The Sevan Podcast - Chloe Gauvin-David | Games Bound

Episode Date: July 23, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Everybody's welcome. Peace and love. It's a sad bomb podcast show. Bam. Her life. Bam. We're live. Yo! Good morning, good morning, good morning. We got Chloe on today. I'm gonna try to say her name before she gets here. Chloe Davi Gavone. Gavine? We'll ask her.
Starting point is 00:00:20 I was, yesterday when I was cruising around the internet, I stopped at one of my spots that I always stop at before I have a athlete on. And I saw this from Glidesdale Media with Scott Schweitzer. Just give you a little something something about Chloe. Did I hear a rumor that you retired? You heard it right. I think I got maybe like eight DMs after like, Are you going? Is this just for fun? Are you trying to
Starting point is 00:00:52 get you know, the strength of feel like why are you there? So I got a bunch of DMS and you got it right. Like retirement. I that's what I said. Okay, and here we are. And whatever it is, it is right. Kind of? Yeah, I guess you could say that way I mean For me it was more about maybe changing my focus last year and making sure that Retirement for me meant I'm not doing what everybody else is doing. We got a theme going We got a theme going
Starting point is 00:01:23 We got a theme going I We got a theme going. It's like there's two versions of this character now in this space. There's the I've retired, but there's also the I'm just going to have fun or I'm going to train less. You know, Ariel Loewen. Haley Adams is kind of in that camp also. I'm guessing that Hailey probably trains more than Chloe.
Starting point is 00:01:51 And and I haven't had Lexi Neal on, Lexi Nealy, Lexi Neal, but I'm here. It feels like I'm hearing the same things about her too. Just trains at an affiliate. There's a... I don't think everyone can do that. I think people like Chloe and Ariel have some sort, they've built some sort of baseline, some base fitness. I wonder how much Velner's training. I wonder if Velner's starting to fall into that camp. Oh, awesome. Thank you, Suza.
Starting point is 00:02:28 I just see Suza's working hard to get Matthias Porter paid. God, what a pain in the ass. Someone will say, wins kill Taylor. It's 3000 bucks. And then we got to go to all the sponsors from the weeks past and be like, hey, can you send this guy 500 bucks? Oh, I did get my uplift shirt. What was uplift for again?
Starting point is 00:02:50 Mark Moss, I did get it, thank you. I did get it. And you know what's funny? Like I was avoiding giving you my address because I don't want any more shirts. And then when the shirt came, whenever I see a shirt, I'm like, oh, I'm never gonna wear it. I wish those people wouldn't have sent it to me, but I'll probably wear your shirt.
Starting point is 00:03:07 That's a nice shirt. Hey. Good morning. Oh girl, how are you? Oh, is my mic all jacked up? Hold on. I think my audio is all messed up. There we go.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Hey. Hi. Hi, Chloe. Will you say your full name for me? Chloe Govanain David. Oh, I said Chloe David Govain. Okay. Take take two one more time. Chloe Govain David.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Chloe Govain. Yeah, like going going. Govain. Yeah, David. Oh, I want to say David so bad. David. David.
Starting point is 00:03:46 How does your mom say it? My mom will say, ChloƩ, Gauvin, David, I guess. I think maybe in Quebec, they'll say Gauvin, David, which is I think what people try to do as an accent, but Gauvin, David is fine. Gauvin, David, Gauvin, ChloƩ. Every time you talk, I expect you to have a way stronger accent than you really do just because of your name. Yeah, I get that a lot. Like, oh, you speak French and English, but we hear it a bit, but not so much. So I'm lucky I have an accent in both. Yeah. And you do speak French fluently? Yeah, we speak French mostly here.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Your first language? Yeah, I would say it's my first language. Do you guys learn them simultaneously or is it one and then the other? We do learn it simultaneously. We'll have English class. Do you ever remember only speaking French? Do you remember at five being like, nope, I don't speak English? I was exposed to English young with my family.
Starting point is 00:04:41 They really were bilingual through and through. My mom and dad speak English and French. My grandparents speak English and French. So I'm pretty lucky to have like both those exposures, but I do know I'm French because I count my reps in French. Oh, oh. So I'll go un, deux, trois, quatre. Like I know that that's where I know I'm French because I count my reps in French. Yeah. Okay. Okay. I like that. I like that. Isn't that funny that there's those distinguishing qualities? Yeah. Yeah, that's cool. I was just playing the clip from when you were on Clydesdale
Starting point is 00:05:13 media with Scott Schweitzer. And I was thinking about these athletes that have fallen into kind of this spectrum of this category that you're in, where they've sort of built this base been around a long time and kind of like I don't know what the word is but I would throw Ariel Loewen in there on what like on the end that you're on and then someone like maybe Lexi Neal and then and then Ariel's kind of come out of that right now going a little bit, but then like Haley Adams.
Starting point is 00:05:46 And by that category, I mean, people who've stepped away from the competition and it actually helped them be better competitors. Do you kind of fall into that camp, right? Yeah, I would totally fall into that camp. Well, any camp that I'm with Ariel Lone is a good day. But you know what I mean? There's this group of athletes that have built this base for whatever reason they step away their body hurts, they don't want the mental stress, or they want to take a different direction in their life. I think the way you explained it in one of the podcasts I listened to you on maybe with Scott's that basically, you would stop you retired from competing, but you still liked the weightlifting part.
Starting point is 00:06:26 So you did the weightlifting part, but you kept your metabolic base and here you are going to the games. Yeah, that's accurate. That's awesome. Yeah. Yeah, I would definitely say that like the biggest part for me is the, like you said,
Starting point is 00:06:43 stepping away and then coming back. Cause it's not and then coming back, because it's not always easy coming back necessarily. Sometimes you find other things or you find other passions or things just don't click back into the sport of CrossFit, but personally I just couldn't step fully away. Like I would weight lift and I would just hit a PR
Starting point is 00:06:59 and that whole feeling of like, oh, I feel so good, this is so awesome, I love it. And then like there's that little switch of like, oh, does that mean I. This is so awesome. I love it. And then like, there's that little switch of like, oh, does that mean I still have it? Do you think I could keep going? So that there's like this yin and yang inside of your body going, do I come back? And do I feel like I'm really well stepping away?
Starting point is 00:07:17 Is this really what I want? So I think people step away, but I don't know if we all fully step away immediately. There's always a slow step back, and that leads us to be able to come back. We've seen it with, you know, Scott Panczek. Yeah. I think that's it. Oh, yeah, Scott's another great one, the one workout a day thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Yeah. It's hard to just close the door and fully close it. I feel like we always close it halfway. And somewhere in our brain, we leave that little possibility and that's maybe why people come back. Are you coaching a team also? I was, yeah. I coached a team all year. That was actually my main focus. And I said on the Clydeville media, I talked about how I think that gave me purpose in the sport and it kept me in it. So originally with the team I talked, I was just, I'm just gonna coach this year. I'll be your full-time coach.
Starting point is 00:08:07 And like, I'm not gonna do the season, but then they needed an alternate and they wanted me to be alternate. So I signed up as the alternate. So that forced me to do the opens and then, oh, okay, I still sort of got it. Then, you know, okay, I'll do quarterfinals. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:08:23 And I feel like I took every step of the way as a we'll see. I'm coaching the team. That's my priority on the weekends. I would give up my full Saturday to teaching, you know, the worm and getting them organized since they would come down only during the weekends together. So just got my mind on other things, but yet I was still performing well and doing one step at a time. Can you tell me like how that's me how that happened, the team coaching?
Starting point is 00:08:48 You're just working out in the gym and then you see, you're like, oh, did you put the team together? Can you tell me the origins of how you become the coach of the team? Yeah, so I competed team, you know, three years. So I have that team experience for that. What year is 1920? So yeah, my profile says 1921, 22, 23. three years. So I have that team experience for what years 1920. So yeah, my profile says 1921, 2223, but 2019 I was an alternate, but since I was an alternate, they consider it, you know, going to the games, but I have no merit in 2019.
Starting point is 00:09:15 So 2021 and 23. Okay. Yeah. And so we, you know, I was a top 10 team all three years. So I think that that shows, you know, consistency and ability and capacity. I was captain two of those years. So also being able to lead a team, being the captain. So I was with Pro One, Pro One, and the Move Fast, Lift Heavy team as well last year. So Pro One, that's where I train
Starting point is 00:09:40 and my boyfriend goes there as well. He was on my team at 2022 as well. And it was just all talking together saying, Oh, like, why don't you help us out? Like you're already helping us out. I would train with them, stop teaching some warm stuff, keep training, stop. Oh, why don't you try this? So I think it just naturally happened that I was helping them out here and there and they decided to offer it to me, like with the owner of the gym, just talk about, Hey, would you want to actually take this on full time with full responsibilities you know
Starting point is 00:10:10 hours to give with a schedule and I said yes I was interested. So is it the exact same is that is it a team that you've been I your last year you were with move fast lift heavy but now you're, is this team called the Pro 1 team again? Yeah, it's the Pro 1 Montreal team. And is it, have you competed with the people on the team? Yeah, exactly, it was Tristan, so that's my boyfriend, and Frederick DubƩ, he was originally the team, on the team, but he had an MRI result which demonstrated that he couldn't do the season anymore. So it's been a flip-flop with Felix. He came in from like upper Quebec, so three hour drive away. So it was like a bunch of mixing. There's Mode and Manon who are the two like powerhouse athletes. Manon's been, you know, qualified individually, qualified multiple years
Starting point is 00:11:03 team. Mode had gone team 2022 with us as well. So like everybody on that team was, you know, qualified individually, qualified multiple years team, Moad had gone team 2022 with us as well. So like everybody on that team was, you know, a vet had gone to the games before. Did they try to get you on that team this year before you became the coach? I was really clear like September, like right after the games, I was like, you know what, like I don't want to do this necessarily anymore. I need to just step away. I just felt like I needed that break. I felt like just thinking about CrossFit in September was almost too much. I could even think about it.
Starting point is 00:11:33 I just needed to really like have a break, breathe, reevaluate a bit where I was at and then make a decision. But teams, like teams are happening right now. Like conversations are happening now for the next year. So teams is really an early, like organizational season. Cause you got to get four athletes together with four different schedules, time zones. So it's already starting. And I had to say no in the moment because that's how I felt.
Starting point is 00:11:58 How did you go from pro one to move fast lift heavy? Was that weird? Is that an awkward switch? No, no, no, it was good. Actually, they everybody supported me. I said I really wanted to live the like US experience in the sense that I know in the US like the opportunities are a bit bigger than in Canada. And I know that that team had been top five the year previous. I said I'd really like to join a team where I know that I'll be I'm not gonna say paid, but supported in the journey versus here in Canada, we pay everything for ourselves.
Starting point is 00:12:32 We have to do fundraisers, sell coffee. I feel like almost we have to do it for ourselves, which is great. But I really wanted to live a year where I knew I was supported and that there would be help. And in the US, there's a lot more support than in Canada. Did you reach out to them? How did you end up on that team? Actually, funny story, it was just I was having breakfast with my mom and I saw, you know, scrolling and just chatting about,
Starting point is 00:12:56 you know, craftsmen and some things. And I saw a pop of Mufasa saying, hey, we're doing a showcase for athletes, looking for, you looking for interested athletes to make a run at the podium this year. And obviously that's been a goal of mine team. Like, we came fourth, we came fifth. I was so close to the podium that that really resonated with me.
Starting point is 00:13:17 So I said, oh, I told my mom, I'm just gonna send my CV because they asked for your CV, what you've done. So I'm gonna send my CV. Like one minute later, Chris Harris is like hi. Do you want to talk? I was like, okay Wow one minute That's awesome. Yeah, and this is this your first year going individual. It's my second actually I won in 2018 Okay Cuz I'm cuz I definitely had heard your name before
Starting point is 00:13:45 and I'm not too good with the team names. So I figured somewhere you would, you would probably popped up on the scene. Did you make it on in 2018? Did you just make it the way you made it this year? You were just training, training, training, or did you have goals to go to the games that year? 2018 was, I would say a close to this year.
Starting point is 00:14:02 2018, I'll say maybe a little bit more of a buildup. So I had done regionals 2015, 2016, 2017, and this was 2018. So four years of regional buildup with concentration, focus, like, okay, I'm really going to perform. Not necessarily I'm going to qualify, but I really, really wanna give like my best effort,
Starting point is 00:14:24 putting all my eggs in one basket. Really, I'm trying to qualify, but I really, really want to give my best effort, putting all my eggs in one basket. Really, I'm trying to push for this. But games was very far in my brain. I was like, ah, it's going to take a while, and I might make it. I might not make it one day. And 2018, I think the programming was really generous for me, a lot of gymnastics, which is my specialty.
Starting point is 00:14:41 So when I qualified, I had a little bit of the same face. It was faster than I expected. That wasn't what I was aiming for that year. There's a clip here. Let me see if I can find it. Sure. Of you. Oh damn, do I not have that? I thought it was from your Instagram, but it's interesting because yesterday I was talking, when they announced your name this year, were you surprised? But it's interesting because yesterday I was talking to you when they announced your name this year. Were you surprised? Yes Yes, I was 15th going into that final event. So 15th they take 11 I went in the event going oh like I like this event. I'm gonna do it just like for myself
Starting point is 00:15:18 I know I can go and broken on the muscle ups Which I know is something not a lot of the women could do And I knew that I wasn't gonna put the dumbbells down no matter what. Cause in fact- And you didn't, you didn't put them down, wow. Unbroken muscle ups and unbroken dumbbells, which seem to be really the crux of the workout.
Starting point is 00:15:35 So I'm like, I'm just gonna do me. And I know I can crush this for myself and just see where it lands me. But 15th, I think back helping someone put up 18% chance for Chloe to qualify. They had put their rankings and I had an 18% chance of qualifying. But you know, who cares about the odds? So yeah, I finished and I just didn't understand 9th.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Not even 11th or 10th, 9th. I didn't understand what was happening. I'll tell you a story that Suza told me. Let's see, we'll play this. So this is right at the announcement. Oh yes. In ninth place with 369 points, Chloe Govind-David.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Chloe, so were you in the final heat? No. So you what were you even doing on the court? Because in the West, they had everyone who wasn't in the final heat kind of just sitting on the side.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Did they tell you come on the floor? Because Suza is like, holy shit, I really fucked up. I'm like, why? He's like, there's this girl, she qualified. She was so nice. She was so easy to interview. And I didn't have time to interview her throughout the week because I didn't think she had a chance.
Starting point is 00:16:52 And then she won and he goes, dude, she would have been amazing. He said, she's so good at talking to the camera. I was like, oh. Oh. Yeah, I saw Susan with the video and he was like, yes. I was like, yes. I was like, yes. So what did they tell you? Do they tell you, hey, come back on the floor?
Starting point is 00:17:15 Yeah. So the way it works again, east, I'm not sure about the other places, but for us, we would do the workout and then the entire heat regardless. Oh man, that's such a good moment. The whole heat would just go right behind the fence, like a fence area. Yeah. We would watch the next heat. So that's a lot of time waiting. And then we watch the final heat go. And as I'm watching, I'm like, Oh, I did really well, which I was, I was just happy about. Like you could see their times and your times and you know, Oh, I'm beating some of the girls in the final heat. Yeah, it came sixth on the on the final event, which is amazing. So I'm watching it and I'm I'm still I'm like, OK, I did well. But I for me, didn't I didn't do the math.
Starting point is 00:17:54 I didn't I was just in the moment enjoying. It's like, OK, this is awesome. I did well. I'm finishing on a high. It's a great weekend. So then they say we're going to usher you and put you back in your lane numbers. So the heat that just finished the final heat stays on their number at the, like the end zone, the area. And we line up on the side by number of our lane from the previous heat.
Starting point is 00:18:16 And when you say we, you mean everyone from all the previous heats? Just heat three and four. Okay. So top 20. Okay, did anyone else from your Heat make it? Yes, two. Oh.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Three. We were three total. Who were the other two? So Caroline Stanley and Lexi Neely and myself. Came from the second to last Heat. Dang, dude. A lot of fun in the bottom. Wow. Is that emotional for you? When they call your name?
Starting point is 00:18:45 Yeah. Yeah, it's it was like disbelief. But then there's like a little part of me that says, Hey, like, I've got it. And often, a little bit of what went on with my brain, which I don't know why that came through my brain. The thing I want to say was, like, team athletes still got it. Cause I don't know why I had heard that so much through this year of no teams don't matter and teams this and teams that. And I'm a team athlete and I went individual and I think I'm pretty good. And I don't know why I just did this weekend. Okay. I'm going to do it for fun and this and that. And with some intensity, but mostly just to perform. And then when they said my name, I was like, we still got it.
Starting point is 00:19:27 And I felt like I was representing the team, the team gang, that part. Yeah. And then obviously saying I still got it is pretty cool. Like as a feeling, it's awesome. Yeah, it's interesting. I I have I have no interest in the teams and it's probably a lot of it has to do with there's just too many people I don't want to remember the names. It's probably like somewhat of it like a defense mechanism like hey, I'm not covering that it's like a full-time job already just covering covering the individual and so we do take a lot of shots at the teams and we'd laugh and we've joke at them and and
Starting point is 00:19:59 You use that kind of as a chip on your shoulder like I'll show you. So you felt like you were representing all the team people like, hey, we're good enough to do this too. Yeah. And I got a lot of messages when I qualified from team athletes saying, yeah, yes, show them girl. ESC sounds. Chloe's the legend. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Going, going back to how old are you? 32. So going back, you're born in Canada, you're born in Quebec? Yep. And your mom is qualified for the semi-finals in the 65 plus? Absolutely, crushing it. That's crazy. Congratulations, you must be so proud. I love coaching her. That's like probably the best part of my day. I love it. Did you get her into CrossFit? Yes, with a lot of elbow grease
Starting point is 00:20:54 and a lot of convincing. What's the secret? Yeah, 10 years ago, CrossFit was, you know, I'll say scary for most people. It was so unknown. It was starting. It was bootstrap. It was show up. It was rugged. It was everything that's awesome. But for like a 60-year-old, you want me to go and take photos of you?
Starting point is 00:21:15 I'm like, no, no, you come and try it. Come and try it. So the only way I convinced her was to bring her friend, who is my godmother, who's actually 68, still doing it. And they come together as a pair and they started by a team one. I said, okay, start with team ones, have fun together, and then grow into the sport.
Starting point is 00:21:35 And now my mom does two a days. She shows up for open gym, and then she comes at night because I coach and she wants to spend time with me. So I see her, she does two a days, she's a beast. Yeah, what was the trick in getting her in there finally? Because I know so many people would love to get their parents in there.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Yeah, I think finding a way to, I'll say speak their language in the sense that find the thing that is gonna get them to wanna come instead of trying to convince them the way you think it is. I think that's what took a while to click for me. I would talk about it, talk about it. And I said, you know, mom, like, you always tell me to try things
Starting point is 00:22:11 and you want me to go out there and, you know, be brave and try this and try that and not be scared. And I said, mom, try it once, just once. Come, be brave, explore, try. And you don't like it, that's fine. Come once, show me what you've always wanted me to do So just show up try it and that's it and I said like I will never bother you again I will not say anything just come and try it. So at least you know what I'm living
Starting point is 00:22:38 You know what I'm talking about. You'll have say oh, yeah the quad burns real So I just tried to speak her language and get her to understand what I wanted to live instead of like, come try it, you know, it's for your health and fitness, which is what it ended up being. I wanted to speak her language and get her to really hook onto it.
Starting point is 00:23:00 So basically you threw it in her face the way she raised you. Come on, mom. Come on But like mom you told me I have to try hard things So now you have to live up to your word and you try hard things It's interesting. My mom started when she was 69 and I remember she got hooked right away But she did it's interesting that she got hooked because she didn't like it her first year And the reason why she didn't like it is the the wads stressed her out.
Starting point is 00:23:25 I couldn't believe she was doing this because she would go online. She would always have to do the morning class. I go, why do you only do the morning class? Not that I am opposed to that. I just wanted to know why. And she said because the anxiety if she waited till five, the anxiety, she all she would think about all day was going to the gym and what it was gonna be. So I think she stopped looking at the website to see what the workout Was gonna be and she'd go in the morning and get it out of the way, but now Now my mom's got to be approaching 80 And and yeah, and she stood but now she it's um, I don't think she can imagine not going
Starting point is 00:23:59 But I think the first year was really hard on her just the anxiety of knowing But I think the first year was really hard on her just the anxiety of knowing The workouts and I'm trying to think how I got my mom. I don't know why my mom did it What do you think your mom would be doing if you hadn't introduced her to it would she be doing any fitness? My mom was a marathon runner. So she ran Boston's okay fitness was a part of her life for sure, but not the strength and conditioning, not the physique, the changing your body. It was more about, okay, I'm going to just go out. It's easy.
Starting point is 00:24:32 She has three kids. Go out, run, come in, and that's it. So she'd be running. Yeah, she'd be running for sure. But she always says, I don't know what I would do without CrossFit. She says that often. She says, it's like my outlet, like physically, mentally. It's just I show up at theFit. She says that often. She says like, it's my outlet, like physically, mentally, it's just I show up at the gym. She just loves it. It's
Starting point is 00:24:48 another space. It's has she made friends there? Oh, absolutely. Yeah, that's what my mom has friends there too. It's a it's a trip. She likes like real friends like people like she likes to go to parties with them. Yeah, well, I've barbecues will oh, it's, it's, yeah, it's, it's so complete CrossFit in that way. And I know people laugh at a little bit,
Starting point is 00:25:10 the, you know, go to CrossFit, make, make friends, you know, for the lonely. I get that funny part, but there is absolutely a kernel of truth in that. There absolutely is a kernel of truth where you go there for the fitness, but you totally go there for everything else but the fitness. I mean, it's, it's so cliche, but you totally go there for everything else but the fitness. I mean, it's so cliche, but you'll be just standing next to someone. You won't say one word to them. And then the work and you don't even know who they are.
Starting point is 00:25:34 And the workout is over in two seconds. And second it's over, you're sitting there just chatty Cathy with them, right? Everyone's high on whatever chemicals are now pumping through your body. You now have a shared experience and it's like they were your best friend. It is a very interesting phenomenon. Absolutely. Especially when you come in and what you spoke about your mother being not
Starting point is 00:25:52 worried but anxious. Super anxious. Same thing. When you said that, that's why I went like, I said that's exactly what my mom tells me as well. It's this whole you show up, it's like, okay, what is it going to? Am I gonna remember all the workout movements you spoke about the first year? Or 65 plus it takes a year to just remember what a power clean is. It's like, okay, power starts from the floor. And I can see the wheels turning. It's a lot to ask of them to remember 200 plus movements and all their techniques. And fast. So yeah, at at first she would sometimes text me like,
Starting point is 00:26:25 okay, I'm going to the class. What's a power clean again? Like, oh yeah. Yeah. She would prepare for the class. Yeah. Hey, it was like that for me too. I remember power clean, hang clean, squat clean.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Now it's second nature, but you're right. Was it like that for you in the beginning also? You're like, what are these things? What is this snatch thing? What's this? What's a squat snatch versus a right. Was it like that for you in the beginning also? You're like, what is what are these things? What is this snatch thing? What's this? What's a squat snatch versus? It was like that Yeah, and you're just hoping the coach is gonna demo every movement, right? Right, right And now in hindsight like it would even math now in hindsight You've been doing it long enough like it even matters, right?
Starting point is 00:27:00 I mean if you did a whole workout and it was a power snatch and you did squat snatches It's like what it does, it's irrelevant. Yeah. And now it seems almost ridiculous now, but when it's your first year, you appreciate every demo, every explanation the coach gives you. You appreciate it. So, so, um, did your parents, uh, force you to do sports as a kid or was it, uh, uh, forces isn't the right word was it a Just part of your your life your curriculum your expectations Absolutely, absolutely as a young age
Starting point is 00:27:34 Sports but just movement going outside. I remember we my mom Canada you guys go outside. Oh, yeah. Okay It's sunny. Come on now. It's sunny now. All right All right, I see some I see some sign of sun coming in a little bit. Yeah. We get three months of the year where we can go outside, but no, no. We throw the snowsuit on, throw the hat. It's not an excuse, right? I mean, it's not treacherous, dangerous weather. It's just uncomfortable, right? So put on a snowsuit. Let's get ready. Let's go outside. My mom was really important, both my parents. Yes, you're allowed to have some downtime and of course everybody could watch some TV.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Everybody's allowed to have downtime. But I definitely remember my mom would come downstairs, turn the lights on. All right, you've been watching for too long, let's get outside. And she was totally right. It was such the right thing to do. We'd go outside, 10 seconds later, we'd forget that we got kicked out of TV So I appreciate it. It's always been a really nice value in our family to exercise I definitely didn't film enough with Chloe. I won't make that mistake at the games Matt. Susan Hey, all right, Susan So so did they what was the first organized thing organized sport you played?
Starting point is 00:28:47 first organized sport you played? First organized sport? I feel like it was soccer, but soccer and gymnastics was released almost at the same time. Gymnastics is more winter, inside soccer more outdoors during summer. Those were almost simultaneous. And how old were you? I started gymnastics when I was four. So funny story, my mom has a photo of this. I would take off the swings off the swing set
Starting point is 00:29:13 so that I could swing. And I hadn't done gymnastics yet. I would follow my brothers. You mean you just hold the chains? No, I would hold the beam. I would swing on the beam. Oh. Do swings without anybody having taught me that my brothers would you know swing do their things? I would always follow my brothers and I would come inside with little
Starting point is 00:29:36 tears Your four years old. So my mom said we gotta get her in gymnastics. She wants to do it before it's even a thing So hey crazy, right? Cuz we've seen great We've seen great Transfer of capacities from both sports Soccer and gymnastics in the CrossFit, right? So you got you know, the original great Miko Saylo came from soccer turned that giant engine of his Into an amazing CrossFitter and then obviously the whole just shitload of page powers.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Alexis wrapped this. I mean, you just have this whole slew of high level gymnasts. And so you had both as a base. Yep. The engine and the body awareness. Body awareness. That's totally the key. That's the best transfer you can have to cross it.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Did you know at a young age that you were more athletic than the other kids? Like, could you do stuff that other kids, do you remember being in elementary school and getting picked first or being able to do stuff the other kids couldn't do? I feel like in the gymnastics realm, absolutely. I mean, there's other sports
Starting point is 00:30:42 that I probably wasn't picked first, just because of the exposure I had to soccer and gymnastics. There's other sports that I probably wasn't picked first just because of the exposure. I had to soccer and gymnastics There's other sports that I wasn't necessarily the best but I remember in the recreational area outside I would do back flips off the swings. So you're like on the swing Yeah, the whole school had to make a rule not to do that just based on because you yeah Cuz people were trying and that wasn't such a good idea just based on me. Because of you? Yeah, because people were trying
Starting point is 00:31:03 and that wasn't such a good idea. But I remember just being able to do things that others couldn't for sure, in the sphere of gymnastics, absolutely. And did you like both soccer and gymnastics? Loved it, loved both. It's hard for me to pick. I feel like I did gymnastics like longer and more intensely.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Soccer, less intense, but every time I would play, I would get my 100%. I really enjoyed it. I would do soccer more my free time with friends, where gymnastics I wouldn't. So I feel like soccer was more of an outlet, like having fun with friends and being part of a team. And gymnastics was my go-to. I'm trying to, I'll say win. I'm trying to compete, trying to get medals, trying to, you know, first in Quebec, first in Canada, trying to make the national team. So that was more of the focus for me.
Starting point is 00:31:54 And soccer was more, I'll say fun, even though of course stepping on the field, better watch out. And how long did you do gymnastics? A long time. So I started at four and I don't remember about 15, 16 years old. Did you ever homeschool? Did it ever get that serious where they took you out of school and you were just doing
Starting point is 00:32:13 gymnastics full time? No, we don't really have that many programs like that here in Canada. We have what's called sports school, but you're still part of the school program however most of your blocks are replaced with your sport so you do the main math science but all of the extra not not important but other ones that are not necessarily for your credits we could replace with gymnastics to get extra training did you do that homeschooling, nothing like that. Did you do that? Were you immersed in gymnastics at that level? I chose to continue a little bit like my crossfit career.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Like I chose to do both. I chose to do schooling and gymnastics, but you still get pulled out like competitions and meets. I would still get pulled out of school, not regularly, but throughout the year I would, I just wasn't in the program specifically for that, specifically for that. And how did you get out of gymnastics? I just, I guess just decided I didn't want to do it anymore.
Starting point is 00:33:16 I remember being afraid, starting to be afraid of movements. And I just watched the Simone Biles documentary on Netflix. And that really resonated what she said, like these movements could kill you in the sense that you land on your neck, you could really, really get injured. And I remember coming home to my mom and saying, like having tears and being like, I'm just scared now. It's not that I don't want to do it. I just stand on the beam. And now I'm terrified. And once you get to that moment, as a gymnast, I think it's best to step away just for your safety.
Starting point is 00:33:48 And you're not gonna get over that unless you go into psychology, mental blocks. I just decided it was better for me to step away. I was 16. I wasn't gonna be progressing any further. So I decided, okay, time for me to stop. Two other sports that are like that uh motorcycle racing oh yeah uh and uh skateboarding extreme sports yeah you reach a point um I remember my my boys skate a lot and I remember when they go uh they skate with the pro skater once a week
Starting point is 00:34:24 over the hill in San Jose and I remember him one go they skate with the pro skater once a week over the hill in San Jose And I remember him one time saying hey just so you know they're getting to this spot To where now it's they know everything they they they can just stand on a board and it's like walking to them It's like nothing they could Skate with their eyes closed now. Everything is just all fear overcoming fear And and I would never push anyone through that like I'm not interested in like pushing them through that but what an interesting for those of us I've never been in it I've never I've never been in anything like that so
Starting point is 00:34:55 people who who like what you're saying is real like you were afraid you might you're doing something daily and then all of a sudden something comes in your head you might die like that will never happen if someone's like hey run as fast as you well yeah no that's never gonna happen if someone says run as fast as you can the worst you have to worry about is pulling a hamstring yeah wild what a crazy experience yeah and maybe not everybody goes through that but i know for me and a few other gymnasts that i've spoken to i think they do i think that yeah i think that's I think that's the stop. I mean, you're a motorcycle racer and you're turning corners at 100 miles an hour and you
Starting point is 00:35:31 realize the pros are doing it at 180. That's a fucking huge gap to close. Exactly. It's the risk reward. How much am I willing now to continue pushing through this? What's going to be the reward? Am I that close? Am I, it's a little bit of an evaluation of where you're at. And I remember just standing on the beam and I didn't even realize that had been 10 minutes I had been standing still. And my coach came up to me, I was like, are you okay?
Starting point is 00:35:58 And I hadn't even, just in my head, it was so spinning. I didn't even realize like 10 minutes had passed and I was just static on the beam, like, okay, I have to do this movement, but I didn't even realize like 10 minutes had passed and I was just static on the beam like okay I have to do this movement but I don't feel like I can and that debate was a 10-minute debate in my brain so I think those moments stick with you and you just go okay. Did you ever have any bad accidents Chloe in gymnastics? Did you ever break anything? Let me take out my list no I mean bad accidents it depends It depends how you define bad accidents.
Starting point is 00:36:27 But like, you know, ankles, I remember having to tumble. Times have changed, but in gymnastics, it was pretty strict. I remember doing a tumbling and really like tearing, tearing in my ankle. At the moment, they didn't know I landed and I was limping and they said, make sure you do one more tum and they said, make sure you
Starting point is 00:36:45 do one more tumble because we want to make sure you're not scared. Speaking of scared when you come back. So gymnast's brain is always if you get injured, try to do the movement as fast as possible so you don't get traumatized. I remember tumbling a second time on that bad ankle just so that I wouldn't be scared. But that's not like that wouldn't pass anymore. So obviously I injured it more. So things like that.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Did anything crazy happen where you come off like the whatever that high bar is or you did have some crazy things at that point. Yeah, look, you flip and you line, you just turn last minutes that you get, just the top of your shoulders that land. So you're maybe two millimeters away from landing on your neck,
Starting point is 00:37:25 like just tucking slightly is the difference between safe and a not safe landing. But we do learn to fall in gymnastics, right? I'm sure like I followed you with your boys too. I think learning to fall first is smart, right? That you know, it's all properly. Right. So that's like super important, but crazy injuries. I mean when I did gymnastics as an adult So I went back for fun. They have gymnastics for adults, which I really really enjoy and they had left a bar Men's bar, which is metal on one of the landing mats Yeah Yeah, super dangerous. It was an accident and it was nobody's fault It just was like they had to bar out and someone set it down and walked away.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Exactly. And then put the other bar and then everybody's doing their things. And I was the first to go. So I did what's called like, you know, full, a full turn on your hands all the way up and you know, I, I do it. And then my, you know, my hands come off, which is a normal fall. And then I land hands and knees, but like my knee was right on the metal bar. Yeah, but see like that's not a gymnastics accident. That's just a freak accident. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:32 So it split open all the way to the bone. So it was, that was wild. Do you have any permanent injuries? Do you have anything that's like from gymnastics that like stays with you today? I would say like I have hyperlaxity. So like my shoulders pop out, like both my shoulders pop out. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:38:50 My mom always says, don't do the party trick, Chloe. You think that was from gymnastics? Yeah, from a young age. I've had that hyperlax, like you push, you know, you open up and you push so much at a young age. You are born with some hyperlapsed speed, something that is obviously in your genetics, but doing a sport that pushes mobility
Starting point is 00:39:11 even past what you already have, I definitely would say like my hips, my shoulders, my like my elbows, like I'll have a hyper like on both sides. Yeah. When I snatch, you can see that. So permanent injury It's more something after really be careful of in CrossFit because CrossFit is very dynamic And you know you catch snap you make sure that you want everything to hold you don't want any extra loose
Starting point is 00:39:36 So I have to be careful about that. Can you still do the splits? Yes, you can yeah, you make sure you don't lose that It's something I really I want to keep absolutely when we stretch. I always say oh today. I'm like I feel it today I have to stretch a little bit more to maintain. You know your three splits When you was there any similarity in stepping away from CrossFit and stepping away from gymnastics when you decided you were gonna not compete at the highest level in CrossFit anymore? I think the only similarity I would say,
Starting point is 00:40:14 because they were for different reasons, the only similarity was the, who am I now? That moment. I remember in gymnastics, I was a gymnast, that's who I was, I was a gymnast at gymnastics, I was a gymnast. That's who I was. I was a gymnast at school. I was the gymnast. It's like, Okay, but who am I now you're 16. That's when you're sort of developing your identity becoming your yourself. It's like, Okay, well, if I'm not a gymnast, who am I? And I
Starting point is 00:40:38 remember that same sentiment now adult and kind of hey, all CrossFit. That's all we talk about. It's all we do. That's my main goal. That's what I would wake up, go to bed thinking about. And this September to December, I was like, trying to find myself. I remember a few sessions going to the gym just to do CrossFit for fun, warming up and then leaving. Cause I just, I couldn't, I, yeah, I didn't know how I felt. I was like, I don't feel like training. I don't feel like not training.
Starting point is 00:41:09 I don't know. I just feel emotional. I feel, I don't know. So then I just would go home and come back the next day to what I could. I just felt like I couldn't find myself. Do I want to continue to do CrossFit for fun or not? But obviously I pushed through that to be where I am today. But I would say that's that same sentiment in gymnastics I had with the CrossFit experience as well.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Hey, I'm guessing when that happens at 16, it's hard and now you're 32. Is there any part of that you enjoyed? What do you mean? In what sense? Is there any part of that you enjoyed? And what do you mean in what sense just like it's often talked about as like a I Don't want to say it, but yeah, it's often talked about as a bad thing, you know having to refine yourself But is there any part of it? You were like, okay, I get to reinvent myself now Okay, this I get a clean slate. Like is there was there any part of that journey? Who am the who am I journey that you enjoyed?
Starting point is 00:42:07 Yeah, I would say on both fronts. So both times you did then too. You enjoyed it. Yeah, not in the moment Right, right. It's tough. It's tough and it's not something that takes no a day or two. It's it's a it's a full process And you didn't turn to like drugs or alcohol I mean that that's like the the sad version story, right? Someone like, it gets taken from them. You break a limb, you can't go back. And so you go into drugs and alcohol to kind of, instead of dealing with it,
Starting point is 00:42:33 instead of reinventing yourself. Yours was more, more on your terms both times. Yeah, it was more what going back into your heart and going, you know, exactly who who am I without this? Because you are a person without that and you there's so many other things Did someone have to tell you to ask that or did you know like if I was 16 and and I didn't know who I was I wouldn't even know that I didn't know who I was. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:42:59 I would just be like man. I feel horrible I wouldn't even did you know that that's why you were feeling weird or did someone have to point that out to you? I think I'm someone who digs in a lot and who thinks a lot and who enjoys that. Even then, even then. Yeah. Wow. Young.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Actually, I had a discussion with my mom yesterday talking about how I remember at a young age, like really, really young, going to the shopping mall with my grandma and my mom and having the thought of, hey, these moments don't last forever. Like I've always had that old soul, I'll say, of, hey, this doesn't last forever.
Starting point is 00:43:35 If I have a moment with my dad or we go fishing, I'll always go, wow, this doesn't last forever and take it in and enjoy it. And I've always had that reflection, like internal, external reflection. I've had that at a young age. So I think I knew to kind of strip away like everything and go back to the nucleus. Hey, who, who are you? You're not a CrossFitter. You're not a gymnast. Come on, you're Chloe. You know, what, what can you do? What do you enjoy? And then just build back up from there. And it's not easy. And obviously, you've had hard moments.
Starting point is 00:44:06 But I think just going back to that is really where you find out who you are. And I think a lot of girls, women in the sport are tending to go that way as well, being able to internal, external, and reevaluate I'm not a leaderboard placement. I'm not one workout. And I think that ability is really important in any sport that you're doing high level When I think when I in the journeys that I've taken to see figure out who I am I
Starting point is 00:44:41 Get to a certain point and I turn back Hmm, meaning it's it looks like it goes on forever. I'm searching for who I am. I'm on the... and I keep a practice just to stay deep enough in the well. Because I don't want to come up to the top and lose who I am. So I try to stay. I have a practice, you know, regularly throughout my day at night when I go to sleep. And the morning when I wake up to stay deep in the well. But in the journeys that I've really taken, like, okay, I'm gonna hold my breath and see how far deep I can go. I never get to
Starting point is 00:45:14 the bottom. Do you know what I mean? I mean, I see things like I've seen things that like maybe scare the shit out of me or that are bright enough lights to where I'm like, wow, that's the answer. But really, I know, if I'm honest with myself, that it seems like you could just go. And so that's why I can kind of relate to people who become like Catholic nuns or monastic monks or like, man, these fuckers, are they really going to go like how far down are they going to go? Oh, yeah. Did you notice? Do you know what I'm talking about? It's like wow I could like Like like there's some fucking death to who we are who's willing to go it's kind of like um
Starting point is 00:45:54 And then and then and then once you go to a certain depth you kind of have to come up a little bit Or else you'd be a fucking freak Yeah You'll have or you have to leave society Yeah You'll be so we'll be so weird and on the fringe of what you think you are, you kind of have to come up and kind of put on more clothes, put on more exterior, like things like CrossFit or being a gymnast or being Chloe even like you got to like put some shit on or else you
Starting point is 00:46:17 almost I guess that's part of the I think some people never take that journey. I don't think they even know that you could go that way. Do you know what I mean? Like when I see, is this resonating with you at all what I'm saying? Absolutely, 100%. So like, some people, like you go the other way and you're like, okay, I want candy and I want a fur coat
Starting point is 00:46:35 and I want a jet and I want a cute girlfriend. And like there you're going up, right? You're swimming up and getting stuff. Yeah. Yeah. But I feel like everybody hits, not everybody is probably a large statement, but I'd say most people, even if they go the candy fur coat way.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Yeah. I feel like I like that candy fur coat way. Yeah. Yeah. It's fun going that way. Don't get me wrong, but, but, but you could also lose yourself. Yeah. And I feel like they'll hit a wall. I feel like everybody, it's not, maybe not the same time, the same age it's not but I feel like most people regardless of the way they go at some point you kind of do self-reflect on your life on I feel like at some point you do self-reflect. I haven't I've talked a lot of people in my life and you know just fun just like today conversations and
Starting point is 00:47:23 Yes, even those that do go to material say the materialistic way. Yeah, I feel like at some point you do end up hitting that wall, where you can only look it's like, okay, I have everything now. And now where do I go? Yeah, so yeah. And then almost. And so for me, that's what it was. I didn't know that there was another way. Until that's exactly the feeling I have, I have everything I could ever possibly want. I remember being in my 20s. What's the point? And somehow something reoriented me and been like, hey, you're looking the wrong way. Not like it was a good thing or bad thing, but it was fucking traumatic as fuck. It's not easy exactly. No, it was traumatic. It was traumatic. I know.
Starting point is 00:48:03 More traumatic than any trauma I ever had in my life. You need trauma therapy for your... Yeah, for my self-imposed trauma. And so now this time you did that, this time you were reflecting and somehow that gave you a reprieve or a rebirth into being at the games. I mean, let's just for the sake of argument be like, it's never been harder to go to the games. The athletes are only getting better. Like it doesn't make sense that you would train out of, it doesn't make sense that you would train out of it doesn't make sense that you made
Starting point is 00:48:46 it going this route right but but do you do you think when I heard um I forget who I heard talking about it the other day but who I heard I heard someone say basically I have a I have a base and I didn't realize it you think that was also part of it you have so many years of training you just have a base and maybe didn't realize it, like a base level of fitness. Yeah, absolutely. I think at some point you do get to a point where it's like enough, where it can carry you for a long time. And I think people like a Frazier, a Tia, even if they stop like for years, they could
Starting point is 00:49:20 probably just pop up and come back and they'll be back in a few months because of that base. It takes a long time to shed that base and change your athleticism, right? And I think it's totally a combination of my base, but I would also say that stepping away and having no pressure, and I know everybody talks about pressure and it's a real thing.
Starting point is 00:49:42 And like not even a known athlete, like I'm a nobody. I'm a team athlete that's gone once in 2018 and you know, Hey, and I still felt. On my own self, like pressure, I can't imagine others. So I think that stepping away again, walking in the gym, walking out of the gym, those moments made me realize what I like about CrossFit and choosing to walk in the gym to do CrossFit. Like it wasn't an obligation anymore. I was choosing to go there. I was choosing to do
Starting point is 00:50:09 the pieces I enjoyed. I would, so all those choices led to, okay, like I do like this and I found the really nice sweet spot where I don't feel the pressure and I'm able to perform. And I think that's what I found by qualifying this year is just that sweet spot So you you you come out of gymnastics and what do you do after that? How do you reinvent yourself after that? Yeah, I mean I focused on school I focused on I was going you know go to go to college, you know For I want to be a teacher. So I went through that. Like what kind of teacher? Like academics? I'm physical education.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Oh, okay. Okay. Yes. Come on, move kids. Yes. Okay. Yeah. So physical education.
Starting point is 00:50:55 So I just, I focused more on that aspect. Like, okay, my career, I was still moving. I would go to a global gym, do, you know do the routine of machines, some cardio. Didn't feel really fulfilling in the sport domain, but I think I had done so much in my life sport related. I've given hours and energy and mental energy that I felt okay now putting it on my career building. I was putting all my studying time, time, you know, projects and really, really giving myself, I really want to have good grades. It was really important to me.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Like I went to McGill, which is a really good school. That was important to me. So I feel like I flipped and put my energy in my career in that way. Um, and then someone said, one of my friends, have you tried CrossFit? You know, the famous, have you started CrossFit? How old were you? I was 19. And who is the friend? He was my neighbor right beside me. So Gabriel, Gabriel. So he was someone that said, I think you would like it. There's some gymnastics, which would kind of go get that little aspect that you know. And then there's this whole thing
Starting point is 00:52:01 you can explore that's weightlifting and all that. And I said, Oh, I don't know, took a little bit of convincing, but I went once, it was a hero workout. It was so hard. I feel like everybody has that. I remember going to the bathroom, sitting down in the bathroom, getting back up, going out, finishing the workout. It was so tough. And then I was like, Okay, that little spark that then you said the hormones that okay, I stepped out feeling so much better than a global gym, feeling like, oh, this could probably bring the balance to all my energy in my career. But hey, I could still kick butt really push myself in this sport, not competitively. That wasn't my focus at first. It was just finding Chloe the athlete again. Chloe the I can give myself 100% and really feel like I'm going for it.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Was this in college? Like he was he was in the same dorm as you or? No, I was still living with my parents. But he was just some guy who lived next door. Yeah, he was he lived next door all over like all my life. Okay, so he knew you were an athlete. Exactly. He knew me as Chloe the gymnast. Okay. And so then he said that and was that an affiliate? Yes, it was an affiliate. Yeah. Do you remember the name of the hero? Why? I don't remember. I know. I always I feel like I know some of the movements. What were some of the
Starting point is 00:53:22 movements? Do you remember some movement the movements? The movement, there was like double unders, it was double unders, handstand push-ups. I remember because it was a lot of gymnastics and there was a barbell movement, but I don't remember which one because I had like that trainer bar and I looked like a spaghetti. It was awful.
Starting point is 00:53:40 And so then you signed up for classes and you started, you just became just a regular member of an affiliate. Start training. Oh yeah, I remember driving through snowstorms. That's how much I wanted to do CrossFit. I remember my parents going, Chloe, there's a snowstorm. I'm like, there's nothing that can stop me from going to this class. I loved it so much. And you'd come out of the gym steaming. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Steam pouring off your head. Yeah. Steam pouring off your head. Yeah. Right, I just had, so I picture every gym in Canada being, everyone walks out and there's just steam pouring off their head. Yep, cause of that cold, yeah, absolutely. And did you do the open the first year? The first year, no, cause I started in January and I was just doing like the on-ramp.
Starting point is 00:54:22 I was just, I was doing, you know, ring dips with a green elastic. I mean, I was so far, the on-ramp. I was just, I was doing, you know, ring dips with our green elastic. I mean, I was so far, but I remember coming to watch like the seven minutes of burpees. That was the first, I was like, oh, seven minutes of burpees. That's something I can do. Yeah, yeah. Well, I think I participated unofficially.
Starting point is 00:54:38 We would just, I would do some if it was the class programming, but I didn't know what the opens was. Like people were talking about it. And I was like, okay, it's something that we do with the affiliate and, but the next year after, oh yeah, it was all hands on deck. You know, this is probably one of these, uh, uh, realizations you just gave me that I've probably had a thousand times, but you just pointed out why it's so important that the affiliates have a buy-in to do the open and it's so part of HQ to keep those two things connected. Like as tight as fucking can be.
Starting point is 00:55:10 And I almost don't appreciate people saying that the CrossFit methodology is different than the sports methodology. It's like, I've always struggled. Everyone I hang around says that. I've always struggled with that. It's like, no, I prefer the way glassman said it it's just degrees in kind and it's all the same shit and Think if you wouldn't have had a gym that participated in the open and I'm not blaming the gym I'm but me or but it just shows how important it is for HQ is the mothership and the affiliates to have good relationship and synergy so that they can keep pushing the open because the open so valuable on so many different levels helps it helps the games grow it brings the community closer together it builds a bond between HQ and the affiliates it's just the way you describe that I just imagine what if you would have gone to a gym that didn't do the open and I don't blame gyms that don't do the open It's a lot of fucking work. Mm-hmm. But if you wouldn't have gone to a gym that did the open No, Chloe
Starting point is 00:56:11 Chloe No, Chloe Gob Govan David Govan David exactly and even my mom like my mom didn't even want to do the opens originally now She's a I don't blame her. I still don't want to do it. It's fucking hard. Exactly my mom didn't even want to do the opens originally now. She's a I don't blame her I still don't want to do it. It's fucking hard. Exactly my mom I have I I always pay for my mom's opens my mom. I'm paying for you. Don't worry about it Oh good, you have no choice. You sign your mama You I find my mom up. Oh, that's awesome
Starting point is 00:56:36 And then I am like, okay and then quarterfinals this year and then so that same thing My mom would my mom would just be a regular gym goer, which is fine. She would not have this competitive little edge that she has now that she walks in. Like this year she got her butt handed to her on the handstand pushups. Cause 65 plus had handstand pushups.
Starting point is 00:56:56 Wow. So now my mom goes to gym, takes out the mats. She would have never done that before. Like now she's like, okay, I have to get them for next year. Which like you're saying saying all this would not occur if we weren't pushing, quote unquote, pushing the opens, the quarters. Um, uh, Judy Reed, uh, can you imagine being a high school boy and walking into a PE class? Do the boys love you in the class? I always have the best job for that because the boys want to impress me and the girls
Starting point is 00:57:27 kind of want to be me. Yeah. And I feel like in PE, it's always men usually. Yeah. And that's hard to get the girls on board. So I feel like I challenge the boys. Like I'll tell people, okay, at the end of the class, I'll do a backflip. And they're like, whoa.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Yeah. Okay, we'll do some handstand walk clinics. Like I'll teach them the handstand walk. And people just, like the kids love it if you give them little things to hang on to. So I feel like in that way, I am lucky that I can go get the boys one way
Starting point is 00:57:51 and the girls another way. And it works really well in my classroom. It's interesting. I always kind of poo poo the male female thing, like, but it is nasty girls that got me into it. And if I would have seen probably three boys do it, I probably wouldn't have interested me as much but watching Annie and those girls do it, I was like my head
Starting point is 00:58:14 exploded. Exactly. When I bench press more than the boys at the high school, they're like, yeah, they're crazy. And they're crazy inspired by it exactly and they want to okay i'm we're going to train to beat miss chloe it's like okay yeah yeah uh do the boys have crushes on you at high school are you how old are the boys the boys are so if i'm at high school yeah secondary five for us is 16 yeah 16. Do they get crushes on you, you think? I don't know if they have crushes. I think I'm pretty good at the line of,
Starting point is 00:58:51 yeah, they want to impress me, but I really put a hard line of, it's really obvious that it's a hard, no crap here. You know, it's really, we work hard. We, I don't ever. There's so many dumpling teachers, we work hard. We, I don't ever. There's so many dumpling teachers. There's so many like, I don't know. I don't know. Dumpling teachers. I mean, I just remember,
Starting point is 00:59:14 I just remember being in high school and the drama teacher lady was pretty. I mean, she wasn't like, she wasn't pretty like you're pretty. She wasn't like just a stunning example of what a woman, you know, the peak peak woman but just like um i just remember all the boys liked her but she was probably just because she was the prettiest teacher in the school what had nothing to do with the fact that she was actually pretty i know what you mean you can't stop you know teenagers from having crushes right like they're
Starting point is 00:59:38 right oh no i had a crush on some i see reason to go to school since i've been five i had a crush it's like oh yeah it's like peak hormones for sure. Yeah. But I think I get them to really enjoy the athletic part. So I think they're more impressed by me than a crush on me. They're like, did you see Miss? She did this and that.
Starting point is 00:59:55 I think they'll speak more about what I can do than what I look like. But again, I don't know. I'm not in their locker room. Yeah, yeah. And it's also you're so powerful. And people are attracted to just powerful human beings, as they should be.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Have any of the students ever come and visited you, watched you compete? I've not had students come to compete, because it's so far, right? For Canada, we have to go so far to compete. But I would always speak about, OK, regionals are coming up, and they know what it is. You ever train with them? Have they seen you go? Have they ever seen you be like, OK, regionals are coming up and they know what it is. You ever train with them?
Starting point is 01:00:25 Have they seen you go? Like, have they ever seen you be like, OK, we're going to throw down? We've done little fun things at like the lunch hour. I'll say, OK, we'll do a workout. And then people take me in a workout. We've done that. I do CrossFit in my PE program.
Starting point is 01:00:41 So in my PE program, we have a CrossFit unit. You're currently teaching? So not right now. Okay. Yeah, I taught at the beginning of the year. So I had a contract at the beginning of the year. And now in September, I'll be getting a new contract to teach again. So I taught six months at like, Moren Heights Elementary, which I really enjoyed. And in that space, oh, it was all about CrossFit. And they really, really enjoyed it. Videos, I made like PowerPoint presentations
Starting point is 01:01:08 on the movements, and we had like little exams on points of performance. So, okay, what's a squat? Really CrossFit unit. So everything was about CrossFit. It was, they love it. Way more than a regular weight training. They really enjoyed the niche that is CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:01:25 Do you talk about nutrition with them too? Is that allowed? You are, you can talk about food. Yeah, it's part of our curriculum actually. We have to by law in our curriculum. Does yours go against like whatever the government says? Like if you talked about food in the US, I don't know if they do it in the US, but the US is like, I mean, probably the biggest issue that we've ever had in the United States was our food pyramid It probably led to all the crates why we have so many fucking crazy people in the United States If they're probably I though we have so much crazy shit going here. I have to imagine that it's the poison from the food
Starting point is 01:01:56 There's no other explanation. I would tie it to like people are always trying to like heart cancer and or heart disease and cancer I'd also tie it to like being confused about what sex you are. I mean, it's gotta have a whole temper tant. I mean, if I have kids, so I see it. You know what I mean? Like I see if I get my kid drinks a milkshake, like his whole, his whole person changes.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Oh yeah, sugar children. Are you allowed to talk about it? Has it ever gotten squirrely? Like when you're like eating meat and vegetables and they're like, what Chloe has to go? No, actually, I remember one of my friends, she had a really cool program where during phys ed, it was one of the challenges was send us a photo of the vegetables you're eating. So every week they had a color theme. So send me a green vegetable that you're eating. So then they would go at home and with the parents, which is good because you want to get the parents involved.
Starting point is 01:02:47 Right. It's one thing for the child to know, but it's one for it to be integrated at home, which is half the battle, especially that we're dealing with as teachers. So it's okay. Now you have to go and buy vegetables with your parents. Oh, that's interesting. So a green vegetable, a red vegetable, and we would like make these cool little challenges like that. And it was, it really worked. So I think it's the way you bring it. You bring it through some fun, through some challenges. Like you're not saying, okay, if you eat this, you will get, I don't think that works. A little bit tying it back to how I approached my mom to CrossFit. I think there's a way to approach it, dealing with the parents, the children, and getting everybody
Starting point is 01:03:22 involved. I think that's kind of the way to go. That's my experience so far. Are you not teaching right now because there's just no positions available? Exactly, it's really tough. Do you want me to write a letter for you? Are you guys out of your fucking mind? Get Chloe in there.
Starting point is 01:03:36 So that you can take pictures of vegetables. Yeah, are you crazy? What a great example. What a great example you are for the kids. Wow, thank you. I appreciate that. I really appreciate that. You think you're going to do that? You are going to dig in? You're looking for a job and do that your whole life? Absolutely. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Do you like that age? The elementary school age? I like elementary. I tried high school, but I feel like elementary, you just get to change your lives. They're so young, they're just such sponges. They just, they're tough, because they have a lot of energy. And I just feel like I'm making such a difference. And that's, again, one of my values is making a difference. And that's why when I teach, I go the full yard. I will go and stay extra time
Starting point is 01:04:24 to make sure the projects are fun, getting the kids involved. It's like so important to me. Clock, I'm down with that thesis. The radical change in food has probably had immense consequences. Yeah, like the biggest. Like, God, more than I could probably express without getting kicked off of YouTube. Yeah, that's a full other, we can do a whole other podcast on that. I think it would be so hard to prove because the psychology and sociology is such a mess and they're such soft sciences and they'll just attach anything to everything.
Starting point is 01:05:02 But my kids ate pretty clean all their early, early years. I have two seven year olds and a nine year old. And if I, if I deviate from that at all, even if they just slice the bread, I see a difference. And I see like what the different kinds of sugar it's like, do you ever drink black tea? Black tea? Yeah. Like you ever get your, do do you do you take caffeine? Is that coffee yeah, okay, and I do coffee too, but do you ever get your coffee from tea I Have a tea before but not black tea. I don't think I like Earl Grey's that concern black tea. I think so maybe yeah But I would need to know more about my teas Whatever's in there. It doesn't make me want to get up
Starting point is 01:05:45 and move, I feel it more in my brain. Like I start, I feel like I can think better on tea. Whereas on coffee, like I'm ready to fucking like run through a brick wall. I have to try that now. I have to try that, the difference between. Yeah, black tea. So when I'm editing, if I've, when I was a kid
Starting point is 01:06:01 and I'd be up late night editing, I would drink black tea. Because if I drank coffee, I'd want to get up out of my seat or I'd want to like smoke a cigarette. But when I drink tea, I didn't, it was more, but I don't know, probably someone's going to Earl Grey is black tea. Oh, there you go. Sandy, you had some education. There you go.
Starting point is 01:06:17 I figured I'm like, it's dark, but black, black tea. I was like, maybe it's something specific, but yeah, Earl Grey. I love Earl Grey. Actually maybe it's something specific, but yeah, we're all great. I love it all great actually. It's pretty yummy 2016 Yeah, I Didn't know that I learned that from Scott to what happened. Yeah Actually, it's funny. It's the exact same Brooke Wells injury same weight same everything I have a video and it's the exact same.
Starting point is 01:06:45 And what was the way it's on Instagram? I mean, I don't I don't if you're sensitive, I'm not going to suggest if some people are sensitive because you really see it go but how far down is it is it way down? Oh, man, probably. Well, it's yeah, 2016. Right. So it's okay. It's anybody wants to go see it. I put a back and forth of when it happened. And then a year later having rehabbed and all the stuff and snatching again. Actually, I snatched 200 now. So I even mentally passed the weight.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Like re-snatching 190 the first time, I just cried from fear. Speaking of fear, is this going to happen again? Can you tell me where you were and how it happened? The day? Can you walk me through it? Actually, yes I can. I was training for regionals at the time. And it was Christmas. And Chloe is someone, third person speaking,
Starting point is 01:07:40 Chloe is someone, I love it, my favorite. who in 2016, if it was written, you have to go to one RM, no matter how I was feeling I would do it. I was very robotic. That's what it is. Follow it the gymnast mentality. You have to do it. You don't argue, which is not me anymore. But back then it was written, build to a one RM snatch. But it was Christmas. and it was written on the 25th, which makes again, no sense. But I was like, okay, I have to do it
Starting point is 01:08:09 cause I really want to do well. So we found a gym that was open on Christmas to be able to do just my session of snatch and conditioning. So again, Christmas means you're tired. It's not your regular, wasn't even my own gym. It's not my own bar. It's not my own environment. It's not my own environment So not the greatest time to do a 1rm, but I wanted to do it
Starting point is 01:08:29 So I start loading up and again, I'm being honest right now to show people that you should probably listen to yourself I'm doing snatches and I filled my entire session and I keep going like my arm feels weird Keep going up you can see it in my in the video, I'm like, ah, I feel weird, I feel weird. So all these indications of I'm not feeling good, ignored all of them, being a smart athlete that I was, and then went for 190, which was a five pound PR back then, which 190 in 2016 was a really, really heavy snatch, and then pulled it, caught, and then just tore.
Starting point is 01:09:04 UCL common flexor tendon, and it actually pulled so hard, it pulled a piece of the bone off. So I had what's called ectopic bone, so it's like a bone floating in your arm because of how the impact was. Does it pull from this side, or does it pull from the forearm side, or this tricep side?
Starting point is 01:09:20 It's the UCL, so it's really what- Something from your forearm got pulled off, a bone in there? It's your elbow, yeah, so it's from your elbow Really did this this pointy thing here that like it's sore after rope climbs sometimes that thing got broken. Yes Boarding rope climb. That's yeah. Yeah, that's the stress on your ulnar collateral ligament Holy shit, and so it happened who was there with you?
Starting point is 01:09:44 Holy shit. And so it happened. Who was there with you? So my boyfriend at the time was there and I, it happened. And I just like took my elbow. And it's, it's funny. I always speak about Brooke Wells because I remember Dave saying Brooke Wells was like, put me back in. I can compete. Right. Well, when I, when I did that, I said, oh no, I won't be able to go to regionals. Like I didn't even, it wasn't even a whole my elbow. It wasn't my pain. It was, I have to go to regionals. Like I didn't even it wasn't even a whole my elbow. It wasn't my pain It was I have to go to regionals. That was my first thought and it's such a such an athlete mindset, but Did it hurt? Yeah, like really bad It it yeah, it hurts really bad It's like a really intense shock. But then because everything's torn it's like a really intense shock. But then because everything's torn, there's not a lot of feedback left. So partial tear will hurt more just because there's something left for the feedback. Full tear. Sometimes it's like, okay, your body it hurts, and then it has no more feedback back to your brain.
Starting point is 01:10:38 So I just remember, I would do this and my arm would just move. And I was like, whoa, and I would do this and my arm would just brrr and I was like, whoa. And I would lean on the counter and my arm would just brrr. It would just not hold my weight anymore. How long before you went to the hospital? Go ahead. Sorry. What were you gonna say? You actually what? No, actually, I competed at regionals that year with no surgery.
Starting point is 01:11:01 I just taped it up. Yeah, it wasn't again, not the smartest. I just wanted to go so badly. So I had an I waited, I waited, I waited. I was like, so close to the it happens on Christmas. You go home that night. You don't even go to the hospital. No, I just put ice. Did it so did it actually bend the other way? Yeah. Yeah, you'll go watch the video if you want.
Starting point is 01:11:30 And I just went home and I just said, okay, I'll give it some time. And then gave it some time, gave it some time, gave it some time, went to regionals, like taped, did my best. I think I came like 11. Let me see, open your arm like this. Do this for me. Well now it's good cause it's-
Starting point is 01:11:46 Let me see. Can I see your other one? I'll see that one has hyper, you see? Okay. My kids have that. My kids have that one, that. Yeah. This used to be like that, but since it's operated,
Starting point is 01:11:57 she put it tight. She's like, you're going to snatch more? Yes. Okay. We're going to tighten it as much as possible. So that when you snatch now it has more resistance So this is actually my best my better elbow than this one Just because of the surgery. Oh
Starting point is 01:12:12 Wow, okay. Uh, sorry go back. So you go to bed that night and you wake up in the morning and you still don't go to the doctor Nope. I was like I was mentally like I can just train over it. I could you know Yeah, I can just train over it. I could, you know, yeah, I could just, it's, you know, athlete brain makes no sense. So you're just taking, you're just taking ibuprofen. Okay, so you're just taking ibuprofen and training around it. Yeah, well, I took, I took, obviously I couldn't,
Starting point is 01:12:38 you know, I, Brooke was gonna say as well, like you could not do anything. So I was like, okay, I'll do some legs and I'll give it some time to heal. And so I gave it some time to heal, but then obviously at some point, yeah. Did you wake up one morning and you were like, okay, it's feeling a little better.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Sort of. When did you go to the doctor finally? I went to the doctor after, so after regionals. Holy shit. This happened in December and you did not go to the doctor for months. No, but voluntarily. This is not like a Canadian Yeah, yeah. Yeah. No. No, I get it. Hey, dude I do that shit to my kids my kid hyperextended his knee the other day on the on the trampling Oh, and I just didn't let him do anything for two weeks now
Starting point is 01:13:22 It's all back to normal, but I didn't take him to the doctor either. Yeah, I was just athlete brain. I'll just keep, I'll be okay. I'll be okay. But then after, after regionals, it was the year of the snatch ladder, which again, the snatch ladder from this year, I did it with, you know, full tape. So it's like, at least it finished at 175, which is like under my one back then. And it was a strict muscle up with the kettlebell snatch,
Starting point is 01:13:49 strict Nate. So it was a lot of elbow tension, a lot of elbow tension. But how did your elbow feel after that regional? Yeah, that's why I decided to get an MRI. Cause after I would get tingling sensation, I was you know, losing, I would hold something and I would lose capacity in my arms. I was like, okay, no. Like, so if you pick this up, all of a sudden your hand could go weak. Yeah. Oh, yeah, absolutely. I could not feel my fingers. It was obviously my body was telling
Starting point is 01:14:21 me okay enough. So when the MRI came back, they called me, which in Canada they don't do, they send you a report. So they called me and said, are you sitting down? I was like, yes. And they're like on the MRI result when I got it after it said, virtual complete tear of the entire elbow. So it was still torn and did it heal weird at all? Like what did the body, how was the body dealing with it?
Starting point is 01:14:46 Just letting it float around the bone? The body just said, good luck. The body kind of just, it does what it compensates. Obviously you have muscles, you have other things that are trying to help out the instability caused by the lack of the ligament, the tendon, and obviously a piece of bone that's floating around is not helpful either.
Starting point is 01:15:07 Was there any, so when they went into the surgery, was there anything that they said, Hey, you should have done this sooner. You made this. The tendon. So a tendon, you have something like five to seven days. Don't quote me, but it's like five to seven days, like an Achilles or where if the tendon snaps, it'll get shorter, shorter over time.
Starting point is 01:15:27 And now you can't piece it together, it's too short from atrophy. So you do have a time limit. So what do they do for you if you should all atrophy? I have a hole, I have a hole. I have no more, so my common flexor tendon is just no more. So that's why people often say 2018, what happened to your legless rope climbs?
Starting point is 01:15:47 Cause in 2018, I almost didn't go to the games. I took dead last on legless because I was still trying to, I would legless one arm cause I was lacking the strength from the point. Where's the tendon that you don't have? Well, the, your common flexor tendon It's in your forearm. Yeah So it's the one that does also the fingers is your common flexor tendon is the one that does as well your
Starting point is 01:16:21 So they just put the bone back. They just put the bone back and tied what tendons they could so they remove the floating bone Because it's it's it's chipped off So they remove the floating bone and they take your palmaris longus. Okay. Because not everybody has that actually. It's part of the body where not everybody has that part. So they took my palmaris as you can see. Like they take that and they reattach it as your new ulnar ligament. So they take that and reattach it there.
Starting point is 01:16:47 So I have no not everyone has a palmaris longus. Palmaris longus. Yeah. Palmaris longus. We're coming at you with all the words. Wow. So yeah, they took that attached it there. It's a wild ride.
Starting point is 01:17:00 But honestly, it's it feels like I don't even remember when I do my movements it's not even a thought anymore it's so strong it's really really good. Yeah that arms that the arm that's pretty amazing that that one that one looks normal the broken one. Yeah. Why do people have the your right arm why do some people's arms do that like what should I worry about about my kids? It's hyperlax, it's hyperlax in French.
Starting point is 01:17:29 It's like a- Hyperlax. Hyperlax, that's a good thing. Hyperlax, thank you. Yeah, just means you have too much, obviously related to collagen as well, like you have too much collagen, which means that there's space and there's movement,
Starting point is 01:17:40 extra movement, and that allows for the bone to go further or the motion to go further, you know, like shoulders, my hips as well, like my hips really, they can pop out. How about your spine? How about your spine? Your spine is, it's not so bad because it's, my spine feels pretty good, I would say, because it's mostly bone. So my spine is bone. So you're not gonna be hyper-laxed from your bone. It's gonna be like the ligaments and tendons associated to that articulation. So when you're hyper-laxed,
Starting point is 01:18:13 it means that the tendons and ligaments that are attached have too much movement. So it allows the bone to obviously move more, but it's not the bone itself, it's really the tendons and ligaments around it for more movement. Hyperlax, Christian Kettler, like your butthole. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:36 Please don't laugh, Chloe. Please do not. No, people on your podcast. You're inciting violence. No, the comments are, like I always follow your podcast, right? Like I'm a big fan. So man, the comments so good.
Starting point is 01:18:50 I know there's some, yeah, there's some brilliant people in there. It is, uh, it's so fast. Yeah. It's crazy. I want to think about it. It's already up there. Look, you see, you picked up on that. I just want to keep looking at her arms, David.
Starting point is 01:19:02 We need her to flex those biceps. Hey, would you say, would you say that, arms, David, we need her to flex those biceps. Hey, would you say it? Would you say that? God, you're gonna hate me for this. I would say that you have more of a ballerina body, or a basketball players body that you weren't. You weren't made you're not stubby. You weren't made you're not a bowling ball. You're like the opposite you look like you look like you should have a spear and be out in the desert, like chasing deer down and bringing deer back to the... I will take that as a compliment any day. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:19:32 No, it's good. No, you're right. It's an interesting... And so usually people at the highest level, we usually get to see these beautiful bodies express themselves with a certain kind of like expression, right? And yours is seems more, uh, how are you tall? Five foot eight. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:19:51 Yeah, exactly. Wow. I have no choice but to be long. I mean, yeah. I wonder who the tallest female is. I don't know. That's a good, I don't know. I think I'm among the tall, but I don't think I'm the tallest, but I think I'm... But Anna Tonacliff, yeah, she was short though too. I don't think she was five foot eight.
Starting point is 01:20:17 Was she tall? Yeah, that was weird. That was amazing how well she did with that body. That was crazy. Coming from the boating world, she was a freak. How cool was she? Absolutely. She was serious as a heart attack. Did you ever meet her? Yes, I met her. Yeah, oh you did?
Starting point is 01:20:33 Damn, you've been around forever. I have been, too long. Yeah, no, but you're right. I do have a body that kinda stands out. Yeah, you look like you could play basketball or do ballet or I guess um Rolf is Emily Rolf taller than you she looks tall to me. Yeah, I think she's as tall if not taller than okay
Starting point is 01:20:56 I don't think I don't think Emma. Oh Anna Tunnicliffe was 5'7. Okay, Emma Tall's not tall, is she? Is Emma Tall tall? I wouldn't know. Are any of the girls going to the games your friends, Chloe? I have friends. I have friends of all. But are any of them your friends? Like, um... I live on your rock. Like, do you have, do you have, um... Are there any girls there that you picture that you'll be like when you guys go to athlete village,
Starting point is 01:21:26 you'll put your bag next to theirs and you'll have your little lawn chair next to theirs? Yeah, well, I mean, Kyra Milligan is a, she was a team athlete as well. So it's just great when you pass time together at the games on a team. I remember us going back and forth there. And we also did team at Wadapalooza
Starting point is 01:21:45 with Freya. So it was Freya herself. So we did team as well. And I remember it was like their first Freya was her first comp. And I think Kyra was like a... Freya is not going though, is she? No. No, okay. Okay. No, not this year, but she's, she's going to be back. She just won the MedCon rush. So she's crushing it. Is that an event up in Canada?
Starting point is 01:22:04 No, it was an event actually in the U S where a lot of the semi-final athletes that didn't qualify for the games went to the MedCon rush. They had like a $3,000 prize purse. It was really nice. And she just won that. So like she's, she's coming back next year for sure. But yeah, Kyra, I think it's someone I hope to be able to hang out with. We spend time together and she's really, really nice, super fun. And it's a good energy to have when you're at the games and everybody's stressed. She's really, really fun, good energy. And I think that's something that'll help. Oh, someone just pointed Laura Horvat.
Starting point is 01:22:37 Yeah. Laura Horvat's probably pretty, just looks pretty tall to me. Yeah. Maybe she, is she, is she taller than you? Have you stood next to her? Taller than me? I think we're about the same, I would say. How tall is your mom? Actually my mom and my dad are both not tall. My dad is maybe five, nine, ten, and my mom, five, three. Your dad's tall.
Starting point is 01:23:01 I don't how dare you. Since I'm eight, I would expect my dad to be like six foot something to balance out my mom being five foot three. No, I think Daniel Brandon might be really short. I think she looks tall on Instagram, but I think when I saw her in person, I was like, what the fuck, she's tiny. Camera angles, right?
Starting point is 01:23:20 Camera angles are everything. Yeah. Oh, when will you go to Texas? I'm going to Texas the 5th, so the Monday. Holy shit, you're cutting it close. I know. I work, right? I have a full-time job, so. And who are you going to go with?
Starting point is 01:23:36 I'm going to go with my parents, obviously. My mom and my dad, my boyfriend. Your boyfriend? You are bringing your boyfriend? Yeah, for sure. Yeah, he's for sure Yeah, he's he's almost a he's been at the games right at the last three years So he's just used to it and he loves love love the games
Starting point is 01:23:52 So he's gonna probably be behind the state and the behind the scenes with me. So you're thinking about giving him your coach's pass Do you have to have a talk with him or does he have to have a talk with you or do you guys set any? like ground rules? So remember we competed at the games on a team together, right? I feel like if if we can do that Yeah, anything is anything is possible meaning Stressed on a team, you know if he messes up or I mess up. It's it's easy to go. Come on Especially when you have that intimate relationship, you almost can talk. It's easier to talk like negatively
Starting point is 01:24:28 just because you're so comfortable with that person. So 2022, we really talked and said, hey, whatever we say on the floor is on the floor. We walk off, give ourselves five minutes and everything's okay. We don't mean anything, but it went well in 2022. And now behind the stage, he's the one training
Starting point is 01:24:45 with me now. He's my training partner. So he's, he knows when it's going well, when it's not, he knows what to say. He's like my rock. So I'm, I feel very confident with him behind stage. Um, is he proud of you? Oh man. He actually is. I'm probably going to the games this year because of him. It's been three years that he's like, don't go team, go individual, you can do it. You're so you I know you can do it. I've seen the other girls like he knows the stats and he's like, I know you can qualify. And I was like, no team. This year he's
Starting point is 01:25:16 like, just do it for fun. Sign up, you'll see like I'm telling you you can. If there's someone that believes in me, it's my boyfriend. He believes in me more than me. Yeah, that's awesome. Congratulations on finding someone like that. That's huge. I'm very lucky. We all need believe. We need believers around us. And I guess it's just enough to where, um, you don't want pressure, but you need someone who believes in you. Yeah. It never feels like pressure. It it feels like some it just feels like fact when he says it it feels like a fact to me so that's huge because I often people would say oh I'll do it and I just don't believe in myself that much
Starting point is 01:25:56 so him saying no I know you can do it it's like a fact when he says it it's huge for me. It's like a fact when he says it. It's huge for me. How was the interview with Dave? It was good. It was great. It's really cool. It's something I think we needed in the space. I think a lot of people don't have a platform
Starting point is 01:26:16 or the athletes that are not going in as the favorites, we kind of just show up and hopefully have one event where we shine. Yeah. I saw a lot of the comments where people are saying, oh, now we have to root for all 40 because we know them. Right. That's huge for the sport, for the athletes, for everybody. It just makes it so much more interesting to watch.
Starting point is 01:26:39 So I typed in the Dave Castro and Chloe and look at this. I don't know if you can see it, but the thumbnail picture of you is so awesome. You're like, so. Oh boy. Yeah, have you gone back and watched this? No, it's so hard to watch yourself back, right? Yeah, I hear you. It's all stringy, but yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:55 Well, let's do it. It's so, so I know Dave pretty good, but I was dying laughing at just, cause he's very awkward. Like in his own way. He doesn't know he's being awkward, but he's just so like, there's no energy coming off him. But boy, this this interview really ramps up. You guys let me just play a couple of a minute of it. Watch this.
Starting point is 01:27:18 Morning. Morning. How are you? Look at you. You're like. It's like it's it's like you're you're you're you're only giving him back what he gives you It's like you're in a courtroom and the judge just said how are you? You're like you even give the nod like like the professional athlete nod good. How are you doing? I'm doing great. Thanks for doing this Yeah, thanks for hopping on so you've competed at the games for a number of years, but on a team of years but on a team. He doesn't know what the fuck is going on. Like he looked up your profile eight seconds before you came on. He doesn't know. He doesn't give a shit. But then look it. But somewhere in here you guys bond. So I was subscribing to Key on having all this games experience as a team
Starting point is 01:28:06 but just feeling comfortable and more confident in myself that's what I'm excited and just going wow Chloe 2018 is just far far away and now it's like just a new person. And now he's into you I could tell I know that Dave smile now he's in but it's so funny because at first he's like what the who the fuck is this where am I like he doesn't he's like what's so funny because at first he's like who the fuck is this? Where am I like he doesn't He's like what he said to Alex because then he's like, oh you took 50 the games. You're pretty good Emma Lawson too. He said oh you're you're oh, yeah, you might you're gonna win the games one good eventually It's like Dave discovered Emma That is that is funny. That is funny.
Starting point is 01:28:45 That is funny. Yeah, this is, I really enjoyed this. At first, I like it because I squirm too. Because I'm like when it starts off and it's just like, hey, hey, hey. And I'm like, oh God, oh God, is this gonna, is this, but you guys warmed up. So you did have fun. You did have fun with it. Yeah, I mean, it's like you're in front of Dave Castro.
Starting point is 01:29:04 So of course at the first, it's like you're in front of Dave Castro. So of course at the first it's like, you don't want to, I felt like, okay, be on your, you know, not on your best behavior, but you want to make a good impression. And I think everybody in the, in the sport wants to be liked and you want to make sure, and you know, it's 15 minutes. So you know that time is ticking as it's going by, but I really liked the question I asked. And then we had fun, you know, talking programming and talking Amanda and Fran. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:31 So I really enjoyed the end part, as you said. I feel like we were really talking. He liked it too. Yeah, you were stimulating him with that stuff. Yeah, it was fun. That's the part I enjoyed. I don't think he needs to know any of that stuff either. Like there's stuff that that he doesn't know.
Starting point is 01:29:46 It's just funny because he's clearly focused on something else that's relevant to the success of the games. I mean, obviously we know he's not off doing blow in the corner and you know what I mean? He's obviously, I mean, you see him out there. He's serious as a heart attack and he's always like dead on the floor. Dead eyes on the floor, dead eyes on the floor. But I almost respect the fact that he doesn't know that, those details. Who placed where, what's going on. Like, hey, it should just
Starting point is 01:30:15 all be numbers to you. Yeah, I mean, that's, he's supposed to be looking at the programming, right? Like, that's his thing. He's supposed to be watching it unfold from the programming perspective, not from Laura Horvat is passing. It's okay. This athlete did it in this time and this means that that's going. Yeah. I understand. Um, uh, any any thoughts? So We know these workouts and we know there's a cut. Do you have it? Do you have it? Does that stress you out at all? Do you have any concerns about Saturday morning? Oh, we know there's a cut. Do you have it? Do you have it? Does that stress you out at all? Do you have any concerns about Saturday morning?
Starting point is 01:30:47 Oh, yeah, it's a cut. I mean, anything can happen. So I think everybody, I mean, everybody should be worried, meaning you never know what could happen. But do you see the workouts and you're like, well, at least, oh, at least I'm going to have one good one. Or are you like, do you see those workouts? I kind of see all those workouts as the same.
Starting point is 01:31:03 To me, it's just, they're just all long. Yeah, I agree. I agree with the field sprint, but yeah, like Chad, mile, and then the run swim, it's the same here. Absolutely. That's why I said the Dave. And it even says earlier,
Starting point is 01:31:16 I was thinking that maybe the sprint and the run were gonna be two separate events, but I went back and I'm looking at it and it just says event six. Yeah. So they might just be one. Cross fact, Chloe shoulders, hubba hubba. And they move too and they work.
Starting point is 01:31:35 Working, they're not just all show, they work. Do you like those workouts? Like, are you like, okay, this is looking good, so far so good? I'm excited for the swim, which I think is not what most people would say, but I really enjoy swimming. I enjoy it, I'm comfortable,
Starting point is 01:31:53 it's something I would do regardless of crossfit. I really enjoy it. I'm looking forward to the swim, which is good. Chad, I like mental grinds. Like I did the marathon row, right? And I'm one of the probably only athletes that found some enjoyment in it. I feel proud.
Starting point is 01:32:11 Like you finished a marathon row and you're like, I did that. Like nobody can say they did it in the same environment. I'm able to find like positives out of really grindy. Like everybody goes, what you did that? And there's, I don't know. There's something inside of me that goes, oh yeah, let's go. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:29 I think Chad for me is that grindy. You got to work and find somewhere mentally to go. And I think, I think I can do that. So that's exciting. And field sprints, they announced the star, the Texas star. Oh yeah. Did they say where that, how that's gonna be used? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:32:47 And you know, it says 170. We don't know the girls with guys weights, but. Oh, they even said the weight, that thing holds 170 pounds. It was written at the top. Holy cow. Yeah, it says like 170. So is that the women's? Cause that's really heavy.
Starting point is 01:33:02 If it's the men's then, oh no, then maybe it really is a sprint with the bag. Some people are saying it's we're gonna do a mile with that so I feel like with that wrinkle thrown in I feel like the mile and the field sprint now are kind of up for grabs. I feel like I don't know what it's gonna be and that's I think a good thing. Nobody can prepare for it. It's interesting I remember many years ago many many years ago Often talking with Dave about doing a mile sprint in the games and he basically said he would never do it and and I could Be pair I could be I could be I
Starting point is 01:33:39 Could be misrepresenting this but the way I mean because this is more than ten years ago But I think he said because he didn't want to expose the athletes representing this, but the way I, I mean, because this is more than 10 years ago, but I think he said, because he didn't want to expose the athletes, like it would be unfair to them to do that. Like show the whole, like, I know he didn't say it like this, but my takeaway from it was he didn't want to show the whole world, Hey, this is how fast these guys run the mile. Like for some reason he didn't feel comfortable doing that. Um, he had some sort of boundary with the athletes. He thought, Hey, cause it's just people are going to judge the athletes in a way.
Starting point is 01:34:09 I don't want them to be judged, but, but maybe things have changed and he really is into running now because his daughter, he's got this daughter. Like every time I call him, he's doing something with his daughter now. All like, he is so into one of his daughters right now and they're always running. And she, and she, and running and he and she and I She runs tracks. She runs cross-country. So maybe he's like fuck it. They're gonna do the mile the mile would be crazy, wouldn't it? You guys would kill it yourselves out there
Starting point is 01:34:36 Absolutely, and will it be a mile with lanes or a mile with yeah, I mean it'll be it'll be I He had he I think I was watching some Dave interview and they said Adler Adler broke the five minute mile. Yep. Yeah. I watched the same interview. Yep. That's crazy. That would be crazy if someone at the CrossFit Games broke a five minute mile. That would be absolutely bonkers. Maybe that's why Dave feels like now we've arrived perhaps at the time where running has been a priority at the games.
Starting point is 01:35:07 And so athletes have been training for it. So it's like the perfect time to demonstrate that evolution of the sport. And maybe he feels like it would be more fair for the athletes now. But at the same time, I mean, we do Olympic lifts and nobody's going out there saying, wow, like you would not do well at a weightlifting meet right everybody understands that sorry sorry sorry Hi Hey Travis I had to poop outside again this morning Oh, I love it you already know okay cool
Starting point is 01:35:44 Okay, are you here now? I am not but Kenny's going to be going up there. Can we just get the gate code so I could send it to him? Sure. Sure. Hold on. Let me turn my gate. I think he doesn't want the world to know is that gate code Just 1003 Okay, okay, I'll put the dog away Okay Okay, cool. All right. Thanks, dude Okay, bye I
Starting point is 01:36:37 Had my well fixed last week and then they fixed it but not having water stuff You don't realize how important toilets are. I have to I have to tell my wife something really quick. Sorry. Put put. Put the dog away, please. All right. Oh, the mile, the mile. Yeah. So, so people are going to go gung ho.
Starting point is 01:37:09 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, but, but you're suggesting that maybe you wouldn't be surprised if you get out there and they have you carry something. I mean, imagine, imagine a one mile star carry. Like that would, I would enjoy that watching that. Yeah. Or it could be progressive.
Starting point is 01:37:26 I'm gonna enjoy. What does that mean progressive? Like 400 meters with a star. Oh, I thought you meant like a BLM flag on the star. Sorry. I'm sorry. Exactly. But like 400 draw 800 run pick it back up for 400 to finish. I mean, the storylines, the carnage, that would be wild. I'm also, don't tell anyone this because I love hating on the Chad workout, but I'm really excited because it's going to be that Saturday morning. People are going to kill themselves. There's 20 athletes that are for sure not that are going to be fighting to Saturday morning people are going to kill themselves. They're like, there's 20 athletes that, that are for sure not, that are going
Starting point is 01:38:08 to be fighting to stay in the event. Those guys are going to, there's so much on the line. Holy shit. It's going to be crazy. Yeah. It's a storyline. Exactly. It's keeping it interesting.
Starting point is 01:38:18 And because it's a thousand, like you could have your phone out and be scrolling Instagram and just like, and looking up, just watch a few hundred here and there. Yeah. Come prepared. Yeah. All right. Well, I can't wait to see you.
Starting point is 01:38:33 I fly in Monday too. Hey, there you go. Yeah. Do you have a, are you staying in the athlete hotel or? No, we have like a place with a kitchen not far out maybe 10 minutes out. No one's staying. I've asked everyone if they're staying in the athlete hotel. I haven't found one person. There is an athlete hotel right? Didn't they offer you guys like it? Yeah but I think it doesn't have a kitchen which for
Starting point is 01:38:55 athletes like you need to be able to make your own food right? It's okay. I need a toilet you guys need a kitchen. I need a toilet, you guys need a kitchen. Hey, priorities. Alright, well I look forward to seeing you. Thank you for being so wonderful. You're as wonderful as as Suze told me. It's been an honor for me. This has been something I've been looking forward to. It's really something I follow so I was like I'm gonna be on the salon.
Starting point is 01:39:21 Oh awesome, thank you. Alright, I'll talk to you soon and I'll see you there with the camera in my hand. Perfect. See you soon. All right. Bye, Chloe. Bye. I think my mouse stopped working. I have no mouse. Oh, there's my mouse.
Starting point is 01:39:38 Too many monitors. Yeah, she is a cool chick, right? David, you like everyone on the show but me. That's awesome. Alright. That was good. Let me see, uh... Let me see who's on tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:40:07 What is tomorrow? Tuesday? Oh, Matt has Seth the Jump Ship guy on tomorrow. All right. I don't have anyone on tomorrow. I should schedule anyone on tomorrow. I should schedule someone for tomorrow. I don't do I even have a show scheduled for tomorrow. So check this out. Dave's going live in 20. Yeah. Is it has anyone been watching the Dave's a Bible Freak now lugging across
Starting point is 01:40:38 for part of it now? What the fuck? I can't I can't even read it. Christian 20 minutes till Dave live. Yeah, that's gonna be wild. I wanna watch the Kimberly Cheetle. Is that live anywhere? Kimberly? Have you got, are you got Kimberly? Cheetle?
Starting point is 01:41:12 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. It's itself earlier in this hearing about poor staff morale within your agency. And I have the July 17th report of government Executive, which is a credible reporting service for the federal government, for employees. And the 2023 ranking of places to work within the federal government showed, and this is through the Office of Personnel Management, that the Secret Service came in 413th out of 459 sub-agencies and agencies. Can you explain that? Certainly. What I can tell you is the Secret Service is a difficult job. It challenges our employees daily. It's holidays, it's weekends, it's no leave periods. But, but, but, but, madam, people come to work knowing that. You do explain that when you hire somebody.
Starting point is 01:42:08 They know that. It's the same with other agencies. They miss holidays, they come to work at odd hours. But to be works, one of the worst places to work within the federal government. God, think of all the fucking things you could be asking her and you're worried about that shit you fucking ding-dong like who gives a fuck about some fucking cheese dick ranking I want to fucking know what environment why is this guy wasting his time having no fail mission and our folks are tasked with that every day 365 days of the year fucking tell
Starting point is 01:42:44 you I've also been the director and use to recruit and retain Folks are tasked with that every day, 365 days of the year. Fuckin' useless. Who the fuck is that guy asking me questions? Fuckin' useless. I've been the director to recruit and retain and stem ties between our agencies. I almost have to... Please, I hope that's a fucking Democrat. It's all feely, fucking feely, no facts bullshit. Like, fucking, who the fuck is that guy? How about just ask some fucking facts? Like, I give a fuck about the the ranking what it's like to work there That's like the way fucking the libtards talk about fucking climate changes Talking I am going to say that you have not given us confidence that you have the ability to understand what happened
Starting point is 01:43:21 to take the Responsibility in terms of understanding. You've spent a number of years. How many years do you say you've been with the agency? Twenty-nine. Well, I spent 16 years with AT&T, moved seven times with them, and had a really good feel about their operations. How they worked, what was acceptable, who was responsible.
Starting point is 01:43:45 And I've heard you say today, numbers of times, well, you've got to wait. Well, you've got to wait, wait for the final report. When is the final final going to happen? Oh, he swung his head around. How long do we have to wait before you can give us credible answers? You've been there 28 years. You've had a few days to be able to draw your own analysis of this. You should understand the entire process.
Starting point is 01:44:13 You talked about being on the team, perhaps in Georgia. You have talked about your experience in this. You've talked about the professional nature of the agency that I don't doubt, but the director, just like it was when I ran my operation. More dumb shit, ask her a question. God damn it, when are the questions? We're rewinding this. Let's see what's going on here.
Starting point is 01:44:37 I want a question. Was there more than one shooter? Were the female secret service officers on their menstrual cycle. Look at this camera guy left his light on. Look, he's just walking around with his fucking light on. What a douche canoe. You see that? God damn it. Is there anything? Oh, here we go, here we go. Has anyone watched this?
Starting point is 01:45:11 Is there anything worth watching? God damn it. Oh, she won't answer any operational questions. Oh. Oh, fuck you you Dan. Now Seve knows how we feel when he's pontificating during an interview. That's the- listen, the guests I have are the accoutrements. They're the fucking garnish.
Starting point is 01:45:38 I'm the fucking star. It's about my pontificating. They're nothing but soundboards for me as I work through my life. This should be called Sevan's Therapy Show. Fuck you if you're interested in my guests. So aggressive. Thank you. Take that as a compliment. Thank you. Uh, okay. You guys want to see something funny? I'll go watch this shit.
Starting point is 01:46:16 Interested. Watch this shit later. Um, I'm such a, um, seven. They are all politicians. Uh, why are you expecting them to do the right thing? I mean, I know some of them are I know some of us like some questions. I just want to hear I just want to hear some questions. Like the paint I want I want to know at like, I want to paint the scene more. Like what was the experience of those female officers? How would she explain their behavior? Is that normal? She couldn't put her gun away? Could there be more than one shooter? Why wasn't there anyone on the rooftop? Have you talked to the police chief? Was there a breakdown? Are you being honest? All sorts of stuff. Just stuff.
Starting point is 01:47:07 Harry M. Therapy for a little angry old man. I'm in. God, I think hockey's so stupid. You don't even know how stupid I think hockey is. Sorry, sorry, Ken. Or Jeff. I know one of the old guys has a kid that plays hockey sorry oh sorry geez Louise
Starting point is 01:47:31 but God hockey's stupid imagine playing imagine imagine doing a sport where you got to put all all the sports where you got to put all that shit on you might as well just be a conservative woman at that point. Put all your fake shit on. OK, I wanted to show you guys this. What a fucking judgmental piece of shit I am. So I've been watching these videos. I know some of you already know, but I've been watching these videos. On YouTube, I've watched like five of them. They're like 10 minutes long each and I can't even believe
Starting point is 01:48:12 The level of insecurity that I saw in here, but then I had this fucking crazy revelation this crazy Revelation this I think it was this morning. I think it was this morning I had it. I'm gonna translate this for you. So, the guy who works there gave the customer a pink bag. These videos on YouTube are amazing. So basically, the guy behind the glass gave this this dude right here a pink bag and look at all the shit this guy is carrying look at like what he bought. I just got out. I just got out. I just got out. I'm going to go get some food. Why you say that bro? Come on bro, it's a pink bag, eh?
Starting point is 01:49:06 I ain't getting niggas. I ain't this ain't bad. I ain't. I'm not gonna lie bro, that's the only bags I got. Yeah, you be fraud, J. Gang. I don't like that gang. Yeah? I need another bag here bro.
Starting point is 01:49:14 No bag? Why the hell do you got pink bags in here? Cause that's the only ones I could buy right now. Those are the only ones on the market. Man, that's some goofy ass shit. Y'all need to get shit together in this mother fucker. Hold on, hold on. Bro, so you'd rather carry those with your hands?
Starting point is 01:49:22 Yeah. I'm not gonna lie bro, that's the only bags I got. Yeah, you be fraud, J. Gang. I don't on the market. Man, that's some goofy ass shit. Y'all need to get together in this one. Hold on, hold on. So you'd rather carry those with your hands than with the bag? That's the part. I was judging these guys for how fucking insecure could you fucking be? How fucked and weird is your life that you care if you have a fucking pink bag
Starting point is 01:49:41 or a pink lighter? I just I couldn't wrap my head around it. But then when the store clerk said you'd rather carry that stuff with a bag, I realized I'm just as fucking insecure because I would never walk down the street holding a bag of Doritos. There is no fucking way. There is there is no. I would rather carry, I'd rather have a fucking dildo hanging out of my ass than fucking walk down the street for anyone to think I ate a bag of Doritos. And that went really well. I'm just as unsure and insecure as this guy. When you imagine
Starting point is 01:50:19 walking down the street and letting people judge you for eating that shit look at that shit that guy's eating i could not be seen in public with that shit dad you have a blessed day bro what's up man what you get a pink bag bro why you give me a pink bag Why you get pink bags bro? Why you give me a pink bag? Oh my god a two liter of soda I would and then I would just who am I to judge everyone has their own he doesn't want a pink bag I don't want to walk down the street with the Doritos in a oh wow look at this guy do you guys know who the rapper is the game look at this guy in the back looks like the game without the face tattoos. Look at that. I never noticed that. Oh, this first comment says complaining about a pink bag is gayer than gay porn. I know this is where I was. Imagine being so insecure that you can't carry a pastel pink grocery.
Starting point is 01:51:23 I was in that camp, But now I can relate. Now I can relate because I couldn't walk down the street with a bag of Doritos and a two liter of Coke. I'd rather... I feel... anyone in line with me at the grocery store is getting destroyed. I'm just destroying people. destroyed I'm just destroying people that dude's probably 8% body fat and black people have superior genes yeah I mean that's what sucks his body's like 10 times nicer than mine that's a good fucking great point
Starting point is 01:51:59 Rambler in the concrete jungle color means everything. Same at the Democratic Convention. Anyway it was, it stopped me in my tracks this morning. Oh yeah, if Greg asked me to carry a bag of Doritos I'd do it all day, no problem. Just push that away, part of the job. Clock, it's not, not sure it's insecurity and that tribal environment little things like that matter No, no, no, that's just a fucking word salad clock. Sorry. Love you, buddy. But listen take that shit to Kamala That's some fucking liberal shit. It's just insecurity. There's only there's only security and insecurity fucking liberal shit. It's just insecurity. There's only there's only security and insecurity.
Starting point is 01:52:52 Superior genes, but sickle cell and higher incidence of the sugars. Yeah, probably. That's a trade off. You got a great body, but you're going to be carbohydrate sensitive. blah blah blah. I'm flying to Texas. American Airlines. Who wants to pick me up? I land Monday. I need a ride. Preferably a black Escalade. So anyway, I thought I'm very, very self reflecting, as you can see. Sitting there just judging the urban urban Judging the urban black man when it's really my own insecurities that I should be dealing with. Whistling. Alright.
Starting point is 01:54:00 Did you guys know Joe Biden pulled out? Pulled out of yo mama! What do you, what do you prefer Daniel when I, when I pontificate or uh when I just stay quiet and I'm just looking around at my screens. Which do you prefer? Which do you prefer? Jay Hans, different world, different insecurities. Yeah, God.
Starting point is 01:54:37 I need to get off my high horse sometimes. You're absolutely right. Jake Chapman, always with the potent questions. What's gayer? Being caught with your own finger up your arse or being caught with a woman's finger up your arse? Woman's. Anything you do to yourself is just...
Starting point is 01:54:57 That's how you know everyone's got a little gay in them. Everything you do to yourself is just a little gay. Anything anyone does to your butt is full gay. Which is fine. I'm Joe Biden, I'm not able to run a race, but I'm able to lead the country. God, the whole thing has gotten so fucking bizarre, hasn't it? It's gotten so bizarre. Alright. Dave Castor is on in six minutes.
Starting point is 01:55:29 I should actually, I should start calling him and bugging him. I should light his phone up while he's on. Hey, that's what I'm going to do. Listen, two minutes in, I'm going to call him at 902. I'm going to call him and when he looks at his phone, you know, it's me. Want to do that? Oh my god should I just wait till 902 so I can do it and you we can all see him pick his phone up? Oh my god I could get in so much trouble for that. Should we do it? He might not like that. So, his very interesting sense of humor.
Starting point is 01:56:08 Okay, what do I do? I go to the Dave Castro. Go to his YouTube. I can't believe he's going live. I give him credit for that. That's pretty badass. Live. Says, oh shit, he moved it Credit for that. That's pretty badass. Live. Says, oh shit, he moved it to 930. What a douche canoe, douche canoe. What a douche canoe. Let me ask him. I'll text him.
Starting point is 01:56:43 Why did you move your shit to 930? Are you scared? Oh Jakey, I know what you're implying there Where the fuck is my arrow? I know what you're implying there Jake Chapman isn't it? It's sorry Jake Chapman Isle of man CrossFit Jake Chapman CrossFit Isle of man CEO memberFit. Jake Chatman. CrossFit. Isle of Man. CEO member. It's annoying when the host just moves the time last minute.
Starting point is 01:57:28 Is not it. Can he block people from StreamYard? I think you... I don't know. Yeah. I can... the option is I can delete comment, put user and timeout, ban user and delete their comments. Wow, I could ban the user.
Starting point is 01:57:47 So let me see. Keeping it real, I'm gonna see if I can delete. Sorry to use you as the experiment, but I'm gonna see if I can delete your comment. Delete comment. There, I just deleted your comment. Did it vanish? Did it vanish? Okay, so you have two no's I'm gonna delete now, but I won't and then I get I won't put you in timeout But I guess you can put people on timeout too there. Now. I'm just going through and deleting comments. I Know like in a year. So I'm gonna be like I never ever deleted comments I'll be like no that one time you did you were practicing deleting and you deleted two of my comments oh it
Starting point is 01:58:28 only vanishes for everyone else so that's interesting so you you don't even know that I deleted your shit sneaky dishonest even Jeremy world can we all do a poll? How much longer until Pat Lang realizes how dumb he is? Less than one year? Less than five years? Never. That's interesting. Judy Reid, never. All right, I'm gonna go. Wish me luck.
Starting point is 01:59:21 I really don't want to drop Tuesday. Oh, I fasted yesterday and I haven't eaten yet So I stopped eating Saturday. What's today? today Monday Um I I stopped eating Saturday night and then starting Monday, oh dude, holy shit. The glintonsons were fucking amazing yesterday where did I see the glinton thing someone said glintons all started from a phone call in this show is that show still up I don't know I don't know if that's true either but holy shit that's some there's
Starting point is 01:59:58 some that was some crazy honest talk holy shit on last night's glinton podcast the I yesterday I was out filming at Suzy's gym and I asked Garrett and Colleen if they'd come on the show and run the show for a day and of course I waited till the last minute wait till 9 in the morning she said sure no problem and she carried the show yesterday and holy shit. No the getting the Glinton chick is not trans they tried to you got a they tried to tran her, but she refused. I think they tried to convince her she was a tranny.
Starting point is 02:00:29 But she's like, nah, I'm good. You can't put Garrett really in a bucket. That's why I like her. But I was, like, they were making me uncomfortable yesterday. I was like, holy shit. Did John Young really tell her she was a sinner for being a lesbian? That was crazy. She looks trans. You think she looks trans? I don't think she looks trans at all. Oh, so I was talking to this dude who owns this company the other day.
Starting point is 02:01:13 And I forget what he said, but he said there's something that's not in this that every other like gummy has. Is it fructose or sucralose? Anyway, by the way, I'm not a huge fan of ZBD. Is it fructose or sucralose? Anyway, by the way, I'm not a huge fan of ZBD. These these these fuck your day up These will like if you have trouble sleeping, I don't take one at night. I take one during the day, but Kind of I wish kind of wouldn't have sent me this many Holy shit, that's good. Oh Oh good, he is scared that That's good. He wrote back. Yes scared
Starting point is 02:02:12 Shit we don't really know Garrett's a lesbian either. We just know that just like we don't know really know that I'm straight There's no proof Where's someone said something about her and John? She's a textbook tranny. I can't tell if she's a girl or boy. No, there's just that's not what a textbook train. That has nothing to do with us. If someone is trans, if you can't tell if they look like a girl or boy. Trans is fucking mental illness. You dipshit. The fuck is wrong with you dude? You think that you can just tell if someone is trans just by looking at my hat? Well on Halloween you must have a hell of a time. You think that all of a sudden, oh my god I see Batman.
Starting point is 02:02:58 What the fuck is wrong with you? Yeah, there's some people, yeah, people just look different. Yeah, she's just she I think she's pretty she. I've good. I've good. I'm good at that shit. Telling the difference. To boys and girls. It's like simple math to me. Uh, extra sloppy. Uh, churches don't reject gay people. They're sinner like we all are. None of us can help it. It's all the same, same, same, same. And that's why John doesn't care. Oh.
Starting point is 02:03:51 Don't get mad because you have a tranny friend friend friend. That's good solid solid mental work solid mental warfare Patrick solid All right. Anyway, that's an amazing podcast. If you want to, it is no, Brittany, Gret, Garrett's way prettier than Brittany Griner. Brittany Griner is, she's all hunched over and shit and Garrett like sits up straight and Garrett has nice skin and Brittany Grinders like all I don't know. I like I like I think Garrett's pretty I like the way she looks She's like a female Like I don't know I
Starting point is 02:04:39 Was gonna say like the female black version of Ronald McDonald. She got like this happy vibe to her. Can't really explain it I like what she gives off. It's pure, pure vag to me No, you gotta watch the podcast you don't even know what you're talking about Pat I would take you to fucking prison and fucking tear you a new asshole in six months and you'd love it six months six days You're gay as fuck. What are you talking about? You're dude all dudes Pat that feels like he lost his fat fastball He probably just had some of these Pat, you should have to take two of these
Starting point is 02:05:26 before you get in the chat. HDR CBD. Anyway, it's a great podcast. I can't believe how honest the conversation is. I was listening to it, I text her, I'm like, holy shit, this is fucking amazing. And she's a mom, and she's a dad so it's good shit Seve which member of the chat do you think you would be evenly matched in a fight with?
Starting point is 02:06:07 I would kick the shit out of Judy Reid. I would fucking toss her up. Especially if like, especially if she had like a beer in her. I would fucking mash her. But there's probably something I don't know about her. But there's probably something I don't know about her. She's probably like Chinese Tai Kondo champion. And if I'd fucking get my fucking throat kick broken, she'd fucking. Kick me in the throat. Look, if Dave would have kept his schedule, um, we would be, um, we would be.
Starting point is 02:06:51 I'm not sure if there's any games athletes I could beat up in a fight. Girls, of course. Let me see if there is one. You think I could beat up Ariel Lohan in a fight? I think what would happen is I like I would think I could but then I couldn't. I think they would get all puffy and shit. I don't know some of these bitches might just be goofy. Do you know what I mean by that? Like I cannot beat up Hattie can you? I probably can't beat up Emily Rolfe.
Starting point is 02:07:39 Like it would have to be someone goofy. You know what I mean? Like, didn't know how to punch or duck or kick. Like that it just didn't come natural to him. But if any of them, I'm looking at the list, I don't know, maybe Maddie Sturt, but I'm just getting excited because she's shorter than me. I don't know. I don't think there's anyone in the chat or... I mean, you better be like... It's different when you're 52. You ain't doing too much fighting.
Starting point is 02:08:16 Like, no, I don't know. No one who works out, like, once you're like over 50, if anyone like works out and has a modicum of fucking dexterity, I mean, it would just have to be some douche for me to win the fight, which thankfully there's tons of them. You know what I mean? Like I'll fuck all the cashiers up at Home Depot. Fuck those guys up.
Starting point is 02:08:35 I'll fight them all at the same time. Oh my God, Pat, you are semi. Are there really, are there people on this, look at even how he asked his questions. You're so open-minded, Pat. Are there people on this thread who actually believe they chose their sexuality like for, like for real? Like you said, I think I'll suck cock. Pat, yours deep is a fucking tin ashtray from the fucking 80s. How the fuck would you know about what boils underneath people's psyches? Okay, on that note, I love you guys. Bye bye.
Starting point is 02:09:16 Ahem.

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