The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Semifinal Europe Day 3 Recap Show

Episode Date: June 6, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Men, we've known. Women, we've known the longest. Okay, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Let's do the women. Hi, welcome. Holy shit, I was gone for a day, and I come back, and I don't recognize any of the names. What happened? Oh, my goodness. Look at this women's leaderboard. At the top, going to the CrossFit Games, Gabriela Magawa. By the way, good morning, everyone.
Starting point is 00:00:55 By the way, thank you, everyone, for all your support, and thank you in the comments I saw right before the show started. You guys were writing in the comments that the Sebon podcast was going on, and I can't tell you how important that is and how much I appreciate that. Clearly, you guys make the show. Gabrielle Magawa, first place. Then Annie Thor's daughter. Then Laura Horvat.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Emma Tall. Karen Frejova. Matilda Garns. Manon Anganese, number eight. Ayo Wunger, nine. Elisa Fuliano, tenth. Emma McQuaid. What did they take, 11 here?
Starting point is 00:01:26 Yes. And then Rebecca Weitzen. I don't see Sarah Sigmund's daughter's name on there. Let's talk about that first after I say hi to everyone. Hello, Mr. Spinn. Hello, Mike Halpin. Halpin, where are you? Are you in the States?
Starting point is 00:01:38 Are you in the United States? Yeah, I'm on my way to church. Oh, awesome. Okay. God bless you. And John Young, have you been to church yet no i have not okay i'm sorry for putting you on making me feel bad missing missing church for the seven there's time it's a little early there still john i'm sure you'll
Starting point is 00:01:56 get it in you can go to an afternoon or evening uh service um okay and then over here on the camera of the uh floor uh we have pedro from uh coffee wads and pods oh shit i forgot my um i forgot my coffee okay uh who wants to give me the recap let's get helping before we lose him uh to the lord helping what what's going on um here what what did i miss uh how excited is gabrielle mag? What happened with the women's race? She had an amazing last day here. Well, not here. I'm in Cincinnati. But in Berlin. And, yeah, just really sent it on the last two workouts.
Starting point is 00:02:33 I didn't get to see much of it because I honestly slept in. So I might lean on Mr. Spin there. But in the last workout, she did what she had to do to just keep the lead on laura and um annie um and that's what i know at the moment uh the workout we were all um tripping on i guess for gabby right was uh workout number two was that the one and and i guess maybe even workout number six correct yeah i mean just any upper body, or that's the crux of the workout. And so she has a 14th on workout number two, and on workout number six, she got a fourth. So 20 handstand pushups is nothing to the great Gabby Magawa.
Starting point is 00:03:18 She's the real deal. Yeah, or Laura Horvath. She got, oh, shit, Laura won workout six. And I want to say, I think Brian Spinn called her to win workout six. I did. I did. Sure enough, sure enough, she did. So I don't think this means she's any better at handstand pushups, by the way.
Starting point is 00:03:43 If deficit handstand pushups comes out, she's still probably going to be the last place person but 20 is just not enough to make any kind of a difference uh guys what happened i'm shocked i'm shocked that she has a first place in that but mr spin you weren't why not i mean the women historic what we've seen the last two weeks previous to this is the the rope climbs especially the ones coming off of the the wall on the way back it was just devastating and that's uh you know she was so strong at those i mean she sat down and started going straight up the rope um and i think she broke up the handstand push-ups in either two or three sets looked fine. Like John said, it's the deficit strict handstand push-ups that get her.
Starting point is 00:04:30 And so I expected her to make up so much ground on the rope climbs that the handstand push-ups, she could just be controlled, be smart and smooth and get an advantage. And that's what happened. What's the world record for workout six? She was right on it. It was her danielle brandon danielle brandon was 10 39 wow god it's so easy to forget how good laura is right she has 10 40 second place is 45 seconds behind her annie thor's daughter 11 25 and then a whole minute behind her, behind Laura, was third place,
Starting point is 00:05:05 Alisa Fuliano. Crazy. When the weekend started, the last time I paid attention to this thing, Emma Tall was coming out hot and looking great. What ended up happening with her during the weekend? She still did fine. She just wasn't as
Starting point is 00:05:21 great, and the appointment ahead of her showed why they are fitter. Annie, Gabby, and Laura all destroyed workout six and seven. If you just scroll over to six and seven, Gabby's
Starting point is 00:05:37 fourth and fourth. Annie's second and seventh. Laura's first and first. That's pretty nuts. Where it went wrong for her, for Emma though, she still did great fifth and first. That's pretty nuts. Where it went wrong for her, for Emma, though, she still did great, fifth and sixth. I guess just workout four and five, where she came out of.
Starting point is 00:05:55 We already knew that because after day two. I'm only picking on Laura here because she has the potential, obviously, to win the CrossFit Games, a leader on many people's predictions. What happened in workout five? Wouldn't she traditionally do pretty well at that? That's the eight snatches, relatively light snatches, and then jump on the treadmill and run your ass off. Isn't she a great runner?
Starting point is 00:06:20 So it's interesting. Workout five has been weird this whole semifinals they're like people you would think would do amazing on it haven't done as well i mean justin got 24th in that workout and it would that'd be something that i think he would be pretty darn good at uh it's just been it's not like as a bad workout it's's just been weird the way people, some people have done bad and some people have done well in, um, workout one is the same way with the sled. Um, there are people who have done well and people who have done bad and you wouldn't expect like the outcomes of those two workouts,
Starting point is 00:06:59 one in five specifically. And if you look, those are the only workouts where Lauraura has done bad in every other workout she's fourth second second first first is there is there an explanation for that other than just like wow this is bizarre uh there's a growing speculation that i've spent about three hours on with john singleton last night that uh how Halvin, you're so good. She was on that on her? Yeah. Let me hear it. I want to hear it. I want to hear it. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Before you say what it is, hey, Jake, I'm going to send you a link into your Instagram. I think this is you. I guess I should follow back. Are you JakeChapman85? I'm going to send you a link. Jake's roadside at the isle of man and uh okay yep there he is shit and maybe we get a bird love you okay go ahead help and this is crazy this is crazy i can't believe you've already investigated this actually i can't i
Starting point is 00:07:56 can't believe yeah uh well yeah john reached out to me um he posted it on his Instagram early this morning. We looked into lane eight specifically. In lane eight, in the ones I could actually see when the runners got on or the athletes got on the runners and got off, there's a distinct difference in lane eight versus other lanes. It's not a lot. It's like three to five seconds. But there are athletes. The only one that sort of bucks that trend is Heat One Women's Lane Eight. She is actually a very skilled track athlete. It's on its story, I believe. It's on its story, I believe.
Starting point is 00:08:48 And she got 19th on that workout, but she got second in that heat. But that heat also included women that were getting, like, nearly time capped. In, I believe, five instances of the 12 total heats, nine of which I could actually review from start to finish, the athlete in lane eight got last in that heat uh mike hold on one second it looks like um it looks like we're gonna get an interview piggyback on an interview here with pedro let's see what's going on this this is the guy that won three events pedro can you unmute yourself? Europe's Brent Fikowski. Never mind. Pedro froze.
Starting point is 00:09:28 It is Europe's Brent Fikowski. 6'3", winner of three events. He's the guy. I mean, he's looking like it, man. When Brent Fikowski came on scene and won four events in the games, everyone was like, who the freak is this guy? Came out of nowhere. Nobody knew.
Starting point is 00:09:42 I mean, he's... This guy's kind of in my opinion he's got a brent mccallisley feel to him i don't know how everybody else feels but and i i got some one of the guys uh messaged me on instagram about this guy so we should have known about him last year um he ended up not submitting his first score in quarterfinals last year because of uh not meeting the deadline to submit his score i don't know if it was like a time change thing or something like that but if you look at the quarterfinals from last year he took like a thousand 88th and the rest of his finishes were in the 50s in quarterfinals so he would have been at semifinals
Starting point is 00:10:20 last year so he's not brand new to the scene it was just a time difference issue so he and man and both had issues last year uh take a quick uh break from the show really quick uh oh jake i can't there we go holy shit jake uh well a couple reasons holy shit man dude, you look fit as shit. Thanks for popping on here. Where are you right now? You're your track side at the Isle of Man. Those are motorcycles flying around the island.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Yes. Yes. We're on the court. What is going on over there? I'm sat on a ledge. My parents' house is over there. My wife's there. They're coming down this road.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Hang on. How fast are those bikes going by right there? So they're coming by at about 140 miles an hour, and they're going into that corner, and they're taking it at about 100, and that bend is pretty sharp. Okay, so for those of you who don't know, Isle of Man is a piece of land that's – well, I didn't even know it was there. It's in between Ireland and the United Kingdom.
Starting point is 00:11:35 And there's a – it's a highway that goes around the perimeter of the island, right? And they shut the whole island down and they race around it as fast as they can until someone dies? Yeah, I mean, best case scenario's a beast like a b road they're not they're not great roads but it's i mean better than anything pedro has in ireland i mean it's better you know don't don't be don't be an asshole some people have to live in ireland you know yeah so it's about 37 and a half mile track and it goes around the center of the island up around the mountain at the top there um but yeah it's uh it's a bit mental like you've said in the past at top speed so someone clocked 202 miles an hour on a straight uh a couple of days ago so they're topping 200 miles an hour on two wheels around the road that if you have a look down there, there's no barriers, there's no crash, anything.
Starting point is 00:12:31 It's sunny. It's lovely, mate. Yeah, for the last week or so, we've had, well, it's not hot from where you are, but hang on. I mean, you have some color. When I think of English and Irish people, I just think of them as butt white. You have some color when I think of English and Irish people I just think of them as butt white you have actual color you're darker than Pat Vellner
Starting point is 00:12:52 that's not hard is it he's ginger as well yeah that's true but yeah there you go mate well thank you thank you so much Jake that's so awesome I'm stoked it's the first for the show to be filming at the isle of man maybe we can do it how many more days so it's tuesday
Starting point is 00:13:12 wednesday friday saturday now so they got a couple of days off throughout the week but i can go to a fast trip if you want i can i can call in again another day okay i'd love that thanks brother i really appreciate you demand great community all right brother did you call me seve i did is that right oh yeah yeah totally made my my heart flutter thank you seven all right bye what a fucking good dude i apologize uh meanwhile we have pedro uh let's hear from pedro and then we'll get back to John Singleton's Lane 8 Pedro, so that guy is that guy on cloud 9?
Starting point is 00:13:50 That's Jelly Toast yeah he's pretty happy yeah so the guy that's in charge of like media access and stuff kind of walked over and was staring at me so I just dropped off because I knew how that conversation was going to me so I just dropped off because I knew I knew how
Starting point is 00:14:05 that conversation was gonna go um so I didn't really I didn't really get talking to him they're all getting drug tested now so all the top uh two heats were brought out and getting drug tested um that's this year oh Fabian Benito yeah so I was talking to his videographer, and he said that he was like, look how showbiz I am. He was like crying in his hotel room last night because he thought he was out. He was like, I fucked it, basically. So he's been like ultra stressed,
Starting point is 00:14:41 really emotional, like overstimulated everything. And then he just blacked out after the end of that sandbag workout, and he was, like, over on the side in, like, a little pending area where they kind of kept the second-to-last heat in case, you know, like, to bring them all back out for the announcement. And they were, like, pouring water on him. They had him in the recovery position. They had ice on the back of his neck.
Starting point is 00:15:04 What's the recovery position, had ice on the back of his neck and then what's the recovery position face down ass up like uh fetal position kind of like over the outside sorry okay and then different strokes for different folks yeah um and then yeah he like they sat him up and i was like oh he's okay and then he just like flopped back down again so he's like that for about maybe 10 minutes up and down the whole other work like the next heat had finished okay the time he was like standing up and they brought him off then and he came back wearing a t-shirt and stuff and then he was like looking up at his coach you know trying to figure out if he was in or out or what was going on and i was the cameraman or whatever was standing beside me and i said oh are you with him are you a fabi and he said yeah and i said oh he's in and then he was like how do
Starting point is 00:15:50 you know that and i said i just said there's a bunch of nerds in a group chat who said it so he took he actually took a video of barkley had sent me the league you know the finished leaderboard so he took the video that was like oh we'll put that in our documentary about him so he's he's tied himself right now he went from crying in his room like a little bitch last night to making it yeah like it was the guy shares a room with him and he was like oh him and his girlfriend were there, and he was like... And that's... Live from Berlin, our European correspondent, Fernando, PMIP Premium Services, $49.99.
Starting point is 00:16:37 It's been a while. I've been able to catch you guys live. Love you guys. Thank you. I appreciate it. Going back, by the way, that's a long trip to church. That shows some serious commitment. Let's go back to John Singleton's post.
Starting point is 00:16:58 It was. Lane, what are we looking at here on this? Can you see this? This is on his post. Lane 8 of event number 5. We have some concerns about something that's going on there. So what this is right here is something I sent John, is the heat finishes averaged for each of the lanes.
Starting point is 00:17:21 So you can see lane 7, it averaged a 2.8 finish for the heat. So it's the fastest lane and then lane eight right next to it. It averaged 7.8. For men and women, men and women. Yeah. But that workout was just snatch and runner. Are you saying something was off with the runner? Like it, like it was recording the mile slower, the meter slower, Something was off with the runner? Like it was recording the mile slower, the meters slower, the yards slower? Yeah, that's the speculation. Meters.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Is that it was or that it – and then there are some athletes that have already said, at least to John, one of them being Jacqueline Dahlstrom, is that it felt slower. I don't know what that feels. I don't really run on those things too often. And then I think I was saying, Red, as we were seeing the Isle of Man pop up there, there's a track athlete, Maset. She's the only one to do well in that lane, but she's actually a track athlete she has like clock times on the 400 hurdle uh from what john sent me um that that she basically the the story there would be that she should have smoked that heat and she came in she did come in second but she she got beat by some
Starting point is 00:18:39 other people and then she finished 19th overall on that event where she was. And so what the tracking I did with John is a few things. It's, one, tracking the times that they were on the runner specifically, not just the times of, like, well, did they take too long on the snatch or something like that, the order in which they got on the runner. So if they got on fourth or fifth, why did they get off ninth or tenth um and like i said uh in in the majority of the cases that i was able to review because there's a couple heats where there's just not camera angles uh enough to be able to show it um that that runner was slower than all of the rest now from what you had Joe... If you had to bet that that runner was calibrated poorly,
Starting point is 00:19:27 would you... Yes or no? I'm giving you $1,000 to put on it. Oof. While I sit in a church parking lot here. Wow. If the answer is no, then this should not be a thing. Good point.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Thanks for wasting my time, Mike. You shouldn't even bring it up the answer should be yes if we're even trying to talk about it yeah yeah mike i i think there's enough to speculate if i i would dude it looks huge to me 7.8 no one else is even in the sevens and this is closer to eight set for place that's with both men and women that's 12 heats of data you have right there uh it's it's about nine because there's three heats uh there's one heat for the men heat two where that it cuts out for two minutes i don't know if anybody was watching it but it just no no one watched it no
Starting point is 00:20:15 of course not uh and then um yeah i mean i'm continuing to talk about john i get what you're saying so i believe that yes there's enough speculation to say that there's concern there i uh thousand dollars is a lot of money to me so i don't know that i spend that much but um but john singleton writes his interpretation if you were in lane seven the probability was you'd finish in the top three however if you were in lane eight the probability is you'd be in the bottom three john you're you're not liking this, Mr. Young? Well said, by the way, Halpin, and thank you for the data. You're not liking this, John? I just don't. I mean, Jacqueline is with John Singleton, yes?
Starting point is 00:20:53 I'm providing all the information, yes. Yeah, literally and figuratively. As a coach and they sleep in the same bed. A super fit girl who should make the games, didn't do well, complains to her boyfriend who's got pool, and then he goes to Mike Halpin. So there is a little bit of a thing wherever this one seems to be slower, but it's a freaking runner. It's just hard to buy.
Starting point is 00:21:20 It's like the sled thing. I feel like people just deal with certain things. And, I mean, if she would have made it, if she would have made the games, I bet we don't talk about this. And so do you have all the people that were in lane six? Because lane six was – Oh, in lane six? Yeah, because that was 6.8 and that was 7.8, right?
Starting point is 00:21:41 So let's go look at lane six. If there's anybody that's fast that we think should have done well but didn't do well in lane six. That's not going to tell you lanes. It's a non-story. Well, I will tell you this. Jacqueline Dahlstrom, by the way, has a 28 to 12 to 14 to 20 to 23 a 13th and a 5th.
Starting point is 00:21:57 So she basically had a pretty consistent with her finishes. The problem there for lane six, I don't know the name of the athlete, but she nearly got time capped, and she was on the runner for four minutes and 48 seconds, but she was jogging on the runner. And that skews it? You're saying that skews it? Yeah, that skews it.
Starting point is 00:22:17 If I take that out, like if I just take times, and I can send you all this, John. If I just take times, lane six is the slowest, but it has an athlete that was on the runner for four minutes and 48 seconds. The next slowest time is lane eight by average, and it's like 319. If I take out that outlier of a time, lane six is 308. And I'm talking about times on the runner. I'm not talking about heat times or finish times. yeah yeah yeah no i know i just so i don't think you can burn the water that's the reason you don't make the games yeah no i there's there's seven
Starting point is 00:22:58 six other events where she could have probably done something else or these other athletes could do something else i'm saying that jacqueline plus mossette who should have done well better in that heat from from what i've heard about her plus at least two or three athletes that did very well on the burj khalifa event again this is all the stare that was the stair run in dubai no i like that i like i like that uh you know if you do well in that event you should do well in that event, you should do well in this event. I like that comparison. I think there's enough comparison to at least address it and talk about it. At the end of the day, maybe just luck of the draw of the lanes.
Starting point is 00:23:39 There's just certain people that got put in certain lanes, and those lanes were slower by the athlete in this event after four other events where they got trashed on the first day and the second day. So possibly there. Okay. And for some context, but I like it. I'm putting my thousand dollars on this. Something's wrong with the runner.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Something wrong with the runner. I know what you're saying that it shouldn't matter whether she goes or not. Say there is, say there's, there is something wrong with that run and that runner slower. Right. It was sticking or whatever. Say there is something wrong with that run and that runner's slower, right? It was sticking or whatever, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:09 What do you want to do? Wear toe spacers. Nothing. No, no, no. I agree with you. You have to win. You have to win. Maybe you're at the games and a dirt devil blows through the bike track. Yeah, you got to deal with the dirt devil blowing through the bike track. You got to deal with following Saxon or Spencer Pancheck to the finish line a lap too early.
Starting point is 00:24:27 You got to deal with it. I'm not saying it's like a deal breaker, but I do think something was wrong with the run. Yeah, I mean, we were talking. And Jacqueline is a bubble athlete. And Jacqueline is a bubble athlete, John. It does hurt a little bit. It does hurt a little bit. But he's also banging the guy who's speculating that something's wrong.
Starting point is 00:24:46 And Mossett is a singleton athlete as well, just for some context. He's speaking up for his athletes. If this was Kotler or another coach that had a few athletes on the same lane and that lane did worse
Starting point is 00:25:02 than everybody else and they've seen them and they've seen Mossett smoke the men from what i was told in that workout then then yeah they see it they see a concern there and they have firsthand knowledge that being said it's his girlfriend that didn't take right on the bubble let me say one more thing about john singleton he may be the most senior person at the fucking venue crossfit wise period, period. He may have more CrossFit experience than anyone at that entire venue, by the way. The fucker's been around forever, too, so he's got some street career, too.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Oh, Boz. Yeah, maybe Boz. But just a... I think it's in John's story. I didn't see all of it. I got tagged in a bit of it. CrossFit did respond. They did review the appeal. Their statement more or less is is that any of these machines have a variance uh that is acceptable it basically just means
Starting point is 00:25:55 that they're not going to do anything um if they were i was stating that it would have been at most like a couple seconds and that would be like mind-boggling if CrossFit actually allowed that to happen. I did not see a circumstance. And then this gets to what maybe John is getting to as well, like why are we talking about this? We started this conversation with that this event has gone weird for a lot of what we had projected that it should go. We're seeing track athletes do really well in some lanes, Sydney Wells,
Starting point is 00:26:31 and we're seeing track athletes do really poorly in other lanes. I'm adding to that with data analysis that says there could be something to that. Those were two different semifinals, three weeks apart, something to that those were two different semi-finals three three weeks apart but there's something there that could be there that that gets back to what john originally started with in this conversation is this event doesn't seem to align with who we thought would do well in the event and that even gets to what brian talked about a month ago when this got announced is i would have loved to see this event not on a runner because when you invite a machine into any of this, there is then a variance that is being invited of how those machines were all calibrated to say that they're doing the exact
Starting point is 00:27:15 same thing versus if you just put these oscillates on a track or somewhere that says they just did snatches and ran 800 meters, you're going to see quite a difference in the outcome of this event. Mike Aldman, very thorough. Gabby, Lady2742. Gabby looks great, but I'm really excited that Rebecca Vitteson made it. I think she came back after two ACL repairs. We'll get to that in one second. Kelly Van Dinther, $20 canadian thank you thank you um okay
Starting point is 00:27:49 uh back to the uh women's leaderboard then we got to go we've spent so much time on how helping this is really generous of you has the service started by the way oh no i was meeting a friend here it starts in like 30 minutes okay tell them to them to hold it until we're done. Pedro, go ahead. No, I'm going to go now in a minute. Is there anything you want to ask me before I head off? Were there any other injuries, by the way? We heard that Fabio Benito was on a stretcher.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Anyone else was on a stretcher during the week? No, I didn't see anything like that. But obviously a lot of people like Reggie Fassel pulled out today. That was, what, eight in the men's side? There was something on his peck uh not something on it was an issue with his peck he didn't have um uh was it a sellout crowd there yeah it was packed and loud and there's a lot of people you see i think a lot of it has to do with the environment like the building because like i was talking with michael daltman and a few others that did the us and then and don fowl as well that were there and then here and they were like it
Starting point is 00:28:50 just hits different when it's an arena indoor arena versus a kind of sprawling convention center where it's like you know just one big room whereas this is like it's enclosed there's lights it's hard to tell if it's daytime or nighttime when you're inside and then you you know like the crowd gets crazy loud there's a shit ton of icelandics there's loads of french uh moritz fiebig like loads of german people going crazy when he finished on the podium um he's great he's a real showman like the crowd absolutely love him and rightly so like i don't know if you saw his forward roll over the bar yesterday and like anytime he's doing an event it's going i think it's on the crossfit page it's really cool he likes i was drinking margaritas with madaris's mom and dad i'm sorry okay acceptable um but he
Starting point is 00:29:37 finished you know where most people jump over and do a slide he did like a tumble over the bar and stood up and just had a great pose he just has a real showman he's real good like real uh he's really good at working the crowd i was actually talking to cam portly yesterday and he was saying that that's something that he thinks is missing in like oceania that he felt was more here in europe where um he was at tory and he was like uh jake douglas did like uh clean you know world record at the time and basically just kind of nodded and put a little fist bump because he was like if that was here if that was in europe the crowd would be going crazy he'd be like whoever did it would be riling them up like he was like we've no showman in uh oceania where there's a few in europe like they're kind of from looking at it they're very emotional like fabian
Starting point is 00:30:19 benito was like roaring crying at the end emma mcquade was crying when she was waiting to get in you know like i think it's just they're very a very emotive people maybe europeans apart from the finish obviously well how about this too how about laura horvat with her um after she won she gave a speech and what a uh and i mean she she did what every athlete should do she looked up at the crowd and she said thank you and i'm trying to remember, like, you just, there was something about that that made me think, wow, she gets it more than anyone else I've seen cross the finish line at any semifinal. She looked at, you know, that speech she gave.
Starting point is 00:30:53 She's great. She's really great. A lot of fans for her there as well. Maybe just Europeans are just more polite than Americans, period. More thankful. Pedro, can you did you see sarah's uh event six and like can you describe her emotions through that or if she had any interaction with kotler after it was just eyes i didn't see anything afterwards but it was eyes jarring you know that kind of
Starting point is 00:31:20 fuck what am i gonna? Look across the floor. That must be such a shit situation for all of them. Event 6 was the chipper with the rope climbs, the handstand push-ups, the pirouette, and Sarah Sigmund's daughter didn't finish that workout. She didn't do any rope climbs. Holy shit. Why? What happened?
Starting point is 00:31:45 Is this the end of Sarah Sigmund's daughter? Do you have a eulogy for her? It was hard. It was hard to watch her. It was the same. Jen Moore had the same with the hands on pushups where she was like, she flew through everything, got the hands on pushups. I just couldn't do it. And then eventually she was getting ones
Starting point is 00:32:02 after a while. But like, you just, it's gut-wrenching to watch because you're looking at a person who's just failing in front of thousands of people and i remember hearing lucy campbell talking about it with the the run and clean event um at the games where she was like that was by far my worst experience in sports where everybody's watching you fail something and there's literally nothing you can do about it. And you're just like, well, I have to keep failing because if I stop trying, do you know what I mean? It's just awful. Eaton Beaver, use the broken science approach to squelch this topic.
Starting point is 00:32:34 I mean, there's a heavy bar in the mix. It's not just a running event. He's referring to what we were talking about earlier about speculation of the… He just used the runner times, not the snatch times. That's correct. I got to go, guys. Okay, thank you. Adios.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Pedro, you're a fantastic correspondent. Yes, please have a coffee on us and bill it to the podcast, please. Will do. Send your invoice to Mike Halpin. He's our accountant. Mike, end of Sarah Sigmund's daughter. That's it. And what is she doing with Kotler?
Starting point is 00:33:03 I thought she was a training think tank athlete uh she was with perrin yeah um it sounded like they've been working and talking since wadapalooza from what i had heard i'd let brian probably speak to that closer but um it doesn't look great at all um it's it's sad it's a bit sad to see like I had picked Sarah for a few things I think I really thought she was going to do well in this workout yesterday when we were talking about it it's just you don't like to see it go this way you want to see these athletes like Annie or BKG or others just continually to be successful she's been in a lot of coaching environments I hope the Kotler one it's fairly short so, so it's hard to really put anything on anybody like that since his name now gets brought up in this.
Starting point is 00:33:50 But it is sad to see. She likes to move around, right? I mean, that's her MO, right? Yeah, she's got quite a list of good. Is that a problem, you think, or no? Or no one would know besides her? I mean, based on what Kotler said yesterday when he jumped on our recap show,
Starting point is 00:34:14 it was basically like, you know, I keep hearing that she's gone through a lot of stuff that, you know, people couldn't imagine. I have no idea what that means. But just jumping around from coach to coach the lack of consistency um the injuries that she's had it's it's gonna be tough to climb that ladder again i think it's unfair to judge her on moving around after hearing that from kotler i i don't think we should what hearing what? Hearing what? Hearing what? Just, he's
Starting point is 00:34:45 saying that she's been through stuff that you can't imagine or she hasn't brought to public and she could. And I mean, I'm not going to speculate on that, but I think it's unfair to, if that is the case, you know, whatever it is, I think it's unfair to judge her
Starting point is 00:35:01 on moving so much or jumping from coach to coach. I do think we can judge her on moving so much or jumping from coach to coach. I do think we can judge her on her performance and how she does in competitions with her current coach, right? I mean, she's just been with Kotler for two months, so I'm not going to say it's Kotler's fault or Sarah's fault. But, I mean, I'd be interested to see, hear whatever post she has to make. Because she didn't do one legless rope climb.
Starting point is 00:35:30 That's not... That's not Games caliber shit. No, no. And it's not like she hasn't been able to do them before. You know what I mean? Like, Katrin, I'm like, man, legless rope climbs, I'm worried for her. Colton, legless rope climbs, I'm worried for him. Colton, Legolas rope climbs, I'm worried for him. Because they've shown that's a hard thing for them.
Starting point is 00:35:48 It's a weakness in their game. And then that has not been Sarah's case. And she couldn't do one. Not one. Stefan, you could probably get out there and do one. It might be everything you have. What do you mean probably? We've seen it, haven't we?
Starting point is 00:36:02 Didn't you do like 20 and then one Legolas? Yeah, yeah. I'm a fucking rope climbing machine. So, I mean, I'm just wondering if she's got, you know, something wrong that we don't know. You know, Luka Dukic can do ring muscle. She has a labia tear. Rambler says she has a labia tear. And he couldn't do one. It ends up he had the Spanish flu, you know. So, I don't know what's wrong with her as far as if she's done or if she makes the games.
Starting point is 00:36:30 I mean, she's teetering the line. Hey, she's obviously injured, right? If you can't do one rope climb and you're as good as her, she's one of the greatest to ever do it. She's one of the most promising people. She's had a bad injury. She's gotten older. She moves around a lot.
Starting point is 00:36:45 She's unique. She's in a world injury. She's gotten older. She moves around a lot. She's unique. She's in a world of her own, right, the way you would describe Sarah Sigmundsdottir, everything about her situation. Yeah. Yeah. I would be surprised if she ever made the games again, and if she does, like, I'd be super happy for her. Similar to how katherine how well
Starting point is 00:37:05 she did i thought katherine would make it but i also thought the sport kind of passed her up and it hasn't patched her up or passed her up passed her up like everybody's oh yeah yeah yeah okay so and i feel the same way about sarah it's just to a greater degree right now um but katherine surprised me and I'm hoping Sarah does next year. I would be surprised if she ever made it again, though, the way this looked. Logan Mars, Sevan is only a torso. I've yet to see his legs on a stream.
Starting point is 00:37:36 All things are legless, including this podcast. Listen, I'm perfectly proportioned as long as my pants are on. When my pants are off, it's a different story. You couldn't tell if I was three feet tall or seven feet tall. If, uh, unless I was, yeah, if I was standing there perfectly proportioned. Okay. Uh, anything else we want to say about the women, anything like just, holy shit, it looks like this thing played out pretty much a little different
Starting point is 00:37:59 order than we thought, but pretty much yet. We told you so, except for maybe, this number 11 rebecca fittison right vittison i was surprised by ella wonger um i've seen her in some of the other off-season competitions and just did not expect her to have the strength in some of the events but uh looks like she may have shored that up over the last few months. Ella and Rebecca both are two new names that we need to learn about. Who? Which two people, John? Ella Wunger and Rebecca Wittesen.
Starting point is 00:38:39 I feel like I've heard Ella Wunger's name before. I feel like Brian's talked about her. She's with the program. Yeah, I believe she's also with John. How about this girl? This Vidison girl. Is she tall? She looks tall. She is... 173 centimeters.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Yeah, 5'8". She's taller than Annie and some of the others. Annie's like 5'9", I thought. Oh, I think... For some reason, I had Annie's like 5'9 I thought Oh I think For some reason I had Annie as like 170 Maybe And she's got crossovers maybe I think she's got crossovers
Starting point is 00:39:14 Everybody's got crossovers now Okay Well she looks She looks like a Ferrari She looks like she's ready to get it right She looks like a real dealari she looks like she's ready to get it right she looks like a real deal she got her nutrition dialed she she looks like a fucking fast machine yeah it's great for these rookies to be able to to be able to do something like this i hope i'm not saying that
Starting point is 00:39:37 wrong i don't think she's been to the games one way or the other before but and she was one of those athletes that we talked about where um not in the top 10, those first two events. Getting in, she did it while Sarah did not. So Rebecca got 27th and 18th to start off. Let's go over to the boys real quick. What is going on with this dude, Jelly? How does he have three first place finishes but he's fourth so if you look is this a guillermo harris again no i'm just no it's not it's not guillermo harris
Starting point is 00:40:14 uh okay sorry that was such a trash comparison no no it's fine. What's going on with the... Yeah, Aya is hot. I agree. LD performance. She's beautiful. I want you to think he's like Fikowski but in 2015 where Fikowski had holes and he didn't make it
Starting point is 00:40:35 by a couple points. Since this guy's in Europe and he's not in North America, he makes it because people aren't as strong. If you look at his snaps, it's 275 and linda he did not finish he's basically three years ago five years ago for cows um or for calci when he didn't
Starting point is 00:40:54 make i guess he hasn't been in a game a long time so 10 years ago for cows uh like super super fit endurance through the roof but just weak and he's'2". So obviously there's going to be some workouts that anatomically he's going to have a disadvantage. How does a dude who's 6'2", not finish Linda when it's fixed weights? He should. I mean, exactly. So he's not super strong, but he's super, super fit, and he's 6'2", 216, meaning there's going to be workouts that he absolutely obliterates everybody. And fun fact, he beat Brent on all the workouts that he won.
Starting point is 00:41:33 He also beat Brent Bukowski those same times. Oh, shit. Event one, you know, we kind of can't really judge, but, I mean, he does have a faster time than him. Events. He looks pretty athletic, John. He doesn't look – I don't see that big man kind of robot shit either. He looks pretty athletic.
Starting point is 00:41:52 He looks, like, agile. Right? Yeah. Yeah, but at 6'2", 6'3", I mean, he's going to have – some of those are going to be a big disadvantage when you have some of those workouts. Right. So, like, when he goes to the games, he could win events just like Fikowski.
Starting point is 00:42:11 But the only difference is where Fikowski amazes us, like on event two, where stuff he should do bad, he doesn't do bad, this guy will do bad. So, he's going to end up being, like, you know, 20th place. But he'll be able to win events. So, he's going to end up being like, you know, 20th place, but he'll be able to win events. So he's going to be really exciting. Where did this dude come from? What country is he? And why didn't we know about him last year?
Starting point is 00:42:34 I mean, it's remarkable to win three events, right? Yeah, he's from Belgium, and he was the one I was talking about earlier that he didn't submit his first workout of quarterfinals last year on time due to a time change. Okay he's pissed yeah shoulders up high i wonder if he's a former professional athlete doesn't he look like he played soccer or something i mean they're usually pretty short but any running workout i know he didn't have like a long distance running workout.
Starting point is 00:43:05 He's probably a dark horse to win the running workout. Cause he got first in the sled run. And then he got first in the, you know, 800 meter run beaten Lazar. Um, and then did he beat, uh,
Starting point is 00:43:19 Valner? I know him and Valner were very, very close. Did he, I think he did. Yeah. It was within a second or two. Yeah. He was 56 a second or two.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Yeah, he was 256. A first in the world in that workout. In which workout? In which workout, John? Say that again. Event five, the snatch and the run. What runner was he on? What lane?
Starting point is 00:43:38 Ooh, not Lane. All right. So this workout number 5 this time 256 is the fastest in the world Yeah I think so So he's not weak That's 8 snatches and then get on the runner Yeah I mean if you're 6'2
Starting point is 00:43:56 And 216 and you snatch 275 You're not very strong Really? Yeah I mean he didn't finish Linda Okay And he's huge okay i'm assuming that it was the bench press that stopped him i'm sure it yeah probably yeah uh ben body come uh i i think he used to be coached by facundo before he was mayhem not 100 on this is he is he a mayhem athlete i don't know i do not know shit uh you know who does know mike halpin is that due to mayhem athlete he he was tagging for kundo last year
Starting point is 00:44:33 yeah i think he is um he also has like he also has like 14 years of judo he's a judo gymnastics probably yeah a lot of no one said you were weak, Jelly. We're sorry. We take that back. Yeah, I wouldn't mess with that guy. Yeah, holy shit. Okay. Well, that explains why you moved to the world.
Starting point is 00:44:52 I mean, I'll say you're weak. Man gets stronger. He's in Belgium. He's not going to be on the field. He's going to see and throw you over a fence or something. 14 years of judo is no joke, dude. All right. Can you reword it?
Starting point is 00:45:04 I'm not going to say I can beat you in a fight, but I can definitely snatch more than you and your six-foot dude, right? Can you just instead reword it like, hey, Jelly, if you're in the area, come on by my gym, and I'll help you with your snatch. How about that? There you go. I would love to do that.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Okay, nice. Okay. I apologize, Jelly. But I would like to see you make a video of you throwing John over a six-foot pass. So in the chat, they said he's coached by Andre Houdet. Andre Houdet has one of the greatest forms in CrossFit in weightlifting. I love watching Andre Houdet lift. Like his technique on snatch and clean and jerk is top notch.
Starting point is 00:45:43 I know he's not like Bronislaw as far as his strength numbers go, but the way he looks when he lifts, he's got some of the greatest technique in all of CrossFit. So he's in good hands as far as getting his lifting, at least technique up. Good point. Logan Mars, 14 years of judo, John Young. He can teleport behind you at any point
Starting point is 00:46:05 careful with the soap in the shower yeah that is uh in your 13th year you do get teleportation powers and judo well said uh everyone is a jelly expert we're gonna be before the show's over i'm excited i'm excited for him at the games uh wow here we go uh um jared graybill uh the zealous games three of the indie athletes from this event going to the games with andre that's huge that is and andre is going himself uh david wheeled no one moves a barbell like who day i'm starting i'm having issues with david it's for a different show having issues david you need to fucking fall in line motherfucker okay uh bjorkman carl goodwinson he looked excited i'm not excited for him why am i freaking out
Starting point is 00:47:00 eighth place it's not good right we're watching a changing of the guards, right? It's done. CrossFit, as we know it, everything's different this year, right? He had a very... Maybe it started last year. Say it again. It was similar to Justin Medeiros. If you look at... I don't know. Just didn't seem like the same guy
Starting point is 00:47:19 that we're used to seeing. I still think he's going to be top 10 in the games, but I'm probably not picking him ahead of Lazar. You're not picking BKG ahead of Lazar? Yeah. In the games, no. I mean, BKG looks maybe 20th or below 20th place at the games this year.
Starting point is 00:47:46 I don't think that'll happen. Okay. I think the games will be a little bit different than what we're seeing in these seven events. I would say there's a little bit of a disconnect between that, but from what we saw, there was nothing that
Starting point is 00:48:02 was super impressive. I know he got third in the last one and a third in 285. Again, that's not – you put him in North America, and that's not that impressive. So I just – I don't see him breaking into the top ten based off of how he performed right now. Bjorgman Carl Gudmundsson. I think he'll be around there.
Starting point is 00:48:28 I don't know, bro did uh name is pronounced yella yella not jelly i could go i could yellow shift yellow holla do you think just do you think justin sells a chance to win the games he's hard to bet against he's new though john you're comparing like an old piece of fruit to a new piece of fruit i mean right justin madaris is like that's fair you can just see it's a hiccup right and bjorgman like you got two problems you got the new kind of programming you got the new dudes and he's old sorry three programming three problems yeah the problem i think those are all valid what i said new kind of programming old dudes and new dudes like being old and new dudes are all three apply i the way boss programs i actually
Starting point is 00:49:12 think suits bkg better um but he just had a bad weekend i mean i if you look at his last three events though third, eleventh, third so it was just really two events that he kind of bombed who are you talking about? BKG oh the 225th I see if those are tenth places like what we're accustomed to seeing
Starting point is 00:49:40 he'd be third, tenth, tenth, third seventh, third guys who did we see last week who had 226 and it fucking smoked them they were done it was a girl you guys remember that 220 there was there was a girl last week who had 226 place finishes a female athlete and we're like oh that's it for her do you remember who that is she had 26 and 26 or was it was it early in the week yeah i don't remember um the problem i have though with comparing maderos and bkg is you look at who maderos got beat by versus who bkg is fitter though i'm comparing the same
Starting point is 00:50:21 situation but justin is fitter like it's a different tier it's just the same thing going on you see what i'm saying yeah but there's there's no way that you can get top 10 at the games if you're falling behind oldest and um no offense to bronislaw but if you're right there with bronislaw he's not hey now listen bronislaw is coming. But no, your point is valid. Is he? He's coming? Bronislaw is coming? He's going to become a name for us that we see all the time?
Starting point is 00:50:55 Bronislaw had a very Colton-esque weekend, meaning he can win events. He's just going to bomb events also. There are going to be events where Bronislaw gets, I mean, not last place, but like 35th, you know, at the games. There's going to be events he's not going to do good, and we all know he's not going to do good. But then there's going to be events where he could blow everybody out of the water. And that's always fun to have at the games.
Starting point is 00:51:23 I enjoy having specialists at the games as much as everybody wants to just have the consistent guy just to give you guys an example here we have Jelly Hostey has a 256 for event number 5
Starting point is 00:51:39 and I think that was Bronislaw's worst event right and he took he took 36th And I think that was Bronislaw's worst event, right? And he took 36th in it at 330, almost 35 seconds slower than him, which is huge in a three-minute race. Wow, so that really is a huge discrepancy. I wonder what the biggest discrepancy is for which region for people who went to the games you know like basically their best and
Starting point is 00:52:07 their worst finishes did bronislaw have any first place finishes the snatch easily he stopped at 295 he had another 40 seconds to load more up but he knew probably he was gonna win yeah and so he that was pretty emotional he had an emotional run too right he? He got a – and then workout three took second. Then workout four he took first, and then he fucking shit the bed. I mean, he knew how he was going to do. He was probably – he probably felt pretty good after event five because that was the worst one. It's out of the way, and he's still in a qualifying spot. He knows event six is going to be fine for him.
Starting point is 00:52:40 He knows event seven is going to be fine for him. Yeah, he and Hoste are complete opposites, which one does well in one, the other one is going to do well in the other. If this were the CrossFit Games, I wouldn't ask this question. But since it's not the CrossFit Games, it's the semifinals, let me ask it. Is Lazar Jukic happy with first place? Or is he tripping that this guy Yella got three firsts? I think LeVar is happy.
Starting point is 00:53:08 He is happy? Okay. You don't think he's tripping a little bit? He's like, fuck. Do you think? Because if you win the games, it doesn't matter how you do it. Do you think Vellner is tripping off Vekowski? Who? Do you think Vellner is tripping off Vekowski? You mean because he's so close in second place?
Starting point is 00:53:28 I mean, Vekowski won almost three events. I mean, he won one easily. He came second in one, and then he was very, very close to trying to win another one. Yeah, but Vekowski's supposed to. Okay, fair enough. Okay, so Lazar's pumped. He took first. He's supposed to take first.
Starting point is 00:53:44 He's the new hope for Europe. Icelandic mail's gone. There's no Icelandic mails left, right so Lazar's pumped. He took first. He's supposed to take first. He's the new hope for Europe. Icelandic males gone. There's no Icelandic males left, right? That's it. If anything, Lazar is like, well, BKG's kind of fading. I'm the guy now. They were neck and neck, and now they're not. For Lazar, I think this is important.
Starting point is 00:53:59 After Rogue, after Dubai, he got a competition under his belt that showed he can have consistency not get hurt not have something weird go on just build some confidence and he was very very consistent in some of the workouts that we didn't expect him to do great in uh yeah eaton beaver uh seven i think he's talking about Bronislawski He would be concerned if there wasn't A 34th place
Starting point is 00:54:30 I'm not sure I understand the I'm not sure I understand the comment I want to understand it Anthony TPA, Vellner and Brent are out of these guys leagues Is that true? All these guys? Even out of Janikikovsky's league yep holy shit all right all right you don't you don't think of european men are of any consequence to
Starting point is 00:54:52 the crossfit games they're accoutrement uh garnish you think they're garnish dressing side uh unnecessary stuff on the dinner table i think lazar can get in the mix i don't think he'll beat either of them, but I think he's, I don't think Lazar gets to the podium. You could say, I mean, fifth place. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:11 But like I'm the top three guys. There's nobody in Europe close. And Valner and Brent are in that conversation. I'm talking about the top three, not just who's good, who can make the top 10, like the top.. Not just who's good, who can make the top ten. Like, the top. Nobody's close here.
Starting point is 00:55:29 So, Laura Horvath kind of is Europe's hope, huh? Now, she's going to win the games. Wholeheartedly feel that. Laura, Laura. Laura. Let me play this. Did Laura's performance change her tune then, John? None.
Starting point is 00:55:49 That's what's funny. It's because she ended the week on a first and a first, right? Like Laura looked how she should look. Laura looked dominant. That's what I expected Roman to look like, and he didn't. Like I thought Roman would look like Laura. He's not going to win just because of the events. But you can see, oh, man, he's going to just crush people at certain things.
Starting point is 00:56:14 Laura did that. And she got the sled event, I don't care about. And then the fifth event, we've already talked about that. Laura, I didn't change my tune at all if anything it made it stronger i gabby mcgallock climbed up a little bit though for sure is is this is this after laura was a crown the champ or is this after an event she won i don't know uh does anyone know i think it's after it's after yeah no it's after the final okay you see the sandbags back there okay yeah you're right Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you. They don't do the, but it's good. There she is. If you don't think Laura Horvath's hot, there it is. Look at it. You'll never be able to unsee it. Crowd loves her, dude.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Loves her. Thank you. Thank you. She's kind of like a hot vampire she's too tan to be a vampire fuck well shit she killed it alright I gotta be careful when shit just pops up on the screen like that.
Starting point is 00:57:46 I don't know why that popped up there. I don't think that exposes anything, right? What? There was just a picture of Annie. Another screenshot someone sent me, but I don't know the reason why someone sent me that. I don't like how shit just pops up on my screen. Starts, like, rotating.
Starting point is 00:58:05 What if it would have been like a close-up picture of an ingrown hair of mine or something? That would have been weird. I don't actually have any of those. Okay. The men too. Oh, this guy's cool looking, right? This guy.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Yeah, he's huge. David O. Shrunk This guy kind of looks like a supermodel And Emma Tall's boyfriend That is Emma Tall's boyfriend? They had a great weekend I bet they're partying it up right now I think they expected
Starting point is 00:58:41 One of them to go and the other one I don't think they expected to go He's a team guy that's made the switch to individual? No, he's been around. He's been around. He's just had injuries and just hasn't been able to. I think he is a collegiate rower. Dude, he's perfect.
Starting point is 00:59:03 I wrote for the national team, maybe. This guy could change the sport. is like our the male daniel brandon he's 33 years old so how long are you going to change the sport wow he's fucking a movie star look at this cat holy shit do him and emma have kids? not yet what is that? surprised that he's here? surprised that he's in the mix? based on the programming
Starting point is 00:59:35 not as much but I would not have I did not pick him to be qualifying so hey he beat BKG right he did like eight other guys did too
Starting point is 00:59:48 sandwiching the bkg sandwiching them between brana slaw and uh david and then this went down to 11th fabian benito uh he makes it in by 16 points over over some guy who was representing the american red cross colin bassard no really not that guy came out of nowhere too uh that guy was nowhere to be found colin boss hard boss shard that's a great last name by the way great last name um like he had a ninth and a sixth it wasn't really in the conversation until after event seven um fabio benito had an amazing comeback though fifth and twelfth i don't know if it's more of a comeback or more of a antoine domain uh meltdown yeah man that guy oh so you're saying you're saying fabio didn't make a comeback you're saying he actually
Starting point is 01:00:41 should have done better and just had a shitty weekend? No, I mean, he did have a great last day, but a fifth and a twelfth, it wasn't like he sent it and made it happen. Duhame just had a 43rd and a 30th on Sunday. Yeah, go down to Antoine.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Oh, this guy shit the bed? Yeah. 43rd and a 30th. He was in 10th place and then before day three. He was in 10th or 9th place before day three. And then 43rd and 30th. No Zanoni, huh? That's too bad.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Enrico's fun to look at. That was surprising, especially on six. Yeah. That sucks. He's great. And did Germany have a dude there? Or a girl there that's going to the games? Is Germany sending someone to the games? It was in Berlin, right?
Starting point is 01:01:31 Moritz. Oh, that's cool. All right. You know, these guys, Henrik, Moritz, and Uldis are all the same person to me is it like that for you too or can you tell them apart if I show you pictures of them can you say it again who
Starting point is 01:01:53 Henrik Moritz and Uldis they're all the same guy they're all very different people to me it's like they're all the same guy it's so weird they're like dudes with shaved. It's so weird. They're like... They're dudes with shaved heads to me. Do they all have shaved heads?
Starting point is 01:02:10 No. Just Moritz. But Henrik is a giant yellow... You just can't see his hair. Envy. I wonder if Sevan can get through an entire show without mentioning my mom. I'll try.
Starting point is 01:02:26 I'll absolutely try dude do not want this show is not for you get the fuck out of here seriously go the show is not for you daniel brandon daniel brandon daniel brandon the fuck out of here. Obsession is creepy. I'm going to text Danielle and tell her you said that about her. All right. Overall, any closing words about the European semifinals? Mr. Young, anything you want to say? A well-run event. Did the semifinals get better as the weeks went on? The judging, the story about the uh the carpet the tug carpet
Starting point is 01:03:07 yeah there wasn't any sled controversy this week just a runner controversy so i take that with what you will um okay no i mean good weekend uh it wasn't as many wasn't as much uh drama as last week. But, I mean, I think the right people made it in. It's exciting. I'm excited to see. You want to talk about Gabby? We didn't talk about her at all, and she beat everybody.
Starting point is 01:03:37 Okay, let me ask you this. I got a question for you about Gabby. Ready? When we see someone like Gabby do so well, take first place, is that uplift her stock more than when we see someone like Justin Medeiros take a six, seventh or eighth in terms of how much it lowers him? Like, are we like all of a sudden hot on Gabby Magawa more than normal?
Starting point is 01:04:01 And we've always kept her in the top, you know, five. Yeah. That's a good question. No one thinks she can win the games, right? Yeah, I still wouldn't pick her to win the games. Now look at her. Here she is.
Starting point is 01:04:15 With 25 points, dude. I equate her very much to what Lazar did. It puts them in that discussion of sniffing the podium, but I don't think we'd put him or her on the podium. You have to do it before you
Starting point is 01:04:34 put them in that category. At the games, physically, you have to come at least fourth or third before we're putting you up there. Like the semifinals doesn't move the needle. What's funny is I still think the majority of people are going to pick Justin to win.
Starting point is 01:04:55 So as far as hurting his stock, I don't know if it hurt his stock that much. He's still going to be first or second for everybody. And that's what he would have been in if he would have won first. for everybody and that's what he would have been in if he would have won first um you are shocked that she beat laura horvat by 50 points i mean 50 point that sounds enormous yeah right yeah i so that i am shocked about that it doesn't dissuade what a games field would do for me and what 15 events would do for me. Same with Annie. I thought Annie would beat Laura.
Starting point is 01:05:30 I was right in that. I just didn't think Gabby would beat both of them. Gabby had an incredible weekend. Let me read this to you. Gabby did the same thing two years ago, right? Question mark. Is that true? Did she have a good – did she win? Has she won semifinals before?
Starting point is 01:05:46 Yeah, but it's a different story combining them. Yeah. This is the greatest – this is all the best European women, not divided in two. And she got third – yeah, Gabby got third the last two years at the Lowlands Throwdown. Well, look at this emma in 2021 emma mcquade won it that's what i'm saying it's like emma mcquade won it i'm not putting emma
Starting point is 01:06:12 mcquade ahead of laura or annie right okay okay yeah when you start thinking of the games you have to think about it's not going to be the exact same type of programming so this is just one stage and you gotta think about what they've done already and what could bosman do that's different and these workouts favored the taller stronger more powerful athletes so what does that do in two months when he starts programming for Madison. This is something I'm really disappointed that Halpin didn't notice. There's only one female European athlete that drinks Paper Street Coffee. Use code word SEVON and get a discount on your coffee.
Starting point is 01:06:58 And she came in first place. That is true. Gabby Magawa drinks Paper Street Coffee and she came in first place. That's a great stat. There's a lot of athletes who drinks Paper Street Coffee, and she came in first place. That's a great stat. There's a lot of athletes who drink Paper Street Coffee who are now going to the games. Wow, Spin, I thought I was about to have to hang up on you, Spin. I had the kick from studio button ready. No, I mean, you look at Sydney, you look at Ariel,
Starting point is 01:07:21 I think maybe Alex Kazan does too. He has quite a roster there. He knows how to pick them. Maybe we should have him do some predictions. Gabby showed some great athlete maturity this weekend, the way she got Annie during Linda. I didn't get to see that workout. I don't know if that's maturity,
Starting point is 01:07:42 or I think she just went as fast as she could oh she didn't you don't think she was pacing it and passed them the way i'm no no no it was a photo finish and annie got a no rep on the the second clean in the round of two that gave gabby a an opportunity i wouldn't call that maturity she just was racing and was faster. Holy shit. She beat her by two one hundredths of a second. Gabrielle Magawa beat Annie Thor's daughter by two one hundredths of a second in Linda. With an 11.08.95 and 11.08.97. That is crazy. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 01:08:20 You guys had fun without me. That was a good finish. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. It was probably the best race of Linda throughout all three weeks. Yeah. Chris G, this lead was a joke.
Starting point is 01:08:35 CrossFit cutting corners to save money on equipment. They should have used the small Echo Rogue ones would have been an even playing field. Those are like the portable steel ones that you can almost like fold up and throw in a tough, but duffel bags. That's what I use to test it out or,
Starting point is 01:08:49 or do the workout after losing a bet to John this past week. Nice. Do's do's D do's do's D PLN 1199 greetings from. That is a very simple, what do you, what country? Poland. Oh, okay. Awesome. Well country do you think that is? Poland.
Starting point is 01:09:06 Oh, okay. Awesome. Well, thank you. Greetings to you too, my friend. Greetings. Okay. Any thoughts, Mr. Spin? I think John used up all of his time. I think you see the athlete. I think with more time,
Starting point is 01:09:26 you see the athletes you expect to do well, do well just because they have more time to prepare. They know how to strategize some of these things better than the, say the first week where it was, you know, it, you kind of have to show up and figure it out on the fly. So,
Starting point is 01:09:44 you know, You kind of have to show up and figure it out on the fly. I think there's a handful of women that are in Europe that I think can do very well at the games. On the men's side, I'm not sure you're going to see that as much. But it was good to watch and see some of the new athletes that you may not have heard before and get a preview of what they'll look like at the games. Out of the Northeast,
Starting point is 01:10:10 Northwest, Torian Pro, and Europe, which athlete had the most points? It's a good question. Those are the kind of questions we'll be answering this week when we start to do recap shows as Mr. Spinn and Mr. Halpin dig through the information
Starting point is 01:10:30 and John will come in and critique it so hopefully Tyler Watkins we have a big week coming up tomorrow we have Michelle Bassanet it will be interesting to see as these guys crunch the numbers to see how many athletes were able to stay within the top 10 all week. If any, it seemed like it was a pretty, even for the winners,
Starting point is 01:10:51 it was a pretty broad variances of finishes. Even Gabby has a 14th on workout to Jr. And Taylor will be on sometime throughout the week to talk about why that is and, and talk about the programming. Is this, We have another data point. Are we in a new era with Adrian Bosman? Have the young kids finally taken over? Are the old guys gone? Is Iceland a moot point in the
Starting point is 01:11:14 CrossFit game space? Fun shit like that. All right, guys. Thank you. Great show. Sorry about the last minute. I'll see you guys soon everyone thank you talk to you guys soon I guess Andrew's still asleep he never popped in the studio
Starting point is 01:11:33 buh bye

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