:06:22 these are the things that remind me that you're 50 years old. Oh, shit. I can't find it. Where is it? Right there, grandpa. My wife tells me I'm a bad looker. I think that's a guy thing, because I hear that too. God, you're a bad looker.
Starting point is 02:06:43 What about that guy, the affiliate owner that's filming filming himself like essentially just asking people to join his gym in the street oh joe nels yeah what about him yeah yeah hey do you think that's gonna that's gonna inspire other people to do exactly the same thing yes yes it did for me i want to do that shit really bad i just gotta find the time and i need somebody to follow me at the camera and then do all the post-production and send it to me ready to post hey but the thing is is you don't even you can just do it without a camera you can just start just hustling people oh you mean the show where said it would be harder to or easier to do with a camera i think it'd be easier to do without a camera yeah for sure but then how am i supposed to get the clout well that's besides the point no
Starting point is 02:07:27 come on what are you gonna do for the view let me put it this way i spent the day with joe the other day and he's not doing it for the clout well i can usually pick up on that that's a mistake what is he trying to grow his business and, and help his community and make everybody healthier? I'd say it's the, the worldwide community he's trying to help. Hey, um, someone should,
Starting point is 02:07:54 someone should steal his idea though and run with it. Yeah. Uh, 12,000 affiliate ownership. Yeah. Everyone should be posting those where that should just become trendy. Everyone should be fucking stealing Joe's should just become trendy everyone should be fucking stealing joe's idea even like and i know you're joking tongue-in-cheek about having a
Starting point is 02:08:09 camera there um but but yeah i could do that too like find someone like i want to hear more of the conversation between joe and the people and i want to and i want to hear people pushing back i want to see the fails too so we can laugh at the people who fail well i think more importantly to show it on camera like joking about the clout piece right like i don't think that's going to be some smash hit on youtube but i think it'll just continuously give people the confidence and inspire them to do it on their own dude it could be a smash dude it could be a smash hit on youtube yeah it really could it could be it could be that there is the right person i mean dude um uh danny speed uh danny spiegel uh daniel brandon walking around trying to get people into a gym would be
Starting point is 02:08:53 fucking smash hit hey what keeps us from reposting something like that just reaching out to joe and saying hey can we throw this on our account that we don't really put much on anyway, nor is the content any good at the moment. Retarded. And by retarded, I mean slow. Good. I don't see what the synonym
Starting point is 02:09:18 for retarded is. Wait, what did you say? You asked if what? He says, why isn't CrossFit all up in his shit? Or just repurpose it. Just say, hey, can did he say? He says, why isn't CrossFit all up in his shit? Or just repurpose it. Just say, hey, can we post this? On any level, why hasn't CrossFit
Starting point is 02:09:32 already reached out to him or reposted that? Dude, I already know the answer. Oh, what? What's the answer? It's because they're trying to get 30 million CrossFitters. They don't have time for that. Oh, right. Here's synonyms for retard.
Starting point is 02:09:55 Slow, stopped, slacking, obstruct, setback, encumbered, hobbled. Hobbled. I'm going to start using that word hobbled. Impede, inhibit. Yeah, I use it like inhibit. Inhibit? Yeah, that's a good one. like like like i i threw i threw there was water running i um uh a beaver built a dam and it retarded the flow of the stream that's
Starting point is 02:10:13 how i kind of think of that word yeah it's in the original articles too if you look back 2002 2003 when they say like uh you know the whole entire mechanics consistency then intensity and they and they talk about if you don't spend the time on mechanics you'll actually retard their progress moving forward in the long term wow wow it's like i just found it yeah wow the word retard is in the crossfit journal. That is unacceptable. That is fucking hilarious. You're kidding. No. The two most common reaching cheats are done by craning the neck to find the ground with the nose early
Starting point is 02:10:52 or dropping the belly to find the bottom early. The ideal is to retard, not advance the body's parts from finding bottom. Canceled! All right. Canceled! Oh, great. I can't believe CrossFit has this word in their journal. That must have been from that heathen, Greg Glassman.
Starting point is 02:11:15 That heathen. Crazy. Hey, but Hillary, you're absolutely right. If CrossFit doesn't take, what was that guy's name again? I'm sorry. Joe Nels. Joey. Joey Nels,
Starting point is 02:11:25 big Joe. Dude, if he CrossFit is, you're a hundred percent right. It should be elevated by CrossFit. Just off what we're talking about. Like I saw that video and I was like, shit,
Starting point is 02:11:36 I want to do that. And I mean, how many other affiliate owners or coaches feel the same way? And here's the CrossFit elevated it. It would just put that more and more on a pedestal. And Hey, and you know what? You nailed it. It put that more and more on a pedestal and hey and you know what you nailed it it doesn't even matter whether he's doing what he's doing is good or bad it's the fact that hopefully people think what joe is doing is bad and i and say hey i can
Starting point is 02:11:54 do it better and so you want copycats and plagiarize yeah and so like right away if you're running crossfit social media you take that you go right up to to Joe and be like, hey, send us that raw footage. We want to play that interaction you had with the dude at the meat counter, the black dude wearing red. Yeah. And then I would incentivize him to finish off. And dude, it checks their DEI box too for the fucking crazy bigot woke folk they got over there. It's killer, dude. He's crushing it.
Starting point is 02:12:22 And then on top of that, go follow up with him after day 30 and just say hey what'd you learn because regardless like i saw a couple people were saying like oh well let's see how many of those clients stick around i don't know if that's necessarily even the point like i mean it is for him as a business owner right you always want to get more more clients help them out and having members of your gym but his his ability to talk and sell crossfit is going to be 10x what it was from day one to day 30 right yeah he's doubled he's he's doubled his subscribers he's at 88 i don't everyone should subscribe to this dude's account and hit the bell just unsubscribe if you
Starting point is 02:12:57 don't want to by the way there's something i'm very um i find you more attractive hillary watching you surf YouTube. What's that mean? I don't know. I guess gay dudes like me find it attractive watching someone. I just am enjoying watching you surf YouTube. Oh, this is just kind of what I do. I wanted to compare Joe's channel to the CrossFit channel.
Starting point is 02:13:20 CrossFit's got 1.73 million followers. Joe's got 88, and the view to subscriber count doesn't match wow wow joe's got 88 subscribers and 500 views crossfit's got 1.73 million and a video with bosman gets a thousand views it's not good usually got views shit i hope that video eventually makes 50 000 dude that's crazy though 562 views for an account that only has 88 subscribers that's pretty crazy yeah that's awesome uh miss redow elise car redow uh seven andrew matthew i subscribed right away what's the harm in subscribing and helping someone out well not only helping. Don't you want to see this journey? If they're only two minute videos, this is going to be fucking good.
Starting point is 02:14:08 Yeah. This first one. And I think the second one too, I talked to the, her name's Jess. She was editing. It took her, I don't know,
Starting point is 02:14:15 10 hours to make it. And I, and she'd never edited something before. It's her first time on final cut. So I thought it looked great for her first time. Yeah. For some reason, I thought, Hillary were you there when he filmed that why did i think that you were there i was there for his third day where he's walking around on the street and signed the shirt off okay okay i
Starting point is 02:14:38 thought so i thought i heard he was recapping the second day with me when i was there and he was preparing to go out on day three. That's awesome. Hey, did you find out how many people that he talked to showed up? I find out, uh, I think he's got people scheduled for next week, but he's, he's got one of three and the two others are scheduled to come in the future. Dude. That's awesome. Hey, do you, do you know, did he change anything program wise like is he like putting him through some sort of on-ramp or did he adjust the programming to make it more user friendly he does not uh i have an on-ramp and i agree with that yeah we didn't have one for a long
Starting point is 02:15:20 time we do now giving him a free week and he's thrown him into the fire with either himself or his coaches because he believes in himself and his coaches to scale depending on where they're at in life. And I think that that's awesome. Yeah, no, totally. That works great until you start getting class sizes
Starting point is 02:15:37 of 16 and 20. Janelle Winston, I was sharing the shit out of Joe Nell's yesterday. Janelle Winston, I was sharing the shit out of Joe Nels yesterday to my 30 followers. Awesome. You not only have a flat stomach, but you have a good heart.
Starting point is 02:15:54 Big heart, Janelle. Oh my goodness. Anita Dickamy, is it gay if I googled Hunter naked yesterday? Yes. No. Gay curious. Find anything. He gave us the Google words Hunter naked yesterday. Yes. No. At least gay curious. Gay curious. Find anything.
Starting point is 02:16:08 He gave us the Google words how to find him. I meant to do it. I forgot to. Hunter. I'm curious the size of his, the girth of his meat stick. I'm looking it up. We'll see if I can find him naked on Google. Turn off safe search.
Starting point is 02:16:28 Don't pull it from my browser. Pool boy. Okay. Pool boy, he should bite the bullet and just be like, I'll offer three free on-ramp one-on-ones and a free week trial at the gym. You found his bomb? No.
Starting point is 02:16:44 Should I pull it up? he's naked in that one do you know oh here i got an idea i got an idea all right okay i gotta go i'll talk to you later. Okay. Call back in. If you want to talk about Hunter's penis. There we go. That's Hunter, right? All right. There's no dicks on this screen.
Starting point is 02:17:12 All right. You ready for this? Are you sure? Sure. I'm positive. And even if it were, it's hunters. So until your screen here,
Starting point is 02:17:19 this is the only way I figure out how to do it. Look at that. That's a good picture. Oh, wow. That is him. Wow. That's him. Cool. look at that that's a good picture oh wow that is him wow that's him cool right yeah and that's okay that's pg yeah none of those other pictures have dicks in them
Starting point is 02:17:33 there's one of the dick i i oh i do see oh shit there was a penis on there look there's nudes of your wife. Yeah, shit. No, those are the ones I made today. Look at this. Remember this guy? Where's he been? Oh, yeah. How's he doing?
Starting point is 02:17:51 I don't know. But I just thought about him. CF Media. Jason, CF Media. When's the last post? Oh, a month ago. Okay, he's done. He retired.
Starting point is 02:18:04 He retired? I guess. month ago. Okay, he's done. He retired. He retired? I guess. 3.8 thousand, though. I like this guy. I liked him a lot. Me too. I liked him too. Hey, he just needed one or two tweaks to go big.
Starting point is 02:18:18 Jason? Yeah. He didn't realize how much he could get away with with that accent. I don't think English people realize what they could get away with. Like he needed to like throw in like something just a little more edgy. It's kind of like what Pedro's doing. Yeah, I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:42 Yeah. Yeah. How's the L lone ranger doing oh the lone ranger show how are they do they i i check their channel pretty frequently they're doing okay they're riding the um the location train yeah i don't think i like that the location train. Yeah. I don't think I like that.
Starting point is 02:19:06 The location talk. I'm telling you that I don't like that. Yeah. Like you can give two fucks about where the games are. Right. And it's just an easy way to talk about something that I don't know. You moved. Um,
Starting point is 02:19:20 I will say, well, well, I think we'll talk about it a little bit tonight on the CrossFit Games Update show it'll just be part of the show But you know Tyson Bajan's coming on tonight I didn't Yeah that's cool right
Starting point is 02:19:31 No way that's awesome What's that going to look like You just bring him on for 15 minutes I'm going to just throw him softball questions Nothing crazy I'm not going to be like dude did your defensive coordinator get raided by the FBI Yeah I don't think you should do that no um what's it like showing up to the stadium what's it like leaving the stadium when you suit up like do you get excited like is that you're gonna play what
Starting point is 02:19:57 are the chances you are gonna play like that's probably the craziest questions i'll ask him you know what i mean the other day that Nathan Peterman got released. Yeah. Now he's the number two. Yeah. And I also told you Justin Fields sucks balls. Yeah, like I can't say like what Sean Lenderman's saying. I can't be like, hey, Tyson, I heard Justin Fields fucking only won.
Starting point is 02:20:17 You want something? I'm not saying that. My favorite quarterback of all time is Michael Vick. Well, one more thing before you say this. Clydesdale, Scott Schweitzer, Tyson's in the middle of a dumpster fire. Yeah, and that I'm going to avoid. Clydesdale, as a Bears fan, Tyson's the only good thing going on there. Yeah, I'm going to avoid that. But, I mean, we can say it now, but when he comes on the show,
Starting point is 02:20:40 I'm going to just ask questions I want to know about what's it like. What's it like? Okay, go like okay go ahead what were you gonna say back when i played video games i'd use that guy all the time michael vick quarterback for the falcons and quarterback for then the eagles he got in some trouble for dog biting pit bulls whatever but the bears drafted this guy named justin fields the current quarterback and i was super pumped about him because he was fast and he was a specimen of a character. They kind of jumped up in the draft to go get him. And I watched a couple of Bears games and I immediately hated the dude. And every one of my buddies told me that I was racist for hating him because he was black.
Starting point is 02:21:25 And I go, no, dude. What are you talking about? Every time he gets sacked, he makes this face. And it's like this pouty face. And there's just something about it. He thinks everybody is not doing their job as well as they could be. This is my opinion on Justin Fields, by the way. I saw a press conference yesterday when they asked what's wrong, he blamed one of the coaches that was two years later or maybe
Starting point is 02:21:48 something like that but this entire time i just know this guy sucks it's it's tough it's typical sports talk right and you get back and forth or how dare you he's our guy he's our quarterback because he's you're racist or douchebag and it it always goes to that. It always goes to that. And I go, no, dude. I hate that when you get sacked, he looks around at his teammates and he pouts. Like, all right, you got sacked. And then everyone goes, no, it's the offensive line. It's the coaches.
Starting point is 02:22:18 And I go, this dude holds onto the ball for freaking ever. And two years later, they're finally talking about how the fact that he just sits there with the ball, doesn't know where to throw it, everyone's wide open, and then he gets sacked. Yeah, I don't know much about football, but they keep saying he doesn't see – he's not reading the field. Yeah, he can't. So I'm pretty pumped for Tyson because I think that everyone's going to – he's going to get the bench pretty soon.
Starting point is 02:22:37 Game four, he's coming in. Tyson. That's just my take as a Chicago guy who actually watched quite a bit of Bears football Asymmetric ears Besides the Bears could be tanking For Caleb Williams at number one Which would be really bad for Tyson
Starting point is 02:22:54 I don't even know what that means That must be another quarterback or something That's probably the quarterback For next year Here's the thing You're wrong that's probably the quarterback for next year. The number one. Hey, there isn't a big – here's the thing. You're wrong. I don't know what you're saying here,
Starting point is 02:23:09 but there isn't a better quarterback than Tyson. Listen, everywhere he's been, he's been the fucking greatest he's ever been. And you could be like, well, he's only been D2. Fine. But everywhere he's ever been, he's been the greatest that is and ever was. He's getting comparisons to Tom Brady on some random websites. That's not you talking about that.
Starting point is 02:23:30 I mean, dude, he is a fucking freak. And it's not like, you're not like, oh my god, yeah, he was great, but he's 5'9". The fucking kid is 6'3", big ass fucking hands. He is fucking amazing. He's not Doug Flutie.
Starting point is 02:23:48 I don't know who that is. Doug Flutie. He was supposed to be the greatest quarterback ever, but he's 5'4". I think he got stuck in the USFL or something. Look at this. I know you don't go onto Twitter very often, but you type in tyson's name into
Starting point is 02:24:06 twitter yeah and there's a there's a lot of stuff from a lot of people who want him to play that's just cool yeah it's so cool he's an old man reference oh i don't get it it's like a movie you brought up yesterday. I'm not giving David Weed a hard-on. He wants me to settle down. When he becomes sexually attracted to me, he freaks out.
Starting point is 02:24:35 Mad Marv, did anyone catch Tom Brady on the PBD podcast? That was a great interview. I didn't. I should, though. I didn't. I should, though. Tom Brady's going to go play football again. He's going to go play on the Jets now that Aaron Rodgers is out.
Starting point is 02:24:57 That's another thing that's pretty crazy. There was someone who tweeted the fact that he was going to tear his Achilles tendon on Monday Night Football, and then he did it a couple hours later. Aaron Rodgers? Mm-hmm. Someone predicted it. Will that be the end of his career? I mean, he's 39. That's pretty tough.
Starting point is 02:25:15 The other day, Dave was talking about Castro on his YouTube station, one of those weekend reviews, Achilles tendons from playing horse or knockout, that game he likes to play. And he goes, I take it much easier now because I don't want to blow up my Achilles tendons from playing horse or knockout That game he likes to play And he goes I take it much easier Now because I don't want to blow up my Achilles Yes yeah That's tough to come back from
Starting point is 02:25:34 That's a Three people I'm just seeing if I can pull up this Hail Mary of Doug Flutie I'm out fucking waiting for this ad Yeah Mike VPC for the Achilles That would help So I'm out fucking waiting for this ad. Yeah, Mike. VPC for the Achilles. That would help. So I'm taking... What am I taking? Oh, so I took my...
Starting point is 02:25:50 I'm fasting again today. And I took my... Just black coffee today. And I took my peptides this morning. All of them? All of them. You slept like a baby? Four different kinds. I slept like a baby four different kinds uh yeah i slept like a baby last night and i and i hope that i sleep like a baby again tonight
Starting point is 02:26:11 i'm taking them all before that i'm taking the two brain stimulant ones i'm taking the tb500 you said nad and b bdn bdn i just put up a video with alexis and her daily peptide regimen oh that's cool i thought you put up a video it showed matt fraser oh that's on instagram so you know doing this guy CJC I don't want to talk about that I don't want to talk about that one no talk about the other ones I don't want anyone to know I'm taking that one
Starting point is 02:26:52 okay that's the one that I'm taking that NAD plus that NADB DNF down there on the bottom and the TB500 oh you're taking the mix? This guy? Yeah. I don't even know if I should be taking all, but I'm taking all of them though.
Starting point is 02:27:11 I'm probably doubling down on one that I shouldn't be doubling down on one now that I think about it. How do you feel? Do you feel like you have enhanced cognitive function? With only two, I'm telling you, dude, yesterday I was just fucking laid there in bed like I was just fucking laid there
Starting point is 02:27:25 In bed like I was just fucking on alert Look at this long term memory That's good now you're gonna Know where to find things cause you're getting old I can't find It on rumble can't find it Who recommended it to you Was it Amalayo Yes yes can't find it who recommended these to you
Starting point is 02:27:45 um yes yes I didn't even ask for them they just came in the mail it's just like it just just came in the mail I mean you're a podcaster so it makes some sense um I'm guessing that's the route you went um
Starting point is 02:28:02 uh Shanna Madera sent me Podium cool did you try it no i i surrounded it by swolverine let the swolverine containers whoop its ass what would she send you um um stuff you're supposed to drink to rehydrate like a protein oh no no no no it's a um Stuff you're supposed to drink to rehydrate. Like a protein? No, no, no. It's cool.
Starting point is 02:28:30 I'm fucking so thankful she sent it. I've had one Podium product and it was the Miami hydration, like a salt. Yeah, it's a hydration. Yeah, it's a salt. You're going to have to let me know how that is because the Miami version that I had there was terrible. And of course I'm comparing it to the Elemente or people call it Element You're going to have to let me know how that is because the Miami version that I had there was terrible. Oh.
Starting point is 02:28:45 And of course, I'm comparing it to the LMNT or people call it Element, which is just a salt packet. But that tastes delicious. And if they're doing the same thing, I take the LMNT. I want to sell something. I want to have my own product. You should sell like a… I want to sell something I drink when I fast. I want to sell a salt, potassium, magnesium drink that I drink when I fast. Hot.
Starting point is 02:29:13 Salt, potassium, magnesium. Is that what's in that? Yeah. I don't know if it'll work. Yeah, that. There you go. Do you have a Sharpie there? Can you write my name on that?
Starting point is 02:29:24 Yeah, I do. I'm on it. That's what I do. The Swolverine stuff that they sent me, the hydration, I put some of that in a cup of hot water and drink that at night before I go to bed. Dude, where can I buy some of this? Yeah. The CEO product is fantastic.
Starting point is 02:29:43 I hate that color. The green? That weird green? Hey, and mine would be multi-purposed, you could also put it, you could drink it, you could put it into a, um, you could salt a glass with it for margaritas so it's a double Oh, that's cool
Starting point is 02:30:00 Yeah, motherfucker, yeah You see that? One of my favorite shows you did was during semifinals maybe not this year but last year and you're sitting outside I think with Greg and Dave walks up and you've got a margarita the whole time
Starting point is 02:30:15 it was pretty funny I don't know you remember that no it was a long time ago it was one of the first shows that you weren't on yourself but you didn't you were still there you were just at Greg's I think you were at oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wow that's right I was just sitting
Starting point is 02:30:32 in a chair there were we friends then I think I was on the show oh but it was it was a while ago it was during semifinals where just a madness amount of shows where there's eight a weekend or something uh Sebi should sell a phone where the only button is cops where just a madness amount of shows where there's eight a weekend or something. Sebi should sell a phone where the only button is cops.
Starting point is 02:30:48 God, I fucking hate that reputation as being someone who calls the cops. I'm not that guy. Are you calling the cops right now? Yes. Why are you being that guy with the reputation? Hey, this guy came to Astro. Leave a message.
Starting point is 02:31:07 Did Haley just ignore you um oh I really liked the show with Hunter yesterday no just what you know god the numbers were huge he has so much range i like that about him meaning we can talk about anything oh yeah and you can go deep on it books politics penises vagina uh global warming climate change
Starting point is 02:31:40 and i like that he opened up a little bit about. Spirituality. Puma and how he's not used to having that sort of a, an oversight. So now he's kind of like, you know, what did I just say? Yeah. Most people don't say anything because they're afraid of that.
Starting point is 02:31:58 Right. He's saying in hindsight. God, he's the least afraid that he's the least afraid he got pictures of himself naked on freaking google man hey i want to show i want to show you uh this um yeah and instead of running away from him he just knows he just embraces it right right i want to show you this uh um post i made did you see the one with the guy guy What would you do if you had pictures of you naked on Google I would have to lean into it
Starting point is 02:32:27 I'd have to be like I think I want some on Google You can come over I'll take pictures of you if you want Which camera Whatever you want Sorry did I just pull down a comment That you put up No
Starting point is 02:32:41 Okay look at this right here Look at this right here uh look at look at this right here a pregnant woman in jail over a facebook post during covid that must be talked about shame on you guys how do you feel about that yeah how do you feel about that which woman was this you how do you it was all over the news man how do you not know that here's the thing australia i would like you guys so much better if you had a freedom of speech. So if you could go ahead and make a freedom of speech. So basically, this guy just beat what was arguably the best fighter who's ever walked on planet Earth, Israel Adesanya.
Starting point is 02:33:17 He was not supposed to win. And he said before the fight, the reason why people like me is I use my platform for real shit. the fight the reason why people like me is i use my platform for real shit and the first thing he does in the press conference is he brings up an old fucking video that was going around during covid where the police came into a pregnant woman's house in australia and arrested her for something she wrote on facebook and she was like fucking pregnant pregnant and i just think what a fucking legend thank you craig ritchie for that's the first time that word's ever been used properly by the way 232
Starting point is 02:33:49 what a fucking legend this dude is Sean Strickland Sean 2024 right I mean what a fuck you and he loves Australia and hey you know what's crazy is the crowd it was like a rocky movie when he won the crowd was happy for him even though he won in australia they went fucking nuts israel out of sign he's from australia well i mean he he i know
Starting point is 02:34:17 he's taking steroids that's all i know yeah uh he uh and i like is, but he's from like Cameroon or Nigeria or I think Nigeria. He's a guy with the bitch tits. Yeah. He had one. Well, not bitch. He had a bitch tit. Got it.
Starting point is 02:34:35 Plural might be. That's a proper name, by the way, guys. That's actually what they're called. Jay Sheets, wearing the rock and the visor. Gotta love that. Huge fan of the show. I've watched for years. Keep it up. They Sheets, wearing the rock and the visor. Gotta love that.
Starting point is 02:34:45 Huge fan of the show. I've watched for years. Keep it up. They try to cancel me on TikTok all the time. I flip drinks and offend everyone. Flip drinks. Oh, like a bartender? Bartender.
Starting point is 02:34:55 Send me a link in my DMs. Strickland's the man. Yeah, what a stud, right? Oh, shit. David Weed, the gay bender is not the greatest fighter ever, dude. Is that who that guy is? That guy you're just talking about? Yeah, the last David Weed. The gay bender is not the greatest fighter ever, dude. Is that who that guy you're just talking about? Yeah, the last style bender. Dude, he is fucking special.
Starting point is 02:35:11 He is special. And thanks for the money, Mr. Sheets. I'm a McGregor fan. Yeah, McGregor's great. It's too bad he was so short-lived. He had the uh too much money
Starting point is 02:35:28 yeah too much money syndrome alright I want to go play tennis by 10am that's going to be hard I looked at my phone and I said a link was there anything you wanted to talk about in particular or just hang out someone said um bring the Batman on oh okay
Starting point is 02:35:44 they said you need a Batman review show. Oh, we need Gary updates. Okay, we'll have Gary on too. I'll send Gary a link. Magnus, fuck no. As long as you... You should have Gary on with Taylor. That would be nuts. Wow. Wouldn't that be a show?
Starting point is 02:36:04 Yes, I'll do that. I'll do that. Oh, dude. That's a great idea. I love Taylor. Taylor's great. Their show did pretty well yesterday, right? With Kiefer Lamy.
Starting point is 02:36:20 Kiefer, I like him a lot. Oh, I haven't had Kiefer on. Kiefer's the Justin Kotler dude? He is one of the – yeah, I think he's in the same – Why did you bring him up? Sorry, I was reading something. He was on the show yesterday with JR and Taylor. Oh, he was?
Starting point is 02:36:37 Yeah. Wow. Which is cool. They were talking about the Wadapalooza qualifier. Kiefer's Dayton, Kira, Kyra, Milligan.
Starting point is 02:36:50 Yeah. Oh, she was on the team. I think she's scheduled too. Oh, cool. I don't know. There's two.
Starting point is 02:36:59 It'll be another situation. A what? You know, the coach comes out with the athlete. Every time they talk publicly. Who, which really who you said you're gonna have Kyra on who's her coach Kiefer oh I thought he was dating she was dating Kiefer I want to say it's both but I can't say that positively no girls don't do that girls don't bring on their coaches hey neither do guys generally you think Laura Horvath's seen this?
Starting point is 02:37:27 Yes. You do? Yes. God, I would... I bet she wants to know why she's... She wants to know why what? Why she's ethnic. Why she leaves the...
Starting point is 02:37:44 Look at her. And also, that ponytail is wicked. It kind of looks like her head's on a stick i didn't realize that so good the ponytails so good this guy made it gee hash and he doesn't even have a fucking instagram account no no He has an Instagram. There's no posts. I just followed Alan Kestenbaum. Burpees. Burpee. Burpee man. You don't know who this is? HillerFit 8.0? I have no idea.
Starting point is 02:38:16 Click on it, could you? They've been posting, I think. Yep, there you go. Wow. 220 followers hey that's such a wannabe fucking this is like someone who really wants to be in the instagram space look how shitty that graphic is somebody messaged me dude when something's blocky when something's blocky and it's that small you know hey dude the good news is hillar fit 8.0 you have a lot of room for growth but i still follow you
Starting point is 02:38:51 because uh yeah they uh they wow that's bad someone messaged me i think it was jethro yeah it was jethro who messaged me he goes hey, hey, I saw that graphic you made. I can have the guy who made the Nopen graphics make it look better. I go, dude, that's not my account. And he goes, oh, okay. God damn, that's bad, Hiller. You get to be, I'm vice president? I'm not fine. You know, the first comment there says you wouldn't like that.
Starting point is 02:39:19 Oh, it does? Yeah, I'm cool with being vice president, too. I'm cool, too. Well, I'm fine with it, too. I'm cool with it either president too I'm cool too well I'm fine with it too I'm cool with it either way you be president I just like that there's someone running a false Instagram account I think it's cool if it gets that far
Starting point is 02:39:36 we're in danger yes Cave Dastro Kyra and Kiefer are dating and he is her coach is Cave Dastro a Kyra and Kiefer are dating, and he is her coach. Is Cave Dastro a liable source? I think so. Because I think we can go with this one, too. Clydesdale Media.
Starting point is 02:39:53 Oh, yeah, yeah. Sorry, yeah, yeah, yeah. A real person. He is both. I like them both, though. Cave Dastro has been getting love for the name right and left on the show. Thumb is not a dirtbag. Not even close, dude.
Starting point is 02:40:07 That could be a good thing. Oh, I don't think of it as a good thing. Alright. Oh, shit. E. Medeiros. Interesting. And there's a picture of the rock. He came back and did a WWF or WWE or wwe fight it was pretty cool he did yeah recently yeah
Starting point is 02:40:32 i heard he was trying to get canceled so everyone's thinking that he went back here we go here we go i got something for you okay dirtbag a person who is committed to a given usually extreme lifestyle to the point of abandoning empowerment and other societal norms in order to pursue said lifestyle dirtbags can be distinguished from hippies by the fact that dirtbags have a specific reason for their living communally and generally not hygienically dirtbags are seeking to spend all of their moments pursuing their lifestyle. That sounds more like, like a,
Starting point is 02:41:09 like a hybrid maybe between you and Taylor. Yeah. I feel more than maybe I'm a dirt bag, but it didn't have a bad undertone to it. Did it? No, I don't think so. I can.
Starting point is 02:41:21 Walter has been pretty grumpy and hating on everyone recently. Well, maybe they deserve it. You ever think about that? Hiller doesn't check his cave duster. Hiller still won't check my Instagram DMs. Dude, he's not a DMs guy. I think I've responded to him, actually. Which is a shame because you know that there's a lot of dirt in Hiller's DMs.
Starting point is 02:41:43 You know how much dirt there is. Well, it's probably lost now forever. My God, people must send him the craziest shit. This says, please show this one to Sevan. The comments in particular. They're playing pickleball. Who is it? Uh-oh.
Starting point is 02:42:00 Should I send it to Jeff? It's ValleyFit and and any UDIC. The comments say comments are all over the place. T takes deep breaths. Answers. Oh, she, she,
Starting point is 02:42:16 oh, pickleball. No, I see. It looks like he's on the spectrum. I don't know. She has a big old dumper. Hey,
Starting point is 02:42:24 um, I, I, I see way too much pickleball already. Do you? Yeah, fuck. But yeah, Dave Dastro sent me this. And he says I don't respond. He says, Hiller. And I said, yo. And then I get a picture of this pickleball thing.
Starting point is 02:42:37 Oh, shit. He fucked you up, Dastro. I'm going to send him a bad emoji. And the reason I don't respond as much is because in order for me to be on Instagram, I have to be on my iPad because I don't know the login to my banned Instagram account, and I can't log out of it on here. So if I log out of it, I'm super dead. Let me see your iPad again.
Starting point is 02:43:01 That's cute. Right? Wow. It's this little pen holder thing. I can draw with it. It's actually neat. Do you use a pencil? It's got a Spider-Man background thing. It's a web.
Starting point is 02:43:14 Yeah. Yeah. I've done videos in the past where I draw graphics and then I overlay it over the video. Cave Dash said that that video is not about pickleball. If tennis is gay, pickleball is
Starting point is 02:43:32 transgender. I like pickleball. I've got a pickleball racket up here. Someone from the show sent it to me. No shit? Oh, oh, I know who that is, too. Yeah. That guy sent me a racket. I'm actually, yeah, I'm about to actually play. Yeah. That guy sent me a racket. I'm about to actually play it.
Starting point is 02:43:49 It's actually pretty cool. And I worked with that chick who's a worldwide ranked pickleball chick. She moved to California. Have you played pickleball? Huh? Have you played pickleball? Oh, yeah. I like it.
Starting point is 02:44:03 I'm not good, but it's really fun. It's like ping pong. You know, there's a ping pong table and everyone kind of sucks. Do you think you could beat Danny Spiegel at it? I guarantee you I could beat Spiegel at it. All right. Ladies and gentlemen, today, this evening, 6 p.m.,
Starting point is 02:44:20 Tyson Bajan will be on the CrossFit Games Update Show. Hiller, thanks for joining me. Yeah, thanks. All right. Go bye.

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