The Sevan Podcast - Born Primitive CrossFit Open 24.2 REACTION

Episode Date: March 9, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Only two people competing in the announcement. So I'm just telling you this, CrossFit, I better be getting a $500 gift card to go rough.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Is that what that was saying? It was saying first place gets the golden barbell, second place gets the $500, blah, blah, blah. First place amongst normal-sized human beings what do i get for that awesome uh welcome to the show guys we are live uh watching along with you we are watching 24.2 we have taylor self the second place finisher from last week's 24.1 open uh and he is uh the owner and founder of sentinel training we have jr howell crossfit crash he runs the crossfit crucible he runs the crossfit crossfit crescendo we have caleb you know he is bill grundler coming out of crossfit inferno former games athlete if you don't recognize
Starting point is 00:01:20 us welcome to the show if you do recognize us i'm'm sorry, but we're the best you've got today. We are, I think, minutes away from them actually starting. They started five minutes early today. Do we know why they started five minutes early? No, I didn't. Because they're fired up. They're excited. And I understand that.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I wanted to start five minutes early, too. Do we have, what are the expectations here, Taylor? Who, what are the expectations of the workout? What do we expect who to win? Um, I, from a programming analysis standpoint, I have not been doing anything. I have to, I have to make a hard transition when I'm like, when I'm on the line, when my asshole is on the line, I have to make a hard transition from trying to dissect workouts and whether or not they're good or not to just, what do I need to do to do well? So I can't speak to that. I do expect Colton to destroy Justin.
Starting point is 00:02:13 That's my hope and my expectation. And ladies and gentlemen, always expected to be late to the party because he is the senior analyst in the CrossFit space and his head is larger than large. John Young from JY Barbell, he comes and goes as he pleases. Please treat him with the respect he deserves in the chat.
Starting point is 00:02:34 JR Howell, expectations of the workout and the winner? I think it's hard to beat Colton in the Open. Looks like they're announcing it now. I expect there to be at least one thing monostructural and a barbell. So maybe double under and barbell, row and barbell. What's monostructural mean? Just like, what does that mean?
Starting point is 00:02:56 Like just like running? Yeah. For this venue, I would say only double unders in rowing. The WWE champion, Mr. Seth Rollins, is now making the announcement. He's standing between Justin and Colton. He's not as tall as I thought he would be, or Colton's gotten taller. It looks like Seth Rollins is about 6'5", 11", or 6' tall. Because Justin Medeiros, I think, is 5'5.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Colton's 4'11. It's a good thing he's got the man bun, is what I'm saying. My cortisol is through the roof right now. Yeah, I want to vomit. I think Seth's probably my height. In the back there behind Colton, you can also see Adam Neifer. That's Justin's coach.
Starting point is 00:03:42 I forget the other gentleman's name, but he's Justin's strength coach. He was on the show. Does anyone remember his name? Jesse Buffano. Right. Thank you. I don't... There's Justin's parents in the audience. The Medeiros.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Oh, there's your favorite athlete, Sebon. It is pronounced Medeiros. Medeiros, not Medeiros. There's the young up and comer in the background also Trista Smith who was a guest on the show SPM for the John Young for doing whatever he wants thank you I was here 10 minutes early
Starting point is 00:04:16 and nobody was here and then I was confused when we were going on and then I had computer troubles you can blame whoever you want you're the king John you can blame whoever you want you're the king john you can blame whoever you want we all take the blame for you uh mr grunler uh expectations for the workout and who is going to win hold on you're missing it right now okay i hear rowan i hear deadlifts 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Knew that was coming. Well, we were pretty close. I was thinking deadless maybe, John. We were talking about that the other day. Whoa. Whoa. Oh, this is going to blow. This is going to hurt so bad.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Why? 300 meters? 300 meters. 300-meter deadlift. I thought he said 300. 300-meter row. Did he say 300 or 350? I thought he said 300.
Starting point is 00:05:17 15 deads. Oh, he said 15? 10 deadlifts. Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on. Who knows the workout? Right here, I see it. 300-meter row, 10 deadlifts. Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on. Who knows the workout? Right here, I see it. 300-meter row, 10 deadlifts at 185, 125, and 50 double-unders, as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Okay, one more time, 300-meter row. 300-meter row, 10 deadlifts, 185, 125 is the weight. Okay. And then 50 double-unders. And, yes, I'm going to be wrong be wrong and i'm gonna get ridiculed but it's literally been 30 seconds good scores good score is 10 rounds one minute for the row 30 seconds for dubs 30 seconds for deadlifts if anyone can hold that that's gonna be a good score and you know what like honestly going to that 300 meter row that took like colton's not out of colton's not out of it being the short guy in this one.
Starting point is 00:06:09 That little knock in the pawn off, that got switched because the 300-meter row, that evens the playing field up a lot, I think. The time that you're going to be on there is going to be a lot less. And the deadlifts? Well, and I think just from a a range of motion standpoint whatever you know whatever ground justin can make up on the row colton will probably close the gap on the deadlift so it should be pretty balanced you think you can cycle double unders faster because he's yes double under the double under cycle speed matters but what i will say i think that it's the initial reaction to say oh it's pretty balanced because it's only 300 meters in the row i don't necessarily agree because across
Starting point is 00:06:45 the course of 20 minutes, you're spending 10 minutes on a rower and how much easier it is for Justin or how much easier a workout like this is for someone who's bigger, just, just way less effort spent on the rower than the other move. The 185 deadlift and the double under are so, uh, this is a rowing workout for all the best athletes in the world. A hundred percent, I think and double under cycle speed, barbell cycle speed. But you're never going to think about picking up that barbell. Taylor, if you're someone who tends to blow up just from all the grip, from all the pulling, what sense do you think it makes if the row is more valuable to just pull singles the entire time on the deadlift?
Starting point is 00:07:20 on the deadlift. Man, you're evaluating, you're asking for like an evaluation for probably a middle of the road athlete. Your normal person is doing the open. I would think if you... Like, do you think going a cluster of five touch and go plus five singles would actually allow most people
Starting point is 00:07:43 to transition faster and row harder throughout the whole tournament. Potentially. But the thing is you have to have crazy good discipline on a barbell to get away with doing singles on deadlifts. Also, it's going to be really hard for most people to hold a really uncomfortable pace on the rower for this. I did.
Starting point is 00:08:01 I just think that that 300, like if someone, if the better rower pulls five seconds faster on the row, I just think that that five seconds could be made up on the doubles, on the transitions, on the deadlifts. But actually to your point, to your point, JR, I think singles, that would definitely save your, save your back, save your pull. But I don't, I don't think that it's enough. I just don't think that you're going to feel that pull with this light weight of a deadlift not for these guys
Starting point is 00:08:29 anyway sure sure and in singles versus like unbroken on that 185 i mean i'm an old cat and i would look at the 185 and if there's going to be a break there would be one break minimum or maybe maximum on that yeah and something else too i mean like if you row 145 versus a 150 you're you're not gaining that much ground when it's when it's not for calories and it's for meters the amount of output extra that you're putting in you're really not getting that rate of return unless you're at the most elite level which these right let me let me ask you some questions um if you were to these three movements we start with the row then we go to the deadlift then we go to the double under which one is uh in the order is going
Starting point is 00:09:11 to be the most telling for this workout for these two guys it seems like you guys are in agreement it's going to be the row right row 100 okay yeah it'll be the row but it'll be like if colton can just keep up on the rower colton will win this and then what second what second of the two deadlift or a double unders then what's the next uh most telling okay so then i would say honestly i would say deadless or last i would say the double under is because of the the time that you're on it you have to do those to really keep your your pace you got to keep them unbroken and the unsppoken, what about transition speed? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:49 No, that's what I'm saying. I think 15 minutes into this, who just immediately grabs the bar and the deadlifts? Like when I say deadlifts, I'm talking transition. Oh, yeah. Grabbing that bar is what I'm talking about. Well, then if you're going to go that way, you're right. You guys are right. It would be row first, then it'd be your transition speed speed because that's what it's going to be in between on
Starting point is 00:10:06 everything okay and then what about errors uh as we go along errors on the double unders how about will that play a big role i don't think it'll play a big role other than the fact that if the if you're racing and you're close and then you mess up on the rope then all of a sudden anxiety dumps in quickly especially for these guys they they're good at double-unders. When you're talking about the general CrossFitter, the double-unders will be something that they have to think about. JR, what were you saying? 10 rounds?
Starting point is 00:10:33 What are you thinking? Yeah, just looking at it on paper, it seems like it's one minute and then one minute. So 500 double-unders. Sure. 500 double-unders. These guys are definitely going to be over 10 rounds. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I feel a little bit bad for Taylor because that means squatting has to be in week three, right? Oh, shut the fuck up, John. You're just going to keep talking shit, dude, until I freaking unload on all three of these idiots. Who we should be feeling sorry for is, is our buddy chase that says his low back still is not. He's got till Monday. He's got till Monday. He can show you guys.
Starting point is 00:11:13 You, you are Adam knife for you are there. What is the strategy? Let's start with bill Grunner. What is the strategy? You tell Justin, take the early lead and get off the road before him and stick it to him. Or I would say,
Starting point is 00:11:23 yeah, you can beat this guy, stay with them and then turn it on at the end me personally i would want to play head games you're in you're on your home turf you have to get out there in front and then hold that but what i like about both these guys is they're both wrestlers so they both know how to kind of play head games with each other and i want justin be able to do that i've seen him be able to kind of hang you know back when he was chasing matt like at the ranch and stuff like that, like he can get out there and get going. And I think for him,
Starting point is 00:11:48 that would be the play to try to put the screws into, into Colton a little bit. Do you think it's a mistake, John, if Justin tries to pace off of Colton and try to beat him at the end is who's going to be the stronger guy with two minutes remaining? I don't think you can make that call that you're just going to have a better kick than somebody at the end on something like this. I feel like you just have to do your pace throughout the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:12:11 And then if it's better, it's better. Do you think there's going to be a specific standard on staying in the saddle with your feet strapped in until the rower hits 300? Are we going to have some billet he's running around? I mean, there will be so many people that don't do that if even if that is a standard before we even know it what do you guys like more in this situation you can have someone reset or you are the only one that can touch your your rower i like you are the only one you're the only one it looks like we're about to start can
Starting point is 00:12:43 we just see the start of this, Mr. Beaver? It looks like Adrian Bosman is standing between both athletes. And they're off. All right. We better pull away now. Anything you see right off the bat? It looks like, wow, they're just pacing themselves. There is no jump off the blocks they are chilling 141 143 is that justin yeah yeah what'll be
Starting point is 00:13:14 interesting i'm i want it yeah i see justin's already looking he's already looking over to see what colton's uh split is and colton looks like he's got a faster tempo, faster cycle rate. He has to. Which he kind of needs, right? Right. He needs to have that. Okay. So it does look like the plan is for now for Justin. He's either just playing his game or he wants to just stay right behind Colton and keep him in sight and then play past him at the end. I feel like you can't play that because you don't know where you're going to end up at the end.
Starting point is 00:13:45 If you end up on deadlifts or double unders, Colton's going to win. If you end up on rowing, Justin probably can sprint faster than him at the end. But you don't know where you're going to end. Someone that has the scorecard pull up, look at this for a second. Last year, they did 1,000-meter rows and 500-meter rows, and I think you got a rep every 10 meters. I'm curious to know what that's like for this workout. How much is the row worth rep-wise? Is it worth 30 reps?
Starting point is 00:14:14 Is it on the scorecard? It'll be on the scorecard. You'll be able to know for how many reps one round is. Is Colton Fass in the double unders? 30 reps. He should be because he's shorter. Is it 10 every 100 is that how that math works out no it's it yeah it's 10 reps every 100 yeah i'm sorry i'm sorry yeah one every 10 got you okay i couldn't tell who got back there so 149 oh Oh, it's Justin. Oh, see, that's it's already after round one. It's a rowing workout. Yeah. Explain. Well, Justin was rowing at maybe a 143. Uh, it looked like Colton was rowing at
Starting point is 00:14:58 like a 147 and just that difference in time, that two seconds or second and a half from Justin to go from the rower to the deadlift, I mean, he was already ahead. His transition was – I mean, their transitions were nearly the same. Colton jogged from the rower to the barbell. Justin didn't. It looked like Colton caught up a little bit on the deadlift, but then Justin stepped right over, picked his rope up, and got really fast on the double unders. I wish they'd show Colton's screen because i mean
Starting point is 00:15:26 the cycle rate's definitely faster but i want to know what he's pulling do you think they'll keep this the whole time no taylor how long did that round take 149 for justin and 152 for colton wow okay uh it's it's hard to say i i don't know what road pace they'll keep i was thinking when i first saw the workout, I was like, hmm. I think between a 140 and a 145 is where every elite male needs to be on the rower. So Justin's about four deadlifts ahead of Colton. What's Justin thinking now, Taylor? Do you think he's panicking already?
Starting point is 00:16:05 I don't think he's panicking. Justin or Colton? No, sorry. Colton. No, Colton. I think you saw the workout and knew he wasn't going to win.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Oh, really? Oh, really? Yeah. A hundred percent. Are you going to be Colton on this Taylor? Colton?
Starting point is 00:16:21 Yeah. Stop it, dude. I'm going to make him look silly in this workout. Payback for last week? 100% payback for last week, except it's not going to be one and two. It's going to be one and like 112, maybe even worse for him. One and 1,000?
Starting point is 00:16:37 Yeah, one and 1,000. We'll see. I don't know. Justin had three pulls on the rower right as Colton sat down. Colton actually pulled the rower as he sat down to his seat with one hand. Show his screen. Show his screen. So there's a four-second difference between these guys right now.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Yeah, what are these police doing? I want to see what he's pulling on the row. This is like the most critical part of the workout that we want to know is what their pace on the rower is, and they won't fucking show it. I don't think they can get back there. The sign is great. No, the sign. Come on.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Come on. They worked real hard on The sign is great. Come on. They worked real hard on that sign. At least that says CrossFit on it. That's good. No, I mean, look at 143 for Justin. 143 for Justin. Do you think he can keep that for the whole 20 minutes?
Starting point is 00:17:21 300 meters is not a lot. I think if he keeps it for 10 minutes, then yes. Why not do this workout barefoot? Oh, double under? I don't think you're allowed. Double unders would hurt.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Yeah, you're not allowed to do the workouts barefoot. But this is a, like for your non-elite person, this is a lot of volume with everything. If you think about it, I know everybody's not gonna get 10 rounds but that's 3k row 100 deadlifts and 500 double unders well we last
Starting point is 00:17:51 year we did 100 100 deadlifts at 225 the the 1 to 10 and 10 to 1 yeah that was way way that was like three years ago two years ago and that was way – oh, a little trip, little trip. Okay. So that could be critical right there. That's where he could have just – Both home trips. Wow, home trips. What do you think about the spacing they're giving this guy? Is this enough space in the setup?
Starting point is 00:18:15 It's pretty tight. Yeah, that's enough space. I don't think Taylor and Jason will be that close together. I really like the idea of them not being able to see their row screens. Yes, I agree with that. And I also think I would like to put our barbell and jump rope quite a bit closer to the row. Yeah, of course. Of course you do. Is that what you're saying? I'm going to ski all over both of these guys in this workout. We just need to make sure that there's not a minimum distance requirement between
Starting point is 00:18:42 your stuff. On the score sheet did they have a layout because if they didn't have a layout then the like it is a rowing workout i agree with taylor because there's 10 minutes spent on the rower but it's all transitions 100 it's so many transitions there's no required floor plan dope which is why i think whatever happens like in most announcements taylor and jason should not be comparing themselves to this announcement because the setup is different and that time in between movement especially the double under back to the row that'll be two or three seconds every single round that's that's gonna 30 seconds and we're also way better than both of these guys on all three of these implements
Starting point is 00:19:20 so both of them both of them good deadlifter man dude it does the deadlifts don't matter well you just sit all the movements it doesn't matter we're better at the workout why did they switch to 185 instead of doing 225 like they would normally no idea accessibility so that i can make it so i can make it past the deadlifts dude you're trying to push that cycle speed so hard past the deadlift. Dude, Cole is going to push that cycle speed so hard on the deadlifts. Yeah, which is just – you can just tell that that's not the workout. I would think that the workout – I feel bad for him.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Yeah, I would think the workout more than anything is row pace, really fast transition speed, and relaxing on the double unders. You know who I think is going to smoke this workout is Travis Mayer. I think Travis Mayer is going. That's a great call because there's a really good rower. He's super fast at double unders and he's a fast deadlifter. But like what you guys are saying, it'll be interesting to see. Wow.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Is he caught up a little bit? Like now he's seven seconds off now. Like the fastest guys. What are, what's their build like you know what i mean is it is it just the longer guys are going to be all in the top five to ten justin slowed a little bit i know this much i can go home and eat a pint of jenny's ice cream because eating clean doesn't mean shit for this workout i can be nice and heavy i'm gonna try to put on about five pounds between tonight and tomorrow night so that
Starting point is 00:20:43 it's a little more even between me and jason going into this one where do you see in the seat where are you in the seat where do you see what round they're on or it's we can't it's just we had a big old placard in the front i think they're on the fourth round you know okay they're just they're on five yeah yeah so they're a little ahead of that two two minute pace that i was saying right 10 rounds i think is a good like a good score I think, is a good score. Not an elite score, a good score. So these guys are looking like they're going to be closer to what? 11 full, maybe 12?
Starting point is 00:21:12 I don't think 12 rounds. 11 full? 11 full and probably. We'll see. So Justin is waiting. He's looking at his mind. He stopped going and doesn't get off. Guys, you're watching 24.2.
Starting point is 00:21:26 We are in Idaho at Justin Medeiros' home gym going against Colton Mertens, currently sitting in first place in the CrossFit Open. I don't know what place Justin was in coming into this. He's in like 400th place. Wanker. I got to say, I do. I'm a little shocked. Oh, my goodness. Colton Merton's losing
Starting point is 00:21:47 about 10 seconds readjusting his rope. That is not a good sign. Did he just lose it right there? I mean, it's done. It's done after that. So that was the frustration part I was talking about on the rope. Once that kind of goes and you know that you were
Starting point is 00:22:03 having to go basically synchronize and you blew it because it got wrapped around your ankle twice man that's it that's an interesting thing to note that not only does the rope pace matter here but the and the transition but the execution on the jump rope you could just get eaten alive that right there he's now what is he 12 seconds behind now just in that one round he went from 7 to 12 last five seconds back eight reps which is about 80 meters hey uh taylor so um is that key every time you're done jumping rope to set the rope down perfectly even if it cost you a second and then sort of practice that transition if you're well
Starting point is 00:22:41 what's also key is having a jump rope that doesn't tangle up like that because some jump ropes naturally just lay out in a really curved space uh way like you lay them down and they just shape in a big u and it's beautiful and then you have other jump ropes with all these freaking jagged knots in it and you know just don't be an idiot like that something unique to the open and the quarterfinals that you will not see in the semifinals and the open or in the games is that, uh, Adam knife or Justin's coach was literally whispering in his ear. His,
Starting point is 00:23:09 his head was a foot away and he was talking to him. Those types of things you don't see, uh, at the games or semifinals, we should do this workout with drag rope, double unders, and still be both of their times tomorrow. Something I always think about when I watch the elites go is like same thing bill and john and
Starting point is 00:23:26 and you know really taylor do too you have your members that are watching this right now and they're all like oh man i can't do 100 deadlifts like guys the limitation that you're gonna have from an aerobic base level and from a skill level to do double unders under fatigue is going to get you nowhere near those hundred deadlifts. Don't even worry about it because for the best, yes, it's just a, how many rounds can you do? How fast can you transition? But for most of the people doing this workout, most people doing sets of 50 unbroken double unders is, is never, if it's never happened in a class workout guys, it's never going to happen.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Whoa. He missed, he missed two it's never going to happen. Whoa. Okay, we have an issue. He missed two reps. He missed two reps. Wow. That was huge for Colton right there. Wow. Yeah, he caught back up a lot. Can we go back a little bit, Caleb, and see where the communication error went down?
Starting point is 00:24:18 Can we look to what happened? For those of you who aren't watching live, basically what just happened just now is Justin went and got on the rower, and then they called him back, putting Colton back in the game. Okay, here we go. This is a few minutes ago. They're yelling at him. So what do you guys think happened here? He was counting himself instead of listening to his judge? I always count double-unders myself.
Starting point is 00:24:39 No, I think you should count yourself. I don't know. I mean, JR, who's going to be judging me tomorrow? Because I'm counting my doves myself and if they fuck me up i'm zach can zach's trail i've got lots of people that count double unders but that doesn't mean you're not going to mess up your count oh i never lose count don't even start make sure you show your freaking weights this time i never i showed my weights last time too i just didn't watch the whole video you big big ogre. I am going to count my double-unders because I never lose count, never.
Starting point is 00:25:06 That mess up that saved Colton six seconds. That's a lot. So he's six seconds behind now, yeah. Are we two for two and not actual fitness determining the winner in these workouts? It's just – And, hey, that's got to be a little bit invigorating also for Colton to see that and a kick in the balls for Justin.
Starting point is 00:25:26 What do you mean this is two for two for not a fitness test? John, a 20-minute AMRAP with a 3K row and 500 double unders is going to be fitness limitation. John's just got his booty all gaped open because none of these workouts have enough of a weight for him to create separation with anyone in the world. They're not skill or strength limiting, that's for sure. Booty gaped open. enough of a weight for him to create separation with anyone in the world they're not skill or strength limiting that's for sure but i i expect that that's what we'll get next i expect that's what we'll get next next week when everybody can go unbroken the whole entire time you go as fast as you can the whole entire time i'm just saying everyone can't do that not everyone can do no all the for the elites i'm talking about don't be bitter hey it's funny i'm gonna say the same thing to you and Hopper tomorrow. And you're going to have nothing to say about it. You're going to be like six, two, two 15. What do you
Starting point is 00:26:10 want me to do? That's what's going to happen. That's fine. I don't care. I'm still going to get a top time in the world because I get to race. You know what I'm saying though? It's fitness. Every workout has that, John. There is not a workout on earth that is so perfect. Maybe there's one. You could write a workout that's so perfect on its own that it balances everything, but that's not what they're here to do. They've got three accessible workouts. They're going to take 25% of people to quarterfinals.
Starting point is 00:26:34 They're going to take 40 people to semis. Oh, here we go. 1-4-6. Oh, come on. That's a female pace. Come on, Colton. 1-4-6, 1-4-5. My mom's going to row that on this workout. 145.
Starting point is 00:26:49 It's going to be so difficult to talk people out of trying to row anything remotely hard for the general population on this workout. Yeah, they're going to go, oh. We're 14 minutes into a 20-minute AMRAP. Both men are looking fatigued. They got their mouths wide open. Justin slowed way down. It is still a race, although it does appear that Justin Medeiros, who's been in the lead since the beginning,
Starting point is 00:27:16 has about 10 seconds on Colton at this time. If you're just normal, I am a little bit butthurt if 185 is the weights that we're going to have in the open and there's not anything heavier than that and then 185 pound deadlifts then but john don't you don't don't you want to see that because that just means the chances of any of any and all the quarterfinals workouts being beefier or way higher? No, I want an aerobic test in quarterfinals too. I want a semi-well-rounded test. It doesn't have to be perfect, but a semi-well-rounded test for all the levels.
Starting point is 00:27:54 It doesn't have to be perfect. I just want it to be a little balanced. So if we get a thruster ladder next week that goes up to 185, you won't be happy with that? I don't think we will. Do you? i'm just asking then then then i feel like they tested strength then if they got so so if we've only got two thirds of the test i think you should hold out that uh emotion however last week everyone was
Starting point is 00:28:17 just saying it's all about cycle rate and limb length so they're trying to balance that here with the row so i think in that respect, the first two weeks have balanced each other. I'm not saying that at the elite level, it's created the separation we want, but I'm just saying for the general population, it's done that, wouldn't you say? As far as the big guy, little guy?
Starting point is 00:28:41 Sure, sure, sure. But if week three is not chest to bar, bar muscle up, and heavy thrusters or heavy anything. It's not going to be. They didn't test. No, I know, Taylor. I agree with you. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:28:56 They didn't test strength at all. It's all just aerobic fitness and maybe gymnastics on week three. They've done this with deadlifts, open workouts, like box jumps and deadlifts. I mean, they could have made it to where they were increasing the weight on the deadlift. They could have done that and made it go all the way through. So it's not just a complete engine.
Starting point is 00:29:16 This is just a good – I mean, if you have the skills, if you have the ability, then this is an engine workout. And what was the next one? Justin is starting the – Increases, you know, increase the is starting the increases you know increase the weight justin starting the double unders at the exact same time that colton is starting the dead lifts he's one movement behind coffee pods and wads makes a very astute observation for therapy whoever judges taylor tomorrow tomorrow 4 p.m pacific standard time taylor self versus the
Starting point is 00:29:38 world taylor versus jason hopper last week taylor put it uh to uh america's fittest man dallin pepper what do you think their reasoning was for meters uh they wanted it cyclical you mean 300 as opposed to 200 or 400 versus counter on for reverse calories oh gotcha that's a good question I think the rep scheme looks a little bit cleaner when you have 135. And if they would have tried to use 30 calories, that would have been a lot more than 300 meters. So I think to try to balance it with the one minute, one minute, one minute, one minute at the elite level,
Starting point is 00:30:17 I think that's why they stayed at meters. And it worked pretty well last year at quarters, counting one rep for every 10 meters. Like that seemed to balance that a little why didn't they start on the double under so that it was just 531 yeah i agree i agree yeah it seems like a lot of workouts with the rower and it just start on the rower they always do that it's true it's always a buying tool uh any chance of colton um no making making up ground with two minutes and four seconds left?
Starting point is 00:30:48 Negative. Unless Colton... Wow, he slowed down. Unless he just doesn't count his last three rounds. He's got a 15-second lead right now. I know, but he's not racing Colton. He's racing the world. I think at the elite level... He's racing Colton right now.
Starting point is 00:31:02 I think at the elite level, even if it's a 20-minute AMRAP, you start out kind of hot, and then you just settle in. And that's what you do. Like, everyone's going to do that. 148, you think, is settling in? He started out at 141, and then he settled to 148. Yeah, but I mean, most of the workout has been at 143, 144. That's probably the lowest split time we've seen on the screen. And everyone's going to be in the race.
Starting point is 00:31:27 So if you're in the race and it doesn't feel like you are racing, you will throttle back. Most people will do that if it's one-on-one. Hey, why would they, why would they choose this workout for, why would they choose Colton for this workout? Knowing he has no chance with the rower. Cause they're retarded. They don't pick. I don't think they pick it like that. So they boost Justin's confidence. Yeah, let's put it in his
Starting point is 00:31:47 garage, Jim. And is rowing the worst movement in CrossFit for Colton Mertens? No, not the worst. But it's up there. Probably the bike is the worst. So he's finished his 11th round and now he's or he's into his 11th round.
Starting point is 00:32:06 This is round 11, I believe. Who's he, Justin Madero? Sorry, Taylor. He's done 11 rounds because he was ahead of 10 rounds for 10-minute pace. He's on round 12. Five rounds for 10-minute pace, yeah. Okay, so now he's pinning it on the row. And now Justin's making a push.
Starting point is 00:32:22 You can tell Justin's going 100% 137 135 he's not going to get through the row well at this point in the workout you're basically thinking every pull is a rep okay I think ending on the row would be the most painful part
Starting point is 00:32:39 and obviously if you can end on the double unders in the round that's the highest reparator. That's the reparator for each round. And Colton's also pulling as hard as he can. One second left. The workout's over. Do we have a clock to pull up on this screen for when Bryson goes?
Starting point is 00:32:59 Guys, stand by. We will have our very own Bryson Del Monte, guinea pig, for the Sebon podcast. He will be doing the workout in just a few minutes at CrossFit Charlotte. Taylor and gang will be watching, and we will be assessing what – even though I wouldn't say Bryson's immortal, that's for sure. He's more of a titan than a superhero. I did not see Ellie Turner in the crowd anywhere. Did anyone see Justin's significant other in the crowd?
Starting point is 00:33:30 I saw the dad, the mom, coach. Trista Smith was there. All right, guys, I gotta head to the gym to coach. Thank you so much, J.R. Howell. Thank you very much, buddy. Thank you. See you tomorrow. So what they say, it ended up being like two reps.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Is that what they counted as? So 40 meters on the row? Four reps. They say four? Which would be 40 meters, right? 10 reps a rep, or 10 meters a rep. For those of you just tuning in, the workout is a 300-meter row,
Starting point is 00:34:07 10 deadlifts at 185 pounds, 50 double-unders, as many reps as you can in 20 minutes. Bryson Del Monte will be doing the workout for us very shortly at CrossFit Charlotte. We're going to set up real quick. Our class is starting, but they're going outside. So as soon as they get outside, I'm going to start the clock, and he's going to begin probably like five to seven minutes.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Thank you. Caleb will smoke Taylor on this. Wow. Big time. Magnus is a dumbass. Hey, you know what's fascinating is you think you've heard the craziest shit ever out of Taylor's mouth. And then all of a sudden he makes a gaping comment regarding John Young's anus.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Pretty close. Pretty close, right? Justin Medeiros, 926. Colton Mertens, 922. I'm guessing none of these will be top 10 scores in scores in the world gentlemen because of the errors we saw them make not even top 20 just uh just uh where they had the jump rope and where they had to put the deadlift like people are gonna transition faster than them and that'll be all it is right i mean uh justin had to go back his account was off on the double unders or someone's count was off
Starting point is 00:35:21 and uh colton's not gonna set any world records i take it when the rowers involved nah you know what i'm i'm pretty i'm pretty happy with how colton did on this on this workout with you know against justin like that though because it was it was against them all the way through and to hang out whatever they said four reps or two reps or whatever that ends up being on the row it's pretty good they just showed that chicken oh the chicken's peeing wow wow cross it that's good that's a great sense of humor that's something we would do on this show you guys welcome this is the uh show after the show uh brought to you by born primitive the born primitive crossfit charlotte 24.2 uh open show with Bill Grundler, John Young, Taylor Self, J.R. Howell has left the show, Caleb running the back end.
Starting point is 00:36:10 We just watched Justin go against Colton Mertens and slightly beat Colton Mertens. I thoroughly enjoyed the workout. It's another great CrossFit workout. John Young obviously wants it to be heavier, but he is 100% biased. And we are going to see Bryson do it, who's a great CrossFitter but not at this elite level yet. And we will talk about what you are going to see tomorrow when two of the best in the world, Taylor Self, goes against Jason Hopper also in this.
Starting point is 00:36:39 No, no, actually not at this gym. This week we're moving over to CrossFit Crash, J.R. Howell's gym, a massive gym, great place. Some of you will recognize it from the Crash Crucible, which we streamed. If you would like to use – if you'd like to get the best shoes in space, like Nano 2, Wide Toe Box, it is the Savage 1. It is the new Nano 2. Use code BPOPEN20.
Starting point is 00:37:02 I think they're sold out already. I think we already fucking sold all their shoes. Then if you are interested in taking the journey to the next level, go to and look at the selection there. Also use Andrew Hiller as a resource to learn more about
Starting point is 00:37:17 peptides. Bryson, what's up, dude? What's going on? Thanks for joining us, dude. Yeah. What place did you end up taking in the world last week, buddy, on 24.1? That was like 7,000 or something. It was almost worse than any of my finishes
Starting point is 00:37:33 from last year. 7,000. I like that. Okay, that's good. That's good. Hey, 7,000, that's good. You look like you're 12. That's great for a 12-year-old. That's what he's hoping for on this workout. I know, yeah. This is yeah yeah uh yeah this is just more hinging and jumping so not really great for me but hopefully that means it's not going to show up in quarters hey what what are your uh what are your do you have aspirations to go to quarterfinals
Starting point is 00:38:01 semifinals is that your deal uh yeah i mean i think just one step at a time i want to make a semi-final eventually um i know obviously like my fitness isn't there yet um i don't think i have any like crazy holes but i also don't have any like home run hits i guess i'm good at like squatting and like lifting under fatigue maybe and when you see this workout what was the first thing that popped in your mind? When you see, okay, it's the 300 meters rowing, 10 deadlifts at 185, 50 double unders, and you see that, what's Bryson think? Oh, fuck, deadlifts.
Starting point is 00:38:36 That's all I think when I see this workout. And why? Why the deadlifts? Those are relatively light for you, aren't they? Yeah, I mean, they're light. But, yeah, hinging's never been great for me um i'm what does that mean what does that mean hinging's never been great for you what do you mean you don't you don't bend over yeah i'm not strong bending over like my back squat was more than my deadlift for a very long time
Starting point is 00:38:56 um my back squat's like 445 and i've only i've only uh deadlifted more than that in recent history. My deadlift is 485. Isn't 185 in the deadlift for someone at your level not make it relevant that you're not good at hinging? I mean, isn't there a weight that it drops below a certain amount and it's like, hey, it doesn't matter. That's just light. I mean, 185 is light for you, right? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:20 I don't disagree with that. I think, um, I'm just thinking about the dudes who I know who are like relatively like same fitness level as me, who I'm thinking about when I do a workout like this. And I know how much they're not even going to think about the deadlifts and like, I'm not thinking about it. Like I'm going to fail it, but like, it's just more tiring and, and a little bit more exhausting for me to go pick that bar up. Okay. I see what you're saying. You're saying you use more energy on it than other guys. It's not that you're bad at it or slow at it. Right.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Yeah, yeah. Do you see yourself – Are you worried about your back blowing up with this one, with the hinging? Yes. Yeah. What does that mean, Bill, blowing up? What's it mean your back blowing up? Just fills up with blood and gets stiff?
Starting point is 00:40:02 No, yeah, it just gets really tight. And so I know a lot of athletes that are super strong, great squatters, great deadlifters, but if they go high volume, then all of a sudden everything starts to lock up and they lose that, they lose all that power. So with this weight, um, how about thinking about not hinging so much, but using your legs more for it? Just really keeping your back more upright. I think's a good call i'm going to try to stay a little bit more squatty than like i typically would think about like going for like a 100 max deadlift yeah um but you know your legs are also gonna get tired on the row so what do you want to pull in the row i was thinking about starting at
Starting point is 00:40:39 like 155 and then just trying to get faster in the last like six to five minutes uh do you have a goal for rounds uh what did what did justin and colton get like 10 plus yeah 11 11 they were in the 12th so maybe like six to seven i think it'll be more than that i think you'll get i was thinking eight to nine if you were 155 that's 10 seconds around off of them so that means you're going to be you won't struggle with the dubs at all your fitness is fine deadlifts are going to be hard for you but you'll probably belt up on belt up and then that'll be and then you'll be like i i bet you get over i bet it's eight to nine all right i'll try to prove you right john young i know you're a analyst b Bryson, you will use a belt. I won't use a belt.
Starting point is 00:41:28 You won't use a belt. John, do you think he should? If he blows up on this one, then on the redo, yeah. Okay. I know exactly what he's saying. Like, it's not, even if you have a strong deadlift, high volume hinging, when your back blows up, you can't move.
Starting point is 00:41:52 It's not like, oh, I'm feeling really bad. There's nothing in your body that wants to move when your back blows up. It's so degrading. It's demoralizing. Your whole body is just done. It's not even that mentally you can go, but your body can't move. And you don't want to get to that place. Yeah, it's the strangest thing to see an athlete that is really powerful to shut down and be like, it's 95 pounds.
Starting point is 00:42:21 I can't move that weight. All right, I'm going to get set up, guys. I appreciate it. All right, Bryson, one more question. Are you weight. I'm going to get set up, guys. I appreciate it. One more question. Are you warmed up already? I'm pretty warmed up, yeah. I'm using the first two minutes as a warm-up. What did you do for the warm-up?
Starting point is 00:42:36 I went back and forth from the rower and then an empty bar. Rower 135, rower 185. You didn't pull anything heavier than 185? No. No double unders? No jump rope? I did like 10 dubs. Nice. Thank you, brother. Thank you. We'll be cheering you on. Anytime you want
Starting point is 00:42:52 to quit, we expected you to quit earlier, so you're a winner in our boat. Cool. Hey, okay, I know this is so not fucking popular. No one ever jumps on this bandwagon with me. Why not pull a couple pulls heavier?
Starting point is 00:43:08 Why not get up to 255, 285? Not a lot, just like one or two pulls so that when you hit that bar later, you're psychologically prepared for it. 185 seems easier. People who think like that are weak. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:43:24 All right. No one's got my back on all right no one's got my back on that no one's got my back on that like everybody who i've like everybody who's ever said that and i'm not just talking to you savon but who yeah they need to do a couple of lifts heavier so in the workout it feels lighter yeah uh those aren't strong people strong people do not care like they're fine well that's a great point because i am not strong and you're fucking absolutely right. You're absolutely right. Let's talk in 10 years though when you're a little. Bill, do you see any value in that?
Starting point is 00:43:53 Do you do that, Bill? Can you do that? No, I would be looking at this one honestly and I would be like, okay. No warm up at all. Right. First three rounds of the warm up. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:44:04 All right. David, we need a surprise, surprise. Facts. All right. All right. All right. All right. David, we need a surprise, surprise facts. All right. All right. But the Toastbacer lady, Mary Monser, I got you, Seve. All right. start here in a second. I'm going to give the clock a 10 second countdown. Let's see if it works. Do you know, where did that clock from the upper right-hand corner go? It was there a second ago. Nobody knows shit without Will Branstetter. I'll be back in, I'll be back in two seconds. I'm draining the lizard. What do you think Bryson can get on this?
Starting point is 00:44:44 I said eight or nine yeah i think you should be around eight he's all right uh caleb let's test i'm gonna give the set 10 seconds why is it i gotta scroll back up i gotta there we go okay i'm gonna i'm gonna give it 10 seconds now uh oh shit just kidding uh okay taylor real quick how long do we have before you Oh, shit. Just kidding. Okay. Taylor, real quick, how long do we have before you start? How long do we have before you start? Like two minutes. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Let me just run something here really quick. Let's get a little word from Born Primitive, and then we'll come back in two minutes, and we'll just get right at it. Two-minute piss break, everyone. Every morning, we wake up knowing what's at stake. Freedom. Honor.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Duty. This is more than a mission. It's the oath we took. It's the flag we wear on our sleeve and everything it stands for. We don't do it for money, glory, or fame, but for something deeper. It's for our families,
Starting point is 00:45:51 for our freedom, for our way of life. And to anyone who tries to take that away from us, good fucking luck. Forward! from us good fucking luck Even when the mission is complete, training is never over. We are constantly honing our craft and sharpening our axe. That is the warrior mindset. This isn't just a brand to us.
Starting point is 00:46:46 We're a part of these stories. Because we've lived these stories. And while we might have hung up the rifle and body armor one last time, our new mission is to outfit our nation's heroes with the best apparel on the planet. By the operator, for the operator. To those still standing on that wall, we salute you, the damn few. Born primitive tactical, for those who defend.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Dude, I am erect. Yeah, that's an awesome commercial. what we're gonna do we're gonna start this um and then when he gets off of the rower each round i'm gonna go to the rower and reset for him um because he doesn't have a judge right now so we're judging him this is we're team judgment do i get to be on or no i don't get to be on. Did we figure out if that was allowed, Taylor? Here, why don't we kick me off? No, no, no. You're good. You're good.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Okay. You're good. Caleb, you ready? I'm going to give it. It'll have a 10-second countdown. Yes. Bryson, you ready? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:59 Let's go, Bryson. All right. Where's the pull-up bar? Don't we need a pull-up bar? No. Okay. Five seconds. Four, three, two, one, and go.
Starting point is 00:48:15 All right. Welcome. This is the pre-show, the pre-test show, where we test the cameras, test the commentators, and make fun of Bryson Del Monte, the guinea pig. This is what you will be seeing tomorrow night, Friday, 4 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Taylor Self versus the world. But you will see Taylor and Jason Hopper go head to head. Thank you to Born Primitive and CA Peptides.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Tell us about the setup, Taylor. First thing, just tell us every bit of minutiae about why you put the implements out there like that. Okay. So the way he had it set up initially was he had his barbell right next to the rower. He had it set up to row, deadlift, then jump rope. But doing that, you have to step over the barbell. And to me, it made more sense to set the rower up, your jump rope directly next to your rower and your barbell just a little further than that. So you get off the rower, you take maybe two steps to the bar, you deadlift, you turn around, jump rope, you get off the jump rope, you're right back on your rower and your barbell just a little further than that so you get off the rower you take maybe two steps to the bar you deadlift you turn around jump rope you get off
Starting point is 00:49:08 the jump rope you're right back on the rower so you don't have to step over the barbell at any point and stepping over the barbell uh 15 minutes in will be something you don't want to do is what you're saying it's like it just adds up over time just adds up and the way it has to set up here yeah here he doesn't have to step over at all it just walks to the bar and turns around and comes right back there's no stepping over it's one extra step versus a whole other transition Yeah, and is this legal are there any rules about the setup set up however you want? Yeah You're allowed to reset the rower right somebody else is allowed to Yeah
Starting point is 00:49:41 Most of us most of us mortals I don't even I don't even think i'll just let it roll over I'll just do 300 600 900 1200. I won't even care that I get some rollover Know that know that when you see my score other old guys, I don't give a fuck 8 29 30 how many how many calories how many meters meters do you get on rollover? 40. Yeah, you can get a lot. If you have one big pull at the very end, you can roll over quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:50:12 50. Right to it. So I think biggest places to see kind of difference in this pace and then Justin and Colton's are cycle rate on the deadlift and then row pace. Bryson, I recommended to row starting at like a 153 and then building as the workout goes, doing
Starting point is 00:50:31 his best to build as the workout goes. Now, Taylor, he's on pace for almost 10 rounds. Do you think you should just try to hold that or slow down? I think he's okay. I think he's pulling at a 154, between a 152 and a 154. He was very smooth and deliberate on the deadlifts.
Starting point is 00:50:51 And Bryson is really good on a jump rope. Like, he's the only person. He can do, like, 70-plus unbroken triple unders. So I think the jump rope will be in place for him. Oh, my gosh. It's crazy. It's insane. I used to could never string triple unders together.
Starting point is 00:51:03 And then he moved here and started doing them. And I like fuck that and now i can string them together so just having him around is good but i think you'll be able to relax on the jump rope a little bit uh the voice you're hearing in the background the face you can't see is taylor self uh the founder of sentinel training and coach at crossfit charlotte andy handles jim kind enough to let us do taylor self versus the world that is is Jim brought to you by born primitive and the top squares, Bill Grundler. Some CrossFit Inferno, former games athletes, and then John Young from JY barbell. It's the only way to get strong is to work with John Bryson,
Starting point is 00:51:35 finishing his, uh, or in the deadlift in the second round. So he told us he does not like hinging or he's not great at hinging. Do you see anything here that lets you know that or no? So far, so good. No, what I was looking at was, wow, he's hinging a lot. Oh, oh, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:51:56 I'm going to try to be more squatty on my deadlifts. There's no squatting. It's all hinge. Yeah, he looks great on those double ones as well. So what's cool is that he gets off the rower. He has that set, that time that he's pulling, like whatever. I think it looks like a 152, somewhere around the 155. Right to the barbell.
Starting point is 00:52:16 And he looks so relaxed here. So that's his recovery spot, which is good for him. And Taylor has already reset his rower. Yeah. I reset it every round. And is that, is that necessary? Does, does everyone need someone to reset their rower? Here?
Starting point is 00:52:33 Look, it's just another second every round. Yeah. And at the end of the workout, 10 seconds is that's 20 meters, 30 meters or, or fuck that's 20 double unders. If you're on the double unders. Okay. So someone who, so someone who is going to take some breaths between all the transitions anyway, that's just a built-in excuse to chill for a second.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Someone like me. Right. Okay. This one's going to hurt. About 30 minutes ago, we watched Justin Medeiros go against Colton Mertens in the announcement of 24.2 done out of Idaho. The CrossFit Games announced the workout. The workout was a 300-meter row, 10 deadlift at 185 pounds for the boys,
Starting point is 00:53:16 and 50 double-unders, as many reps as you can in 20 minutes. There were some errors during the show that we saw. Justin Medeiros one time stopped doing double-unders when he was supposedly only at 48, so he had to come back and finish up those double-unders. Colton Mertens got twisted up in his rope at one time, and that was quite the delay. That looked like it was probably 10 seconds.
Starting point is 00:53:41 In the end, I do believe, do you guys remember the scores of Justin and Colton? They were in the end. I do believe you guys remember the, uh, the scores of Justin and Colton. They were in the 12th round, um, on the rower. Uh, Justin was 40 meters ahead of Colton. There was another four reps is what they call that.
Starting point is 00:53:58 What did they call it? I don't think they call it four reps. Is that Chase? It is me. Huh? Yeah. One more time more time who said what 926 to 922 they are four reps apart in the 11th not the 12th round oh oh my god right now it does sound like oh my goodness look at listen to that listen to that
Starting point is 00:54:19 chase hold on I just wanted to come in and let John know he's fucking wrong, that they're in the 11th round, John. Well, they got their signs on the 11th round, like they had completed 11 rounds. Hey, I got to go to the Cross the Beans podcast. I just came over to poach some of your viewers. Love you guys. Bye.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Feel free to poach them. Ladies and gentlemen, Chase Ingram. Listen to that. Listen, if you would like to hear Chase and crew, I don't know who he's going to have on, but I'm sure he'll have some heavyweights on. If you want to go over there and listen to the tips and tricks and whatever they talk about over there, please feel free to go ahead.
Starting point is 00:54:52 It's all good content. It's all pushing the games forward. What we are doing is we're watching Bryce and Del Monte work out at CrossFit Charlotte, where tomorrow you'll see Taylor Self versus the world. You're with Bill Grundler, John young, myself, Caleb in the background, uh, Bryson Del Monte and,
Starting point is 00:55:07 uh, Taylor self. You can't see Taylor, but he is here. Yeah. Thank you for making a special, uh, celebrity cameo.
Starting point is 00:55:15 We're actually going to be at crash tomorrow. Oh, right, right. Crash. Right. Thank you. And then we'll finish and then we'll finish the third week.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Just so you know. So the third week will be Colton Mertens versus Taylor Self. Do you have any concerns now that you know that the rower's already gone, that you're going to have trouble beating Colton in week three? It is what it is. Hold on, I've got to reset his rower. Yeah, it is what it is. Let me reset rower. He's holding like a 154 right now. Good.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Watch his deadlift, boys. Tell me if you see anything that's making you anxious. Other than he's really enjoying the rebound off the ground. Yeah, he's rebounding the fire out of that bar. Is that legit? As long as your elbows don't bend is what the rule is.
Starting point is 00:56:02 You're not supposed to bounce in the way that they determine whether you're bouncing as if your arms are bending. The rule says no deliberately bouncing the bar. It doesn't say anything about arm bend or anything. It just says no deliberately bouncing. So basically you can't dribble the bar. If it's the bar's own weight taking you down, you get a little bit of that natural bounce. Good to go.
Starting point is 00:56:23 This is where you go for the right rubber uh 45s on on your bar so he hasn't fallen off pace very much at all he just finished four rounds yep um it's about 205 per round are they talking shit about his deadlifts yeah we're talking about deliberately bouncing did we see any deliberate bounce i don't remember seeing any bouncing from Justin or Colton Um Not really. No, I don't think that they were trying to use it And even even with with Bryce and what we were talking about
Starting point is 00:56:56 Taylor was that he was talking about hinging is one of his weaknesses and so we were saying like Okay, are you gonna try to use your legs a little bit more and then we saw him going and he went right into like regular hinging deadlift and then it looked like hinges right and then now it looks like he's going faster to the ground with the bar not like he's trying to get the bounce but i mean he's using gravity to his benefit you know what i mean and so we were talking about we just started talking about that with the uh with the other guys there's a fine line between accelerating the bar on the eccentric and not controlling it. Right. And that's what they used to,
Starting point is 00:57:31 and Caleb said that the rule is not intentionally bouncing. Correct. And they used to have it that the rule was okay. Your arms can't bend, which I mean, I kind of think that that's a better way to say it because no bending the elbows. Yep. I mean, is he in his fourth round? He's on round five or he's on five okay he's been about 205 for great dude sorry bill what were you gonna say about the deadlift oh no i just i think it's it's hard to really accelerate towards the ground and not bend your arms i mean that that shock that you would take would be pretty intense uh we have a fascinating
Starting point is 00:58:03 comment here that i've never heard before is it just me or bill looks like seven's brother wait what no normally they think normally they think i look like bill's dad thank you though hey i gotta i gotta hop off at 3 15 okay just letting you guys know that is that 17 minutes away yes yeah me too me too it'll be the bill grunler show at that point i was like uh camera's getting a little glitchy here Yeah, me too. Me too. It'll be the Bill Grunler show at that point. Camera's getting a little glitchy here. Let me fix the music. How come you guys are going down with the clock instead of up?
Starting point is 00:58:42 I think the clock on the floor is going up, but the clock that I set is going down. That's my fault. You don't like the clock going down, Bill? I like it. No. I like the clock going down. Do you? Oh, really? I don't know. I think at the gym it always counts up, but I don't mind the countdown right now.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Rich just posted a video that says nobody touch the clock if you're going to count it down. You only count up to 99. Always. So why is this clock counting down? Because I fucked it up. Come on, always. Yeah. So why are you counting down? Why is this clock counting down? Because I fucked it up. Come on, Caleb. It's all good.
Starting point is 00:59:10 You don't like counting down either? Is there a difference in terms of, is it just preference, or is there actually a strategy? It's just preference. You don't know what's going on. I just don't like it. I like counting up, knowing where I'm at. I'm this far in.
Starting point is 00:59:21 So you don't have to do math. Now you have to do math. Exactly. When you have rounds like this, you've got to do all this weird subtraction stuff if we're going up i know exactly it's 205 okay his round was 205 it's easier to do that rather than well from just i guess out of comfort and routine of doing that i'm not used to counting backwards like that it's not hard to do math the other way hey taylor taylor when you're not used to it it's like a 35 pound bar i can't do the math
Starting point is 00:59:44 on a 35 pound bar either what's up taylor john was saying that he he thinks bryson's gonna get eight rounds and bryson didn't seem too confident about it but he seems on pace to get it on pace for nine right now what would you have thought uh taylor with can can you say acting like you don't see where he's at now i i always think that bryson undershoots what he's capable of and does he do that to take pressure off himself nohoots what he's capable of and Does he do that to take pressure off himself? No, I just think he's a dumbass and he doesn't know how videos Okay, maybe not. Maybe maybe I'm being harsh. I I think that I Don't know he errs on the side of being more realistic and pessimistic in his ability sometimes and that can translate to him being too Hard on himself but i'd rather you i'd rather you be working with somebody who has a tendency to think
Starting point is 01:00:29 i don't know if i can do that or i don't know i don't know if that's in the cards for me rather than someone who just always thinks they're way better than they are then that person's a dumbass let me reset the blower when taylor comes back let's ask him about week one, about the filming of his dumbbell. We had a scare that he didn't film his dumbbell ahead of time before the workout. All right, he's starting to slow right now. He's still on pace for eight rounds, easy. Yeah, I also don't think this is round. This is round?
Starting point is 01:01:00 Yeah, he's beginning his seventh round. I also don't think he thought like he didn't get a chance to think deeply into i think he looks at okay justin colton they got 11 rounds i take like three or four off of that i don't think he thought along his map it out yeah i don't think he thought oh that's eight minutes like you're not eight minutes less fit than these guys in this workout um right hey taylor tell tell us about what happened in week one with your dumbbell and eight minutes less fit than these guys in this workout. Right. Hey, Taylor, tell us about what happened in week one with your dumbbell and about the little scare you had. Oh, I got an email from HQ asking for my video performance.
Starting point is 01:01:36 I hadn't uploaded my personal video to YouTube, so I sent them the link to the Sevan Podcast clip video and was like, I'm uploading my personal video now, but I was freaking out. Cause I didn't remember, uh, videoing my dumbbell and I didn't, but someone else who was on my camera did. Thankfully. I also didn't say my name or anything, so it could just be any old asshole as rich likes to say in that video.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Uh, you guys are looking at Andy handle the owner of CrossFit Charlotte. Do you think that that? Andy looking over shoulder gave him a little Maybe his rower says like 148 right now Maybe like haven't changed at all. He's been he's been steady pace the whole they can't see me All right, I'm going to reset the mower. Come on, right to it. Go, go, go. If you want anyone to judge you, it'd be Taylor. I don't think he's tripped once.
Starting point is 01:02:36 Damn. God, that's so not going to be me on the jump rope, dude. Why do you say that, Bill? With double-unders, I'm either world class or I just learned them yesterday. It depends on the day. I could have a great day. I could do three sets totally unbroken, and then I'll do them in sets of five after that.
Starting point is 01:02:58 I don't know why. What? Just double unders suck. I hate them. Oh, double unders. All right. He's on pace for just a little after eight like he'll be in the hey in the ninth round let's go on the road seven just for seven
Starting point is 01:03:11 okay so we're on the eighth round yeah all right so john john said at least eight rounds that's impressive john he's gonna pick it up a little bit i said eight to nine you're gonna pick it up a little bit you're going to has he said anything to you during the entire workout taylor he told me to turn the music down and i told him not to accelerate the bar instead of this am i bouncing it i'm like no just don't accelerate it um but it looks like it the same across all age groups as well you know if i better smash this workout jr i bet jr is fucking doing it right now he does do it really early and then he doesn't tell anybody asshole yeah i called him last week after we got out of the show i was like what do you think he's like like, I just finished John George a bill I'm with you Especially now that I have a second rope for crossovers my double unders went from can't miss to can't predict
Starting point is 01:04:13 That's so frustrating Let's go go He's feeling it now Sam Smith so great, all the way through. What an interesting point. Sam Smith, how many score entering errors are we going to get because of the one rep for every 10 meters on the row? Meaning people have to do the math, right?
Starting point is 01:04:38 Pick it up. Right to it. Pick it up. Three and a half minutes. Pick it up. Go. Deep breath by Bryson Del Monte. That was probably his longest transition, right?
Starting point is 01:04:49 About one second longer than the other ones. Yeah. But he's still, I mean, he's been 17 minutes of just straight, steady pace. This is what, like, this is how I hope to do this workout, and I'll be a little bit slower than him, but this is how I hope to do the workout. The'll be a little bit slower than him but this is how i hope to do the workout the way he's paced it has been beautiful yeah he's pacing really well like slow down i mean he's rowing what he's capable of and he hasn't missed or double under
Starting point is 01:05:17 like i don't think you can execute a workout if he picks it up at the end you have a little sprint at the end here you can't execute let's go uh here. You can't execute a workout better than you had. Let's go. This is a... There goes someone shitting on CrossFit again. You're out of your fucking mind. Use your legs, Bryson. Let's go. He's a drug addict. Who's a drug addict?
Starting point is 01:05:38 No, someone... Taylor's like, what? Who? Someone said I was shitting on CrossFit. I'm not shitting on CrossFit at all. Mike. Oh boy It's on the damn score sheet. You ding-dongs. Okay meters is the end right now Taylor? Looks like he's 150 140 150. Yep. He just hit 150. Let's go He's gonna get a hundred meters after nine it's gonna be nine plus a hundred
Starting point is 01:06:04 I'm gonna tell him absolutely freaking destroy himself on the last row. You guys are watching Bryson Del Monte at CrossFit Charlotte perform 24.2. He'll have 30 seconds, Taylor. Taylor Self is in the house. He will be going against Jason Hopper tomorrow at 5 p.m., 4 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. The workout is a 300-meter row, 10 deadlift at 185 pounds, and 50 double-unders, as many reps as you can in 20 minutes. Bryson is going to push extremely hard here.
Starting point is 01:06:34 While he pushes, Grunler is going to tell us who is going to win this tomorrow between Jason Hopper and Taylor Zell. Dude, Taylor, I think he's got it tomorrow. Hey tomorrow hey listen if this is a rowing workout i know taylor's good on the rower but he's just not as good as hopper i think he's not as good as hopper at the rower his capacity i think will be better than hoppers over the course there's no differentiator, though. There's no difference what, John? There's no differentiator.
Starting point is 01:07:09 That's what I'm saying. We're like, it's just, if you're fit enough to go unbroken and hard the whole time, it's just who's a better rower. Maurice Barden with 57 seconds left wants Bryson to know he's hot as fuck. What round is he in? Her name's Maris. Whatever. She wants to go on him. Let's go.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Let's go. Let's go. Come on. Go, go, go. Pull, pull, pull. Come on, Bryson. Aggressive. Come on, get that down.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Get that down. Oh, this is the beginning of round nine? You got 30 seconds. What round is he in? This is 10. he's on come on he just finished nine no i thought he just finished eight let's go let's go let's go uh oh houston we have a problem we have a round counting there you're not sure it's nine or ten hold it i'm pretty sure it's not he finished
Starting point is 01:07:59 nine come on come on ten seconds keep. Keep it down. Let's go. Let's go. Come on. You stop right at the clock. Come on. Go, go, go. Nice, Bryce. 22. Wow. Wow. That was good. Dang. Wow. That was a heavy finish i'm pretty sure it was nine plus 22 but you can go check it on the let me how do i check it on the rower or do i just gotta watch the fucking video back
Starting point is 01:08:32 no the rower will you just count the rounds in the rower all right let's see go to memory was that nine plus 22 i don't know damn bryson i don't know. Damn, Bryson. I don't know. I just did it. So, let me get the camera. Yeah, go over to the rower. Memory. Taylor's checking. Just count the rounds of 300, and then there should be a 220 on the last round. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. And then the last one he was on.
Starting point is 01:09:03 Yeah, nine plus 22. Okay. Damn. Damn, that was that was nine plus 22 okay damn dude damn that was good nine plus 22 buddy uh is this true uh drew gilbert uh rules say you get the rollover you get the rollover meters uh do you let's see fuck well i fucked him on that. We'll give him 23. Over here. I don't know if that's true. That could be misinformation. Do the rules actually say?
Starting point is 01:09:36 Oh, here, Ken Walters. He has higher than 22. You get the rollover on the last round. Okay, we'll go with 24. Did you stop the rower? Yeah, I stopped it. Oh, dang, Taylor. Let me go check it. Let me go check it.
Starting point is 01:09:45 Yeah, yeah. Take the 24. Did you stop the rower? Yeah, I stopped it. Oh, let me go check it. Let me go check it. Yeah, yeah. Take the headphones. Look at that. Bro, you murdered it. What's up, dude? That was so good. Oh, shit. Relative to last week, what's the difference?
Starting point is 01:10:00 Well, I was sick last week, but I think on that one, geez, hold on Yeah, the the notes say if time expires during the row record your score when the monitor has come to rest Okay, we'll check the camera that I have another camera going. Hopefully Taylor didn't stop it. It's whatever but I think That was a lot grippier than I thought it was. Um, my back actually didn't blow up. So cheers, Bill, for reminding me to be a little more squatty in my deads.
Starting point is 01:10:32 Were you? Yeah. Were you squatty? Some of them, some of them. I'd hate to see you not squatting this. Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was pretty itchy.
Starting point is 01:10:41 Those were Romanian deadlifts. What are you talking about? Yeah. I did go back and forth a couple times. But, like, when I could start to feel my hinging blob, I would do a couple reps, like, more squatty. And I feel like, I don't know. It was good to just have two different things to think about.
Starting point is 01:10:59 And then, like, I guess going into it, I wasn't really thinking about how grippy it was going to be. But my girlfriend was texting me, Maris, before the workout and asking if it was going to be grippy. And I was like, yeah, for sure. And then I just completely forgot about it. Hey, does she ask you questions when she knows the answer to stuff just not to, like, big dick you? Like, is that her way of saying, listen, it's going to be grippy as shit? No, she'll ask me questions sometimes, and then I tell her the answer.
Starting point is 01:11:24 And she's like, I don't think that's right. Ah, okay. Well, the old setup, the old setup. But I love her more than anything. So that's all right. She's allowed to do that sometimes. Would she hug you right now? A bare chested like this?
Starting point is 01:11:39 Yeah. A hundred percent. Okay. All right. All right. Testing just the, if it's reciprocal, she'd let her clothes get drenched from you. Hey, tomorrow at 4 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, two of the best in the world, Jason Hopper and Taylor Self,
Starting point is 01:11:54 will go head-to-head in the Born Primitive CrossFit Charlotte 24.2 Open. Who is going to win? If this is a rowing workout, does that mean just Hopper's got it? No. I think Hopper probably thinks that. The rest of the world probably thinks that. But I think Jason's in for a little bit of a surprise. And why do you say that?
Starting point is 01:12:19 Where do you think it's going to happen? Because Taylor is great at the row or two? I think Taylor, yeah, I mean, if you put them on and make them row like a 2K, Jason's going to beat Taylor. But I think in a well-set-up CrossFit workout, which like, you know, I heard you guys kind of talking about it earlier. This isn't like the perfect test of fitness or anything. I don't think anything really is.
Starting point is 01:12:40 But I think the more CrossFitty it gets, the more of an edge Taylor has. I do think it's a perfect CrossFit workout. This is fucking amazing. I think last week's was amazing, and I think this week's was amazing. Do you guys – does someone disagree? I'd give this one a 10 also. Rowing, deadlifts, and double unders. I think we haven't tested anything else.
Starting point is 01:13:00 That's what I think. Yeah, I just think it can be anything. It could be a good workout. it could be a terrible workout. You have to look at the whole test, which is obvious, like, stupid political answer. But I think first two weeks, back-to-back, not looking great so far in terms of, like, broad tests, I don't think. But I think because the 25% line is so big, the people who need to make it in are going to make it in. It's not a big deal. Okay, interesting. I wholeheartedly disagree with you.
Starting point is 01:13:31 Sebi, I hate deads, but yes, I think what we're seeing is one of the most CrossFit-y opens ever, and I'm absolutely loving it. Now listen, Bryson, would your girlfriend take an earpiece out of that sweaty head of yours and put it in your ear? Because I just saw Taylor do that. Would she also do that? Yeah, I mean, Taylor's probably
Starting point is 01:13:52 a little more comfortable doing that. We get pretty comfortable together. Comfortable doing what? Anything, dude. The reason I had a mustache last week and don't have it anymore is because Taylor chewed it off my face damn John Young who wins this tomorrow
Starting point is 01:14:10 night it's going to be a big massive show who is going to win this the born primitive CrossFit Charlotte 24.2 Taylor Self versus Jason Hopper who is going to win this I think it's hard to bet against Hopper in a rowing workout me too you two idiots going 0 for 2 Who is going to win this? I think it's hard to bet against Hopper in a rowing workout. Me too.
Starting point is 01:14:25 Me too. You two idiots going 0 for 2? I need it. Holy shit. That was my next question. My God, you got a keeper. What are we talking about? I didn't pick you blind.
Starting point is 01:14:38 You picked me to get 621 on that workout, John Young. Listen, you went against the fittest man in the world last week, and somehow you pulled it off, and lightning struck for you. Lightning does not strike twice in the same place. Now you're going against Jason Hopper. He's the future of the sport. Everyone knows it. He's the hype train.
Starting point is 01:14:59 He's a three-time games athlete. It's not future anymore. Now he's in his midlife crisis. And I'll say this. If whoever's going to have the least amount of trips on the double unders, we'll see. I'm going to mangle myself again. So you know you're going to see that. Taylor, if you hold a 130 the whole time.
Starting point is 01:15:15 It's not a 130 pace, John. I'll never bet against you ever. No, world record. You do a world record again. I'll never bet against you again. Bill, will we see possibly world record times from hopper and uh mr self uh i don't know i don't think it'll be world record time but i think that what what i what i'm more excited to see is uh something that hopper
Starting point is 01:15:40 doesn't have that taylor does have is a ton of grit. And I just think Taylor will wreck himself to oblivion to get ahead of whatever. And I don't know if Hopper would do the same type of thing. So that's what I'm, that's what I'm anxious to see. What about Roman? How will, will these boys beat Roman Krennikoff?
Starting point is 01:16:01 Ooh. Uh, will they be, you think they'll beat Roman? I do. Krennikoff. Ooh. Yes. You think they'll beat Roman? I do. Oh, man. So you're talking that this is a rowing workout, all that stuff that you're saying,
Starting point is 01:16:14 and then you think that they both will beat Roman? The machine guy? Yep. And what about Dallin Pepper? What about Dallin Pepper? He's going to have a sick time on this. Will they beat Dallin? Dallin will have a monster score. I say no to Dallin Pepper? He's going to have a sick time on this. Will they beat Dallin? Dallin will have a monster score.
Starting point is 01:16:27 I say no to Dallin and yes to Roman. I think transitions are important. It's not just rowing. I think Taylor and Hopper are going to push. Transitions in this workout is crazy. Taylor and Hopper are going to push each other. Hopper sees himself as a clear winner in this, as does a lot of people. Taylor's not going to let him win at all.
Starting point is 01:16:43 I think they're going to push each other, and that will have really, really good times, but somebody will see their time. And I think somebody will beat it because they get to see their time. I don't think Roman cares. This is the thing on a 20 minute workout. It's a little bit different than like, even last week, I said it prior to, and it was true that that wasn't a workout where you could look at what down was doing and try to race. Like he got ahead of me in the set of 21s and I knew, okay, I'm not going to hold the burpee pace he's holding right now. I can only hold the pace that I know I can hold for all the reps. And it's going to be the same case in the row over with me versus Jason.
Starting point is 01:17:16 There's going to be a pace that he knows he can hold. There's going to be a pace that I think, or know I can hold. I'll get to a point in the workout and say, I need to pick it up, or I'm going to get a point of workout and say, I need to pick it up, or I'm going to get to a point in the workout and say, you need to hold this. I think that'll be the same case for Jason. It's a trap to look at somebody else for the first minute or two minutes. Obviously, I don't want him getting ahead of me, but it's also
Starting point is 01:17:36 these workouts are not they don't lend themselves super well to a race atmosphere if that makes sense. It's not at all i mean it's not a games like event at all you're not against the other guy you're doing your best time right and even when we saw like justin colton going at it it's like if someone gets ahead then you have to mess up for them to catch you right because it's not there's nothing's that
Starting point is 01:17:59 but you're just talking about the elite about okay you're just you guys are obviously just talking about the elite people let me let me are obviously just talking about the elite people. Let me throw in a couple more things here. Mike Poolboy, I recently switched from HWPO to Sentinel Training, and after tomorrow, Hopper will do the same. Here's the thing. Listen, we saw Bryson execute this perfectly. The one error that we talked about, and it's not even an error,
Starting point is 01:18:23 is one time we saw him take an extra breath during transition, but he was still moving to the double-unders as he did it under the bar. I can't remember. If we hadn't seen the other guys do it first, we would think that Bryson executed perfectly, wouldn't we? No, totally.
Starting point is 01:18:40 And the only reason he took that extra breath is because he picked it up on the row pace on that set coming into that. So he went from that row a little bit faster than what he took that extra breath is because he picked it up on the row pace on that set coming into that. So he went from that row a little bit faster than what he's rowing before because Taylor was telling him, like, get going. It's time to get going here. Hopped on the deadlift, and then that's when he saw him come to the rope, and it was like it caught up to him for a second right there. And that's the hard part. That's the tennis match you got to play.
Starting point is 01:19:00 If I pick it up, does that mean that am i picking it up and i don't need that extra rest or am i picking it up and it's like oh shit i buried myself a little bit now i need to take the rest or was it even worth it let me go ahead let me give you a hypothetical if we took all of bryson's deadlift time and added it up that he was on the holding the bar all of his jump rope time and added it up and all of his transition time and added it up and just remove the rower and compared him to justin and colton would bryson have won no my deadlift cycle speed is really slow okay okay so so but he would have be both of them on the uh on the double unders for sure because he had no errors yeah didn't have one mess up dude okay so so that's interesting so you're if the next open workout is 100 triple unders for time i'll win the world
Starting point is 01:19:49 i told him already bro relax watch yeah yeah he already he already bragged about your triple unders already sucked before you do you don't need to get all of yourself guys uh today at 4 p.m pacific standard Time, I think that is three hours and 41 minutes away. We will have an all-star cast where we will talk specifically about the 24.1 and going to 24.2. All the best in the business will be here to make the picks between the number two guy in the world right now, Taylor Self, and Jason Hopper, the guy who is arguably top three in the world, or not is uh arguably top three in the world or not arguably is top three in the world at machines um the deadlift won't be anything for these guys and they can both execute double unders perfectly it is going to be a war in the born primitive
Starting point is 01:20:36 ca event tomorrow night uh any final words you'd like to say taylor bryson thank you so much. Anything you want to share? No, thank you guys so much. Yeah. Anytime, buddy. Uh, JY Barbell, John Young, anything you'd like to say? No, I think Bryson smashed it.
Starting point is 01:20:54 I think he needs to be a little bit more confident in himself. Cause I thought this workout, John. No, no, no. I'm shooting some, I'm shooting for eight rounds. I'm shooting some, I'm shooting for eight rounds. Just wait till quarterfinals. That's when all the, that's when all the fun stuff comes out.
Starting point is 01:21:10 And final question for Bill Grunner, Bill, as a workout for the masses and for what CrossFit presented to the affiliates to do in their gym. What do you think about this workout? I like the workout, but I'm, I,
Starting point is 01:21:23 I kind of in John's camp. I don't like that. It's so light for the whole time. They could have ramped up the weights every other round or every round or whatever, and done that. And I think that they would have allowed everyone to still race and have some separators in there,
Starting point is 01:21:36 but it's fine. Fair enough. Caleb, thank you so much. We will see you guys shortly. Love you guys. Thanks for tuning in. Bye.

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