The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Semifinals EAST | Day 2 Pre Show

Episode Date: May 20, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them.
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Starting point is 00:01:01 But when they go live in 29 minutes we uh it won't be with chase right won't be with chase and adrian they're gonna do 30 minutes of just like cameras rolling and then at 6 30 a.m pacific standard time is when chase and adrian will uh commentate the first i guess the the the better athletes and linda bam we're live oh how many heats is l, Mr. Spinn? Three. Three men, three women. Okay, shit. 20 men, 20 women each heat. So long again, another long one. Yeah, about 20 minutes each heat. And that 20 minutes probably includes a setup?
Starting point is 00:01:40 Yeah, 17-minute time cap and then four-minute change. So 21 minutes each, about two hours for the whole thing. Awesome. Okay, Greg Glassman, good morning. Good to see you, Jordan Jenkins. Good morning. Dang, I haven't felt this much anticipation since the birth of my last child. Let's fucking go.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Wow, well, I got nothing for you this morning. I hit a wall yesterday, and the rest of the weekend is going to be shit, but it's okay. I accept it. I am a man of faith. If Rich got booted, Seve would scorch the earth. Wow. The reason why I'm late is I was calling around seeing what I can reveal
Starting point is 00:02:14 because like all media, I am simply a tool in a pawn and don't want to burn my sources. He was as dumb as Justin Berg's answer was to the question yesterday on why they didn't stream events one and three. All he had to say was, hey, we don't have the money to stream it, but don't worry, we're working on doing the best we can, and god bless fucking um uh what's the guy's name chase and adrian that's all he had to say but instead he
Starting point is 00:02:53 stumbled around like a fucking idiot and it's like uh he said hey we're doing it because we want to help the community and spread crossfit to more people like what what it's so disingenuous but so so as dumb as that answer was what happened to rich yesterday um is is equally uh that dumb when when you guys hear that story you will your head will fucking explode but it's it's it's uh it's not my story to tell but what people are referencing is is andrew hiller posted a cryptic uh post on his instagram account and what happened to suza i thought we had a little suza somewhere oh there he is down at the bottom a yesterday sled is the same one used in the army fitness test i give the test to over 1500 soldiers the issue is not setting it up properly oh dude damn okay uh cheapest sled in the biz man i was guessing that rogue used that sled 115 sled because you could mail a stack of them to africa in a fucking
Starting point is 00:03:59 shoebox right yep it's good it's kind of brilliant. I'd like to see one of those things rolled up in a pinch. You could make a blunt out of that, but okay. I mean, what do you guys think about Vincent's? Um, he has a strong profile pick. He paid money. Uh, and, uh, and he's a, he's a military guy. He kills someone in a pinch so that I can drink coffee on the weekends at an outdoor cafe. Seems like a solid guy.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Freedom. Freedom. Yeah. I mean, I did have in the comments of that post I had that there were quite a few people that were from the Army that said that they had similar issues, you know, doing themselves. So maybe Vincent just knows how to do it better than those that commented but uh jay chapman uh sevenistas were on fire in the chat yeah i i wasn't sure if i was going to say this because it's a little embarrassing i think but i was enjoying the chat more than the show yesterday but that's a little self-serving but the chat was crazy and zach t landry got
Starting point is 00:05:01 fucking destroyed in there. Oh. Joe Marco, less than 60 seconds for the first CrossFit bash. Nice. Oh, before they – so Linda did start. Can you pull that – what do you guys want to do? Let's look at Hiller's post real quick. We're doing Hiller's? Yeah, and then we'll go over and we'll look at the stream for like seven seconds and we'll get John and Mr. Spinn's take on the setup,
Starting point is 00:05:26 on where the equipment's set up. And then we only have John for a few minutes. I'd like to ask John, who's in the top 12, on each men and women who's not going to be there later. Okay, so Andrew Hiller posts another, just another nauseatingly beautiful picture of the fucking goat. Hiller Fit, has anyone seen Rich Froning supporting Mayhem Athlete at the CrossFit Games E-Semi Finals? He's in the live chat. goat uh hillar fit has anyone seen rich froning supporting mayhem athlete the crossfit games
Starting point is 00:05:45 he's semi-finals he's in the he's in the live chat basically hillar saying is like listen no one has seen this motherfucker he is he is nearby but how come no one can see him and because andrew knows that he got kicked out i wrote he's under a pile of babies uh he's under a pile of people signing autographs kissing babies and taking photos long live the goat then andrew responds with have you seen that and it's andrew's way of saying no he's not because he's not at the fucking venue uh he did the the rumors are is that he got kicked out yesterday and there's there's variations to that story, but the variations don't matter. Leave Rich alone. Let the people...
Starting point is 00:06:33 Everywhere he goes, he's adding value. Every athlete loves him. Every fan loves him. Everyone just wants to see him. Oh, look, there's Rich. Anyone not like Rich? There's not one fucking bad story about him you guys do you guys know any bad stories about rich nope people he blocked me on instagram years ago but what an asshole i heard one time he was saving 12 babies from a burning building and he dropped one and why did he why did he block you ryan That's a good question. You remember 2019 and the zigzag
Starting point is 00:07:06 sprint? I was given a tip that he stepped on the line. He posted that he stepped on the line, and I was told that that was... They were told in the teams that they weren't supposed to do it.
Starting point is 00:07:21 It got back and forth, and he didn't like that I said he should have gotten penalized. he didn't get penalized huh he did not that's where that's where velner and brooke wells got penalties and ended up missing out on the top 10 spin was hillar before there was a hillar original yeah yeah even even uh castor jumped in the comments on on that post way back then hey did did he slap you around for it or did he thank you for it castor said that the the standards were different for the teams and individuals um that's interesting that feels like they've been in the rules for their guy yeah i don't like that at all that's's pretty stupid. What's the rationale? Hey, let's just stick here for a second.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Has that ever happened? Sorry, Rich, we love you. Have there ever been different rules like that for team versus individual? When Rich is competing. I mean, it was interesting, and I was told by other teams when I tried to fact check that that was actually not true, that they all had the same thing of you need to stay in the line. Dave claims he's never commented on an Instagram post. He just said that recently.
Starting point is 00:08:38 He's never commented. I can go back and find it for you. Wow. Oh, yeah. I would like that. I'd send that over to his ass and be like, listen, buddy, because he's a purveyor. He lets me know he's a purveyor of the truth.
Starting point is 00:08:51 One more thing. Is that... I don't know your origin story, but I heard you came on the scene strong. For those who don't know, Barbell Spin has taken over the scene for CrossFit News. With the death of,
Starting point is 00:09:06 with the ailing, sorry, death is a little premature, with the ailing morning chalk up and other people being such specialists in the space like me and Hiller, Spin has completely taken over for the news for CrossFit. I don't know what's going on
Starting point is 00:09:22 at Talking Elite Fitness. I don't know what they're doing. But elite fitness if it's i don't know what they're doing but it spins the guy is that true susa yeah i actually uh double clicked on your instagram because there were so many followers i was like wait is this the right is this the right one it's this stop like if you care about if you're obsessed with crossfit like there's this site called mac rumors that i always go to that has all the rumors for apple computers and i always go there if you if you're in if you are are interested about CrossFit, you would wake up every morning and just check Spin's accounts. So I heard a rumor that you came on the scene and that something happened and people started beating up on you so you left.
Starting point is 00:09:59 No. That's not true. Okay. So that wasn't the incident. It wasn't that you criticized Rich and then you got ass-pounded and left the scene. No. Okay. not true. OK, so that wasn't the incident. It wasn't that you criticized Rich and then you got ass pounded and left the scene. No, no. OK. OK. All right. All right. Fine. Fine. We'll get to that story sometime. OK, so there's that with Rich Froning. What was the other thing we were going to look at before we go to the leaderboard? Oh, Linda, let's go check out their stream and see if they don't start till top of the hour.
Starting point is 00:10:24 OK, fine. Then let's pull up the list of athletes. Are you gentlemen okay with this? I just want to ask you guys who's not going to be on there in this top 12 come Sunday morning. You can start with either men or women. It doesn't matter. Okay, here we go. I'll go through the list. You guys tell me if they're going to be there.
Starting point is 00:10:43 We'll do the – how many women go? 11? Yes. Okay, so we'll just go to 11. You tell me they're going to be there. We'll do the, how many women go? 11. Yes. Okay. So we'll just go to 11. You tell me who's going to be there and who's going to not. Emma Carey. At the end of day two.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Oh, no, sorry. End of day three. Oh, the whole competition. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Yeah. Okay. Emma Carey. Yep. Okay. Emma Lawson. Yep. Amanda Barnhart.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Yep. Danielle Brandon. Yep. God, I like you guys. This is good games. You're going to be here. Alexis Raptus. Yep. Danielle Brandon. Yep. God, I like you guys. These games are going to be fun this year. Alexis Raptus. Yep.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Fi Faruze Sigafi, otherwise known as Fi Sigafi. She's going to be on the line. Okay, so that's a player that we need to watch her all weekend. That's where the excitement is? Today is not going to be good for her. And then tomorrow's, there's a really one and uh the middle of the road one that may be tough so yeah for obvious reasons uh linda what's workout um oh is workout four and five are today yeah yeah a lot of points and you're saying linda for obvious obvious reasons, it's moving a lot of weight. And then why four and five?
Starting point is 00:11:47 So it's a max snatch. She is smaller. Her max snatch is not going to be her best score of the event. And then the other one is eight snatches at 125 and then an 800-meter run. It's just very sprinty. I just don't see her doing good in any of the three today. And then the gymnastics one, she should do great. And then the other one is a power output one.
Starting point is 00:12:11 But she'll do those 20 toes tomorrow on broken. I actually think she'll be okay on that one on the last event. So depending where she's at after event six, like she's going to be teetering on the line. I kind of think she'll be out of the top 12 by the end of day two. And then she'll be back in it by the end of day three. Spin, what if she does do well today? It'll be a huge statement, right? That something happened in the off season.
Starting point is 00:12:38 I think she'll do better in the event five with the finishing on the 800 meter run. But I do think that Linda will, will get her and push her down a little bit, and then the Max will as well. So I see her probably in that 10th, 11th spot at the end of the day, and I think it will come down to the last workout, honestly. If there's going to be a handstand push-up workout, we know Alexis Raptus is probably going to win. Does Fi have any special skills like that? Does she have a superpower?
Starting point is 00:13:05 I recall she did pretty well. Bring muscle-ups. Bring muscle-ups? She's good at them? Yeah, I think she'll be good on number six. Okay. She's pretty filthy at any gymnastic. Yeah. A great interview, by the way. I think she's been on the show at least once. She's cool as shit. Carolyn Stanley. No. No, she's been on the show at least once she's cool as shit uh carolyn uh stanley no no she's not she's not hanging around no i think she'll be right outside
Starting point is 00:13:32 how old is she i don't know brian do you know if susan hits the plus button we'll know in 23 23 that's relatively young yeah she was right. She just missed out last year I think at Granite Games. Okay, so she has a future. Oh, she's little. I think her and Fi are the same. Paige Powers. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Let me write Caroline's name. Stanley. Danielle Kearns. No. Gone too, huh? carlin's name stanley uh uh danielle uh kerns no gone too huh yeah anybody who's not a known name and has a 30th place in a third place or like a very high finish and a very very low finish on one of the events i'm just going to say no okay Okay. Because then they just, they got a home run workout and the rest of the workouts will be not as good. They'll be like the first workout. Amanda Fisher.
Starting point is 00:14:33 No. Jessica Schwartz. I think, I think without. Yeah. If she was like fifth, then I would say yes right now, but she's right at the cut line.
Starting point is 00:14:44 So I think people will jump her. And Hiller knows her, right? Isn't she the one that did the demo workouts for the Nopen? I don't know. Uh, and then, uh,
Starting point is 00:14:56 Carolyn Prevo. Oh yeah. Yeah. I think you're right. You're right. Spin. I think I did hear him say that. Uh,
Starting point is 00:14:59 Carolyn Prevo. I think so. No, you say no. Huh? Brian. Uh, John. Yeah. Okay. No, you say no, huh, Brian? Huh, John?
Starting point is 00:15:06 Yeah. Okay. I don't think she will. So you think – go ahead, Sven. She got screwed over on – she was one of the same people that had the plate issue on workout one. She ended up appealing it and then got, was denied by CrossFit. However, they did not take away one of her appeals, which is kind of interesting.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Explain that. Give me more detail on that. So this year you had two, two appeals, right? So if you miss, if you had one denied, you,
Starting point is 00:15:38 you know, you only had one left. Yeah. And she, she appealed because she said that, you know, her judge would not let her go fix the, the sled to get it back underneath the weights. She appealed it.
Starting point is 00:15:50 She was denied late last night. But she keeps her two appeals, which is counter to what's supposed to happen. Oh, that's interesting. Any thoughts on why that would happen? Probably because they didn't know how to actually fix it or solve it or if there was a lot of issues so they're like we're not going to change it but we're also not going to take away appeal is how i interpret that i feel like the games has gotten a lot of uh like hey let's just do the spirit of what's right like just lift go ahead and lift the sandbag as
Starting point is 00:16:19 many times as you want they don't cross the line well what if i do just don't just don't i think that's the problem when you get so many rules in there yeah that you set yourself up to have to make adjustments for every single one of them to enforce them all it's it's why dave never tried to keep it as simple as possible so that you had those judgment calls yeah whereas now you have so many different rules and different things you could point to that say that this isn't right and then they go back and say well it's you know that's what you're supposed to do but we don't have a penalty for it like stepping back on on the polls yesterday or you go back jeff adler was in front of the line on his last one he was running the line the whole
Starting point is 00:17:01 time and then he stepped behind the red line to pull it to the red line. No, I agree. I think it's impossible to enforce if you have a million rules. If somebody figures out a way to do it, if Neil Maddox lifts the sled and he pushes it faster than everybody else, good for him. He thought he was smarter. I don't know what the mechanism is. I don't know what the physics are, but it is easier to pull a sled with the rope the closer you are to the sled yeah yeah so uh it um yeah it's not good for the fans that we we need we need rules we we need because it's what makes it a game for us in a sport we need people competing and we need rules it's what makes it a game for us in a sport. We need people competing and we need rules.
Starting point is 00:17:47 It's a little weird. Lucky Camera Straps, Justin Berg said, good morning, Lucky. Justin Berg said they were going to make great highlight packages instead to reach more people, but the highlight packages for Team Test 3 sucked. Dude, the whole thing doesn't make sense why wouldn't they show it and do highlight packages and then make them so they don't suck and none of it none
Starting point is 00:18:12 of it uh it just sucks that so many that so many people are just lying and just can't be sincere i guess he was sincere when he said that the occupational games didn't matter because those people don't matter they're on to more pressing things like the guys with one arms and the dudes in wheelchairs and they have the class for does the crossfit games have a no bladder control class is there a uh that's a lane that has a slip and slide everyone works out on a slip and slide no but what i would say is the only thing they have that's not live on their YouTube page is Team Test 3 Final Heat. So they're not even doing highlights. If that's really what you mean, go make a highlight, a one or two minute highlight of every single test for individuals and teams.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Just flood YouTube with highlights. Yep, and Instagram. of every single test for individuals and teams, right? Just flood YouTube with highlights. Yep. And Instagram, give it to all the athletes, right? Hey, going back to this to wrap this up.
Starting point is 00:19:14 So basically if I'm hearing you guys, right, you guys think FISA, Goffey, Carolyn Prevost and Shelby Neal are the athletes to watch. If you want some drama, I think, I mean, I think as far as the cut line, I mean, I think those are good. I mean, that's where the fun's going to be, right?
Starting point is 00:19:33 Yeah, those are good names to watch. Shelby, today will be a great day for Shelby, and today will be a bad day for Feet. Carolyn Prevo is probably going to be in the middle, and they're all going to be around that cut line come day three, and then it's just going to be who's going to get it we don't know and for those of you who don't know that is what makes the semifinals a little different than the games the games you know you're looking at who's going to win or who's going to get on the podium but for semifinals it always took me a couple years to figure this out or a couple semifinals every
Starting point is 00:20:03 year really all the excitement and interest happens down at the cut line because that's where all the tension starts to build uh on sunday when they make the announcement so that's really where you want to watch shelby neal is a redheaded girl who destroyed semifinals last year and had failure on the rope carolyn preview prevo is a staple in the crossFit space and some argue maybe the greatest, you know, athlete in the bunch, totally competent mover. And Fisa Goffey is, you know, I don't want to say Rebecca Fusli a small, but we got a little bit of that Spieler thing going. She's tiny and she's kind of a David and Goliath story.
Starting point is 00:20:43 And so there's a lot of, she's a fan favorite for a lot of people and an incredible personality, a really charming character. All right. Let's roll over to the boys. This one will be fun. And you will be able to see this contrary to what was publicized. You will be able to see Linda. It will go up. The feed will go up in nine minutes, but then the first heat will be the ass heat.
Starting point is 00:21:11 And we'll still be live on the air a little bit. And then after that, Chase and Adrian Conway will come in and comment on the non-ass heats. Okay. Have they reseated? Yeah, it's updated. Oh oh you're talking about for the heats yeah do you know this ryan for a fact uh yeah they do recede i can tell you uh i have the heats here okay that's fine i'm just curious if they receded so we'll see that so we'll see those cats go together romans in the second heat no shit i i guess not for linda but for uh four and five he
Starting point is 00:21:48 will be yeah why because he's gonna shit the bed here no because uh he is oh because there'll be fewer people out on the um court uh on the field okay uh four and five jeffrey adler yes hopper I'm 4-5. Jeffrey Adler. Yes. Hopper. Yes. Pepper. Yes. God, how cool. Pepper's going to go to the CrossFit Games. Did he go last year?
Starting point is 00:22:14 Yeah. Yeah. Did you not think he was going to? I don't know. I just remember, I guess it was two years ago he didn't go, and it was like, I was shocked. It's crazy. He's doing it.
Starting point is 00:22:23 He's such a young man. Now two years in a row. Now he's really, really good. We talk about all the teen athletes. He commented in a post somewhere recently, this last week, saying that 2020 was kind of a dark year for him when it comes to competing.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Did he say why? Just the transition from teens to the open division. He just had a little bit. Nobody really noticed it because it was during COVID. Okay. Well, good.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I like that. I like a dark year. Molly, sorry, gentlemen. I have to go, but I'll leave $20 here. Well, thank you. Keep being the best, Savant. I'll do my best. You make me laugh every day.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Oh, that's awesome. I love that. Cody Lovelace. I just ordered my Paper Street coffee. They gave me a $5 Savant discount, so I'm passing it along. Dude, that's crazy cool. Thank you. Paper Street coffee.
Starting point is 00:23:20 You get your testosterone over at for your peptides. Get your peptides. I want someone to start doing the peptides and tell me how that works. Where's Dawn Fail? I think it's fall. I think you spelled that wrong, Frank. $4.99. Will Morad.
Starting point is 00:23:42 I think so. When's the last time Will Morad went to the games? Last year Alright Alex Mignot He knocked out James Sprague last year Yeah he had the 80 point comeback Who's that? Alex Mignot?
Starting point is 00:23:58 Yes When's the last time he's been to the games? Last year Just keep an eye out for him. We'll talk about more tomorrow, but his wall-facing handstand push-ups were very, very bad, and he barely got in because of those during quarterfinals. I think he'll have enough of a lead, though.
Starting point is 00:24:19 He can bomb that event. Noah Olsen. Yes. When's the last time he's been to the games? Last year. Is this Noah's last year? It could be. At least on the individual side.
Starting point is 00:24:34 People are saying he's not going to make it this year. Any chance of that? No, he'll make it. Samuel Kornweiler. Yep. Team last year. Oh year James Sprague nope it's going to be a heartbreaker
Starting point is 00:24:51 too come on boys, spin I want him to so I'm going to say he's going to sneak in there he'll be fine he'll be fine this morning number four the Max Natch will push him back down and I think he'll be fine this morning. Number four, the max snatch will push him back down and I think he'll be fine the rest of the way.
Starting point is 00:25:11 I think the next four events will all be bad. Oh, man. Hater. That's my boy. I mean, on the eight snatches and the 800-meter run, I think he'll be okay. But other than that one, I think these will all be like below 15th. Jake Chapman question.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Do you feel that paying our affiliate fees and open registration should go some way as to paying for media at semis and games? I mean, it does, right? I mean, that's, that's gotta be what's going on. Something like that. I mean, the African registrations in Asia for semifinals was going to CrossFit to run the media for the Northeast or North America East. I heard a rumor that there's only 8,000 affiliates. I do not know if that's true. But if that is true, that would explain why events one and three aren't being aired.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Caller, hi. Hey, Siob her. Hi. Hey, Siobhan. My husband over here, Joe Spooner. We are fans. Hi, good morning.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Thank you. Appreciate it. Yeah. I wanted to call in cause I, I keep thinking about this and do you know whatever happened to profit doing away with the five 11 vest? Because I don't know. I feel like a rock doesn't make a lot of sense a lot in the workouts that they use them in. to CrossFit doing away with the 511 vest because I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:29 I feel like a ruck doesn't make a lot of sense a lot in the workouts that they use them in. And I just, I feel like they were, they were using those, the weighted vest for so long and all of a sudden they dropped off to face the earth. So I just didn't know if you guys knew anything about that. I don't know much about rucking. I know Dave's always been into rucking since as far as i can know uh since as far as i've known him um before even like you know that company was around go ruck was around just with his military background um i have supposedly the rucks are better for your knee i i don't think i necessarily uh believe that i've never enjoyed wearing a backpack um i i i don't have an answer
Starting point is 00:27:03 for you but i would be willing to bet it just all comes down to sponsorship dollars. I mean, there's no reason there should be a torque tank in any CrossFit event. It makes absolutely zero sense. And yet, if you pay enough money, you can get your toy in there. I totally agree with that. We actually saw one of those at our gym the other day, and I was like and some people say it's a great training implement that's fine that's cool but we actually saw people today or yesterday win the event um because uh it was it was a sled and like jason hopper and james rake and that would not have happened if it was a tour camp
Starting point is 00:27:42 there would have been no drama there. Correct. Are you going to make it over to the games this year so we can get a tour with you? Fuck no. Hey, but if you're ever in Santa Cruz, we can go to the beach and collect shelves. 100%. We're going to make that happen.
Starting point is 00:28:02 We'll put booze in styrofoam cups and walk around. I have a big favor to ask you actually. And all the guys on the show, I am actually in the running to be on the cover of muscle and fitness hers. And I, you know, I'm a CrossFitter and I would love to represent the sport. But it's funny because it's really not a, it's not about how you look. I am a pro natural bodybuilder, but basically it's all based on votes. It's a popularity contest at this point.
Starting point is 00:28:29 So if I were to drop you guys the link to your DM, would you guys vote for me? Yes. Hey, why don't you drop, why don't you drop it? Why don't you drop it in the chat right now and let everyone in the chat vote for you. You're, you're natural, right? Yes. Natural pro bodybuilder. i'm my own coach i've never had a coach i've done it all myself had a great time with it i've been kind of doing it on and off for 10 years um what about if what about if you ain't cheating you ain't trying right no i don't know about that um but no natural and i'll drop you guys the link I'll drop it in the chat do I just go on YouTube
Starting point is 00:29:05 and drop it because I'm watching you guys live on the my TV yes okay so just go on my phone and drop it in yeah just drop the link in there yeah and then if Caleb or Sousa sees it they'll even copy copy it maybe post it and we can scroll it on the bottom there oh my gosh you literally are making my day it's funny because you vote every day. There's so many weeks to go, but if we just get everyone voting once a day, we're, they partnered with Wounded Warrior Project, which builds houses for extremely injured veterans that have wheelchairs and need wider doorways. You can donate through that too, as well. And that goes towards my votes as well. Totally not, you know, appreciated, but not expected whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Just wanted to throw that out there that they do have that partnership with them. And yeah, I, I, that is just like making my day that you guys will post that for me. Thank you so much. You're welcome. Thanks for calling. Awesome. So I'm so awesome to talk to you. You just made our days. Thank you. All right. Bye.
Starting point is 00:30:03 And it's going to make my day when, um, Susan pulls up that picture of you in a bikini. Okay. I got a, I got a bounce. No, no,
Starting point is 00:30:11 no. He's going to pull up a picture of that collar on a bikini. Where are you going? The fuck are you going? It's okay. I have to be there for the morning class today. All right. Fine.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Thank you for being here. All right. Sorry guys. I'll be back in the afternoon. Okay. Thank you. I appreciate it. So you're leaving sprigs back in. So we're fine. Thank you for being here. All right. Sorry, guys. I'll be back in the afternoon. Okay, thank you. I appreciate it. All right, so you're leaving Sprague's back in, so we're fine. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Oh, Sprague. Sprague, yeah. Isn't that cool? Someone calls, and now we're going to see him only partially clothed. Hey, do you remember what the name of the website was? Was it Muscle? No, she's going to – it was some weird name. It was like a change on the muscle and fitness name.
Starting point is 00:30:46 But I think she's going to post a link in the comments. Alex Bridgeforth, seems like Roman isn't going to be close to Justin. Oh, he's talking about at the games? Yeah. I mean, we knew that the muscle would be great for Roman. So we'll see how Justin does next weekend. They have a budget that they're trying to spread out to show the event. Just so you know.
Starting point is 00:31:24 I don't think there's anyone over there who's know, like, I don't, I don't, there's, I don't think there's anyone over there who's like, Hey, fuck this. We're going to purposely hurt it. There's,
Starting point is 00:31:31 there's people over there who want to stream everything. Um, but they're just incapable of figuring out a way to finagle their budget and give money to the investors that makes everyone happy. Wow. Look at this. It's going to happen this morning. Crazy. I love you guys. Call her. Hi everyone happy. Wow, look at this. It's going to happen this morning. Crazy. I love you guys.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Caller, hi. Hi. Hey. I'm wondering, do we know what the shortest guy was to do those block jumps with the rucksack? Because I'm wondering how Colton Mertens is going to do. I'm wondering how Colton Mertens is going to do too, almost as much as I'm wondering how that last caller
Starting point is 00:32:03 looks in a bathing suit. holt mertens is going to do too almost as much as i'm wondering how that last caller looks in a bathing suit uh yeah that that's uh we you know we talked about that yesterday oh do what are your thoughts on that spin uh the height of the box because he's going to crush i mean he's a little dude how's he going to get over that i mean i think he's going to be i mean he'll crush and have way more time than other athletes to do the the burpee box jumpovers so uh he may not be as fast with him but 30 inches isn't that high um you look at up and over i mean it was much higher it was like 40 and 42 inches to get over the log um so I think he'll... Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:32:47 There you go. Oh, it's a lot, man. It's a lot. It is, but I mean, you saw Berman and a few others. I mean, they did just fine with it that were on the shorter side. So he'll get through that ring muscle complex unbroken. He'll get through the pistols fast. He'll probably have, I don't know, over a minute and a half, minute 45 to go do the burpee box trovers each time.
Starting point is 00:33:17 He'll be fine. What do you think, Collin? Do you think he's going to win that workout? I don't think he's going to win it. I just, you know, I like the dude. I like to see him. Yeah, me too. All right.
Starting point is 00:33:35 That'll be exciting. When is that? Is that next weekend? Yep. Yep, next weekend. The West. All right. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:33:45 All right. Thanks you. All right. Thanks. Bye. He's going to destroy, right? The muscle ups and the pistols like it's like, like it's nothing. I think that box is going to be high for him though. I think it's going to, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's significant. It's significant. And he's heavy.
Starting point is 00:34:01 He's not a light dude. That's a heavy dude. I think that he, he's a 185 when he's lean and mean yeah but that one woman we talked about yesterday it looked like you know had the same kind of stature as colton on the women's side she did well too so i i think it really matters how much time you get to to do the the box jump overs oh okay i mean if you can't do those unbroken you have less time and the taller athletes takes longer to cycle through the pistols and they're usually not as good at
Starting point is 00:34:29 animals as the shorter athletes so you think he's gonna does anyone rest over there at the burpees and do you think colton will rest no let's just keep moving it's just a little bit slower yeah uh ds go ahead look at look at emma lawson i mean she wasn't flying through him she was just steadily moving she made it to the boxes first every time and was just consistent i did notice at the beginning emma carrie was cycling the burpees faster than her and then by the end lawson's uh steady pace uh she started cycling them faster than emma carrie yeah uh ds it would feel weird to win something based on voting 700 times for 700 days in a row dude just let's just see her in a bathing suit don't i i tried to push
Starting point is 00:35:13 all that stuff out to keep your eyes on the prize uh viva viva only fans listen every more i listen every morning never seen a live, wanted to share. I do work out Wednesday each morning with my fifth graders. Oh, that's cool. Translated to 81% signing up for weight training elective in middle school. Dude, you're doing your part. Thank you. How come it's not a longer clap?
Starting point is 00:35:41 Does it play out longer? How long do you want to go? All right. David Weed, not appropriate. Lawson is a fucking machine. You have no idea if she's a fucking machine, and that's not any of your business either. Highly inappropriate.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Yeah. You have no idea what she does in her spare time. That is not cool. Please. You have no idea what she does in her spare time. That is not cool. Please. 20 burpees. And I don't think Jack probably appreciates that either. Definitely not. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Back to the boys. So let's figure out who to watch, who's going to be fighting at the cut line here. Bonito, Boulangerie. Number nine. Boulangerie. Uh, Boulangerie. No, no.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Okay. Uh, so, uh, and, uh, Luke Parker. Dude,
Starting point is 00:36:35 dude, if Luke makes it to the games, Hey dude, fourth, dude, fourth, I mean, I'm going to work out.
Starting point is 00:36:42 That's that. It's kind of weird, right? You got to start looking at who's behind him who could chase him down and i i think he's in you do yeah how about doesn't that seth stovall guy also train at mayhem he does so the two of them know who's better like when him and luke are standing back there they know one of them do you know who's better i think luke is i don't know anything specifically but um i would say luke is right now uh eaton beaver huh there he is up his head
Starting point is 00:37:14 popped up a 499 seven you should start selling where is rich shirts asap oh god jesus john fuck out of here you're fucking negative nancy shit go don't you have to work out or something no on luke so man if luke and james sprague went in that would be awesome uh the problem is and scroll down a little bit more, there are real threats down there. I mean, Saxon and Spencer start putting shit together, and there's two dudes at the top who are just going to get pushed out, right? Yeah. I don't think they all move up. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:37:57 One of them will probably have a really strong finish and move up, but I don't see a lot of those guys putting together five more strong events to get up there. Jack Farlow, any chance? I think so. I think he should be good on all day today. So I think he could be in the top 12 after the day and we'll see how his gymnastics do on workout six. Another big dude. It must be weird for these guys. I mean, just think about this guy.
Starting point is 00:38:29 He's 21. Ten years ago, he was just a nothing. And ten years later, he's just a fucking grown-ass man, 6'1", 210 pounds. It must be like Christmas every morning when he wakes up and just looks at his body and is like, holy shit. I get to navigate this thing on planet Earth, right? Because it's so new to them. They're so young.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Still growing into it. Yeah, like he woke up and there's just a 4x4 in his driveway. This is yours, Merry Christmas. Got the Monster 44s on it. Good stereo system. Don't drive it too fast. Yeah. Piss doesn't burn.
Starting point is 00:39:13 His penis doesn't burn when he pees. He's an operating machine. I'm just joking, Jack. When you get older, it doesn't burn when you pee. I was joking. Don't anyone get scared. Everyone chill.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Oh, my goodness. Can we go over and look at the stream and see if it's up and going? Yeah. It is? Okay. Any rumors? Yesterday you had some good stuff. We got that Rich has some problems getting access in the venue.
Starting point is 00:39:46 We know that there's some issues with the sled. Any other fun tidbits? Alex Caron, I posted that this morning. He tore his pec practicing the muscle-up complex last Monday. So he still plans on competing this morning and finishing out the weekend, but I don't see him moving up too much. How's he going to do Linda with a torn pack? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:14 So, but that's what, that's what he told me last night. And what about Griffin Raleigh? Griffin heard his hamstring doing the pistols. He's toast. He's out. He officially withdrew.
Starting point is 00:40:30 John George, did Hiller pick a fight with Rich? If he did, not on purpose. I think just Hiller has some inside info on the fact that Rich is in Orlando, but he's not at the venue. I think it's actually he's trying to defend venue. So he's, and I think it's actually, he's trying to defend Rich, but. Brooke Wells, great question, Heidi. Heidi Kroom, is Brooke okay?
Starting point is 00:40:52 I have not heard anything that would say that she's hurt, but usually I try to keep that quiet generally when they're, those types of athletes. They keep, they try to keep that quiet yeah i mean i know will morad's been hurt in the past but he refuses to to make it public and i think that's just kind of their how they kind of treat it so they don't make excuses for it so if she is kind of nicked up i don't think she'd say it uh vincent ramos you don't need your pec for benching
Starting point is 00:41:25 really you don't well i mean i guess neat what what you just just it's all tricep for you like what do you mean don't you do you can anyone help me with that you don't need your pec i feel like you might yeah it's probably I mean, you can keep it in tight, but... Look, even my dog is confused. Chill, dog. Don't worry. He'll explain in a second. Give it a second.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Vincent's a smart guy. He'll let us know. I mean, I even use my pecs in ring dips and muscle-ups. I incorporate that fucker into everything. I mean, remember all the pec tears in 2017? From doing the muscle ups, right? They're from the ring dips. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Chest presses and bench presses work your arm, shoulders, and chest targeting the same primary muscle groups. Maybe he's saying you can just isolate... Oh, he's being facetious. Well, shit. That sucks when the guy from Goonies has to fucking help you understand jokes.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Damn. Maybe I'm autistic. That's like a sign of Asperger's, right? When you don't catch nuances and jokes and shit. I did watch the African semifinals of Linda. No shit. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Okay, let's hear it. I was on this morning earlier. Okay. We talked about how many actually finish. Zero women finished. Zero. Line through it. And three men.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Are you surprised by that? Out of Africa? Meaning? I would have thought at least one woman would have finished. I think the closest was like three reps short. And then only three guys. You did? Why? Someone wrote, you did?
Starting point is 00:43:13 Why? They are two. Okay. So yesterday I posed the question to you. Do you think half the field won't finish do you so you stand by that half half this field in the northeast won't finish yeah i mean watching it it was i saw quite a few people fail on uh the dumbbell bench press they're all doing singles on the on the And Africa's floor is shorter, right?
Starting point is 00:43:48 So it looks like the shorter side. So I think it may be a little bit similar on the secondary floor for North America, so it may not be too different. But I think half is probably the right number who will finish. You miss a dumbbell bench press. They start going out to the sides, recollect them, stand, get back up. So there's some good chaos there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Oh, shit, I forgot to hit the special record button for this show, guys. Damn it. If you guys ever think to do that, feel free to do that. It's in the settings, and you go to record record and it gives us the super high res record um uh danny uh 499 campaign for calvin klein guy to back phil griffin for rest of the test i i just hope he stands back there again today and if he can wear another like calvin like what if he was wearing a Jordache shirt today? Yeah. He's watching our show.
Starting point is 00:44:50 I did. I did. What's interesting. So many ungrateful people in the chat complaining about the video. At least we have that. You know, I will say this CrossFit should thank the listeners to this show because anyone who pipes off in there and complains about the video or chase or adrian man you guys just ass pound them it's crazy watching you guys swarm on people susan and i were
Starting point is 00:45:12 dying yesterday it's crazy if someone it's like you guys are allowed to shit on people but no one else is if anyone else shits on anyone you guys just team up and beat their ass and the one-liners about the calvin klein guy were crazy they were respectful but man it was uh it was a cop leans into it at all like anything from the chat like makes a meme like gives kind of a nod like a tip because that's great for them you want that engagement in the stream even if sometimes it's not exactly what you know the conversation they'd hoped for but it's driving engagement it's driving conversation dude there's a competition in there for for one-liners i fucking love the chat and those things i love seeing everybody in there and just getting after it and you guys are hilarious
Starting point is 00:46:00 too it's like the gong show like everyone's trying out their best material i love it so good uh steven florio we got your back savvy thank you uh can't the lap everyone loves a good ass pounding yeah sure if you say so um and then uh uh did we pick what did we pick winners for this we did pick winners for this right i think i i picked uh luke parker who did you have uh i can't remember ricky you had ricky ricky um no that's huge i have i had hopper okay yeah good and and for the women uh it was page all the way page powers oh yeah that's right god that'd be great if she won, right? That'd be fun to see her with that big old smile on her face. Yep. And then team.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Last day for teams. Oh, really? This is it? Yep. Okay. Can we pull up who's winning? I haven't been following it at all. I just heard just in the chatter that Proven's not going to win it. They're in first right now,
Starting point is 00:47:03 but it's been a lot closer than I think many had expected uh where are you watching linda we will get to that in one second let her hard live you one second uh crossfit east nashville proven that's with uh nistler and tola and taylor and tim paulson tim pa Paulson. Tim Paulson. Sorry, Tim. And then a CrossFit move fast lift heavy has Herschel Walker on it? No. No, it's Christian Harris, Will Carter, Chloe David Govan, and Winter Rodriguez.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Oh, really? Chloe's a former games athlete, huh? Yes. She backfilled and and is the she filled in i can't remember who she replaced last year but they finished seventh or eighth i think last year at the games and added chloe so i thought they'd be a podium team here at the semifinals and it looks like they will be and then this uh ab mat crossfit mayhem and then krypton and then uh mayhem independence are you mayhem and then krypton and then uh mayhem independence
Starting point is 00:48:05 are you mayhem is going to send to how many teams go 10 yes 10 shit so uh mayhem is going to send two teams yeah they're they don't train out of um out of cookville uh oh the ab mat one yeah ab mat ivan verdun delfina ortuno maria santella and laura sanchez maria camilla contero and lewis wait let me those are all latin names those are all brown people that's cool what they are they're out of argentina oh well that makes sense how come they're not competing in south america how come they're in north america east i don't know he's got the ad mat sponsorship whose care whose care uh laura sanchez is hot i bet she is how the fuck can you be a crossfitter with the name laura sanchez and not be hot let's look at her let's let's all go lord uh sanchez thank you
Starting point is 00:49:12 jessica you're doing your part uh oh my god holy shit it's uh look at before we look at her unclothed picture, she looks like Selma Hayek in the one on the upper left. Holy shit. Yeah. Which one is her? The right. Yeah, she looks like Selma Hayek there. Holy shit. My God.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Okay, let's look at the one with her giant cannonball. Dumb truck. Holy shit. She writes, let me read what she wrote, so it acts like we care. So crazy, the more I work hard, the more insane my body gets. In conclusion, there's no woman with a better body than me. What you see in person is actually better than what you see in these pictures. You may see that it didn't take long,
Starting point is 00:50:05 but it took many years of hard work. My favorite thing is that the Sevan podcast pulls up my pictures and tells me how beautiful I am. There you go. That was verbatim too, by the way, guys. If you're listening to the podcast, yes. Crazy. Verbatim.
Starting point is 00:50:23 The thing is holy shit keep going keep going this is nuts this account keep going hey that looks like
Starting point is 00:50:39 that picture oh my god it was Halloween then so that was different it's okay Jessica Valenzuela thank you i'll be sending you five dollars my goodness hey when all you do this is this is just sleep eat and work out right and this is what the and do crossfit this is what your your how your dna um expresses itself? Does she speak English? Look at what she speaks English. We got to find out, like,
Starting point is 00:51:11 we got to get her on the show and find out how that happened to her body. And she's happy. That's good. Oh, that was gratuitous. Did you see that guy put his hand on his shoulder at the end? Unnecessary touch. Yeah, he snuck it in there. Totally unnecessary.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Look at this. Surprising he didn't get a little gentle butt pat. You know, good job. If he wanted to, it started to move down his outfit. Hey, you can do that when you're gay. That dude gets a pass. Oh, I didn't know he was gay. Just covering for him. Oh, that dude gets a pass. Oh, just covering for him.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Oh, good dude. All right. So there's, Hey, reason number one to go to the CrossFit games. That's a mayhem team. My God,
Starting point is 00:51:56 enough. We went enough of her. This is overwhelming me. Yeah. Look at Jake Chapman, Daniela Spaghella. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Okay. Anything. Sorry, Spin. You are a professional journalist, and you come on here. You get drug into the mud here. Yeah, you get drug into the mud. Scott Perkins, Sebon has been fluffed as fuck.'s correct all of us have let's not lie uh my dump truck looks like oh damien's castro says his dump truck looks like that too that's cool prove it let's see some ig photos uh stephen flores why why? Why? Why?
Starting point is 00:52:48 It's like you hate. Why are you even here? It's like you hate us. Two dollars? Are you going to give me back at that one? That one's a good one. That's a charcuterie of options there. Sporty Beth, Laura Sanchez, Justin Berg. sporty beth uh laura sanchez at justinburg i mean i've never seen one with that quite that mix he almost put it in order for you yeah uh
Starting point is 00:53:15 uh he was protecting i'm going to i know i'm gonna i'm gonna uh fuck sporty beth i'm gonna marry uh laura sanchez and i apologize sporty uh you deserve you deserve better I'm going to fuck Sporty Beth. I'm going to marry Laura Sanchez. And I apologize, Sporty. You deserve better. You need a furball extraction after you fuck me. It would be a makeup bang. It would be good. And I don't know if I would kill Justin Berg,
Starting point is 00:53:38 but I'd put him on a timeout. Yeah. Yeah, a little timeout. A little timeout. Definitely marry Laura. Yeah. Yeah, a little time out. A little time by myself. Definitely marry Laura. Yeah. I mean, duh. You said something negative yesterday.
Starting point is 00:53:50 What did you say? I saw something I didn't like you said, Mr. Bear. Okay. Christine Young, this is getting clipped. Anything else we want to – oh, we haven't gone over and looked at the feed yet. Let's look at the feed. We have six minutes before Chase starts talking. We'll stay on for another six minutes.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Do you want me to bring it up and show it? Yeah, can we? Just a few seconds of it, just so we can see. They're not starting. They won't start until 10 now, announcing. Oh, what? They moved it from 9.30 to 10, I think. That's what it says on the stream.
Starting point is 00:54:25 They just have about two cameras out there. So we could have slept in another half hour. God, I got up too early this morning. Fuck. Can I still at least see the feed? I want to check it out. I want to see what's going on there. See how they got it laid out.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Are they using StreamYard? Are they using the same software we used to do this podcast? Yeah, of course we are. It looks like it. Okay, that's pretty good. I'm digging that. That's good. And this is
Starting point is 00:54:57 one of the ass seats. That's the Samsonoff guy, right? That's the guy that does all the dancing stuff on the left on the yellow shirt right? That's the guy that does all the, the, the dancing stuff on the left. Yeah. He's in the last, last team. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:11 It's six, it's 6 30 AM here. And basically I got, I set my alarm at four 55, but I was up at four because I, I, I, for some reason I always get up.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Like I know when I have to get up and I just turn on go ahead Mr. Smith Alex Grone did withdraw oh he did how do you get that information or you can't reveal that it's on the leaderboard right now so did Mark Hutchinson oh what happened to him
Starting point is 00:55:40 I don't know he's withdrawn and Corby Foxall. Never heard of him. Are these all individual? Yeah. Corby withdrew during the muscle-up event. He looked like he had hurt his shoulder. Oh.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Yeah, I think I saw medical talking to him. Yeah. That was what Froney was concerned about right about the ruck and the muscle ups yep so you have alex and and him so there's at least two um uh mr sour uh someone just has to stay live for another 30 minutes there's no fucking way i already sensed myself trump i was actually burnt out yesterday after i got after i got off the show like i wasn't myself for like 30 minutes i didn't even make any sense i don't even know if i was like did i even make any sense on the show i couldn't even talk uh pistols did it
Starting point is 00:56:36 to him sammy lou tammy what sammy that's for griffin yeah uh greg glassman rich said the ruck was a stupid idea what's why that's why he got kicked out oh i don't think that's true but uh a joshua fosker seven on brian spin is the double act no one knew they needed well thank you i'm actually pretty impressed too i don't know what happened to grundler grundler was supposed to be the guy uh this week uh he has a link um basically i just send out a link in the morning and panic and uh spin has been coming on and holding my hand that's how the show works caleb shows up caleb's down there you guys can't see him and uh suze is in in the house too okay um this is what it looks like we're gonna do it doesn't look like we're gonna be down long oh i have a schedule here that suze made for me at 8 30 i think is uh the next one right after the
Starting point is 00:57:35 first um event ends or the third event excuse me first event today oh tests tests sorry not events not events yeah uh start time uh men he won is is uh 9 a.m so it already started and then uh women's heat finishes at 1102 uh okay 11 and then okay so it looks like we'll be on at 11 30 a.m pacific standard time oh that's five hours from now can that really be true oh no that's their time 8 30 we'll be on in two hours yeah okay sorry sorry guys two hours we'll be on in two hours so 8 30 a.m pacific standard time we'll be back i feel so much bigger in this box on a serious note at what point does making movements harder start to cross over into not being safe? It's not even that. It's starting to just not look like functional fitness to me.
Starting point is 00:58:38 I think that was what Richard's points were. If you listen to his podcast going through both the team and individuals was it's just so much different than he was used to it's you know i don't know if he'd say it was gimmicky but you know he just wasn't a fan of the pirouettes and some of these things that just you know it was dave liked the grunt style work, right? Get work done. And Boz has taken it into more of a gymnastics-y direction, it seems like. You know, I'll throw this out there. One of the things that I always thought would be cool is if they made you do pull-ups on the side of a wall. So you couldn't kip or swing or anything.
Starting point is 00:59:21 You just had to do the pull-ups. Yep. You basically had to grab the top of a wall and do pull-ups onups on it it'll be hard to get to africa i'm sorry right but or do something like that at the games i'm okay with introducing more things that seem like that they're functional but at some point it is starting to start to go uh i mean even american ninja warrior head that most of that shit I see there seems functional. And it just – yeah, I don't see – like someone was saying, maybe with the ruck it should have just been a muscle-up, right?
Starting point is 01:00:04 Five muscle-ups. Just five muscle-ups if you're going to do the ruck, it should have just been a muscle up, right? Five muscle ups. Just five muscle ups if you're going to do the ruck. Why have them swinging around on the extra time on there, doing the toes to bar, and then the extra ring dip, right? Or if you are going to have them do the circus tricks, don't have them do the circus tricks with weight on their back. Those are just circus tricks. Like, separate the two.
Starting point is 01:00:20 Yeah. I like the – I mean, the complex is pretty good. I would have, like we talked about last night, it should have been at least the three movements unbroken. Yeah. I like the, I mean, the complex is pretty good. I would have, like we talked about last night, it should have been at least the three movements on broken. Yeah, for sure. And I probably would have not had the vest on. Oh,
Starting point is 01:00:34 wow. Okay. Those are nice tweaks. I felt sorry for the guys making them do it on broken, but yeah, take the fucking vest off. Yeah. Yeah. Vincent,
Starting point is 01:00:44 that's, that's the thing too the hand over hand pool that the naming of stuff is weird too but once again it's consistent with what uh justin berg was saying about how they're trying to promote the event they're not streaming events one and three in order to get more people into your affiliate and it worked they didn't stream it three people showed up to mine seriously on the I like package. We saw it on the map. I don't know. We were told we could watch events one and three at your gym.
Starting point is 01:01:09 And then the big 30 million ticker at HQ went up three points. We're almost there, guys. Oh, this one I think is going to piss me off. Here we go. My wife is jealous about Sevan. Come on, it's raining Saturday morning and you're watching Sevan instead of spending time with me.
Starting point is 01:01:25 No, no, that's good. I like that. You should see my wife's reactions. Yeah, that's good. Have you watched any of the team workouts? Very little. Did they start on Thursday? I think I watched them on Thursday. They're so confusing.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Very confusing. But you know what? After like 20 minutes, i did kind of settle in in the beginning i was like what the fuck is this mess but then i kind of settled in and figured it out it's all of it i mean when you have an amrap in there and you have all these things where everybody's going at the same time there's no real good way to see where they are um it's just you know 40 people on a floor just kind of all doing stuff at the same time and it's just it's so difficult to watch it looked like chaos i turned it on for a minute i just saw this all these bodies it just looked like a big brawl happening on the
Starting point is 01:02:19 competition floor uh manny spiegel that's justin berg is playing chess while we play go fish you know you might be right yesterday i was actually in between shows i was out in the backyard weed whacking and um uh with my electric weed whacker so cheapy like just wait for the highlights every every two minutes it gets clogged with grass and I have to like reach my hand in and pull the grass out. And I always think, oh shit, what if my hand gets chopped off? And I was thinking to myself, wow, there's so many fucking nincompoops over there that survived. And I'm a fucking over here running my little YouTube channel weed whacking. I'm like, fuck, they really are playing chess and I am playing go fish.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Actually had that thought. I was like, fuck, I got schooled by these fucking kids. Mike Sauer, when watching teams, all I care about is the last three minutes of the event waiting for a foot race. Yeah. Great. Okay. Scott Perkins. great okay um uh scott perkins so what you're saying is tdc the dave castro has figured out how to program a test and know what's good to the viewer i guess that is what i'm saying i mean don't get me wrong i i well i enjoyed the sled pool one way more than I thought I would.
Starting point is 01:03:47 I enjoyed that. I mean, we definitely, if you go back years ago, you definitely had, there are plenty of criticisms of how Castro programmed, but that's all we had. So he's, it's just a different style of programming, and the movements are, again, more gymnastics-based. And at one point, Dave was going way too weightlifting-based, and that's when he pulled it back and said, no barbell at regionals.
Starting point is 01:04:18 And so it'll take a little bit getting used to, and I hope it stays in that middle ground and and last year at the games when the workouts came out we were all highly critical and now in hindsight i think that they were one of the best games ever so go figure yeah uh audrey real men use gas powered lawn tools don't bow to the tyranny it is battery uh operated um it's not a plug-in whatever that's worth i don't know if that's even more but but but more i'm just like a david audrey right listen david just because you want to put it in audrey doesn't mean you have to agree with everything she says yes it does actually if you
Starting point is 01:04:59 want to be successful there okay my bad a seve shouldn't you be wearing a froning shirt today okay i'll put one on um i'll put one on after this and on solidarity uh a guy from the uk says i gotta plug in too yeah that's not you're not helping battery operator is fine dude dudes from the uk don't get to talk about power tools we should start the hashtag justice for froning it's a movement now i um i uh yesterday i made a post with uh i shouldn't tell this story i'm gonna get someone's gonna we hang out you know what happens have you noticed this spin i'd like your take on this that as like you can feel the tension in our group building like people's fuses are getting shorter and shorter and we're getting like annoyed with each other and the comments are becoming a little more.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Have you noticed that? Where? Here? No, no, in our text threads. Oh, I think it's been fine. It's been okay. Yeah. Is that what you're feeling?
Starting point is 01:05:55 You want to talk about it or anything? No, I don't want it, but it's just like. I just, I didn't feel that. As the weekend goes on, like the prima donna, it's like the prima donnas float to the top. Oh, there you are. you go ah yes i see you i need sensitivity training and maybe i'm floated at the top maybe the prima donna's floats at the top and i'm looking down like this look god damn you get maybe that's what it is i'm
Starting point is 01:06:18 open all right upgrade uh spins router i don't know yeah he's somewhere different today and his shit's all his shit's in and out he's only playing for a minute that was good majority of the time um uh no jedediah thank you though good dude yeah asshole uh froning didn't uh well we will we'll let uh maybe froning i'm sure you you'll have to tune into the froning podcast or if he comes on here i'll ask him but go go over and look at hiller's instagram post maybe even is that do you report on stuff like that to spin would you i know you like you like to keep it to more of the factual stuff if you uh heard a report that froning was kicked out of the coaches area for example uh at semifinals let's
Starting point is 01:07:06 say would you report on that uh if i had enough to actually report on other than he was kicked out right right like if there was a highlight package of it or something yeah well if you heard it from froning directly uh maybe i mean maybe it's just a quick story to make people aware of it. Would you ever do a list of top 10 biggest fuck-ups for 2023 from CrossFit Games? We're limiting ourselves to 10. All right. Top 20. Okay. We will see you guys in one hour and 52 minutes.
Starting point is 01:07:48 Right back here. Cruise over to the CrossFit Podcast YouTube station to see the rest of the show. Let's all root on Paige Powers and Luke Parker and Jason Hopper for this next event. See you guys soon. Thank you. Bye-bye. Thanks, Casey.

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