The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Semifinals EAST | Day 2 Recap

Episode Date: May 21, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
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Starting point is 00:00:41 Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. yo bam we're live john young mr spin good to see y'all caleb uh matt souza great to see you uh hey i am stoked that today ended early i want to make one quick comment before uh we move forward um i was raised to uh uh in a in california in the bay area um on the forefront in a lot of ways in the world. And there's a subtle hatred in California ever flowing in this great state of a sort of a hatred towards religion and God and sort of a hatred towards the United States of America. And it's
Starting point is 00:01:41 very subtle, but it's always there and it's constantly there and as i've gotten older and i've matured i've realized i've been to a more than 100 countries i've been to all seven continents and for those of you who do not know the united states of america you should realize that it is the canary in the coal mine if this country falls if something bad happens here all of you are fucked you have to understand that i am telling you that from someone, and we can get in discussion on another podcast. I've been everywhere. Do not wish for bad things to happen in this country. There's a protection here going on for all of you that you are not aware of,
Starting point is 00:02:15 that you will become aware of if you come here and visit here. This is an incredible country. It's a very unique place. The experiment that's going on here is completely unique of liberty and democracy. place. The experiment that's going on here is completely unique of liberty and democracy. And no matter what anyone fucking tells you about this being a bad place or a racist place or whatever, it's it's it is not nearly as bad as where you live. You have to understand this is the experiment. This country is the inhabitants of everywhere else on the planet, all trying to make it work here first. So don't get confused. And the other
Starting point is 00:02:45 thing, those of you who are criticizing Emma's love for God and her quoting of scripture, I also come from there and I'm also not a religious person. And it's completely insane to hate on religious people, especially the Christians in the United States of America. They keep the moral fiber and values alive. No one else is being taught values and morals except for the religious people in this country and especially the Christians. And this is coming from someone who is not Christian, but I would fucking much rather have all my neighbors be Christians than anything else. And so be careful, be careful what you wish for. We need a group of people in this country who don't want babies killed in their mother's wombs,
Starting point is 00:03:27 who want people to stand upright and be strong, to be brave, to be loving, and to treat their neighbors the way they want to be treated. So be careful the kind of dumb shit you say hating on people just because you don't understand what they're doing or what part of the teeter-totter or balance of power they're keeping in place. So just check yourselves, knuckleheads. It's not – just because some of us don't understand religion or don't understand the United States of America does not mean that it's not vital to the existence of all of humanity. And I did love Emma's comments.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Absolutely. Okay. Sorry. It just got me all fired up when I saw the comments and people hating on that shit. It's like, wow. Yeah. Barry McCockner. More kids need to act like Carrie.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Yeah. I agree. Okay. Fantastic day. Let's bring up the women's leaderboard. Incredible. By the way, thank you guys for hanging with me all weekend so far. John and Spin and Caleb and Sousa.
Starting point is 00:04:27 And hopefully we can get Tyler on here. I'm surprised he's not on here. We've been fucking crushing it and I'm ecstatic. It's almost like what have you done for me lately? I almost feel embarrassed like we've forgotten. I mean, Emma Carey and Emma Lawson are just doing it right yeah yeah i mean emma carrie was uh right there with mal and then she got hurt and mal took off
Starting point is 00:04:52 and i mean emma lawson showed up last year and she's been doing it since emma lawson shouldn't be a surprise to anybody um honestly emma carrie shouldn't either but i'm really really happy she's doing as good as she's doing uh in that final event while trashing my head let me ask you guys what was uh what do you think daniel brandon was smiling because um she thought she was gonna win or that was just a mechanism of just like trying to deal with the pain she was having but at the end there you know i'm guessing we all thought she was going to win because she is the better runner but you did see emma carrie and emma lawson putting on the gas pedals showing some of that uh championship uh um uh identity in them correct yeah i mean i think i think you know one of the questions was going into this with the so many
Starting point is 00:05:37 qualifying spots you know if you're up to stop the leaderboard right now and you're not you know you're doing well is there a reason to push yourself to win the event or is second or third good enough? I just feel like she felt comfortable and good and was just enjoying herself out there and was, was happy with where she finished. I'd like to give a huge compliment also to the CrossFit games team for getting this leaderboard up so fast.
Starting point is 00:06:03 This is kind of unheard of, right? I don't think the standings have been updated, though. We can make judgment calls on it. Their placings are in there. Yeah. Okay, so we don't know the overall ranking. Oh, no, it's updated.
Starting point is 00:06:17 The points are updated, yeah. Okay. They're in the 400s. Okay, let's go over the workout real quick, and then we'll look at the rankings. Four and five um uh oh wow peran wow a first and a 43rd uh page powers is is page powers the only one page uh danielle amanda emma lozen so these top three on top uh daniel peran ashley and emma they're not going. Caleb, did you want to say something?
Starting point is 00:06:47 I was just going to direct you to what was going on, but you got it. Okay. These three on top, Daniel Peran and Ashley and Emma, they're not going to the games? I mean, Ashley's got a shot. She's 12th overall right now. And if she did that well in the snatch, I got to believe that she's pretty powerful on the bite bike if she can do three sets of 20 toes the bar i'm broken you know she's got a shot is that the blue haired girl no that's amanda fisher okay oh and she's down there uh where is she oh and she's currently in nine she was purple or blue there's another one with blue that's samantha pew it is funny though uh the
Starting point is 00:07:25 top three correlate so poorly in the run oh you mean in terms of they did so good on the strength and then shit the bed at the end yeah not surprising though right it's just funny that they're all like it's three of them at the top. Typically, you'd see, you know, like Danielle Brandon or Paige Powers, like they're up there, too. But typically you'd see somebody that is, you know, well-rounded are going to go to the games up there at the top, too. But I mean, it's three people that were all really bad at running, really good at snatching. really good at snatching. You know, what's interesting is you look at the body shapes, the, the physiques of, uh, the athletes, but both in the men and the women who are in the first heat versus, uh, you know, the, the heat, the heats that go first versus the heats that go to the end. You see that the, the body seem, uh, I don't know, either more dialed in or more adapted to the
Starting point is 00:08:21 sport, but even in the big picture, you look at basketball players who played basketball 30 years ago versus their bodies today right and these guys are like more jacked and now you're i wonder if we're seeing the whole body physique composition of what makes an elite crossfitter change also the men and women just everyone seems just a little bit bigger this year do you guys see that i don't i don't know they probably got stats and height and weight ryan do you know those stats offhand of the semi-finalists who everyone everyone just looks broader to me a little bit i'm fine i'm seeing it in the women finally this year like broader in the shoulders i think that's just a progression i don't think it's anything that's just all of a sudden popped up but i think if you just look at the years, yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 00:09:06 I think the women definitely have had more room to improve and grow in that way over the years compared to the men. Yeah. Okay. Paige Powers, a fourth and an eighth, and those are the kind of numbers you want to see, right, from someone who's going to the CrossFit Games. Is she going to be top ten at the Games?
Starting point is 00:09:24 I think she's got a shot. Yeah. Maybe, maybe. I still want to see her do better on the longer running. It's within her – it's within a possibility. Daniel Brandon, a sixth and a third, what we expect, right? Yeah, she probably did the best out of everybody on these. Emma Lawson, seventh and fourth. She's right there with her. Those two, I think, did the best as far as those two, both of those tests.
Starting point is 00:09:52 And Amanda Barnhart did quite well also, an eighth and a seventh. And is it surprising to see that she did, wouldn't you think it would be the other way around, a seventh and an eighth? be the other way around a seventh and an eighth uh yeah yeah i mean she's always been able to cycle power uh either power cleans or power snatches very very fast like noticeably faster than the field tola tola is also like this like the way they cycle is just faster um if you ever watch her cycle thrusters she's really really fast if she has to sprint um but yeah i mean this is all about the run and she got seventh place like it's just a tribute to what she's been doing in training uh emma carry a tenth and a second um i think she what's interesting is i think she will uh get stronger she is so young and what's incredible is that she did take second on the run. I don't think anyone would have expected that, right?
Starting point is 00:10:47 I mean, top five, but no one expected second behind. I mean, if Sydney wasn't there, she'd have won that. And Sydney's a specialist in that particular event. That's what she did in college is ran 800 meters. I think Emma surprised herself at how well she did. She was pushing it at the end. Did you guys see it on the runner? I mean, she was emptying the tank.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Yeah. You could see her literally physically look like she was breaking down. You know, I gotta say it. It is a shame we're not getting to see Mal here. It is... What a bummer. It would be fun to see her go uh head to head against emma carrie i hope we still get to see that someday in the future uh emma's emma's
Starting point is 00:11:31 the real deal man fifth second tenth tenth second she's in first place right now absolutely yeah did anyone pick her in our group uh to win the whole thing? Do we got people who picked her? I think I might have. To win the whole thing? Yeah. Top three for sure. I'm sure I heard her name tossed around in the top three. Because at that time, we were all saying Mal.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Well, after you take Mal out. Yeah, I think you had to carry second. I think you had to carry second. I had Emma Lawson second. I think he had a second. I had him a loss in second. I think I had him a carry third. You know what I was thinking also is I know she trains over there at Brute, but after that, that, that busting out the scripture, I was like, man, maybe we're looking at a future mayhem athlete. I don't know about that.
Starting point is 00:12:21 You think she's happy there at Brute? I do. I think for her to get hurt the way she did and then take a year off in rehab, and then come back and, you know, let's say she wins this or gets second, and let's just say she gets top 10 at the games, that creates a very close bond between coach and athlete.
Starting point is 00:12:41 I can't see somebody just jumping ship. And, you know, it's funny you say that. bond between coach and athlete. I can't see somebody just jumping ship. And you know, it's funny you say that. I suspect that Matt Torres is extremely hands-on and dials stuff up and down for his athletes and gives her the attention, especially like you were just saying, you brought up a really good point. The fact that she was injured and that she was probably the way Danielle Brandon made it sound there is that they cater to each athlete. He does individualized programming for all of them they're they're only doing the same workout maybe once a week um okay uh scroll down just a little bit more oh by the way i did have emma carrie winning the whole thing but i did have brookwell in second so
Starting point is 00:13:21 i get one out of two is not bad. Yeah, no, not bad at all. Good job. Keep going. What are we organized by? Okay, let's organize by the – oh, Feast of Goffey. Let's take a quick look at her. A 20th and 23rd. Go ahead, Caleb.
Starting point is 00:13:35 It's organized by the first part of that event. The Max Snatch. The Max Snatch. And then the next column over, the very last column, is the time on the 800. Okay. Oh, 800. Okay. Oh, perfect. Okay. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Fisa Goffey. So with a 20th and 23rd, she's seventh overall. She's got one more day. Yeah. She had a bit of a good gap, good little leeway to have these performances here. And I think she's happy with this. She didn't bomb. I mean mean 20th
Starting point is 00:14:05 out of 56 places like i think she'll take that on a snatch all day and then and the gymnastics event tomorrow she should absolutely destroy i almost think like these good to go i don't think she i think she's gonna make it no problem awesome good to hear that that'll be fun i wonder if she can become more of a crowd favorite i think the people will really embrace her as they get to know her what about what about shelby neal 17th uh rope climbs are tomorrow i think she's yeah tomorrow will be the the event i don't think she's done it's four rope climbs brian jeez chill out I 5-2 Tomorrow will be the event to tell if she's going to make it If she gets 30th place in that event
Starting point is 00:14:51 Then she's not going to make it If she gets 20th And then sells her soul And gets 3rd on the last event Then she can make it What was this workout that she got 42nd on? That was Linda? Yeah
Starting point is 00:15:04 Oh man So she probably had a brookwells like meltdown all right uh let's keep going down go down the list here we may not even need to look at the next uh group okay uh brookwells a 26th and a 12th overall 21 21st. Still within striking or no? I don't think so. How many points is she behind Shelby Neal? Because I just said she had a shot. Well, Sydney is in 11th right now with 280 points. Can we go by leaderboard, like the total leaderboard if we're going to?
Starting point is 00:15:42 Sure, let's do it. Wait, before you do that, scroll down all the way to the the bottom i want to see who did the worst in this event who had the who had the page two i see if i if i can uh snatch more than them no all right fuck you no uh oh wait, one more. Oh, no. Damn it. Okay. Well, good job, Madeline. 5'3". I'm taller than you. How's that? All right. Go ahead and stack these up by ranking. And let's see.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Let's go down to 11th place. I think that's where Sydney is. We want to take a peek at Sydney. Sydney has got a 34th and a first oh that first really helped her and how many do they take they take 11 yeah for the women oh my goodness and page cement is two points above her and who's who's who's below her ash ashley uh wasney wow oh my goodness and uh napoli wow and you know prevo is going to come hard my going tomorrow's going to be nuts geez look how much people are up oh my gosh the two
Starting point is 00:16:55 is ridiculous the which range um to 220 to 220 to 230 there's a lot of people. Yeah, I'm going to say so 23rd, 11th through 23rd, I think anything can happen. Like as far as that 11th spot, like there are people would have to bomb that are at the top of this list, but weird things have happened before. It's like Sydney, Ashley, Paige ashley page simenza you know one of those three really really bombs in the next two events and and anybody up through 23rd just has the greatest day then um they can get in that's what i would have to take uh i i can't be mr bun anymore i tied it down low so you guys couldn't see it so
Starting point is 00:17:48 start with the bun comments that that one that one shook me no more bun comments i'm hiding my bun well at least till tomorrow uh okay jessica schwartz uh 28 out let's keep going let's see any big dogs completely out of the game not on the women's side all right all right no i i think i mean john yes i think there's a chance that if you are down there in the 220 point range you have a chance but i think it's going to require two top six or seven spot finishes to get a shot at it and you'll need each of those people above you to to have some a bad event so just doing well on your own is not gonna not gonna be enough any girls
Starting point is 00:18:42 but i don't put that out of the realm of possibility any ladies pull out no yeah okay good uh over on the uh men's side uh saxon panchick uh pulled out sounds like uh it was for medical reasons um it sounds like uh justin berg did send out an explanation to the media about what the rules are regarding explaining what happened to Caron, but he didn't talk about Caron specifically. I just looked at it briefly. Did you take a look at that, Sousa? Or Caleb?
Starting point is 00:19:18 You did look at it, Caleb? Caleb, it doesn't talk specifically about Caron. It just says basically that if athletes are injured and that they're concerned the injury could get worse, they could make the call to pull the athlete out, correct? Yeah, it listed the two of the athletes who had been removed, but it didn't discuss why, really. It was just like if they didn't make an effort.
Starting point is 00:19:42 But according to Caron's post, they pulled him out not because he was injured and they were concerned that he would injure himself more, but they pulled him out because he didn't try hard enough on the previous workout. They kind of alluded to that to the very end. I mean, they did say that to make a fair competition where all the athletes are performing the same tests on the same conditions and experiencing the same accumulated effect,
Starting point is 00:20:03 athletes who are injured and cannot form one test be allowed to advance in the competition may not be allowed to be advanced in the competition so yeah may not may not yeah so basically you're saying that well he didn't he didn't work hard enough he didn't you know have as much fatigue by trying to do all the muscle ups that we're going to stop you so then sydney wells needs to be eliminated from the competition because she couldn't do the ring muscle ups and she should just try harder i i does does anyone think that it was right to pull corona out i mean i don't i could see pulling him out if like hey he's gonna hurt himself but just based on the fact that he didn't try does anyone think think that that's a valid reason to pull him out?
Starting point is 00:20:46 It's terrible. And Corby Foxall had the same thing. He also posted something almost identical to Alex. He thought he was going to go out. He was told he could go back out in the minutes before. He stepped onto the floor. He got pulled. So it happened to two athletes.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Sorry, and what was wrong with him he had the same issue I think he hurt himself on the ring complex shoulder the medical was talking to him and he asked can I continue to go on the future and they said yes and
Starting point is 00:21:22 yeah Josh can we putaleb on the big picture and john young in the small window no i no no you don't want to see this face in the big picture no but thank you for uh trying man john people just love you i know man they absolutely love you i prefer the goonies comment to that one Jesus ouch Caleb oh my goodness buttery bubbles everyone in CrossFit is too nice
Starting point is 00:21:51 they should have asked Matt about Mal well I'm guessing when he came on there was that was talked about I'm assuming matt they said to matt hey we're not going to ask you about mal i'm going to have to guess uh barry mccawkner
Starting point is 00:22:12 john is not gay i don't think anyone was asking but that's really nice of you to uh um appreciate that barry god people love you, Joel. Okay. Dick Butter agrees, which is just always weird when you agree with the dick. I guarantee Matt said no mouth questions. Yeah, I agree. Joel, Farlo ran in lifters and hit a 300-pound snatch. My goodness. Look at you.
Starting point is 00:22:39 You look like Jason Kaliba before you did CrossFit. Let's pull up the men's. Thank you for the money, Joel. Let's pull up the men's leaderboard. We said Saxon is out. The foxhole guy is out. Really quick, one quick thing. Sorry, before we go to the men. Anyone surprised that Lawson hit 185?
Starting point is 00:23:06 195. 195. Anyone surprised that Lawson hit 185? 195. 195. Anyone surprised she hit 195? Or did she miss 195 or did she hit 195? I know she tried it. I can't remember. But either way, I mean, I think it bodes well for her. It bodes well for her going into the games, the strength that she needs.
Starting point is 00:23:26 195, she got it. it took six with 195 yeah like she doesn't look strong but she's really strong so emma lawson is is the next thing i'm i won't be shocked if she gets second at the games this year hey listen to who she's with here guys guys. Danielle Brandon, 195. Emma Lawson, 195. Amanda Barnhart, 195. Jessica Androzik, 195. What about this? How much of that is the playing field leveled because of the heart rate?
Starting point is 00:24:01 On just a max snatch? Yeah, meaning if they didn't have the run would amanda barnhart put on 15 more pounds and emma lawson would not i don't i don't think so just because i did this event and um they're fitter than i am and it didn't affect me so just just from personal experience i don't think that affected it at all. I think if you gave them six minutes and just said you have six minutes to do it, it would have been the same, maybe a few extra pounds. But any other one rep max, you're going to get three attempts, depending on how they do it.
Starting point is 00:24:37 You're going to see about the same. Lawson has been slept on somehow, Michael Marlowe. I don't think that's true, but I feel your sentiment. It's just it's hard to remember that she wore the leader's jersey at the games last year, right? Yeah. And maybe she was even in first place up until like the seventh event or something crazy like that. Am I off my rocker? I think she was.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Yeah, because she had the jump rope mishap. And it took her longer than usual to get the leader jersey. Wait until this next morning's event. She's going to crush the next event. Okay, we'll get to that soon. Back to the boys. A little preview of what's going to happen in the show. John's opinion coming up in the next 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Jeffrey Adler, a 10th and a first. Kind of a little bit of a surprise, right, that Adler took first? No. Really? He's the strong guy. He's not the runner, is he? Yeah, you should have. I mean, did you watch him at Rogue? I don't remember. Refresh me. He beat Ricky Garrard in the trail run with a ruck. I used to think running was a weakness for Jeff,
Starting point is 00:25:51 and he has cleared it up really, really nicely. He's a very good runner. I wouldn't put him in the top-tier runners like Ricky and Lazar, but he's right behind them. He's a very good runner. And then Jason Hopper, a first and a 12th, 305 pounds. Are you guys surprised that 305 was enough? That's about where I thought it was going to be.
Starting point is 00:26:24 He said, I think he said it was his PR. Matt said it was his PR. But Jason made that look truly effortless, right? I mean, not even a little bit of exaggeration or hyperbole. It looked like he had done that 20 times before. No, he needs to max it out properly if that was his PR. And, like, take his time and just see what he can do. Yeah, yeah. straight freakish.
Starting point is 00:26:48 And Dallin Pepper, a seventh and a ninth. Has Dallin Pepper ever finished an event this big in third place? I don't think so. Guadalupe Luzza was his best event. What did he finish in Guadalupalooza last year? I don't know where he finished, honestly. As Brian always reminds me, there can only be so many guys at the top. I'll be like, wait, how can Emma Lawson not be top five at the games or something?
Starting point is 00:27:24 He'll be like, well, dude, there can only be so many at the top. It's'll be like, wait, how can Emma Lawson not be top five at the games or something? And he'll be like, well, dude, there can only be so many at the top. And it's like, here we go. And they've done it. Jason Hopper and Dallin Pepper have pushed out, basically. Roman Krennikoff and I guess Roman. They pushed Roman down. Roman's now sitting in fourth.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Who would have thought? You think Roman's going to make it and get pushed down even further? You think he's going to finish ahead of Dallin and Jason after tomorrow? I think he'll be ahead of Dallin. I don't think he'll catch Jason. Jason has looked the most impressive in this whole entire competition as far as just what I expected of people and what they're doing. I'm really impressed by Jason. I'm excited to watch him at the games.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Like, what, he's, I mean, he's, how many is, how much is he behind Adler? 449 and 434, like 15 points maybe. So, I mean, the next event will tell me a lot about Jason because that's what he struggles the most with. Same with Roman. I mean, I think Roman's going to be fine in that event, but same with Dallin.
Starting point is 00:28:30 The next event is the event both of those guys, you wouldn't think they would finish at the top on those events. So it'll be fun to see how they compare on that one. Here's what's interesting. Tell me if you guys agree with the psychology behind this. If Dallin finishes third, I think he goes into the games thinking, shit, I can win the CrossFit Games. Samuel, he needs to beat Roman.
Starting point is 00:28:58 If Samuel beats Roman here, he thinks, then he goes into the games thinking, I can win the games. If Roman ends up taking fifth here, he still thinks he can win the games. For Roman, it would just be, oh, it was a hiccup. It wasn't enough events. He'll have some sort of story. But for Sam Well and Dallin and Jason, this is huge. Jeffrey Adler already knows.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Yeah. I think the way it's shaping up is, I mean I think this the way it's shaping up is I mean this is going to be a large percentage of the top five six at the games throw in Medeiros and Pat I think that's maybe Brent no
Starting point is 00:29:38 no no Brian hates Brent Pekowski I don't hate Brent I just don't think he's got top five six at the games. He's retired. He's retired into greener pastures, Mr. Young. And what's Will Morad? If Will Morad finishes here, he's going to have delusions of grandeur.
Starting point is 00:29:58 He also is going to think he can make the podium at the games. He was close in 2019 until he pulled his hammy. My goodness. The podium? Dude, he was close in 2019 until he pulled his hammy my goodness the podium dude he's gonna see go ahead he was i mean he was like third or fourth and into the zigzag sprint and pulled his hammy and six events he was third or fourth the 15 events after that he's not going to be no i know you love will morad but i mean will will morad i man he does so good at this part of the competition and then in the games he just always lets it down if he can be healthy he will surprise people uh glee unpopular opinion but justin isn't great for the sport he has done an
Starting point is 00:30:42 amazing job of limiting weaknesses, but nothing stands out, and it's hard to watch a weekend of him feel like he's the best. Jesus. Crime. Blasphemy. Dallin Pepper is the opposite of what the DEI council wanted. I agree. Sevan, time to have Hopper on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Cole S., don't tell me what to do. And finally, one that completely goes over my head, how we do it. John Young looks like my character in Call of Duty Mobile. I don't know what that means. I just like it. Yeah, his mullet stands out. Thank you. I mean, come on, dude. He's he's he's it's perfect. It's perfect. He's developing right before our eyes. He's a kid who's killing it. Remember, remember the story. He's got a great our eyes he's a kid who's killing it remember remember the story he's got a great story he's the kid who lost his 49 of his first 50 wrestling matches in
Starting point is 00:31:31 high school and stuck with it i like justin he's like he's he's kind of on the doubt he's kind of on the download champion but he's legit as fuck he is legit we've had other champions who aren't legit as fuck. Medeiros is legit. You think Medeiros is legit? I don't think I look like that guy, Taylor. As long as it's not the guy with the skeleton, you're doing good. Let me ask you this. How about this for a brutal conversation? Who's more – obviously, we know Matt's legit as fuck.
Starting point is 00:32:04 We know Tia's legit. We know Froning's legit. And I would say Matt's legit as fuck We know Tia's legit, we know Froning's legit And I would say Annie's legit Do you think that And then Katrin's pretty legit Two in a row is solid as fuck But we did have that weird incident with the pegboard, right? Where do you think Justin falls in terms of
Starting point is 00:32:21 Legit, I know we haven't defined legit Champs, I think... Like, where would you rank him all time? Is that what you're asking? Or just his... Yeah, his... Like, there's other champs... Like, the champion on the women's side this year, there's gonna be... I don't want
Starting point is 00:32:38 to say there's an asterisk by it. She's still fucking amazing. I still count her the fittest woman in the world. There's still the psychological... People will be like, well, you wouldn't have won if Mal wasn't there. You wouldn't have won if Haley wasn't there. You wouldn't have won if Brooke. But it doesn't matter. You wouldn't have won if Tia was there because they didn't make it.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Tia fucking got semen in her. That's Tia's fault. Mal had some sort of reason she left. That's her fault. That means they weren't qualified to make it. And that makes the next person who won better than her in my opinion. And so what I'm saying is I, but then there's other people. It's like, oh, there was a weird rope incident or Carl Sanders had to – I don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:11 I just think that Justin is as legit as they fucking come after the three greats. I think he's up there with Annie. So I think he's a tier behind those people that you named. Even behind Annie and Katrin? Yeah. I think – I mean, maybe not Katrin. Or Annie. Yeah, he's probably in there with Katrin and Annie.
Starting point is 00:33:30 I think you got to put Rich, Matt, and Tia up at, like, top tier, and then it goes Katrin, Annie, and then if you want to throw Justin in that tier, you can. And then after that, it's Ben Smith, you know, maybe Patrick Vellner. Like, that tier. Does that make sense Patrick Vellner, like that tier. Does that make sense? Vellner never won the games though, right? No, that's why he's beneath that tier.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Right. Well, I would put all the champions above. I would put even Camille, who I would say is – Yeah, I wouldn't. I think Camille is the least legit champion we had. Not that she's not legit, but just if you had to rank them. James Fitzgerald. Modern era Modern era I would say
Starting point is 00:34:08 What years are we constituting modern era You don't think I just mean relative to the field You don't think that I'm not talking about best of like all time But relative to the field I think James won it Maybe 2007 James is probably you know what I mean He can claim the champion across it And I think James would have won the. In 2007, James is probably, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:34:25 He can claim the champion of CrossFit. And I think James would have won the next day if they did the competition again, whereas I don't think Camille would have won the next day if they would have done the competition. So compared to the field you're saying? Yeah, yeah. Like, Kalipa was fucking legit. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:38 No, I think he got the top tier, and then there's three or four guys, and then the next tier, and Justin's in the second tier. Yeah. top tier and then there's three or four guys and then the next tier and justin's in the second tier yeah what i wish we had was a crossfit media crew that did the same for justin as they did for rich or even matt in the in the documentary yeah those those days those days are who's that with caleb those days are over oh i know say it again brian just i mean he does put out some of his own stuff but they don't have crossfit media pushing and doing some of the great documentaries like they did for rich right right well just any of any of the fun stuff right yeah like like someone needs to just go over to um uh justin's uh what's he called the The Shake Shack? The Shred Shack
Starting point is 00:35:26 Shred Shack They need to go to Justin's house And just make 30 videos of him Just hang out there for a week I don't even know if athletes allow that anymore I don't even know what the I don't even know But yeah they should totally do that
Starting point is 00:35:39 I feel like he would I feel like he would too And while you're there you can make 20 of uh um his girlfriend too yeah she should change her name to emma emma turner it seems to be working yeah um okay uh so back to the leaderboard um let's go down and look at uh where the this bottleneck is, oh, my goodness, James Sprague, 10th. Farlow, 305. No, Farlow, 300. Not even good enough for first place. But if you look, 12th through 13th has a 34-point gap.
Starting point is 00:36:19 12th through what? 12th to 13th. And James, so like James looks like he's only in 10th place but he just has to be top 12 so he has almost a 50 point gap to when benoit um so he's got a little bit of breathing room uh the next event if he can just hold steady He can make it It's just if he bombs Those handstand pushups He's gotta be able to do
Starting point is 00:36:51 Those handstand pushups And then He just can't bomb the next event How bad could he shit the bed on that? What is the next event? How bad could he shit the bed? Could he be at 50th? If he blows up
Starting point is 00:37:04 He could Yeah James doesn't go upside down He's like Laura Horvath How bad could he shit the bed? Could he be at 50th? If he blows up, he could. Yeah. James doesn't go upside down? He's like Laura Horvath? In a deficit, yeah. I mean, same scenario as Laura Horvath. Not as bad, though. It's not a deficit, though, is it?
Starting point is 00:37:18 Hey, how about Luke Parker, dude? That's who I have to have back on. If he makes it to the games, I've got to have him back on. I think he's going to make it, too. I think he could not do well in the next two events, but I don't think he's going to bomb the next two events. He can do everything that is next, and he's got a good gap. No, he came with that 300-pound snatch.
Starting point is 00:37:42 I don't know if that's a PR for him, but that is a very clutch 300-pound snatch. I don't know if that's a PR for him, but that is a very clutch 300-pound snatch because that might single-handedly get him into the games. Yeah. Go ahead, Spin. No, that's 100% right. I think that's why I predicted him to make it into the top 12 is just looking at the power output that was required
Starting point is 00:38:01 and knowing that he was going to be top three in this one. Listen to these names, guys. This is an order with only two events left. Jeffrey Adler, Jason Hopper, Dallin Pepper, Roman Krennikoff, Samuel Cornwall, Will Morad, Alex Vigneault, Noah Olson, Luke Parker, James Sprague, and Jack Farlow. And then in 14th, Spencer Panchick. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:38:23 So, wow. I wanted to ask you guys one more question about Luke. I think that what Luke is – this is what I think about Luke. I think Luke tightened up his nutrition the month before. He looks leaner than he ever has, almost a little gaunt in the face maybe, even like a little vampire, like he's lost a little color. I think he's tightened up his nutrition. He's probably the lightest he's been in the last fucking five years of his
Starting point is 00:38:45 life. And I think he's living up to the pressure is good for him. He's living up to the pressure. He's actually showing us he's not, he's not physically good enough to go to the games, but he's mentally there. And that when he does, and then if he does make it to the games this year,
Starting point is 00:38:59 we'll see him like two or three more times after that. Thoughts. I mean, I'm really impressed with what he's been doing. Again, I said I was a little disappointed how he showed up at Guadalupe a few months ago. Why? What did you see there? I don't remember. What did you see there?
Starting point is 00:39:16 He just didn't have some of that juice and power that you expected out of him and kind of faded throughout the course of the two days and i thought he was one that was going to be you know top five top ten um especially making kind of a statement he wanted to go individual and uh kind of just see where he finished and he's he's looked really good good this weekend yeah and i mean i i saw him at the the fittest experience in texas i saw him in person we were doing the same competition and i mean i thought he would just kind of win easily honestly and he got like fifth um in a type of competition where he should be the best one
Starting point is 00:40:00 there he got fifth so like and that's why i didn't pick him in the top 12 because if you can't win that type of competition how are you going to make the games um and then wadapalooza kind of uh was a second data point to that um but maybe he just peaked out in the last four months and um you know this is peak luke parker right now yeah i'm digging it all right uh joel as joel says luke uh came to play yeah sorry that was i gave the long-winded version of that here's here's a data point on sprague uh workout one of quarterfinals with the it did have muscle ups but it also had the the chest facing or wall facing, uh, handstand pushups. He took 94th in the Northeast, North America, East, uh, region. So is that, I'm sorry. I don't know how to interpret that. Is that bad?
Starting point is 00:40:55 That's yeah. Allen got 30th. Noah got 10th. Farlo got 17th. Roman got 63rd. Tyler Christopher. If Roman got 63rd, I'm, I don't care. That's where he got 94th. Roman got 63rd. If Roman got 63rd, I don't care that Sprague got 94th. Hopper got 34th. In a workout where 7,000 people are doing it. Oh, shit. This is only North America
Starting point is 00:41:16 East that he got that. So, 5,000. Yeah. Son of a bitch. The UFC's on. We gotta go. Nice seeing you guys. Talk to you guys tomorrow. Bye. No, we got a few more minutes. This is interesting.
Starting point is 00:41:29 God, we haven't even... I don't know if we have time for shit like this. Just really quick. Fee and Fuslié. Is Fuslié going to the games? Looking at these events... We'll see. We'll see if she got stronger she had to get stronger is she north
Starting point is 00:41:46 america west or is she uh yeah yeah yeah north america west all right we'll we'll see i think she'll be on the cut line hey and you know what about you know what about fee and uh rebecca's they and and even mal and it just throws uh shit in my face to my perception that the athletes are getting bigger because those are it's fee and uh rebecca are definitely not uh bigger i'll tell you this the fact that fee's doing so good in this this weekend bodes well for fusile because i thought i did not think piece of coffee was going to do as good as she has done. And I know tomorrow is going to be fine for her. So that bodes well for Fusile because they are similar, similar athletes. Josh, go ahead. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:42:35 I know Fee has been, you know, hitting PRs and training. And I think even during, there might've been a PR on the thruster during the open. I know Rebecca has been doing as well, getting stronger. And so they seem to be tracking the same way. So she'll be in the mix, but it'll be tough. She just married her coach, didn't she, Fusile? She did.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Josh, why hasn't anyone started a petition for CrossFit to get rid of Justin Berg for incompetence like they tried to do Chase a few years ago? Because for Chase, they tried to get rid of Justin Berg for incompetence? Like they tried to do chase a few years ago. Well, because for, for chase, they tried to get rid of him because he was white. So it will require someone to realize Justin Berg is tall and white. Those are the kinds of people who start petitions and try to cancel
Starting point is 00:43:15 people. So once, once Justin is spotted as being a six, three and white, that, that group that attacks people based on their race and ethnicity and skin color. They can do it. We don't do that.
Starting point is 00:43:28 We just talk shit over here. Seb, on any chance at night show with real Brian or any athletes, eat a dick, Matt. I resent that. Thank you. And thank you for watching. Please don't hang up or take that. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Thank you. Caleb, did you want to say something? Thank you. For the hearing impaired the dei council has spoken i saw susan fall out of his chair oh my god matt you're a good dude i love you buddy okay um uh real athletes and real brian okay uh let's um now i want to watch the ufc let's let's look at tomorrow's uh morning's workout and no christine don't start one don't do it it's not it's not it's
Starting point is 00:44:13 it's not good for your soul to start a petition to get someone fired for just incompetence so it's not like he's killing babies uh um for uh this workout six uh for time uh 20 overhead squats that sounds hard uh 500 meter row that sounds hard three handstand walk pirouettes what does that mean exactly do we know anything about that you walk and then you turn around on your hands do a whole 360 and then you walk to the next square you do a 360 and then you walk to the next square you do a 360 and then you walk to the next square you do how far how far is the walk not very far do you know offhand caleb or brian i don't think very far it's just box the teams did it um i'm sure it's about the same so it's not a it's not a long walk i like 10 feet okay okay so so the walk is inconsequential yeah it's just your ability to pirouette and keep going
Starting point is 00:45:08 two two two seated legless rope climbs go ahead spin there were some on the teams that i mean they were flying through it um i saw a couple and posted one on my on instagram of it so they can definitely make up some time but it's not going to be enough if they're not good at the rope climbs or the handstand pushups. No, it's everything in totality. It's just a whole bunch of weird things, and let's see who can do all of it. It is really a bag of just like, hey, we're really going to test all the hard shit kind of in in limited amounts right 500 meter row that takes requires real pacing right because you got to go really fucking hard but you can't fucking kill yourself 20 overhead squats you got to have good good position handstand walk pirouettes let's just
Starting point is 00:45:58 even though it's not a lot it's just enough to really test if you're capable competent at them same with the uh 20 strict chest to wall handstand push-ups is that what we're worried about about sprague you think that could just stop them yeah will it i just i depends how hard he goes in the first part he's amazing on the rower um so he he should not if he comes out and is leading on the row after the first one, he should not because he can make it up on the skin. The row is inconsequential to this workout. It's literally just bait to mess yourself up, both of them, really.
Starting point is 00:46:38 I think both rows, you just want a steady pace. You don't want to go fast. Because the overhead squats at the end, if you start dropping those, you're going to add minutes to your score. Yeah, the 20 overhead squats at the end of this is the most important part of this workout. Can that be done unbroken? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Really? Yeah. Kenneth DeLapp, what do you think of the notion that athletes have not peaked because it's semifinals? I honestly don't know, but if I had to take it, I'm the last person you want to ask that question, but I think it's just bullshit, personally. Thoughts on that?
Starting point is 00:47:14 John would know better than me. I think the guys that aren't peaked are way fitter than everybody else. So, I mean, the top five guys, I believe it for that because they know they're going to make it. But you could say the same for the women, and if Brooke Wells is not peaked, maybe she should have peaked. So, I mean, I do think, like, Luke Parker trained for the semifinals, right? And Jason Hopper is training for the games
Starting point is 00:47:47 i believe that and there's certain things tested at the semifinals um and there's certain things that tested for the games you know i you know hopper's probably training for the games and not for the semifinals just knowing he's going to be fit enough yeah you like that spin? Yeah. It's going to depend on who you are. If you're thinking you might make it, you're peaking. Meaning you're training semi-final specific things. You don't want to not peak
Starting point is 00:48:16 and then have your season end. What about Saxon and Spencer? Spencer's still got a shot. But were they peaking? Do you think they're peaking? I think so I mean You gotta be like
Starting point is 00:48:30 Really confident in yourself Like Roman? Adler? Yeah I don't think Roman's peaking I don't think Adler's peaking And I don't think Hopper's peaking I mean you saw Adler in the open I was just kind of trying and I want it. So Mason Mitchell, rest in peace, James Sprague.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Well, thank you. Amazing. How we do it. Justin Berg can't be fired. He's the only trans person at HQ. Two years ago in semis, James Sprague got completely stuck on handstand pushups. Is that facts?
Starting point is 00:49:05 Yeah. It's the one where Mo Morad made the 80-point comeback. Oh, shit. No, that was last year with the heavy snatch and muscle-ups, I think it was. Did he not get stuck on the deficit handstand pushups in that workout? I think it was the snatch and the pushups. Yeah. It was just all three. None of it was good for him.
Starting point is 00:49:27 What does this mean, peaked, anyway? Why wouldn't you peak? The games aren't promised to anyone. Why wouldn't you peak for semifinals? Is it too soon to go up and down, peak twice? I think you've got to ask every individual athlete. I mean, I tend to agree with that, but I'm not good enough. I'm not fit enough to
Starting point is 00:49:46 answer that question from their point of view so it's hard it's hard to say across go ahead they always they always say that games training is just another level they're not at that level at this point yeah it might it might just be more volume it's yeah I mean they're tapering yeah they're tapering they're tapering. Yeah, they're tapering. They're getting ready for it, but they're not doing everything they can to be at their top shape. CrossFit Corey, nah, when Rich and Tia were at their best, they would be peaked all year round. No one would beat them.
Starting point is 00:50:20 I kind of feel that way about Mr. Medeiros, too, which is interesting. If people are just saying – we started the show. People were saying, well, it's boring because Justin doesn't stand out anywhere. He's just slow and steady and the tortoise that wins. Well, what does that say about him peaking? That means he must be always ready, right? Yeah. I mean – What if he just said that what if when he won the games he'd be like dude if i would have been here last week i'd have
Starting point is 00:50:51 killed all you fuckers but he's still holding the first place trophies like i peaked last week i think they're they're training you know it varies and they get ready for certain events and they train differently and the games is the next level and semifinals is not that. David Winslow, I think Emma Carey's comments were awesome. You're so right about Christians. Thank you for that monologue. Yeah, anytime. Thank you for if you're a Christian for having values that the rest of us can learn from. Wow. Andrew Chandler, literally word salad on the intro.
Starting point is 00:51:29 What was that about? Well, you got opposite ends of the spectrum. Andrew, you might be closer to the, you might be closer than Mr. Winslow. I just saw some comments right before I came on and I got really fucking wound up that people were being critical of Emma's, you know, scripture shit and then attacking the United States. It's like, dude, you got to you got to go big picture. It's time to grow up. You got to go. You got to go really big picture and stop worrying about your own petty issues with religion or the United States.
Starting point is 00:52:00 You got it. It's it's it's big boy time okay um let's pick uh let's put let's put the workout back up again um and and uh talk about who's going to uh crush this uh you were you were you let's let's talk about a feast of coffee um uh you you think this is going to be uh uh she's going to bang this one out kill this one one? I think she'll – the 20 overhead squats I think will be hard for her. But if she's able to get through them, I think she'll do the gymnastics portion better than 97% of the field. Okay. And she's not going to do anything miraculous on the row? No.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Nobody will. You shouldn't. If you do do i think it's a mistake and uh and um the the uh the the top dogs emma lawson emma carrie yeah emma lawson i think will win the event or alexis it's only 20 y'all act like there's handstand push-ups in the workout yeah but i think she's good at all those things so she'll be fine what about danielle brandon how are her legless rope climbs i'm guessing danielle smashes this too um she was good at rogan the legless rope climb so yeah i mean i think she i think she'll do good at this as well i just don't think she'll win i think sorry sorry sorry i gotta i gotta do
Starting point is 00:53:32 just one more sorry bit of house cleaning here because this is like the typical uh fifth grade response and i gotta uh where is it uh here it is as if the lord gives a shit about crossfit yeah that's like that's like totally not my point. Just so you know. That is like 100% that's like your snail looking at the ground. I'm just talking big picture of just addressing the issues of the way people are attacking.
Starting point is 00:53:53 If you're attacking that stuff or saying stuff like the Lord gives a shit about CrossFit you completely missed my point. That's not a dig at you but that's not what I'm talking about even in the slightest. Okay, sorry.
Starting point is 00:54:04 I'm going to leave it alone. Maybe I could go back and fuck someone up over there too. Oh, what is this? How about Noble Instagram posting Brookwell's butt coming off bench and giving good rep? They trying to help her out posting? What's the standard that you're not allowed to lift it up, Brian? Do you know?
Starting point is 00:54:24 I don't know. All I know is you had to have the the dumbbells touch your shoulders on the yeah i mean i don't think i haven't heard a bad standard either for this um if that's not a standard it's allowed i think this comment's just trying to start something uh okay good i'd love to start thank you mason yeah mason's good at that mason's just fucking he's all he's just all pumped up and juiced the gills uh jody lynn gotta go crew here's some walking around money thank you a little fire emoji i appreciate it someone's gotta give me money my mom wonders what i'm doing over here uh emma so you you got Emma Lawson as the winner Let's do top three here Okay
Starting point is 00:55:06 I'm gonna go with Daniel Brandon for the winner Who you got, Ryan? I have Alexis Emma Carey And Daniel Wow, you don't got Lawson in the top three? No
Starting point is 00:55:24 Spin bumped his head i'm gonna go with uh daniel brandon lawson and uh emma carrie i i do want i do want to bet on uh alexis raptor she's yeah i i'm gonna say lawson and then daniel brandon and and then probably Raptors I think Kerry Kerry might go for that last 20 overhead squats I'm broken and then fail at 15 or something like I could see that happening how weird uh how weird that uh how weird that that's two Emmas and Emma Lawson and Emma Kerry I'm going to predict that Emma Kerry is in the running to beat Emma Lawson and then fails at 15 or 16 and then has to do
Starting point is 00:56:09 five more and then Brandon gets in between them. That's what's going to happen. You watched the first event at Wadapalooza. Emma Carey crushed it. Yep. God, I hope they film this well. I hope they stack those girls next to each other. Who was not at Wadapalooza? Emma Lawson was not at Wadapalooza.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Or, yeah. Or who else? A lot of the women were not at Wadapalooza. I know. There you go. Yeah, Emma Carey killed a mediocre field. You got to put that into perspective. But she beat Spiegel.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Spiegel. I don't care about Spiegel in a ring. Must love workout. Get out of here. Spiegel. How about this? Do Danielle has over good? Wait, let me read this uh verbatim do danielle has good overhead squats do you need me to interpret that or you guys understand she do that was uh uh yeah yeah that was good uh
Starting point is 00:57:03 sydney wells yeah well we're talking tomorrow tomorrow we'll really dig into the leaderboard okay let's go over to the boys tomorrow morning before uh we start we'll dig into the leaderboard and we'll we're really gonna look at um basically 8 through 15th on both sides and uh and tell you guys who to watch uh for the last two workouts let's go over to the boys and uh pick our boys and it's hard to pick against Adler, huh? I think Roman's going to win this one. Yeah? Yeah, he's really good at legless rope climbs,
Starting point is 00:57:33 especially if they have to come back down and it's seated legless. I remember watching him at the Filthy 150, and he was the only one to go unbroken when they had to go all the way up and come back down and go all the way back up again um and he's good at wall facing handstand push-ups he was uh second or third in the echo press uh last year at the games um he's a monster rower and he's fast at overhead squats so if you go ahead about Dallin's handstand pushups? Are they suspect? They're not suspect, but they're not a strength.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Okay. I'm going to roll with Roman on this one. Scroll down, give us a couple more choices. A couple more guys. I got Morad to win it. Oh my goodness. How's Farlow with all these?
Starting point is 00:58:29 How's Farlow on his hands? The legless rope climb is what I worry about on Farlow. No shit. How can you be that? So his pulling is that weak? He's just heavy, man. But I know Roman's also heavy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:47 So you got Roman. Who do you got for second? Probably Adler. Okay. And third? Will Morad on third. Okay. I have Will Morad. Actually, I say Cornwall.
Starting point is 00:59:04 Cornwall is going to get third. I have Moradad. Actually, I say Cornwall. Cornwall is going to get third. Okay. I have Morad, Semwell, and then Roman, and then Adler. God, I'm stupid. Okay. Mr. Spin? I had Adler and then Cornwall and Spencer. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Wouldn't that be great? God, it would be so great. That would be fantastic for Spencer That would be awesome How's Colton going to do with this Is he in the comments Can he tell us how he's going to do with this I don't give a shit tell me something good
Starting point is 00:59:36 How's he going to do with it Legless was his worst event of all time How can that guy not be good Because he's heavy It just takes him 10 pulls to everybody else's five oh no right he's like they're seated i almost think that he can barely reach over his head like a baby you know like babies can't touch both their hands on the top of their head because they're no it's like it's like yeah easy muhammad who could jump 10 feet
Starting point is 01:00:02 up in the air and do two poles versus Colton could jump eight feet. Adler's already up there already. He's still climbing. Adler went up there and hit his vape pen and came down already. Shit. Oh, look at the Kowski though,
Starting point is 01:00:17 is giving him some love. Wow. And it's not like this isn't because of his ability. It's just it takes more pulls for him to do those than everybody else. But he should do the handstand pushups unbroken. So he'll be up and down in this workout. And he should overhead squat. Actually, now I think about it, I think he'll be fine.
Starting point is 01:00:41 The legless, he will slow down, though. I do want to see the standard for the seated. If they have to come back down or not. Well, that is it, is it going to, is it an L-sit? And where are they going to force? I don't know how they standardize that. You have to start with your feet, like above a 45 pound plate or something. It's got to be what it was for the alpaca that got pulled,
Starting point is 01:01:01 but we just didn't get to see what that was. So if it's anything like the Phil 150 because they did that, I know Roman will crush this. If it's different, then I don't know. Why is he putting that ceiling up? Why is he putting plywood on that ceiling so he can get insulation in there? It looks so much better without that plywood up there. Does he have to insulate it or else it will be freezing in there? It looks so much better without that plywood up there. Does he have to insulate it or else it'll be freezing in there?
Starting point is 01:01:29 That's his house too, so he's insulating it. That's his fucking house? That's like his living room unfinished? No, that's his living room finished. Yeah. No shit, that's Homeboy's house? Yeah, he's building it himself I thought that was a barn
Starting point is 01:01:47 Fuck that is dope You see the front door How nice that front door is Oh my god I thought that was his garage That is amazing Hey dude that's the dude whose girlfriend Loves him
Starting point is 01:02:01 No more trees for those rings What do you mean Oh right yeah wow that's killer Alright uh wow look at loves him. No more trees for those rings. What do you mean? Oh, right. Yeah. Wow, that's killer. All right. Wow, look at that. Brilliant. He built that place? Yeah. Him and his girlfriend and his dad, I think. Is it on the property?
Starting point is 01:02:18 Yeah, it's like probably like 100 yards from his dad's house. Wow, incredible. Okay. I need to send you some pictures pictures colton of this house uh that i got in berkeley where all of the wirings on the outside we insulated the top of the roof and put all the wiring on the outside with conduit it looks dope uh most uh most recent video seven about you oh yeah you want to watch that is it it on Colton's? Yeah. Am I getting tore up? Uh, no. No, it's from this morning.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Okay, let's see. If I look good in it, play it. If I look like shit, don't play it. Okay, here we go. I'm wondering, do we know what the shortest guy was to do those box jumps with the rucksack? Because I'm wondering how Colton Mertens is going to do. I'm wondering how Colton Mertens is going to do.
Starting point is 01:03:05 I'm wondering how Colton Mertens is going to do, too. All right. All right. If you say so, Colton. Good. He said he's going to beat the record in that event. Good. All right.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Hey, what is that thing in the back over there? No, that was Linda. That was Linda, right? Was it Linda or was it this one? Yeah, what is that thing? Is that a homemade yolk? What the fuck is that? Is he making a sauna? It looks like a place to put all of his skiers. That's a skier. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:03:39 They don't have to put them against the wall. They do things different in Iowa. Build it up for themselves. Iowa. It's on the wheels. You can roll that thing around. It's fucking genius, actually. Joel, stop doubting Colton.
Starting point is 01:03:52 I know. You're right. After watching the way these events have gone, I actually think Colton's going to be pretty darn good in semifinals. I think the first event is not going to be good, and then after that, he's going to be great. The whole rest of the weekend. So it's going to be really funny because he's going to be good. And then after that, he's going to be great. Like the whole rest of the weekend. So it's going to be really funny because it's going to be 50th place.
Starting point is 01:04:14 And then it's going to be like third, first, first, third. So he has to stay emotionally. Hey, someone gave $99. Oh, shit. For walking around money. Oh, shit. I thought that was $9.99. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:04:33 I'm going to get a burrito after this. Probably cost that much in California. I'm going to get a burrito. Double steak. Wow. I don't know. That really moves me. That's really nice of her.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Jeez. Okay. The rest of you, no, hold on to your wallets. No, seriously. No one. No one. Please. Please. Anything else? Oh, I almost just hit end broadcast. Someone just got horny. Kind of. Only because I haven't been sleeping. I can feel my body. You know when you don't sleep a lot and your body starts producing testosterone like you're asleep? So you start getting these random erections. You guys ever have that happen to you? I don't sleep a lot, so I get my nighttime erections while I'm awake. Those ones are crazy.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Anyway. Instead of morning wood, it's just daily wood? Yeah, just fucking crazy wood. Maybe it's all the argin wood. Maybe it's all the arginine I've been taking. Arginine and cretin? Yeah. California money is like the Chinese yen
Starting point is 01:05:34 thousand K for a burrito. No. Okay, so anything else we want to add in any injuries, accidents, Rich Froning finally make it inside. We could bring up the team judge misloading the barbell for the cleans. Oh, yeah, that's fun.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Let's do that. Hiller did that video. Okay, yeah, let's check that out. Good one, Spinn. Can you brief, before we watch this, because Hiller speaks cryptically when he's in a hurry, can you tell us what we're about to see? Yeah, he'll show it.
Starting point is 01:06:05 But basically one of the teams on the outside lane, they weren't in contention for a spot. The guy started to work on the cleans, started to stand it up and realized that it was uneven, and you'll see him point out a 10-pound plate in front of him here. Is that normal that the judges load the – Oh, shit. Right there in uh oh shit and it starts pointing oh is it the judge's job to put the right weight on yeah i think they were changing the weights or
Starting point is 01:06:34 getting it ready and it's an asian dude so he's probably like an engineer or something and very sensitive to these types of things 10 pounds difference on each side my god how the fuck does that happen? I guess if it happens to Laura Horne. Say that again, Caleb? I think that's an event staff thing, not a judging thing. Yeah, me too. I think that also.
Starting point is 01:06:53 But if I'm the judge, I fly over there. I don't even take the collar off. Yeah. I just shove that fucking thing on there. Now, so they said they didn't do any more. They didn't do any more. Oh, he moves. He got up fast. That judge got up fast. He didn't put it on there, more. Oh, he moves. He got up fast.
Starting point is 01:07:05 That judge got up fast. He didn't put it on there, though. Look, he's on the wrong side. Oh, he's going to take off the other 10. Oh, shit. They wasted an entire minute. They only have two minutes per interval. I like what that judge did.
Starting point is 01:07:18 That's good. He's putting his hand up, waiting for somebody. Could they have gone in the next heat then, maybe? They should have done something like that, yeah. Is that the beginning of the event right there? That looks like the heaviest weight or maybe the second heaviest. So if they only get one minute interval to clean as many times as you can? If I'm that guy, I'm just cleaning that weight 10 pounds less.
Starting point is 01:07:44 It doesn't make you that off kilter. And you just, I mean, you're getting away with something. If you're that guy, I get, I get you're crooked and it's not right. What they did was not right. They should have let him go on the next heat, but I mean, just clean it, shift your hands one inch to the left. Yeah. No, so, so they did, it was three rounds and the weight increased.
Starting point is 01:08:08 I can't remember the weights that it was, but I think the judges that were out there were the ones that were responsible for changing it in the minute rest between. Hey, you know, what's interesting is they say, you know, in the spirit of the games. They granted his appeal, so he got one rep. Yeah. So the weights.
Starting point is 01:08:25 That's the worst part about that. That's so terrible. That is like an F you to that team. Oh, my goodness. Hey, what's interesting is that the games uses that line in the spirit of the games or in the spirit of the movement. So you would think that they would just be like, hey, they should have just let that team run it with no one out there. They could have done that.
Starting point is 01:08:48 They like with a few, you know, while the rest of the while they were transitioning from one event to the other. Yeah. Just let that team go. Did they do that at the games one year? They just let no, no. They did that at Rogue for Alexis Raptors. Yeah, that was crazy, right? And I mean, I think that's the most
Starting point is 01:09:04 fair way. every every there you can't tell me they wouldn't be okay with that they did run a tight ship today man the game the the the schedule was so tight and beautiful i think because wilson is running the event the dude who kicked rich out um okay uh anything else you would like to bring up, Mr. Spin, Mr. Young? No, I'm excited to see the leaderboard shake up. I think we'll see some decent movement tomorrow morning and have quite a few people in contention for the last event. All right. We will be back here tomorrow. If anyone's wondering where I'm going, I'm going straight to the beach.
Starting point is 01:09:46 There's three hours of beach time left. So meet me at the beach. Tomorrow morning. Oh, shit. We get to sleep in, Sousa. Until 5. This 6 a.m. Pacific. No, no.
Starting point is 01:09:58 So we will be here at 5 a.m. No. Oh, shit. We don't sleep in tomorrow. Sousa, can you come on? Where is Sousa? Oh, that sucks. I see individual event happening at 9 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, which is 6 a.m. our time, which means I have to start the show at 5 a.m.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Holy shit. You're good at that. Thanks. My head's tingling because I'm so tired. Oh, God, Audreyrey that would be awesome i would love to meet you at the tennessee river too we could skip rocks um okay uh yeah it does suck for me i will uh i will see you guys here at 5 a.m pacific standard time tomorrow sounds good and uh mr young will you be here? Yep And Mr. Spinn?
Starting point is 01:10:46 If you want me I'd love you, dude I'd love you to be here, thank you You guys have been killing it Let's see if we can get Tyler here We've never had all four of us, huh? We did for like 30 minutes And then I had to go
Starting point is 01:10:56 Okay Jay Hartle sucks for you nerds East Coast is happy Well, thank you All right, guys Thank you very much Nerds, East Coast is happy. Well, thank you. All right, guys. Thank you very much. Thank you, CrossFit, for putting on an event that we could talk about,
Starting point is 01:11:13 criticize, beat up on. And sleep well, everyone. Caleb, thank you. Mr. Sousa, thank you. And we will see you guys tomorrow. Oh, one more thing. You know who's coming on Monday? Monday evening, there's an MMA fighter coming on. Her name is Ty Emery.
Starting point is 01:11:29 And she's the one that won her fight and then jumped up on the rings and pulled out her titties. And so she popped on my radar. I'm a fan of the fight game. All right. See you guys tomorrow morning. Bye-bye.

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