The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit Semifinals EAST | Press Conference & Day 3 Pre Show

Episode Date: May 21, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman and the Sea, streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story, Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ew. Ew.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Must be mating season.
Starting point is 00:00:50 And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. Fucking too late. Too late.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Like, really late. Like really late. Probably like midnight. I went to bed at midnight. Bam, we're live. Barely made it in time for the call. Man bun, ponytail. Man bun, ponytail. Man bun, ponytail.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Kenneth, good morning. Soccer mom, good morning. Jay Hartle, good morning. Mike Artunian, the Armenian, good morning. God, two Armenians. Disproportionate here. Logan, good morning. Bruce Wayne, always Armenian. Good morning. God, two Armenians. Disproportionate here. Logan, good morning. Bruce Wayne, always good to see you. And of course, John Young, Mr. Spin, Caleb, Sousa,
Starting point is 00:01:35 and a gentleman that I see is titled just CB. CB, damn, my camera's off. I'm falling off the screen. Oh, I forgot to hit the record button. Son of a bitch. I'm new to this game. Did you see that, Sousa? Hey, Sousa and Caleb, when you guys come on before me, you can always go to the settings and then go to recordings
Starting point is 00:01:59 and then turn on that high-quality audio and video recording for each guest. Thanks. We made it to the last day. We did it. Holy cow. Just two more weeks. Guys, it looks like there is going to be a press conference this morning at the semifinals, Crossfit semifinals in the northeast uh we all got uh emails those of us
Starting point is 00:02:29 who applied for media credentials uh last night i'm not sure the reason for uh the press conference do you have any thoughts on that uh mr spin the reason for the press conference the only i mean if it's only Boz and Justin, I have to imagine it's talking about the two athletes, Alex and I can't remember the last guy's name. The Fox guy? He had the word Fox in his last name? Yeah, something similar to that.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Both being removed from the competition. Hey, let me ask you this. Someone sent me a text this morning, and they said it's a shame that they're targeting. Oh, something's going on with Caleb. Is he being escorted out? No. OK. They're being targeted for because they're mayhem athletes. I my brain would have never in a million years gone there. That's completely ridiculous. Right. But they're like, hey, Corona's having problems. He's a mayhem athlete. This Foxt hey uh coron was having problems he's a mayhem athlete this foxtail guy's having problems he's a mayhem
Starting point is 00:03:28 athlete uh the rich had problems um luke parker had problems and then and then there was someone else samuel cornwhite there was there's this whole list of mayhem athletes that have had problems with their judges and that they're somehow targeted please tell me that you think that that's absurd i i that was i would never have thought that okay good young john would you ever think that no i think that's absurd okay when i worked at h2 i never saw anything like that just so you know never ever ever the only thing that i never saw h2 ever think and consider protecting anybody um except for one guy like in 2009. He was in the military and he
Starting point is 00:04:08 popped for roids and they just didn't go public with it. They kicked him out of the games, but they didn't want to go public with it because they didn't want the guy to get kicked out of the military. And that was it. That was the only thing I ever, ever saw. Those guys are sticklers. I didn't see any bending of rules.
Starting point is 00:04:26 You would think headquarters would love mayhem. You would, but I also did see, but that being said, I did see outside of the game space, I did see HQ spit venom at mayhem for fucking God knows what reasons. Have you guys ever heard that story? We had a CEO there. Let's see if I can tell real quick.
Starting point is 00:04:49 We had a CEO there and the place where we were, the CrossFit HQ was selling more level ones than anywhere in the world was Cookville, Tennessee. So imagine that. Not Baltimore, not Paris, not San Francisco, not London, not Johannesburg, not Rome, fucking Cookville, Tennessee. And the CEO at the time said, hey, that means that people are going and taking the L1 for the wrong reason. We were in a big executive meeting. I don't think we should do it there anymore.
Starting point is 00:05:19 I rose my hand and I said, wait a second. You're telling me that if someone wanted to time an l1 in paris to also get their level one certification and see the eiffel tower that we should move it from paris because that means they're taking the l1 for the wrong reason and no one would answer me and they kept moving forward taking shots at cookville i fucking stood up and started screaming in the meeting just started yelling and uh later on uh greg pulled me aside and said told me i was being belligerent and i said i don't give a fuck if i'm being belligerent um i was respectful to greg always i said this is fucking insane that the standing ceo
Starting point is 00:05:55 at the time is suggesting that we shouldn't do level ones in the most popular place that level ones are being done in the country just because people might want to pick up some mayhem shirts and fucking uh rub elbows with fucking rich that was pretty fucking uh but and that was it but um there i did see some stupid shit like that jessica valenzuela savon being belligerent, I know. It's weird. There were many times that now in hindsight, many more times that I wish I would have stood up, but also many times that I was the only one who stood up. It's in my pedigree. Okay, so I'm very curious about this press conference.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Similar to the press conferences that the UFC does, I love watching the press conferences where Danny gets up. Do you guys watch any press conferences on the regular, Mr. Spinn? Any sports or no? No, not really. Do you, Mr. Young? Occasionally, but it's a big sporting event. It's not like on a regular basis or anything.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Okay, so the way the UFC does it is they have a press conference every Friday, and the way the UFC does is they have a press conference every Saturday, every Friday. And then after the event, they always have a press conference and it's, it's great assault bike watching time. You know what I mean? Like right after the fight or Dana will come out and be like, okay,
Starting point is 00:07:17 we made this much money and I think these refs suck. And the next fight to make next week is this. And it's, it's cool. I really appreciate them. I mean, you think that this is going to be any chance that this will be to just answer questions and not for them to do any particular house cleaning, address anything in particular? I think they'll touch on it briefly like they always do.
Starting point is 00:07:38 I mean, these press conferences are usually pretty light on actually giving information. is usually pretty light on actually giving information. And then they'll ask questions, and you'll get the softball questions. And then hopefully one or two people will ask something that actually gets them to answer something we all care about. Right. Give me an example of something that you would like to hear answered, a question. I think it's why would you target these two guys it's uh corby foxall and alex carone why would you target those and not target the women who couldn't do the work
Starting point is 00:08:12 do the the uh the muscle ups um what's what's the difference between the two right any any any good question and for anyone who doesn't know uh uh foxtail fox all like can i call him foxtail corby fox all right corby corgi how about corgi what's something fun corgi foxtail i have a corgi one fact i know you did hey my wife asked me yesterday if you were i was telling her about the goonies thing and she was asking if that hurts your feelings does that hurt your feelings no it's all good i told her everyone gets torn up i said fuck i do feel like i get torn up a little bit more than most people but five to one five to one it's uh it's all good five to one i i mean uh the i i that one was pretty good but i also the uh it was it was it
Starting point is 00:08:59 was a brave call to call mr spin an ai version of Ed Norton. That was fucking bold. But fucking right on target, right? Just paint him yellow, like one of those yellow emojis. Ethnically neutral emojis. Did I just coin that term, Suze? Is that new? Ethnically neutral? We got pop seal and now ethnicallyically neutral i fucking match castro one one
Starting point is 00:09:27 uh as mr young any questions that you you particular let me go back so so the thing with corgi and um carone is carone was pulled out carone wanted to compete and they pulled him out and the reason why they pulled him out as they said in the previous workout he didn't try hard enough when we also his story is is that he didn't try hard enough because his pec was torn and he couldn't do one particular movement but he could do other movements and i can totally relate to that i have a bicep i cannot do one fucking pull-up without it making me want to tear but i can bench press and do push-ups and do rope pulls sled pulls all day without flaming up the bicep so it's just angles right it makes sense it doesn't he i don't think he's lying do you guys no no i mean if he was i mean he's serious he wants to get back to
Starting point is 00:10:13 the games he's not going to just not do muscle-ups and take last place for a competitive advantage i mean that's crazy and so that's the question Mr. Spin was referencing. Why was this guy pulled out of the game, and then there were some girls who were just standing around? What was the movement for the bench press? No, for the same complex. A ring muscle-up complex. They couldn't do the ring muscle-ups with the ruck on.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Okay, and they got to move on. Mr. Young, do you have any questions for them that you would ask? No, I mean, Brian asked the main one. If Berg is there, I'd try to hit him hard on the streaming thing and see if you can't get a concrete answer out of that but uh oh you mean follow up with like how does not streaming it um help the affiliates like yeah that question yeah yeah so just you know and then like if he like bs around it like the very next question from a different person just ask the same question and like just just keep hammering him or you know if somebody goes just just one person
Starting point is 00:11:10 justin that doesn't make any sense yeah and you see what he what he says you know what i mean um but other than that i mean i do want to know why they can't get the africa semi-final uh leaderboard correct on their website oh okay other than that. And I do want to know why they can't get the Africa semifinal, uh, leaderboard correct on their website. Oh, okay. Um, another good question.
Starting point is 00:11:31 You know, mine would be obviously around media. Why don't they let someone do the behind the scenes? Uh, you know, we did it every year. I think it was a huge hit when I was there. When I was there running the media,
Starting point is 00:11:41 it was the most, it was the most, not the most views, but the most minutes watched of any content we ever put out in the history of CrossFit. And so meaning that people had great retention, they'd be the seven part series. They'd be great. And around these bubbles, there would be tremendous by bubbles. I mean, uh, the cut lines, there would be tremendous tension and these would make for fantastic stories
Starting point is 00:12:00 and someone should be doing it for the games. Uh, also, um, Barry McCockner was asking me with my arm if i'm still able to oh here we go i says seven are you still uh able to yank it that is completely uh inappropriate please um put yourself on time out of course i'm able to yank it caleb can you talk to us or would other people hear um in the uh in the room? Everybody can hear me. Okay. How many people are there, Caleb? Probably about 30, 40.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Okay. And does it look like it's about to start soon? People are starting to filter in. But yeah, I think so. Okay. And you're talking on your phone right now? I'm on my laptop and then I have my phone set up just in case. Okay. And where is the dude who's actually going to stream it for us?
Starting point is 00:12:56 Like look and point your eyes in his direction. And where will Justin and Boz sit? Point your eyes in that direction. Okay. Are those the two guys, Justin and Boz? Yeah, when they sent out the notification, those were the only two on the list. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Fantastic. Okay. Thank you. That's great. Look at his direction. Tyler, thank you for joining us. Very kind of you to make your presence felt. Morning.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Sorry. Good morning. Internet issues. Just fucking with you. You're on the East Coast, right, Tyler? Yeah. I mean, you get to state the latest out of all of us. Where you spend?
Starting point is 00:13:44 Nashville. Okay. So it's 7.30 for you? Spin? Nashville. So it's 7.30 for you? Yeah. We had another camera just pop up. That's interesting. Oh, that's your guy. You have two guys. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Yeah, you have two guys. We got a CB and a Doma Sena. The CB is yours. The CB is me. Oh, shit. So Caleb's double-fisted. Okay. Oh, shit. Okay, so we got – I'll mute this.
Starting point is 00:14:13 So we got this one. Okay, that's nice. We got spy cams. And then we got this one. No, no, press conference. You're allowed to film press conferences. Oh, okay. Yeah, press conference.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Sounds better if you say spy cam. Are these legitimate? How are we doing? I wonder if these are legitimate media people who are in this place or if they... Oh, there's Boz. Okay. Here we go. Let's see if we're going to be able to get good audio on this. This is in
Starting point is 00:14:45 Orlando. We're 30 minutes away from individual event one. So there's events going on right now? No. Okay, so individual event. Okay, so individual event. Individuals event
Starting point is 00:15:01 six starts in 30 minutes. Okay. These are all the people at this conference? At the press conference. I think there's like 30 people in the room is what Caleb is suggesting. Wow. It's a blue-field attendance by 630 people so that helps me out there
Starting point is 00:15:27 say that again Sousa I said we just boosted attendance by 630 people right oh for the press conference yeah that's right yeah we filled it up you're welcome all right uh
Starting point is 00:15:42 Savon's dog I'm hiding under the table where boss is sitting ready for the command i understood right okay if he does act off ankle bites only every dog gets one bite my mom was an attorney she told me that that looks like uh chris madigan the uh pr guy right there at the table right now oh up in the front with the thick head of hair. Yeah. All right. What's up, Chris? I've never met Chris. Is he a CrossFitter? I think so.
Starting point is 00:16:13 That was supposed to be an insult. That was just a... He did... That was supposed to be an insult. He did call me from the gym one time. I can't remember what story it was, but he called me out of breath trying to tell me. Oh, that's awesome. I like it.
Starting point is 00:16:24 That's killer. All right. I respect that. Hey, isn't that cool about all of us we've any of us who talk on the phone regularly have probably talked to the other person out of breath like for sure i've heard suze out of breath he's heard me out of breath and that's just like part of the crossfit thing right i talked to jr yesterday out of breath yeah it's the way it's the way we do it it's funny and there's no one well i guess i don't really talk to too many people who aren't crossfitters but it's so common i'm not working out is it important yeah no okay i'll talk to you later okay bye uh christina young hq is just going to say their decision stands and it's case by case depending on the athlete all right here we go uh well go. Well, I'm pretty impressed that they're doing this, actually.
Starting point is 00:17:07 This is pretty cool. Do you want to unmute, Delmo? Delmo? Is there a way to enhance the sound? Hold on one sec. And you guys have told us stories of our athletes. For me, thank you. I hope some of the changes we've made throughout the week,
Starting point is 00:17:36 that's a good thing to see you. But other than that, we're just going to hope that we have about 20 minutes and we want to make it a little bit easier to do it in time. I know that there's a lot of questions. uh I think overall really happy with the way the first week went. A lot of you guys know that have covered this sport for a long time. We stopped owning and operating semifinals in 2018. So now in 2023 that five year gap and trying to make that seem like it was nothing has been really important to our team our first priority is making a great experience for the athletes and then also trying to do a
Starting point is 00:18:34 really good job for our community make this a welcome place for our affiliates and coaches members of our community and members of our gyms to come and feel extraordinary so they can go back and continue their training with a lot more passion and enthusiasm. And I think in a lot of those regards, we've checked that box. I'm happy that some things have moved forward. So I'm really thrilled that you guys are here. So I think in the past, we haven't had this level of coverage.
Starting point is 00:18:57 So I appreciate you guys traveling, coming here, telling stories, telling a lot more and a lot richer and deeper stories than we could ever possibly tell on our own. Also, some of the things that we really like are the really large fields of athletes. That's been really, really favorable. So we have more athletes competing at this stage than we've ever had at this particular event. So I think the fields are deep. We're here on Sunday.
Starting point is 00:19:20 We're going to crown champions, announce qualifiers, and I think that's what we're kind of here to do. So we know we've got a lot of things we need to do to be better for week two so our team also has representatives from the event in Pasadena and Berlin we're also trying to do an excellent job supporting our licensed event partners so in Africa this week as well as some of the other regions we're not running the competition but we are still supporting their coaches sorry their judges their staff, trying to provide good
Starting point is 00:19:48 coverage of those events as well. So I know you guys are focused here. That's why you're here. Hopefully you guys are also covering those events as well. If we do a good job at the semifinal stage, that's a really great foundation for us to have for the remainder of the year. So we got a lot of work to do. We want to continue to make progress in a lot of different areas. But we're actually just really happy
Starting point is 00:20:06 with getting off the ground for week one and then getting to work on making it much better for week two of next year. So I'll start there. You guys have any questions? Hi, Jimmy. Patrick, Be Friendly Fitness. You mentioned supporting the other semifinals,
Starting point is 00:20:20 particularly Africa. It's kind of hard to cover it when the leaderboard on crossfit isn't but i know uh they i found out they have a leaderboard that's pretty up to date but it seems like the crossfit games um leaderboard hasn't been updating timely and i mean i know that's probably a technical thing but just figure i'd bring that to your attention that thanks get him badger yeah but yeah it's just been hard to cover it when all day one, unless someone else found.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Yeah, we had to actually go to the rebel right and get it signed to it if they had updated leaderboard. But it doesn't provide the amount of detail that the crossword leaderboard. Yeah, for sure. So with our licensed events, what we do is they score the event locally. They transcribe the scores back to us
Starting point is 00:21:02 so that we can present it in our format on our central website. There's also a time delay, so it's difficult to follow as a fan. It's also difficult, I understand, to cover with media as well. There's a timeline, because we're in very different time zones. And then also that team locally has to take their scores, put it into a system where we can display it more broadly. So we know we've got some things that we can do to make that a little bit faster. Also, there's been a couple scoring issues locally that were identified that took place in the middle bit faster. Also, there's been a couple scoring issues locally that were identified It's in place in the middle of their night. So it's taking longer for some of those things to resolve That happened like right now, Okay cool update 15 minutes from now.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Scott Weiser, Klan San William. To piggyback on what you said JD about this being your first time back in five years to own and operate this level of the season, what is one thing you and Boz have learned this weekend that you're going to take forward with you to change either this season or next? I think anybody who is a part of these events on any level understands that there's a lot of moving pieces that have to sync up. You always learn something from week to week, year to year, et cetera. Big couple of takeaways from us. Number one is if we can consolidate a field of play, that's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:22:32 So having two is tricky. So working towards the possibility of that in the future for future comps. I also say that just thinking back to 2018 and thinking that this is going to be a carbon copy of those events is not fair to anybody because we have twice as many athletes. The schedule has to reflect that. The staffing has to reflect that. The coverage has to reflect that.
Starting point is 00:22:57 We've never run a stage at this size and scale before that qualifies to the Games. So it might feel like the regionals are big as well, but that matters too bad. And that comes with its own challenges. Joe. Hi guys, Joe from Morning Chop. Great event so far and thank you for taking the time this morning. So there have been some questions about Noble's lack of presence this weekend. Are you planning on them being at Central America West, Europe, the games later this year? Yeah, I can talk to that. I'm not sure exactly the question. Noble is here, so they've got
Starting point is 00:23:35 representatives. I was talking specifically about the fact that the space is in Vendor Village. That they're not retailing this week? Yeah. Okay. Well, I guess I'll still say the answer. Noble has been a super important part of the stage. When we announced that we were going to hold an offering for the state, this is a very expensive thing to do as an intermediate staff. Noble has been a super important patron for, they picked up title sponsorship of this entire stage, which allowed us to go out and actually start activating some of these. you start activating some of these. We've also worked with them really recently on prize money. So they're doubling the prize money for this event as a part of their patronage. They also do a lot of things behind the scenes that I don't think most people realize. All of our judges and volunteers
Starting point is 00:24:14 receive a tremendously generous kit that comes from Noble. They have staff here helping us make sure we care for those volunteers really well. So they don't have a retail presence. I don't think that the plan is for them to have a retail presence in pasadena either um so that's the answer but um we're really happy with where they are and we're continuing to lean heavily on those guys they're obviously invested in growth across this they've got a super patron for us for it okay thank you questions questions hi uh caleb from the seven bone podcast um just a quick question just kind of unrelated to the games at all but um is is dave castro overseeing all programming at crossfit or is he at the hands in the games programming or what is his kind of um role as a as a programmer overseeing programming in the CrossFit space.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Do you want me to take that one? Great. Do I stand? Yeah, Dave is, the short answer is yes. He is going to head of programming for CrossFit. What that means is there's going to be a lot of collaboration between the games and Dave. And really what we're trying to do is get on the same page so main site our other outlets the games let's make sure that everybody's talking and agreeing on certain things and moving forward together I think in the past you know CrossFit as a company has gone through periods of time where we've done that really well and then there's periods of time that we've been really siloed for lack of a better term and people aren't talking to each other as well as they should be so
Starting point is 00:25:43 having Dave in that role is what's going to allow us to make sure that everybody's communicating and collaborating together so that's the real benefit thank you yeah um basically has dawn reached out and said hey this is what i'm looking for this season for the games at any point? Or has he just kind of let you guys just run with it and do your magic? Has there been any direction for Don when it comes to games at all, whether it comes to programming, media, anything?
Starting point is 00:26:16 Yeah, Don's super involved. I think Don holistically is looking at, hey, how do we get CrossFit really on mission to reach way more people than we do today? So Don said it, and we're echoing this in any avenue that we can. There's a vision for CrossFit where we're reaching tens of millions more people than we do today. And if we can do that really effectively, that means that there's going to be a lot more people who are seeking active coaching,
Starting point is 00:26:38 that want to do this in a communal environment, that supports our coaching, that supports our gyms, that also supports a lot more people getting more fit than they ever have been. Most people in this room can attest to that. In order to do that, we have to do certain things together as a company, and that means the way that we share our resources, the way we put together our company marketing plans, the way we invest in media, has to be done from a holistic point of view, all in service
Starting point is 00:27:00 of reaching new audiences and introducing them across in a favorable way. So Don has been really central about making sure that all teams are in the exact same fair way and then going as fast as we can with kind of our shared resources. The way that that trickles down to the game specifically is we need to be really good about investing in things that are gonna reach not just our existing audience,
Starting point is 00:27:19 but how do we also reach new audiences that have maybe not heard about CrossFit or have heard about CrossFit but thought it wasn't for them? And so that includes with our media investment. So we want to invest in the live stream. We also want to invest in highlights and other platforms that are going to help us reach new audiences, younger people, people that don't tune into our existing platforms in
Starting point is 00:27:37 a way to bring them back into this community and welcome them into our gyms. So I think that's been kind of the central point of view from Don. And then obviously, he's a super operator, really focused on making sure that we are addressing the things that are going to help us move forward and taking out roadblocks that could limit us being really effective. So he's been super involved with it, Don and I do regularly. And the sport is not just like sport to Don. This is part of our entire company's executive mission. This is part of where we're going as a company.
Starting point is 00:28:05 I think that's been the real refreshing part for me. Traditionally, they're asking silos, and we've been aiming mostly in the same direction, but not at the exact same central target. Don's really good at that, so we're all focused on the same thing. Thanks, David. Joe?
Starting point is 00:28:17 Yeah, Bob. Have there been any surprises so far in terms of the programming and performance side of things, like things you didn't anticipate or Performances that really surprised you given what you saw during testing You know Our head of scoring Dave Eubanks said to me like we always have the athletes surprise us Things are always a little faster here in competition.
Starting point is 00:28:48 There's something on the line and athletes are super motivated. So I wouldn't say that's necessarily a surprise, but it is awesome to see just how good this field is. And I think that's the fun of it. You put something out that exists in your mind for so long, and when you actually get the rubber to the road and you see how impressive these athletes are, that's what it's all about. So not surprised that they're really good. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Yeah, you're welcome. Katie? Yeah, Katie, coming in to talk up. To follow up on the reaching new audiences, CrossFit, typically, like the grassroots vision, I feel like, has been very focused on pandemic brands and like getting brands like Form Primitive or Noble, brands that typically are surrounding CrossFit their their time.
Starting point is 00:29:35 When you talk about reaching new audiences, how does that compete with or how do you manage like giving endemic brands their cut and shine? And also reaching new audiences with things like Monster, with things like whatever else is on the table? Does that make sense? Yeah, it does. I think so. And you can follow up on that question. I think it's a balancing act.
Starting point is 00:29:56 And so I think where we've been as a company is we've had some terrific non-endemic brands that have really amplified CrossFit. So our former title sponsor, the CrossFit Games, brought CrossFit all over Europe, introduced it to a lot of new audiences. And I think CrossFit and their gyms have been beneficiaries of that. We have to be really judicious about that, too. Sometimes the brands that are very large, we have to make sure that we're really wise about are they aligned with our core values as a company are they aligned with the value of our stakeholders or athletes are they aligned with our affiliates are they aligned with our methodology which is kind of
Starting point is 00:30:33 the central part for us this year i think we've taken a really really kind of reflective approach to making sure that we're not just chasing big for the sake of big but we're actually trying to create a really good brand fit so we're happy with some of the newer deals that we're not just chasing big for the sake of big, but we're actually trying to create a really good brand fit. So we're happy with some of the newer deals that we've signed. The U.S. Army has been awesome. We're not just in a partnership with them, which is just transactional. We're educating soldiers. We're helping them with their ACFT scores. We're trying to help improve their lethality and their operational readiness.
Starting point is 00:30:59 At the same time, we're trying to educate more soldiers so that when they need forces, they might be able to be a coach in the future or be able to change other people's lives. So I think that's a great example of a multi-faceted relationship that is kind of authentic to who CrossFit is and what we're really good at, but also is bringing in a very large branch of the United States Army is awesome. We've also got some newer ones that are more, I don't know if you would call this endemic or non-endemic. Momentous is great, so we've joined them. That is a
Starting point is 00:31:26 different type of partnership. So they're a newer brand to our space, but also they are really forward in terms of their education and being kind of leaders in the community as well. So they're partnering with other brands and other outlets that are capable. And then Jocko is another example of that same thing. So somebody who has been a long term affiliate, believes in the methodology, practices that themselves in Jocko is another example of that same thing so somebody who has been a long-term affiliate believes in the methodology practices that themselves in Jocko and then using that to help hopefully not just help us go run our sport and kind of support what we've got going on but also literally be an
Starting point is 00:31:58 amplifier for CrossFit's mission to reach new audiences and bring people to the gyms so we're really looking at brand fit and we're looking at kind of a two-sided way of them supporting CrossFit, their methodology, making sure it's a good fit, and then also providing excellent value to them because they're helping us too. Does that answer your question? Yeah. Would you say that it's important to us that endemic brands are still amplified? Like that it's affordable for them to be at Bender Village?
Starting point is 00:32:18 Like should endemic brands be able to? Like that it's affordable for them to be at Bender Village? Like should endemic brands be concerned that someone coming in with big money would be able to afford something that they can't at their own communities? Oh, I don't, I'm not a small sponsor or what I've seen over time is that our endemic brand add to this community by focusing on great relationships with a small group of people. And I don't think they have anything to be concerned about that the big brands are going
Starting point is 00:32:57 to come in and they're going to push them all out. It's important for us that we always maintain space for some of those brands to be here to exhibit, to make touch points with our community and also as you guys know the crossfit community is much larger than just the vendor village or the sponsor list of the crossfit games and so we're really proud that as a kind of ecosystem there's a lot of opportunities for small brands to become medium sized brands and for some medium-sized brands to really hit exit velocity and become really large companies rogue has done that noble has done that from inside rx part has done this um so we're really proud that we've got this sort of super community that supports good people with
Starting point is 00:33:34 good products um and you know provides patronage to those guys so no i don't think there's any concern that these small brands are going to get pushed out by the big brands i think the big brands can also help us reach new audiences. That's why we've gotta have both to be really successful. Lastly, so it's fair to assume that every single brand that is sponsoring the CrossFit Games aligns with CrossFit's values? I would say not necessarily.
Starting point is 00:34:01 I think there's different tiers of that. So if you see somebody that is a headline sponsor of the cross-country season We need to have a higher scrutiny on are they aligned with our mission or they're gonna be powerful partners and amplifying these things But if they're an exhibitor in your village, you know, those exhibitors are helping us to run this competition and at this competition you've got 280 athletes you've got 5,000 members of our community 280 athletes, you've got 5,000 members of our community. So instead of CrossFit funding all of that, those guys are directly taking this type of in-person experience.
Starting point is 00:34:31 And we're a little bit more boost with who those brands are that exhibit out in vendor buildings. That doesn't mean we're taking anybody off the street. I think there is a certain level of scrutiny. But also, we're not the judges of that. This is a free market. The CrossFit ecosystem has always been based on the best product wins, coach wins we want to provide
Starting point is 00:34:47 kind of a fair level playing field for most fans you want to exhibit awesome but there is a different level of scrutiny with that so we're not endorsing every single person in the executive village nor can they use CrossFit marks in their marketing but they can be here and they can talk to our fans but as far as the affiliate partners, on the second week? Yeah, I think when you receive game sponsorship status, there's a higher degree of brand alignment that our community should expect. Scott.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Scott at Cosdale Media. You mentioned that there are more content creators now than there were in 2018. And we have just as much stake in this sport growing as you guys do is there a way that we can share content with you that you can then share outward to promote both CrossFit the methodology and sport yes I think so I think now we're talking kind of tactics about things, but I'll tell you the spirit of this. The spirit of this is we believe that. We believe that you and everybody in this room wants this to be successful.
Starting point is 00:35:54 And I think we need to do a good job collectively raising the level of discourse with our community to celebrate the good things that are happening and hold accountability for the things that need improvement. I think that we can do that by exchanging resources sometimes exchanging assets sometimes all of these are designed to be an iterative process that gets us closer to that goal and so the fact that we have a press room the fact that we have a press availability the fact that we have credential access the fact that we are allowing a lot of different
Starting point is 00:36:22 outlets that have different points of view to be here to cover is representative of that. I also think that we have a relatively small team and we are getting back to this stage. There's a lot of things that are like day one, week one, after, like I said, a five-year hiatus from this period. So I do think the spirit is that we want to work closer together. I also know that everybody is working really fast on the projects that are really important to their specific group in the audience. And so don't take the, if we're not going far enough fast enough, it's not for lack of intent. And I'm more specifically even talking in the off season.
Starting point is 00:36:56 You know, a lot of us go and we get embedded with an athlete and we get content with them. It would be great to be able to share that to the community. Because you have a bigger platform than even most of us. Yes, and we have a much bigger platform, not just CrossFit and media, but the athletes themselves really want to, and our affiliate community as well. We have an unprecedented opportunity as a community to really make an impact. I think the challenge is how do we pull ourselves all together? And I think that during the games that's one thing is we're in the same room. It's easier. Everything at CrossFit is better in person. I think
Starting point is 00:37:32 these are the times for some of those conversations to set up. When we're not together, how are we going to act and how are we going to behave so it's going to reach CrossFit and not just something. You know, how do we put the best possible thing forward that's going to resonate with new members? I think that's ultimately what we're all about. Awesome. Thank you. A couple more. So in regards to Alice Caron and Corby Foxall, they seemingly had put forth an effort to complete the movements in a sense and i understand that they had injuries and um that were prior to this event but what was kind of the thought process in pulling
Starting point is 00:38:12 them from the event themselves rather than look and instead of also pulling some of the females that were also incapable of completing any of those movements themselves yeah oh my god yeah any of those movements himself yeah oh my god yeah go ahead yeah so uh the first thing is like just personally i understand how frustrating this has got to be from an athlete perspective um when i was in high school i was inspired to play professional baseball and i knew i was going to get drafted and I tore my hamstring about five weeks before the first year amateur player draft and it's gut-wrenching and so I understand athletes being really upset about not being able to take the floor and that's just really hard and so like literally my heart goes out to Alex and Corby and all the athletes that have trained their asses off all year and for one
Starting point is 00:39:05 reason or another don't get to put it on before and that's the hardest part of this job just to tell an athlete you're not allowed to go out because you failed the COVID test you failed the drug test because you were injured coming in or you got injured it is absolutely the worst part of this is to make those decisions and I understand how these being frustrated they should be turning their asses off in this case the decision was made because the athletes themselves the way that we designed this test is that there are seven events that the athletes are supposed to go through in the second test they were not able to perform that test and because they have injuries for those two guys the next event was dumbbell Linda which is also a very taxing
Starting point is 00:39:51 movement for the upper body for those guys the other is that we have a field of 60 athletes and we're deciding who goes to the CrossFit Games and that test is designed to be run and the accumulated effect of that over seven tests is what the other athletes will be going through. For an athlete not to be able to go through one test and potentially not be able to go through the second test or go through it at a very different level of intensity and at a potential increased risk of injury is not the same experience as the other 58 athletes in the field. And so that's the reason that we made the decision.
Starting point is 00:40:28 There's also a notion that the uncommon movement, not the uncommon movement, but the minimum work requirement, did not exist. That doesn't change the spirit of the test, which is that we get seven things. We want to see the athletes put their best efforts forward. But I just wanted to start off with that, which is that this is not something that we like doing. This is not something where CrossFit is trying to do something to an athlete.
Starting point is 00:40:53 We're trying to preserve the test for all of the athletes that are competing here. But honestly, as athletes and coaches and fans of this sport also, not just the people working behind the scenes The room for these athletes and it's got wrenching when they're not able to put forward the effort They've trained so long before You want to jump in there? Sure. I mean Justin covered the broad strokes really well Only thing I would add is that these decisions are very difficult and they're not entered into lightly It's a lot of deliberation
Starting point is 00:41:25 between different members of the team and the way all factors before we make a final decision and that's like justin said it's a difficult conversation and i completely understand the athletes frustration they should be frustrated by the circumstance it's not introducing td insurance for business with customized coverage options for your business. Because at TD Insurance, we understand that your business is unique, so your business insurance should be too. Whether you're a shop owner, a pet groomer,
Starting point is 00:41:55 a contractor, or a consultant, you can get customized coverage for your business. Contact a licensed TD Insurance advisor to learn more. that are able to keep them safe and to keep it fair for the people. And we have to balance all of those considerations when we make these decisions. And it's a difficult job to arrive at the resolution sometimes, but that's part of the game is making some of these hard calls.
Starting point is 00:42:36 So also, sorry, in regards to the females who also did not get that accumulating effect by not completing any of those reps or not getting to any of the burpee box jump overs or anything like that. What would you say about them? Yeah, so it's a difference in whether or not you can complete the movement wasn't the relevant point. There's a significant difference to coming in and knowing that you are unable to do something
Starting point is 00:43:05 due to the state at which you enter the competition and not being able to do something. That's one of the considerations that we had to make in this decision. Thank you. We'll close this out with Brian. I guess I was annoyed at the supposed pressure from the media here.
Starting point is 00:43:24 They're asking questions. This might not be for you guys to answer. Maybe more of a logistical thing. But the lighting inside the venue is very, very poor. And I think a lot of cameramen are in conflict. I have a very difficult time producing a lot of material. So I don't know if there's anything you can do about that. But just thought I'd let it know.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Let me know. We're aware of that in our broadcast, so it has the same issues. We've all got a lot of cameras and we're aware of that. Boz, Justin, thank you guys very much. Thank you guys for being here. Thank you. I think you can spend one. I think you can smell the wine.
Starting point is 00:44:07 I think you can. We can. Caleb, can we talk to you for one second? Is it possible to talk to you? Yeah, it might be a little loud. Okay. Okay. Well, what did you think of the – what did you think about the particular event being there before we judge it from all over the world sitting in our cozy little heated homes?
Starting point is 00:44:37 It was good. I'm surprised that they let us all in here and let us talk. And what do you mean? Oh, you mean like the event itself? No, no, no, the press conference. And what do you mean surprised? I guess in the sense that I didn't anticipate they would let me just like record it or just have it filmed or anything like that. They were pretty open about it.
Starting point is 00:45:02 just have it filmed or anything like that. They were pretty open about it. They were very much like they didn't tell us no, that nobody came around and said, you know, you couldn't record anything, you can't have that here, you can't be streaming, nothing. They were actually very open.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Yeah, I appreciated them doing it too. Did you think that I know this is a bit self-serving, I'm putting you on the spot, but what did you think of the questions in general that were asked? Some of them – I think the ones that Katie asked were pretty good in regards to the sponsorships and whether or not they actually align with anything that CrossFit is doing. anything that CrossFit is doing. I can't remember who else asked another question about the absence of some of the sponsors.
Starting point is 00:45:57 I thought that was something that I wanted to ask that ended up being asked by somebody else. It was good. I think overall some of them were kind of just flimsy. They're just like – just trying to warm them up i feel like did you notice that any uh i personally but do you think that you asked the best question in there well i won't even say that i i think you asked by far the best question in there and the most poignant and the most relevant um did you notice uh any the tension in the room change i noticed when you asked the question everyone like kind of looked over their shoulder at you and then you followed
Starting point is 00:46:24 up and they did the same thing did um yeah i think that was kind of that was kind of the the sense was whenever i was asking questions they were almost concerned um who else was in there that we we would know was was brian friend in there i heard katie gannon and scottitzer. Any other media that we would know? Katie, Scott, Patrick Clark. Okay. I heard Patrick Clark's question in the beginning. A lot of just the photographers and videographers are here too.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Anyone filming it? Other than us, I don't think so. Jessica Valenzuela, take my my money thank you um menopause and metcons thank you for y'all thank you god very generous thank you uh libby budok one of my favorite names to say i don't know why uh caleb uh repping as well uh let me tell you what i heard what i heard you ask i heard you ask the best question and I didn't hear an answer and then you followed it up and I still didn't hear an answer. And it's a little frustrating. You said, why did you feel free to jump in here? Uh, Mr. Spin young, uh, Tyler, I heard you say,
Starting point is 00:47:34 why did you pull the men and not the women? And they said, because we're looking for C at CrossFit games athletes. Okay. That's obvious. And we made a test with, uh, we made an event with seven tests and they, and the dudes couldn't't do it so we pulled them and then they went on for uh ad nauseum talking about how hard the call is it's like okay like we honestly we don't care and um uh and we also heard justin opened up by telling us giving us some emotional appeal that uh he was uh played baseball and got cut from the team and it hurt him yeah there's porn stars that had their anuses prolapsed too and couldn't move on it's like it's the nature of the business i'm really sorry that that happened to you but shut the fuck up and then um uh then so you followed it up with adrian saying
Starting point is 00:48:13 why didn't you pull the females out and his defining characteristic of why the females and correct me if i'm wrong you guys got pulled out or didn't get pulled out as opposed to the men. The men arrived there incapacitated. They arrived to event – what event number was it? Three? Four? It was event two, but event three was coming up, which was very Peck-involved, and that's why. Why'd you let them do event one? He's suggesting that they arrived to event two incapacitated and couldn't perform the tasks and therefore they weren't allowed to go on to event three whereas the girls just weren't capable because they weren't good enough athletes and i don't understand and he said it was a very hard
Starting point is 00:48:55 call but i still we don't know what the distinction is that makes it that someone can move on i would think the guys that can do it but are just hurt could should get to move on i would have made the call the other way unless i was worried about their safety, which we never heard, right? That was never mentioned? No. I mean, why let Scott Panchik run then when his knee is all messed up last year at the games?
Starting point is 00:49:16 And why let freaking Will Morag keep doing the games whenever he tore his hamstring? Every single time somebody's gotten hurt in the competition, they've let them just go until they obviously, until they withdraw themselves. Every single time somebody's gotten hurt in the competition, they've let them just go until they obviously withdraw themselves. Every single time. Their capacity was fine in event one. So what changed? They were still the same athlete in event one and event two,
Starting point is 00:49:36 but they didn't take them out in event one. So what's the difference? And Corby's coach actually reached out to me. I haven't had a chance to talk to him too much he said he was actually not injured so i don't have all the details of it um he's just unfit and they said you're not fit enough to be here i don't know but they should have done that for the seven females who didn't get any reps on the burpee right exactly uh let's take a vote here i don't think anyone should have got pulled, not the females or the males.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Does anyone disagree? No. No, I think you let them withdraw by themselves. I mean, if Caron does Linda and he can't do Linda either, he's in 57th place and he probably withdraws anyway. But I think that's his call. He made the semifinals. What about Miranda Alcarez is um uh compete as miranda
Starting point is 00:50:27 old droid back in i don't know 1864 when she was on the team and she heard acl uh and the doctor said she shouldn't compete do you think that was your your body is is your responsibility if you want to hurt yourself that's up to you you've the waiver. You can't do anything to CrossFit. Let them compete. I hate to say this, but my body, my choice. All right. The alternative. Seriously. Say something different than that, though.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Gosh. I know it's a hot way to say it. I like it. I'm good with it. I think it's a cold way to say it. The other way to look at it is that it's possible they just don't have the like medical staffing to be able to care for somebody with that level of an it with like a severe injury like that that's gonna answer because the other thing is that i mean from my experience in the past all of the people working
Starting point is 00:51:14 on the medical staff are working off of their like basic life support um licenses or certifications which is like cpr that's it. They have to hire an outside entity to be able to cover for like ALS or ACLS, which is the advanced life support type thing. And they're the ones that could essentially provide any sort of medication or any sort of support for an athlete who is severely injured like that. I wish they would have just said, I wish they would just would have given us a reason other than they, I wish they would give us a reason that would stick, that would allow us to distinguish why they cut the dudes and not the women.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Caleb, that wall behind you, will you reach back and feel that? That reminds me of that texture of the walls, like in the bathrooms on airplanes. Like, like I feel like you're inside the bathroom at a South windows. Like carpet. Oh yeah. So it's soundproofing. Fantastic.
Starting point is 00:52:06 For those of you who care what else was said, hey, Katie Gannon, what's up, girl? We don't have money to pay her. Tell her not to say too many smart shit. Hi. Hey, what's up, girl? How are you? I am so tired, but I am really excited that this is the last day.
Starting point is 00:52:20 What did you think about the fact that there was a press conference? It's nice, right? Yeah, that was a nice thing for them to do. You've been to a lot of these events. Is it unprecedented to do a press conference here like this? No, they do this. I mean, maybe at a semifinals one, yes, but they do this at the games every day.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Are you surprised they didn't stream it? Did you see anyone there from CrossFit streaming it? Why don't they stream this for everyone? No, they should though, right? I mean, this is valuable to the community. I think they would enjoy it. I think this would get a lot of eyeballs. We've got a thousand people watching live.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Yeah, yeah. I think maybe someday, but for now, press conference, I guess, just means private press conference. I don't know. Someone in the comments said, I apologize. It's a very superficial crowd who watches my podcast. They said, you're as beautiful as your voice is sexy. I apologize, but these are the...
Starting point is 00:53:11 I don't know if that's a nice thing. These filthy comments that come in. Yes, it's a tough crowd. Well, congratulations on having the balls to be there and not hiding behind a computer at home. Oh, thank you. Thank you. I tried to push forward
Starting point is 00:53:29 and get the community some action. Hey, one final question. Where's Justin LaFranco? Does he still own Morning Choco? Path. All right. All right. All right, thank you.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Nice to finally see you face-to-face. You too. Have a good comp day. Bye. Thank you. Nice to finally see you face to face. You too. Have a good comp day. Bye. I wish someone would say that my voice is as sexy as my face or vice versa. My face is as sexy as my voice. It is. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Someone a little less hairy than you would preferably, but I'll take it. Tails from an average gay CrossFitter. Thank you. I would like to hear some of those tails, by the way, 1999. I'll give you your money back if you come on the show and tell me some of your tales um there was one more piece uh tales from an average gay crossword another dollar 99 wow thank you uh let's keep going um wow why does crossfit change rules every day does anyone know what he's referencing there's no rules to change. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Fair enough. The rules are a little ambiguous. Beautiful. Logan Mars, someone you're as sexy as your nose is long. Okay. That's a good one. I'll take it. Caleb, fantastic job. I just want to do one more roundup of what I heard.
Starting point is 00:54:46 They said that this is the first time doing the regionals type event since 2018, so they're a little out of practice. It's been five years since CrossFit's thrown such a big event. They're concerned about the athletes in the community for the most part. That's their biggest, most important thing to them in regards to the event. They said we are successful and have great coverage. They actually have abysmal coverage. It is really, I'm not complaining. them in regards to the event they said we are successful and have great coverage they actually have abysmal coverage it is it is really i'm not complaining i mean i'm happy with it but it's but it is really really bad they could use two more camera angles on the floor they could be doing it
Starting point is 00:55:15 behind the scenes that i mean it is it is uh substandard i mean you couldn't even see two events yeah i mean in the events you can see, it's bad. They are the most athletes ever competing at a CrossFit event. That's pretty cool. I don't know if that's true because the Games has a lot. But 60 athletes in individual. It's the most I've ever heard. They did that.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Oh, right. Okay. They claim that they are learning a lot from this week and they will improve next week. I don't have a lot of complaints from this week. And that's it. That is, I guess, the summation of the – Oh, there was a question about Don Fall. Basically, Justin used that as an opportunity to suck Don's dick.
Starting point is 00:56:01 I did not appreciate that. He referred to Don as a super operator, and he helps move away any roadblocks. That is complete horseshit because their media team is actually just one major roadblock. I would call those people not even a media team, but just people who stand on the dick of the standing CFO who runs the media team and her henchmen, I think are despicable and are holding the sport back. And they would really frustrate affiliates if they knew all the details. Um, any surprises? Oh, they asked Adrian if there are any surprises regarding how the workouts are playing out.
Starting point is 00:56:39 And Adrian said, uh, no major surprises, but they are, the athletes are doing the workouts very fast. And I think that's a common year-to-year. We hear that. I think Dave was always surprised at how fast they did it. Scott Schweitzer asked if content creators, how they can get their stuff's platform. And he said it's something that we're working on.
Starting point is 00:57:00 The problem is that there's one guy over there, Haynes, and maybe one girl who uh slept her way to the top and uh and a bunch of other woke folk and those are the only people uh those are the people you have to get through um to get any of your shit uh recognized by dot com hi katie did you get an answer to my question listen while i work oh okay fantastic um why would you and fox all pull uh out uh okay we talked about that we thought we talked about the prolapse danis okay so um uh i think uh the event six has started right yeah heat six
Starting point is 00:57:42 okay i unfortunately took um my schedule away can someone tell me when that event six has started right yep heat six okay i unfortunately took um my schedule away can someone tell me when that event six is over it's a while yeah it's it doesn't end the women's heat six starts at 7 40 pacific okay wow you even did the conversion for me. Okay. And can we pull, and can we pull up the workout event number six? Greg Glassman, Katie's lips are dangerously close to Caleb's. It's due to observation. And Katie thinks she's just going to just sit here and not just get bombed like the rest of us. 20 overhead. It's a tough crowd okay uh we looked
Starting point is 00:58:27 at this yesterday uh 20 overhead squats 500 meter row three handstand walk pirouettes two seated legless rope climbs uh then 20 uh handstand push-ups back to the legless rope climbs three handstand pirouettes 500 meter row 20 overhead squats what have we learned uh from africa mr spin after watching them do this workout the second two uh legless rope climbs are brutal and that's where particularly for the women yes for the women the men seem to get through it just fine in the final heat but that that middle section is is where it's going to be won or lost. And you just have to start seated. You have to go up without your legs. So just going on up.
Starting point is 00:59:12 You have to go all the way back down without using your legs too. Sean Lenderman, it will be heat four before we see a single woman finish. Tyler Watkins, fair assessment? This workout? Yeah. Possible. No, people in the bottom heats will finish. No one finished in Africa, but...
Starting point is 00:59:34 No one? No one finished? No women. Wow. What's the furthest? Anyway, Scott. They were all... They had a whole host of them on the overhead squats, it's gotten. They had a whole host
Starting point is 00:59:46 of them on the overhead squats fighting it out. It was a pretty interesting final 30 seconds. I like the obsession over Katie in the comments. This is good. Oh, no. Good news. Good news.
Starting point is 01:00:00 We are also getting a report that Keelan Henry pulled pulled out of africa and uh jason smith will be going to the crossfit games and uh he will be coming on a special airplane that's suited for uh people over in their geriatric years uh he will be bringing three walkers and his van um with the uh with the lift on it crazy Crazy. Good job, Jason. Just busting your balls. Congratulations, dude. Keelan said he had a stomach bug all week.
Starting point is 01:00:30 He felt even sicker this morning. I thought in Africa everyone had a stomach bug. This must have been worse than normal. I think he didn't tell anybody. He would have gotten pulled out. Sevan, Michelle Bassinet just won Africa. Taylor's going to the Games. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:00:50 First time ever for Taylor. Taylor's going there. Very obvious one. Pretty slimy way to make it to the Games. Oh, there was also a question about who is doing the programming that was also this that was the second uh best question um and uh caleb asked uh what what what's dave's capacity with
Starting point is 01:01:14 in programming at crossfit and um adrian answered that basically there's different um silos of programming the games This is my interpretation of what he said. And Dave's going to make sure that all the teams that are programming are collaborating, but he also made it sound like he still will be in charge of the games program. Yeah. I think essentially what, I mean, Go ahead. Sorry. I'm sorry. Everyone quiet. Katie, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:01:39 No, essentially what I understand Dave's role to be is that like, we all know that there's such a discrepancy between like dot com movement standards and what we see in those video examples. And then what we see out on the competition floor and then what we see like in a in an L1 training. So I think Dave's role is to try to make that all say the same thing. Right. Or they just might be saying that to justify his enormous paycheck or for example a thruster standard that changed recently oh and what are you trying to help smooth things over okay i like that fair enough uh can we go to let's uh before we go i want to look at the bubble um can we go to women's the
Starting point is 01:02:28 women's field wait who's on the field now the men it's pretty tight no the women are just an update uh one woman in heat one finished in 1341 wow who is it do you know who uh the comments somebody can say no nicole gibson bur, okay. How many heats are they doing? Six. Or is it three? Is it three or six, Brian? They're six. It's a long one.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Yes, we're going to be here all day on this one. There shouldn't be more six heats because today we're all on the short field. There's only 10 lanes. Do they have cameras on that field? There should not be anymore. Right. There's only 10 lanes on the field that we're using today. Yeah, so six heats each.
Starting point is 01:03:14 So when we get off of here, we're going to have a really big break. Sousa, can you pull up the women's leaderboard and then take us down to like nine through, I don't know, 9 through 15? Take a look at number 11. It's pretty exciting. 8 through 15. We'll see after this event, Katie. Carolyn Stanley with 306 points in eighth place. What are they taking to? They're taking 11?
Starting point is 01:03:40 Yeah. Yeah. Carolyn Stanley, 306. Sydney Wells at the 11th spot with 280. And then right below her, six points below her, is Ashley Wozni. Then Kira Napoli in 14th. Carolyn Prevo, she's going to be tough. And Kaitlyn Sanders at 243.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Zero reps on the second workout. Wow. What does that tell you? When you see that, what does that tell you? That she's only going to go up? Only going to get better? That the rope climbs are going to be tough. Okay, for her. Yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Her and Sydney. I think we'll be struggling on this one and why do you say that because it's it's another pooling movement that you see that the muscle level is a pooling movement they just suck at pooling it's not yeah okay going from i mean there were i think all top three women in africa failed their second rope climb on the back half. Okay. So Sydney's tripping right now. But if you go, go up a little bit, 10 and keep going. I think 10, nine and eight wall struggle too. With the, with the rope climbs. So like, it's not just Sydney Wells. Like I think those three women are going to struggle in this workout too.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Dave Borders, 499. One of my favorite games moments is when Pat Barber tanked the first two rounds of the final so he could dominate the last two. Can't enforce perceived effort. I'm okay with it. I'm okay with it. Okay. So who should we need? These are the names to watch wasney and wells okay and then uh let's go over to the uh boys napoli too i guess i think prevo is going to
Starting point is 01:05:39 make up a lot of points on all like on all five girls in front of her right now on this event i don't know how much but i think she'll make up a lot of ground where the last event can be anybody's game really really 11th through about through 16th or something let's see eighth eighth or 16th go down a little bit more let's see who's at the 9, 10, 11, 12. Noah Olsen. Noah Olsen could come out hot and implode on this, huh? I think he's good enough. He'll be all right. It's only four legless
Starting point is 01:06:13 rope climbs. It's 20 handstand push-ups, which he's going to be phenomenal at. I think he'll be fine on this. I think he can come out hot, blow up, and still recover and still be top 10 in the event. And the men take the top 12? Yes.
Starting point is 01:06:31 Okay, so this is going to be interesting. It's interesting. Some big names, but really untested at this highest level. Luke Parker, James Sprague, and Jack Farlow, 9, 10, 11. And then fighting to knock them out of those spots are uh austin hatfield who's 12th who's on the line and he's got a he's got a nice gap uh ahead of uh mr boulangerie he does boulanger boot i actually think spencer's gonna make the biggest jump though in this event um once it's all said and done spencer panchick he's had a better weekend.
Starting point is 01:07:07 No, I'm saying I think after this event, I think he'll make the biggest jump out of all those guys in that range. Yeah. Besides him, I feel like it's pretty sealed up. I agree. It's those 14 guys. But I just feel like one of those guys, Sprague, Farlow, Hatfield, Benoit one of them is going to bomb event six and I think Spencer's going to do great at event six and that'll be enough. Greg Glassman weighs in in the comments
Starting point is 01:07:37 after this interview Caleb is going to save the headphone in Katie's ear and put it in a glass case and add it to his shrine. Muted yourself. Good. I don't understand what's upsetting about the Sydney Laws post. I told you I had to work while I was sitting here. Wait, you gotta read the comment first so we know what you're talking about. You kicked the dog. Katie kicked the dog.
Starting point is 01:08:03 Oh, my dog's under your table. Be careful. I love dogs. I would never. Okay, what did Katie do? Do we need to pull something up and reprimand her in life? Yeah, I don't understand
Starting point is 01:08:14 what Graham is upset about. Don't worry. If she did something wrong, Justin will get her. Justin is on it. Shut up, Siobhan. Nobody worry. He's got that shit.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Justin is on it. I wasn't done competing. I don't even understand what that means. Savon's dog, Katie. I love you. I love you too, Savon's dog. Cutie i love you all right i love you too seven so good all right uh cut that cut out the part where she says dog just i love you seven i made sure i blurred my words so you couldn't okay uh okay um when will we be back uh mr suza when when do we come back
Starting point is 01:09:00 i think like a 10 a.m. our time. Oh, my God. That's three hours and 40 minutes. It's a long one. Yeah. Okay. Anyone have any final words? Siobhan, why aren't you live streaming this? Because I don't want to get another strike.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Any final thoughts, Mr. Watkins? Yeah. It's interesting wasney the the battle between wasney and sydney will actually be good on this i think i i would like to see wasney do well i think she actually could do but they're both like heavier for females and like they're pulling strength i like wasney's pulling strength a little better. It'll just be a good battle between them, specifically on this workout. I'm really excited to see Paige Powers do this workout.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Yeah. Mr. Young, any thoughts? Nope. Mr. Spin? I think you're going to see two or three women and men jump into the top qualifying spot after this workout. I think you'll see a lot of movement. And then how much break before or after the 10 a.m. show and then it's the final workout?
Starting point is 01:10:17 Then we find out who's going to the CrossFit Games. Yeah. It's only a quick 30-minute turnaround between events six and seven. Oh, shit. We'll only have 30 minutes? Unless you want to move into some of the men's heats that start off. Jake Chapman, Sevan, tell us something to all say in the CrossFit chat. You guys have been doing such a good job.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Yeah. I seriously cannot improve on what you guys are doing i i'm dying i'm sitting there with my feet up just dying uh at the comments i've been actually taking pictures of comments oh okay this is what i would love for you guys to do this if if you are at the venue this is what i like to do i'd like you to take pictures of people just any people i don't care like a guy who's seven feet just weirdos who are there you know what i like to i'd like you to take pictures of people just any people i don't care like a guy who's seven feet just weirdos who are there you know what i mean like like all the weirdos do do seven five any midgets any just like people who are like too old i don't think there is one of any of those people there i don't care i want a collection of the i want a collection of the
Starting point is 01:11:21 montliest crew people someone walking around drinking a coke send me anything that you're just like you're laughing on that you where you're just judging the fuck out of someone snap a photo of that person and send it to my dm and I'm gonna put I'd like to put together a montage start putting together reels of just all the weirdos who are at the event some people think it's making fun I think it's celebrating our diversity. But please do that. I would love that. Anyone smoking? Yeah, smoking would be awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:50 Just all the fun shit. Just any – right, Sousa? That's good, right? You want to make picks for this event? Sure. Sure, we can do that. Go ahead, Tyler. Put you on the spot.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Noah, okay. And for the women? He didn't even know the women were Tyler. Noah. And for the women? He didn't even know the women were competing. Yeah. I'm going to say Emma Lawson. Mr. Spin? Spencer.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Same as last night. And Alexis Raptors. Oh, okay. Mr. Young. I'm going to go Roman and Emma Lawson. I think Emma's going to do great. That's a lot of dude to be spinning around on your hands, man. You'll see.
Starting point is 01:12:37 You'll watch him. He's a great dancer. He's a great dancer, man. That's true. That's true. I'm going Spencer Panchik. I'm going Spencer Panchik. I'm going Spencer Panchik. And for the
Starting point is 01:12:48 ladies, I'm going to go with Fee Segoffi. Tearing it up. Making a statement. Someone's got to win besides Emma. That would be fantastic. And Fee too. Wouldn't that be great if both of them won? I think Fee's in. He's doing so much better
Starting point is 01:13:06 than I thought she would do this weekend. He's not on the cut. And those aren't pity picks. I think that it's time. There's a surprise element. There's always that one person who climbs in there. Katie, we can hear your thoughts.
Starting point is 01:13:21 Sorry. I just paid showers for your thoughts. Sorry. I have to pay showers for this event. Boom. What about the dudes? I haven't even thought about it. I'm not there yet. Ladies and gentlemen, I'll go with Dallin Pepper.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Oh, okay. He won't even finish the second set of rope climbing. Thank you for tuning into the Sevan podcast. It's been an enjoyable collaboration with the Morning Chalk Up. It took a long time to pull this together. I am really happy it shows. It's probably one of the highlights of the entire CrossFit semifinals in 2023 that we've come this far that the Sevan podcast and Morning Chalk Up can collaborate.
Starting point is 01:14:07 And Neil Chamberlain will get the final word. Superficial piece of shit. Katie is hot. Thank you for tuning in. We'll see you guys in three and a half hours. Bye-bye.

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