The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Games Athlete is NOT a Career | Souza’s Show

Episode Date: July 15, 2024 For Affiliates, Coaches and CrossFitters: Instagram: Book mentioned: Your Next Five Move...s by Patrick Bet-David. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This thing down. And we're in. What's up, everybody? How you guys doing? I could get my songs together here. Sax and show. No, we play the dollar one. Got that hype music playing in the back.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Do you guys see the title of the show? Oh, shit. Yeah, I named it Sousa's Show. That's what Savant kept calling it. The king of nicknames. Him and Hiller. You got to be careful because that shit's sticky. Sometimes you can't have one name in it.
Starting point is 00:00:40 The name just sticks. Are there humans out there? This is saying zero. There it goes. Now it changed. What's up? Augustus, what's up, man? How you doing?
Starting point is 00:00:53 A horse walks in the bar, barter and says, hey. And the horse says, make it a double. Cool. Read that wrong, probably. Seth, what's up, dude? Sue's about to break some hearts
Starting point is 00:01:03 with the title of this show. Maybe. Tell that to Tia. I'm using her as an example today. Chris, what's up? Oh, hello. Why, hello. How's it going? Sarah, what are we ranting about today? Nothing. I think I'm going to chill on the rants a little bit. I'm going to chill criticizing CrossFit for a while, right? Why not? Right? Why not? Lance, what's up? Yo, Matt. Nice ankle shot.
Starting point is 00:01:27 How's it going? Installing carpet outside of Cleveland. After that. Yo, what's up, Extra Slop? How you doing? Oh, man. Okay. We're doing good. I'm doing good.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Thanks for asking. Alexis, thank you. Or Augustus. Alexis, screw that up. i love the unhinged rants oh we might get a few we'll see how this uh show tempers out i had to post something on my instagram because i wanted to use this clip of dana white to illustrate a point here and um i it was just a little bit too long for me to use it on uh youtube to play it on YouTube. And it was a little bit too short to stop it every several seconds, if that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Because it's like, hack, what's up? Sick road climb photo. It almost looks like it's out of Waterpalooza or something like that. That's dope. And so like I said, it was too short to stop every seven seconds. And it was too long to play without getting the show dinged. Although I let that song play kind of loud for a while, so we'll see what happens.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Lately, the intro music has been fine. Those are Savan and Taylor's specialty unhinged rants. Yeah. Yeah. We like to do that on this show. Dude, Blade, what's up, bro? How you doing, man? Missy, you gotta stop by again sometime soon
Starting point is 00:02:46 what's happening what's happening um it was at mana games in hawaii oh that's cool that's cool uh i had a buddy of mine um member of the gym friend of friend of mine, Nakoa, compete there too. Nakoa, rant, still don't have a response to media applications. That's kind of crazy, right? Yeah, whining. Dude, I feel you though, because the next thing about that from the media space, so you guys don't know, I know we always go back and forth and we're like, we're going to go to the games and do this. Oh, we're waiting on access. We're unsure. It's not's not just, uh, us that is also in that boat. Like that's a lot of people, um, that are trying to get their press passes in. I don't know what it looks like on CrossFit 10 and how they sort that out and deal with that. And, um, I haven't put much thought
Starting point is 00:03:36 to it. So I'm not going to be like critical of it, but it is tough when you're trying to plan and like pay for shit. Cause you're like, I don't know, am I going to... Am I going to buy a plane ticket and get a hotel and everything and then get denied my pass and there's no way I could buy a games ticket. Now they've been sold out for forever. So you'd have to settle for whatever, the Vendor Village Festival ticket.
Starting point is 00:04:00 I think GORUCK's got something going on outside of the venue too. I think it's like 15, 20 minutes away, but they have like a big viewing party at a, it's like a sports bar or maybe just like an event center or something like that. My favorite Barkley. What's up, dude?
Starting point is 00:04:16 My favorite part of Cesar's show are all his compliments and kindness when he starts the show. Thanks. I do make an effort to do that. I really appreciate all you guys that are here listening and hanging out. It's so much better having humans on the other end of this that agree, disagree, or just respond back. Sarah Cooper, CTP got denied. I heard that. I have heard that. I wonder why though. And here's the thing too. I don't have all the information. I haven't talked
Starting point is 00:04:41 to a CTP, so I don't know. But I know if you are applying to go as a videographer or photographer for certain products or you're with certain companies or something like that, I think sometimes those may or may not come in conflict in terms of CrossFit's partners. So that may have had something to do with it. Or maybe they're just like, screw this guy. We're not letting him in. I don't know. Is it even the season show if you don't get fired up about something? Don't you worry, Paul. Don't you worry. I get myself going. There's a...
Starting point is 00:05:15 If you guys... Maybe women do this as well too. But it's probably mostly guys. This was a few months back. And Grace and I were in Tahoe. And I was like... We were walking down the main strip and I was like we were walking down like the main strip it was like a brunch
Starting point is 00:05:28 time like or late after late morning early afternoon and there was this like homeless guy there that was like sitting there and he had like said something or made some gestures and he was kind of being aggressive he's not like your friendly hobo that's just there like your passed out dude that you think it might be dead but he was like kind of the aggressive like
Starting point is 00:05:44 homeless guy. And as we started to walk up, I could tell he was like kind of looking at us or whatever. And so I'm, I'm like honed in on him a little bit too. And we're getting closer and I kind of moved grace to the other side. And needless to say, like nothing really happened.
Starting point is 00:05:59 He might've like muttered a word, but like nothing happened. And as we were walking away, I was like, man, if that dude would have, I just went on this whole thing, like on a fucking front, kicked him in the stomach and taking him out. nothing happened and as we were walking away i was like man if that dude would have and i just went on this whole thing like on a fucking front kicked him in the stomach and taking him out and like went through this whole like deal right gracious looks i mean she's like you're getting
Starting point is 00:06:14 like super worked up and you just completely made all that up in your head like none of that existed we just walked by him and it was just funny because i just get like super like i'll get super wound up about shit sometimes. And then I have to remember, yeah, I totally made up that whole entire scenario. And there's no reason to be this worked up. Unless, of course, something CrossFit did. Just kidding, guys. Bernie, what's up, dude? Do you think CrossFit HQ's media access strategy is a way of trying to exercise some type of control to the tone of the media. White House does this with press. Yes, for sure, dude. 100%.
Starting point is 00:06:56 If you aren't going to play nice or you're overly critical of us, we have something you guys want want and we're just going to deny you access to that. I don't think they do it as hardcore as we think they do. I think some of the people that work internally would love to see a lot of us not go. But I do think that they utilize a little bit of that for sure as an incentive to kind of like,
Starting point is 00:07:18 what is the word? Saman always says like curl the herd or whatever to like calm people down and to keep things in check. That's definitely the thing that they want um for sure so they keep they keep that down uh that's like dave saying if we were to compete with hydrox we would crush them dude that was a that was a rough take you know a lot of the stuff that davis said on his weekend reviews has been pretty good and like having that access with him has been great and I know he's walking a really fine line of like saying what he wants to
Starting point is 00:07:49 say, being honest with the community and like what they're trying to do. And also trying to toe the line of like what's happening behind the scenes with a lot of the leadership and stuff. He doesn't want to get himself into trouble by saying, Hey, we're going to do X, Y, Z. And then he knows on the back end, like they're not going to back or they have no um interest in pursuing any of those things so he's always walking that like weirdly fine line which i give him a pass on a lot but when it came to the hydrox comment that was like you know what it reminded me of which this is a total joke this isn't a knock against john young but like during the kill taylor shows like when taylor's halfway through the workout we're like oh john just beat him like he's Taylor's halfway through the workout, we're like, Oh, John just beat him. Like he's already did. He already did the workout and he beat him. Like, that's kind of reminded me
Starting point is 00:08:28 of like what Dave was saying. He's like, Oh, we could do that too. If we wanted to, and we would crush it. It's like, hold on, dude. Why don't you just focus on putting out your fucking doc a year, a year earlier? Why don't you just focus on making sure that content is being produced, that you don't have to do yourself before you get all hot and heavy about whose lunch money you're going to go take? Oh, we did that. Yeah. Okay, dude.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Relax. That's about as crazy as a, as a, yeah. Then to what you're saying with my story with the homeless guy, that's about as crazy as that. Right. Um, extra slop happens to me. I just drive around for work. I'm either enjoying the smell of my farts
Starting point is 00:09:06 or I'm in blind rage about nothing. That's a weird juxtaposition. That's hilarious. Barthley, testosterone hypothetical scenarios are the best. You always win in your mind. 100%, dude. You're like the hero.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Like, oh, if this happened, dude, I'd run in and just rambo the situation and they'd interview me on the news and it would be cool we would like me hide rocks yeah hide rocks is right okay so i have um this topic that i wanted to get into a little bit. I talked about it when I had Hiller on. Holy shit, there's so many things happening in my texts right now. I'm turning on the call line. So if you guys have opinions on this and want to talk a little bit about it, or really whatever, you could derail the whole show and we'll talk about whatever you want to talk about too until I just hang up.
Starting point is 00:10:03 But I'm going to connect this now and i'll throw the call-in number because it's different than the normal one across the screen so that'll be connected so we got that done sorry i'm leaving up comments i love it when matt refers to high rocks at as hydrox it's a poor man's crossfit poor man's oreo cookie um have you guys watched i know they're free now have you guys watched the behind the scenes uh and syndicate crown i got made fun of all weekend because i hung out a lot with hayley adams and her group there if you guys have watched it a lot of the interviews and stuff from the east i did savon didn't go to that one i did so i was the pitch hitter from him for him and um i hung out a lot with hayley adams and her her coach josh and hayley they were great they
Starting point is 00:10:51 were like super cool to me let me put a camera in their face the whole entire time and i kept referring to one of hayley's favorite singers as bill billy irish i don't even know what the fucking last part of it was. Halfway through, Will turns around and I think he put it in the behind the scenes where it says Irish? When I'm talking to her.
Starting point is 00:11:17 At some point through the weekend, he stops and he's like, are you saying Billie Irish? I was like yeah and he thought it was the funniest thing and the interesting about that is like i didn't even realize that that wasn't like that wasn't right i guess this billy eyelash yeah dude pretty much any updates on the hayley will situation you guys like that like that little side quest we threw in there i'm so happy will left it in post-production because um
Starting point is 00:11:45 he's not a huge fan of that type of stuff or being in the spotlight but i for sure played that a ton uh you'll have to find out at the very end if i get them on camera meeting it's a whole thing okay to today's discussion crossfit games only 12 minutes in. CrossFit Games athlete, like being a CrossFit Games athlete is not a career. And I'm going to explain why it is not a career. And it's more or less an opportunity. And I'm stealing that exact line from Dana White. I wanted to find the exact clip that he said it in. Damn, my Instagram reel is killing it. 20 likes in
Starting point is 00:12:28 15 minutes. I'll put it up over here. Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift. So this is what kind of sparked my thought. There's two things. I talked about it in the show with Hiller. I was discussing with one of the CrossFit Games athletes. You guys know who they are. And I was like, hey, you should do this or you should do that. Just kind of like fun banter back and forth about like sponsorships or like opportunities that come across CrossFit Games athletes' plates. And in the discussion, I asked them, I'm like, do you talk about like this type of stuff with like your agent? Like, what does that look like?
Starting point is 00:13:00 And they were like, no, not really. And kind of discussed some other things. And I just thought it was absolutely insane that the first month of working together, like if, if I had a CrossFit games, if I was an agent and I was like, okay, I have this person as my, if I have Taylor self as my, um, CrossFit games athlete, like I'm representing Taylor. The first thing we would do is we would just sit down and I'd be like, okay, let's plot out like a long-term vision. And I want to work backwards from where you plan to be after the CrossFit Games. And I just think that that is so important because earlier somebody
Starting point is 00:13:37 said it in here, CrossFit Games is not a... I said CrossFit Games wasn't a career, and they said, tell that to Tia. I forget who it was, but that was a great point. Okay, we're not going to... Okay, it was Augustus. Yeah, tell that to Tia. And I was actually going to use her as an example, her and Matt, because time competing, they have the fittest people.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Tia's even won one more than Matt now. Matt has five. Tia's going to one more than Matt now. Matt has five. Tia's going to work on her seventh or whatever it is. Just something ridiculous of the amount of times they won the CrossFit Games. Let's say she wins this one and two more. Let's give her two more. So she wins this year. She wins 2025 before Tia decides to hang it up.
Starting point is 00:14:19 That's a total of eight years that she was winning. And how long was she competing that whole entire time? Maybe 12 years, a 12 year stretch. And out of those 12 years, eight of them, she was at the top of the sport with getting probably the largest endorsements deal she's going to get now. Um, and largest sponsorships and different things. We already know that that train runs out of the track, even for somebody who's had such a successful career like her. And you even with something like that, where she has a long time at the top, no questions asked. I'll hide this for a minute. A long time at the top, no questions asked. She's making probably the most amount of money out of any other CrossFit Games athlete to do it. And we don't really know this because I don't know what the endorsement deals typically are or how long they run, but we could say with reasonable certainty
Starting point is 00:15:10 that Matt Frazier, Tia, and Rich Froning would probably have the largest and longest standing contracts, whether that be with Reebok, Noble, Nike, whoever they were sponsored with. And even within their careers, it's such a finite amount of time. Think about Matt Frazier. He was at the top, untouchable for five years. Came out with this program because he kept everything secret, dropped it, it exploded. I heard he made something crazy
Starting point is 00:15:38 like $800,000 or $750,000 a month when it first kicked off, right? In just a year, two years removed from that, the whole thing seems like it's just digressing and backsliding a ton. And so if you were to really think about how much money you're going to make, how long you need to stretch that out, assuming this is the only thing that you were going to do, then you would need to work backwards from when you're ending to be able to really save your money, invest it smartly, and capitalize on every single opportunity that's coming across your plate right now. Because once they're done, they're done. And you guys even see it's all about what have you done for me lately. So unless you have this media powerhouse like Rich does and this
Starting point is 00:16:21 whole camp and everything that's going on, but it's also successful because we've seen Tia try to do it. It hasn't seen that successful. We've seen HWPO do it. And in terms of keeping athletes and all that stuff, that at least from the outside looking in has not seen, they haven't really found success there either. So if you were to take that into consideration, that's a crazy short career.
Starting point is 00:16:39 I've owned a CrossFit gym for as long or longer than they have already been competing. And I don't even feel like I've really started on my career path in business and entrepreneurship. So just think about that in terms of context of time. You would go from 25 to 35 or from 22 or 23 to 36 if you had a lot of years out of it. And then that is it. And that is not a lot of time in a sport. And that is not a lot of time to capitalize on earnings. That's not a lot of time to capitalize on media. And that's not a ton of time to capitalize on the endorsement deals or anything else that you'd be getting. And that's including prize money because you all
Starting point is 00:17:21 know that that ass gets taxed. If you win 100 grand or whatever it is, how much money because you all know that that ass gets taxed. If you win a hundred grand or whatever it is, I mean, how much of money that do you actually see and realize that in your bank account? You figure a certain percent of it goes to like your, your manager or your agents and stuff right off the top, maybe 10% is gone. Um, if you live out here in California, put 35 to 40% away for taxes, boom, 50% of your shit is gone because you've just paid the government and the other people that are working with you. So it really. And by the way, if you're doing it full-time, you have no other source of income. So if you win, I don't even know what the prize purse is. Let's say it's $300K. And 50% of that, we're saying, is basically going to be gone to paying all your people off into taxes. You're left with $150K, which is a great salary.
Starting point is 00:18:07 But that's like, you're not making NBA money. You're not making NBL money or NFL money. Like that money will run out. And if the next year you don't make any prize purse money or anything else like that, it fucking, it drops off. Then all of a sudden you're in trouble. And same thing too with if something comes up, you could end up getting injured losing a year losing those endorsements losing some of the sponsors or they drop you down i knew i screwed
Starting point is 00:18:32 one of them up mmbl it's it's a fucking new sport augustus you don't know about it yet so anyways here was the clip of dana white saying it about uh ufc um fighters and i just thought this had such a parallel over to CrossFit Games athletes. Professional athlete, you have a very small window of opportunity. We'll try that again. When you're a professional athlete,
Starting point is 00:18:54 you have a very small window of opportunity, a very limited amount of time. You know, we get into all this money shit and the stuff that's going on right now. Everybody acts like this is a fucking career. This isn't a career. This isn't a career. This is not a career. This is an opportunity.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Anything can happen in any given moment. Knee can blow out your back. You're this, you're that, um, COVID-19, you know, who the hell knows what's,
Starting point is 00:19:19 what, what is coming down the pipeline. So you have to take every opportunity that you can get when you're a professional athlete. Every opportunity you can get that especially means coming on this show and being interviewed by seven, even if he said that he didn't prefer rads. Come on, Daniel, come back, come back, capitalize on the opportunity. But I completely agree with him there in the sense of that, like, there's already no money in CrossFit
Starting point is 00:19:50 being a CrossFit Games athlete. Like, what is, like, 10th place get at the Games? Like, Barkley probably knows the price, I don't know it off the top of my head. But it's not very much. And if you're planning to live off that of, like, your only salary and you're not getting
Starting point is 00:20:06 that much money in between sponsorships and stuff like that. Or even if you are and you start living like, oh, I'm going to have this for forever. I'm making $120,000, $150,000, $200,000 a year. And I just get to work out full time. It's like, great. And four years later, then what's going to happen? And the reason why I bring this up is because I think if you're a CrossFit athlete or want to be an CrossFit athlete, inspiring athlete or anything like that, I think you have to be almost equally amount. And this is going to sound crazy, especially to some of the people that have won the CrossFit games or a podium. They probably think that I'm stupid and don't know what I'm talking about with the effort that it takes to podium. But if you're not taking this opportunity
Starting point is 00:20:48 right now to also capitalize in the media space and create something more lasting for yourself, I would damn near say, depending on where you are in your season of training, if 50% of your time isn't dedicated to developing something that you own, some sort of media and something that you could do for a long time that is within your control, then you are completely fucking up your whole entire opportunity. Because if 50% of you isn't thinking, okay, I know that this is the short-term goal is to make it to the games, is to podium the games. I know I have like a two-year or three out where I'm, I'm, I'm also being, uh, responsible with my training from that time. So I don't beat myself up too much. And I know that I'm, I have a couple of years out, right. But then on top of that, you also have to say, okay, well, five years from now, 10 years from now, I'm going to be fucking,
Starting point is 00:21:37 I'm not even going to be relevant in the space. So I also need to do X, Y, and Z and work on this as the same time as I'm working on the, the being a CrossFit games athlete as well, too. I just saw only fans and I had to click this, Matt, you're not factoring in only fans. You're right, but that's still finite. What zombie, you know, what happens after gravity takes a hold and aging. That's also super finite. Don't forget, if you drive a 2016 Toyota Sienna minivan, you will pay $7,000 for a new timing belt. Put that in the budget. Yeah, shit. Anything could happen. $7,000. Zach Camp, do you think cutting first and second prize purse to reallocate down the leaderboard would benefit? No. And in fact,
Starting point is 00:22:33 I would probably even squeeze more of it towards the top a little bit. I don't have the prize purse breakdown in front of me for this year, but I think everybody through 15th or something got paid out and it got really small. Basically, you got your entry fee back to you if you get 10th place or something like that. Basketball is a sport. CrossFit is
Starting point is 00:22:55 a method. I like where we're going here. CrossFit Games is an event that showcases the best CrossFit athletes that display the highest level of the method. Proven HW Pro and Mayhem are methods. Okay. All right. I'm not...
Starting point is 00:23:12 No argument really in that. What is happening? Oh, I'm getting like all these random things. Okay. So we're going to continue this discussion a little bit, but I'm going to put up the call line. So if you guys want to call in... Wait, which number is mine? Here it is. 925 number. 925-310-9340. 925-310-9340.
Starting point is 00:23:33 I don't know why I said it out loud, but I just thought that that would be cool. Did it work? We'll see. So if you're not factoring in, okay, what's the long-term goal that I'm going to be doing, uh, with, with this opportunity that I have right now and how can this attach to that? Or how could the opportunity that I have as a CrossFit games athlete in the media space or whatever, this attention that I have right now, how could I use that to cultivate onto the long-term goal? And if you're not sitting down and really kind of thinking about, okay, this is where what I would like to do for a long time that I could really sink my teeth in a 20 year, 30 year type thing. Then how do I take exactly what I'm doing and then start to plug in pieces to that along the line? kind of already laid out as a CrossFit Games athlete because the deal sergeant right here,
Starting point is 00:24:26 please tell me you have a YouTube where you go and find deals at garage sales and resell stuff. That would be amazing if you do that. I would definitely subscribe and watch your show. But the deal sergeant says over here, CrossFit is simply not a sport. And you hear the talk all the time.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Like, oh, well, our sport needs to grow. It needs to be professionalized. Like, no, it doesn't. No, it doesn't. And in fact, I think if you downsized it in terms of venue and Spanish or it probably do a lot better. Um, but that's another conversation for another day. So if you're out there and you're in the CrossFit space
Starting point is 00:25:05 and you're an upcomer, you're like gun ho, hopefully you're in your early 20s so you have a little bit of a runway there. Hopefully you have some sort of your situation taken care of. Most likely mom and dad are helping out with some housing or something like that. And you have an opportunity to come in and compete at a high level. And you're
Starting point is 00:25:26 like, okay, I'm going to get really into this. I'm going to dedicate myself to my training. And hopefully I have a chance to make it at the CrossFit Games. But let's just say you're just obsessed with CrossFit. You love every aspect about it, especially coaching. You better be sinking your teeth into developing yourself as a coach as much as you are as an athlete Especially if you've never made it to semi-finals like if you've never made it to semi-finals like fuck stop Stop right now and reassess your whole entire life
Starting point is 00:25:58 And the reason why I say that isn't to be just like a dick that's like, oh This guy can't make it so he's gonna say can't. No, it's because it's the truth. If you're not developing yourself as a coach, and you're not truly passionate about coaching and helping people, and you think somehow that getting to the games is going to be this pinnacle. Like why? So you can get the Northern Spirit fucking jersey a year after you've competed there. Like really put some thought about, okay, I'm going to be in this gym a lot, but I'm going to really dedicate myself, yes, to my training, but almost more so to my education and becoming a really awesome coach and investing in the people around you. Back in the old school day, you used to see,
Starting point is 00:26:38 back in my day, when they would have 2010, 2011, CrossFit Games was coming around. And now granted, this was in California. So CrossFit Invictus was like, is close. It's just a drive up from San Diego, a couple hours. Right. But you would see these affiliate, uh, gatherings of people coming out to, to, um, cheer on their athlete that was competing from their gym. They're like 20. There used to be this thing called the sea of green with Invictus because it was literally like 50 or 60 people were just covering in the stands. And you would see that so much in the early days where people, all gyms would come out and would be like, I am rooting for Ben Smith or Scott Pancheck because they coach my noon class. I see him every day. I see how much work he's putting in. And now I'm here because I want to support him. And I think part of the reason why we're seeing this big dip in attendance is
Starting point is 00:27:28 because there's this really big divide between that. There's not as many of these CrossFit Games athletes or aspiring CrossFit Games athletes. They don't coach as much anymore. They're not as invested into their communities as they used to be, by and large. And the ones that are now, you definitely see it. When they show up and they have this huge cheering crowd and people were like, oh my gosh, I just love to see them do so much. They're so good to us. When they coach the classes, they help me out with all these tips and stuff. That's the person you want to be. Because then at the end of that, if you just start coming back and you're just like, hey, I'm not competing anymore. I'm coaching full time. There's something there for you. In all those years of you beating
Starting point is 00:28:09 your head against a fucking wall to get your rowing meters and your skills up and a couple more pounds on your barbell, it's not for nothing because you've actually invested in something else. If you're only investing into your training, at some point you're going to turn around and there's not going to be a lot to show for it when the dust settles and that portion of your uh uh career or life or that season of your life is over um irish olympic hopeful did media training this year misqualification but has been approached by multiple outlets to host and present sense smart exactly because they took that attention that they had. People wanted the Irish Olympian around them.
Starting point is 00:28:47 They were able to say, hey, now that we know this person, we like this person, they did something cool or was hopeful or hopefully did something cool. Now we can utilize them in the space. That's important. Find and seek opportunities. I do wonder if she spent time doing media
Starting point is 00:29:03 training, if she would have qualified to Paris though. smiley face well here's the deal no no if you gotta take a portion of your time and dedicate to anything else and then you're coming back and saying like oh i took that portion of my time and like i didn't make the olympics for it then you're probably not talented enough to make it i could see that at the top level when you're like want to win like like how Matt was doing everything he could, Rich was, then it gets a little extreme. But if you're just trying to qualify
Starting point is 00:29:31 and you miss the boat, oh shit. Paul Smith. It is now has... You guys got to help me out with this. You already know I can't even read little. I'm trying to put together your mismatch. It is now the sponsorship to practice the method 24-7 instead of the OG days when it was normal people with jobs
Starting point is 00:29:52 just pursuing fitness in their day. The comment was sponsored by Panda Express. So interesting. Did you guys hear about when Dave talked about that? They knew the guy who owned that Panda Express. And because there is that teriyaki chicken and vegetable option there that, that, that qualified as like,
Starting point is 00:30:08 um, uh, paleo eating. So that was how it was justified. You win, you win the CrossFit games and you get a $500 Panda Express gift card. Um, Susie,
Starting point is 00:30:20 you invested too much on your coaching. Is that why you said you can't make semifinals? Exactly. No, I can't make semifinals because I'm not strong enough. My aerobic capacity isn't high enough and my skills weren't that great. So if I just got better at everything. Unless you want to be the most broke professional athlete of any sport, try relying solely on CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Unless you're really hot with a thick butt. Again, capitalizing on the attention. And here's the thing too, guys. We don't know what the CrossFit season has changed almost every year since the start of CrossFit. If you look back, I don't know if there's ever been more than two years in a row without some sort of change to the format or to the season. Like if you guys remember when it was open regional games, there was still a lot of changes within the regions. It was like smaller regions, then it was bigger regions, then it was super regions. And then so as things go through a bunch of change like that, there is zero control over how it's going to go and, and everything else and what
Starting point is 00:31:25 your season's going to look like next year. So to also just have zero control over your own destiny, that shit would drive me nuts. I would need to have something that I'm like, okay, I could own this and I'm going to keep working on it. And this will grow regardless of what happens, um, everywhere else. And you guys are going to call in. I'm i'm scared um you like how somehow uh making fun of you is gonna work like that's the better option i'm also making sure that it's on okay you gotta turn that up that was turned off nobody called but in case you do um so back to the larger discussion of creating some sort of vision for yourself.
Starting point is 00:32:08 If you haven't taken the time to sit down and really say like, okay, you made the point about the CrossFit Games athletes, but what actually am I doing? And what is my career? And what is my pursuit? And what am I working on? And do you have some sort of lofty big goal
Starting point is 00:32:24 that you're working back from? And without that, for me personally, I really rely on that. And over the years, it's gotten more and more clear that I need to have that sort of vision or that direction or that carrot out in front of me to work towards something. Otherwise, I kind of feel like everything's in a little disarray and chaos. And here's the thing. The deal about that vision or that goal over that long period of time is going to change because none of us can predict the future.
Starting point is 00:32:51 But if I'm writing down big goals of like, hey, I want to accomplish X, I want to learn Y, I want to be able to get in front of these people or expand my contact list to this or raise my income to that or work on my health so I get my body fat percentage down or my skeletal muscle mass or something like that. Those are tangible things that are within your control. And they're big enough to where as long as you know you're headed in a positive direction of working on yourself, acquiring new skills, focusing on your financial literacy, working on your health and setting small goals into that, It doesn't really matter how else the chips fall because you know that you're moving forward in your progress
Starting point is 00:33:28 and therefore it's never going to be a bad investment of your time. Lance, long distance calling is expensive. No, it's free. Just use WhatsApp. We don't need an Irish Olympian in the media space that people demand, Pedro. Ain't that the truth? Side note,
Starting point is 00:33:48 you guys see the last, uh, around the whiteboard, Caleb was on it. He was great. I loved him in that, um, in that setting when he busted out like the Southern accent and started just
Starting point is 00:34:00 like, it was cool. I really, uh, I really enjoyed to see that, that side of them. And this is something too. We had the discussion about, um, Hey, if you were to have a coach that comes in coaches for you at the affiliate and they want to now open their own gym or they're
Starting point is 00:34:19 striving towards that, like, what do you do about that? And for my mindset and my goal has always been help them in that process. Because chances are, they're going to get partly through that and realize, oh, I just really enjoyed coaching. I don't want to actually own and run a business. Because those are two completely different things. And if you come with that mindset of like, hey, what is your long-term goal? What do you hope to get out of this? What are you working or striving for? The better you know somebody, the easier it's going to be to work with them because you kind of always are knowing what their interests are like. What do they want to accomplish and what are they trying to achieve? And so if I have that information, we can work together to either advance them into that or to problem solve if they come to me and
Starting point is 00:35:04 they're like, hey, I want to own my own gym. Because then rather than trying to turn them into the enemy and be like, well, good luck or whatever, you create that us versus them mentality that happens all the time between coaches and owners. Now, all of a sudden, you're like, cool, how can I help? What do you want to do? And it completely changes the conversation. And that's assuming that most of all your guys' values and stuff align to where they want to open up a gym that looks similar to yours and there isn't this big discrepancy into the vision you guys have. But if you're able to know that about somebody and work towards them because your guys' visions
Starting point is 00:35:39 and your interests align, that's really how you start to collect the right people around you and make some progress. If you're just floating around and you're just like, well, I don't know. I'm doing this. This job pays good and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You're quickly going to turn into... It's going to turn into burnout. You'll get stuck in this rat race of just the same shit all the time. In 10 years, we'll go by like that. And then you'll kind of push your head up out of the clouds and be like, fuck, I kind of just wasted 10 years. Like, what am I doing? Like, what do I want to do? I hate this job. Like, I'm not happy with this or that or the other thing. And so being able to craft that out and decide this is where I hope to go one day. This is where
Starting point is 00:36:19 my interests align. These are the things that I'm doing and working on myself to move myself into that direction. Like whether or not things change and they're going to change, you're still making forward progress to that. And so with these semi-final hopefuls, especially when you're coming into the gym, fucking keep things in perspective. Stop with this like not focusing on yourself not focusing on your on your career decide like i know a bunch of people that are competing to be at a semi-final level that are like coaches that you could tell that they're just not even into coaching they're just doing it because they think it's a thing that they should do and it's keeping them in the gym and it's creating more time for them to work out and it's just such short-sightedness in terms of being able to think about where it is you're going or what it is that you plan to do.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Then you're going to get burnt out. You're going to start to hate it. And then you're going to have this weird period where you feel a little lost in life. Like you're kind of just floating around trying to figure out the next thing. Dan, Sousa, what would you like to do other than coaching? Dream job. Honestly, exactly what I'm doing right now, pretty much, but just more of it and making a lot more of an impact and then therefore more money. So I love coaching at the gym. So even if I can completely offload the whole entire process, which I'm constantly working towards in my business, not because I want to, but because
Starting point is 00:38:00 that's what I like. I like efficiency in business and systems and I like it to be able to operate without me having to be the one operating it. But even when that becomes the case and that schedule gets filled up with other coaches, I'll still probably coach class at least three days a week just because I enjoy doing it. I really enjoy also working with the fire departments because it's a different style of coaching. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy coaching my CrossFit classes with my general population of people. But when I get in front of the law enforcement or the firefighters or that, it's just a different... I have a different approach with them. It's a little bit more stern and tough. And then I also... They listen more. It's a little bit more impactful because it's
Starting point is 00:38:42 directly relating into their ability to accomplish their job tasks and stuff. So for me, I love working with that population. So I would always still probably coach to some degree. But I think the dream job overall is to be able to continue to build media, continue to build into media companies, and hopefully be able to help and continue to grow affiliates. And I don't know what that looks like or how. But again, I don't need the full... I don't need it completely in HD. I just got to have most of the pieces of the puzzle in HD. Heidi Crum, I feel lost in life. You want to call in and talk about it? We could start to break shit down.
Starting point is 00:39:26 How many hours do you coach a week? For you guys that are coaching, how many hours do you guys coach a week? I'm curious. And how many of you guys are paid coaches versus you're volunteering, like doing a value exchange so you get your membership? I hate calling it a volunteer because I feel like sometimes that diminishes it. And for those of you guys that are showing up and that are coaching, um, and you're doing an exchange for membership or you're doing it just because you're passionate about it and stuff like that, like good for you. Like you're, that's fucking great. Um, I don't like saying like volunteer. Okay. Uh, 10 to 12 in person
Starting point is 00:40:00 classes a week. Okay. Two that I get paid. All right. Okay all right okay um wait 12 to 16 classes co-owner okay okay very similar to uh kind of what i do i'm basically one hour cool is it a personal training 10 to 14 paid. Okay. Dope. What did my... Oh. Cool. Grace just texted me the payouts. She could probably hear me on the other side of the door. $315,000 for first. $125,000 for second.
Starting point is 00:40:37 $85,000 for third. $60,000 for... $60,000 for fourth. The person who called in, I don't know if they're actually... This is the shitty part about using my phone for the number on this. I don't know if you're calling in to the show or if you're calling in to talk to me. So, sorry. Person who just called.
Starting point is 00:41:00 If you're calling in to talk to the show, call again. And maybe it is. I can't tell which number is hooked up so heidi what'd you say i was doing seven paid and two unpaid the unpaid are uh jujitsu oh dang so you coach jujitsu in crossfit that's probably a cool combination. $10 a class. I don't realize I get paid. All right. Okay. Amanda, two to four hours paid in exchange. Cool. 10 normally, but occasionally 13 to 14.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Nick, I also continue to coach for free. Yeah, that's cool. I attached the payouts in here like 10 minutes ago. Yeah. What are you going to do? That was direct to my phone. But anyhow, the payouts in this, going back to the conversation we had earlier,
Starting point is 00:41:52 once you hit third place at $85,000, once taxes get taken out, once you pay off all the managers and stuff like that, that's getting pretty low. And then at fourth place at $60,000, forget it. You've dropped underneath the poverty line at that point. So really we're talking about first and second in terms of payout by prizes.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Like that's, um, that's tough. That's tough. Uh, $20 a class is what you get paid. Okay. Um, Ernie, we already got yours. Yeah. Uh, Brock, I said, I heard you mention of school website on my wife's coaches meeting last week pretty cool i heard mention of your schools of your school
Starting point is 00:42:33 website on my word oh that's awesome that's really cool yeah any one of your guys's coaches that want to uh join the school platform you guys should um it's rocking and rolling now i mean there's so many people in there and like everybody's like exchanging ideas and different things we actually have hey one person pending nicole you're in hi nicole welcome to the welcome to the platform so we have a ton of awesome stuff in here i also threw this in here this is a a playlist of every single one of greg's um uh podcast that he's done on here all in one space uh massive changes at affiliate some people are going through the exchange between like being a coach and now being a conor or the gym um yeah there's a bunch of really awesome stuff in here and then of course we have the whole
Starting point is 00:43:20 classroom uh and then we got our affiliate video contest. So jump in there. We got quite a few people now. 226. Hey, look at that. So go in there. Jump in. Everything is for free. You'll rock it out.
Starting point is 00:43:34 It'll be great. You'll learn a bunch of stuff. That's not the correct number. Now I know. School is amazing. Thank you for all the tools. Dude, thank you, JK, for being there. That's awesome. Really good.
Starting point is 00:43:47 $27 hourly for management and coaching hours. Okay, that's good. That's good. That's typically what we pay too. We'll pay like $25 an hour for a starting coach. And then we usually bump them up to $30 an hour once they've settled in. And then we also have a value exchange program. So you do a couple hours, you get your membership for free, that type of stuff. And then my head coach makes a salary and gets personal training and stuff like that. He gets to take 90 uh 90 of it home so he makes good money um
Starting point is 00:44:27 yeah so i was curious about that with the coaching but anyhow long-winded but that's that's kind of my you know quote-unquote uh dream job if you will is to build a massive fucking media company that takes over the world starting with the health care stuff okay we, we go on here. This one's on the side. So I think this should be the right number. Caller, hello, welcome to the show. If you're there. They're not there. Okay, good times.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Try to call back again. I don't know what happened. Heidi, seriously, call in. Let's fucking discuss it. Let's talk about it. A lot of this stuff comes down to a math equation too i was um i was talking with a new couple that just had a baby and they were like hey does like we're in this juxtaposition like does my wife go back to work do i just stay
Starting point is 00:45:19 working does she stay home with the kids like then we have to pay for daycare and like they were kind of going like all this back and forth about what they should do. And I just sat there for a minute. I was like, okay, so we're just talking about a financial problem though, right? And they were like, yeah. And I'm like, well, here's the great part about financial problems. It all just comes down to math. Just do the math on it.
Starting point is 00:45:39 So if you make $100 a month and daycare costs $100 a month, you're better off just not working and staying at home with the kids than you are working just to pay childcare. So at some point, you kind of have to do the math on that bad boy. And majority of it is available to all of us. How many times have you heard somebody or my favorite line that I like to use is like, hey, if I could wave a magic wand and you could just have your way with what you want to happen in life for you, there's no obstacles, no financial obstacles, nothing else.
Starting point is 00:46:18 What would that look like? A majority of the people just sit there and they just stare off into space like, I have no idea. Or if you ask them, hey, how much money do you want to make? And they're like, Oh, I want to be rich. And you're like, okay, what does rich mean to you? What does that number look like?
Starting point is 00:46:35 And then usually you get the first like really big pause of like, uh, well, I don't know. And you're like, no, seriously, think about it. And you're like, let your dreams run wild. Well, I want to fly private. I want to eat at five-star Michelin restaurants. I want to be able to buy anything I want, take my family on a vacation multiple times a year. Then you start naming it all these things. And then you realize, wait a minute, all those things actually have prices to them. So you could write down all the prices and you could figure out the number
Starting point is 00:47:01 that you need. And then badaada-boom, bada-bang, you have a financial goal that you're working towards here. Okay, we're going to try this again. Okay, let's see if it works this time. Hello, call. You're on the show. Yo, yo. Yo, what's up? Oh, what's going on? This is Jay.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Jay, what's up, dude? You meant to call the call online, right? Yeah. Okay, okay. I was like, I can record. That was like, I can never tell sometimes when I have somebody. Okay. What's up, dude? So, you know, you has it together. Maybe we can highlight these two, which is Miranda and Julian Alcarest. Right. Now they're doing something right in the space, right?
Starting point is 00:47:47 Not only do they provide amazing educational content, programming, et cetera, but they have it dialed in with the entertainment. They have it dialed in when it comes to motivation, right? So there's a roadmap here. Just wanted to get your thoughts on it. Yeah, dude. Great, great point bringing them up.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Yeah, Miranda was... Well, they both were high-level competitors. Julian made it to the games, but then I think gave up his spot because his son was going to be born, right? Right. I think that happened, yeah. So both of them high-level competitors,
Starting point is 00:48:21 games competitors. Miranda was on a team would have won that year and they like julie and miranda i mean dude they just found a perfect little niche right like miranda basically have you heard the story of how the street parking kind of came to be a little bit no okay so miranda could obviously tell it man who can tell it much better than i can but i think that they were going to move into doing their programming. We're seeing what's happening here. And right as they were starting to set it up
Starting point is 00:48:51 and we're going to make this accessible to people in the garage, she became pregnant, I think, with the second kid. And she was like, Holy shit, how are we going to do all this and start this company? And I'm going to keep working out. I'm supposed to be the face of this. but now I'm also taking care of two boys. And she basically started just adjusting her workouts, kept moving, showed people how to scale it. And then that became the avatar. All of a sudden, you had these busy parents that wanted to stay fit, wanted to stay healthy,
Starting point is 00:49:22 wanted challenging workouts, but also at the same time needed something that they could do on their own time and had multiple options to adapt the workout to their equipment that they had in the time allowance that they had. And so I think she, if I remember the story right, dude, I wonder if she'd come on here and talk about the business model of that. That'd be a cool, that'd be a really cool conversation. I'll text Miranda. Maybe she'll, maybe she'd be nice cool, that'd be a really cool conversation. I'll text Miranda. Maybe she'll, maybe she'd be nice enough to do that.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Um, and so she started like adjusting the workouts and like showing these different options and like doing it while she was pregnant and with the kids running around and like still getting the workouts in. And like that became the avatar and, um, you nailed it with like motivation, with media,
Starting point is 00:50:02 with that constant relationship and connection that they have with their street parking members. That's what made them successful. In my opinion, the media and the relationship that they were able to build when they were building that community. The street parking members and stuff, when they do their street parking in the wild and go on tour and stop at places, they'll put up 500 tickets or something for sale and they'll sell out in a fucking hour. It's crazy. Dude, I went to the one at the ranch last year. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:34 And just the amount of devotion that their members have towards them, it's interesting to see. It's very reminiscent of you know how people interact with greg whenever he shows up at an event right yep like they treat miranda and and julian in such high esteem that it's like you could just tell like they truly give a shit about every single person that shows up yep yep they really do and like i i didn't go to that event i wish i would have i think we were like out of something like i think i was traveling or whatever
Starting point is 00:51:10 but um dude uh i had heard that miranda and julian like really spent a like dedicated their whole time to basically just like hanging with that community and like if anybody wanted to chat or do whatever like they were game for it like they were just completely invested and immersed in that group and like super present like with them and um yeah i heard that that that went a long way and if you look and they have different tiers of programming for different types of athletes and you're talking about proximity right where you have them you them, you know, you can message them, you can interact with their team,
Starting point is 00:51:49 and then they hold, you know, yearly events at different locations, right? So they have a formula that works and they seem to be growing, right? Yeah. And so I think people can, you know, glean some insights from their model and it would be awesome to have her on the show to ask questions and stuff.
Starting point is 00:52:09 But yeah, I think they're, in comparison to other, you know, athletes who are just in it to like sell their programming, like, hey, just buy this and you don't ever have any proximity. You can't message them. You can't, they don't have any events, right? It's more of like, you're on an island just looking at their programming. And after a while, it's just like, ah, you know, I'm going to try someone else's program. And then they fall off, right? So the turn is probably pretty high, but, but Miranda, they double down on relationships, right? They double down on care, which is like, that's, that's the model right
Starting point is 00:52:43 there. Dude, a hundred percent. I mean mean you said it like the relationship and the care factor is like it's there it's obvious and you could see it and they have a lot of like i feel like there's like you could easily connect with them like they're not like how you said like on this like i'm not on this island as the person buying their program and miranda and julian aren't the unreachable king in the tower you know what I mean? Like they feel like accessible to everybody within their community and it's because they are, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:53:10 And they, they've taken the time to do that. And I think the, uh, success of their business and their program and the success that the community is seeing is all, it all comes down to that. But yeah,
Starting point is 00:53:20 you gave me a great idea, dude. I'm definitely, um, I'm definitely calling, uh, I'm gonna shoot a text after this and she would come on and talk a little bit
Starting point is 00:53:27 business with me. Awesome, brother. Right on, dude. Thanks for the call, bro. See you. Sergei, also responsible for the school community and keeping me organized with a lot of this shit.
Starting point is 00:53:43 I'll tell you, a lot of the stuff that is in this school and keeps me on track, you guys all thank Jay for that because he helps me a ton. He helps keep the train on the tracks when it comes to a lot of the stuff with media launch and with school and things like that. Heidi, you said something that I also agreed with. Savant should hold the yearly events.
Starting point is 00:54:03 I think so so it's time okay have you um did savon talk about this on a show it was a four hour one that i didn't i didn't watch all of it on sunday and so i don't know what he's talked about or what he hasn't talked about but um uh the kill taylor tour have we talked about that publicly or did i just fuck something up you guys have to put it in the comments i know there's a delay and every time i say something i'm like was that already talked about or did i let the cat out of the bag there um i'm i'm uh curious to what the um what did ernie say marina has some sort of vibe to her at the summit she She stood out probably from
Starting point is 00:54:45 pure awesomeness. Yeah, I agree. You felt that too? She definitely does. Heidi Crum, I have a list a mile long of things I would do if money wasn't a factor. None of those things will make me money unless I start my OnlyFans. Completely disagree. Completely, completely disagree. I bet you
Starting point is 00:55:01 we could talk about one of the two things that you don't think would make you money. I bet you we put our heads together. We could come up with a business plan and some sort of framework for income for that. I bet you. I bet your money on it. Caller, hello. Welcome to the show. Yo, what's up? What's up, D-D-Durney? Hey, Ernie. How you doing? Good, man. Good. I called earlier, but I think it was my phone just acting up. So my bad, bud. Hey Ernie, how you doing? Good man, good I called earlier but I think it was my phone just acting up
Starting point is 00:55:27 So my bad bud Oh okay, did you mean to call earlier or did you not mean to call earlier? No no I did I mean to call, I was gonna tell you So I wanted to ask you Well two things The Taylor stuff, I know Savant did talk about it And he actually called him
Starting point is 00:55:43 So I think it is pretty out there in the open already. All right, cool. So I didn't fuck up. I'm not having trouble. Nah, you did great. What I wanted to ask you, since you're an affiliate owner and all that good stuff, what do you expect from your head coaches? Because fortunately enough, I got promoted this weekend and I'm an officially head coach.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Hey, congratulations. Air coach. Hey, congratulations. Air horns. Gracias, gracias. I'm very happy about it. Indeed, the members really make my day. But it's one of those things that I'm not too sure if I just continue to do my same old, same old. Is there anything you expect from your head coaches that I can try to stand out other than the regular responsibilities
Starting point is 00:56:27 of just going through the programming, making sure that you're present and there for the classes and whatnot? Yeah. How many as head coach did your roles get defined? Not necessarily, at least not yet. And I believe it's because of my work schedule. I haven't been able to have a sit down and then know exactly what's going to be expected from me. So that's why I'm kind of trying to anticipate something.
Starting point is 00:57:05 to you. So if your head coach, like one of the things that we have at my gym is that I expect there to be some sort of regular cadence of coaches meetings that you're leading in terms of like whether it's connection or whether it's development or whether it's housekeeping. And those three buckets are something that we talk about with the coaches. Housekeeping is just like, hey guys, don't forget to turn off the lights. And this is the way the new stereo works. So just the information that they need, right? Development is bringing them in there and doing like a mock class where you might refine some whiteboard debrief or you might run it like an l2 where you're putting each other in small groups and seeing and correcting movement or talking about how you want the class to um uh to roll out right so you have the setting the tone yeah exactly setting the tone but then also also developing
Starting point is 00:57:47 them right um and then uh on the last one too it's like giving some sort of direction of like hey guys we could be better at this or like what are people doing in terms of education so those are the main um things or criteria that i look for in terms of my head coach to be developing all the other coaches around them and to have some sort of thought process as to like, hey, what do we need to do in terms of bettering the experience for the overall gym? So your viewpoint should start to go from my class to all the classes and not how good was the experience in my eight o'clock class, but how good was the experience on Monday overall? And so it just changes in terms of your perspective as to what you're looking
Starting point is 00:58:30 for, because not only are you saying like, okay, how am I going to get better? And what could I have done to, to make this experience a little bit better? But then you're also looking at in terms of everybody overall and then saying like,
Starting point is 00:58:39 okay, cool. Now, what could we do together collectively as a group that would either make these workouts more exciting, would bring some more scale options to it, or we could just do better, right? So that's what I would say is changing your perspective
Starting point is 00:58:54 from just working on yourself, but also being able to contribute and take the whole group with you. So that's the main thing. Yeah, and then treat it like you own it, dude. So I tell that to everybody that works for me. What's that? That's the, that's the mentality that I've had since the get go. And I think that's why they offered me the position. that's awesome dude and i mean that's the biggest thing like if you're the type of person that pulls into the parking lot looks around and sees that there's trash there and just picks that up and throws that away like you're taking responsibility for shit that you didn't even do but you're you want the whole presentation of the gym to be better right the other thing too if you want
Starting point is 00:59:38 to start to get a great example uh sorry but i just wanted to the way i thought today we had like uh a fuck ton of rowing and the rowers are kind of dirty you know when they when they're uh, sorry, but I just wanted to, the way I thought today we had like, uh, in a rowing and the rowers are kind of dirty, you know, when they, when they're not really clean, you feel that gunk when every time the seat goes back, I got there early to make sure that I cleaned them all. And in my mind thinking like, dude, like I know. Plenty of people in my old and back home that wouldn't be doing this. I know with the older and he probably wouldn't be doing this.
Starting point is 01:00:02 And it's like, it's so strange how it just kind of clicks one day and you're just like, dude, I need to take care of this stuff. Yep, exactly. Now, there's levels to it, right? So the first level is just recognizing like, hey, these need to be cleaned and I can be the person to do it, right? So that's the first level of taking responsibility and taking ownership. Level number two from that is,
Starting point is 01:00:24 hmm, who could we get that does this on a regular basis? And here's what I mean. Let's say you have a member there that's handy. They work on cars, they're mechanics, they work on bikes, so they enjoy doing some of that stuff. If you went to that individual... Now, clear this, but with the gym owners first. But the next level is going to that individual and being like, Hey, Ernie, I noticed you're around here a lot. You really like this place. I know that you do whatever, so you're great with your hands, however you want to have that conversation. That kind of sounded weird, but you get the point. And they're like, Yeah, I am. And you're like, Dude, what if
Starting point is 01:00:56 we gave you a 50% discount on your membership, but on the first weekend of every single month, you came in here and serviced our rowers and our bikes for us. And he's like, yeah, that sounds great. So the first level of it is you recognize there's a problem and you do something about it. The next level of that is I recognize that's a problem. Now I'm going to find somebody to fill and execute that job for me. And of course, there's an incentive there because now you have it done on a regular cadence. You're not the one that has to dedicate your time to do it. And you've given some sort of value exchange. So you're hoping that there's some sort of long-term
Starting point is 01:01:34 with this person that's going to come in monthly to do it because they're incentivized by their half membership and they're super paying half price for their membership and they're super involved and invested in the gym and the community. So if you apply that framework of thinking to everything that's in the business there, not only are you finding opportunities to improve, taking ownership of those improvements, doing them yourself, but then finding some sort of system
Starting point is 01:01:59 in another person to implement inside there so it could be done on a regular basis and you're no longer allocating too much of your time to it. Does that make sense? Yeah, it makes a lot of sense. And then the second thing to that, and again, this is just something with your business owners and your comfortability with them, but going to them and straight up just being like, hey, what problem do we need to solve right now? And giving them the space, if they're comfortable with it, they might say, well, okay, Ernie, so here's the deal. Our churn has been up two percentage points
Starting point is 01:02:32 in the last two months we've been under. We've lost about $800 there. So if you hear that, you're like, okay, now we know what the problem is. And there's many different ways to tackle that problem. But if you start thinking in that sense as well too, now you're shifting from head coach to business owner because you're solving higher level problems. It's no longer just the gunk on the rowers, but it's how am I going to increase monthly revenue so we survive, right?
Starting point is 01:03:02 And so, yeah, man. That's when you start to put ideas in your friend and we week and all that type of stuff, right? Exactly. Those just type of different levels of thinking or expanding your thought there is something that is always going to be appreciated by the owner of your business. But you got to do it delicately because if you come in too hot and you're like,
Starting point is 01:03:18 we're going to change this or we should do this, they're going to be like, get a little fucking this guy. You know what I mean? You have to find the balance. You have to do exactly what you're doing, which is showing up, contributing and providing. And then they'll see that you're taking that ownership and they'll kind of walk with you on that journey as you start to take on more
Starting point is 01:03:34 responsibility and they start to give you more information so you could see the total scope of the business. Yeah, I feel you. I really do appreciate it, Matt. Um, uh, one of the other things, I mean, I'm like, I'm not going to make you answer this question now, but I feel like it's a good topic for the future. Because I have a full-time job right now. I'm doing 9 to 6 currently. And then I coach 5.30, 6.30 in the morning. And then I'm supposed to be starting to work for this shoe company that I'll text you about if you don't mind. Because I wanted to see if you have any information on them.
Starting point is 01:04:05 But bro, I feel like the crash is coming or when you feel like when you're overworked. Yep. So I feel like it would be a cool topic to talk about when you start seeing the red flags. Like, all right, hey, if you see this, maybe you should start easing back a bit because I feel like I should have used back maybe like a week ago I
Starting point is 01:04:29 Feel you. Yeah. Yeah, and there always is some there always is some signs of that. That's a great topic, too We'll probably explore that in a show coming up Because I feel that same way Appreciate all the insight I was legit taking notes and working, so I really do appreciate it, man. Hope to see you soon at the games, and I'll shoot you a message about that company that I was talking about. Yeah, please do, dude.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Text me in time. I'll see you at the games. I look forward to hanging out again. All right, sounds good, bro. Have a good one, all right? Take it easy. Yep, you too. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:05:00 I always get weirdly self-conscious sometimes, too, because I just try to explain to you guys just basically the way that I do stuff. It's not right by any means. And it's always flattering when people are like, oh, I got a lot out of this or I got a lot out of what you said here. And then at the same time, it's terrifying
Starting point is 01:05:17 because I'm like, who the fuck am I to give out any advice? But here we are. So I appreciate that. And I'm glad it helps you guys out sometimes. Heidi, some of my members have said you're great with your hands. You said something earlier. She put a bunch of laughing faces. Fine. I'm making an appointment on your schedule. Yeah. See? And so going back to kind of like even to Ernie's situation there where he's like, I work nine to six and then I coach the 5.30 AM, 6.30 AM classes.
Starting point is 01:05:49 And he's coming back in the afternoon. He's like, that schedule is, that's a lot. And that's where that math equation comes into, right? Because if you're saying, okay, I make $10 an hour or not an hour. I make $10 a month coaching. My job currently gives me $18 a month. And I know that I need $10 a month coaching, my job currently gives me $18 a month, and I know that I need $15 a month to survive. So now you have this valley of like $5. And so now you could
Starting point is 01:06:12 start to work backwards as like, okay, well, it's not as big of a discrepancy as I thought. Can I pick up a few more training hours? Can I pick up a few more coaching hours? Can I do different things that will push me more towards the career that I want to be in and allow me to leave the job that I'm currently doing just because I need it as a source of income? So when you start to put the numbers into play, you can start to see. Maybe it's completely lopsided to where the discrepancy is huge. And you're like, I'm a lawyer that makes $350,000 a year and my lifestyle is at $20,000 a month. And I'm not going to make that coaching. It's like, okay, well, there you go. But if you're able to sit down... And the other thing too is most people
Starting point is 01:06:51 don't realize what their expenditure is each month. I tell people all the time that are like, oh, my hope one day is to own my own CrossFit gym or to own my own business. And I'm like, cool, you got your fucking finances under control. Can you tell me exactly how much you're going to spend next month? Can you tell me exactly how much you spent two months prior to that? Can you ballpark it? Oh, you can't. So then you might want to start with just getting your own shit under control and running your own life as if it were your own business before you go and actually take out debt or put yourself to any risk or try to actually learn something else as a skill when you could do it within yourself right now and start to work
Starting point is 01:07:31 towards that. Judy Reed, always a good comment. I learned from you not just say, what can I do to, what can I do? How do I help? But come up with a solution to the problem you've identified. Bingo. It irks me when people say that. And it irks me for two reasons. Number one, because usually you genuinely want to help. And so it's frustrating because I can't put you to work. And number two, it's frustrating because now you've given me a job to come up with your task to do. So being able to get out ahead of it and ask good questions and kind of see around the curve a little bit to ask what actually needs to be done, not just showing up and saying, how could I help? Amanda, I'm trying to bring my RN and coaching together to start a business, but it's intimidating. Oh, I love these conversations. What's intimidating about it?
Starting point is 01:08:34 Call in. Let's talk. I love doing these. I love solving anybody's problems but my own. It's always so much easier, right? That's great topic uh bernie that's a great topic sometimes people to put too much on their plate are too invested in one thing and everything else suffers or can fall apart yep yep i would be lying to you guys to say that like i haven't struggled with that over these years it's like i feel like i'm spinning multiple plates above my head then like one plate you start to see wobbles So you run over there and you get it going again. And right as you do that, you run back and you're like, oh shit, this is slacking.
Starting point is 01:09:09 And you get that one going again. It is trying and it is tough. But as you fall into a rhythm and putting certain systems in place for you to be able to hopefully optimize your time or if you have a system and a way of doing something, you could hire somebody else and teach them that, and then they could do that thing. So that's tough, but you have to be able to, um, uh, think out ahead. Judy Reed,
Starting point is 01:09:37 sorry for the terrible English. That's all right. We got it. I'm terrible at reading. So there we are. All I hear is aia LaBeouf, do it. Yeah, exactly. Do it, man. Do it, man. Do it, man. Did you mean to call the show? I'm always nervous.
Starting point is 01:09:55 I can never tell which line it's called. Hello? Yes. Hey. Hey. There was a book that you recommended to me that David wrote. I don't remember. It was like the five things of business or something. Yeah. Your next five moves by Patrick.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Your next five moves. Yep. And one of the things in there is, is to realize that, um, to it's easier said than done and I have not mastered it, but to realize you're already somewhere and everyone else is just catching up to you and recognizing it. Yeah. So almost like there's a time continuum that you're in that the rest of them are not in and you're in it in your head. Oh, yep. So you're already there. And so one of the things would be, so three years ago when we were talking about all the woke shit and everyone was saying, Hey, you're going to be canceled. I just, we just stayed true to our course. We just stayed true to our belief. We were busted by racism. We were disgusted by
Starting point is 01:10:55 poisoning children. We were disgusted by the so many things. And we're like, Hey, we're just going to stay true to who we are. And we're not going to try to do the populist thing. Yep. We're just going to stay true to who we are and we're not going to try to do the populist thing. We're just going to stay true to who we are and we're going to see that people will either catch up. People will probably, will eventually catch up with us. We're all ready, right? Yep, yep. And then there's these little moments along the way with the podcast
Starting point is 01:11:17 where you actually, there's these glimmers of, wow, you start to believe your own story more and more. And when you see yourself actually believing your story um you have to seize that moment yep you have to seize those and you have to take even further risks and push out even even further yep yep and so part of it is i i it's pretty abstract but i've um you know some people like in the mystical self-help world, they call it manifesting. Yep.
Starting point is 01:11:49 But more and more, I think the cue that works for me is the cue that you shared with me about basically like, hey, you have to already just be there. And like, you're already there and just be comfortable with being there and don't try to reach a hand back. Just do you here and the rest of the world will finally catch up and appreciate you. Yep, yep. And it's hard to do a hand back, just do you here, and the rest of the world will finally catch up and appreciate you.
Starting point is 01:12:05 Yep, yep. And it's hard to do because, I mean, you and I got the luxury of kind of going through it together, right? But, I mean, how many different noises or voices did we hear that, oh, they're just going to cap out at this, oh, it's already backsliding, oh, it's just for right now? I mean, we still hear it. Yeah, we still hear it all the time from very influential people in the space. Why are you bringing the culture wars into your podcast? Why don't you just stick to CrossFit?
Starting point is 01:12:33 Yep. thing, but we just stay true to who we are. But there's times throughout this journey, or I'm like, I feel something come through me. And I'm like, okay, that's who I am. That's where I'm at. But if I'm not aware of it, I can't grab it and like utilize it. It's kind of like you're standing there with two sticks. And another piece of wood passes by and you have to grab it out of the air and turn it into a step on your ladder and then stand on it. Yep. And then you wait, you know, and you'll be really high and excited and believe in yourself. And then you have to be conscious the whole time
Starting point is 01:13:11 because then when you see another step go by, you have to grab that to build your other step. That's right. But it's almost like, it's like a fake it. It's like a fake it till you make it. Exactly. But it's also, it's one of those things too, like it's fake it till you make it, yes,
Starting point is 01:13:24 but you're just still doing the work, right. So you're still moving in that direction, even though everybody else is probably saying it's, you know, naysaying it, or it's not going to work out or why bother. And then you, like, you're saying the branches or you get these little nuggets where you're like, Oh shit, it happened. What happened in my head happened out here. And then you get that like big leap forward of confidence. Like, yeah, we are on the right path. Fuck what everybody else is saying. Right. And, and you know, to just do a really, this isn't necessarily exactly true, but to give a really generic example, also you have to be able to take the cues.
Starting point is 01:13:54 So let's say we were going to ask someone a dollar for sponsorship, but they opened with two. So then we take that too, but we saw what happened. So the next time when we asked for sponsorship, we asked for four, we double whatever we think that we were actually worse yep and then we and then we and then and then just move from there but you have to see those those cues yeah yeah there's gonna always be more naysayers like they're like everyone around me the vast majority of people around me were not supportive I know everyone hears about all the supportive people yeah the vast majority of people were not were not supportive. I know everyone hears about all the supportive people,
Starting point is 01:14:25 but the vast majority of people were not supportive around the podcast. My, I still have very good friends who make it a point every time they talk to me to let me know they don't listen to the podcast, but the subjects for them, I don't know why they feel obligated to tell me that shit, but yeah. And I love getting up every morning and doing it.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Yeah, of course. Of course. Of course. And now that it's cooking with fire and we're blazing the trail, it's, it's even more exciting, right?
Starting point is 01:14:51 Like it's always been exciting, but like, yeah, exactly. Now it's the flywheel spinning. And a lot of this momentum is just carrying too. You know, we don't have to push the ball up the hill as hard. I'm even excited to go on the show and tell people how unexcited I am.
Starting point is 01:15:08 That's exciting oh my gosh alright hey great show I'm loving this I'm trimming the trees in the yard and living this this is great stuff you're what a valuable asset you are to the affiliate thank you alright awesome thank you I'll call you later okay okay bye yeah that's so true.
Starting point is 01:15:26 Like a lot of the stuff that happened in the early days of the podcast, especially as we caught momentum, there is so many people coming out of the woodworks. You guys saw kind of that post I put up when I left Crash. That for me was like exactly what Savant is talking about right there in that call where he was like, you get this little like nugget or you reach out for that branch or like something happens and you're like, Oh fuck, this is exactly the way I saw a plot play out in my head.
Starting point is 01:15:53 And now reality and everybody else is just seeing what I knew to be true the whole entire time. And for me, when I was flying back home from crash, after we did the quarterfinals live out there, I was like, fuck, you can't touch us now. Because we're innovating in so many different areas and taking so many chances and doing so many things
Starting point is 01:16:16 that most people wouldn't have even thought to do or thought that could be pulled off. That now you could have closed the gap a few years back and tried to innovate or stay up with what we're doing. And now most of them are just like, thought that could be pulled off that now you could have closed the gap a few years back and tried to like innovate or stay up with what we're doing and now most of them are just like well i guess we'll go live to keep up because that's all they could do they can't produce the shit that we're doing they can't innovate in the ways and they can't be as creative and so for me leaving that uh crash crucible trip and like just feeling all of it like seeing come together i was like
Starting point is 01:16:43 yes this is exactly what we had talked about. And now it's really starting to play out in reality. Amanda said, because earlier, not to call you out here, Amanda. Sorry, you asked this. You said, I'm trying to bring my RN and my coaching together to start a business, but it's intimidating. And I said, why? What? Why is it intimidating? And Amanda said, imposter syndrome with the laughing face. Dude, everybody has it. And here's the thing too. This is a Steve Jobs quote, and I'm going to butcher it. But he made a college commencement speech and he was like, you have to understand that the world is just made up of people that are no smarter or no emotionally or socially intelligent than you are. And if you do something in the world and you start to push
Starting point is 01:17:33 into it and you start to poke and you don't take this internal battle as like truth of like, oh, I can't be that person because I haven't done it yet or I don't feel like I am or all the bullshit that plays tricks in our heads that only exists between our two ears, and you go out and you actually do something, the world responds to that. There's ripple effects that'll start to happen. And I get the imposter syndrome thing, but I just think that that is, number one, it's just an excuse to hold us back because who was the first everything? There's a book in here, it's called The State state of the heart i'm not recommending you guys read it but you literally the first like um what you may call the ad machine where they electrocute you back was an exposed wire that
Starting point is 01:18:15 somebody just took from a wall and just shook like shocked the dude's heart like oh fuck it worked right so then now you fast forward to now and they're like you can't say that about uh doctors because you're not a doctor you're not to now and they're like you can't say that about uh doctors because you're not a doctor you're not the authority and you got to remember that it was just some fucking dude before you that tried the thing and it worked and so they are no better or no different than you are right now amanda trying to start your thing as the rn in the coaching how does that seem together how do you make a business out of that? What are the frameworks look like? What do you have as far as insider knowledge on those
Starting point is 01:18:49 specific niche things that you see the overlap between the two? And then that's your opportunity for the business. And simply what comes after that is once you kind of see that opportunity, there is the framework that you make up. And here's the thing, all that information is accessible in these books behind me and ones that you listen to, or you could just type into YouTube, how to write a business plan, enter, watch video, do work. And then the imposter syndrome start at least starts to go away. Because I think that a lot of times what we confuse as imposter syndrome is just lack of confidence for the work that needs to be done. When I was skateboarding, I was an imposter for knowing how to kickflip. And I kept working on it, working on it, working on it. And then I got
Starting point is 01:19:35 my kickflip. And I no longer had to just tell myself I'm somebody who does kickflips. I could also show the world by doing the kickflip. But first, it started to happen up here. And then I had to start to put the work towards it to earn it. And the book was called Your Next Five Moves. Your Next Five Moves by Patrick Bette David. I highly recommend that book. That book would basically be a real deep dive into everything that we talked about today. Your Next Five Moves by Patrick Bette David.
Starting point is 01:19:59 He had a second book called Choose Your Enemies Wisely. Another really great book. If you listen to that book or you read that book and you kind of apply it to some of these shows or some of the things that we've done on the podcast and especially me personally, you'll be like, oh shit, this dude read this book. I can tell he's doing the things.
Starting point is 01:20:20 Paul Smith, I'm hearing that progress is made on the fringe, not in the comfort zone. A hundred percent, dude. So much. If you're comfortable, if you're not afraid, Amanda, if you don't have imposter syndrome, then you're not doing enough. You can think about it that way too. Seth, jump ship. The people who are too afraid to try anything themselves are the naysayers. They project their insecurities. Of course. The other thing too is, people love to see you do well, just not much better than them. So it flips at some point. People love to see, oh, you're trying the new RN and coaching thing. That's awesome. That's great. And then when you come to them and you're like, hey, I figured out this business and I'm making
Starting point is 01:20:58 fucking six figures a month online, then they hate you because they're like, wait, years a month online, then they hate you because they're like, wait, that shouldn't happen. I didn't want to do that. Lucky, look, everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you could change it. You could influence it. You could build your own things that other people could use. That's the Steve job quotes. Thank you, dude. Lucky, look, coming through. That's it, bro. That's it exactly. Amanda deep and so true. I'll send you my business plan when it's done.
Starting point is 01:21:30 Yeah, do it. And you know what? If you really want some eyes on it, do it and put it in the fucking school platform and you could have like 30 other people look at it. And the cool thing is, is like it's such a small group inside there right now that everybody's just like super supportive. You're not going to get some
Starting point is 01:21:45 asshole that's going to be like, that's dumb. And if you do, you should be like, why and what would you use to solve the problem then? And hopefully that they'll fucking give you enough. Sousa, have you heard of the Real Bros of Semi Valley? That's a show.
Starting point is 01:22:01 It was a show, right? Or maybe not. Fuck. There was a show that I'm thinking of that was cool, but I forgot what it was called. Maybe it was just called Silicon Valley. Anyways. HGRCBD, sponsored by Shut Up and Scribble in the Kill Taylor Show. No growth in comfort. That is absolutely right. That's a Vaughn podcast. If you don't have imposter syndrome, you're not doing enough. Yeah, that sums it up right there. You have to be able to do it. I wish PBD would choose his regular cronies more wisely. Tom, business guy is okay, but the other regulars are watching idiocracy. You know what's funny too? I just got a text the other night from Savan. He's like,
Starting point is 01:22:41 have you tried to get Patrick by David on? I'm'm like yes i have and i will try again every every like six months ish or so maybe every four months um either i will or savan will send me a message and like we'll hit him back up because we want to uh we want to try to get um bet david back on uh but to your comment bernie i don't disagree with you adam just fucking talks in circles and never lands on an actual point to the time where majority of the time, like PBD will turn and be like, so what's your point? What are you, what are we talking about here? Um, Vinny seems like he is on like a lot of, uh, TRT and like he drinks every night before he goes to bed. That dude, he does not look healthy. He does not look, uh, healthy. Uh, Vinny from from the Patrick by David podcast. I'm going to
Starting point is 01:23:27 take this and I'm going to clip it. And I'm going to tell you right now that if you reach out to me, I will get your health back in order for you. Because I know you got some stuff going on. You're a passionate dude. You really care about the United States and you really stand up for what you believe in. I respect the hell out of that. I want to keep you around for a long time. So just comment down below on my Instagram and we'll get connected up and I will make you fucking healthy and live a lot longer. Can you do that?
Starting point is 01:23:50 Can I put something at a minute and 20, minute 2340 and then clip it later and put it on my Instagram and see if we get his attention? Oh, anyways. Okay. Went a little bit longer than I thought I would,
Starting point is 01:24:06 but I just really enjoy these discussions. It's because it's something I'm thinking about all the time with myself. And I'm constantly thinking about, where am I going? What are we doing? Is this the strategy for this? Is this relating to the long-term vision? Seth, dude, you're a freaking...
Starting point is 01:24:24 You're a PBD guy Dude, we should We should do a show And talk about that Okay, we got another caller Caller, hello, welcome to the show You're live Oh, man
Starting point is 01:24:40 Hey, I'm in the hoodest of hoodest Here in Hayward, so I just want to say Thanks, man, All you do, baby. Keep rocking, baby. Someone told me they did this phone call. So I called and everything's live. So keep doing what you're doing. Thanks, dude.
Starting point is 01:24:55 And we had somebody in the comments earlier that said he did the competition in Hawaii with you. Who is? Yeah. Hack Janfield. I don't. Really? Yeah. Hack Janfield. Hack Janfield. He said that you were in his division. Oh, man. Yeah. It was a pretty rough comp for me,
Starting point is 01:25:19 for sure. Not my best, but you know, this makes perfect. Hey, that's all right. You'll come back. Crasher. Where are you in Hayward right now? Are you in Hayward? Bro, H-Street. Yeah, I'm like H-Street. I'm on my shoulder. Yeah, buddy. We're in downtown
Starting point is 01:25:35 Hayward, man. In the store now. Oh, that's fucking hilarious. I'm canceling the balls. All right, man. Well, stay safe out there. Thanks for calling. I'll see you later, dude. All right, bro.
Starting point is 01:25:49 Okay, bye. Bye. Hey, you're live. Hello? Is that on? Hey. Hey, you're live still. I'm live still.
Starting point is 01:26:00 Do you want to call this back? No, I got a question for you if you got time. Live on the show or afterward? Live on the show. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's do it. Okay. You go to someone to get advice because they tell you they're an expert.
Starting point is 01:26:22 Okay. they tell you they're an expert okay and you later find out that their origin story their story of success is a lie okay do you do does that make their message what's the takeaway there does their message um not valuable like i'm not the kind of person, like if someone says, Hey, you shouldn't smoke and they're smoking and you, God, I'm not taking your advice. Well, then you're a fucking, or you call them a hypocrite. Well, then you missed the point. Actually, they, they are pretty smart. They're not being a hypocrite at all. They're telling you not to smoke. And that, that requires a level of like consciousness that's like above a snail, which I don't think a lot of people have. You know what I mean? It's like, it's like when you tell someone to close the fridge and they're like,
Starting point is 01:27:07 when you open and it's like, Hey, what, what the fuck? Like that doesn't make it like that doesn't even make any sense. Yes. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about there's, there's people who are giving advice in the CrossFit space on how to, let's say, um, do a, uh, do a snatch and totally making this up. There's no truth to this one. I want to stay away from the truth of it. And, but you, but you know, that they hurt their back doing a snatch and they didn't change their ways. They didn't learn. They never actually got their snatch back. Do you take their advice? I mean, there's so many, I feel like there's, what made me think of this is the imposter syndrome. There are people out there who are just straight imposters. They basically are lying to you about their origin stories and they're
Starting point is 01:27:58 giving advice. They're leaving out important, if I tell you I'm a, okay, better one. I tell you I'm a super successful businessman and I'm really rich, but you later on find out that I won the lotto and I got $50 million and I opened a bubblegum factory that hasn't made money in 20 years. Right. Right. Do you take their advice is the question. Yeah. Like, like what, what's, what's the, what's the deal there? What's the, I's, what's the, what's the deal there? What's the, I mean, if I want,
Starting point is 01:28:27 if I were to come to you and get advice from you on how to start an affiliate, I'd want to know what your, your story. Right. Yeah. Yep. Did you ever run a successful affiliate?
Starting point is 01:28:38 Yep. Like Chris Cooper's opening line. Hey, I've made a lot of mistakes. You don't have to make them. And then he can tell you his whole story of how he almost went broke to how he got wealthy. Yeah. Yeah. A lot to take away there. I mean, for me, here's the deal. It's like, is the advice going to be useful to your situation? I don't necessarily look at the messenger all that much as far as like, because
Starting point is 01:29:03 here's the deal is how often are we lied to all the time, right? Like, hey, we're going to do this and people have no intention of doing it. So what I always tend to look at is it's like, hey, if they've gone through the thing and even fucked it up completely, they probably have more valuable advice than the person that struck gold on the first time.
Starting point is 01:29:20 Now, if you're totally a fraud... What if you find out that... Yeah, like if you're just totally just made the shit up, then I don't know. Again, it depends on more or less what you do with the advice. But I'm not going to go back and seek... I'm not going to continue to seek advice from somebody who I think is faking the funk.
Starting point is 01:29:42 Especially when it depends you and i you and i you and i know people who are very successful at giving advice on subjects that they've completely failed at right right and their success their financial success is around giving advice yeah around something that they claim that they did good at when we know they fucking failed at, we know more than one person like that. Yeah, for sure. Yep. Yep.
Starting point is 01:30:08 And I think too, like, yeah, I mean, history matters though. Right. Because if it's the guy, like the smoking analogy,
Starting point is 01:30:14 I completely agree with. If you have some guy who's like got the hole in his, in his throat and he's like still smoking a cigarette through it because, you know, he has fucking throat cancer and all that shit. Right. And then they go to him and he goes, don't ever smoke because you don't want to end up like me i'm like fuck i'm taking that guy's advice even though he still smokes 30 cigarettes a day and
Starting point is 01:30:33 had all the surgeries right so like for me it's like it's just it's just the lived experience i guess is what it should be whether they're telling you the inverse of what they did to help you out or whether they're telling you to do what they did to help you out, or whether they're telling you to do what they did to help you out. I think the lived experience is where I would probably draw the line on taking the advice or not. So meaning if we go back to somebody who's like, hey, I had $100 million exit in my last company. This is what I did to be successful, and you should do it too. And then you find out that they never had a company, that they just faked the funk and it was dad's money. And the whole thing was a failure since they took it over. Then you would go back
Starting point is 01:31:08 at that lived experience and be like, wait, you better be giving me advice on how to ruin a company because otherwise I'm not going to take any advice from you on how to make it successful. But if you tell me don't do what I did, then I'm going to take advice from that person. So I think it has to do with more or less like the lived experience in which they're presenting the information from i i got out of my gym and made five hundred thousand dollars and then five years later you find out that the guy's gym burned down and it was an insurance claim he got yeah because his dog died in the gym yep yep so and it it's uh it's like as opposed as opposed to your story hey you're never're never going to fucking believe this.
Starting point is 01:31:46 I fucking bought a gym for a steal like a fucking idiot. One month later, the fucking, I didn't realize the landlord was going to kick me out and I was going to have to pony up another $50,000 to fucking move the gym. Oh, you're never going to fucking believe this. My gym was the most successful it had ever been. And the state imposed a tax on me that made it so I had to pay an extra $40,000 one year that the landlord should have had to pay. But in the fine notes, it said I had to pay for increased
Starting point is 01:32:09 property tax. And you have these actual lived stories. Yeah, exactly. Yep. Both those things have actually happened to me. So if you were to ask me, I would be like, hey, do you... Those are crazy stories. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And to be able to ask me, I would be like, hey, do your job. Those are crazy stories. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And to be able to survive them, right? And so if I, when I'm talking or like saying, hey, you ought to consider this or this is what I did. It's like, it's that lived experience. Like I fucked up, bought a gym that was a lemon and had to do, jump through a lot of hoops to be able to save it. Yeah, it's wild. And then your success in the gym has given you the time to work on a podcast. Um, where, you know, I heard,
Starting point is 01:32:55 so I heard someone the other day who, um, was wealthy and famous and I heard them say, and they're not wealthy anymore. And I heard them say, Hey, I'm going to start a podcast because I hear you can get really rich doing it. And I'm thinking to myself, Oh, you're fucking crazy. You're like, you're like fucking nuts to think that you're going to do a podcast. Like, but when you're talking about games, athletes getting rich, I was thinking the same thing or like, it's an opportunity. It's not a career. Having a podcast is an opportunity, not a career. Like you couldn is an opportunity, not a career. Like you couldn't do that. The amount of crazy hours you spend on this podcast,
Starting point is 01:33:30 you wouldn't have the luxury to do that if you hadn't established yourself with a gym, a successful gym first. Yeah, a hundred percent. Like if I didn't have the people and the systems and all that stuff dialed in, like it would, yeah, it would bury it quickly. And the experience. Now you've parlayed, and I wonder if this is what you're going to talk to Heidi about,
Starting point is 01:33:49 but now you've parlayed your 10 years as an affiliate owner into something that you can also share with the world and then practice something else, doing a podcast and speaking to the public. Yeah, exactly. That's right. And so that again, and it's funny too,
Starting point is 01:34:04 because when you and i had a conversation like early on and i was like hey when i started scheduling the shows and then you were like hey james hobart's out for the news tonight like you should just come on this show and then that slowly kind of went to me being more forward facing and stuff then i had talked to you early on and i was like yeah dude if we start if i started scheduling this and it started to take off and you were like hey here's joe Joe Schmo. I worked with him at CrossFit HQ. He's going to handle everything from now on. And I really appreciate your help up to this point.
Starting point is 01:34:29 Like I was also okay with that. Right. And, um, but the point being is like, is, is if you, if you're just putting in the work and putting one in front of the other and really trying just to make it the greatest you can with what's in your control, like a lot of those other opportunities and start to open up in so many things that have occurred on this podcast that you and I wouldn't have dreamed up of happening, right? Like there's no way we could have predicted how a lot of this shit would have unfolded over time. And that goes back to kind of what I was saying to Heidi a
Starting point is 01:34:58 little bit when she was like, Oh, I have all these ideas. I really want to do stuff, but none of it makes me money. I'm like, well, you don't really know. You have to explore that. Or with Amanda saying, hey, how do I mix my being a registered nurse into also working as a coach? It's like, well, if you start to work towards that and problem solve towards it, you're not going to be able to build this dream and have it turn out exactly like that. But some of the stuff that will come out of that would be better than you would have even dreamed of in the first place. Do you remember the first time? I don't ever remember talking about getting sponsorships. I don't think we were two years in. Go ahead. No, I do remember the very first time because both of us could not believe when it actually happened because our first one was with Ancestral Supplements as a one-off just to go to Guadalupalooza when we weren't even sure with what we were going to do there.
Starting point is 01:35:55 Who was the sponsor for that? It was Liver King. Oh, that's right. Yep. He just gave us 20 grand. That's right. And I was like was like hey we have this opportunity to go to wataplooza you should take it we should take it and you were like well
Starting point is 01:36:09 what are we going to do there and i was like what if i just go live on the camera and we float around and we do the shows and we just figure it out and you were like okay fuck it let's see if we get a sponsor and we barely asked around and and uh i don't even know how that came about with um with liver king but then he basically was like, hell yeah, man, you do awesome shit and we're going to be along with you. And just, and that was it. And then also the truth. I think we, I think I was taking the supplement. I think I was friends with Paul Saladino and I was taking the supplements.
Starting point is 01:36:37 Right. Cause I was doing carnivore then. That's right. That's right. And so we're just like, Hey, I love this product. Let's ask this product if they want to work with us. That's right. That's right. And so we're just like, Hey, I love this product. Let's ask this product if they want to work with us. That's right. That is how it happened. And then he was like, yeah, let's do it. We're game. And then that was it. And we're off and running. Yeah. Two seconds, two seconds. Yeah. He PayPal this 20 grand. Yeah. And then it took us forever to get the money out of there. Remember that too?
Starting point is 01:37:02 Yeah. Months. Months and months to get the money. PayPal didn't want to let it go because it was 20 grand yeah and it was like the first like open up the paypal the first lump sum and there's that but yeah that i mean that was it right and then it started to uh cascade and to your point earlier like you said hey you asked somebody for two dollar or for one dollar and they they you're you know they offer you two and you're like, okay, shit. Well, the next person I ask is four. That really set the tone for us because then from that point forward,
Starting point is 01:37:29 we're like, well, there's our baseline. You know what I mean? And that was able to unfold all the awesome partners that we've been able to work with since. And then you know who was our monthly one after that was Oh, that's right. Yep. And they just came out of the barbell Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 01:37:45 Yeah. That was our, they just came out of the woodwork. The listener. Wow. The guy was a listener and he built up those websites that kind of were self running and automated. And then he sold them. Remember?
Starting point is 01:37:58 I don't know if this is just pie in the sky stuff, but recently I went to a sponsor and I said, Hey, do you want to sponsor this? And they asked for like a outline and a proposal and I called you and I was like hey I don't think that they really want to sponsor us yep and you said why and I said because I just would want them to be like sure yes like I want someone who wants to be that excited you know what I mean yeah yeah that's just I want someone to be like, Holy shit. Yeah. Fuck. Yeah. You kill for you. You're going to kill for us. And so I was like, Hey, now they know we want to sponsor. Let's just hang tight until they come back.
Starting point is 01:38:31 Yep. Yep. And now, and now it's like, it's like courting. It's like courting someone. You don't want to have to put their hand on your penis. You want, you want to, you want them to slide it down to themselves. Hey dude, whoever needs the deal less has all the leverage. And we're at the point now... That's a good way of thinking.
Starting point is 01:38:52 We're at the point now to where... This is going to be my arrogance showing, so please forgive me, Chad. That's fine. I believe that we are positioned in the CrossFit space with the media, the athletes, the partners, the brands. They all need us a hell of a lot more than we need them.
Starting point is 01:39:15 And it's only beginning to become more and more and more apparent as time goes on. All right. On that note, I just finished my second fit eight of the day awesome i'm walking into the and i'm walking into the tennis academy good talking to you awesome all right great talk to you i'll do it bye bye um man it's kind of fun reminiscing We should do a live call in one time and just like talk about kind of the origin stories and stuff. There's so many.
Starting point is 01:39:50 Some of this stuff, we probably still couldn't tell you guys in totality, but some of this stuff we could because times have changed and the names and people have shifted. So it's not as big of a deal anymore. But you guys would get a kick out of some of the early stories.
Starting point is 01:40:14 Okay. All right, crew. as big of a deal anymore but you guys would get a kick out of some of the some of the early stories okay all right crew we will uh i will see you guys um next tuesday if not before that i do believe i am headed to new york tomorrow so i'll be in new york for two days i'm going to be filming the uh broken science event that they got going on on Thursday evening. So I'll be out there and then I'll be back home early Saturday, like Saturday afternoon, which I'm like excited for. So anyhow. Okay. I will see you guys later. Thanks for hanging out.
Starting point is 01:40:37 Thanks for having a discussion. I always have a good time with, with these. I just enjoy this kind of talk and like purpose and like what everybody is, is doing and how we could all contribute to each other to kill it in life. We're just going to see if there's any... We've had our location for 14 years. Okay. All right. I should probably get off. Otherwise, I could sit on here forever with you guys. Bye-bye. Have a great Tuesday. Thanks for hanging.

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