The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Games Update Show | Tyson Bagent, Howell & Halpin

Episode Date: September 23, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:58 Available right away. God, I hope you guys are on meth. Bam, we're live. No Caleb, no Sousa. No young Let's give you the biggest one Jarrah how from crash crucible crossfit crash. Oh my god. There he is Crash all around God somebody's got to change. What?
Starting point is 00:01:28 Take it off. We're just going to take our shirts off. Hey, I'm really glad the CEO brand is sticking. Femme for rep. Josh Bridges. Rich Phony. The Tin Man. That's good.
Starting point is 00:01:44 I thought Tyson was coming on tonight. We get Travis too? Yeah, we have Travis Bajan and Tyson Bajan both of them I wonder if Sousa I'm really sorry hey I might can come on in an hour hey I might can come on sounds like Kelsey Keel
Starting point is 00:02:02 kicking his ass he's fucking drunk hello everyone welcome to the CrossFit Games Sounds like Kelsey Keel kicking his ass He's fucking drunk Hello everyone Welcome to the CrossFit Games Update Show The biggest and best show Speaking of biggest and best shows We will be talking today about the Exclusive interview
Starting point is 00:02:19 That Pedro Pedro got, Pedro White Got with Shane Orr and Nick Johnson or Nick Johnston? I think there's a T in there. Johnston. Thank you. Mike Halpin down in the lower right hand corner with the
Starting point is 00:02:36 slow zoom out. That was nice. The phone just does that. Oh. It's artsy. Oh look, now it's zooming in. That's your phone doing that? It follows me around. Yeah. Some AI shit.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Wow. That's my phone. It's kind of like freaking me out. Oh, I wonder if that's why your resolution's a little off because it has to crop the edges to give that effect. I see what you mean.
Starting point is 00:03:08 This is going to be a great show. Yeah. Caleb Beaver, everyone knows who he is. And we're off to the races. Okay, where's my notes? What a week. September 22nd, CrossFit Games update show. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Let's start with a poll. Oh, boy. Okay. Who did it better? Right at the top there, right below Pat Barber. I do want to talk about Pat Barber. We'll talk about Pat Barber second. Do you have an iPhone 15 helping? No, not the newest one.
Starting point is 00:03:40 No, I have last year's. I think they shipped today, by the way. I know. I'm jealous. Shocker that me and everyone I know with a 13 or a 13 Max are having issues uploading to Instagram and all that. Shocker.
Starting point is 00:03:55 You mean like there's an update at your old-ass phone that's only seven months old and doesn't work so good? Or that there isn't an update and it's just them making us buy a new phone. So many people got jammed up on Instagram in the last few days, getting the inability to post, inability to comment.
Starting point is 00:04:17 It's very interesting. Very interesting. Okay, are you going to pull that up or should I, Mr. Beaver? I will pull it up. Okay, thank you. Corey, what's up? Been a while. Damn, look at you.
Starting point is 00:04:27 I can't do this thing where it's following me around. Oh, okay. Who did it better? Here we go. Forgot this was about me. FarmFit, Travis Scott posts. Watch the squats here. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Sevan Matosian from the Sevan podcast. Daniel Brandon from Brute, Brute, Brute, from Brute. From Matt Torres' bedroom. Really? I mean, that's how I describe it. Okay, so we'll have a poll here. We'll follow closely. Don't vote with your heart. Vote with your eyes. I think it's the shorts.
Starting point is 00:05:06 If you're wearing the shorts, it'd be different. Someone sent me a DM saying that they don't like the way I'm holding the ball there with the full wrap around under the chin. They're saying I should hold it lower. I'm perfectly happy with the way I hold it. I like the stimulus I'm getting up there. Any thoughts, anyone? The way you're holding it is much more difficult,
Starting point is 00:05:24 and it makes you use your upper back a lot more. Yeah, I felt like it was getting a little bit of a core workout. Yeah. Okay, so one's not better than the other. To me, it feels more difficult the higher you hold it. The lower you hold it, I think you probably get a little bit more glute work. The other day, I did the goblet squats that gr program for his affiliate and i was like as close as possible trying to hold on to it i wasn't trying to right
Starting point is 00:05:52 under your chin yeah yeah i wasn't trying to like hold it out in front of me or like anything crazy like you were doing and it felt easier for sure but it would have been more difficult if i would have done it your way not cool to cover Caleb while he's talking Sarah Cox CA peptides I'm on all sorts of peptides I'm all I'm all pepped up taking them on empty stomachs I'm doing this shit right now
Starting point is 00:06:16 stoked okay so we will check the poll periodically who's let's just check it real quick now who's winning who's who's who's winning already let me just see let's see oh shit in my own will check the poll periodically. Let's just check it real quick now. Who's winning already? Let me just see. Let me just see. Oh, shit. In my own house, you guys are voting
Starting point is 00:06:31 against me. Dickheads. Pat Barber sent me, shot me a text the other day, which I found very interesting, and we will circle back on this. I just want to get a quick The Manable! What was that? From J.R. Howell. Pat Barber, circle back on this i just want to get a quick um the manable uh pat barber uh is on his youtube station um is uh he's fronting he's fronting he's fronting on crossfit but i kind of like it
Starting point is 00:06:58 and i only had a chance to watch the first minute of this video but basically he's channeling fucking glassman uh go ahead and play a little bit of this check this out what he's doing check this check this out pat barber all right day two in our epic little journey our crossfit 2001 a crossfit odyssey um jumping back into the archives this is sunday the second no sunday the 11th of february uh yesterday we did saturday the 10th um so the workout is dumbbell deadlifts 10 2001 barber is going back to 2001 and when he talks about this write-up he says greg greg greg greg he's like channeling glassman has have any of you ever gone back i've never done that have any of you ever gone back? I've never done that. Have any of you ever gone back to 2001 and fooled around?
Starting point is 00:07:48 Yes. I fooled around all the way. I fooled around all the way from the first workout to the most recent one. JR's done all of them. Halpin, have you fooled around? Have you ever gone back and fooled around with any of your past? Oh, well, that's a different question. As far as website, only sporadically.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Hey, what's crazy is does he have to go to the Wayback Machine to get that? Like where is he getting that? Is that Can you dig into it? Can you get there Yeah. You can? Mm-hmm. Anyway, I'm going to give this video a watch.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Pat Barber's an OG I want to say Pat Barber did as well as second place at the CrossFit Games And I want to say he's even on Brian Friend's All time top 100 best CrossFitters No one's going to refute that Alright so Pat Barber This
Starting point is 00:08:41 Any issues with anyone going back? Do workouts get old, JR? Are you like, ah, this is stale. It's old. Don't bite into it. You'll get sick. No, it's really interesting, and Taylor's alluded to it before on Shut Up and Scribble.
Starting point is 00:08:56 There was a time where for a full week, every workout was like 20-minute AMRAP, 400-meter run, meter run or a 500 meter row and then max rep something so like that that classic lynn i think like um format and it was for a whole week where i don't know for what reason but it was like it was it was not it didn't seem at all It didn't seem at all varied. It was like the same format for a full week or two straight. I'll go back and find it. This is like going back to 2001 or 2002, you're saying?
Starting point is 00:09:33 Really early on. Yeah, really early on. Look at you. What I feel like you're doing is you're just showing off of how well you know it. You're pointing out even some inconsistencies and some obscure programming. But you like the programming. You don't think there's anything wrong with it. You think it's as good back then as it was today it's so it's so much different and i think you said early on that that was greg writing all that right like that was him even
Starting point is 00:09:51 writing the instructions like he would say um don't be a pussy bike hard and fast for five minutes and then do this bike hard and fast for five minutes again, and then do that. Like it wasn't just bike a distance. It was like more descriptive. And it was like, um, go as slowly as possible on every single rep, like that, that kind of stuff, like really, really direct and really focused on not only getting the work done, but getting it done a specific way. And do you think that there's anything that, um, do you, what, in what regard do you think Dave and Adrian, who I'm going to presume are the two most influential people in terms of what happens at the CrossFit games? How much do you think they're influenced by these workouts and how much do you think they still respect these workouts? I think that they haven't
Starting point is 00:10:44 forgotten anything like this. Like I'm sure they would remember workouts like this, but then also to, there you go. That's a really, that's, that's one that sticks out by card by card at 15, but it'll say something like you use as heavy a weight as you can.
Starting point is 00:11:00 And then do this equation where you take the amount of time it took you, the reps that you did and the weight that you did. And this, like, there was so much math involved. Heroic effort on the bike. It's pretty cool. Is that what it said? Yeah, just up there. Yeah, wow.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Okay, and that sounds like Greg, right? Do a heroic effort on the bike. Yeah. Wow. After warm-up, make your first effort a heroic effort on the bike. I guess what I'm saying to you is is i mean don't be surprised if something like this shows up at the games on the last day this is some last day shit right the last three workouts not this particular workout but i'm just saying
Starting point is 00:11:34 i think like there's a lot of room for them to like pay a lot of homage to some of these really early workouts that are famous like hillar did a video on the um like are you fit and it was all these workouts and i think um one of them was like touch and go cleaning jerks for like gwen it was like 15 12 9 of touching your clean jerks and one was 800 meter runs and l pull-ups um like there were a lot there were these i think one is tabata air squat into tabata ring muscle up these really really old school workouts but he wrote a whole whole article on them in the journal and said like if you take just these four workouts you could probably claim that you're the fittest alive
Starting point is 00:12:16 with just these workouts and like i think it was last year one of his big prediction videos was like i know the i know all the workouts this like that's this is what they're going to do. But I think, I think they could go back and do some stuff like that just to show that it holds up like a touching, like a 15 rep, touch and go 12 rep, touch and go, nine rep, touch and go clean and jerk for a load would be so cool to watch in a competition if it was presented right. Hey, uh, helping. Are you seeing anything? Are you hearing anything weird in JR's voice? Like why isn't JR just being like like oh yeah they're just as good as they were uh back then as they are today this
Starting point is 00:12:49 shit's fucking amazing why why why why i'm sensing something tentative tentative tentative is he it does seem like there's an well and i don't i haven't been around as long as jr was and i definitely haven't poked around on the dot com as much as he has but it does like it does seem like there's a 2023 or at least like 2018 19 last five years where it's a lot more choose your own adventure when it comes to things like they would just say toes to bar there wouldn't be listed like hey take the next five seconds to pull your toes all the way up to the bar as slow as possible like like and and with that like i've looked at like cat programming and dot com programming and it seems like it's a lot
Starting point is 00:13:31 more like pushing people to have to ask a coach well what do you want me to do here what's best for me versus like it used to be glassman saying no you're going to do it exactly like this. You're going to do a heroic effort on a bike for five minutes and then dumbbell bench press. Also,.com has really only had two programmers. Yeah. The It had Greg Glassman and Lauren, and then it had Leif Edmondson, who has since been fired. That's it. I mean, there's been periodically maybe a month
Starting point is 00:14:06 here a week here someone did something here but really and and to be frank the longest person who's been programming longer than anyone i would i would guess is leaf edmondson who is who is known as pukey who's still to this day if you ask him hey did you do the program and he'll say no it was pukey i mean he says that to me i'm watching him upload the the program and i'm like hey dude you're doing the program he's like no it's pukey um so either he has a mental disorder or he's really good at keeping a secret um do you have any do you have any um um issues with that what do you guys think about what's going on over there shifting from dave to adrian you guys like it? As opposed to just one person who's just on it?
Starting point is 00:14:47 I think it's good having a stamp on it. What do you mean having a stamp on it? Like it's saying it's Dave's and saying it's Adrian's versus just saying it's dot com programming and there's some mystery man or woman in the background. I think it's i think it's
Starting point is 00:15:05 a little cooler if no one knows what who it is yeah all right but the dave's come out and made a point that um you know kind of one of his goals is for everything to feel a little bit more cohesive is that like the message that they're passing down from dot com the things are doing through cap how they program the open there's like it's clear that like the the community as a whole is being pushed in a specific direction and that the sport is still a part of the community audrey i love the guest programmer i would say though that having the guest programmer that is not in is not consistent with a wanting more cohesion i'd be interested to know because i've been i've been doing a few of them i know chase has been doing a few of them like tracking them every day of like
Starting point is 00:15:51 what their uptick is i don't know how they can track that because it's not like it's all in sugar water somewhere but like what their uptick is watching seeing dave and adrian sort of promote it versus just hey maybe you're or maybe you're doing Crash or maybe you're doing Mayhem or something else? You think you could just draw from programming from the entire archive and make a games champion? Oh, yeah, for sure. Like just use those workouts? I think so.
Starting point is 00:16:24 That's the most committed given us today uh 15 minutes into the show you think one a day chair like just doing like like oh okay the no i'm not the way i understood the question was that you could just take right you could take like let's just say 15 years of programming and just pick specific workouts and make a crossfit games and say look that that person was legit the fittest on earth. And just just just. Like I could start training my kid from this, from everything that's been programmed from and if he genetically has the gifts, I could just take the programs that have been done on dot com, start them now. And in one day he make it to the games is what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:17:05 okay I did misunderstand how many work out today whatever that's irrelevant but what I'm saying is is the recipe in there yeah I think there's enough in there I don't it would be hard to like we know we know Rich Fringes does sit ups with a 100 pound dumbbell on his chest and we know
Starting point is 00:17:23 Matt Fraser does this thing that he spins like this. And we know that Tia sleeps with Shane. Those are things that aren't in the programming. Could someone make it to the games and be a games champ without those things I'm saying? That's a cool question. Do you need Chris Hinshaw to make it to the games? It's a cool question. Do you need Chris Hinshaw to make it to the games?
Starting point is 00:17:53 Do you need Shane to sleep with you every Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7.15 p.m.? Sorry, I'm picking on Shane because I just watched the video with Coffee, Pods, and Wads. He's fresh in my mind. Thank you. I mean, to be that good in the way the sport has progressed, not having a coach to give you specific things that you need to work on that target your weakness and just hoping that you can find it in that library i think is a big risk i think you're asking it two ways right you're like saying the library itself is the right workouts to build somebody like that but it's the volume that i think jr and i are stumbling on to say like okay well if you just did like the other day it was just like strict
Starting point is 00:18:35 press push press push jerk with lsit pull-ups was what adrian programmed like if that's all you did on tuesday then no you wouldn't be building somebody very quickly. Yeah, and I think you can manufacture the volume. You can layer it all in based on different workouts. What I think a bigger issue would be is, let's say I have an athlete that's just not very good at legless rope climbs when coupled with an interfering grip movement. My chances of going
Starting point is 00:19:08 through the library and finding only workouts with double unders and legless rope climbs, deadlifts and legless rope climbs, farmer's carries and legless rope climbs, hang power cleans and legless rope climbs, there's only going to be so many of those. So if I'm only allowed to take them from the library and I know that they need to work the capacity of that movement specifically with those combinations, that's going to be difficult to do where I can just give them that on my own as a coach. We used to be able to search the movements through the entire archive of the work. Oh, you can still do that? God, that shit is cool.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Okay, let's go over to Australia. James Newberry. How crazy is this? Pretty good at Toast to Bar. Yeah. What is – we were seeing guys fatigue. Now, granted, it was a couplet or a triplet, but we were seeing guys fatigue with 20, right? Unbroken Toast to Bar in the third set, the majority of the athletes.
Starting point is 00:20:03 And here we have 90. Mr. Newberry, please come up on the bar, please. How good is this? 90. I would love to know how many 2023 games athletes can beat that. And what would your guess be? I don't think any more than five that's a that's a that's a really niche or niche um ability what he's demonstrating and i know a lot of people that are really really good at toaster bar i know wadapalooza someone in the
Starting point is 00:20:41 comments will know in the last three or four years programmed a qualifier that was max toes to bar, like into a two K row into muscle ups or something like that, or a max snatch. And the first thing you did was a max unbroken set of toes to bar. And that would be cool to find that leaderboard and look back and even see if anyone was anywhere close now. What year was that? A lot of Palooza.
Starting point is 00:21:04 It's been within the last five years i believe but um i don't know what event was the first event it was in the qualifier it was a multi-scored event but in your head you're still thinking about that 2k row looming so going to like absolute failure is maybe not something that everyone did. Okay. Okay. I mean, it would still be cool to look at. Hey, uh, what, what gave out there his grip? Was that his grip? Probably so. And when you see that he can do 90,
Starting point is 00:21:43 what else does that tell you that he's good at anything? Like, you're like, Oh, like like like if you see a guy um uh i don't know overhead squat 400 pounds you also know that he's good at some other shit right you know he's got a good squat and he's got a good jerk probably right i mean i if there's one movement to me that like shows how big of a weapon someone is it's a heavy overhead squat for sure but then oh yeah for sure and then and then how about this does this tell you anything about him what else he'd be good at yeah i mean i would just generally think he's good at all hanging gymnastics movements that his upper body pulling and hanging is probably pretty good gotcha pull-ups muscle-ups uh bar muscle-ups okay the climb variations, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:25 The whole shebang. Look, he got a no rep in there. Jeez Louise. Wow. Hey, another reason that makes me think that he's really, really, really good at this relative to the pack is because usually when athletes do something like this, another athlete will copy it. We're not seeing copycats of this one, right? will copy it we're not seeing copycats of this one right what's really interesting to me is that his movement quality doesn't deteriorate that much like he's not really fighting until the very end like he doesn't look like he's about to fail he just gets to like 85 86 and then you realize that
Starting point is 00:23:02 he's about to stop so it speaks a lot to his midline, too, and how developed it is. September 13th, a couple of things I guarantee have made a big difference, especially since I'm now only doing CrossFit training around three or four times per week for an hour. I wonder what the implications of that are. You think he's going for another games run?
Starting point is 00:23:24 I think he's competing this weekend with dunn and bailey martin in some like three-person competition so he's still competing it's sometimes maybe he's going team uh bernie gannon aways in with a astute observation uh james newberry just another guy who can't do the full 100. Never enough. It's never enough. Looking strong, buddy. Allie Weiss.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Allie Weiss. Allie was on the... I get the sisters confused. Allie was on the Invictus team, right? Brittany. Oh, it was Brittany. Okay, so this is her sister. Yeah. So did she move to...
Starting point is 00:24:12 Oh, that's why I pulled this up. Let me see where this is. Pull out a little bit. Pull out a little bit, Caleb. A little more. That's at Rhino CrossFit for sure. That's Kiefer right there. Okay. Because of the tag, of course. Can you go to
Starting point is 00:24:26 her Instagram? Do we have any confirmation? Has she moved to Underdogs Athletics? She's definitely out there. I'm getting a Michaelish invite from that angle, by the way. When was this? Is that trying to say it was the Water Polo Qualifier? Yeah, that's the Water Polo
Starting point is 00:24:41 Qualifier workout. So that was within the last week yeah let me see let me see the post after that let me see if we have she made any announcements that she's moving to underdogs no that's the most recent one okay how about the one before where's that at that cool braid looks like invictus maybe that does look like i saw some i saw some green on the wall back there all right right. And is she – this is going to be a weird question, but is she dating Kiefer? Would there be any reason she'd be out there? No.
Starting point is 00:25:10 No. Kiefer's dating Kyra Milligan. Okay. Okay, let me see some of those other pictures, Caleb, in that slide. No, where she's at, underdogs. Let's see some of these other ones. So I guess there could be she was in Vegas on some sort of vacation
Starting point is 00:25:28 and she's doing the qualifier because she happened to be there maybe or what are they saying in the biz soft launch soft launch for sure soft launch okay and you guys know she's going to underdogs I haven't heard
Starting point is 00:25:42 I've just heard she's exploring options. I would imagine she would want to leave Invictus. Barry McOchner, where's TRT John Young? He's down at CA Peptides headquarters right now. No. He wrote us a cryptic text. He's at the Brute Camp. Why the late notice
Starting point is 00:26:06 I should have replaced him with Watkins Watkins never lets me down he's a good dude is he in the comments god if he is no he's not he's busy he's busy okay
Starting point is 00:26:24 Laura Horvat the h is silent is that how you guys say it laura horvat laura horvat yeah i guess i know uh laura laura horvat pedro uh pedro is sleeping but thank you rambler we will get to pedro pedro will be in the news this week instead of reporting it. What? What? What? What? What?
Starting point is 00:26:49 Oh, let's jump on a call, please. Did she reply there? Open up those replies. What do we got? What do we got? How did you get this number? Oh. Oh, you dickheads. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Let's watch Miss Laura Horvat, CrossFit Games' 2023 Fittest Woman on Planet Earth. Here we go. First, let me ask for a clarification here. Brian would always talk about how there's a specific handstand push-up she can't do. And as I recall, is that the deficit handstand push-up?
Starting point is 00:27:35 Deficit, strict, parallette, primarily, from what we've seen in the past. Oh, so just that one? Yes. Yeah. Okay, so this isn't – we're not surprised to see her doing this here. Not at all. I'm not. It's an interesting way because whatever her caption is, it sort of pokes it like people saying she can't do something.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Like it's got a little bit of eat a dick in it. A little bit. That's a nine-inch deficit, so it's a substantial deficit if uh these were like kipping parallette handstand push-ups the deficit would be about that it would probably be if the guys were doing full deficit which is like 14 inches the females would probably be doing nine or ten uh when people can't do something themselves. They want to tell you, you can't do it either. Gaduz. Gaduz.
Starting point is 00:28:28 What's Gaduz mean again? Gaduz. It means whatever you want it to mean. Gaduz. Is it really that? Gaduz. Mm-hmm. K-A-D-U-Z-S.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Gaduz. That's what she uses in a bunch of her rad stuff. Gaduz. A Laura Horvath tshirt, Kadoos. Kadoos, hashtag Kadoos. I fucking don't know. Who the fuck knows what I mean? Is it a completely made-up word?
Starting point is 00:28:51 Kadoos definition. I think it's an onomatopoeia. Oh. How do you know what that is? Yeah. Wow. It's forward and backward or something? No, it's a word that is a sound, like pop.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Oh. It's like Kung Fu Panda, skadoosh. Skadoosh? Meaning of kadoos. Oh, here we go. I just like the word on them up here. Thank you, Albin. That's appropriate coming from you. Kadoos meaning is to catch or take something from, and the definition of kadoos is a word that expresses action or state of being. Kadoos vary by type, and each type is determined by the kinds of words that accompany it. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:29:35 So it doesn't mean anything? Yeah. Yeah, kadoos meaning is to catch or take something from, and the definition of kadoos is a word that expresses action or state. Some deep shit uh mason mitchell okay okay uh kadoos it means to bend over wow uh matt c uh i hate to ask i'm not trying to say anything about her size oh you fucked it up already dude
Starting point is 00:30:06 why can't you just be like she looks leaner but it looks like she's leaner tell you what she looks like a fucking superstar athlete a leaner yeah I think she looks leaner too I would fucking definitely agree on that yeah I think her and Ben put out a post I don't know if it was on Ben's
Starting point is 00:30:24 page but she looked good there too Yeah I think her and Ben put out a post I don't know if it was on Ben's Page But she looked good there too Mr. Bajan Savan What's up dude Good to see you Good to see you too how are you Thanks for joining the posse
Starting point is 00:30:37 Yeah thanks for having me on I'm gonna play an audio clip for you And one of the four guys around us I want going to play an audio clip for you. And one of the four guys around us, I want you to pick out which guy this is, okay? Okay, ready? Rep for rep, Josh Bridges, Rich Froney, the Tin Man. That's good, huh? One more time. One more time.
Starting point is 00:31:05 One more time. Rep for rep. Josh Bridges. Rich Phoney. The Tin Man. I'm going with... Man, hold on. Give me...
Starting point is 00:31:21 What are the names? What are the names? The guy that says has CrossFit crash with the, like with the lips looks like he's got lips. Yeah, that's who I was going to guess. Oh really? Yeah, it is him. That is him. That's J.R. Howell. You got it. The diesel face, diesel voice. I love it. You got it. Yeah. You see it on chisel face. You're like, he could do my dad.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Yeah. He does a great impression of your dad, dude. Great. At first I was like, I was wondering if that was my dad. I was like, nah, that's not my dad that yeah he does a great impression of your dad dude great at first i was like is that i was wondering if that was my dad i was like god that's not my dad yeah pretty good right that is good yeah pretty amazing hey uh congratulations um uh you so you are you let's start very simple here. Easy questions. Are you a NFL football player? Yeah, I am. I am one of the Chicago, the Chicago bears, the bears, the bears. Crazy. And what position do you play? Quarterback. And I don't know a lot about football, but like some of my friends a few, a month or two ago were telling me, you're not really on the team, you're just on the practice team.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Is that accurate? That is not accurate. Yeah. And so you're like on the team, like a team has 53 players and there's 32 teams and you're one of those dudes. I'm one of those dudes i am i'm one of those dudes on on a legendary team that's been around and the chicago bears have been around for 100 years historical franchise hey now that you're on the team do you are you like um are you like looking for books on like the team and the city like do you start to bathe in it a little bit more
Starting point is 00:33:03 like start like being interested more just like in the the whole um or would that be something maybe you do in the off season what are your what's your feelings just on the team in general yeah i think it's a little bit of both of those i think that they do a good job of uh plastering historical information like throughout the facility um because you know, I don't have like, I don't have a crazy amount of downtime. So it's not like when I get that downtime, I'm researching, you know, unique bears history, but they do a good job of showing it around the facility. And, you know, week by week, you start to pick up on things and maybe learn things like
Starting point is 00:33:44 the Harlan hill award that i won remember that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah harland hill played for the played for the bears oh there's actually um a receiver on our team actually beat one of his records and they have a picture of of both of them um kind of side by side explaining what the record was that was broke um and things like that so cool stuff like They have, as soon as you walk in, there's the bears have a lot of retired numbers and those numbers are, are lit up, you know, pretty bright as you walk into the facility each morning. So you're basically doing the same thing.
Starting point is 00:34:21 You won the Harlan trophy and now you're at, and now you're playing with the Chicago bears bears yeah yeah well i don't know i mean i don't know if he won the harlan hill i think they just made that award in his name sorry sorry yeah that's what i meant yeah but yeah i'm really nervous i never spoke to a real nfl player before i'm really nervous bear with me here yeah a crazy what crazy thing is uh so i was was in Florida training for pre-draft stuff. So from January through the end of March, I was living in Florida and the quarterback coach that I had coach Kim Mastroli got picked up to the bears and was number 17.
Starting point is 00:35:00 And that's what number you are. And that's what I went to the bears and they gave me number 17. And that's just a coincidence.? And that's what I went to the Bears, and they gave me number 17. And that's just a coincidence? Yeah, just a crazy coincidence. And I really didn't even know that he was number 17 until he texted me once I got my uniform. And he just called me. He was like, dude. I was like, what's up, Coach?
Starting point is 00:35:20 How are you? He was like, do you understand? Do you understand what has happened? That I was also number 17 for the Chicago Bears, and then we were kind of tripping about that for a second. Do you have any say in the number? Are they like, Tyson, would you like 17, 18, or 19? Nah, nobody would ever pick number 17 if they had the choice.
Starting point is 00:35:42 But it's growing on me. I like it. I like the way it looks on game day. So I don't, I don't mind. It could have gave me number 99. I wouldn't, I don't think I wouldn't have cared much. Have you seen any, anything unexpected there? Like, so you, you played how many preseason games did you play two or three and then two regular three and then one or two regular season games?
Starting point is 00:36:06 Two. We're about to play our third this weekend. Have you seen anything like you get to the stadium and there's Walter Payton? Or do you see any stuff where you're like, whoa? Oh. Like any other professional athlete? Have you seen Conor McGregor just hanging out in your locker room no nothing like that has happened yet but um i'd say like stuff like that probably happens like 10
Starting point is 00:36:34 times in each one of my days since i've been on the bears just something where you're just like holy shit that's you know so and so or you just look around. Like, Tampa Bay Stadium is ridiculous. Like, they've got palm trees and battleships, like, in the stadium just to look at. So stuff like that. You know, Baker Mayfield playing against him. Was a big fan of him when he won the Heisman Trophy. So just, like, little stuff like that where you just realize that you're
Starting point is 00:37:04 in the same space as them competing against them has been pretty cool for me. Are you – in these two games that have happened, you have not – you're the backup quarterback, right? Yes. And so you have not played yet. And when a backup quarterback does play, that's usually because something has happened to the main quarterback right like he was hurt or something like that right yeah um how ready do you stay when you're on the sideline like or do you always have a bead of sweat like if you ever let yourself cool down is it a three-hour game and you're like you got an assault bike on
Starting point is 00:37:39 the field and like you're ready like every 10 minutes you ride for two minutes? I don't ride the bike, but I do stay loose and ready. I do put a lot of pressure on myself, even though, you know, there hasn't been any inkling, obviously, that I'll get in the game. But I do put that pressure on myself to try to prepare as if I am the number one guy going into the game. And because, you know, no matter what, all the quarterbacks, when they have their helmet on, they can hear the plays being called and everything like that.
Starting point is 00:38:13 So it gives me peace being on the sideline, hearing the play, and really just being able to, you know, say it to myself and understand exactly what's going on. So I have a better feel of, you know, what it'll sound like and feel like whenever I do get an opportunity, whatever day that may be. Wow. That's really cool. So you have your, you have that, are you and the coaches and the other quarterbacks,
Starting point is 00:38:37 the only ones who hear that, that conversation? Yeah. Coaches, coaches and quarterbacks are the ones that can hear it. The coaches can talk to each other. We just hear what our offensive coordinator, we just hear the play that he says. Wow, that's cool. And what about you also got to not go up too high because you don't want to come down, right?
Starting point is 00:38:58 When you go out there, if you're not playing, you have to protect yourself from having a huge adrenaline rush, right? But I'm guessing that that takes practice, especially the first game. You're like, holy shit. Even though you're not going you you have to protect yourself from having a huge adrenaline rush right but i'm guessing that that takes practice especially the first game you're like holy shit even though you're not going to play you must have like get overwhelmed a little bit like like you're ready to fight or flight yeah it is such a it is such a big change from you know coming where i was at shepherd to now this game day atmosphere and And I have felt what you're talking about with just, even though I didn't play, even though I haven't played the last two games,
Starting point is 00:39:31 it has been something where after the game, I'm like, damn, I'm tired. Like that was, like, that was crazy. Yeah. Yeah. It's crazy. But it's also like understanding, all right, you know, unless something tragic were to go on today, you know, I'm probably not going to play. So pregame, I feel like I've been doing a good job just just putting it in pregame, like as it like basically playing a game during pregame, like getting a million throws in, running around, doing drills, getting a crazy sweat on just so – because, you know, standing on the sideline long enough, you do start to maybe stiffen up
Starting point is 00:40:10 a little bit. So I hate just for one day just to be dedicated to me standing there, you know, kind of stiffening up. So I feel like I've been trying to – I have been, you know, making the most out of the situation I'm in right now. And it's honestly – it's been pretty awesome so far. What are your duties during the game? Do you have duties?
Starting point is 00:40:31 Like, hey, Tyson, even though you might not be going in, you need to do this, this, and this. Yeah, throughout the week, I play a different role with putting information about the other team into a quarterback tip sheet that we can all look at the starter and the backup quarterbacks that we can just, that we can look at and have tips on, you know, what to look at throughout the game.
Starting point is 00:40:55 So doing that throughout the week and then game day, just being just intently watching while, while our offense is on the field and basically being the eyes on the sideline, you know, for Justin, when he comes off the field, and maybe he has a question or maybe we tell him like, Hey, you know, did you see this? This is what they did this last play. And this might be something that they might be trying to do going forward. So just being an asset to him so that we can be, you know, more dynamic,
Starting point is 00:41:26 more successful, things like that. I'm trying to understand what you're saying, and I'm sure you can't give us like a real life example, but let me take a stab at one. So like if you saw every time the opposing quarterback in film, every time he threw to the right, you rewound it. No, we would only. only all right so we would never we don't ever look at the other team's offense because we don't go against their offense okay okay sorry they're going against their defense thank you good thank you thank you but that's that's a question that a lot of people like like there's like a lot of people in my family be like
Starting point is 00:41:59 man you know what have you seen on film from their quarterback and i'm you know like i have no clue yeah i think he's a good player but you know we don't get seen on film from their quarterback? And I'm, you know, like, I have no clue. I think he's a good player, but, you know, we don't get anything out of watching your quarterback because that's not really serving us in any way. But basically what I'm saying is if you're a back, when you're the backup quarterback, you really, you just do acts of service for the starter throughout the week and during the game.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Yeah. You're basically, so if they were flipped and I was in the game, they would be helping me out as much as possible, like all hands on deck. How do we help Tyson be the most successful in this game is basically what happens between the staff and the quarterbacks for the starting quarterback. So, so if you picked up some pattern of something that the defense was doing, that was a reveal, you would let, you would let would let your homeboy know who's in the game. Yeah, and we have and there's there's iPads on the sidelines. So when when you come off the field, each play, there's the before the snap as the snap is happening and a post snap shot of each play.
Starting point is 00:43:00 So you can see what they're trying to show before we snap the ball and what they're getting to once we do snap the ball so we're like looking at it be like yeah you know this is what we talked about you know on wednesday you know when they do this or that um you know this is what they're trying to get to so just look look for that next time you go out there like just just things like that just trying to be as helpful as possible um do you do you are do you watch any of the media do you follow any of the media do you follow any of the media do you is is there some like conventional wisdom like to stay off of twitter or to watch do you watch um espn do you watch what people are saying about the bears do you stay up to speed on all that um i don't i really the only thing i'm doing right now uh social media well i get on instagram
Starting point is 00:43:41 uh and kind of but it that i only thing i see is like stuff that my buddies and people I follow, what they post. But yeah, because, yeah, I mean, the Twitter is, Twitter is a ridiculous app. And like the ESPNs, that could get pretty crazy too, just because people just have like, once you're in the building the building it's just it's crazy to see because none of it's affecting me you know like nobody's saying anything about me right now that um like just because i'm not in the game so but but seeing what they do say about people that are in the game like 95 percent of time you really be like man like how did they even come up with that like you just wonder how they would even come up with such a meaning it's just not accurate it's just not it's just like the furthest thing that you could imagine from what's really going on well those of us who are watching you are kind of
Starting point is 00:44:33 watching a real life fairy tale and so so i mean fuck uh we're talking i mean we we're we're we're we're tickled can you tell me about what it's like going to the stadium? How does a football player go to the stadium and how do you leave? Do you have any interaction with the fans? What's that like? Yeah. So it's like, it's, it's a lot different than college because of how much free time you have leading up into the game, like college. Like if you play a college game on Saturday,
Starting point is 00:45:03 you're doing meetings up until Friday night. Like your last meeting is like Friday night before you go to sleep and then you wake up and play the game. Like here we play on Sunday. Like today we got done. We got done at three and we don't have anything for the rest of the day. And then tomorrow we have a walkthrough and then we get on the plane. we have a walkthrough and then we get on the plane and we, we, we, the plane leaves at like 1230 and we don't meet for that whole rest of the day until the game starts. Like that, that's it. Like you get 24 hours just to yourself before the game starts.
Starting point is 00:45:38 So getting to the game, you drive yourself to the game, which also is a different thing. Cause usually, you know, you always, unless you're playing a home game, you're always driving to the game together um but but here it's opposite um in the sense of away games we go together just because uh obviously you know we're playing far away from chicago nobody's got their car we take the team bus to the to the um to the stadium but home games have been cool uh because you can you know you drive yourself to the game you've got a time frame from 3 p.m to 9 p.m the day before to check into the hotel so you can pretty much go whenever you want you just drive up to the hotel uh check into the hotel
Starting point is 00:46:15 you know your curfew is 11 p.m and really you can do whatever you want in the city um until that until that curfew. How about when you drive to the stadium? So you drove to the Chicago Bears stadium in a car and you show a pass? Yeah, so you drive to the hotel in Chicago that we stay in the night before the game. And then that next morning, you pick up your car from the valet and you drive to the stadium.
Starting point is 00:46:43 And then you just have to be at the stadium two hours before the game starts and you have your own private entrance you don't see anyone just other players player parking player parking lot you gotta give you a little parking pass and everything so yeah it's been everything's been just like so official and like professional it's like you had any hiccups where someone's like hey you're not a player here beat it kid yeah not not yet thank god there was a kicker there was a kicker for one team this year he's like five six one fifty yeah yeah they like stopped and they were like hey man only players passed here and then he ended up kicking the game winning field goal that day oh awesome so that that was pretty cool but no it hadn't happened to me yet. I like to think when I walk in, their only option is that I am a player. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Just based on how I look, but maybe not. Britton Covey doesn't blame the security guards who turned him away from the players' parking lot on Monday afternoon. They were just doing their job. Yeah, I think that's him. Good job, Caleb. Any friends yet, Tyson? So you're saying you have this free time.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Anyone like you go in their room and play PlayStation with them or like anyone like you go to dinner with or like any friends yet? Yeah, so, yeah, I've made a bunch of friends. Thursdays, we go get dinner with the offensive line. Mondays, Nate Peterman, one of the backup quarterbacks, he's been a real buddy to me. So I went over to his house, watched the games. His wife made food.
Starting point is 00:48:20 So little things like that where you start to get in the rhythm of the season and they also keep like the social things. Like they keep a rhythm with that, with just like being on specific days, Mondays and Thursdays. So that's been, that's been, that's been great. And then obviously spending so many hours with them at the facility each day, you start to really get to know people, you know, we got saunas and cold tubs. So Sitting in the sauna and the cold tub with people, you tend to learn a little bit more at a more
Starting point is 00:48:47 rapid pace whenever you're in those kind of settings with people. It's been great. I've been making a lot of friends and having a good time. It's been awesome. Awesome, dude. You got the orange CEO shirt. You're a good dude. Yum.
Starting point is 00:49:04 I don't even have that yet uh gentlemen do you guys have any questions before we say good night to mr bajan sort of curious what your uh your training looks like now that you have a sort of athletic trainers and teams around you and all that sort of stuff where before you were doing crossfit all that yeah it um first off you know you get to the nfl and they try to make you like i i don't know if if you know, you get to the NFL and they try to make you like I don't know if you just if you get soft because of how amazing everything is or they try to make you soft. But they only have us lifting twice a week, Mondays and Wednesdays. So I've really had to take it upon myself because, you know, it was driving me nuts, like just not doing any other like working out on those other days. So I've I've gotten with the trainers and they're they're cool with it just on the days that I'm not lifting.
Starting point is 00:49:54 So now I'm up to five days a week and they personalized it for me and made it quarterback specific. And then on other days when I don't want to mess with him, I just you know, I have free range to just go into the weight room and pretty much do whatever um whatever I want and they they pretty much have every piece of equipment you could imagine so um so now that I'm in a little bit more of a rhythm with my days and everything uh it's gotten a lot better right Jerry you got anything buddy no I mean I just want to tell him how impressed I am. I played D2 basketball, and, like, maybe one person that I even played with got even a tryout with, like, an NBA team, and most of them just went overseas. So anyone who's watching that doesn't understand how rare it is for him
Starting point is 00:50:41 to be doing what he's doing, like, you need to take note of it. It's incredible. Like, just congratulations to how far you've come and how far you're gonna go i appreciate that appreciate yeah and how incredible it is that he visits us on this podcast it's the only it's the only one i told you this is the only one you the man baby hey hey hold up hey hold up before you before you get me out of here. Yes. Stay as long as you want. Stay as long as you want. All right. All right. I need the rundown. All right. So I use toothpaste that doesn't have fluoride. Right. But whenever people are like asking, whenever somebody asks me why I don't, why I do that, I'm just like one time somebody told me that fluoride was bad. So I just figured it's really easy to just use toothpaste with no fluoride. But I need. So is what's the deal with fluoride was bad so i just figured it's really easy to just use toothpaste with no fluoride but i need so is what's the deal with fluoride give me the rundown
Starting point is 00:51:31 like just give me just give me the overall spiel i know it's probably a rabbit hole you could go down um but like what do i tell them like oh you why do you do that i'm gonna i'm gonna send you i'm gonna send you uh okay here we go thank you thank you ke why do you do that? I'm going to send you – okay, here we go. Thank you. Thank you, Caleb. Thank you. I'm a little rusty on the fluoride subject. If someone is exposed to high levels higher than this for a long time, it can cause conditions of skeletal fluorosis, which fluoride builds up in the bones.
Starting point is 00:51:58 I don't even think it's – there is – I'm going to have to dig. I forget. It's been a while, and I'm actually going to send you a little audio book that you can listen to. But there's crazy, crazy evidence that shows it's bad for you. It's just another one of those things, and no evidence that shows it's good for you. Yeah, because if you look up some shit about it on Safari, Safari will try to tell you why it's good. Yeah, of course. Safari will try to tell you why it's good, and it'll be hard to find anything on why it's bad.
Starting point is 00:52:34 And then I got this other search engine, DuckDuckGo, where then if you look up why is it bad, it's way easier to find stuff on why it's bad. So I was just curious. Hey, I'm going to send you this. My mom and my sister have the whitest teeth of anyone I know, and they look normal white. You know what I mean? They don't look like blue or like you need sunglasses. And they use like this like Arm & Hammer powder shit. It's just like –
Starting point is 00:53:05 Like make-it-yourself shit? Yeah, basically. Yeah, but basically you just get it Safeway, and it's just like a baking soda or something. I got you. Oh, this isn't – I don't think this is true, but fluoride makes your penis small, and that's why it's bad. No fluoride. I apologize. I wish I had – you answered all my questions with a meticulous
Starting point is 00:53:28 detail and i can't because i feel like i uh there was one that i was listening to it was a while ago but it was something i feel like you were talking about it in some way and you married it with this book you were reading about something with the crops right right uh the moth and the iron lung right yeah yeah yeah you might have touched on it then but yeah just curious about it okay thank you send me that book send me that book hey you threw me an alley oop and i didn't put it in hey hold up do you like that do you like that letter i sent you about the armenian chicago bear fan group that was crazy yeah. Yeah, no, I was, we have these HR ladies that
Starting point is 00:54:07 sit right outside the cafeteria and like the only time they ever stop me, they're like, hey, we have a, we have like a letter for you from, from a fan. So I read it and I was like, at first, as soon as I saw it, I was like, is this like,
Starting point is 00:54:23 does Siobhan organize something? Yeah, he's like something I would do. Yeah, what is going on here? He was like, yeah, so we're going to get some memorabilia that you can send to these people. Yeah, so apparently the Armenian people really have taken a liking to you. That's crazy. Hey, that would be awesome if it was some sort of scam I was doing and then I held up the memorabilia they sent. that would be awesome if it was some sort of scam I was doing and then I held up the memorabilia
Starting point is 00:54:44 they sent oh shit that would be great hey alright buddy I really appreciate you coming on I know your time is valuable thanks for being so responsive to text it's great seeing you the Sevan podcast crew loves you
Starting point is 00:55:02 to death yeah anytime I appreciate you having me on. All right, dude. Have a good night. I'll talk to you. See you guys. Tyson Bajan.
Starting point is 00:55:15 He, he knows that I'm letting him go. Cause he needs to go. I'm not kicking him off. He knows that, right. He's making me sweat. Like I would like.
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Starting point is 00:55:59 You know the butcher? Goes around just chopping people up. Comes a new M. Night Shyamalan experience. The feds heard he's gonna be here today. Comes a new M. Night Shyamalan experience. The feds are hurt. He's going to be here today. Josh Hartnett. I'm in control. And Salika as Lady Raven.
Starting point is 00:56:16 This whole concert, it's a trap. Trap, directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Only in theaters August 2nd. He knows. Okay, good. Thank you. Fuck Halpin and JR just just make me sweat they are not good wingmen can you imagine going on girls with jr and helping me like hey guys tell me about how good my podcast is jr be like damn how about did he knew it was um j Game recognized. I think he sized me up pretty quick.
Starting point is 00:56:46 I was like, there's zero chance. He just knew that he just knew. I got to play that again. It's so good. Where is that? I need to put that in as one of my audio features. Rep for rep. Josh Bridges. Rich Froney.
Starting point is 00:57:02 The Tin Man. Who's the Tin? Oh, the Tin Man is Rich Froney, no heart? Jeez. So good. Hey. Do you think he's going to play this year? Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Yeah, whether they're just drubbing somebody or like fields gets banged up for a series and they just take him out to check him out and he goes in and plays a series like high likelihood that it happens what's drubbing mean like something like they're beating someone's ass yeah oh yeah or they're getting their ass right if they're getting it could be that too yeah Goes and takes a knee if they're really beating up a team. I hope he does more than take a knee. God, I'm so excited for him. There was some stuff going on the other day where they looked that up.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Wow. Yeah, always look up. He of little faith. It's for the crowd. It's for everybody else. It's not for us. We're smart as fuck. I know these things. That, it's for the crowd. It's for everybody else now. Yeah, it's not for us. We're smart as fuck. I know these things.
Starting point is 00:58:08 That's why I look them up. I think Scott's in the chat here. He's a Bears fan. They dropped Nate Peterman like two days ago and then picked him right back up. It was an odd happening. But for that moment, this guy was moments away from going on the field.
Starting point is 00:58:24 It was a technicality, right? It was something like. Yeah, they wanted to like. They were playing with the roster to pick up somebody because of an injury or something like that. Yeah. Nothing to do with quarterback. Wad Zombie. He's going to play.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Justin Fields can't hit open targets. Jeez Louise. Wad Zombie. Get your Lexus Raptus card now if you don't have it and james sprague sprague dang and gazan oh and gazan and ariel lone jinx wow i would say colton merton's but he sold out good luck with that one for sure. Get that one on eBay. Laura Horvath. Going back to her flexing,
Starting point is 00:59:13 she is flexing, right? By doing those handstand pushups, she's flexing on the crowd. Like, yo, I'm flexing. Is it a flex? It's a flex on all of... Well, it's a flex on some of us analysts that obviously can't do what she's doing, but like to talk about what she can't do.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Brooke Wells. This is a very bizarre post to me, just in terms of the fact of uh choice of clip to represent her demeanor or her image i don't think of her as a as a first of all they ruin the fucking clip yes they fucking come whoever who is a great idea but they ruin the clip it's a it's one of the i think in my lifetime it's the most brilliant most brilliant setup by any sports character ever. It's up there with Muhammad Ali's best shit. But here, we'll give this a play.
Starting point is 01:00:11 I'd like to take this chance to apologize to absolutely nobody. The double champ does what the f*** he wants. She's out. She's out with Proven. And she's over at Hardwork Pays Off. Has Hardwork Pays Off made a post saying welcome to the team? Anyone? Not that I've seen.
Starting point is 01:00:39 No. Anyone? They commented on hers. Thoughts about Brooke going up there? Saxon being gone about Brooke going up there Saxon being gone Brooke going up there it's been talked about since semifinals right when they both got hurt and we know Sydney is not going up there Proven's released a video
Starting point is 01:00:58 that her sister is still at Proven I think there's a lot of history there with you know Cashman and Brooke being training partners before another camp still at proven. I think there's a lot of history there with, you know, Catherine and broke being training partners before another camp. And obviously you would think of when Matt spent a lot of time with Catherine, maybe he spent some time with Brooke too.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Um, but I mean, it's not surprising to me at all that if she was gonna move camps that she would move there. Um, and in that video where sydney wells is uh shown uh showing up to the proven camp uh as the uh season begins they're at a new gym they're at a gym called like end of on the end on the end crossfit and they they say they're just visiting
Starting point is 01:01:40 this gym like they like to visit the different gyms in nashville but then when peter interviewed shane it and and nick johnson it does sound like proven's getting ready to to it's it's some uh foreseeable future uh have their own hq that like it's it's in the works that there is going to be a place that is hey uh this is where proven athletes come work out that's not open necessarily to the public, and they're going to have their own facility. So I do think that that's coming. There is an interesting clip. I'm sorry to have you make this big jump here, Caleb.
Starting point is 01:02:16 There is an interesting clip on Coffee Pods and WODs podcast that was live today. It's fucking great pedro is amazing it is true i i would not have interviewed shane and um nick johnston this good he asks a lot of tough questions have you guys seen this i haven't had a chance to listen to you yeah kudos to nick kudos to nick and um shane for handling it so well they handled it well and kudos to peter for asking really hard questions. It's definitely worth watching.
Starting point is 01:02:49 At 3040, he says something. I'm going to put Pedro's question in there. The question is better than the answer. At 3040, Pedro asks about Brooke and Saxon having basically the same injury. Let's go ahead and play a little bit of this. ... Is it
Starting point is 01:03:14 worrying when it's the same injury? Sorry, go back 10 more seconds. Sorry, Caleb. So that's going to never happen again. Those things could be in a way 2021 to 2020 halfway through 2022 had always been going in a direction that looked like they were improving they were doing better at the games everything we had been doing from the coaches side looked like it had
Starting point is 01:03:37 been going right and obviously I think this year with Tia being away and and maybe Shane like you said before being away a little bit more, it may have exposed a little bit there because, hey, we had two athletes that got hurt. We don't know what happened here. We know the day-to-day what happened, and we didn't see much going on there. But, yeah, maybe it could be reactionary there. But if we don't take the opportunity to kind of look back on those things, that's how we don't grow. So I think that's where this comes from.
Starting point is 01:04:06 So that can never happen again. Obviously, injuries are a part of the sport, and we can never get away from that no matter what can happen. But we do want to make sure that we're professionals in mitigating those risks. Caleb, pause. Sorry, I didn't want his answer. I kept waiting for the question. I just wanted Pedro's question where he says, does it concern you that it's – I think it was – you started to play it, and then I interrupted it. It's right at 30 – try 30-37.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Try 30 – right – yeah, or maybe back – yeah, here we go. Here he is. But we do want to make sure that we're professionals in mitigating those risks however we can. Is it worrying when it's the same injury injury like when two people suffer the same injury is that like uh does that make you stop and pause or do you just think that it's again like that injuries happen in sport and you just kind of you know you didn't see anything out of the ordinary so you carry on or do you say oh that's a bit weird that two people had the same issue. Okay. By the way, the clip you played is perfect too, Caleb. And there's an interesting dance here that Nick does.
Starting point is 01:05:11 You guys go back and listen to it. We're not going to play it here. But he says, it's like around 1930, he basically says, he implies that Brooke and Saxon are also complicit in their injuries because of maybe a lack of commitment. I would love for you guys to listen to it and see what you guys think. It's pretty long-winded.
Starting point is 01:05:41 It's too much to play here. But he says – the coach says, we're learning, and says, um, uh, the coach says we're learning and we need to lay down the, he says we're learning. So he takes ownership of the problem of them both being injured, but he also then goes on to say, we need to lay down the law and tell the athletes what we expect of them. Meaning that it's kind of an interesting way to say it's their fault that they were injured. He's saying that we, do you, do you, do you interpret that as meaning they weren't as diligent as the coaches would have liked them to be in their rehab process
Starting point is 01:06:10 or that they were like, no, I'm good. No, I'm good. And they're like, but you're not good. And it's just going to get worse. And they just wanted to press on and continue training because those are, they're, they're very different. No very different no but yes all that there's something that he's saying he's deferring a little bit of the responsibility which i'm okay with but it does open a door to like hey they didn't follow through with something that they and now moving forward what we've learned so that athletes don't get injured is that we need to have a more um uh more serious communication and i mean it could be other things. It could be like when he says lay down the law.
Starting point is 01:06:47 I mean, that's so open-ended, but it could just be like, you know, we did all of our design for the day, but we want to do more. He's like, well, you don't need to do more. You're going to get an overuse injury. I just feel like I need to practice crossover double unders for 10 more minutes today.
Starting point is 01:07:01 And then it's 10 minutes a day. And at the end of the week, it's an hour of them. And then things are 10 minutes a day. And at the end of the week, it's an hour of them. And then things are inflamed or whatever, you know, I would love to, to know deeper in here kind of his response to that. Uh, Dan Guerrero, what's the poll for who does it better? Uh, squatting, uh, me or Daniel Brandon with the bag squats. Um, it is a, it is a fantastic interview. There are tons and tons of great heavy hitting questions. Um, there's a question in there, uh, where, uh, uh, Pedro asks, uh, Hey, whose decision is it to compete?
Starting point is 01:07:39 How do you make those decisions? Is it to you who makes the decision? Or do you make it or is the group decision? Shane does a great job of answering that. I won't tell you what it is. You have to listen to yourself. Those are reference to Rogue for anybody. Yeah. Right. Well, then also both, both. First, he says, he says, who's decision was it to like go another year in the games? But then he does go on like you're saying it for later on.
Starting point is 01:08:00 He reiterates the question, whose decision was it for her to go to Rogue? Another great answer. on he reiterates the question whose decision was it for her to go to rogue another great answer um you can tell from this interview that um shane really enjoys coaching uh tia clare to me you can like he he gets off on it like he he's landed in heaven. He loves watching her move. He he's found his muse and it is going to be in, in, in, in, he's, and he's probably amazing. He's so obviously inspired by her. And he, he basically says, yeah, I've really missed coaching her and I've really missed watching her move. And it's going to be interesting how he parlays that if he's gonna be able to enjoy watching other people move and be a great coach for everyone it truly is you can tell he fucking
Starting point is 01:08:52 loves that girl and loves watching her move and it is going to be interesting to see if um if he can parlay it the other interesting thing is also in that interview is nix johnston whose wife is taylor williamson who's also one of the best movers, best athletes the CrossFit Games have ever seen in her own right. And it is interesting that they're both there as those coaches. I didn't explain what Taylor was going to be doing, right? I don't know if I missed that. Basically, she's retired and she's found her dream job and she's always known she's going to do that job yeah good it sounded like uh olivia kerstetter still there nick matthew's
Starting point is 01:09:34 still there not physically in nashville but it sounded like they were still on unproven uh this question is for you caleb a cot says is tyson coming on or are you just talking about him go back like 25 30 minutes and you'll catch him um big baka tyson already came twice oh that's if you say so yeah it was an interesting interview too because he got him to he got shane to talk about a few things there's a moment where shane says when is this coming out on a live interview which was like yeah yeah i love that apparently i get one of those a month where someone's like hey when's this coming out i'm like we're live yeah but that was in reference to what it sounded like yes they
Starting point is 01:10:23 are working on some sort of affiliate building or something like that. So, yeah, for sure. Yeah, great interview. I also, if you guys want to see something funny, which I think you do, go to 11645. And he asked Shane, hey, will you ever be coming on the Sevan podcast? Did you see that, Alpen? Very diplomatic. Very diplomatic. hey, will you ever be coming on the Savant podcast? Did you see that, Alpen? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Very diplomatic. Very diplomatic. Interviewer, CrossFit-based podcast in the space. Shane, Jan is asking, would you ever go on Savant's podcast, who I would consider to be the best interviewer in the space? Would you ever consider going on that? Look, it'd have to be the best interviewer in the space. Would you ever consider going on that? Look, it'd have to be the right timing. I think timing is a big thing for that.
Starting point is 01:11:13 And I message, so Siobhan messages, and we go back and forth sometimes on texting. So we do keep in communication. For me, it's just making sure that the timing's right and that everything aligns and we can share the same conversation thread up there um i love watching nick johnson i love watching his homeboys he answers it uh poor fucking shane has his account hacked i like to fucking bring that person the porsche paddle that fucking person who hacks his account what a douchebag the guy just had a kid and person who hacks his account. What a douchebag.
Starting point is 01:11:45 The guy just had a kid and you fucking hack his account. You scumbag. Oh, chain. You're always welcome on the show. So is Tia. Um, I did see him at the games.
Starting point is 01:11:54 I did say hi to Shane. Um, for some reason it's, um, uh, it's, it's, um,
Starting point is 01:12:04 it's, it's awkward. It's awkward. But I would always love to have them on the show. Okay. Jason Grubb. Jason Grubb. Oh, let's skip Jason Grubb. We'll come back to Jason Grubb. Give me a second.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Crash Crucible. Let's talk about the Crash Crucible here. J.R. Howell's event. What year are we in, J.R.? Year four. Year four uh three years under the belt let's not let's not we don't need to play that let's let's see what's the date of the um what's the date of the event october 13th through the 15th and when and when is a rogue uh should be like it's usually halloween weekend i I think it's the 27th.
Starting point is 01:12:46 Two weeks after. And we have confirmation that Mr. Mertens will be there? Yeah. Colton. James Sprague. Friends of the show. How about Mr. Parker? Is he coming back? No, he's not.
Starting point is 01:13:01 Actually, someone sent me his story maybe last week that someone wanted to ask me anything. Someone him if he would be at Crucible. He said no, but he gave the event, gave the competition a lot of love. And I mean, Luke came three years in a row and then won it the last year. So like he's, to me, like a perfect example of someone that's used that competition every offseason to gain more and more confidence and traction going into the next competitive year and then wins it and then qualifies for the games. Yeah, why wouldn't he? Just speaking in terms of superstition or also in terms of preparation at work, why wouldn't he come again if the first year he made it to the games
Starting point is 01:13:41 it was by going through Crucible? I think just for a lot of games, athletes, the idea of competing two months out from the build and competing at the games feels like a really short break in their off season. Oh, Latimer. Did I,
Starting point is 01:14:00 did I see this right? Jamie's competing. Did I just see that? She's competing in masters. Yep. You have Masters division? Yeah. You probably remember Haley, right?
Starting point is 01:14:10 Mario from the California Regionals back in the day, if you go back to the list. I know you'll recognize her face if you see her. Okay. Jamie Latimer, it'll be my birthday that Saturday, too. She have a chance to win it? Yeah, I think so. I mean the the masters fields are really deep kinsey riley's in the field um yeah i mean there's i'm looking forward as much to seeing the masters compete as the individuals because the masters were kind of recruited like i reached out to all of them and
Starting point is 01:14:41 asked them would you want to come do this? It's my first year. Like trying to sell them on the idea that I know how fit you guys are. I know what you're capable of doing. I want to see you do the same workouts as the individual. So the workouts are exactly the same. Nothing is different for the masters. Mr. Young, welcome to the show, buddy. Hey, can you turn your John Young from JY Bar buddy hey can you turn your uh john young from jr bar jy barbell
Starting point is 01:15:05 can you turn your camera and my and my goodness kenzie riley like peace and love the fact that i asked you to collaborate and you did i've never had a post to get even half that many likes and i know it's only because she reposted it oh that's cool shit is that her right there yeah yeah that her and latimer are in the same uh division yep how did kenzie do at the games uh she didn't compete this past year at the games i don't think in the 35 to 39 that's a great photo of her but she's been doing a lot of like local competitions kind of in this in this area and her and easy have been like teammates. And he's coming also to compete. You talking about crash?
Starting point is 01:15:50 Yep. There's a two athletes here that are competing. They keep bugging me about the workouts. Who's that? Where are you? What do you mean? Where are you? They keep bugging you about the workouts because you told them that you knew them no no l l and me were talking about them
Starting point is 01:16:10 oh i thought you were like hey guys i know all the workouts no no like here here they are um where are you john no i'm in baton rouge at go crossFit. I mean, not right now. I'm at Airbnb, but I'm in Baton Rouge at an athlete camp. Whose camp is it? Brute Strength. It's just all of Elle's athletes. Who's Elle? Elle Sinkivore. He's one of the Brute Strength coaches.
Starting point is 01:16:40 Out of Florida? Like under Matt Torres? Matt Torres owns it, and then Al is here. He's one of the coaches. God, I never heard that dude's name. Where's he based out of? He's based out of Baton Rouge? Mm-hmm. Yes, sir. I think Kelsey Keel is probably the biggest name that's here.
Starting point is 01:16:57 Are you competing at Crash? No. Why not? No, I hurt my back doing something before the qualifier, and I couldn't do the qualifier. Wait, let me see this guy coach L again. Let me see his profile picture. He kind of looks like Nganou there, doesn't he?
Starting point is 01:17:21 Oh, yeah. Oh, I might be in this video. Yeah, you see that? Yeah. Strong jaw. How tall is that dude? He's six foot three. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 01:17:36 Little Nganou. Ivory Coast. Oh, that's where he's from? Where's Nganou from? Nigeria? I don't know. Francis? Is he from France? Cameroon. He ended up in... He's the one that has that crazy story, right?
Starting point is 01:17:52 Where he got kicked out. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Crazy story. Cool. How's the camp? You liking it? Yes. The first day, I'm not going to lie. I don't know if all camps are like this, but it was pretty brutal.
Starting point is 01:18:07 Were you laying on the floor when you sent us that text that you couldn't make it? Yes, yeah. It was like a 20-minute break. Like you're just working out a lot is what you're saying. Yeah, it's just very intense. So like how a competition would be, the intensity of those workouts, it'd be like doing four of those. We did both the Waterpalooza workouts this morning,
Starting point is 01:18:32 and then we had a weightlifting battery test, and then an hour of gymnastics, and then a salt bike sprints, and then holding an average of whatever salt bike you sprinted, like a percentage and it was just it was just a lot is it more the focus of it or the like physical effort how do you mean like is it the focus of all the things you're trying to fix or is it the effort of how much no and no it's just it's just intensity um like i i would say volume wise i've done plenty of days like this but like not everyone super intense you're throwing up you're throwing up no i don't i don't throw up i don't
Starting point is 01:19:13 remember the last time i threw up you seen anyone throw up yes there's been three people who have thrown up did you did you how often do people throw up in your gym how often once a month not that much in the summer a lot more often yeah interesting sorry go ahead ask mr young what was your post-workout carb source a large pizza from domino's dr pepper no no no not that bad Not that bad You guys laugh, that's his thing He loves Dr. Pepper Chop of milk
Starting point is 01:19:51 Only one a day, I can't do more than that Who are the two athletes that are there that are competing? Ariel Do you know her? Nanders? Yes, yep I beat her by one second And Dianeiane by the way which are you know water workout for which is pretty cool we were going against each other uh and then sigh
Starting point is 01:20:12 um i don't know if that's his real name or that's what he goes by but but uh uh i'll have to figure it out but um he's a littler guy. He weighs like 180. Cy? Yeah, I mean, that name doesn't ring a bell, but it might just be short for something. I'll find out his real name and send it to you. This is a great question. How does John sound better on an iPhone with no mic
Starting point is 01:20:37 than he does at home? That is a great question. His Airbnb internet is just great. That's not a wrong question. I want to talk about Diggy's Arena. $540 million arena, four years old, 30,000 square feet of floor space to perform stunts and tricks and workouts.
Starting point is 01:21:01 14,000 seats, 40 suites 32 boxes two clubs 10 000 square feet of monitors hanging in the center uh making it also the world's uh or the country's second largest continuous media board meaning that that thing in the middle all the screens are uh interconnected uh every seat's a good seat in the house not a bad seat in the place. Anyone who hasn't taken a tour of the place on YouTube is going to be absolutely blown away. I've never actually seen an arena that's this nice and this clean. It's remarkable. They have a wall there when you walk
Starting point is 01:21:38 in the place that's dedicated to small businesses in the area. It's organized by skin color and genitalia you prefer to have sit on your face. Oh no, sorry. That's the San Francisco giants Coliseum. Nope.
Starting point is 01:21:48 Texas, just small businesses, uh, regardless of skin color, genitalia, you like, um, billboard magazine ranked it the second best venue in the world.
Starting point is 01:21:57 Uh, best venue in the world they had is, uh, in glass Glasgow. That's kind of crazy, right? It is a nice place. I don't know if any of you guys have taken the tour yet.
Starting point is 01:22:06 Nobody will ever want to leave this place. This is going to be something... This is going to be a home for the CrossFit Games that I don't think anyone's ever going to want to leave. Has anyone here been to this place?
Starting point is 01:22:21 JR, Young, John, have any of you guys been to this place? No, I've only been to Texas once, and it was when I went to Rogue last year. I you been to this place, JR, Young, John? Have any of you guys been to this place? No, I've only been to Texas once. That's when I went to Rogue last year. I've been to Fort Worth. It's pretty nice, but I think it was pre-COVID, so it was before the stadium was there. Harry Pertestes
Starting point is 01:22:38 used to go to rodeos there all the time. It's a great spot. The smell of cow shit is amazing, but I'm just Texan. Lots of non-binary bathrooms. It's not genitalia anymore. It's gender-talia.
Starting point is 01:22:57 Fine. Hey, I'm not worried about the heat at all. Like, zero. For two reasons. One, I think that Dave is too much of a pussy to make him work out about the heat at all, like zero, for two reasons. One, I think that Dave is too much of a pussy to make him work out in the heat, so they're going to do everything inside. And two, if they do do it outside, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:23:14 Be ready. It's called the fittest in the world. It's one of the safest sports in the world. You're much more likely to – every fight you do in the UFC, you're getting injured. You're lucky that very few of you get injured in this sport uh any thoughts on the subject mr halpin on the heat i agree i think it's mostly going to be inside and i think they'll still for sure do something outside early something but i would i would i would compare it to like rogue where everything's at dell diamond except for they took him out for a run, or Dubai,
Starting point is 01:23:46 where everything was indoors, except for the Burj Khalifa. I could see something that, hey, Dave will get out there the night before at the dinner, tell them all, hey, the bus is leaving at 3 a.m., we're going to take you somewhere. At 5 a.m., they're going to go run
Starting point is 01:24:02 somewhere. It's going to be 90 degrees at 5 a.m.'re gonna go run somewhere it's gonna be 90 degrees at 5 a.m but uh mason mitchell put them outside if they die they die do you have what are your thoughts on that is there is there a two do you i'm not talking about being reckless but if it's 100 degrees outside and you have them do murph like people need to pace themselves, right? You need to bring a camelback, right? I mean – or no. Do you think that there's – is there a line that you guys would draw in inappropriateness?
Starting point is 01:24:33 I'm not talking about – I understand leaving them on a field and making them do bear crawls in a 30-minute workout on astroturf that's 147 degrees by laser i mean like i'm not talking about that i'm just talking about just some training in the heat that's where i would that's where i would think that they're gonna take them somewhere or do something because where i would go is not the athletes the spectators like at north, just baking in the sun, but it's 20 degrees warmer. Also, Asymmetric Ears throws this out there. Heat is fine. Heat plus sun is not fine. That's a
Starting point is 01:25:13 I guess an important distinction I didn't even think of. That is true, right? Yeah. It's the humidity that kills people, for sure. JR, any thoughts? Want to weigh in on this? You don't have to. No, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:25:27 I do think it's a fine line. I don't really know where it is. But there are some situations you can avoid, for sure, based on timing, based on schedule. Not having them not only on the field or outside during certain times of days at certain temperatures but the amount of time they have to be out there if you do a five minute workout it's a lot different than if you do a 45 minute workout so yeah i still think they're going to do stuff outside and i'm sure
Starting point is 01:25:54 there's a pool close to the venue i'm sure there's a lot of options tcu is about two miles away i feel like uh they're just gonna just do the outside events early in the morning. Make your outside events the first event of the day, and then you're indoor for the rest of the day. People are saying, though, John, that at 8 a.m. there, it's going to be 90 degrees. No, not at 8 a.m. No? Okay. I promise not at 8 a.m. degrees no no okay uh i i i promise i thought the announcement like they put out a press release and both don and dave sort of key in on the stadium or the arena or whatever it is and then
Starting point is 01:26:41 they go on to i think it's dave that goes on to say like this is sort of like a test run of of doing this traveling more so i wouldn't be too surprised if it lot is focused on we're going to be inside an arena doing all of these workouts and we're going to tune the games towards it being sort of an arena tour type event similar like i said to like a rogue or somewhere where the majority of the workouts you're gonna the spectators gonna be in their same seat watching that floor versus high rocks north park versus the coliseum versus the bike path first yeah it looks like there's only going to be one floor here the entire the which which also makes it um also leads to make you believe that um something's not going to be there right either masters or adaptive or it's like age it makes you think that something's gone right they
Starting point is 01:27:34 don't have two floors unless they're going to stretch this thing out over two weeks it's four days yeah okay good right do you guys agree with me on that observation? One floor, meaning someone's not coming to the games? Yeah, I would think that that would either mean they're going to have – those different divisions are going to have their own separate competition or that they're going to happen before or after these four days at the same venue. Okay. Yeah, that would be cool. And what do you guys – on a side note, what do you guys think biking?
Starting point is 01:28:04 I think biking's gone. I don't think we're going to see biking for five years. By biking, I mean road bikes or mountain bikes. I think we've seen the end of biking. I think it's going to take a break for sure for at least one or two years. And what will take its place? I think they will finally have a stationary bike again at the games. It's been a long time.
Starting point is 01:28:27 The biker is the only Concept2 machine that's never been programmed for the individuals at the CrossFit Games. No shit, that's true. Halpin? That's true. He knows better than me. Jeez Louise. It's been used for teams.
Starting point is 01:28:39 It's been used for age groups, but not for individuals. Why is that? That's weird. That's weird, isn't it? Well, I think just because the option's been there, like to do a crit on an actual bike or to do mountain biking like that's been an option especially in madison with the close connection to trek that i think that like why would you do one when you could do the other uh and and i i wouldn't be surprised if we don't see swimming either i think we'll see swimming.
Starting point is 01:29:05 You do. It'd have to be like they did in Wisconsin. Yeah. Which means they'll have to leave the venue. Yeah. From what I heard, that river's contaminated. For real? You did hear that?
Starting point is 01:29:18 Yeah. Every river's contaminated. Moving on. Justin Medeiros and Ellie released a video again this week. So they're on pace for the weekly releases, as Justin said. And there was one line in there. Well, first, he confirmed that he did enter that powerlifting competition, so we'll be seeing him do that. I'm sure there'll be some video of it, but's entering powerlifting competition which is cool we talked about that last week we had varying opinions on why he's entering it i like the idea of it uh but this
Starting point is 01:29:52 line caught me justin said in the video i will be training more than ever at my home gym um yeah there's a great opening line that ellie says in there don't put the whole thing in your mouth or something fuck it's a great opening line that Ellie says in there. Don't put the whole thing in your mouth or something. Fuck, it's a great line. What about Halpin? Hey, Hike, how are... Oh.
Starting point is 01:30:15 What about... What about that? Are there any... Is he still with Adam Neiffer? Do you have any what are the implications that he'll be training at home more?
Starting point is 01:30:33 They built that giant gym, didn't they? He's got to use it. I'm thinking that if you took seventh, you want to go back to what was working. And what was working? Being over there with Adam Neiffer. Thoughts? I think Adam's coming to him.
Starting point is 01:30:49 I don't think that's going to change it. Okay. I didn't even consider that. He looked great in this video, by the way. He looked great. He looked great last week, too. He looks good. He looks rested. He's not doing Rogue?
Starting point is 01:31:06 No. there's a on ellie she just put out a post i think today that shows like what she used to look like before she started doing crossfit it's pretty amazing yeah i went uh when we had her on the show i went back to like her first Instagram post she was just a little bite sized little girl oh is that it yeah look at her jeez is she 12 there
Starting point is 01:31:36 toxic 81 do you think any part of Justin's problem is power lifting holy shit she just put that out. Yeah. Let me see. I want to read what she wrote there. Let me see this.
Starting point is 01:31:50 Sorry. Scroll back down a little bit. I want to see what she wrote. Every decision I've ever made has gotten me where I am today, and I don't regret a single one. But that's not to say I haven't made mistakes. Knowing that you are stronger than you ever thought was possible and that you can overcome so much more than you could have imagined
Starting point is 01:32:04 is a good quality to have in every aspect of life i've worked extremely hard to get where i am and i know i'm still nowhere near where i want to be i i agree with that i think she has crazy potential but i'm i'm working on being the best me every single day and i know i get there uh and i know i'll get there excited for the next chapter hey what do you uh so that's what do you guys think i I think she's got, uh, I don't, I think she's like so many of the ladies in her division of the glass
Starting point is 01:32:31 ceilings far away for Ellie. Yeah. Yeah. I think she's got a ton of room to grow, which is scary for how good she is. Right. I mean, she has some gifts.
Starting point is 01:32:44 Oh, yeah. Telling this year with Tia back because she just there. for how good she is, right? I mean, she has some gifts. Oh, yeah, for sure. I'm going to be telling this year with Tia back because she just, I don't think Oceana's getting more spots. Oh. And we'll finish the show with that. Well, congratulations. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:32:57 That's a cool montage. I cannot believe how skinny she used to be. Holy shit, she was a fucking crumb. What did TikTok Toxic say? He had something. Here we go. Do you think part of Justin's problem is powerlifting, box squats, sumo, etc. is a shorter range of motion and he doesn't have the volume reps of the previous years?
Starting point is 01:33:13 Or is it too minuscule? Hmm. I don't think so, but I think it's a good question. Do you think the powerlifting with its reduced range of motion compared to what we do here in crossfit has affected him i don't think so like even like at the semi-final level he even he didn't i didn't notice any changes in movement movement quality lack of mobility lack of stability it didn't look like anything like that, but it is a cool conversation. Keep on out.
Starting point is 01:33:52 I keep seeing him come in and out. Nice try, John. I appreciate it. Nate Johnson, I think his head wasn't in it like he was previously. What do you guys think as we wrap up the show about Tia competing in Rogue? You think she's going to win, Halpin? She hasn't lost. I mean, that's not much to say.
Starting point is 01:34:20 But hearing Shane talk about her, it'd be good to hear it from herself but i mean shane's obviously right there with her and there was moments in that podcast with with peter that he's still finding the 0.001 sort of things with her to get her back like it sounded like she's not coming back unless she knew she was ready to come back so but it did sound like this was the test versus the best field they could possibly go against versus saying like we'll wait till january do wadapalooza and then maybe go against the next tier down because that's what wadapalooza sort of got last year with the women's field what did they say about wadapalooza again they didn't talk about wadapalooza what i'm saying is in this case they can go back against the 19 other best women in the field in a very strong event
Starting point is 01:35:11 that is always sort of strength focused versus a water palooza celebration of fitness and just last year with water palooza and the individual uh i'm adding that part where it's the women's field was sort of lacking on the individual side. There's a great piece in that interview that Pedro does where Shane talks about her mindset. He basically is, he's taught at the point time, he's talking about Jay Crouch and about what Jay Crouch has come to the point. I think he's talking about Jay, where he sees himself for what he really is and where he's going to be. And that mindset switch is really important. You need to see yourself where you want to be, not necessarily where you are.
Starting point is 01:35:51 You have to act like you're there already. And he says that as he was describing where Jay needs to be and where Jay is getting, he basically was describing what we all saw Tia go through. We saw her just fucking embody champion. He also referred to Rogue as a place to see what she needs to work on. And I think
Starting point is 01:36:14 he basically made it sound that she's as fit as she ever has been mas o menos, but it's a different body. It's a body that's had a baby it's a body that has different balance it's a body that has different awareness it's a body that has different coordination i think balance and coordination are actually the two components he spoke about
Starting point is 01:36:34 and so that's basically it's like it's like a formula one driver who got it who switched from the ferrari team to the lamborghini team we know he's a great driver but he got a new fucking car with some with some slightly different mods and uh and i mean like i said it's it's it's you're hearing a dude who fucking loves his fucking athlete talk was it was that your takeaway to helping yeah yeah and in my mind i was thinking about like annie or cara and others that we've seen them bounce back and sort of bounce further than where we thought they were last. So with that I can imagine that she does very well. It's hard
Starting point is 01:37:14 to put her right back in number one just because of time off, all the things you would think, but no one's won six in a row and then had a baby before, so it's hard to say where she could end up being um thoughts who's gonna win it's hard to bet against you not who you want to win who's going to win it is remember too and katie came on and said it herself you know this
Starting point is 01:37:41 is not something that we put on to just say see we can say that this person is the fittest on earth in October at our competition. This is a showcase. We want to showcase the athletes. We want to challenge the athletes. Obviously, it's for, you know, a crazy big audience and a huge prize purse. But this is not the games. This is probably going to be somewhere between seven and ten workouts, maybe as aggressive as it was last year. I mean, I can tell you one thing, Josh and Dan and Katie are going to make them earn it. Like it's not just going to be an easy competition, but it's, great one that like there are racetracks and like there are golf courses that suit a specific kind of athlete because people are long off the tee or because people are more
Starting point is 01:38:31 accurate. Some competitions favor certain types of athletes a little more in the case of Tia, in the case of like put Laura in that group, they're just the best. So wherever they go, they're going to do great. It doesn't matter if the programming is a little biased to body weight or to weightlifting or to modest structural stuff. But there is a difference between Wadapalooza, Rogue, Dubai. So regardless of what happens at Rogue, people will jump to too many conclusions. See, look, she's never going to beat Laura again.
Starting point is 01:39:03 Or if Tia wins, Laura's never going to be able to be t in a competition i mean people will jump to ridiculous conclusions based on one competition of like i said seven to ten workouts yeah i'm just excited i'm just excited to see it i'm one of those people though i if if laura beats tia'll make the games very, very interesting. I think it's a win-win. If Tia comes back and wins this five months after her baby, she basically has the ability to say, if I was there, I would have won.
Starting point is 01:39:41 Best-case scenario, neither of them wins. Wow. Wow. Wow. All of a sudden, we we see gazan or we see raptus or somebody just come out of and just pass them by yeah man one thing about rogue that you can say and that i always look forward to is the creativity and the ability for them to push forward like the envelope as far as maybe what's possible in this that part of the iron game like katie talks about that you know you guys have never seen anyone do a log clean and press ladder in crossfit well why not it's that it's very easy to do it we'll show you and we'll put on a show and it was awesome so like i would love to me she's posted pictures of the
Starting point is 01:40:23 circus dumbbells and i think it would be awesome to see some kind of ladder like that i mean there's a lot of things that rogue can offer and a lot of things they have access to that even the games don't did the game john i like john young's comment here emma lawson wins yeah i think that'd be amazing do you remember at Rogue they did the event? The Games did it last year too, I think, and then Rogue did it. I don't think they did it at the Games this year.
Starting point is 01:40:52 I think Rogue's done it the last two years where it's basically an elimination event. The duel? The duels, yeah. The Games didn't do that this year, did they? No. But they did it the year before? They had some sort of duel?
Starting point is 01:41:08 Yeah, with the... Sandbags? No, they did it with the skill medley, where they eliminated the field. Oh, right, right. And before that, they had the sprint, where it was a bracket style. Right, okay.
Starting point is 01:41:20 Right, right, right. Yeah, I really liked that when they did that at Rogue. I hope they bring that back also. Same venue for Rogue? Same venue. Any hints on any crazy machines? Besides like those, remember that thing that they kept flirting with last year?
Starting point is 01:41:34 The roller coaster? Yeah, the roller coaster. Is that thing coming back? It's always hard to tell what they built for Strongman. I just hope the hill is still there like that's one of the things that i think about when i think of rogue i think of the hill and the outfield and how they may have to drag something up it they may have to pull something up it they may just have to run up it and down i just think it's a really cool element for that god legends doesn't excite
Starting point is 01:42:00 me at all oh what was that other? Show me that other thing. That most recent post. What is that? That thing going to the moon? What is that? The Iron Bull. And it's some kind of sled variation. It'll just be a massive strongman sled, probably. Oh, I kind of see it. Do they normally post
Starting point is 01:42:21 things that are strictly strongman based? I feel like that's normally their MO. Yeah, but that circus dumbbell had to be. I mean, strongmen aren't using a 50-pound. True. Mason Mitchell, Legends is completely worthless. I think it's a cool lineup but it's just sort of them walking through workouts i'm trying to think who i want to meet who's there
Starting point is 01:42:51 like maybe i want i'd like to hang out with josh everett yeah and that that that you just showed um caleb they i think there's a video of some law maybe a log attached to it and someone was walking it up and then flipping it. If they did something like that in elimination style that would be so fun to watch. If people were racing that. I've seen an event like that. I forget
Starting point is 01:43:18 where I saw it. I think it was like a Island Games Strongman type workout. That's exactly where it's from. Yep. Alright. All right. Great show. Anything, any stones on turn that anyone wants to bring up?
Starting point is 01:43:34 That'd be interesting to see who wins the, who wins the water polo qualifier and who's going to be taking 20 of those elite spots. Is there a leaderboard there is one yeah and the last couple workouts came out yeah yesterday they did them this morning uh and when is that over i want to say it's monday right mike yeah i think it's monday we'll we'll know and i mean i'm sure there'll be a lot of video review and changes and stuff like that. Oh, sure. Page Power's kicking ass. Emma Carey.
Starting point is 01:44:07 That's last year's in-person competition. Is it? Yeah. They go to 2024, 2023, 2024. If you do that middle drop down, I think.
Starting point is 01:44:21 No, there's nothing there. It's just 223. You know that they're having a competition that's just for people who are south of the border? The LATAM? Yeah. They had a few. That was one of the qualifiers last year.
Starting point is 01:44:40 There was like a few different... There was one in Brazil. There was one in Mexico. There was one in Mexico. There was a few others, and there was athletes that qualified out of those. They ended up finishing like mostly bottom of the pack. I'm okay with it. I like it.
Starting point is 01:44:54 It's good to bring them in, yeah. Oh, yeah, there you go. Yeah, I think it's cool. We're gathering 20 athletes from the best events in Latin America to crown live at the Tierwater Blues of Miami 2024. I like it. Yeah. So last year they would have just put them into the elite or RX pool.
Starting point is 01:45:10 Now they're putting them into their own pool, which I think is better because it shows them off a little bit more against similar athletes. Ken Walters racist. No, I wish it was, but it's not, it's,
Starting point is 01:45:22 it's really not. Jr. Do you think these two workouts flipped the leaderboard at all? Why? What were the workouts? Can you give us a hint? Long, tough, hard? One of the workouts was like a choose-your-own-adventure Diane.
Starting point is 01:45:37 So 45 deadlifts, 45 handstand pushups. Just do it however you want. Do it five rounds of nine and nine. Do it as written. Do it 21, 15, and nine do it as written do it 21 15 9 do it you know whatever um and then the other one was a 12 minute amrap of double unders dumbbell hang position lunges like in the farmer carry position and shoulder overhead i don't recognize any of these people's names dude oh because all the good dudes have already been invited yeah the invite well it's because it's because these people have already put in their
Starting point is 01:46:10 scores for the other two and the people will the people that are already in qualifying positions will wait until the last minute i don't think it's yeah obviously and so many good people are just invited right yeah spin put out a article about it like if you went to the games this year you're invited if you're a podium at in the last few years if you were podium at wadapalooza and then i think there's even some others where it's like and wadapalooza said like if everyone said yes everyone would compete so there's no like upper limit like dude the design on spins podcast is looking nice yeah i like it a lot yeah really nice all right cool well we'll cover this next week that'll be cool to see who's going
Starting point is 01:46:57 and anyone dropped out anyone who said they're going who's not going anyone last minute now who's saying that they are going i guess it's not last minute you haven't i haven't seen any um any posts about athletes that are confirmed to compete at water polo yet hey how often do you see jason hopper every day you do see he's training at your gym every day yeah dallin's in town this weekend they trained together today is he there to train with jason yeah he's just there to hang out and train for the weekend we're going to the football game tomorrow what football game uh clemson fsu is that is that fun will that be fun oh yeah i'm not sure if dallin or his wife have been to a major college football game before so it'll be it'll be a really cool experience if they have it
Starting point is 01:47:41 yeah i've never have why because the crowd's crazy yeah just because like the excitement in the south for college football is like pretty it's pretty wild as far as rednecks being rednecks and yeah hey that's safe right there with those cushions and shit those jump boxes being all or whatever those things are those cushions being all cockeyed that's actually what they're made for are they supposedions being all cockeyed? That's actually what they're made for. Are they supposed to be all cockeyed like that? It's fine. It's not.
Starting point is 01:48:10 Yeah, he's good. He's a professional. Yeah. All right. Thank you, everyone. Great show. Flew by. Hour and 47 minutes.
Starting point is 01:48:22 Tomorrow morning, he's on the show. Hey, have you been watching what Joe Neals is doing from CrossFit Kenosha? So cool. It is cool, right? Oh, no. And listening to Hunter talk about how good he is at it was even more entertaining. Hunter McIntyre. No one Google Hunter McIntyre naked. google a Hunter McIntyre naked do not google that
Starting point is 01:48:46 national treasure google it Jack Mosley thank you see you guys tomorrow morning 7am Pacific Standard Time buh bye

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