The Sevan Podcast - Blake Bilder UFC FIGHTER #1005

Episode Date: September 7, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:07 Where's my guest Alexis Raptus Jorge Fernandez Oh there he is Blake Builder there he is There he is What's up dude Good morning how are you Good morning good to see you Good to be seen How is everything Sorry say that again you broke
Starting point is 00:01:27 up a little bit uh can you hear me now perfect awesome i said good to be seen yeah i'm awesome dude living the dream um stoked to have you here stoked to meet you um i'm excited to get to know you today the feeling's mutual. I was nervous. I thought you were going to be in a car driving around town. I watched a lot of your interviews, and the last one I watched yesterday, you were cruising around in a car. I was like, no, please be stationary.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Please be stationary. Yeah. That's like my go-to is to be on the phone and just on the phone while I'm driving, you know? Yeah, hey, and sometimes you got to do that just with the complex, busy lifestyle and schedule. Oh, yeah, that's for sure. I don't know, for me, like even Tuesdays, Thursdays, that's why Wednesday was just perfect because Tuesdays, Thursdays, I'm on the road literally 5.30 in the morning until 10 at night.
Starting point is 00:02:35 It's crazy. Going to certain places to train? Yeah. So 5.30 in the morning, I wake up and then I'm out the door by 6 to get to L.A. Muay Thai. And I train out there with former four-time world champion Chris Coley. And when you say L.A., where are you referencing? You're not referencing Los Angeles, are you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Oh, you are. Okay. We're in the Montebello area okay you're in los angeles uh i'm in orange county okay yeah are you are you born and raised in california no no no i was born and raised in uh st paul minnesota okay yep um i would like to start at the beginning, but I did see something really fun yesterday on the internet. This looks wild. It looks like TMZ. I don't know if this was TMZ or who came out to see you, but it says, this is a crazy headline too. It says UFC's Blake Builder beats up normies in wild stunt.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Yeah. So for people who don't know, Blake's 8-0 as an amateur, 8-1 as a professional fighter. He's no joke. A lot of people believe in Blake, a very dangerous man. And yet these guys, this wasn't one guy. This this is a great video, by the way. It's just a whole slew of dudes taking shots from you. Yeah, it's funny. So my buddy Adrian Verdult, who is at the front right there in the black shirt, he he used to do videos for the Nelk Boys. Okay. And they bought him, like, a car and everything. Well, he wanted to venture off and do his own thing.
Starting point is 00:04:30 And he invited all these guys who were actually his roommates, which, like, I have no idea how he does that. These are his roommates. but these are his roommates and he was like hey my roommates they're like a rendition of jackass and they want to come and do like all the craziest things he's like so this he's like so i'm gonna say that they're going out to eat that we're gonna go grab uh lunch but really i'm going to have Five of these guys Do one three minute round with you And see how long they can last Three minutes is a long time For just a regular person
Starting point is 00:05:13 Three minutes is a long time for a regular person The longest any of those guys lasted Was a minute and 47 seconds Wow okay It's funny because all of them got finished Within like four seconds of each other so if the longest one was 147 it was like you know 142 yeah 143 145 uh 147 and and i think it was 145 it was like was all exactly at the same time.
Starting point is 00:05:46 There was one guy that only lasts, I mean, I know it's an edit, but there was one guy that looks like he only lasts like three seconds. Yeah, he lasted, yeah, maybe three seconds. And that was twice. I knocked that guy out twice and then he won. I mean, this guy was crazy. were you like what's going on were
Starting point is 00:06:08 you did you feel bad for a second like oh yeah i felt i felt i felt bad after after the after the first guy and then the second guy uh but the first guy was like swinging on me saying i had just gotten done sparring five five minute rounds and i was like all right i have i have four guys i was like i have like four or five guys that i have to spar in a row i was like i was like okay i better i better conserve my energy a little bit so the first guy comes up he's like six four and uh doesn't know what he's doing but he's swinging for the hills and uh and uh i i crack him i i try not to go too hard to the face uh but uh but but go hard shots you know so i was like touching him up a little bit to the face and boom hit him hit him with a liver shot and uh put him down uh wrestled him a little bit to the face and boom hit him hit him with a liver shot and uh put him down uh wrestled
Starting point is 00:07:06 him a little bit right there and uh yeah you know just touch just moving around with them and uh and then i hit him to the liver they're like oh he's he's had liver flunch so i hit him with that liver shot and he was done after that and then uh the second guy, I started going a little bit harder on. But we're messing around, you know, throwing spinning punches right there. I busted his nose a little bit. And I started feeling bad, you know. I was like, all right. I was like, I'm b right i was like i'm i was like i'm
Starting point is 00:07:45 i'm busting these guys up pretty bad you know and you're and you're basically at this point especially after that sparring you're seeing you're seeing everything oh yeah especially after especially after the uh the the the sparring i just went with a guy who fought for a title for first bar star as an amateur on Buddy Quest. He came up short, but it was a good fight. It was close. Nobody got finished.
Starting point is 00:08:15 It was a decision. Hey, you know how you'll hear professional baseball players shouldn't swing a wiffle ball bat or play wiffle ball. It'll throw their timing off. Is there anything like that for you? It's like, hey, you should not be in the ring with people who are so shitty
Starting point is 00:08:31 because it could throw your timing off. Yeah, you know, like I've definitely like my coach, my coach flame was like, Definitely, like, my coach, my coach Flame was like, yeah, he's like, I don't think it's good for us to, like, to spar with guys that are not at our level. You know, it's disrespectful to the sport. But also, you know, it's like. I was just thinking it would throw your timing off. I mean, shit, everyone kind of wants. Go ahead. Yeah, you know, it's, you know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:09 It's like Jake Paul and Logan Paul doing exhibition matches with, like, Floyd Mayweather and Nate Diaz and people like that. You know, it's like that's the way I see it. You know, it's like for me, way I see it. You know, it's like for me it's just like it's fun and games. And then if you have newer guys, you know, as a professional, you know, you can always work on your defense more. I mean, obviously, like with these guys, you know, they're in there to – we're in there to put on a show and kind of get crazy with it, you know.
Starting point is 00:09:48 So the third guy, the third guy, they didn't even really show. I didn't hit him to the face pretty much at all. I just dropped him with a body shot because I was like, oh, man. I was like, guys, you killed me. I was like, I'm starting to feel bad here. Like, I have a conscience, you know? And the fourth guy was crazy. Knocked him out.
Starting point is 00:10:12 He woke up. And he's like, one more go. He's like, that was nothing. I was like, are you sure? And everybody in my gym is like, dude, do it he's had enough and uh and and i i knock him out again yeah this guy's this guy's gangster i knock him out the second time they wanted to grapple so we start grappling i get him in a von fluch, put him out cold. Yeah. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Then he gets up and he goes, I almost had you. He goes, one more. And so that's why we're all looking at each other like, dude, what is wrong with you? And so I. I like it how he taps, but he still has to be put to sleep. Yeah, and he came back to consciousness like 20 seconds later. Anyone get ruffled?
Starting point is 00:11:16 Anyone get ruffled? Anyone like be pissed? No, no, no. They were all really cool. They were all really cool. They were all really cool, yeah. And then I think one of the guys at my church actually works for TMZ Sports, and he knows Adrian, and he's like, yo, I saw the video that you and Adrian did. He's like, I work with TMZ.
Starting point is 00:11:46 He's like, I'd like to get an article going. He's like, we'll think of something. And that's the last time I had talked to him. And so maybe they talked, him and Adrian, and they came up with something. And that was it. But, yeah, next thing you know, I got a news article. And I got, like, my mom and my grandma and a bunch of friends back home sending me the article.
Starting point is 00:12:14 And it's just fun. It's just funny. You know, I love this stuff. It makes it more exciting. Hey, what do you think about Keith Thurman and Clarissa Shield? Do you think he's crazy for getting in the ring with her? Oh, yeah. I don't know about that.
Starting point is 00:12:33 I don't think that's a good idea. Any guys with girls, that's the big hang-up with transgender fighters fighting women. transgender fighters uh fighting women that's i i i have a problem with it it's like if you're transgender fight a transgender or or whatnot and uh and uh and there's actually some people in that community that would get mad but it's like i just don't see any women stepping up to fight khabib right right right right and thurman's no joke it's not like he's okay or he's average or he's good he's a fucking great fighter it's world class yeah he thurman is world class yeah and he will and he will run through clarissa shield right right like run through like you ran through those dudes yeah like just like that and and and that's that's that's the
Starting point is 00:13:34 difference that's the difference there it's not close like people people have no idea and i i um you know i say like if you're if you're doing sports like i was watching um the the first um hole-in-one on a par four from a from a girl in uh on the lpga was in like 2016 or 2017 can't remember but that's the first one you know and it's just it's just different the power levels um the build is different i don't care if you manipulate your testosterone to whatever degree um there's different since skeletal muscle mass and and there's just there's just a difference and you wouldn't have to manipulate it if if it wasn't different right dude i i couldn't i couldn't agree with you more
Starting point is 00:14:31 i i even will take it as far as like i'm okay with women in men's bathrooms men should never go into women's bathrooms we are different creatures there's a reason why prisons are full of men there's a reason why we rob all the banks there's a reason why prisons are full of men. There's a reason why we rob all the banks. There's a reason why we're always caught jacking off in public. I mean, we're different. We're not we're not a. We need different rules. It's the reason why our insurance is more. We're different. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. We have some different agendas. yeah two different agendas and clarissa clarissa shields great boxer my hat software she's she's excellent she's very good at what she does but i could i could go in there and and be clarissa shields oh well you you you are a dangerous man uh Mr. Builder. I'm bold enough to say, oh, well, she's a boxing world champion. Look, I won the Golden Gloves twice.
Starting point is 00:15:31 I won the Ringside Worlds. I could beat her. Hey, tell me about what that means. I'll hear that every once in a while. So-and-so is a Golden Gloves boxer. Can you tell me what that means? What does that mean? Every once in a while, so-and-so is a Golden Gloves boxer.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Can you tell me what that means? What does that mean? Yeah, so there's levels with the Golden Gloves. Like, there's, I believe they have, like, the Junior Golden Gloves. They have the Silver Gloves. Silver Gloves is, like, Silver Gloves is for youth under 18. And then the Golden Gloves is a tournament that's been around since like, like, it's probably like 90 years old right now. I won it in Georgia in 2013. And what you do is you qualify for it with the fight. There was there wasn't enough fights for a qualifier um or actually
Starting point is 00:16:27 yeah it was the qualifier was the first fight but i gotta buy my first fight in georgia um so um so you you qualify for the golden gloves by fighting in the in the in the tournament and then the first the first fight that you fight in will be for uh well for will be for the regional and then you and then you'll fight you'll fight for the regional and then uh and then you fight for the state and when you win the state then you go to then you go up to the next level so for in georgia i didn't have enough fights and i wasn't open i was i was uh considered novice so that you that's like typically zero to five fights or zero to eight fights you are novice and then once they turn you open then you can fight you know then you can fight guy
Starting point is 00:17:21 zero to novice you're fighting guys with less than eight fights. Open, like my first open fight, I fought a 10-time national champion. 360-plus fights. Pulled both. Wow. Fucking upper weight class at light heavyweight. That was in 2013 also? That was in 2017.
Starting point is 00:17:51 That's the second time you won it. That's the second time I won it, yep. And you fought a dude who had over 300 fights? Yeah, pool both. Yep, African fighter. And he was incredible 10-time national champion at light heavyweight so i that no that was in 2016 because i just won the ringside worlds at 2016 he had just won the sugarbird nationals that at at in 2016 but i wanted that middleweight which is 165 he wanted that light heavyweight which is 178 and uh and and they they they turned me they turned me open and uh
Starting point is 00:18:36 i him and then they had me do another open fight uh and that was only two weeks after i won it and i had one and i just won an mma fight my boxing coat the reason why i did it was i did an mma fight my coach wanted to see me out wrestle a wrestler right so i out wrestle a wrestler i don't finish them on purpose i just wanted to like just destroy this guy the whole fight so I could go pro. I was, uh, I was, uh, how old was I? I was 26 at the time. And I'm like, all right, you know, time to go pro. I turned to my coach after the fight. I go, Hey, what do you think? I was like, that guy wrestled his whole entire life. I was like, I just annihilated him what do you think time to go pro he's like could have knocked the guy out and i was like what he's like yeah you could have knocked the guy out and that was for rfa that was before they merged with uh uh legacy to become lfa and i was like
Starting point is 00:19:42 okay so the next morning i got up I got up early and I started at this boxing gym called uh Sir Boxing in St. Paul and uh I I did a I did a class with him one-on-one and he was like and he was like hey he's like hey champ he's like you trying to find the ringside world tournament I was like I was like yeah it was like one of my one of my boys back from back from rice street he had his own gym and i was like i was like yeah i'm down i was like when is it and he's like it's a tuesday i'm like i just fought yesterday he's like yeah it's fine you ain't got a mark on you he's like you trying to do it? I was like, could I get my – because you get a USA boxing book that has all your wins, losses, and draws in it.
Starting point is 00:20:34 And I was like, could I get my book and get registered in time? He's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's like, we'll get all that handled. I was like, all right. So I fight Friday for RFA. I start up with him Saturday. We train Sunday, Monday. I get all my stuff registered and dialed in on Monday.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Tuesday, we're heading out there with the team. Wednesday, we're getting settled in and training a little bit. And I weigh in. I weigh in and training a little bit and I weigh in I weigh in and fight Thursday Friday Saturday wow and win the tournament Sunday wow you fight four days in a row you have to make weight every morning and so I just fought at 55 because the guy couldn't make weight for the fight. So I fought at 155, so I was already at weight, already in good shape. And so I fought an MMA fight four or five days later. I fought four days in a row to win the ringside worlds in 2016. And then two weeks later, I turned open
Starting point is 00:21:46 and fought a 10-time national champion. I didn't even hear that when they were naming off all his... They were naming off, like, this accolade and that accolade. I was like, Jesus, who they got me fighting against? This guy had, like, leopard print print trunks gladiator trunks and and like he was he was he was to this day one of the toughest fights i've ever had in my life and so you had six fights in like four and four weeks yeah yeah five yeah yeah yeah, yeah, including that one.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Yeah, that's crazy. Hey, when that happens to you in your career, does that change your confidence too? You're like, well, shit, I guess I'm capable. Like it raises the ceiling for you of what you think you're capable of. Yeah, I went from 3-0 in boxing uh to 16 to 2017 when i was when i when i when i moved down here to turn pro for mma uh i got i got i got 18 fights all right i'm sorry not 18 i got 17 fights in a year for boxing wow yeah because my first loss i was 33 and all with all my combined records which i was like super flexing on everybody about because i was just like all these because
Starting point is 00:23:14 all these guys in minnesota would talk shit all these pros would talk shit to me they're like oh you're this and that you say that you say that you're this you know but you don't even have that many fights I'm like look I'm just starting off and and I was kickboxing at first so every time I every time I'd win you know especially out of state you know like I you know all right we just sent Nebraska home from the nationals like all right we just sent Little Rock Arkansas home we just sent Vegas home we just sent you know whatever whatever state or country that they were from you know because I saw my boy Manny do it back in the day and uh and and so many people talked shit to me man and I just like you know because I I guess I didn't have the accolades yet.
Starting point is 00:24:07 I didn't have the fights yet, but I believed in myself. And I said that I was going to be in the UFC. I said that I was going to be an undefeated fighter. I said that I would take on whoever, you know, just give me time, you know. And my first loss actually ever was at nationals and it was a split decision loss against the guy who went to the finals i think he lost in the finals by split decision this is this uh uh black cat from jordan from no from new jersey and uh yeah i was 33 and l going into going into that i just sent uh omaha nebraska home um to start off the the national golden gloves tournament so
Starting point is 00:24:54 so you so i did a region i did a i did a regional qualifier and so what what happened is i did a regional qualifier at light heavyweight so I beat the I beat the 10 time national champion pool pool both uh I just turned open they just turned me open um and that was like that was like two three weeks after I had beat uh uh uh the 10 time national champion pool I fought uh Leo Leo Modell, this Mexican cat. He was a light heavyweight, so 178, and he was a three-time upper Midwest Golden Glove champion. He had been in nationals three times and went to the finals like every year.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Really, really good fighter, and I beat him our first fight easily. He didn't even touch me. Like, it was one of the easiest fights I've ever had. The speed difference was out of this world. I was so nervous for that fight. But I beat him easily. He was the qualifier. I just – no, I had beat another guy before that.
Starting point is 00:26:05 They put me against like two weeks after the pool fight, and then I fought a month later. Yeah, because it was the wintertime at that time. And so I beat Leo Medel. Leo Medel, that was his name, Leo Medel. I beat Leo Medel three-time Upper Midwest Golden Glove champ at like heavyweight easily. That was the regional qualifier.
Starting point is 00:26:29 And then I think in – it must have been like January or February. So the Golden Gloves isn't just one event. You don't just show up and win it. It's like qualify, there's some time, and another event, there's some time, and then there's the finals yeah yeah okay yeah that's like that's how that's how some of them go you know some of them take it very serious but some of them some states they don't have enough people so sometimes you can just go to a golden gloves like tournament get signed up and and and, and away you go. Like a four day event and you get it. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Exactly. So, so they had, but they had a qualifier for, for us because there was quite a few people and, uh, and the middleweight, like heavyweight division.
Starting point is 00:27:16 So, um, I've, I was fighting people at light heavyweight. Um, but that's because. But yeah, middleweight would fight me for boxing. What's heaviest you fought what's the heaviest you've ever fought heavyweight which is 175 heavyweight yeah 175 but today in ufc you fight at 145 right 145 yep wow, but boxing, boxing you weigh in the day up. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Hey, Blake, when did you know that, was there a point in your life where you had this kind of like realization that you were tough? You're like, oh, I'm tough. When I won the, when I won the Golden Gloves, when I wasves when I was in Georgia. Really? That long into your fighting career? It wasn't like before your fighting career that you realized there was like one day some kid in the fourth grade punched you in the face? You're like, I can take that.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Yeah, it was probably football. The first year of tackle football. They called me the bone crusher. Oh, geez. year of tackle football is uh they call me the bone crusher like the bone crusher because i would i would literally injure a kid like at every practice in every game yeah even the guys on your own team you were that guy like even the guys on your own team you were dangerous yeah because they would have us run drills like they had they had to run drills like there there'd be a guy that would um have the ball and you'd be right there's like two things and he has to try and get through and and he and and
Starting point is 00:28:56 there's two there's two cones right here two cones right here he's he starts off over here and he has to get through and I would I just had good form so as he's coming through trying to dodge me I'd wrap him up and just dump him you know and I didn't know I was always rough
Starting point is 00:29:20 people always got mad at me at recess and what not because I was always going hard when we would play soccer or basketball or anything. I don't know. I was just always getting in trouble for playing rough. Even to this day, some people don't like going. I mean, I know how to move with people in the in the in the gym you know so but i used to injure a lot of guys in the beginning
Starting point is 00:29:52 uh doing jujitsu my coach is like like man we have to add more onto your membership because you're costing me money i'm like i'm so sorry man like you spoke about a sparring match you had when you showed up at a gym for the first time and it was with cheeto and you guys got at it can you tell me about that yeah marla yeah yeah so that's when i moved down here from from minnesota i packed all myself up and moved out here when i was 27 how old are you now uh 33 okay yep yeah and uh we were moving around we were we were sparring I was like I was like I didn't know who he was um and oh and and you know like when when I would spar you know, like, I'm smiling. Like, I'm having fun. You know, I don't know, like, the level of seriousness going on.
Starting point is 00:30:49 And so, like, I faked. I, like, smiled and did, like, an elevator knee. Like, whoa. Like, ooh. Like, might have got you. And he took it very personal. And I guess he was like, okay, motherfucker, we're doing this now? Are you going to show the knee?
Starting point is 00:31:12 So he took it as disrespectful that I did that to him. And so he told some of the guys I found out later on. I was like, yo, what happened that day? They're like, oh, yeah, sheito felt, you know, for nanopedia. He was like, yeah, you know, he felt disrespected that you did that.
Starting point is 00:31:33 And he said that he was going to make a statement. And I was like, yeah, fuck yeah. And he finished that round and then Oyama would call you. He'd be like, all right, Blakey, you and Chito, you guys got three fives. Go.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Three five-minute rounds? Oh. He would make us do sprints on Saturdays and then eight five-minute rounds. Sometimes ten five-minute rounds. Wow. Wow. would make us do sprints on saturdays and then eight five minute rounds sometimes 10 five around wow wow like we like we went to and it's not like there was it was easy rounds like if you got tired yeah if you didn't have a gas tank and we just ran sprints yeah like we just ran like three miles and, and I'm competitive. So I'm the first on like every run. And then we go back and we spar. It was crazy. And so did you guys get at it pretty good?
Starting point is 00:32:35 You and Cheeto? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He was, he was, he was, he was, he was definitely getting, getting the better of me back then. He was definitely getting the better of me back then. Like, standing up, you know, he's a tricky southpaw, and he's light, so he's fast, agile,
Starting point is 00:32:57 and Chido's got a lot of power for a 35er. You know, he's strong. He's like, you know, like those, he's got that skinny, wiry frame. He's just fast and explosive, and he's loose and fluent. He got me with a couple shots. He was trying to kill me. He had the craziest look in his eye. He looked at me like, like no this is a fight now like i'm coming to i'm coming to kill you and i'm gonna make an example of you um but i survived
Starting point is 00:33:31 that and i do well with them when i when i took it to the ground but my uh even with like winning like gloves and all that it was just it was just different because he would he would set up his kicks really well is the ufc just a whole is the ufc just um is it a whole different level yeah i think so it really is man i mean you got you got the best of the best of the best you know even for your key like even for me to get into the ufc I had to fight the number one fighter in all of Canada, Alex Morgan. Yeah, it's wild. Yep, it's wild. That guy had a win over a UFC fighter already. He had three pro titles.
Starting point is 00:34:17 I think he just won two fights. The guy's a seasoned vet. So me going in there wasn't wasn't nothing people were like oh that's that's the number one fighter it's like yeah dude we trained from morning till night every single day and and you bait you were 16 and oh in your fighting career not including boxing in your mixed martial arts career when you went in. And basically that's what it takes to get in there, right? It's just a bunch of guys with O's. It's a bunch of guys 10-0, 15-0, 20-0.
Starting point is 00:34:54 And then you guys are all meeting in this one organization. It's wild. Yeah, yeah. And to be undefeated in MMA is insanity. It's so hard. So many things that can go wrong. Do you have a fight scheduled? I don't have anything set yet.
Starting point is 00:35:21 But I don't have anything set yet, but I hope to get some news here soon. And who determines that? Do you tell your agent, hey, I want to fight, and then you basically just hurry up and wait? Yeah. I told him, I told Jason, I go, hey, Hurry up and wait. Yeah. Like I told him, I told, I told Jason, I go, I go, Hey, right. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Right now I'm, I'm putting together a team. I'm, I'm finding a wrestling coach. I'm, I'm getting, I'm getting my, my Muay Thai coach dialed in. So, you know, give me some time. And then like a day later he offered me he offered me a couple fights and uh and i told him i i told him you know hey like let's let's focus on october november and the reason being is i they offered me august 5th and september 23rd and now i kind of wish i took the September 23rd because I haven't, I haven't heard anything yet, but that's okay.
Starting point is 00:36:33 I just wanted to make sure that I gave myself the opportunity to work with and, and, and dial in with with with wrestling coaches and and uh muay thai coach and look even if you are like doing it doesn't mean that it's going to be the right fit you still have to go and and uh train with them and see if your guys' psychology mixes well, see if they have good intentions for you and you for them. There's a lot of dynamics to it. Turns out, actually, one of the MMA coaches that I thought was going to be in my corner ended up parting ways, you know, because of politics with him. You know, it doesn't mean that he's gone forever, but as of right now, you know, he took a step back.
Starting point is 00:37:38 You know, so stuff, things like that happen all the time, you know. happen all the time you know and I wanted to make sure that when I'm going out there you know I don't have you know the for my last fight I had my strength and conditioning coach in there in my corner had a guy I was supposed to have my jiu-jitsu coach but um there was there was some happened with the schedule that he wasn't able to make it so i just had like one of my one of my teammates come out with me and then i had of course my boxing coach my head coach flame um but that was the fight with kyle nelson that's who you had yeah that's the fight with kyle nelson and you you know, it's just if I had the team that I had now, even if I was just at the spot that I was at now, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:32 I would win that fight. You know, but we don't, you know, I mean, when you're 8-0, you're like, all right, I'm doing pretty good. You know, I'm doing well. You know, and these guys are studying you. These guys are doing more research. These guys are typically fighting full time. And we learn lessons.
Starting point is 00:38:59 And from that fight, I didn't get finished. I lost the decision. And from that fight, I didn't get finished. I lost the decision. There's a lot of people that lost money or a parlay or whatever. So I got a lot of hate mail, a lot of hate messages. But it's part of the game. And it taught me a huge lesson. it taught me a a huge lesson i mean i hadn't lost since uh since the ringside worlds in 2017 you know the semifinals that was my last loss was six years ago you know so for people to tell me
Starting point is 00:39:37 like how they feel and all this and and say what they say i just i took it personal at first you know because i was down and out and it's so fresh it's a fresh wound uh but but now now i'm just focused on getting better and a loss a loss is a loss and and we're gonna and i've already learned so much from it and I'm already 10 times the fighter that I was before. What was like being a kid for you? Was being a child easy, mom and dad at home, loving, or was it a wild ride? Wild, wild, wild ride. Always, always or what from the beginning? Always.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Yeah, my dad was a really really bad alcoholic so uh just what do you mean what do you mean bad like a lot of us like like um like the two different kinds of alcoholics is there's one that's like passes out or is jovial and then there's the one that hits you is that that's the bad one yeah yeah i mean there's there's quite a few right you know there's like functional alcohol, like a dad or a mom or whomever that will drink. But they, you know, they get all their work done. They, you know, they still function, you know, but their life is still dysfunctional. but their life is still dysfunctional, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:08 and they're able to get away with it for a little while until they don't stop getting away with it because, you know, they're drinking all the time, you know. So typically people like that end up getting a DUI and then stuff like that starts happening. My dad, great guy, when he's not drinking but when he's drinking man dr jekyll and mr high so he was you know he he had so many duis that he couldn't get a ride to work at the car wash where he worked at and then my mom would give him rides and my my dad was just uh my dad was just a madman you know like like he uh he was always just in and out of jail always always trying to shortcut
Starting point is 00:41:54 the system you know hard worker um but just something inside of him just couldn't sit still and what like he always had to be doing doing something crazy and and alcohol played a huge effect on just him like just being out of his mind you know he'd get out of his mind drunk blackout drunk and yeah he's uh he's verbally abusive uh very physically abusive and uh I just remember that at a young age and I just remember him just being gone and that was kind of like the that was kind of like the the theme uh growing up like he'd just be there uh and it was just that ticking time bomb you know like he'd be there it'd be like maybe a month later that he could hold it together uh and then boom it would blow up and you know how whole house is torn apart you know my mom's got a a black eye or two uh and and dad's on vacation again you know like in jail or just
Starting point is 00:43:08 on the road at someone's house or kicked out or both both both you know like like living on eggshells you were basically living it was always living on eggshells big time yeah big time especially like when i i was i was older and I had friends over. My dad was just a short fuse, and so he just snapped. He felt entitled to his space in the house because he gave a little bit of rent. Then just things would bother him. And then just things would bother him. They always say an alcoholic that isn't treated is always restless,
Starting point is 00:43:54 irritable, and discontent. That's the theme of my dad. He didn't care about going back to jail. He would always say, hey, I don't care about going back to jail. I like say like hey he's like hey i don't i don't care about going back to jail i like it there you know free free meal every day he's like i he's like i get my little cell he's like i don't mind it i like it there he's like so you want to send me back good he's like and he just had um crazy role model dude about yeah and so and he was one of the craziest guys i knew so i was like uh and and what he would do is he i would see how his mindset would just instill fear in people and and uh he would be able to uh have have one up on people be because of the power that he had because he could instill that fear in them you know that you know like i'll like i'll take this i'll burn this down you know like i'll i don't
Starting point is 00:44:53 care like you're like this shit don't bother me and um you know in a situation that you're supposed to hate he loved and then he thrived in it wow he thrived in it you know send me back you know you know he's he's like you know and i lived in minnesota so he'd always talk about how he would get in fights with like native americans and he'd like he showed me how to like throw a punch, like, through somebody. He's like, you don't hit to them, you hit through them and try and pierce your knuckle into, like, the back part of, like, their throat through their head. And he's like, and if you're in a street fight, just grab their head. Just grab their head and use the top left side of your forehead
Starting point is 00:45:41 and bash their nose to break it. And he's like, and then don't let go of their head he's like fucking knee that knee them and and dump them into something he's like that's what i did in the bathroom and jail and how about his dad was his dad like that too rich grandpa like that grandpa i never met my grandpa but i guess my grandpa met my grandpa, but I guess my grandpa just had a bar. He was the owner of a bar. And I guess their relationship was like he would just toss my dad some money to get away from him. Didn't really want a kid, didn't really want a son.
Starting point is 00:46:23 And so he just tossed him some money to get him out the house. You know, I guess my grandpa, Rich, I think he was my grandma. He's a womanizer and just kind of, you know, she's like zero class, no respect. And he and your dad loved him, but he did not want anything really to do with your dad. So I think, you know, I can't imagine what it was like for him. You know, that's what I think about, you know. It's like he wasn't the way he was for no reason, you know. He was always being a miss and, you know, he probably had some, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:02 some daddy issues where, you know where he just wanted that attention and that love and affection like any son would want from their father. When he would come back and get out of jail, come stay with me. My family wasn't his. My family, my older older brother my younger brother god bless his soul um and my mom you know my mom would give him a place to stay and and he and and he'd mess it up you know he just he just couldn't do it like any any sign of just like normal living just he just couldn't you know he's just so wound up he was institutional
Starting point is 00:47:46 where is he now where's your dad been that way you know i don't know i think i i i don't i don't know you know i might i might give him i might give i might give him a call today i i have one of his cell phone numbers but he's he's always got a new cell phone number he's always got a new girlfriend phone number. He's always got a new girlfriend. He's always in and out of jail. He almost murdered a guy in his last debacle. They wound him up in prison. He split this dude's head open with a bottle at a bar, broke it and sliced it and almost killed him.
Starting point is 00:48:28 My dad was like, you know, if this guy dies, you know, like that's it. You know, he would have been a lifer probably, you know, probably been doing life in prison. But he got a year or two and uh i remember i went up to minnesota and i and i and i was hanging and i was like man i gotta go see him but if you try and go see somebody in prison um and and say prison you can't you have to fill out a form and then it has to get approved and then you can't even put money on their books, I don't think. And you have to fill out this form.
Starting point is 00:49:10 It has to get approved by the state and then they send it back and then you have to do this whole thing. Well, his sister, my auntie Jennifer, God bless her soul, she was like, hey, you know, he's getting out in like the next day or two. And I didn't have – I just bought a flight to Minnesota. I didn't get a return flight. So my return flight, I was going to buy that day. And I was like, yo, I'm going to wait another day.
Starting point is 00:49:38 If he really gets out, I'll go see him. And so I drove three hours to go see him and spend some time with him. And, yeah, he got out and it was – see him and so i drove three hours to go see him and spend some time with him and uh and yeah he got out and it was uh does he drink a second he gets out does he go straight to a bar not not right away not right away you know right right away he's like uh uh oh yeah that's a that's a thing past you know because everybody's slick no slick that's that's in the past now you know i learned my lesson and uh yeah that guy would have died you know i said whether this guy lives or dies you know that's that's it for me slick you know uh always a lot of promises but
Starting point is 00:50:20 not a lot of uh follow through like where do you Blake, where do you get your discipline and focus at coming from such a chaotic situation? You're clearly crazy disciplined. You have routine. You have habits. You have diet. Your physique's crazy. Where do you think you got that from?
Starting point is 00:50:44 You think it's because you're scared you don't want to end up like him or? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was like it was a lot of me, you know, maybe, you know, I think maybe running, running away from myself for a little bit, but also running to what I wanted to be. You know, I had a coach recently. He's like, man, I feel like you're doing all these workouts. You know, I feel like you're running from something. I go, you know what, man? Maybe a little bit of it is running from something.
Starting point is 00:51:17 I was like, but I feel like for me, I'm running to something. You know, every time I'm in a training session, I'm running to something you know every time i'm i'm in a training session uh i'm i'm i'm running to something i'm becoming something you know because i didn't i didn't know that i had these options growing up i didn't play i didn't really play school sports and then when i tried to play school sports they wouldn't let me play because i got i got too many underage drinking tickets so um i grew i grew up i grew up quick when I was younger. Is that behind you? Have you gone to AA or something?
Starting point is 00:51:50 Is the drinking behind you? Do you have to quit that? Yeah. I go to AA. I go to that. I got a sponsor in the program. Oh, good for you. And I do that because I know because i got i got those
Starting point is 00:52:07 signs and i got those tendencies you know it's like the you know like i'll become restless irritable and and discontent and you know i can be i can't i don't even have to be drinking but the thinking you know is is is uh it's what's messed up. And, you know, it's like, uh, it's like a spiritual malady, you know, like, like, you know, it's like, uh, I try to, I try to make sure that, you know, when I wake up every day that, you know, I just, I, I thank God and, and I don't do this deal perfect, but what it does is it, it keeps me accountable. And for me, I do the deal. And I've been doing this since I was 16. I was going to meetings.
Starting point is 00:52:56 And I went to inpatient, outpatient treatment. And then I went to outpatient. And then after work, I almost out of an overdose, and my mom and my grandma put me in inpatient treatment. What did you almost overdose on? I had got some Coke that night, and then I was was like 16 and i got coke and i did like a little bit of that and everyone's oh yeah when you do that you uh you could drink a lot and i was like oh yeah so i got a the 40s uh uh for me for me and my boys so we were drinking 211 steel reserves
Starting point is 00:53:41 and then this girl had a thing in 99 berries. I didn't know what it was. But I traded her a steel reserve for 99 berries. And I remember I just chugged like that much of it. And I didn't know that meant it was 99 proof. I didn't even know that. I've never even heard of that stuff. Sounds crazy. 99 proof alcohol.
Starting point is 00:54:03 You drink that much of it. And I was doing that. I was doing a bunch of other stuff man it's like anything i could get my hands on you know like like how long have you been sober uh i've been sober for for a little bit now yeah i've been i mean you know on and off you know sometimes like uh you know know, I think that I can have a drink and whatnot, you know, and it's just, you know, I'm allergic to it. You know, people ask me, hey, why aren't you having a drink? I'm like, oh, no, I'm good. They're like, oh, no, you should have one. I'm like, I will, but I'm allergic.
Starting point is 00:54:41 They're like, you're allergic? And I'm like, yeah, every time time i do i break out in handcuffs yeah yeah yeah you know and uh yeah not necessarily but i mean you know that's what it that's that's that's where that's where it leads for for for guys like me you know and and you see guys like uh mayhem miller that just got arrested the other day or or or other other guys that are fighters drinking is like the number one thing that just ensures like your career to have crazy mishaps and and and put dana almost had a mishap dana almost had a mishap from drinking dana dana almost had a mishap from drinking. I'm so glad he, I'm so glad.
Starting point is 00:55:26 And he looks great now. Doesn't he? He's not all red anymore. He leaned out. I love Dana white. I was so, I was so worried about him. Uh,
Starting point is 00:55:35 when he had that mishap, I love the UFC. I love what he brings to the game, but fuck that, that little thing with his wife, dude, that could, that would have fucking ended most men.
Starting point is 00:55:44 He fucking, and he had, that was alcohol, right? That was alcohol right blake of course of course it's new year's eve you know and uh his his wife gave him a little touch and he gave her a few you know and here's the thing he didn't even go it wasn't even anything but it was in public he did it he didn't go crazy um you know and uh but but still it's the fact that he that he did that and you could clearly see she was wasted she didn't even she probably didn't even remember she oh yeah yeah of course she doesn't remember and you know it's like and and she and she went at him first and you could tell he was kind of like, hey, like, chill, like, yeah, yeah. Like, like, get away from me. It doesn't make it right.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Right. And in these things, it's like when you're held to a higher standard, when a lot of people look at you as as the man and and and we don't behave like this. We. It's like this. It's, it's tough, man. You got to be able to carry that yoke, man. And you're like a superhero. With great power comes great responsibilities. And I see it as this, man.
Starting point is 00:57:09 It's like I need to be the person that I needed growing up. Like I didn't have any mentors. I didn't have any coaches. I didn't have any guidance. Like my stepdad, Boo, you know, he went on vacation too. Like know boo boo ended up you know 12 years in the texas penitentiary you know that ended up 12 years in the texas penitentiary after your dad wow yeah and you know my dad you know i just fought my dad for the first time you know because he he you know he hit my mom and pushed her down when I was 16.
Starting point is 00:57:48 This is right around the time where I had that overdose. I hit him. Boo comes out, pushes him out the front door. He comes back in, starts attacking Boo. Then my mom's like, I called the police. My dad dips off on on his bike the police catch him on his bike he goes off to jail bicycle or motorcycle um a bicycle because he has too many duis so he can't drive and so that's how i get to and from work uh and then uh and then it's and then my dad's gone so now there's like peace in the house well next thing you know it's like a couple months later i'm like yo where's boo boo don't drive
Starting point is 00:58:35 like boo don't drive either you know like he don't have his license and my mom's like oh we went on vacation vacation where do you where do you go on vacation to and she's like oh uh chicago because he's from the south side of chicago and uh uh you know he's a blackstone out on the southwest side of chicago kind of near like old block and like garfield park and what's a blackstone blackstone is like uh it's like uh uh it's like it like, it's a gang that area, you know, because the police weren't doing their jobs and justice wasn't being served, so they took it into their own hands in Chicago. And Boo was a Blackstone, you know, Blackstone, you know, go out here, smash the rock, you know, and, yeah, you know, he, you know, and then eventually, you know, like the plight for power and money, you know, it gets corrupted,
Starting point is 00:59:54 you know, so, you know, being gangster affiliated, you know, his whole entire life, that's all he knew, and, you know, he wound up in prison in a Texas penitentiary. I think he got stretched out, too. They said he was only supposed to do 10. It's a federal case. Wow, and they got affiliated with the Nation of Islam and Muammar Gaddafi. Wow, fuck, that is some gangster shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Yep, it's crazy. And so we were, like, the only white people in, like like the southwest side of chicago and booze bringing us down there he's like he's like hey what's up man he's like this is my this is my son right here blake you know this is my other son nick this is my other son yo brayden you know and uh and uh you know none of you know, my little brother was mixed, but so we had different dads, my older brother and me, same mom, same dad. But he treated us all like his sons, you know, and like at that time, I didn't care that, you know, he was battling drug addiction and whatnot, you know, and he was still deep in, like, you know, just doing gangster shit. You know, that's all he knew. You know, and him and my mom were just trying to, you know, kind of take it the easier, softer way, you know. the easier the the easier softer way you know so learn from all these guys just from just from seeing them uh do things their way that it didn't work you know and i didn't want to end
Starting point is 01:01:35 up going to prison or going to jail and i didn't want to end up uh uh in a in an institution or, you know, losing my mind or anything. So I was like, man, you know, like I started finding – I found boxing, you know, because they wouldn't let me – they wouldn't let me on the football team because I got in too much trouble. I had underage drinking tickets and possession of alcohol. How old were you when you found boxing 17 wow I just got out of
Starting point is 01:02:13 inpatient treatment a 30 day inpatient treatment at Plymouth Hazelden how are you I can't fucking believe you made it this far dude yeah it's crazy. Hey, I lied to everybody.
Starting point is 01:02:27 Your story is crazy. I lied to everybody in that treatment center. Yeah. And I guess I didn't. But I lied to them at Hazelden Plymouth. Because I was like 16 or 17. I just overdosed. I was like all those.
Starting point is 01:02:41 They found a bunch of drugs in me when they brought me to the hospital. I blew a.45 when I got to to the hospital so it was probably higher you know like and um my mom was like you're going to treatment they brought me in there I was there for 30 days um and and uh I told everybody that I I boxed I said yeah I'm a boxer I did jiu-jitsu I'm gonna be in the UFC one day. And you were just making that shit up? I was making that shit up, but I knew that I knew
Starting point is 01:03:12 that that's what I wanted to do because I'd stay up all night watching fights in my mom's room while she was at work, when she did work. When you watch fights, do you sit down or do you stand up? Shit, I did a little bit of both, i yeah when i was younger i'd watch boxing and i grabbed little two pound weights yeah and uh and i liked oscar de la jolla you know and i uh you know and i would i'd try and do the motion
Starting point is 01:03:40 that they were doing yeah and yeah and i'd pick who i thought was gonna win and and i would just i would just uh imitate them and i would just you know i'd fantasize and dream about it and use my imagination to to pretend like i was like i was dumb and i was doing it you know do you have any good friends blake do you have any like do you have any good friends? I got great friends. Yeah. That's good to hear. Thank God, man. Yeah, thank God for sure.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Where? Like close to you? Yeah, so Flame is probably like one of my best friends. He's also my boxing coach. I got him. I got my buddy Lou. Bunch of guys in the program. It's probably the most solid guys that you could ever have on your side. A bunch of guys with stories like mine that have been through it and came a mentor of mine tom man tom tom man tom loving back to life man he's like he tom loved you back to life is that what you said tom loved you back to life oh that's a great line wow because because i had a bunch of legal troubles at 24 and i just got my heart broken by
Starting point is 01:04:58 uh this girl who was uh who was who was no good man but you know you know, when you ain't up to no good or, you know, when you're trying to do your best and nothing's working and you're just throwing things at the wall and none of it's sticking, you know, and then somebody leaves you out to dry, you know, like Tom came and he told me, like, you know, hey, you know,
Starting point is 01:05:22 this might be for you, might not be, you know, but I got a little business and you can come help me out, make a little bit of money. He just wanted to get a few hundred bucks so I could spend Christmas with my mom back in 2014. We ended up starting working together. He did security cameras and, and, uh, he, he taught me how to, uh, go on going, give a cold call and go on a presentation. And, uh, and, uh, you know, Tom had a past too, you know, Tom had been a, Tom had been a prison, you know, Tom, uh, you know, did his time, but he learned from it and he moved forward. And, uh, moved forward. Me and him, I talked to him for the other day. That's probably my best friend, man.
Starting point is 01:06:14 That guy changed my life. That guy really believed in me, man. Blake, what happens to you from here? You have this crazy fight record. You have just an absolutely, a past just full of potholes, right? Yeah. Like, when you see forward, what do you see? Like, are you going to make it?
Starting point is 01:06:40 I mean, it's truly, the more and more I hear and think about it, I'm like, how the fuck does this guy have the discipline to have this insane fucking record? And I guess you're training as part of your medication, right? I mean, it's like that for a lot of us. But for you, you're medicating yourself with fighting and fitness, right? It's one of the prescriptions. Yeah. One of the prescriptions. Yeah. One of the prescriptions, you know, I say, I think, uh, I think, uh, my, I think my faith carries, carries, uh, uh, a lot to, you know, my faith in God.
Starting point is 01:07:11 I want to hear about that. How did you get that? Is it like, do you, is it real? Do you have to fake it? Like how, how does that work? Man? I think, I think, you know, like, um, I'll tell you this, man. I used to, I used to run by the church and I'd see all these people smiling and happy and kissing each other and giving each other hugs. And they seemed so, so happy. I'm like, man, you know, like, I wish I could have something like that. You know, like, like I was supposed to go to a church group with my buddy when I was younger in middle school. And then, like, last minute, his mom was like, you know, hey, you know, I think it's best, you know, then like last minute his mom was like you know hey you know I think it's best you know this is kind of like a small group you know um you know
Starting point is 01:07:51 so it's probably best that just today you know you don't you don't come and and I was like man you know like every time every time I'm crazy that you. It's crazy that you remember that. It's crazy you remember that moment, right? I'll never forget. Because I was, because, you know what, man? You know, it's like, it's like, we don't shoot our wounded, you know? And if you're really a servant of God, you're here to help somebody out. And I was a little lost boy at the time in middle school, man. And I was like, man, I could go into more detail, but it was crazy, man. I tried committing suicide in the eighth grade and I needed that. I needed something and they didn't know my they didn't know my household and they didn't ask me about it and then
Starting point is 01:08:48 they said that I could come to this this Bible study and then shoot me away and I never forgot that man and then there was a guy because they saw that you they were like hey this motherfuckers too hood yeah instead of embracing you being like hey this guy
Starting point is 01:09:04 we can this guy needs our love they were like he's not dressed right oh he talked he swear oh that is so crazy dude yep it is a hundred percent why it is crazy i was a white boy that wore a do-rag um because i i thought i could get waves like i didn't i didn't know the difference i didn't know the difference you know didn't know the difference. You know, I, I saw my mom's, my mom's boyfriends and, uh,
Starting point is 01:09:29 they were, my mom only, only, only dated black dudes. And, um, and ain't nothing wrong with that. You know,
Starting point is 01:09:35 um, she just didn't have the, the best, the best pig. She's, you know, she just went after gangsters, you know,
Starting point is 01:09:42 like all were like gangsters. Was her dad hard? How about her grandfather on that side? Her dad just didn't show her no love. Her dad didn't show her no love. Just told her that she was... Just name called her
Starting point is 01:09:58 and just told her that if any guy showed you affection, you better stick by his side. Nobody likes a fat girl. She was a big girl her whole life. She battled with that. That was her addiction. It was like trying to overcome the food. I'd come up and she'd be... My mom was bulimic. I'd come up and, you know, she'd be, you know, my mom was, like, bulimic, you know.
Starting point is 01:10:25 So I'd come up and, you know, at, like, a specific time every night, you know, like, all our food would come up. And it was just normal, you know. Like, it was. You'd hear her in the bathroom throwing up. Yeah. Yeah. Every single night. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:41 How did you try killing yourself in the eighth grade? What did you do? I swallowed a bunch killing yourself in the eighth grade that how what did you do i swallowed i swallowed a bunch of pills in the medicine cabinet holy shit dude yeah i swallowed 52 pills and that's the first time i prayed to god i went i went i was like and it's because i it was my dad was back my mom was there and like i'll just, I'd go tell my mom what I was going to do. Like, but I sent my, it was like semi asking for like, uh, approval. I just be like, I like, yo, I'm going over to Dan's house. And there, and she's like, no, you're not. And I'm like, I'm like, all right, I'll see you later.
Starting point is 01:11:19 And she's like, no, you're not going anywhere. I'm like, what are you talking about? And she's like, and she's like and she's like ask your dad and i'm like hey can i go over to dan's house and he's like no i'm like why like because we said so i all right i'm gonna go they're like if you go you ain't coming back in. I'm like, oh, so now that he's here, now there's all these rules and regulations and they're like, you're not going. And I don't know, man. I had already felt that way.
Starting point is 01:11:55 I would threaten it all the time. And I was like, all right, you know what? I was like, they want to be like that. I was like, I you know what i was like they want to be like that i was like i was like i'll show them and uh and yeah i just like went upstairs and just just started what were the pills just like tylenol or something yeah it was like a bunch of tylenol and like uh um i know i know it was around the first time that i that i ever drank because there was no dose in there like caffeine pills and uh i took like four of those and uh because
Starting point is 01:12:35 this one girl had them so she could drink and then stay awake and so that's how i know that that was around the first time that I ever drank. So it was like. Did you have to go to the hospital from all those pills? I should have, but my pride said, like, don't tell nobody. So I swallowed them. Are you Dave, a claims-free hybrid driving university grad who signed up online? Well, Dave, this jingle's for you.
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Starting point is 01:13:44 Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Sitting down at my kitchen table watching TV and then like I started feeling like high and then I i started feeling like high and then i started feeling sick yeah and i started puking and it was like violent like something was severely wrong and i was like you know what um that's when you started praying to god i pray to god i go i go i go hey god i go i don't i don't know i don't know why i'm doing this and I don't know what's going on, but I promise if you keep me alive, I'll do whatever you want me to do.
Starting point is 01:14:32 I'll go to any lengths, any depths. I'll do whatever it is that you want me to do. I know now that I don't want to die. I want to live. And I'm so sorry for doing this but if you ever if you have a reason and a purpose for my life i pray that you keep me alive please let me live wow that's a lot for an eighth grader geez yeah yeah and i i went i went and i threw up as much as i could and then i just laid down in my bed all night not being able to sleep just feeling sick
Starting point is 01:15:06 and I thought I was like and you know I was like my older brother came and checked he goes you all right and I was like yeah I'm good I'm good and he's like he's like are you sure and I'm like yeah I'm fine I'm fine and uh I thought I was just I thought I was just going to close my eyes and like have that be it and I was like I should probably tell my mom and dad but I didn't want them making a big deal about it so I was like you know
Starting point is 01:15:36 if it's God's will for me to die I'd die is your older brother still alive? Yeah. Is he in jail? Nah.
Starting point is 01:15:51 He's a foster parent with my mom over in Georgia. So he helps raise all these orphans. Oh, that's cool. Wow. He's a good guy. Wow. Oh, that is awesome. And your little brother did commit suicide. My little a good guy. Wow. Oh, that is awesome. And your little brother,
Starting point is 01:16:07 your little brother did commit suicide. My little brother committed suicide. He hung himself by, by a cloth after in a, in a trailer park park. Yeah. It's crazy, man.
Starting point is 01:16:21 Where? Right here. Forever. Right here. Forever right there. So you see him every day, right? Like that. That's the first thing I look at. What was his name? I wake up and I look over. Brayden.
Starting point is 01:16:40 Brayden. Brayden. Where were you when that happened, Blake? Braden. Braden. Yeah, Braden. Where were you when that happened, Blake? I was over in Lake Elsinore with my buddy Lou,
Starting point is 01:16:57 and then we were out there late at his cousin's house. And I stayed over at his place. So I woke up next to my boy, Lou, and I was getting a phone call from my mom. And, yeah, she told me the news. She's like, are you sitting down? I was like, yeah. I thought she was going to say my grandma because my grandma hasn't been doing too good how did your mom take that fuck I can't imagine losing a kid holy shit
Starting point is 01:17:30 dude she's I don't know man it's like every day is a struggle dude you know such a battle man like you know I think she's she does good sometimes but it's up and down.
Starting point is 01:17:47 Even for, even for me, man, like, you know, this now is like the first time in a long time where I feel like I feel okay. You know, like, cause once he died a month later, you know a month later, right after I got done seeing his body at the morgue, I get home. I get back to my mom's house in Georgia. And they offer me the fight against Reggie Valdo Carvalho to defend the world title on the East Coast at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in New Jersey. Like, right as soon as I get done i'm eating fucking kfc or
Starting point is 01:18:27 popeye's chicken and shit and i'm like 100 i'm like 100 180 pounds wow wow everything i was drinking on my way over to the to the to, to go see my mom. And I was like, I don't even drink on a plane, you know, like drinking on the way there. And yeah, it was, I was like, you know what? I was like, it's like white light moments or, you know, it's like that's why I hear that loud whisper from God. It's just like, you know, it's like, are you going to sit around and mourn and mope around? Are you going to get busy and do something that could help out your family and give them something good to to look forward to after something so tragic. And I was like, it ain't good for me or anybody else to sit around and think about this all day. So I got busy.
Starting point is 01:19:33 I got busy. I got active. And, you know, you got to be a performer you know so you throw on your big boy pants and get active and start promoting the fight and start getting sponsorships and
Starting point is 01:19:53 and and you just go hey how are you gonna process how I guess time heals but i guess just more shit can just keep happening and happening it's just amazing how much success you've had right with all of this just storm around you what do you think that that guy that said you're
Starting point is 01:20:23 running from something what do you think he what do you think he that guy that said you're running from something what do you think he what do you think he's saying like what does that even mean when someone says that well i i like what do you how are you supposed to process all this shit i later found out you know a guy the the guy that said that you know battles the same things that i that that me and many others face you know it's like it's like uh yeah he said i feel like you're running from something i was like i don't know if i'm necessarily running from anything but i feel like i'm running to something these days and he's like yeah i feel that i got my own path this and that and da da da da brother went to prison for murder and like yeah it makes sense yeah you know like you know it like kind of takes
Starting point is 01:21:08 one to know one you know real recognize real right or you know real sick recognize uh you know like real sick you know you can see you can see uh you can see it in any in each other you know and uh and uh you know a lot of us uh a lot of us bond over our trauma anyway you know that's why a lot of now a lot of us uh get along you know what about kids blake do you have any aspirations for to have kids oh yeah i'd love to have kids i'd love to have kids one day obviously you know i want to make sure that i'm in a good position and have the right woman and whatnot. But I would I would love I would love, love, love to be a father. I think that would be that's a life goal of mine. That'd be great.
Starting point is 01:21:55 Yeah. When when your dad I have three I have three little kids. I had kids late. I have two six year olds and an eight year old. Nice. two six-year-olds and an eight-year-old nice and i think when you have kids you're gonna you're gonna be like wow i can't believe it well you're everything's gonna change about how you see your dad because like the greatest thing as a man is the chance to raise other men it's crazy it's such a fucking cool but most dudes don't do it. Most people send their kids to school. They don't raise their kids. They don't do shit. Like, I mean, think about this.
Starting point is 01:22:29 Your dad had other demons he was fighting, right? Going to jail, alcohol, restless, probably shitty upbringing. But there's other dudes who don't have that, and they still don't raise their kids. They just send their kids off behind a fucking chain link fence, nine hours a day. I'm like, what? And I get it
Starting point is 01:22:45 that's what society tells you you're supposed to do but man dude if you get a chance to actually raise your kids and just take them everywhere with you and uh man it will be the most rewarding thing you could ever um imagine in your life is the ufc thing is you have to put all your eggs in that basket and just that's the dream like hey I got to get the championship fight I got to get big sponsorships I got to be bigger than life like is that is that the pressure you put on yourself is that is that the way out yeah yeah of of of course I think everybody does everybody wants to everybody wants to be the man you know you want that notoriety and uh and
Starting point is 01:23:26 and you want to prove you want to prove your worth as a fighter you know you want to be like you know i'm the best in the world and i'll and i'll show and be able to tell your story and and you know it's like after after the you know after the loss to kyle, man, you know, it's like the phone was pretty quiet. You know, you only got a few phone calls. You're not asked to go drive exotic cars, you know. My mom and my grandma called and my mentor. And, you know, there's a bunch of people that don't know me that hit me up and thought that it'd be a good idea to message me and tell me that I'm a piece of shit and
Starting point is 01:24:14 that I'm a clown and how, and how I could fight better and that I'll never make it to the top and this and that. And, um, that's what you're just talking about. People in your DM is just bombing. Oh, yeah. Just flooded with that.
Starting point is 01:24:31 And people are like, don't look at it. Don't look at it. I'm like, I'm like, yeah, well, you're trying not to, but anything you post, people go in and just start talking shit. You know, it's just, it comes with the territory, you know.
Starting point is 01:24:46 Yeah. You know, people just, that's what they do now, you know. And you get, you just, you just take the good with the bad, you know. I've been through so much that, you know, it was like, it was like bothering me at first. And I was like, dude, I don't even know these motherfuckers. Like, who cares? You know, it is what it is that you know it was like it was like bothering me at first and i was like i don't even know these motherfuckers like who cares you know it is what it is you know so we we we we dust off and move forward none of that stuff bothers me anymore so um you know nowadays um none of that none of that stuff phases me but you know it's a it's all a learning lesson
Starting point is 01:25:25 you know you learn as you go you know you know sometimes sometimes you win sometimes you don't and uh and it's like that even when i even when i beat shane young people were talking shit so you know but but this last one was a little bit different you know like i i wasn't the winner anymore so i couldn't you know talk about you know mental health or you know i don't know you know like you you you just feel down and now i feel like everybody knows people are talking shit you know people that you know there's i don't know. You just, when you haven't lost in six years and you've never lost an MMA fight, it, it, uh, it's.
Starting point is 01:26:12 Your story changed. Your story changed and you're having to process it, right? Your story changed. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And you know what? You're not the undefeated fighter anymore.
Starting point is 01:26:21 Um, and, and, uh, yeah, your story changes, but you know but you know it it it ended up being one of the one of the greatest things that ever happened to me i will say that tell me why give me give me give me a couple things give me something why do you say that because it it it helped me look at look at things different you know like um like you know it's like like for example like you think like if you don't if you don't win like it's like all performance based you know like if i you know if i win i get the love and it's true you win you win you do get the love you win you do get invited to do the podcast you win you do get a million calls you You win. You do have everybody riding your coattail. You win.
Starting point is 01:27:10 You get more sponsorships and more features and more – just more stuff. And you lose and it's kind of, it's kind of lonely. Yeah. You know, you're like, damn, it's, it's really quiet.
Starting point is 01:27:32 You know, it makes sense too. It's not like these people are assholes, right? A lot of people will be like, fuck those people. They're fair weather. It's like,
Starting point is 01:27:37 nah, actually people want to be around winners. You kind of can't blame them. Yeah, of course. Yeah. And, and,
Starting point is 01:27:43 and, uh, and the, and the vibe is different you know you just lost it's like some people just don't know what to say to you right right right your head up you know um but you know it's like it's like somebody fresh off a divorce you know it's like it's like shit their heart's broken dude like they just have to have time to process it right they'll be back they'll be back you know you just stay encouraging towards them you know and i don't think anybody was intentionally trying to be a jerk or anything i just think some people are uh don't know what to say and they want to be
Starting point is 01:28:20 helpful but they don't know if uh you know being encouraging is being helpful so i think it's uh people will be like oh that guy's only friends with me for the money well yeah you have 20 million dollars and you're flying people around in your private jet like what do you like what do you expect like don't hate on those people it's like yeah and like i'm not saying that you should use people and come fuck them over but it's like hey um i don't i don't know when i when i when i had more money as a kid i paid for the movies and the arcade games and then when i didn't have that money i didn't and and i had more friends when i had the money for pay for the movies and hot dogs and arcade games and i didn't hate on those people people want to have fun it's like yeah i
Starting point is 01:29:03 get it i ain't hating yeah exactly don't stab me in my back but like but like i get it i'm not i'm not mad at the guy who gets a girlfriend and just he vanishes for six months because it's getting seeing boobs for the first time in his life enjoy yourself buddy you know what i mean like go have fun yeah i need yeah you know it's like life is so different for everybody you know it's like those people that didn't invite me to that church get-together thing. Yeah, that's a crazy story. What a moment. That's some biblical shit.
Starting point is 01:29:32 No pun intended. Yeah, and, you know, it's like, does it make them bad Christians? It's like, I don't think so. I don't think they knew the depth and weight of the situation and how it could have helped me. Well, how about this how about this like they're not even christians at all it's well not even that they're bad christians like you didn't invite the kid to the church you needed to go i you're just kind of just not even really what's going what's going on here like what like what like what what is happening you know the
Starting point is 01:30:01 beautiful thing about like um like like uh in the program it's like if somebody if somebody relapses or gets gets high again you know there's a there's an old saying that we don't shoot our wounded we don't shoot our wounded and the people that come in we welcome them with open arms they're like hey you've been through the depths of hell come in come join us and and and maybe maybe you'll hear something that you like and maybe you'll be able to relate and maybe you'll be able to ask for help and one of these guys with on their free time not being paid to do this don't have to do this volunteering to do do this will take you through some simple steps and you can transform your life. And that's – I mean I've seen miracle after miracle after miracle, man.
Starting point is 01:30:59 It's incredible. I'm one of them. Blake, I'm a huge fan, dude. Thanks for coming on. What a cool thing to get to know someone who's been on your journey. You are like a – you're an amazing dude. I look forward to talking to you more and hearing more stories and hearing more details.
Starting point is 01:31:17 You're cool as shit, dude. I'm really, really good. The feeling is mutual, man. An hour and a half flew by like nothing. Oh, good, good. Yeah. Um, I'm up in Northern California. Um, I do come down there every once in a while. Um, I, I just went down to, um, Newport for two weeks and my kids trained at AOJ. And then also, I don't know if you're into skateboarding, but they trained over at a Sheckler's, uh, uh, private skateboarding park
Starting point is 01:31:42 over there. So I do take my kids around. Yeah. And, and, and what's funny is it's funny that you had that experience with Cheeto. Cause I did see Cheeto out at a restaurant. Um, I don't know, a couple months ago when I was visiting down there,
Starting point is 01:31:54 I saw him and Luke and, uh, their coach, I forget their coach's name, but he's that famous dude. So it was kind of Jason Perillo. Yeah. Maybe that's who it was.
Starting point is 01:32:01 Yeah. That's Jason. Yeah. Uh, yeah. AOJ is like six minutes from my house. Yeah, maybe that's who it was. That's Jason. Yeah. Yeah. A.O.J. is like six minutes from my house. No shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:11 Yeah. Wow. Okay. Yep. Yeah. And I was staying about a mile from there. You know where Dory's Deli is? Yes.
Starting point is 01:32:20 I know exactly where it is. Yeah. I was like five houses down from there Just staying right down there Nice Yeah what a small world You're super close Yeah next time you come out You shoot me a call
Starting point is 01:32:34 And we'll get together and we'll link up Awesome We'll go grab some food I'd love to bring my boys to watch you train Yeah or yeah I'm coming out to the boxing gym with me and Flame or, yeah, up to the jiu-jitsu gym at Triumphal. Cool.
Starting point is 01:32:53 And we'll get after it. It'll be great. Awesome. All right, brother. Have a great day. Thank you. You have my number. Text me if you ever need anything.
Starting point is 01:33:00 You're ever up in Santa Cruz, and I'll do the same if I'm ever down that way. I will be down that way. Awesome. I'm looking forward to it. All right. Cheers, man. All right. Cheers. Later. Blake Builder. Okay. Settle down. What is this? Is something wrong with you?
Starting point is 01:33:19 Listen, that guy was talking at a whole different cadence. Are you okay, Sebi? You seem a little off. I showed you off. Kenny Rollerblade, fair. Fair question. With new guests, I'm not sure if they understand the format of the show. I can't, like, listen. This is a really bad business decision When I'm about to fucking tell you
Starting point is 01:33:45 I love 100 bucks Thank you I can't even fucking believe it When someone gives me a dollar let alone 100 bucks Matt Burns crazy right But dude Last night's show has over 20 It's gonna have over 50,000 views Once it goes to Spotify
Starting point is 01:34:01 You gotta give me that 99 dollars Last night So 25,000 people see it. I mean, thank you, as my mom would say. Sabbath Essentials, S-A-B-B-A-T-H-A I wonder if I can do it on my first try. It's a Sabbath. And Heidi. That ended up getting good Heidi. You see how I paced myself? And then eventually I was able. I was like okay I'm just going to start interrupting him.
Starting point is 01:34:34 And seeing how that works. And it worked. He needed to be interrupted once in a while. That's it. But I was feeling him out the first 30 or 40 minutes. I know. I know. But we got to some great shit didn't we what a fucking
Starting point is 01:34:45 interesting character uh sabbath essentials pure natural small batch bio-appropriate beauty care products created with love to give you sabbath uh your soul needs i just picture mrs burns bottling this stuff like singing hymns and shit. Hymns. I don't know which one of these bottles it is, but my wife sprays some of the stuff on my boys. I don't know what it is. I think this is like hippie Christian shit. I think this is like stuff my sister would use. Like my nephews would get injured
Starting point is 01:35:18 and my wife would put hormone support products. My wife would put um um hormone support products my wife would put uh my wife my sister would my my nephews would get injured and my wife would like shit that normal people take their kids to the hospital for my sister would put like lavender under their ear or some shit i think that's what this is like using um products that pfizer's terrified of you finding out actually work to heal you. Daily toner. Oh, maybe that's what she sprays on my kids. Use after daily cleanses.
Starting point is 01:35:55 Toner's meant to cleanse the pores of any additional dirt that might still remain. Alcohol-free. Sabbath toners are formulated with frankincense. Yeah, I knew it. That's Christian shit, right? Willow bark extract. Trem mct yeah my wife and uh this is how my wife and my sister take care of people stuff like this i'll hear my wife be like open your mouth put this behind your tongue shit like that beautiful bottle Open your mouth. Put this behind your tongue. Shit like that.
Starting point is 01:36:26 Beautiful bottle. Great website. Congratulations. Anyway, thank you. Crazy. I appreciate it. Deon Sanders. No, I need to get back down here and beat Someone's ass Heidi's ass a little bit What the fuck
Starting point is 01:36:51 Clock the Roman show is rough I'm still not sure what to make of it all rough Dude that show was amazing That show was amazing When he's talking russian do something else cut your fingernails clean your toenails take some work on your breathing count your breaths i don't know i i don't think it was rough at all i thought it was fucking i thought it was brilliant interviewing um maybe tedious i did like what uh hiller said it was it was underwhelming but i thought it was 45 minutes of good shit i loved uh that i gave um the lone ranger and tonto new
Starting point is 01:37:35 nicknames that was fucking good shit i was i was so impressed by that i was like yeah look at i just gave fucking shawnee a nickname he's now the Lone Ranger that was fucking brilliant and his sidekick Tonto Amanda Stack I think Roman came off sounding like a crybaby I think he looks like a turtle I don't know if turtles cry. I want to see if Adler's coming on tonight.
Starting point is 01:38:14 Let me see what the fuck's going on over here. Wow. Wow. Ex-Wikipedia founder says site was hacked by US intelligence holy shit what was I doing just now Adler let's see if Adler has anything to say to add to the conversation
Starting point is 01:38:42 would love to have short chat tonight if you're up for it. Over a sparkling water. Over a sparkling
Starting point is 01:39:00 water. Okay. Now back to Heidi. Are you okay, Seve? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm good. Fuck, I'm good. I was just chilling. Just chilling.
Starting point is 01:39:13 Just listening to the dude. Just meeting the dude. I know it wasn't like he didn't have big old push-up titties or we didn't just jump right into the suicide. I know yesterday we had to deal with the translator. I wasn't fed up with the chat. I wasn't fed up with the chat. I wasn't even looking at the chat. Trish.
Starting point is 01:39:32 Trish the dish. A dildo. The disappointed Armenian dad frown. You shut it. Take that dildo and just put it up some random dude's ass. Yeah, there we go. He's not even reading the chat. He didn't even mention Matt's donation, says Heidi Kroon,
Starting point is 01:39:53 author of two children's books that can be found over at Amazon. Oh, that's a great question. Were you ever a child and what was it like? Yeah. No. The answer is no. Fuck. Crazy, huh?
Starting point is 01:40:09 Oh, Daniel, you scumbag. Daniel wants to bring up shopping carts. I hope you drop that fucking cement ball on your toe. Here we go. Okay. Now we're going gonna get more current in the chat I've fucking stroked you guys enough here we go uh
Starting point is 01:40:35 Kyle Landis you were googling do turtles cry good point I don't even wanna know what the fuck you were laughing at David okay Patrick Clark finally someone who's gonna add something of value I don't even want to know what the fuck you were laughing at, David. Okay, Patrick Clark, finally. Someone who's going to add something of value. Dude, that might have been the best Roman interview ever,
Starting point is 01:40:56 especially for as long as it was going through an interpreter. I've interviewed him twice, and this was better than that. Thank you. I appreciate it. I was fucking so happy. Thank you, Patrick. People were bringing their own shit to it. It's like being on a date with a girl and all you want to do is get her top off. And you're just like, yo, chill.
Starting point is 01:41:12 Chill. It'll be so much better once we chat with her a little bit before we see the boobies. The boobies. Just chill. Everyone chill. I thought it was good, too. We learned about his foot we learned about rogue people got new nicknames on the show it was a great show okay here we go fucking clock funny uh someone uh
Starting point is 01:41:37 greg mentioned your name and eaton beaver's name a couple days ago he thinks your names are hilarious uh dude it was rough for two reasons one roman just went on and on in russian two and when it was finally translated we didn't get any any get any all that clear from roman about what he was doing well fuck i can't argue that that i don't think it was rough but but everything you're saying is also accurate i don't know i i mean that's a draw you don't win and i don't win round round three between me and you clock for the victory that one i'll give it a draw you're right i don't i you're right can't you can't you like have like a rubik's cube or um or when he's talking in russian just be
Starting point is 01:42:21 staring at your travis bagent um or no sorry you're a WAD zombie, Colton Merton's card. And just like looking at his crotch and be like, I wonder, can I see a bulge in there? What do I see? I mean, can't you, do you know what I mean? Like, he's talking Russian. Like, we got it. We're chill. We're chilling.
Starting point is 01:42:39 And anyway, at the end of the day, who cares? The numbers were fucking crazy on that show. Absolutely nuts. Higher than the fucking crazy on that show. Absolutely nuts. Higher than the Mal O'Brien show. Not when she was on, but when we talked about her. What did she do? What? She did something that made for a big show.
Starting point is 01:42:58 Oh, she pulled out of the games. I liked what I liked what Hiller was doing he had that that the his phone up to the audio and was translating right that was kind of cool like trying to figure out the translation shit. How about the fact that that guy lives a few minutes from from Newport? Sarah keeps saying I should move down there
Starting point is 01:43:39 and I could be getting all sorts of these people live in my studio. And she's right, right? I mean, that dude, that dude could have just come down. If I'd lived down there, he could have just come down in my studio. She's right, right? That dude could have just come down if I'd lived down there. He could have just come down into the studio. John David Taylor,
Starting point is 01:43:55 is it only about the numbers? You passive-aggressive D-bag. That's like asking me if you can tell how successful an airline is by how much fuel it uses. All we have to do is go out into the fuel yard and start burning fuel. You know it's not just all about the numbers you dickhead that's not a way you talk to a friend are you friends with me or not um seven i think we need caroline from the chat on the show i know wouldn't that be cool she seems pretty cool it only gets but here's the problem it only gets um it only gets worse as
Starting point is 01:44:48 you meet people you don't want to meet anyone you don't very rarely does it get better like no no one no one met me at the games and was like oh my god he's so much cooler in person he's so much taller and pertinent it would only got like more oh he's so much younger looking in person he's so much taller and pertinent it would only got like more oh he's so much younger looking in person nope i'm not younger looking in person i'm not taller i'm not nicer i'm not um i smell worse um yeah see like she knows yeah i'd fuck it up i mean look how sweet look at her her shirt she has her hands behind her back she's all like she's adorable yeah you don't want to um back she's all like she's adorable yeah you don't want to um yeah sean lunderman i'm way cooler on the internet for sure yeah me too i there's nothing cool about me in person
Starting point is 01:45:34 okay round three me and clock clock says chat carried the show last night Okay, round three, me and Clock. Clock says, Chat carried the show last night. No. No. Not true. Not true. Not true.
Starting point is 01:46:02 I carried the show. Well, it's not just... I measure it i'm excited about the numbers it's funny i like the numbers i like it that um this show has 100 well i also like this because youtube's clearly trying to throttle me back i don't know if you guys know what impressions are but for those of you who don't understand what impressions are, I'll explain it once like this. When you go to YouTube, you go to your homepage, you know how there's like a bunch of shit over here. They're saying, think you should watch. And then there's a bunch of shit running down the side. They think you should watch. Those are impressions, right? They're just, it's not like TV where you're like, okay, these are my 15 channels. This is what I should watch.
Starting point is 01:46:41 It's just, it's just a smattering of shit that flies up onto your YouTube, right? Onto your YouTube screen. Then you get to choose what you want to watch. Each one of those things is called an impression. And all of us creators on YouTube want. It's not like a channel. We don't get to stay up there. We want YouTube to give us impressions on other people's pages so that we can be put in front of an audience. Right. Because that's why we're making shit. Right. So that we can be put in front of an audience, right? Because that's why we're making shit, right? Well, the impressions on my YouTube channel, the Sevan Podcast, dropped by four-fifths from August 1st to August 30th.
Starting point is 01:47:26 So it's like going from 100,000 impressions to 20,000 impressions oh I am who mailed yeah I figured it out I'm who emailed about Marshall Davis yeah I'll try to get Marshall on I responded to the email I don't know if you saw that. I like that, Katie B. Oh, congratulations. If you want to get rid of that belly, you can get on Ozempic. Ozempic.
Starting point is 01:48:03 The translator should have kept the conversation on track better. Katie, I thought she did a great job. People in the comments, she's not, that's the thing too, she's not just a translator. Someone in the YouTube comments said, hey, the translator should keep her feelings to herself. I don't agree. She's part of the story. She's been with them for four years.
Starting point is 01:48:20 Sometimes I think other people shouldn't bring so much of their shit. I know. I was joking. That was a joke. Thank you though, Jake. I don't know. I do know. I do know, actually. I'm okay with the commentator. I'm going to pull up some of these comments there's some dildos holy shit now there's 71 comments
Starting point is 01:48:53 my god what is this newest first yeah it's pretty good balanced it's pretty good balanced some of this seems petty Roman is fine with trash talking in a banter way perhaps next time you use a timer 30
Starting point is 01:49:24 minutes and translate before continuing. Other strategy didn't work. It was just weird. Lone Ranger and Tonto. Brilliant. Is Hiller popping some of the Mrs. Meds? I thought Hiller seemed fine yesterday. I don't think Jeff had bad intentions.
Starting point is 01:49:47 Oh, Katie Gannon. I get it. If he retaliates, he's an asshole. I don't think he's complaining as much as sharing both sides and asking for fair expectations. Actually, these comments are pretty good. Oh, here it is. The translator needs to translate, not give
Starting point is 01:50:01 her opinions. Yeah, I don't agree. Because she's not just a translator. I really like Roman's demeanor. Seems to be a cool guy all around. A great athlete. Great interview. Andrew's facial expressions make it. Rosa, heart, Roman, yay.
Starting point is 01:50:26 Someone to resume. I don't know what that means. Russians being very Russian. I love how we're having an opportunity to hear from Roman. Oh, yeah, this is good. Oh, this could have been a five-minute interview, but I guess that doesn't make ad revenue. Fuck off.
Starting point is 01:50:49 Also, nice to see Sevan still making creepy, unnecessary comments to women. Go fuck yourself. It takes me back to the old behind-the-scenes of the CrossFit Games. Douchebag. Caller, hi. Good morning, Mr. Matosian It's Olsen dude, Mr. Matt Olsen
Starting point is 01:51:13 Hey, hi, good Just reading YouTube comments Wrap it up, I know you're wrapping up I want to jump in real quick I just listened to about an hour Of the podcast, Roman Here's a perspective from a father, from a leader, from someone who understands not at that high level of competition because I'm not there. We don't know what it's like to be the 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 of a percent of anything.
Starting point is 01:51:46 know what it's like to be the 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 of a percent of anything. But when Roman is explaining something in translation, I think as Americans, we have this pride about who we are. And by the way, you know, I served, I love this country so much, but I think he really enjoys being here and being in the culture of CrossFit. And that's what's embodied so much of this sport, which is a community and a sport. It's a big mix. So for me, I really respected what he said. And everybody, I saw your Romans rant, and I'm like, oh, let's see what happened. I don't even know what happened. But here's what I would say.
Starting point is 01:52:17 Everybody has a perspective. Everybody has a voice online. And he expresses himself, and everybody just jumps on him. I don't understand this, you know, aggression towards, oh, he's a sore loser or he's a bad sportsman. He just expressed himself. He didn't even have anger when he was talking to you. He had a smile on his face the whole time having this conversation and just being blasted. So that's my two cents.
Starting point is 01:52:42 You know, I just, I thought you did a great job. Why I heard other people just say, oh man, this rant, it makes them look bad. I don't think it made him look bad. Anybody who really listens to what you had an open conversation, a long dialogue conversation from a post that if you read it for 30 seconds, it's you take a perspective on it. So great job. Appreciate your work. Do you think he does look like a turtle out of a shell? Listen, if there ever was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle that I would like to look like,
Starting point is 01:53:09 it's Roman Klenicoff. He's a good dude. I'm so pumped for his future. I'm a Roman fan. And even what he said about the athletes, you know, the adaptive athletes, take that into consideration. That was completely over my head. Listen, that part was completely over my head. Listen, that part was completely over.
Starting point is 01:53:26 I know. I know. I know. I know. Listen, I like to look at adaptive athletes because it's fucking just bizarre. The same reason I just, so I'm not like,
Starting point is 01:53:36 yeah. So it's like a circus trick to me. Yeah. I know. I, I, and you know, what's crazy is I respect that opinion.
Starting point is 01:53:43 That's what I love about your podcast. Perspective. Have a blessed day, brother. Thank you. Bye-bye. Thank you. Bye. I thought that was a PR move.
Starting point is 01:53:54 I don't know. I can't relate to that. I'm not going to watch Stacey Acree if he has fucking both forearms. Sorry, I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. That dude Thor, that strong
Starting point is 01:54:10 man dude, if he wasn't 8'12", I'm not interested in watching him. I'm just not. I want to watch just shit that I can't get my head wrapped around. I like interesting shit. That's why more people want to watch just shit that I can't get my head wrapped around. I like interesting shit.
Starting point is 01:54:26 That's why more people want to look at the tallest mountain in the world than a hill. I think it's perfect. I couldn't relate to that. It didn't get any points with me. I saw Jedediah Snelson. I reposted something Jedediah put up. Jedediah would like that part too.
Starting point is 01:54:49 God, I hope I don't have to like lose a leg or something to be like to learn a lesson here and be like oh yeah I get it that would suck oh my god DreamRare and Vivek I do have some thoughts about that I do have some thoughts about that you want to hear what they are you ready eric so great interview uh much love to both of them of avec was amazing dream rare was amazing here's the part i did not like and i'm gonna try to get dream rare on to ask him but if i say to you um if i say to you hey i saw you climb up into my wife's uh or i saw you climb up into my wife's or I saw you climb up into my girlfriend's bedroom window the other night. Are you fucking her? Because that's what DreamRare was doing, right?
Starting point is 01:55:34 He'd be like, hey, Vivek, I saw you climb up into my girlfriend's window the other night. Are you fucking her? And Vivek would say, you damn well know that your girlfriend wasn't home because she was out with you. And you know that the only way to get to my girlfriend's room is through your girlfriend's room because they're sisters. So I had to climb up through her window to get to her sister's room. And that's what I was doing. And I've been doing that for years. And you know that. And then DreamRare would just go to the next question and i just
Starting point is 01:56:05 didn't like that i didn't feel like dream rare did enough of like good point like he just quickly moved on to the next thing i felt like vivek was um responding and that in the dialogue that makes us humans and gives civility to the conversation you need to when you're trying to checkmate someone and they like like like i just did with clock so when someone tries to checkmate you and um and they don't in a conversation you start to show if you don't acknowledge that then you start to show your angle that really all you're trying to do is checkmate them and it's like i felt like dream rare was really running the line of wanting to play checkmate with them versus just searching for the truth and there is
Starting point is 01:56:57 a distinction and that was the only part but fuck i thought they were both amazing i give them both a 10 uh i can't keep up with Vivek. He's all over the place. I guess that's good. I'm going to get DreamRare on, if that's who you're talking about. No, I don't think so. Sean Lenderman, Vivek is a big pharma snake in the grass. He owns a pharmaceutical company, and people are seriously like, here's our hero.
Starting point is 01:57:20 Hey, check out the interview with DreamRare. They get into it. Yeah, that's true. He was very leading, very limited time. The Vex team gave him a hard cut off time and he was rushing. Yeah, that's fair. And that's why you got to give DreamRare What you're saying is he didn't have time for those nuances of social conduct or salutations or – yeah, I think you're right. You're probably more right. I'm sensitive to that.
Starting point is 01:58:02 You're right. You're probably more right. I'm sensitive to that. I'd vote for Vivek if I didn't live in California. Dude, he's going to run for president. You can vote for him. Thank you, Mr. Vice. Yeah, I'm vote. i'm probably i'm either i'm the only two people i can see voting for right now are trump or vivek those are the only two i think nikki haley's fucking wackadoodle they're just a politician avoiding answering questions same with pence biden's a semi-retarded. RFK.
Starting point is 01:58:46 I would vote for him. But, I mean, he's still a fucking climate psycho. He doesn't follow the science. He's not grounded in reality. I'm trying to think. Are there any other Democrats running that are good? Definitely not Gavin Newsom. Anyone who's hurting kids, openly hurting kids, I cannot get my vote.
Starting point is 01:59:17 I don't think Trump's a piece of shit. I'm not like, hey, I'm voting for Trump because they're all pieces of shit. I don't think that. I'm not like, hey, I'm voting for Trump because they're all pieces of shit. I don't think that. I really liked Vivek's stand, his explanation of how there's different modes human beings have when you're in your self-interest mode versus service mode. And when you have someone who's in office for fucking 20 years, they start getting their self-interest conflated with their service. And that's why you get the corrupt shit like the Bidens. Cave Dastro, Vivek is either a great candidate or the greatest actor of all time. Mike Poolboy California votes for me thanks to the insane ass electoral
Starting point is 02:00:14 college system if the thing is one of the ways to think of it is is if you see um if you see it's kind of this easy if you see a man molesting a child and another man um yelling at the child, yelling at the man to stop. Hey, you see one man molesting a kid and then another man over here yelling at him. Stop, stop, stop. And you have one bullet in your gun. And someone's like, hey, you have to choose one to shoot. You shoot the guy who's molesting the child. That's basically how I view in the most simplistic sense. That's how I kind of view what's going on in this country right now.
Starting point is 02:01:01 how I view in the most simplistic sense that's how I kind of view what's going on in this country right now a whole fucking group of people who are fucking hurting kids who are not making choices in the best interest of kids and then we have some people over here being like yo what's up stop that shit and I don't even I don't
Starting point is 02:01:19 I'm not talking to the extreme of like kidnappings and all the wild shit that people say is going on i'm just talking about like the most basic stuff of like having pornography in the in the libraries um uh letting the state take anyone who thinks it's even remotely okay for the state to take your kid away and simultaneously put them through a sex change. This is like out of some weird movie. I'm texting. Eric Guthrie, I've never even heard of Vivek until this year, like he appeared out of nowhere
Starting point is 02:02:40 and is saying what everyone wants to hear I don't know if he's just saying, he's the only one saying anything. It doesn't even matter if it's what you want to hear. He's the only one who's saying anything. What do you think about climate change? And he's like, it's a hoax and it's a wet blanket on the economy.
Starting point is 02:02:55 And fucking the other candidates are like, we need clean water and clean air. That's like, doesn't say anything. That's, you're not saying anything. You've not expressed, there's no one who doesn't agree with you that we want clean water and clean air. I'm not looking not looking for someone to just fucking give me this dumb ass statement to that's the lowest common denominator. I don't have an issue with the fact that Vivek believes in God and that thinks God is important
Starting point is 02:03:29 I love that I know that there's no such thing as the fucking United States of America and yet I'm more than willing to play in the delusion of it making it a reality if it means making a better place for us to live it's the same as the red light thing i talk about all the time i'm i know red doesn't mean stop i'm more than happy to
Starting point is 02:03:50 accommodate that so that we can all use the roads at the same time i get it so we don't have accidents i'm fine with the god thing i'm fine with the with the uh united states thing i can totally fake both of those things uh. I'll even probably end up believing some of that shit. Country first, God first, so that my family has a fucking healthy and safe place to live. And for those people who can't distinguish between reality and non-reality, that means they're fucking crazy, right? Those people who actually think money actually has value or that they don't understand the difference between gravity and the phenomenon of gravity that's okay good i hope they're i need to keep those idiots also who don't know the difference between their inside thoughts in the outside world i need to keep them in a certain uh safe place too
Starting point is 02:04:43 and so if that means keep making them proud to be americans and believe in god fuck more power to me you're in the uh everything is a social construct camp no not everything my apple tree is not a fucking social construct my My apple tree is like, it's there. You can come over and have one. No, you can't. But I'm telling you, it's here. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:05:24 There's just actually things we created. USA is land on the side of the... Yeah, imaginary things. By created, you mean imaginary. Creating a house is not imaginary. But yeah, I'm good with that. USA is land on the side of the planet. I don't know if it's on the side.
Starting point is 02:05:43 It's all sides. All the planet has its sides but but i'm with you usa is on the planet that we currently call by the name of united states of america yeah yeah there you go that's it if some other people want to believe it's like real as fuck and we need to defend it and good i'm with those people let's go mcconnell's such a trip right clock mitch mcconnell what a what h i want to show my kids some video of him and see how they process him he's like a fucking halloween character i swear to god he should he should uh um he should be at the haunted house. A woman is a word that signifies a creature that walks the planet that has tits and a vagina. It smells like honey and has no interest in me that's a woman
Starting point is 02:06:47 yeah it looks like he's melting mitch mcconnell's a trip what a fucking trip yeah that's a great it looks like he's melting he is a trip uh an adult human female i like that for a woman yeah and then that's like god she got like fallopian tubes in a vagina what about the one point i heard the zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero one percent that doesn't have fallopian tubes i don't know what about a woman when she has her fallopian tubes taken out of her? Is she still a woman? I don't know. I'm not worried about that. New card is up for Wadzombie.
Starting point is 02:07:35 What the fuck is going on over here? How come I didn't get one? It said, by the way, the website is Mint Trading Cards. M-I-N-T Trading Cards. And I'm going to the trading cards now. Oh, shit. Look at that. Oh, I was listening to the Lone Ranger and Tonto show yesterday, and they said that James Sprague got engaged.
Starting point is 02:08:02 Too young, James. Too young, James. Too young, James. Too young. I'm telling you. Sprague is such a vibrant figure and has been in the fight for a while. It may surprise some to realize 2023 will be his rookie appearance
Starting point is 02:08:17 as an individual at the CrossFit Games. He has teenage games finishes. A fourth, fifth, to his name and came as close as anyone can to come to qualifying in 2020, 2020, 2020, 2020, 2022. My CD was skipping. If you get these cards, you don't want this stand. You want the stand that I have Alexis Raptus in. Look it. You want this stand.
Starting point is 02:09:01 Can you guys hear my mouth? See this stand? You want this stand. It's so nice. Send me 20 of these. Or give me a link on Amazon where I can get 20 of these. I need for all my cards. Because I don't even use my stands.
Starting point is 02:09:15 I just have my cards down on my table now. Anyway. Anyway. I wonder... The Lone Ranger Ranger and Tonto. I wonder how, um, I watched their show. I mean, I've been watching the show a lot lately, but I watched their show. I mean, I've been watching their show a lot lately. But I watched their show yesterday on Roman.
Starting point is 02:09:51 To see what was going on. Yeah, even their show got a lot of views. 4,000. Hmm. wow David Reed commented Roman is a fucking crybaby jeez Louise that's rough alright Jorge Fernandez had to reschedule.
Starting point is 02:10:26 Alexis Rapt is rescheduled. What a fucking... Oh, tomorrow we have Jorge Ventura at 8 a.m. So from 7 to 8, it'll just be us. Then we have Jorge Ventura. Oh, and I guess we won't have him long because I got to take the boys skateboarding tomorrow. And then on Friday, it looks like we have Pamela Gagnon.
Starting point is 02:10:45 That's the gymnastics guru, master, the master of gymnastics from Mayhem. No one Saturday, no one Sunday. Oh, Athena Perez on Sunday. Oh, that's what I wanted to, I need to tell you guys about. September 30th at Craig Howard's gym, a scaled nation will be doing a seminar. Howard's gym, a scaled nation will be doing a seminar. Like we don't have enough people scheduled.
Starting point is 02:11:10 I'm getting anxious about it. Attend a seminar. Oh, there it is. Okay. I'll be here at this event, filming this event. Diablo CrossFit, Pleasant Hill, California, San Francisco. Then it looks like they're going to Brazil. Then it looks like they're going to, oh, two in Brazil.
Starting point is 02:11:34 Then to Oklahoma. Anyway, this one's going to be cool. This is a pretty infamous gym in the CrossFit space. Diablo has been around a long time. I bet you it's now one of the top 100 gyms, original gyms in the world. Craig Howard will be there. Big Gym. I think they have like 600 members.
Starting point is 02:11:53 Athena will be there. She'll be teaching this course which is to work with large-bodied athletes. I'll be there. Susan will be there. I don't know who else will be there. Amy West will be there I don't know who else will be there Amy West will be there for those of you who are aware of that
Starting point is 02:12:12 health space in CrossFit she's a pretty big name in that space she'll be there yeah it's going to be cool I'm really excited and I don't get out of the house much either by out of the house I mean out of my town so it's like 70 miles up the road from me
Starting point is 02:12:22 so I'm pretty stoked Audrey Pamela is my hero. Well, then you're going to love Friday's show. Or not like it. She's going to let you down. You're going to be like, oh, she didn't talk so good. Or you're going to be like, man, she's brilliant. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:12:35 Philip Kelly might be there. Don't tell anyone. Yeah, Philip is actually probably close to the same distance from Diablo further north than I am. So that would be like a meeting ground in the middle. That'd be cool. Yeah, it's going to be cool. I bet you will be there.
Starting point is 02:12:52 That'll be nice to see you again. All right. That's it. Talk to you guys soon. Thanks for hanging in there today. Great conversation. Clock, thank you. Carolyn, thank you.
Starting point is 02:13:05 Pool Boy, Jake. Jake Chapman. Tonto gets off his horse and listens at the floor. He says, Buffalo, come. Lone Ranger says, wow, that's amazing. Can you hear them? How do you know? Tonto says, ears stuck to ground.
Starting point is 02:13:21 I don't get it. I just know the Lone Ranger loves wearing a mask. He loves that Uncle Joe, Grandpa Joe is having us wear masks again. He loves it. I got a great live call-in show queued up too. I don't know when we're going to do it, but soon. All right, talk to you guys soon. Bye-bye.

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