The Sevan Podcast - CrossFit's CMO, Diddy & Negative Capability

Episode Date: March 27, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more. That's Thank you. Insurance should be too. Contact a licensed TD insurance advisor to learn more. Holy chat. Rambler, look at you go. There's so many comments in here. That's cool. What's up,
Starting point is 00:00:58 guys? How's everybody doing today? Good afternoon. Sorry about the pushback of 30 minutes. I was working with the firefighters out in Hayward right before this and traffic's always a little dicey. And also too, there's never like a defined time of when I'm like leaving from them and stuff. So we're kind of just, you guys are kind of just along for the ride with my schedule here. Holy crap. I'm trying to, I'm trying to read through some of these comments. You guys are just kind of like chatting amongst yourselves for a little bit here. That's cool. Oh, Chris G with the bats. It's always scary.
Starting point is 00:01:30 You see those bats pop up in your comment section. You're like, oh, shit. What happened? Oh, yeah. Rambler, right? That was crazy. Have you guys seen what happened? That cruise ship lost power and lost control and then ran into that bridge in Baltimore about 1 30, uh, AM this morning and the whole entire thing collapsed, like collapsed crazy fast too. If you haven't, uh, seen that,
Starting point is 00:01:58 um, well, I'll show it for you here in a minute, but yeah, it was a man. I hope everybody that, um, was involved in the search and rescue was about their wits. And hopefully, um, the people that were involved in that end up okay somehow, but that shit was nuts. Um, die everybody. Yeah. Coffee wads and pod shirt. What's up? Go ahead and get yours official, non-official sponsor of the show. Head on over to Vindicate and get your Coffee Wads and Pods. I personally like, I like, in my opinion, the seafoam green. Mix it up a little bit. I think I like black and something else.
Starting point is 00:02:37 But of course, the show is officially brought to you by, if I could find it here, you know, it Matuthian Matuthian tooth powder, one out of 10 dentists recommend if you haven't bought it today, then you're doing yourself an injustice. Get it, get the Matuthian put in your mouth and everything becomes better. 10% more on your income. It just happens. You use Matuthian, you make 10% more in your income. It just happens. You use metoothium, you make 10% more, 10% better friendships, relationships, everything. It just improves your life by 10% on how fast is Dale deliver fast as a mother. You know what I'm
Starting point is 00:03:18 saying? I want to have this sensor button because sometimes when I do the commercials, it feels more property. He's a sensor, but feels more proper to use a sensor button. He ships as fast as a... Okay? It's like if you guys have listened to this just on Apple or Spotify, you have to listen to all my crazy ad reads and stuff. And I constantly use this and just be like, well, what the...
Starting point is 00:03:40 And I like my little sensor button. It's kind of funny. So anyhow, yeah, it ships. It ships fast, whatever. It's cool. Even to Isle of Man, Rambler States, says this observer here. So we got some topics we're going to be getting into today. I'm clicking all the buttons here.
Starting point is 00:03:57 We're going to talk CrossFit's new CMO. Haven't really discussed it. Barbell Spin covered it very early on. So we'll head over to the instagram there we'll kind of react to some of the comments um and then we'll uh we'll go over to linkedin we'll read her bio we'll read a little bit about from her we'll kind of check out and investigate her uh what she did in the past and stuff like that and see what type of impact she will have with us here at crossfit we're also going to talk the Diddy scandal. If it is a scandal, that dude's weird. If all these
Starting point is 00:04:30 rappers say the same shit about you, especially that Cat Williams, have you guys seen the Cat Williams on Shannon Sharp? Yeah, Shannon Sharp's thing. I think that podcast had like 58 million views or just something insane, right? If you guys haven't seen that, he talked a little bit about Diddy and some of those, uh, actions that are happening. Um, yeah, cat. Yeah. Corey Leonard cat lit that dude up. He sure did that. If you guys haven't seen that podcast, it's a little long, but it does not disappoint. And of course, if you're a cat Williams fan, like I am dudes hilarious. podcast it's a little long but it does not disappoint and of course if you're a cat williams fan like i am dude's hilarious so there's a ton of um funny moments in that as well too um oh awesome froggy will susan thanks so much for your advice last week interview went super
Starting point is 00:05:20 well got a trial shift on thursday night. Jim has a full progression of lifts through full progressions through all CF CrossFit or through all CF courses to eventually funding the CFL one. That's awesome. I'm really glad your interview went well. Hope that we helped you out here on the show with talking about some questions and different things like that that you could bring up in the interview that would make it a two-way street. Too much we get too wrapped up in like, oh, the interview, I have to answer everything correctly. No, you also have to have intelligent questions. For me, that's one of the first things I look for. Jonathan Ortega.
Starting point is 00:06:03 What's up, brother? Cat Williams said, I'm not compromising myself for 50K. Hilarious. I don't know what any of that meant. I don't know what your comment meant about not knowing what any of what I said meant. Now look at us, a stalemate. Maybe you're referring to Froggy. Jim has full progressions through all CrossFit courses to eventually funding the CFL4. If in fact that was what you were referring to, I'm thinking he means like once you come into the gym, if you're coaching and stuff like that, they'll help you with your continued education and invest in you as you continue to invest in their gym. Savon called Grace, Susan's having a stroke. No. Audrey, yes, I don't understand froggies.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Okay, so hopefully that helped you out because I think that's what he meant. The wording was a little confusing. So yeah, you're right. Yeah, yeah, that's what I meant. Who is they? They is the CrossFit gym that he interviewed at last weekend. He's giving us an update.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Come on, come on. There's not, I don't have that many inside things to follow here. It's not that hard. But, uh, last week, Froggy asked us for a little advice. He was coming into interview at a CrossFit gym. So we gave him some, um, some tips and pointers and, uh, he was reporting back. And one of the things was that, uh, you know, I asked if they invested in coaches continuing education. I think that's one of the things was that, you know, I asked if they invested in coaches continuing education.
Starting point is 00:07:25 I think that's one of the things that's important. And if the gym offers that, they are investing in their coaches, which in turn is just an investment back in the gym. Better coaches, better experience, more members, all that. Be glad I'm here instead of Brian's live right now. Wow, coming from you, I'm actually, I'm really glad about that. That's like, that's a huge, that's a huge compliment. Thank you. Thank you for being here.
Starting point is 00:07:49 So, yes, we're going to talk a little bit about Diddy. We're going to talk a little bit about CrossFit CMO. I'll kind of give you guys my opinion on it. And we'll also talk a little bit about negative capability. Have you guys heard that term before, negative capability? Negative capability. Have you guys heard that term before? Negative capability?
Starting point is 00:08:12 Fuck, I had so much more stuff that I was going to prepare around that. You'll kind of bear with me on it. I studied up a little bit about it, but I found it fascinating. And we'll kind of go over the chart about what negative capability is. And hopefully that'll be the piece of the show that you guys could take away something with it and apply it to your lives as i do mine first we're going to start with this though i'm curious and you guys have to let me know in the comment section would you go to this place i think majority of you have probably seen it by now but if you haven't here we go somewhere is a tropical fitness sanctuary where people can come and totally immerse themselves But if you haven't, here we go. I always had the vision of trying to create a training space that really transported people into an environment far beyond what they imagined a regular training facility could be.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Something that really had a lasting visual impact. And just training there in itself would be an experience that would really stick with people after they left. What do you guys think? Would you go? Are you guys into that? Do you think that that's cool or do you think it's lame? I'm curious. At first glance, I think it's pretty cool because like any like super nice facility around that, like dedicated to like fitness and like working out and have a bunch of different like spots where you could do different workouts and stuff is always interesting to me. But I wonder how, I wonder how it goes. I wonder what that's like. Uh, Justin, nope. Want to love Disney. Okay. Alex Peters. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:55 All right. Alex and I will be there. The rest of you guys, I'd, uh, Jonathan Ortega rather go to a ball, rather go to Bali to that CrossFit gym. Justin, how do you pronounce your last name? Lang? Maybe the I is silent. Looks expensive. It does look expensive. Not only does it look expensive, it has to be expensive to attend because you know they dumped a shitload of money into that thing to build it.
Starting point is 00:10:19 I wonder how much that cost to build. But yeah. Fine, I'll move there with you. Okay, cool. We got a crew. Two dudes and one chick. Ratio's a little off, but we got a crew to go.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Andrew Mora. Susan, any opinions on CrossFit's Educators course? Great question. I haven't looked into it enough to lend an opinion. I haven't looked into it enough yet. So opinion. I haven't looked into it enough yet. So yeah, I was curious what you guys thought.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I think it'd be cool. You guys remember Karin Thompson. She ran the CrossFit for Health Summit. She also did the Gabrielle Lyons event, Forever Strong, at the same exact spot. I think that would be a cool location for one of her events, right? You go and kind of be immersed and listen to these different lectures and do these workouts afterwards. And like, I think it'd be awesome to have some like, uh, bio kind of tech stuff there. So you could like monitor your like glycogen, you could have like some of the,
Starting point is 00:11:18 whatever heart rate crap you want to do, you get your blood work done, stuff like that. So like you might listen to one of these subject matter experts speak about whatever it is. Let's have something that pertains to diet that will affect your blood work in a certain way. Like you could get your blood work there, get your results like within the weekend or something like that. Learn some of the information that you're getting and then like apply it. I think that that stuff would be would be cool. And that would be a dope location. Rosie View Photography, 70s this trip. Yeah, that might be fun. I bet you they have a dope lecture hall set up and we could run a live podcast or something there. That would be cool.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Jeffrey Birchfield, what's up, brother? I sent Sev on the email. Cool. I don't know what that's in reference to. Maybe about that place or something, but cool. Cool. I am definitely curious about how much it would cost for a night there. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Is that Hopper's yearbook photo or something? Braylon Tender Coach. Yes, Alex. If you'd like to attend, feel free to reach out to me. Probably not talking about his thing oh for the educate the educators course jeffrey birchfield i sent savon the email about the educators course did you take it already that's what i'd be curious is to hear from obviously i'll get my opinion on it at some point but to hear from somebody who
Starting point is 00:12:38 might actually be teaching and applying it that would be that would be interesting. I wonder what it's all about. Is it like a CrossFit kids thing or something like that? I don't know. I guess we just got to look into it. Jeffrey Birchfield. Nope, not yet. Okay, cool. We'll find out.
Starting point is 00:12:58 We'll find out. Okay, another little tidbit here. You guys know me. Huge on California. Big California guy. And little tidbit here. You guys know me huge on California, big California guy, and we're set records last year. We set the record for the most amount of people that moved out of the state this year. I mean, this year we're rocking and rolling with, uh, California reaches the highest unemployment rate in the United States because Gavin Newsom is a winner and he just wins. That's what he does. Crab cakes and football. This is absolutely insane. Like in the California politicians,
Starting point is 00:13:37 like being on the assembly room floor. Uh, I don't even remember when that was, was that last week when I was there with Dave or whatever? And watching how those politicians work is crazy. You have 53 Democrats and you had six Republicans or something like that. Or it might've been like eight and 54 or whatever, right? And nothing gets accomplished in terms of finding a synergy. It's all, we're going to stick with our team
Starting point is 00:14:08 and we're going to push forward the agenda of our team. And there's literally no room or you have no say in having another opinion or anything like that, which is nuts. And to watch that happen on the assembly room floor and see it play out in real time. And then also I captured this on film. There was a, uh, assemblyman, Bill Saley got his last name dialed in now, right? Bill Saley
Starting point is 00:14:31 had a conversation, um, with this woman, he called her Ms. Recorder. I'm not familiar enough with like all the different titles, but she came out and they had this conversation about what CrossFit actually was. And, um, she was like, Oh, okay, cool. Then she walks away. And Bill was like, Assemblyman Asali was like, Yeah, she's a writer for or or whatever the website was. And I use that article to show you guys like the slant that that was put on. It was like CrossFit Appreciation Day, you would figure like everybody would be behind people taking personal responsibility for their health and like working out and doing stuff. But she put like this negative slant on it and then wrote the article. But it was interesting because I caught the conversation on film. So to take that piece, the actual conversation that happened compared up to the article that she wrote, and then kind of
Starting point is 00:15:19 look at like the totality of what happened. You could like see this like shitty game of telephone as it comes right out through the media and just everybody puts their spin on it and tries to apply their own narrative. And it was just nuts watching that play out in real time and being able to sit there. Because sometimes we get this shit in our heads that like, oh, it's these politicians or these... It's just people. It's just people making decisions, having conversations, and also internally battling for their position within their team, within their party. I want ascension. I want to do this. So there's no bipartisan. And what that means is there's no people actually looking out for
Starting point is 00:15:56 the self-interest of the public. The policies that they're constructing inside these places and the lives that affect those people, there is such a big gap between what they do and how that applies to the, to the people that actually have to deal with the policies that I think if we all really paid attention to that in the way that the government prints money in the invisible taxation of inflation, and we truly understood it, there would be a revolution tomorrow. There would have to be because we think it's something different than it is. And once you pull back the curtain and look behind everything and see how the sausage is made, you're like, what the fuck? This is how this goes down? And yeah, so when you have people
Starting point is 00:16:42 jockeying for political position within their party, you get failed policies, you get a failed state. We're starting to see more and more business move out of California. We're starting to see the homeless rate or the mental health problem, the drug addiction problem rise to levels we've never seen before with zero plan as to what they're going to do with those people. And then now on top of that, we have the California reaches the highest unemployment rate in the US. Congratulations, Newsom. True leadership here. And I'm sure you'll absolutely spin it. You'll probably blame it on some other shit when we all know it's your fault. And I'm glad we're continuously dumping money into your bullet train that's going to run from wherever the fuck, Fresno to
Starting point is 00:17:23 Bakersfield, two places nobody ever goes to in California. Great job. Nailed it. By the way, have even broken ground or started on it? No, but you've funded it for billions. Yeah. Yeah. This dude cannot become president. This will be fucking dangerous if this guy makes his run. And I think he's going to. You guys heard me make that prediction last time. I was like, I think we're going to see something happen with Biden. There'll be some sort of medical this or medical that, and they'll pull him out last minute saying he's unfit to run. And they're going to slide Gavin Newsom right on in there. And that slime ball cannot be president. I don't, it does like,
Starting point is 00:17:58 we're not even going to talk Democrat versus Republican here. We're just going to strictly talk results. What result has he brought to California? Terrible one. So anyways, winners over here in California, rocking it out with the highest unemployment rate of the state. Isn't that great? Isn't that great? Okay, so let's talk a minute
Starting point is 00:18:20 about the duty rate here. Savant had said last time when he brought it up on the show he was like they they kept mentioning like allegations for um uh sex trafficking and it's kind of interesting because we saw this a similar thing play out with uh andrew tate you guys remember that guy he like took the the whole entire internet by a storm and um he was you know everybody claimed he was like this misogynistic whatever like hyper toxic masculinity whatever you wanted to label him as and then he got raided and he was put in romanian prison for a long time under um sex trafficking allegations And then they just had to release him because there was nothing there.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Well, it's interesting that this is happening with Diddy because it's kind of under the same play that there's nothing you could grasp and hold on to to be like, that's what he did for sexual trafficking. At least we don't know about it yet. They haven't really released that to us yet. But it's kind of the same playbook the only difference between andrew tate uh and the diddy thing is that multiple rappers have come
Starting point is 00:19:31 out and and said that diddy's up to no good um 50 cent like if you guys will cruise over to 50 cents instagram real quick like if he's just having a field day with this um 50 was one of the first people that that them out. If you guys watch the Breakfast Club stuff back in the day with Charlamagne Tha God, that one chick, and I forget the other guy's name, the other DJ there. There was this clip that they showed where 50 Cent was talking. He's like, yeah, Diddy tried to take me out shopping. And he looks around. He's like, I'm a grown ass man. I can buy my own clothes. And when they confronted Diddy on it, they're like, didn't you say you were going to take 50 Cent shopping? Why would you do that? He's just like, I'm a grown ass man. I can buy my own clothes. And when they confronted Diddy on it, they're like, didn't you say
Starting point is 00:20:05 you were going to take 50 Cent shopping? Why would you do that? He's just like, he looked like he needed some clothes. Whole thing seems a bit sketchy. Yeah, yes. I guess it's, yeah, Meek Mill called them out too. That's right. There's a bunch of them.
Starting point is 00:20:22 I mean, Cat Williams, 50 Cent, Meek Mill, more and more people are coming out that like, I don't know, you got like a Diddy hug or something. Wasn't that one of the other phrases that they used? That shit's sketchy. That is sketchy. Josh, Diddy's past is shady as, where's my, shady as. Yeah, he's right.
Starting point is 00:20:47 12 daily doses. Pat Link. Andrew Tate didn't flee the country, though. Didn't Andrew Tate flee the country? Not the first time, but I think he had plans to... Because I think he's arrested again right now, and I think he had plans to flee the country,
Starting point is 00:21:02 or something happened, so they came back to him and arrested him again because I think that whole trial is pending super uh interesting and he's claiming that it's basically the matrix the matrix quote unquote like taking him out because he had too much influence andrew tate i'm talking about right now he had too much influence with like the younger generation and so they essentially like cooked up these sexual allegation charges raided his home put him in jail um but uh yeah uh what eric eric wise uh suzy i just sent the savan podcast instagram a list of what he's being accused of oh awesome okay cool so we'll pull that up here in a second i'll be able to to act like that um one second so we'll watch this this was like that first clip that was uh
Starting point is 00:21:47 that was released here whatever yesterday whatever and of course this information from we were actually the first ones here with about 30 different law enforcement vehicles at least there are three bearcats on scene here this just just all unfolded, Sandra, I would say, less than 10 minutes ago. We got here even before the crime scene tape came up. So we're just down the hill. If you look up the sources on scene here that we're getting this information from, we were actually the first ones here with about... What do you guys think?
Starting point is 00:22:20 You think they found anything crazy in the house? Like, you remember the old, when they raided all the epstein stuff and he had like that weird painting of bill clinton inside um wearing like high heels i think inside the monica lewinsky like he was wearing the monica lewinsky dress inside one of his like 70 million dollar houses in new york and it was like this huge freaking uh painting of him that was just right in the hallway. Like weird shit like that. I wonder if there's anything like that inside happening inside Diddy's house. Like a weird painting of like 50 Cent or something. I'm trying to find the messages.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Eric, perfect. Thank you for sending them over. Okay, dope. Got it. Let's bring it up. So this is hot off the press here. You guys could thank Eric for
Starting point is 00:23:15 what was this comment? You guys can thank Eric here for bringing us the real news. So joins later as irrefutable evidence of the acquisition use and distribution of ecstasy, cocaine, GHB, ketamine, marijuana, mushrooms. Okay. So drugs displaying and distributing unregistered legal firearms. Hey, no sex stuff there. Combs providing laced alcoholic beverages to minors
Starting point is 00:23:48 and sex workers at his homes in California, New York, and the U.S. Virgin Islands in Florida. Oh, that's going to be a fucking big no-no. Can't go drugging minors. What the... Mr. Combs, chief of staff, Christina, a.k- Mr. Combs, Chief of Staff, Christina, aka KK, Christina Coram, instructing her staff to retrieve drugs so she can provide them for P. Diddy for his consumption.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Okay, so she was out making staff members buy drugs for him. Christian Crumbs, drugging and sexually assaulting a woman that his brother or something christian um did he do uh detailing out how he planned to leverage his relationship with bishop td jakes to soften the impact of his public image of cassidy ventura's lawsuit so he's trying to get like pr moves here uh young young miami's cousin indoor assistant sexually assaulted mr jones uh actor cuba getting junior sexually harassing and assaulting mr jones uh rapper redacted oh interesting on mr combs's yacht consorting with underage girls sex workers and r&b singer mr combs uh in mr Combs' Los Angeles home, consorting with underage
Starting point is 00:25:08 girls and sex workers. Wow. All right. Well, there you have it. Thanks, Eric. Thanks for bringing us the news there. So that was it. So drugging people, getting drugs, hanging out and doing weird sexual acts with
Starting point is 00:25:26 minors drugging other people wow oh it's a scroll through picture i don't know who do we have the pictures oh the rest of it's just outlining the documents oh they had oh shit they got pictures bro blurry and you can't really tell who it is, but underage chick, they're saying, can they use that as evidence? I can't. Can you guys identify anything in that? There's the staff members. He's got some drugs. Mr. Cone's drug. What is that? Ecstasy. GHB. Not really.
Starting point is 00:26:09 I don't, I've never really heard of GHB before. Like I have, but I haven't. I don't know what that is. Sex worker that Mr. Cone's forced Mr. Jones to bring back to his home.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Damn. Wish I had like the party, like a rock star party, like a rock. Yeah. I get with the programming. Chase, more money. Yeah, man. I think you reach this certain level of fame, and obviously, he's got a and everything else. That shit is not bad. Seth Page, GHB is the date rape drug. Damn. Don't go partying with P. Diddy. Oh my God. As soon as I sent the video of his neighbor saying, tell him to bring all those minors over to his house. Wow. All right. Yeah. He about to get R Kelly'd for sure. Damn. Okay. Okay. Uh, Olivia, how about the, uh, DHS actually worrying about thousands and thousands of Brown people being human trafficked instead of this bullshit celebrity media play just to get us distracted.
Starting point is 00:27:32 You got a point. You got a point there that it's hard to, uh, it's hard to disagree with that. I mean, that was something that we talked about last time on the show. I was like, people are protesting for all these things outside of our country. Meanwhile, our shit's just going down the toilet bowl. And people are like, oh yeah, I guess, you know, no need to protest about that.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Crazy. Yeah, but good point there, Olivia. That is true. Either way, I feel like, oh, perfect. This one's sent to us by Jonathan Ortega. Look at... This is the contribution I'm talking about, guys.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Look at us. We're doing the show at the same time. A guy came in saying, man, I wish I had a little bit more time to bring some of this together, and you guys are just helping me out. Appreciate that so much. Sean Diddy Combs' neighbor claims
Starting point is 00:28:21 Diddy brings minors to his house by the busload. Not even like not even like one or two, like literally buses them over like they're Asian tourists. No photography allowed by the busload. Late night thoughts. Let's hear what they have to say. I bring all the minors over here late at night. I live right next to him. They do too much. He's like big ass buses. You can see all types of shit hop off. Especially at night time, like around 3 o'clock in the morning. It gets wild.
Starting point is 00:28:54 I'm his neighbor. If I ask him to go over there, I just let him be. Because I don't want him out of the door. I tell him to stop bringing all the minors over here late at night. I went right next to him. He do too much. He be like, what? He do too much.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Oh, man. What do you guys think? Do you believe the neighbor like that? Or do you think it's just somebody trying to, like, get their, like, 15 minutes of fame? I don't know. That's interesting. That's not good for the old didster. But yeah, you can only hear so much about those type of people like Diddy or these other celebrities that claim to do all this weird stuff or take advantage of people and eventually their time comes. Eventually their
Starting point is 00:29:39 time comes. Now the interesting thing is kind of like what Olivia just said, like, did their time conveniently come so we could pretend like and I don't even know who the we are that they is in this. We could just use the blanket term, the matrix, I guess, if you guys will buy that. But like if they're if they the matrix are doing this to distract from something else, like. So they catch this person to say that we're doing something, but then we do that. So all the other stuff that's more important or should be more important skates by interesting. Rambler thinks the neighbor was a, uh, was a attention cloud. Fuck. You can't even trust your neighbors nowadays.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Yeah. I don't know. I don't know, but it'll be interesting. We'll, we'll continue to kind of follow that, that story as it, uh, as it unfolds here, uh, a little bit. Okay. So we're going to get in. I know you guys are like CMO. That's why there's 180 of us here today. I know. And I'm milking it. I'm going to put that last. I'm putting it last last i got 30 minutes into the show so far no cmo talk yet but we will get there i do promise um hold on one second here guys let me look up the other piece that i wanted to show you here the shitty part is is i don't think i could like show any of these videos that are on youtube and there was not a lot about um negative uh capability and john keats is the poet that was let's just he will just bring him up because he was the person that kind of like
Starting point is 00:31:15 developed this whole thing here um one second Negative capability letter. Okay. All right. So if you guys know, I've pitched his books quite a few times. Robert Green is one of my all-time favorite writers. favorite writers, his books are dense. And if you get the audio version, you're going to look at it and it's going to be like 28 hours or something. It's going to take you to get through it. And don't let that stop you. Try to chip away at it. There's so much information in his books. And he uses a lot of classical history to illustrate some of the points that he's making. So the first book that I actually read of his or listened to is called Mastery. It was a great book. And this is from chapter five here. To put negative capability into practice, you must develop the habit of suspending the need to judge everything that crosses your path. Okay, so we're going to unpack that real quick. I don't see color, Matt.
Starting point is 00:32:25 That's good. You're colorblind. So what is negative capability? Are any of you guys familiar with this? Are any of you guys familiar with negative capability? Have you heard of that before? Are you guys familiar with negative capability? Have you heard of that before? So this is John Keats here, who was a poet from way back when.
Starting point is 00:33:08 And he wrote a letter kind of analyzing Shakespeare and great writers and how they're able to do what they do. And he's kind of been, whatever, coined the inventor, the conception of this, the theory of all this, that negative capability pertains to the ability to live within a holy pentarillium of mystery or deal with unanswered questions. And basically, it's being able to deal with the unknown. And I'm going to show you guys a graph here as to why this might matter. A theory first articulated by John Keats about the artist's access to truth without the pressure and framework of the logic or the science. And so there's multiple different... If you guys Google search this and listen to some of the other pieces on him, it'll kind of unfold a little bit more
Starting point is 00:33:48 about what that means. But we're going to digest it here for what it means for us. And I hope this helps apply to business. So negative capability is being able to navigate through the unknown and uncertainty, but still be able to move forward. The negative capability, I like this graph here as it kind of represents a little bit of the take home that I hope to give, which is invisible leadership. Number one, resist the false necessity of hasty conclusions and actions unless vital to goals. We talked a little bit about this
Starting point is 00:34:27 last week where I said like, you know, who sets your standard? And then on top of that, if something happens, are you just going to like react to that in a negative way? Are you going to let that change kind of the way that the path that you're on? And so if I gave the example that if it doesn't pertain to like your ultimate goal or the vision or the direction that you're on. And so if I gave the example that if it doesn't pertain to like your ultimate goal or the vision or the direction that you've created for yourself into where you're going in life, you could start to just discard a lot of stuff that happens to you. Because, you know, oh, I heard somebody else's talking shit about this or that. And then now all of a sudden, you're completely unfocused. You move on over and you start focusing on the negative things
Starting point is 00:35:02 that were said. You start, you know, getting this back and forth and gossiping about the other person, all this, and really none of that interaction has to do with what you're trying to accomplish. Right? So keeping the main thing, the main thing, regardless of what happens, you ask yourself, is this worth my time? Is this going to get me further to the goals and the vision that I set for myself? Or is this going to deter me in a negative way? And so just to read the first portion of it again, resist the false necessity of hasty conclusions or actions unless vital to goals. It's an emotional management. It's continuing to develop the space between what happens to you and how you choose to respond to it. Not just react because reaction isn't an intelligent
Starting point is 00:35:43 thought through response. It's a reaction. The second one along this graph here says, set aside egotism, focus on common good and shared goals. So if you're dealing with that conflict with somebody on your team, or I heard, hey, so and so said this, and you know that you have to work with this person rather than addressing those issues may not be vital. You could choose to discard it, choose to focus on the fact that like, Hey, maybe we just need to just keep moving everything forward. I'll find the good out of this person and the situation and keep focused on my own goals.
Starting point is 00:36:16 So if you're a coach or if you're an affiliate owner, this, the first two really apply because people are going to come and go from your gym all the time. And so if they leave the gym and they say, you know, Oh, you know, it wasn't for me, or they might give some other excuse, you know, whatever. I didn't like the class times. I didn't like the programming. I didn't get the most out of the coach. Okay. So you could take that information and you could use it for good, or you could take that information and you could just use it for bad. You could say, well, that member wasn't a fit here anyways, they sucked. Or you could say, hey, there might be some truth in what they were saying. Let me kind of look at the experience
Starting point is 00:36:48 that's happening in the class and make necessary adjustments. But above all, you want to make sure that to some degree you preserve that relationship. Because if somebody's leaving the gym or whatever, no longer, if your coach is no longer coming to your class hour as much and you found something happened, right?
Starting point is 00:37:09 The best thing that you could do is end that relationship on a good note and make it super easy for them to quit the gym or put their membership on hold and leave a good taste in their mouth as they leave. I know I said good taste in their mouth. No, the comment section is going to take that somewhere else. But if you do that, the next interaction that somebody has with them that might not be when you're present, right? So somebody leaves my gym, they're like, hey, it's not for me, blah, blah. I'm like, hey, no problem. We are thankful that you were here for your time. If anything ever changes, you can go ahead and come back. If you're smart, you have an exit survey. So you might have something that they answer a few questions so you could give them an opportunity to give you
Starting point is 00:37:42 some feedback or take the feedback that they want to give you and be able to utilize that to help make your gym better, right. And improve it. And so if you, um, if you, if you do that and you preserve the relationship, next time they're out talking about it, one of their friends randomly says like, Hey, have you been over to CrossFit Livermore? They're going to think of that experience as they left. And they're going to be like, yeah, I actually liked it a lot.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Uh, I didn't have time in my schedule to go as much as I wanted to. But if you're thinking about CrossFit, you should definitely check them out. Because you left on a good note, regardless of what happened, you decided, hey, what's my ultimate goal here? It's just to make sure that this relationship is somewhat preserved. They live on a good note. So that way they don't have any negative things to say, or at least that's not top of mind as they talk about you or your gym somewhere else. So kind of relating to that, the third one on this chart, as we continue to go down, it's in this circular motion here. Take time to get facts, discover, self-reflect, listen. So again, that's what we talk about. We applied it to somebody leaving the gym.
Starting point is 00:38:42 You could take the exit survey. You could have a conversation with them. You could listen to about what their experiences was, get the facts of it, self-reflect on it like, hey, is this just a them thing, right? Or is there actually some truth in there that you could utilize to improve your gym, improve their class experience, or just improve yourself in general? The fourth one on this list as we're starting to climb back up the circle here is be open and flexible to diversity and alternative views. A lot of times we get really stuck in our own ways and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:39:12 And somebody that might come with a fresh perspective rather than just immediately discarding it and being like, no, what do they know? They don't know shit. Take a moment there and think about it. And then have the flexibility to make small adjustments and try stuff out because you never know where that next great advice is going to come from. And if you're constantly thinking like, oh, well, they can't see from where I'm sitting at, you know, they don't have my perspective or whatever. So what do they know? And you
Starting point is 00:39:37 immediately discard it. You might be missing a really valuable piece of information in a fresh perspective that you could utilize to your advantage to help you, again, move towards your goals or your vision of yourself that you're working towards. Okay, number five, as we go all the way back up to this circle here before it restarts back at number one, number five is consider, apply alternatives, and act. So taking that information and actually applying it, right? Taking that feedback, applying it, seeing where it fits in, and everything else. And so the negative capability portion was this kind of framework of if you're doing stuff and
Starting point is 00:40:10 you're out in the unknown and you're trying new things or you're trying to be creative, you could utilize this wheel here to get information back and then articulate it in a way that it's going to be to your advantage rather than just going back to negative shit or falling into the back and forth shit talking or something like that. We'll go through some questions here now. It sounds about right. We tend to get one fourth of the numbers of the likes. Oh, you guys, if you're watching this on your phone, by the way, which I really appreciate you guys saying hit the like button, all that. I don't do enough. So hit the like button if you already haven't. It doesn't refresh on your phone. Like if you close the whole entire app and then you come back on, you go, it'll refresh the number of likes that's there. Now, if somebody writes back and says, I'm on my desktop and it refreshes
Starting point is 00:41:04 all the time and there's not enough likes, then you're probably right. Thank you for having people cue to that. Why would you think us about that, Susa? Judy Reed, why would you think that about us? That we would twist that comment and leave taste in mouth? Because I know you guys all too well. I knew you're going to do. I knew what you would do. Name this tinfoil mat. Dude, wait, CrossFit. CrossFit, wait. To you guys, when you see the title come up and it says CrossFit Illuminati, I have evidence. We're doing the tinfoil hat episode because we're going to break down the NSCA case and we're going to get our tinfoil hats on and we're going to go down that road. Some of you guys know which one I'm talking about. We're going to go down that road. Christian Kelter, Matt, what's your average client life cycle? Interesting question.
Starting point is 00:42:03 I'll tell you here in a minute, but I want to pose back like, I wonder what you're going to do with that information. Why do you want to know? Why do you want to know? I could tell you exactly what it is. Look up the exact one. So negative capability. I hope that that framework of that chart there helped you guys out a little bit in terms of like being able to utilize that new phrase. And it's helped me out a little bit. And so I wanted to now I'm distracted because I'm trying to look up this exact number for Christian here. But yeah, so anyways, check that out. Hopefully you guys can apply that to your life and somehow
Starting point is 00:42:45 and continue to move forward toward your goals. Dude, I don't know if I can find on here and I feel like it's going to get messy with a lot of dead air time as I'm getting distracted. I got to calculate the math here. I got to calculate the math here. The average life cycle of a member at my gym at CFL is three years and three months. Three years and three months.
Starting point is 00:43:20 So, or 1,206 days. And one of the things that we have, I just wanted to make sure that was accurate. But one of the ethos that we have with Albert and I, who coaches the gym and the members is I say that if we get them for three months, we'll have them for three years. And so what that means is, if we really make their experience great for the first three months of the gym, we most importantly, we assimilate them into the community really well. So they have some friends are coming to a consistent class time. They really feel that the coach is like engage with them, is adding value, helping correct their movement. They're seeing progress in the gym because we're encouraging them to write down their
Starting point is 00:43:55 PRs. We're encouraging them to log their workouts. So when they come back to the benchmark workouts and what have you, um, they could see that progress being measured. We also have other opportunities for them in the nutrition realm, whether they join the challenge at the beginning of the year or whether we do like an embody scan, which is another marker for them to start to gauge their progress on. All those things really help.
Starting point is 00:44:13 If you do that really well within the first 90 days or so of them being there, we tend to, on average, get them for three years and three months. So if we get them for the first three months, we'll keep them for three years. That's kind of the ethos that we have there. Christian, comparing to my own dramatic curiosity. Yeah, there you go, dude. I hope that was good. I have probably a dozen members I can think of offhand
Starting point is 00:44:39 that's been with me for more than 10 years as well too. Most of my coaches have been with me for 10 plus years as well too. So of my coaches have been with me for 10 plus years as well too. So the coaching portion is something I'm real proud of to be able to have all those coaches for as long as we have has been awesome. And yeah, and I have all that data. Maybe we'll do a breakdown of that one time. We could use my gym and I'll just throw it out there. I'll talk about lifetime cycle, like lifetime value of a customer. We could talk about churn rate. We can talk about average members coming in and stuff like that. We can kind of nerd out on the business side. Seth Page. Seth, what's up, dude? Seth, by the way,
Starting point is 00:45:16 I'll shoot you my number. I really want to do one of those old school video breakdowns with you. I watch those that you do and it's really cool. It's super nostalgic and stuff. I'd love to do that with you. So I'll shoot you my number and we'll square away a time. Seth Page, the tough part is sorting through all the noise to find the valuable feedback. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And there is a lot of noise. And to be honest, a lot of the feedback you'll probably end up discarding. But it is worth really thinking through and just making sure you don't get in so much of a habit that you're immediately
Starting point is 00:45:49 pushing any advice coming to you out immediately. Which, not speaking to you directly because I know you don't. Athena can invite me over for dinner anytime. Cool. Mason Mitchell, do you do membership
Starting point is 00:46:08 contracts? No, we don't. No membership contracts. You could actually pause and cancel anytime three days before the billing cycle. And that's been my policy from the start, which at times, especially in the early days when I had no money, no real profit, and you were just getting started. That was a tough policy to uphold. Usually, you would acquire 30 days notice or something like that. But I've done the cancel at any time or put your membership on hold at any time. And it's worked good when you give people the control and the autonomy. Plus, I'm not going to start hunting people down for their memberships and stuff like that. And I went to a jujitsu studio that had the contracts and stuff like this years back. And I hated that because it just makes you feel locked in, even though I
Starting point is 00:46:55 probably would have stayed for whatever the six-month period that I signed up for or something. It just makes you get locked into it. And then what are you going to like come after me if I don't, if I cancel my card or something. And then in which case you have to like pull directly from the bank. Like there's the, it gets messy. So for me, no. Um, and I'm not saying there's anything against contracts or like 30 day requirement for billing or like anything like that. But for us, we've relatively operated cancel or pause at any time.
Starting point is 00:47:24 And, um, and I've done well with that so far for us, we've relatively operated cancel or pause at any time. And I've done well with that so far for me personally. I like it. The pod did with Dan was unreal, very similar to my own facility. And we're with Two Brain Business Growth Face, hopefully be where he is eventually. Yeah, that was a great episode, huh? Hold on. File a suit on a member. Send it to collections. Mason Mitchell, send it to collections. Yeah, you could. You could.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Okay, so we're going to step out into the unknown here, and we're going to meet Jenna. Jenna, I don't know how to say her last name. Like everything else, right? You guys know I'm so terrible at pronouncing these last names. Haka? Jenna Haka? Is that what we're going to go with? Guys, you feeling that? Am I way off? Okay. So Brian over at the Barbell Spin did this two weeks ago, introducing Jenna here to the community as the new CMO. And the first thing we'll kind of do here is roll through some of these comments. And we'll react to a few of these comments, kind of gauge the temperature of the room by some of these. And then we're going to go over to our LinkedIn and we're going to kind of check out her bio and some of her stuff where she's come from.
Starting point is 00:48:51 And the reason why I'm using LinkedIn, if you guys remember, I did the same thing with Jada Coons when I did a solo show like a couple weeks back. So I just figured it was only fitting. We'll do the same thing as we are here let me see hold on one second here award-winning vehicle has been redefined with a distinctive modern design. A reimagined exterior features compelling proportions and precise detailing.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Built with integrity and purpose, the interior boasts robust, durable materials. Whether it's the all-terrain capability, ample cargo capacity, or innovative camera technology, the Defender 110 lets you go further and do more. And with seating for up to seven, everyone can enjoy the journey. Learn more at to seven, everyone can enjoy the journey. Learn more at Sounds good. I'm about 15 minutes behind. Okay. I got a lot of my days backed up back to back. So whenever something happens and it spills over, next thing you know, the whole thing kind of has this domino effect. So I have a meeting here and right as I finish up,
Starting point is 00:50:07 I'll be jumping on with that. Okay. So yeah, classic LinkedIn. That's right, Dan Guerrero, classic. Okay. So Jenna Haka, we're going with it. Nobody disagreed. Sounds good to me. Judy Reed says it sounds good to her. Then that is good enough for me. Matt, I feel bad. I dropped in at a different CrossFit Livermore a decade ago. I've owned the same CrossFit Livermore. It was MM CrossFit that I bought in 2013 and then moved it to CrossFit Livermore.
Starting point is 00:50:42 And then there's also CrossFit 580. So I don't know if... and 13 and then moved it across a little more. And then there's also a cross with 580, um, where it's done. So I don't know if, was it the same one? I don't know. Maybe it was mine. Hopefully it was mine. Hopefully it was a good experience. But if it was 10 years ago, I guarantee you we weren't as good as we are now. That was the gym. What was the gym? Damn it. I said three names. Cross fat. You gotta to tell me, was it MM CrossFit or was it 580 or was it mine? Matt just dropped a, I have a hard out. No, no, no, no, no. We're, we're chilling. We're chilling. We're chilling. I just moved that back a little bit more. May, 2013. It was MM. Crazy dude. Okay. So that was just, when you dropped into CrossFit MM, it was just open gym,
Starting point is 00:51:26 right? And like the workout of the day was by It was just scribbled on these big whiteboards and it was just kind of like, there was no real class time. It was do whatever you feel. Uh, and what's nuts is like you dropped in, in May, I purchased it with my original business partners in November. And then making that switch to structured classes, people starting on time, the coaches actually coaching, delivering our own programming. That was an interesting road. That was an interesting road to travel. Took about a month and a half to really get everybody on board with that. We could talk about that at a different time. Okay. Back to Jenna over here.
Starting point is 00:52:25 This is from The Barbell Spin. The fastest, most trusted news in the CrossFit space. Jenna has been named Chief Marketing Officer at CrossFit? That's an interesting comment. It would be significant limiting the hiring pool they should hire for the best role period. Okay. I agree with Eric there. I do think that it is important that the people that they're hiring have familiarity with the methodology. Point blank. You need to take the L1. You need to study that material. You need to know that material to know what CrossFit is. I will stand by that from the CEO all the way down to whatever the lowest person on the totem pole that is hired at CrossFit. Like I think all of them should be super well versed in the methodology because that is where the, the seed that everything came from. And so without the ability to really understand the methodology deeply,
Starting point is 00:53:16 I do think that, um, Oh, should I do what to grace? What I, what Sevan does to Haley? Hi baby. You're live on the show. Oh, good God. Yep. Talk to you later. Okay. Yeah. She jumped out quick. So I think that there needs to, they need to have L1. They need to take in the L1.
Starting point is 00:53:41 They need to really understand that methodology as well as really be good in their roles. And for her, it's going to be marketing. Pool Boy said, why does that even matter? Yeah. I would encourage everybody to listen to the Born Primitive Com... Okay. That has nothing to do... What the fuck is a Barry? Hey, do you guys know what Barry Boot Camp is? Are you guys familiar with Barry's Boot Camp? It was super popular. I don't know if it's as popular, but it was popular a couple years back.
Starting point is 00:54:15 I remember a lot of people doing it. But it was kind of like this trendy, flashy, like CrossFit kind of knockoff, in my opinion. And remember, that is only from somebody who wasn't really familiar with, uh, Barry's bootcamp. So if you are familiar with it and I misrepresented it there, I apologize, but that's the way that it kind of, kind of looked at, um, from me. Um, Frank, how you doing pal? Imagine if the board members were affiliate owners, could give them a good perspective. Again, I'm going to die on the hill of that.
Starting point is 00:54:50 They need to have the methodology down. They need to really understand the methodology. Still pretty popular. Jenny. Yeah, it is still popular too. Okay, cool. Somebody talking about the open. That comment seems too long.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Bunch of people in here who don't look outside of the CrossFit space for information, inspiration, and insight for their business model. As an affiliate owner, I'm excited to see what she could bring to the table. Cool. That's a good one. That's positive there. This is great for the fitness side. Now hire someone for the sports side and brand them separately. Interesting. That's an interesting comment. That's something that I've always thought too. We should separate
Starting point is 00:55:36 sport and methodology like big time. Another content for normal show. Um, can we conscious can we not just hire normal people that do CrossFit? Like I'm sure we'd all agree we don't want CrossFit to be anything like Barry's, nor do we need it marketed as such. Just another corporate zombie jumping from company to company. in a new authentic ways, we should put more focus on the affiliates and less attention on what woke quote unquote, Barry's planet fitness or orange theory members. We can steal CrossFit is for everyone,
Starting point is 00:56:12 but not everyone is for CrossFit. That's an interesting comment. And you know what? I don't know that the correct judgment on what she's going to bring to the table would be mimicking something that Barry's Bootcamp does. But you guys have to remember that the board is going to position CrossFit in a way that'll be attractive
Starting point is 00:56:34 to other private equity companies that probably have fitness brands in their portfolio already. And there needs to be some sort of continuity between the way that those brands operate. So that way, the private equity company that's going to buy CrossFit feels comfortable buying CrossFit because it's very similar to the other fitness brands that they have in their portfolio. Kind of a mouthful there. But that's why I think that it's slowly positioning to be
Starting point is 00:56:59 like these other ones, the Orange Theories, the F45s, whatever. She developed Barry's X concept. Very excited for this edition. Welcome, Jenna. I did see that when I read over her profile stuff. I don't know what Barry's X is, but I think it's some sort of digital stuff. I'll give her a chance.
Starting point is 00:57:17 However, a big red flag and white flag is that she's from Canada, and the DEI woke shit is absolutely cornerstone bedrock here. Just look at what psychologists, uh, well, just look at what the psychological psychological board is doing with Jordan Peterson and trying to literally reeducate him. First question I'd ask is if she'd vote for trade, that will tell you all you will need to know.
Starting point is 00:57:47 I don't know about that one. I don't know about that one. I think that we should give her a chance in terms of like how she's going to act and the things that she'll bring off her own merit and not kind of judge her based off of like, you know, the fact that she's from Canada or something like that. We got to give some space and we got to give her some time to do some work. Otherwise, I think that we fall into the same camp as people that would immediately judge somebody
Starting point is 00:58:14 for something that they did in the past or something like that and say, hey, you're not on our team. Now we need to cancel you. You shouldn't have this job. That's a real tough line to follow when we haven't actually seen what she's going to do for CrossFit, good or bad. So I think making a snap judgment based off like where she's from and assuming that it's a DEI hire and there's like woke is the cornerstone. I think that would be, in our opinion, we wouldn't be exercising our negative capabilities.
Starting point is 00:58:43 We got to suspend that judgment and hasty reaction based off some of the information we have and wait till we get more information to make us a true judgment. What's her Fran time? Murph, Helen, how is she doing in the open? Completely fucking irrelevant.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Completely irrelevant. I don't think that that matters. I would never like, so we're interviewing a new coach, by the way, shout out, uh, Mike pool boy for recommending her to the gym. We're interviewing a new coach right now. And can you imagine if I started the interview and I was like, okay, so welcome new coach. Oh, what's your friend time? Hmm. Hmm. How'd you do on Murph? Hmm. Use a vest. Hmm. You do an RX. Oh, you didn't? Well, can't be a coach here. That has nothing to do with their coaching ability. And in fact, some people, when they come in and they are forward with that, like, oh, I'm a competitor and here's my friend time and
Starting point is 00:59:39 here's this and here's that. I'm like, fuck, what does that have to do with you coaching my members? I didn't hire you to be a competitor representative of the gym because you have the fastest fran time or MRF time. I hired you because hopefully you're really great at coaching, really great at investing in people, and you're going to deliver something that is going to be valuable to my members. And your fran time or your MRF time is not in that equation. I don't know. What's her fran time? Again, enjoying her first open. They put that in quot equation. I don't know. What's her Fran time again, enjoying her first open. They put that in quotations.
Starting point is 01:00:08 I don't know if that's kind of like tugging cheek. That's fine. Like I think that there's going to be this dog and pony show that all the execs are like doing the open and Hey, I'm at my local affiliate participating, but like what else do we expect from them guys? Like we can't judge them for not being a part of the community or CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:00:23 but then when they come into an affiliate and do the open and be oh look they're just doing it for a pr stunt it's like kind of got to take it with a grain of salt there um this con this uh comment section unfortunately shows a dark side of crossfit that is holding it back while they're doing the most to push it forward okay not sure um wow someone's about constantly honestly i'm out interesting new savant interesting interesting uh people complaining about this hire must not even know what a cmo does good comment by pull boy there great glass monitor so they fired keith knapp who was an affiliate owner and clearly dedicated to the growth of CrossFit. I mean, he has skin in the game and is an affiliate owner. Now CrossFit has hired a new woke.
Starting point is 01:01:11 We don't know that. A new woke marketing officer for the non-CrossFit fitness company. From another non-CrossFit fitness company. What a joke. Well, Keith also wasn't CMO. But I don't agree with the spirit of that comment a little bit like keith was really keith was a solid dude like he was he was in the trenches with us he was a affiliate owner he was and he was doing that in my opinion these are my words not his i think he was doing
Starting point is 01:01:38 that so he actually had more insight onto how to better serve all the affiliate owners and do his job. Which who knows, we might see him again shortly. Okay. A couple other bats. Now we're going to have to take, and now we're going to have to have quote unquote pride shoved down our throats. I don't know about that either. I don't know. I don't know about that either. Okay. So that was the initial reaction from some of the community there in terms of a barbell spin, releasing her as a new hire. What are you guys' thoughts here? Um, she said yes to the job. She did. Yep. Christian, hey, hey, easy on Canada. Yeah, that's what I thought too. I'm not going to just judge everybody. Adrian Bosman's from Canada. He's a solid dude. Great dude. Really cool to hang out with too. You mean like anyone CF hires as a media team? Here's the deal, guys. CrossFit's never going
Starting point is 01:02:42 to bring back media in that form. Private equity companies don't like to have the overhead of bringing everything internally and then paying all those salaries. We saw kind of what will happen with media in terms of the sports side, where they're going to outsource that to somebody that they'll bring in to hire to create the doc. Where is that document, by the way? You guys remember that whole entire documentary crew that was at the games? People complaining about our shit taking too long. So I think that a lot of their shit
Starting point is 01:03:10 is just going to be outsourced. It'll continuously be outsourced. I don't ever see them building an internal media team, ever. Let's see. CrossFit, how many major community contributors weren't CrossFitters before they were CrossFitters? Great point.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Great point. I need to go see Keith in his new gym. It's only two hours from me. Cool. Yeah, drop in. Tell him I said hi. Augustus, she did not post the back square, y'all. All right. Okay. I know how you guys like not post the back square y'all. All right.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Okay. I know how you guys like to judge the black square people. Frank, the real question is why did it take PE four years to find a qualified CMO? Good question. Good question. Probably because they had to find a qualified CEO first. As we've seen that change hands multiple times, multiple times.
Starting point is 01:04:09 Later, Matt. Thanks for hanging out, brother. CJ Martin was a lawyer. I think Invictus has done okay. Mike McCaskey. The challenge is that CrossFit Corp doesn't likely pay market competitive
Starting point is 01:04:24 rates to draw the best talent. True. We don't know. Um, it's easier to outsource for the games and other comps, um, than to just have a full-time media team hanging out. Yeah, absolutely. Especially if they don't know how to utilize them. Like a lot of the media, I think some stuff today got posted from the CrossFit for health summit, but a lot of the media has been focused around sport like it has been. And, um, so you're right. Like, I don't like, I don't think they would know how to utilize or they want to carry the, the overhead of having a whole entire internal, uh, media team.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Dildo pukey is the new T D E I mascot. Everybody can puke equally as hard at the end of every workout. The gains lab. Um, she developed Barry X during COVID very Barry Barry's X is the at-home version. Cool. Thank you for that. We're asking about that clock breaking news. Jenna Haka calls for reestablishment of the DEI council and says it's absolutely necessary to boost CrossFit's marketing prowess. I don't know. Come on, guys. I don't think so. I don't think so. The Sebon podcast. Everything outsourced has failed. Can't argue with that. Get Russell to call her and ask her for the dance on the woman's bathroom.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Gosh, Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake, buddy, Jake, Jake, Jake. Okay. So let's read a little bit about her, to call her and ask her for the dance on the woman's bathroom. Gosh, Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake, buddy, Jake, Jake, Jake. Okay, so let's read a little bit about her, shall we? That was kind of the snap judgments that we saw from the community. I'm going to bring up her LinkedIn here and we'll kind of go through it. We'll kind of go through it. So great, great photo. I mean, her skin looks amazing right she looks healthy she looks fit nope no questions or complaints there as we judge her uh photo there um let's see where could we
Starting point is 01:06:18 find more info about her okay cool so this is... Alright, so we'll start with what she wrote here. It says... This is from Jenna here. This is on her LinkedIn. I'm excited to share that I've stepped into the new position of Chief Marketing Officer at CrossFit LLC. In this role, I'll be responsible for driving global growth and continuing the work of the established CrossFit as the brand, not just fitness, but health. Okay, so that's interesting. Driving global growth, meaning she's still going to look to open more affiliates across worldwide here.
Starting point is 01:06:58 And continuing the work of establishing CrossFit as the brand of not just fitness, but of health. Okay, interesting. I'll be joined an incredibly talented team devoted, in devoted team to expand CrossFit's global reach by supporting our 12,000 plus affiliate gyms in 140 plus countries while generating demand for new gyms and providing 360 support for the CrossFit games. Interesting. Interesting. Okay. Should we unpack that a little bit?
Starting point is 01:07:36 I'll be joining an incredibly talented and devoted team to expand CrossFit's global reach by supporting our 12,000 affiliates. Okay. So that's interesting. I wonder what that support's going to look like. Is it going to look like. Is it going to look like in the form of media? I don't know what type of tools that they might develop digitally that might do this. So I'm curious as to what that support looks like. If we remember, this was very similar to Jada Coons' write-up.
Starting point is 01:07:59 Very similar. In 140-plus countries, while generating demand for new gyms. Generating demand for new gyms. Okay, cool. I wonder what the initiatives are that. Nothing wrong with new affiliates. And providing 360 support for the games. So 360 support basically means she'll be involved in all of it.
Starting point is 01:08:22 See the circle that I'm making with my hand? This is 360. 360. that's another corporate thing too they do like a 360 review where they would take like your superior somebody who works underneath you somebody who works with you and like they all give you like this review and feedback it was called like a 360 review it's really hot during the corporate stuff a few years back i'm not sure if they still do those. Man, I just... Anytime I see somebody having dual roles with her supporting affiliates and then opening new affiliates,
Starting point is 01:08:52 but then I see the portion of the CrossFit Games in there, I'm always like, ah, okay, interesting. It's an absolute honor to serve a brand that has been in the business of saving, improving, and transforming lives for more than 20 years. And I'm eager to join the business of saving, improving, and transforming lives for more than
Starting point is 01:09:05 20 years. And I'm eager to join the efforts of amplifying this mission. Cool. Thank you so much to the team for your belief in me. And I look forward to making you proud. And then she lists a couple people. Dawn Fall, Annette Rivas. I think she's the HRr lady jada coons oh well you guys know him uh vp billy nicole carroll dave castro and ben mcallister hashtag crossfit hashtag crossfit games hashtag new job hashtag cmo so that was from her kind of announcing her new uh role in there so her new role in there. So nothing really quite that you could hold on to and things like that. But at the same time, she's not going to spell out everything that she's doing. She's brand new. They're just announcing her as the hire. So she's just wrapping it from a 35,000-foot view and giving you what she's going to be working on in a nutshell here.
Starting point is 01:10:02 like what she's going to be working on in a nutshell here. So we'll pause for a minute before we go into her bio. And we'll look at a few of the other one. She has a girlfriend. Cool. Nothing wrong with that. The community has the talented needed. A hundred percent.
Starting point is 01:10:21 A hundred percent. It's all right in front of us here. Suze's face. Just what I needed in the afternoon picked me up. Oh, thanks, Elise. That's a nice comment. One of the comments that snuck in from Heidi, one of the other shows, she's like, oh, I watch him on mute. Thanks. I think that's a compliment. I'll take it as a compliment.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Okay, we're back at the top of these comments. She cares about fitness and posts about fitness. Give her props. Agreed. That's cool. That's cool. Chris Birdsfield, is she gay? Yes, I do believe she is. I don't think that has anything to do with her role
Starting point is 01:11:00 or what she'll bring to the table, though. But just a fact, I guess. Justin, where's CrossFit HQ. That is a great question. CrossFit HQ is everywhere and it's in our hearts. Yeah. There's no home office anymore. Um, if that's what they called it, there's no headquarters like as a physical, uh, location, but man, do i remember driving out to like santa cruz area and you'd pass pass by scotts valley and you could see the old headquarters from the freeway i forget which freeway it is one maybe and uh as you drive by you could like see him be like oh there's crossfit hq and like years back grace and i were out there for uh whatever probably just
Starting point is 01:11:41 vacation or something like that and we like drove back there just to like see it even though it was a Sunday middle of the day. So we know it'd be closed. And they had the big rig out in front of it. They had some tires and some sleds out there. And that's something that I thought was really cool because there wasn't an official, at least not that I remember, there wasn't an official sign that said CrossFit or CrossFit headquarters. There was this big kind of tan, almost like log cabin feel. It wasn't a log cabin, but it just reminded me of some buildings that are out in Tahoe. And it was awesome because when you drove by the back of it, you immediately knew which one it was. You're like, yep, there it is. There's the Cross Bay headquarters. It's got a rig out front. It's got exercise equipment.
Starting point is 01:12:19 And when they used to open up the back bay door. It was a whole entire affiliate that was inside there. That was really cool. And to not have that now, big mistake. So yeah, we don't know where CrossFit HQ is. Will they promote the sickness, wellness, fitness continuum? I hope so. Most of the CrossFit, most of the best talent in media production, editing are all external freelancers, not staffers. Pay day rates and keep them off the books for half the year.
Starting point is 01:12:47 Yep. Yeah. Chris, it's 12K now. Yep. I don't know if you guys saw. I think Hiller posted something where the numbers had kind of kept changing a little bit, right? So we don't really know what it is. Haven't seen Don Fall or Fondal in here lately.
Starting point is 01:13:07 Hope he's doing it right. Damn it. I thought that was a thing about Don Fall. I guess this. So on podcast, growth was driven for 15 years by giving away free content that added value in tools to the community. Now the plan for growth is marketing. Yeah. Yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 01:13:27 You're not wrong. Chris. Oh, well makes me laugh every time. Me too. Tech marketing is her specialty. Okay. Maybe she can run Facebook ads.
Starting point is 01:13:41 Seth page. Yeah. Yeah. She's going to buy some media, something like that. Um, maybe she could get CrossFit to show up when you search gyms near me. I hope so. I hope so. Um, she watches you on moot and diddles. First one's probably true. Second one, probably not. Um, let's see if there's any more. Okay. Jonathan Ortega. She's an avid hiker.
Starting point is 01:14:08 She likes hiking and big ass mountains too. That's cool. Love hiking. Call it a rucking now. Throw a backpack on. Perfect for the new sponsor. 61 likes over 50% of the views liked. Good job. Thanks guys. Thanks for the new sponsor 61 likes over 50 of you like good job thanks guys thanks for the likes um i'm not gonna read some of you guys's like ridiculous ones come on now uh seven great okay so now um on to her bio this was was interesting because this is also underneath her
Starting point is 01:14:47 like about stuff with the view profile. So this was the about section of it here. And it's interesting because it was like it was written by somebody else or at least like the way that it reads here, which is cool. Just something to know. Nothing really crazy about that. Jenna is a marketing, digital, and innovation executive currently serving as chief marketing officer at CrossFit. Prior to CrossFit, she conceptualized and built Barry's first ever digital business, Barry's X. She also led the global marketing, digital, and technology practices at Barry's.
Starting point is 01:15:36 And I'm not familiar with those, so I wish I could give you guys something tangible about what that meant, but I'm not sure. but I'm not sure. When she joined Barry's in 2018, she led the company digital transformation of the brand, including the launch of its first client-facing mobile applications, all current web properties, and groundbreaking digital hospitality and marketing programs, including the first of its kind loyalty program, The Academy. Interesting. In the process of building Barry's X, Jenna oversaw the development of live production studios in major markets across the country with a blueprint set for global expansion. She recruited and led the first ever production digital talent management and digital production teams at Barry's. Prior to joining Barry's team, she oversaw digital innovation analytics in business development
Starting point is 01:16:39 for a New York City-based marketing agency, was a volunteer firefighter, that's cool, a nationally registered EMT, and played NCAA Division I ice hockey at Princeton University, where she studied neuroscience, and her thesis on dietary predictors of substance abuse was published in the Journal of Psychology and Behavior. She currently resides in Santa Monica with a rescue pit bull, Storm, and is a proud member of the LGBTQ plus community. So that's her bio. She's a she. OK, a lot of cool stuff in this, especially towards the end.
Starting point is 01:17:23 Like a volunteer firefighter and an emt that's cool uh played division one ice hockey at princeton i mean that's pretty cool to play division one anything you know that she was like fucking a stud right like even if it is like ice hockey which i don't imagine the pool is like huge for that to be division one. Like you have to know how to work hard. You have to put hours into the gym. You have to be focused on your, um, nutrition, your recovery and everything like that. Uh, she was a neuroscience and her thesis was on, um, dietary predictors for substance abuse and was published in the journal of psychology and behavior. Okay. That's cool. All right. So there's some, definitely some like good stuff uh within that
Starting point is 01:18:07 bio there was a couple of things that like we obviously don't understand and can't wrap our heads around like all the digital stuff that happened um with barry's boot camp just because like uh i don't know what any of that is and like it's super vague from this 30 000 like did global developments you guys remember like step brothers where they're like on that boat And it's super vague from this $30,000. Did Global Development, you guys remember Step Brothers where they're on that boat and it's like, worldwide, investors, how about you? Some of those buzzwords are really kind of aloof
Starting point is 01:18:33 and they don't tell you anything. But the fact that she was Division 1 at Princeton and was a volunteer firefighter shows at least the fact that she like knows what it's like to work hard. Christian division one's hockey equals boys, triple A 13 year olds. That's not fair. You don't know that. You don't know that. What else do we got here? The dog or her.
Starting point is 01:19:03 I studied substance abuse in college too. All right. See Chris giving her the thing. Um, what is this? This is a Twitch comment. Hi, Twitch comment. Any plans of upping the Twitch channel? There's a lot more you could do to increase viewership, like posting the daily videos, et cetera. Does twist have restrictions, restrictive TOS or something? I don't even know what TOS is, but hi, welcome from Twitch. All right. So what do you guys think? I think about her bio. Pitbull, red flag. That's not true. Hiller's got a Pitbull. He's got two. That's not true. Hiller's got a pit bull.
Starting point is 01:19:44 He's got two. Prestige Worldwide. Corey gets it. Corey gets it. Yeah, so overall, oh, terms of service. Thank you. Babar Funk. Thanks for that.
Starting point is 01:20:08 The Barry's CEO plans for rapid expansion yet she leaves maybe like these executive types only have like a a three year to like five year at most window at most these jobs like that's their deal they like come in and like do their thing and then like leave like that's just so even if the ceo plans for rapid, like her part may have been like positioning for whatever that means. And then once that was done, like somebody else got brought in. So it, it could be, it could be that. Um, the Savant podcast, I tried out for a college Frisbee team. Cool. Cool.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Um, Ralph Alvarez,arez please volunteer firefighter where um i think it says it down here princeton fire department responded and says a variety of firefighter rescue and medically related emergencies their neuroscience for 2008 to 2011, two years, seven months. She was a volunteer firefighter for four years from 2007 to August of 2011. Generator media and analytics, vice president worked her way up from associate director to director to vice president so she knows how to climb the corporate ladder uh she was at berries for five years nine months so almost six years for somebody that's in a like an executive like c-suite position um that probably is a really long time for those for those people in terms of life cycle i led the digital transformation and launched the foundational technology platforms necessary to support a 20-year-old brand ahead of its most exciting phase of growth. The website and
Starting point is 01:21:54 e-commerce site relaunched and replatformed, launched its first ever mobile apps, launched the Academy, the first of its kind loyalty program the digital digitalization of the client facing challenges and profiles to drive loyalty and retention launched the first ever paid media programs so that's going to be buying ads uh during covid launched berries at home zoom was it was done on zoom at home and subsequently berries x the proprietary app obviously that they developed off the back of that. Barry's first ever digital fitness platforms. Okay, so that gives us something tangible as far as what she did with her time at Barry's boot camp, which that's cool. I mean, that's a lot of stuff there.
Starting point is 01:22:36 I don't really know what metrics are tied to any of that, but at least that anchors it a little bit more. but at least that anchors it a little bit more. She did a lot of digital development, website, e-commerce, an app, a loyalty program. Loyalty program is super corporate. If you buy 10 sandwiches on your 11th one, it's free. Okay, we'll end it there. I try to keep these in an hour,
Starting point is 01:23:05 but slowly they've gotten longer and longer. But that's kind of our introduction to Jenna. And I think that there's some cool stuff in there. There's some other stuff that's just kind of like 30,000 foot view business vernacular that we'll have to kind of see what that translates out to for us as CrossFitters. But here's how we do it. I think just like anybody who was walking into my affiliate, we give them an opportunity to showcase what they're doing. What type of value is she going to bring to the space? What type of initiatives will she do? Will these be valuable to affiliates? Will these be valuable to getting more certs? Will these be valuable to the continued growth of CrossFit globally? We will find out. We will find out. But I think that
Starting point is 01:23:53 we should not pass early quick snap judgment, as we talked about in the negative capability diagram. I think we give her the space and some time to see what happens and to go from there. And then afterwards, we'll see what type of work she produces and what happens out of CrossFit. And then we could reassess at that time. Sousa, you don't know how these exec titles work at small mediums is they're handed out like candy. Yeah, you're probably absolutely right. And you're right that I don't know how they work internally like that because I've never worked for a corporation in that sense. I've been an entrepreneur.
Starting point is 01:24:36 I hate when people use that term. Frank, we will find out about her plan in 12 to 18 months. Just don't leave until then. Who was it that said, when you hire a team leader, you are just getting someone who is good at leading a team. We need someone who's willing to get in the trenches, but I'll give her a chance.
Starting point is 01:25:00 I agree with that. We definitely have to see what happens. What happens? Susie, I need this show to last until 3 p.m. your time. No way. The marathon one that Savon, Hiller, and Caleb did on Sunday, that was crazy. Four hours and 20 minutes. That was nuts. That was nuts. All right. So that's going to be our take on Jenna. And I'm putting a positive spin on this on purpose because I don't like the whole fact of somebody gets brought in, we don't know much about them, we make a bunch of snap judgments, and then we just put a bunch of negative context to it. Let's go ahead and let's give her a chance. She's got some cool
Starting point is 01:25:40 stuff. Love the volunteer firefighter thing. Love the fact that she was division one um she's healthy she works out all that's cool clearly smart and intelligent woman from her academic background and the jobs that she's had and um i'm curious to see how this plays out i'm curious to see how this plays out brad patty breakfast talk do you have like a podcast or something, Brad? How are you doing? As soon as a 13 year affiliate owner, they have been saying they will be positive change for the last three years.
Starting point is 01:26:11 The only change I've seen is a new people in place of the ones that they fired or left. Yep, you said it, Brad. I can't necessarily disagree with that, but who knows? Maybe we got that. We should have given Josh grew a chance to that poor guy, but I do think we should probably should have given him a chance. He got destroyed so quick. That was crazy. That was crazy. Thank you guys for hanging out. Again, this has been the Tuesday show without a name so far.
Starting point is 01:26:47 I hope you guys enjoyed it. I know that negative capability thing was all over the place. I thought about scrapping it so I could bring more consecutive information behind it, but we got our way through it. I love the fact that you guys participated in the whole Diddy case, and we got to kind of go through that together as you sent me stuff in real time. That was really cool. So thank you for your participation in that. go through that together as you sent me stuff in real time. That was really cool.
Starting point is 01:27:04 So thank you for your participation in that. As always, if you haven't, head on over to Doc Spartan and buy yourself some Matuthian. It's the best possible thing you could do for your mouth and face. Matuthian. The only thing better than results is that good-looking jar. That good-looking jar. Thanks so much for hanging out, guys. I'll see you next tuesday if i don't before that and as always be good to each other out there at the end of the day it's kind of all
Starting point is 01:27:34 we got peace out

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