The Sevan Podcast - Born Primitive 24.3 Bryson Delmonte

Episode Date: March 15, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Welcome. We are minutes away from Bryson Del Monte doing 24.3. What an incredible show.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Sidney Wells, Roman Krennikoff, Jay Crouch, Ariel Loewen put on an amazing show. Back and forth in the leadership position. I don't think anyone disappointed. Even Roman at the end there showed why he is a top competitor at the CrossFit Games. Sidney Wells represented. Jay Crouch killed with a 9.14. Almost a minute lead over second place. Ariel came out very strong in the first, as Jocko would say, evolution,
Starting point is 00:01:07 and then imploded. The camera in the upper left-hand corner is at Andy Hendel's gym, CrossFit Charlotte, where Sentinel training protege Bryson Del Monte is preparing to go. You are watching the Sevan Podcast. This is the Born Primitive CA Peptides pre-show. Tomorrow will be Taylor Self vs. The World where you will see actually
Starting point is 00:01:30 two of the very best in the world and maybe the very best in the world go head-to-head tomorrow. Or he will be the best. At 4.30 Eastern Standard Time, Andrew Hiller, the least biased man in the business, already calling the win
Starting point is 00:01:46 for Colton Mertens. No one's touching him. The relationship between man and iron is the ultimate metaphor for life. The relationship between man and iron is the ultimate metaphor for life. The iron doesn't care how busy you are or how much sleep you've got. It offers no refuge to your excuses or your self-pity. You only get what you earn. 3.15 is always 3.15. Just like life's burdens,
Starting point is 00:02:36 some days the weight is going to feel heavier than others. But you still have to show up. You still have to put in the work. Because anything truly worthwhile in life requires hard work and sacrifice. No shortcuts. No handouts. No entitlements. People can make excuses all day long about why they aren't successful
Starting point is 00:03:09 but let's speak a hard truth at the end of the day the only one stopping you is you so what's it going to be? Born Primitive. Made for the modern savage. Everyone knows the best shoes in the business right now.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Best CrossFit shoes are the Savage 1. Born Primitive also has some amazing joggers. They got a new swim line out. Check them out at for those of you who want to play with peptides. Head over there. Use code word pillar or code word sebon. These are
Starting point is 00:03:55 the people who are providing the cash that flies in the likes of Dallin Pepper, Jason Hopper, and Colton Mertens and gives them a place to put their head at night and a little pocket-scent cash for sandwiches. No, we did not give any money to Taylor. He's just doing it for pride. In the lower left-hand corner, you have John Young from J.Y. Barbell,
Starting point is 00:04:15 the senior analyst in the entire CrossFit space. I used to say for the Sevan podcast, but he's really whored himself out lately. Bill Grunler, former CrossFit Games athlete, owner of CrossFit Inferno, one of the most knowledgeable people at all things CrossFit Games. Taylor Self, the ferocious man himself of Sentinel Training. That is his home gym, Andy Hendel's gym at CrossFit Charlotte, where Bryson Del Monte will be performing the workout in just a few minutes. And then, of course, center square in the top is the man himself, the true influencer in the CrossFit space, Hiller Fit, who also has an insane
Starting point is 00:04:49 training program and maybe the most prolific person in the space, except for me. Welcome to the show. Taylor, how close are we to our superhero, Bryson Del Monte? Not a superhero. He's more of a Titan. He's one level below. He's not actually allowed in the Justice League yet. I think we're about ready to go. He's like one of the Wonder Twins. You know what I mean? He's not like Aquaman or nothing yet. I think we're ready. Ready-ish.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Maybe give me 30 seconds. He just did a set of four like an idiot. Before we go, I want to give you guys one second each. Tell me about Jay Crouch. Bill Grundler. He was fantastic. I think he was pacing himself off of ariel that came out extremely hot and even with that he was able to really compose himself on that back half and that's that's really what it is that first part's the buy-in and how much uh how much you're gonna have left for that back half uh really quick john young has your perception of the workout changed now that you've
Starting point is 00:05:42 seen superstars like ariel low and roman krennikoff sydney wells and a has your perception of the workout changed now that you've seen superstars like Ariel Lohan, Roman Krennikoff, Sidney Wells, and Ariel Lohan do the workout? No. I think everybody needs to break it up way more than they think. But no, my perception hasn't changed. Okay. We're ready when you are, Taylor. 15 minutes. Yeah, people.
Starting point is 00:06:00 All right. The clock is out of frame. So, Caleb, we can't put anything up, can we? We can? All right, the clock is out of frame so Duke Caleb we can't put anything up tell me We can all right. Okay And Then Taylor or Caleb can you tell us or Taylor? Can you tell us every time? Oh, wow. Look at that. That's Wow Caleb I'm gonna give you a three two one or are you just going to hit start at 3-2-1-go? I'll go off of your 3-2-1-go.
Starting point is 00:06:27 All right. You ready? Starts with the thrusters, right? All right. And starting in 10 seconds. 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, two one and go uh now you guys know how valuable it's okay we can figure it out it's fine now you guys know how valuable will brandstetter is to the show i do want to tell you this i want to tell you the workout this is 24.3 it is 10 thrusters at 95 pounds 10 chest to bar pull-ups for five rounds
Starting point is 00:07:09 then they get a one minute break and it is seven bar muscle-ups no sorry i apologize seven thrusters at 135 seven bar muscle-ups for another five rounds with a 15 minuteminute time cap. And Bryson is just coming out just as hot as the other guys. I wouldn't say just as hot. I think fitness level relatively, yes. Oh, okay. Then, yeah, you're on. Like relative to fitness level. But Bryson's good at these movements.
Starting point is 00:07:41 He's got a really good engine, and gymnastics is probably his best thing. But I think unbroken's a mistake in the first part. But maybe it's not. Maybe that's great. But look at that time that he's doing. That break that he's taking in between on the transition. Yeah, so for the elites, I think the elites need to take that transition.
Starting point is 00:08:03 100%. Which means it's too fast for him. Robbie, what are you no-repping him for? I've seen nothing. He's fine. Who got no-repped? Bryson got no-repped? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Robbie just said no-repped. Oh. Our clock is good. There's nothing wrong with what he's doing. You kidding? Bryson is starting round three. Round three for Bryson of five. As long as Bryson beats Troy.
Starting point is 00:08:31 I think that's going to happen. Can you update us on the clock, Taylor? Yeah, he's a minute 50 in. You see what I mean? He's already resting. He's going too hot right now. I'm not sure I understand this this i think you should break the chest bar up go six four rich i'm not sure if i understand this question what's this question
Starting point is 00:08:55 mean brock adams does the one minute rest matter like are you going to recover at all during it is how i read no no it's not it's, it probably makes your grip, whatever muscles you're using, fill up more before you go. Right. Deep breath and go. Julie Jones, it was a false start. He's fine. It wasn't a false start.
Starting point is 00:09:16 It wasn't a false start. This is his last round, correct? No, it's round four. Three, four. Yeah, dude, make him break. Make him cut it. Five. On the chest apart. Dude, do you see? He, make him break. Make him cut it. Five. No, fuck that.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Dude, do you see? He's already like hands on his knees and breaking in between. Nine, ten. Good. He's like, no, I'm not. That's fine. I'm not. Two deep breaths. Three deep breaths. This is exactly what the gymnastics girl did
Starting point is 00:09:41 in the first, in the announcement. Hey, hey hey hey john it's thrusters and pull-ups bro all right shut up here's the thing about saying no rep every chance you get guys is it's kind of like crying wolf if you say it every chance you get it doesn't mean anything when you actually say it three four five six seven eight but i like what i had to say the thing about breaking this first part up, if you have someone's capacity like Bryson's, is it just takes so much more energy to stop and start a set of chest-to-bar
Starting point is 00:10:12 or stop and start a set of ten thrusters. I think just take a little more rest in between sets like he's doing and keep the rhythm there and go unbroken. I don't know. Come on, last round. Let's go. That was just a long break. It's going to hurt him in the second round.
Starting point is 00:10:28 How does it hurt him in the second round if he takes the break now? He's taking the same amount of rest if he's breaking up each movement. He's just taking more prolonged before going unbroken. We'll see. I tell you what, we're going to see. Samantha H., can somebody then confirm the weight of the bar that was used in the open announcement? Because the weights definitely looked overloaded.
Starting point is 00:10:48 It was a shorty bar. It was a shorty bar. That's why it looks like that. Wasn't one of the chicks neuromuscular or something? Let's go. I heard a rumor about that. I don't know if that's accurate. One, two, three, four, five.
Starting point is 00:11:01 What's the time? Six, seven, four, 17, nine, 10, four, 18. 518, you start. Get that out of the way. Roll the 135 bar in. Come on. So that's not all that different from Roman. Where's that Roman?
Starting point is 00:11:17 What was Roman? I'm going back right now. But I think they're like 20 seconds apart. Iron Hog for the easy win tomorrow john shut up who did seth rollins give him that name i've never heard that before the iron hog the iron hog that's colton's nickname iron hog i like that better than muscle hamster i certainly like that better too 28 seconds let's go, Bryson. Who are the other people in the gym, Taylor?
Starting point is 00:11:47 Those are just people getting their class on? I'm on class. Hey, I'm on class. Roman was 322. 10 seconds. Yeah, give it to Roman, Bryson. Let's go. John Young, here's a question for you.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Three, two, one, go. uh john young for the average joe like me no pun intended any advice on the best way to approach this better to break up thrusters or try to hold on as much as possible same with chest to bars always break up the poor the average athlete i would break both of them up six four no you don't break up the barbell not just no the the average like the person like their lungs are to hurt too is what I'm saying. Like you want to be as fresh as possible going to the second one. Well, he's got about 10 minutes to finish this part, so he should be good. Well, that's not.
Starting point is 00:12:35 I think he's going to finish, Taylor. I'm not talking about Bryson. I don't think Bryson's the average athlete. I'm talking about people less fit. Oh, here we go. This is going to be telling. Where are you going? about Bryson. I don't think Bryson's the average athlete. I'm talking about people less fit than him. This is going to be telling. Dalton Ott. Colton will win this workout worldwide going
Starting point is 00:12:51 two of three this year. Four. Five. I think he's going to. Seven. Fuck you guys. You don't think I'm going to beat Colton? Yeah, that's dumb. After last week, I can't put anything past you don't think I'm going to be Colton. Yeah, that's done. You're going to last week.
Starting point is 00:13:05 I can't put anything past you. The best, the best I'm going to think is you're going to time. Wow. He's got one round down. Took him a minute. That round took him a minute. I think going unbroken on the first set of seven thrusters was not the best
Starting point is 00:13:21 move here, but where are we on time? He's at 637. I think he'll finish. Hey, let's go. You're yelling at a dog to get out of the out of the trash or something. This is a friend by
Starting point is 00:13:39 who's realized that. Here we go. Hey, all right. Now the rest has got to be deliberate. A couple deep breaths. Get three out of the way. What are you doing resting in a squat? Put your hands on the bar. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Three reps. Go. Bryson Del Monte has done the workout live every week here on the Sebon podcast after the official open announcement. Two. Three. All right, there are seven for us. Is this right?
Starting point is 00:14:13 So he's starting round three? No, he's on round two. 7.30. What about this? Sebastian Nye brings this up for the people who aren't going to do it. I'm broken. The extra cleans hurt. No, they don't not it's a it's a you still have to go into a squat no not at all um if you if you don't think you can go unbroken like lungs wise you should break
Starting point is 00:14:38 up everything let's go thrusters too i don't wouldn't break up the thrusters but that's just a different athlete you know different people are different. Athletes are different. John Young is built different. Three. No, it's not what I'm saying. You know exactly what I'm saying. I know what you mean, John.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Five. Six. He needs to catch a little higher on the bar. Try to catch a little higher on the bar. Ian Adams, could you imagine Just trying to work out and this bald dude With a handlebar mustache yells at you like a dog You don't have to imagine it
Starting point is 00:15:12 We're watching it Shoot shoot bitch This is his third round Yeah starting round three 830 Let's go Let's go Dude Go He ain't gonna finish Sweet-ass time. Let's go. Go! Dude, you just got your go.
Starting point is 00:15:28 He ain't going to finish. No, I think he's going to still finish. What's the time of the block over there, Taylor? 8.46. He's going to be fine. I don't know. He's been going at it for three minutes and going slow. Hands back on it. Let's go. Two, one, go. Come on, pick it up. He won that back on it let's go two one go come on he won that put it really well
Starting point is 00:15:49 jason g watkins if you don't think you can go fast go slower wisdom hashtag wisdom he should have worn a belt that's's what I'm thinking. No. Maybe he's got one on him. He just should have broke it up in the beginning. That's it. No, dude. Put a freaking belt on. It makes every thruster just a little bit easier.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Dude's out of his mind. Lance, needing, is Colton going to talk junk to Taylor during the one-minute break? He's probably going to be doing a set of 135 thrusters. Why wear a belt? Because it makes the thrusters easier. Not really. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:16:35 I think it makes breathing harder, though. Come on! Mike Halpin, the average CrossFit athlete, needs to do what they can to get to bar muscle-up. Break it all up if it means you can. Hey, you got to go, dude. He broke the bar muscle-ups. Come on.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Let's go. Three reps. What do you think Craig Ritchie's subscriber's number is than the average CrossFitter? Let's go. Hmm. Hmm. Come on.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Come on. Sebastian Nye Hiller you think Jay Crouch's vast improvements Improvements possible without juice Listen Jay Crouch is young Wasn't he top 10 last year He was number 9 Yeah
Starting point is 00:17:17 He's young He's improved every single year So all I'm saying is so far, I have not seen one person not blow up in this workout. Every person we've seen has blown up. Jay got slow. Ariel got slow. Roman got slow.
Starting point is 00:17:42 They all slowed down a lot when it got in that second round. And Bryson got slow, too. 10 seconds, and then you're back on the bar. Five seconds. John K., can we just agree Hiller sharing the leak was like the best plot ever? Gets 86, then leaks their workout. God, it made me happy. Hiller did not leak their workout.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Yes, I did. They leaked their workout. They leaked their workout, and we all know 50 people who got a text thread with the workout. Yes, I did. They leaked their workout. They leaked their workout. And we all know 50 people who got a text thread with the workout. And there were people who beat Hiller to the punch, like Ben Smith and others. So Hiller did not leak the workout. Hey, stop telling them I didn't leak it.
Starting point is 00:18:18 I leaked it. Okay, fine. If Hiller like hacked headquarters. I did. The workout. Are you guys stupid? I there was not listen it was a crowdsourcing publication more than it was a leak that would be a more accurate way to uh describe it well what's he at taylor he's on his fourth set of bar muscle ups there's one these are time wise two he's uh 12 minutes three food he's gonna finish yeah yeah or quick rest and go yeah where are we on time 12 10 what the hell magnus
Starting point is 00:19:00 get up and go what round are we in? The fourth round. So he has one more set of thrusters and bar muscle ups after this round. I'm going to say 14. Come on. Let's go. All right. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Put the bar down. 13.52. That's probably the most Taylor must be giving him the hard talk now he muted himself he just had a bunch of obscenities wow you got your stream yard filter on nice job
Starting point is 00:19:35 Taylor where are we on time 1252 Bryson Del Monte starting his final round of 135-pound thrusters. He has to get through seven of these. I think he's going to push through all of them. We're not going to break here. Oh, we are going to break.
Starting point is 00:19:56 I would love to hear you as the live commentator. Just flip you for Lauren. Oh, he's not going to break. Oh, he broke. Oh, great. Three more left for Bryson. This is going to be close. Oh, dude, not gonna break. Oh, he broke. Oh great Three more left for Bryson. This is gonna be Dude Cross it like lungs to it's not just capacity like come on. He is way harder than people think
Starting point is 00:20:20 Cuz Bryson's got a good engine Come on. Are you saying there's a correlation between the injury and the grip? There's a massive Reddit thread about frog grips destroying people's hands. What's his time, Taylor? 13.45. Come on, Bryson. Five reps left. We're at 14 minutes.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Hold on. Four reps left. Oh, Bryson, that was a terrible break too he's going three two two yeah look how stressed taylor is look how stressed taylor is taylor's like if you fucking you're not gonna get to work with me finish he should have went three he should have went four three that three two two was a terrible choice on that how many reps left here four reps got four what's the time? Two, 14, 17. Come on, one more, one more.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Yeah, boy. Good job, Bryson. Nice, nice. Bryson Del Monte putting on a show again for the CrossFit Charlotte Born Primitive CA Peptides 24.3 Open. Andy Hendel walks in, doesn't give a fuck. Let his boys down and out. Doesn't even look at him.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Did he even say good job? No, he said you suck. Gets a high five from just a rando. Taylor Colton might blow up. No. Anything's possible. You got a shot. Everybody's blown up that's fair uh once again i want to tell you the low go ahead once again i want to tell you what the workout is it is 10 thrusters at 95
Starting point is 00:21:57 pounds 10 chest to bar pull-ups five rounds rest one minute seven thrusters at 135 pounds. Seven bar muscle-ups. Time cap at 15 minutes. Let's hear from the man himself, Bryson Del Monte. What's up, buddy? What up? Tell us. Tell us. Nasty?
Starting point is 00:22:15 Honestly, did the nastiness just set in just right away, two minutes into the workout? Yeah. I think I – that's pretty bad. I shit my pants like 10 seconds before I started. Um, like a true underwear change, like a true underwear change. Wow. Like I'm gonna have to change before I coach for sure. So double do you bring,
Starting point is 00:22:35 do you come to work normally with three pairs of underwear? Yeah. I bring, I bring clothes cause I work out before I coach a lot. Oh, what do you think caused the pants? Do you think you just had like this wobbly stomach because you knew you're going to do it in front of 2 000 people or i think that but on top of like this should be a good workout for me like last week i was like oh this isn't really like a workout i'm like good at so it doesn't really matter what happens and i think i was just super nervous about that because it should be a good one for me um what did you think when you saw
Starting point is 00:23:03 when you saw um them the other guys do the workouts did your perception change um no i didn't get to watch him do it because i was getting everything set up bryson del monte b-r-y-s-o-n underscore del monte d-e-l-m-o-n-T-E He's at CrossFit Charlotte Trainer with CrossFit Charlotte Sentinel Training and Taylor Self he's been testing the Workout sports oh you just got A notification from Make Wads Great again I think
Starting point is 00:23:34 Hey Go follow Bryson he's been kicking butt Every week yeah go ahead Bryson Yeah Last week Taylor I heard you Say that you would be able to beat me and i heard watch do not beat me so would you end up getting on that um i got nine rounds plus 24 240 meters oh you beat me by 90 meters all right did you get any no reps just now bryson how did you feel on your reps i mean you look good from what we were watching.
Starting point is 00:24:07 I'm not usually worried about that kind of thing. I feel like I move pretty well. But I was just, like, moving really slow. You didn't look like you were moving slow. And the one-minute rest, what goes on in your mind during the one-minute rest? I just thinking about how your body feels it wasn't necessarily like you know my legs were pumped up or anything like that it's just kind of like total body weakness that you get from like a friend stimulus like it wasn't like oh my quads aren't gonna be able to thrust 135 it was like my whole body is like damn i'm really gonna have to like brace and thrust 135 that sounds like
Starting point is 00:24:46 hey bryson bryson what is your friend time 218 218 what did what did this feel like and did you think did you feel like you went slow enough on that first half uh i think i went slow enough and maybe like i don't know i mean today obviously, today, obviously I didn't, but I think on a different day that would have been the right pace for me to do the first part at to like not be super blown up for the second part. I just did not feel really good in that. When boys, when boys sleep in a bed together, they have options. They can sleep pole to pole, hole to hole, or as Renee Pape says, these two look They can sleep pole to pole, hole to hole, or as Renee Pape says,
Starting point is 00:25:27 these two look like they sleep pole to hole. Correct. Renee sleeps pole in her mouth. Now you guys gotta figure out who's pole. You guys gotta figure out who's poles and who's hole. Renee runs, dude. Listen, listen. Renee's fucking killing it. I'm very impressed,
Starting point is 00:25:44 Renee. I changed my opinion about you. I'm gonna make a little note here. Renee's not a bitch. I'm very impressed, Renee. I changed my opinion about you. I'm going to make a little note here. Renee's not a bitch. She's good. What's up with all these fuck faces talking shit about my sunglasses? These are $300 fucking sunglasses, dude. White trash douche. You look like Heisenberg from Breaking Bad with it on.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Okay, here's, Bryson, let me ask you a serious question. Some of the commentators are pussies on this show i don't want to name their names but they're concerned of it tomorrow that on saturday and cat there's some front squats are you okay tomorrow doing some front squats yeah i don't think you're i don't think this is like a quad soreness workout i mean i could be wrong think about who's taking class dumb shit right sentinel training is having an internal dispute now right live on the air i'm not concerned about doing front squats tomorrow but i think like hey there is all these different functional movements why do you have to do thrusters and
Starting point is 00:26:36 front squats on back-to-back days like okay are you saying that taylor did taylor just intimidate you no but it's the same thing i had the argument with the first two weeks. Yes. They're a week apart, whatever. It's not that doing deadlifts and dumbbell snatches in the same open makes it a bad open, but back to back weeks, it's like you couldn't have thought of just something else. Like maybe do shoulder overhead instead of deadlifts, like just something slightly different.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Like it's not like you guys aren't creative and can't come up with something like that so i don't think it makes it a bad open but it's kind of like come on dude like just use your brain a little they need help the uh fashionista who wears his shirts 12 sizes too large is a star in the making says jeremy eat world also there's more uh comments here um we're not supposed to talk about people's apparel or their body, but here we go. Taylor wears his watch upside down. My favorite is this one. Those glasses make you look like you're listening to Five Finger Death Punch
Starting point is 00:27:34 and kick holding. What's a more aggressive fashion choice? My big shirts or Sevan's long johns where you can see his little tuna can plucking around? my big shirts or Sevan's long Johns, where you can see his little tuna can. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Hey, do you have a girlfriend? Hey, do you have a girlfriend? Yeah. Okay. You asked him that last week. I know. I just can't believe it.
Starting point is 00:27:57 I don't, but I'm taking continuity, continuity in the answers. Uh, Bill Grundler. Um, so we've had a lot of opinions about this workout. Now we've seen a handful of people,
Starting point is 00:28:04 uh, do it. Uh, anything changed on your, uh, perception on whether it a lot of opinions about this workout. Now we've seen a handful of people do it. Anything changed on your perception on whether it's a good workout or bad workout in terms of just the programming? Has your perception changed? I like the workout. I think it's a great workout. I just don't think that it fits with whatever the last two workouts were. You've got to get on one side of the line. Are we going – it's super, super easy and everyone can play, or are we actually going to go, you know, open a couple of years ago where it's like, okay, we're going to test everybody and we're going to gradually test everyone and we're going to move the right people forward.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Right people meaning the 25% moving forward. John Young, same question to you. Any, any thoughts about how this has changed just as a workout or in relationship to the other two workouts and being an open workout now that you've seen them do it because i know our opinions do change a lot like we'll see the rogue programming or games programming and we'll criticize it and then we see it executed and we're like holy shit that was amazing yeah i mean i mean i think as far as like what they're testing i'm glad that it it is what it is but it does it's just very inconsistent with the messaging I just want consistent messaging
Starting point is 00:29:08 on we need to expect this in the open this in quarterfinals and not have a guessing game if I share a bed with Bryson I wake up little spoon yeah we know this guy this guy's actually gay yeah perfect well there you go then he's an
Starting point is 00:29:24 expert Andrew Hiller thoughts on This guy's actually gay. Perfect. Well, there you go. Then he's an expert. Andrew Hiller, thoughts on the overall... Caleb, can we do a poll now that we know the open? Can we do a poll? Just a poll. Just a straight poll. Let's just do a straight poll. Let's do two choices.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Open good, open bad. Oh, this is a great comment. Okay. Oh, it's from a fucking OG, fucking og2g a better workout would have been i uh just just more uh gated a gate more of a gated workout so like you have pull-ups in the beginning your toes the bar or just wall balls and then it's just it graduates the chest the bar and then graduates the bar muscle ups and you gotta be fit to get there. Like what Taylor said, it starts with chest to bars. A lot of people are going to have 10 reps and that's, that's the end of their workout.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Yeah. And that's fine. That's fine. But then don't preach to me that everybody should be able to do the open the first two weeks. It's just, I agree. You know, like Pitt make, decide what you want and preaching that's important i'm right now i'm sitting halfway off the sofa so my butthole
Starting point is 00:30:33 isn't on isn't getting smushed with shit right now someone asked you guys now that's so funny dude is bryce literally sitting in shit now like he didn't do an outfit change that's correct what i didn't correct the show before i started i shit my pants before we started and i and i knew you guys were waiting on me so i was like no i'm not did you reach in and wipe it with some toilet paper like i've done that like shart and then just you know been a pinch i was already i was already on camera standing under the pull-up bar i'm telling you it was he said 10 seconds and i shit my pants he just scooped it from from back to front a little bit got it out out of the way. Bryson, what was your final time? I don't know, like 14.
Starting point is 00:31:09 22. 14. You're a tiebreaker. I'm going to smoke you. Okay, a quick question. Will any games athletes this year at the 2024 CrossFit Games at Dickey's get capped in this workout? No.
Starting point is 00:31:21 No. Maybe Ellie Turner. She's not a games athlete anymore dude she quit hey this is the crazy thing about this the thing about the past two weeks in this week is that like dave's hint is clearly giving the dog a bone like you're giving the people who want the heavy bar and the high skill you're giving them a bone but now no one's still no one's happy with it it seems like thank you that's what I'm saying. Right. But I'm just saying they fucked up because they just had no continuity.
Starting point is 00:31:54 At least piss one group of people off consistently. Don't piss one group. Yeah. Don't piss one group of people off for two weeks and then suck them off the last week. Piss them off all three weeks. Good point. Because like, I agree agree i was well i was willing to accept this is what it is now i'm pissed off i think the open is soft now but it is what it is and like you know i just need to quit harping on it i sound like the guy who can't get over it and then and then i'm like i'm like you know it's whatever i don't care anymore i don't care about the open is what it's going to be this is what it is then you give, and then you do this workout, which like,
Starting point is 00:32:25 I love this workout, but it's like for the masses, just, just pick whatever you're going to do. And then, and then ride with it. Yeah. It's too late.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Kate. Cool. Ha ha. Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah,
Starting point is 00:32:37 wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah. Is this a good test to get into the quarterfinals?
Starting point is 00:32:43 I know so many stronger technical men who won't make top 25%. Then they're not strong, right? No, no. This is the problem. That's not what they're saying. There's a pyramid. There's a pyramid. And it's called the fucking fitness pyramid.
Starting point is 00:32:56 And at the bottom is what you eat. And the next rung up, it's called metabolic conditioning. And that's what the first two weeks were. Then above that is weightlifting. Or sorry, then above that is gymnastics. Then above that is weightlifting weightlifting then above that is sport so you don't get to show if you're that you're strong you don't get to show if you're good at gymnastics if you don't have the requisite fitness to get there so if 21 59 dumbbell snatches and burpees and a fucking 300 meter row 185 deadlifts and double unders are keeping you out of the top 25 i'm sorry but we
Starting point is 00:33:22 don't care about how good you are on a barbell or how many muscle-ups you can do because you can't even fucking get out of breath. You're telling me that Roman Krennikoff follows the nutrition protocols outlined by CrossFit? What do they eat in Russia? Vodka and corn? Potatoes. Bryson. Bryson,
Starting point is 00:33:40 is this a Metcon or is this a Strength or Go? This is a Metcon. is this a strength workout? This is a Metcon. Metcon. For sure. Everyone agree? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Yeah, I'm not fine with this workout as far as the weights go. I think you should test weights, but you should just have to get out of breath to get there. Last week would have been a great time for that. Roman's on a steady diet of two. Wait, why last week? Talk to me, Bill. Why last week would have been a great time for that roman's on a steady diet of two wait why that why last week talk to me bill why last well because the weight the weight there across the board i know there are people that had a handful of people had a problem with the deadlifts i get it not everybody it was easy for everybody but the masses the deadlifts really didn't matter so that was the opportunity to make that weight a little bit more or
Starting point is 00:34:25 put more reps on it, I think. I don't mind a bad weight, but Sevan, if you could do it, then what's the point of those deadlifts? What? Those deadlifts are testing nobody if Sevan's able to do it without a problem. Sevan is very
Starting point is 00:34:41 weak. They're a slight problem. It's not testing strength'm saying is in my sleep I could have done those 10 unbroken. And I also think that there's another thing that keeps being brought up is like everyone keeps talking about the stimulus of this, of the event. This is not training. This is a competition.
Starting point is 00:34:59 So the stimulus doesn't have to be there. It's a particular race that needs to be programmed a certain way to move people forward. I don't give a shit what the stimulus is. Today's not there it's a particular race that needs to be programmed a certain way to move people forward i don't give a shit what the stimulus is today's not fitness day today's race day and that's where and that's where i'm not um even though i think you're right that's what i'm i have a bias towards them as is um are we in a competition i love them as well i mean we're in a competition to see who's right but that's where like you're right and i'm struggling with that because i really like the workouts like i know it's funny is the last two weeks like you say that but the last two weeks i've begrudgingly accepted that i'm just wrong on this and now
Starting point is 00:35:35 you're saying i'm right and it's because of this workout that just came out well it's what bill's saying the difference between a race and a stimulus and i and i have trouble turning over to the race part i just keep thinking man these are fucking great workouts like like if i'm an affiliate i Will's saying the difference between a race and a stimulus, and I have trouble turning over to the race part. I just keep thinking, man, these are fucking great workouts. Like if I'm an affiliate, I program these workouts two, three times a year each. Yeah, as training, you're 100% right. All of them have been great workouts for the gym, totally. Braylon Pender.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Go ahead. No, I was just going to say. But you just got to race them. That's the difference. I don't care what the stimulus is. We're not testing a stimulus. We're seeing who can go fastest in this race. To be honest, I thought last week was probably the worst open workout ever programmed.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Why? It was so fucking boring. You can't come up with anything other than a 300 meter row 10 deadlifts at 185 and 50 double unders for 20 minutes are you fucking kidding me at least at least bring something that like what do you even teach in a class okay guys you're gonna row you're gonna do some deadlifts which you've all done a billion times you're gonna do some double unders that's what i like about it it was wrong you got that in the first week you got that you use a fucking dental damn taylor and you use a fucking dental dam Taylor Dude
Starting point is 00:36:46 Do you use a dental dam That's what I'm hearing from you right now Usually though The first week is something Everybody can do And in the second week You gotta have some skill to do it Or some strength to do it
Starting point is 00:37:01 Oh a dumbbell hand cleaning jerk Never seen that before that'll be cool to try. This is just fucking 20 minutes of idiocy. What's the point of that? God damn it. Dude, well, they're just... I don't know if we can work together anymore. Oh, fuck that.
Starting point is 00:37:17 I'll suck your dick tonight. We'll be fine. Alright, fine. Call me. I'll be in bed tomorrow. Oh my god. I wasn't ready for that. Thank you. Thank you. That's. I'll be in bed. Oh my God. I wasn't ready for that. Thank you. Thank you. That's why Caleb gets the big bucks. How about we ask the only CrossFit Games athlete here? Okay, fine. Yeah, Bill. Bill.
Starting point is 00:37:37 What are we asking me? I don't know. Just something. Answer something. Let's go through the workouts. Do you think any of the workouts were just do you think number two lack creativity i mean uh tyler's uh what's his name taylor's going hard yeah i do i i don't i don't i don't think it was i think it was i think it was um inclusive 100 i think everyone could do it i get it please don't use that word on this show thank you just test of our pull-ups you think everyone can do that no he's talking about the second workout use that word on this show. Thank you. Test of our pull-ups? You think everyone can do that? No, he's talking about the second workout.
Starting point is 00:38:06 No, he's talking about the second one. Yeah, I don't think that that one. I think everyone can do double-unders. They don't stream right. The only thing that was tested up to this week was double-unders. Everyone can pull on a rower. I've had six-year-old little baseball kids pulling on a rower. Everyone can figure out whatever jumping it is that they're going to do.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Okay, fine. Dumbbell, i made my my little baseball kids do that workout the pull it from the ground put it up overhead and do and do burpees over it so there was zero skill up to that point um that second workout it was long but again it's like where why did you pick the numbers that you picked because it didn't matter like the dead matter yeah i mean if you if you didn't if you are struggling with double unders and you didn't get a good score in this it was all that it didn't matter how fast you rode unless you were the elite people what i really thought was right but what's wrong with that but what's wrong with that you're right the
Starting point is 00:39:02 reason why i didn't get it why not just make not just make it a 15-minute row for meters in? Ready and go. That workout fucking sucked. But, Bill, I'm still not following you. You're saying that the double unders were the limiting factor of people's scores. I fall in that category. You're talking about me. But why does that?
Starting point is 00:39:19 What's wrong with that? No, dude. Your fitness was your limiting score. You couldn't move after four rounds. Right. No. What I said was- Because I had to do fucking 300 jump ropes every time instead of 50.
Starting point is 00:39:30 It lacked creativity in the fact that the 10 deadlifts were super light, and it was just this weird thing in the middle. I think we should all- What the hell are you thinking about putting that in there? I think we should all be a little bit more positive that the first Open 7 decides to do in years. He's really enjoying himself and the rest of us are upset. He didn't even put his fucking score in.
Starting point is 00:39:50 That's how bad the workout was. Listen, I was driving all day Monday. I got shit I'm doing. Hey, this, the, the, the open has open has multiple prongs that it's supposed to do. It's supposed to qualify 25, 25% of the entire group into the next set it's supposed to be able to excite everyone who hasn't done a competition and it's supposed to rally everyone in your gym that's what those are the things supposed to do so it did a lot of the things
Starting point is 00:40:15 for you that it was supposed to do but that doesn't mean that everything should be watered down it's like oh it's a it's an easy workout we're just gonna jog and do push-ups and it's fine and that doesn't mean that it's good because everyone can do that everyone should be tested and again if it's too difficult because we don't want to make it so hard because we only need 25 then fucking get the scaled division out we don't need the scaled division you don't have to double scale this whole thing uh lucas uh kendonese bryson has been sitting in shit for 30 plus minutes now great points by bill i give him six points for that oh wrong show he's in my mouth you're like an ass level right now taylor what are you doing dude i know i noticed he lowered himself to get better let me also say this in response to what john said also there's the the
Starting point is 00:41:00 four people on this show who are commenting, except for myself have had games aspirations, Bryson Del Monte, B R Y S O N. Here comes Heidi. Heidi's coming in hot for the follow dude. Okay. Hold on. So,
Starting point is 00:41:13 so the four of you have games aspirations. We're, we have different mindsets before we get to Heidi. Let's, let's touch on this one time, Andrew Hiller. I think the better question is, is the 2024 open reflective of the methodology in CrossFit's definition of fitness?
Starting point is 00:41:27 Nope. Nope. Written for the best and scaled for the rest does not fit the second workout by any means. No. You haven't hit the 10 physical traits either. Workout three is the only one. Oh, yeah. And also with Bill's side, you don't hit the 10 components of fitness.
Starting point is 00:41:44 I mean, that's the foundation's the that's the foundation of crossfit the foundation hey last year they did with that snatch right right well it was much closer it would it would fit into those definitions for sure uh roy aaron agreeing with the boys this was close to being the best open ever until this workout now just going to be watching people flop around on ring rows and jumping pull-ups tomorrow night i hear about what john is saying is that he kind of said, okay, the quarterfinals are when it's going to get tougher, but all of a sudden that isn't the case. Right, John? I just workout three feels like a quarterfinals workout and it's just
Starting point is 00:42:20 conflicting messaging when the other two are the way they are. It doesn't though. It feels like a typical open workout from years past. This last one does. Yeah, but it's just so contrary to everything they've been saying. Oh, you're going to be able to go outside. You're going to be able to take somebody who's never done CrossFit before. They don't even have to speak the same language of you. And you'll be able to get them to do the workout.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Week one. Week two. Everyone's going to be able to do the workout. Then boom. Chest to bar, bar muscle up. And's going to be able to do the workout. Then boom. Chest to bar, bar muscle up. And you're looking at somebody who's never done crossfit before. And they're like, what the fuck is that? No, I mean, I'm going to push back a mic.
Starting point is 00:42:52 No, it was a Terminator movie. And then they said, okay, now it's going to be Finding Nemo. And then the last week was if you walked in Finding Nemo, but then Arnold Schwarzenegger came in and ate the fish. Like, it's just... Hey, I really like Po'boy's analogy. Let me say, here's the perfect analogy. I'll decide that, by the way.
Starting point is 00:43:11 You don't preface it with that. The open has always been a badass rated R Terminator movie, you know, with, like, titties and shit and people getting their brains blown out. But now it's Terminator with PG-13 rating. Lame. Yeah, no nudity. That one kind of hits home. Were we not inclusive before?
Starting point is 00:43:25 It's more like a trans Terminator movie. Do you think that the open before was not inclusive? No, I've never thought that. That it wasn't inclusive? I've never thought it wasn't. I always thought that even when there were muscle-ups or whatever in there, I always thought it was good.
Starting point is 00:43:41 And we had weights that were up to 315 pounds and deadlifts that went up in weight and snatches and handstand walking and ring muscle ups ring muscle ups and bar muscle ups i know the thruster is it's a thruster what's a thruster yeah well when i started crossfit i said what's a thruster too and a snatch and all that where was heidi's comments someone said heidi's coming in hot. Every time Bryson gets on the screen, Heidi drops like 38 comments about how wet she gets. Oh, that's awesome. No, thanks.
Starting point is 00:44:14 I don't follow fuckboys. Damn. Bryson's not a fuckboy. He got a girlfriend. It sounds like Heidi is like a little schoolgirl and she's making fun of the boy she likes. John hung. John just called Seva on a bitch thank you i don't think i've ever said yeah you've never said that i would never listen he's a good christian leave him leave uh john young alone uh brendan uh braylon tender uh
Starting point is 00:44:38 uh fitness competitor they don't train like us they think 135 is heavy yeah i do think 135 is heavy jesus really bill just looks like a much younger version of sebon and i can't handle it his profile picture is jason before he hit puberty wow jason hit puberty come on oh wow yeah uh extra sloppy 24.3 cost me this five dollar super chat and a bet to eric weiss because the open had terrible continuity and this workout made it worse. Oh God. I just don't see that you guys. Oh, it's totally accurate. And this is the thing.
Starting point is 00:45:12 They're not going to take any criticism. There's never going to be any new blood in there to help things out. It's going to be the same old blinders on. All I see is my own butthole because my head's so crammed up far up there. I can't see anything else, but your own anal glands, dude. Hold on. Let me take Dave's cock out of my mouth. What did you say?
Starting point is 00:45:29 Hey, listen. Listen. Listen, Reb. Thank you, Reb. Thank you. God, these boys are fucking dense. Listen. The boys, listen up.
Starting point is 00:45:36 John, listen up. Stop texting your mom. Here comes your buzzword. I'm ready for the buzzword. I'm ready. Wasn't that the whole point of week one hiller taylor john and billy boy to make it inclusive get new people interested then gentlemen she uses that word loosely weeks two and three give progressively harder skills for them to aspire to achieve in
Starting point is 00:45:59 the future progressively she doesn't know shit about fuck listen we had we had the double unders progressively that's not that's not oh double under next week you're gonna see chest to bar and bar muscle up yeah yeah there's no continuity there i just agree there's zero to a hundred from week one and two to three and you know it's funny seven if you were like the same fitness level but you were like six four two seventy i think you'd be outraged because you can do chest to bars and bar muscle ups because you're small like if you couldn't do those things i bet you'd be like what the freak is this i thought it was supposed to be like everybody can do it you know what i would have been okay i take offense to that to that. You know what I would have been okay with?
Starting point is 00:46:46 If from week one, they were like, look, this Open's going to be fucking hard, and it's going to test you people, and some of you guys are not going to get good scores, but it's going to be an opportunity for you to do the first ever X. Yeah, double under, or bar muscle-up, or bar muscle-up. But they didn't say that. They were like, these
Starting point is 00:47:01 workouts, everybody's going to be able to do them. Now somebody who can only do a pull-up is looking at this workout. I'm asking you to think for yourself. Forget what they said. I'm asking you to think for yourself. I think it's TARDIS for myself. I don't like it. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Heidi Krum. Would you like it if you weren't going against Colton? Maybe. He didn't miss. Heidi Krum. Bryson Del Monte. Looks like some girl in high school broke his heart. And now he wipes back to
Starting point is 00:47:26 front front to back no now he swipes right on every chick on tinder bryson looks like heidi's son but she still thinks he's hot i don't think uh bryson has uh tinder wow no i'm in love is he bryson are you that attractive is do you get weird around you? No, just my girlfriend. My girlfriend thinks I'm that attractive. Oh, that's cool. Keeper. Yeah, super cool. Keeper. Super cool.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Okay, Pool Boy. Am I the only one excited as hell for this week's week in review from Dave? Leap workout. Terrible final announcement stream. The stream was, I don't want to get. Dude, it was trash. Come on. Jocko's a video.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Yeah, that was garbage. That was the stupidest thing ever. Who was trash. Come on. Jocko's a video? Yeah, that was garbage. That was the stupidest thing ever. Who do we blame for that? Jocko. Workout that's completely against the theme of the first two. Ah, God. Why do you have to go there? I'm going to...
Starting point is 00:48:16 Hold on. I hope Dave doesn't listen to this show. I'm chugging some... That's disgusting. Listen, most people get olive oil in theirs. Mine has something else in it. Dude, when I was in high school, I was at a party, and this kid pulled out this bottle of olive oil from the cabinet
Starting point is 00:48:35 because we told him it was red wine, and he got like halfway through the bottle. He's blackout drunk before he just starts throwing up everywhere. That's what that reminds me of. Oh, God. Gross. You people. throwing up everywhere that's what that reminds me oh god gross you people yeah this is a uh uh mag and nut job show that's why we say you people well i'm i'm i'm bj why i can say that oh here we go thank you 12 daily doses but it's unfair because you and i always see eye to eye on everything a lot of crying here workouts have been. Taylor, take out your tampon and start worrying about tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Thank you. Pat Lange is still draining the jizz out of his butt from me and him the other day. Is that right? Yeah, 12 daily doses. He got a daily dose the other day, brother. Let me tell you. Daily dose of life. Ladies and gentlemen, there will be a lot of action, a lot of shakeup in the next three hours.
Starting point is 00:49:24 There will be people posting scores. Barbell Spin will be reporting. Make sure you go over there. Pedro will be reporting on the coffee pods and wads. I'm not even sure. Maybe, Bill, do you guys have a show today? No, not tonight. There's going to be a lot of action and a lot of news coming out in the next three hours.
Starting point is 00:49:38 We will be reconvening in about three or four hours for the CrossFit Games update show. At that point, we're going to get down and dirty. Taylor, you probably don't want to watch that show. And we're going to start talking about Friday, Taylor Self versus the world. Now, I know a lot of you have fallen in love with Taylor. So bring your box of Kleenex because Friday is going to be wild. Colton versus Taylor Self. The Born Primitive CA Pep Tides CrossFit Charlotte open announcement will be tomorrow at four 30 Eastern
Starting point is 00:50:08 standard time, one 30 PM Pacific standard time. And, uh, but we will talk, we will have a show about it, uh, tonight.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Heidi Kroom gets the final word. Maybe I'm going to post first place score. I'll have my boyfriend judge me at my affiliate. Is there a boyfriend, her son? No, Mia Hesketh. Formula Games, let the boys plan their perfect open independently.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Three wads. What do you mean? I've already done it. I think Bill and Chase do that every time. We can get with the programming. Does that add? I think we've all done that. If it's so obvious what it should be, then it should be pretty similar. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Any final words, Andrew? Yeah, I'm just annoyed at how it looks the exact same as 21.3 and 22.3. It's like the same thing, but different. Maybe a little longer, maybe a bit more volume. That's their MO, bro. That's their MO. Just fucking put lipstick on a pig, fuck it a couple more times, and give it to everybody else. Okay, that's Taylor's final word. Mr. John Young? See you in a couple hours. Mr. Grunler? final word uh mr john young see you in a couple hours uh mr grundler i like the fact that we got to see some athletes really actually work hard in a workout instead of just going super mega fast
Starting point is 00:51:12 before i give the final before i give the final word to bryson del monte that that was the best open workout i've seen in a long time in terms of competition. The competition was great watching. I watched it with you guys. Don't lie. With the announcement? Yes. I agree. Not the whole announcement, but they should have just started the workout.
Starting point is 00:51:33 We were impressed by Sydney, Roman, Jay, and Ariel. We were all excited. It was a close finish. Bryson, final word, buddy. Just going to go wet my ass, and thanks for enjoying the show. See you guys in a couple hours. Bye-bye.

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