The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Games WORKOUTS REVEALED | J.R. Howell’s 2023 Prediction Show

Episode Date: July 25, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:00 Hey, Boz is reminding us of some things. Bam, we're live. Son of a... Hi, guys. Sorry to interrupt. Where were you, JR? You want to tell me how we're going to do this show? Let's just go.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Let's just go. Welcome, everyone. I wanted to do like a nighttime show every night like this where we talk about the games and the events and the news but fuck there's just too many athletes to interview we're lucky we plug this in like we plug this in like a month ago right
Starting point is 00:01:34 yeah at least and I probably waited a week too long since we've got some stuff that's already been trickled out oh meaning you would have liked to have said your piece before uh gymnastics helen and the total came out right yeah yeah i think it just would have been more cool but it would have possibly and definitely
Starting point is 00:01:59 set me up to be more incorrect but that's cool i'm gonna i'm gonna run through this stuff as if that stuff wouldn't have hasn't been released can i ask you now um uh is it appropriate to ask you now if you thought that there was going to be a total uh total yeah i would have bet money that for the second year in a row a non-traditional lift would have been used as a strength test and and the and the the and explain that to me the traditional total total is back squat, deadlift, shoulder overhead? So, yeah, the total is back squat, deadlift, press. They've said they're going to do the Olympic total, which is snatch, clean, jerk.
Starting point is 00:02:39 And you throw that in the bucket, you give yourself a point for that non-traditional. No, that's traditional. I would have said, like, last year, Boz even came on the show and was like, oh, yeah, did you guys see that post? Saturday night, big lifts return to the CrossFit Games. You guys like that? Yeah, it was a great post. Knowing that it was actually going to be a sandbag and not a barbell.
Starting point is 00:03:00 So they posted all these highlights of people snatching and clean jerking. And then he flipped the script and did barb and did a sandbag and i kind of thought well what if they just say hey olympic total cool but you're gonna use dumbbells instead but you're gonna do so that that i do think something like that still could happen okay good because we were in our thread and people were suggesting that oh the gymnastics day is going to be in the two movements they showed what did they show um handstand walk and oh yeah parallel bars and i'm thinking to myself that doesn't mean shit so you're you're on the same page as me that doesn't mean shit well yeah and what's what's really important before we get too into the weeds is that they said five they said cross-country 5k okay cool that's pretty
Starting point is 00:03:50 straightforward they said olympic total so everyone's thinking okay cool i need to know what i can snatch and clean and jerk for load with a barbell but they just say skills. So they're not giving the specialists in the skills category as much of a opportunity to know kind of what skills might that be, or maybe people that are bottom 10 in that, well, which ones do I need to brush up on? Yet the other two single modalities, they're seemingly giving all the details to already to prepare. So does that mean that they really haven't given any details and everyone thinks that they have, I think it's more likely that maybe there's a lot of details that haven't been released about the total or about the 5k run that everyone just assumes is
Starting point is 00:04:43 going to be as straightforward as it is. Hey, so you're saying that in that run there may be 25 15 foot walls that they have to climb over that no one's fucking that's in a cross-country run yeah maybe unprecedented amount of crazy walls or a cargo net that's car could be all sorts of shit in there sure could be anything could be wearing a rock i mean you know could be anything like that but i just do find it odd that they release three single modality workouts that all of them that everyone are is not going to get to do also because some of them are going to happen after cuts maybe all three and then they release all the details for two and they release no details for the other okay did you told me how you wanted to start the show and i already
Starting point is 00:05:33 fucked it up oh but let's collect some money first here really quick i like this part extra sloppy five dollars five bucks for every live show i catch between now and the games behind the scenes funds thank you god i was playing with my cameras for hours today. Susie came over. We did a long walk up and down Hills with my 16 pound vest with the boys that walked down to the beach and back getting ready. Okay. Tell me, what are we doing here tonight? What are we doing? Mr. J.R. Howell from cross CrossFit crash. So I think the best thing to do is to probably go back
Starting point is 00:06:07 to world-class fitness in 100 words and and really focus on the exercise portion of that because if we learned anything last year from boz we learned that those words still hold really true those things still should be what you look at in your training as an affiliate goer, as an affiliate owner, as a competitive athlete, right? So if we just go through this and we look, cause we've got a full year of programming to look at practice, all the major lifts, cool. Everyone already does that similarly. So just like you lift all the time, master the basics, pull-ups, what they do last year at the games, dips on parallel bars, rope climbs. Everyone's been training them, jumping, doing them legless. And now he reminds
Starting point is 00:06:52 everyone, hey, remember when they were only programmed from a seated position? Okay, well, you guys need to be able to do that now. And it was supposed to happen at the alpaca. Now what's everyone been doing? What they do at semifinals Seeded. Cool. Push-ups we'll get to. Sit-ups we'll get to. Press to handstand. Brought that out last year in the low start. Pirouettes. Brought that out at the games, and then they did it at semifinals. Flip splits, and then I think similarly to push-ups, holds are really going to be focused on this year. So that just kind of starts the ball rolling on some predictions. And I think now is probably a good time to remind everyone that last year,
Starting point is 00:07:30 Boz gave us a lot. He gave us a lot of words. He had tons and tons of interviews, podcasts. He went on Chase's show on the CrossFit podcast a few times and said things really profound things like, Hey, I know where the CrossFitter is strong and I know where they're less diligent in their training. So some egos are going to be bruised and we're going to figure some things out. And like that is, oh my gosh, he's talking about probably higher level gymnastics skills and single under, you know, stuff, stuff that people really don't train. We don't really have any of that this year. He hasn't been as, uh, as much, um, in the public eye as far as like some interviews go, but a lot of things on YouTube, like some of the open over series that they've done, which have been awesome videos. Um, him kind of like doing a debrief
Starting point is 00:08:21 after the fact saying, yeah, so I wrote this workout and this is kind of what I thought about it going into it. That kind of stuff is still there, but there isn't as many kind of clues you would say as I could find last year. Oh, basically I'm setting myself up to be really wrong. Do you think that's intentional or you think he hasn't been invited on shows? I can tell you, I invited him on this show. show uh probably a little of both probably just more more responsibilities um maybe just already going through it once and knowing that there were things maybe he wanted to do and didn't want to say that maybe he thought that he
Starting point is 00:08:57 let the cat out of the bag too early for some things um uh and he was very polite he said not now uh it's not it's not in the cards right now or something he said something very polite he said not now it's not in the cards right now he said something very polite Candice Dick Fit say get to the chipper or tell us what chipper style work out there will be get to the chipper
Starting point is 00:09:17 that's pretty good the show I've been waiting for thank you lucky camera straps so that's why you're starting the show with Glassman's 100 words, fitness in 100 words. I think it would be foolish not to keep coming back to that after how true and grassroots Blah's programming looks to be.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Okay. And how he is in general in his character. He's pretty – he's OG. He's OG material. Oh, man, super be. Okay. And how he is in general in his character. He's pretty, he's, he's OG, he's OG material. Oh man. Super OG. Yeah. And, um, yeah. And you can tell is very nostalgic in his program design. Like there are things that, you know, Dave always talked about his past experiences and how he used those things to program workouts and Boz is no different. Right. We talked last year about him mentioning on a show he did with you and like
Starting point is 00:10:10 2017, 2018. Yeah. Dave always used to have me do a press to handstand on the pirouette. So it was kind of like my circus trick that he would always make me do. And, you know, I spent time training, you know, circus training, stuff like that. Gymnastics is my background. Hey, I used to get this beat up is my background. Hey, I used to
Starting point is 00:10:25 get this beat up sled that I made myself and I used to put random stuff on it and just push it around in a parking lot. And what do we get? We get the alpaca. Like, I think that there's, um, there's a level of nostalgia and a level of like life experiences that he puts into his programming. You know, he said a gymnastic coach of his, they were out, I think like out of track and there were just cement steps like bleachers. He said, Hey, this is how you should be able to do your handstand pushups. And he kicks up onto one of the steps facing the step goes down with no wall. And that was the inspiration behind the echo press at the games using that ballistic block. using that ballistic block so i mean stuff like that is is cool so if there is anything that i could dig up i tried to but i i'm admittedly he's been a lot he's been a lot harder to predict this year okay okay uh and and we do know that they they ran a test out at rogue and we do know that um dave has more than alluded he has expressed that he fiddled he he did do something to the workouts right is that fair to say i think all he's really said is that in his week in review he had some input and maybe we changed some things
Starting point is 00:11:43 i'm sorry if i'm misquoting, but not, I feel like he was going to be really gentle and be like, Hey, I looked at it and I had some input and then he kind of finished with the hammer and we made the changes. I felt like it was something like that. When I heard it,
Starting point is 00:11:55 I was like, Oh, Ooh, I think I'm in the minority here and thinking that I think Dave has been very, very hands off. I think, I think he,
Starting point is 00:12:04 he respects the gig too much to try to put his hand in it and mess with it. I think he's like, hey, Boz, this is yours now. I'm just here to kind of help. And that's it. Okay. Okay. Meaning that there's a continuity between the open, the semifinals, and the games. And game recognized game.
Starting point is 00:12:24 He recognizes the art of programming and he's going to be like, okay, Boz has a. Yeah. And I think if, if there's a, if there's a focus from the company and from, from the top down of like, Hey, like we need to make sure we're still connecting with, with the community, with the affiliates showing them, Hey, this is the games, but like these guys still do things that you can do. I think these hints that have come out are nothing but reiterating. You guys do Helen? We do Helen too. You guys run a 5K and you never want to when your coach tells you you should do it? Hey, these guys are running a 5K. You guys work on your gymnastic skills? So do we. You guys
Starting point is 00:13:01 lift heavy? So do we. It's grassroots, classic CrossFit, that Venn heavy so do we it's grassroots classic crossfit that venn diagram i mean i think it's been really good owning an affiliate to see that and talk to members about what they think when they see they're like hey you know what do you think they're going to do for helen i don't think i don't think he's going to mess with it as much as you guys think i think he's going to preserve the stimulus of the workout. It's going to hurt just like you guys hurt when you do it. Did you like Hiller's? His stuff has been awesome lately. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:13:34 He's found some stuff I haven't, which is awesome. Yeah, I think some overarching ideas, though, that Boz has that he continuously reminds us of is this idea of stop pigeonholing things that you think are used only in competition. Stop looking at rings and thinking, oh yeah, this is just for muscle ups and maybe some dips every now and then. Stop looking at your jump rope and thinking, oh yeah, that's just the thing I do double unders with, but if I'm not doing double unders, I don't do anything else with it. Stop looking at the plyo box and think, yeah, all I really do is, I mean, that's what I use to jump. That's it. Just jump on this box or jump over this box or do a burpee and then jump. And that's it. He's been very vocal about that aspect of training broad, not pigeonholing certain implements to one or two things in training that you think will come up in competition.
Starting point is 00:14:29 If you're not exploring new things, if you're not going back and looking at the past, if you're not trying to think of what could be tested, you're doing it wrong. Caleb, I'm trying to scan the QR code to order some of those awesome shorts Vindicate has now. I think that, oh, oh shit. He moved himself. himself well that was nice yeah uh okay uh run the test seven up and over 22 crossfit games a lot yeah these are one of these these videos are like gold and they're really good these are a year old um yeah coming up on it and these are on the CrossFit Games, um, account? YouTube account. Yep. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:11 I don't think it's appropriate for people to take a certain skill, like a muscle per handstand pushup and only train it in one way because they think it's going to show up in competition. In a similar vein, I don't think it's appropriate for affiliates, coaches, regular everyday athletes or competitive athletes to view fitness as just a test of my engine. And therefore, by extension, how I choose to navigate things has no significance whatsoever. So I can just kind of flop myself over. And as long as I'm moving and getting from A to B, it counts. It's like, OK, sometimes that is the test. It's just a straight engine test and it doesn't matter. Comma, there are other times where that's not appropriate and we do want to highlight agility. Peace.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Peace. Balance. Accuracy. Affiliates, coaches, everyday athletes, you know, fitness is more than just engine. And having the skill, developing those techniques. You can let it play in 14-second increments, Caleb. Let's try something crazy.
Starting point is 00:16:21 And that is something that, again, if you don't do it, it's only going to go one direction like anything else. Like any other attribute. You know, strength train, you're not going to get stronger just by thinking about it. Yeah, so what you – I mean that – he said a lot right there. Do you think he said too much? No, not at all. I think this is perfect. Me neither.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Me neither. He says before that, talking about jumping and how like, yeah, it yeah it's like well you see this pile box and you just jump on it well and up and over they use their hands to get over a log and then they jumped up on a really high box and they cleared a pig so they jumped in three different ways in the same workout and he's trying to like drive home the point that sometimes it's like test six at semifinals when some people were able to move through it almost at a really low heart rate because they were so skilled. They were so good at the pirouettes. They were so good on the rope that they didn't have to hurt to do well that it wasn't an engine test. It was a, it was a, it was an agility. It was
Starting point is 00:17:23 a balance. It was a coordination type test. And then a lot of times those workouts don't seem to get programmed at the competitive level, programmed in affiliates. Sometimes those bottom four, right? Agility, balance, coordination, accuracy, those are left behind. And if you look back at his programming, that's what he's making sure gets tested now. And it's not just every workout to suck fest, right? So it's make sure that sure you can hurt and you can just get the work done, but sometimes how you get from a to B matters. What movement do you think of when you hear that? The V up. Sometimes you can just lay on the floor and sometimes you can just flop around on the bar. And as long as
Starting point is 00:18:10 your chin gets over it, it's fine. Or as long as your toes hit the bar, it still counts. But sometimes it does matter how it looks. Sometimes if your knees come up before your toes, it doesn't count. Sometimes if your feet aren't above your head, it doesn't count. So I think like that sets a, a, a precedence for things that I think we could see like just a good old fashioned pushup this year. I think that kind of lays the foundation. Well, Hey, your, your, your hips dropped. Well, what do you mean they dropped? Well, you lost a tight midline. What do you mean you lost a tight midline? We're telling you that how you get down and get back up matters.
Starting point is 00:18:49 You can't just get the work done. It's more subjective than that. Wow. Hey, has the push-up traditionally been one of those things that we've assumed CrossFit Games don't program because they're scared of the judging? Yeah, well, it's something that I think has been programmed three times. I'm sure someone in the comments is,
Starting point is 00:19:08 is going to correct me, but when are the times Murph and Murph twice. And then, uh, the final one year when Dave announced it on the floor, the first workout was hand release, pushups, get open over the wall.
Starting point is 00:19:20 And then overhead squat, I believe was the Murph hand release pushups. Um, no, so not, noterv hand release push-ups um no so not not hand release was only that year these were just chest to deck or vest to deck push-ups so yeah this is like it said that that that quote kind of paves the way for something like this now since we're already here we can just say like in the last 50 weeks of main site programming, how many times do you think pushups have popped up? Uh, I have no idea. There you go. I knew I was missing a year, four years. Pushups have been in four years.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Pushups came up 25 times in the past 50 weeks. So at least every other week, pushups are on main site to put that in a context, handstand pushups was 12 or 13. push-ups were on main site to put that in context handstand push-ups was 12 or 13 to put that in context kettlebell swings was 12 right so it's like push-ups push-ups push-ups look at what we've done in in the competitive programming right we've done strict handstand push-ups in the open we've done wall facing strict handstand pushups at quarters in semis. They also did wall facing strict. They also did dips. So think about like 180 degree press. You press in this plane of motion up and down,
Starting point is 00:20:33 upside down. You press straight up and down, but you press in this down plane. What's the other plane of press? Just a good old fashioned pushup during quarterfinal. Where was the dip that was in the complex and workout six or something like that? Workout two in the ring complex. what's the other plane of press just a good old-fashioned push-up during where where was the dip that was in the complex and workout six or something like that workout two in the ring complex ring complex okay so you think well how is everything going to get harder it's the games
Starting point is 00:20:55 the games no no no don't think how is it going to get harder think think just what is something basic look at the hundred words right master push-ups like what is something basic? Look at the hundred words, right? Master pushups. Like what is something that maybe you're not training that you should be trained and just doing pushups, real honest, what they call it in this article, pushups, whether they're on rings, whether it's on a set of parallettes, whether it's on the floor, like this still holds up, this movement still holds up and it's still devastating just like a ring row or something like that where if they come up with a good standard for it right could cripple people and there's nothing that sounds more boss to me than something like
Starting point is 00:21:37 that than something simple that says uh you guys aren't you guys don't train these you think you're too good for them why uh jake is and um i want to see one rep max bench press at the games. I'm sure you do. I'm sure you do. Hey, traditionally, when you say that they might, I know you're tongue-in-cheek when you say they think they're too good for them because it's like the single under. Yeah, because some people do train them a lot.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Right, and it's like the single under. They don't think they're too good for them. They just had a lapse in fucking judgment. But in Cindy, just for example, traditionally, is the push-up the weak link for everyone? I think if you ask anyone who's been doing CrossFit maybe for at least a year, they would all say Cindy is a push-up workout. They would say Murph is a push-up workout. Okay. And that's even for – I'm just getting some clarity for myself. Even for the elite workouts, even for the elite fitness people,
Starting point is 00:22:30 because it wasn't until recently that I realized that for the elite athletes that burpees, it was muscle fatigue came before cardiovascular fatigue. I can't even fucking believe it took me fucking 14 years of doing CrossFit to learn that. cardiovascular fatigue i couldn't even i can't even fucking believe it took me fucking 14 years of doing crossfit to learn that right um but but but but it is still it is true in cindy that the push-up is the weak link for everyone i mean muscle manos not ironically not for me but for most people i think so yeah and your point about maybe they do train them and maybe they don't think they're too good for them but they're almost think that they're like they were they were a prerequisite.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Right. And it's funny you say that because during quarterfinals, CrossFit training or the CrossFit Games posted the push up a gateway movement. And there was this blurb about like if you're until you can master a push up, basically, you shouldn't move forward and other types of pressing. Well, that was taken down for some reason. was like a hey here's a reminder and now it's gone and that's not the first time something like that's happened right where a post is made and someone's like hey you guys should you guys should pay attention to this and we you know we take it down but i think chris henshaw said it best one time before the single unders came out of the games he said you know what he he makes elite level athletes do plate hops and single unders at his seminars. And he said, at one time, that single under was really important to you. Before you could do double
Starting point is 00:23:56 unders, that single under was everything. And you wanted to be really good at it. And you cared about it. And now you don't practice that skill anymore. And it's probably gone for a lot of you. And so I think there's just something to, you know, Greg said it before, right? Like when you, when you think you've done it all, when you think you're, when you think you're good, when you think you've mastered it all, go back to the beginning and start again, only this time, pay more attention. So even I think just as an overarching theme, right? Back to basics and don't train the movement that you think is going to come up in competition, right? A big prediction of mine this year is that the yoke is going to be used noturcher carry or a front rack carry or even an overhead carry, right? Because even like an empty yoke is 185, 200 pounds, which all those females can do unloaded. A Zurcher carry with no weight on it is devastating, but that's strongman influence.
Starting point is 00:25:02 But that's also, well, you can do so many cool things with this yoke. Why do you just put on your back and walk with it all the time? And Adrian loves it. And Adrian loves a strongman stuff. And it goes to that other theme that you were saying, don't think of the jump rope is just for jumping rope or just for double unders. Hey, I, I, Oh, you're not supposed to show that Kayla. What, what is that? I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. Put it up there. supposed to show that Caleb what what is that I'm just kidding I'm just kidding put it up there put it up there I'm kidding I really am kidding where is that from um that was good JR you got me scared too for a second this is this is from this is from uh maybe a past home gym from uh Adrian's house um there was a picture of a whiteboard and doing some research. And I saw a
Starting point is 00:25:47 video and I was like, Hey, this is pretty cool. And it was two lists, right? It was a list of like lower body and it was a list of upper body. And it said something along the lines of daily above it with a huge underline. So like maybe, maybe he picked something from that list. Like no matter what I'm going to get on the reverse hyper or on the GHD every day, every day, I'm going to do some kind of jumping every day. I'm going to do some kind of carry. Right. And it's just like, when you, when you see something like that for someone like me, who just likes to dive way too deeply you don't ignore it and if if zurcher is on there then i take note of it and do i think like a zurcher squat is possible that could be kind of clunky you gotta take it off the ground and get it what's it what's the zurcher show your hold that's when
Starting point is 00:26:38 you hold the bar here yeah it's where you hold it out front and they're they're amazing crevasse okay yeah sure i think maybe getting a barbell to that position would be, would be pretty clunky, but you could do that with a yoke. How, how would you do that with a yoke? That bar that sits on your shoulders, you lower it, it lowers all the way down to that. Yeah. So when the athletes get sized, they just get sized with it lower. And then, and then I know overhead and I know traditional yoke. What was the fourth one you said? I said like a front rack carry put like just holding it in the front rack and carry. Wow. But yeah, I just think that when, when you start to, when you start to look for implements that have only been used a certain way, a lot of people do that with rings and we
Starting point is 00:27:17 should play that quote from an interview he did with Boz. I think it was like on an Instagram live where he says again, like, you know, it's a shame that you only use your rings for muscle ups. There's so many other things that you could be doing with them and that you probably should be doing with them. So are you talking about pushups again? Um, pushups, but I, I think that you can do static holds on rings, right? You can do an L sit on parallettes, but you can do L sit on rings. right? You can do an L-sit on parallettes, but you can do L-sit on rings. It adds a stability aspect to it. You could lower the rings. Think about the nasty girls video. What if they put the rings just high enough to where you could tuck your feet behind you? But what are all those girls doing in that video? They're doing strict muscle ups,
Starting point is 00:28:01 but there's not enough room for them to extend their legs and kip. So it was like, Hey, this is, this is where your ring height set at just high enough. You get off the ground. You can get in an L and do them, or you can kind of get in a strict. Now we don't have to judge your strictness. Just get yourself up and over the rings. But if we move in the direction of higher skill back rolls to support have been on main site since like 2003 you told me that one day at the office greg got everyone to the gym and just said i'm going to teach all you guys how to do a back roll to support today and that's all we're going to do yeah the rings they were hanging actually in the office not even in the gym for a couple days he did it he came he came for several hours every day and tried to teach everyone how to do that back roll to support. And you know, that, that on the high rings,
Starting point is 00:28:49 that does create a little bit of cause for concern as far as like safety goes, right? Because that is a high fall. If someone loses it, um, it is, it is a little more, it is, it is a lot more technical. Um, but I mean mean there have been videos over the past month or so that i've seen of athletes on low rings doing front rolls to support doing training the rings in that way and i think if anything maybe that comes in the future right a lot of people know grid for back rolls to support and how easily people do them because it was one of the movements they kind of opened up with and i mean i have to think that if that was tony budding it was really greg glassman and that's kind of where some of those things started from um but yeah i mean if we
Starting point is 00:29:36 if we think back rolls to support if we think pullovers stuff like that pull-ups were on pullovers were on main site this year and what is is a bar pullover? It's just a backwards roll to support on the pull-up bar and not the rings. So if we're thinking about how we progress certain skills, sure. But, but I think there's a really good chance that we go the opposite direction, that it's not just how do we make things sexier? How do we make things harder? Um, no, it no it's it's you shouldn't be skipping the basic stuff first can i fall into the weeds a second sure i feel like i'm already there okay good i want to go to this push-up thing real quick do you do you approve of um uh uh hand release push-ups like when you say push-ups for some reason i i don't know caleb will you put up
Starting point is 00:30:27 the u.s army fitness test that was programmed for main site and we can talk about that i'm struggling with a hand release push-up being a push-up um do you think they have to be hand release push-ups for judging you think if they do it do you have let me ask you that just i guess straight up what do you think the push-up is release pushups for judging? You think if they do it, do you have, let me ask you that just, I guess, straight up. What do you think the pushup is going to look like this year at the games? I would say,
Starting point is 00:30:50 I would say it's either going to be on the rings at a set height. So let's say the bottom of the ring is six inches off the floor. And then they're, they're going to be putting their feet up on a ballistic block or a crash pad that makes their feet level with the bottom of the rings. And they say, Hey, maintain a tight body line, go down, touch your bicep lock out at the top. Sure. That's going to be hard to judge. They're going to be locking out fast. They lock out fast on ring muscle ups. I know they're one at a time, but that lockout is still the same lockout, right?
Starting point is 00:31:21 It's extend the arm at the top. this is really interesting to me for a couple reasons this is the u.s army fitness test now they had ben smith do it they posted a video of him doing it the hand release push-ups we're looking at right here yes okay the hand release push-ups that they use here are like a t-release is call them. So you go down, arms fully extend out like in a T position, and then you bring them back in and you do push up. So every time you're on the floor, you have to get to extend. So it slows the movement down a lot, but it does, since it slows the movement down, you can see a break in the body line easier rep for rep. And I could see them almost as an homage right to the military is what crossfit was originally created for to to use a movement like that um sprint drag i mean we saw the spud
Starting point is 00:32:14 sled for the hand over hand sled the um standing power throw is just throwing a medicine ball over your shoulder, right? Run two miles is there. It's a lot of things that already get trained, but the hand release pushup and the power throw are two things that really caught my eye as far as like, how could they kind of use this fitness test format as a way to test the games athletes. When you say over the shoulder, you mean like the way soccer players do it? No, I think about how you swing a kettlebell, but throw a ball behind you instead. Like the strong man when they throw the kegs up. Sure.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Yeah, and we can go ahead and go to throwing, but anyone that knows the pyramid knows what's with weightlifting. It's weightlifting and throwing. It's not just weightlifting. And how many times have we seen throwing at the games? Everyone remembers the softball toss. Most people remember the GHD sit-up med ball toss, like for distance. Some people will probably say.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Wait, wait, what? I don't remember that. What was that? Yeah, they did. I don't remember the year. Someone in the comments will. They did as like a, I mean, I guess just an explosive movement test. You got a certain number of throws on the GHD sit-up. There was a ball that was feeding them at the bottom of the GHD,
Starting point is 00:33:39 and they would sit up and throw it as far as they could in their lane. And that's really, like i found pictures on main site a year i vaguely remember that that's in carson oh yeah let's that that would sloppy wow what's being tested there what's being tested and uh what um yeah i know it's being tested there but where what do you have to do with the balls do you know like where do they have to go i think i think they're just for distance i think you got a certain number of balls on a certain amount of time and then your distance was your score. So we've got the softball. The dude with the yellow balls on lane one shit the bed. Yeah. We've got that. And God, I don't remember that.
Starting point is 00:34:36 There's a trip, you know, the, the, the skills hint that was released. Right. And that's supposed to be primarily gymnastics. But when you think about the skills year in skills one i think they had l sit and then they had the softball throw as a second well how could they test throwing like i started thinking about that how could they test throwing and there's there's a lot of pictures here that we have to pull up. How does strong man Highland stuff do, do throwing? Well, rogue makes a bag with a handle. That's almost like a kettlebell. Now, depending on how you laid it out, right? It wouldn't be for height, but think about like a red strap, like for chaos,
Starting point is 00:35:19 like on the burpee that everyone had to jump. And some people didn't have to jump at all. Some people had to jump a little bit higher. Think about using something like this. Say, hey, 21, 15, nine, 21 of something, 15 bag throw over the whatever. And then nine would like in a sprint style format, right? And the bag weighs a hundred pounds, 80 pounds, whatever, whatever would be like equivalent of a heavy kettlebell. Heavy. Can we, can you go through some other pictures while he's talking? I want of this bag. Oh no. Of that bag. Sorry. Of that bag. I think that's the only one of that bag, but there was no, there's like a bunch. Here we go. Okay. Sorry. Go on, go on. Yes. So this is primarily used like you do it for height, right? And they keep increasing the
Starting point is 00:36:02 height. Maybe the bag weight is set, but this would be a way they could do throwing. Think about, um, think about a yoke. Think about raising the yoke cross beam up high enough to where you get the effect, like the sandbag move and the Coliseum where you get to the wall and you got to figure out a way to get these sandbags up and over it. So you pick up this sandbag, you have to kind of shot put it up over the yoke, go to the other side, pick it up, throw it over again, go over to the other side, pick it up, throw it over again. But throwing is such an athletic movement.
Starting point is 00:36:35 It's an explosive hip opening movement. And it's not really, you don't really see it come up much anymore. Think about like a hammer throw there is a crossfit journal article i think by robin lyons talking about proper technique of a hammer throw what year was that uh we can caleb's got it back there we can pull it up by the way that bag was beautiful i think it would be super cool if they found a way to use something like that to implement that kind of strongman, odd object influence like that. I wonder if Bill and Katie – this is totally off subject. Do Bill and Katie make those in the United States?
Starting point is 00:37:16 Is that bag made at Rogue headquarters? They make shit like that? Dear Bill. I'm sure it is. Okay. Hammer throw. Robin Lyons, what year is that? That dear bill. I'm sure it is. Okay. Yeah. Uh, hammer throw, uh, Robin lions. What year is that?
Starting point is 00:37:26 In 2006, I was referred to to check out a workout called nasty girls. Oh, that's what I want to ask you too. Fuck. There's so many questions I have to ask. So if we just scroll on this, like it's literally a,
Starting point is 00:37:37 almost like a tutorial, like on how you generate the most power possible doing something like this. And while I don't think they're going to have each person come out and, and do a hammer throw, it could be part of a five part kind of workout where you come out, you do this, then you go over and you do a gymnastics movement that we all know. Then you get on a biker and you go for max cows.
Starting point is 00:38:05 And then you go just kind of almost like a – think about it like a combine, like an NFL combine type thing. And there's a picture on – You know what's crazy about the hammer throws? It checks a lot of boxes. It does. And there's a – Agility, balance, strength.
Starting point is 00:38:18 I know I'm digging deep, but they use a sputting sled, the carpet sled for the hand-over-hand. And I think the military uses a lot of sputting sled you know the carpet sled for the hand over hand i think the military uses a lot of sputting products on rogue there's a picture off rogue of something that simulates a hammer throw so you put a plate on the end of a strap you hold it and you can tell it is for like you could you could wield it right you could throw it yeah it's similarly similarly to get a hammer and it's it's it's in the pictures too that you can pull up but i'd love to see that caleb i can't even picture what the fuck he's talking about and if if you know anything like you if you follow bill henniger's instagram it's pretty cool because a lot of times he'll just post
Starting point is 00:39:00 pictures of things and you don't even know what it is just like prototyping. And there's a picture of some 70 pound, what looks like almost shot puts. There it is. Oh, before you fit. So what do you do with this thing? You hold on to one end and then you tie something into that. You attach something to that loop and you swing that.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Yeah. I think you loop the metal. I think you, you put the plates on the end that doesn't have you loop the metal uh i think you you put the plates on um the end that doesn't have the loop yeah and then you turn the loop so that it hits the hole of the plate and so you can kind of just load it that way wow and train with it but a few times bill has posted this picture of what looks like just dumbbell heads and a lot of people would see it and just think that they're dumbbell heads um but they were posted a few times there you go oh shit so i gotta ask you you think there's a chance adrian would fucking do that put a fucking 10
Starting point is 00:40:00 pound weight on the end of one of those and let these fucking ding-dongs go out there and i would love i think i think i think like i think like broad jumps as a valid fitness test like broad jump for distance like they do in high rocks yeah it it does it is exhausting and it does create a lot of fitness but how hard is that to watch as a spectator? And I think something like this is probably right there with it. God, I would love to see that. If we can pull up the picture of what looks to be those 70 pound, like dumbbell heads,
Starting point is 00:40:38 like they look like little shot puts. Right. And he posted them and he posted them a few times and just said like prototyping right and then there was another picture and yeah it just like looked like dumbbell heads to me and there's another picture of them just in a box of just a bunch of them and then there'll be a picture of a pile of rocks that he posted on his instagram story yeah and you just start thinking about stuff. You're just like, Hey, like, could we just do a, here's this pile of stuff. It's all these different implements. It's in your lane. You got to take it from one end of North park to the other end of the field.
Starting point is 00:41:17 And once you get it all down there, you got to move it back. That's it. That's the workout. You got a D ball. That's 200 pounds. You got a Husafel bag. You got a plyo box. You got this weird power pin like that. You got a duck walk, but this is all your stuff. You can do it in whatever order you want, get it down there. And when you get it down there, carry it back. There's nothing more like primal and primitive and boss than a test like that. Hey, didn't they have that? Didn't they have that? Oh, wow. Looky here. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:47 So where's this? Where's this? This is main site. So this is one that I grabbed back in March. And I'll credit Brian for this because I didn't see it. He sent that to me and he said, that's a very unique workout. And I was like, that's a really, really unique workout.
Starting point is 00:42:04 So you just, the instructions were in the video is really cool. I went and watched it. This affiliate is freaking massive. They have like a legitimate football field looking turf. Oh, is this Gabe Subri's gym? Is this CrossFit 209? It's so cool. I don't know if you can pull up the video for it, but move 700 pounds of odd objects,
Starting point is 00:42:22 50 yards, and then just move it back. Use plates, dumbbells, sandbags, firewood, whatever. Yeah, that guy's got a bench. Yeah, they use a bench. They use a plyo box. They use whatever. And I'm like, man, like talk about just like a really – I mean at the games they've done something similar, right?
Starting point is 00:42:36 There was a year they had this cylinder and then they had a feed sack and then they had like I think they called called them the slug or something like that. It was just three implements. They were like 100, 125, and 150. They were all on one end of the football field, the soccer field. And you just had to sprint down, pick up one, carry it back, dump it. Sprint down, pick up another one, carry it back, dump it. And it was just a sprint carry workout.
Starting point is 00:43:03 And stuff like that is super exciting to watch. I think about how cool strongman sphere was. And really that was just moving all this stuff down the field or whatever, or you want it, but doing a handstand walk in between. So it's been a long time since we've gotten something like this. That's just like, I think 2010 and then 2015, when they redid the wheelbarrow workout, where it's just like, Hey, take all this stuff move it over there and then carried up those steps by the way that was really exciting because they ran up into the stadium right and that that was that anytime they get up in the crowd that shit gets exciting what was the workout they did maybe you were referencing it and i think it was
Starting point is 00:43:40 north park where they had like a yoke and then they had two um strongman's fear that's that was that had handstand walking in it yeah I think that's why it was a strongman's fear that he had all these he had all these things he could move but then he had to handstand walk back to them to get them because there were that whatever that was you had what are those things you had to pick up those slater logs, I think is what they called them. And I remember several of the athletes were like, hey, I've never picked up this much weight before. Like this is going to be hard. I think I remember you maybe interviewing, is Jeff Patzer?
Starting point is 00:44:15 Is that his name maybe? Oh, yeah, yeah. Maybe it was him, yeah. Yeah. Good memory. And talking about how heavy they felt. But that 700-pound haul, yeah. Yeah, those. And you could do it in those things. And you could do it in any order you want. They felt, but that, that 700 pound haul. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Yeah. Those, and you could do it in those things and you could do it in any order you want. What are those things called again? Slater logs, I believe. Those are ridiculous. Yeah. So last year, you know, they used the Jerry cans in the Capitol for farmers carry. Um, so yeah, I mean, Carrie's come up a lot in boz's stuff um i mean i i think that having the sandbag event as a test of absolute strength already just tells you how much strong man influence maybe he's always had in his own training and how much he thinks that other people
Starting point is 00:44:58 should too um caleb could you just show that that pile of rocks that bill put on his story and i'm i'm almost positive that that pile of rocks just that picture has been on his story twice like in the last three months it's just a it's just a big pile of rocks i know what those pile of rocks are i just don't know if i'm supposed to say they've been coming up they've been there for they come up periodically for um many years now well i'm gonna feel i'm gonna feel like really i'm gonna feel really i'm gonna feel really shallow if it's like if it's like a really um spiritual or emotional evocation no no you're on the right page you're on the right page all right you're you're i mean you're you're you are and you're not i'll tell you afterwards and i because when
Starting point is 00:45:50 i had a very brief conversation with bill because i was curious what the fuck those were and i don't i just don't know if i'm supposed to say he didn't say not to say but um yeah don't want to fuck that up, dear Bill and Katie. So I feel like we've jumped around a lot already, obviously, but when we were talking about the push-ups, I mentioned doing muscle-ups from a lower position, and it reminded you of Nasty Girls, and then you said you had a question about that.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Oh, Nasty Girls. Has Nasty Girls ever been in the games? No, it's been at regionals before, but they changed it to Pistols, Nasty Girls ever been in the games? No, it's been at regionals before. But they changed it to Pistols. Nasty Girls Volume 2. What year was that? Was that just at one regional? It was one of the Panchic-Froning race,
Starting point is 00:46:39 really good race year, so maybe 12 or 13. And did all the regionals do it? Right. Oh, okay. Yeah. And was it, did all the regionals do it? Right. Oh, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:49 And going back to the rings, I do want to play the clip from street parking. It's toward the top, Caleb. And this is an interview that Boz did before the open where, you know, there's a lot of promotion for street parking. And then at the end, Miranda's like, Hey, can you, can you, can you give us anything about the open or whatever, you know, there's a lot of promotion for street parking. And then at the end, Miranda's like, Hey, can you, can you, can you give us anything about the open or whatever, you know, any hints and stuff like that. And, and at the very, very, very end, um, you know, they get into wall walks.
Starting point is 00:47:19 It's like, yeah, my members love it. Love the wall walks last year because they do it a lot in their training. And, you know, he says something along the lines of yeah ring rows and wall walks like two probably most underutilized movements out there much fun it's like we do and um yeah i can't wait to see what happens got any um got any hints she won't block us you can let this play out Caleb we're good she's good oh boy I don't want to give too much away but at every open we always try to put something that's a little bit new in the open and so this year will be no different we'll have something that's a little bit new but certainly not like new in the realm of you didn't make it a new movement yeah exactly
Starting point is 00:48:02 it's like if you've been around the CrossFit world, you'll have experienced this thing before, but probably not in competition and certainly not in a CrossFit Games competition. Our community was pumped on the wall walks last year. Oh, yeah? Oh, awesome. I mean, I would say at least twice a month we're doing wall walks.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Nice. And have been since the beginning. Wall walks and ring rows are like the most underrated of movements. just they're like oh i'm i'm beyond that now it's like i don't think you are they're hard let's go yep all right cool it's been so cool yeah so what was the movement that was introduced uh jr like this year burpee pull-up that's what he was talking about. Oh, okay. Burpee pull up. So yeah, there's a tiny little thing there, but, um, dot com. I mean, even there's, there's a workout that I found with the ring rows that actually gave a standard and it's the standard that, that I try to use when I do them and I do them all the time and they are devastating. Like if you're really strict, right?
Starting point is 00:49:04 Without keeping a rigid body line, you have your feet up at least 20 to 24 inches off the ground and you're all the way supine, a true supine ring row. They get just as difficult, if not more than a strict pull up. And I know that's in the, ah, we're getting really subjective with judging. It's where we're making it really tough to know what's like, what if you hinge at the waist and you're bringing your chest to the bottom of the rings? Like, Oh, are you, um, there's deviation from the bottom position. That's not a rigid or whatever. But again, it's like, Hey, how many people do you know are like, I'm going to do three rounds for time of, uh, 21 back squat at 185, 21 ring rows.
Starting point is 00:49:47 No one's really going to do that workout, but that's nasty. Doing those ring rows unbroken, most people are not going to be able to do that at all. What we've seen, at least over the last year or so, is that there's these basic movements that you guys don't come back to. And whether it's a ring push-up, whether it's a ring row, I mean, ring dips have been out for a while, and then they came back this year in the form of the ruck. But what if we kept that? We're like, hey, well, at the games, we're going to do ring dips again.
Starting point is 00:50:21 You're just not going to wear the ruck, and we're going to do big sets this time. You're not safe. Again, it's not just all about muscle-ups. And that's it. Extra sloppy ring push-ups. We talked about that. There's another one down here. Lucky Camera Straps.
Starting point is 00:50:39 JR, do you think skills will be a collection of mini-tests like max L-sit hold or more of a high skill for time workout i i think what they're saying is i think many skills or there's actually gonna be a wad right yeah i would bet an amount of money that mattered to me on lsit being in that test how it served up i don't know i hope from like a viewership standpoint that it's just a ggg like 5k run one movement weightlifting total two movements skills test three movements would be really clean so you have three different three different skills and you do them just like in a for time format, whether it's like a, like a, a sprint chipper, like 60, 40, 20,
Starting point is 00:51:28 do something, whether it's like five rounds per time or three rounds per time of some kind of gymnastics only chipper, I think would be a triplet would be really cool. But I do think that saying skills, this is something that I, I, I predicted last year that was incorrect. The age groups did it. The return of the skills, skills one and skills two, where you have three different things and you get a certain amount of time to
Starting point is 00:51:54 do it like max L sit hold. And then, um, max distance P bars traverse. And you have to pirouette on each side. So think about basic progressions of things. Do you think those will be back? Do you think those will be back?
Starting point is 00:52:10 I don't feel strongly that the P-bars will be back this year. I could see them coming back to them next year. But if they were, since they've already done traverses and dips, who's to say that you're going to do 10 dips every round, but you've got to do five on each side of the P-bars? So you've got to traverse down, do five, pirouette, come back, do five more. Like, why are you just pirouetting on the floor on a handstand? You can pirouette on these bars too.
Starting point is 00:52:37 You mean like from basically you're talking about turning around? Sure. So you would go from having your hand on each side to then rotating to having both hands on one and then kind of reverse pivoting onto the other and it's a skill that it would not take very long for athletes to adapt to i don't think either have you seen anyone practicing that on instagram not on instagram but people have sent me personal videos doing them wow yeah so you know to answer this guy's question i i think it will be like that skills one and skills two whether it's you know like um one minute max double under crossover
Starting point is 00:53:13 think about the skills medley last year how much backlash that got because we didn't get to see everyone who could do that skill do it well all right we're gonna bring them back and now everyone can show that they can so you do like why only two then why not three i thought you were saying three i was yeah so saying like maybe you do like a max l sit hold and then there's a one minute transition and then you do um a hang gymnastics movement or maybe you do something on the p bars or maybe you do a hand stand something and then the last movement is two minutes max double under crossover. It's the only problem with that kind of thing though, is there, there isn't a race that you're watching. So I wonder, there are some things that the race is secondary. The show, the spectacle is secondary to the test,
Starting point is 00:54:01 but then there are some things that's like, Hey, like I'm just watching all these people jump in one spot for two minutes. I have no idea who's done 20 and who's done two. So we want to be able to watch it and see who's winning, which is, is difficult sometimes. Now, maybe they progress down the floor. If you, if you think that the jump rope is going to be in the skills and they're doing double under crossovers or they're doing triple unders because everyone's been practicing double under crossovers and now they finally decided to do triples. And every 10, you have to advance.
Starting point is 00:54:32 So you do 10, advance. Do you think that's a possibility that there would be triple unders? I remember seeing a video of Tommy Marquez doing triple unders like 10 years ago and thinking that for 10 years, eventually they would come up but they never have and the you know the crossover and the single under came out first so that would be something cool to ask boz like hey dude do you just hate triples or do you love them and you think one day maybe they'll come out i know he probably wouldn't say but i think you're either in the
Starting point is 00:54:59 camp of you hate them and they're they're too hard to judge and it's already difficult enough to count double-unders and double-under crossovers. Why would you ever do three turns? And I think there are some people that think, yeah, it's a natural progression, single-under, double-under, triple-under. Damn. I would love to know what they do for the skills. I'm excited to see what that is.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Swolvering, throw balls for distance. When's the last time they did that? Do you think that, so you mentioned going back to throwing, you think something's going to be thrown this year? Yeah. And some of the ideas you put are something that's on the end of an implement. Like. Yeah. If they were going to do something like almost like a decathlon where they're like, you're doing, you're doing these collection of things and everyone's going to watch you do it. That sounds really anticlimactic and tough, but it might be like a lot of people thought the sandbag ladder was boring at first. And then it
Starting point is 00:55:59 got to be like the most exciting thing ever by the end. Yeah. So, you know, who knows, but I do think throwing that explosive hip opening, I think jumping, which we should get into more so as a valid test of fitness. I think things like that will be like, Oh yeah, we throw a wall ball to a target and that's really all we do. We never throw anything else anything else well why don't you throw things that's one of the most athletic movements you can do is throwing something it's jumping so uh jay kazan they should do the wheelbarrow uh workout again you think there's any chance that would come back the wheelbarrow i would love them to bring that back out i think rogue two years ago they wore a ruck and they started maybe the workout with a with a wheelbarrow and then they did like some up and overs where they had this log and they would dip under it and then
Starting point is 00:56:48 crawl over and dip under and crawl over it and i'm pretty sure they did rope climbs with that workout it was really cool the wheelbarrow was not super significant but i think it would be cool if they brought that out to north park and did something like an alpaca like a a hall where you're like hey you have all these things you can load them in your wheelbarrow however you want take as many trips as you want or as few trips as you want just get it done uh wad zombie i love you jr i think wad zombie might be in my town right now um i saw a text message come in. So I think we should get into jumping.
Starting point is 00:57:29 You know, we're just talking about the jump rope. Let's do that. Okay, okay. Let's do that. One second. Let me call Wad Zombie, and then we'll get back to that. No, I'm joking. They already paid for the P-bars. Do you think that that's...
Starting point is 00:57:41 That's a... I mean, that's... Do you think that influences the do you think that that influences the programming? You think that influences the programming if they paid for them already? Like they got 15 of them sitting around and they're like, well, fuck better use them. Well, yeah, you know, there were consecutive years that they use the ramp and the stairs obstacle.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Like every year there was some kind of handstand walk obstacle course. every year there was some kind of handstand walk obstacle course. And like, I bought some from, from AI, that supplier for my gym. Those were expensive. And now you can't buy them anymore. They don't make them anymore. So does CrossFit have those in a warehouse somewhere or were they just renting them? Because the ones that I bought were used at Wadapalooza. They still have the sticker on them. I just peeled all the stickers off. I bought them used. So if they own those P bars, the low ones and especially the high ones, which I think he's talking about here.
Starting point is 00:58:32 Yeah. I mean, I think bringing them back would be, would be really cool, but in a different way, like again, making you pirouette on them. Or do pushups on them. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:46 That was the picture. Or the low ones. Whatever. Either way, but the picture you pulled up of Greg Amundsen, he was doing them on there. And I think this is 100% Chase Ingram's idea, listening to their programming show. It's not something I thought of,
Starting point is 00:59:01 but last year we had those final five athletes have the opportunity to do a press to handstand on those low P bars and walk across them, right? It was the low start. Well, we've got this Helen workout announcement. to handstand Diane where they did I'm sorry press to handstand Annie where they did sit-ups I think 21 and then press the handstand walk across the low parallel bars and back to the deadlift press the handstand so it's like you know Boz is really famous for doing roaming Diane which was like one of the first times Diane was programmed with a handstand walk he was doing it outside you may have filmed that or someone, you know, like it was outside behind a gym, like on concrete. So using those P bars, if they already own them, but not just using them in as strictly skill setting, but using them like in a mixed modal type workout, like they use the P bars for Elizabeth elevated would be, would be really cool.
Starting point is 01:00:21 But they're not just like going upstairs across the traverse and down a ramp they're doing deadlifts doing a press the handstand walking across the bars coming back to the barbell like something like that um yeah this is something that boz is really famous for i mean this is one of the first boz videos i ever saw hey you know what's cool cool about what you're saying that kind of really stuck with me is the fact that you're saying that skills medley. People are like, hey, we didn't get a chance to do this. We didn't get a chance to do that. We didn't get it.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Yeah. Maybe either do them in single little two-minute tests or take each one out and mix it with a different movement the way you were just talking. Yeah, that's cool. And I think that's what a lot of people think. A lot of people are wondering like, well, we see a press to handstand on pirouettes where you do it four reps, where you start in an L, you get to a handstand
Starting point is 01:01:14 and then you control it back to an L, that's one. And would that be too difficult to judge? But could you do that four reps in a four-time workout? Or does it just have to be a doing one is what you get credit for? Just doing one, right? If it's like, no, you can do multiples. Is the jump rope going to come back and be in that kind of a setting? Or is it going to be like five rounds for time?
Starting point is 01:01:40 Or is it going to be 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6 9 6 3 triple under or double under crossover echo bite calorie right is it going to be like in a true classic crossfit type style workout um what did you say uh there was something you're like hey let's get to i brought up throwing and you're like hey let's get to what what was it we played that clip from up and over and it was it was talking about jumping but then he kind of jumped off and let's, let's talk about jumping and let's talk about how, how that could come back up. And I think we should start with a workout from the day on main site, um, June 11th, we should throw that picture up there because sometimes on main site workouts pop up that you like that 700 pound haul like
Starting point is 01:02:26 nothing like that ever gets programmed ever so it is a really cool workout and maybe it's just like hey sometimes you gotta do grunt work well just like this one like hey box jumps are programmed all the time double unders are programmed all the, but that's really the only kind of jumping that we get. And in this workout, it's a couple of sumo deadlift high pulls and lateral jumps over a 24 or 20 inch obstacle is how it's worded. So it doesn't say box and over laterally which it they never they never tell you how to orient your body when you're jumping over something not on main site workouts so a lot of people video with this there's no video of this no not that i know of but this is january of what year? This year. June of this year. So when you see this, you think about, okay,
Starting point is 01:03:37 like you could put a PVC pipe on top of a plyo box and you could just bound back and forth over it, right? You could have some kind of an obstacle. Think about what Wadapalooza did with the hurdle hops. They did hurdle hops, toes to bar and shuttle runs. I think Hiller programmed a workout that was ground to overhead and pogo hops over a barbell, which is a lot shorter. But think about a movement like this and how much athleticism it shows, how much agility it shows. The people that can bound them fluidly side to side versus the people that jump over, have to gather themselves, take a breath, jump over again.
Starting point is 01:04:12 And for that many reps on a workout with a sumo delift high pull, something like that, a workout like that holds up at the games as one of those like, hey, it's not the workout that puts on the show. It's the athlete's performance that puts on the show. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve.
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Starting point is 01:05:14 which can actually be cheaper. More margaritas, less mileage misery. It's a road less traveled for a reason. Say no to gas stations and gassy passengers and yes to Sunwing savings. Book with your local travel agent or... Where did you find this, Caleb? That's When was that published? It's unlisted. I think it's part of the CAP programming, but I found it and I just clicked on the
Starting point is 01:05:45 link that was associated with the lateral box jump overs. What do you think about that? It's Unlisted JR and it's part of CAP programming. What do you think of that? I think there's a lot of good stuff on CAP.
Starting point is 01:06:02 Good stuff meaning it's good to do or it's like good for you to hunt and find game shit well i don't know i've actually never thought about going to that um but i can give you some numbers over the last 50 weeks over the last year i started at the games conclusion last year and went basically to this week box jumps of at least 36 inches for males and 30 for females has been programmed five times. Not a big deal. Normally though, they're only programmed at 24 and 20 or at 30 and 24. So we see a lot of high box jumps programmed. Once they're programmed at 42 and 36 inches probably the highest ever programmed this year and clears meaning jump all the way over something has been programmed twice and it was
Starting point is 01:06:52 programmed once with i think maybe burpee box jump overs but it gave explicit instructions jump all the way over the box and it's something we've seen in other competitions, but never in CrossFit Games competition. Last year when they did up and over that workout that Boz was talking about, the pig that they had to jump over was a clear. They had to clear it in the air. And to my knowledge, that's the first time that criteria has ever been programmed by the CrossFit Games, that's the first time that criteria has ever been programmed by the CrossFit Games, Open, Regionals, whatever. So maybe that was just something that's going to trickle down.
Starting point is 01:07:32 Maybe it's something that's going to come back. But that workout on main site, seeing that was a big like, whoa, I need to star that one. Because this does check the boxes of athleticism, agility, coordination, accuracy, all those things. And if you were someone that watched Waterpalooza and you watched Pat and some of the other guys that had the sports background execute that workout, like some people really fumbled around on those pogo hops over the hurdle, not just because they were tall and they couldn't jump that high, but just the fluidity of landing and immediately bouncing again, landing and immediately bouncing again. I think jumping is going to come back. Way back when in main site, they programmed jumping a lot
Starting point is 01:08:20 and it was like, hey, jump as high as you can up onto something as safely as possible and do it five times. Right. It was just like basically just plyometric training. But there were also workouts like this one that Caleb has a picture of that it was Tabata touches to a 12 inch target, which sounds just miserable to me. Reminds me of my basketball days just doing rim touches. So like, Hey, just do 50 rim touches, but no pause on the ground. So jump up, touch the rim, rebound, jump up, touch the rim, rebound. It's exhausting to do something like that. So we're not jumping up onto something. We're just jumping to touch something. And if you're taller, you're just taller, but they did burpee pull up. A lot of times burpee pull-ups are programmed to a 12-inch reach above your hand, not to barely over your fingertips.
Starting point is 01:09:11 So just the idea of using jumping. Okay, well, how do people always jump? Well, they always jump on a box. Okay, well, how else can we do it? Well, we could broad jump. We did that at the Games one year. No one really got to see it. What about a burpee broad jump?
Starting point is 01:09:30 What about think about a field and think about doing a hundred foot burpee broad jump 21 deadlift 100 burpee broad jump 15 deadlift 100 burpee broad jump nine deadlift and really all it does is if you want to jump less explosively you got to do more burpees you got to go 100 feet so you can do tiny jumps and do a lot of burpees and again like is that cool like is that cool to watch i i don't know maybe it might be really cool to watch it may look really clunky but it's still a really valid test and it's still testing athleticism and jumping in a way and doing burpees in a way that most people don't test um i think that can be programmed so it doesn't look clunky it just needs to look like a sprint right so if you like you, if you program it in a really tight time domain, you can make that a sprint and make people crush themselves jumping as far as they can every burpee just because they got to get back to the bar before they got next to them.
Starting point is 01:10:39 Right. Just out of curiosity, why deadlift with that? Why not a rope climb? Oh, I just made that up. Okay, okay. I was just thinking about something that would like tax your posterior a lot and make it to where the jumping would be pretty brutal.
Starting point is 01:10:55 The Unknown, $100, thank you. Behind the scenes fun and in hopes of a pregame show with JR Friend and Young, yes, Young, infantile keyboard warriors can go pound sand. Oh, I think everyone, thank you, by the way, that's awesome. game show with JR friend and young. Yes. Young infantile keyboard warriors can go pound sand. Oh, I think everyone, thank you by the way.
Starting point is 01:11:07 That's awesome. And I don't, I don't think anyone seriously means they don't like young if they do. They're crazy. Yeah, we can definitely try to do that. I think Brian is coming on the show. Friday's. Uh,
Starting point is 01:11:23 I think we haven't scheduled for Friday's CrossFit Games update show it will be we don't have Hiller on we don't have JR on it we could get JR on it
Starting point is 01:11:30 we could ask him it's late for JR but we have Hiller Brian Friend and Tyler Watkins I think this
Starting point is 01:11:37 Friday and thank you by the way that $100 will be very useful that's cool yeah
Starting point is 01:11:42 so yeah are you saying you think that's going to be their lateral jump? Oh, and let me ask you one more thing about the lateral jump. I think they will jump in a non-traditional way, 100%. Do you think that it would be better
Starting point is 01:11:55 if that lateral jump was lower? The examples I found, I mean, Caleb found an example from the mothership. I found some examples that weren't from the mothership, but they weren't people jumping over a box. And so they could string them together. Do you think that that workouts better if you
Starting point is 01:12:08 can't string them together or if you can string them together? It's better if you can string them together because the intent and the intensity and the potency, but I think 24 and 20 is, is perfect. Like to, to laterally jump over something, especially if it's something, think about like a hurdle, like a PVC pipe, something like that. I think that it, you don't have to cover much distance laterally.
Starting point is 01:12:31 You just have to get high enough over and over again. Well, look how, look how this guy does it. This is a non-crossfit video, but look how this guy does it. Can you use, this is a totally different technique
Starting point is 01:12:43 than what the other guy was using the other guy that caleb showed he was going over a box that was so high that he had to look like he was taking off with both feet yeah no it would have to be like a two-foot takeoff sure so it's more like a bound like a box jump bound um but talking about the burpee broad jump made me think about, I'm pretty sure it was Taylor's self's idea. And we were trying to figure out floor layouts and what, what people could be doing based on the floors of semifinals. And we were,
Starting point is 01:13:16 we were predicting things and someone said something where they were like, Hey, you know how you do the line facing burpee or a bar facing burpee where you have to jump over this piece of tape or jump over this bar? Well, what if they just put two strips of tape five or six feet apart? Do your burpee, jump over it, turn around, do your burpee. So basically you're clearing the distance in between the tape. So you have to jump explosively or you fail. So again, like that's very simple, but it's so much harder than just like a bar facing burpee where you're just barely hopping. Like, no, no, no. Like I want you to actually
Starting point is 01:13:53 jump and cover distance. So you could- You know what's interesting about that too, JR? That takes a small man workout and turns it into- Yeah. Maybe it takes the burpee and neutralizes it. Sure, a little bit more. Like a burpee high box jump would. Sure. Mason Mitchell, Sevan trying hard to act interested. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:14:15 I appreciate the... This is super geeky. I apologize. We should probably move on to trunk flexion after that. Since I know you want to talk about trunk flexion a lot. Trunk flexion when you hang a towel from your okay um trunk flexion what the fuck is trunk flexion come on mason what do you mean i'm i'm i'm casual it's not i'm cool what do you mean trying hard that's cool i'm cool chill
Starting point is 01:14:37 there was an interview he did with chase on uh adrian bosman right i think right before right after quarterfinals and maybe it was it was aired after quarterfinals had already come and gone but he's basically you know alluding to the v-up right and how that that is trunk flexion and how in crossfit we have so many you're sure that you're sure he was alluding to the v-up that was like yeah i'm sure in hindsight you're like fuck he gave us the clue. No, no, no. It wasn't a clue, though. I think that maybe he was asked about the V-up specifically.
Starting point is 01:15:12 Oh, okay, after they happened. Right. Like, hey, there's all these movements in CrossFit that are all about trunk extension. Think about all the Olympic lifts, right? Everything is explosive opening of the hip, but there's not a lot of closing in CrossFit. We have toes to bar and we have GHD sit-ups. Okay. And we have regular sit-ups, right? Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:33 And a hundred words, world-class fitness, master the basis of gymnastics, sit-ups are in there. Okay. So we have the V-up and that adds another trunk flexion exercise to the list. We have the V-up and that adds another trunk flexion exercise to the list. Well, what is something that comes up occasionally on main site, came up once over the last year, that a lot of gymnasts train all the time, that a lot of people train to get better at hanging trunk flexion movements is a strict toast bar. Oh yeah, that's cool. But like how, how would you do that? Well, you have all these pressing movements that we do strict for time, strict handstand pushups, deficit, strict handstand pushups, all that. But we don't
Starting point is 01:16:17 have a lot of hanging strict movements done. Well, how could they do that? Could you imagine how it would look in the Coliseum if in 10 lanes, there was a set of stall bars there and we could pull up the picture of what stall bars are, but it's something that you see in most gymnastics gyms. It would eliminate the, are the feet going behind the plane of the bar? Are they generating a kip? Well, nah, dude, these bars are in the way. So you got to do strict toes to bar on these. Well, nah, dude, these bars are in the way. So you got to do strict toes to bar on these.
Starting point is 01:16:53 Could we see trunk flexion like that being incorporated a little bit more? I think what's much more likely is a knees to elbow. I talked about this on a show that we did maybe around semifinals trying to predict that programming. Knees to elbows are a classic OG CrossFit movement. There are a few hero workouts that have knees to elbows. It's trunk flexion. No, dude, that thing, it's your elbow. It's got to hit this hard thing on your leg. If you don't, it's a no rep. It's not a knee to tricep. Nope, no rep. Nope, no rep. And anyone that's done these, much harder than toes to bar. Much more bicep and grip fatigue. Most people have to do almost a half pull-up to be able anthropometrically to get their
Starting point is 01:17:35 knee to their elbow. And it's just not a sexy movement that's trained very often, but it's really, really old school classic CrossFit. And I think that it's only a matter of time before knees to elbows come out at the games they never have been programmed before i like it but i really like the stall bars and the strict toes to bar do you think that everyone can do that probably not is more of a reason that he would program them um and do you have to keep your would you have to keep your legs straight?
Starting point is 01:18:06 I don't think that would be a criteria, much like a kipping toes to bar. But again, the V-up sets precedence for all of these things we're talking about to be a maybe. Yeah, actually, if your knee's bent, it doesn't count. Sorry. Like they can just say that. But I don't think that they would make that a criteria.
Starting point is 01:18:26 I think it would just be, Hey, get your toes to that bar in between your hands. They got to touch at the same time, similarly to how they do a kipping toes to bar. Well, it doesn't say in the a hundred words, it doesn't say, um, I don't think it mentions, uh, being able to do a toes to bar with straight legs but two of the things it did say in there was uh flips and splits true yeah i'm one of those people that think that that like a back flip or a back tuck will will never be programmed and probably shouldn't be yeah i don't think it will be either yeah and a split again is like i think it's a it's amazing for flexibility and and those kind things. But unless we're talking about like a stalled or hold where, you know, your feet are V'd out, whereas an L-sit there, your legs are in between. That's like the closest thing to a split I can think of that would, that would ever come out.
Starting point is 01:19:25 I can think of that would, that would ever come out. And actually that might be a really good lead into holds. So holds is a holds is a big, big thing that I think has been emphasized. The masters did a handstand hold after a barbell workout for their semifinals. The teams did a sandbag hold that was devastating. That was crushing people, a static hold so i think again going back to the hundred words master the basics of holds and that's why i said l sit if i had to bet is what's coming whether it's l sit on parallettes l sit on rings l hang on a bar so hang from a pull-up bar, hold an L position. I think that that is the static hold that we get, but holds in general are something that not a lot of people, isometrics are not something that a ton of people train. And again, the influence that the game's programming
Starting point is 01:20:19 has had on the community this year, everyone's doing wall-facing handstand push-ups. Everyone's practicing pirouettes. Everyone's doing single-facing handstand push-ups. Everyone's practicing pirouettes. Everyone's doing single-unders and double-edged cross-overs. I think Boz knows this and knows, hey, we program holds on main side all the time. We don't really see many gyms programming them. You guys should be having your members work isometrics.
Starting point is 01:20:41 Hang from a pull-up bar for five minutes and as few sets as possible handstand hold freestanding or against the wall you think that would be there i think i heard you mentioned that to me one time in passing we were talking on the phone and you mentioned a workout uh a three minute hang and every time you come off you got to run 800 meters yeah it's it's the hero workout coughlin and it's um it's accumulate i believe it's accumulate eight minutes six minutes eight minutes of static of dead hang and every time you break run a run 800 and do 30 push-ups i think is what the workout is um you think we would see something like that well until Helen kind of came out I saw this workout shortly after
Starting point is 01:21:29 the grips post where they said hey this grip is good this grip is no good and I think when I came on the show I was telling people don't think like why are they like don't think what's the big deal a grip is a grip think about no why are they doing this why are they like, don't think what's the big deal? A grip is a grip. Think about, no, why are they doing this? Why are they making this announcement that your grip cannot be a certain length? There is something at the games that having a grip longer than that, they view as a significant advantage. So whether you're in the camp of thinking Helen is with a thick pull-up bar, sure. That's going to give you a huge advantage. If you, if you got a grip, that's really, really long that you can kind of use to wrench.
Starting point is 01:22:07 If you got a dead hang, absolutely. A grip that's too long is going to allow you to just let your wrist do all the work. So that's where my mind goes is, okay, they've said this, but why, why are they telling everybody, Hey, make sure your grips are this before you get here right there's a there's an apparatus there's a hanging element that a lot of people probably are not prepared for and they don't want the grip to be the thing that fools people into thinking that they can do it if that makes yeah it totally makes sense basically there was a workout that they were testing and someone showed up there with the fucking long ass grip and then they saw that it was fucking affecting the workout and they're like ding ding ding uh we need to make an announcement about grips well ahead of time think about rogue and doing the muscle ups on the log
Starting point is 01:22:58 right and how hand size you know played a big part you know we can just we can infer that because of the amount of females that weren't able to finish the workout or weren't able to really to do well at that movement and yeah i mean maybe maybe seeing something like that you know influence boz but i think we we should talk about how boz probably already has that kind of stuff in the back of his mind because a lot of people see that log and they think, Oh, what a cool thing. Like you're, you're hanging from a non-traditional pull-up bar and you're, you're doing them like you're out in the woods in CrossFit for so long. The external loaded object has always changed. All right. You do thrusters with a barbell. Okay, cool. Use dumbbells, dumbbells. Well, we never thought about that. Yep. Use dumbbells. Why don't you use kettlebells? Okay. We can use kettlebells. Use a sandbag and do thrusters.
Starting point is 01:23:51 Okay, cool. The gymnastics apparatus never changes. You do muscle ups on a bar. You do it on the rings. Okay, cool. That's all we got. Um, well, why, Why don't you do pull-ups on a bar that spins? Why don't you do pull-ups on a bar that's thick? Why don't you do muscle-ups on a rope? Why does the gymnastics apparatus never seem to change? What happened? The weighted one always does change look at that did you see those parallel uh parallettes parallel they were like ropes i think they were just moving
Starting point is 01:24:34 yeah so if we can go to some of these really old school pictures on the hanging category i'll kind of it'll be better to kind of illustrate the point that I'm trying to make is that like, you take, you take Fran and you say, do it with an axle bar. Okay, cool. So the axle bar makes it more grippy. No, no, no. Do the pull-ups on an axle bar. Do it with a regular barbell. But people don't think of modifying it or putting a spin on the workout in that way. And the first time I ever heard anyone talk about it was on Chasing Bills when they were going through the Glassman Chipper, going through the garage gym, and about how, nah, man, like all that's in there. Greg was saying, hey, like do pull-ups on a bar that spins and look what i found on main site greg amundsen is jumping from a regular pull-up bar to the thick
Starting point is 01:25:32 handled rotating pull-up bar like no one's gonna train stuff like that would boz do that at the games maybe but like what what else is here right There's even a quote from the article. I think that says something along the lines of, yeah, we had this dude make this pull-up bar that rotates. It takes someone that can do 30 unbroken pull-up bar, 30 unbroken pull-ups and makes them only be able to do two or three before they drop off the bar. So is this the reason for the grips? Is it because the pull-up bar is thicker? Is it because it rotates? Like all this is super OG. because the pull-up bar is thicker is it because it rotates like all this is super og it's not new it's just new to you that kind of quote of like nah pirouettes aren't new double under crossovers aren't new mike murski was crushing them in your in your video right he was doing double under
Starting point is 01:26:17 crossovers oh that's right matt murski wow so yeah like this kind of thing, like this is, this is there. Like they even talk about the stair masters underneath there. There's old school CrossFit workouts that are like bike, stair stepper, or run hard for 10 minutes. And everyone makes fun of you if you do stair stepper training, right? It's like things like this so yeah like hanging elements i think we will see a different hanging element and then when you think about hanging you think about climbing too and you think about well how do we normally climb in crossfit we normally climb up and down a rope up and down a pegboard and that's it up and down a hill sure in in egypt there's in egypt will climb i'm talking about climbing like okay okay well in egypt last year uh brent fukowski was there they did horizontal
Starting point is 01:27:16 pegboards so you had to go you had to traverse the pegboard across much different than up and down right like an entirely different stimulus something really cool that could come up. All we've done is climb up and down pegboards. We did legless pegboards last year. Maybe a peg, maybe the pegboard takes a break or maybe we turn it and we do that. Look at some of the oldest main site workouts. There's a picture of this thing called the Xterra circuit. And there's ropes and a cargo net, but the cargo net suspended high in the air.
Starting point is 01:27:51 It's not climbing up and over and down the cargo net. It's climbing across the cargo net. So there's slack in the bottom. And every time you pull your grip gets fatigued more and more and more like this is like Greg probably drew this out with arrows and they posted it, right? Go up. Like, look at those ladders guys. Those ladders look exactly the same as Dave's obstacle course in 2017, exactly the same as the ladder they climbed up at the very end to finish that workout. And Dave also had those ladders in his personal gym at home. There is a video from the Tahoe throw down somewhere where they go up a pegboard, then they go horizontal, and then they go back down. Yeah. So we think about climbing always in this plane. I was just like, you go up, you come down, you go up, come down. But in the obstacle courses, there's three or four ropes and you traverse the ropes, right?
Starting point is 01:28:46 You go across the ropes or you see a cargo net or you do monkey bars, right? Well, what if they did like a killer cage rewrite and you did a bike and you went across the monkey bars but the monkey bars spun or you go across the monkey bars and when you get to the end you have to come back backwards and what a lot of people don't know is that doing monkey bars backwards is much easier it puts your head in a position where you're closer to the bar you're never reaching out you're just leaning back and reaching up and just subtle subtle new could anyone do the monkey bars backwards at the crossfit games would they have told you no you got to do them forward back back when they did the original killer cage i don't know
Starting point is 01:29:35 like like how they told people they couldn't do backwards double unders um it is easier and i mean most people would do it no problem it's just a little bit more of a neurological orientation type thing where it might be kind of scary. But yeah, like horizontal climbing, traversing, not something that we see a lot, but that I think is a good chance that some of those things will come back. Just the apparatus that we're doing are hanging from in workouts. Never really changes up. Pull up our rings, sometimes rope, sometimes pegboard. OK, but like what else can we do to make that harder without just increasing the reps?
Starting point is 01:30:15 That idea, it seems absolutely. As functional to do forward jump ropes is backward jump ropes right i mean that's got to be something that is coming sooner or later right the backwards jump rope yeah i mean i know athletes that practice backwards double unders all the time and and i know i know someone that can do like 20 unbroken whenever they want backwards double unders yeah it's just like yeah you just you just practice it five or ten minutes a day and you adapt and it's it's not a it's not a gimmick any more than any other double under i guess is what i'm saying it's not an impractical movement right right yeah and we yeah like it's it's very it's how most kids learn how
Starting point is 01:31:02 to jump rope i know i i learned how to jump rope backwards before I could do it forward. Josh Bridges, his famous story is he came to CrossFit jumping rope backwards. He did backwards double unders. The Unknown. Holy shit. Another $100. Because I won't be able to watch Friday's show live, and please come on, JR. I know it's late, but those shows are awesome.
Starting point is 01:31:23 JR, I don't want to put you on the spot, but I would like to invite you to Friday's show if you're available with... And I would not have invited you if this guy hadn't given me $200. 50-50, right? So I've made $100. But I still would love for you to be there.
Starting point is 01:31:42 Jeremy Eat World, $5. Do you think there's a reason Dave never went the route Boz has been going what i'm not sure what he's referencing what's he referencing well i'm i'd be curious to know what jeremy thinks the root is at this point i think we need like three years until we really see okay like i'm making legitimate rec speculations here like just trying to find and dig and find things that maybe people have forgotten about in their training and basing his quotes of like if you're not experimenting if you're not exploring your fitness you're not doing it right and it shouldn't just be the same old same all the time mean, we should pull up this picture of this single system
Starting point is 01:32:25 pull-up bar too, because like the rotating pull-up bar or like a thick pull-up bar, no one thinks about like, if you hang a pull-up bar from straps, you eliminate the ability to do something like a butterfly movement. And you have to kip because it essentially moves the thing. And I'm really hoping Boz doesn't use these because I plan on using it. Crucible spoiler alert, right? This is a really different apparatus. The bar moves every time you swing and every time you kip. So if you want to try to do a chest to bar on this, the movement takes so much longer. If you're just doing a chin over the bar pull up, the movement takes so much longer. If it takes longer, there's more grip fatigue,
Starting point is 01:33:15 there's more neurological fatigue, all that kind of stuff. So yeah, this kind of thing is like a stretch, but like, Hey, these things are available to buy like people buy these things you're muted why do you why do you think this thing is a stretch i don't think it's a stretch it's just another one it's just another one of those tools that i mean all this stuff's kind of funky right this is all very like but there's no gimmick here this is is legit. Yeah. I have one, and it's nasty. But, I mean, this is legit. Put this on one end of the stadium. You got to do 15 of these and then do a heavy farmer's carry to the other side and do some other weird shit and then run back.
Starting point is 01:33:56 Right? I mean, this is – no one's going to be like, oh, that's a gimmick or that's stupid. I mean, this is more realistic than the crossover, the double under crossover. I mean, how many people are doing helen or doing fran or doing angie and using a bar that moves around i've never seen it no you're just you're just using a regular pull-up bar but it's but it but it seems totally chill you know where i thought they were going to go with the pull-ups is um uh kind of where they went with the bar muscle ups with the thicker bar but i thought at some point they would make it so you're doing pull-ups on something that's not round and that you can't
Starting point is 01:34:31 get your fingers purchased over the top you know what i mean like a like a like a four by six log yeah like again going back to the whole grip thing, there is something, whether they're carrying it or they're hanging from it, there is a reason why they came out and just put that rule out there with the grips. There has to be. I would love this. I don't think there's any fucking chance in hell they ever do it. 50-foot rope climb. I would love to see ridiculously high rope climbs mason is like mason is like on point with this kind of statement though because i've thought about and we've talked about before how do you continue to make a rope climb challenging okay you make the rope thick
Starting point is 01:35:15 they've done that once you can cut half of it off they've done that once a couple use it a couple times you can say start from a seated position You can say, start from a seated position. Sure. You could say, start from a seated position, control it on the way down. They've done that now. They never did it with Alpaca or they never did it with the Alpaca in a, in an L position, but they could, he could revisit that and come back to it. So it's probably not safe to continue to try to make the rope higher. So what can you do to simulate this? Well, back in the day, like 2002, 2003, 2004, rope climbs were only were most of the time programmed as a double up. And what that meant was it's like a touch and go rope climb. And there's a picture of this where you climb the rope, you control the descent, and as soon as your toe taps the floor, you jump right back up and you go back up again.
Starting point is 01:36:09 So no pause on the floor is allowed. So what if they did like a rope climb biathlon where you had to do five touch-and-go rope climbs or seven touch-and-go rope climbs? So essentially, you're hanging from the rope for like a minute straight instead of just like seven or eight seconds and getting to come down and rest how do you enforce that tap well again i don't think they would use the toe tap so what i think they would do is similarly to how they put the tape line at the bottom for this legless descent they would just say hey there's this tape line six feet off the ground you You control down. And as soon as your hands go below that,
Starting point is 01:36:48 you go right back up. So you never come down and touch the pad ever. So you just go up and then you get to a certain height on the way down and that clears you to go back up. But they have to be unbroken. So you're not able to come down and rest. You have to do all five in a row
Starting point is 01:37:09 or else there's a penalty lap that you have to run. So I think that idea of introducing something where there's a true penalty for not doing it unbroken will come back. God, Colton looks amazing. I know that's not the point of this. It's to show his touch and go, but dude, holy shit.
Starting point is 01:37:26 There's something really nice about just an unfinished plywood gym, huh? Yeah, it's cool. That's how my barn gym looks. That's beautiful. Why have the hole up there? Oh, so the rings can be mounted directly onto some sort of beam? Yeah. Yeah, that's crazy so yeah like think like doing something
Starting point is 01:37:47 like a rope climb biathlon or a pegboard biathlon where you're like all right cool you got to do five touch and go pegboard if you break them you got to go run extra like thinking about ways to make the movements more demanding without just making the rope higher making the pegboard higher movements more demanding without just making the rope higher, making the pegboard higher, doing twice as many reps. You just change little rules like that. We're like, Hey, you don't want to row hard because Jackie's not going to hurt if you don't row hard. Okay. Now I'm going to make you row hard. Sorry. Like that's very much his style of doing things that won't allow you to pace, won't allow you to trust your normal limitations. You have to take risks, anything like that.
Starting point is 01:38:33 Sarah Cox, thank you. Let it be known 100%, no questions fucking asked, that I would not be doing the behind the scenes if it wasn't for California Peptides and Sarah Cox. I would not. You have to know that. I can't emphasize that enough. I can't believe this is the first time I've said that. Shows what an ungrateful prick I am.
Starting point is 01:38:57 I would not if Sarah wasn't taking care of me. So let that be known. Thank thank you sarah and it's gonna be fucking crazy she's made it so easy on me i'm gonna i'm gonna murder it for you guys are you going to the games uh jare yeah i'm flying in uh monday night late and then i'll be leaving friday so i'm coaching uh coaching one of my coaches who's competing in the adaptive on tuesday wednesday thursday who's that noelle henderson uh oh yeah i've heard you she was number one she was number one after the open so pressure's on right what uh are they in um age groups or they're just so they they only have five that go so they've top five from the open went to the games and what's her what's her um limitation cerebral palsy
Starting point is 01:39:48 cp and has she been before no she she barely missed out uh last year so this is it's a lot of hard work but this but this year she's top dog yeah she's number one after the qualifying stage so does she talk she'll be ready oh yeah she's number one after the qualifying stage so does she talk she'll be ready oh yeah she's cool oh i'd like to have her on the show that's at mayhem yeah where is she right now she's training at your gym though yeah she lives here in smartberg and you're staying with hillar yeah hillar alexis you're in the taylor as i ask Hiller, Alexis, Taylor, Will Branstetter. Oh, I'm like, I know the answers to these questions. That's right.
Starting point is 01:40:30 Will, too. Branstetter's coming. Yep. I feel like it's going to be a party. But, hey, while we're still on climbing, because I got to put this in there. Because I'm really hoping, like, I think Taylor was a year ahead of his prediction. So, last year year we did this prediction show taylor self said that he he's waiting on them to incorporate climbing in a more
Starting point is 01:40:51 like untraditional rock climbing type setting so i did a lot of digging around and found a lot of stuff about campus boards about holds which climbing holds are just like little fake rocks, right? And I'm pretty sure Tia and Justin, both in their home gym, have these. And you could get these exactly placed in the same holes in lanes and go back and forth on this as a like spin off of any high pulling workout like a Fran or something like that where normally we only see these kind of things happen in like an obstacle course type setting but what if like these kind of different pulling, hanging, climbing movements. Like what if you do a traditional barbell lift with this? Or what if you get on a machine and you go hard like for five minutes on the biker and you're completely out of breath and you got to traverse these climbing holds.
Starting point is 01:41:57 So I do wonder like while height is a concern, right? You can't climb, but so high, but you can go across, you can traverse things horizontally. And so I think that like maybe Taylor's prediction, it's like starts to come to fruition here. Is there going to be a way that, that climbing testing athleticism, testing grip endurance in a, I'm not hanging from a bar. I'm not hanging from the rings. I'm not hanging from the rings. I'm not hanging from the rope. Like how many people are training these kinds of things? I know Adrian has said a couple times in your podcast from years ago that him and his brother went to climbing gyms a lot. He did a lot of climbing in his past and how it just lit your back up for days, just the tiny muscles in your, in your extensors and your forearms and all that.
Starting point is 01:42:47 Like, like that's a past experience. We know Bill can freaking make anything he wants. Like, will we see another iteration of climbing start to make its way? And what do you think? Is that something you're putting a lot of weight on not a lot like i don't feel as strongly about that as i do about um like static holds and throwing um and like jumping
Starting point is 01:43:15 but i think that there's a really good i think as a high high possibility for sure dude i would love that and i think like think about who you know for for climbing like we know laura is an amazing rock climber horvat but we've never got to see her show how good she is at that compared to the other fittest people in the world but we know who the really strong people are and we get to see them against the other fittest people in the world showcase how much stronger they are or we get to see yanikoski show how much of a better swimmer he is than everyone else so like this is just another one of those things we're like yeah they're not going to put a belay on and do it like this i don't think but there are ways to she'll show how good she is at this specific thing without actually doing this
Starting point is 01:44:07 damn that's crazy and that's so hard like she makes that look so easy it's so hard uh any what else uh jr that's that's and that That's 102 minutes of just fucking ideas. That was amazing. What else? Anything else? I'm sorry if everyone's asleep. No, fuck. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 01:44:32 People are glued to this shit. People love this. You know we didn't do it in like bullet point style. We just kind of jumped around and still pretty much hit everything. I really don't know of anything that we didn't talk about is there anything that you're not comfortable sharing are there some ideas you have that either um you think make yourself too vulnerable like oh that's some crackpot shit like um or for some reason you don't want to give them out that you've only given them out to like maybe your athletes there are things i've only shared with a select few people is there is there a
Starting point is 01:45:15 reason for that um because i like have skin in the game because i care about their success and if i'm going to come on here and like tell everyone a week before that, as I'm finding these things, as I'm finding these things throughout the season, I'll shoot him a text and just be like, Hey dude, I would probably start doing this a little bit. This is, this is a little bit too much to ignore type thing. What about this? Um, this, uh, movement we keep seeing everywhere.
Starting point is 01:45:41 All of us, it just, or it just popped on my radar, is the muscle-ups on the rope. Why has that popped up in the last month, week? Who are you speaking about specifically? Well, I saw Abigail Domet do it, but then I saw two or three other people on Instagram doing it. That means someone did it or someone heard something, and now all of a sudden everyone's showing that. Well. did you say
Starting point is 01:46:06 something if you're if you're talking about like in this in this setting like to me we saw a lot of strongman influence a lot of iron game influence right from from rogue you know we saw them do the goblet workout with the goblet squat we get some goblet squats in the programming this year we we see um a sandbag ladder at the games we see a log clean and press ladder at Rogue. So we see some, we see some like, I don't want to say collaboration, but we see some like. Synergy at least. Inspiration maybe.
Starting point is 01:46:53 I think it's a good word. Okay, inspiration. I think that's cool. I think if I see something that's programmed that looks really cool, I'll steal it and see how it works and program it. And you see like that log bar muscle up workout from rogue and you're like hey i wonder if you could like make a rope like really taut and like i wonder
Starting point is 01:47:16 if it'd be stable enough to like do a muscle up on it like if anything it's just training some coordination and like it's not unsafe. So maybe that's why people are starting to experiment like that. I mean, something like a bar pullover is really sexy right now. People are doing a lot of burpee bar pullovers. Like I said, pullovers were on main site. Um, you know, they kind of make you dizzy, but it is just something to do under fatigue. That's a little bit more demanding neurologically. I understand why they're doing it, but they've done, they've done pullovers at camp Pendleton in the original obstacle course. They had to do a pullover. So it's not like it
Starting point is 01:47:58 hasn't been programmed before. It's just, most people don't think about that as oh that doesn't count that was an obstacle course at camp pendleton oh well you do a fireman pole right why don't they climb up a a metal pole and touch something and slide down why does it have to be a rope like i think something like that could absolutely happen. Like what? Spit on your hands, people. Like spit on your hands. You see them at playgrounds all the time, but everyone just used to climb in this rope. But like, yeah, why don't you just climb up a piece of metal, touch and come down and keep climbing up? And what does it do to your grip? And, and what do you wear? Do you wear no grips? Do you wear grips? Like, no, you no you don't wear grips like and i think this is the point of like getting people to think about movement outside of how the movement
Starting point is 01:48:54 gets tested in competition only which is where you sort of started the show correct hey what about um muscle-ups with ropes two two two there? Like that video of Heber? No, no, no. Oh, like with the two. Yeah, I think that's like a recipe for like a sprained wrist or something. Yeah. Okay. Too gimmicky?
Starting point is 01:49:15 I think so. But putting two ropes in each lane and climbing it like that. You mean like this? And coming back yeah like donkey kong yeah correct like something like that i don't think is is like lame or like goofy like i think it's just i think it's a lot of a lot of arm wrestlers do it it's arm wrestling training that's for sure yeah and maybe you big ropes maybe you don't have to come down like that you know you can you can go up you can get to the top and then you can just bring both hands to one rope to come
Starting point is 01:49:48 down. But yeah, like I think something like a fireman pole or, um, like we talked about monkey bars, um, but having to do them, you know, and it like sideways or backwards or something like that. I think all those kinds of things are, are, are fair game. Um, and, and I hope that some stuff like that comes out. Like a lot of people probably thought Elizabeth elevated was a really like risky workout, not knowing that like P bars were in the original CrossFit Santa Cruz gym and that people trained on them all the time. And then when they saw that workout, I know when I saw that workout is my favorite workout from the games last year, Favorite one, because it was a spin on a classic benchmark workout.
Starting point is 01:50:27 And because it incorporated something that called a lot of people off guard and let some people who actually had a background using that implement, like Pat Vellner, like shine where he's probably never been on those in 10 years. Well, and it checks the box of what you said, Ariel low in one, right on the women's side um i'm not sure that she won the event i know she was going head to head with tia there at the
Starting point is 01:50:53 at the end um but yeah that sounds right i think she did win either way she did well and that checks the box that you were saying that it also lets people kind of shine with a movement that's not a traditional movement we get to we get to see some other like if we saw laura horvat or what other athletes are going to quickly adapt to using the rocks on the side of the cage right well like you see a workout like that and a lot of people are like oh who has a gymnastics background okay fair but not but sometimes there are workouts like that that's like we've never seen anyone do this thing before. Who's going to know Spencer Hendel is going to be amazing at a pegboard?
Starting point is 01:51:31 And then everyone got to see it at the games and was like, oh my gosh, Spencer's awesome at the pegboard. He's a big dude. Yeah, this one. Yeah. Wow, yeah, I mean, he's awesome mean he's all strong two together wow uh what else we got JR I don't want to get off the show
Starting point is 01:51:57 and you're like fuck I should have said that there's been some things here and there that I probably wish I would have articulated a little bit more eloquently but um I get excited and just start talking in circles. I know. Anything in the gymnastics realm that could completely out there that you want to bring up? Hmm.
Starting point is 01:52:19 I do like I do like what you said about the total. What if the total was with dumbbells? I think that's the only time I've heard that you're the first person I've heard say that. I think that that's a very, very, very fair thought. Yeah, well, there's a main site picture that I sent you there, too, that Caleb can pull up. Hey, so what would we see? We would actually see someone snatch the heaviest dumbbell we've ever seen in um a crossfit competition so yeah i mean you would have to snatch 150 pound dumbbell right like you would have to think the snatch is with a is with one and then the clean
Starting point is 01:52:54 and jerk could be with one they could do a one arm um but then also it could it could be with two so um i don't know though that would be tremendous dude that would be an amazing event to see dudes trying to go for 200 someone you think someone snatches a 200 pound dumbbell i don't know 200 200 sounds really heavy for one for one arm just the grip like just the grip shrink to break the floor not that they can't support it overhead with one with one arm but like seeing someone like braun like braunislaw do something like that would be like this would be a show um yeah that's a huge stretch like i'm i'm really reading into that because unlike last year when they just said big lifts return on saturday night they didn't say anything specifically like olympic weightlifting total you have 20 second intervals to lift to snatch it into clean and
Starting point is 01:53:52 jerk i think they've probably given too many details for that to be a possibility yeah isn't that interesting uh last year it was lift as many times as you want and this year it's like you have two two per lift yeah two 20 second windows and that's it and yeah they snatched at semifinals but it was under some fatigue and now it appears that it's going to be under no fatigue but what's cool about it to a lot of people is that you have to be fit enough to get to go heavy because it is after a cut um i wish we could see the whole field do that because i think there are gonna be some people that do get cut on both the male and female side that we want to see put on that
Starting point is 01:54:36 show so you're not a fan of the cuts no yeah jr jr and i have our differences very severe very very and you're very you're very in that camp like you're you're you're yeah i just think that i i think of i think of everything from a programming standpoint and i think that when you have cuts and then the more cuts that you have you really really have to be as accurate as possible with the ordering of the events and then even if you are they're still going to be well they didn't take the whole test so who knows what would have actually happened standpoint. I said this on Shut Up and Scribble. When you have two sets of cuts and you have four days of competition. So we got Thursday, Friday, then they cut. So Thursday and Friday have to stand alone is a great test of all-around fitness.
Starting point is 01:55:38 Because you don't want to cut someone that's really strong because you haven't tested strength. You don't want to cut someone that's very enduring because you haven't done the endurance test yet and it's coming later in the weekend. So Thursday and Friday have to be standalone. Well, so does Saturday because Saturday you're cutting. So if you program Saturday really biased, but you say, well, wait, wait, wait, Sunday, we're going to balance that out. You can't say that because the people that get cut after Saturday don't get to balance themselves on Sunday. So you have three competitions essentially in one that have to stand alone. Yeah, that's the part I love.
Starting point is 01:56:15 I love that part. I love that part. So the whole point of it lets us take the gloves off with the programming to me is incorrect. No, it actually handcuffs the programming more because if you program gymnastics heavy on saturday but you're going to come back around and balance it out on sunday those people don't get to balance it out because they're done you you call it handcuffs i think um around, there are limitations when creating things. And those limitations are what make the art, right?
Starting point is 01:56:48 So you have pencil and paper and you draw something. You have glue and sticks and you make something. I hear you. I hear you. I still love them. I still – I love them. I think it adds to the drama. I can't disagree with you on that.
Starting point is 01:57:01 It does make it more – it does – we will watch with way more excitement knowing that someone that we care about make it cut. And that excitement might be anger, be pissed off. But people will be bought in, right? Everyone's going to have a reaction on three times during the event that's like, fuck. And what will really suck for me is if someone someone like annie gets cut in the first cut and you're like see like someone who i want to see go to the podium yeah i mean i i get i get 2019 nightmares when i think about it and think about like um certain people who i know are going to excel later in the weekend, not taking the whole test.
Starting point is 01:57:45 So you're telling them that they weren't good enough just based on the three to six workouts that they did, not based on the whole test. Or I think about the first or second year athlete that's using the games as the ultimate barometer to see where they're at. that's using the games as the ultimate barometer to see where they're at and they get cut at 21st going into sunday so they go into the offseason thinking they're 21st but they didn't get to take the sunday test maybe they climbed to 14 maybe they dropped to 27 so they have this unknown um they have this unknown uh um like reality of like oh right how i hear you i hear what you're trying to explain right how far do i how far do i have to go or how close am i right so right yeah hey um what do you think about um something like i i was never a fan of like paddle boards or the canoeing or any of that shit like i don't think that place has any place in in the crossfit games do you have any thoughts on that i think as like
Starting point is 01:58:55 just something that gets done once it's awesome um i think i remember dave being asked if stand-up paddleboarding specifically would ever be at the CrossFit games. It was like one of the first times he said flat out. No, but it was, wasn't it? It has been there. Hasn't not stand up, not standing up on a board and paddling. Did that wasn't, they didn't do that one year.
Starting point is 01:59:17 No, they've done it proned like on their stomach. And then they've done it. They've like basically kayaked, but they haven't, they haven't stood up and done it. And I think Dave came out and was like, that is such a skill that it like starts to blur the line with actual fitness. And, and,
Starting point is 01:59:34 and, and I have no, I don't think there's any place for any wrestling or sumo or fighting or any of that shit either. Yeah. I don't know. I kind of think as the last workout of the games, trying to impose your will
Starting point is 01:59:45 on someone physically to try to keep them from doing something or you to do something else i think there's a lot of fitness there is there anything you can do with that that doesn't involve combat since that's such a high skill leveled art like tug like like tug of rope yeah like a like a tug of war type thing i mean that's the closest thing maybe and i know rogue did that with teams one year so they they did do that with teams tug of war yep was that good uh i think some people fell on either side wow joust holy shit so elliot miller elliot miller is scheduled to be our guest next week on Shut Up and Scribble. Individual athlete?
Starting point is 02:00:31 Yeah. Really good athlete. Semifinalist athlete. Is she going to the games? Not this year, but she's supposed to be coming to Crucible. Oh, good. You made me get worried because I don't remember inviting her on. She's awesome she's she's
Starting point is 02:00:45 um she was actually one of the first people who i saw come to the defense of the programming and address the issue that the skills test has been given no details at all but we have a lot of details for the weightlifting unknown and we're pretty much said straightforward 5k run but yet there's no like the skills are going to be handstand they're going to be hanging and they're going to be something with a rope but they don't give all the details they give they've given no details and she was actually like in the comment section one of the first people to bring this up like publicly and to kind of go at it with some people in the comment section which was really cool she's that is that a good thing that they haven't given any details no i think i'm not sure what are the implications i'm not sure what you're implying
Starting point is 02:01:37 so the specialists in those categories now know okay cool I get a chance at a home run. I'm a really good runner. Okay, cool. I'm one of the strongest people, so I know that I get to do that if I don't get cut. But the skills people are kind of left in the dark. Oh. This is really good. This is really good to read. She says, why are the details for the other two single modality tests released ahead of time
Starting point is 02:02:05 a a l l e l a a a miller says but not the details for the gymnastics tests we know the specific movement and distant for the monostructural 5k run and we know the specific format and specific lifts for the olympic total snatch and clean and jerk 20 lifting uh 20 second lifting windows two attempts each why allow gym gymnasts the opportunity to practice the other two single modality tests ahead of time, but not allow the other specialists the opportunity to practice the gymnastics tests ahead of time. Boom.
Starting point is 02:02:36 Oh, Oh fuck. She kind of fucked me up there. I thought she was being a whiny little bitch that that's, uh, that's legit. Yeah. That last sentence fucking ties, puts a little bow around it, huh?
Starting point is 02:02:48 Wow. Wow. Yeah, and I get some of the arguments here of like, can you really get better at a 5K in two weeks? Can you really get stronger? No, but you have that knowledge at least of what's coming so yeah it's um she's a huge fan of the show and i think she's gonna be a great guest to get on in and talk programming with she clearly knows her stuff yeah uh you could if there was something
Starting point is 02:03:23 that you were going to make the biggest improvement on it would be skills tests over strength and and and running the 5k right without a doubt so it is a it's an interesting discussion yeah it's a cool discussion god who knew there was so much to talk about um okay so uh gymnastics we talk about uh weightlifting we talked about uh any what about um endurance any any anything innovative there that that you can see um uh maybe less machines but it's still going to be running or long distance swimming or medium swimming or i don't think they're going to swim this year. I guess that's a pretty big prediction.
Starting point is 02:04:08 You don't think they're going to swim this year? I think there will be no swimming. When's the last time they did no swimming? JR needs a lamp. It's late there. He sure the fuck does need a lamp. He's been eating away at me the whole show. And he's better to look at than me, too the fuck does need a lamp. He's been eating away at me the whole show.
Starting point is 02:04:27 He's better to look at than me, too. He definitely needs a lamp. Why not swimming, Jared? That's crazy. That's crazy talk. You think they'll be kayaking or fucking paddle boarding or some shit? Yeah, I think they could be on the water, but I don't think there'll be any swimming. When's the last time there wasn't swimming?
Starting point is 02:04:46 That's a really good question and i don't i'm not sure i mean it's been a long time god velner maybe love that if that's true yeah but i do think that the way the the events have been laid out we kind of know two of them like we're gonna we can assume that hel's still going to have some running and we know there's a 5K run, that some of the adaptive divisions are doing 5K ski. I think it would be beautiful from a programming standpoint if there was a third running workout throughout the weekend and it was a true sprint, whether there was agility, some lateral movement, like some of the shuttle sprints
Starting point is 02:05:22 in the past where it's just a straight foot race. You have 400 meter repeats where you have to run hard, but it's still submaximal. You've got a long endurance run, and then you've got a sprint. I think that would be awesome if there were three running workouts, and we got a little different variety there with each one. From a machine standpoint, though, I do predict that the Bikerg will make its debut at the CrossFit Games. For a lot of people that are thinking, what do you mean the biker will make its debut at the CrossFit Games. And for a lot of people
Starting point is 02:05:45 that are thinking, what do you mean the biker? The biker has never been used in CrossFit Games competition for individuals, not once, only row and ski. The biker was used last year for the masters and the teens in a workout very similar to the skills one and two where they did a max biker calorie a weighted pull-up max which i think still could come out for the individuals i'll throw that out there weighted pull-up as a test this year and one rep max front squat but the biker the stationary bike has never been used in the crossfit games since it's been made we had the watt bike with the killer cage but the biker a non-fan stationary bike has not been the concept too has not been used and i think this year it will be used whether or not they actually do biking like road biking or
Starting point is 02:06:39 mountain biking i think the biker will get used this year and Madison's home to like Trek or specialized or some right Trek I believe yeah so that's interesting but I do think the biker will make its way into the programming and it never has before for individuals not at any stage you think the bike's gonna be in there since Trek's there and they've been a good partner I could see them biking twice. It would... I think they're trekking. I can't see them not trekking with Trek being there. I'd rather have them actually bike than do a stationary bike. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 02:07:20 All right, buddy. Are we going to see you Friday night? This Friday for Tyler's show? Yeah. I like it how it's called Tyler's show. You like that? Yeah. Put all the pressure on him.
Starting point is 02:07:33 You guys, just so you know, part of this week's show is we are going to look at Tyler Watkins' fitness fantasy app, which is he's killing. So many people have signed up. So he'll be on the show. We'll be talking about that. Everyone pull out their phones, and we'll all sign up at the same time. It'll be cool. All right.
Starting point is 02:07:52 If we left any stones unturned, JR will be back this Friday or sometime soon. There's going to be a lot of people who said he was an idiot. See, he didn't get anything right. That's why I reminded everybody that a broken clock is right twice a day. So last year it was just the broken clock thing. And I will see you guys tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning I have someone on.
Starting point is 02:08:14 I don't even know how to say their name, but I'm excited to have them on. Mikhail Weslovsky. Then I have Jake Douglas on at 7.45 a.m. Then I'm going to take the afternoon off just chill and then in the evening Paige Powers one of my favorite guests I've ever had on
Starting point is 02:08:35 cool as shit gotta like to see her do great and then later on this week wow we start early Tuesday morning we start at 6.15am Pacific Standard Time with Nick Matthew then Olivia Kerstetter then kaike sirveni then emily rolf in the evening then the next day we started luke parker page simenza james sprague holy shit colton mertens
Starting point is 02:08:59 jack farlow oldest open x jamie simmons i heard she's a real i heard she's a great guest you ever Marlo, Uldis Upenex, Jamie Simmons. I heard she's a real, I heard she's a great guest. You ever watch a podcast with her, Jer? I want to say I have heard one with her, but I don't remember whose podcast it was. Someone told me today she's fucking the bomb. I can't wait. And then the CrossFit Games Update Show.
Starting point is 02:09:21 Wow. Wow, wow, wow. Oh, my goodness. Sunday, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. wow wow wow wow oh my goodness Sunday 7am Pacific Standard Time all of the people the filmmakers who will be helping me the team behind the scenes
Starting point is 02:09:33 will be on 7am Sunday morning you will get to see us all ask us any questions that's gonna be fucking dope and then on the 31st Monday I fly to madison i meet jr that's right oh yes uh let's there's no chance it's not gonna be an awkward handshake hug whatever we're gonna go in at different times it's gonna be it's gonna be awesome yeah the first thing you're gonna say
Starting point is 02:10:07 is wow your cock is huge you weren't joking precisely um okay uh and don't forget uh i have begged begged to come on to the crossfit games podcast to make the announcement for the behind the scenes. I deserve the promotion on HQ's prestigious podcast hosted by Chase Ingram and Adrian Conway. Maybe those fucking ding-dongs will give me a little love and
Starting point is 02:10:37 invite me on there. I'll bring cookies or some shit and milk. Alright. Good night. Buh-bye.

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