The Sevan Podcast - Charlie Lawrence Greatness! | 50 Mile WORLD RECORD holder -

Episode Date: December 30, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:19 you have blue light blocking ones oh business business here we go if you want to be a member and you and you want to join you're on the app um on the youtube app you can't it's gonna have to take you over to the browser the browser yo charlie gentlemen what's up what's up bro not too much holy shit shit. There he is. He's real. Charlie. I am real. In the building.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Are you in the Bay Area? No, I live in Boulder, Colorado, actually. Okay. Do you come to the Bay Area a lot? No, not really. Last time I was in the Bay Area was college. So 2017, I think. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:08 I watched a whole handful of YouTube videos, and I had picked up that you trained for sure there in Boulder. But then for some reason, I was getting the impression that you lived in Silicon Valley. No, sir. No, maybe one day when I retire. We'll see. I don't know. It's gorgeous there. So I fell in love the first time I was there ever at Stanford Racing in college.
Starting point is 00:02:34 This is a live show. It could get quite cantankerous. I'm here for it. I'm here for it all. Fucking A. All right, here we go. How old are you charlie i'm 28 holy cow dude you are ageless how is someone who's putting your body through what
Starting point is 00:02:52 you're putting it through looks so young i cannot believe it i thought you were gonna say like 20 uh genetics i that's probably uh my dad my dad's 60 he's gonna kill me if i don't know his age 65 he looks like he's 40 so hopefully i I, I trend that, that direction. And, and, um, and do you have siblings? I have one younger sister.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Yeah. So she's, she's 26. She looks her age though. Hey, is this, so this is starting to make a little more sense. She looks her age.
Starting point is 00:03:17 She's going to kill you. Hey, she will. That's a shot. So, so you're a veteran. So it's, it's crazy. Okay. so i watched some youtube videos of
Starting point is 00:03:27 you like running in college and did you run cross country in college is that what i saw i did cross country and track yeah for the gophers so okay and then i guess i didn't i guess i didn't do the the simple math but i just assumed i was like wow this guy's just an overnight sensation but you are a legitimate veteran of the sport is 28 years old senior for what you're doing at the level yes and no i mean this is coming to the end of my fifth year running professionally you know prior to that i was running competitively at the divisional level for five years and then i'd say i was pretty competitive too all the way through you know high school but you're not doing you're doing training we're not doing real training so i've been at this at a super super high level it's considered d1 pretty high level for
Starting point is 00:04:08 really 10 years now so um really kind of the prime marathon age and is about 28 to 34 35 so i'm just kind of getting into that hopefully prime really in my career so and is that what you call yourself a marathoner marathoner now i guess you can probably call myself i can probably call myself an ultra marathoner you know break in uh there's my world record but yeah i still think uh to be good at like the ultra stuff i need to kind of be a marathoner first so because that's helps with the speed and all that in my opinion charlie tell me so tell me what is a marathoner i don't even know what a marathoner is what is a marathoner? I don't even know what a marathoner is. What's a marathoner? I'd say anyone that's run 26.2 miles does it as a hobby, does it as a job like me.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I don't know. Have you guys done one at all? No. My wife did, and I cheered her on like a motherfucker. You know what I mean? But that was as close as I came to a marathon. Yeah, your wife's a marathoner then. There you go. So that's probably the simplest definition if you've done and completed a marathon.
Starting point is 00:05:07 So obviously some do it faster than others. Some do it for fun. Some do it to try to rip other people's heads off like me. So it's however you want to slice and dice it. Just run the distance. But you do it occupationally, meaning you put bread on the table. You pay your car payment with it. And so your body is the
Starting point is 00:05:27 machine that's doing the work you you you're like this living embodiment of the machine that is the full-time marathoner that's what makes my money yeah it's uh it's going to running fast so and and putting the miles doing the work so take take me back as early as you can remember your first ever uh running your first ever like hey i'm running look at me i'm running so so this is actually a pretty easy because i've told this quite a bit um when i so i grew up in a small town in central minnesota um in a family of coaches my dad was a football coach a varsity football coach my mom was a varsity cross-country coach my dad also coached track so they were like obviously same household like everyone knew them to the coaches but they ended up getting divorced when i was in first grade towards the
Starting point is 00:06:12 end of first grade so normal normal totally normal yep so then the fall when i'm in second grade um i had two options it was either go to cross country practice with my mom or go to daycare and i was always just like a super active kid like pretty competitive um definitely a hothead spastic i'm like no i'm gonna go to cross country practice and try to beat up on these junior high kids so the first day of practice i'm in second grade they're seventh and eighth graders and they do this time trial it's like a it's an 800 meter loop kind of around uh the back like football fields the softball fields baseball fields um it's roughly a mile two laps like all right we're gonna do this like time trial and my mom's like
Starting point is 00:06:49 you want to do it i'm like f it sure we'll see what we can do um went white like full stick you put your cigarette out you put your cigarette out on the bottom on some other kids back and you're like fuck it i got this yeah yeah i said mom hold my beer and just like and just literally like as a second grader in seventh and eighth graders and a couple ninth graders out the gate as hard as i could just sprinted did it won by like 30 seconds beat all the seventh and eighth graders as a second grader i'm like all right i'm pretty good at this so um i always just kind of had a knack for it um i did play like, but did play basketball through 10th grade. How important was that, Charlie? Did you get like looks from 7th, 8th, and 9th graders and girls that you think left a forever imprint on you?
Starting point is 00:07:34 Like, wow, that's, I mean, they must have been like, holy shit. You must have gotten some attention for that. Like right in that moment that was insane. Oh, yeah, for sure. And like, you know, these kids are like keeling over after the race. And I'm like, are we doing that again? They're like, no, that was just a one-time trial. I'm like, Oh, I want to beat them again.
Starting point is 00:07:47 So, um, yeah, definitely left an impression. This, the junior high kids definitely hated me. Cause I would just like, truthfully, I just try to show up most days and try to like, just race them, which is not the point of practice. Like most days you're trying to be pretty chill. And then, um, you know, I was also the kid too, where it's like, if they're doing a track workout and I'm in second grade, I'd like take the first rep and burn them then like wait don't like wait a rep or two they go the next rep and burn them again just like make
Starting point is 00:08:12 sure i keep burning them but yeah it was just all kind of fun i'm competitive um and they honestly they hated it so i was i was pretty arrogant pretty cocky um even as a second grader so why do you think why do you think you were good at running uh i mean going back to genetics too i mean this really honestly goes back to i think my dad mostly i mean my mom was a pretty good recreational runner she's run under three hours for the marathon um my dad was a division two all-american football he was a cornerback had a short stint with the minnesota vikings as well so just a freak athlete can jump out of the gym um he ran track in high school before going to play college ball. Um,
Starting point is 00:08:46 yeah, it was like a under two minute, 800 meter runner. Um, heck of just an athlete. So I, uh, I think I got a lot of that from him and he's just,
Starting point is 00:08:55 he's has a lot of quiet confidence about him, but he was like, when he talks about his time, like whether it's being an all American, you know, leading the, he still has like the school record in tackles. I believe really she did. Um, you you know he kind of has this quiet confidence bottom
Starting point is 00:09:08 like he was a dog so um i think i got a lot of that that ability just just from him and obviously growing up with going to meets even as like an infant um or you know it's a couple years old remembering going those cross-country meets or track meets um definitely just kind of carried me through and saw how they they coached their athletes and how competitive they were and i think that was ingrained in me from early age how tall are you um 5'10 the girls ask them six foot but and how much do you weigh uh about 137 to 140 so right around there and what's the most you've ever weighed in your life uh but 148 that's the most you've ever weighed yeah that was uh that was two weeks off after nationals um pretty much consumed my at least half my body
Starting point is 00:09:53 weight in alcohol over those two weeks so oh yeah that's fact i'm pretty quick hey and do you know the least you as an adult is 137 like the least least you've ever weighed? Uh, I was 131 at one point. This is a 2019. That was too small. That that's, that is insane, dude. Uh, five 10. So you are, I'm trying to think, is that the most felt athletes in the, in the athlete kingdom?
Starting point is 00:10:24 Good question. I don't know i'd i mean as a runner like i'm actually like i'm pretty muscular for a lot of runners i'd say so um yeah that was i'm probably 140 there maybe one yeah probably under a little under 140 but those are the boys up in uh that's in uh like superior right there there. So that was a fun weekend. Hey, are those dudes runners? Do those dudes run? They are. So the one on the very far left, that's my best friend Jeff.
Starting point is 00:10:50 He was an 800-meter runner at Minnesota. And then the guy in the middle, Adam, another one of my best friends, he was a kind of cross-country 10K guy. So that was up at Adam's place in Cornucopia, Wisconsin, middle of nowhere. It's just like the town shuts down for one day. It's called Corny Day. And we just – like his parents own a place like on the lake on lake superior so we just wake up they have like a 5k all three of us ran it and ran dust everyone by like five minutes and then we just started drinking all day so that was uh i think that was 2018 so you're having fun i i try
Starting point is 00:11:22 to when i'm uh when i'm locked into a like a segment like i'm right now getting ready for the olympic trials coming up i don't really do much my life's pretty boring now but back then truthfully i was i was training but i wasn't i hadn't signed a pro deal yet so i was i was still working full-time um just kind of training as much as i could on the side i was running over 100 miles a week but not quite as serious as i am now because it wasn't my my straight livelihood is more of a competitive hobby but i do i do try to have fun so when when i can it goes in spurts for sure i'm due for another party day after the trials i'm wondering if that's why you look so young because you are having fun too
Starting point is 00:11:58 it helps for sure i mean i enjoy what i'm doing i mean i get up and my days are i don't say they're easy, but like, I mean, today I ran 18 miles just between two runs and a core session, but like, the rest of us, I'm just chilling, living life. Like I'll look out my window and I see the, you know, foothills and flat irons, like sun's out, life's great. So I get paid to do that. Pretty fortunate. 2023 tunnel run.
Starting point is 00:12:23 You fuck 10 minutes into the show. I'm finally telling you guys what you're, what you're looking at. You, you guys are truly looking at, um, uh, greatness in,
Starting point is 00:12:31 in a couple of ways. Uh, 2023 tunnel run four hours, 48 minutes and 21 seconds. You ran 50 miles and beat the world record, which had previously been set at uh 450 08 you almost beat it by a complete two minutes um is this so the reason why i'm tripping that you're 28 is is this kind of a is this the pinnacle of your career doing this even though like yeah is this the pinnacle i mean
Starting point is 00:13:06 you're you're i have a feeling that you're changing the sport like anytime someone sets a record it kind of brings all this attention and like now you've done it again and like this might be the straw that breaks the camel's back and makes the 50 mile like holy shit the 50 miles a legit race yeah at this point my career 100 i mean i you know before this like the thing to hang my hat on was just i'd qualified for the olympic trials in 2020 i mean i had a great debut in 216 10 my marathon debut wait wait slow down slow down 2020 olympic trials you ran what i ran so in 2018 my marathon debut ran 216 10 um to qualify me for the marathon trials and that got me my first pro deal um wait what does that mean your marathon debut you hadn't run a marathon until 2018 in your life no sir
Starting point is 00:13:52 that was your first one yeah yeah it was my first one holy shit and what so what's the what was that time again one more time 216.10 216.10 what's that average mile pace? 512. Holy. That's stupid. What's the world record? I mean, 430 pace. Two hours, 35 seconds. Calvin Kipton broke that this year. So that's the thing. So hear me out.
Starting point is 00:14:16 That's a good marathon. I qualified from the trials. I did that in 2020. I've also qualified for the trials coming up in 2024. That's actually my next race. So going back to your question, for sure, my biggest accomplishment in my career at this point is the 50 mile world record 100 no doubt like that's far and away um and like i'm a good marathoner but i'm not like i'm not gonna make an olympic team you know like i just won't i can't compete with i'm not gonna
Starting point is 00:14:39 win a global medal in the marathon but if i can win a gold medal at the altered distances in the marathon but if i can win a gold medal at the ultra distances in the 50k in the 50 or in the 100k you know those distances that are um you know do have a world championship race so but those aren't in the olympics they're not no but they do have um annual like world championships or you know biannual so have you met this cat um who had the uh-mile world record before you? Jim? I've actually never met Jim, no. But he's one of the greatest American ultra runners ever. Man, you're in such rarefied air. It's kind of mind-boggling. Hey, at some point when I was listening to an interview, you talk about this running this, you said at the 47 mile mark.
Starting point is 00:15:34 No, no, sorry. At the 42 mile mark, it started getting rough. And you took some you took some ketone gel that you were waiting to take until the 45 mile. Um, that caught me off guard. Uh, ketone isn't aren't key. That's just fat, right? No. So, so, I mean, I hope, hopefully, uh, if there's any scientists listening, they can tell me if I, if I F this up, but, um, ketones are, or I guess it comes from from the keto diet so do you guys know what that is yeah well here's here's what i tell you i know mitochondria are what what animate us and they
Starting point is 00:16:11 burn on two things either glucose or ketones but when i think of ultra marathon runners or just any runners i think of you guys as just sugar junkies and i'm like why isn't he taking glucose why is he taking ketones yeah so for me i stack the So when like, so when you get later in a race or in a marathon or just any sort of long run and you're running low on glycogen stores, your body's going to go into like, Oh shit mode and start producing ketones anyway, just for energy and that focus. Um, cause you start when you're low on glycogen, you're going to lose focus and all that. So I was stacking ketones with my carbs. So one of my, one of my sponsors is HVMN, um, ketone IQ, and it's, it's the best supplement that I take. Um,ones with my carbs. So one of my sponsors is HVMN, Ketone IQ, and it's the best supplement that I take.
Starting point is 00:16:48 It's my favorite supplement that I take. And when you take it, do you notice right away, Charlie? Oh, yeah. I mean, it's like I don't – like I love coffee, but I don't drink – like when I race, I only like have ketone shots as my energy because it helps with one, focus focus and then two it's like especially like the 50 miler i'm not burning through glycogen as fast my heart rate isn't nearly as high as in a marathon or a shorter race so i'm tapping into those those fat stores anyways so that's where this comes in as energy as as a fuel source and um i'm gonna put you on the spot here do you know that through experience or has someone told you that or both?
Starting point is 00:17:26 Like, are you more than just a believer? You're like, hey, dude, I'm not telling you this because I believe it. Oh, yeah. No. So I reached out to them first. This is back in the summer of 22. I reached out to their CEO, Mike Brandt, now a good friend of mine. So I was just, I'm that one percenter guy.
Starting point is 00:17:43 I'll do anything if it's, or try anything. If it, if there's a possibility of, you know, helping you, like I got, I'm looking at different foam rollers, bands. I mean, I have an altitude tent, like you name it, I try it. So I was just, I was curious about the product. And after I started taking, I'm like, oh shit, you feel of anything, you just feel so dialed, you know, cause it does, does cross the blood brain barrier. So it's just like instant focus. Um, it's a great alternative to caffeine or coffee, even though I do love my coffee. Um, and it's great now. Like, and I know how I feel when I'm off it and when I'm not on it, like I don't run without it now. Um, I don't want to say I'm dependent, but I just know I feel a little better on it. So, um, for you, for, uh, uh,
Starting point is 00:18:24 highly tuned machine at what mile does that happen do you think i mean you're you're not in ketosis right like in your day-to-day life like right now you're not in ketosis right or oh no no i mean i i need carbs and i eat eat what i think is an adequate amount of carbs to fuel my training and so um so when does that happen when do you think that happens for you like at what mile is there? You're like, okay, mile 32, uh, uh, fuel systems shifting. Yeah. I mean, in the 50 miler, I think it was probably right around the 40, 42, where I was really
Starting point is 00:18:54 starting to like my glycogen stores were, I was in the red or I was at zero pretty much through like the stores that I had in my body. So it was just like, how can I stay on my feet? So it was like, I wanted to save a gel and I ketone shot till 45. Um, cause there really wasn't any station between roughly, you know, 40 to like 47 ish or 41 to 47. And I was like, I was like, I need to burn this now. Like, cause I am blowing, starting to blow up and I feel it. Um, so I just, you know, I had a, had a gel that I finished finished too and then chased it with the ketone. But there too, it's like I'm still trying to get carbs in even though I'm blowing up and also the ketones to hopefully, you know, have the ketones there within my body and even if I can necessarily create them for energy. Obviously, they're creating them, but it's also just stacks upon on top of that.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Excuse me. At the 47 mile mark, you mentioned that you debated stopping and stretching and then you finally did it you stopped and stretched and i got a ton of questions first is that the first is that the first and only time you stopped in the 50 miler first and only time and it was a dumb internal battle for about for about five miles from about 42 to the time i stopped i'm like because i'm like if you stop, there's no one hell you're gonna be able to start again and pick up at the pace you're doing, you know, like your body's going to shut down and you're not gonna be able to pick your legs up
Starting point is 00:20:11 again. So, um, I'd been thinking about it for really at that point, probably 25, 30 minutes. Um, if I always got the point where it was like, I think I need to do something. Cause I'm really starting to blow up. I knew I had enough time in the bank um i did the math at like 46 something i can run pretty much seven flats and still get it hey real quick so is that a way you test your um uh acuity if you can do you ever like try to do the math and you're like fuck i can't do the math i need ketones is that will that would that be a sign or you can always do the math i can i'm i've been around the sport long enough where i can always do the math fortunately um can, I'm, I've been around the sport long enough where I can always do the math, fortunately. Um, so yeah, so that was never an issue, but honestly, I've never been that late in a race, um, either, and I didn't have an issue.
Starting point is 00:20:51 So maybe the ketones did contribute to that for sure. But yeah, it was just like this big internal battle. And finally, I'm like, there was a time, it's a pretty flat course. Um, but there was a tiny rise, um, that went under a bridge. So we should kind of shoot through this, not really tunnel, but it's like a, it's like a massive culvert you run through. And then it's like no more than like five feet up over 25 yards. But that just like shot my legs right, right at 47.
Starting point is 00:21:16 I'm like, F dude, you got to try something. So just quick stop, like, you know, stop, pulled it back, pulled the other one back. And in my head, I'm just like, fucking go fucking start running again. And I just took off to what I felt was okay. Um, and I was running back under a six minute pace. Um, felt, felt great. Felt like I was about probably a mile 25 to 30 again for about half a mile, but the Mellings kind of felt the same as they did prior, but, um, still again, had enough time to bank and enough, enough to work with. So what does that mean when you, when you're blowing up? Does it start with like the, like you feel something in your calf and then all of a sudden you're like shit and it's creeping up and then it's getting worse and worse. What like would define blowing up for me
Starting point is 00:21:55 for me in that race? Uh, it was just the, the quad fatigue. Um, cause it was again, so it's, it's a double out and back course. So it's a roughly 13 miles South, 13 miles back to the finish or to the, to the start, you go past the finish. Then it's a gradual, like 10 mile uphill the entire way. So I'm already like the farthest distance I've done in training in one like session is 28. My largest day was 35 miles. So like, I knew I could maintain before that race. You've never run more was 35 miles so like i knew i could maintain a second before that race
Starting point is 00:22:25 you've never run more than 35 miles straight no so the farthest i'd run prior was only like straight was uh was uh 50k so 31 miles straight in your whole life in my whole life yeah but this is your first 50 miler you broke this is my first this is my first 50 miler yeah yeah beast okay sorry back to the legs blowing up sorry yeah so so it's like so i'm in uncharted territory right so um i just i knew i could hold it for at least 35 to 40 then i'm like that's the unknown like i don't know beyond that um and the thing too it's like from like 30 to 40 you're going uphill it's nothing crazy but it's just a gradual incline and i already have 30 miles on my legs so i'm trying to like keep pace and then you then you hit the turnaround and essentially you know eight
Starting point is 00:23:13 ish nine miles back down um but things you put in so much work for 40 miles their quads are just shot so now i'm like essentially loading them again it's like it's a great like fully fresh i could rip i could run that 10 miles at under a five minute average because it's it's about a perfect decline but like crazy but at this point i'm just smashing my quads like every step it just hurts um so like that was me blowing up was my quads i'm just not getting any power from them um probably after about really 45 to 47 i just feel like i'm just picking up putting them down i'm not actually like really putting power into the ground and really moving forward so hey do you know hunter mcintyre i don't okay why does the name sound familiar though i think he gave me your name he's a runner
Starting point is 00:24:01 he he's he um he's the high rocks guy he's's just the big – Caleb will show you a picture of him. He's just this big, massive man who shouldn't be running, and he just keeps setting the world record at High Rocks. Okay, yeah, yeah. But he put me in touch with – he basically – he comes on the show regularly, and he's like, dude, you've got to get Charlie Lawrence on. Oh, yeah, okay, yeah. I've seen his page.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Hey, dude, High Rocks people are wild this guy's this guy's wild as shit this guy's a human tornado yeah he's so fun and you know what he kind of reminds me of you he's in he's all he's in a good mood too he's like he's up he he's up he's up like you um so so you when you cross the finish line, you look like you're in perfect condition to me, and then two steps later, you turn into an 85-year-old man. You start shuffling. Actually, before I go there – sorry, Caleb. Sorry. Good timing, Caleb. Before you go there, how do you know if you really need to stretch or it's your body mind playing tricks on you that it's as an excuse to stop how do you know it's not just the boogeyman you know when you're a little kid and it's like look under the bed look under the bed and you're like motherfucker there's no one under the bed but then you still get out of bed and look under the bed yep like i already
Starting point is 00:25:15 checked three times before i went to bed how do you know it's not that i didn't so that that was you don't even know you can't even tell you're, are you the boogeyman or you really need to stop? Yeah. That was the one gamble. But truthfully, like, I think I could have kept going. Like, I don't, I don't question myself a hundred percent comment. I could have kept rolling, but it was just like, how can I feel better to really like, make sure I put this record away and not have to like see the clock and be like rigging and trying to get there. You know like i i was pretty like you know confident checking my watch like that that i had it you know so that was like the one gamble that i just didn't want to have any possibility of like seeing the time slip so it
Starting point is 00:25:54 has some running towards it so um yeah i didn't truthfully i didn't know it was just kind of a a guess you know when when you talked about your dad you clearly got your dad is a man of a great self-confidence swagger belief and you said that before you ran the race even though you'd never run more than 35 miles that you went out there to set the world record like not to not you knew you did it like even before the race you were like okay i'm gonna set the world record today damn right yeah no that would have been a waste of a trip a waste of a run if i didn't get it in my opinion so did anyone else know did you tell anyone you were going there to break the record oh yeah no i had as soon as i uh signed up for the race and everything emailed steve durbin the
Starting point is 00:26:37 race director um let him know um kind of let let my agent know like i've been talking about for two years too so i guess we'll go way back i'm coming to your house i'm taking your girl yeah and uh and leave the keys in the car i'm leaving in your car yeah it's crazy dude yeah i'm pulling up yeah so like i mean so two years prior i paced my friend des she's 2018 boston marathon champion to the 50k world record that was my that was the first time i was in my head so i paced her at 547 paced. What does that mean? She, she was setting the world record and you were like one of the people who ran portions with her. Yep. So I ran the entire time with her, like every second, every second. Um, just paced her as like, as a long run. So in my head, so I, we got it done.
Starting point is 00:27:17 She did it 547 pace. And in my head, I'm like, that was pretty damn easy. I think I could do it, do the space for 19 more miles. Cause that's one second faster than the current world record at five 48 pace. So it was already in my head for, for a few years. Um, had verbose like kind of late, like late in 21. Then I really wanted to go for it in 2022, but I was injured off 2022. So I couldn't do it. Um, but like the entire time, like my girlfriend had known my family had known, um, lots of close friends had known like old, old teammates had known. So, um, yeah, it of close friends had known like old, old teammates had known. So, um, yeah, it was no secret that that was the, that was the mission and goal. Um, you were injured for a year.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Do you, um, bunch of questions around that. Um, how did you get through that? And do you think the goal to set the world record for 50 mile was part of what got you through it? How did, how did someone like you get through a year of injury? That sounds like insanity for you 100 i mean it was miserable like i was so the goal like going into 2022 was to try to win the 50k championship so that was slated to be okay that was that was slated to be february of 22 um came out with a grade four
Starting point is 00:28:19 sacral stress fracture that january of 22 um and like i felt it right away probably is like a a stress reaction, but of course I'm, I'm a month out from the 50 K championships. I keep doing workouts on it. It gradually gets worse and worse. Like they got to the point where I'm, I'm popping four leaves, rubbing Volterra on it, wait for that to sink in. And then just going and running like as much as I couldn't like the faster I went, the less it hurt. So, um, I've actually, I, I've actually cracked it straight through. So, so for me, um, Time out, time out, uh, Caleb, uh, what is a sacral stress fracture?
Starting point is 00:28:51 Isn't your sacral like where your butthole is? Pretty. I mean, it's like the lower back area, but pretty damn close. Yeah. Is there something there called the coxus? That's like, that's like underneath it. I wish you would have stressed your butthole. I wish you would have smashed your coxas. It would have been funner to say. Sacral sounds like something only girls have.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Yep. I got one of those. So I cracked that straight through. How the fuck, dude? Is that just not from eating that right? Is that from just being 137 pounds? I was 100% under fueling and overtraining. Yeah, not intentionally, but it's just like I was a hundred percent under fueling and over training yet. Not, not intentionally,
Starting point is 00:29:25 but it's just like, I was on that line for too long, you know? And it just eventually just, you split it like this, like down the middle. Yeah. Here it is.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Let me see. Sometimes I think my penis does that to people. Oh, not cool. That's crazy. Sam. Oh, sacred.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Oh, someone says it's called the, it's called sacral because it's the sacred hole is that true this guy's name is standy standy room only so I don't know if that's true definitely I don't know if you can but that's that's the crack straight through damn that looks like something the Hubble telescope took a photo of yeah it was uh I spent way too much time in the MRI machine in 22. So I pretty much funded Boulder Health Images that year. How did it get – were they close enough together where you just chill and they come back together?
Starting point is 00:30:16 Yeah, so I mean it was just – I just couldn't run. It was just cross-training. So kind of getting back to your question was like for me in the back of my head, it's like I want to win this 50K title. I want to go get this 50 mile world record at some point um but it's like you know how do i get there so it's like i need i can't run so i need to cross train so like a lot of time in the pool a lot of time with trainer when the summer rolled around in 22 i went and bought spent way too much money on a nice road bike um but it was just enough to keep me interested in cross training and for me it was
Starting point is 00:30:44 just like if my minimum every day was three hours, let's put it that way. And for me mentally, I was like, okay, like three hours in the pool. If you're going to break the 50 mile world record, that's four hours and 50 minutes or 40 hours, excuse me, four hours and 40 minutes of running and change. So a three hour bike ride shouldn't bother you or three hours in the pool. That's nothing. Cause you're gonna be running for a lot longer than that so or like a six-hour ride shouldn't
Starting point is 00:31:09 bother you whatsoever you know so yeah a lot of times the uh vikings for pussies they're sitting down pool carries how much how much weight how much uh weight is displaced by water is it like 80 of your weight i mean you don't even weigh shit in a pool, right? I don't know. Like I'm, I was thinking though. So even when I'm aqua jogging, like I had the belt on and stuff. I do not understand how that thing healed. I don't cracking that thing. Is that a common, is that common? It's sort of common. I mean, it's like,
Starting point is 00:31:43 I know at least four or five other runners that have had it um so it's relatively common i guess but it's like you know you're training really hard and probably under fueling if you f that up because most things you're gonna have like uh your metatarsals or you know your tibia um like when it works its way up especially like in that area like you're you fucked it up pretty bad. So, um, and again, like me, like I felt it right away, but I just kept training. I did, you know, like I did a 25 miler on it, you know, like a 15 by one K repeats on it, you know, like it just cracked it through.
Starting point is 00:32:19 So, um, is there some, um, uh, supplement or something you're taking? Like, do you eat like three great white sharks a year now to make sure, like, is there some, um, uh, supplement or something you're taking? Like, do you eat like three great white sharks a year now to make sure like, is there some like, you know what I mean? Like shark marrow or some magical fruit from the Amazon you're eating to fix that shit. I mean, for me, the biggest thing was just making sure I'm getting enough, like enough calories. And then like, I wasn't on a calcium supplement. I'm now on a calcium supplement.
Starting point is 00:32:42 I didn't take calcium before because I was also on an iron supplement and i don't want the calcium to interfere with my iron absorption so living at altitude and sleeping in altitude 10 at the time wanted to make sure i was on top of that um iron so it makes for producing enough red blood cells charlie lawrence 28 years old looks 14 but bones of a 60 year old dude yeah i felt i felt like i'm not kidding like i legit could have used the cane for about three weeks when i happened like i i was walking around like walking on my condo just like i couldn't put weight on it i couldn't get out of bed like i couldn't roll over in bed um yeah i was miserable uh any any chance you thought about um retiring at that point no no i mean i was like you still I'm like, you can come back.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Like there was never a doubt in my mind that I could like come back from it. Truthfully. There were, I don't say dark days, but it was like, I just broke down. It's like one day at a time. Just go get three hours, like in the pool or three hours on the bike. Or if it's that miserable, go do two hours in two hours. And spend another hour in the gym, know lifting just get strong rebuild um just stay aerobically fit enough to like make running easy when you are able to get back to running so
Starting point is 00:33:51 and then that was another frustrating thing too because it takes forever to get your legs back underneath you even at even though you aren't running and stuff so because biking is bike fitness is so much different and swim fitness is so much different than run fit so hey um uh we we the community we come spends a lot of time on the assault bike right i love the assault bike you do like the assault bike i mean i don't do it often but what one of my one of my really good friends eric um he's a massive massive intoFit. He goes ape shit on it. Like, he's a machine. Yeah, it's like a staple for us, right? And I can do 30 seconds on it with a 30-second break for 10 minutes, and it can fucking, like, scar me. Like, it can really scar me mentally.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Like, I did that two weeks in a row, and then the rest of the guys I'm hanging out with are still doing it, like, weeks and I'm done. I'm like, I'm done. I'm not because I get off and I'm, I'm in a bad spot. I'm in a like, I'm like asking for my wife to undress me in the garage or just straight. with that with that woman who sets the world record for the 35k and then want to do it like are you scarred from that are you like okay i need like two months i need to forget no do you get scarred do you get scarred were you scarred by your 50 miler no i was like i don't understand that as soon as i finished i'm like shit i got the trials now in like 12 weeks i gotta get ready so I gotta go beat a lot of people. So is there anything that scars you? Like,
Starting point is 00:35:28 like, like physically gases you or causes you so much discomfort that you're like, I don't know if I'm gonna be able to do that. Like, you know, there's these big guys also kind of in your genre of fitness, these rowing guys on the rowers,
Starting point is 00:35:40 they like set the world record for two K and they're like, fuck that. I ain't trying that again for five years. Yeah, no, I mean, I just just like i think here's the thing too i think i can go run four hours and 44 minutes 43 minutes at this distance so i i want to do that like i want to put the shit away if i can so not really i mean i'm just at the point where it's like i think i can give a lot to the sport and like run a lot faster at like at the 50 mark still in the marathon too and like i want to go get the 100k world record next year at some point um so that just what that's 66 miles or what is 100k
Starting point is 00:36:09 62 and change oh so um you use the word giving are you giving person are you selfish like i think of athletes as being i don't mean selfish in a derogatory sense but i think of them as being selfish like needing to focus a lot of energy oh Oh yeah. I mean, I'm super, super selfish. I mean, my, my day is structured around my training and recovering as effectively as possible for training. Like, for example, like this is, I'm like, I'm happy to be on the call. Like I go to bed at 8 PM every night and it's 805. Oh shit. So you're stressing already. You're like, what the fuck? No, we're chill. We're chill. I mean, I got, I just got an easy run tomorrow. We're good. Life's good. What time will you wake you wake up what time is if you go to
Starting point is 00:36:47 bed at eight what time do you wake up uh 5 45 at the latest and and why have you chosen to keep those hours i just i just feel good off of it like i know i recover like i know it's i know i'm gonna fall asleep as soon as i hit the pillow i still have to do like nighttime mobility and all that shit too after this but no rush it only takes minutes. We're good as long as you guys want. Um, but it's just like, I'm so routine and so selfish when it comes to this stuff, but it like ultimately like it's been years of this stuff and it ultimately, you know, translated to, you know, what was a world record. So, um, it's something that it's boring. Like I do the same shit every single day, but it, uh, it pays off.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Cause I, when I know like how I recover, how I train off of it, how I feel off of it and, you know, ultimately how I can race off of it. So, so yeah, I'm a, I'm definitely a selfish person in that regard. You know, um, uh, Elon Musk wants to like colonize fucking Mars and people think he's crazy. And probably people thought Jeff Bezos was crazy. He's like, Hey, I'm going to sell so many things in my store that my store is going to be ubiquitous with cash. Right. Meaning like, like if someone gives you Amazon gift card, it's like my, it's like us currency now. Cause you can just fucking buy anything there.
Starting point is 00:37:58 And there's these just people out there just doing insane things. You're really, it really is like what you've done out there of all, there's been billions of us on the planet and it would be hard pressed to argue that anyone's ever run 50 miles faster than you. I, I, I was, I bet I got, I bet two inches of my cock on it. No one has dude. Your, your, your cock is safe. And if so, I think you'll break it tomorrow um does it do you have any issues with um um dreaming big and and the pressure of people i'm telling you you can't you have any issues
Starting point is 00:38:39 or or yourself telling you can't give any issues with dreaming big no never i mean like i like going into this going to get in the 50 mile like i had no doubts i mean like we one of my like one of my former sponsors um they're out there like filming and stuff um they're like we did a kind of a hype video prior and they're like you know what what's the percent chance you think you get this and i'm like i said 90 but like i wanted to say i truthfully i wanted to say 100 but i didn't want to sound like too cocky um but i was like i was pretty damn confident i was going to go get this you know and that's just like that's just the body of work that i have behind me and the years of like i said running at this high level
Starting point is 00:39:17 doing pacing des doing several hard long runs at altitude at a faster pace obviously not as far but um no i mean really no no hesitation there what do you let let's let's rule out that it's cocky and arrogance do what what what would it be then because you know a lot of people who you know i i watch a lot of fighting so i hear a lot of fighters say yeah i already saw it do you think that that did you maybe you already saw it and so it's not even cocky arrogance it's like hey i already saw it do you think that that did you maybe you already saw it and so it's not even cocky arrogance it's like hey guys i saw it oh yeah no and that was the thing i had i had broken that i'd done the this or some sort of celebration yeah million times in my head before i crossed that line you know like oh yeah yeah no i was like i said it would have been a waste of a
Starting point is 00:40:01 waste of a run you know if i uh i bet i get this, but I was pretty confident I was going to leave with that record. So when are you visualizing this? Like through your mobility all day? Like, yeah, like hours in the pool. Um, like on, on the treadmill, um, training runs, you name it. Is it daydreaming is daydreaming and visualizing the same thing? No, I mean, I think daydreaming is just kind of in your thoughts. Visualizing is like, you're putting yourself in the, in that moment, you know, like for me, it was like attacking the, the third portion, like running uphill towards the tunnel, what's called tunnel Hill. Um, just staying committed, coming back down that point, you know, just like really trying to put myself in that, in that space and be like, you know, here's how I'm going to feel. Here's how you're
Starting point is 00:40:50 going to break it down. Here's what you're going to be like, here's where you're going to hopefully be at pacing wise, um, and all that. So how did you, how do you know, how did you know to do all that? How do you know about visualizing? Oh man. I mean, honestly honestly probably comes from my dad like from earliest even like middle school you know like he'd uh i even like remember like before my first race like it was a it was a junior high race i'm in seventh grade i was like i'm nervous i'm excited because like dude you've been watching this this race since you've been you know two you know or three we brought you to this race like you know you know, this course, like, so visualize yourself like now actually out on this course and winning. And like, that's like kind of what my dad told me of like my first ever race, um, went out and executed and got the win,
Starting point is 00:41:34 you know, like, um, so just from a very almost middle school, you know, for sure. Do you enjoy that? Do you enjoy that part of it? Love it. Yeah. No, I do. Oh yeah. Yeah. Cause usually it's, it's me. And like, you know, I'm pretty ambitious. So I put myself, you know, in world record position. So that was where I had myself at every aspect of this race when I was like planning and prepping for it, you know, obviously like coming up with my next race with the trials, um, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:00 like the goal is top 20, um, top 10 would be like the greatest run ever, truthfully for me. Um, but it's like, I'm already working on like, here's where I want to be at this point of the course. Like here's hopefully the splits I'm running. So we hot and human. So you're going to be really hurting here, but here's where you need to commit around this section. People are going to start fading here. Here's where you roll them up. Um, so no, like I, I enjoy it. You know, it's like, it's how you put yourself in a race mode. And like, that's like what kind of puts like pushes me on a day-to-day basis for sure.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Do you, do you know what, um, drives you like from, from a young age? Like, you know, like, um, death in the family, someone told you you're stupid. Um, do you know what drives you? Is there, is there like a little piece of sand that's like irritating you down there that you're that you're managing no i mean i truthfully i don't know like i just love and this is probably just from from a very young age right in the small town that i grew up in like i was always one of the best athletes and not the best athlete like i just always tried to be tried to be that dude um and it's it's fun being that dude so Um, and it's, it's fun being that dude. So, um, you know, it's just going in and showing out and putting like being the best you can at whatever
Starting point is 00:43:11 you're doing. So like, even prior to my pro contract, I work in ticket sales for the Minnesota Gophers actually in college athletics. And like, it was like, I'm going to outsell every person in this fucking ticket office. Like I'm going to make more calls than them. I'm going to be in earlier, stay in later. Um, which is hard to train while you're doing that but it's like you're on the phones longer you're making more money you're cashing more checks so and just schmoozing the people hello miss christiansen you know you want to come to the game oh i can't this week well how about buying it for your kids you know they'd love to come yeah you know it's important to support the school can you can you give me like what it's what you sound like if someone says no
Starting point is 00:43:44 i'll even play the other end if you give me like what you sound like if someone says no? I'll even play the other end if you want, if you want to call me. Ringing. Hello, this is Sevan Matosi in the Sevan Podcast. What the fuck do you want? Sevan, Charlie Lawrence, Gopher Ticket House. How are you, sir? Awesome, Charlie. How are you, buddy? Doing well. Doing well. Say, hey, I see you bought a single game Gopherpher basketball ticket well i got a deal for you you on for it uh i think so but you know uh a few i fell down the stairs a couple weeks ago and i'm in a wheelchair now so getting around is kind of hard for me
Starting point is 00:44:15 that's right we have uh we have ramps and we have a handicap seating so i gotta deal for you here's what i can do okay we got we've got so you bought you bought the you bought the michigan state game that's great here's what i'm gonna to do for you. You overpaid. So I can get you a handicap seat plus two other games. Can you call me handy capable? Yeah, yeah. Sorry, sir. Handy capable.
Starting point is 00:44:34 So I got you handy capable seats. It'll save you $25 off your current game. Plus you get the next two at a much cheaper rate. So I'll get you a little mini plan. Come to two more games. I'll wheelie around myself. I'll bring you a, I'll bring you a tunnel pass.
Starting point is 00:44:48 It'd be great. Charlie. I'm in sign me up. Thank you, buddy. I can't believe it. And you know what I'm going to do with that extra 25 bucks. I'm going to buy us a couple of beers,
Starting point is 00:44:54 buddy. Perfect. Yeah. What, what kind of car do you want to put this on? Break out your wallet. Oh man. Damn.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Damn. Right. That's awesome. Life on the job. I it was fun i like that was and honestly too like there was some of the most fun calls were like i want to say like if you hung up and i didn't sell anything i'd be pissed there's some people that are just die hard sports fans and i love them they talk to you for like an hour just about like just about the good old days and like this and you're just like yeah yeah give me that credit card number bro but it was great i mean for me like you know i grew up in minnesota ran for the gophers and then i'm selling tickets for my favorite team like i mean i have i
Starting point is 00:45:38 have the m tatted on my leg like i got the state of minnesota tattooed right here like wow um so it was i mean it was it was a fun job for sure. And like, still like my boss, um, at that job is still a very close friend of mine. So, um, it was fun, but, but going back, it was just like, I always just wanted to, like, again, I wanted to be like the highest revenue generating ticket salesman. Like I want to be the fastest runner possible. Um, you know, at whatever career I'm in. So, so you did, you, you like the, you, um, like the, for lack of a better word, I don't mean this in a derogatory way. You like the attention of being the best guy, like, Hey, I'm going to be the best. And I enjoy,
Starting point is 00:46:15 I enjoy the accolades and what that with the prestige and the fun and the attention that comes with that and the girls. Oh, the girls that's massive plus. plus so and also i'll go back to my dad as well like i was more of a bottom feeder 3 a.m looking around the bar what's left yeah yeah i'm i'm gone racked out so yeah and and she's gone too so damn oh were you gonna were you gonna say something thank god my girlfriend isn't here right now she do you have a good girlfriend she's the best she's the best person i know so that's awesome accepting she got to accept you you're you're you're intense you're a fucking intense human she's got to accept you yeah she puts up with with my shit so um it wasn't okay so also this
Starting point is 00:47:00 is a credit to my dad as well because i remember he like just a hell of an athlete like i said he had all these like think of like a man cave like you go down in your basement like he has a bar and everything and then he has like a behind the bar is like a massive like shelf and it's not like a like shelf on the wall it's like a i don't know it's just a massive bar with a shelf instead of like instead of trophies or instead of bottles, it's all trophies just stacked on, stacked on like all American, like most valuable athlete, like interceptions leader, like, you know, this, this, this, all this. And I remember like being like so little and seeing those and being like,
Starting point is 00:47:40 I remember telling him, I'm like, I'm going to have more than you. Oh, you said that to him. Oh yeah. Hey, I wonder what my kid thinks. I have a, um, a chocolate dick back here. How's it taste? Everyone wants me to put that shit in their mouth. The big black cock. I got a Tupac.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Fuck. I got, uh, I got some crayons that have like racial slurs on them. Oh, shit. My fucking body of work sucks. Hey, he and his dad remind me of the Bajans. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I bet. I bet. We have a frequent guest on the show I'm extremely proud of, Tyson Bajan. He's the quarterback for the Chicago Bears.
Starting point is 00:48:30 And he came up through Division two. And yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. And his dad and I was actually really I'm very good friends with his dad. And because of that, I got the opportunity to be friends with his son. And so Tyson comes on here on the show and it's been a huge boon for the show it's so it's so great for the credibility of the show but hearing you know you talk about your dad is similar to hearing you know tyson talk about his dad yeah or more like his dad more like talk shit to his his did your dad talk a lot of shit to you because his dad talks a lot of shit he would put me in my place like i remember one time like he was this is like don't quote me on my age.
Starting point is 00:49:06 I think it was probably a second or third grade. But I'd like, I'd pull the like basketball hoop into the middle of the, went over driveway to shoot hoops and stuff. And I remember one time he was just like, it's like a hot summer day. He was probably, it was like out mowing the lawn all morning. And I'm like, I'm finally, I'm just like getting reps and shooting. And I go inside, I'm like, dad, come play me one-on-one. And he's like, Charlie, like, just get it.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Like, nah, I'm good. Like I was, I'm like, come on. I'm like, I'm like, you're just going to lose to me. Like, I didn't like call him a pussy. I'm like, yeah, you can't take the smoke. I'm talking shit to him. And he's like, whatever. So like you played a game to five or whatever.
Starting point is 00:49:42 And he was up, like he put me in the dirt. And the last thing he did was he crossed me over so bad. And it was only eight foot hoop, just like LeBron Tomahawk dunk. He just goes, he goes, he goes done wasting. Like I'm done wasting my time. Like keep practicing. He should have broke your hoop. Yeah. I mean, he just like, he put me in my place. He's like, he's like, that was the biggest waste
Starting point is 00:50:05 of my time like i'm going back inside do you do you think someone could train to be to do what you do um like your story's so natural right it's so you just were brought right in through the mom who is the track coach and you just stayed with it and obviously there's discipline and structure and purpose and all that but do you think someone like at 17 could be like i don't know just be like hey i want to be the have the fastest 50 mile time in the world and it's you're like nah dude too late i think i think people like you had like everyone has a shot at it right i mean but you have to have like i'm pretty fortunate again like i've come from a pretty athletic like family mom's a good athlete dad's a good athlete
Starting point is 00:50:56 and i was just like i don't say nurtured i don't know if that's right but i was pretty much groomed to be a very good athlete at honestly whatever sport i chose really what else what else do you think you could have been really good at what do you think you could have played d1 at something else no i mean i think i could have played division three basketball which i love basketball again that's not because i'm hyper competitive i knew i was going to be had the best shot of like going d1 and being very competitive at running so that's why i chose running so i'm just competitive and want to win at shit. Uh, So in high school, what did you play? What,
Starting point is 00:51:25 what, what sports did you do? I did a cross country track and then basketball in the winter. So, but I stopped basketball after 10th grade. Um, just cause I knew I was gonna, I wanted to like go and try to win a state title and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:51:38 And, you know, really go get, go get a scholarship and in track and in cross country. So, um, but again, it was like being from
Starting point is 00:51:46 a small town where i where i grew up is like even if you go d3 like you're still a pretty good athlete and i was good like i was you know started started and stuff like point guard like could shoot 90 from the free throw line like you don't run everyone your sophomore year i did yeah okay okay so which is you know again it's a small town 2500 people so it's not like i'm not steph curry out here but you know i could like i could take most people to school on the court so which is fun whatever you were doing with your friends you were the best skipping rocks playing flag football like you were the everyone you got picked first yeah it was great hey um your your your sport has a lot of uh bear with me, I'm going to be really massive sweeping generalization, has a lot of mental illness in it.
Starting point is 00:52:31 It's people with tattoos and piercings who are former meth heads who have now are trying to run away their addiction, right? Like when I see someone, why do you think that sport and do you think i'm characterizing that right obviously not the guys at your level but or maybe even some at your level but all the all the people that i'm affiliated with who do long distance running have some sort of fucking drug demon for sure i mean and that's the thing too like i mean one of my good friends uh mitch mitch ammons he's a former heroin addict he's a 216 marathoner um and i think you know mitch could obviously talk a lot better on than i can but i think a lot of it does come from that trauma from it and just not necessarily running away from it but if it's a again like i'm not a like i don't really i've
Starting point is 00:53:16 never been in that scenario but like it's just a different form of like a i would say a crux if that's where everybody's coping mechanism but what a what a tough coping mechanism I'm going to run 10 miles yeah yeah yeah yeah no for like for sure um you know covered in tats too right a lot of runners are just covered in tats some weird some just in former drug addicts and now all of a sudden they're they're you know they're middle of the road good ultra marathoners yeah no it's a place of like i don't say there's a lot of like self-hatred out there but there's times where you're just like holy shit we're we're going through it right now so are you a religious guy i'm not no did your parents ever take you to church on sundays or any
Starting point is 00:53:59 of that um my mom did and and then it was kind of funny when they got divorced. Right. So we had like religion Wednesday nights where you're like, go to church and, you know, or read the Bible and all that fun stuff. It was so like, we'd rotate households. It'd be like Monday, Tuesday with my dad, Wednesday, Thursday, mom weekend with dad. And then it rotates, you know, mom, Monday, Tuesday, dad, Wednesday, Thursday weekend with my mom. Well, when the nights we were with my mom, like the Wednesdays, she'd always make us go to religion. And then like the following weekend, if you're with, what does that mean? Religion? Is that what Jehovah witnesses do? Or what was she? Uh, she was, I was raised Catholic. Okay. Well, they have church on Wednesday. That's
Starting point is 00:54:38 hardcore. Okay. I thought it was only like the weird ones, like Scientology and Joe witnesses that did Wednesdays. No, it was like, it was like, as you're bringing, bring up to like, brought up through the church. Like it was like, you just go, it's almost like a Bible study for like, for middle school. Oh, is that what catechism is? I hear people, I had friends do catechism. I wish I knew. Like I'm so, I'm so far removed, which is, which is, if you're religious, I that's fine. Go do your thing, but I'm just not. Yeah, no, no, fair enough. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:55:03 You need to be in a car accident or something. I can go do your thing, but I'm just not. Yeah, no, no. Fair enough. Fair enough. You need to be in a car accident or something. Yeah. But so, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:10 So like Sunday, my mom would make us go to church. And then the weekends I'm with my dad, he'd be like, F no, like go do your run. Like, don't, we're not going. Or like, or we had religion and we're at my dad's. He'd be like, no, you don't need to go. You can skip. So it was kind of funny. So we always hoped we'd uh well i mean we knew the schedule but whenever with her dad we knew we could usually get out of it which was fantastic
Starting point is 00:55:28 what do you think happens when you die you ever think about that when you're running no no you're not like hmm no i i mean i mean there's times i'm like i mean well you're talking fighting like like you know adesano he, he's like, I'm right. I'm prepared. I'm prepared to die. Like, that's the mentality that I do have when I go race though. It's like, I'm going to go get every ounce of like out of myself as I can and have kind of that fighters mentality.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Like, like I'd rather go, like, I'd rather be the one like throwing haymakers on another dude in that in running terms, that's like throwing in surges, like ratcheting up the pace a little bit, throwing those little punches that wear on you and tear you down. I do kind of love that mentality. This is so savage. Oh, is he chanting that to himself? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:19 What fight was that? Was that against Gastelum? Yeah, I think so. Kelvin Gastelum. God, that was his first really gnarly fight. That was crazy. You're a fight fan too, Charlie?
Starting point is 00:56:35 You know, yes and no. You know, I really like boxing more so, but like, especially like that, just that mentality, the fighter mentality. Like how many punches can you take? And like, how many can you keep giving back? And like, a little jabs like get them at the ribs whether it's a you know a little little hill on the course don't a little surge like small jab like can they take it or are they gonna respond that's just a racist mentality and it's just like even when it comes to the fifth
Starting point is 00:56:57 month it's like how long can you keep pounding your legs and stay at this pace and stay committed to you know whether it's you know keeping a guy on the ropes or, you know, like make sure you're not on the ropes. Cause when you're on the ropes in a race, it's not fun. It's miserable. So were there any other world-class runners in the, uh, 2023 tunnel run where you set the 50 mile world record? Um, Raj Paul Panu, whou who is he is a he's run
Starting point is 00:57:28 he ran five hours in like two minutes which is like he also was under the course record raj is probably he's a top five ultra runner like in the u.s for sure um hopefully that's not a slight to him he's a really good dude um but he's he's very very very solid but you know again i beat him by you know two miles so did did he know that you were coming there to set the world record yeah and and so do you think that he thinks in his head he's going to stay with you he wasn't with me for a second of the race um do you wish you would have been do you wish you would have been yes and no you know like when i when i say like i think i can go faster i think because i i was out really hot i was on like 441 442 pace through the first 20 miles 441 442 a mile for the first how many miles no no like four like if i was gonna finish i was on
Starting point is 00:58:25 four hours 40 minute pace like oh oh yeah okay yeah so but i had to average you know 548 and i i was running at one point i was running a cut like low 530s i had a couple high 520s in there um like i was just putting it away early and i was kind of the plan i was a little aggressive more aggressive than i wanted to be um but yeah no right i'm like i'm like no one has a shot to stick with me so you're just gonna go do it solo but i wish someone was like for maybe even like my next one i'd love to have a pacer just to keep me right on pace for as long as they can um because then maybe i won't lose as much time on the back end as i did but again i had enough kind of time in the bank so would it have to be a runner like do you ever use anything else as pacing, bikes or –
Starting point is 00:59:07 Me on an electric scooter? Yeah, 13-year-old on a scooter. A little flag behind me. So it would have to be a runner in this scenario. Yeah, it couldn't be even two. So one of my old sponsors, they sent one of the videographers out there, a great dude. We were wondering if Trevor could maybe bike alongside of me, but that could just possibly be considered illegal pacing. my old old sponsors like they sent one of the videographers out there a great dude um we were
Starting point is 00:59:25 wondering if trevor could maybe like bike alongside of me but that could just possibly be considered like illegal pacing so therefore we couldn't couldn't do it oh they can't do it because of okay because uh okay because of the sport not because it's not feasible yeah so like but if there's another runner in the race registered yeah they were with me that's completely legal and they could technically be a pacer but they'd have to be a participant they'd have to finish the race so it's like cool you can pace me for 20 miles but yeah you know you have 30 miles alone dude if i wasn't racing you i wouldn't want to be anywhere near you what if i fucked you up somehow like what if i was just some dude on a bike trying to film you and i fucked you up like or like pressure well here's
Starting point is 01:00:03 the thing too so this course is like it's a double out and back right so it's like and it's a trail like what you saw in that video like that's how wide it is like the entire time so like i'm going south and then i turn around then i'm running against the traffic and there's some people that like aren't fucking paying attention and i'm just like eyes up and like because they're running three four wide and i'm like you know so also that's that black hat tan that's that's baby girl that's my girlfriend yeah she they had to ask her to move she was blocking the clock well what the hell yeah what the hell girl what are you look at her look at her uh she's so hey does she run she she does yeah you concerned she's gonna run her butt off girls girls got to squat below
Starting point is 01:00:42 parallel they got to keep their butts no so so she's a middle distance girl so she keeps that butt so all right okay so what's going on there is you cross and your legs just turn off what is that that's that's legit yeah so i was trying to like right there i was trying to stop and like put my hands on my knees but my legs just kept moving and i felt if i was gonna put my hands on my knees, but my legs just kept moving. And I felt if I was going to put my hands on my knees, I was going to fall and eat shit. So I just like kind of just kept shuffling because I was pretty fatigued. And what do you think you weigh right there? With all the liquid in me, I'm probably one at that point in 140. So you're hydrated when you cross the finish line? Oh yeah. So like I had, I was ripping ripping every roughly every five miles i was having a uh liquid carbs and then a gel and a ketone shot or variations of of those
Starting point is 01:01:31 do you pee or poop while you're running the 50 miles no sir it's all just being processed yep great and then when do you eat are you ready to eat a pizza right there so here's the thing so i downed 10 bottles of liquid carbs and gels and like six different ketone shots. So my stomach feels fucking disgusting. Like it feels like at the end during the race, you've done that. Yeah. So here, let me let me let me grab a little photo here. Find another one. 10 bottles of carbs. Yes. And they're and they're pretty full bottles as well. What is a bottle of carbs?
Starting point is 01:02:08 That's like what they feed anorexic and shit? That's like that, what's that stuff called? Like the insurers or something? Insurer, yeah. Is it insurers? Is it stuff like that? Yeah, this was Allison handing me a bottle. So there I have a gel tape to it, and also in the bottle is electrolytes.
Starting point is 01:02:24 So I finish that gel, and then I chase it with electrolytes. So roughly every five miles I'm getting in at least eight ounces of water or liquid carbs. So yeah, so that, that's what I was using right there. VPN is G1M. Hey dude, if, if someone's handing you that and it dropped, would you stop and pick it up or no? Fuck that. I would have stopped. Yeah. But also, but also also this i did have extra gels and the extra ketone shot stashed in my shorts so in case like if i missed one i'd be fine to keep going and just like pull up an extra one that stash if i missed two i would have like picked it up but again it was super easy they were just holding it out for me grab it and go so when you say charlie that you turn around do you run do you run in a circle Or do you actually stop and turn
Starting point is 01:03:06 Around if I Drop the bottle you're asking no no no You said it's 13 miles one way And then you turn around is it a loop or is It actually across the line and then you start running the other way So you are literally going around a cone It is gnarly um yeah That's it might not sound like a big
Starting point is 01:03:22 Deal to just someone who's completely rested But I was thinking about that when you're tired, even that pivot right there takes a little something off. Right. Oh, yeah. I don't think I have any photos of me turn around. But yeah, it's literally just like around a cone. It's wild. So, hey, any any world class athletes reach out to you after you did this? Like LeBron gave you a call and is like, hey, you want to come to a BLM rally or some shit like that? Or like, you want to help me sell Sprite or like,
Starting point is 01:03:47 you know, just like not a really, I wish like LeBron, I have Travis Kelsey. Wasn't like, Hey, you want to go out and get shots with me or like nothing? No,
Starting point is 01:03:58 I mean, I'm trying to think who it's truly, it really is remarkable. It's really remarkable what you've done. It's, it's like, yeah, it's unreal, dude. Yeah. I mean, like my first call was I, I FaceTime Des, um, Linden, who's one of my good friends, Boston Marathon champ. Um, but she's just like a close friend. Like we talk training, we talk everything. So yeah, that's. And then I saw her, you know know who she looks like at first glance
Starting point is 01:04:27 um in some of your pictures is she looks like the polish fighter uh ufc fighter who just got the breast implants you know i'm talking about she was dope um uh little girl 115 what's her name crazy hard name to say she was the champ forever. Then the Asian girl beat her up. Anyway, I have no clue, but I saw her in your Instagram. I was like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:04:50 is that, but it's not her. Okay. So you called Des. Yep. So FaceTime Des, I'm trying to like Nick bear founder, BPN,
Starting point is 01:04:56 like shouted me out. Do you know him? Yes. And no, I mean, he's ultimately like he was, he was my boss. Okay. Why you work there? You work there? No, I mean i i ran for bpn he used to oh okay right i guess i like my contract's up uh december 31st
Starting point is 01:05:14 i guess so three more days i gotta come what was that do you have an agent i do do what's your agent's name can you you say? Josh Cox. Is he a cool dude? One of the coolest dudes I know. Legit, one of the coolest dudes I know. So he's a former world record holder at 50K. Yeah, dude. I mean, just one hell of a person.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Great guy, great agent. Do you make all your money from sponsors or do you teach seminars or how did how what what what i guess revenue streams do you have from running yeah so so i coach on the side as well so i have 18 athletes that i coach as well holy shit that's that's a lot yeah yeah it's a fair amount so but it's it's kind of the sweet spot. I don't necessarily want to add more, but I like working with people that I work with and they're, they get me as a coach and an athlete. And as long as you just don't like, just listen to what I do, it makes my job really, really, really easy or listen to what I write.
Starting point is 01:06:14 No fuss. So. Meaning, meaning you're programming for them. Correct. Yeah. So I write there like, you know, let's say they have a goal race and I'm writing their training up to it. Usually I'll plan a week in advance, can always backtrack and always shift. So, you know, even prior they have a goal race and i'm writing their training up to it usually i'll plan a week in advance can always backtrack and always shift so you know even prior to hopping on this call i was uh texting when i bought like one of my athletes who flew into into tampa said he felt like shit on his eight mile run because he just had a flight and i'm like that makes total sense dude don't worry about it so um it's good but besides training mid-day i'm writing training
Starting point is 01:06:42 plans and talking to athletes so but, but, but I do that. Then also HVMN and then, you know, what, you know, BPN. So HVN, that's one of their products. So HVMN is Keto and IQ. So that's, that's my, my largest partner. So, and are you staying with them? Of course. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:01 Yeah. Those guys are, Yeah, they're Again, it's the best products I take, without a doubt And their CEO, Mike, is a good friend Their partnership team is awesome You wake up in the morning, what's the first thing you eat? First thing I eat is I mix electrolytes up with beta-alanine Stir that up, drink that
Starting point is 01:07:23 And then I start making my pour-over coffee Then I'll have my my coffee with bread nut butter and uh creamed honey on top of that so and so any specific bread um dave's killer bread the the green one sponsor i'd love it yeah can i see that can i see that bread uh caleb yeah hit up josh let him know hey what the fuck dave dave that's really what it's called dave's killer bread you guys nodded your head do you guys know that do you know that bread yeah that company started in jail and then that dude ended up blowing up to like 200 million dollars it's great bread he was in jail yeah dude the story's crazy there it is one on whole grains right there. Yeah. And why do you eat that bread?
Starting point is 01:08:06 Um, just cause I know it sits well. So it's, uh, it's going to be whole wheat, plenty of grains, um, you know,
Starting point is 01:08:11 a hundred calories, a hundred calories ish. And they might be like 110. Um, then I get the almond butter, a little extra fat tastes good. And then the, the cream honey,
Starting point is 01:08:20 my local Boulder place. So, and what almond butter do you use? Uh, I just get the whole, honestly, I get whatever like is there, almond butter do you use i just get the whole honestly i get whatever like is there but like whole foods i just get i just have their standard organic will you look at the ingredients like if it has palm oil in it will you eat that shit
Starting point is 01:08:35 no so this is just dry roasted almonds yeah okay um i forgot the one company i i would buy more of it but it's uh artisana artisana it's like 75 for a bottle like this yeah so i so that's my favorite but yeah it's 20 fucking dollars yeah no like i it's my like i can't rationally buy like i will buy it on travel trips because i can write that shit off like when i'm just at home i won't like i can write off all my groceries when i'm traveling for a race or something so you have a coffee sponsor no but close thing to it would be ryan and des's coffee it's called the wind in times too so i get free coffee from them like in the morning like you just run by and
Starting point is 01:09:14 they're like hey charlie here's a cup i mean that well so they send me beans i guess so i have a can i show you here you're gonna see my kitchen but i got the whole pour over setup over there got the grinder got the kettle got the scale gotta have it so does your girlfriend live with you she does and does she have to sleep in a separate bed no so it's actually kind of comical um well i used to have so my outside tent used to be a full bed tent over the entire tent but she hated it she hates it so now like if i'm in my outside tent i'm not currently like i just have a head tent so it's like just covers me up to here then she sleeps outside of it like right next to me um have you had of course inside the tent of course wow
Starting point is 01:09:56 does it does it change anything like make you last longer or make you last shorter or change the viscosity of the fluids? Is there any – It just gets hot as hell in there. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. It's humid. And you may – I mean I had it at 11,000 feet, sometimes up to 12,000 feet. So you get out of breath a little easier. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:22 It's free fitness either way. a little easier but yeah cardio oh it's free fitness either way so so you were you there's a video where you're running and um it's it's really cold outside and you have gloves on you're fully kitted out and then like halfway you're and for you it's a short run you're just on it's it's not even you're not even out on a run i mean you're to me it's you're out on a run but you said you're just um looks like you're sprinting to me, but you're talking and you're just saying that this is a. Fed up with road rage, gas guzzling and backseat battles of road trip vacays? Beach, it's time for a reality check. Shift gears to seamless serenity with Sunwing's all-inclusive getaways, which can actually be cheaper.
Starting point is 01:11:02 More margaritas, less mileage misery. It's a road less traveled for a reason. Say no to gas stations and gassy passengers, and yes to Sunwing savings. Book with your local travel agent or... At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them.
Starting point is 01:11:27 How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run!
Starting point is 01:11:44 Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. I forget what you call it, like active recovery or some shit. But you're basically running and you start, you're like, oh, I overdressed. I started freezing. Now I'm fucking hot. But I guess this is just free fitness. Tell me about that because I work out in full, no matter how hot it is outside,
Starting point is 01:12:03 I always start with thermals and sweatshirts and I want to be as hot as I can because somehow I think I'm getting free fitness too. But I just made that shit up in my head. Do you think you actually get a little extra fitness training hot? Oh, 100%. Yeah. I mean, there's heat training is like is a thing. And actually, too, like right now I'm getting ready for the only trials in Orlando, February 3rd. So in my garage next to my treadmill, I have my my space heater blowing on me
Starting point is 01:12:25 and then in front of that I have my humidifier that's blowing humid air at me as well so like and I wear long sleeve and a vest so like for me it's like you want to try to simulate that heat because you're going to sweat more your body's going to produce you're going to get more blood flow through there so yeah like you're you're stressing your body in a different way versus just like what what what What heater do you use? Do you know what brand heater you use? Oh, it's just a cheap Honeywell. Honeywell, sponsored.
Starting point is 01:12:49 Like a standalone, yeah. Dude, crazy funny commercial there. Charlie Lawrence doesn't need it, but he uses it. Honeywell. Hey, what kind of treadmill do you use? I got a Peloton tread. Is it motorized? It is, yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:03 I think it has like a three horsepower motor which by the way this is kind of funny timing it's a great trouble does everything i needed to i literally i literally reached out to woodway today because i want a woodway yeah what you mean the woodway one that's like that's man-powered no no i don't want the i don't want that one i want the also this is when i was so out of shape so i did i did a just a, like a three mile run on this, on the machine's called the lever. So it's a suspension system, though. It takes more weight off because I still had my stress fracture a little bit. I was coming back. Um, Jesus Christ, dude, rest. You were on a special treadmill that takes your weight off. Well, no, no. So it's something you
Starting point is 01:13:39 can put on the treadmill. So it might not. Um, yeah, that, that right there. Hell yeah. know so but not um yeah that right there hell yeah that's crazy dude geez hey dude you're lucky you never got into drugs you're a hardcore addict you'd be you were you're like you would smoke out of a can and shit oh yeah like i have such an addictive personality so like so i try to like it's already bad when i start like when i'm like done with race and i start drinking and shit so i mean it's not bad. I just like, I have too much fun doing it. I'll say that you can really focus on things.
Starting point is 01:14:10 Why don't you use, I have a, um, uh, air runner. That's not motorized. I mean, I never run more than a mile on it,
Starting point is 01:14:16 but why don't you have one of those ones that all the CrossFit cool CrossFit people have where you like, you have to manpower it. I'm not a cool CrossFit guy, but isn't it? Aren't those better don't we use the best shit we think we're the best why should we be using motorized treadmills i think so what no seriously will you pull up do you know what i'm talking about the ones that's
Starting point is 01:14:36 kind of got like the yeah the curve yeah yeah i feel like i'm gonna eat shit on that thing it feels so awkward yeah like so like can you like you dictate the pace on that well judging it's like the treadmill it's like cool i need to run five flat pace i'm gonna set it to five flat i'm gonna roll yeah all right rule them out as a sponsor okay no but but woodway treadmills that's uh that's who i'm going for which it's like it's a fifteen thousand dollar treadmill they're fantastic they're the rolls race of treadmills i can't justify i could write it off but i should i should spend fifteen thousand dollars on something else so that one that one right there by the way that one is um yeah the left like that one on the left right there yeah top left oh yeah let's see how much
Starting point is 01:15:21 that's pre-owned and it's they don't have a price up well yeah yeah that's expensive yeah that's a dumb now yeah you have to call sales yeah i i called i'm not kidding you like i called the regional like colorado sales director they left a voice message so i'm like hey charlie lawrence i just i literally said first thing i'm like i just went to face my world record um training for the olympic marathon trials i'm doing this this this but looking for a partnership i'd love to go for like a treadmill world record on it obviously we're training that it uh let me know hung up that was this after that asked this afternoon like i don't know four hours ago isn't jamie fox doing that your agent jamie cox so so so so josh so josh cox so here's what all about josh yeah literally he's like like if you Jamie Cox. So Josh.
Starting point is 01:16:05 Josh Cox. So here's what I love about Josh. He literally, he's like, if you can do the deal yourself, I trust you because I've done enough. So he's like, there's like the deals with like Woodway and stuff. He's like, it's like, I don't, whatever they pay you, I don't need the 15% on that. I'll take the, I'll take the 15% on the, on the Nike check when they cut that, if they cut that, you know, that stuff. 50% on the, on the Nike check when they cut that,
Starting point is 01:16:22 if they cut that, you know, um, that stuff. Cause it's like, like, you know what BPNH famine is not, it's not a massive, massive deal,
Starting point is 01:16:29 but when you have enough small ones, it adds up. So, so he is a good dude. And Hey, I think that the deals that you get through your personal relationship and your personal touch will be actually the better deals like i we have sponsorships for this show that are people that i interact with and then we have ones that i don't interact with and although they both bring good money the ones
Starting point is 01:16:57 i interact with are way better way more trouble yeah they're just way better i have good really like those people down at the bottom uh paper street coffee ca peptides and birth fit like they they take like my relationships with them are fucking amazing whereas like you know like uh draft kings like i don't have a relationship with them but they pay money but like like i like like i don't know and like he was talking about and he's like buddies with the ceo of that other company yeah that's good so that's the relationships that you want to foster that seven's talking about they're like more than just a sponsor they're like in it with you oh yeah and brant's like brant's my mike brant ceo of hm like that's my dude i mean he's training for houston marathon like even the other night he sent me like kind of his last couple weeks of training he's like
Starting point is 01:17:40 what should i adjust you think i should adjust this like any other workouts and like dude of course like happy to happy to give you suggestions and stuff. I'm keen to learn from him just on him building HVMN and his company. And he's also just keen to learn on what I've learned in running and stuff. So we bounce all that off of each other. Business, running, life, it's great. What if you get in a fight with your girlfriend and you um, you know, it's her fault, but you go out on a run.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Do you notice it? Like all of a sudden it's like so easy, like to not care. Like, and what mile does that happen? Like sometimes like it's never my fault, but if I go work out, I'm like, fuck it. What do I, I'm just like ready to go in and apologize. Is that how you, it's not bad. I get more fired up. Oh, you do.
Starting point is 01:18:23 You come back from a 20 mile or ready to fight. You're not like, you know what, honey? No. Oh, shit. Wow. He's articulated the argument over 20 miles. Now he's ready to go to war. Do you have issues with that? My wife knows that I do not want to come in here and start a podcast if we got some sort of beef. So she'll be like,
Starting point is 01:18:40 hi, have fun. She'll give me a kiss and slap me on the ass. I can't come in here knowing that there's some shit outside that's not clean. Like maybe it's like, maybe if he was doing a different sort of way, but it's like, no matter what I'm going to go, it's not going to take away from my run whatsoever. Like I'm pretty focused dialed in on, on the moment and executing whatever it is I'm doing. So if he dies, he dies. What shoes do you wear? Fortunately, I can rotate a lot right now. So like this morning I was wearing some A6.
Starting point is 01:19:20 Um, you know, I raced, I did, uh, I raced in alpha flies or vapor flies. I'll do the merit. Like I'll race the trials and alpha flies unless obviously i signed a contract with with a different company um so i rotate a lot like even i got a pair of asa or sorry yeah pair a6 um looking for underarmors got some actually adidas over there as well so rotating a lot because i can right now so how about that those shoes you ran the 50 miles in? Are they broken in? Are they new shoes? So those are brand new.
Starting point is 01:19:48 The first time I put them on was when I raced. So that's what I mostly – wait, there it is. Yeah, I'll fly. So that's what I wore for the race. Are you fucking kidding me? Those are real shoes? Those are running shoes? Yeah, man.
Starting point is 01:20:00 What the fuck is that? Where have I been? That looks like some Raver shit. Like we need to pop some Molly. What the fuck is that? The waffle press. So the pink ones on the very far right, those are the ones that I actually wore in the race. And I didn't touch them.
Starting point is 01:20:18 First time I put them on my feet was the race. Because I want the foam fresh as possible. Had you ever used those before i'd use the shoes before yes but it was a brand new pair of shoes and how how do those shoes how many how many miles can you run in those for the for their toast um i mean i won't run another mile on the ones i ran the face of my way but you can like typically you can race in them or you can get roughly 150 200 like good miles out of them for the foam starts wearing down. So what's the deal with those?
Starting point is 01:20:48 Are those cheating? No. Well, I mean, shit, like there's a, like, there's like a massive war right now on like what's legal and what's not.
Starting point is 01:20:58 And those are like the shoes that are right in the line where it's like the super stack height, the super foam, the air pods, the zoom pods with the carbon fiber plate. So it's like, it's almost like an arms race right now in running where it's like the super stack height, the super foam, the AirPods, the Zoom pods with the carbon fiber plate. So it's almost like an arms race right now in running where it's what brands has the best shoe with the best foam with the best plate that's going to propel you forward.
Starting point is 01:21:14 And in my opinion right now, that's the best shoe is the Alpha Fly. And the Alpha Fly 3, the third version, drops next week. So I already got a pair lined up for myself. Thank God. Those ding-dongs at Nike haven't reached out to you uh i mean truthfully we reached out to them um and they want me running trails which i'm not super keen on trails yet so oh interesting i just can't believe it's so cool what you've done it's such a good it's such a nice number i ran 50 miles faster than any other creature not just man fucking creature well yeah run yeah i mean maybe some
Starting point is 01:21:55 birds have done it but they didn't run it you ran 50 miles faster than any creature that's ever inhabited this earth that some people think god made yeah not you but not me but some other people that's crazy hey do you have media stuff like do you have a guy that comes out there and like would film with you for a little bit outside of the ones with your sponsor like maybe just a homie or something that you know that's just into it so i had dinner literally tonight um literally like 30 minutes before this call i left dinner um had dinner with my buddy kenny who's a videographer he works full-time for iron man um but lives in boulder or lives just outside of boulder um and then another buddy colin long but kenny witherall con long those two guys do majority of my media and content unless it's like allison filming me on on her iphone
Starting point is 01:22:39 when i'm in the garage or something right hey next time you have those guys out there you should do a whole compilation of you putting the shoe on you should do you like getting warmed up they should do real tight static shots of the shoe and then make it dynamic show you across the trail show you on the street just like running by it a bunch of times and clip it up for like 30 seconds drop it in your reel tag the shit out of them and then send it back to them too you think susan they see that yes now especially if he already had a connection and you already asked somebody he was talking to i would freaking load that thing up in a google drive and send it to a link and anything you could and just be like check it out it's me yeah we're i can do yeah
Starting point is 01:23:14 we're yeah we're still like john here's the thing with josh and i where it's like we we don't really take no for an answer we just take it as cool we'll like come back with a better better pitch type thing you know it's like or try again like we don't we don't take no and that's what josh is in my opinion the best in the game so straight up it's it's kind of crazy too also i always trip when there's people like you because some young videographer who's like 17 years old who lives with his parents in boulder should be just riding your jock hey dude can i make a video with you today hey dude can i start a youtube channel for you hey like i mean you're there's so much there yeah and they can cut their teeth on your back and you guys could scratch each other's backs and it could be like i would fuck if i was 17 i'd make a thousand videos
Starting point is 01:23:57 for you for free well that's what here's what kind of lucked out so my buddy colin he's literally 20 uh he he on a whim just d20 is great 20 is good i said 17 20s even better yeah so he just dm'd us on a whim came out in the summer of of 22 was gonna stay for three weeks and i'm an extra room in my condom like dude if you want to stay long you can just crash here like no fuss um so yeah he lived with me for the entire fall of 22 and um about a month into 2023 this year and then my girlfriend moved she was in la moved here to boulder um it's a two bed one bath condo so it's a little tight for for us and uh and a 20 year old but he moved out but i mean i mean i booted him nicely i found him another place to live so but he's still i mean he's he's truth Like he's just, he's like a little brother to me now.
Starting point is 01:24:45 So like we, he's actually got back today, but we talked on the phone yesterday for like 20 minutes. So yeah, he does. If it's not, if it's not Kenny, it's Colin.
Starting point is 01:24:54 But Colin also now works full time for on running and he shoots their team out here. So I don't want to pull him away too much, but we're good. I pay, I try to compensate him accordingly. So. When, when you're out there um running like that 50 mile or do you are you allowed to have stuff in your ears nope and and the only time i listen to music is if i'm like on my treadmill and i'll
Starting point is 01:25:17 just blast music in my garage but other than that it's just in my thoughts. And, and do miles go by where you don't know what, like, Oh shit. I just ran from the 22 mile to 27 mile. I don't even really kind of remember that. No, I knew exactly where I was at, at like, I don't want to say I'm like constantly checking my watch, but every, probably every half mile I'm checking in on like my pace and like, like I know what mile I'm at, but I'm like making sure I'm still on that certain pace and that my effort is matching that pace um so so the whole thing is
Starting point is 01:25:50 intense none of it's just like like someone like me can't even relate who's like hey i'm just going out for a run like the whole thing is uh it's like you're flying a ship and all attention needs to be being paid to the instruments at all times yeah this was it was like blinders on go fucking do this that's what you're here to do nothing else matters like stick to the plan go get it get your bottles break it down mile by mile stay on pace commit you know just the entire time um any any mantras like there's no such thing as god you could be dead tomorrow push harder you pussy like do you have any you know my thing is just like i just like juice myself off by saying like this this is fucking easy or like like like easy money dude
Starting point is 01:26:36 like you know yourself like a bro yeah just like here at the bar hey you can you can make this shot into this beer cup it's the same thing for you and for me too it's just like it like i don't say it got hard but it got really hard like 34 but even like coming through it like mile 26 i was way ahead of schedule i had a lot of time in the bank and i was that was the truth for the plan have some time in the bank but it's like in my head i got through 26 miles when i have 24 miles to go it's like cool dude you've run you've run 24 milers in boulder at 5 30 pace like that's way faster than you need to run and you're at sea level so this is gonna be fucking easy dude like easy money to stay on it you know um but you can say that at 26 miles but in your sport the mental landscape is changing from second to second right i mean you could be
Starting point is 01:27:19 on top of the world and then some dark shit happened to you right like be like oh fuck oh yeah but but then too it just came to like came to mind games like it got hard at like i said 34 by that point i'm like dude you only have 60 miles to go like 60 miles is like that's an easy run some days you know like that like and you've run 60 miles at 520 pace in boulder like easy dude then even too when it started getting hard it's like cool like my next bottle's in three miles like you can can hold this pace, 545, 550, whatever you're running. You can hold that for only three miles. That's all it is.
Starting point is 01:27:48 Then you get your bottle. You're going to feel so much better. And like, I'd get my bottle, you know, be like, and I tell myself, finish your bottle, get all the calories, get the gel in. You'll feel better. And I just bought myself another five minutes. It's like, oh, I feel better in five minutes. Well, low key, I don't feel really feel any better than the latter half.
Starting point is 01:28:03 It's like, okay, well, I only have another few miles to my next bottle i'll definitely feel better thanks i have ketone in that bottle you know or just like it's just these mind games on repeat so how's that affect your breathing when you're sorry susan when you're when you're having to drink and eat while you're running uh it was mostly like how i do it is i'll just like as soon as i get the bottle grab it and like take as big as a pull as i can like just get it as much down and then close it real quick keep jogging make sure i catch my breath again then do another pull catch my breath do another pull and i can tell it's finished and like there are some times where it's like i take a rip and i
Starting point is 01:28:39 wouldn't grab it again for probably another minute just to make sure like my breathing is under control um then take another um down it again so 10 yeah you did 10 of those 10 yeah so in total is yeah roughly i guess it would be roughly 80 ounces plus some more uh rambler what's your vo2 max score and your morning resting heart rate you should have given five bucks for that dude that's two questions yeah i'm not answering unless it's five bucks this is good this is a good guy good dude good dude uh all right i'll answer well so the thing all right i can answer one of it can i answer or please yeah you can answer both i'm just joking i'm just busting his balls. He's a good dude. I already won 10 bucks. No. All right. So VO2 max, I don't know. That's like, and this is like not shooting down the question, but that's like, that's a dumb metric, like in several, like several extents.
Starting point is 01:29:36 But yeah, a lot of people in the CrossFit community think it's dumb as shit too. Yeah. I mean, it's, it's relevant. It's how much, like what volume boxing can you essentially shuttle through to move faster move faster so like i do a lot of like vo2 max sessions to improve it also just neuromuscular efficiency make marathon pace feel easier however i don't know my score because it's not extremely relevant to what i do however my resting heart rate at altitude so take this with an asterisk is 34 35 beats so so so at sea level it's probably an emergency room nightmare they freak out oh yeah i mean it's like when i'm when i'm sleeping it's
Starting point is 01:30:11 yeah and i and i know that because i used to wear whoop i don't anymore but that's what it was um and even to like even when i'm sleeping at like 12,000 feet, my outstanding was still always under 40 beats per minute. So, but now at 5,000 feet altitude, um, yeah, 34, 35, 36. I'm confused. You're saying VO two max isn't relevant and yet you, you work to improve it. Yeah. So, so like I'll do VO two max sessions. So sessions that are tailored to like, since you forced me to go lactic,
Starting point is 01:30:43 that makes sense. So very, very very very intense workouts which is your class you're crossing over your vo2 max when you go lactic because you're like you can't flush out the lactic acid with the oxygen that you're putting in um because that's just for like neuromuscular efficiency speed power and that ultimately helps like marathon pace 50 mile pace feel easier so uh renee k while i was marathon training i got my resting heart rate to 39 liar um she's fit let's go hey uh you are now uh one hour past your bedtime hey hey we're still awake though boys we're we're rolling we're rolling um tell me so your
Starting point is 01:31:26 next race is february 2nd february 3rd yep olympic trials february 3rd and where is that at orlando florida well actually no guys that's a lie my next race is the naples half marathon on january 14th but it's not it's like a tune-up race so sorry so you travel a lot too. Yes. But I will say this. The only time I really do travel is for races. So for, for work, like I, like I'll, I'll be honest. And like, I love my girlfriend dearly. I love her family, but I was in Boston this last weekend. I flew in Thursday. I left Christmas morning. Cause I don't want to be, I don't want to miss altitude that long, but like, I hate traveling for something. If it's not work or racing. be at, I don't want to miss altitude that long, but like, I hate traveling for something. It's not work or racing. So like I've obviously, I was still training when I was there, but I like the benefits
Starting point is 01:32:10 of altitude. That's why I live in train in Boulder. So, so you want to get home because at altitude you, your red blood cells carry more oxygen. A hundred percent. Yeah. And it's like, obviously like when I wasn't too, like I ripped a session, I ripped a faster session that I could probably do it. I ran a session there that I couldn't do here because it was just there's more oxygen down
Starting point is 01:32:29 there which is nice just to get the legs moving a little quicker but like there's a trade-off there and for me at least at the marathons like you don't have to run all that fast you know like for the marathon like obviously five minute paces it's quick but it's like you can run that pretty easily up here whereas like 420 430 paces a lot harder to run it out dude so you might as well go if you can go run that co so did a session like that and uh got back to it so what is your fastest mile uh 411 how and that was in the seventh grade no so that was this summer ironically oh shit dude i'm tripping on you hey do you use a heart rate monitor uh i don't know i mean like if i do
Starting point is 01:33:15 like i'll check my heart like and it's wrist based so you take that with a grain of salt but like typically on easy runs like this morning so it was 131 running running easy um my shakeout was like 122 this afternoon so like yesterday's workout i did said i like my peak down like 184 or something average heart was like 158 or something like that so um but again that's risk-based so i take that with a grain of salt right yeah percentage of accuracy gets down you david goggins fan i like david goggins i've read his book yeah yeah can't hurt me yeah okay i'm gonna carry the boats so exactly so i um yeah so i i like his i like his approach i think some of it is embellished but like
Starting point is 01:34:02 but by all means dude like whatever gets you fucking amped like go do it you know so um yeah i respect that so no so des called you um lebron did not call you um the the juiced up runner dude that you work for uh called you well he didn't call you he just did a shout out to you He did an IG shout out God I'm just tripping No like guy from Kenya Like the like some like Guy who had the
Starting point is 01:34:33 Usain Bolt he didn't reach out to you Nah that would have been sick What is wrong with you Bolt I mean that's what you've done You've done something like It's so crazy what you've done You've done something like It's so crazy what you've done I can't even Look at Will Branstetter
Starting point is 01:34:49 Attaboy Caleb look at that You got an attaboy Will Branstetter gives you an attaboy At the 1 hour and 31 minute mark Caleb speaks But anyways yeah no look LeBron would be fucking sick I don't know if we want to get into the goat debate,
Starting point is 01:35:06 but I don't use the, I hate the term goat. However, LeBron is my goat. So. You don't want to get me started on him. I think he's just a. I'm going to take it somewhere else other than sports. Yeah. I think he's negligent as an adult male.
Starting point is 01:35:21 His, his, uh, the example that he sets for society, think is uh poor what race are you let's not talk about race please this is about running what race are you competing in olympic trials marathon okay yeah and that's 26.2 miles yes sir so it is strictly just the marathon trials on february 3rd it's like the track trials will be later this summer. You don't want to race in the mountain ultra trial. No, no, I'm not a,
Starting point is 01:35:51 I'm a road guy. So I said this, I said this on a different call and they looked at me weird, but it's like, I just broke a world record technically on the roads. Like judging it was a, it was a trail, but it's an all surface world record. Like on technically the roads,
Starting point is 01:36:03 like why would you put me on a trail now like after just breaking a road world record like yeah like i might i drive a mustang like i'm not taking that fucking thing off roading no way like that's way too smooth on the road you know so hey um uh why are you doing that knowing that you you won't qualify why why do it uh because so here's the corny thing it's just like it's a dumb status thing and i hate saying this we're like yeah we're several like it's just a it's armani glasses armani glasses for my rich guests let's go it's a dumb just elitist marathon in the united states it's like oh have you have you qualified for the trials have you gotten your otq olympic trials qualifier it's just a
Starting point is 01:36:53 dumb ass status thing that matters in u.s marathoning so it's like if i consider myself a good marathoner i better have my otq but it worked out well because i got my otq in this october at a race that I use as a workout for the 50 miler. So I, you know, check, check two bucks. I'm OTQ and got a really great workout in kind of as a springboard, as a big workout for the 50 miler. So. And you get to run with other really fast guys, which is probably cool. Right?
Starting point is 01:37:18 Exactly. Yeah. So, and it's just like, it's, it'll be, it'll be like how you stack them. There's so many people, this isn't like I'm not for them. There's so many people that have this isn't like I'm not for them. There's so many people that have missed the time by several seconds or by a minute I've gotten close to it. They're just in tears. Or guys that have qualified for it, and they're just bawling their fucking eyes out that they got their qualifier.
Starting point is 01:37:36 So it does mean a lot. And judges are like, I've already done it. This is my second time. It's cool. It's a great experience. What about networking? What about networking? What about networking? Well, exactly.
Starting point is 01:37:46 Like the Nike guys will be there with their whatever their fucking guy is that no one gives two shits about. Yeah. No, that's the thing too. It's like you get to see people. It's like the largest celebration of like marathoning in the United States for sure. Because it's the best of the best in the United States. I wonder if it's going to be different for you this year. I think it is. Oh, I mean, I'm excited. I mean, like I'll argue that I'm, I'll say I'm probably the strongest in the field, like just aerobically, you know, just cause of what I'm coming off of. Um, but so it's
Starting point is 01:38:19 just how do I stack up and, and I'm guessing people will, are going to want to meet you now like before you're not just some, just some another dude yeah no it's fun you have you know certain like i love this stuff like i love love doing podcasts love chatting love interviews um yeah it's just you know people always want to ask how you did it you know how i was training bad just talk shop so um definitely a lot a lot of interest which is fun you think you got any positive adaptation from the 50 miler from from pushing that hard like it made you better or does it just take or is it the opposite what happens to charlie lawrence's body the machine from that so here's where i'm at right now where i'm trying to go from a 50 mile so i went from a marathon being kind of sharp for a
Starting point is 01:39:01 50 miler to a marathon so being able to run i ran ironically i ran 216 10 again in my my marathon this fall tied my period to the exact second so like that's good speed for the for the 50 miler so i knew i was like kind of had the speed going in however now like i ran 50 miles at a slower pace for a long long time my legs don't feel as poppy as they did so so as i'm starting the segment back up like i don't i'm not good at taking breaks i took one day off i took i ran the day after the race just shook out took the following monday off and i started training again what does that mean you took the uh took the day off what does that mean i did i didn't run so you seriously did not run
Starting point is 01:39:39 for yeah my girlfriend well i was a little hungover. What did you do? You just hang out at the house, walk to the coffee shop, like lay around in the tent, shit like that? Yeah, I slept into like seven. I was pretty bored, truthfully. Yeah, I have no idea what to do. Professional athletes, I never believe it when they say they did nothing. Like if you ask a CrossFitter, did you do something? They're like, nah, I just ran a 5k.
Starting point is 01:40:05 I did nothing. I'm like, no, yeah, I'm an, I legit nothing. I think I, I, yeah, I made my coffee later on, probably bitch to my girlfriend that I felt lazy, but like, but here's the thing. Like I ran, I ran the day before, like the day after the race, I still ran a few miles, just like kind of flush the shit out of my legs. Um, but it was like building back up and my, my segment so far,
Starting point is 01:40:26 I've just felt really sluggish and slow. So I've been doing a lot of those VO two max track workouts, try to get that pop back in my legs. Cause like, I know, I know the engines there aerobically, the base is there just now how can I, how fast can make my legs turn.
Starting point is 01:40:40 So, and that's why I'm doing the Naples half marathon in a few weeks to just like to get a hard effort, run faster than marathon pace for obviously a shorter amount of time. So I think, I think I saw you, there's a picture of you on a track and you said, I did my favorite workout 14, four hundreds or something. I was like, I was kind of surprised to hear you say that. Let me see. Uh, Oh, 24 hundreds.
Starting point is 01:41:01 So is that, uh, it says one, one, if not my favorite track session this morning is 20 by 400s oh that's all going back all the way to august 4th well so yeah so so this was this one year that i was seeing was a couple weeks ago and yeah so i did so i did um a few 800s six of them and then 16 by 400 but my favorite track road is just 400 meters at 5k pace um with 200 meter jog recovery so and this this is my homie colin shot this so the the 20 year old man so so when you how how when how often would you run a 800 as fast as you can do you do is that something you do i mean so so these were all pretty like i kind of started at like what would be almost 10k pace and then worked down to like i closed in 210 for like which is not all up by any means um but it was just a hard hard effort and those don't scar you
Starting point is 01:41:50 those don't make it like no no no it's kind of another day do you ever get um uh metabolically fatigued or is it always muscular you ever run out of air uh yes like during those workouts there's times where like you're just getting towards the end of like a rep and you're just like you're definitely not pulling enough oxygen as you need um so you start going lactic a little bit but mostly it's mostly gonna be muscular fatigue like especially in a marathon it's like the legs start really kind of sticking after 21 22 23 miles so it's just at that point it's like the legs start really kind of sticking after 21, 22, 23 miles. So it's just at that point, it's like, you're not aerobically, you're not fatigued. Like that's, you know, aerobically five minute paces and that hard. It's just like your legs have been going at that pace for now two hours and change. So it's like that wears on
Starting point is 01:42:39 you muscularly. Do you ever do any squatting? I do. So I i do like every at least twice a week i'm doing some sort of either deadlifts um single leg squats um lunges you name it do you squat below parallel no no is there a reason for that no um uh there um many many ago, I read that book by Dean Karnasas. Um, the first one he wrote. No, he, I don't think he wrote that one. He wrote, it's like called marathon man or something. Do you know that book, Charlie? I do, but I haven't read it.
Starting point is 01:43:18 Okay. Anyway. And then I heard he went into a CrossFit gym and he couldn't squat. He couldn't squat below parallel. And like, and actually it was going to be bad for him if he did. And that was kind of like mind boggling to me that he had lost that range of motion. And I was just wondering if there's a reason you guys don't squat below. Oh,
Starting point is 01:43:34 maybe Kayla was going to show us some. Oh, Oh yeah. Maybe it was that ultra marathon, man. Yeah. Fucking. I loved the book.
Starting point is 01:43:41 Uh, is there, who do you train? Do you train? Do you have a trainer so i honestly just take everything that i learned like either in college from my strength coach or from my former teammate dayton ritz and hein who is now a professional coach for the unathletic club um so i just pulled that from those guys and kind of what i know works and what i need so um i mean i'm on the deadlift trap bar like i I have a, you know,
Starting point is 01:44:05 I've put a lot of money into my gym for sure, but it's a, it has everything I need dumbbells boxes as a platform with a normal barbell, a few plates. Um, can you show me someone squatting below parallel Caleb? It doesn't even matter if it's an air squat or like, it doesn't matter what, I'm just, I want to, I'm curious how far Charlie goes down. How far do you go down? Charlie, you can even get close to parallel? I can definitely go. No wonder you like LeBron.
Starting point is 01:44:26 LeBron doesn't squat below parallel either. But he doesn't need to. Okay, fine. I'm thinking for, like, injury or safety, like, okay, yeah, here's a – you squat that low? Yeah. Not much lower, though, because, one, like, as a runner, like, we lose a ton of ankle mobility and just like joint mobility in general.
Starting point is 01:44:47 Cause we're just so like not stationary, but we're so just like one dimensional. Yeah. Repetition in one, in one domain. Yeah. But the thing too, that I will say is like in running, we don't, we, our leg is never like that while we're running. So. Right. Right. So you don don't you don't squat that low unless you're dropping the deuce in the woods exactly there that is necessary which unfortunately happens on occasion when when you're running so do you think about the longevity of your body like yeah now you still want to be able to run yeah i want to try to be um yeah yeah that's it
Starting point is 01:45:28 all i don't know i don't know where i'm gonna end up when i'm actually like when i officially i guess retire um i always want to be like we should try to be runner fit i think i'll just be the classic dudes like i just run 10 miles every day i'm like that's a good day and then i try to go throw it down like at the rec center against middle schoolers like that shit hey hey uh awesome um when's the next time you try to break a world record uh probably next fall yeah what month it's christmas it's december so fall what falls like uh september is a fall september, October, November. Yeah. I think I want to go for the a hundred K world record. Not,
Starting point is 01:46:07 not the 50 K, not, not, but what if someone beats the 50 K? Do you think, is there anyone who's like talking shit? No, no,
Starting point is 01:46:12 it's talking shit. Um, I know, I think there's, if there's something that can beat it, be my buddy, CJ Albertson, who's a two 11 guy.
Starting point is 01:46:19 Yeah. He's a good, he's a pretty good friend of mine. Um, I mean, competitor, but like a ton of mutual respect. He could probably go get it.
Starting point is 01:46:27 What's a 211er mean? You mean he does the marathon in 211? 211, yeah. So this dude, so Sorokin, he has the record. Like, I think I can smash the fuck out of this. Wow. You got a list of these guys' names on your wall or something? I mean, damn close.
Starting point is 01:46:42 It's up here. Oh, Charlie Lord. No. names on your wall or something i mean damn close it's it's up here oh yeah no like i have nothing against that dude but i just like he's all over instagram like he does great he's great for the sport all this broke all these records but i just want to be like shut up dude like like watch what i can do and just go do that dude you're great for the sport you're the type of personality for a sport like this, that would just fucking send it over the edge and collect a whole entire new audience. And that's why I was like, if you got a media guy close to you or anybody who's just willing to cut their chops, like Sevan was saying, get them close, let them distribute. Do you have a YouTube channel? I don't, I'm probably going to start one soon though.
Starting point is 01:47:19 That fucking thing up, dude. I'm telling you, like you let your personality shine through. Even if you do the dumb shit, here's what I eat a day here's how i cook here's how i do my coffee here's how i lace my shoes here's the different types of shoes here's how i choose my shoes right all that little stuff that is pretty much would seem meaningless to you i think would do really well but with your personality your attitude like all of that i think i think i think you'd be surprised at how big of an impact you can make on on this sport yeah i'm definitely like and the truthfully too this is through just other contract negotiations too with with another brand they're like we think you should like because they kind
Starting point is 01:47:54 of told me the same thing about like i think you could have uh like there's truth like and running is great it's let's call it a gentleman sport like it's probably the kindest way to put it like i think that works but i love like i love the trash talk i love being like i'm gonna put this dude in his fucking place like we're all we're all like we're all friends truthfully like we all know each other at this level but also it's like like they know i'm trying to beat their ass like they absolutely know that so and like and i enjoy doing that so dude you can start little mini fights with them on instagram and shit they i mean people love the drama right one of the flaws in crossfit i think is everybody goes out and kind of cheers and like if any athlete says like oh i'm gonna dominate these fuckers everybody's like he's the
Starting point is 01:48:32 bad guy right but it gets so much attention it's so fun to talk about so much attention and especially if it's sincere yeah oh well you guys will love this like i remember like this is back in high school even like I would like, I didn't have Instagram that good. Instagram was like, didn't even exist. But I was just like, I like tweet shit. Like before me, it's be like, well, here comes another easy to wins. And when people would, would people like at the event say stuff to you or, Oh, there were parents that would be like, he can say this like like from from other schools as you walk yeah yeah and then like my coaches even my dad was like you think charlie's showing up to lose no like you know i was just like that's the shit
Starting point is 01:49:17 i would say but it's like back it up like you know i was a state champion and stuff like multiple times so do you know who gordon ryden is he's not a runner he's in the in jiu-jitsu but the reason why i bring it up is he brought that aspect and he was like how you were like he showed up and just started dominating on the scene and he brought that confidence with him and he transcended the sport so now you got you see this dude with like logan paul and like these mainstream type podcasts and talking about it because i think he has what you have he has like that like it factor in the talent to back it up the earned confidence to back it up right and yeah right here and he walked out and one of the things that he did which is very similar to what you did he wrote on a piece of paper and he's going to be world-class high-level guys he wrote on the piece of paper the submission
Starting point is 01:50:04 that he was going to do. And it was like, you know, or something. He sealed it, gave it to the, gave it to the announcers and said, don't open this until after I win this match.
Starting point is 01:50:13 And then he'd walk out on the stage and do one of these and like put his crown on and he'd go out there and he would submit these high level guys. And most of these matches don't even end in submission and he would submit them. And then after he would end, he would say would say yeah go ahead and open that envelope he'd open up and sure enough exactly what he fucking wrote on there is how he did the match and little things like that i mean that's so badass caleb look at his uh profile real quick can you just bring up just his amount of instagram followers so if you go to anybody else in the jujitsu space this dude
Starting point is 01:50:42 trumps it and here's the other thing dude yeah a million and he's crazy shadow band he's crazy shadow band he got up with these guys with uh uh this thing called uh bjj fanatics and essentially what it is is he sells like his methods and his techniques right and i mean it made him a multi-millionaire and it was all leveraged from his personality the coach that he had his media and everything else and i i mean you talked about how you already have the remote coaching and everything else i mean dude you build that media platform behind you and you build your audience and i i really feel you would have the same direction as one of these type of guys yeah no i think too like literally like my instant caption was like four 48, 21, like new world record.
Starting point is 01:51:25 I'm taking this shit over. Like I legit think I can, I can be one of your late night TV show shit. Like you could be on one of those ding dong shows, like whatever those guys are. Jimmy Kimmel. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:38 Hey, how was it working with outside magazine? Oh, outside was dope. Yeah. It was good. It was good. It was good. It was good. It was good.
Starting point is 01:51:43 It was good. It was good. It was good. It was good. It was good. It was good. It was good. It was good.
Starting point is 01:51:43 It was good. It was good. It was good. It was good. It was good. Brian Metzler the the writer for it he's local to boulder so i don't know who he is like you we see each other around at either tracks or um so it was fun so that was obviously massive outside um runners world obviously um
Starting point is 01:51:58 gentlemen from i forgot it's a sub category of men's journal. I'm not sure when that's coming, but yeah, it's been fun. Drug testing in your sport? Drug testing, yes, sir. No shit, they drug test you guys? Yep. There's not enough money to drug test you guys. As far as I know, there is. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:52:20 So yeah, I had to go piss in a cup after the race, which is fine. When I first signed up for the race, I emailed the race director, yeah, I had to go piss in a cup after the race, which is fine. So, which I was, I literally, like, when I first signed up for the race, I just emailed the race director, Steve, like, I will need drug testing. So, like, can we have it there? Because I was, like, that confident I was going to break the record and would need it to be ratified. Oh, oh, if you wouldn't have broken the record, then you wouldn't have needed to be tested? Correct, yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:42 For it to be, like, ratified and countedified and counted I have To like have a drug test So uh Dan Guerrero Um his steroid transformation Helped too you can uh tell that to Charlie uh Gordon Ryan is like Juiced that guy's juiced to the gills But they don't test in that they don't think they test in his Sport they don't yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:52:59 Ours is like I mean running's dirty Man like it's mostly like and I'm Not like just singling out people but it's like there's a lot of like east africans that just get popped for for epo for like nandrolone for testosterone um to just live in just remote places and you know it's like hey you can be the best in the world make a lot of money get your family out of this scenario but like what's gonna help you here like rip somel like boost more blood cells so um kind of a sad shady aspect of running truthfully but can you test for that can you test for epo yeah oh yeah
Starting point is 01:53:30 yeah there's i mean epo is like like what lance was on he would do like the blood bags and all that to get extra extra blood and i mean like i'll say this too like i'm a massive lance man i think like take the drugs out of the tour when he was on it he's still winning he's still winning those races like he's the best he's the greatest human to ever ride a bicycle in my opinion uh it did suck how some of the stuff he said afterwards like some of the people he sued and went after but journalists are scumbags anyways uh uh oh uh jeremy world uh that's a racist comment no he was talking about white east african runners not black but thank you jeremy i appreciate you no i mean honestly too like they're literally like, there was a,
Starting point is 01:54:06 there was a Canadian dude who got popped like a month ago, like a white dude. And it's just like, Oh, you had to bring race into it. Here we go. Here we go. All right. Canadian white guy getting, but no, like it's, it's kind of wild. Like there's every other day you'll'll see a bubble bra from wherever Nation popped for EPO or whatever it was. Mason Mitchell on a bike. Lance never failed a single test, says the guy on a bicycle in his profile. Hey, he's not wrong. He didn't.
Starting point is 01:54:36 Is that true? He never failed a test? He didn't. Yeah, he just admitted to it. What did you say? He just admitted to it. Oh, eventually that's what happened? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:46 He went on Oprah. And Oprah was like, have you ever taken performance-sensing drugs? And he said, yes. And that was like years after the fact. Wait, why did he do that? Because he felt bad. Oh, all right. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:55:02 Yeah, I mean, you want to talk like ultimate killer? Like, that man's a killer like he's his his stuff is so fun to watch yeah even like go watch like lance hype videos or like even like a couple of documentaries like he's he's a savage the greatest endurance athlete of all time is he that is he an endurance athlete oh yeah i mean he's up there as one of them in my opinion obviously it's like he none of his tours count because he admitted to doping, but in my opinion, he's one of them, for sure. I also consider Courtney Dewalter is up there as well.
Starting point is 01:55:34 Is that a girl? Yep, Ultra Trail. She's probably mine, I would guess probably probably the best um or there's a guy named killian jornet he's up there as well he's they're also like ultra trail people but not necessarily like ultra road courtney do walter yeah courtney's a badass you want to talk about like being in like the hurt locker like she talks about like hallucinating on these like trail races too. Cause she just pushes herself so far. Look at Chrissy knows who Courtney is. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:56:10 There we go. Courtney is shout out Chrissy. Courtney do Walter. She, that one that said that she like fell asleep or something like in part of the trail, but then like woke up like still running or something crazy. Maybe like,
Starting point is 01:56:23 I know she's talking about like, just like laying down, like taking naps and shit. So like, I know she's talking about like, just like laying down, like taking naps and shit. So maybe like I can see it. Yeah. She was the one minute napper or something like that too. I think so. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:32 Yeah. I think I heard a story about her where she like closed her eyes and woke up and freaked out and yelled at her whole team. And she was like, you let me oversleep all of on there. Like it was one minute. Yeah. Like I felt fucking great.
Starting point is 01:56:42 I don't know what happened. I mean, maybe it wasn't her. I could be wrong. You like this guy? Djokic is that novak jokovic yeah no you don't like him no i'm uh in tennis i i gotta go with roger man all right all right or also also too i'm a um i'm a john mackerel fan as well oh well then how could you not like jokovic? Djokovic, McEnroe, same thing, different year. Djokovic is annoying. I like Djokovic. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:57:08 The podcast has taken a stumble, Sousa. It's an hour and 55 minutes. I'm a fan of his playoff. I respect his game. That's for sure. I just like a couple of his competitors better, I guess. All right, brother. Hey, you made a big mistake uh giving me your phone number
Starting point is 01:57:28 no you're good man you got it reach out anytime i tell people this if i don't reply within this is not a joke if i don't reply within two minutes i'm either training sleeping or on a call like we are right now so um oh dude you're not going to be returning to you're not going to be returning You're not going to be returning You're a year away from like don't ever call me again No I mean You're big time dude I'm telling you Charlie You're the man Yeah if you want me back on just let me know I'm happy to Anytime
Starting point is 01:57:55 Don't change your phone number buddy I hate it I hate it when someone comes on here when they're just small time And then they get big time and change their number No what's like what's the What's on Twitter Twitter's so stupid these days like I just I'm on Twitter just to what's like what's the um he was on twitter twitter's so stupid these days like i just i'm on twitter just to troll people like that's all i do is troll teammates but like there's like a weird pride thing about like having your og like area code like i always i don't know why i always want to have a 320 area code which is central minnesota
Starting point is 01:58:19 which is like i don't live there i'll never live there again in my entire life but just like uh i have a little attachment to my cell phone number so in a weird way oh yeah not in a weird way it's just an attachment is that the only cell phone number you've ever had only cell phone number from day one whenever i got mine's my only one i've ever had either yeah me too yes uh so i'm not i don't plan on changing unless i absolutely have to which i don't know why I'd have to. So. All right. I can't wait. I can't wait for sure.
Starting point is 01:58:48 For sure. If we don't talk to you sooner, we'll definitely talk to you in the fall. I can't wait to, to see, see what you're up to. Stay healthy, dude. You're an amazing human being,
Starting point is 01:58:55 brother. Yeah, no, that's the, that's the name of the game. So. All right, man,
Starting point is 01:59:00 have a fabulous night. Thanks for your time. You in five minutes, we'll be cracking jokes about you and you'll be, uh, sawing logs. I mean, Hey, Hey, if, if they're good and shoot them my way, cause I like laughing at myself. Thanks man. Will do brother. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:59:16 Charlie Lawrence, fastest 50 miler in the world. Thanks buddy. Good night. Night boys. I really liked that kid jeez that young but i really like him a lot hey juice check your text we got the agency already working look at that hey um yeah buddy i can't believe um i can't believe how cool that is You would think that to be that focused You'd have like some sort of autism How is that guy that cool?
Starting point is 01:59:53 That's what I said He's an anomaly Like I was being serious Like Dan said I was hyping him up I was definitely hyping him up But that was like truth dude Like he's got the it Right?
Starting point is 02:00:04 Like he's cool He's funny He's fucking confident he crushes it like he tells stories audrey seve i started bj i started bjs i started bjj oh oh nice that's awesome congratulations that's really cool keep us posted wow going around with men sweaty men uh thank god he found what he's good at he looks he looks like his next option was going to be a shitty rapper right he could i bet you'd be a good rapper jesus now that now the true comments Come in oh
Starting point is 02:00:46 I know of him Might have seen him once or twice Who Charlie TV Cooper Oh Unrelated Okay hey hey Stay focused guys
Starting point is 02:01:02 All right That was good okay fine hey hey stay focused guys alright that was good so if you want a membership if you want to see the behind the scenes it's launching Monday right oh shit is Will Branstadter in the chat Will do we have a final for episode 1 like with like all the bumpers and shit
Starting point is 02:01:20 and like thank you to 2BrainBusiness and all that I think we do CA Peptides paper sheet and shit and like thank you to two brain business and all that i think we do ca peptides paper sheet i was getting the 10 milligrams of the cjc 1295 but now someone told me that you should get the five milligram because it comes with the dac and you need the dac in order to activate the CJC. Fucking I. What? I know. I don't even know.
Starting point is 02:01:47 And another reason Charlie's good is he talks fast. So you don't have to listen to his shit at 1.25. Mm-hmm. You have to listen to it at 0.5. Yeah. Dan Guerrero seemed like a good dude. Now we just got to get him squatting full range of motion. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 02:02:05 I don't know. Here's what I would do. Sounds like some CrossFit bullshit to me. If you want some pro advice from an amateur, here's what I would have him do. All I would have him do is just slow, tempoed air squats as part of his warmup, full, deep range of motion.
Starting point is 02:02:21 Because if he's worried about changing that, I would be very nervous to change his level but i would i just think for his longevity like he was like oh there's no reason for me to go below parallel and that's why when i asked him i was like hey i think you should focus a little longevity go below parallel because he just wants to restore and keep that range of motion or even doing like the kelly starrett old-fashioned like 10 minute bottom of the spot do you think he had that range of motion he wouldn't have the elasticity that he needs to make those those no i was gonna say do you think that nerfs him though do you think that now he's like oh now i'm worried about my longevity do i i gotta fucking
Starting point is 02:02:53 i can't run that fast i gotta fucking the guy in the clown shirt no i didn't nerf nothing but i think that and i wouldn't change it dramatically either i'm literally talking about like a couple slow full range of motion squats. I would love to see them. I don't know his full regiment, but like strict press with the barbell as well to just build the upper body a little bit just for the longevity of the shoulders and the range of motion. Nothing to like change. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:03:19 Just to add a little bit for range of motion purposes. Because once you lose it, it's tough to get it back. Hey, we just got Alexis Raptus and it looks like maybe Justin Kotler. And I thought I saw another one in here. Oh, a Paige Semenza added to the video project the video project damn yeah this thing's getting massive graciano sent me a new one that's a good dude and in his new one was dope like he didn't he didn't he leveled up from the one he posted right which was really cool of him yeah that's a good dude hey we got i got the um president of goruck's gonna come on the show oh awesome yeah yep see mason yeah mason knows mason knows uh slantboard goblets
Starting point is 02:04:14 oh we should have asked him if he has a slantboard yeah in that again he could incorporate range of motion stuff like with a slantboard you know some of that knee over toe stuff ass grass lunge a couple of he might snap that thing fucking in half snap an ankle in half on the slack box no no no knee over toe guy slant board not i know but i'm looking at what kenneth said oh sorry i didn't see that coming yeah man oh man man oh man Brandon Waddell, did someone say strict press? This dude strict pressed the house. I wanted to show you guys. Oh, so if you go to the homepage, you can get a membership, or if you're on the phone, you can get a membership.
Starting point is 02:04:59 Oh, did you put the link somewhere, Sousa? The link is actually in our Instagram bio. I did it right after we had the conversation, and then I'll drop the link here susan uh the link is actually in our instagram bio i did it right after we have the conversation and then i'll drop the link here in the chat the problem with the link if you do it from instagram which i was kind of bummed about is it makes you sign into youtube so that might be a something we got to work around here hey Hey, there's this, you know, when you see synergy between people, it's just fascinating. I don't know how many of you follow James O'Keefe over at OMG Media, but he just broke this story that at ibm um they're not there you won't get your bonus if you hire white people and that if you don't um if you don't hire enough uh minorities not including
Starting point is 02:05:58 asians they exclude asians which is just crazy. You won't get your bonus. I mean, it's just a full blown. It's just a full blown race. It's so crazy over at IBM, but I want to play this for you. Just not, not for the, not for the sake of what this guy is saying, but, but, but I'll tell you a big picture.
Starting point is 02:06:20 I just love this. Watch that. Watch this leaked to O'Keefe of Krishna, the CEO of IBM telling his employees to hire fewer white men or they will be punished. Their pay will be cut. Watch this. OK, I'm going to go over this in a live calling show. The point of this isn't that IBM is racist. The point is, is that this is like synergy between this is now outside media putting synergy between and that's exactly what i see happening in the crossfit space with us in the locker room the locker room boys yeah just every, everyone just like the synergy is crazy.
Starting point is 02:07:06 I don't think we'll go with the locker room boys after I said it again. Give me a look. Yeah, you're probably right. But, but, but, but,
Starting point is 02:07:13 but you see it, right? It's just, it's just like, it's just different takes different people running with each other's stories, supporting each other's stories. God,
Starting point is 02:07:24 it's just so exciting. Uh, when there's that, everyone's just chipping in, doing their stories. God, it's just so exciting when there's that. Everyone's just chipping in, doing their part. Just chip in. It's like it's a sentient being, but it has no leader. Do you know what I mean? It has no head. Well, the leader is kind of like the focused mission, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:42 Right? And everyone knows it, but it's not even talked about right it's just a alignment of values anyway it excited me when i saw tucker and o'keefe and i was just i see all those guys kind of like like oh yeah that's what that's what we do isn't the whole i wonder if i'd be like if ibm's like funded by like how that works because you know all those major you know um i'm drawing at the point blank this is when i start to shut down about 8 30 but they have like the esg score and if they don't have like a high enough esg store they'll start cutting their funding and then that's the way for like black rock state street you know these that vanguard
Starting point is 02:08:27 that own like 88 of the s&p 500 and that's how you can pull the strings on all these corporate entities because a ton of them get funding and stuff from that so they want to stay within the good graces so if they implement your esg score different things like that dei type stuff and you don't adhere to it they'll start pulling those dollars away right yeah so so oh well yeah you saw elon elon uh said that we need to get rid of all dei not not that it's like a big deal i mean it's like so obvious but it's still cool to see it uh asymmetric ears i will Pedro Graciano could also run 400 meters under a minute and 15. Wow. I'd like to get that behind my paywall.
Starting point is 02:09:15 That's fucking paywall material. Holy shit. Jeremy, I always knew Sousa was a robot. Like his batteries are turning off it's 830 and he's like alright tomorrow morning we have a surprise for you surprise you're disappointed
Starting point is 02:09:41 a big surprise surprise tomorrow morning yeah Caleb are you around tomorrow morning by any chance probably look at turd bird became a YouTube member T bird
Starting point is 02:09:56 I mean what do you expect it just rhymes good together beast some countries this means fuck you uh uh someone you're such a hater for calling me a liar I DM you the receipts of my resting heart rate
Starting point is 02:10:11 it was 38 not 39 dang hey well he believed you he was like you're fit he believed you yeah you don't DM me you'd be sliding into my DM let me check that shit I'm not just taking your word on it
Starting point is 02:10:27 did you see the new beanies yeah they're sweet I don't see oh did you have to request are you already in the are you in the lineup or how would I find you how do I find her oh what's her name Renee oh here we go Renee accept my message so I can show you oh shit alright fine uh how do i find her oh what's her name renee oh here we go renee
Starting point is 02:10:45 accept my message so i can show you oh shit all right fine damn yeah except fuck hostile dang girl uh rich says how do i become a member um oh link in bio. So I just respond to people, link in bio. I put it in the chat. Hey, what do I, so tomorrow, do I, should I make member only content and show people what I'm doing tomorrow? Yes.
Starting point is 02:11:20 Yes. All of it? Like all the baller shit too? All of it. I think that's, that that's great i think it'd be really cool to kind of go along on your travels and different things like that that you do yeah tomorrow tomorrow for people who are very very perceptive they'll see something a very uh interesting tomorrow i don't think i've told i don't think i've told you this either um
Starting point is 02:11:43 i'll write it in this and the uh I don't think I've told you this either. I'll write it in the – Oh, Will, you're a good dude. And then, Will, after you make that video video we'll put it for members only that's all true that's all true but it'll be fucking it'll be crazy uh it'll be crazy content yeah that'll be really hey hey and and how about this this i like how it's just silent we We know no one else does. How about that? Did you see that?
Starting point is 02:12:47 Oh, really? Yeah. That's why I'm not sure how much I can show. Wow. Just enough. Yeah. Just enough. Anyway, if you remember tomorrow, you'll see something you might know.
Starting point is 02:13:01 Somebody might not even give a shit. Are you sharing notes back and forth? I'm just there's a private chat here and I'm telling them stuff. Oh, like she give a shit. Are you sharing notes back and forth? There's a private chat here, and I'm telling them stuff. Oh, like she's a teacher. Read them to the class. You will if you remember. God, I used to love passing notes. That's pretty girly of me, right?
Starting point is 02:13:18 No. It's a lost art. It's the best. Do you like me? Yes, no, maybe. And then you, you pass. Do you like me? Yes. No, maybe. And then the squares. Yes. Check one.
Starting point is 02:13:29 Please check one. Guys, look at this crazy shit. I don't have no idea what's going on here, but check, look at this crazy shit. So this is a, it's called the website.
Starting point is 02:13:39 It's called Tokyo world. Foreigner saves Japanese teenagers life. Okay. Now watch this. This is it. What's cool is it's kind of like an obese man, which in obese people can float really good, but he's saving this woman, I think life,
Starting point is 02:13:53 but watch, watch this. This is nuts. Watch this. You see that? You see that? see that what the fuck she was uh swimming with her mask on i think she fell overboard in a boat yeah but dude first thing you do is rip that off your face you fucking waterboard yourself hey and look where she... Look, watch this. So she has a mask on still.
Starting point is 02:14:28 Yeah, she's getting waterboarded. But, like, this guy almost drops her back in. Hey, if that was an American chick, they'd have never been able to pull her up over like that. I cannot believe this chick still has her mask on. Look, if someone writes, feel like taking her mask off might be a good first order.
Starting point is 02:14:59 This is a girl who's drowning, but she has a... I mean, and that's a legit mask, mask man that mask is like the four straps and it's like pulled over her nose and her mouth like the only thing that's getting past that mask is covid hey i admire her she's at she's at a real dark spot in her life and all she cares about is saving other people oh protecting where's the members only chat there i don't think there's such a thing oh t-bird uh becoming a member was so easy on my android god bless the android everybody switched to android become members. There you go.
Starting point is 02:15:47 Masks were common in Japan before COVID. Yeah, Asians love traveling around the world with a mask on. But under no circumstance, if you're drowning and your mask is soaking wet and completely adhered to your face, should you keep it on? Even if someone's spitting in your mouth with COVID, you should still
Starting point is 02:16:03 take your mask off. Triage. Triage. Jeez. Janelle, my husband and I wrote each other notes every day for a year when we were dating. Aw. I have hundreds of them in a box. Throw that shit away.
Starting point is 02:16:23 You can do it on an iPhone. Just go to YouTube in your Safari browser. Click the AA in the search bar and click view as desktop website. And you'll see the join button. Holy shit. There it is. That's the. You can do it on. Just go to YouTube in your Safari browser.
Starting point is 02:16:40 Click the AA in the search bar and click view as desktop website. Wow. You need to allow gift memberships. Is that, I thought I talked to. Okay. Someone say something. I talked to Pedro and Pedro's like,
Starting point is 02:17:03 I have no idea how I did that. When I went through, there was like a toggle switch in one of these settings that said like, allow people to gift and Pedro's like, I have no idea how I did that. When I went through, there was like a toggle switch in one of these settings that said like, allow people to gift it. And I thought I had turned it on and now I can't find where that was. God, please find it. Dear God.
Starting point is 02:17:19 I apologize for having someone on that doesn't believe in you. Please don't hold that against me. Yeah, that, that guy's a great guest. Oh, I'm already going to have to apply for an exemption. This program has already been flagged. Right. Yeah, I thought it was in there. I'll search around again oh
Starting point is 02:17:47 oh shit do you see this in our live section it says um we have members videos now shit our members videos get more views than the ones we send for the public I never said to oh
Starting point is 02:18:03 I have no idea what these young people want Why don't you get a young person on the show To help you dinosaurs with technology Caleb's 20 something How old are you Caleb? 28 Yeah we're covered Yeah we're good.
Starting point is 02:18:27 He's in the military. Basically means I'm half retarded. He can set up a tent. Yeah. I can set up a tent. He can set up a tent and give you a shot that cures you of most venereal diseases.
Starting point is 02:18:42 That's all you get. All right. Brandon Waddell, good night to you too. Caleb Banks all you get. All right. Brandon Waddell. Good night to you too. Caleb Banks coming on. Sousa. Thank you. Tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:18:49 We got a surprise for you. 7am Pacific standard time. And I'll be sending you a bunch of member only videos tomorrow. Don't get used to that. That's not like something I'm going to do regularly. I'm not like, I'm just like kind of excited by it now. Like,
Starting point is 02:19:02 so they'll do some, but I think tomorrow you guys will be, those of you who are diehards will be, have fun seeing what we're doing tomorrow. Bye.

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