The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Games Update Show | Pedro, Young, and Watkins

Episode Date: September 2, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. The volume. Really? The volume save td ready for you the volume really the volume well the people in the bam we're live hey uh pedrith says my mic's too loud what do you someone someone he's far away he's across the atlantic ocean so i don't trust him don't don't trust him what's up john young how are you what's up i'm good man how about how about you yeah oh didn't i did you ever get the um sound soundproofing no nothing has showed up did you mail it yeah are you sure that you mailed it i'm 100 positive i mailed it Had it sent straight from Amazon Okay well I haven't gotten anything
Starting point is 00:01:26 Oh that's weird Okay we gotta Keep working on your audio Fuck we must be we're dipping deep into the barrel Tyler Watkins It's okay I'm happy to be the bottom Of the barrel somebody's gotta be right Don't get carried away
Starting point is 00:01:42 You're not the bottom We haven't hit the bottom hi guys i'm i'm already taking this one excuse me excuse me uh please i'm in the barrel yeah good point yes i don't think um i don't think john yon sounds that bad sounds that bad sounds that bad i think he sounds okay. Okay. Caleb, hi. Hey. Say it again.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Welcome back to the studio. Thank you. Sweating like a pig. I just got my first real workout in 10 days. Oh, God. Do I have some... Is tomorrow morning a live calling show? God, I have a crazy story to share. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Oh, I don't see anything scheduled for tomorrow. Yeah, live call-in show tomorrow. Oh, good. Okay. My wife was watching your stories earlier on, and she just started laughing. I was like, what the fuck is America? Like, what's with some of the stuff you have? Oh, she's she's like wondering like she can't believe i actually live in a country that's like this
Starting point is 00:02:50 she was what there's a video of a girl like smashing bottles in a shop oh my goodness she was like what the fuck is this and i was like what is it she's like savants where it's like i shouldn't have even asked what it was and she's like what the fuck is america and i was like yeah i don't know don't really answer that question. Yeah, that's what's happened here. That's totally, you know, they're letting this happen. And look, do you like my comment? Views would triple if she took that bra off.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Am I lying? I'm dying to know what she's breaking, but dude, this is like normal. And I don't know where this is, but this is so normal in the Bay Area. Now, what's happened is it's just a free-for-all. Like, no one's allowed. If you were to go and try to stop her, you'd go to jail. How fun would that be, though? I mean, honestly.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Oh, to do that? I just want to, like, go through the wine, then just like. Yeah. Yeah. I would rather see her with her bra off than break the bottles but it would be a close second to break the bottles it's it's cool it's too bad it's violent it's fun to watch it's too bad that it's like we end up paying for like me and you all of us end up paying for that like yeah hey uh brandon waddell brand, I probably shouldn't show his address. Where am I? Son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:04:08 We can go to that. No, we're live. He sent me this. He sent me this. A manila envelope. Sweet. And look what's in it. Look what's in it.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Not one, but two Tyson Bajent rookie cards nice no way that's awesome they're both upside down crazy right i can't even believe it i like that design god i'm stoked you have to get them signed now i'm rich yeah hell yeah i'm getting them signed oh i wonder if i'm supposed to get these signed and send them back. Oh, shit. Get these signed for me. These are not for you. Ladies and gentlemen,
Starting point is 00:04:56 tonight is the night to call in. Don't be a sissy. Does that mean we don't have anything to talk about? No, we got a ton of stuff to talk about. It's just like, I'm hoping that some of it's so funny and mean and nasty that we don't get to it. Oh, ballas.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Okay, Lucky Camera Straps. Hey guys, can one of the legends please say hi to my friend Tony? Tony? Hi Tony, what's up? How you doing, buddy? Hi to my friend Tony. What constitutes a legend? Craig Ritchie has to say that you're it but he says everyone is so I'll show I'll show you a legend um uh John Young uh if you look down uh five uh number five sorry Caleb I don't even have a number for you I'll show you a legend uh John I'll show you one here you go you want to see a legend here we go here we go
Starting point is 00:05:45 show you a fucking legend look at this behind the back there's only the 998th attempt right there how old are you 15 right there what was that shot on a fucking betamax i was a freshman in college wow that's not even a that's not even a clip that's consistently running that's an hour of footage just over and he just keeps catching it and going again there's a weird list but apart from that i was really into trick shots back then you were hey where did you find that i mean that quality is so shitty it's like where did you where did you this is like 2013 or 20 i know but where did you get how did you get it on your phone how'd you get it on your phone it was probably my phone all right there it is hey don't i'm tired of people saying that john young's not a complete athlete i'm tired of those reddit threads stop it
Starting point is 00:06:40 uh if my mic's too loud someone say something to me Pedro's complaining I can tell he wants to complain no that's me rubbing I'm rubbing sleep out of my eyes that's what that is
Starting point is 00:06:52 what time is it where you're at? half two sorry 2.30 thank you time for me to go to the dentist 2.30 hairy pair of testes pair of testes sorry I said your name wrong hairy pair of testes pair testes sorry i said your name wrong harry pair testes
Starting point is 00:07:09 uh seve gets a gift and then docks is the dude caleb um pedro mentioned you twice on uh his podcast with uh dal and pepper dang that's a lot of times that's more than i ever get mentioned in this show that's true that's true but i just want you to know pedro's pedro thinks about you often he blames his shortcomings oh yeah on the fact that he doesn't have you in his life that's he blames anytime something goes wrong with the show i was trying to share my screen it was the whole thing. And I did it twice. Sorry, Pedro. Tubby Ortega and Woke Zombie walk into a bar.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Damn, coming in hot. Do they each order their own cheesecake or share? Wow. 100% their own cheesecake. Wow. Mike Sauer, unofficial tech guy. The only tech guy we have for the show. You sound amazing.
Starting point is 00:08:04 I love it. Thank you. Okay. I retract my complaint. Will Branstetter. Pedro is going to need to start TRT to keep up with this middle of the night schedule. Yeah. Other nights, it's actually been totally fine.
Starting point is 00:08:17 But tonight, one of my kids woke up like six times before. I was like, fuck, I don't know if I can get up, man. And then, like, she slept then. So I was like, oh, fuck it. i can get up man and then like she slept then so i was like oh fuck it i just do it take one to the team yeah that's cool you because taylor was supposed to be here and he didn't show up and he told his fucking last minute and i would have invited someone else i would have gone one deeper in the fucking i would have pulled someone else you know the guy you sat next to on the bench tyler no there's a guy to your left you never talked to him but that that guy we would have invited that guy on taylor's that's... There's a guy to your left. You never talked to him, but that guy,
Starting point is 00:08:45 we would have invited that guy on. That's the first person I've ever heard of getting a Mexican tapeworm. It's crazy. Is that what he has? No. Oh, darn it. Sorry to fuck that up. Pedro, you deserve better, Pedro.
Starting point is 00:09:01 You're too good for this show. My mom's great. I got these. This isn't an advertising because My mom. Actually, uh, I got these, this isn't an advertising cause I'm not selling them, but I got these and I sent anyone that's going. So I'm sending one to Caleb. Um, so if anyone,
Starting point is 00:09:13 anyone here or anyone in the comments, if you send me a DM, if I, if I like you, so if you're currently on the show, I'll just send it to you. If you send me a DM, I'd ask for a postage payment,
Starting point is 00:09:29 but if you're currently on the show, I'll just post it to you if you send me a dm i'll ask for a postage payment but if you're currently on the show i'll just post it to you so just text me are you crazy what hey why don't you what is that is that a sticker it's a patch a velcro patch for like a vest or a bag are you going to rogue uh pedro no oh send give him to caleb make caleb pass or i mean ask is out at rogue i'm sending like 20 20 to JR to give to people who go to Crash. JR won't interact with 20 people in the next three years. I've given him a list. I'll hand him out. Don't worry about it. I've given him a list.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Tyler, how did the Heat 1? Tyler is the creator. Tyler Watkins is the creator of the Heat 1 app. He launched it just prior to the games uh right before the launch of the games i think in less than a week you had 3 000 people sign up is that right yeah it was it was two weeks 3 000 people and then by the end of the game so it's like the games had started so you had needed to play events and 2 000 people continued to download the app and try to play even though it even though it didn't really make sense anymore to do that. But I was okay with it.
Starting point is 00:10:27 So 5,000 in total. It's been huge. I told Peter, and I think John this, is like I came back home from the games, like wanted to take like a week off and not look at CrossFit stuff. And like two days later, I had like a panic attack because I was like, we have to go now. So it's just been like pedal to metal since i've been back and and will this be um available for what's the next competition you guys are going to be um have available crash crucible oh okay and what about what about rogue
Starting point is 00:10:56 yeah we're doing rogue we're going we're going pretty big for rogue wow and what does that mean you're going pretty big for rogue there'll'll be prizes. People can win much bigger than the last, than the games. Wow. Shit. Is that legal? Yeah. Oh yeah. They don't pay me, so I can just give them whatever they want. All right, cool. Heat One app, you'll be hearing more about that as the days get closer. Yeah, stay posted. We're going to be introducing a news feature here soon. So as complicated as it is to find all the CrossFit news that's going on, we're just going to take care of that ourselves.
Starting point is 00:11:35 So you'll be able to find your content, Peter's content, Rich's content all in one place. Dang. Steal my shit, please. Okay, here we go here we go uh some feedback uh from uh a hairy pair of testes the app was fun but the ux that means it's a geek that means that from here on out no the opinion doesn't matter the app was fun but the user interface was a bit rough around the edges looking forward to next year's games what it gave you calluses harry we were in a business meeting my partner adam and i and we were asking somebody
Starting point is 00:12:12 and they were talking they just used the they said ux and in ui about 10 times and after the meeting i'm not a developer so i don't know about that stuff and i said so what do you think how do you think the uh the or the meeting went and he was like anybody who says ux that that many times has no idea what the fuck good okay thank you yeah fuck you yeah uh sebon a born primitive dude was cool slight man crush dude was very cool very cool i um i sent an intro between to him and uh matthew uh boudreaux i don't know if you guys remember him. I think he's been on this podcast great. I'd like to have him on again. I can't wait to try his shoes. God, I hope I like his shoes. What if I don't like his shoes?
Starting point is 00:13:11 Don't say anything. Just never talk with him. Tell him. Okay. Okay. Let's go big. Let's start with a really, I don't know, controversial topic. Let's go over to the 17-year-old's Instagram account name.
Starting point is 00:13:31 No, I'm joking. Jedediah. Jedediah Snelson has landed in Spain. Jedediah Snelson has landed in Spain. The man with no legs. Well, he has legs, but still rides in a wheelchair. He was on the show. He said he's doing a month in Spain.
Starting point is 00:13:55 He may be moving there. He's a competition there. And I forget the name of the competition. Is he doing the Madrid? Yeah, I think so, isn't he? Madrid CrossFit Championships. Okay. Is he doing the Madrid? Yeah, I think so, isn't he? Madrid CrossFit Championships. Okay. And he's over there doing that,
Starting point is 00:14:08 and then he's spending a month there to see if him and his wife are going to make the leap and he's actually going to live there. Here he is. Look, he made it. A couple weeks ago we talked to him. He said he was going there. I will say that's France. Oh, that's not.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Yeah, yeah. That's Daniel Chaffee's gym He didn't make it to Spain He stopped in France Yeah He's a cool guy Jedediah Hey imagine Yeah he's gonna
Starting point is 00:14:36 He says he's gonna live in Barcelona I think his daughter's like graduating from high school And him and his wife are like come on let's do something crazy Anyway He was on crazy anyway he was on the show he's on a couple CrossFit Games update shows a while back good to see that he's taking an adventure making a leap out there that is CrossFit
Starting point is 00:14:54 Lou Daniel Chaffee's gym I think he is the affiliate director for everywhere outside of the United States I could be wrong moving on this is our special disabled edition no sorry sorry side of the United States. I could be wrong. Moving on. This is our special disabled edition. No, sorry.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Sorry. So fucking 1989. This is our special adaptive division show. Let's ogle Casey Aikry's arm or lack of every time I go to his, hey, it was either this or
Starting point is 00:15:24 17 year olds uh keep going keep going i cannot stop watching this dude's instagram account remember when we tried to have him on the show wherever he lives it's like oh yeah in 1987 there's like he has like one bar that's it he needs to do like um who's the guy guy when we interview he goes to a strip club? Jacob Hefner. Okay, watch this. Look at this. He's got boxes when he does
Starting point is 00:15:53 his wall walks. Is that cheating? I don't think so. Oh, you're muted, Jon Young. I said that works as the other part of his arm. Yeah, but like, dude. I got a feeling Wall Walks would be harder with that. That's crazy right there.
Starting point is 00:16:14 What? Say it again? I think Wall Walks would be harder with that than without that. Oh. Oh, look at Burpee Dude, 100% cheating. Oh, there we go. All right. there you go Casey holy shit
Starting point is 00:16:27 do you follow Xabi Rosa he's like the Spanish Casey it's crazy like I just don't understand how they can do so much stuff that I can't do that I couldn't even attempt with two arms and they're doing it with like
Starting point is 00:16:44 a stump and an arm and lifting like it's fucking nuts I just stare at the arm the whole time I just stare at the arm that doesn't have the forearm that's all I do same I can't even like I can't even it's crazy uh Clydesdale Media
Starting point is 00:16:59 Judy Reed rehearsal dinner for my nephew at a local brewery oh that's where you're at must be a hell of a rehearsal dinner for my nephew at a local brewery. Oh, that's where you're at? Must be a hell of a rehearsal dinner. Barry McOchner. Yeah, that dude is a beast, Pedro. The European Casey Acree. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:18 I'm sure he'd love to be referred to as that. Okay. Okay. Going back to Tyson Bajent where we started the show Thank you Thank you you can tell the show's A mess I had a very interesting day today If anyone sees anything that's like off kilter with me
Starting point is 00:17:39 I had a very weird day Travis hi What's up dude Oh dude look what I'm wearing Always uh travis hi what's up dude oh dude look what i'm wearing yeah look what i'm wearing yeah always you wanted you wanted some juicy topics and hillary might be on your list but i'm happy to say the seven say his name and the heat one app shirts will get mailed before the noble athlete jerseys do oh my goodness okay goodness. Okay, tell us what's happening.
Starting point is 00:18:05 So I did see something like that. Give me up to speed on that. What happened? Is that on Hiller's account or Ariel Lowen's? I saw something somewhere. Oh, my God. It's on Hiller's. The comments are fucking savage.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Give us the backstory on that. Give us, like, what's going on there. So they had the preorders for the jerseys, and they said in there that you could order them and get them before the games. And them being noble. You're saying noble said, hey, pre-order jerseys. You'll get them before the games,
Starting point is 00:18:35 and you can show up to the CrossFit Games wearing your Ariel Lowen shirt. Correct. Okay. And people still haven't gotten them. Nobody? None of the athletes? What about the Tia Toomey shirts?
Starting point is 00:18:44 Have those been sent out? Some. Those probably got done during the way. Yeah. people still haven't gotten them nobody and people are about the tia tumi shirts of those some those probably got done right away yeah um but no some people have gotten them but a lot of people have not um abby donut posted that her dad got one and had four holes in it oh shit um and there's people that can't return them they or they can't cancel the order noble won't let them hey does he know one about the hat that the the guy oh my god that was the best somebody ordered somebody ordered a hat two of them showed up and they let noble know hey you ordered you sent us two hats by accident. And Noble charged them for the second hat.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Oh, shit. Oh, shit. That's quality service right there. Are you kidding me? Wow. No. Okay, hold on a second. I want to go. I cannot believe the hat one.
Starting point is 00:19:38 I accidentally sent us two hats. We only ordered one. So my husband reached out to let them know they accidentally sent us two. So they charged them for the second hat. There's no way. I can't believe that story. The PayPal one is even better, honestly. Oh, shit. Oh, wait. Well, this story's dead in the water.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Bladewalker, you gotta read the fine print. The shirts were meant for 2024 games. When Noble's not the title sponsor, you'll get your shirt. Is there any proof of that? Do we know that that contract only went to 2023, or are we just
Starting point is 00:20:12 speculating that because they're hurt so bad, they're struggling? There's no fucking way. There's no way. What we knew was 2023, right? We knew it was ending. This was the last Nobel year, right? I don't know what more writing on the wall you needed
Starting point is 00:20:27 besides the fact that there was no writing on the wall at semifinals. Hey, did no... No writing on the shirts either. Meaning they didn't have a presence, a strong presence at semifinals. Hey, did they respond to Abigail
Starting point is 00:20:43 Domet's father regarding the virus? I don't know. Okay. Anytime I've seen responses on social media, it looks like an autoresponder. Yes. Please DM us your info. And that's the only responses that are ever in there. Well, they did mandate that their employees get the injection.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Maybe half their staff got myocarditis and couldn't make it to work and they're struggling. Oh, it's a conspiracy theory. My dad got his jersey the other day and it had huge holes in it. Can I see what other comments there are? Man, man, oh man. Chandler Smith's mom personally approached me while i was working in the retail tent for noble stating that noah olsen's mom was furious she did not receive her jersey by the time the game started especially it being his last year competing in individuals this is wild that
Starting point is 00:21:40 noble is not holding up their end of the bargain here's the thing have they made a public statement i could understand if like maybe they had some sort of real issue. Have they said anything? No. I think they're also having financial issues because none of the athletes have gotten paid. Wow. Travis would actually know this.
Starting point is 00:21:57 I used to work for a merchandise company. Isn't there a law that you have two to three weeks to send out their product? I feel like that's a thing. There probably is. No idea. I just know I had issues with the no wrap shirts getting sent out and I just sent
Starting point is 00:22:15 everybody an email saying, hey, things are delayed. I mean, it's not hard. People are always super courteous when it comes to that stuff too, if you let them know. Yeah. Mike Sauer, I ordered super courteous When it comes to that stuff too If you let them know Mike Sauer I ordered a set of 45 plates From Rogue and they sent me 3 plates For the price of 2
Starting point is 00:22:32 Please no one say anything No problem Anytime I've screwed up I just tell people Merry Christmas gift it to somebody Mike Sauer I don't ask him to return it. I ordered one Mertens jersey. It arrived the Saturday afternoon of the games.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Probably the closest thing to on time you're going to get. Yeah. But there's athletes in there. There's athlete families in there that are talking about it. So Ariel was one. Nick Matthews was one. There's other athletes who didn't even have a shirt as an option. I wonder if they have that. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:23:13 I wonder if they're having that same problem at the NFL or if the fact is that they put in, put all their resources over there and kind of like, fuck you to the games. I know that comment today. Like, how did Noble think they're going to handle the NFL or the PGA? Or have they just given up and they don't give a shit on CrossFit? You can't handle a tiny sport. Sometimes you're building the parachute while you fall, and sometimes you don't build it fast enough, and now they're hitting the ground.
Starting point is 00:23:45 That's a Southern saying, Pedro. That's a Southern saying. Not that one. We don't use that one on the West Coast. I assume everything that Twitter says is sort of the same, because it just sounds like... I have America written all over it. What about this, Travis? Patrick Clark says,
Starting point is 00:24:01 Travis, you want to put money on Noble being the title sponsor or not? Does he think it will be? I'll put money on it, sure. You think it won't be? I don't think it will be. I mean, I fucking hope CrossFit's looking
Starting point is 00:24:17 at some of this stuff going, really, you guys? What are you doing? Shane Peoples, a rogue sent me the wrong color wall ball, racist. They told me to keep it, and they sent me the correct color. Wow.
Starting point is 00:24:35 My father-in-law ordered this. This wasn't Rogue, but my father-in-law ordered a rower. It wasn't concept either because we poor. Well, he's not. He's actually quite rich, but he ordered a rower. It wasn't concept either because we poor. Well, he's not. He's actually quite rich. He ordered a rower. The rower came and there was a clicking noise in it and he messaged
Starting point is 00:24:51 them and said, they were like, okay, we'll send you another one. He's like, okay, what do I do with this one? Do you guys want to come and get it? They were like, no, if you can get it to us, we'll take it back. Don't worry about it. He just says do rowers. Damn. Damn. Who is this? I got to order one. we'll take it back but don't worry about it he just says do roars damn damn who is this
Starting point is 00:25:07 I gotta order one black box Irish Sabir and Kelly vindicate customer service is second to none quick response take responsibility even when not his fault he gave me a free shirt when he didn't think he cropped mine good enough
Starting point is 00:25:24 all I had to do was send a nude of my wife. Shit. Wow. Easy trade. That might have been the wife. Why would you say that? Don't ruin my story. Don't ruin my story. I appreciate that. Will Branstetter, I don't think that Games cares.
Starting point is 00:25:40 CrossFit Games cares if the company can't mail out t-shirts fast enough as long as they got the fattest check. I agree. That was my juicy topic. Yes, you guys' shirts. Pre-sale ends in an hour. Get on it, people. Oh, for what?
Starting point is 00:25:59 Oh, yeah. Your latest shirt and Tyler's. Don't buy Tyler's. Your latest shirt and Tyler's Travis Mayer shirt. Don't buy Tyler's. I bought Tyler's. Caleb's not even doing his job, Pedro. Look at that. I bought Tyler's.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Thanks, Pedro. I'm talking so you have time to work, Caleb. I bought Tyler's. There we go. Look at that. Wow, let me see that Game Day jersey, Vindicate. Wow. Those are coming out for Crash, too. Those are new.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Wow. Those look nice. Yep, those jerseys for Crash. Why 16? What's that mean? It was the year Vindicate became official. It says it on there. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:26:42 It does? Yep. Wow. God. It says it on there. I didn't know that. It does? Yep. So working on streamlining that a little bit. I bet you I need an extra large to fit my lats in that. Definitely. No, you don't. I want a fucking large.
Starting point is 00:26:57 200 pounds. I know, exactly. I'm built like fucking Spongebob Squarepants. And then that thing's going to come past my knees. Does it come in an extra large body with extra small trap space? Lat, lat. Extra large lat space. Caleb will wear it.
Starting point is 00:27:17 It'll be a crop top because he's fucking tall. Patrick Clark, that's Noble's business, not CrossFit's. As long as Noble still pays them the three mil for the price purse, they're good to go. I agree. I disagree. I know. Disagree.
Starting point is 00:27:31 I 100% disagree. But you know what's cool is then people can buy vindicate stuff. Like, hey, fine. Let them pay the athletes the prize money. We'll keep poo-pooing on them. They can keep supporting dumb shit like they do wow that's beautiful and what's 23 stand for is that Michael Jordan's number
Starting point is 00:27:50 it's the fucking year it's the year it's stuck in 2023 crucible that's the actual crash jerseys look at me so working on streamlining those to be able to make them available for others they're a process
Starting point is 00:28:07 yeah I can tell you feel horrible not having a CEO when it's okay I wasn't going to say anything to you on there I was going to text you later I was surprised you didn't look at it and poo poo it no I like it Travis Mayer the dude are you kidding me
Starting point is 00:28:22 that's brilliant who gets that money is that Travis gets that? Yeah, Travis. I'll talk to Tyler. Who says he's going to be top five? I did. Me too. I'm on that. Do you have to use
Starting point is 00:28:39 public use that image? How does that work? No. That's free reign. Yeah. That's not free reign. What are you talking about? Since it's...
Starting point is 00:28:50 Yeah, yeah. If you turn it into a character, you can do whatever you want. That's the rule? That's why Barbell Voodoo... Yeah, that's why Barbell Voodoo can get away with all their shirts. So Patrick Clark thinks Noble
Starting point is 00:29:03 is going to be the sponsor next year. He's out of his mind. We have a lot of pissed off people. I think he's lost his... Seriously though, if you're... That dude's got good intel. I believe it. He knows more than I do.
Starting point is 00:29:21 I look at the people and I'm like, they're going to be pissed. The athletes are going to be pissed. I've heard rumblings from Noble-sponsored athletes that are not happy.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Remember how earlier we were talking about bottom of the barrel? Reaching bottom of the barrel for that joke. Trish says Noble put their thumb in my butt without asking. And? So the show
Starting point is 00:29:54 says he likes them. Dude, I called someone, made an appointment, lowered my pants, and asked them to stick their finger in my butt. Paid for it. Noble did it without asking. You should be thankful. Thank you, Travis. Moving on. People are going to start saying
Starting point is 00:30:09 1999. No one even said you did good. That's a first. Nice. Bye. Oh, look. Chase can't come on, but he can sit there and comment. Good job, dickhead. Look at this fine-looking lineup of man meat. Alright, that's fine. If of man me all right i that's
Starting point is 00:30:25 fine if you're gonna just do say that you're exempt um dyson bajan uh great clip on the talking elite fitness instagram account follow subscribe like whatever now uh dyson uh before he started growing the hair out long, giving mad love to CrossFit. Within my life, I want to wake up, you know, happy and excited to, you know, attack the day. So a couple of things I have in mind, obviously, you know, I grew up around CrossFit my whole life. Big into, you know, maybe obviously not competitive, being competitive, just because I know the dudes that are doing that nowadays start at a ridiculously young age. So I'm kind of past that gap. But being able to embrace and hunker down on my health and wellness
Starting point is 00:31:11 to an extreme level is something I look forward to doing. I want to have freedom within my life. I want to wake up. Crossfitter, crossfitter. Tyson got a little hood in him. You hear that? Not a little. He got a lot of hood in him.
Starting point is 00:31:25 What part of West Virginia are they from? The hood part. He got a little bit of Mike Tyson in him, like using big words and kind of mixing some letters up at the end ridiculously. Rapping noble as well. Randy Moss was from West Virginia. They might be from the same area.
Starting point is 00:31:44 He played in West Virginia. He played in Huntington. Grand West Virginia. They might be from the same area. He played in West Virginia. Grand West Virginia. That's where he's from. He went to Marshall. I can't believe how this kid's going to come in. When does he stop coming on the podcast? When he starts. When the Chicago Bears.
Starting point is 00:32:00 When he starts a game? Yeah. That's it? It's over? Fuck. That's when the It's over? Fuck. When he signs his rookie contract? That's when the fame hits him. So, listen, I don't know if he has, like, he's undrafted.
Starting point is 00:32:12 So, his rookie contract is not, like, four years. It's, like, one year or two years. Because undrafted, it's way, way different. That works way different. You sign it as a free agent. It's not um someone on someone on reddit said that um uh great interviews but why does he go come on the conspiracy theory podcast meaning this one i'm like i don't believe 9-11 was inside job i don't believe that the earth is flat i don't believe that um he's talking about get with the programming that's bill, oh. He was on that?
Starting point is 00:32:45 Okay, good. No, he wasn't, but that's Bill. I'm happily lost in the Matrix. I'm getting on my seventh booster. Talking about... Tom Gavin, Tom Newsome, Tom Gavin Newsome, Tom Gearan, is this the show where we talk about Jesus?
Starting point is 00:33:04 We do. Every show. We do. John's like, yeah, of course. I'll have half the people leave. Sure, no problem. He is dying on the cross for our sins. Tyson is from Martinsburg, West Virginia, which is very northern West Virginia.
Starting point is 00:33:20 It's pretty much near Washington, D.C. He's one of those rich men. Those rich men. No, no, listen. Listen, the first time I went to film with his dad for the documentary Pulling John I made, he took me out to dinner. He's like, you want to go out to dinner?
Starting point is 00:33:30 I said, yeah. We stopped at a Sheetz. A Sheetz is a gas station. He's like, come on, let's go inside. And they had a table inside the fucking gas station, like the food quickie mart. And that's where he took me to dinner. He's like, pick a hot dog.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Pick anything you want. I went to one of those, like, warming machines, like, where the dogs are, like, spinning and shit. In their defense, Sheetz is something else. You can order food at Sheetz. It's kind of weird. And Wawa. Sheetz and Wawa. Yeah, and Wawa.
Starting point is 00:33:56 In a completely different universe. Yeah. Hey, what do you guys think, Pedro? Tyson Bajinkan, is it Needle Mover for CrossFit? I mean, he is loving on crossfit yeah what do you think if he gets one person into every affiliate and there's 10 000 affiliates and each of those people pays 1500 a year what's 1500 what's 1500 times 10 000 uh another zero uh someone do that what is it 1. that 1.5
Starting point is 00:34:26 1.5 million no 10,000 add three zeros what is that 100,000 a million 10 million 15 million yeah 15 million
Starting point is 00:34:42 that's 15 million dollars he could infuse into the ecosystem. Well, Don shared that clip in his story. So he's obviously leaning into it. It's just a shame, though, that we have to use. Don Fall shared that Talking Elite Fitness clip? Yeah. Isn't it a shame that we only have, that's the only footage we have of Tyson from anywhere is an old clip that Talking Elite Fitness found. Isn't it such a shame that he hasn't
Starting point is 00:35:06 more recently showed up on something that we could clip and use maybe? The media team is very busy over at... Small team, small team. The media team is very busy. $1,500 a year. Are they getting a 50%? I apologize, Evan.
Starting point is 00:35:22 I apologize. Fine. $3,000. Fine. $30 million. Can you infuse $30 million into the ecosystem? No, not $1,000. $10,000. $10,000, Jim. $10,000, Jim. Thank you, Mike, though.
Starting point is 00:35:34 I appreciate it. Add a zero. That is crazy to think about for real, though, that you could have that sort of size effect on just one person. But you're not wrong. Patrick Clark, someone you should ask tyson to come on every monday like aaron rogers does for pat mccaffey i tried something like that i think he's blocked me no hey dude listen a true true story the a couple nights ago whenever something big happened in his career and my phone rang at 10 30 and I
Starting point is 00:36:07 called his father like five times that day. And finally at 10 30 at night, his father called me and I had him on speakerphone and my kids were all up and we were all in the living room and I go, Hey dude, what's up? And he goes, Hey,
Starting point is 00:36:19 this is Travis. Lose my number. Things have changed. And he hung up on me And my kids were like Is that real I'm like no I think he'll be back on On to other
Starting point is 00:36:34 Big stories In the CrossFit game space Morning Chalk Up And Are we really talking about that? I'm not going to. I'm not going to. So Make What's Great Again and Kettlebells and Cocktails
Starting point is 00:36:53 and Morning Chaka. I didn't even know Morning Chaka was still around. What are they doing? Does it say what they're doing? I replied to Joe's story and said, what's this going to be? He saw it and didn't reply.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Maybe they don't know. He can attribute tone to that, but I genuinely just asked, what is this going to be? It looks like it'll be an open mic night, maybe. That'd be cool. Comedy comedy show open night yeah their anal beads um tyler did you know tyler did you know that morning chocolate was still around yeah you did i still get their newsletter but i'm trying to do my own news so i gotta snipe on the other people do you pay for it
Starting point is 00:37:43 no i think they they just have your, and I can't get it. I've unsubscribed, and it doesn't go away. So it just is what it is. Oh, man. When I hear morning chalk up coming together with kettlebells and cocktail, I sort of picture, like, two people with anvils shackled around their necks, hugging each other, sinking quickly in the ocean. I just...
Starting point is 00:38:12 But you mean that affectionately, right? No. Yes, yes. Just like, I don't think that those two should come together. I think that they should each be doing... I don't think that they're going to compliment each other. I don't. What do you think to compliment each other. I don't. What do you think? Mr. Young, do you have any thoughts on this? You seem to be holding your
Starting point is 00:38:30 lips shut. Not any good thoughts. I don't have good thoughts. I don't have good thoughts either. Grow a pair, John. I'll talk while John thinks if he likes okay okay uh patrick clark uh yeah so basically this is it i'm guessing morning chalk up is trying to
Starting point is 00:38:53 bring back their youtube channel can we look at morning chalk up's youtube channel basically lauren khalil uh was over there doesn't exist right exactly it didn't exist before lauren and so they want to bring it back the only way to bring it back is bring back the one person. Yeah, so basically Lauren Khalil was running that show over there. They were putting out tons of content. She was a workhorse over there. And then all of a sudden, basically six months ago, it died on the vine. It died on the vine also when Justin LaFranco vanished.
Starting point is 00:39:18 So LaFranco vanished. Basically, there was an exodus over there. basically there was an exodus over there um uh tommy marquez brian friend lauren calil patrick clark and lefranco all gone does it own it is it own is this like one of those things where you think someone owns it but it's really owned by like an investment company or something and or like how does this work i heard there were two two lawsuits or two potential lawsuits um and i have no idea if this is true but there were two potential lawsuits and because of them there was a
Starting point is 00:39:49 negotiation that required LeFranco to either go undercover or climb a mountain yeah turn him into a mountain climber yeah okay so that's that in the news. That should be
Starting point is 00:40:05 the O'Keefe clip. That was funny. Oh shit, do we have I'll finish it. Savant, do you want me to finish your last sentence? He said, that should be, and then you stop talking. Shit. That would be shit. Well, I think it will be fodder for this show.
Starting point is 00:40:22 It'll be interesting to see what happens when two echo chambers meet, and then will it just be like a reverberation of one word over and over again? It's possible. You want to know what Matt O'Keefe thinks, Mr. Pedro? Oh, yes. Sorry, Caleb, to put you on the spot like that.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Do we know where that's at? Yep, I got it right. It's saved in his favorites. The other day, Matt O'Keefe was on the show. It's Death by Lauren. I think that's Talking Elite Fitness' most popular show now. It is actually doing quite, quite well. Lauren Khalil, Matt O'Keefe, Justin Kotler, and Nikki Brazier.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Nikki. You were right the first time. Go on. Nikki. Nikki Brazier, the ESPN floor commentator. So Lauren does this show, for those of you guys who don't know, and there's always a topic, and let's see what the topic is here. It's love it or hate it, wall ball and box height, same for men and women.
Starting point is 00:41:21 And then everyone here chimes in. Okay. And here we go. I can't hear it. I can't. Hold on. Take your time. Maybe you shouldn't have complimented him.
Starting point is 00:41:42 It's the biggest show on Talking Elite Fitness now, right? Whenever I go over there, it seems like it's the one that's running up the biggest numbers. It is. It is doing well. And I used to think that the name of the show was talking about the audience experience. But it actually is doing well. Ken Walters, so there actually won't be any CrossFit Games update, just the TMZ CrossFit review to not.
Starting point is 00:42:02 To not. There's CrossFit Talk. Fine. Can not. It's CrossFit talk. Can you guys change the name of the show? I don't know. I think there's an update show. I think we're updating on things in the CrossFit space. Yeah. I've been listening to a lot of CrossFit content lately.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Do we want to talk about the Rogue leaderboard at all? I'd love to. Caleb's like, let me fix my fucking volume and get this clip up, please. Let's do that so I can get a text from Katie slapping me around. I would love that. Any excuse to get her to text me. Okay, here we go. We're going to have to play this a few times.
Starting point is 00:42:42 We may have to explain to you in context what's going on. It's not letting me play it. Fine. Hey, here we go. We're going to have to play this a few times. We may have to explain to you in context what's going on. It's not letting me play it. Fine. Hey, do we know the time code on it? Someone will send you the time code. In the meantime, John Young wants to talk to us about the leaderboard, the rogue leaderboard. Go ahead. What do you want to talk about?
Starting point is 00:43:04 Well, it's very controversial. why is that i'm pretty sure if you go on their site it just says leaderboard is on is frozen and we are trying to fix it because everybody's video is not good if you go through everybody's video for all the events like out of the top 10 guys there's like seven of them where they don't meet whatever standards is listed for the workout and some like are very egregious our good friend will leahy bill uh like four of the five or three of the four workouts he's it's not good if you go if you go up to the top and scroll over to the right for like where you see where it says tickets underneath that oh yeah i got it i got it oh hey um what's the rush is the car is it done i mean i have so much faith in bill and katie
Starting point is 00:43:59 what's the rush what's the rush for what like it's not official right oh the queue is now closed oh okay and the leaderboard is frozen judging is ongoing the leaderboard will be repopulated once the process has concluded okay so that's good i mean i appreciate this i appreciate this asterix yeah what the queue meaning that this phase of the competition right that's what that is yeah okay the problem is if you go through all of the athletes videos, almost all of them have something that is not against that's against the rules. Okay. So they're probably assessing penalties right now, right? Yeah. But like how deep it's going to go down, we have no idea, which is like, Hiller did a really good video on this. Like, first off,
Starting point is 00:44:46 Will Leahy should not go to the competition. If they, if he somehow is let in, it's egregious. And if you go through, if you go through the videos, which Hiller already did, if you can watch his video, he shows you three of the five workouts. He basically does not adhere to the standards. If you look at annual akai and then um go up a little bit there's some uh caravis caravis i'm pretty sure he just jumps down from his rope climbs i mean is he the right guy i'm thinking about tyler no that's why he
Starting point is 00:45:16 okay also no lady had a weird like calm down but still held on yeah i don't know if your ghost is hey but it doesn't say you have to be in control it just said you have to be touching the rope as i recall no there's there's a control piece there is okay okay yeah but it doesn't matter what's control i i'm pretty sure it's your ghost i'm sorry if it's not your ghost but uh he just drops like a normal rope climb and then you take somebody like hopper who shows like too much control, is so scared of getting penalized. Like it's the video quality
Starting point is 00:45:51 or the quality of their workouts is so different. It's just, we have no idea how much down the leaderboard it's going to change. Okay, so let me respond to this real quick before you talk, Tyler. Shia Dance, he's not saying they shouldn't take their time. He's saying there's just so many mistakes in the videos. Okay, I read into it like he was concerned that they weren't going to fix it. I apologize. Go ahead, Tyler.
Starting point is 00:46:13 So do we like that the leaderboard is up right now or not? Like if we don't have a leaderboard at all. It's going to be wildly different though. Right, I agree, but it gives us nothing to speculate on versus like i'm sitting on both sides of the fence on this like i like that the leaderboard exists before the quarter or the qualifier is over but also i don't like that basically it's meaningless at this moment like there's a there's a good chance that like ricky and travis will be in the number one and two spot at the end of this or they could not even be on the leaderboard. And so how many, how many do they take Tyler five from here?
Starting point is 00:46:48 They take five. It's discretionary, but five. And we don't know. It's not specified if like somebody declines from the invite list. If they're going off of the games, your games finish or your finish in the queue now traditionally they've they've been it's your games finish um every year they've done it it would spend so they invite the 16th person if somebody declines their invite and then they invite the 17th person if somebody else declines
Starting point is 00:47:15 their invite but i've had a couple athletes tell me they're going to go from the queue to prove a point this year um which would be completely new but I don't know where they're getting that from, but they would have heard it from a better source than I have. The Q meaning? The qualifier. The qualifier. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Well, hey, here's the thing. There are one, two, three, four, five workouts. Are they all equally scored? Yes, they're all out of 100 points. Okay. workouts are they all equally scored yes they're all out of 100 points okay and so basically before 68 to 424 is the top 10 that's um 44 uh 44 points uh the question is now is penalties basically what you're saying is in there is that basically what you're saying john is that more than half these people need to be penalized from the videos that you've seen.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Yes. And how significant will those penalties be and when will it happen? Do we have any time when we think? Are there any rumors of when we know the official board will be done? No. Not that I've heard. Well, fuck. I had Katie on the show the other day.
Starting point is 00:48:22 I should have asked her that. I bet she doesn't know. And she might you know they're sifting through all the videos there's no right they you know they don't have a timeline how long it's gonna take them to sift through all the videos but if you look at the leaderboard again um as far as like how heavy they penalize people that leaderboard is so tight at least least between like three through 12 or something like that. It's all within 10 points. So basically, if you get a penalty, you look at 454 all the way down to 434. It's within 20 minutes, 20 points.
Starting point is 00:48:57 So if you get a penalty, you're basically out. What about the women? What about the women? There hasn't been as much controversy with the women. Can we take a peek? Who's Danny Spiegel, Sidney McElishan, Taylor Howe, Manon Anganese? If anybody does, so Colin Brander is probably the most one of note in this leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:49:26 And she was, she's the first person out. So if Katie wants to take people who from the queue, if somebody declines, then she'll be the first one in, or if she's going to take people from their games finish, which is what they've done traditionally, then she's still out. But, um, yeah, the women, I haven't heard any controversy. I haven't seen a Hiller do any videos on the women. I don't know if it's just been the men that have been messing up with the standards. But yeah, that's all we know.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Okay. Let's make sure we look back next Friday. Yeah, basically, I mean, we have to hurry up and wait because it's meaningless until then. Happy birthday, Mr. Pool Boy, for everyone. For everyone. For everyone. Would you lose four inches in your height if it meant adding two inches to your hog size?
Starting point is 00:50:17 No. Well, we learned last week that your hog can be too big or they'll dock you points. Who told you that? Colton said that on last week's show. Oh, that's right. He did say that. Wow.
Starting point is 00:50:35 It just depends on how big is too big for a hog. You know what I mean? Patrick Clark, they haven't assessed yet. They are still reviewing videos. Okay, all good. Oh, are Colton's videos good? Where is Colton? He's way down the leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:50:49 He will not get an invite from the queue. If they take it from the game's finish, it's very likely that he'll get an invite. If they take it from the queue, he's not going to go. He's way down. He's in 24th currently. 24th, yep. Right behind Jorge Fernandez.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Alright. No, Trish. No. You're a little premature. You're a little premature. Okay. The number two fittest man in the world in the 62-64 category
Starting point is 00:51:30 was recently asked to throw a opening pitch at cricket, baseball. Does Madison have a baseball team, professional baseball team? No. Milwaukee does. Oh, okay. And I thought he had a pretty good throw, right?
Starting point is 00:51:56 It was pretty rough. I mean, not accurate, but here he is. Let's watch. Tom. Well, I will say that Invictus did it and someone there's bounced towards the mound. He
Starting point is 00:52:11 threw it far enough and hard enough. It just wasn't very accurate. Hey, what was it? It's 60 feet? Is that what someone was saying? 60 feet from the mound to the play? Correct. That's 20 yards? Okay, let's watch this. That's the guy? Correct. That's 20 yards? Let's watch this. That's the guy right there?
Starting point is 00:52:28 That's the fittest dude right there? He looks like me if I cleaned up a little bit. He looks totally prepared in the face to throw this ball right now. He's like, oh Jesus, oh Jesus. If I only had Sevan's throwing ability.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Yes, thank you. Are you good at throwing, Se Sevan you never talked about that yeah I am actually thanks for asking I'm fucking amazing hey I just got home today I'm going to make you guys a video very soon you see very soon Ken Walters it's 60 feet
Starting point is 00:53:01 60 inches 60 that means it's 65 feet. 60 inches. 60, 60, 60? That means it's 65 feet. I don't know. Ken's just, Ken's got, we lost Ken when he thought this was TMZ. Okay. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:53:15 Can you play this, Caleb? Caleb, are you going to play the Nikki Brazier clip where O'Keefe just destroys her? No, no? Not today? Okay. Probably not today. Nikki, you dodged a bullet. No, you dodged it.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Someone send the fucking time code in the chat for that, please. Oh, 60 feet, 6 inches. Auden Macau. All right. Fine. Okay, let's watch this. 60 feet, 6 inches. Our final ceremonial first pitch tonight. We're thrilled to welcome a Green Bay native who just earned the title of second fittest man on earth
Starting point is 00:53:44 in the men's 60 to 64 age group division at this week's Noble CrossFit Games in Madison, Wisconsin. Please welcome Wisconsinite and CrossFit Games podium finisher Tom Famaray. Hey, that's the part I don't like. I don't think it's that bad. I mean. I don't think it's that bad. I don't think it's that bad. I think 50 cent threw it way worse. Exactly. I think the fittest 60-year-old would have thrown a strike.
Starting point is 00:54:13 But here, the fittest what, 50-year-old? In a different sport. He was the second fittest 60- to 64-year-old. I think the fittest guy would have thrown a strike. I don't think he should have given himself the thumbs down, though. Like, hey, dude, your quarter extremity was good. You had distance on the throw. Like, fucking act like a strike. I don't think he should have given himself the thumbs down though. Like, hey dude, your quarter extremity was good. You had distance on the throw. Like, fucking act like a champ.
Starting point is 00:54:29 How old was George Bush? Grab your nuts. He threw a strike for sure. Yeah, how old was George Bush? Hey, Pedro would have swung at that. Pedro would have swung at that. I'd have used a hurl. George Bush threw the most pressured strike there can possibly be.
Starting point is 00:54:46 He threw a strike when he did? Yeah, right down the middle, right after 9-11, gave this historic speech, one of the greatest moments in sports, and it brought everybody together, threw a strike right down the middle. Wow. The sun? The sun did? Peter, if you want to know USA,
Starting point is 00:55:03 go look up George Bush's pitch at Yankee Stadium. No one else is condoning this, Peter. Okay. I bet it's true. I was too stupid to know anything. Oh, wow. Game 3 of the World Series
Starting point is 00:55:19 and 9-11 happened 3 months ago. It's a terrible start. His stance is awful at this. That's bad. That's going into row G. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss
Starting point is 00:55:42 while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Fed up with road rage, gas guzzling, and backseat battles of road trip vacays beach it's time for a reality check shift gears to seamless serenity with sunwing's all-inclusive getaways which can actually be cheaper more margaritas less mileage misery it's a road less traveled for a reason
Starting point is 00:56:22 say no to gas stations and gassy passengers and yes to Sunwing Savings. Book with your local travel agent or He nailed it. Wow. And how old was he at that point? 68? 2003?
Starting point is 00:56:42 2001. Hey, that's really cool. So the problem is Tom threw it too hard, by the way. Yeah, way too hard. I'm really shit at throwing. If I throw something, I get that pain at the end of my fingers.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Where the blood rushes to the end of my fingers. I'm the kind of dude I'm eating a fucking McDonaldcdonald's at the airport and when i'm done i crumple up my paper and i throw it over six rows into a trash can and make it that's he was 55 not even close not even close okay i just thought he was old anyway good job tom don't be so hard on yourself come on there's kids watching don't do the thumbs down isn't that that's just like self-preservation though isn't it that's like like i used to do that when i was in school like i'd call myself fat before
Starting point is 00:57:29 other people call me fat so i'd be like well i said it like i so he's like i was shit guys and then they're like you were shit he's like i know i was i just said i was so i'm in on it i'm in on the joke and then you're like seven being like that's not that it's not that bad man hey uh pedro pedro is here to explain the psychology of people. Thank you, Pedro. Yeah, it's only people who are afraid they're going to be mocked, though. That's all the experience that I have. Magnus Holmgren, the best ever Sevan podcast show was when Sevan showed how he threw.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Oh, I'm going to wait to see. I'm making a video. Fucking Chase doesn't think I can throw a fucking baseball and hit a fucking Home Depot bucket from 60 feet away. I don't think that's where the skepticism was coming from. I think it was the Frisbee. I'm going to throw a Frisbee and a baseball in the both of these buckets. Have you told the beach Frisbee story before? Because I need to hear that in words and not text.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Tomorrow morning. You should just read the text novel that you wrote to everybody. Just read that out loud. Tomorrow I'm going to tell you this time I hit a girl in the head with a frisbee at the beach on purpose. I'm going to tell you about how my dog
Starting point is 00:58:38 died in the car today on a seven-hour drive one hour into the trip. No. Yes. My three little boys in there and it was and like they wouldn't let me throw them out the window it was fucking it was a wreck cannot be more different tones yeah anyway that's why i'm a little bit of a mess tonight i've cried so much today it's a fuck i'm a train wreck okay i was worried i was worried coming into it that you might be pour one out for your old dog there dude my my my eight-year-old was like dude i never seen you cry before i'm like no wonder i'm i'm exhausted i used to be able to cry for hours i
Starting point is 00:59:15 cried for like 15 minutes today and like but not even in one go like in 60 different crying sessions for a total accumulation of 15 minutes i'm'm exhausted. You're such a crossfitter timing your crying. Animal death cries are like hard. They're like your child crying. They're the worst. Speaking of crying, Nikki Brazier, I
Starting point is 00:59:41 heard after O'Keefe fucking absolutely decimated here, cried for three days straight. Here we go. Lauren Khalil's show. Performance. Sounds like a bunch of buzzwords that don't mean nothing. I learned them from being interviewed by you, Nikki. Good.
Starting point is 01:00:04 I will say that was really. Just nodding his head. Yep. It was a week of combat. Can you rewind that again for 10 seconds? So basically what happened is O'Keefe is given some sort of answer, right? And Nikki Brazier says, hey, your answer sounds like just a bunch of buzzwords. And O'Keefe fucking gives it to her. It's a little close to home. Like my wife said, you can't make fun of people if it's true. Here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:00:32 How is that no points? You must have hit your flag in the sand. You didn't say whether you loved it or hated it. You were right in the middle. I just said at the end that we should adjust certain movements for performance. Sounds like a bunch of buzzwords that don't mean nothing. I learned them from being interviewed by you, Nikki. I've never seen that side of O'Keefe.
Starting point is 01:00:59 So here's the thing. Either she really touched O'Keefe or he feels that comfortable with her. Which is it? The latter. That bullet was in the her. Which is it? The latter. That bullet was in the chamber. That was – Yeah, yeah. It was so fast.
Starting point is 01:01:10 He was ready. It was way too quick. He's the way to say that. Okay, let's vote. Let's vote. Tyler, he's that comfortable with her or she touched him, she touched the nerve and he slapped her down? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Come back to me. I'm second guessing myself. Pedro, Pedro, she touched the nerve and he slapped her down? I don't know. Come back to me. I'm second guessing myself. Pedro, Pedro, she touched the nerve and we saw a new side to O'Keefe? Slapping. That was a slapping. Wow. Wow. I haven't seen that side of O'Keefe. Is he turning red there from saying that? I feel like he said it. I was like,
Starting point is 01:01:40 oh, that was a bit off-brand. Definitely off-brand. Hey, but points in my book yeah oh can we watch it again i want to watch kotler uh mike sauer saying collar almost spit out his drink i didn't get to i didn't yeah because i mean for this show that's nothing but for that show that's all rated i mean someone might as well take their shirt off. Go ahead. Let's go. Let's see. Watch Justin Kotler here. At the end, we should adjust certain movements for performance. Sounds like a bunch of buzzwords that don't mean nothing. I learned them from being interviewed by you, Nikki. Oh!
Starting point is 01:02:22 Zing. Zing. Good. God, Lauren Khalil, turning up the heat in the talking elite fitness youtube channel death by it's a slap look at nikki's face look how much joy o'keefe is having after he said that oh hey hey okay tyler i'm coming back to you don't fucking avoid this one does did o'keefe text her after the show and apologize for that wow pedro did he text her and apologize i don't think so john i hope not yeah i'm gonna go with tyler i think he did. I mean, you don't say that if you're going to apologize after.
Starting point is 01:03:08 Listen, dude. You don't say that. That girl doesn't think you're allowed to. You don't apologize after. Okay? Listen. No. Can I also just say
Starting point is 01:03:22 that I feel like this show is different than any other show where we text each other and we would text each other after a show or before a show or something. I do not think that those four people communicate with each other outside of
Starting point is 01:03:37 here's a link for the show, here's a topic to go to discuss. That's it. I doubt O'Keefe's like, hey, Justin, do you think I could hit this chick with this risby? I don't think that's happening I doubt O'Keefe's like hey Justin why do you think you know like why do you think do you think I could hit this chick with this risby I don't think that's happening in that group uh where is uh our texts are like this where the fuck is my phone I was thinking about this
Starting point is 01:03:56 earlier our text thread should be like an only fans you you could you should have to subscribe to it Patreon you get added for a month but view only I don't know listen you should have to subscribe to it. Patch on. Patch on, you get added for a month. View only. I don't know. Listen, you're going to not look at it for one hour, and then you come back
Starting point is 01:04:12 to 157 messages. Every morning, John. Every morning, it's minimum 115 texts every morning when I wake up. And then I'm talking to a fucking vacuum for like four hours because nobody else is awake, and I'm just replying or laughing at stuff, and nobody's responding to anything I'm talking to a fucking vacuum for like four hours because nobody else is awake and I'm just replying or laughing at stuff and nobody's responding to anything I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:04:28 And this is every way up to 150 text messages. About 85% of them is just Stefan saying how good he can throw. It's not. Hey, this is the text. This is on our
Starting point is 01:04:43 CrossFit Games update show today. Taylor, this is the text. This is on our CrossFit Games Update show today. Taylor, this is at 6.05. Hey, dude, I have a... This is with a bunch of people on it. Hey, dude, I have a... I'm paraphrasing. I have a fever, and I wouldn't add anything to the show.
Starting point is 01:04:59 And I just respond, you should have told me sooner so I could replace you, fuckhead. Right? You actually called him could replace you, fuckhead. Right? He actually called him a duckhead, but whatever. Autocorrect. Oh, God. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:17 Well, good. It looks like I want to give a thumbs up to... Okay, here we go. Wow, Caleb. Here's the poll. One of the polls for tonight. We're about to start another poll about Dallin here. Dallin Pepper. Was O'Keefe genuinely annoyed by Nikki?
Starting point is 01:05:32 80%. Comfortable enough to comment? 20%. Oh. I'm with the top group. Throw a vote in for me at the top. Wow. Okay. Throw a vote in for me at the top Wow, okay We will take a small meditation break here to view Emily Rolf's Instagram
Starting point is 01:05:57 Well, I would love to Know It Emily goes after the games I went, you can play this while I read it. After the games, I went on vacay and sat around a lot, lazed at the pool, lounged on the couch, and did what I felt like doing. My body actually started to feel worse than when I was training hard for the games. I started to move a little and incorporate it into my day of recovery routine made for me by primal mobility my back
Starting point is 01:06:27 stiffness went away and overall i felt much better goes to show you even when not training it's important to stay mobile uh she looks fit all right emolfe, thank you very much for adding. I've never heard the word laced. Jeremy World, she's put together very well. Her husband is lucky. That's very nice of you, Jeremy. She's an anatomy lesson. Like, there's some athletes, some athletes are really fit.
Starting point is 01:07:01 She is an anatomy lesson. Pedro, what questions do you have? I'll help you. Go ahead. No, but, like like there's a saying, there's a guy that the gym I used to go to, there's a guy there and it was like, you can see every sinew. You can see, you know, like,
Starting point is 01:07:11 it's like you want that person at the top of a strength and conditioning seminar to be like, you see this little ligament here? You see this, like that's, it's just nuts how ripped people get. Like, and only certain people, because obviously there's other CrossFit Games athletes that aren't as ripped as she is. dude it's not even training season this is her being
Starting point is 01:07:29 lazy that's that's a lazy lazed around body and tyler's never heard that before i've never heard somebody say laced you know around no you've never gotten l. You know who else was like that, Simone? Peter, to your point, Jen Smith was like that. I spent five years around her, and every time she would move, I was just like, I can see every single strand of fiber of muscle. Yep, yep, yep.
Starting point is 01:07:56 Bethany Flores or whatever, she's similar. You can just see every little bit of shoulder. It's crazy. Vicky Caruso. So are the people who are in famines. You can just see every little bit of shoulder. It's crazy. Vicky Caruso. So are the people who are in famines across the globe. Okay. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:08:16 There. What? I don't know where that came from. I don't think emaciation is the same as being really ripped from CrossFit your stomach sticks out yeah true if you have worms if you have worms
Starting point is 01:08:34 listen Caleb can we start a poll this poll no one has to jump the gun. Don't get all crazy. Is Dallin Pepper going to ever win the CrossFit Games? That's the poll. Okay?
Starting point is 01:08:53 And I have an opinion on it. It's a really – I mean, it's hard to win the CrossFit Games. It is hard. Look at John Young's face already. He's fighting so hard hard i don't like this question they already spelling okay so uh pedro uh up there from coffee pods and wads an interview with dylan pepper uh and uh has uh if you want to listen to the best podcaster in the game who lets his guests speak um then i guess listen to coffee pods and wads if you don't want to hear the guests
Starting point is 01:09:25 just speak then stay here okay uh some of the things we learned on the podcast was the um he got an american eagle sponsor that's like a that's like a big weirdo brand i remember they had a store in um uh that's their stick isn't it that's their usb we're a big weirdo brand yeah that's weird shit i don't know how any of that alone as you walk into the store kind of thing and the people there the people who work there are weird but anyway he got he got picked up by them congratulations that's awesome we learned that so you don't need to watch the podcast i'm going to tell you i i listened to it and uh took all the pieces yeah um he uh he told us that Fi and Al got married
Starting point is 01:10:05 Fi Sigafe got married he went to the wedding He asked Dallin are you going To Rogue And Dallin said if I get an invite do we know Did Dallin get an invite He will get an invite for sure How do you know
Starting point is 01:10:19 Because he was top 15 At the games He said Okay here we go big question coming up here because he was top 15 at the games. All right. He said, okay, here we go. Big question coming up here. He said that his long-term projects are upper body pressing and running. Pedro was able to get that out of him. Two things.
Starting point is 01:10:41 First of all, you think it's good for an athlete to kind of admit that on a podcast? Is that okay to talk about what your weaknesses are you don't want to keep those to yourself most fans of the sport know what they are and so if you're not acknowledging them you're just hiding from the truth okay i like that it doesn't give anybody i i guess it gives people an advantage but i don't feel like it gives people like a big advantage you're it's not a team sport it's's a single sport, at least with Dallin. He does his best. The other people do their best.
Starting point is 01:11:11 That's how every event goes. So knowing somebody's weakness I don't think is a huge advantage by any means. Plus, everybody's working on them. If Fraser said this is my weakness, he's probably going to be the best person in all of CrossFit the next year at that thing. And Dallin did take fifth at the games. There's not a lot of people better than him.
Starting point is 01:11:31 I assume at Dallin's level, if they have a weakness, it will be like Fraser-like next year, right? Maybe not to the degree, but they're not going to be weak at it the next year. Pedro, were you going to say something? Or were you just licking your chop? No, sorry. I just said that the
Starting point is 01:11:50 athletes were asked to keep it a secret. They weren't because I had Bailey Martin on the same day and he was like, oh, I'm hoping to get an invite in the post this week. And then about two days later, Rogue put up a post, like a reel of Bailey Martin. So they're asking them and then sending out stuff i think oh okay okay yeah sorry uh good information about hers too who alexis raft has posted about
Starting point is 01:12:13 her invite but i don't think they've actually posted that she's they didn't do the belt buckle thing or you know what i mean i don't think they did the previous year's thing oh like mail you something yes yeah we'll probably get confirmation a couple days from now just athlete by athlete of who's coming. By next week, do you think we'll know everybody by next week?
Starting point is 01:12:37 Depends on the leaderboard. Other than the queue? Oh yeah, I'd say so. Everybody that's declined or accepted and we'll know how many spots there are left within the queue or within the games. Is that her story? Look, you're good, Caleb. You're good.
Starting point is 01:12:52 Yeah. Oh, shit. Okay. All right. $250,000. $250,000. Fuck, no. Now, what are you guys saying to me? That she has the invite but Rogue hasn't announced it? Correct. Oh, because they're waiting for her to say yes or no,
Starting point is 01:13:09 is what we're speculating. Okay, sorry, I'm a little slow. Maybe it's just international ones that they haven't posted out then. Maybe I'm wrong. So maybe Don did get it. Okay. And you're going to Rogue? Caleb's going to Rogue?
Starting point is 01:13:23 John Young's going to Rogue? Anyone else? Tyler, are you going to Rogue? Pedro's not going to Rogue Oh, Pedro, so you can hang out in front of your computer with me And we can talk about it 2am Alright, awesome
Starting point is 01:13:33 As we continue on the coffee Analyzing the coffee pods and wads podcast So you don't have to watch it Well, let me ask you this Is his press and his run They're not even that bad right his pressing is great isn't it um they're not bad relative to the field no but relative to him they're bad okay that makes sense like like running i don't know what he did at the 5k but
Starting point is 01:14:00 you know he's probably 15 to 20th out of 30 guys on running but you know relative that's not a huge weakness he has no lower whore bath like weaknesses um he's probably one of the more well-rounded people in the top five let's see i'm i'm going over to the uh leader. I'm faster than Caleb is. Shit. Fuck. She's so young. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Do you want to answer the question? Do you want to go down the line and answer the question? Yeah, we will. Hold on. Don't get carried away.
Starting point is 01:14:35 I got a little bit more. Now you can start voting a little bit. Torres has been coaching Dallin since his teen years, and he won two CrossFit Games Teams Awards, first places, championships, whatever the fuck you call those things, with Matt Torres as his coach. And it sounds like he's staying with Matt Torres.
Starting point is 01:14:57 That was a good bit there, Pedro. You pulled out of him. Pedro said that Dallin had a – oh, this is the part where I'm critiquing Pedro. Pedro said that Dallin had brand loyalty because he's been with his sponsors so long i call bullshit pedro the brands know they're sitting on gold with him he has no loyalty to them or they have no loyalty to him yeah but he's probably getting better off like he's probably getting better offers from other companies that do similar things to those companies that's what i meant that he's sticking with them. Because I reckon he's
Starting point is 01:15:25 a classical, all-American high school quarterback type guy. He's really marketable, and he's with the same companies. There's definitely... You tell me First Form don't have more money than MyProtein or like that. No offense, but Beats don't have more money than
Starting point is 01:15:42 ESC headphones or whatever, but he's sticking with the ones that backed him from the start, I think. Okay. Okay. I like it. Okay. I stand corrected. Pedro's still an A-plus interviewer.
Starting point is 01:15:52 I was just looking for something. Pick any. Dallin and Danielle make great IG shit. They found their voices. I think Dallin's Instagram's amazing. I think he's found his voice. I remember a couple years ago, he was like, yeah, I can't wait to find my voice like Danielle. He's found it. He's funny as shit, right?
Starting point is 01:16:06 He's the one who made the... He was one of the original people that made the Grips post. That was amazing. That was funny shit. But even compare his first show with you and his most recent... Do you know what I mean? Totally different person. Come out of his show. 27...
Starting point is 01:16:21 At the 27-minute mark, Pedro asks him the difference between 22 and 23 games and a Dallin gives us some sort of you yeah let's play a little bit of this at the yeah let's see here we go what do you think are the big like
Starting point is 01:16:36 skip me talking kid fuck's sake turning of dials that you made at that time oh yeah yeah with like semi-finals I think yeah like there wasn't much of a difference honestly i think the third was probably a little better performance just because the field was deeper um but in regards to the games um i think in 2022 is still like the mindset of like i have to get to the games.
Starting point is 01:17:06 Um, and so that's the approach we took in training. Like I, I needed to be ready for semifinals and I needed to be good at semifinals. Like that's the, that's the type of stuff I needed to be really good at, um, where we had a lot more confidence going into this season that I would be
Starting point is 01:17:22 where I needed to be at semifinals. had a lot more confidence going into this season that i would be where i needed to be at semifinals and so we trained for the games specifically since last september october and like that's what we've been getting ready for i call bullshit on all this listen in 2022 your balls hadn't dropped i call bullshit on the reason why he's took not from went from 19th to 5th, he still worked just as hard, he's a great crossfitter, and it's nothing but more hard work and age. Period. End of fucking story. Tyler?
Starting point is 01:17:55 Agreed. Well, yeah. Pedro? Yeah. I think it's both, but you seem hyped, so I'll just agree with you. Okay, thank you. I'm cool. He's giving – why did he take – why do you think he took 19th in 2022 and 5th in 2023?
Starting point is 01:18:15 And he gives all these reasons. Like, before I was just focused to go to the games. Now I'm more focused on going and being better. And I'm just like, dude, no, your ball's dropped. You were fucking 12 years old in 2022 and like every year you're getting better because not because you don't I mean he works hard he's amazing we know
Starting point is 01:18:34 all that right he's a beast but he's just getting older and stronger that's the end of the story yeah I don't know about just stronger I think he's getting older and fitter right I would agree with that yeah I mean like kind of like Emma Lawson I don't know about just stronger. I think he's getting older and fitter. Right, fitter. I would agree with that. Yeah, I mean, kind of like Emma Lawson, I don't think, did this year as well.
Starting point is 01:18:52 I know she went sixth to second. But, yeah, I mean, I think he's just reaching his peak, and we don't know where that peak is, right? Like, his peak is not 22nd. You know, it might be fifth it might be not it might not be fifth but i think he's still on his way to peak down and like most athletes you know he'll hit that peak and then it'll just be around the same the whole time unless you're who's further away from their peak down or jason hop Well, I don't know if we know a lot about Hopper cause he has valleys.
Starting point is 01:19:27 Hopper. You know, not Hopper's further from his peak. He is this last year. I don't believe. Excluding even. Excluding even. Well,
Starting point is 01:19:39 I believe Dallin can be first fittest to see when I look at, when I look between them to me, I think Dallin has to do it within the next three years the people he's competing against I think are Jason in the future and it's like um I think Jason Dallin has done CrossFit longer than Jason Jason's hadn't been an athlete longer but he needs to figure out how to be a crossfit athlete dallin's been doing that for a long time so i think jason's peak is is going to be longer than dallin's i think as of right now we can't put hopper in dallin's category i think you're wrong until until he does it yeah dude dallin pepper's a fucking he for instance for instance let me let me let me
Starting point is 01:20:21 hey dallin pepper's underrated and he took fifth fifth. I bet you Dallin has five straight years of being in the top ten. Me too. And maybe Hopper does too, but he has not done it. It's been a roller coaster, right? Until he does it, I don't think we can put him in that conversation. I don't disagree about Dallin. What I disagree about is the validity of this year for Jason. To me, I'm throwing this – I'm about is the validity of this year for Jason to me I'm throwing this I'm
Starting point is 01:20:45 giving him a pass on this year I agree but the two the year pre the two years previous to that he was 19th he was 19th 7th and then 31st first off Dallin got fifth better than Hopper's ever done and I I don't think he's I think Dallin is way more consistent than Hopper is. That doesn't mean Hopper can't have a higher peak. He can. As far as winning the games, I think Jason and Dallin are on the same level of both of these guys, their ability to win the games. I personally don't think either one of them will.
Starting point is 01:21:19 I don't think either one of them ever will. I think both of them are capable of podium in the future. Wait a second. one of them ever will. I think both of them are capable of podium in the future, but I don't understand the way you tell you your opening sentence for your paragraph is, is downs in a different league than Jason. And then you're basically the rest of your paragraph is how they're in the same league. Okay.
Starting point is 01:21:37 Okay. Okay. Okay. I think Allen is going to be top 10 for his, the rest of his career. And I think Hopper is going to have good years and bad years. At least that's what he's shown so far. Like, he's going to be very inconsistent.
Starting point is 01:21:50 But those good years are going to be really good. Fikowski is similar to this. Fikowski's done this. He's had really bad years and really good years, where I think Dallin is going to be more consistent. I don't think either one of them is going to be consistent. Let me say this to you. Roman,
Starting point is 01:22:08 Vellner, Fikowski, and Adler will all have one foot in the grave as Dallin Pepper hits his stride. Adler's 28. Roman's 28. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:20 Vellner's 33. The only person you said correct was Roman. Dallin's 21. Yeah. Okay. Here's what I said correct. Bellin is 21. Yeah. Okay. Here's what I'm saying. How old is Justin?
Starting point is 01:22:30 24. And he's already on the downhill. Y'all are already forking him. He's done. Justin's not forking. You got to puppy. What I'm saying is, Justin, too soon, Caleb. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:22:42 Too soon, Caleb. What I'm saying is, whenallin hits his peak, okay, if that peak is second place, kind of like Belner. Belner hit his peak, and then he just sustained his peak. It was never good enough to win the games. I think Dallin will be similar to that. There's so many unknowns about Dallin, and he's a two-time champion. He's champion pedigree.
Starting point is 01:23:04 He's young. Are you talking about the team division? And everyone above him is fucking – Haley's like a four-time champion in the team division. You can't use the team division. You can only compete three years, and Haley won it four times. Hey, I'm just saying. 14, 15, 16, 17.
Starting point is 01:23:18 Listen, listen. I'm just saying he's young, and we don't know his potential. You agree with me on that? I agree with you on that. Okay. Hey, and I think it's a big leap. I think 36% saying he's going to win the games is huge. Like winning the games is fucking hard.
Starting point is 01:23:35 Like really, really, really hard. But I still think that those are amazing numbers. Let me ask you a question. Let me ask you a question. Are you saying like when Ricky, Jeff, Roman are done, you're saying that's when Dallin's going to win the games? I'm just saying that they're going to be— Tyler, I'm talking to—
Starting point is 01:23:52 Even if Dallin never gets better than them, he is going to eventually be better than them in his lifetime. You don't think anybody better is going to come along? Maybe, maybe. But things look good for him because we don't know his cap and he's got he's looking at fucking dudes who are like dudes who can't fucking stay out of the hospital okay well i agree with that if if uh that's funny with ricky um if you're saying nobody better is going to come along then absolutely he'll
Starting point is 01:24:22 out survive those guys because he's seven years younger and hopper is the person he is going to come along than absolutely. He'll out-survive those guys because he's seven years younger. And Hopper is the person he's going to have to go against. Justin will also be there. Somebody else is going to come along. It always happens. It's not just going to stay the same. There will always be a new person that comes along. If Dallin can – He is that person.
Starting point is 01:24:44 He is that person. Dallin's aim is he wants to i'm saying go ahead he wants to move up from fifth like that's his thing now he wants to be like higher than fifth obviously i think if he can be fifth or above next year he will absolutely definitely win the games that's i think once he doesn't drop once he doesn't do like what hopper did or what fukowski's done i've gone like up down up down if he can stay consistently where he is or better next year i think he'll definitely win the games after that would you have said the same about belner because belner was better than hot down at every step of the way and he's never won the games he's never been good enough he's always been right there
Starting point is 01:25:22 yeah but the son has learned from the father He's never been good enough. He's always been right there. Yeah, but the son has learned from the father. Okay. Please tell me that's in the Bible. That's what you're going to die on. That's in the Bible. That's just not.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Just let it be. This is where I think we divert in that I think Dallin was helped out by the fact that there were cuts this year. Hopper got seventh last year. There were no cuts. It was arguably a harder field for him, and he still got seventh. I think Dallin's going to get set back. I still think, listen very carefully,
Starting point is 01:25:50 I still think that he's a top three athlete, but he's going to take a step back. How does he handle that? Jason got one fluke year. That's how I feel. I think the training camp he has, I think Matt's a really good coach, and i think training with like uh you know fee emma james danielle like regularly he told me that they're
Starting point is 01:26:12 all coming back as far as he knows so assuming they're all going to be there assuming they have a bigger facility that they're planning on moving to they've got that cool new logo and shit so assuming that that keeps going launch a new logo already it came out yeah so assuming that that keeps going... They launched a new logo already? It came out? Yeah. So assuming that keeps happening and they take on maybe some more athletes as well and, okay, Dom is gone by all accounts, but if someone else is there on the coaching team or whatever, I forgot to ask him about that. I fucking hate that I forgot to ask him
Starting point is 01:26:35 about that. I listed everyone else and then skipped Dom because I forgot and Will immediately pointed it out. But yeah, if they can all stick around, I think that's a better pointed out. But yeah, if they can all stick around, I think that's a better environment
Starting point is 01:26:50 than most that he's in now. And it's perfect for him. And he knows Matt, and Matt knows him, and they've been together for years. Thank you for taking control of the show, Mr. Young. This is interesting. Simon Hernandez, Hopper is good. He just started late. Okay.
Starting point is 01:27:06 Part of it. Okay. Interesting what Hopper will do next year. If Hopper does get another 31st, we have to put a fork in him. So, would you put a fork in Daniel Brandon? No. Because you said whoever doesn't finish worse in the women's field. I know. I know. I regret saying that. I regret saying that. I punched myself in the women's field. I know. I know. I regret saying that.
Starting point is 01:27:25 Five places worse. I regret saying that. I punched myself in the balls as hard as I could last night. I agree. And my hand is killing me. I think Hopper is in the same category as Dallin. I just think we can't put him there in rankings and stuff until he does it. I'm not going to say he's going to get fifth place until he does it because he's been so inconsistent. But as far as like potential,
Starting point is 01:27:51 I think both of them are on the same level as far as potential. I just don't see them winning the games as of right now. Again, like what you said, Peter, if Dallin gets like third place and beats, say, let's say he beats Ricky, but Roman wins and Adler gets second and Dallin gets like third place and beats, say, let's say he beats Ricky, but Roman wins and Adler gets second and Dallin's third, then I'll change my tune. But like, as of right now, I think there's five guys better than him.
Starting point is 01:28:14 Yeah. Well, we can only go on that. So like, yeah, I just, yeah. And if you're saying seven years down the road,
Starting point is 01:28:20 that's when he's going to win the games. I can't argue with that. It's seven years from now. Right. I have't argue with that. It's seven years from now. I have no idea what's going to happen seven years from now, but as of right now, I just don't see it happening. Let me read some of these. Seve, that was from the New Testament, the book of
Starting point is 01:28:35 Pedro. Will Branstetter, it's going to be hard for anyone to get in the top five when Travis Mayer has first through fourth. Halpin, I confirm Dom is leaving. I think we got that too. Thank you. I do think that Roman has seen his best days.
Starting point is 01:28:55 You just broke John Young. Yes. Yeah, like he changed his tune about Gazanan 100 okay let me let me get through let me get through this a little bit more here um uh we know it's uh um his balls drop uh fuck pedro asked dallent oh yeah let's listen to this start at 44 minutes wait to see what pedro asked him here this is some fucking europe European fucking pizzazz here. I don't even know how you ask this. This is the most brutal question ever asked,
Starting point is 01:29:28 and yet Pedro pulls it off like just all innocent. Yeah, like how big is your penis? He's not from Europe, you ass. Where is he from? I'm from Europe. He's from Europe. I am from Europe. Yo, you just told me over the phone how many times.
Starting point is 01:29:41 You said I was from the UK. That's different. Oh, yeah, because that's so much worse than europe he's okay that we could fight about that too uh go let's let's listen to this here saying listen what pedro asks down here and then and then i'll translate um the we don't need to answer we just need the question and then i'll translate the question for you what he's really asking. We're all competitors and we're all striving for the same thing. Oh no, sorry. Rewind it more. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:30:11 Probably 43. Here we go. Detentions at detentions ever run high. Sorry, even earlier. 43. Keep going. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Try 43. Try 43. I'm serious. Try 43.
Starting point is 01:30:26 We'll see what's up. Here we go. Weeks down here at a time, so she was around a lot. When I was talking to Matt in Miami or in Madison, he was saying that it's usually you, James, and Danielle that train together on training days. Is that right?
Starting point is 01:30:42 Yeah. So Emma and Fi will go in for like, we have a small gym. So we just have to like, just what we have to do. We have to kind of split up. Emma and Fi will go in and then the three of us will go in. Emma and Fi will come back.
Starting point is 01:30:54 And Danielle hates Emma. Okay. And do you talk to each other when you're leaving? Most of us. It's on the time of the year, right? No, everyone's good it's fun um it's always it was always a blast when we would do like big outdoor sessions when it could be all five of us or like running sessions uh detentions and detentions ever ever run high
Starting point is 01:31:17 yeah not not in a way that was like uh damaging or whatever yeah or like aggressive towards anyone or any of that but like we're all competitors like uh we're all friends but we're all we're all competitors and we're all striving for the same thing when you got a bunch of high performers in an individual sport um like whether people keep it internal or it comes out externally um tensions do get high and that's fine um here it is is it easier uh training with james when you're vying for like podium and he's like currently like oh i need to make it through the cuts and you're at that kind of different stage like he's kind of similar to where you were last year yeah games whereas you're a step ahead. Do you think it'd be harder to train with him consistently
Starting point is 01:32:07 and be friends with him consistently and stuff if you were both fifth and sixth or fourth and fifth? Okay, actually, pause. So Pedro just asked him, if James didn't suck, would it be hard to train with him? What? That's what he just asked Dallin. If James Sprague didn't suck,
Starting point is 01:32:31 would you still train with him? That's basically what he asked him. If James Sprague didn't suck relative to Dallin, not to everyone. Dude, he just says, James sucks and you whoop his ass in training all the fucking time, and you beat his ass at the games. What if he was better?
Starting point is 01:32:48 Would you still get along with him in training? How hard were you trying to articulate? It seemed like you were working hard. The thing is, as well, because I really – The thing? The thing? The thing? Sorry. The thing is –
Starting point is 01:33:01 That was so hard. No, I understand. I really, I, uh, I really, really, really liked James as well. I'd like,
Starting point is 01:33:11 I consider myself like, you know, quite friendly with him. I chat to him a bit and I was like, I don't want to piss him off by saying that I think he's shit. Cause I don't think he's shit. But how do I phrase this question? Like not to piss him off basically, or like a plus a plus yeah a plus
Starting point is 01:33:28 if you want to hear the answer you have to go watch the show yourself it's around the 44 minute mark uh ldy2742 where is ty jenkins in seven years i mean that's a hard question. Like Dallin, we don't know. He has to get stronger. Right now he can't compete in the men's field at all. If he was in the men's field, he wouldn't be competitive. He would be in gymnastics or aerobic events, but he's just not strong enough to be in the conversation. And some people get stronger easier than others,
Starting point is 01:34:08 so it's just impossible to say until he actually jumps into the men's field. And that will be interesting to see if he can make the jump. I know that's his goal. Dallin confirmed Jacksonville move for Brute. He said he's not up to speed on the other changes, although Pedro did say that he got the information. Dallin confirmed Jacksonville move for Brute. He said he's not up to speed on the other changes, although Pedro did say that he got the information from Dallin that everyone is going there, but that's not what I heard in the podcast. Dallin said he wants to be in the PFAA
Starting point is 01:34:34 because we're trying to professionalize the sport. What the fuck does that mean? How is the PFAA going to professionalize the sport? It sounds like it's just a leech on the sport. Does anyone believe that the PFA... Is that like how in the United States we're going to pay more taxes and climate change is going to go away? Sounds like a lot of meetings.
Starting point is 01:34:54 Yeah. It sounds like a lot of buzzwords that don't mean anything. Buzzwords. Down, give me a call. Down, just focus on winning the games, dude. you're a godly man you're the best you're the future you must have across the games manager yeah you're what you're what uh you're what you're like um john young 6.0 you're like you're amazing
Starting point is 01:35:18 what version am i on that spectrum right now? You're 1.0. 1.0. Yeah, 1.0. Beta, beta. Can we see the poll? Is that poll still up? Can we see the final poll? Is Dallin Pepper going to the CrossFit Games? Or will he win the CrossFit Games in his career? 34%.
Starting point is 01:35:38 Yes. 66%. No. Tyler, do you think he's ever going to win the Games? If he does it in the next three years. I think he has a three-year games? If he does it in the next three years. I think he has a three-year window. Okay. No shot in the next three years.
Starting point is 01:35:51 90 people are wrong. I just used my calculator on my phone to work that out. You think he is going to win the games, Pedro? I think he'll win it multiple years. Wow. So you agree. He is the future. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:05 I think three years. Maybe if not, I think he'll win it multiple years. Wow. So you agree. He is the future. Yeah. I think three years. Maybe if not, I think third year. I think the year 2027. He wins the games. John, you think he ever wins the games? No. Thinking about whether I should ask Caleb or not Caleb does he win the games?
Starting point is 01:36:26 Yes Good idea asking Caleb Again My tune can change But as of right now no John Young can change his mind Just like he used to be gay And then I met my wife.
Starting point is 01:36:46 Straight everything in. Yeah. She must be good. She's gay enough. She's gay enough. Mike Halpin, read the book Players. Sport is young and once a true player association hit other sports, they skyrocketed.
Starting point is 01:37:03 Ah. Ah. I see. Thank you, Barry. Hey, you fucked it up. I already beat you to it. You ruined it. You have one job when John's on, and you fucking, like, didn't do it. Sorry, I can't even read your line.
Starting point is 01:37:18 Okay, anyone else? Any final thoughts for the greatest show in the CrossFit Games space, the Sebon Podcast CrossFit Games Update show? Thanks. From bottom of the barrel. Thank you, Tyler, for putting down the Hennessy tonight coming on the show. Pedro, thanks for
Starting point is 01:37:37 staying up to whatever we, what do you say in Ireland? We hours? The we hours? No, everyone says we say that, but we don't say that. Just like we don't greet each other on the street by saying top of the morning to you. So you could do this ting called the Savant podcast? Yeah, I got to jump on real quick.
Starting point is 01:37:57 Tomorrow, I will be telling you about my six-hour car ride with my dead animal, dead dog. What was the other thing I was going to talk about? Frisbee. Oh, frisbee. Yeah, I hit a woman in the head with a frisbee on purpose. It was on purpose.
Starting point is 01:38:15 The frisbee wasn't in his hand while he did it just in case he attacks someone. Did it pay off? She was smashing wine bottles in a store and he threw the frisbee in the store and it hit her in the head. Dead dog. Okay.
Starting point is 01:38:31 Hit a woman-purpose frisbee. Another married. With three beautiful kids. I choose you. Buried the dog in the backyard. Have you ever buried a dog in your own backyard, any of you guys? No, I have my father-in-law bury his dog. It's rough.
Starting point is 01:38:53 How deep did you dig the hole? Like, I would have argued too deep, but he was like, we need to go deeper. I was like, man, we're going to end up in China. Like, this is deep enough. I don't think you can say that. You don't end up in China from Ireland. That's where we end up in the like i don't think you can say that you don't end up in china from ireland that's where we end up in the united states what are you talking about you guys have that same line there yeah we can't all end up in china it's just you get into the tunnel and once you're in the tunnel you just go straight
Starting point is 01:39:16 to the end of the rainbow uh you ever bury a dog john um no i've had one die in my hands before it's rough yeah i feel i said i said it's rough and i said i said it's rough and i'm like that sounds like we're making a pun you know like rough but like neither of i don't think either of us intended that hey you had a die in your hands too on the way on the way to the vet yeah yeah go ahead how heavy was dog big dog 50 pounds oh that's a lot of dogs english bulldog damn so you know they're thick at the top they just couldn't breathe it's bad isn't it better though than like a knock on your door or like going out on the road or the street or whatever and seeing your dog like it's it has to be better having
Starting point is 01:40:07 the I don't know I've done it but I've had it both happen and it fucking sucks when they're hit by a car and yeah weren't there that's the worst way I just want to say this Will Branstetter we won't oh man
Starting point is 01:40:23 this is this isn't Will Branstetter, we won't. Oh, man. This is. I wish I don't think this is written right. It says we won't end up in China. All the Chinese are going to parachute into the U.S. and have a mass takeover. Seven on three months ago. Listen, I didn't say that was going to happen. I was just saying if I wanted to take over the United States, I would just like. They were talking about the brilliance of the idea.
Starting point is 01:40:46 They have over a billion and a half people. I would just like drop 500 – sprinkle 500 million of them across. I thought that was very valid. I thought that was valid. Just sprinkle them across. Just have them come in hot air balloons and just start jumping. And like they don't even have to fight. They don't even have to fight. They don't even have to fight.
Starting point is 01:41:05 They just sprinkle down on us. Just assimilate? Yeah, the same way they're sending all over the border, they could just sprinkle some people down in the major metropolises. It's almost like somebody's trying that currently. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:41:21 Thank you. Oh, there's something in the private chat. Oh, boy. That was about an hour ago. right thank you oh there's something in the private chat um oh boy it's a long time just that was about an hour ago literally you have his uh john you have that guy's that you're talking about in the private chat you have his phone number hi instagram oh he'd probably give me his number to be honest we're pretty cordial. I don't know. I don't know if he's giving you his name. He invited me on a bike ride.
Starting point is 01:41:49 I don't think Froning gives out his number like that, John. How we do it if you dig a hole in China, you come out and buy his bank account. Love you guys. See you tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. Bye-bye.

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