The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Games Update Show Ep. 6

Episode Date: July 30, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I'm so glad to see you.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Is this better? Bam, we're live. No, that's actually worse. That's worse, okay. You're far away from the camera, dude. Wow, Young, you look huge. You are a brick shithouse, dude. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:01:18 Yeah, wow. I'll say that a few ailers here. He's going to get jealous. I was not even in the camera. Yeah, you were. Let me hear Jedediah. Do you sound good? Am I okay now? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:32 That's okay? Yeah, better than the crackling. Yeah, you sound like John now. You sound like you need testosterone enhancement. Ladies and gentlemen, dead center is Tyler Watkins. He is the creator of the Heat One app, which we'll be talking about and pumped to talk about it for the first few minutes of the show today. On the other side of him, the shirtless man is Andrew Hiller from Hiller hit.
Starting point is 00:01:53 You got Hiller hit Hiller, Hiller fit. Uh, he is also, uh, yes, he is the, uh, California peptides King. He has a great YouTube station, Hiller fit. Everyone knows it down Down in the bottom with the beautiful blue eyes is John Young from JY Barbell Club. If you want to get strong, find John. In the center on the bottom below Tyler Watkins, the analyst of analysts, Brian Friend, B-Friendly Fitness.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Been together with him forever since right when I started getting pubes in the CrossFit space. And then our token CrossFit Games athlete. Always got to have one of those to add some validity to the show. Jedediah Snelson. Jedediah, you've been on the show too, right? We hung. Yeah. Yeah, all right.
Starting point is 00:02:40 And you are not a Games athlete though this year. Well, yes and no. OK. So I was one of the five divisions that only got the Open, and that was our game season. So they're basically declaring the fittest on Earth from three workouts from the Open for us. And how'd you do? I was second. So I apologize for having the second fittest.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Who took first? Simon. I can't know how to pronounce his last name. Perfect. Someone that Jedediah wants a chance to go head-to-head to in real life. We competed once together at Gu wadapalooza uh and it was like i actually um i had had covid five days before wadapalooza that year so i was not in my best hey fit wars is Wars. Is this due to Foreigner?
Starting point is 00:03:45 Is that why you can't say his last name? He got like a long Russian or Polish last name or something crazy? Yeah, I think it's Farr or something like that. Simon Farr. Yeah. Oh. Dude, yeah, yeah, yeah. Unsporty Beth knows Fit Wars.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Yeah, let's see that. That would be awesome. Hey, how much did he beat you by? Not much. It was close. Good, good. All right. Never mind, Caleb.'t send simon a link
Starting point is 00:04:06 we'll stick with uh jed and i we're good we're good i did win wheelwod games so i am technically the fittest in the adaptive based on wheelwod games and that is the most prestigious right i had um uh noel henderson on today and i remember so i had someone else on and they were saying that that is kind of the as far as fitness fitness goes, they kind of hold the premier title. Well, you tell me. Three workouts over three weeks online or three days, 12 to 15 workouts, checking all the boxes. And do they get good participation? Yeah, they get better participation.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Okay. Brian, would you like to weigh in on that wheel wide? No. they get better participation okay brian would you like to weigh in on that wheel wide uh no i mean when it comes to the adaptive stuff you know cross it wasn't the first one on the scene there were already competitions that were catering to adaptive divisions prior to them implementing it as a part of the season so just in this in this similar vein where they have across it was the first one on the stage for the elite individual men women and teams they're not the first ones for this so they could obviously make up you know with the with the name the cross the games they could make a push to be and probably become the most prestigious one but they haven't shown that initiative yet um aaron uh jedi do you
Starting point is 00:05:20 mind being called jed no i'm fine that's fine okay. Jed looks like you got lucky, Aaron. Jed looks like Kelly Starrett's brother. I'm not sure who that is, so. You don't even know the name of the guy. The guy who won you the vision. How the fuck am I expecting you to know who Kelly Starrett is? Kelly Starrett specializes in lower body mobility, so we'll give you a break. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Hey, I don't want to hear shit from anyone either. That's exactly what I was thinking. This is Jedediah's first show. We're going to haze the shit out of him. I don't want to hear anyone fucking throwing him anything. We want to make fun of Jedediah the way he looks. Go ahead. Poor John Young needs someone else for the crowd to pick on.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Yeah, I got to take the heat off of him yeah uh okay um let's do this um let's do this uh we're gonna pass the show over to tyler watkins here um uh tyler will try not to make fun of you as you uh introduce this but i am actually going to load this app into my phone in real time so anyone who wants to pull out their iphone and do this along with us um go ahead and tell us, Tyler, what we are doing. But I saw some preliminary stuff on this, and this looks actually fun and kind of in my wheelhouse of capability. By the way, I was going to wear my Heat One t-shirt
Starting point is 00:06:37 to help promote the show. But there isn't one. Yeah. There's only like two on the planet that exists thanks travis from vindicate um so yeah anyway so he won't app go to i don't know where you get android stuff the google store and um the apple store you can download it there uh okay hold on bear with me say some stuff that's fun while i download this. Yeah, so. Google Store, your local Google Store, wherever that is. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:07 No, no, on your phone. What are you, 60? Apple Store. What are you, 60? Type in Heat One. And so basically what it is is a fantasy app. Super easy to download there. Let me pull it up real quick.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Is this it with a logo of like a bunch of like armless dudes running? Yeah. It looks just like a shirt. Yeah, right. Oh, yeah, yeah. It looks just like the shirt. Yeah, right. Oh, yeah, yeah. It looks like... Okay, so yeah, so the app Leanback. Yeah, it looks just like that.
Starting point is 00:07:31 It looks like that. What are you doing, Jedediah? How come you're not downloading it? What are you doing? Yo, let's get Jedediah in the pro league. What? I'm on my phone now, so... Oh, you're screwed.
Starting point is 00:07:43 You're screwed. Hey, do you not own a computer are you one of those guys you're like Rich Froney no it's just not in this room and yeah I didn't take the time to move it we'll cut you some slack okay I'm typing in my at hotmail
Starting point is 00:07:58 no at hotmail at gmail sorry I am curious about this, Tyler. I do have some questions because I play Supercross and Motocross Fantasy. Jedediah, I want to talk to you about that because I'm not a fan of either of the platforms,
Starting point is 00:08:14 the Rocky Mountain or the other one for Supercross, and I think I can make a much better one. Better than Pup-X? Yeah, I did Pup-X two seasons ago. I didn't like it did rocky last year i thought it was even worse they need to have something that's that targets the middle of the field more it's always really top heavy or these random guys in the bottom and the
Starting point is 00:08:33 the like points that they get are totally skewed and you can just kind of like gain and win with one or two of those guys every every week the the great thing this year is most of the factory riders are hurting out in motocross. So it's been pretty like, I only do it for the super cross and, and then when it was crazy, like every, everyone went down.
Starting point is 00:08:53 It was wild. Yeah. You, you, you follow motorcycle shit too, Brian, my buddy, Scott Plansky and his dad both grew up racing super cross.
Starting point is 00:09:01 So they got me into during the lockdown here. Wow. Crazy. Uh, well you deserve that after got me into it during the lockdown year. Wow, crazy. Well, you deserve that after getting me into Frisbee. I hope you fall into the black hole of motocross. I thought you and me and Don Fall were playing disc golf next week. We are. Oh, yeah, you saw that invitation that Don sent out to us? That was sweet, right?
Starting point is 00:09:19 Yeah. Allow in schedule summary. It says Heat One would like to send you notifications. I'm just gonna say allow yeah hell yeah allow for sure we sent out a couple today one being this show yeah and the other was the drug pop situation that we had earlier oh the app's telling me who's on drugs too that's really cool yeah that's a freebie yeah that's a freebie anything that helps anybody so we'll do event times we'll remind people to make your plays. I mean, obviously last year I had to chase Hiller and you and JR
Starting point is 00:09:49 to make sure you got your plays in on lawn chairs. So that's not going to be a thing anymore. Yeah, so five minutes before event, we'll alert you to make your play. I actually put on my Pixen already. I had Jason Smith of E5. I had to take him out. Right. Look, a guy named Matt burns ironically says good lord john
Starting point is 00:10:06 ever heard of sunscreen oh my i told you john i live in south texas guys it's it's you're gonna be almost a thousand people on here almost two thousand yeah help us help us get over the two thousand line uh okay uh i'm gonna give it to hold on hold on tyler sorry sorry go ahead slop slop seve if you have to get off the interstate in wisconsin on your way to madison stop at an exit with quick trip especially if you have to poop oh that's some salt do they have good bathrooms that's solid advice thank you they do they do i'm gonna drop a fat deuce at hiller's house uh lucky camera straps what a crew thank you you, Mr. Lucky, over in Australia. Slop Slop,
Starting point is 00:10:48 Brian, we need you to bring back Nana's picture. I'm at my brother's house. He's not as fun when it comes to grandmas. Gray Ghost, haven't been able to hop on live for seven days. Thanks for the Friday night show. Absolutely. Anything for you. DM me for when you want us to do shows
Starting point is 00:11:03 and we will get them for $10. We'll do anything do anything okay tyler i'm loaded up uh you've downloaded your heat one app you've signed in you put in your password i'm ready to go good to go so if you click the drawer to the left the three lines over on the upper left hand side you see that it's called a hamburger in um uh internet we can par loss we can do hamburger too. You'll see some leagues there. You'll see top 10. You'll see Worldwide Champ top 10 and then Worldwide Champ shot caller. Then a couple below that,
Starting point is 00:11:34 you should see one for your podcast which is Sebon Podcast shot caller. That one's open to everybody here that wants to play along with just the Sebon fans. Then there should be one for spin hey can we pull this up on the screen no i can't i'm trying to share my screen and i can't do it so anyway that was you say i think i can do it at the beginning of the podcast i know i i pulled
Starting point is 00:11:58 it up and the screen's getting blocked for some reason so can i do it what do i do do i type in what can i do it heat maybe you can do it it's actually in my it came right up in my um google search maybe i don't know how how it works on the computer can you just put your phone to the screen and do it tyler i mean yeah i bet you're not i mean no we're not gonna see it is there any way to do that caleb that you can think to go you can no you can hook your phone up to the – I think you have Apple, but anyway. I wouldn't dare do that. What if someone texts me? That's actually not bad.
Starting point is 00:12:34 So these are the four leagues. Barbell spin. Do you really? Yeah, give me a minute. Oh, that looks – So we got the top 10 that looks good right so if i text hill or something now naughty it'll pop up on the screen when he's sharing his phone yes yes i love your giant hog no but are you gonna share your uh i am yo well this was last night
Starting point is 00:13:02 i was waiting for that as soon as you said that. Oh, my goodness. This is awesome. All right. Is it working? Okay, this is good. There you go. Wow.
Starting point is 00:13:16 What do you need me to do? Go to the top 10. So we're going to go in the top 10 league first. That one's pretty easy. Wait a second. This is the Sevan podcast. Go in the shot color of the Sevan podcast. No, we'll go we're gonna go in the top 10 league first that one's pretty easy so that's wait a second this is the sebon podcast go in the shot color the sebon podcast we'll go over that one here in a minute okay uh so the top left button yeah the top left button and then click the top 10 world champ so this in this game we can click uh you you just set your top 10 um you pick everybody who you so you click over to the lineup.
Starting point is 00:13:45 It's on the bottom. So you can see Hiller has already got his picks set. He thinks Jeffrey Adler is going to be first, and he goes on down Pepper in seventh. So you can scroll down, like unpick somebody, Hiller. Trash can Hiller. Yeah, trash can Hiller. Goodbye, Hopper.
Starting point is 00:14:07 How do I pick – down go ahead tyler how do i pick someone i went there and it says 787th seven so that means almost 2 000 people have picked before me right yeah you're on the leaderboard so in the bottom it'll say lineup oh okay click there oh oh sweet okay got. Okay, got it. Got it, got it. Right? Oh, yeah. So now you can just draft whoever you want in order, and then you can slide over to the women and do the same thing there. Oh, this is nice. I'll show my women. Here are my women.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Check it out. Daniel, Brandon, Katrin, David's daughter, Emma, Carrie, Emma Lawson, Alex Kazan, Annie Thor's daughter, Gabriela Magawa, Laura, Katrin, David's daughter, Emma Carey, Emma Lawson, Alex Kazan, Annie Thor's daughter, Gabriella Magawa, Laura Horvat, Paige Powers, Amanda Barnhart. Solid picks, Hiller. I know that everyone's going to love my eight pick. We'll talk about it tomorrow. So, Tyler, with the game, are you just going straight,
Starting point is 00:15:01 like you picking the top ten or whatever, or are you trying to give handicaps where people can pick, like, people where they place back but still get the same points? Please don't use that word on this show, Jedediah. Thank you. Yeah. So the scoring system is ten down to one. So it'll be out of 100 total points.
Starting point is 00:15:20 So if you get the pick right, so if Annie gets sixth in Hiller's game, he'll get ten points for Annie. If she gets seventh, he'll get nine points. If she gets fifth, he'll get nine points. So if he's off by one, he'll get nine points. And it descends like that. Now there's a catch, though. If they're outside the top 15, you won't get any points for them.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Right? Hey, can people do this while they're watching this on youtube on their phone you can youtube will just play in the background you guys you're crazy not to get this app by the way i'm not just saying this because i love tyler and he carried me through the semi-finals last time and because he comes on my show and not for and because i feel and because he's a friend oh right right thank you and he's pulled down a little bit there hill i it takes some work, but did you ever think about giving them handicaps? So, like, you could pick someone if they were, like, projected to be, like, 15th, but you picked them and they ended up finishing 10th.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Like, there was a slight – to where it creates some interest for some of the athletes that aren't necessarily in the top 20 or whatnot that way. Absolutely, but you're a fantasy fan. that aren't necessarily in the top 20 or whatnot that way. Absolutely. But you're a fantasy fan. Most CrossFitter people don't understand how fantasy works. And so we wanted to create a game that's just like lowest barrier to entry possible.
Starting point is 00:16:38 All you have to know is who you like and put them in the top 10. I got you. I'll wait. If you scroll down. Go ahead. Go ahead. I've been working with Tyler for a couple of years on a variety of different variations for this. And, you know, in the past, I don't know, six to eight months, he's gotten a lot of momentum in terms of creating something that is really user friendly. And like you said, really low barrier to entry.
Starting point is 00:16:59 We do have a lot of ideas and we have tested some different things that will allow for more of that higher level gameplay that Jedediah is looking for for people that you know want to be a little bit more involved or have a better understanding of how this stuff works but this year we're really just trying to get people you know very interested and hyped up for a fantasy game that's that's relatively easy to play and then we might we may even try out some of that stuff uh in the off season oh yeah for sure. I mean, we're already geared up for Dubai and Waterpalooza and all that stuff. And also, what do people always talk about as soon as the game starts? Who's going to be the top 10?
Starting point is 00:17:35 Who's your podium? This is already a game people are playing amongst themselves. There's just no scoreboard yet. And so now you can kind of put it up to the test. Go ahead. So I have my picks right and then after every of and then and then i see that there's a leaderboard right and everyone here has uh zero on it go ahead um hillary click over to that let me see if i can do it leaderboard leaderboard let me pull down that button here. In the middle. Yes. Okay, so after every event, like we can't see Babs' picks,
Starting point is 00:18:12 so we just trust the app's got him in there honestly, right, obviously. Right now. Yeah, right now. But then so after event one, if Babs has Daniel Brandon, does he get points after every event? This is the top 10, Savant. Everything should be seen in the top 10 as soon as the competition starts because you're never going to change your picks.
Starting point is 00:18:33 The other game is the one that I think you're thinking about where it's a fair play event. He's also not wrong, though, so we'll change it up. As the week goes on, if Justin's in first, we will give you 100 points. If you have Justin in first, we'll give you 100 points for that. This leaderboard will auto-update as the week goes on, like if Justin's in first, we will give you 100 points. Like if you have Justin in first, we'll give you 100 points for that. So this leaderboard will auto-update as the weekend goes through. Okay, cool. So after the first event, you'll be able to click on like Will or Halpin's picture there,
Starting point is 00:18:56 and it'll compare your top 10 to their top 10. Where are they gaining points on you? Where are you gaining points on them? So you'll be able to compare all weekend. And you can do this with all your favorite analysts so brian's on that and so people are gonna find brian and they're gonna look at his picks versus their picks can you star people not yet okay that's something immediately we thought of yeah okay yeah that's fine just asking and um so this is cool so there's a reason to engage with the app after every event?
Starting point is 00:19:26 After every single event. And then when does it update, following into the weeds here, after? Will you update this before they update their leaderboard? No, we'll update it when they do. Wait, email address. Do what? There's an email address there. Sinclair Collins. Yep.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Someone send an email, Fred. Did you read what it said? No. Worst thing about prison is the dementors. That's the best name in the whole game. And, Tyler, will we get notifications every time it's updated? Yeah, so we'll notify you before the event. Make sure you make your picks.
Starting point is 00:20:06 We'll notify you when the leaderboard's been updated. You can also check CrossFit Games leaderboard on our app. And then, like, Hiller, if you go back to the hamburger. Hamburger. And go to the shot. But do you win anything if you win that? Yes. So go to Shot Caller game.
Starting point is 00:20:24 $10,000. Yeah, if you win, absolutely $0. So if you play the Worldwide Champ game. Maybe John's putting the money up, actually. Both of you. Okay, I see it. I see it with Shot Caller World Champ game. Yeah, so you'll win a pair of Strike Movement shoes. We've partnered with them,
Starting point is 00:20:42 and we're trying to figure out a prize package with C4 currently. We did seal the deal we just got the right yeah c4 so everybody gets them um so you'll win a pair of strike movement shoes for that game the better game if you want to win more shoes is the shot caller game which is the one you wanted to talk about first savon so the way that one works is every single event you can go so this is the pig chipper sorry yeah you'll make a male pick and a female pick but you can only play each athlete twice after on that event too many more if you want to pick velner you only have one other pick for the whole rest of competition On that event, too, if you want to pick Vellner, you only have one other pick for the whole rest of the competition.
Starting point is 00:21:29 For Vellner, yeah. Yeah. Which you're saving for the 5K, right? Right. We're saving it for the paddleboard and run. Paddleboard test, yeah. And you'll get the points that the athlete that you play gets in that event. Oh, they got withdrawn already in here for Jason Smith.
Starting point is 00:21:52 You already got him out. Yep. He didn't withdraw. He got kicked out. We actually hadn't built one for somebody who had got kicked out. So we're building one now. Hiller, was it an accident or was it on purpose uh i'm going with the accident oh you're leaning towards accident wow leaning accident soft wow killer speaking of which i had a question for you on that um no here we go wait hold on hold on is
Starting point is 00:22:27 this part of the app though jedediah no sorry okay we'll get to that you'll get the first soon we'll do jason smith drugs soon as the app is over okay tyler hurry up yeah so you'll get their points and the same thing here so you can only pick one male and one female but you only get two plays but then there there's a leaderboard with this too so if you go to the leaderboard um hillary please sorry i'm i'm drafting some people for my first and third all right leaderboard yeah go to the leaderboard so you'll be able to do the same thing here you can click on whoever you want will brandstetter because he's going to be in the lead anyway. That's why we put him up there so high.
Starting point is 00:23:10 You'll be able to compare every – you can't do it yet because there's no events closed. Once the event closes, you can go click on him and see who he played, how many points he got, so they can do the same thing with Brian, with John, anybody that they want to follow. Tyler walked in. A question from the peanut. Oh, a Tia Toomey lookalike.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Holy cow, Peyton Mosley. You got a little Tia Toomey in you. Can you all please make it easier to move athletes around in the top 10? Look, she even said y'all. She talked your language. I don't think it's too hard. It's not too hard, but dragging. I think once they're in there already, but...
Starting point is 00:23:46 I agree. How do you move it around? You hit the trash can. And then if I wanted Medeiros in the sixth, I'd just put him in sixth like that. And now I got Lazar in fifth. So I just moved Medeiros to sixth.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I moved Hopper up a spot. I suppose it'd be easier if you could drag and drop and slide, but that wasn't too bad. Hey, let me see what happens. Hiller, let me see what happens if you take Hopper out and you want to put Adler in fifth. What do they do with that? You just trash Adler.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Oh, that is kind of okay. Yeah, because then I got to move Vellner up, right? So I'd have to trash Vellner and move him number one, and then I'd have to move Adler. Where the hell is Adler? At the top. Up at the top. All right, Peyton, you've been hired.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Peyton, you're in. You win. I noticed that too, though. I gravitated towards that slide. I wanted to do that the other day. So it's on the to-do list for sure. We're back. slide i wanted to do that the other day so it's it's on the to-do list for sure we're back and if if anybody's wondering uh athletes are already sorted by a couple different factors we
Starting point is 00:24:52 have a few things for each athlete down at the uh underneath each of them we have them the be friendly ranking so these are zoom in no no these are brian's rankings and then we have the worldwide ranking and then we have what we call adp which is average draft position so that's um it's an an average of where they are getting drafted most often and like if they're if it's over 10 it's because we're taking the 40s who haven't been played yet so everybody is playing somebody 40th and we're averaging it with that i don't understand what this page is at all that's to make your picks go go back up sorry i don't understand how is how is lazar jukic at the top if that if he like what is that how he's the highest rated
Starting point is 00:25:38 player he's the highest rated player that uh andrew hasn't been selected for his top 10 oh that he oh okay okay so for this game most of the players that most of the uh fans or participants will pick are going to be towards the top anyway because they're they're rated they're ranked highest and so we'll probably pick them in the top but for the other the other game the shot caller game there may be people further down the list that you see a workout that comes out and you think of that athlete for example maybe jake douglas on the o workout that comes out and you think of that athlete. For example, maybe Jake Douglas on the Olympic lifting total. And you may have to scroll further down to find him if you want to put him up there.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Hey, Tyler, no joke. John Hung says, can we have a leaderboard for the Juice Cats? I will put you in contact with the guys who are running the enhanced games if you want. I can do that. I would love to do that for them, actually. Yeah, they're going to need something like this. Yeah, they're going to do the Juice games. That'd be great. And they got big money.
Starting point is 00:26:32 They're working with what's the guy's name? Peter Thiel. Peter Thiel? How are they? Thiel. Yeah, they got loot. That's neat. Oh, here we go. Aaron has already a first complaint.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Oh, this is a good one. Aaron Soler, the app is broken, Tyler. It won't let me put Scott Panchik on the podium. Weird. How'd he get in there? That's not actually broken. That's just in line with his history. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Oh, my goodness. Someone stuck in 2017 uh okay um any uh oh is there uh is there an ig is there an ig for this app yeah at heat one dot app at oh okay there it is on your name, okay? Let's see what else. So for the prizes for shot caller, so we're going to give out shoes for the top three, people who get top three in that league. And then every day, if you make the best picks each day,
Starting point is 00:27:42 we will give you shoes for that too. What type of shoes? Strike movement shoes. Spiegel, I'm afraid to say it this sucks are you crazy dude have you looked at it it's so it's so good it's everything that every app wants to be because it's so easy she's not on the list this year oh i see i okay my bad sorry yes it does suck right I see. Okay. My bad.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Sorry. Yes, it does suck. Right. My bad. He's sensitive. It's heavy. Oh, my goodness. Mike Litteris, how dare.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Brian Friend. Sorry, I have to use your last name. Rank Colton Mertens 37. That's not in the field. That's out of the world. What does that mean? There's only 40 games in the field. What are you talking about, John?
Starting point is 00:28:29 He's pulling my rankings from my worldwide rankings from a few months ago. What's way more embarrassing than that is that the guy who's coming to his back can't even spell his first name right. Yeah. Coming for his back. Coming for his back. Easy, Seve. Easy, Seve.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Easy, Seve. You're going down. You're going down. You've turned a new leaf this week. Jet City Fit. I think we just went over this, but we'll be patient because we're trying to be kind people pushing the app. I can't change picks for the shot caller after they're put in?
Starting point is 00:29:01 Yeah, you can. After the event starts, you can't. So call 3-2-1-go on the first heat. You're locked in? After the event starts, you can't. So call 3-2-1-go on the first heat. You're locked in. You can't cheat? You can't move stuff around after the event? Okay. Nope.
Starting point is 00:29:13 For people that are trying to play this game and that are trying to win, there's a big difference between the two formats. In the top 10, there's not too much to think about. You know the athletes. You rank them either in the order you think they're going to do or the ones that you want to do the best, and you let, there's not too much to think about. You know, the athletes, you rank them either in the order you think they're going to do or the ones that you want to do the best. And you let it ride for the whole weekend. For the shot caller game, you have to be a little bit more
Starting point is 00:29:32 thoughtful because of what John was referencing earlier. We know that there's cuts this year, and you know, who's going to be left most, most likely at the end of the weekend. We don't know how many workouts there's going to be. There's always surprises, announcements and things like this. And it may be advantageous to hold some of those big names and heavy hitters for later in the weekend. If you do that, you're going to watch other people who play them earlier in the week take a lead on you. But you might be able to pass them by quite a bit in the back end if good workouts come up for those athletes. Right. that tends to be my go-to is come out real hot and then die absolutely done the last day dude why don't you tell me the page explains the point system oh yeah for anybody who's looking if you get confused about the how the work, go to the rightmost.
Starting point is 00:30:25 It's called Settings. It's in there with your settings. It'll explain what the point system is and how everything works. There's also a how-to guide in there if you get lost completely. Hey, congratulations, dude. It's pretty cool. Why didn't you use the name that I told you to do? Tyler Watkins?
Starting point is 00:30:42 Tyler Watkins Fantasy Fitness League. Well fantasy fitness, uh, or fantasy fitness league. Well, why didn't we use fantasy? Why didn't we use fantasy? Anything? It's because we want to be more than just a fantasy app. Anybody can do fantasy, but it's like we went,
Starting point is 00:30:55 yeah, we want to be heat. Um, we want to help cover the sport. We want to produce media. We want to, um, help push the science of CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:31:03 And this is a small way, but we can start doing that. Were you going to say something, Jedediah? I was just going to say the downside is now when you boast to all your friends that you know how everything is going to go down, there's a paper trail. The upside is if you get it right, then everybody will know. You didn't say that. You didn't say that. Tyler, I got a disc in my bag. It's called a heat, and it's white and blank.
Starting point is 00:31:27 I might try to get that stamped on it. This logo? Yeah. That's pretty good. Savon pointed out the logo earlier, so it's great that you noticed that. These three guys are supposed to represent people lined up at the start of a heat. I call them the runners. And then both of the arrows, yeah, that logo right there. you notice that these three guys are supposed to represent people lined up at the start of a heat. So there, I call them the runners and then both of the arrows.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Yeah. That, that logo right there. How come they don't have arms? It's because it's not cute enough. All right. This is more simple. Would you make your name? Seven.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Seven. I don't see it. Oh, I'm in. I'm in. I'm in like Flynn. He's probably in the bottom. I'm way on the bottom. You're in the order that you join the league, right, Tyler? Like right now?
Starting point is 00:32:16 Yeah. He'd be like 1,850th. You put on 50 people since the show started. That's good. Thank you, everybody. Hey, so in the Sevan League, there's 688 people? Yeah, so everybody in here, go sign up for that league. The way you sign up is you just go click on his logo and enter that league.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Tyler, if I've signed up for the main one, do I also have to sign up for his? Yes. And I have to sign up for his? Yes. And I have to reenter all my same picks? Yeah, we're adjusting that. Or I could enter different picks? Or you could enter different picks. Try different strategies. We will have a copy and paste button.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Now it's like March Madness. You got like 50 brackets. Right. Yeah, well, the thing is, there's some smaller leagues, and I really care about beating those people. And in the bigger leagues, I might just want to have some fun.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Have you ever beaten me in a fantasy league? Fantasy league? Here we go. Oh, wow. Wow. I'd like to know the question. He has never beat you, John? Create a new league. It's just going to be called Brian versus John. I'd like to know the question. He has never beat you, John? Create a new league.
Starting point is 00:33:26 It's just going to be called Brian versus John. And we'll just win every day. Any time I've ever entered a fantasy anything, I have won. Wow. Shut the hell up. Liar. Every single one except Dubai. And I don't count that because I couldn't see six events that happened that one year in Dubai.
Starting point is 00:33:45 I'm not going to lie to you, John. And by the way, I met someone at the level one I recently took, and in a notebook that she had, she had written down all of the times that you and I have made picks against each other and scored them. And you weren't always the winner. That's a psychopath. I hope you're not in a fantasy app. You met a random girl who had yours and John's name
Starting point is 00:34:06 In a notebook She happened to be sitting next to me At the level one And she had a hot cup of coffee ready to go When I walked in for the class She didn't happen to be sitting next to you That was pre-decided She knew who you'd be
Starting point is 00:34:23 Is Jedediah dead? No I think he moved i'm just wounded he's waiting i wasn't ready for this hey are you going to the games no no you already asked him that no no i mean is he going like if he's competing? I mean, but is he going to just go and just hang out? Yeah, not this year. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Anything else, Tyler? No. Thanks, everybody. Thank you, Hiller, for pulling that up. Awesome. Go play. Brian Friend, thank you for joining us, brother. Yeah, just last thing I'll say is, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:03 it's been cool working with Tyler on this for a couple of years. You know, like I said, we've tried many things. I don't, you know, these are not, they're not perfect, but they're pretty good. And we have some other stuff that we're going to try in the future. So if it's been something you're thinking about
Starting point is 00:35:17 or excited about, give it a chance, especially the top 10. It's super easy to play. You don't have to think about anything during the week. You can just put your picks in there and check and see how they do. For those that are more interested, the shot caller is super fun. You can put in some flyer picks in one event and not get too big a penalty for it. Play some more of the athletes
Starting point is 00:35:35 in the field more comfortably. So a lot of options for everyone. And Tyler, really well done, man. I'm excited for this one. Thank you. Thanks to Adam. Adam Ambrosius. He's done all the work. I'm excited for this one. Thank you. Thanks to Adam. Adam Ambrose, he's done all the work. I'm just the face. Thanks, Brian. See you guys. Bye. Have a good one, Brian. Caleb, can I bring you in to fill in a sick spot? Ah, symmetry.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Ah, yes. So that whole time, could you see me sitting here? Yeah, unfortunately. I didn't know if you just saw the app or if you could see me too. This was you. People were comparing the redness of your glasses to my face in the comments. I couldn't see the comments. I was kind of really missing them.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Cave Dastro. Oh, so it's not enough that you rip on Jedediah, but you have to pay to make sure I read it. Jedediah Snelson didn't make it to the choppa in time. Dude, you added the sound. Yes. Jason Smith, Pops for Drugs.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Jedediah Snelson, do you think what do you think? And feel free to pass anything off on to Hiller. He's our local resident. So what I wanted to get Hiller's take on is, obviously there's been a lot of these coming from South Africa, and so I'm wondering if it comes down to an overall country QA policy. Because, for example, like Australia, they have such a strict FDA.
Starting point is 00:37:03 I have a buddy who owns a supplement company not in this sport. And he works, he does distribute in Australia. But what he had to go through to even get in there, I mean, like his protein, his whey is sourced from New Zealand. And that's the only reason he's allowed to sell there, for example, because they won't take any whey that is sourced from China. So I'm wondering if it's coming down to like a South Africa quality assurance issue with their getting tainted supplements. I can't imagine they have any quality control there. I mean, I almost got mugged. I was attempted to be mugged in the airport in Johannesburg.
Starting point is 00:37:43 It's a massive international airport with a Gucci store, and someone tried to mug me in there, a security guard. I can't imagine there being any quality assurance. Is that what QA stands for, Jedediah? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I feel like they're just maybe getting a lower-grade product that's being produced in factories or being produced in factories that is you know multi multi-product lines and you know the obviously the quality assurance of cleaning amounts not there i did a show earlier i just kind of sat here and sifted through my headspace on the topic and i actually am on the side of he's innocent and it's with what you said in mind of the things that i've seen on the long list of things athletes have popped for this thing
Starting point is 00:38:26 didn't really and I couldn't find any substance that it kind of directly comes from the metabolites of it and it seems like it is probably a tainted supplement and it makes sense with what you just said the quality assurance in that country in particular but that isn't an out for the entire country in general because there are plenty of things it's like yeah they can go to a walgreens and buy that straight up or you can't do that here and but but when it comes to jason smith i think you're on to something with that hillary did you what did you use to it so you what did you use to assess it first of all what are they saying that he took and when you look of all, what are they saying that he took? And when you look at his body – They aren't saying that he took anything.
Starting point is 00:39:07 That's the thing. Didn't they say an Astrozole or something? No. There you go. 5-80-80-0. Androstane. Yeah. And if you take – usually if you take this, at the very minimum, you throw it into Google,
Starting point is 00:39:20 it's going to tell you what that means on the street. It's like if you smoke pot. What is that? Oh, it's marijuana. It's weed. It's the reefer. But that's kind of what – there is a technical name for it, and it's marijuana. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:39:35 But everyone calls it something. And in the steroid world, there's Dianabol. There's Deca. There's Tren. There's nameless different things that you'll just walk around and say, Hey, you gotta be trend, but there's a name for it's trend alone. And it's close enough. And with this one, there's nothing like that. This is just something that they found. And the very thing that you can find is that it may be a pro hormone, or it might be some sort of DHT derivative,
Starting point is 00:40:01 which is close. Wait, Hiller, how do you find something, but you can't say what it is? Look, there it is. What? It's so rare. I guess what you're saying, Hiller, is it's so rare or it's so unlikely that he would even know to go find it, right?
Starting point is 00:40:18 Well, here's the other thing that I kind of went into on that hour or like 40-minute piece where I was just kind of sifting through my headspace where they tested blood this year. And I'm curious if because they tested blood and then actually barbell spin sent me something where this happened in the weightlifting community and I should be I should pull that up shouldn't I uh Jedediah have you get tested do you get tested
Starting point is 00:40:44 oh he can't hear me Jedediah can't hear me tested? Did you get tested? Oh, he can't hear me? Jedediah can't hear me? Can you guys hear me? I can hear you. Yeah, you're good. Jedediah. He's gone. That's on your end, man. Why can't you?
Starting point is 00:41:02 I really hope he's fucking with you. I hope he's fucking with me, too. What happened? Jedi, you got to check your settings. Here we go. Who's that? This is something that Barbell Spin sent me earlier, and I wish I had it when I was going through my – but you'll get it.
Starting point is 00:41:18 It's from 296 weeks ago, and the stuff that this guy tested positive for is the exact stuff that this guy tested positive for is the exact stuff that Jason Smith tested positive for. And it says right here, there are metabolites of dihydrotestosterone, which is DHT, which could be a handful of things that I mentioned those in my show. It's the antivirus, it's the stenozolol, which is Winstroll. It's when you look at a steroid, it kind of branches into three properties. There is
Starting point is 00:41:45 testosterone, it goes into DHT derivatives, it goes into 19-NORs, and then there's just testosterone. The things that you take are one of those three things that I mentioned. And the metabolites are from that thing over here, which I think would be the left to everybody. Of the three of those, he tested positive for a metabolite of something over there, but it's weird that they don't mention it. Cause usually when CrossFit releases that, they don't just say all of these random freaking numbers. They tell you what it was. GW five, zero one, five, one, six.
Starting point is 00:42:19 They say that it was an Astrozole, which is the thing that all the, the clomid, the stuff, the men are always popping for, the fertility drugs. Hiller, do you have a relationship with the guy who's in charge of testing over at CrossFit HQ? Curtis? No, but I wish. Yeah, get a relationship with him. I know what he looks like, and he's a really, really, really good dude.
Starting point is 00:42:43 I actually look up to the dude. And I'll introduce you to him. Okay. He's a very, very strong man. I think former cop or maybe parole officer. Very dignified man. And you should meet him. I mean, I bet you he would definitely uh talk to you about this this is what i found right here i i found this without this article
Starting point is 00:43:11 the that they're known kind of as pro-hormones and those metabolites that they found are something that happened when you take a pro-hormone and that's something with what jedediah brought up earlier where the hell did he go why do they call it pro-hormones what's that mean what Jedediah brought up earlier. Where the hell did he go? Why do they call it pro-hormones? What's that mean? Oh, Jedediah. Oh. A pro-hormone is something that was really big in like 96 through maybe 2008, 2010. It's a category of drugs?
Starting point is 00:43:38 It's something that turns into an anabolic substance as it passes through your digestive system. Okay. It's like havoc on your kidneys and your liver but on the other end you get jacked as hell and you used to be able to buy them at a gnc have you been tested have you been tested um does crossfit test you uh i'm on the list i have not been tested yet and when they do you know if they test you do they test you for blood urine or both i do not know hillary do you know if they test you? Do they test you for blood, urine, or both? I do not know. Hiller, do you know if they tested Jason Smith for blood or urine?
Starting point is 00:44:10 I don't know for sure, but I know that they were taking blood from people, and I know that from your show. And blood is relatively new, right? Right, which is something where he's screwed. If he's never had to give blood before, and he gave blood, and they found all this, like, well, no, no, no. Hell you got caught this time around. It's over. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:28 What do you mean? I don't understand. I don't know. Explain the baby steps. When you test for blood, you can pick up on a couple of extra things, maybe more than a couple of extra things that are floating around in there that you can't do on a urine test. And why do you think he's, when you look at his body, do you think, I know you like to look at pictures. Do you, do you, do you see a guy and when you look at his body do you think i know you like to look at pictures do you do you see a guy who's juiced to the gills i do not especially like how he's
Starting point is 00:44:52 looked he hasn't changed dramatically either yeah he's been around since what 2013 he's looked the same since then brandon which which part of the tree are you saying this is coming off of there's the dhea yeah yeah so but don't you take stuff in the dhea tree to recover from stuff you take on down the the testosterone matrix and the and the dht matrix i can't speak to that i'm not really sure so like you take uh examistane and other things like that to recover from taking testosterone turn turn the shit back on again right testosterone drug it's like uh it's like a clomid or an astrosol right which yeah so i've never heard dhea being used that way i. I've heard DHEA being illegal in the sport of CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:45:47 and I've heard of athletes popping for it, but I've never heard of it used as an ancillary, which is something that— Tyler, you're trying to figure out whether what he took isn't necessarily an enhancer, but it's something you take after you take a PED to make sure your cock and balls work properly after. I'm just playing devil's advocate, because why would you take an Astrozole or Xzema stain? It's to turn your balls back on. People are saying this, that he won't list the supplements, but he made a post and I'm sure he
Starting point is 00:46:16 didn't even cross his mind to say, these are all the supplements I take. And if anything, it would make him look like just as big of a jackass as everybody else. Yeah. What's Barry mean he won't list them? Meaning people have asked and he said no? He put up a post. And that's something I don't know. Maybe people have asked or he has responded and said he won't.
Starting point is 00:46:36 But I haven't seen that. I saw a post he put up. And it was just him kind of giving his thoughts. And in the comments, there's a handful of people who are saying that he won't list the supplement but like where has he had a chance he was just kind of talking i feel so bad for him dude i feel so bad for him and tyler say that word as the mistake i've never heard of that yeah is that a like a pharmaceutical name for something yeah i think it might be a pharmaceutical name for something? Yeah, I think it might be a brand name. Okay. HCG.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Hey, let me ask you this. Ball maintenance. Oh, you know what she looks like? Do you think she's a nurse? She looks like a nurse. Is she a nurse, Caleb? You know her? No, I do not. How do you know about ball maintenance?
Starting point is 00:47:22 This is the worst, though. I wish they would do this when they worst though because it's like i i wish they would do this when they were 100 sure something was wrong because if they're not if they're not doing anything wrong like their future is a little bit tainted for a while you know what i'm saying that's on the internet forever hey jedediah what do you think as an athlete every time you get tested you're putting your shit out there right so like right now they could come to your house they could test you you're at their at their mercy and then they'll say they're going to put it out publicly yeah and you just accept that as an athlete and then people
Starting point is 00:47:57 and then 20 years from now your your kids will be googling this shit me like oh daddy snelson was a drug addict well i mean you you can get into that, and those are the, that's the plea, right? But the fact is, if you want to participate, then, like, just don't, you know, if you don't want to be exposed that way, then, like, there's really not
Starting point is 00:48:17 a choice, you know what I'm saying? You pay to play. I mean, that's part of the risk. You could get injured, you could get accused of doing drugs illegally, these that's part of the risk you could get injured you could get accused of doing drugs illegally these are all part of the risks of playing professional sports exactly i went through that when i was a strength and conditioning coach in motocross supercross because when i first got into the sport there was no drug testing and so there was a lot that went on um just because athletes could get away with it and then halfway through through
Starting point is 00:48:47 my stint on the pro tour that that changed and they started doing drug testing and and it yeah and then you know when people popped and the problem was they were dealing with water too so so for some of them with their racing career like trying to like do go through the appeals process and stuff that was handled by an international federation in Europe. And it was a nightmare, but I mean, it was, it was part of it. What do motocross dudes take? Uh, the, the, probably the most effective would be doing EPO. Uh, same as cycling, blood doping.
Starting point is 00:49:20 California peptide sells that. No, they don't anymore. Yeah. That's not a bad thing. California Peptide sells that. No, they don't anymore. By guys? Yeah, they pull it off. That's not a bad thing. I'm kind of happy about that. Have you ever seen the studies on motocross guys' heart rates? It's insane.
Starting point is 00:49:36 They're exerting crazy amounts of energy every race. So EPO does not surprise me. That's Travis Mayer's sport. Yeah. Beth Semmy, $10 for Cemetery. You know, I think this lady gave $100 during the Noel – someone gave $100 during the Noel Henderson podcast. I didn't remember their name.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Jackass. I'm surprised that I did remember it. Hey, I want to say something to you guys really quick. I meant to start the show with this. All of you guys who are commenting everywhere and supporting this podcast, whether it be in the chat here or on YouTube, on Instagram accounts, it is helping so much in ways you can't even imagine. I cannot tell you each and every one of you who post something positive it's crazy it's
Starting point is 00:50:29 it's um you guys have you guys have really changed uh the ecosystem that you you guys are needle movers the views on the crossfit games podcast what you guys do are on the instagram what you do on youtube it's it's crazy crazy crazy crazy. And the support you're showing, people are hearing it. So thank you. And it's cool. It's fun. Alexandra Berry, Australia 799 for Behind the Scenes. Thanks, team. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Does anyone else want to say anything else about Jason? I just want to say that I feel bad. Jason Smith, love you to death. You're a staple of the community. I honestly don't care whether you did or not, but the fact that I know you care and thank you for running your two affiliates and thank you for your contribution. And I hope it doesn't affect you or your family financially
Starting point is 00:51:15 in any single way and your ability to put food on your table. Anyone else want to say anything? All right. Don Fall, follow up after Dave Castro castro on the uh jaco uh willock podcast uh i listened to it uh don has some um really cool stories uh legit marine it's crazy because jaco does a great job of getting those stories out of him and since i was never in the military i didn't wouldn't even know what to ask um but a tremendous podcast moves very very very quickly um very conversational like it was
Starting point is 00:51:47 so relaxing listening to both of them talk dawn's pretty damn real too huh yeah that's what i thought i i was i was so happy with the way that he came off like a real person i think it was the first time he's come off like that uh mr snelson have you had a chance to listen to it uh i have um i haven't been able to listen the whole thing in context but i did go through the crossfit stuff and um yeah i thought it was i thought it was great um he did come off very transparent and uh yeah i i thought it was a great conversation that they had hey why do you think he went on there Jedediah you think it's risky for him to do that uh a super crazy opinionated crowd like CrossFit and he goes on a podcast like that and just fielding questions from Jocko you think it's smart yeah I think in his position and some of the stuff
Starting point is 00:52:39 he's been talking about about trying to grow the space you have to take those chances right and you have to get out there in front of new people and that was i think that was a great resource for that i agree uh mr young did you listen yeah i listened to not the whole thing but like like they said parts of it um my my favorite part was like when he they asked him what did you do what did you first do when you were you know you have this new position as ceo and he said, well, I went to Jason Kalipa's affiliate and then I picked his brain about how the affiliates are running. And then I got Dave Castro's opinion, which, you know, ultimately led to Castro getting in his position now. Like that was if the first things that he thought to do as after he got put in that position it
Starting point is 00:53:27 wasn't like i'm going to institute all these changes it was i'm going to pick the brains of people who have been in it forever from the roots and i mean i just think that's a really good train of thought if you're about to run this company to pick the brains of people who have been in it forever and that the community, I feel, respects. And the person who's the most vocal about his opinions in the entire CrossFit community, Andrew Hiller.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Did you know? Yeah, you with the weirdo sunglasses on. What are you doing with those sunglasses? What's going on? Is that like to protect your eyes from the screen? Yeah. God, you're a hippie. I was getting some headaches. God god you're a dirty hippie uh what do you uh you don't use
Starting point is 00:54:09 soap and now you wear the the screen blocker glasses what um uh did you get a chance to listen to it by any chance no i have not but i the most opinionated voice in all of crossfit here we go lucky Lucky you, Don. Lucky you. I do have to say that he only has two more CEOs left until he's gotten all of the ones that CrossFit's ever had on his podcast, Jocko. He's Mr. Rosa. Yes. He's Mr. Glassman.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Yes. Yeah, Glassman. Honestly, I can't believe Rogan hasn't gotten Glassman. He needs to snap that up. Barry, go ahead, Jedi. Were you going to say something? I was just going to say one thing that I did find interesting that kind of made me think a little bit was when he was talking about the support to the affiliates and whatnot. One, I did like how he directly expressed the diversification of the affiliates and how they didn't need to become under one consistent look. That there is some diversification on the CrossFit and that's needed to meet different demographics and different communities.
Starting point is 00:55:16 The other thing that I thought was interesting was when he was talking about marketing and talking about tracking the numbers of the leads that CrossFit disperses out to the affiliates. And I thought that was interesting, one, because it makes sense they would want that content. But it also made me wonder with CrossFit being owned by a VC now, if there wasn't some plan to build that system so that then they could charge affiliates for leads or referral program later on down the road. Once it's established, do you own an affiliate?
Starting point is 00:55:49 I do not. No, there there's this, uh, there's this really tough decision that, um, uh, Don fall has to make that every CEO has to make.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Right. And that decision is, is like, how many balls are you going to pick up? Because if you try to pick up too many balls, you're going to drop balls. So any of you who plays tennis or plays anything where there's tons of balls everywhere,
Starting point is 00:56:08 you see little kids go out and they'll try to pick up as many balls as they can and then they start walking back over to the basket and they start dropping balls. And that's the nature. And someone who's more sophisticated and smarter like myself, I know how many balls I can pick up safely and I make the trip back and forth. How many?
Starting point is 00:56:24 A lot. A lot. A lot. Then you don't. And the thing is when you start tucking them under your arm and putting them under your chin and doing weird stuff with them or stacking them too high in your tennis racket, you're going to drop them. It's like Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola is not going to try to attract every single person in the world to drink their drink
Starting point is 00:56:41 because to do that, they would have to attract us six. They would have to say sugar is evil and we're not we're completely stopping all sugar drinks and we're gonna you know you know what i mean like they're they're they're gonna tend to the group that they they're supposed to be talking to and so at some point um as much as and i want to piggyback this off of what jedediah is saying you can let the affiliates do whatever they want you're not going to force them to paint their bathrooms blue you're not going to force them to use a certain paper cup you're not going to force them to only lift weights and pounds but at some point you cannot cater to everybody that was good and thank you yeah it seems like you better you better draw that boundary at some
Starting point is 00:57:21 point and just be like, okay, sorry. Every CrossFit gym is not – we're not going to force – we're not going to yell at every CrossFit gym that doesn't have a pull-up bar for people who's under 5'5". Like we're just not going to do it. And that's going to be the thing. That's the thing, by the way. That's the thing that Dave was so good at and Greg was so good at. Well, because also because Greg just single-handedly owned the company but that when you have vcs involved he has um he kind of has that juggling act right sorry go ahead tyler no it felt like we swung real hard in one direction trying to get everybody to do crossfit and want to do it and now we're swinging back
Starting point is 00:57:59 not we're not even swinging back like fully in the other direction like everybody only the hardcore crew we're kind of coming back to a middle ground where it's like, hey, we know who would want to do CrossFit, and we're going after those folks. And yeah, we're probably going to step on some toes now, but we're not trying to do that purposefully. We just want to go after our crew. Vegans are welcome to use the bathroom at McDonald's. They're welcome to come in there and sit down. They're welcome to come in there and order some sparkling water. But McDonald's is not going to change the menu and get rid of all
Starting point is 00:58:29 the fucking dead animals in there. And, you know, there's something there. That was a great metaphor. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I didn't know where you were going with that. You have to draw the line somewhere.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Everyone is still welcome in the gym. Yeah. But this is CrossFit. But this is CrossFit, yeah. This is CrossFit, yeah. But everyone's welcome. The fries are vegan at McDonald's, I think. They're what?
Starting point is 00:59:01 I think the fries are vegan. Oh, there you go. Very nice. Very good. Matt Burns, love you all good night peace and love SEMA Globes for shipping to send Beaver a decent pair of headphones out of the 24 you can spare
Starting point is 00:59:14 oh these are working just fine don't fuck it up yeah the Snelson had the fancy ones Mr. Snelson had the fancy ones. Mr. Snelson had the fancy ones, and they didn't even work. They're all crackly and shit.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Okay. What do we have here? Ice's vehicles. Oh, a clock. Stacey Tovar on Clydesdale yesterday. CrossFit is not for everyone. It's just not. It's true.
Starting point is 00:59:48 I did want to say this about Don really quick. Please. I really like – Is it good? Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, yeah, I'm fine. I really – so I like two things about him. Number one, so like my background is in cost accounting, so I'm obsessed with production.
Starting point is 01:00:00 I want to know how much it costs to produce something, and his stuff is in production as well. His history has been in production how to produce something and getting a team to do it um so i sort of fell in line behind him on that one and then the other part was he has a really like high level of education and he downplays that and he's like listen i came into this job a bunch of jobs and i didn't know what i needed to do i didn't know that this degree doesn't buy me into knowing everything the stanford nba is that what you're ever yeah yeah the stanford nba i couldn't remember the school with stanford yeah and it's like he says i don't know anything so he just studies for forever
Starting point is 01:00:40 until he can figure everything out and that was super good to know that he doesn't take this Stanford degree to mean everything. He's like, I have a ton of studying to do. And I was just super happy. That was super humble, a lot of humility there. So that made me happy. It doesn't seem like feigned humility either, to be honest. No.
Starting point is 01:01:00 I never see kind of a crack in his dam. Okay, great question on Dave's Week in Review, according to me. honest. I never see kind of a crack in his damn. Okay. Great question on Dave's Weekend Review, according to me. Someone asked if Justin wins the games without winning an event. Are you cool with that? Should there be a minimum requirement to win?
Starting point is 01:01:21 No, it's fine. Oh, John Young, you go first. Go ahead. He deserves to win. The two years that he won, he deserved to win. I think he's the fittest man in the world. You don't need to win an event to win the CrossFit Games. It's all around fitness.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Who is the best at everything together? You don't need to be special. I would prefer my winner win events, but there should not be a minimum requirement. The fact that he can do that is a testament to his consistency, which is his greatest superpower. Well said. Mr. Hiller, does Medeiros need to win an event to be the champ?
Starting point is 01:02:03 No, absolutely not. Whoever, if you think that, then you're pretty stupid. Oh, my goodness. Name calling starts from the corner square. Jedis Nelson, do you need to have a victory, you think? No. I think it even gives more testament to his, to the intelligence factor on,
Starting point is 01:02:26 you know, in his mental game and how he can execute to win without winning an event. And, and I think it gives it some, some, not more clout or less clout, but just a different clout in the way that you saw Matt, you know,
Starting point is 01:02:40 dominate, but you see him come in and just be really efficient and, and the mental capacity to do that and not crumble under tension because he's never got a big lead. Tyler, thoughts? I mean, I'd like to see a win. Right. Careful.
Starting point is 01:03:01 No, it's not mandatory. I'd like to see one. I think he would feel better about himself if he won one. But no, it's not mandatory i'd like to see one i think he would feel better about himself if he won one but no it's not what often what jenna diaz said right there i bet it's frazier's fault potentially to me's fault that people think that you need to win events and i think that if the crossfit game is around in 20 years i I bet that more people will play Madero's. How many events did Ben Smith win the year he won? Good question.
Starting point is 01:03:30 One? I think two. But I will effort. Yeah, but it wasn't some dominant where he won all these events. He won the soccer chipper for sure. And then I believe one else. One more. Hey, what year was that?
Starting point is 01:03:45 2015. Dude, I can't even believe I'm capable else, one more. Hey, what year was that? 2015. Dude, I can't even believe I'm capable of pulling this up. Here we go. Here we go. Look at this. I can't believe I have these skills. Ben Smith, wow. First place.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Oh, John, did you say the soccer chipper? Yeah. You are a beast. A sixth, a first, a second, a sixth, a the second to sixth a seventh a fourth and a fourth you can scroll over and then the dt oh there's more yeah yeah one more did he take dt yeah yeah yeah wow i thought i yeah and zoe won too all right and. And you don't have to win a lot. Rich Froning didn't win a lot of events the years he won. Typically, he'd win about three. But there were years where he only won two as well.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Justin, he has been the least winningest winner we've ever had, is I think why it's raising this question dude look at these names on here spencer hendel cole sager seventh hey you think someone like spencer hendel like sometimes is like okay i'm gonna make a run for the games and he gets like three weeks into his training he's like fuck that it's had to happen once at least he gets real revved up. Wow, Bjorkman Carl Gudmundsson was on the podium with Fraser and Ben. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:05:12 How old is he? Click on him there. Click on the little square. Probably 22. Who? Nice. Wow. I just feel that there's like a nuance or an art to the way that he's done it without
Starting point is 01:05:25 winning all the events that we just we don't see that kind of consistency other than the domination of Matt and Tia and and so I I just think it makes him stand out from them in his own way that he's accomplished it his own way and I think that is cool for our sport to see those different those different methods of getting the job done. Yeah, you're talking about Medeiros. Yes. There's – who's – what girl – oh, okay. I was going to say what girl won last year, but it was Tia.
Starting point is 01:05:55 Okay, and she's just been crushing it. We've got to go back six more years to figure it out. It makes him – it makes you love him in the way that we loved Rich because Rich had holes in his armor and we had to watch him. I know you disagree. Medeiros doesn't have holes. Medeiros doesn't have holes. He's not getting first. He's the fifth best in the world
Starting point is 01:06:14 at everything. He is exposed to the winner on events. What are you talking about? Rich had holes. He talked in triple three and still won. It's way different. And then he would dominate the last day. Justin never dominates, ever.
Starting point is 01:06:30 You're saying Medeiros has less holes than Rich? Is that what you're saying? Yes. When Rich was winning, 100% Medeiros has less holes than Rich. This has to be an oxymoron. I don't understand how you can simultaneously say he doesn't win, but he doesn't have holes. I understand he might not be like,
Starting point is 01:06:48 he's not the best at anything. Right. But he's not, but he's just good at everything. Yeah. He has, that's having no holes. He's saying like,
Starting point is 01:06:57 if you pick a, if you pick a line, I guess of six place, you pick a metric or fifth place. Madera stays above it where rich has a bunch of first. And then a hole shows up. Like no one's going to, like the clear example of that is Laura Horvath,
Starting point is 01:07:08 right? There's just a hole. Like you just see it. There's a perfect sheet of paper. And like over there in the corner, there's a hole. No one, no one can argue it.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Justin and think, you know, he's the, he's the standout winner for this event, but you also don't ever look at an event and go, well, he's going to tank this one. That's true. There's never an event you're like,
Starting point is 01:07:29 but you never say that about Rich either, right? Do you? If it's barbell cycling straight up, Rich is hard to beat. No, no. What I'm saying is you never look at Rich. You never look at a workout. I'm saying what Jedediah just said. You never look at Justin when he steps on the field
Starting point is 01:07:42 and everyone's always like top five. There's no event where you're like, he's not in the top five. Every time he'd say it with good money, top five. Is that true for Rich in his prime? Were you always like, okay, he's top five? Running and swimming in some of those years. There's a lot of things, but
Starting point is 01:07:57 he's not a clear winner. He wasn't as consistent back then either. There wasn't Belner. There wasn't Vikowski like like the field is so much more consistent too so everybody had ups and downs and rich had the least amount of ups and downs and was also the fittest guy is he swaying your opinion at all tyler he's kind of swaying my opinion it's kind of freaky to think that just no okay justin has done the best job of building balance he has the most balance of all the athletes.
Starting point is 01:08:27 Except for Fraser and Tia, we don't even know what their balance is because there's no one to test them to expose them. They're outliers. They seem good at everything because they're relatively so much better at everyone. They're the best at CrossFit. Tim Lambert, you don't need that hat, buddy. It's summertime, by the way. Do you think more rivalries would help the sport?
Starting point is 01:08:51 All this hugging after every event takes competition away. Thoughts? I liked – I think there's some poking. I like what Vellner said on my show the other day. I said, hey, Lazer thinks that he can beat everyone on his best day. And Vellner said something like, I think I could beat Lazard just on any day. I was like, damn. On a Thursday. Any given Thursday is what he said.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Is that what he said? Yeah. Yeah, it was so great. Oh my God. That's on the Gone Rogue Instagram. I don't know if you want to pull that up, Caleb. It's savage. That was great. Oh, look at you. Here we go. Oh, it's on ours. Okay. You know, you'll hear people say on my best day, I can win. But he say, on my best day, I can win.
Starting point is 01:09:25 But he said, on my best day, I can beat all the other guys on their best day. I'm a blast for Lazar's comment. I'll see. I like. Yeah. Pretty average day. Yeah. Like a Thursday or something.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Lazar was just on. I apologize for the audio. It's a great clip, by the way, for the 97% of you that didn't hear that. Lucky Camera Straps, any thoughts on the location for the 5K from Ant's Post? Seems likely that it's straight cross-country.
Starting point is 01:09:56 I want to say something about this 5K. This is going to be a brilliant event. Do not let anyone tell you this isn't going to be visually spectacular. This is going to be a brilliant event. Do not let anyone tell you this isn't going to be visually spectacular. This is going to be 80 animals lined up on the line, men and women. The women are going to be equally as capable as the men, if not more. They're going to say three, two, one. There's going to be cannon fire. Dudes and women are going to be trampling for the first hundred yards over each other
Starting point is 01:10:26 women and children should stay away it's going to be violent and they're going to run and there's going to be some drone footage of that event that is going to make it so those 20 minutes are going to go by like that and I'm telling you that's going to be a great event don't let anyone tell you that it's going to be visually boring
Starting point is 01:10:42 it is going to be a nail biter you're going to be on your TV like this the whole time and there's gonna be people like emily rolf no matter where she is that you can't ever count out of that uh out of that race this one's gonna be good man this one's gonna be good okay uh what was the question i forgot uh thoughts on where the 5k is gonna be and feel free to chime in i will start with you tyler watkins up top uh thoughts of you if it's gonna be a good event yeah i think it's gonna be a good event i love that people will be able to compare themselves to games athletes one to one i hope that is exactly what's going to be able to happen uh i have no idea on the location i i do hope it's off site i don't i don't want it to be
Starting point is 01:11:18 on on campus jennifer nelson sure it's the zimmer i do think there is one way that you can make it more exciting, even more so than what you just described. Okay. You send people in wheelchairs 100 meters ahead of them. Hey, what is – I'm going to ask a stupid question. What is the – oh, like 50 of them and you've got to run by them? Sure, whatever. Hey, can you go – what's you can someone can go in a wheelchair on flat land faster i mean i i don't know faster than running on flat no way no flat he said flat
Starting point is 01:11:54 flat just a flat land i typically so like i did 400 meter intervals today with with my box and i was doing 300 and my time was comparable to their 400 to the fastest guys correct okay okay yeah i'd love to hey i'm all for that a thousand dudes in wheelchairs 100 meters in front of them yeah dude that would be awesome especially if it's on grass um to see who would truck a person in a wheelchair and see if Hopper just throws – tries to throw wheelchairs at one of them. I heard Paul Slager is the one who chucks athletes.
Starting point is 01:12:34 Andrew Hiller, good event. And any thoughts on where it's going to be, what the terrain is going to be like? I hope it's as similar to a high school course as possible because I don't know what that means. Well, high school, the five K is,
Starting point is 01:12:49 I mean, I guess the terrain isn't all that important, but I think that it's cool that it is a five K because I had cross country buddies growing up and that was their event. It was just a five K. That's what they went on rent. And they would say their, their scores and their times.
Starting point is 01:13:03 And after hearing Fraser talk for as long as he did about going and training with the track athletes and getting dusted by them, so he just went and showed up a couple days a week with the high school track team and practiced with them, it would be a cool thing where people are like, this is what we've been talking about. The CrossFitters weightlifting skills are getting very close to the Olympic weightlifters weightlifting skills, where they're qualifying for national tournaments if they'd like to. This is comparable to a high school men and women's event, and it's cool they're doing it. People thought they would do it with gymnastics. They thought they would do it with various things, but they're doing it with running.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Did you see CrossFit posted something that said – go ahead jed and i i won't forget go ahead yeah if 5ks are so relatable because it's every fundraiser that that every organization has has a 5k and so it just is it's relatable on so many different planes yeah good point it um uh crossfit posted something like, hey, don't go to that Zimmer track. It's private property. Does that, Tyler, does that make you, oh yeah, here we go. Hi, Ant. As you know, one of the tests for the 2023
Starting point is 01:14:13 Noble CrossFit Games is cross country 5K. During your preparations for competition, please refrain from using the Zimmer championship course as its private property. Is that sort of CrossFit outing itself or no did they get some complaints from the zimmer people and so they're just trying to that's what i think like everybody just rushed out there and it's like guys could you please just not go on this okay what's crazy is the sign makes it look like it's like um uh it's a public place right
Starting point is 01:14:42 well that's what i thought whenever I saw the Anne Haines there. I was like, man, this looks real public to be private. Yeah, it's made possible by generous gifts. To me, that means that's gifts for all of us. Okay. Anyone else want to weigh in on the run? Anyone else have any issues with the run? No, I'm with Hiller.
Starting point is 01:15:04 I just hope it's as close to something as a normal 5K as possible where we can get straight times. I don't want to see a ruck. I don't want to see a crazy hill. I just want a normal – I mean, hills would be nice, but not a crazy, crazy hill. And then just a normal – A ruck would ruin it.
Starting point is 01:15:19 God, a ruck would ruin it. Yeah, just a normal 5K and let them race. Like you said, just let them race. Like you said, just let them race. The first mile is going to be crazy. Or short at all. Yeah, last 800 meters are going to be nuts too. I just hope it's normal.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Why would a wreck ruin it? They would take it away from what I just said, which is just something that anybody can do anywhere and have been doing for years, as low as the high school and upper grade school levels. It's like if they were to throw a javelin or a shot put and be like, all right, here's the shot put event. Which I think that would be a cool event too.
Starting point is 01:15:58 They can compare them against the Olympians. The first event on Saturday, which is supposed to be the 5k right it says it's at north park so that make it that would make it event seven after the cuts is that what you're saying it's a shuttle run so if i hope to god it's not a five-year shuttle runs that would be so bad um but they did if we uh if it's at north oh that's right there on campus right that that that that park that's the dog park that's right up from the yeah pet memorial statue that's actually that kwan park is right there basically you can stumble over from the rv after you party with mayhem at the rv site that's hey that's right hey there is a 5k run i think tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoon uh uh our biggest kwan park equals north park okay
Starting point is 01:16:57 thank you katie god good thank you katie he's the one who said the north park thing originally too okay so i wonder if that's where the 5K run is going to be. Heather Lawrence, I think, is coming on tomorrow to talk to us about where everyone who attends the CrossFit Games can run a 5K. And the question for her is going to be is that the 5K course that the athletes
Starting point is 01:17:17 are going to run? I wonder if she'll reveal that here tomorrow. And I mean, I don't know what that... I mean, I've been there. It's not the most exciting um but what's cool is it's crazy convenient you can just walk right over there which would be good for fans won't fans be able just to stack around it and incredible drone footage you could get there and it would fulfill um what uh hillar and john are saying is it would really be a 5K. It's like, hey, except for some ups and downs, it's just a 5K on dirt.
Starting point is 01:17:52 And, hey, I think you guys are going to be disappointed. I think that there will be some sort of ruck or something. What do you think, Tyler? What do you think, Jedediah? It seems to – Go ahead, Jed. No, I don't think so. I think the idea that goes back to the Don Falls stuff, and I think one of the biggest things that he's gotten,
Starting point is 01:18:17 and he talked about the departments not talking to each other, and I think there's been more conversations, and I think from the affiliate side, there's been more conversations and i think one of the from the affiliate side there's been this we need more participation and just to have a straight 5k is going to allow that worldwide where everybody feels like they can participate another thing uh um is that adrian remember adrian did the programming so i kind of think adrian is a gymnastics guy is hey let the body do what the body can do yeah whereas if it's dave dave's the mill guy and dave's uh does a lot of rucking so it'll be interesting tyler the the argument i can make i can make a few arguments for the ruck one is that they have a sponsor right and that if you're not going to put it in this event i know but that's the way the world
Starting point is 01:19:06 works it's gonna be somewhere else then man if you're not going to put it in this event then you're going to put it in helen and not necessarily i mean i doubt there's going to be another ruck or i don't think there's going to be another ruck or run long enough to put a ruck on you're not going to only wear a rock during a run is that is that the is that the deal no but i mean it seems obvious to do that the other argument would be that um i don't think the barrier to entry on wearing a ruck is all that high yes i would love it if they did a 5k just straight without a ruck but like you can put any weight in a backpack and simulate a 5k with a ruck and a lot of work though man it's 20 pounds are you kidding me everybody's got you
Starting point is 01:19:53 know how easy it is just to go outside and run yeah i agree i'm not saying the barrier to entry is lower i'm just saying that it's not a high barrier to entry and if you want to get more stimulus for the athletes i can see them adding it in and justifying it that way i'm playing devil's advocate that that is true i mean you could throw your weight vest on and feel like you're participating in the same way even right jen you guys everywhere do you guys do do the uh wheelchair athletes ever do rucks do that is that ever show up we've done with weight vests weight vest uh jv team uh behind the scenes fun pump for you sebi thanks ma'am i can't even keep up with all your content yeah i
Starting point is 01:20:30 can't even keep up with two of us thank you thank you thank you thank you uh barbell spin uh it cuts down to 30 before the 5k i did make a post today on my instagram i was watching the podcast with Angelo and Rich and Rory that came out today. Angelo is so good on a podcast. That was a mistake. I should have kept him on more often. But Rich does say in there that he is okay with the cuts, and I really like that because I'm okay with the cuts. Oh, here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:21:01 Rich Froney. I'm fine with cuts. I've never been cut, so I'm okay with it, obviously. It might be a little different if I had a different... Yeah, yeah. I'm fine with cuts, too. Me and Froney are on the same page. I'm fine with cuts, too. Me and my boy, Rich. There you go.
Starting point is 01:21:16 Me and Rich have spoken. You and Rich are the same. Me and Rich have spoken. Jedediah, you're the only one. No one else. I don't want to hear a fucking word from any of you knuckleheads. I've already fought with all you guys enough. Jedediah, you're the only one. No one else. I don't want to hear a fucking word from any of you knuckleheads. I've already fought with all you guys enough. Jedediah, cuts? Good?
Starting point is 01:21:30 Cuts? Yeah, I'm good with the cuts. I've had to deal with some form of cuts with racing all my life and having to qualify through a heat race to get to the main event. So there's always this you have to buy your way in to continue to compete, and I'm okay with that. He's spoken. Look at John's, like, twitching.
Starting point is 01:21:48 Look at it. John's holding his lip shut so no words fall out. Lucky Camera Straps Australia 299, to be clear. I'll be stoked if it's a straight 5K. Eaton Beaver, a brig should crash the run and smoke everyone. I think maybe she'll be there. She's competing in masters oh okay uh okay let's see uh mary uh masur uh 499 oh mary you had a comment back here that i wanted to um
Starting point is 01:22:17 read what was it i saw how only 60 i'm not sure what you're referencing. The 5K. They cut because of the cuts. Oh, okay. You said 80 people and 60 people. Oh, you're listening better than me. Dick Butter, you're misunderstanding the point. Oh, wait. One more. Before you say that, Hillary, you got to read his comment first.
Starting point is 01:22:38 Mary, I had Noelle Henderson on, and I told her you'd send her some toe spacers. Oops. I'll send you her address bill me okay uh go ahead hillary let's fight with dick butter where's he at here we go there are so many pussies in here that whine about running with a little weight on your back it's not the fact that you're running with a little weight on your back you could argue that the little weight on their back is going to make it easier like run 5K as hard as you can, and it burns. It sucks. Go ask Hunter, who nobody in the CrossFit Games would be able to beat. How would you burn him?
Starting point is 01:23:14 It doesn't burn him, but that's why it's awesome. And neither would a weight. It's just a barrier to entry. Hey. Go ahead. Katie, I wonder if that's where the 5K is going to be, says someone that knows for sure. I have hundreds.
Starting point is 01:23:32 Have they announced where it's going to be? No. We just talked about it. Well, I'm just – oh, did someone – I just saw – I'm scrolling through the comments. I have absolutely no idea. I know absolutely nothing. Oh, I thought saw. I'm scrolling through the comments. I have absolutely no idea. I know absolutely nothing. Oh, I thought you did. No.
Starting point is 01:23:50 And when I worked at CrossFit, I knew nothing. They didn't tell me shit. Well, they told him. He just didn't listen. No, I'm just kidding. Hey, very possible. I heard the same story from someone twice today. There you go.
Starting point is 01:24:02 Right. I'll tell you. Which story was it i still don't know what he said about your kids dentist oh they might have discussed everything with savannah you just never remember so they didn't care so right it was a good story though so i didn't mind it i am i sent him four pictures of my bicep today thank you it made me work out you sent me the picture i was was like, son of a bitch. Yeah, you're not joking.
Starting point is 01:24:27 Yeah, I'm not joking. I'm sending bicep pics. Okay. Angelo has said in the Froning podcast today that he's done more L-sits in the past three months than his entire previous CrossFit career. John Young, is Angelo training smart? Say again. crossfit career uh john young is angelo training smart say again uh is is uh is uh angelo angelo said he's done more lsits in the last three months than he's done in his entire previous
Starting point is 01:24:54 crossfit career um is is he training smart i think so i think we all think the lsits coming and uh one way or another i think everybody thinks in the gymnastic skills one of those skills is going to be an l sit of some sorts and if it's if it doesn't come this year it will come eventually because boz loves it so it will come eventually i think uh maybe not in an l sit way maybe in a legless rope climb but they enforce a l-sit standard you know i they could do it in an assortment of ways so i i mean i think everybody should be doing l-sits right now right now mr hiller you threw me for a look there i didn't know what was happening uh l-sits you were we gonna see
Starting point is 01:25:40 those in the games 50 a 50 like a no, like a, no, no 50 point event. L-sit 50 point event. If they do a skills challenge, which would be cool. It has to be in the skills. What do you think about, what do you think about a bar hang with, with,
Starting point is 01:25:56 with a knee raise with like a weight sitting on your knees and a long, and a hold. That'd be cool. Oh, I like, yeah. But like doing L-sits would only make you better at that right that's my point that's a different area you know 100 where you could make it visual like more visual
Starting point is 01:26:13 appealing as well in the test i like to be shaking on the bar like yeah you know trying to keep their legs up that would be great and then when the weight falls you're out what about this jennadaya what about ankle weights what about ankle weights jedediah well yeah but you can't if you if you just did something resting on the lap then the standard for judging is is easy as well because once it falls you're out okay that would be awesome honestly it would look very painful um it's easy to judge how what do you mean it's easy to judge you're saying you would hang there and sit in an l-sit your judge would set your the plate on your thighs and and the clock would start yep it's like that's the deal with all the asian people i do it with my wheelchair
Starting point is 01:26:53 or i'll ladder climb and then try to hold myself flat with my wheelchair like a rock climbing ladder no like bars like adjustable pull-up bars yeah i'm free from the ground and then i try to hold my chair flat as like an l-sit and wow wow god i honestly hope they do that now that i think that would be awesome uh that still fits and like would have to be one of the skills like that can't be right i don't think that should be a hundred point event but if it's a part of the gymnastic skills test I think that'd be awesome the excitement would be really similar to when people hung on the pull up bars over a lake
Starting point is 01:27:32 on the fear factor you remember those it was like an L-sit fun to watch yeah and that's a new way they could get the ruck in you just set the ruck across their lap that's just one of those shit basically with Tyler or I think it was Tyler That's a new way they could get the ruck in. You just set the ruck across their lap. That's a ruck event.
Starting point is 01:27:50 It's basically what Tyler, or I think it was Tyler who just said it. Maybe it was John. That's a real show right there? It's on Netflix. This would be the greatest event. People like to bitch about how, I think it's Froning. Froning likes to bitch how there shouldn't be workouts for the winner. It has to do more work than everybody else. And this would be one of them.
Starting point is 01:28:05 But if they just had bars and all the athletes were just hanging and the person who hung out the longest won, I thought that would be pretty cool, maybe like a 50-50. By the way, a CrossFitter won this thing. I just want to point that out. Were you not allowed to do a muscle-up? There were some people who – no, you couldn't rest there, but there were some people like that.
Starting point is 01:28:25 You couldn't get up above? Because I was like, I'm immediately getting on top of the thing. Yeah, there was a guy like this, and the bar was just in his armpits. Yeah. Yeah, a lot of them did that, and I actually tried it, and it hurts like a bitch in your armpits like that. Do you want to sit here? I'd rather hang.
Starting point is 01:28:41 It's the best part about it. You could train on crutches. There's 100 people on that show, and they're all like, I'm going to win. I'm the fittest person, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then they raise their hands. These bodybuilder guys. They're hanging on for no more than 10 seconds,
Starting point is 01:28:52 and they fall into the fucking water. And it's like you really thought that it blew my mind that they're that lost in their fitness, that they thought they were going to win, and they can't hang from a bar for 10 seconds. There was a dozen of them that fell off right away. Tall, roided up, roided up bodybuilder looking guys who like sweating from being there for five seconds. No stamina.
Starting point is 01:29:17 There was a year, don't forget people, this is inspired by something Patrick Clark said that actually would be amazing. There was a year that from the international space station one of the american astronauts announced the workout at the games i think he said i think he said on the big monitor three two one go oh and and i'll tell you a crazy story about this um are you in nas and i'm sorry he is he's referring to it's not flat and that there is an outer space but nasa's nasa's more than sorry sorry
Starting point is 01:29:55 he announced three two one go i apologize for insulting anyone or offending anyone who believes that the earth is not round or that the International Space Station is fake. I'm happy to suggest that the International Space Station is fake. Also, it was announced from the fake International Space Station. I don't I don't want anyone to get distracted by it. It's more the spirit of the story than the accuracy of the actual space station. So I apologize. I think it's equally a link right now. It's equally a good story for people who think the earth is a station or the what is it called station earth yeah station earth versus you for a globist but anyway
Starting point is 01:30:31 the guy the nasa approached they contacted dave and i'm telling you i'm telling you the cliff notes version and yeah because one of the astronauts was a crossfitter and actually i think greg and i went out to cape canaveral or something and hung with him or something but anyway so they reached out to dave and um they said hey we we want to be a part of the crossfit games but when we announced the event and dave gave him the script and the guy said hey we can do that script we can say three two one go it'll be on the monitor we'll be in the space station and the jets will fly over but we can't say welcome to the CrossFit games because it's a privately owned company and NASA can't do that. And this is what I was talking about before. Like where, where are you going
Starting point is 01:31:11 to draw your lines? How like on inclusivity? And Dave goes, I had no problem that we're not going to use you from the space station. NASA is like, all right, fine. We can, you can, we can say the word CrossFit. So Dave called their bluff on that shit. And the guy, the astronaut up there was a stud. He was like a 44-year-old yoked astronaut. And he'd look at Tyler Cooling's not a space agency. I'm cool with that. Whatever. Yeah, we good. We good. Just NASA. Let's just call it NASA. You know NASA's the
Starting point is 01:31:35 biggest media company on the planet, right? And that's why... I do. Okay, okay. That's also why they use... And what Patrick Clark is suggesting is that wouldn't it be crazy if Joe Rogan announced a workout for the CrossFit Games? Like he just popped up on the monitor and said, workout number six is.
Starting point is 01:31:55 Oh, that would be so awesome. Yeah, right? You like that? Can we vote? Is everyone good with that? Raise your hand if you're good with that. Everyone cool with Joe Rogan announcing a workout? I would rather it be Bert Crusher, but I'm down not uh snell oh it's three to three
Starting point is 01:32:08 snelson and caleb and john young i'm fine with joe whatever i think you can find better people but it would just be it would be a fantastic publicity wouldn't it yeah yeah like why don't you get bruce buffer if you're gonna go that way way. Because of Joe's reach. Just because of his reach. Yeah, just because of his reach. Fine. How about the President of the United States? We'll take Joe Biden and Joe Rogan.
Starting point is 01:32:34 Oh, two Joes. Joe and Joe. They could do it at the same time. I'd rather Joe Rogan than Joe Biden. Yes. We have one. Why don't we just choose Jocko? You would forget what he was announcing as he's announcing
Starting point is 01:32:45 it? Why doesn't Jocko just do it? Jocko would be cool too. Jocko would be cool too. I think that'd be great. That would make more sense. Jocko and Joe Biden. Joe Biden all day. You could just change Jocko's name to Joe
Starting point is 01:33:02 and have the three Joes do it. I agree with Pat. We need Elon. I would like Elon to do it. I agree with Pat. We need Elon. I would like Elon to announce it. Good with that, too. Yeah, from the space station. And he could be the sponsor as well. I like Katie.
Starting point is 01:33:15 What would be the most controversial assortment of announcers for each event? Like, choose some guy who's in jail. Trump. Okay. Campground event. Mayhem will be doing the campground event uh they were reiterating over and over and over it's free you just have to sign up for a month free of um mayhem programming and then you get some special pass that gets you access to all the ship but it's still all free i just wanted to reiterate that for them. What else? The best test ever created by man. I created
Starting point is 01:33:53 this test personally. Those of you who can't see or are listening, Chase Ingram has posted Trump and then quote, this is test six. The best test ever created by man. I created this. I'm sweating.
Starting point is 01:34:12 Okay. Anything, just so you guys know, tomorrow at 3.15, we'll be going live. I think we're going to have the director of operations from the CrossFit Games here to talk about some of the stuff that the public can do while they're at the event besides watch the uh games that would be heather lawrence then at 3 30 we'll have probably what i think is going to be our biggest show of the year it's going to be our prediction show it's going to be wild uh and then um then i'm going to sit down with five pounds of brisket and watch the ufc uh larry seve have you ever been told you look like viva freya is that one of the people in uh um you know the titans or what's viva is that i've been told i look like frodo here's some money for behind the scenes have fun man i have frodo's feet what is that someone from game of thrones or what viva freya
Starting point is 01:34:58 what is that oh i'll take it thank you no i haven't he does he does uh instagram videos no cool he looks very creative my shoulders are significantly broader than his uh he's 44 yeah uh free free i grew up in montreal quebec as the youngest five five siblings born into a jew family i'm an armenian but i have uh three jewish boys he studied creative arts at dawson college same occupation too is he he's a filmmaker no he's a youtuber oh don't you dare i'm not a youtuber thank you larry uh anything else uh any topics of any sorts anyone would like to bring to the table. Tyler Watkins. Yeah, there it is. Show his feet.
Starting point is 01:35:49 Show his feet. Boom. Look at this. There we go. Proto. I'll make a donation to the behind the scenes, but it comes with a requirement. Somewhere in the footage, I need to hear you saying, hey, where are the wheelchair athletes?
Starting point is 01:36:03 Fine. Done. Done. $2. That'll be two dollars for that i'm so cheap sent for two dollars i'll say anything hey a whole bit hey jed and i if you text me at at 4 30 in the morning on on on um thursday because if i suspect i'm going to jump into dave's car and start filming the first morning
Starting point is 01:36:25 of the individual event. I will say that in the car to him. Perfect. Yeah, I'll be like, hey Dave, where's the wheelchair? Are we going to see the wheelchair athletes? I heard they start at 4.55 a.m. Could you imagine? What's that app where you can ask people
Starting point is 01:36:41 to say happy birthday and stuff? I think Tia Toomey had one. Cameo. Cameo. Cameo. Yeah. Could you imagine if you had opened a Cameo account and for like $500, you could throw things into the behind the scenes, like questions like that.
Starting point is 01:36:58 That's a great idea. Hey, can you have a question there for Daniel Brandon about X, whatever it might be? Hey, it could be like an OnlyFans account for two grand.'ll slap dave's butt you know what i mean just just crazy stuff like that yeah you know what i mean i don't i don't like that i feel like they're just gonna make me and tyler do a bunch of things and they will for sure you have to do it for sure just you john just you john john eat a live rat yeah it's gonna be things like that yeah eat a live rat yeah it's gonna be things like that yeah in the behind the scenes make john young eat a live rat that'd be awesome thank you for four dollars i'm very creative
Starting point is 01:37:35 tyler anything you want to bring up buddy before we roll yeah just that you should go up to every individual athlete and make it a bit be like uh do you know where the uh wheelchair athletes are just every time you meet a new one every single athlete that's the last question you ask like a weird waldo thing now yeah it'd be funny to see if the ones that made up the answer made up an answer uh like oh i think they're somebody there will be some there because they're gonna they're gonna parade them out for an award ceremony even though we don't compete there oh you're gonna get me kicked out before i get in jetted ice nelson anything you want to bring out bring up before we split no i think i'm good uh mr hiller anything i'm all good
Starting point is 01:38:28 uh mr beaver no okay nice of you to be there and hold that square down uh mr young anything you want to bring up excited for tomorrow's show crossfit prediction show tomorrow awesome yes i do have to behave and i am trying to behave and And I pretended to try not to see Uldis' hog last night, but I'm glad Wild Zombie saw it. I just want everyone to know that I really bit my tongue on that. Nolan Southfield, $4.99. Get to the choppa by as many athletes as possible behind the scenes. Thank you. Tomorrow morning, 7 a.m., Greg Glassman. Greg Glassman is not a guest on the show. He has become a feature of the show.
Starting point is 01:39:08 It's an honor and a privilege, and I just love how often he's coming on regularly. It's crazy. Tomorrow's show is going to be amazing. And then – two shows tomorrow. And then I don't know. There could be some sort of crazy break. And then I don't know, there could be some sort of crazy break. And you guys who are addicts of the 7-1 podcast will probably have to run out into the streets naked and pull your hair out.
Starting point is 01:39:33 I'm not sure what's going to happen. Treat it as a lint. You're going through some sort of lint. You said that Barbell Spidgin is going to do the update show. Does everybody know that? During the games. On my station or on his station on his station but no i don't want to promote that no but thank you for bringing it up i appreciate i will definitely love for you guys to support brian spin as much as you can he'll be on here tomorrow to talk about uh how he'll be doing everything. Damn, is that what that guy's doing? He's staying home and just filling the voids.
Starting point is 01:40:11 I hope you come on as a guest frequently. Oh, good. I'd like to do that at least. Thank you, Sevan and crew. Shia Dance, you're very welcome. I love the button. Everyone loves the button. Treat the button well. I love the name, Shay.
Starting point is 01:40:29 And that's it. All right. Did I pronounce the name wrong? No, you said Shia. He did. He's literally in his pronunciations. Bye-bye. Bye.

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