The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Games Update Show | Jessica Cahoy, Mertens, Spin, Pedro, Ingraham

Episode Date: August 27, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply snap that off and the armrest of the airplane. I turn my headphones into wireless headphones. Wait a second. Bam. We're live. Wait a second.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Your podcast runs on such a shoestring budget that you broke your headphones on the flight back to what island do you live on? No, I broke my headphones on the flight to America. That's America, dude. Hey, bro. I went to Dubai okay will you will you pull up
Starting point is 00:01:32 have you bought new ones Pedro no okay Sousa those Rode headphones can we can we get those for Pedro and send those to Ireland Can we get those for Pedro and send those to Ireland?
Starting point is 00:01:47 Can we buy those on Amazon and send those? Have you bought new ones yet, Pedro? I want to gift you a pair for your... I don't normally pay people for coming on the show, but I want to gift you a pair of headphones for coming on the show. No, I haven't. That would be very kind of you. No, I haven't. Do you want that to change his whole setup? No, not the jack.
Starting point is 00:02:02 They have actual headphones that can just plug in too. It's both. Those Rode ones can do whatever. You can use it with the mic or not. Yeah, those are bisexual. Those can go. They plug. They don't plug.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Yeah. You can take those on the Rode. Okay. Rode headphones. They have a mini R roadcaster for traveling? Yeah. That's sick. I didn't even know they had headphones on or anything.
Starting point is 00:02:30 It looks like a GoPro. What the fuck's up with your setup, Suze? I can't even hear you. I wasn't planning to be on the show. I was doing stuff in the background, so I didn't have the roadcaster or anything turned on. I mean, we had a full house, and nobody wants to hear about my stuff for the games. You look good, by the the way with your beard like that
Starting point is 00:02:46 me scruffy yeah yeah rugged yeah like rugged Pedro what are some of the slang words do you have words for fellatio is head a word for fellatio in um Ireland oh it is okay like oh i got some good head yeah okay and we say pp slurping as well oh no you don't oh you don't okay good oh my goodness please don't ever say that on my god damn it uh start the show over please hang up and start the show over. We're about to end and we'll come back. Three minutes early. What's up? There's always one guy who takes it too far. It's always the
Starting point is 00:03:34 same guy. It's usually pretty quick. It's that monkey in the middle. Wait, hold on. Hold on. There it is. Also, that shoe fits too speaking of head keep your head up
Starting point is 00:03:51 Pedro I'm trying to put on my fucking toe spacers oh wow Mr. Spin hi thank you for joining us yeah man how are you looking good I just swore I just swore three minutes in sorry joining us. Yeah, man. How are you? Looking good. Sorry, I just swore three minutes in. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Now we got this set up going. Chase Ingram, professional commentator for a sport that is actually a professional sport. It's not like women's gymnastics in the Olympics, which is just a bunch of judges
Starting point is 00:04:23 who judge it. Amateurs. It's not like diving. gymnastics in the olympics which is just a bunch of judges who judge it amateurs it's not like diving just judged by judges how fucking unprofessional are those stupid ass sports oh my god crossfit's not professional well at least uh our scores are empirically driven by a fucking timer but it's not professional oh is it that's true it's not professional huh well did you know that Don Fall and Dave Castro, two of the main leaders of this sport, of the decisions they made, determined whether people lived or died?
Starting point is 00:04:54 Well, I guess that would make Pharma a professional, too, the head of Pfizer. Caleb, hi. Hi. Just because I brought you in doesn't mean you get to stay i'll leave he could stay i could go no no no no welcome to the crossfit game out update show we have one professional commentator we have uh for dei reasons we have someone from europe we We have Mr. Spin, the fastest news source in the CrossFit space.
Starting point is 00:05:29 We have Caleb hiding in the back with Matt Souza, the executive producer of the Sebon podcast. Today we have two great guests. Jessica, I think her last name now is Kahoy. We'll find out if I'm pronouncing it right. It's been a while since I talked to her. The last
Starting point is 00:05:44 time I talked to her during the behind the scenes she was a fittest nurse chase what was her deal she was like the fittest nurse on planet earth or something competing at the crossfit games yeah i think she had that that occupational uh title which is pretty crazy to have an occupational title and be in that at the games, right? These days. Yeah. And I ran into her again and I either has a kid or she was pregnant or both. I can't remember, but she was back by the corrals. I'm like, girl, what are you doing here? And she goes, that's my athlete.
Starting point is 00:06:25 And I'm like, holy cow. And it was Ty Jenkins, a young man that Brian Friend had pointed out to me who is a complete savage. So we have her on the show today to talk about the CrossFit Games, what it's like coaching, what it's like going from a pro CrossFit athlete to coaching a kid who looks like he's going to be a superstar in the sport. And then also, of course, we have the great Colton Mertens. I feel like I birthed him myself.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I apologize to Colton's mom, but I have some of those fresh marks. And Colton will be on. He prepares to go to Rogue. We will be talking about the Rogue qualifier. I have been bugging the owners of Rogue, Dear Bill and Katie, to try to get one of them on during the Rogue Invitational every night. So hopefully we'll be covering that and harassing them. And then I think invitations for Dubai have come out. And the climax of the show is Mr. Spin's top athletes in the world. You think the CrossFit Games crowns the top athletes in the world.
Starting point is 00:07:31 That is actually not true. That is a proxy. I don't know why I'm using that word, a proxy. That is a proxy to something that Pedro votes in. Please, Pedro has gotten up in the middle of the night to join us and so i told myself before i got on the show today uh allow pedro extra talking time so if you have any questions for pedro if you want to see him get to the say get to the choppa or you want to ask him who the queen of his country is or whatever um
Starting point is 00:08:00 feel free to pepper him you can also call in periodically we'll run this number down on the bottom okay so we're off in one minute Jessica will be joining us Mr. Spinner oh there is a chance at some point during the show we'll be talking about these crazy rumors that are flying around everywhere that there's
Starting point is 00:08:22 going to be some big big changes at HWPO. That are flying. Oh, sorry. Those rumors. Sorry. At Brute and at Proven. All three camps have some crazy, crazy fun rumors.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Fun. It's fun. It's fun. They're fun. Don't you think they're fun? It's fun, right? We love the athletes. We want to know where they're going. Why are you leaving? What they're doing. Who they're doing.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Whatever. Yeah. Here it all. We have. People send you rumors to your DMs? Sometimes. have mr people send you rumors to your um dms um sometimes sometimes like yeah like questions like oh what's this you know have you heard anything about whatever but i never hear like never hear juicy stuff i always have you heard today that daniel brandon's going uh moving to vegas have you heard that today yeah some uh guy
Starting point is 00:09:25 living in newport sent me that oh all right uh mr asshole uh mr spin it was in your text message i told you that not in your dms uh mr spin do you get um do people send you rumors occasionally occasionally um daily maybe not as much as some is like the hiller side of things but uh i wouldn't say daily um i think when when different competitions kind of come up and things like that i get more of it um i've gotten some rumors on where the games might be or possibly semi-finals next year from people um but not enough that i could go pull another news source and publish something like that yet. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:08 And Chase Ingram, is that true that the CrossFit Games are moving to Fort Worth, Texas? I have no idea. Liar. Liar. Sips coffee slowly uh okay uh do you guys know about ty jenkins do you guys know about the lad how'd he finish how'd he end up finishing uh when i ran into ty he was he won four straight uh events um i saw him over at the ice baths um outside of north park which is a really cool setup crossfit had a really cool
Starting point is 00:10:46 setup right that did were there enough ice baths there for everyone i think there were it looked like 40 ice baths i never saw anyone waiting fresh with ice oh i may have been the only one back there sorry i forgot none of you guys had credentials to go back there and chase was actually working that was a sorry sorry sorry so right outside of north park you would go under the bleachers oh my goodness okay so so the kid won by i didn't even know that wow yeah he had five out of eight first place finishes so pretty strong holy cow okay so a first a first a first a first and then i i think i saw him after the pulling power event, if that was in the North Park.
Starting point is 00:11:29 And that's when Brian Friend pointed him out to me, and that's when we were over at the Ice Buckets. Doesn't even flinch. Gets in, talking to me while he gets in. Oh, it's Colton? Colton is here? Yeah, I was going to introduce him, bring him in, and I thought you were going to do it, and then I was like, maybe he did. Oh, I can't see him. I can't see him.
Starting point is 00:11:46 All right. Was that when you said, here he is? That was about 10 minutes ago. Yeah, I was like, shit. Maybe he's gone. I don't know. I thought you were building something up, so I was like, maybe he's going to introduce him. I didn't want to step on your toes.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Oh, no, thank you. Fuck you, Ty. Sorry. There he is. There he is. Jesus Christ. Oh, my God. What's up, guys? I thought that was your boy sitting in there
Starting point is 00:12:06 hanging in the wind i'm on a i'm on a laptop with a little tiny like travel monitor on my left i didn't even see colton he was down low dude you look you look loose oh you look kind of like you're in a uh outside of a 7-eleven and i'm supposed to see how tall you are as you see you know what i mean like with that line right there i I'm at CrossFit Kilo. Hey. There you go. God, that place is huge. Yeah, it's nice.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Hey, Colton, is CrossFit Kilo in any way related to the people who do the websites, who do my website? I don't think so. Who does your website? I think it's someone. Isn't it someone called Kilo, Sousa? Because there were a bunch of people sitting at the finish line inside the Coliseum and they had Kilo shirts. And I kept filming them for B-roll thinking that it was going to be, yeah, these guys. Oh, it's the same logo.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Are these guys affiliated? They're not affiliated with your gym? I don't think so. Not that I know. Unless they have a side business. They have a lot of business going on, but I don't think they're doing websites. Maybe though. Okay. I don't think they're doing websites. Maybe, though. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:06 I don't think so. Hey, Sousa, this is the problem. Elise, Sebon has a website. Hey, how are you doing? Fully, when you leave the games, do you need – there it is. When you leave the games, is it like me? Like I'm invigorated when I leave the games, is it like me? I'm invigorated when I leave the games. People are like, hey, did you recover?
Starting point is 00:13:31 I'm like, did I recover? I'm fucking pumped. Do people ask you that? Do you need to recover or are you recovered? Yeah, I'm recovered. There's about two days where I was pretty tired and just wanted to relax. So I just did my farm work, worked on the house, and tried to relax a little bit.
Starting point is 00:13:47 But then it was like Wednesday, and I was kind of ready to work out again. I took a full week off from doing any training and then started doing like one workout a day after that. And now I'm starting to ramp it back up again. We've got the road qualifier going on right now. So I just did two workouts for that today. I just finished the second one like five minutes before i got on here how was that one good i did i didn't do them in order i did uh events one and
Starting point is 00:14:11 four today so i got two and three tomorrow i figured these would be the two that are the least damaging and easiest for me to recover from personally just based on my strengths the handstand push-ups and snatches aren't going to be super damaging, and I didn't think the overhead squat and clusters would be either. So what's the deal with the road qualifiers? Is it the same as last year, 15 people are invited and five people have to qualify, men and women, so 2020? As far as I know, I know it says at least five will come from the qualifier.
Starting point is 00:14:46 So I'm not sure how many they invite or who they invite or if they do any backfills at all. Yeah, I assume they invite top 15 and then they take whoever accepts and then maybe invite a few more people if they want to come and then after that it's
Starting point is 00:15:02 five plus from the qualifier. Colton, last year I think it was correct me correct me if I'm wrong, anyone, jump in, but I think it was Travis Mayer who somehow had some sort of, and maybe someone else, Dallin Pepper, someone else, there was a couple guys who had an issue with the filming, right? There was just like a minor error and they didn't get to go. You got that too, right, Colton? Didn't Colton have it?
Starting point is 00:15:24 Oh, you had it, Colton? Well, I think Travis didn't get to go you got a two right colton have it oh you had it colton well uh i think travis didn't weigh his weights in his video his submission video didn't weigh his weights i think he was using road gear and figured it would be okay but it it says you have to weigh it no matter what and then my problem was one of the workouts was like uh i think it was like you do x amount of getting jerks each round and then the reps go down and weight goes up and you have some other stuff afterwards and i think like my first or second round i did one rep too few so they just stopped my workout right there so i only got one or two rounds in um so that ended up taking me out of qualification
Starting point is 00:16:01 uh does that stress you out like now this year are you like did like does that like give you some ocd no no no it used to but i mean now i could just um try and be prepared when setting up the workouts go over them well read the standards very thoroughly and um yeah i mean if you make a mistake like shit happens sometimes but uh i'm not gonna waste my energy worrying about it. I'll just focus on performing my best. We'll see what happens. You really want to go?
Starting point is 00:16:31 It's like, hey, that's an important thing for you to go to the Rogue Invitational? It's very important to go to Rogue. It's probably the most well-run competition I've ever been to in the past, and it's really good exposure because there's only 20 athletes there. And it's a good payout as well. And I believe last year and the year before, they started covering 100% of the athletes' travel or you got like a sizable travel stipend. So yeah, that's like the main event that everybody wants to go to every year outside of the games
Starting point is 00:17:04 in my mind. I said it was the most exclusive event in the world. Yeah, I mean, you could be like a games athlete and still be a long ways from qualifying for Rogue. It's interesting. I want to come back to that in one second, what you just said. Don't forget what he just said. That was a bit of a brain teaser right there, a bit of a riddle. But I want to go back to what you just said, Chase, real quick about it being an exclusive event.
Starting point is 00:17:35 One more thing that someone said on the show this morning, and I didn't see it, and afterwards I was talking with Andrew Hiller about it. Let me tell you how inclusive CrossFit is, by the way, for anyone who thinks that it's exclusive let me tell you what exclusive is exclusive is the nfl exclusive is the nba exclusive is the nhl these are these are not that i give a shit i love exclusive i love exclusive i love an all men's club that only billionaire pygmy dwarfs are allowed into i love it don't get me. I ain't shitting on it. I love that we're playing on an island that only inbred Irish dudes that eat potatoes are allowed to live on. I love it.
Starting point is 00:18:11 What the fuck do I do? Nothing, nothing, nothing. Just want to make sure you're awake. I just want to hear you talk. Thank you. But you are not getting into the NFL unless you fucking go to college, you play high school, you jump through all their fucking stupid little hoops. You're not going to the Olympics unless you jump through to college, you play high school, you jump through all their fucking stupid little hoops. You're not going to the Olympics
Starting point is 00:18:27 unless you jump through all their stupid little hoops. Anybody, anybody can become the fittest man in the world in what is the premier crown for fitness on planet Earth, hands down. Everyone knows, shut the
Starting point is 00:18:43 fuck up. So just remember that. The next time you try to say that this fucking thing, and that's what makes it such a premier crown title also because this net is wide. So tired of this shit calling anything that CrossFit does exclusive. Okay, sorry. What did you say, Colton?
Starting point is 00:19:02 Sorry, it's on my high horse. What did you say? I was just taking a shot at Hunter McIntyre. Oh, thank you. What did you say? Oh,? Sorry, it's on my high horse. What did you say? I was just taking a shot at Hunter McIntyre. Oh, thank you. What did you say? Oh, yes. Yes, thank you. Please say it again. He deserves a shot. You can even get invited if you don't qualify sometimes. Thank you. That's a shot at Ben Smith, too. Yeah, I guess so.
Starting point is 00:19:22 So what were you saying? You were saying that even games athletes can't go to rogue what are you what are you telling us about rogue it's hard yeah i mean um it's more exclusive than even the world championships which i think is interesting um definitely don't think it's a bad thing but it's just uh you know most other sports it would be uh really weird to see an event where it's like you know even people who qualify to compete at the world championships, half of them aren't even going to be able to go. And why is that? Is that is that something you're saying? It's not something bad, but is that because Rogue's harder or it's not as well balanced or why is that?
Starting point is 00:20:01 It's in the same family. It's still CrossFit, right? Yeah, I think there is more interested in showcasing the tip of the spear athletes. And, you know, that's top 20 in the world for the strongman comp. It's even more difficult. They only get 10 dudes and it's it's completely invite only. You can't do any qualifier to get into that. So I know those guys have a really tough road. If you want to come compete at Rogue. You're going to have to go to the World Championships and then probably place top 10.
Starting point is 00:20:29 And then even then, you might still have to cross your fingers to get an invite. Okay, so CrossFit is Toyota. Toyota's good. Make a ton of good cars. Last a long time. But Rogue is Ferrari. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Not a dig at CrossFit at all. Toyota's a fantastic car. Yeah, the test is a little bit different. The programming at Rogue typically is not just focused on finding the fittest out of those 20 athletes. It's more of a showcase as well. I think that's why you have some events. We had the shooting event one year, and you had the log lift last year.
Starting point is 00:21:09 I do some different things like that where it's like – I think that's similar with some other off-season events as well where from my perspective, the programming is not designed specifically with just finding the fittest, but more so putting on a showcase for the athletes and fans, which is not a bad thing either. If you wouldn't have made that error last year, would you have qualified for Rogue?
Starting point is 00:21:33 Yeah, I would have got a spot. You would have. Pedro, Colton Merton is going to... Pedro, first of all, let me ask you, have you looked at the workouts for Rogue? I have not, so don't feel bad if you haven't. No, just when Chase sent them in that time. Just when Chase, huh?
Starting point is 00:21:49 He sent them into the group chat. Oh, shit. You're on that chat, Pedro? Who added you? Yeah, I'm just a wallflower. Chase, is Colton Mertens going to, outside of any errors, is Colton Mertens going to Rogue this year? Is he going to qualify? It's tough, man.
Starting point is 00:22:08 It's tough. Exactly. There's five spots, and there's a lot of great athletes getting left out of the invites. And that's when we're talking about exclusivity, and it's not a negative thing at all. It's like 15 are invited. Back fills could be some
Starting point is 00:22:25 of that right from the beginning five only qualify basically cutting out more than half the games field to put into the qualifier should they want to sign up and that's also including everybody that didn't make the games this year too like it's tough and there's only four and these animals i bet you i bet you jorge uh uh jorge f Fernandez is also trying to get in. He wouldn't get an invite because he didn't go individual, but God knows he's a savage, right? And El Chama and these guys who are going to come over from team also, right? Well, it's also those that, like I said, those that didn't make the games.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Like Colton spent all year competing to qualify and then just wrecked shop while he was at the games and had to recover from it, just like you're saying, taking some time off. But then you've got athletes like Guimajeros that didn't qualify who didn't have to pour himself into games training and could be getting prepped for something like this. Or even Ricky Garrard, if he's healthy.
Starting point is 00:23:20 There's people that didn't even make the games that could be physically in better shape and condition to do well in these qualifiers. Colton, will you respond to that? Tell me, I want to push back on Chase and be like, the games actually made you fitter. Am I wrong? They probably had a higher peak, but it's not sustainable. That level of training and stress in your body is not sustainable. So you have to, you know, you have that big come up for the games, and you have to come down somewhat at least and recover.
Starting point is 00:23:51 And, like, I've really only been doing – I really haven't been doing a lot of hard training or super high-volume training the past two weeks. You know, I took a week off and then a week of doing, like, one cardio piece a day, and then this week I started doing some higher-intensity stuff. And now here we are for Rogue. But I feel pretty fit.
Starting point is 00:24:08 I feel pretty strong. I feel like I've recovered really well. And, yeah, it could be a bit of an advantage if you didn't have to peak for the games if you had an injury or just missed out on qualifying. And maybe now you're peaking a little bit more now. But I still think my fitness is as good as anybody's. Pedro, you impressed with Colton's performance at the Games this year or is it 18th place?
Starting point is 00:24:34 Are you impressed or did you expect more from him? I'm very impressed. I think especially when you consider that in January, he was almost running the adaptive division with his autoimmune disease. I think it's pretty decent. Yeah, he's not wrong. Pedro, what do you think? I'm going to ask Colton the same thing.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Is his confidence higher after the games this year? Do you think that Colton went to the games and he's like, he believes in himself more or less after the games this year? If he believed in himself less, it'd be so weird answering this question in front of him. I think if he believed in himself less...
Starting point is 00:25:14 That's what makes this show good. Just make it weird. Embrace the weirdness. I think if he believed in himself less, if he didn't think he was on course for where he was trying to go, he'd be being very harsh on himself. I think it was like an impressive, an impressive display.
Starting point is 00:25:30 I think he did a lot of things that people who don't watch this show or who don't follow him might not have expected him to be able to do. And I think he surprised a lot of people who weren't like, he announced himself to a lot of people. I think this year. Colton, a-part question. Do you have more belief in yourself, and is that a good thing? Or do you think that, because part of me thinks that you need to be a hungry,
Starting point is 00:25:56 you're the kind of guy who needs to be hungry and have something to prove. Yeah, it's kind of like there's these two forces inside of you going kind of opposite directions. But, I mean, it's my of like there's these two forces inside of you going kind of opposite directions. So my first year of the Games, I placed 31st and was disappointed not to make the cuts. Second year, come back, feeling more confident, ended up doing worse. And I was really doubting myself after that. And honestly, right after the Games, it was just hard to get back into training. I felt like I was off course and it was really hard to have that fire.
Starting point is 00:26:28 And then like, honestly, that's when Gabe and paper street came in and started supporting me and just like feeling that belief from him and myself really kind of lit the fire again. And you know, drink a fucking cup of coffee and a guy gave you a thousand bucks and all of a sudden you're back in the games. The fuck is going on here? and um drink a fucking cup of coffee and a guy gave you a thousand bucks and all of a sudden you're back in the games what the fuck is going on here like i was expecting the last year to be like a breakout season and i'm like now i'm gonna be able to get some sponsors i'm gonna be able to
Starting point is 00:26:55 train full time i'm gonna be able to build the gym home i'm not gonna have to train in the garage and farm all day which i don't i like farming but it's fucking suction here I had to do crossfit training afterwards and um so like I was kind of hoping for that and then did worse I was like well here we go again but um yeah I just kept working believing in myself for the next year and yeah I just um really had a big shift mentally where I was not super focused on just results, but focused on effort and preparation and just taking a lot of the stress away from the performance aspect of things. And, you know, it's a little bit ironic, but that mindset leads to a lot better performance in the end. That's not really Paper Street Coffee because it would be ST Coffee.
Starting point is 00:27:43 No one go to It's PaperSTCoffee. Please someone report that to our HR department. There was a quote up there from Twitch. Who the fuck watches this show on Twitch? Two people apparently because that's the second Twitch
Starting point is 00:27:59 comment. Everyone hang on. We're going to hear from Brian Spin. I know. I can see all the comments. Tell the rest of these knuckleheads to shut up. You only want to hear from Brian Spin. Give me a second. I'm going to get to the brain. Colton, do you have an advantage because Sevan loves you?
Starting point is 00:28:16 No. Oh, no. Wad Zombie, do you have an advantage because you've trained on uneven floors for years? Does your ghetto lifestyle help you at all, the hardships of being a poor white farmer? It did help me herniate some discs in my back right after quarterfinals. Oh, God. No, life's a lot better in the gym home.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Getting close to being finished training is exponentially better. Being know to do rope climbs in workouts and uh doing them inside and not outside you know to do wall balls inside and lift on a floor that doesn't give and it's not expanded and all this stuff turns out makes a big difference and uh it's i'm feeling it feeling good doing a lot of progress. Mr. Spin, two questions for you. First one's easy. Is he going to make Rogue? Second one's hard. At what point does Colton to use the, in the UFC,
Starting point is 00:29:14 Max Holloway, one of the greatest fighters who ever lived, who's still very active, has stopped sparring? Is Colton going to make it to Rogue? And at what point in Colton's career is he going to have to start dialing it back a little bit and trust the fitness he's built up? I think these workouts on the online qualifier set up really well for Colton.
Starting point is 00:29:34 We talked about it on Wednesday at the show. I mean, I'm sure workout four was in your wheelhouse. What was workout four? four was was in your wheelhouse um so workout four can you it's the wall facing handstand push-ups and snatches okay uh with an ascending ladder so um yeah i mean you go through these and really you don't see much that you say colton can't do well on um i think they kind of they kind of line up for him um i don't i wouldn't say that there's a time where he's got to rely on where his fitness is and not improve i mean you see guys still pr in years and years later so i mean i think there's still you know we always talk about the games and how you want to see improvement
Starting point is 00:30:25 year over year right and we've seen that this year right we went from 30 something to what 18th i think it was this year um i mean that's a that's a great improvement and that builds confidence and um hope to see him continue to build on that going forward. Are the invites for Rogue, is it just top 15 of the games get invited no matter what, and then five plus more depending on how many is it? If you're a Rogue athlete, then you're 17th.
Starting point is 00:30:58 There's some politics in it. Obviously the top 15 get an automatic invite. I'm sorry, Bill and Katie. I apologize. Remove Mr. Spin, please. Okay, take two. Take two. There's some politics. Sorry, Mr. Spin.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Yeah, so the top 15 get invited, and the top five qualifiers get invited. If anybody declines their invite, that's kind of where it's up to Rogue to how they want to do it. So last year they, they invited Annie Thor's daughter. Um, she obviously wasn't top 15. She didn't do the qualifier, but they invited her. Um, and there were quite a few women that did not come and accept their invite last year. So they went down the list. They did pass a few athletes up without inviting them without inviting them and that's where you say there's some politics
Starting point is 00:31:50 involved because theoretically what you're saying is if they would have invited 15 and someone doesn't show they would go to 16 they would go to 17 what you're saying is they skipped some and didn't invite them and invited the uh two-time champ icelandic queen annie thor's daughter yeah they skipped her and then I want to say it was like they didn't – they invited Lucy Campbell, but she was hurt, Danny Spiegel, Ellie Turner, Matilda Garnes. But they skipped Karen Freova, Paige Semenza, Thurie Helga daughterughter and then went to Caroline
Starting point is 00:32:26 Prevost. Oh interesting wow now Caroline has quite a bit of history with Rogue she's done the record breakers and stuff like that and I think it's so she has a lot of history with them kind of like Annie but maybe not you know
Starting point is 00:32:42 household name is Annie comparatively but yeah they passed a few of those up and went with Carolyn just to throw it out there there may be something in there that is that is written down somewhere that we haven't seen that says
Starting point is 00:32:57 if it goes outside of these 15 obviously it's up to them to decide but it might be who's ever won the most road qualifiers in the previous year or some shit like that even, right? Maybe. I mean, I think it's... Okay, you don't think so. You're not buying it.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Okay. Hold on. Bill's texting me. Okay. I won't let Spin on here again. No problem. There's a weird red dot on Spin's forehead. Can I finish this show with Spin?
Starting point is 00:33:22 All right. Let's see if I can finish this show with you. Cave Dastro, Colton is a good dude. Kilo trained. Kilo trained. I know one year they invited, I think it was the year they did all 20 invites, and they invited Ben Smith, who didn't qualify for the games at all that year, wasn't doing team or anything.
Starting point is 00:33:43 So it's just kind of like, once they get through those first 15, I think, and it's just like do their choice, whoever they want to attend. Fair enough. Look at Caleb doing some home cooking and influencing the show by highlighting comments. Thanks for streaming this on Twitch. I love this app more than YouTube,
Starting point is 00:34:04 so I really appreciate it. I think everyone on Twitch. I love this app more than YouTube, so I really appreciate it. I think everyone on Twitch is a bot, but okay, if you say so. Look at you. God, Caleb is really fucking... Speaking of politics, his card sold for $110. What? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Whose card? Colton's card? Yeah. The one's card? Yeah. The one on eBay? Yeah. Damn. I think it was Wild Zombie. Do you know who bought it? I think I know who bought it.
Starting point is 00:34:35 I don't know if they want me to say it, I guess. My favorite pig farmer. Who's that? How many pig farmers do you know? Paper Street Coffee. Yes. Yeah. who's that oh how many pig farmers you know uh paper street coffee yes yes i pulled that one up uh trish uh we love you colton i love you too mr spin and that's pedro but love colton the most anyone Colton the most. Anyone? Pedro?
Starting point is 00:35:07 I'm Irish. It might sound bad. Oh, thank you. Thank you. That might be sound classier in Irish. What else are you doing? So the goal is Rogue. I really like the way you described it.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Expose your money and run well. What else is there? It's cool. It's like walking into the Gucci store. You kind of actually just changed my whole perspective on the event. Not that I had any negative perspective, or maybe you refined my perspective on the event, which I really appreciate.
Starting point is 00:35:46 It's also great to be close quarters with the other best in the world, where it's like you get to go kind of step for step with them and see how you compare against, like, the top of the top. And, like, you can do that at the games too, but it's like it's more intimate. There's just 20 of you there going the entire time. So it's kind of like the last two days of the games, but for the whole comp. Yeah, almost like the all-star game right but people actually like to watch it more
Starting point is 00:36:12 than the all-star games of the other sports people actually competing hard yeah hey there's there is a kind of blasé fair i don't know if it's attitude from the athletes, but they kind of want you to think that. But is it that? On the other hand, there's a shitload of money on the – Laissez-faire, laissez-faire, laissez-faire. Laissez-faire. Thank you, laissez-faire. Who the fuck was going to correct me?
Starting point is 00:36:37 Jesus, please. Laissez-faire attitude. You're from Europe, Pedro. You should have corrected me oh here we go laissez-faire thank you a policy or attitude of letting things take their own course without interfering um you you will you i can't ever see you having a laissez-faire attitude uh colton um i think when athletes project that, money-wise, I don't know what they're getting for sponsors,
Starting point is 00:37:07 but maybe they're making enough that it's not going to make a difference how they pay their bills. Their performance won't make a difference there. So maybe they can relax in that aspect. But I think it's more for themselves to put on that kind of facade like yeah i don't care that much it's like trying to take the pressure off but um yeah they fucking care and don't let them oh yeah they're worried they're nervous um i think yeah they care maybe um if i had to pick one person that i could really was honest about it, maybe Noah Olsen.
Starting point is 00:37:46 He cares, but I feel like he's also very happy no matter how things go. That's probably one of the only people that that attitude would be genuine from in my eyes. God, I love it. Damn, Colton, you're on another level with your interviewing these days. Don't do any more shows. Just come on this show. Don't do Get With The Programming or any
Starting point is 00:38:05 of those other shows. The top prize is $252,000. Damn. And increasing. And everybody's guaranteed at least more money than what you do with the games. And you get all of
Starting point is 00:38:21 your accommodations, flights, at least compensated in some regard. I think that's one of the coolest things they do. They probably get a cowboy hat or something. Yeah, they definitely get something like that. If you don't perform decently throughout the game season, you're going to definitely spend money to compete.
Starting point is 00:38:37 It's really nice. Go into a comp knowing you're not going to have to come back with less money than what you're left with. Hey, how much does a pig cost? Can't buy them. Oh, like an animal pig. Sorry. Oh, you're such a one-dimensional man, Chase.
Starting point is 00:38:58 You're so focused. Colton, how much is a pig? Well, it depends if you buy it as a 15, 20-pound weaned pig or if you buy it at market weight. And then the price will depend on the market per pound. And then it will depend on how much the pig weighs. Little baby pig, the cheapest pig I can get. There can be a pig that weighs too much?
Starting point is 00:39:22 Yeah, you start getting docked if it weighs too much. Wow. It's kind of a sweet spot they want them in. to be a pig that weighs too much yeah you start getting docked if it weighs too much wow oh it's kind of a sweet spot they want them in why why is that yeah um so like for their processing when they butcher them it's easier if the pigs are all like the same size they can i think they have um it's kind of like manufacturing where it's not a lot of like people doing it with their hands. So if the pig is really big. So he slides into a machine.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Yeah. It's got to be the exact dimensions. Preferably. How small, how small is that window? What's the, what's the, is it 10 pounds or 20 pounds?
Starting point is 00:40:00 What's the space for that? Sure. They can get some guy with a stick. Well, it's also like um so you don't get paid more per pound after a certain point either it's like it costs money to feed that pig above a certain weight so once you go over that you're just spending extra money and feed so there's that part of it as well hey pedro have you ever seen the subways like in japan And they got like a stick. It's like a key stick. And the people pile in.
Starting point is 00:40:30 And before the door closes, there's a guy. And he pushes on the door. He pushes where the doors are open to push everyone in. And then as the door closes, he pulls the stick out. Have you ever seen that, Pedro? No, but when you started talking about that, I was like, geez, do they really like Subway sandwiches that much? Yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Look at this. What a dignified country. Hey, usually they have a stick there. Look at that shit. Crazy. Good thing you have your mask on. Can you imagine doing that in New York City? Like you'd get poked with a needle if you did that
Starting point is 00:41:04 to someone. So how much is a baby shit pig? Like just a little, the cheapest pig I can get. Cheapest pig. $10? $50? Are you trying to buy a pig? No, I just want to know if you win Rogue, how many pigs you could buy. If it's $4 a pig and you win $250,000, or if it's $50 a pig and you went if it's four dollars a pig and 250 000 or if it's 50 a pig and you went 250 000 it's 500 pigs uh if i win a bunch of money
Starting point is 00:41:31 i'm gonna be buying a bunch of winger dogs um i've contracted through so i work for sabi's out of pork who so they said i get paid per like number of pigs i raise per year so i don't um i won't like buy the pig and then get the profit once it's sold i just get the money per pig um it's kind of a whole process with a lot of different companies involved but um basically um pig agriculture kind of moved that way in the past 50 years because it became so expensive to run the whole operation yourself so now like basically you just pay to build the barn and facilities and then you get contracted to raise for pig essentially so people send their own pigs there you you don't pay for the pigs basically no i'll just buy your dogs you raise the pigs okay so you could buy if it's a thousand dollars a wiener dog you could buy 250 champion wiener dogs.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Or no, it's probably more. What's the most expensive wiener dog ever sold? I've seen some for like $4,500. What? They say they have champion bloodlines or whatever or things like that. Champion bloodlines. Typically, it's going to be like between one and two grand for the most part, unless you're buying from a puppy mill, then you could get them for like six or 700.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Someone in the comments today asked if there were peptides that would make your penis more rigid. And I asked, and I, and I asked Sarah about it and, and I went to lunch with her today and the entire time she was like hey i can get you peptides that'll make your penis more rigid i'm like dude it's not for me it's in the fucking comments and i want you to know i'm not buying a pig and i'm not taking
Starting point is 00:43:13 peptides to make my penis more rigid i'm just asking questions how come those two questions stuck on me people think i want to buy a pig i don't want to buy a pig and i'm not interested in having a more rigid penis i forgot that that California Hormones is Sarah and I knew that you had Sarah Sigmund's daughter on today. So when you said I asked Sarah, I was like, why would you ask her that? You're getting canceled again, bro. No, not Sarah Sigmund's daughter.
Starting point is 00:43:35 God, what a... Thanks, thanks. I'm glad you clarified that, Pedro. Someone would DM her, hey. Yeah, I'm just asking for a friend, yeah. Yeah, just asking for a friend. Yeah. Totally asking for a friend. I just like how you got us from A to B
Starting point is 00:43:52 how you went from wiener dogs to peptides. Well, I don't want anyone to think I'm buying pigs. I'm asking them the price of pigs just because I'm curious. I'm not buying pigs. I don't need a more rigid penis. How's the rigidity of your penis, Colton? Good?
Starting point is 00:44:06 Doing just fine there. Okay, good. I only put forward until God put the extra inches somewhere else, I guess. He's a good dude. We have all these extra parts. Where should we put them? I've been waiting months to say that. Had that one loaded in the chamber for years.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Oh, that was great. Mr. Mertens, speaking of extra inches, what extra events will you be doing besides between now? So trying to go to Rogue. Anything else? Will we see you at Wadapalooza, Dubai, Crash Crucible? Any of the big ones? If I get an invite to Crash, I'll probably go. I think I missed their qualifier. Waterpalooza, Dubai, Crash Crucible, any of the big ones?
Starting point is 00:44:47 If I get an invite to Crash, I'll probably go. I think I missed their qualifier. It was right after the game, so I wasn't – I wanted to do it, but I think it was during my rest week. I'm planning on doing Waterpalooza as well, Dubai. I think they're doing invites only this year, and I don't think I got one. I think they sent them all out already. So I'm looking at Waterfooza.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Like 99% sure I'll be going there. Hold on one second. Hold on one second. I wouldn't count out Dubai not setting a second list. You're calling JR.
Starting point is 00:45:21 You call in J.R. Let's handle this shit right now. I'm calling Laura Horvath. Oh, dear J.R., how? Wow, look at that. What the fuck is it? Mind reader? What the fuck is it?
Starting point is 00:45:38 It's late for him. Is this Laura Horvath? Laura. Is this Brian? I'm calling Laura to find out if she can call JR. If she can call JR for... I'm canceling that shut up and scribble show if he doesn't answer. Hi, you reached JR Howell.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Shut up. Oh, shit. You should have played it because you probably would have hated playing his voicemail over the podcast. All right, buddy. Thank you for coming on. You da man. Any final words? Does anyone want to say anything to Mr. Mertens?
Starting point is 00:46:17 Good luck, bro. I'd love to see you in Austin. Pedro. Pedro, hi. Hi. Are you going to say anything to Colton no I just I like him alright
Starting point is 00:46:29 thank you Pedro I really apologize for the show being weird go ahead Caleb what were you going to say try calling him again you think I had his number wrong yeah he texted me at the same time that you were ringing him
Starting point is 00:46:44 so I think you definitely had it wrong He texted me at the same time that you were ringing him, so I think you definitely had it wrong. What order are you doing the next? Mr. Howell, hi. Yes, sir. I got a question for you. Okay. Are you doing Crash Crucible this year? I am doing question for you. Okay. Are you doing the Crash Crucible this year?
Starting point is 00:47:07 I am doing Crash Crucible. One of my buddies missed the online qualifier. He's a games athlete. What could he do to try to slide in? If there's a games athlete that wants to come, I'd be more than happy to make a spot for him. Thank you. I will be putting you in touch with him. I appreciate you, and I'm sorry for calling so late.
Starting point is 00:47:28 It's all good. All right. Thank you. See you soon, Colt. Oh. Oh, buddy. He was texting Judy, too. JR was texting Judy, too.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Crazy. All right, buddy. You da man. Thank you for always coming on the show and partying with us. We'll be watching you as you try to go to Rogue. I hope you go. It'll make the event so much funner for the Sevan podcast crew. And we'll talk to you soon, dude.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Thanks. Yeah, I listened to a lot of your guys's shows and a lot of the you know give the programming Pedro show and uh the barbell spin oh so that was you today yeah yeah buddy that's me with the wiener dog um yeah i was like someone's copying this guy like to the t if he's got oh you thought it was someone like a fake Colton? I know. Isn't it always weird? You're like Colton listening to the show. That's awesome. Yes, I was listening to one of the shows before the games, and they were going through picking who would be top 20 and whatnot,
Starting point is 00:48:37 and Mr. Spin did not pick me, so I just had to say, fuck you, bye. Hey, Mr. Spinn, what didn't you pick him for, Mr. Spinn? Making the top 20. I'll be honest. Oh, for the games this year? Yeah, just predicting who might miss out on that last cut. Where was Colton?
Starting point is 00:49:09 Where was Colton? Where was Colton at the cut? What number was he at? When he had to be the top 20, where was he at? I know he finished 18th. 13th or 14th. He was 12th at one point. So he had a little bit of a rough day.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Yeah. Okay. Yeah, he kind of slid back a little bit. But in that area with only 20 athletes, like having an event that doesn't pan out that great for you, like the parallel bar pull, you take a 16th in that that would be pretty good in a field of 40 but when you're 16th out of 20 you get 20
Starting point is 00:49:54 points and so a lot of people can pass you especially if it kind of sets up for somebody that's right behind you like maderos was at that point. Miss Cahoy is here. Athlete and coach extraordinaire. I want to bring her in in one second. Remind me afterwards. I do want to follow up. I am very curious where you guys think Colton is in his career. Is he plateauing?
Starting point is 00:50:18 Does he still have room to grow? I tried to get one of you guys to bite that the fact that I'm concerned he's going to be injury prone because of his drive. And and so I would like to follow up and get your opinions on that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Lana. I love Colton Merton. Sense of humor. Jessica, what's up, girl? Hi. How are you guys? I didn't realize a whole room here. Party, party, party, party. Sorry, I'm late. No, you're perfect. It's perfect.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Easy show. Jessica, you were – I'm trying to think. I mean, I haven't been to the – besides this year, I hadn't been to the games in five years. But I remember being in Madison in the Coliseum. I remember doing some filming with you, and I remember at the time you had some title, you were not only a CrossFit Games competitor, but you were like the fittest nurse on the planet or something. You'd also won the, I was going to say adaptive division, although it could be that if you're a nurse, you were occupational, you'd won the occupational games in your category. I, yeah, I was fittest nurse on earth. I think twice. I don't, maybe I was the occupational winner. If I was, I wasn't even aware of that. So maybe I have more titles than I realized.
Starting point is 00:51:29 That's what I meant by fittest nurse. I mean, it's part of the occupational games. It's just that whole category. Yeah. Okay. So you were the fittest nurse. And what two years was that? So probably 18, I would think. Okay. And then I'm not a nurse. So. And, um, and you're a mom now also? Yeah. And one here. Oh, and how far along, how far along are you i'm gosh i should know this right 15 weeks crazy congrats thanks am i echoing for you guys you are give youtube open uh maybe i was had little baby bum on for the nine month old okay is that better yeah it's good hey that's five parents one show five parents
Starting point is 00:52:27 all of us are parents some better than others uh by the way Jessica when if Pedro talks Pedro's the guy in the yellow shirt down there if he talks and you don't understand him, feel free to stop. There is a cultural – he lives in a foreign country, and there could be a cultural gap.
Starting point is 00:52:53 And it's totally fair to be like, what did he say? And one of us will translate for you. Deal. Okay. Okay. So you were a CrossFit Games athlete. And to be fair, although you were one ofFit Games athlete and to be fair, you were, although you were one of the fittest human beings walking on the planet, I do remember you being there and I'm digging into my memory, but I remember you being there and being like, holy shit,
Starting point is 00:53:16 this is like, this is nuts. This is on another level. Like, holy crap. Yeah. I mean, so I competed individually twice and i was always in the bottom of the pack like so for me to look at the top 10 athletes i understood that they were like a whole different animal and i was like i don't think i'm ever gonna be a top 10 athlete i respect it you know i'm like those girls I'm like, those girls, like, I'm good.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Those girls are amazing. Pedro, this is unfair to ask you this, but I'm going to ask you anyway. How many tears do you think there are? Let's say, could you bring up the leaderboard for the women just so we don't, and we'll take a stab at this. How many tears, Pedro, do you think there are? How would you categorize at the games? I'm not talking about into totality, but how many tiers would you think there are in terms of athletes?
Starting point is 00:54:10 Like it, obviously it's not empirical, but just how you might think of it. I think there's some, there's a tier that can win the games. Okay. So like they're kind of on their own. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Then there's a tier that can podium, but not like they might finish third or third to say sixth or whatever then there's like top 10 then there's the bubble outside the top 10 so like to 14 15 um probably like eight tiers eight eight years in the 40 athletes. Okay. Okay. And I'm with you. It does get pretty crazy. Now, Jessica, I want to ask you this. Whether there's three tiers or five tiers or eight tiers in that 40, do you think that it ever matures to a point where there would be one tier or two? What's the highest it can mature to the sport? or two, what's the highest it can mature to the sport? So I was going to say, it's getting to the point where you had some really amazing athletes and those bottom heats, you know, the year last year. So I, it's definitely getting there, but when I competed in 17 and 21,
Starting point is 00:55:19 you know, so, but, but here's the thing. There's also girls that have been in the sport forever. So are they good or are they just fan favorites? Like we love seeing girls that have been competing a long time and we don't care what place they get if they're in first place or 25th place. So is it skill or is it like your fan favorites that we care to watch, you know? But I mean, specifically like tears, like I agree with Pedro. Tia's in her own tear.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Yes. Fraser's in his own tear. Like they're literally in their own fucking tear. Yeah, there's there's definitely tears. But so I think is and I do think there's something to be said about experience in the sport. So like as long as there's new athletes coming in no there will never be one tier you will always have multiple tiers and it's very obvious like the girls that are in the like the first heat don't even touch the girls in the final heat like there is such a difference and that's going to be the nature of the sport forever you think
Starting point is 00:56:21 yeah yeah yeah just like just like in the nfl it's been around fucking for a long time but there's there are like two quarterbacks who are like holy shit yeah okay the question i have is do you know which tier you're in i was on the bottom tier i was not i am totally willing to admit that no i again i looked at the top 10 girls and i was like it's it was unbelievable how, how amazing they were. And I knew how hard I was working. I knew the, the sacrifice I was making. And I, and you know, so maybe that was just natural ability. Um, I wasn't, I'm not like a very talented athlete, but I'm a hard worker. So maybe these girls just have the natural talent plus the work ethic. And that's what makes them a top 10 athlete.
Starting point is 00:57:07 That being said, I want to reiterate, you have this net, and I would put it up against any sport in the world, any competition in the world. This net is a massive, massive net. So don't think by any means it doesn't mean it's not competitive to be in that top top 40 tens of thousands of hundreds billions of people have the opportunity everyone everyone can enter everyone can scrape together that but even if you go back a step from the games and go to semi-finals like there's loads of athletes that don't even make it into the tier to get you know like they're and like it's a hard sport as well where you have because you're competing on your own you have this like year-long stretch you're like man i'm doing really good like you
Starting point is 00:57:51 know this is it like this and then you have people around you who you're way fitter than if you're especially if you're training an affiliate or whatever like i know i've seen people who are a good like say national level here but miles off semi-inals, and I'm still like, fuck, they're so fit and so strong. There's just so many levels to it that it's just nuts. It's crazy. That's why I'd always go to a training camp, and I worked out with Brooke Wells a lot. I went to Ben Bergeron, trained with Katrin and Camille,
Starting point is 00:58:19 and I surrounded myself with girls who kicked my butt, and I left totally embarrassed, but I didn't care because I was like, I don't want to be the best one in the room. If I'm going to go to the games, I need to know what to expect. So if you're on that track, go find someone who's way better than you. Oh, that's great advice. Hey, that that's great advice, especially in this time when all the pundits are deciding whether you should go to training camps or not go to training camps that's i i i i like to hear that um which brings me to this you coached uh wasn't it can you tell me about your relationship with ty jenkins and um how you met him how you got into coaching how did you get into coaching oh my gosh so in 21
Starting point is 00:59:01 i didn't have jenkins by the way sorry real real quick. Ty Jenkins won the CrossFit Games this year. 16 to 17 year old young man. He will be featured in the behind the scenes. I got a lot of good interviews with him. And what a gentleman. And I was pleasantly surprised as I was interviewing him to realize that my old friend, Jessica, was there as his coach. Yeah. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:59:22 No, you're good. So he's actually three timetime teen champ won the 14 15 and then when he was 16 he won the 16 17 and then won it again this year as a 17 year old so i met ty in 21 and i was training by myself for the games there weren't any other games athletes in my gym so he was looking for people to train with we live about at the time we lived about 25 minutes from each other so he would come up and train with me and I I love teaching so anybody that's willing to learn and want and is eager to learn which he so is he just kind of came in under my wing and my favorite story about him is our first training session.
Starting point is 01:00:05 He comes up to me afterwards and, you know, he's only 16, 15 at the time. And I'm 29. He's like, should I call you Miss Griffiths? And I was like, no. That's great. That's a great question, though. I like it. I like it. I like it. And and that's just he's so polite he's
Starting point is 01:00:28 so kind he's just like comes from a wonderful family and savannah you got to see that which i'm so glad but um so he just kind of stumbled into the gym and i took him in under my wing and um we just trained side by side and he just gave me kind of a warm body that was good enough to push me. And so I stopped competing in 21. He, you know, I retired. He kept going. And so we've been talking through the years, kept in touch. And I just give him like I'm his coach, but it's more I don't write him programming.
Starting point is 01:01:01 I'm more teaching him because he's still learning and he's like learning at an exponential rate. So I'm teaching him stuff about transition stuff about efficient movement patterns, like, you know, one of the workouts at the games, he had pull ups. And so I'm teaching them how to cycle pull ups faster than what you already are, like, how to turn five seconds into three seconds in a workout. So of those like you know i've been doing i did it for eight years and so kind of teaching him all those tips and tricks to you know make him the best athlete that he can be and kind of guide him along like you know decisions on what training program to do and what sponsor to take and kind of the the athlete behind the scenes stuff, giving them, you know, my insight and wisdom on that.
Starting point is 01:01:50 Okay. So you're, you, so, so what are you to him? You're, you're not doing his programming. You're no longer his training partner. You're, you're not his agent. You're not his mom. You're not Ms. Griffith. One of the athletes I asked if I was his mom, one of his, one of the adamant masterminds was his mom one of his oh man she is hey hey but listen listen listen in all fairness in all fairness you do not look old at all and you're extremely uh beautiful but you were carrying yourself back there like you were his mom. Like it was clear that he was under your tutelage. I mean, you were you had that you had that loving demeanor around him.
Starting point is 01:02:32 You know what I mean? So in all fairness, but definitely not the way you look. What so let me maybe I won't ask you that. Let me go get a little more granular. What program is he doing? So we are still kind of deciding. Okay. What was he doing? He did HWPO leading up to the games. He's done HWPO.
Starting point is 01:02:58 He's kind of been hopping around. So, yeah, he's, yeah. Okay. So he's in the market for that. I get that. And then you as your – do you have any other athletes you're coaching? No. You in this – and you've been doing this role since 2021 with him, and now it's – we're going into – it's 2023.
Starting point is 01:03:22 That's two years. How have you developed? Do you feel more? Are you starting to feel pressure to be doing more research? Make sure you're listening to Dave's weekend reviews. I'm seeing what's on main site. I'm reading up on different types of training techniques. Are you feeling this pressure like, oh, shit, I need to maybe up my game. This kid's going to need – this is a full-on rocket ship.
Starting point is 01:03:47 I need to build a bigger base for him to launch out of maybe. So, you know, you don't know what's to come in the future. I do think and know that he's going to have a bright future in the sport so long as he stays healthy. So I feel like my game plan is I want to give him everything I have to offer. So I feel like my game plan, I want to give him everything I have to offer. And once I feel like I've given him everything that can be, I'm, you know, would be willing to, I would hope at that point we've made relationships with other coaches and, um, you know, he can go be with one of the best coaches in the world. Am I the best coach in the world?
Starting point is 01:04:35 You know, I just started doing this. I don't think so. You know, so I do want to make sure that I'm setting him up for success. And right now I do feel like I'm one of the best resources he has access to. And I love coaching him. He's like so fun to coach. So getting, you know, the pressure, I don't, I'll be honest. I told him, I said, don't follow the media outlets. Don't follow all that malarkey because it's just going to get in your head. I never followed them as an athlete. Keep your head down. Like Matt Fraser hung out in his basement, didn't talk to anybody and just grinded for a year.
Starting point is 01:05:09 That's how Ty, his mind operates. He's a hard worker. And that's kind of my approach with him right now is like, dude, like your strengths are still mega holes in the, like the men's division, the RX men's division. rx men's division the like you don't need personalized programming every area of you needs to get better so put your head down like i know you know how to freaking grind this year and see what we can get out of it there there's this um i wish i could remember the lady's name, but there was this lady.
Starting point is 01:05:46 God. Her – she had a son, and her son was in Boy Scouts. And the local Girl Scout, she was just a stay-at-home mom, just. She had the greatest job in the world. Easy. Most important job in the world, stay-at-home mom. Yeah, so easy. job in the world most important job in the world stay at home mom yeah so easy and uh they they the local girl scout uh troop uh asked her hey will you be um will you be the head of our girl scout troop and she said i don't even have girls and i don't know how to do the head of girl scout
Starting point is 01:06:15 troop and they go hey it's just for like a couple months until we find someone new so she takes that then they she does a great job at it and they say we'd be the head of the local uh girl scout chapter she says yes she doesn't want to do it then and they say we'll be the head of the local Girl Scout chapter. She says yes. She doesn't want to do it. Then she will be the regional director of the Girl Scout. She says yes, but she doesn't want to do it. Mind you, she only has boys. She's just a mom.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Next thing you know, she is asked to be in charge of the Girl Scouts in her region of the western states or whatever. Then the United States. Then she ends up becoming the ceo of girl scouts of america and then she gets poached to be the ceo of general motors there is there is no there there is no better education all the people who are at the best at what they've done are um grassroots motherfuckers. There's no Stanford, NBA, Harvard graduate, nothing that's as good as breadth and depth of life experience. are the most advanced human beings in the world, the highest performers are those who can make the most connections and have the greatest awareness of patterns and connections they make. And that is not found through education. That's found through experience. Now I'm not poo-pooing education, but there's just nothing there in terms of quantifiable measurement for like success, unless it's just pushing papers around. And man, like I'm telling you that because I could tell your care for him and your awareness and your attention to him was like – it was next level.
Starting point is 01:07:54 And so it sounds like you're trying to be humble, but I think he's found his – you could be even just redefining how the whole thing goes. Maybe you're the coach that uses HWPO programming. I mean, you know what I mean? But I think you found your niche. Do you, do you think you would, would you ever take on another athlete if someone came to you? So I've gotten asked this a lot lately. I, I love. Good, good. You deserve it. You are an impeccable. Yeah. I respect you so much as a human being. Good.
Starting point is 01:08:25 I appreciate that. Thank you. I do think being an athlete, you know, that does definitely give me a leg up on some other coaches who haven't been to the games because it, a lot of it is just psychological and I understand because I've been through it several times, you know what that's like. And so I don't, yeah. So thank you for saying all of that. But I, I love coaching Ty because he is just so willing to learn. He has no ego. He trusts me. And he's just really fun to coach. So I had somebody approach me be like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:09:01 would you want to coach her? And I was like, she's just not the kind of athlete that I want to coach. Ty is awesome to coach. So, and it just works. We're close, like close proximity wise and are related, you know, we've built a really sweet relationship over the last two to three years. And so I don't know, I don't have any plans to, I really love focusing on tight and again i've got a baby husband and another baby on the way so my plate is kind of full um so right now no i don't have plans to coach anybody else all right uh does he went does he make the leap to uh enough
Starting point is 01:09:40 of this nice shit uh does he make the leap to uh individual next year can it be done has anyone ever done it before no one's done it so and for people who don't really understand so no boy no boy has made the jump from teenager to the open division with all hold on hold on jessica uh mr spin is that accurate is can you fact check that is that as far as i know at least that the next year yes yes. Okay, okay. Go ahead, Jessica. I don't want to spread misinformation on my podcast. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:10:10 Is this in one of those conspiracy theory podcasts? When boys turn 18, they have to compete with all the men, and no boy at 18 has made it. At 19, guys have qualified, but not when they were 18. So my goal for Ty is to get him to be the first male athlete to make it from teen to the open division without missing one year in between can he do it yes i do believe he can he's got a lot of work to do don't get me wrong but he's got the work ethic he's got the drive he's got the motivation ethic. He's got the drive. He's got the motivation. He's unbelievable. And yeah, I do think he can do it.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Pedro, for people like us who are taking advantage of athletes to propel our own fame in our podcasts, should we hitch our wagon to Ty Jenkins? Is he the real deal? Yeah, I heard a lot of people talking about him. Him and Caden or something, I think. He's another guy. They were the two. I think there's a few people. There's a couple of people talking about him him and it's a caden or something i think it's another guy they were the two i think there's a few people there's a couple kids they were using hold on let me write this down uh pedro uh is barely awake and he says hitch wagons to
Starting point is 01:11:16 cadens okay but hold on are we what about hugo hugo was the guy that got second place yeah yeah that's kid that's the kid and i was talking about that guy yeah that. Yeah. Yeah, that's the Caden I was talking about. That's Caden Hogan. He's from Training Think Tank. He trains, yeah, Training Think Tank. I think he doesn't even spell his name right. That's not how you spell Caden. Isn't there a Y in there? 23.
Starting point is 01:11:37 Yeah. There's probably an X somewhere. Yeah, I was going to say, it starts with an X. That's the best part. But the X is silent. Yeah. Star took an X. That's the best part. But the X is silent.
Starting point is 01:11:44 Yeah. But he worked out TTT, assuming he's got aspirations to make it to the Open Division. I thought you were going to say he's Asperger's. I talked to him about it for like five minutes
Starting point is 01:12:01 and he's cool. Pretty well put together. How cool were all those boys? I didn't get a chance to talk to any of the girls but the boys were so cool they were so mature when i was talking to ty i would talk to the other boys in the corral i'm like i can't even believe these they're like little men they're like little warriors already they talk and shit and they're like articulate smart and make eye contact. It was nuts. They're not like the Instagram kids I see with holes in their face and blue hair
Starting point is 01:12:31 and all that weird shit. There's hope yet. Yeah. Also, Caden's tied. He's what? They're tied in points. They're tied in points. Oh, wow uh chase ingram uh does he make it does ty jenkins make it is he the is he the first uh i'm not gonna say no it's just you'll have to
Starting point is 01:12:54 do some amazing things to be the first one and if it feels like he's capable of i won't say he's not what's that's the thing i do like I've had conversations. I'm like, hey, like this has never been done before. So chances of you making it are slim to none. But let's try. Right. What's the what's the plan between now and the open for him for Ty? So I told him, please, no double sessions until October 1st. You need to take the time off. And I think that's something that's super under looked. And I think it's really cool that you
Starting point is 01:13:32 have athletes like Brooke Wells that could not train to their full potential the whole season and then had their best season after they had all of that rest. So like, again, athletes out there watching rest is so important. So yeah, I'm telling him to stay out of the gym. That really is incredible by the way, that that's, that's probably under mentioned. You're right. That was incredible. There's other athletes that have gone in injured and couldn't train to their full potential and had the best performance they've ever had.
Starting point is 01:14:00 So take notes, people. Okay. Rest is good for you. Mr. Spin. I know you're not a tai jing expert but broadly if you don't know i'd even accept a guess where as a youth do they need to work the hardest in order to catch up with the men is it their mile time is it their strength is it their what is it their gymnastics i mean historically it's been the top-end strength that they need. I mean, Ty put up some pretty big numbers. He hit 580 on the Olympic total. I'm not sure what that split was, but that's up there.
Starting point is 01:14:34 It's like 38th, or not 38th. It was like, it was bottom of the pack in the open division. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so, but he still was in there. He was in there. as long as he beat someone else besides bkg that doesn't really count yeah that's generally where they the biggest leap is i think overall jessica do you agree with uh what mr spin's general assessment is
Starting point is 01:14:59 i think that's a great place to start again Again, Ty considered running one of his strengths, and we looked at the 5K time, and he said 24th. I thought it was 27th. So even that's got room for improvement. But we are going to have him work with Sonny Webster. He's a former Olympian. So we're really, really excited about that, just to get some technique and get those numbers up.
Starting point is 01:15:21 So that's another part of the game plan that we're psyched about. Yeah, Sonny's putting out some good content showing guys lifting from the games and giving them critique. Awesome. Oh, wow. We had Sonny scheduled
Starting point is 01:15:42 and he fell through the cracks. He's awesome if you can get him on get him on yeah he's a gentleman alright hey thank you I appreciate you coming on and I wish you continued success
Starting point is 01:15:56 and I hope we get to have you on again thanks so much good to see all you guys I love what you're doing with him you're doing some great stuff that's cool I like your approach a lot thanks appreciate it ciao I love what you're doing with them. You're doing some great stuff. That's cool. I like your approach a lot. Thanks. Appreciate it. Ciao. Jessica.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Oh, I forgot to ask her how you say her last name. Jessica Hoy. Barry, are you out of your fucking mind? What the fuck are you doing, dude? I don't see the comments. Fucking cock slapped you. Jesus Christ. It cock slapped you. Jesus Christ. It's not good.
Starting point is 01:16:28 I mean, I expect it from my family. I got a bunch of fucking degenerates in here. Motherfucker. No, not Sonny. Jesus, shut it, Barry. What the fuck are you? Do you have more drinks than me today? What the fuck is going on here?
Starting point is 01:16:43 Okay. Sorry, Simone. It's okay. It's okay. Fucking take it out on your back end later. Barry's completely in his mind. Jesus Christ. Not you two.
Starting point is 01:16:53 Miss Radao. Miss Radao. You and Barry got the buzz on. All right. Thanks, Mason. I know he asked a question. The fuck this is? You think this is like some sort of free show here?
Starting point is 01:17:12 Isn't this a free show? Live within the confines and rules of society. You guys see that picture I put up? I got in trouble today. Hey, I got yelled at. Sousa. Sousa. I got yelled at today by my mom what'd you do she said that yeah yeah yeah that's so fun she probably deserved it my mom got i got in trouble hey i want to tell you something. Scroll, scroll down the other way. Look at her hand. The person who made that,
Starting point is 01:17:48 I didn't ask them to make that. Originally they put that per a dick from that other person in her hand right there. And I'm like, in your hand, in your hand. Oh, in my hand.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Yes. Thank you. And I'm like, there's no fucking way. I mean, I wanted to trust me i don't think that i and my mom was like dude like what are you doing that's so i don't know what the word is she didn't think it was bullying but she just thought it was like i think classes i thought i thought it was funny she goes no, no, it's like taking away from your image. I'm like, my image?
Starting point is 01:18:28 Yeah, you got to keep that image polished. I want to take a vote. I'm totally open. Now you guys know my mom votes. I'm going to give my mom one vote. It's not cool. Chase, not cool or cool? You think it's mean?
Starting point is 01:18:45 I told my mom, I'm like, I'm not being mean. She's like, you're arguing with me. I'm like, I'm not trying to argue. I'm trying to understand. I think I'm making fun of myself. Like, it doesn't matter. Just drop it. You think I should drop it, Chase?
Starting point is 01:18:58 Chase, can I answer? No, he's not. Pedro, fine, fine. Fuck you guys. I'm letting Pedro vote for all of you. Pedro, did I go too far? No, I don't think you went too far. I think just because something isn't classist,
Starting point is 01:19:19 just because something is classist doesn't mean it's not funny. And I think if it's funny, you can do or say whatever you want once it's funny. Yeah, mom, he's got an accent. Now what? what he speaks the queen's english it's also hilarious to me that a man in his 50s is still arguing with his mom being told like but i wasn't being mean mom oh shit here we go wow look at him fuck oh my god i'm totally out of touch with reality. And what do you think? But then if you change the words to funny or not funny,
Starting point is 01:19:52 it'll be, to me, it'll be a direct reverse of that. Finn's got an opinion. It's not mean. I think everybody just gets offended easily these days. I put up a story yesterday about uh something i saw on twitter somebody forwarded me it was uh a first-hand account
Starting point is 01:20:11 there was some somalian guy that was trying to rob a woman at knife point and three guys and a crossfit chick in quotes pinned him down and the uh it said like you know migrants were moved into our neighborhood and this guy did this right he was one of the migrants and then most of them were just laughing or thought it was cool that there was some crossfit woman that was part of it whether she actually was or not just you know it doesn't matter but um people were upset because it was you know spreading racism and hate and all this stuff. Because they were from Somalia? Because it said migrant.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Oh, jeez. I was triggered by that word too. I didn't appreciate it. When I saw that post, all I thought of was Josh Bridges with you before saying, they didn't capitalize the F. You know, you mentioned that.
Starting point is 01:21:04 That's all I could hear. They separated it and they didn't capitalize the F. You know, you mentioned that. Oh, no. That's all I could hear. They separated it, and they didn't capitalize the F. I was like, they didn't even do it right. His voice in that, Josh Bridges' voice in that clip, I howled laughing at that so many times.
Starting point is 01:21:16 How did they know it was a CrossFit shit? How'd they figure that out? I don't know. Oh, she told them. She told them. Yeah, because she's wearing a CrossFit shirt. She's like, I do CrossFit. How'd you do that?
Starting point is 01:21:32 A migraine is someone who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work or better living conditions. It's like why California has moved to Florida. I didn't even change the meaning of it. I just overlooked that, right? I was like, oh, cool. CrossFit chick helped save some old woman from getting, you know, stabbed and robbed. Wait, you just focused on the positive. What is wrong with you? Yeah, it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:21:51 Crazy. Triggered. I'm triggered by the word trigger. Anyways, I thought it wasn't cool. Should not have posted it. Hey, I like Miss Radao. She screamed it as she hollered as she ran up. I'm a
Starting point is 01:22:06 crossfitter! Superman needs to say that every time he takes off. I'm a crossfitter. Okay, I do... That took more time than I thought. Damn it, Colton and Miss Gahoy.
Starting point is 01:22:26 How long is the whole square toll space for? Is there like a limit? I feel like you have passed the limit. Yeah, you should permanently keep yours on from the story you told about how you took about 15 minutes to get them on. Or the first like 10 minutes of the show I was putting them on. It's a one-to-one ratio. If it takes you 10 minutes to put them on, you got to wear them for 10 minutes.
Starting point is 01:22:43 I've worn them for an hour and 20. You're fucked. Do you 10 minutes to put them on, you got to wear them for 10 minutes. I've worn them for an hour and 20. Too far. Here we go. We could talk about rumors. We could talk about it's all sorts of crazy rumors or shit. My wife would like you guys to talk about rumors. When Jessica said
Starting point is 01:22:59 text after saying that on the air. When Jessica said, oh, and I was asked like, would you like to coach her? I was so close to being like, wait, Danielle? Someone asked about Danielle. So, I'll tell you the rumors, and I have not confirmed any of these,
Starting point is 01:23:15 but I have been digging around, and other people have been digging around, and the rumors started off pretty wild. The rumors are that two proven athletes, big proven athletes were leaving Proven and that a coach was leaving Brute, Florida and several athletes. I cannot find out what exactly is true. And one of those athletes was supposedly moving to Las Vegas. So who previously lived there but i can't get any of this shit confirmed and um oh well i also want i also want to say this so uh since i think uh didn't daniel brandon like something on here let's let's talk about that real quick.
Starting point is 01:24:05 What happened here? Okay. That comment, who hurt you? Why are you like this? Who hurt you? Is that person really angry at Hiller? Is that like a dig or are they being funny? I think they're being funny by their second comment.
Starting point is 01:24:20 Together we can overcome generational trauma. Just a good dude. Here's the thing. I think that there was some comment someone made somewhere about Daniel. That one, that one. Back up, back up. At the purple logo. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:38 Okay. So this guy, Brady Lynch, says she's still following Torres. I don't see her leaving anytime soon. And then if you go to the likes, Danielle Brennan liked it. This is deep research. I like this. Okay.
Starting point is 01:24:53 Fuck, it's the whole premise for existence. You don't follow Danielle says, I mean, you're moving to Vegas. God damn, she got 704,000 followers. Hey, dude are those are real followers engaged followers yeah not only are like most of those people perverts but they'll also spend money like a lot of these accounts just have perverts on them it's a perfect money yeah well i just
Starting point is 01:25:21 think that they'll do what she says I think she this fucking chick has influence like like I got into Toastbasters because of her just tell me what coffee machine you got I'll fucking buy one whatever you wear wrist straps me too okay so so we'll find out more i don't want to i i i kind of am in love with matt torres so i want to be careful um i don't want to do anything fucked up uh
Starting point is 01:25:57 i want i want to i want to give him i want to try to get him on the show and give him a chance to let me play around with him and talk. I have Dallin coming on on Wednesday. I'll ask him. Oh, okay. Perfect. One of the things I heard about Dallin is Dallin is one of the names I did not hear. I didn't hear Dallin's name or Fisigafi's name. But I've heard a ton of other names, coaches, in um big dane i was talking to sprague um which i think it might be in the vlog or it might not be i don't know anyway and i said something about because he trains with cole sager a lot so i asked him oh now that cole
Starting point is 01:26:42 is in charge of com train like you know, you know, would you be tempted? And he was like, oh, like, he's like, he lives beside me and I like training with him and stuff, like at home. James Craig was saying that. Yeah. And he's like, oh, he lives like right by me. So I, you know, just kind of went over there one day and like said, can I train with you or whatever? And they get on well, they're friends.
Starting point is 01:27:02 But I said, oh, what does that look like in the offseason then like will you just follow comp train then or how does that and he was like no matt will always be my coach and that was like like unless something drastic happened during the games that would be a big surprise i think for me uh jerry gnome fitfit she was just on Invictus podcast and she said she's staying in Florida NV111 Seve is obsessed with Danielle Brandon and it's creepy now if
Starting point is 01:27:40 if if if if if if if if
Starting point is 01:27:41 if if if if if if if if
Starting point is 01:27:41 if if if if if if if if
Starting point is 01:27:41 if if if if if if if if
Starting point is 01:27:42 if if if if if if if if
Starting point is 01:27:42 if if if if if if if if
Starting point is 01:27:42 if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if If Savan getting toe spaces because Danielle has them makes him creepy, what the fuck does it say about me that I got them because Savan has them? You're the third centipede.
Starting point is 01:27:57 Steven Plyler, I'm obsessed too. Does anyone want to field this? I think I just did. Thank you. I don't want to say the R word. Oh, here we go. Thank you, Mr. Redoubt. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:28:21 Envy111, you seem obsessed with Sevan. You fucking troll. Change your name, get get a profile picture get the fuck out of here yeah yeah but yeah thank you hold on Caleb wants to show you something go ahead Caleb thank you I do a fucking CrossFit Games update show every Friday I'm a grown ass man I'm 51
Starting point is 01:28:42 years old you heard I'm obsessed with all of. I'm a grown-ass man. I'm 51 years old. You heard. I'm obsessed with all of them. I'm obsessed with fucking the kind of chair Cole Sager's sitting on right now watching this show. The fuck did you just pick? I'm obsessed with all of them. I want to know why Matt Torres'
Starting point is 01:28:58 eyes are all sparkly. I want to know if Laura Horvath's ever had a dream about me. How about that? Is that creepy? Why don't you call her and ask? That would be funny. Fuck that.
Starting point is 01:29:10 Fuck that. Dude, I'm going to have to get on testosterone to ever call her again. I'm like shaking. If I ever call her again, you know I'm juicy. FaceTime. Fuck. God damn, I'm a coward. Okay, so
Starting point is 01:29:29 those are the rumors. Tell your wife there'll be more coming, Mr. Ingram. I would like to bring up Mr. Spin's top rankings. I found this fascinating, and I really like them. Basically, Mr. Spin, this is like the college football rankings.
Starting point is 01:29:48 He takes people who are obsessed with Daniel Brandon and asks them to rank CrossFit Games athletes. Did you vote this year, Chase? I mean, this last round? I may have been late with my submission. Oh, okay. I voted. It's in there. It's in there. Oh, it did? It did make it in there? Chase made it in?
Starting point is 01:30:08 It did? Okay, so... There were a few that were a little bit late, so I was able to get them in last minute. Thanks. So how many people voted, Mr. Spinn? I think it was 19 on the media side this time. Okay. A couple people didn't have time. We're re-diluting the talent. 19.
Starting point is 01:30:25 Okay. Let's go ahead and bring this up and take a look. Grendler is teaching an adaptive class at CrossFit Inferno right now. Thank you for asking. The Spin Top 25 Media Poll. Men. Now,
Starting point is 01:30:44 what's going on, Chase? We just saw Jeffrey Adler win the games and 25 media poll. Men. What's going on, Chase? We just saw Jeffrey Adler win the games and Roman Krennikoff is on the top. Are these idiots not paying attention to who's the best in the world? No, they're watching the CrossFit Games. It's like everybody else that was voting for this.
Starting point is 01:31:01 We're past the week now. We can talk about it did you find this impossible to do by the way like really so hard oh my god like nuts every single position i was like there's about six people that i was arguing with myself past like 10 to 15 i'm like man i just gotta start just yeah what's tough is you have to make you have to make some people go backwards yeah right or you or you fill in like your top five and then you're like oh ricky or you know like if you're like oh that's nailed in and then you're like oh fuck like or the same on the women's side you're like oh what tia comes back you know there's constant like shuffle yeah it's tough
Starting point is 01:31:43 yeah you look through it and you do it you start adding them in the women's side is is i thought much more difficult from that standpoint but coming right off the games you have some recency bias right you see how they did this this year with this programming and then you're thinking ahead 12 months and you're like well what does jay crouch do right like he's never been there before and he has like amazing games does he stay there does he regress back does yellow host state continue to move forward or does he come back is there another yellow host somewhere yeah i mean yeah then you have like gmail harrows or travis mayor right guys that weren't there for different reasons this year man hot saxon pantry dang is uh is travis mayor in the top fives or
Starting point is 01:32:36 just asking for a mate which is i think he's in the top five of at least one person. Yeah. But I think it's tough because you don't know, like do these people even make it again? Right. Like, and we've talked about Guy, right. He didn't make it. If he makes it,
Starting point is 01:32:57 he probably does well because he has a few home run workouts, but it's 14th, the right place for him. Or does he, you know uh finish 20th same with like saxon um so those people that weren't in there that are typically really good athletes it's hard whether you say that they're going to reach their full potential or do you hedge a little bit and kind of say well they're going to make it but i'll put them 20th instead of 10th but even i i feel like i overthought the like on theth but even i i feel like i
Starting point is 01:33:25 overthought the like on the women's side i was like oh i don't know if ma and hailey will come back this year so much harder i think it's crazy that mal i think it's crazy that mal is not in the top five i think it's crazy absolutely that's we don't even know if she's going to compete though there's some people that don't think she's going to compete and so i don't think she will and that's that's what happened yeah yeah i think it's crazy to have where's hayley adams in the women i don't think she'll compete either oh she's definitely going to compete you think yeah yeah she's definitely did you watch her uh I watched your podcast with Bryce Smith over at Invictus. Yeah, she's definitely competing. What woman climbed the most in the rankings?
Starting point is 01:34:15 Wow, Daniel Brandon down nine. Yeah, I mean, the easy one is Tia, climbing the most okay besides besides tia who climbed the most so it looks like daniel brandon dropped the most dropped nine who carried on the analytics there five and four yeah ariel and alex kazan annie dropped 12 so annie dropped the most amanda barnhart dropped 13 wow ellie turner dropped 13 okay so there's not there's not any big jumps in the women, just some really big drops. But go over to the men.
Starting point is 01:34:50 Look at this. Is it Yellow Hosta? Does he have the biggest jump? Look at what a – Oh, look what a – Jay Crouch up 11. Yellow Hosta up 13. These are huge.
Starting point is 01:35:03 Right, and we were talking about it when you're out. It's hard to know coming off the games, does Jay continue on that path, or is this just a great lineup for programming that he just performed well? Does he go back to
Starting point is 01:35:19 25th next year? Those are the hard questions that we just don't know yet. How's that poll doing, by the way, if it's mean or not mean? Took it down after we... Oh, good. Okay, fine. I switch it just to cool people versus not cool people. Chase, is this the... I don't want to take anything away from the games
Starting point is 01:35:49 amazing event, great time, super crowded lots of people, loving event, fun great workouts but I have this sense that this year's games were the least competitive games relative to where we are in the maturity of the sport in the history of the sport
Starting point is 01:36:10 it just felt like this was the talent was the least developed talent ever not to mean that it's not exciting but I'm not sure where you're going with this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:30 Based on what? The top three? I don't know. They're surely stronger than they've ever been. No, based on the participants. Say that again, Pedro? They're surely stronger. If you're talking relative to the history of the sport, the athletes now are stronger than they've ever been,
Starting point is 01:36:46 faster than they've ever been, like, more skilled than they've ever been. And I was talking about the athletes. I just feel like that may – I have this impression. Okay. I think it could be part of – we are so used to seeing one person dominate and everyone chase as part of kind of their catching on to their tails as they do it and here we had some of the most evenly matched top contenders where the perception was nobody was running away with it therefore no one was
Starting point is 01:37:20 ultimately performing and dominating on the rest of the field. Whereas it could just be is those top three to five athletes are so good against each other. It visually doesn't look like anyone is dominating the sport. Therefore, we don't have dominant athletes within these rankings because of we're used to Matt crushing everybody, Tia crushing everybody, Rich winning every event on Sunday. And I just think the perception might have come across like that. Plus, we had such a deflating into the men's competition
Starting point is 01:37:50 as well. It was shaking up to be the most competitive who is going to win final in history, say for Tia and Cara in 2017. Fair. I like that. You talked me off the ledge. I was about to jump. Good. I'm buying it. Are you buying it, Pedro? Yeah, I agree. okay fair okay i like that okay you talked me off the ledge i was about to jump okay good good i i
Starting point is 01:38:05 i'm buying it are you buying it pedro yeah i agree you didn't have to be sold though you you already were you already knew yeah i i own the the chase is always right t-shirt a spin uh and any any any like um what if i were to say this? Is this just a complete, complete lie that CrossFit affiliates were once at 15000? Now I'm making this up. Now it's at 10000. The sport is at least it's kind of in a in a retraction. Sorry, it's not in a retraction now. I actually think it's in a growth now. But for the past two years, it's been in a retraction. But for the past two years, it's been in a retraction. So we've seen a lull in talent that took a while to affect the top tier of the sport.
Starting point is 01:38:50 And we saw it this year. And then from here up, it's only upward and onward. Like, it took me a second to be able to articulate it. But that's actually what I'm thinking. I'm thinking during the COVID years, maybe so many gyms closed. There was a lull in talent, a lull in participation. And now, you know, those things take a while to reach to the top. And now it hit the top two years later.
Starting point is 01:39:11 And so this was kind of the worst year. But from here, it's upward and onward again. Now we're back into a growth phase. Any truth to that? Are you buying that, Chase? Would you like a real answer to the someone who actually works in the affiliate department? oh yeah yeah please yes yes yes sorry yeah sorry i forgot you do that too jesus you wear a lot of hats i just think of you as an espn fucking stooge sorry okay yeah uh the lowest churn we've had in five years is where we're sitting at as crossfit affiliates it's the
Starting point is 01:39:41 most high trajectory we've had going up for the last two years for the CrossFit affiliates. Okay. Technically we peaked out at the, you know, everyone thinks it's like we topped out in 18 and that's actually not true. And the dissent started happening once the changes after 2018 were made. Okay. Not COVID. COVID, you know, exacerbated that a bit, but since 2021, we've been trending up and we're now in the biggest trend and climb of new affiliates coming in, the lowest churn we've ever had in the history of the company as far as percentage. Lowest churn meaning retention is good, better than it's been in the history of the company. Okay, so that could be true than what I'm saying. Yes, I just wanted to clarify. Right, thank you.
Starting point is 01:40:21 That could be true than what I'm saying. Yes. I just wanted to clarify. Right. Thank you. So I am sensing that this talent pulled the game. Not that it's not amazing. Don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 01:40:36 I still don't think that the fucking Olympics or the ding-dongs out there can hold a candle to it. I just think that we've seen kind of a – we turned the water off. It took two years for the hose to stop turning water. Finally, it didn't come out this year, and then now the water's back on, and from here it's upward and onward. Are you buying that spin at all? Yes. I'm not sure I would say the new talent
Starting point is 01:41:00 is completely tied to affiliate growth, but I would say that I think we're starting to see those athletes who might have been interested in starting around that time, start to actually make it right. Like, uh, Abigail Domet started in 2020. Um, and so like those athletes who may not have had a chance in 19 or 20 to make it and they were kind of working their way up. I think we're going to start seeing those athletes have an opportunity. We see a lot of those. We know a lot more athletes in the semifinal range that we had high expectations for this year.
Starting point is 01:41:40 And so do we see them now make that jump next year? Well, all of this is scuppered when crossfit change it to a field of 20 instead of 40 and they could you know like when they change the qualification system all of these kind of talk of like oh new people and but you know it all gets kind of like suppressed again a little bit for a while where it's going to be a lot harder to get in and experience is going to play a role and stuff. But then another good thing is like, if you have on the men's side,
Starting point is 01:42:09 you know, like Chase is saying we missed out on that race at the end, but if you have Ricky coming back in and a fit Roman, you've got that next year. If you have Tia coming back in and her and Laura are duking it out for an entire week, like, you know, there's,
Starting point is 01:42:20 there's definitely going to be, I think what Savannah is saying of like, Oh, will we start seeing the culmination? I think next year you'll see it when there's hopefully a fully fit field on both sides. You'll see the benefits of this year plus the history coming back in. The mental health of everyone, great.
Starting point is 01:42:38 No draft in the United States. No COVID-65, and no alien attack. We don't give a shit about aliens. They already said that. Nobody batted an eye. Steven Flores, can we agree that Rogue is more prestigious than the games?
Starting point is 01:43:01 More exclusive. It's more rewarding, isn't it? it depends on semantics but i don't know the game is pretty amazing athletes still want to be the the crossfit games champion more than rogue rogue showcase right yeah so prestige games exclusive like the like the most exclusive showcase i mean rogue you can't get more i can't get much more exclusive than the rogue imitation i mean you know in a total positive sense uh sima globes not by attendees boy that's that's an interesting uh the games are i haven't been to australia semi-final it sure as fuck looks wild but man the games are so well attended yeah it kind of leads me to the question of like you look at some of these athletes and we
Starting point is 01:43:54 talk about the tiers right if you're not a top tier athlete what's what's it better for you to do like you look at luka dukic he goes and competes every other freaking weekend and pulls a podium spot almost every time and probably makes more in prize money than half the field at the CrossFit Games in a year. But he's not having that
Starting point is 01:44:17 accolade of... He'll never be taken as seriously as Lazar because he doesn't qualify. Do you know what I mean? He's always like, no matter how many competitions he wins or podiums or whatever, he's not Lazar because Lazar has been to the games multiple times.
Starting point is 01:44:32 Right, but what do you want? Do you want to be more popular? No, I'm just saying the prestige of the games. That's the difference. So that's a good point about Luca. It's like everyone's busy trying to call for the games. He's going out there just winning these tier competitions. Right.
Starting point is 01:44:50 This is, this is interesting. You know, you know, similarly CrossFit is a Superbowl. Rogue is the all-star game. Yeah. That's exactly what I was going to say.
Starting point is 01:45:00 Verbatim. Although that brings in the laws, I fair attitude. I think the all-star game does have a laissez-faire attitude and i do think what colton is saying is true that that's real fucking money at um at rogue yeah i think for those that are competing for the top spot where there's 200 000 plus or the podium has you know good money but once you get down to that 11th through 20th i'm not sure sunday you're sitting there going i need to really push myself at this point
Starting point is 01:45:32 but there's also the thing of like i've spoken loads of athletes who've been to the games and then the first year they leave with regrets where they're like i was just so happy to be there i was just like you know that kind of way whereas like if you're going to rogue where they're like, I was just so happy to be there. I was just like, you know, that kind of way. Whereas like, if you're going to Rogue, you've been around the block, you know, you've been to the games more than likely.
Starting point is 01:45:52 You've been to, you know, you've competed at a high level. So you're not going there with anything other than an attitude of like, all right, I'm here now. I need to showcase myself. I need to play. You know, you're not going to leave being like, oh, maybe I shouldn't have enjoyed it so much. Whereas I think first year at the games, a lot of people suffer that.
Starting point is 01:46:08 I wish I was a big enough sports fan to understand this. I said this earlier in the chat. U.S. Open, games is U.S. Open, Rogue is Masters. I didn't know what sport that is. What sport is that? Golf? No. Checkers. Tennis. It's tennis.
Starting point is 01:46:23 Doesn't tennis have a Masters and an Open? It has an Open's tennis doesn't tennis have a master's in an open it has an open yeah doesn't have a master's and actually that's pretty good because like the open anyone can qualify just if you shoot the right score in a qualifying match to make the u.s open and the masters i believe it's just right off your worldwide ranking as an invite to that. The Masters is, I mean, someone would say this, the most prestigious and exclusive golfing event in the world where the U.S. Open is just as important and popular, but it's just a different way to qualify it. And a smaller field at Masters. Maybe I'm just biased just because I've been around. It's hard.
Starting point is 01:47:08 You have to ask someone who hasn't been around as long as probably most of us have been around. Because we've been around in a time when there was no Rogue, it's hard for me to compare anything to the games. I still think the games is it, right? But I'm not against Rogue buying the games either. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:47:31 All right. All right. Chase Ingram, participant at the affiliate program at CrossFit HQ and ESPN commentator. Mr. Spin. Fastest. Anyone want to bring anything else up sorry I started the exit strategy
Starting point is 01:47:46 Dubai invitationals have gone out we didn't get to those we get to those next week John Young didn't show up he'll be here next week thank god John didn't show up we don't have enough space for John he's competing he's competing for what
Starting point is 01:48:04 there's the BCS classic in a college station texas it's a pairs competition uh cross at mayhem actually has a huge presence um with them as well actually i think most of them are down there for it really yeah that's a really big event here in texas say bcs bcs classic bcs classic oh well is it is it being streamed at all i don't think so yeah yeah see they're all there yeah talk to a gentleman there that gentleman there angelo's oh shit angelo's competing again already i think with rich yeah richard's gone down there several years. He also did a huge
Starting point is 01:48:47 fundraiser thing too. It's a big deal. Alright. Rich and Angelo are partners. Oh, Rich is not married anymore to Hillary? Rich and Angelo are... They finally... Cool.
Starting point is 01:49:04 Get them scheduled, Susan. Let's find out how that happened. Yeah. God, look how skinny Rich is. My goodness. Oh my goodness. Scratch that for the record. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:49:22 Chase Ingram, thanks for joining us. Mr. Spin, the fastest news in the crossfit space over at the barbell spin pedro uh the funniest guy uh in the crossfit space um matt souza executive producer of the seven podcast of mr beaver behind the scenes ceo flag my dear friend confidant man it makes me look smart looks up words caleb's really good on the um the shows with just you and him i just wanted to say that publicly i said it to him privately what what other shows does he do i'm just curious what are you comparing it compared to the show because usually it's the three of us me you and caleb so i feel like he comes into his own when it's just Kieran and Caleb.
Starting point is 01:50:05 I told you to keep that between us. Hey, Suzy, you do another podcast once a week or you have another podcast where you do... Oh, so does Chase. All you fuckers have other podcasts. All these guys also have other podcasts. He has two other podcasts.
Starting point is 01:50:23 Oh my God. Yes, Chase is... God, Chase, you wear a lot of hats. Get with the programming and the CrossFit podcast. Sorry. And Susie, you have a podcast. What's your other podcast? It's called Through the Grapevine and it's about the small businesses in Livermore. And Caleb
Starting point is 01:50:38 pulls light bulbs out of the US military's ass when they have too much time off. He's a nurse. And Mr. Spin also, I think of Mr. Spin's podcast is where I steal people from.
Starting point is 01:50:55 Or vice versa sometimes. And Pedro has one that's in a foreign language called Coffee Pods and Wads. I'll translate it for you. Someone asked here in the comments that's in a foreign language called Coffee Pods and Wads. I'll translate it for you. Captions for that one. Someone asked here in the comments
Starting point is 01:51:08 how I feel about you always getting the name of my show wrong. I get the name of your show right now. I've just changed your name. Yeah, well, sometimes I get it wrong. But like, it's funny how people's minds work. I'm like man i'm
Starting point is 01:51:26 just happy to be involved in the conversation and other people are like oh you must be so annoyed that he gets your name wrong or that he gets like i don't give a fuck like i'm just happy to sit at the table he's the pager's like pager does it bother you that um uh that you get kicked a lot no no i'm more than happy to get the attention. He's the dog that gets stepped on and, oh, I can't believe it. Do you mind getting kicked? I'm just happy for some physical contact. Hey, how's your camera? I'm actually using the camera on the MacBook.
Starting point is 01:52:02 Right now? Yeah, yeah. Oh, shit, it looks good. good yeah it looks great good job dude i got one of these oh oh oh for lighting yeah because i have a light here and then one of my friends is a photographer and he was like oh you should get a little reflector pad the other side now i know it's too bright here because it's too close to the camera, but I need to move some shit. But he's like, get one of your sides. Your shit looks good. That's why I couldn't afford the headphones.
Starting point is 01:52:31 Oh, yeah. Hey, will you text me your address? Yeah. I can't have anyone slouching on the show. Guys, thank you very much. Everyone, thank Pedro. He's the one who really...
Starting point is 01:52:49 Is it 4 a.m. now? Yeah, he's the one who got screwed. 10-4. I was distracted for about 10 minutes in the middle because I could hear my son crying and I was texting my wife being like, do you need me to do anything? Do you need me to go get milk or are we good? God, you're a good dude.
Starting point is 01:53:06 Such a good guy. Sarah Cox, peptides for all. Merry Christmas. Peptides for all. All right, guys. Thank you. Tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. The Fluffy Duck will be back on. I am going to ask him
Starting point is 01:53:23 some really hard-hitting questions. I just don't know what they are yet. Ask him why Patrick Mahomes is the greatest quarterback to ever play in the NFL. Are you a Mahomes fan or is he? He hates Patrick Mahomes. He's a Tom Brady fan. Okay. Patrick Mahomes got a weird body.
Starting point is 01:53:46 Okay. Patrick Mahone's got a weird body. Okay. All right. I'm going to run off and obsess on Daniel Brandon. I'll talk to you guys later. Bye.

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