The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Games Update Show w/ Young, Ingraham, Brandon & Smith

Episode Date: August 19, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. Smart, you smart smart bam we're live welcome chase welcome mr young welcome happy friday i don't uh see caleb i know he's going to be joining us soon i don't see daniel brandon i know she's going to be joining us soon um i know you guys were wondering whether she's actually going to show um it would fuck with the continuity of the show if she did not uh if she did show but we're always open to some uh change in the plans i do want to make a quick announcement i guess i should have my notes up uh there is sorry caleb i started without you. You're good. Apologize.
Starting point is 00:01:33 There is this Working with Large Bodies Coaching Development Seminar at Diablo CrossFit in Pleasant Hill, California. It's right just outside of San Francisco. A mission to improve the lives of athletes living with obesity by empowering their coaches through education and advocacy. This is put on by a dear friend of mine named Athena Perez. She's been a guest on the show, a good show. She tore me up a little bit. Approved CEU provider, CrossFit certifications. It's on September 30th, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Starting point is 00:02:05 I have asked her, I called her today. First I texted her so not to ambush her, and I've asked her if I could come film this event with film all of the lectures and then interview the participants like I used to do for the level ones before, during, and after the event all through. And basically it's my way of getting an education on what's going on there. It's always been a mission of this podcast from the beginning
Starting point is 00:02:31 to support the Greg Glasson's message that CrossFit is a cure for the world's most vexing problem, chronic disease, which really has been changed to be called a bunch of other things, type 2 diabetes, obesity, cancer. So many of these things are just because people are addicted to refined carbohydrates and they're not moving. And so Athena has made it her goal – we'll have her on soon to promote this a little bit too – but in life to make it so that people who are large bodied feel extremely comfortable entering these crossfit gyms on all the continents on this planet we call earth and she not only make them feel
Starting point is 00:03:12 comfortable by uh by speaking to them directly but also by offering seminars to coaches so you know how to work with someone who might feel inhibitions about going to a crossfit gym because of their size. And to be honest with you, that's like 50% of the fucking population in the United States now. So I love this. I've asked her if I could go there, film it. I'm going to completely film it to death, interview the people, ask them why they went
Starting point is 00:03:37 there, what they're learning. And at the end, ask them, hey, are you glad you came? And I think we will get a lot of really serious and honest responses like John Young is not gay. Therefore, I'm pumped. I'll be continuing to – oh, yeah, more than 15 percent? 50 percent? Okay. Yeah, so this is a tremendous value.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Anyway, so my thing is I'm going to be at this thing. So September 30th, 2023, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. just outside of San Francisco, Oakland. It's in the Bay Area. I'm going to be at this one. If you want to sign up for this one, I'll also get to see you if you're a listener to this podcast. 42 days, 12 hours, 56 minutes, um, and 20 seconds until the seminar
Starting point is 00:04:28 kicks off. But you'll be hearing me, uh, talk about this a lot and pump it up. I'm excited for there to be a good crew there so I can get some good content. And then I'll be giving her the hard drive, um, so that she can use it to promote it, uh, in any way she wants with what I believe will be authentic, deep, honest conversations with the participants. That's great. Thank you. I'm pumped. I'm pumped about it. Caleb. Hi. There's something I sent you in the notes that I didn't send you right. And I also didn't send you the links to the coffee wads and pods podcast
Starting point is 00:05:07 with Adrian I gave you the time codes which will also I'm sure be off but and then Ben Smith is coming on at 640 so we'll have Daniel Brandon for like 30 minutes and then we
Starting point is 00:05:23 will get Ben Smith and then I presume that John Young and Chase and you will stay on for the entire show so people will get you guys for the entire show you're welcome is Adam Klink not coming on anymore Klink is running I think the
Starting point is 00:05:40 race that he's running the same race that Rich rode 100 mile run oh yeah didn't he try that last year and just his body crazy rabdo yeah last year dang he back at it again that's awesome links a stud man is he the biggest guy to would he be the biggest guy to complete that do you have to qualify for that? 100 mile races. People don't do those unless they're 100 pounds.
Starting point is 00:06:09 People north of 200 pounds don't do that. That's what I'm saying. He's bigger than Hunter. I know Hunter might be the biggest. I can't think of anybody else. I do, Wad Zombie, have a Ben Smith card. That's a great point.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Legendary Ben Smith card. That's a great point. Legendary Ben Smith card. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Not even opened. Oh. Not even opened. That's dope. Ben Smith. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:06:40 His gym is right down the road from me, and I haven't been yet. Oh, really? Is that close to you? Yeah, I mean, it's like 40 minutes. Oh, okay. That's not quite right down the road. I, and I haven't been yet. Oh, really? Is that close to you? Yeah, I mean, it's like 40 minutes. Oh, okay. That's not quite right down the road. I mean, here it's like next door. Lucky Camera Straps, Australia, 1499.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Hey, everyone. We'll field one question before Danielle comes on. I'm sure she's racing to her computer. She's probably really stressed out now that she's a minute late. Hey, everyone. Any speculation on format changes for the more relocatable CrossFit games? More relocatable. I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 00:07:13 But any speculation? Chase probably has too much information to speculate, right? You probably have insider information. No, I don't have insider information. Okay. So with your outsider information um is there anything you want to say about a new location in terms of what it looks like uh what it means like it's where you are no it's uh i don't know i think it has been spoken
Starting point is 00:07:40 pretty loudly um caleb ran into someone at the airport who told him that it's going to be in Texas. There's all that noise out there, but it was Birmingham, Alabama. Sorry, Caleb. Sorry, Caleb. I didn't say that. It was a done deal. Birmingham, and then it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:07:58 So until it's announced officially, who freaking knows? What should it be or could it be? I don't know. I know they'll make the right choice i'll give them the benefit of the doubt there they've done pretty good so far i am excited i'm glad it's not in la i love madison i hope it's in another um uh uh what do you call what do you call madison a big big small u.s city what's the term for that
Starting point is 00:08:21 little big city little big city or big city small town yeah i that? Little big city. Big city. Little big city or big city, small town. Yeah. Little big city. Yeah. Little big city. That's much better. Fort Worth's bigger than Madison,
Starting point is 00:08:32 isn't it? Massive. Yeah. I mean, because it's connected with Dallas. Essentially, they're the same.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Dallas, Fort Worth, they're like one big city. It's right up the road. What about San Antonio? What's San Antonio like? San Antonio is the sixth biggest city in the world. San Antonio is huge.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Or United States. United States. But it's just spread out. I mean, it's not – I think there are – oh, who sent this to me today? Somebody sent this to me today. Oh, my buddy Drew sent this. And he says there are more people in the DFW area
Starting point is 00:09:00 than 35 states in this country. Whoa. Whoa. Not combined. Isn't there more people in Houston though than the DFW area? Maybe. Because Houston's the fourth biggest. Houston.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Ass. The show. San Antonio to Dallas is about five hours driving the speed limit. And 35 is not a shit show. And the speed limit is 75 miles an hour in Texas. Yeah, that's great. Speed limit.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Yeah. I always take that toll road where it's 85. No, I don't have money for that, Chase. Oh, man. Once I started working for CrossFit, I was taking the toll road. That's true? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Toll road, 85? 85. It's awesome. There's an 85. Because it's too far off in Texas, which is I'm all for. Somewhere in West Texas, it's just 85 is the speed limit for everywhere. It's just one road. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:03 I will say this. like for everywhere. It's just one road. Yeah. I will say this. I do like the change of locations. Uh, a theme that we've heard from both Adrian and Dave repeatedly about new locations is they do inspire, uh, new kinds of workouts. They, um, inspire them with their, uh, creativity and something that, um, Adrian said that I thought was way interesting. He said a bunch of stuff. That podcast is great, and I like it when Pedro interviews people that I'm friends with because he asks questions that I probably wouldn't ask, that I would probably stay away from.
Starting point is 00:10:35 And he asked Adrian a lot of good questions. But this one question he said to him was, did you take Dave's job? No, we'll get to that one in a minute. That one is not one I would have asked him. Oh, Adrian says, I'm paraphrasing, but he says if an event isn't making some sort of errors, you're not pushing hard enough when you put on the event. There needs to be an element of risk in all creative endeavors.
Starting point is 00:11:04 And what's interesting is just earlier today when I was watching some Sean O'Malley videos, Sean O'Malley basically said the same thing about fighting. He says the hardest thing basically about fighting is that to get better, you always have to be failing in practice. And I think I heard Serena Williams say that too, that practice is just all about losing so that you can win on game day. And Alexis Poppies says similar things who's alexis poppies uh she was an olympic runner i cannot tell you specifically what event i know is distance i think danielle be honest with me was it like 10 minutes ago you were like, oh, shit, I got a podcast to do? Or was it like 30 seconds ago you were like, oh, shit, I'm on a podcast that started already? Honestly, I was texting.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Sorry, on FaceTime. Not texting. I was on FaceTime. And I got caught up in a good conversation. So I am sorry about that. No, I am actually concerned that you're here because it kind of breaks the continuity of. I thought about it. Good.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Hey, did someone twist your arm? Was a friend of yours like, hey, just do it. Come on, be cool. No. No, okay. No one twist Danielle Brannon's arm. Hey, dude, congratulations. Another one down.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Another one down is right. You pumped? Huh? You pumped? you invigorated you charged like people are always like oh are you recovering i'm like recovering i'm fucking i got shot out of there like a cannon i'm more excited than ever um but i didn't work out yeah like. Like I'm not necessarily pumped. I'm excited to make sure a lot of the things that happen don't happen again. But, you know, I feel like that, that happens every year, but this year I think more so than ever, like there are some changes that need to be made that like, I'm, I think I'm like ready to make you're going to hwpo no
Starting point is 00:13:08 no not that big no no no no no okay um uh what about that documentary crew that was following you can you tell me about that like how that worked out you? Can you tell me about that? Like how that worked out? Did someone come up to you like at some point during the week or right before the game started and was like, hey, Danielle, there's a documentary crew here. Do you want to be part of it? Yeah. Right before, I want to say check-in.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Actually, Dave introduced me to two women. I wish I could tell you their names. But, you know, he was like, essentially, do you want to be a part of this documentary that we're doing? It's completely separate from CrossFit. Um, you know, gave me a little bit of background on him and he's like, they want to follow you throughout the weekend. Um, and I was like, I would love to be a part of that. And so, you know, they followed me around. He mentioned like, they do know nothing about CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:14:06 which was cool because you really got like a fresh perspective, you know, I, or what I hope they're going to portray as like a very, have you watched any of the documentaries on Netflix about like, you know, the tennis one, the golf, like how they do such a great job at explaining this sport that like, you think a lot of people know about, but like I'm learning things about these sports that I had no clue about. Sure. I believe that like, they'll do something very similar.
Starting point is 00:14:32 You know, it's cool that they'll explain CrossFit as if they're telling somebody who knows nothing about it at all. Like, which they really did. They asked so many questions, which they felt were really dumb, which like were kind of basic to me, but it'll help get the point across it wasn't a distraction in any way you
Starting point is 00:14:50 were happy to be a part of it no they were so nice about it too um you know there are also people who i think could just like read my emotions and if i was upset like they weren't gonna like immediately blast me um they were like let me give her some time like you know yeah yeah listen you know they know he's got to be told by matt to back off listen listen listen like i think there's a time and place right like to get i understand they're trying to tell this story they want to get like that emotion um they were good at balancing it though during by the way do you know chase um he's got the dave castro logo on i do know and do you know john young he's yes oh okay how the fuck does my finger work hi guys hi and you guys know i told you danielle was coming on yeah i've seen danielle before i don't think we've ever been on a podcast together though i don't think so i've watched
Starting point is 00:15:52 plenty with you in them though okay that's good to hear oh not because it was only you you made him turn red um well spin said she was gonna win the games and i was pretty down on that call so that's it that's why i turned red is that your favorite podcast the one brian spin does the one that chooses you to win the games me yeah brian didn't choose me to win the games brian spin who's that oh my god he's down and out let me see oh i feel bad kind of hey you know what's crazy too is he's not like an emotional uh picker he's like he's like he's like a little bit i fully walked you know asked me a month before the games, you know, if I was going to win the games and I would have told you yes,
Starting point is 00:16:48 but asked me the days leading up. No. Oh, um, uh, Oh yeah. Look at that. So this, so that's okay. I've seen this page. So that's the old one. That's just prior to the games. Two people in the poll picked you to win the games yeah wow that's cool yeah that's crazy cool um uh gray ghost five dollars uh fuck yeah danielle brandon energy db um danielle the why what what changed i to go back to the documentary thing.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Don't forget Seve. But what changed? Why? What changed that you went from, dude, I'm going to put the hammer down out there to, uh-oh, where's my hammer? You know, as like every athlete goes through the weekend, there's a lot of different circumstances that kind of – you know, you have to come together as an athlete on this one weekend. Essentially, everything has to be just right, you know, physically, mentally. And unfortunately, I just like wasn't in a place where I think physically I was necessarily as capable as I was, you know, three weeks before the games.
Starting point is 00:18:06 as capable as I was, you know, three weeks before the games. Um, it just like something specific that you're not, that you're not like, is it like, Hey, I hurt my big toe or my back hurt or I'm pregnant. It's so silly. Um, you know, I think I almost hate saying it out loud. Cause sometimes it can feel as like an excuse, but, um, I think it's more just like unfortunate timing and circumstances. I had like a, a messed messed up tooth and like infection in my mouth and i had to take like a week off and you know on antibiotics yeah oh it was like it's just like i hate thinking about it because it's so stupid and well yeah i don't know and i don't hear it as an excuse i i'm asking you're painting the picture for us and I appreciate you sharing it. Anybody suck when you're competing at that high level, especially if they're,
Starting point is 00:18:48 I'm guessing you took a lot. Yeah. I think it's just cause I don't really know exactly what it was. So it's hard to like pinpoint it on that. Um, but you know, like you asked, like Matt or anybody who was near me in training, like three weeks before the games, like i was on like this amazing trajectory like you know the things i was doing in training were amazing and um you know and then i kind of got to the games and yeah i was on antibiotics for like over a week and had to take that week off and um just kind of got to the games and felt like the first couple of days kind of how you feel
Starting point is 00:19:26 when you take like two weeks off um just like unfortunate timing um but you know like i don't walk away from the weekend with any less confidence that i can win the game so does any of the pressure get to you the notoriety and the eyeballs and the like do you ever get anxiety like you pull up to the venue and you have to get out of the car and you does anything get to you not that but i think um it only can maybe it seems like it gets to me or whatever because i put that pressure on myself now if i wasn't putting that pressure on myself and other people were sure it'd be like these people getting to me, but because I put that pressure on myself of having the same expectations that other people do, um, you know, I take responsibility for feeling any of that pressure because I don't mean that pressure to win. I mean, just the straight
Starting point is 00:20:20 fame pressure. Like you pull up, you get out of the car and it's like you know you have 60 feet to go from getting out of the car across that cement then another 30 feet to get into the athlete area before and you're going to interact with a shitload of people and i saw you be gracious with everyone you don't walk with your head down you make eye contact but i see the whole way it's two steps picture two steps picture two steps picture and i'm thinking to myself god i wonder like if she feels starts getting like anxious um you know it's a choice that i'm willing to make to do those things and yeah i don't i wouldn't say anxious is the right word okay you're not tripping you're not like embarrassed or or high strung by it or feel energy getting taken from you it It's not like that.
Starting point is 00:21:05 No. I mean, if I do feel energy taken from me, it's like that's on me and, like, that's my fault because I will only allow so much of that. You know, and, like, I'll know it. I'll be like, okay, like – but I thrive on people's energy. Like, that's how I get my energy is because of people around me. Like, I've always been like that. I could see that because you were great with it i never saw and i mean you're exceedingly cool to everyone wow thank you but yeah i mean the only time that it does really
Starting point is 00:21:35 take away from me is like if i allow it or you know i mean like people are gonna be people and they're gonna take it too far sometimes and i'm'm like, but I'm just like, damn, like that person could chill a little bit. Um, when, when you were doing the, when I didn't see the weightlifting event, cause I was inside waiting for people to come in and I was interviewing people and I heard, started hearing rumblings of people. Oh shit. Daniel Brandon's on the floor crying. Were you on the, were tears coming out of your face on the floor I was struggling on the floor yeah like water was coming out of your face probably a little bit yeah yeah and um when you do that it is it um so so let me go a little further so then you come off the floor and all the other times that you've come off the floor, you're surrounded by cameras.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Yeah. And you come out and no one is fucking getting close to you. Yeah. It's a little old me. I ran. You walked over to the stairs. I'm like, OK, Seve. And I run over there and you're by yourself.
Starting point is 00:22:42 And I see the documentary crew and everyone's like, oh, fuck. Like no one wants a piece of that. Yeah. And you bent over and I think you were fiddling with your shoes. I think you were loosening your shoes, I'm guessing. Yeah, I'm not a good lifter. And I hadn't seen your face yet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:59 And I'm like, okay, Sebi, you got to fucking break dice. And I think I said to you, how the fuck was that? okay, Sebby, you got to fucking break dice. And I think I said to you, how the fuck was that? And you froze for like just a half a second. And you looked over and there's this smile in your eyes. It's kind of like, I wouldn't say you were mad at me, but it was a little bit of a forced smile.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Yeah. But I'm like, hey, I'm justifying it like, okay, she might be pissed at me now, but she's not going to be pissed at me afterwards in the behind the scenes when she sees this. And then I start walking with you. And as I'm walking with you, you're walking towards Matt Torres and I see him going. Oh, that's funny. I didn't know that. I'm like, dude, waving me off.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Oh, you'll see the footage of it. And I was just like. Oh, that's funny. I didn't know that. Can you share with me the. And just in Matt's defense too. Matt looked terrified too. Like, oh shit.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Like he's about to have to fight one-on-one with the cheetah. Like a wild cat. But he stepped into it it and then you guys walked off down the hallway what's that conversation like what do you guys um you know i guess i'll just walk you through the events maybe yeah yeah yeah yeah um typically on like weightlifting events we've learned um i work really well with dom so dom took me me through warmup, went through kind of a similar warmup and, you know, that we went through at semis because Dom kind of coached me through the snatch at semis and it went really well. And we did the same thing at the games. You know, this time we're
Starting point is 00:24:37 having to warm up for snatch and clean and jerk. Everything's like, you know, feeling as good as it can at that point. I actually, I think that was the first time, like, I kind of like felt a little more normal and I was like, dang, like I do kind of have like a little more energy than I've been having. Um, and you know, I was like really confident in my weightlifting because that's something we've worked on a lot this year. Typically I'm a really consistent stature, um, clean and jerks. We've been doing a ton like before, you know, I'd hit like 220. I hit like a two 30.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Like it wasn't anything of like, like I, you kind of on a weightlifting event, you know what you're going to do like typically. Um, and so we're warming up for snatches. It's going great. And then we kind of switched to clean and jerks and I'm like warming up and I'm like, dang, like my pole is like really great but then we kind of get to like 175 and I kind of just like fall back and I'm like oh like I just caught it kind of like weird you know um and then I do another one and like my legs just like didn't work um I kind of just like dumped it forward and I'm like
Starting point is 00:25:42 I was just like whoa like that was weird like I don't know my legs just feel dumped it forward and I'm like, I was just like, well, like that was weird. Like, I don't know. My legs just feel off. And I think I like tried again and I like literally just like couldn't, I don't know, like my legs didn't hurt. They just like weren't working. And so then I started freaking out. Like, I'm like, what the fuck's going on? Dom didn't know what was going on. So we're of like what do we do and then you know they're calling us out and we're like okay well we're like we have to get something on the board like we have to do something so i was like okay like power like we just have to so i powered like 185 in the back or 185 195 and i'm like well whatever and then they're calling us out and I'm like all right get through the snatch and then get to the clean open up with 195 and then for some reason I have Cooper yelling
Starting point is 00:26:31 at me to go to like 215 and I was like what I was like at this point I'm like whatever like that's an aggressive jump but if someone's telling me to do that I'll do it failed you know kind of knowingly like that was just just wasn't gonna happen that day um and then you know it's really tough to be on the floor when i didn't know what was going on um and i don't want to like you know that's like such a fun event where you're literally watching all of your competitors go through and everybody's cheering for them you know and it's like the super happy like everybody's hitting prs like and i'm just like damn i'm not having fun out here like i don't care that my competitors are doing well right now like i don't care you know i think a lot of people
Starting point is 00:27:16 look at it as like oh what a poor sport like she's not watching and i'm like you think like any competitor wants to watch their competitor do good? Like, no. So I was just like, I was honestly like just struggling. And I was laying out there and I'm like, damn, like what is going on? This is really hard. Walked off. Just like had like there was just nothing more to it.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Like I just didn't do what I thought I was supposed to do how long did it take for that to get behind you honestly like in a situation like that where like mentally I was showing up like you know even even with 215 like when I walked up to the bar, like, I was like, there's potential. I could just randomly, like, I'm like, I've hit this before. You know, I've hit this in training. Like I hit this all the time. Like I could do it.
Starting point is 00:28:12 And then it just didn't happen. Like it's tough when I mentally showed up and just like physically was not there. So it was like very easy to kind of walk away and be like, well, we just don't know what happened. And it was the worst finish of the day for you 26 yeah um do you think that fueled your sunday because your sunday you had like the your best day of the games um yeah just like a pissed off attitude or nothing to lose i think it was like a nothing to lose. You know, I think what the first event on Sunday was the log one.
Starting point is 00:28:49 So, I mean, it was tough because Sunday also, if you look at those events, like the muscle up one, the traverse one. And I mean, maybe not necessarily the final, but you would look at those events and you're like, Oh, like these aren't terrible events on paper for Daniel Brandon. Like, but yeah, like you're like, Oh, like these aren't terrible events on paper for Daniel Brandon. Like, but yeah, like Sunday, like I definitely physically finally like felt better. Like, I don't know what was going on with my body, but I finally like, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:19 had a little more in me and like wasn't just like suffering right away. And then yeah, like I literally had that like a nothing to lose like I remember doing the muscle-ups and I was like I'm just gonna go out here and like just do CrossFit like the way I know how to do CrossFit um and I think even that was the one event where we we didn't hammer down um like strategy as much because of the position I was in that it was like, let's just get you to like somehow do a workout. And like, just like survive. And that was the one workout I walk away where I'm like, dang, like, I definitely like had a little more if I had been in this position
Starting point is 00:29:58 of like, fighting, like, I don't like fighting for every little thing in that workout. Like, not to say I didn't, but, um, I think I left like a little bit out there as far as like my best strategy. And you took, uh, and that one you took, uh, what would you take? Seventh? Seventh. Yeah. Like there was a little bit where after I finished, I was like, Oh, like if we had maybe, you know, been in a head space in a headspace or a little bit different approach with this workout, like, you know, I think I could have done like a little bit better, like the way I approached the muscle ups, I kind of like figured it out mid workout. Um, but I was still like really happy. Like I was like essentially happy with that one. And then, you know, the traverse one, I was like, honestly, like, I'm just going to try to do what I know how to do.
Starting point is 00:30:45 And from heat one. Yeah. Yeah. And like went for it. Even in that workout, I finally felt that fire of like, fuck it. Like, just go for it. Like, you're feeling good. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:30:56 I think I got so caught up in the workout that I forgot that I had to like change the rope. And I was like, what am I doing? You know, kind of got lost in it and then yeah the final you know I think that's probably one I'm most proud of because of how I was feeling physically you know everybody's feeling some way um but I just I just didn't feel like myself and that's one you would look at and probably not think I would maybe get a top 10 on um and I like really fought for that one so hey were you glad when it was over was there a sense of relief no no honestly I like wasn't super glad it was over
Starting point is 00:31:35 because I did it on a great day and I was like dang like I finally feel like I'm doing what I'm capable of um not that I was like physically ready for more, but like, I was just like mentally like, dang, like that didn't go nearly how I planned it. Um, uh, uh, in that rad video that came out a few days ago there, they do say in that scene and you reiterated it here that, um, you were with Dom and Torres went with Emma during the the lift what happens if you would have wanted torres and she would have wanted dom or what if both of you want the same guy does that ever happen where it's like you guys are both in the same heat and you guys both want the same coach uh yes and no i think um we kind of came up with a strategy after semis of what would work best because there was a little bit of that where, you know, you have three, you have five athletes trying to qualify for the games.
Starting point is 00:32:33 And, you know, you have some really like, you know, podium potential and like top 10 potential athletes within that group. group um so it can be you know really hard to balance that when you know i want to be as selfish as possible but i'm also kind of just as a person trying to be aware of the other people around me um who also have the same coach um so it can be definitely hard as an athlete to be selfish in that way um so we we realized like we needed a plan after semis to be like okay like this coaches will always get like this athlete will always have this coach's priority this athlete will have this person this person um so we kind of there is a plan for that yeah we like solidified that before the games So that there's no waste of energy or tension around it at game day. Exactly, because we did waste a little bit of that at semis. But we figured it out. Good to hear.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Andy Schneider, if training at altitude will increase your stamina by 10%, let's just say any percent, for three days, why wouldn't everyone train at altitude for two or three months before the games? That's a good point you know i was talking to somebody today about how i think chandler and somebody else trains at altitude not to do oh chase john it's a lot of resources cyclists do that um but the Brute Camp moving to 10,000 feet? In Boulder? The mountains? No.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Who has won the CrossFit Games from Utah? Those teams did pretty good. Well, yeah. If we look at the individuals, none of them are mountaineers. Is Salt Lake City at a mile high? She is from Australia. She's below sea level, okay? I don't think it's doing that much.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Yes. I don't know. Chandler had such a good year. He did have a good year. He did. Like really good, right? Jeff Gassick, Daniel Brandon. You, Brute, and the Rad Crew is awesome.
Starting point is 00:34:47 I love your fucking fight. Tell us more of what you were told after that quote have a big get have big lick give us a hello good job sevian team uh what's this tell us more what you were told after that quote oh what quote um the espn thing yeah the espn um how i swore on espn oh oh what did you say even you're like they get onto you i saw dave come and yell at the um i saw dave talk to you i think i got a little bit of that on film but then i saw him talk to the next heats yeah he just what did you say you're just like fuck yeah or i'm glad i fucking won that or i know i was just like i'm ready to fucking fight yeah i like that that's good yeah and like i mean i didn't read i didn't know i maybe this is just like really stupid of me and naive i just didn't realize you couldn't swear on like espn maybe this is stupid or naive
Starting point is 00:35:45 of me but i didn't know dave was such a pussy yeah no yeah like i it's just funny to me you know a lot of like friends after were like if they should have told anyone not to swear on tv it should have been you and they knew an event was coming like they they knew it was a handstand one um but it was yeah it was i mean if i had known like i totally would have respected that and not sworn um i put money on it oh you did an event or money on an event when and you to say fuck on national television oh wow that's good chase you're good and you. Yes. And you did. I'm like, there it is. Oh, you knew it. Like, if you know it,
Starting point is 00:36:30 you know, I feel like they should have a little bit. That is too good. Hey, how could they not know it when you have Instagram posts like this? Listen, this is a Daniel Brandon montage with the great Conor McGregor speaking in the background. I've lost my mind during this game. Like Vincent van Gogh.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Dedicated his life to his art. I lost his mind in the process. That's happened to me. But fuck it. That gold belt is around my waist. My mother has a big mansion. My girlfriend has a different car for every day of the week. My kids' kids
Starting point is 00:37:08 have everything they ever want. Then it will pay. Then I'm happy I lost my mind. Did you make this? No, Jermaine did. Oh, but you make a lot of your stuff. Some of it. it's like connor
Starting point is 00:37:26 had like cotton balls in his mouth oh he's irish no it's different we i know one of those hey um doesn't sound like this no matter how much we try to make him how how was that with dave was it tense or is he cool or is he a dick or how is that when he like i thought it was totally you know he was frustrated so maybe he came at me with a little bit of frustration but it was like i wasn't concerned i wasn't but hurt by it it was more just like oh man like you know i just wish i would have known a little bit and like wouldn't have done it um now i know you can't swear on espn unless you're a fighter or you're a fighter or rapper you can i think it's gonna be funny next year but i think like espn espn gets fined right
Starting point is 00:38:22 someone i think someone said that, that they get fined. They send the bill to Torres. No. Or to Dave, apparently. Hey, you didn't color your hair this year for the games? I didn't, no. Any thought in that? Any reason?
Starting point is 00:38:40 I just thought I could be blonde for a season. Yeah, cool. All right. We accept you as a blonde. Hey, in that rad video, why is Marconi around so much? He's a HWPO guy, but you're Bruton. It's a rad event. Why is he around so much in those videos?
Starting point is 00:38:56 In the last video you showed me? Yeah, like he's in the kitchen cooking and stuff. Yeah, he's really great friends. You know, we're great friends, and he's good friends with Cooper as well. So you guys just co-mingle, the camps co-mingle? Oh, yeah. Like that, I think one of the nights like Jason came over, Jason, O'Keefe and everyone came over to the house.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Oh, wow. Yeah, it was cool. Wow, I didn't think that that should happen. Hey, what was it like filming with, yeah, there he is. There he is. Good job, Caleb. Wow, that is the exact clip that I saw that I'm like, what the fuck is that guy doing there? Yeah. Okay. So friend, you know, the body were, um, at a time like this, like our body worker is also working on Amanda, um, you know, Bethany, a couple other athletes. Barnhart. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:51 That rad shoot, is that the first time when you guys went to the Speedway, is that the first time you've hung out with Laura Horvath? No. I also, I think I did a shoot with her another time as well. What's she like? She seems really fun and lighthearted. Yeah. I mean, she's serious serious she's big big business gal she's there for business so so she was very serious she wasn't i was being sarcastic she wasn't light-hearted and fun no she wasn't not those things but i mean we were also there like it was very hot um
Starting point is 00:40:24 you know she showed up I think she got a little lost on the way we're like in these jumpsuits like it's really hot and so we're just trying to you know get pictures get stuff done did you bond did you get her phone number I didn't we didn't get to bond okay sometimes I comment on her stuff on instagram though and get sometimes like a heart or just a scene okay yeah do you ever get a um a caddy on there with her uh no no okay all all love oh yeah i mean like if you have respect for any competitor it's laura and tell me why is that she's just like a savage like she's literally just that a savage yeah you like to kill her she is a savage yeah you know yeah i do know you get what i'm saying hey i really do know you know i called her the other day
Starting point is 00:41:22 i saw a little bit of that clip but i didn't see it entirely and she basically said hey who is this i said seven she said oh if i would have known it was you i wouldn't have picked up damn exactly uh when does when do you get back to the drawing board you said you've been um you you guys have already it sounds like you guys have already talked about tinkering with your training when do you guys get back to that yeah i mean i think um next week we'll definitely start a little bit of something so yeah um uh mr young do you do you see anything what did you think of danielle's performance at the games this year um i mean, it's very consistent, which she's pretty good. She's known to be pretty consistent.
Starting point is 00:42:10 I would say that she's probably used to her 20th being more like 15th. And and that would be the difference. And and if you take the weightlifting event and what she can put up, you can give her 50 more points on that. That'd be around a fifth or fourth place. And I think that's where she's accustomed to finishing. So taking all those were like what she said. She was, it was on antibiotics before she wasn't feeling good. Sunday was her last best day. She had nothing to lose.
Starting point is 00:42:40 I think she, you take all those into consideration and her ninth place is really like with her best potential is really a fourth place with perfect execution. And yeah, that's what I think. A lot of people have said, hey, Danielle Brandon's, she's got to get her emotions under control. She's too emotional. She's out there just leaking energy all over the place. It's fucking her shit up. Is that true, Chase? Did we just see, you think that, that there's a Daniel Brandon, um, emotion issue that she better get that shit under control? I mean, or is it all good? I think that the double-edged sword of feeding off the energy of others
Starting point is 00:43:26 is that when it's positive, it's great, and when it's negative, it can be bad. We've seen the same thing with Noah. We've seen the same thing with Sarah. That being said, they also used to tell Rich to stop playing sports during the CrossFit game season because you could injure yourself. But he was just a competitive dude, and that's what made him him and i think this emotion that daniel feeds off of is part of that realm of
Starting point is 00:43:50 it's it's her superpower yet can still be a you know her own super villain at the same time so i would say maybe curb 20 of the negative feeling. And that's kind of that percentage that John is talking about. And that comes with experience and that comes with competition, uh, tenure. And I think, you know,
Starting point is 00:44:13 you, what it's, we're three or four years into that now on the big stage and you do get better. This is an off year and you could see that in the first day of competition. And then the next two days, it was probably two days of frustration because of day one.
Starting point is 00:44:25 And then on the fourth day, we were just kind of like, all right, fuck it. We're going for it. And then you were back to your old self again. So I chalk it up to one of those. Bernie Gannon, Daniel Brandon, energy needs to learn, lean into her energy, not repress it. It's called DBE. Daniel, what do you, what do you think? Do you think that, do you think you're pretty emotional out there that you have more highs and lows than you
Starting point is 00:44:45 need to throughout the week and that it's a it hurts you or do you think that it's it's good and it um it helps you or is it just a mischaracterization i'm open to it being a mischaracterization of you in totality you know i i mean always like i think people see a lot more on the outside than what's really going on um so it's easy to be like, Oh, like, you know, she's just frustrated at this. And now it's affecting this. But also what people don't see is that like, as I am, like, you know, sometimes like, frustrated on the field, like I'm still working, and I'm not like, letting that take away from my work. But also, like, I will say this year, as many things that were really out of my control, probably the most of any year, physically, like, old me, like, mentally would not have kept showing up. And, like, I can most confidently say that, like, every workout, I mentally showed up for myself.
Starting point is 00:45:46 And just unfortunately, like, physically could not be there like it was just like a you know kind of a shitty situation um in the past like you know say like the COVID year where like there was a ton of things that were out of my control um but mentally I did not show up for every workout like I absolutely did not and I did not do everything in my control. Um, you know, I skipped warmups. Like I, you know, I stopped wanting to eat. Like, you know, I, I stopped a lot of those things that I could still control while this year, like, of course I was going to be more emotional as I'm already a much more emotional
Starting point is 00:46:21 person and ride those waves a little bit too much, but I still controlled everything I did. Like I was still getting body work. I still warmed up every workout. Like, you know, people don't see a lot of those things. So I think this year, if you saw anything on the floor, it was more just like frustration, but it wasn't like in the past, like I just like totally throwing everything out the window, giving up. It was just like, clearly I was just like just like, there's not much I can do.
Starting point is 00:46:49 And it's just shitty. But I mentally still showed up with what I had. And those are tough things to just see from the outside. And had you not, I mean, you probably would have been at risk with not even making the last cut because i know you were it was like 18th or 17th or something like that going into sunday and then you ended up top 10 yes like yeah whereas like in the past like i you know i know i would have been like what is you know and i did have those moments i'm like what the fuck am i even fighting for like i came into this weekend wanting to fight for a podium spot, and right now I'm fighting for 10th.
Starting point is 00:47:27 That's shitty. I was like, this fucking sucks. That's lame. I'm like, this is not it. This is not what I want to be doing. But damn, am I really going to walk away with this, feeling better about a ninth place or an 18th place? No matter what. What am I going to feel better about a ninth place or like an 18th place like yeah no matter what like what am i gonna feel better about and knowing i can walk away knowing i wasn't a little bitch and gave up
Starting point is 00:47:53 like that sucks more like you like that caleb i saw caleb's eyes lit up when you said that yeah i mean like seriously like easily and like i will say like covid year there was fucking moments where i was like i don't want to warm up and i didn't warm up and you can see that i think i got almost dead last on that echo bike snatch workout where i straight up was like i'm not warming up for this event i don't know so you used to be kind of a little bratty and you kind of got that brat under control you got that brat under control a little bit absolutely and like you know like it just came back to like okay danielle like stop letting the emotion talk like what do you really want yeah you know like and i would let the emotion talk and do everything and make all my choices for me and not to say i'm perfect now but like
Starting point is 00:48:40 how did that happen people how did that happen do you have a, do you have a coach for that or a mental coach or it's just, you're getting more mature and more self-reflective or how do you both? I mean, both it's like realizing like what my goals are and what I actually want. You know, I think in the years past, like I've never wanted to win. Like I truly never have. Like, I think you see a lot of people out there saying, you know, I come to the games with the one goal and winning. And like, I never showed up to the games with the one goal and winning and like I never showed up to the games with the one goal of winning like I truly showed up with the goal of doing the best I can and if that puts me at the top great but now I'm in a position where I'm like dang like I do have all the capabilities to do this like
Starting point is 00:49:17 I do want like I'm like I do want to win like you know, maybe I showed up 90% of wanting to do that. And then unfortunately, this weekend, what seems like a major setback, I still walk away with, no, I still can't do this. This weekend was just fucking shitty. Terrible circumstances and timing. But it just, I don't know. Do you think that could help you like coming into this weekend or that weekend in the headspace you were in the physical space and seeing how you countered
Starting point is 00:49:53 towards the end of the weekend, you think going through that could help you. Even if you say you came into the same situation next year, you'd actually be better than you would because you went through this. Absolutely. Like no doubt. Like I didn't know that I could fight. You know, I've always had like the physical capabilities to like fight through workouts to like really suffer. Like everybody can suffer. But like,
Starting point is 00:50:21 I did not know I could fight like that and like keep mentally showing up for myself. Like that is what I've realized can be really hard is to keep mentally showing up for yourself. When like, it's still not working. Like it's still not enough. Like that is it's hard. Like, you know, I was like, damn, like, I really showed up for myself. And all these people are telling me that if I'm just there mentally, like it'll be there. And I'm like, no, actually, I was there mentally, like physically. It was not there this weekend. Like it just wasn't like. Right, right. But I'm not letting that take away from like, oh, I easily could be like, I just physically don't have it.
Starting point is 00:50:57 And like that would be so stupid of me to like look at like what I have been doing and like my training throughout the year. And like it would be stupid of me to like, be like, Oh, I just physically don't have it. Like I mentally showed up. I just don't have it. I think anybody would tell me that's just stupid. So it is like, so good that I went through this weekend because I think there's like one, I know there's so many things that can change.
Starting point is 00:51:24 And it just like, just made me so much better. And the fact that I can walk away with it, not with less confidence, but more confidence. That's not something that for myself I take lightly because I typically have not had the most confidence when it comes to my capabilities. John Young using a different tone john young dancing john young folded john young restrained he's scared jesus guys guys he's fucking right there dude what do you want him to say jesus cry me you guys are dickheads but i wouldn't expect anything else um let's take a quick poll here before uh danielle uh runs did she run off to the bathroom the show is almost over danielle you don't got to go pee now it's almost over
Starting point is 00:52:11 where's ben smith he's supposed to be here um six minutes ago fuck his ben ben's pulling dv you think he's watching the show and that's why he didn't come on like he's waiting for us to kick her off ben where the fuck are you i'll see you pop up in the little window below and then i just kicked danielle off danielle peed huh on that froning intro with your uh kalipa podcast was awesome god when he was about to show his metal kalipa is a good dude he called me today he's like he wanted to pay me back he's like did you go pee?
Starting point is 00:52:48 no I had to get my charger oh hey oh nice hey I want to ask you a question here real quick um we're all hanging out
Starting point is 00:52:57 let's say hypothetically you know me, you Matt Torres Laura Horvat you know Matt O'Keefe Jake Marconi
Starting point is 00:53:04 whoever your friends. What's your dog's name? Cash. Cash. And me and you are in the kitchen. You open up the refrigerator, and you pull out a jar of pickles, and you can't open it. It's tight.
Starting point is 00:53:17 And you look across the room, and me and Laura are right there. Wad Zombie wants to know if – Laura. Fuck. I didn't even get to ask you a fucking question absolutely I want the pickle now I want it fast
Starting point is 00:53:32 I don't want it in five minutes you don't want me to put it between my legs and put both hands on it and ask for like a towel and like I start hitting the edge with the knife you don't want to watch me do all that no I want to eat a pickle not watch you gotta open a jar laura um okay uh sloppy slop savvy if you had to smell one person's toe spacers and you had to pick between daniel brandon rich and greg glassman uh who would you choose and why you don't get why but i would choose
Starting point is 00:54:00 rich and you don't do not get uh you don you don't get, uh, uh, a Y that'll be 55 99. Um, uh, John Young is jacked. All right. Uh, Hey, um, thank you for coming on. I appreciate it. Thanks for letting me hang out with you all weekend. You were, you were crazy gracious to me with the camera. Uh, your whole team was awesome. And, uh, yeah, i look forward to talking to you again you're awesome well thank you guys thanks for letting me ramble dude you weren't even rambling you were going off us it was it was good it was good it was really good i'm not just saying that thank you okay we brought someone on
Starting point is 00:54:38 who's not quite as good as you afterwards to make you look good so don don't worry. Who is it? Ben Smith. Oh. What's up, guys? Are you kidding me? Okay. Thank you, dear. Bye, guys. Bye.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Bye. Thank you, Danielle. Ladies and gentlemen, Danielle Brandon. Woo, Ben Smith. What's up, baby? What's going on? Thanks for doing this, buddy. What'd I miss?
Starting point is 00:55:05 We're just... Ron wants to smell Rich Froning's toe spacers. That is a total mischaracterization. Not that I want to. Ben. Yes. CrossFit Games champ. And coach champ.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Champ of a coach. champ of a coach coach of a champ 2000 what 15 talking about me yeah 2015 for me and your first games was when 2009
Starting point is 00:55:40 at the ranch yeah the third one they had at the ranch. What place did you take? 60-something behind Pat Sherwood. No shit. Yeah. Does he remind you of that every time he sees you? He should.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Yeah. We were at the same regional together. It was pretty cool. Hey, why has it been so long since you've done your podcast? We've just been busy, busy training, busy. My wife and I have our second baby due next month, so just been busy, busy at the gym. I got a long list of things to catch up on since the games are over.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Are you guys going to keep doing them uh we'll see i don't know i'd like to but kind of run out of stuff to talk about you know no guys what do you do you're on all the time you're talking to someone all the time i don't know yeah no no no ben you have plenty to talk about and people want to hear it keep doing it dude i went over there today and i'm like oh shit they haven't it's been a long time right it's been a while yeah yeah it's been we really just have been training a lot with the team. The team was down. Laura and Gabby were here.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Christoph was here. We had a few of the guys, the European guys, come by and stop by for a few weeks on their way to the games, and it was just kind of like training camp for a few months, so it was pretty busy. Didn't have a lot of time for it. What kind of people are attracted to Krypton as a place to come train and prep for the games, semifinals, open?
Starting point is 00:57:10 What type of people? I mean, we've never turned anybody down, so whoever asked. Kind of open to whoever wants to come. Is it a Motley crew? Is it a quirky crew? I think of it – I mean, I see Danny Spiegel. I see your brother i see laura horvat um there's more too right you got adam clink it just it's it seems like it's
Starting point is 00:57:32 just this really eclectic group sure of of is that what you think what's your perspective of people i i do that is my that's what i. I think it's just this crazy eclectic group of kind of like, um, misfits or outsiders or renegades, or it's like the fucking a team. You got like a Murdoch and you got like a Hannibal and you got the Mr. T and you got the face, man.
Starting point is 00:57:56 Do you remember that show? They team. I remember I'd ever watched it, but yeah, I remember the name. It's a little, it's a little before. It might've been before me.
Starting point is 00:58:03 I'll send you the DVDs. It's good all right so i just like like i'm trying to figure out so can you tell me your origin story with laura horvat how your guys's path uh crossed yeah i'm just on because you can't have laura on right no i couldn't have laura on i couldn't have clink on that that's you're after clink too ben oh he's running that race this weekend i know crazy yeah yeah he's crazy he's going after it again uh i hope we can finish um yeah no we met uh we did team series i think it was 2018 or 2019 um alec had invited her to the gym and i think she wanted to do team series and i didn't want to or something and we ended up partnering up and doing team series. And a couple of years later, she was friends with Alec.
Starting point is 00:58:48 He brought her to Krypton and you guys hit it. You ended up being on the team with her. Alex, the social one, you know, he's the social butterfly. He brings everybody, brings everybody to the gym,
Starting point is 00:58:57 keeps the business running. Yeah. Takes care of the brand for sure. Yeah, no. So we, we did team series together and that was the first time we had met and then uh she i think i saw her in the there was some qualifier for the games i think it was
Starting point is 00:59:11 the covid year um where she she she didn't do well in a workout and i don't think she made it to the next stage or whatever and i reached out to her and just said you know if there's anything i can do to help uh you know love to work together i mean so you like her you to her and just said, you know, if there's anything I can do to help, you know, love to work together. I mean. So you dug her and you saw potential. You see, I mean, you for sure. She was first year. She finished second place.
Starting point is 00:59:32 And you're like, where, where does this girl come from? What's she doing? And yeah, she came by the gym. She just crushed me in the team series that year. I'm like, yeah, she's, she's got what it takes to win. Like you see it right away. And yeah. And then I was like, anything I can do to help?
Starting point is 00:59:46 And we ended up training together. And I'd say we're more like training partners, anything, more than anything, more than like a coach or whatever. Yeah, it's just been good and just kind of gone from there. And we'll come back to Laura. I was outside the stadium, and I started hearing rumblings that Ben Smith had hurt himself. And I then saw you come out of the North Park underneath the bleachers, and you were sitting in a car, and I came over to you, and you looked like you were in pretty bad shape. Can you tell us what happened there?
Starting point is 01:00:23 I was an idiot and tried to re-rack a jerk or something like that. Nobody does that. I re-racked a jerk and my knee popped. I don't know what happened. A failed jerk? A failed jerk? A failed jerk. So I tried to catch it, left arm buckled. And then I tried to re-catch it for some reason, like thinking that I'm going to hit the lift after I just missed the lift because they only give you a 20-second window. And knee popped, kind of locked up on me. It felt like when you roll your ankle, like it just immediately starts swelling. I felt it right away, and I knew something was up.
Starting point is 01:00:56 It kind of worried me a little bit. So, yeah, that was about it. But they were able to get me back there and check it out. And personally, if it was me, I'd have called it. But they were able to get me back there and check it out. Personally, if it was me, I'd have called it. I'd have been out. There's no way I would have wanted to go try to compete the rest of the weekend. What was the diagnosis?
Starting point is 01:01:16 So they were able to do – they did x-rays, and I was good. Nothing – like they were afraid there was like a patellar. There could be like a fracture or something there. And then they were able to do ultrasound, and they could see like a tear in my patellar tendon underneath my kneecap it was like it was just like one specific spot they were able to pinpoint it and and check it out and see it so that was actually uh pretty cool they could do that but um yeah so partially torn patellar tendon i guess a painful one it happened uh yeah it was painful it kind of just locked up on me and then i couldn't really put much weight on it for a little bit but kind of limping couldn't really couldn't really
Starting point is 01:01:50 walk well uh hard to bend it and then it hurt bad when i was trying to trying to run that 5k after that and you're saying that if this would have been an individual comp you would have pulled yourself yeah absolutely i think so there was no point in kind of suffering through the rest of the weekend um but you know the team wanted to keep going and they were they were up for like hey you know if you need to slow down fine we just kind of want to move on you know we're able to make the cuts we want to keep competing we train together for this like we're all here for this let's try to keep doing what we can do and um yeah just didn't want to let the team down it's different being team man and uh dude if i'm on your team though i'm struggling if i knew that i'm struggling to
Starting point is 01:02:30 um this is after that happened yeah the next event was a 5k run i was uh i was uh i was worried and what happened during that 5k run were you able to do it yeah yeah hobbled through it hobbled through it i had to squat on one leg yeah dang my left leg was so sore after that weekend how is it now how is it now how are you it feels okay it feels all right it's um it's like any any uh any hard weight bearing on that side that side, I can't run or jump on it. But if I don't have pain when I'm walking, I don't have pain all the time. So it's definitely gotten – it's definitely healed. I haven't done anything since the Games.
Starting point is 01:03:13 This is the longest I've not worked out since I got married, and we went on our one week – we went on a honeymoon for a week, and I didn't work out at all. That was the last time I had not worked out a week in the last 15 years of doing CrossFit. You're not doing nothing? you're not doing some grippers some pull-ups nothing nothing just coaching a little bit of coaching so what's the plan will that thing just heal by itself uh yeah i was told like 12 12 weeks 12 to 18 weeks something like that i've never had to sit out that long so i don't know we'll see uh work back into it do some
Starting point is 01:03:45 physical therapy and see if i can get it you know get a rehab so i can start working out again at the gym because i miss the community i miss the you know putting on a training session and train training with friends you know um was that weird when i gave you a bar when you gave me a bar no that wasn't weird no okay good i don't think so okay good because i was like oh shit this they're gonna take this guy away and he's not gonna be able to eat for a long time i appreciate it it was very kind of you oh okay good because you looked at me like i handed you the bar like this is kind of weird well they're driving him away in a car and i run him down i think i run you down it was an afterthought and i had a Quest bar in my bag, and I hand it to you, and you're like – Hey, I appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:04:26 I appreciate it. Thank you. Did you eat it? No, I didn't. Oh. What happened to it? I don't know. I think I left it back there with some stuff in the diagnosis area or wherever it was.
Starting point is 01:04:37 Okay, good. That's horrible for you. It's like eating plastic. for you it's like eating plastic um uh what it seems to be a big topic of conversation this year about when someone's injured whose whose determination it is that they stay in or or get pulled out like should it be up to the doctors or should it be up to the athletes did you run into any of that like we heard a lot about that you know during semi-finals there was like coron and someone else i can't remember and then like the minimum work requirement argument I think that is part of it also um but also like with like hey is Roman too injured to do anything are we putting him in jeopardy of making things worse is it our responsibility or his responsibility
Starting point is 01:05:19 like did you were they did they try to pull you out and you're like, no, no, I'm staying in? He was the doctor that was, that was helping me out. He was worried. He, I mean, he mentioned it a few times, but, you know, I feel like it should be up to the athlete, shouldn't it? I honestly don't know. I honestly don't have a really strong opinion on it. I just know just in fighting, if the doc, if you could say certain things, like I think in a fight, if you say you say i can't see out of this eye they stop the fight right then and there okay so i i don't know what the it's a little different well yeah okay go ahead chase wait jump in jump in i don't i don't really have a strong opinion on okay so if you're in fighting right if you can't see out
Starting point is 01:06:02 of your right eye then you can't block a punch that could potentially cause serious injury to you because you're fighting a person, and you cannot control their actions of what they do to you. If you're an athlete on the field of play, and you can decide and dictate your own movements and intensity, you make the choice there. It's not like football where someone else can make your shit worse. In CrossFit, you're totally in control.
Starting point is 01:06:27 You're choosing to hurt yourself. Yeah. You can run your soul on a 5K versus, like, I don't know, you have to outrun this lion in this cage tunnel. It's like now you're really going to hurt yourself to try not to get caught. So I think when you're in a position like this, and I'm looking at it from an athlete's perspective, I was like, I want to make my own call.
Starting point is 01:06:48 And if you look at the history of the games, there's not one single decision I think ever made by CrossFit of pulling an athlete that went over well with anybody. It's curious that after Corona, it took such a hard switch. I feel like at the games, it literally yeah i mean you can break your leg and if you still want to do it you can't that's literally what happened and like coron was like i'm good man i just don't want to do a ring muscle-up and then they were like nope you know it was such a hard injury and more of this spirit of competition continued to work.
Starting point is 01:07:27 How do you mean? Well, they didn't disqualify him for medically. They disqualified him because he didn't meet the effort rule. He tried to do it. Yeah. I'm not taking it away from him. I'm just saying the rule that they leaned on wasn't a medical withdrawal. Oh, it wasn't? What was the rule?
Starting point is 01:07:48 What was the rule? It's this – it was the rule where you have to like continuously put forth a reasonable amount of – Oh, right, right, right. Okay. Oh, right, right. Okay. Which is – I'm okay with that rule too. I'm okay with whatever they choose.
Starting point is 01:08:05 You're not okay with that rule that you haven't put in? No, because it's too subjective? Yeah, just black and white. Hey, if you want to take, Ben, if you want to take event seven off, go ahead. Yeah, I guess I see your point too. I don't have a problem with what Raw did, Pat Barber did, or Katrin did. I don't have a problem with what Raw did, Pat Barber did, or Katrin did. I don't have a problem with that. Do you remember? Raw didn't do the snatch in
Starting point is 01:08:29 the semifinals. Katrin won the games because of it. What? She won the games because of it. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Do you have a problem with any of that? That strategy, Ben? That it's like okay, I'm fucking not. Remember that year it was a double workout and Pat Barber just didn't do one of them really? Yeah, that's strategy, right? There were three of them yeah there were three of them back to back to back and
Starting point is 01:08:47 yeah my brother dane did that one time in dubai oh yeah did it work did it work out they were like back-to-back workouts and you know they pay people three thousand dollars for a win so he just didn't do the first one that smashed the second one did he he win it? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, bitchin'. Worth it. Hey, any chance you'd go to Waterpalooza? Me? Yeah. Yeah, chance for sure.
Starting point is 01:09:11 No, but I mean to compete. To compete? I mean, I don't know. We did team. We tried to do team last year. I don't even remember last year. Yeah, we tried to do team last year, sure. But it would be 16, if you take 12 to 16 weeks off now,
Starting point is 01:09:25 that won't give you much time. Yeah, no. So it would be – I'm just taking time off right now. I'm not really thinking about training, not thinking about competing. I haven't put any thought towards what's next other than kind of what's in front of me right now, which I've never done before. Coaching and a baby. Coaching, baby, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Going to work with the local – there's a team down the street here, a baseball team. Going to work with the local high school team a there's a team down the street here baseball team gonna work with the local high school team for a little bit train them for the offseason so i'm looking forward to that define down the street because caleb's definition of down the street is 45 minutes away 45 seconds down the street there you go yeah caleb's like i haven't been to krypton yet i live so close we're right down the street like four yeah apparently caleb is also down the street from you i I'm so close, dude. I'm like...
Starting point is 01:10:07 I'm across the bridge from you. Yeah, yeah. I'm really close. Yeah. Hop, skip, and a jump. And Rogue's totally out of the question. I mean, that's like tomorrow. Yeah. When is it? No, October. I can't
Starting point is 01:10:24 do that. And you can't even go there even if just to to watch as like a former games athlete and sign autographs because you got a baby coming i mean you're home yeah i'll be i'll be here for a little while you're grounded yeah you know if you got a boy or a girl we don't know good what do you have already we have a little girl she just turned four she's four i know dude yeah i thought so quick man are you liking the the parenting thing loving it it's the best cool yeah you got grand so much fun it's just gotten better and better you know you just get to see all the different all the different phases and now it's like you know
Starting point is 01:11:02 now i get to explain everything and she's asking questions more questions and interactive she's so much fun i love it i love it and uh are your parents nearby they are yeah we're all pretty close everyone my brothers are here um the gym's right down the street we're all within you know we're all actually close right down the street yeah that's that's a good life you, I asked your brother at the games. I said, hey, does it concern you when you see your brother hurt? Because I have three boys, and if one of them gets hurt, the other two get very, very tense.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Yeah. Well, because did they do it? No, no. Like, let's say, like, we were at a jiu-jitsu tournament, and one of the boys got arm barred and, like, hyperextended his elbow, and the other the other two like come over to him and start crying and holding him and i asked your brother i'm like are you tripping that your brother's hurt he's like nah i'm like but it's your older brother he's like nah yeah i don't know i worry about them
Starting point is 01:11:57 so yeah you do worry about them oh for sure my like uh yeah i watched dane my youngest brother play baseball and he tore he tore his shoulders up running the bases. And I had to watch that. That was hard. But, yeah, no, I worry about them for sure. How do you tear your shoulders up running the bases? Dislocated shoulders from diving headfirst. Mad man.
Starting point is 01:12:19 When you're a mad man on the bases like that, you can mess yourself up pretty good. Is that Dane? Yeah. Dane is the full Sin Smith. Full Sin. madman on the bases like that you can uh you can mess yourself up pretty good so is that dane yeah yeah that chain is the full sin smith full send full send always has been ben do you have an agent no no did you ever have an agent uh-uh when you um uh after you won the games in 2016, did you feel some sort of – 15. Yeah, you won the games in 2015, and then the following year in 2016, did you feel some sort of pressure that you didn't feel the year before?
Starting point is 01:12:57 No. No. I didn't. No, I thought I did. I thought I was actually much happier with 2016 when I thought I actually did better. I was one of I don't know, maybe I'm weird. I've always one of the athletes that I do want to win. Right. I went to competitions to win. But, you know, you can only compete at the level at which you train. So it's like I train myself to be the best version of myself.
Starting point is 01:13:21 And I know that if I go out there on the game day, I'm healthy. I can compete. I have the right mindset. You know, I ended up winning that year. Like, you know, you know, you can do it. Uh, and then the next year I just was more consistent. That was all, all the events were more consistent. You can look at my finishes. They were, I thought they were better. Um, you know, but then I finished finishing second instead of first. And you know, the, the outcome is what it is and all you can control is the effort that you put in. So I was pretty happy with that. Otherwise you drive yourself crazy. I mean, the sports brutal. It's, I mean, you're training harder than,
Starting point is 01:13:53 I would argue you're training harder than any other sport on the planet. A hundred percent. I would argue. I mean, the physical part of it and the mental part of it and how you just prepare for that one, you know, one competition a year, that's kind of, you throw all your chips in that one competition. Um, I don't see anything harder than it. I don't know. It might be a, I'd love to hear other people's opinions. Everybody says like, you know, MMA might be harder, you know, like a triathlon training
Starting point is 01:14:21 or something like that, but it's just so different. It's different. Yeah. I don't know. What else might be harder? You guys tell me, you know, it's interesting. The tour de France is, I think is the single most hardest thing to go. Yeah. Right. Cycling, something like that. Yeah. But training just the training year round, I would agree a hundred percent. Like just, yeah, this is my profession. This is what I do.
Starting point is 01:14:44 And I don't think anybody – go ahead. Yeah, no. If it's like you can really hyper-focus on it, and it becomes this thing where it's just not healthy. And I really think that you have to – athletes have to have something else that they do. They have to have hobbies. They have to have a job.
Starting point is 01:14:57 They have to have family, something. You've got to have something outside of the gym, outside of CrossFit. CrossFit Games specific athletes, you mean, or just all athletes? CrossFit Games specific athletes. Otherwise, it all athletes? CrossFit Games specific athletes. Otherwise, it's like make it your job. Sorry, go ahead. Do you think that goes more for the top of the sphere or just all the way down the chain?
Starting point is 01:15:15 Yeah, I mean I think when you get near the top, you realize what you have to sacrifice to get to the top, to get a little bit higher. you know, it's a hard, you don't really balance you can't balance it that well like you have to it's almost like you have to have other things that you're doing i just it's hard mentally it's difficult it's it's uh yeah i mean athletes get it but i don't know who else who else gets it meaning um we were talking about this i can't
Starting point is 01:15:44 remember a few shows back meaning each year you do the games shit starts getting a little weirder and weirder like eventually you're like only drinking out of glass and you make and if under no circumstance do you stay up past eight o'clock and you no longer drink anything with cans that have bpa in them i mean you're just fucking doing everything to wrench down and get micro right like you're anything right you can change your definitely 12 times yes yes that's where that's where like one side of the spectrum can completely be right you can go up you can go that whole route but there's an argument like i would make the argument like i don't know how much of that's that's super helpful um you know like there's a there's a buffer there's a window in
Starting point is 01:16:23 there where you should sit where it's all right i I am a little bit, I'm a little bit more sane in this place. And that's kind of where I've always tried to be my whole career. What is it like? What's that? How do you think Laura manages? Cause she never seems down really like she always seems. That's what I think. that's where i think her strength is so that's what i think is mental yeah absolutely absolutely yeah she um she's she's pretty uh she's she i i didn't i see i see a lot of athletes do a lot of this back there i do not see her do that i see her like this yeah it's fun yeah and you know um same with colton colton mertens was one of the most fucking emotionally disciplined athletes um and uh when i first met him i thought that's just the way he is he's just quirky and something's like
Starting point is 01:17:14 maybe he's just like part of his brain doesn't exist but no that fucking thing exists and he works on it to keep that thing in yeah yeah i think you get their training you get there through your training, your preparation, uh, all that's really important and it matters and you just get in the right headspace and you get in the right flow, uh,
Starting point is 01:17:32 with the months leading up to the competition and it just carries right over. And it's, it's not as, it's not as hard. It's not as difficult. Did you know that I called Laura? Did I tell you that?
Starting point is 01:17:43 I saw it. Oh, you did see it. Yeah, I did. I don't know why you did that. You don't need to replay it, though. Don't need to? No, you really don't need to replay it.
Starting point is 01:18:01 Now, tell me, just between me and you, give me some advices. You think that was a, you think that, that was, that was, that was a step backward in our relationship. Yeah. I feel like it was a step forward, but I'm totally open to misreading her. You ever seen the movie meet the parents? Robert De Niro long time ago. When he's like, he's talking about his like circle of trust and you're outside the circle of
Starting point is 01:18:24 trust. Oh, I don't remember that, but go on. Yeah. Oh, I don i don't know it was funny that's what i thought of when i thought of that yeah part of me is like don't do it yeah yeah i so you so so uh on on a on a one to ten uh one it was a bad idea five it was it was a wash to ten. One, it was a bad idea. Five, it was a wash. Ten, it was fucking brilliant. She probably is going to send me flowers for my birthday. Where do you think it was?
Starting point is 01:18:55 You think it was a wash? Or you think it was... No, it's down there. It's below a five. It went down. It's below a five, yeah, yeah. It didn't help your cause. Is there anything he can do to help his cause? Oh, my God. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:19:12 I don't know. Hey, you know what's crazy? It's like I just don't believe you. I cannot accept that. That's fine. You don't have to. Okay, good. You don't have to.
Starting point is 01:19:21 She called her again, just to be sure. God, I can't accept it what um when when does the when does the um krypton um 2024 games camp begin like when should people start showing up and where do you live virginia yeah when should people start showing up at caleb's house um so that they can start training at Krypton? Yeah, right down the street. I know the girls are coming back to train a little bit for Rogue, as far as I know.
Starting point is 01:19:52 That's about all I know. The girls, meaning her and Gabby? Yeah. And is Clink in your hood, too? No, he's in Texas. So he moved down to Texas a few years ago. He works for BPN, does a lot of running running got really skinny comparatively to how he was uh but now he's running that 100 mile race at leadville so he did uh did it last year and then this is his second year going for it is he your friend
Starting point is 01:20:16 yeah i mean i mean like you'd call him and be like dude yeah we talk all the time yeah okay yeah yeah he was head coach of the gym for at Krypton for, you know, eight years. So yeah. Good dude. We love all those guys. He does look skinny now. What are you talking about? He looks huge to me. Oh, you didn't. I mean, go back and watch him, man. Yeah. Look at that. That's Adam Klink that I know. That was when he ran,
Starting point is 01:20:41 that was when he ran the five minute mile and did the 500 pound back squat in the same day. That's so awesome. Yeah. Uh, seven. I know she hates you, dude.
Starting point is 01:20:52 You're out of your, you're crazy. In the interview, you ask about boyfriend. What in her? Oh, when she was on the show. Okay.
Starting point is 01:21:00 Yeah. So what? She was breaking up with some CF guy in Hungary. She didn't hate me for that. She likes me for it. I was counseling her. Counseling her. Will you put in a good word for me, Ben?
Starting point is 01:21:16 Me, yeah, sure. Like maybe something like, hey, it's just lost in translation. hey it's just lost in translation it's just American culture to cold call people halfway across the world on their podcast god that was a douche move alright I'm fucked
Starting point is 01:21:32 alright I accept it it was a douche move I was feeling so cocky like fuck you you can't blow me and then as soon as she answered I crumbled crumbled
Starting point is 01:21:43 it's alright you'll have another shot, I'm sure. Okay. Is she going to win the games next year? Yeah, she could. I don't see why not. She still wants it. So, like, she wants to do it more than once.
Starting point is 01:21:57 I know that. That's about all I know. What do you think about – do you have any thoughts on Tia coming back after the baby? No, that'd be crazy. That'd be crazy. But don't put it past her at all. And it would make for a great – it would be great for the fans to watch sort of those two go head-to-head, right? Yeah, it'd be – that'd be cool.
Starting point is 01:22:20 That'd be cool. All right. That'd be cool. All right. Gentlemen, do you want to say anything to the wounded and healing CrossFit Games champ? Man, good luck with number two on the way. Yeah, thanks. That's what we're focused on.
Starting point is 01:22:36 Looking forward to it. Looking forward to it. Man defense. I know, right? Mr. Young, any final words, words from mr smith i just thanks for coming on yeah for sure guys thanks all right dude thank you mr smith uh talk to you soon thanks for your time all right see you guys ciao yep ben smith across the games champ he's starting to look like his dad yeah yeah i thought i thought he was starting to look more and more like that,
Starting point is 01:23:05 like the Mr. Smith from, wasn't that the guy's name from, what's the movie with all the green things that fall from the sky? The Matrix. Oh, oh. Matrix? Yeah, and then with that light over his head, he looked like a Jew. He looked like he was wearing a yarmulke the whole time. I'm like, is he Jewish?
Starting point is 01:23:22 He always looked like that. Oh, it was that light there was that light over his head okay uh before i lose you guys i need to get your guys's opinion on some things how are you on time mr uh mr chase and mr uh john i gotta ask my wife downstairs okay good don't ask her um i want to go through the coffee pods and wads video and i want to i want you guys to chime in on a couple things adrian said he didn't a couple things to catch you up to speed on um he uh adrian said he didn't take dave's job but he uh when when he was talking about what he started doing when dave left but he did take dave's job part of it at least because dave used to program the games right
Starting point is 01:24:04 and then dave left and adrian to program the games, right? And then Dave left and Adrian became programming the games. And now Dave is back. And that's kind of like, I think that people are gently trying to figure out what's going on there. They Adrian was incredible on this video, by the way, extremely articulate, extremely vulnerable, extremely open, gets along great with Pedro. Pedro was great. I mean, it was fantastic. But that the whole interview besides that gave me tons of answers, but that one I was kind of scratching my head. I was like, no, Adrian, you did take his job, and now he's back.
Starting point is 01:24:31 So maybe I'll get a chance to talk to Adrian about that. He said that they're very close friends, which we've all witnessed. They are friends and that they work great together. He said he was excited about having Dave back. It sounds like Dave coming back energized the team. He did say this about the CrossFit Games. He said Dave came back with only five weeks until showtime. And then Dave wanted to make some changes because Dave gave some input.
Starting point is 01:24:58 And he said that was the biggest challenge of Dave coming back, that they only had five weeks to make those changes. biggest challenge uh of dave coming back that they only had five weeks to make those changes um at 32 minutes pedro asks uh how much change uh happened because of dave's input let's listen to what uh adrian says there 32 minutes i hope pedro it's okay for me to play pedro's shit it's how you know we're like we already kind of answered these questions right yeah whereas yeah whereas that way it was able to be collaborative. It was like, okay, we're all on site. This is the plan.
Starting point is 01:25:29 You know, we can look at the plan together, and then we can choose what we're going to test and change right now. Was changed. We can take it from there. So, yeah, it was good. How much was changed? So, obviously, things change. There'd be predictable changes, I guess,
Starting point is 01:25:45 when you're doing your testing. If it was, say, the same team that had been there from whatever, the Open or before it. How much change happened because of, say, Dave's fresh eye or an experienced eye of like, well, we actually tried that. Remember, we tried that in such and such a year and this happened or something like that. Hey, that pause. So that's a strong question, right? That's something
Starting point is 01:26:07 like everyone, that's like all the games geeks want to know with Dave back, Pedro is gently asking in there how much change occurred with Dave. And here we go. Here's Adrian's answer. I think it was, um, you know, there were some other externalities that, uh, dictated a few things that we were doing this year. Um, um you know just realities around what we wanted to accomplish with the games and and uh you know what the company was was wanting to support and things like that um so all that to say i think it was about the normal amount like once we got on site and um started actually testing like it the process was similar to how it's been in the past okay uh i'm not buying that i think dave used to do the programming and adrian gave the feedback i think
Starting point is 01:26:52 this year adrian did the programming and dave gave the feedback and the two things that he said was the changes helped us accomplish what we wanted to accomplish but there were also some externalities and that's what the company would support and that's the rumblings we've heard of just um uh saving some money not not burning through cash any any opinions on on chase on that answer anything you want to talk about i mean when he explains it like that coupled with i mean the sentiment that you just made out it's like okay maybe there was an off-site plan that got cut because of money um or single camera used instead of a full camera setup like for the masters
Starting point is 01:27:31 or that right right right and i'm not hating on that either i i'm not like it's their event do what you got to do sure and and that that to me that's what it sounds like coupled with um the the idea that there were some budget constraints coming into the games because of what happened earlier in the season. And, I mean, that makes the most sense. And so if there was an off-site planned and was taken away, that would effectively be a very big change with Dave coming in with five weeks to go.
Starting point is 01:28:03 So that could be one of those things that he's talking about. Why can't he not just say that? That's a good question. It's not, it doesn't seem like a wrong, maybe he doesn't, it doesn't seem like a wrong political response. Maybe he doesn't feel comfortable saying it because it's not his place to say that's the only thing I could think of, but it, it doesn't make anyone look bad if they were like hey there wasn't there was um our budget can't handle this so we had to scrap this well
Starting point is 01:28:31 that's also you know the budget thing is also an assumption right right right but i mean if that's what we're thinking i just feel like there's something he's hiding you know what i mean is what you're saying john why doesn't he just tell us let me ask you guys this do you guys see the games the same way I did that last year Adrian came in and changed the events that Dave did
Starting point is 01:28:57 and this year right because Dave got fired and this year Dave came in and changed the events Adrian made it's funny I never thought of it like that but Adrian programmed the. And this year, Dave came in and changed the events Adrian made. It's funny. I never thought of it like that. But Adrian programmed the fucking games this year.
Starting point is 01:29:11 He programmed the Open, the semifinals, and the games. And I think everyone fucking loved the programming. I think it's the – Quarterfinals. Sorry, quarterfinals. Yeah, all that stuff. Thank you. And so – and then Dave obviously came in here at the end and changed some shit. Is that fair?
Starting point is 01:29:25 I don't think that there's anything. I would agree with that sentiment. Okay. Is that how you see it too, Chase? Yeah, and I don't think that's a negative thing too. Not at all. I think it's a positive thing. I have the opinion that Dave and Boz are better together than they are separate.
Starting point is 01:29:46 Including Dave by himself and Boz by himself. They are the best when they are working together. And whatever. Yeah. They're a great pair. Yeah. And they, and they're friends and they do work very 16 years.
Starting point is 01:29:59 Yeah. And they do work very well together and they're very close. Yeah. I'm not trying to stir. I'm not trying to stir i'm not trying to stir up anything i'm just trying to get uh clarity okay um uh another another question at 33 minutes did espn affect the events another good question meaning does does tv change like the time domains where they can be etc um you mentioned external things there like when it was known that uh the games
Starting point is 01:30:29 will be shown on espn does that change things like are you like okay well we can't have something that can you know like confusing for people outside of crossfit but fine for crossfit people to watch we have to have something straightforward or something easy to digest like does that kind of come into it as well yeah it's sort of and so it's really about finding the balance on the one hand you don't want to be you know straying from what we are and at the end of the day i think helen is a great example right like if you're not excited to watch people race doing a mixed mode event like that well then maybe crossfit's not for you it's like i don't go to a hockey game and say man this would be better with a football you know at a certain point you have to a hockey game and say, man, this would be better with a football.
Starting point is 01:31:08 At a certain point, you have to ask yourself, like, am I a fan of this thing or not? And then we, by extension, have to ask ourselves, like, are we comfortable promoting this thing or not? And the answer is yes, of course we are. However, to your point, man, that does have to be tempered with, all right, if we're going to bring in a lay audience, does it make sense to have the most kind of colloquial movements that we can,
Starting point is 01:31:37 or kind of the most kind of, you know, difficult to uptake scoring system or something like that? And the answer is no, it's probably not in anybody's best interest at that point to do that during those windows. So yeah yeah, there's a lot of back and forth to just make sure that everybody agrees what we want to be showing in those windows that both highlights the athletes, is true to what the sport is, and then also allows people that are just watching for the first time to say, oh, I get what's going on here. Let me throw this in there. For sure what's affected is you hope that they're going to show the best heats, the people who best represent the sport,
Starting point is 01:32:12 the part that adds to the narrative the best, the events that are the most exciting, right? So just based on that. But I don't think that's what Pedro was asking. I think Pedro was asking does it affect the time domains and the modalities and whatnot. how do you take it chase and what did you think adrian's answer it was a a quality answer um from boz it high quality or low quality high quality or low quality it's a it's a good straight down the middle okay don't say too much
Starting point is 01:32:43 or too little answer and the question is important because, okay, yes, it's like, so during the ESPN show, so I'll just speak from experience. So during the ESPN shows, they would basically go on TV for a two hour block. And during that two hour block, the whole final event had to take place. That's men and women. And during the ESPN shows, 40 athletes 40 athletes right and then 30 and 20 but as we get on but the whole event right so say 40 i meant 20 and 20 20 men 20 women they have two hours on thursday it's it's 40 men and 40 women so on thursday you have to get through four heats of 10 because it was the inverted medley or melody.
Starting point is 01:33:28 Andrew Hiller. And you have to get through three heats and then they would show the final heat of men or women live. And then they'd go back to a recap show during ESPN and then show the final heat live. and then show the final heat live. So you had to not only nail down how long that final heat would be, but how to get this pre-show recap done in time for the live call of the actual event going on. And then they would disappear again if you're just watching regularly ESPN and then come back in. And so the Thursday test couldn't be a 15-minute test because then that would have been, it would have been taking two hours to get through the women only and men only,
Starting point is 01:34:07 and they had to get all done. So it did change which events you could put on which days because of the number of people competing and the type of event you had and the amount of airtime the final heat of each event would get. So it's either a mass start or a very sprinty event. But even then, like we were only on live on the call for 10 minutes. Right. What does that mean, live on the call?
Starting point is 01:34:31 What does that mean, live on the call? A live look into the competition going on as it was going on. So for the first three heats of four, it was the desk show and the recap of the early day events. And then for the final heat, they were all right down to the call they would show the live final heat and then they'd back off for the next men or women three heats go they're recapping recapping they'd live feedback into the coliseum they'd only do the live in the last heat right every single event um pedro doesn't let up if you go to 35 45 he wants more than a quality answer here we go here now the rumors start um i heard um i heard a rumor that uh
Starting point is 01:35:16 double under crossovers were supposed to be in one of the workouts and heavy doubles came up instead is that true uh i mean it's a half-truth. That was that final pull event. That, I think, I'm trying to think the other one. Maybe the inverted medley. Those were the two that probably had the most testing variations. And so there were like a bunch of different iterations. So I don't think it's fair to say it was supposed to be anything.
Starting point is 01:35:44 We experimented with a bunch of different versions of it and ultimately that's the one we landed on well there we go so so people were asking what kind of changes there were i think there there's one they're both on the table they're they're both on the table. They were both on the table, yeah. They were both on the table. Okay, okay, all right. I can tell you which one Boz wanted. Tell me, John, which one did Boz want? He wanted those double under crossovers. And what it sounds like there is that there was a change made there.
Starting point is 01:36:21 And you can get more. What? They picked one. They picked the one, the table one. Yeah, good, yeah, they picked it. They were both on the table, and they picked one they picked the one that they bought yeah good yeah they picked they were both on the table in there okay fair enough they flipped a coin you think dave and boz flipped a coin on that for sure flipped a coin i would love it if that's how they program the games like they have the basis the base events and then they're like dave wants this boz wants this they just flip a coin every single time to see what happens wait what it ends
Starting point is 01:36:46 on the paper rock yeah i think that boss when boss started programming the games there was a part of him that looked out fucking 10 years and that he was going to do baby steps maybe two steps forward one step back two steps forward one step back and he was there was going to be an evolution to this i believe he had a plan and i believe that that i do find it weird that there weren't double over crossovers this year i think i'm very curious if we'll ever see them again if we do see them again i would be pleasantly uh i'll just let's leave it at surprised but but but i am very curious it's a fun little piece of the narrative for me. Go ahead, Chase. Were you going to say something? I'll just say just keep practicing. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:37:26 All right. That's fair. 42.15. Here's a little more insight into changes or how things are programmed. This is in relationship to the worm. Full equipment. I think you got to ask David. Go back a little bit more. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:37:45 That's understandable to the viewer. I'm just trying to get to the best of it through those. Where did the earthworm come from? Because that might be my favorite piece of just horrible equipment. I think you got to ask Dave and Bill Hanegar.
Starting point is 01:38:01 That's a collaboration between them. That is very interesting. That means five weeks out, Dave and Bill come up with this fucking thing. By the way, it was brilliant. Go back and watch that team footage. Watching the team, I mean, I know we're not supposed to want to see them get thrashed, but it was awesome
Starting point is 01:38:18 watching people get slashed. If they weren't made of wood, they were just fine. They looked horrible. But looked horrible. But fantastic interview. I want to thank Pedro from Coffee Pods and Wads and Adrian Bosman. Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic interview. Go over there.
Starting point is 01:38:38 Worth your time. John Young, do you think Laura Horvath comes back and wins the second year? I think she has as good of a shot as anybody. Chase, do you think Laura Horvath comes back and wins the second year? I think it's going to be fun to watch her. And if Tia comes back, that may be the most hyped, exciting head-to-head we've had in a very long time. Were there any retirements this year?
Starting point is 01:39:11 Did anyone retire? Did we get any word from anyone, like a longtime person, like an Annie? Oh, gosh. Other than the ones that were announced basically beforehand, at least on the men's side. I don't know about the women. Is Chandler? What is Chandler going to do?
Starting point is 01:39:30 There's the question. They're both going team. They said they were going team. Is he? No matter what? Him and Noah. Even though you finished seventh in the CrossFit Games and were on a podium position? He can tell Noah, hey, I'm better than you now,
Starting point is 01:39:40 so I'm just going to go team. No, I don't think he would. Or go individual. I think Chandler would. He would do it. What about mix-up in camps? I heard a ton of rumors, a ton of rumors. Nothing that I can say here because it is just straight,
Starting point is 01:39:54 just fucking gossip. But I'm hearing something. Which you'll never do on this show. Never. I'm hearing some wild shit. Are you guys hearing anything, for starters? I'm the worst person asked when it comes to CrossFit gossip And it drives my wife crazy I basically have to just repeat
Starting point is 01:40:12 What comes in the text messages Oh okay I'll send some I'll send some right after the show I tried to get her on the show she wouldn't do it Basically the big camps being HWPO, Proven Misfits, Mayhem, Training Think Tank, Invictus. What seems to be turning into a training camp now, CrossFit Fort Vancouver.
Starting point is 01:40:37 They got Trista Ellie, Medeiros, and I think they got a young boy over there now too. Any movements you guys are hearing? Brute. Sorry. I apologize. And I know I'm forgetting others. Any big switch? What did you say?
Starting point is 01:40:55 Underdogs. Underdogs. Oh, sorry. Damn, Justin. Have you guys heard anything? Any crazy changes? I saw Haley was on an Invictus podcast recently i saw that too um and it sounds like she's training at may it sounds like she's training at mayhem when rich
Starting point is 01:41:11 was on i asked him have you seen hayley and he said yeah she's back she's back i've seen a few videos of her at mayhem again man she's there too she sounds good by the way that's the side of hayley adams i've never seen on that with uh bryce uh smith smith mitchell mitchell's the side of Haley Adams I've never seen with Bryce Mitchell Smith Mitchell Mitchell's the fighter alright there's one big name that will not be at the current camp
Starting point is 01:41:36 that they are at big name and are they going to another camp and are they moving north or south they're coming to john young barbell they're going to john barbell whoever it is hey um okay okay uh because mayhem's in the middle right hwpo is uh north and brood is south right training tank tank training tinkle
Starting point is 01:42:07 tank they all have athletes all over america though like all three all three of those camps have athletes that aren't don't train directly at their base camp the the move you're talking oh those camps okay Adrian did say this also on the podcast that there were half as many appeals this year as last year that's huge that's a testament
Starting point is 01:42:35 to the programming and to the judges right yes or the athletes were terrified I don't think that's ever been a problem with the athletes no I don't think so either I wish you guys could go to if you ever get a chance to go to the athlete briefings you have to go
Starting point is 01:42:56 because half the athletes are asking the dumbest questions ever in the minds of the other half of athletes so half the athletes are hating the other half of athletes who are asking the questions. And it's wild. It's just like being a little kid in school, and it's like the teacher's saying some shit about Andrew Jackson, and the kid's like, did he have a dog?
Starting point is 01:43:16 What was his dog's name? And you just want to fucking go to recess. You're like, you motherfucking... Gosh, those things are the worst. But the best, too. you're like you gosh those things are the worst yet but the best too uh okay um i wanted to take you to this clip here uh this is especially important for you chase to see uh ricky um ricky's uh instagram account i didn't know if you knew uh there's been an official change if you go to the profile uh ricky mac you know if caleb was you don't follow him back you should just put you should be playing return of the mac
Starting point is 01:43:54 oh now you want us to get a ding seven seconds bro i follow i follow him that That's Caleb's. I fucking follow the shit out of Ricky Garrett. That's the podcast account. Ricky Mack. That's right. Yeah, that was pretty cool to see that come up today. Man. Sevan, do I ask dumb questions? No, no.
Starting point is 01:44:19 Can you explain the Ricky Mack thing? You ask great questions. That's his middle name. Oh. I go, hey, dude. That's his middle name. Oh. I go, hey, dude, what's your middle name? And he goes, Mac. And I'm like, what? How?
Starting point is 01:44:31 That's great. The best part is it's actually M-A-C. That's the best part of it all. I thought Sevan called him like Ricky Mac Daddy or something, and he just really liked it. No, it's crazy. Oh, is this it? Okay, let's see.
Starting point is 01:44:44 Fucking Ricky Gare didn't show up at the game. You have a middle name? Yeah, Mac. Mac. Fucking Mac. Fucking Mac. Fucking Mac. Really?
Starting point is 01:44:56 M-A-C-K? That's your middle name? M-A-C. Ricky Mac? Ricky Mac, yeah. Wow, dude. Dude. Wow. dude. Dude. Wow.
Starting point is 01:45:07 How the fuck do you not use that? Your dad loves you. That's crazy. Wow. How should I use it? Just fucking Ricky Mack. That's your fucking name, Ricky Mack. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:20 Holy shit. People call me that, actually. They do? People do? Yeah. My friends. Oh, some people.
Starting point is 01:45:29 Hey, can I look at Ken Walters? Even though stud. Yeah, dude. Wow. What a great show. We play our own clips.
Starting point is 01:45:38 Okay. Chase. I thought it was his best interview that he's done. He, he, he opened up a little bit. No, he was great. I don't want to put you on.
Starting point is 01:45:50 Yes, I do want to put you on the spot. When you call Ricky Mack in the future on ESPN next year at the games, will you refer to him as Ricky Mack? Oh, yeah. But I'll wait for the most cheese dick way to bring it in. Good. I just yeah. But I'll wait for the most cheese dick way to bring it in. Good. I just did. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:09 Sean Woodland has to go, return of the Mack indeed! However he was called. It'll be something like that. Oh, that's good. Hey, you should say, what are those movies that have Will Farrell in them and they drive race cars and stuff? Hotel Vega Nights? Yeah, can you make it like that?
Starting point is 01:46:27 Don't they have a Bobby Mac or something or they all have two names in there? Yeah, the Magic Man. Good. El Diablo. That's right. Any other game stuff you guys want to talk about? Pat Vellner, you want to say anything?
Starting point is 01:46:43 We're kind of on the rogue now, aren't we? All right. Should we start hyping that up or no it's gonna it's coming let's do it let's uh next friday let's let's let's hype rogo what's the dates on rogue can we what do we have a um it's the last weekend oh it's the last of october never mind we got we got a month and a half rogue invitation 27vitational. 27th to the 29th of October. Two months. It's still a ways away then. I thought it was a lot closer than that. Dude, it's right around the corner.
Starting point is 01:47:13 Yeah, it'll be here fast. I guess I should figure out how to get there. It's not that far. Well, no, I mean tickets and stuff. Oh, yeah. Chase, people will say this thing. I was talking, we were talking to Danielle about it. Are you recovered from the games?
Starting point is 01:47:33 And it's like, I just don't have, I come back completely charged and invigorated. I recover on my flight home. What about you? My voice recovered. That was a rough week to come back because then i got sick i got sick and i got okay and i got sick again um but for the athletes it's so physically demanding and a lot of what Ben Smith was talking about it's all year just operating right at 90 percent in the red just okay get through the open then quarterfinals and semifinals and then cross it
Starting point is 01:48:14 games you're talking like six to eight months of just hardcore all this comes down to this weekend and that's just the physical side and then the mental emotional side that comes with it like the the post games, just like emotional dump, let alone how you physically feel. Like it takes time and it takes time to want to like crawl back into the furnace again and start training for another event. It's tough.
Starting point is 01:48:36 Very tough for you. How about for you personally? Um, I just, I'm like, it's weird to even talk about it. Cause I'm talking about people do all these physically physical things that I'm saying is going to break them off. And I'm just like speaking words, but I definitely go quiet for about a good week. Just like you used your word count up for the month. So you have to put them in the bank that and you know it's an emotional weekend for me because i invest
Starting point is 01:49:05 so much of my energy and time and passion and love for crossfit the sport training methodology the athletes the people that are there like it it's it's uh it like you're on you're on a thousand miles an hour for four to six straight days and when you you're off, you're also not off. Like walking from the booth to the new location, like you run into people that you want to hang out with and talk to, and it's always great to be surrounded by everybody. When it's over, like that sitting in the airport, I think is the hardest time to be social. I agree.
Starting point is 01:49:42 I just need to sit in my corner. You want to sit in a seat in the corner and my corner and just hope no one sees you he's gonna pick this corner maybe put a blanket over me just yeah and you run into everybody you run into everybody especially in madison like it was everybody so the i would say the hardest time to be um social is in the airport coming home i i drove to i drove to chicago and do you know who was on my plane because their their flight got canceled no it was uh well it's funny you say pedro jay crouch was on it who i love and maddie sturt so that didn't bug me at all and uh and and uh dave dave five minutes before the flight took off i'm, what the fuck are you doing here? He's like, dude,
Starting point is 01:50:26 all my shit got turned upside down. It was a mess. All right. Thanks for coming on. Ken Walters says, love that the Sevan Podcast channel homepage header is Minnesota Vikings Colors Now versus Da Bears.
Starting point is 01:50:41 It does. I think, yeah, technically, yes. The Thumb, Tony Fauci. What about Tony Fauci? He's coming on tomorrow morning. Who is coming on tomorrow morning? Nobody. Oh, that would be awesome. Oh, it is nobody. Sunday, listen.
Starting point is 01:51:00 Sunday. Tyson Bajan. Oh, nice. He'll play two preseason games. In the NFL. Yeah. I think tomorrow, I think that there's a good chance he's going to play again, more than he did the first week.
Starting point is 01:51:17 I think it's significant. It's the last week of preseason? No, not this weekend, but next weekend. Next weekend, he'll play the most. Yeah, he'll play more and more each week. Yeah, and the reports coming out about him are fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 01:51:34 Seema Globes. Chase sat in the middle of the bar in the middle of the only restaurant, liar. With a sign that held up that said, I'm Chase Ingram. And he had his espn shirt on okay so the only person to track me down is helping so it was awesome it was the only table open i'll vouch for that yeah yeah um yeah okay if we're signing off i just want to say uh shout out to my wife we just had our nine-year wedding anniversary. No kidding. Congratulations.
Starting point is 01:52:06 Thank you. She let me come up here and talk to you guys. Wow. Good job. It was Wednesday, but we're celebrating tomorrow. We're going to be 24 hours kidless, which means we'll probably just sit on the couch and stare at each other for 24 hours and not talk. Right. What do you think? do you think a nine year? So you've been married nine years or you've known her nine years. Married nine years. We started dating in 2010. So 14 years.
Starting point is 01:52:34 Yeah. It's a hell of an achievement, isn't it? Yes. I heard getting past seven is the hardest part. That's like the seven year itch. That seven year. Yeah. Oh, wow. I'm at part. That's like the seven year itch. That seven year. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:46 Oh, wow. There's some weird like human evolution. Like every seven years, like something about you just changes forever. It's, it's like something weird. I,
Starting point is 01:53:00 can we get to 14? Can we get to 21? Things like that. Right. I do see my relationship with my wife is kind of the crowning achievement of my, of my existence. It's a,
Starting point is 01:53:12 it's, it's, it's crazy. Everybody makes fun of me. How far I outkicked my coverage and they're a hundred percent spot on. Whoa. Oh, that she hasn't kicked you to the curb yet.
Starting point is 01:53:21 Yeah. Yeah. Good job. I locked it up. You got, we got kids now and my son just started kindergarten on tuesday oh good life dude and you live in the same neighborhood as a thornton so life must be pretty good it's a great life is great life is oh shit tommy pain i was married for 25 then it went south oh don't tell me that damn mad marv we just had our 20th dude all right mad marv i just started following you on instagram there's no would you get married when you were four dude you still ride up for
Starting point is 01:53:58 like a scooters and shit motorcycle those little tiny motorcycle scooters. There's no way you've been married for 20 years. Wow. Oh my God, look at this. Ken Walters, 36 years. That's awesome. Oh shit, it's been touch and go every year. Just reconvene on the anniversary. Like, you want to run it back?
Starting point is 01:54:20 Just sign up for another one. Shit. All right. just sign up for another one shit alright thanks guys Will thank you I will see you guys tomorrow morning 7am Mr. John Young from John Young Barbell
Starting point is 01:54:37 Chase Ingram from Texas Caleb from Caleb from behind the computer alright guys bye bye goodnight

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