The Sevan Podcast - Brent Fikowski's HOT (lukewarm) Takes | 2024 CrossFit Games Update Show

Episode Date: May 6, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. It's up 120, 115. Do you like my look right now? Yeah, wooly. Oh, wooly, okay.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Wooly. Wooly. Wooly. He called you. Wooly, you look woolly like how did uh how did god i got kicked out how did who how did pedro get kicked out kicked out of tomorrow's show oh yeah yeah he called you woolly poor pedro poor pedro boy i was fired up today boy i was fired up boy I was fired up isn't that crazy like dude if you want to fight someone fight them don't get like other people to fight for you like that my god I just really hated that okay guys welcome to the CrossFit Games update
Starting point is 00:01:16 show in the lower right hand corner is um me upper left hand corner is uh John Young from JY Barbell most senior analyst in the crossfit space um we can if it's not true we can think it into reality in the upper right hand corner pedro pedro pedro white from coffee pods and wads pedro you know that you could add another line on there ah i know make that do that that's what p did he's rap buddies do right before he fucking breaks their cheerio don't let it bully you pedro don't don't put another line if you don't want to the host of coffee pods and wads he's got some other show he's trying to get off the ground
Starting point is 00:01:55 besides around the whiteboard where like he like programs or talks to coaches or something someone was telling me the other day nothing yeah coach come on and say nothing. Yeah, coaches come on and say nothing. Thank you, Pedro. And a very nice synopsis of the show. And then he also, his most famous and the best thing in the CrossFit space, really, on Instagram, week in and week out, is the
Starting point is 00:02:17 Weekend Review. And if you haven't been the butt of that yet, then you should look forward to that. It's fun getting ass-pounded by Pedro once by Pedro once week and then finally in the lower left-hand corner He's our the the Suge Knight the gambling the gambling hoodlum Tyler Watkins founder of the heat one app gave away $2,500 or at least we said he did For the oh, wow shit GoWatt already has the loot?
Starting point is 00:02:48 Wow. Mailing the check to Canada tomorrow. Isn't it impressive when a mobility company that sponsors an app with prize money pays up immediately? Isn't that an impressive trait in a mobility company? That's the better mobility company.
Starting point is 00:03:04 The best. How many mobility companies are there in the space? In the space? Oh, look, there's the pig maker. Oh, shit, your wife brings you your glasses. She hates you. She was watching live and was like, he's not wearing his fucking glasses.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Does Kelly start... Damn, I have a dry booger in here. Damn it. Can't really pick it out in public. watching live was like he's not wearing his fucking glasses does kelly start damn i have a dry booger in here damn it can't really pick it out in public i'm tyler again pow does does star at still have a mobility company didn't k-star have something he has something called ready state now yeah i never i think that and like breathing and other stuff. There's stuff. It's weird how there's stuff. And then it's like, it's always in my feed or I always see it everywhere.
Starting point is 00:03:49 And then all of a sudden I don't, does that mean they made it or that they didn't make it? I, if I like something like I'm, I'm stingy with my likes. Um, I used to be anyway, but if I want to see something,
Starting point is 00:04:02 even if I don't like a post, I will like something so that you recur I want to see something, even if I don't like a post, I will like something so that you recur in my feed. Oh. Oh. All right. I think that's it. I feel like that's the way the algorithm –
Starting point is 00:04:14 I'm playing the algorithm now. These are not the people who gave the $2,500. No. That's why we have them on screen. And then are you giving away money for quarterfinals also? Yes. $5,000 total cash is going to be handed out and two tickets to the CrossFit Games. Semifinals.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Semifinals. And you have GoWads paying for that too? GoWads paying for that too. What did you say, Pedro? What was the money for the CrossFit Games? Two tickets. $2,000. $5,000 total for semifinals plus two tickets
Starting point is 00:04:51 to the CrossFit Games. Wow. Will's going to really love those tickets. He'll sell them. Really? GoWads putting up $2,500 for quarterfinals? They didn't even put $2,500 for quarterfinals. They didn't even put $2,500 for quarterfinals.
Starting point is 00:05:07 They really just did it for Taylor Selfers. For Taylor Selfers the world, yeah, pretty much. Holy shit. And now they're putting up $5,000 for... You gave me that dude's number. I got to get that dude on the show. What's his name? Thibaut. Thibaut, yeah. Thibaut. Thibaut, if you ask Chase. Yeah, Thibaut, if you ask
Starting point is 00:05:22 Chase. Crazy. Fun for Leipold. $5 for Leipold for Pedro Thibodeau if you ask Jason. Thibodeau if you ask Jason. Thibodeau. Crazy. $5 for light bulbs for Pedro and Sevan. Looks like Marv from Home Alone. I like the look. Thank you. The hobo look?
Starting point is 00:05:35 Yeah. Do you deliberately do that? Do you deliberately go like no grooming? All groomed. Almost disheveled to like incredibly manicured and then back up again let's see what this does it's really um wow thanks caleb fuck oh this is kind of nice uh yeah that does look like me unfortunately young version of me no i don't my grooming i'm concerned that I'm not concerned enough about my grooming. I heard you say that earlier today.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Is that because it's like I don't care enough to try and I have a wife and I've got everything locked up? I've got pussy and money. What do I need to clean up for? That's John Young's thing. No, basically it's all just ease. It's just practical. Everything is just practical, right? But then if enough people start telling me I look like a hobo,
Starting point is 00:06:42 I start thinking, well, that's not really practical. So then I'll go to Supercuts. I'll open the app, make an appointment, and go down there. And then occasionally I think maybe I don't want to, since I'm doing the behind-the-scenes, I'm going to walk up to these athletes for the first time, and is it going to freak them out that, oh, my God, Sevan's a little old man?
Starting point is 00:07:03 And is that going to make it so they don't want to, they don't want to, like, I don't know. You got to look cool. You got to look young so people will interview with you. I don't know if young's the right word. If I had a handlebar mustache, that might work, too. I could try to look French. Fergie Show, can John Young's next challenge workout be called The Fly? I don't know what I would do for that.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Fudge flies? That's not a challenge. Listen, Sarah said she'd pay $500 for the TV, and like a dumbass live on the air, I'd let John pick an inch size, and it'd fucking end up costing me $500. I didn't know TV sizes, Seth. I don't...
Starting point is 00:07:39 Fuck myself. I hope that TV falls on you. I thought my TV was fine. You're not prepared for what's going to show up at your house. I know. It's going to be crazy, right? I don't think I've ever had over a 55. I think it's 80 inches.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Well, apparently 34 is not big enough. Jeez, my wife says five inches is huge. What the fuck does this TV got to be? We made it a long time without that joke happening good good job guys i'm looking to see um 75 inch hey you're gonna trip when you see the box yeah because the box is like 100 inches the box is ridiculous the box tvs comes in is ridiculous i'll track your package for you right now let me see do you think they'll send it in like a box truck? Not like a regular UPS truck, like a box
Starting point is 00:08:28 truck and two guys will unload it? It'll be light, but the TVs aren't heavy anymore, but it's going to be massive. So it's ordered and shipped, but it's not out for delivery yet. He's been so nervous hanging it up.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Yeah. Oh, thank you. Perfect. Well, well done. Thank you. Oh, shit. Wow. I can't just like put it on the floor and like just leave it.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Yeah, I can't see an issue with dogs in the house. No, it'll be fine. You can still put it on that table. It'll come with a little stand. A little standy. You know the leading cause of death, like with young children or something, is TVs falling on them. Probably not so much anymore, but it used to be for sure.
Starting point is 00:09:10 I thought it was obesity. Audrey, we will pay $500 if he never wears a wife beater again. Oh, that's not nice. No hate on the wife beater, Audrey. That's like a JY signature. Yeah, yeah i i can't do away with the beaters guys just like you one of the few white men that can pull it off thank you me and jr yeah just like savon came out with tooth powder you should come out with your own line of white beaters colors maybe your wife could knit them i I'm not sure. Crochet.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Tyler, don't say knit. It's like calling a Cuban a Mexican. It's real bad. That's a little worse. Is the episode two of the John Young that after he gets his TV, the next episode is going to be to build a bigger house to fit the TV in, I guess. Hey, what is...
Starting point is 00:10:03 Do you only have black wife beaters no i have like i have white gray and black white oh okay all right i'm not racist all right this is one of those words that i never i never wanted to look up actually how it's spelled because is it like white beater or is it no it's a wife beater like w-i-I-F-E. It's a racist term. Mexicans get drunk and beat their wives, and Mexicans wear their shirts. That's the whole thing, right? Can someone pull that up on the Urban Dictionary?
Starting point is 00:10:33 I see a white guy. I see a white guy in a wife beater. Well, that's because you're not racist. That's because you don't live in California. Can you pull it up, Caleb, in the Urban Dictionary? We'll see what the... Is it not French? Is it not like beater or something? Beater.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Hey, do you have that term in ireland pedro white beater yeah we probably got it from america the man who beats his wife oh there's no reference to mexicans that's just my own thing all right a white oh sleeveless yeah i it's funny i i was i wish i would have said it before he pulled it up um i i thought that it had to be white. I don't think the black ones count as wife feeders. The phonetic spelling of wife right there is very southern. Wow.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Wow. Yeah. Wow. Nice catch. Or like Bora. Yeah. Usually white guys doing meth and no hubcaps on the pickup there oh yeah well this first 11 minutes has been exactly what you'd expect from across
Starting point is 00:11:35 the game's update show welcome to the update show someone said john you're using the wrong mic yeah i got it fixed okay okay um uh so a couple semi-finals a couple semi-finals workouts leaked as far as we know it was event number three and number six and um we deduced that by looking at the program for number six that um number six was the final workout because we we've seen that before the walking lunges and the race to the finish and how dramatic it is and then a couple hours uh hillar broke it then we did a show on it and then a couple hours later all the workouts were released by hq is that correct yeah they leaked them all okay they released them all tyler do we have any evidence that they planned on releasing them all anyway that day? We have more evidence to the contrary that they did not.
Starting point is 00:12:31 We have more evidence to the fact that they did not plan it. And immediately when we got off the air, we heard another workout had been leaked. And we didn't go back on and talk about it but we heard workout like number one had been leaked also so at some point is it fair to say uh pedro that from they realized that the workouts had been leaked and they thought that they would just jump ahead and release them all and that was the catalyst for it yeah i guess it was like oh what are we going to do and someone dave whoever just said just get them all out as quick as possible because you can see like the graphics weren't perfect and stuff it was like it was it looked like a bit of a rush job or by the fact that they're still not on hq's website they're
Starting point is 00:13:15 not on the game site i really wish i really wish there was like a hard knocks of crossfit hq like a behind the scenes of their season and just all the like all the mess ups and like you get to see what goes on in hq who's like idiocracy release them all uh like who gets mad who's in charge like do they look at hillar's videos you see hillar's youtube in the background and a crossfit hq computer is that now is it still not up there it's still not up oh fucking come on hey that's i mean i've got my phone now that's pretty strong evidence that they weren't ready and that their it team is is weak and couldn't get it up quick right yeah it's as strong as that they weren't ready and half the people can't pivot even slowly can't do like an eight point
Starting point is 00:14:01 turn never mind pivot a quick pivot have you Have you guys ever worked in a corporate environment where you send an email to someone like, I'll be like, hey, Tyler, do you think we could get some photos of this? And he responds with, here, let me check with so-and-so. And then he adds so-and-so to the email and then so-and-so writes back and goes like, that sounds possible.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Let me add so-and-so to the email. And next thing you know, there's like 20 people on the email and you still don't have an answer. You ever seen that? I work at a university work at a university okay that's what my day is oh yeah i guarantee you it's like that at fucking hq there's probably like 27 people on this email to this one i like this one it guy that's got to get that shit up and he just can't get a fucking answer it's like i could have built the website myself by the time i got the answer and and john uh go ahead john and then i'll ask you bullied bullied well like another
Starting point is 00:14:52 thing that i think is interesting is like age groups agri semifinals starts next week and their their workouts are not released and all of the individuals are released my wife said to me earlier on she said when is the age group ones and i said oh they're next week they said okay they must be doing the same workouts i guess and i was like uh oh no shit i actually no i don't know and then i was like well they're not going to be running so i don't know what the fuck they're doing crazy yeah it's it's still online they're at their own places for age group but uh their workouts 35 35 and older and the teenagers and the teenagers yeah it tracks though because they didn't they didn't review any of the workouts either so they're not doing anything the same with the age groups that they're doing with the
Starting point is 00:15:39 elite okay so so that's pretty strong evidence and and john traditionally how have the workouts been released is there a tradition to it like normally that the week before or maybe they don't even release one or two until the actual event happens is there is there some sort of pretty sure every time it's just been a week before okay they're a week before the first one and and then the people who go in the third week i've always been able to strategize or watch week one and two's mistakes. And they're usually faster times. But it's usually a week before the very first regional or semifinal starts. And before anyone shits on HQ for this, there's a whole website called Mac Rumors.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Which has leaked photos of iPhones that are like three iPhones away and new computers and just like all sorts of shit. And there's one called Sony alpha rumors. So this isn't, some people might think that this makes it so that CrossFit's a shit show. What it really shows is that it's big enough that people care. And the, the, whenever there's, and those are cultish groups to the Mac group, the Apple group and the iPhone user group and the sony camera group and so i i go to those websites all the time and i'm just seeing all the shit that's like ahead and the rumors and leaked photos and so no one should see it as i just don't this is common in a lot of different places yes when you have a cultish following like crossfit does this is the shit
Starting point is 00:17:03 that's going to happen there's going to be a bunch of us out there who like our favorite pastime because we have no life is just doing this shit. So that's just the way it is. Okay. Can we pull up the workouts really quick? We'll go through them really quick. We're not going to do a lengthy show. We have plenty of time, weeks and weeks, right, to do this. right uh to um to do this uh 800 uh 800 meter run uh event one 800 meter five rounds for time 800 meter run i've not looked at these uh 800 meter run so that's two and a half miles of running and then uh 10 clean and jerks that's 50 clean and jerks with a weight 125 for the women and 185 for the uh men uh john you like this workout yeah i think it's a good endurance workout it's so clean yeah i think the women's weight should be 135 but other than that i think um like you know it's it's an endurance workout but you're not just going to win just by being aerobically fit you have to be able to cycle the barbell and stay disciplined on your rep speed transition stuff like that tyler why tell me john is wrong it
Starting point is 00:18:08 should not be 135 if the men's weight is 185 it should be 135 if the men's weight was 225 please tell me john is wrong no john's correct oh okay and why is that why do you say he's correct the stronger and the men haven't yes but also specifically if women get to use their legs like an upper body press okay i think 125 would be would be fair but if women get to use their legs they've gotten much stronger i'll put it like this seven when we get to invent five you tell me the women's first weight okay hey real quick question what percentage of the men's field north america east goes unbroken on the cleaning jerks? I think they're all doing singles.
Starting point is 00:18:49 The whole way through? Yeah, except for the last round. Okay. Did JR predict this one? I'm going to tell you something that you all should consider as we move around inside the matrix. What if I told your does actually all the programming for semifinal would you be excited and happy or would you be upset with him because he acts like
Starting point is 00:19:17 he's the great predictor but he's really just been programming the whole time there's not enough there's not enough pulling for jr to be programmer. Just think about that for a second. There's not enough sled pushing. Pedro, will you give this one a try? Oh, absolutely not. He did that so on purpose.
Starting point is 00:19:38 It actually really annoys me that the graphic really fucking pisses me off. Why is it not centered? Why is the 800 to the left of center and then the 10 not at least centered on the 800 one? If not the whole graphic.
Starting point is 00:19:53 I plan on doing this to one tomorrow. Alright. Can we get it within the time cap? Yeah, I think so. Two and a half mile run, 50 cleaning jerks there, 30 minute time cap. Fastest time for this, John? just off the top of your head? Three minutes, four minutes. I would say 20, a little over 20.
Starting point is 00:20:14 They'll be on air runners? We don't know. We've heard rumors that they're going outside. Would they do that on one and not all, though? Yeah? Or no? They would have to be uniform. If one is outside, I feel like they all have to be outside.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Would they? No. Would they? No, no, Tyler, you're right. They don't. Listen, just so you know, I detest all the machines. But in this one example, if you were to use the machines, it's smart that they finish with the clean and jerks because when they've had events that end with machines, that lets me know that someone there who works there is completely fucking brain dead because then it's not entertainment.
Starting point is 00:20:57 You're just looking at hands. Yeah, it's stupid. So I really like this workout. I'm excited for it. It's going to be fun. Okay, let's move on. And then we'll circle back and we'll pick some winners for this. Event two.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Event two. You just really want it centered, huh, Pedro? I'm toes to bars. Toes to bars. How many bars? One to one bar or one to the other bar? Toes to the bars. Oh, it should be toe to bars
Starting point is 00:21:26 no toes to bar toes to bar okay uh five rounds for time 100 double unders uh 20 toes to bar uh 10 front squats uh wait for the women 155 wait for the men 225 john you like the weights i love the weights This is my favorite workout. I think the fittest will do the best in this workout. There's no – obviously, there's a little bit of a squat bias to it, but you can't do well in this workout without being extremely fit. Tyler, regular jump rope? Bring your own? Bring your own?
Starting point is 00:22:03 BYB? Yeah, for sure. what about this one i'm broken on this one yes right not all of them i think a lot of them are gonna break no but the best in the world for sure the best in the world i think will be but i think you can be just as fast going six four if it means you're gonna jump immediately to the total bar after the double unders. It's five rounds. It's just a lot more than you think. 50 front squats with
Starting point is 00:22:31 225, that is so much. Unless you're front squatting like 425, I don't think you do. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they do. I think you can go just as fast going six and four a jr said this earlier on the get with the programming show and i couldn't agree
Starting point is 00:22:49 more um i think you won't have the best time in the world or the best time in your uh semi-final but you'll be but yeah i think you i think you can get top five like that what about last round unbroken 100 double unders 20 toes to bar 10 front squats all unbroken we'll see a lot of that i hope i think you'll break the toes to bar up at that point like he's saying the whole last round i think i could see like 12 and 8 or 8 7 5 and then the last 10 front squats are unbroken isn't it the classic like break when you need to or when you want to not when you need to work 100 you don't like think if you got to squat failure on this or like you know you're looking like taylor after workout two in quarter finals you're screwed no one will ever look like you know what i mean like i think a lot of people
Starting point is 00:23:36 break in the beginning and then try to kind of feel it out but i mean they don't have a lot of time to test it so you know people will know their paces one toes to bar ha ha ha ha shoulders and grip will also be midline as well yeah i would say i would say i would say it's it's it's a front squat workout it's all legs all right grip grip i grew grip but it's mostly it's mostly just lactic fill up in your legs i don't know your shoulders gonna be hurting i think your shoulders are gonna be hurting too it's gonna be it's gonna be weird on the shoulders for these guys they're all yeah if you have any go ahead i was also thinking of myself falling like a fucking deck chair after 20 toes
Starting point is 00:24:25 trying to do 10 front squats. I just like collapse. If you have any weakness in double unders at all, it's going to show. Sure, I agree. But I don't think you can get to this level and have weakness at double unders unless you're Carolyn Prevost. Damn. You didn't have to call her out like that.
Starting point is 00:24:42 What did you say about Carolyn Prevost? She's going to shit the bed on this one? No, she's always struggling with it. She might break the double-unders. She's worked on them a lot, though, I think. Right, right, yeah. But what I said is I don't think you get to this level, the semifinal level,
Starting point is 00:24:57 without being pretty darn elite at double-unders, unless you're Carolyn Prevost. It was a compliment. Just because you know her name. I know she's bad at double unders. Okay. Event number three. Three of six.
Starting point is 00:25:11 We're halfway there, people. Event number three, seven rounds for time. Oh, sorry. Let's go back to event two. I like this workout, too. I'm really happy with this. I'm just thinking of it just strictly from the spectacle of watching.'m pumped they're two for two this is dope okay event number three uh seven rounds for time
Starting point is 00:25:32 10 calories on the rogue bike one legless rope climb uh do we assume it's 15 feet yeah we yeah yeah it's at the assume it's 15 feet? Yeah. It's at the bottom. It's an assumption. Oh, yes. No, we don't assume. And will there be rope spooled up at the bottom or it'll be cut just to the ground?
Starting point is 00:25:58 Is Scott Ponchak competing? Yeah. We'll take the ends and throw them at Scott. 10 box jump overs. What's a box jump over? Jump over a box. And then both your feet have to be up there at the same time? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Both your feet have to be on top of the box. Safe assumption is 30 inches for the men. And not a burpee. It says that at the bottom, Tyler. No, not a burpee. Yeah, we don't know if they have to step down or not okay and uh and then one and then another legless rope uh climb and it'll be seven rounds of that um you think they'll be traversing the field back and forth in between there like there'll
Starting point is 00:26:36 be a 25 yard jog or you know 50 foot jog we think all of these are just all because i'm picturing the echo bikes on one end and the legless rope climbs and the box jumps on the other end yeah the box jump halfway up or something yeah so they wrote they the the box probably proceeds outward oh and you probably have to roll it over down the field to show which round you're in okay at which point i like that a lot it makes more sense but then but here's the problem with that here's the problem with that then you got where did you have to go back to your rope for that last legless rope climb yeah so transitions become an issue you start to you're gonna start jogging no i mean i think you're jogging from the beginning if it's like that
Starting point is 00:27:21 where you have to move your box and run from back like run back and forth i think after round three it's a 20 foot jog to your rope every time you run to your rope then run to the box and run back to the rope then run back to the bike and the bike and like if they wanted this to be a play on the original regional workout the the 10 legless rope climbs. If they wanted to be a play on it, I could see that much transitioning in between. That makes it way more, puts a cardio element way more into that. Here's how it's going to be. They're going to have the bikes lined up right behind the ropes, between the ropes and the audience.
Starting point is 00:27:59 You're going to get off that. You're going to climb the rope and then you're going to go five feet and the box is going to be there. After you do the box, you do your second round, but when you come back, you flip your box down one, and then you go back and forth. It'll start all together and then move apart. Separate, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Yeah. Jesus, John. That's what I just said. Oh, you did? Okay. Or do they have a rig at the other side? No, no, no. But it would be cool that way. And then at the end, I'm guessing you've got to run all the way across the stadium to cross the finish line to stop the chip, stop the timer.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Okay. We like this workout, right? This is awesome. Yep. And what would you call this? This is an endurance workout? This is a zone two? It's a legless rope climb workout.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Unless you're JR, then it's a bike workout.'s a legless rope climb workout unless you're jr then it's a bike workout is 14 legless rope climbs a lot it's a fair amount yeah it's i think most most of the men will be fine the women it'll be a legless rope climb workout all day shelby neal she's good at legless rope climbs now. She just wasn't thin. The men, it might turn into a leg workout because you're going to be hurting from the box jump overs and the echo bike. Men will just be who can push the pace and maintain your legless rope climb ability. I could see the men just smoking everything and then rounds six and seven
Starting point is 00:29:23 where some might have to pause a second before they jump up on the rope. Sarah Sigmund's daughter. What about her? Problems with this? She got as good a shot as anybody. Because I think we've seen her crumble under the rope before. That was Katrin.
Starting point is 00:29:43 That was Katrin, yeah. Laura Horvath. Laura Horvath will be fine. All the doters are the same to me. we've seen her crumble under the rope before um uh that was katrin yeah it was katrin yeah uh laura horvat laura horvat will be fine yeah all the doters are the same to me don't correct me on my show uh laura gabriella magawa fine she will be slower on this but she's uh she'll be fine like it's not gonna plummet her yeah yeah no yeah amongst the elites her legless world climb ability is not great but europe has like five elites and then a bunch of other people and she's better she's better than all the other people okay okay uh event four hang on the final lease yes games caliber people who make a difference at the games people who for john young it's like top 15 that's the only people he gives a
Starting point is 00:30:26 shit about that's the only people gabby's gonna be like she's gonna be better than all the europeans that are at the bottom event four they call this one the pedro no they do they no that's my wheelhouse baby
Starting point is 00:30:43 event four uh four time 13 minute time cap uh 400 meter row 96 foot handstand walk 600 meter row 12 120 foot handstand walk 800 meter row 72 foot handstand walk there's some there's a trick with that last handstand walk there has to be yeah well so people think a couple different things um and i'm leaning towards yeah so there could be an obstacle on the 120 and then the 72 foot's a harder obstacle like a parallette going over the parallettes or you could have a pirouette where you have to go 24 feet and then turn around halfway and then go 24 more feet with 48 foot unbroken sections. So that'd be two of those on the 96 and then three of those on the 120. And then the 72 foot would just be like a straight.
Starting point is 00:31:42 It'd be the whole thing. But I'm leaning towards that i think they're gonna have to handstand walk and then pirouette around and then handstand walk back unbroken 248 foot sections the third one's 348 foot sections and the 72 foot one i don't know but uh we don't know it's either going to get harder each round like the handsome walk uh itself will get harder each round or it could be hard the 96 one could have some obstacles 120 could just be a straight like unbroken you know goes long 20 foot yeah yeah and then 72 could be another obstacle or a different obstacle or
Starting point is 00:32:17 whatever there has to be something with the handstand walk it's it's too it's too easy like if you look at that time cap it's too easy i think the length of the tennis the tennis stadium the length of a tennis court is 78 feet and it looks like there were 20 feet on either end of it so that's 118 feet i wonder if that's how they chose the 120 i wonder if you can do a straight shot in carson across the tennis stadium and it's about 120 feet. But that would be going the lengthwise. Are there cuts in the semifinals? No. Have there ever been?
Starting point is 00:32:54 No, just at the end, isn't it? Where they just say, alright. No. There's no cuts in semifinals. Okay. And nothing tricky about the row? Concept two to row or get on it and pull yeah okay uh we like this one and these are all clean these are all super clean right yeah this one we just don't know the details on it um i kind of like that though i like that we
Starting point is 00:33:19 don't unless it's like no everything once it's leaked to certain people yeah fair enough Unless it's leaked to certain people. Yeah. Fair enough. Okay. Event number five. Repeat. Oh, this must really be bugging you.
Starting point is 00:33:34 This one, huh? It's just fucking so easy to fix. As Tyler Watkins said, this is a repeat individual event five, 2016 regional event one, 11 minute time cap. I wonder what the fastest ever was. 10 squat snatches by the two minute mark. So then do you rest? If you do it in a minute,
Starting point is 00:33:54 you get a minute of rest. No, you keep going. You just have to be done with those amount in that time. And if not, you're out. For instance, like Hiller was seven out of the eight snatches at two Oh five on the eight squat snatches.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Oh, he did this already? He was here in 2016. He was there. It was at regionals. Ten squat snatches by two minutes. Eight squat snatches by four minutes. Six squat snatches by six minutes. Four squat snatches by eight minutes.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Two squat snatches by the 11-minute mark. We don't know. Oh, and the weights are – are oh the weights go up uh they're the same weights as 2016 oh and so that's what john was saying right there the the weights for the women that now are 135 to the men's 185 so 135 145 155 16, 175 for the women. And then 185, 205, 225, 245, 265. You finish with two for the men. You guys like the weights? You like the weights, Pedro? I like that they're the same because it's going to be incredible seeing the difference between 2016.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Like I'd say probably only like three or four European men finished it then. And I'd say it'll be three or four european men don't finish it this time you know like it's going to be a crazy swing i think more european men don't finish well you know what i mean i just mean it's going to be the it'll be a lot like yeah it's good to the same the times fastest time is going to be just fastest time was 60.05 by Matt Fraser. 12 European men finished it in 2016. Of like 40. Wow, Halpin did an amazing job on this. Travis Mayer didn't finish it.
Starting point is 00:35:39 This is from the known and knowable Instagram account. Halpin. Mike Halpin. Yeah, crazy. the known and uh known known knowable instagram account uh happen mike alpin yeah crazy yeah let's no no uh go the other way because he'll have every region right yeah there we go okay i'm about to do it again oh that'd be that's that would be sweet oh wait go back who's that guy will bennett wasn't someone talking about him the other day? Yeah, he commented on Castro's video a week in review, didn't he? Isn't that him? Okay. Maybe it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Belner's a little skewed because this was the event he tore his bicep on. Okay. He was also weak and not strong this year. He didn't look as good either. No. Oh, man, you're right. In Europe, only three people finished. Yonikowski's improvement on this is going to be insane.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Oh, no. Europe. Wow. Only three people finished out of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Bet Antean. Antean, cap plus 10. He's going to do it again this year, and he'll finish it. It'll be cap plus 9. I don't think he got any stronger, Pedro. Oh, he will and he'll finish it. He'll be capped plus 9. I don't think
Starting point is 00:36:45 he got any stronger, Pedro. He'll finish it. I bet he finishes it. Okay. He looks the exact same he did in 2016. Nobody finished it in South America? In Australia, only Rob Forte did. Oh, Ricky Garrard.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Capped. Rob Forte is going back this year as well i got a feeling somebody will finish it in south america i don't know who but somebody will you don't think gee will are you joking uh yes oh yes i think all right fair enough uh and then uh the women only one one woman finished it in australia she's going back as well alita boone she's like nearly in her 40s i think and she's going back and robert is and i think in his 40s and he's going back to look at maddie sturt will be there she's the number one she's ranked number one in australia and she was a child back then yeah as well i think these are just
Starting point is 00:37:39 notable names because these people finished oh i it's the people that did it then and are doing it now as well. That's what it is, guys. Yeah, I was like, no, that's not right. I'm with you. Oh, there was one more. Can we see one more, Caleb? There was one more.
Starting point is 00:37:59 I don't know where it was. Asia? Oh, Europe. Okay. Laura Horvat, Emma McQuaid. i got a feeling laura's gonna do better than this look at how good sarah sigman's daughter did she won she won the event in europe that year and and what's the final one uh caleb uh oh look fukowski uh my name is brent and i crushed the snatch workout in 2016 i saw you did
Starting point is 00:38:29 good job he's gonna fucking destroy it this year too he will yeah if you don't beat your time brent you should be ashamed uh jamie higaya wow tia toomey i think tia toomey's gonna do better yeah there's some of these names like their times are gonna be so much better it's gonna be so fun I think Tia Toomey is going to do better. Yeah. There's some of these names. I don't know. Their times are going to be so much better. It's going to be so funny. All right. Why do you think Laura didn't finish?
Starting point is 00:38:56 That seems uncharacteristic of her. Her rookie year was 2018, and this was 2016. So she didn't even make it to the game. Her rookie year at the games. Oh, I was like, nope. That's not how that works. And that was 2016. So she didn't even make it to the games. Her rookie year at the games. Her rookie year at the games was 2018. Oh, I was like, nope. That's not how that works. And that was 2016.
Starting point is 00:39:09 So she was probably very young, probably new to CrossFit, and then made it, and then that's what she was. What was the first year Tia won the games? 2017. Yeah, 17. Okay, so that was the year prior to her winning.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Okay. Final event, event number six. We saw this one already. This is one of, so that was the year prior to her winning. Okay. Final event, event number six. We saw this one already. This is one of the ones that was leaked. Event number six for time, 30 calories on the eco bike, 15 muscle-ups, 72-foot dumbbell walking lunge. God, these workouts are great. This is going to be fun to watch.
Starting point is 00:39:41 This is going to be a great, great group of workouts. Even I can understand all these. Dr. Justin Marchegiani They're all racy. There's a racy element to them. Like there's going to be a photo finish on every single one of these. That's what I like from a visual standpoint. I like all of these. Evan Brand It's nice that there's nods as well.
Starting point is 00:39:59 I do nods to other moments or other workouts. Dr. Justin Marchegiani Yeah. Great question here. Where was it? This is just one round and someone said, oh, here it is. Chris Giles, do muscle-ups need to be unbroken in event six? For the men, yes.
Starting point is 00:40:18 For the women, I don't think so. The best will be in the women but don't have to be. Two of the podium finishers in the men's field or in the chat right now for the 2024 Brent and Dallin. They're having a little, a little, a little,
Starting point is 00:40:35 a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little,
Starting point is 00:40:35 a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little,
Starting point is 00:40:36 a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little,
Starting point is 00:40:36 a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little,
Starting point is 00:40:37 a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little,
Starting point is 00:40:37 a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little,
Starting point is 00:40:37 a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little,
Starting point is 00:40:37 a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little,
Starting point is 00:40:38 a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little,
Starting point is 00:40:38 a little, a little, a little, . a little, The freaking next Rich Froning, according to you. Not Alan Smith, that other guy we're always talking about. He is the next Rich Froning. That is correct. See? I told you.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Here we go. AI Fikowski. Chris Giles, they don't need to be unbroken. This isn't really Fikowski, right? It is Fikowski. I think it is Fikowski. I don't think it is. I bet you $200 at Brent. I feel like that's Brent Fikowski right it is i think it is fikowski i think he i think he likes that i bet you 200 i'd be like that's brent fikowski i mean the picture is up but that's not really brent
Starting point is 00:41:11 i bet you 200 that's brent that's ai brent okay i think most of the males will go why are you trying to take my money we'll go unbroken on the muscle ups uh chris giles they don't need to be unbroken but if you don't, you're a pussy. Wow, bro, that's harsh. But if you're a male athlete and you break them, you will not get a good score. I love that. I think the bike matters a lot for this.
Starting point is 00:41:37 I think the lunge is going to tear people up. I think it's going to be way harder than what Tyler thinks. What's that workout that Zach Watts did? It was bike, sandbag, burpees? Dude, I don't know. It was 2017, and he came out hot and destroyed himself. He barely did it. Oh, bike, burpees over the box, and then sandbag cleans?
Starting point is 00:42:04 That's what it was you could use your hands this is similar to that workout that this feels like a nod to that workout you kind of got to just send it and then hope you have it at the end okay let me let me i agree let me ask you some questions brent feel free to chime in which workout somebody send brent a link which workout sorry i find it so funny that Poo Boy said, Hey Brent, is that really you? Brent said it is.
Starting point is 00:42:27 And Poo Boy goes, it's confirmed y'all. You're welcome. Thank you. Poo Boy. Um, which, which workout of these workouts is,
Starting point is 00:42:38 is the champ workout, which is the one that's like, Hey, um, uh, let me, how do I phrase this? Feel free. Whoever wins that is going to win. Basically. Yeah. Yeah. That that's like hey um uh let me how do i phrase this feel free whoever wins that is gonna win basically gonna win yeah yeah that that's the tell one that's the tell all one does it because i
Starting point is 00:42:51 don't really see that i don't think there is one i don't see that in the semifinals i think the second workout's the hardest workout i don't think there really is a one where it's like this the winner will have win this event um mean, you could say workout one, because Jeff Adler is going to win workout one going away, and he'll probably win that region. I'd put my money on event two. Brad wants to come on. Here's the thing, Colton Mertens,
Starting point is 00:43:17 I don't think anybody's beaten Colton Mertens in event two. And I'm going to tell you right now, I don't think he's not going to win the whole thing. So as far as the winner will be the winner of that workout, I disagree. I think event two is just the best workout. I think it has the highest correlation. I'll agree with that. I think it has the highest correlation.
Starting point is 00:43:37 But like as far as like winning the event, this is the one that says this guy's the winner. I don't think there is one. Savon wouldn't know this, but on Spin Show, Spin ran an analysis of every workout for the quarterfinals, and they all were equal in their weight in correlation to the finish. It was crazy. Yeah, like none at all. AKA, this is the best program quarterfinals of all time.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Explain that to me again. I was trying to set up the phone, and I couldn't do two things at once. Explain that to me again. What did Spinn uncover? Each workout in the quarterfinals had the same correlation to the finish as the others, a.k.a. they were all unique enough that they equally… Influenced the leaderboard. Yeah, influenced the leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:44:23 For instance, like like Last year? No quarter finals this year Oh quarter finals okay Like a one rep max doesn't correlate to who's the fittest No At all Okay let me ask this Do you think it will be universal across all the
Starting point is 00:44:40 All seven All seven semi finals Like we'll see okay the guys who went Or did the events. All seven semifinals, like we'll see, okay, the guys who went or did the best in events one, three, and six. Well, my reason for bringing that up is that we're seeing a little bit of a different style of programming this year over other years. Other years there were always workouts where, like, the best guy is going to win this workout, and it's not obvious now.
Starting point is 00:45:04 And so I'm pointing that out to be like, maybe that's just the style of programming we're going to see as more balanced as opposed to what we've seen in the future. I think there will be correlations like one in three, you're definitely going to win, but in some regions, I think in the best regions, no. In Africa and South America and Asia, if you shit the bed in one workout, you're out, right?
Starting point is 00:45:27 We saw that with Guy last year. He shit the bed on one workout, and then he did great on the rest and didn't get to come. Yep. What about in these other regions, North America, the two North America, Europe? I guess even Oceania you can't fuck up, right? They only get three people. But what about in the States and in Europe? Can you have a shit workout? Like can you have a 30th place 30th place yeah no i
Starting point is 00:45:50 think the issue is that in brazil or in south america and asia shit could be like fourth fifth sixth whereas in europe if you finish top 10 you're you know if you do the pan check the medeiros like middle ground you're probably okay but if you've like in theater there isn't enough good people to finish between you and other people in other workouts in asia or south america so you're kind of fucked like you got seventh in south america you're probably getting 20th in europe that would be the equivalent of that you're screwed now like you can't make it if you get if you get top 10 and you're in europe or in every workout or better or top 10 or better in north and south america uh north uh east and northwest
Starting point is 00:46:31 or better do you go automatically yeah you'll make the games brent what's up dude hey this is brent prove it oh hey what's up, dude? How are you? Doing a check. Hey, how's it going, everybody? Good. How are you? It sounds like him. I'm good. It's me.
Starting point is 00:46:57 For everyone, someone asked, what's my opinion on Palestine? We'll get to that. Okay, good. Thank you. I appreciate it. Brent, you should come on, and we'll do a whole show on it. It'll be fun. Hey, Brent, let me ask you some of the questions I've already asked the boys. And thank you for calling in.
Starting point is 00:47:10 It's awesome having you here. Yeah, yeah. Let me ask you some questions. What do you think about the workouts being released early? Does it influence your training at all? What are the impacts on you as an athlete? Yeah, I think it affects everyone a little differently i think with these there's no new movements in these like all of these movements i was saying to my coach
Starting point is 00:47:33 david spur of only training little plug thank you um i was saying to my coach that these movements could all have been at the 2014 or 15 semifinals or regionals at the time and they wouldn't be out of place they're a little heavier than they would have been back then yeah so i feel like all the athletes are going to be very familiar with these movements um whereas last year it's like oh pirouettes and you know rock muscle-ups like so i felt like having more time with those movements last year would have you know benefited someone who hadn't been training those movements. Whereas with these, I think most people's, um, most athletes that are pretty good are going to look at these and say, Oh,
Starting point is 00:48:11 I think this is how I should attack it. They'll do the workout once, which they would have had time to do if they were released next week anyway. And then they'd go, they make a few adjustments and then they'll just hit it. So I don't think it has a huge, I prefer to not know them until the day to be honest, less stress, but, uh, I don't think it has a huge, I prefer to not know them until the day, to be honest, less stress, but, uh, I don't think it has a huge impact. Uh, that's a great assessment. Hey, Brent, the term sometimes they say is, um, you know, the last day of the games, they'll say stuff like, okay, this is the CrossFit workout start. And when you look at this semifinals, kind of what I'm hearing you say to the layman is, is that this semifinals looks like it's all
Starting point is 00:48:43 CrossFit couplets, triplets, couple races. Yeah, I mean, other than, obviously, the snatch workout is just, like, one thing. It's just snatching on snatching. And then everything else has, you know, it's the first one's, you know, a cardio movement, monostructural with weightlifting. And the next one has three. It's got a cardio movement with the double unders. It's got a gymnastics with toes to bar, weightlifting with the next one has three uh it's got a cardio movement with the double unders it's got a gymnastics with toes to bar weightlifting with the front squat so yeah it's like a lot of
Starting point is 00:49:08 i mean i kind of they're used uh the term classic crossfit is overused but uh because i think everyone has a different meaning of what that is but that's what these workouts are it's just like oh it's you know barbell and a machine or double unders and a front squat so yeah no it's um it's all stuff we've done before there's not a lot of massive surprises or big twists or new movements so i think i think it'll be fun to watch i think they're good overall um the argument for that andrew hiller made the premise he gave for posting the workout was is that uh he knew that people had to work out um john young confirmed that other people had to work out. So we knew more than one camp or one group of athletes had to work out
Starting point is 00:49:49 and that it would only be fair if everyone got to work out. I have two questions for you. The first one, do you think that that's making those assumptions or presuppositions? Do you think that that's the right thing? Hey, if some people know them, then everyone needs to know them. And HQ made the right choice to release them all. Yeah, I completely agree. I mean, people can believe this or not.
Starting point is 00:50:11 I didn't know any of the workouts. Okay, that was my second question. Had it reached you or your coach? It had not reached you. No, it hadn't. Brent's not in the in crowd. I'll give you guys. No, I'm not, apparently.
Starting point is 00:50:28 I think people know I'm a goody two-shoes so i just tattle on them like that's my guess is people don't tell me because they assume if they told me i would rat on them which is probably true because i believe in like fairness of sport sport. It's this crazy thing. But yeah, I think if people start to know, I think it makes sense to just let everyone know. It's a shame that they got leaked. My guess is, you know, it's whatever, two weeks from the first semi is CrossFit was probably holding them pretty tight.
Starting point is 00:50:58 And then they just started to have to tell more people. They had to start telling people that were making graphics or media. They probably had to tell each semifinal organizer and they had to give them floor plans. They had to give them equipment lists. They had to give them heat and schedule times. And then the list goes from maybe five people knowing it to 50. And then, you know, kind of you get to a group, to a crowd, and then there's no way to know who has the workouts. And so, I mean, I can think of, I can tell you one thing. When I was going on the bus to the 2016 CrossFit Games, I got a text from a friend who said, hey, I know someone who's at the ranch and they're setting up a bunch of heavy bars for a deadlift ladder. ladder um that's one of the only times i can think of and then at the 2022 games i think it was the 2022 games i feel like everybody like knew everything there must have been some crazy
Starting point is 00:51:55 leak because i kept hearing from a bunch of male athletes like oh do you hear this i'm like what no and they just kept telling me oh there's this workout with like a heavy yoke and then heavy cleans and sure enough we did that and um you know i heard people knew about the wall facing handstand push-ups like a week before and everyone was practicing something else and they were right so yeah that was the heavy double unders or something wasn't it was that the rope gate year too like people showed up oh that was the double under crossover yeah yeah yeah so i like yeah that that's the same year and you know i didn't know about that until it was announced but then you know then afterwards the days prior the days after following and you know you know some people are holding beaded ropes and
Starting point is 00:52:37 you're like oh you know this guy's friends with this guy who's on the demo team who had this beaded rope and then he's with rx smart gear or something like that or not not necessarily rx smart gear but some jump rope company um so i don't know like good recovery rx smart gear under the bus and nobody buy rx smart gear rope hey uh brent um there was an interview i, and I apologize for not remembering the details. I don't know if it was six months ago or a year ago, but I think it may have been on Coffee Pods and Wads, and I think it was with your coach. And he mentioned that one of the games, one of the years you were injured.
Starting point is 00:53:15 I don't remember the injury, but I remember kind of being aghast at how serious the injury was and that we never knew. If you don't mind, since the cat's out of the bag, can you tell us about that? And then I have some questions like how hard was that for you? Did it affect you? And are you healed from that? What kind of Brent are we going to see this year? Yeah. I mean, that was something that I decided to just kind of keep to myself.
Starting point is 00:53:39 I think there's going to be a culture of oversharing on the internet that I'm not a big fan of in some regards. I try to keep some things private. And yeah, so, you know, I was dealing with an injury that year and I decided to just kind of keep it under wraps. What was the injury? And I'm still kind of private about it. You are? Okay. Okay. But it was serious. Yeah, it was a knee injury and it was pretty serious.
Starting point is 00:54:04 And it was in 2021 at the Games. How close were you to pulling out? Total bar run workouts where it was probably the most noticeable. You saw it. You could tell, John. Yeah. He was hobbling? He was, like, last place in a three-mile run.
Starting point is 00:54:18 And Brent Fikowski is typically a pretty good runner. Okay. How close were you to pulling out in 2021? a pretty good runner okay did you how close were you to pulling out in 2021 um i mean i guess like i mean i'll just kind of circle back like the reason i don't really know now the reason i didn't tell anyone i just felt like it wasn't anybody else's business at the time i suppose and i didn't want to be the guy that was like oh if i didn't have this injury i would have won the games that year i came third which i was proud of and it this injury, I would have won the games. That year I came third, which I was proud of. And it just felt like it would have taken away from everyone else.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Now, in hindsight, what's kind of interesting is it probably, if I'm being realistic, it probably affected my next year more than it affected that year because, anyway, a bunch of stuff happened with the knee recovery. The next year, the 2022 season, I didn't do as well. And so if I just would have told everyone and made this whole comeback story, I probably would have made more money. There it is. Fair.
Starting point is 00:55:12 You can sell a comeback story. You can't sell a, oh, he's not good anymore story. But, you know, I don't know. I guess that's like, yeah, I was i was talking to i mean i'll give one other quick uh kind of analogous example i was speaking with a coach who had a had a falling out with an athlete um and the coach said yeah you know if i if i came public with all the reasons we had this falling out that athlete wouldn't look too good but I'm going to take the high road and just be like, oh, you know, everything's fine.
Starting point is 00:55:48 But in doing so, they're like, I've lost a lot of money. I've lost a lot of money because the loss of that athlete has hurt my reputation and my brand. It's kind of weird. If you do the thing that isn't right, sometimes you make more money, which is a frustrating
Starting point is 00:56:03 world we live in. Cutler, it didn't hurt your brand okay um uh brent how hungry are you to to win the games that's a good question i don't know if i'd call it hunger as much as focus i definitely there was a year where i tried to kind of do the whole like um i'm gonna win it all cost all in that's like a whole documentary on it yeah i don't know like that kind of mindset like that i refuse to lose just i felt it stressed me out um but i mean i know what i'm about like i'm in the gym you know, nonstop in the day and I push myself as hard as I can.
Starting point is 00:56:47 And, you know, I'm doing something right. Um, and so, yeah, I mean, like I, I, as far as hungry, I'm as hungry as I have been every year, but I feel like I believe I realized hope is lost last, but, um, I believe that I can win this year and I believe I can, I believe I have a better shot this year than I did any other year. You'll cry if you, you'll cry if you win though oh I think so yeah yeah it'll be an emotional release so so will I Brent yeah I think I I think I'd cry I think Pedro would cry yeah I will definitely cry okay I think a lot of people would. I mean, you've been in the hunt for a long time. Dude, you're such a fixture in that fucking top elite category.
Starting point is 00:57:31 It's crazy what you've done. Brent, pretend you're a coach and you have an athlete there and the athlete were to ask you, this is for North America East and North America West, and the athlete said to you, what's the worst a North America East and North America West. And the athlete said to you, what's the worst I can do in an event and still make it. Ooh, that's a good question.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Um, that's a good question. Yeah. Like how can you, I mean, if you could reverse engineer it when the weekend's over, you'd probably go, okay,
Starting point is 00:58:02 I need to finish, you know, 10th place in every workout or it'd be something like that. I mean, you could do the numbers. Um, it might even be lower than that. It might be 12th in every workout, but then that means if you win one workout, you can have a 20th. Um, you can do that in semifinals, but I mean, I know at the games, you can take a 24th and come back and win the whole shebang, but it's, it's semifinals. It's, it's pretty tight, right? I mean, this is, this is the stress As far as events go this is the most
Starting point is 00:58:26 Stressful event for all the athletes during the year right Yeah I think for some athletes Hold on let me just make sure Because if you shit the bed in one event Your whole season's over I mean yes But at semi if you're like If you're trying to make the games, you need to finish
Starting point is 00:58:45 ninth. Right? And so, I mean, if I'm just pulling up the women last year in the East... Look at you. Look at you beating Caleb. Don't let him do that. Upstage and pull that up. Women in the East, Caleb.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Caleb, you're about to get fired, Caleb. Brent Fikowski now runs the back end of the 7-1 podcast. All right. So James Sprague, last year, and he made it, right? He came second, 17th, 6th, 25th, 16th, 24th, 7th. In the semifinals. Out of 60 people, though. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:20 It's a little bit different because there's 40 people. Okay. All right. you got me there But that's still good I would have never thought that I would never thought you could have two finishes Out of the top ten And still make it Yeah oh yeah
Starting point is 00:59:34 I think people tend to forget that I think they can get like really Freaked out early And then it's like hey I mean obviously it's like hey you know like you know so here i mean obviously it's different because this year i just went to some random semi the year before with our 40 men which at the time you needed to come top five but let's say you needed to come ninth um matt pooling he came ninth that year and so his finishes were in six workouts so that's a good comparison
Starting point is 01:00:00 21st 5th 19th 4 2nd, 22nd So 220 Oh wow, so he was really all around So that guy Matt Poulin, he made it to the games? That guy's gone to the games? No, he would have Oh Apples and oranges But basically, if you went to semis
Starting point is 01:00:19 In the, let's call it the East Women And you finished 11th in every workout I think you'd probably make the case. Oh yeah. Are you going to East or West? I'll be at the West in Cali. Oh, that's awesome. Hey, does it bother you now that I have your phone number? Oh, is it on caller ID? Hey, um, okay. So let me ask you, let's pivot a little bit and let's talk about relationships. I don't remember where, but I was watching some video live and we were all watching it.
Starting point is 01:00:51 And after an event, I think you put your arm around Colton or something, or you hugged him or some shit. And we saw a few weeks ago, quarterfinals, Jason tried to touch him or hug him and he pulled away. Does that sound familiar to you? Or you did something to Colton? Waterpalooza? Was a waterpalooza? You grabbed him or held him? You held him or something? Listen, why are you touching Colton?
Starting point is 01:01:13 Yeah, that's true. Did you get a warning from him? Like, don't do that again? I know he told me he doesn't like that Jason guy. That's what he said. When you were hugging him, he whispered it in your ear i only let you do this no i don't know he didn't he didn't push me away um like colt and i get along really well we've had some good chats and it's kind of funny like obviously you know i'm like
Starting point is 01:01:36 the tall guy and he's the short guy but i feel like there's like a bond there because you know we understand how you have to train to kind of overcome that in a way. You're both outliers on different ends of the spectrum. Yeah. And so we've had some good chats about that. And, you know, just how, you know, not to, but yeah, just how we have to really neglect the things we're good at and just not work on them so that we can have more time and more energy and you know whether that's like whatever term you want to use let's just call it total number of repetitions in your legs a week that you kind of have their quality like i can't be spending those on wobbles basically do you ever go um do you ever go
Starting point is 01:02:20 shopping together so that he can get the stuff off the bottom shelf so you can reach the aisle of stuff? No, no. At the games, you guys don't go to Whole Foods together and shop together so you guys can... No. And I think part of the, you know, I like Colton, and I never pick on him because of his height either, unlike you guys. Right.
Starting point is 01:02:43 So... I have never picked on Colton because of his height either. I'm like you guys. I have never picked on Colton because of his height. Hey, Brent, what a pleasure to have you call in. Thank you, dude. Oh, yeah. Pedro has another question for you. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:02:57 Speaking of what it is, when I talked to Ricky after the individual event was over for team there was like a moment after he won where you guys were like hugging for like 8 minutes and talking
Starting point is 01:03:13 a lot like you were talking a lot did they take a knee when they hugged for 8 minutes? that's the time frame I asked Ricky afterwards what you said to him and he said it but i was just curious from your perspective um or memory what what did you think that that conversation was about or why did you initiate that conversation oh i just wanted to congratulate him on a good weekend and we chatted about a couple other
Starting point is 01:03:42 things but it was stuff it was stuff just i wanted him to hear from me uh and that's just kind of all that i'll say if people want to try and dig it up or ask him they can but it was more just just things that i felt i needed to say to him or wanted to say to him and yeah yeah i just um that was really it yeah you can go watch my vlog from water please if you want to hear what he said so so so brent i take it that um you from the sound of it is you really enjoy the competition and the camaraderie with the boys out there on the floor like that something it sounds like it's something special to you but we you know the two stories we dug up uh are both uh illustrations of that yeah i mean you know what i think there's some expression i wish i had
Starting point is 01:04:27 memorized but it's like you know nobody knows you as well as your enemy and uh so i you know the fact that we've all you know i know the kind of stuff that they've gone through without knowing it specifically because i know there's only you know one way to get to where we are right and it's you know a lot of sacrifice a lot of hard hours in the gym a lot only you know one way to get to where we are right and it's you know a lot of sacrifice a lot of hard hours in the gym a lot of you know conquering self-doubt and uh a lot of sweat and all that so i think well i don't know there's another way phil toon found another way yeah that's true um two ways i didn't mean to ruin your story, though. Right. I just want to let you know there's two ways. That was a good clip.
Starting point is 01:05:08 I'll give you that one. But yeah, I think it's just that, right? And what's interesting is I consider someone like Colton Mertens or Pat Bellner good friends, even though I don't really spend that much time with either of them. friends, even though like, I don't really spend that much time with either of them, you know, but there's like a, there's a shared bond there that, um, I feel like we could be, you know, we could hang out for a week and we would know each other, if that makes sense. Even though we haven't, we haven't really spent any quality time together, even patting me, we don't spend any quality time. We call every now and again. Um, but I consider him one of my
Starting point is 01:05:41 best friends. And I think that's just you know sharing those experiences and you know having those kind of shared memories and like I helped some athletes through quarters this year and I was like oh when it's all done all you really have is memories and the friends you made like that's you know no one's gonna care about anything I did in a couple years right like the only people I say this I'm like the only people anybody talks about that are not so competing is frazier and frohman like those are the only two names that anyone like regularly brings up in conversations about crossfit as far as the athletes that aren't competing like no one and this isn't like a slight against them but it's like people aren't bringing up or chris clever or graham holmber, or even really Jason Kalipa,
Starting point is 01:06:25 unless they're talking about what he's doing with NC fit. And those people were like my eyes, right. Right. And you know, the, the, the narrative,
Starting point is 01:06:33 it just, it moves on as it should. Like it needs to, you know, you need to be focusing on the present and the future. So like kind of all you have is just, you know, your memories and your experiences and,
Starting point is 01:06:43 you know, your perception of how you did. And then, you know, the actual friends you make, cause you know, your memories and your experiences and, you know, your perception of how you did. And then, uh, you know, the actual friends you make, cause you know, the friends I made in like volleyball and swimming are still some of my cherished friends. So. You ever talk French with Jeff Adler? You ever call him up and just talk French with him? I don't know. I don't know any French. I know.
Starting point is 01:07:06 Okay. Hey, uh, tomorrow atèque. Okay. Hey, tomorrow at 10 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, Taylor Self will be doing a workout live on the Sevan podcast. The show is called Kill Taylor. I should have done that rope climb workout. Did anyone beat him?
Starting point is 01:07:22 No. He's not beatable. Don't get carried away. Murder Taylor. I would love it please do it someone someone sent me the rope climb workout and this was like yesterday and i already it's just like it wouldn't make sense in my training and i was like i think i could probably beat that like not to you know he's obviously very fit and it's easy to say that and then you do it and you're like oh it's 20 seconds or 10 seconds. But I was like, damn, that was 500 bucks. It's like a lot of money.
Starting point is 01:07:49 So tomorrow it's a thousand dollars. It rolls over every week. So tomorrow it's a thousand dollars. It's like a, it's like a radio show. And they used to do the call in and name that, name that noise, whatever. I probably wouldn't pick this week. I don't think you could beat him on this week's, but. Is it released yet? Do you know what it is? Oh, nevermind. week. I don't think you could beat him on this week. Is it released yet?
Starting point is 01:08:05 Do you know what it is? Oh, never mind. No, I don't know. Hold on. Let me see if this workout leaks. It hasn't been released, right? I'm not going to say it if it hasn't been released. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:08:17 Let me see if it's live. You guys are talking about integrity of leaked workouts And here we are No it's not out yet I think it will come out at 9.30am Pacific Standard Time On Instagram and then basically We go live at 10 and then People can send a link to this phone
Starting point is 01:08:38 Or send a text to this phone And then we send them a link Now not everyone will get a shot As the show becomes more popular it's going to get really hard to get in but you think taylor's going to make it to the games this year right i mean based on what i saw in quarters and then based on these workouts i think it's super possible the east is really hard um not to like you know i i think i think probably the the last or the the guy who squeaks in in the east versus the guy who squeaks in in the west i would venture to guess the east athlete will have better scores um is just i'll be better at the guess and so
Starting point is 01:09:18 yeah so i think it'll be i think it'll be tough uh for him to get in the east just with you know guys like alice vigneault and Caron and Samuel Cornier and then all the other top games athletes, Roman, Jeff, Dallin. I think it's possible, especially with these workouts. Yeah, I don't know. I think it's possible, but he's got to put it all together. Yeah, I think it's possible. You think Dallin eventually wins the games?
Starting point is 01:09:50 I think he could You're putting him on the spot No I think so It's just there's only one person That can win the games I know but eventually But he's so young he's only 22 And if he stays healthy I mean the rest of you guys got to go away at some time. And he seems like the youngest guy who's striking at the top.
Starting point is 01:10:13 That's fair. I mean, would you pick him over Jack Farlow and Jason Hopper? I mean, you've still got Justin Medeiros, and then there's going to be some other person you haven't heard of. You know, and that's not to be some other person you haven't heard of. You know, and that's not to say that Dallin can't, but it's, there's not a lot of room at the top, right? It's just, you know, let me put it to you this way. I think a better question is like, do I think Dallin Pepper can finish in the top 10, you know, four of the next six years? Like, yes, right?
Starting point is 01:10:48 four of the next six years like yes right um you know and like to me that and then anything above you know in between six to first is i think a lot of it's going to be luck and just timing and you know what the workouts are and who else is there and who else is you know peaked and it's like it's so many factors i think he could win i just don't think i would put money on anyone to win okay okay yeah it's not to say that he can't it's just you know i don't know i think this sport like what if all let me put it this way if all of a sudden you know the programming takes like a big shift and it goes back to you know lots of lighter weights and you know lots more gymnastics and more running it's like he's going to have an uphill battle. But if it kind of continues on this trend where it's, you know,
Starting point is 01:11:29 bigger and heavier weights and echo bikes, then it's like, yeah, you know, he's going to have a way better shot. So I'm just saying with me, right? Like, am I going to win the game? Hope so. What if we had asked you the same question in 2015 about Frazier? I think I would have said the same thing you know like i i think well let me think 15 he lost well in 15 he just came second yeah and like so not to and this isn't to like you know chirp on dallin but yeah dallin came
Starting point is 01:12:03 fifth at the games and then rogue was two months later and i think he came 10th against the same field right so it's not like and not to say that that fifth place it was well earned but it was largely in part due to his performances on the final day when there were 20 men left in the field and so it's kind of this like it's just this you know it's the games is a crapshoot like it's just you know he could have he could be fitter in every way this year and finish six damn and and we could all you know it's just it's just so chaotic i think he could win though like i mean there isn't if i was to bet the next you know five years or six years like who is likely
Starting point is 01:12:44 to be on top of the podium. It's like, it's the usual suspects if we stay in it. And then it's the, the young guys like, like Dallin and obviously Justin Medeiros. And then, um,
Starting point is 01:12:55 who are the other guys? Austin Hatfield. 25. Bill Leahy. Jack Rosema. Bill Leahy. No, Jack's not in that list. Hey leahy's gonna shit the bed
Starting point is 01:13:07 at semi-finals right he's about to say who is that i don't know enough about bill i i met him last year and i told him i was disappointed that he was injured because i wanted to see him wanted to see him do his thing he had a good quarter yeah and i was obviously he crushed the legless workout the year before so you know he can like put on a show um which is important and yeah i was i was bummed when he had the good quarters like i want to see if this kid's like ready to party and then he had to pull out due to injury and so he's not ready i was bummed and he's not ready he's he's okay he's he's not on your level uh obviously but he's gonna put on a show at semifinals yeah no not i mean i hope so right i hope he's in the mix and i mean yeah there's there's i'm
Starting point is 01:13:52 sure there's like other guys that you you and myself are not aware of that are you know gonna be gunning to beat him and they might even go claim their spot and be like who is this like david toller you know some some guy that just has some name that you've never heard of. And it's like, oh, he's a games athlete. And then he makes a pro. Like it just happens every year, right? I don't know if you know who you're talking to,
Starting point is 01:14:14 but John Young's aware of everyone. He's the senior analyst in the sports. I'm aware of everyone. Yeah. Brian knows much more about those guys than I do. I only know the guys that matter. Come john be the senior analyst dallin pepper just commented uh come on brent let him hear your true thoughts i i like dallin dallin's one of my favorites i've i've mailed down some books to read um i i see something so i'll tell you a funny little story then i gotta get
Starting point is 01:14:45 going okay um i mailed down uh two books to read and uh jason hopper heard about that you know a couple i think we were at rogue and he says brent man like what the hell like you're sending down like cool books to read and you don't send them to me and i looked i looked hopper dead in the eyes and i said hopper it's because I see something special in him. Hopper went home and cried. He meant to say, Hopper, you can't read. Come on. Who are you kidding?
Starting point is 01:15:16 That should be the Taylor Self challenge. You have Hopper and you have Taylor Self and they open up a book to pay the Harry Potter and they're able to read it without suffering. Wow. That's so mean, but it'd be so funny. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:30 Brent, we'll see you on the show. Uh, hopefully you get in tomorrow at 10 AM for the kill Taylor show. And, I will get you scheduled for the Palestinian, uh, Palestine,
Starting point is 01:15:38 Palestine, uh, uh, Palestinian and Israeli conflict, uh, show, uh, very soon here.
Starting point is 01:15:46 Yeah. Yeah, yeah. There's lots to... I have a breadth of knowledge on the topic, and I'm excited to share my thoughts. All right. Hey, dude. It's a pleasure. Best thing that's happened in this show in a long time. Thanks, Brent. See you, Brent. All right. Bye. Fucking
Starting point is 01:16:00 red panty night at my house. I may use two condoms tonight now that Brent called in. Before we lose this, I just want to tell fucking red panty night at my house. I may use two condoms tonight. Now that Brent called in, um, before we lose this, I just want to tell you some shit here. Jeff Adler, this, I'm going to read these names in the order that they finished the CrossFit
Starting point is 01:16:13 game. Jeff Adler, 29, Patrick Belner, 33, Roman Krennikoff, 28, Brent Fikowski,
Starting point is 01:16:18 32, Dallin Pepper, 12. I mean, he's fucking 21 years old. Janikowski, 28. Chandler Smith, 30. Jay Crouch, 24.
Starting point is 01:16:31 Lazar Jukic, 27. Yela Hosta, 28. Bjorkman Carl Goodmanson, 30. Bailey Martin, 23. We still, we still, he's 20 fucking one. I'm telling you, this guy is the fucking future. Justin Medeiros, 24. Will Morad, 71. still he's he's 20 fucking one i'm telling you this guy is the fucking future justin madaris 24 will morad 71 okay let me ask you a question uh so you you think you think dallin can win the
Starting point is 01:16:54 games right yeah and tyler you think dallin can win the games right and let me tell you the two reasons he's really good obviously and he's mental he's mentally like he's mentally so so much he's so fucking strong. I agree with that. He has such crazy experience. If he gets a 17th, it might derail someone. Once he gets to the games, that dude's solid as a fucking rock, dude. He's cool hand loop, for sure.
Starting point is 01:17:17 Yeah, he is fucking a piece of steel, yeah. And look at the guys who are at the top, too. I think Jeffrey Adler's pretty solid, Vellner's solid, Roman's solid, Brent's solid, and Dallin's solid. are at the top, too. I think Jeffrey Adler's pretty solid. Felner's solid. Roman's solid. Brent's solid. And Dallin's solid. They're the top five. But they're not going to be.
Starting point is 01:17:30 Those other four are leaving, dude. Well, so when? I don't know. When do you think Dallin would win the games? Dude, I think he could do it this year. So, well, then the argument that those guys are going to leave doesn't matter. Well, it's just the inevitability. The four guys ahead of him are fucking like they have one foot out the door.
Starting point is 01:17:50 Dallin doesn't even have both feet in the door yet. Jeff is 28. Ricky's 28. Roman's 29. Pat is 38. He's really like 34, 33. I was like, is he really 38? No, he's not 38.
Starting point is 01:18:02 But like Pat, I get it. Brent, I get it. Those other three are all 28 years old. They're in the prime of their life, 28, 29. And then Justin's the same age. No, Justin's 24. I mean, he's young too. He's young, but I'm just saying besides Medaris,
Starting point is 01:18:21 Medaris and Crouch are his only, like, people in his cohort. I think Hapkod and Leahy are going to get there. You're out of your fucking mind. A couple years. Give it a couple years. A couple years. Fucking Will Morad has watched this. Does everybody just watch this, like, constantly?
Starting point is 01:18:36 This is fucking ridiculous. What? Will Morad's in the chat as well, correcting you on his age. Oh, yeah. Will shows up. He's not 71? Hold on. Let me check.
Starting point is 01:18:44 Sorry, Will. He's 73. Oh, okay. Hey, so listen to this not 71? Hold on. Let me check. He's 73. Hey, so listen to this. Listen to how Will Morad truly is. He's 34. That is... I mean, that is... That's the year you're old as a CrossFit Games athlete. That's like old. Will Morad's going to crush some of these semifinals workouts.
Starting point is 01:19:00 These semifinals are good for Will Morad. Well, that being said, out of these guys in this group he's he hey him and carl uh him and uh bjorg and carl goodmanson are like real crossfitters what he what like like like those guys grew up like with the couplets and triplets like like they were there they're i mean this you're you're maybe you're right these this is their shit i'm just saying i yeah i will buy into that dallin can potentially win the games but i don't think it's for three or four years james sprague 21 are you fucking kidding me
Starting point is 01:19:40 do you guys do the the spin poll yes jack farlow 21 this week no i have to do it before the show that's the hardest thing i've done this year like picking you can you start ranking them like putting who's gonna win and then you're like oh but fuck that guy and then you do your top five or your top 10 and you look at the next game and you're like fuck am I going to put him in? Listen, I did the North American Eastman games spots. I predicted who's going to make the games from that region. I did that region first just to see if I thought Taylor would make it. Because I put a hard look on it, went through everybody's strengths and weaknesses and see how it comes out.
Starting point is 01:20:21 And dude, it is so tight. It is so hard do they have the the people loaded in already oh yeah uh yeah you can kick that and put that on the side by it is so tight it's so good it's so deep oh my god i'm panicking stop the field is deep. Very deep. It's so deep. You can see how deep it is. That's what John Young was just telling us. Even Danielle knows how deep it is.
Starting point is 01:20:52 It's a deep field. Danielle Brandon. Listen to this. Will Morad, the plan is to qualify for both Indy and Masters than take a nap because I'm 73. Fair enough. Hey, I think we're done with the show we have so many so many weeks to go dig deeper but let's analyze one of brent's responses do you think brent if he thought that taylor wasn't gonna make it he would just say he's not
Starting point is 01:21:19 gonna yeah yeah like he would not hold back oh he would he back. He's got enough of what John's got. Je ne sais quoi. He also, if Taylor was someone who didn't, if you asked him about Bill, like someone who's kind of quiet and isn't outspoken, and you asked him, I don't know enough about him.
Starting point is 01:21:38 Yeah. But if you asked him about Taylor, who is really outspoken, he wouldn't, he's not going to hold back. It's like, if you can give it, you can take it. So he'd be like, fuck no, he's not going if he thought he wouldn't. He definitely would say it.
Starting point is 01:21:51 Also, Brent told on himself that he would tell on other athletes who had events. Yeah, I think I was really, really hoping. I was hoping so badly when you asked me if Taylor's going to make the game, that he would say, he's got as good a shot as anybody. I was I thought it was going to happen. I thought it was going to happen and it didn't happen. I was surprised he didn't say who
Starting point is 01:22:14 I thought that would be funny. All right, guys, thanks for checking in. Fun show. What a pleasure to have Brent on. What a cool surprise. I'm going to tell you something off the record. i had just texted brent today and i was trying to because it's always i think it's always been a little weird between us well in my head it's weird between us i don't know if it really is weird but in my head it's been weird so i just not texted him i dm'd him today basically
Starting point is 01:22:40 saying hey do you want to come on the show because i was prepping to go to semi i'm prepping to go to semifinals and i want to film with him when i'm there so like hey do you want to come on the show because i was prepping to go to semi i'm prepping to go to semifinals and i want to film with him when i'm there so like hey do you want to come on the show and just like talk and and build some trust with each other and then but he didn't respond but then he called in which is crazy it's cool yeah i'm so excited so plan on seeing a lot of behind the scenes of brent i'll be all up his shit uh and carson him and velner i'll be way up in their shit and colton no no colton's east shit. And Colton. Oh, no. Colton's East. No, it's Colton West. Colton's West. Oh, dude, the semifinals are
Starting point is 01:23:09 going to be crazy behind the scenes. We'll have Colton, Brent. Do girls compete there? Bill is also West. Oh, yeah. Bill will be there. Do girls? There'll be girls. Is Kazan there? Kazan's there. Oh, God. Danny Spiegel. Ariel.
Starting point is 01:23:25 We'll have a snatch battle with Spiegel. Ariel. We'll have a snatch battle with Spiegel and Kiel. You think I could patch things up with Danny by then? Sure. I've DMed her. Did you do a podcast the other day, Pedro? Say again? Was Kelsey good on the podcast the other day? Yeah, really good.
Starting point is 01:23:39 Have you invited Danny on your podcast, Pedro? She was on it years ago. She talked to me at water blues that she was nice pleasant yeah god i would fucking love i remember walking by you interviewing her and i was like oh yeah that was that interview went sideways quick too right yeah i mean for her i mean you didn't do anything but like she started started off good she went on her own yeah uh no shots have on i don't know no i think if she knows what side her bread is buttered i i think i think she could come
Starting point is 01:24:14 on i think she knows i'm i would be so fucking nice to her if she would you have the fuevos the Fuevos to secretly put Hiller on the show too. No. You mean to not tell her and ambush her? No. No, that wouldn't be fair. I might even ban Hiller from the comments on that show. Censorship. We all do it. Restrict his stream yard access for one episode.
Starting point is 01:24:42 As soon as you go live, you'd be like, oh yeah, I forgot that Hiller was he's not even though he's not like just to see what her face would do he has access to my stream yard so it would be fucking hilarious oh who do you get on first danny daniel brandon or danny spiegel for sure daniel brandon it's a listen dude i'm telling you that girl fucking loves me and it breaks her heart that she's like it has to toe the line like trust me she'd like she would she loves coming on here she's cool as shit we're friends we just i don't know what she's doing she's fighting right now sometimes you fight with friends yeah yeah i'm telling you uh but danny might really not like me. So that will require a little more work.
Starting point is 01:25:26 Okay. Tomorrow, 10am. Pedro, are you going to be here? Just kidding. Tyler, we'll see. Let's see how long into the series we can make that joel continue listen it's a good time for him too it's the regular daytime it's not one so i i tell these guys i'm like oh i've always wanted to do a show with pedro and tyler a regular show you guys in and then the first week pedro's like yeah but i fucking have a wedding that
Starting point is 01:26:00 weekend i'm like okay you're out yeah and then the next week i was like it tyson bajan's in you're out it's not cool i know you should ask tyson if caleb is weird i should ask tyson what if caleb is weird sweet caleb it asks tyson bajan if caleb beaver is weird no caleb williams oh i know because he just he seems like a really weird guy like just say is he a weird guy yeah it's not like a i don't think that's a bad question do you yeah it's a horrible question if you want the guy to fucking keep coming on especially not live not live not live oh like oh just that like text him and then and then share the yeah yeah no no no don't do anything live i just want to know just put john in a a text thread with him and just see how it goes.
Starting point is 01:26:48 I don't. If you don't know me, I don't want to be in a text thread. Somebody don't know me. That's weird. That's something Caleb Williams would do. I want to tell you a funny story, but I should tell you guys off. Oh, no. It has nothing to do with Tyson Bajan. About Tyson Bajan. I want to tell you a funny story, but I should tell you guys off the air. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:27:08 It has nothing to do with Tyson Bajan. About Tyson Bajan. It has nothing to do with him, but it has to do with like – It's adjacent. It's Tyson adjacent. Yeah. It's like when you have certain people on the show, certain people will just come out of the woodwork, and it's just a pretty funny –
Starting point is 01:27:21 It's a pretty funny thing. Oh, I see. Yeah. Okay. and it's just a pretty funny uh it's a pretty funny oh i see yeah okay uh 10 a.m um here is a recap of last week uh and um enjoy no no no one is going to beat taylor just so you know only maybe three to five of you will get in no one will win the thousand dollars you don't have a fucking chance but if you just want to get tore up uh call in uh we rig the show you have to know that we rig the show okay here we go If anyone beats Taylor, we'll pick the best score that beats Taylor and they get $500. If no one beats him, it'll roll over. 10 rope climbs, 30 dual kettlebell hand clean and jerks.
Starting point is 01:28:16 3, 2, 1. Let's go. That's a number 9. Let's go. 30. 2.49. Here we go. 30. 249. Who is it? Brandon Smith.
Starting point is 01:28:31 I don't know, dude. You can't be bobbling like that. Let's go. You're one second behind him. Go, Brandon. Let's go. There you go. Thanks for making the show.
Starting point is 01:28:47 You made the show, dude. You stole the show. Oh, shit. Here we go. Oh, shit. Who is this? He looks like a real man. Damn. Holy shit, Taylor.
Starting point is 01:29:00 He knoweth himself. I can literally watch this all day. Let's go, Kyle. All right. Got it. I pushed you over the edge to try. It was scary. Good for you, dude.
Starting point is 01:29:10 I knew I wasn't going to beat Taylor, but I wanted to see what I could do in front of however many people. Fuck, yeah. It's a bad ad. That's awesome, dude. Hey, you got fat balls, dude. You got some big nuts. Francisco Gomez.
Starting point is 01:29:23 Oh, this is a man child dude this is a fucking one go yeah he might be a john young character oh he ain't beating me we can already tell did he rip he just looked at his hand yeah oh oh he's got dudes oh oh done 433 hey that was third best time of the day. Great job. When did you rip? When did you tear? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:29:51 On the first rip, coming down. Dude, hey, you crushed it. I honestly thought you were going to do way worse on the kettlebells, but you were pushing them overhead so fast. Well, I originally was like, fuck, I'll give it a chance. And then this dude Brandon comes in. I'm like, oh, fuck fuck a name so i can send you a t-shirt yeah appreciate it for sure dude hey you're the man that was awesome how tall next week one thousand dollars on the line oh rollover money baby rollover money 1,000 bucks from
Starting point is 01:30:30 Next week's trailer won't be as nice. That one was too friendly. Is there a cap on the money? No, it just keeps rolling over. It goes over to $20,000. Are y'all going to be able to pay that? It's made up money anyway. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:30:46 Yeah, yeah. We pay it out just like Tyler sponsors pay out their money. Okay, talk to you guys later.

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