The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Semifinals EAST | Event 3 Recap

Episode Date: May 20, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them.
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Starting point is 00:01:08 other conditions apply over the last two years uh you guys have had to deal with uh me uh processing uh you know not being working at crossfit hq you guys know i used to run the media team there i'm very proud of that uh those things that i did there um and i was there when they had 300 uh i was on the media team second guy on the media team ever after Tony Budding there were 300 gyms and then it worked its way up to 15,000 gyms on all seven continents and I finished as the media director and I fucking murdered it there and I with all humbleness I had no
Starting point is 00:01:36 fucking peer I was a fucking king and I earned it every step of the way what I see happening is one of the saddest, grossest, most pathetic situations of all time. It is absolutely time for Don to fire someone after this event. that you have someone like Chase Ingram and Adrian Conway putting together a fucking stream that I have to guess that they did for free with another guy abandoning his personal podcast
Starting point is 00:02:15 so that the rest of us can watch Linda. And then on your other fucking channel, on your big channel competing with your guys who are streaming the final women's event three is insane let me explain while chase ingram and adrian conway were streaming the women's final event three arguably one of the biggest most important events with one of the most important workouts in our system in our community at one of the most important times of the biggest most important events with one of the most important workouts in our system in our community and one of the most important times of the year with some of the biggest heavyweights
Starting point is 00:02:50 in the fucking sport you think it's okay to premiere some garbage on your big channel which are highlights from day one are you guys out of your fucking mind why don't you just if you hate chase and adrian that much just fire them nuts nuts uh mr spin are they um uh are they stupid incompetent or do they have really uh big internal ego problems internally what do you have an assessment or i don't mean to pigeonhole you do you have a fourth option no it feels like they one hand doesn't know what the other hand's doing and they don't care right like it's always been that way with the crossfit podcast versus the games or even the crossfit youtube it just feels like they're all kind of disconnected and not working together yes it's sad i um i know it inside that there is a no love lost between a lot of the major players in there it's it's filled with conflict but that was crazy
Starting point is 00:03:52 that was absolutely crazy to set something as a premiere while uh while chase and adrian are covering um the final event uh of three. And, and also one more thing, a great job, Adrian and chase covering that. The one thing I would say to you is, is you guys made a huge mistake bringing Austin Maliola on there at the end. He was extraordinarily difficult to understand. He was talking like he had a bag of marbles in his mouth.
Starting point is 00:04:19 The volume was too low. And basically when the video is that tough, we at least need good speakers and you and adrian were killing it today and yesterday thoughts on how they did any of you guys watch those streams adrian seems more fluid and comfortable in this format than the other format i agree he he really i think he came into his own today it was better than i've ever seen him yeah and and the interviews were awesome too uh samuel cornwall and amanda barnhart interviews I think he came into his own today. It was better than I've ever seen him. Yeah, and the interviews were awesome too.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Samuel Cornwye and Amanda Barnhart interviews were money. Yeah, and I was leaving the gym when they were interviewing Barnhart, and I was like, why is this interview more exciting than other interviews? I don't get it, but it seems more cool it wasn't rushed right when you have a the the nikki girl or the um who's the really good guy uh the he's a arsenal arsenal there's a little bit of rush when they're interviewing right yeah yeah i mean you just see their body language i mean you see adrian kind of sitting back talking in the microphone i feel like you don't get that casual just discussion and and talking about the sport differently um as we kind of i think we all kind of like to hear it better um versus a highly produced broadcast uh mr jr howell i thought i heard when um uh daniel brandon crossed the
Starting point is 00:05:48 finish line uh for linda uh the crowd cheered is she the highlight there is it with like everything that she does the crowd cheers is it like that like she steps out onto the floor and there's an audible cheer yeah i mean i i would say she's a superstar that have a, that have a ton of fan support, but yeah, I mean, she seems to be a crowd favorite for sure. Any other crowd favorites, anyone else that stands out when they, when they jump on the field? Yeah. Noah still for sure. Cool. Awesome. Good to hear that. But, but, but, uh, so Noah and Danielle are noticeably kind of on a tier of, of, of,
Starting point is 00:06:22 of to themselves. Yeah. I i mean it seems that way but some of the younger up-and-coming athletes like you could tell that especially the younger crowd really like feels connected to the emmas and some of the younger girls for sure cool i love it uh i do know at the games it's always tripped people out uh to see especially in the last couple years i've heard that when danielle steps out into the stadium that she gets louder cheers than even the champ was getting at a couple events uh especially during that uh year that they made her wear the mask so she's i think she has that uh it factor uh let's pull up the leaderboard for the boys. Any surprise, Tyler Watkins, that Samuel Cornway, he looked like a big man.
Starting point is 00:07:16 He behaved like a big man, didn't he? You see John down there smiling. I was talking a little trash. On the Spin podcast, Hopper and Cornway were my two picks. They're big boys. Hopper, his background being football, I knew he was going to do well at pressing, and he's hella fit, so he wasn't going to struggle on the barbell.
Starting point is 00:07:39 And then Sam, I knew he was fit. I was relying on the fact that they bench press a lot on himhem on him, but I had a good feeling about him too. Is that known, John, is that known, Mayhem's bench pressing town? Yeah, I mean, they do dumbbell bench press and rope climb workouts, I mean, all the time. That's a rich specialty. Any surprise with you, JR? He didn't just win.
Starting point is 00:08:04 I would say he won in dominating fashion. The space between him and Jason is larger than the space between Jason and Roman. Well, it's a little bit deceptive if you look at the times, because a lot of people will look and say that Jason and Roman were right behind Sam, but Sam was able to pump the brakes a little bit. Like on the round. He walked and went like this. He was able to take big breaths before picking up the dumbbells.
Starting point is 00:08:31 He was able to take big breaths. He wasn't having to do touch and go on the cleans. Like you could tell he knew he was going to win. What was the most impressive thing to me about Sam is that while a lot of people were looking left and right, he was like tunnel vision straight ahead, like no one can stay with me and I'm going to win. I didn't get to see clearly.
Starting point is 00:08:53 I don't know if anyone did. But were there any times that Samuel got no-repped? I didn't see any. His movement quality was really, really good on everything. And Mr. Spinn, you look at Roman's time in third place with 12.19, and then it's basically a minute. We go to 57 seconds before we get to fourth place, Jeffrey Adler. Is this going to be indicative of what we see at the games?
Starting point is 00:09:19 Are these three on a different level, or no, it just happened to be kind of a specialty workout and adler still held his own no i think it's i think it's just the uh the dumbbell bench press and how much you know these guys probably do it more than the others and their strengths so i wouldn't read too much into the minute drop off um if you want it is interesting though right those top three guys are together and then there's a minute drop-off, and then there's another bunch of guys. To me, it's equally as impressive.
Starting point is 00:09:57 I was the most impressed with James that we can get to in a second, and with Jeff. And the reason I was most impressed with Jeff is that he got beat by a minute by those other three guys. He broke the bench press from the round of nine, I think, all the way through the round of five. So he broke up the bench and still only three guys could beat him. And the rest of those guys did him unbroken. And what's that say? What's that tell us? That he's a master at knowing his own capacities and pacing in general. And at the end of the day, that's what wins the games, right?
Starting point is 00:10:31 Now you're going into Justin Medeiros land, pacing? Yeah, I mean, I think the best way to say it is just that it's extremely professional. Like, he's absolutely a pro out there. And you had some comments about one of the podcast favorites, James Sprague. Let's hear it. Unless unless it's bad don't say no i was um i'm the most impressed with james of any athlete on the male and female side because coming into this he was in a great position everyone knows that um anything with what most of us would consider heavy weight is going to be something that we don't know like we don't know how much stronger he's gotten in, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:05 in the off season. I think it's clear just from this workout, finishing sixth, like he needed event one to go the way that it did. And he needed this workout to go the way that it did. And now with the snatch left, like to me, if he goes out and hits a decent number that's even middle of the pack, like I think he's punching his ticket for sure. Wow, love hearing that.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Let's see where Caron lands on this list. Alexander Caron entered this with a pec tear. Is that right? Yeah, he withdrew, so he's out. Okay. Tyler, was that a mistake that even took this, um, even, even attempted this? Is this just a bad career move?
Starting point is 00:11:48 Just a stubborn move. He should have pulled out even before. I don't know. I don't think like I get it. I'd probably go for it too. But, um, I mean, maybe depends on how old is Corona. He's older, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Yeah. I'd push it. Yeah. He doesn't have that many years left at competing at this level, so yeah, I'd probably go for it. Mr. Spin, we were talking about how many people of the 60 athletes would actually finish this workout here at the North American East semifinals, and we were guessing half.
Starting point is 00:12:24 How close were we? 38 on the men's side. Okay, so very close. And on the women's? 26, I think it was. Wow. Okay. So between the two, it was pretty darn close. Yeah. Can we go back to the... 62 out of 120. Can we... Good math.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Can we go back and see the men and you put them in ranking and order from all events? Let me see what's happened at the top here. Any world records in this? Is Samwell's time going to stand as the world record when semifinals shakes out and is over? It was.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Somebody might run to the bar and beat him uh because he walked to the bar i think if he passed around he was so far ahead of everybody he just walked to it and hyped up the crowd and then did a squat clean so i could see somebody beating him just because they rushed they rushed they know his time it's always easy to beat a time set before you but it'll depend on the race itself like i think it'll depend on in the moment who's in the lead and how close are they to the other guys because you don't care about a world record you care about an event win winning as a frame of reference the fastest time in 2018 was 12 24 sam was 1204.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Basically, what you're saying is no one's trying to set the world record. Hey, Colton, what's up, buddy? Oh, I see. Yeah, I think he's saying, I got this. Yeah, okay. I can see that. J.R., Colton's put his hand up saying he's game to break the world record.
Starting point is 00:14:04 I can see it for sure. Wow, you didn't even flinch. You didn't even flinch. No, I definitely did, too, because I was thinking to myself, back in 2018, that time was with a lot longer transitions. These smaller floors where they're not advancing the bar every round, this is like everything is tighter so the transitions are are tighter um so i think that to be able to make up just five seconds
Starting point is 00:14:32 it's just jogging back to the bar on the round of four and five instead of walking back to the bar on those two rounds my bun is off to the side i don't, I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm sorry. If I can get to bunch. Jesus Christ. Hey, dude, I got to go.
Starting point is 00:14:51 We're about to start. Leave me alone. Okay. Bye. Thank you, Jer. Good to see you. Hey,
Starting point is 00:14:55 so let's bring that up when we go to the West too. So Colton, these are the kinds of workouts that Colton has to win. He has to make us to get those points when he can. I think, I think Colton has a decent weekend has to make uh to get those points when he can i think i think colton has a decent weekend there's definitely some stuff that um that are not the best for him but i think he has a good weekend overall good that makes me happy here uh princess savvy uh no uh lose the
Starting point is 00:15:18 bun uh no i have to have my hair pulled out of my face and i can't have it in the back because then i can't lean back in my chair i tried uh i guess i could just shave my head uh okay uh let's go over to uh can we go over to the women before you move on saxon um oh yes he's yes saxon might be done okay let's pull that up again let's let's play. Gio Cano, just putting a dagger in my heart. Sevan trying to look like Craig Ritchie. Oh, God. Just come over and burn my house down next time. Let's look at Don't Laugh, Sousa.
Starting point is 00:15:56 I don't want to look down there and see you laughing. Saxon Panchik, 28th. Took 33rd in that. Are you guys talking about mathematically he may be done or both, just emotionally, the whole everything? I think he still can pull off second. Mathematically? I had him second in my picks.
Starting point is 00:16:20 It's just going downhill fast. I think the problem you're having right now is there's so many people in between that they'd all have to just i mean he'd have to win everything and everybody in between him would have to also do well right um you're just like the bad thing is he's not gonna beat he's not gonna beat roman Hopper Adler, all like those guys on every workout. And that's what he would have to like. There's six, seven guys that are going to be top 15 games guys. And he's not going to be all of them in every workout that we have coming up.
Starting point is 00:16:58 It's not like, like in granite games, he might could just do three first place, but not with a field like this. There's that great moment from the only four documentary and you're interviewing i think it's you interviewing nick forey and you're like what do you have to do to win he goes i think i have to get first on all the events and everyone else has to do the opposite has to get so it's that situation again but spencer's in 14th so spencer turned it around yeah we'll still have a panchuk in the games it'll just hey that would be they all take that would be that would be crazy and this is going to be really diggish to say but i bet you somewhere deep deep deep deep down inside inside Spencer in unspoken land. Yeah, I'm going to say it, Sousa.
Starting point is 00:17:46 He's kind of happy if he's the only one that makes it. You know what I mean? No, he went to rise. Yeah, deep, deep, deep down inside. I'm telling you, deep like Spencer don't even know. Only I know. Deep. This is the rise of the other twin.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Yeah, I mean, it's, yeah. For both. Hey, maybe I'm just speaking to myself i love myself some saxon and scott uh probably even more so than spencer but i do i am getting a little gratification if spencer makes it and the others don't okay okay fine i'm talking about myself well that was easy to get to a little spencer a little change you get the guard on both the twins yeah it would be fun it would be fun if spencer did it kind of like and you know what if he crosses the finish if he's up there when they call his name and he does the double middle finger daniel brandon i ain't hating i ain't and listen hey spencer's spencer's got a
Starting point is 00:18:33 new coach this year so i mean i could speak to i'm the fiance of a twin so i i watch the interactions between them but for you savant like did the boys already exhibit like behaviors where they're super competitive with the other twin all all of them obvious yeah and they're but it's just weird because i i don't pay attention to it until it happens the other day um in practice uh my six-year-old tapped avi and then they then they sparred again for three minute rounds he tapped avi again then he sparred again and i'd never seen avi cry like that he went and sat in the corner and wept for 15 minutes i was like holy shit i didn't know he took it so serious he got tapped by but it's but a six-year-old, one of my youngest sons is nuts at jiu-jitsu.
Starting point is 00:19:27 It's like wrestling a piece of chewing gum. That one video where you pushed him to the ground was hilarious. You know what I'm talking about? I didn't push him to the ground. I dropped him. It was an accident. I did not push him. I dropped him. He said, I I'm sorry buddy
Starting point is 00:19:45 You asshole Time out for John Yeah you gotta watch that He's in California DPS will show up or whatever Yeah mute him I got to meet Brian Spin today and I appreciate what you guys do I think you're talking about the fake Brian
Starting point is 00:20:04 Oh alright thank you $10 well that's $. I think you're talking about the fake Brian. Oh, all right. Thank you. $10. Well, that's $20 to meet the real Brian or the fake Brian. Yeah. $10 to me.
Starting point is 00:20:11 It's been 20 to me. Uh, that's cool. Um, there was a comment in here. I wanted to see, um, uh, okay.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Oh, it says Hiller didn't waste any time. Hiller didn't waste any time on Brooks, uh, bench. Oh, it says Hiller didn't waste any time. Hiller didn't waste any time on Brooks' bench. Oh, let's go to the men's list really quick, and then we'll tear it up. I want to just see who's at the bottom. You bring up a good point by saying that Saxon's out. Let's see who else is out. It is really weird how poorly Saxon is doing.
Starting point is 00:20:42 I wonder if something's wrong with him. Berman's climbing a little. That's good. Big 31st place. I mean, he's got some work to do, but he was in 40th or something last night. Berman's not tiny. Berman's fighting.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Someone was alluding to the fact that he was shorter. I thought he was shorter than he was. He's shorter than all he's lifting. Yeah, I'm taller than Jake. David Weed. Jake, what I can see, it's only men that like getting pegged that like Danielle Brandon. Wow.
Starting point is 00:21:22 That is a – I don't know if that's uh scientific um but uh that's a very interesting correlate okay uh keep going let's go down to the bottom i want to see who's down there at the bottom who's totally out um yeah i think that is true someone said it right here uh greg glassman jake has been kissing his girlfriend too much. Yeah, I totally agree. We saw his girlfriend yesterday. She is for sure a distraction. Women, weak in legs. There you go. Corona, okay.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Tyler, didn't you say Jake was super dedicated and stuff this year? Just leave it alone, John. He didn't have any distractions. I'm asking. You know him better than all of us. He's a three-point shooter. Who's this?
Starting point is 00:22:10 Jake Berman. He's going to come in last minute. Him and Saxon both. Mason Mitchell's saying Berman's 5'6". Yeah. Yeah, Jake's not. That's what I thought. I'd give him 5'7".
Starting point is 00:22:25 I don't like guys that list themselves taller than what they are. Me neither. Fuck those dudes. I get it in football, but in CrossFit, it's different. It's like you show up and it's like, oh, yeah, you're definitely lying. Whereas in football, you're lying. You are what you are. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Had it. You know what? I think on my license, it says I'm 5'6". I need to double check that. And I think the last time I saw that I was kind of disgusted with myself. I was like, wow. Because I probably wrote that when I was 16. I was like, was I lying? I agree, John. Stupid.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Okay. Oh, the nipple piercing is new for Danielle Brandon for sure. You guys want to do nipple piercing or talk about events? We'll do nipple piercing later. Let's do that tomorrow. I did notice nipple piercing or um talk about event we'll do nipple piercing later that's a let's do that tomorrow i did notice nipple piercing too uh okay two of them actually in the orange top let's go over to the ladies uh two big stories there uh no the only shocker
Starting point is 00:23:21 about amanda barnhart is that none of us knuckleheads picked her i think everyone was uh everyone happy to see her win that was cool right yeah yeah i think she wasn't surprising but i was yeah i was like good you executed why why the why the aggression towards ben bergeron just because she's getting better now like so what if you switch a coach and learn new stuff every time she says oh i've learned like she was uh giving amy everett credit for teaching her new things and the commons just light up tearing bergeron why is it people don't like every coach supposed to be is every coach supposed to be perfect uh people just like a drama i think mostly but i don't know there is a weird hatred for ben bergeron that seems to persist. Yeah, it's like one of those characters like Vanilla Ice or Satan.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Go ahead. I think people don't like the, like, you know, wake up motivated every day or just positive self-talk every day, that type of stuff. I think people just really don't like that. Like Ben's so fucking happy. Fuck him. Let's throw rocks at him.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, just, he's all, it's a motivational speech every single time he talks. I'm rich. My wife has a great body and some good big fake tits. You hate me. It's the same thing with Goggins. It's the same thing with Jocko. It's the same thing with the liver King.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Like these people who are positive self talkers. Yeah. Well, Goggins is a negative self talker, but he's weird. Let's put Ben Bergeron in, but it's all the same thing. Like they don't do that.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Let him go. Don't hate people. Hate them for that reason. And I get it, but it's like, I don't know. It's lame. It's a lame thing to me.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Like some people need that positive self-talk. Either that equation works for you or it doesn't. Mike Sauer gets the last word. Amanda is doing better because she's not doing burpees and getting dirt thrown in her face. Those who know, know. Those who don't, text what's his name on the side. I mean, I think Bergeron got different things out of his athletes.
Starting point is 00:25:23 I mean, when you see when Katrin was there and she's working with Matt and it seemed like he's going over the basics of a snatch with her and then you have Amanda working with Amy, it feels like HWP has been working on some of the technical stuff and working on the strength side and more specialized and Bergeron's working on getting the strength side and more specialized and burners runs working on getting the most out of your just natural capabilities um so it's just kind of weird dynamic that you could be that good and still need some of the basics that everybody would
Starting point is 00:25:58 think that you would already have being a crossfit games champion? I will say when Catherine was talking about learning how to snatch properly, I mean, my mind was blown that you snatch 200 pounds and you don't know how to snatch, like details in your head. The stuff that she was talking about, just teaching 45-year-old soccer moms the same stuff that she was talking about just i'm teaching 45 year old soccer moms the same thing that she's talking about and you're you know the fittest woman in the world at one point it doesn't everyone need to go back to the basics though even boxers uh tennis players strikers hey like we see some really great people in the ufc throwing loop loop loop punches and
Starting point is 00:26:43 they're successful and then they get to the top and it's like, Hey, that's too slow. You better straighten that shit out. There's not a difference though. There's a difference between working on the basics and making it sound like not knowing hearing it for the first time. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Uh, uh, Ben Bergeron is rich. Uh, Ben Bergeron, uh, just, I'm just making this up.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Half of this is what I'm going to say is true, and the other half is made up. Ben Bergeron was the coach. He's the only coach in CrossFit Games history to have the male and female champ at the same time. Matt Fraser and Kadrin David's daughter. Was he really Matt Fraser's coach, though? Of course he was.
Starting point is 00:27:22 He was until, in hindsight, maybe someone can switch it but he said it out loud yeah and then so imagine if he does comp train and he charges fifty dollars a month and he has three thousand uh people signed up can someone do the math for me on that uh three thousand times uh fifty is uh one hundred and fifty thousand dollars times twelve i think that's um it's a uh and that's roughly an ass load of money yeah and that's very uh i'm being very conservative so yes he is doing a fine and he's uh i think he's pretty wise with his money i think he would say something like uh my riches his life he would pull out a bob marley quote move on um okay uh let's pull up the girls uh so the big story here is amanda barnhart and um brooke wells i think uh fair brooks the bigger story okay let's go down let's cruise down and
Starting point is 00:28:20 see what oh page took third uh can can you order the bench you order these by bench press first, and then we'll look at overall? Thanks, Sousa. Barnhart first. Wow, Carolyn Stanley smacking us around. Dude. Dude, we'll get back to her. We'll get back to her. Yeah, Caroline.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Both have been super clutch. Little midget 5'3". Good job. Paige Powers, third place uh she was the um we got some home cooking for her let's get feast of goffy holy shit sydney wells crazy town okay before we get to brooke is sydney going to the games yeah sydney sydney and spencer are gonna hook up with the games no spencer's married sorry event six event six are going to hook up at the games? No, Spencer's married. Sorry. Event six. Event six is going to be the telltale for Sydney.
Starting point is 00:29:13 I cannot believe this is happening. Or four and five for Fee. Sorry. All right. We'll come back to Fee also. Let's keep going. Emma Carey doing what she needs to do. I'm going to pass over my girl Ashley Wozni. She came in right there i thought she was going to do well in this and i'm happy she she succeeded same thing with annika so uh is okay ash oh that's not who i think it is okay good yeah they they hung in there these are all all the people in the top 15 basically did what they needed to do right damage control
Starting point is 00:29:41 uh daniel brandon did fine uh 12 jessica andrazic that's the she looks like a colton mertens the female colton mertens right yeah yeah she looked great she only took 13th in that did she win her heat i think so but she was early yeah early heat that that's what i think ended up hurting brooke early heat that that's that's what i think ended up hurting brooke oh not being in the final heat what so she had no one to pace officer she had to set her own pace and i don't either i think she needed she knew she had to go out fast and and make a statement and have them chase her down and she went out too fast too fast and and got bit you can't blame the heat 100 well i can see it both ways like as opposed to you know amanda's
Starting point is 00:30:36 going to be the pace setter so just stay in her um stay on her side until you can you know make a move i I can see it both ways. We talked about this and when we were discussing it was you could have somebody who had a bad first day, come out on Linda and push it too much and blow up. And that's what exactly what happened to Brooke. Liz, our Brooke didn't break on deadlifts. No one broke on deadlifts today. That's not where you break, is it?
Starting point is 00:31:05 No, Amanda did. Oh, she did? Mm-hmm. Wow, okay. Who are we talking about earlier who was the genius with their pacing? JR was saying Adler. Adler, okay, okay. So in that respect, you're saying that if we're're suggesting that if brooke would have been in the final heat she would have known she could have stayed with those ladies instead
Starting point is 00:31:31 of just pressing ahead yeah i mean if you're if you're she has nobody to pace off of next to her and she was killing the field in the second heat and knew she had to put up a number she doesn't know what number that needs to be and you know if she looked around in the second heat and knew she had to put up a number. She doesn't know what number that needs to be. And, you know, if she looked around in the first heat or the, you know, the final heat and sees that she's right up there alongside Amanda and page, she's probably good enough. Amanda Fisher's hanging in 11th place with an 18 place finish. Emma Lawson in third place, even with a 20th place uh finish uh it's
Starting point is 00:32:07 it's upward and onward for her how's emma gonna do uh in uh with that heavy snatch will she stay in the top 20 she'll be fine middle of the pack yeah okay uh let's keep cruising she's light too man 140 wow will we see her put on weight as she gets older will we see her put on a pound a pound a year for the next five years will she be eventually be a 150 pound 145 pound uh crossfit athlete lawson i could see it yeah she's got the frame she's got the frame for it yeah she's a little taller That just seems so light to me. Anyway. We don't know when that was from.
Starting point is 00:32:50 That is what T is? T is 140? 145. She usually numbers around. All right. Let's keep going. Lexi, did we see Shelby yet? Neely?
Starting point is 00:33:04 Yeah. I don't think so. Okay. Keep going down keep going down no the other way uh ron scott brookwell's there she is uh 30th place with a time cap uh now sitting in 26 where was spencer sitting 32 so what i'm thinking so it sounds like she wasn't confident if if you go off of spin's assumption that she went out hot she wasn't confident in her abilities in this workout and now and then now it's shooting you shooting you in the face sort of and then she's going to go into the next event do you think we go into meltdown mode i'm predicting meltdown mode like she just dumps the rest oh well you know people in the comments are suggesting she's going to pull out why
Starting point is 00:33:55 uh because uh for the for the reason we've seen other athletes i think pull out you're doing so bad and maybe you have a minor injury, and it's not worth going on. Sorry, John. Go ahead. No, I don't know. It's a max snatch now, right? So, you know, that's a hard one.
Starting point is 00:34:18 She might go for it and, like, try to snatch 195 or something like that because she's going to need to hit a big number to even be in the running um she should crush event five so i mean she has like these next two events really good for her i don't why she would pull out like she can still get close i don't think she's going to make it now but she can get she can make noise where she can go for it in the last. I don't think she should pull out, but I do agree with what StrokingMyBeaver said on the comments there. I think it's StrokingBeaver. Yeah, I think it's StrokingBeaver.
Starting point is 00:35:03 You don't have to make it sound so crass. Not yours. Oh, okay. yeah i think it's stroke and beaver you don't have to make it sound so crass not yours yes oh okay uh if it was a rookie if it was a rookie having that pacing mistake i get it but brooke's been to the games how many times like i don't buy it if you're uncomfortable with this workout you don't come out hot you over pace it and then try to speed up at the end and like brooke is a veteran of veterans i don't if she missed paste that's on her 100 on her it doesn't matter what heat she's in you run your own race like she did really now she's going she's going into this snatch thinking i need to make up room here and she's gonna hit it
Starting point is 00:35:41 she's gonna go for a weight she could go for a weight that she's not capable of hitting. Also, she's going to be scared because she was injured by the snatch. I think she's not going to play her game as opposed to, I'm going to go out and hit what I know I can hit and just do the best I can and see where it goes as opposed to, I need to make up ground. I think she's in a bad place right now. This is not a good place to be in.
Starting point is 00:36:04 What workout did Sydney Wells get? Shane should be telling her what to do. I think she's in a bad place right now. This is not a good place to be in. What workout did Sydney Wells get? Shane should be telling her what to do. Agreed. But whether she does it or not is a different story. What workout did Sydney Wells get the zero in? Sorry for changing the subject. The ring complex. And why did she get a zero?
Starting point is 00:36:23 Oh, no burpees. She's not good at muscle-ups. She didn't make zero oh no burpees she's not no she's just not yeah she's not good at muscle-ups she didn't make it to the burpees uh to the burpees right and uh did she look like she was surrendering so a year ago she couldn't string together multiple muscle-ups right so then you add a 10 pound rock to it and do it as part of a complex, and she hasn't gotten to that point yet. It looks like we're having a little controversy here around Carone. Could you pull up the link in the private chat, Mr. Souza? I'll give this a read.
Starting point is 00:36:55 So we gave you some misinformation. I apologize. We're going to correct it right here. This is from Alex Carone's Instagram account. CrossFit HQ pulled me out, not for medical reasons nor minimum work requirement 30 minutes before my heat this morning i was taken away from my warm-up to be told that crossfit was taking me out of the competition based on what they saw yesterday they told me that my effort during the muscle-up event was not good enough for a semi-final athlete and i clearly
Starting point is 00:37:20 had an advantage over my competitors for the rest of the weekend. Why would they say that? Why would they tell him that last part? From not doing any repetition in that workout and getting 59th place. Well, Hey dude, I don't, I like what I'm saying. This is so fucking dumb.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Why can't you game workouts? I think, I think you should be able to, I firmly think you should be able to. Does anyone else think you shouldn't be able to game workouts? I think you should be able to. I firmly think you should be able to. Does anyone else think you shouldn't be able to game workouts? Where the fuck did Spin go? It's at his detriment. Is someone missing?
Starting point is 00:37:52 Where's John Young? Oh, he's gone. He dropped off. It's at your detriment if you take a zero on this or bottom, right? And so if you want to play that and do well on the snatch or something, try to kill the snatch, that's your prerogative it is not crossfit's like place to tell you how you should compete like where they if you have a shitty box do you get credits too do you get more points if like if your gym doesn't have a uh ghd
Starting point is 00:38:16 that they'll help you out there they give you some points there where they say uh he says the other athletes they clearly had an advantage too. The answer was we don't have to explain ourselves to you on this. Yeah. Are you kidding? Or we don't have to argue this with you, but the decision is final. Okay, CrossFit Gestapo. Like you're just going to say you're out.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Sorry. See you. What was the minimum work requirement on that workout? Do we know? He said there was no minimum. They didn't pull him out for a minimum. Do we know? He said there was no minimum. They didn't pull him out for a minimum.
Starting point is 00:38:46 There wasn't a minimum, but you had to show that you were continuing to attempt to get a muscle up or wherever you were getting stuck. And so if you watched him, he was on the rings and kind of just almost did like a regular pull-ups. Yeah, I saw him doing pull-ups on the rings. He would do them once every 30 seconds to a minute. Hey, dude, why does he have to fake doing the effort if he knows he can't do it why does he have to fake doing the effort they need to go back and look at africa and see are they doing the same thing for the
Starting point is 00:39:16 women who couldn't do right hey they've just complicated their shit they're such fucking douchebags i don't i don't like minimum work requirements if you're not i mean i could go into a whole diatribe well but at least if you give a minimum work require requirement we have we know a rule we have to follow we can't speculate we can just be like yep crossfit said yeah there's a line shorts he's not in green shorts so he's out i don't scroll down yet i'm gonna keep reading i'm. No, wrong way. Wrong way. Wrong way. Okay. Fuck. Where was I? They told me that my effort during the muscle up effort effect event was not good enough for a semifinal athlete and that I clearly had an advantage over my competitors for the rest of the weekend. So what? That doesn't even make sense. Everyone has an advantage or a disadvantage at any one time. Everyone has an advantage or a disadvantage at any one time. He has a disadvantage because his score is ass.
Starting point is 00:40:08 And he got 59th place. I asked them if they were going to withdraw every other athlete that got a score of zero on test two because they clearly had an advantage too. The answer was, we won't have this argument with you, but the decision is final. It's and the decision is final. What's the most frustrating to me is that CrossFit clearly is still a backyard sport. We talk a lot about professionalizing the sport, and this is another proof that we're not heading in the right direction, in my opinion. I don't know if I like the word professionalized,
Starting point is 00:40:33 but it's definitely using just simple logic that's tarted. I played by their rules. I even did a couple of pulls on the rings just to play the game and still did whatever pleased them. Is there any other sport where the organization decides whether or not i need to scroll uh whether whether or not an athlete should compete if it's not for medical reasons or disrespecting any rule i don't think so yes i tore my pec a little bit practicing the muscle-up complex with a 20-pound ruck on Monday. I tried every other movement and it was fine. I asked CrossFit if there was going to be a minimum work requirement. So he asked
Starting point is 00:41:12 and finally took the decision to make the trip and give a shot at qualifying for the game despite having a score of zero on test two. I sincerely believe I would have made it and it's really heartbreaking to have it taken away from me like that yeah it was taken from you no need to talk about all the fees and sacrifices that competing competing at this level requires god damn it uh hi will there be
Starting point is 00:41:38 any minimum work requirement in any of the semi final workouts that information will be provided on-site at the athlete briefing. Man, it's – I don't know. Oh, I was muted the whole time. Who was – who did Corley in 2012? What do they care?
Starting point is 00:42:01 Sorry, real quick. What do they care? What advantage are they talking about? What advantage does he have if he doesn't do the workout? Other workouts. Saves on fatigue? I don't know. It doesn't make sense because you take a zero.
Starting point is 00:42:13 I mean, you're punished by less points. Ed DeSantos, again, Rich did say that that ruck on the workout was a very bad idea. All right. I totally agree with him on the cost side of this, though. Like, you paid all this money to get here. Like, who cares? Like, don't, I don't know. It just seems shitty.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Sebon's dog, Sebon, let me go after these knuckleheads. Uh, no, your biting days are over. Sorry. Back in the kennel, please. But thank you for asking. You're a good a good dog yeah no logic in that decision i i can i've been there when they do that to the athletes too where it's just like definitive and they just shut them down and it is uh i don't look yeah i don't like it um uh john young my phone died i'll be commenting uh on youtube i apologize no it's expected of you i know this show is a shit show i don't pay anyone i understand completely how
Starting point is 00:43:12 this works but thank you you you are you are an amateur john but still um in this group you're still come across good uh be team amateur uh someone Someone, one of the regulars on the 7-1 podcast just texted me and said, I love the panel this weekend. They don't put any athletes on the pedestal. Except for TTT athletes and brute athletes. Man, what a mess. John Young tried to kiss me, Calvin Klein guy. Nice. I will read anything for a dollar 99
Starting point is 00:43:49 yeah it is disgusting disappointing let's let's move on sorry carone uh yeah completely absurd i just want to know you have really nice triceps okay um where were we are we Let's go to the... Oh, we're on the girls. Let's talk about Brooke Wells one more time. Let's pick up there. She's toast. Look at it. Right where we left off. Crazy. I think she's...
Starting point is 00:44:15 I don't know if she's going to just go to a meltdown, but I think she is going to have to push the one rep max snatch on event four. And if she fails, I don't think it's going to be a meltdown. I think it's just going to be she had to go for it.
Starting point is 00:44:32 She's good at the snatch, right? She is. She should be top five, top ten easily. She's a runner in college too. She should be good at the running. She has to be flawless on these two
Starting point is 00:44:48 to be back inside the top 20 18th, 17th I think to have a shot Brooke Wells is in perfect condition she's had a great day up until now and I asked you can she be in top five in these two workouts
Starting point is 00:45:06 uh four and five what do you say she can't with this good okay okay so the brookwells we know performing at the highest level could be top five in both these workouts tyler do you agree yeah absolutely uh so there's yeah i think she just has she has to be mature enough to sort of let her anxiety go and just perform. Just be an athlete and do your job. Okay. Let us go over – Sevan, she started the day in heat two. Oh, Brooke did. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Yeah, that's probably also true. The problem is she'll be in heat four out of six. On this next workout. Okay, can we move? Are you guys cool if we move on to the next two workouts? Four and five? Okay. Workouts four and five, the athletes, it sounds like they'll take the field,
Starting point is 00:45:55 they'll do workout four, and then they will get some sort of break, and then they'll do workout five. And how many heats did you say? Six? Yes, six heats each. Okay. and then they'll do workout five. And how many heats did you say? Six? Yes. Six heats each. And except for the fact that part five, they won't be running
Starting point is 00:46:12 around a track or something, so we can see them jostling. I think this is an absolutely awesome workout. I think this is so fucking cool. I hope they do something. I would like to see this at the games where we can actually see them run. It's 800 meters
Starting point is 00:46:28 on the Assault Air Runner, which is interesting. I wonder why they're not using the Rogue Runner. I wondered the same thing. There's got to be a story there. Especially because of their new partnership with Woodway. I would think Rogue would want to push that forward.
Starting point is 00:46:44 I do have an Assault Air Runner, and I fucking absolutely love it. My whole family uses it. But 800-meter Assault Air Runner, and then a Max Snatch. So the time cap's six minutes. So you have to run a half a mile. And let's see, how fast are they going to run that?
Starting point is 00:47:03 Three or four minutes? On the first one? I think they get... I mean, they can go sub four easy. Like, it'll be between three and four, maybe. So basically, let's say four minutes with the rest. Yeah. And so then they have two minutes to then get a max snatch.
Starting point is 00:47:22 And then they rest for two minutes, and then they do test five and test five is do we know how this is scored yet 100 points each okay and we like that right i like that yeah i i i wouldn't want this to be 50 50 can we see the second? Can someone scroll to the second? Oh, yeah, workout five. So then they rest two minutes, and then they do this thing. Eight snatches. The women will do 125. The boys will do 185.
Starting point is 00:47:59 And then it's a fucking off to the races. Let me ask you guys some questions. Does the entire field do these snatches unbroken? No. Not the entire field. I think a couple women will do it unbroken. Only a couple? The entire final heat doesn't do that?
Starting point is 00:48:17 Does Fisa Goffey do that unbroken? Probably not. Yeah, I would say no. I think it's like JR on the Shut Up and scribble um show that you guys had with jr you don't lose that much time if you stay diligent on the snatches like if you if you drop and stay close and just pull and pull and pull um drop pull drop pull like you're not going to lose that much time and you can definitely make that up for the energy that you saved on the run. Christian Kelter, CrossFit can't even afford the roadway. They were going to use them,
Starting point is 00:48:55 but instead they decided to stream a couple of the event. Does Stefan's dog run on the air runner? Of course. I ask stupid questions. What about, well, that's not bad god it is beautiful the monitors are beautiful i uh so weird story i work at a university here and i was i work at the school of public health and so we have it's like god that must be a shit show huh you work at a school and it's public health you must see some retarded kinesiology
Starting point is 00:49:25 you know oh my god we have like there's like four gyms in our building and i was walking around the other day and we had like six of these woodways i was like why do we have these and then so i started i started messing around on them that's cool you have the ones that you they're not powered you have the ones like that that are human powered? They're brand new. Wow. That's cool. Well, someone there has a brain. Yeah. What about Paige Powers?
Starting point is 00:49:50 Does she do it unbroken? I think so. So are you saying that there's no benefit to doing unbroken even if you can? No. There is if it doesn't. That's a costly investment on your legs and on your heart rate. And so if you can spend that and still be able to push on the run, definitely do it. If not, go to singles. Eight's a nice number.
Starting point is 00:50:19 There's obviously they're trying to tease the athletes, right? Six, everyone does them unbroken, right? It's just enough. It's just enough you got to think about it. And they may do four, five, six on touch and go, and then singles the last couple. John has a good comment in here. 125 is lighter than the 185 for the men,
Starting point is 00:50:38 meaning that this workout isn't really balanced. What would you do? Would you make it lighter for the men to make it equal or make it heavier for the women? For masters, I did 185 135 for the masters uh semi-finals wait a second the masters women had a heavier snatch than the individual women it was the barbell um can't remember which what the workout was but remember remember they, they, uh, put the, uh, the weights wrong and then they fixed it. Yes. Yeah. Oh, uh, Savon's dog. What about Danielle Brandon on this one? Very good.
Starting point is 00:51:15 She's the one I could see that could go for the unbroken snatches, knowing that she's a good runner on top of it. Uh, is the run a sprint? Can you sprint 800 meters? It will be. I mean, 800 meters is the hardest race in track because it's a little too long for a sprint, but it's not long enough for getting into a long-distance run. So it's a painful three minutes.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Barnhart does muscle snatch probably. Will anyone do squat snatch? I don't think so. Oh, Tyler, something happened to you. We don't got you. Your audio, something happened to your audio. Oh, sorry. I keep
Starting point is 00:52:02 muting myself when I'm doing multiple things at the same time uh jedediah snelson uh with a harsh harsh uh uh an extremely biased uh comment air runners are overrated and a waste i mean if you have the money and it's raining go ahead i like them whenever it's right a dickhead look at, dude. Look at his profile picture, dude. What a dick. Oh my goodness. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Look at Judy wants to know why. Oh, Judy. Jedediah is just one of us just fucking throwing rocks in here fucking with people. He's being anti-ableist with people's he's being he's being anti-ableist yeah he's an anti-ableist yeah um who who goes first in this uh this is women no men go first this time any particular reason why men and uh would go first or just to switch it up equity okay um and uh anything from
Starting point is 00:53:09 the from the first three workouts that's going to bother these athletes in this event the running and any any the snatches are they going to be taxed at all i don't think yeah they can be taxed in the shoulders i mean they just did a ton of pressing and they're going to be rolled forward, they just did a ton of pressing. And they're going to be rolled forward because they just did a ton of benching. So opening that, you know, getting through the bar is going to be tough. Could be if you weren't mobile to begin with. So maybe some failed snatches at the top. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Maybe. I think the run, though, does loosen them up okay you know gives them three four minutes you always see it in the in the metcons where it's an ab part and you end up setting a pr on the second piece um you never thought it was possible so it's a short period of time it's going to be interesting to see who goes for it who's conservative. Oh, this is a great question. God, Liz is killing it today. Liz R., do you think the fastest time, oh, this is good, will come from a male or female in event five?
Starting point is 00:54:16 Male. Yeah. Okay, let me ask you this. Do you think that there's a woman who ends up doing those eight snatches faster than the fastest man? No. No, so you think there's going to be a guy out there who – do you know who? Sprague comes to mind, but I don't know if he can do – like he can do the whole workout really fast, but I don't know about the snatches in particular.
Starting point is 00:54:42 I don't know what you think, Spen. No, I think the woman will be on the runner first. That goes on broken. I can see Daniel trying it. I just think the one 25 is lighter and there'll be more that are going to go on broken, have a chance at being faster. Is there,
Starting point is 00:55:02 is there a, is there a runner who is Danielle in a class of her own running amongst these women and sydney and sydney okay good and uh and do the men have a sydney or a daniel not that i mean in terms of running not nothing of that caliber that i that i'm aware of that's in the the top of the leaderboard will will morad is fast i don't know if he still has that top end he's been right he's been training for a triathlon all offseason, so he has the stamina to do these two. If Brooke Wells doesn't make it, we need a moment of silence, please.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Fair enough. I'm down with that. I don't think she is going to make it. I think it is going to be a little sad. It's going to be a rough week at Proven if that's the case. Jackson and Brooke both don't make it. Howie Doit weighs in with some clinical observations, scientific observations.
Starting point is 00:55:57 Adler will win. He has retard strength. I mean, he's strong. He's going to touch and go the 185? Yeah. That's crazy. Oh, what about – I bet you Noah doesn't. I bet you Noah does really fast onesies, all eight of them.
Starting point is 00:56:18 A seasoned move. What do you think? I think he goes touch and go. Okay. Farlow, the strong man emma lawson's boyfriend he can go touch and go i don't think he's going to do the run well run no he's not a good runner better than cindy mcclellan better than amanda barnhart running yeah i mean amanda's better yeah man is way better uh tyler uh shun god the jacuzzi is very powerful yeah god isn't it beautiful when he loosens you up yeah
Starting point is 00:56:55 okay uh oh look krennikoff's in the um krennikoff's in the chat good Good to see you, buddy. Great to see you. So for the men, who do we have as the winner and who do we have for the women? Let's start with the boys. Go ahead, Spin. I'm going to go with a dark horse on this one. I'm taking Will Morad.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Wow. Okay. The soccer player. The ex-soccer player. Yeah. So he's got, he, he, somewhere in his life, he had some wheels.
Starting point is 00:57:30 He's, yeah, he has wheels. He's, he, he has the ability to hit a high, high snatch. He hasn't in the past.
Starting point is 00:57:38 He's going to let, gone below his, his abilities, but I'm going to say he pulled it out this time. What about, can the same person win a workout four and five? Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:57:51 they could, I don't think they're going to. Which one do you think Morad's going to do better in, four or five? Five. And who's your pick? Sorry, you want a second pick spin for four you want two picks uh second pick i know i need to see a list can you bring the list up for us can you bring the list
Starting point is 00:58:18 hopper that's see that's my pick hopper for first and, and then Dennis Samsonoff second. And I really like Samsonoff maybe a little better, but other Mr. Maybe switch to the men since we're doing men, and then rank them from high to low. Best dude. Yeah, there we go. Samsonoff. What are you smoking crack?
Starting point is 00:58:42 What happened? Did you fall down the stairs this morning? Dude, he's crazy strong. All right. I'm going to, you know, who else is crazy strong is a Sam. Well,
Starting point is 00:58:50 yeah, he does have a good snatch and, and rich let him snatch in that event that they did on teams. Instead of rich doing the 300 or whatever it was. Sam, Sam. Well, come on.
Starting point is 00:59:00 How, what are they? So the winner of the first event is whoever has the max snatch. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to go. You guys are going to think I'm crazy for this. Samuel Cornway. So the winner of the first event is whoever has the max snatch? Yep. Okay, I'm going to go. You guys are going to think I'm crazy for this. I'm going to go Dallin Pepper for four. And Samuel Cornway for five.
Starting point is 00:59:18 I'm not. Oh, shit. Really? My bun's in here? If you don't win, they could say you're not trying hard enough and kick you out without discussion I mean he's not lying right
Starting point is 00:59:31 yeah yeah you were capable of winning that so sorry you only put you only put 250 on the bar yeah I saw on your Instagram you did 300 I like Sprague for event two or event five rather uh you like you like sprague james yeah no all right that's nice and what who did you pick for uh one i picked i'm gonna go with
Starting point is 00:59:57 hopper hopper okay and then let's go over to the chicas yeah samuel samuel samuel corn corn that is uh what that's cool i should have checked with my dog first oh my goodness wouldn't it be crazy if sydney wells won workout five dude that'd be a lot of hey, if she finishes top three in that workout, it's crazy. Because, like, I think John says that the run is nothing in this workout, which I tend to agree. But, like, if you're a good snatcher that can't breathe very well, like, it's going to take a lot off the top. It would be, I think you're going to see more seasoned athletes do better,
Starting point is 01:00:44 perform better in this workout. So when I look brooke versus sydney i'm taking brooke um it would just be a hell of an improvement for sydney as an athlete as a whole if she beat brooke in this workout what's uh what's alexis raptus how's her running and her snatching she's a good runner um i don't know about her snatch she got good shoulder position yeah uh okay um mr spin uh workout four that is the uh the run and then a couple minutes to get a max snatch uh i'm gonna go with brooke because she's gonna go for it and hit it okay i like it and i think uh danielle brooke and Danielle, strong. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:29 I think the one thing is we don't know how these athletes play it out. We don't know how each of them are going to run, how fast they think they're going to do. And this first week is in a tough position. The next two weeks have a way bigger advantage to understand and see this and get a sense of what strategy worked out. They've obviously probably tried this one in practice, but it's way different when you're on the competition floor. It'll be interesting to see how this one is different next week seeing how the athletes
Starting point is 01:02:07 approach it uh john young claiming he got 300 pounds uh and uh uh mitchell uh mitchell kidda michael mitchell kidda kaita uh john video question mark you are a fucking liar. John ain't lying. I know. I just brought it up. I know. He's strong like bull. He's so strong it's stupid. It makes no sense. But it's so fun just calling John a liar.
Starting point is 01:02:36 But yeah, I know. He's not lying. I go over to his Instagram account. It's crazy. Yeah, it's great. And his arms are so long. It does not make sense that he's so strong. Some home cooking from Julia Brandon.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Danielle did track in high school and college. Kid can run. Yeah, she looks incredible. Who do you have? Spin has Brooke and Danielle. Who do you have? I'm going to say I'll just throw Sydney in there for the first one, just in case.
Starting point is 01:03:08 Yeah, yeah, I like it. For the first one. Okay. And then I'm going to go Daniel. No, no, you don't want Sydney in the first one. She's not going to get the max snatch. Sydney? Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 01:03:21 I don't know. That first one's so tough. It's Barnhart. Yeah. That'd be my second pick. Is anybody else strong like Barnhart? No one we know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:35 I'm going to go Wozni. Okay. I like it. I like it. HQ just sent out a commercial break mid-workout for the last barbell on team. HQ just went to commercial break mid-workout for the last barbell on team. HQ just went to commercial break mid-workout for the last barbell on team. Yeah. You'll see the highlights.
Starting point is 01:03:51 Don't worry. Is that true, Barry? Please tell me that's not true. Well, I don't know why anybody would be surprised as teams. They never get love. Emma for four. No, you're out of your mind. Which Emma? Emma Carey?
Starting point is 01:04:10 Neither. Either way. Paige and Danielle Brandon. Carey can snatch 200. I think Carey is strong. Stroke and my beaver.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Yes, it's true. True true true wow they really did it's true what are they thinking over there hq went to a commercial break mid-workout for the last barbell on team uh kenneth brings up a good point who gives a fuck about teams i'm gonna go uh amanda amanda okay oh yeah and uh i'm gonna say that amanda does something here that scrambles everyone's brains for the games this year everyone's gonna be like oh shit yes i mean that's a good point like if she didn't pull that move like we would have no idea who's gonna win the games right. Right. If she won both. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 01:05:06 I think just her performance, if she does that, she wins this semifinal and she's now podium winning contention. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to do it because if Brooke doesn't make it, that's three out of the top five who aren't coming back to the games. Who are the others?
Starting point is 01:05:25 Laura and Brandon, Laura and Daniel are the only two that will be back in the top five. Yeah, so Tia and Mal and then Brooke. Wow, holy shit. Oh, and Annie went teams last year. Yeah. Wow, crazy. Dude, if there was ever a year to get juiced to the gills in the offseason this was the year just to fucking go just like if you're gonna skate testing yeah like like annie if this is gonna be your last year just cheat because like just take it because i mean if
Starting point is 01:06:00 if annie if annie won the crossfit games this Games this year, it would be fucking crazy. Absolutely crazy. If Amanda hits the podium, everybody starts training with HWPO. You think so? You think it would be that powerful of a pool for HWPO? Yeah. You go from basically an eighth place finisher every year to a podium person?
Starting point is 01:06:22 Yeah. Her face and her physique is made to market i mean and she talks good i had her on the podcast she's probably one of the easiest people i ever podcasted with amanda yeah she's real as fuck yeah and she's and she's stunning and i think i think she was a swimmer too i think she could do it all was she a swimmer i I believe so. Yeah. I met her once at a competition in Cincinnati. She's an Ohio native. Do you like her? She was normal. Like, she just walked through the crowd just like anybody else,
Starting point is 01:06:52 which you don't normally see. She was with Sam Briggs as well. Sam was there. And they would just walk around like nobody's business. Yeah, she was very normal. Russ Stevens, a wise person would be prepping the replacement uh production for crossfit so when the sale happens and crossfit is effectively absorbed into f45 all affiliates have somewhere to automatically go i already think
Starting point is 01:07:18 chase is due no i think no i think what he's saying here is a wise person would be prepping another affiliate program and another a whole not other company that's basically a mirror of CrossFit. So when that sale happens, everyone jumps ship, starting new games. Seven, I DMed you a book title to check out. Okay, I'll check it out. Jeff, you have to get my phone number because I've lost. I did lose the war in my DMs. I haven't announced it yet, but last week I lost the war.
Starting point is 01:07:47 I met Jeff in Texas. He's a cool dude. He is a cool dude, right? He's so cool. Does he seem smart? Yeah. Yeah, I picture him being smart. Well, you're really smart, so it's probably hard to be smart around him.
Starting point is 01:08:01 I don't know. I just play like I'm smart. He was quiet. He's well-spoken. Short well spoken short guy just kind of short he does uh he got uh well that makes me happier because the homeboy is older than me by a couple years and he got a 500 pound i want to say maybe 500 pound deadlift and a 400 pound back squat or something he looks like a good puller he's built well i had this thought on carone what if he just went out on the next event that he wasn't supposed to? What if he just went out on the field?
Starting point is 01:08:28 And they just made Justin Berg go out there and Austin Maliolo try to fight him? I mean, he seems pretty pissed off on this post. And so, hell, bro, what are they going to do? Are they going to tell you to leave? They ain't going to start the event on time because you're out there? Just go. Sevan, I'm assuming that Sevan is already preparing the alternative in all his spare time.
Starting point is 01:08:47 Let me tell you, my kids, when they put their boy band together, will make more money in their first year on tour than fucking CrossFit will make in its existence. You can't take those kids anywhere other than with superstars. Good thing I'm setting up to come back for boy bands. Yeah, you could be the manager. This is our manager Tyler and you do money right you know money
Starting point is 01:09:08 you can do numbers and shit yeah okay there we go okay uh so there's our picks there we are uh any any updates we can scour anyone injured I keep I keep waiting for somewhere during the middle of the show someone's gonna be like Brooke pulled out we don't we don't have that
Starting point is 01:09:24 nothing yeah Anyone injured? I keep waiting for somewhere during the middle of the show someone's going to be like, Brooke pulled out. We don't have that? Nothing at this point. Somebody's saying Saxon looks pretty injured. Like he's limping around the field. Oh, shit. Okay, well that would explain a lot, right, Caleb? Right. And when they say limp, any particulars on the limp?
Starting point is 01:09:43 Ankle, knee, hip? It's just a swagger. Nope. Yeah. No particulars yet. It, ankle, knee, hip? It's just a swagger. Nope. Yeah. No particulars yet. Limp like a pimp? It's not a pimp limp? Not that I know.
Starting point is 01:09:53 Okay. If anyone can give me some footage of Saxon, I'm very astute in my pimp limp diagnostics. I see – what's the deal here, Sousa? It's 9.40 a.m. I can't believe it's 9.40. It feels like it's 5 p.m. to me. It's 9.40. It always weirds me out when you use Pacific Time.
Starting point is 01:10:18 I see. A long way. At 1.20 Eastern Time, what time is that for me? 10? 10? Minus 3? Mm-hmm. So at 10.20 Eastern time, what time is that for me? 10? 10? Minus 3? Mm-hmm. So at 10.20, okay. So in an hour, the men's events will start up again. 50 minutes.
Starting point is 01:10:35 Okay. No, 50? 40. 40 minutes. 1.20. Okay. 1.20 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, and that's 10.20 a.m. for me. All right. Thank you, guys. Once again, you guys have made the chat incredibly fun to watch. I actually laugh out loud
Starting point is 01:10:55 watching you guys partying there. Do you read the chat? Do you guys read the chat? I gave up on it last night. Dude, it's crazy. My favorite is when CrossFit has to try to come in, and you know they're watching all of this, too. Oh, yeah, yeah. I know. That it last night. Dude, it's crazy. My favorite is when CrossFit has to try to come in. You know they're watching all of this too. Oh, yeah, yeah. I know.
Starting point is 01:11:09 That part is funny. Hey, did someone get kicked out of the chat? Who got kicked out? Barry. Yeah, why did Barry get kicked out? Because of his name? Well, he's also ruthless. Oh, he is?
Starting point is 01:11:20 He is ruthless? I've never seen anything ruthless. I haven't seen anything too ruthless. He's like a hound dog. It's like any one thing off, he's like, I got you. Okay, well, that's a shame that he got kicked out. Sevan, they won't say your name. That's fine.
Starting point is 01:11:39 I don't blame them. They shouldn't say it. If they want to keep their job. After Nistler finished last clean, she said, I suck and I almost spit my coffee out. Oh, that's awesome. She's the best. Hey, let's do that.
Starting point is 01:11:55 Let's go over and look at the team's leaderboard. They have the scores in for workout five they've not updated the standings later okay uh i suck who are you seven oh no i'm greg no no i'm not anyone i don't even go in the chat i don't i'm i don't i i shouldn't even comment on I have to comment to make an Instagram I erase I hate I resent regret every time I comment so I don't comment yeah I don't comment I just watch but if I did I would tell you guys can we
Starting point is 01:12:35 get a CK MK guy a CEO shirt we should could try is Gabe there is paper street coffee at the venue yeah I think yeah please get there Travis is not done and then yes when you do it film yourself please let me see i can call gabe now and see if we can get that get that guy's shirt that would i hope he doesn't know who you are and just wearing the shirt this is like i'll have it i think we're ones from a water palooza there so we should have some shirts
Starting point is 01:13:06 hey why do you think people like your uh people keep telling me that when people call in uh on your when you do the show susan it sounds so much better than when i do the show do you think that's your roadcaster i gave myself the edge so regardless it was just a little bit better when i'm when i do my voice do you think it's the roadcaster though i have no idea the pressure on no idea because i'm into the roadcaster are you bluetooth in it i'm bluetoothing hello hello gabe what's up dude we're live on the air hey what's up man hey brother i got a question for you there's a guy there um that everyone calls the CKMK guy, Calvin Klein, Michael Kors guy.
Starting point is 01:13:49 Do you know who that is? Okay. I know of him. He's around somewhere. Okay. If you see him, could you give him a CEO shirt? Yeah, definitely. Okay, awesome.
Starting point is 01:14:01 All right. I'll give him a CEO mug or CEO shirt right now or like so-so. Yeah, we'd love to get a shirt with him wearing the shirt and then a picture of it would be awesome. Yeah, he may not be mug worthy yet, but shirt worthy for sure right now. Yeah, he may not be mug worthy. We don't have mug. We need that mug, but go ahead and give him the shirt.
Starting point is 01:14:19 One of the old ones. Not the whole CEO package. If I find him, if I find him, I'll definitely give him something. If someone can just push him our way, we'll find him and we'll try to give him something. It's a little chaotic here when there's no heat and everyone's not working out. Okay, he's wearing a shirt and it says K-O-R-S on it, Kors. And I think he has a gold necklace. And he just
Starting point is 01:14:46 looks like a hick. He talks like Coors Gump. I'm out here right now. I'm trying to find him. You never know who he is. We'll help you out. Thanks for all your support. Thank you. Love you. Bye. I did hear that
Starting point is 01:15:01 on the Mayhem video that was released today on YouTube there's a little bit about Froning getting kicked out I've not watched it but I've had a few messages to go check it out oh let's pull that up because those they went live right
Starting point is 01:15:16 and they don't care if we show their shit they're one of the few people him and Hillard they don't care if we steal their shit let's go over there can we go over there to Froning the Mayhem Empire? Is it on Instagram or on their YouTube? I think it's on their YouTube. It's like 30 minutes long. I'm going to have to try to sift through it.
Starting point is 01:15:35 Anything that Rich says is gold. People want a CK guy card. I think this is it. I think this is it because I saw something. Let me see this. The CrossFit East Semifinal in Orlando, Florida. You can be here.
Starting point is 01:15:54 Welcome to Episode 1, Orlando Mayhem. Stay with us. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. They're taking the piss out of them. Oh, my God. Okay, find. Amazing. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. They're taking the piss out of him. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:16:08 Okay, find more Rich. Find more Rich. I'm going to see if I can send Rich a link right now. He'll come on. Oh, wow. Okay, so they went with it. They should get him a wig and a mustache and sneak him in like Portnoy at the Super Bowl. Do you like a little bit on it oh my goodness that is uh good
Starting point is 01:16:28 i'm gonna send that's amazing so so there is some truth to it okay this is uh hey and i know and i know rich isn't big on drama um but they but i think he must've got pushed. Hey, we, we, I would like one of those. Uh, I'd like one of those jurors mayhem jerseys. If it said CEO, dude, uh, rich is like the guy that they talk about in the dark night.
Starting point is 01:16:53 You either die here or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Oh, wow. Wow. Is that really a line? That's a quote in a movie that i have oh there it is oh oh shit this is gonna be good let's see sorry sorry for stealing your shit but not sorry here
Starting point is 01:17:15 we go damn i'm getting better there yeah it looked like it looked like he was fighting for him but he did i mean he did great i was i was happy like i said When he went out 18 at first, I was like, he did great. They didn't show Sam a ton. I could see what was going on. I thought he was close. They didn't show Tyler whatsoever. He said he had some pistol trouble. Nope, didn't see Tyler once.
Starting point is 01:17:39 Tyler got zero screen time. Looking in the window and looking over the fence and seeing what he could see. Keep going. Maybe just scroll ahead in 10-second increments until we hear him be like, hey, did you get kicked out? What are your thoughts on the first day, first two days of competition
Starting point is 01:18:00 from your view? Interesting. Regional softball? The Irish were up 1-0 in the first. Don't interrupt him, motherfucker. He's about to drop it. I dropped it when I left, so it's not going real well. What movie did we watch?
Starting point is 01:18:13 We watched The Rock. Independence Day? The Rock with Sean Connery. We watched Horrible Bosses 2. Which was great. We watched all the events via the CrossFit Live. Oh, shit. He's not going to answer it.
Starting point is 01:18:32 Oh, shit. They asked him and he started to go. It was interesting and then he got derailed. Oh, Rich, you're so good. How long ago was that published? Three hours ago. Look at this. On-fly media, $1.99, starting at $10.55.
Starting point is 01:18:54 Oh, okay. Let's see. Okay, thank you. Shit. Let's see. Events. And I am happy to be here because I know that our mayhem athletes are going to nail this competition he's pissed he's so pissed he got kicked out they're like he tried to go
Starting point is 01:19:16 watch the event and they looked and they go you can't go here you can't you know you can't come here with that and then he said he said in front of the guy, he ripped his coat, just passed on it, and then walked away. Do you have a pair of work out on my face? Hey, where the fuck could Rich possibly have gone that anyone would tell him he can't go? The guy's so low-key. He doesn't travel with his wife. He doesn't travel with an agent. He has no entourage.
Starting point is 01:19:42 He probably just wanted to be somewhere where fucking he could just watch his athlete. I think he has four teams there and 15 athletes. He just wants to go somewhere and watch the fucking event without a thousand people mobbing him. And he still doesn't, he still lets people mob him. I'm not saying he's not, he's great with the kissing the babies and shit. Why would you do that to him?
Starting point is 01:19:59 Do you guys think I have Rich's dick too deep in my mouth or do you guys agree with me? I totally agree. There's no way I'd have the balls to tell Rich to get out. Plus, do you ever see him doing anything that's not a positive net gain for the event? Yeah, 100%. Anywhere he is is gold. He walked through a pile of shit and flowers would grow out of it, like in those cartoons.
Starting point is 01:20:22 If he were on the field of play, I'd be like, he's good. He's fine uh rich i'm not trying to be a dick but could you could you not uh be spotting page when she's doing the bench touch your elbows while she's benching hey so they kick rich out but they give the mat cam uh plenty of love huh i haven't seen the mat cam do they do mat cam oh yeah they got it in there of course they got it in there but they wouldn't kick rich out for effort wow honestly it makes me sad i know it makes me sad too it's crazy who fucking kicked him out hey rich oh that's nice of you kyle good point kyle landis rich can stand in caron's lane uh steven floors yeah exactly uh rich said he'd be in pasadena next weekend i may buy a ticket
Starting point is 01:21:09 just to go see him yeah i know right hey and for anyone who's never met him dude he's cool as shit he's he's he's he's uh he's if anything he's just a little bit maybe shy or in person. He can get overwhelmed, but he's cool as shit. He's crazy. He's crazy present. Wow. If anybody has a picture of CK guy that's good quality, send it to me, please. Oh, oh. I like that.
Starting point is 01:21:39 What's your – they send it to you in your DMs? I got something cooking. All right. Hey, I'll reveal it next show. Uh, Renee with the thick ropes, uh,
Starting point is 01:21:54 for hair, uh, rich needs to be CEO of CrossFit. Hey, he needs to be fucking governor of Tennessee. I'd take that. Yeah, I'd take that too.
Starting point is 01:22:03 I would fucking maybe move there if he became governor vote for it there's a wrestler the wrestler is the governor of tennessee okay well pick fucking some state pick some state bill lee is the governor no he's not a wrestler wasn't oh shit who am i thinking of anyway continue sorry uh jeff brings up a good point but it was not unfortunately uh jeffrey birchfield it could be a security person who is subcontracted and has no idea who Rich is. No, it was not. It was, fortunately, Rich was told, given some access,
Starting point is 01:22:34 and then it was pulled back, and then it was given again. And at that point, I think he was like, fuck you guys. The guy's done a lot. The guy is a full participant and um in this crossfit thing in terms of uh being on the l1 team having an affiliate winning the games running charity events picking up the slack for the occupational people i mean he's kind of done it all and uh he's had some fights including with myself and with other people and he's able to make up and he doesn't do outlandish things that permanently burn bridges i mean i just i can't say enough
Starting point is 01:23:09 good shit about him uh he's he's he's marry your your fucking sister material it's like so oh that uh okay we will see you guys shit the events happen in 28 minutes this is the third time I've tried to get off and then we'll be back it looks like everything's over at 5.08pm eastern
Starting point is 01:23:38 time which will be 2.08 my time oh that's so awesome okay so 2.15 so 2.15 pacific standard time we should be live again would YouTube be. We should be live again. Yep. That's what it's scheduled for. Would YouTube be coming on? Should be able to.
Starting point is 01:23:49 I love you guys. Thank you. Last time I told you guys we're murdering it, then our last show was a complete dud yesterday. But, man, the shows this morning have been off the hook. It's because we came out hot. We came out hot yesterday. I had two monsters in me before we even started the show.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Well, I think John Young was on delay yesterday. I don't know if that's what fucked it up. I don't know what to blame, but I was pretty fried too. Anyway, I'm pumped. Okay, I will see you guys in what is about four hours. Sounds good. Okay, anyone at the venue who's watching this or any insights or anything you want to share,
Starting point is 01:24:29 do not DM me. I will not see that shit. Can they DM either of you guys? A hundred percent. Okay. So DM the barbell spin or at Texas, my DMS, I cannot keep up with them right now.
Starting point is 01:24:40 They're completely open overrun. All right. Oh, and how we do it with the last word today. Rich is going to kick that guy out of heaven. And come back because I will share when Rich commented on my post when he blocked me. Oh, okay. And Dave, do you have Dave's post?
Starting point is 01:25:01 No, it's all in the comments of my post. I know, but did Dave actually post in there? Let me see. I have to find it. I'm almost positive. I'll go through it. He claims he never posted. Approve that wrong. All right, guys. We'll see you guys soon.
Starting point is 01:25:22 Caleb, thank you. Susan, thank you. Bye-bye.

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