The Sevan Podcast - Colten Mertens, Jack Farlow & Will Moorad | 2023 CrossFit Games Prep

Episode Date: July 28, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's new game at Circle K? Check! With Circle K's Summer Road Trip game, you can win over a million delicious instant prizes and a grand prize of $25,000. Play at or at participating Circle K stores. Can you adapt to that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Basically, you just have to be out in the heat for a long time, and your body adapts just like altitude. It's very similar, same thing. There's actually been some studies that show some fitness benefits too, similar to altitude training. So, yeah, I'll be ready for Madison if it's really hot out. It's been hot here pretty much all summer,
Starting point is 00:01:23 and I'm almost never in the AC except for at night. So I'm hoping it's really hot out. It's been hot here pretty much all summer, and I'm almost never in the AC except for at night. So I'm hoping it's really hot in Madison. That's the – did you say I'm hoping it's really hot in Madison? Yeah, I love it. Hey, do you drink a ton of that – I got a bunch of that – I forget what it's called, but it's the hydration stuff from a swolverine. You drink a ton of that on days like this.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Yeah. Intra. Yeah. Intra. Look at you. You don't even know the name. You know what I do? This is crazy.
Starting point is 00:01:58 You probably have never done this, but I drink it. I make it hot. So that I'll drink less coffee. So I put it in a hot. Yeah. I'd put it in a hot cup of water. Yeah, and then just in one of these. No offense, Gabe.
Starting point is 00:02:13 I drink plenty of coffee. I drink plenty of coffee. Hey, does that say Paper Street on it? Dang, look at yours. Wow. Wow. Wow. I like yours.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Holy cow. Look at yours. It looks like it holds more coffee than mine hey guys i'm sorry about the time for some reason this is sorry go ahead colton go ahead i'm just saying it holds about 12 ounces, maybe more I apologize, this show is scheduled for 7am, when I sat down it just got scheduled wrong, because normally we start shows at 7am Pacific Standard Time and this one started at 6.15, so I screwed all you guys up
Starting point is 00:02:55 so I apologize, thanks everyone for piling in now hey, so that's the gym that you're in right now colton yeah that's like the unfinished half so like basically we're finishing the house part right now so we have all of our cabinets and countertops and appliances over there so we haven't been able to put plywood up, but pretty much everywhere else has the walls finished and things like that, whiteboards, lifting platforms.
Starting point is 00:03:31 So all that stuff, all those appliances and stuff, those will all go inside? They're just being stored there for now? Yeah, because right now we're painting the house. Once we get that done, we'll do the flooring and tile and then put the cabinets in. So we just need to have everything out of the house right now, so we're restoring it over here. But that portion over there will be where all the bikes, rowers, and cardio equipment will go. And then on this wall in front of me, we're going to build big.
Starting point is 00:04:07 I got the dimensions and everything laid out. It's going to be 14 feet long, 12 feet high, and six feet off the wall. So hopefully before too long after August, we'll have done. Crazy. Will only you and your girlfriend train there, or will anyone else train there? Most of the time, it's just going to be Allison and I. But we'll definitely have people over, like, if they want to come out and train.
Starting point is 00:04:34 But, like, day-to-day, it'll just be her and I. It's about 1,200 square feet, so we'll have plenty of space to train. Yeah, dude, that's huge. Hey, it looks great in the videos, too. Are to leave it all Like with that rough look The plywood look Or will you put sheetrock on there I really like the plywood look I think we're going to stick with plywood Yeah
Starting point is 00:04:52 I don't think we're going to paint it Or put anything else on it Yeah, it looks cool Yeah, it looks nice Like With all the black equipment and everything Especially too And black windows
Starting point is 00:05:02 It just makes it pop really well And then that's just a big old garage door that opens up yeah yeah 16 feet wide it's supposed to be 12 feet tall but um when they were framing it in they messed up and framed in for a-foot door and didn't want to redo it so I just told them it's fine. We don't necessarily need a 12-foot door. By 12 feet, you mean 12 feet wide? 12 feet tall. Oh, that's 10 feet right there?
Starting point is 00:05:40 Mm-hmm. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, that's that's hot and out front we have a we have a 30 by 10 foot cement pad out front to do like if we want to bring equipment outdoors and do training out there which is really nice for this time of year because you want to get used to being out in the sun and the heat since you know two thirds of the events or so we're going to be outside um colton do you ever um experience like uh heat exhaustion or close to heat stroke or any heat issues when you're training there yeah like pretty much every day when i'm done with training i'll
Starting point is 00:06:18 have a pretty bad headache just from being outside in the heat all day. Yeah, it wears on you. It's like your energy drain as well, but it prepares you for Madison. I think some guys show up and they're not ready for the heat. You see that every year. And, you know, for me, I'm kind of unsatisfied because I don't have any air conditioning to train in. And, you know, like I'm working on the house, there's no AC. I'm working on the farm, there's no AC. I'm working on the farm. There's no AC.
Starting point is 00:06:46 So the hotter, the better for me. Hopefully it's really hot. Hey, do the dudes you work with wear cowboy hats? No. Nobody? You get no fun of it if you wear a cowboy hat. Oh, really? No.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Your dad doesn't even wear one? It's all like a baseball cap. Oh, man. It's like a John Deere baseball cap. You see a lot of that. Allegra, good morning. Good morning. Nothing but respect for the athletes like Mertens and Vellner
Starting point is 00:07:18 that make it to the games year in, year out, while maintaining a full-time job. Yeah, crazy. I don't think Colton... Does Colton drink LMNT or anything, salt or minerals? My husband works outside and started drinking this, and it's a game changer. You do the Wolverine stuff, right? Yeah. But yeah, for anybody who doesn't take any kind of salt or electrolyte supplements,
Starting point is 00:07:44 it's definitely something to look into, especially if you're outside at all or if you're sweating during your workouts. You'll probably notice a huge difference in your energy and how you feel afterwards. Hydration is not just like water. Hydration is a balance of water, potassium, sodium, magnesium, and count in your in your body so finding a supplement electrolyte supplement that has all those things um it's gonna help you out a lot not just water yeah i i uh allegra or no who said it uh oh lisa lisa i take i drink the interest stuff too um especially on on fasting days i'll some, and after every workout I'll drink some. It's like you get it from swolvering.
Starting point is 00:08:28 It's just a scoop. I put it in the water. I like it. And it is a game changer for me, especially on my fasting days. It's crazy. It tastes really good too. How's the body? Are you fired up? You ready ready to go you ready to attack
Starting point is 00:08:47 yeah um body's starting to feel pretty good i think last year i came into the games uh pretty over trained added in too much volume and my training leading up and just didn't taper correctly but i changed some things this year and And, you know, approaching it more like I did semifinals. And, you know, my body feels like it's really getting to that point to where my strength is peaking, my fitness is peaking. All those things are trying to feel really good. And now we're kind of into the taper phase. So we're just like pulling back on volume a little bit more,
Starting point is 00:09:20 making sure that, you know, any nagging injuries or things like that, that's now the main focus where um you know usually at the end of the day training if you have something that hurts you just kind of work around it or work through it but um now the focus is not so much on increasing fitness but just getting your body feeling good and ready to perform um i've had a knee injury for a little while now. I don't really know what's going on with it, but I was injured before and it's still can be painful, a lot really painful at times, but it's definitely getting better. Inflammation feels like it's going down. So I haven't been able to do as much running in my prep as I usually do,
Starting point is 00:10:02 but I'm still getting in quite a bit um just been doing like a lot more swimming and biking things like that but um yeah like right before semis I was having a really hard time even squatting below parallel um but it's feeling a lot better now so that'll that makes a huge difference when you're doing like um near max effort squat cleans and cleaning jerks and things like that so have you had a look a lot better than it has been have you had it looked at i don't really do doctors let's have to you know uh so no one's looked at what is what's Allison say? What's Allison say? Not much about it, really. I don't talk to her about it a whole lot.
Starting point is 00:10:57 I don't really talk to anybody about it a whole lot. It's just kind of like something that you deal with. I feel like bringing it up a lot makes it worse mentally. you're talking about it all the time and being negative about it and um i kind of have this theory where it's like i'm sure you like um people with kids know like if your kid let's say they're running and they trip and fall they might look up and look over at their parent maybe the parent runs over they might start crying but the parents like hey you're fine walk it off and they just get up and look over at their parent maybe the parent runs over they might start crying for the parents like hey you're fine walk it off and they just get up and go like they base like they um the severity of how bad their hurt is based on what the parent looks like and i think that um
Starting point is 00:11:37 it's kind of a similar concept with your body like if you are just like yeah it's not really that bad i'm not gonna dwell on it your body is kind of like oh, it's not really that bad. I'm not going to dwell on it. Your body is kind of like, oh, yeah, it really ain't that bad. And you just keep on going on and your body fixes itself for most things. Eventually, something is getting better. So your knee is like a little kid. Just, hey, shake it off. Shake it off.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Walk it off. Hey, do you feel the knee every day? It'll keep getting better. Do you feel it every day okay yeah i will tell you we will reconvene after um uh just the uh behind the scenes pump for colton to get some crazy screen time me too me too look, he's out in the sun too. Wyatt Begay. Sounds like Sevan is courting Swolverine. Hey, dude, I support anyone who supports the dudes that I support. 100%. I mean, I got the stuff because of Colton.
Starting point is 00:12:42 And who else is Swolverine? Is Gazan Swolverine no she's toast baster what is is she yeah gazzan yeah she's swolverine and um abby oh yeah yeah yeah abby i had her on the show yeah abby the model alex gazzan bench presser, and Colton Mertens. Wolverine. Oh, sorry, and Sevan Matosian. I'll put my name on there too. Wolverine.
Starting point is 00:13:17 What are you going to show up at, Colton? How much will you weigh when you show up? And is the goal, what will happen to your body um from uh sunday to or from uh thursday to sunday what's the plan do you have a plan for it of course i've got a plan i've always got a plan good um i'll show up like mid to low like 180s um i've been about five pounds lighter than I usually am for the past, I don't know, four months or so.
Starting point is 00:13:49 And I'll probably just maintain that up to the games. And then the goal when I'm there will be, I'll probably leave the games about the same that I weigh when I come in. I probably won't gain weight. I know Frazier has said in the past in his interviews, he would make it a point to try and gain weight at the games to make sure he's not under eating but um i find if i do that i'll i'll feel really sluggish um so i like to generally like when i'm training or working all day i'll
Starting point is 00:14:16 keep my meals a little bit lighter then get my calories in at night but um you know i'll spread it out throughout the day um get in quite a few liquid calories probably. But I'll probably leave it the same way they come in at, just try and maintain. Don't want to overeat or undereat. Yeah, I always, I mean, shit, I'm no games athlete, but I always thought that, hey, if you lose a couple pounds during the games, no problem. I mean, that's what you're doing. You're exerting. And everyone who finishes, no one finishes, the winner of every single marathon finishes dehydrated. Like no one finishes the marathon.
Starting point is 00:14:50 There's never been a winner who finishes and he's hydrated. Yeah. It's just hard to replace, um, that weight that you're losing through sweating as quickly as you're losing it in real time. So, I mean, it's really important when you're all done to get in your rehydration and your calories, your protein and carbs. But I'd say if anybody's losing weight at the games, they're not losing necessarily like pounds of fat in three or four days. It's just they're not disciplined with their hydration or they don't understand their hydration very well. Tony Mertens, or Anthony, as some of you know him,
Starting point is 00:15:27 his knee hurts because it's a weenie. Because it's a weenie or he's a weenie? Because Colton's a weenie or his knee's a weenie? Hey, speaking of weenies, Colton, are you regretting the whole dog business now? Who's going to watch the dog? No, sorry, sorry, dogs. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:54 It'll be either my dad or my brother. We'll see. I'll tell them both just in case one of them forgets. But, yeah, we just got their new pin built over here at the new house so yeah they're loving it out there chasing birds and everything but uh yeah we have these big you have these huge like food containers so they won't have to worry about food for the whole week we're gone to those had to refill their water each day so this this opening shot here is a this is a tractor yeah john deere front row tractor and that's carrying a dog house
Starting point is 00:16:35 yeah the dog house is huge it's um it weighs a lot we have to move with the tractor did you make that or did you build or did you buy that yeah um my dad and ali and i made that at the farm and and and it's when you made it it's designed to it's designed to move around to like stick stick the forklift in it and move it? Yeah, so it's on some 4x6 pieces of wood. So you can just slide the forks in from the track underneath of it. And you have to wrap a strap around it, and then you can just pick it on up and move it.
Starting point is 00:17:21 And this black spot right here, this is the entry? Yeah, it gets way too heavy to like actually move yeah that's their little dog door and then on the on the side they got a we have a big door so we can get in there and like change their bedding and uh we used to keep their food and water in there until i moved them over to the new place but now they have a it's an old horse barn so we just keep their food and water in there yeah that big green thing yeah they got a good ass life that area is huge It's an old horse barn, so we just keep the food and water in there. Yeah, that big green thing. Yeah, they got a good-ass life.
Starting point is 00:17:47 That area is huge. Yeah, it's pretty big. There used to be an alfalfa field right there, so we're going to get it all seeded down, hopefully this fall, give them some nice grass growing. Is that your dad? Yeah, what did he say bullshit yeah uh hey you you are you sensing some like parenting coming out like you're you're treating them like your kids and stuff right you and ali you're kind of it's i think it's called the nesting stage or something
Starting point is 00:18:19 me and my wife did that for like 15 years we just had a dog and it was absurd how we took care of it yeah yeah we try and take good care of them um we do breed them but we don't raise them like we're breeders you know they're our pets and we also kind of breed them is kind of how we look at it so i make sure they're taken care of as if they're pets you know they come inside and sleep in our bedroom every night not in our bed but they have a crate down below and um once we get the house built we're looking at them they have these kind of big like dog crates they're also like tv stands i don't know if you've seen them no and get one of them it's probably while they're sleeping at night once we get the new house in they're kind of hey um be careful
Starting point is 00:19:05 i think like i think like one of the top reasons like kids die at home is because tvs fall on them flat screens fall on the kid and and now and now you you're doing a uh you're doing a combo colton merton's tv dog crate they could definitely get squished by it a little but um yeah they'll be enclosed underneath of it so they'll be protected when they're at least hey are you going to innovate are you going to get outside the um uh the dog space too like dog accessories will there be a colton merton's tv stand dog crate god that's a good idea um i have talked to vindicate a little bit actually about uh starting up some shirts eventually told him i talked to him more about after the games we're kind of looking at doing some urn steamy weenie shirts maybe so we'll see we got that kind of
Starting point is 00:20:01 colton that's not in a t-shirt's not innovating. I know, but I only got so much time. I can't go out there producing furniture now. Hey, how much is a dog? How much does it cost to buy a dog? Does Allie cry when you sell them? No, but it's kind of sad because you you wait till at least eight weeks old to sell them so that's kind of when they're about five weeks old when they start to really like walk around and move and like develop personalities so it's kind of like they're just
Starting point is 00:20:37 getting to where it feels like they're part of the like dog pack and then they had to go out but um uh you sell them usually uh dots in depending on the time of year um you'll see them go anywhere from like 900 a thousand to there's some that sell for four thousand so it's just no kid oh what time of year does the price go up yeah we we winter winter it's is the highest summer is usually the lowest how come it's usually a pretty big difference too just like like typically people are like a lot more active in the summer they're out and vacationing and doing all kinds of things like that so they don't want to bring in a new puppy and deal with that while they're doing all those kinds of things, going to the lake on the weekends or going on a vacation.
Starting point is 00:21:33 But wintertime, things like personally in people's lives slow down a lot, so that's when it's kind of more convenient for them to get a puppy. Hey, that's the whole dog industry is like that? I had no idea. All dogs? Yeah. hey that's the whole dog industry is like that i had no idea all dogs yeah every dog will be yeah shit okay so buy your dog in the uh in the summer god he's cute yeah is that taken with a boomer iphone iphone yep portrait mode boomer he um sold him yeah sold him to a friend from seer falls who we met crossfit kilo a long time ago dang he's cute hey have you ever um kept any that you weren't supposed to keep i haven't but my dad's done that for like i remember growing up we we've always had dogs every once in a while you'd have um a litter of puppies or like my uncle would have dogs whatever
Starting point is 00:22:42 things like that and almost every time he's like, first he's like, yeah, we're not keeping any of these. I don't want any more dogs. And then he always gets attached to one, and we always end up keeping it. So your dad's kind of soft? He's soft? When it comes to puppies, yeah, he loves puppies. Is that why he – so is your gym built on his property?
Starting point is 00:23:05 It used to be his property, yeah. So he is soft. He let you take over his property. He is soft. He wants me to stick around. Our dad. Take care of your pigs. Justin V, I like this.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Matosian. Like for toe spacers? metocian where are my toe spacers oh they're on you have those spacers oh dude i love these things yeah i got some of these things work boots i got some work boots that are like they're really wide and flat supposed to be good for your toes and um it's crazy the difference like if you wear those all day and then put on like a different normal shoe you can tell how like cramped your toes feel um yeah i was thinking about getting my management team to reach out to toe spacers after the games i think that'd be cool to work with them oh dude they're awesome that i want to reach out to say it again i have a list of companies i want to get reached out to after the games so if we can get the training full-time like the products that you're interested in a plan
Starting point is 00:24:19 yeah the products the company is different um different like genres within the fitness space that i don't have sponsors for currently everything like that hey that's why the nano two ruined all other shoes for me because i started wearing the nano two it has so much room for the front of your foot and then i switched to other shoes and my toes feel just like i don't understand how there should ever you know the nano 2 is shaped like it gets wider as it goes to the front but all other shoes like if you look at the nike metcon it goes narrower as it goes to the front like a like a rock climbing shoe and i don't understand the point of that i think it's just consumer um demand for a long time people felt like they had a snug fit like especially for
Starting point is 00:25:06 fitness and running as i was for a long time too like i felt like i wanted my shoes to be tight and not like we go over didn't want my feet to my shoes right but um now i'm definitely kind of the opposite like i want that more space like the the tier lifters have a lot of they're like they're like that they have a big toe box. They have plenty of room. Heather just came from just consumer demand and now it's changing. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:25:36 There's still so many people out there with little pinner feet. Heather I couldn't sell any. I would have a house full of weenies. Yeah, they're cute. Do you always have a pup for sale or do people have to wait? So right now we don't have any litters. We're looking at having our next litter sometime this winter.
Starting point is 00:26:03 It just kind of depends on when it's come in heat and um yeah just had to wait for the dogs to come in heat and then once they get pregnant it's two months until they have the puppies and then two months until you can sell them so once they come in heat it's a four month process so we're like four months out at least from having any litters available for sale or at least how many they can go to the new home so you determine that you don't just look out like when this show's over you won't look out one of those windows and be like oh my god they're fucking those two are boning we got oh yes and then like and do you reward them when they're boning so that you encourage boning you know what i mean like if your dog's barking you throw
Starting point is 00:26:41 out a treat you're like good boy if you see them boning you reward them no because i'm actually we've been trying to keep them from doing that the last this last heat cycle because we wanted our like you can breed them um when they're like a year old or even younger like physically they can do it and they will do it if you let them we wanted some of our females to get a little bit older and more mature before they had their first litter. So we're trying to separate them. And we also were waiting to get our DNA testing done for all the dogs. So we took slobs of their saliva and sent it in to embark. and they run a huge dna test on on the chest for a bunch of genetic markers to determine if they're going to be passing on any significant like health risk to their puppies
Starting point is 00:27:32 and um those results all came back clear so we're kind of waiting for the dogs to mature and to get results back before we had any more litters yet but um hopefully this winter we'll have some puppies ready how many women do you have female we got four we got mabel millie martha and margo and they're all and they all will have puppies they're the puppy ones and then how many say it again yeah hopefully mark one of them that we got um was like a, really small runt when we got her. So, we're not sure how well she'll do if she has puppies, but we'll see. Hey, is that good? Because people want really small weenies?
Starting point is 00:28:14 Like, you want to, like, breed two runts so you can get, like, a really tiny weenie? Yeah, people do like that. It's just sometimes when they're a runt it seems like this like she might have had some problems developing when she was a small puppy before we got her sometimes that um can cause issues with their fertility so she might end up just being a pet but hopefully we can breed her at some point dude i had this um girlfriend not for very long for like maybe like three weeks i really liked her in um i don't know i want to say i was 19 or 20 and she was a little over six feet tall and she told me she liked me because i reminded her of one of those little tiny jam jars
Starting point is 00:28:57 really yeah yeah i bet you she has she's going to buy one of your dogs someday. Three weeks? That just seems like a weird time to date someone. I think she got over the novelty. I think I was a novelty. No. You know what I mean? Like a novelty boyfriend. Sucks.
Starting point is 00:29:20 I see. Yeah, she broke my heart. I was just a little jam jar to her. Zoe Harwood. Whenever I see comments like this, I always laugh because I always imagine the person typing this out. Dick Butter, can you get a dick spacer? Like she thought she was so clever. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Did he respond? Did Dick Butter respond? No. Oh, look it. Dick Butter does have a question for you uh colton did any of the dogs have serial killers in their lineage jeez um so you mean like are they from like mongolia and uh like a genghis kong ancestry i guess i think otis. Is that really where they're from? Some of them.
Starting point is 00:30:13 You can see on the DNA test, it'll show you their mother's lineage and their father's lineage and where they think it originated from. I think our male, I don't remember if it's his mother or his father, their lineage goes back to Asia, so maybe. Wow. So that breed's been around forever the the little weenie one yeah they originated in um Germany um Datsun the German word it means badger hound so they bred them to hunt badgers that's why they're long and have really short legs so they get into the burrows and chase out badgers oh shit are they tough like that are they still tough like that or no uh not really no um i don't know they they act like they are but i'm pretty much the only hunting they do here is they catch we'll catch crickets and moths and things like that crickets moths they killed jiny Cricket. They killed Jiminy Cricket.
Starting point is 00:31:07 So when you have four females, does that mean you always have to have four males, or can one dude do it all? Nope, one dude can do it all. Otis, he's our stud. He gets it all done. So he's living the life right now. He gets four ladies. He's got a big dog house and
Starting point is 00:31:26 he's yeah he's a special little guy does he get actually yeah you definitely get special treatment especially from ally she likes she likes him a lot um but he's actually so in dachshunds they um are able to carry the merle gene which is the gene that, it's a gene for their, the pattern of coat that they have. You'll see like Australian Shepherds, that kind of look is from the myrtle gene. It's like all of our puppies were, they carried the myrtle gene as well. And that's because of Otis. So like typically you see a Wiering dog and they are black and tan or chocolate and tan or something like that. But Otis is actually a carrier.
Starting point is 00:32:08 He has both of the dominant myrtle genes. So every puppy that he has will always carry that. And actually the people we got him from are probably a little bit unethical or just uneducated about their dogs. Because if you breed, yeah, that's it. or just uneducated about their dogs because um if you breed yeah that's it if you breed two dogs together that have the myrtle gene and um one of their puppies gets both of the myrtle genes like otis has um more often than not the dog ends up with birth defects or blind blindness or death or something like that and ends up having to be put down, but Otis ended up having both the genes and being healthy. Wow. Oh, look at this one. Man, there's some amazing looking wiener dogs.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Mm-hmm. Yeah. They call it dappling in wiener dogs, but it's a myrtle gene. Danes have that too, right? I've seen myrtle great danes. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Do you know a shitload more about dogs uh now than you did a year ago you had i did a lot of research before we ever got any dogs because i wanted to it's like my plan going into it was like i knew about this myrtle gene i knew that um you didn't want to breed two dogs together that had the myrtle gene so i knew that i wanted myrtle puppies because they're really cute so we got otis um because obviously he has that myrtle gene that
Starting point is 00:33:30 daffodil coloring and we thought that maybe he had um both the myrtle genes because of his like white chest and just the way the pattern is is very um like usually dogs that have that particular coloring have both the myrtle genes and he ends up getting back on the DNA test. He does have both of them. So we wanted a male with myrtle genes and all the females to be solid colors. So we have a short hair, black and tan, long hair, black and tan, short hair, chocolate and tan, short, I mean, long hair, chocolate and tan. So we've got like one kind of each of the main base colors and hair lengths. And so then we can breed Otis to them and get merle puppies
Starting point is 00:34:10 but not have any risk of having any double merle puppies and having genetic health risks with that. And what's ideal? Like in October, you're like, all right, Otis, get them. And October is like boning month, and they have the babies October, November, like December, and then January, February, they go to market. Yeah, that'd be ideal. So we're hoping that the next cycle that they come in heat,
Starting point is 00:34:33 we'll be able to get them pregnant and have some puppies this winter. Usually it can kind of vary for breed how often they come into heat. Smaller dogs generally come into heat more often than big dogs they usually will come in um they can go in like four to six times a year but typically it's like four times a year so every three months so we're hoping in the next it should be the next month or two they'll come up and heat again it's like um yeah you have to heat check them to kind of keep track of their cycles and things like that. And it's like one of our dogs already had puppies, so we keep a close eye on her. So the next time she comes in heat, we're going to keep her away from Otis so she won't have puppies again.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Because we want to give them at least a year off between litters to just help with their longevity and their overall health. No shit. You think eventually you're going to have eight then? Eight girls? We'll probably get some more yeah i want to get um a cream colored long-haired female um they look like little golden retrievers basically like a yeah magic golden retriever and they're really cute and i think that um a female with that coat pattern in Otis has some really cute puppies. Hey, are you on your – you're on your phone right now? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Will you ever have a computer in there, like an iMac, like on a table there so you could punch shit up? Yeah, I'd like to eventually. We were looking at – we're actually thinking about just using our laptop and getting a – like a monitor to look up to it yeah yeah that's cool keyboard that's yeah that's cool long-term plan is uh jedediah snelson i relate to weenies and corgis legs are not our greatest strength but we still get crap done god corgi's such a weird dog hey um jacob heitner has one yeah it's perfect i i can't remember if we talked about this before but i walked in i'll never forget this i was probably i don't shit 20 years old and i walked into someone's house at a party in isla vista california and they had this poster on the
Starting point is 00:36:38 wall and it was all of like these historic dates and one of them it said 1977 the first time a dachshund and great dane bred together and i was thinking about that and the dane couldn't get if a dane got a dachshund pregnant it would kill the dachshund right yeah typically so big it would just burst the girl yes my brother he knows a lot more about breeding dogs than i do he got into breeding dogs um like when he was still in high school actually he worked for a guy who bred dogs and um so like i learned a lot of this stuff from him but basically like um if you're going to do something like that the smaller dog has to be the male and the larger dog will be the female and um you know definitely not going to do it by themselves so what you
Starting point is 00:37:25 actually have to do um you have to do this for a lot of different breeds um and sometimes just when dogs are not good at breeding by themselves you um you have to get like a little sandwich baggie and a rubber glove and you have to um you have to jack off the male dog. You put it in the sandwich baggie, then you pull it out with a syringe, and then you can either take it to the vet, and they will actually put the dog under, open them up, and put it right into the uterus,
Starting point is 00:37:59 or you have to get a straw and straw breed them. I don't want to do this but i'm a businessman you gotta do what you gotta do that's how like anybody who has um a dog like a french bulldog yeah or something like that that's that's how their puppies got there they don't they don't breathe all on their own really those dogs don't oh god those dogs i don't i'm not a fan of those dogs at all. They're too top-heavy, and their legs are too short, and they can't get the balance up there. Oh, God. And I don't like any of those dogs with the fucked-up face, the underbite.
Starting point is 00:38:35 I don't like the boxer, any of the bulldog weirdos. I don't like it. It's like dude your dog is on is your dog just on meth always your dog's giving me anxiety my dad's got a american bulldog he got from a breeder around here that um it's like they couldn't sell him to the pet store because you had a like a herniated belly button it's like um there's nothing oh that's an okay dog that one's okay that's basically a pit bull right yeah yeah if you got free because they couldn't get to a pet store yeah i'm okay with that one i'm talking about you know which ones i'm talking about the bulldog like an english bulldog yeah look up an english bulldog or french those french bulldogs that are so cute what is
Starting point is 00:39:25 i apologize to all french bulldogs oh pugs oh stupid i almost think it's abusive hey but look at this you could have a um a 50 pound dachshund if you bred it with a great dane what does this go to him look at these images whoa oh my goodness yeah that's wild looking yeah alley wants to get a really big dog but i'm like that one big dog is gonna eat more food poop bigger poops and shed more than all of our five winter dogs combined the peen is crazy on uh on on really big dogs they'll just they'll just hose down a side yard, and it'll be crazy. It's crazy. Wow, look at this one. Chihuahua Great Dane.
Starting point is 00:40:10 That's nuts. Yeah, it's wild. What kind of big dog? Oh, is that a Merrill Great Dane right there? Can you see that? Yeah, that's Merrill Patteron. Yeah, that's cool. Hey, what kind of dog does she want of the big ones?
Starting point is 00:40:31 She would like something probably, she really likes Vislas. Oh. They're a hunting dog, you know, Vislas. Yeah, but they got, I think that they get, they're speaking about breeding problems. They got some issues, right? That sucker's been overbred, I hear. Speaking about breeding problems, they got some issues, right? That sucker's been overbred, I hear.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Yeah, a lot of hunting dogs tend to be. Once they find a good bloodline, they want to inbreed it a lot to keep that same bloodline so they don't have problems down the road. Yeah, she likes Vizslas. She kind of grew up with them. Her dad does a lot of hunting and peasantasant hunting, so they have visas for that. But she wants to get one for here, but it's like I don't do a lot of pheasant hunting or anything besides working and training. And we'd have to fence in a lot of area for a dog like that around here
Starting point is 00:41:19 because they need a lot of area to run around in. So that would be kind of difficult to do that. Can't you just get some cool dog that just chases behind the tractor? Yeah, the bull. Like a lab or something? Yeah, probably could do that. My dad or my grandpa had an American bulldog a long time ago. He used to chase the tractor through the fields, actually.
Starting point is 00:41:44 He used to do that all day. Yeah, that seems like a good life. Hunting dogs are cool. All those short-haired dogs are cool. The pointers, they're all cool. We just have a bunch of timber behind our house, so we won't want them to get loose back there and get lost or get in trouble or something like that. It would be the main problem. Gabe
Starting point is 00:42:01 from Paper Street Coffee. Cheers. Nice to see you in the chat, as always. Pick up your ceo blend today hey this is gonna have to come inside uh my wife told me we're running low on coffee so this is one of the last times you see my demo bag um uh use code word get free shipping and a special note for your mom. I have a Frenchie. I feel so attacked. You should. You got to get a wiener dog to balance it out.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Dude, wiener dogs are so cool. The short snap with the long snap, and you're good to go. Hey, the only shitty thing about the wiener dog that I've ever heard is, like, as they get older, like, you got to, like, build, like, a ramp up to your couch and stuff. Like, they can't jump off the couch anymore, and, like having like back problems yeah 100 percent um even stairs can be a problem um even when they're younger just to keep their disc healthy you should um there's a lot of companies that make them make these little ramps um yeah just so they can walk up to your couch or whatever up your stairs or anything like that because um yeah like you definitely don't want them to be like jumping off of your couch or anything like that that's kind of the big thing because eventually they're going to hurt their back probably we're jumping in and out
Starting point is 00:43:14 of your car even like your car right yeah you definitely don't want them jumping down or on to high high places at all uh pulling for for Colton, Kilo Trained. Hashtag Kilo Trained. What's Kilo Trained? That's the training you do? Yep, that's the training program that I've been on since I started. What's the guy's name again? So Luke Schaefer runs Kilo Trained now.
Starting point is 00:43:40 It was started by Armand McCormick way back in the day. Armand was an individual athlete in 2011 and a team athlete for several years after that back before like 2018 was the last year that like keela trained um i guess the original keela trained was like putting together teams but they like pretty much always had a team of the games almost every year and were always homegrown, like never recruited anybody. Like everybody was on the team, like started CrossFit at CrossFit Kilo. And now the team that you see now is CrossFit Kilo 2 out of Iowa City. So this is their second year going to the games, same group. Final question for you.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Have you had to give one of your dogs a handy no i have not done that with otis yet hopefully i don't have to i've helped my brother do it with his dogs before though when you say you've helped your brother you hold the dog yeah like are you or you do the uh part with the rubber glove no that was him i just kind of helped like sat next to the dog and would pet it so i wouldn't ah you're the foreplay king of foreplay gotcha my goodness uh hey dude i'm pumped to see you uh uh less than uh less than a week our paths shall cross. I'm excited. This will be the first time I've ever seen each other in person, yeah? Yeah, it'll be cool.
Starting point is 00:45:08 It's going to be fun. So we'll find out if you're actually taller than me. Oh, that's going to be, yes, yes. Content, content. That's going to be a good Instagram post. I'm going to wear my lifters everywhere around so I get an extra half inch. Me too.
Starting point is 00:45:21 I'm going to put something in my shoe. Okay, final question. question sorry talking about is what is colton reading now last one this is a good one people love this stuff i'm reading a book about um basically um i don't know if you call it a biography but it's about a lot of the stillics like uh seneca um marcus aurelius and just a lot of the more, I guess, unheard ones. Just kind of like a brief biography of all of them and their lives. And then we're going to get into some other literature surrounding them. Kind of some more in-depth stuff.
Starting point is 00:45:57 But this is like an overview, I suppose. Did you pick that to pump you up for the games? to pump you up for the games um i think it it's probably one of the best things to um learn about if you are an athlete i think honestly because there's so many things that are you want to be able to control but you cannot control like um injuries happen illnesses happen you can't control what your competitors are doing or how fit they're getting you can't control what workouts come out anything like that you can only focus on you know what you can do in the gym what you can do in the kitchen your sleep all that stuff so it's really good for helping with mindset things like that so that's kind of why I started getting into it and it's helped a lot and just interesting kind of learning about those people's lives and how they
Starting point is 00:46:43 the events in their lives that led to them having that kind of philosophy. You're the man. See you soon, brother. Thank you, Colton. Thanks, Ivan. See you. All right. Take care.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Colton Mertens. Now I want to show you guys something crazy. You guys ready to see something crazy? There he is in all his glory, Jack Farlow. But that's not what's crazy. Imagine writing, imagine writing on your Instagram post, smooth foe hunted. Now just kind of get your head wrapped around this.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Is this, I can't even believe this. This is nuts. Wow, dude. That is crazy. Hey, so, hi. Hello. Thanks for doing this. I know it's go time, so I appreciate you talking to us, Jack. Jack Farlow, second time on the show.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Jack, can you tell me the morning? Is this in the morning? Can you tell me what leads up to this? Like, you know, hey, today I'm going to jerk 400 pounds. I did not not waking up that morning. I actually think I forget exactly. But I think we had done a pretty gnarly like run or swim workout, I think, like hour and a half. Yeah, I believe it was a swim workout beforehand and I was pretty gassed but uh we went to the gym that afternoon and um you know a big part of it is how much I have to do that day uh if it's like a big session it's not really worth it to spend the extra 30 minutes to try to do something crazy but we had like really good primers in before that lift so uh I knew if there was ever a time to do a big split jerk,
Starting point is 00:48:46 put some confidence in that lift, that was the day. So, yeah. Sorry, go back saying, so were you doing jerks anyway that day? Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. And in the programming was to build to a heavy too. Like I wouldn't have just done that after sets, even if it felt good. And bear with me when you say to a heavy too like i wouldn't have just done that after sets even if it felt good
Starting point is 00:49:05 and and bear with me when you say to a heavy too you mean up re-rack on the shoulders and then back up again uh no to like t-o-o as well oh okay okay also okay and then yeah and then um uh sorry i'm new to crossfit um and so um who's there with you when you do this? And how long does it take to get to this? I think right there, probably just Emma in the gym recording. And we actually had some heavy sets beforehand. I think some triples, some doubles, up to one single at a like predetermined weight and then I think our coach just said if you feel good keep building to a heavy single and that's what I did is this a
Starting point is 00:49:53 PR uh yes I've done 390 before um but after I did 390 I didn't even try for any more even though it felt good and I didn't try for any more this. I usually like to finish sessions on a good lift. So not risking anything crazy. Let me ask you some other, um, uh, naive questions when, you know, like after you do like some, uh, heavy deads, um, you kind of get like a, uh, I don't know what you guys call it. Um, I've, what's the word you guys use? I call it like neurological shit breakdown know what you guys call it um i've what's the word you guys use i call it like neurological shit breakdown but you guys call it uh cns or something yeah yeah okay yeah um and and like if you try to write your name like your hands like you don't realize it until you try to do it and then you try to write your name and your fingers aren't doing what they're supposed to be doing do you get that from this too if you put 400 over your head is the whole body like like you know what i mean does something happen uh no not for not for a jerk for me at least i
Starting point is 00:50:51 think you have to have some level of like crazy adrenaline if you're even going to attempt to hit a new pr at this point and that kind of takes a couple minutes to settle down so you're a bit jittery but i think i was just not not cns related for me um uh paper street coffee 499 well thank you eaton beaver um uh pool boy because jack is such a good dude oh thank you i mean i mean he thanks you hey um so when you say you have to get your adrenaline fired up jack uh what do you do so do you tell yourself like stories like, hey, if I don't get this, a bear is going to eat my mom. And so like like you makes up some sort of narrative like reason you have to do it. I think that at this point, PRs aren't as off, don't come as often as they once did. And and they're at the end of the day, PRs are just super fun.
Starting point is 00:51:43 as they once did. And, uh, and they're at the end of the day, PRS are just super fun. So, uh, for me at least, I think it's just like the idea of hitting a new max, especially like a milestone number like that, like 400, 300 snatch, clean and jerk 400, like those kinds of things. Uh, those are like, I think having those under my belt is what gets me fired up. And that's my opportunity to do it going into that lift. So, so just the thought of getting a pr gets you jacked up i think so yeah yeah that's crazy i would i like i do stupid stuff
Starting point is 00:52:13 like i'll be on the assault bike and i'm like if you can't keep this if you can keep this at 70 rpms no i mean uh sorry 100 rpms uh for the next two minutes you'll win a million dollars like i just make up just nonsense you don't do any of that nonsense yeah no no i i think i think just the pr and uh and i think the same thing goes for like some uh some fitness testing too like i was doing a one mile uh progression the past couple weeks or a couple months even um and like on those retest days like having a couple milestones uh kind of in the back like on those retest days, like having a couple of milestones, uh, kind of in the back of your head, that's what makes you want to run faster for me. Are you in like your little sister's room right now? Is that like a six-year-old girl's
Starting point is 00:52:55 room? What are those pictures on the wall? Uh, very close. My niece drew these, my niece drew these for me. So I hang out with her, but she is a six-year-old yeah so very close yeah look at i was trying to make fun of you and it backfired your niece for you god you're such a wholesome dude uh in case anyone forgets in case anyone forgets uh how old are you jack 21 uh this is uh jack this is at 20 right uh yeah yeah 20 yeah in case anyone forgets this is nuts 347 pounds just tossing it around and yeah that was uh go ahead this is kind of my saving grace for that weekend. Like, super big highlight, but kind of surrounded.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Wasn't too happy with that weekend overall. So this is your first year at the games? Yeah, other than the teenage division, if you count that. Yeah, okay, we'll count that. Yeah, we'll count that yeah we count that and um it's all honestly honestly honestly honestly between me and you and uh 391 people listening did you think you were going to make the games this year doesn't it seem still a little too soon yeah um so i guess last year um going into that weekend last year i wouldn't have unless i was top five making the games but when i didn't make the games like uh i i was sitting
Starting point is 00:54:37 watching the final event at the crossfit games with james sprague actually and uh good dude good dude very good dude and he missed by one point one spot one point and so in his I think in his mind like he should be out there right now and I didn't have that in my mind at all like I I honestly just believed after like my weekend that like I just wasn't ready yet like I'm not good enough yet and I was kind of like down peace with that like I just have to work hard another year um but going into this year uh I really really thought I could make it but I had like I could not imagine myself making it like I could not imagine them saying my name after the last event to make to make the games but at the same time i knew i could so it was uh it was kind
Starting point is 00:55:27 of a weird weird contradiction in that sense yeah i get it you you you articulated that well you were kind of like i know i'm good enough i just still can't imagine it exactly yeah yeah that's crazy so that means that when they called your name you were stoked it was like it was like you opened your christmas present at christmas and your parents got you the exact game system you wanted exactly yeah i i watched like a lot of old crossfit events still like just if i'm bored i'll maybe throw something on and i watched um i think it was 2016 um when I think Saxon made it for the first time and I'm watching this before semifinals and he like broke down in tears and I thought oh man I'm gonna do that exact same thing uh like I got emotional watching him do that but uh when
Starting point is 00:56:21 the time came I think it's because I was relatively safe going into the last event. It wasn't like a shock that I made it at that point. Yeah, I didn't get flooded by emotions, but I was definitely pretty happy. So when Event 7 finishes, you know you're in. 97% sure. Let's see because um yeah because i knew i knew um james and spencer's time and austin's time because they were in the heat before me and uh i knew it was like in like the 420 range and that's also where i finished so there was a chance that all three of them beat me and I mean I knew I had a big lead on them but a relatively big lead for one event left and uh so I was like I'm pretty sure I'm good but it was also a bit unsettling that they were all
Starting point is 00:57:15 beat me or were close in time so yeah what's the plan going into event seven it was interesting James Sprague said yesterday that he uh he played it safer than he wanted to and i said well what would you have done if you didn't play it safe he said he would have gone harder on the echo bike and then brian friend was on the show and he goes well you know roman tried that and it backfired on him yeah um what was your plan for the i mean if you're gonna hold on i'mbroken on the tow-to-bar and carry the bag at relatively the same speed, that's kind of the only place to do it. So if you're in a position that you have to risk blowing up, then that's what I would have done too, biked faster right from the get-go. But I honestly think I maximized my performance in that last event.
Starting point is 00:58:01 But if I knew my best wasn't going to be good enough i would have just hoped that i could hang on to a faster bike speed uh for those you don't know it was uh echo bike uh toes to bar and then the bag and then three rounds and it was it was a is that that's a sprint right jack is that a sprint event not all out no i think i think you'll fall apart if you do yeah okay well how would you call that is there is there something you say about it like it's a 85 exertion or uh yeah just how much power you can output for like a couple minutes not not 30 seconds or a minute so yeah a bit different in the 200 pound bag when you pick that up for the first time does it feel heavy or
Starting point is 00:58:46 are you just out of your mind at that point you're just no uh you know the worst part of those bags isn't the weight it's how how it pushes into your stomach uh so you know like you could have a 300 pound bag that's slender and and a bit flimsy And that's way easier to hold on to than like a, well, maybe not easier, but not one and a half times as hard as a 200 that's dense. Yeah. And those ones were dense. Yeah. They were dense? Oh yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Did you ever almost drop it? No. Like from getting a ever almost drop it? No Like from getting a bad purchase on it? No No, no, that thought never crossed my mind Yeah I guess that initial grab is really important You want to get it up and grab it And you don't want to have to readjust
Starting point is 00:59:37 You want to pick it up and be able to go, right? Yeah, exactly I mean, some people have it so low Where do you like it, low or high? I feel like I'm on the lower side of things. It's easier to get into that position, but it's probably a bit harder to carry when it's a bit lower. If it's up high, you can really lean back, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:58 I was thinking you could move faster if it's lower, but it always looks like it could slip and fall. It looks uncomfortable. Yeah, you take an extra second to get going, but it might be worth it. I'm not sure. So you train with Emma Lawson. Do you train with her every day? Now, yes, but I do 50 50 of my training during the year do you guys live in the same town
Starting point is 01:00:30 uh she's like half an hour away driving but uh we go to the same gym but she has a uh garage gym that she would usually work out work out at for like our first session and uh i'd work out first thing in the morning at the gym and then usually our afternoon session would be together. And after she made it, did you feel, did you, did you have any pity party for yourself at all? I mean, I want to be very clear. You should not have, you're so young, you're killing it. But I'm just wondering by no means, am I projecting that onto you? But do you, did you have you have any like oh shit my training partner made it any pity party uh last year we're
Starting point is 01:01:11 talking yeah um no i don't i don't think any of it i definitely had a bit of a pity party but i don't think it was because she anything to do with her making it um Um, I guess the one thing is like, I know I've done just as much working out as her, uh, in the last year. And yet we saw wildly different results, but that's not a result of the past year. That's a result of the work she's done for like five, six years. And I'm still trying to kind of catch up with that. Oh, interesting. Wow. I thought you were going to say it's a genetic. So you you're, so she's been training longer for you in this discipline of CrossFit. And so she's, she's ahead of you in, in, um, I, I guess the way I'm picturing it is, is in your early years of CrossFit, you make the biggest gains. And as you get closer and
Starting point is 01:02:00 closer to your peak, you make smaller and smaller gains every year. So she's based, but either way, she's, she's ahead of you in that in that training and that's like i would say i've been training at a games level for almost three years now and she's been doing that for six okay yeah and then how old is she uh 18 okay and then probably girls are probably one or two years ahead of boys anyway in development too right yeah yeah i'd agree with that how is how is your um so so how long you've been doing crossfit sorry i know you just said three years well no i've been doing crossfit for i think i did the open in 2015 or 16 but uh there's a difference between doing crossfit for i think i did the open in 2015 or 16 but uh there's a difference between doing crossfit and training to make the games so yeah and how long have you been doing that uh
Starting point is 01:02:53 seriously just under three years training to make the games and do you see yourself compared to like some of the old like do you see yourself like literally changing like week to week month to month since you're so young you see the adaptations like holy shit what is going on i don't think i do personally but others do and they they tell me about it which is kind of nice to hear but i think like for me i feel the same every day but like especially my sister was telling me like since i've started games training, like I'm looking solid and strong. And she actually did. My sister did every running workout with me for all of games training.
Starting point is 01:03:32 So she kind of got to see my improvements firsthand. And like aunts and uncles, like there must be some people who haven't seen you like in two or three years and see you and just like don't even recognize you. Yeah. I haven't seen anyone this summer that would that would be along those lines but every time there's like a family reunion yeah you're definitely shocking some people okay here we go we've been too nice to uh to jack let's get him here we go here's a here's a comment is jack part giraffe why is his neck so long i've long? I've never heard that one before. Jack, do not leave this show with an insecurity.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Do not let these assholes get to you. No, I got other things to worry about. Okay, good. Part giraffe. You dickhead. It's because he's strong. Because he works out. How tall is Jack Farlow?
Starting point is 01:04:30 Just over 6'1". Wow, okay. it's because he's strong because he works out how tall how tall is jack far though uh just over six one wow okay hey what is going on with crossfit i don't know where are all these big dudes coming from you guys go back to find another sport get out of here this is a sport for dudes who are five nine what are you guys doing so many big dudes now yeah i think there are there are four or five people just out of the east that are six plus so i don't know i think being big is only an advantage if you can if you can still move in some movements like someone who's small like gymnastics mostly yeah you by the way you're not I mean, you're great proportioned You're, I mean, it's not like, I mean, you don't look like a behemoth You move, you still move like a little guy, I mean, look at you
Starting point is 01:05:11 Yeah, I think I got some weird, uh, leg anatomy Some weird what? Leg anatomy Really? Are your legs long or short? I think my ankle to knee is long, but my knee to hip is pretty short. Oh, ankle to knee. Oh, interesting. Oh, yeah, you do got some long old calves. Look at you. Yeah, and then I have like a super wide squat, I think, because of that. Hey, Corey, that's more giraffe data.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Long calves. Yeah. Yeah, you move so good. I can't believe you're 6'1". I mean, it's hard to tell how tall you are in that picture because there's nothing to compare you to. But, man, you move good. Holy cow.
Starting point is 01:06:00 Yeah, especially during lifting. That's something I pride myself on, I would say. Yeah, especially during lifting, that's something I pride myself on, I would say. First year at the Games, any things you think you're dealing with? Jitters, fear, excitement? What's it like going there for the first time? I guess it's not your first time. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:24 I feel like it kind of is like I've been to Madison before basically I think the teenage division's a whole whole other ball game like I'm competing in front of my mom and dad and everyone else's mom and dad and maybe some grandparents and siblings in the teenage division right like obviously it's a it's a bigger stage now so uh up to this point I've been nothing like I haven't felt anything other than excitement, which is something I couldn't say about any other competition I've done. I'm obviously going to get nervous when the time comes, but, um, I've never actually felt excitement for something without the nerves at this
Starting point is 01:06:58 point yet. Wow. And why do you think that is? You're, are you proud of yourself? Do you think that's why? yeah, I, I think it's a fine balance, but I also think it's just lack of, uh, pressure from other people. Like no one's expecting me to, to be top 10, even top 20. So, um, I feel like I can only, uh, only impress basically. Um, what this, um, this Olympic event that they've announced this total, are you, are you tickled by that does that give you like yeah salivate a little bit at first when i saw that there was only two attempts at each lift i was i was a little bit bummed just like it's just harder to hit your top numbers if you're going into the corral for five ten minutes and then you get two attempts so i was a little bit bummed at that, but I thought about like.
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Starting point is 01:09:26 So if I'm inside the 20 cut, then I'll just do what I know I can do. If I'm outside, then I can really go for it. So it's kind of me being right around that 20th and me being a stronger athlete. It ends up being pretty good for me. And that is somewhere you could go to make a name for yourself and get the crowd really worked up. Yeah. Saturday night. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Things happen. So, yeah. I mean, we still, any chance that you think it won't be a barbell? You think that there's any chance it'll be a dumbbells or something? There,
Starting point is 01:10:01 there's some twist to it that we don't know. I don't think so no no you think it's just straight lifting yeah maybe i'm just hoping for that but i yeah i think it'd be lame if it was uh maybe not lame but uh i don't know i just feel like people can hit big numbers on the snatching clean jerk and it'd be a little bit more improvised with a dumbbell what's the heaviest dumbbell you've ever snatched 120 maybe and is that just because that's the heaviest dumbbell you've been around yeah yeah god i would like to see you guys go out there and with a row of dumbbells and just see you guys get at it but with more than two lifts i'd like to see it just yeah yeah well if you if it was a ladder with a dumbbell then you'd at least have time to build
Starting point is 01:10:50 some confidence throughout so right yeah we'll see um anything that um in the past you've historically been um not happy to see that this year you're excited to take a shot at? I mean, in the past, I've really not liked running. Well, actually, I enjoy running. I just, it wasn't my forte at all. But not that I'm excited to see a 5K, but I'm much better off than I was even like five months ago. Are you running a lot? I mean, two dedicated running sessions a week and then usually in a workout as well.
Starting point is 01:11:35 And this guy here in the red, is this your running coach? No. He did coach me that day, but he's like, like a former steeplechase Olympian and he lives close by. We have a mutual connection. So he kind of just came out with us for the day. What's that steeplechase? I forget the distance, but you're hopping over hurdles and then like every other lap
Starting point is 01:12:02 or something, there's the giant hurdle with the water on the other side ah yeah it's pure running with some hurdles hey and and what uh isn't that cheating what emma's doing right there drafting yeah what is emma doing back there especially on the bike it's cheating um i actually i would much rather be in front of someone dictating my own pace than feel like i have to keep up with someone so i don't mind it but i think some some would say it's cheating yeah um no no doubt that uh emma's world class. No doubt at all. What an incredible human. But any chance that in things like this, that since you are a man and men and women are different, that she slows you down? You don't let that happen. You wouldn't pace off of her or reduce your capacity because she's there, even if it's not consciously.
Starting point is 01:13:13 She beats me in most workouts. All right. So when I said men and women are different, they're different, and the women are winning. All right, fine. Yeah. Thanks for ruining my story. And this must make training great to have a training partner like this just to someone that's like day in and day out yeah someone going through exactly i mean we've done pretty much all the same training
Starting point is 01:13:36 uh leading up to the game so uh like you know you're sore in a spot that like see like you've never been sore there before. And then you ask the other person and sure enough, they are too. So just like little things like that, they're going through the exact same things as you as nice. Any, any dudes you train with? Like when you look over and you see James and Dallin training together, you're like, Oh, I can use some of that. Some, some dude training.
Starting point is 01:14:00 Uh, I mean, I do train with some friends at the gym occasionally, but they're not um they're not quite at that level of of dallin to james or james dallin uh but on i i wouldn't want to honestly i don't think i would uh training with another elite male just because it's constant comparison there like oftentimes when me and em Emma are kind of competing in a workout, one of us will beat the other one by a lot. And then it's like, okay, well, you know, the girl's dumbbell was relatively lighter. The guy's sandbag was relatively lighter, things like that.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Or a guy should always be better at calories on the machine. If you have the same number, like things like that, there's always, it's almost an excuse, but it takes, it takes the edge off being beaten in training, which I think is a good thing, especially if it's going to happen day in and day out. Kind of like the, the, so it's more like the Matt Fraser model, right? I mean, I'm trying to think, did he, he,
Starting point is 01:14:58 he basically just trained with women. Yeah. Yeah. And, and, and did he, and emma like that too emma prefers that too does she have any female training partners no um and there are some very very good people at the gym we have the the team going the only canadian team uh going to the games too and and no doubt um especially so the owner of Virginia, Nick, he could beat me in a lot of workouts for sure. But, and we do work out from time to time,
Starting point is 01:15:33 but I think I prefer not having that constantly. Hey Jack, there's only one Canadian team going to the games? That's correct, yeah. Is that normal? No, I think like Pro 1 Montreal has been a staple. And then there are a couple other gyms that have usually sent a team too, but this year only ours got there.
Starting point is 01:15:57 Yeah, what a trip. Yeah. Extra slop, a better late than never. $5 for behind the scenes thank you remember seve if you have to hug an esta in madison fight for the double underhooks what's an esta isn't that spanish for a she you have to hug a she esta esta okay i'll fight for the double underhooks. Do you watch UFC, Jack? No. No, only like a huge fight maybe. Do you watch any sports?
Starting point is 01:16:34 I'm invested a little bit in hockey. Like a big hockey fan. Do you kind of have to though since you're Canadian? Do you kind of have to? A little bit, a little bit a little bit but i actually do enjoy watching uh but for the other sports like baseball and um basketball i'll just hop on a bandwagon if our team's good oh yeah yeah yeah that's how i feel about sports too i don't even have time for a bandwagon anymore though does emma watch any sports uh no i don't not really know no sports what do you what do you
Starting point is 01:17:07 guys do do you guys do anything besides uh crossfit that's no judgment either i don't think you should but some people like think like maybe you should do some other shit uh like together or or yeah together or by yourself like do you do pickleball or like you you're into like what's that thing thing that Brian friend does with the cards? Oh, yeah. Maybe it's settlers. I don't know. Well, depending on the time of the year, most of my days, it's not in the gym. It's filled with school. But I would say we get out like, you know, usually like on weekends, we'll go to like one of our friends from the gym's house and just hang out there like sauna and have
Starting point is 01:17:50 dinner and stuff. So that's super fun. Uh, but I, I would say we do enough outside. Yeah. You're, are you a bit of a homebody? Are you in a really tight loop? Like pretty, like your OCD, like your eat here, go here, sleep here. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:06 I hate sleeping anywhere outside of my house. Oh, Oh yeah. Me too. Yeah. Yeah. Me too. Wow. You're going to have some problems as you get older. I'm excited for you. Some good OCD shit. Yeah. You're going to bring up your own pillow or anything like that to Madison? No, I don't think so. We're actually driving there in a friend's RV, and then he's driving up and taking it to stay in for the week. So I'll be able to move around in the car, lay down. How long is the drive?
Starting point is 01:18:34 Like nine hours, but the flight isn't much. Yeah, the flights aren't much better. That's the issue. Because it's not a direct yeah exactly wow wow man uh what do you you're in school still what are you doing in school uh i'm i'm taking biomedical engineering it's called um and so every other term i have like a work term so i'll go school work school work and right now i'm in school which is uh it's tough especially at this time of year but that's what i'm doing
Starting point is 01:19:12 yeah bio what biomedical engineering wow uh hold on a second i gotta slap someone around in the comments here uh christ Young, liar. Sevan, you just told us you love to sleep alone in hotel rooms. Listen, if I'm going to sleep in a hotel room, I like to sleep alone. I like the whole diagonal thing. But if I don't have to go anywhere and I can just stay home with my pictures that my six-year-old niece drew me in my cozy little bed. How do you guys,
Starting point is 01:19:45 how do you guys do beds in Canada? Do you guys do, um, uh, do you have a, just, uh, like a comforter with a duvet on it and that's yours?
Starting point is 01:19:52 Or do you guys do have like a sheet and then a blanket and then like, how does your bed work? What do you have? I just have comfort duvet. Yeah. Comforter and duvet. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:01 And then if you get hot, you guys get hot in Canada or no, never. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. We're pretty hot right now. Yeah. And then if you get hot, do you guys get hot in Canada or no? Never. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. We're pretty hot right now. Yeah. And so when you get hot, do you hang your feet out the bottom?
Starting point is 01:20:12 I know. I like full coverage, but I'll get some fans on me. No. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Putting your feet out the bottom was – I didn't do that when I was your age either. But as I got older I learned to
Starting point is 01:20:25 Last night I slept with my feet out the bottom That's why I asked it was kind of weird It immediately drops the temperature But you still get the weight You like the weight of the duvet You're back in the womb Hey do you have any pets or any responsibilities Besides school
Starting point is 01:20:43 I do have a dog But i live with my parents so they they take care of it for the most part so it's not it's almost a lot not quite a lie but almost a lie to say it's your dog yeah i think i'm the reason we got it but yeah i don't do much to take care of it it's kind of like uh i just realized this too it's kind of like my when i lived at home i said oh there's my car but it was always my parents money that put gas in the car so probably not my car yeah i got a car i guess i guess that's something i take care of do you have a job uh no uh i i coach a little bit not currently but um yeah for the past couple years i've just been doing a couple hours coaching a
Starting point is 01:21:26 week oh you like it um i do i like i like the people but i'm not sure like uh coaching is like my calling by any means do they like you do people like you i think so yeah yeah what makes you think? Is your class full? For the most part, they're pretty good. And I usually do later classes in the day, which, which would usually be on the smaller side, but I really enjoy, we have a couple like teenage boys that come in and, and I kind of see a bit of myself, a younger me and them.
Starting point is 01:22:04 So I enjoy that part for sure yeah that's cool look at you already getting some like some feeling some senior yeah some seniorness yeah that's cool and you you bust on them uh i i try to you know they actually don't they usually don't push uh i think i they they usually don't push. Uh, I think I, they, they usually wouldn't push the weights as much as, uh, I think they could. Um, and they move pretty well. So I think that's kind of something I put on them is, is to kind of go for some bigger lifts. And I think that since they've started doing that, they've enjoyed it a lot. So, Hey, Jack Farlow believes in us. Like we don't want to let him, we don't want to let him down. Yeah, dude, you're awesome.
Starting point is 01:22:46 And even if I'm not coaching them, I'll usually, if I see them, I'll ask them what they hit yesterday on the back squat and things like that. Oh, you are good. You are good. Yeah, I try to be. Yeah, shit, it's almost like you care. Holy cow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:02 Daniel Garrity, engineers have won six of the last 18 games championships. Yeah. Why are you are you going to school because you want to or because like your parents like, listen, if you're going to do this silly CrossFit stuff here and we're going to support you, you're going to live here at the house, then you're also going to have to go to school. I think part of that's true, but I'm not sure that's the reason I'm doing it. I mean, like, I'm trying to think what I would be like if I didn't go to school. It's not like I'm making a ton of money. I'm just working out. And then once a year, I go to this big event. I don't know. I'm not sure I'd be too too proud of myself at
Starting point is 01:23:48 this point like if I was making tons of money from sponsors and and winning the CrossFit games and I think it's a completely different story do are they in conflict these schedules with each other and the demands the engineering and the
Starting point is 01:24:04 high demands of the crossfit training i i don't think time's the main concern i think it's just mental energy that makes it tough um in terms of like actual uh scheduling i was supposed to have some exams during the games and uh going into this term i wasn't even sure if they would let me move them because they they tend not to really care about sports unless it's for the school. But, uh, but luckily I've kind of made friends with one of the directors and she really helps me move things around. So I'm all clear on that end. Yeah, that's cool. I, and I, I liked the way you're saying too, like, do you, do you remember switching from, uh, like you're in high school and you're doing seven classes a day and then you go to college and it's like people are taking like three classes a
Starting point is 01:24:49 day and you're like yeah you're like this is like what are they doing i went i went i went straight to city college that's like the college for like stoners even though i wasn't a stoner and i i stayed on the high school plan i finished city college in a year and a half like just like yeah yeah like what what are these jackasses doing i don't stay in school all day i have a pretty full course load right now i think i have uh five courses and two labs so it's it's pretty full but you don't have any options to to reduce that at all in the program i'm in so i probably would do that to be honest, but, uh, it's not an option. So you, will you be done in four years? I'll be done in, I think two years. Oh no. Sorry. Sorry. In totality, will you spend four years in college?
Starting point is 01:25:38 Yeah. It's just under a five-year program. Oh, nice. Wow. Dude, you're going to be so happy when you finish that. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And this is, uh, this is actually my last summer term of school oh nice wow yeah dude you're gonna be so happy when you finish that wow yeah yeah yeah and this is uh this is actually my last summer term of school in school all the rest will be on a co-op term but i've also already almost completed the number of co-op terms you need so i'll be able to take summers off if i wanted to is emma in school too uh no hey next time she's like doing like a big lift like going for a pr on the jerk like right as she unracks me i'm in college yeah i go to college i'm in college yeah just and then she'll cough that she's a top 10 games athlete
Starting point is 01:26:16 i hate that part oh my goodness first a giraffe and now this sean lenderman as a licensed electrician i can assure you that engineers are completely useless i uh one time i was working a summer job like hey jack that's why you guys make the most money more than the electrician because you guys are useless go on sorry summer job go on i was i was working a summer job job at a car factory and there was this guy, one of the stations I had to work at. And you just take one look at this guy and know he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. And he absolutely lectured me on how dumb engineers are because I told him I
Starting point is 01:26:57 was going into engineering. And I just had to nod and smile for a couple of minutes. And then actually the guy next to me was like, don't listen to that guy. But it was pretty funny. What do you, what do you end up doing? Sorry for my naiveness, but what do you end up doing when I hear a biomedical engineer? I kind of like think of someone who's like, um, re like invents or reworks. um re like invents or reworks uh biomedical equipment sort of like everything to reinventing tubing to
Starting point is 01:27:30 redesigning the you know dialysis machine to just stuff like that i don't think you're too far off in terms of what the like kind of like what the what most people would do in that field but um i think like prosthetic limbs designing those types of things and like and valves in the heart and all anything basically yeah i like your choices better those are cool examples valves in the heart i mean but that's not necessarily what i would like to do um and i'm not even really sure what i'd like to do but um i don't think i'd want to work in a hospital setting at all um oh sean sean uh lenderman oh shit wow he's a he wow he's on fire today oh shit i didn't hear the biomedical part he's making the next vaccine for pfizer
Starting point is 01:28:16 uh it would be it would be do you have any other interest too like um it seems like with that kind of knowledge like it would be cool to get into like um uh uh like zoology and like see what the the i i don't know if that's right the right word but find out what's going on in the animal kingdom and then try to replicate that with some of your bioengineering uh you know mindset like you know like like the the simplest one to bring up is like spider webs like those that's the strongest material known to man and then like trying to replicate it and that shit sounds awesome yeah i don't know i'm not sure i want to do anything even research wise either i kind of i don't know i i think like a technology company like i use like a lot of i't know, heart rate and things like that.
Starting point is 01:29:05 And, uh, those kinds of trackers and I don't really know what I want to do, but that kind of thing interests me like performance or performance meets health tracking basically. Yeah. That makes total sense. Cause yeah, that makes, that makes a complete and total sense. How, how long are you going to, um, uh, pursue this you think? Like, it sounds like you feel really good, like you're in a really good place. First year CrossFit? Yeah. How long do you think you think you keep going? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:34 I mean, until I don't like it or it stops making sense, basically. Yeah. I'm definitely still on the upward trajectory and I would even ride the downward the downward trajectory a little bit too before I call it, I think. So I think I'll finish school and then like, if there's ever a time to really, really go all in on it, that would be the time. And that's kind of right in my prime, like 23, 24 years old. So, and then take that as long as it will take me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:04 So I get it keep work this uh graduate from school open up a a portal huge chunk of energy and time opens up go really hard one year and then reassess and be like had that play out yeah i mean like i heard todd velner say like it's a it's a good job like to have it's fun and if you can make money off it um i don't see why i wouldn't so uh hunter robbins gibbons wow what a name jack is the man so humble and easygoing for such an uh for such an amazing competitor for like for some reason like humble and easygoing doesn't go with amazing but i'll take it okay you know what i was tripping on hunter is that he's 21 and speaks in full sentences
Starting point is 01:30:50 i i find that very refreshing very refreshing hey uh i'm excited to meet you in person uh thanks for coming on you're a great man thank you Thank you. Yeah. I'll see you there. Yeah. And we'll see you in a week. All right. Yeah. Get out of the car, make them stop a lot and stretch those legs.
Starting point is 01:31:13 Giraffes are not meant to be in a car for nine hours. We're going to do a hip protocol every, uh, every hour. Okay, good. All right. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:31:20 Ciao. All right. See ya. Oh my goodness. I kicked Will Morad out instead of you. Son of a bitch. I kicked Will out. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:31:37 There's a button here that says kick from studio, and I tossed Will. Oh, Will. Where's Will? Can I retext him? Will, I'm so sorry. Come back, Will. Oh, Will. Where's Will? Can I retext him? Will, I'm so sorry. Come back, Will. Oh my goodness, where is he? Will Morad, where's shit? Sorry, guys, give me a second here. Dang, we were on a roll today. I was like a real professional podcaster, just smoking shit.
Starting point is 01:32:08 Trish, I saw your comment right there. do you bust on the boys you are filthy oh there he is damn oh my god oh my goodness here he comes here he comes look at him circling the bull will is gonna tell nick on you. Who's Nick? Yon, you're 11% gay. More than 11%. That away, Yon. Own that shit. I'm in the 40s. I'm in the high 40s.
Starting point is 01:32:39 49. I'm 49.9 with the line over it. Damn, Will. Oh, yes. Hey. What's up, boss? I accidentally kicked you out. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 01:32:49 That's all right. I was taking the trash out to my truck. I was trying to kick Jack out. Don't kick that kid out. Dude, he's cool. Yeah, he's a good dude. Hey, how old are you, Will? 34. cool yeah he's a good dude hey how old are you will 34 hey is it weird when you talk do you train with any young kids like any 20 year olds or 19 year olds or anything
Starting point is 01:33:15 oh yeah i uh olivia is 17 she was in town for a couple weeks sydney and brooker 28 what is sax sax is 25 yeah i'm the old guy but but do do all of them talk in complete sentences like they have like cogent thoughts and they can talk and i was just crazy impressed by jack did somebody put you up to asking that question no no why who doesn't talk no but some of these people, I'm just like, holy. I was so impressed. I'm so easily impressed now because Jack Farlow talks in complete sentences. I'm like, wow, holy shit. Hey, he's an engineer.
Starting point is 01:33:57 I listen to him. We have the same representation, so it's good to see how these kids are handling all this. Same agent. Yeah, yeah uh here we go i think this is the hat did i spin it the right way yeah nipple nipple sports yeah you got it i remember meeting how do i do that i remember meeting you at a regional. Only three, baby. The first CrossFit doc that I
Starting point is 01:34:32 cared about. And what city was that in? Okay, not important. Cincinnati oh oh yes yes and um you were completely fresh to the scene right it was like kind of crazy you were there you weren't even like you yeah well I I competed the year before but yeah I don't know. I did good, and you wanted to throw a camera in my face, which was like – that was it. That was the last time we talked. That's that, 10 years ago.
Starting point is 01:35:11 Yeah, and I remember – I just remember thinking, oh, this is a soccer player who's making the leap. You were a soccer player, right? Like a really good soccer player. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And you had a totally different body composition than the rest of the dudes. You think? Yeah, you were more Chris Henshaw than Hulk Hogan. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:35:41 Yeah, yeah, I guess. I mean, just running a bit more. Yeah, you were lean. You looked like a model. You were lean. You had big lats, but that's it. You were like, you were lean. You had big lats, but that's it, kind of. You can just say, yeah, I was still the way I was. Yeah, yeah. I mean, you looked like a model at the time. You were more Marky Mark than, you know, yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:04 Boogie Nights Marky Mark, right? What right what say it again i said boogie nights yes yes yes boogie nights when he was uh what did mark walberg used to when he was the rapper what was his name i have no idea that you just you aged me out on that one. Thank you. Great. Will, you're still in the game. Do you have a day job, Will? This is it. You're looking at me.
Starting point is 01:36:34 God, you're dedicated. Hey, what ethnicity are you? Assyrian, which I believe you are as well. That's my pop sideman, like scotch irish okay i'm uh i'm armenian armenian so like same area yeah close enough close enough but assyrian i guess is like the that's what like my nana would say but i think it's like northern iran like the biblical assyrians were like a biblical kind of race, I suppose.
Starting point is 01:37:06 But yeah. And what's your – is your first language English? Yeah. Yeah. So my – in fact, I don't really know. I think I'm like – my great-grandparents were all immigrants. Okay. Oh, so probably through Ellis Island even.
Starting point is 01:37:24 Yeah. okay oh so probably so probably through ellis island even yeah so actually morad was moradian and at ellis island they changed it to morad just because of like the racist situations that were happening back then um hey dude that's an and that's an armenian last name moradian yeah yeah so like armenian my night assyrian yeah yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. I'm buying it now. I'm at first I was like, okay, just agree with him. He doesn't know what he's talking about.
Starting point is 01:37:48 You just schooled me a little bit. Uh, Elise, uh, will more ad is one of the games athletes I'd want to be friends with. He just seems like he's always fun and easy to be around. That's my wife. I don't know if I agree with that.
Starting point is 01:38:01 Oh, really? Is that your wife? No, no, that's not my wife oh yeah i mean i'll take that compliment but i have my days uh look at look at a historian in the bunch uh immigration act of 1924 well thank you thank you oh there you go um so i don't even know
Starting point is 01:38:23 really where to start with you. I kind of want to hear this whole journey in the 10 years. Like... Like highlight? Or kind of like what your mindset is. What are you doing? Why have you embraced CrossFit so much? Do you own an affiliate? I own an affiliate.
Starting point is 01:38:44 So, let's just start from the start from the from the beginning okay um so played soccer my whole life uh played at a pretty high level had a few opportunities after college or actually I left college to go do the combine and pro soccer and those types of things and those didn't work out um so when I went back to school to finish my degree, I studied ex-phys and English literature, so take that for what it is. But just started doing CrossFit as like a supplement to my just life. I guess I had a void of competition and just liked working out. So I made regionals in 13 13 made the games in 14 and then the rest is history as far as uh
Starting point is 01:39:30 like me committing to the sport you know you get endorsement money the first year you make the games and um i'd always kind of been an athlete and i was somewhat immersed into what a pro athlete lifestyle is like just doing the whole soccer thing so you could say I was singularly focused on being a pro athlete uh and it just kind of worked out that I made that a reality but obviously I had a bit of a rocky road the past I guess 10 years now but yeah I'm still in it man um I guess like lost my head lost my earpiece but yeah so
Starting point is 01:40:06 10 years in made my first games in 19 and then it's uh yep I got you yep oh there I am look at that guy
Starting point is 01:40:16 still doing it at 34 hey you made your first games at 19 no no no in 2014 and then like I guess 9 years on maybe we okay hey what happened so did you have some serious injury or health issues i just remember at one point someone's like oh shit will mora you were just gone from the scene for a second
Starting point is 01:40:38 yeah so in 2017 i went into kidney failure at guadalupalooza. At the event? Just quite serious. Yeah, so I did the first event, got really sick, threw up from a workout, never done that before. Did the second event that day and then woke up in the middle of the night, so I've been Saturday morning, and felt like my back was on fire and just was in terrible pain. And my wife's a nurse, and and i said hey like something's going on and she was like ah it's probably like a back injury or something i've had a ton of back injuries to deal with mostly between 2015 and 17 um and then uh woke up saturday morning was doing the breakfast thing and then just started throwing up and And my wife was like, we're going to the hospital.
Starting point is 01:41:27 And I was like, that's okay. Like, you just kind of trust the health professional. And sure enough, I was in kidney failure. They took a biopsy in my kidney. Diagnosed me with an autoimmune disorder called IgA nephropathy, which is a fairly common autoimmune disorder and kidney disease. But for a 27 year old, you know, pro athlete, fittest guy in the world, whatever, that's not normal. So we kind of made the decision to step away from the sport and just put health as a priority. You know, a young man want to have a family,
Starting point is 01:42:03 just got married, didn't make sense to keep just killing myself so stepped away from the sport for two two seasons worked in the IT world with actually one of my affiliate members had an IT company hired me as like a like a biz dev guy and we sold the affiliate and that was it and then about 18 months later found out that it was a misdiagnosis my nephrologist in Nashville looked back at my pathology reports and was like, man, your health is as good as anybody. This might have just been a coincidental finding that the doc decided to diagnose you because he thought that that's what was best suited. Like that's what he could do with the information he was provided. And he said said you can
Starting point is 01:42:45 go back to sport if you want and sure enough I was like man I'm not totally happy with just the business world I was in you know it was a good learning lesson but I was still like at my core an athlete and just it was kind of stripped away from me in a sense um so we dove back in for 2019 and then yeah made the games in 19 then obviously covid games kind of chopped up the season in 2020 and then we've been on a good streak since then so you were misdiagnosed with an autoimmune disease yeah yeah pretty heavy it's it's weird like i don't know shit about medicine but like um uh just from the layman you think that it's like hey they took some blood from you and then they see this thing
Starting point is 01:43:32 floating through your blood and it's holding the flag autoimmune disease you know what i mean they're like oh there it is i see it that's five guys on a boat holding autoimmune disease flag but it's not like that it's not like it's not it's not even close to perfect it's not even no no like i mean they took a biopsy my kidney so they had all the blood work and everything and they actually like stab you in the back and take a little chunk out of your kidney and then like have a pathology report on it and i guess with the trauma that was going on it it's suggested that i might have this thing um like five of the 10 signs that we call this autoimmune disease i don't know crazy and then so what does the kidney do uh it just filters all the junk right right? So it filters muscle breakdown. It filters like insides, it filters, it's just your filters, right?
Starting point is 01:44:31 So if you're, if you're essentially IG nephropathy and correct me, if there's any experts on here, they're all experts on here. How dare you? So I, uh, essentially what it does is it slowly drops the function of those filters in your kidneys and it's like a clogged pipe i suppose if those don't work then your blood pressure goes up and your kidneys are directly correlated with like your heart and if your heart's not working you know things get serious quickly so yeah but good news is i'm healthy and i get blood work
Starting point is 01:45:07 probably every six months um were you on medication for two years some sort of yeah it was they put me on blood pressure medicine which was pretty nasty like i was it would make me really tired which i'm assuming it was just dropping my blood pressure that was already good even lower it was like taking naps in the afternoon all that shit everything yeah like this oh i'm second the doc told me that i was uh i was like i'm off this is just nasty oh i'm so irritated but the body's resilient the body's hey so what happened to your body composition in those two years so i mean i kept weightlifting and stuff i just didn't do the intensity that was required as far as like crossfit goes to be a pro so i like
Starting point is 01:45:51 made nationals in weightlifting um which was kind of fun like scratching scratching itch there uh and just would do like emoms and low intensity CrossFit because I just I enjoy CrossFit. Right. Makes me feel good. I've been a lifetime athlete. But yeah, I didn't really change much. I mean, I I can't recall, but I'm like 195 right now. But I was like, I dropped down to 85 kilos for weightlifting. So that's what? 180 185 so not a big deal okay so not much maybe just maybe just your engine suffered a little bit yeah engine in and like just i think willingness to suffer because i had like last time my body had really gone to that place it shut down so i kind of had to work through that when I decided to come back to the sport. Cause it's, you know, you got it kind of redline quite a bit to be world-class at this. Any, any PTSD from that? Like when you do start going to the dark place,
Starting point is 01:46:57 are you like, like you're not anymore. No, not anymore. But definitely when I was getting back into it, it was almost like I had to give myself permission or kind of like ease my way back into that. I remember like the first workout I did that I was just in my garage by myself and went there and was like laying on the floor. And like my back was blown up just from the nature of the workout I did, not from the kidney thing. And my wife came out, open the door she's like yeah are you good and I'm like I think I'm good close the door but yeah man that was a serious thing and I learned a lot from it um so I mean I suppose that's all you can do why did you sell
Starting point is 01:47:43 your affiliate it was a good deal or you were tired of doing it? I just needed to separate from the sport, you know, like when it was everything to me. And then really the idea of opening the affiliate was like a place for me to train and a place for my friends to train. It was like a small, like everybody was- Like everything you're not supposed to do, that's what you did? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:05 Yeah. I mean, I love it. Like, we had a great community. I coached a ton. I coached before, too. Like, the first year I made the games, I was coaching, like, five classes a day. Wow. At a different affiliate.
Starting point is 01:48:18 So, and I'm, like, through and through CrossFit. Started using CrossFit in, in like 2008 to supplement soccer. So I've been like doing it for a while. Definitely drank the Kool-Aid, but the, yeah, yeah, man. The affiliate was, it just, I needed to separate from it because it was, I just didn't want to be there if I couldn't compete. And it was just kind of a messed up situation.
Starting point is 01:48:44 And maybe that chapter had closed for me at that time. So I was like, ah, let's just move on and see where else I can grow as far as business goes. Did you mourn that or did the weightlifting scratch the itch? Yeah, I hadn't truly closed that door in my heart you know what i mean of competing at the games because it got stripped away from me in a sense like it wasn't like oh i decided to stop it was like at least at the time no you can't do this because you might get sick and die or whatever so um that didn't sit right with me and i guess i never truly accepted it like deep down but obviously in my day-to-day i had like i worked out and stuff but i wasn't pursuing
Starting point is 01:49:31 the crossfit games um so so you know you don't think you ever really let it go no wow that's impressive and then too and then so when you want to come back, we'll, what is your, uh, what is your, like your, what are your loved ones say your mom and dad, your wife, are they tripping? Yeah. My wife was cool with it just cause she's in the health world and she understood like it was a misdiagnosis and obviously like people can get hurt doing anything. So we just kind of looked at it objectively like that. Like, okay, yeah, he got hurt. We,
Starting point is 01:50:09 I had a dietician, I was getting regular blood work. We were kind of managing my training protocols and my coach at the time just to not overdo it too quickly. So from a like objective standpoint, we were, we corrected all the things that i was doing wrong before but of course like my mom was kind of like why are you doing this i'm the baby right so yeah she was she was not totally supportive as far as she kind of was like why are you doing this not just looking out for her son not necessarily like she didn't like shun me or anything and now she's you know one of my biggest fans of course again hey is someone in the comment is saying and then after you got better your wife got sick is that true yeah my wife had breast cancer last year um wow which was pretty heavy as well yeah so yeah that's traumatic that's traumatic as shit yeah that was pretty
Starting point is 01:51:08 pretty rough we that we actually found that out right after the games in 21 so we like got home and my wife had felt a lump maybe like when we were there so went in got all that and found out like yeah you have breast cancer we have to jump right into treatment. So it was like literally get home from the games. And now it's like, this is the new, this is the new challenge. She's great. She's healthy now. But yeah, last season was pretty rough.
Starting point is 01:51:38 Hey, that's, I always, it's crazy. How does that, how did that, do you have kids? No kids. Just a great dog. How did that make you feel when you found that out? Were you like, God, I wish I could take that on for her? Like I hate to see my wife in any – Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:55 I don't like to even see her like thinking – like my wife will go there. Like she'll be like, I got this dot on my arm, and she starts like Googling shit. I fucking like – I feel so bad for her even if she's doing that. Yeah. I think I just went into support mode because we, you know, we, we gave it to the professionals and in Nashville we have amazing healthcare. That's kind of like what the main like industry is here. So, and she's a nurse and obviously we just, we know a lot of people in that space so we just kind of gave it up to them and I just supported as much as I could and our families
Starting point is 01:52:31 here like my mom's here her mom's here my sister her sister so we had a really good support crew as far as just the day-to-day um and obviously like really the CrossFit community was unbelievable man I think like that that was something we talked about. It was like, man, this is obviously traumatic. And we have this amazing support group of just immediate friends and family because we're in Nashville, we're from Nashville, but just because of like kind of the success we've had in CrossFit, that community saw the story and reached out and we were like hundreds and hundreds of messages and just people messaging her, not even me checking on her, which is crazy,
Starting point is 01:53:11 complete strangers. So we're definitely just lucky to be in that position because that makes, that brightens your day, you know, when you're going through chemotherapy and all the nasty surgeries and stuff and and it's it's um there's this weird part right because you're tripping because the thing that you singularly love most in life is hurt but yet you have to push all your shit away because it's not your it's not you right so you can't make it about you at all even though inside you're you must be tripping balls but you're like okay quiet down i i need to be completely present for my wife but really it's like you you fuck wow wow she was good like she was like go do your thing but she wanted to keep
Starting point is 01:54:00 life as normal as possible uh she wasn't like tripping out like she was facing her mortality i would be tripping i i people don't go to the doctor because she is tough like i don't go to the doctor because i don't want to hear any of that i'd rather i just like you know what i mean i mean that's why people die right right they're just scared yeah i'm scared of being scared i'm not even scared i'm scared of being scared you know know what I mean? It's like, fuck. Yeah, she's, I mean, she's tough. So I just kind of follow, I guess I followed her lead. And as far as whatever she needed, I was there. And if, if she wanted me to leave her alone, I left her alone. Yeah. That's married life. Yeah. Yeah. How long have you been married?
Starting point is 01:54:43 Since 2014. We actually got actually got married uh the weekend after the 14 regionals where i just made it so we like made the games came home and then like went to florida and got married uh 10 years you're coming up on 10 years yeah yeah congratulations that's awesome holy shit yeah that's a that's a huge achievement thank you um so is is after you go through these things and are you in a pretty like is it like whoa are you you're in a stable spot right now you're like wow it's yeah i mean wife is healthy yeah yeah it's a lot less stressful i mean when when you can get through tough situations
Starting point is 01:55:30 it makes when it's good really good you know yeah it gives you perspective and honestly it gave me it gave me perspective on what good really is right because if it was always sunshine and rainbows you wouldn't even realize it's sunshine and rainbows um so yeah i mean glass half full i suppose because it was i mean it's shitty to go through that stuff no one wants to go through it but you kind of life's always going to suck at some point and for everybody and you know sink or swim and we've just we support each other in a way that has allowed us both to always, like, swim. You think it made your relationship better, too? You think you appreciate her more?
Starting point is 01:56:12 Like, I always tripped at how much I take my wife for granted. Yeah, man. It's real, especially as a young couple, right? Like, most of the time that happens later in life for people, which is equally as testing, I suppose, because you've built this long history, right? It happens 60, 70, whatever, but yeah, it definitely strengthened it because it's, you, you want to, we've been together since we were 16. So there's a whole nother layer to that. 16.
Starting point is 01:56:47 Yeah. Wow. So, so, so a real congratulations is in order. That's crazy. You're high school sweethearts. Yeah. I cheated on her in biology class, man. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:57:04 Wow. That's awesome holy cow uh um mr morad if you're gonna cheat off me you're gonna have to marry me deal uh sean lenderman it was crazy how much she still supported will making it back to the games while she had that going on as well. They are both incredible people. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, she's pretty awesome. And she, there was a little pressure there, too.
Starting point is 01:57:36 She's like, well, I'm going through all my shit. You better sort yours out, buddy. Yeah. Dan Guerrero, is this Jack Harlow? What's up? Yes, i'm jack harlow uh mason mitchell legendary original performance versus froning which one yeah yeah good job good job hey um so so were you making some jokes about some of the people you're training with can't talk in complete sentences?
Starting point is 01:58:06 No, not people I train with, but you know, sometimes it's funny to listen to people in the space, get interviews and there's just not a ton of depth all the time, but that's fine. I mean, yeah, well, that's an interesting thing you bring up because look at, I don't wish anyone for their mate to go through any near-life experiences or for themselves to go through near-life experiences but it is an interesting thing right you're you're you grow up in a small town and um i don't know pick your state alabama and uh you never left alabama then at 12 years old you find crossfit and then at 21 you're going to the crossfit games and the first time you leave you're going to madison it's like dude yeah like there's fucking people like who lived in 13 countries been through through six adoptions been fucking molested in a drug addiction they're competing right next to you you know what i mean it's like holy shit like they got some shit going
Starting point is 01:59:01 on they're working i got a taste of that well you're like waving your mom in the crowd you know they're like i'm gonna fuck these demons that guy who touched me in the third grade i'm gonna i'm gonna remember his shit it's like what the yeah right i remember i was at pre-season at one of the pro teams i was with and one of the guys a latin american guy like just destroyed me in a tackle and in training you're like what the hell so i was like dude what the hell and he goes this is how i feed my kids and i was like the new guy and i was like oh yeah this is not college ball this is real um and i've kind of always onto that story so yeah yeah it's different right it's even across crossfit like i i got a house i pay a mortgage
Starting point is 01:59:46 my wife had cancer like you gotta pay for that i'm not living in my parents basement so it's there's a different level of it's interesting like in every sport right the rookies or whatever the new newbies are kind of getting their wings and they'll be in our shoes but they'll harden and be pros pros you know they can't do that right away hey dude i don't think very many people understand the implications of what you just said you were playing with a guy who wanted to put food in his kid's mouth and you were playing to get your own um uh tops card i mean you know what i mean like like you're ready to get a million dollar contract.
Starting point is 02:00:26 So you can have a Ferrari and a condo in Florida. Yeah. There's just a different depth sometimes. Um, but that's the beauty of sport, right? There's, everybody's out there for a different reason and that will change throughout their careers. Uh, which at least i'm aware of that will will you mentioned um uh some people you had chained with uh brooke and uh sydney and uh olivia um who else tia yeah um uh are you, are you proven athlete? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:01:06 Okay. Boy, I've really done my research. Well, I'm well more at, well, it sucks for you. Well, usually I'm so fucking prepared. I'm like at the, I'm like at the end of my, I'm losing. I was, I'm so glad you're good, man. Drink some coffee. Thank you. I'm so glad that you speak English.
Starting point is 02:01:21 Um, and who else? Tell me who else I've seen you train with noah yeah i train with noah travis chandler um saxon street horner john colty alex smith and then all the girls you mentioned who did you say before alex smith that was the only person i never heard that name before who john colty he made John Colty. He was a games athlete in 18. Let's keep it to people who have more than 10,000 Instagram followers, please. Don't bring my show down.
Starting point is 02:01:52 Hey, chill. That's one of my boys. It's not all about social media. Push Will too far with that joke. Who else? You ever been over to Mayhem? A couple times in like 2015, 16. Okay.
Starting point is 02:02:08 I think that's right. I trained with like Dre and Rich and Matt Hewitt. We just kind of were friendly throughout that time, but it's like an hour and a half drive from Nashville and it just didn't make sense to do that all the time. But good dudes over there. Who else? Fraser?
Starting point is 02:02:23 I never trained with Matt. Yeah, I don't think i ever trained with him how about anyone on the west coast you ever go to um back in the day go to dog town with dusty highland or lindsey valenzuela you ever never made it out that way i haven't no i never went out that way just for competition and and where are you right now what state are you sitting in right now tennessee i'm in nolensville so just like 30 minutes south of nashville okay so when you're saying you're proven athlete like you're training at the at the headquarters they all came to me man oh perfect of course they did yes hey were you a proven athlete before they moved there? No. So I was actually, I was with TTT from, and Max from 15 to 19. And then during the COVID games, B moved to town.
Starting point is 02:03:17 And I just met B, her sister, Street Horner moved to town, Alex Smith. And they all came to my gym because i like how he wears a games athlete train like that'll be a good crew who's b so we all brooke oh brooke sorry okay it's okay yeah so i'm gonna call her that when i see her hey b what's up girl yeah so we'll uh we all kind of started training together during 2020 and t and shane Shane had moved to Nashville, and we were all – we became cordial throughout the 2020 season because B and Tia were getting ready for the Carson – not Carson, the Ranch 2020 games. And we kind of decided at a meeting, we all kind of decided,
Starting point is 02:04:02 okay, let's do the 2021 season together. So we all kind of made the switch to Proven at same time which was a great stable you know let's what six six games athletes dude crazy um and and so okay and so olivia is over there with them too because she was saying that shane is going to be uh with her at the games which is just wild yeah so awesome yeah who who will be in your corner uh will who's your like go-to at the games who's your who's got your coaches pass so brian low he's like my pt um he will be back there just in case i like need any body work and just good calm energy uh but then we'll have chain dwight nick like all the proven coaches as well so as far as game planning and stuff i'm usually self-sufficient at this point in my career i can kind of i kind
Starting point is 02:04:53 of know what i need to do and how i need to do it and how i need to warm up cool down all that stuff um but obviously i'll bounce ideas off of. So we have a really good unit back there. It's the Josh Bridges playbook. You know you're old when your PT gets your coach's pass, right? Metamucil, diapers, and my PT. Yeah, exactly. I need to get stretched out before we do this workout. Yeah, hey, that's nice.
Starting point is 02:05:28 Yeah, for sure. Amazing stories stories thanks for opening up will yeah thank you will yeah i appreciate it i'm not for opening up but for um get me the 10 bucks there you go buy me a coffee mad absolutely um it's uh i'm so kind of surprised more people don't do it. Um, or maybe they do. I'll pay, I'll pay attention this year. Bring PTs. Cause that's a real functional, um, person, or at least if you're a coach, make sure you have those, do you have those skills too?
Starting point is 02:05:58 Yeah. It's, it's kind of a no brainer. Like essentially it's like F1, you got to prepare the car to go out on the racetrack and then you got to bring it back in the garage and fix whatever's wrong with it and then send it back out like that's kind of the way i approach the job these days um just treat to perform and treat to recover will um help me out here make me look like I know what I'm saying Please Did you last year have some insane comeback?
Starting point is 02:06:31 Oh, semifinals, yeah Did you have some event that's like the record for most points Like you made up 81 points Yeah, I think it might have been the record Yeah, I have like Going to the last event at semis I had to win and then hope that A bunch of other pieces fell into place
Starting point is 02:06:47 to get my ticket. And kind of, it was like, well, I'm going to have to do the last chance qualifier, which sucks because online competition, but, um, I pulled it off man, somehow, which was pretty cool. Yeah. I guess it was the largest comeback. I don't know. I would have to do the research. Do you remember who you pushed out? Sprague, yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:12 Oh, it was James. Oh, is that when he was out by one point? This year. Yeah. Oh, shit. I mean, that's sports, man. And that's good. I think that was probably great for his development.
Starting point is 02:07:24 Obviously, I haven't spoke to him about it but with that type of stuff early in your career man that makes you a hardened competitor and if he does this for 10 more years like he'll probably remember that oh that probably lit a fire in his ass and he had a great year you didn't walk by him this year and just be like you're welcome so last year at the games he came up to me because he was demo team i don't know if he remembers this and he was like yeah man next year's my year you're done and i said i'm not going anywhere just uh playfully obviously but michael banyan uh you ain't old until you're 56 rooting for you will you're a good dude thank you michael appreciate it thank you hey uh sixth place uh you're up there
Starting point is 02:08:15 with all the big names uh in the sport uh jeffrey adler jason hopper down pepper roman krennikoff sam well corn y a uh will morad you um you are you pretty uh tickled by this are you impressed Hopper, Downpepper, Roman Krennikoff, Samuel, Cornwall, Will Morad. Are you pretty tickled by this? Are you impressed with yourself? No, that's not a surprise. No. No, I mean, for me, it's always been healthy. And when I'm healthy, going into a competition,
Starting point is 02:08:43 that's what I'm capable of. And when my personal life is optimal, if it ever can be. So, yeah, last year was definitely tough with like training my wife's situation and stuff and it just was not optimal. And this year was a lot better. And I was healthy going in and was able to perform well on the weekend. So there's a lot of moving parts uh james sprague's uh chimes in uh will morad is correct uh i made it this year and everything is going forward way more special oh look at you yeah yeah man kid kid is gonna have a great career
Starting point is 02:09:18 uh can't wait to race uh this year will likewise likewise buddy see you in a week um uh old school crossfit workout um linda and wait wait a second wait a second here when you see um that workout uh pop up are you pretty pumped yeah linda i was so going into semis camp my coach is gonna test this i was like i think they're gonna repeat one uh you know they brush it off we didn't do any linda crap and then it popped up and i'm like mother fucker i mean sorry for my language i thought you would i thought you would have killed that old not like my total yeah like not the pull pull density like it wasn't the bench like everybody's like oh it's the bench it's not the bench for me it's like the pull pull density is always going to be tough so i was kind of like uh i want to finish like i was
Starting point is 02:10:15 like if i go right under 15 that'll be good enough um and then i executed well pretty much on everything else yeah you killed it on the weekend but if i were to guess you were going to do good at something i would i just would have thought been around forever what's that mean pool pool density just too much pulling off the ground like the well like the squatting and then the dead lifting that's like at a spot clean all the pulling is just typically a like a weaker thing for me as far as like tolerance goes it's just like the way i'm built um whereas like a handstand push-up workout might be tough for some people it's like super chill so it's just kind of knowing where you can know knowing yourself as an athlete and leaning in where you can and then just
Starting point is 02:10:54 being measured during the other events just to maximize your points and then and then workout six here which was that one that wasn't the one that wasn't the muscle was it it was the no that was the handstand push-up rope climb handstand push-up or like the pirouette right and you destroyed that killer yeah that was a fun one me and no were like talking on the rower at the end of that workout, which was unique to be doing in the middle of an event. What were you guys saying? Just like, like I got on the rower and Noah was,
Starting point is 02:11:35 what's up man? Not going to catch us now. Oh, nice. Max. Nice. Um, uh,
Starting point is 02:11:44 going into the semifinal. and did you have any doubt that um any doubt or stress that you weren't going to make it to the games this year no i mean going into any the work cuts were suited to me well uh there's always like nerves going into a competition but i wasn't stressed about making the games. Um, I was just in a really good place fitness wise and mentally, and I'd felt prepared and that's a really good recipe for success over the weekend.
Starting point is 02:12:15 So just kind of went in with my game plan and executed really well. I'd say like 90%. So, and, and going into the games confident, like when you, are you tripping on the cuts at all no no i've never tripped on the cuts like i none of that's really in my control right like i'm
Starting point is 02:12:33 gonna go out there and do my best no matter what and the cards are gonna fall where they fall uh so yeah i mean i'm not i'm not stressed i'm'm excited. I'm anxious. All the good feelings leading into the games. I'm appreciative. You get to compete with the best in the world at your discipline. That's a pretty special thing. I'm just going to keep doing it as long as I can. What do you think is different, Will Morad, now morad uh your your first year at the games did
Starting point is 02:13:06 do you feel like you're the exact same guy or are there some things you're like wow i've really fixed that shit up yeah just i'm always evolved i've always refined the way i'm doing things learn from the mistakes uh allow myself to trust my processes and my experiences and not let what everybody else is doing dictate what I'm doing. I did that a lot more when I was younger and that's just an experience. And now I have this adaptive experience that I can pull from no matter the situation. Uh, so yeah, I'm just a lot more refined competitor and human. Do you think that you could give advice to someone who's younger to help them skip that step
Starting point is 02:13:52 and get through it earlier? Or do you think that there's really no way? Like you are gonna have to go through these steps of like trying to follow other people and work through some shit until you finally realize like, hey, you have to follow your own path. Like sometimes I think oh you're you can just tell young people yeah like everyone has to i feel like i'm now more biased on the side like hey you got to go through all the stupid shit you
Starting point is 02:14:13 have to yeah i think in sport it's different like i can definitely or any any profession like for your job like behind the scenes stuff if somebody was aspiring to do what you're doing you could kind of tell them hey maybe this works better works better. If this starts to happen, maybe change this. They're going to ultimately have to make the decision to do that for themselves. But yeah, I do that. I mean, to all my training partners, I give a lot of advice, whether they take it or not, that's up to them. But it comes from a good spot. And it comes from experience. and that gives some fulfillment as well right um just helping people that are on the same path as you just
Starting point is 02:14:49 maybe not as far along do you prefer training with the boys or the girls uh that's a mixed bag man i mean, it depends on people's mood. It depends on what we're doing. But everybody's pretty cool. I've been fortunate to not have anyone who I don't like to train with. So there's a place for both. There's a place to be there getting at it with the pan chick or a place getting at it with a Wells. Or even just by myself sometimes
Starting point is 02:15:25 you know in the garage old school like I like all of it and there's a place for all of it how about Kerstetter do you ever trip is she trippy are you just like wow how like she's funny it's crazy you're a kid and you're just out here
Starting point is 02:15:44 just destroying shit. Yeah. Just, she's eager to learn. She's easy to be around. Uh, obviously she's a talented athlete and has a great future in the sport. And it's cool to see how people are breaking through so young.
Starting point is 02:16:01 Um, I don't know how old Jack is 19 or 20. 21. Yeah. He looks very young too oh 21 okay yeah so it's it's good for the sport man um to have these young kids making it to the world champs and we'll see what can happen right like olivia's 17 like i'm 34 could she go until she's 34 amazing amazing potential there so we'll'll see what the sport looks like then, but that's exciting for them.
Starting point is 02:16:30 Thank you. I know this was a last minute. I hope to have you on again soon. You know, someone said something in the comments is like the nicest thing you could ever say about someone. They said, Hey, this guy reminds me of Josh Bridges. And you do have an, uh, you're comfortable in your skin in in it uh you're such a disarming human being i appreciate you coming on and being so easy on me yeah man all right i'll see you in a week brother yeah brother take care ciao will morad murad muradian until they changed his family's name at ellis island um crazy wow
Starting point is 02:17:11 that is a cool dude man he's cool very cool i remember him being cool before too the first time i met him even when he was young he was cool he was easy okay who did we have we had colton mertens a lot of weenie talk with colton four thousand dollars for one of the colton Merton dogs in the offseason. My God. Then we had Jack Farlow. Drinking 400 pounds. Absolutely nuts. Wow, it's only 8.30?
Starting point is 02:18:12 Did I not go 45 minutes with Will? What happened there? I got to do something real quick. Sorry. I got to see what's going on inside the house. Let's see what's going on here. Am I... Let's see what's going on here. All right. And then after Jack Farlow, Will Morad. That was a good morning.
Starting point is 02:18:54 That's cool. I can't believe how long it's been since I spoke to Will. Oh, no, that's good. He came on at 7.45, went to 8.30. Okay, that's good alright I'm fine with that let me see what's going on here I got another call from this guy
Starting point is 02:19:12 during the show I should just call everyone back who calls me during the show like fuck you what are you doing hey this is Taylor if you could leave your name douche I called you Hey, this is Taylor. If you could leave your name and... Douche.
Starting point is 02:19:29 I called you. I called you. They got a good show on today. Taylor and JR. Oh. Oh, here we go oh shit I hung up damn hello
Starting point is 02:19:52 you've been dirtbag it's a little strong a little strong I hung up on my wife I'm loading up the car oh sorry okay what you need
Starting point is 02:20:08 hey everything good? so I'm not taking him to skating today? no I'm on it I'm done with my podcast I could oh it's up to you I mean no cause no I um
Starting point is 02:20:24 wasn't the whole point for you to like nap and prepare and I know I just chill I know just chill okay all right all right enjoy
Starting point is 02:20:39 okay if you change your mind you have like two minutes okay all right thank you love you bye okay fuck it I'm taking the kids skateboarding I'm not letting her take it okay thank you guys 11am those guys will all be back
Starting point is 02:20:56 and JR and Taylor and then tonight I have oldest whoopin necks love you guys no no I'm not chilling I'm not chilling I'm going to take it's it's a far drive it's like 50 minutes over the hill to this skateboarding class uh and i i don't i need to take all right love you guys uh miss burns uh talk to you soon uh bye

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