The Sevan Podcast - Daisy McDonald | Games Bound - Dream come true

Episode Date: July 31, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 BAM we're live! Good evening! Good evening, good evening, good evening. Keeping it real, I did an interview with Ariel Lowen where Ariel reveals... Uh oh, what's this? Uh oh. I'm live. Where Ariel Owen reveals that she had some clues about the workout. That was kind of wild. I saw it over on Andrew Hiller's Instagram today. Andrew Hiller 2.0. A wild little clip here. Let's see. Here we go. Keeping it real. You think the twist is the twist like we saw Dave post
Starting point is 00:01:07 Unfortunately, some people on the demo team have leaked some stuff. So I know the twist and It's just the boxes look a little bit different, but it is like a step up and over Okay, do you think the twist is the twist like we saw? Dave posts Unfortunately, some people on the demo team have leaked some stuff. So I know the twist. And it's just the and then the guesses began. Sydney Wells, Trista Smith, tutor, Scott Colton, Sydney. Who knows. It's interesting that she says some people's some people that she say some people look a little bit different, but it is like a step up and over.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Okay, do you think the twist is the twist like we saw Dave post? I think when Kibbin and Real says, do you think the twist is the twist, meaning she was twisting her body around. So play on words. I think that's what Kibbin and Real is saying. Unfortunately, some people on the demo team. Some people on the demo team. I'm guessing it's not some. And I'm guessing, I'm guessing, and you know, call me soft. Maybe I'll drink this FidAid and my thoughts will change. Call me soft, but I'm guessing it was an accident.
Starting point is 00:02:19 I'm guessing whoever leaked it, like, said something and it slipped out unintentionally. Yo, what's up girl? Hello, how are you? I'm awesome. How are you? I'm pretty good. Thanks for having me. Sorry about the delay.
Starting point is 00:02:34 That's okay. I was at a child's event. That's important. Yeah, it's cool. It's fun. And then I yell at him, hurry up, get in the car. We got to go. We got gotta go.
Starting point is 00:02:46 How many kids do you have? That's a lot. Three. Yeah, it's cool. I take six. Oh really? Yeah. Oh my goodness. It's so, it's so fun. Do you have a lot of siblings?
Starting point is 00:03:00 I just have one brother, one younger brother. Okay. There's just two of us. You ever ask your parents why they didn't have ten kids? Um... You're so good, how could they not? I bet you now they regret not having five more like you. No, I always get told that I was a really expensive child because I did gymnastics.
Starting point is 00:03:19 So I think two was enough for them. Yeah, I let my kids know that all the time. Damn, it's expensive. I met you through, I was put in touch with you through the great Australian, Haley Adams. Yeah. Your training partner? She's my training partner one to two days out of the week. So she's based up closer to Melbourne and I'm like down an hour South. So she does a lot of driving to join in on the crew. We have at my gym a couple of days a week. So it's a great setup. And your gym is called the Wolf Den.
Starting point is 00:03:56 That's correct. Yes. Is that what I'm sorry. Say that again. Wolf Den CrossFit. You had it right. Okay. And is that place Daisy where, um, in the area that's where the athletes are that have more games aspirations or who perform at a higher level?
Starting point is 00:04:13 Like, is that a known place for that? I think the reason Hailey generally travels to my gym is because we have a bit of a bigger crew sort of doing more of your like competitive style workouts but not really games aspirations as such. Just want to get at it hard. Yeah absolutely just going at it just having fun and like if I was to go to Hailey's gym it would just be me and her training whereas at my gym we, we have like a bigger crew, especially on like a Saturday. And are there any other athletes, um, from your gym that went to quarterfinals? Yeah, we had like a lot of people do quarterfinals. I could be wrong, but maybe like 20.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Wow. Yeah. Yeah. And are they young folk like yourself or some, some older people too? There's a few of us who younger um And then plenty of older people as well. And how old are you? I'm 22. Oh god, you're so mature already. Do people tell you that a lot? um
Starting point is 00:05:20 No, not really No, okay You said in that in it was either in that little short documentary on your interview with Dave, I'm not sure which one, but someone asked you if you get nervous and you said I do, but people say I keep, I seem to keep, people say from the outside it looks like I keep my shit together. And it really does seem like you keep your shit together. Can you tell I was nervous to come on today? No, not at all. Not at all. Smooth.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Thank you. Very, very smooth. And you were smooth in that dark too. You look like a natural in front of the camera. Because you know, there's these things that people do. You watched that? Yeah, I did. It was great. Oh, there you go. Cool. People will start like collapsing their shoulders in or their voice will kind of dim their own light. And I didn't pick any of that up from you because I kind of look for that stuff too.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Because I'm guessing it was like your first time that they're like there was that much attention put on you Yeah, for sure. It was um, it was still It was so easy because it was just in our like gym setting And it was you know, someone I knew doing the filming so it was it was easy enough. It wasn't too crazy And there was a point in there where they asked you they said hey do it what are your goals for the games and you were like I'm gonna keep that to myself and a lot of people like when they had not used to be an interviewed every question that's
Starting point is 00:06:38 asked them they feel obligated to answer when a lot of times the right answer is fuck I don't know or hey I don't want to talk about that which is a totally legit answer yeah absolutely yeah totally legit all right um gymnastics and swimming those are the um uh some of your background but I want to go back back back you're obviously Australian yep that's correct did you say you're the older sister that yep, that's right. Okay, so you're the firstborn so your little princess Maybe my parents would probably say that Cuz I cuz I'm my firstborn the boys is my prince, you know I still get him dressed and the other the younger brothers are like god what's wrong with him?
Starting point is 00:07:19 How come he can't even put his own socks on? and And right away. Do your your do, do your parents put you into athletics? Do you know that you're going to be a sporting kid? Both my parents were big into sports. And I feel like in Australia, that's just the thing. I mean, anywhere probably, that's just the thing you do. You try out heaps of different things when you're young. Most Australians do swimming lessons from the time they're six months old,
Starting point is 00:07:51 through primary school, and then you do a bit with your primary school as well. But then in terms of gymnastics, that was me expressing that I wanted to do it. Through, I think, maybe watching the Commonwealth Games or the Olympics, seeing it on TV and trying to do it through, I think, maybe watching the Commonwealth Games or the Olympics, like seeing it on TV and trying to do flips at home. Then I, like, you know, influenced them to put me in gymnastics. But then I also did horse riding as well for like a good 10 years,
Starting point is 00:08:17 because that's- Yeah, you are expensive. You are an expensive kid. Exactly. Yes. Exactly. They're not wrong. But yeah, both my parents did horse riding. So that was a thing that's just sort of in the family. Hey, do we have anything in the United States like the Commonwealth games? I hear you Australians talk about that a lot. Like it's like a, does everyone there know what that is? Yeah, it's like a big thing. It is big.
Starting point is 00:08:39 That's for sure. I think you have like the Pan-American games, but I think that happens every year for you. Maybe? I don't know. And are the Pan American Games just the US or it's both Americas, North and South America? I think it's both Americas. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Okay. It's interesting because I don't see any of that. I don't see... I think I've only seen it through gymnastics. Like people I follow on like the American gymnasts on Instagram, like sometimes they're doing that. But the Commonwealth Games is pretty big. Like it is the Commonwealth countries mini Olympics. Oh and what are the Commonwealth countries? God, I'm so embarrassed. So it's not just Australia. It's like Australia, New Zealand. Is the UK
Starting point is 00:09:20 involved? Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're like the latest. So it's all the people who speak English, but they have a kind of like a proper accent. It's all you guys. Like Scotland and is Ireland part of it? Okay, it's all you guys. All three Americas, Central America. Oh, come on, Ken. Oh, come on, Ken. Central America. Come on. There's the United States and then everything south of us. Okay, sorry, go on. So you don't know exactly, but it is those countries.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Any non-English speaking countries? Within the Commonwealth, and I'm gonna probably butcher what the Commonwealth is, but it's something to do with... At one point or another, all you guys were ass poundpounded by fucking the UK. Yeah. That's, I mean, that's what happens.
Starting point is 00:10:07 If your parents are watching, I apologize. I'm pretty frisky tonight. Like, for example, we have the Union Jack on our Australian flag. Okay. And the Union Jack is the whole of the, what is it? The, not the English flag, the British flag, the Great Britain? Oh, yeah, I don't know. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, but I just looked up commonwealth. It says a voluntary association of 56 independent and equal countries. Listen, you guys are not all equal
Starting point is 00:10:38 Fucking equal Are you kidding me? London's the fucking epicenter of finance worldwide.'s no equal. I wonder if I could get a list of the Commonwealth let me see common Commonwealth countries. We'll just get educated here for a second Commonwealth countries oh Commonwealth nations. Oh, there's a ton of you guys Oh, so even like Belize because the UK used to own Belize okay, okay, so there's a ton of you guys it Oh, so even like Belize, because the UK used to own Belize. Okay, okay, so there's a ton of you guys. It's not just the ones that speak the funky English. Okay, Gwen Elizabeth II and her address to Canada on Dominion Day in 1959 pointed out that the Confederation of Canada... Okay, so there's a lot of countries there. Is it always in Australia or no?
Starting point is 00:11:25 It moves around? No, it's, it moves around like different host countries. I think 2026 could be in Brisbane, possibly Brisbane, Australia. But it's like every four years like the Olympics, but not the same year. So it's 2026. It'll be in 2030 as well. Okay. And then it says formally under the crown.
Starting point is 00:11:48 So yeah, that's what I said. Basically at one point or another, the King or Queen of England was taking money from you guys. Okay. All right. And it's big there because that, that was like, uh, don't the, how it popped on my radar is Tia would talk about it. Did Tia compete in the Commonwealth Games?
Starting point is 00:12:08 Yeah, I think she might've won a gold medal at the Commonwealth Games actually, if I'm not wrong, in weightlifting. Okay, crazy. Okay, so you see that stuff as a kid, it's big on TV there. You started off swimming, but they throw all you guys in the water at six months old.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Yeah. Yeah. And we have that stereotype of Australians. We think of you guys as all being proficient swimmers. It's not always the case, but. More often than not, the people in your classroom at school can all swim and not drown. OK. And then and then and then you did gymnastics for 10 years. And when did you start that? Um, I started gymnastics when I was, oh goodness, maybe like six, six or seven, and then went through till I was 18. Wow. So, um, and what's the most you ever trained in gymnastics? Did you ever do four or five days a week of that?
Starting point is 00:13:06 Yeah, we did, um, six days a week. Um, and like probably 24, 20 to 24 hours a week. Some days were like double sessions. Okay. In the morning before school, go to school and then come back. Did you have aspirations to go to the Commonwealth games in gymnastics? No, not really. No, probably when I was really young and like a bit naive to like the level you'd have to get to to do that. But in Australia, like
Starting point is 00:13:35 the levels are sort of separate. So I got to the highest level I could in the like stream I was in. But there was never a point where you can jump across to that like international stream and go down the pathway of like becoming an Olympian. That's more of something you'd have to get scouted into when you were quite young. I'm trying to think who I had on here the other day. It was uh Lexi Neely and she brought something up about gymnastics that I hadn't thought of before, but there are these certain sports where you can become proficient enough in it to where you're good and then all of a sudden it's about overcoming fear and skateboarding is like that motor motorcycle racing is like that like it's like hey now you're crossing over into
Starting point is 00:14:18 Breaking bones and dying the dying realm Did you experience that in gymnastics? You're like, oh shit, okay, there's nowhere else to go except to do this move, which is all fear. It's about overcoming fear. Yeah, I think the younger you are, the easier it is to like not think about those sort of things because you just aren't aware of them. But then the older you get, that's all you can think about. And I guess the people who become really good can push that aside and learn the skills and do the skills well. Whereas the people that get sort of stuck on the mental side of it tend to have quite a tricky time learning those new skills or, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:55 getting better, moving down the levels. And I definitely had some moments and some specific skills that were like really difficult mentally that I just had to sort of forget about and learn different things. Yeah, it's like on the beam. Like on the beam, like I think she said she did a, she thought she was dismounting off the beam and she wasn't and she hit her head. Yeah. And knocked herself out. The beam is definitely up there with the scary things, but I mean, they're all scary and
Starting point is 00:15:24 mum actually thanks me that I do crossfit now And not gymnastics because it's easy to watch as a spectator in terms of like I fear for my child's life right She'd rather see you, you know jerk repeatedly 185 pounds over your head and lower to your collarbone and maybe just get a broken collarbone then 185 pounds over your head and lower to your collarbone and maybe just get a broken collarbone then Dismount off a high bar. I guess when you put it that way then maybe comparable but um Hopefully you're doing things safely enough in CrossFit that that doesn't happen
Starting point is 00:15:58 Do you ever have any significant injuries in gymnastics? um I think I probably injured my knee a couple of times, but that didn't sort of come to fruition until I started CrossFit. I fell off the rope one time, like from the top, but that was probably about it. I was pretty lucky. How did that happen? I just fell. Like I probably just slipped and I just, and this was back when I went to a
Starting point is 00:16:27 gym where I fell on the 20 foot ropes, right? Yeah, they're huge. They're, they're a lot bigger in gymnastics. I reckon they'd be, yeah, probably 20 foot. I fell onto the basketball court because the mats were like, we would pack them, we would set them up and pack them up every day so I hit the basketball court not the mat because the mats hadn't been set up yet no they had been set up but like they were just not quite
Starting point is 00:16:56 where they needed to be maybe yeah damn and did you fall from the top I think like maybe three-quarters of the way do you get up and go or that's the end of your day? No, you know what? It was really frustrating because I think I rolled my ankle and then I couldn't compete in School cross-country and I was really mad. Oh you ran cross-country too. Oh well like for school We in primary school and high school, I guess Every well most people especially in primary school and high school, I guess, every, well, most people, especially in primary school, you do like your athletics day and you cross country. And then if you're good enough, you make it to like the district team and then you try
Starting point is 00:17:34 and get through to the next level and the next level until you end up at the state level. So I did it through school, but nothing outside of school. So. How many years did you do that? You tend to do it through the later half of primary school. So like probably three years and then all the way through high school as well. So maybe another five years. Um, so eight years total. Yeah, but I feel like it's not uncommon in Australia.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Like if you're a sporty person, everyone would do that. Everyone would do the house athletics day and cross country and then you'd progress through the levels and like try and represent your school. House athletics day, but it's not a day. Well, it was a day. Yeah, there was no school. Everyone gets on a bus, they go to the local athletics track in four houses. You have like a color you got to wear and then you spend the whole day
Starting point is 00:18:26 You pick what athletics eventually wants to do Like whether it be triple jump or so so Daisy you would only do cross-country one day a year No, so you'd run your cross-country at their house cross-country day Yeah, like that would be half of the day because cross-country doesn't take as long Yeah, and then if you make the team like say, I don't remember what it was. Maybe you were top five. You get to go to district cross-country and then you'd verse like the schools in your immediate area. And then did you train, but did you train cross-country?
Starting point is 00:18:56 Did you like three days a week to run? No, I didn't train at all. I just did gymnastics. Gymnastics is my life. Okay. I don't know if you know in the United States States they don't even like, some schools don't even, we don't even have PE in a lot of schools. Yeah, that sucks. Yeah, it's crazy. But you could tell by looking at our kids. Not your kids, I presume.
Starting point is 00:19:17 No, no, my kids are absolutely amazing. But I just had got my son off the couch the other day and he did 100 burpees in 3 minutes and 52 seconds. Are you kidding? Yeah, my 9 year old. That's really fast and I could do it to be honest. Yeah, I told him it was the world record. And then showed him a video of some Russian kid doing it in under 3 minutes. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:19:40 And then he's like, he said, will I be able to do that? I said, yeah, no problem. No, another year. Okay, so you're doing all that. And when do you, when does it, when do you realize you're competitive? In gymnastics? Just in anything in general. When is it like not, like my nine year oldold's been doing jujitsu since he's four and he I think he just realized That it's okay like
Starting point is 00:20:11 to to beat beat kids You know what I mean? Like he doesn't have to like just go he doesn't have to just go to the level they're at and meet them there He can be like fuck it. I'm smashing people. Yeah. I don't know, I feel like I've always been competitive. Like everything I do, I wanna try and win. It's from a young age. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:20:34 That's pretty impressive. I think that just, I don't know, that just feels normal to me. There wasn't a moment in your life or a moment where you're like, okay, I'm not losing again or I'm going to work harder or I'm better than these people. This can't be like this. I mean, it probably originated in gymnastics.
Starting point is 00:20:56 This sounds so terrible to say out loud, but- I love it. I love it already. I do remember now that you sort of brought it up out of me back in like the early levels of gymnastics, when you would go to a competition and compete against other clubs, it was only a team competition. So you, all your scores sort of counted together and then you, your team would maybe, you know, get a ribbon on the podium. But I remember being put in like a bad team
Starting point is 00:21:29 and we didn't get a medal or a ribbon. And I was like to my mom, you know, what like this team thing sucks. Like I wanna get a ribbon. I wanna, I do remember that. And then as you go through the later levels, like I think past level three, you got to compete by yourself. And I definitely enjoyed that more.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Yeah. Um, there's a, we're going through a cultural revolution right now in the United States, where there's this whole group of people who wish the whole country ran like that, that we just lowered it, everything down to the biggest dumb shit so that no one feels bad. So I respect the fact that you want to excel. Good on you. Yeah. It's an inspiration to other people around you and it's yeah, it's nothing to feel bad about. Good job. And so then you
Starting point is 00:22:19 were doing that and for 10 years, if you do gymnastics for 10 years, what would be the reason you quit and was quitting hard? Um, yeah, quitting was hard to be honest. I think the reason I stopped was just because I sort of reached the point, um, in the sport where I ticked off my goals. I knew like, you can't really, I couldn't make that jump across to like, you know, the international scene where you qualify for the Olympics that wasn't in the picture at all.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Um, and I just think I wanted to try something new. But quitting was really hard. It was hard for me to actually admit to myself that I wanted to be finished. And once I said it out loud, I was like, oh, like, thank God I've said it, like, relief. Was there a crossover? Did you start something else before you quit gymnastics? Yeah, I did it on ramp beginners course at Wolf Den. Knowing that, did you know when you did that, that that was going to be your sort of your,
Starting point is 00:23:17 yeah, not replacement, but at least a something to keep you busy until you did find what you wanted? No, I knew it was the replacement from two years prior. I remember watching the 2017 games and that was Tia and Kara on top that year and I was like, oh, this is sick. Like I'm going to the CrossFit Games. I did gymnastics for another two years and then at the end of 2019, I did Um, did gymnastics for another two years and then at the end of 2019, I did this beginners on ramp course, loved it, but then decided maybe I'm not finished with gymnastics. So I actually went back, did another month and then decided, no, I want to do CrossFit. And then 2020 I started CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Um, why were you watching the games in 2017? Um, my mom and my brother did CrossFit. Um, why were you watching the games in 2017? Um, my mom and my brother did CrossFit. Mom still does. Ah. Sorry. Dad, yeah, Dad had it on the TV. Dad's a big fan of sports, so he likes to watch CrossFit if it's on too.
Starting point is 00:24:18 What year did they start CrossFit? Mum would have started in 2013 and my brother maybe 2017 as a guess. And did your mum do any competitions or she just went to the classes? Yeah, she does. She did the quarterfinals this year in the age groups obviously and she's done that the past, however long, court finals been around and done like local competitions as well. And when your mom started CrossFit in 2013, did you have an opinion about it? Were you like, mom, what are you doing? Like, did you ever go to her classes and be like, what the hell are you doing?
Starting point is 00:24:55 I don't really think I knew what CrossFit was, or I didn't really pay attention because I was so obsessed with gymnastics. But I do remember having a like, wait around at her class, like every now and again and being like, oh, like let's go like sporing. I just don't think I paid attention to what was happening. And, and, and then, so, and you still weren't paying attention in 2017 and you just plopped down on the couch next to your dad. Sorry, not next to your dad, next to dad. You're, you, you must fit in so good in Cookeville because you just say mom or dad. Sorry, not next to your dad, next to dad. You must fit in so good in Cookeville because you just say mom or dad. You don't say your mom or dad. I remember the first
Starting point is 00:25:29 time meeting Rich and he'd be like, let's go to dad's house. I'm like, who's dad? Oh really? I haven't even heard it. Oh yeah, because you do that too. You just say mom. Like it's both my mom and your mom. Okay, so you just plopped down on the couch next to dad and then you start watching and right away, you know, what did you like about it? Do you remember? I don't really know. I thought it was cool and I thought I could get there. I think that was the extent of it.
Starting point is 00:26:00 It looked fun. It does look doable when you're, um, when you watch it on TV. Yeah. And then I started and it was a big shock. Yeah. Yeah. It's like that for everyone with their first workout, right? They say something like, Hey, you're just going to do Cindy, uh, for 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:26:17 It's not a big deal. You can do some air squats, pull ups and pushups. You're like, man, I do those all the time. And the next thing you know, you're 10 rounds in,'re like oh shit what's going on okay so you watch it and really and do you say that out loud to your dad hey I'm gonna go to the CrossFit games um I definitely said it to my mom like a couple years before I started I said I or maybe I mean I know that, that's mad shit crazy, right? I know it's too hard to go to the games
Starting point is 00:26:47 Well, I definitely said it to myself and then I definitely said it to mom prior to me starting in 2019 I said my goal is to go to the CrossFit Games. I want to go I think I can go and She and she told the owner of the box back then and they probably had a little chuckle Because you used to hear that shit all the time in 2011 and 2012 and we would laugh at the people. Just because there's you were just too many skills. It would be a guy who has a 500 pound deadlift and could run a five and a half minute mile, but but he can't do them on the same day. And you're just like, I get it. You think you're fit, but like you don't understand.
Starting point is 00:27:24 This is it's horrible And so and so I mean you just don't you hear so many people I'm trying to think the only other person I can think of right off the top of my head was Jason Kalipa and I remember we were laughing then too and and he ended up winning the games that year. Yeah Hey, Gary Yeah, crazy. Okay. There you go. Yeah, crazy.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Okay, so you see it on TV and you're like, hey, I'm gonna go there. And were you gonna win too? I've never said that. I knew I'd get there. So you're not totally bat shit crazy, just a little bit. Yeah, I'm not totally crazy.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Okay, so you say that. And then in 2019, you step into the gym. And do you just step in for one day and then take a month break, or do you step in for a week or two? In December 2019, there was a beginner's course. So it went for two weeks. And you did Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and then the same thing the next week. And we learned all the, um, you know, foundational movements.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Thank you. Like, you know, you start with an air squat and then we did a back squat and a front squat and an overhead squat. And then the next week you might learn how to snatch and clean a jerk. And so things like that, um, were those foreign to you? Like when they're like snatch, you're like, which one is that? Is that the clean or is that the, did you have to like learn all the terminology? Yeah, no, for sure. Everything was really unfamiliar.
Starting point is 00:28:54 I knew what like a back squat and a deadlift and that sort of thing was. Right. But everything else is pretty fresh. And, and the overhead squat, did you think, what did you think of that? Did you think that that was just preposterous? Were you like, what the fuck is this? Why would I carry weight a hundred pounds over my head and squat? That doesn't even seem.
Starting point is 00:29:11 No, I think, um, it made sense because I had been like consuming CrossFit media prior through starting. Cause I was like excited to start CrossFit. Um, but also like an overhead squat for me for who's a gymnast is one of the easier things to pick up. Were you, oh that's cool, were you sore during those two weeks? Oh yeah for sure. Yeah really sore. Like not feeling in the toilet. Yeah Haley and I were actually joking that after semiifinals it felt like we'd started CrossFit again for the first time because we were so sore and like walking down the stairs was terrible.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Like just wobbly like when you stand up your quads are like bobbling around in your thigh and shit. Yeah. God that is what a great story and you are proficient in taking direction and focus and all that from just your years of gymnastics and swimming and people barking shit at you. Yeah, I have been told, I've definitely been told that I'm coachable because I can take things on and, you know, make things happen from it. Yeah. So, you do the two week on ramp, you take the break, go back to gymnastics for a
Starting point is 00:30:29 month, come back to CrossFit, and then is it just full steam ahead? It was. Like I started doing classes. I loved it. I went with my brother most days. Did you end up being a daily person? Would you go three days a week or were you like... I pretty much, I'm pretty sure I went every day. Okay. Like if they're open, you're going. Yeah. Yep. We'd like a did a class every day. But then we went into lockdown,
Starting point is 00:30:56 COVID lockdown. So, and Melbourne was like one of the worst places to be. And we were in lockdown like in and out for a year and a half. So that whole like first year and a half. So that whole like first year and a half of CrossFit was in the shed at home. And did your mom have the goods in there? Did you have stuff in there? You had a bar?
Starting point is 00:31:16 Oh, like a, we had, we have a good set. Mom like was obsessed with CrossFit, like is still loves it. So she definitely made sure we had a good setup. Like the gym was awesome. They let us take things home and like borrow them for that period of time. But like we had mats, we had a bar, weights.
Starting point is 00:31:35 We had like a pull-up bar. Did you have rings? I think we got them at a later date, but not like muscle up rings, but you could do like dips or ring rows. Okay. And in so a year and a half. So are you basically just in there with your mom and your brother for a year and a half? Yeah, but we couldn't be there in there together because it was the source of arguments. Because mom and I are so similar that we definitely clash. So we definitely had to plan out our days so that we were never in there at the same time. Wow. Wow. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:32:16 It was small too. So like one person's good, max two. Okay. And can you give me an example of where a disagreement would occur? Like you would tell her like her positioning is wrong on overhead squad or something like coaching or she would coach you or? No, it was much more simple that it was literally just, you know, mom has a full time job. I wasn't working because we were in lockdown. She would come home. I would still be in the gym and she'd get mad and then I'd be like, no I've just got 10 more minutes and she'd be like, no get out and I think every COVID lockdown is
Starting point is 00:32:53 hard for everyone, that's what I'm going to say. Okay, yeah, but two fitness fanatics. Oh yeah. In one house, one gym, two freaks. Okay. God, this is what a great story. And so you're in there and are you seeing improvements during this year and a half? Are you crossing milestones? What were some of the things that you did in there that you were like, oh, that's pretty crazy. I did that.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Yeah. The owner of the affiliate back then, he gave me like a lifting program. Um, cause obviously gymnasts pretty good at like picking up new skills, but generally not very strong cause we're, you know, quite skinny and have never done that sort of thing before. So I did a lifting, but you guys have big butts and big quads, right? And big, like the, right. So, um, when I think of gymnasts, if you're Simone Biles you do, but generally not really. Really? Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:52 So, so you weren't, you weren't just, you didn't go in there and you just had crazy glutes and you were just a squatting machine. Oh, interesting. I was very skinny. Okay. And I still am, but I'm working on it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:02 How tall are you? I am five foot seven. Okay. How tall are you? I am five foot seven. Okay. Oh, thank you for doing the... Do you guys normally do centimeters? No, we always do centimeters and meters, but I feel like for height, most people say feet. Okay. Well, I appreciate the conversion, knowing your audience. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:21 And so you're tall... You would be tall for a gymnast too, right? Yeah, I was definitely on the taller side, for sure. Okay. Okay. Sorry. Back to the milestone. So he gave you a weightlifting, uh, like a program. Yeah. Um, so I followed that like every day or like three days a week, maybe. I remember I hit a, I'm going to do the conversions for you again. I remember I hit a 125 pound snatch, so I had the blues on. Wow. That was a big milestone for sure.
Starting point is 00:34:51 I remember I did a strict muscle up in the low rings. So basically you're seated. You did it from like a seated position. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I did start with bent arms, but I counted it. Right. Fair. Yep. I counted it. And then I also learned how to link like butterfly pull-ups. I remember that being a big thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:17 What about your deadlift? Do you remember your first deadlift was how much? How much did your first deadlift? I'm not sure, but I actually, I saw a memory come up on Snapchat the other day of like three years ago, three or four years ago, maybe. I'm doing deadlifts in the shed part of the weightlifting program. And I remember I did 95 kilos. So what's that like 215? Yeah, wow. Wow. And like now that's like, like funny looking back at it. I remember, I remember putting 135 on the bar for the first time. I'm doing a deadlift. I was so excited to use the big weights.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Crazy. So 215. So you were strong. No, no, I'm not strong. Unfortunately, 215 for five in your first year of CrossFit seems okay, maybe But I feel like you might not be strong relative for the girls that you're gonna see in Texas But you but you're strong, but okay. Sure. I'll take it. All right and
Starting point is 00:36:19 How much do you weigh? 155. Oh, OK. So maybe you are kind of skinny. Yeah. For 5'7". Yeah. I'm trying, but it's difficult.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Yeah. But it could also be perfect. When you started this, did your body composition change a lot? Yeah, for sure. I think I went through like delayed puberty. Oh, that's what I feel. I started CrossFit when I was 34. And I feel like it like I went started going through puberty
Starting point is 00:36:52 again. It's totally true. I was like, wow, I didn't even know my body could do this. Gymnastics like definitely stunts your growth, just because I think you put yourself under such a mench, immense pressure. And like stress your body's under so much stress that it just sort of like holds back from doing all that sort of thing. So then when I stopped training 24 hours a week, that happened.
Starting point is 00:37:12 So yeah, it did. And you're trying to stay skinny in gymnastics, right? So that you can move around on the bar well? Yeah. Cause the, I mean, I feel like that just with pull-ups and muscle-ups, like if I can just, if I do it in the morning, even before I eat, I feel like if just with pull-ups and muscle-ups like if I can just if I do it in the morning even before I eat I feel like if you can keep five pounds off it you can get a few extra reps in yeah no for sure um it was never really a conscious thought in my head but it is
Starting point is 00:37:36 yeah that's the general consensus is like lighter is better but I'm under the impression that if I went and did gymnastics now I could be better because I have like more power and more strength. Yeah, like I've gone and done like sessions in the gym and just like tried to do my old skills and some of them I can do way better than I ever could have just because I've put on muscle. Like a press to handstand or something is just like nothing for you now? I wouldn't say that, but like there's certain things. It's more, you're tumbling.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Okay. Like things you're using power for. Less body weight sort of dependent movements probably are harder. What about just like, can you still do that? Could you just like sit on the floor and open your legs, put your hands between your legs and push into a handstand? No, I definitely couldn't do that.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Unfortunately, I wish I could. Could you used to be able to do that? I don't really know. I don't think so. I think you should try. I bet you could do it. What makes you what? No, just some sense of make an Instagram post for tonight. I'll watch. Hey, what makes you think you can try. I bet you could do it. What makes you... Right. What?
Starting point is 00:38:45 No, just sometimes make an Instagram post for tonight. I'll watch. Hey, what makes you think you can't do that? Aren't you really good on your hands, Daisy? I'm really good at handstand walking. I'm really not so great at pressing strength. But you're very flexible too, right? Definitely pressing strength.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Sorry? You're very flexible too, right? I heard you say? Yeah. You have good mobility yeah yeah i bet you i bet you could do it i bet you could rock forward get a little momentum and and and do it how's your in your core is probably fucking nuts um yeah i'd say so i yeah do you like a front squat Do you like a front squat? No. No?
Starting point is 00:39:24 I mean, I do, but it's hard not to compare myself to the field I'm about to go up against. I'd say an overhead squat would be better for me. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Okay. But still great stability. Sure.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Yeah. So you're in there and you're training hard and you come out. And after a year and a half, you get back into the Wolf Den. Yes. Yeah. We were in and out. We, we did, we had to do some training outside. We have like a good outside set up with mats and like a rig, um, which was cool because you'd spent so long in the shed that like seeing one person at a time and doing an hour class with them was really fun but after a year and a half we pretty much went back in the gym for good.
Starting point is 00:40:14 One quick question back to the weight, what's the lightest you ever weighed when you were 5'7"? Do you remember? I don't think I ever really weighed myself. Do you think you put on 15 pounds since you started doing CrossFit? remember? I don't think I ever really weighed myself. Um, do you think you put on, you think you've put on 15 pounds since you started doing CrossFit? Oh yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:33 It's crazy. Right. Kilos. You can just, you can just like, so, Oh, this is really hot. Me one 30.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Yeah. Crazy. Okay. So that's a, that's like 25 pounds. Yeah. And you see that a lot. I think it was Abigail Domet or someone was saying, yes, soon as they got, I mean, I've heard it so many times from women, they get in the gym and they start working out and it just, the muscle just starts just, they just start getting really, really
Starting point is 00:41:02 strong. Well, congratulations to you. What a great what a great, um, what a, what a great life experience to have to let your body finally loose and just, yeah, get after it and be who you're supposed to be. Um, and, um, so up until this point, because of the lockdowns, you hadn't done a competition. Yeah, that's right. I did. Uh, yeah, I think it probably would have been
Starting point is 00:41:26 pretty much as soon as we got back in the gym. Did one then. You signed up for one and how did that go? I don't really remember. It was a partner comp. I actually did it with my now boyfriend. friend. And I remember we didn't win or anything, but I remember we had to do Kettlebell thrusters and they were like the worst thing in the world. How old is he? He is 27. And when you did that comp with him, were there sparks right away? I thought there were, but when I asked him about it now, he says he saw me as a friend when we did that con. Which I, yeah, it's funny now, but I thought there were, but there wasn't apparently.
Starting point is 00:42:18 So you were like, damn, this dude's into me. Yeah. I think he was just really nice, but yeah. Well, he's an Australian man. They're all nice, right? Yeah, I think he was really nice. But he yeah. I mean, he's an Australian man. They're all nice, right? Exactly. And how and how he works out at the gym there? Yeah, he does the 6am class and then goes to work. And would you purposely go to the 6am class to see him?
Starting point is 00:42:49 No, sorry. Back when we started like training together, um, he was a uni student. So we trained in the afternoon together at like open, open gym. So we trained from like three till five. And then, but yet now he works full time and does the 6am class, but we're dating now. So I don't need to go and like, go to the 6 a.m. class. How long have you been dating? Um, just over two years. So COVID's over. You go back to the gym.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Had you ever seen this guy before? Um, yes, I had, I don't even remember how we first met. So bad. I don't even remember how we first met. So bad. We like definitely did some training together when we were training outside, like when we were in lockdown. Okay, so the days that they would open up for a few days and you'd go back.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Yeah. And then you would see him. Yeah. Crazy. And then did he finally start courting you or did you have to like full press him? Yes. Yeah, Um, yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Oh, perfect. Okay. Great answer. Great answer. God, how great. I think that that's just like, that sounds like the, um, the dream come true to go to a gym and be working out, especially a gym, like a CrossFit gym and to meet someone you like there and have it work out.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Yeah, it's pretty good. I couldn't imagine training as much as I do and being with someone who doesn't understand it. If they weren't fit or didn't appreciate what I did, then it would be really hard. I think that's a bit of a deal-breaker. And so you do that you do this partner comp with him and then do you just keep doing comps like are you the kind of person that you know where to look on the internet for comps and you're just like okay oh there's one. Oh goodness it's really hard to remember to be honest. How about what do you do
Starting point is 00:44:44 these days what do you do these days? What do you do? Do you look around for comps in your area or are the people you run with everyone just knows? There's some local ones that happen like every year. So you sort of know when they're going to be on and like maybe we'll do that one or that sort of thing. But I think like the next year I just did like the open
Starting point is 00:45:05 and the quarter finals and then that sort of thing. But I've definitely done quite a few local comps. And now Haley and I sort of scout out what one we might be able to do. How did you meet her? Sorry, I actually met her at, no, I actually saw her for the first time at the same comp I just talked about with my boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Yeah. So we were competing as a pair. And then there was also the individual comp happening and Haley was doing female RX. And I don't know if she won, but the announcer said, you know, Haley Adams. And I was like, Oh my God, like her name's the same as the other Haley Adams. And then I think I like followed her on Instagram from there. Um, but we actually did our CrossFit level one together. Oh, just how you went there and you're like, Oh, there's that chick from the comp.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Yes. And then you just gravitated towards each other and went to hang out during the breaks or during all that stuff. No, we and went to hang out during the breaks or during all that stuff? No, we actually didn't hang out during the breaks. I was really nervous and I didn't approach her. So we didn't actually hang out again until she approached me to train together. Wow. Yeah. There was a missed opportunity there for a long time. And how did she approach you? She just DM'd you and said, Hey girl, I see your fit.
Starting point is 00:46:25 You want to train together? Yeah, exactly that. We both, I'd been doing mayhem athlete for ages. And she just started and she had seen me on the leaderboard and was like, like we'd be doing the same thing. Like, do you want to get up, like get together and train? And I was like, yeah, absolutely. And then we spent one afternoon training together.
Starting point is 00:46:44 It was so much fun. So she came again. And then like after a couple of weeks of that, she was like, am I a bad smell? Like, do you want me around or not? And I'm like, no, like, this is so much fun. Like, let's keep doing this. And then we haven't looked back since.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Like, it's so much fun. That's awesome. When did you, I really like her. She's cool. What a fun gal. When did you pick I really like her. She's cool. What a fun gal. Um, when did, um, when did you pick up, uh, mayhem training? When were you like, okay, I'm doing classes. It's not enough. I'm going to search out for a, uh, something else.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Um, I think it was like the obvious peak because when we came out of lockdown, um, the gym became a mayhem affiliate. Okay. And then I, I think the owners, because they have the affiliate programming, they got access to all the other tracks they have. And then they would sort of share them with me and I would do those workouts. And then it was just sort of the natural progression. So I've always really been doing mayhem. Do you have a point person at the gym who you bounce like a coach that you bounce stuff off of like,
Starting point is 00:47:45 Hey, I'm, uh, I want to start doing more training or, Hey, I'm thinking about going to quarterfinals. When did you let it out of the bag that like, Hey, I got to tell you something. I'm going to the games. Like, when do you tell those people? I didn't really ever tell anyone at the gym. I don't think like I just told my mom and then I think she, you know, jokingly said it to the owner. But I don't know if I really ever told anyone at the gym until it was like actually kind
Starting point is 00:48:12 of could be a reality. So like last year. And so when you would train Daisy, did you let's say let's just pick a random day, you know, a year and a half ago and you would go into the gym Was there a part of you in your brain that only you knew that you were going you were training for the games like you Like you'd be like, okay. I'm training for the games today. No one knows that I do For the games. Okay, I'm gonna stay after class I'm gonna go back later and today in the gym and work out because I'm training for the games and I saw that's what
Starting point is 00:48:42 Kara Saunders does No, I mean, I wish that was the story because that would be funny, but I feel like it was more the achievable goal first. So I knew I wanted to go to the games, but like I hadn't made semi-finals. So it was like, like I'm training because my goal is semi-finals. Not quarterfinals. That was a give you that was a given. I got to quarterfinals straight away. Okay. So you get to quarterfinals straight away. And so, but you do know, I guess I'm guessing at that point you're like, you're starting to be like, okay, there's this thing people talk about weaknesses.
Starting point is 00:49:18 What are my weaknesses? I need to work on my weaknesses. And you start sifting around like that. Yeah, for sure. Um, I definitely, and I regrettably too, I avoided my weaknesses because I, I feel like maybe I didn't want to work on them because other people would look at me and be like, what's she doing? Sure. And now I look beat them in every workout and you can't do a road climb. They're like, what? Yeah, it was literally like that too. Not rope climbs, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:47 And did you have a moment where you have you transcended that now? Now is it like, like, who cares? Oh, yeah, 100%. Okay, I don't care if I the first things I do in the day to make sure I have the most energy to like, prioritize them through that. And then I can do, we call it, you got to eat your veggies before you have dessert. Did you ever turn any weaknesses into strengths? Um, they're becoming better. Um, but I, uh, I've definitely turned weaknesses into things I enjoy doing.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Cause they used to be things that I didn't like. I didn't like. I didn't like. I didn't like. I didn't like. I didn't like. I didn't like. I didn't like. I didn't like. I didn't like. better. But I've definitely turned weaknesses into things I enjoy doing. Because they used to be things like they'd come up in the workout and I'd like be like, oh, like, I don't want to go to training like that's gonna be so hard. Maybe I'll just scale it. But now, like a legless road climb comes up in training. I'm so excited to do that workout. Because when you achieve that, I'm guessing that that's gotta be a crazy boost to the overall confidence, right? Like one year you show up at a comp
Starting point is 00:50:55 and you can't do whatever, muscle up or rope climb, and three years later you're winning them, that's gotta be like free, that's gotta like, the whole system has to be, you know, all the movements have to be like cheering for you you know what I mean if all the movements are little people inside of you they all got to be like yeah that's going to be me one day yeah for sure like and it played out exactly like that too like my first big competition here in Australia um which is the Down Under Championships back in 2022,
Starting point is 00:51:26 I think, 20, yeah, 2022. We had, there was six legless rope climbs total in this workout and I did one. And then the second one, I stood there for the rest, trying to get it, couldn't get it, tried again, the whole time cap, I spent trying to do the second legless Road Climb. But then like flash forward to Taurean this year,
Starting point is 00:51:49 I like did pretty well in the Lagos Road Climb workout. Did you cry at that event, the Down Under event when you stood there under the rope? I wanted to, but I didn't. You fought it off, you just pushed them away. Maybe I did after the event, you know, in my lonesome, but I definitely didn't on the floor. What do you think about the emotional roller coaster? I don't think the fans understand what you guys go through, especially at the games. It's a wild, wild emotional rollercoaster. I mean, the people's emotions are just all over the place.
Starting point is 00:52:29 What do you think about that part of the sport? Does it does it always creep up on you? And you're like, what the fuck is this? Because I always feel like that, like whenever I'm doing something hard, and I start to feel emotion, I'm like, it's like, I can never get used to it. I'm like, where is this coming from? I mean, for me, it's really the biggest, like one of my biggest challenges is just like, um, I guess just keeping my head screwed on, right. And making sure like I tell myself I can
Starting point is 00:52:56 do it so that I can, and it ends up, you know, so that it's your physical self that lets you down know your mental self Yeah, yeah like semi-finals was was good this year was really fun, you know, I didn't have too many downs at all But you know, the games is gonna be I'm sure it'll be a little bit different It is pretty it is pretty Incredible that you had two freaks like Cara Saunders and tia to me uh come out of your reason region, I mean cara was an absolute freak when she showed up on the scene everyone was like what is this And then tia has obviously surpassed that to be the greatest of all time
Starting point is 00:53:40 Uh, so eight third sixth second eighth eleventh. Yeah, that's a good run Yeah Yeah, I was happy with that um and Um, but but you didn't have it sealed necessarily going into the final event? No, I didn't have it sealed but I knew something bad would have to happen for me to not qualify. But yeah, I was definitely very nervous going into the last event because it was the one I was most, you know, had the most questions about as well. Did you have any errors in it? When I had Lexi Nealy on, she took 25th and she was saying that she got off the bike and
Starting point is 00:54:19 rings almost first and then she abandoned her plan. She's like, fuck it, I'm carrying the dumbbells. And she said the wheels fell off the the bus she said she didn't even know basically what was going on her hand one of her hands stopped working um no not necessarily but I think I I would it I think I would have tried to go unbroken but Haley actually told me before the event because she was in the heat prior she was like do not go to failure on the lunges. Like, you will regret it. You won't be able to pick them back up again.
Starting point is 00:54:47 So I stopped like a couple lines from the end and that definitely paid off because my last lunge, like the dumbbell was coming out of my hand. So if I didn't break it, I think it could have been different. Wow. And that is what Lexi Neely said. She said she thought she did the first half put them down and then she's like
Starting point is 00:55:05 Oh, this is nothing. I'm I was gonna plan on setting it down three times I'm just gonna cross the finish line and I think she said she was in the last little segment and It slipped out a foot from the finish line like three times and she had to go back three times or something and she She said it was pretty wild and she barely I mean, she's lucky she made it because she took a 25th when when wild. And she barely I mean, she's lucky she made it because she took a 25th. When when Haley gives you that advice, do you does one party want to say be like, yo, bitch, I got this to shut your mouth? Or like, how do you take advice from? No, I know she's got my best interest in heart. Yeah. And she's smart to like, she is generally the queen of like pacing and getting faster as you go on. And I tend to be the opposite. But it
Starting point is 00:55:54 was funny because at Torian in the first workout, the commentators were on her for pacing poorly. Oh, like, is she like too fast or too slow? Um, too fast. Too fast. She came forth in the workout. Sorry. Oh, okay. Yeah. She did really well. Okay. Yeah. So when she gives me that advice, I like definitely take it. So you appreciate it. And you used it. So you actually used it. You're like, okay, I don't want to, I can't, I think I can do it, but I'm going to do it. And then when you got to the end, you felt it peeling out of your hand and You're like, okay, I don't want to, I can't, I think I can do it, but I'm going to do it. And then when you got to the end, you felt it peeling out of your hand and you're like, well, point, point Haley. Yeah, a hundred percent.
Starting point is 00:56:31 God, that's cool. That's really cool. And the nerves at Torian, I know you have a massive crowd there. You like it or is it unsettling? No, it's really cool. Honestly, um, it's, it's, it's helpful. It makes you push harder. Um, with something like the snatch ladder, sometimes those weights can get in your head and you're like, Oh, can I do it? Can I not? But with the crowd that you just go for it.
Starting point is 00:57:01 Uh, that's, that was event five. Yeah. And you took eight, good job. Any errors on that workout? Any mislifts? No, none. So you paced it perfect? Yeah, I think I did for myself for sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:18 Pissed off at all? Like, oh, I could have gone faster, I paced it too much? I definitely wish, I mean, I don't really care now, but in the, like after the event, I was like, damn, I could have got one more place higher if I'd just gone for the last lift a little bit quicker. But at the same time, I was like, if you fail now, you might fail again three more times.
Starting point is 00:57:38 So just be safe, hit it. And that was one event away from finishing two. I knew I was in a place to qualify. So it was more just taking it like a little bit on the safe side. Have you looked at this list of girls going to the games? Yeah. It's crazy. I've been a fan watching for years.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Yeah, it's crazy, right? I mean, these semi-finals are really hard. And then you look and how many... There's seven semi-finals are really hard and then you look and there's seven semi-finals, is that what it is? How many are there? Five? Let me see how many there is. There's one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
Starting point is 00:58:17 So there's seven semi-finals, which means that the best a first place finisher could get at a semi-final is seventh. Or one of them for sure is going to get seventh or worst. Right? Because there's so if let's say those were all the best girls in the world. Right. Theoretically. Yeah. And they finish one through seven. One of them still going to get seventh. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Which is just nuts. Yeah. Because in their region, they put their,
Starting point is 00:58:46 they're the shit. Yeah, well they might not even get seventh. Right, they might get, yeah right, exactly. They might get 30th, right, or 40th even, yeah. Yeah, what, the CrossFit Games really are something of a, I mean, we're so lucky to have them. Where they drag all these people from around the world and be like, okay,
Starting point is 00:59:09 we're going to crown the fittest. Yeah. I'm very excited to compete. You're in Cookville now. Yep. We're in Cookville. We've been here for a week and a half and we'll be here till Sunday. And then we're headed to Texas.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Who's we? Um, my boyfriend, Adam. Oh, he came with you. Yep. He took time off work and he was here with the whole for the whole two weeks. And then we'll meet my parents and my brother in Texas. And then the owners of the gym they're coming as well and two other families Does he know what to do like this is his first yeah
Starting point is 00:59:52 This is his first games too like you hear people be like, okay Well that that first one was a little rough with my mate, but then they figured it out. Um Like you hear Ariel talk about that with Dylan. Like, yeah, the first one, he really fucked up. Look, I don't know. He does a pretty good job. Semifinals has been good the past two years, but like he doesn't get my coaches pass. So like, we keep it separate because I'd probably be like, you know, I'd probably say I didn't want to.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Right. Who gets your coaches pass? Um, so Rico, who's the owner of the say so if I didn't want to. Who gets your coach's pass? Um, so Rico, who's the owner of the gym, he'll get my coaches pass. So he's the guy I train with like every day other than Haley. Okay. So he knows how to deal with you. He knows how to like where your water is, how you like your shit mixed up, what to say to you. Um, he definitely knows what to say to me.
Starting point is 01:00:42 That's his like, that's his mate. That's his superpower. God, you're lucky. That's cool. Yeah. And has he ever been to the games? No, he's never been as a spectator or as a coach. So he's very excited and he's like a mega rich fan. So he's very excited to come to Cookville.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Oh, they're actually getting here tomorrow. So they'll be here for a few days before we head to Texas Yeah, you know the cool thing about Rich is um You know, they there's that line never meet your heroes. I know we were saying that but rich won't let you down I met him. He was so lovely He's even better in person it's weird. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's crazy. Um, and what's the scene there? Do you, um, do you have a, can you go into the special room where the special people can go? Yeah, we've been doing like most things in there, but, um, other times we'll come out and use the main gym for specific things, but it's just sort of been anywhere we need to be. specific things, but it's just sort of been anywhere we need to be. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:44 But the past weekend, we did a bit of a game simulation. So everyone doing the same thing, which was really fun, but definitely really tough. And who are some of the... So I know Luke is there, right? Yeah. And I know Haley's there. Yeah. So you got Roman.
Starting point is 01:02:04 Okay, Roman, Guy. Roman. Got Guy. There's Karen Fraiova. Oh, yeah. She's really lovely. Victoria Campos. Oh, oh shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:12 I was trying to get Victoria Campos on. Yeah. Oh man. How have I, let me see. Let me check my phone. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, oh shit. Yeah. I was trying to get Victoria Campos on. Oh man. How have I, let me, let me check my DMs real quick. See if she's, thank you. Sorry. Small break in the show. Everyone, time to take a pee break.
Starting point is 01:02:36 Victoria Campos. Did I? I can talk, I can put in a word for you tomorrow if you like. Oh, please do. So I sent her a DM. Oh shit. I sent her a DM from the wrong account. I sent her from my kids account on accident. And then I tried to send her one from my real account. You know how they have this thing now where you can't message someone unless you can message them once but you can't keep messaging them?
Starting point is 01:03:02 I've never tried to do that. Say that again? I've never tried to do that. but you can't keep messaging them? Unless they respond. I've never tried to do that. Say that again? I've never tried to do that. I don't usually try. I don't bother people. Oh, she said, cool, I text you. Oh, there you go.
Starting point is 01:03:16 But I didn't see the text. You didn't see my message either. Yeah. Does she use WhatsApp? I'm not sure. Okay, Victoria Campos. Let me put her, see if I put her in my search for it. Hey, someone's Victoria.
Starting point is 01:03:32 Oh shit, there it is. Son of a bitch. When you're as popular as me, it's hard. I'm going to share your number with Suza. Sorry for the delay. Hopefully we can do a show. Okay. Oh, son of a bitch.
Starting point is 01:03:59 I wonder how many are that are like that. Very well organized here. Seve, you're slacking, I know. Normally every year I'm like, okay, I'm gonna get all the athletes. And this year I was just kind of like, just blase fare about it. I'll just like, I don't know what happened.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Maybe I'm not, I'm a half the man I used to be. So you're in Cookeville, there's all these monsters here. And so when they do the simulation, how they, how long do they tell you like, okay, here's the schedule for two weeks building up to the game. Just so you know, on this Thursday, if you want to participate, we're going to do a simulation be here at 8 a.m. And you get there and Jake Lockard's there and he's like, welcome everyone. You guys are special.
Starting point is 01:04:37 And he gives you a little pep talk. And then in the name of God and the Queen of England, I present to you that you are the fittest at Cookeville and you go and you're off to the races? Um, no. I just got here. I'd been in contact with Jake by email about like coming and training prior. And then once I got here, he let me know that we were doing a bit of a simulation and then jumped on in. Did he tell you, did you get noticed or you just roll up one day and you're like hey you're on lane six? No I got here on a Friday and then the following Thursday we started. But you knew. So I had notice.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Yeah. And is it an option to not, does everyone do it? Not everyone did it. Is there some of the athletes? Sorry? Some of the athletes don't do it. Like Roman might be like, I must break you. I not do it. No, Roman did it. Oh.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Yep. But some people, but you did it. Yeah, I did it. And you did it all the way to the end? Yep. It was a long weekend. How many workouts does it end up being? We did 13. Yeah. Wow. It was good fun. It was a good experience. I know how to like, you know,
Starting point is 01:05:55 mentally prepare when something unfamiliar or tricky or scary comes up. Yeah. And um, do you debrief with your coach, Daisy, every night, like after that's over? Like, are you like, okay, these are some of the things that happened. This was good, this was bad. I wanted to cry here. Like, do you debrief? Not really, no.
Starting point is 01:06:17 I debrief with Adam. No, not really. I'm just sort of like along for the ride. I'm trying to be chill, take it all in, experience it, have fun. And this is your first time to Cookeville? That's right. First time to the States? No, I've been before.
Starting point is 01:06:32 We did a bit of trekking around a couple of maybe 10 years ago. Mum did like some competitions here. She does like, she did obstacle racing. Okay. Um, like Spartan, you know that? Yep. She did that, like the world championships in her age group. So we came and did that. And then we've been to Hawaii as well. Oh, cool. Okay. And what do you think of Cookville? Are you enjoying it? Like the small, the small country? Um, I really like mayhem. Yeah. Um, I definitely like home more. Yeah. Uh, it's nice here. Like we've had lots of rainy weather, so it's kind of been a bit shit, but it at least it's warm, which is a lot better than it is at home. A warm and, and rainy, like humid, lots of like, parking lot
Starting point is 01:07:26 lights and they're covered in bugs buzzing around and Yeah, really. Yeah, really. So you like being really sweaty? Um, yeah, like unless, yeah, when I'm working out for sure. Unless you don't like when you're trying to hold on to the bar, it's been annoying. But right. But in Cookville, it's like you walk out of the house, just to go to your car like to get something you forgot and you come back and you're trying to hold onto the bar, it's a bit annoying, but. Right. But in, in Cookville, it's like you walk out of the house just to go to your car, like to get something you forgot and you come back and you're sweaty. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:50 I'm sweaty right now. Cause like I'm a jumper and I, I don't want to take it off now. So I'm sweating. Oh, you're, did you rent an Airbnb? Yeah. But you're in an Airbnb. Just the two of you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:03 Oh, so it's nice. So this is kind of like for Adam, it's a vacation. Yeah, we're in an Airbnb. Just the two of you? Yeah. Oh, so it's nice. So this is kind of like, for Adam, it's a vacation. Yeah, it is. And he just like got to, he's training, doing his own thing, and he just got to watch like Roman workout for a whole weekend. So he's loving it. And does he hang out in the coffee shop a lot?
Starting point is 01:08:20 He doesn't drink coffee. Oh, interesting. I know, it's select yarn, but the coffee there is so good. It's Melbourne worthy. So you are just absolutely living the dream now. Yeah, definitely. We're on a vacation. Four years to get to the CrossFit Games, kind of unheard of.
Starting point is 01:08:39 Do you still take classes at your gym at home? No, I coach them every so often. Okay. But I haven't taken a class in a little while. I used to do the Saturday class because they'd be like a really fun partner workout, but I started doing some PT stuff on the side. So that's what it takes up Saturday morning. That means like, uh, either someone's working on your body or you're working on your body, personal training. So I go to their house and I work like help them work out.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Okay wow look at you you're so you're fully immersed. Yeah. You're out of school? No I'm in my last year at university I'm studying physiotherapy or like PT as you call it here. How do you guys do this? And you still live at home? Yeah. I'm pretty lucky to live at home.
Starting point is 01:09:30 I think it would be hard to try and study full time, train full time, and then somehow make money. Yeah. I have to like not live at home. So pretty lucky. And I'm guessing your dad is absolutely tickled that he gets to see you every day. Like he's stoked that you're at home. Um, I reckon.
Starting point is 01:09:50 Yeah. Probably more than mom. He's really happy. Let me tell you, if he's, if he's like watching sports and shit, now he got you in the house, he must be so excited. Yeah. So proud of you. Yeah. He must be so proud of you. I, he must be so proud of you.
Starting point is 01:10:06 I mean, it doesn't sound like you give your parents anything to worry about. I always remind them that I'm a really good kid and I could be out, you know, partying, doing drugs and coming home really early in the morning and I don't do any of that. Yeah. And that, you know, just because I forgot to hang out the washing, I'm not a bad kid. Just because of what? Just because I forgot to hang out the washing, I'm not a bad kid. Oh, oh, oh, oh, you guys don't have a dryer at your house? No, you know what? That's the one thing I've noticed when we're here in Cookville, is you guys don't have like a clothes line, like to hang your clothes out.
Starting point is 01:10:41 You can put everything in the dryer. No, we don't exercise as kids and we don't hang our really do you guys have dryers and you just don't use them? We have a dryer but it's very infrequently used like everything gets hung out like on a line with pegs to hold it on so like when I'm here like I don't want to put my um spandex material in the dryer because it shrinks. So I like I've just been hanging it over the table chairs.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Wow, I didn't know that about Australia. Yeah, we don't really use them that much. I thought maybe in the south they still did clotheslines, but I guess not. If anywhere would do it, it would be Cookville. I mean, they sure as hell don't do it in California. well we we don't have one here and I wish we did wow fascinating yeah so when you would when you came there you're like hey where's the line and you're there like what line um we didn't ask I just we just assumed we looked in every cupboard we don't have one hey We don't have one. Hey, I think in hotels in the showers... Oh yeah, I've seen those before.
Starting point is 01:11:49 They have these metal things with like a wire. Is that for hanging your clothes? Possibly, I think. Or maybe hanging your towel. It's weird. I always, I've always, I see those things and I see the little... I've always wondered like, what is this? Yeah. Maybe something, maybe...
Starting point is 01:12:04 Dryers use too much, use so much electricity too yeah and they make the house really hot too oh no no no they we've the air blows outside oh not in this airbnb oh the dryer that the hot air blows into the into the room yeah it's adding to the sweatiness. Oh yeah. That's ghetto. Does that place have AC? It does. It does have good AC.
Starting point is 01:12:30 I will say that. But the dry and the AC going at the same time, it's very loud. Do you guys use Amazon in Australia? Do you guys have Amazon there? Um, yeah, we do, but I don't really use it. I think my dad does. Do you use Amazon when you're in the States? I haven't.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Do I? I mean, if you wanted a clothesline, you could go on Amazon and they would bring it to you tomorrow. I feel like it's too late now. We're about to leave. I'm happy with the chairs. The sun kills bacteria the dryer does not. I still hang clothes especially stinking workout clothing. I know you do clocks probably like 75 one of the listeners that's older than me. This is a kind of a crazy question, but it's kind of a crazy show.
Starting point is 01:13:27 This doesn't sound like you're one and done. No. You are fully in it and you sound like in your mind you're still maybe in your infancy. You sound like you have all the hunger still in you Yeah, absolutely. Like it's only been four years. I want to come back to cook for next year. Oh, wow So you're really enjoying it there? Yeah, like the training environments awesome. Um, I Don't want to just be a one-time thing. Yeah, so do the games
Starting point is 01:14:05 Maybe do some other events maybe do some other events, maybe do Rogue. I don't know what the qualifying system is, but maybe in the years to come. And then maybe do, how about Wadaplooza? Is that on your checklist? Think it'll be tricky to do this year, just given everything that's happening with like my studies. Oh. But maybe, maybe in the years to come. How about that one in Dubai? I think that's probably the same.
Starting point is 01:14:30 Like it's gonna be a bit tricky this year. Just everything's wrapping up for uni. Like before I came on here, we were busily trying to finish our thesis that we've got to submit in a few days. To what? To stay longer? No, like my university paper. Oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 01:14:48 Like it's my final one that I submit with a group that's like our research project. So we did a bunch of research on a- You call it a visa? No, a thesis. Oh, thesis, thesis, thesis. Yeah, like an essay. Yeah, gotta have my ears checked.
Starting point is 01:15:08 So I like this. So the plan is go to the CrossFit Games, falls to the wall, soak it all in, get all the experience, go back home, continue to work, wrap up some loose ends of some adventures you have other places in your life like schooling. Don't get pregnant. That's not on the cards.
Starting point is 01:15:31 Yeah, good. Okay. You have plenty of time for that. And then do the open. Yep. And quarterfinals and semi-finals. And wow. How fun.
Starting point is 01:15:42 Yeah. So fun. So much to look forward to. Nothing better than a Hill's hoist. What's that? It's like the OG Australian clothesline. It's like a, has a pole in the center and then like a big circle of lines around. And it's commonly used to one, dry your clothes,
Starting point is 01:16:14 but two people attach. Have you ever heard of a goon bag? No. Okay. So in Australia, there's a thing called a goon bag. So G O N goon. Okay. It's like a bag filled with cheap wine. And people put a peg and attach it to the clothesline. And that's like people drink from the goon bag that's attached to the clothesline at like parties. It's a very Australian thing to do. Search up Goon Bag on a hill's hoist. Oh wow. Oh wow. Great moments, the history of the Goonsac. Yeah. I don't participate in that but...
Starting point is 01:17:00 A silver bag of piss I can later use as a pillow. G'day I'm Ray Martin, quite frankly I don't need this gig. Goon sack. This little... That's the Hill's hoist. So that's our clothesline. I have one identical to this at home. So if you're having like a backyard party, people will get this really cheap goon bag.
Starting point is 01:17:21 It's like super cheap wine. It probably tastes really bad. And they peg it onto the clothesline and they're like, I don't know, play games, spin it, drink it. Do you put a cup under it or you just drink from it? No, you drink from it. You put your mouth under it. Wow. Um, I, that, so I used to drink a lot of box wine in college. Yeah. I would use it to seduce women. And that's what's inside of the, uh,
Starting point is 01:17:44 the cardboard box. Yes. The green what's inside of the cardboard box. Yes, the Goon bag is inside of the box. Wow. Now you know. Do you recognize this guy? No, I don't know who that is. I'm on Australian television. We bother to find out. Wow, the Goon... Oh, and this is a whole history, the invention of the Goon sack.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Yeah. Okay, I wonder if you guys invented box wine. Oh look at... Let's put wine in the bag. Say it again. I'm not sure, maybe. Maybe we invented attaching it to the clothesline. Man. Okay, wow. That's very communal. Man. Okay. Uh wow. Very um that's very communal. Yeah very. All right. Bit disgusting.
Starting point is 01:18:32 I'm excited to meet you. I guess I won't meet Adam. He'll be in the stands. I don't usually mingle with the peasants. He's right up in the stands too. He got a good seat? Oh yeah, the athlete allocation puts them right up high. Athlete allocation, meaning the tickets they give you the opportunity to buy, you can get your parents like right in the front row? No, the athlete allocation, the only ones available were right up the top because- What do you mean right at the top like right far away in the nosebleeds oh they gave the athletes shit tickets hey do you want family to come we got some tickets for you yeah because oh i'll definitely not see him i definitely those
Starting point is 01:19:15 are the way peasants i definitely not going up there to see those people wow yeah so if your eyes are that bad stuffy. Um, so when you, did you get, who gets those finish line tickets? I would figure, I would figure they would give you those to all like your parents so that we could get the shots of you like crying and your dad being like, I knew you weren't retarded. I knew you could do it. And like hug you and get the beautiful shots. I mean, that would make sense, but I think those are the ones that sell out like
Starting point is 01:19:45 immediately when they release them, but when they still charge you for them full price, they should just offer them to you. Yeah. You know what I mean? They could offer you double charge you double. Yeah, I think, but when the tickets were released back in like the start of the year, I didn't, my parents, I know by the tickets, but I haven't made the games and it's in America.
Starting point is 01:20:04 You know what I mean? Like, we only bought, they only bought tickets but I haven't made the games and it's in America. I mean like all right We only bought they only bought tickets because I made it. Sorry, right but but They could still block off. So 40 plus 40 is 82 tickets each 100. They could block off 160 tickets That are like, I don't know $2,000 for the week or whatever and to be like, hey do you guys want these and then if no one wants, they could put them on sale and they'll go like, Yeah, I agree. That would, that would make sense.
Starting point is 01:20:31 I mean, that's the coolest thing. Like, you know what I mean? Like you see Justin Medeiros his mom crying in the front row. You know what I mean? That's like, that's the good shit. Yeah. God, I'd love to get a shot of Adam crying. They like know they got to buy those tickets at the start of the year because he won the previous year. So like he's going. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. All right. Well, hey great meeting you. I'm excited to see you in person. I'm pumped for you. What was your coach's name again?
Starting point is 01:20:59 His name is Rico. Well, his name's Aaron. Uh huh. But he goes by, well, everyone calls him Rico. Rico? R-I-C-O. Rico. Rico. Like Rico Suave, is it because he's very good looking and like debonair? No, his last name is Rickson. Oh, oh, Rickson.
Starting point is 01:21:18 But he watches a lot of your podcasts. Smart man, smart man. Yeah, he loves you for sure. All right. All right. Tell him he loves to Taylor too. Oh, who doesn't we all do. It's so good. Oh my good. Thank you. Yeah. It's really made for an Australian audience. The Americans have no appreciation of like, it's so funny, but it's funny. Their kid knows that your podcast is like the bad one because it's a you say the P word. Okay, yes. He knows as a P word but he Boston their kid he really wants to meet Taylor at the games because he'll. Oh my kids want to meet Taylor. He gets those swear words to him if he meets him.
Starting point is 01:22:00 Yeah my kids want to they want to meet Taylor so. They can't even believe he's real. So you guys don't, we don't say the C word here and you guys don't say the P word. No, I mean people do. I just said P word because that's what Boston says. Oh, okay. But yeah, people say that and people say the C word as well. Yeah. The C word is like affection is a term of affection there, right? Yeah. Like people use it.
Starting point is 01:22:30 You can say it in so many different ways and it mean you can say the same word and it means can mean so many different things. Yeah. Wow. You can say it to your mate or say it to someone you really don't like either. Or it could be a biology term, anatomy word. Yep. Yep. I just realized that kill Taylor is really an Australian show.
Starting point is 01:22:51 Maybe we need. Yeah, but we can never call in because we need to change the time. And we're like, we want to call in so bad, but no one's going to wake up at 1 AM and warm up and then possibly knock it on. I'm gonna text the KillTaylor thread right now and say we need to do an Australian time zone show. Yeah, that would be awesome. So right now at home it would be, Right now at home it would be, I'm confused now.
Starting point is 01:23:29 What time? It would be 12.30, like midday. Noon, what time, what's the letters for your time zone? A-E-S-T. And A-E-S-T. Yeah. Oh yeah, you got it right, 12.30 PM. Okay, maybe I'll just leave this window open. AEST. Yeah. Oh yeah, you got it right. 12.30 PM. Okay.
Starting point is 01:23:46 Maybe I'll just leave this window open. I'll type it into my thread. AEST time zone. AEST. We would have so much fun. We'd like, probably everyone would come and watch and we'd have a big audience. It would be cool. I was actually thinking I would love to do shows, pick a time that's 7 a.m. for Australia
Starting point is 01:24:06 and just do that for a month. That'd be cool. Because I do them 7 a.m. here in the States and it would be better. What if I just did 7 a.m. in Australia? Yeah, you should do it. No, let me look that up. What is 7 a.m. Pacific Standard? Don't tell me, don't cheat. Can I? I'm North American. Okay, go ahead. What is 7 a.m. Pacific Standard? Don't tell me, don't cheat.
Starting point is 01:24:25 I know though. Okay, go ahead. What is it? Sorry, it would be 7 a.m. Melbourne. It would be 4 p.m. Central Time. So it would be 2 p.m. Pacific. This is what, 12 a.m. Wednesday, Australia Standard Time. Oh, 7 a.m. Tuesday, Pacific Standard Time is 12 a.m. Wednesday.
Starting point is 01:24:52 Oh, I got it wrong. Oh, so our show starts when it's 1 a.m. there. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. We can't join in. Yeah. Okay. So I need to type in what is, and then, so 10 hours later from there would be, so I need to do 5pm is, 5pm would be 8am your time, is that right? No, 10am. So I need to do, we need to do it at 3pm. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:24 Okay. If we did our show at 3 PM, it would be 8 AM for you guys. And we need to call it the Australian edition. That'd be perfect. So it would be a Sunday at home. Okay. Yeah. Oh, so maybe we should even do it on. Oh, you like Sunday?
Starting point is 01:25:39 No, like, I mean, the weekend's good. So like, you're a day behind us. No, you're a day ahead of us. We're a day ahead. So if you did it on Saturday, it would be Sunday morning for us. Okay. Which is good. Cause people aren't working so they can be free.
Starting point is 01:25:56 They could jump in and win the money. Yeah. And then we don't even have to send you the money. We can, do you guys have Venmo? No, we don't have Venmo. Oh, perfect. My favorite kind of prize money. Yeah. All right. I'll see you in, when do you land? What day do you get there? Sunday? Sunday the
Starting point is 01:26:16 fourth. Okay, I get there Monday the fifth. I'll see you around cruising around the arena. I'll see you then. All right dear, thank you. Tell your parents congratulations on making such a great daughter. Tell your brother, I'm sorry that you ended up being the good kid. Tell Adam he's lucky man. He is. Thank you so much. Thanks for having me. Say hi to Rich for me. Oh, will do. Alright.
Starting point is 01:26:39 See ya. Bye. Bye. Daisy McDonald! Bye. Bye. Daisy McDonald! If you had to pick a country that's the easiest to interview, you have to say Australia. Just across the board.
Starting point is 01:26:51 Like if they were like, do you want to interview someone from America? USA? Oh, it sucks. I'm going to hate saying this. Canadians are good too. Damn. I've never, I've never, I bet you if I had Brent, I should get, I wonder if I could get Brent on the show. Brent's probably so easy to interview. Because Velner's so easy. He's so good.
Starting point is 01:27:16 But she was great. Australians are great. Just... Like shooting fish in a barrel. I'm a little light headed. Not light headed isn't the right word. I'm a little light headed. Not light headed isn't the right word. I'm not light headed but I didn't eat today. Fasting day.
Starting point is 01:27:34 Letting my eating disorder kick full in so all my clothes will fit me right at the games. I have to pee too. Alright right that's a good idea right kill Taylor Australian time well someone just renamed kill Taylor and the YouTube comments funding Colton. Ouch. Damn. All right. I think that's it. I don't think I'm ready to do any. Oh, tomorrow morning, Greg Glassman will be here, 7 a.m. Sarah and BKG are the easiest.
Starting point is 01:28:22 Oh, BKG was easy. God, Bjorg is good. He's really good. Sarah's great too. Love having Sarah on. Oh, Car Saunders is pretty amazing. She reminds me of Car a little bit. We'll see. Car is a savage. I didn't quite get savage from Daisy yet, but she's still young. Maybe her inner monster will come out. Yeah, Brent was great when he called in that day. The phone interview was awesome. He's so easy. All right. Off to bed. I coach in a few hours. Yikes. Good night, Ernie. Alright. Off to bed, I coach in a few hours.
Starting point is 01:29:05 Yikes. Good night Ernie. This is my fasting day. I did a mellow workout. Of course, the salt bike, 100 calories, 10 minutes. I think I did 117. I did 10 pushups on the minute for 10 minutes. It's just nothing.
Starting point is 01:29:24 Rest day. My calves are sore. I did a four-mile walk yesterday with a 30-pound vest up and down the hills. What am I gonna do? Oh my god, thank you so much, cheap viewers on Oh my god, thank you so much. Cheap viewers on Oh my god, thank you. Douche. Uh, he's not, uh, Judy Reid, how's Joseph's knee? He wasn't limping today. Um,
Starting point is 01:30:02 Avi was rolling with a new kid at uh, jujitsu and Her his ankle today, I iced his foot and sat him on the couch before I My feet are fucked my feet are fucked. Thanks for asking Feet are completely fucked But what are you gonna do But what are you gonna do? Oh, you know, you know who leaked the workout? Yeah, I heard. I mean, I heard.
Starting point is 01:30:30 I don't want to say because I heard. So what are you gonna do? Putting together. Oh, I should send out a text for the CrossFit Games Update Show. 6.30 PM. John. Oh My god, I'm gonna show you something I don't know if I should show you Can I show this on my podcast? God, this is so cool. Travis just sent me like this reel. Tyson Bajan reel. I don't even care. I'm just going to show you guys. I have to just close some windows So all my shits not open
Starting point is 01:32:08 So I guess Tyson plays on on A device added to your account god, I hate it when a Mac now has access to your iMessage. Oh great A Mac now has access to your iMessage. Oh great. Uh, this is a real- Tyson plays on Thursday. I'm so excited. Can't believe I'm excited about football. Okay, here we go. Man, what a fucking stud this dude is. Uh, share screen. Oh no. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:32:52 I don't think you guys will be able to hear the audio. Oh, let's see. I- maybe I fixed the problem. Tell me, can you get, uh, uh... Can you guys hear this audio? Oh, I can't even hear it. Oh, I can't even hear the audio. You guys can't hear it either, right? Alright, fuck it.
Starting point is 01:33:24 I don't even know what I'm doing. No. Okay, yeah, I can't, I wonder why I can't hear the audio. Oh, is it? Oh, oh shit. One more try, one more try. Attempt number two. Are you guys all Bears fans now, like me?
Starting point is 01:33:42 Uh, oh, wait. Are you guys all bearish fans now like me? Oh, wait. Oh, can you hear it now? Could you guys hear that? Huh? Huh? Keeping it real, David Smart probably heard and released the info if I had to guess. Yeah, that's what I heard too.
Starting point is 01:34:07 I don't have that confirmed. Oh, you couldn't hear the audio? Damn it. That sucks. Didn't hear him say, my name is Tyson Vagent. Let me go over here to general. Where's audio. There's gotta be an audio button in the, um, in settings, right?
Starting point is 01:34:34 Mouse keyboard, printer, scanners, accessibility. Where is audio in the, in the, does anyone know off top of their head? Oh, sound. Uh, don't they have like an in output to roadcaster to studio display? It's the, my outputs to the roadcaster too. That should do it. To the chat, I guess I could do to the multi track track input to, okay. Let's try one more time. Let's try one more time.
Starting point is 01:35:03 Um, entire screen. Can you guys, uh, wait. Let me see. 2, 1, GO! Can you guys hear that? There has never been a D2 quarterback that came from a Can you guys hear any of that? Undrafted free agent status made the
Starting point is 01:35:29 God it's so good. Yeah, you can yeah, you can Yes, okay, cool. I wonder if it's cuz okay here. Let's see Let's play the whole thing. I haven't seen this Here we go. My name is Tyson Bajent and I'm a professional quarterback Here we go. My name is Tyson Bajent and I'm a professional quarterback. Three, two, one, go! There has never been a D2 quarterback that came from an undrafted free agent status, made the 53-man roster, and dressed the entire season.
Starting point is 01:35:57 It has never happened. I think no matter what was thrown my way, I was able to defy every odd in the world. There's millions of people growing up with this dream, this passion of making it to be able to play football professionally. You know, nothing is a sure thing. This wasn't a sure thing for me. I'm really just happy that I worked as hard as I did. Because then when loser draw, you know that you didn't make it or not make it because it was something you might have left on the table. Oh, that's awesome. I bet you Hiller made that. left on the table. Oh, that's awesome. I bet you Hiller made that. God, that's so awesome. My name is Tyson. God, he's so cool. Did you guys see that Twitter stuff I showed yesterday him doing that interview on Twitter? God, that was so good. That's the desktop of a
Starting point is 01:36:44 psychopath. Why? Oh, because all those pictures that are just all piled in over there I Have so many fucking monitors and lights and it's it's crazy in here So yeah the burpee mile one I Thought you figured out boxes were weird from Castro's video, not showing the box. Yeah. Um, but I mean, he, I didn't have any, uh, confirmation, but now it sounds like, uh, but still we still don't.
Starting point is 01:37:19 Yeah. I guess you're right, Judy. You're right. We, we still don't know what the, yeah, I guess it was obvious that something was different with the box. That's why they weren't showing it. Either that or... Yeah. I mean... And so, either that or it was filmed like an idiot.
Starting point is 01:37:33 So I guess maybe it wasn't a leak. Maybe just the picture alone gives us so much deduction that we can make the prediction that it was the box. that we can we can make the prediction that it was the box Maybe Ariel was confused. I doubt it. I You know how she heard it someone's like dude. The box is gonna be only 16 inches wide. It's never been seen before It's actually a blah blah blah Maybe it's something they have to carry or something afterwards And so then you know, I mean those guys if you're an athlete You don't anyone getting information before you, you want to get it all at the same time, right? Hmm.
Starting point is 01:38:25 Hmm. Oh, someone was saying was just telling me that, uh, the teams are practicing double under, double under crossovers. Someone sent me a video of that, uh, over at Invictus. And I guess that's smart if Boz is programming it. Right. programming it. Right? Who sure as hell ain't showing up at the games. I saw this girl in person here at the West Coast Classic. What's this girl's name? Emily Lugman. Holy shit. She was wearing that outfit I
Starting point is 01:39:28 Couldn't believe how jack she was Her kids already doing toes to bar yeah girl Anyway, yeah smart to um Yeah, she's pretty she's smoking Like she stands up in those cast of characters to stand out. It's pretty hard and she's definitely stands out Lots of athletes practicing triple unders stupid let him know I think so So pre suppositions yes set or predictions high predictive value. All right. Thanks for hanging out guys. I'll see you in the morning. Greg Glassman 7 day Pacific Standard Time. I'm gonna take this girl's Instagram off my page.
Starting point is 01:40:25 There we go. Back to normal. Oh wait, what is this? Hold on. Maybe. Wow. Wow. Oh, this is great. Okay, fine. I'll show you this one thing.
Starting point is 01:40:45 This has nothing to do with the games. These are stop oil protesters. God, it really is. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one.
Starting point is 01:40:53 I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one.
Starting point is 01:41:01 I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. protesters God it it really is Look at these are stop oil protesters It's like but it looks like an ugly convention doesn't it Just Stop Oil protesters block departure gates at Gatwick airport. Oh look they've glued their hands into some sort of box.
Starting point is 01:41:44 Wouldn't you be afraid someone would just kick you in the face? I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Starting point is 01:41:52 I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Starting point is 01:42:00 I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Starting point is 01:42:08 I love you.

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