The Sevan Podcast - Born Primitive CrossFit Open Update Show

Episode Date: March 1, 2024

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Starting point is 00:01:13 South Carolina Tyler Watkins of the Heat One app And John Young Senior analyst for all things CrossFit Sport Also you can get strong like john looking up on jy barbell caleb on the back end guys we got the announcement uh immediate first oh wait wait wait wait this show is brought to you by foreign primitive now listen
Starting point is 00:01:39 i how lucky am i that these are my favorite shoes and these guys put up the loot to get down Colton and, uh, Taylor, uh, Taylor self, uh, Jason Hopper out to do the Taylor versus the world.
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Starting point is 00:02:31 And then of course the ever present and always supportive use code word SEVAN S-E-V-A-N and good things
Starting point is 00:02:42 will happen to you. And then Hiller's got videos that can show you how you can dabble with the peptides. Everyone's doing it. Okay, John, first impression, 24.1. I think it's accessible to everybody, and it's a lung burner, and it's exactly what Dave said it was. I'm very happy it's not seven minutes of just burpees or, uh, any version of that. Um, I like it.
Starting point is 00:03:08 I think for the elite athletes, it's just literally who can burn the house down the most. Um, and then for everybody else, it's, it's just straight cardio. I don't think it's, I don't think it's enough snatches to where like strength issues will come into play. I think everybody will be able to do it. Uh, for those of who don't know, it ends up being 90 burpees and 90 snatches, 50 pounds for the boys, 35 pounds for the girls.
Starting point is 00:03:32 You have to stick with one arm until you're done and then switch arms for the next set, 21, 15, 9. Mr. Howell, your thoughts hearing the workout? I wouldn't say I was shocked, but I was a little surprised. Not so much in the movements because I think they're very much in line with what they've said. You could pull someone in first day at the gym. You could probably get them doing a light dumbbell snatch to their ability and anyone can fall down and get up. So to that point, I think he was spot on. I'm a little bit disappointed in the teaser that it's going to be a format unique to the Open.
Starting point is 00:04:11 I think maybe just the rep scheme unique to the Open, doing 21 four times and 15 four times and nine four times. But, no, I mean, I wasn't surprised at all. Like, as far as the the movement combinations classic crossfit yeah checked all the jr the mushroom the mushroom he actually did a really good he actually did a really good job diagramming that explanation i thought that was good he did a great job of incorporating the mushroom i still have no idea what it means uh mr walkden's uh first impressions of the workout 24.1 as they say i get with the programming our yearly uh physical checkup it was funny
Starting point is 00:04:46 because when he he said the 21 15 9 the original part i was like we're gonna do this for three rounds uh so i knew he's gonna add to it as he went um i did some stuff tonight at the gym i basically felt proud yeah he looks great hey he looks like a straight carnal right there he looks straight out of wville. Wow. I sort of pre-fatigued myself and I did the rest of the workouts, there's no, there's no hero moment in this workout besides where are you able to go as hard as you could? What do you mean by that? What do you mean by that hero moment?
Starting point is 00:05:32 The, I mean, the most notable one is I, I cleaned my one rep or I got a new real one, one rep, or I got a ring muscle up. Were you expecting that for the first workout? Has that ever been a first workout like that? Other than the one that started with ring muscle-ups? It's always just boring grind time. I'm just... Last year wasn't, but it was also a repeat.
Starting point is 00:05:54 I'm waiting. I'm holding my breath. I like it. It's not bad. I also took it for a little test spin. I did not do a round of 15. I did a round of 6. When I say a round, I just did six burpees back and forth, and I did just six one-arm snatches, and I was very tired. John, on a one to ten, what would you give it? For an open workout or for like the first open workout?
Starting point is 00:06:23 Both, the whole thing. I'd give it a six. Wow. J.R. Howell. Because I think, especially with a three-week open, you need to have something skilled, something on the heavier side, and something that's just icky. If this is the icky, it's a seven or eight out of ten i just feel like there always has to be a differentiator when there's three workouts and amongst the elites there is
Starting point is 00:06:51 no differentiator they can all just it's the open well it's gonna it's i understand what john's saying he's saying that it's there's just gonna be huge bottlenecks at the top but at the tip of the spear to say something is a huge bottleneck. It's just like saying, okay, you're in the 99th percentile. So because you're five, eight,
Starting point is 00:07:11 instead of five, 10, you're going to be able to go four seconds faster. Like that's just kind of the name of the game. So what are you saying is there's not a lot of separation at the top. And I hate, I hate workouts when you win because of your height, you're giving it a D,
Starting point is 00:07:24 but what you're saying, and I'll put a solution there, you're saying that you would have liked to have seen the time cap be 10 minutes, and anyone who made it in the time cap gets a three-minute rest and has to do it again, and then it's a time cap of six minutes. You'd like to see things that really separate the group. I think I'd like to see that, the same frame of workout, but a 10-minute AMRAP, and you just start over or this is this is a really subtle thing i think i think john would agree
Starting point is 00:07:51 is that you do the exact same workout but you go backwards so you end with the four sets of 21 and then it's just with the same time cap with the same time cap yeah because the time caps are relevant that makes the last 21 burpees devastating. It lets the last 42 burpees really mean a little bit more, and it probably digs a little bit more into people's capacity. And I don't think – I mean, now we're just nitpicking. Dude, we're not nitpicking.
Starting point is 00:08:19 John gave it a D, and you gave it a C. What do you give it? You said numbers. If we're going letter scale, I would say B minus. If we're going one through ten, I say six. I would date a six. I'd go out on a date with a six. Me too.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Me too. But let's not talk about how pathetic we are. I'd go out with a drunk six. You could have given it a seven point. You could have given it an eight point. Um, uh, you could have given it a 8.1. You gave it a six. Yeah. Tyler, what do you give it?
Starting point is 00:08:52 When I think about this, there's nothing shiny. There's nothing shiny about it. I mean, like I kind of left the gym thinking this is almost a training piece more so than a test piece. And this is almost a training piece more so than a test piece. I think this is a, I think this is a very in line with what they've said about, it's not going to be about how creative it is. It's going to be about the intensity that you can put in,
Starting point is 00:09:17 that this person couldn't put in that that person can put in. And I think that it's very much along the lines of something like leaving Elizabeth elevated one 135 and 95. Cool. That's a light squat clean. Awesome. Show me how light it is and go touch and go. It's the same mindset.
Starting point is 00:09:34 I know the 50 pound dumbbell is really light for you guys. Show me how light it is and pull it to the floor every single time for 90 reps. It's going to be more. It's going to hurt more than people probably give it credit for. And I guarantee you, if you're someone who's going to be coaching athletes through this, this is the way I'm going to help describe it to people. How fast do you think you can do 100 burpees for time? There's 90 burpees in this workout. How fast do you think you can do it? Do you think you can do 20 a minute? Most people are going to say, yeah, I think I can do that,
Starting point is 00:10:04 even though they can't. Sure, I can do 20 minutes. Okay. So right now you're already at four to five minutes. Now pretty much double that because a snatch when you're tired is going to take about two seconds. Now you're already at eight minutes. Do you really think seven minutes is a good goal for you? And that's how I would, that's how I would approach it. Trying to talk people through it. Cause those guys make it look so much easier than it is. Yeah. I have to gather myself when I jump over 50 pound dumbbell,
Starting point is 00:10:34 like they were going back. I can't do that. I have to like gather myself and be like, okay, here we go. High jump. And I, I'm not,
Starting point is 00:10:40 I'm not, I'm not hating on like how hard the workout is. I think the workout is going to be really hard to do, and it's really just how hard you want to make it, right? You make it as hard as you want it to be. But that's the catch, isn't it? No, I get that. I get that.
Starting point is 00:10:54 But I'm saying I just like a separator, like somewhere in it. If it's something that everybody can do it's you know the barrier entry is so low then i want it to be long enough where the elites can still separate themselves a little bit right when i think about this you got to give us a number still when uh 7.8 we okay and i'm giving it a 10 i absolutely love it so you think it's on par with 16.2 and 17.3 like those are my two favorite open workouts of all time and i don't think it's nowhere close to those i i don't know i don't know what those are just 14.4 even 14.4 is a beautiful i don't know i don't know that either but john if it's your favorite workout you give it a 10 out of a 10 if it's your favorite
Starting point is 00:11:40 workout you give it it's his favorite workout favorite workout no it to him. It's his favorite workout. You think this is Sevan's favorite workout? No. No. See, I don't – no. No, I don't like that at all. I would give it a solid B or a B+. There you go. I'm at a B-. We're not far off. All right.
Starting point is 00:11:56 And I'm at like, hey, it's perfect. Workout one, I can – like Tyler was saying, I can go as hard as I possibly can. A 50-pound dumbbell is heavy for me, but theoretically fresh. I can do all those sets unbroken theoretically fresh. Now let's see what happens to me. Now I'm a 51-year-old man. How old are you, JR? I'll be 39 in a couple weeks.
Starting point is 00:12:19 And how old are you, Tyler? 32. And how old are you, John? 29. 29. And you have aspiring uh uh games goals potentially yeah interesting all in context uh fergie show uh john young does not do burpees he pushes the world down yeah we all know that thank you fergie for and there's a little bit
Starting point is 00:12:37 of subtle um like trickle down from last year's quarterfinals. So everyone remembers the dumbbell workout for the crossovers. But what some people might not remember is that that was a mandatory one arm and then lunge and then the other arm and then lunge. And so we still see a little bit of that trickle down. A lot of people are going to be like, okay, cool. Yeah. I do all my snatches on one arm. Then I use the other. If you you never do that ever especially if you're just the average gym goer that is going to most likely create a different stimulus with the grip and probably with your low back just from all the twisting over and over again with one side more than you give it credit for when you get to alternate arms on dumbbell snatch way easier to breathe doing that than keeping it one arm hold up Uh kiro slays is this guy sponsored by steroids?
Starting point is 00:13:28 Who? All all three of us four of us. No i'm sponsored by your mom buddy, and we all know it quit playing koi You know that kiro kiro slays seve slays your mom kiro um We we we get we we get the workout workout uh first workout the uh everyone goes uh any surprises there in the in the finish and what we saw in the performances between gazan uh raptus uh the champ jeffrey adler and uh the great brent fukowski john you go first i love that jeff stepped up for all of his burpees and like he shows people that you can have an elite time doing that step up
Starting point is 00:14:08 instead of just hop, step, jump, hop, step, jump. I think so many people are going to burpee that way that have no business burping that way. Like JR put it in great context. What's the distinction? You lost me. What's the distinction? Stepping up as opposed to jumping up the way we see? Essentially, it's just less energy and easier to breathe the kirsten the kristin clever uh uh step up i think she
Starting point is 00:14:29 i think chase ingram likes to take credit for the step up he does okay uh bar facing burpee so i'll give him credit just because i won't step up i like to give i like to give josh the credit in 14.5 for making it like clear that that's the way you go really really fast chase may have done earlier though and i think i remember christian clever doing early that's what you're saying you're saying uh step up in the burpee as opposed to jump up the way we saw the guy behind um bryson do it i think for 99 of the population that's how you need to burpee over the dumbbell is with the step up and obviously people aren't going to go at the same speeds as jeff went but to show that you can have a elite time with that shows that it does not have to be jump hop jump hop for those of you who aren't following the distinction would be watching
Starting point is 00:15:16 fukowski do it versus the way adler's doing it man adler does it smooth yeah jeff does it very fast and he also does an amazing job staying low to the floor so he never stands up all the way and that's something that a lot of people that want to just make their burpees faster whether they're bar facing or lateral you need to stay bent over keep your arms close to the floor it gets you back down to the floor faster versus standing tall and breathing just think about it that's just another body weight deadlift over and over and over again when you already have to do 90 dumbbell snatches. Honestly, Bryson does a great job of it too.
Starting point is 00:15:52 He's just less fit than Jeff, but I thought the way he burped was very, very efficient. What was his time, John? I didn't get to watch him earlier. 8.41, I think. He came out too hot. He came out way too hot in the 21s and they kind of blew up but like he fought through that blow up pretty pretty good uh anyone noticed 24.1 is 18 what's 18 point up times two he's talking about 18.1
Starting point is 00:16:19 there's got to be a typo because 18 times two is 36 yeah but i think he's talking about the workout 18.1 with 18.1 um burpees and snatches 18 18 point was a 20 minute am wrap of rowing hang dumbbell queen and jerks and testable okay 18.2 was front squats i don't even think there was like i'm trying a dumbbell snatch workout because 18.3 was the hunt 800 double unders 18.4 was a whole bunch of deadlifts and 18.5 was chest bar and thrusters so this person is not talking right so you like adler's performance what did you think about the other three john i mean they did the workout on broken and fast i there's not really much to take away from i maybe that's why it's 7.8 that's why it's
Starting point is 00:17:06 a 7.8 it's because there's no like there's no romanticism in this event this was something i was this is something i was really impressed with is that if you would have just given me this workout and told me across the board do you think the females or the males go faster i would have said the females because i'm you i not just not just because of range of motion but just the 35 is typically just easier whether it's double or single but more so because of the range of motion i don't really see that many burpees as any kind of separation for upper body pressing stamina at all what was really cool is that you saw first jeff second alexis third brent fourth alex so it was kind of alternating what i thought was equally as impressive as brent's time
Starting point is 00:17:52 so brent was about 30 seconds a little less than 30 25 seconds slower than jeff he is at least four to five inches taller that's very short man's workout. This is a short man's workout. Well, I would say it's a fit man's workout, but when you're that fit, when you're that fit, sure. Is it, is it going to take more time for you to go down to the floor with the dumbbell and bring it all the way overhead? Let's just say Brent's reaches six inches longer than Jeff's. He can take a wide stance if he wants, just like if he wants to squat and try to shorten the range of motion. It's just not something he's going to be able to overcome against someone like Jeff. But he was still within like 25 seconds.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Let me give you an example. When I say short man's workout, if Mal O'Brien were doing this, we would say she was going to win it. And we all believe Colton's going to win it. It's a little strong person's workout. Little strong fit person's workout yeah like like jay like like um taylor said or someone said um hey uh um tyler would absolutely obliterate sorry not tyler taylor would absolutely obliterate uh hopper in this if they were going like everyone would just choose uh taylor he's going against hopper i mean hopper that's a big slab of meat to do all those burpees yeah and jason's super improved at burpees i'm actually really looking forward to watching him
Starting point is 00:19:10 do it don't get defensive but in general but in general yes that's not as defensive as jr can get people if you feel like people are pretty equal in fitness you're definitely going to look at the one with the shorter limit for sure what what was that 18.0 thing i think i think there uh i thought it was 20.0 because i thought it was part of maybe but maybe it was 18. you remember tia did that they did dumbbell snatch they did this exact workout but it was just 21 15 9 it was a preview before the open yeah so this i think this is what he's talking about and this is something that i actually sent to Chase on the side. But the year that they did the thing at home, I want to say it was during COVID, but there was like a 10-minute AMRAP, and then you had some of the at-home versions of all the movements. One of the things they did, I think, was a dumbbell ground to overhead where they mandatory did right right arm left arm and they also did lateral
Starting point is 00:20:06 burpees and i think that's what extra sloppy is talking about by the way you can go to the heat one app now and you can click the leaderboard button and you can see uh points are registered in real time and you can see uh all the people uh who Raptors and Adler. They're all crammed up there at the top with 175 points. And then a bunch of us ding-dongs are down here at the bottom, 70 points, 105 points. I wonder if anyone just got it totally wrong. Yes, there were some.
Starting point is 00:20:37 There were some that just got zero. Yeah, okay. Oh, wow, a lot of zeros. Okay. A lot of zeros. So don't forget to go to the Heat One app and make sure you pick your choices for next week. Easy to do. You can win $1, wow. A lot of zeros. Okay. A lot of zeros. So don't forget to go to the Heat One app and make sure you pick your choices for next week. Easy to do.
Starting point is 00:20:48 You can win $1,000. It's so easy to play to win that $1,000. Tyler, any surprises there by the finishes? No. I'm just going to parrot what JR said. I watched Brent, and I took note of the difference between him and Jeff, and I was really, really impressed, especially because it's like this open isn't super important, and he still was happy to put on a show
Starting point is 00:21:16 and try to go chase for it. I thought that was really cool of him. Alexis and Alex, they went about exactly how i thought it would go for them they both did great um i would i picked alexis to win this and she's she's fast so uh tomorrow at 5 p.m you will see dylan pepper dylan pepper uh he won the crossfit games as a teenager he's the fittest man in america you will see taylor self go against him on this channel at 5 p.m. Taylor Self versus the world week one is against Dallin Pepper. Don't forget to tune in. Thank you to Born Primitive and CA Peptides.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Chandler Smith not fooling around at all. There it is. Yep, hit notify. It's in 23 hours. It's going to be a great show. 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Chandler Smith not even fooling around at all, hitting this with a 549. First, John Young, thoughts on that performance?
Starting point is 00:22:15 By the way, the video is crazy. His physique is nuts. I can't believe how long his arms are. Well, I mean, you don't get much more wheelhouse than this unless it was, I think, a 70-pound dumbbell would have been more wheelhouse for him. But fast hinging and fast burpees, that's Chandler Smith to a T. I think this will be his best open finish in the workouts that we're giving. I just don't. This is wheelhouse all day for him. And those that don't think that the dumbbell snatch time per repetition under fatigue is
Starting point is 00:22:50 pretty comparable with the burpee, go back and watch the clock as he's doing his snatches. This is late in the workout. It is on a metronome almost of one every two seconds. Watch him do the burpees. It's very, very close. So yes, early on, the snatch is going to be cycled faster than the burpee pace. But it really is a pretty well-balanced workout because of the mandatory requirement to stay on one arm. Don't forget, when the clock starts, your back has to be to the dumbbell.
Starting point is 00:23:18 And when you're doing the snatches, both heads of the dumbbell do need to touch the ground. Tyler, what do you think the fastest time possible in this? What do you think we're going to see, and do you think it's going to be the boys or the girls? I'm telling you, Tia's going to obliterate this. Obliterate it. I know people are choosing Colton, but what are your thoughts? Is 530, is that like the T15 version of this?
Starting point is 00:23:42 That's where I would say is like max max capacity 530 like because chandler didn't make any mistakes that i saw um and then he just goes and walks off oh yeah that's impressive too right it's like uh killed that see y'all later so you got 530 and who do you got who do you got to win this i mean i would pick somebody like colton for sure austin hatfield good pick i think it's going to be an outlier i think it's going to be something yeah someone that maybe you know but it's going to be like a like a perennial semi-finalist that's maybe never broken through to the games tetlow wins this wow so so you think this is this is uh kind of tantamount to the seven minutes of burpee that we could just see some random dude in Russia just obliterate this? It's always a dude in Russia, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:24:33 Jake Berman's going to destroy this. Oh, that's a good pick. Jake Berman's a good pick. And what about Uldis Upanix and Henry Hapalainen? Those are two very different people. Which I get them confused. That's why. Hapalainen is like six foot.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Uldis is a smaller guy. He's a fire plug, right? Yeah. He's thick, but he's shorter. I agree with JR. I think it'll be an outlier. I almost think it'll be an outlier on the women's side more than the men's side. It's hard not to say that Colton or Tetlow is going to have the high score
Starting point is 00:25:14 just from people that we know of names, but I kind of agree with J.R. I'm going to say the fastest score, though, is 533. J.R., what do you think the fastest time is? Did you say? No, I didn't say, but I'll say 534 just because. Grace has a good one, Marissa Flowers, if she does it.
Starting point is 00:25:34 She's got the Fran world record. She's very tiny. What was her Fran time? 153. 145. Are the weights comparable? Is 35 a comparable weight for women typically no i don't think so especially when you're using two of them so if you're doing um devil's press if you're doing squat if you're doing devil press if you're doing uh dumbbell step over especially when you
Starting point is 00:25:59 give them a lighter weight and a shorter box like stuff like that it's typically a dumbbell thrusters let's just say you had to that. It's typically a dumbbell thrusters. Let's just say you had to do like a hundred. Those are two thrusters in your hand at the same time. Now we've, we've for a single arm movement. I think it's comparable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Okay. What, what, what's, so what's comparable on this workout? Like if you were to program this for the women and change that weight, would you do 40 or he just said 35 was comparable. I'd probably,
Starting point is 00:26:23 I'd probably leave it alone. I think, I think the announcement of them going male, female, male, female, in order was pretty cool to see. As far as like I would have said, I think the winning time is a female, and then I would have said maybe the second female still beats the other two guys. So it was cool to see that it was more so fitness prevailing and not just the loading or the range of motion. I think someone in our thread was saying that Ellie Turner was going to destroy this. more so fitness staggering and not just the not just the loading or the range of motion i think
Starting point is 00:26:45 someone in our uh thread was saying that ellie turner was going to destroy this patrick clark said that oh was it patrick clark okay um do you guys think uh the top time in the world is a woman's time or a man's time john at the end on monday i don't know i say I say male just because when you're getting that fast, it's almost coming down to who has the most plyometric burpee. And typically you're not going to see that explosiveness coming from a female. I agree, but it just takes one female that's able to do it. It's jacked. Tyler?
Starting point is 00:27:24 I think we're going to see one athlete go sub 530. Yeah. You know who? Do you have one in mind? No. No, but I think it's possible. I will say, though, all the top times we've been hearing, like Chandler's time, Adler's time.
Starting point is 00:27:38 We just saw Noah's time, too. Yeah, 551. That's all guys. Like, there's no five. Like, i'm not hearing any 550s from girls right now like i'm like that's just you know two hours after the open but it's just you know right from the beginning it's all guys so i think jr might might be onto something i'm gonna say colton gets 533 and that's that's the top time uh i i jonathan ortega t hits 532 tia's burpees are absolutely uh brilliant they they are um like water like
Starting point is 00:28:16 water right thank you thank you jr that like water clip that like water like bruce lee would say like water um you've said that you've said that a ton, but true. Like water. Like water. Extra sloppy, I did 18.0 in four minutes, so if someone doubles it and does it in 5.30, I'm going to shit. Taylor Self versus the world tomorrow night. John, people, what are your thoughts when you see those two athletes and then you see this workout? Who do you put your money on? You got $1,000.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Who do you put your money on? I think Taylor is just as good a shot for any workout. This is a good workout to come out for Taylor. I just can't bet against Dallin. I understand. I'm going to say Dallin. I understand. I'm going to say Dallin wins the workout, but I would not be surprised if Taylor won the workout. I'm honestly rooting for Taylor.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Why can't you bet against Dallin? Why can't you bet against Dallin? Just because he's like – Because I've bet against him before. And Dallin's one of those guys. He's a little bit like Alex Kazan for me. I was low on dallin when everybody was high on dallin i'm like y'all need to calm down he's not all that we'll
Starting point is 00:29:30 see what happens and and then he was all that him and alex kazan are the only two people that like i was just straight up wrong and like i tend to like overly like bet for those people whenever like they've proven me wrong so it's hard for me i'm just not going to do it i'm not gonna bet against alan but it would not be it would not surprise me if taylor did win but i'm not gonna bet against alan i'm gonna go ahead and give i will bet my money on down uh jr when you when you see the workout you got a thousand bucks who you gonna put it on i like this this is like asking a coach if somebody's gonna beat his athlete i think if there's any workout to come out this would be the one i would struggle with the most because i don't think you're fifth at the games for for a mistake and i think that regardless if
Starting point is 00:30:22 you want to talk about who can go the deepest in the pain cave or who just has a better tank, I mean, there isn't a workout. They're almost the exact same height. Like, everything is very, very balanced. I'll just give it to them because it's home field advantage, and I'll say Taylor. Okay, Tyler, before you go, I want to show you guys something for anyone who's fucking forgotten. This is the 2023 CrossFit Games leaderboard closed. Jeffrey Adler wins the game with 953 points, and second place is Patrick Vellner with 837.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Then Roman Krennikoff, then Brent Fikowski, then Dallin Pepper. He has a 25th, a 5th, an 8th, a 7th. Oh, sorry, let me start over. He has an 8th, a 13th, a 17th, a 4th, a 29th, an 18th, a 25th, a 5th, an 8th, a 7th, a 5th, and a 1st. This guy in the Echo Thruster finale gets a 1st. thruster finale gets a first. Yeah, I told
Starting point is 00:31:28 Jason I don't care about heats and people not knowing times, but until proven otherwise, Dallin is the king of the echo bike. Until somebody beats him, he's won the last two. In heat one. He even won the
Starting point is 00:31:43 broke one in the first heat. i all i man taylor has his hands full uh um tyler uh what do you think um you got a thousand bucks who do you bet on we got we got we got it split right now uh jr is giving it to taylor with home field advantage set it on spin last night i'll say it again taylor hunter s thompson writes about having rage and no one has rage like Taylor has rage and he'll hurt himself to win uh and I think he'll I think he'll go deeper than Dallin on this I'm not betting I I think it's a bad idea to bet against Jason on this so two for Taylor Taylor and one for Dallin I I can't I'm I like John. I can't vote against Dallin either. I think we're very close to seeing Dallin win the CrossFit Games. And I want to say this.
Starting point is 00:32:32 When we were watching them on the screen together and we were talking about the workout, Dallin seems completely unfazed, like a stone-cold killer. I used to think he's just a sweet little boy. Now, today, I feel like I saw a stone cold killer saving every bit of energy, just chilling, and then tomorrow it's going to be like raw. He's turning into one of the better trash talkers out there, too.
Starting point is 00:32:58 I know. It's crazy. Yeah, I can't wait to get there tomorrow and ask them what they've done so far that day because I know they're going to train beforehand. They will for sure. Yeah, though, Taylor's going to be way too antsy to wait until 8 p.m. to work out. He's definitely going to train in the morning. And I'm sure down will, too. I mean, this is they're like probably starting to ramp up a little bit, get ready for quarters. So I'm sure that they'll they'll be in there working out.
Starting point is 00:33:21 And I'm curious to know how much they do and how much they say what are you doing okay well i'm not doing as much as you then like if there's any of that back and forth um tomorrow uh 5 p.m pacific standard time on the seven podcast where you're watching now taylor self versus the world brought to you by born primitive uh get the savage ones now i'm not just saying that you will not be disappointed If you need shoes Get them now while they're 20% off And these shoes don't last long either by the way They do them in pretty small runs
Starting point is 00:33:51 So get them now And someone soon is going to post down there that they're out of shoes And then of course Just in case you were thinking about doing peptides Maybe you should wait until the open's over. Use code word SEVON. I know this is just a friendly game tomorrow at 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Do you think, JR, that either of them are starting to feel the stress of it? There's going to be over, I'm guessing, thousands of people watching this. The shows are way bigger. Already, I already think the shows are way bigger than I expected. Do you think they're going to be freaking out? No, I think they're excited about it. Even Taylor? This is the first time he's been on the stage like this.
Starting point is 00:34:36 That's what I'm saying. I think at the end of the day, Taylor is still a performer, and he's still someone that wants to perform in front of people. I think he knows that that's only going to bring the best out of him. I think he felt it some doing the Guadalupalooza workouts. I think he felt it on the stage at Guadalupalooza doing Shut Up and Scribble Live. I think he's got that showmanship in him, and I think he's looking forward to it, and I think Dallin is too. I think Dallin is too.
Starting point is 00:35:04 John, what about the adrenaline rush that Taylor is going to get that Dallin knows how to handle and regulate probably, and Taylor is going to experience it, you know, I don't want to say for the first time, but in a way that maybe he hasn't experienced before, you think that's going to play a factor? I'll be interested to see how fast they do the first 21 burpees. That's what I'm excited to see. Literally the first 21 burpees is what I'm excited to see Literally the first 21 burpees For me
Starting point is 00:35:26 For me It will be the first round of 15 I think what people underestimate When they watch Jeff Is most people Will slow down because they have to Most people will not be able to Speed up because they get to
Starting point is 00:35:42 And Jeff was able To start increasing his pace as the workout went that by the end, he was not stepping up his burpee. He was jumping them up. He had a kick to finish. Most people slow down because they have to and not because they want to. I think this is a very, very hard workout to execute properly, like within your fitness capabilities to speed up throughout the workout. And like I didn't watch Chandler's video and obviously Chandler's video is obviously great because he had 549. But like Jeff's the only person I've seen the full workout where he executed to like properly. And I just I don't think we'll see that very much.
Starting point is 00:36:28 And at the highest level, there's going to be a lot of people and I'd be interested to hear like Dallin, Jason, you know, people like Chandler, Pat say, hey, you're going to get to the same result regardless if you bury yourself in the first two minutes and then you're just kind of like dealing with the pain and the consequences and you slow down
Starting point is 00:36:46 until the finish or if you kind of slow play it and start out not as hot and then bury yourself on the back half. There's going to be people who are like, hey, I probably get what I get regardless of the strategy that I use within five seconds. I'm just going to make my bed and sleep in it.
Starting point is 00:37:03 5'5", 170 pounds. This is a large my bed and sleep in it. 5'5", 170 pounds. This is a large. I look beautiful in it. It makes my titties look good. You can see my lats from the back, and it doesn't hang on my – what are those called? Love handles.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Those shirts that you sent us, I've never bought anything from Born Primitive as far as shirts go. They're all dope. They're all dope. It's nice. Usually I wear a jacket all day, even if it's 200 degrees outside, hide my fat ass but uh the i look like a fucking stud in this tyler the math guy what will be the slowest time we see from someone who makes it to the crossfit games what is bonus law linkowitz's time in this work? He did it. He did it already. I think he did it.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Ben sent it, I think. How about 622? I think we'll see someone in the eight minutes. No, I don't think so. I don't think we'll see anybody in the seven. That's what I was going to guess too. I would say high sixes. I would say high sixes.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Like 649, 651. I agree. If you're not game in the open and you you don't care you know you're not gonna win and you're just like i'm training and i don't really want to go hard on this piece put it they're not going to do that it's not and they're not like they could go 80 and still get sub seven the The difference between 80% and 100% is 20 seconds of your ability.
Starting point is 00:38:31 How come I don't see Bronislaw's time in our notes? Someone did send it. Maybe Barbell Spin posted it already? 622. Okay, 622 for Bronislaw. Why did you choose him? Did you ask that, John? A collusion. Did I ask that? You're the one who asked it. Oh did you choose him? Did you ask that, John? Occlusion. Did I ask that?
Starting point is 00:38:47 You're the one who asked it. Oh, no, no, no. Someone said, when I asked the question, someone said, what's Bronislaw's time? Oh, that was me, yeah. And here's the thing, going back to what you're saying. That ain't slow. No, it's not. And what JR is saying, that guy is going to have crazy, that guy probably has crazy rebound off the bottom. Like, I mean, he probably has insane pushing power but this is a cardio engine burner and he has shown that he's not great at
Starting point is 00:39:11 those things um that's just why i said i he might not be the slowest one but he will be one of the slower ones and that's not slow i mean that's fashion of vikowski look at look at look at johnny already i'm telling you guys size 10.5 sold out yo will lahey is a dark horse i don't think people are talking about like he that guy is bouncy you're talking about a bouncy guy who's just fast twitch i bet his time is surprising 750 hey do any of that do any of the athletes so so what did you what did we end up coming with what do you think the slowest time is going to be? I agree with Tyler. I think we're looking at eight minutes.
Starting point is 00:39:48 I agree with JR. I say 6.50. So sub-seven. Sub-seven. If you want to make it to the games, you better put your – even if you're dragging ass, you're still going to do sub-eight. Slowest games qualifier, I think, would just be sub-seven. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:05 I agree. Patrick Lang, what's the panel going to get?, would just be sub-7. Yeah, I agree. Patrick Lang, what's the panel going to get? Seve, you sub-10? I'm just hoping to get through the 21s, to be honest. I'm setting the bar really low for myself. Mr. Young, thoughts on what you're going to get? Will you make the time cap? Yes, I'll make the time cap.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I think I'll be in the nines. Bare gonna pace i'm gonna pace the 21s um to about two minutes around if not maybe a little bit slower than that but i'm gonna try to make it two minutes around and then i'm gonna burn the house down on the second 15 i think the second 15 is where everybody's the slowest at that fitness level, like not the elites, but like, you know, a step down from semifinals. And I'm going to just pace it through the first 15 and then turn it up on the second 15 and then just let it ride. And I think I'll be – sub 10 is what I'm shooting for. Damn. JR?
Starting point is 00:41:02 Sub 10. Yeah. Tyler? damn uh jr something yeah uh tyler i i want to push as close to 8 30 as i can get no shit um when john said talks about pacing it or is anyone else pacing it was adler pacing it or for those guys it's just go adler was pacing it he was pacing it like the way you were really impressed pacing it but he said you know post-workout impressed. Pacing it, but he said, you know, post-workout, he thought that's about as fast as he could go. Yeah. You have to restrain yourself.
Starting point is 00:41:33 What I found playing with it today was it was really hard to kind of slow yourself down on that burpee. It's a fast, like, turnover time. Whereas a bar-facing burpee, there's a little bit more – you can build in more of a slow pace, but with that burpee you can't and i was really impressed like at his cadence at adler's yeah it was nuts um did you think do you think if we went back and looked at all their final burpees it would be the fastest set of burpees they did yes the nine the last set of nine yeah that's what i mean the last set of nine? Yeah, that's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:42:05 The last set of nine. Do you think that that was the fastest for all of them? Yeah. Yeah, I think so. They're all pros, man. They're all professionals. They're not going to over-pace the workout like other people will. No, when Alexis Raptus is like, go harder than you think,
Starting point is 00:42:26 I'm like, girl, you're not talking to people like you. That's scary too. So when you hear that, do you think that meant she had something left in the tank at the end? Maybe a little. In that regards, Dallin versus Taylor tomorrow night at 5 p.m., do you think that dallin has more experience pacing and that's going to be an advantage to him also
Starting point is 00:42:47 i don't think taylor if taylor just wants to win let's say do you think he paces off of dallin knowing that maybe he can cycle the final burpees faster i think they're both smart enough to run their own race it i like you know that that's something you he has to be considering like what if i just tail dallin until i'm ready to strike but there's not enough i don't think i think you're playing yeah yeah because dallin could be working the same thing against him i'll just stay right out ahead of him until i'm ready to go and then i'll take off so it's run your own race yeah what's really interesting. Even I think at the elite level with some of these guys is let's just say they, they always step
Starting point is 00:43:31 up their burpee always. It doesn't matter. They're going to probably at some point either think or ask someone, you think I should jump them up? No man. Like you need to do what you always do. And I think that's what some people will start to do they'll start to think like is a different strategy gonna get me a better time because that's that's what you do you you do whatever you can to go a little bit faster but i would tell most people hey like you have no business jumping up your burpee unless that's how you always do them if you step them up that's what you need to do wait a second how many people what percentage just random what percentage crossfitters do you think step up their burpee like in an affiliate 90 no shit unless they like go to a knee or two knees and then stand up that way wow i fuck i'm i'm i'm clueless i i you know you know i take that back i would say 80 because i think 10
Starting point is 00:44:22 still they they jump their feet really wide outside and then they take like a one-two gather step. I think more people do that than you think. I would say like 50% step up, 30% do that and 20% are just a slow crawl. If you do the double, you get the full stand and they use that to break that's yeah that's what i was doing when i was running my little test my gosh i'm a double jump up all
Starting point is 00:44:51 always did this always did that the wide step and then the one two jump every single workout he's ever done jacob heppner oh jacob heppner does all of his burpees like that he did his burpees on the barbie box jump overs like that when he did the water palooza workout for an hour but when he broke the workout and like every single time he's ever done burpees that's how he does them and he always has top scores right i mean he's freaking that's cool capacity king uh hugh janus uh john young's been smoking the devil's lettuce that's a marijuana um code for marijuana. No one bets on Dallin. That's incorrect. I have him winning my bracket.
Starting point is 00:45:31 But you're betting on Taylor? Look, there's my mom. Taylor's not in the bracket. That's cool. Yeah, that's crazy. There's my mom showing the snatch. What's it feel like to see your mom on that stuff? I didn't really like the way I worded that.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Let me rephrase that. there's my mom demoing the workout uh i i mean my mom's a beast my mom's 80 80 i don't know what she is she's but she got an eight in the front and she's she's a beast every time i leave the house wherever i'm going i call her and ask her hey you want to come with me she only only says yes. One out of 10, but John Tyler, what are your, what are your thoughts on stepping over the dumbbell is not allowed, but a hop or like a skip is allowed. So anything, anything other than just stepping over. So you can do that little like, like balance on the left foot and then just hop.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Yeah. I like it that little like, like balance on the left foot and then just hop. Yeah. I like it. I like, I like it because it makes it more accessible, uh, to everybody because people just a lot of people got a hard time jumping. Um, it's just, uh, or afraid that they're going to like roll their ankle. Yeah. But you see it on bar facing all the time, but, um, I'm pretty sure i'm right in this that the the standard is you both feet have to be off the ground at a point right we can pull it up someone just had them you just can't step over like that's the right and that that rule is so simple and i it's like there's
Starting point is 00:47:01 no good way to write a burpee in some ways like this. And it's like that's the easiest thing. I really like that as far as if we're programming it. Now, you said like what are our thoughts on it? It's like thoughts in what context? As an elite athlete? As somebody who's 60? I think the fastest people are all going to take off with two feet anyway. Yeah, I would just – I mean, I would just say get over the dumbbell however you want.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Hey, why doesn't Brent step up? If stepping up is the smart thing and he's the smart guy, why didn't Brent step up? Because he's old school? He's six foot two and stepping up for him is slower than stepping up for Apple. He probably knows that it's just a little bit faster if he just deals with that discomfort of whatever, hip flexors, midline, whatever, and just jumps them up. Or else it's going to make him 12 seconds slower in the workout.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Like he would know something like that. I want to go to Colton Merton's Instagram account. Next week, Colton Merton will be facing the champ, Justin Madero's two-time champ at Justin's gym. It appears there's been a transitioning in Colton's life. He made a post that says, love you, mom. And the text messages are pouring in that his mom passed away. So please go over and say some kind words to Colton. Let him know if you love him, how much you love him, how much we care about him.
Starting point is 00:48:30 He's given so much to us on this podcast. I can't even imagine what he's going through. And the guy's just a straight warrior. His dad's been on the show. Just a great dude. The podcast loves rallying behind him because he gives it his all. We been on the show um just a great dude the podcast loves rallying behind him because he gives it his all we love on the guy so uh go over there say hi what's up send him some love i am i'm very curious how this is going to affect uh next week colton is also involved in the taylor versus the world in week three. Um, it'll,
Starting point is 00:49:05 it'll, it'll be very interesting to see how this, uh, plays out intense, beautiful mom. Sorry, buddy. Love you,
Starting point is 00:49:14 dude. Also, um, he'll, he'll only use it as a, he'll only use it to help himself. He won't use it as a crutch. Um,
Starting point is 00:49:24 I, I, have any of you guys ever had tragedy in your life at a point when you had, when you, when you couldn't, he'll only use it to help himself. He won't use it as a crutch. Have any of you guys ever had tragedy in your life at a point when you had, when you, when you couldn't, when there's so much on the line, he's brought his whole life to these moments of trying to win the CrossFit games. And then this happens and he's right in the middle of his,
Starting point is 00:49:37 his focus. Have any of you guys had anything like that? No. You have Tyler? Yeah. And, and, and what is,
Starting point is 00:49:44 what, what would you have any advice for him or any thoughts or how did you handle it you pushed through uh male in my family died and things got bad for a minute but i was raised by all males and i just looked around and everybody else was continuing to help and continuing to go and continuing to work even though they didn't want to and he'll do the same thing all right thank you uh okay also in the news i want to bring up uh emma carrie uh one more time hopefully hopefully we get emma carrie back uh she's one of the great was on track to be one of the greatest to ever do it i think everyone knows uh she was part of that new generation um i throw her in there with the emma lawson's and the um mal o'brien's um she showed some incredible promise she if you could go back just one uh card she there's a quote from uh the bible uh was it um john 2 15 17 did i say that right mr young and um and i'll just
Starting point is 00:50:51 one of the lines in here is and the world is passing away along with its desires but whoever does the will of god abides forever and then if you go to the next slide uh she basically explains uh stepping away this season isn't because i don't love crossfit it's because crossfit is no longer She basically explains, uh, by the free gift of grace, I can truly say though, I was blind. Now I see. So, um, you want to comment on this mystery on giving thoughts on what's going on with, uh, Emma Carey? Yeah, I'm a little, um, the comments on, on her, on that post are really upsetting. It's not, this is, this is not burnout. Like, like, I don't think people like this is not the same thing as Mal O'Brien or Haley Adams is like, it's different entirely. And I know, like, people like to call him a carry, like, she's the religious girl. But like, when you're a Christian, like, like, you strive to make God the the the forefront of your life. And that's the reason why Rich got his Galatians tattoo. It's the...
Starting point is 00:52:15 If you wake up in the morning and all you think is CrossFit, and then you think about training, and then you go to sleep, and then you think about CrossFit, then God is not the forefront of your life. And I think that's what had happened with Emma. And then she decided to take the year off to refocus her desires. And I think people don't understand. You're being selfish with some of these comments because God does not care how good you are at CrossFit. He doesn't care how successful you are as a businessman. He doesn't, he doesn't, he doesn't care about anything that the world cares about nothing. And every Christian, every true Christian like knows that. And CrossFit is not what Emma Carey is.
Starting point is 00:53:06 It does. She doesn't identify as CrossFit. She identifies as a Christian. And like, I give all the power to her. I'm so it's a good, I honestly could take a lesson from Emma Carey because I don't think I do a very good job of this myself.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Like I think CrossFit runs my life sometimes and it's not God. And that's who should be running my life, who I should be thinking about. God's after my heart. He's not after anything else. And if you're not Christian, that's fine. But like, don't, don't, don't comment about things like you're you you don't understand what she's trying to say just don't comment like i think it's i don't know i i'm sure i'm a little bit biased or a little bit like it tears me up a little bit because i'm also christian but like i just feel like you know people are ugly and it's way different than what mal o'Brien or Haley Adams is their situation. Not that they're not that. But by doing that, you're not diminishing their situation.
Starting point is 00:54:10 It's just I'm not. No, you're not saying one is better or worse. It's not the same thing. So when people think it's the same thing and they're like, oh, saying like she just quit. She it's not that she's refocusing what she needs to focus on and for her. And it's upsetting that people can't respect that. And I know everybody, like everybody's not like that, but like the people who aren't like, I just,
Starting point is 00:54:35 I wish you guys would just try to see it through her eyes. And she does not abide by what you abide by. Like she thought she was idolizing something other than God. And I give all the props to her. Like J.R. said it really well this morning. And I gave all the props to her for stepping back. And I hate it. I hate the overwhelming positivity when people give, man, she's so mature.
Starting point is 00:54:58 That's not what I'm talking about at all. Okay. I'm not Sean Woodland saying I wish I was as mature as Emmett Carey. That's not what I'm not Sean Woodland saying, I wish I was as mature as Emmett Carey. That's not what I'm saying. I just, I wish people would respect her, even though you don't abide by what she's trying to abide by. That's it. Uh, fair, fair enough. And I'd like to say this as a, uh, as a non-Christian Christian and someone who does not believe in God, those people out there who are saying cult or another brainwashed person, I'd really like to know what you filled in your heart or in your
Starting point is 00:55:32 place of your focus that is your God. Have you made CNN your God? Have you made Fox News your God? What have you done? Because I agree with John completely. It's gross, it's ugly, completely it's completely uh it's gross it's ugly and it's cowardice to attack her without telling us who you take rule uh orders from do you take orders from mcdonald's and the nfl and pfizer who do you take your rule from because clearly this lady's taking her rule from a book that's helped her in her life and uh and so so i'd like to just throw that on the pile too yeah i apologize for ranting. I didn't really do. That's not a rant.
Starting point is 00:56:07 A big, a big rant. It just, it's not a rant at all. No, I love it. This, this is the absolute place for it.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Okay. There was a moment ready. Caleb. I haven't, I haven't told you there was a moment today show. Uh, it will be at, you guys don't see this coming. Shit, where is it? You guys have no idea this is coming. I think it's in today's show. Take me to – I dropped my pen. 31 minutes and like 10 seconds.
Starting point is 00:56:40 It's like two people under my desk. Sorry. It's fighting over my pen I dropped. it's like two people under my desk sorry it's fighting over my pen i dropped uh take me to today's show caleb around 31 um uh since since we're doing a social commentary and religion here um somebody said preachy john young so there's the next the next character in the threads can be uh brother john young brother brother young check out around 3103, I think it is. I pulled it up. I must have lost it. Maybe when I went to Colton Merton's, I lost the – damn. Maybe went on to the games page. Son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Oh, okay. Check 3034. Check 3034 and go ahead and hit play on this in seven-second little intervals. Listen to this right here. Not standing it up, resetting and going to the jerk. This is a light enough weight that it's just easier to go right from that squat to
Starting point is 00:57:39 overhead. More than halfway through. Let's take a look at Brent Fikowski who's coming off a great... What's the time code there a what's the time code there what's the time code there buddy did i say 30 34 caleb sorry that was 30 47 okay check uh keep going go 10 seconds ahead i think it's on the i think it's 3103 actually jeff adler there it is a little thicker there it is we've seen him right we saw him rewind that please rewind that now yeah yeah coming into you know where I'm going 2024 how about Jeff Adler he looks a little thicker than we've seen him right we saw him yesterday that was the first thing I
Starting point is 00:58:22 noticed and we talked to his coach and partner, Carolyn Lambre. And we asked her, is he bigger? And she said, yeah, he's a little chunky. So I wouldn't call that chunky. If that's chunky, I'm in trouble. Now listen, kudos to the Lone Ranger and Annie Sakamoto. This is a sport, an individual sport, where everything comes down to how your body operates if you
Starting point is 00:58:46 do not want people talking about your body this is not your sport move to uh move to uh uh the middle east throw the fucking burka on and and do your thing there this is perfectly okay. Now listen, when I go to the beach with my friends and I take my shirt off and the girl says to me, this just happened not too long ago, and the girl says,
Starting point is 00:59:13 oh, you got a dad bod. I'm not telling you that shit doesn't hurt and make you want to drink three more beers, but it's my fucking responsibility. This is what this whole segment was. He wanted to talk about this moment on the beach. Yeah i got my i got issues but they're mine they're mine i'm not blaming anyone for them i appreciate the girl even giving me attention and mentioning it um but yeah i saw you i saw you throw that frisbee earlier and uh just got my attention yeah at least
Starting point is 00:59:42 you're noticing yeah one girl's like but you have nice shoulders but how about that's enough that's listen it's perfectly okay but but just remember that moment chunky adler now to me adler looks like a goddamn action figure but just remember this no boys no boys the the leading group group of boys have anorexia. Boys have body dysmorphia. Boys got all that shit, too. We got all that shit, girls. But and girls have all that. And dogs have no dogs don't have it. But at the end of the day, remember, it's you. Annie and the Lone Ranger did nothing wrong here. We're watching someone. We had a guy on here just uh yesterday who was it who said uh we had james townsend on this morning walks around 206 wants
Starting point is 01:00:29 to get down to 195 for the national uh masters nationals the weight is an issue of this sport it's okay own your shit yeah i'm a little heavy right now i don't like it fat boy that's what they call me at the gym i saw you with your shirt off and in our thread don't tell me about you putting on weight you got fucking 18 pack you got muscles down your penis hides in your stomach muscles uh okay uh tomorrow at 5 p.m uh the born uh primitive uh open 24.1 5 p.m on. on the 7 on podcast. CA Peptides, Born Primitive, have been extremely generous in getting us Dallin, Colton, and Jason Hopper down there. So let's go through a couple quick things real quick.
Starting point is 01:01:12 The mushroom clue. I tell you, the clues are horrible. They mean nothing to me. I don't – I guess it's just something to rally behind. But does anyone think, oh, that was a great clue? Let's rate the clue. I think the clue is a two. Out of ten?
Starting point is 01:01:30 Out of fifty. No. I give it a two out of ten just because I like the photo, and I'm surprised Dave even – I like the photo. That's it. For the same reasons, I'm going to give it a nine out of ten. Wow. Okay. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:01:44 I'll think about this much this is the iconic mushroom in my brain now it has replaced all of the mushrooms brandstetter said it looks like the head of his penis when it got smashed between 245 plates uh jr howell uh what do you give the clue i don't know i think because he said he thought the clue was going to be too obvious and then it ends up being this explanation is just like very on par with dave so i would i don't know i would just give it a five out of ten because all of his clues are i don't think they really mean anything oh right thank you john young yeah i'm with jr i i hate the hints i think they're the most retarded
Starting point is 01:02:19 i hate the hints um like i I just think they're pointless. I think he walks around and sees something that looks weird, and then he takes a picture of it and then posts it. You know him. Do the stories make sense in his head, or have you even ever asked him? Who, me? Yeah, you. I've talked to him about it, but I've told him I think they're dumb. That's it.
Starting point is 01:02:46 The next behind the scenes, you need to ask about it but i never asked i've told him i think they're dumb that's the next behind the scenes you need to ask about the open hints like let's get an inside look in his head like hey dude you don't need any help programming you need help with the clues you're really bad at this you should tell him to let you do the clues and be like like go to seven Instagram to see the clues. He ain't letting me do nothing. Okay. Here, Pedro, Tia Clartumi Ur was on Coffee Pods and Wads today. She didn't know the open announcement was going down. I found, and let's tie that in with Emma Carey and the other people. I found that awesome. She's the champ, man.
Starting point is 01:03:22 And she didn't even know. And I think that's healthy in the same way that um day if you ask dave who the top five finishers of the games were he wouldn't know and then you named him he couldn't tell you what some of those guys look like i was thinking about that on our game show the other day with chase i was like i wonder how many of these dave could get right it's probably good that he doesn't yeah i think it's good that he's like that this um tia is so positive and fun in this interview i'm only an hour through it i listened to it at 1.5 time uh but you can you actually see her watch the open announcement with pedro she's like no shit this is going on um uh thoughts uh jr and her not being aware of that. Yeah, healthy thing.
Starting point is 01:04:06 It's not her whole life. Yeah, I think it's cool. I think she's not stressing out about it at all. She says some shit in there that's scary. If you're one of her competitors. At one point, she says
Starting point is 01:04:22 in there, I'll play it in the news after this show, but she says, I've tapped into something that i've never tapped into before i feel like i could do this forever i was like oh damn please don't um all right oh uh tomorrow uh i think tomorrow's march 1st tomorrow march 1st yes uh. Tomorrow Rogue is streaming some stuff too. I don't know the schedule, but they will be doing the Strongman competition and apparently a Strongwoman competition at the Arnold Classic.
Starting point is 01:04:56 They have some great trailers on their account. So if you want to sit around the TV tomorrow or your computer and watch uh stuff you're gonna have a full day full of stuff uh any anything any stones unturned gentlemen that you'd like to talk about saturday oh yes thank you saturday uh evening uh tentatively 7 p.m pacific standard time that late yes okay we will be um uh oh and that brings up a point we should talk about this because it's in australia yes okay uh underdogs athletics is um will be providing us content and that content will be of their athletes doing the open workouts and we will be here uh critiquing them talking
Starting point is 01:05:37 about them reviewing them and uh just having a blast that will be in conjunction with the heat one app and underdogs athletics that's kotler's crew including um gazan uh ricky gerard uh caitlin van ziel is that zane um grace okay i'll learn all this uh ricky gerard this workout that's a big man. It's a good one for Rick. Good at burpees. He's good at a lot of stuff, guys. Yeah, but this is – He's a pretty fit guy. Top 50 in the world in this workout? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. As far as barn burners go, where you just burn it to the ground, it's like we always see that with a machine, and sometimes he gets hurt on those a little bit. But with this one, that's not the case and i think he's gonna who does better at this workout madaris the two-time champ or ricky uh ricky mack ricky i would say i would i would say ricky but i bet it's closer than you think hey this is gonna be a. This is going to be a good test for us to pass judgment on Mr. Medeiros,
Starting point is 01:06:48 I think. I don't think we can pass judgment on anything. Brother John and I will make judgments. We will not pass them. Correct? Big rev. On that note, love you guys. Don't forget tomorrow
Starting point is 01:07:03 the Born Primitive CrossFit Open will be at 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Thank you, CA Peptides. It's also the CA Peptides one. I apologize to CA Peptides. They've been a great supporter the whole time. Use the code word BPOPEN. Really, they are great shoes, and you will not be disappointed.
Starting point is 01:07:22 I'm not just saying that. I wear them religiously. The tongue stays in place. They're beastly. Scott, Pastor John, as Fondall says, thank you, J.R. Howell, thank you, and Tyler Watkins, thank you. Caleb, you da man. See you guys tomorrow morning, 7 a.m.
Starting point is 01:07:37 for a live call-in show. Bye-bye.

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