The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Games Update Show | The World Fitness Project is HERE

Episode Date: December 15, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 As a Fizz member, you can look forward to free data, big savings on plans, and having your unused data roll over to the following month, every month. At Fizz, you always get more for your money. Terms and conditions for our different programs and policies apply. Details at Get groceries delivered across the DTA from real Canadian Superstore with PC Express. Shop online for super prices and super savings. Try it today and get up to $75 in PC optimum points. Visit to get started. There's no one else is coming on.
Starting point is 00:00:32 That's fine. Bam, we're live. Spinn, thanks for joining me, buddy. Yeah, man. Glad to be on. Great to see you. We'll try to make this show quick. We know we have a big UFC fight tonight. I just wanted to show you guys one thing really quick regarding the drone stuff. I was at a party tonight and someone did tell me that they believe that the drones were being run by the US government and that they were searching for radiation and that the reason why they're not announcing it to the public is they don't want the public to panic but that there are credible sources that there has been some sort of radiation deployment in some major cities. I don't know if it's a terrorist attack or not but I did want to show you this. Thank you gentlemen for coming today. I got an article right here, mystery drone spotted
Starting point is 00:01:12 over New York, New Jersey. This is Eli Crane, he's in the House of Representatives. He will be coming on the show Tuesday. He's a former Navy SEAL. He's been on the show before. Here he's questioning one of the top guys over at the FBI. He will be on the show Tuesday. It'll be a fun show. We can ask him a ton of questions. Don't hesitate to call in. It's a great opportunity for us to take a, you know, to ask whatever we want. All right. Two fun things. This is really, both of these are really, really fun elements that we're gonna go over tonight. Tyler Watkins from the He-1 app will be joining us. This is Brian Spin, for those of you who don't know,
Starting point is 00:01:50 he runs the Barbell Spin. It's where you get the most detailed, fastest, all the best news in CrossFit is there, whether it's what clothing you're allowed to wear at the games, to who pop for drugs, to what the weights are at the event or what they were supposed to be um
Starting point is 00:02:06 This uh, this email went out I believe today or uh sometime recently Uh to and it says i'm going to read it to you. Hello pfaa athletes Many of you raised questions and concerns regarding crossfits information Of a new athlete council and how it relates to the PFAA, Professional Fitness Athlete Association. We know that that's Brent Fikowski's organization that's been around for a couple years that took a stand earlier this year wanting Dave Castor to be fired as director of the games.
Starting point is 00:02:41 I don't know what this means when it says many of you raised questions and concerns regarding when he says many many what does that mean? Is he referring to? That sounds like him and Pat. Okay. Do we know how many members there are in the PFAA? Upwards of I think a hundred and thirty Okay, but not everybody has accepted so So not everybody has kind of accepted their invite. Okay, so we don't know how many athletes there are, but we'll go with a hundred and there's like maybe 110 that have that voted in that their last election for board members.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Okay. And that was the one where there were there were nine board seats, six people submitted their name. Did they ever get to the full nine board members or they just have six no they said that they could they could have between six and nine or something like that so okay make up the rules as you want uh the second paragraph for crossfit game uh games level athletes does that mean people who went to the crossfit games or does semi-finals falls fall under that uh for the PFA, it's only the games and the next one, the first one out of semi-finals. What does that mean? The first one out of semi-finals? Like it, like on a career.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Like the one that the one person that just missed making games. Okay. So for CrossFit Games level athletes, that means athletes that have gone to the games or were very close to going to the games just one spot out We believe that an independent athlete association like the PFA is the best method of champion professional athletes athlete rights Any thoughts on what they mean by rights? No, not completely I mean I
Starting point is 00:04:45 Not completely. I mean, I guess their opinion, the way that I interpret it, is that they think that because they are competing, and they're the ones that have been competing the most, that they should have a rights other than the rights that we all have Which is we can pay 20 bucks and if CrossFit school with it We can enter the open and try to make our way towards the CrossFit Games and become the fittest person on the planet Yeah, yeah Okay, the PFA does not okay. So so they're the organization for athlete rights, but not not for everyone just the best guys Based on our prior experience with CrossFit Games leadership, pursuing anything less is likely to be ceremonial or ineffective. I do agree with that. I do think that the CAC is completely, the CAC is CrossFit's organization that they've
Starting point is 00:05:19 just announced. It's the CrossFit Athlete Council. I do believe that that is completely ceremonial and I do believe it's a big middle finger to the PFAA. I mean, I have no proof of that, but that's what I would have done. Yeah. I mean, I think it depends on what you believe these athlete councils should do or what what what their purpose is good point like in my opinion the CAC is a way to funnel concerns ideas questions through one channel right so you don't have or shouldn't have hundreds of people emailing Dave or Boz or whoever, they can
Starting point is 00:06:09 talk to their CAC official representative and that person has a forum that they could then bring it to the CrossFit sport team. So if I was like hey I think the game should be moved to the winter I might tell let's say Rich Froning is on the CAC. I might call rich. I might send rich Froning an email and then he, uh, and he may get a hundred emails from athletes and be like, okay, these three seem to be the most popular move the games to the winter, um, uh, have different bra sizes for the women. Um, and make sure that we switch.
Starting point is 00:06:43 We always stay with nylon ropes. Like those might be, and then they bring that to Dave. That's what you think the CACS responsibility is. Yeah. And the bra size is actually a real thing. I think the athletes had that issue in the masters. So to, to work big enough. So to echo the sentiment of the athletes voice to curate that you think that the CACS role is to curate the loudest voices in the
Starting point is 00:07:07 professional and the athlete arena. I think the CAC has different, I think that you can be in from the adaptive class or seniors or kids, but theirs is to take the voices of those and funnel the the loudest ones or the most relevant ones to Dave and Boz and whatnot. the loudest ones are the most relevant ones to Dave and Boz and whatnot. Yeah, there's three CACs. There's individuals and coaches, teams and affiliates, and then there's the Teens, Masters and Adaptives. Okay. And would you, and similarly, that would be, I guess, PFAA's goal too, although they've stated that it seems like rights. Well they don't want to just be... they just don't want... so that piece of it is just one funnel of how to communicate to CrossFit. PFA wants to
Starting point is 00:07:58 actually have those funnels be implemented regardless of what they... what CrossFit wants or thinks or has plans for right? So you want prospect if it would put CrossFit out of business, but the PFAA wanted more events They think that fuck you go out of business. We want more events and those are our rights Are they delusional that they think that they have rights? I think they are looking to other players associations like the NFL, Major League Baseball and saying we should have the same setup where we could strike or we could have these formal meetings on voting on rules or different types of changes, they get a seat at the table. It's a little bit different being in a league, I think, than it is a contractor. Yeah, it's a trip. What do you think, Tyler? When you miss the statement, but they say, the PFA is the best method of
Starting point is 00:08:59 championing professional athlete rights. I'm trying like obviously we all have the right to do the games or not do the games but in terms of the fact that they think that they're in a position or anyone's in a position to have rights it's like coming over to my house and thinking that you have the right for me to serve you red wine every time you come over. Yeah the the idea of rights. I mean, you have to divorce yourself from thinking like inalienable rights, like the whole bill of rights, all that stuff, like what is an athlete's rights? And it's predicated on the idea that a sport in a league exists and can sustain itself on its own. And I don't know that that's the case at the moment in particular.
Starting point is 00:09:45 And so it's like, okay, you want stuff and we're watching all the money and all the funds dry up from the thing that feeds you. How do you have any rights? I guess I smiled when you said that because I've never considered the rights that they might want or even the idea of rights around an athlete. I mean, like, what don't they have the right to do right now? If you don't like the event, don't compete in it. That is your right. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:18 And if enough of you do that, then that event won't happen. Right? I'm throwing such a great party that all of a sudden you think you have rights to demand what drinks I serve. Like I'm you're punishing me for because I have the biggest and coolest party with the coolest kids and the hottest chicks and the most buff dudes and the and the and the best you know, whatever, or dervs. But now you think because you come so frequently to that party. You think you have some sort of right to dictate. It's like they want a gluten-free menu or no peanuts because I'm the one person
Starting point is 00:10:54 that's allergic out of a hundred. Yeah, you have a right to party. Yeah, that's true. You have a right to party. You got to fight for it. It's very interesting. Based on our prior experience, so then it goes on. For CrossFit Games level athletes, we believe that an independent athlete association like the PFA is the best method of championing professional athlete rights. Based on our prior experience with CrossFit Games leadership, Dave, Don, Heather Lawrence, maybe Adrian, pursuing, who's the drug guy? Pursuing anything less is likely to be ceremonial or ineffective. I think it is ceremonial, maybe not ineffective
Starting point is 00:11:39 because at least now they've given you a pathway to speak directly, but I do think it is ceremonial. Then it goes on to say, the PFAA does not believe CrossFit Athlete Council is a meaningful pathway to improve the sport. So it serves all the same functions that the PFAA wanted to serve three years ago, but now it is not right because the DAC Wasn't successful the CAC also won't be successful. What was the what was the DAC? That was the the preemptive Athlete committee, I think it was okay. There's a curse bowler. Yeah Curtis bowler. So it okay Yeah, there was the AAC, the athlete council, and then there was the DAC.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Both of those lasted, I think maybe a year or two or less each time. It's as if they don't realize that things have changed. Crossfit. Okay. Lazar dies. They tried that the ACE a CC, They tried the ACAAC and the DAC and those didn't really take but no athlete had died. No athlete had been majorly injured by any event we've ever done. Now, they have pressure from the PFAA and Lazar's death to say, maybe we should make this one take.
Starting point is 00:13:05 The equation has changed and to say, we don't think the CAC is going to work because it hasn't worked in the past. It is not a justifiable argument. Sorry. But we didn't talk about why those or is it those those committees went away? Dun dun dun. Well, we know what we know one time they went away because at least one time they went away because at the PFAA's request.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Right. Right. So I think the most recent iteration, it went away because there was some sort of compromise, the PFAA contacted CrossFit and was like, hey, we've got this. Go ahead and disband that group. I think that's just getting in the way of us directly communicating with you. Yeah. CrossFit obliged. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:52 So you can't say that, well, they disband it and not mention why it's been disbanded. The PFA does not believe CrossFit Athletic Council is a meaningful way to pass a meaningful pathway to improve the sport. Implying that the PFAA is a meaningful way to improve the sport. Therefore, the PFAA itself will not be taking an active role in the application process. That part throws me off. So why wouldn't they want someone, if the body that you want to participate with has a council? Why wouldn't you want to send someone there? All they say is that they don't think it will therefore they because the CAC won't they
Starting point is 00:14:36 don't think the CAC will improve the sport. They're not going to send anyone there. Apply for a place on the board with With no proof of that so far. I mean, we talked about it on our show. We thought that the PFAA should go try to just infiltrate the whole trade and get in there. And then it's like, well, you're, you're, you're talking to the CAC, but three of the members are from the PFAA.
Starting point is 00:15:03 So Right. And that's the thing. Like they say they want to stand by the athletes. I can't remember the exact terminology they used. Support, they want to support the athletes. If there is any instance in which they think the CAC might produce results and produce further safety
Starting point is 00:15:23 that they're after, why would you not be on the CAC? Just have somebody there. Yeah. It's not like they have to pay. Yeah. It's just time. What about the athletes who will be on the CAC? Do you not support those athletes?
Starting point is 00:15:40 Yeah, that's a great question. Can you remember? Yeah, that's a good. That's a great question. Can you remember? Yeah, that's a good, that's a great question. We're happy to take a call to outline in detail why we believe this structure will be ineffective. One example is the previous iterations when CrossFit created an athlete council. Okay, the athletes we've spoken with who participated in those prior versions felt the meetings were ineffective and that they had no meaningful say That's that goes back to what's the purpose of all of these things yeah, so if you wanted us up
Starting point is 00:16:20 Evian water there and they were just giving you tap water You would be pissed. We don't even know what that meaningful we don't we don't even know what it is yeah, they want to make they want to be the decision maker not a Collector of they didn't let us change your workout. They've also not stated how they think the CAC could be effective Right. It just said it's not gonna be effective. Right. They've just said it's not gonna be effective. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Okay. That would have been really impressive if they put a paragraph in here that said, but we're open to being wrong if the CAC does address these issues and list out five or six, which we've never seen from the PFAA. In fact, one athlete reported
Starting point is 00:17:03 that the athlete council was disbanded without real notice to its members. I believe that's true. I think the DEI council was disbanded on that. And hey, in defense of HQ, they went from Greg Glassman to Jeff Kane to Dave Castro to Rosa to firing Dave to Dawn to bringing to Justin Berg to firing Dave, to Dawn, to bringing to Justin Berg, to bringing Dave back. And we know that one of them was disbanded by the PFA. So it's a little disingenuous that they mentioned that, although I think that that's fair. I'm guessing that the previous iterations of the CAC were not didn't feel very steeped in the culture of the creation of the CrossFit Games. Well, we don't know what they were bringing to the table.
Starting point is 00:17:50 And it could have been like, hey, we're not making any progress. This isn't really worth it. And like another meeting just doesn't get scheduled. Right. Everybody probably saw the writing on the wall. Everybody was probably happy to not see that, that time slot on their calendar. They can up. And I don't know what, what the timing is, but if it's in the middle of the
Starting point is 00:18:10 season, CrossFit doesn't have time to sit there and have meetings to hear about complaints about stuff. And I'm guessing the person they're referencing also is Annie Thor's daughter. Cause she currently signed the letter asking for Dave to be fired. And, uh, I think she was on previous previous athlete boards. Previous iterations of the day. We remain committed to supporting our athletes competing at all events in 2025 in more meaningful ways. Not being on the CAC though.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Which sounds like an ego trip to me. If you would like to learn more about what we are working on before our plans are made public, don't hesitate to reach out. Talk more soon, Brent Fikowski. So what is this letter? Is this a line in the sand? Like, hey, fuck you. It's another, sand is a good substructure that it is a line on
Starting point is 00:19:09 one way that it washes clean. Yeah, the way I read it is, hey, if you guys were, you know, they sent it to 110 people. Like, I it's almost like saying, don't sign up for this. Like, we don't we don't support it. We don't think there's any value in it. We're not going to tell you don't do it. But if you read into it, it's like, well, it's going to fail.
Starting point is 00:19:34 We don't support it. If you support the PFA might as well just not be a participant of it. That's what I like. I would tell like if I were Brent's right-hand man I would be like no tell absolutely everybody that's on the PFAA if they want to sign up for the CAC. Right. We need representatives in that structure. Right. How many of those 110 have their L1 or greater? Four. How many? Well it would be good to have someone in there also because then they could get some real reporting out of there and interfacing with
Starting point is 00:20:09 the people that they wanted And it would put the and it would put the uh, the the onus on crossfit to be like hey you need to choose If you're choosing an eclectic group choose one of these guys you really care I mean, it's me voted on by everybody. You would think if if the the individual and coach vote is by athletes who are actively competing in games level athletes, I think maybe even some semi-finals, you have a pretty good block of PFA supporters that would vote you in. You could get in that way.
Starting point is 00:20:49 This story will continue over at the Barbell Spin, They have a great Instagram account, a great website. They have a weekly podcast, obviously everyone knows, with John Young, Tyler and Brian Spin. They have tons of great guests. Let's move on to the next thing. The next thing is very interesting. Very, very interesting. Titillating even. This thing I really didn't understand, but I wanna understand.
Starting point is 00:21:11 It looks like that there is an organization that is being run by Mr. Will Morad, great guy. A nice guy, everyone loves Will. What's it called, the World? Fitness project. As Tyler calls it, Willie's Fitness Project. A World Fitness Project. This title calls it Willie's Fitness Project. A World Fitness Project. Pedro.
Starting point is 00:21:29 There were rumblings that there was going to be some sort of new event on the horizon that was funded very well, something like a water pelusa, or a Dubai, or a Madrid. And it looks like we're getting our first real look at it. It's over here on their account. World Fitness Project, get to know the World Fitness Project Season Overview.
Starting point is 00:21:51 More details and descriptions coming next. Very interesting. 2025 Season Overview. Welcome to the 2025 Season of World Fitness Project. Is excited to launch a new competitive fitness league in 2025 with over 500 athletes at each competition. It's a lot. So does that mean, does that mean, what can we speculate from there? it's open sign up. It's like the NorCal classic or Wadapalooza, it's
Starting point is 00:22:28 Open so I know as you go in there. There's multiple divisions that will be competing Okay, our structure brings athletes of different skill levels together to compete alongside one another That concerns me I'm not sure what that means alongside each other I hope they're they're not gonna have like oh, I didn't I hope they're gonna have like old people with the elite like on the same thing. I hate that shit. I think it's a loose praising. Competitive divisions professionals. The pro division is compromised of 20 signed male and female athletes. Any thoughts on what that means? Signed?
Starting point is 00:23:04 They play for the WFP. You get that signing bonus. They're committed to the league. So those people don't have to qualify they're just in. I'm going to say Velner's in. By the comments there I'd say Travis Mayer's in. the Ben Boulanger? No. He can qualify. He can be a challenger. Alright. And then 10 challenger qualifiers. Do you have any idea what that means? Online qualifier.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Yeah, so the way I think they lay this structure out is that if you're a semi-pro or as we would term like bubble regional athlete, semi-final athlete, you kind of fall into this challenger position. And if you're in the top 10 in that league, you also go to compete with the pro division. No, it's no, it's more like you have these 20 athletes for way I understand it. 20 men and 20 women automatically get to go. Right. They're invited to both. And then there's online qualifiers to backfill 10 more kind of like the queue for a rogue. Oh, and anybody can go and sign up for a one weekend qualifier. So the events will have 30 athletes at them. 20 of them are
Starting point is 00:24:46 guaranteed. Those are the signed people and then 10 will be challengers. Yeah. And they're kind of vying to get these signed spots, take them from them. Right. Pro athletes will compete for points throughout the season to lock down a top 20 ranking and earn their pro card for the 20-26 season. ranking and earn their pro card for the 2026 season. So they would end up being the 20 that get automatically invited. So these 30 are going to compete for the 20 spots for the 2026 season. Yeah. Is it the same 10 every week?
Starting point is 00:25:19 Once you're in, you're in. There's only two pre-championship competitions, so I guess there would be upwards of 40 that would be possible. I don't know how the finals work yet. Challengers are athletes striving to earn a pro card for the 2026 season by competing in tour events, which implies that the top 20 automatically will go to the 2026 the 20 okay, so if you're the guys who are What's that called? Basically just given a buy for 2025 will also be given a buy for 2026
Starting point is 00:26:00 By competing in our tour events challengers can earn points via the pro or challenger field to secure a spot in the finals and contend for a top 20 ranking and pro contract competitors are good that's that makes it sound like there's a pro competition in a challenger competition, almost like the league. So like you the top 10 go compete with the top 20 in one in the pro division and then there's a rx or what they're calling challenger division for the next power of many 30. Did you recognize this as um oh and there's a little picture down here sign up online gain points finish top 10 and challenger series top 20 gain spot to 2026 so maybe the guys who are Given a buy just as a given the pro status in 2025 25 don't actually get an automatic buy
Starting point is 00:26:53 I think they have to yeah, I think they actually have to you know compete against those other 10 Okay, so there'll be 30 basically in 2025 and then it'll get cut down to Well, no next year there'll be 20 that get the automatic invites and then you can go do the qualifiers to be the challenger. Okay. Get back into it. Do you guys recognize this as borrowing this from another sport? Is this like how golf works or any other program works? Yeah golf gets, you have your tour card and you basically can for most part go to any weekly PGA Tour event and then they have a Monday qualifier every week where they go and play and you can get earn your spot into that week's PGA Tour and then over the whole course of the year the top 125 I think it is
Starting point is 00:27:47 earn their card for the next year. That's how we got the great American hero Happy Gilmore. Bottom pros get with programming bottom pros get knocked out each year and challengers can move up depending on performance. Okay yeah you see the same thing in soccer and in bodybuilding. on performance. Okay. Yeah, you see the same thing in soccer and in bodybuilding. Okay. Competitors are broken into age groups, skill level and team categories. I guess this is how they get to their 500 athletes. To participate, competitors sign up for their respected category to compete and earn their spot at the World Fitness Finals. Hey, will all of the age groups and skill levels be broken into this same model? So will the pro division be 20 and 10? The RX division be 20 and 10? The
Starting point is 00:28:40 people who don't have their nutrition right be 20 and 10 and just like slobs it will be like that I Let's go slob division What are the metrics on that I think I qualified I I would think by the number 500 at each competition you would assume Okay, so so cuz so it's not like it's okay cuz cuz I was sort of thinking is they would just have a pro division and that would be like 30 or 40 athletes, you know, men and women. So that gives you, you know, 60 to 80. And then I was thinking the other 500 would just be 420 people who want to show up and work out. But now I'm seeing implications there might be different. There's a does um, what's the what's the what's the B League called in baseball? There's double a or triple a with there's triple a right? Does triple a play for a finals to does triple
Starting point is 00:29:35 a have a World Series? Is there a triple a World Series and a double a World Series? Like do they play a season? I think there is some sort of like, I think there's some playoffs. Yeah, playoff. Okay, so it's kind of like that in terms of that we're thinking it's going to be like that. There'll be the the real baseball players and they play on ESPN for the championship, but then the triple A and the double A and the single A will also have their own little. Okay, all right. This is cool. I'm digging it. I'm digging it. Okay. And this this is really a
Starting point is 00:30:01 head fuck. I couldn't figure this out. Okay, and this is really a head fuck. I couldn't figure this out. Season timeline, challenge qualifier online. So if I'm Brooke Wells, I don't have to do that? Right, yeah. And then, so that could be like 300 people could enter that or a thousand people could enter that to be one of the 10 people who then goes
Starting point is 00:30:23 to this World Fitness Tour to compete against the 20 people who are already grandfathered in? Yeah, and possibly 11 through 40 get invited to the Challenger division. Okay, okay. 41 through 70 is the, you know, intermediate, etc. All the way down to the Slobs. Yeah. Oh, interesting. Wow. Okay okay that would be very clean. At least that's how I can could envision it. And why would there be two of these challenge?
Starting point is 00:30:54 So the first one goes to the world fitness tour one which is a three-day competition, six workouts, sounds like semi-finals and Then later on they do another qualifier for a second tour event So let's replace world fitness tour with actual competitions as you know World fitness tour one will say that's crash crucible the online qualifier challenger Qualifier one is the crash crucible qualifier. So they qualify to the crash crucible, then they go to the world fitness tour. Next one, we'll say it's water Palooza. There's an online portion of water Palooza challenger qualifier online for water Palooza.
Starting point is 00:31:37 And then you qualify to go to the world fitness tour two in Miami. Okay. And if I'm Brooke Wells, I would only do the world fitness tour one and world fitness tour two. And I get points at them based on my placement. Okay. And if I'm Brooke Wells, I would only do the World Fitness Tour one and World Fitness Tour two and I get points at them based on my placement. Yes. Okay. So and then World Fitness Trials open to all. To me, this sounds like they're going to open up the finals to more athletes.
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Starting point is 00:34:43 It's convenient and affordable and can be done from the comfort of your own home. Having someone to talk to is truly a gift, especially during the holidays. Visit to learn more and save 10% off your first month. That's I don't know. It's one month, three straight years. Even if you're one of the slobsbs you still can keep the dream alive to be the Fittest at the CrossFit Games. Yeah, and maybe the world fitness tour one and two is only the pro and challenger division I don't know And then the finals has all 500
Starting point is 00:35:19 Okay, and the finals would be where they would sort of crown their world fitness project champion And and do we just win that or is it accumulation of points from the tour one tour two? and your performance there Tour one and tour two, I think so it's it's it's all the points I don't know. I mean that that would be the card. I would say you win that competition and you're the champion even Oh, okay interesting
Starting point is 00:35:46 So we don't know you could theoretically with the way if it's just points you could win that competition and not the world fitness Finals and not be the champion You can take 20th and the in both the tour one and two or two and then win the finals I guess yeah, or since it says since this thing says open to all I'm also thinking that like some slob could get juiced up and Then qualify for the finals in the highest category Let me fun as John accepted peptides yet. I Haven't talked to him
Starting point is 00:36:17 Okay more division details dropping soon So do anything else you guys heard of this? What about speculation for dates? I've heard spring is like the first one. Spring is after winter. When is that? That's March. When is spring? March 21st. March 21st is the first day of spring. Something like that. So I've heard that. I've heard the finals is like near the end of the winter but I don't know how it plays in with Rogue and of course the big grandiose Dubai how it all fits in there but March 20th okay so spring would be so that would be basically we're speculating that right when the open is over this thing fires up
Starting point is 00:37:07 If what I've heard is correct, yeah And Since it is 2025 it could be even after the games. I Think that's when the possibly the world the second tour event would be Okay, okay, and then the finals would be shortly after that in the winter. So I shouldn't think of this as like every other week for five weeks. That's not your guess. No, I think it's gonna be spread out over the year. Barclay, 99.9%. Barclay, good to see you buddy.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Odds I could make a better point system in an hour than their system. Oh. All right. All right. Anything you guys want to say about this? This is this invigorating right brings energy to the space. Seems like it's a lot. It's gonna need a big team to pull that off.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Right. So some tech guys for online reviews, communication with the PFAA. You're assuming that they're running all of this, which I think is an incorrect assumption. Okay, go on. Chat, GPT, Grok? Grok's running it? Yeah. Someone at the Liptoard party tonight taught me how to use Grok.
Starting point is 00:38:20 I was pretty impressed with it. I think that they're just going to take structures that already exist. Similarly, like how we're utilizing semifinals. Now we allow people to manage that on their own. They're just going to find competitions that already exist and already have a running. And then they're just going to license the WFP to them and then qualify athletes that way. They might have a bit oversight with,, with, uh, programming, I would assume, but yeah, they don't have to do much lifting on their own. All they need to know is the athletes and their points are where they ended up
Starting point is 00:38:55 at the end of the weekend. And then they, there's probably a good bit of promotion involved, but that's about it. But who would do that? So they would integrate with existing events. Yeah, you just call up whoever that already runs a decent competition. I would assume like, you know, waterpalooza would be high on my list. Maybe whatever it is they run in Spain, like do that one or Torian or something like that. Run it.
Starting point is 00:39:23 I mean, I could see Madrid doing it. They're coming back. You could see Madrid as I said. Yeah Madrid went away this past year. They didn't host anything. It's usually in September and then they just announced that 19th, 20th and 21st September 2025. Well the Madrid championship is coming back. Wow. And they host, it's like as big, maybe bigger than Wadaplusa, Tier Wadaplusa. It's bigger. Tier Wadaplusa, is it Tier Wadaplusa again this year? It is.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Okay, so this, just to be clear, this is three in-person events and three online events. Yes. and events and three online events. Yes. And do these guys have a YouTube channel yet? Do you think, do we know anything? Will these things be, will their live events be streamed? I would hope. I mean that would be the point of starting a league I would think. Do we know what the point, does, do these guys have a mission statement? Do we know the point of their league Do these guys have a mission statement? Do we know the point of their league? It's for the athlete by the athlete.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Is that really what it is? Mission statement over. That's all you need. It says all you need to know right there. I wonder if there's any successful. There's nothing on their website. Just join the wait list. More coming soon.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Okay. And then I signed up for their newsletter. They said they were going to send it out when the season overview came out. I never got anything. So this is interesting. It says people you didn't get one even though they sent one out You didn't get it. Well, I don't know if they ever did but I signed up for their newsletter. Oh I haven't gotten anything. Oh, we are for the people. It's our culture
Starting point is 00:41:19 I Don't know what that means At the heart of our organization is the principle that the people matter more. I don't know what that means. At the heart of our organization is the principle that the people matter more. I don't know what that means. Matter more than what? What the fuck? More. I know what people are.
Starting point is 00:41:36 I don't know what matter and more is. This stands as the foundation of how we lead to how we serve. Because at the end of the day, we're just people who are here to support other people, athletes, employees, and fitness community and beyond. I feel like my comment sums it all up. Just tell us when the events are and how this is going to work. Is this incredible, bill gremler no Fuck they're doomed. I mean fucking doomed. I know we talked about it last you disagree You don't think they're doomed? If I were CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:42:25 Yeah. I'd be getting a little squirrely right now. Tell me, talk to me. Year one, no big deal. You're just running online competitions. Then people start figuring out, oh, we need to track the athletes that are up and comers. Now there's more, like we have a semi-final
Starting point is 00:42:42 once every three or four months essentially. And like we need to track those athletes. There's a lot of drama in the athletes who might qualify who's going to get their pro card, who's going to lose their pro card. What's happening with those athletes? I mean this becomes as entertaining as the game season currently overnight. the game season currently overnight. If you have a card and you don't qualify for the games, it's going to completely
Starting point is 00:43:10 discredit this league. I mean, I just shouldn't say discredit it, but it's going to be funny. It's going to be a target for a lot of us laughing. It's they got to come hot out the gate with the cash for sure. But even that like we talked about it
Starting point is 00:43:22 when they made the they changed the semi-finals from four in North America to two right we talked about does having North America East with Adler and Roman and the whole crew Dallin Hopper like you almost have a many games right in the semi-finals and you see him again at the games. Now there's more people there. Do you get bored seeing the same 20 athletes compete three times in a year in a year? Yes, with possibly the same programming people who have set tendencies same biases.
Starting point is 00:44:01 That's why I think the Challenger League is probably going to be more entertaining than the Pro League. And when the challengers qualify into the Pro League, those are the people you're going to watch. You're not going to watch the winners. I think this is only going to glorify the games even more. They could. I think we're going to see a juxtaposition between that. This is like, do you remember when F45 challenged Rich Froning and he didn't show up and Ronnie Teasdale showed up instead and his George, he fucking beat their champ and
Starting point is 00:44:34 took the 50 grand. Right. I mean we see it a lot of times. Hopefully people can do both. Yes. Yeah. Do both. Yes. Yeah. I think that's definitely the vision for this first year. It has to have some meaning to it has to have something behind it. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:44:56 I know Rogue is a great competition. It does seem interesting, right? Yeah, but there's a lot of competitions out there that the community does not care about. Like I know Rogue is a great competition. It does seem interesting, right? Yeah, but there's a lot of competitions out there that the community does not care. Right. Right. There can be great athletes in a competition. They don't care, right? Like right now, the IF3 is having their world championships. Nobody cares.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Right. And it's a CrossFit competition. Essentially. It's mostly Europe, mostly Europeans. Um, but the live stream has 700 people watching. Like there's more to it. There's more to it than just watching people do thrusters and wall balls and rowing, right? There's gotta be a storyline. There's gotta be drama. There's gotta be something that you look forward to or can talk about. That's what we gotta be able to see out of this. The games has it because people miss the games. People don't qualify for semifinals. They get hurt,, etc. And then there's, you know, the final
Starting point is 00:46:07 competition. I would argue the semi-finals can be on a Sunday can be more exciting than a Sunday at the games. 100%. Every, every semi-finals that I've been to is more exciting. Right. Because it's the storyline of who's going to make it, who's not. And if you have the same 20 athletes who have a guaranteed spot in these two and They're probably gonna make it to the third because the the challenges are gonna be tough to do Is it that exciting to watch? I? Don't know but they have to be able to show that and make that exciting Tyler You think they'll host their own finals you had the theory that they would piggyback off of other events for the first two What about for the finals? I would assume that they host their own finals you had the theory that they would piggyback off of other events for the first two. What about for the finals? I would assume that they host their own finals. I think it is it would be
Starting point is 00:46:49 a bad statement if they didn't. I think they have to have their own brand setting piece in this just like the games does right? You have to have this big shiny thing. To your point, Spin, I totally agree with the setup right now. But what I see, and I'm going to use this buzzword is the scalability of the entire system. The challenger part is the part that is scalable and more entertaining. And right now it sits online. That's kind of shitty. Like we want to see more of that. How do people get into the challenger position? And then, like, we kind of want to see the challengers probably go to their own event.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Then you can start doing these, like, subregional pieces of that. You can start growing it more and more and more. That's what I see in this, and that's why I think CrossFit should be nervous, is because then all of a sudden, they're running a much larger sport if they can scale it. But that's like probably a three to five year project. Do they have the runway and cash to pull that off? What do you think about the 20 athletes getting security? It, I mean, the, the, the intention is very nice.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Basically what I'm, what, as I think about this more and more, they're paying the 20 athletes who are in every year so that they can get a little bit of reprieve. Right. So that they can be like, okay, I'm focused on this. This is what I'm going to do. I'm going to win this. And if I can stay in this top 20, I can get another paycheck the next year. So there's, there will be some, let's say it's, let's say it's $10,000 a year.
Starting point is 00:48:16 There's some sort of baseline salary. Yeah. I, I always struggle with, you listen to Pat Velner say, I want more on more in person competitions. You hear O'Keefe say there's only a certain amount of people times that my athletes can go compete. I can't send them out there every month for a year. Like they need an off season, they need time to rest, they need a time to train. When does all of this, like, how does that work? Like three in-person competitions. If you only go do world fitness project, it's three times you see them in person.
Starting point is 00:48:55 The games was two, but you had the opportunity to go to rogue. You had the opportunity to go to the water Palooza. Yeah. Does, does this overlap? Does he get too close to rogue and they don't want to do rogue and this because they're guaranteed they've already committed themselves to do it. Wow. Wow. Years, they will start making that decision. Is it in December? And now it's like, well, it's too close to water
Starting point is 00:49:18 Palooza. I'm going to skip water Palooza because I've got guaranteed money. I'm going to qualify for the next year. My only offseason is going to be from January to March. And this is like saying they don't even do the game season, right? Like they fully just go with this. So like, when can they rest? When can they, you know, how many more competitions can they do? If you're only going to do three in a year, because that's all you can can do it's not different than what the CrossFit game season was right no but it's housed under one piece and you're right and you get a little lanyard that says pro athlete that's cool hopefully it's like those gold Pokimane cars that they used to have at McDonald's real
Starting point is 00:50:02 heavy you need some of those um CTP could get one of those for him yeah the fact that they used to have at McDonald's real heavy. You need some of those. Um, but ctp could get one of those for him the fact that they're launching this means that they're that they made this post means that they're serious and uh, they're they're either putting pressure on themselves or they actually do have some wheels in motion and um, Uh, it Worst case scenario, let's say will is just trolling us and there's no such thing And uh, right. I mean fuck great. It's troll of all time. Dude. That would be amazing, right? um, uh, but on the other hand, um, let's say it is happening and uh, It's gonna come quickly
Starting point is 00:50:41 It's gonna come very quickly. We're gonna a lot's gonna unfold here Any thoughts on why he chose now to uh release other than the fact that like hey just it's time. Best times to plant a tree. Yeah you think there's any anything special about this and also do you think the PFAA has sunk their teeth into the hindquarters of the World Fitness Project yet? 100%. Yeah. Well, I mean, Veldor is part of it, obviously. I would say first, the timing of it. What do you mean part of it? You think like he has an investment, like he's invested, he's put a hundred G's in? No, I think he's, he's got his self,
Starting point is 00:51:19 he's one of the 20. Oh, he has a pro card already. I mean, the fact that when he was on Pedro's podcast, he said that there was non exclusivity means that he's been talking with them. And he's gotten to that point where there was a discussion about whether you know that that's the case. So hey, do you think that they wanted exclusivity? And that was one of the things that some of the top athletes were like, yeah, fuck you. And they're like, okay, yeah, I would probably say so. I think so too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:46 I think you wait till a year two or three before you're like, let's go ahead and make it as for timing. I don't know whoever picks Saturday afternoon. That's probably the worst time you could publish news. Probably only better than Friday night. Right. Sounds like they need a media guy. They got a media team from what I was told. I don't know who does it. Do you know how big their staff is? Do you think it's more than five people?
Starting point is 00:52:10 I don't know, but I know I thought Will was doing all the social media, but he is not. I'll take the over. I think they have a pretty deep... I mean my first question when all this comes out is who is... Who's gonna organize all this oh do we know who's putting the money out I Don't know the actual people know but I for the money behind it. What do you remember? I heard was 15 million Well, how much money did how much money did grid league have when it came out Well, how much money did how much money did grid league have when it came out? They burned that 80 million they had they had fucking time I mean, I want to say that it was like 30 million their first year something crazy. They burned through that
Starting point is 00:52:55 Fast yeah It'll happen when you get Madison Square Garden for your first event. No, is that what they did? That's right. We were thinking about having our first kill Taylor event in there, but yeah, we were. No, I mean, it was too cheap. I mean, Tyler's point of you, can you piggyback off of existing organizers? If it's a small competition and it's just the 30 pro athletes and maybe 30 challenger athletes, you probably could find somebody.
Starting point is 00:53:36 If you're going to want to host a 500 athlete tour event, it's got to have somebody. It's got to be Madrid could run something like that. It could be somebody like allowed live. I'm sure Wilson could do it. Nor Cal. They had 800 athletes. They're gonna go over a thousand next year.
Starting point is 00:54:00 So yeah, I mean, I guess. I didn't know it was that many. No, not Will Branstetter, but Will could do it. But Will can fucking do it, I'll tell you that. There's a lot of stuff that goes into that. I have to imagine that they're utilizing somebody that's been in the space to run events before. Has to. Or there's a big chance of failure.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Like what companies? Loud and Live. What was the other couple? Madrid. No, there's like the organizing part. Oh, you're talking about the guys who set up the games. Billy. Oh, Framework. Framework. framework framework. Yeah
Starting point is 00:54:46 Yeah, they wonder if framework was involved in 24 20 Oh the 24 CrossFit games. Mm-hmm. Why did you hear that? They weren't No, they they publicized that they helped with Previous CrossFit games. They mean they were they were the ones who were in charge of I'm pretty sure I I mean, they were they were the ones who were in charge of I'm pretty sure I'm doing the capital event Yeah, I'm pretty sure I saw I know the guy's been around forever. I want to say his name is Billy. I Can't remember his name. He's a cool dude. He's been around fucking forever So and he hasn't aged he still looks like he's 20 Yeah, so they they if they were there they obviously did not publish it on social media
Starting point is 00:55:22 But they were the responsible for the ones in 2022 for doing the capital Like they coordinated all of that. Oh Wow. Wow So let's extrapolate. Let's extrapolate that the 24 Wow, and that guy knows everyone that guy Billy knows everyone. I mean, he's been around forever. He knows fucking every athlete he's a cool dude will more adds a cool dude wills wills like athlete. He's a cool dude. Will Morad's a cool dude. Will's like, I mean he could be friend anyone. Right. Yeah. So yeah. Wow. Okay. But I'm sure they're pretty expensive. I mean they they've did like F1 Miami. They've done some big, yeah that guy, big things. But that guy Bill, Billy,
Starting point is 00:55:58 I think if it's who I think it is, he's also a CrossFitter so he might have a soft spot and give a bro deal. Good. Yeah. Especially. All right. Uh, Tyler, you think it's going to be successful? Yeah. It has the potential to be successful. I'll say yes.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Fuck it. Uh, spin. I'm not ready to say that yet. I think there's a lot more than just throwing money and athletes in a competition together to make people want to watch it. Okay. Got too much John and John Young in you. I got much John Young in you. I gotta see it first. I gotta see it first. I'm gonna say that they have two big strikes against them. Their post seems like word salad.
Starting point is 00:56:33 They're gonna have trouble hunkering down and pinning anything down. They don't have a strong leader. It echoes already just weakness or portrays weakness. It just doesn't seem like it's written strong and concise and like they want to say it seems like PFA nonsense. And if they do have the PFA teeth sunk into their hindquarters, they're fucked. You let the story is this. If you have 20 people at your house and you're going to order food, you don't ever say what is it? What do people want on their pizza? You are not gonna make anyone happy. You order three cheese, three pepperoni,
Starting point is 00:57:09 the fat fucks a week, just the cheese one, the medium fucks a week pepperoni one, and then one that's just like the fucking, the meat master. Yeah. The meat master. Yeah, you know? And then they come. But if you ask, if you ask what do people want,
Starting point is 00:57:22 you're not only gonna have a headache, but you're gonna have people who are disappointed. And we got a little bit of this, what do you want, what do you want on your pizza thing with 20 people around? But it's a nice thing to do. Okay, well, we'll see. Yeah. The destination of success was to last more than, to be bigger than Grid. How's that? I mean, you might see it in a few years down in Florida Yeah, and and to me grid is like something that just popped on the radar because of John Young like I didn't even know grid was like I mean it failed and then
Starting point is 00:57:55 Mather took it down to Florida and started a small little league right like didn't try to go big I mean, that's why wouldn't you say they have 15 million dollars or whatever didn't try to go big. I mean, that's why when you say they have $15 million or whatever. It doesn't matter. Like Tony Budding saw how to run competitions, you had a bunch of people sign into that you had a bunch of teams, a lot of money, lot of money. And they wasted it. I mean, they had Matt Frazier on one of the frickin teams like they had big team big athletes and and nobody watched it.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Wow, Jesus Christ. Listen, Will, if you're going to do anyone who's listening over there at the professional people's matters League. Listen, just start small. Just like just do just do something like kill Taylor. What are you doing, dude? And if you learn one thing from the games. Yeah. What are you doing? So much media on the athletes outside of competing that people give a shit and and hey and will I'm gonna tell you this right now
Starting point is 00:58:50 Just one more thing to you're never gonna make them happy It's like fucking a 33 year old woman. She's 25 orgasms in and she wants more. I'm telling you she's they're never gonna be happy So just be ready. All right, guys. Tyler Watkins, thanks for coming on Barbell Spin. All of this story will develop in the fastest time. The spin will probably know even before anyone at the World Fitness League knows. So make sure you check out the Barbell Spin. Also, the Heat One app, download that from your local app store. It's free He gives you news and keeps you engaged with everyone also I assume at some point a World League will be working with Tyler and the heat one app
Starting point is 00:59:31 It's the funnest way to stay engaged with sport. Love you guys. Have a good night. Make sure you check out the UFC I'll see you guys tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. Watch out for them drones. Bye

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