The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Semifinal Workouts LEAKED!

Episode Date: May 4, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Should. You look good. Bam, we're live. Brian Spinn from the Barbell Spin.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Hey. The most reliable news source in the CrossFit space every single day. It should be when you wake up in the morning before you go to Pornhub, you should go to the Barbell Spin. You should get all your news, in the morning before you go to Pornhub you should go to the Barbell Spin you should get all your news all the news CrossFit related and then when you're on the Assault Bike you should watch Hiller Fit
Starting point is 00:00:51 YouTube station it is a perfect piece of content to watch for any warm up good to have you on how fun is this this is so this is I love this shit I fucking love this stuff it's fun for probably like 99.9 of people right yeah yeah yeah i see what you're saying what's the 0.1 though
Starting point is 00:01:15 oh you have to get well you also have to guess dave's like dave and heather and the people on the games team like a little piece of their heart dies. You know what I mean? Unless they planned on doing it, unless that's the whole strategy. Wow. How about wow. How about let's release these on purpose. Let's leak these on purpose just to fuck people. OK, we'll get to that before we get to that. Remember, if you'd like to get some peptides.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Contact at C.A. Peptides dot com C. at Use code word Hiller or Savon and get some sort of discount. A huge supporter of the show, And last but not least, John Young, twice on the show in one day. How lucky are we? Okay, so first of all, let me pull up the post that Andrew Hiller just made,
Starting point is 00:02:09 and then we'll fire some questions at Andrew in regards to what this is actually all about. You can see at HillerFit 2.0 on Instagram. That's the guy with the shirt off. That's his Instagram account, second from the top on the left. He has made a post, and it's event number three and event number six. Before we get into them, Spin, are all the workouts... E equals every... Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:02:35 No, event. What is wrong with people? Spin, are all the workouts... Who is drawing a crossfit? This person posts 47,000 times a day, and they don't know what E means? Spin, are all the workouts at all the semifinals supposed to be the same? So there's seven semifinals, right? Yes, so it's the same as last year where they went back to all semifinals
Starting point is 00:02:58 are the exact same programming. Is that Frank? And John, what do you think? let's say these workouts are real the these leak workouts are real um do you think is there is there is there anything that jumps out at you that they're not real for example like hey why would they even know the workouts the semifinals aren't for another month no i mean these look like semi-final semi-final worthy workouts um i think they plan this stuff out way beforehand they don't just come with up with it a week beforehand because they got to plan layouts and all that stuff um they look legit i think they're legit i've so from two head coaches well-known coaches, I have confirmed that it's legit.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Oh, we're laughing because your computer's cutting out. God, I'm so proud. Let me go to my phone. Ladies and gentlemen, everyone, please. I've already spent a huge portion of my kids' jiu-jitsu money to buy John a new computer. Please donate a dollar to this show so I can recoup my funds because then we can hear John clearly. Hiller, can you go? John is the fourth playing brother. He is the fourth plane john is the fourth playing brother uh can you andrew uh go
Starting point is 00:04:10 through the workouts with us uh well actually before you do that um spin how many workouts do you think there will actually be at semi-finals so that that's always been the question so teams they're only competing two days this year. They're on Friday and Saturday. That was what was sent to them when they registered. Individuals, when they got their invite to register, they said that there's three competition days. So that would generally indicate there's going to be at least six scored workouts.
Starting point is 00:04:42 If these are true and the event numbers are the same or correct event, six looks like a final event, right? A quick chipper finished with a walking lunge down the, down the floor, uh, you know, to the end. So at this point I would say six is what individuals will see. Okay. So you're saying that that's the kind of thing that people will want to see at the end of a workout, a showstopper, 72 feet dumbbell walking lunge. We've So you're saying that that's the kind of thing that people will want to see at the end of a workout, a showstopper, 72 feet dumbbell walking lunge. We've saw that we've seen that in Madison.
Starting point is 00:05:10 The, the one of the more famous ones is Tia against Cara Saunders. It's, it's, it's a showstopper. It offers up for some good stuff. Right. Andrew,
Starting point is 00:05:18 do you agree with that assessment? That's been says that event number six that you have here, that's leaked that you posted on Hiller fit 2.0 does look like a final workout. Oh yeah. So there's a couple of things revealed here. The two workouts, if,
Starting point is 00:05:30 if the source is correct. And then also we now know what the final workout is. Andrew, can you go through, can you talk to us about event three, walk us through this, what it is and whether you think it's legit by looking at it. Seven rounds,
Starting point is 00:05:44 10 Cal echo bike, one legless rope climb, 10 burpee box jump overs to a taller box than we just saw in the quarterfinals and one legless rope climb. The interesting thing about that is if you just listen to Shut Up and Scribble, I believe they were, JR and Taylor were talking about kind of leveling up workouts that we just saw. And it's half the number of burpee box jump overs, but it'sed up in height it was just something that was confirmed almost immediately which is cool and um and how long has how long have you been sitting on this leak can you tell us that about 34 seconds okay so you got the and um in your assessment how uh valid do you think this
Starting point is 00:06:23 leak is i am as we started the show, I started thinking, Oh, maybe it's not valid because there was talk after the leak last time during the, was it for the opener quarterfinals when they leaked, there was talk that like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:06:35 maybe they'll leak something on purpose in the future. Wouldn't that be cool? Yeah. If this was on purpose. Yeah. Well, here, here's what I think these are legit they are legit
Starting point is 00:06:48 everyone's saying they're legit people who have no idea who anyone is are saying they're legit and heidi brought something up in here which was why did the top coaches have it which is something that uh john young just said you said you spoke to two people, John? Yeah, there are two coaches that have confirmed that it's legit. How is that okay? And that's why it took me all of 34 seconds to post it. Right?
Starting point is 00:07:16 Because I'm like, this is complete bullshit. Well, Hillary, SPM, $10 for the John fund, 10 pounds for the John fund. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. The reality of it is these are them and everyone's got them now. Ideally,
Starting point is 00:07:29 everyone's got them. They can just go to my page and check it out or be, they changed them and no one knows them again. Um, let me ask you this. When you say, just so you know, John,
Starting point is 00:07:40 when you said that you've got confirmation that other people have heard this and their coaches in the space, Andrew, the way he talked about it was like the coaches were given it in advance. I don't think anyone was given this. I think it is leaked. Do you guys concur? Does anyone think that the coaches were given this for any reason? I assume it's been leaked. And by leaked, the distinction I'm saying is I don't think Dave or Boz or Heather called someone and was like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:08:05 we just want to give you a heads up that there's legless rope climbs. I think that someone saw is, I think what I'm guessing is it was written on a board somewhere. Someone took a picture of it, right. You know, or took a picture of it. And then someone else was swiping through someone's phone. They saw it and then they shared it or something like that. You got to think though,
Starting point is 00:08:23 because now there's seven semifinals all needing equipment. We saw, I can't remember which region it was. So my final last year, couldn't get the same equipment in. There are customs getting things in. So I have to imagine the circle of who has access to the workouts is much larger and much more outside of just the CrossFit sport team that has access to these.
Starting point is 00:08:52 So like, we can't just look at HQ and say that they're the ones that leaked it because now, you know, Africa, Asia, South America, they,
Starting point is 00:09:01 there are people there that have it, who have been needing to make sure that they have it. You can't trust anyone in Asia. You can't trust anyone in Asia. It's Africa's fault for sure. But you've got to have all this equipment, right? You have to have 100-pound dumbbells. You have to have eco-bikes.
Starting point is 00:09:16 All of these things have to be procured, and you've got to have the idea of how you're going to lay it out and planning for it. Spin, what is the most difficult piece of equipment to get there? Is it the a hundred pound dumbbell? Is that the, probably the one that's least most in demand for places like Asia, Africa? I would say the bigger, the bigger machine equipment is probably like the assault runner is probably
Starting point is 00:09:39 the harder one to get to. You see an assault, you see an assault runner on here. I think it's just in general i'm just saying in general oh but i mean out of these two out of these two workouts that hundred pound dumbbell is probably the hardest thing is probably the least the hardest thing to get i'm guessing i guess i mean you know like if you're looking at just africa itself i mean rebel fitness or whatever they're called i I mean, they're equipment manufacturers. I mean, I'm sure they have that type of stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Matthew, we got the dumbbell. All right, easy. Settle down. Don't get all defensive. Okay, workout number two, Andrew. Yo. Event six. Can you go through that workout for us?
Starting point is 00:10:19 Three-caliber bike, 15-ring muscle-ups, 72-dumbbell walking lunge. And the question is, is it one or two dumbbells? Is it overhead? Is it in the front rack? Probably like an overhead walking lunge with that weight is what I have to guess. And it looks like what Spin said, you're going down the floor. And it looks like a finale of years past. John, does that, and those weights look valid?
Starting point is 00:10:43 Yeah, I would think it's a single arm overhead dumbbell walking lunge. It doesn't say double dumbbell or dual dumbbell. I feel like it would if it was two dumbbells. And that's a really heavy weight to do two dumbbells with. So it would make sense, like you're blowing yourself up, everybody's going on broken in the ring muscle-ups. If you're not, and then you have no shot of winning the event.
Starting point is 00:11:06 And then it's who can hold onto the dumbbell the longest in a blown up state. The overhead walking lunge makes the most sense to me. Andrew, can you tell us how you got the workouts, the two workouts? No. Can you tell us if you think it's a good source?
Starting point is 00:11:25 Yeah. Can you tell us if you think it's a good source? Yeah. Can you tell us not on air? No, I can't do that. Can you tell us how you received it? I posted it. I got like one, two, three, four, five, six people asking where I got them from. I'm like, I'm not telling you. What's wrong with you people?
Starting point is 00:11:44 Can you tell us what mode of communication you got it, whether it's phone, text or DM? No. Okay. I can tell you anything. We keep asking. Okay. Fair enough. Yeah. What can you tell us as to how you got these workouts? I told you they're a legitimate source. And you told me that since it's been up, you've got people telling you that they also know who. They wouldn't tell me who though, just like you. And Andrew, why do you think it's important to post them once you have them?
Starting point is 00:12:17 Well, I think I said it about 10 minutes ago. The fact that they're going around and people have an unfair advantage on it is the reason it doesn't take very long for me to put it up because any amount of time that someone knows that there's a bunch of legless rope climbs or the echo bike is potentially in there twice all of a sudden you start changing your training up a little bit and it's a competitive advantage to know them longer than other people so So I'm up to level it. Yes. To level playing field. Um, spin, does knowing these workouts in advance affect who's going to go to semifinals?
Starting point is 00:12:54 I doubt it. I mean, it, even the game bait. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Who's going to go to the games. Yeah. Sorry. Thank you for the correction. I mean, there might be somebody that who can fine tune it and perform, you know, better by practicing a few of them. I think at this point you're pretty much set. I mean, sorry. Thank you for the correction. I mean, there might be somebody who can fine-tune it and perform better by practicing a few of them. I think at this point, you're pretty much set. I mean, Europe has two weeks until they're going. You're not going to change a whole lot on overall fitness.
Starting point is 00:13:16 John, do you agree with that, that leaking these early won't affect the outcome of who goes to the games? Yeah, I agree with that sentiment. I do think we'll have people will do better on them because they practice them i think more or less it tells us that it's more like not affects the people that are actually competing but guessing on who's going to go to the games i think it tells us more about that like this looks really good for bill lahey uh it looks good for Taylor. Like those type of people, we can pick people who are going to do well on both of these, and obviously it's only 33% of the tests.
Starting point is 00:13:53 But if you already know you have two workouts that are going to be home runs for you, then we know that that person, if they're relatively fit, is probably going to go to the games. Andrew, now that these are leaked, do all of the athletes do these workouts? Yeah. I would say it'd be silly not to. It'd be stupid not to.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Spinn, do you agree? Probably not the workouts. They usually do components of it or pieces or variations of it, intervals of them. Some do them to a T. Some people level them up. Some people do variations. Yeah, I'd agree with that. My question is, are the other four known?
Starting point is 00:14:41 Just not to you at this point. Oh, have all of them been leaked? That's a really interesting question. It is weird that they leaked like this, three and six, right? You would think if someone saw a screenshot of them, it would be like two and three or three and four or five and six. That it wouldn't be. Where's four and five? I don't have that answer. This is what I got. I really hope it's't be. Where's four and five? Right.
Starting point is 00:15:05 I don't have that answer. This is what I got. I really hope it's on purpose. And then like every week they'll leak two more. Tyler Watkins, another interesting point in Words Matter. I'm not using the word leaked anymore. I'm going to use released. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Right. I release these in a fashion better than the word leaked anymore. I'm going to use released. Okay. Right. I released these in a fashion better than the CrossFit games. Right. Right. I think leaked is more, it got outside the circle of who's supposed to have access to them. So Andrew leaked them. No,
Starting point is 00:15:39 I released them. He released them. They were leaked to Andrew. Oh, okay. There we go. Let me, let me say this too. At first, Andrew, when you said once you got them, you released them because you knew that they had been released and you wanted to make sure everyone knew, so it's a level playing field.
Starting point is 00:15:55 But did you know that other people had it other than now we have it confirmed? Because I'm assuming John has different sources than you do. And those people are like, yep, we knew that too before Andrew released it. When I have it and if one person has it, I can let you know that I should – I don't know. I'm being very careful with my words, but – So you knew – You assumed that multiple people would have it. So can you tell us that you knew that from your source that semi-final athletes also had it? It's probably likely.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Okay. And can you, from your sources, John, can you let us know that semi-final athletes had it? Yeah. I mean, spin, morally speaking – maybe I should ask John this. He's the Bible beater. Maybe you are too. Morally speaking, if you're a coach and you find it out, at that point when you – like no one outside the circle of HQ should fall under the moral obligation of keeping it a secret. Andrew's arguing the exact opposite, actually.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Once you get it to the outside the circle, you're morally obligated to share it. I don't know if I'd speak morally to that, but I think there's no reason to think that you would not share it. If a training camp coach heard this, there's no way you don't share it. If you tell anybody, you tell everyone. Right. I don't know if that's necessarily true. There have been rumors in the past at the games. Why do some people know about certain jump rope movements and others don't?
Starting point is 00:17:40 Morally. Sure. Morally. Okay. I'm not saying they do that i think if you tell anybody if anybody knows the workout everybody should know the workout it should be an equal playing field for everybody no matter what i agree with that i want to go back to how this affects the competition at all what effects does this have i'm going to i'm going to speculate that
Starting point is 00:18:02 um the organizers are a little disappointed because however they were going to release this stuff, it kind of interferes with those plans. But as far as a net positive for the CrossFit space, I mean, obviously I'm biased. You guys are all biased. this just energizes the kind of the media space and gets us talking and scrambling and having fun speculating now, whether these are real, these are not real giving us something after the quarterfinals. A hundred percent. I love this type of stuff. I mean, that that's, I mean, my whole website and everything we were doing last week was talking about penalties. Like that has nothing to do with the leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Oh, you think it's to get us off of the penalty trail? No, I don't. Oh, that would be genius. No, I don't think we're past that. No one at CrossFit is that smart. They don't have Trump campaign managers? Just like shift, shift, shift. Do something else.
Starting point is 00:19:01 No. The more we're talking about it it just goes back to like dave's hints right like anything that we can do to talk and make excitement on the sport like now the whole question is between now and the official release all we're gonna be thinking about is are those actually the workouts i mean they're the workouts i hear you the only way that they aren't the workouts is if they somehow decide to change them but they are the workouts and do you think
Starting point is 00:19:32 they do that Hiller do you think that they change the workouts I don't think that they will I don't think they will I think it goes back to the open like there's just not enough time the stuff has been set for so long that the floors are sent. They have the floors and the flooring companies
Starting point is 00:19:48 with the lanes all taped up and whatnot. You could just do the same workout but make it harder. We get there, event three, and it's two legless rope climbs instead of one. I think that would be cheesy if they did that. How you mean just change it a little
Starting point is 00:20:08 bit yeah i think it would be cheesy if they changed it a little bit i think they have to change the whole thing or just like lick their wounds they have to take it like a champ well they somehow get wounds like more than anybody i know uh saturday guys saturday Saturday guys Saturday Saturday 10 a.m. Pacific Standard Time Can I make this the whole screen?
Starting point is 00:20:38 Sure can if anyone beats taylor the we'll pick the best score that beats taylor and they get 500 if no beats them it'll roll over 10 rope climb 30 dual kettlebell hang clean in here 30 249 Let's go! You're one second behind him. Go Brandon. He's dealing down on you Brandon. Let's go! One more! Nice. There you go. What a fucking shot. Holy shit. You the man.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Thanks for making the show. You made the show dude. Taylor, you stole the show. He did. He did make the show. Oh shit. Here we go. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:21:39 You don't stand a fucking chance. Who is this? I don't know but he looks like a real man. Go. Damn. Holy shit Taylor. Oh he know-lifted himself like a real man. Go. Damn. Holy shit, Taylor. Oh, he knoweth himself. I can literally watch this all day.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Let's go, Kyle. All right! Got it! I pushed you over the edge to try. It was scary. Good for you, dude. I knew I wasn't going to beat Taylor, but I wanted to see what I could do in front of however many people.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Fuck, yeah. That's a bad ad. That's awesome, dude. Hey, you got fat balls dude you got some big nuts francisco gomez oh this is a man child dude this is a fucking human one go yeah he might be a john young character oh he ain't beating me you can already tell did he rip he rip? He just looked at his hand. Oh, he's got two. Oh! Oh! Done. 433. Hey, that was third
Starting point is 00:22:29 best time of the day. Great job. When did you rip? When did you tear? Oh my God! Coming down. Dude, hey, you crushed it. I honestly thought you were going to do way worse on the kettlebells, but you were pushing them overhead so fast.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Well, I originally was like, fuck, I'll give it a chance. And then this dude Brandon comes in. I'm like, oh, fuck. And name so I can send you a t-shirt? Yeah, appreciate it. For sure. Hey, dude. Hey, you're the man.
Starting point is 00:22:55 That was awesome. How tall? Next week, $1,000 on the line. Oh, rollover money, baby. Rollover money. All right, guys. Two days away. Less than two days.
Starting point is 00:23:13 46, 45 hours and 37 minutes. 47 minutes. I thought Sevan was about to leak the next Kill Taylor workout. So the workout for quarterfinals, two of them have been leaked. You can find out about that. You can go over to HillerFit 2.0, and I'm sure the comment section there is going to be pretty wild. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:23:36 It's a free payment moment, I think. Say that again? Alex Kazan is sold. Okay. Alex Kazan is going to rock this. Let's go through a few of these comments. Carolyn Prevo, Echo bike twice.
Starting point is 00:23:49 We'll start with Hiller. They had the runner in there twice last year. Three times. They had the bike twice last year too. Spin, any thoughts on that? They had the bike in there twice, didn't they? It was the machine semif Yeah. It was the Machine games last... Machine semifinals.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Yeah, it was disgusting. So bad. Screenshotting in case you delete. Any chance you'll be deleting this, Andrew? No. I don't delete anything. Well, it's out there now. It's on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Yeah. What happens? Do you think someone loses their job for this, Andrew? What happens? Do you think someone loses their job for this, Andrew? I don't think that they'll ever be able to trace it back to how it got out I think Dave Eubanks leaked it Oh shit
Starting point is 00:24:36 That would be great Just when I thought someone couldn't say something worse. You think someone loses their job over this, Ben? You wear a college shirt. I agree with Hiller. If somebody did figure it out, again, I don't think it's anybody within HQ. so hey the other day somebody was contrary to popular opinion after i put up my video on mr brian friend showing a screenshot of a text message conversation with him i don't say shit to anybody about anything with the exception of that to everybody all at once that being said with uh i put up a video not too long ago about someone not doing reps and
Starting point is 00:25:31 someone reached out to someone goes i know that you sent this to andrew hiller and i'm like how in the fuck do they think they know that and i'm like did you say something to somebody because i didn't say anything it's like yeah we have confirmation that you're the reason i'm like well unless you said something to somebody i don't know how they're putting two and two together because it won me people just don't if people just don't talk it doesn't get around right and crossfit there's people talking can you tell us what that story is and more details of that other story? No. Oh. That story sounds fun too. I mean, I try to be as loose as you see with it as possible, but dude, there's people over there that are talking and they're just pussies.
Starting point is 00:26:24 You're ruining the integrity of the sport when stuff like this goes around like this. This is worse than not opening up your hips to the top of a squat when stuff like this goes around like this, this is, this is worse than not opening up your hips to the top of a squat. Like somebody probably should get fired. So, so, okay. You laugh, John would have,
Starting point is 00:26:34 I'm fucking dead serious. It's disgusting. I agree. It should never get to me. I do. I do think that if they find out who did it, the person will lose their job. Or they will, whether they work for HQ or not.
Starting point is 00:26:47 It would be fucking soft over there to fire anybody over anymore for stuff like this. I mean, who got fired for the open announcement? That got out. Didn't I get a hold of that? We all got a hold of that. They fucking opened their YouTube channel and it was open on there for everyone to see. They fired the media for that? No.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Wow. Or did they? I don't know. Because for some reason that fell under accident. And so is this. Yeah, interesting. 4,000 times. I'm pissed.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Interesting. Okay, so you don't like the league. You think somehow you're doing it. How they do anything is how they do everything. And it's like, hey, man. They keep doing it. Yeah. I'll get one one two uh four and five pretty soon guys don't worry uh seven got fired once yeah i'm starting i don't want to say anything okay uh what should what should we look for next um will this just float around now um will more details come out about this
Starting point is 00:27:45 um will do you think we'll get uh workouts uh one two uh four and five john i hope so it'd be nice mr spin what do you think happens next uh with this this is just what is what it is now we know what two of the six workouts are and it is what it is. Yeah, the question is if I'm HQ, I'm just releasing all of them. Yeah, I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:28:13 They said that they were going to release all individual on a posting schedule. They have to abide by the calendar. Every week. I wouldn't do that. I agree with you, Spin, but I would just let him out Let everybody see it Now
Starting point is 00:28:29 You would release now And you would too Hiller I hadn't thought of it until Spin said it Would you rather have us talk about a leak Or would you rather have us talk about the workouts So basically saying that Hey we We know we can't hold these close to the chest anymore.
Starting point is 00:28:47 They're going to leak out. They might as well come from us. Yeah, because every podcast is going to be talking about the leaked workouts. If they release all of them, we're going to just talk about the semifinal workouts. I can't wait for Craig Ritchie to make a video where he doesn't say where the leak came from. The YouTuber. It'll be two weeks. You mean like luis
Starting point is 00:29:05 oscar mora did some youtuber criticized his reps it's like dude hey um uh tommy legan tommy eubanks was my red shirt that guy was cool i thought my mom thought he was cool too people with sticks up their ass can be cool sure um uh what do you think about that john about what i'm saying about all the workouts being released you do you concur with them or no you'd like to see them all released now and just fuck it like let everyone practice them and show up with the absolute yeah i mean i i think the best honestly what i'd be most excited for or like how i think the best way to go about it now is next week same time you release two more and then next week same time you release two more
Starting point is 00:29:49 that way it gives us something to talk about each two set of workouts has a week to breathe to analyze it for the athletes to practice it if they want to and you're not just releasing the whole thing all at once we don't have that time though, John. We have two weeks. Well, yeah, the last two is in the last week. The interesting thing is, is we know that HQ lives under some severe paralysis and being nimble and agile is not their thing at all. It's the exact opposite. And that, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:18 oftentimes when there's been attempts to work with HQ's media, there's this kind of this carbon copy answer that's a, hey, we have a sequencing to how we do things. I think a bunch of us have heard that before. What the hell is LLRC? John, tell her. Legless rope climb, girl.
Starting point is 00:30:41 You can't use your legs. Yeah, go up the rope. Do you think that even this this do you think that they're able to think even out of the box on this like so what is today today's thursday i like that idea i don't know which one you just said it but why not release two more next thursday and then two more the following thursday that sounds like a great plan and have andrew released and you know what he's seriously and have andrew release him just give him to andrew yeah just give him to andrew hey you know what crossfit should do have Andrew release them. Just give them to Andrew? Yeah, just give them to Andrew. Hey, you know what CrossFit should do?
Starting point is 00:31:07 They should repost this. Did you try to collab with them, Andrew? No. That would have been funny. That would have been so funny. If you tried to collab with the games. Hey, dude, that's the way to do it. Now the game should report this.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Oh, our workouts were leaked. And they just collab with you. Who was it recently? He could have collaborated with Dave, and he could have hit accept on accident. Yeah. Did that happen the other day with someone? This morning seemed odd. Who did he collab with, and is it still up?
Starting point is 00:31:39 The Tops Are Dumb podcast. Is that really the name of a podcast? That was the weirdest thing I've ever seen. Yes. Yeah. It seemed like cool dudes, like just, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:49 doing workout stuff, but it was a weird, if you go look at their reels, they have like a couple hundred views. And now this one has tens of thousands, if not a hundred thousand by now. Dave flexing his muscle 40,000. I selfishly wish that they would have waited until tomorrow to leak this or release this.
Starting point is 00:32:10 You don't wait to leak things, John. That's why it's called that. They're cutting off my Robin views. I was excited to see where that happened, and now this just overshadows it. I just wish it would wait a day. Katie, I missed where Hiller found these being leaked. You just found them in the street in front of your house?
Starting point is 00:32:32 Andrew? I opened my mailbox and there was a note sitting in there. What's that face Katie has right there? Come get me. Yeah, that expression. You know you want a piece of this look at look at her just smirking god you are sassy huh katie katie's street yeah she just got like fuck you
Starting point is 00:32:54 on her face uh coffee pods and wads pedro white from ireland the best podcast outside of the united states of america it's a podcast about homosexuality and life as a power bottom. Oh. Is it actually? I don't know. That's cool, though. Will Branstetter. I heard it came in a wax-heeled envelope to Hiller's house and said, Open on May 2nd.
Starting point is 00:33:19 I don't check my mail, so Alexis would have opened it. I appreciate you guys making all of these suggestions that I should call Dave or invite him over. That's really cool, you guys. You guys are really thinking out of the box. Good job. I would have never thought of any of this shit myself. You should totally call Dave live on air and see what he thinks about this.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Hey, I have this brilliant idea. Check this out. Do a behind-the-scenes on Taylor when he's at the East Semifinals. What do you think? What do you think? Would you go get access to Taylor? I was really thinking out of the box.
Starting point is 00:33:55 That's an original thought. No, Taylor kind of sucks on camera, dude. Alright, fine. We won't do it. And John's better than a mid. All workouts with superhero names attached to them. There's not one. I know he's already got a
Starting point is 00:34:11 workout planned for this week. The week after, I think he should do a mid-six. Wow. For Kill Taylor. Oh, Cave Dastro nailed it. I got these from Rambler. How'd you know?
Starting point is 00:34:30 Hey, maybe Tyler Watkins may be leaking workouts as part of the sequencing. Oh, have you thought about calling Dave? Oh, thank you. Let me write that down. Call Dave. Yeah, thank you. Let me write that down. Call Dave. Yeah, call Dave and then ask him if I can do behind the scenes next year.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Great, thank you. You guys are really looking out for the best interest. Justin Zimbo from CrossFit Salty Hive. Have you ever thought about doing behind the scenes of the games? I will put that on my list too. Will Branson said, we should do a pre-show every day at the semis okay another great idea thank you they've talked a lot but says nothing i don't know if that's true yeah i don't think that's true either okay um andrew hiller anything any final words you want to say about the leak
Starting point is 00:35:19 i think i got it all out there the release release? Okay. Mr. Spin, anything you'd like to say? Nope, I'm good. John Young? No. If you head over to The Barbell Spin, watch closely today as this story develops and more stuff leaks, and we hear more and more about the leak. I can't go over the leak one more time. I'm going to put it up there with Method Island.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Release. Sorry, release. As we hear more and more about this release, you will get those details at The Barbell Spin. He also has a podcast that's doing very, very, very, very, very well with Tyler Watkins and John Young. Get deeper insights into this. I do believe more details will be released around the leak. And Barbell Spin is the place to get it.
Starting point is 00:36:00 He looked at his face. He waited for an emotion, and it never came. He just had a straight face. Hold on, Haley. I'm going to come inside. I need a release. Talk to you guys later. Bye-bye.

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