The Sevan Podcast - Caroline Lambray & Manon Angonese | 2023 CrossFit Games Prep

Episode Date: July 20, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:17 nervous that um we gave you the wrong time no no i was trying to get the lighting and the sound trying to look good it wasn't on you because when I looked at the calendar this morning I knew we had you scheduled at 8 and our calendar sometimes does a weird thing where it shifts time zones yeah and I was like oh shit did we give Caroline the wrong time
Starting point is 00:01:37 I had 7 PST awesome oh where are you I'm in the east coast in the winter in the East coast. Yeah. Um, in the winter, in the winner's room, I see. There what? In the winner's room. I see it. I see trophies and stuff in the winner's room and in the winner's room. Yep. My office. Hey, um, do you, do you ever feel like that there's, you can't even believe it's games times,
Starting point is 00:02:04 games time again. I don't know what it's like to be a coach, but when't even believe it's games times, games time again? I don't know what it's like to be a coach, but when the season ends, are you like, okay, two weeks in the Bahamas, six weeks back, what training, one week to see family, eight weeks, whatever, something, endurance training. And then all of a sudden you're like, oh shit, I ran out of time. We're not even going to get to do all the stuff I want to do before the games comes. even going to get to do all the stuff I want to do before the games comes um I think I'm pretty good at planning everything that needs to get done but the calendar is definitely built around like the whole game season and off season and the competitions that we want to do during that time so yeah time there's not enough time so it is like that. There isn't enough time. Yeah. Hey, I hear people say also things like, I can't do that comp because it'll interfere with my...
Starting point is 00:02:52 What is that about? I never understood that. So if you have strength training, you can't stop and do Rogue, or you can't stop and do Waterpalooza, or if you have some sort of specific training you're in, you don't want to stop and interrupt it. Is that really that much of a big deal? It's not just the comp. It's the recovery that you need after. So like, it always depends on the type of training cycle that people are on. Obviously you want to be able to do like a full
Starting point is 00:03:15 cycle of whatever it is that you're, you're doing. Um, so having a comp in the middle is going to interrupt that. So it's not going to be as beneficial as doing your full cycle, whether that's six weeks, nine weeks, 12 weeks, whatever whatever that is but then you also need to take time off like a competition is going to take a lot out of you and you shouldn't just be like oh now i need to get back into games training like you should be taking some time off so that means you're again delaying you know for x amount of weeks depending on how much time you need to take for recovery and that's different for everybody in terms of you know physically mentally like amount of weeks, depending on how much time you need to take for recovery. And that's different for everybody in terms of, you know, physically, mentally, like all of that is draining. Did you get sick? Did you get injured? Like, there's also a lot of variables
Starting point is 00:03:52 that you don't know that could happen in competition. I know for us, like, it's definitely you need an off season, like every sport has an off season. And with all the off season comps now, it's like, you could be on basically for year on a year on year. So I think you have to, at this point, depending on your level, like you need to start planning your season, like your whole year in terms of like which competitions are you doing so that you can take some off time and then be able to like ramp back up. And that's also like psychological, Like we all need downtime, right?
Starting point is 00:04:26 So comps are significant interruptions. Yes. Significant. Yes. And I had never heard that before, but that makes perfect sense. And recovery is like the huge part of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:37 I mean, you gain, all your gains happen during your recovery, not during your training, right? If you don't take the time to recover, you're not going to maximize the training that you're doing in the gym. So you need those days off and you need that off season, that off time to make sure that you're actually like getting that, you know, 1% increment of, of, of gain or improvement. So it's important. For those of you who don't know, this is a Caroline Lambre. She has been around
Starting point is 00:05:05 forever in my infancy at CrossFit. I remember being in media pits with you, right? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I was trying to rattle my brain where I first saw you. And then, and then as of her latest incarnation, she is the head coach behind the phenomenal Jeffrey Adler, head coach behind the phenomenal Jeffrey Adler. The train that could, just incrementally and is now the guy.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Probably one of the biggest threats to not just the podium, the number one spot on the podium. Going back to this thing, this recovery thing, so you could train your ass off. What is recovery? Is recovery in the most simplistic sense, I just need to go to bed?
Starting point is 00:05:50 I need to eat something and go to bed? I think there's different aspects of recovery. Nutrition's going to be one because metabolically everything, at the cellular level, each cell is important, right? So they need their nutrients and all of that. So nutrition is going to play a big part in recovery sleep in terms of your hormones, like that's going to play a big part. But also just like, I like to think of it as like yin and yang, like you need to do stuff and then you need to like not do stuff. And like, to me, there's no such thing as active recovery, like recovery is like doing nothing is doing nothing or like as little as you can.
Starting point is 00:06:28 So for some people that might mean yoga for some people that might mean, you know, just watching a movie or reading or something. But if you're going for like a two hour walk, that walk better be very, very slow and very minimal stress because like I can go for a two hourhour walk and i'll i'll my whoop was gonna detect the strain like no incline like you take it seriously like don't walk up a severe incline for and break a severe sweat for 40 minutes but so that's where like that's it's very different for each person and like coaching different people like for me yeah going for a two-hour walk and if i'm talking with friends like that's not an active recovery for me. For you, it might be right. So you need to learn what that recovery is for you.
Starting point is 00:07:15 But to me, being actively recovering, it means actively doing nothing, not actively doing something of low intensity. But that's my definition. So it's important that your athletes adhere to that so they could yeah reap the benefits of the training yes so every athlete should know what their recovery protocol is in terms of like for me like doing like nothing like does that mean stretching for some people yes for some people no like jeff doesn't stretch on his off days he'll do all his mobility work on his on days off days are like off like he doesn't want to move unless it's cleaning he'll clean these wall he'll wash his car he'll clean the apartment like back to him like for his mind that's like good but anything
Starting point is 00:07:54 but for other people it might be like yeah doing like an hour of mobility or going for a walk or doing something so it's important that you know yourself as an athlete. Are you ever fully recovered? Like, is it like a video game where it's like you're just sitting there and it's like, beep, beep, beep. Ah. Maybe. Like, I know I have some days where, like, I feel really, really good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:24 And we train. We do CrossFitFit train three days on one day off. So every day off for us is coming back like very, very often. So, yeah, after a recovery day, like I can feel like fully charged. But that doesn't mean like every recovery day is going to feel like post recovery day is going to feel like that. But that doesn't mean like every recovery day is going to feel like post recovery day is going to feel like that. And kind of what's fascinating about the games and unfuck me if I need to be here. That place, particularly you're trying to cheat. You're trying to hack recovery.
Starting point is 00:08:56 There's no recovery there. So you're trying to do some things to like hack it and expedite the recovery. Right. Yeah. And that's where like knowing yourself is like really, really important. Like, you you know a lot of people have been talking about like cold or hot therapy you know do you want to get massage or like a physio treatment like pre post like all these things like that's when again like during your off season is also time to test that right like do you want to stretch like what time you need to go to bed what's your night routine what's your morning routine like all of those things kind of come into play because you have to be like dialed in on those days or is the famous line um that the great jeffrey adler said
Starting point is 00:09:30 uh he must jacuzzi i must oh yeah jacuzzi is helpful the jacuzzi i love it um you're you and you guys are also a couple. Yeah. Live together. Yep. Married? No, engaged. Engaged. Again, we can't say Wednesday because it's going to come up on two years in September. Yeah. Wednesday wedding.
Starting point is 00:09:56 It's like this season. There's shit to do. Yeah, I have other things to do. I'm happy. I got my ring. I got the proposal. We've been in it for a long enough time. I'm not worried.
Starting point is 00:10:05 It's not. How long have you guys lived together? Eight years. Like, we basically started dating, and within two or three months, he moved in. Who does the domestic stuff? Who does, like, if the electricity bill comes, who pays that? I think I do. Does he have time to do any of those it sounds like he found that he found some uh therapeutic in cleaning he's found some therapeutics right
Starting point is 00:10:34 yeah vacuuming folding shit washing i love all that shit i love that's all therapeutic for me too um does he but the stuff that i don't want to do i don't want to do you know like i don't like to do any of the like uh deal with mortgage people who pays the mortgage do you guys have a house i do it's mine right now oh so you do all that he doesn't have to do any of that yeah oh that's awesome so if he if you guys let's say were to go out and buy a car you guys would go out and maybe pick it does he even want to even be bothered picking the car oh we went car shopping after last year's games we got our well he got his dream car before his 30s oh so okay and then once he picks the car does he just go outside and call his friends and then you deal all with all the paperwork and like
Starting point is 00:11:19 all the adult uh no so i think for that like he the car is in his name like he wanted to do all of that that was that was fine because that was like one thing that he wanted to kind of check off his his bucket list but there's definitely things that he enjoys less and like i'll take up the slack and again it really depends on where we are in the season like i'll do the dishes more often right now and the off season he'll do them more often but it's just like it's it's all a question of like bandwidth like emotional mental bandwidth like he can't be bothered with it right now so it's like it's fine um and is it uh does it require um I'm guessing like in those types of like hyper successful people or both both of you are um achieving on a crazy high focus level right yeah and and i'm in as we get especially closer to game season but all year you're probably
Starting point is 00:12:16 you guys are both pretty much like this you see the world like this i'm guessing yes yeah so there has to be a lot of you can't be there there's not time for petty shit, right? No We're not that type of people anyway We're both very direct, very open communication If something bothers us We'll say it It's also like water off my back
Starting point is 00:12:38 Right Nothing permeates very deeply And I think that's one of the reasons Why, you know, it works and we're able to be like this focus. And it's like, we, we, we, we thrive in that kind of environment. mother-in-law will send me a birthday card thank you like a birthday card with like a you know five dollars in it and it'll sit on my uh in front of my computer and a week will pass and two weeks will pass and then three weeks will pass and i was like hey did you open the card from my mom like oh no sorry and then another week will pass another week will pass and she's like did you open but she knows i'm focused i'm it's not like i'm avoiding opening it's sitting right on my fucking keyboard and then but she never gets upset at. And then finally she'll open it and she'll walk over to me and she'll strike one time.
Starting point is 00:13:28 She's like, look, my mom sent you a check. I'm like, oh, that's awesome. And then she's like, do you want me to cash it for you? I'm like, oh, yeah, please. And then she's like, okay, here's your phone. Text my mom. Thank you. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:13:37 It's like – but I never get in trouble. It's just like I'm autistic. I'm doing some other shit. I'm just like, and I'm assuming you and Jeff have to be like that too. You can't, you can't be like, you can't walk over and be like, you're not being nice to my family. You don't have time for that shit. No.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Yeah. It's not, uh, it's not conducive to anything. Like we do the dishes when we need to do them. And if he doesn't feel like it, I'm not going to harp on him. Like that's not going to be productive so and especially like i think as the years have gone by too it's like okay i know during game season like he's stressed he's working out like just everything is like it's even more pressure so it's like okay well i'm not gonna pile on right i'm gonna try and pick up the slack like
Starting point is 00:14:25 this is when i need to pick up the slack and just kind of make sure that everything and it's the same thing for him like if he knows that i'm stressed for like you know i i went to school i passed my level three like whenever like he was picking up the slack back then like we're always trying like we work as a team yeah so like shoveling like stuff over to the other person is not going to help like we're at we're always trying to help each other. Yeah. God, that you nailed it too. You all, you do have to always be trying to help the other person too.
Starting point is 00:14:53 You always have to be like, if you're filling your water bottle, you fill theirs. Even if they didn't ask you, you have to be like doing all those things. God, do you take him for granted? I hope not. I hope he doesn't feel taken for granted oh i take my wife for granted that that kind i know it's not ideal but it's kind of like um do you think he takes you for granted no no i think like sometimes it can feel that way because like yeah it's nice to have more praise. I'm starting to think in French right now. Like it's,
Starting point is 00:15:27 it's nice to feel. Is that cause you're getting romantic and emotional. You were about to talk in French. Oh, so there's, there's words that like, they just pop into my head and it's like, that's exactly what I mean.
Starting point is 00:15:39 And now I'm looking for that word in English. Yeah. It's not like I want to grateful. Like, Oh, that word in English. Yeah. Like,
Starting point is 00:15:43 I want to grateful. Like, Oh, I think it's nice when you feel the other person is grateful. And sometimes it can feel like it's, it's not to the level maybe that I would want because we all express our love differently and like all these things. But I think deep down, like I hope he feels like I'm grateful and I don't take him for granted.
Starting point is 00:16:02 And then that's the same thing. Like, I don't, I don't think he takes me for granted. Yeah. Even though like someone like I could feel like that, but that's not, that's me. That's not him because like, I would want X, Y, Z, right? Like that's the, those are my needs. Those are my, that's how I'm feeling. Kind of in a weird way. Maybe I'm feeling defensive but i take i even take for granted that um i take for granted that she what was the word you use that she's grateful and i hope she takes for granted that i'm grateful well it's just because there's almost no time yeah to to like
Starting point is 00:16:38 and that's the thing too like i think we've we've put our relationship also like in a very specific context of we're competing right now. And I think life is going to look very different when he stops competing. And I don't know if I'll stop coaching or what that life is going to look like, like post his games career. But I think we're very much operating in this very specific box. And we know that there's a finite amount of time that we're going to spend in this box. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Like the life is going to be different once, you know, things kind of change. So we're also looking forward to that. But right now it's just like, yeah. The Buttery Bros video is amazing. Are you pleased with the outcome of that? Yeah. I really liked it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Those guys are fantastic. They did you guys right. really like this yeah those guys are those guys are fantastic they did you guys right um when they come there um do you guys enjoy that do you is it i'm guessing it's one of those things like right when they get there you're like fuck i don't want to do this and then after a few minutes like okay this is cool and then when they leave you're kind of like happy and then when it comes out you're like fuck i'm so glad we did that is there like a you know at least that's how I am when I have guests over at my house, like five minutes before they get there. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:17:47 why did I invite them? Even if I love them. Now I need to clean. No, I think. No. Cause I think the people that we do that come over are very professional and will make us feel like we can be ourselves.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Does that make sense? Like it's not hard to be around the Buttery Bros or, like, even the Rogue video that Jeff did. Like, it was easy for him to be himself. Like, eventually he's like, I'm trying to do thrusters. Like, I'm tired of him having the camera in his face. But in terms of just, like, being able to interact with Jeff or, like, him do his programming or, like, going home,
Starting point is 00:18:21 things like that, like, to me, so far, like, we've always been around people who are very professional and are going to make the process easy am i happy when they're gone like yeah because it's like more private but other than that like it's not it's it's not uh it's not cumbersome jeff seems like uh in the little bit i know him but he seems like he's on another level right now he seemed um he he had that sort of that uh man of wisdom with the pipe in his mouth just whenever he was relaxed he was relaxed yeah he seemed very comfortable in his skin more than ever is something happening to him is he is he on another level yeah yeah i think um like we all mature we
Starting point is 00:19:08 all you know get more comfortable with ourselves in our role and i think that um he's starting to believe like he i always saw the potential in jeff um but he's the type of person like you can't be called a winner until you win. So, like, he's not going to be comfortable until he feels like he can actually, like, be within reach. So I think, like, in the first few years and with all the game seasons and all the changes and all that, like, it was very hard for him to see himself in that position. And I think the last two years of the success that he's had, he's now able to actually
Starting point is 00:19:45 like be more comfortable and be more confident because that was something like oh why aren't you like he's not gonna have that swagger of like I I'm going to the games and I'm gonna win the games like no until I I until I win I'm gonna be able to say that but even before like you need to have enough for him you needed to have enough fitness and enough um past success and i think that's what like winning the open winning semi is like podiing him at rogue like those are indications that he can have success and now he's going to start believing that he can have that success at the games and podium and things like that but he's not the type of person who's going to be like, before any of that happens, that's just going to believe that it's possible. So he knows now.
Starting point is 00:20:31 I think so. Yeah. Jeffrey Adler knows that he could sit in the number one spot at the CrossFit games. All he can beat all those people. Yes. And that's crazy. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Even before that. And that was like, where for me as a coach and just like understanding him better as a person, even as a spouse and coach, at some point you also need to say that you want to do it. You want to have this goal. Podium at the games, winning the games. You need to say it because it's going to change all the actions and all the steps that you're going to take between the moment that you say that and you know for us game season like but he wasn't going to commit to that goal before he saw success so I needed to realize that but also like once he sees success like now you need to commit and be like that's what I want to do because now like the whole season has been built in his training and
Starting point is 00:21:21 like his recovery and everything that he's done from the moment that he started to believe in, like wanted to podium at the games, his actions have been different. That's, that's fascinating. I never heard it like that. He, so he needs to say it. Um, so he needs to say, Hey, I want to, I'm, I'm going to win the Crossfit games or i want to win the crossfit games i and that's that's a huge difference i want to win the crossfit games
Starting point is 00:21:52 is one thing and i mean anybody can say that right i'm going to win is an assurance you can't you can't have that because you never you can get injured you can get sick there's all these different things so it's not like it's not saying that i'm i'm going to because that to me is like too too much of a certainty and an unknown situation but i want to win is something that is yours and you can take actions to make sure that you're as prepared and as you know fit or you know knowledgeable and all these things in order to win like you have to admit that that is your goal. I apologize for this rude interruption, but I am a bit of a whore for money. Barry McCockner says, fuck, marry, kill Adler, Velner or Fikowski.
Starting point is 00:22:39 My goodness. It's his fiance on the show. If we could have a Canadian podium I would be so happy Like that would be amazing You're born in Canada? Yeah And he's born in Canada? You guys seem like you're from totally different countries That's how it is in Canada
Starting point is 00:22:58 How far were you born from him? Like 90 minutes? 2 hours? How come he talks funny And you talk like you talk the normal like you're from a tv set like me and he talks he talks like he's from a foreign country what's what's it from 90 minutes away that can happen yeah it's just different backgrounds so my grandmother is from england yeah my mom's side so my on my mother's side like everybody was bilingual so i went to school in french but I basically grew up watching American television.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Yeah. And I worked in hotels and I was customer service for a really long time. So a lot of people thought that I was American just because my accent kind of came from that. I also had more of a Canadian accent or more of a French Quebec accent when I was younger and dated someone. I was like, that was Anglophone. He's like making fun of me a little bit because I do the duh instead of the. I was like that was anglophone he's like making fun of me a little bit because I do the duh instead of the I was like I'm not going through life like that so I you know I practice and there's so there's a little bit of that but um our our background is
Starting point is 00:23:55 just very different what what um what did your parents do what do you mean oh in terms of profession yeah like their vocation yeah uh well my parents were divorced since I was like a year and a half. My dad was a taxi driver, which is very, I guess, stereotypical. He's a taxi driver in Montreal. And then my mom was mostly stay at home. Oh, interesting. Taxi drivers are black in Montreal? He's Haitian, so there's a lot of downtown taxi drivers that black in montreal there's he's haitian so there's a lot of haitian okay taxi
Starting point is 00:24:26 drivers that yeah it's just like a little bit of a stereotype yeah well i mean if you if you go to la and you get an uber they're all armenian yeah and it's yeah it's kind of it's kind of a trip i go in the car and the guy starts talking armenian to me because we and we all recognize each other's last names i am is your dad first generation from uh haiti yeah wow i bet you he's got some stories probably yeah i'm not very i'm not very close to my to my dad how how old was he when he um uh came here do you know i don't like mid-20s Cause my parents dated, I think a year and a half before they had me. And then they divorced a year and a half later. Like it was a very short relationship.
Starting point is 00:25:13 I don't think he was here for very long before that. So he was 28 when I was born. So I'm guessing maybe 24. Is he still in Canada or did he go back to Haiti? No, no, he's still in Montreal. Going back to that thing where, um, he's still in Montreal. Going back to that thing about winning.
Starting point is 00:25:29 So once you commit to winning, that question pops up at different times, right? So it's 8 o'clock at night and it's like, do you want to be a winner? Okay, put your phone down and go to sleep. I guess it comes up at different significant times. You're at a wedding. Do you want to be a winner? You don't drink that glass of champagne. But then there's also got to be times when it comes up where it's like second to last event at the CrossFit Games, and you have one rope climb left, and you don't want to go up.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Yeah. Right? And that's going to be all him. Yeah, that's crazy. So the significance of the time but it is always the same question yes fuck that's intense and once you say the question out loud you gotta take the steps i mean you either your whole life pivots on it confirming you're confirming what you really want. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Right? And that's no matter what question you ask yourself. Like, I want to get 500 pounds and back squat. Well, that might take years, which is fine. But can you get five pounds every three months? You'll eventually get there. But you need to squat pretty often in order to get there. So you're going to confirm the type of person that you are by saying yes or no and but during that time your whole life pivots on it so you have all these people like
Starting point is 00:26:50 your life can't just be crossfit you have to have values i found solace in jesus christ i i my family's more important to me than crossfit but at the end of the fucking day if you're going to win that event every time you am i going to my brother's wedding in hawaii i think that's that and those are the i think the personal differences because i wouldn't i i think in order to be at the pinnacle of anything whether it's sport or business or call it whatever you want people do have to be hyper-focused. And I think you have to start saying no to a lot more things than yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Because saying no to that is basically, like I said, affirming yes to your goal. But I think that those yeses and no are going to be very different based on who you are and what's happening. Like maybe you should go to your brother's wedding. Like, you know, family is also important, but maybe that means staying two days instead of three. Maybe that means like not going like,
Starting point is 00:27:52 I'm not going to do the bachelor party, but I'll go to your wedding. Like, I think there's always ways of making sure that you're getting the best out of life as well. Cause like, it can't just be, you can't be miserable doing it. Cause that's another thing too like if you're unhappy if the choices that you're making are making you unhappy that's
Starting point is 00:28:09 i don't think i don't think you'll be able to achieve your goal either because then you're just gonna despise the process like you have to you have to enjoy the process as well so everybody's burnout you just define burnout right yeah you need to find your own balance and that's going to be different for everybody. And like, you know, there's things that Jeff and I are willing to do that I know other athletes aren't willing to do. And as long as like you're happy with your decision and how you're leading your life and where those choices take you, then, you know, that's all you can ask for at the end of the day. Do you enjoy watching him move? Yeah. Yeah. Do you have favorite clothes that you like to see him in when he's moving you're like oh that i could see like though if he just works out in those shorts and he does that workout like
Starting point is 00:28:54 this is fucking great you know what i mean i used to i got him to wear tights and he doesn't wear them anymore so that's i'm very sad but i just like watching him move like the what I think I've mentioned this before but like what made me realize that he had the potential was just like his me seeing him his first burpees like he just had a way of moving on burpees I was just like I still collapse on the floor and there's like there's there's nothing tight like there's nothing pretty about my burpees and he was just like in this flow and I was like okay like there's nothing pretty about my burpees and he was just like in this flow and I was just like okay like there's something there and it's and it was it wasn't like a snatch or it wasn't like oh his first deadlift I think you mentioned it on the podcast is like his first deadlift was like 425 or something like ridiculous that everybody's like dear like I wish I could yeah
Starting point is 00:29:38 yeah yeah but like I could bench more than him like I beat him in the open 15.5. Things like that. It wasn't anything of that nature. It was burpees. Yeah. I remember watching a lot of athletes would come downstairs at HQ and I'd get to see them work out. And it was awesome watching all the athletes work out. And I remember Brooke Entz would come there a lot. And I loved watching her work out and loved watching her move.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Even just when she did the warm-ups was crazy. And then one day she did a workout against Tia and they were both doing burpees and Tia didn't like all the Tias and they were over the bar and all of Tia's burpees look like one burpee. Brooks looks segmented and, and, and, and Tia was just, do you know what I mean by like, it didn't look like she was doing one, two, three. It just, Tia was just flowing and I was like, whole, I can't even believe I'm seeing, I couldn't believe what I was even seeing. And it was like, yeah. And I, I love, I wonder if every coach loves watching people move, watching people. I mean, that's kind of the best part. I love movement. I love watching people dance i love yeah watching people work out
Starting point is 00:30:45 like there's there's there's beauty in like a virtuous air squat like there's beauty in like moving well and just like yeah being in a state of flow like that's something that i enjoy as a coach or like when i liked it um i'll never forget i don't know being in madison and the boys had to pick up um the um some heavyweight it was it was like three strongman things they had to do like a yoke and carry two logs something and i like watch it right as their hand grabs i like staring at their forearms right as their hands grab like to pick up and you just see all the muscles start flexing or veins pop out or you just stare at their faces as they're walking and you just see all this shit happening to it, all the emotion. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:31:27 It's such a good time. Allegra R. I got here late but can't wait to watch this. Pumped to see how Adler does this year. Do you feel a – oh, here, Dan Guerrero. Oh, Canada. Oh, here, Dan Guerrero. Oh, Canada. Oh, Canada. Do you sense a shift in the way people are viewing your horse? That not only does Jeff realize that he can win, but everyone now is like, oh, shit, this guy's a serious threat.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Do you see a new interest in him i don't i'm not sure because i feel like some of his fan base he's had for a while like and i think like people will will like certain athletes for whatever reasons right and i i'm not sure if his fan base grew because more people are starting to believe or if it's just like the people who used to believe still do and now because jeff is getting attention we can see more of them right like now that the games is posting about jeff you can see everybody who likes jeff but if the games isn't posting about jeff then you don't know how many are out there right right i'm not sure that's where like, I don't, I don't, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Obviously there's these qualities that each of us have, uh, your personality, uh, the way your face looks and the way your body looks. Right. And, and then when you're doing something, it's also your performance. Right. So, um, but he looks, he has a nice face and he has a great body and his personality seems to, he seems really be coming like the elderly statesman. He's coming into his own. And now his performance is going to be there. I don't know. I feel like it's here. I feel like this is Adler's year to make the biggest statement he's ever made.
Starting point is 00:33:23 I hope so. And I've been in the media for a while. It's hard because I think a lot more people should be getting a lot more attention. And there's 60 minutes in an hour, so how are you going to divide that? But I've been doing a lot of homework, watching past games and things like that.
Starting point is 00:33:39 And just like, who do you see on camera? What's happening? And CrossFit tends to focus on the same people all the time. So it's very hard to get through that. I hope that Jeff gets a little bit more attention, but I also hope that just the sport, like I want to see what's happening. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:57 I want it like back nine, he was done. And like, you didn't even know. Like, so I want to see him win, but I also want to see what's happening. Like as a whole, that was a workout at the games last year, back in 2019, he finished fifth on the first workout that had the run,
Starting point is 00:34:14 the road climbs. It was workout. He finished fifth. Nobody knows because you have a camera on him because he's watching, you know, Pat Belner do snatches. Cool. But like Jeff, who's an
Starting point is 00:34:25 unknown rookie of the year, finishing fifth, that's a pretty cool opening statement. Nobody knows. That's why people are like, oh, he's a straight guy. He's been pretty good at cardio, guys. He has it. We're good. He was rookie of the year?
Starting point is 00:34:41 No, no, no. His rookie year. In 2019, his first time at the games his first workout he finished fifth he got cut that's that's a hole that cuts hey did you see the video uh brian spin posted it and he's asking um dylan pepper hey what do you think about the cuts and he goes that that doesn't matter to me that that that doesn't concern me like basically saying like basically saying like i'm not i'm so good like i'm not it's not even doesn't even matter to me i kind of like that response i'm not kind of i did like it i i do like it in the sense that like it he shouldn't
Starting point is 00:35:20 be worried about it right like if if you think you're going to do top 10 if you think you want a podium like you should you shouldn't be worried about them. Right. Like if you think you're going to do top 10, if you think you want a podium, like you shouldn't you shouldn't be worried about them. Now, that doesn't mean that they're not important or they're not going to change potentially their strategy or how it affects the games, careers, things like that. Like, right. There's a lot that can be said for cuts and and the exposure that it gives people, the motivation or the demotivation that it's going to give the turnover in terms of you know athletes like the 2014 games probably has the most amount of reaped like people
Starting point is 00:35:53 who stay longer in the games because you didn't have cuts in 14 15 16 17 right like all those years didn't have cuts bkg's first's first year, he was 24th. I've been doing my research. He was 24th. He ended up podiuming the next year, but if he had been cut, that would have changed this whole 10 year. Meaning you think he wouldn't have got the experience that year to make himself good enough to be on the good following?
Starting point is 00:36:19 Maybe he would have done like Sam Briggs and gave him the fire in his belt, but we don't know, and that's where it's all speculation. But I don't mind saying that that's where it's all speculation. But I don't mind saying that you earn your spot at the games and you earn every day and all these things. But either we say, and as a sport, we're not going to next year NHL playoffs saying, hey, it's going to be a three out of five.
Starting point is 00:36:41 No, it's a four out of seven every year. Like every year. So are we saying like next, like if seven every year like every year so are we saying like next like if this year we're having cuts are we gonna have cuts for the next five years like can we can we like if the sport is the sport can we have rules that we all know like it's already unknown unknown like we're we're all fine in the community like we've all been ingrained like we're all good with all this unknowable but as a sport there's certain things that should be predictable and if we're saying that the bottom 10 or the bottom 20 isn't doesn't play a large role on the leaderboard that's one thing but a performance can still
Starting point is 00:37:16 make or break someone's career like the experience like going through the full weekend like all those things still matter to those athletes and i think they still matter to the fans. Like if I'm paying $500 for games tickets, don't I want to see more game stuff? Like, why would I want to see less? Like, we're not stopping a football match after three,
Starting point is 00:37:38 three quarters. You're like, Oh, clearly they're going to win. We're going to stop. Like nobody's pulling the rug under anybody's feet. Like we get to see all four quarters. Like to me, I always thought this was kind of weird. I thought this was kind of weird,
Starting point is 00:37:52 but if, if, if a team is crushing another team in the third quarter, it seems like half the fans leave. Maybe, but the fans that don't. Right. Yeah. I hear you. You're not, you're not a fan of the cuts, you're not a fan of the cuts, or you want consistency? So I want consistency. And to me, and I do recognize, and you see it at semis, regionals,
Starting point is 00:38:16 you know, water pools, whatever. With a larger field, you're going to have a more disparate fitness level. Fine. So if we're saying at the games, the fitness level that we're looking for on this Sunday is 10, 20, 15, pick a number, any number. At that point, I don't care. Then maybe from let's say semis, we only, let's say make it 20. We only guarantee 20 people.
Starting point is 00:38:43 And then if games week is going to be a week why not have the other five so from six to ten compete to earn their spot into a top 30 and then you compete for the top 30 like we could we could reorganize the season instead of cutting people at the games let's make sure that the top the top are going to be at the top we know that and it's that middle ground that we're not quite sure. Let's get all of them together in a live competition. Let's give the fans more CrossFit. Let's have them duke it out at the games.
Starting point is 00:39:13 And then, I don't know, there's five, seven, ten of them that move on. And now we only have a top 30 for the games. And that might be more competitive. Like, it's just like, I think there's, the sport hasn't, isn't done evolving and I'm fine with that, but a little bit of consistency, like I wish Jeff would have competed
Starting point is 00:39:32 in 2014, 15, 16, 17 because of the stability that it had and people were able to build a fandom and build a career and do all these things. And right now, like 19 to now, like it's hard. it's, it's hard. It's much harder. Sean M says she's 100% right. Here's the,
Starting point is 00:39:56 let me just say this cause you got this guy on your side. I, I like the, I, I, I guarantee that when they make the cuts this year, both times that everyone in the fans, everyone at home watching will experience some sort of tension. i like that tension and we're in those those three athletes the one who's you know below the cut line the one who's at the cut line the one who's above the cut line will be in the in the hot seat and i i enjoy that for me like i like i like the drama i love the drama so that's it. Yes and no.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Okay, go ahead. Fine. Final word. You're the final word. Yes and no. By the way, real quick before you say that, is that a Wienerschnitzel shirt? I saw you wearing that shirt in the Buttery Bros thing too, and I was looking for that. I put my Google camera on your shirt.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Is that Wienerschnitzel, the hot dog place? No, that's the CrossFit Wonderland logo. Oh, shit. For your gym. Yeah. Awesome. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Affiliate owner, CrossFit. Chalk this up as an affiliate series. Okay. Do you know what Wienerschnitzel is? Do you guys have that in Canada? No. Well, maybe in other parts of Canada, but not here. It's a hot dog place.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Okay. Sorry. My bad. Okay. Go on. Go on. Cuts. Cuts. Okay. It's a hot dog place. Okay, sorry. My bad. Okay, go on. Cuts. Yes, tension, but Seve, pay attention. Caroline's about to school you again. No. These, I think, are conversations, and I think how many people
Starting point is 00:41:20 on all the decision-making at the games, how many of them have actually competed and made their livelihood on competition and this is where like it irks me personally because at some point because like being 21st and being 16th is thousands of dollars more and you're you're taking away their opportunity and everybody that earned their spot at the game, the top 40, have put in not only one year, years of work for this, and sacrifice and all of that,
Starting point is 00:41:53 and you're basically pulling that check out of their hands. That's one. Number two, why are people willing to dedicate their youth to getting to the NHL and NFL and professional sport. Because you know that paycheck at the end is going to be worth it. If you put cuts, it's not like... Come on, let's leave. Uh-oh, some French came out.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Some French came out. This is what happens when I get excited. Now the words only come in one language. Not recruits, like rookies, like young people in the sport. Like we need to have, once the old guard leaves, we need new blood, right? How do you ensure that you're going to attract this new blood, right? You need to give them the potential of earnings. You're not giving anybody any guarantee because you don't know where you're going to finish your first year at the games.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Like you don't know where you're going to finish your first year at the games. Like, you don't. Right. But if you know that potentially there's 100 grand on the line versus 12, you might make more of those sacrifices. You might take two years out of your life to really try and get to that goal. And that's where, to me, the cuts, like, if you want to grow the sport, we need to have more young. Like, we need more people to take that chance on themselves. And cuts, to me, make it very hard. Because you're taking away their opportunity of earning.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Because you take that $100,000, you have to divide it on two, three, four years. Like however long it took them to get there. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It ends up being pennies on the hour for how hard you worked. Exactly. So those are all the things that make the cuts hard for me. Yeah, and that's fair. Money for the athletes, you're impeding getting in the way of that.
Starting point is 00:43:38 You're maybe demoralizing them and affecting their dedication to the sport. And what are new people supposed to think? It makes it even more impossible. It's already like winning the lotto to dedication to the sport and uh and what are new people supposed to think it makes it even more impossible it's already like winning the lotto to go to the crossfit games and if you show that they're going to be cut why would they i like all that um let me ask you a question god you're a great guest um let me ask you this question when are you going to take on another athlete i already have you have because because this dude's never going to get pregnant like shane like his athlete got pregnant yours is never going to get pregnant but there's got to be who have you taken on you've taken on another individual yeah ben benoit
Starting point is 00:44:16 boulanger oh wow and how long have you had him uh we're starting our third year together wow uh wow that's that could be a whole show about that is that contentious with um uh mr adler no he's cool with it why why didn't you take on a uh a girl a female a woman but why wouldn't that have made more sense like so that not um competing against him uh if if if someone clicked then yes i think with ben and i like it was very starting a relationship and like everything that he had already established for himself as an athlete and his routine and everything and our vision and like everything made sense um and he's he's younger than jeff so like by the time that he makes it where will jeff be like they're not they're not in the same sphere i guess kind of um hopefully they'll both compete at the games at the same time like that's that's our goal um but caroline i hope you have real big problems in your future
Starting point is 00:45:26 i hope you have two guys vying i hope you're torn i hope you're torn between two guys fighting for the number one spot at the crossfit game i mean you in order to be the best you had to beat the best so gotta give the everybody the feel like the best that we can so yeah when do you arrive in madison the 29th we're getting there late late hey uh i i appreciate uh i think we've just scratched the surface you're always welcome on the show thank you i can't believe i waited this long to talk to you you're you're a wonderful engaging uh human being yeah thank you for making uh this fun and enjoyable you make what you have to enjoy your job you make my job enjoyable thank you oh good uh please say hi to mr adler for me and i'll um hopefully i'll see you guys soon yeah will you be in medicine i'm uh i'm
Starting point is 00:46:15 i have a flight to chicago for sure why are you not coming i just my turn to ask the question savann why are you not i'm just i i'm just uh i'm just slowly i'm getting in i'm getting in the the cold lake slowly no lake yeah no no lake okay no lake yes no lake all right uh thank you very much i really appreciate your time yeah Ciao. Bye. Caroline Lambre. Wow. She's great. She was, she was on the, she, one time I interviewed Adler on the show,
Starting point is 00:46:53 I think. And she came on and kind of took over. And I, and, and I was too fixated on Jeff and I should, I should, she needs to be a staple on this show. She's good.
Starting point is 00:47:06 We didn't even – yeah, she's a firecracker. There's not even – there's so much – we didn't even – she needs three hours. There's so much to talk about. That's an awesome woman. That is someone who's crazy confident, who doesn't – I can't stand people who force their confidence. She's crazy confident and yet you don't feel like she has anything to prove. She's still herself. She's chilling. Yeah, I dig that. That's a good human. they have i promise you they have a very special relationship you don't have two people excelling at that level there there's things that they have to let go that would fucking drive 99 percent of humanity insane they don't i don't think they do any pettiness there's no way they can and i'm i'm
Starting point is 00:48:00 speaking from my own experience my wife doesn't do any pettiness with me. My wife never, ever fucking nags me. I mean, don't get me wrong. We have our issues. Holy shit, Dan. You are a bitch ass for bringing this up. Dan Guerrero says, Seve, it would suck to see Colton Mertens cut. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Oh, my God. Oh my God. When he could smash a workout on Sunday, make some highlights, and do leaderboard damage. Oh, bro. Oh, bro. I will... He cannot get cut.
Starting point is 00:48:38 I'll fucking turn my world upside down. Really don't want him to get cut. But listen, that's the drama, right right that makes me so much more interested in those first however many events before the cut right dan that's just like i'm gonna be like oh yeah because i don't want my horse to get cut. There's going to be so much tension there. Sean Lenderman, like she pegs Adler special or they have great communication? Unacceptable. I suspect that they're just not petty. There's not the things that would bug other people in their relationships or the things that eat away at relationships.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Those two are not going to do. They don't have time for that. The priority, the goal is so on its own pedestal. It doesn't interact. They're not going to let their agenda interact with any of their ego, personal shit. That's not how superstars soar that's not you know um i'll give you an example i'd be curious to ask fraser this i'll give you another example but
Starting point is 00:49:58 you know fraser had that line where like when people came to his house they had to like do a pc they had to swab their nose or do some sort of test or take their shoes off or something i guarantee you sammy was like well it's my mom we can't make her do that it's like no it's like you're not even gonna bring that shit up what do you guys think about um what do you guys think about when uh people ask you if they can call you i have like really good friends who who say that can i call you i had someone the other day famous famous person call me and they're like, sorry for cold calling you. Like, like what? No, call me. You can all you can. I'll just not answer if I don't want to talk to you. You can always call me. You can you can call me. You can I cannot answer. You can call me again. You can. This other guy, you know, says to me the other day, hey, let's talk next week.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Next week. I'm like, okay. And he's like, can we schedule a time? I'm like, no. The only people who can schedule time with me is if I'm making money. No, just call. Just fucking call me or don't call me or call me or we play phone tag i'm not unless you're paying me i'm not fucking blocking off a section of time for you or like
Starting point is 00:51:34 even my mom knows like the other day and this is gonna blow you guys away i had to go over her house and build something no no she had installed a screen door and she wanted it adjusted like lowered so i had to take off all the screws and lower it some man shit i took my drill over there drill bits i didn't just put the screws in i pre-drilled the holes the fucking artiste and uh even my mom knows like she's like hey sometime this week can you do that i'm like uh-huh she knows i'm already getting pissed and then the next day she calls she goes what are you doing you want to come over and i looked at my clock like yeah that was a good time i roll over there i should have charged my mom 40 bucks
Starting point is 00:52:17 man shit yeah thank you todd thank you You didn't even use an LOL. You used a ha. Todd Tucker. Heidi Kroom. You got to love a good pre-drill. Yeah. You know what? On the pre-drill, Heidi, when I'm pre-drilling something, Heidi, when I'm prepping it for a good screw,
Starting point is 00:52:43 I always feel like I'm using too small I'm wait I'm just bullshitting by the way until man on anganese comes on I think that should I yell at Susa even though it's not his fault she's not here um uh I I always feel like when I'm about to pre-drill something I use too small of a bit and um the thing is but if you use too small of a bit. And the thing is, but if you use too big of a bit, then the screw won't, won't fit tightly. I need to speak to it like a professional driller,
Starting point is 00:53:16 screw or professional screw or carpenter. What are they called? Carpenters. You know who else was a carpenter? Yeah. You remember that line from, that was the Michelle Bass netinette uh interview that was great a too big with too big no no
Starting point is 00:53:37 tank reeves i literally turn on the show to see heidi just to like to try to get a peek at her little picture you're like i know there's people's little pictures that i like to look at too oh look at this david i hope you're talking about colton mertens uh david macella in front of the uh flag of the united of America. It says top 20 and event winners. Awesome. Yeah, good. Oh, look, there she is. I just saw her pop up.
Starting point is 00:54:12 There she is. Hi. How are you? How are you? Can you hear me? Yeah. So good. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Did you just run in? Yeah, I just ended my last session of the day so i am still a little bit sweaty i'm so fresh so clean but it's okay do you know the song so fresh so clean yeah yeah oh good all right hey do you want to do you want to do you want to do you need two minutes do you want to do something do you want to get water or a shake? I have my shaker with me. I'm ready to go. Awesome. Am I saying your name right? Manon? Yeah, yeah. This is my American name. Can I hear you say it?
Starting point is 00:54:59 Manon. Manon. Yes. Manon. So don't even pronounce the N at the end. Manon. No, but I have an American version, so I'm okay with it. Okay. Manon.
Starting point is 00:55:11 But I could also call you Manon. You can also call me Manon. Yeah. And will you say your last name for me? Angonese. Angonese. Oh, I like that. Manon Angonese.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Yeah. Manon Angonese. Sounds good, right? Angonese. Oh, I like that. Mano Angonese. Yeah. Mano Angonese. Sounds good, right? Angonese. Yeah. Oh, it's so good. I like saying BKG's name, too. Bjorn Carl Gudmundsson.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Yeah. Can you say his name? Bjorn Carl Gudmundsson. Oh, you say it even better than I do. Yeah, because I'm European. Yeah, you're a European. You're Belgian. I'm Belgian, but I'm 100% Italian blood.
Starting point is 00:55:57 Oh. Yeah. This is a crazy question. I apologize. Are there people who... Does Belgium have its own people? Or is there people who... Does Belgium have its own people? Or is it just all... Does Belgium have its own people? Belgium has what? Sorry? Does Belgium have its own people?
Starting point is 00:56:14 You know, like Israel has Jews and Spain has Spaniards. Does Belgium have like Belgianese people? Yeah, yeah. We have true 100% blood Belgian guy. Belgian guy. Belgian guy. Wow. They are interesting to meet. And is Belgium more Italians than Belgium?
Starting point is 00:56:34 What do you call the Belgian people? What do they call Belgian people? Belgium. Belgian people. Because you got Italy and then Italians. Yeah. And you have Armenia and you have Armenians. Oh, Belgians.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Maybe the Belgians. Belgian people, yes. Belgian people. Are there more Italians than Belgians in Belgium? We have what? Are there more Italians in Belgium than there are Belgians? Depends where you go in Belgium than there are Belgians? Depends where you go in Belgium, but you need to know that after the war,
Starting point is 00:57:11 a lot of Italian people came in Belgium to work in the industry. And so my grandparents did. This is why I'm Italian, but I was born in Belgium. And this is why we have a lot of Italian communities in Belgium as well. After World War II? Yeah. Wow. This is why we have a lot of Italian communities in Belgium as well. After World War II?
Starting point is 00:57:27 Yeah. Wow. And when you said they came to work in the industry, what industry? A lot of factories. Sorry, not industries, factories. Oh, okay. Yeah. Hey, I remember the first time i saw you on tv i saw you were um i think it was a hundred pound d-ball sandbags it was sandbags yeah and you were doing um ground to shoulder work and the other
Starting point is 00:57:59 people were doing onesies and you were doing touch and go and i remember thinking oh shit i don't know i i can't do that and i remember thinking that was incredible where was that was that at rogue uh no it was in dubai and um and tell me can you tell me about that workout when you walked up when you it was was it it was a hundred pound sandbag uh yeah it was a hundred pounds uh i don't remember exactly the sandbags but i just remember that we had a crazy volume of sandbag clean it was like 30 up and 30 down as well uh yeah it was a lot of sandbags and and mano when you approached um the sandbag did you know you would do touch and go yeah if it's 100 pounds you know i
Starting point is 00:58:48 have a really good trust in my lower back i know my back is solid and i know you know i can just lift it with a rounded back you know just touch and go and as fast as it's done it's like this way it's done and i can do something else after that you know so i just want it to be done fast like this i'm done i've never heard that sentence i have trust in my lower back god i wish i could say that maybe i should start practicing that when did you get that trust i don't know maybe because i never had any issue with my back. And also because I worked a lot when I was young. You know, I stopped school at 15 years old and I started to work as an horse rider. But when you start as an horse rider, when you don't have money, you also have to do a lot of tasks in the stables.
Starting point is 00:59:42 This is why I'm like I'm someone who used to work with my body like since forever at 15 years old you started what what what rider horse rider oh horse riding yeah i was a horse rider what is that tell me what that is what do you mean like jumping over the stuff yeah jumping over the stuff yes uh What do you mean? Like jumping over the stuff? Yeah, jumping over the stuff. Yes. Yeah. Yes. In the big line, jumping over the stuff.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Yeah. It was my passion since always. And I stopped school at 15 years old, totally illegally, because it's not allowed to stop as young in Belgium. allow it to stop as young in Belgium. And my job was to ride horses to add value to the horses. And then the goal was to sell them. Of course, way, way more money than we bought it about them. Sorry. And I had a small percentage is at this moment. That was my job, basically. Mano, that's a pretty bougie sport, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:00:51 That's a really – how do you – how does a 15-year-old girl who is – basically, I'm cleaning horse stalls. You're shoveling shit. How do you get into that? When I think of that field, I think of really wealthy parents who put you get into that i'm when i think of that field i think of really wealthy parents who put their kids into that and i had a friend who had one of those horses and they told me that they would fly their horse to other countries i couldn't even fucking believe that yeah to fly a horse somewhere must be more money than most people make in an entire lifetime
Starting point is 01:01:19 how do you how do you break into that uh you know, my parents did not approve my decision to stop school and to start to work. But since forever, when I have something in my mind, I just want to achieve it. Whatever the consequences, whatever people think, I just need to do it. Even if it's a mistake, I need to do the mistake. I need to do it, even if it's a mistake. I need to do the mistake. And at 15 years old, I left home to travel with a lot of professional horse riders. And I remember my dad told me,
Starting point is 01:01:57 "'Okay, you can do it, but don't come back home until you are 100% independent." And so I came back at 18 when I was independent. What does that mean, independent? Meaning like you could... Like earn your own money, you know? So basically what it sounds like you did, if I'm understanding, Mano,
Starting point is 01:02:22 is you worked for a company that would get these horses and you would train them basically to begin this career of jumping. And once the horse was adequate, then some rich father would come along and buy the horse for his daughter or rich mother would come along and buy the horse for his daughter. Is that it? Exactly. Yeah. I was the one who builds horses for rich people. Yeah. Did you ever fall in love with a horse? Yeah, a lot of time, but I always had to pull them. You all, yeah. Would you tell the horse, did you talk to the horses? Yeah, of course. Yeah. It's funny. You say, yeah, of course. And I thought I was asking a dumb question. Do all the people who work with horses talk to the horses yeah of course it's normal yeah crazy um uh oh so hold on i mean uh seven it's sexist to think only little girls want to buy
Starting point is 01:03:21 horses okay let me thank you Thank you for the correction. Sometimes you would sell them to little boys. Yeah. Oh, there you go. Is that better? You asshole. Crazy. And then,
Starting point is 01:03:35 and then did you get your, did you get your fill? Are you done with horses? I had a few horses of mine as well well but i still had to sold them because you know when you have a good horse sometimes rich people came with a lot of money so when you're up like us i mean we come from an italian immigrant family you can't say no you can't say no to what to money oh right right right right okay so when did the training when did you know you were an athlete in crossfit yeah no just in a mover when did you know did you
Starting point is 01:04:17 ever when did you identify like i heard my my eight-year-old son tell um uh his tennis coach the other day it was kind of funny the tennis coach um put him on a drill and my son got tired and fell on the ground panting and the coach comes came over to him and said hey you need to train hard you need to be able to get through this and he goes yeah he goes i'm pretty athletic i heard him tell that at eight years old he told his tennis coach that was there a point in your life where you're like wow i'm athletic like you identified with being a mover um i can't say when i realized it i would like to say since forever i always was very competitive you know i never had a lot of friends because of this like everything is a competition and my dad educated me in this way i mean my dad my dad was a football player, soccer player, football, not US football, like soccer player.
Starting point is 01:05:10 And it was like what we were supposed to do. We were supposed to be athletic. We were supposed to be competitors. It wasn't a big pressure for me because my dad is my, I mean, he's my superhero, you know. But since forever, since forever, I would like to say. Mano Anganese. Mano Anganese. I have to practice it.
Starting point is 01:05:39 So when I see you or if I see you, you're coming to the games this year. Yeah, finally. And there was a one year you did you qualify one year for the for the games or the semi-finals and you didn't come because of the requirements to come to the united states uh no um i was a national champion in 2020 but a bit came then uh no last year i did the mistake with the quarterfinals like i missed the deadline so i got cut very soon explain that to me you missed the quarterfinals meaning you didn't turn in your video in time yeah exactly yeah we me and yellow same story oh the jelly guy the big giant man. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:27 Oh, I didn't know that happened to him too. Okay. We were together and we were 100% sure the deadline was one hour later and he wanted to repeat the workout. So I was like, yeah, I will help you to repeat the workout. And when we ended it, it was too late. We were like, fuck, it was one hour too late. But well. Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of
Starting point is 01:07:11 American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. And there wasn't a, I thought that there was one year that you didn't come. No. That you qualified't come. No. That you qualified to come for something and you're like, no, I'm not coming. No, it was for the Wodapalooza. And what year was that? Because I wasn't vaccinated at that time. And you weren't going to get it?
Starting point is 01:07:42 Sorry? And you weren't going to get it? I am vaccinated. But of course, of course you are. You have to be to come to the United States. Of course you are. But at that time, you weren't. You were like, no, I'm not doing it.
Starting point is 01:07:58 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That made me like you even more. Yeah, but it wasn't for the, it was for Miami. Right. You're very strong-willed. Yeah. Yeah, I have values, you know. So when I decide something, I stay on it.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Yeah, you have values. God, I love values. Who taught you to have values? I didn't learn about values until I was like 50. Yeah. I didn't learn about values until I was like 50. Yeah, I'm young for some kind of thing, but I'm old for some other things as well. Did you go to church as a kid?
Starting point is 01:08:35 No, never. Do you know who taught you about values? About what? Do you remember who taught you to have values? My dad. He did. And me, myself, and I. How did he teach you?
Starting point is 01:08:56 Tell me about the origins of values for you. Do you remember when you learned about even the concept of it, the idea of it? Like, hey, I should have principles and stand by them for who I am? For me, it's your identity you know if you decide something if it's your personality just stay in line with it you don't have to change for people if people don't like your way to see things maybe this is not the people you are supposed to stand with as simple as that but maybe because i'm someone i'm i'm a very uh lonely person i love to be by myself and if people want to enter in my life uh they have to accept who i am and sometimes it's not easy but as crazy as it sounds I have a boyfriend but he's the same as me as well
Starting point is 01:09:49 but yeah for me it's your identity and you have to know who you really are and for me this is a concept of principles Have you made a lot of boys cry yeah yeah yeah yeah i did yeah
Starting point is 01:10:11 i because i i'm guessing what happens is people get close to you and emotionally attached to you and then they realize that they they can't handle you yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, true. That's it. That's exactly it. How long have you been with your boyfriend? More than eight years now. Oh, congratulations. Wow, that's a huge achievement. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Mano, how old are you? I'm 30 years old. 30 years old. And how long have you been speaking English? When I was a North Rider, we luxembourg not a lot of people speak french i mean almost everybody speak english so i had to coach in english i had to to train in english. So basically, yeah, I did not learn a lot at school. I used to learn by myself, you know, like practicing. So 15 years.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Yeah, 15 years, 15 years old. What was your first tongue when you were born? My first what? The language you spoke, the first language. What was your first tongue when you were born? My first what? The language you spoke. The first language. French. French.
Starting point is 01:11:52 And that's what... So there's no language. Belgium uses French. That's their language. Do they have their own language? Do the people have something like Afrikaans or something weird? No. Belgium is separated in two parts. You have the French part and you have the
Starting point is 01:12:06 the flemish part um flemish what is that what you said flemish dutchies dutch dutch part okay okay you have halfway people speak uh french and uh the other half speak d. Oh, Dutch. Okay, yeah. I think I've heard of that language. Jonathan Lane. Mano Anganese speaks better English than Seve. Oh, no. That's an easy one. Okay, so French. And then English? Are those your two languages?
Starting point is 01:12:41 Or do you speak a third language? No, I only speak French and English. I understand Italian, but I don't speak Italian because I never really had the opportunity to practice it a lot. And that's it. There was talk of you having Olympic aspirations in 2024 also. Is that still something that's on your mind? Of course it is. But I decided to commit 100% to CrossFit
Starting point is 01:13:13 because that's what I love the most. I will try to do my best to give me a chance for the 2024 Olympics. But they reduced the quota. Like, I mean, now it's only 12 women in the world who can go to the Olympics. So it's not a lot. So it will be tough.
Starting point is 01:13:35 Yeah. And it would be in Olympic weightlifting. Yeah. You're enjoying that. Yeah. Like it's not as much as I love crossfit for sure but yeah i like to go in big competition and on the big stage uh it's always some huge training halls this is awesome but this is not you know this is not really me i mean i love to practice everything i love to
Starting point is 01:14:03 touch everything i love to be good at a lot of things. And this is what CrossFit is. Mano, are you genetically gifted at all or is it all hard work? Do you have any like you were born with huge forearms or giant butt or do you have any like are you just all with huge forearms or a giant butt or do you have any like are you just all hard work when did you realize you were strong like did they did everyone know did your dad hold you up and be like oh shit this one's gonna be a tank i can say some people will say it's genetic and me i would like to say it's of course i'm lucky i have a good genetics but i'm also a hard worker you know uh so i know i can be good at everything i want to commit it
Starting point is 01:14:54 but yeah i also suck at a lot of things because i don't want to be good at like for example give me a baseball bat i will be a huge disaster because I don't want to be good at this. So 50-50. I want to go back to that when you found out you were strong. But I want to ask you this other question first. So there's a little bit of conflict there, right? Because you're this very strong-willed, determined, focused, maybe stubborn, maybe stubborn person. And yet you've entered a sport that cannot have any holes. Meaning you could be like, Hey, I don't want to
Starting point is 01:15:33 be good at walking on my hands. Well, that one thing could stop you from being at the games. Have you had to do a lot of things with CrossFit in order to reach your goals that you don't want to do? If I want to do something, nobody can stop me. If I't want to do if i want to do something nobody can stop me if i really want to do something no i think nothing can stop me are there any movements that you don't like at all uh yeah of course like all the crossfitters uh i don't like to swim in a pool but i love to swim in open water yeah it depends with what we have together like i mean i ate kettlebell swings all alone but in a workout it could be fun so it depends gotcha when when did you a mono when did you
Starting point is 01:16:22 know you were um strong was there a moment in your life where you're like damn i'm pretty strong um yeah there's a lot of i'm good at i would like to say ring muscle ups is my jam uh also everything about skills you know something you have to learn fast like a new movement you have to learn very fast like nobody practiced it before this is what i'm good at i'm good to adapt myself very fast but i mean at what age were you were you 10 years old and you were maybe arm wrestling with people and you realized oh my god i can beat everyone here how old were you when you realized you mano anganes was strong you had this perception of yourself that oh i'm wow i'm strong uh i think it's when i was 10 or 12 years old uh i was
Starting point is 01:17:17 already kind of built different you know all my friends at school uh had the expectation to be a teacher or a doctor or me i always wanted to be a north rider like i wanted to compete i wanted to be the best in my sport i used to play with boys and yeah we did arm wrestling when i was at school and I used to win. The European semifinals, did you enjoy that? Yes, it was a great competition, really. It's just that I don't like to know the workouts in advance. This is why I like the games. This is before you don't know what you're gonna have to do semi-finals i mean in europe we were the the last region so we had the workout since almost one month this is long you know it stay in your head
Starting point is 01:18:19 for like a long time god you really are different yeah you really are a different kind of person so many athletes don't say that you don't want to you didn't want to know the workouts god you are cool no i like the i like the the concept of be prepared for everything you know um these these ladies here uh gabriella magawa annie thor's daughter uh laura horvat emmental uh karen freyova matilda garns uh ayo wonger elisa fuliano emma mcquade rebecca vidison did you um interact did you make any friends there? Did you have conversations with them? Yeah, yeah, already talked with a lot of them. We used to train sometimes together with Rebecca, because we follow no shortcuts together. But I can't say I'm friends with someone, you know, maybe in another concept than in competition we could be friend but
Starting point is 01:19:26 first we are competitors and we used to compete against each other so for me it is hard to be friend with someone in the field yeah and who you you're doing you're following um or you're working with andreoudet. Yeah. What was the name of his training program? No Shortcuts. No Shortcuts. Yeah. Who were you with before that?
Starting point is 01:20:01 Before that, I used to work with Mathieu Dubroc. I don't know if you know him. I don't. No, he's a canadian he's a canadian guy he worked on crossfit hq uh we worked together since forever and after a few years i decided it was time to to train by myself to test my own programming and to do a lot of things in strength, way more in giant work with some triathletes coach. After one year, I just realized it was like way too much work and I decided to work with Andrei.
Starting point is 01:20:39 And what's he like working with? Are you enjoying that? Sorry? Are you enjoying working with him? Withre yeah yeah of course did he make it he didn't make did he try to go to the games this year he didn't yeah as a team oh okay okay and and do you ever see him do you ever actually train with him or is, yeah, yeah. I already moved two times in Denmark to train with him. Wow.
Starting point is 01:21:13 People love him. And he's really strong too, right? Yeah. Yeah. Olympic lifting is sort of his forte. That's his specialty. Yeah. I mean, he's pretty good at everything. Was it hard doing that?
Starting point is 01:21:37 Was it hard giving your trust to someone else to do your programming? Was it hard letting go? Yeah, it was really hard. It was really hard because, you know, I grew up in the kind of trust no one kind of first rule in my life and it was hard to to to give my fitness to someone and to trust him at 100% but it took me a few times to give my trust like really at 100% but now yeah i know i can really trust him and it works hey that you did you say your first rule of life was trust no one yeah holy shit yeah how did how did you get that rule that sounds like such a hard rule oh you know uh you know i worked in the horses world like basically uh i saw when i was young i i saw what what human are capable of so you know
Starting point is 01:22:37 yeah i trust no one you saw in the horse world? Yeah. You know, it's a wonderful sport. I love this sport and it's a passion. But rich people are disgusting in this world, really. Explain. Talk to me a little bit meaning the um there's an entitlement because they have so much money that they can do anything and treat anyone the way they want yeah yeah yes it's money it's all about money you know and whatever the people whatever the horses sometimes it's just money and you and you were treated badly
Starting point is 01:23:29 yeah of course yeah of course but I was young so I did not realize it was it wasn't correct you know I was passionate it I had only one goal and I just realized few years later I was like yeah, maybe these people did not act like they were supposed to because I was young, but yeah, it's just life's lesson, you know? Hey, I have this, do you believe in God? Yeah, I do. You do. I had this, I was listening to this guy talk one time, and he said that God will give you everything you want.
Starting point is 01:24:31 If you resent rich people, then God will make sure you don't get rich because he won't – God doesn't want you to become something that you don't like. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Because there's these people. Someone might drive by in a really nice car, and some people might resent them for it. Fuck that guy. He got a lamborghini right do you ever think that do you well let me let me ask you do you think it's all rich people are bad no not all okay okay no of course not there's got to be a lot a ton of very generous rich people yeah yes luckily would you like to be rich no no how why not i don't know i i'm someone like when i have a lot of money when it's a good period about money i used to donate sometimes you know uh I was so many times in the red zone in my bank accounts you know I I had some very bad periods like everybody and now I have this this
Starting point is 01:25:37 limit inside of me like if I feel that I am too much comfortable with my money I need to invest in something I need to donate my money. I need to invest in something. I need to donate to an association. I need to help friends. I need to give to my family. And yeah, I'm sometimes maybe too much generous about this. Yeah. B.J. Penn, 1989.
Starting point is 01:26:02 Mano Anganese, my new favorite athlete. Thank you. That was easy. Hey, do you feel like you're a pretty real person? Like you're pretty, like... If I'm real? Yeah, like you bring it, like... Authentic.
Starting point is 01:26:20 Authentic is maybe the word. Hell yeah, I'm 100% authentic. Maybe too much. I'm sometimes, not now because I accepted who I am like a few months ago, a few years ago, but it took me a long time to accept it because like when I have something to say I will say it if I feel that something is not right I will say it and when I have the feeling that people don't act like real with me or I will say it and it doesn't match with a lot of people you know because I'm too much real, too much authentic.
Starting point is 01:27:06 It's interesting because on one hand, you say trust no one at first, but you're obviously also, Mana Anganese is very, makes herself very vulnerable because she's so honest. And so there's kind of these, those, those two kind of live in contrast with each other. Right. Yeah. Most people who wouldn't trust anyone would have their guard up. But there's no sense that you have any guard up when I talk to you. Yeah. But do you really think it's I'm vulnerable because I'm honest? I mean, it could be perceived that way. Right. I don't know. No, I'm not i'm i don't agree with you i disagree okay so so being honest is not being vulnerable no okay well good yeah yeah being honest is not vulnerable do you think that most people would think that Do you think that most people would think that? I'm not in the head of everybody, but I hope people trust in honesty. I hope.
Starting point is 01:28:13 Yeah. Because I think most people are really protective because they don't trust anyone. They're not vulnerable because they don't trust anyone. Do you what i mean like they're guarded yeah yeah we could talk about it for hours not if you freeze like that yeah hey how old were you when you got your first tattoo? Where? On my body, you mean? Yeah. How old were you? It was my ribs. And how old were you? ¿Cuántos años?
Starting point is 01:28:53 I was 18 years old. I couldn't do it before. Wow. It's the limit. It's 18. Oh, here. Sevan, will you please ask her to say It's the limit. It's 18. Sevan, will you please ask her to say get to the chopper? No, I will not ask her.
Starting point is 01:29:11 Thank you, though. Hey, it was a pleasure meeting you. When do you arrive to Madison? I will arrive the 24th. Oh, okay. So early. And will your parents be watching? My parents gonna watch for sure. My mom gonna be crazy, I think.
Starting point is 01:29:34 Is she coming to the States? No, she's not. No. Watch from home. Yeah, watch from home. Exactly. Yeah. Hey, French, not Spanish. I i know i just wanted to talk some spanish i was just showing off quantos on you just shut it lamar okay hey uh i really um you're cool you are a what a magnetic personality you are you are fucking
Starting point is 01:30:00 you're cool as shit man you are a diamond in the rough i can't wait to uh sorry i cut you off yeah yeah but i i would like to say don't be afraid to talk to me at the games if you see me like it will be a pleasure to chat with you if you're gonna be be there. Okay. Oh, you made me, I got goosebumps a little bit. I will definitely hopefully see you there. I'm excited to meet you. I'm excited to see you perform. And thanks for everything you do. Thanks for just being who you are.
Starting point is 01:30:36 You are a valuable addition to planet Earth. I'm going to have a better day today knowing that there's someone like you walking the planet with me. Thank you. That's a nice compliment today knowing that there's someone like you walking the planet with me. Thank you. That's a nice compliment. I think it's the most beautiful compliment I had this week.
Starting point is 01:30:51 Well, you're cool. All right. Mano Anganese, her first time on the show but not her last, and I look forward to seeing you soon. Okay. Of course. All right, dear. Bye-bye. Ciao. Thank you, Stefan.
Starting point is 01:31:06 Holy shit. Fuck. That was crazy. Oh, shut it, Daniel. Just shut it. Wow. Yeah, and exactly, Tank. I know. 100%. There's no fucking way. What a cool gal. What a fucking handful. Dear God, please don't let any of my boys be as strong-willed as her. Jesus. Oh, yeah. Hey, dude, I'd love to see you and her make a kid. Pool boy. Jesus Christ. What a fucking handle.
Starting point is 01:31:45 Two firecrackers. Yeah. My goodness. Yeah, I feel like I'm blushing. Crazy. She's crazy. She's wild. Her and Caroline.
Starting point is 01:31:59 Powerhouses. I wouldn't say firecrackers. I'd say powerhouses. I feel both of their presence. Oh, pool boy don't care. He don't care. Boyfriend don't care. Pool boy's cool.
Starting point is 01:32:11 He's cool. Oh, shit. You think mono-anginaise is Trish? Man, what a... All these episodes are making it harsh to choose what athlete to root for. I agree. What a fucking mess. Anetse Milano. That's not really you in that picture is it that looks like um you look like selma hayek as a young selma hayek yeah that was crazy she is holy shit that girl brought it
Starting point is 01:32:38 kind of rattled me no it is not vulnerable to be honest i disagree with you i was like oh fuck you should go you go hide excuse me dude i i i can't even believe this i i am detesting talking i hate talking to strangers and that was so easy caroline and mano on ganes caroline caroline lambre god i did it i want to sell and then tonight i have alex gazan she's easy and sahar sahar sahar kai oh no no sahar kai tonight what the fuck? Uh-oh. Schedule change. Let's call Sousa and see what the fuck's going on. Man, that was crazy easy. I cannot believe it.
Starting point is 01:33:34 They talked. Do you see how she talked? She fucking... They both talked. Do you know the balls it must take for that girl to talk as english as her second language hi yo dude yeah she was good oh you heard that uh-huh bro the caroline and uh mono were off the chart yeah they were good they were good yeah they say they saved me i. I'm dreading every morning.
Starting point is 01:34:05 This is the most I've ever dreaded doing the podcast. Why? In case it just gets weird or something? I don't want to talk to strangers. I'm not interested in talking to strangers. Like every day. It's like a lot. I'm interested in like, you know, like if there was a guy shooting heroin in front of the liquor
Starting point is 01:34:25 store i'd be like hey dude what's up what are you doing you know what i mean like that i'm kind of curious but like scheduling it and they come on i have to stare at them while i look at my computer it's like it's a lot yep yep but you're uh you're building repertoire you know my my parent my i had family over in Lebanon growing up, and my parents, my dad would do this shit that I fucking hated. He'd be like, oh, your uncle's on the phone. It's like I never even fucking met him, and I'm seven. Like, I don't want to fucking talk to him.
Starting point is 01:34:55 Is this where this stems from, you think? And I would run and hide. Maybe I fucking, like, fuck you. What are you doing? I don't want to talk to him. That was, like, my life, because we had relatives all over the world it felt like that i never met and they start talking to me in armenian and shit and i'm like fuck you i don't even know what you're saying my mom does that shit all the time at parties like we'll be somewhere mingling she's a social butterfly and she'll be like oh
Starting point is 01:35:19 mac come on over here and meet so and so and you're like okay and then she just like leaves you hanging oh you have to like figure out the rest of the conversation with them in person god mom you know that guy introduced me to over there i could see a bulge in his pants i'm sorry oh he's just joking around yeah that's your uncle buck yeah it's an imaginary Buck. He's going to sleep over tonight too. It's an imaginary bulge. Hey, what happened to – I thought we had Sahar Khai and Matilda Garns both on tonight. Yeah, so did I. And then she messaged us and said, oh, no, I didn't realize the time zone. That's 930 my time. It's too late.
Starting point is 01:36:02 Oh, so they're both gone. They're both gone. Unless Matilda. I mean, I've given them a couple options to reschedule, but at this point, the calendar is pretty full. So I just have Alex Gazan tonight? That's it? Yeah, unless we get a last-minute person
Starting point is 01:36:17 to switch into that spot, which I've offered it out. Did you offer it to Jason Hopper? I have not, but that's a great idea yeah you see who uh texted us back uh no uh colton i see colton uh-huh oh oh yeah yeah okay i see the other one too. Okay. Maybe they'll be able to come in to that slot. Okay. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:36:57 What should I say? For 15 minutes? Yeah. That would be nice. Yeah. Yeah. That would be nice. That would be really sweet, actually actually that would probably warm my belly
Starting point is 01:37:08 well might be in everybody's best interest you know if you want to come on the show for 15 minutes tonight I would love that there we go we got Halpin back on our thread. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:27 He's back in action. There you go. Hey, is Pedro coming on the update show on this Friday? No. Did we invite him? Yes. You invited him last Friday
Starting point is 01:37:44 and he was like, I can't. And then, um, but I already invited, I already invited Tyler, John Young and, um, I don't know who the fuck I invited. I know I invited Tyler and John Young. Was there anyone else? Um, Taylor. Yeah, that's too. So someone had, Oh, Taylor, we could um Taylor yeah that's too so someone had oh Taylor we could push Taylor
Starting point is 01:38:08 Pedro's already on okay tell Taylor he's out Taylor's already got his own show shit uh Pedro are you coming on Friday yeah we gotta let him know
Starting point is 01:38:23 so Taylor is out sorry Taylor Friday. Yeah, we got to let him know. So Taylor is out. Sorry, Taylor. Which? See what? There's this. Just so you guys know, we have this thread and there's like 15 of us just games junkies on it.
Starting point is 01:38:45 Well, not me. I'm in denial. But the others. And so I invite people from that thread to come on to the podcast. And so some people's feelings get hurt when they don't get invited. And last week, Taylor Self's feelings were hurt. He's like, dude, you haven't invited me yet. So then I just invited him. But then I just uninvited him for Pedro.
Starting point is 01:39:11 No, Young doesn't need a break young's good i like looking at his face young could use uh a break no i like having him there he's he's always good he's good he's great i he's a fucking rock star now in my mind yeah he's tried and true look at look at geez louise fucking with us we have a thread too and it has like 60 games junkies fuck you cave castro fuck their feelings cave dastro cave dastro i elisa car redow with the the she would like to put out cigarettes on this is kind of the most romantic thing anyone's ever said to me she wants to sit next to me in the park
Starting point is 01:39:50 and put each other's cigarettes out on each other's feet you're going to cause another fight in the group text I did not cause that other fight it wasn't even a fight it was I don't know what you called it I don't think it was a fight are you at home it was a flexing of it yeah oh uh do you want to just come on or no what are you doing no i'm i'm fucking swamped okay oh just because you're juggling uh you're running a business and
Starting point is 01:40:23 have 80 games athletes are trying to keep on the schedule. Yep. And we have a small business mixer that we're planning that's coming up this Friday evening at 530. And I'm juggling two things for the Hayward Fire Department as well. What the fuck is a small business mixer? It's where we invite all the small businesses from Livermore to come into one room and to be able to network and talk with each other and collaborate. Kind of like an affiliate, but with small businesses in Livermore. You're doing that at your gym?
Starting point is 01:40:55 No, it's at a place called Almost Famous. It's like an event center. You organize that? It's like an event center. You organize that? Yeah, with two other people from that, through the Grapevine podcast, where we interview small business owners in Livermore and get this. We got a small amount of funding from the city to do it. You're like a real adult.
Starting point is 01:41:19 I forget sometimes that you're a real adult. I just assume everyone's like me, just fucking winging it. Yeah, we've already sold 50 tickets and we have over $2,000 in raffle prizes. And we have another dozen or so small businesses attending. Yeah, that's fucked, dude. You're the real deal. Hey, listen to this assessment by Cave Dastro. Young is a three that makes the sixes look like – John Young is a three that makes the sixes look like nines. So he's speculating that I keep John around to make myself look good.
Starting point is 01:41:56 That's not true. That's not true at all. But I – that's not true. But it's an interesting assessment. don't think john's a 10 what are you talking about yeah john's good john's good people he's been crushing it oh maybe i say um uh uh I just added more to that text thread. That's good.
Starting point is 01:42:42 That's good. I didn't want to make it seem like it's all about me. Hey, what about – originally we talked and you didn't want Saturdays scheduled. Is there – like do we want to potentially open that Saturday slot back up now that a lot of these slots are filled? Maybe, but – Okay. Let me just say – sorry. I know that's not the answer you want. You want a yes or a no.
Starting point is 01:43:12 Sahar Khai, she's from Turkey, right? Yeah. That was going to be huge for me because I'm Armenian, and I'm not supposed to like Turkish people. That was going to be like – that was going to be a deep show. It would be nice to get her on and like for me to – it could help me heal some wounds that were instilled in me as a child too you know that's part of the whole black man identity that i have i'm serious i'm dead serious i was we're taught that the turks are bad just like the blacks are taught that white's bad i mean i live in a parallel universe i am i am i live in that universe and i have to what i want i want to be liberated from it and i thought that that could be part of my healing process talk to sahir we should clip this in that
Starting point is 01:43:58 portion to her so she knows the importance of it here yeah it's for me i want to be able to walk into a store and not feel like someone thinks i'm going to steal something that's going to take that's going to take a lot i want to stop blaming turkish people hey what about uh is there any possibility of of going highly earlier and start 5 45 i'm on a roll don't ruin it suza Sousa. You're trying to do all on all. Goddamn, Sousa. Jethro said, have Spiegel and Woolly on. They hate you too.
Starting point is 01:44:32 The thing is, Sahar Kai doesn't really hate me and I don't really hate her. I was programmed. That's why I need her on because it's something that we can overcome. Yeah, look at... Oh, look. armenian holocaust makes you a jew and black man adjacent yeah i'm adjacent fuck that the black people and the jews are adjacent to me fuck that i ain't adjacent to them and jason no one definitely not jason hopper hey
Starting point is 01:45:00 what do you want to know about 545? What? Huh? Is that a possibility? Or is that too early for you? Because I'm just thinking a lot of these people are just from like Chicago time or East Coast time. And so that 7 o'clock slot we ran into has just been an issue because it's either like 10.15 for them or 9.15 for them.
Starting point is 01:45:21 I don't know. I got kid shit. Yeah. No, totally. I'm just throwing out ideas out there. Right. You're trying to help me like, hey, it's only two weeks a year. Prioritize some of these athletes ahead of your kids.
Starting point is 01:45:34 I get it. I'm trying to. It's not even that I'm – I just want to spend time. I just – like I'm going to go. There's a kid. He's the second best kid, second or third best kid, third best kid probably between – in a 100-mile radius of here at skateboarding. And he's going to be at the skate – and he's only six months older than Avi. He's going to be at the skate park today at 930 for three hours. And I can't wait to go there.
Starting point is 01:46:07 Yeah, that'll be fun. Yeah, and he loves Avi, and Avi loves him. And so they're going to just tear shit up. Hey, when did you guys start doing the street skating? Oh, just one of the instructors was like, hey, let's start skating in high school. Yeah, I love that. That was the shit I did did we used to make fun of the bird skaters yeah rightfully so it's so it's so it's so pussified for such a hard sport it's like it's like saying you're a um it's like saying you're a uh um i don't know. You're a marksman and then you go to the dude's house and he only shoots
Starting point is 01:46:48 what are those balls called? Airsoft? Yeah, like airsoft. What are the ones that they used to use when we were kids and you shoot the balls and they explode on you and they turn colors? Paintball. Paintball, yeah. I'm a marksman. Come to my house and look at my collection of guns and find artillery.
Starting point is 01:47:09 And then you go there and he's got a fucking paintball gun collection. Yeah. Yeah. It's like all the dudes that dress up and all the like tactical gear, but you find out they've never been in the military. They just play airsoft on the weekends. Yeah. But they have like all the same shit Dave has.
Starting point is 01:47:29 There's not an element of getting kicked out of where you're skating are you really skating? yeah yeah I think that's fair you don't have some poor old lady come out of her small business and be like you boys are ruining my handrail and you got these that are like fuck you
Starting point is 01:47:45 call the cops we don't care you know there's a synergy between um uh you you get you get good skaters together and there's a synergy there that you just can't get it's crazy it's crazy and you want to know something uh in the other in this um this kid his mom's kind of obsessed too. It's funny. All the moms and dads that are obsessed, we all kind of sit there together. And they got a little umbrella that I just bought from Amazon for $20, and I set it up so I can sit underneath it and get protection from the sun. And I didn't tell you this. I met a guy yesterday at the point.
Starting point is 01:48:20 A guy ran up to me and said, hey, I listen to your podcast. I'm from Colorado or something. Oh, really? Yeah, and I said, oh, cool. Nice to meet you and then he said can we can i buy you a cup of coffee i said tomorrow so i think he's gonna bring me a cup of coffee to the skate park i'm living like a king damn yeah that's big time that's big time yeah that's a coffee delivered delivered. Did they write back in any of those threads? I'll gladly come on. Even more gladly with Shafts Taylor.
Starting point is 01:48:58 No, he didn't write back, did he? Yeah. Oh, I don't have the text yet. Jake Chapman Seveve would you marry fucker kill wilma from scooby-doo jessica rabbit or the woman from jurassic park i don't know who the woman from jurassic park is but uh jessica rabbit man she is something else hold on i'm looking at my phone no i don't see a response i don't see a response in the big threat oh oh oh oh oh oh oh sorry i thought you're talking about the other threat
Starting point is 01:49:35 no no no no so what's happening so so taylor oh i'll gladly come on even more gladly if it's chef's taylor Oh, perfect. Okay. Poor Taylor. Yeah, I just figured we want to just keep him in the loop because that's going to be fucking early in the morning for him. Or really late at night. He's in no man's zone. Right. Ireland. Oh, yeah. Thank you, Eric eric for reminding me to promote the 50 50 blend
Starting point is 01:50:08 there you go the ceo from paper street coffee medium roast 50 50 blend god their new bags are great you probably don't know because he hasn't sent you any right use code word seven and get some sort of discount hey did we ever get the qr code for um what's the company uh the thing i shoot in my arm every night before I go to bed? Peptides. Did we ever get the QR code for that? No. Negative. But I don't even know why that other one stopped working. That was really odd.
Starting point is 01:51:00 Man, do I have some funny stuff to tell you. The QR code generator. Okay, so the questions are, Man, do I have some funny stuff to tell you. B-Q-R-K-Z-N-R-A-N. Okay, so the questions are, maybe we'll get someone tonight after Alex Kazan, but if not, that's cool too. Alex is great. Yeah. More than enough.
Starting point is 01:51:16 And then, and then, you were wondering who we should put in Saturday. I was thinking about inviting Greg back on again. Yeah. And then you were wondering who we should put in Saturday. I was thinking about inviting Greg back on again. Yeah. At this point, we're just running out of time slots. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:51:32 So maybe we have to put someone in there. Okay. If you put someone in there, you put someone in there. It is what it is. Okay. And then on Wednesday, tomorrow is Rebecca Vinnison, Bronislavski. Does that Bron dude speak English? I guess we'll find out.
Starting point is 01:51:48 Yeah, yeah. They said yes. So we asked all of them beforehand. And then in the evening we have Christine Kohlenbrander. Yes.
Starting point is 01:52:03 And then on Thursday we have Spencer and Jelly wow Thursday's crazy oh I'm excited for Friday god there's so I Ariel Lohan and Shelby Neal that's going to be fun too did we get Colton scheduled uh he hasn't got back to us yet. And he was the one I was thinking about when I was thinking about Saturday. He'd be great Saturday. That would be fun for me. And there's a couple of them that are like shifting around a little bit. I'm just like, no, you guys just need to stay put.
Starting point is 01:52:43 Stay in your time slot. All right. Yeah yeah colton would be great for me that um uh yeah that'll be great oh sydney wells i think i uh i reached out to sydney wells yeah there's these camp there's these people that i just can't get in touch with like um um There's these people that I just can't get in touch with. Pretty much anyone over there at Proven. Well, I guess that's not true. The Panchic guy.
Starting point is 01:53:19 Spencer's with Proven. Let's see. Yeah, he's good. Oh oh yeah i i sent uh sydney dm but god what the how the fuck is she supposed to see a dm her dms must be crazy Oh, yeah, we have Will Moore add-on. Good, good, good, good guess. Mm-hmm. Paige Semenza. Oh, good.
Starting point is 01:53:59 Paige Powers. Emily Rolfe. Jay Crouch. Olivia Kerstetter. No, Patrick, I think it's Seher Kai. hours emily rolf jay crouch olivia kerstetter no i think uh patrick i think um is sahar sahar kai still good for tonight no i think sahar and matilda garns first they combined themselves and then they canceled or something it was weird yeah yeah they're not I don't don't think that they are
Starting point is 01:54:28 no one shadow banning me everyone's cool no one no one listen no one feel it should feel obligated to come on here at all I'm just joking good for the people who are focused and want to keep fucking keep their head down I'm
Starting point is 01:54:44 fucking all about it keep your fucking head down don't come on but and want to keep fucking keep their head down. I'm fucking all about it. Keep your fucking head down. Don't come on, but you want to come on. You want to play. You want to talk. I'm I'm totally game. I want to use this platform to love on people and exalt them and hold them up. I hope everyone who comes on here feels that they leave with added value. They leave with added value. You know, that's it. And if they don't want to come on, no one should feel any pressure, nothing. I love you still.
Starting point is 01:55:15 Good luck to Sydney, to Katrin, Noah, Chandler, whoever we haven't heard back from. I'm stoked. I can't wait to see all you guys compete. It's going to be dope. It's going to be absolutely amazing. We don't have anything scheduled with Dave in the recent, do we?
Starting point is 01:55:37 No, Dave. I can't get Dave on. Yeah, Dave. I hope the best for Dave. The game turns out great. I hope Adrian has an amazing time. Maybe I should just try to invite Don on before the games. Oh, I should let Dave know that Don had a fucking last night. Fucking Adam loved Don.
Starting point is 01:56:01 Should I text Don or Dave? I'll text Dave. I don't bug Don. Too insecure to text Don directly. Dave, last night's show with Knifer, CrossFit Vancouver, was another great night for Don. Adam gave Don a handy. Scent.
Starting point is 01:56:43 I mean, he did. he loved it yeah hey an endorsement from between zia and adam knifer an endorsement is fucking crazy don should be over the moon yeah especially i would have loved for them to say something crazy like don dropped the deuce in the toilet and didn't flush or something you know what i mean don i i cleaned the bathroom and then don went in and i went in right after him and there was pee all over the toilet seat nothing he spit on the floor during a workout nothing we got nothing as long as he cleaned it up it's okay if you spit you don't clean it up that's a problem that's a problem uh mike uh pool boy serious question did you legit reach out to spiegel yeah i do i did that would take balls and and be honestly an amazing tense interview between
Starting point is 01:57:31 you two it would not to be honest with you it would not be tense i mean the first one second would be tense and then it would it would not be tense uh i'll message her again i would love to have her on although it's kind of it – she didn't make it to the games. Oh, holy shit. Oh, you know what's crazy? I've never seen this before. First of all, I have no DMs to her. I thought for – maybe this is the wrong account I'm DMing.
Starting point is 01:58:02 I know I've DMed her before. Our DMs are empty. Have you ever seen – I went to message her, and at the bottom it said I'm open to collaborate. This creator is open to collaborations. I've never seen that I'm able to collaborate with anybody. Well, they might have blocked your account. What? They might have blocked your account.
Starting point is 01:58:22 Yeah, they don't offer me that feature. Danny, let's see. I know I've invited her on before. Maybe it was my old account. Danny, hi. Danny, I would love to have you on my podcast. Oh, sorry, our podcast. I was the one that messaged her originally oh okay and she came she came back all hot-headed and then i just wrote back like i understand thank you you're always welcome you
Starting point is 01:58:55 want to say you want to see this is a great way to end the show you want to see something crazy did you see what wad zombie posted with her the other day yeah i did but that was just like somebody else's account right yeah and i saw i actually found that account did you ever see the original post it is something else no but that's uh some pretty intimate stuff there. Yeah. Zoom in. It is intimate. Let me see if I can find it.
Starting point is 01:59:34 It's like fantasy fit. Is it fantasy fitness? It's a trip. It's a, it's the, it's a weird Instagram site to believe, to tell you the truth. I didn't follow it. It's a little much site, to tell you the truth. I didn't follow it. It's a little much for me.
Starting point is 01:59:45 Fantasy Fitness. Fantasy. Nope, not that. Fantasy Fitness TX. Fantasy Fitness Studio. Oh, I just understood that the name – what is it? damn I thought I was texting with someone last night who sent me to that original account
Starting point is 02:00:41 I really want to show you guys this video it's really cool was she at a bikini contest? sent me to that original account. I really want to show you guys this video. It's really cool. I think she went to like a was she at a bikini contest? I don't know what the fuck that was. Some sort of fashion show or something? I think it was a bikini contest in Man, I can't find the thread.
Starting point is 02:01:00 I think she was at a bikini contest in Miami. Can someone tell me what the instagram account oh flash fitness flash fitness thank you is that what it is flash fitness is that what it is flash flash i still don't see it Flash. Flash. I still don't see it.
Starting point is 02:01:30 Just go to WOD Zombies and then just click the link from there. It's Flash what? Oh, Thank you. Ah. Ah. Oh, that's kind of a weird it says two teen girls that's a little weird oh no there's one below it with the kelly baker fall okay here it is
Starting point is 02:01:54 yeah oh this guy has it pinned yeah this is a weird account yeah this is a bizarre account there's some stuff on here I can't quite get my head wrapped around. I'm a hot girl. I do hot shit. I do anything. You know what's crazy? Wad Zombie's edit, I feel like, is almost even better. I don't even recognize her face in that. What is it?
Starting point is 02:02:22 Is it a contest or some sort of fashion show is there some sort of like her on her or something where you could determine i don't know what are the comments say this is why we should train hard they're not wrong oh what show is this i knew she looked familiar and i follow her now uh she's walking down a runway, hence it's a show. Let me see. This is what show? This is Danny.
Starting point is 02:02:53 She's a CrossFit. Obviously, you can tell this is either a fashion show or a fitness show. The top's crazy. the top's crazy anyway wad zombie um did a uh wad zombie did an amazing edit of it from ferris bueller dude she looks like she's been walking the girl fucking knows how to move man i guess that makes sense right yeah i guess you could be a great crossfitter though and still be a fucking goofball on the runway she looks fucking great uh jeffrey birchfield's fashion show oh
Starting point is 02:03:32 oh uh mike pool boy uh annual porn hub awards Jesus Oh it's a Oh it's a Miami swimsuit show Like swimsuit suit contest Or like you can buy that You're trying to sell that Trying to sell that bathing suit Man she is something else What a specimen
Starting point is 02:04:06 alright that's good to end the show with the beautiful Danny Spiegel we will talk to you guys soon tonight Mr. Susan thanks for joining me sort of I'll give you a call
Starting point is 02:04:26 in a little bit okay, bye guys, thank you oh, it's called swim week thank you, Patrick off to the skate park thanks, guys
Starting point is 02:04:42 I will see you guys this evening get a good workout in today love you guys, fun show awesome, good workout in today. Love you guys. Fun show. Awesome. Thank you to Mano Anganez. You were wonderful. And Caroline Lambre
Starting point is 02:04:51 loved hanging with you. All right, guys. Bye-bye.

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