The Sevan Podcast - Born Primitive CrossFit Games Update Show

Episode Date: March 9, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Is it on their YouTube channel? And the winner of 24.2 Golden Barbell goes to Justin Medeiros. Is that how you say his name? Medeiros.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Medeiros, yeah. It's a soft. I would have thought differently listening to Sherwood talk the whole time. It's not a hard R. It's a soft R. Welcome to the show. Exciting to have you guys here. Caleb in the lower left-hand corner.
Starting point is 00:00:57 John Young in the center from JY Barbell. Andrew Hiller from Hiller Fit. Tyler Watkins, the founder of the Heat One app and the CEO of a small team. Thanks for joining us. We just finished 24.2 announcement. They broke records again with 200,000 live concurrent viewers. The workout seemed to be, one of the things we'll talk about, seemed to be stacked a little bit outside of Colton's favor. There was a rower and people know that that's got to be one of Colton's weaker implements. Colton still did a tremendous job. It was in Justin Medeiros' gym at his house. The workout was 300 meters on the rower, 10 deadlift at 185 pounds for the boys,
Starting point is 00:01:44 50 double unders, as many reps as you can get in 20 minutes i thought the beginning of the show started off crazy strong i loved it i love to talk about wheel wad and mentioning them and their open show that will be at 2 p.m pacific standard time today so maybe it's it's going here uh maybe it already happened uh they highlighted uh the lady shaylin who's the fbi lady They talked about Valor Fit. They talked about nominations for the Golden Barbell, which I thought were fantastic because those were firefighters and maybe another FBI agent. I love this talk to the base and I love the workout. I love everything about it. I thought Seth Rollins absolutely killed it in the introduction. I enjoyed all of that. Thoughts, John?
Starting point is 00:02:26 Big picture thoughts on what you saw so far. As far as the announcement, I thought it went off fine. I am annoyed by this workout, but the announcement, I had no problem with it. Is it not heavy enough for you, John? Dude, it's the same as week one. We're just hinging, hinging, hinging, and that's it. We've tested hinging and jumping. That's all we're going to test in the one. We're just hinging, hinging, hinging, and that's it. We've tested hinging and jumping. That's all we're going to test in the open.
Starting point is 00:02:47 It has to be gymnastics in week three. If 185 deadlifts are the heaviest barbell that we see or the heaviest implement, then the open did not test strength one iota. I don't care if it's biased towards anything. Who are you talking about when you say it doesn't test strength one iota? If the goal is for Sevan to test his strength, then the Open is lost. No, no, that is what it's for. The quarterfinals are to test you, and the semifinals are to test Jason Hopper.
Starting point is 00:03:23 That's a pretty good point he's got right there john so the open is supposed to be a test for everybody right all the fish right jack so all of the fit there are strong fish that aren't fit enough to make quarterfinals too it's not just me but but here's but here's the thing the open so 66% of the open is hinging and jumping, there is not well-rounded at all. It's not even that it's strength. It's just not well-rounded at all. And it doesn't matter to me.
Starting point is 00:03:55 I do think there is some strength, and I think the metabolic capacity of the cohort of the 243,000 people is being tested at the highest level. And I think skills are being tested. Double unders? The double under and jumping over the dumbbell. Dude. Accuracy.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Well, the open back in the day was much better. That's all. Well, the open back in the day also ran five weeks. I will bring that back. Hey, is there anything, John, that you – It's freaking orange theory now. Like, it just – Oh, shit. It's so soft.
Starting point is 00:04:34 I'm sick of – like, it doesn't have to be super heavy. I promise. Like, I know it comes like I'm off as biased because I'm the strong guy, and that's what I'm the best – like, that's my best thing. Right. But if you – it has gotten softer and softer like it used to test strength and strength is 33 percent of fitness it's gymnastics okay let me ask and I understand conditioning is the most important part I understand it was good John when was the last year that you liked the open workouts as a whole? Go down the list and look.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Hold on one second. Hold on one second. Let me say a couple things to you, John, here real quick. Let me just feel you out a little bit. Let me get up under your shirt. Let me feel your titties a little bit. If the dumbbell would have been 70 pounds, would you have been happy? That's too heavy for the Open. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:22 So 60 pounds for the dumbbell? No, no, no. I think week one is fine that's a fine okay test sprinting okay let's go to week two there's someone there look at this fucking crazy comment deadlift should be 315 i think he meant dumbbells and like and like that's not what i'm saying either i just think it's a poor... What weight should the deadlifts be? What weight should the deadlifts be? 225. Okay. Ascending.
Starting point is 00:05:52 I would have no problem with ascending. I think ascending is what it should have been. That would have been the best workout. I, quite frankly, if it's all hinging and jumping in week one, it shouldn't be all hinging and jumping in week two. That's how I think. Because I know week three is going to be gymnastics gymnastics it's going to be pulling or pushing gymnastics because then we have and if it's not we haven't tested any skill at all except double unders um
Starting point is 00:06:15 i just think it's not i think the open it doesn't have to be super hard but it should be somewhat well-rounded and it's justrounded. This is the same thing as week one, just a 20-minute version of it with double unders. Welcome to the 24.2 CrossFit Games Update Show. This is brought to you by Born Primitive.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Use the code BPOPEN20 to get 20% off. Also go to Use code HILLER, H-I-L-L-E-R, or code Sevan. Thank you guys for supporting the show. Taylor Self vs. The World would not happen without these guys. They are the ones who are getting Colton Dallin and Jason Hopper to the venues and putting them up in a place to sleep and giving them a blow pop.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Andrew Hiller. This is sending. I love how simple the workouts are. I love how simple the workouts are. I love how simple the workouts are. Get my back. Help me beat John Young up. To answer the question, what was the last time I was happy? 2023 was great.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Oh, my goodness. You think crossovers is a smart move in the open? No. That was in quarterfinals. Quaterfinals. Oh, okay. Okay. Hey, is it possible that you're going to eat your words next week?
Starting point is 00:07:29 There's going to be a workout that comes out that just – Full scale. If it's pull-ups and if it's chest-to-bar and bar muscle-ups and then ascending weight thrusters, then I'd be happy. But if it's not – What I'm saying is if this is the heaviest barbell we're gonna have then the open didn't test strength at all okay uh caleb share with us what are you sharing buddy if this this is 23.1 if this is the workout that they do for 24.3 would you be happy no i don't
Starting point is 00:07:59 think it tested strength at all the cleans aren't the cleans aren't have 30 cleans at 135 this is still a conditioning test but you're adding more skills no no it tested skills and conditioning it tested strength zero i it doesn't it doesn't i'm just saying i think it should be well balanced at some in some way like you can make a gated strength workout what tyler just said like i think the the stimulus is still it's not well balanced stimulus but if it was ascending dead lifts they are testing strength and you have to be fit to get there right i have no like i think it should be you have to get fit to get there that way everybody can play it's accessible to everybody but so far i just and you know and maybe i'm wrong maybe i'm super biased and then i
Starting point is 00:08:47 and you know i'm i should i have a question for you john but i want to let andrew answer and then i want to go come back and talk to you about week three if there is something that could happen in week three like you mentioned that would fix everything andrew you have a very popular training system this is how i'm answering john young right now for your athletes hillary the way you train them do you think that this is a good test you train your athletes in crossfit with the hillary fit system is have the first two tests been been good for the open for what you think the open should be open absolutely um there's two things that I want to bring up that I've been thinking about while everyone's been yelling around.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Number one, at the end of, I think it was last year, what we were missing was that component of lung burning, laying on the floor, writhing around, dying. And we got that totally in week one. I think a lot of people can say that we got that. And then the best thing I've heard about this workout so far is that there's going to be people out there like Savon who can't do the deadlifts unbroken. There's going to be people out there who struggle with the double unders. And then I think it was someone on the earlier show said that it becomes a rowing workout for the people who can do the double unders unbroken and do the deadlifts as a second thought.
Starting point is 00:10:04 And if it's a rowing workout, then that for the top for the best of the best and it's then again it's just like another one of those workouts where you're gonna be laying on the ground writhing when you're done if you do it the right way it's like doing cindy the right way nothing slowing you down other than your metabolic conditioning which is why i brought up that chart and uh as far as your question goes is my program the best for that or are my people no are you are you happy for your clients like when you look at this oh yeah yeah they can do it they'll they'll succeed in it and i try to model it after what i would do when i was at the affiliate but i do believe in that pyramid uh and i'm not against that pyramid i just
Starting point is 00:10:42 don't think a weight lifting is further up on that pyramid. It's like right towards the top, which is sports specific. I think you are both right. Which is why I think you should be fit to get there. Like I think workouts like 16.3 and 17.3 or 16.2 and 17.3, that's how you should test strength. You have to be fit to get there. You don't get to be strong unless you're fit enough.
Starting point is 00:11:06 What if the double is worth 315? Does that work? Then I think it's a stupid workout. Yeah, it was a bad example. You're right. It's stupid. Tyler, your thoughts on the big picture of the presentation? I love the fact that they were talking to the bass.
Starting point is 00:11:21 I like the Seth Rollins intro. I thought if I had any criticism, I thought they took a little too long to get to the show. I liked it how they talked about all the age groups. What was your thought about the overall show? I just like that you asked me what my thoughts were and then just said my thoughts. Yeah, I love – I actually – I was worried that the seth rollings thing wasn't gonna pop off and it was a bit awkward to start but once he got rolling it it everybody seemed to loosen up and it was good i really did like the thing about shaylin um she's cool as hell so i was happy
Starting point is 00:11:57 that they put put the base stuff in there to speak to what john's talking about y'all hear the sirens yeah yeah i heard that. Sorry. It's nice to have everyone coming together. We expect that when you live in Alabama and every other house is a meth lab. It's Indiana now. The closer you get to Chicago, the worse it gets. All right. No, so to what John's saying is you're upset because it's not differentiating for the people that are really in the top 10%,
Starting point is 00:12:23 which is the base that you care about. And I feel that too. That's not necessarily why I'm upset. It's what you're articulating though, because essentially it does come down to a rowing workout and there's a pace at which you're going to hold when you're the top in the world. And, and like you guys were talking about earlier, Hopper's just going to be able to pull better than colton every
Starting point is 00:12:45 single time and so you can't dip workout doesn't it it doesn't it makes it a tall workout it's a rowing workout which is still conditioning to a certain hey look at the uh best rowers in the world they're uh they're big dudes it is a tall person's workout it isn't 100 they're not strong dudes as long as your arms aren't really short it is a tall person's workout at the highest level it sucks in that manner in that like guys like me it comes down or i won't say like me but better quite a bit better than me it comes down to your row and then if you don't trip on double unders and for me if a workout is down to you not tripping on double unders that kind of freaking blows um but for the remaining 75 of the open they're going to get exactly what hillar's talking about like it's going to be a good test for them they're going to ride around on the
Starting point is 00:13:38 ground if they go hard enough and the deadlift will be a test for some people they're really earning that 75 not if it was 10 front squats with 115 and 75 i would love it i would love it this workout yeah why because you're testing it's not just hinging and jumping they're squatting in there too and it's not just about strength it's not so much about strength but i think 10 reps at 115 on front squats will add up more than 10 reps of deadlift on 185 yeah people will slow more in the squat that's what i'm saying and you have a certain strength element would have to be there for you to continue to squat relatively fast or unbroken even yeah um i think it'd be hard for a lot of people just to go
Starting point is 00:14:26 unbroken with that i'm not strong and i'll be able to probably stay close to john on this one if you discount the row a little bit and that's i think that's what you're aggravated about that was a good that was a great explanation john by the way let me uh read this comment uh harry cox i'm totally with john but i think this is the way crossfit is going to move forward moving forward open will test engine quarters will add some weight and skill and semis will add more skill and weight i do like what john said though i i think that that's also a great workout i think the 115 front squat and the uh it would would be it would have been great uh daniel brandon complained on her stories about the open. Oh. Newsflash. I also want to say this about Seth Rollins.
Starting point is 00:15:07 The thing that works with. Jumping or the hinging either. Sorry. The thing that works with Seth Rollins is that he is a CrossFitter through and through. He's been doing it a long time. And the community, it's authentic to the community. He's one of us. And he's performing at the highest level level in his discipline he's the champion of
Starting point is 00:15:26 whatever that thing is that he does and i i just think it's absolutely fantastic i actually haven't seen anyone really complain about seth rollins have you guys no i thought that was great yeah okay uh can we go over and see let's go let's check out uh with the great daniel brandon it's kind of i also think it would have been a better race between Colton and Justin. That would have been a very good race between those two. I agree. I think, yeah, I agree. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Who wants people to sign up for the Open, right? Wrong. They want people. Right? This year's Open is giving me flashbacks to Rogue 2020 when Josh Bridges broke all of our backs. What?
Starting point is 00:16:14 I have to be so honest because... What did Josh Bridges do to Daniel Brandon's back? You should have seen the locker room footage. You haven't seen that yet? What is she getting at there? It's on the dark web. I think she's talking about the dumbbell snatches. The dark web.
Starting point is 00:16:32 I think she's talking about the dumbbell snatches and the deadlifts and the rowers. This is coming from someone who has a questionable back, right? She does. Okay. By the way, that one shot of her of her that one angle she kind of looked like inspector gadget you guys remember that cartoon yeah but i don't get it i kind of see what you're saying when yeah just because inspector gadget had a his lower below his eyes oversized yeah yeah yeah all right yeah uh rich haas uh watch your tone guys um let's i want to talk about uh specifically how
Starting point is 00:17:06 impactful how much the rower is going to affect this workout for the guys at the highest level so who are the best rowers in the men's space dallin jason and roman hopper sprayer spray same spray um yeah you guys said Travis Mayer's pretty good too. What's Phil Leahy not good at? What's he not the best at, Hiller? Come on. That's just in burpees over the dumbbell apparently. Are we going to see all
Starting point is 00:17:36 four of those guys in the top 10? Is that just a given now? James, Roman, Dallin, and Hopper? Not if they don't want to hurt. Hey, are we done with Daniel Brandon? I think. Not if they don't want to hurt. Hey, we don't want Daniel Brandon. I think so. Why do you want to say something about her?
Starting point is 00:17:49 No, dude, that was just like a two minute clip. We only played the first part and I paused it on us. Oh, okay. Context. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:54 There's a lot. It's a lot of rambling, but you're not watching it yet. You're going to watch it. Yeah. But as soon as she said it was like rogue and a blue out her back, I just discounted the whole thing. I was like,
Starting point is 00:18:04 all right, well, she has a Mac. I was just going to space it up. I can't say it's any better than that, but it soon as she said it was like Rogue and it blew out her back, it just discounted the whole thing. I was like, all right, well, she has a Magnus. I was just going to space it up. I can't say it's any better than that. Okay, here we go. I don't know. And this may get me canceled by CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:18:13 And I do support CrossFit and the people in CrossFit. But it doesn't mean I agree with everything they do. Okay. I really feel like they dropped the ball with the Open. I've got to be honest. If I put myself in somebody else's shoes who just does CrossFit for fun and they
Starting point is 00:18:33 enjoy the competitive atmosphere, they enjoy the community, I wouldn't sign up for the Open next year. Listen, pause. I don't think I would. This is crazy talk. She puts herself in a normal
Starting point is 00:18:47 person's shoes. They don't get any more normal than me. I'm telling you, the workouts have been perfect so far. Eddie Ift, he used to go on and on about the community. He was like, if I hear the word community one more time, and she used to say that.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Tyler, if you listen to that dude's show more recently, he goes, I know I've harped on the community, but I really hate you guys now because this show is not doing so hot. John, can you see my perspective why I think it's a great open? Why the majority of people
Starting point is 00:19:19 might think it's a great open? Because it's accessible? It's accessible. it's movements that are practiced in the affiliate um that you can push you you can push as hard as you want regardless of like you know how fit you are like like you get you get to sort of uh modulate modulate the pain uh sercox for normal people it's perfect for elite athletes it's probably boring it's i agree with you as an elite athlete putting herself in a normal person's shoes so she thinks it's boring it's perfect seracox i i agree with you sephon and i agree with sarah but what i'm
Starting point is 00:19:56 saying is i think in some way it should be a little bit more balanced than it is okay one more workout could do that for you though your that workout It was it could but you have to ball gymnastics. You have to cover to you know chest a bar ascending thrusters What was the other movement? muscle ups Something heavy. No. No you said you you made up a work Muscle ups and ascending thrusters. It doesn't have to be that exactly, but that would make it fine. It just seems like two very similar stimuluses in different time domains.
Starting point is 00:20:33 But when you say fine, do you mean like a 6 out of 10? Who are you talking to? You. You said fine. Oh, I mean, no, it'd be like a 7 out of 10. No. I think 2023 and 2022 were both
Starting point is 00:20:52 wonderful years. The openness cured loneliness successfully. So you don't think that there's... Can I address something really quick with the comments? You people that are saying – You people.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Yeah, you people. Take it. I said you people. Cancel. Cancel. That are saying you'll see strength in the quarterfinals. Calm down. I'm not just speaking for me.
Starting point is 00:21:18 I'm not worried about making quarterfinals, guys. You're not? I just think the Open should test everything in an accessible way that sepon is saying and okay i don't think that it hacks and it could save it in week three but it also could not as right now it has it says the two of the same things in different time domains uh let me let me say one more thing too about what daniel brandon said about being canceled It says the two of the same things in different time domains Let me let me say one more thing too about what Danielle Brandon said about being cancelled There's different rules for different people like boxers and rappers can say shit that other people can't say so Danielle You should know that you're kind of in this other what you you don't expects
Starting point is 00:21:59 You have a wider breadth of She's like a boxer or a rapper. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like people, I mean, she,
Starting point is 00:22:07 she did the middle fingers to the crowd. She set the bar really high for herself. She made a lot of room, no matter what came out of your mouth, you ain't getting canceled. No matter what you could be like, yo, I'd slap that bitch.
Starting point is 00:22:17 You can drop some racial epithets. It's okay. You're, you are our fucking Floyd Mayweather and, uh, and 50 cent mixed into one, you know? Yeah. Yeah. It's been said wherever they want, right? Who? You are our fucking Floyd Mayweather and 50 Cent mixed into one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Yeah. They can say whatever they want, right? Who? Comedians. Yeah, comedians. Yeah, she's part comedian too. I can see that too. It's all comedy.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Yeah. What do you mean you people, Black John? Okay. Okay. So we are done with daniel we are done with dan with done with daniel now i want to talk about is this just a rowing workout for the best guys in the world is that what it comes down to this is just a rowing workout and like tyler said executing the double unders without error and even that we saw as long as you have a coach there to switch switch out your rope you're good to go what do you mean we'll get to that caleb i agree with tyler i think it's a rowing workout for the best
Starting point is 00:23:10 in the world hey have you thought about that john what i mean regardless of what you throw at it as the other two movements it's still going to be a rowing workout maybe that was the point are you thinking maybe they should have just had it be a 20 minute row am rep you might as well could have done that sure uh but i mean double unders double unders well no double unders will stop a lot of people like as far as like the people in sepon land there's your skill there's a lot of people it's just really soft man people need to get out people need to be more skilled then is all I'm saying. How are your double unders? They're horrible.
Starting point is 00:23:50 I haven't done a double under in five years. I mean, I'll get through them. Sevan, can you do 185 pounds 10 times? Yeah. I suspect if I make it through the first round, the second round I'll be able to do the 10 unbroken. You have front squats with 115. I don't think it's just a rowing workout. I think those front squats play a role some in some capacity john if it's if it's if it's crossover single
Starting point is 00:24:09 unders and 225 deadlifts is it better or worse he hates crossover singles i mean i would say i'm trapping you just so you know i would say better it can't be because you and daniel brandon and jumping still yeah but it's more skills the deadlifts would use it would be more deadlift so strength is involved a little bit more and everyone's still going on broken the whole time john's been very articulate not tyler's level okay john's been very articulate he wants more john's been very articulate. He wants more. John's been very articulate and I appreciate it. He wants more skill and he wants more strength. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:24:48 what was the third piece? He wants front squats and more gymnastics. He wants more gymnastics, more strength and, uh, and more. And I don't forget what the other one is, but,
Starting point is 00:24:57 but you've been clear. You, it's not one particular thing that's bothering you. You wish that just everything was harder a little bit. No, that's not it, guys. What if it was 19.1? What was that? What was 19.1?
Starting point is 00:25:12 I'd like 19.1. Yeah, if it was Rokal and Wall Ball, I wouldn't be as upset. It's still just an aerobic workout. Because you're going to blow up on the Wall Balls eventually. It's not the same stimulus. Doing those Wall Balls unbroken is hard for a lot of people. That's squatting and shoulders. I do like that workout better.
Starting point is 00:25:29 That's squatting and shoulders, and then the row is an aerobic element. I wouldn't be mad at all if it was 19.1. So for you people that think I'm a biased person for saying that this is trash, it's not. That workout would be fine. You're wrong about that too because then the workout would go from a tall person workout to a giant man's workout
Starting point is 00:25:48 from everyone over 510 to everyone over 6-1 Taylor's face what it would look like if they announced that for him versus Hopper or like imagine being Colton out in the middle of the ground by 50 of Justin Madera's closest friends,
Starting point is 00:26:05 and he's just there with his chick. Doing wall balls. All right, what's the workout? Son of a bitch. Speaking of soft, let's talk about that for a second. You drag a guy out from a pig farm out to Idaho. His mom just passed away. You put him in the enemy's gym with 50 of his closest friends and family
Starting point is 00:26:25 and you give him a workout that has something that i argue is the worst thing in the world for short uh crossfit uh competitors the road uh is that not even worth mentioning because it's like hey quit being a pussy speaking of soft no excuses that's fucked up mean, it's a lot, dude. It's a lot. He comes in with a handicap already. I mean, it's not for a good show. Are you insinuating you think CrossFit did that on purpose? They're like, Rower, Medeiros.
Starting point is 00:27:00 You think that CrossFit killed Colton's mom the week before? Jesus Christ. No, I'm not suggesting they did it on purpose. Well, no, here, they had to have done it on purpose. I'm not suggesting. They had to have because they chose Colton and they knew the workout. Rambler, no. What did Rambler say?
Starting point is 00:27:22 Short man last week, tall man this week. Yeah, I'm not upset about it, but I think that those are some things worth noting. Will Colton have a world-class time in this? Yeah. Top 300, is that world-class too? Yeah. I'd say he sits there, top 300. Will Branstetter, Caleb is canceled for that. I'd say he sits there. Top 300. Will Branstetter.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Caleb is canceled for that. More cops coming to the meth lab. Yeah, that's them right there. Who wins? Fikowski or Medeiros? One v. one. Fikowski. Fikowski.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Who wins? Oh, you mean between those two? Yeah. Because at which rate it is just totally a tall man workout. Who takes it? Fikowski, Fikowski, or Hopper? Hopper. Wow. Who takes it, Hopper or Taylor Self?
Starting point is 00:28:18 Hopper. Self. Hopper. Tyler. I'm going to say Self. I i'm gonna go with hopper too so the three on top are hopper the two on the bottom are self uh why do you think uh jason hopper wins this uh hillar last week i was kind of harping on anybody who thought that dylan had a chance against taylor and uh this week i'm gonna feel the same way about anybody who takes taylor over hopper on this workout for the same reasons.
Starting point is 00:28:46 We know that Colton wouldn't have beaten Justin. Will they? It's a workout. Hey, will they get? 608. Taylor, what's yours? 612. It's like, yeah, that's good, but it's not 608.
Starting point is 00:29:00 James Sprague is 603, I think. It's something. So Sprague beats Hopper. There you go. When they do this born-permitted CA peptides 24.2 CrossFit Charlotte open tomorrow at 4 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, will they get to choose their setups? Or will they have to use identical setups?
Starting point is 00:29:19 That was such a crap. Oh, my God. That was the worst part of the open announcement. Tell me why. Their roles face the broadcast, so they're was the worst part of the open announcement. Tell me why. They're always going to face the broadcast, so they're way at the back of the shred shed. And you could see that Colton was trying to navigate. That's another thing he had to do.
Starting point is 00:29:32 He's shorter, and he's got shorter legs, and he's navigating his way around the shred shed so he can face the camera so that the broadcast is good. But the way Taylor had Bryson doing it is perfect. It's rower, rope, so you get off you go back and you're just in this little nook the whole time that's why you do it itself is the reason why they should redo the workout because yeah transition time yeah noah's already posted himself beating them and noah's not an amazing rower damn he beat them yeah man 15 reps he got four deadlifts in the he got four deadlifts they were on the
Starting point is 00:30:08 he got four deadlifts in the 11th round it's on youtube already good that's that's gonna beat him with this setup too where's he doing his double unders he'll just do them like right next to it hey is that on the Is that legit? No. You could do it that way, right? No, his knees are outside of his elbows. Huh? Your hands have to be inside, or your feet have to be inside your hands, don't they? Yeah, this is just barely good, I'd say. No.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Now do your double unders on the rower seat paulson ben smith 14 rounds so so let me let's talk about some positive things there's no there's no layout so you can't fuck up there right that's simple clean movements no ascending ladder don't have add weights. Don't have to worry about that. Don't have to film that stuff. Doesn't cause more stress or more complication. Very simple workout. Positive. Unless you ask John. Why won't James Sprague be in the top 10 in the world on this, John?
Starting point is 00:31:19 I think he can be. Hiller, will James Roman... Roman probably wins. I don't think Roman can be. Hiller, will James Roman... I don't think Roman cares enough. Then you win, then. I can't control how much they care. Yeah, I can't either. You can't?
Starting point is 00:31:41 Betting on the open is rough. Betting on the open is rough. That's why I think Hopper will beat them both because he'll want to beat taylor they will push each other they will push each other where if you know you're gonna go i think roman's gonna go hard it's score is gonna be elite but like do you really want to hurt to have the top scorer you know colton knew he was gonna kill everybody by 20 seconds i don't think roman knows he's going to beat everybody by 20 seconds. I think there are five guys that have the potential, and it's just out of those five, who cares the most?
Starting point is 00:32:12 Does Taylor know? Is Taylor nervous? Do you think Taylor knows that he's the underdog here? Yeah, he knows. He does know. And is it because of the rower? Yep. Yep.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Yeah, I'm not worried about literally any any other piece of that workout taylor's fine even the transitions i say he has an edge on hopper a little bit but the row is going to take i mean even if he's off by two seconds around that's a lot of time uh patrick clark uh double unders are slower cycle time for taller athletes we did not did did we see that not if you practice them travis mayer and sam quant have some of the fastest double under cycle times in the whole crossfit world and they're both taller people uh in the middle of the workout we saw um or somewhere in the workout we saw justin madaris coach adam knifer go out and do something to his rope. Later it was reported that he swapped his rope out because the handle fell off.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Could we go over to Andrew's Instagram account? Have we gotten any verification on that? Have you guys heard anything? And if it was that the handle fell off, do you think it's legit to have his coach go in there and replace it? Oh, absolutely not. Okay, here goes Andrew hiller's instagram account and here's my my 10 round score these guys still looking at them
Starting point is 00:33:34 they still just did off that at 6 35 so cold that's all right he probably was able to swap out that handle in less than like a minute and a half he put a new rope out there is what i heard oh okay that would be crazy pit team shit if he did that so that was directly in the middle of the workout can anyone confirm that in the comments what happened there has anyone heard how do you think that should have been handled uh andrew i mean justin should have been prepared with another rope that he himself should have had to have gotten that's kind of what everyone has to do it's like if your shoes become untied you tie them adam knyfer can't come and tie your shoes while you're sitting on the rower so so he should have like you're saying elite athletes if you're doing this and you only want to do it once have
Starting point is 00:34:23 a second rope right there in case your first rope has everybody always needs a second rope or you stop the freaking workout unfortunately it's being live stream broadcast and you can't do that but if your rope goes to crap in the middle of your workout you just restart uh brandon s there is a better clip of it okay tell us where we'll show it here i think i have the how how do you feel about it because like from a viewer standpoint you can't stop the workout if you're if you're dave or somebody and be like hey hold on this whole thing's screwed up like from a filming perspective seven this is the exact same foot is it
Starting point is 00:35:01 yeah it's just him you can just see he's doing something with it, basically. You can't really tell that it's removed. You can see he looked at the handle. You can see he looked at the handle. So he saw something wrong. Here, I have another question. I wonder if Justin said something to him or if Adam Knifer noticed it.
Starting point is 00:35:22 I tagged Hector in this because this is where I saw it first. I don't know adam was in justin's ear the whole time so hector's getting free i don't think you make him redo it i think if anything you give him a penalty i'm but i do think something has to be done i don't if the rule if the rule is that no one can touch your rope then no one can touch your rope how do you assess that touch your rope. How do you assess that penalty, though? I mean, that's just how some people do the workout, just like Dan Bailey did in that garage when he missed a clean. If you don't do it right, you've got to redo it.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Oh, that's interesting. As opposed to just adding three seconds for Dan. Right. What happened to John? He made him sad he quit. He went to go lift some heavy weights. Yeah. He went to go bear down for a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:36:12 We haven't gotten any official word on that, right? No one knows anything. Nothing's been said by CrossFit. No. I haven't seen anything. Will Branstetter, from the perspective of the open announcement, they did the right thing given there wasn't another one out there regardless of whether there should be a penalty or whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Here's the thing, though. Now moving forward, every athlete should have two ropes. That can always be the case from the beginning. But I mean right out there on the floor. Jen Smith. Matt Fraser's got two ropes out there, I bet. Jen Smith used to do that every single Open. When we were at Maximus, she would have like three ropes,
Starting point is 00:36:48 and I was like, you're never going to need these. And then one broke, and she grabbed the other one. Mm-hmm. Braille and tender. As a coach to world-class athletes, I would have taken my athlete's rope away to teach them a lesson. Just jump, you idiot. I bet you Colton had two ropes.
Starting point is 00:37:08 I wonder if the boys tomorrow will do that. Now that they've seen that, I wonder if Taylor and Jason will be smart enough to have a second rope nearby. For sure now. I wonder how much the rush or the situation gets to the athletes because we've seen two mistakes in two weeks.
Starting point is 00:37:28 They find it out almost immediately and then go into it. This is the real question. Is the Heat One app – this one's for you, by the way. If you haven't downloaded the Heat One app, it's not too late. The winner will receive $1,000, the winner who chooses the right winners for the Open. Is Heat One going to give Justin a DNF? The winner will receive $1,000. The winner of the, who chooses the right winners for the open. Is he one going to give Justin a DNF?
Starting point is 00:37:54 We're going to defer on CrossFit's basis on that one until we have more news. Okay. So that is what you guys do. You guys don't make your own decisions. You just do whatever the body does. Cause like with Yona and Pat, they tied and it's like we do and so we just put yona pat and and dallin in week in week two um yeah i don't know we haven't come across that many situations if something crazy happened i'd probably do it if it was the right thing to do
Starting point is 00:38:20 i'm gonna need video evidence of this one what's this one uh this is if you see adam in the blue yeah uh he's bringing justin a jump rope from the from one side to the other he just kind of walks around he's got okay and he's like unraveling this is better oh okay so he knows at this time justin's rope already compromised, and he knows it. Yeah, I see. And hey, I'm guessing that Adam got clearance for this. Look it, there's Boz. Look it, there's Boz.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Get the fuck away from Justin or else. So he probably wouldn't have asked him. Great sleuthing, Caleb. Lady 2742, my dead grandma can lift 185 well thanks uh wad zombie i bet tia brings more than one set of grips now frog grips uh up to there he's clapping and is this when the rope goes out okay and so adrian was there witnessing the whole thing so we have to assume hold up he was also there for the start of last week where
Starting point is 00:39:34 they're all facing the wrong direction oh there is there is an extra element to this because it's like it's not as easy for them to yes he should have had the rope it's like it's not as easy for them to. Yes, he should have had the rope out there, but it's not as easy for them to get around the room. You know, maybe they would have had to get in their bag at an affiliate or something. And that's way harder to do in this situation. I'm just trying to think arguments for CrossFit at this moment. Here's the here's the thing. Maybe that's something that needs to be added to the rulebook
Starting point is 00:40:05 like hey no no one can touch it no matter what even if there's a malfunction at which point you have to you have to be prepared for such things like that remember last year where roman's rower screen was touched and that was a big deal right now there's no rule there they're making the rulebook simpler which i think is is good, arguably, but it's confusing. You couldn't touch it, and this year, if you don't have someone touching your rower, you're screwed. In the middle of the stream earlier, Bryson had Taylor running back and forth to reset the monitor for him.
Starting point is 00:40:36 If you're in the garage by yourself, you are at a deficit from the jump. It also says you have to start from zero every time, so you can't set the thing up to count down for multiple rounds. It's have to start from zero every time, so you can't set the thing up to count down for multiple rounds. It's going to take five seconds every time. Yep. Tomorrow at
Starting point is 00:40:51 4 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, you will see Taylor Self, who put on the show of shows last week against Allen Pepper, America's Fittest Man, go against Jason Hopper over at CrossFit Crash. J.R. Howell's gym, home of the Crash Crucible. It's going to be a war between these guys.
Starting point is 00:41:10 I think they are going to be neck and neck the entire race. Hiller, how do you see this playing out from beginning to end? At the end of it, it's going to look exactly like Colton and Medeiros, but with Hopper in the lead by just a smidge, you're going to see it like slowly build. He's going to just get a little bit every single round. Like it's a rowing workout. And so when you say it looks the same,
Starting point is 00:41:36 Medeiros had the lead the entire time. You're saying Hopper will have the lead the entire time. Slowly gets ahead. And then the lead can only come back if you make a mistake. So unless Hopper like pulls the Achilles only come back if you make a mistake. So unless Hopper pulls his Achilles or something, he's in a win. Or trips five times, and Taylor never trips. Right. Tyler, do you think you picked Taylor Self to win this?
Starting point is 00:41:54 Do you think Taylor will have the lead the entire time? Do you think he'll get off the rower first and never look back? Yeah, if you just look at math, I think what you guys are saying, that Hopper will pull out, makes sense. But Taylor has the wind on his side he has everything to gain and everything to prove and taylor only has things to lose and that i think that stress will get to taylor more than it gets or to jason more than it gets to taylor so uh john young you think we'll have any back and forth in tomorrow's race no i agree with what andrew said i think. I think it'll look a lot like Colton and Justin.
Starting point is 00:42:28 I think it'll be the same as Colton and Justin, but one round more. A whole round? Yep. I think Jason will be on the rower in the round 12, and Taylor will get there 100 meters after, or 50 meters after. Oh, okay. So you're not saying he almost laps him. You're saying.
Starting point is 00:42:47 No, no, no. That's what I'm saying. I think, I think, I think Hopper will be one. I think Hopper and Taylor will be one round ahead of Colton and Justin. Oh, okay. I thought you were saying Jason in relation to Taylor. No, no, no, no, no, no. They're going to be one round ahead of Colton and Justin.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Same scenario, but Hopper's Justin and Taylor's Colton. Just one round more. Understood. I think Taylor's going to come out hot. I think Taylor's going to come out hot and get off the rower first. He's too smart for that. It'll be the other way around and Taylor will win. It's 20-minute minute cardio who's best that's that's not
Starting point is 00:43:29 a different thing would be probably the best on a bike for 20 minutes but not the rower so it's a training and who's the best there the answer is james sprig right who's better than james at this distance row i think roman's probably the best of this distance row but it's roman james hopper and probably dallin they're all within five seconds of each other i i think roman is the best rower at this distance but but again within five seconds hey just because i want want Taylor to win doesn't mean he's going to win, all right? Yeah, you picked Hopper already. I already did pick Hopper,
Starting point is 00:44:12 right? Anyone else who says Taylor's going to win is because they want him to win. That's bad. It's an emotional pick. Right. Wow. I'm an emotional picker. Yeah, okay. Wow. What do you think about this? Hunter McIntyre smokes the mall. Do you think that is true? I've said this 65 times, and it's true. It's absolutely true. Oh, what do you think about this? Hunter McIntyre smokes them all. Do you think that is true? I've said this 65 times, and it's true.
Starting point is 00:44:27 It's absolutely true. On double unders, I say he trips. There's no way he's that good at double unders. No, no. He is a weak sack of shit right now. Doesn't matter. He's that much better at rowing. I think Hunter would – I agree 100%.
Starting point is 00:44:39 185 is like his max deadlift at the moment. No, he's a good deadlifter. For him. That's a's a good deadlifter. For him. That's a better one of his. I think he's knocked over by a strong breeze these days. Damn. Hiller, do you like this workout for yourself?
Starting point is 00:44:58 Are you going to do good at this? Yeah, I like this workout. Will you beat Bryson's time? Bryson Del Monte's time? I should be able to beat Bryson. He was in the 9.5, right? 10 rounds. No, no, no. He was 9 plus 22.
Starting point is 00:45:12 10 plus 22. I think I would be just shy of 10 when I do it. No, he was 10 plus 22. He was 9 plus 22. 9 plus 22. He was in the 10th round. He was in the 10th. Yeah, doesn't that make it 10 plus 22. Nine plus 22. I haven't been in the 10th round. He was in the 10th.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Yeah. Doesn't that make it 10 plus 22? No, you have to finish in the 10th round. I want to be the 100th fittest woman on this workout. The 100th place finishing woman. That'd be my goal on this. That's your goal.
Starting point is 00:45:37 If I only get beat by a hundred chicks, that's cool. I figured that's just me spitballing a number out here because the men clearly have an advantage on this workout uh what about yellow host uh and uh feikowski yeah yellow host is somebody we haven't been talking about like he very well could be i don't know his road time series because i know everybody else's but his endurance is great and he's 6'3". Fergie. Fergie show. Hafthor does five rounds before his heart explodes.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Can Hafthor do double unders? I don't know. He did boxing. That's a lot of hang time for that guy that big. I know, but he was really into boxing. So maybe. I don't know. All right. I didn't say this. I don't know. All right.
Starting point is 00:46:25 I didn't say this. I don't think that's what I said, but I see how it could have been misconstrued that way. Get beat off by 100 shakes. You said that would be cool right after that. If I only get beat by – yeah, I didn't say off. I think we can wrap it up here I think we got
Starting point is 00:46:46 the big shows tomorrow go ahead Tyson's gonna murder this workout Tyson Bajent yeah I'm pretty excited to see what he gets on this I asked him how many double unders he can do on broken he said he's confident with like 200 to 250
Starting point is 00:47:04 and then I also know that his best 5k row is right around 18 minutes so for an nfl quarterback he's gonna do pretty well in this workout will he beat you i freaking hope not but it's possible it's always it's crazy that it's got the length on you. Yeah. This is a good workout for Hitler, too, though. Thanks, John. Hey, shout out to Will. Look at those shoes down there. That's cool as hell.
Starting point is 00:47:35 I know it's just a small ad, but that's dope. There it is. You mean how it goes over to the – yeah, thank you. Yeah, that it's embossed on the screen like that, that's cool. That is cool. I appreciate you recognizing that. This is my second pair of these, guys. These shoes are great. I'm going to wait this time.
Starting point is 00:47:52 I don't know what we're doing tomorrow morning. We will be live at 7 a.m. I am going to try to get together a crew to do a live news show tonight. It will be a very quick show, 15 minutes, but I'm not sure. The news, the most reliable news in the world. Also, tomorrow, so we'll have a show tomorrow morning. I have no idea what we're going to talk about. And then we will be here at 4 p.m. for the Born Primitive CrossFit Charlotte 24.2, along with, open. It's not going to let you down. I do suspect if there's ever been shit talking in an open while it's going on,
Starting point is 00:48:32 we will see it tomorrow. There is some weird tension between these boys. They are friends, but shit gets squirrely. Be prepared tomorrow. You don't want to miss it. Any final words, Mr. Tyler Watkins? I'm stoked. Go make your picks and heat
Starting point is 00:48:49 one for Taylor versus Jason. Mr. Hiller fit? Good. Caleb? Use BP Open 20 for 20% off on Born Primitive. Thank you for paying the bills, Caleb. By the way, also, if you want to get 25% off at North Face,
Starting point is 00:49:06 you can take a DEI equity test. Have you guys seen this? No, this is real. This is real. And you can take their DEI equity test, and as long as you acknowledge that some races have it easier than others, you can get 25% off at North Face. John, do you have any final words?
Starting point is 00:49:23 Yeah, I know I think that Hopper is going to win, but I so hope that Taylor wins just so I can hear the trash talk that he has for Jason afterwards, because that will be epic. If a fight breaks out, Jr will be there to break it up. Anything is possible. Love you guys.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Bye. Bye.

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