The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Games Update Show | Halpin, Young, Pedro & Self

Episode Date: September 9, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:04 Bam, we're live when he's all the way from Madrid. You in Madrid, Pedro? I see. Oh, that's awesome. Wow. I have the first best internet. Yours is actually the worst. Fuck off it.
Starting point is 00:01:15 No, it's not. It is. It is. Oh, look at it. Already a warning. There it is. And we're done. Dude, that was before the 30-second mark.
Starting point is 00:01:22 You provoked me. Totally my fault. Who'd you vote for this year mark You provoked me Totally my fault Who'd you vote for this year? Hillary? Yeah, dude, I voted for Hillary this year, bro I can tell by the way you blame other people Michael Halpin in the house Self-made training program
Starting point is 00:01:37 Taylor Self with the Jittery internet John Young up and close to his camera Wants to be closer than me. I understand. Who doesn't? Pedro from Madrid. Caleb from all the shows.
Starting point is 00:01:53 CrossFit Games Update Show. Good to see you guys. What's up? Everyone good? Hey, we're not supposed to talk about NorCal tonight, are we? We can. You don't want me to. No, I do.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Go ahead. Start off. In Northern California, is Ben Alderman? Ben Alderman was on the demo team a couple years, right? Look at me. Look at me. Look at me. He's the OG fire breather.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Oh, my goodness. I don't know if OG, but he's old school. Northern California classic, Ben Alderman. Who's the other guy there og but he's he's old school uh northern california classic um ben alderman who's the other guy there i can tell he's old school they have a double fucking broad jump bro oh do they oh my god oh and an 800 yard dash or something my god okay i'll stop there i gotta save it for shut up and scribble uh there's another i'm trying to remember the other guy's name i can't fucking believe i can't remember it He's a 2008 2009 CrossFit Games a Castro program Those those ones on there from last year now that guy what's that guy's name? Yes
Starting point is 00:02:59 Someone tell me in the comments, please please Oh Blair Morrison. Oh, Blair Morrison. How'd you do that? Look at you. Oh, oh boy. Blair Morrison. He's competing there, isn't he? Who's he talking to? Sarah. Oh, how did it go, Mike?
Starting point is 00:03:18 And he said it was fun. Events are kind of silly. Good. All right. Look, I'm not the only one. Lots of people there. Andrew Hiller there from Hiller Fit. Jason Kaliba's there. I heard Dave Castro's showing up. I heard
Starting point is 00:03:36 Andrea Nistler's there. Tim Paulson, Bill Grundler. And it's a... I heard it's a big event. I heard it's – what did I hear? Well, when they're giving away 25K. Yeah. Fuck. I mean, look, I'll just say this.
Starting point is 00:03:52 I don't care how much money you're paying. I'm not going to go to an 800-meter run, a double broad jump, and half that other dumbass shit. Wow, you're shitting on the programming. It's like that, huh? Just because you can't jump far, Taylor, doesn't mean you – That's not true. I have the most unbelievable jumping for a white person. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Not kidding. I got that fat butt. Yeah, yeah. Wow, really? Yeah, my girlfriend calls me Daddy Dump Truck. Hey, Dump Truck, the founder of Dump Truck's Hotties, Taylor Self. Hey, what's this? The Pugin guy's there?
Starting point is 00:04:22 Shane Orr? Shane Orr is there? Yeah, dude. I hope it says. It doesn't say that they programmed it, though. Proven. Programmed by Shane Orr. Activations.
Starting point is 00:04:34 They're doing activations of the Northern California Classic. Oh, boy. He better. He's probably going to put out another clip and be like, just so you guys know, we didn't program this.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Russian swings are also in a workout. Hey's not that's like what's russian swing russian swing is not completely overhead it's just out here's kettlebell swing i guess if there's a way to do a kettlebell swinging event that's it but dude get out of here well what's the problem it's only two events how many events are there why are you shitting on it only there are 10 events look i'm gonna say this for shut up and scribble let's just say this three the three crossfit workouts are all the same exact time domain basically testing the same thing reverse fran 50 swings into five rope climbs five four three two one sandbag squats sandbag over the shoulder but why are you being so dogmatic about the time domains why do you expect what why can't there be a um Why can't there be a CrossFit event
Starting point is 00:05:26 where all the workouts are under 8 minutes? That would be cool if there were more than if there are out of the 10 events or more than 5 that are actual CrossFit. I wouldn't be as upset if 5 of
Starting point is 00:05:42 the single modality events 3 of them, weren't monostructural. I wouldn't be as upset if the other two single modality events, the wrong rep max, the warrant max snatch, and the double broad jump aren't testing basically the exact same thing.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Explosive hip extension and power, same exact thing. Oh, now who's not John's dog? me for wow wow so what's worse to have your dog bark during the uh biggest podcast uh in the crossfit ecosystem or while you're shitting on someone's uh amazing event community event that a boy tony davey 799 can one of you legends please say hi to my friend lucky straps not you John he doesn't need to be yelled at Mr. Lucky Straps
Starting point is 00:06:28 Hey how are you buddy Yeah I know Lucky Straps Lucky Straps might as well be a sponsor of this show For god's sake Dude he sent us some sick leather mouse pads Did you get yours I did Oh since I've
Starting point is 00:06:41 It's probably somewhere else That's sick You got one of those. Yeah. It only took a year for you to get to me, but yeah, I got one. No, not you. I mean, Taylor. Hey, Tony tone. I'm not self-proclaimed. Eat a fucking dick. Yeah. Sorry. Yeah. Bag of dicks. I could suck for all, you know, seriously. But before let's get, let's get back to the norcal classic before we go
Starting point is 00:07:05 there um let me look at my notes i do want to talk about just a just a big fat rumor that i keep hearing about keep hearing about uh exodus from the proven camp uh basically now it's like i've heard it over and over and over that basically everyone's leaving. All their athletes are leaving except for Taylor Williamson. And the author? And Olivia Kerstetter. But I don't know what Taylor Williamson can do by herself. She's a team athlete, right? Who changed Taylor's name?
Starting point is 00:07:37 Wait, what? Huh? Daddy, don't try. Did Brooke Wells leave? I heard Brooke is leaving. Where the fuck is she going to go? This is what I heard. This is just complete speculation. I'm sure we're going to know very soon here.
Starting point is 00:07:57 But Brooke and Sydney, hard work pays off. Saxon, I have to assume, goes to where all good Christians go over to Cookville with Facundo, I'd have to guess. Yes, shot. Really? He's going there? Dude, that's what I would guess. They left on very
Starting point is 00:08:18 good terms when they were together the last time. Really? And I heard that Nistler and was tim paulson improving i think tim paulson's out and and others non-athlete people i heard are leaving too it sounds like i don't know and by the way i don't for all i know they could have been kicked out maybe there's so many people leaving that at some point you have to be like hey maybe they're trained they're like hey guys Tia's coming back and we don't have time for the rest
Starting point is 00:08:48 of you shove along made everyone walk the plank maybe you know what I mean maybe they just want to focus on Kerstetter I mean that sounds plausible doesn't it is Kerstetter a proven athlete she is a proven well that's a good question too
Starting point is 00:09:04 because other people will be like, fuck you, she's Heppner's athlete. I don't care what anyone says. Heppner will say, like, no, she's proven. He's a mentor to her. He does not train... She does not train under him.
Starting point is 00:09:17 I guarantee you fucking Shane War kicked all these slapdicks out. You like that theory, huh? I like that theory. My wife's back. She makes more money than all you fucking guys put together get the fuck out and we'll keep cursed at her did the same way um uh fraser kept mal o'brien dude and you know how much work like it's just so much work hey
Starting point is 00:09:38 let's keep curse let's how about this uh um mr thumb let's keep cursed at her as a personal training partner for my wife so she has someone to go up against who won't be too threatening. Just a young girl who can learn the ropes because when Kerstetter is of age, when she's of drinking age, Tia's going to be in the 40-44 division or something like that. I don't think she's threatened by anybody.
Starting point is 00:09:58 You don't think? Oh, okay. Do you think there was loads of talk that Tia's doing rope and obviously we don't know yet. I hope she is. Okay. Do you think... There was loads of talk that he is doing Rogue and obviously we don't know yet. I hope she is. I hope she is. Am I right in saying
Starting point is 00:10:12 that since she started winning, she's never not won an in-person event? I think so. Would that risk... Is Rogue a big risk coming back and doing it?
Starting point is 00:10:30 That kind of record is probably never going to be done again. Caleb, I'm sending you a text. You win six straight championships. I don't think anything can tarnish your legacy. Did you guys see that did you see daddy dump truck just gave the death stare to his new wife you see that shit
Starting point is 00:10:49 she just she was doing her best valley girl talk no she just saw some of taylor's dirty underwear fucking in her fucking clean clothes drawer and she fucking almost threw up and fucking Taylor. I told him you call me Daddy Dump Truck. Taylor! Taylor! She don't even got a twang. She's too smart for you. Peter, you're right on. Tia hasn't lost an in-person event
Starting point is 00:11:17 since 2017. That's savage. Unbelievable. I'm saying like her losing at Rogue, that doesn't damage. No no it doesn't no no i agree no i'm not saying it does i'm just saying i wonder would it be a consideration of like maybe i'll hold off until maybe i'll just keep it all for the games and just be fully 100 ready all guns blazing i think it's smarter to do that for her. But, um... Mm-hmm. Hey.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Let me just ask you a question real quick. Have all you guys been hearing those same rumors also? Yeah. I mean, since semifinals, when they both got hurt, Saxon and Brooke, I've heard about them. I've heard three of the rumors that you said I've heard is fact. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:04 And do you think it's anything do you think it's anything bad like hey they were hitting us here? You know what I mean? The equipment was dirty. Or do you think it's like there's so many leaving that it makes me think it's not something
Starting point is 00:12:19 bad that it's a change in game plan. Is Matthew leaving? From Proven. I don't think so. No, I think it's um a change in game plan yeah are you leaving from proven i i don't think so no i i think it's what you're saying so i think they're probably i think it's a bit of a combination of like some of them are like i need to change or whatever and then prove it or also having a bit of a shift of like let's change our focus a bit that's like not rebrand but i don't know what like re-ethos or something or you know whatever way you want to put it i think it's easy to i think it's easy to go with the mayhem model of like holy should we have fucking 40 games
Starting point is 00:12:50 athletes and then you get them on you're like well fuck we can't give all 40 what we could give three or four so we're going with three or four i 100 think that's what it is uh jenny tolls i would love to sit on taylor's mustache, look at her boobies. That's definitely a fat dude in his undies. Jenny Tolles. Thanks, bro. Okay, okay. That makes me feel better.
Starting point is 00:13:15 So that would be our guess. It's just too many people leaving at once. It's some sort of shift in game plan from corporate, from Proven's leadership. Yeah, they're 100% thinking we cannot manage as many athletes or not manage them well which is not a knock on proven in any way it's so much fucking work to handle one games individual how many they have like fucking 15 they were trying to get to the games more probably 20 that's just and how many coaches three four or three four fuck that dude i mean just look at what look at emma carrie leaving bruce husbands of athletes yeah look at emma carrie leaving brute i don't think that's
Starting point is 00:13:58 anything i don't think that's a knock on matt it's just that matt's now fucking danielle and if i'm emma car, I'm like, well, I got to go. I got to go where I can get the best. I mean, yeah, but she's not going to leave halfway through the season. That was a change that it seemed like that was something that's been relatively new that is in the public eye. So who knows how long Emma has known about that. But to me, it's like, like okay if that happens eight months ago it's going to take me eight months to decide what the right thing to do is and where I should probably go I'm not going to make an impulse decision before the games but it's clearly not in her best interest to stay stay there I don't think and that's not a knock on mat it's really
Starting point is 00:14:39 hard to have more than one games athlete it's interesting as well how it kind of ebbs and flows where for a while it was like just for condo at mayhem and it as well how it kind of ebbs and flows where for a while it was like just for kondo at mayhem and it looked like they were kind of struggling of like did they have too much going on at once now there's like they're they're taking on like as far as i can tell five maybe six games athletes and they're taking on like they've got for kondo they've got jake the two jakes and now dom as well so they're increasing their coaches, they're increasing their athletes, and then proving a decrease in, well, it appeared to be a decrease in their athletes. It's just interesting how it's kind of tidal.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Can you bring up the Emma Carey post? Emma Carey appears to be going with her coach Dom up to Cookville. I can't remember who it was on the show if it was uh matt torres but matt said that dom is a um a devout christian i think i think basically my interpretation is he's a devout christian christian although i had a great time at brute he's going to feel more at home uh at cookville he wants to give it a try he wants to see what it's like with that kind of vibe and emma carrie who was specifically coached although she's been coached by matt torres since she was 15 this year it appears she was specifically coached
Starting point is 00:15:49 under dom and she's also has a uh is a devout christian and and as um sort of as a team they're going up there together to partake in what is the uh cookville agape is that right agape oh you think she's going to Mayhem? Yeah, I'm pretty sure she is. Let me read this out loud. This is from Emma Carey. I have had the blessing of being coached by Mr. Torres since I was 15 years old.
Starting point is 00:16:16 He never groomed me. That's good. It's been such a special journey together. A comeback from an injury, two CrossFit games appearances, and countless lessons I will have forever. So thank you. I couldn't be more grateful for Matt's impact on my life or more proud of our progress in the last four years. He's a real gentleman and not a handsy coach. That's good. This is the first. OK, keep going. Go ahead. You can say the first line is he's coached me since
Starting point is 00:16:41 I was 15. I'm now 16. after having a few weeks off of training for the first time since i've been born um i've come to reflect and come to the decision that it's time for a new chapter of my crossfit career i'll always be thankful for the friendship growth and memories except for daniel brandon i made during my time at brook i'm excited to share my next steps for the 2024 season god we troll so hard this is i love this uh hey dude uh once again superstar athlete no glass ceiling in sight emma carrie freak of nature uh i don't really care where she goes i I'm staying a fan. What a cool thing. I'm just happy that it seems like she's happy.
Starting point is 00:17:30 I think Torres is happy. I think everyone's happy. I don't think anyone's tripping on this from what I can tell. Great athlete. Fun to watch. Good shakeup. Here's my question for you. This is going to take a quick, sharp turn.
Starting point is 00:17:41 I'm going to click that by accident. You ready? I was reading. I don't think camp athletes win the games. I just don't. I just. No, I agree. I think it needs.
Starting point is 00:17:59 I think you like go Colt Mertens or go home. Think you got to be. No offense to Colton, especially if it comes on a bit. I don't know that your two statements just. Okay. The biggest camp you should be is you and Adam Knifer. That's the biggest camp you should have. I think one other person.
Starting point is 00:18:16 You shouldn't be working out with everybody. Like you're a part of it, but you're by yourself. Does that make sense? Or these other fools are there for you to train with you like like if it's your training camp like think of them as fighters if it's your training camp then come on in like if you're like for fraser it's not a big deal t it's not a big deal froning it wasn't a big deal um but if it's not your training camp and it's just a training camp and you know what i think even danielle knows that and that's just a training camp. And you know what? I think even Danielle knows that and that's why she behaves the way she does.
Starting point is 00:18:47 She knows that too. No, people are calling Roman a camp. She behaves the way she does because she's emotionally retarded. People are calling Roman a camp athlete and I would disagree because he's been not a camp athlete for so long. You don't just put him in mayhem for three months
Starting point is 00:19:00 and then, oh, he's a camp athlete. He also doesn't speak any English. So whatever they're doing over there he has no fucking idea any thor's daughter did not for for was uh hard pressed uh to allow her coaches to work with anyone else what i think and dude she's champion she's championship pedigree wouldn't you say she's she's got it she's different i think that's like the tiger sort of thing is that you can't really work with anybody else especially if it's another woman
Starting point is 00:19:30 it's got to all revolve around you at that level to be successful consistently repeatably at that level it's got to all revolve around you so what about dom and emma carrie she's bringing her own coach is she would you consider is she a camp? I think it's just like a gym for her, to be honest. I mean, we'll see. That's how I feel too. I think there's so many, especially at the top 10 level, elite people, top 15. They're not in the camp. It's just a gym of really fit people.
Starting point is 00:20:04 They're usually like paired off. Like it was Roman and Victoria Campos. You know what I mean? Like it's not like, hey, guys, we're all going to meet here at 10 and train together. It's usually like paired off. That's just so whack to me because like is Roman going to Mayhem and is like, oh, whatever Rich says, I do. Because that's not the winning recipe either. And I don't think going to Mayhem and just whatever Daddy Matt says goes, like you've got to run the fucking show.
Starting point is 00:20:30 You mean at HW – you said Daddy Matt. You mean HWPO. Yeah, HWPO. Let me just throw this – Nick says, I think this argument doesn't make sense, Sevan. The only reason these camp leaders win is not because they are camp leaders. They are the camp leader because they are the fittest. I'm not saying that it's a cause and effect.
Starting point is 00:20:46 I'm not saying it's a cause and effect. I'm not saying that, like, hey, if you're the camp leader, you're all of a sudden going to be the champ, or the champ's always going to be. Yeah, well, I am saying that. The champ is always going to be the camp leader. And it's not even that they're the camp leader. The other people are not in really a training camp.
Starting point is 00:21:03 They're training for the champ. It's's the alpha yeah yeah this is the thing the best athletes the athletes that are going to win repeatedly to a degree i think like they have very good coaching for sure but they're going to be incredibly successful regardless of the coaching or not and the coaching is like a supplemental addition to their success like matt's case for sure tia's case i would still say for sure um she's just dude she's just so fucking good um when you look at yeah yeah and then when you look at these athletes who are like bouncing from coach to coach camp to camp it's like ah let's talk about somebody else because they're not winning. They're not here. They're not Matt. Has Rogue finalized their...
Starting point is 00:21:51 Have they put out any statement, here's the guys, here's the gals? No, we're not allowed to talk about it yet. They haven't got their official invites. Mr. Halpin. They did put out a statement. The statement was then proven wrong within a few hours. Rogue put out a statement the statement was then proven wrong within a few hours
Starting point is 00:22:06 Rogue put out a statement that was then proven wrong well they put out they put out that the two winners were there and then they listed the top five they didn't say that those top five were going but they put out a post
Starting point is 00:22:23 hold on hold on one second so here we get nick i agree 100 agree taylor oh taylor it's not the camp that makes the athlete tia matt and rich would have won anywhere right but they would have never gone anywhere right which wasn't going none of them were camps what about when matt was at mayhem for For a second. He got into it. He lived in Cusco. He was at Mayhem, though, man. He just trained. Bro, fuck that. He was doing Matt and Rich versus the world videos. Oh, that's not him training.
Starting point is 00:22:54 I'm just saying. Yeah, I agree with you, Taylor. If you're there, you're training. What I'm saying is he was at Mayhem. Would you call him a camp athlete? No, because he went there and it was so toxic for both of them to be in the same place.
Starting point is 00:23:09 The man then had to train at a separate affiliate in Cookville, which was all he got out of it. All he got out of it is a shitty handshake. That's all he got at the end. Right. A limp dick, rich handshake. Are you training?
Starting point is 00:23:27 Rich's flaccid wiener. Was that what are you training at a camp uh mr young yeah no yeah he's a ttt guy no i'm a brute strength oh he's walking tyler walkins is ttt um whatever for now uh but uh healthy right no yeah i'm uh with Brute Strength. He's at a camp. But I don't know if you would call that a camp. I don't go to Naples, Florida. I don't see any of those people.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Did Sprague already leave Brute? No. He's not leaving. Oh, he's not leaving? So Emma Carey's the only one that's leaving. As of right now, Emma Carey's the only one
Starting point is 00:24:02 that's leaving. And are James and Dallin both coached by Matt or is one of them coached by Dom? They're both with Matt. Matt's got James, Dallin, and Danielle. What happens to
Starting point is 00:24:15 Fee Segoff? I think Dom had her. Dom had Fee, right? Fee was training with Emma. I'm just making it up. My understanding is dom had some of the young the much younger athletes and there's a few that are going yeah what happened what happens to nate ackerman is he brute too no i think so i think he's there in house yeah what's this mean who was i talking to that could still beat my ass wow thumb that's a
Starting point is 00:24:47 lot to say to a dude who could still kick your ass as an old dude hang on how come you guys can bring up comments that i can't because i have an administrative powers which is probably not a good idea um no he's saying he's saying he's he's saying that she she janelle's saying that the thumb shouldn't be talking shit because rich could beat him on a one-on-one i wasn't talking shit to rich i said matt touched his flaccid winky oh matt can't beat taylor matt can't beat taylor it's not me saying anything about his fitness i know but he still can't that dude can't beat you one-on-one uh rich could maybe it would be good uh but matt can't beat you right now that's's, um, I can't. The other is Olympic. Read your,
Starting point is 00:25:26 read your 499. Thank you. I think Janelle's really angry. I'm talking about Rich's penis. Eatin' Beaver. At the Avatar, Caleb. All of it.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Everything. Why doesn't Mr. Young rock the wife beater and baby oil on the Savant podcast? Oh, baby oil on what? Can I use a phrase that I learned from Savant?
Starting point is 00:25:46 Matthew Murphy is conflating issues by saying it feels like you're hating on the camps building their businesses. I don't think that's what's happening at all. Oh, no. No, no, no. That's not what we're doing. Hey, listen. Hey, okay, let me spin it this way. We're not hating on the camps. We're hating on the people. No, let me spin it to you this, Matt Murphy.
Starting point is 00:26:02 How about this? Add this into the equation. Not only do I think if you go to a camp, Matt Murphy. How about this? Add this into the equation. Not only do I think if you go to a camp, you're probably not champ material, but there's people in the camps, at the camps, who will do better than they ever would have done on their own. So there's people who probably would never be top 10, but because they're at a camp, they're going to be top 10.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Someone in the comments said, hey, it's more nuanced than what you're saying. It is. It's not like cut and dry. I'm not hating on the camps at all i think camps are fucking wonderful i'm just saying that i don't think championship caliber people necessarily gravitate towards camps are there exceptions sure is is um uh the russian guy roman krennikoff one of them maybe but also remember this is a guy coming from a foreign land, escaping a war-torn country, needs a place to land, needs a place to train, has already trained his whole life there, still acknowledges mayhem in his home and is thankful
Starting point is 00:26:54 and calls Facundo and Rich his coach. But there's nuances to it. I mean, he needed a place to chill, and Cookville is a good place to chill. He wore a mayhem flag on the podium. That's kind of crazy to me gangster i don't know i'm good with that i'm good with blowing the i'm good with blowing daddy i mean yeah he gave him a home he gave him a home right yeah yeah he gave my home the crossfit flag that's pretty dope that he flew at the opening ceremony is that what he flew at the opening ceremony. Is that what he flew at the opening ceremony? Was he actually
Starting point is 00:27:25 allowed to choose? Well, it was weird because at the opening ceremony, there was athletes that walked under the Russian flag, and then there was a few athletes that walked under the CrossFit flag. I think they're just asking which one to do, which do you feel comfortable
Starting point is 00:27:42 with? I think, yeah. Why I, Kresnikov, was under the Russian flag. Ken, we are not going to... No more talk about Josh Bridges' wife today. We are not going to... We are not going to ogle her
Starting point is 00:27:58 on this show. That is so inappropriate. We're not going to talk about how nice her rig is on this show. Thank you. Luis Lamos, shit. $50. Dude, thank you. Where is that? I almost let that pass by.
Starting point is 00:28:14 You the man, dude. Thank you. Can we bring up that picture of Luis Oscar Mora? That's Luis Oscar Moya? The crap picture, right? Oh Right Oh yeah the no neck No neck He's at NorCal Yeah dude that thing looks like
Starting point is 00:28:32 That thing looks like Like a creature from Lord of the Rings Return of the Kings or something He has no dandruff with his head and shoulders shampoo Let's get back over Hold on before we do Let's get back over to Rogue So Halpin Talk to us with his head and shoulders shampooed. Let's get back over to Rogue.
Starting point is 00:28:48 So, Halpin, talk to us. Talk to us about the announcement and what's still questionable. You know what's bad when Savannah's trying to corral things back. Oh, this show. I felt this show get out of hand a few minutes ago. Halpin, 20 men, 20 women. Tell me, what do we know?
Starting point is 00:29:03 Do we know who they are? We know some of them. I think we know like a dozen of each at this point. You're waiting for accepting invites right now? Between accepting and what Rogue has let Brian Spin know this morning and a few others, there are six qualifiers that are going from men and women. And then, which goes down to Kyra Milligan.
Starting point is 00:29:29 If you're looking at the leaderboard, it goes down to Kyra Milligan and Jason Hopper. And then I think there's like five or six they've announced between the men and the women each. So originally, would you say that we made the assumption that we didn't know, but we thought 15 invites and five qualifiers. And now what you're telling us, one thing we know for sure is at least six qualifiers, meaning people who weren't invited but qualified through their through their event, their open event. Right. And so the assumption then continues that somebody declined like a Roman,
Starting point is 00:30:07 or I think I heard Justin's decline. Oh yeah. There you go. At least, at least one. Is that true? Wait, is that true?
Starting point is 00:30:13 Madaris declined rogue? Yep. How do we know that? I know from spin. So he said it on YouTube. He got a new puppy, dude. He's not trying to compete. Those things got to raise a puppy.
Starting point is 00:30:24 He's got, wow. Wow. On the got to raise a puppy. He's got people. That dog's shitting on the carpet as we speak. Wow. You think that's a bad idea for the champ to get a girlfriend one year, dog next year? Dude, both back to back. Dude, both back to back is tough. You got to have one a few years at least before you get another.
Starting point is 00:30:43 It's a fucking dog. It's not a child. It's a dog. Yeah. You ever had a dog, Peter? I have two. I have two dogs. We don't even have a kid.
Starting point is 00:30:52 We don't eat them, Taylor. We fuck them. I mean, no. I like how Tia just has a baby. She's going to be fine. She'll kill everybody. Dustin gets a dog. He's done.
Starting point is 00:31:05 He just took 14. Hey, this is all kidding aside, this is a problem right here. I'm not going to lie to you. I had this thought. A puppy he pushes in a stroller, he's never going to win again. Judy Reed. I did get concerned
Starting point is 00:31:22 when I saw that. I was a little concerned when I saw the puppy in the stroller. Very California behavior. Oh, shit. Lucky straps. Camera lucky straps. Lucky camera straps. If Tia did go to Rogue, would you guys put money on her to win? Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:37 I would say no. If deficit-strict handstand push-ups are not in the competition. Is Laura competing? I assume so. You assume so. Yeah. If Tia shows up there and wins, it kicks everyone in the teeth.
Starting point is 00:31:54 It's a curb stomp. This is in their gym. This is their dog. Oh, man. Oh. It's a cute dog. I'm cool with that, dog in the gym. With the pillow and the bed. Why is that thing tied down it's in his gym you gotta let that little bitch run around yeah dude when i was dude i had my dog she was at the
Starting point is 00:32:14 gym from like four months from like four weeks not four it's maybe like eight weeks old and i was doing heavy cleaning jerks and she ran right underneath my barbell when i was dropping it and the weights barely missed her but the sleeve of the bar smacked her in the side of the face. She, like, cried, ran off. Is that why you didn't make the games too because of the dog? Yeah, the puppy. That's 100% because I don't want him. That was because of the pig.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Yeah, fuck off, Stefan. Halpin, okay. So can we go look at those six again? fuck off uh helping okay so can we go look at those six again um so we have we have six but we so we still don't know anything really we know those six and then you're saying that there's six other people that we know for sure
Starting point is 00:32:56 so if you scroll down will morad yeah oh this is who we know so far that's who they've been officially announced so I've been told Oh, this is who we know so far? That's who they've officially announced. I've been told that Fikowski's going to accept, which is surprising to me. He's never done it before. I always just assumed he wouldn't do it again.
Starting point is 00:33:22 I've been told that he's going to accept his invite. In the last year, it feels like Fikowski's changed his tune a bit because there was years where, similar to other athletes, which you brought up Saxon before. Saxon's not doing anything this year that I've seen. But that they don't do anything else. And now, I mean,
Starting point is 00:33:39 Brent went to Egypt. Hey, how come Fikowski hasn't been on the show? I don't know. I need to invite him. I invited him and he declined very graciously, but I need to invite him again. Did he give a reason? He did.
Starting point is 00:33:54 It was very... It was chill. It was just like, hey, I don't think we see eye to eye right now, maybe later or something like that. What do you think that was about? I met him in... He's a good dude. I'm good with him. Do you have him on the show, Peter?
Starting point is 00:34:11 I have, but I met him in Miami last year. I spoke with him at length. I was kind of close to him then, I guess. I spoke to him at length about why he should come on the show. Dude, I think he likes me. Maybe it should be a double interview. You spoke to him at length about why he should come on this show, Peter? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:27 You're a good dude. He asked me if I would go to the PFAA meeting, and I told him only if he went on your show. So I didn't go to the PFAA meeting. I'm fucking with you. Do we – I want to get specifically... I want to fall into the weeds a little bit. Halbin, you and I were talking...
Starting point is 00:34:48 More into the weeds? You were talking about... You were talking about how there were 11 rejected scores from the women. Is that from 11 different athletes? No, it's across. So the majority of that is Victoria Campos and Sarah Sigmundsdahl.
Starting point is 00:35:07 What the fuck happened there, that's terrible do not let me invite sick caleb not six next week not six not six sarah sigmund's daughter um was a rogue alley right. Appears not to be anymore. Have they ever stopped an athlete before? Like Miko Salo is still with them. Do you know what I mean? Have they ever stopped sponsoring an athlete or stopped partnering with an athlete apart from her? Matt Chan.
Starting point is 00:35:38 They still make shirts for him. Like Miko Salo How do you know she's not a rogue athlete anymore? She's nowhere to be seen she's doing the qualifier she's not getting invited she's you know no athletes get invited just based off of like you're either a games athlete and you get the invite or you qualify yes she's not a games athlete she's a semi-finals athlete right now yeah i know she used to be but she's not anymore that would be a bad look for them it's it's quite a bit different i think inviting the a semifinals athlete right now. I know she used to be, but she's not anymore.
Starting point is 00:36:06 That would be a bad look for them. It's quite a bit different, I think, inviting the seven-time champ than Sarah. Yeah. No one's going to say anything about inviting Tia. Okay, 11 rejected scores. Anything anyone want to say about that, about Campos and Sigmund's daughter having 11 scores? At that point, does it really...
Starting point is 00:36:23 Does it say something like They didn't weigh anything. They haven't come out and said what they did or didn't do. Sydney McElishan came out and said, I didn't measure this tape line, therefore I'm out. So we don't know. Each of them only has
Starting point is 00:36:38 one scored event. Victoria Campos is a Mayhem athlete? Yes. That's on Mayhem. Well, that's... She's in... Well, when was the... I think it's on both parties.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Not if she's at home. Not if she's at home, Taylor. If she's at home, it's not on them, right? Sydney could have had any measurement, and she would have passed, right? Because of the mix-up with the measurement of the handstand push-up? Yes. Yeah. Her question didn't tape the mix-up with the measurement of the handstand push-up?
Starting point is 00:37:07 Her question was she didn't tape the 30-inch line. She didn't show that the line was 30 inches long, not where it was. She showed that it was 10 inches from the wall, but not 30 inches long. What the fuck happened with Sarah, dude? She is a veteran.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Hey, but that's always been sort of Sarah's thing. You know what I mean? Don't do the sandbags right. Flip over. Run up the stairs in the wrong order. Take the wrong sandbag up. She's been known to make errors like that. That's her thing, right?
Starting point is 00:37:40 That was Annie that did that, not Sarah. Oh, don't ruin my story. Thank you. The other daughter. The red bag up early in 2015. Is that what you're referring to? Yes. Yeah, Sarah killed that event.
Starting point is 00:37:51 She beat everybody. Great. Thank you. One major penalty from one major penalty. What's that mean? Helping one. He said Logan said she's not in Cookville. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:38:01 I should clarify. It's not man's fault. So they haven't defined what a major and a minor penalty is but there's like there's the possibility of a few things they did some sort of like time or rep adjustment like like crossfit would do in what they did in quarterfinals or if they messed up something and didn't do a rep they stopped wherever they were and that was considered a major penalty to say like if you if you did all the rope climbs except for the last couple and then you jump down on those last couple which was a thing for a lot of athletes
Starting point is 00:38:37 then they could call that a major penalty possibly versus saying that they're nullified a major penalty basically meant you were out of the running right yeah any of these things like it's razor thin like any of these things that you like i posted that jason hoppers was following the standard pays off like that's like he did it i was talking to jr about this he followed the standard so closely that you could tell he slowed down on the rope climb and so by doing that he's now qualified it's in a bit of an odd way good for him regardless but it's a bit of odd way where they all of a sudden invited six but like it paid off for him that he didn't have any penalties
Starting point is 00:39:22 from what you mean as opposed to everybody i would like everybody should abide by that standard yeah how been you're saying it's strange that they went down to six because theoretically you would assume that they would just keep going down the list till they got to 40 before they went to the qualifier right added or that they would take five which was their minimum that they said they would take. I think at some point they would rather pick from the qualifier than they would pick from the 18th, 19th athlete at the games. You think it helps having Matt O'Keefe as your agent?
Starting point is 00:39:58 You think it helps having Matt O'Keefe as your agent? Doesn't hurt. I don't think in that scenario. I don't know. I mean it was christine and jason right or it's both on that cut line i don't know i mean to me if i'm organizing an event i think that person in sixth in the qualifier probably wanted a whole lot fucking more than the person in 23rd of the games who has no idea that they're going to get an invite and they've been eating cheetos for a month and not doing shit eating beaver if i give 50 uh we get five minute sneak peek of behind the scenes of
Starting point is 00:40:29 course you come to my house and watch it for 50 bucks it's all guys how cool how cool is it last night we all watched that oh shit we're not gonna talk about it the first episode it was it was pretty nuts um thank you taylor said that Sarah didn't weigh her barbell on one A and one B and then she could not see her doing the handstand pushups. Somebody was in the way. So that would be three different scores. Where was
Starting point is 00:40:55 she doing it, Taylor? Which is three of five is what she was nullified on. She's in Iceland. Someone was in her shot for one of the fucking videos? Is that what someone's saying? That's on her dude that's a bad fucking look hey uh what what about the men 13 rejected scores and before you tell me is there any chance that it could just be like hey some of these people just have adhd or whatever that thing is where you just can't focus
Starting point is 00:41:20 and you just can't follow the rules like you just can't read you're illiterate could be somebody read for you like following rules is not hard i don't understand why so many people aren't doing it i was trying i was trying to justify it but i just can't i fucked up uh okay so 13 uh 13 rejected scores who who's that Who's the big loser in that? Billiam Leahy. Okay, Will Leahy. Oh, I keep... Breon. Didn't he have problems with the games too, William Leahy?
Starting point is 00:41:54 Well, he dropped out of semifinals after one workout. He hasn't done fucking shit. He's not the biggest loser. Well, he cheated quarterfinals too, right? With the V-ups. Somehow still made it in. I don't know how the fuck that happened but until he proves until he does something in an in-person competition it's i don't even think it's worth talking about i don't think we should talk about him at all uh anything you want to say
Starting point is 00:42:20 about those rejected scores uh helping is there anything you guys think is unfair about that or it sounds like you guys all think it's fair that rogue is doing just implicitly you guys are saying the rules are being followed it's very strict some big names are being cut for some some errors that are that are legitimate errors i think it's great that rogue is sort of taking ownership even when in in both ways they're saying the rules are the rules if you don't follow them we're not even going to really discuss it with you sydney mccullish and sorry you're you're gone for not videoing a line and then they're also sort of jumping on their own mistakes immediately and saying yeah we're gonna fix that or we're at least gonna do what we can like we
Starting point is 00:43:07 messed up the standard we didn't communicate it correctly therefore we're gonna say unfortunately both are correct which is the best they could do in that moment same thing with what happened yesterday or this morning they had so this is this is part of the errors that they had that they told spin about. They had an athlete that had a two 20 lift on one B. She was listed as number one overall. Well, the best lift was two 40, but her lift was in kilograms and it said a hundred and was converted to
Starting point is 00:43:41 two 20. And for whatever reason that they said to spin, some sort of stacking error, they showed this athlete is number one. I called this out yesterday on their post where they were saying, here's the five men and women that have qualified, or at least that was the way it appeared. They then fixed it.
Starting point is 00:44:00 That moved Christine up to a tie with Kyra Milligan. Christine, I don't know their tiebreaker. They don't explain much of anything as far as that goes Christine we see the top of the list again Caleb yeah go ahead Alvin go ahead so Christine won that tiebreaker from what I heard they were in communication with these athletes as of yesterday, not this morning when it started hitting where I was posting about it and Spin was posting about it. They were in communication with these athletes yesterday and telling them that six will go. So they were jumping out in front saying we had an error.
Starting point is 00:44:39 You're not going to be the one to have to say either, well, I just kicked somebody out or I was one point away or whatever else. In Hopper's case, like they jumped on it and said, no, we're just going to invite six. That fixes everything immediately. It stops it right here. There's no more further conversation. There's nothing really to say. Like I thought about bringing down my post because by the time it really built up steam, it was already wrong at that point. Who's the big dick over there at Rogue for the event? Is there a director of their... I think it's the one that doesn't have a dick.
Starting point is 00:45:14 You think Katie's doing the... Is the director of the Rogue Invitational? I would pick her out of the group, yeah. Okay, they don't have... You think she's in direct contact with these athletes? She's the one who they talk to? I'm guessing not i'm guessing she's too busy for that that there's someone in her intermediary between them what did help and vanish he just disappeared yeah oh sick um so i didn't mean to be rude to you sorry it's not the first time a lot lately yeah it's not the
Starting point is 00:45:43 first time i've seen you disappear buddy this is the thing about by some of those athletes that like someone in the comments was like crossfitters overthink everything just do it that's the exact opposite
Starting point is 00:45:58 some of these athletes are so fucking dumb they read hands on pushups and they're just like okay and they do them instead of like this is the standard what yeah what what are you doing you you want to go to a competition like the rogue invitational the most exclusive crossfit event ever how do you and how do you train like are you doing all of your handstand push-ups at the 10 by 30 inch tape line because you should be you should do you make sure that your rogue 150 pound sandbag is not 120
Starting point is 00:46:26 pounds. Cause you should, are you doing things to a correct standard? Are you just fucking, you know, a dumb ass. I think the Lahey situation with rogue, I think a lot of his movement in this qualifier is not that bad.
Starting point is 00:46:39 I think it's things that a lot of athletes do and it's just mildly careless. The problem with the bill ahi thing is that it precedes what he did in quarterfinals and that was like the i've never seen cheating as blatant as that and that was so blatantly like fuck you in your face cheating hard like trying to gain a competitive advantage through something that you should know is against the rules like the example of like the rower under the pull-up bar like he was letting the rower run no that's not even dude that's not no i'll set my
Starting point is 00:47:16 rower up next to a rope whatever but getting off and waiting for your judge to say okay go it ticked over that was crazy i don't know who his coach is. Um, but I think that's probably an issue is that the people in his environment, you go to a camp. Yeah. Like, so in my, right, he does. There's an example. Uh, yep. He should go to a camp. You're right. Great. Great. My boss, Andy handle biggest hard ass. He judges me in every qualifier workout, unless Lizzie does, but she's a games judge me in every qualifier workout unless Lizzie does, but she's a games judge too. I honestly prefer Andy because Lizzie can sometimes be nervous to no rep me.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Andy, like I've stopped workouts halfway through because he's given me too many no reps, and I'm like, I'm fucking redoing that, you piece of shit, you dick. Like I got into an argument with him one time. He no repped me like three 185 snatches into a quarterfinals workout, and I dropped the bar. I was like, are you fucking kidding me the whole gym was watching everybody was quiet but like that's what you need as an athlete you need somebody there who's gonna make sure that they're
Starting point is 00:48:13 harder on you than the people doing the video standards are so that you don't get screwed over is leahy a cop no he's like 12 can you be a cop at that age? No, you get a little toy pack. A cap gun? We have a clip from a guy from Pedro's Island. It's at the top there, Caleb. We wanted to take a little break here at the 45-minute mark and see if Pedro can also... This better not be that fucking Scottish thing. to see if, uh, take a little break here at the 45 minute mark and see if Pedro can also.
Starting point is 00:48:47 This better not be that fucking Scottish thing. Okay. Uh, everyone now's the time to go to the bathroom unless you want to be entertained by Pedro, the funniest man in CrossFit. Okay, here we go. Action.
Starting point is 00:48:59 There's some Scottish people that kind of say. What? people that kind of say purple bugger along purple bugger along purple bugger alarm purple burglar alarm purple bugger along some scottish people all right let's hear it god so i have to have to put on a Scottish accent to say it? No, no, no. You can just say purple burglar alarm. Now I'm worried I can't say it. Yeah, you shouldn't be worried, motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:49:33 You shouldn't be worried. Purple burglar alarm. Purple burglar alarm. Yeah, I can. But if I did it in a Scottish, purple burglar alarm, it is actually how to say it in a Scottish way. Someone called me the male DBE.
Starting point is 00:49:49 I'm going to jump over a bridge with a rope tied around my neck. Hey, fair, fair, fair. Okay. I was watching the... That's the end. Fair, fair. I was watching the Lone Rangers show. Is that why you keep talking about that? It's like, why is such a random reference?
Starting point is 00:50:05 I was watching the Lone Ranger show and they said that Kelsey Keel is going individual. And I'm trying to figure out why that's news. Is it because she's hot as fuck or is she a good team athlete?
Starting point is 00:50:22 Why is that news? There's so many team athletes. Is it news? Scroll all the way up to the top. That's why it's news. 244,000 followers. That's the only reason that people are... What place did her...
Starting point is 00:50:37 She seems like a really nice person. She seems driven. She's on bobsledding. She's cool, whatever. But I don't it it confused me why uh she felt the need to announce it and it confused me why it would be announced in like september or whatever like i get like say noah saying i'm going team because that's like fucking 10 years everybody cares yeah yeah and it's like basically like i'm retiring from individual competition and i'm moving to team
Starting point is 00:51:05 and it needs to find a team so you have to actually say that out loud this is no judgment on Kelsey as an athlete or anything like that I just don't understand it it doesn't make sense I'm pretty sure I walked out into the stadium and she was the athlete that couldn't do the handstand
Starting point is 00:51:21 walk in the Coliseum. That was her, right? She got almost the end and then failed and did it like five times. She failed like three or four times. I thought she did get to compete as an individual. She just had to compete in the online version. It's sort of in there. It says something about the COVID.
Starting point is 00:51:38 She said, I didn't get to live out my dreams, but she got the chance to qualify for Aromas and didn't. Okay. So she's a games athlete in the covid year no she's been on team every year that she's been to the game she's been on team every year that uh i i think she's tried to go individual before and she came in like 10th or something in the regional way back in 2017 she No, she made it an individual one year. So let me ask you, why does she get an announcement as a team athlete that's going? Are there other team athletes that are going individual? Is it that much
Starting point is 00:52:12 of a big deal? Or is it strictly just because she's so fucking hot? There's athletes that won the team that are going individual that it's just kind of been set like, yeah. Oh, yeah. Like Jorge. Like Jorge. Does Jorge get an announcement? Well, he said he may have said
Starting point is 00:52:27 something on their Instagram. Devin Kim, does he get an announcement or she he is it? I apologize. I apologize. Devin, you are you are 100 percent woman. I apologize. Is it then that you think that it's because she's like a poor man, Spiegel? I think so,
Starting point is 00:52:43 Peter. I think you know, i know that sounds bad but it's kind of true my god um because she's really really strong she could do things that no like not very many people can do but she's not so why don't you think she did the rogue qualifier affluence the biggest, strongest CrossFit competition. Because she's not qualifying for Rogue. Yeah, but there's plenty of athletes that weren't going to qualify that still did it to see where they would stand up against an individual field.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Maybe she's betting on herself, and she's going all in on the game. Oh, shit. Blade Walker's going individual next year, too. Holy shit. Dude, I'm going individual. Yeah, me too. Lower individual five years. Is Devin Kim going individual. Yeah, me too. Is Devin Kim going individual?
Starting point is 00:53:29 Speaking of which, is she? We got to have her back on the show. She was a great guest. I don't think we know. She should make an announcement post, though, so we do. I've heard some, you know, maybe nots about her. I'd like to see that team do another team championship. I think two of them might. Invictus?
Starting point is 00:53:48 I'd like to be asked back to do the behind the scenes. JR's in the comments. I'm not allowed to click on... I was going to click on JR's, but apparently I'm not allowed to click on... Anyway, I learned that. I watched the Lone Ranger podcast and the Lone Ranger
Starting point is 00:54:04 and Tonto mentioned it and i thought i would mention it to piggyback off of them i get a lot of good oh talk haley fitness okay what i i thought he was watching like the 1960s yeah i was like i was like is that why he keeps referencing because he that's so funny i have an ice pick in here somewhere It did take me a couple of days To get it to Dude don't turn around your hair is disgusting Bro
Starting point is 00:54:32 It looked good down in the video Someone get Taylor Okay Okay I'm just going through my notes Someone get Taylor. Okay. Okay. I'm just going through my notes. Just going through my notes here. We are going to talk about Colton's pull-up record. Individual pull-up record.
Starting point is 00:54:54 But give me a second. We're not quite there. I love Colton. I cannot wait to see him in Spartanburg. I want to talk about pro cards. I want to talk about pro cards. Down there to talk about pro cards. Down there below the Proven Camp Exodus, you will see pro cards. God, this is going to fucking hurt me to say this.
Starting point is 00:55:14 I want to preface it with this. There are CrossFit Games athletes that are professional athletes. There's not a lot of you. We know who they are the same way we know who real cowboys are versus people who aren't real cowboys lone ranger lone ranger is not a real cowboy how do you know a real cowboy versus not a real one uh a real cowboy has chaps uh that that offer um uh function right right have you ever seen Hidalgo? They're not assless.
Starting point is 00:55:47 A real cowboy I gotta fix my hair. A real cowboy has spurs that are used for kicking the horse. He's not just wearing to be cool. A real cowboy has a gun so when he's out there he can shoot rattlesnakes and people who are stealing cattle
Starting point is 00:56:04 and put horses down that need to be shot and put down a cowboy doesn't wake up in the morning and be like okay i'm gonna get dressed and look like a cowboy he's putting on that gear that's functional gear and then we from far away say you're a cowboy because of that we also know who the professional crossfitters are we know so i'll name a professional crossfitter matt fraser was a pro athlete fed up with road rage gas guzzling and backseat battles of road trip vacays beach it's time for a reality check shift gears to seamless serenity with sun wings all-inclusive getaways which can actually be cheaper more margargaritas, less mileage misery. It's a road less traveled for a reason.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Say no to gas stations and gassy passengers, and yes to Sunwing Savings. Book with your local travel agent or... When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later, because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion.
Starting point is 00:57:19 We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at I would agree with that statement. Yeah. We don't know why exactly, but he is. But not everyone who goes to the games is a pro athlete, in my mind. I think if you make your living on CrossFit, then you're a pro athlete.
Starting point is 00:57:43 If you make your living. Not on... Look at what Mike... Look at what Poolboy said. A real cowboy... I got one of those. A real cowboy is a gay best friend that can bang in the mountains.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Oh, shit, Tanner. You're a cowboy. I'm a fucking cowboy, baby. Yeah, that's the thing. That's the thing. Listen, no one in minor league baseball is a professional baseball player. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:58:12 I'm a fucking cowboy. Wow. Who pulled that off? Is that Photoshop or is that real? Amazing comedy. Jesus, JR. Why is that such a big phone in your pocket? The only thing that would make
Starting point is 00:58:26 it better is if JR took his tooth out. He wore the same fucking shirt and belt as me to my own fucking wedding, dude. It's amazing. Why are you posed up like you're going to prom though, Taylor? Because that was hilarious. It was just too funny that we were dressed exactly the same. My God, look at JR.
Starting point is 00:58:41 He looks like fucking the wolf man. Look at that arm. He's got more fucking hair on his arm than I have on my whole body. Yeah, he's probably got more hair on his arm than you do on your dick, which is crazy because I would imagine it's... Why are you imagining his dick? Look at my head. Thank you, Pedro. Because I'm a cowboy, bro.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Yeah. You know, isn't it funny how we laugh at this, but if J.R.'s wife had turned up in the same outfit as your wife, it would have been a shit show. Yeah, that would have been crazy. A wedding dress. Listen, Taylor's head does look big.
Starting point is 00:59:17 Like he's doubled down on his crete and your head is getting big, dude. Like he's doubled down. Your cheeks are so crazy puffy. You are doubling down. There's some lighting in here. Shut up. No, I saw it in another picture
Starting point is 00:59:28 the other day. That honeymoon glow. Dude, no, look. I hit myself with a barbell on the head. It's a little dry or humid in here, whatever it does that.
Starting point is 00:59:38 What was that? What were we talking about? Professional athletes. Pro cards. Pro cards. So, so I don't think minor league baseball players are professional baseball players. When someone says to me, I played professional baseball and I'm like, you did? And they're So, so, so I don't think minor league baseball players are professional baseball
Starting point is 00:59:46 players. When someone says to me, I played professional baseball and I'm like, you didn't know, like, yeah, I was on the minor league team, blah,
Starting point is 00:59:51 blah, blah. And I'm in my head being like, dude, you weren't pro. I agree. Semifinals is, is,
Starting point is 00:59:56 is minor leagues. But, but, but would you, I wouldn't, I don't think I, the CrossFitters that are making a living CrossFitting, the vast majority of them, it's because of sponsorship.
Starting point is 01:00:07 It's not because of – That's actually a very good point. Money that they're making from prize money, right? There's just not that much prize money. Yeah, besides Luka Djokic and the people who win the games, who's doing it? That's a very weird person to say. Well, it just goes to a lot of competitions. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:26 Yeah. Yeah. I got you. I mean, I've actually never thought of that. That's actually really good. I've always just thought of like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:00:34 you don't need to work as in like, you don't have a nine to five or a backup plan or whatever. So you're a pro athlete, but your point is actually more valid that like, if it wasn't for noble giving them X amount of money they would need a job. T is a professional athlete.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Danny Spiegel I would not call a pro athlete but she probably makes more money off of She should make a Twitch account and start playing video games. She would make a fuckload of money, dude. She would kill it on Twitch.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Wow. Is Twitch bigger than CrossFit? 100% dude. Is Twitch bigger than CrossFit? There's probably kids out there who have stations. Are you a gamer, Taylor? I used to be a hard ass gamer, dude. I can see you in a Halo 2 lobby just ripping.
Starting point is 01:01:26 You can't even answer this question, right? Who's the highest paid CrossFitter? Highest paid must be probably one of the Games winners or Rogue winners from competitions. But from sponsorship, who the fuck knows? Currently, I probably don't. Don Fall is probably the highest paid CrossFitter. No fucking shot. It's so nuanced as well. Don Fall is probably the highest paid crossfitter no fucking shot
Starting point is 01:01:45 it's so nuanced because like yeah you have these people who win you win the games you win Rogue whatever but then you have like I get paid fucking $2,000 per Instagram post I get you know that kind of money like that weird
Starting point is 01:02:02 money that no one ever knows like you can guess what someone's getting from tier. You can guess what someone's getting. Like, you can guess Valor's probably on like 300 grand from tier. But then it's like, well, how much is he getting paid to post about his plunge? Hey, if a prince from Saudi Arabia flies me to Saudi Arabia on a G5, gives me a $200,000 diamond ring, and all I have to do is suck his dick. Did I just make $200,000? Yeah, but you had to suck his dick. He tells shmeet tales.
Starting point is 01:02:31 I bet you Brooke Wells makes a good amount of money that we don't know about. How do we go from sucking Saudi dick to Brooke Wells? I would consider Brooke Wells a professional athlete. I would consider Brooke Wells a professional athlete. So not Daniel Spiegel, but I believe Brooke Wells. Yeah, why is Brooke Wells a professional athlete. So not Danny Spiegel, but Luke Brookwell. Yeah, why is Brookwell a professional athlete? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Other than how they go about it, how they promote it, how are they any different? I think this is, for me, how is Brooke different than Danny? Brooke doesn't have this long list of egregious instances where it's like you are not acting like a professional. She acts like a professional. She has placed very well at the games she's got a long-standing tenure as a games athlete danny has some of those pieces but also has these massive agree you know these just big fucking things where you're like dude you're not acting like a pro athlete you're acting that's
Starting point is 01:03:22 what makes her money though is how she well make that money yeah but you're not acting like a pro athlete you're acting that's what makes her money though is how she make that money yeah but you're not a pro athlete well here's the thing no one no one's doubting she's a successful businesswoman who who has made a lot of money no no one so the way you act determines if you're a pro i don't know i'm not it's a totally fair question john i'm not here to define it today but going into that i don't know what makes a pro athlete but i know it's fucking nuanced and i know it's not like people who just were like hey i've quit my job and i'm fucking trying to get to the games i'm a pro athlete like i see people right i can't believe i'm a pro athlete and i want to be like right in their instagram yeah because you're not like that that that's basically me i all i work at the gym i mean i'm not anywhere close to anything i you know so yeah and there are
Starting point is 01:04:08 quite a few athletes that they're also l1 coaches at a gym and they call themselves a pro athlete because i would yeah and i do think you could be an l1 coach at a gym and be a pro athlete i'm not saying that that would exclude you from it but but anyway, I want to pull up this pro card thing because I do like the idea of a pro card. But, man, I think... When I think of this, I think of Travis Mayer. Travis Mayer and Ricky Garrard, when someone said, hey, it sucks.
Starting point is 01:04:38 I think I heard Danny Spiegel say it on the Kettlebells and Cocktails podcast. Actually, I should give credit to her. She basically said, hey, it sucks that these guys were capable of competing at the games, but because they got hurt, they couldn't go. And I don't know if she was necessarily complaining for them
Starting point is 01:04:54 or just saying it just sucked and nothing needed to be done. But what if you did have a pro card? What if you did have like, hey, if in the previous year you were top five at the games, you automatically get to five at the games, you automatically get to go to the games. You don't like that idea?
Starting point is 01:05:08 I don't like that. No? No. Anyone? Does anyone like it? Wouldn't you like to have seen Travis Mayer and Ricky Garrard at the games this year? They would have competed. Yeah, but the athletes get hurt in every sport.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Let's delay the football season because this athlete tours ACL in week one. I agree, but that's not an argument. Two wrongs don't make a right. He doesn't just get to go to the Super Bowl, but he don't just make the best quarterback. He just gets to be in the Super Bowl. You can't. The pro card in this case that it's being presented is just saying they would skip the open and they would skip quarterfinals.
Starting point is 01:05:37 And just take the open and quarterfinals out and find another way to qualify athletes. I don't think there's like, oh, if you have your pro card, you get to skip this. But if you want to make it and you don't have your pro card, I don't know, dude. It's more or less the rogue invitational.
Starting point is 01:05:54 That's what makes it a rogue invitational. Why not? You made the games last year. Because what makes the CrossFit games so great is that it starts with everyone on earth and you've all got to fucking do it. You do the same workout that Matt Fraser does. You do the same workouts, and the best people make it to the games, and they all start at the same place, which means if you think you're the fittest on fucking earth, you can make it to the games.
Starting point is 01:06:18 You don't have to be Matt Fraser. You don't have to have a pro card. Nobody has to know you. If you're fitter than everyone else, you make it. Let me ask you this and answer it honestly, even if it works against your argument. Answer this honestly. Would it be better for the sport if there were pro cards? And by better, I'll define better, meaning we would get more growth out of it and more ability for these people to make a living.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Well, what I guess is the pro part. I don't really know what I don't really know what gives the sport more growth other than for it to be more consumable for mass audience. And I don't... There's a consistency there. I think the games would have been better for me as a fan if Travis and Ricky were there. And don't get me wrong. I had a blast.
Starting point is 01:07:00 I wasn't the whole time. Ricky could have done the games anyway. He was rehabbing at that time. Yeah, he was hurt. Okay. Here's what I think. I think you were on to something. Having the big names there is important, but I don't know if, like,
Starting point is 01:07:15 does that grow the audience of the sport? Maybe having all these fins to influence. Yeah, you could probably take 40 Instagram influencers that don't have a fucking shot at the crossfit games that would make it a bigger sport to put them on display okay then the 45th people on earth but is that what we're trying to do dude but look at it this way if they didn't if these athletes who have already proven themselves to make the games the previous year that That's not shit. Hold on. Could do something else between January and May that isn't I have to sit here and do these at-home workouts.
Starting point is 01:07:54 And you can say, like, get rid of the Open, get rid of the quarterfinals, figure out another way. But what builds the sport is more eyes on the sport in more consumable fashion. The Open and the quarterfinals, on the sport and more consumable fashion. The open in the quarterfinals beyond the announcement itself is in no way consumer focused. There's nothing to watch. There's nothing to do because every good athlete doesn't show their videos
Starting point is 01:08:17 for very good reason. Nobody should market road, water Palooza and Dubai more, but that doesn't mean eliminate the open as a process to go to the games. If we want what you're saying to grow the sport based on viewership, do what I just said. Take the 40 biggest Instagram influencers, fitness influencers with the most followers,
Starting point is 01:08:37 put them in the field together, and let them fucking smack each other with their face. I like what Chase said here. Can you pull that up, Caleb? I think that's out of context, what you're saying, Taylor. No, I don't. Pro cards should be for the off-season events. If you want to give like 10 pro cards out,
Starting point is 01:08:54 and every year the pro cards get reseeded by how you finish in the games or something like that. And so there's only 10. There's only ever 10. And those 10 get a free. They get to go to Waterpalooza and Rogue. That's even less relevant. But I'm saying that's what it could be used for. I like holding
Starting point is 01:09:10 the open where everybody has to do the open. Well, then we already have that. Then we already have that. Then we already have Eurocards if that's what a pro card is. If we're only giving 10 away to the best, then it's just like, oh, the 10 best people get to just skip everything that everyone else has to do.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Why did you get involved? Like, I don't know. To me, I got involved in CrossFit because, like, you're doing something really hard. Everybody – you all go and you suffer together in the class workout. The Open is, like, taking that and making it on a grand scale. Everybody's suffering together. Everybody, including the champ.
Starting point is 01:09:44 So let's just take that away. see justin madaris for the first time this year at the games that would have been interesting yeah then we'd be like well yeah it'd be interesting but then it's like ah now we don't suffer together he doesn't do the open with everybody else he's not a crossfitter fuck that guy and you could and you could argue it's easy to get to the games anyway the way the way they for those people because the way they have it set up it's not that's not really true. You know what I mean? You need to open in the quarterfinals.
Starting point is 01:10:09 And it's just such a bullshit argument. Like, Oh, if you get hurt and if you get sick, well, dude, Colton qualified sick, rich. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:10:16 That's fucking professional sports. You get hurt. No, and you get sick. Hold on. Part of it. Did you like sanctionals? No,
Starting point is 01:10:25 I thought sanctionals was so fucking dumb. There was no regulation. Why? There was no regulation, and they're all getting into the games based off of different programming. And look at the result in 2019. What do you mean the Sanctionals? Oh, you're not talking about what happened last year. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 01:10:37 No, no, no, no. Sanctionals, that's in finals. You mean 2019, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, no, that was fucking shit. That was ass. It was 2019.
Starting point is 01:10:47 It's where the 13th person got to go to the games because everybody else had already gotten in. No, they didn't invite everybody in the world. They invited the national champions, which was kind of like, hey, you do the Open, you win your country, cool, we'll give you a shot. But also, you go to this competition who four other people might only be there.
Starting point is 01:11:04 As long as they pay a sanctional affiliate fee they could only have three competitors and if you're the person who wins you get your ticket to the games like that was dumb i don't know the athlete that you're thinking of that made it off of three people i don't that's an example that's a false that's like a an example that didn't happen but i'm saying it could have there were competitions where the level of competition was so not worthy of a games ticket. The person who won
Starting point is 01:11:27 wouldn't have won anywhere else. Right. I mean, there's people that were in Jordan. You had to go to the fifth person because all other won. Guys, you know what works really well in this format is when we talk over each other. I just find it's six people, Peter.
Starting point is 01:11:45 Jacqueline's completely right. we're in the leather helmets give me a second give me a second you can't give me a second jackson robertson crossfit is in its infant stage my grandpa won an olympic gold medal in 1952 in hockey and he had to go to work at the local plant because hockey didn't pay the bills it will get there but we're not there yet go ahead taylor no i agree i agree 100 with her i think we're in the leather helmet stage like we don't have any regulatory body that holds crossfit accountable for the dumb fucking shit they do half the time in competition like changing the rules every freaking year dude it's we're bound to have a usfl in another five years like it's gonna happen so a competition is gonna, Rogues are going to be like, I'm sick of this shit. We just have no idea what's going to happen.
Starting point is 01:12:28 But I think we know that enough people love it and enough people love to watch it, enough people love to participate in it that in some form or fashion, it's going to succeed and be a part of sports. It's not going to fail because it would have failed already. I can't believe
Starting point is 01:12:45 it hasn't failed if you look at this oh people are trying to tank it it's way too big to fail a lucky camp go ahead go ahead helping no i have three dumb two i have three fucking stupid two comments get out of here that's done lucky straps australia does it matter who's paying them they get paid to compete in crossfit by sponsors, which means they are a professional. I don't agree. I don't think it means they're an international. I don't think that's enough of a qualification to have a sponsor. How many professionals do you think there are?
Starting point is 01:13:15 There are probably 15 professionals on the men's side and 15 on the women. I think Savant thinks less. I think less. So 10. Would you think 10 i have to yeah i'm 10 on each side just going off of winnings no to tell you the truth i i would i'm guilty it's subjective for him i'm guilty because i haven't defined it but i know i know what a professional athlete is when i see one and Porn. Yeah, like porn. It's like this.
Starting point is 01:13:48 If you make it to the NFL and you played one year as a kicker, a third string kicker. But if you're a backup QB. You suck that dick, baby. You suck that dick, baby. I mean, it's... Okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:14:06 Women's soccer? Let's name people. Let's name people and you tell me if they're professional. Oh, wow. Jason Hopper. No. Wow, really? Not long enough?
Starting point is 01:14:20 Has it been a game long enough? Yeah, just not yet. Brent Fikowski. Yeah, just not yet. Brent Pekowski. Yeah, fuck yeah. No question. That's what I think of when I think of... No question. I feel like he sets the standard up.
Starting point is 01:14:32 Noah Olsen. No question. Yeah. Pat Villeneuve. No question. No question. Brooke Wells. Brooke Wells.
Starting point is 01:14:40 No question. One at a time. One at a time. Close. Lazar's getting close. Lazar's more so than Jason. Lazar's getting close. Lazar more so than Jason? Lazar's getting close. Justin Medeiros.
Starting point is 01:14:51 100%. Ellie Turner. No. By association. No. Guilty by association. No. China Cho.
Starting point is 01:15:05 Retired. The fact that you have to think about this There are people we've said Who have been way more successful than her already But she has a place in your heart And it's making you think about it Who's been more successful than China Cho? I'm pretty sure Hopper Has 7th place, it's better than China's ever done
Starting point is 01:15:23 No? How many games has Hopper been in? Two? Three. Two? Three. Longevity. And he's won events at the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 01:15:33 He's won events at Rogue Invitational. It's hard for me to consider anybody in the Carson era a professional because there was no money back then at all. You're right. You're right. You can go down Brian's list. Would you consider Josh Bridges a professional? Yes.
Starting point is 01:15:49 Why? Well, I think there's an argument that you could say no one in the Carson era was professional too. Yeah, I agree with that, except for like Rich, except for the winners. Except for Rich. Yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Winners. Jason Kalipa. Yeah, he's won the games. I wouldn't consider him a pro. Right. Right. Neither would him a pro. Right. Neither would I. Right. It is subjective.
Starting point is 01:16:09 It's very interesting. I mean, it could be subjective because you have to look at somebody and say, I mean, Josh and Jason are making their lives based on CrossFit, and they're doing that professionally. But you're not going to call them a professional athlete. I'd call Jason a pro. Chandler Smith. I'm biased on that though, Taylor. For sure, there's some bias there. Would you?
Starting point is 01:16:32 Call Hopper a professional? Yeah. I think he's on his way. Is that fair? I mean, I don't know what's fair, dude. I have no fucking idea. Daniel Brandon, would you call her a professional? Same as Hopper. Close.
Starting point is 01:16:46 I put her in the same category. Getting close. Well, it's interesting for Hopper. I would put him in basically the college football NIL sort of place where he makes money, but he's sort of – Like a walk-on on a D1 team? But why? He's been seventh.
Starting point is 01:16:59 That's crazy to me. And the same thing. Daniel Brandon was what, fourth last year? Well, it's almost like a one-year wonder, though, man. He's 19th, seventh, and what fourth last year well it's almost like a one-year wonder though man he's 19th 7th and then 31st right now that's a one-year wonder same for daniel that ben smith i i wouldn't consider ben smith professional he was a 10-year veteran at the game i know i know i know i know i hear you i know this is crazy if if this is really then we have no professionals in the sport and we fuck. No,
Starting point is 01:17:26 no, no. You're just saying back in the day, there's still money in it and there's more money in it now. That's right. That's the reasoning. There are people from, there are people,
Starting point is 01:17:34 historical people who have made careers out of CrossFit, but that doesn't make them professional athletes. Like Josh Bridges has made a huge career out of being good at CrossFit and being likeable and stuff. Same Ben Smith, but they're not professional. being good at CrossFit and being likable and stuff, same Ben Smith, but they're not professional. They're using CrossFit as a methodology. That's a good question.
Starting point is 01:17:51 What would you call Mal one? No. It's that 200K check from Noble. I mean, a month. They're using the methodology of CrossFit. They're not using the sport of CrossFit. Yeah, Annie for sure. Annie Thorisdahl is a professional athlete. Laura Horvat is a professional athlete. What about her husband?
Starting point is 01:18:08 No. No. But Annie Thor's daughter also has a professional coach. Yeah. Notice her husband. He is a coach. Yeah, but wasn't he coached by Jami as well?
Starting point is 01:18:23 I think Travis Mayer is a professional athlete. I think she's a professional athlete. So, Travis, I think Hopper's finished higher than Travis has, too. I don't think Travis has ever been top seven. No, I
Starting point is 01:18:37 don't think he has, either. You're saying longevity puts him over? Guillermo Mayeres. Just give him a year. Wasn't he eighth or seventh two years ago? He was seventh. But okay, that's a great one. I wouldn't consider Guy a professional either, and him and Hopper have done the same thing.
Starting point is 01:18:52 Andrew Hiller, for sure. No doubt. Pro. Colton, would you consider Colton a professional? No. I would consider Colton a professional now at this point. He's qualified three times, and he grinds hard as fuck every time and shows improvement every time
Starting point is 01:19:08 I don't know what about Cole Sager yes seven are you professional podcaster getting paid to do it oh dude this guy's got a hard-on for being in the comment section shirtless picture got my abdominals who this guy's got a hard-on for being in the comments section. Shirtless picture. Check out my abdominals.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Who? This guy, Ken Walters. Dude, that's my boy. Be cool. I'm trying to zoom in. Ricky Mack. I do think Ricky Mack is a professional CrossFitter. Why?
Starting point is 01:19:37 I don't know. You know, it's like I said. He's only been to the games twice. I'm totally open to being that this conversation is bullshit and someone, someone reworking it. Uh, yeah. It is.
Starting point is 01:19:49 Okay. It's just a steer it a little bit. Cause I'm the one that brought up the pro card thing. I don't actually, I don't care for how well I don't want to speak about how they posted it, but like, there's a whole bunch of things that are like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:20:03 the, the root of it is okay. But like where it goes is like, needs a lot of of things that are like yeah the the root of it is okay but like where it goes is like needs a lot of work where i think in this why i brought up sanctionals i would think a better version of this is getting more events broadcast on espn that crossfit sold to them and they now are supposed to be putting more stuff on ESPN, not just the games, is what Don told the PFA. And so with that, they need opportunity throughout the year to put these professional athletes on TV
Starting point is 01:20:36 and allow fans to say, when is Jason Hopper going to be on TV again? Like, I watch any other sport that I'm interested in, because that then gets them invested in that athlete and in that person. If you can say this person is going to be at the Olympics in Paris next year, you can actually set sort of a DVR to it and say, it's going to be on TV and it's going to do that thing. That's what CrossFit needs.
Starting point is 01:21:04 And by having a pro card similar to other sports, you have the ability to give those athletes flexibility within their schedule to say, hey, I don't have to do the open with everybody else, even though it's a tried and true tradition of CrossFit. And it's like the one thing that we all do. Like they could go to Mallorca and do an event with the program and say like okay well we did this event in march and we're able to do that but right now because crossfit owns nine months of the year and then everyone else fights over those other three months there's not the ability to give a full year schedule that CrossFit could sell ESPN and put on TV and grow the sport. And no, you don't need a bunch of social media stars doing CrossFit on TV. I don't think they own nine months.
Starting point is 01:21:56 I don't think they own nine months. Wait a second. Is that true, Halpin? Do they really own nine months? When's the open start? February, February, March, April, May, June, July, August. Seven months. But then if you're Cross crossfit just condense the schedule then make make make uh quarterfinals semifinals closer together give you a month off for the games the train and then you you like
Starting point is 01:22:16 pro card helping six months six months i like the idea of someone getting a skip the open sport which is i hate it i so run into the ground. But I like the idea of it because it allows some flexibility throughout the year. Or I like sanctionals, and I like a model that says if I go and win this, I don't
Starting point is 01:22:37 immediately get to go to the games. But it adds to my worldwide ranking, and that worldwide ranking that isn't just CrossFit events, open quarterfinals, semifinals games. It includes Wadapalooza. It includes Dubai. It includes Rogue.
Starting point is 01:22:53 It includes Madrid. This is why that won't work as it stands. It includes all those. Those are scored against who's there, the pros that are there, that they can track with pro cards and say, if these athletes are there, this event is scored this way. That all gets combined into a worldwide ranking. That worldwide ranking then produces the pro card group that says, if you are top 10 on the worldwide ranking across a full year, then you don't have to do the, you're missing the sport
Starting point is 01:23:23 that they're playing though, because the person who programs the open and quarterfinals and semifinals and the games historically, and last year is the same person, the same team of people. Now you introduce all of these offsite sanctional events that don't have any regulatory body saying, Hey, what are these athletes actually doing? They can go do a triple jump. They can fucking swing their dick six times. They can hang from a pull-up bar from their nipples, and they are going to the CrossFit games.
Starting point is 01:23:51 So that's the other part that CrossFit has to control. It's not going to ever happen. A big part of the PFAA meeting is not CrossFit, and this is where Can Brent Buy CrossFit came from, is if the PFAA comes in and says, we have control over the voice of the athletes. The athletes all say that you need judging standards. You need written standards and you need ways to make sure you're paying us
Starting point is 01:24:16 through, through that. We're not just going to show up to event with the idea that you might pay us. And all of that is controlled. The athletes then control all that and they buy out crossfit they don't buy them out money wise but they own it because they own the entire season yeah well that's just because they're the ones that are saying i'm not going to show up to an event i'm already doing madrid i can't do the water palooza qualifier so you two
Starting point is 01:24:41 figure it out that if you want me at both, figure out a way to get me at both. Well, here's what everybody wants that you're missing is they want to go to the CrossFit games. All these athletes, they don't give a fuck about that's untrue. They want to make money. They want to make money. That's untrue. You ask the 40 people, let's ask the 40 athletes that go to games and say, what would you, if you could have two things and that's you go get to compete in the crossfit games once in your life or you get one fifty thousand dollar check once in your life well at least give them three hundred thousand dollars why would you at least give them three hundred thousand dollars only one person wins not all one time in your life
Starting point is 01:25:17 you're hopefully gonna make more than fifty thousand dollars doing crossfit one time in your life but no you go to the CrossFit Games and being guaranteed 50K, that's great. No, what I'm saying is, in your example, take that. Or, hold on, or take that Saudi Arabia and Prince and say that he can do an event
Starting point is 01:25:37 for a million dollar purse. Million dollar, I'm not even in person. Yeah, but he's got to do everything CrossFit tells him to do. Don't see it happening. No, I'm saying million million dollar first prize if you go to this event in august they're trying to do that golf yeah it is exactly that it's live golf they could buy out the whole thing and then own that went really well as well the live golf thing
Starting point is 01:26:00 did that fail did that fail? Yeah, because nobody wants that fucking shit money. Hold on one second. Hold on one second. Lucky camera straps. Sebon gets his money from sponsors, so by definition, he's not a professional. I don't care whether I'm a professional or not. Zero gives a fuck.
Starting point is 01:26:20 But I'm definitely not a professional of anything. This guy pays you more than any of them. Yeah, but I do want to say this. That is not my definition. I don definitely not a professional of anything. This guy pays you more than any of them. Yeah, but I do want to say this. That is not my definition. I don't have a definition, and that was what was ridiculous about the conversation. But I do like the idea of the topic of that pro card and me finding a way to get Travis to do it.
Starting point is 01:26:38 But I also know in my mind what a pro athlete is when I see one, and I know what one that isn't. And so... I think there's a lot of people in the comments saying like, oh, but if you're sponsored, you're paid. And it's like, you're an influencer then. Yeah, exactly. That doesn't mean shit. Those people are confused.
Starting point is 01:26:56 Not ESPN. Do it themselves and go to YouTube. Cable is dead. Or pay-per-view. Just to be clear. Look at what the UFC thing. Hey, you are a professional porn star if you're on only fans are you or is that more like home you're like a fucking diy dick shooter you're a professional artist if you're on etsy so what i was told at the pfa meeting that was good that deserved a laugh that was very good What I was told is CrossFit sold a two-year deal to ESPN,
Starting point is 01:27:27 and they owe inventory throughout the year to ESPN, not just a week in August. So what does CrossFit own that they can create and generate for ESPN using the rest of the year? Because they don't own Guadalupalooza. They don't year. Because they don't own Wadapalooza. They don't own Dubai. They don't own Madrid. Those are all licensed events. Yeah, but they would let them do it.
Starting point is 01:27:52 They would let them do it. If Dave called up Dylan and said, hey, can we film Wadapalooza and hang the CrossFit name on it and we'll pump up Wadapalooza too, Dylan would be like, yeah, sure, go ahead. Yeah, sure, go ahead doesn't work when CrossFit sold it to ESPN. Dylan should say back, okay, sure, go ahead. Yeah, sure, go ahead doesn't work when CrossFit sold it to ESPN. Dylan should say back, okay, where's my check?
Starting point is 01:28:10 And they would say, hey, hang with us here. This is going to draw a lot of attention to your event. You're going to sell more tickets. Work with us. And he would do that in a heartbeat. Yeah, who wouldn't do that? On ESPN? Right, yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:22 The ESPN thing has no bearing on whether or not a pro card works or doesn't work, though. I just don't see how that has anything to do with it. It creates a 12-month schedule because with three of those months, they are busy doing at-home workouts that are in no way broadcastable. Those stupid shows where they show like a couple clips of, hey, Danny Spiegel did this, and then Danny Spiegel did this. And then right. But these people are going to give her footage for showing it.
Starting point is 01:28:49 These people would give their footage. These people would give their footage to ESPN and CrossFit and a heartbeat, regardless of whether or not the opener quarterfinals is happening. How many, how many, like it just, you're just not taking the opener quarterfinals and everyone's starting at the same place out of the game season. That's dumb. Uh,
Starting point is 01:29:09 can we shift, can we shift subjects? Good discussion. Thank you. Um, I want to pull up, uh, Dave Castro's a week in review.
Starting point is 01:29:16 Um, there, there's two things that I thought were just completely ridiculous in it. One. Um, I'll just, uh, I'll start here at 1715.
Starting point is 01:29:28 Oh no, sorry. I'll finish with that um he said that there were three wheels and each of the wheels measured the course two times and well how many wheels six oh the way i heard it there were three wheels each wheel measured twice is that correct you, you think? Either way, either way, Halpin and I agree, six measurements somehow. Bullshit. No, there weren't. There were not six. There could not have been six measurements. Not with the same wheel, not with three different wheels, not with four different wheels.
Starting point is 01:29:58 So I call bullshit on that. I don't know. When we get Dave on, we'll ask. It's just bullshit. There's no fucking way there were six measurements that said that was a 5K. Does anyone want to disagree with me? I believe that they measured six exact times of 5,000 yards. Yards.
Starting point is 01:30:16 Yards. Even when you listen to him say it, he's like, and I think the athletes' watches were like 4.7, 4.8. Even he knows it's bullshit, dude. It wasn't a 5K. They were 4..5 they were way less than what he said they were all 4.5 bro does that can can someone look that up is that accurate uh help and can you do a quick uh computation on your human brain um is is uh is 5 000 yards equivalent to 4.5 i've already seen the math on that. Yeah, it's exactly 5K. 5,000 yards is exactly
Starting point is 01:30:48 4.5 miles. I've also heard that they moved the starting line like three times between the Masters version, the Community version, and the Games version. Hey, listen! That's exactly what happened. Someone
Starting point is 01:31:04 fucking measured out 15,000 feet. Someone measured out 15,000. No, 5,000 yards, 15,000. Isn't a yard three feet? Yeah, you're good. You're good. Yeah, someone measured out 15,000 feet. Okay, we solved that.
Starting point is 01:31:17 Okay, that's done. I do want to say one more thing. At the 42nd mark, this is way out of character for Dave. There's two things in this weekend review that are so far out of character for Dave. I can't even fucking believe it. Uh, hitter's comment.
Starting point is 01:31:30 I was a Castro. Okay. Yeah. Thank you. No, no, no. I need Castro's to do the,
Starting point is 01:31:35 uh, behind the scenes. Uh, Hillary, you're out of here. Sorry. Get a, uh,
Starting point is 01:31:39 someone, a wrench block killer for 30 seconds or something. Um, you, you have a Spanishanish translation that's you oh it's good i'm trying to learn that language yeah okay better if it was a russian translation it's okay caleb never trusts me he always goes back before i say the time okay actually let's listen to this let's listen first the athletes do it, and then he's suggesting
Starting point is 01:32:06 for the finale, repeat that workout. Interesting twist. We've never done that. Worth keeping in the back pocket. Someone gave a suggestion that, for example, that the open workout
Starting point is 01:32:21 one year, then be reprogrammed again in the games so we could compare the times. But what's fucking me up is I can't believe Dave didn't be like, fuck off, don't tell me. The Dave I know is like, fuck off, don't tell me what to do. He's done that before. They did 17.5 in the open and then had it in the game.
Starting point is 01:32:37 It was heavy, though. But still. I mean, it's still a different workout, though. It's not the same one. I don't know, dude. I think what the question meant after the games. The questions are way different. He meant after the games.
Starting point is 01:32:50 He meant one of the games at event 15. I think that's what he meant. Exactly. Oh, really? That's what he meant. Oh. Fucking dumb as shit. Oh, that's what he was saying?
Starting point is 01:33:03 Okay, I misunderstood. Okay. oh that's what he was saying okay i misunderstood okay like a like a run and then go run again sort of surprise like now no it could be anything wrong it could be anything no but if you're fucking fran if they wanted it to be no what i'm saying is if you knew it you would sandbag the first one if this because it goes on to say something basically to the effect of the fours. Your delta on that matters. What he's saying is the first event of the CrossFit
Starting point is 01:33:31 Games then comes back as the final. So Fran, when you show up, you'll get cut. Oh, that's right. You would get cut. Yeah, there's cuts. You can't sandbag. There's cuts. And they could do it with whatever they wanted. And no matter what workout they decided to do, if they did it, it would be the dumbest fucking thing ever.
Starting point is 01:33:51 Why? Why? Why do you say that? Why do you say that? Because there's only 13 events and you're going to repeat the same two events? I'm inclined. Okay, let's have 14 then. Let's have 14. Same thing. Dumb. By the way, what I'm talking about is the question that the dude asked was that the delta is the score on the second event so how well you did like z score basically how well you did on that second version is i've got an associate secretary i'm
Starting point is 01:34:21 out you would sandbag the first one maybe not to like lose it because there are cuts but you wouldn't sit there and like ham like hammer down i hate it even more if that's what it is i don't know what you mean by doubt about dave made himself look like a beta answering that question that's not how do i put it hey uh John, Taylor's out of his fucking mind. If Grace is 135 and then you do it 2225, you can't be like, hey, it's the same workout. Don't listen to him. No, they're different workouts. That's like coming home. That's like getting caught fucking a prostitute and you're telling your wife,
Starting point is 01:34:59 nah, she has a vagina. It's the same thing. Same as you. No, it's not. It's not. It's totally different. Totally different. That chick has herpes and cost 50 bucks and you make me steak and and cost me have a more interested yeah the fuck taylor's that's not a good comparison it's a perfect
Starting point is 01:35:16 comparison i'm sorry mrs um uh self that uh let me know if you need to talk to taylor about that wow okay uh so anyway that was out of character that dave was even entertaining someone else's ideas i thought that was kind of amazing and then at 17 15 he does a he he talks about running with his daughter i've has anyone ever heard him talk about his kids i've heard about the fact that he doesn't talk about yeah yeah that's what i've heard as well the only story i've heard is like somebody hunting down his wife, basically, and that he'll never talk about his family again. Yeah, this is pretty interesting right here. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:35:52 In a November, January timeframe. But they went for like 10 miles. Some of the boys actually went for 14 miles. But it was all uphill, 40 minutes in. And we were briefed, go 50 minutes out and 50 minutes back so they all took off and we stayed with them 40 minutes in we were all together and then all of a sudden it got really steep and these boys just took off and my daughter actually took off and it was cool she's been on the team for about a month now pause by takeoff means he fell behind
Starting point is 01:36:24 he couldn't keep up they didn't take off like if everyone's running at six miles an hour and then It was cool. She's been on the team for about a month now. Pause. By takeoff means he fell behind. He couldn't keep up. They didn't take off. Like, if everyone's running at six miles an hour and then you drop down to three, they didn't take off. Meaning he slowed down and they ran on. Okay, go ahead. For the summer, we ran together. And then I have not ran with her since she's been on the team. And she's now officially faster than me.
Starting point is 01:36:43 She had to wait for me. We turned around and um we ran back and that we ran a total of 10 miles and going from like minimal running to 10 miles was a horrible idea crazy so two really at it i can't believe he's entertaining uh people's suggestions for workouts for the games and talking about his family. Did either of you, did that pop up weird for either of you? The big swine one for sure. Yeah. He's a changed man, dude. He's a new man.
Starting point is 01:37:13 Corporate stooge. I mean, a home from the military, I mean. Did you see he took a question from Matt Souza? About the mic. Yeah. Yeah, that was well played on his part. That was smart because now matt's got to get over fucking truck 70 miles over to the ranch and plug in a new mic for him take two
Starting point is 01:37:31 seconds all right um i we i sent colt mertens a link he didn't show up asshole um dave said that the game site for 2024 he was there last last week. Oh, everybody go fucking look up where Dave was last week. He was in Fort Worth. Wow, was he really? No, I'm just saying. You said that with such conviction. I was like, oh, shit, John Young, dude. Okay.
Starting point is 01:37:58 I think that's where it's going to be, though. Where do you think it's going to be? Oh, dude, Bone Media. We were just talking about you, bro. I do think it's going to be at Fort Worth also. I do think that because we heard that Brooke Wells has been saying that for a while. Bone Media for Pedro, because it's probably
Starting point is 01:38:13 like 3 a.m. and you need some coffee soon. Do you know what fucking time it is? Bone Media. It's 7 minutes past 5 a.m. and I haven't been to sleep yet. Oh, no. You haven't been to sleep yet oh no you haven't been to sleep yet i got home at 11 no 10 what'd you get home from i'm in madrid at the event got home and i was like oh i'll edit this vlog now that'll only take about half an hour didn't and then i was like right it's like half one now or 1 30 now do i sleep now for two hours or do i
Starting point is 01:38:47 finish this and stay awake and then sleep after it'll surely be over by about half four vent starts at nine tomorrow that'll be fine it's now five i'm like fuck it i guess i just don't sleep now it's like today everyone go over to coffee pods and wads thank you coffee pods and wads give them a like or something something right in the comments give them a like we'll finish here we're going to finish strong
Starting point is 01:39:15 by the way Pedro is in Madrid reporting from there make sure you check out coffee pods and wads the YouTube channel can I actually just say one thing sorry we've talked about this before or I've heard you talk about it before about noah and like uh the genuineness and i've heard people question his genuineness or i don't know what the fucking correct term that is he's genuine i have never seen anything like him so like at the event
Starting point is 01:39:42 today i was talking to him and i was talking to chander so i had no on my show like fucking two years ago no three years ago it must have been my daughter it's relevant to the story it's not just a name drop my daughter was just about to start walking and i was telling he was like asking about my family and stuff um at like messaging afterwards and i said oh uh my daughter's about to start walking blah blah and he was like asking about my family and stuff um like messaging afterwards and i said oh uh my daughter's about to start walking blah blah and he was like oh cool and then he messaged me later i was like i want to send you a pair of shoes like a pair of nike he was with nike at the time he's like i want to send you a pair of shoes i was like oh that's very kind and then he was like oh i'm going to customize you a pair and then he's not that nice because he was like oh it's
Starting point is 01:40:22 costing me too much to send them to you so i'm not doing that but i'll get you a pair and then he's not that nice because he was like oh it's costing me too much to send them to you so i'm not doing that but i'll get you a pair and then he sent a pair of shoes for my daughter as well and it was the first pair of shoes that she wore and then today in madrid i went over i was facetiming my wife and i said oh put sloan on real quick and i went over to him and i didn't preface it in any way at all, turned the phone around and he was like, oh, this is your girl that I bought the shoes for. And I hadn't mentioned it. We haven't talked about it in three years, four years, whatever.
Starting point is 01:40:51 And then later on after the last event, so they're after doing the double unders, the lifting and stuff. So coming upstairs, you could hear downstairs people like chatting and stuff. I walked down the stairs. There's a queue of like 40 people waiting for Chandler and Noah. And Noah was talking to me and i was like do you mind he's like no i
Starting point is 01:41:10 never mind he's the only time i mind is like right before i do something i don't care if it's right after like you know when i'm just starting warming up i don't care and then he needed to sign something so he's talking to someone chandler kind of took his place talking to me and chaner was like my dad was a professional athlete and he showed me the value of doing this but noah is the best i've ever seen like the most giving like he will not by choice stop like he literally is pulled away he's like i've been doing it this weekend but he's every time i've seen him he actually has to be like told no we need to leave now because he has no time limit like usually a professional athlete says okay i'll stay but like for 20 minutes whereas noah's like
Starting point is 01:41:49 i'll stay until there's literally nobody left and i just thought i've heard a lot of people in comments and stuff like that say like oh he's fake or he's not whatever like it is crazy like i don't understand how he's wired the way he's wired but he is wired that way noah's one of the only guys i won't talk shit about because he's such a good dude. I'll decide whether Chandler's dad is a professional athlete or not. Can I bring up a comment? It's crazy. Yeah, yeah. Sarah, hi. Yeah, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:42:15 This is a tough one for me. What do you guys think? I did very well in quarterfinals. Thank you very much. What happens first? Does John Young make it to the quarterfinals? We're going to be realistic about this. what happens first does john young make it to the court with semifinals if we're gonna be realistic about this what happens for what happens first john young goes to the semifinals or taylor to the game quarterfinals it says one of those already happened so uh sarah
Starting point is 01:42:37 thank you thank you very much uh ca peptides uh if you go over to the subclip station, it's brought to you by all the subclips are brought to you by CA Peptides. Everything is brought to you by CA Peptides. They're both happening this year, right, Taylor? Yeah, both this year. Oh, okay. So Colton Mertens shows up at the blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
Starting point is 01:43:02 Southern California country Iowa State Nebraska pig competition. And the Marines are there. And they're having a pull-up contest. What's his belt buckle doing? It's so unfunctional. Like it's literally doing nothing. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:43:19 Peter's got a problem with it. Go ahead. He's icing dangling. What the fuck is his belt buckle doing? Two things I noticed on it. His belt buckle, totally fucking irrelevant as a piece of clothing or an accessory. It doesn't even do anything. It's just sitting there. It's hanging.
Starting point is 01:43:32 You know what it does? You want to know what it does? Yes. He tells you you're a fucking cowboy, baby. He's got that game. He's fucking in the mountains and that's how you know. Colton Merton's high as fuck on
Starting point is 01:43:47 Swolverine. Shows up at the Tri-State Rodeo. And here we go. He trolls the fucking Marines there. Uh oh. Careful. Here we go. Look at him. Those guys got a hold of rack don't we want to
Starting point is 01:44:07 know how many he did it doesn't look like he did i think he did seven or eight his arms were like pop like his forearms like like it cuts right but like it doesn't look like he did like a crazy amount he probably did like 20-something. That sounds like something Taylor would say, John. I think he was up there for at least 120 reps. Look, his arms are two inches longer when he drops.
Starting point is 01:44:36 Yeah, and look, his belt buckle is dripping to the side, too. His fingers nearly drag on the ground. I wonder what those guys think when he walks up. They're like, fuck. No fingers nearly drag on the ground. I wonder what those guys think when he walks up. They're like, fuck. No way. Get the riser.
Starting point is 01:44:50 Get the riser. They won't give you one either. If you ask for one, they're like, no. Oh, if you can't jump up there and hang on, you don't get to try? That's hilarious. I fucking love that. I wouldn't be able to do pull-ups there. Wad Zombie, he did a pulling workout earlier in the day, too. Of course he did.
Starting point is 01:45:07 He did every kind of workout. By the way, you can get your Colton Mertens cards, although I think they might be sold out, at Mint Trading Is that the website? Mint Trading They just got a new one. They got Alex Gazan.
Starting point is 01:45:28 They got James Sprague now. James Sprague. Isn't he an Abercrombie and Fritch athlete now? No, that's JR. No, the guy standing behind you in your wedding pictures in Abercrombie and... American Eagle. It's American Eagle.
Starting point is 01:45:41 Ten inches of dick in your ass kind of guy. Oh, shit. Could have been Spencer's for all I know. Different store, same thing. Back at Spencer's where they sold the weird stuff. When you were talking about pro cards, all I was thinking was
Starting point is 01:45:57 these are the only pro cards I want. That's your date. This is your pro card, bro. Congratulations, Colton you wear a pro you're a fucking pro baby rich Abercrombie and bitch
Starting point is 01:46:15 alright looks like he's going super saiyan hey click on the James Sprague one you can see my big ass forehead in the background he should have signed with Psycho Bunny. Oh, wow. Look at you helping.
Starting point is 01:46:27 You are back there. Oh, shit. You've got to pray that happened. I've made it, guys. Oh, I do want to show you guys one thing real quick. Can you go to Vindicate? I do want to show you one thing that came today that I actually wore, and I can't believe how much I like it.
Starting point is 01:46:44 Taylor, you would love these, actually. Love what? Actually, I wasn't sure if I was going to say how much I like these, because I can't tell if they were sent for my wife or for me. But I wore them. And I love them.
Starting point is 01:46:58 He has shorts now. Vindicate has shorts. Oh, I thought you were talking about those spandex with the hole right in the thigh. No. you were talking about those spandex with the hole right in the right in the thigh that you know no those aren't spandex those are fucking long johns oh no those aren't the shorts i got they make you look like a weird arts teacher those aren't the shorts i got okay maybe they don't sell the shorts they sent me oh i have a pair you know why because uh they sent a pair to brian too travis sent a pair to Brian too Travis sent a pair to Brian and I had to fucking get a
Starting point is 01:47:28 hand-me-down pair from Brian dude have you no but it's not those it's not those I know it's not those I have the shorts that you're talking about they're like the cloth shorts dude I saw those I'm like he's fucking an idiot if he thinks I'll wear these and I put them on today because they were on threw them on my bed they are
Starting point is 01:47:43 fucking did you like them yeah I wear them as wear them as like my at-home shorts that's all i wear yeah i would yeah they're the most incredible shorts ever i don't see them they're not on the site oh go to outerwear caleb no i have those those are too hot for me i overheat in those sweats i put those sweats on i fucking went to a thousand degrees. Oh, I think those are them. Rest day. Sure. Yeah. I don't have the camo.
Starting point is 01:48:07 Mine are insane, though. Yep. No. Oh, he got that color. I wanted to. I have those. Yep. Same.
Starting point is 01:48:15 And dude, don't judge a book by its cover. Those are so crazy. They are short, though. They're shorty. They are short. Yeah. Yeah. My dick hangs out.
Starting point is 01:48:23 Yeah. Yeah. My dick's not that big my uh no i can't say that but yeah i do agree with you yeah they will hang out yeah yeah look at big big baka they are the best shorts yeah it's crazy who is that looks like she's in the savannah studio it is you don't ever pull it block her or him or whatever taylor's got a tuna can dude i'm at two inches around dude yeah but if i wasn't circumcised it would look a lot bigger oh there you go
Starting point is 01:49:07 on the uncircumcised also um the if you uh if you want a if you want a ceo i'm trying to get um this guy uh travis over vindicate oh have you seen this i just think of minus seven inches but the first five are foreskin i just want to show you guys i just want to guys show you seen this? I just think of mine is seven inches, but the first five are foreskin. I just want to show you guys this really quick. Do you guys know about this, the three-breasted woman? What the fuck? It has zero following, dude. That's not real.
Starting point is 01:49:38 No, it is real. No, it's not. Yeah, live call-in show tomorrow. Three-breasted woman. I swear to God. It's real. Is she going to FaceTime? Because I don't believe in Tyson.
Starting point is 01:49:48 It's peptide. She got on CA peptides, and she grew a third breast. No, I want to show you this. She got the mammary pack. What in the total recall is this? How nice is how nice is this how nice is this shirt
Starting point is 01:50:11 yeah if you had a third titty it'd be a bit nicer yeah CEO jersey's coming soon that is a nice jersey I'd love to take you to Photoshop your arms those are JR's arms that's a good 30 minute workout for him That is a nice jersey. I'd love to take you to Photoshop your arms. Those are JR's arms I put on. That's a good 30-minute workout for him.
Starting point is 01:50:29 You look really fucking good. I haven't even actually worked out yet. I just threw the phone at my kid and fucking looked at him and flexed. And then Travis said wear that shirt on the show. But after I worked out, that thing smelled horrible. but after I worked out, that thing smelled horrible. That thing holds stank like halpin' holds venereal diseases. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:50:54 Great show. Anyone else? John Young, you didn't say much. Is there anything you want to say before we leave? Dude, this was a bad show because John didn't get angry. I'm sorry. I tried to ramp him up. I got angry.
Starting point is 01:51:07 Fuck. I know. I didn't even get John angry. Dude, they come in more than kid sizes. Dickhead. What size are those shoes you got, Siobhan? Like a seven? Those are an eight.
Starting point is 01:51:19 Those shoes. Hey, the Born Primitive shoes are legit. I'll post more pictures on my instagram they're legit the primitive shoes yes are you high did you smoke that bag of weed in your room nope the form primitive shoes are not legit that's like you saying sketchers are legit are they sponsoring the show do you have to say that. They sent them to him. Oh, so he wants them to. Oh, I thought he was getting the shoes.
Starting point is 01:51:51 Yeah, show me the shoes, bro. Okay, we get it. Who is sending you that? Hey. Hey. Show me the shoes. I put them right. I opened the box. I put them right next to the Nano 2s.
Starting point is 01:52:01 They look identical to the Nano 2s. I put them on. I wore them all day yesterday longer than i ever wear shoes my feet felt amazing the tongue never once slid to the side like the dumbass nanos never the shoelaces are amazing they're wide as fuck they're it's the best shoe it is it's the best shoe no yep have you have you you have some no let me see them rads rads are They're the actual best. Rads are sick. You know what I'm about to get?
Starting point is 01:52:27 I want to get some of those Innovate, like, barefoot or the Vibram barefoot. Savan, you wear toe shoes. Don't roll your fucking eyes at me, dude. Do you wear those glove things? Yeah, he wears fucking those trash panda shoes, dude, so he can pick shit up with his feet. No, no. Listen, I got
Starting point is 01:52:46 real feet. I got feet that none of my toes are like this. All my toes are like separated. My toes are like this. Nike Metcon. Do you wear those rainbow toe socks? All day, Nike Metcon. I could wear those. Those would be perfect for me.
Starting point is 01:53:03 The ones where each toe gets its own little sleeve yeah do you wipe back to front that picture of steve on where's the g-string that is crazy i don't want to hate on rads but i bet you i can't wear rads i bet you the the toe box is too narrow no i actually have no i have some hobbit feet that like go like that and i wear rads my then you would love the born primitive shoes i'm fucking telling you dude toe box is too narrow. I have some hobbit feet that go like that and I wear rats. Then you would love the Born Primitive shoes. I'm fucking telling you, dude. They're just such a Born BP.
Starting point is 01:53:32 What's the logo on the side? BP? It just sounds like a petroleum company. That's what I think about. I think about gasoline. I'm not going to wear that. You wear them and it just dumps. I don't like tear either. Tear sucks, dude. Makes you want to cry? You start to get a tear every time. Oh, I can't wear a tear either tear suck dude i have makes you want to cry you start to get a tear every time oh i can't wear a tear either i tried i wanted to like them so bad
Starting point is 01:53:49 they hurt my feet the tear runners are really nice i like no do you have pointy feet like this do you have pointy feet like this you know what they kill you those jester shoes that curl up at the top that's why they feel these ones don't ones don't. They don't curl up like that. I'm not talking about the yellow ones. And maybe it's an old model. Dude, Taylor. Sorry, John. Taylor's Input is the name of the shoe.
Starting point is 01:54:16 That's what Taylor's Input is. I don't care how it fits. I don't like the name. I like rad. I like Hot Wheels and shoes that are called rad. What the fuck you mean Taylor's input you have a man bun dude you have gender dysphoria
Starting point is 01:54:30 I know what the fuck are you talking about I I'm kind of annoyed at myself that I started to bring this up because you're asking me to say something and I kind of thought we'd move beyond that Wad Zombie paid for a commentary on it
Starting point is 01:54:44 and we never read it out he said can Pedro say a phrase so I'll just read the phrase tia fuck this is my this is my purple burglar alarm my purple burglar alarm tia tears tia tears into tears tears tears fuck tia tears into tears tears fuck Tia tears into tears tears that's a hard one Tia tears into tears tears Tia tears into tears tears he sounded good too
Starting point is 01:55:17 I'll do it Tia tears into tears tears that's for Taylor you got a great Irish accent yeah I've been practicing it for 34 years 34 years anyway if you want white shoes I'm telling you those fucking guys aren't paying me
Starting point is 01:55:34 I wouldn't have reviewed them if I thought they were ass I want some of the new Vibrams though I'll take a pair a pair of what? the new Vibrams if you guys want to send me a pair of The new Vibrams. If Born Primitive wants, if you guys want to send me a pair of the new Vibrams. I'm not giving out anything.
Starting point is 01:55:49 I was asking if anyone else has worn the Born Primitive. You said not anyone else wants them. That's why I said I thought you were giving a huge shout. Oh, no. If you want some, go to the website and pay your fucking money. And in the comments, I can say, Savan sent me, you should sponsor his show.
Starting point is 01:56:06 Yes. Hey, I'll tell you, the Victos are good shoes too. The Victos Core and the Nano 2. Those are the only three shoes I can wear. Victos Core. Are those like Vibram? No, I'll show you. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:56:18 Are you talking about the toe shoes? Dude, if you buy your wife a pair of BP, she's going to send your ass back to the fucking store to return them. She's going to be like, what are you trying to put on my feet? You're going to be like that one athlete that's sponsored by Skechers. Do you get those at a Payless shoe source? You get those shoes at the toilet store? Shit, I hope.
Starting point is 01:56:38 Maybe Victo's doesn't sell the Korsh one anymore. I mean, that would suck let's see that's probably why my nuts are out all the time this shoe right here this is a uh colors now though oh that's like a that looks like something like you would wear a tracksuit with that you're crazy but that's the exact same bottom as the Nano and the Born Primitive. That's it. Except this this this shoe right here, man,
Starting point is 01:57:11 after a month, you'll fucking whittle it down to nothing. Really? Yeah, it just goes so quick, but they're dope. If you have wide feet, man, that's the shoe. Don't get the Core 2, though. They're heavy. I mean, they fit nice.
Starting point is 01:57:27 They're just heavy and bulky. Okay, so fucking Vivo Barefoot Modus. Let me see your rads. Can you pull rads up? I want to see what the fuck Taylor's all excited about. Rad shoes. Dude, they're the best. They're the best CrossFit shoe I've ever worn.
Starting point is 01:57:42 They also have the best like marketing like their marketing is insane for sure but that's the best crossfit shoe i've ever worn are you kidding me look at that soul are you kidding me squatting rope climbs all of it oh you come dude those look like sketchers those look like those marshmallow shoes those moon shoes that Reebok put out. You're 70. You don't know the cool right now, Sevan. You don't know the cool, bro. The sole doesn't go as high as the black goes in the- Go to the green. No.
Starting point is 01:58:13 You're picking the shittiest colors. Thank you. Thank you. That's your color? Yeah, that's his color. Oh, my God. It looks like a Kawasaki dirt bike, Caleb. Dude, it looks like a Hot Wheel from like 2004.
Starting point is 01:58:23 Shut up, loser. Yeah, I'll go with I don't know when I see Taylor wearing those on the moon. Okay, well, you guys take your little bit of fashion. All right? Yeah, pointy toe. I couldn't wear those. I couldn't wear those. No, they don't have a pointy toe.
Starting point is 01:58:39 Well, I'm just telling you that's what it looks like right there. Go on to their Instagram and look at their marketing sometime because it's fucking next level. Eat a dick, Chugs. I might not have any sense of fashion, but I know that all the fucking cool people in CrossFit are wearing rats. Danielle Brandon wears rats. She's cool as shit.
Starting point is 01:58:56 Yeah, that's true. I don't think Hopper wears rats. He wears Nikes. Not for long. Taylor sounds like a guy who loves Code Red Mountain Dew. Thank you, everyone, for watching the show. Another great show, epic show. I'll be here tomorrow morning, even though my kids have a jiu-jitsu tournament.
Starting point is 01:59:15 They don't start until 1130, so you will see me. The show will be featuring a three-best-breasted woman. Is she honest? Yes.

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