The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Affiliate Series | How does CrossFit Bison get The Most OPEN Sign Ups | David Syversten

Episode Date: February 6, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply who's that uh behind you jumping um that's a sake uh science Saquon Barkley picture, New York Giants. There you go. Is that your guy? Yeah, it's my guy, my team, even though they're awful. Plus, I just need to put something on the wall.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Hey, who painted that wall back there green? We did. My wife and I, we moved here about five years ago, six years ago. We wanted to have like the office it's a small office it just i like the uh the darkness behind we have a two-tone one one wall is white one's this forest green type that we like yeah i love it i love it i love i love a courageous uh painting oh hell yeah not definitely yeah i had a couple family members like that they put tape on the wall and paint one section just like red and when i was a little kid i, I thought that was cool as shit. I never went away. I'm like, all right, someone in the family is wild.
Starting point is 00:01:50 It's not as cool as your setup. Your setup's legit. I like that. The light behind you, that's all. It really does. It makes it. You know what's funny is I go back and look at old podcasts without that. I'm like, it's not even a real podcast without that thing. That thing's what turned it into a real podcast. Hell yeah, I agree. That brought not even a real podcast without that thing. That thing is what turned it into a real podcast. Hell yeah, I agree. That brought you to a new level on that one. David, the listeners bought that for me. Is that crazy or what? That means you're doing something right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:12 I came in here one day into the office and there was a box of Kleenex on the desk. And I was like, that's really fucking weird that there's Kleenex in my office. And then all of a sudden, halfway through the podcast, my wife marches in with it. And she knew I'd start crying. So she put the box of kleenex on this is that crazy or what i was like uh i i see this picture right here um on your crossfit bison um instagram account and uh i just absolutely love it and i just love the line. It's rare that all 12 of us get together like this. Not a meeting, no work talk, nothing about business, just 12 people with common interests having a good meal with some drinks,
Starting point is 00:02:53 lots of laughs. Who are these cats? That's our staff. That's all 12 of us. It's amazing looking at this. I mean, we're coming up on 10 years now and we have we've never lost a coach. You know, we've we've only added to the staff and a couple of those people up there were were a part of our staff year one, year two. Every one of those members was a member at our gym first prior to other than one of them.
Starting point is 00:03:22 The guy right in the middle of the hat on. He was our original coach at CrossFit Hoboken back in like 2011, 2012. And we kind of circled back with each other, right, right before COVID actually. And it's, it's a really special group. It's, it's a really well-balanced personality. We're not all the same. We have different, you know, interests outside of the gym, but we all kind of come together as one staff. And it's just a really good mix of personality, strengths and weaknesses. We complement each other well. And I love the fact that that everyone there kind of lack of a better term kind of grew up and cross it the bison way, you know, and it really helps to set a culture when when that's the case. By the way, congrats on the 10 years.
Starting point is 00:04:06 What do you think it is? So you talked about all the differences that everyone brings something to the table. What do you think is the quality they all shared that's the same? They care about others more than they care about themselves. And it really, it's a selfless approach. I mean, I think we can get lost sometimes in this industry that, you know, CrossFit coaching, fitness coaching, if you want to keep CrossFit out of it, it's a service industry. When you really boil it down to it, you have to be there
Starting point is 00:04:35 to serve people. You're not there to be in charge. You're not there because you like CrossFit. You're not there because you don't want to have another job. You're there because you want to truly help people. And if you really do have that foundational selfless approach, the sky's the limit with the kind of impact you can have both now and down the road. It's interesting, the service industry. It's interesting that you say that because what do you think makes someone, what are some of the qualities you think that makes someone service oriented? You said that obviously the big one, you're there for other people more than you. But I was even thinking about just waiters and waitresses. You can totally tell the waiters and waitresses that are like service oriented. They see that you have kids. They know it's important they get crayons and paper so that they're busy so that you can look at the menu. They make sure everyone has silverware, even though they set it up. They do a double check like they're just in constant service mode. Yeah. As opposed to someone who who's not who thinks that maybe they're a waiter or thinks that they're a coach or thinks that they're these other things.
Starting point is 00:05:40 They kind of. So that's the base service. Yeah. I mean, the base of service. other things they kind of, so that's the base service. Yeah. I mean the basis service. And then I think what makes a good coach, a good, a good person in general is that there's always something you can do extra, a little extra to make someone else's experience better. You know, you can, you can stick with that restaurant analogy of bartender waiter. You know, there's always, there's always a little something you can do that no one will fault you if you do not do it. And in the moment, it's not a big deal. But if you have this thought process in your head, there's always like a little something like you go into every class that you coach and you say, what's one thing I can do for one person that's a little extra,
Starting point is 00:06:21 it could be a simple compliment. It could be a simple, how's your family doing? Checking on someone if they're having some sort of career troubles or family troubles, health troubles, or it can be cross-centric. Go over there and try to give a little extra cue, give a little extra tip, give a little past experience that you've had as an athlete and why they should feel better about their current state because of what you've been through in the past. And, you know, the, the amount of times that over the years that coach so many classes, like probably about 10,000 classes by now. And the amount of times that someone will come up to any coach that does this and says, Hey, like that made a real difference. You coming up and just asking me how my father's doing, you know, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:05 no one's asked me about how my shoulder's been feeling. And you reached out to me on a Saturday night asking if you need to change a couple workouts this week. Like, those are like the little things that you can do on your own time, you know, not telling you to walk away from your family during family dinner to text someone about their friend time, you know, but it's, during family dinner to text someone about their fran time. I think that those are personality traits that you can see in people, and you need to get to know them first. That's why I've had people ask to coach in the past,
Starting point is 00:07:35 and I think they're fully qualified. I think they're a good person, but you want to really see them through different ups and downs personally because as hard as this may seem to take in, when you're a quality coach, you have to put your personal struggles to the side, especially during the hour that you're coaching. You can't ever use the excuse, I'm having a bad day. That's why I didn't help you today. I'm having a bad day. That's why I didn't ask you how you were doing and check. You really do have to put yourself to the side, at least for that hour when you're in charge of that class. So, you know, you, you can find that in people if you're around them for a long time, because, you know, throughout the year, throughout a two year process span, you're going to see
Starting point is 00:08:20 everyone go through ups and downs. I still go through them, you know, good days and bad days, but do those bad days change who you are? And I think that's how you really get to know someone in regard to can they actually be a consistent quality coach at a high level? Someone said to me the other day, I'm just going to paraphrase it. They said, hey, losing weight is simple. If you go to bed a little hungry, you'll lose weight. If you go to bed full, you're going to gain weight. It's really just that simple.
Starting point is 00:08:49 People who are losing weight are hungry and people who are gaining weight are uncomfortably full. It's that simple. So if you're not uncomfortably hungry throughout certain parts of the day and you can't push through it, then you're never going to lose weight. I was like, holy shit, thank you. And then I was listening to this old book. Napoleon Hill wrote Law of Success. I think it's from like the turn of the century. Some weird like original self-help type book. I was listening to it recently. And he said people who don't save money won't have money. And people who save money will have money. It has nothing to do with how much money you make. You can make $3.50 an hour.
Starting point is 00:09:30 So I used to make $7.25 an hour. And I had fucking so much money saved. Like in like three years, I had 20 grand saved. It was crazy. I mean, this is around 2000. And I just had the habit of saving. Just save, save, save. And I was just like, so I bring this to what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:09:52 You want people who take initiative. I'm kind of parlaying it into like people who take initiative, and initiative means they're always giving more than they're asked for. Yeah, and it's just the little things matter. It's funny that you bring up a financial thing there because I worked in finance before starting across the gym with my partner, Chris. We were both brokers together. from a different perspective of, you know, I have a wife and a son and a house, and we're trying to figure out some long-term decisions with money. And so I'm listening to a lot of Dave Ramsey right now and reading his books. And it's funny how many parallels there are to the money analogy to fitness and running a business. It's these little things that you don't think matter in the moment. They always end up being a huge factor in trying to move the needle in either direction, right? If your needle is moving in the wrong direction, it's never one
Starting point is 00:10:51 big thing. It never has been. It never will be. It's always like those little, you save a quarter here, you save a dime there. You don't go out to eat that night. You order from the discount rack, you buy your shoes from the sales rack. You do that enough times, it compounds into a huge, huge pot at the end of the rainbow that I think you have to have the faith. I have a faith background as well. My father was a pastor. I have a couple of brothers that are in ministry. And I think that background that still kind of like what I stand on, like what's truly inside of me is having that faith that if you do the right thing, you will be the one that kind of wins out in the end. So in some ways, it almost seems like a selfish endeavor, but that idea of always trying to find the little things to make yourself better. And then if you're mindful enough, you can find ways to improve others in regard to coaching CrossFit. You know, like someone wants to make quarterfinals one year or semifinals or the games, like it's never going to be you
Starting point is 00:11:56 doing well in the open. Like that's not how you're going to get there. It's, it's all these little things that you want to get better at squat snatch. It's not going to be go squat snatch your face off every Sunday in the gym. It's going to be snatch push press, overhead squat, mobility work that you might have to wait a year or two to get your overhead position through mobility work to just move your overhead spot one inch for you to catch that bar safely and correctly. And there's so many parallels to CrossFit coaching and running a CrossFit affiliate that if you're mindful enough and you pay attention, you should be able to take all these experiences you have and make yourself
Starting point is 00:12:36 a better coach, which should be helping more people at a higher level. Did you go to seminary school? I did not. I never, I never got into ministry. My brothers, my younger brother is a pastor at the same church. My father was a pastor at for years in North Jersey. My brother, my oldest brother is the director of a Christian camp in New Hampshire, a year round Christian camp. And then I have another brother that's, um, he's the golden child of our family, West Point grad, Lieutenant Colonel in the army. Oh, wow. Yeah. All these are all boys. Yep. Four boys. Wow. Um, uh, and where do you lie in the group? Number three. Uh, but I, I ranked number four in height, so I'm the shortest. Hey, going into the ministry is kind of intense. Going into anything where God is your job is intense, right? Because I guess there's just so much pressure on you to be perfect and to stay connected and to how do you deal with doubt?
Starting point is 00:13:48 I mean, I guess a lot of people have gone through it before, so I'm sure you could go to some other minister. Hey, what do you do when doubt's creeping in? Yeah. What an intense thing. Why didn't you do it? Why didn't you go that route? It sounds like you love it. It sounds like you.
Starting point is 00:14:01 It's who I am. I just didn't feel that that's like the direction I was being pulled in. Um, you know, it's, I wouldn't say there's a specific reason why or why not. I did know after working in finance for a few years and just trying to simply like, it was almost like a scoreboard, you know, like you put your, your white, your score on the white board at the end of every workout at Bison, you know, we can get into that at some point, but the end of a broker day was you had like a little scoreboard of how much money you made that day. And that was just, it was cool for a while, especially if you start making some money, but it never really fulfilled
Starting point is 00:14:36 me. Like I never was happy about these really good days, like that the happiness kind of, you know, went away an hour later, you know, when you're going back to living your life. And I did feel a sense of like, I want to do something that can help people and like actually change someone's life and help some people change other people's lives, like make a true impact. Right. And, um, you know, you could go down the ministry route there, but I didn't feel like that's where my strengths were, but it's funny that this comes up because my father, he's retired now, but he did a sermon series and he did it. He called CrossFit, you know, he made it two words and had like a little logo with a cross in the middle. And he talked about how many parallels there are between what you just said, right? A pastor, a minister,
Starting point is 00:15:23 they have a lot of pressure to live a certain way because they think a lot of eyes are on them. Tie that to a CrossFit affiliate owner or a CrossFit coach, you know, that we talk about this all the time. Like I feel pressure. I need to look a certain way, perform at a certain level, eat a certain way, act a certain way when I'm out or even at the gym. You know, like we have, we have very big classes at Bison now, like maybe some, I'd even say they're too big, especially in the morning. And when you're in a class, like you have to act a certain way because if you don't, you know, it can really kind of throw off the thing. So, you know, a lot of the stuff that we do at Bison, it comes from the top and it's not just the owners, Chris and I, it's not just the coaches. It's some of our
Starting point is 00:16:02 main members that have been there a long time and that whole like that pressure of feeling that you need to be a certain way at all times is it's there and i think pastors feel the same way like uh like if you're uh if a client walked up to you and you were at um let's say red robin and he'd be like hi david i didn't know you ate french fries and you're like son of a wow bitch. Wow, you used ketchup? I thought that had fructose corn syrup in it. Yeah, that's where my kids are eating that. I'll tell you what.
Starting point is 00:16:34 One of the biggest pressure things I feel, I have a three-year-old. He's the favorite thing in my life right now. It's just a fun age right now. Getting him to win the crossfit games about 15 20 years from now like we got to get his nutrition on track and it's it's it's tough you know he he loves like these these entenmann mini bite muffins like if we let him he'd eat 10
Starting point is 00:16:57 bags a day you know it's the first the first thing he says in the wake and when he wakes up in the morning is i want muffins you know and it's like's like, man, am I doing this wrong? And, you know, I bring him to the gym. He's at the gym four or five days a week. And I usually we usually hit up the bagel store before. And he's, you know, ripping through a bagel with cream cheese and a yoohoo. And I'm looking at people. I'm like, man, are they thinking I'm doing this wrong? It's pressure.
Starting point is 00:17:20 It is a lot of eyes are on. You feel like there's a lot of eyes on you at all times. Is that your first kid? First and only. Yeah, we A lot of eyes are on you. You feel like there's a lot of eyes on you at all times. Is that your first kid? First and only. Yeah, we're going to be one and done. We thought that was going to be the case. And then, you know, some some health issues with my wife kind of came up. We were this he was born during the height of covid. Like, I didn't know if I was going to be allowed to go to the hospital. It was that bad. And, you know, and we were in there for a week. They wanted back then during COVID, they wanted to get you in and out. Like they, they were sending people out after baby 36 hours after having a baby in some cases, it just wasn't a place you wanted to be
Starting point is 00:17:55 during that time. And, you know, we were in there for a week because she had some significant health issues. So we, we're just going to gonna you know be thankful that that we have you know a really healthy fun son loving son and that we're gonna be one of them that's what my wife always tells me too she's like just be happy with what you just we're so happy with them yeah be happy with what you have um you you 10 years in, how have you always done the open? Yeah. Yeah. The open has been, has been the thing on our calendar since year one. And I think that's one advantage we have right now.
Starting point is 00:18:33 It's just so ingrained in our culture. I mean, we opened February 13, 2014. Okay. And we, that was back when the open started, like at the end of February, mid to late February. So we had like five members when we opened. So we didn't really push people to do it. But myself, Chris, my wife, who was my girlfriend at the time, Ashley, we came from CrossFit Hoboken. And the Open was always a big deal there.
Starting point is 00:18:59 So we all did it. And a few of them saw us doing it. But it's hard to explain to someone, A, what is CrossFit? And then, Hey, here's the open. You got to sign up, give us 25 more bucks. And we're going to put you through workouts that barely have any scaled options because back then it was a little different. There weren't a lot of scaled options, I think until a year later. So it's always been a big deal at our gym. And I think that's one reason why it helps us get you know a lot of registration it's just a huge part of our calendar you're not being um why is that how is that so some people are like oh should i do the open or we're not pushing it this year at our gym or if it that doesn't seem like you you're not distracted by any of that stuff uh crossfit bison since 2014 the open comes along and it's like yeah this is this is for our gym this is a huge month and this is what we do can you tell me why that is the culture behind that do you ever what benefits there are i think
Starting point is 00:19:58 you are leading um the i think you have the most open signups of anyone in the united states right now we do and i'm gonna challenge the gym that's in front of us. I think they're called super force CrossFit. They're from Brazil and they have 16 gyms under that one affiliate. So yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. Right. So you might have the most in the world, except for the fact that they have 16 locations. Right. Right. Um, but yeah, I think, you know, that question has been asked to us a lot over the years. It's like, why and how do you get so many? And my funny answer would be two words, peer pressure. But no, really, I think it starts at the top.
Starting point is 00:20:33 The owners, Chris and I, and then our coaches, there's 12 of us. We do it. We get behind it. I know not all of them like it. I really think if you put a gun to their head, I think some would say they'd rather not do it, but they know it's good for the gym. They know it's good for the community. My biggest thought on why this works and why it's literally helped our business, that to me, CrossFit is the open, and the open is CrossFit. is the open and the open is CrossFit. Like if you really think about all of these elements to CrossFit, like what is it really, you know, good athletes, bad athletes, veteran athletes, newcomers, you know, the parallels are there. And if you really want to keep yourself in check as a programmer, as a coach, as an athlete, you need to be checked. There needs to be a sense of
Starting point is 00:21:22 accountability. And we actually, since day one, we have an old school whiteboard with markers. And if you came to our gym and did our 5am class on Monday, you'd have your name written down in the coach's handwriting, your score for that day, our extra scale. Don't care who you are. Don't care if you like your name up there or not. And you don't write it. We do. And there's an accountability fact. And I'm telling you this right now. People don't like that. There are some people that do not like that.
Starting point is 00:21:50 If we said, hey, guys, we're going to no longer recording your results on the whiteboard, you'd have dozens of people very happy about that. But I think they know deep down there's an accountability to that. And there's a togetherness to it. There's a bond. I think that actually helps coach and athlete bond. Like the way the human memory works is that when you physically write, not even type, when you physically write things down, you have a stronger ability to remember. So it's easy to remember
Starting point is 00:22:15 people's names. It's easy to remember what people's front squats are because you're writing this down over and over, over the course of weeks, months, and years, that I think that idea that your score and name are always up there helps the idea that when you sign up for the open, your name is going on a website for everyone to see. And we're all going to know what worked out. Oh, we're all going to know what your score was. Like that's, I think that's ingrained in the people that come to bison so that's part one and then part two you know it's it gives this it's the one thing that our entire gym does together like we have social events like planned social events every two or three months and you might get 100 to 200 people there and it's great they're always a great time our coach liz she runs it She's one of our full-time coaches. She does an awesome job
Starting point is 00:23:05 running and planning those events, but it's still not as many people as show up to them as the open. It's like the one thing where like you really do. And I think it actually teaches others about the roots of CrossFit more than anything else can, like more than I can, more than a workout can, because there's a different energy. I don't know if you've ever been to a gym during the open that does like the whole Friday night lights thing. Like there's like that buzz, right? There's that energy. You walk in, you feel it like in your bones. And there's nothing like that. Like even, even during the summer, we do an intramural gym only competition where partners, teams, we make the teams.
Starting point is 00:23:46 do an intramural gym only competition where partners teams, we make the teams. And even that it's not the same. And it's like, if you could really like package up that energy and adrenaline that you get from that thing, um, I would, we could be very wealthy if we could sell that somehow package it and sell it because it just brings people to a new height and you have to kind of sell it to these people that don't want to. And there's a few ways that we do it. One of them is we do an intramural, a lot of gyms do this, an intramural competition. You know, we have three teams in our gym this year. And actually this afternoon we're making the teams a little bit like a,
Starting point is 00:24:16 it's like fun little like kind of quasi draft type thing where you pick the people that are on your team. And the biggest reason why I think people don't like the open, I think that's what you need to figure out first why i think people don't like the open i think that's what you need to figure out first is why don't people sign for the open and i think a lot of it is performance centered they don't want to you know push themselves that hard they don't want other people to see them struggling but or they feel like they're not confident enough to perform these workouts at a high level right we what we do here is we come up with a scoring system
Starting point is 00:24:45 these workouts at a high level, right? We, what we do here is we come up with a scoring system that is centered around just participating and judging. So like we do it right. Every athlete that shows up gets a judge that you're never going to tell me like what your score was in 24.1. It's like, Hey, Savan, who was your judge? I'll get their score from them. And we do our best to hold people to standards. And, you know, just to know that it's a legit score. And, but we give people a point for showing up and doing the workout. You get a point for judging someone else, which, you know, we'll make two heats in every class. So you'll, you will judge someone.
Starting point is 00:25:16 You get a point for wearing your team's color. All right. Which is cool. We all have team colors. We all have shirts and all that stuff. It looks cool. And then you have a point, you get two points for submitting your score to the CrossFit Games website. So right there, like I didn't ask you if you are at scale, how well you did or how poorly
Starting point is 00:25:33 you did in the workout. You just got five points for your team. And here's another element to it. You get a point for every time you judge. So we will literally have people line up on a Sunday when we don't have classes. It's just open gym during, during the open. It's just a bunch of open heats or they'll come in on a Friday night. They'll come in on a Friday, 5. AM to judge. They'll show up like, Hey coach, I'm here to judge.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Give me whoever you want. And they'll judge four or five times in, in, you know, in a morning. So now you have these people, you know, and there are some performance kind of like the top athletes get this point, but you can have someone that, you know, in a morning. So now you have these people, you know, and there are some performance kind of like the top athletes get this point, but you can have someone that, you know, did not do quote well on a workout. They judged six times and they got more points for that intramural team than your best athlete in the gym. And it's like, it kind of keeps them like gives them a little bit of purpose behind, you know, just participating because really that's what you're asking. How do you get so many people to participate? You have to make an experience at your gym that's worth participating
Starting point is 00:26:29 in, you know, just the cross it open and just submitting a score to a website. That's not enough. Like I can see why some people wouldn't want to do that. So it has to fall on the shoulders of the owners and coaches that you have to make something at the gym worth signing up for. which is that you have to make something at the gym worth signing up for. How many members do you have? We're sitting between like three, 10, three 25, you know, we have some 10 Packers and stuff like that, that they're not monthly members, but they have a membership. They just, they come once a week instead of it's like kind of an accessory.
Starting point is 00:26:59 So that's why I can't give you like an exact number, but it's somewhere in that range right there. So, so, and how many people do you have sign up for the open? Right. I just checked right before I came on. We're at two 25 right now. Holy shit. Tell me. So I liked all that stuff you said. Awesome. But tell me about the, um, the rhetoric, the speech, like is it a month out and like all the coaches get together and be like, okay, start talking to them open. So like when you walk into class you're like hey everyone how you doing uh just so you
Starting point is 00:27:28 know the open's coming i expect all you to do it yeah i know a lot of you don't want to do it i don't want to do i mean what's the talk you give yeah and we started uh the second week of january um because we also run a nutrition wellness program to start off the year so i just don't like throwing too much at people at once so i wait wait till the second week and we, you know, we asked our coaches, Hey, before your coach, give your one minute spiel. And my spiel is it's kind of depending on who's in class. If you have a lot of new people, it's got to have a different tone than the people that are there. I mean, I'll tell you what, sometimes the hardest people to convince are the ones that have done it six times, but they're older. They have kids
Starting point is 00:28:06 now. They don't have their muscle ups anymore. They can't snatch this weight anymore. Those are, those are the people that are harder to convince. I do not want the pressure of doing it. I do not want this window to open. That's for me. That's the only reason why I don't want to do it. I don't want this three days. Is it long enough? I need one year to do those three workouts. You know what I mean? But, but I know I'll feel great if I do it. So I get it. I mean, that's, yeah. And I'm not new. I can't do what I used to do. So yeah. Why, why, why do I want that thrown in my face? Yeah. I mean, I'm 38. I feel like I'm starting to go backwards a little bit. There's some, like, just especially with like the recovery component, you know, but, um, you know, I,
Starting point is 00:28:42 I tell people that I want you to remove yourself from just the workout, because if you are looking at it from just the workout perspective, then, yeah, you can come up with valid, credible reasons to not do it. You know, I want you guys to look at this as an opportunity of two things to just simply challenge yourself. We talk about this all year, like that rhetoric you talked about. We talk, we kind of even talk about the open throughout the year, but I said, you need something that's going to keep you accountable and something to do together. This is a community event. It's a very catchy word in CrossFit now, right? Community, community, community. It's like, well, what really is community? You know, it's people coming together and doing something like like-minded people coming together and doing something together.
Starting point is 00:29:27 That is what this is. So if you're going to kind of pick and choose the spots to, Hey, I'll go out to the, the, you know, the, the Friday night bar where we can go out and socialize. That's fine. But like, what are we really doing here? What are we trying to preach here? And I think we have a performance center gym. I will say that, meaning we have a lot of people that really pursue performance, competing. And we had 24 athletes last year in the top 10% qualify from just masters alone. So just age 35 up, we had 24 people qualify for that stage. And, but we also, we try to get, especially in the open that it's not just about the performance. If anything,
Starting point is 00:30:12 I try to push those people to the side during the open and say, Hey, let's be inclusive. Let's do this together. You know, like we've never had a competitor class. You know, we don't put the good athletes over there, the newer athletes over there. Like we're all doing the same program. We are, you know, making some things harder for others or, you know, having different levels do different things, but we're in the same class. You know, I have my best athletes learning how to push press with the PVC pipe, just like someone that's new that started last week. So the selling point at the whiteboard, when we talk to these people, it's like, if you really want to do something together and challenge yourself and really, really find out what CrossFit is, you have to do this. And those first timers can be a little bit easier to convince. Now, how do I convince Yvonne who says, I don't like the pressure of having to do a three-day workout. I don't have a smash. I got an achy shoulder.
Starting point is 00:31:06 I don't know what the workouts are. And I come back to CrossFit is the open. The open is CrossFit. You know, you should not always know what's coming your way. If you really value your fitness and your health and your training, you can't be in control at all times. And this is a great opportunity for you to be like, hey, I don't know what the workout is. I don't know if I'm doing RX scaled foundation, right? I'm going to show up and I'm going to do cross it, which is the unknown and the unknowable
Starting point is 00:31:35 do it to the best of your ability. And no one's going to judge if you did good or bad, because I'll tell you what, like I say this to both sides of the spectrum. If like, if you're really good, I don't think that many people care. Like if you crush a workout, no one's putting a trophy mantle on your case. Like no one's going to be thinking about you at home, but on the, on the flip side, if you really struggle and get embarrassed, embarrassed in a workout, can't do a lift, can't do a movement, you get crushed. No one really cares either. I think what we care about is that you were there and you participated and then you could open up the door to maybe this is an opportunity for you
Starting point is 00:32:10 to support others you know i think a lot of people need a lot of support during the open as silly as that sounds it's true i've been doing this 10 years there's so many opportunities for you to help someone out there in the open like why wouldn't you sign up for that reason you know um uh the other thing that's that trumps all the excuses is is your point of doing crossfit to be better like it's guaranteed 100 100 that you'll be better after you do the open you're not going to be like i wish i didn't't do that. No one ever says that. Everyone's like, holy shit, I did it. I'm better. Oh, my God, I got my first double under.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Or like, dude, I was always avoiding double unders. Or, dude, I hated doing chest to bar. I'm so glad I did it. Yeah. I want to give a quick story about that. Please. In 2021, I think it was the – or 2022, it was the wall walk dumbbell snatch box, jump over with a step down that opening workout of that open 2022. Um, it was a 15 minute AMRAP. I had a girl that had
Starting point is 00:33:14 scaled pretty much every workout ever, um, until that night. And she was really looking at the wall walk. She's like, I can do those. I can do those box jumps. She didn't know about the dumbbell. She had never used it before. She'd been doing, she'd been with us for years, but she had never touched the 35 pound dumbbell for 12 dumbbell snatches ever. And she's back and forth stressed out, you know, give your input, you give your opinion, blah, blah, blah. Right. She did it. And then after the workout, dude, I'm telling you, like she started sobbing after the, she was so proud that she, she did that. And that is like what I call the magic of the open.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Like that's one example, Siobhan, that, that happens every week of every year in the open. Someone does something that they did not think they could do. And all of a sudden, because this means something, right? The open means something. Your, your Wednesday WOD in October probably doesn't mean that much. But that changed her entire outlook on CrossFit. And she was, I would call, a veteran of CrossFit at that point. You know, she wasn't a newbie.
Starting point is 00:34:16 And I have other people asking me now, hey, Dave, do you think I can RX the Open this year? Like, that's a huge deal for someone. You know, they're not going to the games. They don't want to go to quarterfinals. They just, can I RX this? And you know, that it makes it challenges me as a programmer coach too. It's like, you know, are you doing a good job preparing your gym? And I think that's why a lot of owners don't do it. They don't want someone looking when you're in charge of a gym, in some ways you feel like no one's looking over your shoulder and making sure you're doing your shit right.
Starting point is 00:34:47 But I remember that one workout with the double unders and wall walks. I had not programmed more than three wall walks in a workout ever. And then all of a sudden, the CrossFit saying, hey, you guys, you got to do a set of nine, a set of 15, a set of 21. And I remember thinking, like, I did a bad job programming and I like to use the open partially because I really do respect who programs these workouts. Like Boz and Castro are like one a and one B in terms of who I look up to the most in that regard. And when they program things that I haven't thought of or that I didn't prepare my gym for, I go back to my drawing board. And it's like, that's like a sense
Starting point is 00:35:25 of humility that you won't get unless you have something to measure how good or how bad you are at programming a gym. Hey, do you think that there's any valid excuses? Just like I think everyone who doesn't do the open is missing out on that opportunity just to make themselves better for the most selfish reason. Put the pressure on yourself, make yourself better, go through it, do the hard shit, do the unknown. Do you think it's the same thing with gyms? Like gyms are like, Hey, why would I, do you think that they're just avoiding the discomfort of organizing it and doing it, but really unequivocally it's just better for all their clients? Yeah. I mean, is there a valid reason? I haven't heard one, you know like i've heard them all
Starting point is 00:36:06 they just feel like excuse they just feel like excuses it's hard i'm telling you like it's hard like i this this upcoming month february and then sorry march february into march because they moved it this year and then the quarterfinals after uh i'm telling you right now like it is some of the most stressed out I am throughout the entire year. Um, just everything that goes into all the extra hours and make in all the people who are coming to you, wait, I got this rep wrong. Everyone has like something to chirp at you. Okay. Yep. Yep. And there's things like, I'll be honest, like I've made some mistakes in the past with how I've run things. And like, and then I feel like a responsibility, like, I mean, we have a pretty
Starting point is 00:36:42 competitive gym. Like we'll have people that want to show up on a Monday afternoon to try and beat someone that beat them on Sunday. You know, it's like the third time doing the workout and you have to deal with all these things. And like, yeah, the easy road would be like, Hey, if you want to do the open guys, like go for it. There's the link sign up, you know, do it during open gym. It's hard to program during the open and you don't know what's coming up on Friday. It's like, it's really hard. I don't even program Saturday workout until after, um, scheduling. You don't want to, you don't want to program something on Wednesday or Thursday. Yeah. Like, uh, something that has a hundred deadlifts in it and everyone's screwed.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Exactly. Like a flow that we have is we do normal Monday, Tuesday, and I do try to curtail like what movements have already shown up in the open. I try to make Monday, Tuesday, my best guess at, you know, what is coming on Friday to practice a skill and everything's a skill like a bar facing burpees a skill. So if we hadn't seen bar facing burpees and we're entering the third week, I'll put, you know, a pretty nasty bar facing burpee work in Monday or Tuesday, assuming, or hopefully hoping that they might come up.
Starting point is 00:37:44 But Thursdays, we do no WOD on Thursday. It's like a lifting session or a body build or an endurance session. And we always tell people like no one's going above 60% effort. Just don't do it. And it's, you know, a lot of people take that day off regardless, but, um, even Wednesday, you can't rip people's hands up. You know, you can't do a hundred pull-up workout. If you think there might be pull-ups on Friday, like you'll screw people up. So again, it just comes back. It is a challenge and it is uncomfortable, but we preach, you know, it's one of the first things you said today, Siobhan, was like, if you're going to do CrossFit and really
Starting point is 00:38:18 dive in and be involved, like you have to look for ways to make yourself uncomfortable. And there's a lot of discomfort running a gym during the open, you know, like there's less sleep, there's more stress, there's more on your phone. There's less family time. Like you're trying to balance that. You're trying to do your workout. Like I'm trying to do the workout myself as well. Last year we, we hosted the 23.2 live announcement with Vellner and Roman.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Oh, wow. And they, awesome experience, right? Like we had, Rich was there. Like a lot of these people that I was like starstruck, like we had Don Fall and Austin Adielo come on our gyms podcast. And it was a really great week, but it was by far, I think the most stress I ever, we had to shut our gym down for a week. You know, we found the gym.
Starting point is 00:39:08 I want to give a shout out to CrossFit Waldwick. They're about five to 10 minutes away from our gym and they let all of our members go there for the entire week. And we sent a coach there for every class to make sure that there's, you know, a broker between the two gyms. But we had to empty our gym gym we had to take the rig out of our floor and put it outside um oh that's stressful shit it was nuts dude it but that would you do it again would you do it again or are you like nah that's good one's good i don't want to do it again because i did it i mean it i'm glad i did it I'm glad we did it because it was,
Starting point is 00:39:47 it was our, it was our entire gym that did that, that had to take in the positive and negatives. Yep. Those are, we had two athletes. I don't remember if you remember watching the Kathleen and Joel story. They both kind of shared some personal stories there. That's our crowd after. So it's a lot, it was a lot on the gym. It was. It only gets easier from there. This year is going to be a piece of cake compared to that. Oh, I can't wait for this year. It was rich. Yeah. Yeah. Great experience. But again, we really did pursue discomfort by making that decision. Like Chris and I, my co-owner,
Starting point is 00:40:23 we talked long and hard about, did we really want to do this? And the only reason we wouldn't do it was for kind of selfish reasoning. It would have been a lot more comfortable to not do it. And we chose discomfort and I'm, I'm glad we did because it was an experience that myself and all of our members will never forget. And that really truly was a once in a lifetime. Yeah, for your members, right? They get to come to their home gym and see these world-class athletes. Yep. Are you doing the open?
Starting point is 00:40:54 I am doing the open. All right. I haven't done it in – I mean, the only reason why I did it when I even worked at HQ is because Dave would make me, Dave would be like, Hey, you got to say something about that name. But, um, I, I, I, more and more as this year as I got, so basically this is how it happened for me. me they let me film the behind the scenes yeah i was like what can i do and i knew that that was probably i won't the fact that they sent out a four-page email to the staff saying hey sevan doesn't work here made me realize it was uncomfortable for don or somebody to have me there so i was like okay so they did me a huge uh solid and they went out of their way to feel uncomfortable to let me film the behind the scenes what can i do so i said okay i'll participate uh i'll push the level one because I can get behind it. And I'll push the, I'll say I'm going to do the open and I'll push the open.
Starting point is 00:41:48 And that's easy for me. It's true. I can still keep my integrity. I believe in it, but it's not something I want to do. And it's not something they asked me to do. You know what I mean? And so, yes, it's just the initiative going above and beyond. How can I serve back the CrossFit community?
Starting point is 00:42:03 Yeah. I mean, I'll tell you this. Like, I don't know if I'll ever get to talk to you again but like those those behind the scenes that you did that's what got me into crossfit more than anything like back in the day like those were so good and like i didn't know who you were back then you know and like those those mean a lot now they meant a lot back then and you know i think when this topic comes up on on your podcast with with people like i i hope that the right people are listening that there's there's tremendous value not just for the game's coverage but for crossfit you know like i think that that
Starting point is 00:42:38 got me wanting to do crossfit watching that stuff and back like every you know mid-20s halfway decent athlete like like, Oh, maybe I'll get to that level someday. So you're trying to read into how these guys operate when you're talking to them, you know, kind of in a candid manner that you do, but that kind of coverage, it meant a lot. And I'm glad that they kind of opened that door back up for you because you know, this, I've been in this for a long time. I've not as long as some of you guys, but owning an affiliate for 10 years. And I've been, I was in it for a few years prior to that.
Starting point is 00:43:10 And one thing that always discourages me a little bit is just like, I do feel like there's like this old school, new school CrossFit. Right. And I remember I asked Don that he came on our podcast when he came out. What's the name of your podcast again? Herd Fit Podcast. H-E-R-D Fit Podcast. Okay. And I remember him asking, asking him, you know, the biggest challenge of a new CEO is, is trying to mesh old school, new school together. And I think he actually might've
Starting point is 00:43:40 gotten a little angry with me when I asked that because he really kind of disagreed with the notion itself, but I still kind of feel that way that someone needs to find the best way to find the old school CrossFit, which is at the end of the day, that's why we're talking to each other right now. That's why the open still exists is those people that took it from the ground up. Right. And I know like in any business, those aren't always the same people that need to bring it to the next level, but you feel like there is a lot of new school leadership and new ways of doing things, whether it's money and a board of directors or whatever they're called. It's a different feel. It's a different tone. And I do think there's a way to broker it and be in the middle and try to mesh the two.
Starting point is 00:44:23 And I think this is a step you know having you do behind the scenes like you are a huge part across it history um whether people like you or not it's just the truth it's the objective truth and to see you back in it and to know that there's a good enough relationship there that a you'll do that behind the scenes and now b you're doing the open i think the value in that is bigger than you even think. Yeah, I don't think that there's, honestly, I don't think that there's any except that, fuck, I'm already stressed out.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Yeah. I'm already stressed out about where I'm going to do it. Let me ask you this about that old school, new school thing. Yeah. I'm going to come back to that in one second. First, I want to ask you this. You said that you write everyone's name on the board whether they want it written or not, and you write their score on the board. I would say that's very old school to give it just a generic title.
Starting point is 00:45:13 And I would say through doing that, the people who gain the most from that are the people who don't want you to have their name on the board, who it makes them uncomfortable. the people who don't want you to have their name on the board who it makes them uncomfortable the irony is there is is that and maybe you're calling the herd maybe you're losing some members but what do you think that you're i think you're accomplishing something incredibly valuable what do you think you're accomplishing by doing that who benefits from that i think there's a character thing actually i think I think, I think like you're chiseling at people's character when you do that. Yeah. I mean, it's good and bad. I mean, this humbles people. I I'm, I'm big on humility. Like I'm always trying to check myself on it. Like, am I being humble? Am I living humble? And some days I, I, I noticed that I'm not some days
Starting point is 00:46:01 I noticed I am and same in others. And I think having your name written up there with a score next to it is, it can be humbling, right? Especially if you're like a quote, good athlete, whatever, we all have weaknesses, right? Like I'm the worst pistol athlete in the history of bad pistol athletes. And whenever there's a workout up there with that kind of movement up there, like I'm going to get my ass handed to me and I will go up there. I'll be first in line and give them my score. And you walk away and like, you take it on the chin. Cause I think it's good to be humbled like that. Um, so you can look at it from that perspective, but I also think it's good for the athletes that, you know, maybe struggle day to day, but they have that one workout where it's like, wow, like I RX this, like the, I mean, I still
Starting point is 00:46:42 try to not put too much credence into RX and scale. Like scale is bad. RX is good. I fight that all the time. But I do understand the pride that comes with someone that doesn't normally RX a workout and says, I RXed it. And I'm getting my name with that RX next, written next to my name. And it makes their day. It can make their day better in a world that's very stressful right now it's especially here it's it's an expensive area to live in there's a lot
Starting point is 00:47:09 of division in our world right now in general and like that can really are you in what city are you in david we're in uh the gym's in midland park new jersey it's about we're somewhat close to new york city about half hour are you near gate paper street coffee's new uh store um what town is it in i thought he said it was in midland but i think he said is it a swanky area no no definitely not midland park um okay he said we're here that i think you know you know cross at morristown carry in yep yep we're about 15 20 minutes from there is that gym still around they are but i don't know her well enough. I don't know if she's still involved in it.
Starting point is 00:47:48 I'm not sure. I think she might have taken a step back. I don't know enough, but they're still around. CrossFit Moorestown is around. They're a good gym. I did a Henshaw aerobic capacity seminar there last year or two years ago. Oh, look. This guy says you're 30 minutes away from Gabe's Paper Street, his first location.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Oh, Joey P. That's my boy right there, his first location. Oh, it's Joey P. That's my boy right there. Joe Piero. It's a Crest kill. Crest kill. Thanks Polina. I know. You know where that is.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Crest kill. Yeah. I actually, um, one of my good friends teaches there. Uh, she's a member. She's one of our six AM,
Starting point is 00:48:19 one of our OG members. She teaches in Crest kill. So, uh, it's 20, 20, 30 minutes away. Not that,
Starting point is 00:48:24 not many miles away. It's, it's hard to get to. So it's, it's 20, 20, 30 minutes away. Not that many, not many miles away. It's hard to get to. So it's, it's close mile wise. God, it's a small world in our community. Hey, has anyone ever told you, Hey, please don't put my name on the board. Oh yeah. I do still, if we have 160 to 170 people work out per day, I have one or two that'll try to sneak out or they're, they don't want to give me their score, but they, in time, they usually come around to the fact that like, all right, Hey, you're, you're one of 160 people not doing this, like put your score on board. Um, but very rarely do we have someone say like, don't, we will have people that are either injured. I had to change the workout up and
Starting point is 00:49:00 they'll just say like, Hey, just put me down for work. Like we'll still write their name down and we'll literally write the word work because again, it, I actually, you asked who this benefits. I think this benefits the coach athlete relationship because for like that one, at least that one moment, it bonds them, right? Like when you're writing someone's name, like you're doing it and you're handwriting and you're, you're scored, you're doing it and your handwriting and your, your score, you're listening to them because what's hard, we'll have 30 people in a class sometimes in our early morning, which is I'll tell you, it's hard. It's hard to do. And it's easy for you to feel like the coach didn't even come up to me.
Starting point is 00:49:35 The coach didn't give me a cue. The coach doesn't even know I'm here, but they wrote your name down. They know you're here. They, they, they wrote that score. So I think it, I think that's the biggest beneficiary to it is it bonds like that athlete and coach together. And like I said earlier, when you write, you know, you normally coach the same classes week to week, month to month. We try to switch it up a little bit, but you normally see a lot of the same people and you write someone's scores down for a year. That person will come ask you next year. Hey, down for a year, that person will come ask you next year, Hey, this workout, the cleans are 185. I can't do that. What should I do? Because they know each other so well, score wise and weight
Starting point is 00:50:11 wise, they can give really good guidance on like, Hey, 70% of your cleans probably about 115. How about you do it at a, at 125, you know? And then like right there, there's like, wow, you know what I clean, you know what I squat? Wow. You really pay attention. And part of it's, yeah, paying attention. And part of it's I write your shit down on the board all the time. I just like to say something to all the people who don't want their name on the board and don't want their stuff written on the board. People are judging you more for not having your name on the board than they are for any shitty score you're right so just just fake that you're humble just fake it it's okay you can fake it i
Starting point is 00:50:53 fake it all the time just fake that you're humble and just and just put it up there and work with it fake it till you make it because it's even weirder now we know you're a prideful cocksucker if you don't want it up there so it's even weirder for you it know you're a prideful cocksucker if you don't want it up there. So it's even weirder for you. It's even more embarrassing. It's better to have a 42-minute 5K time than it is to have no 5K time because now people are just like, man, that person's got real issues. So it's okay. And by the way, everyone knows that you can beat all the people who – you're still the fittest person who's in a Starbucks every time you walk in if you go to CrossFit. So don't worry. Like everyone knows. We all know that that we all look up to each other you know what i think it's
Starting point is 00:51:29 hard for a lot of people like i was going to ask you if what you think about this because you have a lot of connections to current and former games athletes yeah right when they're when they retire do they still do the open or is it do do they walk away from CrossFit in general? Then I get why you wouldn't do the open, but does a Matt Frazier who used to be the fittest man on earth, you know, and arguably the greatest athlete of all time that can be debated, but you know,
Starting point is 00:51:59 does he still do the open, you know, will, can their pride handle no longer being at the top? Because right now, I think that's the, those are the biggest people that struggle to a put their scores on the board and be signed up for the open. If we're going to correlate the two is I used to be this, I'm now here. I don't want people to actually physically see that. And that would be something I'd be really interested in hearing from a former high level athlete that is still involved in CrossFit, which I'm assuming,
Starting point is 00:52:32 I don't even know if hard work pays off as an actual CrossFit affiliate or if it's just a training camp, but can you handle that? And then what's your advice for someone? Because right now, like I can feel myself going backwards a little bit um as an athlete and i i can honestly tell you it doesn't make me even a little less motivated to sign up and go be a part of something you know it's let me show you this let me show you this david and i haven't done i haven't done the i haven't done the research on this but anecdotally in my head you were talking about the old crossFit and the new CrossFit. So this is the old CrossFit. This is the 2008 CrossFit Games leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Jason Kalipa owned a gym. Josh Everett was on the level one team. Jeremy Teal owned a gym. Pat Barber was on the level one team. I think he owned a gym. Jeff Tintra owned a gym. Ricky Frosto owned a gym. Dutch Lowy owned a gym.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Matt Chan owned a gym. I'm not sure about Lucas. Probably did. Chris Spieler owned a gym. James Fitzgerald owned a gym. Austin Biji being owned a gym. Dutch Lowy owned a gym. Matt Chan owned a gym. I'm not sure about Lucas. Probably did. Chris Spieler owned a gym. James Fitzgerald owned a gym. Austin Biji being owned a gym. Dave Lipston owned a gym. Anthony Bainbridge owned a gym.
Starting point is 00:53:32 And the names go. Peter Edge had owned one of the fucking most successful, coolest gyms ever. And Eric O'Connor worked at a gym. Was a flow master and has taught more L1s than any human being alive. Now, Patrick Burke owned a gym. Freddie Camacho owned a gym. Jimmy Letchford owned a gym.reddie camacho owned a gym jimmy ledgford owned a gym i mean you get my point i don't think if we look at the new school it's not like that like before if you were a games athlete you owned a gym scott panchik owned a gym rich froning owned a gym so everyone owned a fucking gym that was what you did
Starting point is 00:53:59 ronnie teasdale owned a gym like yeah um uh so to tie this in do they still do the open um i don't know but so something something in the culture has changed um in this goal to like get the games to the Olympics or make the games big or like, you know, no matter what the games do in the media or what accolades they get from the outside, we know that that person is the fittest human being on the planet. Right. Like we all know that.
Starting point is 00:54:38 And no one on the outside is even challenging us anymore. They prefer just to look away. Yep. Like what the guys are doing is absolutely batshit crazy yep so i i think we haven't found our middle ground yet i think maybe we're entering like where like we went we went too far too fast and i don't mean that as a criticism but the sport grew like no other sports other sports haven't grown like this like all of a sudden it goes from dave's yard to fucking stub hub i mean like literally that's what it was yeah so i so i don't know so i don't know but i my
Starting point is 00:55:11 thought is is that no that they're not doing it that most i think that's important i don't think matt fraser does the open but i don't know i could be totally wrong yeah and again like i can't really speak for him i've never met him have a conversation with him about this and a lot of those names like i've i met a few of those guys i think you know rich will still do the open rich will probably still do the open yeah yeah i mean and i think that's the master stuff like i would love these guys to get behind the master sport because i know it's not as glamorous right um but you know like like I'm pretty friendly with Bob Jennings and Joe Linton. So Vaughn actually saw you at legends this year. Um, I was competing there, so I didn't, I just wasn't able to get over there and say hi, but I appreciate you showing up to that because again,
Starting point is 00:55:56 like you have a sizable platform here. And I think that the, the, uh, the, the notion of that the notion of competing as a Masters athlete is to some of those big names that you just listed, that's the kind of thing that I think I wish those guys would get behind it a little bit more and want to participate in it. And I'll tell you what, I would pay to go watch those guys compete against each other again because I grew up watching Kalipa and Froning and Bridges and Sam Dancer, who's trying to make the open division games, you know, the oldest athlete ever. Like he's in my division.
Starting point is 00:56:32 And I look at a guy like that and like completely different level, just like not even close. Right. And I would love to watch them compete at a high level. And it's like, what makes them get out of the game so much? Is it because it's just not worth the time anymore because you're not going to make as much money? Is it because they don't get enough attention for doing well?
Starting point is 00:56:52 Because when you're in an open division, you get a ton of, you know, sponsorship and social media attention. But I would love for these guys to just do it because you love it. You know, it changed your life. I mean, you can't tell me that it didn't change your life. Why? Where's the loyalty in that? Like, you know, Matt Frazier, know and it changed your life i mean you can't tell me that it didn't change your life why where's the loyalty in that like you know matt frazier like cross it changed his life it changed the whole trajectory and he put in the work and he deserves everything he has but signing up for the open is a pretty simple thing to do you know to just go out there and
Starting point is 00:57:19 like hey i'm still in it i'm showing like what you're doing you're showing loyalty to cross it even though you don't really want to do the open you're gonna do it right and i'm gonna be and i'm showing like what you're doing you're showing loyalty to cross it even though you don't really want to do the open you're gonna do it right and i'm gonna be and i'm gonna be better for it yeah but i'm gonna be i'm gonna be i'm gonna and i'm gonna be happy when it's over i just want to make sure i say that yeah i got it's three weeks not five though right yeah hey that's a really good point hey um sign if if you part of this community if you're part of this community If you're part of this organization Signing up for the Open is a good way To give back just to the center It means a lot to everyone
Starting point is 00:57:53 These people get distracted by this Well it's just a money grab by CrossFit Or what are they doing with the money And I'm sure you know as running the gym So you said you charge $25 So you charge everyone an extra $5 We don't charge extra Oh you don't no we don't charge extra for the open no oh shit well you should um the thing is is i used to work at hq and there it is not a money grab the games is just
Starting point is 00:58:15 like i mean as hard as it is for you that's how hard it is for hq it's like holy fuck we're really going to try to do this again it It is a fucking monster fucking financial suck. I mean, dude, just seeing what the open live announcement was, I was like taken aback a little bit by how big of an operation just that was. Yeah. That's just at a gym. Like the amount of stuff and people and trucks in the parking lot was amazing. Think about the time it takes of a thousand people
Starting point is 00:58:45 email you and have a complaint about their score. Yep. And each one of those emails is 30 minutes by the time you go back and forth four times. So now you have 30 minutes times a thousand, you now have 30,000 minutes and you have to pay someone 25 bucks an hour, 45 bucks an hour to answer those.
Starting point is 00:59:01 I mean, it's endless. I wanted to ask you this too. In these 10 years that you've done it have you ever considered how close have you come to not doing it oh man never but the one i hated the most was when they moved it to the fall um that was what was that i hated that too i hated that was the fall of 2019, right? It basically happened twice in one year, right? Yeah, twice within six months. And what's ironic about that is we moved. Our original gym location was down the road from where we were. We outgrew it.
Starting point is 00:59:37 We moved down the street, literally on the same street, just like half mile away. And we had to kind of build out that entire new gym. Um, you know, stuff out here is really tough with like town politics and zoning and all this stuff that you're allowed to do and permits and building bathrooms, all this stuff. We had to do that during the 2019 open. Well, so while we're running the open, we were also building out a new gym that was going to open April 1st, which is right after the open because the open back then went through the whole month of March. And I remember being like that, that really wore us out. We did it. We got it done. We were really happy. But then we hear soon after that we have a new open coming up just a few
Starting point is 01:00:20 months later and the vibe in our gym, I'll tell right now they hated it and i actually wrote an email to dave uh castro and he responded back then i said you know i'm not involved in your business and i don't ever want to tell people what to do but i'm just going to give you guys the the feel the the feel of our gym hated doing this after the summer they hated summer knowing that the open was going to come up right after summer's over. They hated... October's a very social time in this area because of the weather.
Starting point is 01:00:52 It's really nice. A lot of people like to go outside and... I'm going to tell you this too. Dave hated it too. Yeah, did he? Good. I figured it only lasted a year. He hated it.
Starting point is 01:01:03 That was not his idea. Yeah. What was the reason behind it? They were just trying to switch something up. I, I, I would have to, I can't even think clearly.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Cause when you, when you bring that up, I just start seeing red. Basically, Greg hired this guy who, who is a friend of the executive team to be the ceo and he just turned into a world-class douchebag and he started just supporting just every fucking whore he just became a yes man yeah and he started supporting every single fucking stupid idea
Starting point is 01:01:37 like firing the media team moving the open there was this desire to kind of change there was this desire to kind of change. There was this rhetoric that the games and the direction of the company is the cure for the world's most vexing problem couldn't coexist, whether it this faction in HQ, basically what it was. And it fucking hurt us. We should have figured out a way to do both, and we couldn't. That's when numbers started to go down, right? You see those charts before, right? Like open registrations were soaring until that. And then COVID, which you can't blame anyone for. Registrations were soaring until that.
Starting point is 01:02:24 And then COVID, which you can't blame anyone for. But that was a rough – I'm telling you, man, that was a really rough year, two-year span for CrossFit, for you guys, I know. Oh, sorry. And I think one of the reasons was is there was this thought that if we move the Open in the fall, that that would allow – we could allow other competitions to be qualifiers for the game. It was just cockamamie. Yeah, the whole sectional thing. And instead of it being like, hey, Dave, what do you think?
Starting point is 01:02:48 Since it was just forced. It was thrust upon him, and it was stupid. It fucked everything up. Yeah, it did. I'm glad it went back to where it was, though, because it's a great time of year. There's just not much going on at time of year, and it just seems right. People get done with the holidays, and they're a little bit more motivated, whether you want to call them new year's resolutions or not, you know, that whole January, February, you have something,
Starting point is 01:03:12 you have extra motivation to eat right, train hard, sleep well, you know, live a healthy lifestyle. And now you have the open coming up at the end of this two months run that eats, you know, throws even more fuel onto the fire. So there's even more motivation to go after a little bit. So I liked, I liked that it's, it's back in that February, March area. I think that's, it's a money spot. Do you have pride in the fact that your gym has the most signups? Do you like that? Yeah. Yeah. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't, um, that scratches a competitive itch for you. Like, Hey, look what we do.
Starting point is 01:03:43 Yeah, it does. I don't know about, I, I actually think what's cooler than how many you have signed up. I think it's a source of pride for the whole gym. Like a lot of people in our gym are proud of that. You know, a lot of members think it's really cool that we have that. Um, but I'll tell you what, this is probably a good platform to ask you about this or CrossFit used to have something called an affiliate leaderboard, right? So that the leaderboard that you showed me from, you can filter the years, regionals, they used to have a filter that would track how many reps your entire gym put into every workout. And it's no, it's no longer that it's now the affiliate leaderboard is just how many people you have signed up. And last year was the first time they did not have that filter that everyone can see.
Starting point is 01:04:30 And we have banners hanging in our gym. Affiliate leaderboard. I'm writing this down. Affiliate leaderboard based on total reps. Yep. And they used to do. And again, it helps to have a lot of people signed up. So it's almost not fair.
Starting point is 01:04:48 But they had filters for top 10 athletes in your gym. The average amount of reps, every gym member did blah, blah, blah. I cannot tell you how many people in our gym still to this day will sign up because they want to contribute to the affiliates total reps. Because you get that question asked to us a lot, a lot that, you know, I don't want to hurt the gym by signing up. Like I'm going to foundation this workout or I can't do this. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:05:11 Hey, if you do a rep and a workout, you're helping our gym. And I'll tell you what, we have a few dozen people that sign up for that reason. That's what they want to help the gym out. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:22 So they, for whatever reason, I know everyone needs their excuse to sign up. say. Everyone needs their excuse to sign up. Everyone needs an excuse to sign up, right? You got to find those reasons. At the end of the day, one reason isn't better than the other reason. What's better is if you sign up and complete it. Yeah, if CrossFit can get better.
Starting point is 01:05:37 That's a sense of pride. Those are things I get proud of. So that's a tool they give you that allows you to make your clients better. Exactly. It's funny. People are always like, what's the affiliate proposition? Well, there's one. Yep.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Yep. An affiliate leaderboard that counted reps that then allowed me as a tool to help motivate my clients through the month of March. Yeah. Like we were number one in the United States, I think three out of four years. And like, does it really mean much? Like, does it mean like we're going to get put on, you know, ESPN or get, you know, a million dollar prize? No, but like it gave people this like, wow, we were ranked number one in the U S but it also keeps people involved for three weeks. How many people sign up and then don't do weeks two and three. They
Starting point is 01:06:18 just did the first one that I got fucked that I'm out. But now it's like, I know, dude, you have to submit your scores. You have to do them all three weeks because it's going to help our gym out. And like that, it brought us together. Our whole gym really came together for that. And, you know, I get, I read, I watch a lot of your episodes. I read a lot of comments that people say, it's like, what is CrossFit doing for us that should make me want to stay involved with CrossFit and stay affiliated with them.
Starting point is 01:06:44 And that's one thing that they did for it. They didn't have it last year. I don't know why, but that's something, in my opinion, they could fairly easily do to help get people to sign up and also bond gyms together. I bet you your gym has better retention than most gyms. Retention is very good. And so you said that it's, it's interesting. You, you stood, said that, Hey, you have, um, you've been open for 10 years and you have the same coaches.
Starting point is 01:07:13 They all are homegrown, but they're the same coaches you've always had. Yep. And so CrossFit is people go to the gym. We suffer together. We could become friends, right? I become friends with the, the, the guy that I would net, you know what I mean? That I would never meet, you know what I mean? The immigrant from the Philippines that I'd never meet, but he does CrossFit too. You know what I mean? And, and like, and, uh, I go to the mom's class and all of a sudden I know I'm around 20 women who all have like babies and like, I'd never be in a situation
Starting point is 01:07:42 in my life ever like that. So as all of these ways to bond and connect that keep us together that makes us be able to empathize and be and just be better human beings right yeah well now your entire gym does the open together and that's got to be like that's got to be a, uh, uh, what's that called? Um, a magnifier, like a force duplicator of keeping everyone even closer and more camaraderie. Yeah. Like a missed opportunity for a gym to use that tool. I mean, am I making this up or is it true? Is it really like you're, we, I was just on a call with Daniel Williams,
Starting point is 01:08:24 the Northeast CrossFit affiliate rep organized a call with Chris, my other owner and myself. And we talked to a lot of Northeast affiliates about science, the open and like some, some really get into that whole ethos of like bringing people together, magnifying others are like, just want business. And I said, this is going to improve your bottom line. It will improve retention. It will get people more into CrossFit and it will create the opportunity for you as an owner and you as a coach to, I mean, the word magnifies perfect is like you really have this.
Starting point is 01:08:58 Force multiplier. That's what I meant. Yes, yes. It is such a force multiplier. Keeping retention. Yeah. Yep. Yep, yep. And especially if these people are here year after year, they start seeing these ranks get better and things that they couldn't do in the past, now they can. It's such a foundation to,
Starting point is 01:09:21 and it's something to hold everyone in that gym accountable to, we're doing this together and we're all trying to make ourselves better throughout the year because these three weeks matter. What are your rules on kids at your gym? In terms of how old do you need to be a member or just anything? Do you have a kid's class? Can people bring their kids? Do you have a place to watch kids? Can people come? Do you have an open announcement where people can bring their family? Can I bring my mom to watch me do the workout? Can I bring my kids? What's the deal with kids and family and shit?
Starting point is 01:09:54 Anyone can bring their kids to class. There's a lobby with a window into the gym right next to us. And they either have to be in there, door shut, or they have to be in a stroller in the gym. Um, and that comes from mistakes that I've made in the past, right? I've, I've had people bring their kids and someone throws a ball into the gym and starts rolling around as someone's doing a heavy squat clean, you know, so that you quickly, you know, we're, we're, I don't ever want there to be a reason why someone can't come to the gym that we can control so if someone's like I have my kid I can't come to the gym well if you're okay with them being in a different room than you or in a stroller then bring them I mean we have classes some on sometimes with like seven kids and three babies in the gym wow uh we have so we have right now we have nine women that are pregnant in our gym and they're all crushing workouts, like signing up for the open to, by the way.
Starting point is 01:10:48 And they we want this to be like the best, most welcome, inclusive. You come as you are, no matter what. And we'll take care of you to a point. You need to be 14 to start classes at our gym, but you need to be there with your parents. So basically, if you have a 14-year-old and you're a member, you can come work out and they have to be in class with you. If you are 16, then you could start coming. You can get dropped off, come on your own kind of thing. We did CrossFit Kids. Coach Terry, one of our OG coaches, she did CrossFit Kids for a few years.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Did a really good job. And then I run a teen class during the summer. Basically, it's a little loose, but ages like 10 to 14. The problem that we run into with kids is they get out of school here at around 3 to 3.15. By the time they get here, we have a 4.15 class every night that is packed. It's a big class. So we don't have anything structural for kids classes every day um what about homeschool kids do you have a homeschool class in the middle of the day for homeschooled kids we have class we
Starting point is 01:11:55 have 11 classes a day like we have we have classes at 9 30 11 12 1 and they're you'll have anywhere from 4 to 12 people at all, any of those classes. So it's funny. I mean, business owners, CrossFit owners, you have to find a way to create revenue. And, you know, we've tried this and that, but we really wanted to stay to our core. Like we do CrossFit at our gym. Like that's what we are. We're, we are a CrossFit gym and the CrossFit pays our bills. And I would hate to take anything away from any people that come at a certain time to accommodate maybe a couple kids. And kids are really hard to plan around their schedules, like sports and activities. I mean, they're really tough.
Starting point is 01:12:36 So I really want CrossFit Bison to be a CrossFit gym, 11 to 12 classes a day type. a CrossFit gym, 11 to 12 classes a day type. It is like that. Even the classes I take my kids to, like a jujitsu class, one day it'll have 20 and the next day it'll have four. And it's like, I mean, the kids are at the parents' whim, right? Yep. And so if the parents can't bring them, then the kids don't show up.
Starting point is 01:12:59 Exactly. And then it's hard to like really push them towards progress if it's just inconsistent attendance levels. And, you know, it's something we talk about still to this day. Like I think there's a market for it. If we ever move again or expand into another space. I mean, our, our gym is pretty basic. It's just like a huge, you know, 6,000 square foot room. And then we have a couple of locker rooms and bathrooms. Like we don't have separate rooms to do different things at the same time. So, you know, it's, I get the question all the time from perspective members. Like, do you guys offer open gym?
Starting point is 01:13:31 Can I come in and do my own thing? I'm on Rich Froning's mayhem program. And can I do it in the back? And we always say, no, like you got to do the classes. Like you're part of the gym or you're not. And it sounds blunt, but it just, the longer I do this, the simpler you make things that the easier they are for everyone. And so it seems like you have a strong culture, dude. That's all I keep hearing over and over.
Starting point is 01:13:53 You have a strong culture and you're, I bet you the character of your clients is much more aligned than a lot of CrossFit gyms. Just incidentally, because of the discipline and culture that you enforce there. That's a good way to sum that up. And thank you for saying that. That's been probably the number one goal for us is to have a culture that it's us and it's ours. And it's for us and it's for them. The culture, the whole thing, it's not us making rules and do things my way or do things their way. It's, it's really meant to get everyone on the same page and be there for each other
Starting point is 01:14:32 and, and continue to just, you know, through fitness and through health and through community, just improve everyone's life. And again, simple. That's really what it is. It's kind of like raising kids. And again, simple. That's really what it is. It's kind of like raising kids. My kids have so much structure and so much discipline and such rigid boundaries,
Starting point is 01:14:52 but yet they're so free inside of there. They're so free, but these are the rules. I've heard you talk about your kids a few times. They don't have to ask me shit. Yeah, I respect that. I'm a first-timer, so my son's three, and i still don't know if i'm doing it right you know my wife and i talk about it all the time and um i i've heard some of the things that you've said they've actually stuck with me like as i'm raising him just like how how like the words you use how free they are but that freedom comes from how much discipline you've
Starting point is 01:15:25 instilled in them and i think that's that's the way to do it like that's that's the solution i just don't always know you can bring your kids to the gym they have to be in that room or in a stroller there can never be a kid playing ball in the crossfit gym if you do that you won't be allowed to bring your kid anymore i have i have a. I have a room with my TV in it. There's no toys allowed in here. You have a whole other room you can go fucking batshit crazy in. Yeah. It's so simple. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 01:15:54 It is simple. And just fucking put the kibosh on them. It's nice now. But they love it because then they don't waste any of their time trying to break the rules. Right. They're too busy like they know that they know yeah yeah yeah one one thing that has been easier for us than some others is we started with five members and like we never not once have ever done like an advertising marketing deal free mom bring your friend for free like it's just been like here they're and
Starting point is 01:16:22 like it's it creates slower growth like i'll what, man, like my first two years there, like it was rough money wise. It really was. I remember still to this day, like talk about being humbled is like going to the food store to buy four avocados. And like, I literally did not know if my card was going to get declined. Like, I didn't know if I had enough money to buy four avocados. And we're like six months into business. This isn't like before day one. And when you grow slow organically like that and try to resist the urge of getting 50 people in right away, it actually has been easier to set the culture up the way you want it to be. Like if I had rewind and do this whole thing again,
Starting point is 01:17:06 I probably would still go back to those days of not sure if I could buy those avocados because the longterm growth of this gym and we're still growing to this point. Like we're still like every month is like more than previous is that 300 members is crazy, dude. Yeah. And it's, um, um and we still like right now we're at a point where it's like we're not doing any sort of marketing deals it's just like and it's easier to have a culture when you started it these 30 people then it was 50 then it was 90 then it was 120 um we've had a few groups of people from other gyms join our gym at once and like that always makes you a little nervous because they have their own culture but and sometimes it could take a year for them to really like all right this
Starting point is 01:17:48 is the bison way we're not mean we're not strict it's just like this is the way it's been set up for the past decade and the culture's there and they kind of just i don't want to say conform to it but they kind of know what's expected uh Uh, you, how many masters athletes did you say you had? Last year, we had 24 qualify for quarterfinals. And now that it's 25%, it's I'm projecting,
Starting point is 01:18:14 uh, between 40 and 50. And there was some concern that that was going to overwhelm gyms. Is that a concern of yours? I listened to your podcast on that with, uh, with, uh, with Jr.
Starting point is 01:18:25 Um, there's concern. Absolutely. Uh, might even have to shut the gym down for a night. Uh, but again, I liked that we found out when we did, because we've already come up with some systems and some solutions to deal with that, that volume of people that need to get these workouts in. And I have a few that could probably make semifinals too. So they're going to have to video. And when you have to video, it's a whole nother, like whole nother headache. And you have four people that need to video. And then what do masters athletes have? They all have, most of them have kids and we have to like plan around their kids schedules and all this stuff. A lot of them have jobs. I can't get into a certain time. certain time so the one thing that we're going to do is that if you want to participate in quarterfinals at
Starting point is 01:19:11 bison you need to take the judges course because you're going to be required to do the workout and then you're going to have to judge the heat that's right after you like that's you know we have we're blessed with really selfless members. Like in the past, like last year we had 24 and I sent a message out to the gym saying, Hey guys, we need certified judges for quarterfinals. Because again, I know you can lie about it, but we, we do it right. I don't ever want to have that moral issue, like hanging over my head. So every athlete that did a workout had a certified judge. And I had a dozen, maybe even more, a dozen and a half members from our gym take that course, which is not the easiest, simplest thing in the world to do.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Pay 10 bucks. And they came in and gave us 12 hours over the course of a weekend counting reps. You know, like, and like, that's, you need that. So because we have so many now i don't think 12 18 judges would be enough or it would be fair to them so that's something that we're going to say like you know taping the floor closing the gym for a night or canceling a couple classes that is going to be stressful and hard to do but i said it multiple times like we're going to get it done and we're going to get it done at a,
Starting point is 01:20:25 at a high level. That's just like, instead of stressing about how hard it's going to be, I'm just going to make that statement now. Like we're going to make that weekend special. And I, I guaranteed my members that I promised them that. And that's,
Starting point is 01:20:37 what's going to happen. It's not, I'm not nervous about anything. We're going to make it special. So you'll never, I'm, I'm saying this as a uh provocative statement question um you'll never have a games athlete because you don't have open gym you might be right um i'm i'm kind of cherry picking that from the uh from the
Starting point is 01:21:01 comments here someone said that they had a ck kevin said uh we lost christy arama because she couldn't do her own thing but my eyes fall on the side of the fence of who cares good on christy's like good honor like so but still the gym is the gym i have two answers the gym is the gym the gym is, the community, the business, the gym itself is above any athlete in the gym. Um, whether it's me or whether it's someone else, whether it's a games athlete or whether it's someone else. Um, meaning if you're sick, the gym still has to open. Absolutely. You're having a bad day. Someone still has to coach. If I, if we have to drive through snow, the gym has to be open, you know, like that's what a games athlete. I've never had someone get that close. Um, quarterfinals have had semifinals. I have a very good gauge on
Starting point is 01:21:53 capability. Like I can tell you right now, uh, who, who has a shot, who doesn't have a shot. Um, if I get to that point, if they need some extra training, extra work, then I would be doing it. I have, um, I, I coach people on the side that do compete. Um, it's called next level program and they pay for extra programming and extra workouts. And so to say that we don't have open gym would be wrong. It's, they have to do the class. The class is their primary program.
Starting point is 01:22:27 And then based on who they are, they do some extra work. Like I have my lifters getting better at gymnastics after class in the corner. I have my gymnast in the back doing their lifting. I have a lot of them doing mixed modal and conditioning work. So the class is the foundation. No one's skirting the class. You're not coming there and doing Bruce Lee programming. You're going to do bison programming.
Starting point is 01:22:48 And then if you want more, there's more you can do. Absolutely. Okay. All right. All right. Yep. I'll, I'll never turn down someone that wants to compete at a high level and we haven't had anyone make the games.
Starting point is 01:22:58 And I, it's one of my goals. I want a bison athlete to make the games masters, normal, whatever. That's been a goal of mine since early on. And, um, you know, I hope that anyone, I don't think it's going to be a specific program that gets people there. Um, I think it's the people that are around you, the push you get, and the intelligence of people coaches around you to make sure that you're not doing too much or that you're doing the right things.
Starting point is 01:23:23 I don't think you need a specific program or eight hours of open gym time. Hey, why don't you think, um, any of these, or have any of your trainers ever left and opened their own gym? No. Why haven't they done that? What do you offer them that they keep sticking around? Oh, great. I mean, that's, that's always a gym owner's worst nightmare, but, um, we, we, I'm just laughing because there's a running joke in our gym between a couple of my coaches, Adam and Liz, they're always gonna open up a CrossFit gym called CrossFit F those guys. But they always, they always give me a hard time about that or joke around about it. Um, that I'll be, I think there's some luck involved there. So Vaughn, like, I don't want to say that it's loyalty that keeps them here.
Starting point is 01:24:06 We do take care of them. We pay them well. We hook them up with scheduled demands and needs. We give them a lot of perks outside of just money and picking their schedule. I also think it's really hard to open up a gym in this immediate area where we are. It is, but people are dumb. No, yeah. Absolutely. Maybe that's why. It's hard. It's hard. They're just smart. They're not dumb. I also think like they're, they're quality, really high quality people. Like they're, they're very loyal, but I'll tell you what,
Starting point is 01:24:39 if one of them did come up to me and said, I want to open up my own show, right. I, I would not, I'd be nervous. I'd be lying if I wasn't. I think anyone that says they wouldn't be nervous is lying, but I wouldn't turn it down. And I would try to show some support to a point that, because I did that. And like, I'm big on, you know, you'd lose a coach and you have someone else someone potentially taking some of your revenue with them oh absolutely yeah i mean i have i'm sure if any of our coaches went open up their own i'm sure i would lose members we had a guy open up a gym he was a member at our gym and he opened up a gym down the road from us uh this year and but he was only a member it's a
Starting point is 01:25:20 long story he didn't do anything dirty he didn anything shady. He, he got let go from another gym. He came to us because he needed somewhere to be. And so he's with us for a few months. And then during that time, he opened up his own gym, which is two miles from us. Um, so he brought some members with him because he was a coach at another gym to our gym. And then when he opened up his own, they left. But to me, like that wasn't us really losing real membership, real revenue. Right.
Starting point is 01:25:49 Right. They weren't really ours to begin with. They were in transit, they were in transit, which is kind of cool. Yeah. And honestly, we helped them out.
Starting point is 01:25:56 Like I still, to this day, like he'll text me and ask for some advice on them. Like, um, you know, I remember what Greg said way back. This is like one of those, like, I still think some of the things that he said back 2008, 2009, like they're so, they ring truer now than they used to, to me, like they just mean more.
Starting point is 01:26:14 And he said, like, cream will always rise to the top when it comes to the affiliate. Like if you really truly are afraid of someone opening an affiliate and would hurt your revenue and hurt your business, it probably means your gym's not good enough. You know, so I welcome challenges. I like being challenged like that. Like if anything, I think the most successful people in the world are the ones that had were put up against the wall. You know, that's, it's like what makes wild animals so dangerous when, you know, you, you interact with them when, when they're around their, their offspring with their, their cubs is when they're up against the wall, like you're going to see a level of anger and rage that, you know, brings out hopefully your best result. So if someone did open up a gym from our staff that was somewhat close and we lost
Starting point is 01:27:02 membership, I would take it on the chin and say, what can we do better now? And if you can't make your gym better, then maybe you lost your swag. This is not a valuable business, Devon. It's not. We got valued. We bought out one of our owners a few years ago, small owner, but we got professionally valued. And we were like, I wonder if we're worth like a million or 2 million bucks. And like we, the number was so low that I remember Chris saying like, I don't know if I should laugh or cry. We're working our ass off. Why is it not worth that much?
Starting point is 01:27:40 And what he said made a lot of sense to me. He goes, it's a subscription business, meaning you could lose everyone all your members tomorrow for whatever reason. One of you guys gets very political. One of you guys opens up your own gym. One of you guys sleeps with a member and the whole thing blows up. Right. Right. Right. Um, they'll cancel tomorrow. Then what are you left with? You're left with a dirty floor and beat up equipment that depreciates every week. It's like, what are you, what, what We don't own our building. I wish we did. I wish we looked at that 10 years ago. But he said the value of your business, that number you're
Starting point is 01:28:14 looking at should not stress you out. The value of that business is it's you guys, it's the people. And if you keep doing what you're doing, you'll benefit everything you want to financially, but you have to keep doing what you're doing. You can't stop. And that's where I think a lot of affiliate owners get burned out. How many businesses, Yvonne, do you know are open 363 days per year? They open at 5 a.m. They close at 9 p.m. How many? 7-11. That aren't selling drugs, none. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:47 It's a ruthless job. It can take a toll on you if you let it. And you have to be really calculated with how you overcommit or undercommit yourself. Or again, come back to what we originally said at the start. Why are you there? Do I like doing it? That's why I'm here. Well, that's probably not like when someone does open up a gym from your staff, that way of living, that way of thinking, it's probably going to be the end of you. It's gotta be like, I am here for other people. And if you truly are, people will know that. Like, I think people at our gym know why we're there and there's a loyalty there.
Starting point is 01:29:27 Um, I'm really proud and almost get emotional sometimes about during COVID the amount of people, when we got New Jersey, we were one of the first businesses to be shut down and gyms were, and we were one of the, the last to open back up. Like we were the first to close the last to open and we by the way that's crazy by the way that's fuck i don't even don't get me i mean you guys could probably talk all day about that that was that is that is absolutely crazy that's like um the the place where the healthiest people exist who are least affected who are doing the most good are punished the most. I mean,
Starting point is 01:30:05 the only thing that was worse than that is how kids were treated. Kids and gyms were treated horribly. But the, uh, we had, I think we 80% of our members kept their memberships on. Wow. And I remember getting messages saying like, you know, we, we know. How long were you closed? How long were you closed? How long were you closed? So we were closed from March, March 13th, I think, until June.
Starting point is 01:30:34 And then in June, we were only allowed to meet outside in a parking lot in the middle of the summer on a blacktop. And it gets hot here in the summer. I don't know what you know about Jersey. It gets pretty hot. summer on a blacktop and it gets hot here in the summer i don't know what you know about jersey it gets pretty hot and um so we had to work out in the parking lot june july august and then in september we were allowed back inside and we had to wear masks all of fall all of winter and most of spring including the open that year we had to do the open people basically paid two thousand dollars out of their pocket per person to stay part of and and we were only allowed to have x amount
Starting point is 01:31:11 of people in the gym when we were back inside so people were getting locked out of class so i just remember people sending us messages come around david did the police come around and we were always afraid of that um but they didn. Did you ever get any warnings from the city or anything? No. No one tattled on you? No. No one tattled on us. I did talk to the chief of police back then and just really tried to like as much as I could, right?
Starting point is 01:31:41 Like I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't know. I didn't even understand COVID at that time. I don't know if anyone did. But I remember talking to them and saying like, you know, are you guys unofficially going to look the other way if we have people come in our gym? Because like this is borderline dangerous. So having these people work out 100 degree weather
Starting point is 01:31:57 and like you couldn't even sit on a yoga mat. It got so hot being in the sauna all day. It's like, what are we doing here? And, you know, not to open up that can of worms, but I felt like we were probably one of the most responsible, safest, and biggest parts of the solution to COVID was health and working out. What did he say? Did he say he looked the other way? No, he didn't. I grew up in this town too. I thought that was going to help me out a little bit. So now we did, we followed rules. I am a rule follower. And it was more from the stance of
Starting point is 01:32:32 not what did I agree with? I was very against with how government handled that whole situation. But I will also say, I don't really know enough to have a really credible opinion on it, Like I don't really know enough to have a real credible opinion on it, but I had just had my son during that time. I was always fearful that the business was going to crash. And so the stress was at the all time high. Well, they did everything. They tried everything in their power to get you to crash,
Starting point is 01:32:59 whether it was intentional or not. I mean, the cards are, you have to close your doors. I mean, that's, I mean, fuck.
Starting point is 01:33:16 So I'm, and I think, I think part of the reason why we're still here today is, is the loyalty of our members. And like, again, that humbles me a lot. It's like, I really, I needed them at that time more than I through a lot of like my own you know life changes and competitive endeavors like i've always almost get uncomfortable with how much support i've gotten from the past but it makes it just circles me back to the fact that like you always have to keep giving more than you get so like if you are getting like i have no one has benefited from bison more than me um i'll say that loud and proud like i'm the one that has benefited the most and that's why i always feel that i should be the one that's giving the most and i don't ever want to be someone that's giving dude amen that that is it yeah that's it yeah i mean that and that comes from my parents you know like they give more than you take and
Starting point is 01:34:01 if everyone truly does that like if you're always giving more than you take. And if everyone truly does that, like if you're always giving more than you take, like we're all, we're set. We don't need anything else. And you always, like when you're in a position like this where you get to, you know, quote, be in charge of the gym, if you can, if your actions can follow that direction, then I think everyone under you at some point or to some level will follow that.
Starting point is 01:34:25 And that's, that's one of our goals. David, did you ever have any other jobs? What did you have? What was your job before this? I was a broke. I was a natural gas broker. Oh, that's right. You said that. Out of college. I was a bartender. Oh, you were a bartender. In college.
Starting point is 01:34:40 Were you good at that? I don't know. I think I was think I had a unique style to it. I wasn't your stereotypical bartender. I wasn't Tom Cruise. I wasn't trying to hit on people. I wasn't drinking back there. I think I had a different skill set than a lot of bartenders did, and I think that helped me set apart a little bit. I love talking to people. skill set than a lot of bartenders did. And I think that helped me set apart a little bit. Like,
Starting point is 01:35:09 like I love the component of talking to people. Like I loved, you know, a lot of people go to a bar when they're down in the dumps and they need someone to listen to them. Like, I love that component to it. Um, I hated making like fancy cocktails and stuff like that. Like I hated that. I was just like, just order a beer, dude. Like you don't, you don't need all these fancy drinks with 11 ingredients in them. then like i break a glass and the ice and you have to empty the ice like that kind of the hours were rough like i'd be up till five in the morning a lot um but it was great money and it helped me understand service i think that's part of why i am where i am like you really have to do a lot of stuff you don't want to do um this is probably gonna make you feel uncomfortable, but what do you, tell me other
Starting point is 01:35:46 ways like you, you service like throughout your day that aren't gym related. Like what are some qualities that you think you have that, that like that spill over? I know you probably don't want to brag about yourself, but just do entertain me for a second. What are some things you do that you think? I bring the shopping cart back to where it's supposed to be. I put my groceries back in the truck. You're a good dude. I check in on people a lot. People that I haven't talked to in a while, people that I'm not even friends with. When I'm at the grocery store, there's a crew of older women there. They're either cashiers, but now they're even getting rid of cashiers now. We have to self-checkout now. So they have different jobs. And I'll check in on them, their grandkids. We have a running dialogue that we meet. I think that's the cure to a lot of issues that we have is we don't get to connect with people often enough, especially with our, you know, we think we're connecting with someone when we're on our phone and Instagramming each other, DMing and texting. But to me, that's like
Starting point is 01:36:48 a scaled version in CrossFit terms of, of human interaction. So, you know, even we live next to, um, an old widower, uh, guys lost his wife years ago before we even moved here, checking in on him. Um, you know, he had some snow on his driveway he was in the hospital as we got snow so you go over there and try to take care of his steps for him um you know this kind of stuff it's uncomfortable so you you'll you'll wake up and you'll be like your wife will be like you know i don't know breastfeeding a kid or some shit and like you'll look out the window and you'll be like oh fuck johnny's steps are fucked up and you'll just go grab your shovel and walk over there and shove it off his.
Starting point is 01:37:25 We've done that for him a few times. Yeah. And again, like this is, it is uncomfortable talking about, because I do think this kind of stuff is like it's best when no one knows about it. Like, I think, you know, this is where faith comes in. I think that there's really only one person that should, you should care about who knows what you're doing for others and not, you know, it's like, I love when people donate money, but I don't like it when they have to tell the world they donated money, you know, I'd rather you just do it. You know, I don't care
Starting point is 01:37:52 about, I'm not impressed by someone that donates, you know, if a millionaire donates a thousand bucks, I'm not that impressed, you know, but if someone that has a hundred dollars to the name donates 20 bucks, that gets my attention, you know, because you know, like that, that kind of like service type attitude that like who you are deep down, you're doing it for the right reasons. You're not doing it because you told someone you donated a thousand bucks. You're not shoveling someone's snow because you can tell someone you did it, you know? So it can get a little uncomfortable talking about that stuff. But I would say just macro level is, you know, how many, do you need a thank you to do something for someone else do you really need that and if you do then i think you're doing it for the wrong reasons um uh it's remarkable
Starting point is 01:38:37 to me i think it's just upbringing but it's remarkable to me how little people do. Like, so let's say you walk in. So just the doctor. Let's say you go to a doctor, for instance. Every single doctor visit I've had in the last, which I think I can only have three in the last 10 years, maybe. They're less polite than the Starbucks barista. So Starbucks barista so starbucks barista has clearly changed to say hi how are you you know what i mean the doctors don't even say
Starting point is 01:39:10 that they call your name and they tell you to sit down not like this dude's about to put his thumb in your ass and he's not like hey i'm jared how are you buddy sorry about this i fucking but you know it's just part of the thing how you doing do you look like you work out nothing nothing yep yeah i mean this this bitch behind the counter is 14 years old and she knows how i like my coffee and she's like oh i like cream a lot of extra cream too good choice and i'm just like hold i just can't believe how little or you know you go to a restaurant and the hostess can't even make eye contact with you she can't say hi to your kids i'm just like but i don't care i'm just there missing now because service is so fun how nice is it when someone lets you into the freeway and you roll down your window and you wave at them and then you look in your mirror and the guy goes like this back to you and I'm like Fuck I just existed
Starting point is 01:40:05 I'm fucking so stoked Yep That's something I'm so fucking stoked that I looked in my rear view mirror And he goes like that when the guy in the motorcycle I move out of his way And he goes and gives me the fingers like hey thanks for Like fuck yeah People
Starting point is 01:40:20 You know what I mean like I think driving no seriously I think driving You have opportunities left and right to do something for other people. Like when someone's trying to make that tough left-hand turn at that busy intersection and people keep cutting in front of them because they're cutting in front of them to turn left. That's something, like a little something you can do to help you out. That's a great point. Is it everywhere for you? Do you feel like you're always in service mode? Do you feel like you're always, or you try to be always wherever you go?
Starting point is 01:40:48 Like I do. Put a new roll of toilet paper in. I don't put my laundry away quick enough. So my wife hates me. I don't ever put my laundry away. I got other service to do. I'm too busy doing other service. No, I do. I think it's a lifestyle. You know, we say CrossFit is a lifestyle, right? So it makes, it changes the way you eat, changes the, how much you stretch, it changes how much sleep you try to
Starting point is 01:41:10 get, uh, how much water you try to drink. But I think service is, it is a lifestyle. And if you, how you do any of it is how you do all of it. Like if you can really can dive into the lifestyle, it can make you better at what you're doing professionally as, as a servant. Well, Hey man, thanks for coming on. Uh, I w I was really excited to talk to you. I had to dig around and, and grief, some people to get the name of the affiliate that was in the lead. I'm glad they gave it to me. Um, David, you're a cool dude. I'm glad we met. Uh me David you're a cool dude I'm glad we met If there's ever anything I can do for you Anything you want to promote You're always welcome to come on the show
Starting point is 01:41:50 Shoot the shit Talk about anything You're a good dude You're a great asset to the community What a great resource you are to all the affiliate owners out there Likewise Siobhan I think I respect what you guys are doing I respect how you guys
Starting point is 01:42:03 A. Are yourselves on these and that you can, that you're just, you're leaning into your beliefs, whether some agree or disagree. I think disagreement is healthy for everyone. Because I know some stuff, some of the stuff that you guys say and do can trigger people the wrong way but i like that because i i think it forces new perspective on people so i do respect how much effort you have put into this production and some of the other stuff that you do and i hope anyone with power at crossfit understands the value that you have into whole meshing this whole old school new school into i still don't think cross it has hit its peak and i don't think so i don't think CrossFit has hit its peak. And I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:42:45 I don't think so either, but it's going to be the tough road to hoe. We got, we're hanging on, but I don't think- I think you're part of, a big part of, of getting it to its peak. So I just want you to hear that from me as an affiliate owner. I don't have an affiliation with you.
Starting point is 01:42:58 We're like, we're not getting drinks. No, never met you before. Yeah, no, I really, hey, it means the world to me that you're saying that of all people, by the way. It means the world to me. I mean it, I really do. Your endorsement's awesome world i mean it i really do your endorsement's awesome it's crazy i can't i'm gonna when i get phone with you i'm gonna call chris cooper and be like hey dude i've listened to him several times he's great i love it when affiliates like me thank you yeah awesome man well thank you for your time dude and um i'll be i'll be looking for your scores in the open. All right, fine. Dickhead. All right. Hey,
Starting point is 01:43:28 I'd love to have you back on and talk about faith and stuff like that. Also, you seem like you're a great resource. There's a subject I'd really like to talk to you about, define faith and just hear what the role is in service with CrossFit. Maybe we should do a whole, have you back on in a few months. Awesome. I'd be, I'd be more than happy to do that. Okay, brother. Thank you. Thank you. Ciao.
Starting point is 01:43:49 CrossFit Bison, David. Wow. Incredible guest. I agree. That was fun. God. I'm so shitty at taking compliments. All I want to do is be like, because I guess I lack humility. All I want to be is like yeah i fucking know fucking set my alarm every morning for 6 a.m to jump up here and do this shit that thing though that he did say uh that um what do you say you you never want people doing
Starting point is 01:44:21 more for you than you're doing for them yeah that, that's a trip. I got that, a little bit of that. You guys fucking do that to me. Sometimes I'm just like, am I letting them down? Am I not bringing up enough fun stuff? Am I not being funny enough? Am I not being loving enough? Did I get too negative? Did I, am I not being negative enough?
Starting point is 01:44:38 Do I need to throw some temper tantrums on the air? Hey, Jethro, what's up, dude? Good to see you. Good to see you. Janelle, what's up dude good to see you good to see you Janelle what's up what's up I think I think yeah
Starting point is 01:44:56 I appreciate his words that meant a lot to me oh Dallin Pepper on the 29th he flies Pepper on the 29th. He flies in on the 29th? Wait, that doesn't make sense. Hold on a second.
Starting point is 01:45:13 Let me call my wife here a second. Oh, shit. Two, six, four. Oh, is she not hooked up? Sorry, I'm hooking the phone up here. Excuse me one second. Disconnect. So I use this thing called the RODECaster.
Starting point is 01:45:39 And they sent me an email the other day. And they're like, hey, would you like to take a survey about the RODECaster? And I'm like, sure. And the first question is, what gender are you i just wrote fuck you so i guess i'm not doing the survey just want to be like dude your shit sucks but you're the only game in town can you guys hear the phone is the phone ringing there we go. Hello, user Shaley.
Starting point is 01:46:15 Leave a message. Thanks. At the tone. I'm trying to figure out when Dallin is showing up to CrossFit Charlotte. Oh, the 29th. Okay, alright. Oh shit, there's only 29 days in February? Is that normal?
Starting point is 01:46:36 Alright. So he shows up on a Thursday? I haven't done Colton, but he gave me 319 to 322 all right god that fucking middle week of the open is gonna be crazy cuz I'm gonna be at Greg's house for some BSI summit I don't know how I'm gonna do all that it's a leap year what does that mean what they we add a day or subtract a day what's what's a leap year. What does that mean? We add a day or subtract a day? What's a leap year? We subtract a day or we add a day every four years, which I forget which it is.
Starting point is 01:47:15 Look, she even knows. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. So Dallin flies in on a Thursday and then leaves on the second? He wanted to stay for that long?
Starting point is 01:47:34 Oh, I guess that's from Thursday to Monday. No, Thursday to Saturday. So he flies in on Thursday and leaves Saturday. Yes. Okay. All right. Fine. All right. Fine. All right. And then do the other dates work? Yeah, I think they all work.
Starting point is 01:47:53 I'm just panicking as we get closer to it. When's the first week? That is the first week. Dallin's the first week. Then Jason Hopper the second week. Andallin's the first week, then Jason Hopper the second week, and then Colton the third week versus Taylor. Is it raining? Is it crazy outside? Is it just nuts?
Starting point is 01:48:14 It's pretty stormy. Yeah. I really want to take a look. It took her 15 minutes to go outside. She's just stood by the door. She doesn't want to go.. She just stood by the door. She didn't want to go.
Starting point is 01:48:29 Hey, did you listen to the podcast? No, not yet. The dude was saying all sorts of crazy nice shit about me. He's making me uncomfortable. About you? Yeah. All right. All right.
Starting point is 01:48:46 I'm going to take today's... I'm going to try to get Tommy Hackman. I'm going to try to take the boys down to the beach here in a minute. Okay. We'll stand on the cliff and watch the waves. Do you want to come? Yeah, that would be fun. I'll call my mom, too.
Starting point is 01:49:01 Okay. Love you, buddy. Love you, buddy. You guys want to hear me call my mom too? I never call my mom on the air. Let me see what happens. Let's see. She's told me she doesn't want me calling her. I mean, not like that. She just has said she doesn't want to be on the show.
Starting point is 01:49:30 We're sorry. You have reached... Oh, shit. Wow. I don't know my mom's cell phone number. My mom and I aren't aligned on a lot of subjects. Kind of weird, right? You think she'll answer? My mom and I aren't aligned on a lot of subjects. Kind of weird, right?
Starting point is 01:49:48 You think she'll answer? She doesn't even know this number. I'll call her on my phone if she doesn't answer. Hi. Hi, mom. What's up? We're live on the air. I know because I'm listening.
Starting point is 01:50:12 Oh, would you not answer it if you didn't know, if you saw that number? Yeah. Hey, do you want to go to the beach with me and the boys to the lighthouse? Have you listened to the weather report? Mom, don't be scared. We CrossFit. Talk to me later about it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:50:31 But are you, are you, did you hang? Are you available? Yeah. Okay. I'll, I'll, I'll come over there like in 30 or 40 minutes then. Well, let's talk about it. With the boys. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:41 I'll call you first. All right. Bye. All right. I love you. Bye. Say, I love you. bye alright I love you bye say I love you say I love you mom
Starting point is 01:50:49 should I call my dad you guys want to hear what my dad sounds like that would be funny should I call my dad that would be funny, should I call my dad in Armenia, that would be funny, what would I say to him, you want me to call my dad in Armenia, let me see if I can find his number,
Starting point is 01:51:20 this is really taking me out of my comfort zone, let me see, This this is me this is really making me taking me out of my comfort zone hiding Oh, do I have to do a plus first do it Okay, do I have to do a plus first? Shit. I don't know. I don't know. One five one one six nine. Is that right? 151169.
Starting point is 01:52:08 Is that right? 0113740. Okay, here we go. It is not necessary to dial 0 after the country code when dialing this country. Please hang up and try your call again. Fuck. country code when dialing this country please hang up and try your call again okay it's not this oh jesus christ okay I think he's 12 hours ahead there. I think. So that means it's 9 a.m. there. Your call has been forwarded to voice mail.
Starting point is 01:53:21 I don't, um, uh, Stephen Flores said, my girlfriend was in your neck of the woods the other day for a bachelorette party weekend. She said, Santa Cruz has more homeless than San Francisco. Her words, so many dirt tours. I don't see any of those. It's not a trip and it's a small town. I don't know where the, I wonder where she went, where she sees those. I don't see any of those. I just don't go to those. I just don't go to those spots. I don't go to those spots. Hey, what do you think about this? What do you think about this? Let me just play this. This is
Starting point is 01:53:55 this is fucking crazy. Ready? Please tell me this isn't true. This can't be true, right? Watch this. This cannot be true. This is Mike Johnson. He is, what is he? He's head of the Senate or head of the House. Anyway, listen to this. This can't be true, right? This can't be true. Listen to this. I have not been eligible to vote in New York or, as far as I know, in any other state since the 19th century. So this guy just said immigrants haven't been allowed to vote in the United States. Illegal immigrants haven't been allowed to vote since the 19th century. allowed to vote since the 19th century that so for those you don't know that's like uh was the 19th century means like 1801 to 1899 okay here we go that's not true the new york city council voted in december to allow this it begins january 9 2023 cities in vermont and maryland already allow this and similar measures are under consideration in Illinois, Maine, and Massachusetts right now.
Starting point is 01:55:06 Mr. Chairman, are you? Yes. I believe those are considerations of allowing votes in municipal elections only. Right. Okay, so he just said, first that guy said, hey, that's not allowed in the United States for illegals to vote. said first that guy said hey that's not allowed in the united states for illegals to vote and then the johnson says hey but they're allowed here here and here and there's proposals for the law to allow them to vote here here here and here and then this guy goes yeah but those are only municipality elections hey but but thank you that's the point everybody wants to know at home
Starting point is 01:55:42 why would they allow this guys they're allowing it because they're going to turn them into voters. They already are doing this in New York City, largest city in America. And this is the plan of our friends on this side to turn all the illegals into voters. That's it, folks. That's what's going on. See the video. You see droves of people, 2.4 million people coming over the border illegally. The president allowing, the Democrats in charge of Congress are allowing it. The deal is they're going to turn them into voters. You just heard it. They don't have any problem with that. They celebrate it.
Starting point is 01:56:09 Here's the deal. We have a problem with it. The constitution has a problem with it. American elections should be decided by American citizens. That's why we're so upset because our constituents are... Is this fucking true? Frightened that we are losing our country.
Starting point is 01:56:28 We're losing our security. We're losing our sovereignty. Because we're going to allow people from 160 different countries around the world to come in here and decide our elections. Hey, how at that point, how do you how does anyone vote for Biden at that point? Like, you just know that. Let's say let's say. Let's say you're. In every which way, you disagree with Trump and you hate the Republicans.
Starting point is 01:56:52 But as soon as you hear this, how do you how do you like? That's it. Here it is on record. You all heard it. This is fucking nuts. I need to find out if this is true a municipality elections what's the nuance there municipality elections what's what's what's the municipality
Starting point is 01:57:23 elections those are for county administrators. Fuck. Municipal elections. Mayoral partisanship information, municipal elections by state and state, mayors of the 100 largest cities. So fucking mayoral elections or municipal elections?
Starting point is 01:57:57 Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Yeah, New York City's a municipality. So all the elections within the conf Yeah, New York City is a municipality. So all the elections within the confines of New York City are municipality elections and they're letting all those people in and they're going to try to allow them to vote. This is fucking nuts, dude. This sounds like fiction. Clock, the GOP has been silent about this because too many of their donors want the chief labor.
Starting point is 01:58:29 The GOP sucks so hard. In some ways, it's more dangerous than the Dems. I was looking at the spending of the RNC versus the DNC. Fuck the RNCs, the person who runs that such a scumbag. What a scumbag what a scumbag man yeah that voting thing is wild absolutely wild how about this someone sent me. I investigated this this morning while I was on the toilet. This is kind of nuts. After her parachute failed to open, she leapt from the top of the 3200 foot El Capitan in a protest organized in response to the death of a man who parachuted off the same peak and drowned in the fact that they're not allowed to jump from there because I guess a guy jumped from there earlier in the year.
Starting point is 01:59:56 And because it was illegal when he hit the bottom, he couldn't have proper safety precautions. So she's protesting saying that she can leave. Look it. She's got problems, man. Dude, she's got big... She went in. Oh, my God. She went in? Look it. It says Davis fell to the base
Starting point is 02:00:17 of the 3,200-foot El Capitan. She didn't fall, motherfucker. She jumped. Or can you jump and then fall? Tom, Davis' husband, photographer Tom Sanders, who was among the spectators, slumped onto his camera in grief after she fell. Oh, my God. You watch your wife do that shit?
Starting point is 02:00:43 It's like going to the Puerto Rican Day parade and in New York city and then watching your wife get raped. It's like, fuck, I know that was harsh, but Hey, it happened. Uh, the, the wiki article on this is savage. Complete or no, it's LA times. Sorry. LA times. Uh uh yosemite parachuted this is in 1999 by the way parachuters plunged to her death off yosemite's most forbidden peak friday during a protest of park rules banning such jumps it's it's it's like ferguson you're going to a blm uh uh um you're going to a BLM You're going to a BLM protest They end up burning the police precinct down And over the next years your community
Starting point is 02:01:32 Has an uptick in murders by 50% It's like that It's like you Fucking morons Jan Davis a 60 year old Santa Barbara resident was the 4th of 5 Jumpers in the protest which was organized In response to June 9th drowning death of a jumper Hey she borrowed someone else's parachute because she didn't want hers to get taken by the cops at the bottom I guess and her jump shoot had a the pool was on the back and the jump suit that she
Starting point is 02:02:05 borrowed from someone the pool was on the leg so she she had a shoot she just didn't know where to pull it no one told her ahead of time is that fucking crazy davis was jumping with borrowed gear because she did not want her own to be confiscated by the park rangers waiting to arrest her on the valley floor if only she had used her own gear. If she had only had her own gear, Sanders said over and over. God, I wish those girls who threw the fucking pumpkin soup on the Mona Lisa would have slipped and fucking cracked their heads open on the pumpkin soup. Also, since base jumpers do not have time to open a second shoot
Starting point is 02:02:43 from such a low altitude, she had no backup. This wouldn't have been her first choice on gear, Conkrite said. This was her first choice on gear that would surrender to the Rangers. Damn. Okay, so listen. Here's the moral of the story. If you're going to jump, use the best gear because it might be your last jump. Crazy.
Starting point is 02:03:17 Crazy town banana bands. It's nothing some peptides can't fix. She'll be fine. It's nothing some peptides can't fix. She'll be fine. The thing with. The thing that we've watched. Happen in the last two years, three years, is we all know this about the woke people, right?
Starting point is 02:03:53 They consume each other. They don't have values or morals, so they just take turns consuming each other. People are only in it for themselves. Well, Sebi, what's woke? Woke is a group of people who's willing to take individual rights from people and give them to groups, right? So you'll take away the rights of whites and Asians to get into college and give them to blacks. And so that's basically what woke is. Woke is this just constant push to take away individual rights and equality and give them to groups. We can agree on that, right?
Starting point is 02:04:29 And what we've said since the beginning – but the crazy part is the woke will consume each other. They don't even care. So there's this Taoist saying, if they lie for you, they'll lie to you. So you know your friends like that so like if you if you're dating a guy and he was cheating on his girlfriend you if you think eventually he's going to not cheat on you or when he does cheat he might not cheat on you but if he does cheat on you and you act surprised you're fucking batshit crazy and i'm not saying that you shouldn't give him a chance you're fucking a guy who's cheating on his fucking girlfriend if he could change things change he could get older he can get more mature vice versa if you dating a girl who's cheating on his fucking girlfriend if he could change things change he
Starting point is 02:05:06 could get older he can get more mature vice versa if you dating a girl who's cheating on her boyfriend and you fall in love with her but don't be don't be an idiot because you already know what they're capable of it just is the way it is you just have to accept this this is just the way the world is that's why this notion of trust is it'sonic. You're just setting yourself up for failure. You just worry about yourself and accept yourself. But basically there's this woke contingent that just thinks for some reason that we're going to keep taking away individual rights and give them to groups and somehow it's going to make better. But it doesn't. And so right now there's this contingent of white liberals and this contingent of blacks that think that it's okay to be racist against white people and to take rights away from white people, okay, you have to hire this number of black people, of women, of gay people, right? They're taking opportunity away from other groups,
Starting point is 02:06:12 from other individuals based on a meritocracy, based on merit, based on merit and giving it to other people based on just some sort of gender Or skin color Identity You guys following And it's all good When you're at the top of the food chain It's all good when you're the black lesbian Lady right
Starting point is 02:06:35 Fucking great when you're the tranny When you're a fucking tranny When you're a dude who gets put into the women's prison And you can fuck all those women, it's fucking great for you. You love it. You love it. They're taking the rights away from women, straight women, and giving them to men who are pretending to be women. They're putting you in prison together and he's fucking raping you and pillaging you.
Starting point is 02:06:57 And it's fucking great for you. But remember, when I started this, they have no values or morals. They don't care. It's not based on anything. They say it's based on the fact of history and injustice and systemic racism, but it's not. That's all a lie. That's all a lie. It's just this rotating fucking insanity of just who you're going to cannibalize this week. Well, here. I'm going to show you a video.
Starting point is 02:07:31 It's a fucking classic textbook example of this. This is a black guy. He works 40 hours a week. He wants to get into the recreation center here at his city's recreation center. But they won't let him. Because the flavor this week isn't the black man. No, no, no.
Starting point is 02:07:56 They've closed the recreation center down. He's not now on the top of the, what do we call that thing? The, the victim, the hierarchy, the victim class. He's not even close to the top. The black man's not even close to the top.
Starting point is 02:08:14 Watch this, watch this. Guess who gets to use the recreation center this week? And now he's pissed. And that's, what's so funny. All these black people that think like it's all great right now or all these um trannies that think it's great right now that they're at the top of the victim
Starting point is 02:08:30 class hey dude it's gonna come full circle motherfuckers don't think don't think don't think it's not gonna come full circle you will you the the the group that you're propping up is the racist bigot sexist class that dei class they're not interested in equality and they're not interested in individual rights just remember just remember watch this this is at a recreation some city's recreation department this black dude wants to go in there. Watch this. Why? Where's the men at? Y'all, this fucking town's a fucking shim, y'all. It's all about fucking money. It's a fucking money trap. Y'all give a fuck about the motherfuckers that was born and fucking raised here. They don't give a fuck about the motherfuckers that were born and raised here.
Starting point is 02:09:39 He can't get into the recreation. Because being a black man ain't the fucking flavor of the fucking week this week. This week, the black man's rights are taken away and they're given to the illegal aliens. And he don't like it. Hey, dude. Fuck you. Y'all raised a fucking rent. So fucking high.
Starting point is 02:09:59 I'm so happy it's happening to this dude. Lesson. Let's see if he can figure it out. Let's see if he can figure it out. Can't afford to this dude. Listen, let's see if he can figure it out. Let's see if he can figure it out. Can't afford to live here. But y'all gonna bring some other motherfuckers here? That doesn't fucking add up. It doesn't make no fucking sense.
Starting point is 02:10:16 None. None. I'm fucking homeless. I work a full-time job. 40 hours. And can't pay to live here. How the fuck are y'all going to bring somebody else here? Don't make no fucking sense.
Starting point is 02:10:36 None. Right. Just be patient everyone will get their turn getting butt fucked oh shit my mom just texted me said i'm not going out it's too cold and wet and windy what so what wait Wait. So what? We will be together. We can get hot drinks. How about that? I just fucking love it. Like, you don't think it's coming for you? You think just because you're at the top,'re at the top it's not coming for you
Starting point is 02:11:26 you're out of your fucking mind you're out of your fucking mind it's coming for all the woke people you're you're it's just a rotating of who gets their rights taken away and given to another group there's there's no values or morals they don't care who is a slave or who's not a slave or who's marginalized it's all just bullshit and nonsense just this rotating thing because they don't have the fucking fortitude to try to get individual rights for everyone
Starting point is 02:11:56 so they just give them to groups it's fucking awesome that black guy probably thought he was cool when he was getting all the free shit right when he could go into there go into that place free shit there is no free shit the liberals want to take rights away from individuals and give them to groups. They do not believe in equality. Isolated incident.
Starting point is 02:12:38 How about that fucking female volleyball team? They had a tournament in Canada female college volleyball and they had fucking three trannies on one team three dudes on a girls volleyball team it's like dude come on what's wrong Canada you guys want one more you want to do one more fun one here we'll do this one let me see if i can find this this one is this one right here basically is the uh this is the difference between see if i can find it uh is this it See if I can find it.
Starting point is 02:13:26 This. So so this is the chair of the Democratic National. Committee, this is this is the this is the head Democrat chair of Democratic Party speaks following President Biden's win in South Carolina. And I want you to listen. He's being interviewed here by this Fox reporter. Check this out. Listen to this. And the thing is that you hear from voters all over the country. What are some of the biggest issues that they bring to your attention? Well, you know, one of the big issues that really resonated here is the fact that the president passed legislation to drop down the cost of insulin to thirty five dollars a month. You know, so many voters I've talked to, either they have diabetes, they are pre-diabetic. So they want the cost.
Starting point is 02:14:22 Of drugs lowered because of their obsession with eating so that's that's like a the the head of the democratic party is happy that a drug that allows people to absolve themselves of their eating habits the most basic tenets of personal responsibility and accountability, which is putting things in your fucking mouth, that's what Democrats are most excited about. Did you hear that? The lowering the price of insulin. Hey, dude, it's like lowering the price of Narcan.
Starting point is 02:15:07 The Democrats are excited because they don't have the personal responsibility and accountability of what they shove in their mouth that they're excited about the lowering the cost of what allows them to do that well which is more insulin but it gets even fucking worse it gets even crazier hey and don't get me wrong i'm not saying that the price of insulin shouldn't be lowered or raised but how is that that shouldn't even be like that's the exact opposite of what david from crossfit bison was saying that's like that's that's like complete selfishness that's the complete opposite of of um servitude your obesity is the exact opposite of servitude when you put the ill effects on other people. Or they know somebody in their family with diabetes. And the exorbitant cost of insulin was just really dragging down their families.
Starting point is 02:15:53 Another issue that... The cost of insulin was dragging down their families, not the cost of fucking getting in your car, starting it up, the gas it costs to go to the store and buy six loaves of white bread that you eat every single day and a jar of syrup. really big as student loan debt uh relief you know for so many people not if it wasn't them it would it was their kids that had that anchor tied to their legs but the next thing that they're most excited about is forgiveness of student loan debt has anyone told us who's going to pay for that you know who's going to pay for that everyone's going to pay for that? You know who's going to pay for that. Everyone's going to pay for that. So another thing they want more. They want to be absolved even more of personal responsibility and accountability.
Starting point is 02:16:30 They want their fucking four years that they went to college and snorted cocaine off of some chick's ass paid for now by all the taxpayers. Those are the two things. That's what it means to be a Democrat. You want your government to keep coming and saving you, and they want to put the burden on everyone else. That's the distinction. And the other one is not. One of them wants to have people come and save them for their fucking lack of discipline, lack of character, lack of structure, lack of servitude for others. One of them just wants to be, that's it. This guy's saying it.
Starting point is 02:17:22 They want their student loan debt paid for. That's their most important thing. Not the border, not fentanyl, not not about caring about any of that other shit people dying. It's so that they can continue their their shitty lifestyle habits, a poor spending, poor judgment, poor eating, just all the basic things that make us fundamentally valuable to other people. They just want that shit just thrown out the door. That's the difference, man. That's it. They're not even ashamed about it.
Starting point is 02:17:56 They don't even, they don't even have pride. They don't even have pride about it. They don't even have, they don't even have They don't even It's fucking gross Anyway I just fucking got myself pissed off Alright love you guys I'm going to try to get
Starting point is 02:18:14 Tommy Hackenbrook on today at 6pm Do we need time to process this I don't mean to just throw a grenade in your fucking lap And then not help you guys process this Democrats can't see past their own personal problems And compensate with pushing the alphabet people agenda on us. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:33 Bernie Gannon asked not what I can do for others, but what I can get others to do for me. Yeah. Yeah. Man, oh man. baby mama probably at the end of that bitch with a gold-digging ass chilling you know something out nigga but i just seen a motherfucking rainbow nick i ain't that motherfucker dug down nigga that shit beautiful than a motherfucker my baby mama probably at the end of that bitch with a gold-digging ass hey i don't i don't even think he planned that that's just just like free flow like he knew uh that's good i laughed so hard when i heard that look at this guy i come back daily to this video i don't think he even rehearsed that i think that was just like he's he's he's uh he's making a saver he's making a joke that uh there's a beautiful rainbow but his chick's so fucking into money that she's probably at the end of it looking looking for
Starting point is 02:20:16 the gold uh i don't know do they is that is that a universal um like fairy tale that there's gold at the end of a rainbow? Or is that just Americans? My goodness. Pedro. Pedro and leprechauns at the end of the rainbow, guarding their pot of gold. All right. The Colton Mertens, Wadapal polo stuff is out for members members only and
Starting point is 02:20:51 I think episode 10 we're in episode 10 holy cow episode 10 comes out tomorrow with the behind the scenes I heard it's the best one I always hear each one's the best one oh let me read this comment just came in about the Colton Mertens we need more I heard it's the best one. I always hear each one's the best one. Oh, let me read this comment just came in about the Colton Mertens.
Starting point is 02:21:09 We need more. Love, Colton. Another great video. Miking up is the new black, but asking about farming and training is so last year. Damn team Colton. A Colton is with proven. Why does, why doesn't he want to go to the games?
Starting point is 02:21:35 Ouch. That hurts. Paper street coffee and some fruit snacks. Uh, seven 23 is hands down. The best part of the entire video, bro is built different. Oh yeah. Colton is built different. Colton is more than a good dude amazing uh colton once again oh you guys yesterday
Starting point is 02:21:50 was colton's birthday how about that how about that yesterday was colton merton's birthday another great one what a good guy colton uh is grinds and puts in the work oh my god do you guys want to see this turntable just brought up this is absolutely crazier than anything i've shown you i don't know i don't know if we can handle this this is fucking nuts the gavin newsom shopping story do you guys know about that oh my god gavin newsom was in a fucking target buying 380 worth of shit he's in line at a target this is just that just happened and some dude goes leaving carrying a bunch of shit and the checker goes to gavin newsom
Starting point is 02:22:39 look that guy doesn't even pay you're never going to believe what newsom said next why don't you stop him the fucking governor of california asked a target worker why don't you stop him by the way i think i think suza's seen like three people steal at a supermarket in the last two weeks just no one gets stopped like he doesn't he either he's completely retarded or he's in denial or he's stupid but like yo dude you set that up and you know what his argument is well we have the 10th most strictest policy on theft like dude who gives a fuck if it's the first if it's the that doesn't even make sense who gives a fuck
Starting point is 02:23:32 if you have the first most uh um strict policy on crime everyone is stealing whatever the fuck they want in california you dumb fuck all the cops are fucking afraid we got mobs of people going into stores every single fucking day all over the state stealing whatever they fucking want we have people like lululemon firing their employees if they stop fucking criminals dude the oldest toy store in san francisco just fucking closed down jeff Jeffries this is fucking nuts Jeffries San Francisco the guy spent it's over 100 years old the guy spent his whole fucking
Starting point is 02:24:11 401k every cent he had to try to fucking keep the store open and he couldn't because of fucking crime may close it's fucking closed it's done god iconic san francisco toy store that inspired toy story films closing after 86 years to uh over perils and violence in cities downtown yeah i mean it was right by the uh nordstrom's too nothing Nothing can stay anymore.
Starting point is 02:24:46 That's all Newsom. He's made it all just legit to steal. The crime is out of fucking control. You guys saw that that In-N-Out was having like between five and ten fucking robberies right in the parking lot. Daylight robberies
Starting point is 02:24:58 every single fucking day. A turntable. The craziest part is when she noticed he was the governor wanted to take a picture with him and he refused oh yeah that's another thing this fucking piece of shit his fucking salary is paid by this bitch working at target this bitch makes fucking 12 50 a fucking hour working at target she realizes it's the fucking governor and says can i take a picture with you and he goes no you can't take a picture with me because she he goes, no, you can't take a picture with me.
Starting point is 02:25:28 Because she blamed, because when he said, why don't you stop him? The lady said, hey, because the governor, the governor, the governor's made it legal. Hey, you know what Gavin Newsom even says in there? He goes, I didn't make it legal. I said 950. And then he catches himself because he was about to say, yeah, actually, I did. I actually did. I actually made it so that it's not a felony if it's under 950 bucks you can't arrest them
Starting point is 02:25:48 how fucking crazy is it you guys that we watch five fucking illegal aliens beat two cops and they're free and they're in California now no bail And they're free and they're in California now. No bail. Just free. Think about what would happen to you if you beat a cop. Fuck that.
Starting point is 02:26:23 How about the fact, what message have they sent to all the cops that are supposed to protect us? All of you women out there and everyone with a daughter daughter who's supposed to protect you from getting raped? All you girls out there. Why would a cop protect you from getting raped if if if people who jump him don't go to jail? Why? You're fucked. You're so fucked. Man, the Democrats hate women.
Starting point is 02:26:56 They truly fucking hate you guys. They don't want any protection for you. You guys are all going to be owned by the government you women are fucked i'm so glad i have three boys you women are so fucked if you don't fucking start voting republican you are fucked it is going to be a rude awakening they can do anything to you they can do anything to you they They can do anything to you. They've convinced you it's okay to kill your children in the womb.
Starting point is 02:27:28 They don't have fucking police officers who would give two shits to protect you. And all your men have turned into fucking bitches. Man, you women are fucked. Hey, it's the same thing as the woke thing. You think that you're getting all these rights and yay, we're going to be free and we're going to get this. At the end of the day, it's all going to come to you. You're dismantling your own fucking greatest asset, man. Who?
Starting point is 02:27:59 Who? It's going to be bad. It's going to be bad. It's going to be bad for you. Police officers. Listen, people. Four police, two police officers were jumped by five illegal aliens. Two cops in Times Square on video were jumped. Those guys were arrested and let go in the same day.
Starting point is 02:28:23 There's no one out there protecting you guys if they can't protect themselves. Nobody. You have to fucking understand that. Why would they protect a woman from being raped in Times Square if they won't even protect their own? Here's another thing to think about. Those men out there, those illegal aliens, if they'll do that to cops,
Starting point is 02:29:02 what do you think they'll do to your little girls? If they'll do that to cops, what do you think they'll do to your little girls? If those men will do that to cops in broad daylight in Times Square, what do you think they'll do to your little girls? It's fucking crazy I was laying in bed man being like man why am I not more angry about this cops thing this cops thing is nuts uh Sevan
Starting point is 02:29:41 what is your EDC I don't know 6 inches limp 10 inches hard what's yours i don't usually like to brag but is what it is thick all right uh love you guys have a good one Thick Alright Love you guys Have a good one
Starting point is 02:30:05 Yeah I got a G19 also G19 Newsome tried to get a Minimum wage worker fired For not paying him Filty Yeah peace Alright love you guys
Starting point is 02:30:23 Bye bye

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