The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Semifinals EAST | Day 1 Pre Show

Episode Date: May 19, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them.
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Starting point is 00:01:01 Oh, there he goes. Bam. Are we live? We are live. Hey, guys. What's up? Mr. Washington. Hey, Mr he goes. Bam. Are we live? We are live. Hey, guys, what's up? Mr. Washington, hi, Mr. Spin. Hey. Good morning. Good to see you guys. Yeah. It's been a while.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Austin, you don't know how true that is. Someone's making sure his man bun is straight. That was the last thing that I tied up. Good morning, Mr. Chapman. Good morning, good morning, Jethro. Good morning, Mr. Chapman. Good morning. Good morning, Jethro. Good morning, everyone.
Starting point is 00:01:28 The winners will be... Is Daniel Brandon competing? Yes. Event one winners will be Daniel Brandon. And it's obvious why. And Mr. Spin, who will the male winner be uh it's roman or or uh jason in my opinion after watching the african uh event one what did you see what did you see in africa what do you mean after you see
Starting point is 00:02:01 why did you need it why did you need to see it why does seeing it different than just seeing it on paper the the big question was what is the hand over hand pull going to be like um how costly was that yeah and you know watching that jason smith crushed it he's one of the bigger athletes he made it he made the hand over hand pull look way easier than the smaller guys and uh you know obviously it's a weaker field than you'll see in the northeast um but when you think about smaller athletes versus big it's going to be the bigger athletes who still have that motor and that's that's a roman and jason are the two that completely stand out and i I've heard Danielle Brandon looks tiny in person. So that might be a bad choice on my part, you're saying.
Starting point is 00:02:50 I disagree. She does not look tiny in person. She does not? Okay, okay. That makes me good. I've just heard that when you see her in person, she's small. She's a totally different creature than what you see on Instagram. No, my only concern with Danielle is, is, is her, is her back better than, you know, she healed it up since last year.
Starting point is 00:03:10 You know, with this, with the hand over hand pull, it could light up your back pulling that. So there would be a chance that maybe she has to slow down a little bit more than, than you would expect. But if that's back in good order, I think she's going to be in contention for sure um uh tyler what did you say um the uh when he said that you said something about the hand over hand what the cost how cost yeah what the cost explain that to me i think a lot of people look at it and they're like that's not going to take much time it's not going to be much burden
Starting point is 00:03:41 on the athletes and i was like depending on the drag of the sled, the weight, I mean, it could be, it could cost way more physically than they, than I think people are guessing. And so I was interested to see that as well. Mr. Spinn, can you compare the sled pulls from region to region to region because they might have different floors or all are all the floors, the surfaces, the sleds will be dragged on the same? I think they'll be fairly the same. Obviously they are going to be different with whatever
Starting point is 00:04:10 Africa was able to procure for the flooring versus North America and Europe. I don't know if, so in Africa, they had to pull it back and forth three times each round. So, um, you know, you, you pulled it 25, 30 feet, and then you turned around, pulled the rope back and then, you know, went back and forth three times. I don't know if that's the same in, in the East, if it'll be, you know, the same down and back three times, that could change a little bit, but, um, I think overall it'll be pretty much pretty similar uh stephanie s danielle is very tiny in person sarah wadapalooza and the only thing
Starting point is 00:04:53 big about her was her rack wow stephanie not cool uh please not on this show uh scott perkins seven have you asked brian friend about the for Mal? He was a part of over at Talking Woke Fitness. No, I have not. And I don't think Mal is dead. Actually, she was spotted at Disneyland today. I personally have never seen a sled. I've never seen this sled. The thread we're on, someone sent a picture of it.
Starting point is 00:05:24 I've never seen this thread. Caleb, can you on, someone sent a picture of it. I've never seen this thread. Caleb, can you show, for those of you who don't know, this is not a piece of equipment from a San Francisco night show. This is a leather sled. Has anyone here used this? Caleb, did you guys use this in the desert? No, we didn't even have these in the desert. This was even
Starting point is 00:05:47 below us. This is just a piece of cow with a piece of steel, back of a cow with a piece of steel ring on it, like a like some woke kid's nose ring. Are they leather or are they canvas? They look like canvas. Yeah, it looks canvas to me.
Starting point is 00:06:04 They're kind of gangster they're i think they're cool as hell how much how much how much is that is that that piece of thick canvas 115 bucks and uh any concerns god this is some minimalist shit i you know we were talking the whole time how are they going to get equipment over to africa i mean this explains this i mean you can just uh roll this up and send it in a tube right yeah yeah it's a good good way to get you know something like that over there even cheaper than sending over the metal sleds uh you know the metal sleds i think maybe potentially could tear up some of the floor uh you know with 225 pounds on it but this seems to be a good good alternative i don't know what that stem is called that um that that's that standard diameter that plates you know slip over
Starting point is 00:06:57 but i thought i saw a picture on one of our threads that actually showed a stem coming out of this piece of leather this piece of cloth i thought i saw that too yeah i think it's a pvc pipe just just to keep the the plates stacked on top of each other has sorry uh i think i asked this i don't remember what the answer was has anyone here used one of these no i've never even seen them before it popped up in thread yesterday i'd never even heard of it caleb um i want to read the can is there a description i just want to read the description out loud on that thing it looks cool i want to try it and i'm guessing it's limited the surfaces you can pull that on i'm guessing if i pull that in the street at my house my street will just tear that
Starting point is 00:07:38 thing up um this there it is important on there not on concrete or asphalt. It does say that. Okay. The Spud Inc. Magic Carpet Sled is a heavy-duty weight sled designed for maximum versatility and portability. The sled itself weighs less than four pounds. It's considerably lighter than a traditional metal dragging sled. It's able to hold up to 600 pounds. Use the Magic Carpet Sled on grass, ast astro turf carpet any gym or training space with rubber tile flooring uh non-abrasive service surface and you're good to go good for road good for road you mean for having something cool like that well i mean like the like sleds cause a
Starting point is 00:08:20 lot of problems at gyms and and like most people have turf and so or rubber on their floor so yeah good for them for creating something that and it's not going to take up a ton of space like think about how much space sleds take up you just throw this in the closet somewhere yeah you could stack you could stack a hundred sleds in the closet yeah okay cool uh and it says it holds up to 600 pounds and the most will be seen as how much 225 for the men okay which ends up being what um how do they do that they stack a bunch of 45s how many 45s is that five five oh dang wow uh did anyone see any footage from africa any accidents um when you know with those turns you're talking about, the weight falling over, anything like that? No. It seemed like it spun around pretty easily when they did have to go back and forth. You know, it stayed, you know, pretty stuck to the ground.
Starting point is 00:09:20 I did notice on the last pull when they were pulling over the finish line, it kind of did come up a little bit. My biggest question is I've heard that they have to keep both feet on the floor when they are pulling. They can't step backwards. But I did see some do it, and there was no penalties,
Starting point is 00:09:40 no repercussions for it. I think that's what you're supposed to do but you kind of just get a slap on the wrist if you do uh caleb that girl's hair behind you is amazing yeah wow should i tell her no it's fine uh um uh but you can tell her that 600 people also think it's amazing if you do tell her uh so so for those of you who don't understand i don't know if that was spin or Tyler who said that, but yesterday I did sled pulls with my kids, and my kids like to do that too.
Starting point is 00:10:10 It is easier, or at least I don't know if it's easier, but you can recruit different muscles when you get tired if you start walking backwards rather than pulling. So what you're saying is that maybe they need to tape off a square on the floor in the future and be like, hey, you have to stay in here. If you don't stay in here, there's a one-second penalty for every time you step out of the square or something. Do you think they're doing it so they have to focus it on their arms or both leg drives at the same time? It seems to me like if you wanted to focus on the legs being burnt, you wouldn't really care if they walked backwards.
Starting point is 00:10:43 But, I mean, maybe they don't want to focus it that way. Yeah. I think they definitely want the pulling motion of it with the arms. Um, but yeah, I think that it's, I think even just a simple tape line and keeping your feet on that tape line would work. Um, you know, if your feet come off that line, then you have to bring it back or something like that. But you lack the the focus confidence and strength to stay in one spot when you pull the rope uh go out and grab yourself some paper street coffee paper st use code word sevan there it is and um and uh you'll you'll get a personal note in your coffee you won't get any money off but you'll get a personal note in your coffee and maybe a dick pic from gabe every 1 000 uh orders gets a dick pic okay wow i'm shot out of a cannon this morning uh okay um foot brace anyone allowed to uh are you people are people
Starting point is 00:11:38 bracing their feet or it's all on you you just stand there out all wing it and that's why you guys are suggesting in every respect this workout benefits a heavier athlete whether it be with the machines or uh pulling the weight yeah you can move the you can move the runner better if you have more weight to push the tread um same thing on the rower like it it's easier to row when you're heavier. And then the ski, it's easier to pull. And then mass moves mass on the sled. I apologize. I misunderstood.
Starting point is 00:12:13 No dick pics, just 15% off with the 7-on-1 code. I apologize. This is what I was concerned about. It folds under itself all the time. I think he's referring to… Something else. I think he's referring to um something else i think he i think he's referring to the sled uh yeah interesting right but i haven't heard any complaints i haven't i didn't see any of that during during watching you know watching the african uh semi-final
Starting point is 00:12:40 uh we will let's review event one real quick i'll read it out loud and then uh let's go over and look at the list of athletes i also went over to the africa leaderboard and all the scores were already put in for the whole week so they're having some sort of issues over there they just already know they are but but if you do go to rebel renegade they do have the the leaderboard correct and whose leaderboard is that that's that's the organization who's running it yeah yeah this is weird right who actually who actually won the who actually won the event in africa on the women's side yeah it was uh gilmari renke so our workout one um scores even correct no
Starting point is 00:13:28 those are athletes from last year and the rankings they were in i believe okay so they didn't change the reference to 2023 leaderboard yeah okay uh yeah the women's scores uh someone wrote yeah the women's scores, someone wrote, yeah, the women's scores they have are all wrong. Okay. And what you guys are saying, those are last year's scores. At least the athletes are. Michelle Moran won it, and then it was Christina and then Michelle.
Starting point is 00:13:58 So it's the athletes that are this year, but I think they might be scores from last year. Shout out to Travis and Brian for great coverage on Barbell Spin for lead up and discussion. John and his dog were useful as well. Who's Travis? The guy in the middle right there. Travis.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Oh. Gotcha. Alright. My bad. What the fuck is your name? I don't know. Okay. You're like Eminem. You have three names three names oh it frustrates everybody at work because my my display name is always jason because it's my first name but tyler's my the name i go by so all right yeah um for those of you who don't know you can go to um barbell spin on instagram and everything there will be the fastest uh news you can get in
Starting point is 00:14:50 the space it's where everyone goes it's where i go it's all of us have our notifications turn full blast it's uh mr spin's uh instagram account he also has a show a podcast that he does on the regular with john young and tyler watkins and this is, I personally think this is like kind of the ultimate resource. I don't even know how he gets all his shit so fast, but who cares? It's good. Okay. Let's look at event one real quick. Three machines, right?
Starting point is 00:15:21 And a lot of work on them. We have this 3,000 meters on the Echo bike. What is it for those of us who don't think in terms of meters? What are some other metrics that can give us an idea of how far that is? So the way I always thought about it when doing meters on an assault bike was it took about 110 revolutions per 1,000 meters. God, you're a geek i bet you tyler has a number for that too jeez per thousand meters so if you think about 70 rpm it's going to take about a minute and a half wow and and that's moving right i do i do a salt bike but on the 70 rpms is moving yeah and i don't
Starting point is 00:16:00 know how that may equate to the echo bike but that that's just a rough estimate. So it's 70 RPMs, and that's a minute. Did you say a minute? A minute and a half. Okay, so that's more than a half a minute at fucking 70 RPMs. That's a chill pace for these athletes, though. It's not going to be fun, but it's not a too terrible pace. Yeah. All the men finished in Africarica on the best heat uh right
Starting point is 00:16:27 around four minutes wow just over did they look fresh coming off yeah yeah okay they were definitely not pushing the pace at all i mean it's it's kind of a warm-up for these guys um you'll lose it if you go too hard on that first part. Right. This is a great question. Seema Beaver, does Barbell Spin sell insurance? He totally – God, please tell me you do. Please tell me you do. I do not. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:16:53 You see it, right, Tyler? Caleb, you see it, right? Definitely. He probably works for State Farm, honestly. Dude, he's in their kitchen right now. It's Brian from State Farm. That is incredible. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:08 So, okay. And then what happens after that? They jump off four and a half minutes on this echo bike, and then they jump off. How close is that where that is? So the way they had it set up, I mean, the sled is right next to the bikes. And so they walk down the floor and start pulling it towards the finish line.
Starting point is 00:17:31 And they turn around, bring it back towards the start, and then pull it back towards the finish line for the first round. Is it 10 feet or 20 feet? Or how exactly, how many feet would you say, just roughly from the bike to where you start pulling? It was like 28 feet. Okay. How exactly, how many feet would you say just roughly from the bike to where you start pulling? It was like 28 feet. Okay. And then you finish that and you go to the assault runner. Is the assault runner just adjacent to the bike?
Starting point is 00:17:54 The assault runner was near the finish line. So when you finish the third round and pull that sled, it finishes right next to the runner. Okay. And then 2000 meters on the assault runner. That's over 5 000 feet that's a little more than a mile mile and a quarter okay and and what are the what are some of the times on that and are the guys hurting does anyone walk or they all do they all get on start jogging i would imagine they have to be just holding a decent pace again. A couple women stopped, took a breather when I was watching. Again, it's, you know, it was... The patriarchy has spoken.
Starting point is 00:18:35 A couple women took a breather. I mean, back to the sled. It took three minutes for those guys to pull the sled. That was for jason anyway um so a little bit longer for those who weren't keeping up on the top of the pace and jason's a man with gray hair right how old is jason smith 40 38 39 yeah okay okay and and he and he he won that event yeah wow crazy wow uh did keelan henry's size um that was that was that a problem on this workout that's what i was curious to see is would he be you know would it be him or jason that would do
Starting point is 00:19:14 better um whether it was a smaller athlete or the bigger and and i mean keelan didn't find he finished i think fifth or sixth uh overall but it, the larger you are that can still hold a run. That's where it's coming down to, I think, is can you pull the sled and can you push the pace on the run? Yeah, I'm watching the women right now and they are not moving fast.
Starting point is 00:19:38 It's like a little bit above a trot. You're watching it live? No, I'm watching a replay okay uh nick hope how is there 700 plus people watching only 13 likes on youtube i'll explain it's very simple um uh everyone hates me but people are so desperate for content that they watch anyway and these are the people who are dedicated to tyler and spin um so there were actually 1200 uh likes but there's uh 1187 please check my math math dislikes uh so there you go and if you have any other hard questions
Starting point is 00:20:15 that involve math i will do them for you uh keelan uh keelan is is short maybe colton merton size over there in africa right five four tiny right but built like a brick shithouse right like a tank okay and then and then so so how long is that mile and a quarter on the runner minutes wise roughly i mean some of the women were 12 13 minutes um i think uh I think Jason finished, what do I have? Just over nine minutes. Okay, for the run. Just under an eight-minute mile pace. Coffee Pods and Wads, Pedro,
Starting point is 00:21:00 who will be our correspondent in Berlin in the upcoming weeks, says the move is made on the runner. Whoever gets off the run first will be hard to catch uh mr watkins why is that yeah because i mean you're you're able to make up so much time on that and i think people at that moment are going to be suffering they won't want to like really dig in deep and it's all soul at that at that point and uh like training if you've done a lot of running training when tired it'll show right here who who are the who's the best runner in uh north america east on the men's side there's a lot of good runners um i think rowan's a big fear because he's heavy like he's heavier but he's also a decent runner um adler and then hopper like all the the three best guys
Starting point is 00:21:41 in the field right now they they're all amazing runners. And Sarah Buckman, shit, sorry, I forgot to like. Here's another one for you. Everyone just like it twice. Don't be a douche. Just like it twice. Subscribe. Do all the stuff that the buttery bros tell you to do, please.
Starting point is 00:22:01 And on the women's side, who's a powerful runner? Who are we going to see? Where are we going to see that statement that you guys are making about the runner being so important? Who's going to be the definitive example of that on the women's side? I see Brooke Wells, Daniel Brandon, Amanda Barnhart, Emma Lawson. Any just outstanding runners? Is Emily Rolfe in this? No, she's West yeah okay uh and she is an outstanding runner what what about brookwell's we saw her i want
Starting point is 00:22:33 to say last year come off the runner and it was some pretty uh interesting footage she she looked like she was punch drunk do you remember that last year at one of the semifinals she came off the runner and she she i don't know if someone maybe even caught her she was jacked up not a problem this year i don't i mean yeah i don't know what happened there but i i i look at i looked at the capital i think is a good kind of comparison to what we might see um this morning reason being is it did require power output on on the pig and then also the the odd objects uh with a with a longer run there in the middle so it to me it seems a little similar to that and i mean of the the women in the North America East, Brooke was the best finisher, followed by Danielle and Amanda. Oh, I like it. I'm telling you, Danielle, Brandon, that's a great pick. Go ahead, Tyler.
Starting point is 00:23:34 I tend to lean more towards the Texas Trail just because the sandbag was such a limiter in the Capitol event for a lot of people. And it's weird. If you don't have long arms arms you're not going to do well in the capital event and so um i lean more heavily on that one but danielle brandon won that event and then the next um person in our semi-final is bm lawson um yeah and she finished like fifth or sixth fifth but brooke wasn't there so we don't know how she would have done right right uh stand by guys we have some huge breaking news uh it sounds like event one will be aired on youtube for anyone who can find the crossfit podcast now that will be very very difficult to find uh many of you will have the information. Very few of you will find it. Even if I were to send you a link,
Starting point is 00:24:27 you probably couldn't find it. It's encoded. Is this true? Is this thing going to be... Is event one going to be shown? Are we going to hear Chase talking about event one? Oh, shit. They're already live on there.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Let's take a peek without getting us kicked off. Let's hear what they're saying. Three seconds, three seconds. Oh, so they got floor cam set up. They're not even. Okay, so, oh, and they got Chase. You could see Chase on there. So are you telling me that originally this is the team event three
Starting point is 00:24:59 and originally wasn't going to be televised and now it is? They're pulling something out of the zealous games handbook right here. Wow. Okay. Okay. Good. Okay. So,
Starting point is 00:25:12 so when this is over, uh, guys, this show will be over in 20 minutes and we will, uh, well, I guess we'll keep going and we'll actually try to play a couple seconds for you and find out,
Starting point is 00:25:21 and then we can all travel over there together. Okay. And, uh, there's more breaking news though. The news is uh from the echo bike the rogue echo bike has made an announcement a john young rode me and i made him gay well that's cool i cannot say that that you will have those same benefits for everyone who rides it but these are uh these are some of the – working out has its benefits.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Wow, 40 viewers over – dude, Hugh Anus. Please, Tyler, this show is serious. Please don't – Well, it's because I think the J is silent. It's Yanus. My bad. Oh, you were laughing at me. You asshole for my enunciation.
Starting point is 00:26:10 I'm telling you, that account is so hard to find it is um uh uh straight from uh the small island of the united kingdom newt says it's embarrassing how long it took them to realize they fucked up by not streaming well let's be positive they they are streaming it and um and they even have internet on your island so that's cool uh jake chapman seve i feel like crossfit is to you a son who now has a stepdad you dislike i feel like crossfit is to you a son i'm the son and it's the stepdad it's i like it that works yeah he's fucking my mom and he fucking – and he hits me once in a while. Yeah, I get it. Fair enough. Okay, I'll go with it.
Starting point is 00:26:48 I'll go with it. I'll go with it. It hurts a little bit, but I'm not going to like – I'm going to chill. Okay. So let me – where we're at here, guys, because we're getting close to the picks. We are four minutes on the whatever whatever that 3 000 meter was what was that on the echo bike on the bike okay four minutes on the echo bike and then um and then pull how long was the first pull the rope pull three minutes three minutes on the rope and then and then uh 12 to 13 minutes on the um one and a quarter mile run
Starting point is 00:27:26 and then we go back for the for the men it'll be about nine minutes okay not okay so we'll say nine to 13 depending on what you have in your pants and now what fatigue do we see when they get to now we're going to see them pull the sled the second time what do we see now what are the implications of all that other shit that they've done already the the running um the first pool and the uh echo bike before you answer right i imagine they're they don't slow down much like at that point they're just staying steady for for jason absolutely true yeah the smaller guys um so Darren Zernimer, he was, I think, first or second in the quarterfinals for Africa.
Starting point is 00:28:11 He's a smaller athlete, and he struggled big time. So the cumulative effect of the pole started to get to him, and he finished way down there, there like 24th or something like that what was jason first off the bike uh i mean they were all off within 10-15 seconds of each other it was not it's it's what you're used to seeing on a machine that's on that's the start of a long workout there's no reason to press it um Sorry, was Jason first off the runner? Yes. He was the fastest on the pole, and then he held on to the run,
Starting point is 00:28:56 and then he separated himself on the second pole. And do you have any idea if anyone made pace or made ground on him on the runner? And I'm asking all these questions about the runner because we've established how important it is. Did anyone make gains on him on the runner and i'm asking all these questions about the runner because we've established of how how important it is did anyone make gains on him on the runner it was tough to see but it did appear that a few of them were running slightly faster than him but they had no gas or the ability to pull on that second one this is uh absolute bullshit uh there's no way savon can do see seated rope climb if when my arm is healthy i can do anything with a rope i am a pulling machine how dare you uh so then so they pull and are they is when he's pulling is he doing um uh feet side by side with the rope between his
Starting point is 00:29:38 legs in short pools or or big pools with turning he's doing big two-handed pulls uh okay you know pulling the sled three four feet each pull you know okay so he's not doing hand over hand it's too heavy for that it's not it's not a steady stream it's pool yank okay you saw a few try it and i think they quickly realized it was not going to be sustainable okay and um so then they finished that how long does that pool take them uh again just three minutes and then it's the final machine which is the ski oh god why they should just throw that machine away it's i love this ski so much you look but you enjoy watching it just because of how powerful these athletes are that's why i enjoy watching it's like amazing to me because i feel like ski is one of the better instruments i'm
Starting point is 00:30:31 better i'm good at and they're they're just in a on a different planet like watching roman pull on this is crazy i just can't figure out how to share this experience in any like the echo bike we can talk about meters and calories and minutes and and the assault air runner you know running but yeah there's no it's just it's it's it's um it there there's no parallel in the in the in the real world right it is its own creature is that true well it's like the the thing that i liken it to in real life is like chopping wood, and no one knows. Like most people didn't grow up doing that, and you don't chop wood for time in an aerobic context. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:13 So it's different. But yeah, there's not really a lot of like movements like that out in the real world. And how long do they spend chopping wood? I mean skiing or – Again, Jason took four minutes. So a two minute per 500, which is not fast for these guys. But after the amount of pulling, I think it did take its toll. And again, Jason was well ahead of the next athlete.
Starting point is 00:31:40 So he didn't have to push to know that he was going to end up winning 100 points in africa uh jake chapman i did 2k in seven minutes the other day and almost killed me these guys uh are mental fit fair this guy's british huh the way he used the word mental yeah it's like a day giveaway uh so so any any passing during the sled pools and and did you see any like tight races anything that added some excitement no not no not not in africa anyway um they're all pretty spread out because it's such a long event that there wasn't anything that was uh you know jason beat the next person by 34 seconds. And even down to seventh place, Jason beat that seventh place by three and a half minutes.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Yeah, two and a half minutes, three and a half minutes. Yeah, it's pretty spread out. There might be closer races with 60 athletes. Anyone not finished? Yeah. No one on the women's side finished. No one on the women's side finished. No one on the women's side finished? No.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Are we going to see that also here in 25 minutes? The women go first, right? Are we going to see any women finish? Yeah. We are going to see some. Yeah. We'll see some women finish, but we'll see more than not finish. Wow, interesting. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Caleb, can you bring up the women's list of competitors? Just the leaderboard. I'll read through some names, and then you will hear picks from the wisest men in the space. Annika Greer, Sydney Wells, Shelby Neal, Emma Lawson Paige Semenza Alexis Raptus Emma Carey, Paige Powers wow this is going to be crazy Lexi Neely
Starting point is 00:33:31 Fisa Goffey Danielle Brandon there she is, the winner Amanda Barnhart Jessica Schwartz the winner uh amanda barnhart jessica schwartz she was on my fantasy team for the lawn chair leaderboard one year uh tory dyson and brooke wells uh any anyone here any specialists here who who i didn't mention their names who have a chance just to just to steal this one from the uh pipe hitters this one's weird weird to look for that on. You don't tend to see this type of workout this early in the season,
Starting point is 00:34:12 and so I don't think we have a lot of comparison for the no-name people, the people who are – What do you mean by that, this kind of workout? Long runs, like long, enduring workouts like this. This is generally like a game-style workout. And so there's not a ton of off-season comps that have events like this. Page powers, good guess. Okay, and when you mean like this, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:34:40 With so many machines? More distant, like enduring style workout. Yeah, and with machines. I mean, this feels like a games workout to me. Doesn't it, you, Brian? It does. I think, again, I would say somebody like a Shelby Neal, who is stronger.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Caroline Brevo, who obviously has been to the games, but probably is overlooked compared to some of the names you you read over um ashley wasney uh is one of the stronger athletes so they may be able to uh make up some ground on the poles and it's just a matter of where that how that kind of fits in with the run right uh ben smith's team just won the event that's good information i didn't even know there was a crossfit games app crossfit games app just posted that kind of fits in with the run. Ben Smith's team just won the event. That's good information. I didn't even know there was a CrossFit Games app. CrossFit Games app just posted notifications of podcasts streaming it.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Now you've got to find it. Jake Chapman, sell woke, bro, is anagram of Brooke Wells. Wow. Very interesting people here in the chat. Okay. Your picks for women, Mr. Spin. For this first test workout event. Test event workout. Yes. For that. I'm going to go with Amanda Barnhart. For that. I'm going to go with Amanda Barnhart taking the top, followed by Emma Lawson.
Starting point is 00:36:10 And why not Paige Powers? Clearly, shit tons of machines over there at Mayhem. Strong as shit. Committed. Seems right up her alley. So, again, I use the Capitol event. She's historically struggled on the longer events in the capital she finished 37th okay um now you know she did great at wadapalooza but we don't have the super long events there they're more you know shorter power based um i will say if she does do well in this watch out because
Starting point is 00:36:46 i think she's going to do well in a lot of the events after this oh okay so you're saying you uh keep an eye on page powers she may make a huge statement here if she does really well on this yeah she's gotten better at weaknesses yeah okay and uh you mr watkins uh which uh we got amanda barnhart and emma lawson uh i like emma lawson for first and then uh db for second i don't i don't want to uh i'm a huge emma lawson fan uh but but i don't know this seems like some uh like you need some seasoned muscle on you for this one that this is i don't know this seems – You're not wrong. I mean, and that's why I think Brian went with Amanda. But I think Emma's work capacity is fine on those pools, and she's a good runner.
Starting point is 00:37:34 So, yeah, I'm not worried about her. All right, and I'm going to pick Danielle Brandon just because she's Danielle Brandon and she's hot. Okay. A number – I mean, because she's at Brute, and Matt Torres is a fantastic coach. I got a board, so. In Spanish.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Where are you? Mexico? No, I'm in Miami. El Paso. El Paso. Oh, Miami. Oh, okay. That was Cuban.
Starting point is 00:38:00 I'm sorry. That wasn't Spanish. Okay. All right. Thank you. So I guess that leaves it up to me. I think I can – because we do have J.R. and Brian's picture for this event. Oh, did you send me something to post for that?
Starting point is 00:38:17 I sent you the files, yeah. Where did you send it? I think Savant. I'll check. No, I don't. Did you send me a text? I can. Okay, that'd be awesome.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Okay, and that is a serious pick from Siobhan. That is my serious pick. I think she needs to win one, and I think she – I think Danielle needs to win one, and I think she thinks she can win this one, and I think she's going to come out full blast. I also think she's hot. That was serious too. I think so.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Wait, who's hot? Who? Boston or Brandon? They're all hot. I think they're all hot. It's just I just think Danielle Brandon can handle it being called hot, and some people don't like to be called hot. So I just think they're all hot.
Starting point is 00:39:03 If I offended anyone,'m not sorry uh crossfit games i'm gonna go to the leaderboard now that i apologize uh for caleb not pulling his uh duties his check this week bounced so he's a little pissed it happens uh semi-finals north america search by athlete women men and here we go. I will bring up the list. Oh, our correspondent from Poland, Adrian, with an improvised crowd interview with Christian Harris.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Nice, dude. Yeah, there you go. A little home cooking. Adrian Conway with Christian Harris. Nice, dude. Yeah, there you go. A little home cooking. Adrian Conway interviewing Christian Harris. Okay. Dallin Pepper. James Sprague. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Spencer Panchik. Jeffrey Adler. Mr. Luke Parker. Jason Hopper. Saxon Alex Vigneault Marquand Jones He's too old, right? He's gassed out in the last... Marquand's not
Starting point is 00:40:20 that old, is he? No. I feel like he's been around forever. He's been competing forever, it feels like. Okay. Jake Berman. Peter Mason. That's Tyler's guy. That is? I swear to God, if he lets me down, I'm going to drive down to Atlanta and kill him.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Noah Olsen. Sevan Ramajatan. Who the fuck is this? All right. Ben Davidson. Nate Ackerman, Roman Krennikoff. You know who I think has something to prove here? I think two people have something to prove here. Same.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Luke and James. Luke Parker and James Sprague. Do or die. Do or die for these guys. Who do you like better in this event? Luke or James? I think it's too long for Luke. But I don't really know what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:41:07 But I'd like to see, man, if James could be one and Luke could be two or vice versa, it would start the week off crazy. Crazy. Mark Juan's 33, by the way. Mr. Townsend, good morning. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Okay. Picks. Mr. Spinsend, good morning. Good morning. Okay. Picks. Mr. Spin for the boys. I can't take anybody but Roman on this one, but I'll take second. I think I'll say Adler. I'll let Tyler pick his Jason, but I think Adler, this is his year.
Starting point is 00:41:43 If he wants to show it, that he's there and can win this thing. Too little? Is he too little? No. Not too short? He'll be just fine in this one. Okay, Roman and Adler from Mr. Spin.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Mr. Watkins? I think it goes Jason and then Roman. I don't know. I didn't see Jason. Did I say his name? I think you did, but he's there. He might be on the second page.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Okay. Yeah. I don't know. I was telling myself a story about this this morning. Like Jason, to me, has something to prove at this point in the season because he came out in Knoxville his first year and he swept the whole thing. And then it's been like he took a big step back since then. And so to me, like he's done better and better at the games.
Starting point is 00:42:35 And I guess that's the one you want to do the best at. But to me, I want to prove myself again at this. And then also, again, this is just me. I would be if I were him, I'd be making an enemy out of roman like not that he hates roman or anything but like i'd be building that that story up in my head i need to beat roman that's who everybody's got their eyes on him in this field and that's who i need to go throw down with and i'm tired of people saying i'm second best at machines because that's what everyone says about Jason. Oh my God, Jason is the second best guy at machines.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Yeah. If he wins this, can he take that title? Will people start saying, no, actually Jason's better at machines? Yeah. I don't know if they'll say he's better, but now he's in the conversation of like, well, let Jason beat him at this event. And I think it'll be hard.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Roman would be hard-pressed to win if Jason beats him in this workout. Any collateral effect on Jason Hopper with the drama coming out of the HWPO camp with Mal O'Brien pulling out? Any effect on him? He's an athlete. He's a football athlete. Nonetheless, you, you, you have the ability to throw stuff away on game day. No, he had no, no shit's given just put his head down and yeah. Behind you.
Starting point is 00:43:58 I don't think it was as much of a shock to the, that camp as it was. The rest of us may have had more days than time to process that. Jen Schneider just wanted to say we love you, Savon. Well, thank you. Thank you. She could be Armenian. Look at her. Not with that name. She must have married a whitey.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Nope. Trina, nope. Nope. She agrees with you. Very good point, though, right? I'm acting like it was a shock to them, but they're obviously all close. They know what's going on, and they stay up to speed on that. So probably no effect for Amanda Barnhart or Katchen or any of them, right?
Starting point is 00:44:39 No. It's game day. Move forward. Dark horses in either the men or the women. Anyone, do you guys laugh, poo-poo, my James Sprague and Luke Parker? These are big boys, right? This is big boy time? No, Sprague could do really well in this event. I want to know how he's going to do on the pool.
Starting point is 00:45:01 He's lighter than some of the other athletes. I think he's like lankier uh an offensive term but you know what i'm saying um but i think he can handle himself and if he does he'll do really well at this event six four 210 pounds and only 21 six four that's crazy James can barely order a beer. I mean, I'm looking at maybe Jack Farlow is having some, you know, enter the mix in that. It depends on how well he's able to pull that and run. Corn YA, I think, is also one to kind of keep an eye on. Is it weird that we're not talking about the great Saxon Panchick that we
Starting point is 00:45:45 haven't this coming from just outstanding pedigree. Go ahead, Brad. I think he'll be fine, but I don't think he's going to be top five. Right. I mean, with 12 coming out of North America East,
Starting point is 00:46:02 you don't have to be top five every time like you used to. Finishing 10th in this one sets them up fine the rest of the weekend. Absolutely. I just typed in CrossFit Games podcast. It's too... I found it. Look it.
Starting point is 00:46:22 I can't even believe it. Oh, no. Be cool, Savvy. Be cool. There they are. Look at it. I can't even believe it. Oh, no. Be cool, Seve. Be cool. There they are. Look at that. I love this. It reminds me of the old days.
Starting point is 00:46:34 And I love that. And to me, that shows me everybody. The old days was back on Twitter. Right. Twitter updates. That's the real old days. It looks like they're just staying live. And it looks like they're just staying live and they're going to go straight over into event one,
Starting point is 00:47:01 which is seven minutes away, right? It's 6.55 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Greg Glassman, that stream is great. Yeah, the picture looks crazy good. The picture looks crazy good. Good on them. All right. No, only seven seconds, James.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Only seven seconds. Oh, look at this. James needs a solid performance to lock up at the demo team. That hurts. Yikes. Ay, ay, team. That hurts. Yikes. Aye, aye, aye.
Starting point is 00:47:28 All right. The dude in the CK echo bike has spoken to dude in the Calvin Klein shirt. Definitely vapes. Which, which one of us is on the left in the screen? Oh, Oh, Oh my oh.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Oh, my God. I was like looking at Brian's pen or you. I was like, yeah, I was like, what? Okay. What happens? So now we know where we can watch it. This is fantastic with Chase and Adrian. We'll all be over there doing that. And then what happens afterwards?
Starting point is 00:48:06 Do we come back on here? Or do we – what happens? Do we have a – What's the break between this and the Venti? I guess it's my show, and I should know the schedule, but I don't. Yeah. I'm trying to see if there's a – Oh, but I saw your –
Starting point is 00:48:21 Oh, real quick. Sorry, before we get to that, we have a couple minutes. And we have test one picks from J.R. Howell. I can't share these. Jason Hopper and Emma Carey. Is that correct? I can't. There you go.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Oh, and I can just pull this up? I think so. Oh, okay. Here we go. Oh, and I can just pull this up? I think so. Oh, okay. Here we go. J.R. Howell, athlete watcher. Jason Hopper. Jason is known for his prowess on the machines. He also is extremely good with odd objects.
Starting point is 00:48:55 And the female, I expect Emma to showcase her ability to grind and put out on the machines. Emma O'Kerry was not one we talked about. To me, it's an interesting pick i mean i am not gonna you know contradict jr it just doesn't seem like she would do well at this to me but i also don't know that much about her so yeah and can you click the next slide it looks like you can just push a button on your screen and it will go over to the – Oh, there we go. Okay, Brian picks Roman Krennikoff with a second and sixth in the capital test of the 2022 games. Brian says, respectfully, both athletes have shown they can go long
Starting point is 00:49:34 when running with work on either side. I think he means Jason and Roman. And then he picks Daniel Brandon. Wow. Okay. She got sixth on the capital, The second and sixth, respectively. And then who's that third? That's just JR again?
Starting point is 00:49:50 That's just a different one. Okay. All right. Good stuff. So I guess I should go over here to this semifinals thread. It looks like we... I've got to find the schedule here does anyone know maybe someone even in the comments can see our schedule better than we can on our youtube page the the men's heat ends at 12 or 122. So then there's a break.
Starting point is 00:50:26 I don't know. I see. I just found it. So, okay. So it's a 6 AM Pacific standard time. That's this show. Now we'll be off the air in four minutes to watch event one.
Starting point is 00:50:35 They'll start with the women over there in Orlando for the North America East semifinal. And then, and then I guess we'll see the men go. So we won't be back until 11 30 a.m uh pacific standard time which is basically uh plus three yeah three and a half hours okay yeah uh there is a interesting link here uh that someone sent us oh shit okay shit. Okay. What's going on here? Let's finish with this really quick. I hope he's okay.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Mike. Looks like... This photo sums up how day one went. Absolutely brutal, but hey, that was fun. Now let's see what day two will bring. Oh, Pool Boy got fucked up, huh? Does anyone know what happened? I don't.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Alrighty. And that's a mouthpiece behind his ear like that? Does anyone know what happened? I don't. Mm-mm. All righty. And that's a mouthpiece behind his ear like that? Yeah, I think so. But basically, he went so hard that something shut down. He must be fine. Their team, CrossFit 1977, finished 11th this morning. Okay, out of 30? 40.
Starting point is 00:51:46 40, okay. There will be 60 athletes at these events. So this is going to be something else. Dave, love these posters. JR and Brian look like they're dropping a rap album. Those are all Tyler Watkins graphics, I think, right? You made those? Yep.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Yeah, that's some good shit um any uh what about uh i thought someone chose berman for this workout did jr originally choose berman no okay no that's for well that's for a different event don't spoil it okay good uh i apologize for that uh guys. Oh, here we go. One more little update. None of the women in the first heat of Africa made it to the burpee box jump overs. Okay, so that must be for another workout. Yeah, that's the second. Oh, that must be in Africa right now. The second test workout event.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Yeah. Alrighty. Thank you, guys. You guys know a lot. You guys know a lot. That was awesome. I will see you guys. You guys know a lot. You guys know a lot. That was awesome. I will see you guys. I guess we'll go over to the CrossFit podcast now. And let me refresh
Starting point is 00:52:53 and see what we got. Oh, they're talking about the sled. Oh my goodness. Look at this. Oh, I got to show you guys this. This is actually really cool what they're doing. So they got all the cameras live. They are doing it just like what they're doing so they got all the cameras live they are doing it just like the zealous games where they got keep all the cameras live a great name a magic carpet sled uh they keep the audio on chase and adrian then you got the
Starting point is 00:53:14 corrals and the field so they got all the angles right in that third pull which line all right i'm gonna head over there people might like this more than the regular uh All right. I'm going to head over there. I think people might like this more than the regular broadcast. Stream? I know. I think so too. I feel that.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Yeah. That was my thought. As soon as I saw it, I was like, this feels like the old regionals days, and it's kind of cool because you kind of have to work to find it. I like this. Yeah. I mean, just as a quick look here, there's not one negative comment. It just sucks.
Starting point is 00:53:46 And that's kind of rare for the games page. Once you start to do things, like act like you're doing things super professionally, the moment that you screw up, people are on you because you're like, oh, you wanted to act professional. We're going to hold you to that standard. But if you do something like we did for the Zelos games, it's like everybody's super easy on you. Seema Beaver, it's like they're using StreamYard
Starting point is 00:54:08 or something alright guys thank you we will see all of you thank you for all your support and we will see you guys in like three and a half hours so enjoy today's events and we'll see you guys
Starting point is 00:54:24 soon Mr. Spin thank you Tyler thank you see you guys soon see you

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