The Sevan Podcast - Carol Pasquali | Visited OVER 100 Affiliates - Brazils Media Team

Episode Date: March 31, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Can you hear me? Yeah. Can you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Awesome. Man, how is it that there's people who are all over my country who have a picture that's 1,000 as clear as yours, and you are how far you are from me ten thousand miles from me i don't know god the magic of apple yeah that's incredible that's your that's your camera on your uh computer no yeah that's the computer yeah oh my god that picture is the most crystal clear picture I've ever seen in a podcast. That's nuts. That's it.
Starting point is 00:01:07 I have done nothing. I just bought the thing. Congrats. Did you really just buy it? No, no. It's like two years. Oh, dang. Hey, hi.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Hey, how are you? Good. Carol, say your name for me. Carol Pasquale. Pasquale. Carol Pasquale. How do the Brazilians say it? Do they just call you Carol too? It's Carol. Carol.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Yeah, Carol. And do you mind the way us Americans say it? No. No, Carol is fine. Okay. You're born and raised in Brazil? Yeah. good you're born and raised in brazil yeah a lot of incoming really uh first grade questions here i apologize and so you you are brazilian yeah and in in brazilian people are what
Starting point is 00:01:57 what what where do brazilian people come from like what's their origin do you know how far back like what happened in brazil that makes you guys oh yeah it's portugal basically and there was a time where well a lot of slaves came in coming from africa and there was a small communities coming from um netherlands spain and ital Italians as well. That's why Pasquale, right? I was going to say it sounds Italian, but what do I know? Okay, okay. It's Italian.
Starting point is 00:02:31 So Brazilian people, that's interesting because you guys all do look so different. So it's a mixture of Europeans and then Africans, and then also I'm guessing indigenous people there, right? Like what we call Native Americans. So it's those three. I mean, maybe you could go back even further. But those three people are what make Brazilians. And that's why you guys have this huge swath of different looking people, right?
Starting point is 00:02:55 I mean, some of the people there look black. And some of the people look like you, like Italian. Some look like Spaniards. Okay. And then you guys have blue-eyed people. You have everything there. Everything. All mixed. Okay. And then you guys have blue eyed people. You have everything there. It's kind of everything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:05 All mixed. But those are all Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese speaking people for the, for the most part. Yes. All, all the country speaks one language. We just have like some regional expressions that are different. Some accents.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Yeah. Language. The same. And, and, and how long have you been doing CrossFit? It's 12 years now. I feel like I've seen you around forever. Can you tell me the story? How did you come across CrossFit? Well, first time I saw a CrossFit gym was 2011
Starting point is 00:03:41 when I was living in San Diego. I was there to study English. I was there for like six months. And every day I pass by like this different gym with black floor and no equipment and all this like very strong women and men doing all different kind of stuff, like climbing ropes. That was very different, especially the day that they were running with different equipment that I have never seen like sandbags and balls, the med balls. And that was weird for me, but I tried two times there, but I was mostly going to a global gym. But then when I came back, I found out that there was a CrossFit gym
Starting point is 00:04:26 in my city that time. And I was like, okay, I'm going to give it a try. So I started in 2012 when I came back to Brazil. Then when I started like understanding the CrossFit environment, that I realized that that at that time was CrossFit Invictus in Little Italy. Yeah, I had no idea they were the champions at that time was CrossFit Invictus in Little Italy. Yeah, I had no idea they were the champions at that time, right?
Starting point is 00:04:49 So I had no idea it was Invictus and what Invictus mean to the CrossFit community, right? So it was pretty fun when I was like, oh my God, if I knew. But I didn't. And then I started doing CrossFit and working for the gym as social media for them. And I am a very curious person. So I started like reading the L1 to know what I was posting about.
Starting point is 00:05:14 And then I was just practicing and doing social media, that stuff. And then one day, like I have a good English and I could keep following all the stuff and articles and especially the videos that I really love back then. And one day I watched Constance and that video was like so powerful to me. The Constance video was the video of the older lady. the conference video was the video of the older lady she was like a balding black woman her husband had died and it was at like crossfit brooklyn or something right yeah it was like hip full hip replacement full knee replacement and she couldn't yeah and she says that she couldn't tie her shoes and after crossfit she could it. And that was the most impact it had on her. It's a beautiful video.
Starting point is 00:06:08 I love this story. Interesting. So your first view is going by Invictus, seeing the best CrossFitters in the world, and then the part that solidified it for you was seeing the complete other end of the spectrum of someone using it. Her husband had died, right?
Starting point is 00:06:27 Yeah. So she had lost physical and kind of her her mental state was poor and her physical state was poor and then you saw wow it can be used to rehabilitate or bring people back sort of from a really low point yeah it is i mean the the sport for me is like how can we do this at best and see where human beings can go? But seeing a regular person doing this and changing their life, not making everything about CrossFit, but CrossFit is a part of their life and changing them to a better wife,
Starting point is 00:06:59 a better professional, a better mom, you know, like that. That's the most powerful thing about CrossFit for me. It is impressive. The CrossFit Games is really impressive. But for me, knowing that someone was trying to take their life, but it was saved by CrossFit, by their community, because I heard that story more than once that that is that is the true power of the thing for me at least right right right you add it to anything and it gets better yeah that's it yeah that's it it's funny you don't ever really hear any I can't think of a single story where someone did it and it made shit worse no I'm going back to so you're you're born and raised in brazil and were you an athlete were
Starting point is 00:07:47 you a mover from a young age yeah i used to play handball uh were you in prison i was were you in prison carol no okay just checking very very popular not. Very popular prison game here in the States. No. So I was always around sports like basketball and swimming and tennis, but nothing close to professional. And how do you get introduced to handball? As a little kid, you played it? I don't know if it's the same name in English, but I think it is. It's something that we learn in school. There are four major main
Starting point is 00:08:28 sports that we learn in grad. That's soccer, basketball, volleyball, and handball. Handball is the one in the cork, right? It's a hard ball and you hit it with your hand. Oh, no. So it's a different one.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Let me figure out. Oh, no. So it's a different one. Okay. Oh, okay. What's hand? Okay, okay. Let me figure out. Google translate. Oh, like that? How big is the ball? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:52 That one. That one. Oh, okay. Okay. How do you call that sport in English? You know what? I don't even know that sport. I've never even seen that sport.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Okay. It's an Olympic sport. Oh, yeah. It's handball. That is what we call it i thought handball caleb is what they play in prison it's that hard blue ball and you smack it against the wall i always called that wall ball oh okay all right all right all right look at look at all these people in the comments correcting me all. Okay. So say what are the major sports again? Okay. So soccer, volleyball. Basketball and handball.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Wow. Okay. Isn't that crazy? I've never seen handball. And is handball like soccer, but you throw the ball? Yeah. Some different rules. There's an area around the goal that you can't go in.
Starting point is 00:09:40 You have to jump. But it's the same thing. But similar. You're on a field you're trying to throw this ball and you can use your hands okay and you liked it you were you were an athletic kid you liked it yeah i was good at it yeah at soccer too and did you have siblings carol i do have a younger one much younger actually so so you so you're doing that and then did you get into the gym at all did you lift weights did you know anything about that you did tell me about that how did you end up in the gym go ahead mostly preparing uh like physical condition to to play because i was
Starting point is 00:10:20 playing like regional uh competitions but that you know, when a girl goes into a global gym, it's just legs. And I had to work on my arms, right? And core as well. But usually they just go like squat and that's it. It was not fun. I was doing because I had to, but it was not good. It was not fun.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Did you have someone introduce you to it? Did you have someone take you in there a coach or a friend no just also self-taught yeah it's yeah it's something that you go just you see your mom going your dad going it's just go you know and there are some people there like some instructors they just like give you like a list of exercises and just you just do it and um so so you you you're playing sports and you go through all the the years of school and then somehow at 17 or 18 you end up tell me about your trip to the united states did you apply to go to college here or an english school or how did you end up here in san diego it it was a trip to learn english to i i was studying english for a very long time my mom and dad put me in an english How did you end up here in San Diego? It was a trip to learn English. I was studying English for a very long time.
Starting point is 00:11:30 My mom and dad put me in an English school since I was eight. But then I wanted to get some certificates so I could try maybe a college or something. Then I was already in the university here doing a major in graphic design. And then I just went to the US to get a better English, less accent and that stuff. So San Diego was one of the options
Starting point is 00:11:58 I have never heard about San Diego before. And I ended up there just studying English and going around, visiting some places. That was all. How old were you when you came? 21.
Starting point is 00:12:16 21. By yourself? Yeah. Dang. And was it specifically an English school? Like, hey, English. It was like it's English for just all like English for Chinese people, English for Brazilian people. And you go there and you just start working on your English.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Yeah, that's it. So all kind of people from everywhere. Yeah. Wild. OK. And did you like San Diego? Did you want to go home or did you want to stay? Yeah, I have a tattoo of the skyline. I love that place. I want to, yeah, it was some place that I would love to live, to live there for a while. Yeah, it's kind of a perfect city. Perfect weather, good spot, places where you can go where the pace is slow or you can get into the hustle and bustle of the city. It's a great spot, huh? Yeah, it's great. It's beautiful and it's awesome. It's perfect.
Starting point is 00:13:11 And is your girlfriend Brazilian or American? Brazilian. And you met her down there in Brazil? Yeah. Does she speak English? She understands better than she speaks, but she's shy to speak. So that's why she's not improving and she knows it. I'm shy to speak Portuguese. Okay. So then you get, when you get, when you, so you start going to a gym, what was the name of the gym you went to in 2012 in Brazil? It's Avante CrossFit. Will you spell that for me? A-V-A N-T-I. And are you still there today? Yeah. No kidding. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Now they have like two gyms. And that's where you go. That's your gym. Not today. Currently I'm going to Punk CrossFit. P-U-N-K? Yeah. Oh, and I've heard of that gym.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Has that gym been around forever? Yeah. I think you know the guy, Ricardinho. Oh, no shit. That's his gym. Wow. Yeah. He's the country manager.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Okay. So 2011, tell me about how you end up doing the social media for um for avanti uh crossfit do you ask them if you can do it did they have an instagram account what was social media like back then did you run their facebook were you into media tell me all the details the yummy stuff face facebook and instagram basically and uh i asked i offered like, hey, we could work on this and maybe trade, you know, like I was, I could do the social media for them and not pay for the gym membership. And that's how I started. And I was starting like taking some photos and videos. I was working with video clips for bands at that time and also weddings.
Starting point is 00:15:04 I started working on weddings. So I was like all about video at that time and also weddings. I started working on weddings. So I was like all about video at that time. So I started like shooting some stuff for them and, and yeah, until, until I, I was like, I stumbled to the Constance video and,
Starting point is 00:15:21 and that, that made me like think that that was not exactly the CrossFit that I was seeing in Brazil. And it's not just like avanchi, it was how Brazil was seeing CrossFit. We were taking all the military and tough stuff and the preparation to be an athlete. So basically everyone around me wanted to be an athlete one day. And it was, that was, that was the mood. And they are still like a bunch is still known for, for the athletes they have here. They are in all local competitions. They participate. So, but it, it was different, you know, and that's when I, like, I wrote an email to CrossFit. I don't even know where I found the email, the address.
Starting point is 00:16:12 But I sent an email, like, hey, it would be amazing if Brazilians could understand this. And because not everyone speaks English here. Actually like few people speak English here. It's actually like few people speak English here. And I said it would be very helpful that this kind of content could reach our people here. And I offered like, can I help maybe translate, create subtitles? This is not my profession. Like I'm not a professional translator, but I could help. And then it's when I got like tyson reach back and that was the beginning tyson did reach back he reached back and then um we started like this back and forth conversation meetings and emails
Starting point is 00:17:01 and he had an assistant at that time i don't remember her name whitney no i don't remember um and he was trying to understand where where i came from where like where all this idea came from and then one day he was like hey why don't you tell brazilian stories more than like just translate the video I was like yeah hell yeah let's do it so that that that was 2000 2017 when we started I want I want to go back real quick to the to the wedding thing I'm shooting weddings did you own a camera at the time how did you get involved how did you get the courage to start shooting weddings?
Starting point is 00:17:45 And then were you editing on Final Cut Pro back then? Yeah, I was using Final Cut. When I came back from the US, I bought a camera there. So I brought like a camera. It was not a pro camera. It was, but it was a good thing. It was like Canon 6D or something like that. At that time, it was a good thing.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Yeah, great camera. Yeah. Expensive camera. Like you had to be like Canon 6D or something like that. At that time, it was a good thing. Yeah, great camera. Yeah. Expensive camera. Like you had to be like, oh, shit, here we go. Yeah. So at that time, I had a band. I'm a drummer. I had a band.
Starting point is 00:18:14 And it was like, I want to take better photos and better videos of my band and all the places that we go. And when I came back, that's where I started. But one friend, another drummer, he was like, hey, I have this production company where we're working on weddings. Do you want to come? Oh, look at that. You're going way back. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Are you still in the band, Carol? No, no. The band broke up in 2018. Do you have a set of drums at your house? No, no. The band broke up in 2018. Do you have a set of drums at your house? Oh, good. All right. Good. That makes me happy.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Do they get used? Well, nowadays I'm living in an apartment. So usually I go to a studio to play. All right. So a drummer from another band or another band member is like, hey, I have a production company. Will you come work for me that made me go into this full head, like head first into filming.
Starting point is 00:19:33 And so in 2017, you get your first, was it a paid gig from CrossFit? They paid you to make a sort of, and tell me about your first piece in 2017. What was it like? It was a mini doc on an average girl, like 33 years old. She was
Starting point is 00:19:53 like fitter at 30s than at her 20s. It was like very common story. And she was an athlete at Avanchi. She's still an athlete. Now she's like much stronger and competing and all that stuff um and what it was about her and her sister was at uh talking about her life as well so it was it was pretty fun like I had like three options to to
Starting point is 00:20:20 Tyson and he was like let's let's go with this one. So I shoot that, sent to him, got some feedback. And I remember that time he wanted to put that or the trailer of that mini doc during the CrossFit Open announcement for 2018. But something happened that it was not possible to put that up but then during the open we started a new project when that went on so that went to dot com and then it went to the journal back then is the video in the journal and i don't think it i don't think it is no i think it is no did it did it go to the crossfit youtube station i don't think it is. No? I don't think it is. No. Did it go to the CrossFit YouTube station?
Starting point is 00:21:08 I don't think so because if I'm not mistaken, Aventure had some problem at that moment with their affiliation and then Tyson was like, hey, we can put that up now. Oh, no. And I don't know if like what happened with the video, if they ever used that because nowadays they're all good. Do you know if the video is on youtube today i don't think so i didn't put that anywhere so let's see i think it was pilers of my health something like that i'm guessing kayla would have found it already if it was up there
Starting point is 00:21:46 probably quick search hey so so you make that video and um and you're and you must be excited right you make a video it's for your your passion crossfit um you have a good great contact at uh um uh crossfit tyson was in charge of all production there um there we were making I mean we were making tons of content when you came in and so you get that gig and you make it and then are you off to the races how were you a contractor for CrossFit yeah I was for 2018 I was I had a project during the open which was leaving the open the vendorendo Open in Portuguese. So each week I went to a different affiliate. Then we had the regionals in Rio, the one that was like chaotic. Oh, something happened with the equipment.
Starting point is 00:22:37 The equipment got held up or something, right? Like they couldn't get it out of customs. Okay, I remember that. Yeah. So, and then the games, and that was all of it for 2018. You came out to the games in 2018? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I was working with the documentary crew. Oh, awesome. Okay. So you're friends with all those people. Mariah, Tyson, the whole team. Wow. Torin, yeah. Yeah, Torin.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Okay. So that happens. And what year is it now it's 2024 now so that was six years ago and um do you have any other roles in the crossfit space at that time are you coaching at a gym or anything like that no so you're full-time you're just doing crossfit and you are making videos and then um and then what happens from there? Did you eventually become a... Were you ever employed by CrossFit? Like besides a contractor? No, not actually.
Starting point is 00:23:33 In 2019, I started working with Ricardinho. He was already the country manager for CrossFit in Brazil. And I started helping him. It was mid, mid 19. And then on January 20, I got a contract, uh, to be like his assistant. So it's, it's always like, it's a contractor relationship. It's not an employee with all the rights and that stuff. It's a contractor.
Starting point is 00:24:02 But it sounds like it was a full-time position. It is a full-time. Yeah. But it's nothing that they were full-time position. It is a full-time, yeah. But it's nothing that they were like, we could have other stuff going on, but on 2021, I think,
Starting point is 00:24:16 I was just full-time doing my work at CrossFit Brazil. And when you say CrossFit Brazil, you mean not CrossFit Punk, but actually CrossFit Brazil Instagram account? Yeah. And how many gyms are there in Brazil? Nowadays, we have around 600, a little bit more than that.
Starting point is 00:24:34 600 and, I don't know, 15, 16. Was there a peak? Yes, 2018. And what was that? How many were there? 1,200. Wow, okay. And is Ricardinho still many were there? 1,200. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:48 And is Ricardinho still the country manager? Yeah, he is. He is. Yeah. He said hi. He texted me today. He's traveling. He was like, hey, say hi to Sivan.
Starting point is 00:24:58 You recorded like a podcast with him. He's a great guy. I really enjoyed. Yeah, it's nice. Yeah, being in his presence. Okay. So you do that and um and so you're working basically side by side with ricardinho and he's keeping you busy and your main goal your main task is to maintain uh social media for crossfit brazil the main we're juggling a lot of stuff, like spinning a lot of plates.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Yeah. So it's, I think I consider that the support, the affiliate support is, it was always the priority. But I was also posting on Instagram and putting, I was not putting out like, I was not shooting content. putting out like I was not shooting content but I was like just digging affiliates Instagram accounts and reposting and also mainly translating a lot of stuff that crossfit affiliates or CrossFit training was putting putting out and putting subtitles and and sharing that in a way that people could understand it that's basically what i did at at the instagram give me an example of like affiliate support so an affiliate would reach out to you and what's
Starting point is 00:26:11 something they would say to you maybe the credit card didn't went through okay or they're going through something that like they want some guidance and especially like during the open all that all the questions around the open you know like how to register someone registered wrong place or wrong i don't know what so all that's all that kind of stuff but the main work like the hardest ever work was during pandemic because we had like a lot of meetings with Greg. Greg had some meetings with the Brazilian affiliates. We had to handle like all the economics and financial part of it.
Starting point is 00:26:58 And CrossFit was like amazing with that support. We could like waive a lot of months because here in brazil we usually we pay in installments that's that's something that's really like common here we pay everything installments uh so meaning meaning the affiliate fees they would break it up they would pay monthly instead of a one-time flat fee okay yeah perfect and so during the pandemic someone might call you and be like hey our gym's closed we can't pandemic, someone might call you and be like, Hey, our gym's closed. We can't afford affiliate fees. And then you would be like, okay, we'll check back with you in four months. We're going to waive your fees for now. Things like that. Or what about the legal team too? Hey, someone opened up a gym across the street from us and they're teaching CrossFit, but they're not paying their affiliation fees. You would get contacts like that too. Yeah. It happens a lot here yeah i mean it happens everywhere yeah okay so so you know you're not um just uh and i don't mean this in an adjust but you weren't just the the team
Starting point is 00:27:55 was very small in brazil and you wore many hats so sometimes it would be um working with legal at crossfit sometimes the media department, sometimes the affiliate department. You would be on these calls with Greg finding out what CrossFit's doing in order to help the gyms sustain their existence through the pandemic. You wore all the hats. And Rick Ardino, like you said, he's the point of contact for CrossFit HQ for Brazil, and you were basically just steeped in that yeah you learned a lot and you learned a ton of stuff oh yeah on the job oh yeah Carol take care of this
Starting point is 00:28:32 you're like oh no problem but you're like god what am I doing yeah yeah yeah and that's the way it was in CrossFit in the United States and you and 2009. It's the Wild West. You haven't seen problems. And so as they come up over the horizon, you're having to figure out how to deal with them. Wow, that is so cool. I always knew everyone always spoke. I didn't have very much interaction with you. I would just see you at the games or at events. But people always spoke very highly of you.
Starting point is 00:29:02 And it was obvious that you were helping keep things together in Brazil and that you were wearing many hats. But during this whole time, is filming still your passion? Yeah. Telling these stories, that's what I love doing. So 2018 happens, 2019. And were you working with Ricardinho up until just very recently? And were you working with Ricardinho up until just very recently? Because what I'm hearing, how you popped on my radar again,
Starting point is 00:29:30 and someone's like, wow, have you seen what this girl Carol is doing in Brazil? And I'm like, no. They're like, dude, she's basically retired from her position at CrossFit, and on her own dime, she's going to all the different gyms during the Open and putting together all this stuff. So tell me that story. Do you still work for CrossFit or no? You parted ways. This is my last week.
Starting point is 00:29:48 And I think that most of the Brazilians that are here that I'm seeing in the chat, they don't know that I'm resigning. Oh, sorry. I apologize. It's fine. It's fine. It's just not out there yet, but it's okay. Some know, but it's fine talking about it.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Some know, but it's fine talking about it. But yeah, so I recently resigned and asked, I talk a lot with Ricardinho about this and what I wanted to do, but it's, you know, like we have so many stuff to do with such a small crew, like the international team in CrossFit, like those guys are very hard workers, very hard, because everything that CrossFit does with 200 employees in the US, some people are doing with one guy, like one man band, and they have to post in Instagram and create events and help with the open and run their own gyms and all of that stuff. And most of them are seminar staffs.
Starting point is 00:30:51 So it is a lot. And there are many priorities, right, before media. And I was like telling Ricardinho that I want to go back to it, go back, go back, but, but we have, we have to do other stuff. Right. So, and one day I came like, say to him that I don't see myself doing this for the next five or 10 years. So I think that that's the red light where I should stop and get back to what I want as a career for myself. I'm still young. I still have time to build that. So I will still be around.
Starting point is 00:31:30 I'm not like leaving CrossFit like environment whatsoever. So it's just, I just see it like as changing my job and I will still be around. So I was like, hey, what should I do with my last payment from CrossFit? I was like, shit, I'm going to spend that traveling and seeing the affiliates. So I did that gig. I'm wearing the t-shirt, the Open Tour. I didn't use like the CrossFit brand because I'm not allowed. But I did that still working for CrossFit. So I had some reports that I sent to them and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:11 But yeah, it's something that I want to keep doing. I want to show these stories because there are so many great stories that I think that the world should know. You know, some of them are like some, it is about putting the story out there for the world you know i was i was even like thinking yesterday i was watching just a piece of like your podcast with greg and i was like hey this does does he even know that there are a gym and affiliate in brazil inside a hospital a public hospital, you know? Because that's beautiful. And I don't know if you ever heard about it.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Yeah. And during this trip, this recent trip, I saw like a gym right across a Burger King. Yes. They share parking lots. So it was like, oh my god he should he should see this like i want to know what he thinks about it like hey is this like a good work you know you know that i saw somewhere i swear recently it's a crossfit gym in a mcdonald's and they're this in the same there it's the same owner it's it's in you it's in Europe somewhere you know like people trying to compensate
Starting point is 00:33:29 the carbon whatever in flights yeah like the guys doing the same it's compensating all the shit that he's putting out there god I wish it was in Europe somewhere oh and there's another amazing one too look at this in australia a diabetes a dialysis center next to a crossfit gym wild right you could have gone to crossfit but you didn't you ended up in the dialysis sorry yeah the story of this picture is great so carol in 2017 when you when you made this first video, you could kind of see your career path. It was the heyday of media. It was only growing. It was getting bigger. It was obviously super potent. And then you see the media team go away, but you stayed on course. You're like, okay, I'll still do it independently. do it independently. And then you got slowly moved more and more into what sounds like admin stuff with Rick Cardino and dealing with affiliate support.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Did you, so then you move to the present time and you're thinking about this. What do you, how, how is that? How are you going to do that? Are you going to have to get another job? Like I'm trying to figure out how it, tell me about your first, tell me about this open project. How many gyms did you go to? What was the plan? Are you going to have to get another job? Like I'm trying to figure out how. Tell me about your first. Tell me about this open project. How many gyms did you go to? What was the plan?
Starting point is 00:34:48 Did you publish it already? No, not all. No, I have. I have a lot to edit a lot. So it was 42 gyms in 28 days. How many? 42? 42.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Yeah. Wow. And. I don't know in miles. I think I should send you the map you did the miles there oh here we go yeah so these are all the cities and and yeah it was a long trip and i thought i could handle all but i miscalculated the work so i was was, it was me and my wife and, and, and we were like driving and shooting and,
Starting point is 00:35:29 and talking to people, which takes a lot of time and energy, of course. And we were visiting like a bunch of gyms on the way. And I thought I would have more time to edit, but it was like drained and I couldn't edit during the trip. So now I'm editing everything, like photos and videos, and there are beautiful stories on the way. And then the way that we planned this trip, I've been doing this for a while. This is not
Starting point is 00:35:58 something new. So I tried to get that project back from 2018, just visiting the, the gyms during the open, but it didn't happen. I was even talking to Tyson, like, Hey, can you help me put this back together? But we couldn't find a way. Uh, to put that to you. I got lost there to put what back together? I got lost there.
Starting point is 00:36:23 To put what back together? The project, the open project that I did back in 2018. So I was trying to put that back. So recreate it. Yes. For the present. Okay, okay, okay. So it didn't happen. So in 2022, I just did something like around where I live, just like just closed cities and gyms around.
Starting point is 00:36:52 And then 2023, I went a little bit further, but everything on my money. So I was like trying to not spend much. So I had like I was staying at friends, friends house and all that stuff. And then this year I was like, I'm, I'm going further. I'm going to like, to a city that like the, the last city was Santos, which is by the bay. And there's the gym there that I wanted to, to know it's from a friend, but I never been there. So we were like, yeah, let's,
Starting point is 00:37:28 let's find a way to get there. Stopping by some different cities. And, and on the way back, it was like more, it was just one stop, but it was on the way back. We were visiting gyms as well. So that's why, that's how we chose like santos as the last city and on the way there were like hundreds of gyms so i had to pick some but do you when you come hard work when you come up with this idea you're like okay i'm gonna cover the open in brazil in this huge swath of land it looks like you drove a thousand miles um do you propose to
Starting point is 00:38:03 crossfit like hey i'm gonna do this um can you help fund it or no not this time no not this time not this time no what about does crossfit have its own uh portuguese uh channel or brazilian channel yes on youtube they do and um do do they will you do you submit stuff to there now? What is your plan of action for getting out? Are they interested in it? Yeah. So I talked to Ricardinho about the project. And I said that this time I would do it myself. I would not go through the frustration of putting this together and not happening again.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Right. And I would try to find maybe some companies, some brands that would like to sponsor it. But I was not successful on that. Very hard. But anyway, yeah, very hard to get. Because most of the brands, they think a lot about sports, athletes, competition. They don't give the right attention that the affiliates should get.
Starting point is 00:39:03 So they didn't find like a good, you know, good business for them. So it's, it's okay. So I would, I did all on my own money. And,
Starting point is 00:39:15 and I asked Ricardinho like, Hey, I'm doing this myself. Can I at least just put it out on CrossFit Brazil YouTube channel? He said, yes. And I was also sharing some reels or photos on
Starting point is 00:39:28 the Instagram account of CrossFit Brazil as well. But yeah, it was something that I didn't show to CrossFit. Trying to sell it again? No. Hey, if you stopped
Starting point is 00:39:43 doing this, would there be any media coming out of Brazil? Is there anyone else making media coming out of Brazil? Yeah, I think so. I think that the affiliates now, they understand the power of these stories. It took a while, but now they get it, or most of them get it. And they are doing themselves. They are putting out stories themselves. they get it or most of them get it and and they are doing themselves you know they are they are putting out stories themselves today i got a story that i an affiliate sent to my personal instagram
Starting point is 00:40:12 they were like hey we shot this we want you to see we made like crossfit brazil as collaborator at instagram check it out um so they're doing it so i think it in the end it's going to be something that the affiliate needs to see value in and and and create it and maybe then send it to crossfit or crossfit brazil and and see if that can be published by the official channels what do you think's happening with uh crossfit in um brazil is it growing is it yeah it is it is growing so it had a huge spike and then you think it had a lull and now you think it's growing again yes it's growing again and it was it was very the pandemic was very hard on economics here so a lot of gyms closed some of them had to to make like for some it was there was like a huge
Starting point is 00:41:08 excuse to just depart but for some there was there were like the point where they were saying that it like i i have to choose between being an affiliate and save my business so because it's a lot of money for us, especially. So they had to depart and now they're coming back because a lot has changed. Like Ricardinho has been working very hard and all the team, like that's me and the other people here to make it like more, even more valuable for Brazilians, so back in the day it was full pricing in dollar um we the installments were like kind of tricky even for CrossFit it was not easy to to put that
Starting point is 00:41:54 up and now we can pay it in our own currency which is much better so less taxes, it doesn't weigh that much on the credit card. You don't depend on the currency exchange because it changed a lot. So now it's very good, very affordable. It's a no-brainer for sure. And now we just need to put that message out there and talk to people, and it's going to go back for sure. put that message out there and talk to people and it's going to go back for sure hey um when you think of the two uh countries when you think of the united states and brazil and you think of the crossfit communities specifically around um who opens the gym are they similar people are the
Starting point is 00:42:38 stories similar to the people who open the gym are they hey i did crossfit it changed my life and they get obsessed with it and open a gym i feel like i did crossfit it changed my life and they get obsessed with it and open a gym i feel like that's the most common story here in the states like someone's like man they're just they want to find a way to share it and they want to find a place to it becomes their passion so they open a gym is that what's going on in brazil too it is but i think it comes from a different background because here you have to have a major degree in physical education in order to be a coach. Oh, wow. On top of it, you can't just take your L1 and be, okay.
Starting point is 00:43:14 So I think that most of the gyms come from this background because they are already working with physical education. And they find CrossFit. It changed their lives. It changed everything they learned and understand about the body and workouts and intensity and all of that. And then they want to work with that. Of course, there are a lot of people that changed careers. They were engineers, lawyers, and they changed career to open a gym
Starting point is 00:43:48 but then they need to start the university again you know they need to go to to a university that's government licensure right basically it's it's like how we have that in the united states if you want to cut hair you have to be licensed by the government. Oh really? And so basically you have that around training. Yes. Yeah. Wow. I don't know how I didn't know that. Yeah. I know, I know some, I've seen some names here from people that changed their careers. Like Amanda that just said yes at the chat, like she changed career. Yeah. And so, so what I'm guessing is because of that maybe there's even a greater commitment from brazilians and maybe a greater uh professionalization of the gyms
Starting point is 00:44:34 because they really do have to see it as a business because it is going to be their livelihood yes absolutely it's gonna be it's gonna be their life and and i think i think that brazil has everything to have the best coaches and the best teams ever because we have to be professionals at it because it's the law uh and and we're such like a um could you hold on one second? Yeah. Could you hold on one second? Listen, you piece of shit. There's gyms have been in 162 countries. You want me to know licensure law in 162 countries? You fucked hard.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Fuck you too, David. All right. Okay. Back to here. So are they the nicest gyms? Are they the nicest gym? It's very interesting you say that. I'm going to say something very discriminatory and prejudiced. Okay, go ahead. I pictured all the gyms in Brazil to be completely run down, and every single gym I see a picture of is nicer than all the gyms i go to in the united states i'm like wait a second i've completely missed mischaracterized i just think everything in south america has a banana tree growing in through the window and like dogs like sleeping in the front and i cannot believe how nice all the gyms are no yeah it's they are are they nicer than the gyms in the u.s in general
Starting point is 00:45:58 well some yeah i don't know you can say it's okay it is yeah i think i i don't know i don't know that many gyms in the u.s okay starting there right and i think that you guys this is a nice gym so yeah so you were spoiled by looking at that one yeah but you can't you guys come from a different background like you have it's yeah i thought you guys had wooden weights i didn't even think they had weights i thought they had coconuts on the end of a stick. You're right. I'm completely – yeah. Look at Punk CrossFit. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:46:28 I know. That's insane. It's huge. It's huge. I can't even think of a gym I've ever been into the States that looks that nice. That's nicer than Mayhem. I mean, this is crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:38 Punk CrossFit looks like a mall. It's crazy. It's huge. So the gyms there are just remarkable in general like you can find a lot of nice gyms there yeah yeah and you guys come from a from a background where it's like culturally i think you have like garage gyms we don't have that here it's not it's not common to see people that has their own equipment at at home so i think like you guys come from this place and we're starting this as a
Starting point is 00:47:07 business from the very beginning because of all the background with all that we're saying with the professional trainers and all of that. No one starts a gym. Do you ever see gyms? In the United States, it wouldn't be uncommon to see someone just start a gym at their house and
Starting point is 00:47:28 then grow bigger and bigger and bigger. And the next thing they know they need space that, and the way I call those passion gyms, you don't see that so much in Brazil when someone digs in, they dig in. Yeah. Wow. Uh, how, how, how big is the Portuguese YouTube station Cross crossfit youtube station is the portuguese across the community do i get the impression that they really like whatever media they can
Starting point is 00:47:51 get their hands on whenever i have gui on the shows are massive yes yeah brazilian brazilians are very passionate right about everything like soccer and and crossfit 32k yeah it's not a bad number for for a a youtube channel that doesn't put much out so see like most of the work is just putting subtitles on stuff patrick rio is one of the most underrated pieces of the media puzzle hq for a long time i really enjoyed working with carol pasquale oh hey pat um the reason why i ask is for completely selfish reasons i recently translated uh through a one a podcast and two of the behind the scenes episodes using um ai i need to send you the link so you can tell me if it's good or not but it's crazy expensive oh um it's basically it's basically
Starting point is 00:48:45 a little over a dollar a minute but it dubs the voices over oh okay does the voiceover yeah it does the voiceover so this podcast if we were to translate it and they would actually dub it in your voice it'd be like wow that sounds like carol speaking uh portuguese that sounds like someone speaking portuguese um and i and i'm and i'm wondering and the reason why i was so curious about it is that would be an insane way to take over messaging in brazil if i could translate everything i did and dub it over yeah because there because really there is no voice from hq to speaking to brazil or to any foreign countries would you say that's a fair characterization?
Starting point is 00:49:28 It all falls on Ricardinho's back, basically. Yeah, that's it. We're all trying to translate somehow or do our own content. CrossFit Spain is doing crazy work. It's beautiful. Why do you say that? What are they doing? Why do you say that so uh daniel izquierdo i think you know him and and natalia diaz yep so they're they're recording stuff
Starting point is 00:49:53 they're shooting stuff and this is not something that they have like they have money for that that's that's only their basic payment and they're doing it. They just go to a gym and they record educational pieces and open pieces. I know that Daniel is shooting a documentary about CrossFit in Spain in general.
Starting point is 00:50:18 How long has CrossFit existed in Spain? I don't know the years, like 10 years, 20 years, I don't know. But he's putting that thing out. So they're going above and beyond. Yeah, they are. For example,
Starting point is 00:50:33 the Dave Castro Weekend Review. If you could, if someone could audio dub that into 10 languages, I think that would change the messaging to the world tremendously. It would sort of also be a bridge between cultures because they would see how Dave presents, what he says. And then for all the affiliates there, it would be a touch point for them because right now they're all their touch
Starting point is 00:51:07 points are just like what you're saying. It's just, it's just these people like Natalia or Ricardinho or Daniel Chaffee. Those are just their touch points for thousands and thousands of gyms. What, what, what, what, from what I hear, there's just as many gyms outside the U.s as there are in the u.s right like about six thousand and six thousand yeah i think i think it's more than that it's i think outside that are more than the u.s more than in the u.s and who are the do you know remember who the other big countries are i'm assuming australia is italy still big i know italy was skyrocketing
Starting point is 00:51:40 for a while i know yeah i know now i think it's outside the u.s would be in that order it would be france spain i don't know if italy passes us but italy brazil and then australia the uk oh i don't know that's okay you don't have to look. I was just curious. Have you ever seen any of this AI dubbing? Yeah, I saw. I see MrBeast doing that, and it's huge. But I think he has a team of like 100 people, and so they actually vet it before they release it. They're like, okay, that's wrong, that's wrong, that's wrong. vet it before they release it.
Starting point is 00:52:22 They're like, okay, that's wrong. That's wrong. That's wrong. Hey, Caleb, could you pull up one of the, something from the,
Starting point is 00:52:28 the seven podcast Portuguese station? And I'll try to get some free work out of Carol right here. Yeah. I know, I know that he's like helping YouTube. Like get a better AI on that. Right. Oh,
Starting point is 00:52:41 he's helping YouTube. Crazy. Right. Of course. Right. He's the big thing. Yeah, right. Of course, right? He's the big thing. Like YouTube needs him.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Crazy. Do you watch videos of him? Did you watch like any of them? No. I don't like the content, but I like learning from his content. Yeah. So that's what I meant. Have you watched any podcast he's done or anything like that?
Starting point is 00:53:00 Yes. Yeah. A bunch. Yeah. I was just watching like C on some weird it's it's crazy how massive that channel is i just saw recently someone said youtube offered to buy it from him for a billion and he said he would sell it to them for 10 billion a billion is ridiculous and then also i saw that um he's having some sort ok ok here we go listen here we go
Starting point is 00:53:27 oh so we're talking over each other yeah it's hard to understand ok let's see. Let's try again....... ... ... Oh, it's a mess, right? Yeah, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:53:54 So I spent $100 on that. Okay. But it's completely useless. Yeah, I don't know why there's like two people talking at the same time. Let me see. Try, I think it's yeah I don't know why there's like two people talking at the same time Dave was like not saying anything try I think it's me talking twice let's see try again Caleb yeah I mean it makes sense Sim, esse é o primeiro lote. Because we're building it up there, it literally says up there.
Starting point is 00:54:46 It's like a higher place. Like on a ladder. Yeah. And there were two voices talking at the same time. Yeah, it was hard to understand. Can you try the behind the scenes too, Caleb? Let's see how messed up this is. Brazil has 1% of population who speaks English.
Starting point is 00:55:07 So unfortunately, that makes Brazil very limited with all the content and media stuff. Is it really that? It's only 1%? Yeah, it's really low. This guy is L3 Trainer. Really good guy, Victor. Start in the middle somewhere. Okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Here we go. Fine. Comece no meio, em algum lugar. Ok, claro, aqui vamos nós. É um guia do utilizador para o seu corpo e para como aplicar fitness e saúde na vossa vida. O nível 1 não é apenas a experiência perfeita para se tornar um melhor atleta de CrossFit, mas também uma oportunidade para continuar a servir a sua família, os seus amigos e a sua comunidade. What's crazy is it actually sounds like Scott Pancheck in Miranda. Yeah. So this piece of Miranda is like Portuguese from Portugal. Oh, I probably, so I chose the wrong one. Yeah. So for Brazil, so I chose the wrong one. Yeah, so
Starting point is 00:56:06 for Brazil, it would be like PTBR, yeah. Do you guys understand each other? Yeah. The Portuguese people from Portugal. Small difference. Let me see in the middle somewhere, Caleb, where it's like multiple people talking at the same time. I bet you that's all jacked up.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Here we go. it's like multiple people talking at the same time. I bet you that's all jacked up. Here we go. Okay, so this environment, if it's not clean audio, this environment's a mess for the AI. And the way they're talking is like Portugal. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:50 I figured at one point I thought I chose the wrong flag because you get to choose the flags. Go for the green one. The green one. What did you learn, Carol, on this trip? Anything? I mean, you've been in the space forever, but you visit 42 gyms. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Did you come back invigorated or you're like fuck it i'm pivoting back to be i'm going back to being in a band this is crazy well i want to be back in a band for sure but not because of the trip um yeah i i've seen a lot of different gyms and different stories and and and everything like is one thing that i've learned personally is that everyone is out there trying to do their best this is the first thing that i brought in myself from this trip um everyone is trying to do their best uh and what do you mean the gym owners the trainers the clients yeah yeah i mean because when you go out there, you see stuff, you judge. Unfortunately, that's what human beings do. Right.
Starting point is 00:57:53 So you're out there and you see like, hey, this is a good class. Like, I can see that this is a good class. There's there's a lesson planning that's programming that it makes sense. But when you go to another place and you think like, oh shit, this is a mess. And you start talking to the person, like it probably, or most of them are in the beginning of their career. They don't have that many courses. closer to CrossFit than the people that has a great class. So CrossFit Brazil today, nowadays, we have,
Starting point is 00:58:34 I think for the last four years now, we have a study group led by the seminar staff or L3 trainers or even Recurring U, which is a weekly webinar. We pick up a subject and we discuss it. Let's say lesson planning, and we talk about it. So someone brings in the topic, we talk about it, and we discuss it. So everyone that's frequently there studying, of course, are going to have a better class, right? So that's frequently there studying, of course, are going to have a better class,
Starting point is 00:59:06 right? So that's it. So people that are closer to the methodology has a better business and has a better class, stronger community for sure. Who's that seminar open to? Just anyone who has their L1 or any affiliate owner? Just for affiliate owners.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Yeah. Okay. And do people use that tool? Yeah. Yeah. Wow. That's awesome. I mean, it's not everyone that we want. You know, like from 600 affiliates, we see like 80.
Starting point is 00:59:34 Wow. Yeah. Hey, man. I've been on meetings. I've seen meetings where CrossFit calls a worldwide affiliate meeting and only 50 affiliates show up in the whole world. So, I mean, 80 is pretty good. Yeah. meetings where crossfit calls a worldwide affiliate meeting and only 50 affiliates show up in the whole world so i mean yeah that's right yeah i know i know it's a i know it's a good number but when you look at the whole thing for 600 affiliates and just 100 or 80 are showing up yeah but anyway people that are closer to the to the to the methodology and to everything that crossfit is offering now like they have a better business. And then when I, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:06 like the first reaction is to judge. And then when you start talking to the person, you're like, oh, hey, like there are a lot of stuff that you can do to improve and you're already paying for it. So use it, right? But this is the one thing that I noticed. And the other thing I think would make the community even better
Starting point is 01:00:29 is understanding that CrossFit, it's not the end point. It's the way of getting better, right? So we're doing CrossFit to be better at other stuff, to be a better person, to be a better athlete, and now people is taking CrossFit as the end point and they're forgetting that this is just one way, right? One possibility or one way of getting fit or one way of working on whatever you want to work on yourself.
Starting point is 01:01:04 And I think we need to get that back on our minds, that we're open to everyone that wants to get in. It's not about being an athlete. If you don't want to put everything here, it's fine. It's fine. You don't need to punish a member because it's eight minutes late. Of course, you need to talk to this person that's not good. That's not good as a habit. But if it happens, you don't need to punish with
Starting point is 01:01:32 a hundred burpees. It's just, hey, how was your day? And the person is going to say like, oh, I had a bad day. My kid is sick. I had this huge traffic jam, but I'm here. And it's like, okay, just move your body and we're fine today's not the day i'll be yelling at your head you know and we need to get that back um you know what i don't hear in your voice at all i don't hear any frustration um coming from you like for someone who's been been around as long as you have, for someone who has been around as long as you have, sometimes I would think that naturally, well, naturally, you know, there's a lot of people who work for HQ or have worked for HQ who are frustrated.
Starting point is 01:02:14 And I don't sense any frustration from you. And you've been through a lot, right? So you went through the heyday, and then you went through the transition of all the different owners, You went through the heyday and then you went through the transition of all the different owners and you still seem so positive about it. I wonder if it is because the sports more or the the methodology is more professionalized there. Are you not frustrated? You're just chugging along. No, I we can talk frustrations because there are a lot that are many. But but what I had to go through to this, to make my decision of resigning was understanding why I was doing all of this, because I was very frustrated because I was like trying to fight for this stuff that I believe was the right path for CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:03:00 But it's not my company. Right. And it's fine. That's fine. I know that there are so many things to improve and to learn and to grow that sometimes Brazil is not going to be the priority in it. That's okay. But then I realized that why I accepted this role, you know, like why I'm living as an international media and translation manager. That's the name. That's the title. So why did I accept that? I knew it was not a media thing. Like it's the behind the scenes of everything. And it was a hell of a journey. But now I'm in peace to understand that I joined CrossFit Brazil because I wanted to help the affiliates. And that's why I wanted to go as the last thing in the company back
Starting point is 01:03:53 to them, because I want to help them. I wanted to work, I wanted to do the physical education major. I wanted to take that, but my father didn't allow me. He was like, no, you're not being anyone doing that. Like you need to learn something else, engineering, whatever.
Starting point is 01:04:14 So the world's, you know, go round and round. And here I am working with these people, doing an amazing work and changing people's lives. And I want them to understand how powerful they are and what they're doing. And maybe sometimes when you're like in this storm, you don't see the power that you have because there's so many things going on.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Like you have like you have business partners, you have the membership, you have the plum that has a problem at the bathroom. You have so many things going on that you don't see the power of what you do and then when i go there and i shoot a story and i find these stories and i i tell them they realize like oh yeah that's why i started this and that that's the the true power that this thing has um So that's why I got back to that. And that's why I worked for CrossFit for five years. Because
Starting point is 01:05:10 when I was fighting, I didn't fight anyone, but I was like over in meetings and meetings over meetings, trying to make a point that having the broadcasting for the games in Portuguese is a huge thing for our community. And we need to prove, we need to say and say over and over again
Starting point is 01:05:34 and show numbers and explain and talk and talk and talk to make them understand that this is a big thing. So it's not, it sounds like Instagram shitty motivational, inspirational stuff, but it's, it's from the bottom of my heart. Like I want these people to, to know their value and, and to work hard on it because it's not easy. It's not because you have a degree that you're a great coach. You need to work, you need to study, you need to open the gym at 5am and close at 10pm. coach you need to work you need to study you need to open the gym at 5 a.m and close at 10 p.m it's not an easy life no one's got getting millionaire from it or most are not so it i i want them to understand like how powerful this is you know like you you since since you've been around crossfit and then you went, like you said, behind the scenes, you started working for CrossFit, you got this basically this degree in CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:06:31 Like you see CrossFit in a way that probably very few people in the world, if anyone, you have your own unique perspective to it because you work in Brazil and you got to work with Ricardinho and you got to work with HQ and you got to work in the media. And you saw all the and you saw behind the scenes of how the affiliate program is run and so you have this degree in crossfit and what's interesting is is now that you don't work for hq but you do still have the degree i mean no one's going to give you a piece of paper but i'm in a similar boat it's like hey i have this degree in the operations of crossfit and I have this fucking degree in the operations of CrossFit. And it's interesting. And so now you're trying to apply it, right?
Starting point is 01:07:12 You're like, and so you're blazing new ground. No one's kind of probably done what you're doing in Brazil, wherever that's going to lead you. Is there, do you know of any YouTubers in Brazil in the CrossFit space who are making a living? Making a living? No. no yeah not i i want do you know if there's any youtubers outside of the united states who are making a living um in the crossfit ecosystem i i don't know i don't follow many i don't i don't honestly i don't have much time to watch so yeah sometimes i just pick some some of you some maybe because and i was following like
Starting point is 01:07:46 andrew and and atina and atina so yes all that i can follow but it's i don't see much i don't watch much so i don't i can't say because i guess because i'm just thinking i guess and maybe i'm mischaracterizing you but that's that's the journey now you've taken off onto you're kind of taken off the, I guess there's Craig Ritchie Craig Ritchie's in the United Kingdom in England. And he makes, I think he makes a living and it appears to be a good living being a CrossFit YouTuber. But that's big. Is that the journey you're on now?
Starting point is 01:08:21 You're like, okay, I'm basically going to be a self sufficient enterprise in the Brazilian CrossFit YouTube media space. Maybe. Yeah. I mean, I don't have like a plan. Right. A very structured plan. I want to, I want i want you know i want to give it and i don't blame you for that either i didn't have a structured plan either if someone would have said that to me i'd have been like hey don't scare me shut the
Starting point is 01:08:54 fuck up i'm just checking one podcast at a time but and i know you've just kind of stepped out but i'm just wondering um Just wondering, I mean, you could control the voice of CrossFit in Brazil. I'm guessing it's wide open. I mean, I don't know the scene at all, right, because I don't speak Portuguese and I don't look at YouTube stuff. But I'm guessing with 600 gyms there and people being passionate, that space is just waiting to be taken over. And if there was someone making a living doing as a YouTuber in Brazil, you would know, wouldn't you? Probably, yeah. making a living doing uh as a youtuber in brazil you would know wouldn't you probably yeah i know i know people that do it and you know uh the the two people that are our um casters for for the broadcasting for the games broadcasting they have youtube channels but they don't live of it they
Starting point is 01:09:39 like axel is a coach he's. He has his programming that he sells. Natalia, she's an affiliate owner. She has her own thing on TV and she makes money out of it. So no one is doing that. And what I want, like I gave me two years to try this thing. If it's not working, fuck it. But in Brazil, there are a lot of memes about CrossFit and most of them are just showing people get injured. So all the stupid things that stupid people are doing out there. And I know that gives money, right? So there are a lot of it.
Starting point is 01:10:21 So I want to give it a try to see like, hey there's a good content out there would you see would you spread that you know because i don't want to leave out of you know all this uh something like i don't know talking shit or anything like that i just want to show the good stories because there are because there are a lot of it and, and it's, it's inspiring. I was just editing this morning, a video from the, from the trip from a guy that has like a motorcycle accident and he, he has his leg like chopped off right away. And it, when I was talking to him, he was, he was saying like, how, how that gets into your mind, like how it's going to be your life now and and how society is going to look at you and and how am i going to be a man you know even that deep and he said that crossfit when the coach like was his friend on an affiliate and the guy said like hey
Starting point is 01:11:20 just come here let's train and he was like dude i didn't train with two legs how am i gonna do with one and then the guy is crying on the video and say like when they showed me a video of a guy squatting back squatting with just one leg just and and a prosthetic leg i was like oh man if he can do maybe i can do it and now this dude is like surfing, skateboarding, fighting jujitsu and everything because CrossFit show him that there is life after an accident like that. And his coach is like, I never thought I would have to go through this to see a friend going through a trauma like that. But because we don't have wars, right?
Starting point is 01:12:06 So here in Brazil, we don't have like that many amputees. And you guys have a different background. But here is not that common. You don't see that much. Do you know what the leading cause of amputation is in the United States? No. Diabetes, for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:23 So same here. Crazy, right? It used to be motorcycle accidents when I was a kid. Now it's diabetes. It's wild. It is. We're getting there. I'm glad you said jiu-jitsu.
Starting point is 01:12:37 It would be a shame to have a Brazilian on and not have them utter the word jiu-jitsu at least. Yeah, of course. So those are the stories you want to tell. Utter the word jujitsu at least. Yeah, of course. So those are the stories you want to tell. Hey, do all the affiliates embrace that? Are you getting crazy support? As word gets out, like, hey.
Starting point is 01:12:53 So if I'm at gym, I'm like, hey, dude, what? There's this girl, Carol, in southern Brazil. Yeah, she's making videos. Yeah, hey, let's invite her up here and let her stay at our house for a week. Her and her wife stay up here and make a video on us and we'll feed her all sorts of good food and tricker And I'm making a video about our gym. I mean that yeah, that's where you have to start right? I mean your game You don't have kids. No, you're free Yeah, God
Starting point is 01:13:19 You're free you have like kids and freedom You're free. You have like kids and freedom. Dude, I'm so you're you're you're doing. How old are you? Thirty four. So I found CrossFit at thirty four. I didn't have kids, obviously. And I basically just jumped in my car. And unfortunately, I had the support of the Glassman's. They paid for all the gas. But I basically drove back and forth across the United States at least three times in it with, you know, with my girlfriend, too. And and just made videos. That's all I did. That's it. Shooting at it, shooting at it, shooting, shooting at it. I'm doing seven style. That's it. Yeah. I'm so I'm so I'm so excited for you.
Starting point is 01:14:01 I'm so thank you. Yeah, I'm excited as well. I'm so excited for you i'm so thank you yeah i'm excited as well i'm so excited for you it's um yeah i'm pumped do you have um do you feel uh a pressure or do you feel um uh do you feel like you're always behind i used to always feel like i was behind like i should be editing like i should be editing yeah always behind yes behind like doing a trip that big and not have like constant posting in Instagram was killing myself I was going to sleep everyday
Starting point is 01:14:33 I'm very asleep but I should be editing I should be posting something but I could just stand up so it was like I need to sleep so every time everyday Jake Chapman i love this woman this woman now you but you love all oh look uh matt burns uh this gal is so likable
Starting point is 01:14:52 thank you uh marion michelon maria maria carol carol uh will rock wherever she goes yeah hey this girl just just entered the team crossfit brazil team oh cool yeah she's an l2 trainer affiliate owner what's your wife do um as part so let's say you're out shooting so so are you going to do this with her is she traveling with you yeah so we have we started uh a company we work we both work with digital marketing so I have now I have this how to call it mentorship on marketing for gems so I have some oh that's cool yeah so I I try to help the field not a few days but all kind of gym owners to have a better communication on what they do.
Starting point is 01:15:46 And so I have that mentorship and she has some clients on like social media things, strategies and that stuff. So it's a remote work for both of us. And now we're, we're going to focus on that, on that company. And, and the, the CrossFit content is going to focus on that, on that company, and the CrossFit content is going to be part of that. It's one of the things that we're going to do. Does she hold the camera?
Starting point is 01:16:17 No, she's more like the person that creates content with the cell phone. And how about does she edit? Yeah, she does. And who's in charge? When you go on a trip like this um 42 gyms are you producing it or is she producing it who like calls the gyms and is like looking on the phone to see where they're open and like pulling up maps and it's all me because people know me here right yeah so if i reach out and say like hey i wanna i wanna just drop in and check in and and just i wasn't i wasn't training at all of the gyms of course um so sometimes i was like hey it's just it's just
Starting point is 01:16:51 a chat i just want to see how things are going and do you have like 30 minutes 20 minutes so people know me and it's easier to contact them it's if it's me texting dude it's it's a lot of work yeah it's great it's crazy what you're doing i was just kind of imagining that the 42 gyms you actually went step foot in all of those gyms in 28 days yeah yeah god and you know something you said that um it doesn't get recognized is how much energy it takes because every time you greet someone new you have to like bring it you can't be like hi no yeah you have to be like and just pour on them right you have to just like be like hey i'll give you my own even though you've been in it's your third gym of the day and you've been in the car stuck in traffic for two hours and you're sweaty as shit and the dog just bit you
Starting point is 01:17:40 because it's brazil i just picture everyone gets bit by a dog um yeah wow yeah it's it it takes a lot of energy and and there's a lot of stuff that takes a lot of energy that people don't see uh well it's like the games working at the games is crazy um but yeah this trip this trip drain drained me like in a way that i was not expecting. I knew that it would happen, but not that bad and not that early in the, in the, in the trip. And since you're married,
Starting point is 01:18:12 basically when you're in this phase, everything takes second fiddle. It's like basically like, you know, from when I was 34 to 45, I basically just took my wife for granted and she was cool with it. She dealt with it, but she knew cause you just have your head down and you're working.
Starting point is 01:18:28 Yeah. But, but I recognize that from, from, you know, from past relationships. Now we, we just had that conversation yesterday night where we were saying like, Hey, we're, we're so lucky to have each other because we support one another in what we like to do so yeah so my wife loves dancing um she she wanted to do that professionally and but you know like she couldn't do because of family and they they she hit she didn't have have support uh so now now she was in this morning she was asking me like hey do you mind if I go to my dance class while you're in the podcast, not supporting you? And I'm like, of course not. Just this is, you know, like, do you even know who Sivan is?
Starting point is 01:19:13 She's like, no. So just go ahead. How dare she? I was like, I was teaching everyone yesterday who you are. I was like, crazy on my Instagram. Like, hey, you guys need to understand how important this moment is. Please go there and support me. That's me.
Starting point is 01:19:33 Well, thank you. Yeah, that's it. Do you have already pieces lined up? Do you have more pieces lined up than you could possibly do? Do you have like an old guy over here who had cancer is cured you have a lady over here who's lost 100 pounds you have someone who's like um maybe going to go to the games are you already like okay um yeah i know i know a lot of people yeah so so you're so you're there's no shortage of stories and you're ready yeah let's do it where where do
Starting point is 01:20:04 you go next you have something lined up do you know what you're gonna what project you're ready yeah let's do it where do you go next you have something lined up do you know what you're gonna what project you're gonna do next next um so for the next month i just need to put all of this together edit all of this and and just figure out how we're gonna roll everything uh but we have the semi-final i don't't know how I'm going to do it, but I want to be there. And it's going to be in Rio, and I live far from Rio, so I want to go there and stay in Rio for at least 10 days or a week and just visit some places there, some gyms, and just visit some places there, some gyms,
Starting point is 01:20:50 and use all of these words that I had to shoot. But also I want to focus on my mentorship as well. That now after one year of doing it, I'm seeing such great results with my clients that I think this could also be a good help for for the affiliates for the people that are hustling out there oh you're so your clients aren't just affiliates no i have i have a couple that aren't oh interesting how do people get in touch with you for that just through your instagram just dm you yes yes i need to i need to to put that um i put i need to put a website up you know that's that's all the the small stuff that i have to do uh to to for
Starting point is 01:21:33 the next for the next couple of months um but i i have this it takes three months for the mentorship so 12 weeks and once in a while i open i open the registrations so i'm going to open again in in april uh i i even had like an international one so i'm excited to see if it goes international is it in portugal no i had one i had a um i had a group that had two people from Mexico and two from Spain. And I am a consultant, marketing consultant for a gym owner in the UK as well. So it's international. What's going on in Mexico?
Starting point is 01:22:22 Do you know if CrossFit ever got the trademark in Mexico or did they never never get that i don't know i don't know how that how that's going because i remember um that was the only country i think in the world where crossfit hadn't gotten the trademark someone had do you remember that story i um i sat in a lot of meetings with that shit uh basically someone had gotten the trademark and they wanted to sell it to Greg. It was either $2 million or $20 million. And he said, no, I'm not going to pay for it. And because of that, there were only like 10 gyms in Mexico. Caleb, how many gyms are there in Mexico?
Starting point is 01:22:57 Are there still hardly any? No, they didn't. Wow, sneaky. No, they didn't. Oh, that's more than I thought. Yeah, there are a lot there. Hey, Rickardinho is on the chat. Yeah, it was a mess there.
Starting point is 01:23:11 Where do you see it? Oh, right here, this? Yeah. Try to read it. Go ahead. Obrigado, em nome de CrossFit, Caro Pasquale. How's that? That was actually good.
Starting point is 01:23:24 Thank you. Hey, so where can people watch this footage that you're going to be publishing? So this specific one for this tour is going to be out in CrossFit Brazil YouTube channel. And some stuff, just like reels
Starting point is 01:23:44 and photos I'm putting out in my own social media, caro.pasquale. Do you have your own YouTube channel and some stuff just like reels and photos I'm putting out in my own social media, carol.pasquale. Do you have your own YouTube channel? Yeah, I do. I started, I tried to start like a podcast with just women and it started, but I didn't keep going. I didn't have the energy that time. Hey, why are you putting it just on CrossFit Station?
Starting point is 01:24:08 You should put it on your station too. Yeah, well, subscribe. Love it. So, yeah, I could put it on my own as well. Yeah, you have to. Put it on yours too. I like your thumbnails.
Starting point is 01:24:24 Oh, how is Victoria Campos? I've always wanted to interview her. How is that? She's amazing. You need to talk to her. own as well yeah you have to put it on yours too i like your thumbnails yeah oh how was victoria campos i've always wanted to interview her how was how was that she's amazing you need to talk to her she's an l3 trainer do you know that i didn't know that yeah she's an l3 trainer i tried to set her up with uh i wanted to set her up with one of my friends but she likes girls so that that all messed up i just thought i thought they would make beautiful kids together. Man, she's Brazilian? Yeah, she's Brazilian. And you did the interview in Portuguese?
Starting point is 01:24:52 Yeah. On that, you know, like all the... Go ahead, go ahead. Yeah, that's good. Oh, I want to do that word. Gee. Gee. What is necessary for the other person? Oh, I want to do that word. Gee. What were you going to say about her? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:12 No, it's the first year that she was a CrossFit Games athlete, there was another Brazilian, Julia Cato. And in this trip, one person that had us, like, we were sleeping in Julia Cato's father's house. It was amazing. It's how the community is, right? Everyone is so friendly and is like, hey, you're here? No, I come to my house and stay here for a couple of days and it's good.
Starting point is 01:25:41 Hey, how about Kaique Cervini? Does he look Brazilian to you when you look at him? No. No. Yeah. He looks like Celtic or something, right? Yeah, or he looks like a giant Israeli dude or Finnish dude or something.
Starting point is 01:25:54 He doesn't even look... Yeah, but that's Brazil for you, right? You see that. Yeah, we see, yeah. Just a lot of outliers, which is kind of weird then to call them outliers. Yeah. All right. Well, hey,liers, which is kind of weird then to call them outliers. Yep. All right.
Starting point is 01:26:06 Well, hey, thank you for coming on. I appreciate it. Anytime you do any other big projects like this or just anything, something you want to share, it's great having you on. I'm glad that you were able to look at my YouTube station with me, my Portuguese one. And I gently understood that it's a pile of shit. Yeah. Back to – what a way – that was 500 bucks to make those three videos. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:26:29 No. Yeah. It's basically a dollar a minute. And I did a couple behind the scenes. What a mess. I guess the technology is not there yet. Yeah. Well, it's getting there and it's getting faster. Hey, if there's ever anything I can do for you, feel free to reach out.
Starting point is 01:26:48 I would love to help you promote your content selfishly because obviously, no, the more people who who know your content that I can help publish, the more people who will know me in Brazil. But but anything you can think of that we can do together or anything you ever want to do let me know if i can help repost anything or publish anything i'm i'm here for you yeah that's great thank you so much for your support yeah uh it was very special uh being here and and and talking to you again um and yes let's let's let's throw some projects together i was talking to mariah like hey we need to build something together. Let's just go out there and shoot some stuff. People really respect you, man. Anytime your name is mentioned, people have nothing but great things to say about you. So congratulations on that.
Starting point is 01:27:35 Oh, that's great. Thank you. Thank you. That's just being true. Nice. It's true. Yeah. Nice.
Starting point is 01:27:42 Hey, did that hurt? Do those hurt? A bit, yeah. But it's small, so it's easy to go through. All right, dear. Have a good one. Have a great day. And see you soon.
Starting point is 01:27:55 See you. Thank you, everyone. Obrigada, galera. And nice. Obrigado, galera. That's good. Thank you. Obrigado, galera.
Starting point is 01:28:06 G. Os. 34 and getting ready to go on one long filming trip. I was too busy projecting what I did onto her to really understand what she's going to do, but I hope she does what I did. What was that? What's the comparison? Just driving around and just making videos oh man that's so much driving i looked at that map it's just it's a lot um yeah we used to my wife and i and carrie and i we i mean three times i think at
Starting point is 01:28:44 least three times i drove from California to New York just zigzagging across the United States filming CrossFit shit at least three times each trip was probably two months three months wow Sevan thinks if Sevan thinks you have mental illness if you have
Starting point is 01:29:00 tattoos doesn't he Sevan thinks you have mental illness have tattoos, doesn't he? Sevan thinks you have mental illness if you have tattoos, doesn't he? God, you've been listening for so long and you still don't understand. That makes me so happy. That means I feel like I'm going to keep you as a listener forever. So much to learn, my child. Augustus Link,
Starting point is 01:29:33 I thought that was just face tattoos. It's like I'm preaching to insects, trying to get you to evolve to human consciousness. Or you're just speaking in an echo chamber. Maybe. Just yourself. This next one's good.
Starting point is 01:29:55 I'm paying you money, dance monkey. There is a... So I did a show last night reviewing the Daniel Brandon show. The good thing is... I always forget how fucking absolutely moronic people are on YouTube. I want to read you some of these comments, okay? Please.
Starting point is 01:30:27 Okay, let me see. So these are the, so there's 20, I'm going to sort them from newest. So these are the comments. I still don't understand why underdogs dropped her, meaning Danielle Brandon.
Starting point is 01:30:52 Really? don't understand why underdogs dropped her meaning danielle brandon really by that they mean like what do you want to know like she took a shit in the toilet and didn't flush and it was that that broke the camel's back or um she got caught um a diddling in the back with a 12 inch black cock dildo like like you you want the specific yeah sure okay i understand i mean but but you can make some shit up right you can be like there was some conflict between basically what i took away from it is kotler says that she she wasn't um the role she was too out basically what happened is is bethany and carrie were not only alphas but they were good leaders and when danielle took that role she was she was struggling with the leadership part of it from from his perspective and being basically
Starting point is 01:31:29 fucking up the vibe there yeah and and then but he also took responsibility for the fact that maybe he didn't guide her he took some like leadership responsibility like hey maybe i didn't guide her to teach her how to be a better leader a better athlete or whatever so they kind of both took responsibility what the specific thing she did like did she backhand someone who knows but we'll never know okay uh easily the best cross document crossfit documentary you're you're out of your fucking mind okay uh you can give things a 10 in my opinion. A 10 means it's a masterpiece, but that doesn't mean it's flawless.
Starting point is 01:32:10 Okay. Isn't that the point of a 10? Mine's an emotional 10. You know what I mean? I'm emotional. Hilliard isn't so emotional. You were moved? Yeah, I was moved. Mine's an emotional 10.
Starting point is 01:32:25 Okay. The doc was better than Roadhouse. Yeah, they asked me which one I would want to see forever, but I reframed the question as which one do I want to see a part two of. By the way, I watched the end of Roadhouse last night. Where the fuck do you think they're – Dude, did John Young – I'm going to do something you're never supposed to do. I'm'm gonna talk about something he said in the text messages i apologize oh no john young is gay no john young said it was the best fight scene he had ever seen did i read that
Starting point is 01:32:54 right that was the worst fight scene ever dude i've seen two hand puppets fight better there were scenes where dude it reminds me when people like gladiator I'm like you don't even get to see the fight scenes in gladiator because the editing is so fucking choppy there was it was nauseating no it was see there was CGI there were hey if you look there's scenes where he's punching Conor McGregor
Starting point is 01:33:17 in the face but Conor's like he has Conor on the ground and he's punching the face but his Conor's face isn't in the shot so you don't see the fist hit and right away you're like yeah he's hitting a bag and Connor's not even down there were you the one who said were you the one in the text messages
Starting point is 01:33:35 who said it was the best fight scene ever? I'm going to take responsibility for that I thought it was good you and John are gay I thought the fight scenes were pretty good and i think you guys make a cute couple thanks just two fucking oafs living our lives wow hey dude you need to watch a bruce lee movie or some shit i've seen a bruce lee movie and i can't okay i don't think that yeah that wasn't even as good because the camera sits in one spot and you're just panning across as
Starting point is 01:34:05 somebody who's fighting. Like it, at least when you have, when you were watching the, the roadhouse movie, those, those fight scenes were a little dynamic. You're like moving from,
Starting point is 01:34:14 from angle to angle. And you're, you're getting a shot from like Conor McGregor, like punching him in the face. Like, I don't know. I liked how you had like first person view. And then you had like,
Starting point is 01:34:24 did you think, let me ask you this view and then you had like did you think let me ask you this and i um did you think the fight scenes were cheesy yes i did think they were cheesy and did you like that like you know what i mean like kill bill's cheesy but you're supposed to like it um do you i guess yeah you like that cheese i like cheesy fight scenes yeah yeah i mean it wasn't i appreciated it for that for sure. I, but I was, but I was confused whether they were trying to make it cheesy or not. If I know they're trying to make it weird and cheesy, like Quentin Tarantino,
Starting point is 01:34:51 I'm like, okay, I can roll with this. Yes. It seemed like it was like, it was very cheesy fight scenes. And cause you know, none of those fights,
Starting point is 01:34:58 like that's not how fights pan out. Right. Right. And yeah, if you just, if you enjoy cheesy fight scenes and that's cheesy those are very cheesy fight scenes i just like the way that they shot it was like very well shot cheesy fight scenes um oh what made you think you and hillary told me there could be a part two what
Starting point is 01:35:15 made you fucking think that for how did you watch the credits no i got halfway through the credits and i was like once again i thought that was horrible too did you see a hospital scene no okay then you missed that yeah fuck i'm like i'm like god i'm so like it's like twitter i just don't understand tweets yeah and i'm like god they see something here because you both were okay okay so go back and watch i watched like probably like 40 seconds of the credits like where they throw throw something and the dirt moves in slow motion and glass is flying. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:49 So there's the part where Jake Gyllenhaal leaves. Yeah. That leaves it a little open-ended because you could just follow. He's in the bus. Yeah, you could just follow Dalton somewhere else. And then there's a part in the credits where there's you yeah i don't want to okay so go back and watch the last okay just watch the past the credits there's a little like
Starting point is 01:36:12 maybe 15 20 second scene that would explain that jesus and you and hillar made it to that yeah i always watch the credits though because i always think that there's something going to be back there they do that with the avengers movies and uh so i've just always watched credits i like that you think something's going to be back there uh jonathan clark danielle looked hot as fuck what you goofballs are talking about what you goofballs are talking about listen here, here's the problem. I thought she was really pretty. She is hot as fuck. I'm suggesting that sitting in that chair with all that makeup on that she looked more like Ronald McDonald than Danielle Brandon. Like if you had Ronald McDonald here and Danielle Brandon here, the slider had gone too far to Ronald McDonald.
Starting point is 01:36:58 Yeah, I think they did her up a little bit too much. But I think. Yeah, but but but but I'm not like, damn, she looks like shit. Like I know she's fucking hot as fuck. What do you want me... You could fucking... You could cover her in dog shit and I would still think she's hot as fuck. It doesn't... I'm not...
Starting point is 01:37:18 You could put her on Broken Skull Ranch and she'd still be hot. Yeah, you could put her in a... God damn it no one no one doesn't think she's hot as and if they do it's because they're stupid uh what but but but if you thought that that let me let me let me say this if you thought she looked good the way she was set up there you need to recalibrate like you're up like daniel brandon is just a natural beauty everything she does to herself that that she that that she thinks is making herself more beautiful a healthy man does not
Starting point is 01:37:54 see that a healthy man's like oh you're fucking yourself up she's perfect she's like a perfect sunset i don't need a fucking plane flying through with a banner that says, buy Geico. If you like that, you're damaged goods. That's what I'm saying. I'm on natural. I see the truth. You see some fucking demented shit because you're trapped in your head. That's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:38:22 Make sense, Caleb? Makes sense. Yeah. your head that that's all i'm saying make sense caleb makes sense yeah she has gotten then she stopped like putting on fake eyelashes and using like color on her hair and like being danielle she looks a lot better yeah i just like i like that shit just roll out of the bed fucking walking out of the ocean um for sure yeah she looks great yeah okay um uh um watch the world at war documentary series from 1973 narrated by lawrence oliver okay okay pillars 100 the kind of guy that roadhouse 2 is his favorite movie i'm gonna have to like that one i don't know what that means but it sounds like for me that's an insult so i'm gonna
Starting point is 01:39:11 like that uh oh all the all daniel oh last night we found out that daniel brandon energy the dbe that nickname was given to her by uh hillar wife or girlfriend or fiance, whatever she is. Alexis. Yeah, that's crazy, isn't it? Alexis Kowalski, yeah. Mike Wazowski. Oh, yeah, I heard Max Elhaj, they changed the name of their show to Corpus Anus. That is so fucking funny.
Starting point is 01:39:41 He changed his Instagram bio, too. Look it, Andrew already knows Roadhouse 2 is the bomb. That's not Roadhouse 2, that's just the remake. Yeah, it's not a... But Hiller's already knows Roadhouse 2 is going to be his favorite movie of all
Starting point is 01:39:58 time. Fitness Wow! Fitness is number one menace brewing people on the think tank tub like jake berman who has the fastest burpees in the game damn that's so good get them max man um uh at what point so this is this is the at what point
Starting point is 01:40:29 is Haley concerned about Sevan's infatuation with Daniel Brandon he started when he starts buying rad shoes that's what she needs to be concerned listen uh my wife would love it if I was infatuated with someone besides her.
Starting point is 01:40:48 Give her a fucking break. And I'd have to do foot binding for fucking five years, Japanese foot binding to fit into a pair of reds. I got man feet. OK, so many women in the CrossFit space selling victim mentality. How sad they have it. many women in the CrossFit space selling victim mentality, how sad they have it. You see Danielle's backstory proper and she never uses it for woke brownie points.
Starting point is 01:41:11 Doesn't buy into it really is the OG spirit of CrossFit yet. I hope she sees this. Okay. Whatever. Sure. Doc was amazing. Already loved her. And now more also underdog saying she's like family
Starting point is 01:41:26 than cutting her loose over emails a bitch move. Yeah, I didn't really like that either. Like as opposed to just saying it to her face. Yeah. Was thinking this is your business move to cut loose a potential champion that's one of the most popular personalities in the sport dude when i see shit like that i'm just like this guy's basically saying in the comments like she's going to be one
Starting point is 01:41:56 of the most popular popular sports in this uh personalizing space keeper at all costs like are you a fucking retard people like that will never make it that you're a Valueless whore Oh my god She's the most popular she has the most followers Sorry all you said he's the most popular He has the most followers I'm gonna keep him no matter what A white rabbit oh nine would you
Starting point is 01:42:19 Would you suck a dick to keep him like Where's your line buddy where's your demarcation Zone whatever it Takes that's what I mean YouTube is just full Of retards Would you suck a dick to keep them? Like, where's your line, buddy? Where's your demarcation zone? Whatever it takes. That's what I mean. YouTube is just full of retards. Like, that's the premise of your whole post is that she's the most popular personality. Let me tell you something.
Starting point is 01:42:43 If I thought like you, I'd have never fucking talked to Colton. He had six followers and couldn't fucking utter a sentence. That's true. For every three words he said, his eye ticked 300 times. Sniffed his nose four times. He sells fucking the lamest dogs on the planet, wiener dogs. He hoses out shit pig pins. And now all you guys are on his fucking jock. And he fucking taught himself to talk.
Starting point is 01:43:05 And he's fucking. Now he's the king shit talker in the space. Why don't you get. Oh I don't want to. I want to use some examples. But I don't want to be mean. But. I take.
Starting point is 01:43:18 I take. I take Colton over. Fucking any jackass. Who has fucking 500,000 or more followers. Who's turned into a complete fucking douche uh yeah i'm so i'm so i'm so glad i would much rather i much rather being on colton's journey than picking someone because they have a fucking shitload of followers
Starting point is 01:43:44 Colton's journey than picking someone because they have a fucking shitload of followers. Now, down pepper. That's another thing that I'm invested in that. That's fucking, I don't know what's going to happen there. He's never going to get edgy. Let me say,
Starting point is 01:43:56 he's going to be selling fucking oatmeal. He can be on Wheaties box. Maybe it was Jesus Christ down. You've made it so hard for us. You have to win the games down for us to get our Investment back in you for fuck's sake Down does Have that rich froning thing going though. If you saw down walk Out of a brothel, you'd be like, oh, he was just saving Meth heads in there, you know what I mean or changing the
Starting point is 01:44:16 Sheets or something like you just can't see Anything shitty sticking to him Making assumptions But Gazan and Daniel Brandon should have Fought winter stays making assumptions but Gazan and Daniel Brandon should have fought winter stays pay-per-view okay the doc was absolutely incredible
Starting point is 01:44:40 very very emotional explains why she's exactly the way she is got me to tear up a bunch of times she's a warrior and understandably loyalty more than most ever it's why relationships matter that much to her the one who travels through the dark and come out the other side are the greatest healers
Starting point is 01:44:56 and people who pay the most money I understand These people just watch the movie They think it's real Now I get why she got mad at you about Dogging Rad They are taking care of her
Starting point is 01:45:14 Yes everyone needs to apologize to her And promote Rad And promote Rad What would I apologize for Think of have I ever said anything negative About Danielle Brandon Ever no saying her makeup looks like Ronald McDonald is not negative
Starting point is 01:45:33 No it's not It's all in contact Wow even when even when you let let someone dress you up as Ronald McDonald You're hot as fuck That's crazy You can't hide your hotness Okay yeah We're getting somewhere
Starting point is 01:45:54 Apologize to her Listen I just stated the truth Danielle let me tell you something Danielle let me explain something to you Danielle Brandon is torn. She really likes Rad. They've been great to her. She loves the shoes.
Starting point is 01:46:15 It's a beautiful partnership. They just made a great movie about her. But you have to remember, she really likes me too, a lot. And so she's torn. to remember she really likes me too a lot and so she's torn but she doesn't like anyone dogging her friends and so she just fucking slapped me around a little bit but there's nothing this is this is um me and danielle and i i'm speaking on behalf of both of us are both enjoying this evolution of our friendship. Of our relationship. Sevan is gonna suck pee-pee for anyone
Starting point is 01:46:53 who like... Sevan is gonna suck pee-pee for anyone to like him. It's not. Oh, isn't. Isn't. I was like, wow. That fucking hurt. Oh isn't isn't oh is now I was like wow that fucking hurt Listen this is There's we were just uh, we're just two souls who?
Starting point is 01:47:23 We're having a spiritual war right now Danielle and I She's fiercely loyal I'm fiercely loyal Danielle loves me for my honesty And my candor And I love her for her honesty and her candor We're like two cheese graters That bumped each other Can you imagine two cheese
Starting point is 01:47:40 That's horrible right Normally we took turns I'd be the cheese she'd be the grater Now we were just two cheese graters That bumped against cheese? That's horrible, right? Normally we took turns. I'd be the cheese. She'd be the grater. Now we were just two cheese graters that bumped against each other. That's it. And the sparks were flying. Call her now.
Starting point is 01:47:55 I should. I've been bugging her a lot. I should lay off. I've been bugging her a lot. God, I've been bugging her. Yesterday I sent a Venmotor five grand to come on my podcast okay let's go on uh you need to apologize to her and promote rad i would but um but i am a i don't i didn't didn't say anything wrong and so that would be disingenuous and um i have no i've never worn a pair of rad shoes
Starting point is 01:48:26 or, and I don't know, I don't know. I only know, I only know about their genius and their marketing skills. That's all. That's all I know. The Brian Fisher documentary is coming up. He's working on it. If that's true, that's, I am curious about that. Ryan's got quite the life docs. I'd like to see in the next door preference, Dave Castro, Brian friend, Sevan Matosian. Sevan, if you want her back on the show, maybe don't compare her to a clown on the makeup. Listen, you have no fucking idea what it takes to get someone on the show. Retard. This definitely isn't a CrossFit podcast. Greg Glassman. Was that really Greg? Is that? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:49:05 Greg's in your. No, no. Settle down. Tis not. Hiller Medeiros doesn't like you because he's a golden retriever and you're a pit bull. A nice one, but still a pit bull. So that's the show from yesterday last night with Caleb Beaver and Andrew Hiller
Starting point is 01:49:28 it's a great movie you should see it it is pretty good Caleb gave it a 7.2 Caleb needs to apologize to her why? because you were probably in a bad mood when you watched it oh
Starting point is 01:49:42 even you probably gave it a 7.2 because it made you cry and you didn't appreciate being uh having such emotion drawn out of you i think i had one exclamatory laugh and that was it yeah no no tear shit here i'm live on the air. What do you need? I know what you texted me last night about. Oh, but don't say it now because I had forgotten. I can't wait for you to tell me. But, hey, what would you rate?
Starting point is 01:50:15 We're live on the air. What would you rate the Daniel Brandon documentary? Oh, it's funny. I actually got early access from cooper marsh um i would say i really appreciate him sending that over to me but i would say it's no higher than a five are you out of your mind how did that not touch you your life's a mess you should have appreciated that isn't she a partner in crime of yours now? Well, it was just...
Starting point is 01:50:47 Oh, maybe it opened some wounds. Maybe it opened some wounds for you. No, it definitely didn't open any wounds. All my wounds were healed. I mean, it was definitely touching. I don't know. I mean, touching and like... This is the thing, thing dude everybody in the world
Starting point is 01:51:06 goes through fucked up shit there are so many like i didn't i've never i i didn't go through fucked up shit my life was easy i mean you might not have gone through fucked up shit that was out of your control but you put yourself in some stupid shit my house was never raided by the feds and my mom fucking arrested. Yeah. But that. Yeah, but I'm not saying it makes her special, not special. I'm saying that I watched that movie and I really enjoyed it. And it took me through levels of ups and downs.
Starting point is 01:51:51 I'm not comparing it to like other people. I'm just like, wow, holy shit. That's fucking what a journey. And like, oh my God, that's what it was. Here we are seeing her mom. I mean, you even told me you love the fact that her mom was 13 years sober when I talked to you yesterday. That was like a highlight for you. Yes, it's for sure.
Starting point is 01:52:09 Cool. I think I guess this is kind of what changed it for me. OK, I'm going to be completely honest. And it had nothing to do with Danielle or her mom, both amazing people. And their stories are crazy. And I relate with them a lot. I don't relate as, I relate a bit with Danielle's, but I, like, I'm sober.
Starting point is 01:52:31 And so all that stuff that she avoided, I didn't avoid that. So in that sense, like, we're a little different. I probably, I don't relate, I relate with her mom in the sense that I used as well, but I don't relate with her in the sense that she had kids and what and what that would feel like i could i cannot even imagine the guilt um what tainted it for me was the moment when she was like i finished the handstand walk event i looked up in the stands
Starting point is 01:52:57 and i looked at cooper and he like showed me the birds and told me to flip the birds and so i did it oh and yeah i didn't need to see that i would have rather not known that i don't know i don't i don't know if she was blaming it on cooper or if he really is well straightening her image to that degree let me say this i think you're mischaracterizing it i think you're mischaracterizing i think what she said was cooper flipped me off and so i flipped that inspired me to flip off other people i do you think that she was was Cooper flipped me off, and so I flipped. That inspired me to flip off other people. Do you think that he was reminding her, hey, flip off the crowd? Or he was saying, fuck you, bitch. I was right.
Starting point is 01:53:33 Oh, okay. I think he orchestrated it. I think he's trying to orchestrate her entire image so that he can make more money. And that's just my humble opinion. I think, you know what's funny? I think the exact opposite. I think he's not doing shit and just riding the gravy train. Damn.
Starting point is 01:53:55 Look at you. You think Cooper's a motherfucking genius. And I, you know, at best, I think Cupid's like a Cupid. I think Cooper's like a Cupid, like an angel at best. Like, I just think he's yeah, he's like her little guardian angel. But you're like he's a mad you're giving a mad scientist credit. No, I don't think that he like she obviously has that element of her. But like.
Starting point is 01:54:22 Yeah, I don't know. I mean, he's I would. It's obvious to me, he's probably one of the better agents in the industry because he's got so many freaking people and his athletes make a freak ton of money. So it would, it would stand to reason that he's good at his job. I just really don't like,
Starting point is 01:54:37 like one of my favorite TV shows is Ballers. And the whole premise of that TV show is The Rock disrupts the sports management agency because he's a former player and these slap dicks who don't know anything about the sport or what these players are going through he's not gonna let him take people's money anymore so I don't know I just kind of like yeah I don't like that but that's got nothing to do with the documentary I'm a judgmental motherfucker so asking me is that's why you're fucking media gold Hey listen Taylor Self vs The World Thousand dollar winner take all
Starting point is 01:55:08 Jeff Berman Colton Mertens Taylor Self That's what I said Jeff Berman You wanna say something Winner take all Taylor
Starting point is 01:55:22 How many would they beat you by Taylor This is what you texted me about last night It wasn't going to be anything profane And I know it was to pitch this idea And make it 100 devil's press for time With the 50s
Starting point is 01:55:38 Or 100 burpee box jump overs for time With the 30 inch Or 100 burpee pull ups for time And with the 30 inch or 100 burpee pull-ups for time and None of them. They don't stand a chance 100 burpee pull-ups. You can be you can be a colton and 100 burpee pull-ups Yeah, same pull-up bar height. Fuck. No, he gets to lower a couple inches Listen, we got gotta do this We gotta do We can find a sponsor
Starting point is 01:56:10 And sell them a thousand dollars worth of shit Oh shit there's Who's the Mertens versus Berman Who's the fucking king of burpees Yeah we gotta organize this God I was looking at Jeff Berman's Instagram account I started following him yesterday He's a brick shithouse.
Starting point is 01:56:26 How are... Dude, where did I... Where... All these people are acting like it's between those two. Who's it between? Are you fucking kidding me, dude? Didn't, uh... Damn. I guess I don't...
Starting point is 01:56:37 I don't know if I ever have beat Colton. Well, I beat him at the Devil's Press workout at Waterpalooza. No, but burpees. This is burpees. This is burpees. Devil's Press is a burpee. You just add weight to it. So he can't capitalize as much on being
Starting point is 01:56:49 three and a half feet tall at Gardeno. Alright. I'm going to do this. I'm going to find someone to put up a thousand bucks, winner take all. Just a fucking five minute workout. Dude, I'm going to be completely honest. If it's bar-facing burpees or regular burpees, I don't stand a chance.
Starting point is 01:57:10 But if you take the range of motion out of it... But it'll still be fun to watch you do it with them. Yeah, I'll do it with them. All right, I knew you would. And fuck that. Maybe I do stand a chance. Yeah. Hey, listen, you just got to sit down, go go in the lab and just look and see how you because barb face facing burpees aren't even really burpees it's really just you don't ever
Starting point is 01:57:32 have to stand up all the way right the range of motion on those is just to basically jump with two feet off the ground right and get over to the other side and touch your chest it is range it is range of motion in the sense of how long my legs are versus how long your legs are how much leg i have to pull up i think saying yeah i think there's room for innovation there. Yeah. This guy, Christian Keller, said Berman looks like a slob. Berman looks... I just was at his IG.
Starting point is 01:58:02 He's fucking jacked. Oh, Spin already organized it? What did Berman looks? I just was at his IG. He's fucking jacked. Yeah, Berman's. I like Jake a lot. He's a good dude. Oh, Spin already organized it. Oh, he did. Is that on? Oh, let me see.
Starting point is 01:58:13 Oh, I thought that was just. Oh, let me see it. OK, shit. No, I guess it's on. What do you mean it's on? It's happening. Colton Burns and Jake Berman will settle once and for all next Wednesday. Oh, OK, shit. Damn, so I'm just cut out of it all right hey no dude i'll just give you the thousand bucks
Starting point is 01:58:31 you win sick hey i'm going live tonight on my channel uh sentinel training yeah what time youtube 9 30 uh 9 p.m you know i have a podcast tonight too isn't that crazy stop it i do i do it's on the schedule uh i have the guy from crossfit oahu it doesn't matter fuck it you do you uh 6 30 oh shit i suck. Sorry. We can't both use StreamYard at the same time. No, we can. Why not? Oh, okay. We'll go at 8.45. I'm not married until 9 p.m.
Starting point is 01:59:12 We'll go at 8.45. Bryson gets off at 8, so we'll go at 8.45, and then we'll be done by the time you go live. Oh, good. Awesome. Send me your viewers. Sick. I will. I'll pipe them right over. All right. Cool. April 3rd, barbell spin I didn't even see the date on that
Starting point is 01:59:27 I thought it was just a hype Alright, cool Alright, cool, well thanks for calling Okay, bye Bye Well shit, I made a post I made a premature post I said I was organizing it before I made a premature post.
Starting point is 01:59:48 I said I was organizing it before I even had talked to either of them. Jumped on it quick. Yeah. I got Jake's number this morning and then said that. Never mind. Yeah. At spin got it. I feel a bit of relief. Yeah?
Starting point is 02:00:29 Yeah. That's good. Because I was getting so excited. I was like, okay, I got to find a thousand bucks to give up for this. Yeah. You know what I was actually thinking about doing? Hmm? Having them just stand there and not start until, like,
Starting point is 02:00:44 everyone in the chat had paid a dollar Okay, you know what I mean like 155 dollars yeah, maybe it should I call Berman now and be like don't do spins do mine I'll give you a There's plenty in the space for everyone. How is, how is Danielle's documentary doing? I think it's crushing. Danielle Brandon. Oh,
Starting point is 02:01:14 53,000 views in 16 hours. Yeah. Yeah. That's wild. Just skyrocketed this morning. This was absolutely stunning. I cried the whole time this was beautiful beautiful doc i teared up three times oh yeah me too i'm a public school teacher for over 20 years i never forget the positive influence dude it's crazy that uh her friend um vouched for to get
Starting point is 02:01:37 the d1 scholarship right isn't that insane that you owe that person your life because now that that person has just altered your trajectory for ever and then she took the ball and ran with it right yeah absolutely i mean yeah i think she she did what she was supposed to do she took every opportunity that was given to her and crushed it i mean they raised money for her they got her a laptop like they said they really helped her be set up for success in college like college is crazy man you don't have like a good support system or friends or anything like that like you just fucking hate your life uh once CrossFit promotes it we'll get another bump. Oh, you think they will? Maybe.
Starting point is 02:02:32 I mean, I think they will. It's the second part. I don't want to be a dick, but... Oh. Because, yeah. How does Sevan have haters? You would have to magically stumble on crossfit podcast by accident and troll got a lot of those too no i'll show you i'll tell you because i'm because i'm against racism and virtue signaling and i'm against homophobia and i'm against um hating people
Starting point is 02:03:01 and i'm against uh it's those things. I'm against pedophilia. I believe in freedom of speech. All the people who like, racist people hate me. Because I expose them. Andrew Hiller, I won't get a bump from CrossFit. Yeah. Yes. Helping. Yes. yeah yes helping yes i'm very appreciative of it but it didn't um i'm very appreciative of it getting recognition from crossfit is more about the um um just feeling like like you're um you have a symbiotic relationship. It just feels right.
Starting point is 02:03:45 It's like, do you ever put on clothes and they don't make you feel any... Like you think it's cold and you put on clothes and you don't get warmer, but at least you have clothes on and your cock's not out. Like you're like, well, I can still go to the store, but I'm going to be cold. Right. That's how I feel right now. Yeah, that's how it is kind of with CrossFit. Like, I'm not getting... We didn't...
Starting point is 02:04:09 I don't want to be arrogant, but it's, it's more like the other way around. We provide the warmth. I mean, the Danielle doc is going to give CrossFit a bump. Yeah, I could see that for sure. crossfit track and field gymnastics yeah be like one one person per sport will start the sport because of watching that doc or one parent will get their kid into each sport for watching that doc when i go places and i see that there's a shitload of comments in the CrossFit space, I feel or I suspect feels not the right word. I anecdotally see that it's people from this podcast. OK, like like CrossFit sent out an email saying, hey, the podcast behind the scenes is available on YouTube and they put it on their YouTube station.
Starting point is 02:05:07 And I think what that really gives me. I'll give you this example. Someone said someone posted somewhere. I don't remember where I read this, but someone said, hey, I don't follow. I didn't follow Andrew Hiller's account because I didn't. I love his videos, but I didn't want anyone to know that I subscribe to his account. But after the hayley adams piece i feel like i can subscribe to it and i'm like holy fuck dude like no wonder i'm so
Starting point is 02:05:32 different no wonder andrew's so different there's just fucking world-class pussies out there like just imagine your whole identity is just being a pussy it's like hiding your side piece except we're but but way i know i'm way so yeah depends where you are in your life hiding your side piece it's like you're not married and you're hiding your side piece yes like uh that's just your girlfriend dude yeah you can show that to anybody or it's like having a fat girlfriend and like you don't want anyone to see her because she's fat but you love her it's like hey dude like who gives a fuck let me tell you half those dudes are craving her too there you go yeah get a couple beers on her you'll be getting chased just like everybody else yeah don't be
Starting point is 02:06:11 embedded like just roll with your shit but um but it did feel um but so what it does is when crossfit basically um they don't they don't affect the numbers but they signal the pussies that they can follow you oh yeah i see what you're saying you know what i'm saying it's like right it's like when uh people started talking about covet again like cnn started talking about covets then everybody was like yeah yeah we can talk about coven now it's not like a taboo thing yeah Yeah. It's where the drone. It's like where the NPCs get their messaging. Right. They're like oh okay.
Starting point is 02:06:52 We can talk about it. It's okay. I am married. To Savant. Wow. Trying to see if that's really what I. Is there a married to the game
Starting point is 02:07:07 I'm married dot dot dot to Sevan married to Sevan okay alright get you a ring we get this thing fucking worked out Heidi does it all get you a ring. We get this thing fucking worked out. Heidi does it all. Get you a fucking ring.
Starting point is 02:07:30 Oh, God. I see the bill to have my ramp repaired just came in. I'm fucking terrified. Oh, fuck. I just got the bill for my carpet. Not as terrifying how much is carpet for the Shattuck I'm only doing the
Starting point is 02:07:49 like bedroom area and it was like 640 does that come with the pad underneath yeah so I'll get a pad and then they're gonna install it put down tack strip oh they're gonna install it yeah that's Lowe strip. Oh, they're going to install it. Yeah, that's...
Starting point is 02:08:07 Lowe's has a thing where if you spend like 500 bucks, you get free installation. So I'm getting free installation. It's kind of nice. Lowe's. We got cheap-ass carpet. My life, Colin Shona. Wait, is the Shad is the shattuck and waterproof
Starting point is 02:08:26 no it's not there's so i don't want to micromanage your build but shouldn't carpet go in after it's waterproof that room is waterproof there's sections of it that are not waterproof like right like right above the computer it's not waterproof no no it's like maybe six feet over it's not waterproof and then the corner and then the room behind this wall is not waterproof like so whenever it rains it just it's like a waterfall through the roof now i don't talk to too many people who are remodeling their house, but your house was the one that has the coffee can for the... For the cat door, yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:12 Cat door, yeah. Which we just turned into a litter box hole. Yeah. Fuck, Nebraska's awesome. Just do whatever we want, it's cool you ever seen the uh you ever seen the coctagon no but i would love to see it i saw i saw something like this in england when i was there but it was a little bit different it was a concrete wall that went into a drain that people peed in i don't know what but other countries are just awesome look at this wow look at that dude talking
Starting point is 02:09:55 to the dude while he's like that dude totally broke a football look he's looking over his his they're all talking to each other of the octagon wow that's cool now look at the different techniques this guy in the yellow hood has his heels hanging off this other guy's like dude I would fucking slap the shit out of my kids if they stepped into the cocktagon like that like his pants are touching the wall
Starting point is 02:10:19 of the cocktagon think about how much spray is coming off like just covering his front side yeah you got to give yourself some breathing room there. You might risk getting some gazes, but I think you're still in the clear. Yeah, I'd hang my heels off there. Oh, look it. You can see. I didn't understand how it works.
Starting point is 02:10:38 Look. Look at that one that's open. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you pee down into something. You don't just hit the wall. Yeah, still. I feel like you're getting a lot of spray back and you're putting your face over the top of that fucking funnel i don't want to put anything oh my god oh i don't want my face anywhere near that plan oh my god maybe i step off the platform and i try to pee as far as i can just shoot it like
Starting point is 02:11:02 lob it into the tunnel. I wonder, are we in the minority, Americans, because we don't just like pee like that? Is that like most countries just rock that shit? I don't know. I feel like most countries have like individual stalls and shit. Like whenever I went to Germany, they have all of their bathrooms are like individual stalls. Japan, oh my God, look at this guy.
Starting point is 02:11:24 What the fuck is this guy wearing? Damn. Look at, he's got an umbrella with a wooden handle and a bag with little hangy things. Oh my God. As European as fuck. Oh, oh my God.
Starting point is 02:11:40 His boyfriend just walked by too. And like some. And look how tight that dude's jeans are yeah this is definitely and people are riding bikes for sure and you don't see a fat person in sight so yeah it's definitely not america this guy in the octagon with the yellow hood could reach over and touch that girl who's in line for the porta potty yeah he's probably crop dusting it right now because you know every time you take a piss you just start farting it crazy that's only my morning one only my morning one really yeah all the time as soon as i take a piss it's just just ripping ass hey um
Starting point is 02:12:16 someone needs to devise something like this for women because their their bathrooms have the longest lines anyway could you imagine a woman using that instead the octagon yeah they just turn her out sit on the funnel and they would just like pull a little like a like it's like a lip that comes out from it something look how tall that one guy is in the back right it's like logan paul like he can see over the cocktagon oh my god hey and kayla not to look at anybody too where is that piss going oh wow that's a good question is it like a direct plumbing maybe into the matt burns the Vageton Vagetagon.
Starting point is 02:13:09 Oh shit, Heidi's suggesting there is one like this at festivals. Really? Huh. We're really behind because I feel like every time I go to a festival, it's just rows and lines of porta-potties. feel like every time i go to a festival it's just just rows and lines of porta potties so you think the piece the piece staying in the octagon somewhere there's some that's right yeah like some funnel into a into a and you see that there's a hook on top so some crane or some truck comes and picks that up right and sets it in the back some flatbed right look at heidi fucking getting
Starting point is 02:13:46 all bossy you gotta send i don't know what you're talking about send me a link or something heidi what do you mean google vagetron vagetron oh right right right right i don't think that's the official name the the Coctagon. Oh, the female. Oh, Matt Burns is revised. Oh, wow. The Coctagon. Okay. Oh, my goodness. Yeah, I can't imagine that thing lasting very long, not even a couple hours.
Starting point is 02:14:20 Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. No shit. Really? hours if we go here we go here we go no shit really that's like something like people change behind at the jiu-jitsu studio you know what i mean it's just like it's an ice barrel without any ice see if we can get more images of that what what does that thing have a name Oh
Starting point is 02:14:45 Maybe something like that Yeah that's just a portable That's just a portable poon handler Lape female urinal Reduced Designed to reduce festival Laqueuse Wow this is amazing
Starting point is 02:15:03 Of course she has a fucking bikini on i don't understand really how that is gonna expedite the it's even got steps into it what why is there pee Do girls pee on the seat? I don't think so. I feel like sometimes girls pee on seats. If they do, maybe they're hovering. And then they miss? Or they hit some pubic hair or something and it causes it to stream off?
Starting point is 02:15:41 Right. Yeah, the cocktagon's way cooler we're cooler dudes are cooler and so misogynistic no I mean so one of us has to be cooler I'm not saying by a lot I can go pee in the bushes you guys need a
Starting point is 02:15:57 little pee yeah we're we're cooler and it's fine you're lucky hey would you rather think about think about that you get to fuck us and we're cooler. And it's fine. You're lucky. Hey, would you rather... Think about that. You get to fuck us, and we're the cooler one. We have to fuck you, and you're less cool. You're welcome.
Starting point is 02:16:12 So, yeah, you win. You don't want to be the cool one. Ask R. Kelly. Yikes. Oh, how about Dixie Urinals? Dixie Normus A couple years ago I did 50 burpees for time And I got it like in
Starting point is 02:16:34 I remember 158 And then I tried it again last year on my birthday And I wasn't able to do it I got like 49 in 2 minutes And I was oh Another dude urinal 49 in two minutes and I was oh the other dude you don't know I see if you can find a video showing where the P is stored P is stored in the balls you'd like to let me see how much attendance required for delivery of of collection. Oh, attendance not required. No electricity or fresh water. Firm ground-level location. You'd like to prevent long queues from forming outside the toilets.
Starting point is 02:17:22 ensures an appropriate amount of privacy. Thanks to their extra-large sewage tank, the Dixie-Urey blocks can be used for longer before being emptied. Waste can be extracted from multiple urinal blocks, which considerably accelerates the cleaning process. Is there any other details on it? I'm not sure. I'm not sure. Hmm. Hmm. Is there any other details on it? Or just... Yeah, so you think all the pee is just mixing in like a vat in the bottom?
Starting point is 02:17:55 Yeah, probably. Damn. Hey, have you started weed whacking no not yet it's time though right my yard's completely overgrown right now really yeah we just had a really uh long like freezing time like frost for the past week or so so everything's still pretty dead is your grass high though like when you walk in your yard is like knee level no it's not even like above my my shoes yet oh oh my shit oh yeah because you guys are you're still doing a little bit of winter huh yeah yeah we have spring like uh i my trees i ate almonds off my tree yesterday and i mean baby almonds i ate the whole thing and what else did i see um
Starting point is 02:18:42 i saw some passion fruit banana passion fruit that's almost ready wow i picked avocados yesterday our trees haven't even bloomed yet that's yeah my oh yeah my apricots are already like there's thousands of little apricots already on the trees damn i wonder i wonder those people down south that i know what uh they have a funny name lehr or something they invited me to come to their farm i wonder i need to take them up on that down south that I know. They have a funny name. L-E-H-R something. They invited me to come to their farm. I need to take them up on that. That couple.
Starting point is 02:19:12 Oh, yeah, yeah. Caller, hi. Hey, what's up? What's up, dude? FYI, Donald Trump's coming into town today. Oh, to Chief Nation CrossFit. Nah, I wish. Yeah, Trump's coming into town today. Oh, to Chief Nation CrossFit. No, I wish.
Starting point is 02:19:33 Yeah, he's coming to town to pay his condolences to a cop that died this week. No shit. He's on a duty. And yeah, yeah, he's flying in today. And Biden's in New York as well, just trying to fundraise and trying to find his dick in his pants. Yeah, Trump. Yeah, Trump! Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump. That's awesome, dude.
Starting point is 02:19:51 Yeah, it's pretty cool, right? Yeah, what happened? Did you know him? No, no, I didn't, but local jurisdiction right next door, NYPD. Sad story. Obviously, they're all sad stories, but yeah, Trump's showing the support. Jonathan Diller, new york police department officer killed in queens leaves behind wife and one year old what happened was it an
Starting point is 02:20:10 accident or scumbag scumbag yeah just a regular as they say regular car stop and then uh the guy pulled out a gun and shot him underneath his vest unfortunately and he died in the hospital. Did they catch the guy? Yep. Good. He just charged him with murder today. Good. Yeah. Hey. God damn it. Oh my god.
Starting point is 02:20:39 He's so young. Wow. He lives about a three minute drive from my house. Dude, his GoFundMe has already gone over 500,000. That's awesome. That's way awesome. I did a vigil last night. Funeral is going to be Saturday in town.
Starting point is 02:20:55 It's going to be about 25,000 people there. Oh, that's awesome. Hey, good on Trump for going, dude. Someone said Trump named in Diddy Files. Yeah. Hey, good on Trump for going, dude. Good support. Someone said Trump named in Diddy files, of course. Hey, did you see what's happening to Andrew Huberman? The left's trying to cancel him.
Starting point is 02:21:16 No. Yeah. Just because he's been having I guess he's got like five or six girlfriends. He didn't do anything illegal. He's got a bunch of girlfriends and they ran to the fucking shithole fucking tabloid, the New York Times or the New York Magazine. They're such scumbags. And so they're somehow trying to,
Starting point is 02:21:32 they have this kind of abstract, abstract fucking attack on him. Basically, like he's a bad person. Cause he fucked a lot of chicks. It's like, dude, leave him fucking alone. It's just left the same thing.
Starting point is 02:21:49 Important way. Remember that? Yeah. It's just left attack on, on it's just, they're just idiots. Hey. And originally the reporter contacted him and was like,
Starting point is 02:21:57 Oh my God, I'm fucking in love with you. You're so fucking amazing. I want to do a piece on you. And I guess he didn't respond or see it in his DMs and then all of a sudden it turned into a fucking hit piece losers I didn't see McKenzie was quoted in the
Starting point is 02:22:13 that article I didn't see yeah it's pretty Updates on high-profile case against trump and diddy Diddy trump is a friend of mine, of course, they'll try to connect all that shit Yeah Yeah Alright, sorry about the loss No, thank you Thank you guys Yeah, we'll talk soon
Starting point is 02:22:55 Alright, how's the gym? Freaking awesome Already had 25 members today Holy shit Damn, you're busy Rocking and freaking rolling And you have a day job too I already had 25 members today. Holy shit. Wow. Damn, you're busy. Rocking and freaking rolling. And you have a day job too.
Starting point is 02:23:13 Yeah, which I'm kind of working on right now. And actually, I have a PT moving into my space next week. So, just a physical therapist. No shit. When the work's done, he'll be there. For all your members. How was it having Hiller there? It's so crazy.
Starting point is 02:23:32 It's like, remember how you said, I don't know when it was, a couple of days ago, people don't even like know who he is. If it wasn't for me doing the programming under his name, like people wouldn't know who Andrew Hiller is. People don't even know my gym, who Rich Froning is.
Starting point is 02:23:48 Yeah. And so they really knew, or they really don't know. Right. So the room for growth is insane, right? Oh yeah. He's just like,
Starting point is 02:23:57 like talk about untapped. Yeah. He's got like 36,000 something followers. He'll get a hundred thousand when he's at a hundred, but he was so, he was so cool, dude. 50,000 of followers. He'll get 100,000. When he's at 100. But he was so cool, dude. 50,000 of his followers. Yeah, he is cool. He said you took care of him and Alexis.
Starting point is 02:24:12 He said he just felt fucking pampered. So whatever you did, you did good. Yeah, we went out to an awesome dinner. Alexis and my wife really hit it off. Like you say, you can't judge a book by its cover. He talked to everybody and everyone had questions. And he actually did the workout. And the guys he was working out with in the heat, the younger guys that really into CrossFit,
Starting point is 02:24:33 gave him a run for his money during the workout. They really, really were appreciative. Really good dude. And you didn't know at the time that Alexis also was the person who gave Daniel Brandon her nickname? I did not. Sick. So you were around – I mean, you didn't know you were around such mega talent. You know, I'm going to tell you something, Jethro.
Starting point is 02:24:56 Say that again? Have you hung out with Alexis before? I have. I think. I feel like I have. Yeah, they're perfect. I can't tell if I'm – She's so cool. I don't know if I'm making it up or not. No, yeah, yeah. I went to Newport like I have. Yeah, they're perfect. I can't tell if I'm... She's so cool.
Starting point is 02:25:05 I don't know if I'm making it up or not. No, yeah, yeah. I went to Newport Beach with her. Yes. Hey, you know, between me and you, I am a little envious that she gave Danielle that name because I like to fancy myself as giving people nicknames. What would you have nicknamed Danielle, Brandon? Danielle DBE No I wouldn't Because that's a little too abstract for me I mean it works so good
Starting point is 02:25:33 It works so good but it's out of It's a little too creative for me I would have just called her like Bad bitch No I saw that in the comments I do like I like muscle hog Or iron hog I would have just called her like bad bitch. Didn't you give Cody Ironhawk? No, I saw that in the comments. I do like, I like Muscle Hog or Ironhawk. Does Ariel have a nickname?
Starting point is 02:25:56 Megabeave. What? That's a horrible nickname. It is? Yes. Let's see think about the artwork you could create with that oh my god it's like me wanting to name my dog after myself my dog's name like it's just a horrible name you don't do that mega beef mega beef is a affectionate term when there's a hot chick mega Megabeave. God, that's like a superhero name. No, Megabeave. The beef is a reference to the vagina and mega means it's wonderful.
Starting point is 02:26:33 So Megabeave. Wonderful vagina. Don't tell anyone. It's G-rated. That is hilarious. Thank you. While Javi's on it. I nicknamed Dave, the Dave Castro. That's my claim to fame. I just put a the in front of it.
Starting point is 02:26:47 That's the best one. And it was supposed to be an insult. You should retire with that one. Yeah, retire with that one. All right. All right. Thank you for calling. Say hi to Trump for me.
Starting point is 02:27:06 I will. Bye, Caleb. Bye. All right. All right. All right. Anything else? All right. Anything else? Oh, I should show you this. Fuck it. Fuck it. You guys want to leave on a fucking just horrible note?
Starting point is 02:27:37 What are you laughing at? I can't. You're going to have to watch it later. Sorry. Did someone send us something? Yeah, this cannot. Who is that? Of course, of course it's him.
Starting point is 02:27:52 Jesus Christ. That guy has no boundaries. Listen, if you're laying in bed watching me the show right now, get out of bed. Go do some curls. No horizontal. No horizontal.
Starting point is 02:28:12 God damn it. Okay. Okay. I don't think this... Thank you. Thank you, Chris. I knew you'd love it. Mega beef, yes.
Starting point is 02:28:24 Mega beef. I don't think this... Thank you. Thank you, Chris. I knew you'd love it. Megabev, yes. Megabev. Usually, to be honest, the only rich guys usually get Megabev. All right. For those of you who have kids, for those... Just replace Snapchat, anytime she says Snapchat,
Starting point is 02:28:43 with your cell phone. I wonder if I would find this lady attractive if i saw her in person no i don't know i like her eyes i don't want anyone to think i'm a prude. I'm still fun. That's exactly what somebody who isn't fun would say. No, I am. Like if I, I don't have a hot tub, but if I had a hot tub, like we could skinny dip in it or I'm okay. Like, like I'm still fun. I play Frisbee on the beach.
Starting point is 02:29:23 I'm still fun. I don't want anyone to think I'm a prude. I'm fun. I am. I can't stand marijuana. I legitimately cannot keep up with the amount of predators being charged for victimizing children on Snapchat. This story is about a 26-year-old man in Minnesota named Caleb McLaughlin. He used Snapchat to groom and abuse over 200 girls between the ages of 11 and 16 12 of them he lured to meet in person and they were raped caleb would use extortion tactics sorry about his name caleb that's fucked up that is fucked up change his name to mark listen you know what's fucking horrible did she say 11 years old that means means a kid, there was an 11-year-old on Snapchat?
Starting point is 02:30:07 That's also fucked up. Like, what the fuck is wrong with you people? I'm fun, though. I am fun. I wonder if my wife thinks I'm not fun. I told you we have three unused boxes of condoms. I feel like I've really let... You guys are getting more fun. I did cancel my Amazon subscription.
Starting point is 02:30:30 You're falling behind. I should pull two boxes out of there. Put them in a drawer somewhere. Yeah. Take them out of the spot. You know an eight year old on Snapchat? Ugh. I hope it's not your own.
Starting point is 02:30:48 Hey, dude, I'm starting to think of Snapchat as Reddit. It's just gross. Like the same people go on Snapchat that like Roadhouse. Wow, really? No, I just I just want to see your reaction. It's promising money, alcohol, marijuana, vape pens and other gifts in exchange for sexually explicit images. Dude, there was a time that when she said that, too, I was like, yeah, I'd probably if I was in the vape pens, I'd probably send a dick pic for a vape pen. That's the problem with mixing like addiction with social media and kids. What a fucking mess.
Starting point is 02:31:27 Videos or to meet him in person. These conversations and exchange of nude imagery and videos happened over the course of four years on Snapchat. Law enforcement found well over 100,000 lines of chat messages with these young girls and thousands of sexually explicit images and videos all on snapchat you're telling me that in four years no one reported this man and over four years snapchat didn't know that he was abusing girls man i'm still yet to see one of these stories
Starting point is 02:31:58 where it's a woman doing it yeah i'm just saying i'm just saying for sure on their platform this is being called by far one of the worst online and hands-on child exploitation cases that minnesota has ever seen and what makes it even worse is that caleb himself has two young daughters he has been sentenced to 29 years in federal prison. That means it's not you. Yeah. 29 years? How about fucking forever, dude? Do you know what the recidivism rate is for fucking fucking molesters? 100%. I said too many fucks in there.
Starting point is 02:32:35 I don't know anyone who fucks molesters, but you know what the recidivism rate is for molesters? It's like... Damn near 100%, I bet. It's like someone, once they lose their virginity you know what the chances are of them having sex again likely hey uh sabir and kelly i love how savannah is always leaving but never leaves i know maybe i shouldn't do that do you think that that
Starting point is 02:33:00 causes the listener stress or anxiety i don't mean to do that usually when that happens people are like no i have so many things to do still just keep talking so i i train four girls uh on a volleyball team at my gym the shit they talk about is crazy barely wearing shorts that cover their asses and talking about fingering each other thank god i have boys holy shit What the fuck? But those are adult girls. U15. What's U15? That's like 14, 15-year-old girls.
Starting point is 02:33:37 Oh, that's not like university. I thought that was code for some university. No, U15 is like a designation for uh like club sports u15 u16 u17 u18 i mean boys talk about crazy shit too i don't mind the crazy talk i the talk amongst themselves well i know that there's two narratives there's two two streams here one you hear shit that probably like i don't mind groups of boys and girls getting together and sharing their dirty stories with each other. But I know what you're saying. You're also hearing stuff that they're doing that's, like, just not age appropriate.
Starting point is 02:34:14 Yeah. But, like, when I was in the second grade, me and my friends would all go into the bathroom. And we would have a peeing contest. And then we would all take turns saying swear words. And it was so fun. It was so fun. Fuck. fun fuck yeah yeah and then some kid ruined it for us he started like he got he would get paper towels and get them wet and then throw them and stick them on the ceiling and then everyone started doing that and it fucked up
Starting point is 02:34:42 the bathroom and then we weren't allowed in there by ourselves. We just took it too far. We went turn to vandalism. Yep. That's a peeing contest to swearing to just fucking vandalism. Parents, get your kids off Snapchat. Like now. It's not what you think it is.
Starting point is 02:35:03 It's not just for chatting with their friends. Do you think these hundreds of girls expected to be preyed upon by an adult man? They are traumatized forever. This makes me sick. We have to do something. We can't be pawns in this game anymore. Not at the expense of our own children. I legitimately cannot keep up with. Say it again.
Starting point is 02:35:20 What's crazy is that I feel like the generation of new parents now know what Snapchat is because they had it. So the fact that they're letting their kids have it is indicative that they have no, they're blind. They have no idea what they're doing. I have a chatting software on my phone that all the other kids have that supposedly erases the images within 15 seconds of receiving it what the fuck do you think that's for exactly not only does and you can save images too like if somebody sends you a picture you can just you can save it too like you can screenshot it yeah you can screenshot it you can save it to the chat or like you can and you like you can screenshot it? Yeah, you can screenshot it. You can save it to the chat. And you can save messages. Either side can save messages.
Starting point is 02:36:08 So if you send me a message and I want to keep it to read for later, then I'll save it. If I send you a message and you want to read it for later, you can save it too. Like it's not like a fire and forget thing. Pat, you can monitor the settings and see exactly who they're talking to. It's not hard to be a parent. I hear you.
Starting point is 02:36:32 I hear you. But isn't it kind of like getting a subscription to Playboy for your kids but just being like, hey, can I get the clothes version? Isn't there still like – Without the centerfold? Yeah. Isn't it still kind of a little bit like you're still giving them the entree but uh i don't know dude yeah i don't i would just not give it to them first of all if you have a daughter you you just know like that that's already like
Starting point is 02:37:00 i mean just everyone's trying to bang her i, you just know that just because that's just the way it is. Yep. There's always, there's, there's lions out there everywhere just trying to banger. I don't mean that in a derogatory way at all. Hey, listen, if I was a kid and I was on Snapchat, I would have my finger on the two buttons that take a screenshot at all times. Yeah. It happens to be the case. Our thread now has
Starting point is 02:37:31 52 unread messages on it in the last fucking six minutes. Yeah, a bomb got dropped in there. It did? Yeah. Just a lot just a few things going on all at the same time hey someone in there was suggesting that jr's burpees are crazy fast yeah they are he was doing uh when i went to crash a few months ago we did like a burpee box jump over workout and he's just so fast his footwork is crisp and that's like a collegiate basketball player yeah yeah agile like a cat absolutely thin and strong right he got I heard also he got a fighter's body 511 165 kind of shit. Yep
Starting point is 02:38:28 Definitely like looks like he belongs in the octagon For sure. He's got big old mitts, too. Oh he does. He's got like bear paws. Yeah God imagine I bet you jar is a huge dong What's funny is those uh he's a tall skinny white ripped guy with a fucking 10 inch cock yeah yep that checks out
Starting point is 02:38:53 and and and suppresses all his emotions you can see they're just pushed so down deep in there yeah he's just so even i wonder if he grunts when i wonder if he grunts when he ejaculates let's add a howl he just says yes maybe maybe that too uh not really because snapchat is 99.9 normal and not sexual the 0.1 psychos
Starting point is 02:39:19 trying to to get the girls are doing it on Facebook and Instagram you just you just have to be involved alright you can do a lot of things on all those platforms but 14 years old minimum for social media of any kind I think Florida just passed a law saying you have to
Starting point is 02:39:42 be 14 I'd fucking make it older I don't make it older. They did, yeah. I don't know. It's weird. JR is very deceiving fitness level. It's not deceiving.
Starting point is 02:39:55 I don't think it's deceiving at all. No, I don't think it's deceiving. He's not sneaky fit or whatever they call that. It is very obvious that he'll moke anybody. Alex, Peter, Seve, what was your your strict muscle up routine back in the day? Great question. So when I first started doing CrossFit, I was 34 years old and I really wanted to muscle up. And so what I started, I hung rings underneath an outdoor staircase. And I would do negatives all the time, like all the time, like probably three times a day.
Starting point is 02:40:22 And how I would do my negatives is I would go out there and I would jump up there and do one negative as slow as, as fast as I could basically. I mean, wouldn't let myself slam. And then by the time I got to, and I would do one every 30 seconds or maybe one a minute wasn't anything. And then by the time I got to the 10th one, I would do it really slow. And, and I never kept, and I had to do it from basically a seated position because it was hanging
Starting point is 02:40:48 under a stair outdoor staircase. And I got fucking really, really eventually somewhere, somewhere along there. I got really, really good at muscle ups to where I could even just hang out in the transition just forever. Just in top,
Starting point is 02:41:01 bottom, top, bottom. I can't even think. I would clap the rings together. I probably have to lose 10 pounds to get that back but and uh and then eventually i just had this one go-to workout i did every single week at least once and you ready for it it was it was uh 10 muscle-ups It was 10 burpees on the minute for 10 minutes. On the 11th minute, I would switch to a complex with 135,
Starting point is 02:41:39 and I would do a deadlift, clean, hang clean, front back squat thruster and i would just do that on the minute for 10 minutes just one of those and then on the 21st minute i would do three l sit i mean i wouldn't be able to stay in the l sit but i would start on my butt and do three strict muscle ups on the minute for 10 minutes and i did that workout like that was just my go-to well that's probably all just like like a zone two shit it's probably because i was just avoiding the the pain of intensity but basically the the burpees would warm me up and then um and then i could slowly catch my breath and just work on strength for that bear complex and then i did nasty girls a few times too i was good at nasty girls there were some good workouts i was good at i was uh good at nasty girls there
Starting point is 02:42:29 was one what's the one with the kettlebell swings muscle ups and handstand push-ups i was good at that one too nate or something yeah no that's right because it is strictly at regionals one year no it wasn't intense not not at 30 not by the time i was probably i was probably 37 when i was doing it i tried that workout again recently and it did not go well like i had to take like three or four minute breaks in between and i can't i couldn't i can't do three muscle ups on the minute for 10 minutes i'm a mess so so so that's it that that that was like i just did that was like my and i did that and that's pretty much all i did to work on muscle ups but once i was there for a long time i was probably i did
Starting point is 02:43:17 that workout once a week for 10 years now you know and once i got my and I didn't have a very good, uh 10 30 muscle-ups for time I I don't think I ever had a good time for that Like it wasn't much faster than 10 minutes, yeah, you're welcome. I don't recommend I don't I mean And sometimes I would do variants on it Instead of doing 135 bear complex I would lower it to like 95 or 65 If I went to 95 I'd do 2 bear complex Or if I went to 65 I'd do 3
Starting point is 02:43:53 That's a crazy complex Janelle Winston Mr. Pat that is absolutely false Snapchat is one of the worst because there are all sorts of ways around any monitoring it's the number one app to avoid tons of parenting sites based on tons of parenting sites I've visited
Starting point is 02:44:16 anyway don't give your kid a phone you don't have your kid a phone. You don't have to worry about any of that shit. And finally... This guy. This is like a classy version of Alex Stein. It's announced that any Twitter handle engaging in impersonation is going to be permanently suspended. Big loss for the trans community. Elon Musk just announced that any Twitter handle engaging in impersonation is going to be permanently suspended.
Starting point is 02:45:07 Big loss for the trans community. I mean, I mean... Got a point. Well, my dear Janelle, I have two girls who use snapchat and i check it daily oh i would hate to check my kids shit i don't know if i want to do that it's not that big a deal if you pay attention i understand how you check it daily when the pictures disappear. Like maybe there's a setting on there that you can't make stuff disappear. You can't communicate. I'm just making this up.
Starting point is 02:45:53 And so then he gets to see everything. God, I would. oh man tough if it works for you that's cool I cannot see myself doing that if you're doing something in public and I've been guilty of this. If you're doing something in public. And you're not sure whether it's appropriate to do or not.
Starting point is 02:46:38 Just imagine if everyone were doing it. So for those of you who go to martial arts clubs, if there's a kid there eating a fucking acai bowl inside the dojo, and you're wondering if it's okay or not, just think if everyone was doing that. You're guaranteed one of those acai bowls are to spill. It's just not okay. I went to a fucking jiu-jitsu
Starting point is 02:47:07 tournament two weekends ago. And there was a lady there who had a megaphone so that she could yell at her kids while they were on the mat. Oh my god. Absolutely not.
Starting point is 02:47:28 Jake Chapman, what bowl? That's like something... It's called the acai bowl. I think it's Brazilian or whatever, but Americans in the United States eat it. It's really just a bowl of ice cream, but Americans eat it and pretend like it's healthy for you. It's just idiocy.
Starting point is 02:47:43 It's more American idiocy. That's on it. Yeah. This fucking chick had a fucking megaphone. And if you've ever been to a jiu-jitsu tournament, they're packed, right? There's eight maps going at the same time. There's 600 people in a high school fucking gymnasium. So stupid. And I'm looking at her. Annoying. her i'm like you dumb bitch i say that with peace and love
Starting point is 02:48:12 remember the golden rule people treat others how you'd like to be treated oh my god that's fucking idiocy just yell louder or move closer what's more annoying is the fact that there's like a horn siren betting to those things too i just wanted to say to her what do you think it would be like if 500 parents had those in here right now why do you think they don't why do you think it's okay why do you think thatitsu tournament no i've just been to a lot of wrestling tournaments though oh there's white people at uh wrestling tournaments huh lots of white people yeah that jiu-jitsu did not so many white people more uh brazilians, foreigners? They're Latins and Asians. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:49:27 Like you really do. I play a game every time in there, spot the blonde person. It'd be the exact opposite going to a wrestling tournament. Like find the Biden hat or something. You're never going to see that. You're never going to see that. You're never going to see what? Say that again. Sorry, I was trying to imagine the last
Starting point is 02:49:50 blonde person I saw at a tournament. Like find the Biden hat at a wrestling tournament. You're never going to see that. Oh, right, right. Right. Yeah, just a bunch of hicks. White people. Yep. Get him.
Starting point is 02:50:06 Get him. Get him. Sprawl. Sprawl. Out for one, in for two. Good job, boy. Keep your head up. Get him.
Starting point is 02:50:16 Snap him down. Snap him down. Shoot. Shoot. Snap and shoot. That's right. That's right. That's right. Hold on, I can't see.
Starting point is 02:50:26 Hi. Good work, Billy. Get that hand raised. Well, my son didn't make it to the finals, but we're going to a Trump rally. We'll see you there. Yeah. We're marching.
Starting point is 02:50:38 Want me to give you a funnel cake? We're marching peacefully. Peacefully. All right. Tonight, Bryant from CrossFit Oahu. If you ever met Bryant, very interesting guy. I want to say he has three gyms in Oahu. Maybe more. Wow. He might have the oldest affiliate in the CrossFit space.
Starting point is 02:51:07 He's got a monopoly on CrossFit gyms in Hawaii. Yeah. Seve, imagine if everyone left their shopping carts laying around the car park. Listen, you jackass. Think about how many people would be employed. I never just leave...
Starting point is 02:51:24 I don't leave it in a fucking parking spot. Easy. The one wrestler listens to the show. That's right. Easy over there. Easy. No, I'm not lying. I don't ever leave.
Starting point is 02:51:46 I don't leave it in the parking spot. Listen, I go over there and I do that move where you step on the tail and you pull the back up and you shove it up onto the fucking onto the curb. yeah leaving weights around a fucking globo gym is retarded yeah that's pretty fucked up you know what's cool about uh um the home depot uh shopping cart corrals what's that they take like eight parking spots because there's the carts are so big and they're like whoever designed it's just a mess right and so you you i mean you're you're just like you're this far away from any shopping corral at home depot right because they're just they're just fucking chaotic because they have so many different carts they have like the wood cart and then they have like the drywall cart and then just the regular cart and then the regular carts
Starting point is 02:52:51 i mean you just go into a parking lot at home depot they're just strewn everywhere i don't i don't david what are you talking about leak DM DM's assholes leaks leak DM's assholes that is a pretty hilarious profile picture are those Jews being cooked in an oven no I think they're Jews looking at an oven they're like Orthodox Jews looking into
Starting point is 02:53:19 a like a toaster oven God that is dark if it's what I think it is how did you get that it's the hall the hall what if it was a holocaust lego set Auschwitz 12,000 pieces or what if there was the 9-11 fucking lego set post 9-11 lego set an hour after the bombing lego set it's just a pile of legos that aren't stuck together just gray legos in a pile and you know how like you know how like if you ever seen
Starting point is 02:54:04 lego sets they'll have like this clear wire and they'll have like you put a superhero on the end of it and he's like flying but it's just like people jumping out of the building with these clear wires. Oh god. The Hiroshima Lego set. It's just a fucking
Starting point is 02:54:24 mushroom cloud. With fucking... Oh, fuck. It's called the Dark Lego. It's like the Dark Lego series. That's right, yep. Holy fuck. Yeah, what if Legos...
Starting point is 02:54:39 Hey, do they have a fat Barbie now? I thought I... Oh, no, I think I saw a Down Syndrome Barbie. Down Syndrome Barbie. That's wild, isn't it? I thought I, Oh no, I think I saw a down syndrome Barbie. Down syndrome Barbie. That's wild. Isn't it? I don't fucking find that. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:54:53 I wonder if I want, would Lego get fucked if they did a bust of Hitler? Would that be just a fucking brand? Wouldn't that be brand diminishing? I thought like it was German, so they wouldn't even touch that with a 10-foot pole. A Barbie fashionista's Barbie doll with downs wearing floral dress. Oh, they're Danish.
Starting point is 02:55:14 Yeah, they definitely wouldn't touch that with a 10-foot pole. Fucking, let me see the reviews for that. Pat Lang. I want to see the one-star review for that. She doesn't have enough down syndrome. That's what I would say. Like, what are you talking about? Let me see the i want to see the one star review for that she doesn't have enough down syndrome that's what i would say like what are you talking about let me see the one the one star review uh oh it's in german hold on damn i don't know oh oh no they got a button translate with google wow no idea what this model is supposed to do but if so then it should be closer to reality yeah that thing didn't have downs but when but when will there actually be a fat barbie or fat ken because there's much more of it in
Starting point is 02:55:49 relation oh no does not correspond to the ideal of beauty that person writes in twitter talk i don't even understand what they're saying i think the german translation isn't exactly perfect okay let me see are there let me see a two-star review it's like holy shit that baby does not look like it has down uh my my my granddaughter is excited to see the barbie doll but because it was so stiff she went back to playing with her american girl baby we tried to get her to interact with us as we each held another doll but she was not interested my apologies too stiff but let me translate the other one on the bottom that was the other one but she was not interested. My apologies. Too stiff. Wait, let me translate the other one on the bottom.
Starting point is 02:56:28 That was the other one. That was the one star. Oh, one star? Okay. Let's restart here. Nothing special about this Barbie doll. My six-year-old daughter lost interest almost immediately and didn't notice any of the special features.
Starting point is 02:56:47 Including a different body sculpt. She just placed it with the rest of the dolls in the dollhouse. What was she supposed to do? Oh, my God. Didn't notice any of the special features okay uh are these four star uh thank you mattel for releasing this beautiful barbie that also happens to have down syndrome oh a doll has down the doll does not have down syndrome you fucknut the
Starting point is 02:57:27 cell out of the cell out of this product should show what they need and want there oh yeah there's gonna be huge demand for tarted Barbie and want there is for more inclusive branding please make many more of the Barbies with down syndrome as our community is trying to order them would like to see different ethnic nationalities
Starting point is 02:57:46 in Down syndrome Barbie. Japanese Down syndrome Barbie. I was calling every store listed that might have the doll. Unfortunately, it's not available. Yeah, no shit. No one wants Downs only on eBay for four times the price. I want to thank Mattel for designing the doll. I would suggest having a Ken doll as well.
Starting point is 02:58:05 Tarded Ken. He's already tarted. I've been to too many Down Syndrome events. Children with Down Syndrome that have leg braces are in the minority. Maybe put the leg braces separately in the package. I've never seen anyone with Down Syndrome that has also leg braces.
Starting point is 02:58:22 I thought that was like a palsy thing. Please let me know where I can purchase Oh maybe it's a it's malleable you Just like spin the head around it's got a cerebral Palsy face and you throw the crutches on it I'm using her to educate children about Down syndrome my grandson has down syndrome I have been to many athletic
Starting point is 02:58:38 Events for children with disabilities baseball Basketball gymnastics soccer my grandson is excited Basketball and baseball Player oh well thanks for the fucking bio. Oh, my God. Armenian Ken. 5'1 and hairy as fuck. He's just, hey, he can't even stand on his feet
Starting point is 02:58:59 because his nose is so heavy. He just falls forward. Wham. Wham. That should be a game can you balance the armenian kendall down syndrome barbie i mean i'm okay with it, but it's like, it just settled down. Just how about thank you? And it clearly doesn't look like it has Down syndrome. Are you going to Emily Rolfe's story?
Starting point is 02:59:32 Might as well. The show's taking a horrible turn. Let's clean it up and go look at her story. All right, just a sec. I'll get it. Three hours. We used to do three hour shows yeah on the reg is kyle getting his shirt back i don't know but make a video of you giving it to him please look another super hot crossfit girl what do you know i thought we i thought we were getting her to come on i really
Starting point is 03:00:12 like to hang out with her again oh it wasn't roll from sound of music yeah i could see that her in a musical all right um tonight 6 30 emily looks good yeah she looks great i um i bet you she's fun too she could come to my house when i get a hot tub and skinny dip she could bring her husband skinny dip that's a lie i would not skinny dip with strangers it's a fucking no i don't think so all by yourself i'm too embarrassed about my body i don't want anyone to see it oh what is this? Holy shit. Holy shit.
Starting point is 03:01:10 Oh, shit. Oh, my God. Did you just look at our thread? Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I kind of want to, should I call spin really quick and ask? I want to know about this, the Colton Mertens thing is April 3rd coming up next Wednesday. Okay. hmm hmm
Starting point is 03:01:57 all right um uh dallin pepper and colton and jason hopperper of all and Taylor self of all confirmed for the quarterfinals. Sorry. Yeah, for the quarterfinals event. Sousa will be flying out there to work with Will Branstetter for the streaming. The event will take place at CrossFit Crash. It'll be six days in a row. The actual schedule, I think, will be pretty flexible. I think what's going to happen is, if you guys give a shit,
Starting point is 03:02:34 these are the kind of things that I worry about. I guess the four boys will meet with JR, and they'll talk about the order of the events that they want to do them in. If there's any disputes, I think JR will that they want to do them in um if there's any uh disputes um i think jr will be the one to settle them and then all the boys will also have time to do uh uh they're going to schedule it so that the boys if they don't like their score they could redo it you know off camera on camera whatever and then um also it looks like uh fisa goffy will be there damn and so we'll be so it looks like you'll get twice as many shows we'll
Starting point is 03:03:06 do them at two separate times during the day so i think that's 12 shows right there um i've tried to get uh bill grunler and john young to be the commentators with me of course we'll have visits from everyone else uh the the clock will be sponsored by uh heat one app i think he one app will be giving away uh a thousand dollars for the winner of that so somehow i want to try to make it so that everyone has to sign up for the heat one app i don't know how to do that but it'd be awesome i need to remember before every show just to pull out the heat one app and get everyone to download it and make a choice, you know?
Starting point is 03:03:49 Yeah, that should be pretty easy. Just spend like three minutes. Okay, everyone pull out your phones. Let's do this. Download the app and just, okay,
Starting point is 03:03:56 put in your choice. It'll be fun. It'll get us all more connected. Oh, my wife's telling me something. Uh, I was thinking about signing up for an 11 a.m class oh yeah that's fine fine 11 a.m it's fine uh i have a new show oops oops can you hear me oops did i vanish for a second? No. Oh, you're good. Did you hear me say, can you hear me? Yeah. Oh, well, it'll still be, uh, no more. So it'll still be a sausage fest. Fee will go separately. We just don't, we don't know who we're going to have her go against. against and unfortunately um unlike rogue and crossfit where women and men are treated equal i don't have the resources to treat fee uh like the queen that she is
Starting point is 03:04:51 youtube crashed on me stupid thing uh a good thing you stream elsewhere yeah okay good damn switched over quick i think jr i think uh have her go against Susan. I think J.R. has some bad bitches at the gym. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. I think he has a girl or at least one girl over there who can. Inspire fee not to dilly dally. Probably like a Reagan hooks or something. That'll be sweet though
Starting point is 03:05:32 You to watch some really good races Damn all right Damn. Alright. Alright. Busy day. I think Shut Up and Scribble is going to be this afternoon. I have a friend who thinks that I don't like them. Really? Are you constantly reassuring them that you're actually their friend? No,
Starting point is 03:06:14 but you know me, I can be short and cantankerous and they just can't, um, they haven't figured out that I'm okay to be, um, not communicated with regularly? I can just... I don't communicate with you regularly? Is that what you're saying? No, I'm just... I'm telling...
Starting point is 03:06:31 You don't talk to them so that... No, I can just be harsh. I can just be harsh. I can just be like fingers on a... I can send you a text message and be like, what the fuck is this post, Caleb? Right. And someone – and this person will for some reason thinks I don't like them because I'm like that. Really?
Starting point is 03:07:04 Damn. No, no, I'm not talking about Brian or Caleb.aleb this is someone you guys don't know this i mean you guys know this person but you don't you would never guess in a million years basically you're talking about brian friend uh is it will no will and caleb are uh adequately take my harshness uh you can call people idiots right I try not to do that with the people I work directly with it's okay you have a mind of a squirrel did you
Starting point is 03:07:35 no definitely not Sousa no not John young john wrong do you do you follow britney spears at all no this is i imagine this is what it's like to either have adhd or like be in your head sometimes this is her just a summary of her trip Britney Spears trip somewhere a summary of my trip going to the gym is never what it seems I say I'm gonna go hard but always walk for 20 minutes
Starting point is 03:08:12 and do 100 sit-ups and leave this time I chewed gum I was shocked at how short I looked in the mirror riding bikes with my friends honestly seemed like a great idea but I went too far and got lost when finding my way back I went to play tennis
Starting point is 03:08:24 I thought I lost my phone but it was under a ladder I know a lot of people make fun of me Great idea, but I went too far and got lost. When finding my way back, I went to play tennis. I thought I lost my phone, but it was under a ladder. I know a lot of people make fun of me. Is that a real post? Yes, this is her page. How come there's no comments on it? She turned off the comments. Wow.
Starting point is 03:08:40 Let me see her account. That's wild. That's what it's like texting with me? Sometimes. Can I see her account. That's wild. That's what it's like texting with me. Sometimes. Can I see her back? Is that really her body? Yeah. She's kind of messed up, but.
Starting point is 03:08:59 This is Britney Spears Instagram. Where does she live? I don't know. She got big fake tits? I didn't know that. She's kind of like Pam turned into a Pam Anderson. Does she sing and dance and stuff anymore?
Starting point is 03:09:17 On here, yeah. She'll just start dancing like this. She'll just start dancing around for no reason. I don't think she sings, but she'll definitely dance. She looks wealthy. Her house looks nice. Yeah. Is she in a foreign land?
Starting point is 03:09:35 Where is she? Is she on an island? She looks like she's living the island life. Or is that Florida? It's probably Florida. How come her eyes look like that always? Like she's been crying. Because she's fucked up.
Starting point is 03:09:47 Probably because she did so many drugs. Now she's just chronically messed up. I don't know where she's at, but she's living her best life. Alright. Hey, Sevan. Hope you're having a good day god i don't want to jinx myself but i don't have bad days just days yeah yeah there you go the hardest part of my day she's all jacked up from being abused as a kid. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:10:34 The hardest part of my day yesterday was my kids have these RC cars. Yeah. And you have to take, they have a plastic lid. They go fast, like 45 miles an hour. And they have these plastic lids. Yeah. And you have to take the plastic lid off to put this this big rechargeable batteries in right like they look like uh sony batteries they're black in lithium batteries like these like this it looks like yeah yeah yeah kind of
Starting point is 03:10:57 like that yes exactly and they have these pins that hold this plastic shell onto the chassis of the car. Right. Four pins, two in the front, two in the back. Those things are so fucking hard to get in and out. And my thumbs are numb from pushing them in and my pointer finger from
Starting point is 03:11:16 pulling them out. That was, that's the hardest part of my day. I'm like, fuck. He's fucking rechargeable cars. And I, and I all,
Starting point is 03:11:23 and, and I take them to this gravel area to do it and there's never anywhere to sit just so i because i'm old and i have to i don't want to like sit on the ground i want to sit in a chair do it so then i always have to walk over the dog park and steal one of their plastic chairs and then i have to deal with like some fat lady with two boxers yelling at me for taking the chair and i'm like hey i'm going to bring it back i'm not stealing it yeah you have 25 chairs here and only three of you fucking dumb shit dog owners that take your place to run your dog inside of a fucking fenced area with tambark in it jackasses
Starting point is 03:11:55 i do i have a king well i do have these camps it's funny you say that thank you kent i do have these camp chairs um i got your text by the way Kenneth it's probably like 500 down now I do plan on sending you the slack box slack box I do I do return the chair I do the great question I do return the chair because I just reach over the fence and grab it and then I when I go. I do return the chair. I do. Great question. I do return the chair. Because I just reach over the fence and grab it and then when I go back, I put it back.
Starting point is 03:12:28 Right. Anyway, that's a bad day for me. Two or three days a week we do RC cars. Those are fun. They want to get an airplane. Oof. I'm not buying them shit after I pay for this skateboard ramp.
Starting point is 03:12:46 This is a slippery slope you're heading down with all these RC vehicles. Because as soon as you start buying that, they're going to want to race them. And then they're going to want the big fighter jet plane that flies at 100 miles an hour. Then they're going to want VR goggles and drones. Those are fun. they have a drone they have a dji drone they have it where like you can like gotta no no not that yet dang man obby loves his drone but he doesn't use it he doesn't use it very often but it's a nice drone i had an old drone that i gave him but someone but we were at the park, and someone shot it with a BB gun from the housing complex.
Starting point is 03:13:30 It's a $2,400 drone. Oh, shit. Yeah. I hadn't used it in years. It took me like four hours to upload all the software, get new propellers for it to fix it all up, and then took it up in the air. It was a Phantom 3 or Phantom 4 Pro.
Starting point is 03:13:44 It was a nice drone. Wow. That's sad. Beaver, why is your skateboard a towel rack? It's not a towel. That's when he wants to dress up as a Palestinian guy and bang his wife. He wraps that around his head. Do you seriously wear that?
Starting point is 03:14:05 Fuck no. Oh. Did you get that from over there yeah I don't know what to do with it yet I just have it oh need an Avi interview man he wants to come on the podcast so bad I tried to put it on one time I didn't know how to do it so I gave up
Starting point is 03:14:36 I was embarrassed to ask any of the Jordanians to tell me how to do it now I just have it as a it's a trophy yeah i hope those i hope those guys feel horrible for doing it with spin because they could have got a thousand dollars from me kind of what i'm thinking too sons of bitches Will Sevan do quarterfinals workouts? No
Starting point is 03:15:05 Oh, shut up and scribble in 16 minutes Okay, shit, alright Jeffrey, thank you for reminding me Guys, shut up and scribble We'll be coming on 11am Caleb, thanks for being here Talk to everyone later But I will watch the spin show for sure
Starting point is 03:15:21 Buh-bye

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