The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Games Semifinals EAST | Day 3 Finale

Episode Date: May 22, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman and the Sea, streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story, Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Yeah, it was an hour before she thought she was going to be out there. Wow. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Without saying any names, when you say drinking, you mean like some of the sauce? Yeah. Wow. Wow, wow, wow. That is awesome. Fantastic final event. Holy cow. That's what I want to see, right?
Starting point is 00:01:20 That's the race we want to see. Incredible. Some people diving over the line uh amazing yeah good job good job adrian right i mean they killed that you're awesome when i'm screaming in my living room i'm not one of those people who does that but but you were talking to tv good job yeah screaming at dylan i was squeezing my man bun uh let's bring up the uh leaderboard and just get at it uh and so we can get through this and everyone can go enjoy the rest of their sunday here on the west coast it's still early we got a whole day um the uh i mean there's some
Starting point is 00:02:01 interesting news that we'll get to here in a second as we go through this. Emma Carey, first place. Surprise or no surprise, the winner going to the CrossFit Games. This is her first CrossFit Games as an individual? Yes. No. No, she went 21. No, she got like 16th.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Okay, so she went there as a kid and then went one year and then took a year off and then now is back. And came back as a kid right and and and and coming with a vengeance oh yeah uh daniel brandon uh second place uh there's this mistake i think i i'm gonna go out on a limb here people keep suggesting in the broadcast that her and emma train together i want to be very clear with what my opinion is. They do not train together. They train in the same training camp. They have different times.
Starting point is 00:02:51 They have different training partners. But I think that they are like one of them is a tiger and the other one is a panther. And maybe they don't mix so well. They train near each other. But there's bars between them people. Let me tell you. At least that's what I see when I watch the screen and I watch their interaction. Everybody in the Brute Camp has their own individualized program,
Starting point is 00:03:16 and they all get together, and they might do one workout together a week. Maybe. Yeah. Yeah, and there are different times. And it's even to the point where – okay, sorry, sorry. This guy actually – it's Tiger and Dragon. Yeah, sorry. What did I say?
Starting point is 00:03:28 I said Tiger and Panther. You're right, Tiger and Dragon. And not only that, but it is – I don't want to use the word contentious, but it's so intense that let's say if me and Spin were in there doing our training and Danielle and Dallin walked in, Danielle would tell us to get out. I mean, everyone has their times. And I suspect that when people say, so how was it being here with your training partner, Danielle is like, that's not my training partner. So anyway, it's great to see it. It's a testament to what Matt Torres is doing there. He's like the new Tiger King. He's running a fucking exotic exotic animal park there some of the
Starting point is 00:04:06 most dangerous animals in the world so congrats to them and the whole team kudos to matt torres for managing all that yeah crazy uh and dallin he's uh too yeah dallin's dallin's um i love that thing he's a docile mammoth if you don't fuck with him he's good probably i love that thing. He's a docile mammoth. If you don't fuck with him, he's good probably. I love that thing that you say about managing talent. Like it takes someone who's talented to manage talent. You got to let them do their thing. It's like can you imagine managing like James Bray, Emma Carey, and Danielle Brandon on the same roof? Like you got some real feel with management.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Fee Segoffy. Yeah. Is Nate Ackerman over there too? Yeah. Yeah, we're probably missing a couple okay so emma carrie daniel brandon fantastic exciting for all of us right as fans of the sport we're pumped yeah and uh amanda barnhart uh no one no one would be pissed if she won the crossfit games right holy it would be like i think people could get on that train
Starting point is 00:05:00 in a second right yeah i don't my mind would be blown of amanda barrow when you cross but but you'd be pumped right i mean this is super happy for her yeah uh emma lawson uh superstar good that she put a little question in our head beat taken fourth but we all still still see her as dominant can't wait to see her right uh alexis raptus taking fifth place we have no idea where the glass ceiling is for her unless she's completely pulling the wool over our eyes she has some of the best attitude out there on the floor right kind of the darling of cross becoming the darling of crossfit uh same with page powers right we have no idea where the glass ceiling is exciting and then we get to this mystery this mystery how did she do this you know know what's crazy? Sydney Wells.
Starting point is 00:05:47 I am so freaking impressed, dude. There's a 150-point gap between sixth and seventh. So there's a clear, like, teardrop. Right. Like, the top six. Delineation or demarcation, yeah. Levels. Tyga says there's levels to this shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:00 I think we're going to all make top 15 in the games. And then seven on down, I don't know what they can do, but they're not top 15. But it's funny how much of a point gap there is from six to seven, and then there's clear groupings. Anyone have any thoughts on that? Do you have any thoughts on that, Tyler? Let me ask you this, Tyler, even more specific.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Would we see that in the Z score? Things are real not that they should be oh shit you're gonna do that to us you don't approve of this scoring no oh shit that bunch between about eighth and 14th was really close performance wise and i don't i don't like when you are a half a second away from somebody, I mean, you need to be real precise about how you're scoring them. And so, I mean, we can get into it later, but I don't, I don't totally, I don't, I think if you held my leaderboard up blindly against someone against this leaderboard blindly and said, which one's correct, I think people would pick mine with the athletes who would be going. Well, are you not going to tell us who it is? Wait a second.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Wait a second. Tiger doesn't sing levels to this shit. It's Meek Mills. When the fuck was someone going to tell me that? I don't know. I thought he was at the CrossFit Games in Madison, and he sung that song, rapped that song, or whatever those dudes do. What are you laughing at, Sousa?
Starting point is 00:07:22 Who sings that? I got uh is that meek mills is that let me see isn't this the lyric obby quoted wow it is meek mills okay my bad sorry uh back to what was more interesting uh what are we talking about uh we started talking about numbers. Z-score. Yeah, Z-score. So what's wrong with this Z-score? What's the Z-score say? Basically, Fee doesn't make it, and Carolyn Stanley don't make it.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Anika Greer makes it, and Jordan Sweck make it. Wow. Is there a delineation in the points like this, like that John Young's pointing out to us, this 557 to 409 thing, this gap between showing the levels. One second. Calculating. I would say –
Starting point is 00:08:12 I am really happy if he made it. There is after page – yeah. So it still holds that John is correct. After page powers, there's a giant jump off. There's almost a 100-point cliff. And also – Is there any difference at the top? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Daniel Brandon won. Wow. And so would you say – Can you scroll back up to the top real quick, Sousa? Based on your gut, who performed better this weekend, Kerry or Daniel Brandon? I think Emma Kerry performed better. Emma Kerry has a second, a tenth, a tenth, a second, an eighth, and a first.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Danielle Brannan has a 16th, a 12th. So that's the problem right there, right? She has two out of the top ten. There's a score on the left that you're not seeing. Yeah. What is that? The first column. The difference between those scores.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Yeah, so her lowest score was a 10th, Emma Carey. Danielle Brandon has a 16th and a 12th. I think Emma Carey was much more consistent throughout the weekend. You have to look at the scores themselves, not the placements, the scores, how close they are, how much farther. Two minutes. In the first workout, Danielle Brandon beats Emma by two minutes. 23 reps.
Starting point is 00:09:24 In the second workout, Emma Care beats Emma by two minutes. 23 reps. In the second workout, Emma carried us 23 more burpees. That's almost double. It's 40% more. Right. Do you know what's kind of unfair? We don't need to get into the Z-score thing, but yes. Do you know what's kind of unfair about the Z-score? It's kind of like the fight last night.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Last night, Haney fought Lomachenko. I don't know if you guys are into boxing but basically lomachenko won the 10th 11th and 12th round but he didn't win the fight but it should have but he fucking just beat his ass in the last three rounds and it's almost like it's a little unfair that there's a z score if they don't know there's a z score right yeah no and i totally get that what i end up and that's what I should say is that I end up using this trying to see how close – I think my scoring system is better at judging what will happen in the future, how alike athletes are
Starting point is 00:10:14 or how close they are together. Okay. Yeah, that sort of thing. I see what Tev on saying, though, because if you know you're doing Z-score, then you're going to try to beat everybody by more than you did. I think that only holds if you're in first. I think it only holds if you're in first. I think if you're not in first,
Starting point is 00:10:34 you're pushing as hard as you can to get in first, right? This thing that people – well, athletes would perform different. I think for the most part, athletes are performing at capacity, except for those who are in first who might slow up a tad and who won first place yeah i am hop rapidly becoming an emma carrie fan uh for sure but still love me some daniel brandon oh great uh proud of j hop from d hop also james sprague let's go tall folks represent. And I think you can be fans of both. It's going to be interesting.
Starting point is 00:11:08 A little yin and yang over there. I am Hop. Wow, another $10. Also, what happened to Brooke? Mr. Spinn, did anything happen to Brooke? This is the fifth place finisher at the CrossFit Games last year? The only thing I'm hearing is she may have hurt herself, like her foot
Starting point is 00:11:23 or ankle or something like that at some point, but I don't have any confirmation. Okay, they're all pretty bad scores. 17, 34, 30th, 25th, 10th, 15th. I guess that 10th isn't so bad in a field of 60, but she did not have a – She had a little comeback. Her last score was third, went in third.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Yeah, it's just not what you'd expect from somebody who finished, what, fifth? No. Fifth last year? And she just barely didn't make it, but yeah, exactly. Do you think Shane not being there has something to do? Do you think she'd be better if Shane was there? He wasn't there? No.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Is she coach dependent? Yeah. Does she need that i mean she's under the bergeron train right or she used to be um you know he was big on that i'm just wondering if it had any like if it would have helped her she was only out by seven points you know what i mean a couple places here and there i think a coach could add that you don't maybe if you're talking about that but where we expect her to be a top five finisher this weekend i don't think that was an issue i mean maybe if he was there he she gets into 11th spot but she just definitely didn't perform as well as she should have regardless of whether he's there or not do we know who was there as like the handler of the proven athletes this
Starting point is 00:12:47 weekend or was, was there one? I know Nick Johnston was there. I don't know who else. I know. I think, I think a Fraser was doing both. He told,
Starting point is 00:12:57 yeah, don't worry. I got this. I got it. I got this. And all of Fraser's people did great. And his people did trash. Cock, cock gun. $1. Thank you. Thank you. And all the Frazier's people did great And DSP people did trash Cock Cock gun one dollar thank you
Starting point is 00:13:08 Thank you Cock gun okay Any Let's go back up to let's look at number 11 page Semenza barely Squeaking by Shelby Neal In the clutch
Starting point is 00:13:23 Who called that That was a good call Hold on when i'm talking don't just jump in hold on excuse me or something uh annika greer 383 page to mention 386 and is uh and then carolyn stanley uh who was nice to be introduced to her i didn't know who that was and then in in ninth place, John? Shelby Neal. Hey, that's close. 398, 397, 395. What a mashup, right? Really close.
Starting point is 00:13:55 What did you guys think? I didn't think it was cool that the cameraman... We're waiting for the final the 11th person to be called, and the cameraman puts a camera on Paige Semenza and Annika Greer. And it's like, well, at that point, we know Brooke's out. And really, normally I'm not a big fan of Instagram followers meaning shit, but in this case, I think it does matter. You got Brooke Wells with 1.8 million or whatever fucking Instagram followers, and now we know that she's not in the running.
Starting point is 00:14:25 You know what I mean? All the suspense of her making it is gone. Everyone – because the camera's got to close. They can only afford two cameras. Then do a wide shot. Yeah, they'll do a highlight of that later. Yeah, then just do a wide shot. I'm just saying if you want to make the show as best as possible,
Starting point is 00:14:40 just use a wide shot. Use a wide shot. Let us see Brooke. Because the whole time all I'm caring about really, no offense to Paige Semenza, but I know of annika greer and i know brooke wells and it's cool i'm not saying that they shouldn't have had page simenza in the shop but i also would have liked to have seen brooke wells's reaction when she didn't make it how she handled it she's a staple in the she's a staple in the community they could have put they could have put
Starting point is 00:14:59 page through honestly carolyn privo all together yes yes i would give you true carolyn privo big name also let us see let us see all of them because we were wondering when you just narrowed it down to those two it's kind of like you blew your load there was no suspense of on we all knew oh i didn't know i had no idea did you guys know yeah i i that's why i i disagree with you i think there's no gain in putting the camera on her like who on on, on Brooke, on Brooke, she was, she knew she wasn't going to make it for the most part. And then, so if you're trying to like respect her followers, like it's only going to be sad or,
Starting point is 00:15:35 or sort of kicking a dog while it's down sort of thing. No, no, not respect, not respect her followers, respect to just the sport, the narrative of the sport. She's the biggest name on the floor. She probably has more followers and more – garners more attention, has more sponsorships than all the other athletes out there put together. And she's – let me see. It's 379. Let me see 11th place.
Starting point is 00:15:57 What was 11th place? I mean, fuck worrying about respecting her if she cries. They showed Lomachenko crying last night. If they can show him crying, they can show him crying. Seven point difference. Yeah, come on. Oh, no. Yeah, seven points.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Yeah, seven points. Dude. Tyler. Yeah, I guess. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. When they announced it, we didn't know, right?
Starting point is 00:16:17 All we knew was. I didn't know. This guy, Joel's claiming that he knew she was out. How can you know she was out? She's only out by seven points. We didn't know that this was close. out. How can you know she was out? She's only out by seven points. We didn't know this was close. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:28 I get what you're saying. I get what you're saying. It would make a really cool video later in the year of her being sad and then her going to work and then her redemption or something. That's cool. I get what you're trying to set up.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Put her on the screen because it's tv it's entertainment thank you julian roland that looks he looks like he's a i mean we could have just kept sydney on the screen it's basically the same thing fair enough i mean at least we could have seen her sister's reaction that's racist uh oh it is okay um let's to the, oh, one more thing that was interesting. The schedules that we have, I don't have mine here with me. The schedules that we have showed that the men were going to go first. And we had talked about that on the show here, that the men were going to go first for the final event seven, and then the women were going to go. And we were kind of questioning why was that? Why was that? But whatever, let it be the way it's supposed to be the way they want it and then we were doing the last time you saw us on the air here we were wondering after we got off the air all of us
Starting point is 00:17:32 were sitting around and we're like i wonder why the show hasn't started yet they're about 10 minutes behind schedule well what we found out is that the women who went in that what do you call it heat one yeah first the women who went in heat one were basically given 10 minutes notice because they didn't know that they were going on before the men. They thought just like we all did, the viewers at home, that the men were going to go first. And so some of these ladies, they were strewn all over the place. Some of them were getting contacted on Instagram. Some of them by text. Some of them just happened to be standing there.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Some of them had already started throwing back some of the, you know, the booza, the booza. And it's it's it's interesting. I don't know. Well, when we when we talk to other people who are working the event, they told us, no, that's bullshit. The girls were notified. But I've talked to three different girls. I think spins talk to some girls. I don't know who else to talk to girls, but none of them knew from the first. I think we have a first heat, third heat, fourth heat, sixth heat confirmation that they had no idea that they were going before the men that that was news to them. So the unknown and unknowable was alive. And I think that's the reason why that event started 10 minutes late. Does anyone have anything different to say about that?
Starting point is 00:18:44 event started 10 minutes late. Does anyone have anything different to say about that? I mean, I had, after I posted the story of a couple of the comments, initially I had even more follow through and it was all the way to top level coaches that were thrown off by it. So it wasn't like the athlete, you know, the athletes were just focused on something else, didn't pay attention, but the coaches were aware, like, no, nobody knew i and i liked it that the people that we spoke to were like no that can't be true we knew okay okay well the athletes didn't know they're part of they're part of the uh there's athletes and then there's people who set up the shit and then the judges and then the media and then the fans but the athletes gotta know no one that's the most important thing right that they know they know. Joe Biden in the chat.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Joe, what's up, buddy? Come on, man. Thanks for the great coverage this weekend, guys. You're welcome. From Canada. Wow, thank God. Please stay in fucking Canada. Come on, man.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Thank you. And I apologize to my mom. She taught me as a young age to always respect our president, but I swear. Are you saying the show is a shit show? No. I am not. I'm just saying the unknown and unknowable is alive. Sebon's dog. Oh, it's my own money you're sending me, dipshit. And where is he? What country is my dog? What country is it from?
Starting point is 00:20:02 You gotta look that up. But Sebi, you told me the leaderboard isn't definite because in two weeks something companies get sued. I don't even know what you mean, but I like it. Swiss franc. Oh, a dollar. No. How much is that? It's five bucks?
Starting point is 00:20:17 Well, thank you. Seve, I'm trying to get Brooke on Grease in the Wheels. God, I hope so. That would be cool if she came on. I like Brooke. I wanted her to make it it i was rooting for her the whole time i am very glad fee made it though fee fee fee sigafi uh estevan sanchez uh with 13 dollars thank you uh talk about greer judge giving her a no rep and then costing her 10 seconds yeah did we ever find out like i would definitely i think that was no it was legit but i still would have oh when you talk about when she came down the rope
Starting point is 00:20:51 or when she carried the bag over the line uh both i mean it was fine that she ended up getting the count of the rep right but they're talking about the appeal like her appealing it costed her 10 seconds i i mean she was going to rest that long anyway, guys. It might have costed her a little bit, but she wasn't going right back up. No, I'm going to give CrossFit a point for that. I'm going to give CrossFit a pat on the back on that for at least not making her go up again. I'm going to give her a pat. Best they've ever handled something like that.
Starting point is 00:21:22 But you think about it, that's the kind of rep that you would want because it's like like you said she had to wait like you have time to make that decision you can't do that in the middle of thrusters you know what i mean so but i i agreed i am happy that they gave her that rep yeah and as for picking up the sandbag it looked like there was a lot of inconsistencies with the uh judging, but she would have needed to pick up five seconds to get enough points. So she would have picked up one spot if she hadn't been no-repped on that, but she still would have been one point shy of what she needed. God, Shelby Neal, ninth place.
Starting point is 00:22:00 She must be stoked. She had a fucking good cry, huh, after she was announced? Oh, yeah. Okay. We don't know what happened to Brooke Javier. You could go back like 20 minutes. We talked about what happened. We're not sure what happened. Maybe an injury. How old is Brooke?
Starting point is 00:22:17 Is she on the way down? I mean, she was fifth at the Games last year. She's been competing a while. Is this the highest-placing Games athlete who didn't make it the next year? No, Brent got cut in 2019. Oh, I guess he was at the games, though. He was at the games.
Starting point is 00:22:36 He did not make the games. I mean, Sam Briggs is the last one I can think of that is like, man, you did really well at the games last year, and now you're not making it. Is this the highest one we've seen since Ricky? Well, I think it's 28 right now. She got a good,
Starting point is 00:22:56 she got a good year left in her. From the clock. It was 27.86 seconds between the no rep call and the start of her second climb. From the clock, it was 27.86 seconds between the no rep call and the start of her second climb. She lost second place and three points by 4.2 seconds. Let's give her those three points. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Oh, shit. And then if she tied Paige, it would go to her best finish. And she got a third place. Paige got a fifth place. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Let's bury that. Let's bury that. Don't let anyone see that. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Don't let anyone see that. Oh, that hurts. I mean, I think Clark's on team Annika if he's bringing that up. Damn. Yes. Everybody wants to know who Trish is. Who's Clock?
Starting point is 00:23:52 Susie Tell, $20.23. Thank you, because we've been doing a lot of freebie questions here. I appreciate you covering the sloths, the slouches. Great coverage, guys. Caleb for the win at the press conference. Dude, crazy, right? Sebi, I saw one CEO shirt in the crowd. the fuck because we only get probably only gave one away that's last season last season shirt that's disgusting i know absolutely just caleb did you see any ceo
Starting point is 00:24:17 shirts there yeah i saw probably 15 20 of them someone did Someone did send me a picture of wearing a CEO shirt, taking a picture with Justin Berg. Oh, yeah. A tank top. That was nice. Somebody took a picture with me with a TD CEO shirt. Oh, wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:24:35 That was cool. Okay. I thought I was going to get rich off of those. Luis Lemos. Wow, dude. With the big, this guy. 50 bucks. Yeah, this guy always comes in big out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:24:45 No profile picture. I can't make fun of you. Nothing. Just say thank you. The L. Anthony, Hendrix, Shane, and T were preoccupied with the baby coming. No, the baby's here. Seems like Brooke got left over coaching time.
Starting point is 00:25:00 An athlete that fit falls off. Not necessarily on the athlete completely. I mean, it's like 80% on the athlete, I think. 80, I'm going to say. She's seasoned. Yeah, the program is still the same. It's like 95% still on the athlete. Yeah, I'm going to say 95.
Starting point is 00:25:20 95.9. Okay, let's go to the boys. Yeah, Caleb was the one asking the real questions. If you didn't see the press conference, go over and check it out. Actually, I want to – It's updated if you click refresh. Oh, the boys leaderboard? Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Yep. Did you see – Caleb, did you see any cameras there of them streaming uh the did they did did they stream the press conference no we were the only ones streaming it okay I was the only one that streamed the last one where Where is that? Is that Event 6 recap? No, it's the early morning show. Oh, it actually says press conference there. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Makes sense. Jeffrey Adler, his second semifinals win. I stole this from – I heard Sean Woodland say this or Chase or whoever was talking. His second semifinal win in his career. He also won the Open this year. So he's got an Open and semifinals win How did he do in the quarterfinals? He won that too, right?
Starting point is 00:26:33 You think Justin's watching? You think he watched this week? He better be Why do you say that? I mean, the way Jeff has looked I think he can give Medeiros a scare. I don't know if he can win, but if you look at the consistency, it's stuff that we're used to seeing from Justin across all these events.
Starting point is 00:26:54 The only difference is Adler's capable of winning events. My Adler has his home runs too, and I don't see a spot where he was weak. His worst event was a two 85 pounds snatch. I'm, I trust that Adler's going to be all right in the strength department. And that was his worst event. Um, I also stole this from Sean Woodland, uh, that Adler and Dallin Pepper were the only two, uh, that didn't fall out of the top ten all week,
Starting point is 00:27:26 and that is reminiscent of our buddy Mr. Medeiros, the champ, also. That's an important quality, right? Not necessarily winning events, but just consistency in the top ten, top seven. Yeah, I like Adler, I think, coming out of this, seeing that he beat Roman pretty easily. I think that gives him a lot of confidence going into the games. I have my own opinion about that, though. Oh, let's hear it. Let's hear it.
Starting point is 00:27:56 I mean, Hopper also easily beat Roman, which I thought Hopper had a chance to beat Roman, but not easily because any event that Hopper does good in, Roman should do good in, vice versa. Roman just did not look like the Roman that we're used to seeing. I feel like we're used to seeing him kill everybody in three events. Like the three events he did really, really good in, I'm used to him beating everybody by 30 seconds
Starting point is 00:28:25 on those events. Here's a thought. I know at Mayhem, there are people training in groups that are all pro-level athletes. It's the same thing at Proven. They train in groups. At Brute, we do know that they train separate
Starting point is 00:28:40 and that they might clash. Are they going too hard in the paint when they're training? Then they get to these things and they're clash. So are they going too hard to paint when they're training? And then they get to these things and they're burnt. Romans and Mayhem. That's what I said. Yeah. So what are you,
Starting point is 00:28:52 what are you meaning? Just training alongside of each other. Yeah. Constantly. There were two camps that kind of struggled this year. I think Mayhem and Proven. And Proven. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:03 And they all trained together. Certain people at Mayhem did well. Yeah proven. Yeah. And they all trained together. Certain people at Mayhem did well. Yeah, but Sam, he's been in Canada. He hasn't been at Mayhem. And Sam had a gap year, too. So we're seeing what two years of training is for Sam. Right. An individual.
Starting point is 00:29:19 He was probably top ten. I don't dislike it, Tyler. I really don't. No, it's just a bullshit theory. I'm just throwing something out there, but it feels like there's some meat there. You know what I mean? It just feels like he was not dominant in the stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:33 We're accustomed to him being dominant. Yeah. And Hopper has the ability to stick with him on stuff, but Hopper beat him repeatedly in workouts. Last year at the games, nobody was close to him in certain things. I think we noticed
Starting point is 00:29:55 something else out of Jason that we've not seen before too, which was he did not start off as hot as everybody else. Hopper? Julian, Roland, not start off as hot as everybody else. Hopper? Julian Roland. Someone asked John Young if Mad Magazine paid him well for those covers, Sean. That's a generational joke.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Yeah, I don't know that one. Can you explain it to me, please? They have a guy, Alfred E. Newman. He's the main G over there. He's the gangster over there. And he's suggesting that maybe you... Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:30:36 You assholes. How do you go from... God. That's solid. People think you look like a lot of people. I know. There's no way I can look like all of these people. No, but it is.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Wow. What was I saying, John? Sorry. You said you thought Feast of Goffey was amazing and the Z-score treated her well. That's exactly what I thought. Hopper. You're talking about Hopper. Oh, Hopper.
Starting point is 00:31:04 So he didn't come out hot in the first round of that i mean he came out as hot as everybody else but he held back i was like oh he's like third or fourth off off the off the bike and then what do we see in the last round he's like second and i was like pro move pro move he's been studying up that was what he was missing matt um frazier has taught him hey this is how you game this now hopper and adler both i think are going to be really really scary when the games come come come the games time i would be very afraid let me ask let me ask you guys this where was this and then i'm going to try to trick you guys to be careful how you answer this where was this? And then I'm going to try to trick you guys to be careful how you answer this. Where was this workout?
Starting point is 00:31:45 So it goes a bike toes to bar and then carry a bag and you do it three times. Heavy, heavy ass bag, right? 200 pounds is heavy shit. Um, where was this workout one or lost? Which,
Starting point is 00:31:56 which spot? Uh, pacing. I think pacing. So not, it's interesting. Okay. First off,
Starting point is 00:32:02 if you have the ability to win, meaning you are good at toes to bar and you are very good at the bike, I think you have to have that ability. It's not like anybody can just win this workout by being smarter. You have to have that ability first. Yeah. He's never going to win this workout. No, never. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:20 And then of those people, whoever paced the best. But why? But why? So then it comes down to what you're saying is she's too slow on the best. But why? But why? So then it comes down to what you're saying is she's too slow on the bike. She's too little for the bike is what you're saying. Yeah. She doesn't have that in the tank. So are you saying it's one or lost on?
Starting point is 00:32:33 Okay. So what I'm thinking about is now I just keep thinking about Colton next week. I keep looking at these guys and thinking which one. So are you saying that Colton – no one did the toes-to-bars unbroken, right? No, there were some who did. I think – Close. James did two or three, but then started to blow up the last five reps. Dallin came down for two.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Yeah, he had two left. He went unbroken and then had two left. Roman had five left when he came down and hoppered in. So if Colton has a chance of winning this, he's got to do something – He doesn't know. He'll be like feet. Because you think he's going to come off like five seconds each time slower on the bike. Yeah. Yeah. And that's it.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Like anatomically he just, I don't think he, he could never produce the wattage that Hopper can produce. He's going. So like, I think he will have a fee like gap though in the field from the other events that it's okay that this event's not going to be great for him. He just needs to beat all the people that he's fitter than and then not worry about the monsters. I don't think he's going to do poorly in this event.
Starting point is 00:33:37 I don't either, but he's not going to be top 10. No. Someone else said it. Colton is very similar to Anika oh god i think he's they're only two inches apart i think he's better though than annika is yeah i think so too yeah colton's his ability to hurt is i think much it's unraveled in some way and his his weaknesses like annika has weaknesses that are like bad like when she's weak at something she's really weak uh colton has worked at his weaknesses repeatedly it's just anatomically he's not going to it's
Starting point is 00:34:13 impossible for him to do well at certain things but he's done worked on those things so much that he can still get 30th out of 60 guys two inches taller and he's a threat to what he's fucking a threat to Madaris. I hate to say it just like that, but man, the work ethic and the capability is no, he's unraveled in work ethic.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Absolutely unraveled in work ethic. Yeah. Okay. Let's, let's go back to the dudes. Jack Farlow. Woo. Party,
Starting point is 00:34:38 right? I'm happy. I did not see that coming. Yeah, no, no. Farlow did amazing. How, how do these guys, guys – how do people like – are Farlow and Luke Parker ready for the big stage?
Starting point is 00:34:53 I don't think so, but they deserve to be there. Yeah, how did they make it? I love it too. I want them to be there too. Don't get me wrong. I was texting fucking both of them yesterday. Get it. them to be there too don't get me wrong i was texting fucking both of them yesterday like get it uh but but or am i just am i just feeling protective like they're they're new names and
Starting point is 00:35:09 i don't want them in yet i mean i'm glad they made but you know what i mean it's like how does saxon not make it and jack farlow and luke parker made it when you say ready what do you mean i'm just so you it's like i can't believe we just witnessed brooke wells not making it like like are they going to just get fucking destroyed at the games? Like, is Jack Farlow going to go there and the dudes from South America are going to beat him? If you're Jack's coach. He will. Well, I mean, he is from South America.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Yeah, he doesn't count. If you're Jack's coach, it's all about how you frame it. Like, can Jason Smith beat Luke or Jack Farlow in anything? He's going to be there. Probably something, but I would pick Luke Parker and Jack Farlow over Jason Smith. To place higher? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Dude, Jack Farlow is half of Jason Smith's age. He's half of Jason Smith's age. Yeah, but Jason's not human. If he wasn't in Africa, he wouldn't make it. Yeah. The microphone picked up James Sprague's dad saying, I'm proud of you, son.
Starting point is 00:36:09 God, I love that. Don't make it sound like that. Yeah, that was the moment for me. What's funny is I almost think James is going to place better than both of those guys. I think James is better at the games than Luke and Jack. He's games built. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:25 It helps to be big at the games. Because James has home run ability where he can beat everybody in the world. And those other guys do not have that same ability. Maybe Jack on a max lift. Yeah, Jack's got the max lift. Luke, I think could be interesting for Luke. Home run ability translates to more events than Jack's home run ability. Jubel Harshaw, 1.4 thousand people watching and 85 likes.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Now listen, I know most of you guys are way too big of pussies to get into this show. You'd get a red pill you and you'd fucking run outside naked with your clothes off screaming like you can't believe I adjusted your reality like that, but just do it. Go ahead. Hit the like button,
Starting point is 00:37:02 subscribe, just dabble. If you start losing your mind because I drop too many truths during the week, just unsubscribe. Just do it now. Go ahead. Hit that like button. It's good. And thank you. What was that guy's name? Jubal? That guy.
Starting point is 00:37:17 If Brooke would have won that last event, she would have made it. It was seven points. That's easy to say. She wasn't close to She would have made it. Yeah. It was seven points. That's easy to say. You can say that about any Mike workout. She wasn't close to Emma Carey in that workout or Danielle Brandon. They both beat her by 10 seconds. I mean, if she hadn't failed six bench press, she would have been going in.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Yeah. I mean, if a frog had wings, it wouldn't bump his butt when it jumps. It's not. Did you say that again? I knew that would rescue it. Let's talk. Who's better at CrossFit, Jason Hopper or Dallin Pepper? Who's going to finish higher at the games? Jason.
Starting point is 00:38:03 I'm going to say Hopper, but it is not that far apart. Dallin impressed me more than anybody else this weekend. I expected Hopper to be great. I didn't expect Dallin to be as good as he was because he was on the exact same level. And I think it's time to put him in the same category as Roman and Hopper on machines. You know, anytime there's a machine involved,
Starting point is 00:38:30 we talk about Roman and Hopper, it's Roman and Hopper. I think Dallin is right there with them too. I wouldn't put him above them, but I mean, I think he's in the same tier. I think Dallin has a higher ceiling than what Jason does, whether it's this year or not. Hardcore disagree. The worst thing you've ever said. Really? No, I'm joking.
Starting point is 00:38:56 So you – wait a second. So I agree with Spinn. You think that – you think Jason has more room to grow than Dallin has to grow? No, Dallin has more room to grow. That's what I grow no i've dallin dallin has more room to grow that's what i think too but he's saying uh john's disagreeing with us i i'm on i'm on john's team right side versus left side on this one okay tell me tell me what do you see you think hopper's still young and has for some reason i okay so what he's what so jason's worst stuff is is gymnastics stuff um who's programming the games somewhat pulling boss calm down let me talk
Starting point is 00:39:30 not it's not at air miles we help you collect more moments so instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media you can spend more time dinnering with them how's that spicy enchilada oh very
Starting point is 00:39:44 flavorful y dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear, run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Don't worry, Spin, I got you you his worst stuff is gymnastic stuff oh good i would argue that's also dallin's worst stuff and who is coaching dallin and who is coaching hopper i think hopper has a better coach i'm just and if you saw if you saw that's not the end of my argument if you saw saw Hopper's 305 snatch, I think that dude could snatch 320. Like, Hopper's best stuff is better than Dallin's best stuff. And their weaknesses, I think, are the same. So if they both got better, Hopper's still better because his strengths outweigh Dallin's strengths. Dude, Matt Torres is running a wild animal park over there.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Jason's trying to breed rare deer, and he killed one of them on accident. I mean, who did I say? Matt. Matt Fraser's over there trying to breed rare deer, and he killed one of them on accident. All he got over there left is hopper and um barnhart you're gonna eat those words when katrin and brooker uh signing autographs at the games and aren't in there i i you cannot say fraser is a better coach than uh matt torres there's no fucking way less experience less big time athletes um who's been there and done that though who knows what stuff is gonna feel like? I don't buy this argument.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Spin, make your argument, and then I got a sentiment I want to share. I think he's more middle of the road. He'll be able to do – everything will be more elevated. He won't have the high-end strength like Hopper, but he has that Froning-esque physique. So you're saying a Medeiros type athlete. Yeah, I think Hopper's too big. And you look at what we have Bosman for the foreseeable future,
Starting point is 00:41:53 who's going the gymnastics-based way, getting away from just brute strength, endure. And I think Pepper has the ability to have a higher ceiling. Maybe not this year, but next year or the year after. Well, one thing's for certain, we're going to get an answer to this argument because they're both young and no one's going to time out. So we are going to get an answer.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Go ahead, Tyler. Taylor would kill me for saying this. I don't like blowing Jason as much as I can, but when you meet Jasonason in person he feels like an nfl athlete feels oh my god this is terrible oh i know what you mean you feel like you're in the presence of freaky athleticism he's a freak yeah he's not bad at gymnastics he should be terrible at gymnastics and he's good at them his His ceiling is so high. I don't know that we, we can fathom what it is. He is the first large athlete athlete that CrossFit's ever seen.
Starting point is 00:42:53 I think he'll be the first guy over six foot to win the games. Yeah. Wow. This weekend proved to me that, that Jason can win the games. He's got the brain now and he's getting this brawn figured out. He's like one of those teens that grows too fast and are like, I don't know how to work my body, and now he's honing it all in. He could just do stuff before, but now he's honing it. Jason is a dangerous machine if he holds it all together. And if you really want to break it down,
Starting point is 00:43:20 Dallin's been doing CrossFit longer than Jason. I think Dowland is definitely a podium athlete at some point in the future. I just don't know that his capacity, his ceiling is as high as Jason's. I don't think anyone's is.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Eric Weiss, 999. I eat my words. Sprague is the man. Demo team will be lonely without him. Fair enough. We accept your apology and gladly take your money.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Thank you, Mr. Weiss i i feel you john that was good uh some someone with 499 and some crazy anyone want to try to pronounce that name the cookfield training is not ideal at the top need more hands-on approach anyone i've heard that before i mean i i agree with them from coaches and athletes it feels like roman took a step back oh shit and who is he with he was with nick flower fowler fowler yeah and it was funny is spencer's with Nick Fowler now. Is Tudor Magda with him? I don't think so. He's not a part of Brute anymore. I would say it depends on what kind of athlete you are.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Rich always said it was better to have a training environment than a coach. It just depends on the type of athlete. Samwell Cornwall, fifth place, 538 points, 80 points basically below Jeffrey Adler. Is Samuel happy with his placement, or is he disappointed? Is he like, oh, shit, I'm not going to be able to win the games? I mean, I think Samuel's happy with that. Really? You think so?
Starting point is 00:45:03 I think he's – I would be leaving – I don't know. This is me guessing, but I would be a little upset that I didn't hit podium if I were him. Yeah, I think he expects a lot from himself. Yeah, he's one of those type A, like I have to win. Well, he's 50 points away. I think the other guys were doing better. Yeah, no, I agree. That's the problem.
Starting point is 00:45:21 He may know that too. Yeah. He's going to go to work. Luke Parker. Is Luke Parker eighth place or did Luke Parker just really show up this weekend? That's legit.
Starting point is 00:45:37 It's legit. I'm happy for him. I didn't see it coming. I think the events were really good. Can you guys scroll the show Luke Parker eighth place? Scroll the show Luke Parker eighth place. I do think he it coming. I think the events were really good. Can you guys scroll the show Luke Parker, 8th place? Scroll the show Luke Parker, 8th place. I do think he got a little lucky with the events, but he deserves
Starting point is 00:45:52 that place. He was that good all weekend. It would be exciting to see how he does at the games. Spencer Panchick, he looked like he was going to just start bawling to me.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Or he got into a whole bag of mushrooms. When they announced his name, he had a smile that was so big on his face. It looked like he was holding back so much emotion. What happens to him now at the games? Is he going to be top 20 at the games? I think that's where he'll be around.
Starting point is 00:46:28 It's going to be tough. The games is going to be tough this year, man. You look at this. I mean, you have another 10 from the West or whatever it is, and 11 from Europe. I mean, it's stacked. So you just barely squeak in. I can see 25th to 30th.
Starting point is 00:46:50 I think the more events, the better Spencer will do, though, as it always is with the Pan Chicks. They're always, you know, pretty consistent across 15 events. I think the first event blew his world up, and then after that he was pretty darn consistent. Tyler, with your Z score, does Jeffrey Adler still take the top spot? So, everybody in the top 12 in Z score stays.
Starting point is 00:47:20 It's no different. Everybody who made it, made it in Z score. There's really only one notable difference is that Jason beat Jeffrey Adler. At the top? Yeah. Oh, shit. Is that because of the lift? Event six.
Starting point is 00:47:35 I think I've narrowed it down to event six. The difference between a fourth and a twelfth. A gymnastics event? A minute and nine seconds. Hold on. Sorry. Yeah, that can't be right. Event 5.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Nine seconds. Hopper lost that. Right. He made up. He's eight seconds behind Adler in that. In the real scoring, he got 67 points.
Starting point is 00:48:04 In Z-score, he would have gotten 81 points. Because he's so close to him. That gap shortens a lot. He makes up points. In almost every single event, Jason made up points on Jeffrey. And then he extended his lead any time that he was ahead. In sixth and seventh place, Will Moore, Ad, Noah Olsen. Is this the last time we see both these guys?
Starting point is 00:48:26 Last for Noah, for sure. I think Will might be there, too. Dude, Will's like the, what's that? Will's a freak. Man, y'all called it on Will. Really, this was a fantastic weekend for him. I mean, I was trashing him. What were you laughing at?
Starting point is 00:48:45 He really had no faith in Will this week. Man, I tip my hat off to both of y'all because y'all both had him up very high. Do you think next year – so he's in the 35 division next year. Do you think he goes or he stays? Is he going to pull a Bill Grundler? He should say if Rich goes, I'll go. I'm not sure he'll even do the masters i could see him going on doing other things and just being done hey dude he took a second a six a six a 20th a third and 11th he might be a do a coaching role because he's with proven yeah i can see him doing that Yeah he might transition into that I would Who holds the Brett Favre trophy
Starting point is 00:49:27 Between him and Travis Say again Travis Travis Travis Travis Mayer Yeah I think Travis
Starting point is 00:49:40 Travis is better I think Travis will be back next year What do you guys think Yeah I think he'd have made it this year too Absolutely With his injury AllorisX and 499
Starting point is 00:49:49 Thanks for the coverage I love this lineup I know me too Thanks This is fun This is the Sevan Podcast B team We're fucking murdering it I like this comment
Starting point is 00:49:59 This comment right here I think is Is 100% I agree with it I like the 999 Lukeke parker is the example of what mayhem luke is isn't is the example of what mayhem is luke is the example of what mayhem can offer take you from fringe semi-final athlete to games athlete but inside the top five they don't offer enough attention i don't know that any coach i would say responsible i don't i don't know that any coach is responsible.
Starting point is 00:50:28 I don't think any coach is responsible for getting you inside the top five. I mean, it's way more. I agree, too. That's not what he's saying. He's saying if you are a top-tier athlete, it is not a good – like it's not going to improve you. But if you're semifinal fringe, you'll improve up to getting to the games. But if you're top ten already,, you'll improve up to getting to the games. But if you're top 10 already, that's how good you are. Think Haley Adams.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Improving you from there, they're not great at. And I tend to agree. I mean, look at Guy. Look at Haley. Sam's been great. But again, we took two years off. I think Sam's been this good. But can you think of other people?
Starting point is 00:51:07 You know my take on it. I don't think camps are good for anybody. I don't think – and I know you were criticizing me of like whittling down the definition of a camp until it suited my diagnosis. But I don't think any winners – if you if you want to be the best you better fucking find a coach and start working with them that's why i think torres has it going well because he's kind of cracking the code on the campus that's not all different stuff they may be at the same time yeah and then every once in a while you guys can go
Starting point is 00:51:40 try something together to just kind of keep that going but we're not going to sit there and do the same things over and over and try to beat each other up every day yeah it's almost i i wonder it's almost dangerous right to keep all the the the fastest dogs in one pen and they start chasing each other that's what mal told matt i like that theory what's that that torres cracked the code to camps yeah i mean that's why mal didn't want other you know females to come up there and train because she was worried that she'd get less attention and she oh mal mal did say it would mount it has that it was one of the i think frazier mentioned it in one of the documentaries they put out before they brought on amanda and katrin it was he had to have a talk with her and she was very hesitant at first and,
Starting point is 00:52:27 and Matt assured her that, you know, everything was gonna be fine. They weren't going to be training together. So it was a little bit different, but you know, I think there is some of that where you're, you're friends and you're competing next to each other.
Starting point is 00:52:39 It's, you know, it's a little tougher. I, and like I said earlier to Annie, Annie, I remember the same thing. When Yami was taking on new people, I think she put the kibosh on that. No girls. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:52:54 I don't need any girls coming into the camp. I think Kara was the same way. Yes, I'm sure. Saunders? Yeah. Saunders, Webb. Yeah. I mean, she's alpha as fuck.
Starting point is 00:53:08 I mean, she's... I wonder if she can stay away. James Bragg, does he make the top 20 at the games? Does he make it to the games again? Yeah, I think he makes it to the games again. He's put in serious work.
Starting point is 00:53:24 I mean, this weekend was not good for him going into it, I felt like. And then on the other end of it, I was like, wow, you did everything you needed to to be here. So I think top 20, I could see it. I don't think it'll be top 10. Yeah, I think 15 to 25, anywhere in that range. I want to show you guys something. A WAD zombie post.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Actually, we should be pulling up their Instagrams as we talk about these guys. This is right up my alley. Someone sent me this earlier today. I will not name who, but here's James Sprague doing a little dance. If you look closely, see his hog bouncing around in there. I don't know if that's good for your back, what he's doing. But there it is. That's the secret to this.
Starting point is 00:54:15 He's used to it at this point. He's been carrying stuff around for a while. To the brute strength training camp. What did he say? Has he said anything about his victory? No. No. No. Okay. Anything else?
Starting point is 00:54:33 Any stones unturned? I don't think so. Did Simon and Townsend hug it out after their pickle a few weeks ago? Of course. Always. It'll be interesting to see what happens next weekend after now the athletes understand what the standards are and has seen what's possible. So I think you'll see a lot better pacing, a lot better planning,
Starting point is 00:55:00 better execution. I do think we just saw the best athletes go, though. I agree. I think you'll see... I think we saw the games winner for both men and women. Who have we seen? Who's the games winner for men and women? Yeah. Let me say this.
Starting point is 00:55:20 I think we saw the most people who are going to be in the top ten at this event. Both men and women. Let me say this. I think we saw the most people who are going to be in the top 10. Yeah. At this event. Both men and women. It's hard without seeing Europe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Jeremy, you rolled $5.70. We're trying to get people to subscribe. No hog talk on Recap Show. All right. Guys, thank you so much. We have a live call-in show tomorrow morning at 10 no 7 a.m pacific standard time it's not scheduled yet but i'm sure we'll do it then in the evening we have ty emery on uh mma fighter extraordinaire uh she uh she after her last win she jumped up on the buckle and gave the crowd a show that's that's to get using your infamy for attention
Starting point is 00:56:05 and then the week starts powering forward uh we have alex stein on we have sarah sigman's daughter on uh i think we have dave castro on i think we have greg glassman on again uh he's gonna start being a regular i think uh we have some other big name on alex stein's gonna be wild by the way if you've never seen him who else do we have suza was there one more big name okay. Alex Stein's going to be wild by the way if you've never seen him. Who else do we have, Sousa? Was there one more big name? That's it. Okay. And I think Dave Castro's going to be actually coming in studio. And then we will be covering next week, hopefully if these
Starting point is 00:56:35 guys can do it again with me, we will be covering the West and Europe. Holy shit. We're going to do both of them. No, not Europe. Sorry, the West and Australia. Oceania. Oceania. I saw Suzy going for his mic. I knew I said something wrong.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Europe's the last weekend. I don't know how we're going to do that. Where would Travis Mayer have placed $1.99? In the semifinal? He'd have pushed someone out. He would have been seventh. Nice. out um he would have been seven nice no he would have been above noah you saw your ears you saw your ears perk up david sarah i could see that i i see why you're saying that yeah he would have been sixth or seventh all right guys thank you uh great weekend Everyone put in a lot of work. Congratulations to CrossFit HQ. You guys did it pretty damn good.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Thanks for letting us tag along. Oh, good. I'm glad I waited a few more seconds. Renata Novantana, thank you for the great coverage. Thank you. Do you think they should switch semi-schedule for advantages of knowing? I'm not sure. I don't understand the question. That would be a hard question to answer what does that mean change the schedule for advantages okay is that just the the events that they're talking about just kind of mixing them up just yeah you know just don't have don't know when you're gonna go just three two one and whoever showed up goes thank you for the great
Starting point is 00:58:01 coverage okay i understand that do you think they should switch semi-schedule? Oh, I was thinking like North America West is first next year and North America East is second. That's still TBD. I mean, they have the RFP out. We'll find out. I think that all depends on where they go and what the weeks are available. Oh, Europe.
Starting point is 00:58:23 You're out first yeah i don't know it'll depend on where the venue is next year and the schedules of each of those venues can go in weeks one two or three so so her interpretation is every year they change it so that so that west doesn't matter how how does that affect this year versus next year? Just like faster times. If they do a worldwide leaderboard for the semifinals, people who go later have an advantage. They know what time to beat. You're so sensitive, John.
Starting point is 00:58:57 JV team, 999. This crew is A-plus this weekend. Thanks all. A-plus for the B team. Yeah, if you guys are gonna start uh throwing money we'll hang out for a second what does anyone want to call scripture like what the fuck's going on here uh no all should compete at the same time uh i i don't know how they would cover that we'd each have our own podcast as we already do.
Starting point is 00:59:27 It's fun. It is fun though. You do that was so fast. I know, I know that, um, uh, Brian, uh, a friend was suggesting that they do it in two weeks. Um, but I kind of would like it if they stretched it out over six weeks or seven weeks, I'd actually be okay if there was one every weekend and just draw it out. I like the sanctionals if they could have ever made it work because of this.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Because of what? You'd have competitions just every week, every other week. Just throughout the year. Right. I like how they currently have it. When you have something every week, sometimes you just end up not caring anymore. If it's the same format,
Starting point is 01:00:10 so if all the programming is the same, this is the way to do it. If it's all different, I like Sanctuals. That's fair. That's fair. But it's all the same right now. Yeah. That's fine. We'll take it. Mike's fine.
Starting point is 01:00:26 We'll take it. Mike Sowers, what Bible verse did John recite before he snatched for $1.99? 1 Corinthians 15.10. Go look it up. Did you really? Is that true? Is that facts? I didn't recite that before I snatched.
Starting point is 01:00:40 No, but that's my favorite verse. But you should have. Oh, my goodness. I love you guys. I am Hobb. Thanks, guys. But you should have. Oh my goodness. I love you guys. I am Hop. Thanks guys. Wonderful coverage discussion. Really loved it.
Starting point is 01:00:49 And go Jay Hop. Jason Hopper, huge Jason Hopper fan. This is Hop. I think that's his, is that his brother? Oh. Does Hop have a brother? Is he related to Jason Hopper? Are you Hopper?
Starting point is 01:01:13 Oh God. related to jason hopper are you hopper these are the regulars god you guys are awesome uh john laramond great job this weekend always look forward to it what do you think about caleb's questions i think that was the highlight of the weekend to be honest i was glad he asked that second one okay someone someone said katie gannon's question was good i didn't. I couldn't even understand her question. Can anyone here repeat what her question is? What was her question about again? I don't know. I couldn't follow it. It was like 13 sentences long.
Starting point is 01:01:33 I have the focus of like a four-sentence max. He said the Noble. Noble's presence wasn't there. Oh, it was the Noble question. So Joe's question. Can you speak to that, why Noble wasn't there selling clothes or anything and then just that was katie's question okay that's a good question and then justin said noble's not here what oh okay yeah okay that was a brilliant question i apologize katie yeah yeah yeah she
Starting point is 01:01:54 fucking crushed it with that yep that's concerning to me but they just don't show up well and they're not going to be in pasadena no don't worry about it they're behind the scenes they're here we have how about the way he kind of handled it like a smartass at first? Like, you don't know. They have representatives here. It's like, yo, motherfucker, I want to buy a shirt. They're an apparel company. The guy who directed Brooke Wells' movie is here. I think Katie just wanted to buy their clothes, and she was mad.
Starting point is 01:02:24 You could tell. It was so funny they architected that question where it was like please fit in this box of answers and they were like yeah we're not gonna answer that yeah uh menopause and med cons tremendous coverage guys thank you isn't that crazy tremendous coverage we didn't do it we just we watched it like you guys but thank you you got a crazier okay katie was about small brands hey oh why well that was her other question um why don't they why don't they unsporty beth thank you seven i think that was nice jb's best answer was he was like yeah it's like you know best companies come in.
Starting point is 01:03:08 They sort of have a capitalistic mindset on that stuff. So I thought he more directly answered that question than all other questions. He was very thankful for the contribution Noble's making, obviously, to making this work. Without them, this wouldn't work. Without any clothing sponsor, CrossFit's fucked because someone has to make all the shirts, all the clothing, get all the outfits and all that shit ready for the games. And that shit is crazy expensive. And I appreciate the fact that they like Noble and they have to stand by Noble. I just don't like Noble's politics. That's why I just
Starting point is 01:03:33 continuously ass pound them. But I don't even know if politics is the right word. Their civility and the humanity and the way they view the world is probably better. But I could tell JB for whatever has to say the nice things about him. That being said, how unsure is your partner if they're not going to show up somewhere that was sold out to sell shirts?
Starting point is 01:03:57 That's the concerning part. You're telling me that – I mean, we'd have to find out from Bill and Katie, but are you telling me that Bill and Katie don't make a shitload of money having that big old rogue building set up at the games? Maybe they don't. Fuck, I don't know. That thing looks like it's expensive as shit to set up. But, man, it's weird.
Starting point is 01:04:16 It's weird that Noble doesn't. How about just even a small tent and bring 3,000 large shirts and just sell them? Set up next to Gabe. Yeah, yeah. What did he say? Put them in Gabe's booth? Did someone say that? Yeah, put them in Gabe's booth. Yeah, put them in Paper Street Coffee's booth. Well, what's his face step down two weeks ago, right?
Starting point is 01:04:35 Oh, do we know what the prize money is? First place is $10,000. Oh, okay. Oh, that's right. Second place is $7,000. Tyler, yeah, the chief marketing officer, Todd, stepped down. I don't know if he stepped down. What I'm hearing is that two weeks ago they let him go and 35% of their employees. That's what I heard.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Did they allow him to make a press release that was beneficial to himself? I'm sure. I mean, that's what all these fucking line orders do. I mean, fair enough. You have to protect your brand, and they're sensitive to that. Do you know, Spin? Do you know, Spin, if they fired 35% of their staff? fucking line line fair enough you have to protect your brain and they're sensitive to that do you know spin do you know spin if they fire 35 of their stuff that's what i'm hearing is and that's that's what's concerning is that if they're they're repositioning or having other issues
Starting point is 01:05:14 that they have to downsize what does that mean with the longevity of working with crossfit there were people in the comments complaining about like this is the worst crossfit year ever listen everything everywhere and all the major metropolises are shutting down all over the fucking united states yeah but a lot of folks it's gonna get worse yeah there's crazy crazy shit going down so the fact that even crossfit even pulled this off fucking hats off to them be careful about it's one thing like to complain and fuck around and throw rocks at them and make fun of them for being jackasses but um like we don't want this shit to go away like like we're lucky we got a stream we're lucky that they got sponsors money is tight for people right now i have no idea how the rebel renegade games pulled that off absolutely that was yeah they they had to come out of pocket big time to do what they did.
Starting point is 01:06:05 Was it nice? Stream nice? I didn't even see it. It was great. There were no issues. I mean, it was. It was a labor of love for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:13 They definitely did it. They did it to keep the semifinal in Africa. Their biggest concern is that they eventually pull the semifinals out of Africa and make whoever qualifies go up to Europe or Asia or somewhere else. And they don't actually get to showcase their athletes in Africa. Right. Hey, for 20,000 bucks more, uh, that, that thing that Adrian Conway and chase pulled off, you could stream that with two more iPhones with significantly better quality footage. Those iPhones can shoot in 4k. It would be amazing. You just need a really strong upload connection and some gear and you're good to go. Yep. Travis from vindicate, get your CEO gear now at V N D K Hey,
Starting point is 01:06:57 what's up? So first off, I want to say you didn't see a lot of CEO shirts because UPS fucked me over and didn't deliver them. Sabotage. Damn it. I bet you that's like $300 I could have made this weekend. You jackass. Right?
Starting point is 01:07:14 Right. Second thing on the game. Forgive him, father. He does not know he has sinned. Damn UPS. Damn UPS On the games for like brands Trying to be there as far as sponsorships They are
Starting point is 01:07:29 Putting hurt on people this year because If you want to have a booth there You have to be there from Sunday to Sunday So That expense is insane On top of your booth fee I didn't understand I didn't understand why would you have to be there If there's nothing other of your booth fee. I didn't understand. I didn't understand.
Starting point is 01:07:45 Why would you have to be there from Sunday to Sunday? Can't you just show up on Friday, set your booth up in the morning, and leave Sunday night? Nope. It starts on Tuesday. Because I was going to go. I was going to go. But they are running events Monday through Sunday,
Starting point is 01:08:03 and you have to be there for all of them. Who's this? CrossFit was? Correct. Yeah. So you're telling me if you want a booth in Pasadena tomorrow morning, you have to have your... No. No. Games. Oh, at the games. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Yeah. So like, I think they just want people there They're going to run the events The entire week Because they made that change this year Where they're running events all week long So you've got a booth Like my size booth
Starting point is 01:08:40 Is a 10 foot by 10 foot square That's 8 grand At the games. And then you have to be there. Lodging and food. Lodging and food for seven days. You know what you do.
Starting point is 01:08:55 You sell more than that because you got to make sure you're set up. So basically you would have to sell 800 shirts at a $10 profit each just to pay for the booth. Yes, sir. Yeah, that's a lot. So basically, you've got to partner with another booth.
Starting point is 01:09:12 And you can't do that. Oh, you can't? You and Paper Street can't couple? You can't share a booth. No, you cannot share a booth. Brooke N. tried to do that years ago, and they told her to knock it off. So wait a second. You can chop your penis off and parade as a to knock it off. So wait a second.
Starting point is 01:09:29 You can chop your penis off and parade as a woman, but you can't share a booth. These two things are definitely correlated. What if you were just like feeling like you have paper-spin coffee? I just had to squeeze it in. I just had to squeeze it in. You went a whole hour without talking about it. I just had to squeeze it in. I'm just so confused. I was talking with somebody today about some other stuff,
Starting point is 01:09:48 and he works with a pretty good-sized company within the game space, and they're even contemplating not going. I'm not going to say who it is. But, I mean, companies way bigger than mine are like, I don't know if this is going to be worth it. Hey, we didn't get ding for that chopping the penis off comment i just i just i thought for i just went over and looked at our live feed i thought i thought for sure i thought for sure it's a good thing to do oh they're waking up
Starting point is 01:10:15 they're waking up um okay i don't want to waste any more time thank you no no insightful thank you for calling yeah very insightful thank you you. I did want to ask this question. Have a good one, John. Since you were around for the Reebok days, and you understand these contracts, it does not make sense. You were around for the Panda Express days. Yeah. It does not make sense to me that they would cut human capital dollars
Starting point is 01:10:41 at Noble first before cutting marketing expense, i.e. the games or semifinals. So like, do the contracts work such that they are sort of, they have to engage, like they have to be at these things. They promise to be at these things or like, it seems weird to me that they would,
Starting point is 01:11:00 they would cut this before they cut people. The contracts are crazy flexible so you'd be surprised how flexible they are so because because no one really wants to get into a lawsuit right so if crossfit's like if when they signed up they had the deal with like hey you're going you said if they've crossed over say hey noble you said you'd have boosted all our events are like do we just fired 35 percent of our staff give us some slack there then they would be like okay then can you give us, can you come make sure when you're at the games, you do this?
Starting point is 01:11:28 No one wants to get into a lawsuit, especially right now in this day and age. And it's really delicate. It's like being a landlord, right? And someone's renting out your house and then they didn't pay their rent for a month. And they're like, sorry, I'll pay you two months next month. And you're like, if I kick them out,
Starting point is 01:11:43 I might not find someone to take their place for three months. And then really I'm down to, and so there's that, um, there's that whole thing going on that whole time. So, um, it's a relationship. Yes, truly. Yes. Yeah. True. Truly is a, um, relationship. It's amazing how stupid some of the comments are that I, that I see in, um, in the chat. One of the comments are that I see in the chat. One of the dumbest comments I saw was someone said, the reason why that they're not the reason why they're not, I think a booger almost came out of my nose.
Starting point is 01:12:14 The reason why they're not streaming events one and three is because they want people to go to the venue and buy tickets. Like they think this thing is like the fucking NFL. Like they called it a is like the fucking nfl like they called it a blackout so and it's like it's like dude this is this is not we're not talking about billions of dollars there's commercials probably commercial contracts um for the super
Starting point is 01:12:36 bowl that are larger than the entire revenue of fucking uh crossfitting so this is this thing is still it's really impressive that they're pulling this off. And so you keep hearing this over and over too. Don should have never said this because now I've heard Justin Berg and others repeat it, but they're saying we have a very small staff, and it's turned into an excuse, and we're going to get tired of hearing it soon. But it is true. In their defense, it is way smaller than anyone could ever imagine.
Starting point is 01:13:00 It is tiny. So not tinier than the way we're doing shit and kudos to like it not and kudos to chase and um adrian for pulling that shit off right yeah but um but it is tiny so i don't know if that answers your question but that's some of the insight uh julian roland man getting a lot of airplay today i work in advertising clients are cutting human capital because they have to pull back on marketing spend at the same time. So they're using existing budgets to run existing creative assets and ads. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:29 I mean, you think like someone like Gatorade would spend 300 – Pepsi would spend $300 million just on Gatorade ads. And like that's triple the revenue for the entire fucking CrossFit ecosystem. And that's just for fucking Gatorade billboards and fucking Jordan like spilling one on his head and dunking. So they're doing what they can. Sometimes – because I like to pick on CrossFit. Sometimes I see people picking on them, and it's just so far out there and crazy. Well, people don't have context. They just don't understand what – they don't sit down and think about all the intricacies of what the background is doing.
Starting point is 01:14:07 Like the things that you don't know exist are often making plays that you don't understand. Right. And I don't even view a single CrossFit athlete as a professional athlete. I don't know what the criteria is, but maybe because I've seen behind the curtain, it would be like, it's like, yeah, I don't, I don't think of a single one of them as a professional athlete, not one. I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't think there's anyone.
Starting point is 01:14:26 No, I don't. I would disagree, of them as a professional athlete, not one. I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't think there's anyone. No, I don't. I would disagree, but I understand what you're saying. Maybe Tia, Matt and Rich are the only three because, because they actually made enough money to like buy a house. I don't even know if they made enough money to buy a house in California without sponsorship. So anyway, any, anything else? Go ahead, John. Did you want to say something? Nope. Mr. Spin. anyway anything else go ahead John
Starting point is 01:14:45 did you want to say something nope Mr. Spinn nope can't wait till next week yeah game show contestants yes that would be more that would be more accurate next week next week it's going to be a lot
Starting point is 01:15:00 hairier what do you mean there's a lot of I. What do you mean? There's not, there's not, there's a lot of, I don't know if this person's going to make it, or I don't know if this other person's going to make it like seven through 20 are all could make it, could not make it where this,
Starting point is 01:15:18 this, this week there was kind of some tears going on, but there was really only like a battle with like three people next week I think there will be a battle between like ten people and it's like because there's only like three or four guys that are like top tier going to be above everybody else
Starting point is 01:15:34 but this week there was like eight guys I agree with that I heard John likes Harrier what that means okay will Danny Spiegel make it unfortunately probably oh that sucks John come on
Starting point is 01:15:59 unfortunately okay guys we will see you tomorrow morning 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time thank you everyone for tuning in what a great weekend Mr Pacific Standard Time Thank you everyone for tuning in What a great weekend Mr. Spin thank you What happened to all our names down at the bottom Oh there they are

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