The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Semifinal Europe Day 1 Recap Show

Episode Date: June 4, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night.
Starting point is 00:00:21 That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam! We're live. Woo! European semifinals have begun.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Events one and two are now in the books. Lots of fun stuff to talk about, even though I didn't watch much of it. I do want to start the show by saying this there was a country that was committed to getting rid of filth it was committed to organic farming it had doubled down like no country in the world's history to getting rid of cancer and it found the root of cancer and the guy who found that root of cancer won two nobel prizes although he was only able to collect on one. Sounds like a good country, right?
Starting point is 00:01:09 Root out filth, double down on organic farming, get rid of cancer. That's what Germany said in World War II times. Thank you, Mr. Young. Do you know how they planned on getting rid of filth? To kill all the Jews because the Jews were the filth? Do you know how they planned on having organic foods for their entire country, taking over the Ukraine and turning it into an organic food farm? Ironically, was able to find the root of cancer to this day, which is still not acknowledged by fucking the vast majority of cardiologists, oncologists on planet Earth, which is fucking crazy. So when I see this, when I see this. And so it's important, people, it's important how we know how you plan on rooting out filth.
Starting point is 00:02:05 It's important how we know how you plan on providing organic food to the world, it sounds great until you find out you got to kill all the ukrainians for it getting rid of filth sounds great until you got to fucking load jews up in a train it's great it's good shit right so so i need details i need some i need some details i need some details just some so when i see this over um uh sorry uh there's a girl beneath um uh hillar's desk tickling his feet it's it's a service i provide for all my guests it's awesome look at howlpin's pissed. He's like, why am I not alive? When I see this, I'm dying to know. I'm dying to know what any of this
Starting point is 00:02:50 means. Let me play this for you. I'm dying to know. This is from Hard Work Pays Off Training. This is Matt Fraser's company. The great Matt Fraser. Five times a games champion by many very intelligent people,
Starting point is 00:03:05 the greatest crossfitter who ever lived. Would agree. I think it's Froning. That's fine. And here we go. This beautiful man, great haircut, yoked, a world-renowned lifter wearing a stupid-ass thing on his wrist. Whoopee.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Here we go. Let's listen to him. Someone tell me what the fuck this guy is saying. The Al Foundation opening up their hearts and showing the world that the gym and physical... The Al Foundation is opening up their hearts? What do you mean opening up? I didn't know you could
Starting point is 00:03:40 open up your heart. There's a surgery for that. Oh, right. Okay. There's one that everybody can enjoy and love in order for them to better themselves is so better better themselves what do you mean better themselves open up what do you mean better themselves so important and that's why i think for hwpo to be partnered with the what do you mean you partnered with the out foundation what does that mean you partnered with them i'm really curious what that means you partnered with them what does that mean like like the way i partnered with my wife the way i'm
Starting point is 00:04:08 partnering with john young halpin mr spin and hillar right now station to promote not only a message of love and inclusivity but a message of love and inclusivity what does that mean i'd love to know what that means that is promoting health and wellness for every single person regardless of regardless of who they are that you're stealing what crossfit does health and wellness regardless of who they are first of all that's a lie you can't do that is so important and that's why the out foundation is doing such an amazing job at opening up these doors for so many amazing opening up these doors what are many amazing people. Opening up these doors? What are you talking about? Why don't you just say what you mean? And let me guess, if it was like, hey, we're going to go out of our way to help people
Starting point is 00:04:52 who have penises, who want penises in their mouth, work out in gyms. If that's what you mean, just say it. Just say it. We are going to support kids who've gone through general mutilation now get free memberships to gyms just say it we support men competing in women's events just say it i just want to know what the fuck you're saying that's it just say it why won't you say it why won't you why are you being abstract why do you want to do organic farming but not tell us that the country of Ukraine has to die for it? Guys, hi. All those things you just said, we should shoot a video. This is my opinion and not the opinion of those working at WeWorks at the Greek theater.
Starting point is 00:05:40 It looks like Halpin's in like a Greek place where like a Greek ā€“ It's my base. It looks cool it's awesome or or john young who is uh being held hostage uh these are the or andrew hiller this is uh who's being held hostage also and those are just my opinions okay hi uh yana koski what a great interview there at the end we have not seen the best of yikowski. Is that true? Are you guys buying that? Mr. Halpin, are you buying that? This guy's been around forever.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Yeah, I mean, he started working with Yami, so that's been a good sign for him. He was on Peter's podcast earlier this week, and he said that this event would probably be his best of the weekend. So hopefully it's not by far the best. I think he'll do well on some others but have seeing him outside the water do something like this is a definitely a good sign since he sort of gets pigeonholed into that spot of just being good in the water not great outside the water andrew hiller muscle-bound man like yourself when you saw yana koski doing this
Starting point is 00:06:41 like if you had grabbed his crotch i would have weighed in on what he was doing but he was doing this uh any concerns it made me think to my guy matthew green last week who had to withdraw due to a pec injury on a way to bring muscle up after having heard a handful of people talk about how the ruck is making that super strenuous on the shoulder and the pec in particular so yeah yes is your answer. Maybe worry. But he also won the event, so it kind of snuffs that out pretty quick. John, any thought before this, oh, yeah, this guy could beat Colton's time? I didn't think he'd do that.
Starting point is 00:07:19 I mean, I did think he's one of the guys that could win this event. But to do it as convincing as he did it, it was very impressive. I don't think it should surprise people. I was surprised he beat Colton and Tetlow, but I don't think it should surprise people that he knocked this out of the park. Mr. Spinn, Janikowski, I'll basically ask you all three questions combined. What I'm tripping on is I kind of believe him that a guy, I mean, how many games has he been in? He's been around forever. He's as veteran as they get, right? He is. He's been around since, what was it? Uh,
Starting point is 00:07:57 2013, 2014. Um, I mean, he's, he's had injuries on and off throughout his career um i mean you look at his games finishes though he has one two three four top 10 finishes at the games um a couple times he's been withdrawn or cut so i mean if he is healthy, which now after seeing this event, I do have some questions about his health. Because of this? Because of this? Because of the rub? Sorry, I was rubbing my pec.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what makes you concerned? Yeah. I mean, it seems like he kind of gets nicked up a lot. Uh-huh. The reps, you definitely can tell his right shoulder was getting closer to the rings. I'm surprised they didn't give him a no rep on any of those. But if it is a minor strain or something like that,
Starting point is 00:08:57 and he doesn't have any issues on other movements, he should be fine to get through the week. It's just a matter of, you know, can he stay healthy through the games training into the games? If, if he does actually have something that's fairly serious, uh, Pedro, our, uh, uh, high budget, uh, European correspondent, uh, ladies and gentlemen, doing these types of things is not affordable. And yet we do it for you, uh, Pedro, could you hold your camera up a little higher so we could see the surroundings as the primary target then instead of your boogers okay can you tell us where you are i'm leaving the venue oh i'm sorry why are you doing that uh because it's over oh okay fantastic um any any talk that you heard about the great uh janikoski and do you
Starting point is 00:09:43 believe um that uh his best days are still ahead of him uh yeah well shameless plug but he was on my show the other day um but yeah he's he says in his own words he's had the best season of training that he's ever had and he feels better sharper stronger all the rest like yami has him very well prepared. He said he feels a noticeable difference this year. He was saying that when he was on your podcast? Yeah. Was it a live show? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Okay, I see it. Three days ago. Shit. Congratulations, dude. Crazy. He's a very nice guy. I was kind of surprised by how friendly and affable he was I kind of thought he'd be grumpy yeah oh wow look at that smile holy shit just right out the gates
Starting point is 00:10:31 you're in a smile competition and you're losing with him anything he said on there that was anything he said on the show that concerned you is he going to win the games is that well I don't know I don't know is he going to win the games? Is that?
Starting point is 00:10:47 Well, I don't know. I don't know. Is he going to win the games? Not is he, but is he going to win them? His aim is to win, but, you know, an aim and a realistic target maybe might be two different things. If that doesn't sound fair. But let me ā€“ some of us might not think Annie's going to win the games, but I believe that she believes she's going to win the games, right?
Starting point is 00:11:13 Yeah, yeah. Is Janikowski in that place? I don't think so. Okay, okay. Pedro, with that accent ā€“ oh, no, hold on. Someone said, oh, Pedro is white. Pedro, you're a white man? Yeah, my surname is actually white.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Is that funny? No shit, is that true? Yeah, I once worked in a Jamaican nightclub. That's cool. Wow. Wow. Okay. Oh, Jan Karp says Peter is his name name oh well don't ruin that for me i did i'm not
Starting point is 00:11:49 pretending like i didn't read that um okay oh what was going on with the um uh leaderboard here gentlemen uh is this just a uh snafu i'm gonna pull this up um the points aren't updated but the placements are good come again the points aren't updated but the placements are. Come again? The points aren't updated, but the placements are. So Yonikoski will have 160 points. Okay, gotcha. You did the quick math, 100 plus 60? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:16 It's updated now if you refresh it. What about these guys, Bartek and Jan? What's up with them? Jan pulled out a couple weeks ago, and then I haven't heard about Bartek why he's not competing, but he hasn't done an event. Oh, it's interesting that when you organize
Starting point is 00:12:34 them by workout, those guys somehow are wedged in there. So we should just not acknowledge them. Yeah. Workout number two, Jan Akoski, Eric Zanoni, Lazar Djukic. Enrico. What did I say?
Starting point is 00:12:48 Eric. Okay. Victor Hoffer. That's your boy, dude. Luka Djukic. Surprise here. Luka Vunjak. Vunjak.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Oh, thank you. Thank you. You have to go all the way to the bottom and the next page to find luka dukic oh no he i don't so i was watching him he could not do the complex and i don't know if it's because he's hurt or not but like he couldn't do it he was not able to get the muscle ups you can go back and watch it it was you know luka dukic is one of the best in the world at like high volume. I was our Dukic is and Luke, Luke is right there with him in most muscle up workouts.
Starting point is 00:13:30 He might not beat him, but he's right there with him. And I don't, I mean, Hiller, do you know why? Cause like, I don't see a reason why he should have been bad at this. You know what I mean? Luke is not the guy that sucks at muscle-ups. Mr. Halpin. Yes, sir. If we may use that giant brain of yours, is Luka toast?
Starting point is 00:13:52 I know in previous weeks, I believe it was you or Spin who was telling me, hey, if you're outside 21st place after ā€“ Tyler Watkins. Tyler Watkins. Where the fuck are you, Tyler? Yeah, but that was also shortly proved to be incorrect. But I think it's still a good litmus test, right?
Starting point is 00:14:11 If you're outside of 20, the chances of you diminish drastically if you're outside of 21, right? After the first two events. Yeah. Sidney Wells. Bailey Rail did it too. Handshake? Sidney Wells? Yeah. Sydney Wells. Bailey Rail did it too. Manchick?
Starting point is 00:14:28 Sydney Wells I would actually say is a pretty good comparison, although she did okay in test one. And she was 32nd after test two. Because Luca has the ability to win test five, very similar to what Sydney did. So if you have the ability to win a test, it does a little bit different than other athletes where their best finish is probably five to ten.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Pedro, any word on Luca? Is it just a lack of ability or was there an injury? What we're talking about is he took 56th in the second workout, which we're speculating could be the nail in the coffin for the young man, the Belarusian. Is he Belarusian? Serbian. Serbian.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Serbian. One or the other. No, I didn't hear anything at all. Nothing. His coach is here. I'll ask his coach in the morning. Okay. Who's his coach?
Starting point is 00:15:28 Misfits. Chad? No. okay who's his coach uh misfits chad no uh i can't remember his name okay please don't swear on the show thank you um okay let's cruise over to uh workout one um lazar jukic taking second who is this guy Who is this guy up here? Jelly. Yeah, Hosta. Is he related to the Holta girl? Oh, no, that's Hosta. Jelly Hosta. Hosta.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Who? No, there's no L. No, I'm saying that's Kristen Holta. Who is this guy? Does he have a chance? Do we need to talk about him? Or is this just a fluke after a couple workouts? These may have been his best events.
Starting point is 00:16:13 He did really well in the second one, and that's what we thought he would do. And then down here, Lazar Jukic has a second place in workout one. Any thoughts on what was going on with the sled? I think that they were saying that this was the fastest floor yet, even faster than Australia. I don't know if it was faster than Torian. Can Pedro speak to that? Yeah, I just
Starting point is 00:16:38 all I know is that people are saying it's fast, but how do you measure like, you need someone to have been in all of those. You know what I mean? So that's the issue. Were the buttery bros there? They were at both. I'll ask Craig Ritchie
Starting point is 00:16:54 tomorrow. Thank you. Our correspondent, Craig Ritchie. Thank you. I appreciate it. What a fantastic source. Sitting in ninth place, Bjƶrgvin Carl Gudmundsson after two events, a sixth and a 25th. Do we have any concerns about that about Bjorgvin or no? Is that his
Starting point is 00:17:10 worst event, event number two? It needs to be. It doesn't need to be. Why do you say that? Yeah. Yes, he can qualify, but I don't think anybody expects him to be throwing up mid-20 place finishes on something that I would think he would be pretty good at.
Starting point is 00:17:31 So I would hope that the rest of the week, if we think he has a chance of getting the podium, he's going to have a better finish going on the way through. God, Lazar's kicking ass. Real quick on the speed of the sled. There are six athletes that did this in under 23 minutes here in Berlin, and then there's three athletes that did it under 23
Starting point is 00:17:59 minutes in Oceania. Yeah, but the athletes here are fitter. I'm just saying if you saw a bunch of athletes do it minutes in Oceana. Yeah, but the athletes here are fitter. Torian doesn't have the caliber. I'm just saying if you saw a bunch of athletes do it faster than the other place, then yes, I agree. I think Halpin he meant and the athletes
Starting point is 00:18:16 are fitter, not but. So that it was a less aggressive data point. Okay, thank you. John, can you work on that, please? I don't want to report you to DEI. I'm working on my vernacular. Let's talk about number 12. This is a guy
Starting point is 00:18:31 we talked about quite a bit. Bronislaw Olenkovic. First, Pedro, give us the superficial look at this guy. When you saw him, does he look good? He's a big dude yeah that's all you got yeah that's good that's good i like going to weather and the family guy it's gonna rain hey hey hey did he keep his shirt on did he keep his shirt on yeah i was a bit
Starting point is 00:19:01 disappointed with that to be honest but um well it just makes me think that maybe he's not in good shape i know he's well i spoke to god i actually do sound like a correspondent now i spoke to keifer like after quarterfinals and he said like well obviously he's really strong so that's not an issue so now we're getting him fit like we're working on his engine because that has been an issue and um i was him beside Kotler during that workout, during the burpee workout, and he was saying that he said, he was like, Bron doesn't like going fast with burpees. And, you know, Kotler said, I was, you know, doing this,
Starting point is 00:19:36 and Bron was doing this, saying like, no, it's fine. And like, I don't know, he is a big guy. He'll do really well in snatch workouts, obviously. Oh, and he has no problem taking his shirt off. The guy's jacked out. Hey, he kind of looks like a serial killer. He shouldn't move. He shouldn't move as well as he does.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Like, it's bizarre how well he moves on the rings and stuff. Like, it's crazy. Because he is big. He's like 200 and something pounds. And he's walking. He's fully bought in on the mullet. I mean, he's like full... He was wearing a hat today, so maybe he's shy.
Starting point is 00:20:16 And the shirt's on. He's very shy. And look, he's one of those dudes that really chokes up on the leash with his dog. I appreciate that. I like that. I don't think you could have asked for a better day one oh braunislaw okay so he's still in it i guess that's where we were going with this distracted by his instagram neither of these events theoretically should be good for him for him to get 41 reps on this his ring muscle ups is a known weakness for him, and I think the rock helped a lot because it makes the muscle-ups more muscle-ups, less of a kick. And I just think that helped him a lot. For him to get 14th place in this workout,
Starting point is 00:20:55 in a workout that he routinely would get 30th place, with Linda and the snatch coming up, I don't think he could have asked for a better day one. I think he takes this all day. Oh, shit, Ken Walters. I can't talk about Justin's body anymore. I'm going to see his parents tomorrow. Let's not keep Justin's name out of my mouth for at least 24 hours.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Jake Chapman said, can I call in on Sunday from the Isle of Man? Fuck yeah. I don't know when we'll be on. This guy, Bronislawski, could be a character from Snatch, totally. He's got full Hitman vibe. What about this I don't like to do burpees fast? Something doesn't comport.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Mr. Young? Well, he's big and he's slow. That doesn't equal fast burpees. Alright. There's not much more to it. That's what's always kept him out of qualifying for the games is that fast motor, longer endurance workouts.
Starting point is 00:21:54 I'm very happy with seeing him take, like John said, a 17th and a 14th on these two. I think Linda and the snatch are going to be great for him. I think he'll be in the top 10 easily going into event five run. How many, how many European men go to the CrossFit games? 11. Okay. So this guy's going,
Starting point is 00:22:16 he's in a good spot to make it. Yeah. It's going to be a roller coaster because I don't think five is going to be good. I don't think six will be good. And then seven will be great. For $10, I'll do anything. Gentlemen, Jeremy E. World, can we talk about ā€“ Pedro, I'm muting you, but unmute yourself at any time you'd like to. Gentlemen, can we talk about the epic interview with justin berg my only takeaway from the interview with justin berg was that it seemed like if i'm correct last time i heard don fall talk he said that 65 percent of business for crossfit 65 percent of the affiliates are outside the united states and i know italy at
Starting point is 00:22:55 one point had 1100 affiliates and i know like france has probably got like a thousand or something europe seems to be exploding but they they talked about europe as if it's some sort of new frontier or if there hadn't been a lot of games winners there and i'm like dude are you the the female side of the crossfit games has been dominated by women hasn't it foreign women non-american women so so i kind it was kind of weird it was kind of uh weird that was my my takeaway do you want to weigh in mr spin yeah so we talked about this on on my show earlier this week was i feel like europe is about seven years behind the states six seven years behind where
Starting point is 00:23:33 there's all these off-season competitions everybody loves crossfit everybody wants to compete and do as many you know uh you know off-season as they can. Yes, we've seen the women be that elite, but I think just in general, the CrossFit space in Europe is seeing that exponential growth that we saw six, seven, eight years ago.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Okay. It didn't make sense to you what Justin was saying either, what the commentator was saying. They were acting like europe's in some sort of like what's up and coming i mean it's been there but i think it it still has you know i mean remember the days where there's just a comp a bigger size comp every weekend in the summer uh after the games or in the fall and everybody just had to go out and compete and have fun and and go to these types of events and um i don't think we see that as much here in the states is that you know excitement for it and i think it's just i think there's just a lot of growth
Starting point is 00:24:38 underneath the games level that the community is kind of growing and getting more involved uh sean lenderman uh horvath is low-key pretty hot if once you see it takes a second once you realize she's hot you can't unsee it and and just bear with me on that if you don't think she's hot just put her just hold on because one day you'll see it and you'll be like oh fuck she's like supermodel hot it just takes a second to see um uh pedro what are your thoughts on europe uh being that you're a mexican european what are your thoughts on um on what's going on there in terms or in terms of what jr was or jr uh justin berg was saying did you hear justin berg's interview no but i can gather what he was saying from you guys um you'll comment on the secondhand information?
Starting point is 00:25:26 Go ahead. Spin is pretty bad with his assessment. Like, strength and depth is coming up, and there'll be games athletes, or, you know, like, athletes who are, like, games athletes or on the bubble or whatever will go and compete at that. French showdown, the same thing.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Italian showdown, the same thing. thing like every country has a big competition um and i think i think it is growing like spain is crazy there's crazy growth in spain even if you just look at like top level athletes um you know so then you can i guess extract from that there's, you mean like, uh, I'm showing off here, Enola Kai and Fabian Benito and, uh, the, what's the Turkish girl who's, who's out of Spain. Uh, what's her name? Anyone? Elena Caratala Sanahua. Oh, okay. She's not Turkish. Okay. Yeah. Her. Nice. That was solid. Yeah. Okay. Um, I also, I also hit her my like this, so Noble aren't here
Starting point is 00:26:25 No, I hate that, they gotta be there No, hang on But you might like what's coming next Apparently someone Saw Don Fowl coming out of The CrossFit suite With representatives of tier
Starting point is 00:26:42 That is juicy. Very juicy. I do like that. Good call. I enjoy that. Anthony TPA, how many nights have you cuddled with Hiller? We've only cuddled during the day. That will be another $2 if you want to know how many times. Hiller's not really a nighttime guy.
Starting point is 00:27:06 He needs servicing in the middle of the day. Damn right. Okay. I did walk into his room yesterday during the middle of the day, and he was passed out cold, like cold. Got my butt whooped by Kalipa. Oh, yeah. He did an hour and a half of jiu-jitsu with Kalipa.
Starting point is 00:27:23 And I fell right asleep. Standby for the video. Okay. Wait a minute, wait a minute. That Justin Berg video or interview. Okay. Didn't they spend most of it talking about judging and standards? Or am I thinking of a different one than you guys?
Starting point is 00:27:38 No, that just came up. Yeah. Okay. Okay, go ahead. The judgment has been really questionable here. Now tell me what you mean by that, having seen it yourself with your own two eyes. Okay. Okay, go ahead. The judgment has been really questionable here. Now tell me what you mean by that, having seen it yourself with your own two eyes. Okay, well, I saw an athlete doing pistols
Starting point is 00:27:53 that were not deep enough, and the head judge, or our head judge, there seems to be a few, like, you know, one on each side of the floor or something, I don't know, but went over and, like, talked to the athlete and not like the judge was still counting the pistols and they said something to the athlete like you know presumably hey you need to go deeper the athlete nodded realized the judge was still counting just kept doing the same thing and it happened twice more in the same like five minutes to the same athlete
Starting point is 00:28:27 in the same interval um and then just the rings like there seems to be a lot of like harsh dip standards on the rings for some people and then not for other people like no like there's uh anomaly lanes in every heat from what i could see like you were seeing people like jacqueline dawson got no reps she got no reps on a dip which you know and i talked to her and she was like yeah i accept the first one but i don't accept the second one um because she did like a really aggressive kick i was like i locked out and she got no reps again and that's when she lost that workout because then she took a break and she failed a rep and she was behind, like,
Starting point is 00:29:08 you know, the rest of them. She had about 30 seconds by the time she got finished her business whereas the rest of them had about 45, 50 seconds. She was way ahead. How much of what Pedro says do you guys understand with his accent? Spin, do you understand?
Starting point is 00:29:22 What percentage are you processing? I've talked to him enough. I'm starting to get every other word so i think i start with each sentence he says i fall behind like one or two words and then to finally buy that like if he talks for more than like three minutes i'm like i'm like 18 words behind it's like trying to trans because i got to translate it um uh pedro one of the things hillary was explaining to me when we were watching this final heat i guess to you guys, was that the judging on the pistols has been different at the same events, at different events. And I didn't even know this, that some people were getting no reps
Starting point is 00:29:53 if they stood up at their top and their heel went behind their other foot. Yeah, and Marnie in Fertorian was putting her foot down. And I was just crying. It was just like, like okay that's no problem and whereas the girl in the lane next to her and this is no disrespect to Marnie like she just followed what her judge was doing
Starting point is 00:30:10 yeah you understood that bit but the lane next to her was being held to totally different and I was like would you not would you not look and be like hang on that judge is doing a different thing than me maybe I should adjust. Or one of us should adjust. Or put a hand up or something.
Starting point is 00:30:28 It's just strange. What's going on with this? This sounds pretty severe. Do you have any thoughts on this, John? John, have you noticed this? I mean, some judges... It happens in every competition. It's just happening a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:30:43 When you say that shit, it's just so... it happens all the time so how do you fix it how do you how do you don't have stupid rules like that well some of us some judges are sitting there and they go okay he'll can't go behind the midline some judges are like well what the fuck is the midline and then i mean what seven i just said there go why would they even have that as a standard like the foot i get that i get that i get that that's how you fix it. I agree. I agree with that. It has to be looked at that way with every stupid freaking movement
Starting point is 00:31:09 they're going to put in single-legged squats. Okay, five in this box. Don't add the stupid. Where's the center line? It's so simple. Well, it starts, though, with the athlete briefings. What's that? It can't really be fixed.
Starting point is 00:31:24 It's ā€“ Yeah, what? Starting with an athlete. competition what's that can't really be fixed it's oh yeah yeah what you see a small team a small team of four brains that were sitting there thinking about the pistol standard thought that was a good idea and now everyone's all fucked up everywhere it it's an excuse and they're going to keep on using the excuse every single chance they get and that's what i hear when well what are they going to do what happens in in every competition? Like make it easier. Well, Brian, you and Brian spin as a point first. Yeah, no, the problem is the athlete briefings have been inconsistent
Starting point is 00:31:53 from the East to the West and Australia. And so I think the problem is you have judges, athletes who have probably watched the East, who were given one set of standards. They see how they're being done. And then they go into their athlete briefing in Oceania, and they're told that they can put their foot down or they can't put their foot behind the midline.
Starting point is 00:32:16 And so they don't know which one to follow. And so now you have judges following different rules and athletes getting away with different things. Yeah. So that's, that's really the problem is, is that the athletes and the judges are basically getting these standards at the same moment.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Like the judges only get them. I was there in the East. The judges only get them maybe a couple of days at most. And the, and the time that it's being explained in those briefings is the time that most everyone's hearing it this is actually what um justin talked on uh during that interview for a good bit is the thing the judges and the athletes are both saying is stop giving us these crazy standards i think you tried to say that a little bit nicer
Starting point is 00:33:03 is just stop giving us these crazy standards that you're you tried to say that a little bit nicer is just stop giving us these crazy standards that you're going to tell us on the day of the competition, how it's going to work and then expect us to actually be able to do it. And as Brian was just saying, it all sort of starts to like snowball together when you see five other semifinals at this point, do it and they each have a different thing that by the time the sixth and the seventh one happen they're just gonna go like well i saw pat velner do this three
Starting point is 00:33:31 weeks ago or i saw so and so do this two weeks ago so what are you supposed to be standardized so at that point another thing that justin talked on is actually trying seemingly trying to get some sort of judges training that they're actually having these judges go to smaller competitions prove themselves and then work their way up to be in the place that they are that happens now doesn't it I don't agree I would agree to a degree it's been the case I was talking to a coach that was at the he's at east west and now here and he was saying that um the explanations and briefings have gotten like way more specific so like east was like here's the workout blah blah west was like here's the workout you cannot do this you you know like it was like they had clauses based on what happened the week before
Starting point is 00:34:22 and then in europe it was incredibly specific on stuff that was vaguely confusing maybe the week before or the week before that. So they do seem to be trying to ā€“ but I mean, come on. Sports is around years. It's not as if we just came up with it yesterday and now we're trying to scrabble to fix standards. That's a good point it's pretty odd go ahead go ahead helping well i'm just gonna probably say the same thing that's the broken record piece that we're all just saying like hey in december put out a rule book that says here's how everything works work between the siloed teams that are at crossfit and say hey
Starting point is 00:35:00 crossfit training can we put out a video that actually shows all of these movements and shows what they should look like, shows what good ones are and shows what bad ones are that we don't have a single person at a semifinal saying, Hey, you can do this, not that. Or in response to a few questions that I heard from athletes, it's just not answered or it's, please don't do that. Okay. Well, what happens when I do it? Just don't. Just don't. I feel like that's new. Howie DeWitt with his own theory. I believe that Pedro gave the athletes the briefing
Starting point is 00:35:34 and nobody could understand him. Fair. Solid. You know the expenses. Does my counseling come out of that as well? Do I send you the receipts? Yeah, the psychological damage from being on the expenses. Does my counseling come out of that as well? Do I send you the receipts? Yeah, the psychological damage from being on the show. Richie Rich, just let them do whatever they want.
Starting point is 00:35:51 There could be an argument that that is what's happening. To be honest, I do want to pull this up. This is probably the most controversial thing around the subject, and then we'll move on to the Women's Leaderboard. Andrew Hiller writes, judges are getting blacklisted by crossfit for speaking up or not falling in line apparently it's better to have a conformist than do what's right but what is right andrew do you have an example of that of an actual athlete judge being told hey uh i haven't heard it once i've heard it twice that hey shut the fuck up and just keep your mouth shut or you're not going to be out there on the floor correct or or it's like uh they get stuck into a wait list
Starting point is 00:36:30 so they've signed up they've done in the past they've been doing it for a bit and then maybe they'll be speaking to another person that they're affiliated with or they'll try to talk to somebody who's in control of things that could make a difference and then they're stuck on a wait list i don't know when i hear that make a difference. And then they're stuck on a wait list. I don't know when I hear that. I just think that they're, they're insecure that they actually just sucked and they're being insecure. So they're looking for a reason why they're not being called back.
Starting point is 00:36:54 I was, I was, I had ears to somebody getting reprimanded. I mean, it was a nice conversation. The head judge did it very well, but yeah, they were,
Starting point is 00:37:04 they were on judges that were not calling the right things at East at least. But that being said, I think if a judge just went sideways on something and all of a sudden talked to this podcast or somebody to just be like, hey, this, this, and this are going on. I wouldn't be too surprised that crossfit in the way that they work is like okay well we don't need that guy or girl doing this anymore sorry i said girl woman is the right word so i don't get canceled dude or chick uh okay i agree with someone yeah i mean every time i cross the street, I, I, I, someone can't say I crossed the street because,
Starting point is 00:37:46 because of them. Like, like sometimes I just have to cross the street. So I, I, I need more specifics than that, but, but I do appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Doesn't mean that I don't thoroughly appreciate, uh, Andrew Hiller's, uh, reporting, uh, David weed. Oh,
Starting point is 00:37:59 wait, no. Um, uh, Anthony TPA, when are you going to blacklist John? He's been blacklisted. That's how we just don't have anyone.
Starting point is 00:38:07 So we had to fucking dip into... Now look, he's on the top. He went from being blacklisted to the guy on top. What is the BBC? Come again? What is the BBC? David.
Starting point is 00:38:22 I have the same insiders as them. I just don't know who they are. Oh, British Broadcasting. That's actually what I thought, Pedro. Jesus Christ. Pedro, there's only room for one of me on the show, please. That's the first time I've ever said that word out loud. And listen, if you pronounce it with a C-A-U-L-K, you're fine. Cock.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Because I have black cock at my house. And wanker. And I use it often. Keep the gym in shape. Okay. Emma Tall. Hey, dude. I'm tripping.
Starting point is 00:38:55 I'm tripping, tripping, tripping. Someone want to start with John Young. How is Emma Tall the winner of workout number two? I thought that was supposed to be like a little man's workout. Little woman's workout. little woman well well it's actually even probably more appropriate to say little man's because a little man is strong enough to move to move himself through all those gymnastics maybe a little woman isn't but she's a big woman right yeah no she absolutely slaughtered this workout i didn't see it coming either for her to ā€“ I mean, she won it pretty convincingly too. I don't think anybody was that close to her.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Can we do workout two? Yes, absolutely. Click just it. Oh, they got this weird problem with this? No, won it pretty darn easily. Like if you look, fifth is 48, 49, 49, 50. So you have a group of women all together, 47, all around the same thing. So this is what a really, really good score is.
Starting point is 00:39:54 We have five women who are at the top of the heap. And then she's four reps clear of second place. I know Tyler's not on, but like that's a big gap where she didn't just beat everybody she could have kind of owned everybody and could look at them with 30 seconds how how it's not it's not what are the physics how how how is she jumping over that box uh shouldn't she be tired shouldn't she be hanging out with Bronislawski? So pistol speed has a lot to do with it. Um, I've noticed more, more and more, if you're able to do that complex, which that's a big if,
Starting point is 00:40:34 but from all the people who are able to do the complex relatively unbroken, maybe the third round, they break it up. Whoever has, whoever can do those pistols the fastest is the one who does the most burpees. It's not necessarily who burpees the fastest or who's the fittest. It's just who can get through those pistols the fastest is the one who does the most burpees. It's not necessarily who burpees the fastest or who's the fittest. It's just who can get through those pistols the fastest. If you watch Annie do those pistols and even Laura do those pistols, they're not very fast. They're doing them.
Starting point is 00:40:55 They're getting through them five in a row fine. But then you watch their pistol cadence versus Emma Tall's pistol cadence. It's not ā€“ they're different things. She's doing two for every one. And so she gets there with 15 seconds before they get there. I mean, 15 seconds a lot, like 10 seconds before they get there, it equals more reps, even if she's not as fit. Mike Halpin with the nostril exhale and a 50% eye roll. I don't know if that was directed towards me or John Young, but I know that when I pay attention uh go ahead help and tell me what you're like of course she did well
Starting point is 00:41:29 on this you donkey well i was besides what her last name is she's five six so oh okay she's actually shorter than i mean she's definitely shorter than Sarah. She's shorter than Annie. What does she weigh? Well, that's always... About 150. So 5'6", 150 would mean she's thick. So if she's shorter than Sarah and she's shorter than Annie but weighs the same, she's thick. I know, but 5'6", 150 is kind of a perfect crossfitter. Right?
Starting point is 00:42:04 Yeah. I mean, a lot of them are around there, yeah. Hillary, you're not believing she's 150? I'm not believing she's as big as you think she is. Oh, okay. So you're on the helping train. Alright, fair enough. I'm saying she's not a
Starting point is 00:42:19 little gymnastics girl. She's not Jacqueline Ballester. Okay, then look at this. A Thurder Helga doter. You'd expect her not to. She's small compared to Laura, right?
Starting point is 00:42:33 You'd expect her to be good in this workout. And any surprise with Laura Horvat, Mr. Spinn, here, fourth place? No, I mean, I think I was pleasantly surprised with her muscle-up capability. She was just very well-paced throughout.
Starting point is 00:42:52 She wasn't the fastest at anything, but I think she maintained kind of the same number of reps each time. And I think coming out of that, I thought maybe she would reverse first and second and switch those two. What about this? Right, reverse those two. You're basically saying you would have thought maybe she would have got a fourth on the first workout and a 23rd on the second workout? And I think some of it has to do with the flooring being faster.
Starting point is 00:43:20 So she wasn't rewarded by being strong at pulling. Or it came down more to the machines and the run, um, which could probably explain that. Uh, Greg Glassman, uh, Pedro is already cooler than John.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Wow. That didn't take long. Um, great, uh, great point. Uh, John,
Starting point is 00:43:41 anyone with eyes can see that. I don't know what that's in reference to, but I, I like that kind of condescension. I told you they'd fall out of love with me next week. Sebon's dog, Emma, isn't tall. Guys.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Tall guys. Thank you. Tall guys. Emma's into tall guys. Okay. He's with David Trump. Her and David are like anatomical models they're like two of them are physical specimens it's crazy he's seen um seen a first hand tall in swedish means pine tree all right just a little on us just on a side note. I like that. Dude, the Emma Pine tree. I knew it. Clock, Greg Glassman is really Brian friend. We're sitting there watching the event,
Starting point is 00:44:34 and on the screen pops up Greg Glassman commented on the stream, and Avi goes, whoa, Greg's on the stream. That was pretty funny. Avi believing that was Greg makes more sense than the other commenters. Okay. Let's talk about Annie Thor's daughter. This is what we want to see from the CrossFit Games champ. These are the scores we want to see, right?
Starting point is 00:44:55 Tell me, am I wrong or am I right, Halpin? Let me redeem myself. You are correct. Okay. Talk to me what we see when we see Annie. Yeah. Yeah. So, I mean, she's just coming in regardless of the test, doing well in all of them, and she's staying within striking distance.
Starting point is 00:45:07 I mean she's, what, second right now? I would expect her to be in first by midway through the day tomorrow. Is she the only character who is top ten in both workouts? Emma. Ooh, Emma. Okay. But she's right there, yeah. A tenth in first. Emma but she's right there a 10th and 1st although this is nice that Emma has a win
Starting point is 00:45:29 already right this bodes well for her it could do well later yeah and confidence Emma's the shit come on guys did you expect her to win that workout that one no but I thought she'd be in the top 5
Starting point is 00:45:44 no I think I have her 3rd 4th Did you expect her to win that workout, Hiller? That one? No, but I thought she'd be in the top five for the weekend. No, I think I have her third or fourth, but I didn't expect her to win this workout. Whatever year she finished the last chance qualifier and just dominated and had been on the Emmett Hall train. No, I'm saying. Maybe two years ago. Pedro, are you familiar with Amy Kringle? And if so, are you concerned about these next two events
Starting point is 00:46:06 for her with snatches she's pretty strong she is? yeah she's pretty strong so no concern you think sitting in 13th place she should be hopeful that she could go to the CrossFit Games yeah
Starting point is 00:46:21 I mean I'm not saying that she will but she can be hopeful Holes Mr. Spin With Amy Kringle from the Isle of Man I feel like she's got some holes I thought of her snatches as being her weakness Am I wrong? No you're not wrong
Starting point is 00:46:36 I think she'll do fine in the run I'm a little concerned about Linda And the snatch My guess is that she'll be digging herself a hole tomorrow and then she'll have to battle back and have a great Sunday. Sitting in 14th place.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Nice. Nice. Sarah. Sarah's daughter. Let's go through. Pedro, what did you see anecdotally, superficially? When you see Sarah, did you smile?
Starting point is 00:47:11 Did it make your heart feel warm? Or did you have anxiety and panic? What's the... Tell me. She's real good looking. And blue is a great color. Hey, how come you haven't been mugged or we haven't seen anyone shooting fentanyl on the street yet where you must not be in california no germany oh okay my
Starting point is 00:47:30 bad everything's clean and running like clockwork um but it was uh yeah it was it was her with the pistols with the judge. I mean, she got away with it, so what does it matter? I suppose she just did what her judge was telling her to do. But the head judge, I mean, really should have handled that. I think if that wasn't Sarah, if that was. God, no, you're just. Please do not be in the Hillary fucking conspiracy.
Starting point is 00:48:02 That sounds like a Hillary video. That is such bullshit. Where does this camera cut off? Pedro, that is bullshit. You're saying that there was some home cooking because Sarah is a superstar. Yeah, superstar is not making the games. I don't even think it's not making the games. I think it's actually really popular.
Starting point is 00:48:19 She's been around ages. She's famous. We'll see. Rightly or wrongly, the judge maybe i'm like you know guessing but maybe felt pressured of like oh shit i can't no rep her uh good uh mission belly sevens tell when he's insecure is the fucking fucking f word he's insecurely. He's covering. He's covering.
Starting point is 00:48:46 I must be. I'm just insecure all fucking day. That's fair. I'm not denying that. Hey, I have to go. I'm going to go and connect my wife at the airport. Okay, that makes me feel fucking uncomfortable, but okay. Okay, bye.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Thanks. Thank you. She's done. Sarah Sigmundsdottir. I don't want to jinx her at all i don't i want to talk about it i don't want anyone to say anything bad about her i could say something nice okay that was already mean helping just the way you said that was me oh was it oh well uh there's there's six athletes in the other 60 field semi-finals north america
Starting point is 00:49:23 east and west that all have finished outside the top 10 and all qualified for the games. Okay. Say that one more time. I like that. That's solid. Tell me that again. It's actually a stat from Fran Long. I'm not going to steal it from him. But there's six athletes that all finished outside of the top 10 on the first two tests. Let me try to say the right word. And they then qualified for the games. It's Abby,
Starting point is 00:49:48 Abby donut, as you like to call her. Yeah. Paul Sager, Jack Farlow, Kelly, Shirley, Paige,
Starting point is 00:49:55 Semenza and Shelby. I don't know who Kelly surely is. Wow. Okay. Okay. I don't know if that's a good stat, Mr. Spin.
Starting point is 00:50:02 That's kind of scary, right? Six isn't very many for, for all going into the final week. Did you mention Sydney? I don't know that Sydney... Sydney did well in the first workout. It throws... She has other...
Starting point is 00:50:15 Yeah, but she was... There was no way she was in the top 10 after day one. No, no, no, no. No, this is saying... In both events. Oh, after both events. Gotcha. Back-to-back workouts outside the top 10.
Starting point is 00:50:25 I think Sarah's fine right now, Savant. She's going to do good in Linda. She's going to do good in the snatch. The run, I don't know. But after day two, I think she'll be within the cut line of the top 11, and then it will come down to the last day, and she'll be on the bubble the whole time. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:50:42 So it's going to be fun. It's going to be a nail-biter. It's going to be the reason to continue to watch a nail biter yeah it's going to be the reason to watch this to continue to watch semi-final sarah sigmund's daughter i think she'll be up a little bit higher than what john says after tomorrow um just looking at some of those that are above her um i think she'll i think her and emma tall will do great on linda and sarah will do great on the on the snatch and put herself in a good position to be. What do you think she's going to snatch? Well, I mean, she snatched 206 before.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Who are you talking about? Sarah? Yeah. I'm not saying she's going to snatch 200, but there's not a ton of heavy snatchers here. Like if she was North America West, I wouldn't feel that way. But I think 195 would be top 10. Yeah, but I don't think she's going to hit that. She'll be in the 80s. I mean, even 185, I think 195 would be top 10 yeah but i don't think she's gonna hit that she'll be
Starting point is 00:51:25 in the 80s i mean even 185 i think she'll be fine i think it'll be top 15 hillary looking at the stats here is like who's actually gonna do that annie's in 200 but she did it at the games two years ago three years ago um like beyond her there's not really anybody that's close to 200, and nobody's sitting there. I'm willing to bet she's top seven in both of those events, Linda and Snatch. Are we making a bet? What do you want to bet she's not in the top seven? You lost the last one, right? What?
Starting point is 00:51:59 What was the bet I lost? You owed me a couple hundred burpees last time we made a bet. What bet was this? I don't know, but you lost. I've been on a roll lately. Okay, okay. She's out of time. What did you do? You tied the problem.
Starting point is 00:52:18 All right, how about this? How about this? Whoever loses has to do ā€“ 100 straight pull-ups. I was thinking Linda, the regional, like what they're doing. I'm not doing that. And you also want to do Linda. I know you saw that comment.
Starting point is 00:52:36 No, I've done it already. What about this? She can easily snatch 185. That's not true, right? Well, wait a minute. This is a training think tank, Chick. Not anymore. And I would say the answer to that is not easily a minute. This is a training think tank chick. Not anymore. And I would say the answer to that is not easily.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Oh, that is a training think tank. Is that her coach? Is that the Asian girl? Her name's Anna. That's her coach? No. No. I'll bet 100%.
Starting point is 00:52:55 That's training think tank. But also, she would know because... Yeah, she would know. Because she was over there for a bit. Yeah, and that girl knows her shit. There was a great name on here um uh john hung john that's seven man bun asshole 20 burpees for you uh sarah did beat annie and laura on the regional linda he's saying that she's not the same person that she was five years ago.
Starting point is 00:53:26 And she's not. Let me move on to a couple things here. Just so you guys know, this is a team competitor here, right? Lucy McCongle. Just always... You've said not one name right yet. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:53:42 But anyway, that's always pretty cool, especially if you're at the venue to watch the teens it's kind of it's kind of crazy to see them out there with the with the fucking big girls with the women so that's cool uh she's doing well she's a teen right yeah she's only 16 right now and then and then i think some of the names that maybe are surprised uh that we're down here so low is uh andrea sol right? She's out, but I think probably people thought she probably had a chance, right? And then right here, where's the Spanish lady? She's out too, right?
Starting point is 00:54:10 Elena Cartala Sanahua. Not looking good. Not looking good for her. Not looking good. And she was Spain's hope, right? How about this girl right here, Silvia Garcia Izquierdo. Izquierdo. Ojoa,
Starting point is 00:54:26 Moya, these are all out, right? These are all names. I think so. I think that Sylvia will move up throughout the week. I think she's done, but I think I wouldn't be shocked if she's like top 20. I think Moya will do well on the lift tomorrow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:41 And Solvik's Sigurdotter, has she ever been to the games? She was there last year. Yeah. So that's just, she's in a disappointing spot too, right? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Yeah, like even that stat that I said earlier, it's usually like a 10th or 11th and then like a 25th. Having like anything beyond like a, like a pair of 26,
Starting point is 00:55:03 like Solvik. Yeah, like that, like not great. That wounds you. Okay. And then how about Jacqueline Dahlstrom? She still in it?
Starting point is 00:55:11 Sitting 16th? Hanging at the bubble? Yeah, she's fine. Yeah. She was probably one ring complex no rep away from winning this event. She really was on fire. I mean, that sled after her fitness is mine. Wait, tell me what happened with her ring muscle?
Starting point is 00:55:29 She got stuck on the ring muscle? She was leading easily after the first two rounds. And then the third round, it was either the fourth or fifth rep. Her complex, she got no rep on the dip. And then kind of fell apart at that point. And then only got maybe three or four burpees at the very end. So what you see, that 39 reps was basically two rounds. So she was doing very, very well.
Starting point is 00:55:55 She could have gotten another, probably another 30, 20, 30 points on her score and been up there by. Has anyone seen anybody take the middle round off yet? No. I know what you're saying, but no. Because they're getting upwards of 20, if not more. Hey, they would kick you out if you did that. Do you think so?
Starting point is 00:56:18 You didn't try. Well, you totally tried. So you're saying competitive score. You're saying get 20 and 20 and just don't do the middle round hell yeah wow if you can get but if you can get 20 the first round i don't think you have an issue right for those people that can only get 12 to 15 unless you're an outlier like well maybe because if you're getting 20 though if you're getting 20 you're you're getting through the complex and the pistols very fast because only
Starting point is 00:56:45 the best people have gotten around 20 and then everything wavered off okay 18 and 18 that's what you're saying though what is the top witness score here uh 54 okay you need more yeah you're not gonna hit that but you probably could if you're getting 20 is what you're saying there's a whole bunch of 48 47 46s like a lot of people around that. The top 10 finish would be like low 40s, I think. Emma McQuaid, when I see her name, I think of her as an endurance
Starting point is 00:57:13 athlete, but we know she did great with the bag last year at the CrossFit Games, right? She showed some strength. She did all right. I don't think it was the best. Are you talking about the sandbag? Yeah, she's strong for her size, She did alright I don't think it was The best She's strong for her size But she's
Starting point is 00:57:29 You're thinking of Dahlstrom Dahlstrom's the one who impressed Oh she did okay So Emma McQuaid has three really hard events coming up right Can we confirm that Yeah I think her snatch In a weightlifting competition was only like 180 So Let's see where he went He ended up I think her snatch in a weightlifting competition was only like 180.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Let's see where he went. He ended up. Was that a dude? That was a guy's name? David Cheronke. How did you guys know that was a guy? It's Imataw's boyfriend, right? Or Dave. Dave's a male's name usually.
Starting point is 00:58:02 If you say so. It's Europe. I know some female. It's Europe. Oh, yeah. I know some female Daves in Europe. Tell me if you see his name. He's 13th overall, but he's 37th on number two. So I did not pay off for him. Well, we don't know, right? We don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:27 I can't believe he took off the um i i'm struggling he didn't he didn't say his first name he just said his last name shrunkle but if he only got 28 reps that would mean he did like 15 and 13 he's not capable then he like wouldn't be capable of 20 because that round one you know you're gonna skip round two before you do it right so round one there's a world where he just does worse so that's his score there and i'm wondering if there's a world where maybe they're just not great movements for him and he would have ended up in the low 20s had he done all three rounds i listen listen clive we can't fucking read the comments and pay attention to the fucking show we have the phone number just call in clive and kick some ass next time just call in and be like listen i love you hey uh jiggy josh wow these seven rants at the beginning of the show are
Starting point is 00:59:12 getting old oh i don't think he went hard enough to be honest me neither are you upset because i was kind of upset i'm like wow that's it oh no no i was trying to stay i was trying to stay calm so that i didn't alienate people oh but jiggy josh um why why put the laughing emoji at the end correct why put them laughing are you saying seven didn't go hard enough yeah i don't think he did yeah i was reflecting a little bit more you prepared us mentally for like i almost lost helping helping i almost lost helping it was good though yeah i thought gabriel was better at muscle ups what's up with that guy
Starting point is 00:59:48 I thought Luka Dukic was better at muscle ups but he can't do one yeah Clive tell us what the fuck's going on with Luka if you really want to help tell us baby tell us I believe he did 17 reps total there's five of you for fuck's sake
Starting point is 01:00:04 don't worry I saw the comment right's there's five of you for fuck's sake don't worry i saw the comment right away dude only three of us can read uh greg glassman seven with that little man syndrome why does it have to be a syndrome that's a picture of greg why does it have to be a syndrome okay um excited for tomorrow uh i'm a big i'm a bit exhausted as we get talking about this stuff as we get to um uh week three here i'm most excited about annie i think um
Starting point is 01:00:34 why because i think this is promising for her games what do you mean i just see a seventh and an eighth and i think that this means this bodes well for i think she's gonna stay top 10 and everything this week and it's going to she's it's kind of a message to the world like yeah
Starting point is 01:00:49 I'm not only a threat for the podium but I'm a threat to win the CrossFit Games this year. He wants Annie to win the games. I mean, I don't know if I want it but I would be happy with that. I'd be happy if she won Katrin one. Hey, just say it, Sevan.
Starting point is 01:01:06 I mean, say it to me. Don't put the LOL emoji in the game. Laughing emoji. You know who I would love if they won is Danielle Brandon. Emma Carey. Then I would be like, get a little Alex Gazan.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Oh, if Ricky Garrard came and won, that'd be fucking awesome. Who, if Garrard won? Yeah, that'd be awesome. That's like the ultimate redemption story, man. It's just that it would be fucking crazy if Annie, I just like in the character
Starting point is 01:01:40 arc of Annie's story and Katrin's story. Say it again, Halpin. Winning 10 years apart. It's pretty nuts. That's nuts. Is that Annie? That would be Annie? Yeah, she won in like 12.
Starting point is 01:01:53 11, 12. Same with Katrin. I mean, this game has changed so much that if somebody like that can come back and still win it, it proves their fitness well more than some others that just oh yeah but i mean this is the year though for them if they want to do that because i don't think they'll have another year or opportunity like this again there are five women that routinely would be in the top five you know it's this is the year for some off the wall person to win not Not saying Annie would be off the wall,
Starting point is 01:02:28 but like Annie's not better than Tia or Mal. Like straight up, not better. And this is the year to win it. If for any off the wall name to win it, this would be the year. Because it's not going to happen again, I don't think, for a while. You mean Mal and Tia come back and just start slapping bitches around again?
Starting point is 01:02:45 Well, I think Tia will come back and then win very easily. And then if Mal decides to come back, I think it'll be the Mal show for a while. I mean, I think Emma Carey will be up there too. But Laura and Mal, and then that will be a battle between them two. Haley Adams? Savon, I have to stop. I don't see hayley winning the games have you please check the text chat oh please because there's something juicy in there okay
Starting point is 01:03:12 come on uh okay you're there's no fucking way that's true. There is no. I can't even read that. Please tell me. There's no fucking. Is that true? Who wrote that? It's from Peter.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Holy shit. Holy shit. Send the link. Pedro, you got to get back on here, dude. Total war. Holy shit. here, dude. Total war. Holy shit. I want to tell you guys a quick story real quick, and then we got to go. And I don't know if we're going to report this story yet.
Starting point is 01:03:53 I ran the media department at CrossFit Inc., and I had a fucking badge around my neck that said full access everywhere. Then I had media director, and I had everything. And I was at Madison, and I was walking up through an entrance, and security stopped me and wouldn't let me in. And that happened also like two or three times at Carson. And there were even some assholes who actually worked in the company, one of them who was recently fired, who tried to say where I could and couldn't go. It was bizarre, bizarre shit. and couldn't go it was bizarre bizarre shit and uh so when i hear that rich uh is treated anything other than spectacularly um i'm not shocked but this person if this story is true that this person was kicked out of the warm-up area can you text him and find out you have his number okay yeah i could yeah okay let me see i'll text
Starting point is 01:04:47 um i'll text him and find it let me see if that's true oh i can't do that i can't do that i can't do that i can't do that here he is okay let's see oh. Oh, you're doing it. Yes. Just send him a link. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. Pedro, hi. All for political reasons. Anyone, by the way. I don't give a fuck. Say it. Yeah, so what?
Starting point is 01:05:17 Fuck you. Fuck you. I said fuck because I'm insecure. And I really don't have little man syndrome. But I don't even know I'm little. Pedro, hi. hi hey I forgot to is that accurate what you're saying is that accurate what the fuck is Pedro well he's Irish
Starting point is 01:05:37 fuck make him big look at him in Germany international traveler Pedro is it true that the most powerful man in CrossFit and possibly the fitness industry, our own fucking Jeff Bezos, was asked to leave the
Starting point is 01:05:53 warm-up area? Is that true? I have it on good authority, yeah. It's true. I was standing beside someone who... Sorry. Sorry. He's 10... Someone guessed it's the Dave Castro no this man is 10 times as powerful oh fuck
Starting point is 01:06:11 what's up he has no good authority oh my god how do I make this work where is everyone don't worry about it I push whatever button I want. Yeah, yeah. Oh, my God, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:29 No, it's Rich Froning and TDC and Don Fall wrapped in one. I'm telling you. You cannot fucking kick this person out of anywhere. I can't believe you guys don't even know. I made a video on Don Fall. No, Don Fall. This guy could tell Don fall he has to step down hey i made a video
Starting point is 01:06:48 yeah hey there's no 20 people who are more powerful than him the godfather compared in a bundle yeah adam thank you there you go anyone to do some research on that the godfather video not phil Grunler. We're not talking about him. No. Bill's the second most opinionated man in CrossFit. Chris Henshaw is not powerful, you idiot. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Okay. Elise, the stuff on podcast is as bad as the morning chalk up right now. Right now. We have it on good authority. Dear Bill, what happened? Okay, well, that's fun. David Hippenshiel got kicked out. It's on the alarm.
Starting point is 01:07:44 We will be back possibly this evening. For sure tomorrow morning. Thank you for the patience. What a fun show. Mr. Spin, John Young, Halpin, thank you. Did we ever talk about the men? Yeah, we didn't.
Starting point is 01:07:58 We started with the men. Then we went to the girls. Do you want to talk about winners for Linda or no? Because we won't see them again until the middle of the night right that was rough this morning couldn't you brought that up 10 minutes ago it's Bronislaw he wins
Starting point is 01:08:15 and on the women's side it's Laura you're right quick picks let's start with the girls we have them right here let's start with the girls. We have them right here. Let's start at top. Hiller, winner for Laura Horvath.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Okay. Mr. Spin. I'm going to do Emma Tall. Okay. Mr. Halpin. I just want it to happen. I want Sarah Sigmundsdorf. Ooh, I like it. Mr. John Young.
Starting point is 01:08:47 I agree with you there, Laura. Okay, and I will tell you the actual winner will be Manon Angonis. It's not a terrible pick. From EspaƱa. Belgium. Oh, is it Belgium? All right, thank you. Shit, thank you couldn't you text me that we got a fucking text thread uh the men lazar jukas henrik hapalainen and the others uh who is going to win this uh linda ron islam a linkowitz Ron Isla Elinkowitz Mr. Spin
Starting point is 01:09:26 I'm going to say Henrik Hapelinen That's a good call Mr. Halpin Lazar Cukic Wow
Starting point is 01:09:38 That would be Hey That would be crazy Even if he finished In the top five Right Jump on the mayhem Bench press train
Starting point is 01:09:44 Over here That would be Absolutely even if he finished in the top five, right? Jump on the mayhem bench press train over here. Yeah, that would be absolutely crazy. Mr. A, who's going to win the men, Linda? I'm going to say BKG. Okay. Bird chest, BKG. Oh, my God. Hiller, you not have a fucking sensor button?
Starting point is 01:10:03 No. Sevan picks Fabian Bonito. I would pick Ron. I just don't think he's good enough. Pedro, who wins Linda for the boys? Charenke. Ooh, that's good. That's a good pick.
Starting point is 01:10:22 That's probably the wise one. Okay, guys, listen. Maybe we will come on later on this evening and pick a number, the winners for events four and five, and talk some other shit. Pedro, so you think that that's good intel you got regarding who was booted from the warm-up area? Yeah, well, I was standing beside the owner of GoWod,
Starting point is 01:10:41 who are like a lead sponsor of you know the games and someone came over to him and said oh you can't be here you don't have a wristband and like he was really nice about it he was like oh I'm sorry I'll go now and then he just didn't and the girl went over to
Starting point is 01:11:00 who's like her supervisor and I could see the conversation over his shoulder and she was like pointing and the woman was like Jesus no like he's fine you know like she obviously knew who he was like no no no he's fine so I have it on good authority anyway that Bill was out back in the warm-up area and someone came up to him presumably a similar situation just didn't know who he was I mean I wouldn't know who he was if I saw him I don't know what he looks like but she or he said oh you can't be here you don't know what he looks like. But he said, oh, you can't be here. You don't have a coach's wristband
Starting point is 01:11:28 or an athlete's wristband. You know, you shouldn't be here, basically. And he just kind of nodded and left the venue. Oh, I know. That means he's going to kill someone. He probably didn't even care, dude. He's so chill. He probably didn't even care. But
Starting point is 01:11:44 that's a fuck-up. There's going to be a horse head in someone's bed. Yeah, that's a fuck-up. That's probably not. That's why he needs to put his face on the stuff instead of the dog. Hey, have you seen Katie there, too? Is Katie there also?
Starting point is 01:12:00 No, I don't know. I didn't see him. Oh, you haven't seen him. Okay. Okay. If you see Katie, go up to her and slap her on the ass and say that's from Sevon, please. Okay, yeah. Absolutely no problem. All right.
Starting point is 01:12:13 13 CrossFit Games sponsored by Story. What's German prison like? No, she won't call the cops. She'll just fucking mash you right there. All right. You da man, Pedro. Thank you just fucking mash you right there. All right. You demand, Pedro. Thank you, everyone, for tuning in.
Starting point is 01:12:30 I have a feeling we're going to do another show tonight. We'll see you guys soon.

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