The Sevan Podcast - Born Primitive 24.3 CrossFit Games Update Show

Episode Date: March 15, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. We just screw with him the whole time. Bam, we're live. Hey, why is my lock screen on? That's never happened before.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Not sure, Granddad, if you pull down. JR's one of those people that's young. John, don't even. You don't even know how to record your screen. JR's one of those people that's young but presents old. No, it wasn't. It wasn't. It's not.
Starting point is 00:00:54 It's not on, dude. But it is on. Just keep rotating it. It's going to work out. It's unlocked. It's not locked. So when I turn my phone, it should switch, and it's not. Turn your house sideways.
Starting point is 00:01:07 In this order, the adults on this show... Ooh, this is going to be hard. Sorry. Take this as an insult if you're at the top. It's JR at the top. And then Tyler and Caleb... Oh, God. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Then Peter and Caleb... Then Peter. Sorry, Peter. He has the fake news. That's the most times you've ever said my real name in my entire life. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:01:32 What's wrong with me? Then Pedro. So JR is the adult. Then Pedro. Then Tyler and Caleb. Then what's your name? John Young. And then me.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Scrapping at the bottom. Yeah. I'm the only one who's kept my youth. I still talk poop and penises. Oh, I wanted to be low. Was that a maturity ranking? Yeah, that's like a maturity ranking. All right, man.
Starting point is 00:02:01 That's cool. Yours isn't because you're not well're not well behaved john it's just that well god you did know about that thing getting sore under the tongue god that really threw me for a loop oh yeah that thing yeah that was weird that he knew that reference uh ladies and gentlemen big news aaron bridgewater is a new member thank you you, Aaron. Smartest thing you've done all month, I'm guessing. Don't be sad, John. John is not sad. John's been on a sad kick for a couple days, but I think
Starting point is 00:02:33 he's out of it now. Two big pieces of news right now, swirling in the space, are that no one leaked the workout. No one can say anyone leaked the workout. Everyone and their mom posted it. Like, you can't go anywhere without someone posting it. I saw Rebecca Fuselier had a post about it.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Craig Howard had a post about it. Everyone is like, I got the workout. Also, next biggest thing in the news is Mal O'Brien, our champion who's not a champion, according to the Barbell Spin. Mal O'Brien to compete at high rocks houston in doubles division um does anyone know who and uh kotler with the brilliant comment uh good for her uh wait where's the comment oh i lost it uh kotler underdogs athletics ceo and founder she's doing it with herself it's a bold strategy i don't get that cotton it's a bold strategy cotton what's that
Starting point is 00:03:25 means dodgeball movie oh okay thank you uh it's a bold move cotton let's uh see if it pays off who is uh with getting the pays off in there who uh who will her partner be cooper marsh oh no shit is it really but he put up on his story earlier on today that he did the workout and he said just just in time or now i'm ready for high rocks with mal or something like that has mal said anything about doing a high rocks race yet in that post she put up it today a new sponsorship deal with ice barrel uh just in time to collect the check before i quit just in time to collect the check before I quit just in time before the High Rocks race. Awesome. Thank you, Pedro.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Pedro, I've been chatting with CF Media and I think I'm going to go on his podcast. I just want you to know that will be the second podcast I've gone on with a foreigner. I hope you don't feel like I'm cheating on you. No, I'm good. Diversity. It's totally their arch enemy. A dude with a foreigner. I hope you don't feel like I'm cheating on you. No, I'm good. Diversity.
Starting point is 00:04:25 A dude with a funny voice. She's so tiny, man. With socks on? That barrel is actually 15 feet tall, John. Hasn't she been saying in her interviews that she's been running a lot? So, I mean, this is no surprise, right? I think some of you guys even came on the show
Starting point is 00:04:43 and predicted that. Yes, I feel like Spin said this like two months ago. He was like, she's going to do a High Rocks. Spin caught the tag on her socials. In further news, Rich Froning and I think Scott Vandersloot and Rory McKernan traveled down to Proven today and shot a podcast. Action. traveled down to proven today and shot a podcast action from you guys pop up from the mayhem podcast in which is clickbait it's not me clickbait no no it's us clickbait it's you it's 100 and so that's exactly and it was the clip of him saying that shit and like so it was fed to me and like everybody even telling me, I'm like, not a big deal.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Not a big deal. I'm like, Oh, it's a clip from you guys pop up from the. So, uh, once again, I told you guys that when people know each other,
Starting point is 00:05:39 well, they can fight. And so what I think is happening, the strategy here is,ave doesn't know scott vandersloot and scott says the says that comment and i think he's there because dave points to him and so um when you when you know someone well you can fight with them but since you know them well you can get more time together to to rekindle the relationship right and so they go down and scott doesn't have that relationship with dave so they go down there and it looks like they buried the hatchet and had a good old time.
Starting point is 00:06:08 And this is the way the big boys this is the big way big boys handle stuff. Any surprise here, J.R., that they're you know, that they can fight. And then, you know, they didn't even have to they didn't do that cheese dick thing where they took a picture like Rich and Matt did or me and Brian did. They actually are having it out. No, I think that's what you do when you're able to go back and forth a little bit indirectly, and then when you have the opportunity to actually get after it directly, you do it man-to-man, face-to-face.
Starting point is 00:06:34 And that's the maturest person on the podcast. Now let's go to the second least mature person, John Young. John, what do you think? A boys fight, and then they get back together and rekindle, or no? You like that? Yeah. Yeah. No, I just agree with jr you agree or disagree no i i agree i agree with what jr is saying i don't think it's that big of a thing when's the last time you got in a fight with one of your boyfriends and then um
Starting point is 00:06:59 fought it out and then got back together yesterday what do you define a fight all right fine be like that um okay uh big news today 24.3 has been announced uh can we pull up the leaderboard are there any names that have already uh i know last week i think noah was quick to jump into the uh top scores um can we check out and see if there's any posts yet what happens jr people do this in an affiliate and then the affiliate owner doesn't have to actually validate it until wednesday but they can validate it right away and that's what populates the leaderboard oh look and noah's already in there already you just have to submit right yeah it shows up shows up automatically and then it'll it'll remain that's why it's gray foundation or not yeah so guys i i actually did
Starting point is 00:07:46 the workout and i got uh 759 i don't have a video of it but i have a judge certified it uh so how many people how many people do you think that put in their score and subtract the minute for rest all of of them. Oh, you're supposed to do that? No, I think you're not supposed to do that. No, it's a part of your time. Correct. It says like on the score sheet, the timer does not stop during the rest,
Starting point is 00:08:15 but I'm just curious how many people are going to go to put in their score and they're going to put it in and be like, yeah, but I subtract a minute, right? Are you serious? Was that a problem with 21.3 i don't i don't know that it was or if it wasn't i'm just i'm just asking if you think a lot of people will do it somebody's gonna do it it's a part of your time i i bet it's a small percentage
Starting point is 00:08:36 probably more than the dumb asses that put in their tie break time instead of their actual fucking time for the first work uh no start the timer at go the timer does not stop during the one minute rest the barbell must be placed at least five feet away from the pull-up bar for safety hey why did um uh bryson start so far away from his bar any reason in particular okay scared just scared well there's a lot of i mean there's a lot of coaches that would tell you almost like in the road workout like hey you can put your stuff as close as you want but it may be smart for you to put on the governor by spacing your equipment a little bit farther away so you're like hey i know i'm gonna get a three
Starting point is 00:09:21 or four second break walking to the next thing and then when i get there i need to get to work on this workout too it's like bryson knew that transition didn't make a difference for him he knew he was gonna have to rest he probably wanted that barbell further away right can we go back up to um number five up there i want to read this because this is something i miss all the time and this or was it number five no no it just said five rounds it said uh about the tie break it says a tie No, no. It just said five rounds. It said, uh, about the tie break. It says a tie breaker will be recorded after you complete five rounds of thrusters and chest to bar pull-ups. So that's in the,
Starting point is 00:09:51 that's before the one minute break. If you do not complete the workout before the time cap, this is your tie break time. The athlete who completed the first five rounds, the fastest wins the tie. Okay. So that's important. So at the five,
Starting point is 00:10:03 at the end of the fifth round everyone should look up at the clock i always forget to do that okay can we go back to the leaderboard um it looked like noah olsen beat uh jay crouch by uh 45 seconds was it 44 44 seconds uh just sorry tyler go ahead very believable and that's because you saw jay crouch pacing off of ariel lohan and you saw him taking his time in between the transitions? No, it's just like Noah's known for being great on the bar. What was that games workout, Mary? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Yeah. It's like – and it's thrusters. He has like – he's kind of built for squatting as far as repping out squats like that, so I'm not surprised. He's fit as hell. John, now that you see Noah Olsen's time and Jay Crouch's time and you got to watch Jay Crouch do it, what do you think will happen when Colton Merton steps up to this workout?
Starting point is 00:10:57 I think Colton will be 740. Wow, 50 seconds faster. Yep. Hiller? Hiller.R., Howell? I would put an amount of money that mattered to me that he's sub-8, but I don't know about 740. Pedro, what did you think about, what did you know about sub-520 in week one before we saw it,
Starting point is 00:11:25 after Taylor's? about would you know about sub 520 in week one before we saw it after taylor's um because i think you would have said the same thing about five probably no i mean i would have probably said he could go 15 seconds faster but yeah that not not as much as he did how many rounds are in the workout ten ten including both both the first five of the second so you're so if you if he takes off five seconds around that would be 50 seconds faster than noah which would put him at what was no at 7 30 for the record 8 30 8 30 i don't think he'll take any seconds off of the first part i think he'll take 50 seconds off of the second part. So 10 seconds around faster. Yeah. He might be
Starting point is 00:12:09 a little, I don't know. Noah usually likes to come out hot. I'm going to go ahead and say right, I have no idea. I hope Noah puts this video out, but that him and Noah are very similar times over the first round and he's just that much faster in the second round. Tomorrow night, I don't know what time I want to say 4 30 p.m eastern standard time 1 30 p.m is that right 1 30 p.m pacific standard time at crossfit charlotte it will be the born
Starting point is 00:12:37 primitive crossfit charlotte 24.3 crossfit open and ca peptidesides Open. Taylor Self versus Colton Mertens. Pedro, as our educator here and academic, Taylor does seem a little quieter, the quietest he's been. Is he a little, do you think he's a little shocked? Do you think he's like, oh, shit. Like when he saw, he seems a little less bombastic or vocal now that he's seen this workout. And he's going up against Colton.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Well, that's probably part of it is that Colton's like, just going to absolutely fucking destroy this. And then the second part of it is Taylor essentially has a new knee. This will be the first major test under stress of that knee. So if I was him, I'd probably struggle to find the confidence I maybe had in week one or week two, but it's also worth remembering he was a massive underdog in week one and he put on a fucking unbelievable performance.
Starting point is 00:13:36 He was a massive underdog in week two. He put on a ridiculous performance. He's a massive underdog in week three. I think he's going to shut some people up this week too. Bigger underdog this week or last week? This week. I would say this week. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:52 I don't know. It's easy to say after we saw week two. I don't think anybody said he was going to beat Jason in that workout in week two until it happened. Yeah, but there are a lot of people who thought it was going to be really in that workout and we too, until it happened. Yeah. But there are a lot of people who thought it was going to be really close. A lot of us were, I thought it was going to be really close.
Starting point is 00:14:11 You're so smart. Is there any strategy in this Jr for Taylor or is it just, does he have to just risk it all right out the gate? Oh, there's definitely strategy, but I think Taylor goes into this workout with the mindset of, Hey, if one of us is going to mess up it's not going to be me so i'm just going to be there to keep
Starting point is 00:14:30 you honest and if you make a mistake i'm going to take it just like jason in week two yeah i think he knows himself so well he's not gonna jump up after he's ready he's gonna jump up as soon as he's ready on his jump up after he's ready. He's going to jump up as soon as he's ready on his bar muscle-ups. He's going to put his hands on the ball and the thruster, whether he does a quick seven or whether he takes a big breath at the top after each rep. He's not going to baby the workout, but he's also not going to go about it recklessly at all.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Is he as world-class at bar muscle-ups as he is ring muscle-ups? Yeah, but I think that he's better comparatively to the elite field at ring muscle-up than he is bar. But I just think that the gaps there are a lot smaller than they are with the rings. Sure. I think Taylor is going to beat Noah's time. Yeah, I'd agree with that, especially if he's pacing off Colton. I don't think he should pace off Colton. No, as in, like, if he's racing against him,
Starting point is 00:15:31 I think his, whatever time he would do on his own, like. Yes. Right. By the way, thank you for the reminder, Rambler. Don't forget to go to the Heat One app. You scroll up on your phone, you look into it, it recognizes you, it opens up, you click the app the Heat One app. You scroll up on your phone. You look into it. It recognizes you. It opens up.
Starting point is 00:15:47 You click the app, Heat One, and go over there and make your picks for the Taylor Self versus the world. 24.3, we had Ariel Lowen going against Sidney Wells, going against Jay Crouch, going against Roman Krennikoff. I don't think we could have asked for a better race. I wish it would have started a little sooner, but what a fantastic race.
Starting point is 00:16:10 There was a lot of jostling back and forth of leadership. Did that surprise you at all, JR, or did you know in that final round that we were going to see their engines get exposed? No, I don't think for those guys, it's really an engine workout. It's just, it's, am I ready to jump up and do seven or, or, or am I not? And even you saw at the end, they probably thought they were ready, but you saw a lot of people breaking on that last round. This is a really interesting workout too.
Starting point is 00:16:41 And there, there are a lot of coaches in the space that preach this, but them doing seven thrusters and then taking a 10 second break, doing four bar muscle ups, taking a five second break and then doing three is faster than doing seven thrusters, resting 20 seconds and then doing seven. So going unbroken is not necessarily how you get a really, Going unbroken is not necessarily how you get a really, really, really fast time. And I think what you saw with them is a lot of, hey, I need to wait till I know I can get these seven. So where the breaks might have been longer and while the discipline might be harder, it's like, oh, it's just harder for me to jump up and do four and then take a quick
Starting point is 00:17:19 break and jump up and do three. I need to just wait and do all seven every time. But I think you'll see some people with really, really, really world-class times that might approach the workout just a little differently. I mean, John was, John was saying it a lot before the workout. And then, and even after, like, I think the play is to slow play the first five rounds a little more than you want. And for some people, maybe even to break the chest of war, I'm not saying at the elite level, but for people to even get, let's say sub 12, I think there'll be people who break the chest of bar early and often can still go sub 12 on this.
Starting point is 00:17:53 So you're saying I mischaracterized the, the, the breaks they took as being affecting their engine, but it was actually muscular fatigue well i i can't speak for them uh i don't know many people that are going to come out sub three on the first five rounds so in that case yeah it might have been limited by their by their breathing and their heart rate but i think when most people do it if they're going to get done and say uh it was just grip or man my triceps blew up or whatever uh caleb can we pull up the women's leaderboard? Why do you think some of these guys, just like Noah, just come out, do it right away, post their
Starting point is 00:18:30 score? Is that just like, hey, they just want to get it off their mind? They don't want to be thinking about it. They see it. They just want to get it out of the way. Is there any other reason why they would just get it out of the way like this? Of the top three, one of them did the open announcement, and the other two guys are going team. Oh, you mean the top four, Amy?
Starting point is 00:18:48 No, men, on the men's side. Oh, okay. Okay. What are the implications of your open score if you are doing team? Nothing? I just think you're less secretive. You're less like,
Starting point is 00:18:59 I don't want anyone to know because you're going team. But it doesn't affect the team is what I'm saying. No, no, not really. How do teams teams get so teams for teams for their first workout that matters for is the quarterfinals like no there's an affiliate there's an affiliate like team leaderboard now too oh interesting and they put all their scores together and that's how they qualify for the quarterfinals it's still based on a percentage on how many teams sign up okay in that region okay uh is that's in the order of their scores yep so stephanie black 803 uh amy morton 1009 ariel lowen 10 11 so that girl at the top beat
Starting point is 00:19:40 ariel lowen by two that might be her time her tie-break time. Tie-break time for sure. And Amy Morton's a Masters athlete, which is really impressive. I'm sure that's a real time. What makes you think it's a tie-break? It's just too fast. There's just no way. Well, if you look at her total points, it's over 28,000.
Starting point is 00:20:00 And I just don't think she's two minutes faster than the third fittest woman in the world. Peaking, John. She's peaked. Hey, scroll down a little bit. Are there any other names that have done it yet? No, not really. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:18 They would have finished. Oh, R.E.O. Sanders. Let me ask you a serious question that's kind of a weird topic Bryson Del Monte said he shit his pants prior to the workout is that common for Bryson probably I've never shit my pants
Starting point is 00:20:43 he might have been feeling up a little too late before before game time and it's just like just pushed out what he had in there he did what too much caffeine too soon oh oh oh so you think that was caffeine induced if that happened to me i'd be like hey guys i need to take take five and then we'll come back just we got we got sponsored by c4 at water palooza and i don't think anybody drank nearly as many C4s as Bryson did that week. Taylor shows up for Taylor vs. the World on Friday. It'll be his third week in a row. Tell me about the pressure he's feeling, John.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Is any part of him getting exhausted yet? He's like fucking burnt out. He's like, fuck, I already did two. Take my foot off the gas. This is going to be hard like is he feeling the mental stress now maybe he's already burnt out no i'm burnt out i think this is the least amount of pressure he has felt this whole ride and why do you say that because he's not expected to win. He's playing with house money. He's already kind of proved to the world, like, hey, I'm the real deal. Y'all just don't know my name.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Destroyed Dallin, had a world record time, if you don't count people 5'5 and under. And then tied Jason in a workout he wasn't supposed to tie Jason in. I think he's proven everything he wanted to he has to – he wanted to prove. He's not expected to win. I don't think there's any pressure for him. I think he just goes out and does his best in his workout and is happy with the – he's happy with whatever happens, whether that means Colton beats him by 30 seconds or Colton blows up. And, you know, we're talking about how Taylor freaking murdered the world.
Starting point is 00:22:24 I think he's happy either way. JR, is he feeling any pressure? Is he getting any, I don't know, competition fatigue? I think, and I hope he's watching, or I hope he watches later. But I think he's wondering still, like, hey, I know that Thruster was the last movement that I was going to gain confidence doing at the second load or heavier. I just don't know if I can really explode out of the bottom and absorb that rebound with confidence. And I think this is just going to show him that he is healed. He is ready to make a run at the games and this he's going to use this workout
Starting point is 00:23:08 as the validation he needs what you're referencing i think is what pedro uh referenced is that his knee he's he's coming back from an injury and that cycling the 135pound thrusters for 35 reps is going to be something mentally he's going to overcome in this workout. There's a difference between doing it and doing it without any concern. And I think he will gain that, oh, I'm just putting my hands on the bar and I'm, I'm, I'm going, I'm cycling. I'm not being careful of, uh, my, my line of action and my points of performance in the L one and L two handbook. I'm just, I'm just going, I'm just bouncing out of the bottom on your trust. You're just like, just sending that squat. Yeah. So, so you, what you're saying is, is that there is no competition fatigue. The only thought in his mind is week three. Okay. This is the heavy squat that I've been sort of anticipating. Here it is. And I'm going to face it in front of thousands of people
Starting point is 00:24:10 on Friday night. And not, not that it's heavy, right? This is not like they got to do heavy squat, clean and jerk grace, right? At two 25. And he's just like, I don't know if my knee is going to hold up doing that load that many times in that short time frame. It's just, hey, this is a load that I haven't done at max intensity, and I'm going to do it. And when I do it and when I feel good, it's going to give me a sense of freedom and rejuvenation that he hasn't felt since the surgery. That's what I anticipate happening.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Guys, I'm stoked that we have these great sponsors Born Primitive and CA Peptides helping us do 24.3 at CrossFit Charlotte use the promo code BPOPEN20 to get 20% off at the Born Primitive site use Hiller or Savon at CA Peptides to get 20% off these are the guys who are getting the athletes out there
Starting point is 00:24:59 Colton, Dallin, Jason Hopper giving them a little money for snacks thank you guys for your help. I don't back down from anyone, I don't back down for anyone. I don't pay down for anything. When they stopped selling the Nano 2, I panicked a little bit because whenever I put on other shoes, they hurt my toes. I don't have – when I find a pair of shoes, I buy a shitload of them. Uh, Jr is taking his rads off.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Now, Jr sent me a picture of his 15 pairs of rads, uh, two mornings ago. He goes, hate me if you want. Uh, some of us who don't have skinny basketball feet,
Starting point is 00:26:14 uh, still need a wide toe box. Uh, the savage one is that nano two or that Vito's, uh, really, but, but better,
Starting point is 00:26:22 uh, unbelievable shoe. Unfortunately, it looks like, uh, they are completely, are completely sold out. When Colton shows up there, Colton's showing up there to take first place in the CrossFit Open. Can we pull up the leaderboard?
Starting point is 00:26:39 Is that correct, guys? Am I characterizing that right? Week three will have the yeah i i don't know you you could say the fittest guy in the world right now in in colton mertens he has uh i think what what place did he take in the two workouts a first and a first and uh oh it's all fucked it's all fucked up now Because people have already started entering their scores Damn Do we know where Colton and so Colton's currently
Starting point is 00:27:10 Sitting in 40 So he got a first Probably not going to win even with a first A first and a 108 first okay so he's not even in the top 10 now Yeah but he wants to win another two grand For sure That's true
Starting point is 00:27:24 And where is taylor sitting um better i want to say he's in i want to say he was like 22nd he was in the low 20s you can just go to overall we know colton's in the top 50 we'll find taylor do we know if colton reed did that workout 24.2 when he got home i don't think he did no he's still got a 922 score yeah okay and so taylor has a second and an 83rd so these guys are gonna finish really really close in the open uh do you do you think um tyler that uh that Taylor gets a top 10 time in the world on this
Starting point is 00:28:06 he has the capacity to yeah will he it's just so hard to say this is one of those workouts where like people will be really good at thrusters and really good at bar muscle ups or chest bar so under over I'm
Starting point is 00:28:23 probably taking him under or over 10 John will Taylor do the quarterfinals if he does do great at the open he said he's not doing competing but I mean it wouldn't shock me if he did I feel like he's just going to keep using that as a cop out and just do all the workouts and just say I'm not competing and then when he makes semifinals he'll be like i guess i'll compete uh like it'll be or or he's truthfully just not going to compete until he feels like he's at 100 if i'm taylor i clipped that bit of jr saying he is ready and he is ready to make a run of the games and i listen to that on repeat and i try and suppress my daily erection when i listen to it and i gear myself up for a run of the games no you don't you just let that sucker fly hey i think i
Starting point is 00:29:11 think if he's capable i think if he's capable of squatting heavy then then there's no reason why he shouldn't if he's not capable of squatting heavy yet no he only only he knows that and i mean like 405 plus then um he's probably not ready to do it because he's gonna have workouts where there's gonna be very very heavy squats and that's from what i understand jr knows the situation way better but that's the last thing for him to do oh what is this caleb we're looking at i like this the leaderboard with everybody who's doing tay Taylor versus the world. So Taylor, Dallin Pepper, Colton Mertens, and Jason Hopper. Wow.
Starting point is 00:29:50 So you have Dallin Pepper and Taylor tied for first. Dallin in the open, bro. Damn, Dallin's killing it, a third and a first. So Dallin's in the running to win the open. Yes, and I think he's going to. JR, is that what you think Taylor's doing also? You think he's just saying he's not going to compete So there's not pressure on every workout
Starting point is 00:30:10 To mitigate the pressure? Yeah, I think to a certain degree But I also think he thrives under pressure I think that he is a gamer And he's not nearly as good in training As he is when something does matter, especially when it's pride and ego, when it's one-on-one. What I think he should do is do all of the quarterfinals workouts exactly how he's done Taylor versus the world, like this, with us watching live. I think that will give him the thrill of competing, but then also will bring
Starting point is 00:30:47 the best out of him. And I think that if the workouts are all ones he's capable of doing and he qualifies, he'll do it. If you look at the- Somewhere, Bear Hanlon is writing a check right now. Thank you, Pedro. Thank you. There was a max snatch last year, right? That's a non-issue for Taylor. That's not heavy enough. There was 185 overhead squats last year. There was 145 squat cleans, non-issue. If you look at last year's semifinals programming, if he went to semifinals and did those, he would have been able to do it right now. Now, that doesn't mean that there's not going to be 315 squat cleans. That doesn't mean that there's not going to be 315 squat cleans that doesn't mean that there's not going to be a max squat of some kind or a clean of some kind but i i told him this last week i think you should just cherry pick them all
Starting point is 00:31:35 look at quarters they look good you can do them okay do them yeah i agree when the semifinals workouts come out is it everything you can physically do safely go see if you can make the games enjoy it if not i guarantee you there's someone who would give the world for taylor to decide he doesn't want to do it and then that person gets a back full spot to semifinals jr what or john what is or any of you what is the format for quarterfinals like how does that how does that work do you have to do all do they how many workouts five workouts over six days they announce them all at once you have to submit one and two uh by friday three and four by sunday
Starting point is 00:32:19 and five by monday it's it's that might not be exactly it but that format is basically more or less that yeah i think can do whatever you want. I think it's Wednesday to Monday. I think you have Wednesday to Thursday, Thursday to Friday, Friday to Saturday. That three-day window for the first three, and then you have the next 48-hour window for the last two.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Do you think we could do that? Do you think we could fly someone in like Colton, keep him for a week and that he do all in stream two workouts a day or one workout a day for six days straight can we i think that's very dependent on the athlete i think some athletes especially with quarters like no i need to be where i'm most comfortable i need to wake up in my own bed i need to do my warm-up routine i need to use the same barbells you use i need because that's a different element of risk that's the development that's the advantage everyone has now at a certain level
Starting point is 00:33:11 though it's just like when jason tries to talk to me about playing basketball i'm like dude you can give me a kickball and a peach basket it ain't gonna matter with me and you right so with some some guys some guys that are that confident would might just say yeah why not it's not going to matter where i do the workout i'm still going to qualify i think jason would be cool with it yeah what about jason could we get jason and jr you think to do it taylor i i think jason what did i say oh yeah sorry sorry do you think we get tay and Jason to do it? I think it would have to be a collective agreement that, hey, what's the purpose of this? Is it to push Jason as much as possible? Is it to push Taylor as much as possible?
Starting point is 00:34:00 Is it to get as much exposure and eyes on? possible, is it to get as much exposure and eyes on? Because then it becomes an issue of, well, you got to come to me for the first three and then I'll go to you for the second two. Or I don't think either one of them are going to go to the other person's gym to do all five. I think if anything, it would kind of be split. So you don't think that it's a doable reenactment of what we did with Taylor Self versus the world? You don't think we can do that for the quarterfinals? I don't know. I don't want to speak for them, but it's a good idea. You'd have to line it up way beforehand,
Starting point is 00:34:32 I think. I wonder about if you get five different athletes. Say that again, John. Sorry, I was looking at Eric Wise's comment. If you want to get five different athletes, you'd have to line it up way beforehand. Five is too hard. I don't even get that comment.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Uh, I pay 24 99 a month for quarterfinal coverage like that. I, I would like to keep it really simple. Um, I know that, uh, the coverage is great for Taylor and great for Jason.
Starting point is 00:34:59 I know they enjoy it. I know they like the, uh, doing it for the community. I know, uh, it's great for, um, for, for, uh it's great for um for
Starting point is 00:35:05 taylor do for people who are interested in sentinel training to see hey this guy's the fucking real deal and i know jason loves the camera time i would think that there would be some way to pull it off i don't know i have no experience with what you're saying in regards to wanting home field advantage or to sleep in my own bed like i don't i don't understand i don't know the value of that or not know the value of that i as competitive as those guys are with each other and how much they remind each other daily weekly what their records are against each other at that point it's like dude it's not me for shoe it's me versus the entire Eastern North America. I have to maximize my score.
Starting point is 00:35:50 And it would come down to that. A lot of people would argue that if they do it in their own gyms alone, they're not going to be able to get as good of a result as if they do it in the other person's gym and they're racing. So the argument can be made there for sure. It depends on the workout too. And hey, Taylor doesn't even want to go to semifinals. He should have no problem coming, doing all of them at CrossFit Crash.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Let's see where his head's at after the quarterfinal workouts come out. God, that would be something else. Let's see how many people comment that he's still a bum. Let's see how many people say that he still couldn't make it. Because if there's one person in my life that I think is more vindictive than I am, it's him. Meaning he's fueled by that. Absolutely. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Wow. Gabe Epsey, Seve was homeless. No shit he doesn't relate to home field advantage. Douche canoe. Bum. Seve, I think you would actually have a huge advantage then if somebody came to your homeless home and then tried to do the workout.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Stay the night and whatever cardboard you're sleeping on and then had to do the workout. I think you'd have a huge advantage. Damn. Got a point. I'm just thinking I just would really like to pull this off.
Starting point is 00:37:23 It's been so fun. Could you do it in post? So it's like – No, no, no. No, live. Well, you could lead up to the last one's live. No, no, no. All right.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Live is what makes it. I appreciate you being solution-oriented, but no, no. This has to be – this has to be – I don't know. Let's talk – I think one of... Worst case, one of the three guys that did the Open are willing to do it.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Like, worst case. One of the three guys... You might get them all. I don't think you'll get them all. Either now or Jason or Colton. One of the three of those will do it because one of them will be of the viewpoint that JR alluded to at the start where it's like, it's just quarterfinals.
Starting point is 00:38:04 It's fine. One of them will have that level of confidence and we'll be like yeah fine just camp time we'll just put them i can get them all to do it and yeah yeah and all that crossfit crash and then you just have four man race every single workout and they just have a tournament oh my goodness i mean the way the gym is set out like all the ropes are exactly the same. They hang from the same point in the room. All the rigs have pull-up bars that are the exact same height where you could, you know, kind of create a square. I mean, all that stuff could be done. All the handstand push-ups areas are the same. All of them have plexiglass.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Like if they wanted to do something like that, it could easily be done. You always line up Colton next to Jason. Right. So you're saying CrossFit Crash can easily facilitate the event. Yeah, like there wouldn't be an issue of he's a little bit closer to this than I am. Or like the orientation of where the climbing rope is is more advantageous in this lane or on this side so i want to go on this side like that's the kind of stuff that people really care about in any kind of competition just repeat that again for bear hey people pay so much for that i feel i feel like so
Starting point is 00:39:17 many that you just put that for ten dollars and i have the four of them go at it every every quarterfinals workout just over the weekend and And their question is, how much is our cut? Well, that's fair. 50%. Split amongst the four of you. You don't speak for someone. That's true. Breadcrumbs.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Breadcrumbs. JR, are you suggesting that Taylor – Humble manipulation of words there are you the way you started that thank you thank you i'm but i pose it as a question are you suggesting that taylor self would have beat jason in 24.2 if the workout would have taken place at crossfit charlotte because of the home court advantage? Because if it was a tie… No, not at all. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:11 I had you in a corner, buddy. I had you in the corner. Had to take a shot. If anything, I think Jason would blow up less than he did. So then what you're saying is that it's not definitive that it would be a home field advantage. You're saying that Taylor could come there and still have some of the best workouts he possibly could do. Yeah, and you know, Jason, playing collegiate sports too, a lot of athletes say that away games are way more fun than playing at home. way games are way more fun than playing at home. They love going to someone else's environment where they feel comfortable
Starting point is 00:40:47 and hearing the crowds here for them and shutting the crowd up. Like there's nothing more sweet than that. So yeah. Doesn't seem like the type of thing that would appeal to Taylor. If we could pull that off, if we could pull that off, I think I would try to go to crash. So I could do like a live by live commentary.
Starting point is 00:41:03 I would love just to be there. We, we are pulling this off. I'd be fucking try to go to crash so I could do like a live by live commentary. I would just be there. We, we are pulling this off. I'd be fucking time to the book. We have to be sure. Tell me, tell me how it works. One more time.
Starting point is 00:41:13 The quarterfinals, they're going to, they give the workouts like one or two weeks in advance. How, how far in advance? No, no, no,
Starting point is 00:41:20 they'll, they'll get, they'll probably get the floor plans on the Monday of the competition. And then a couple days later, they'll get the workouts all given to them. And then they'll decide in what order they want to do them in. But they'll have to submit the first three, like event one, two, and three, in the first submission window. And then four and five in the second submission window. Okay, so that's another hiccup
Starting point is 00:41:45 to enjoy thank you caleb pulling us up the first window will be wednesday april 17th at 12 p.m pacific standard time until saturday april 20th and so you're saying in those 17th 18th 19th 20th they'll get how many workouts like three five five they'll get them all yeah you can do them all in that first window if you want and just submit them they'll you know here's the thing too though like you really have to think about stuff like this if i'm a competitor and whether i'm in the west or in the east and i know these dudes are going to go on at one o'clock and do this workout that at least gives me two scores that i already know that i don't have to wait on the blind leaderboard for that i can use as information to set myself up for more success
Starting point is 00:42:32 and the question is are those guys going to be cool with that or four scores if everybody does uh how but but don't these guys have a like a really good chance of just making it anyway? It's 10%. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're not putting them at risk of not making it. Taylor's the riskiest one of not making it. How close was Colton to not making it last year, or Jason or Dallin, to going to semifinals? Were they close at all?
Starting point is 00:42:59 No. Okay, let me ask you this. What about the order of the events? I like this. We're doing a live show as I organize this event. What about the order of the events? I like this. We're doing a live show as I organize this event. What about the order of the events? Is it going to be difficult to get them to agree on the order of the events? Because that's something we need to get them to agree upon.
Starting point is 00:43:14 No, because I think no. I don't think so because I think most athletes and most coaches, more importantly, unless it's a limitation that an athlete has that's unique to them. And it's like, Ooh, that's the one, like, that's the one that we need to do when you're really fresh, because that's the, that's the damage control workout. Unless there's something like that, most people will probably agree that this is the order you do it in. There's some conventional wisdom. Hey, this is the order to do them in that's best. Just for instance, when they did the other total two years ago and Jason and Taylor were here doing it and they did the four rep max front squat the year before.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Generally, everyone started with that workout. There were a few exceptions to the rule, but a lot of people did that workout and then they followed it with the sprint and then knowing that they could easily repeat the sprint at the end. If you gave all of them a veto, like gave all of them
Starting point is 00:44:18 one overruling pick, you'd get rid of that problem of he wants to do this one first and he wants to do this one first he wants to do this one first like you've already used your flag so you can't use it again just for uh reference sake um colton was 16th dallin was first and jason was 10th in quarterfinals and you need to be in what place did you need to be in to go top 60 you have to be top 40 this year okay oh and colton still not it's colton was 16th the difference between 16th and 40th though like in caliber of athlete is is insane uh sniffing
Starting point is 00:44:55 crotches is it is it the week after they open if i saw correctly it's it's exactly a month after so it's basically yeah team quarterfinals are first and then today's march 14th and it happens april 17th so about exactly a month wow what do you think the odds of us pulling this off rjr and by pulling it off i mean cooperation from the athletes oh athlete if we just talk about cooperation from like me oh yeah yeah both both all that stuff cooperation from you i would say for all four no we just need one we'll take two we'll take three for for one i would say it comes down to the sponsorship right because you got to fly them out their hotel pay
Starting point is 00:45:40 for their food that shit give them pocket cash yes i would say ring diamond ring for their girlfriend that shit i would say 80 for to get at least one to get all four 50 50 i would say for anybody i would say for anybody in the crossfit space currently to pull this off would be like well fuck i don't know maybe but i'd say for this group i would say it's nailed on certainty to happen and i'd also say for any brand or any sponsor obviously born primitive and ca peptides get first refusal of course but for any brand to look at this and see like like to even call a meeting and say guys you think this is a good idea is just fucking waste of time like you've proven the reach the the spectacle like everything has been proven on something that doesn't matter nearly as much
Starting point is 00:46:27 as the next stage. The show so far has been fucking incredible. Anyone that says maybe, no, it's happening. Pedro is sitting in for Matt Souza today as executive producer for the Semon podcast.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Any questions about bookings or how much money you want to pay us, please contact Pedro White. I take 48%. 10%. What's your email address? It's just coffeepodsandwads at I'm not very fancy. You should get Pedro White.
Starting point is 00:47:01 I bet you that's taken. Pedro White at Gmail. Does your wife ever call you Pedro? No, she never calls me. Alright. Tomorrow night's going to be a crazy night. Is Colton in town yet? He's at the airport.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Yeah, tonight. I think so. Let's call Taylor's call taylor right now right let's call yeah definitely call him but yeah what are the odds on this jr of him picking up yeah oh he'll pick up uh let's see taylor self uh let's see Taylor self 703 if not call Colton it'd be funny if they were together say his name again
Starting point is 00:47:51 say his name again say his name again 703 939 I think we want the rest of that he did that to me once I was like stop saying numbers most people don't answer strange phone numbers
Starting point is 00:48:15 but Taylor no one ever calls him so of course he's going to answer FaceTime Danny Spiegel Hey this is Taylor If you could leave your name and phone number Stupid I expect if he gets an unknown number calling him I expect he answers the phone like What?
Starting point is 00:48:42 Like I don't even imagine him saying hello He's just already pissed off. Who did? What? Did you hear that? That was so great. Why didn't you answer when the other number called? When fucking
Starting point is 00:48:59 Prescott, Arizona was calling me at 8.50 on a Thursday night. Listen, I'm calling you on the other line. Okay. That was funny. What? What? That was amazing, Peter.
Starting point is 00:49:14 That was supposed to be for someone who doesn't know. That's what I got. What? Hello. Oh, hi. Very cordial of you. Hey, right before you came on, Pedro goes, he's going to answer and say what? And you go, what? Hey, did you pick up the merchandise yet? Yeah, he's he's tucked in safe in his hotel.
Starting point is 00:49:36 And how was that? Can you give us a little like how that went? Like, how was that? Is he with his girlfriend or what's the deal? Is he with his girlfriend or what's the deal? No, no, he's riding solo dolo. Dude, I give him the fucking, treat him like a king, dude. It went great. What do you mean? So you drove him to the Motel 6. He checked in and good to go.
Starting point is 00:49:58 What are the plans for tomorrow? We're probably going to get breakfast, then hang out a bit maybe at the gym. I got computer work, so I told him I had some computer work, but not that I can't do that around him or hang out at the gym. So probably just going to pick him up in the morning at some point. We'll get breakfast and then go from there. And get at it. Hey, I got a question for you, Taylor. What do you think about doing quarterfinals the same way?
Starting point is 00:50:27 Oh, my God. It would be an amazing opportunity for me. That would be contingent upon me actually wanting to do quarterfinals or signing up, right? Tell them our idea. Okay, so let's say you did decide to do it. Would you have an issue doing it at CrossFit Crash? I don't want to do any of them. What three other guys?
Starting point is 00:50:55 No, let's say just one other guy. Any guys. Jason? Just good guys. Yeah, Jason could be one. Jason's a good dude. I don't want to spend seven days with Jason I'll tell you that But you don't have to
Starting point is 00:51:11 After the workout we'll separate you guys Before and after the workout we'll keep you separate from him I think it's more enticing with the four people What do you mean me, Gallen, Colton and Jensen? Yeah Wow what do you mean me yeah wow all at once every single workout we'll film everything
Starting point is 00:51:32 for the whole week you do realize the whole reason I have said I'm not competing this year is because there is going to be something that shows up that I'm not ready to do so my that's not is going to be something that shows up that I'm not ready to do. And then if you're not, we'll cancel. That's not how it's going to work, bro.
Starting point is 00:51:56 I mean, my only concern is that all that gets set up, I don't want it to be set up for me, because if it gets set up for me and then I can't do something, like you're, what's the, you know what I mean? What's the contingency there? No pressure. The show's named after you, Taylor Self versus the world. It's not a lot of pressure. We'll probably leak the workouts in advance anyway.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Hey, let me ask you this. Do you think your thoughts on this will change after tomorrow? I don't know. We'll see. Is tomorrow a big day for you? Tomorrow is a big day. Personally, just personally speaking. I think personally, yes. It's a big day personally.
Starting point is 00:52:35 All right, buddy. Love you. Sleep well. Thank you. All right. Love you guys. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Okay. JR, let's go back to this 80% thing. Yeah, I kind of thought he was going to be the easy sell I'll be totally honest I think he's stressed this is like a big test for him tomorrow no squat like a lot hey now that I think about it it must be a big deal that JR even brought it up must be a huge
Starting point is 00:52:56 like JR has been around him and like he knows tomorrow he's taking the knee out for it's first fucking debut in his mind I mean you heard that sincerity in his voice Tomorrow, he's taking the knee out for its first fucking debut. I mean, you heard that sincerity in his voice. Yeah, totally. Totally. Totally.
Starting point is 00:53:13 I've seen him do thrusters like this when I went to Charlotte a few weeks ago, and he looked strong. He didn't look nervous. You saw him with 135, Caleb? I think it was like 115, but it was a lot of thrusters. It was probably about the same amount as this one's going to be. Like, he... No bullshit.
Starting point is 00:53:30 He looks strong. I think like JR said, he just needs... Like, if tomorrow goes well, that phone call is very different. Exactly. God, tomorrow's good. God damn, tomorrow's good. Okay, so we have two big things happening tomorrow. It's Taylor versus Taylor, basically.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Like, tomorrow is Taylor versus Taylor basically. Like, tomorrow is Taylor versus Taylor, and then there's Taylor versus Colton going on, and then there's Taylor and Colton versus the world. Basically, their scores versus the world. So this thing's gotten a little more complex, more emotional. There's a lot on the line for Taylor tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:54:04 For sure. It's the kind of story that CrossFit would maybe want to tell. We are. Think of it. We're a proxy for CrossFit. It's too emotional for CrossFit, Pedro. There's too many layers. Too many R words.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Okay, guys. Tomorrow morning, I have Lindsey Cantu on from BirthFit fit it's going to be a great story uh for those of you who don't know sometimes i do shows that aren't crossfit related uh this is going to be one of them uh let's hit her on that one have a vagina or penis and um you've ever thought about using it to make a baby this is going to be the show uh for you even if you haven't thought about making babies probably going to be show for you. She is a amazing human being She's married to Lance can too. I don't know if he's still on the seminar stuff, but he's been around forever
Starting point is 00:54:49 I want to say he was in like probably the 2008 nine games So she will be on the show in the morning tomorrow's Friday, right? Yes, we're having a baby in like a month We I'll be present. I'll be in the room you'll be watching the vagina go from wrinkled to flat I fucking knew I shouldn't have brought that up
Starting point is 00:55:11 where are you going to stand um I'll probably kneel yeah so you'll be facing the baby I'll have my baseball glove ready this is number three. Fuck, I shouldn't have said that.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Get the scissors. Clamp. Awesome. Okay. And then right after that, we will go live probably 15 minutes prior to the face-off. Colton Mertens, one of the best to ever do it, Sevan podcast favorite with another Sevan podcast favorite, and he has his own show with JR every single day.
Starting point is 00:55:57 What's that called? It's an internal. No, on Thursdays. Weekly. Weekly. Thank you, thank you, thank you. What did you call it that one time? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:56:05 I always want to call it get with the programming, but that's Bill and Chase. Oh, it was something in Scrabble. Yeah. The host of shut up and scribble and Sentinel training, Taylor self. God,
Starting point is 00:56:17 it's going to be good. I almost don't want it to come. Cause I like, I want it to like, wait. Yeah. The anticipation. I want it to be over.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Yeah. Thank you. All right. Any final words, anyone anticipation. I want it to be over. Yeah, thank you. All right. Any final words, anyone? It's going to be fucking epic. All right. Thank you. That's wonderful.
Starting point is 00:56:36 That's how I feel. Okay. Thank you, guys. Tomorrow, 7 a.m. for the BirthFit show. And then think around 1 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, 115, 130, around there. Go ahead and check the YouTube listing, and we'll see you tomorrow. Love you guys. Thanks for all your support, and buh-bye.

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