The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Semifinals EAST | Event 1 Recap

Episode Date: May 19, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
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Starting point is 00:01:02 Bam, we're live. Hiller, where you at, baby? I am sitting right on top oh man you're at the venue good yeah yeah right over there actually this is cool check this out you should see this oh he's in that upstairs area yeah like this is the whole thing right here oh we got some scratchy, pretty scratchy audio. What mic are you using? I'm using an AirPod. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Sorry, I'm not. Wait, what happened? Are you getting in trouble? 225. One of his headphones are in his hand. That's why it's feeding back. Some chick just asked Hiller how much she weighs. How much she weighs.
Starting point is 00:01:44 She said 225. Incorrect. Incorrect. Incorrect. Are you getting in trouble for showing something? Yes. You should. Oh, this is good.
Starting point is 00:01:57 I feel like we're seeing something that we shouldn't be seeing. No, no, no. I just had music between two worlds. Were you about to get confrontational? No, no, no, no, no I just had music between two worlds were you about to get confrontational no no no no something is wrong with your something is wrong with your airpod though try putting the other one
Starting point is 00:02:15 or logging in and out maybe I'll do that okay guys two big stories are Caleb hi two big stories of today two big stories uh are uh caleb hi uh two big stories of today the two big stories i think are uh james pregg's uh sled flipping over and uh sydney wells uh beating her sister uh
Starting point is 00:02:36 brooke wells uh very cool right it's a shame we didn't talk more about sydney wells i had her in my notes in the prior show. JR, any surprise? What are your thoughts on Miss Sydney Wells beating out the great Brooke Wells? Some people are saying Brooke's going to win the games this year. Yeah, I mean, I think Brooke's going to be fine. I was really impressed with Sydney's running cadence on the air runner. Like, from the beginning, it was like, whoa, she's definitely running faster than all the other females right now.
Starting point is 00:03:05 So what you're saying is you don't want to take anything away from Brooke. Brooke's great. It's just Sydney showed up. That's really a victory for Sydney and not a loss for her sister Brooke. Yeah, for sure. And I think just the sled in general was such an unknown that I didn't know what to think was going to happen for someone like Sydney on the sled. Because there's not really a whole lot of data we have. There's not really a whole lot of lifting correlates that you can take into account
Starting point is 00:03:29 when it comes to something like that that's so just grunt work and so variable based on the athlete. Andrew, did you see in real time Sprague's sled flip over, and was there an audible gasp in the stadium? Yeah, there was. How did you know about the audible gasp? I'm just guessing because, I mean, I was at home, and I made one sitting on the couch. I turned to JR, and I go,
Starting point is 00:03:57 you would have thought someone broke their freaking leg. That's how loud the gasp was. Some special footage, very special footage of James Sprague. Yeah, just show that poem part. They'll ding us for this, Caleb. Give us maybe seven seconds, even though it's not the streaming footage. They are sticklers. You have James Sprague running out to his sled.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Hey, was that a complete fluke? Was that user error? Was that setup error? Thoughts, Hiller a complete fluke? Was that user error? Was that setup error? Thoughts, Hiller, on what happened? I don't think anybody had any idea how to use or operate these tarps they're pulling this thing on, this sled. I mean, I think even as JR, I go, have you ever used one of these? He goes, no.
Starting point is 00:04:40 No telling anyone has. Do you have thoughts on it, JR, whether it was user error? Did Sprague set it up wrong? Who did set it up? Did he pull it from the wrong angle? What's going on here? No, I think one thing that you did see in a lot of lanes was as the workout went on, the surface that the plates rested on wasn't very much wider than the diameter of the plates.
Starting point is 00:05:03 wasn't very much wider than the diameter of the plate. So as the sleds were pulled, some of that fabric or cloth would start to come out from the sled, where eventually it would look like some people were just pulling the plates in contact with the flooring. And I think that's what happened. It just got to the point where he pulled it, and it just kind of grabbed the floor and then flipped up. Like foreskin, just pulled it right back.
Starting point is 00:05:26 I think that's all that happened, honestly. So is this going to be like another my lane was wet sort of, or his lane was wet sort of thing where it was like, well, my place was rubbing, theirs weren't? Okay. I didn't want to hear that, but just check. I think it's all because it's user error. I mean, if you didn't do it right, then it's on you.
Starting point is 00:05:44 I mean, it's much different than having the entire lane fit differently at the games uh there was another one too um i think it was emma uh let me see uh sydney well sydney well sled also got jammed up there saying uh even though she beat her sister uh the commentator said that her sled her carpet folded underneath the weights which which i which i guess could could mean a benefit too it doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing right yeah and all the heats you would see the like the front corners of the sled kind of get folded up under and most of the athletes would just run down and fix it and come back um i actually noticed that Pepper was moving it quicker
Starting point is 00:06:26 when it was all folded up like that. So I was wondering why more people weren't folding them. Wasn't it something that just happened on accident? Yeah, usually if they weren't doing it on purpose. But when it was that way and no one's going to make them change it, I don't know why. There is something on the sled standard that we've been hearing quite a bit from the athletes in the briefing.
Starting point is 00:06:49 I don't know when you want to hear about that. Tell me. I'm ready. They were being told in the brief that they had to keep their feet. They couldn't move their feet as they were pulling the sled, which is why you saw a lot of the athletes kind of doing this big old squat because if they were to step back, then they were told they were not allowed to do that.
Starting point is 00:07:05 But then, however, when they asked what would happen if they did, they didn't have anything. They just said don't do it and keep it within the spirit of the sport. So people were splitting their feet, splitting their feet to get some sort of a pulling advantage. And what do you do? Don't do that. They do it again.
Starting point is 00:07:22 What do you do? Don't do that. But there was no penalty, so they were all doing it. Not all, but a lot of them were, and there's no reason not to be if it was better for them. When we saw Sprague start pulling the sled, he was in front of the red line, and the ref told him three times to get behind the red line, and each time he got closer to it until he finally got behind it. Then Adler, we saw start in front of the red line, go behind the red line, and then come back in front of the red line where he finished we also from at home and i'm not complaining i'm just asking we couldn't tell where the finish line was because it looked like the majority
Starting point is 00:07:54 of athletes were pulling it across the red line but some were pulling it just across the white line do you guys have any answers for us it was the white line it was the finish line okay which would make sense they want you behind the red line. It was the finish line. Okay, which would make sense. They want you behind the red line, and then that gives you room in front of you to pull the sled in front of you, right? Every round before the final round, they had to cross the red line, and then on the final round, they had to cross the white line. So they had to kind of operate that.
Starting point is 00:08:20 They had to navigate to the right of the air runners. Otherwise, they were pulling right into it. JR, can you confirm what Hiller just said? Is that true? They changed the finish line in the final heat? No. No, no, no, no, no, no. The final round, they changed it. So, the round went to them. They moved it back.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Okay. Thank you for the clarification. Okay. I'm glad I clarified. Daniel Brandon crushing that event. We saw she won her heat. Did she actually win the event yes by over a minute uh crazy uh uh mr spin why why why is she so much better uh than this uh um what arguably could be the best uh pack of female athletes we'll see compete outside of the games this year. I mean, you saw her running. I mean, she looked really strong the whole time. And she is,
Starting point is 00:09:20 I'd say, one of the stronger athletes when it comes to that type of workout of pulling strength. Does anyone here know in her post- fight interview with Mr. Conway she states that she's done more sled pulling than anyone is that what she stated was there might have been others who practiced more we're talking about DB you want to say something to him I'm going to say yeah just wait for the rest of the weekend
Starting point is 00:09:40 hey what's up guys we're just excited for the rest of the week it's only one workout yeah yeah hey matt how much sled pulling do you guys do zero uh how surprised are you that she won by a minute uh honestly i'm not very surprised uh you know for that workout uh and she's strong as well so it's that's if you look at the top you know eight finishes that's what you're seeing across the board for the men and the women so just happy ended up that way uh emma carrie first off the runner correct uh i don't know maybe maybe i think she was first off the runner and a lot of people were saying the first person off the runner would
Starting point is 00:10:21 um uh win that event is that was that her strategy not necessarily uh the strategy was to feel like a 7 rpe coming off all the machines because the the sled drag the hand over hand is gonna jack you up to a 9 rp each time so you just have to make sure you're under control awesome dude you're the man thanks for taking time Matt Killer dude Um JR dude You're a beast what's that mean RPE What's he talking about Exertion how much she felt like she was exerting I'm still lost anyone else
Starting point is 00:10:55 Perceived exertion Yeah so like If you tell them Uh tomorrow After the snatches to get on the runner And run as hard as you can for the 800-meter run, that's going to be a 10 out of 10. Okay. Yeah. So it's just a subjective metric.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Yeah. So it's like for this 800, run as fast as you possibly can without blowing up. So a 7 out of 10 would just be you're working. You can still probably talk, but maybe like in broken sentences, and you're not getting to the point be you're, you know, you're working, you can still probably talk, but maybe like in broken sentences and you're not getting to the point where you're going to die. Anyone here surprised with Daniel Brandon winning that event? Honestly, like since last year at the Mac,
Starting point is 00:11:38 when she won the Mac mile and she looked like she wasn't even really fatigued. And then she went to the games. I think I ate on the capital. Like I've taken big notes of those two workouts as just being really long endurance aerobic tests that she's really excelled on. So if that was ever a weakness, it's definitely not anymore. Did you, could you guys, this is, I don't know if this is a fair question to ask you, but did she look like she's having fun from what you can see?
Starting point is 00:12:06 Because in the interview, she was very lighthearted, but it's hard to tell, right, because she just won. But does she look like she's having fun? Does she look relaxed out there? Dude, she was all business. She was? Yeah. She looked really, really, really focused.
Starting point is 00:12:19 You also saw her yesterday at the event, watching the events, though, right? At the venue yesterday. Yeah, it was pretty cool. I mean, she, I think before their orientations and their briefings, a lot of the Brute athletes were out there watching. But, yeah, she just rolled up, was watching the team workouts, was really into it, and was, like, really, really cool
Starting point is 00:12:41 with all the fans coming up to her and, you know, asking for pictures, stuff like that. Can we see the female leaderboard, Mr. Beaver? Is it updated? Women's is. Awesome. Let's do it. Daniel Brandon, first place.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Amanda Fisher, second place. Danielle Kearns, third place. Amanda Barnhart, fourth place. I don't even know who second and third place are. I don't even know who those ladies are. Should I? to barnhart fourth place i don't even know who second and third place are i don't even know who those ladies are should i i think there's just some of the outliers in some of the previous heats that just crushed the sled okay oh you know how people will say uh tyler people will say oh this is a running event or this is a strength event or this is this is a um uh whatever whatever the movement is that it's won or lost on. This is a burp event.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Tyler, would you say this was a sled event? This was won or lost on the sled? I think you could lose it on the sled, but I think it was won and lost on the run. Okay. Do you guys all agree? Anyone have any issues with that? I think that's well said.
Starting point is 00:13:41 You had to be able to move the sled to be competitive, and then it came down to the run. How much you could breathe. Yeah. You think the most important part of that was the run? What's that? You had to be able to move the sled, but once you did, it came down to the run.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Well, JR is basically saying that these number two and three, Amanda and Danielle could really pull the sled. Like the sled was not an issue for them at all. Yeah, that's true, but they were also really good on the machines. I remember Amanda being the first off the echo bike in her heat. Keep scrolling.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Anyone shit the bed on this where you're like, oh no, this is going to be for someone who is supposed to go to the games, this is going to be a long weekend. How did Paige Powers do? Annika Greer is down in 40th. Caroline Prevo is in 38th. Paige Powers, 18th.
Starting point is 00:14:38 I'm actually surprised at Fee, Fee being that high in this workout. Because she's so little? Yeah. Yeah, I mean, it says something right she beat page powers you think of page powers as being a pretty uh good uh power athlete right yeah why is it especially yeah exactly very very powerful athlete yes but feet i mean she's not set well for for the ski um you. She doesn't have that much mass to push on the run. So, I mean, that's a really good spot for her starting out this weekend. I mean, this is going to be a hard weekend for her,
Starting point is 00:15:14 and I feel like that's a good sign. Brian, the venue looked packed. Anything you've seen that you don't like about the venue? Mr. Spinn? I'm not there. Fair enough. J.R. Hiller, any thoughts about the venue? It looks jam-packed.
Starting point is 00:15:33 It looks good. The only criticism I have is it is a little unique for us to see so many athletes packed into so many lanes. And part of me wishes that we could have seen heats of 10. I know it's a 30-minute workout, not feasible, but it would have been cool to see longer rope pools. Yeah, that's true. But I think them finding a way to get the test in,
Starting point is 00:15:53 which is basically like building another competition floor, is really cool. And it's not something they ever did at regionals. There was always just one floor to work off of. I mean, the event's awesome. I think that the crowd is as big as I've ever seen at a regional on a Friday ever. Yeah, it looks huge. It looks sold out from the angles we're seeing.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Yeah, I mean, the bleachers are packed, the standing room is packed, and then we're up kind of like in a little catwalk area that's really fun to watch from too. Was that Jake Berman? Who was that? Dennis Sampson. No, that was Dennis. Is Jake Berman there? Yeah, he was in the final heat.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Oh, how did he do? I mean, he was one of the guys, you know, along with the Panjik brothers that just didn't move the sled as fast as some of the other athletes. So it's interesting. It'll be interesting to see if this workout ends up being at the end of the weekend, like one of the big, stronger athlete bias tests where like maybe the ring muscle up one and the gymnastics one later end up really balancing it out. You know, I'm looking at my notes here and it says I don't know if this is right, but it says Emma Carey was off the bike and the runner first. So basically that comes down to Danielle Brandon just having better pacing, huh? Some Vellner stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Well, I think I talked about it before when we talked about the workouts when they first came out. That going sled, ski sled is awful on the upper body. So if your lats or your grip is fatigued at all from the first round of sled pull, then when you get to the back half of the workout, like you're kind of going to die a slow death. Steven Flores here in the comments. Emma was struggling with the sled i hope you don't mind my edit all comments can be and will be edited uh by me for easier consumption
Starting point is 00:17:52 uh answer that i agree with him uh i thought the feed boys i thought the feed was amazing i thought adrian and chase absolutely killed it i thought it was the most light-hearted and uh yet um yet not wasting our time, you know, being able to say things that maybe you wouldn't necessarily hear on another feed. They saw that we were the, the guy in the Calvin Klein shirt was just getting people were having a field day, making great one liners with him. And so Chase actually introduced him to the crowd.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Everyone saw JR back there. You know Obviously, the community loves JR's analysis and Chase stood up and interviewed him. I thought a few times him and Adrian bounced off of each other. Just absolutely fantastic. I think that was the best commentating I've ever heard for any games event, to be completely frank. Were you guys happy with that? It was fun. It was loose.
Starting point is 00:18:43 You could tell they were just like, oh, we bootstrapped this together. We're lucky we even have this, were you guys happy with that it was fun it was loose like you could tell they were just like oh we're you know it's a we bootstrapped this together we're lucky we even have this so let's have fun with it that's what it felt like to me yeah fantastic and normally i don't think the commentators see the comments no yeah that was cool too right i mean so they they got a they got a real uh they got they got a real treat with that um It is important. I did like, as the heats went on, I noticed Chase was getting better and better. It is important when the cameras are blurry like this that they call out clothing for us. So when they say there's Danielle Brandon and there's four girls, we can't actually make out their faces, right?
Starting point is 00:19:19 So if they say the orange, what he started saying, the orange top, the green dress, the guy with the the shirt off and all of those things help cue us to who we're watching and once you kind of figure out who's who uh the quality starts mattering uh less and less i saw at times this feed had 6 000 people i was really impressed so i guess people did see uh did find it at the crossfit uh podcast and hopefully this will be a boon to the entire podcast i wonder what their subscribers how much their subscribers changed i think it was less than 2000 um when the show started yeah there were still a lot of people who did not know that that it was being broadcast so they didn't put it out there where they needed to uh david weed uh the calvin klein guy fucks hard and fast.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Did you talk to him, JR? Do you know who we're talking about? You were standing next to him for over an hour. Do you know who we're talking about? I have no idea. No, okay. Well, there were hundreds of amazing jokes that people were cracking about him in the audience.
Starting point is 00:20:21 And what was crazy is when Chase actually interviewed him, he didn't even sound like a real person. He like forrest gump like like he knew we were making fun of him so he used a fake voice it was a trip like right didn't it seem like that tyler yeah a little bit oh the the comment thread was just going off like every second comment was him it was just every other one oh here here he yeah uh there he is do you see can i don't know if you can see jr but you see him on the left there with the necklace yeah yeah i mean he looks like a ufc fighter like he's just got like that blockhead and like he repped it was good um uh i also like the fact that um one of the things i was excited about about the sled is that daniel brandon actually passed sydney Wells on the final sled pull.
Starting point is 00:21:06 And that's the kind of stuff you want to see. And we also got to see Jason Hopper pass James Sprague on that final sled pull. Was that fun to be in the stadium when that happened? Oh, yeah. I mean, I think everyone, when they saw the workout, one, wanted the sled to matter, which no one can say it did not. And then, two, they wanted to see that last sled pull. There not be enough separation to where someone couldn't close the gap and actually catch someone on it. And it happened.
Starting point is 00:21:32 So that's good. Yeah, it was good stuff. You would not have seen that with the torque tank, ladies and gentlemen. Who is that? Hiller. Is that not the Calvin Glein guy you're talking about? No. No.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Okay, then never mind. Eaton Beaver, Sevan, you have refined the game with community engagement in the chat. Every podcast will go on. All known, we follow your show. God, I love you guys. Thank you. Melissa, I saw your DM.
Starting point is 00:21:56 I responded. My DMs are a complete shit show. I appreciate, by the way, the very thoughtful DM you sent me the other day. Thank you. It was criticism, but thoughtful. Get with the programming, Chase. You were amazing. Yeah, Chase was amazing.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Adrian was amazing, too. They killed it. Jeffrey Adler, is he, is Adler the new Pat Vellner and Fikowski? Is he Canada's new hope? Pat is, I mean, I was telling Andrew, I don't know if he's going to win anything,
Starting point is 00:22:32 but I could see him finishing like top five on everything. Like, I just don't really think he has holes at this point. I think he's going to be super consistent on everything. He's got like three or five holes. So, so, so Jay, are you saying are you are you saying he's Justin Medeiros-esque? Are you saying
Starting point is 00:22:53 it's Canada's Justin Medeiros? No, I think I think semifinals and regionals are just a lot different in somewhat the style of tests, but then also just the volume of tests. There's only seven scored workouts.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Two of them are back-to-back. And against a field that has 60, where you could argue that probably only 20 of them are really relevant, I just don't know that there's that many people in this field, maybe in a worldwide field, but in this field to beat Jeff. More than five or six guys on every workout. But obviously we'll see. Julio Barintos. Tyler, would you like to take a shot? Barintos? Okay. Julio Barintos. Barintos. Tyler, would you like to take a shot? Barintos?
Starting point is 00:23:46 Okay. Julio Barintos. How crazy would it be if Daniel Brandon won the games this year? It would be single-handedly the best thing that ever happened for the sport in modern times. She's the kind of person that you'd see be down on the floor at the Super Bowl. It would be fucking, we'd go full rock star status uh the sport and you know what she would share it with us too she would be she would it would be fun as shit who's the male equivalent of daniel brandon oh i don't know justin's like if they're a win justin needs to do a few lines of coke and we're there he's got the hair done i think we could hook that up this weekend the male equivalent is yeah would be hunter mcintyre oh hey you know even james sprague
Starting point is 00:24:33 could pull it off i think so too that's a good one and we'll get to james sprague we'll get to james sprague in one second uh greg c to the pioneers visionaries and ceo team for pushing the boundaries thanks greg for, for your support, dude. It means a lot. And I saw your comments, too, on the live feed. Thank you. Hey, if – bye, Jer. If – I want to talk about James Sprague.
Starting point is 00:24:54 I said in our thread that James Sprague is going to be a problem for Jason Hopper in the future because of their body similarities. And John Young responded with something very thoughtful saying, no, you just watch the next four workouts. He's not going to be a problem for Hopper in the future because of their body similarities. And John Young responded with something very thoughtful, saying, no, you just watch the next four workouts. He's not going to be a problem for Hopper at all. Do you guys have any thoughts on that? I thought James looked big and thick. I think it's more than just those five-inch inseams he's wearing. I think we're looking at a 21-year-old man-child.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Anyone? This was his event. This was the best event he could perform in this weekend um i'm happy with how he did but i still need to see other stuff through the rest of the weekend so you're saying settle down savvy settle down this was in his wheelhouse a little bit okay okay uh mr spin do you agree with tyler or or you lean more on uh wait we just wait and see sprague is going to be a problem for Hopper. I do.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Like I said this morning with Paige and how she would do in event one, I want to see how James does this afternoon on the muscle-ups. That was that. And then on the max snatch, which that's later. But again, if he can be pretty good on these muscle ups and the weighted muscle ups, then I'll feel better about him hanging around the top 10, top 12, the rest of the weekend. Is he going to the games this year, James Sprague?
Starting point is 00:26:19 I haven't picked the last, last spot in. So I think he can do it. Okay. I say he goes to and tyler i i'm 50 50 man i i'm leaning towards no the back half of this weekend's really going to be hard for james i want him to go but i'm leaning towards no yeah who doesn't want him to go good the only thing is with the the snatch he's going to give up some on the max piece of it, but I think he'll be just fine and make that up on the eight snatches and the 800-meter run on event five. So he'll bounce out. JR will just sabotage more of Sprague's implements so Plopper can win.
Starting point is 00:27:00 I think that's a fair assessment. I would let James Sprague babysit my kids and hold my wife's hand. Well, that's awfully nice of you, Mr. DeLapp. Male leaderboard, Mr. Beaver, is it up? Are the boys ranked one through 60? Kind of. No. Yes?
Starting point is 00:27:22 It doesn't have the points But Okay It is ranked HWPO Jason Hopper In his post Win interview He dedicated that win To Mallory O'Brien
Starting point is 00:27:36 That was Very kind of him And James Frake Second place Roman Krennikoff Third Still great right
Starting point is 00:27:43 No one's like Oh Roman shit the bed. I mean, still like beast, right? He came out too hot. Okay. Vigneault, fourth. Only guy. He was not in the final heat.
Starting point is 00:27:55 So an impressive show, right? Yeah. Yeah. And then Norman Woodring. I have no idea who that is. I love the name. I think I was talking about him. is, but I love the name. I think I was talking to Brian about him.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Yeah, he's been around a long time. I think I was talking to Brian about him a couple days ago, and he had said, hey, I think he might do pretty decent on this one. So it's not that he wasn't a known. It was just not that he was the top guy to watch. He won the clean and jerk box jump workout in quarterfinals i don't mind if i if i'm correct so he's a very very strong dude high power output uh 6 3 220 he's he's meant to pull a sled yeah and and fuck with the machines yep all right um i i wonder if they when they were briefed
Starting point is 00:28:47 they were told hey if your sled flips over you're responsible for running out there and fixing it i'm sure they probably had known that i don't know if they were briefed on it yeah i wonder i was wondering the same thing like do they talk about it or is it just one of those things in the moment it's like well i guess you can go flip it back over because we've never really had to do that worry about that with a sled before right right uh don't i'm trying to think the one thing i mean the obvious thing is is what happened at the games a couple times right wheelbarrow slipping over yeah i was getting ready to say the wheelbarrow. But other than that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:27 I thought it was pretty cool. I liked it. I kind of liked that there was that element of fear of pulling too hard and sending it toppling over in. Any chance of Norman Woodring going to the games? Maybe. No shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:44 I mean, if he has a good weekend he's not a bad athlete it's just that he's struggled at this you know at this caliber at times i mean it might be his time uh edward payne norm's a big dude what about the girls uh that we mentioned the two ladies um amanda and was it danielle who are who are like third and fourth. We see the women's leaderboard one more time. Do they have a chance to go of going to the games? I'd be shocked. I don't, I don't think so. I wonder how that is for them. She's been on a team the last couple of years, just missed out on.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Yeah. Six that granite games last year and six, the West coast classic on a team. So she's been on a good team. Keep going to the top, Caleb. There they are, Amanda Fisher and Danielle Kearns. So they're not having any delusions of grandeur, or maybe they are, that they think they're going? They're not. Yeah, I don't think they're making any decisions yet.
Starting point is 00:30:40 I mean, it's definitely wind in their sails, but I think they know they have a fight ahead. I mean, this field definitely wind in their sails, but I think they, they know they have a fight ahead. I mean, this, this field is stacked for the women. And so I don't think anyone, uh, has that. I think everyone below that knows they're going to be below eighth is on edge. Okay. Uh, shall we take a look at workout number two? Shall we take a look at workout number two? Before we go to that, the men. Please. There are some guys that have a lot of work ahead of them. Okay, let's hear.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Oh, right, right. So Saxon Panchik is in 32nd. Man. Wow. Tyler Christoffel is in 37th. Wow. Thank you. This is important.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Holy shit. Yeah. And Spencer is in 37th. Wow. Thank you. This is important. Holy shit. Yeah. And Spencer is in 51st. Holy cow. And then Tyler's Jake Berman is in 52nd. You know. Wait, wait, wait. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Who did you say before Jake Berman? Spencer. Spencer, yeah. So Spencer's in what place? 51? 51st, yeah. And Jake Berman's in yeah so Spencer's in what place 51 51st yeah and and who and what was in Jake Berman's in what 52nd oh my god they're on the second page I didn't know there's a page and any quick math you can do for me gentlemen is is is are there people who are out already no I mean no on the in the teams um crossfit night 1977 they had an event they
Starting point is 00:32:08 didn't make any points hardly and they finished last first one yeah and they're in 16th right now so they're battling their way back they're they're next to were pretty high finishes um pretty decent finishes and so it's you can definitely make your way back especially if other people fall and jake can do that in the next event. Same for the Panjik brothers. That's a good event for them. I'm wondering. I kind of want to reach out to them and say, hey, what do you think happened on that?
Starting point is 00:32:37 Because I don't see that as an event. I thought the Panjik boys were going to do well in that past event. Riley S., I saw a quite small homeless fellow with quite a beard yesterday when I was driving under an overpass. I did a double take thinking it was Sevan. Well, thank you. Thank you for thinking of me, right? Is that – thank you for thinking of me?
Starting point is 00:33:00 That's the takeaway. Okay, that's sweet. That's cool. Pervert. Jeremy World, $2. Thank you for thinking that's the takeaway. Okay, that's sweet. That's cool pervert Uh, jeremy world two dollars. Did hillary go to the low budget? poon edition audition porn porn poon porn Is that your first go-to? Yeah, uh, did hillary go to the low budget porn audition? Oh just with his look that he
Starting point is 00:33:22 Hiller always looks like that kind of like a porn star right uh anything a great question anything happened to them in particular to saxon or spencer like did you see anyone like where they imploded like i mean i i thought proven i thought proven was like the machine camp i don't know i mean you, you look at Sydney Wells, and something's happened in the last year. She did well, yeah. The only thing I can say is, I mean, Saxon, since the games, we've not seen much out of him. I mean, he obviously didn't perform well at Rogue Invitational,
Starting point is 00:33:58 had a reason there. And so we really haven't seen anything. I don't know if it's a trend. If he does not do well this event, he's out. What is Saxon in right now? 32nd. So they both did poorly on it. But that's what I talked about before this weekend started.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Everybody, like, if you slip in this field, you're going to fall far. There's so many people. And there's so many people in each heat that if you get behind, it's just people passing you, passing you, passing you. You have no idea. Which is okay because you can come back at the same time.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Yes. How big of a game changer is this, the field of 60 versus a field of 30 in semifinals? Huge. For me, I think it's huge. Because you're talking about two semifinals huge for me for me i think it's huge because you're talking about two semifinals worth of elite athletes from last year and then you know any like i think there are a bunch of people like we saw with the women that like can just pigeonhole this one they're really
Starting point is 00:34:57 good at this one event and so there's those two there's outliers yeah i think there's room for more specialists in each one that you know that they're just going to kind of push push you down a little bit if you're not the best at it and it'd be tougher to make up points because of it hillary's therapist uh never enough of these comments keep them coming uh mr spin looks like he's renting that space for the weekend what look there's even like what do you mean the weekend looks like the month he's renting that space for the weekend. There's even like, what do you mean the weekend? Looks like the month. He's got booze back there. Look at a little bottle like airplane alcohol. That's right.
Starting point is 00:35:29 He keeps his office so clean. Manny Spiegel, Mr. Spin is broadcasting from WeWork. WeWork is so nice for the list. Also a nice, good comment. I appreciate it. Okay, here we go. One more from Trish. A Mr. Spin got to office furniture when a bank went out of
Starting point is 00:35:45 business. Also, I will give all of those a C plus or better. You guys are absolutely... Friggin' Jeremy. I hate how much I look like one of the boys in Backstreet Boys. Nick Carter.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Jeremy World for free. I'll read this. Tyler looks like he's trying to bring back people's interest in boy bands. Fair enough. But yeah, here we go. Look at that. Nice. Okay. Any women who, who are, we didn't, we didn't see any women who are in the same uh kind of dire situation as spencer and uh jake right and any big name women i mean these are big names spencer pancheck jake burman not that far down no i mean i think we all were kind of hoping to see annika up there i knew she wasn't going to do very well in this one um but she's kind of like sprague
Starting point is 00:36:45 right she's more hope they're they're new to the game right yeah new to the game young and new to the game not new to the game but new to this this field of heavy hitters yeah 40 is a little low but hey like you're you're this is your comeback um you know this is the first first at bat so to speak so get get some reps in and get it under your feet and let's go. How old is Dallin? He's good, too. How old is Dallin? How old is Dallin Pepper?
Starting point is 00:37:12 How old is he? 20, 21. Okay, so he's as young as James. Wow. That dude's married? He's responsible. I guess, if you say so. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Workout number two. I thought we did very well with our predictions. And, you know, the names you heard thrown around were Daniel Brandon, Emma Carey, Emma Lawson, James Sprague, Jasonason hopper roman krennikoff uh that was workout one now workout two a five ring complex uh toe to ring muscle up uh one ring dip and then 20 single leg squats 20 pistols the alternating we have to assume uh no so it's five unbroken on one leg switch switch switch so you can go five right five left five right five left but those five have to be unbroken okay and then um meaning the other foot can't come down right okay and then you uh and that's all while wearing a ruck 10 10 pounds for the ladies 20
Starting point is 00:38:21 pounds for the boys and uh that's complete three rounds resting one minute between rounds. Okay. This is going to be fun to watch, right? Yeah. This one's going to be fast and you're going to see people fail. That'll be the fun part. On the rings, on the rings, on the squats, on the burpees. It's going to, the burpees are going to be a struggle fest.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Hey, are we going to see some pretty nasty uh like some calamity uh they wear the ruck as they do the burpees over the box oh yeah we're gonna see some shit right yeah but it is hands-on box like we've confirmed that right no they were not doing that in africa they were regular box drums then we yeah we're to see some crazy stuff. Damien Castro getting out of the 99-cent realm up to the $1.97. It's much appreciated, brother. That's nice. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Thoughts before we make some picks and throw out some names. Any wear and tear? Where will these guys feel the last workout or uh lats on the pool so they'll feel it on the rings and then they might feel it in the legs too i mean there's a lot of running a lot of pulling a lot especially because they were doing that full lean back and basically squatting the weight up they might feel it on the squats man the men had significantly better technique than the women on the um the squats man the men had significantly better technique than the women on the um sled pulls all the men looked identical on what they were doing the women were the way the women would jerk it you're like are you trying to fire one of your vertebrae out of
Starting point is 00:39:56 the back of your spine i think it's just because of the mass like the guys a lot of the guys weighed as much or or not as much but right close to what the sled weighed. I don't think the women did. And then guys have higher, you know, their chests are way more too. So if they can get that back, they're going to pull more that way. Whereas women, it's not the same equation. Imagine you can interrupt this show for $1.69. That's how ghetto this show is.
Starting point is 00:40:22 For $1.69, you were able to interrupt this show. That's how pathetic the Sevan show is. For $1.69, you were able to interrupt this show. That's how pathetic the Sevan podcast is. I realize that. I accept it. Emma kept falling on her, but Jessica, I don't think a gentleman, she wasn't falling, right? I mean, well, I'm guessing
Starting point is 00:40:39 is Jessica implying that it was an accident? Because it wasn't an accident. That was her technique right which Emma regardless a bunch of the women were doing that right the falling on your butt was part of the technique right
Starting point is 00:40:54 I don't think so I mean maybe I don't think it's the right technique to do it yeah I don't think it's the best one alright um Savon have you seen judging how danielle did it i don't think it's the best one all right um seven uh have you seen my uh 40 inch 48 inch vertical jump i i saw you what did i see james jump over i saw something crazy i reposted it but not in a while it was this was like were you was he wearing can you pull up Townsend's Instagram
Starting point is 00:41:25 was he wearing a ruck I saw you jump over I want to say like it was a noodle that was like sticking out over a or maybe it was a dowel sticking out over a box it was absolutely
Starting point is 00:41:43 it was nuts Damien Castro, $10. Noah Olsen doesn't make it to the games this year. Holy shit. Come on, guys. That's a bad bet. Come on, guys. Come on, Damien. Be cool.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Come on, Damien. I see a guy holding a noodle. James, you're slipping, dude. We're not seeing much jumping from you these days you're just showing off how strong you are again i don't see it i feel like that was a long time ago ish but damn you're strong oh there it is there it is yeah yeah that's what i saw yeah it wasn't a noodle was yeah this is it this god that looks higher than 48 inches that looks taller than 60 inches oh my god i would i would injure myself if i tried to do that jump over 20 inches i like the approach i like how his hands are like he's all kind of he shakes his hands out at the end
Starting point is 00:42:39 there look at it right before he jumps his little hand let's see that again he shakes his hands out a little bit not that oh staying still i want to see that on the a little hand. Let's see that again. He shakes his hands out a little bit. Oh, staying still. I want to see that on a cinder block. I want to see that thing on a cinder block. Oh! It looks like Bruce Lee. You know how Bruce Lee struts right before he's about to do something? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Like James needs to wipe his nose a few times like this. Yeah, Barry McCockner, he jumps on. He did jump me. Where is that? He did jump me. That's that? He did jump me. It's nuts. Oh, my goodness. That's how tall I'm going to be in another three years at the rate I'm shrinking.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Okay. Thank you for the intermission to see some real athleticism. What about this workout? What kind of athlete, uh, is going to, is going to crew is going to jam at this. I mean,
Starting point is 00:43:28 this, this sounds like this is going to be good for the panchic brothers, right? This is, this is their, this is their game. It should be, it should be,
Starting point is 00:43:34 um, strong gymnastics, good at moving the body pistols, body weight, crossfitting. Yeah. Yep. Oh,
Starting point is 00:43:42 well said. Yep. Yeah. Anybody that's the smaller athlete that can do muscle-ups that has the strength to it um is gonna be good so what you see in africa is some of the guys that really struggled on the first one with the sled pull did much better that you know the ones that you expected to be up there they did well in this one and made a comeback so the saxon spencer noah um
Starting point is 00:44:08 those are the guys you're going to be seeing up there uh adler adler yeah brian do you think the combination of these two events will be a good summary of what might happen at the end of the weekend so the leaderboard at the end of today yes yeah um i love james until he tried to traffic those kids completely unacceptable completely unacceptable how i apologize james for that that is completely unacceptable it's just uh rumors and hearsay. Completely unacceptable. God, this show. Okay, sorry. Where were we?
Starting point is 00:44:50 I was going to stay out of the comment. No, I was just saying the combination of these two events would be a good – I feel like would be a good summary of the leaderboard at the end of the weekend, minus maybe a heavy element. I don't feel like the last test was heavy enough to be that yeah i i think i think though between the two you've seen the raw power you've seen this is more of the mid-size gymnastics based guy that you have to have a certain level of strength to make it those are the guys that can do this um or women um i think it's a i think when you see the top 12 after this or top 11 on the women you'll see it'll be a pretty good indication of what we'll see at the end
Starting point is 00:45:30 this is their last workout for the day right and so so they know also there's nothing to save here right yeah i don't think there's anything to save on this workout anyway no matter where you put it okay because the last movement in that third round is burpees and just go yeah you just need to bury it oh do you think that the the times and scores are going to be close well so it's going to be a rep count all the reps count right um so i mean I think you might see one or two people break away from the pack but yeah most most surveys can be really close um any uh any what what other what other gentlemen do you think will be at the top here what about the guys that did well at this one uh James Sprague uh Roman uh Hopper, any of them going to shit the bed? I'm a little worried about Roman, just with his muscle-up ability.
Starting point is 00:46:32 I think Hopper will be okay. What I'm really looking at is, you know, like we talked about the capital and the Texas run being the predictors of the first one. I'm really looking at up and over from last year's games with the muscle-ups and then getting over the large implements. That's Saxon. That's Noah, Spencer, Adler. Roman did pretty well on that, but I think...
Starting point is 00:46:59 This one's a little more pressy. It'll be a little bit different, but... James is huge. We could see james take last place on this huh yeah that's a long way to squat and it's long it's a lot he's long to pull on those rings it's a lot of press but if he does so this is a survival one for james james has to survive this yeah i don't think see if i'm james i'm thinking i need to optimize this as best as i can i you need to not think survival you need to think like I need to be in the top 15.
Starting point is 00:47:28 So he needs to, he needs to get real kind of uncomfortable, maybe even scared on this one. Yeah. You're looking at probably somewhere in the 40 rep range of the Burby box jump overs to get to the similar scores of the top in Africa. So, you know, you're looking at 10,
Starting point is 00:47:47 10 15 plus per round to, to be in contention, I think. Yeah. What did John say? He got John young, did this work out? I think he was saying he was getting 12 ish or he got 12 the first round. Yeah. And then he, he fell off. Yeah. I think that won't be good enough. I think you'll have to be closer to 15 to be in that discussion. Is James at the event?
Starting point is 00:48:18 Townsend? Yeah. I don't know. It would make sense because Marquand Jones is his athlete. Holy shit. Well, look at this video. Did he send it to you? Yeah, I hope this isn't copyrighted. That's crazy. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Look at that breath he just took. Oh my God. He got stuck in the air for a second. Did you see that? At the stop, he freezes. How does he do that? Yeah, that's nuts. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Yeah. I wonder what the prize is for that. I wonder if he won that. I wonder if anyone beats that over the weekend. Nuts. I love those things. That's my favorite part of Vendor Village is the challenges. Everyone doing all the party tricks.
Starting point is 00:49:16 It's crazy. The women, who has to survive this one in order to go to the games Amanda Barnhart Paige Powers how will they do at these how will Brooks will book book be tripping on her elbow on these this time up on the rings that I mean that is there I don't know exactly what happened but I
Starting point is 00:49:37 think that the story is is that originally the damage to her elbow started with some muscle right yeah yeah I think this is damage control for Amanda Barnhart Elbow started with some muscle-ups going on, right? Yeah. I think this is damage control for Amanda Barnhart. I think Brooke, she might be in a little trouble after this day one. Also, Sydney has not been historically good at muscle-ups either. So I could see her dropping down the leaderboard. Um, I think, uh, like you were
Starting point is 00:50:08 saying on the last event, like you were saying, you need to be a little bit more seasoned of an athlete Savant to do well at this. I do think that on this workout, uh, there is strategy to it, but the comfortability on the muscle ups and the pistols will have come with time. And then you'll know how to push in the burpees so seasoned athletes i think will do better at this workout yeah you're gonna have people who are just you know kind of small and do well at ring muscle ups but seasoned athletes can really push it on this i think this is kind of a struggle oh okay this is kind of an obscure comparison but do you remember rogue how they had
Starting point is 00:50:46 that log for muscle ups yeah yeah i thought about that too is is there any um putting the ruck on their what's more difficult um springing something like that on the athletes or putting a ruck on their back and then and then making this muscle up kind kind of having these two other components with a toes-to-bar and a second dip? Or do you think it's not even worth comparing? I don't mean to drag you. No, it's fair. I like the question. I think the log muscle-ups were definitely more difficult on this just because you have a different technique.
Starting point is 00:51:24 I think just the weighted muscle-ups, they've done different types of weighted muscle-ups, yeah on this just just because you have a different technique uh i think they'll just the weighted muscle-ups they've done different types of weighted muscle-ups most likely with a weight vest so they'd be a little bit different but um those who are in contention and want to go to the games have already done this imagine like we had we've done thousands millions of reps of muscle-ups the only thing you're doing is you're tweaking your form just slightly, you know, maybe a shorter kip, um, pulling more with your arms. Whereas on a log, you're like, where the frick do I put my hands? Like, how does this feel? I'm hitting my chest into the log. Like, what do I, it's all different. And so you're going to start freaking out on the log. You're not going to freak out on this. You just can be like, Oh, I got to change this.
Starting point is 00:52:01 What do you think about what Brian said just there? Uh, if you want to go to the games, you've already done this. Let me, let me bring up some things that athletes hadn't have been done that i was shocked about when the pegboard came i was stunned that there were games athletes who couldn't climb a pegboard stunned even a dipshit like me who got picked after girls in high school when they would pick teams and p could do a fucking pegboard I was stunned that um athletes couldn't do single unders stunned I was stunned when they couldn't throw a fucking ball I mean there's some weird I was stunned when people couldn't figure out crossovers out there I could fucking do a crossover I don't know if I can do a crossover double under
Starting point is 00:52:40 so but so is that is that true Tyler brian said if these if you're a games athlete you've done this yeah with the rock a toes to bar yeah no so you've done all the pieces weighted i think is what he's saying and putting them together is not that hard whereas the peg board i think the peg board's a generational thing like i had never even seen one until we put one in our gym somebody asked me to put one up so it's like and yeah and it was an equipment thing like it was it was like in the wrestling movies when we were kids or like the tough guy movies when we were kids like you'd see like the dude like smoking a cigarette doing a pegboard it is generational yeah the crossover thing was that one was just like we wanted to ignore that it was real.
Starting point is 00:53:26 It felt like everybody was just like, I don't want to do those just to ignore it. These are – some of these – these are not all athletes. There's a lot of athletes out here, but there are some people who are not athletes, right? Yeah. And we see that more and more. And it's weird when we see that. Yeah, I guess you're right, Spin. I guess we are seeing it more and more.
Starting point is 00:53:47 I think the majority of CrossFitters now are not athletes. That's one of the arguments about the team division is if they're focusing on it, they haven't done the other sports. Okay. Shall we pick? Can we go back to the list of girls? Can we bring back the leaderboard, Caleb? Should we pick women first? And let's start with this before we – any chance Danielle Brandon could go back-to-back wins? That's what I was going to call. I don't feel that. I think she'll do well, but I don't feel back-to-back wins.
Starting point is 00:54:26 So do you have Danielle Brandon, Mr. Spinn? I do, yeah. Okay. I think she's riding high after the first one, feeling good. I think she's, again, sits well for her, and I think she's going to ride that and start off strong and get two in a row. Mr. Watkins?
Starting point is 00:54:46 There are other picks that other people have have made that i'm not gonna make um i'm gonna go with raptus on this i think she's a good safe pick wow wow uh so it's it's agreed upon that maybe she's the best uh inverted yeah inverted in the field do you think that somehow this translates like you're like okay she's good at gymnastics and this is ring shit so she's in pistol she's gonna be good at this too yeah okay i think she's good gymnastics but she has good pressing and pressing will matter at the end of this even though john young disagrees that this sort of pressing isn't the same as handstand push-ups. Now I'm going to cheat a little bit here, but I'm going to ask you, do you think Emma Carey is damaged at all from that last workout psychologically?
Starting point is 00:55:35 No. Okay, then I'm – No. Tyler? Tyler? She was winning it and then lost it. Say it. She's not listening.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Well, I – I want to pick her, but I'm concerned that she may have gotten her head or something may have gotten her head. With these young athletes and especially her, I think we've seen in her past she struggles with the mental side of CrossFit. We will know after this next event. She's built for this. 5'4", 140. Okay, I'm going Emma Carey. After this next event. Okay. She's built for this. 5'4", 140. This is – okay, I'm going Emma Carey. Okay, Daniel Brandon, a Raptus, and Emma Carey are the three biggest brains in the room have chosen. And let's go over to the boys' list. La Femme Natale, I love me some Raptus.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Yeah, who doesn't she's cool great great interview if you have a podcast get her on she is money uh okay um some of the names i would think that would we could consider would be adler uh maybe even uh dal and pepper because people are saying he's so lean, right? Maybe even Luke Parker. Did he get so lean? And,
Starting point is 00:56:50 and we know they spend some time as a Samuel Cornwall. Is Will Morad going to be like, yo, don't forget me, gentlemen, the pan chick brothers, the, the guy,
Starting point is 00:57:02 the Samson off guy, a body weight machine, uh noah olsen um definitely would have been a you know a contender 10 years ago any any uh would you like to go first mr uh tyler watkins i'm going Noah. I like Noah on this. I think he's going to have fun doing this one. Oh, okay. Yeah. Fun with Noah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:29 I think he wins the first round. I'll give you that. Sebon, you're insane. No way. We shall see. Noah for Mr. Tyler. Do you have a guess, Mr. Smith? You know, the only concern I have with some of these guys is they are shorter,
Starting point is 00:57:46 and that 30-inch box is quite the leap. So I'm going to go with Saxon. I think he has to come back on this one. It's make or break at this point, so he's got to show off the muscle-ups, get through those, and be able to be quick through the pistols. I hope you're right because imagine how good he's going to feel if he gets first. Like he's back, okay, let's go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:14 I mean, if he doesn't do that, he's going to be outside the top 20 or if he's still outside the top 30 after day one. I mean, he'd have to be flawless the rest of the way. Who's in 60th? Who's way down there, Caleb? Luke Burns? And Torrey Dyson?
Starting point is 00:58:35 Oh, Samsonoff is back there. Did he? Oh, okay. Keep going. Let me see. Yeah, I don't recognize any of these guys. Man, Spencer. Wow, way down there. That is crazy.
Starting point is 00:58:51 I would really like to pick Spencer. Seban, do you really write their answers down? I do. I like that you take notes. I do. They have notebooks everywhere. I just fill notebooks on their show. I don't know if I actually could find what they said later on,
Starting point is 00:59:09 but I do write it down. That's great. Damien Castro commenting on your Noah pick. Oh, saying he's too old. Okay. Who am I going to pick? I got to write this down. I mean, Noah is so good, at muscle ups and pistols like it's
Starting point is 00:59:27 not a unheard of so i i i want to pick um i really want to pick dallin i know it's crazy no i don't think it's crazy i wonder about him on the pistol uh okay i'm gonna i'm gonna go with uh and my my oh so i've picked a lot of brute strength i picked emma carrie daniel brandon uh now down pepper james sprague oh shit i've only picked group athletes that's crazy right i kind of want to pick dallin or luke you really like luke don't you i just think mayhem i think these are i think this is mayhem shit right here i just think i think they spent a lot of time on the rings i think that um his pistols will be good because he's lean when i just hear that i just
Starting point is 01:00:15 heard chase and the guy saying that these guys were lean and what's the god but those burpees are really good i hear you but like luke going into wadalooza, I had high hopes for him to show off something, and he kind of just faded throughout that weekend. Same thing at TFX. I actually hung out with him pretty much the entire time we were there, and he did not do well, and I was slightly disappointed. Let me see who's at the top again. Let me see who's in the top 10 up there. Let me take a little peeky peeky. Will Morad might destroy this i think will is like an adler pick in this he's gonna do well but i don't know that he's gonna do oh i could pick samwell cornway if i want to scratch get my mayhem fix i like him better than okay i'm going with Samwell Oh Samwell's 205 That's just stupid to pick a 205 pound guy For this workout right
Starting point is 01:01:11 What's Dallin what's Dallin way I don't think so man People in this field are so heavy now Like 200 is almost Like the old 185 It feels like Like this field in particular is heavy. Let's take a small break.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Jake Chapman, Tyler looks like he hangs out at the Ikea food hall telling people about his apartment. Listen, y'all in the comments are going crazy today. All they've been doing is beating up me and you and freaking Calvin Klein guy. Bury my cock in her. in her seven those stats are not accurate all right fine uh oh okay okay hold on give me a little more time to think uh travis b this isn't isn't a little man workout is that true why do i think this is a little i think this is a
Starting point is 01:02:00 little man like someone's gonna struggle here a little she is yeah she doesn't have the right to move the ruck she could do well but it's going to be a little harder for her so he has a point with that but i think after you know if you're above like you know if you're a male and you're at 180 or above you're going to be fine yeah again you go go look at the africa stream if you have time between now and the start. Africa has a stream? I would say in some respects it's better than the main one. But Darren Zernimer, I mean, he took 24th in the first workout,
Starting point is 01:02:41 took second in the second. Ruan Potgeier took ninth and then first in the second. Ruan Potgar took ninth and then first in the second. They both struggled on the sled pulls, and they did great on this one, and they're not huge guys. Okay, Tyler. I'm going with Samuel
Starting point is 01:02:57 Cornway. Fine. That's a good pick. Thank you. I feel like we keep directing his hand on who to pick. Maybe not. Samuel and then McCary. Okay. All right. And then it's done, right?
Starting point is 01:03:13 That's it? For today, yeah. Yeah, there's six seats, though. They're back on the main floor. So it's six seats of women, six seats of men. And same commentators, Chase and Adrian? I think Sean might be yeah we're gonna go to the mainstream now so it'll be yeah it'll be sean chasen adrian um uh jeremy world has anyone said that seve looks like steven seagal's brother i think uh josh bridges
Starting point is 01:03:42 opened the show with that yesterday i didn't know i was going to be on here with steven seagal's brother i think uh josh bridges opened the show with that yesterday i didn't know i was going to be on here with steven seagal so i don't really like that it's not that one got a little close though we uh it looks like the feed starts uh friday i have uh individual men heat one starting at 1140. That's in 10 minutes. Can that be right? Yep. That's Pacific Standard Time? I feel like I have to check the schedule here.
Starting point is 01:04:16 I need to check the schedule too. I'll do the same with you. Please hold. Stand by, everyone. The teams are going right now. The first woman starts at 3.30 Eastern, 12.30. Oh, okay, so in an hour. All right.
Starting point is 01:04:36 So you guys have an hour to hang out and chill, play with your kids, do those chores around the house your wife or your husband wanted you to do, and then plop down in front of the TV and watch YouTube go to the CrossFit Games YouTube account and
Starting point is 01:04:51 Seagal's a little pudgier. Dude, he's morbidly obese. It's like an 80s Seagal. He's that kind of fat that's always sweaty like he's always greasy looking yeah dude i have a fucking jawline do you not fucking see this jeffrey what the fuck is wrong with you he's a fuck he looks like mr potato head yeah
Starting point is 01:05:15 god that hair is killer it's great great. Oh, this is good. Brian Barspin looks like Ed Norton. He was a Nintendo Wii game. That's mean. That's amazing. God, that's good. Okay, and then we will come back on. So that starts at 123030 and that runs until when,
Starting point is 01:05:47 um, wraps up till three 45 Pacific six, seven o'clock. I see. Uh, Indie women event two goes from three 30 to five. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:06:01 Six 30. Okay. So that's three 30 PM Pacific standard time. Okay. So we don't come back on for another four hours. Yeah. All 6.30. Okay, so that's 3.30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Okay, so we don't come back on for another four hours. Yeah. All right? Wow.
Starting point is 01:06:10 12 heats. All right, guys. Thank you very much. It's fun hanging with all of you. Keep the astute observations coming, and we will all see you guys all soon. Mr. Spin. Thank you, Tyler. Thank you. J.R. Howell, Caleb. Thank you. And what was the other guy's name? The Batman, Mr. Hiller. Thank you. And for those of you athletes who I sent links to who didn't show up,
Starting point is 01:06:36 you can eat a dick.

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