The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Semifinals EAST | Day 1 Recap

Episode Date: May 19, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them.
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Starting point is 00:01:01 I called Adler on this one. Bam, we're live. I mean, we were talking about the guys. Luke Parker did great. Will Morad, Adler. Hey, here's the question. Was this a big guy's event?
Starting point is 00:01:18 And was this a big girl's event? I don't even know what that means by big girl. We're talking 5'7", 170? 175 for a girl? But this wasn't a big guys event, right? No. No.
Starting point is 00:01:32 And that was kind of – as we tuned out last time in the last show a couple hours ago, that was kind of one of the topics we were throwing around, right? And I thought people were saying, hey, this isn't a small guys event. This is actually a larger guys's event but it wasn't you had to have a certain level of strength but once you had that the smaller you were the better so someone like colton's gonna demolish this yes i think so yeah what about the box height will? Will that mess with them? Yeah, yes, but not as much as an ad manager as the rest of the stuff is for them. So, oh, shit. I was going to say, who can bring up the leaderboard? That's me.
Starting point is 00:02:16 That's my job. Leaderboard, there's no change. The girls are updated. Okay. Let's start there. Well, let's start with a little bit of a gossip first. We are hearing rumblings of some new information regarding the sleds. Mr. Spinn, did you have some intel or some reports on that?
Starting point is 00:02:40 Yeah, it started out with an athlete in Africa, Keelan Henry, making a comment on social media that he had some difficulties. So I followed up with him, and he said that the sled was tearing up his lane and just was really difficult for him to pull it, probably compared to other athletes. What does that mean, tearing up his lane? Like, is it actually damaging the turf? Like, there was something on? Is it actually damaging the turf? That's what it sounded like. I know there was tape coming up during the event. If the flooring wasn't even, it could have caught.
Starting point is 00:03:19 I didn't get a whole lot of details on it, but he was definitely saying that his lane was messed up. Just a quick pause here. For those of you who don't know, this sled at these events that we're talking about was event number one um it was covered uh with um some podcast uh software and some iphone cameras they did a pretty darn good job with it and it was the sleds were actually pieces of cloth or leather or canvas we're not sure exactly what they're made of but it would they're just big enough to put a 45 pound plate on. And then they have a steel ring on it. And from there you attach a rope and you can pull it. That's why I'm tripping when you said the sled was tearing up the ground. Cause it was just a piece of cloth really, right. Some sort of fabric. Yeah. And I mean, he could mean that it was getting folded under like
Starting point is 00:03:58 the other athletes, uh, that happened in the, uh, the East region, which was where I started going next. Um um started asking around if there if there people had noticed that there were differences in the in the lane or having issues and um sure enough made a post on instagram so you see saxon panchick his his sled um came off or his weights came off of this the the so basically he's just dragging these rubber plates on the rubber flooring. And you can tell it was definitely difficult for him. Is that on Saxon's Instagram? I made a post on it.
Starting point is 00:04:35 You can see it there. Oh, okay, great. Let me go over here real quick. It is the upper right one, third one. I'm going to the barbell spin. For those of you who don't follow, that is Brian's Instagram account. It is the primary Instagram account for anyone who wants to follow the games and all things CrossFit with the most up-to-date stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Okay, here we are here. This one in the right-hand corner. Okay, here we go. Sports on event two with the sled drag um some athletes have reached out saying that the uh the flooring surface and the sled itself um were not fair between the lanes um if you see this behind me saxon pancheck his sled the it came out from underneath the weight so he was basically pulling the weights directly on the rubber flooring which appears to have made it a lot
Starting point is 00:05:30 more difficult which may explain why he took 30 seconds in the workout so take a look behind me and see what you think okay uh i'll pause it right. I don't see the sled at all. It goes to a... Yeah, it's... Okay, wow. Yeah. And that's not supposed to be like that? No, no.
Starting point is 00:05:57 The sled is just big enough for the weights to sit on. Yeah, crazy. Do you know what the name of that um sled is i want to pull up um it's like rogue magic carpet or something like that rogue it's made by spud let's see oh can you explain why spencer did bad in the event too yeah yeah brian i don't i don't mean to put a damper on this but it's hard for me to buy into this when both of them struggled hard and they're the same dna i hear you um but after i made that post i had no less than three or four coaches comment on it. You see a bunch of the comments on that post of that exact same thing, having issues, um, outside of this event. And what's really crazy
Starting point is 00:06:55 is I was told that, uh, lane 13 was the easiest of all. So I, I went back and i looked in lane 13 the six people that did it um daniel brandon first amanda fisher second caitlin sanders sixth on the men's side austin hatfield was seventh jack farlow was 13th and then johnny charles was 43rd so five of the six finished in the top 13. So did you take, can you take what Lane Hopper was in and do the same thing? And I just want to see if it's like any worse or better. Here's a question for you. Has anyone actually looked at that lane?
Starting point is 00:07:40 Why would one lane be smoother? Do we have any speculation on that i i don't know but i think even somebody made a comment that uh even the announcers at some point said that it looks like that sled is flying in lane 13. so um you see right there i mean it's not surprising that daniel did, but Caitlin and Amanda, I mean, that's kind of interesting. How big are those gross? Amanda was pretty big. So that, again, it wasn't a big surprise, but Caitlin is not the biggest athlete.
Starting point is 00:08:19 So you have one person that it kind of feels weird. Like, I'm just saying, like, well, there's a couple of factors. It's compounding factors, right, John? I mean, I'm glad you'm just saying like well there's a couple factors it's compounding factors right john i mean i i'm glad you're questioning it but it's compounding factors right it's not just one thing it's that lane it's the carpet coming out from underneath the the weights and they said sprague's lane was all torn up too and he did fine he was second and they said like the common like chase said his lane is getting shredded by his sled while they were doing it and and james did fine and he freaking flipped it oh god i'd love to know what they mean by um uh getting shredded uh here's some also some information um uh
Starting point is 00:09:03 holding his cock says i pleasured myself on lane 13 earlier i i don't know if that is uh a factor um but okay okay uh so uh any way to protest that is keelan henry protesting that in any way so i don't know if keelan is uh saxon is appealing it okay I've heard at least one other also appealing because there were differences in if the carpet did come out from underneath the weights. What I'm hearing is that some judges were not allowing you to go fix that while some others were. Oh, actually run out there
Starting point is 00:09:38 and get your weights back up onto your carpet. Okay. See, I think that's where the the controversy should be i think everybody deals with different things like james's sled flipped and he had to go fix it and i don't i don't buy into saxon's lane was all jacked up and that's why he did bad because smitzer did worse than him well saxon was in lane five saxon was in lane five and you were talking about lane 13 right yeah i mean i think i think saxon's is that the sled came out from underneath the weights. But it's just an interesting fact that lane 13 appears to be one of the faster ones.
Starting point is 00:10:15 It could just be that they were pretty good, but I've never heard of Austin Hatfield before. And, I mean, I've never heard of Amanda Fisher. He's an amazing sled puller. Hey, you know what is crazy? They claim that this sled can hold 600 pounds, but this is 545s sitting on top of a piece of material that then you're dragging almost 100 feet three times, 300 feet. It sounds... So it'd be like 1245s? almost a hundred feet, um, three times, 300 feet. I, I, it sounds,
Starting point is 00:10:46 so it'd be like 1245. I mean, I mean, I mean, it just seems to a lot to ask of that piece of paper, that piece of material to, to handle. No,
Starting point is 00:10:58 I agree. I agree. I don't know if I buy that. And for something not to fall off, but okay. Uh, good. I'm glad it's good it's
Starting point is 00:11:05 fun shit it's all it's all good stuff um so going back to whether this is a big guy's event how how did uh uh going back we're so we're back to event two this was the um muscle-up complex was it what was the next uh muscle-up complex. Pistols. And then the burpees. And we don't have a leaderboard for that. You're saying. The men are not up yet? The men's are not.
Starting point is 00:11:34 They might be now. They are. I see it. And men are up too. Workout too. Who can do that? You did that, Mr. Spin? Nope. Not me. Oh, shit. Suze is back there damn suze i didn't see you nice thanks brother okay uh jeffrey adler first place jason hopper with uh can you um organize them by uh event too so hopper did what he had to do right there
Starting point is 00:12:00 uh we'll get him one second jeffrey adler first no olson second uh will more add third dallin pepper fourth uh all these were all people that we talked about who we thought we would do good luke parker so we had those top five pretty much pinned down uh no one mentioned uh boulanger boulanger uh but samuel cornway uh we talked about taking seventh. Dennis Samsonoff, we mentioned taking eighth. No one mentioned Connor Duddy. And then we get down to Spencer Pancheck. Oh, I thought it said Hopper took 11th. What place did Hopper take?
Starting point is 00:12:39 He tied for 11th? Yes. Yeah. So Hopper kind of did what he had to do. Would you say that this was a workout where he had to just basically mitigate damage yep him and Roman both I think did just fine but he did better than Roman
Starting point is 00:12:55 but yeah is it weird that we didn't hear I don't remember hearing Jason's name or Roman's name once during the broadcast. Well, I mean, if you're in 11th place, they're not going to mention you. Well, I mean, those guys are still two likely guys that are going to win the entire event. Yeah, but in the last heat of 10 guys, they were near the back of that. So they're focusing on Adler.
Starting point is 00:13:24 When Adler's winning the event of that. So they're focusing on, yeah, on Adler and when Adler's winning the event. Yeah. It just seems like there would be some sort of narrative that you would want to keep some continuity. So to keep the guys who are going to be relevant in day three, at least mention their names every heat once, at least say, Hey,
Starting point is 00:13:39 you know, they're not doing well in this heat, or even though they're not doing well in this heat and you're not, you don't see them, you should know that they're still doing well enough to stay in the fight. I don't know. That's the biggest criticism we've seen in the draft.
Starting point is 00:13:52 On event two they didn't mention Daniel Brandon at all either. Basically if they suspect you're going to be going to the CrossFit games and you're on the floor at least maybe try to mention the guy's name. Who completely choked?
Starting point is 00:14:07 Anyone choke? And how did James Sprague do? He did what is expected of James Sprague. Oh, you passed him. You did good. Okay. Go up a little bit more. Right there.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Okay, 17th. Nate Ackerman. And then you got Saxon Panchix. Saxon did not do what he was supposed to do. No. No, I was surprised by that. No, this is an event he needed to crush. Him and Spencer both are hurting right now.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Both of them. And this is Roman. I know he's new to the... Well, is this Roman's worst semifinals or regional finish ever? There might be a max snatch where he's done worse, but I think he was in the Asia qualifier for that, so he wouldn't have done worse than that. So yeah, I think so. Yeah. And so there's a psychological piece there for him that for the first time him doing so poorly in the pack. This is a piece of humble pie for him
Starting point is 00:15:05 um i think i think he'll be fine it's just feels comfortable go ahead no i think he'll be fine i mean it is weird for him to be an 11th um i'm sure he can shake off one but sitting there one one out of the cut line is not going to be a great way to sleep tonight uh sierra on uh wall i see it on wall is that a joke name i had to double check we did six heats for the women because i didn't see daniel brandon and she was right next to lawson would not have been difficult to comment on it surely uh tyler christophal uh always a mayhem hopeful very close to making it to the games last year already. Dreams just kind of, he's circling the bowl early after day one.
Starting point is 00:15:51 You think that, but then you look at the points for the 12th place. His best advances are still to come. You have 120 points in 12, and Tyler's sitting down there in 31st with 65. One great workout, and he jumps up a lot. Okay. So you're, how do you know you're saying Tyler's in 31st place with 65 points, but, but if he had only 65 points ahead of him and he's in the game.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Yeah. 50, 55 points and he's in 12th. Okay, which is good enough to go. Which he could do in one event. All right. Yeah. Keep going. And Jake Berman's in the same spot. Berman's, Austin.
Starting point is 00:16:42 No other big names down there. No one I see. Keep going. Let me see. Alex Caron was, didn't he had something going on there? Um, he was, he was not really even attempting the muscle ups.
Starting point is 00:16:54 So I don't know if he's hurt, but his weekend's pretty much over. Uh, Marquand Jones. So two people are kind of out. We suspect two people are out. Um, Marquand Jones and Griffin Raleigh.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Griffin Raleigh was laying down on lane 10 with some staff looking at his knee, right? He was holding his knee. I missed that. Yeah. Did you see anything about that, John? No, I didn't. I feel terrible for him, though, because he's got some home runs and he's not going to be able to do them.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Tyler needs to lay off the bacon. Okay. I think what he's saying is he's sticking the core. Tyler is looking fluffy. Jeez, guys. Heidi Kroom, someone speaks at 1.5 times the pace of Brian Spinn. Eden Beaver, someone should get Greg and Dave and Rich to comment on the athlete's performance. I'd donate $500 if he made that happen.
Starting point is 00:17:53 I don't think Greg and Dave would say a word about it. They would just sit there. Savant is on meth and Spinn is smoking weed. I can't speak. Um, seven is on meth and spin is smoking weed. Um, I can't speak. I can't speak on, uh, what Brian does or does not do,
Starting point is 00:18:12 but the portion about me is, uh, not true. Okay. Uh, and then the burby dude fucking Raleigh. I had him on the board for event three. Well,
Starting point is 00:18:22 you're fucked. Yeah. Event three and event four. He had two right in a row and now he's i guess out hey uh normal stuff here guys uh professional athletes going full speed um injuries happen nothing nothing to blame the event for nothing to be like oh that was negligent the way they programmed those pistols mixed with the rock mixed with the jumping down from the rings mixed with the buruck, mixed with the jumping down from the rings, mixed with the burpees.
Starting point is 00:18:46 There's nothing where you blame the event? You ask Rich, he would say doing a muscle-up with the ruck was not the smartest programming. For shoulders? That's more for your shoulders. And it can hit you in the back of the head on the snap through. But, I mean, nobody's got a concussion and nobody's shoulder's out of place. So as far as what happened to Griffin, I don't think that's the event's fault.
Starting point is 00:19:14 I think it was just bad luck. Mr. Souza, could you bring back up the leaderboard and put them in order of current standing? If the event were over today, let's say they had the United States government made them stop the event because the 49ers won the Super Bowl. These are the guys that would go just like that with the six and a first jeffrey adler jason hopper was the first and 11th down pepper with the ninth and a fourth will morad alex vignone noah olsen samuel cornway james sprague benoit boulanger something uh luke parker roman krennikoff and norman and uh and we have um a norman woodring thank you and we have a the athletes will take the floor four more times with five more events, correct? Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Awesome. Shall we move on over to the ladies? Lots of talk about Brookwell's ankle hurting. We didn't see any tape on it. We did hear that the medical staff did some work on it. But I didn't actually see her limp or anything. Did anyone? No.
Starting point is 00:20:33 I did see in the chat. I mean, her ankle hurting doesn't affect her ability. Go ahead. No, no, you go ahead. Go ahead, John. It doesn't affect her ability to do ring muscle ups. So I don't know why that's the reason why she can't do that complex. You can come down and land on one leg.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Right. I can't remember which heat it was, but I think she was last off the rings a handful of times, and Sydney did not look good on the rings either. Can we organize this by finishes for workout too? So Sydney was credited with zero reps. So does that mean she just never got to the burpees, Brian? That's correct, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Wow. And Sydney, I remember after Guadalupalooza, she struggled in the first event and had all the muscle-ups, especially with those long straps. And there was talk that they were still proud of her for where she had gotten because last year at the Granite Games, she really struggled on the muscle-ups, only got a handful. So couldn't string together multiple ones.
Starting point is 00:21:37 So this one was definitely not going to be good for her. To me, that tells me more about Brooke than Sydney. You can say your ankle hurts all you want, but again, it's another twin that did really, really bad and you also do bad. It's not something else's
Starting point is 00:21:59 fault. You know what I mean? Have you guys ever seen the movie Goonies? Yeah. You have seen it? Yeah. Have you ever seen, have you,
Starting point is 00:22:10 uh, let me see if, uh, I want, I want to show you, uh, something here real quick. Do you,
Starting point is 00:22:16 do you recall, this character right here? Do you see this character uh rich holton john lot young looks like the guy from goonies now now i i i i i didn't go out on a limb and i think he means that guy but you don't really look like that guy i appreciate that seven thank you but if you were hit by a trolley car or something directly if you took a shot a shovel to the face yeah uh yeah uh but um yeah i went from roman kronikoff's child to uh the gaffer Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Okay. What were we talking about? Uh, semifinals in the Northeast. We're talking about the semifinals in the Northeast. Um, these are organized by, uh,
Starting point is 00:23:18 how they did an event to, uh, no surprise. It's like, we forgot how good Emma Lawson was like after this, I was like, Whoa, what was I thinking
Starting point is 00:23:25 what was I mean I called her to win this thinking I already want to make a winner of the games uh Emma Lawson uh in the second workout and the first second workout took first then Emma Carey then Alexis Raptus uh who is this Carolyn Stanley all these other cats we talked about who is that she finished just outside I think Granite Games last year. Just failed to make it. I think it was ninth last year at Granite Games, twelfth the year before. So she's been in the mix. Not sure exactly what's her holdup from qualifying,
Starting point is 00:24:01 but she's been there close before. And we were questioning whether Fisa Goffey, if the ruck would be too much for her frame, and she seemed to handle it just fine with a sixth. Remember, people, there's 60 people. Sixties. I mean, six is, in a normal semifinal, that would basically be third.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Keep her going, Mr. Souza. Paige Powers did what she needed to do i think with a ninth doing better than her previous event of 20th annika greer did what she needed to do same with amanda barnhart uh shelby neal uh went from 27th to now 13th ron scott went from 50th to 14th uh daniel brand Brandon, any concerns with the 16th there? Gentlemen? I was surprised. Obviously, I picked her to do well.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Obviously, we didn't – she wasn't on the stream to actually know what was going on, but it's not terrible. I think everybody, for the most part, is going to have some type of finish like that. But still sitting fourth I don't know if it was discussion in the chat or if it was from Sean Woodland but someone was saying she was fighting with her judge
Starting point is 00:25:15 did you guys hear anything about that she usually dies from time to time so what's interesting is earlier I think it was Chase or Adrian were saying she's scrappy Which can be helpful if she keeps it Under control and keeps it pointed at the workouts But it could also hurt her
Starting point is 00:25:34 If she points it at the judges Jason Hopper looks like The Goonies guy Okay fine sorry John we're gonna have to Take that from you Are you okay with that? He's taller, so that makes more sense. Yeah, I'm all right. David, thank you for the money, and thank you for the restructuring of our reality. Rich Holton, Daniel Brennan always, always fights with their judge. My wife doesn't let me use that word always.
Starting point is 00:26:01 I mean, one no rep on that complex adds a lot of time so explain explain when you those those i've reps of the complex took 35 40 seconds um so if you have to come down and do another one and it's starting to get in your head. I mean, I could see why she would be fighting if she felt like she was doing, you know, doing the right, the right standards. If I, if I did,
Starting point is 00:26:32 so I jump up on the, I jump up on the rings and I do a toes to bar and then I come down. What's, and then I jump up again. Do I have to start at toes to bar again? No, you can jump into a ring muscle up and then your ring okay okay is that good or is that i don't think yeah i think that's bad if you want to call it a complex i
Starting point is 00:26:52 think you have to do the whole complex you can't if we're going to do a bare complex and we stop between jerks and then put it on the floor and then do another clean and another front squat another jerk like it doesn't that's not what a complex is. I don't think you can put a complex and call it that. What about the fact that we've been putting such a, um, we've been pointing out, uh, how Adrian has put such a premium on execution this year. And then, then to kind of goes the opposite way by letting, um,
Starting point is 00:27:21 the athletes break up the complex, right? Yeah. I mean, it's, I mean, I mean, it's like equating a barbell complex that the barbell can't hit the ground on a hang clean or something like that, and you decide to drop it and start all over and still get credit for the first clean off the floor. So I see what he was trying to do with this. And it,
Starting point is 00:27:45 it is odd that it wasn't at least all three movements had to be done before you came down. I wonder why they don't just adjust the name to fit it accordingly. The same with the hand over a hand pool. I don't know. Cause it didn't have to be. Like you said, um,
Starting point is 00:28:09 I think you could just, as long as you stay in the same spot, you could pull it however you wanted to pull it. Yeah, you mean the rope? Yeah. You're talking about the sleds? Yeah, absolutely. The guys were just standing there with their feet side by side, and they were just doing one big pull. One big pull. I didn't see a single person do hand over hand. I'm not saying it didn't happen,
Starting point is 00:28:30 but they got to get the names to match the movements. No, Boz is not woke. I can confirm that, but I appreciate the attempt. It's fun calling people woke. Okay, back to that leaderboard. Thank you. Anyone that's just completely out of it that was a contender? Oh, yeah, let's keep going down.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Let's see what happened to the Wells sisters. Unfortunate incident with the Wells sisters. Let's keep rolling. Tori Dyson down there. Jessica Androzik. Someone was saying Jessica androzik is uh colton mertens as a female uh brooke wells uh 17th and a 34th uh sitting in is that is that 23rd overall is that what that means yeah uh how is that she's still good she's fine right Yeah she's Yeah I mean she's gonna have to execute But she should still make it yeah
Starting point is 00:29:28 Yeah she's she's 32 Points out of qualifying right now so We talked about Saxon she's still In it too okay Let's keep and Amanda Fisher was In the top five in the She took second in the last event and now
Starting point is 00:29:44 38 so we were wondering how she was going to do. Keep going. Let's see if we can see where Sydney ended up. Stephanie Chung. You can go to the very second page. Oh, no shit. It's all the way at the bottom. She got zero reps.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Wow, okay. So she has a ninth and a 58th for a total of 31st place so so she's still in it too right yeah yeah which is crazy okay well it's good we got an exciting uh a few days um still left no i think that's what that's what makes this exciting with the 11 and 12 spots is there's going to be a lot of people bunched up come Sunday and having an opportunity to have a great workout and jump up the leaderboard five, six spots into a less qualifying spot. Hey, can you go back to the – If it was just top five spots, Brooke probably would be out of it by now right can you go back over to the men i want to see if we go down to the bottom of the men if we can see what happened to griffin raleigh and uh alexander carone go all the way maybe maybe down to the bottom of page two is where i'm
Starting point is 00:31:00 guessing where they're hanging because they must have gotten zeros too right because they were both injured. Okay, there's a... Oh, sorry. You're going to have to organize. You're on total points. Go to... And then scroll all the way.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Thanks, Sousa. Curious if we can see. So, Caron, zero. Go back the other way. Go to the bottom. Caron, zero. Let's see. Oh, where's Griffin Raleigh?
Starting point is 00:31:35 Griffin took 39th. He got 22 reps before. Okay. And I don't see. If someone wasn't competing anymore, would there be some sort of something by their name or something to denote that? Yeah, it would be like the did not start or withdrew. What about the game site? Are they updating stuff or making announcements on there?
Starting point is 00:31:58 Would they announce on the game site Griffin Raleigh is pulled out? I've not seen anything announced like that anywhere they're not dude but do they do media like that do they even do any media like that no very very rarely i wonder and you're the one who said that you saw him grab his knee right seven i didn't uh see him grab his knee i saw him sitting on the ground in lane 10 with one of the people speaking to him and then i heard the commentator say oh there's Griffin Raleigh grabbing his knee but I heard them say he might be okay
Starting point is 00:32:29 you know the event was still going on I hope he's okay I'm looking I went over to the morning chalk up to their CrossFit Games page how up to their CrossFit Games page. The last thing there is from April.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Who's covering the games this year? Does anyone cover the semifinal? Perennial contender Jason Smith takes one of Rebel Renegades games. Is that their semifinal? Yeah, that's the official name of it. Daniel Brandon makes a statement, wins event one.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Okay. Pickens. We've got slim pickens these days. Is anyone doing – You remember those videos that Lauren Khalil was doing, those little tiny videos she was doing over at rogue and she was doing water blues is anyone doing anything like that at this event i'd do it if i was there but i'm stuck in nashville ryan doing anything like that
Starting point is 00:33:35 i think he's a runner there he's basically running back he gets information from the field and runs it to the uh to chase and sean. I saw Lauren do a few for talking elite fitness. But again, when you're working media at the CrossFit events, they're so corralled and protected compared to Rogue or Wadapalooza. It's tough to get. The athletes. Yeah. We need some more energy.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Stevan hasn't been worked up today. I'm worked up. It's day one. Saving a little in the tank. Okay. Crowd left after the teams. It looked pretty empty at the venue compared to earlier in the day. We see that Sprague and Hopper did what they needed to do of the big guys. So did Krennikoff.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Tyler Christofal did not do so well. Adler in his post-interview after taking first place said he was going to go get it. needed to do of the big guys so did krennikoff tyler christopher did not do so well uh adler in his post interview after taking first place said he was gonna go get a jacuzzi um i like the way he said that uh that brought some uh comic relief and uh has anyone here either of you guys tried any of the jaco stuff and anyone drink any jaco stuff i have. Has anyone ever even seen the Jocko stuff for sale? Like when you go to a Whole Foods or Safeway or 7-Eleven. Anyone ever even seen the Jocko
Starting point is 00:34:52 stuff? No. No one's even had the opportunity to have the Jocko stuff. Alright. Lauren is overrated. Sorry, Savan. I know you love her. Who's Lauren? Khalil. Oh.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Wow. Easy, easy, guys. Easy, easy. Riley asks, why is Sevan so butthurt over Jocko? I am not butthurt over Jocko. Why are you so butthurt over me supposedly being butthurt over Jocko?
Starting point is 00:35:28 Jocko Fuel has 95 milligrams of caffeine, waste of $3. I don't know what that means, but okay. Let's pull up workout number three, which starts very early tomorrow morning. Very early. I think I have to get up at 4. Will Chase be flip phone recording this one as well from Ryan? No. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:35:49 You're right. Caller, hi. Hey, this is Sean Woodland covering the 2023 Noble CrossFit East Regionals. Michael Scott runs for the cure. Welcome to – oh, it's Siobhan. I'm sorry. How are you today? I'm great. I'm great.
Starting point is 00:36:03 People were just shitting on me in the comments that I didn't have the energy, and this is why, because there's such amazing commentators like you that have so much fucking energy that you make the rest of us look like douche nozzles. Well, you know, I've realized what you can't do today, and I suppose you can't make anybody that works at CrossFit say your name live on a stream. There's one moment they mentioned, thanks to all the YouTube commentators. I think they meant,
Starting point is 00:36:29 perhaps Yvonne is the Voldemort of CrossFit at this point. What do you think about that? Hey, you know what? I'm kind of flattered by the fact that they can't say my name. I'm flattered. It's like, What was that movie You said if you say it three times
Starting point is 00:36:48 You die or something Candyman, Candyman, Candyman Like they know They know, they don't want to You're not supposed to take the Lord's name in vain John didn't like that John didn't like that Hey, real quick question.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Where do you keep finding these autistic kids named Brian who know every CrossFit stat? There is a stack of them. There's a stack of them. I appreciate you noticing that. And their names aren't Brian. We just keep it simple like that, you know, just to discriminate and, uh, discriminate and, uh, prejudate and, uh, keep them in their, uh, their, their, their pigeonhole. Do you like this one? This is kind of a less hairy one. This is a less hairy version,
Starting point is 00:37:32 a smoother version. Well, he said the last one turned into a runner. I mean, I had a kid like that in my class. He's quite a runner. Uh, Sean, who do you prefer working with more? Um, uh, uh, Tommy El Guapo or, uh Captain America, head of the Proud Boys? The nice thing about Chase, I used to think that Roy McKernan had a chin made of steel, but I think Chase Ingram has a jowl made of marble. Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Quite an attractive redheaded man, that guy. Yeah. Is he redheaded? Is he red-headed man, that guy. Yeah. Is he a redhead? Is he a redhead? Yeah, I think technically. I mean, I don't know if the curtains match the drapes, if you know what I mean, but, you know, it's taking a little gander here, but, hey, I'm about
Starting point is 00:38:15 to hop into the jacuzzi with Jeffrey Adler, so we're going to enjoy a nice French croissant. Okay. I appreciate you calling. Keep up the good work, and we'll be here as the B team holding down the Internet while you do the big boy stuff. Mwah. Mwah.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Sean Woodland, the voice of CrossFit. It's amazing. Everyone wants a little piece of this show. I understand. You know what we are? We're like the – everyone wants to touch it, but no one wants to admit it. Everyone wants to just touch it. Okay, semifinals, workout three.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Linda, we do not have any information on whether this is going to be shown, or do we, Mr. Spin? We don't. We do know that CrossFit does highlights, so we will get those for sure, but not sure if we'll get the same as we did this morning. Really, we haven't had that confirmed that Chase and Adrian will be doing? Is it taking place on the same floor?
Starting point is 00:39:19 It is on the secondary floor. He's asking if we'll have a recorder. He's on the secondary floor. He's asking if we have a recorder. They don't have anything set up on the CrossFit podcasts yet, so I don't know yet. I hope they do. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:39 So today what they did is Adrian Conway, there was some guy there, a podcaster there. They basically, he ponied up his podcast equipment and let adrian and chase run what was the guy's name wexley that's wex his account is like wex appeal wexler oh like sex appeal but wex appeal yeah okay anyway okay they they're gonna have to do it i did hear justin berg uh being interviewed about interviewed about why they did not stream events one and three. Have either of you heard that? So we could reach more people. It makes perfect sense.
Starting point is 00:40:19 I'm going to see if I can pull the audio of that clip and play it because if I play the video they will fuck me for sure but I will see if I can pull the Justin Berg's answer for tomorrow morning show it is one of the strangest interviews ever Sean Woodland who was just on this show asked Justin Berg why aren't you guys streaming events one and three and
Starting point is 00:40:39 his answer is absolutely nuts if you want to hear it for yourself it is on the live stream on, uh, at the beginning of, uh, event for heat three, right at the beginning there.
Starting point is 00:40:52 And, uh, it is a, it is an incoherent, uh, answer. And I'm not trying to be a hater, but the worst answers I've ever heard for any question.
Starting point is 00:41:08 It was bad. Yeah. And it's's long it's like a three minute answer it's one thing just to have give like a i mean he wastes your he wastes your time he should basically say i'm not going to address that at this point i'm not sure if that was worse or when he said um the occupational games didn't matter and they're going to focus on other things. Right. Oh, my goodness. Okay. Workout 3. That was bad. And then Froning and the Mayhem Empire picked up the slack there. Okay. I am hearing
Starting point is 00:41:40 I am hearing from another source that there was something that with uh lane 13 even though uh but even though john young is stand strong and and john has good points it's like yeah they're they're good people of course they're gonna do well okay oh uh workout three tomorrow. Um, semifinals, uh, Linda 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Everyone knows what the workout is basically dead, uh, deadlifts, uh, then bench press and then squat cleans. I think the time cap is really tight.
Starting point is 00:42:16 I think we're going to once again, see a lot of people who don't finish, uh, thoughts on that gentleman. It's the same time cap that, uh uh they had at the regionals in 2018 when they did it the exact same one so i think that's why um yeah i mean i think the first half of the the first 30 people there will be a few people who finish it and then the next 30 i think more of the majority will finish it they will the time to start the dumbbell bench press
Starting point is 00:42:49 will take much longer just to get it set up and start going and if you fail if you fail it's going to take way way longer than a regular bench press do you think half the field doesn't finish both men and women
Starting point is 00:43:04 it's hard to say i don't i don't i think it's pretty express everybody is i'd say it's pretty i think it's about half i think it's a pretty good estimate don't finish yeah and and and i'm okay with that uh it's it's gonna be a fun one to watch sorry i'm getting distracted here by information coming on. Oh, my goodness. Okay. Yeah, I think half about didn't finish last time, if I'm correct. Let's do picks for this. and then tomorrow morning before we come on
Starting point is 00:43:48 Maybe we can get Tyler on also and see who else wants to pop on JR Hiller see who's around and we'll do another round of picks men test three Linda Easy day to pick this one easy day simple easy Simple. Easy. This guy's got it wrapped up. I think Roman and Adler will go at it. I'm going to take Roman to win it, but I think him and Adler will be neck and neck. Oh, it's not who I thought you were going to pick.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Mr. Spin. Who are you going to pick? I thought you were going to say Hopper. That was my pick, knowing that John was going to pick Roman. Isn't this just Hoppers all day? Isn't this just a football head, a meathead workout? It's more than that. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Yeah. The squat cleans are so much cardio in this workout. It's way more of a cardio workout. And then it's whoever can do the bench presses unbroken, you take all of those people, and then whoever can do the squat cleans the fastest out of those people will win the workout uh what about uh mr pepper down pepper i think he'll be good in this workout i just don't think he'll be as good as the other those the people that i said and uh and if griffin raleigh were here uh he would definitely be a front runner for this right top five i i'm not necessarily just because it's way more fitnessy than you think yeah if anybody
Starting point is 00:45:14 has time to go back and look at the 2018 regional linda just watch a couple of those it's the number of transitions and then the way that they stagger and make you push the cleans out every round, as you get down to that 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, it's a lot of going back and forth. Okay. You're going to say Roman. Is that who you're taking, John? Yeah. I think Roman and Adler will be very close together on this.
Starting point is 00:45:44 I think they both beat Hopper But I will take Roman Out of those two I'm going to go with Luke Parker Done deal Over to the women I know me and Brian I'm impressed with Luke today
Starting point is 00:46:02 Yeah me and Brian have the same pick on this We both think this girl is going to kill it So I'm just going to let Brian Go ahead and I know who it is she's a Mayhem athlete Do you want to say it And Her initials are the same letter
Starting point is 00:46:18 Yes Wow is she that good at this Have you guys seen her do this before Yeah well not this not this exact workout but uh wadapalooza miami meat market she crushed it with all the bench press in there with uh uh chest chest of our pull-ups and an echo bike or assault bike to end it so she made easy work of those dumbbell bench press who was the long time um games athlete out of um pleasanton she was at craig howard's gym uh probably top 10 at least a couple times at the games i know what she looks
Starting point is 00:46:54 like i can't just hold it up as holly yep oh yeah alessandra pichelli is is page powers another alessandra pichelli it's a very good comparison. Oh, well, thank you. There's different people. Oh, I knew it, John. You couldn't just let me have something. You couldn't just let it be like, oh, yeah, the guy who does no shit about the game said something smart. Go ahead. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Go ahead, Johnny. I mean, Paige is still so young, and she's been getting better and better. I think if Paige stays like the same as she was last year as far as skill level or fitness level and she maintains that for 10 years then then yeah or you know eight years then yes alessandra patelli all the way but i think page is getting better and better i don't think we've seen the best of page and it's hard for me to say this is who she's like until she's hit her peak but yeah but just strengths and weaknesses it matches up and i was always surprised at what alessandra was good at like as i recall she could she could do pull-ups like it was she didn't look
Starting point is 00:47:51 like she was made to do pull-ups and she did uh 50 chest to bar like it was nothing well she won legless didn't she uh alessandra yeah in 2013 i can't remember I just remember just her being just I couldn't believe what she could do with that body she invented the kipping pull on the rope climb no shit she was one of the first people to do that on the main stage wow that's awesome
Starting point is 00:48:17 yeah all the women were struggling in 2013 and then she had this weird pull that nobody had ever seen and then now everybody does that when they can't, when they run out of quick pulls, that's what they do. And she's the first one to do it. So Paige Powers it is for tomorrow. We're all going to pick Paige to win that.
Starting point is 00:48:37 I do think that this is Emma Lawson could be exposed. I think some of our favorites could be exposed on the bench press. The bench press, it can be a weird creature for some of even the most elite women in this space. I want to try to pull up the CrossFit Games YouTube channel and show you guys... Where would I go? Where would I go to where would i go to live for what and i would go to day uh i want to try to find that um
Starting point is 00:49:13 i want to try to find that the justinberg clip it's uh it's it's it's right before a team's event, right? You texted the group. Can you put it in there? That's right. Because you texted that cut. Okay. So, oh, but we still – Okay, so it's day two, the East, at the 2023 CrossFit Games semifinal.
Starting point is 00:49:42 I don't know – it's right – Unfortunately, this is just a clip of it. You're going to have to find it yourself. Scroll through there a little bit. Maybe it'll say go to the beginning. 101. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:49:59 There it is. How'd you do that? I'm a wizard. Alright. 105.01. I'm going gonna see if i can find it let's see oh yeah there it is god god i wish we could play can we play without can we play the audio without the video? Sousa? No,
Starting point is 00:50:27 I don't think we can. I'd have to like rip the audio first. All right. Well, we can do that legally, right? We can play the audio without the video. Yeah. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Sousa's shaking his head back there. We can't get another strike. Oh, you guys got to hear this. You got to hear it. Well, then, then maybe I'll rip it and we, then maybe I'll rip it.
Starting point is 00:50:45 Maybe I'll rip it or hopefully Hiller will rip it and put it on. Hey, put it on Instagram and then maybe we could play the Instagram and get the loophole to that one. Oh, that's true. Okay. Anyway, somehow we got to talk about it. It is comical to say. Well, it's comical unless unless you care then it's brutal
Starting point is 00:51:06 um okay thanks for finding it you want to be the thanks for finding the exact time uh go ahead john do you want to uh ask me the question and i'll do my best justin berg impression oh yeah um so uh and sean woodland asked him So, Justin, why did you guys decide not to stream event one and event three at the semifinals? Well, as you know, the CrossFit is for the community and we care about the community. And so since we're since we care so much about the community, we we think we just want to show highlights because i think we'll reach people outside of crossfit because we're for the crossfit community so we want to reach people outside of crossfit and since we're doing that that that will be why we're not going to show show you guys what the people want we're just going to use highlights and then that way
Starting point is 00:52:02 we'll reach people outside of the CrossFit community because we're doing this for the CrossFit community. That's why. That's fabulous. Actually, in defense of John, too, John didn't let John, Sean didn't let him off the hook the first with his first answer and kind of pushed again. And it didn't get any better. I also like how before he answered the question, he said something along the lines like, well, before I answer that question, let me tell you, it's just good to be at an event again. Like we had just gotten over the 49ers.
Starting point is 00:52:31 In person. Yeah, in person. It's like, dude, what? Well, to their credit, they've done a zillion online competitions. Who, CrossFit? Yeah. I mean, the age groups have done three online stages so far so for them i'm sure they feel like they never uh get out of that that uh circle that right all right uh so uh put all your money on page powers uh the men we're not as uh all on the same page we got luke roman adler and mr jason hopper and uh i think that uh sums us up for today thanks for um checking out
Starting point is 00:53:12 all the shows and we will be here bright and early tomorrow morning i think we'll go live at like 5 a.m pacific standard time tomorrow which is just crazy uh but um go over to the seven podcast and click the notification and click the bell and then you can choose it. So it'll notify you on your phone whenever we go live and you will get all of our live shows. Mr. John Young,
Starting point is 00:53:34 Mr. Barbell spin. Thank you. Caleb, Matt Sousa. See you guys tomorrow morning. Eaton Beaver. So CrossFit is now American Ninja Warriors.
Starting point is 00:53:43 I don't know about that. Okay. Bye-bye.

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