The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Games Semifinals WEST | Event 3 Recap

Episode Date: May 27, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. I think under every metric, Bill, careful. I'm about to put you on the spot.
Starting point is 00:00:38 I think under every metric except for one, that feed was the best feed I've ever seen in in in fucking uh crossfit coverage what was the what was the one metric the adderall metric no just the image quality camera angles were the best camera movement a number of athletes included knowing what was going on excitement by the commentators. Irrelevant information. A lack of fucking bullshit and fluff. I mean, I was just like, and granted, I haven't watched even 5% of all the games commentated. So out of 5%, that was probably the top 1%?
Starting point is 00:01:18 Yeah, but don't watch any of the stuff you do because you were doing Masters for a lot of years. I don't watch any teams, but I cannot believe how fucking good that was. But I'm open to you being like, no, dude, come on. Okay. My take on this was this. I was glad. I think now that the camera people that are shooting for that stream get it now. I think when they were doing it before, it's hard to understand.
Starting point is 00:01:41 You have people that aren't necessarily camera people trying to get camera angles and then you only have a certain number of shots that you can do so you have the the the guys that are working the board are trying to figure out what camera they're going to shoot or what cameras that they're going to be playing you know uh broadcasting out so they can see all the cameras and so they're trying to watch the floor then they're trying to watch camera so there's a lot of things that are going on so i think that yeah they're getting a much better handle of it. What I like about what those guys are doing is it's just raw and fun. Um,
Starting point is 00:02:13 and includes so many athletes. Well, okay. But here's the, here's the hard part. That was a main bat broadcast because of where she was. But those guys know that we're interested in where our superstar, you know with
Starting point is 00:02:25 all the instagram followers is at and that was awesome well i think what's what's what's hard is being able to talk about all the athletes that are out there and have a camera shot that's on them so like a lot of times like jason will be talking about some of the athletes things that are happening but like we don't see any of that that's happening so it's hard it's like are they in the screen and because the camera's kind of grainy it makes it hard to see so you end up almost half watching these two dudes having a good time talking and then the other half kind of baseball listening to the to the feed where it's like okay i didn't see the pitch but it must have been a good pitch because he said it was a good pitch well or when i see jason and adrian do this they start craning their necks i give them a pass
Starting point is 00:03:03 on me not being able to see it because I know they're trying to bring me the information for something that the camera's not on. I just, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was, I was, and I felt like I learned a lot and I, and from trusted sources, right? Well, I mean, they're definitely two guys that have been in the, in the, in the, in the space for a long time. And I like the fact that they've been there as athletes, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:03:24 So they're the whole family, they get to get affiliate owners right coaches the whole deal the whole they were fun they were fun i think they were running on each other because they're having so much fun they don't really know what the roles that they're supposed to play that way but it was uh it was really fun actually you know what was really weird is i thought uh adrian did better as the play-by-play in that situation than he does as an analyst when he's rolling with some of the other guys. Oh, that's interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:53 I thought – and he recognized also that Jason didn't have as much experience. So a few times when Jason fumbled – you know like when you fumble, like you want to kind of contract? Well, that's the job. Adrian didn't let him. Adrian's like, no, no, no, no. It's good. It's good. Well, the job of the play-by-play is to make the color guy look good the job of the
Starting point is 00:04:08 color guys make the play-by-play look good and and so in a very raw sense those guys were doing a good job for each other there yeah i thoroughly enjoyed it uh 50 points separate 1 through 12 for nine spots gonna be tight tomorrow so glad 12 aren't going away more drama yeah it's gonna it's gonna be a lot of drama okay let's pull up the women first um and let's do that first because the leaderboard's updated for the men okay okay let's do it okay fine can i just defend the camera work that was last week phil yeah i wasn't i wasn't i know i wasn't i wasn't hacking you guys it's not i wasn't you guys got thrown into the mix It was way better this week I'm impressed by Barkley and Brian
Starting point is 00:04:47 And the folks doing it It was rough last week We put it together in 24 hours And nobody really knew You guys were flying by the seat of your pants I was not saying that you guys did a bad job I was saying that it's harder It's hard to do it
Starting point is 00:05:02 So every week it's going to get better The people that are working in that group Are going to know what they're trying to do. All right. That's a plus. We got to pull one thing up before we go over the leaderboard, and it's Hiller's latest fucking video or at least his Instagram post. Oh, man. Is it about the girl in Brazil? Yes, it's about the girl in Brazil, and I want to get James Townsend's input, dude.
Starting point is 00:05:23 I got to see it, dude. I got to hear it, dude. I got to hear it, dude. Oh, my God. Let's do it. She can power clean more than James, man. She's 40. You want to go play in the fire. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Dude, I want to play in this fire. This is fucking nuts, dude. She's older than JR. This is the most attention she's gotten. She looks like she could eat JR. Okay. 28-year-old figure competitor. All you do is care about your body. And then 40,
Starting point is 00:05:49 40-year-old female CrossFitter 12 years apart. This doesn't happen. You don't get better with age. You don't get this amount of muscle mass on your back, on your body. This is the first video I saw of this individual. This was sent during the Masters Online Qualifier for the semifinals. This is what... Are you freaking
Starting point is 00:06:06 kidding me? She's bigger than Hillary. Who believes this? Does she think that we believe this? Not one person on Earth thinks that this is natural. Look at the abs. Hey, you should see her... I think her boyfriend is Kaikei.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Is it boyfriend Grover or is it her husband? There's two Paneros. He's like 20. But he's a brick shithouse too. He's got shoulders on top of shoulders. He's a savage. What do you think? Don't fucking say that.
Starting point is 00:06:37 I knew that was coming, dude. Come on. And then Kaike, this guy, he's in first place for the men. He's like 6' four, isn't he? He's really tall. He's like a fiance or something. Go to her Instagram account.
Starting point is 00:06:52 She's a Mack truck. She is something else. They take in stuff like Flintstone vitamins. At least a bottle at a time, dude. At least a bottle at a time. Louise. She's 40? Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Yeah, do the hang clean. She won the 40 to 44. How could he? Yeah, do this. She's 40. Oh yeah, yeah. The hang clean is nuts. I'm not going to be able to walk when I'm 40.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Dude, what? Hey, but they'll be tested, of course, right? What do you think, Savon? Well, they don't test for HGH. They can't. Oh. Can they test for Diana ball or a trend? Yeah, they can test for all that stuff, but they can't test for HGH.
Starting point is 00:07:44 If she's getting that cadaver He's on way more than a CHR. Oh My god, look at that one Wow HGH don't do that. That's some hard and of our trend combo Jesus milkshake She's no make sure my ass is still there She's no shame about it Yeah that's some liver king shit right What do you think Sevan I have fucking no idea to be honest
Starting point is 00:08:13 But I've never seen it I don't see girls like that Just in the World in the regular world I also don't See those shoulders those shoulders That Kaike has where they start having those Weird like 90 degree angles on them. He's just like 6'5". Dude, he's just enormous.
Starting point is 00:08:28 I don't know if he's on anything. Yeah, but if that's his fiancee, it's hard to... She's 40. That's the crazy thing. I don't totally... Jeremy E. World, I don't totally disagree with Hiller. Okay. But I can say that I'm about to be 38 and I'm the fittest I've ever been
Starting point is 00:08:45 and look the best I've ever looked, probably thanks to Taylor and SMTP. Nice job. What was the throw there? Wow, that was nice, dude. Look at you. Gave him a $10 for him to say that. Yeah, send that $10 right back to him. I do think that Hiller spends a lot of time looking at this and i trust his
Starting point is 00:09:06 opinion on it i mean he's clearly freaking out he's like this isn't they're like the this girl's like not even maybe she's not trying to uh avoid it maybe she'll test positive and then be like yes i this pharmacy is my um sponsor if you want to look like me you know what i mean we have a wifi hormones my wi-fi sucks do they you know we're live right yeah yeah okay no more wi-fi talk okay go ahead the hill the hill nomad is great no no no i mean not bad mouth anyway uh do they i was trying to ask do they do they test the age group athletes before they invite them to the games? No. Not unless you're on a random test. Or you have an anonymous tip. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:49 After the competition is over, they test the top five. Wow. If she doesn't get tested, I'm going to anonymously tip about her. It's just... She's juiced. Although I'm 56, I have more muscle now than at 28 and i've been lifting since i was 15 dude look i was just gonna say if she's natural she should be taking this as a compliment
Starting point is 00:10:13 yeah you're natural you're freaking out so much that's insane there's there's no way and i i my my personal opinion and this is talking as master's athlete is there's probably way more of that running through the masters than we think, or it has before they hopped off for like two years, you know, they, they did all their infomercial, got all their stuff, got all jacked up, got their libido back and everything else. And then they decided that like CrossFit and they've hopped off for two years. So they, they got a whole lot of muscle because I've been working out my whole life
Starting point is 00:10:48 too. And I remember being at the games and watching men and women walk by me that are 50 plus when I was in my forties. And I'm thinking, how the hell I know I work out more than you guys do. And I don't look anything like that. So yeah, there's a whole lot of,
Starting point is 00:11:03 I've heard games athletes say, why do the masters athletes have nicer bodies than we do it's that deer antler velvet bro deer antler velvet wow true that let's see if the phone works uh caller hi oh hello gabe working not working yeah it's not like go ahead tell us gabe is live at the uh northwest uhinal. Tell us, Gabe. Tell us, Paper Street Coffee. How's it going, guys? So we got a bunch of shirts that finally came in, thanks to Travis. We'll be giving them away at the OG booth at the Vendor Village.
Starting point is 00:11:34 It's a little packed right now, but it's an interesting vendor village. Meaning it sucks. It's compared to what it was last week. It's like freaking night like night and day not even something even worse than that all right hey game hey gabe with your good copy down there do they have the just do it shirts just show up like what uh jr's got up there on that look at that that's an og yeah we have there we have the we have the Just Show Up shirts. Yeah, they're all over here at the OG booth. I need everyone that comes and gets a free CEO shirt if they want.
Starting point is 00:12:10 They could also, you know, help Ken out over here at the OG booth. Again, because it is kind of dead, we get like one wave. And hopefully that wave will be a bunch of people trying to get some free shirts. And I think Philip Kelly talked about doing a meetup with everyone that has a CEO shirt at 12 o'clock. So it'd be cool if you grab your CEO shirt here and I guess take a picture when Philip gets here. Yeah, that'd be awesome. Yeah, that's about it. So just remember, I have more throughout the course of the day.
Starting point is 00:12:42 And yeah, just swing by. If I run out by today, I run out by today. If not, I'll have more tomorrow. I'll let everyone know. Okay, cool. Thank you. Thanks for doing that. Send pictures, please. I will, 100%. Thanks, guys. Take care. Bye. Wow, that is a ghetto-ass booth.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Look at that. God, that is ghetto. Fuck you, dude. That's badass. Is that your booth? Well, thanks for letting us use it and give away shirts there. Holy shit. Yeah, there you go. That's the OG culture right there. Please tell me you guys got a discount for the booth.
Starting point is 00:13:14 You know someone, Bill. Tell me you know someone. I don't know what Ken paid for it, but I know that he was trying to shuffle to get down there. Who's Ken? Oh, it's the Sherpa Works guy. Oh, okay. Okay, okay. So it's all of his there. Who's Ken? Oh, it's the SherpaWorks guy. Oh, okay. So it's all of his gear. It's not just the OG stuff. Well, he does
Starting point is 00:13:30 our stuff. I see Brian's stuff there. He prints for Brian, too. Whatever he's printing for his people. Our OG stuff, the Just Show Up One or New, the Be Friendly stuff, all that. What was that case of drinks in the corner?
Starting point is 00:13:46 Heineken Zero Zero, baby. Heineken Zero Zero. That's water. That's the water they've been giving out. Oh, okay. Nice. Nice zoom. Okay, let's pull up.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Who did you say? Which leaderboard has done the women? Men. Men. Okay, let's go to the men. Let's start at the bottom for the men. Let's start at the men who are struggling, who are boobied. Okay, and let's do a slow scroll from page two to page.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Oh, what happened to Bill Leahy? He withdrew? Yeah, yesterday. Why? What happened to him? Sick. Sick? No, I heard that he couldn't stand the pressure
Starting point is 00:14:26 Brian was putting on him to win. That's what I heard. Him and Colton contracted the same sickness. He withdrew, and Colton won the bet. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Did he really contract the same thing Colton got, or you're just talking shit? I don't know that.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Dude, Rich won his regional with pneumonia. Come on, Bill. Yeah, Bill. You a champ or what? What the fuck? All right. Nice. Brian Ha, 54th. Mitch McClune. These are 37
Starting point is 00:14:54 points. We're thinking you need 500. Who put Leo Franco up in the top? I don't want to talk about it. Listen, I have had some major hits this weekend, like over everybody. This is the one that was really bad. It's my only miss so far. From what I've heard, he's a good dude.
Starting point is 00:15:20 He's a friend of Jake Berman's, and any friend of Berman's is a friend of mine. Alex Bridgeforth, which prior games athlete are not going to make it? So listen, if you guys see a games athlete as we scroll up, let me know. The first games athlete, prior, current, whatever that you've seen. None in this list, right? Okay, let's go down to the bottom. So just to be clear where we're at, guys, there are 1, 2, 3, 400 points available. Basically, until you see someone who has
Starting point is 00:15:48 100 points, they have no chance unless hell freezes over. Keep going. We're at 44th place. 43rd, Logan Ewing. He'll eventually be a guest on the show, I hope. Still going. My goodness. 60 people. Too many. still going my goodness 60 people too many there he is right there
Starting point is 00:16:13 so if there is a natural disaster five of the athletes getting a car accident on the way home Tudor could possibly make it so Tudor's out huh no he's about to have a good afternoon sitting on the way home uh tutor could could possibly make it so tutor's out huh no oh come on he's about to have a good afternoon there's four points yeah but he'd need to take first in
Starting point is 00:16:31 everything yeah he's toast he's out there he's okay let's keep going he would need all of the top eight to perform really really poorly too or like uh five through 15 to do really really poorly and him get jr who coaches who coaches daniel uh coach coach uh jared shaw the jason i thought he lived in south did he move uh daniel does not no he lives out in the Midwest, but Jared programs for him remotely. Okay, let's go. And yesterday, I don't know if you guys remember, Spin was giving us some data on, I think, in the last week, people who went into today below 21st in the men's division,
Starting point is 00:17:21 none of them made it. No, it was Tyler. Tyler gave us that? Yeah. Yeah. division did none of them made it that was tyler tyler gave us that yeah and then for the women it was 32 but that was just wow okay hey all the good dudes are there so it's there right did anyone see anyone there's there's no no one's there's no surprises down there right fucking off dude two crazy yeah you did yeah i fucking love that and he tied for first Fucking off, dude. Two and one. Yeah, he did, man. Crazy. Yeah, he did. Yeah. I fucking love that. And he tied for first in this. I know he says second, but he tied for first in that, too.
Starting point is 00:17:50 No, he lost the tie break. But, yes. I understand. Yeah, yeah. Okay, go back down. Go back down to the bubble. How many go? Nine.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Nine. Oh, my goodness. Wow. Tetlo Quant, Cole Sager. Wow. Yeah, so 13 Cole Sager. Wow. Yeah, so 13th or 12th, if you look at that 203 to 184, that's kind of the gap. And then there's another 20-point gap to Raphael Sanson.
Starting point is 00:18:17 So I think 13th and up are the guys that we're talking about, and they take the top nine, right? Yeah. So 13th and up are really the guys who we're talking about, and they take the top nine, right? Yeah. So 13th and up are really the guys who are in it. Anthony Davis and Tudor will both do great in the snatch event, maybe on event five, but from 13 on up, I think are the only guys who are in the running right now. Stevenson's going to have a tough time on test four.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Where was Anthony Davis? Where was test four. Where was Anthony Davis? Where was Anthony Davis? Where's Anthony Davis? 23rd. Oh, shit. He's a really good dude. I like Anthony. Me too.
Starting point is 00:18:56 He's got at least 94 points at least coming his way on event four. Basically, he can't win. win right now he's just a shit starter basically he's just gonna ruin he's just there to ruin other people's day now does does uh andrea missler still own timberwolf crossfit she does she did when i interviewed her i think yeah she does i'm going to i'm getting my own leaderboard up. Okay, so Anthony Davis, I guess, is the one person that we were hoping to see higher up
Starting point is 00:19:32 who looks like he's out. And I could see him being like 15th after event four, and then maybe even around after event five, after day two. But it's just not going to be enough at the end of the day to be top nine at the end of the competition. Has anyone talked to him? How does he feel? No one? All right.
Starting point is 00:19:59 17th place on workout three is very surprising to me. He had to break up the bench press. That's crazy. Well, didn't he have a shoulder? Wasn't he having a shoulder issue? Yeah, he does.
Starting point is 00:20:11 He needed surgery, and he just opted not to get surgery and just have it heal as is and deal with mobility issues. So he hasn't been doing much overhead pressing or any, yeah. So, James, tell me exactly what you mean by that you see 17th you know anthony davis as an athlete something you're you're suspicious yeah yeah i mean his size uh his clean and jerk his snatch those numbers like to not be able to move 90 pounds the way I expect him to move it the correlation is just off
Starting point is 00:20:51 for me for him to be able to snatch 350 right to clean and jerk not do 90 pound dumbbells easily right yeah that's just it's kind of validating the rumors that we've been hearing all weekend that something might be off with him.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Not only did he lose 10 pounds, but he's injured. Yeah, but then again, shoulder with benching, how much does your shoulder hurt your bench? And he could have just tweaked it on event two, and it's not like seriously injured, but enough where he doesn't want to tweak it anymore. But then he won't snatch whatever he's capable of if that's the case. Right. Exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:21:31 That's what I've been saying. All right. Let's go back up. Let's go cruise up, cruise up the list a little bit. We get to Jack Rosen was in no man's land. Mitchell Stevenson. So Cole Sager. OK, here we go. Let's look at these guys right here. John Wood, Scott Tetlow,uel quant uh cole sager um the next workout is uh it's the four or five right it's the um the snacks the snatch and then the uh the snatch and run yeah so basically you run then max snatch then you get a break, and then the next workout, snatches, and then sprint. Yep.
Starting point is 00:22:07 After that workout, after those two workouts, who comes out the best? Can Colton beat any of these guys in those two workouts? John Wood, Scott Tetlow, or Samuel Kwan? Scott Tetlow, Colton – he snatches 285. That's the most Sam Kwan snatches, too, was 285. So he's got better snatch than Tatlow I believe a better snatch than Colesager I don't know what Mitchell Stevenson can do
Starting point is 00:22:30 And I don't know what John Wood can do But I know he's over those Three guys that I said previously Theoretically I mean his max number You know obviously Who executes the best on that But him and maderos have the
Starting point is 00:22:47 same max snatch so and justin yeah how many go to six let's see six and that's where justin maderos is sitting right the champ's sitting at six okay but the run colton is not going to do as good on the run um like that's going to be one of his worst events is probably going to be up there with event one um and the only other person on here that's going to be like that is is tetlo i think everybody else is going to do you know pretty decent it basically means most athletes are going to have three chances some athletes might only have two unless they really push the pace on maximum. That's not what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:23:27 I'm talking about the event five. Oh, sorry. Okay. So what do you guys think? What do you think after this workout four, you think Colton stays in the same place? And then five, he drops down a couple of places? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Yeah. After five, yeah. And all the guys above him are better at them at both workouts say again all the guys above yeah justin medeiros brent fukowski chandler smith cole gray shaber can i see can i scroll up a little bit taylor do you know what but see i think gray saber oh gray shaber 280 yeah yeah yeah see i was about to say that he But see, I think – Gray Sabre. Oh, Gray Sabre. 280. Yeah, yeah, yeah. See, I was about to say that.
Starting point is 00:24:08 That's his list. Gray Sabre may be – Cole may be the only person that's going to drop that I see out of the top nine because his snatch may be 275. Yeah. So, I mean, he'll drop, but not – Did he move to HBPL? Right. Yeah, so I mean He'll drop But not Past Mertens though Right Gray Shaver
Starting point is 00:24:32 Moved to HWPL I don't know If he doesn't snatch 280 They're cutting him Hey, that could be significant, right? That could be significant If he can only do 275. That's a big drop. There's going to be a shitload of guys that snatch 275.
Starting point is 00:24:51 That's going to be a log jam? Yeah. I honestly think 280 is going to be the log jam. It's going to be just a little bit more than 275. That's a little baby girl snatch. What are the rules here? Can you use fractionals? Can you use fractionals?
Starting point is 00:25:04 What are the rules? Just incre use fractionals can you use fractionals what are the rules just increments of five pounds okay in in africa last week and taylor tell me if i'm wrong they use fractionals but everyone else has been fractions of five yeah they had they had 0.5 kilograms i know everything down to 0.5 so like one-pounders. But, yeah, it looked like from North America East last weekend was all five-pound increments. So you've got to be 290 or over if you want to be like a top 15, I think. Yeah, no, I agree, especially with this field. This field's way better at snatching than the East. They get that snatch, bro.
Starting point is 00:25:42 So the truth is there's really not a lot to talk about here. This is basically going to come down to we need to see what's going to happen after four and five, and then this is going to be just an epic fucking finish on Sunday. No one's pulled out ahead here. Let me get you guys. Go ahead. What were you going to say? Execution is going to matter huge for the top, the top nine guys on the snaps workout.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Like you, I, we know what their PRS are, but they're all within, I mean, Chandler and Brent snatch a little bit more than everybody else. Valner snatch 295. Nick Matthew can snatch around that,
Starting point is 00:26:19 but the, everybody else is around 285. So then it just comes down to who hits what if madero snatches 275 and misses 285 um he could drop uh and he'll do great on event five but you know 285 is what everybody else's got so like we said there should be a there's going to be a log jam there if he say he hits 275 and just misses on 285, which can happen. It's his PR, but then he could drop. Do we think he's got a chance to win?
Starting point is 00:26:53 I need these two events to happen, and then I'll know. To put what John is saying in perspective, Medeiros is further from first place than he is from not going to the CrossFit Games. He's closer to not
Starting point is 00:27:09 going to the CrossFit Games than he is to first place. That's how big the logjam is. Not that he's doing bad, but there's a lot of dudes. Is he washed up? No. Dude, I love starting controversy. And he usually is top tier in execution.
Starting point is 00:27:26 These snatch events are like when it comes down to who can hit what and who can come clutch. Madero's is one of the most clutch people when it comes to executing things in an interval way. Look at this. Ellie Turner's elbow looks bad. She has two sleeves on her left elbow. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Richie Rich, do you really think everyone is hitting their one rep max? A lot of people are PRing. When I did this event, I PR'd. Dude, yeah, fuck out of here with that. Crossfitters love to lift under fatigue. And at the same time, when you have the adrenaline of the crowd, it's insane. Yeah, not the same environment, but I'm just saying. Crossfitters are very weird.
Starting point is 00:28:06 They're not like Olympic lifters. I think it turns down the brain a little bit. They're not thinking about all of the things. My hands, my elbows. Where's my hip? How's my pull? You just fucking pull. Use the adrenaline.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Yeah, exactly. Smash it. Taylor, was it 295 at PR when you did it at the Granite Games? It was a 10-pound PR. Probably a little more. Did you snatch 295 at the Granite Games? It was a 10-pound PR. Probably a little more. I mean, that's in the competition. Did you snatch 295 at the Granite Games, Taylor? Yeah, I think I did two.
Starting point is 00:28:30 I think I opened at 265, then hit 285, and then went 295. It was where you had a 20-second window. I didn't know you were strong. I thought you were just the swimming, running bike dude. Fuck you, bro. I'm strong as shit. I had a fucking torn ACL, and I snatched 295, bro. He never did it again, though.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Let me throw this out there, too. What's your snatch, John? 300, man. Oh, okay. You and James are the only ones here who can say that. James, don't talk. We know about you. What happens? This is for you jr uh does colton lose any opportunity
Starting point is 00:29:07 because he's going to be the last one off the treadmill is he going to get him one less lift does he have to have a totally different strategy than the guys who get more lifts jason passed off the treadmill last week and snaps the heaviest last in his heat and he uh he had four attempts so no i mean i think all the guys will have three to four attempts regardless of when they get off. You wouldn't have known that unless Taylor interrupted you and said it first before you got it out, right? I suck. I was there, so I would have known.
Starting point is 00:29:34 I thought it was just your homeboy. I suck. I'll shut up. I noticed that, too. James Townsend does have a massive clock. That is correct. Blame that on my wife. Thank you for the massive clock with is uh correct that was blame that on my way thank you massive clock uh with townsend okay um unfortunately the women aren't um up yet let's go over to them anyway
Starting point is 00:29:56 i want to find our buddy uh miss fusli a they aren't up are they up? Oh, they are. Okay. Let's go down to the bottom of the well. Who won Linda for the one women? Olivia Kerstetter. 17 years old. Allowed me to reintroduce myself. She's going to get smacked
Starting point is 00:30:20 on test five. I think she'll have a little bit of a gap. Hey, you know what she's proving though is that she has the engine now she's proving she has a strength well and and the engine though too right the two together let me pull up her name let's see what did she get on test one hold on hold on hold on let's go to the bottom let's go let's start at freya way better than i thought she would do on test one right argument. Wrong thing to pull up. What's going on here?
Starting point is 00:30:53 Freya Moose-Bruger is a games athlete, and she is in 50th place. We don't have anything like that going on in the men's department. You do not. Yeah, I don't know what's going on with her. She's definitely out of it. Anyone? Anyone have any thoughts on why games athletes? I guess. She didn't come on your podcast well that's probably one of the reasons is she injured james you're the nostradamus of uh of injuries why is the games athlete number 50 a young games
Starting point is 00:31:17 athlete yeah young games athlete uh i don't know just couldn't cut it this weekend. And then above her is the senior citizen of the group, hometown favorite for me, Kelly Clark. Kelly Clark, Carly Stone. Not happy to see her down at the bottom. Jen Ryan's there. How old is Jen Ryan? She already qualified for Masters? She's an old lady.
Starting point is 00:31:43 She's older than the lady in Brazil. Someone said Bergeron killed her. Okay, let's keep scrolling. Keep scrolling. I can't help myself with the comments. You can't. I feel like Hiller's texting you. Allison Scud's 40th. She's out of the
Starting point is 00:32:01 comp. But does anybody ever believe she had a chance? I mean, I know she wants to. I thought she was maybe closer than that. She'll be great on demo team. It seems like she's always in that middle of the pack at semifinals, whether it's a 30-person field or a six.
Starting point is 00:32:19 I mean, she will be. She'll be great on demo team. So here's something interesting. Marissa Flowers, a tiny 5-2 trista smith only 17 and then rebecca fusilier all kind of all smashed up in there together rebecca's in the same situation that uh tudor magda's in she's gonna need all the help in the world there's gonna be a natural disaster i don't and i don't think tests four and five are gonna be good for her maybe five any of any of those three i don't think any four and five are going to be good for her maybe five
Starting point is 00:32:45 any of those three I don't think any three of them are going to do good in that either one of those tests you don't think Rebecca will do good on five no she's a good runner no not for 800 meters oh wow I think she'll do great on six yeah she could win
Starting point is 00:33:02 I don't know that it'll be enough but yeah do you think even with the 20 overhead squats to start and finish yeah i mean i think she's strong enough uh it's it's the rest that stuff's not gonna hurt her the way it hurts others you know what i mean she might have time to take her time as well i think she'll win her heat there we go i asked a in a quick back and forth text with rich a couple days ago, I said something about athletes that could get destroyed at Mayhem. And he said, athletes don't get destroyed. Maybe their expectations get tempered.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Mr. Crash, JR, what's going to happen to Rebecca Fuselier after she doesn't make it this year? She made it last year, big splash, lots of attention. But would you pull an athlete aside like this and have a heart-to-heart lots of attention but do you do would you pull an athlete aside like this and have a heart-to-heart with them and be like yo you're 5'2 127 you have no choice unless you're willing to cheat I mean I'm I'm sure she's been doing nothing but focusing on her strength for the last full season so I'm sure she'll just go back to that grind I don't see her being someone that just gives up on it and stops. I mean, what would you say as a coach?
Starting point is 00:34:06 Would you ever talk with her about expectations or, or no, like you, you, you just would nurture her dream. No. Yeah. I would just,
Starting point is 00:34:12 I would just keep saying we're, we're not there yet. And that's it. Mr. Townsend, Mr. Townsend, what would you say if Muggsy,
Starting point is 00:34:19 but you were training Muggsy Bogues, would you be like that? Sorry, buddy. You're never going to the NBA. Nah, I'll say the same thing as JR, but
Starting point is 00:34:28 I think she needs to come see me. Fusile. Hey, let me ask you this. Do you know how tall and how much Mal O'Brien weighed when she came to you? Yeah, she was 5'4",
Starting point is 00:34:42 and she was 64 kilos. So that would be like 140. Okay, so she was bigger than Rebecca when you saw her. Yeah, yeah, way better. Okay. All right. Mr. SMTP, sorry to interrupt you. What would you say to an athlete, 127, 5'2"?
Starting point is 00:35:06 You don't try to get her into something else accounting i think it depends on how hard she's willing to work i mean to me i don't i don't i don't have this belief that look at colton i don't have this belief that there is a size to a degree obviously there's margins right but i don't i mean she's pushing them dude she's pushing so is colton but i don't i mean she's pushing them dude she's pushing so is colton but i don't believe and there are tall guys that push it's only two inches shorter than colton yeah i don't believe that she is falls without the margins if she has the right work ethic which it seems she does and the right coach so i think it all comes down to the plan you have and then the work ethic just doesn't go into how much you're willing to train
Starting point is 00:35:44 but is she willing to eat enough to put weight on? Because she needs – you got to eat. That's what I think. That's what I think. I mean, I think obviously she's willing to work hard enough in the gym. It's if she's willing to put on 13 pounds. That's one thing my boss says all the time is people are coming to the gym. They're like, I'm going to lose weight.
Starting point is 00:36:00 And he's like, look, losing weight and gaining weight is pretty simple. You want to lose weight, you got to be hungry. If you want to gain weight, gotta be full and there are like margins of that too where people who hate being hungry and there are people who hate being full and it just you know it's competition different it's well and when you when you have when you have athletes that are on the outside like that when you're talking like out on the outer margins it is it does come down to what the programming is too if the programming is set up to where it's not as heavy it's going to be more gymnastic base or something where your range of motion is going to play to your advantage now you now you're going to be more in the game so she can
Starting point is 00:36:34 work hard and she can get stronger but again like if the programming is set up in a straight way i mean you know like colton is a perfect example. The guy's a workhorse. The guy, like the work ethic, you can't ask for more of a work ethic like that. But if you constantly have running events or rowing events or whatever, it's not that they can't do it. It's that they are going to be at a disadvantage. So now what does the rest of the field have? So it's not necessarily, is she a good enough athlete?
Starting point is 00:37:05 Should she ball it up and throw it away? It's like, okay, well, what's the next year going to have? If she doesn't make it, the programming will probably be a little bit different next year, especially after everyone's talking about the programming this year for all of the different stages. I bet we see something different from her. And this is the other thing, dude. She's 21. Right, 21 or 23? It takes right 21 Or 23
Starting point is 00:37:27 It takes so long to get strong She says 23 And that was going to be my question So let me ask you this So we're in May Open starts in February Does she have enough time To gain strength
Starting point is 00:37:44 From now to February? Take a year off. That's another thing. You're 23 years old and you have this opportunity to say, okay, in two years, I know I can qualify for the games and be a threat because I can hit home runs at the things I'm good at. Or am I going to constantly be interrupting a training cycle that needs to be long enough to get me where I want to be by competing? That's a hard pill to swallow too, but I don't fall into the camp of believing she doesn't have a chance.
Starting point is 00:38:13 That's just bullshit. She has a chance even if she doesn't take a year off. But I think if she took a year off and dude, if she took a year off, she could come back savage. You could still compete and be on this like longest strength cycle and then just let the cards lay where they are when you're when you're competing. And like you might not be like what's the worst case scenario? She's in the same position she's at now.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Yeah, I just don't like that. I don't like taking the floor unless I'm I know that like. Yeah, but, you know, you don't know. You could get lucky with the events. You don't know that. Right. That's what's happening right now. If you take a year off, James, would you, if you were, if you were her coach, would you ever take a year off? Yeah. I would ask her. I think I'd be like, Hey, is that something you would consider doing?
Starting point is 00:39:04 Either, either, either she takes a year off or she hammers her percentages. I'm a big component on percentages. You got to hammer your percentages. Then it comes with technique. If your percentages lines up with your technique, that's how you gain strength. So what do you mean? So you're talking about starting workout regimens that look at, okay, start at 75% and work your way up and basically push. Every week we're working up. But if you're in a gym and you're 80%, it's feeling like you're a 70%. Why not on that day go for a one rep? Because you never know when you'll get that feeling back.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Don't wait for a coach to say, all right, today we're going to, you know, in two weeks we're going to hit a one rep. We're going to go for a heavy one rep. No. If you're feeling good on this day, max it out. Because you never know when you'll get that feeling back. Because in two weeks, if we go for a one rep, you might not be able to hit that one rep.
Starting point is 00:40:02 JR, thoughts on this? And do you stuff her with food, too? She's got to get... So that's what we talked about earlier, right? That's what we talked about earlier. She will have to lose some of her aerobic for her strength. She needs about
Starting point is 00:40:19 10 corn on the cobs a day. Pancakes. If I were writing her nutrition protocol, bro, corn on the cobs a day. Pancakes. If I were writing her nutrition protocol, bro, corn on the cob every meal. I've never heard any. I've heard pancakes. I've never heard corn on the cob. That's just a joke.
Starting point is 00:40:37 That's just a joke. That's some fucking Carolina shit. JR, you see an eye to eye with these guys? You know what Carolina is? You know the Carolina thing? Fuck yeah, dude. Corn, corn, corn. I will.
Starting point is 00:40:50 JR, thoughts? I mean, I think something worth talking about, though, too, is that she is a really popular athlete. She has a strong following on social media. The partnership she may have already developed may require her to compete, and it may be in contract that she competes at semis and she competes twice, you know, like twice every off season in order for her to make a living. So in that case, she may not have that kind of choice.
Starting point is 00:41:16 And I think probably for her, the more she's on the floor, the more she can be seen as an underdog, the more she can be seen as someone who's like a fringe outlier like a Colton, I think probably does wonders for her growing popularity. Right, right. This is why I hate sponsors, dude. You know what I hate more than anything? People telling you what to
Starting point is 00:41:36 do. Well, are you a professional athlete or you're not, though? If you want to step into that game. That's true, absolutely, but there are a lot of people. It's easy to say that if you're not being paid. What's up? It's easy to say that and have that outlook if you're not being paid currently. But if you are, then it kind of changes it.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Yeah. Just write your own program and sell it. Yeah, that's a great point. She is hugely popular, and she's fun to watch, and the whole underdog component of her is uh it's pretty cool uh alex alex alex alex alex uh central center neural on the team uh test five so much blood that's what they were saying last week too in the east um because in the convention center it wasn't what you would call a balmy environment so like there were some people out
Starting point is 00:42:24 there with no shirts, but even the guys with shirts on came out pretty battered from the center knurling on the clean workout. I like it. More blood, the better. Oh, it's not inky. It's knurled in the middle. Center.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Yeah, center knurl. Dude, I get an alien exposed on my collarbone whenever I do cleans. What did you say, James? I said that's the worst bar. Yeah. Oh, with the center neural? Why would they use that then? James, why would they use that?
Starting point is 00:42:57 I have no idea. I have one. I bought one from Rogue Olympic weightlifting bar and it has that. And I stopped using it. Hey, what is even the purpose of center knurling? What's even the purpose? To catch the collarbone.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Fuck your skin. You got to catch the clean. Oh, no shit? That's what it's for? To give you a little texture to rub and dig in? Absolutely. Oh, God. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Oh, back squats. Okay, finally. Thank you. I'll take it.. Oh, back squats. Okay, finally. Thank you. I'll take it. It's for back squats. Becca needs more crumble cookie. $2. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:43:35 What's this? Something special? I don't know whose idea that was. Like, maybe if I was outside and I was sweating my nuts off, it's a good idea. But, like, I'm not that hot in there. I don't need a center curl. I'll just wear a shirt. I'll have my nuts off, it's a good idea, but it's not that hot in there. I don't need a center curl. I'll just wear a shirt. Wow, is that chop on his chin or is that gray hair?
Starting point is 00:43:53 Or I got a third option. 29th place, Trista Smith, 17 years old. Was she serious about actually going, or is this something you send a 17-year-old out to to just get experience?
Starting point is 00:44:09 I mean, I think in a field of 60 to be 29th, and then in Daniel Kus's case, I think he's 19 or 20 to be in like mid-20s. Like, if she finishes the weekend in the top half, I think that was a successful weekend for both of them. Okay, gotcha. Anyone have any issue sending a 17-year-old out there? in the top half. I think that was a successful weekend for both of them. Okay. Gotcha. Anyone have any issues sending a 17-year-old out there?
Starting point is 00:44:30 No, it's a great experience. There's another one that just won an event. Another 17-year-old? Olivia. Oh, Olivia. Right. Okay. Alright. Let's keep cruising. Now we're getting to right here, basically from here. Now some of these people have a chance to go to the games, right?
Starting point is 00:44:53 We're getting into those numbers. Not likely, but possible. China Cho, Lauren Fisher, and now realistically, Kelly Baker, Bailey Rail, Danny Spiegel, Emily Rolfe, Zoe Warren, Sydney McElishan. Scroll down. Chloe Wilson and the girl below her are only three points back from Baker, so I think they have a shot, a great shot.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Top ten for women, right? Yep. I mean, I think all the way down to Carissa Stock has a chance. So it's basically 181 to 157. They're going to have a pretty nice bottleneck, too. They're going to have an amazing final day also. Any chance Danny Spiegel is not going to the games? No.
Starting point is 00:45:41 She's about to move from second to final. She's moving up after four. But she's going to take a hit on five, I believe. I don't think it's going to be a terrible one, though. Do you? I think she'll be at 20th or something. I don't know about 20th, dude. What do you think? I mean, if she gets a 44th and a second, then I think she's still in trouble.
Starting point is 00:46:03 But the last day is not going to be good. I think it's going to be bottom half on test five. I think she still makes it. I think she's on the bubble but still makes it. She can move that 125. It's just going to be that run. The run is so important. And is she good at test six?
Starting point is 00:46:22 She's always surprised me with the with the strict gymnastics i've always thought she was not going to be good and she does like this rope climbs fine she does strict handstand push-ups fine like if she if she stays within herself then i think that workout will be fine for her we thought she did muscle-ups fine too coming into this no we did not not wildly different you you think she's gonna finish workout um six finish yeah i think she doesn't get time cap she doesn't get stopped on those legless rope climbs i think she'll be top 30 in that event i think she'll say she'll sail through the first part get stuck on the mid of the gymnastics and then and then if she gets through it she'll sail through the first part, get stuck on the mid of the gymnastics, and then if she gets through it, she'll sail through the rest. This comment's incorrect, right?
Starting point is 00:47:11 It's the run from test four that is the tiebreaker for the weight on test four. No, the run from test five. It is the run from test five. All of test five is the tiebreaker for test four. Okay, got it. Test five is the tiebreaker for test four. Okay, got it. So when you go back to what you said about that 275 bar,
Starting point is 00:47:31 and I'd be curious what you think it is for the women, that's going to be the piece, is that if they all sit there at 275, they're going to power through that second piece because they're going to know, they're going to have to do well to break that tie. This is an important comment here, by the way. Sorry. So test four and five are the snatch and running workouts.
Starting point is 00:47:49 They're just inverted. The first one is the max snatch. The other one is the max run, fastest run. They just switch the order. So four and five are the snatch run. And six is the – it's basically like a chipper, up and down chipper. With the overhead squats and rope climbs and handstand pushups. And there's a machine in there too, I think, right?
Starting point is 00:48:07 The row. Oh, the row. Worthless. It's a kitchen sink of a chipper. It shouldn't be there. And then, and then, and then test seven is the toes to bar. What, no, what's that one start with? Echo.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Echo bike toes to bar and carry the heavy bag. Thank you. You're right. We should be doing that. We should be doing that. We should be saying that. I didn't think Katrin bulked up. Anyone else see that? I didn't think she bulked up at all. Her traps, she looks lean and mean
Starting point is 00:48:33 like she's at her fighting weight. Her traps look all blown up like they always look when she competes. I think she looks fucking amazing. I thought she looked bigger in 2016, 2015 than she does now. And when I saw her at Rogue, she looked too big. I think she just looks like she looks like normal.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Yeah, 2020 Catherine. If you pulled the women's leaderboard again, something worth noting is not only how good Dani's going to do on event four, which is the max lift, but of all the people around her, no one around her is going to be so the people who may snatch more than her or even close to her are well beneath her where's christina
Starting point is 00:49:16 oh hannah black hannah hannah black who's in sixth okay colin brander colin i don't think black is going to snatch more than her. So Kolenbrander is the only one that's within five or six spots up and down that's going to maybe beat her. But she's going to take points away from all the rest of those. And there are a lot of girls in the top 15 that the snatch is going to make them drop pretty significantly, I think. How's Gazan's snatch?
Starting point is 00:49:47 What'd you say? How's Gazan's snatch? What'd you say? How's Gazan's snatch? I think she'll be fine. I think she'll still be like top 15 snatch. You think she's going to win this event? I mean, sorry, win this competition? Go back up. Can you scroll up?
Starting point is 00:50:00 We haven't seen this updated leaderboard yet. Yeah, I just want to see the top of it. 257 for Gazan, 235 for Ariel Owen. Oh, I think it'll be... I wonder how Eric is going to be catching a heavy snatch. Yeah, with the elbow. And then also Bethany with the back. Kirsten is going to snatch quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:50:24 But Alex's cushion was, you know similarly to brent's going into linda like just having 22 points right there to play with is is a pretty big is a is a pretty big deal because to me like after alex and ariel there aren't a lot of people that are super well-rounded and we know they're going to do good at the rest of the test. There are people that are going to take hits either on four or on six. I could see Bethany taking a hit on four and a hit on seven. I think she'll do good on seven. I just think if her back's bugging her at all.
Starting point is 00:51:02 I mean, we can say that about every single event every single event well no we can't because she's the one who came into the competition talking about like there's all this stuff i couldn't do i haven't been able to train i've this is the first time i've lifted a barbell like my back is fucked up that's uh low and different low and deserves more credit all talk about annie and uh car returning to top level after having babies low and didn't return. She reached top level for the first time after having kids. Um, I mean,
Starting point is 00:51:30 you're preaching to the choir. Everyone here loves Ariel low and everyone wants to see her fucking kick ass. I think everyone respects the shit out of her. The thing is, is that Annie and car were like, they're in, they're in the top,
Starting point is 00:51:40 you know, 100 best female crossfitters of all time list. And Ariel still, uh, I think working her way into that list. But, yeah. They're in the top 10. Yeah, top 10.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Thank you. Ariel might be in the top 10. So, Clive, but I hear you. I never want to short Ariel. I mean, huge, huge fans of her on this show. Great to watch. Another thing is she's kind of cursed with that fucking Justin Medeiros thing, right? Like she's – I guess she wins some events, but we expect her to be more consistent, right?
Starting point is 00:52:13 Doesn't matter. I got her winning six. You do have her winning six? Yeah, I got her winning six. What's her running background? Does she have a running background? I think she was a former gymnast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:27 She looks comfortable. She looks comfortable. Yeah. Oh, okay, right. And six is the gymnastics line. Okay. All right. I mean, of all the females, though, other than Bethany,
Starting point is 00:52:38 because I know a lot of people didn't know what to think about how she was going to come into the weekend, Katrin's performance so far, to me me has been the most impressive by far. And I know a lot of people were saying they think she'll come back and then she'll make it back. Some people thought she wouldn't make it back. But Snatch is the best lift for her. She's going to grind on the 800 like very few of the other females
Starting point is 00:53:00 are willing to hurt. And then as long as she manages similarly like james i would say last week when james sprague said you know i knew six wasn't going to be great for me i just needed to execute the best of my abilities and i built up enough of a cushion to where i knew i could still go to the games that'll be the situation with katrin she manages the four legless which historically has been something that we don't really know how she's going to do on event to event she's she's easily in yeah and and like what you guys said before everybody after the first two will take a hit on either event four or event six katrin i don't think will take a hit on any of those um or if she like you said
Starting point is 00:53:42 manage if she can manage six i don't those like it's not like impossible for her like olivia is probably deathly afraid of that event and i don't think captain's as afraid of that event and four and five she's going to do great in both of those i think she's going to have a cushion going into six which will make her not want to race people and stay within herself just how sprague did and if she's like seventh going into event seven it's a lot well i'm just i mean even if she's eighth or ninth i no one's gonna she's not gonna let anyone beat her on that last workout to not go to the games it'll be a bubble athlete too it's not like it's gonna be ariel lowen just to beat hey dude i think she's gonna finish better than where she's at now she's in fifth now aerial low end she has to beat.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Hey, dude, I think she's going to finish better than where she's at now. She's in fifth now. I think she's going to do well. Zach Ritter, Hannah hit a 225 snatch recently. Yeah, we watched it. All right. I'm looking at these comments, seeing if there's anything where John is enlightened. I guess that's the best comment, John.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Do we want to talk about Gazan on the last workout? Jesus Christ. I had a minority position on that. That what? That you didn't think she was going to win it? Well, I picked her to win. Who did you have helping?
Starting point is 00:55:10 I was just speaking to not Gazam because I thought she would not push the pedal to the metal. But she did, right? Well, Olivia had a crazy pace. So, yeah. But, I mean, within her own heat or against Danny's time was it was hard
Starting point is 00:55:26 uh who holds the world record for that for that for the uh it's still amanda amanda barnhart oh okay 11 56 46 i'm 46 dude there are some great names in here uh you got gazan the uh the new girl you got ariel lowen the mama've got Bethany Shadburn, the return from fucking just chronic back pain. You've got Olivia Kerstetter, the 17-year-old. And then you've got the former champ. I mean, it is a motley crew in that top five. And then you've got three people who really never tasted it, right? Has Christine Kolenbrander ever been to the games as an individual?
Starting point is 00:56:02 Twice. Twice? Chronic back pain, dude. When you say that, it makes me laugh. The poster child for chiropractic healthcare. I suffer from lower back pain. I've fallen, and I can't get up. Yeah, so, okay.
Starting point is 00:56:22 I got nothing else. I think we've exhausted it. Anyone else? Can Lawrence, like, pull out a 200 snatch? Fisher? Yeah. No. I've heard a lot of things about her recently, but it's been – There was a time.
Starting point is 00:56:36 There was a time. Maybe. The strongest. Yeah. It was. It was. What happened? You can lose that?
Starting point is 00:56:44 That can go away? Yeah, if you don't use it, you lose it, bro. Her listed snatch is 183, so it's not really in contention to where she's sitting right now. Yeah, that's not 200 pounds. It's a lot different. And that list, it's like any of these things, when we different. And that, that list it's like any of these things,
Starting point is 00:57:07 when we say stuff like that, it's whatever they have on their CrossFit profile. You know what I'm interested in? You can just make up whatever you want, by the way. Is how Colton's 1106 will be on the Z score. Cause he beat everybody by over a minute. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:22 That's huge. On Linda. Yeah. I'm just interested to see how high that would put him above people. Heidi, are you in the chat? We need a wrench. To kick who out? This fucking guy I don't like. His comments are pissing me off.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Coffee pots and what? No. I'm not even going to say his name. I'm going to bring attention to this. I fuck with Peter. Kick pay kick pedro out this fucking guy tyler chang shut the fuck upness yeah dude get out of here bro disgusting man this guy's comments are fucking trash piss off i don't think it's disgusting i just think maybe it's misplaced it's uh wrong uh wrong he thinks he's watching like a porn hub live stream sorry different show
Starting point is 00:58:10 buddy i don't think you should be saying bad things about uh ellie's uh genitalia uh taylor like that that's not cool oh dude i hate things around on me. Did Justin kind of blow up on this workout a little bit? On Linda? Yeah. What did he take? He was right on track with Belner. 12. And Belner ended up 40 seconds ahead. It was almost exactly what happened in the first event.
Starting point is 00:58:37 We saw Justin fighting with his judge a little bit. He got a no rep in four different sets. Isn't he historically repressing? So that's my take. I don't think he blew up. I think historically pressing has been something they worked a lot on, not just overhead, but probably bench pressing as well, and maybe just not his strongest event.
Starting point is 00:58:57 He was on pace, though, through like five, and then Vellner just took off. Well, the wall hits 6-5 six five four that's the wall yeah yeah you don't pace it properly so maybe blown up is the the proper turn i'm not winning this i didn't realize velner's gonna win this uh semi-final what about gray shaver dude no uh no because velner's gonna do top 10 in the next three workouts didn't you say cole gray shaver's gonna shit the bed on the snatch? I didn't say that. I don't know what he snatches.
Starting point is 00:59:26 I don't know what he snatches. He'll be out of the top 15? If he doesn't snatch 280, he's getting cut from HWPO, though. I know that. Oh, that's right. We looked it up. It was 280. He's going to do a lot better than people will assume he'll do on six, though.
Starting point is 00:59:39 I agree. Better than Belner? He won the handstand hold, right, at Waterpalooza on the parallel. Similarly to Jack Farlow, he showed up and did really well. He's one of the biggest guys in the field with the biggest lower half. I mean, Cole's right there too. Who has the biggest lower half? Las piernas, the legs.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Right, right. Hey, guys, I got to go. Have a good one. Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you away can you read this person's name right here taylor come inside yeah he also thinks that that comment was inappropriate dude there were like 12 of them that were inappropriate and i was just i was my blood was boiling man i'm sorry yeah you you wanted to get uh you had ellie's back i need a drink like uh like a
Starting point is 01:00:25 kombucha or something calm down well the the biggest snatch i'm seeing for laura reported is aly uh aly 80 are you allowed to drink those kombucha you know there's there's a company that doesn't have any alcohol in it and i try to get those yeah dude fuck you bro i'm sober yeah don't question my sobriety. He's a dork. Mom. Taylor just tries to find the loophole. Yeah, dude. 12 kombuchas later.
Starting point is 01:00:53 1.2 alcohols later. You hadn't phrased it like you needed. I like this non-alcoholic drink that I have over here. I need something. I need a kombucha. That was a joke. It was a joke and nobody laughed at it. I saw you twitching with the Heineken 0-0-0 with the OG
Starting point is 01:01:10 picture there. I saw that. Someone is saying that Invictus fucked up workout 5 but the scores aren't in yet. They do have a pretty nice lead. 15 points over CrossFit Franco's. Is that their way of that? Is that the way,
Starting point is 01:01:26 is that their way of saying that they dominated everyone? Like they messed it up, like they effed it up, but they didn't want to type that word. No, this person doesn't, isn't afraid to swear. I think that means that they like messed up.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Okay. Hey, how about messed up? Dude, check out the point spread here. They're, they're all the top 10 teams go to the games from here? Is that correct?
Starting point is 01:01:48 Yeah, top 10. They already have a 140-point lead over 10th place. Yeah, I can't see Alshama or Jorge not touching going through the 315 bar. Alshama. For how many? Probably five each. or Jorge not touching going through the 315 bar. Oh, come on. For how many? Probably five each. 315 for five is a lot. There are.
Starting point is 01:02:14 Dude, I saw people in the top 20, but not even close to contention. Last weekend, guys at the East go touch and go for like four or five at 315. weekend guys at the east go touch and go for like four or five at 315. Event four starts in one hour, actually less, 57 minutes. That's crazy to me that they can do that, but more guys can't like clean 400.
Starting point is 01:02:39 It's pretty nuts. You know what I mean? That doesn't – Oh, wow. That's what he means by they messed up. Oh, Jorge didn't even go for a rep. It's a really cool format. I know a lot of people maybe didn't listen to the show that we did earlier this week, but once you go out there to lift it, that's all you get.
Starting point is 01:02:59 That's the only chance. And once you decide that you're either done or you fail and you want to come off, you can't go back in. So maybe something happened where like one of them stayed out there too long and never came out. Or when they did come out, they didn't realize that the other one had already subbed out. So they couldn't go back in or like,
Starting point is 01:03:16 who knows? I'd like to know more about what happened. Are they streaming a Copa de Sur? I haven't seen any footage on it at all. Seven, I got like three more minutes. Good, me too. Individual test, four and five starts at 125 Pacific Standard Time.
Starting point is 01:03:35 That's in 51 minutes, and then the men go, and then the women go, if you can believe this, and then it's over at 513, and then we will be if you can believe this and then it's over at 5 13 and then we will be back here at uh 5 25 p.m pacific standard time bill gunn bill grunler wow what is wrong with my mouth today bill grunler james townsend john young taylor self jr howell mike halpin thank you
Starting point is 01:04:02 mr beaver good to see you. And we'll see you guys in five hours. Less than five hours.

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