The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Games TMZ

Episode Date: August 8, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're wearing. Bam, we're live. Do you own a dick pump? The exercise. If you don't. Wait, where's our thing? Got to make sure my mic's working. So I'm so excited about our new sponsor. I can't run.
Starting point is 00:00:17 I can't thank all the sponsors enough. You guys have been absolutely killing it. Oh, we had a a there was a cocktail party tonight. I've been absolutely killing it. There was a cocktail party tonight. A good cocktail party. That Susan and I attended. Yeah, it was cool. Oh yeah, and Will Branstadter.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Talk about fucking a bunch of weirdos. Not just us, everyone was weird. Everyone's weird. Hey, you know who's not in place there? The normal people. Yeah. There were like two or three normal people there and you're like, hey, you don't fit in. Yeah, it's like the fucking monsters The people on the cross-fitting media scene are like the freaking misfit crew Oh my god, we're all so weird
Starting point is 00:00:58 mics and shit I was at a fucking crossfit media cocktail party with Will Branstetter Will Branstetter the smartest man in the room How about how about when the waitress walked up to him and is like, what would you like to drink? I'm like this motherfucker is not even 21. What are you talking about? How old is Will? I think Will's what? How old are you Will? 23? 25. Oh, you guys are, yeah, show your shirt Taylor God damn Taylor. You got a great body dude. Look at look at this what he's wearing and I was like you're a homosexuals dream
Starting point is 00:01:35 Dude, so I he comes in wearing this and I go what are you wearing and he goes dude I was mountain biking as if that Yeah, show me that fighter stance. That is awesome. He looks like one of those 19-20s fighters. Dude, look at this, dude. Look at this, dude. Taylor, what's up with the leotard?
Starting point is 00:01:57 Taylor, come back here real quick. We want to objectify you somewhere. Yeah. Oh my god. Let me say hi to some of the posse. Kenneth, what's up dude? Okay, here we go. We can just point the cam.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Well, holy cow. Yeah, we got Pedro. We got JR. We got Will. We got Bryson in a towel. What the hell is that about? Oh my God. Dude, he's also ripped.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Look at this. The main reason why I'm jealous I'm not in that house is because of Bryson. Yeah. And he's going ripped. Look at this. The main reason why I'm jealous. I'm not in that house is because of Bryson Yeah, and he's gonna make some mean stakes later Who's coming on get will on ask will to come on will will can grab a headset Will please can grab a headset, please. Yeah, he won't do it. Oh, here he comes. Here he comes Ladies and gentlemen, welcome will brand Oh man brand setter Check it out. I still got a little to-go nugget. Oh, that's amazing. Do you like that?
Starting point is 00:02:53 It's non-alcoholic. Hey Will, I don't think Will's mic's on. Can you turn what? Oh yeah, here I got you. Which number are you? Talk. Oh, this is going to be great. There we go. No, you got it. You can't hear you. Oh, come on, though. Turn the knobs. What's up, Will? Are you left brain or right brain? One brain.
Starting point is 00:03:20 One brain, one soul. Was there anyone at the party weirder than you? I mean, it was a bunch of weirdos, but was there anyone weirder than you? I own that superlative. They gave me an award after actually. How cool is that party? I was telling Sousa that the normal people were the weird ones. That party was so weird. That's true. I agree. Sorry, did I turn your shit up too much? I want to read something to you, Will, okay? I'm ready. that party was so weird. That's true. I agree. Sorry, did I turn your shit up too much? I want to read something to you, Will, OK?
Starting point is 00:03:47 I'm ready. OK. The left hemisphere controls speech, language, comprehension, writing, arithmetic, logic-related tasks, analytical abilities, and sequential processing. Oh, Sue's is big into sequential processing. I love sequences. Love a sequence.
Starting point is 00:04:06 It's also dominant in hand use in about 92% of people. So I guess that means like hand dexterity. How's your hand dexterity? I'd say it's mediocre. OK. That means good. The left hemisphere is also sometimes called the digital brain because it's better at things like reading writing and computations
Starting point is 00:04:27 People with left brains tend to be more quantitative and analytical paying attention to details and being ruled by logic So you you pay attention to details. That's for sure for sure. Yeah, you're the detail guy Yeah, he reads a five print that was left. Yeah, that's left. Let me see if I can read Let me clear their definition for one brain? Is that what you think you are? I don't know. Okay I'm gonna read right brain to you. Someone at the party asked Will if he asked us if we were right brain or left brain or asked Will that and me and Will looked at each other like huh? I don't even know what that is. What's your love language?
Starting point is 00:05:09 The right side of the brain, Will, is primarily responsible for spatial abilities, face recognition, visual imagery, music awareness, artistic skills. It's also linked to creativity, imagination, and intuition. People who are considered right brain are often described as creative, intuitive, free thinkers. They may also be big picture thinkers
Starting point is 00:05:29 who experience the world in subjective or descriptive views. For example, skies are gray and menacing. I wonder if it's going to rain. What a definition. Yeah, that was horrible, right? That was horrible. What do you think you are? I honestly don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Probably right brain. I think more right brain. You think you're more right brain? Yeah. I think you're one brain, one body. Smooth brain. One soul. Yeah, I think yours is, I think you're fucked
Starting point is 00:06:01 because you just have one brain. Oh shit, Pedro. That sucks. Yeah, let me find out which one one Pedro talk real quick. Hello. There we go Pedro is definitely more right brain Right wing. Hey, what do you think? What do you think swinging the hammer is is that left brain or right brain? No brain, uh I'm gonna say left. That's a knuckle dragger. I
Starting point is 00:06:20 No brain. I'm gonna say left. That's a knuckle dragger. I think left brain. You know, I watched Fikowski. He had three minutes at the tire today with the hammer. So each athlete got three minutes today with the hammer. And Fikowski was just pure, he was both right brain and left brain.
Starting point is 00:06:42 He was like- Like he was maneuvering, figuring out new things to do with it, testing it out. Yes. Yeah. But didn't look, but look natural. No, that's what's interesting. It looks so he was so good, but it was yet still so unathletic. Is it crazy how people are so different that they can just pick up a hammer and the varying amounts of how they can wield it are so different.
Starting point is 00:07:04 But I feel like Fikowski would do 30 strikes of the hammer and the varying amounts of how they can wield it are so different. But I feel like Fakowski would do 30 strikes of the hammer and each strike would be different than the last simply so he could test like different variations. Yeah, yeah, I saw him doing that. I saw him moving the head of the hammer to different spots on the tire to see how it would bounce. He changed his the angle of his knees, the angle of his hips, but none of it ever looked athletic, but it, it, it looked like a compute, like a computer
Starting point is 00:07:30 playing chess, trying to find it's, um, the optimal move. I like that guy. Could I ask you a question about the hammer? If I ask you, will you answer it honestly? I'll do my best or I'll say, okay. So we, there's a battle test that the fire departments use and there's a sludge hammer like hit to it, right? Yeah. And part of the thing that they do to speed their time up is they get super
Starting point is 00:07:51 soft in their knees because the standard is the hammer has to hit and then it has to go above your head. So they get like super low crouch and they do this. Boom, boom, boom. Yeah. And they just hit it super quick. Is that something that could happen at the games? That every, every single?
Starting point is 00:08:10 Male was practicing that and it was extremely Evident in the taller males. The thing is that the games Uh you the hammer has to go over your head and your I I think what they're going to do I don't know for sure because they're still working on it, but the hands have to change positions. Oh, what the hell? Alternating. Yes. Boom. Do they have to extend when they reach the hammer up? Do you? Did you hear that at all? Like knees? No, no, no, no, no, no. No knees and hips do not have to open up. So yeah, what are they all doing it in like a quarter squat? They're going to do it just like the fireman's test. Yeah. So yeah, what are they all doing it in like a quarter squat? They're going to do it just like the fireman's test So yeah, it's just as many strikes as you could get well
Starting point is 00:08:49 Here's the thing to people viewing that if you've never done that before and you're just watching somebody do that You're gonna think that it's like super weak and it's not really anything But I will tell you having done that even when you crouch and just go low and just hit it a bunch of times really Quick right at about 15 20 reps reps like your, your cast. And what did Jay The hammer is so heavy. But you know what? I'll tell you this. I saw Tudor and Colton do it. And if Colton did this workout, there would be no one who could beat him, not even close. Really?
Starting point is 00:09:33 Wasn't there a video of Colton using a sledgehammer recently on the fence post? Yeah, he spent like, whatever, 30 years using such a thing. That's called work for him. That's just his normal job. And you wouldn't believe how goofy some people are. Like there's for sure 100% going to be people... there's going to be blood. Oh, you think people's hands are going to get tore up?
Starting point is 00:09:55 No, no, no, no, no. People are going to hit themselves in the head with the hammer. There's definitely actors that have never been in the same room as this. Dude. Two things I'm telling you 100%. There's going to be women who jab themselves in the badge with the handle and men who jab themselves in the sack with the handle. What? Because they're going to grab the handle at a weird position. Yep. There's going to be people who hit themselves with the wood in the head and there's going
Starting point is 00:10:22 to be people who hit themselves with the bell of the hammer in the head and there's gonna people who hit themselves with the dumbbell the the bell of the hammer in the head 100% I saw three people hit their head. Wow. Well, really, when they all forgot the demo team or just people practicing. No people practicing. One of them started speaking Spanish. Let me be more honest, let me be more let me be more honest. They graze themselves. They grazed. They grazed themselves. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:46 All right. That, what do you, cause you saw the entire. Hey, and if you, if you don't think boys and girls are different, they're not, they're not. If you, if you, well, let me, let me propose this to you. Watch the hammer swing. Okay. I'll watch.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Watch the hammer swing. A lot of equity. There's a lot of equity. There's a lot of equity. Watch the hammer swing. Okay. I'll watch. I watched it. Watch the hammer swing. A lot of equity. There's no equity. It's just equal. It's just equality.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Oh God. It was, Hey, what is the significance of a hammer in the workout? And what I mean by that is like, if you were to take each, uh, movement in that workout, what's the time that's being spent actually on the sledge hammer versus the other movements? Like, is it, it's more significant or is it less significant? I think it's, um, 30 sec. All I know is I think it's 30 seconds at 20 to 30 seconds.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Um, I saw some people timing themselves. They could do the hammer in 20 seconds. So let's say 30 seconds. Let's add 10 to it 30 seconds and it's five rounds is 150 seconds, by the way, I think this is the best workout so far Let me just be very clear Wow. Wait, why do you think that? Because it's gonna be so dramatic Did you hear a wills prediction on that event? I made a prediction. Yeah. Will made a prediction. That was the street. Go ahead, Will. Do that song and dance you do.
Starting point is 00:12:09 What was the prediction? That was outside. Oh, I thought we already proved that wrong. Oh, did we? Yeah. I mean, I could repeat it for entertainment, but... Please, yeah. I just thought that workout would be cool if it was like down the street in the stock yard with people lining the sidewalks, but... Like they do with the cattle. You got to present it. Like it's a cattle drive. It's a cattle drive, but it's a tire drive. And then you could see where they are in the progression as far as the tire goes up the street. The boys throw 100 pound bag. It is it is not filled up all the way. It's a very like baggy bag. Same with the girls. So it won't roll when you throw it but it's also difficult to throw
Starting point is 00:12:47 and then the tire weighs 242 pounds. Thanks. We got dangerously close to programming talk. You know what's crazy about the tire flip too? Have you flipped a tire before? It's grip intensive. Yeah. Oh yeah. The hammer is also grip intensive or the sledge hammer is grip intensive. Why is the tire gripping the bike?
Starting point is 00:13:04 Because if you've never done a tire flip before and you try to get underneath it and grab it, there's so much stress on just your fingertips to get that first initial pop up off the ground. Now, of course, it matters up to the tire and how flat that sits on the ground, but by and large, the tire is usually, typically the hardest part is getting your grip
Starting point is 00:13:21 up underneath it and popping that first one up until you get your knee there. Is there any element of balancing it? When you lift it up does it if you lift it up wrong does it start leaning over only no because typically you would go wide and like lifting get your chest into it right but that first initial lift when you get it off the ground to get more of a grip on it typically tends like if you've never done tire flips in workouts before and people that have done this before will know that you will feel it all through your forearm and through your fingertips the next day in the fatigue.
Starting point is 00:13:49 So different than like flipping a pig or flip side in that sense or similar. I would say it's probably similar but depending on the wider you go with the grip of the tire, the more you're just going to get your hand like the pig forces you to come in more narrow because of the way it's like that rectangle shape but the tire is wider wider. So you could kind of get around it on a wingspan. And typically that tends to start to wear at your hands a little bit more. The tire is super light and they're brand new tires. They're beautiful.
Starting point is 00:14:14 There's so much tread on them. They're so beautiful. They're the best tires I've ever seen. Tremendous tires. They're beautiful tires. Yeah. They're beautiful tires. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:22 They're beautiful tires. It is, it's so good and The tires aren't gonna be anything but a oh, oh, that's right. I supposed to Send a link to eddie if Eddie if the comedian and the host of a wadcast podcast is doing a Stand-up show. He's a crossfitter and he's doing a stand-up show in Tejas for and for the podcast podcast is doing a standup show. He's a CrossFitter and he's doing a standup show in, um, Tejas and Fort Worth. He's doing standup in Fort Worth.
Starting point is 00:14:53 He actually asked me to open for him. I can't do it on Saturday. Wouldn't that have been crazy? No, dude, I feel like you should have just said yes to that. I just can't. It's Saturday. Dude, we could put Pedro down there. Look, he's got a sparkler, too.
Starting point is 00:15:07 What did you get bit by? I have no idea. But I know what a missed opportunity to not do stand up. I told you, dude, have you ever done that before? No, my wife told me I'm an idiot for not doing it. Oh, man. You should do it, dude. If you like, so you've never done it before. But when you get up on stage and
Starting point is 00:15:25 you stay in there and everybody's just staring at you and you're supposed to be, yeah, you're supposed to, it is fucking nerve-wracking. You've talked me into it. You should do it. It's fun though. I was just, I was thinking, when he invited me, I was like, Hey, I'm just going to talk about my dick for five minutes. That's perfect. He would have just standard.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Dude, just fucking magic. And we put that in behind the scenes. Oh, that would be amazing. I'm sure I would bomb. I think I would be okay with bombing. So, I don't know. You're killing with the Uber. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:13 You mean chatting up our Uber driver? Yeah. Yeah. You crushed it. I liked her how she said, you know, it's crazy what she said. She's like, Hey, this is a really conservative town, but they don't care if you're liberal. Yeah. Because everyone in Fort Worth is cool. I was like, Oh yeah, that's the way California used to be. When she said you don't have to be afraid of the Republicans out here. I was like, oh yeah. Yeah, that was awesome. They are scary. She was, she was, was she a liberal? She was, she, I mean, no, she's, she just seemed like somebody who was just like, like just an independent. She was just, she was a beautiful black woman with like a who was just like, or like just an independent. She was just cool. Yeah. She was just, she was a beautiful black woman with like a really
Starting point is 00:16:49 shaved like lesbian haircut. Yeah. Well, I don't know about that. It was just a haircut. Oh, shit. Well, there's a label haircuts. What kind of haircut do you have dude? Richard Simmons?
Starting point is 00:17:04 This is a left brain haircut. No, uh, that she was just like, she was just cool. And that's what she said to, she's like, people here are just chill. She's like, they don't really care what like political affiliation you have. Yeah, I loved it. Uh, yes. Thank you, Craig. Richard's exercise code is a CrossFit 20 or 20% off. Get the penis pump. It's FDA approved.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Get fitted. Exercise is free. Get your stuff. Get your stuff. Get your stuff. Get your stuff. Get your stuff. Get your stuff. Get your stuff. Get your stuff. Get your stuff. Thank you, Craig Richards exercise code is CrossFit 20 For 20% off get the penis pump. It's FDA approved get fit exercise is free get yourself from below average to average making sounds into tens
Starting point is 00:17:35 Actually, I think it's just sevens into eight Forty percent off fit aid use QR code. Also, uh, down here, uh, all the apparel CEO apparel is, uh, 20% off at the NDK eight. Say hi to Travis when you see him tomorrow at the games. Uh, they got a boot. Travis has a CA peptide. Sarah Cox will be in the house at the CrossFit games. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:04 She will. Uh yeah, she will. And she's giving away free bariostatic water if you use code word Sevan or code word Hiller. So some people were saying that they didn't like the hammer and I was like, hey, every workout I've ever said I don't like, I end up liking. And you know what? Now that I'm here, I'm more excited than ever for Chad. Really? So yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Wow. Why did you see the box or something? Did you see the apparatus? Now you're, you're bought in. I just feel it. I just feel it. I just feel it. Hey, what do you think about the new venue?
Starting point is 00:18:42 It's, it's beyond amazing. It's, it's nice, venue? It's beyond amazing. It's nice, right? It's going to be so loud. It's going to be so loud in there that it's going to hurt people's ears. Yeah, the big screen that they have in there, like the Jumbotron and that swirling ticker
Starting point is 00:18:56 screen or whatever, is super nice. That's going to make a big hit. You want to avoid that place if you've got anticanetism. Antisomes? It's going to be over-simplified. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. We want to avoid that place if you got any kind of tism any tisms it's gonna be over. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you'll have you'll have a for sure have a seizure any if
Starting point is 00:19:12 Bap bap bap. Oh, we all lost us on this side though. That's fucked Hold on. Maybe hold on. Hold on. Try. Yeah. There you go. Wait. I got a different I got a different I got a different overlay. Look at that. Eddie what's up? Host of the Wodcast podcast. How are you doing buddy? How are you guys doing? Fucking amazing. Thanks for doing this. I'm on the road. I have no headphones. Oh, where are you?
Starting point is 00:19:38 You guys all look like you're landing aircraft right now. This is your pilot speaker. It's a Boeing 737. We just opened up the emergency exit. Hey Eddie, we got a new sponsor. Who is it? It's the Exorciser. It's a penis pump.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Huge sponsor, tons of cash. Adds one inch of girth and one inch of length to your penis. It's a 60 day money back guaranteed. Over a million sold sold European country company flush with cash. You said that twice. Well, we want to we want to end say it doubles your cash flow. Let me tell you this. If I get any more girth, I'm going to look like a pack of Oscar Mayer baloney. They call that the tuna can penis. I need length.
Starting point is 00:20:25 I need length. I don't need it. It will put an inch on the length. Okay, good. Good. After 30 days of use. So you're coming to Fort Worth? I'm flying into Fort Worth on Saturday morning.
Starting point is 00:20:39 And what brings you to Fort Worth? I'm doing a show at the big laugh comedy club And i'm doing that saturday night special show Eight o'clock and then i'm hoping to see some of the games on saturday, too A big laugh comedy show. I put it into google. I clicked the link Okay, here we go. Uh, what day is that's august? Uh, i'll do the 10th, I believe. Okay, I see it. It's good club. Brand new club in Dallas. It's an airport worth really nice club. And how much are the tickets?
Starting point is 00:21:15 I don't know 3525. I don't think that's a good question. I should know this shit. But the perfect amount of gas here is only 299 a gallon. If you show up to the door wearing a penis pump, you get in free. Yeah, but if you were an exerciser, sure. That's true. I'm no joke. I will let you in for free. You might get arrested, but you get in for free. It's Texas. You only get arrested for having no action.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Eddie, it says they have three rooms. The Regala Theater, the small room, and the big room. I'm in the big room damn right you are it's right they know right they know my girth Hey, how long do you how long is wadcast podcast been around? 2010 or 11 we started I think are you the first CrossFit Games podcast ever I? Think we were we weren't games, but I mean we were just it was kind of a joke how we started I think we were we were just we were podcast ever I Think we were we weren't games, but I mean we were just it was kind of a joke how we started and And then it got caught on and we like didn't want it to was one of those things where then we in sponsors and I had to do it and You had the famous Armand hammer as a co-host for a while
Starting point is 00:22:24 Armin came on our first episode we kept him. And who else who else has been on the show like not in terms of a guest I know you've had everyone on including myself but who is part of it? We've had Kenny Kane I don't know if you know Kenny Kane of Oak Park Fitness, the CrossFit LA. He was the, bought that. Now it's called Oak Park Fitness. And then Scott McGee. Do you remember Scott McGee? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Old McGee. And then we had a whole bunch of regulars. Dusty Highland, Hunter McIntyre. Wow. Dusty was a regular? Yeah, Dusty was a regular. He was a good one. Yeah Hackenbrook was a regular Wow was that during the was Tommy a regular during the Skull Ranch it I Think Tommy's the one that introduced us to hunter
Starting point is 00:23:20 Wow Yeah, that makes sense. Tommy was the king of Skull Ranch, the Skull Ranch show, and then Hunter took over, right? That's a great show. Yeah. And Hunter became the king of that show, right? I don't think anybody broke. I don't think anybody ever broke Hunter's record. He was getting 10k. He got 10k a week to pay for all the razors to shave his chest. Wow.
Starting point is 00:23:47 That's a good gig. He should just got led as the sponsor. Well, he got 10,000 every time someone didn't break his record. They just sent him a $10,000 check in the mail. Holy shit. Even if he wasn't on the show. Yes. Wow.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Hey, who's the naked crossfitter? The naked crossfitter? Wasn't I know? Was that Armand's nickname? Maybe wasn't that's what I heard. Armand's floating around here at the games this year. Is he really? He's got has it. He's got two kids now. There's no way he's getting beaten up so badly. I heard he left them for the games.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Is that true? Is that true? Like this, I'm going back to the media space. It's so much more loving than my children. I could see that happening. Eddie, I got a quick question real quick. Hey, dude, how long have you been doing comedy for? 29 years. When was the first time you like royally bombed?
Starting point is 00:24:48 And what did that like feel like on stage? Second or third time. My first time I killed and I was like in heaven. Yeah. And then the second time, no, second time I went out to some hotel and did it, went okay. Third time I went to a place called Sigmund's Nut House on the south side, it was called south side of in Pittsburgh and I bombed so bad that it felt like I've had a bad, I once I made bad Taco Bell that I was puking out my mouth while shit was coming out my ass at the same
Starting point is 00:25:26 time. Oh yeah, the double feature. That's good. And that's what I felt. Wow. I really felt that sick. And then I bombed one time in London where they have a name for it. Your mouth goes dry that you can't conjure up any saliva because you're vomitingoment so badly. But you start, like, it's like you can't talk.
Starting point is 00:25:47 And they started booing me off the stage. Oh my gosh. It was awesome. Yikes. Why does that look like, oh, okay. They booed you off the stage. And you know, it's funny. The next night I got a standing ovation.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Oh, same place, same spot. Yeah. Same bitch. I just, I took a different approach. The first night I went up, as soon as they went on stage, I was an American. They were like, boo, boo, American, boo, you know, we've got an American. It was during the Gulf War. And that's how long ago this was. Damn. Dated. And then the second night I was like, well,
Starting point is 00:26:26 they're going to send me home. I'm fired. So as soon as they start booing me, I was like, oh, fuck all of you. You're all complicit. You know, like, this is my family. You've never won a war in your life, Dan. Hey, is that what you do when the crowd boos you? You just start fighting with them?
Starting point is 00:26:42 Is that the best way? I think so. Have you ever seen Bill Burr fight Philadelphia? No, that sounds awesome. Oh my God. If you haven't seen this, it's one of the great, it made Bill's career. Bill, there was a show, the Opie and Anthony show in New York used to have a touring show that they did that they put all these comedians on. And the comedians were all bombing so bad. And it was outside Philadelphia and like Trenton, New Jersey. And even the Philly comics were getting boot off.
Starting point is 00:27:13 And so Bill knew going on that he like was going to war. And so he started just shitting on Philly. He was like, he goes, your greatest sports hero is an imaginary character. You have a statue for Rocky Balboa. He goes, he's like, meanwhile, Frazier was from Philadelphia. You won't even recognize him because you're all pieces of shit racist. And then he started going, he's like, your hockey team wore slacks. You named your baseball team after a female horse.
Starting point is 00:27:44 You fucking losers. And He just keeps going. And then we can only see the timer of how long we have on. And he had like 16 minutes and he was like 16 minutes and I'm not fucking leaving. And then he would, were you there? Were you there? No, it's on YouTube. And it's, you know, Bill will talk about it. We all have like a defining moment in our career. I haven't had one yet. But,
Starting point is 00:28:09 Bill's was that moment. It really like people, every comic was like, you're my hero Bill. And it was just great. Cause he fought, it was like, I don't know, like 10,000 people in the crowd and he just murdered them. By the end, they were cheering them on. That's what I was going to ask.
Starting point is 00:28:31 So did he actually win the crowd over or was it just making like good TV afterward? I mean, he completely flipped them. He was talking about how he hoped they glassed each other in their face and their dumb shaving balls. He hoped that the bridge on the way home collapsed Back at age poorly depending on city But I've got to go down like that is so much Eddie if will be at the big laugh comedy club company wad Eddie if live in Fort Worth August 10th
Starting point is 00:29:01 2024 at 8 p.m. The the games are over at 6 45 that night. What a great place to take your chick Tickets are free ish Oh look at 25 bucks Hey, how hard is how hard is that to be on the road? How many shows are you doing right now on the road? I know you have kids in their huge part of your life. I have 50 weeks on the road this year 50 weeks Wow Only 52 in a year brother. I brought I brought the I bring the family to a lot of them So, okay. Okay. So and and I do a lot of cool stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Like I'm doing a tour through all the ski resorts of America this year. And so I'll take the kids. I go to Australia this year for about a month. Why they go on all the good shit like that. My wife will be like, Oh, you're going to Toledo. I think you can handle this. Right. Hey, the Australia tour. Will you ass pound them for being socialist? It got a little weak. I was there when COVID happened. Yeah. Wow. I made it out. I can't believe you made it out. You know what's so fun? So I was there March 20th. I had one week left in my tour.
Starting point is 00:30:19 And I told my wife, I go, I think I'm getting out of here. She goes, what? I go, I I think I'm getting out of here she goes what I go I gotta I gotta get out of here she goes when I go things are getting weird and she goes no you need to stay and make the money you know and I gotta get the boyfriend out of here before you come home I don't care miss no and I want you out there how and yeah yeah so I said to my promoters I'm leaving and they were like you can't leave you can't leave finally my Promoter looked at me and she you should get out of here I go you can't cancel the rest of the tour. She goes. Yeah, and we'd cancel sold out shows and
Starting point is 00:30:53 I did not want to stick around for I Just didn't trust them Good call. How close did you get to getting stuck? How close? They pretty much let everyone out. It was just about getting back in. So I was lucky. But I mean, it wouldn't have happened. But I had friends, like they wanted me to come back and do a tour. And you had to stay in a hotel for a month. Did you ever see what James Newberry did?
Starting point is 00:31:20 Yeah, that was crazy. I had a friend who did it three times too. I go, you spent, that's like three months in jail the whole quarter. Yeah. Hey, the, the pound for pound greatest UFC fighter, greatest fighter in the world. I knew that he was going to, he was flying back to Australia and he'd be quarantined for a month and he came on this show. That's how bad it was. I knew, I seriously thought that out, Eddie. I thought, okay, I know this guy's flying back to Australia. He's made a hotel room for a month. He'll do any podcast and he did it.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was, it was, it was like solitary confinement. They fed them under the door. Practically. They knock on your door. You get your food. They weren't allowed outside. They, um, my buddy told me he took all his hotel furniture put it in the middle of the room So he had a walking ring around the room so that he could just walk right it was creepy You cross it when you're on the road? Yeah Hotel room shit a lot of hotels like you know that whole night restaurant pull up type stuff. Yeah
Starting point is 00:32:24 like, you know, that whole like, thruster pull up type stuff. Yeah. And then I'll go, sometimes I reach out to CrossFit gyms and I'll go, Hey, I want to come by. And then I invite them all to the show. And, but I always feel like when I do that, they create the hardest wad ever to just hurt me. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Yeah. Yeah. And I'll end up, what are you guys doing? Is there like a frat house there? Dude, it's just Taylor's loud ass mouth. That's why you're catching the background. You think it's 10 dudes, but it's just one really fit ripped one.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Eddie, Eddie, as I remember, were you a collegiate track? Were you collegiate track athlete? Yeah, I would have finished, in the prelims and the hurdles, I would have finished, there were 25 guys, I would have finished 20 steps Hey, what what is it? What did you run the mile ever? Do you know what your fastest mile time is? 110 meter high hurdles Wow 200 meters I hated even under
Starting point is 00:33:22 Okay So you were just an explosive athlete? Yeah, do you know you've got a crossfitter in the Olympics? It got a silver medal Who's that? Oh the the yeah, he's coming on the show the BMX guy. Yeah Karen. I've got a nice show Oh, no shit. Yeah. Yeah, I reached out to him the other day I just haven't got back to him yet, but he got back to me. Is he good, dude? He seems like a great new way. He's a Geordie. You won't understand a word. What's a Geordie? Pedro, no one's talking to you.
Starting point is 00:33:55 And you've used up your two words. Yes, thank you. He's from Ireland. He thinks he can. His feelings are hurt. He knows Ireland. He knows Ireland. Yeah, really? It's that crazy? It's hard. It's hard. It's late in Ireland says Joel. Lucky chance. Say hi to your fan, Pedro. Hi, Joel.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Hi. I know, but I left Australia during COVID to do comedy. You're a Mexican from Ireland? I know, but I left Australia during COVID to do comedy. Are you a Mexican from Ireland? See, D-E-I. Hey, no shit, no shit. His name is Peter White and but no one calls him Peter. Nobody.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Pedro. You should open a Mexican restaurant in Ireland. They need it. And but no one calls him Peter nobody Pedro You should open a Mexican restaurant Ireland they need it Pedro's This guy unnoble says I left Australia during kovat to do comedy in New York City and got denied in LA I slept in border security for two nights on a swag I don't know what that is in an airport prison then They got deported and had to quarantine for two weeks Wow Sounds like a hilarious start to a bit Wow And now my anybody that England wants to do a gig and the guy told him he goes say
Starting point is 00:35:16 Say that you're just here on vacation So when they got him at customs they looked in his book and he had written in his little diary Show and they went go back Wow fuck god, that's that and that was during kovat. Yeah a whole bunch of guys came in looking like they just got back from a rock Yeah Why the fuck did you guys come inside it's Why is he loud? the Like, the deal was that, and then they come in. And it would be good if they were women, and they gave me a blowjob, and then left. They do. It's just on the Handy Dash.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Whoa, whoa, whoa. What was that website? Yeah. I'm Mary. J.R. The bit. Yeah, me too. J.R. Howell with the guns.
Starting point is 00:36:17 My goodness. OK. And did you time this gig purposely to be with CrossFit games? Um, I've been talking to the, here's the thing. So I used to work in another club in, uh, Dallas. And then this guy I know from Austin opened a club in, in Fort Worth. And it's like the new hot club.
Starting point is 00:36:37 He used to have the club, the Vulcan where Rogan worked before the mothership open and we were talking and somehow randomly he mentioned he did CrossFit. And we were talking, and somehow randomly, he mentioned he did CrossFit. And I was like, you've got to be shitting me. So the owner of the club is a CrossFitter. And I said, let's do a show. And he goes, why don't you come during the games? And I said, I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:36:58 God, that's awesome. The location, Big Laugh Comedy Club, forward, Texas. Are you in the mood to laugh and if with Eddie if Accompanied by excellent cocktails quality food got a fuel upright. Well, you're in luck Eddie ifs is coming through the multiple Work coming through with multiple workouts for those laugh muscles that we'd like to maintain. Okay, fuck you I don't know who wrote this Wow, who the fuck wrote that chat GPT? Yeah, it's set on gay
Starting point is 00:37:35 It's so I say stuff like that all the time no one ever comes after me on my regular podcast Wodcast if I make any kind of trans comment, any kind of gay comment, oh my god, I've got to like read a 70 page email about how to be sensitive and. Hey, listen, it's because you're not gay. We always keep two or three of us on the show are always gays. That's why we can get away with it you're not gay thank God if you sold the exerciser you could get away yeah I'll sell right okay hey um we will what's tomorrow tomorrow Thursday Thursday okay I'm in Pittsburgh now tomorrow I'm in North Carolina, Saturday. Where are you Friday?
Starting point is 00:38:26 Friday I'm flying, no Friday I'm in North Carolina. Okay, Friday night come back on and let's remind people about the show on Saturday. Sounds good. What are you looking for at the games? What's the big story? Oh man, that's a great question. Just the CEOs. Oh, man. It's a great question. The the the yeah, that too. The workouts are all amazing. Dave's on fire. The venue is absolutely great. Tremendous. It's gonna be amazing.
Starting point is 00:38:56 And the air condition. That's all I care about. Air condition. Yeah blast, indoors. The Friday night event is free, but then Thursday, Friday, inside Saturday, Sunday cost a small fortune. It is not an inclusive event at all. It is exclusive. The seats are sold out and very expensive. And it's going to be amazing. The energy is going to be great. You know the crowd, Eddie.
Starting point is 00:39:22 It's just good people. Yeah. Who's going to win? Yeah. Tia. to win? Yeah. Tia. Tia. Tia. She entered in both the male and female division. This year.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Both. Both. Yeah. She entered both. Yes. I was thinking the same thing. I would doubt it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Equality. Who's going to win the men's? Tia. Ricky Gerard. Really? Ooh. You caught me fucking crazy when I said that yesterday. Yeah, well, things have changed.
Starting point is 00:39:47 A couple of margaritas, and certainly. Yeah. Ricky's my boy. When I'm sober, it's Roman Krennikov. When I'm feeling generous, it's Jeffrey Adler. And when I'm drunk, it's Ricky Gerard. Hmm. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Mary Fuck Hill. That's a good lineup. Thank you. All right. Eddie, if thanks for coming on, dude, we'll have you back on Friday night if you're around. All right. Love you buddy. See you later, dude. Guys, Eddie, if someone's podcast, podcast, That's some OG shit right there. Wow. That is he's cool. I want to be Eddie in a different life. Scoop closer next to Will. I think that's Taylor trying to tell us to end the show. Show's over guys. Smoke alarms on. Oh, okay. Are
Starting point is 00:40:40 JR and Taylor going on now? Ask him if they are we're gonna get off. Are you going on still or what? He said, yeah. He said he's got that bothered. He says, if you guys want to go on, we'll get off now. If not, then we'll all. Yeah, they'll probably go at like 9 15, because he's got a plate full of steak and dates right now.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Can you hear that alarm so long? Can you guys hear that alarm? I mean, we can hear it. Whatever. Alarm's crazy. OK. That's all I can say. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:41:04 It's the Hulk alarm. Couple of Hulks in here. We can whatever Let me ask you this Real quick Do we want it oh, I guess they're gonna talk about on their show who's gonna win the sledgehammer event oh Yeah, they're probably talk about CrossFit. I wish I knew where my pen was. I feel naked without my pen. Hey, write this down. Matt's got a 10 inch wiener. What is the location for the event tomorrow? Because what's the location for the event tomorrow?
Starting point is 00:41:39 Um, isn't it like Willis? The lake. The lake. It's just the lake. I don't even know. I think that's what it's well isn't it like will it willis the lake The hell it's just the lake. I don't even know that's what it's called. It's the one with the allergy in it No, there's no out allergy in this Yes, Adam, what's the name of the lake, you know Lake Madonna doesn't know. Adam's got to leave the house now because his only contribution just got fucked up. So tell me what is the name?
Starting point is 00:42:12 Is it Lake what? We don't know. Where's JR? JR, what's the name of the lake? Oh, Marine. Marine. Someone wrote it in the Marine Creek Lake. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Marine Creek. That Let me see. Marine Creek, that sounds made up. It's Lake Minona. It's just across in the. I mean, I have to read it. Denise. That is your real name. I'm going to tell you something real quick here.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Marine Creek Lake. Oh, shit. Oh, yeah. Courtney verified. It's been done by peer review. Consensus has been reached. His con pond Creek Lake. He's a have you seen any Jim's Wallace in Texas? What do you think of the AC units? I have not. But they better be good because it's hot. Oh, my goodness. The second of warning
Starting point is 00:43:01 to finish the show. Hey, is there an address? Do we have an address? Oh, like for the, no. Spin has the start location, I think. He does? Can it? Dance. No one understands that.
Starting point is 00:43:16 You got to change it. How do I get directions using the maps? I'm on a Google Maps Show me show me where to click. Hold on. I'm gonna pull it up. Wait, did you just type it in? Did you type it in? Taylor's farts are sending off the fire alarm But what should I know? How do I go from here to figure out from my hotel the directions? Well this type in your hotel then type in
Starting point is 00:43:43 Directions directions. Yeah. Oh Wait shit This is like showing my dad how to use a TV how do I do this? all filters No, I love commenting on the gyms on kill Taylor. That's my thing. Seriously. Do you guys see this? How do I do this? How do I know? I don't know why wait, can't you click? Okay, so you the little pick a location. You're on lots of different. Okay. Yeah, it's giving you options You see a little way to the top side click little hamburger Where it says Marine Creek Lake on the left I got it this one this one Marine Creek Lake got it
Starting point is 00:44:20 I don't know. Are they streaming event one? Oh That's a good question. I don't even. Are they streaming event one? Oh, that's a good question. I don't even know. I assume surely Fuck it. I'm gonna use my phone. I don't know how to use Barclay will know I Really how to use maps. Hey, so would you will you guys pick me up here at 540? Yeah, wait, let me bring you back. Yes Someone said update your RX. What are you talking about? Our X how about you update your rx. What are you talking about? Rx how about you update your rx? Get him come on. Sedy listen here pink shorts. No one even knows who you are
Starting point is 00:44:54 Marine Creek Lake is seven point three miles from here We're all using the battery oh Taylor Which one of the guys is using the exercise there tonight? It's a shared unit here at the house. We all take turns until it beeps. Can I go last tonight? Yes, you can.
Starting point is 00:45:15 He likes the soggy waffle. That's disgusting. Extra loose. The hog. It's inappropriate. I don't know. Okay. I don't get the reference. How are we going to do it?
Starting point is 00:45:28 Hey, do you guys know for sure if it's the Marine Creek Lake? No, it is. It is. I see 7.3 miles. You can walk. Why don't we meet here at 5? Why don't we meet here at 545? The athletes have to be there at 6.
Starting point is 00:45:44 545. Oh, really? Is that true? Yeah, the athletes are supposed to be there at six. Okay, let's meet here earlier Let's get there before that should be there at seven Pager's gonna take us and pick us up. Listen. We only have one shot at this. Let's meet at my hotel at 530 Alright 530. All right 530 No be at my hotel at 530 me you will and whoever else wants to go and then Hotel food She seemed good with it every time
Starting point is 00:46:37 We are meeting at the Sheridan Hotel at 5.30am. Yeah. You know what that's like for us at home? 3.30am. Oh, you know what that's like for us at home? 3 30 a.m. Yeah, there's a good driver for anyone wondering in the comments. Oh, is today opposite stay? It converts. Oh, we just got a map. Did you see that in your inbox? Oh, really? Yes. Yeah, we just got a map. Who said it is? You want me to show it to the map to the world?
Starting point is 00:47:06 Chris, I don't know. Don't don't show anything that CrossFit doesn't want us to show. Um, OK. Yeah, we get there early. Looks like we might even have a parking spot. Media press flex space. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Hmm. Like Muscle Beach. We could do burpees there. Oh, the start area is off to the side. That's interesting. OK, so they're going to start to run away from us and then come back. Yeah. OK. Yeah. Do you see? Yeah, when there's never going to be room in that parking lot,
Starting point is 00:47:39 even if I'm going to I'm going to park my car beside that black car, just the finish line. That's crazy. There's, there's already eight cars there. Media praise media press flex space. What does that mean? Flex space. I have no idea. Everyone flexes for as long as they can.
Starting point is 00:47:58 You're going to, Hey, Sarah's going to meet us there. That's cool. I had so many Margaritas tonight that I accidentally tore off my wristband. That's crazy. You can't even get another wristband. So you don't think I can? I mean, you can. If I tore it off, they would just kick me out.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Were you fiddling with it? I don't know. No, I was just like, I just came home and I was like, this is bugging me. And I tore it off and then I was like, oh, fuck. What did I just do? Yeah, I was just like I just came home and I was like this is buggy me and I tore it off and then I Was like oh fuck What did I have a little I saw I saw CPT had his CTP accidentally tore his off. They got him a new one No, I have double-sided tape. I'll tape it together until Until just just until yeah put in a request probably
Starting point is 00:48:47 alright guys, uh Six in six minutes. Jerr Howell and Taylor self are gonna come on the seven podcast They are going to give you predictions on who is going to win the sledgehammer event. Tell you how great it is They're gonna tell you give you predictions on who's gonna win triple Amanda who's gonna make Amanda airtight and predictions on who's going to win triple Amanda, who's going to make Amanda air tight. And, uh, that's what the workout is called. It's called Amanda air 45.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Yeah. Come on. Come on. Yeah. We almost made it out. We love you guys. So, uh So no show. Is Andy coming on that show? No show tomorrow morning, maybe after we do the run.
Starting point is 00:49:33 There's like two hours between the run and the next event, I think. Oh, Pedro's suggesting we do a show, just like he suggested we get there earlier. And then there's two hours after that event and the third event. So you could do like five or six shows tomorrow if you wanted to. Hey bro, your show's out in six minutes.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Okay. Make sure you check out the Sevan podcast Instagram so that Rebecca Ruzala. Hey, we're going to do a meet and greet with Sarah. For any of you Sevan podcast listeners, pay me five bucks via Venmo and you guys can meet Sarah. All right. Everyone have a good night. Thank you. We've got 18 year olds with 60, 70 year olds all in the same class doing the same workout. Obviously looks a little bit different but the age range is one of the things I'm most proud of.
Starting point is 00:50:22 There's no pigeonhole of people or it's not like the gym where they're all youngsters or they're all older people. It's a blend of everybody, young, old, they're everywhere in between. CrossFit's hard, so it attracts a certain type of people. I don't think you'd get that outside of a CrossFit gym's environment in terms of everyone trying to get better at stuff they don't like. People have to enjoy the class. You can be the best at teaching the snatch or the handstand push-up,
Starting point is 00:50:47 or you can be the best at scaling people. Unless people are having fun, it doesn't matter, they're not going to care, and that's what I try to get out of people. Teach them a little bit, give them a good workout, just make sure they're having fun and enjoying it at the same time.

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